From 21b5e8c90186e05bda840ee1bf51acc34583c153 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sean Kelly <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2021 16:50:17 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Resolve #13

---                                     | 33 +++++--------------
 docker-compose.yaml                           | 18 +++++-----
 .../edrn/rdf/      | 18 ++++++++--
 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 9882ba3..bbabdb1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ Here are the environment variables you'll need to set (substituting values betwe
 -   `EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA` — set to a path to contain blobstorage, filestorage, and logs.
 -   `EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_PORT` — set to a free port number
 -   `EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION` — set to a version number of `latest`
+-   `EDRN_IMAGE_OWNER` — set to `nutjob4life` or leave it blank to use your local Docker containers
 ### 🧱 Building the Image
@@ -89,19 +90,16 @@ To run the CancerDataExpo for the **first time**, create empty directories to ho
             --project-name cancerdataexpo \
             up --detach
+The `docker-compose.yaml` assumes that `EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA` is `usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data` which is appropriate for `` where this normally runs, and that `EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_PORT` is 2131, and that `EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION` is `latest`, so you can simply say:
+    docker-compose --project-name cancerdataexpo up --detach
 You can check the logs with:
-    env \
-        EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA=/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data \
-        docker-compose \
-            --project-name cancerdataexpo \
-            logs --follow
+    docker-compose --project-name cancerdataexpo logs --follow
 **📝 Note:** With no existing database, the initiall startup might fail (see the logs, message "Resource Busy"). If this happens, stop it and start it again.
 Once this is up and running, head to http://localhost:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_PORT}/manage_main and log in (with username `admin` and password `admin`) and change the default password in the `acl_users` object. Next, create an instance of the CancerDataExpo by visiting http://localhost:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_PORT}/@@plone-addsite?site_id=Plone&advanced=1 and entering the following:
 -   Path identifier: `cancerdataexpo`
@@ -123,25 +121,14 @@ Then click "Save". Lastly, head to the RDF Generators and give the LabCAS genera
 Need to bring it all down?
-    env \
-        EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA=/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data \
-        docker-compose \
-            --project-name cancerdataexpo \
-            down
+    docker-compose --project-name cancerdataexpo down
 ### 🎽 Subsequent Runs
 Start it up again?
-    env \
-        EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA=/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data \
-        docker-compose \
-            --project-name cancerdataexpo \
-            up --detach
+    docker-compose --project-name cancerdataexpo up --detach
 #### 🐛 Advanced Debugging
@@ -160,5 +147,3 @@ Add a Manager user (not through the web, like above):
 Get a shell:
     docker container run --volume ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA}/blobstorage:/data/blobstorage --tty --rm --interactive --network cancerdataexpo_frontsidebus --entrypoint /bin/bash cancerdataexpo:latest
diff --git a/docker-compose.yaml b/docker-compose.yaml
index 8e727cb..11b094d 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yaml
+++ b/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -4,17 +4,16 @@
-        # image: cancerdataexpo:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION:-latest}
-        image: nutjob4life/cancerdataexpo:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION:-latest}
+        image: ${EDRN_IMAGE_OWNER-nutjob4life/}cancerdataexpo:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION:-latest}
                 type: bind
-                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA}/blobstorage
+                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA:-/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data}/blobstorage
                 target: /data/blobstorage
                 consistency: consistent
                 type: bind
-                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA}/log
+                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA:-/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data}/log
                 target: /data/log
                 consistency: delegated
@@ -41,23 +40,22 @@ services:
    CancerDataExpo Application Server
             org.label-schema.description: Zope appserver running the exposition for cancer data.
-        # image: cancerdataexpo:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION:-latest}
-        image: nutjob4life/cancerdataexpo:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION:-latest}
+        image: ${EDRN_IMAGE_OWNER-nutjob4life/}cancerdataexpo:${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_VERSION:-latest}
         command: zeo
                 type: bind
-                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA}/filestorage
+                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA:-/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data}/filestorage
                 target: /data/filestorage
                 consistency: consistent
                 type: bind
-                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA}/blobstorage
+                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA:-/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data}/blobstorage
                 target: /data/blobstorage
                 consistency: consistent
                 type: bind
-                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA}/log
+                source: ${EDRN_CANCERDATAEXPO_DATA:-/usr/local/labcas/cancerdataexpo/docker-data}/log
                 target: /data/log
                 consistency: delegated
@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ services:
    CancerDataExpo DB Server
             org.label-schema.description: Zope Enterprise Objects DB server for the cancer data exposition.
-        image: memcached
+        image: memcached:1.6.9-alpine
             -   frontsidebus
         restart: on-failure
diff --git a/src/edrn.rdf/edrn/rdf/ b/src/edrn.rdf/edrn/rdf/
index 38eba07..d2c7d52 100644
--- a/src/edrn.rdf/edrn/rdf/
+++ b/src/edrn.rdf/edrn/rdf/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # encoding: utf-8
-# Copyright 2012 California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS
+# Copyright 2012–2021 California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS
 # RESERVED. U.S. Government Sponsorship acknowledged.
 '''DMCC Protocol RDF Generator. An RDF generator that describes EDRN protocols using the DMCC's bungling web services.
@@ -178,6 +178,12 @@ class IDMCCProtocolRDFGenerator(IRDFGenerator):
         description=_('Uniform Resource Identifier for the cancer type predicate.'),
+    cancerTypeURIPrefix = schema.TextLine(
+        title=_('Disease URI Prefix'),
+        description=_('URI prefix to identity Disease objects for the cancer type studied by a protocol.'),
+        required=True,
+        default=''
+    )
     commentsURI = schema.TextLine(
         title=_('Comments URI'),
         description=_('Uniform Resource Identifier for the comments predicate.'),
@@ -412,7 +418,6 @@ def addToGraph(self, graph, context):
     'Protocol_Aims':                        'aimsURI',
     'Protocol_Analytic_Method':             'analyticMethodURI',
     'Protocol_Blinding':                    'blindingURI',
-    'Protocol_Cancer_Type':                 'cancerTypeURI',
     'Protocol_Collaborative_Group':         'collaborativeGroupTextURI',
     'Protocol_Comments':                    'commentsURI',
     'Protocol_Data_Sharing_Plan':           'dataSharingPlanURI',
@@ -484,13 +489,22 @@ def _addMiscFields(self, graph, context):
             if not obj: continue
             predicateURI = URIRef(getattr(context, predicateFieldName))
             graph.add((subjectURI, predicateURI, Literal(obj)))
+    def _addCancerTypes(self, graph, context):
+        subjectURI, predicateURI = self.getSubjectURI(context), URIRef(context.cancerTypeURI)
+        values = self.slots.get('Protocol_Cancer_Type', '')
+        for value in values.strip().split(', '):
+            value = value.strip()
+            if value:
+                graph.add((subjectURI, predicateURI, URIRef(context.cancerTypeURIPrefix + value)))
     def addToGraph(self, graph, specifics, context):
         self._addInvolvedInvestigatorSites(graph, specifics, context)
         self._addOtherSites(graph, context)
         self._addPublications(graph, context)
         self._addFieldsOfResearch(graph, context)
+        self._addCancerTypes(graph, context)
         self._addMiscFields(graph, context)
 _specificsMap = {
     'Animal_Subject_Training_Received': 'animalTraining',
     'Human_Subject_Training_Recieved':  'humanTraining',