diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Analysis.Label.ByPointAndString.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Analysis.Label.ByPointAndString.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0b1bac8aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Analysis.Label.ByPointAndString.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ "Uuid": "19d0b01d-0a4d-4c15-91d7-4f94c217df33",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Analysis.Label.ByPointAndString",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Analysis.Label.ByPointAndString@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,string",
+ "Id": "9b7178ef19794570966e78611939bba9",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2bae86c836154c19a4f54599c9fe0b31",
+ "Name": "point",
+ "Description": "Point",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "d11f5547fc164d1b8eb3ec2d6cb2a024",
+ "Name": "label",
+ "Description": "string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a17901bbce214309afc947207fc924b7",
+ "Name": "Label",
+ "Description": "Label",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Returns a Label object given a point object and a string label.\n\nLabel.ByPointAndString (point: Point, label: string): Label"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double",
+ "Id": "a007cfedd9e6492281386381a3f2744f",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a40aad49c169455cb99116e694d49b7c",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "X coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "437b4ca986cf4ab98c9fb4902e8f3c21",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "Y coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "05e1ab31536d4ffa92c0f104ef400360",
+ "Name": "z",
+ "Description": "Z coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "5ac52ebaf5ca44389aa3ab21bb6b9089",
+ "Name": "Point",
+ "Description": "Point created by coordinates",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.FromObject, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "5d69b756d16a4bbfa6ffba24f7b77c5e",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6e9bb6cc2da0404aa45aba4e2bf9874c",
+ "Name": "object",
+ "Description": "Object to be serialized",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9dffdcf7059045dcbcf3472719c44d2b",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "String representation of the object",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Convert an object to a string representation."
+ },
+ {
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+ "WatchWidth": 517.6,
+ "WatchHeight": 430.4,
+ "WasExecuted": true,
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+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8ba6e1b85bbf4d66af77e59d2594ab9f",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Shows a dynamic preview of geometry."
+ }
+ ],
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+ "Start": "a17901bbce214309afc947207fc924b7",
+ "End": "e7ddc9552e54439fa376cf911296ee2a",
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+ },
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+ "Version": "2.0",
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+ }
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+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
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+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
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+ "View": {
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+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Label.ByPointAndString",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "9b7178ef19794570966e78611939bba9",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 862.6,
+ "Y": 503.4
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "a007cfedd9e6492281386381a3f2744f",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 236.2,
+ "Y": 503.4
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String from Object",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "5d69b756d16a4bbfa6ffba24f7b77c5e",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 549.80000000000007,
+ "Y": 578.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch 3D",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "a884a75c63ac4f81ace11e595a65c195",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1216.8,
+ "Y": 503.4
+ }
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+ "Y": -104.8230144510386,
+ "Zoom": 0.70823125000000009
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e87e32ccdf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve,double,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector",
+ "Id": "411895d19d72476c959e7a8b7d6b086a",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "05fa8f5f397d408ea885139170c0b9ce",
+ "Name": "curve",
+ "Description": "the curve to thicken\n\nCurve",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "1cd21e2bf5db4691979b5a39cf553ad5",
+ "Name": "thickness",
+ "Description": "the thickness\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "730b0a821eb0401aafc48df0e66ec8ac",
+ "Name": "normal",
+ "Description": "the normal perpendicular to the thickening direction. If the normal is not supplied (is null), the curve normal is used by default.\n\nVector\nDefault value : null",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4ab851fc0646442da7c9ca4df62e3698",
+ "Name": "PolyCurve",
+ "Description": "PolyCurve",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Make PolyCurve by thickening a curve along a plane specified by the input normal.\n\nPolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal (curve: Curve, thickness: double, normal: Vector = null): PolyCurve"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double",
+ "Id": "04e87bea934f460abcf9d75e8e31ba7e",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c21ea6d341e74132b298b92971f9d996",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "X coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "ced629f7475b467c835311a12dc9ac40",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "Y coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "cc963c9941e547d08144f531b6524ef4",
+ "Name": "z",
+ "Description": "Z coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c9f741c1f48d4e779c5203c590c77440",
+ "Name": "Point",
+ "Description": "Point created by coordinates",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 8.832,
+ "Id": "67670ad030b24a828e6cb843fead5113",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c05d07cd17b54e23bf16e146ef44dd1d",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 8.872,
+ "Id": "503457374de7478796824e6620c39403",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "baa94b12cba44d5cbd74216b7fb4b607",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double",
+ "Id": "d39d23059752452db8207f02d5f1c8c1",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1d499f05dc7644d6b54d33bf0bf24c88",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "X coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "2597a713cb6c445fbc38e1a8f000783f",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "Y coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "40daac7768e5437bbcbccb115b3ef9d6",
+ "Name": "z",
+ "Description": "Z coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "fdcbfc92e3b44583be19864c5e6f8e79",
+ "Name": "Point",
+ "Description": "Point created by coordinates",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode",
+ "Code": "12;",
+ "Id": "b760d993b5164d588a289e71b5e06865",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "7f97b075f8a146f3b5b39c9ca8114f6e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point[],bool",
+ "Id": "fd62f8e4bce84039a94bee0da7cbeaa2",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e7d29b12b8674748b021ccd886c8970e",
+ "Name": "points",
+ "Description": "Points to make polycurve\n\nPoint[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "499320dd9f7f49e1b97866a2bbadb7f6",
+ "Name": "connectLastToFirst",
+ "Description": "True to connect last point to first point, false to leave open\n\nbool\nDefault value : false",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9e846fd09e25421d96073c8fbb6e91fe",
+ "Name": "PolyCurve",
+ "Description": "Polycurve created by points",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Make PolyCurve by connecting points. Set the 'connectLastToFirst' input to true to close the PolyCurve.\n\nPolyCurve.ByPoints (points: Point[], connectLastToFirst: bool = false): PolyCurve"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double",
+ "Id": "99293cd6b029435780ff91a89f34d820",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2bd19f063161492e94f35c9f3b12494c",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "X coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "c675abef312a4fae8e852b59689d920e",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "Y coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "7812b230cebc4a6b930e4069a67421d9",
+ "Name": "z",
+ "Description": "Z coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "068f15d982914fefae0e2c2f3733ac21",
+ "Name": "Point",
+ "Description": "Point created by coordinates",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 29.577,
+ "Id": "666a473c00034f5d9a848d7df5ca2f51",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "347c135d6dbc4f7e8aa5c8f773e0ec8d",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 5.197,
+ "Id": "7b65e39398ac4ff68db6b6d563614a27",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "44fee82c6a8646fc85733ca9e42a2931",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels",
+ "VariableInputPorts": true,
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "78976dce323044a9ba76ffd8ba821cf5",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "650fd7c8bea74ba0bae1e7f1782c6939",
+ "Name": "item0",
+ "Description": "Item Index #0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "585b486cd4b54b529c6677f51a6724b4",
+ "Name": "item1",
+ "Description": "Item Index #1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
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+ "Id": "a905a59dae3a43e3909fe5d925947168",
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+ "Description": "A list (type: var[]..[])",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
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+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
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+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
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+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
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+ "UseLevels": false,
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+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
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+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
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+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
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+ "Name": "PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurveNormal",
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+ "Id": "411895d19d72476c959e7a8b7d6b086a",
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 926.5,
+ "Y": 333.27042544366691
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "04e87bea934f460abcf9d75e8e31ba7e",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -44.699999999999932,
+ "Y": 296.40000000000009
+ },
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+ "Id": "67670ad030b24a828e6cb843fead5113",
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+ "X": -487.89999999999992,
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -487.89999999999992,
+ "Y": 354.40000000000009
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d39d23059752452db8207f02d5f1c8c1",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
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+ },
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+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 672.1,
+ "Y": 440.2275
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "PolyCurve.ByPoints",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "fd62f8e4bce84039a94bee0da7cbeaa2",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 535.3,
+ "Y": 262.4
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "99293cd6b029435780ff91a89f34d820",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
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+ "Y": 502.40000000000009
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+ "Y": 649.40000000000009
+ },
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+ "Id": "78976dce323044a9ba76ffd8ba821cf5",
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+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1555.7332649077825,
+ "Y": 260.29409907108845
+ },
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0581779ca74345f1a1a579e694db7f5b",
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
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+ "Y": 260.29409907108845
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+ "Zoom": 0.62740812659763479
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRuledLoft.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRuledLoft.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..25234fa97f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRuledLoft.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Solid.ByRuledLoft",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRuledLoft@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve[],bool",
+ "Id": "2720effaa100409ba197b919b09147e5",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3782101995974361ab29a2704daf7d3d",
+ "Name": "crossSections",
+ "Description": "PolyCurve[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "2411377c66e140c5a9e9aba728024640",
+ "Name": "checkAndRepair",
+ "Description": "bool\nDefault value : true",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "fe997095bb4f427bb2682000825b8d89",
+ "Name": "Solid",
+ "Description": "Solid",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Solid by lofting between input cross-sections comprising of closed PolyCurves. This operation is optimized for sections composed of line segments exclusively, with vertices following the same order. The check and repair option guarantees the validity of the produced solid when enabled, while disabling it should increase performance.\n\nSolid.ByRuledLoft (crossSections: PolyCurve[], checkAndRepair: bool = true): Solid"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double",
+ "Id": "04673b73ebc2429cac7f59218904ff51",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f24153a3eab244cf8eb267a19ce2c70c",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "X coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "cea1e11f47d64aae87602c3402d98d2f",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "Y coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "13491bc78c574d0e9e46afdc820a2263",
+ "Name": "z",
+ "Description": "Z coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "07719117e1b74b53be32b3fd1f087d2d",
+ "Name": "Point",
+ "Description": "Point created by coordinates",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels",
+ "WatchWidth": 345.6,
+ "WatchHeight": 298.4,
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+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "2c0cb9f9-7122-49ea-8fc2-a5ccd2f749af Preview",
+ "EyeX": -2.4336032867431641,
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+ "LookY": -8.17365837097168,
+ "LookZ": -10.271685600280762,
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+ "UpY": 0.92797106504440308,
+ "UpZ": -0.3189634382724762
+ },
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
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+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4b43cf4d9a0345ab8dbbdc9241bb499d",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ab507bc069d940ee8d3b10a21d9a95f5",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Shows a dynamic preview of geometry."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle,int",
+ "Id": "4b136d53c6734eca8bd902f05a8f450a",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "50666ffde5f940dc9302d6d3b64abc0d",
+ "Name": "circle",
+ "Description": "Circle",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "65bd6df6d48c45bfb0689eb6331268af",
+ "Name": "numberSides",
+ "Description": "int\nDefault value : 5",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "907bf8de69c8440083292b5a48cfd162",
+ "Name": "Polygon",
+ "Description": "Polygon",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Construct an inscribed Polygon Curve within a circle.\n\nPolygon.RegularPolygon (circle: Circle, numberSides: int = 5): Polygon"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,double",
+ "Id": "4867db6d023a466dacc8a8fb1ec13f3a",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b0181ad29f0e422dac51fdceb3b80d91",
+ "Name": "centerPoint",
+ "Description": "Center point of circle\n\nPoint\nDefault value : Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0)",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "0c8f7be0caf5413bbd8503ce60dd9e7f",
+ "Name": "radius",
+ "Description": "Radius\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9ca88c494941435896abb78a5f268acf",
+ "Name": "Circle",
+ "Description": "Circle created with center point and radius",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Creates a Circle with input center Point and radius in the world XY plane, with world Z as normal.\n\nCircle.ByCenterPointRadius (centerPoint: Point = Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0), radius: double = 1): Circle"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode",
+ "Code": "0..5..#4;",
+ "Id": "70384bcd007b44c9aacad77327c6cf02",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "d5982a3d58bc46488cd61bdfeb4076da",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode",
+ "Code": "1..2..#4;",
+ "Id": "d5bcb36b4e4b4d3b82db1a687164351a",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "89a0e611a7c5453e956fa1da5b7b33f5",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly"
+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
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+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
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+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": 1.5129507780075073,
+ "EyeY": 7.7109966278076172,
+ "EyeZ": 8.3179931640625,
+ "LookX": -1.1227148771286011,
+ "LookY": -5.6104412078857422,
+ "LookZ": -10.152126312255859,
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+ "UpZ": -0.28063073754310608
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Solid.ByRuledLoft",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "2720effaa100409ba197b919b09147e5",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 339.14473799659618,
+ "Y": 587.765486229591
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "04673b73ebc2429cac7f59218904ff51",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -717.655262003404,
+ "Y": 492.737899639833
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch 3D",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "2c0cb9f9712249ea8fc2a5ccd2f749af",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 685.54473799659627,
+ "Y": 588.7378996398329
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Polygon.RegularPolygon",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "4b136d53c6734eca8bd902f05a8f450a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -16.855262003403823,
+ "Y": 588.7378996398329
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Circle.ByCenterPointRadius",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "4867db6d023a466dacc8a8fb1ec13f3a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -392.85526200340382,
+ "Y": 588.7378996398329
+ },
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "70384bcd007b44c9aacad77327c6cf02",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -972.05526200340387,
+ "Y": 560.565399639833
+ },
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d5bcb36b4e4b4d3b82db1a687164351a",
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -647.255262003404,
+ "Y": 718.565399639833
+ }
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+ "Zoom": 0.822695359375
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Separate.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Separate.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..453e967f6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Separate.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+ "Uuid": "8850209b-6aba-4bf0-8630-80fbc3267081",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Solid.Separate",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,double,double,double",
+ "Id": "bde0fa8bd23447dead4b4ba9d6b5737d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "48bdd747c0e74b56889ab8144ec3277d",
+ "Name": "origin",
+ "Description": "Origin point\n\nPoint\nDefault value : Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0)",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "1d8676b6865b49c298e97cf01e2a7a8f",
+ "Name": "width",
+ "Description": "Width of cuboid\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "19081c1e1b7a47628feb5b14eb603ad4",
+ "Name": "length",
+ "Description": "Length of cuboid\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "de1bf24e2654445e98427755c0d556ef",
+ "Name": "height",
+ "Description": "Height of cuboid\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "0a0f2ad0942b4e8984692a6c8d2f8571",
+ "Name": "Cuboid",
+ "Description": "Cuboid created by lengths",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Cuboid centered at input Point, with specified width, length, and height.\n\nCuboid.ByLengths (origin: Point = Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0), width: double = 1, length: double = 1, height: double = 1): Cuboid"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double",
