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Follow the below 3 steps:-
For IBIS to work and communicate with Hadoop (Sqoop, Hive and Oozie), the following respective env property, corresponding job property and configuration files should be updated:
A. Environment property file
Some other property files specifically used for unit test
Refer here How to Update property file?
B. Environment's job property file
Refer here How to Update job's property file?
C. Configuration properties
dev configuration property file
Refer here How to Update configuration file?
Setup.sh will execute below to commands to install system dependencies. VENV WILL FAIL IF BUILT WITHOUT ZLIB SUPPORT AND CERTAIN DEPENDENCIES.
But it is recomemded to run the below two commands manually, if not done setup.sh will be installing all the dependencies. Below command is for RHEL, if you are not on RHEL you will need to install all the corresponding dependencies manually.
sudo yum groupinstall -y "development tools"
sudo yum install krb5-devel gcc zlib-devel gcc-c++ python-devel cyrus-sasl-devel openssl openssl-devel libffi-devel bzip2-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel gdbm-devel db4-devel libpcap-devel xz-devel snappy-devel expat-devel patch -y --skip-broken &&
To prepare the IBIS Env (create the required directories, DB and tables used by IBIS), run the following Env setup shell:
sh setup.sh
Build the IBIS project to create the Python egg, coverage report and the packaged ibis.tar.gz file containing the egg with the required IBIS supporting files
To build the code, navigate to the ibis_build folder and use the following command:
sh build.sh <Argument1: ibis_home> <Argument2 : Execution option>
Argument 1 : Needs to be IBIS home directory path
Argument 2 : Below are the acceptable argument values
No arguments or leaving Blank will execute Test cases, Code check and Build process.
skip-all-test - Skip all validation and create Egg
skip-code-check - Skip code style check
skip-build - Run all validations and skip build process
Refer Test and Build for more details on building IBIS and running unit tests independently
Unix like environment (Mac, Linux)
Python 2.7.4+
requirements.pip (Is executed in IBIS one time setup)
graphviz dot (a yum install)
Hadoop ecosystem (Oozie, Hive/Impala, Sqoop)
Git repos
ibis (this one!)
ibis-workflows - Storing the workflows generated by IBIS