This is a fun project centered around finding interesting stories on Reddit and compiling youtube shorts videos with them. The visuals are intended to be some gaming oriented videos
To clone this project and build your awesome next-gen solution based on it:
git clone
This script is used to trim videos. To run the script, follow the steps below after cloning the repo:
Before running the script, ensure that the required libraries are installed by running the following command in your terminal:
pip install numpy pandas moviepy
cd <path-to-repo-parent>/youtube-automator
Disclaimer: the app interface displays only the most important info, for more verbose logging, see the terminal outputs.
The video processing script can be run with the following command:
python [-l URL | -vid VIDEO_ID] [-s START] [-e END] [-c COUNT]
-l, --url: The URL of the video to be trimmed
-s, --start: The start time in the format
-e, --end: The end time in the format
-vid, --video_id: The ID of the video to be trimmed
-c, --count: The number of times the video should be trimmed
Note that either -l or -vid must be specified. If both are specified, -l will be used.
To trim a video with ID 12345 from 00:10:00 to 00:15:00, run the following command:
python -vid 12345 -s 00.10.00 -e 00.15.00
To trim a video from a YouTube URL, run the following command:
python -l -s 00.10.00 -e 00.15.00
This section will be updated at a later stage
"If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome."
This section will be updated at a later stage