diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 5322028a..0fdc3af0 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
[submodule "ncar-physics"]
path = src/physics/ncar_ccpp
url = https://github.com/ESCOMP/atmospheric_physics
- fxtag = e7a599f4bb1533f7cdcd8723b1f864e11578e96c
+ fxtag = 491e56247815ef23bfd8dba65d1e3c3b78ba164a
fxrequired = AlwaysRequired
fxDONOTUSEurl = https://github.com/ESCOMP/atmospheric_physics
[submodule "ccs_config"]
diff --git a/cime_config/config_component.xml b/cime_config/config_component.xml
index 5805131c..030c5f87 100644
--- a/cime_config/config_component.xml
+++ b/cime_config/config_component.xml
@@ -161,8 +161,7 @@
-nlev 145 -->
+ --physics-suites adiabatic
--physics-suites tj2016 --analytic_ic
--physics-suites kessler --analytic_ic
diff --git a/src/control/cam_comp.F90 b/src/control/cam_comp.F90
index 3daf0168..e3a178f8 100644
--- a/src/control/cam_comp.F90
+++ b/src/control/cam_comp.F90
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module cam_comp
use physics_types, only: phys_state, phys_tend
use physics_types, only: dtime_phys
use physics_types, only: calday
+ use physics_types, only: is_first_timestep, nstep
use dyn_comp, only: dyn_import_t, dyn_export_t
use perf_mod, only: t_barrierf, t_startf, t_stopf
@@ -149,9 +150,6 @@ subroutine cam_init(caseid, ctitle, model_doi_url, &
character(len=cx) :: errmsg
- dtime_phys = 0.0_r8
- call mark_as_initialized('timestep_for_physics')
call init_pio_subsystem()
! Initializations using data passed from coupler.
@@ -167,12 +165,20 @@ subroutine cam_init(caseid, ctitle, model_doi_url, &
call cam_ctrl_set_orbit(eccen, obliqr, lambm0, mvelpp)
call timemgr_init( &
dtime, calendar, start_ymd, start_tod, ref_ymd, &
ref_tod, stop_ymd, stop_tod, curr_ymd, curr_tod, &
perpetual_run, perpetual_ymd, initial_run_in)
+ dtime_phys = 0.0_r8
+ call mark_as_initialized('timestep_for_physics')
+ is_first_timestep = .true.
+ call mark_as_initialized('is_first_timestep')
+ nstep = get_nstep()
+ call mark_as_initialized('current_timestep_number')
! Get current fractional calendar day. Needs to be updated at every timestep.
calday = get_curr_calday()
call mark_as_initialized('fractional_calendar_days_on_end_of_current_timestep')
@@ -268,6 +274,10 @@ subroutine cam_timestep_init()
use phys_comp, only: phys_timestep_init
use stepon, only: stepon_timestep_init
+ ! Update timestep flags in physics state
+ is_first_timestep = is_first_step()
+ nstep = get_nstep()
! First phase of dynamics (at least couple from dynamics to physics)
! Return time-step for physics from dynamics.
@@ -514,10 +524,6 @@ subroutine cam_final(cam_out, cam_in)
type(cam_out_t), pointer :: cam_out ! Output from CAM to surface
type(cam_in_t), pointer :: cam_in ! Input from merged surface to CAM
- !
- ! Local variable
- !
- integer :: nstep ! Current timestep number.
call phys_final()
@@ -540,7 +546,6 @@ subroutine cam_final(cam_out, cam_in)
call shr_sys_flush( iulog ) ! Flush all output to the CAM log file
if (masterproc) then
- nstep = get_nstep()
write(iulog,9300) nstep-1,nstep
9300 format (//'Number of completed timesteps:',i6,/,'Time step ',i6, &
' partially done to provide convectively adjusted and ', &
diff --git a/src/data/air_composition.F90 b/src/data/air_composition.F90
index e84fc837..51e7dd6b 100644
--- a/src/data/air_composition.F90
+++ b/src/data/air_composition.F90
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-! air_composition module defines major species of the atmosphere and manages the physical properties that are dependent on the composition of air
+! air_composition module defines major species of the atmosphere and manages
+! the physical properties that are dependent on the composition of air
module air_composition
use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
@@ -12,7 +13,9 @@ module air_composition
public :: air_composition_init
- public :: air_composition_update
+ public :: dry_air_composition_update
+ public :: water_composition_update
! get_cp_dry: (generalized) heat capacity for dry air
public :: get_cp_dry
! get_cp: (generalized) heat capacity
@@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ subroutine air_composition_init()
- ! add prognostic components of dry air
+ ! add prognostic components of air
@@ -309,6 +312,7 @@ subroutine air_composition_init()
case(wv_stdname) !water_vapor_mixing_ratio_wrt_moist_air_and_condensed_water
call air_species_info(wv_stdname, ix, mw)
+ wv_idx = ix ! set water species index for use in get_hydrostatic_energy
thermodynamic_active_species_idx(icnst) = ix
thermodynamic_active_species_cp (icnst) = cpwv
thermodynamic_active_species_cv (icnst) = cv3 / mw
@@ -510,26 +514,68 @@ end subroutine air_composition_init
- ! air_composition_update: Update the physics "constants" that vary
+ ! dry_air_composition_update: Update the physics "constants" that vary
- subroutine air_composition_update(mmr, ncol, to_moist_factor)
+ subroutine dry_air_composition_update(mmr, ncol, to_dry_factor)
- real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! constituents array
+ !(mmr = dry mixing ratio, if not, use to_dry_factor to convert!)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! mixing ratios for species dependent dry air
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
- real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: to_moist_factor(:,:)
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: to_dry_factor(:,:)
call get_R_dry(mmr(:ncol, :, :), thermodynamic_active_species_idx, &
- rairv(:ncol, :), fact=to_moist_factor)
+ rairv(:ncol, :), fact=to_dry_factor)
call get_cp_dry(mmr(:ncol,:,:), thermodynamic_active_species_idx, &
- cpairv(:ncol,:), fact=to_moist_factor)
+ cpairv(:ncol,:), fact=to_dry_factor)
call get_mbarv(mmr(:ncol,:,:), thermodynamic_active_species_idx, &
- mbarv(:ncol,:), fact=to_moist_factor)
+ mbarv(:ncol,:), fact=to_dry_factor)
cappav(:ncol,:) = rairv(:ncol,:) / cpairv(:ncol,:)
- end subroutine air_composition_update
+ end subroutine dry_air_composition_update
+ !===========================================================================
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! water_composition_update: Update generalized cp or cv depending on dycore
+ ! (enthalpy for pressure-based dynamical cores and internal energy for z-based dynamical cores)
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !===========================================================================
+ subroutine water_composition_update(mmr, ncol, energy_formula, cp_or_cv_dycore, to_dry_factor)
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! constituents array
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
+ integer, intent(in) :: energy_formula ! energy formula for dynamical core
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: cp_or_cv_dycore(:,:) ! enthalpy or heat capacity, dycore dependent [J K-1 kg-1]
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: to_dry_factor(:,:)
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'water_composition_update'
+ ! update enthalpy or internal energy scaling factor for energy consistency with CAM physics
+ if (energy_formula == ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_FV) then
+ ! FV: moist pressure vertical coordinate does not need update.
+ else if (energy_formula == ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_SE) then
+ ! SE
+ ! Note: species index subset to 1: because SIMA currently uses index 0. See GitHub issue #334 in ESCOMP/CAM-SIMA.
+ call get_cp(mmr(:ncol,:,:), .false., cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:), &
+ factor=to_dry_factor, active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx(1:), &
+ cpdry=cpairv(:ncol,:))
+ else if (energy_formula == ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS) then
+ ! MPAS
+ ! Note: species index subset to 1: because SIMA currently uses index 0. See GitHub issue #334 in ESCOMP/CAM-SIMA.
+ call get_R(mmr(:ncol,:,:), thermodynamic_active_species_idx(1:), &
+ cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:), fact=to_dry_factor, Rdry=rairv(:ncol,:))
+ ! internal energy coefficient for MPAS
+ ! (equation 92 in Eldred et al. 2023; doi:10.1002/qj.4353)
+ cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:) = cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:) * (cpairv(:ncol,:) - rairv(:ncol,:)) / rairv(:ncol,:)
+ else
+ call endrun(subname//': dycore energy formula (value = '//stringify((/energy_formula/))//') not supported')
+ end if
+ end subroutine water_composition_update
@@ -639,27 +685,34 @@ end subroutine get_cp_dry_2hd
- subroutine get_cp_1hd(tracer, inv_cp, cp, dp_dry, active_species_idx_dycore)
+ subroutine get_cp_1hd(tracer, inv_cp, cp, factor, active_species_idx_dycore, cpdry)
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use string_utils, only: to_str
! Dummy arguments
! tracer: Tracer array
+ !
+ ! if factor not present then tracer must be a dry mixing ratio
+ ! if factor present tracer*factor must be a dry mixing ratio
+ !
