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Understand and apply mavros_controller

This tutorial is to help understand and apply introduce mavros_controller.

The package mavros_controller provides two packages

  1. trajectory_publisher is a node publishing setpoints as states from motion primitives / trajectories for the controller to follow.
  2. geometric_controller is a node computing and sending commands to drones in order to follow reference trajectory published by trajectory_publisher.

Understand mavros_controller

2 geometric_controller

Here is a schematic for geometric_controller.


This node

  • computes control commands body rate and send to mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude
  • receives reference trajectory in ref position and ref velocity from reference/setpoint

2.1 Step 1. receivce reference position and velocity

Reference position and velocity are gained at the topic reference/setpoint that is published by trajectory_publisher. Then Reference acce are computed with the derivative of velocity.

Code between line 122-137 in geometric_control.cpp shows that

  • reference position is targetPos_
  • reference velocity is targetVel_
  • reference acc is targetAcc_
// Line 122-137
void geometricCtrl::targetCallback(const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &msg) {
  reference_request_last_ = reference_request_now_;
  targetPos_prev_ = targetPos_;
  targetVel_prev_ = targetVel_;

  reference_request_now_ = ros::Time::now();
  reference_request_dt_ = (reference_request_now_ - reference_request_last_).toSec();

  targetPos_ = toEigen(msg.twist.angular);
  targetVel_ = toEigen(msg.twist.linear);

  if (reference_request_dt_ > 0)
    targetAcc_ = (targetVel_ - targetVel_prev_) / reference_request_dt_;
    targetAcc_ = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();

2.2 Step 2. Control application

Callback function cmdloopCallback is defined in the constrcuctor as

   // Line 69
   cmdloop_timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.01), &geometricCtrl::cmdloopCallback, this); 

Core code is in cmdloopCallback with main functions:

  • controlPosition calculates desired acc from reference position, vel and acc.
  • computeBodyRateCmd
  • pubReferencePose
  • pubRateCommands
  • appendPoseHistory
  • pubPoseHistory
// Line 225 - 263
void geometricCtrl::cmdloopCallback(const ros::TimerEvent &event) {

      Eigen::Vector3d desired_acc;
      if (feedthrough_enable_) {
        desired_acc = targetAcc_;
      } else {
        // 1. calculates desired acc from reference position, vel and acc. 
        desired_acc = controlPosition(targetPos_, targetVel_, targetAcc_);
      // 2. 
      computeBodyRateCmd(cmdBodyRate_, desired_acc);
      // 3.
      pubReferencePose(targetPos_, q_des);
      // 4.
      pubRateCommands(cmdBodyRate_, q_des);
      // 5. 
      // 6. 



2.2.1 controlPosition

  desired_acc = controlPosition(targetPos_, targetVel_, targetAcc_);

controlPosition is programmed including three funcationalities:

  • acc2quaternion compute reference attitude in quaterion, see acc2quaternion in Appendix
  • quat2RotMatrix transfer reference attitude in rotation matrix from quaterion
  • poscontroller use a PD contro (position and vel) to compute feedback reference acc, see poscontroller in Appendix.
  • final desired acc, $\mathbf{a}{des}$, is calculated $$\mathbf{a}{des} = \mathbf{a}{fd} + \mathbf{a}{ref} - \mathbf{a}_{rd} - \mathbf{g}$$
// Line  365
Eigen::Vector3d geometricCtrl::controlPosition(const Eigen::Vector3d &target_pos, const Eigen::Vector3d &target_vel,
                                               const Eigen::Vector3d &target_acc) {
  /// Compute BodyRate commands using differential flatness
  /// Controller based on Faessler 2017
  const Eigen::Vector3d a_ref = target_acc;
  if (velocity_yaw_) {
    mavYaw_ = getVelocityYaw(mavVel_);

  const Eigen::Vector4d q_ref = acc2quaternion(a_ref - g_, mavYaw_);
  const Eigen::Matrix3d R_ref = quat2RotMatrix(q_ref);

  const Eigen::Vector3d pos_error = mavPos_ - target_pos;
  const Eigen::Vector3d vel_error = mavVel_ - target_vel;

  // Position Controller
  const Eigen::Vector3d a_fb = poscontroller(pos_error, vel_error);

  // Rotor Drag compensation
  const Eigen::Vector3d a_rd = R_ref * D_.asDiagonal() * R_ref.transpose() * target_vel;  // Rotor drag

  // Reference acceleration
  const Eigen::Vector3d a_des = a_fb + a_ref - a_rd - g_;

  return a_des;

