notebook filename | 03-xyt_matchup.Rmd
history | converted to R notebook from xyt_matchup.R
This exercise you will extract satellite data around a set of points defined by longitude, latitude, and time coordinates like that produced by an animal telemetry tag, and ship track, or a glider tract.
The exercise demonstrates the following techniques:
- Using the rxtracto function to extract satellite data along a track
- Using rerddap to retrieve information about a dataset from ERDDAP
- Using plotTrack to plot the satellite data onto a map as well as to make an animation
- Loading data from a tab separated file
- Plotting the satellite data onto a map
This data is taken from the ERDDAP server at
# Function to check if pkgs are installed, and install any missing pkgs
pkgTest <- function(x)
if (!require(x,character.only = TRUE))
if(!require(x,character.only = TRUE)) stop(x, " :Package not found")
# create list of required packages
list.of.packages <- c("ncdf4", "rerddap", "plotdap", "parsedate",
"graphics", "maps", "mapdata", "RColorBrewer", "ggplot2", "gifski",
"png", "rerddapXtracto")
# create list of installed packages
pkges = installed.packages()[,"Package"]
# Install and load all required pkgs
for (pk in list.of.packages) {
In this exercise we willuse in the XYZ coordinates that have been brought in from a file. Installation of the “rerddapXtracto” package comes with the “Marlintag38606” dataset which we will use for this exercise. It is the track of a tagged marlin in the Pacific Ocean (courtesy of Dr. Mike Musyl of the Pelagic Research Group LLC).
The “Marlintag38606” file has this structure:
## 'data.frame': 152 obs. of 7 variables:
## $ date : Date, format: "2003-04-23" "2003-04-24" ...
## $ lon : num 204 204 204 204 204 ...
## $ lat : num 19.7 19.8 20.4 20.3 20.3 ...
## $ lowLon: num 204 204 204 204 204 ...
## $ higLon: num 204 204 204 204 204 ...
## $ lowLat: num 19.7 18.8 18.8 18.9 18.9 ...
## $ higLat: num 19.7 20.9 21.9 21.7 21.7 ...
We will use the “date”, “lon” and “lat” variables to get the matching satellite data. Here the time variable is already in a date format. Often when reading in your own data you will have to convert the date into a date format (Remember R syntax is Y for a 4 digit year and y for a 2 digit year)
## For convenience make shorter names for the variables
xcoord <- Marlintag38606$lon
ycoord <- Marlintag38606$lat
tcoord <- Marlintag38606$date
For this example we will use the SeaWiFS 8-day composite chlorophyll dataset (ID erdSW2018chla8day)
The script below:
- Gathers information about the dataset (metadata) using rerddap
- Displays the information
Set the following arguments for rerddap
Set the dataset ID: dataset <- ‘erdSW2018chla8day’
The default source ERDDAP for rerddap is “”. Since we are pulling the data from the ERDDAP at “”, change the url to url = “”
dataset <- 'erdSW2018chla8day'
# Use rerddap to get dataset metadata
# if you encouter an error reading the nc file clear the rerrdap cache:
rerddap::cache_delete_all(force = TRUE)
dataInfo <- rerddap::info(dataset, url= "")
# Display the metadata
## <ERDDAP info> erdSW2018chla8day
## Base URL:
## Dataset Type: griddap
## Dimensions (range):
## time: (1997-09-02T00:00:00Z, 2010-12-15T00:00:00Z)
## latitude: (-89.95834, 89.95834)
## longitude: (-179.9583, 179.9584)
## Variables:
## chlorophyll:
## Units: mg m^-3
Double check dataInfo to make sure the dataset covers the time, longitude, and latitude ranges in your XYT data.
Use the name of the chlorophyll parameter that was displayed above in dataInfo: parameter <- “chlorophyll”
Use the xcoord, ycoord, and tcoord vectors you extracted from the marlin tag file.
Some datasets have an altitude dimension. If so, then zcood must be included in the rxtracto call. The “erdSW2018chla8day” dataset does not include an altitude dimension.
Define the search “radius” for the gridded data. The rxtracto function allow you to set the size of the box used to collect data around the track points using the xlen and ylen arguments. The values for xlen and ylen are in degrees. For our example we 0.2 degrees for both arguments. Note: You can also submit vectors for xlen and ylen, as long as the are the same length as xcoord, ycoord, and tcoord
Run the rxtracto function to extract the data from ERDDAP.
parameter <- 'chlorophyll'
xlen <- 0.2
ylen <- 0.2
# Some datasets have an altitude dimension. If so, then zcood must be included in the rxtracto call.
# If the dataInfo shows an altitude dimension, uncomment "zcoord <- 0" and include zcoord=zcoord in the rxtracto call.
# zcoord <- 0.
swchl <- rxtracto(dataInfo,
xcoord=xcoord, ycoord=ycoord,
tcoord=tcoord, xlen=xlen, ylen=ylen)
After the extraction is complete, “swchl” will contain the following columns.