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: tracer(:,:,:)
- real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: dp_dry(:,:)
! inv_cp: output inverse cp instead of cp
logical, intent(in) :: inv_cp
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: cp(:,:)
+ ! factor: to convert tracer to dry mixing ratio
+ ! if provided, then tracer is not a dry mass mixing ratio
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: factor(:,:)
! active_species_idx_dycore: array of indices for index of
! thermodynamic active species in dycore tracer array
! (if different from physics index)
integer, optional, intent(in) :: active_species_idx_dycore(:)
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: cpdry(:,:)
! Local variables
integer :: qdx, itrac
real(kind_phys) :: sum_species(SIZE(cp, 1), SIZE(cp, 2))
real(kind_phys) :: sum_cp(SIZE(cp, 1), SIZE(cp, 2))
- real(kind_phys) :: factor(SIZE(cp, 1), SIZE(cp, 2))
+ real(kind_phys) :: factor_local(SIZE(cp, 1), SIZE(cp, 2))
integer :: idx_local(thermodynamic_active_species_num)
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'get_cp_1hd: '
@@ -675,28 +728,37 @@ subroutine get_cp_1hd(tracer, inv_cp, cp, dp_dry, active_species_idx_dycore)
idx_local = thermodynamic_active_species_idx
end if
- if (present(dp_dry)) then
- factor = 1.0_kind_phys / dp_dry
+ if (present(factor)) then
+ factor_local = factor
- factor = 1.0_kind_phys
+ factor_local = 1.0_kind_phys
end if
sum_species = 1.0_kind_phys ! all dry air species sum to 1
do qdx = dry_air_species_num + 1, thermodynamic_active_species_num
itrac = idx_local(qdx)
- sum_species(:,:) = sum_species(:,:) + &
- (tracer(:,:,itrac) * factor(:,:))
+ sum_species(:,:) = sum_species(:,:) + (tracer(:,:,itrac) * factor_local(:,:))
end do
- ! Get heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) for dry air:
- call get_cp_dry(tracer, idx_local, sum_cp, fact=factor)
+ if (dry_air_species_num == 0) then
+ sum_cp = thermodynamic_active_species_cp(0)
+ else if (present(cpdry)) then
+ !
+ ! if cpdry is known don't recompute
+ !
+ sum_cp = cpdry
+ else
+ ! Get heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) for dry air:
+ call get_cp_dry(tracer, idx_local, sum_cp, fact=factor_local)
+ end if
! Add water species to Cp:
do qdx = dry_air_species_num + 1, thermodynamic_active_species_num
itrac = idx_local(qdx)
sum_cp(:,:) = sum_cp(:,:) + &
- (thermodynamic_active_species_cp(qdx) * tracer(:,:,itrac) * &
- factor(:,:))
+ (thermodynamic_active_species_cp(qdx) * tracer(:,:,itrac) * factor_local(:,:))
end do
if (inv_cp) then
cp = sum_species / sum_cp
@@ -707,7 +769,7 @@ end subroutine get_cp_1hd
- subroutine get_cp_2hd(tracer, inv_cp, cp, dp_dry, active_species_idx_dycore)
+ subroutine get_cp_2hd(tracer, inv_cp, cp, factor, active_species_idx_dycore, cpdry)
! Version of get_cp for arrays that have a second horizontal index
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use string_utils, only: to_str
@@ -715,14 +777,15 @@ subroutine get_cp_2hd(tracer, inv_cp, cp, dp_dry, active_species_idx_dycore)
! Dummy arguments
! tracer: Tracer array
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: tracer(:,:,:,:)
- real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: dp_dry(:,:,:)
! inv_cp: output inverse cp instead of cp
logical, intent(in) :: inv_cp
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: cp(:,:,:)
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: factor(:,:,:)
! active_species_idx_dycore: array of indicies for index of
! thermodynamic active species in dycore tracer array
! (if different from physics index)
integer, optional, intent(in) :: active_species_idx_dycore(:)
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: cpdry(:,:,:)
! Local variables
integer :: jdx
@@ -730,11 +793,17 @@ subroutine get_cp_2hd(tracer, inv_cp, cp, dp_dry, active_species_idx_dycore)
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'get_cp_2hd: '
do jdx = 1, SIZE(cp, 2)
- if (present(dp_dry)) then
- call get_cp(tracer(:, jdx, :, :), inv_cp, cp(:, jdx, :), &
- dp_dry=dp_dry(:, jdx, :), active_species_idx_dycore=active_species_idx_dycore)
+ if (present(factor).and.present(cpdry)) then
+ call get_cp(tracer(:, jdx, :, :), inv_cp, cp(:, jdx, :),&
+ factor=factor(:, jdx, :), active_species_idx_dycore=active_species_idx_dycore, cpdry=cpdry(:,jdx,:))
+ else if (present(factor)) then
+ call get_cp(tracer(:, jdx, :, :), inv_cp, cp(:, jdx, :),&
+ factor=factor(:, jdx, :), active_species_idx_dycore=active_species_idx_dycore)
+ else if (present(cpdry)) then
+ call get_cp(tracer(:, jdx, :, :), inv_cp, cp(:, jdx, :),&
+ active_species_idx_dycore=active_species_idx_dycore, cpdry=cpdry(:,jdx,:))
- call get_cp(tracer(:, jdx, :, :), inv_cp, cp(:, jdx, :), &
+ call get_cp(tracer(:, jdx, :, :), inv_cp, cp(:, jdx, :),&
end if
end do
@@ -843,9 +912,10 @@ end subroutine get_R_dry_2hd
- subroutine get_R_1hd(tracer, active_species_idx, R, fact)
+ subroutine get_R_1hd(tracer, active_species_idx, R, fact, Rdry)
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use string_utils, only: to_str
+ use physconst, only: rair
! Dummy arguments
! tracer: !tracer array
@@ -856,6 +926,7 @@ subroutine get_R_1hd(tracer, active_species_idx, R, fact)
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: R(:, :)
! fact: optional factor for converting tracer to dry mixing ratio
real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: fact(:, :)
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: Rdry(:, :)
! Local variables
integer :: qdx, itrac
@@ -874,12 +945,19 @@ subroutine get_R_1hd(tracer, active_species_idx, R, fact)
call endrun(subname//"SIZE mismatch in dimension 2 "// &
to_str(SIZE(fact, 2))//' /= '//to_str(SIZE(factor, 2)))
end if
- call get_R_dry(tracer, active_species_idx, R, fact=fact)
factor = fact(:,:)
- call get_R_dry(tracer, active_species_idx, R)
factor = 1.0_kind_phys
end if
+ if (dry_air_species_num == 0) then
+ R = rair
+ else if (present(Rdry)) then
+ R = Rdry
+ else
+ call get_R_dry(tracer, active_species_idx, R, fact=factor)
+ end if
idx_local = active_species_idx
sum_species = 1.0_kind_phys ! all dry air species sum to 1
do qdx = dry_air_species_num + 1, thermodynamic_active_species_num
@@ -934,7 +1012,7 @@ end subroutine get_R_2hd
subroutine get_mbarv_1hd(tracer, active_species_idx, mbarv_in, fact)
- use physconst, only: mwdry, rair, cpair
+ use physconst, only: mwdry
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: tracer(:,:,:) !tracer array
integer, intent(in) :: active_species_idx(:) !index of active species in tracer
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: mbarv_in(:,:) !molecular weight of dry air
diff --git a/src/data/cam_thermo.F90 b/src/data/cam_thermo.F90
index 59dd1c83..8330ef64 100644
--- a/src/data/cam_thermo.F90
+++ b/src/data/cam_thermo.F90
@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ module cam_thermo
! cam_thermo_init: Initialize constituent dependent properties
public :: cam_thermo_init
- ! cam_thermo_update: Update constituent dependent properties
- public :: cam_thermo_update
+ ! cam_thermo_dry_air_update: Update dry air composition dependent properties
+ public :: cam_thermo_dry_air_update
+ ! cam_thermo_water_update: Update water dependent properties
+ public :: cam_thermo_water_update
! get_enthalpy: enthalpy quantity = dp*cp*T
public :: get_enthalpy
! get_virtual_temp: virtual temperature
@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ module cam_thermo
! mixing_ratio options
integer, public, parameter :: DRY_MIXING_RATIO = 1
integer, public, parameter :: MASS_MIXING_RATIO = 2
!> \section arg_table_cam_thermo Argument Table
!! \htmlinclude cam_thermo.html
!--------------- Variables below here are for WACCM-X ---------------------
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ module cam_thermo
! kmcnd: molecular conductivity J m-1 s-1 K-1
real(kind_phys), public, protected, allocatable :: kmcnd(:,:)
- !------------- Variables for consistent themodynamics --------------------
+ !------------- Variables for consistent thermodynamics --------------------
@@ -208,51 +211,89 @@ end subroutine cam_thermo_init
+ !
