diff --git a/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction.F90 b/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d7a543b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+module rayleigh_friction
+! Module to apply rayleigh friction in region of model top.
+! We specify a decay rate profile that is largest at the model top and
+! drops off vertically using a hyperbolic tangent profile.
+! We compute the tendencies in u and v using an Euler backward scheme.
+! We then apply the negative of the kinetic energy tendency to "s", the dry
+! static energy.
+!---------------------------Code history--------------------------------
+! This is a new routine written by Art Mirin in collaboration with Phil Rasch.
+! Initial coding for this version: Art Mirin, May 2007.
+! First CCPP conversion by Andrew Gettelman, Sep 2021
+! Final CCPP completion by Kate T-C, Oct 2024
+ use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
+ implicit none
+ save
+ private ! Make default type private to the module
+! PUBLIC: interfaces
+ public rayleigh_friction_init
+ public rayleigh_friction_run
+! PRIVATE: module variables
+integer :: rayk0 = 2 ! vertical level at which rayleigh friction term is centered
+real(kind_phys) :: raykrange = 0._kind_phys ! range of rayleigh friction profile
+ ! if 0, range is set to satisfy x=2 (see below)
+real(kind_phys) :: raytau0 = 0._kind_phys ! approximate value of decay time at model top (days)
+ ! if 0., no rayleigh friction is applied
+! Local
+real (kind_phys) :: krange ! range of rayleigh friction profile
+real (kind_phys) :: tau0 ! approximate value of decay time at model top
+real (kind_phys) :: otau0 ! inverse of tau0
+real (kind_phys), allocatable :: otau(:) ! inverse decay time versus vertical level
+! We apply a profile of the form otau0 * [1 + tanh (x)] / 2 , where
+! x = (k0 - k) / krange. The default is for x to equal 2 at k=1, meaning
+! krange = (k0 - 1) / 2. The default is applied when raykrange is set to 0.
+! If otau0 = 0, no term is applied.
+ !> \section arg_table_rayleigh_friction_init Argument Table
+ !! \htmlinclude rayleigh_friction_init.html
+ subroutine rayleigh_friction_init(pver, raytau0_nl, raykrange_nl, rayk0_nl, masterproc, iulog, errmsg, errflg)
+ integer, intent(in) :: pver
+ real (kind_phys), intent(in) :: raytau0_nl
+ real (kind_phys), intent(in) :: raykrange_nl
+ integer, intent(in) :: rayk0_nl
+ logical, intent(in) :: masterproc
+ integer, intent(in) :: iulog
+ character(len=512), intent(out) :: errmsg
+ integer, intent(out) :: errflg
+ ! local variables
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'rayleigh_friction_init'
+ real (kind_phys) x
+ integer k, ierr
+ errmsg = ''
+ errflg = 0
+ raytau0 = raytau0_nl
+ raykrange = raykrange_nl
+ rayk0 = rayk0_nl
+ if ( raytau0 > 0._kind_phys) then ! Rayleigh Friction enabled
+ ! Allocate module data
+ allocate(otau(pver), stat=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ errflg = ierr
+ errmsg = trim(subname)//': Allocate of otau failed'
+ return
+ end if
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Compute tau array
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ krange = raykrange
+ if (raykrange .eq. 0._kind_phys) krange = (rayk0 - 1) / 2._kind_phys
+ tau0 = (86400._kind_phys) * raytau0 ! convert to seconds
+ otau0 = 0._kind_phys
+ if (tau0 .ne. 0._kind_phys) otau0 = 1._kind_phys/tau0
+ do k = 1, pver
+ x = (rayk0 - k) / krange
+ otau(k) = otau0 * (1 + tanh(x)) / (2._kind_phys)
+ enddo
+ end if ! Rayleigh Friction enabled
+ if ( masterproc ) then
+ if (raytau0 > 0._kind_phys) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tuning parameters rayleigh_friction_init: rayk0',rayk0
+ write(iulog,*) 'tuning parameters rayleigh_friction_init: raykrange',raykrange
+ write(iulog,*) 'tuning parameters rayleigh_friction_init: raytau0',raytau0
+ else
+ write(iulog,*) 'Rayleigh Friction not enabled.'
