Tool for processing CSV files with llm.
$ python -h
usage: batch_processor [-h] [--api API] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-ic INPUT_COLUMN] [-oc OUTPUT_COLUMN] [--max_new_tokens MAX_NEW_TOKENS] [--temperature TEMPERATURE]
Process a csv data in api
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--api API API URL;
-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
input file path; defaults to 'input.csv'
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
output file path; defaults to 'output.csv'
-ic INPUT_COLUMN, --input_column INPUT_COLUMN
name of the input data column; defaults to 'input'
-oc OUTPUT_COLUMN, --output_column OUTPUT_COLUMN
name of the output data column; defaults to 'output'
-p PARAMS, --parameters
name of the json with parameters; defaults to 'parameters.json'
Each entry in an INPUT_COLUMN of INPUT_FILE will be sent to API.
OUTPUT_FILE is a copy of an input file with a new column OUTPUT_COLUMN (default = 'output') which contains API responses.
Make sure to set MAX_NEW_TOKENS as needed. 100 Tokens is only 1 paragraph maximum.
If input file already has an 'output' column - only rows with empty output will be processed. Processing may be interrupted(via CTRL+C in UNIX) at any point and continued later by using an output file as an input.
Example usage
$ python3.11 -i output.csv
processing output.csv: 100%|########################################| 60/60 [00:00<00:00, 673.91rows/s]
Processed 60 rows in 0.08912 seconds. (673.3 rows/second)
Saved results into output.csv