+ "Id": "68c58c7be1cf45c4a77649526c126bcb",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "528dc39bc8db4f3e93015abd77375b04",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "X coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "df4fb09558bd4f8eaf45b29a0f350f63",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "Y coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "28ecf998d6454187b47945a270984cfa",
+ "Name": "z",
+ "Description": "Z coordinate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1aef5715a8834f1d85c057ead757d565",
+ "Name": "Point",
+ "Description": "Point created by coordinates",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 3.604,
+ "Id": "661a41b21cc84c57a6423a860547f2e1",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4fd6de53be68454b83aa1830d5400e3c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 10.0,
+ "Id": "7c7786b0c7114f35afd91d04739c43ff",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ec6951a4685b4fbfa501f9c347d77d80",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 8.2000000000000011,
+ "Id": "ef6aeda3f3f946238a972f7554bd05b2",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "700c1a9c956e4afa900807c9cb976c1e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,double,double,double",
+ "Id": "fe1d475a85f54033b0bee2b1b9a15d79",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "23d2a61f2acc449b8c3a54d4560a93d3",
+ "Name": "origin",
+ "Description": "Origin point\n\nPoint\nDefault value : Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0)",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "3830bb84b4d64a709e47db59f3c9f56e",
+ "Name": "width",
+ "Description": "Width of cuboid\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "46370438927249c5a829805fb6a1839a",
+ "Name": "length",
+ "Description": "Length of cuboid\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "a1cfc18102674a33a529348b88e2e2bf",
+ "Name": "height",
+ "Description": "Height of cuboid\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e255ed45110b494493db3564543ad6da",
+ "Name": "Cuboid",
+ "Description": "Cuboid created by lengths",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Cuboid centered at input Point, with specified width, length, and height.\n\nCuboid.ByLengths (origin: Point = Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0), width: double = 1, length: double = 1, height: double = 1): Cuboid"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid[]",
+ "Id": "520375394e5d467b8024bd757134a5ea",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "74f4a51c05c74d34b6be4c7d296e375d",
+ "Name": "solids",
+ "Description": "A collection of solids\n\nSolid[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6e664f928ee44b788499eb26c0ac1dd9",
+ "Name": "Solid",
+ "Description": "Solid",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Union a collection of solids into one solid\n\nSolid.ByUnion (solids: Solid[]): Solid"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels",
+ "VariableInputPorts": true,
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "45eb1a85ed0242d2a93c153bbcb17dfb",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3307a9f3631a4e628d77333ecf574548",
+ "Name": "item0",
+ "Description": "Item Index #0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "9c45dfdf7b124123b05134259f8486d0",
+ "Name": "item1",
+ "Description": "Item Index #1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e16dd888be44410b86293b1022d6aa70",
+ "Name": "list",
+ "Description": "A list (type: var[]..[])",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Separate",
+ "Id": "4b27a74f4ffc4ed0b78584f17e396704",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "7baa58bd3cbc4e65bd867709cc3cf553",
+ "Name": "solid",
+ "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "0002e2137a154634b7994cfbdcc71987",
+ "Name": "Solid[]..[]",
+ "Description": "separate disjoint solids",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Separates a Solid into individual Solids if it comprises more than one disjoint lump. Returns the same Solid if it is a single contiguous lump.\n\nSolid.Separate ( ): Solid[]..[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels",
+ "WatchWidth": 429.6,
+ "WatchHeight": 383.2,
+ "WasExecuted": true,
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "3ee6fbce-4e3c-400d-857d-758d89b12e77 Preview",
+ "EyeX": -11.209799766540527,
+ "EyeY": 3.8250806331634521,
+ "EyeZ": 20.109233856201172,
+ "LookX": 12.572794914245605,
+ "LookY": -2.7412650585174561,
+ "LookZ": -19.269617080688477,
+ "UpX": -0.053183134645223618,
+ "UpY": 0.99525254964828491,
+ "UpZ": 0.08151080459356308
+ },
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "3ee6fbce4e3c400d857d758d89b12e77",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9041955250524b6ab61cd4420cb39b6b",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "17ba9329c3754e2981f38b1465f9d9d1",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Shows a dynamic preview of geometry."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "176c289922484ca7a7e7914bd1828ef1",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "5b92ddaa62ac462eaed6807f9619de4c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4cdf1543789a473b88f8c187264f30b1",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
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+ "End": "9c45dfdf7b124123b05134259f8486d0",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Cuboid.ByLengths",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "bde0fa8bd23447dead4b4ba9d6b5737d",
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 523.37714705282986,
+ "Y": 456.79710808545121
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "68c58c7be1cf45c4a77649526c126bcb",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 80.177147052829866,
+ "Y": 499.79710808545121
+ },
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+ "Name": "Number Slider",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "661a41b21cc84c57a6423a860547f2e1",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -363.02285294717012,
+ "Y": 459.79710808545121
+ },
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "7c7786b0c7114f35afd91d04739c43ff",
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -363.02285294717012,
+ "Y": 607.7971080854511
+ },
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
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+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 80.177147052829866,
+ "Y": 351.79710808545116
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Cuboid.ByLengths",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "fe1d475a85f54033b0bee2b1b9a15d79",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 523.37714705282986,
+ "Y": 196.79710808545116
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Solid.ByUnion",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "520375394e5d467b8024bd757134a5ea",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1085.7771470528298,
+ "Y": 309.79710808545116
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "List Create",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "45eb1a85ed0242d2a93c153bbcb17dfb",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 830.57714705282979,
+ "Y": 309.79710808545116
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Solid.Separate",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "4b27a74f4ffc4ed0b78584f17e396704",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1376.17714705283,
+ "Y": 309.79710808545116
+ },
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+ "Name": "Watch 3D",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "3ee6fbce4e3c400d857d758d89b12e77",
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1684.9771470528299,
+ "Y": 61.797108085451157
+ },
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "176c289922484ca7a7e7914bd1828ef1",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
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+ "Zoom": 0.53804629768857071
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByUnion.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByUnion.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3808e83b71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByUnion.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Surface.ByUnion",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByUnion@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface[]",
+ "Id": "8f3ec34e62634509a21ef66fd49703a7",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "0b251db295d04199b7ca9f875c39d4cd",
+ "Name": "surfaces",
+ "Description": "A collection of surfaces.\n\nSurface[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "d50a90d1b2f2476e8f81a4da5197a17b",
+ "Name": "Surface",
+ "Description": "Union of surfaces",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Union a collection of surfaces into one surface. This method might return a polySurface if the resulting union is non-manifold or multi-faced.\n\nSurface.ByUnion (surfaces: Surface[]): Surface"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength@double,double",
+ "Id": "2dd8ebe952c946dda666bde875811e2c",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "fb16e957a2194c479c1e597ae5a74451",
+ "Name": "width",
+ "Description": "Width of rectangle\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "15dda378cd4b4d68a7ee7c72e0466ebb",
+ "Name": "length",
+ "Description": "Length of rectangle\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ee722cf78df04b448fc5d6b4602ed5c9",
+ "Name": "Rectangle",
+ "Description": "Rectangle created by width and length",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Rectangle centered at the WCS origin in the WCS XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length).\n\nRectangle.ByWidthLength (width: double = 1, length: double = 1): Rectangle"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem,double,double",
+ "Id": "76e51b92b7974def8244a2e8389156aa",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9914dc901a1c4292a8d59139fa64964a",
+ "Name": "coordinateSystem",
+ "Description": "Coordinate system of rectangle (center of rectangle)\n\nCoordinateSystem\nDefault value : Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin(0, 0, 0)",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "63ea406807584ed1a05e93e7c2d51d0d",
+ "Name": "width",
+ "Description": "Width of rectangle\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "3f2b758f3aa545d2b41dc5c63e4a7c75",
+ "Name": "length",
+ "Description": "Length of rectangle\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "382e71c364854b7ea0c4372c99a0c72b",
+ "Name": "Rectangle",
+ "Description": "Rectangle created from width and length",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length).\n\nRectangle.ByWidthLength (coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem = Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin(0, 0, 0), width: double = 1, length: double = 1): Rectangle"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin@double,double,double",
+ "Id": "95ecb51ccce6410e94cd8bdaf7f354ba",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "378c07e6b6c54b6b83bca36b2d99a42d",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "4507794f584446f4a77525efb4872f76",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "8ef210b512554061940c380910213f74",
+ "Name": "z",
+ "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "df61096cc4cc4ebdac715566af3e926a",
+ "Name": "CoordinateSystem",
+ "Description": "CoordinateSystem",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X, Y, and Z locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes.\n\nCoordinateSystem.ByOrigin (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): CoordinateSystem"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 10.0,
+ "Id": "fe9b02b242cb4e72b8ade16bc2280c04",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9ff7eaa927b9466e823677937dbe1f16",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve",
+ "Id": "9fa514b2c78f479ab06e1307f2e4c87d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a11e682854954664a80ed05483a213ad",
+ "Name": "closedCurve",
+ "Description": "Closed curve used as surface boundary\n\nCurve",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6357bd14315b4e3382b63ffa9f9f4e64",
+ "Name": "Surface",
+ "Description": "Surface created by patch",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves.\n\nSurface.ByPatch (closedCurve: Curve): Surface"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 8.0,
+ "Id": "93b65bf08a2849fd980a5992564c1fb1",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3a5dc85d67684726a25aab3ecfa97286",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels",
+ "VariableInputPorts": true,
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "9313d0422b954f7d9ca21fe613a0159b",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "551eeeb8f7594f05b3689b27d7f213d1",
+ "Name": "item0",
+ "Description": "Item Index #0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "6a8355289c2748b99ebbb380ea0619c1",
+ "Name": "item1",
+ "Description": "Item Index #1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4e029d9ec80a48078771a531a9d7c60f",
+ "Name": "list",
+ "Description": "A list (type: var[]..[])",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels",
+ "WatchWidth": 376.0,
+ "WatchHeight": 273.6,
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+ "EyeY": 12.398602485656738,
+ "EyeZ": 11.374279975891113,
+ "LookX": 5.2468981742858887,
+ "LookY": -13.690376281738281,
+ "LookZ": -13.886500358581543,
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+ "UpY": 0.86336028575897217,
+ "UpZ": -0.47201818227767944
+ },
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+ "Id": "4707d74201a44eb3bf26acf29519c8f0",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "7f6a69d7d6374de9807140f812b60182",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Shows a dynamic preview of geometry."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "8cc725136c5144f4b0982d68e191d126",
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+ {
+ "Id": "0b9e084ebaeb4ce89f5fa424a991dfc6",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e8e12101d83a42b0842e5bc91facdfce",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
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+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Surface.ByUnion",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "8f3ec34e62634509a21ef66fd49703a7",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1247.3257554699912,
+ "Y": 551.72865380490384
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Rectangle.ByWidthLength",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "2dd8ebe952c946dda666bde875811e2c",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 265.72575546999121,
+ "Y": 479.72865380490379
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Rectangle.ByWidthLength",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "76e51b92b7974def8244a2e8389156aa",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 265.72575546999121,
+ "Y": 657.72865380490384
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "95ecb51ccce6410e94cd8bdaf7f354ba",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -177.47424453000878,
+ "Y": 703.72865380490384
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number Slider",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "fe9b02b242cb4e72b8ade16bc2280c04",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -177.47424453000878,
+ "Y": 556.72865380490384
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Surface.ByPatch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "9fa514b2c78f479ab06e1307f2e4c87d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 907.32575546999124,
+ "Y": 551.72865380490384
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number Slider",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "93b65bf08a2849fd980a5992564c1fb1",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -620.67424453000876,
+ "Y": 720.72865380490384
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "List Create",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "9313d0422b954f7d9ca21fe613a0159b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 652.12575546999119,
+ "Y": 551.72865380490384
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch 3D",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "cdf58996a3b342aab2bde69bcf4362a9",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1566.5257554699911,
+ "Y": 358.72865380490379
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "8cc725136c5144f4b0982d68e191d126",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1566.5257554699911,
+ "Y": 744.72865380490384
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -4321.5014982479443,
+ "Y": -2282.837586162007,
+ "Zoom": 3.7188161083438636
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Difference.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Difference.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7350e5dc6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Difference.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+ "Uuid": "8850209b-6aba-4bf0-8630-80fbc3267081",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Surface.Difference",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength@double,double",
+ "Id": "82ae6f4332f14c9c871cc5986478ffa6",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6d50d488d5e94992b2e89d209489724c",
+ "Name": "width",
+ "Description": "Width of rectangle\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "1f4740d4530349f6a159545ec77a1704",
+ "Name": "length",
+ "Description": "Length of rectangle\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e7147299585b4b70bd865cf1562e1de2",
+ "Name": "Rectangle",
+ "Description": "Rectangle created by width and length",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Rectangle centered at the WCS origin in the WCS XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length).\n\nRectangle.ByWidthLength (width: double = 1, length: double = 1): Rectangle"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode",
+ "Code": "10;",
+ "Id": "013802641644476d80143168907ba5cb",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f7c6700842eb4f1ea4fcb9228bff2163",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve",
+ "Id": "99a5e10923b94d9b8a61f8d6284e4fc0",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c8f690c4a54b4dba8b53a93d5ff4ee46",
+ "Name": "closedCurve",
+ "Description": "Closed curve used as surface boundary\n\nCurve",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "21c7b27fc168453cb84c6eeb3aae7f0e",
+ "Name": "Surface",
+ "Description": "Surface created by patch",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves.\n\nSurface.ByPatch (closedCurve: Curve): Surface"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,double",
+ "Id": "1788b114a1ba4c4b9bf7b63c7ce00d97",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "5c09629a064d4d51acaf492dd826e6d1",
+ "Name": "centerPoint",
+ "Description": "Center point of circle\n\nPoint\nDefault value : Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0)",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "43ee9052d16e4b9c917c50a7796a4c80",
+ "Name": "radius",
+ "Description": "Radius\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "93fbb032fbf94d0695266bcd32ac7cc3",
+ "Name": "Circle",
+ "Description": "Circle created with center point and radius",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Creates a Circle with input center Point and radius in the world XY plane, with world Z as normal.\n\nCircle.ByCenterPointRadius (centerPoint: Point = Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0), radius: double = 1): Circle"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve",
+ "Id": "39dfd88821744c14bf8b457a2c28145a",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2c5905ff22e44f5088b841126a7a3d4b",
+ "Name": "closedCurve",
+ "Description": "Closed curve used as surface boundary\n\nCurve",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8f2c5b9e376047cf80529b57548e2ede",
+ "Name": "Surface",
+ "Description": "Surface created by patch",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves.\n\nSurface.ByPatch (closedCurve: Curve): Surface"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Difference@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface[]",
+ "Id": "4be15f1dadcb4a55856115b717385312",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "96cdb320c60f4fab9a69e91804c7af41",
+ "Name": "surface",
+ "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "11adec66a5724662b0a88a9957555942",
+ "Name": "others",
+ "Description": "Other surfaces to subtract\n\nSurface[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "65dba943d0aa495584579d7d9b8defe8",
+ "Name": "Surface",
+ "Description": "Resulting boolean surface or polySurface",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "The boolean difference of this Surface and the union of input Surfaces. This method might return a polySurface if the resulting boolean is non-manifold or multi-faced.\n\nSurface.Difference (others: Surface[]): Surface"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels",
+ "WatchWidth": 403.2,
+ "WatchHeight": 370.4,
+ "WasExecuted": true,
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "dd826072-e6ce-40dc-ab08-2c9bbcad3250 Preview",
+ "EyeX": -6.6261429786682129,
+ "EyeY": 8.0433139801025391,
+ "EyeZ": 9.47968864440918,
+ "LookX": 4.9035944938659668,
+ "LookY": -6.1923074722290039,
+ "LookZ": -6.8267421722412109,
+ "UpX": 0.23728629946708679,
+ "UpY": 0.91354542970657349,
+ "UpZ": -0.33034804463386536
+ },
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "dd826072e6ce40dcab082c9bbcad3250",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "639dc534cc2b4526a7e53bab35c4237c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "386cf9f5d8be44cb847c89aa5748e5be",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Shows a dynamic preview of geometry."