- ! cam_thermo_update: update species dependent constants for physics
+ ! cam_thermo_dry_air_update: update dry air species dependent constants for physics
- subroutine cam_thermo_update(mmr, T, ncol, update_thermo_variables, to_moist_factor)
- use air_composition, only: air_composition_update, update_zvirv
- use string_utils, only: to_str
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Update the physics "constants" that vary
- !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !------------------------------Arguments----------------------------------
+ subroutine cam_thermo_dry_air_update(mmr, T, ncol, pver, update_thermo_variables, to_dry_factor)
+ use air_composition, only: dry_air_composition_update
+ use air_composition, only: update_zvirv
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
- real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! constituents array
- real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: T(:,:) ! temperature
- integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
- logical, intent(in) :: update_thermo_variables ! true: calculate composition-dependent thermo variables
- ! false: do not calculate composition-dependent thermo variables
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! constituents array (mmr = dry mixing ratio, if not use to_dry_factor to convert)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: T(:,:) ! temperature
+ integer, intent(in) :: pver ! number of vertical levels
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
+ logical, intent(in) :: update_thermo_variables ! true: calculate composition-dependent thermo variables
+ ! false: do not calculate composition-dependent thermo variables
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: to_dry_factor(:,:) ! conversion factor to dry if mmr is wet or moist
- real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: to_moist_factor(:,:)
- !
- !---------------------------Local storage-------------------------------
- real(kind_phys):: sponge_factor(SIZE(mmr, 2))
- character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'cam_thermo_update: '
+ ! Local vars
+ real(kind_phys) :: sponge_factor(SIZE(mmr, 2))
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'cam_thermo_dry_air_update: '
if (.not. update_thermo_variables) then
end if
- if (present(to_moist_factor)) then
- if (SIZE(to_moist_factor, 1) /= ncol) then
- call endrun(subname//'DIM 1 of to_moist_factor is'//to_str(SIZE(to_moist_factor,1))//'but should be'//to_str(ncol))
- end if
+ if (present(to_dry_factor)) then
+ if (SIZE(to_dry_factor, 1) /= ncol) then
+ call endrun(subname//'DIM 1 of to_dry_factor is '//stringify((/SIZE(to_dry_factor,1)/))//' but should be '//stringify((/ncol/)))
+ end if
+ if (SIZE(to_dry_factor, 2) /= pver) then
+ call endrun(subname//'DIM 2 of to_dry_factor is '//stringify((/SIZE(to_dry_factor,2)/))//' but should be '//stringify((/pver/)))
+ end if
end if
sponge_factor = 1.0_kind_phys
- call air_composition_update(mmr, ncol, to_moist_factor=to_moist_factor)
+ call dry_air_composition_update(mmr, ncol, to_dry_factor=to_dry_factor)
call get_molecular_diff_coef(T(:ncol,:), .true., sponge_factor, kmvis(:ncol,:), &
- kmcnd(:ncol,:), tracer=mmr(:ncol,:,:), fact=to_moist_factor, &
+ kmcnd(:ncol,:), tracer=mmr(:ncol,:,:), fact=to_dry_factor, &
+ ! Calculate zvirv for WACCM-X.
call update_zvirv()
- end subroutine cam_thermo_update
+ end subroutine cam_thermo_dry_air_update
+ !
+ !***************************************************************************
+ !
+ ! cam_thermo_water_update: update water species dependent constants for physics
+ !
+ !***************************************************************************
+ !
+ subroutine cam_thermo_water_update(mmr, ncol, pver, energy_formula, cp_or_cv_dycore, to_dry_factor)
+ use air_composition, only: water_composition_update
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Update the physics "constants" that vary
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! constituents array (mmr = dry mixing ratio, if not use to_dry_factor to convert)
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
+ integer, intent(in) :: pver ! number of vertical levels
+ integer, intent(in) :: energy_formula
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: cp_or_cv_dycore(:,:) ! enthalpy or heat capacity, dycore dependent [J K-1 kg-1]
+ real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: to_dry_factor(:,:)
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'cam_thermo_water_update: '
+ if (present(to_dry_factor)) then
+ if (SIZE(to_dry_factor, 1) /= ncol) then
+ call endrun(subname//'DIM 1 of to_dry_factor is '//stringify((/SIZE(to_dry_factor,1)/))//' but should be '//stringify((/ncol/)))
+ end if
+ if (SIZE(to_dry_factor, 2) /= pver) then
+ call endrun(subname//'DIM 2 of to_dry_factor is '//stringify((/SIZE(to_dry_factor,2)/))//' but should be '//stringify((/pver/)))
+ end if
+ end if
+ call water_composition_update(mmr, ncol, energy_formula, cp_or_cv_dycore, to_dry_factor=to_dry_factor)
+ end subroutine cam_thermo_water_update
@@ -1554,28 +1595,32 @@ end subroutine cam_thermo_calc_kappav_2hd
- subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
- vcoord, ps, phis, z_mid, dycore_idx, qidx, te, se, ke, &
- wv, H2O, liq, ice)
+ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, moist_mixing_ratio, pdel_in, &
+ cp_or_cv, U, V, T, vcoord, ptop, phis, z_mid, dycore_idx, qidx, &
+ te, se, po, ke, wv, H2O, liq, ice)
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_height, vc_moist_pressure, vc_dry_pressure
use air_composition, only: wv_idx
- use physconst, only: gravit, latvap, latice
+ use air_composition, only: dry_air_species_num
+ use physconst, only: rga, latvap, latice
! Dummy arguments
! tracer: tracer mixing ratio
+ !
+ ! note - if pdeldry passed to subroutine then tracer mixing ratio must be dry
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: tracer(:,:,:)
+ logical, intent(in) :: moist_mixing_ratio
! pdel: pressure level thickness
- real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: pdel(:,:)
- ! cp_or_cv: dry air heat capacity under constant pressure or
- ! constant volume (depends on vcoord)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: pdel_in(:,:)
+ ! cp_or_cv: air heat capacity under constant pressure or
+ ! constant volume (depends on energy formula)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: cp_or_cv(:,:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: U(:,:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: V(:,:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: T(:,:)
- integer, intent(in) :: vcoord ! vertical coordinate
- real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: ps(:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: vcoord !REMOVECAM - vcoord or energy formula to use
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: ptop(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: phis(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: z_mid(:,:)
! dycore_idx: use dycore index for thermodynamic active species
@@ -1588,8 +1633,12 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: te (:)
! KE: vertically integrated kinetic energy
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: ke (:)
- ! SE: vertically integrated internal+geopotential energy
+ ! SE: vertically integrated enthalpy (pressure coordinate)
+ ! or internal energy (z coordinate)
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: se (:)
+ ! PO: vertically integrated PHIS term (pressure coordinate)
+ ! or potential energy (z coordinate)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: po (:)
! WV: vertically integrated water vapor
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: wv (:)
! liq: vertically integrated liquid
@@ -1599,10 +1648,12 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
! Local variables
real(kind_phys) :: ke_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of KE
- real(kind_phys) :: se_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of SE
+ real(kind_phys) :: se_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of enthalpy or internal energy
+ real(kind_phys) :: po_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of PHIS or potential energy
real(kind_phys) :: wv_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of wv
real(kind_phys) :: liq_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of liq
real(kind_phys) :: ice_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of ice
+ real(kind_phys) :: pdel(SIZE(tracer, 1),SIZE(tracer, 2)) ! moist pressure level thickness
real(kind_phys) :: latsub ! latent heat of sublimation
integer :: ierr
@@ -1633,12 +1684,12 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
species_liq_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx_dycore(:)
species_ice_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx_dycore(:)
- species_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_idx(:)
+ species_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_idx(1:)
species_liq_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx(:)
species_ice_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx(:)
end if
- species_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_idx(:)
+ species_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_idx(1:)
species_liq_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx(:)
species_ice_idx(:) = thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx(:)
end if
@@ -1649,78 +1700,96 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
wvidx = wv_idx
end if
+ if (moist_mixing_ratio) then
+ pdel = pdel_in
+ else
+ pdel = pdel_in
+ do qdx = dry_air_species_num+1, thermodynamic_active_species_num
+ pdel(:,:) = pdel(:,:) + pdel_in(:, :)*tracer(:,:,species_idx(qdx))
+ end do
+ end if
+ ke_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ se_vint = 0._kind_phys
select case (vcoord)
- case(vc_moist_pressure, vc_dry_pressure)
- if ((.not. present(ps)) .or. (.not. present(phis))) then
- write(iulog, *) subname, ' ps and phis must be present for ', &
- 'moist/dry pressure vertical coordinate'
- call endrun(subname//': ps and phis must be present for '// &
- 'moist/dry pressure vertical coordinate')
+ if (.not. present(ptop).or. (.not. present(phis))) then
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ' ptop and phis must be present for ', &
