- Add backwards compatiblity for schedulers that were created when we still used rn_base.
- Fix graylog2/gelf-php 2.x usage
- Fix dependencies
- TYPO3 13.4 and 12.4 compatibility only
- Cleanup coding style
- Update dependencies for none composer installations
- Remove stack trace arguments from error mail when an exception during logging occured.
- Minor bugfixes
- TYPO3 12.4 compatibility
- bugfix for BE module since rn_base 1.16.7
- remove obsolete database field
- fix uninitialized string offset
- require rn_base at least 1.16.0
- bugfixes
- support for TYPO3 10 and 11
- require rn_base at least in version 1.15.0
- Add doctrine dbal 2.13 support
- cleaned up and streamlined code
- drop support for TYPO3 8.7
- drop support for PHP 7.1 and 7.2
- require doctrine/dbal at least in version ~2.11.2
- bugfixes
- fix none-composer installations
- bugfixes
- compatibility to TYPO3 10.4
- cleaned up and streamlined code
- drop TYPO3 7 support
- remove some dependencies to rn_base
- extract cleanup step to new scheduler task
- added documentation how to register log writer for error handling
- Add configuration for max extradata size for watchdog transports
- Remove class constant visibility in test
- Remove class constant visibility for backward compatibility to php 7.0 and php 5.6
- Add usage of entry data parser on persist into db
- Cleanup cs fo exception in factory
- Disable phpdoc align and superfluousphpdoc rules
- Add tests for shortened internal data
- Cleanup short array syntax
- Add tests generated var/log/ folder and composer.lock file to gitignore
- Fix factory namespace in decorator
- Cleanup php doc
- Add usage of entry data parser for gelf transports
- Add usage of entry data parser in be module
- Add method to short internal data if required
- Add new entry data parser utility class
- Fix extension key in composer json
- Add scrutinizer badge
- support PHP 5.6 again
- fix transport factory exception
- devlog entry table optimization
- use current time for log entries
- fixed test case class name
- added option to configure extension white- and blacklist and custom mail subject in WatchDog scheduler
- require rn_base >= v1.10.2 so logging works again
- use rn_base utility to add flash message in schedulers
- fixed compatibility issues for TYPO3 8.7 and 9.5. Please check that your schedulers have the correct configuration still set. If not you need to reconfigure them.
- added support to TYPO3 9.5
- cleanup send entries ordered by crdate
- some optimizations and fixes
- gelf logger path in syslog config fixed
- Bugfix in data converter utility, decode returns always an array now
- Request url added to extra data
- new syslog hook for direct gelf logging
- transport for gelf logger are configurable in extension configuration now
- extra data size increased
- timezone issues fpr log messages fixed
- extra data output in be module fixed
- TYPO3 8.7 LTS Support
- new devlog logger added
- new be module for browsing devlog entries added
- new scheduler with transport support
- new gelf and mail transports added
- new gelf logger for emergency alerts
- Delete devlog entries automatically when deleting pages and prevent copying of devlog entries along when copying a page
- added extension icon
- converted documentation from reSt to markdown
- added support for TYPO3 7.6
- added support for devlog 3.x
- fixed sending mail without found entries if no grouping configured
- Initial Release