Welcome to the Physi-c-Tech project! We're building something amazing with love, brains, and responsibility. Our project aims to create a cutting-edge physics-based multiplayer game that combines fun and learning. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, we would love for you to join us on this exciting journey.
We’re excited to have you contribute to our project! Here’s how you can get started:
Fork the repository: This creates a copy of the project in your GitHub account. Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this page.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/Physi-c-Tech
with your GitHub username. -
Go to Physi-c-Tech Folder
cd Physi-c-Tech
Add a remote upstream to the original repository: This ensures you can pull in changes from the main project.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/GameSphere-MultiPlayer/Physi-c-Tech/
Create a new branch: It's good practice to create a new branch for each feature or fix you work on.
git checkout -b <your-branch-name>
Make changes to the source code: Tweak, enhance, and improve!
Add your changes: Stage the files you want to include in your commit.
git add <file1> <file2> ...
Commit your changes: Write a meaningful commit message.
git commit -m "<your-commit-message>"
Push your changes: Send your changes to GitHub.
git push origin <your-branch-name>
Create a pull request (PR): Go to your forked repository on GitHub and you’ll see a button to create a PR. Click it and submit your changes for review.
Open GitHub Desktop and log in to your GitHub account.
Add your local repository:
- Go to "File" > "Add Local Repository" and select your repository.
Ensure you are on the correct branch:
- Use the "Branch" menu to switch if necessary.
Make and commit your changes:
- Click the "+" button, make your changes, and enter a commit message.
Push your changes:
- Click the "Push origin" button.
Create a pull request on GitHub:
- Navigate to your fork of the repository and click "Compare & pull request".
Review and submit your pull request:
- Add a title and description, then click "Create pull request".
Note: In order to create a pull request, you must have a fork of the original repository in your GitHub account and have made changes in that forked repository.
If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to open an issue in the repository or contact us directly. We’re here to help you get started and make meaningful contributions.
Checkout and make your changes for the develop branch only: When working on your contributions, switch to the develop branch in your local repository. This ensures that you are working on the latest version of the codebase.
Create pull requests only for the develop branch: When you are ready to submit your changes, create a pull request (PR) targeting the develop branch. This allows the maintainers to review and merge your code into the main development branch.
Maintain contribution guidelines: Each project may have its specific contribution guidelines. It's important to familiarize yourself with these guidelines before submitting your contributions. Adhering to these guidelines ensures consistency and helps maintain the quality of the codebase.
Format your commit message with the issue number: When making commits related to an issue, follow the format Fixes: #32 in your commit message. Replace 32 with the issue number you are addressing. This helps track and manage issues more efficiently.
Attach a Postman response screenshot for backend tasks: For tasks related to the backend, it is recommended to include a screenshot of the Postman response along with your pull request. This provides additional context and helps reviewers understand the changes made and their impact on the backend functionality.
Make your pull request descriptive and include examples: When creating a pull request, provide a clear and descriptive explanation of the changes you made. This helps reviewers understand the purpose and significance of your contribution. Additionally, including at least one example that demonstrates the intended usage or effect of your changes can be beneficial.
Rebase your commits and optimize file changes: When submitting your pull request, consider rebasing your commits into one commit and optimizing your file changes. This helps keep the commit history clean and makes it easier for reviewers to understand your changes.
Remember, following these guidelines will help ensure a smooth and efficient contribution process. Happy coding!
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.