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App catalogs |
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Code for America has decommissioned the Civic Commons Marketplace, but the same code now powers Civic Exchange and Code for America does provide an API for Civic Tech Projects and a list of Code for America Apps.
- Civic Exchange
- Code for America API for Civic Tech Projects
- Code for America Apps
- Socrata Apps Marketplace
- Random Hacks of Kindness
- Capterra Government Software catalog
- CityGoRound Transit App Catalog
- American Association of State Highway and Transporation Officials App Catalog (AASHTOWare)
A list of app contests is also maintained on Govloop and OpenGovernmentData.org.
- Washington D.C. App Store and Apps for Democracy
- NYC BigApps
- San Francisco App Showcase
- Portland CivicApps
- London Data Store / Inspirational Uses Blog
- The World Bank
- World Bank Apps for Development
- Apps for Californians
- Apps for Edmonton
- Apps for Metro Chicago
- Data.gov.uk Apps
- Apps 4 Climate Action - British Columbia, Canada
- Apps 4 Africa
- Apps for Texas
- OSOR Projects
- See also Open Source Case Studies
- See also #civicforge + #civiccommons on Delicious
- Civic Exchange (and previously, The Civic Commons Marketplace) use Drupal OpenCivic
- OSOR uses FusionForge and Plone
- Django Anthill - codebase used for sunlight labs community
- contributing - codebase used for http://contributing.appspot.com
- CityGoRound - codebase used for http://www.citygoround.org/
- GovApps - codebase for DC catalog
- Portland CivicApps (Drupal Template) - being opened
- SF App Catalog platforms (one drupal-based, one sharepoint based)
- ShortStack with Crunchbase and Ohloh APIs