diff --git a/CentDiff.m b/CentDiff.m
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index 0000000..96083dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CentDiff.m
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+function [y] = CentDiff(F,M,K,C,dt,x0,v0)
+% [y] = CentDiff(F,M,K,C,dt,x0,v0)solves numerically the equation of motion
+% of a damped system
+% F : vector -- size: [1x N] -- Time series representinf the time history of the load.
+% M : scalar -- size: [1 x 1] -- Modal mass
+% K : scalar -- size: [1 x 1] -- Modal stifness
+% C : scalar -- size: [1 x 1] -- Modal damping
+% dt : scalar -- size: [1 x 1] -- time step
+% x0 : scalar -- size: [1 x 1] -- initial displacement
+% v0 : scalar -- size: [1 x 1] -- initial velocity
+% y: time history of the system response to the load
+% author: E. Cheynet - UiB - last updated: 14-05-2020
+% Initialisation
+N = size(F,2);
+% preallocation
+y = zeros(size(F));
+% initial acceleration
+a0 = M\(F(1)-C.*v0-K.*x0);
+% initialisation of y (first 2 values).
+y0 = x0-dt.*v0+dt^2/2*a0;
+y(:,1) = x0;
+A = (M./dt.^2+C./(2*dt));
+B = ((2*M./dt.^2-K).*y(:,1)+(C./(2*dt)-M./dt.^2).*y0+F(:,1));
+y(:,2) = A\B;
+% For the rest of integration points
+for ii=2:N-1
+ A = (M./dt.^2+C./(2*dt));
+ B = ((2*M./dt.^2-K).*y(:,ii)+(C./(2*dt)-M./dt.^2).*y(:,ii-1)+F(:,ii));
+ y(:,ii+1) = A\B;
diff --git a/Documentation.mlx b/Documentation.mlx
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index 0000000..e5dac71
Binary files /dev/null and b/Documentation.mlx differ
diff --git a/NExT.m b/NExT.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5d835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NExT.m
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+function [R,t] = NExT(y,dt,Ts,method)
+% [R] = NExT(y,ys,T,dt) implements the Natural Excitation Technique to
+% retrieve the free-decay response (R) from the cross-correlation
+% of the measured output y.
+% Synthax
+% [R] = NExT(y,dt,Ts,1) calculates R with cross-correlation
+% calculated by using the inverse fast fourier transform of the
+% cross-spectral power densities without zero-padding(method = 1).
+% [R] = NExT(y,dt,Ts,2) calculate the R with cross-correlation
+% calculated by using the unbiased cross-covariance function (method = 2)
+% Input
+% y: time series of ambient vibrations: vector of size [1xN]
+% dt : Time step
+% method: 1 or 2 for the computation of cross-correlation functions
+% T: Duration of subsegments (T
+ y=y';
+ [Nyy,N]=size(y);
+% get the maximal segment length fixed by T
+M = round(Ts/dt);
+switch method
+ case 1
+ clear R
+ for ii=1:Nyy
+ for jj=1:Nyy
+ y1 = fft(y(ii,:));
+ y2 = fft(y(jj,:));
+ h0 = ifft(y1.*conj(y2));
+ R(ii,jj,:) = h0(1:M);
+ end
+ end
+ % get time vector t associated to the R
+ t = linspace(0,dt.*(size(R,3)-1),size(R,3));
+ if Nyy==1
+ R = squeeze(R)'; % if Nyy=1
+ end
+ case 2
+ R = zeros(Nyy,Nyy,M+1);
+ for ii=1:Nyy
+ for jj=1:Nyy
+ [dummy,lag]=xcov(y(ii,:),y(jj,:),M,'unbiased');
+ R(ii,jj,:) = dummy(end-round(numel(dummy)/2)+1:end);
+ end
+ end
+ if Nyy==1
+ R = squeeze(R)'; % if Nyy=1
+ end
+ % get time vector t associated to the R
+ t = dt.*lag(end-round(numel(lag)/2)+1:end);
+% normalize the R
+if Nyy==1
+R = R./R(1);
diff --git a/RDT.m b/RDT.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc2073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RDT.m
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+function [R,t] = RDT(y,ys,T,dt)
+% [R] = RDT(y,ys,T,dt) returns the free-decay response (R) by
+% using the random decrement technique (RDT) to the time serie y, with a
+% triggering value ys, and for a duration T
+% y: time series of ambient vibrations: vector of size [1xN]
+% dt : Time step
+% ys: triggering values (ys < max(abs(y)) and here ys~=0)
+% T: Duration of subsegments (T=dt*(numel(y)-1)
+ error('Error: subsegment length is too large');
+ % number of time step per block
+ nT = round(T/dt); % sec
+if ys==0
+ error('Error: ys must be different from zero')
+elseif or(ys >=max(y),ys <=min(y)),
+ error('Error: ys must verifiy : min(y) < ys < max(y)')
+ % find triggering value
+ ind=find(diff(y(1:end-nT)>ys)~=0)+1;
+% construction of decay vibration
+R = zeros(numel(ind),nT);
+for ii=1:numel(ind)
+ R(ii,:)=y(ind(ii):ind(ii)+nT-1);
+% averaging to remove the random part
+R = mean(R);
+% normalize the R
+R = R./R(1);
+% time vector corresponding to the R
+t = linspace(0,T,numel(R));
diff --git a/expoFit.m b/expoFit.m
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index 0000000..e1b8588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/expoFit.m
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+function [zeta] = expoFit(y,t,wn,optionPlot)
+% [zeta] = expoFit(y,t,wn) returns the damping ratio calcualted by fitting
+% an exponential decay to the envelop of the free-decay response.
+% Input:
+% y: envelop of the free-decay response: vector of size [1 x N]
+% t: time vector [ 1 x N]
+% wn: target eigen frequencies (rad/Hz) : [1 x 1]
+% optionPlot: 1 to plot the fitted function, and 0 not to plot it.
+% Output
+% zeta: modal damping ratio: [1 x 1]
+% author: E. Cheynet - UiB - last updated: 14-05-2020
+% Initialisation
+guess = [1,1e-2];
+% simple exponentiald ecay function
+myFun = @(a,x) a(1).*exp(-a(2).*x);
+% application of nlinfit function
+coeff = nlinfit(t,y,myFun,guess);
+% modal damping ratio:
+zeta = abs(coeff(2)./wn);
+% alternatively: plot the fitted function
+if optionPlot== 1, plot(t,myFun(coeff,t),'r'); end