title | description |
Language name |
A short description (up to ~160 characters) of the language that should make sense out of context (like on a listing page). |
A brief introduction (1--2 sentences) to the language.
Grid | Dedicated | Dedicated Generation 3 |
{{< image-versions image="<LANGUAGE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="grid" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<LANGUAGE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<LANGUAGE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated-gen-3" >}} |
The following versions are available but are not receiving security updates from upstream, so their use is not recommended. They will be removed at some point in the future.
Grid | Dedicated | Dedicated Generation 3 |
{{< image-versions image="<LANGUAGE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="grid" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<LANGUAGE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated" >}} | {{< image-versions image="<LANGUAGE_NAME>" status="supported" environment="dedicated-gen-3" >}} |
At least a minimal example of how to add the language to .app.platform.yaml
Ideally, also with a full working example that shows it in context.
Depending on the language, a brief description of the recommended way to handle dependencies in the language.
If available, include examples for connecting in an app (taken from https://examples.docs.platform.sh/).
If available, include the configuration reader available for the given language (for example, for Python).
Structure like how to steps. Split each function
A description of what templates are.
{{< repolist lang="<LANGUAGE_NAME>" >}}