+ 'FV/SE energy formula'
+ call endrun(subname//': ptop and phis must be present for '// &
+ 'FV/SE energy formula')
end if
- ke_vint = 0._kind_phys
- se_vint = 0._kind_phys
- wv_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ po_vint = ptop
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
ke_vint(idx) = ke_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2) / gravit)
+ 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2)) * rga
se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (T(idx, kdx) * &
- cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
- wv_vint(idx) = wv_vint(idx) + (tracer(idx, kdx, wvidx) * &
- pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
+ cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) * rga)
+ po_vint(idx) = po_vint(idx)+pdel(idx, kdx)
end do
end do
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
- se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (phis(idx) * ps(idx) / gravit)
+ po_vint(idx) = (phis(idx) * po_vint(idx) * rga)
end do
- case(vc_height)
- if (.not. present(z_mid)) then
- write(iulog, *) subname, &
- ' z_mid must be present for height vertical coordinate'
- call endrun(subname//': z_mid must be present for height '// &
- 'vertical coordinate')
+ if (.not. present(phis)) then
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ' phis must be present for ', &
+ 'MPAS energy formula'
+ call endrun(subname//': phis must be present for '// &
+ 'MPAS energy formula')
end if
- ke_vint = 0._kind_phys
- se_vint = 0._kind_phys
- wv_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ po_vint = 0._kind_phys
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
ke_vint(idx) = ke_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2) / gravit)
+ 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2) * rga)
se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (T(idx, kdx) * &
- cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
+ cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) * rga)
! z_mid is height above ground
- se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (z_mid(idx, kdx) + &
- phis(idx) / gravit) * pdel(idx, kdx)
- wv_vint(idx) = wv_vint(idx) + (tracer(idx, kdx, wvidx) * &
- pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
+ po_vint(idx) = po_vint(idx) + (z_mid(idx, kdx) + &
+ phis(idx) * rga) * pdel(idx, kdx)
end do
end do
case default
- write(iulog, *) subname, ' vertical coordinate not supported: ', vcoord
- call endrun(subname//': vertical coordinate not supported')
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ' energy formula not supported: ', vcoord
+ call endrun(subname//': energy formula not supported')
end select
if (present(te)) then
- te = se_vint + ke_vint
+ te = se_vint + po_vint + ke_vint
end if
if (present(se)) then
se = se_vint
end if
+ if (present(po)) then
+ po = po_vint
+ end if
if (present(ke)) then
ke = ke_vint
end if
- if (present(wv)) then
- wv = wv_vint
- end if
! vertical integral of total liquid water
+ if (.not.moist_mixing_ratio) then
+ pdel = pdel_in! set pseudo density to dry
+ end if
+ wv_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
+ do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
+ wv_vint(idx) = wv_vint(idx) + (tracer(idx, kdx, wvidx) * &
+ pdel(idx, kdx) * rga)
+ end do
+ end do
+ if (present(wv)) wv = wv_vint
liq_vint = 0._kind_phys
do qdx = 1, thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
- liq_vint(idx) = liq_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- tracer(idx, kdx, species_liq_idx(qdx)) / gravit)
+ liq_vint(idx) = liq_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
+ tracer(idx, kdx, species_liq_idx(qdx)) * rga)
end do
end do
end do
@@ -1734,7 +1803,7 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
ice_vint(idx) = ice_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- tracer(idx, kdx, species_ice_idx(qdx)) / gravit)
+ tracer(idx, kdx, species_ice_idx(qdx)) * rga)
end do
end do
end do
@@ -1762,7 +1831,6 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
end select
end if
deallocate(species_idx, species_liq_idx, species_ice_idx)
end subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd
diff --git a/src/data/cam_thermo_formula.F90 b/src/data/cam_thermo_formula.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df202c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/cam_thermo_formula.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+module cam_thermo_formula
+ use runtime_obj, only: unset_int
+ implicit none
+ private
+ save
+ ! saves energy formula to use for physics and dynamical core
+ ! for use in cam_thermo, air_composition and other modules
+ ! separated into cam_thermo_formula module for clean dependencies
+ ! energy_formula options (was vcoord in CAM and stored in dyn_tests_utils)
+ integer, public, parameter :: ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_FV = 0 ! vc_moist_pressure
+ integer, public, parameter :: ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_SE = 1 ! vc_dry_pressure
+ integer, public, parameter :: ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS = 2 ! vc_height
+ !> \section arg_table_cam_thermo_formula Argument Table
+ !! \htmlinclude cam_thermo_formula.html
+ ! energy_formula_dycore: energy formula used for dynamical core
+ ! written by the dynamical core
+ integer, public :: energy_formula_dycore = unset_int
+ ! energy_formula_physics: energy formula used for physics
+ integer, public :: energy_formula_physics = unset_int
+ ! Public subroutines
+ public :: cam_thermo_formula_init
+ subroutine cam_thermo_formula_init()
+ use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized
+ ! Physics energy formulation is always FV (moist pressure coordinate)
+ energy_formula_physics = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_FV
+ call mark_as_initialized("total_energy_formula_for_physics")
+ end subroutine cam_thermo_formula_init
+end module cam_thermo_formula
diff --git a/src/data/cam_thermo_formula.meta b/src/data/cam_thermo_formula.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8bf04a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/cam_thermo_formula.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ name = cam_thermo_formula
+ type = module
+ name = cam_thermo_formula
+ type = module
+[ energy_formula_dycore ]
+ standard_name = total_energy_formula_for_dycore
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+[ energy_formula_physics ]
+ standard_name = total_energy_formula_for_physics
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
diff --git a/src/data/registry.xml b/src/data/registry.xml
index 0d7bbcf9..91658e20 100644
--- a/src/data/registry.xml
+++ b/src/data/registry.xml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ $SRCROOT/src/data/cam_thermo_formula.meta
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@
zi state_zi
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@
te_ini_phys state_te_ini_phys
@@ -221,7 +222,7 @@
te_cur_phys state_te_cur_phys
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@
te_ini_dyn state_te_ini_dyn
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@
te_cur_dyn state_te_cur_dyn
@@ -245,13 +246,34 @@
tw_ini state_tw_ini
tw_cur state_tw_cur
+ Total energy using dynamical core formula at the end of physics timestep
+ horizontal_dimension
+ 0.0
+ flag indicating if dynamical core energy is not consistent with CAM physics and to perform adjustment of temperature and temperature tendency
+ .false.
+ .true.
+ flag indicating if it is the first timestep of an initial run
- vertically_integrated_total_energy_of_initial_state_using_dycore_energy_formula
- vertically_integrated_total_energy_of_current_state_using_dycore_energy_formula
- vertically_integrated_water_vapor_and_condensed_water_of_initial_state
- vertically_integrated_water_vapor_and_condensed_water_of_current_state
+ vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula_at_start_of_physics_timestep
+ vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula
+ vertically_integrated_total_water_at_start_of_physics_timestep
+ vertically_integrated_total_water
+ vertically_integrated_total_energy_at_end_of_physics_timestep
@@ -416,6 +439,14 @@
horizontal_dimension vertical_layer_dimension
+ specific heat of air used in the dynamical core (enthalpy for pressure-based dynamical cores and internal energy for z-based dynamical cores)
+ horizontal_dimension vertical_layer_dimension
+ cp_or_cv_dycore
Run MPAS dynamical core to integrate the dynamical states with time.
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90 b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90
index 6757158f..a2066e16 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ module dyn_coupling
! Modules from CAM-SIMA.
use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
use cam_constituents, only: const_is_water_species, const_qmin, num_advected
- use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_update
+ use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_dry_air_update, cam_thermo_water_update
+ use cam_thermo_formula, only: ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS
use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, dyn_exchange_constituent_state, reverse, mpas_dynamical_core, &
use dynconst, only: constant_cpd => cpair, constant_g => gravit, constant_p0 => pref, &
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ module dyn_coupling
use physics_types, only: cappav, cpairv, rairv, zvirv, &
dtime_phys, lagrangian_vertical, &
phys_state, phys_tend
+ use physics_types, only: cp_or_cv_dycore
use qneg, only: qneg_run
use static_energy, only: update_dry_static_energy_run
use string_utils, only: stringify
@@ -326,15 +328,25 @@ subroutine set_physics_state_external()
call endrun('Failed to find variable "constituent_properties"', subname, __LINE__)
end if
- ! Update `cappav`, `cpairv`, `rairv`, `zvirv`, etc. as needed by calling `cam_thermo_update`.
+ ! Update `cappav`, `cpairv`, `rairv`, `zvirv`, etc. as needed by calling `cam_thermo_dry_air_update`.
! Note that this subroutine expects constituents to be dry.
- call cam_thermo_update( &
- constituents, phys_state % t, ncells_solve, cam_runtime_opts % update_thermodynamic_variables())
+ call cam_thermo_dry_air_update( &
+ constituents, phys_state % t, ncells_solve, pver, cam_runtime_opts % update_thermodynamic_variables())
+ ! update cp_or_cv_dycore in SIMA state.
