This document provides detailed instructions on how to use the Code Module Cop bot for managing Telegram groups.
- /start: Start interacting with the bot.
- /help: Get help and see the list of available commands.
- /commands: List all commands of the bot.
- /date: Get the current date and time.
- /joke: Get a random joke.
- /support: View support contact details.
- /botinfo: Get information about the bot.
- /rules: View the group rules.
- /codetime: Says a random word sarcastically or offensively to you or people in the group.
- /future: Get insights about the future.
- /groupinfo: View information about the group.
- /report: Report an issue or a user.
- /cancel: Cancel the current report.
- /link: Generate or view group links.
- /adminlist: View the list of group admins.
- /grant: Grant admin privileges to a user.
- /revoke: Revoke admin privileges from a user.
- /pin: Pin a message in the group.
- /unpin: Unpin the pinned message.
- /purge: Delete a range of messages.
- /welcome: Returns the current group welcome message.
- /approved: Approve a user for special privileges.
- /disapproved: Remove approval for a user.
- /approvedlist: View the list of approved users.
- /ban: Ban a user from the group.
- /unban: Unban a previously banned user.
- /warn: Issue a warning to a user.
- /rmwarn: Remove a warning from a user.
- /warns: Check warnings for a user.
- /warnslist: View the list of all warnings.
- /mute: Mute a user in the group.
- /unmute: Unmute a previously muted user.
- /blacklist: Add a word or phrase to the blacklist.
- /abl: Add multiple words to the blacklist.
- /rmbl: Remove a word or phrase from the blacklist.
- /clrbl: Clear the blacklist.
- /shahin: Trigger Shahin-specific functionality.
- /aran: Trigger Aran-specific functionality.
To mute a user for 10 minutes:
/mute 10m
(You must reply to the user you want to mute.)
To issue a warning to a user with a reason:
/warn Spamming the chat
(You must reply to the user you want to warn.)
To ban a user from the group:
(You must reply to the user you want to ban.)
To unban a user from the group:
(You must specify the user to unban.)