- Bugfix fix group field migration in TYPO3 12.4
- cleanup and streamlining
- Add option for custom replace content method
- Update CacheUtility
- Bugfix handle missing translations correct
- TYPO3 12.4 compatibility
- fix extension icon
- Cleanup extension naming and icon
- make it possible to have the default event of a ajax trigger element be fired
- add PageTypeDecorator to allow unmapped page types -> https://github.com/DMKEBUSINESSGMBH/typo3-mktools/blob/11.5/Documentation/Utilities/Slugs/Index.md#pagetypedecorator-für-pagetyps-ohne-mapping
- Require rn_base >= 1.16.0
- add custom XML sitemap pages data provider which takes care of the seo robots meta tag added by mktools. Check documentation for more information.
- support for TYPO3 10.4 and 11.5 only
- [BREAKING] remove all deprecated classes. Only namespaced classes are now used.
- add update wizard to migrate mktools plugins which use old classes
- cleanup and streamlining
- removed FAL fields for cal and tt_news
- add command to migrate and generate slugs for arbitrary tables (check documentation)
- add command to migrate old form finisher email override settings in plugins (check documentation)
- add command to migrate old file group fields in the database to FAL references (check documentation)
- add StaticNumberRangeMapper which overcomes common limits with StaticRangeMapper in cinjuction with pagination and filters (check documentation)
- update parsedown library
- bugfixes
- require rn_base >= 1.15.0
- bugfixes
- bugfixes
- cleanup
- enable usage of page type parameter through $_POST
- bugfixes
- added command and utility to migrate/generate slugs and old tscobj plugins
- bugfixes
- compatibility to TYPO3 9.5 and 10.4 only
- moved all classes to namespaces. deprecated old classes.
- removed unused/obsolete features likes the find unused locallang labels command or the custom page not found handling.
- add aria-hidden attribute to placeholder links
- fixed content replacement when USER_INT/COA_INT objects are present
- add aria label to placeholder link when loading USER(_INT) with AJAX
- Add TYPO3 10, PHP 7.4 and nightlies to travis ci
- cleanup replaced deprecated Tx_Rnbase_Configuration_Processor
- don't use APC/APCu on CLI
- fix using deprecated _GETset
- Fix extension key in composer json
- bugfix support new rn_base version
- dont use old devlog anymore
- fix ext_conf labels
- another method to check translation overlay for single records
- add Travis-CI
- fixed support of translated records in language menus in TYPO3 9.4. Please take care to add the assignment of the menuConfiguration inside your TypoScript. (see documentation)
- new feature to support translated records in language menus
- added support for TYPO3 9.5 (page not found handling is dropped as well as all realurl features for TYPO3 9.5. In 8.7 everything as before.)
- dropped support for TYPO3 6.2 and 7.6
- ajax content renderer is not working as long as issue 88631 of TYPO3 core is not fixed
- bugfixes
- ajax requests can have a dedicated redirect. check documentation
- bugfixes
- GET Request can be triggered instead of POST in ajax requests
- update bootswatch
- bugfixes
- cleanup
- bugfixes
- new utility to use apc(u) easy as cache backend
- take care of multi-select/-checkboxes for ajax POST requests
- cleanup
- bugfixes
- add hook after fetching pagenotfound content
- optimized image handling in ajax requests
- added JS hook after content is replaced in ajax requests
- make it possible to lazy load tt_content USER_INT plugins via ajax at page
- don't ignore codes 1 and 2 for any typeNum except 0 by default in page not found handling
- cleanup
- added documentation
- bugfixes
- AjaxContentRenderer: support the content id in div, section and article
- updated documentation
- added Parsedown Extra class for more flexibility
- made plugin USER
- bugfixes
- updated parsdown library from 1.1.1 to 1.6.0
- bugfixes
- added documentation
- add cHashExcludedParameters for common tracking tools
- bugfixes
- deactivate Content Object Exception Handling if mktools Error Handling is active
- Initial TYPO3 8.7 LTS Support
- static action ts template renamed
- converted manual to markdown
- added support for TYPO3 7.6
- New FlashMessage feature implemented
- check Typoscript cObject upon PagaNotFoundHandling
- [BUGFIX] für XClass Registrierung in TYPO3 6.2
- [BUGFIX] generate realurl file even if no pages with FixedPostVar type exist
- [BUGFIX] execute tests not before TYPO3 6.2 of CLI task to find unused locallang labels
- [FEATURE] CLI task to find unused locallang labels
- [TASK] Responsive Images for MarkDown Action
- [BUGFIX] fixed docu
- [TASK] refactored database testcase and SEO Meta Robots Tag
- [BUGFIX] libs fixed. using prefer dist instead of prefer source.