+ ! (note: at this point q is dry)
+ call cam_thermo_water_update( &
+ mmr = constituents, & ! dry MMR
+ ncol = ncells_solve, &
+ pver = pver, &
+ energy_formula = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS, &
+ cp_or_cv_dycore = cp_or_cv_dycore &
+ )
! This variable name is really misleading. It actually represents the reciprocal of Exner function
! with respect to surface pressure. This definition is sometimes used for boundary layer work. See
! the paragraph below equation 1.5.1c in doi:10.1007/978-94-009-3027-8.
- ! Also note that `cappav` is updated externally by `cam_thermo_update`.
+ ! Also note that `cappav` is updated externally by `cam_thermo_dry_air_update`.
do i = 1, ncells_solve
phys_state % exner(i, :) = (phys_state % ps(i) / phys_state % pmid(i, :)) ** cappav(i, :)
end do
diff --git a/src/dynamics/none/dyn_comp.F90 b/src/dynamics/none/dyn_comp.F90
index 968e04e2..9ecb3022 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/none/dyn_comp.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/none/dyn_comp.F90
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
type(dyn_import_t), intent(out) :: dyn_in
type(dyn_export_t), intent(out) :: dyn_out
+ ! Note: dynamical core energy formula is set in dyn_grid based on dynamical core
+ ! that provided the initial conditions file
end subroutine dyn_init
diff --git a/src/dynamics/none/dyn_grid.F90 b/src/dynamics/none/dyn_grid.F90
index bc714e22..ba1bf0ba 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/none/dyn_grid.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/none/dyn_grid.F90
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module dyn_grid
! Private module routines
private :: find_units
private :: find_dimension
+ private :: find_energy_formula
@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ subroutine model_grid_init()
! We will handle errors for this routine
call pio_seterrorhandling(fh_ini, PIO_BCAST_ERROR, oldmethod=err_handling)
! Find the latitude variable and dimension(s)
call cam_pio_find_var(fh_ini, (/ 'lat ', 'lat_d ', 'latitude' /), lat_name, &
lat_vardesc, var_found)
@@ -159,6 +161,11 @@ subroutine model_grid_init()
write(iulog, *) subname, ': Grid is unstructured'
end if
end if
+ ! Find the dynamical core from which snapshot was saved to populate energy formula used
+ ! Some information about the grid is needed to determine this.
+ call find_energy_formula(fh_ini, grid_is_latlon)
! Find the longitude variable and dimension(s)
call cam_pio_find_var(fh_ini, (/ 'lon ', 'lon_d ', 'longitude' /), lon_name, &
lon_vardesc, var_found)
@@ -626,4 +633,78 @@ subroutine find_dimension(file, dim_names, found_name, dim_len)
end if
end subroutine find_dimension
+ !===========================================================================
+ subroutine find_energy_formula(file, grid_is_latlon)
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t
+ use pio, only: pio_inq_att, pio_global, PIO_NOERR
+ use cam_thermo_formula, only: energy_formula_physics, energy_formula_dycore
+ use physics_types, only: dycore_energy_consistency_adjust
+ use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized
+ ! Find which dynamical core is used in and set the energy formulation
+ ! (also called vc_dycore in CAM)
+ !
+ ! This functionality is only used to recognize the originating dynamical core
+ ! from the snapshot file in order to set the energy formulation when running
+ ! with the null dycore. Other dynamical cores set energy_formula_dycore at their
+ ! initialization.
+ type(file_desc_t), intent(inout) :: file
+ logical, intent(in) :: grid_is_latlon
+ ! Local variables
+ integer :: ierr, xtype
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'find_energy_formula'
+ energy_formula_dycore = -1
+ ! Is FV dycore? (has lat lon dimension)
+ if(grid_is_latlon) then
+ energy_formula_dycore = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_FV
+ dycore_energy_consistency_adjust = .false.
+ if(masterproc) then
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ': Null dycore will use FV dycore energy formula'
+ endif
+ else
+ ! Is SE dycore?
+ ierr = pio_inq_att(file, pio_global, 'ne', xtype)
+ if (ierr == PIO_NOERR) then
+ ! Has ne property - is SE dycore.
+ ! if has fv_nphys then is physics grid (ne..pg..), but the energy formulation is the same.
+ energy_formula_dycore = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_SE
+ dycore_energy_consistency_adjust = .true.
+ if(masterproc) then
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ': Null dycore will use SE dycore energy formula'
+ endif
+ else
+ ! Is unstructured and is MPAS dycore
+ ! there are no global attributes to identify MPAS dycore, so this has to do for now.
+ energy_formula_dycore = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS
+ dycore_energy_consistency_adjust = .true.
+ if(masterproc) then
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ': Null dycore will use MPAS dycore energy formula'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if(energy_formula_dycore /= -1) then
+ call mark_as_initialized("total_energy_formula_for_dycore")
+ endif
+ call mark_as_initialized("flag_for_dycore_energy_consistency_adjustment")
+ ! Mark other energy variables calculated by check_energy_timestep_init
+ ! here since it will always run when required
+ call mark_as_initialized("specific_heat_of_air_used_in_dycore")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_physics_energy_formula_at_start_of_physics_timestep")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_physics_energy_formula")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula_at_start_of_physics_timestep")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_water_at_start_of_physics_timestep")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_water")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_at_end_of_physics_timestep")
+ end subroutine find_energy_formula
end module dyn_grid
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90
index 8b56e9d9..572f663f 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dp_coupling.F90
@@ -582,18 +582,22 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
use cam_constituents, only: const_qmin
use runtime_obj, only: wv_stdname
use physics_types, only: lagrangian_vertical
- use physconst, only: cpair, gravit, zvir, cappa
- use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_update
- use physics_types, only: cpairv, rairv, zvirv
+ use physconst, only: cpair, gravit, zvir
+ use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_dry_air_update, cam_thermo_water_update
+ use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_num
+ use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_idx
+ use air_composition, only: dry_air_species_num
+ use physics_types, only: cpairv, rairv, zvirv, cappav
+ use physics_types, only: cp_or_cv_dycore
use physics_grid, only: columns_on_task
use geopotential_temp, only: geopotential_temp_run
use static_energy, only: update_dry_static_energy_run
use qneg, only: qneg_run
-! use check_energy, only: check_energy_timestep_init
use hycoef, only: hyai, ps0
use shr_vmath_mod, only: shr_vmath_log
use shr_kind_mod, only: shr_kind_cx
use dyn_comp, only: ixo, ixo2, ixh, ixh2
+ use cam_thermo_formula,only: ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_SE
! arguments
type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts ! Runtime settings object
@@ -607,7 +611,7 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
!constituent properties pointer
type(ccpp_constituent_prop_ptr_t), pointer :: const_prop_ptr(:)
- integer :: m, i, k
+ integer :: m, i, k, m_cnst
integer :: ix_q
!Needed for "geopotential_temp" CCPP scheme
@@ -622,6 +626,7 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
real(r8) :: mmrSum_O_O2_H ! Sum of mass mixing ratios for O, O2, and H
real(r8), parameter :: mmrMin=1.e-20_r8 ! lower limit of o2, o, and h mixing ratios
real(r8), parameter :: N2mmrMin=1.e-6_r8 ! lower limit of o2, o, and h mixing ratios
+ real(r8), parameter :: H2lim=6.e-5_r8 ! H2 limiter: 10x global H2 MMR (Roble, 1995)
! Nullify pointers
@@ -683,14 +688,23 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
end do
! wet pressure variables (should be removed from physics!)
+ factor_array(:,:) = 1.0_kind_phys
+ !$omp parallel do num_threads(horz_num_threads) private (k, i, m_cnst)
+ do m_cnst = dry_air_species_num + 1, thermodynamic_active_species_num
+ ! include all water species in the factor array.
+ m = thermodynamic_active_species_idx(m_cnst)
+ do k = 1, nlev
+ do i = 1, pcols
+ ! at this point all q's are dry
+ factor_array(i,k) = factor_array(i,k) + const_data_ptr(i,k,m)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
!$omp parallel do num_threads(horz_num_threads) private (k, i)
- do k=1,nlev
- do i=1, pcols
- ! to be consistent with total energy formula in physic's check_energy module only
- ! include water vapor in moist dp
- factor_array(i,k) = 1._kind_phys+const_data_ptr(i,k,ix_q)
- phys_state%pdel(i,k) = phys_state%pdeldry(i,k)*factor_array(i,k)
+ do k = 1, nlev
+ do i = 1, pcols
+ phys_state%pdel(i,k) = phys_state%pdeldry(i,k) * factor_array(i,k)
end do
end do
@@ -721,31 +735,12 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
do k = 1, nlev
do i = 1, pcols
phys_state%rpdel(i,k) = 1._kind_phys/phys_state%pdel(i,k)
- phys_state%exner(i,k) = (phys_state%pint(i,pver+1)/phys_state%pmid(i,k))**cappa
- end do
- end do
- ! all tracers (including moisture) are in dry mixing ratio units
- ! physics expect water variables moist
- factor_array(:,1:nlev) = 1._kind_phys/factor_array(:,1:nlev)
- !$omp parallel do num_threads(horz_num_threads) private (m, k, i)
- do m=1, num_advected
- do k = 1, nlev
- do i=1, pcols
- !This should ideally check if a constituent is a wet
- !mixing ratio or not, but until that is working properly
- !in the CCPP framework just check for the water species status
- !instead, which is all that CAM physics requires:
- if (const_is_water_species(m)) then
- const_data_ptr(i,k,m) = factor_array(i,k)*const_data_ptr(i,k,m)
- end if
- end do
end do
end do
- ! Ensure O2 + O + H (N2) mmr greater than one.
