- - Users Management + Spatie Roles & Permission
- - Countries + Cities + Projects + Contractors CRUD.
- - Warehouses + Locations + SubLocations + SubSubLocations + SubSubSubLocations CRUD.
- - Category + SubCategory + SubSubCategory + SubSubSubCategory CRUD.
- - Materials Natures ( Consumable Or Equipments Or Bulk ) CRUD.
- - Equipments Code + Jet Number + Jet Position + Drawing Number CRUD.
- And Many other futures ...
- Create a database.
- Clone the repository with git clone or download it directly from here :
- Open the project with CMD or use your prefered code editor and run the below cmd.
- cp .env.example .env
- Now In your main Laravel folder you should have .env file which contains various settings, you just need to change only a few of them:
- DB_DATABASE=laravel
- Now In your main Laravel folder you should have .env file which contains various settings, you just need to change only a few of them:
- composer install
- php artisan key:generate
- npm install
- npm run dev
- npm run build
- php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- php artisan serve.
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