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "e7147299585b4b70bd865cf1562e1de2",
+ "End": "c8f690c4a54b4dba8b53a93d5ff4ee46",
+ "Id": "9b18ea9c872e4d58beaaca5c76aa18d2",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "f7c6700842eb4f1ea4fcb9228bff2163",
+ "End": "6d50d488d5e94992b2e89d209489724c",
+ "Id": "3447b26f7b60419db407c9e65e171af6",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "f7c6700842eb4f1ea4fcb9228bff2163",
+ "End": "1f4740d4530349f6a159545ec77a1704",
+ "Id": "d75ff23708a34b59be7771928aea84c3",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "21c7b27fc168453cb84c6eeb3aae7f0e",
+ "End": "96cdb320c60f4fab9a69e91804c7af41",
+ "Id": "5d578ea035d94972ae00b67375ab6a08",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "93fbb032fbf94d0695266bcd32ac7cc3",
+ "End": "2c5905ff22e44f5088b841126a7a3d4b",
+ "Id": "e673bb772c844eceb295e666a615a907",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "8f2c5b9e376047cf80529b57548e2ede",
+ "End": "11adec66a5724662b0a88a9957555942",
+ "Id": "b9a2f37b1af14527b6da323a814511c2",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "65dba943d0aa495584579d7d9b8defe8",
+ "End": "639dc534cc2b4526a7e53bab35c4237c",
+ "Id": "9ef6b5e321c640f9957768bd9fcbe159",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -14.984468460083008,
+ "EyeY": 37.830680847167969,
+ "EyeZ": 24.884689331054688,
+ "LookX": 9.9844684600830078,
+ "LookY": -26.830680847167969,
+ "LookZ": -32.884689331054688,
+ "UpX": 0.12553158402442932,
+ "UpY": 0.90183252096176147,
+ "UpZ": -0.41344895958900452
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Rectangle.ByWidthLength",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "82ae6f4332f14c9c871cc5986478ffa6",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 334.1,
+ "Y": 317.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Code Block",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "013802641644476d80143168907ba5cb",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 79.700000000000387,
+ "Y": 334.62750000000005
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Surface.ByPatch",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "99a5e10923b94d9b8a61f8d6284e4fc0",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 710.1,
+ "Y": 317.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Circle.ByCenterPointRadius",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "1788b114a1ba4c4b9bf7b63c7ce00d97",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 334.1,
+ "Y": 486.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Surface.ByPatch",
+ "ShowGeometry": false,
+ "Id": "39dfd88821744c14bf8b457a2c28145a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 710.1,
+ "Y": 486.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Surface.Difference",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "4be15f1dadcb4a55856115b717385312",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1050.1000000000004,
+ "Y": 396.92957455633319
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch 3D",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "dd826072e6ce40dcab082c9bbcad3250",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1362.9000000000005,
+ "Y": 395.80000000000007
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 72.667919999999526,
+ "Y": -132.62714000000005,
+ "Zoom": 0.70823125000000009
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/CoreNodeModels.Input.CustomSelection.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/CoreNodeModels.Input.CustomSelection.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c84bc01c413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/CoreNodeModels.Input.CustomSelection.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ "Uuid": "6c68174c-0d10-4c6f-8242-859c528f8659",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "CoreNodeModels.Input.CustomSelection",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.CustomSelection, CoreNodeModels",
+ "IsVisibleDropDownTextBlock": true,
+ "SerializedItems": [
+ {
+ "Name": "One",
+ "Item": "1"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Two",
+ "Item": "2"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Three",
+ "Item": "3"
+ }
+ ],
+ "SelectedIndex": 1,
+ "SelectedString": "Two",
+ "Id": "c9e9572249d6468ba64c011d04c2fc27",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3a219657ecac427aa08ebfaa23048a4d",
+ "Name": "Value",
+ "Description": "The selected Value",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A dropdown menu with customizable values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "Id": "052858ea06d54cad91d5f0f9442e9da0",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9e02181aa5234ed6ae3468b67ac31f2c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Produces numeric values",
+ "InputValue": 15.0
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "Id": "7fff5f84e8b7441a854f7bdb98117365",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "de90646522e04ed894d2f3ea6c08679e",
+ "Name": "x",
+ "Description": "Integer or double value\n\nvar[]..[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "8fdda69ef6614ca3bf5554717f8de471",
+ "Name": "y",
+ "Description": "Integer or double value\n\nvar[]..[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c1c1feb9818146f199ee9033b5cea7be",
+ "Name": "number",
+ "Description": "The product of the two input numbers",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "FunctionSignature": "*@var[]..[],var[]..[]",
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Returns multiplication of x times y\n\n* (x: var[]..[], y: var[]..[]): var[]..[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "WatchWidth": 34.666666666666664,
+ "WatchHeight": 38.0,
+ "Id": "65205449e23b43d3b3f60f83009dca2e",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "cc61a4f4e4d04a4e835ef38f4b78346b",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3ce6e4cd2d204ad6adc4eb16a2c8084e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualizes a node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "3a219657ecac427aa08ebfaa23048a4d",
+ "End": "de90646522e04ed894d2f3ea6c08679e",
+ "Id": "13e3e922ac6c45d1b472240e5c5c5f8e",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "9e02181aa5234ed6ae3468b67ac31f2c",
+ "End": "8fdda69ef6614ca3bf5554717f8de471",
+ "Id": "65b6aadb9637429bbfefd6e9ff902ce3",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "c1c1feb9818146f199ee9033b5cea7be",
+ "End": "cc61a4f4e4d04a4e835ef38f4b78346b",
+ "Id": "00786ef930a84c7cb1a7cdd305ab4d2d",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "EnableLegacyPolyCurveBehavior": null,
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "8.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "_Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c9e9572249d6468ba64c011d04c2fc27",
+ "Name": "Custom Selection",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "X": 367.66666666666674,
+ "Y": 456.33333333333337
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "052858ea06d54cad91d5f0f9442e9da0",
+ "Name": "Number Slider",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "X": 365.66666666666674,
+ "Y": 846.3333333333333
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "7fff5f84e8b7441a854f7bdb98117365",
+ "Name": "*",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "X": 803.6666666666665,
+ "Y": 455.66666666666663
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "65205449e23b43d3b3f60f83009dca2e",
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "X": 1087.0,
+ "Y": 455.66666666666663
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -643.581216931217,
+ "Y": -686.2510582010581,
+ "Zoom": 1.842063492063492
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ReadText.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ReadText.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98a208f9052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ReadText.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "FileSystem.ReadText",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ReadText@var",
+ "Id": "5527ca26566b49a6847954149d73ef4d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6c2182cbea8b47dca49cc91f89ca2c6f",
+ "Name": "file",
+ "Description": "File object to read text from\n\nvar",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "363b26cf4b574f75af0eccbad6409247",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "Contents of the text file.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Reads a text file and returns the contents as a string.\n\nFileSystem.ReadText (file: var): string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "7b16871b84aa43ae91a12b9b15c65635",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a9eba9c41a1a44ed8a657cc38b0a9fac",
+ "Name": "path",
+ "Description": "Path to the file.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f60ce8623ad3429e8984c88a01d6dc37",
+ "Name": "file",
+ "Description": "File object",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a file object from a path."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "f422657da5a841d698fa4df145146fdf",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "12a649d6ae1d4725849e4534445a8939",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "888157be98604afabd02cc43dd9f93cd",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": ".\\sample.txt",
+ "Id": "634d89866bd94e85a382969fbec4a487",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3043b52e2c454d51ae5c7defec177025",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "363b26cf4b574f75af0eccbad6409247",
+ "End": "12a649d6ae1d4725849e4534445a8939",
+ "Id": "196d6f68b8064c1bb740ed151ef09c5a",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "f60ce8623ad3429e8984c88a01d6dc37",
+ "End": "6c2182cbea8b47dca49cc91f89ca2c6f",
+ "Id": "7f8ab76eb4394aac81b53ee04adea0c8",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "3043b52e2c454d51ae5c7defec177025",
+ "End": "a9eba9c41a1a44ed8a657cc38b0a9fac",
+ "Id": "60a5ee7898e9491e94b85e6dca976081",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "FileSystem.ReadText",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "5527ca26566b49a6847954149d73ef4d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 881.39999999999975,
+ "Y": 271.20000000000005
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "File From Path",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "7b16871b84aa43ae91a12b9b15c65635",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 601.39999999999964,
+ "Y": 271.20000000000005
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f422657da5a841d698fa4df145146fdf",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1208.6,
+ "Y": 271.20000000000005
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "634d89866bd94e85a382969fbec4a487",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 354.1999999999997,
+ "Y": 271.20000000000005
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -342.20199999999954,
+ "Y": -102.99799999999999,
+ "Zoom": 1.1575
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number).dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number).dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..363bd5f61a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number).dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Math.Abs",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 0.0,
+ "Id": "edd804d6d7174413833583bfd4e2d80d",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8156e317806c43e2baf66be2fc76bda2",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": -50.0,
+ "Id": "2771998068144dde8fc4087427cb3f2f",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6b27ff66c51140e1aa81e01ab43c840e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 80.0,
+ "Id": "805950955cf0464e8e2ec315d5fa0cd7",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b65327a138d747d297091da3a0bb0d36",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels",
+ "VariableInputPorts": true,
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "4d3be59bf4ef4feaadad9fe07eb592b7",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ab654d0e438d47bd86a642d24a2b9081",
+ "Name": "item0",
+ "Description": "Item Index #0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "f45262ad264a4bc0997ef6cf0ada8639",
+ "Name": "item1",
+ "Description": "Item Index #1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "f5a7cd8fef0845b4b01bb960fe7cf0b5",
+ "Name": "item2",
+ "Description": "Item Index #2",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1c1a98b3e5404f23ada6c265e098d90c",
+ "Name": "list",
+ "Description": "A list (type: var[]..[])",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "73cee4dcf56145e7adfb15362123146e",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8da703e27b414a678481a495f5456874",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "445ee1fa08e64a6bbd940a48b3e31268",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.Math.Abs@double",
+ "Id": "e82e2b28db78414c88cb672fd2920b48",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1596ae7f598e4927ab7dea96b02d23fa",
+ "Name": "number",
+ "Description": "Number to get absolute value from\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a81d6860aca54b2abe1b7e97da01e165",
+ "Name": "number",
+ "Description": "Absolute value of the number",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Finds the absolute value of a number.\n\nMath.Abs (number: double): double"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "8156e317806c43e2baf66be2fc76bda2",
+ "End": "f45262ad264a4bc0997ef6cf0ada8639",
+ "Id": "ea6c5c35b2854147891349db9e7a1d03",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "6b27ff66c51140e1aa81e01ab43c840e",
+ "End": "ab654d0e438d47bd86a642d24a2b9081",
+ "Id": "3f7554aefdc643d982ee252f8c9a4db9",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "b65327a138d747d297091da3a0bb0d36",
+ "End": "f5a7cd8fef0845b4b01bb960fe7cf0b5",
+ "Id": "4e8dc3fcb079461bbe97e500d97c2c4a",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "1c1a98b3e5404f23ada6c265e098d90c",
+ "End": "1596ae7f598e4927ab7dea96b02d23fa",
+ "Id": "47ee8e39d25e476e83dab1cd845f1707",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "a81d6860aca54b2abe1b7e97da01e165",
+ "End": "8da703e27b414a678481a495f5456874",
+ "Id": "8cf904713c494a5786166266990f1056",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
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+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
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+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "edd804d6d7174413833583bfd4e2d80d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 467.81387465731746,
+ "Y": 357.26555107721487
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "2771998068144dde8fc4087427cb3f2f",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 467.81387465731746,
+ "Y": 210.26555107721484
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "805950955cf0464e8e2ec315d5fa0cd7",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 467.81387465731746,
+ "Y": 504.26555107721492
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "List Create",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "4d3be59bf4ef4feaadad9fe07eb592b7",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 700.61387465731741,
+ "Y": 323.26555107721487
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "73cee4dcf56145e7adfb15362123146e",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1271.0138746573175,
+ "Y": 323.26555107721487
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Math.Abs",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "e82e2b28db78414c88cb672fd2920b48",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 955.81387465731746,
+ "Y": 323.26555107721487
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -601.42037500000026,
+ "Y": -229.303925,
+ "Zoom": 1.33823125
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs.md b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number).md
similarity index 78%
rename from doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs.md
rename to doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number).md
index 43e8400683c..4db424f70bd 100644
--- a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs.md
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number).md
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Math.Abs finds the absolute value of a given number. An absolute value is the no
## Example File
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs_img.png b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number)_img.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs_img.png
rename to doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Abs(number)_img.png
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(seed)_img.jpg b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(seed)_img.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 82d1d75337a..00000000000
Binary files a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(seed)_img.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(value1, value2, seed).dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(value1, value2, seed).dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..091d02df872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(value1, value2, seed).dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ "Uuid": "8850209b-6aba-4bf0-8630-80fbc3267081",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Math.Random2",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 1.0,
+ "Id": "d00133fa20514a0ca8b796cb7bbe37f5",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "01f4de21d8f84af187fb6abfbe83a454",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "da5de20928214bd3b5c9bb14f8cb1a4a",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "db149e88ff7c43c5a0bd70049ddfd9ea",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4487d4f015bc44958c5034b437ca704f",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 42.1,
+ "Id": "6e5105f488374960a3a7e389d50249fc",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e6bf1c6c483940c5bef5e504372b3882",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.Math.Random@double,double,int",
+ "Id": "d6ef3820ef8c47bf9c0b7b935ee6177b",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c7cd9eb951c64360b72aba6a02756240",
+ "Name": "value1",
+ "Description": "Lower end of the range for the random number.\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "1755303c871d4d9e9a54f1f740d32cd3",
+ "Name": "value2",
+ "Description": "Higher end of the range for the random number.\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "5b889b1dd7c040c099fdb6b8a7707263",
+ "Name": "seed",
+ "Description": "Seed value for the random number generator.\n\nint",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3707604c680843a0b16c5289780336a2",
+ "Name": "number",
+ "Description": "Random number in the range [lower_number, higher_number).",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Produce a random number in the range [lower_number, higher_number) based on an initial seed value.\n\nMath.Random (value1: double, value2: double, seed: int): double"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.0,
+ "StepValue": 0.1,
+ "InputValue": 1.0,
+ "Id": "ead74d3e984f43ac8d8b9cbd00a7f9b3",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c36215d317e34b55876253b57b2d1227",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values."
