title | description |
Service name |
A short description (up to ~160 characters) of the service that should make sense out of context (like on a listing page). |
A brief introduction (1--2 sentences) to what this service is used for.
Grid | Dedicated | Dedicated Generation 3 |
{{< image-versions image="<SERVICE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="grid" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<SERVICE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<SERVICE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated-gen-3" >}} |
The following versions are available but are not receiving security updates from upstream, so their use is not recommended. They will be removed at some point in the future.
Grid | Dedicated | Dedicated Generation 3 |
{{< image-versions image="<SERVICE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="grid" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<SERVICE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<SERVICE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated-gen-3" >}} |
Short steps on how to add the service to services.yaml
and .app.platform.yaml
Can be structured like how to steps.
If available, include examples in various languages using the service in an app (taken from https://examples.docs.platform.sh/).
{{< relationship "<SERVICE_NAME>" >}}
Structure like how to steps. Split each function into a separate section.