+ ! Apply limiters to mixing ratios of major species (WACCMX):
+ ! Ensure N2 = 1 - (O2 + O + H) mmr is greater than 0
! Check for unusually large H2 values and set to lower value.
if (cam_runtime_opts%waccmx_option() == 'ionosphere' .or. &
@@ -769,8 +764,8 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
- if(const_data_ptr(i,k,ixh2) .gt. 6.e-5_r8) then
- const_data_ptr(i,k,ixh2) = 6.e-5_r8
+ if(const_data_ptr(i,k,ixh2) > H2lim) then
+ const_data_ptr(i,k,ixh2) = H2lim
end do
@@ -789,11 +784,61 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
! Compute molecular viscosity(kmvis) and conductivity(kmcnd).
! Update zvirv registry variable; calculated for WACCM-X.
+ if (dry_air_species_num > 0) then
+ call cam_thermo_dry_air_update( &
+ mmr = const_data_ptr, & ! dry MMR
+ T = phys_state%t, &
+ ncol = pcols, &
+ pver = pver, &
+ update_thermo_variables = cam_runtime_opts%update_thermodynamic_variables() &
+ )
+ else
+ zvirv(:,:) = zvir
+ end if
- call cam_thermo_update(const_data_ptr, phys_state%t, pcols, &
- cam_runtime_opts%update_thermodynamic_variables())
+ !
+ ! update cp_or_cv_dycore in SIMA state.
+ ! (note: at this point q is dry)
+ !
+ call cam_thermo_water_update( &
+ mmr = const_data_ptr, & ! dry MMR
+ ncol = pcols, &
+ pver = pver, &
+ energy_formula = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_SE, &
+ cp_or_cv_dycore = cp_or_cv_dycore &
+ )
- !Call geopotential_temp CCPP scheme:
+ !$omp parallel do num_threads(horz_num_threads) private (k, i)
+ do k = 1, nlev
+ do i = 1, pcols
+ phys_state%exner(i,k) = (phys_state%pint(i,pver+1)/phys_state%pmid(i,k))**cappav(i,k)
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! ========= Q is dry ^^^ ---- Q is moist vvv ========= !
+ !
+ ! CAM physics expects that: water tracers (including moisture) are moist; the rest dry mixing ratio
+ ! at this point Q is converted to moist.
+ !
+ factor_array(:,1:nlev) = 1._kind_phys/factor_array(:,1:nlev)
+ !$omp parallel do num_threads(horz_num_threads) private (m, k, i)
+ do m = 1, num_advected
+ do k = 1, nlev
+ do i = 1, pcols
+ ! This should ideally check if a constituent is a wet
+ ! mixing ratio or not, but until that is working properly
+ ! in the CCPP framework just check for the water species status
+ ! instead, which is all that CAM physics requires:
+ if (const_is_water_species(m)) then
+ const_data_ptr(i,k,m) = factor_array(i,k)*const_data_ptr(i,k,m)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! Call geopotential_temp CCPP scheme:
call geopotential_temp_run(pver, lagrangian_vertical, pver, 1, &
pverp, 1, num_advected, phys_state%lnpint, &
phys_state%pint, phys_state%pmid, phys_state%pdel, &
@@ -807,12 +852,6 @@ subroutine derived_phys_dry(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend)
phys_state%phis, phys_state%dse, cpairv, &
errflg, errmsg)
-!Remove once check_energy scheme exists in CAMDEN:
-#if 0
- ! Compute energy and water integrals of input state
- call check_energy_timestep_init(phys_state, phys_tend, pbuf_chnk)
end subroutine derived_phys_dry
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90
index 1341b9f4..cf88d7f9 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90
@@ -1674,8 +1674,12 @@ subroutine calc_tot_energy_dynamics(elem,fvm,nets,nete,tl,tl_qdp,outfld_name_suf
call get_dp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,tl_qdp),MASS_MIXING_RATIO,thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore,&
call get_cp(elem(ie)%state%Qdp(:,:,:,1:qsize,tl_qdp),&
- .false.,cp,dp_dry=elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl),&
+ .false.,cp,factor=1.0_r8/elem(ie)%state%dp3d(:,:,:,tl),&
+ ! TODO: need to port cam6_3_109 changes to total energy using get_hydrostatic_energy
+ ! https://github.com/ESCOMP/CAM/pull/761/files#diff-946bde17289e2f42e43e64413610aa11d102deda8b5199ddaa5b71e67e5d517a
do k = 1, nlev
do j=1,np
do i = 1, np
diff --git a/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90 b/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90
index ab52d91c..4f70ae2c 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/se/dyn_comp.F90
@@ -566,6 +566,9 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
use dyn_thermo, only: get_molecular_diff_coef_reference
!use cam_history, only: addfld, add_default, horiz_only, register_vector_field
use gravity_waves_sources, only: gws_init
+ use cam_thermo_formula, only: energy_formula_dycore, ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_SE
+ use physics_types, only: dycore_energy_consistency_adjust
+ use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized
!SE dycore:
use prim_advance_mod, only: prim_advance_init
@@ -642,6 +645,14 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
real(r8) :: tau0, krange, otau0, scale
real(r8) :: km_sponge_factor_local(nlev+1)
+ ! Set dynamical core energy formula for use in cam_thermo.
+ energy_formula_dycore = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_SE
+ call mark_as_initialized("total_energy_formula_for_dycore")
+ ! Dynamical core energy is not consistent with CAM physics and requires
+ ! temperature and temperature tendency adjustment at end of physics.
+ dycore_energy_consistency_adjust = .true.