+ }
+ ],
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+ "End": "c7cd9eb951c64360b72aba6a02756240",
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+ },
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+ "End": "1755303c871d4d9e9a54f1f740d32cd3",
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+ },
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+ "End": "db149e88ff7c43c5a0bd70049ddfd9ea",
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+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
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+ "End": "5b889b1dd7c040c099fdb6b8a7707263",
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+ }
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+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
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+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Number Slider",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d00133fa20514a0ca8b796cb7bbe37f5",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 287.58723501637007,
+ "Y": 361.43107273126418
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "da5de20928214bd3b5c9bb14f8cb1a4a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1024.0443309032,
+ "Y": 474.431072731264
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number Slider",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "6e5105f488374960a3a7e389d50249fc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 287.58723501637007,
+ "Y": 508.43107273126424
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Math.Random",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d6ef3820ef8c47bf9c0b7b935ee6177b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 730.78723501637,
+ "Y": 474.431072731264
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number Slider",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "ead74d3e984f43ac8d8b9cbd00a7f9b3",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 287.58723501637007,
+ "Y": 655.43107273126418
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -412.43317499999989,
+ "Y": -421.99834999999996,
+ "Zoom": 1.33823125
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(value1, value2, seed).md b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(value1, value2, seed).md
index fe517480b51..ae6fe547353 100644
--- a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(value1, value2, seed).md
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Random(value1, value2, seed).md
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Math.Random(value1,value2,seed) creates a random number between two values. This
## Example File
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount).dyn
similarity index 69%
rename from doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList.dyn
rename to doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount).dyn
index 4161221f4ed..9a1f2e222f2 100644
--- a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList.dyn
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount).dyn
@@ -1,42 +1,22 @@
- "Uuid": "e5e49851-5c96-4926-a9ea-a2aeba05dc13",
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
"IsCustomNode": false,
"Description": "",
- "Name": "DSCore.Math.RandomList",
+ "Name": "Math.RandomList",
"ElementResolver": {
"ResolutionMap": {}
"Inputs": [],
"Outputs": [],
"Nodes": [
- {
- "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
- "NumberType": "Double",
- "Id": "11a8f159cc4141629db4a1e70d860258",
- "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
- "Inputs": [],
- "Outputs": [
- {
- "Id": "cf38608bc23d4ac99b2e5fa9e21c6280",
- "Name": "",
- "Description": "Double",
- "UsingDefaultValue": false,
- "Level": 2,
- "UseLevels": false,
- "KeepListStructure": false
- }
- ],
- "Replication": "Disabled",
- "Description": "Creates a number",
- "InputValue": 350.0
- },
"ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
- "Id": "d345c472860644e58ded6052e6fe9500",
"NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.Math.RandomList@int",
+ "Id": "edc16fd7297e4f6eadd614479619964a",
"Inputs": [
- "Id": "f0382b1db51647ef8402e0da5463d3d6",
+ "Id": "6aab733c9be84bc9b4a33ceb30c337e3",
"Name": "amount",
"Description": "Amount of random numbers the result list will contain.\n\nint",
"UsingDefaultValue": false,
@@ -47,7 +27,7 @@
"Outputs": [
- "Id": "ff287ba222954652b917d8985e0c7a57",
+ "Id": "30ce83d4604b4ffcb9f8c9b155f658e3",
"Name": "number",
"Description": "List of random numbers between 0 and 1.",
"UsingDefaultValue": false,
@@ -56,19 +36,37 @@
"KeepListStructure": false
- "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.Math.RandomList@int",
"Replication": "Auto",
"Description": "Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the range of [0, 1).\n\nMath.RandomList (amount: int): var[]..[]"
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 350.0,
+ "Id": "43cf2ad8c38744b7a418be3af6faa053",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "0191434e5b584126acea46ff8fabeb49",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
"ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
- "WatchWidth": 234.0,
- "WatchHeight": 244.0,
- "Id": "61dd300db9884ef4bf30f821791dc3be",
"NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "28558eec006f46b583d41b0fe789e1f7",
"Inputs": [
- "Id": "216ce60c14ae4285ba14d0351fd4b33c",
+ "Id": "952f8742c41e4846b30925d0d08813fc",
"Name": "",
"Description": "Node to show output from",
"UsingDefaultValue": false,
@@ -79,7 +77,7 @@
"Outputs": [
- "Id": "63b3076e4a4641f6b98010ee3ea92142",
+ "Id": "2d12a5816afe44b7a51ec0465c8011e1",
"Name": "",
"Description": "Node output",
"UsingDefaultValue": false,
@@ -89,20 +87,20 @@
"Replication": "Disabled",
- "Description": "Visualizes a node's output"
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
"Connectors": [
- "Start": "cf38608bc23d4ac99b2e5fa9e21c6280",
- "End": "f0382b1db51647ef8402e0da5463d3d6",
- "Id": "d5814ad03cba494ca3a29fb2325873e8",
+ "Start": "30ce83d4604b4ffcb9f8c9b155f658e3",
+ "End": "952f8742c41e4846b30925d0d08813fc",
+ "Id": "e4bf6ee757d047179c15e3467af2bbd0",
"IsHidden": "False"
- "Start": "ff287ba222954652b917d8985e0c7a57",
- "End": "216ce60c14ae4285ba14d0351fd4b33c",
- "Id": "4525ae071aba411bbc57e6aff776df5e",
+ "Start": "0191434e5b584126acea46ff8fabeb49",
+ "End": "6aab733c9be84bc9b4a33ceb30c337e3",
+ "Id": "0e87b8d1fdc9474fab5328c397f44c74",
"IsHidden": "False"
@@ -114,13 +112,7 @@
"ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
"Name": "Properties",
- "Version": "2.18",
- "Data": {}
- },
- {
- "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
- "Name": "Generative Design",
- "Version": "1.2",
+ "Version": "2.14",
"Data": {}
@@ -137,12 +129,12 @@
"ScaleFactor": 1.0,
"HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
"IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
- "Version": "",
- "RunType": "Manual",
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
"RunPeriod": "1000"
"Camera": {
- "Name": "_Background Preview",
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
"EyeX": -17.0,
"EyeY": 24.0,
"EyeZ": 50.0,
@@ -156,39 +148,39 @@
"ConnectorPins": [],
"NodeViews": [
- "Id": "11a8f159cc4141629db4a1e70d860258",
- "Name": "Number",
+ "Name": "Math.RandomList",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "edc16fd7297e4f6eadd614479619964a",
"IsSetAsInput": false,
"IsSetAsOutput": false,
"Excluded": false,
- "ShowGeometry": true,
- "X": 617.0,
- "Y": 439.0
+ "X": 617.6,
+ "Y": 326.2
- "Id": "d345c472860644e58ded6052e6fe9500",
- "Name": "Math.RandomList",
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "43cf2ad8c38744b7a418be3af6faa053",
"IsSetAsInput": false,
"IsSetAsOutput": false,
"Excluded": false,
- "ShowGeometry": true,
- "X": 845.0,
- "Y": 437.0
+ "X": 384.8,
+ "Y": 326.2
- "Id": "61dd300db9884ef4bf30f821791dc3be",
"Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "28558eec006f46b583d41b0fe789e1f7",
"IsSetAsInput": false,
"IsSetAsOutput": false,
"Excluded": false,
- "ShowGeometry": true,
- "X": 1151.0,
- "Y": 436.0
+ "X": 932.8,
+ "Y": 326.2
"Annotations": [],
- "X": -346.15758885693833,
- "Y": -170.98680023763819,
- "Zoom": 0.96546970479948491
+ "X": -695.49440814099842,
+ "Y": -356.73525858965195,
+ "Zoom": 2.0566802683342771
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount, value1, value2, seed).dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount, value1, value2, seed).dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc87eb29703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount, value1, value2, seed).dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Math.RandomList",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.Math.RandomList@int,double,double,int",
+ "Id": "22608925effd41da8276cc1f3fa556e1",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "d8f69ad5d57149bdab8deee9c4542573",
+ "Name": "amount",
+ "Description": "Amount of random numbers the result list will contain.\n\nint",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "8500e786f93c4dc2861ca60d67f1868b",
+ "Name": "value1",
+ "Description": "Lower end of the range for the random number.\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "7811d2f5d309421681dae748af9f3c68",
+ "Name": "value2",
+ "Description": "Higher end of the range for the random number.\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "225f7b146669408297dbca0059f32dc7",
+ "Name": "seed",
+ "Description": "Seed value for the random number generator.\n\nint",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8bc9be80584d4fb9a87c645a2da24c86",
+ "Name": "number",
+ "Description": "List of random numbers in the range [lower_number, higher_number).",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the defined range of [lower_number, higher_number) based on an initial seed value.\n\nMath.RandomList (amount: int, value1: double, value2: double, seed: int): var[]..[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 350.0,
+ "Id": "aad45e136f294016b9569e77da6a7495",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4717cfa39bc34971b8973cf14495f109",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 10.0,
+ "Id": "79f82eaf7d774a1fbb495bfac92c963d",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "da20c284f29a457a8f0ce542ff0fdf47",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 20.0,
+ "Id": "7a10649ba8fd4cd9bac7edb7bc455342",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1fa7671279284cb5affedbef3b400e08",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 0.0,
+ "Id": "d54d34a2d72a45f5883172a33e47c413",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f54cacf0893149b28513b1443989f417",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "bd376124aaa24d47b6683358c4c541c0",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "d6a0a2fc7c7845d68709a31d48d2282c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "5beb431acbe34681a91be3f06cef7f88",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
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+ "Data": {}
+ }
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+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
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+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Math.RandomList",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "22608925effd41da8276cc1f3fa556e1",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 783.35269177384271,
+ "Y": 424.60951340803547
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "aad45e136f294016b9569e77da6a7495",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 550.552691773843,
+ "Y": 254.609513408035
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "79f82eaf7d774a1fbb495bfac92c963d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 550.552691773843,
+ "Y": 401.609513408035
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "7a10649ba8fd4cd9bac7edb7bc455342",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 550.552691773843,
+ "Y": 549.609513408035
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d54d34a2d72a45f5883172a33e47c413",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 550.552691773843,
+ "Y": 696.609513408035
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "bd376124aaa24d47b6683358c4c541c0",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1098.5526917738428,
+ "Y": 424.60951340803547
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -317.7930803135464,
+ "Y": -226.65933619161808,
+ "Zoom": 1.0542982150113263
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount, value1, value2, seed).md b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount, value1, value2, seed).md
index 996bb97022c..02211f8f239 100644
--- a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount, value1, value2, seed).md
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList(amount, value1, value2, seed).md
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Math.RandomList(amount,value1,value2,seed) produces a random list with the given
## Example File
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList.md b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 68749aa50cd..00000000000
--- a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-## In Depth
-`Math.RandomList (amount)` produces the given amount of random numbers between 0 and 1. This node is commonly paired with a `Math.RemapRange` node to recreate the list within a new range of numbers while preserving the distribution ratio.
-In the example below, an ‘amount’ input of 350 is used to generate 350 random numbers between 0 and 1.