2.2.2 computeBodyRateCmd

// Line 392-408
void geometricCtrl::computeBodyRateCmd(Eigen::Vector4d &bodyrate_cmd, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_des) {
 // Reference attitude
 q_des = acc2quaternion(a_des, mavYaw_);

 // Choose which kind of attitude controller you are running
 bool jerk_enabled = false;
 if (!jerk_enabled) {
   if (ctrl_mode_ == ERROR_GEOMETRIC) {
     // 2.2.a
     bodyrate_cmd = geometric_attcontroller(q_des, a_des, mavAtt_);  // Calculate BodyRate

   } else {
     // 2.2.b
     bodyrate_cmd = attcontroller(q_des, a_des, mavAtt_);  // Calculate BodyRate
 } else {
   // 2.2.c
   bodyrate_cmd = jerkcontroller(targetJerk_, a_des, q_des, mavAtt_);

2.1 compute reference attitude using the output from controlPosition with

  q_des = acc2quaternion(a_des, mavYaw_);

2.2 calculate control input body rate by one of three methods

  • bodyrate_cmd = geometric_attcontroller(q_des, a_des, mavAtt_); which is
    // Line 494 - 517
    Eigen::Vector4d geometricCtrl::geometric_attcontroller(const Eigen::Vector4d &ref_att, const Eigen::Vector3d &ref_acc,
                                                          Eigen::Vector4d &curr_att) {
      // Geometric attitude controller
      // Attitude error is defined as in Lee, Taeyoung, Melvin Leok, and N. Harris McClamroch. "Geometric tracking control
      // of a quadrotor UAV on SE (3)." 49th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC). IEEE, 2010.
      // The original paper inputs moment commands, but for offboard control, angular rate commands are sent
      Eigen::Vector4d ratecmd;
      Eigen::Matrix3d rotmat;    // Rotation matrix of current attitude
      Eigen::Matrix3d rotmat_d;  // Rotation matrix of desired attitude
      Eigen::Vector3d error_att;
      rotmat = quat2RotMatrix(curr_att);
      rotmat_d = quat2RotMatrix(ref_att);
      error_att = 0.5 * matrix_hat_inv(rotmat_d.transpose() * rotmat - rotmat.transpose() * rotmat_d);
      ratecmd.head(3) = (2.0 / attctrl_tau_) * error_att;
      rotmat = quat2RotMatrix(mavAtt_);
      const Eigen::Vector3d zb = rotmat.col(2);
      ratecmd(3) =
          std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, norm_thrust_const_ * + norm_thrust_offset_));  // Calculate thrust
      return ratecmd;
  • bodyrate_cmd = attcontroller(q_des, a_des, mavAtt_)
    // Line 436-456
    Eigen::Vector4d geometricCtrl::attcontroller(const Eigen::Vector4d &ref_att, const Eigen::Vector3d &ref_acc,
                                                Eigen::Vector4d &curr_att) {
      // Geometric attitude controller
      // Attitude error is defined as in Brescianini, Dario, Markus Hehn, and Raffaello D'Andrea. Nonlinear quadrocopter
      // attitude control: Technical report. ETH Zurich, 2013.
      Eigen::Vector4d ratecmd;
      const Eigen::Vector4d inverse(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
      const Eigen::Vector4d q_inv = inverse.asDiagonal() * curr_att;
      const Eigen::Vector4d qe = quatMultiplication(q_inv, ref_att);
      ratecmd(0) = (2.0 / attctrl_tau_) * std::copysign(1.0, qe(0)) * qe(1);
      ratecmd(1) = (2.0 / attctrl_tau_) * std::copysign(1.0, qe(0)) * qe(2);
      ratecmd(2) = (2.0 / attctrl_tau_) * std::copysign(1.0, qe(0)) * qe(3);
      const Eigen::Matrix3d rotmat = quat2RotMatrix(mavAtt_);
      const Eigen::Vector3d zb = rotmat.col(2);
      ratecmd(3) =
          std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, norm_thrust_const_ * + norm_thrust_offset_));  // Calculate thrust
      return ratecmd;
  • bodyrate_cmd = jerkcontroller(targetJerk_, a_des, q_des, mavAtt_)
    // Line 458-492
    Eigen::Vector4d geometricCtrl::jerkcontroller(const Eigen::Vector3d &ref_jerk, const Eigen::Vector3d &ref_acc,
                                                  Eigen::Vector4d &ref_att, Eigen::Vector4d &curr_att) {
      // Jerk feedforward control
      // Based on: Lopez, Brett Thomas. Low-latency trajectory planning for high-speed navigation in unknown environments.
      // Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.
      // Feedforward control from Lopez(2016)
      double dt_ = 0.01;
      // Numerical differentiation to calculate jerk_fb
      const Eigen::Vector3d jerk_fb = (ref_acc - last_ref_acc_) / dt_;
      const Eigen::Vector3d jerk_des = ref_jerk + jerk_fb;
      const Eigen::Matrix3d R = quat2RotMatrix(curr_att);
      const Eigen::Vector3d zb = R.col(2);
      const Eigen::Vector3d jerk_vector =
          jerk_des / ref_acc.norm() - ref_acc * / std::pow(ref_acc.norm(), 3);
      const Eigen::Vector4d jerk_vector4d(0.0, jerk_vector(0), jerk_vector(1), jerk_vector(2));
      Eigen::Vector4d inverse(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
      const Eigen::Vector4d q_inv = inverse.asDiagonal() * curr_att;
      const Eigen::Vector4d qd = quatMultiplication(q_inv, ref_att);
      const Eigen::Vector4d qd_star(qd(0), -qd(1), -qd(2), -qd(3));
      const Eigen::Vector4d ratecmd_pre = quatMultiplication(quatMultiplication(qd_star, jerk_vector4d), qd);
      Eigen::Vector4d ratecmd;
      ratecmd(0) = ratecmd_pre(2);  // TODO: Are the coordinate systems consistent?
      ratecmd(1) = (-1.0) * ratecmd_pre(1);
      ratecmd(2) = 0.0;
      ratecmd(3) =
          std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, norm_thrust_const_ * + norm_thrust_offset_));  // Calculate thrust
      last_ref_acc_ = ref_acc;
      return ratecmd;

