From 48d303c5da15b4e0d84e96835f8bbaba874e5ed2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gully Chen <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 16:18:11 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] init version 0.1.16, change args help

 CMakeLists.txt       |   2 +-
 ethminer/main.cpp    |  34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 ethminer/zilliqa.ico | Bin
 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 CMakeLists.txt
 mode change 100755 => 100644 ethminer/zilliqa.ico

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 080106f52..c70c3a404
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ HunterGate(
-set(PROJECT_VERSION 0.18.0-alpha.3)
+set(PROJECT_VERSION 0.1.16)
 cable_set_build_type(DEFAULT Release CONFIGURATION_TYPES Release RelWithDebInfo)
diff --git a/ethminer/main.cpp b/ethminer/main.cpp
index 2c705987a..984dcbc38 100644
--- a/ethminer/main.cpp
+++ b/ethminer/main.cpp
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class MinerCLI
         std::queue<string> warnings;
-        CLI::App app("Ethminer - GPU Ethash miner");
+        CLI::App app("ZILMiner - GPU Ethash miner");
         bool bhelp = false;
         string shelpExt;
@@ -766,12 +766,12 @@ class MinerCLI
     void help()
-        cout << "Ethminer - GPU ethash miner" << endl
-             << "minimal usage : ethminer [DEVICES_TYPE] [OPTIONS] -P... [-P...]" << endl
+        cout << "ZILMiner - GPU ethash miner" << endl
+             << "minimal usage : zilminer [DEVICES_TYPE] [OPTIONS] -P... [-P...]" << endl
              << endl
              << "Devices type options :" << endl
              << endl
-             << "    By default ethminer will try to use all devices types" << endl
+             << "    By default zilminer will try to use all devices types" << endl
              << "    it can detect. Optionally you can limit this behavior" << endl
              << "    setting either of the following options" << endl
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ class MinerCLI
              << endl
              << "                        For an explication and some samples about" << endl
              << "                        how to fill in this value please use" << endl
-             << "                        ethminer --help-ext con" << endl
+             << "                        zilminer --help-ext con" << endl
              << endl
              << "Common Options :" << endl
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ class MinerCLI
             cout << "API Interface Options :" << endl
                  << endl
-                 << "    Ethminer provide an interface for monitor and or control" << endl
+                 << "    ZILMiner provide an interface for monitor and or control" << endl
                  << "    Please note that information delivered by API interface" << endl
                  << "    may depend on value of --HWMON" << endl
                  << "    A single endpoint is used to accept both HTTP or plain tcp" << endl
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ class MinerCLI
                  << "    --retry-delay       INT[1 .. 999] Default = 0" << endl
                  << "                        Delay in seconds before reconnection retry" << endl
                  << "    --failover-timeout  INT[0 .. ] Default not set" << endl
-                 << "                        Sets the number of minutes ethminer can stay" << endl
+                 << "                        Sets the number of minutes zilminer can stay" << endl
                  << "                        connected to a fail-over pool before trying to" << endl
                  << "                        reconnect to the primary (the first) connection."
                  << endl
@@ -1016,10 +1016,10 @@ class MinerCLI
                  << "                        0 No monitoring" << endl
                  << "                        1 Monitor temperature and fan percentage" << endl
                  << "                        2 As 1 plus monitor power drain" << endl
-                 << "    --exit              FLAG Stop ethminer whenever an error is encountered"
+                 << "    --exit              FLAG Stop zilminer whenever an error is encountered"
                  << endl
                  << "    --ergodicity        INT[0 .. 2] Default = 0" << endl
-                 << "                        Sets how ethminer chooses the nonces segments to"
+                 << "                        Sets how zilminer chooses the nonces segments to"
                  << endl
                  << "                        search on." << endl
                  << "                        0 A search segment is picked at startup" << endl
@@ -1179,16 +1179,16 @@ class MinerCLI
                  << "    You can add as many -P arguments as you want. Every -P specification"
                  << endl
                  << "    after the first one behaves as fail-over connection. When also the" << endl
-                 << "    the fail-over disconnects ethminer passes to the next connection" << endl
+                 << "    the fail-over disconnects zilminer passes to the next connection" << endl
                  << "    available and so on till the list is exhausted. At that moment" << endl
-                 << "    ethminer restarts the connection cycle from the first one." << endl
+                 << "    zilminer restarts the connection cycle from the first one." << endl
                  << "    An exception to this behavior is ruled by the --failover-timeout" << endl
-                 << "    command line argument. See 'ethminer -H misc' for details." << endl
+                 << "    command line argument. See 'zilminer -H misc' for details." << endl
                  << endl
                  << "    The special notation '-P exit' stops the failover loop." << endl
-                 << "    When ethminer reaches this kind of connection it simply quits." << endl
+                 << "    When zilminer reaches this kind of connection it simply quits." << endl
                  << endl
-                 << "    When using stratum mode ethminer tries to auto-detect the correct" << endl
+                 << "    When using stratum mode zilminer tries to auto-detect the correct" << endl
                  << "    flavour provided by the pool. Should be fine in 99% of the cases." << endl
                  << "    Nevertheless you might want to fine tune the stratum flavour by" << endl
                  << "    any of of the following valid schemes :" << endl
@@ -1324,14 +1324,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
     auto* bi = ethminer_get_buildinfo();
     cout << endl
          << endl
-         << "ethminer " << bi->project_version << endl
+         << "zilminer " << bi->project_version << endl
          << "Build: " << bi->system_name << "/" << bi->build_type << "/" << bi->compiler_id << endl
          << endl;
     if (argc < 2)
         cerr << "No arguments specified. " << endl
-             << "Try 'ethminer --help' to get a list of arguments." << endl
+             << "Try 'zilminer --help' to get a list of arguments." << endl
              << endl;
         return 1;
@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
         catch (std::invalid_argument& ex1)
             cerr << "Error: " << ex1.what() << endl
-                 << "Try ethminer --help to get an explained list of arguments." << endl
+                 << "Try zilminer --help to get an explained list of arguments." << endl
                  << endl;
             return 1;
diff --git a/ethminer/zilliqa.ico b/ethminer/zilliqa.ico
old mode 100755
new mode 100644