-## Example File
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList_img.jpg b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList_img.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 27c653b4d3e..00000000000
Binary files a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.RandomList_img.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Sign(int).dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Sign(int).dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9da1fceade1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.Math.Sign(int).dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Math.Sign",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.Math.Sign@int",
+ "Id": "22410b57926a406bab88822365d11f16",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "47c78b110f2d416d96629c1ddd902d70",
+ "Name": "int",
+ "Description": "int",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "889d71a4c80248389bb0250a231de5a4",
+ "Name": "int",
+ "Description": "The sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1.\n\nMath.Sign (int: int): int"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 0.0,
+ "Id": "edd804d6d7174413833583bfd4e2d80d",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8156e317806c43e2baf66be2fc76bda2",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": -50.0,
+ "Id": "2771998068144dde8fc4087427cb3f2f",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6b27ff66c51140e1aa81e01ab43c840e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 80.0,
+ "Id": "805950955cf0464e8e2ec315d5fa0cd7",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b65327a138d747d297091da3a0bb0d36",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels",
+ "VariableInputPorts": true,
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "4d3be59bf4ef4feaadad9fe07eb592b7",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ab654d0e438d47bd86a642d24a2b9081",
+ "Name": "item0",
+ "Description": "Item Index #0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "f45262ad264a4bc0997ef6cf0ada8639",
+ "Name": "item1",
+ "Description": "Item Index #1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "f5a7cd8fef0845b4b01bb960fe7cf0b5",
+ "Name": "item2",
+ "Description": "Item Index #2",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1c1a98b3e5404f23ada6c265e098d90c",
+ "Name": "list",
+ "Description": "A list (type: var[]..[])",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "73cee4dcf56145e7adfb15362123146e",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8da703e27b414a678481a495f5456874",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "445ee1fa08e64a6bbd940a48b3e31268",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "889d71a4c80248389bb0250a231de5a4",
+ "End": "8da703e27b414a678481a495f5456874",
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+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
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+ "End": "ab654d0e438d47bd86a642d24a2b9081",
+ "Id": "3f7554aefdc643d982ee252f8c9a4db9",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
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+ "End": "f5a7cd8fef0845b4b01bb960fe7cf0b5",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "1c1a98b3e5404f23ada6c265e098d90c",
+ "End": "47c78b110f2d416d96629c1ddd902d70",
+ "Id": "598bc177ca6f4304951c3ad7fe103140",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
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+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Math.Sign",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "22410b57926a406bab88822365d11f16",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 984.61387465731491,
+ "Y": 323.26555107721487
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "edd804d6d7174413833583bfd4e2d80d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 496.61387465731491,
+ "Y": 357.26555107721487
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "2771998068144dde8fc4087427cb3f2f",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 496.61387465731491,
+ "Y": 210.26555107721489
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "805950955cf0464e8e2ec315d5fa0cd7",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 496.61387465731491,
+ "Y": 504.26555107721492
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "List Create",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "4d3be59bf4ef4feaadad9fe07eb592b7",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 729.41387465731486,
+ "Y": 323.26555107721487
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "73cee4dcf56145e7adfb15362123146e",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1241.0182666486096,
+ "Y": 323.26555107721487
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -594.22037500000022,
+ "Y": -229.303925,
+ "Zoom": 1.33823125
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.String.GetNumber.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.String.GetNumber.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e1188ef778e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.String.GetNumber.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "String.GetNumber",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.String.GetNumber@string",
+ "Id": "84582b7320c14598a4b77bfb68ad1c57",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "17974372abbe4e0d9124975da45f71b3",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "Target string to be get\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f5d1b9eeab0748389ed53f2ac0686c97",
+ "Name": "str",
+ "Description": "Number In string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Get all of the number strings from the target string as a string\n\nString.GetNumber (string: string): string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "i need about 350",
+ "Id": "83fb135a43954cab8beafa342610f5af",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a324eda445d14554924212a18e37b748",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "a3ef97a3c521498d934d295377224667",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "04d2be94c7534cab8cd10732319ddb28",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "281438e9a5d04a60955fe1939b56fe25",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.Object.Type@var",
+ "Id": "39a032ba96b347f583d156268634f23b",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "019819ab7d4b46b682d4b3f1206c3abb",
+ "Name": "object",
+ "Description": "Object to query type\n\nvar",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "826ecda79ada4253af4142c2d6e9f1e3",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "Type of object.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Returns the type of object represented as string.\n\nObject.Type (object: var): string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "cc4d8a7dea3d4b37aac252b8cddfcb55",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2dfa2f1cacf142f79542c161b7de5526",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "81eeb390825541a3a863b65d00368446",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
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+ "End": "04d2be94c7534cab8cd10732319ddb28",
+ "Id": "66350dc9d54648ab866ec020908c5f39",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
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+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
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+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
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+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "String.GetNumber",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "84582b7320c14598a4b77bfb68ad1c57",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 619.20000000000016,
+ "Y": 428.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "83fb135a43954cab8beafa342610f5af",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 333.60000000000014,
+ "Y": 428.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "a3ef97a3c521498d934d295377224667",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1224.8000000000002,
+ "Y": 271.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Object.Type",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "39a032ba96b347f583d156268634f23b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 928.00000000000023,
+ "Y": 585.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "cc4d8a7dea3d4b37aac252b8cddfcb55",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1224.8000000000002,
+ "Y": 585.8
+ }
+ ],
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+ "Y": -68.799999999999955,
+ "Zoom": 1.0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.String.ToTitle.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.String.ToTitle.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d0e61073e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSCore.String.ToTitle.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ "Uuid": "a1f8647b-58bb-4aff-bbe7-cc5c87ab86b9",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "String.ToTitle",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.String.ToTitle@string",
+ "Id": "9f0f2a8c36354fb7b6911cd95420f52d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f29e40a2d961432ca0f4259358562716",
+ "Name": "str",
+ "Description": "String to be made title case\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "69584121f88f437d9ad9447a944e5e43",
+ "Name": "str",
+ "Description": "Title case string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Converts the given string to title case.\n\nString.ToTitle (str: string): string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "this is a string",
+ "Id": "8f902be75f954a0ba066c756de295a3a",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ba26936d02a245aeb504b7cacb5e80f3",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "34087a72aef546d9b78a1385a0e485dc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "13e9b10cfaf84a94b77179911f266a0f",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e2b389e3ea734630adea3dc545fdedc7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
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+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
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+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
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+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
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+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
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+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "String.ToTitle",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "9f0f2a8c36354fb7b6911cd95420f52d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 652.80000000000018,
+ "Y": 251.60000000000008
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "8f902be75f954a0ba066c756de295a3a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 386.4000000000002,
+ "Y": 251.60000000000008
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "34087a72aef546d9b78a1385a0e485dc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 924.80000000000018,
+ "Y": 251.60000000000008
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 0.0,
+ "Y": 0.0,
+ "Zoom": 1.0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.ExportToExcel.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.ExportToExcel.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0bc414c102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.ExportToExcel.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Data.ExportToExcel",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode",
+ "Code": "\"A\"..\"D\";\n0..3;",
+ "Id": "120ad8913fb6403f8f60c410c65280c4",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "19852cee33da4837a59eec5c4eb8288c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "5630adc280b44127b9a2912c29737609",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 2",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels",
+ "VariableInputPorts": true,
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "bb286254943d46b0878b445ee66f7403",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6cc578245a9542cfa703cb5caf0ca0cc",
+ "Name": "item0",
+ "Description": "Item Index #0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "63ecbd87795d4fbbb9491bfac8ea6db3",
+ "Name": "item1",
+ "Description": "Item Index #1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6b43f24fd71c43d39a83891f791a6834",
+ "Name": "list",
+ "Description": "A list (type: var[]..[])",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "LettersAndNumbers",
+ "Id": "35a3e742a3c34ef286bb99367726f107",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "7e686e32baca4ebc9d6e309ea215e858",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "5e99d453c5ec4045a979fa21d4ab4261",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "acc73124f90641eb89a8409e2005b821",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "287be5cb1e0943f8b298562316888ce2",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename, CoreNodeModels",
+ "HintPath": "D:\\Autodesk\\Generative BIM - Dynamo Dictionary\\Data.OpenXMLExportExcel\\Sample.xlsx",
+ "InputValue": ".\\Sample.xlsx",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "f033c80c7f2145f98453d3eab5016f3f",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1f9f3dad0b924f19a69524951b2e7646",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "File Path",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows you to select a file on the system to get its file path."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSOffice.Data.ExportToExcel@string,string,int,int,var[][],bool,bool",
+ "Id": "d83f975ac77e486f94432b12be2efe88",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "519e0697b7e54df9a4029d617f47d6db",
+ "Name": "filePath",
+ "Description": "File representing the Excel workbook\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "1ed1cd598ef741588b635cfe689e08a4",
+ "Name": "sheetName",
+ "Description": "Name of the worksheet containing data\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "22c40f9e7dd64101bc4c48069ed664a8",
+ "Name": "startRow",
+ "Description": "Start row for writing data. Enter 0 for Row 1, 1 for Row 2, etc.\n\nint",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "4565c438b67a4bb1b268d1f911482faf",
+ "Name": "startColumn",
+ "Description": "Start column for writing data. Enter 0 for Column A, 1 for Column B, etc.\n\nint",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "129f0876fc224adfb4d7ed0ad30dd9ce",
+ "Name": "data",
+ "Description": "Data to write to the spreadsheet\n\nvar[][]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "d491e32d0b5b4081b7ff830fd1756f49",
+ "Name": "overWrite",
+ "Description": "Toggle to clear spreadsheet before writing\n\nbool\nDefault value : false",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "fa255d6563a94805ada4247baadefa84",
+ "Name": "writeAsString",
+ "Description": "Toggle to switch between writing Excel file as strings\n\nbool\nDefault value : false",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "47d01089052d4a91bcf52ba156c4cca3",
+ "Name": "data",
+ "Description": "Rows of data from the Excel worksheet",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written to Excel as empty cells. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed.\n\nData.ExportToExcel (filePath: string, sheetName: string, startRow: int, startColumn: int, data: var[][], overWrite: bool = false, writeAsString: bool = false): var[][]"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode",
+ "Code": "0;",
+ "Id": "f44ed2336d344d2fa9da3c53cb0f52a7",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b057d626cc4d48a39060fcbf6451b164",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "19852cee33da4837a59eec5c4eb8288c",
+ "End": "6cc578245a9542cfa703cb5caf0ca0cc",
+ "Id": "4b29925dcffb47f299440cebe4e041bf",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "5630adc280b44127b9a2912c29737609",
+ "End": "63ecbd87795d4fbbb9491bfac8ea6db3",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "6b43f24fd71c43d39a83891f791a6834",
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+ },
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+ "Start": "7e686e32baca4ebc9d6e309ea215e858",
+ "End": "1ed1cd598ef741588b635cfe689e08a4",
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+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "1f9f3dad0b924f19a69524951b2e7646",
+ "End": "519e0697b7e54df9a4029d617f47d6db",
+ "Id": "f473bc454f4949588683123f498a88c1",
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+ },
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+ "Start": "47d01089052d4a91bcf52ba156c4cca3",
+ "End": "acc73124f90641eb89a8409e2005b821",
+ "Id": "13640aa350464ff3adbbbe0c8824e0f3",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "b057d626cc4d48a39060fcbf6451b164",
+ "End": "22c40f9e7dd64101bc4c48069ed664a8",
+ "Id": "4ef2ea14fe6341ec953c0f6faacfaadf",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "b057d626cc4d48a39060fcbf6451b164",
+ "End": "4565c438b67a4bb1b268d1f911482faf",
+ "Id": "52386c1443f24f7d8d56a55a482d1868",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Sample.xlsx",
+ "ReferenceType": "External",
+ "Nodes": [
+ "f033c80c7f2145f98453d3eab5016f3f"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
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+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
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+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Code Block",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "120ad8913fb6403f8f60c410c65280c4",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 210.99999999999994,
+ "Y": 529.25499999999988
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "List Create",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "bb286254943d46b0878b445ee66f7403",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 519.0,
+ "Y": 520.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "35a3e742a3c34ef286bb99367726f107",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 465.4,
+ "Y": 227.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "5e99d453c5ec4045a979fa21d4ab4261",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1129.6,
+ "Y": 234.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "File Path",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f033c80c7f2145f98453d3eab5016f3f",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 533.4,
+ "Y": 70.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Data.ExportToExcel",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d83f975ac77e486f94432b12be2efe88",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 774.2,
+ "Y": 234.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Code Block",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f44ed2336d344d2fa9da3c53cb0f52a7",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 519.8,
+ "Y": 374.4275
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -682.42151332697267,
+ "Y": -104.19657508822073,
+ "Zoom": 1.5193932772469254
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcel.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcel.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b74e0ec858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcel.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Data.OpenXMLImportExcel",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcel@string,string,int,int,bool",
+ "Id": "3c0c88dbb9284137b49a26ddaa57dfea",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "10ead2e919064a0ca223965c6a51ea17",
+ "Name": "filePath",
+ "Description": "File representing the Excel workbook\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "fe162e17673f4bf2a17f6bbb60d879a8",
+ "Name": "sheetName",
+ "Description": "Name of the worksheet containing data\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "f691d9546a7d499bb86d981a7fa7f3ad",
+ "Name": "startRow",
+ "Description": "Start row for reading data. Enter 0 for Row 1, 1 for Row 2, etc.\n\nint\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "5091aae06fb74c9ab56be93e6baf3f7b",
+ "Name": "startColumn",
+ "Description": "Start column for reading data. Enter 0 for Column A, 1 for Column B, etc.\n\nint\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "1c0212ecc2694cd2aa9e78650cd90f2b",
+ "Name": "readAsString",
+ "Description": "Toggle to read cells as strings\n\nbool\nDefault value : false",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3d351c732cf941f49bd6139a7fc7f7c3",
+ "Name": "data",
+ "Description": "Rows of data from the Excel worksheet",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Read data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by using the Open XML standard. Data is read by row and returned in a series of lists by row. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in cell A1 will appear in the data list at [0,0].\n\nData.OpenXMLImportExcel (filePath: string, sheetName: string, startRow: int = 0, startColumn: int = 0, readAsString: bool = false): var[][]"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "Sheet Numbers",
+ "Id": "882e0dcda0ff4052aba532f3042c310a",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "7ba8312ed1764f65a5e81ded47a1983c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename, CoreNodeModels",
+ "HintPath": "D:\\Autodesk\\Generative BIM - Dynamo Dictionary\\Data.OpenXMLExportExcel\\DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcelSample.xlsx",
+ "InputValue": ".\\DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcelSample.xlsx",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "f54a8654a8704b7696130bbbf0513701",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8fb11dda0b2e4956bc04860a89d3e9a7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "File Path",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows you to select a file on the system to get its file path."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "8bd57302fd9a494b8349bab7a42867b0",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4cd34d577f5b4716babda0710e36b31a",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "55087a7730f34c08acea340dde59c13a",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSCore.List.Transpose@var[]..[]",
+ "Id": "c42a5f9a69b84446a1a37ac024f00887",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "04e9e4b667c240bfa15a5e4c8c324e9a",
+ "Name": "lists",