2.3 how to choose attiude control methods

  • Paramers for choosing attitude control mode are defined in geometric_controller.h

      // Line 75-76
      #define ERROR_GEOMETRIC 2
      #define ERROR_QUATERNION 1
  • Variable to choose the mode is read from ros param ctrl_mode

      //Line 84
      nh_private_.param<int>("ctrl_mode", ctrl_mode_, ERROR_QUATERNION);

    which is specified in launch file, e.g. sitl_trajectory_track_circle.launch using command_input.

      # Line 7
      <arg name="command_input" default="2" />
      # Line 17
      <param name="ctrl_mode" value="$(arg command_input)" />


  1. Usually, only attcontroller and geometric_attcontroller are available
  2. Set command_input = 2 leads to geometric_attcontroller, while command_input = 1 leads to attcontroller.

2.2.3 pubReferencePose

This function is to publish reference position and attitude to the topic reference/pose as

  pubReferencePose(targetPos_, q_des);
  // Line 290-303
  void geometricCtrl::pubReferencePose(const Eigen::Vector3d &target_position, const Eigen::Vector4d &target_attitude) {
    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped msg;

    msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    msg.header.frame_id = "map";
    msg.pose.position.x = target_position(0);
    msg.pose.position.y = target_position(1);
    msg.pose.position.z = target_position(2);
    msg.pose.orientation.w = target_attitude(0);
    msg.pose.orientation.x = target_attitude(1);
    msg.pose.orientation.y = target_attitude(2);
    msg.pose.orientation.z = target_attitude(3);

2.2.4 pubRateCommands

This function is to publish the control input (body rate and thrust) to the topic command/bodyrate_command as

  pubRateCommands(cmdBodyRate_, q_des);

where is maped to /mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude

  <remap from="command/bodyrate_command" to="/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude"/>
// Line 305-321
void geometricCtrl::pubRateCommands(const Eigen::Vector4d &cmd, const Eigen::Vector4d &target_attitude) {
mavros_msgs::AttitudeTarget msg;

msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
msg.header.frame_id = "map";
msg.body_rate.x = cmd(0);
msg.body_rate.y = cmd(1);
msg.body_rate.z = cmd(2);
msg.type_mask = 128;  // Ignore orientation messages
msg.orientation.w = target_attitude(0);
msg.orientation.x = target_attitude(1);
msg.orientation.y = target_attitude(2);
msg.orientation.z = target_attitude(3);
msg.thrust = cmd(3);


2.2.5 pubReferencePose and pubPoseHistory()

Here we do two things

  • with appendPoseHistory(), we record the drone's position and attitude and save them into a vector posehistory_vector_ with a size ofposehistory_window_ (default = 200).

