This template uses GitHub workflows for CI / CD, defined in .github/workflows/
The CI workflow will trigger on every commit or PR to main
, and do the following:
- Run tests.
- Run Clippy lints.
- Check formatting.
- Check documentation.
You may want to set up a GitHub ruleset to require that all commits to main
pass CI.

The CD workflow will trigger on every pushed tag in the format v1.2.3
, and do the following:
- Create a release build for Windows, macOS, Linux, and web.
- (Optional) Upload to GitHub releases.
- (Optional) Upload to
This workflow can also be triggered manually.
In your GitHub repository, navigate to Actions > Release > Run workflow
Enter a version number in the format v1.2.3
, then hit the green Run workflow
Using this workflow requires some setup. We will go through this now.
The release workflow can be configured by tweaking the environment variables in .github/workflows/release.yaml
Click here for a list of variables and how they're used.
# The base filename of the binary produced by `cargo build`.
cargo_build_binary_name: bevy_new_2d
# The path to the assets directory.
assets_path: assets
# Whether to upload the packages produced by this workflow to a GitHub release.
upload_to_github: true
# The project to upload to in the format `user-name/project-name`.
# There will be no upload to if this is commented out.
upload_to_itch: the-bevy-flock/bevy-new-2d
# The ID of the app produced by this workflow.
# Applies to macOS releases.
# Must contain only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphens, and periods:
app_id: the-bevy-flock.bevy-new-2d
# The base filename of the binary in the package produced by this workflow.
# Applies to Windows, macOS, and Linux releases.
# Defaults to `cargo_build_binary_name` if commented out.
app_binary_name: bevy_new_2d
# The name of the `.zip` or `.dmg` file produced by this workflow.
# Defaults to `app_binary_name` if commented out.
app_package_name: bevy_new_2d
# The display name of the app produced by this workflow.
# Applies to macOS releases.
# Defaults to `app_package_name` if commented out.
app_display_name: Bevy New 2D
# The short display name of the app produced by this workflow.
# Applies to macOS releases.
# Must be 15 or fewer characters:
# Defaults to `app_display_name` if commented out.
app_short_name: Bevy New 2D
# Before enabling LFS, please take a look at GitHub's documentation for costs and quota limits:
git_lfs: false
The values are set automatically by cargo generate
, or you can edit them yourself and push a commit.
Hit New repository secret
and enter the following values, then hit Add secret
- Name:
- Secret: Your API key (create a new one if necessary)
Create a new project with the same user and project name as in the upload_to_itch
variable in .github/workflows/release.yaml
Hit Save & view page
at the bottom of the page.
Trigger the release workflow for the first time. Once it's done, go back to and hit Edit game
in the top left.
Set Kind of project
, then find the newly uploaded web
build and tick the box that says "This file will be played in the browser".