+ "Description": "List of lists to be transposed\n\nvar[]..[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "77288e4c5a894fdcbf1361d9e58d68ae",
+ "Name": "lists",
+ "Description": "List of transposed lists",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Swaps rows and columns in a list of lists. If there are some rows that are shorter than others, null values are inserted as place holders in the resultant array such that it is always rectangular.\n\nList.Transpose (lists: var[]..[]): var[]..[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "f38f5d91ded3440d8a8c943adeaefadc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f53f0feb4f404e10accb57e6de70334d",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1c737a62520e40da9666ccf931f7e736",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "3d351c732cf941f49bd6139a7fc7f7c3",
+ "End": "4cd34d577f5b4716babda0710e36b31a",
+ "Id": "557f6e48e3b04e0b95da949f4fd1b399",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "3d351c732cf941f49bd6139a7fc7f7c3",
+ "End": "04e9e4b667c240bfa15a5e4c8c324e9a",
+ "Id": "71a65dfdb2984c94a0edda17bbd19fa9",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "7ba8312ed1764f65a5e81ded47a1983c",
+ "End": "fe162e17673f4bf2a17f6bbb60d879a8",
+ "Id": "72de01f8eed9462bacb22e7399e54299",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "8fb11dda0b2e4956bc04860a89d3e9a7",
+ "End": "10ead2e919064a0ca223965c6a51ea17",
+ "Id": "90dce1687c1b48aba569e9556bb5a76f",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "77288e4c5a894fdcbf1361d9e58d68ae",
+ "End": "f53f0feb4f404e10accb57e6de70334d",
+ "Id": "a8aa6a9e8ae14525865c082edd295ba4",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [
+ {
+ "Name": "sample.xlsx",
+ "ReferenceType": "External",
+ "Nodes": [
+ "f54a8654a8704b7696130bbbf0513701"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Data.OpenXMLImportExcel",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "3c0c88dbb9284137b49a26ddaa57dfea",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 769.6,
+ "Y": 366.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "882e0dcda0ff4052aba532f3042c310a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 495.20000000000005,
+ "Y": 462.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "File Path",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f54a8654a8704b7696130bbbf0513701",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 495.20000000000005,
+ "Y": 304.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "8bd57302fd9a494b8349bab7a42867b0",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1424.8000000000002,
+ "Y": 551.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "List.Transpose",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "c42a5f9a69b84446a1a37ac024f00887",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1143.2,
+ "Y": 209.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f38f5d91ded3440d8a8c943adeaefadc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1422.4,
+ "Y": 209.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -366.39999999999975,
+ "Y": -99.200000000000045,
+ "Zoom": 1.0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcelSample.xlsx b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcelSample.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5ae95fbb8a
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcelSample.xlsx differ
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcel.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcel.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07132dc623e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcel.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Data.OpenXMLExportExcel",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLExportExcel@string,string,var[][],int,int,bool,bool",
+ "Id": "ea8ddcbdaeae47849fa5a5c59c94ab70",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4f8e50f3dfb74327825b4688682dc0ee",
+ "Name": "filePath",
+ "Description": "File representing the Excel workbook\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "88fc15d6d825477ba80784ec5ca09325",
+ "Name": "sheetName",
+ "Description": "Name of the worksheet containing data\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "18d799baa9744de6849b7263ef622d01",
+ "Name": "data",
+ "Description": "Data to write to the spreadsheet\n\nvar[][]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "485533c3b3354d108e98a9c5f660734b",
+ "Name": "startRow",
+ "Description": "Start row for writing data. Enter 0 for Row 1, 1 for Row 2, etc.\n\nint\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "b318192fe68442f590314c74399ba61b",
+ "Name": "startColumn",
+ "Description": "Start column for writing data. Enter 0 for Column A, 1 for Column B, etc.\n\nint\nDefault value : 0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "8acd499314df42719da0409c87e39ca7",
+ "Name": "overWrite",
+ "Description": "Toggle to clear spreadsheet before writing\n\nbool\nDefault value : false",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "642334e9ebf94e23a853a6e480b56273",
+ "Name": "writeAsString",
+ "Description": "Toggle to switch between writing cell values as strings\n\nbool\nDefault value : false",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ea32457cb5e3441baa9dbc1313452a53",
+ "Name": "bool",
+ "Description": "Boolean indicating if writing to spreadsheet is successful.",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by using the Open XML standard. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written as empty cells.\n\nData.OpenXMLExportExcel (filePath: string, sheetName: string, data: var[][], startRow: int = 0, startColumn: int = 0, overWrite: bool = false, writeAsString: bool = false): bool"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode",
+ "Code": "\"A\"..\"D\";\n0..3;",
+ "Id": "120ad8913fb6403f8f60c410c65280c4",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "5d608fea2a554cdcb804c8a1a6b10773",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "0c8b97eb63874d5d821c3cb672ebeb8e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Value of expression at line 2",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels",
+ "VariableInputPorts": true,
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "bb286254943d46b0878b445ee66f7403",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6cc578245a9542cfa703cb5caf0ca0cc",
+ "Name": "item0",
+ "Description": "Item Index #0",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "63ecbd87795d4fbbb9491bfac8ea6db3",
+ "Name": "item1",
+ "Description": "Item Index #1",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6b43f24fd71c43d39a83891f791a6834",
+ "Name": "list",
+ "Description": "A list (type: var[]..[])",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "LettersAndNumbers",
+ "Id": "35a3e742a3c34ef286bb99367726f107",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "7e686e32baca4ebc9d6e309ea215e858",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "5e99d453c5ec4045a979fa21d4ab4261",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "acc73124f90641eb89a8409e2005b821",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "287be5cb1e0943f8b298562316888ce2",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename, CoreNodeModels",
+ "HintPath": "D:\\Autodesk\\Generative BIM - Dynamo Dictionary\\Data.OpenXMLExportExcel\\DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcelSample.xlsx",
+ "InputValue": ".\\DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcelSample.xlsx",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "f033c80c7f2145f98453d3eab5016f3f",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1f9f3dad0b924f19a69524951b2e7646",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "File Path",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Allows you to select a file on the system to get its file path."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "d760995f372f423183c3e9c336809244",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3bcef2c73a91498b81867194e15bf9db",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b364178813cc4b80aa728ea29f96e1d8",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
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+ "End": "acc73124f90641eb89a8409e2005b821",
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+ "End": "6cc578245a9542cfa703cb5caf0ca0cc",
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+ "End": "3bcef2c73a91498b81867194e15bf9db",
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+ "End": "4f8e50f3dfb74327825b4688682dc0ee",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Sample.xlsx",
+ "ReferenceType": "External",
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+ "f033c80c7f2145f98453d3eab5016f3f"
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+ }
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
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+ },
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+ "ConnectorGuid": "e020958a-0a40-4dec-a98f-5e589f8494d1"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "Name": "Data.OpenXMLExportExcel",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "ea8ddcbdaeae47849fa5a5c59c94ab70",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 791.2,
+ "Y": 191.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Code Block",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "120ad8913fb6403f8f60c410c65280c4",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 220.0,
+ "Y": 358.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "List Create",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "bb286254943d46b0878b445ee66f7403",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 499.2,
+ "Y": 354.4
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "35a3e742a3c34ef286bb99367726f107",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 445.6,
+ "Y": 220.8
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "5e99d453c5ec4045a979fa21d4ab4261",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1180.0,
+ "Y": 191.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "File Path",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f033c80c7f2145f98453d3eab5016f3f",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 513.6,
+ "Y": 66.4
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d760995f372f423183c3e9c336809244",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1184.0,
+ "Y": 497.20000000000005
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -107.20000000000005,
+ "Y": -8.8000000000000114,
+ "Zoom": 1.0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcelSample.xlsx b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcelSample.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3dde5b35ea0
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DSOffice.Data.OpenXMLImportExcelSample.xlsx differ
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c14ba37925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ "Uuid": "8850209b-6aba-4bf0-8630-80fbc3267081",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Quantity.ByTypeID",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ef37625b12764e8289eb44a613dcb3e1",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4c4df4219d8849469899a1077c0b8131",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "autodesk.unit.quantity:length-1.0.4",
+ "Id": "680bf0d85a304b3b891dfcbead6ad847",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9f697db43ff044deb2fbcb9df7b38476",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID@string",
+ "Id": "eefb84bc64454fa58c88662afa1b7c51",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "65eddd111438490bb5f401305500cbf1",
+ "Name": "typeId",
+ "Description": "string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3917f9f67f88488ea52d07d8388eb1b6",
+ "Name": "Quantity",
+ "Description": "Quantity",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Quantity.ByTypeID (typeId: string): Quantity"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "9f697db43ff044deb2fbcb9df7b38476",
+ "End": "65eddd111438490bb5f401305500cbf1",
+ "Id": "48b3cc8478fa4382a1066ae7c909d86e",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "3917f9f67f88488ea52d07d8388eb1b6",
+ "End": "ef37625b12764e8289eb44a613dcb3e1",
+ "Id": "55a7e045173c4872a0e3731b2c1ff365",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 601.62750245294853,
+ "Y": 653.51542708523732
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "680bf0d85a304b3b891dfcbead6ad847",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -50.372497547051466,
+ "Y": 653.51542708523732
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Quantity.ByTypeID",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "eefb84bc64454fa58c88662afa1b7c51",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 288.02750245294851,
+ "Y": 653.51542708523732
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 99.45147527883,
+ "Y": -816.8337751153075,
+ "Zoom": 1.545620359375
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID.md b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID.md
index c27679aad3e..ea0356f77ae 100644
--- a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID.md
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.ByTypeID.md
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Quantity.ByTypeID retrieves a quantity given the type of measurement being input
## Example File
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.Name.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.Name.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79e5c762e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.Name.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ "Uuid": "8850209b-6aba-4bf0-8630-80fbc3267081",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Quantity.Name",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ef37625b12764e8289eb44a613dcb3e1",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4c4df4219d8849469899a1077c0b8131",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Quantities, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 41,
+ "SelectedString": "Length",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "b2c958fc46b946f0ac80bac91a93d3df",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2d85f43fdc294feab72ab5ef046ae341",
+ "Name": "Quantity",
+ "Description": "The selected Quantity",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Quantity type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Quantity.Name",
+ "Id": "c63540e724554fb99c2048fc3cf65a26",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f41cd996a27241c4b3f4eab719374c92",
+ "Name": "quantity",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Quantity",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ffd524adf301416c990f50216ff0d7a3",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Quantity.Name: string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "2d85f43fdc294feab72ab5ef046ae341",
+ "End": "f41cd996a27241c4b3f4eab719374c92",
+ "Id": "81cfd2362eee4583a10f02f86889fdec",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "ffd524adf301416c990f50216ff0d7a3",
+ "End": "ef37625b12764e8289eb44a613dcb3e1",
+ "Id": "0c404b2e2d774c0eb553fe9f121a0f67",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 606.79999999999984,
+ "Y": 733.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Quantities",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "b2c958fc46b946f0ac80bac91a93d3df",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -31.600000000000136,
+ "Y": 733.0
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Quantity.Name",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "c63540e724554fb99c2048fc3cf65a26",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 296.68240847427529,
+ "Y": 733.0
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 99.45147527883,
+ "Y": -816.8337751153075,
+ "Zoom": 1.545620359375
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.TypeId.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.TypeId.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ffd6a47f316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.TypeId.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ "Uuid": "8850209b-6aba-4bf0-8630-80fbc3267081",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Quantity.TypeId",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Quantity.TypeId",
+ "Id": "7f2ee6a58ed040c7ae1bbbf081b975b8",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "674a32e2f3554f768e2089ee8ec2bb41",
+ "Name": "quantity",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Quantity",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6fbe01d6124849319bba8b1e156868f8",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Quantity.TypeId: string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Quantities, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 41,
+ "SelectedString": "Length",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "b2c958fc46b946f0ac80bac91a93d3df",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "f7d091642b734ae9a22cca60eda5700c",
+ "Name": "Quantity",
+ "Description": "The selected Quantity",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Quantity type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ef37625b12764e8289eb44a613dcb3e1",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4c4df4219d8849469899a1077c0b8131",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
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+ }
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+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Quantity.TypeId",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "7f2ee6a58ed040c7ae1bbbf081b975b8",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 297.19999999999993,
+ "Y": 732.99999999999989
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Quantities",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "b2c958fc46b946f0ac80bac91a93d3df",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -31.60000000000008,
+ "Y": 732.99999999999989
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 606.8,
+ "Y": 732.99999999999989
+ }
+ ],
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+ "Y": -816.8337751153075,
+ "Zoom": 1.545620359375
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.Units.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.Units.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da1e2ee2f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Quantity.Units.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ "Uuid": "8850209b-6aba-4bf0-8630-80fbc3267081",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Quantity.Units",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ef37625b12764e8289eb44a613dcb3e1",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4c4df4219d8849469899a1077c0b8131",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Quantities, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 41,
+ "SelectedString": "Length",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "b2c958fc46b946f0ac80bac91a93d3df",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2d85f43fdc294feab72ab5ef046ae341",
+ "Name": "Quantity",
+ "Description": "The selected Quantity",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Quantity type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Quantity.Units",
+ "Id": "994857d8491447dba9cced06d68fff76",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "5a2285ebbe364b708e2bc84b7e1aa84d",
+ "Name": "quantity",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Quantity",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b63b2e794267421c8e2b268db62f1b6a",
+ "Name": "Unit[]",
+ "Description": "Unit[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Quantity.Units: Unit[]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
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+ "End": "5a2285ebbe364b708e2bc84b7e1aa84d",
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+ }
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+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
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+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0cc68ddf37894f22be2ee9d625390cdc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 606.79999999999984,
+ "Y": 728.30740255245053
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Quantities",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "b2c958fc46b946f0ac80bac91a93d3df",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": -31.600000000000136,
+ "Y": 728.30740255245053
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Quantity.Units",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "994857d8491447dba9cced06d68fff76",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 297.19999999999987,
+ "Y": 728.30740255245053
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -128.10581931517868,
+ "Y": -1258.108811811818,
+ "Zoom": 2.0566802683342771
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.ByTypeID.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.ByTypeID.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab5de903c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.ByTypeID.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.ByTypeID",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ce7f46603b6a4dadb7b856d7ac866693",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "autodesk.unit.symbol:footSingleQuote-1.0.1",
+ "Id": "9b4806986cf54b28856d2f08a5222589",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a1246ad6a0284290827ccc5d6c253703",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.ByTypeID@string",
+ "Id": "2eba082097784a3bbf7335a0a5151b0a",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "d77d614fefcb49fab2221f1c03b34353",
+ "Name": "typeId",
+ "Description": "string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6d62eca419c34e50bf25b13d31db3fec",
+ "Name": "Symbol",
+ "Description": "Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Symbol.ByTypeID (typeId: string): Symbol"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "a1246ad6a0284290827ccc5d6c253703",
+ "End": "d77d614fefcb49fab2221f1c03b34353",
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+ }
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+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 993.09861871525175,
+ "Y": 355.19359458561786
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "9b4806986cf54b28856d2f08a5222589",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 346.69861871525177,
+ "Y": 355.19359458561792