        // Line 243-244
      // Line 343-348
      void geometricCtrl::appendPoseHistory() {
        posehistory_vector_.insert(posehistory_vector_.begin(), vector3d2PoseStampedMsg(mavPos_, mavAtt_));
        if (posehistory_vector_.size() > posehistory_window_) {
    • with pubPoseHistory(), posehistory_vector_ is published to the topic geometric_controller/path
      // Line 323-331
      void geometricCtrl::pubPoseHistory() {
        nav_msgs::Path msg;
        msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
        msg.header.frame_id = "map";
        msg.poses = posehistory_vector_;

3 trajectory_publisher

It is implemented in trajectoryPublisher.cpp.

3.1 Step 1

In the constructor,

trajectoryPublisher::trajectoryPublisher(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, const ros::NodeHandle& nh_private)//
: nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private), motion_selector_(0)//
  1. read num_primitives_ from ros parameter number_of_primitives
  nh_private_.param<int>("number_of_primitives", num_primitives_, 7);
  1. change the size of inputs_ to be num_primitives_
  1. initializePrimitives is called at the end of constructor.
void trajectoryPublisher::initializePrimitives(int type) {
  if (type == 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < motionPrimitives_.size(); i++)>generatePrimitives(p_mav_, v_mav_,;
  } else {
    for (int i = 0; i < motionPrimitives_.size(); i++)>initPrimitives(shape_origin_, shape_axis_, shape_omega_);
    // TODO: Pass in parameters for primitive trajectories

3.2 step 2 Choose trajectory planning

Trajectory can be planned with two different methods:

  • polynomial trajectory by setting trajectory_type_ =0
  • shape trajectory by setting trajectory_type_ =1
    if (trajectory_type_ == 0) {  // Polynomial Trajectory
      if (num_primitives_ == 7) { << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;  // Constant jerk inputs for minimim time trajectories << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0; << -1.0, 0.0, 0.0; << 0.0, 1.0, 0.0; << 0.0, -1.0, 0.0; << 0.0, 0.0, 1.0; << 0.0, 0.0, -1.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < num_primitives_; i++) {
        /*Poly trajectory initilisation*/
            nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("trajectory_publisher/primitiveset" + std::to_string(i), 1)); = * max_jerk_;
    } else {  // Shape trajectories
      num_primitives_ = 1;
      /*Shape trajectory initilisation*/
      primitivePub_.push_back(nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("trajectory_publisher/primitiveset", 1));


3.3 step 3 Publish reference trajectory and setpoints

Core functions are loopCallback and refCallback: loopCallback is called with a frequency of 10HZ, while refCallbackis called with a frequency of 100HZ.

  // Line 58-59
  trajloop_timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), &trajectoryPublisher::loopCallback, this);
  refloop_timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.01), &trajectoryPublisher::refCallback, this);

loopCallback publish reference trajectory

Whole/Segment reference trajecotry is publised to trajectory_publisher/trajectory.

  void trajectoryPublisher::loopCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event) {
    // Slow Loop publishing trajectory information
  1. pubrefTrajectory(motion_selector_) publish the whole reference trajectory to trajectory_publisher/trajectory.
  void trajectoryPublisher::pubrefTrajectory(int selector) {
    // Publish current trajectory the publisher is publishing
    refTrajectory_ =>getSegment();
    refTrajectory_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    refTrajectory_.header.frame_id = "map";

where the publisher is defined as

 trajectoryPub_ = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("trajectory_publisher/trajectory", 1);
  1. pubprimitiveTrajectory() publishes segments of reference trajectory to trajectory_publisher/primitiveset.
  void trajectoryPublisher::pubprimitiveTrajectory() {
    for (int i = 0; i < motionPrimitives_.size(); i++) {
      primTrajectory_ =>getSegment();
      primTrajectory_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
      primTrajectory_.header.frame_id = "map";;
  primitivePub_.push_back(nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("trajectory_publisher/primitiveset", 1));

3.4 step 4 send setpoint of reference trajectory to drone

Inside refCallback, we have three options to compute setpoints for drone.