## List of 13
## $ mean chlorophyll : num [1:152] 0.0709 0.0729 0.081 0.0826 0.0656 ...
## $ stdev chlorophyll : num [1:152] 0.0139 0.00192 0.0055 0.00491 0.0026 ...
## $ n : int [1:152] 4 2 12 5 8 9 4 3 0 7 ...
## $ satellite date : chr [1:152] "2003-04-19T00:00:00Z" "2003-04-27T00:00:00Z" "2003-04-27T00:00:00Z" "2003-04-27T00:00:00Z" ...
## $ requested lon min : num [1:152] 204 204 204 204 204 ...
## $ requested lon max : num [1:152] 204 204 204 204 204 ...
## $ requested lat min : num [1:152] 19.6 19.7 20.3 20.2 20.2 ...
## $ requested lat max : num [1:152] 19.8 19.9 20.5 20.4 20.4 ...
## $ requested z min : logi [1:152] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## $ requested z max : logi [1:152] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## $ requested date : chr [1:152] "2003-04-23" "2003-04-24" "2003-04-30" "2003-05-01" ...
## $ median chlorophyll: num [1:152] 0.0702 0.0729 0.0828 0.085 0.0658 ...
## $ mad chlorophyll : num [1:152] 0.01517 0.00202 0.00564 0.00407 0.00243 ...
## - attr(*, "row.names")= chr [1:152] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
## - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "list" "rxtractoTrack"
We will use the “plotTrack” function to plot the results.
* “plotTrack” is a function of the “rerddapXtracto” package designed
specifically to plot the results from “rxtracto”.
- The example below uses a color palette specifically designed for chlorophyll.
# Uncomment the png line and the line to save the image
# png(file="xyt_matchup.png")
plotTrack(swchl, xcoord, ycoord, tcoord, plotColor = 'algae')
Make a cumulative animation of the track. This will take a minute to run. It creates an animated gif that will display in the Rstudio viewer window once the encoding to gif is done.
plotTrack(swchl, xcoord, ycoord, tcoord, plotColor = 'algae',
animate = TRUE, cumulative = TRUE)
This match up was done using weekly (8-day) data. Try rerunning the example using the daily (erdSW2018chla1day) or the monthly (erdSW2018chlamday) satellite data product and see how the results differ
In July 2019 version 0.4.1 of “reddapXtracto”" was updated allowing “rxtracto”" to work on data that crosses the dateline. In this example we will extract chlorophyll data for a grid of stations along the Aleutian Islands.
Create a station array
For crossing the dateline the longitudes for that animal/ship track must
be in 0-360 format.
* Create a grid of stations from 172E to 170W (190°) and 50-54N, spaced
every 2°. * Then, set up vectors with these values, and then make
arrays of the station longitudes and latitudes
lat <- seq(50,54,2)
lon <- seq(173,189,2)
stax <- matrix(lon,nrow=length(lat),ncol=length(lon),byrow=TRUE)
stay <- matrix(lat,nrow=length(lat),ncol=length(lon),byrow=FALSE)
To input values into “rxtracto” the longitudes and latitudes need to be in vector format
xcoord <- as.vector(stax)
ycoord <- as.vector(stay)
Define the search “radius” in the x any y directions, in units of degrees
xlen <- 0.2
ylen <- 0.2
Create an array of dates. For this exercise we are going to assume all stations were sampled in the same month, so we are going to make all the values the same, but they don’t have to be.
