This is a beginner tutorial for learning and understanding the basics of SOLID principles and how they can be applied when designing a class in object oriented programming.
These are principles that have been pioneered and championed by Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin.
The principles expose dependency management aspects of object oriented design as opposed to the conceptualization and modelling aspects. Dependency Management is an issue that most of us have faced.
Whenever we bring up on our screens a nasty batch of tangled legacy code is the results of poor dependency management. This poor dependency managment leads to code that is hard to change, fragile, and non-reusable.
On the other hand
When dependencies are well managed, the code remains flexible, robust, and reusable.
Therefore these principles, are at the foundation of the ilities that software developers desire.
The following is a list of the five priciples of class design and within each link there is a description and examples how they can be used