void trajectoryPublisher::refCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event) {
      // Fast Loop publishing reference states
      switch (pubreference_type_) {
        case REF_TWIST: // REF_TWIST = 8
        case REF_SETPOINTRAW: // REF_TWIST = 16
          // pubrefSetpointRawGlobal();
        default:          // pubreference_type_ by default = 2
pubreference_type_ Function Commamds Topic
2 (default) pubflatrefState p_targ, v_targ, a_targ reference/flatsetpoint
8 pubrefState p_targ, v_targ reference/setpoint
16 pubrefSetpointRaw p_targ, v_targ, a_targ mavros/setpoint_raw/local
  void trajectoryPublisher::updateReference() {
  curr_time_ = ros::Time::now();
  trigger_time_ = (curr_time_ - start_time_).toSec();

  p_targ =>getPosition(trigger_time_);
  v_targ =>getVelocity(trigger_time_);
  if (pubreference_type_ != 0) a_targ =>getAcceleration(trigger_time_);

4 Appendix

4.1 algorithm in geometirc_controller


acc2quaternion is to compute a reference rotation from reference acceleration, which is called in controlPositionand computeBodyRateCmd

    // Line 374
    // Or Line 394
    const Eigen::Vector4d q_ref = acc2quaternion(a_ref - g_, mavYaw_);

where the function acc2quaternion is defined as below

// line 420 - 434
Eigen::Vector4d geometricCtrl::acc2quaternion(const Eigen::Vector3d &vector_acc, const double &yaw) {
  Eigen::Vector4d quat;
  Eigen::Vector3d zb_des, yb_des, xb_des, proj_xb_des;
  Eigen::Matrix3d rotmat;

  proj_xb_des << std::cos(yaw), std::sin(yaw), 0.0;

  zb_des = vector_acc / vector_acc.norm();
  yb_des = zb_des.cross(proj_xb_des) / (zb_des.cross(proj_xb_des)).norm();
  xb_des = yb_des.cross(zb_des) / (yb_des.cross(zb_des)).norm();

  rotmat << xb_des(0), yb_des(0), zb_des(0), xb_des(1), yb_des(1), zb_des(1), xb_des(2), yb_des(2), zb_des(2);
  quat = rot2Quaternion(rotmat);
  return quat;

and more explanation can be found in slides. TO DO.


poscontroller uses PD control to computes a reference acc from position and vel error, which is called in cmdloopCallback at line 238.

In fact, it can be represented using the following equation

$$\mathbf{a}{fb} = K{pos} \cdot \mathbf{e}p + K{vel} \cdot \mathbf{e}_v ,.$$

    // Line 410
    Eigen::Vector3d geometricCtrl::poscontroller(const Eigen::Vector3d &pos_error, const Eigen::Vector3d &vel_error) {
      Eigen::Vector3d a_fb =
          Kpos_.asDiagonal() * pos_error + Kvel_.asDiagonal() * vel_error;  // feedforward term for trajectory error

      if (a_fb.norm() > max_fb_acc_)
        a_fb = (max_fb_acc_ / a_fb.norm()) * a_fb;  // Clip acceleration if reference is too large

      return a_fb;

ROS techniques in mavros_controller


referenceSub_ = nh_.subscribe("reference/setpoint", 1, &geometricCtrl::targetCallback, this, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());

Usually, subscriber is ROS C++ is defined like

ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("my_topic", 1, callback);

with three arguments:

  • topic to subscribed,
  • queue sise,
  • callback function.

Well, the full version of subscriber is defined with four arguments

Subscriber ros::NodeHandle::subscribe(
    const std::string &  	topic,
		uint32_t  	queue_size,
		const boost::function< void(C)>&  	callback,
		const VoidConstPtr&  	tracked_object = VoidConstPtr(),
		const TransportHints&  	transport_hints = TransportHints() 
  1. tracked_object

Parameter tracked_object defines a shared pointer to an object to track for these callbacks. If set, the a weak_ptr will be created to this object, and if the reference count goes to 0 the subscriber callbacks will not get called.

Note that setting this will cause a new reference to be added to the object before the callback, and for it to go out of scope (and potentially be deleted) in the code path (and therefore thread) that the callback is invoked fro

  1. transport_hints transport_hints allows us to choose prefered connection ways by specify hints to roscpp's transport layer.

We can choose one among unreliable, reliable, maxDatagramSize, tcpNoDelay


just likes
ros::Subscriber sub = nh.subscribe("my_topic", 1, callback, ros::TransportHints().unreliable());

More details can be found roscpp Overview Publishers and Subscribers.



  ctrltriggerServ_ = nh_.advertiseService("trigger_rlcontroller", &geometricCtrl::ctrltriggerCallback, this);

advertiseService allows us to creat a ros::ServiceServer`` that works similar to how the subscribe()``` method works.

Apply mavros_controller


Prepare real flight

Bench test is to

  1. check if we can arm and offboard a drone with RC controller
  2. debuy and tune geometirc_controller without propellers