+ call mark_as_initialized("flag_for_dycore_energy_consistency_adjustment")
! Now allocate and set condenstate vars
allocate(cnst_name_gll(qsize), stat=iret) ! constituent names for gll tracers
@@ -1852,6 +1863,17 @@ subroutine read_inidat(dyn_in)
call mark_as_initialized("tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics")
call mark_as_initialized("tendency_of_eastward_wind_due_to_model_physics")
call mark_as_initialized("tendency_of_northward_wind_due_to_model_physics")
+ call mark_as_initialized("specific_heat_of_air_used_in_dycore")
+ ! These energy variables are calculated by check_energy_timestep_init
+ ! but need to be marked here
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_physics_energy_formula_at_start_of_physics_timestep")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_physics_energy_formula")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula_at_start_of_physics_timestep")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_water_at_start_of_physics_timestep")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_water")
+ call mark_as_initialized("vertically_integrated_total_energy_at_end_of_physics_timestep")
end subroutine read_inidat
diff --git a/src/dynamics/utils/dyn_thermo.F90 b/src/dynamics/utils/dyn_thermo.F90
index c4c4723c..9b465031 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/utils/dyn_thermo.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/utils/dyn_thermo.F90
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ subroutine get_cp(tracer,inv_cp,cp,dp_dry,active_species_idx_dycore)
!Declare local variables:
real(kind_phys), allocatable :: tracer_phys(:,:,:,:)
real(kind_phys), allocatable :: cp_phys(:,:,:)
- real(kind_phys), allocatable :: dp_dry_phys(:,:,:)
+ real(kind_phys), allocatable :: factor_phys(:,:,:)
!check_allocate variables:
integer :: iret !allocate status integer
@@ -70,11 +70,16 @@ subroutine get_cp(tracer,inv_cp,cp,dp_dry,active_species_idx_dycore)
!Check if kinds are different:
if (kind_phys == kind_dyn) then
- !The dynamics and physics kind is the same, so just call the physics
- !routine directly:
- call get_cp_phys(tracer,inv_cp,cp, &
- dp_dry=dp_dry, &
- active_species_idx_dycore=active_species_idx_dycore)
+ ! The dynamics and physics kind is the same, so just call the physics
+ ! routine directly:
+ if(present(dp_dry)) then
+ call get_cp_phys(tracer,inv_cp,cp, &
+ factor=1.0_kind_phys/dp_dry, &
+ active_species_idx_dycore=active_species_idx_dycore)
+ else
+ call get_cp_phys(tracer,inv_cp,cp, &
+ active_species_idx_dycore=active_species_idx_dycore)
+ endif
@@ -95,18 +100,18 @@ subroutine get_cp(tracer,inv_cp,cp,dp_dry,active_species_idx_dycore)
!Allocate and set optional variables:
if (present(dp_dry)) then
- allocate(dp_dry_phys(size(dp_dry, 1), size(dp_dry, 2), size(dp_dry,3)), stat=iret)
+ allocate(factor_phys(size(dp_dry, 1), size(dp_dry, 2), size(dp_dry,3)), stat=iret)
call check_allocate(iret, subname, &
- 'dp_dry_phys', &
+ 'factor_phys', &
file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
!Set optional local variable:
- dp_dry_phys = real(dp_dry, kind_phys)
+ factor_phys = 1.0_kind_phys/real(dp_dry, kind_phys)
end if
- !Call physics routine using local vriables with matching kinds:
+ !Call physics routine using local variables with matching kinds:
call get_cp_phys(tracer_phys,inv_cp,cp_phys, &
- dp_dry=dp_dry_phys, &
+ factor=factor_phys, &
!Set output variables back to dynamics kind:
@@ -116,8 +121,8 @@ subroutine get_cp(tracer,inv_cp,cp,dp_dry,active_species_idx_dycore)
- if (allocated(dp_dry_phys)) then
- deallocate(dp_dry_phys)
+ if (allocated(factor_phys)) then
+ deallocate(factor_phys)
end if
@@ -957,7 +962,7 @@ subroutine get_rho_dry(tracer,temp,ptop,dp_dry,tracer_mass,&
end if
- !Call physics routine using local vriables with matching kinds:
+ !Call physics routine using local variables with matching kinds:
call get_rho_dry_phys(tracer_phys,temp_phys, &
ptop_phys, dp_dry_phys,tracer_mass, &
rho_dry=rho_dry_phys, &
diff --git a/src/physics/ncar_ccpp b/src/physics/ncar_ccpp
index e7a599f4..491e5624 160000
--- a/src/physics/ncar_ccpp
+++ b/src/physics/ncar_ccpp
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit e7a599f4bb1533f7cdcd8723b1f864e11578e96c
+Subproject commit 491e56247815ef23bfd8dba65d1e3c3b78ba164a
diff --git a/src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90 b/src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90
index 5dbfc20a..aa1feef6 100644
--- a/src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90
+++ b/src/physics/utils/phys_comp.F90
@@ -174,10 +174,12 @@ subroutine phys_init()
use physics_grid, only: columns_on_task
use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp
use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_init
+ use cam_thermo_formula, only: cam_thermo_formula_init
use physics_types, only: allocate_physics_types_fields
use cam_ccpp_cap, only: cam_ccpp_physics_initialize
call cam_thermo_init(columns_on_task, pver, pverp)
+ call cam_thermo_formula_init()
call allocate_physics_types_fields(columns_on_task, pver, pverp, &
set_init_val_in=.true., reallocate_in=.false.)
diff --git a/src/physics/utils/physics_grid.F90 b/src/physics/utils/physics_grid.F90
index 39fc0f99..8dd3dca3 100644
--- a/src/physics/utils/physics_grid.F90
+++ b/src/physics/utils/physics_grid.F90
@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ module physics_grid
public :: get_rlat_p ! latitude of a physics column in radians
public :: get_rlon_p ! longitude of a physics column in radians
public :: get_area_p ! area of a physics column in radians squared
+ public :: get_wght_p ! weight of a physics column in radians squared
public :: get_rlat_all_p ! latitudes of physics cols on task (radians)
public :: get_rlon_all_p ! longitudes of physics cols on task (radians)
+ public :: get_wght_all_p ! weights of physics cols on task
public :: get_dyn_col_p ! dynamics local blk number and blk offset(s)
public :: global_index_p ! global column index of a physics column
public :: local_index_p ! local column index of a physics column
@@ -376,8 +378,6 @@ end subroutine phys_grid_init
real(r8) function get_dlat_p(index)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! latitude of a physics column in degrees
! Dummy argument
@@ -396,8 +396,6 @@ end function get_dlat_p
real(r8) function get_dlon_p(index)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! longitude of a physics column in degrees
! Dummy argument
@@ -416,8 +414,6 @@ end function get_dlon_p
real(r8) function get_rlat_p(index)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! latitude of a physics column in radians
! Dummy argument
@@ -436,8 +432,6 @@ end function get_rlat_p
real(r8) function get_rlon_p(index)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! longitude of a physics column in radians
! Dummy argument
@@ -456,8 +450,6 @@ end function get_rlon_p
real(r8) function get_area_p(index)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! area of a physics column in radians squared
! Dummy argument
@@ -475,9 +467,25 @@ end function get_area_p
+ real(r8) function get_wght_p(index)
+ ! weight of a physics column in radians squared
+ ! Dummy argument
+ integer, intent(in) :: index
+ ! Local variables
+ character(len=128) :: errmsg
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'get_wght_p'
+ ! Check that input is valid:
+ call check_phys_input(subname, index)
+ get_wght_p = phys_columns(index)%weight
+ end function get_wght_p
+ !========================================================================
subroutine get_rlat_all_p(rlatdim, rlats)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! get_rlat_all_p: Return all latitudes (in radians) on task.
@@ -506,8 +514,6 @@ end subroutine get_rlat_all_p
subroutine get_rlon_all_p(rlondim, rlons)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! get_rlon_all_p: Return all longitudes (in radians) on task.
@@ -535,8 +541,35 @@ end subroutine get_rlon_all_p
+ subroutine get_wght_all_p(wghtdim, wghts)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! get_wght_all_p: Return all weights on task.
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Dummy Arguments
+ integer, intent(in) :: wghtdim ! declared size of output array
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: wghts(wghtdim) ! array of weights
+ ! Local variables
+ integer :: index ! loop index
+ character(len=128) :: errmsg
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'get_wght_all_p: '
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Check that input is valid:
+ call check_phys_input(subname, wghtdim)
+ do index = 1, wghtdim
+ wghts(index) = phys_columns(index)%weight
+ end do
+ end subroutine get_wght_all_p
+ !========================================================================
subroutine get_dyn_col_p(index, blk_num, blk_ind)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! Return the dynamics local block number and block offset(s) for
! the physics column indicated by .
@@ -568,8 +601,6 @@ end subroutine get_dyn_col_p
integer function global_index_p(index)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! global column index of a physics column
! Dummy argument
@@ -586,8 +617,6 @@ integer function global_index_p(index)
end function global_index_p
integer function local_index_p(index)
- use cam_logfile, only: iulog
- use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
! global column index of a physics column
! Dummy argument
diff --git a/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.F90 b/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.F90
index 7033d91b..c9369142 100644
--- a/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.F90
+++ b/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.F90
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ subroutine tropopause_climo_read_file()
! Mark variables as initialized so they are not read from initial conditions
- call mark_as_initialized('tropopause_air_pressure_from_climatology_dataset')
- call mark_as_initialized('tropopause_calendar_days_from_climatology')
+ call mark_as_initialized('tropopause_air_pressure_from_tropopause_climatology_dataset')
+ call mark_as_initialized('tropopause_calendar_days_from_tropopause_climatology')
end subroutine tropopause_climo_read_file
end module tropopause_climo_read
diff --git a/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta b/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta
index 6d4d8538..e42cc9b0 100644
--- a/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta
+++ b/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
name = tropopause_climo_read
type = module
[ tropp_slices ]
- standard_name = number_of_months_in_year
+ standard_name = number_of_time_slices_in_tropopause_climatology_dataset
units = 1
type = integer
dimensions = ()
[ tropp_p_loc ]
- standard_name = tropopause_air_pressure_from_climatology_dataset
+ standard_name = tropopause_air_pressure_from_tropopause_climatology_dataset
units = Pa
type = real | kind = kind_phys
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension, number_of_months_in_year)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_dimension, number_of_time_slices_in_tropopause_climatology_dataset)
[ tropp_days ]
- standard_name = tropopause_calendar_days_from_climatology
+ standard_name = tropopause_calendar_days_from_tropopause_climatology
long_name = Climatological tropopause calendar day indices from file
units = 1
type = real | kind = kind_phys
- dimensions = (number_of_months_in_year)
+ dimensions = (number_of_time_slices_in_tropopause_climatology_dataset)
diff --git a/src/utils/gmean_mod.F90 b/src/utils/gmean_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7959ebf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/gmean_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+module gmean_mod
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose:
+ ! Perform global mean calculations for energy conservation and other checks.
+ !
+ ! Method:
+ ! Reproducible (scalable):
+ ! Convert to fixed point (integer representation) to enable
+ ! reproducibility when using MPI collectives.
+ ! If error checking is on (via setting reprosum_diffmax > 0 and
+ ! reprosum_recompute = .true. in user_nl_cpl), shr_reprosum_calc will
+ ! check the accuracy of its computation with a fast but
+ ! non-reproducible algorithm. If any error is reported, report
+ ! the difference and the expected sum and abort run (call endrun)
+ !