+ endif
+ endif
+ end subroutine rayleigh_friction_init
+ !=========================================================================================
+ !> \section arg_table_rayleigh_friction_run Argument Table
+ !! \htmlinclude rayleigh_friction_run.html
+ subroutine rayleigh_friction_run(ncol, pver, ztodt, u, v, dudt, dvdt, dsdt, errmsg, errflg)
+ !------------------------------Arguments--------------------------------
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol
+ integer, intent(in) :: pver
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: ztodt !physics timestep
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: u(:,:)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: dudt(:,:) !tendency_of_eastward_wind
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: dvdt(:,:) !tendency_of_northward_wind
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: dsdt(:,:) !heating_rate
+ character(len=512), intent(out) :: errmsg
+ integer, intent(out) :: errflg
+ !---------------------------Local storage-------------------------------
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'rayleigh_friction_run'
+ integer :: k ! level
+ real(kind_phys) :: rztodt ! 1./ztodt
+ real(kind_phys) :: c1, c2, c3 ! temporary variables
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! initialize values
+ errmsg = ''
+ errflg = 0
+ dudt(:,:)=0._kind_phys
+ dvdt(:,:)=0._kind_phys
+ dsdt(:,:) =0._kind_phys
+ if (raytau0 .eq. 0._kind_phys) return
+ rztodt = 1._kind_phys/ztodt
+ ! u, v and s are modified by rayleigh friction
+ do k = 1, pver
+ c2 = 1._kind_phys / (1._kind_phys + otau(k)*ztodt)
+ c1 = -otau(k) * c2
+ c3 = 0.5_kind_phys * (1._kind_phys - c2*c2) * rztodt
+ dudt(:ncol,k) = c1 * u(:ncol,k)
+ dvdt(:ncol,k) = c1 * v(:ncol,k)
+ dsdt(:ncol,k) = c3 * (u(:ncol,k)**2 + v(:ncol,k)**2)
+ enddo
+ end subroutine rayleigh_friction_run
+end module rayleigh_friction
diff --git a/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction.meta b/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c9eae12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ name = rayleigh_friction
+ type = scheme
+ name = rayleigh_friction_init
+ type = scheme
+[ pver ]
+ standard_name = vertical_layer_dimension
+ units = count
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ raytau0_nl ]
+ standard_name = model_top_decay_time_for_rayleigh_friction
+ long_name = Approx decay time at model top for RF
+ units = days
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ raykrange_nl ]
+ standard_name = number_of_vertical_layers_for_rayleigh_friction
+ long_name = Range of levels with RF applied
+ units = count
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ rayk0_nl ]
+ standard_name = center_vertical_layer_for_rayleigh_friction
+ long_name = Vertical level at which RF profile is centered
+ units = index
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ masterproc ]
+ standard_name = flag_for_mpi_root
+ units = flag
+ type = logical
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ iulog ]
+ standard_name = log_output_unit
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ errmsg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_message
+ long_name = Error message for error handling in CCPP
+ units = none
+ type = character | kind = len=512
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
+[ errflg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_code
+ long_name = Error flag for error handling in CCPP
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
+ name = rayleigh_friction_run
+ type = scheme
+[ ncol ]
+ standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent
+ units = count
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ pver ]
+ standard_name = vertical_layer_dimension
+ units = count
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ ztodt ]
+ standard_name = timestep_for_physics
+ units = s
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ u ]
+ standard_name = eastward_wind
+ units = m s-1
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = in
+[ v ]
+ standard_name = northward_wind
+ units = m s-1
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = in
+[ dudt ]
+ standard_name = tendency_of_eastward_wind
+ units = m s-2
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = out
+[ dvdt ]
+ standard_name = tendency_of_northward_wind
+ units = m s-2
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = out
+[ dsdt ]
+ standard_name = tendency_of_dry_air_enthalpy_at_constant_pressure
+ units = J kg-1 s-1
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = out
+[ errmsg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_message
+ long_name = Error message for error handling in CCPP
+ units = none
+ type = character | kind = len=512
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
+[ errflg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_code
+ long_name = Error flag for error handling in CCPP
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
diff --git a/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction_namelist.xml b/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction_namelist.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..279e344f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schemes/rayleigh_friction/rayleigh_friction_namelist.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ integer
+ rayleigh_friction
+ rayleigh_friction_nl
+ center_vertical_layer_for_rayleigh_friction
+ index
+ Variable to specify the vertical index at which the
+ Rayleigh friction term is centered (the peak value).
