Full manual here: https://github.com/catronomix/catro-modulo/blob/master/CM-manual-v0.6.4.pdf
CM-1: 8xlfo
8 LFOs that blend between sine, square, saw and triangle waves
Rate is from very slow to audio rate
Mix output is the average of all LFOs
CM-2: 8xatn
8 attenuverters with offset
Mix output is the average of all outputs that have an input connected
CM-3: PreSetSeq
Preset sequencer and morpher
8 'Eyes' that set their value when no input connected, or scale the input when connected.
8 triggerable record buttons that save the resulting eye-values
Scan/select dial to choose which saved recording to select for output
Morph slider fades between recording output, direct eye output and recordingXdirect output
Sequencer with some built-in patterns and basic controls
Don't press the "Try me"-button! ;)
CM-4: vcClk
Voltage controlled bpm clock
The gold-plated in and outputs are for the bpm sync signal, for which standards are shared between all the other modules to enable synced bpm changes. Simply chain the bpm cv between the modules, and connect all reset inputs to the vcClk reset output
CM-5: vcClk++
Expansion for vcClk, it outputs 7 clock pulses that are synced with the input
CM-6: 1hp blank
It is a blank panel and it is 1hp wide :)