+ ! gmean_mod in to_be_ccppized is different from the CAM version and
+ ! has chunk support removed.
+ !
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use physics_grid, only: pcols => columns_on_task
+ use perf_mod, only: t_startf, t_stopf
+ use cam_logfile, only: iulog
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: gmean ! compute global mean of 2D fields on physics decomposition
+ interface gmean
+ module procedure gmean_arr
+ module procedure gmean_scl
+ end interface gmean
+ private :: gmean_fixed_repro
+ private :: gmean_float_norepro
+ ! Set do_gmean_tests to .true. to run a gmean challenge test
+ logical, private :: do_gmean_tests = .false.
+ !
+ !========================================================================
+ !
+ subroutine gmean_arr (arr, arr_gmean, nflds)
+ use shr_strconvert_mod, only: toString
+ use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use shr_reprosum_mod, only: shr_reprosum_reldiffmax, shr_reprosum_recompute, shr_reprosum_tolExceeded
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose:
+ ! Compute the global mean of each field in "arr" in the physics grid
+ !
+ ! Method is to call shr_reprosum_calc (called from gmean_fixed_repro)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: nflds ! number of fields
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols, nflds)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arr_gmean(nflds) ! global means
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ real(r8) :: rel_diff(2, nflds)
+ integer :: ifld ! field index
+ integer :: num_err
+ logical :: write_warning
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ call t_startf('gmean_arr')
+ call t_startf ('gmean_fixed_repro')
+ call gmean_fixed_repro(arr, arr_gmean, rel_diff, nflds)
+ call t_stopf ('gmean_fixed_repro')
+ ! check that "fast" reproducible sum is accurate enough. If not, calculate
+ ! using old method
+ write_warning = masterproc
+ num_err = 0
+ if (shr_reprosum_tolExceeded('gmean', nflds, write_warning, &
+ iulog, rel_diff)) then
+ if (shr_reprosum_recompute) then
+ do ifld = 1, nflds
+ if (rel_diff(1, ifld) > shr_reprosum_reldiffmax) then
+ call gmean_float_norepro(arr(:,ifld), arr_gmean(ifld), ifld)
+ num_err = num_err + 1
+ end if
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+ call t_stopf('gmean_arr')
+ if (num_err > 0) then
+ call endrun('gmean: '//toString(num_err)//' reprosum errors found')
+ end if
+ end subroutine gmean_arr
+ !
+ !========================================================================
+ !
+ subroutine gmean_scl (arr, gmean)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose:
+ ! Compute the global mean of a single field in "arr" in the physics grid
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols)
+ ! Input array
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: gmean ! global means
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ integer, parameter :: nflds = 1
+ real(r8) :: gmean_array(nflds)
+ real(r8) :: array(pcols, nflds)
+ integer :: ncols, lchnk
+ array(:ncols, 1) = arr(:ncols)
+ call gmean_arr(array, gmean_array, nflds)
+ gmean = gmean_array(1)
+ end subroutine gmean_scl
+ !
+ !========================================================================
+ !
+ subroutine gmean_float_norepro(arr, repro_sum, index)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose:
+ ! Compute the global mean of in the physics chunked
+ ! decomposition using a fast but non-reproducible algorithm.
+ ! Log that value along with the value computed by
+ ! shr_reprosum_calc ()
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ use physconst, only: pi
+ use spmd_utils, only: masterproc, masterprocid, mpicom
+ use mpi, only: mpi_real8, mpi_sum
+ use physics_grid, only: get_wght_p
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: repro_sum ! Value computed by reprosum
+ integer, intent(in) :: index ! Index of field in original call
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ integer :: icol
+ integer :: ierr
+ real(r8) :: wght
+ real(r8) :: check
+ real(r8) :: check_sum
+ real(r8), parameter :: pi4 = 4.0_r8 * pi
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Calculate and print out non-reproducible value
+ check = 0.0_r8
+ do icol = 1, pcols
+ wght = get_wght_p(icol)
+ check = check + arr(icol) * wght
+ end do
+ call MPI_reduce(check, check_sum, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, &
+ masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
+ ! normalization
+ check_sum = check_sum / pi4
+ if (masterproc) then
+ write(iulog, '(a,i0,2(a,e20.13e2))') 'gmean(', index, ') = ', &
+ check_sum, ', reprosum reported ', repro_sum
+ end if
+ end subroutine gmean_float_norepro
+ !
+ !========================================================================
+ !
+ subroutine gmean_fixed_repro(arr, arr_gmean, rel_diff, nflds)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose:
+ ! Compute the global mean of each field in "arr" in the physics grid
+ ! with a reproducible yet scalable implementation
+ ! based on a fixed-point algorithm.
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ use spmd_utils, only: mpicom
+ use physics_grid, only: get_wght_all_p
+ use physics_grid, only: ngcols_p => num_global_phys_cols
+ use physconst, only: pi
+ use shr_reprosum_mod, only: shr_reprosum_calc
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: nflds ! number of fields
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arr(pcols,nflds)
+ ! arr_gmean: output global sums
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arr_gmean(nflds)
+ ! rel_diff: relative and absolute differences from shr_reprosum_calc
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: rel_diff(2, nflds)
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ real(r8), parameter :: pi4 = 4.0_r8 * pi
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'gmean_fixed_repro: '
+ integer :: icol, ifld ! column, field indices
+ integer :: errflg
+ real(r8) :: wght(pcols) ! integration weights
+ real(r8), allocatable :: xfld(:,:) ! weighted summands
+ errflg = 0
+ allocate(xfld(pcols, nflds), stat=errflg)
+ call check_allocate(errflg, subname, 'xfld(pcols, nflds)', &
+ file=__FILE__, line=__LINE__)
+ ! pre-weight summands
+ call get_wght_all_p(pcols, wght)
+ do ifld = 1, nflds
+ do icol = 1, pcols
+ xfld(icol, ifld) = arr(icol, ifld) * wght(icol)
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! call fixed-point algorithm
+ call shr_reprosum_calc ( &
+ arr = xfld, &
+ arr_gsum = arr_gmean, &
+ nsummands = pcols, & ! # of local summands
+ dsummands = pcols, & ! declared first dimension of arr.
+ nflds = nflds, &
+ commid = mpicom, &
+ rel_diff = rel_diff &
+ )
+ deallocate(xfld)
+ ! final normalization
+ arr_gmean(:) = arr_gmean(:) / pi4
+ end subroutine gmean_fixed_repro
+end module gmean_mod
diff --git a/test/existing-test-failures.txt b/test/existing-test-failures.txt
index 253b5633..05e0a145 100644
--- a/test/existing-test-failures.txt
+++ b/test/existing-test-failures.txt
@@ -2,12 +2,7 @@ SMS_Ln2.mpasa480_mpasa480.FKESSLER.derecho_intel.cam-outfrq_kessler_mpas_derecho
SMS_Ln2.mpasa480_mpasa480.FKESSLER.derecho_gnu.cam-outfrq_kessler_mpas_derecho (Overall: FAIL)
- will fail until MPAS is fully integrated
-SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FTJ16.derecho_intel.cam-outfrq_se_cslam (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FKESSLER.derecho_intel.cam-outfrq_se_cslam (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln2.ne3pg3_ne3pg3_mg37.FPHYStest.derecho_intel.cam-outfrq_kessler_derecho (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FCAM7.derecho_intel.cam-outfrq_se_cslam_analy_ic (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FTJ16.derecho_gnu.cam-outfrq_se_cslam (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FKESSLER.derecho_gnu.cam-outfrq_se_cslam (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln2.ne3pg3_ne3pg3_mg37.FPHYStest.derecho_gnu.cam-outfrq_kessler_derecho (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FCAM7.derecho_gnu.cam-outfrq_se_cslam_analy_ic (Overall: FAIL)
- - will fail until https://github.com/ESCOMP/CAM-SIMA/pull/316 is merged
+SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FCAM7.derecho_intel.cam-outfrq_se_cslam_analy_ic (Overall: PEND) details:
+SMS_Ln9.ne5pg3_ne5pg3_mg37.FCAM7.derecho_gnu.cam-outfrq_se_cslam_analy_ic (Overall: PEND) details:
+ - build failure due to dadadj_apply_qv_tendency removal, needs to be updated to use constituent tendency updater atmospheric_physics#179
+ - also expected runtime failure CAM-SIMA#335
diff --git a/tools/stdnames_to_inputnames_dictionary.xml b/tools/stdnames_to_inputnames_dictionary.xml
index 0ac72a21..dbd84b99 100644
--- a/tools/stdnames_to_inputnames_dictionary.xml
+++ b/tools/stdnames_to_inputnames_dictionary.xml
@@ -160,42 +160,47 @@
+ cp_or_cv_dycore