tcoord <- rep('2019-04-15',length(xcoord))
Selects the dataset and parameter for the extraction
In this example the dataset chosen is the monthly OC-CCI chlorophyll
url <- ""
dataset <- 'pmlEsaCCI50OceanColorMonthly'
dataInfo <- rerddap::info(dataset,url=url)
parameter <- 'chlor_a'
## <ERDDAP info> pmlEsaCCI50OceanColorMonthly
## Base URL:
## Dataset Type: griddap
## Dimensions (range):
## time: (1997-09-04T00:00:00Z, 2020-12-01T00:00:00Z)
## latitude: (-89.97916666666666, 89.97916666666667)
## longitude: (-179.97916666666666, 179.97916666666663)
## Variables:
## adg_412:
## Units: m-1
## adg_412_bias:
## Units: m-1
## adg_412_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## adg_443:
## Units: m-1
## adg_443_bias:
## Units: m-1
## adg_443_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## adg_490:
## Units: m-1
## adg_490_bias:
## Units: m-1
## adg_490_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## adg_510:
## Units: m-1
## adg_510_bias:
## Units: m-1
## adg_510_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## adg_560:
## Units: m-1
## adg_560_bias:
## Units: m-1
## adg_560_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## adg_665:
## Units: m-1
## adg_665_bias:
## Units: m-1
## adg_665_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## aph_412:
## Units: m-1
## aph_412_bias:
## Units: m-1
## aph_412_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## aph_443:
## Units: m-1
## aph_443_bias:
## Units: m-1
## aph_443_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## aph_490:
## Units: m-1
## aph_490_bias:
## Units: m-1
## aph_490_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## aph_510:
## Units: m-1
## aph_510_bias:
## Units: m-1
## aph_510_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## aph_560:
## Units: m-1
## aph_560_bias:
## Units: m-1
## aph_560_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## aph_665:
## Units: m-1
## aph_665_bias:
## Units: m-1
## aph_665_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## atot_412:
## Units: m-1
## atot_443:
## Units: m-1
## atot_490:
## Units: m-1
## atot_510:
## Units: m-1
## atot_560:
## Units: m-1
## atot_665:
## Units: m-1
## bbp_412:
## Units: m-1
## bbp_443:
## Units: m-1
## bbp_490:
## Units: m-1
## bbp_510:
## Units: m-1
## bbp_560:
## Units: m-1
## bbp_665:
## Units: m-1
## chlor_a:
## Units: milligram m-3
## chlor_a_log10_bias:
## chlor_a_log10_rmsd:
## kd_490:
## Units: m-1
## kd_490_bias:
## Units: m-1
## kd_490_rmsd:
## Units: m-1
## MERIS_nobs_sum:
## MODISA_nobs_sum:
## OLCI_nobs_sum:
## Rrs_412:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_412_bias:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_412_rmsd:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_443:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_443_bias:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_443_rmsd:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_490:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_490_bias:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_490_rmsd:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_510:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_510_bias:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_510_rmsd:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_560:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_560_bias:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_560_rmsd:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_665:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_665_bias:
## Units: sr-1
## Rrs_665_rmsd:
## Units: sr-1
## SeaWiFS_nobs_sum:
## total_nobs_sum:
## VIIRS_nobs_sum:
## water_class1:
## water_class10:
## water_class11:
## water_class12:
## water_class13:
## water_class14:
## water_class2:
## water_class3:
## water_class4:
## water_class5:
## water_class6:
## water_class7:
## water_class8:
## water_class9:
This dataset does not have an altitude dimension, so we do not need to supply an altitude parameter in the following “rxtracto” call.
Note that in both rxtracto() and rxtracto_3D() the zcoord can be a range. * For rxtracto_3D() if the zCoord needs to be given, it must be of length two. * For rxtracto() if the zCoord needs to be given, it must be of the same length as the other coordinates, and can also have a “zlen”“, like”xlen" and “ylen”, that defines a bounding box within which to make the extract. * The advantage of this is it allows rxtracto() to make extracts moving in (x, y, z, t) space.
Now we will make the rxtracto call to match up satellite data with station locations.
chl <- rxtracto(dataInfo,
xcoord=xcoord, ycoord=ycoord,
tcoord=tcoord, xlen=xlen, ylen=ylen)
## info() output passed to x; setting base url to:
## info() output passed to x; setting base url to:
Next we will map the data. We will do this two different ways, using base graphics and using “ggplot”.
Note that “plotTrack”, the routine used in the example above, is part of the “rerddapXtracto” package, and is designed to easily plot the output from “rxtracto”, but currently it can not handle crossing the dateline, so we can’t use it for this example.
First set up the color palette. This will use a yellow-green palette from the Brewer package
cols <- brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "YlGn")
chlcol <- cols[as.numeric(cut(chl$'mean chlor_a',breaks = 9))]
Identify stations which have a satellite values
gooddata <- !$'mean chlor_a')
Set-up the layout to have a map and a color bar
oldmar <- par("mar")
Create the base map, and then overlay stations with data, and then overlay empty circles around all statons
ww2 <- map('world', wrap=c(0,360), plot=FALSE, fill=TRUE)
map(ww2, xlim = c(140, 240),ylim=c(45,70), fill=TRUE,col="gray80",lforce="e")
points(xcoord[gooddata],ycoord[gooddata],col=chlcol, pch=19, cex=.9)
points(xcoord,ycoord, pch=1, cex=.9)
Add the colorbar
chlv <- min(chl$'mean chlor_a'[gooddata])+(0:9)*(max(chl$'mean chlor_a'[gooddata])-min(chl$'mean chlor_a'[gooddata]))/10
image(y=chlv,z=t(1:9), col=cols, axes=FALSE, main="Chl", cex.main=.8)
ggplot handles colorbars much easier than base graphics!
Put station lat, long and chl values into a dataframe for passing to ggplot
chlsta <- data.frame(x=xcoord,y=ycoord,chl=chl$'mean chlor_a')
Get land boundary data in 0-360 units of longitude.
mapWorld <- map_data("world", wrap=c(0,360))
Make the map
ggplot(chlsta) +
geom_point(aes(x,y,color=chl)) +
geom_polygon(data = mapWorld, aes(x=long, y = lat, group = group)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(140,240),ylim = c(47,70)) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours=brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "YlGn")) +
labs(x="", y="")