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.ByTypeID",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "2eba082097784a3bbf7335a0a5151b0a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 685.89861871525181,
+ "Y": 355.19359458561792
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -724.1428288017504,
+ "Y": -520.40000891417,
+ "Zoom": 1.8777441607754497
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Space.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Space.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57122d06e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Space.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ "Uuid": "bfb65933-209b-4c95-8497-822d872575ae",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.Space",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.Space",
+ "Id": "750ba17f874640f1bd8722d138f97305",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "82fee04ef0df4aeea1c9be550877098b",
+ "Name": "symbol",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "31a4666e96344bf5877793c4ed66a2f8",
+ "Name": "bool",
+ "Description": "Space between unit and symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Gets a boolean indicating if there is typically a space between the unit value and symbol.\n\nSymbol.Space: bool"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Symbols, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 36,
+ "SelectedString": "Square centimeters: cm^2",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "adebed93146449af895af6a8bf1f784a",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1f868b8776454ff48965f412a9def52e",
+ "Name": "Symbol",
+ "Description": "The selected Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Symbol type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "9b10b17298c94757be835dabaaebe90b",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "15a3669b9f4b4ae497c2ee7d82ffc844",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "23833b573fdc489a8045efb8095c6397",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "31a4666e96344bf5877793c4ed66a2f8",
+ "End": "15a3669b9f4b4ae497c2ee7d82ffc844",
+ "Id": "877ebbf9a6e94830b8955b4cf2c79839",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "1f868b8776454ff48965f412a9def52e",
+ "End": "82fee04ef0df4aeea1c9be550877098b",
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+ }
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+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.Space",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "750ba17f874640f1bd8722d138f97305",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 543.19999999999993,
+ "Y": 338.79999999999995
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbols",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "adebed93146449af895af6a8bf1f784a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 145.59999999999991,
+ "Y": 338.79999999999995
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "9b10b17298c94757be835dabaaebe90b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 836.0,
+ "Y": 338.79999999999995
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 0.0,
+ "Y": 0.0,
+ "Zoom": 1.0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyDecimal.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyDecimal.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c28d0f2021a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyDecimal.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ "Uuid": "1b49faf2-ec06-4f18-8796-3df2fb5ea278",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.StringifyDecimal",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "dc6b7aeb97a94126b686e0d8dab2cc7d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9ddbcc394f374af8b7bbdf2bdd0f7c7f",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e386804ca20d477cbbb4ec566b0fdfd0",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Symbols, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 88,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet: '",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "8e373670349443f989d912155f11bac5",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "0b47d1d08f484727b7e58298bb5058ba",
+ "Name": "Symbol",
+ "Description": "The selected Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Symbol type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 1.5,
+ "Id": "b9ff89832f574721ac7ce0b82cb3c62d",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2064a0bc25054974a47bea93f0f0ba06",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 1.0,
+ "Id": "f6000d7d5d044df5a8fcbf44a9280ce0",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a1f4988d31954063a5e6aa8f0da6efb7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyDecimal@double,int,DynamoUnits.Symbol,bool",
+ "Id": "c6afeaf73aac426894cb5dcb5f5447a0",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "73fcf10a7a384d0e8396a3a56ada6a9f",
+ "Name": "value",
+ "Description": "Number value for the unit\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "d52c93ad2bba467389af5bbb3d1b2b58",
+ "Name": "precision",
+ "Description": "Decimal precision for the expression\n\nint",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "5f9aa83dfbef4e999313fdb6c39f9de9",
+ "Name": "symbol",
+ "Description": "Symbol type\n\nSymbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "ec6741d53c724b3a9467dd0fde52907d",
+ "Name": "removeTrailingZeros",
+ "Description": "Remove trailing zeros in the output\n\nbool\nDefault value : false",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": true,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6fadb1fed7764a058cf105b2a2c3213f",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "Formatted unit expression",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Returns the formatted unit expression for a given value and symbol in a decimal format.\n\nSymbol.StringifyDecimal (value: double, precision: int, symbol: Symbol, removeTrailingZeros: bool = false): string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "0b47d1d08f484727b7e58298bb5058ba",
+ "End": "5f9aa83dfbef4e999313fdb6c39f9de9",
+ "Id": "84d62fb3ee814ed29757143dcd4ceb05",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "2064a0bc25054974a47bea93f0f0ba06",
+ "End": "73fcf10a7a384d0e8396a3a56ada6a9f",
+ "Id": "ebeb060e8f1449459e63af77334cc4e1",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "a1f4988d31954063a5e6aa8f0da6efb7",
+ "End": "d52c93ad2bba467389af5bbb3d1b2b58",
+ "Id": "a479ed2e53214bbda41937509eb4b387",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "6fadb1fed7764a058cf105b2a2c3213f",
+ "End": "9ddbcc394f374af8b7bbdf2bdd0f7c7f",
+ "Id": "4c9af9a20cb34a928fa13591d8986faa",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "dc6b7aeb97a94126b686e0d8dab2cc7d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 848.23909287257027,
+ "Y": 345.3602591792656
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbols",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "8e373670349443f989d912155f11bac5",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 149.03909287257022,
+ "Y": 526.36025917926565
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "b9ff89832f574721ac7ce0b82cb3c62d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 149.03909287257022,
+ "Y": 232.3602591792656
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f6000d7d5d044df5a8fcbf44a9280ce0",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 149.03909287257022,
+ "Y": 379.3602591792656
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.StringifyDecimal",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "c6afeaf73aac426894cb5dcb5f5447a0",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 471.4390928725702,
+ "Y": 345.3602591792656
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 33.867471007928771,
+ "Y": -101.28656971218913,
+ "Zoom": 1.130842140625
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyFraction.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyFraction.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a6b2eb80e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyFraction.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ "Uuid": "1b49faf2-ec06-4f18-8796-3df2fb5ea278",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.StringifyFraction",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "dc6b7aeb97a94126b686e0d8dab2cc7d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9ddbcc394f374af8b7bbdf2bdd0f7c7f",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e386804ca20d477cbbb4ec566b0fdfd0",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.StringifyFraction@double,int,DynamoUnits.Symbol",
+ "Id": "f5ebf94325de4ecb8d18baf26487a3fc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3383b91607b845ea9a15144be6b7e53e",
+ "Name": "value",
+ "Description": "Number value for the expression\n\ndouble",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "3bb20591de24480c9fa73a20a15001ed",
+ "Name": "precision",
+ "Description": "Bits of precision for the resulting fraction - i.e 2-> 1/4, 7 -> 1/128. Max supported precision is 9 bits\n\nint",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "9c43404721db4b5ba435a1c83d0ef388",
+ "Name": "symbol",
+ "Description": "Symbol type\n\nSymbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b96097f9cf704af286e36956d863fa70",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "Formatted unit expression",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Returns the formatted expression for a given value and symbol in a fraction format.\n\nSymbol.StringifyFraction (value: double, precision: int, symbol: Symbol): string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Symbols, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 88,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet: '",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "8e373670349443f989d912155f11bac5",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "0b47d1d08f484727b7e58298bb5058ba",
+ "Name": "Symbol",
+ "Description": "The selected Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Symbol type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 1.5,
+ "Id": "b9ff89832f574721ac7ce0b82cb3c62d",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2064a0bc25054974a47bea93f0f0ba06",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "NumberInputNode",
+ "NumberType": "Double",
+ "InputValue": 1.0,
+ "Id": "f6000d7d5d044df5a8fcbf44a9280ce0",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a1f4988d31954063a5e6aa8f0da6efb7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Double",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a number."
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "b96097f9cf704af286e36956d863fa70",
+ "End": "9ddbcc394f374af8b7bbdf2bdd0f7c7f",
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+ {
+ "Start": "0b47d1d08f484727b7e58298bb5058ba",
+ "End": "9c43404721db4b5ba435a1c83d0ef388",
+ "Id": "f59acb067c5948289c24f7226f20b1a1",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "2064a0bc25054974a47bea93f0f0ba06",
+ "End": "3383b91607b845ea9a15144be6b7e53e",
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+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "a1f4988d31954063a5e6aa8f0da6efb7",
+ "End": "3bb20591de24480c9fa73a20a15001ed",
+ "Id": "94cba08e21d34acbaa0846abfca42885",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
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+ },
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+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
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+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
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+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "dc6b7aeb97a94126b686e0d8dab2cc7d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 839.4390928725702,
+ "Y": 345.36025917926565
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.StringifyFraction",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f5ebf94325de4ecb8d18baf26487a3fc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 480.23909287257027,
+ "Y": 345.3602591792656
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbols",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "8e373670349443f989d912155f11bac5",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 157.83909287257029,
+ "Y": 526.36025917926565
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "b9ff89832f574721ac7ce0b82cb3c62d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 157.83909287257029,
+ "Y": 232.3602591792656
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Number",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "f6000d7d5d044df5a8fcbf44a9280ce0",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 157.83909287257029,
+ "Y": 379.36025917926565
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -79.347308293736432,
+ "Y": -175.90692588552912,
+ "Zoom": 1.33823125
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.SymbolsByUnit.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.SymbolsByUnit.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c50c768e157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.SymbolsByUnit.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.SymbolsByUnit",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ce7f46603b6a4dadb7b856d7ac866693",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.SymbolsByUnit@DynamoUnits.Unit",
+ "Id": "c911cb0ed3b84ec18224e3d5ff78e15f",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "4c9540e160424b80b2b0416b945152da",
+ "Name": "unit",
+ "Description": "Unit object\n\nUnit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1f5d57aea01546f58c0cbe3c0313fa18",
+ "Name": "Symbol[]",
+ "Description": "List of Symbols",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Gets all available Symbols associated with a Unit.\n\nSymbol.SymbolsByUnit (unit: Unit): Symbol[]"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Units, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 74,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "885b2b5370eb47459699dc4708f7413b",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "17a9c027434c4330bcbd4e973760a489",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "The selected Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Unit type"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "1f5d57aea01546f58c0cbe3c0313fa18",
+ "End": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
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+ "Start": "17a9c027434c4330bcbd4e973760a489",
+ "End": "4c9540e160424b80b2b0416b945152da",
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+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
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+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
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+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
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+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
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+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
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+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1028.762152490272,
+ "Y": 350.54626273852836
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.SymbolsByUnit",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "c911cb0ed3b84ec18224e3d5ff78e15f",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 681.562152490272,
+ "Y": 350.54626273852836
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Units",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "885b2b5370eb47459699dc4708f7413b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 377.56215249027196,
+ "Y": 350.54626273852836
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -464.16128894035251,
+ "Y": -453.07906696095495,
+ "Zoom": 1.6276637566670586
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Text.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Text.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..68b09041d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Text.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.Text",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Symbols, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 88,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet: '",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "07695bb0568a491983ffabf6e373567b",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ed2a6004f0ec4d62909a8f74781be2bf",
+ "Name": "Symbol",
+ "Description": "The selected Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Symbol type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.Text",
+ "Id": "d35a7df3be1b4382a2d6a2ae8f26e301",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "08cdb75d35004924a120b20120b8bc0e",
+ "Name": "symbol",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "88e9afbc289e4c77b8f8ab346c4bb153",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "Symbol text",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Gets the string representation of a Symbol.\n\nSymbol.Text: string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ce7f46603b6a4dadb7b856d7ac866693",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
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+ "End": "08cdb75d35004924a120b20120b8bc0e",
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+ "IsHidden": "False"
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+ }
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+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbols",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "07695bb0568a491983ffabf6e373567b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 371.20000000000027,
+ "Y": 449.20000000000005
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.Text",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "d35a7df3be1b4382a2d6a2ae8f26e301",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 692.00000000000034,
+ "Y": 449.20000000000005
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 995.20000000000027,
+ "Y": 449.2
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -421.22806237008808,
+ "Y": -385.58801625447165,
+ "Zoom": 1.476180239263613
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.TypeId.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.TypeId.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..adb40555975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.TypeId.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.TypeId",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Symbols, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 88,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet: '",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "07695bb0568a491983ffabf6e373567b",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ed2a6004f0ec4d62909a8f74781be2bf",
+ "Name": "Symbol",
+ "Description": "The selected Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Symbol type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ce7f46603b6a4dadb7b856d7ac866693",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.TypeId",
+ "Id": "4ad199f57f8e4badad91a5e437640432",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9e6217bba51e4c85b374db31516abb28",
+ "Name": "symbol",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "75f1ad0bc3bf4713906fa519eb13cb11",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Symbol.TypeId: string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "ed2a6004f0ec4d62909a8f74781be2bf",
+ "End": "9e6217bba51e4c85b374db31516abb28",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "End": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
+ "Id": "412f7f62a6de45cfa98a608700423927",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
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+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbols",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "07695bb0568a491983ffabf6e373567b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 371.20000000000027,
+ "Y": 439.22991948914739
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 995.20000000000027,
+ "Y": 439.22991948914733
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.TypeId",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "4ad199f57f8e4badad91a5e437640432",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 693.60000000000025,
+ "Y": 439.22991948914739
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 31.091747679186255,
+ "Y": -249.08062541317042,
+ "Zoom": 1.0542982150113263
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Unit.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Unit.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b8f869d9f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Symbol.Unit.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Symbol.Unit",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Symbols, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 88,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet: '",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "07695bb0568a491983ffabf6e373567b",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ed2a6004f0ec4d62909a8f74781be2bf",
+ "Name": "Symbol",
+ "Description": "The selected Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Symbol type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ce7f46603b6a4dadb7b856d7ac866693",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Symbol.Unit",
+ "Id": "2c1d8ff9dca94a1daf82862159d3be33",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "85090beddd724f4791c0190e3bf37876",
+ "Name": "symbol",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Symbol",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "c324fb28201d4c84b880afe4768face4",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "Unit object",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Gets the corresponding Unit of a Symbol\n\nSymbol.Unit: Unit"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "ed2a6004f0ec4d62909a8f74781be2bf",
+ "End": "85090beddd724f4791c0190e3bf37876",
+ "Id": "227e5944f1234f5e81e70110b87f66ed",
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+ "End": "ebf031cf24c24adc935a1f5aab9897d7",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
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+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbols",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "07695bb0568a491983ffabf6e373567b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 376.00000000000023,
