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service Channelz {
// 返回所有的根 Channel(即应用直接创建的 Channel)
rpc GetTopChannels(GetTopChannelsRequest) returns (GetTopChannelsResponse);
// 根据 Channel ID 返回单个的 Channel 详情,包括 Subchannel,如果没有则返回 NOT_FOUND
rpc GetChannel(GetChannelRequest) returns (GetChannelResponse);
// 根据 Subchannel ID 返回 Subchannel 详情
rpc GetSubchannel(GetSubchannelRequest) returns (GetSubchannelResponse);
// 返回所有存在的 Server
rpc GetServers(GetServersRequest) returns (GetServersResponse);
// 根据 Server ID 返回 Server 详情
rpc GetServer(GetServerRequest) returns (GetServerResponse);
// 根据 Server ID 返回 Server 所有的 Socket
rpc GetServerSockets(GetServerSocketsRequest) returns (GetServerSocketsResponse);
// 根据 Socket ID 返回 Socket 详情
rpc GetSocket(GetSocketRequest) returns (GetSocketResponse);
运行服务端及客户端程序,我们在日志中注意到存在间歇性错误,错误代码为DeadlineExceeded, 导致超出期限的错误,并且存在很多可能性:
- 网络问题,例如:连接丢失
- 代理问题,例如:中间的请求/响应被丢弃
- 服务器问题,例如:请求丢失或响应缓慢
客户端打开 grpc INFO日志以获取更多调试信息
(⎈ |test-ctx:ticket-system)➜ client git:(feature/grpc) ✗ GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL=info GRPC_GO_LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL=99 go run client.go
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Server #1] Server created
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2] Channel created
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2] original dial target is: "whatever:///test.server"
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2] parsed dial target is: {Scheme:whatever Authority: Endpoint:test.server URL:{Scheme:whatever Opaque: User: Host: Path:/test.server RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment: RawFragment:}}
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2] Channel authority set to "test.server"
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Server #1 ListenSocket #3] ListenSocket created
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2] Resolver state updated: {
"Addresses": [
"Addr": ":10001",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": null,
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
"Addr": ":10002",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": null,
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
"Addr": ":10003",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": null,
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
"ServiceConfig": null,
"Attributes": null
} (resolver returned new addresses)
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2] Channel switches to new LB policy "round_robin"
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: got new ClientConn state: {{[{
"Addr": ":10001",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": null,
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
} {
"Addr": ":10002",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": null,
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
} {
"Addr": ":10003",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": null,
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
}] <nil> <nil>} <nil>}
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #4] Subchannel created
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #5] Subchannel created
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #6] Subchannel created
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #4] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #4] Subchannel picks a new address ":10001" to connect
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #6] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #6] Subchannel picks a new address ":10003" to connect
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #5] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0x140002a4420, CONNECTING
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2] Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #5] Subchannel picks a new address ":10002" to connect
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0x140002a4560, CONNECTING
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0x140002a44c0, CONNECTING
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #4] Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0x140002a4420, READY
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #5] Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
2023/02/04 19:59:28 INFO: [core] [Channel #2 SubChannel #6] Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
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