+ 2
+ real
+ kind_phys
+ rayleigh_friction
+ rayleigh_friction_nl
+ number_of_vertical_layers_for_rayleigh_friction
+ count
+ Range (number of layers) of the Rayleigh Friction profile. If 0, range is set to satisfy center=2.
+ 0
+ real
+ kind_phys
+ rayleigh_friction
+ rayleigh_friction_nl
+ model_top_decay_time_for_rayleigh_friction
+ days
+ Approximate value of max decay time (in units of days) at model top. If 0, no Rayleigh Friction is computed or applied.
+ 0
diff --git a/schemes/sima_diagnostics/rayleigh_friction_diagnostics.F90 b/schemes/sima_diagnostics/rayleigh_friction_diagnostics.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b4ae55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schemes/sima_diagnostics/rayleigh_friction_diagnostics.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+module rayleigh_friction_diagnostics
+ use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
+ implicit none
+ private
+ save
+ public :: rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_init ! init routine
+ public :: rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_run ! main routine
+ !> \section arg_table_rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_init Argument Table
+ !! \htmlinclude rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_init.html
+ subroutine rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_init(errmsg, errflg)
+ use cam_history, only: history_add_field
+ use cam_history_support, only: horiz_only
+ character(len=512), intent(out) :: errmsg
+ integer, intent(out) :: errflg
+ ! Local variables:
+ errmsg = ''
+ errflg = 0
+ ! History add field calls
+ call history_add_field('UTEND_RAYLEIGH', 'Zonal wind tendency due to Rayleigh Friction', 'lev', 'avg', 'm s-2')
+ call history_add_field('VTEND_RAYLEIGH', 'Meridional wind tendency due to Rayleigh Friction', 'lev', 'avg', 'm s-2')
+ call history_add_field('STEND_RAYLEIGH', 'Dry air enthalpy tendency due to Rayleigh Friction', 'lev', 'avg', 'J kg-1')
+ end subroutine rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_init
+ !> \section arg_table_rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_run Argument Table
+ !! \htmlinclude rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_run.html
+ subroutine rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_run(dudt, dvdt, dsdt, errmsg, errflg)
+ use cam_history, only: history_out_field
+ !------------------------------------------------
+ ! Input / output parameters
+ !------------------------------------------------
+ ! State variables
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: dudt(:,:) !tendency_of_eastward_wind due to RF
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: dvdt(:,:) !tendency_of_northward_wind due to RF
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: dsdt(:,:) !tendency_of_dry_air_enthalpy_at_constant_pressure due to RF
+ ! CCPP error handling variables
+ character(len=512), intent(out) :: errmsg
+ integer, intent(out) :: errflg
+ errmsg = ''
+ errflg = 0
+ ! History out field calls
+ call history_out_field('UTEND_RAYLEIGH', dudt)
+ call history_out_field('VTEND_RAYLEIGH', dvdt)
+ call history_out_field('STEND_RAYLEIGH', dsdt)
+ end subroutine rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_run
+ !=======================================================================
+end module rayleigh_friction_diagnostics
diff --git a/schemes/sima_diagnostics/rayleigh_friction_diagnostics.meta b/schemes/sima_diagnostics/rayleigh_friction_diagnostics.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b481b852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schemes/sima_diagnostics/rayleigh_friction_diagnostics.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ name = rayleigh_friction_diagnostics
+ type = scheme
+ name = rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_init
+ type = scheme
+[ errmsg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_message
+ units = none
+ type = character | kind = len=512
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
+[ errflg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_code
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
+ name = rayleigh_friction_diagnostics_run
+ type = scheme
+[ dudt ]
+ standard_name = tendency_of_eastward_wind
+ units = m s-2
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = in
+[ dvdt ]
+ standard_name = tendency_of_northward_wind
+ units = m s-2
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = in
+[ dsdt ]
+ standard_name = tendency_of_dry_air_enthalpy_at_constant_pressure
+ units = J kg-1 s-1
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = in
+[ errmsg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_message
+ units = none
+ type = character | kind = len=512
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
+[ errflg ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_error_code
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = out
diff --git a/test/test_suites/suite_rayleigh_friction.xml b/test/test_suites/suite_rayleigh_friction.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dc15696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_suites/suite_rayleigh_friction.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ rayleigh_friction
+ rayleigh_friction_diagnostics
+ apply_heating_rate
+ apply_tendency_of_eastward_wind
+ apply_tendency_of_northward_wind
+ geopotential_temp