+ "Y": 432.9704501588003
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "0979895d634e43cd941e7ce92e4cfee2",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 990.4000000000002,
+ "Y": 432.97045015880025
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Symbol.Unit",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "2c1d8ff9dca94a1daf82862159d3be33",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 698.4000000000002,
+ "Y": 432.9704501588003
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": 31.091747679186255,
+ "Y": -249.08062541317042,
+ "Zoom": 1.0542982150113263
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.ByTypeID.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.ByTypeID.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d13ea0ba438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.ByTypeID.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ "Uuid": "1b49faf2-ec06-4f18-8796-3df2fb5ea278",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Unit.ByTypeID",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "dc6b7aeb97a94126b686e0d8dab2cc7d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9ddbcc394f374af8b7bbdf2bdd0f7c7f",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e386804ca20d477cbbb4ec566b0fdfd0",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "autodesk.unit.unit:feet-1.0.1",
+ "Id": "21a98d49cf4b494c8729675c527cd0f5",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "750538358ee74db9aae1ca352889c9a4",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Unit.ByTypeID@string",
+ "Id": "b07977d149414f4aabd8f241dca1f2ba",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "0abaea0ebc424baaa7c3b8d2d17cd6f4",
+ "Name": "typeId",
+ "Description": "Forge TypeId string\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e59c85d6661642f98c475915cc388f85",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "Unit object",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Creates a Unit object from its Forge type schema identifier string.\n\nUnit.ByTypeID (typeId: string): Unit"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "750538358ee74db9aae1ca352889c9a4",
+ "End": "0abaea0ebc424baaa7c3b8d2d17cd6f4",
+ "Id": "d966f3483de548f29ca7b340005f3f6c",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
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+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
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+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
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+ "UpZ": 0.0
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 201.58056155507563,
+ "Y": 204.66263498920091
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Unit.ByTypeID",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "b07977d149414f4aabd8f241dca1f2ba",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.ConvertibleUnits.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.ConvertibleUnits.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecad2edc705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.ConvertibleUnits.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
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+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Unit.ConvertibleUnits",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Units, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 74,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "ebabbb5d6559472fb5a8b670a7d9ad13",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b659c1f4a89d4e69b09d6852c1cab059",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "The selected Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Unit type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "562bdf06f7f448ff9dc8727ae42493fe",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2d10ccc437604ba08a1e07ecc06e4b07",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a1aac92f88804ea4b727260f729fcb9e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Unit.ConvertibleUnits",
+ "Id": "22e82df6b9614b0fa37a69e36245a0e5",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "71f5338469bb4e8fa2827572300358a1",
+ "Name": "unit",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "ed7a203867cc4395a4ad86bcd1054ea1",
+ "Name": "Unit[]",
+ "Description": "Unit[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Unit.ConvertibleUnits: Unit[]"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "View": {
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+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
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+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
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+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
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+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1047.931388407043,
+ "Y": 332.00285259231157
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Unit.ConvertibleUnits",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "22e82df6b9614b0fa37a69e36245a0e5",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
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+ "Y": 332.00285259231157
+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.Name.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.Name.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b081451adb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.Name.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
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+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Unit.Name",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Units, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 74,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "ebabbb5d6559472fb5a8b670a7d9ad13",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b659c1f4a89d4e69b09d6852c1cab059",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "The selected Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Unit type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "562bdf06f7f448ff9dc8727ae42493fe",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2d10ccc437604ba08a1e07ecc06e4b07",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a1aac92f88804ea4b727260f729fcb9e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Unit.Name",
+ "Id": "385d721ab3944219ac7f36c73a31aa50",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "53d21d35a775451f9d7ccc8b85ea9d26",
+ "Name": "unit",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "96ef96072ce042e4a99683e554d97fb5",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "string",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Unit.Name: string"
+ }
+ ],
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+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
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+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
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+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "ebabbb5d6559472fb5a8b670a7d9ad13",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 435.13138840704289,
+ "Y": 315.28908376739446
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "562bdf06f7f448ff9dc8727ae42493fe",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1023.1313884070429,
+ "Y": 315.28908376739446
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Unit.Name",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "385d721ab3944219ac7f36c73a31aa50",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 739.13138840704289,
+ "Y": 315.28908376739446
+ }
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+ "Y": -205.92336971992552,
+ "Zoom": 1.3461373047445628
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.QuantitiesContainingUnit.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.QuantitiesContainingUnit.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e04143e933c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.QuantitiesContainingUnit.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Unit.QuantitiesContainingUnit",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Units, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 74,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "ebabbb5d6559472fb5a8b670a7d9ad13",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "b659c1f4a89d4e69b09d6852c1cab059",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "The selected Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Unit type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "562bdf06f7f448ff9dc8727ae42493fe",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "2d10ccc437604ba08a1e07ecc06e4b07",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a1aac92f88804ea4b727260f729fcb9e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Unit.QuantitiesContainingUnit",
+ "Id": "c51fea138cfe4ad19c4620d141ba3296",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "8cedf65d9da349d794bdc22ee17ae427",
+ "Name": "unit",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "db8c3a327dcf4a8c9f3c90c0291346a8",
+ "Name": "Quantity[]",
+ "Description": "Quantity[]",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Unit.QuantitiesContainingUnit: Quantity[]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "b659c1f4a89d4e69b09d6852c1cab059",
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+ }
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+ "Linting": {
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+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Automatic",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
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+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Units",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "ebabbb5d6559472fb5a8b670a7d9ad13",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 377.13138840704278,
+ "Y": 257.6058789521299
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "562bdf06f7f448ff9dc8727ae42493fe",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1081.1313884070428,
+ "Y": 257.6058789521299
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Unit.QuantitiesContainingUnit",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "c51fea138cfe4ad19c4620d141ba3296",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 681.13138840704278,
+ "Y": 257.6058789521299
+ }
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+ "Y": -222.91310786246919,
+ "Zoom": 1.5193932772469254
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.TypeId.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.TypeId.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7b88648ed14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Unit.TypeId.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ "Uuid": "1b49faf2-ec06-4f18-8796-3df2fb5ea278",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Unit.TypeId",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Unit.TypeId",
+ "Id": "e6717e0a55ed49278cd4f1c3b84415c2",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1d034db0393444879d684317a8e7f207",
+ "Name": "unit",
+ "Description": "DynamoUnits.Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "afaa2bf269a847b7aea719bc0794e6f3",
+ "Name": "string",
+ "Description": "Forge TypeId",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Gets the Forge type schema identifier for a Unit\n\nUnit.TypeId: string"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Units, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 74,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "5f7f2f2000124414ab760dbc401df00a",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "3ac436a5d19c431cbc222da7b96be382",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "The selected Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Unit type"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "dc6b7aeb97a94126b686e0d8dab2cc7d",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "9ddbcc394f374af8b7bbdf2bdd0f7c7f",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "e386804ca20d477cbbb4ec566b0fdfd0",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "afaa2bf269a847b7aea719bc0794e6f3",
+ "End": "9ddbcc394f374af8b7bbdf2bdd0f7c7f",
+ "Id": "5959386ba293441ab8e5633e0b25219a",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "3ac436a5d19c431cbc222da7b96be382",
+ "End": "1d034db0393444879d684317a8e7f207",
+ "Id": "e81137edaadc4ede8a93b56a235f751d",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Unit.TypeId",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "e6717e0a55ed49278cd4f1c3b84415c2",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 548.4,
+ "Y": 297.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Units",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "5f7f2f2000124414ab760dbc401df00a",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 244.39999999999998,
+ "Y": 297.6
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "dc6b7aeb97a94126b686e0d8dab2cc7d",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 832.4,
+ "Y": 297.6
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -99.288000000000011,
+ "Y": -43.72199999999998,
+ "Zoom": 1.1575
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpression.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpression.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a14deae9733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpression.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Utilities.ParseExpression",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpression@string",
+ "Id": "94c5e6c5a0644b90bef9fd80ef5f94dc",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "a2e7fa4e71ba4d45ba248e17597930ad",
+ "Name": "expression",
+ "Description": "String to convert to a value\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "6fd545903a844bf3861c9957bcb217ca",
+ "Name": "double",
+ "Description": "Converted value",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Parses a string containing math functions to a unit value. For example, \"(1 + 3)^2 - 4 * 2\" could be converted to 8\n\nUtilities.ParseExpression (expression: string): double"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "(1 / 5 + 6 - 7 )^2",
+ "Id": "01fc8b961e29498c9f49a5abae3d0d76",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "28728f32e36141e2976f9c86b025e77c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "e8ef257e0794485eb7661870fd68ab52",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "623445624adf4fbe9dcb911ac93e41b7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1ae8d39b8445400f87620a433daa863e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "6fd545903a844bf3861c9957bcb217ca",
+ "End": "623445624adf4fbe9dcb911ac93e41b7",
+ "Id": "2e49eac6af95438b94966ab15ca50d09",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "28728f32e36141e2976f9c86b025e77c",
+ "End": "a2e7fa4e71ba4d45ba248e17597930ad",
+ "Id": "9c8481fc3c474a35b5069f7fff9053e5",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Utilities.ParseExpression",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "94c5e6c5a0644b90bef9fd80ef5f94dc",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 710.17399942561133,
+ "Y": 299.667741122446
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "01fc8b961e29498c9f49a5abae3d0d76",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 466.9739994256114,
+ "Y": 299.667741122446
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "e8ef257e0794485eb7661870fd68ab52",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1070.1739994256113,
+ "Y": 299.667741122446
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -232.36398596780089,
+ "Y": -111.6676629245207,
+ "Zoom": 1.0542982150113263
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpressionByUnit.dyn b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpressionByUnit.dyn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9d7b480a6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/distrib/NodeHelpFiles/DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpressionByUnit.dyn
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ "Uuid": "a19b2b4a-e4e6-43ab-9b41-f8d218bff28f",
+ "IsCustomNode": false,
+ "Description": "",
+ "Name": "Utilities.ParseExpressionByUnit",
+ "ElementResolver": {
+ "ResolutionMap": {}
+ },
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [],
+ "Nodes": [
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "StringInputNode",
+ "InputValue": "1' 4\" + 10m + 107mm",
+ "Id": "01fc8b961e29498c9f49a5abae3d0d76",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "28728f32e36141e2976f9c86b025e77c",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "String",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Creates a string."
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "e8ef257e0794485eb7661870fd68ab52",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "623445624adf4fbe9dcb911ac93e41b7",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node to show output from",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1ae8d39b8445400f87620a433daa863e",
+ "Name": "",
+ "Description": "Node output",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Visualize the node's output"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore",
+ "NodeType": "FunctionNode",
+ "FunctionSignature": "DynamoUnits.Utilities.ParseExpressionByUnit@DynamoUnits.Unit,string",
+ "Id": "975e7a770eb748a2b127ef849bfd5b8b",
+ "Inputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "cb419821aeec485da23dad44bc8b7f57",
+ "Name": "targetUnit",
+ "Description": "Unit system to target\n\nUnit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ },
+ {
+ "Id": "15dd1e3d01da4f35849b7b57c9f1a097",
+ "Name": "expression",
+ "Description": "String to convert to a value\n\nstring",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "68a9b40218d84c0c9ea64acfa99a7f70",
+ "Name": "double",
+ "Description": "Converted value",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Auto",
+ "Description": "Parses a string containing values with units and math functions to a unit value. For example, \"1ft + 2.54cm + 3in\" could be converted to 14in\n\nUtilities.ParseExpressionByUnit (targetUnit: Unit, expression: string): double"
+ },
+ {
+ "ConcreteType": "UnitsUI.Units, UnitsUI",
+ "SelectedIndex": 74,
+ "SelectedString": "Feet",
+ "NodeType": "ExtensionNode",
+ "Id": "797fe62056ed43a2a0133afc39050f63",
+ "Inputs": [],
+ "Outputs": [
+ {
+ "Id": "1dff1908f70c48e9aa74fb598ef6ef80",
+ "Name": "Unit",
+ "Description": "The selected Unit",
+ "UsingDefaultValue": false,
+ "Level": 2,
+ "UseLevels": false,
+ "KeepListStructure": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "Replication": "Disabled",
+ "Description": "Select a Unit type"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Connectors": [
+ {
+ "Start": "28728f32e36141e2976f9c86b025e77c",
+ "End": "15dd1e3d01da4f35849b7b57c9f1a097",
+ "Id": "73c9c12a4f37481fb7398bc4fcdc3fd8",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "68a9b40218d84c0c9ea64acfa99a7f70",
+ "End": "623445624adf4fbe9dcb911ac93e41b7",
+ "Id": "c546a5b5c7194996a5a4b110ee416e0b",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ },
+ {
+ "Start": "1dff1908f70c48e9aa74fb598ef6ef80",
+ "End": "cb419821aeec485da23dad44bc8b7f57",
+ "Id": "7712f87bf8234811ae4a740688c3f133",
+ "IsHidden": "False"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Dependencies": [],
+ "NodeLibraryDependencies": [],
+ "Thumbnail": "",
+ "GraphDocumentationURL": null,
+ "ExtensionWorkspaceData": [
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "28992e1d-abb9-417f-8b1b-05e053bee670",
+ "Name": "Properties",
+ "Version": "2.14",
+ "Data": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "ExtensionGuid": "DFBD9CC0-DB40-457A-939E-8C8555555A9D",
+ "Name": "Generative Design",
+ "Version": "2.0",
+ "Data": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "Author": "",
+ "Linting": {
+ "activeLinter": "None",
+ "activeLinterId": "7b75fb44-43fd-4631-a878-29f4d5d8399a",
+ "warningCount": 0,
+ "errorCount": 0
+ },
+ "Bindings": [],
+ "View": {
+ "Dynamo": {
+ "ScaleFactor": 1.0,
+ "HasRunWithoutCrash": true,
+ "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true,
+ "Version": "",
+ "RunType": "Manual",
+ "RunPeriod": "1000"
+ },
+ "Camera": {
+ "Name": "Background Preview",
+ "EyeX": -17.0,
+ "EyeY": 24.0,
+ "EyeZ": 50.0,
+ "LookX": 12.0,
+ "LookY": -13.0,
+ "LookZ": -58.0,
+ "UpX": 0.0,
+ "UpY": 1.0,
+ "UpZ": 0.0
+ },
+ "ConnectorPins": [],
+ "NodeViews": [
+ {
+ "Name": "String",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "01fc8b961e29498c9f49a5abae3d0d76",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 393.93781886500665,
+ "Y": 356.05869866052717
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Watch",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "e8ef257e0794485eb7661870fd68ab52",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 1108.3378188650067,
+ "Y": 265.05869866052717
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Utilities.ParseExpressionByUnit",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "975e7a770eb748a2b127ef849bfd5b8b",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 697.93781886500665,
+ "Y": 265.05869866052717
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Units",
+ "ShowGeometry": true,
+ "Id": "797fe62056ed43a2a0133afc39050f63",
+ "IsSetAsInput": false,
+ "IsSetAsOutput": false,
+ "Excluded": false,
+ "X": 393.93781886500665,
+ "Y": 208.05869866052711
+ }
+ ],
+ "Annotations": [],
+ "X": -321.24981704964335,
+ "Y": -131.61172790214459,
+ "Zoom": 1.13758205229474
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/AssemblySharedInfoGenerator/AssemblySharedInfo.cs b/src/AssemblySharedInfoGenerator/AssemblySharedInfo.cs
index aaeed459b48..32b1c790e1b 100644
--- a/src/AssemblySharedInfoGenerator/AssemblySharedInfo.cs
+++ b/src/AssemblySharedInfoGenerator/AssemblySharedInfo.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Autodesk, Inc")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Dynamo")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Autodesk, Inc 2024")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Autodesk, Inc 2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
//In order to begin building localizable applications, set
diff --git a/src/DynamoCore/DynamoCore.csproj b/src/DynamoCore/DynamoCore.csproj
index d96428333f3..7b231d8eb5a 100644
--- a/src/DynamoCore/DynamoCore.csproj
+++ b/src/DynamoCore/DynamoCore.csproj
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
@@ -144,6 +145,7 @@