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Releases: Dimencia/DU-Orbital-Hud

Release v4.76

28 Oct 20:22
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.76

  • Slightly reduced multiple for Parachute Re-Entry initial speed when > 15000m
  • Fixed AGG button showing wrong state action.
  • Fix structural integrity 99% flashing, i hope.

Release v4.75

27 Oct 18:24
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.75

  • Fine tuned emergency warp to not try if PLANET TOO CLOSE error condition. So - Must have Emergency Warp enabled, must not be too close to planet, must have a space radar contact within EmergercyWarpDistance, then it will try to warp if all other conditions met.
  • Parachute Re-Entry now with more butt-clenching goodness. Starts at higher speed based on initial height if > 20000m. (Still ends up at Re-Entry speed when you hit atmo)

Release v4.74

27 Oct 01:35
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.74 - MAJOR fix to wings and aerilons - Upgrade strongly recommended

  • It turns out that when we made the change to prevent vertical space engines firing randomly decaying orbits, we also removed Wing Engines. This has been restored and you should see vastly improved performance from your lift surfaces, especially if you hit spacebar. Ask Dimencia for more info.
  • Changed warp widget to show up if a target is selected and it is more than 2 SU away.
  • Added retrograde red dot to AH while in space. Smaller dots. Show prograde dot in atmo when going fast enough for it to matter.
  • Added support for Fuel Tank Handling talen for unslotted fuel tank calculation. Must use value of person who placed the tank, 1-5 for each type of tank. This is in addition to Fuel Tank Optimization. Unslotted fuel tank percentage will closely match slotted if values of Handling and Optimization are correct.
  • Fixed Elemental Damage sometimes reporting 99% when fully healed and no damaged componet total listed.
  • Moved throttle, default position, to right side of AH to make room for Roll value. Added throttle position x and y user parameters.
  • Updated formattime to show days and hours, or hours and min, or min and sec, or sec
  • Fixed issue with ships that had landing gear but no longer have it but databank still thought they did.

Release v4.73

26 Oct 02:48
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.73 - Atmosphere Rocket Engine assist

  • Changed landed ground target height to user variable instead of 0 if landing gear used. Set to hover height reported - 1 when you use alt-spacebar to just lift off ground from landed postion. 4 is M size landing gear, not countersunk, on bottom of ship. 14 appears to be Large landing gear setting.
  • Restored Glide Re-Entry as option to Parachute Re-Entry. Still will not work well for some ships.
  • Enhanced AGG when toggling on after already in use so it reacts faster.
  • Altimeter support for negative altitude, turns red when < 0 m and counts up as you go down
  • Added atmospheric rocket engine assist, code provided by Azraeil. Lets rockets assist in atmosphere while in throttle mode without firing constantly and wasting fuel, same as with cruise control already. Rocket will toggle off automatically when at 85% of target speed as determined by either throttle setting * max speed in atmo (1050) or MaxGameVelocity parameter. In cruise control mode it will toggle at 85% of desired cruise speed.
  • Added notification if Rockets are on down bottom.

Release v4.72

25 Oct 14:18
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.72 - Variable Updates

  • IMPORTANT: Databank Wipe is advised. (You will not lose saved locations)
  • Proper formatting of local and global variables for consistency.
  • Fixed databank wipe to not wipe saved locations.
  • Autopilot locations now in alphabetical order.
  • Changed new save locations to be named as PlanetName.# or PlanetName.# "Nearest Atmo Contact" to work with new sorting.
  • Reordered button locations to clean up around some that show conditionally.

Release v4.70

23 Oct 22:49
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.70 - Updates And Bug Fixes

  • Changed Glide Re-Entry to Parachute Re-Entry. Recommend brown pants. Do NOT use if you have not performed a Brake Landing in Atmosphere
  • Fixed Interplanetary display when shifting atmo to space and custom to target
  • removed currentGroundAltitudeStabilization undefined variable
  • fuelX and fuelY user positions provided, sets fuel tank text location, (default 100, 350) setting both to 0 turns off fuel tank text display.
  • removed seconds from formattime strings to clean up displays
  • changed fueltankoptimization value from 20% per level to 5% per level to reflect actual skill effect (affects unslotted tank amounts only)
  • Fixed re-entry button not being able to initiate re-entry
  • Fixed issue with AGG Button display and with Repair Arrow button location.

Release v4.693

22 Oct 15:27
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.693 - Bugfix

  • Fixed Saving of Variables
  • Removed final references to AutoBrake

Release v4.692

22 Oct 13:30
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.692 - Bugfix

  • Repair arrows should now work for all size cores
  • Restored Navbal (Artifical Horizon) to center by default. Use centerX=700 and centerY=980 for lower left placement.

Release v4.691

22 Oct 03:10
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.69 - Cleaning up Local-Global declaration

  • Added support for BrightHUD toggle to prevent AH vanishing if toggled on
  • Modified Reentry button to engage re-entry vice needing to press G after button.\
  • Added E-Warp Engaged message to remind you if it is on

Release v4.69

21 Oct 23:44
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.69 - Cleaning up Local-Global declaration

  • Added support for BrightHUD toggle to prevent AH vanishing if toggled on
  • Modified Reentry button to engage re-entry vice needing to press G after button.\
  • Added E-Warp Engaged message to remind you if it is on