docker compose build
For local development, create a docker-compose.override.yml
file with the following contents:
version: "3.9"
- APP_ENV=dev
network_mode: host
privileged: true
Run the docker start script from your command line. This will start the docker container and automatically fire Robins launch file to start all the relevant nodes.
docker compose up
Runs interactively and launches roscore as default. extend this as needed to setup everything we need to make porting easier to new machines, etc. Will need to adjust local directory for mapping source code until git repo is included in dockerfile.. (one step at a time eh).
To access docker container once running (e.g. to run catkin build, etc)...
docker compose exec alice /bin/bash
NOTE: Docker container is based on ros-noetic-desktop-full but we can strip down at later point if size is issue or just needs optimising.
- Add device support
- Move volume mapping into composer file
- Execute launch file on startup (to allow docker container to run lily stack autonomously)
- Look at changing velocity based on length of button press (get controller working first)
- Volume used to store and persist logs between container sessions. Stored in /root/ros_logs/.
docker volume create ros_logs
to create but should do it automatically on start.
Start Pseudo Server:
python src/csjbot_alice/src/
rosrun csjbot_alice
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
- Fix acceleration on movement - maybe look at incremental changes from 0 upwards depending on keypress timings.
- Look at MPO's speech research -
rosrun csjbot_alice
rostopic pub /speech std_msgs/String "Hello"
rosrun csjbot_alice
rostopic pub /video_enable std_msgs/Bool "true"
rostopic pub /video_enable std_msgs/Bool "false"
Each frame of the picture header is: 0xff , 0xfe , 0xfd , 0xfc , 0xfb , 0xfa , 0xd8 Tail of each frame image data is: 0xff , 0xfe , 0xfd , 0xfc , 0xfb , 0xfa , 0xd9
First enable the video service. Launch:
rosrun csjbot_alice
Send a boolean message to active/enable the video socket:
rostopic pub /video_enable std_msgs/Bool "true"
Then run the publisher (which retrieves the image from the web socket and republishes it over ROS):
rosrun csjbot_alice
publishes the images to the /camera/image topic. However, can only seem to pick it up using:
rosrun csjbot_alice
Which writes the received image to an image (test2.jpg) which is viewable. Unable to get image viewer on an alternative machine from being able to receive the image. Not sure why, possibly a multi-node ros configuration issue.
To launch the GUI, currently (until integrated into a launch file):
cd ~/your-project-folder/src/csjbot_alice/gui && python -m http.server
In a web browser on the laptop:
This work was developed as part of the the Robots Mediating Interaction project, supported by UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through Horizon: Trusted Data-Driven Products (EP/T022493/1).