diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 605b524..c65daad 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ tests/haystackClient/HaystackClientTest.py
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/.idea/misc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/.idea/modules.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- 1451219164897
- 1451219164897
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index a2b0070..852dac4 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Actually, connection can be established with :
* Niagara4_ by Tridium
* NiagaraAX_ by Tridium
-* Widesky_ by VRT_
+* Widesky_ by Widesky.cloud_
* Skyspark_ by SkyFoundry (version 2 and 3+)
Connection to Niagara AX or Niagara 4 requires the nHaystack_ module by J2 Innovations to be installed
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Pyhaystack is robust and will be ready for asynchronous development.
We have chosen a state machine approach with observer pattern. See the docs for
more informations.
-This implementation has been mostly supported by VRT_ and Servisys_. We are hoping
+This implementation has been mostly supported by Widesky.cloud_ and Servisys_. We are hoping
that more people will join us in our effort to build a well working open-source software
that will open the door of building data analysis to Python users.
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ to pyhaystack (ex. unit conversion)
.. _Niagara4 : https://www.tridium.com/en/products-services/niagara4
-.. _VRT : http://www.vrt.com.au/
+.. _Widesky.cloud : http://widesky.cloud/
.. _Servisys : http://www.servisys.com
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index b01f247..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Pull in bugfixes for HTTP headers
- * Pull in version detection updates for WideSky
- -- Stuart Longland Mon, 19 Sep 2016 14:17:33 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix dependencies on pandas.
- -- Stuart Longland Tue, 06 Sep 2016 14:56:03 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix handling of multiple entity read requests where IDs for non-existent
- entities are given. (VRT JIRA issue 366; upstream Github PR #26)
- -- Stuart Longland Tue, 30 Aug 2016 08:12:52 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Implement auto-detection of multi-point hisRead/hisWrite support
- -- Stuart Longland Fri, 29 Jul 2016 14:37:23 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Bugfixes for multi-point hisRead/hisWrite
- -- Stuart Longland Wed, 27 Jul 2016 10:57:52 +1000
-pyhaystack (0.9) unstable; urgency=low
- * Pull upstream release 0.9
- * Add bugfix for POST handling
- -- Stuart Longland Sat, 16 Jul 2016 08:47:52 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix to handle empty series when writing frames.
- -- Stuart Longland Thu, 02 Jun 2016 16:19:00 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Re-build using latest sources
- -- Stuart Longland Thu, 12 May 2016 12:34:02 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Throw out unused mixins that drag in pandas library unnecessarily.
- -- Stuart Longland Fri, 29 Apr 2016 06:02:27 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Further fixes.
- * Clean up now dead and non-functional legacy client.
- -- Stuart Longland Thu, 28 Apr 2016 14:25:00 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Additional fixes and improvements.
- -- Stuart Longland Thu, 21 Apr 2016 14:14:04 +1000
-pyhaystack ( unstable; urgency=low
- * Initial package built on 'widesky' branch.
- -- Stuart Longland Wed, 20 Apr 2016 02:19:27 +0000
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8f011..0000000
--- a/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c3f2fe..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Source: pyhaystack
-Maintainer: VRT Systems
-Section: python
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: python-all (>= 2.6.6-3), debhelper (>= 7)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.1
-Package: python-pyhaystack
-Architecture: all
-Depends: python-hszinc, python-tz, python-requests,
- python-six, python-fysom, python-signalslot, python-semver
-Suggests: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}
-Description: Python Haystack Utility
- pyhaystack |build-status| |coverage| |docs|
- ===========================================
- .
- Pyhaystack is a module that allow python programs to connect to a haystack server [project-haystack.org](http://www.project-haystack.org).
- .
- Actually, connection can be established with Niagara Platform running the nhaystack module.
- .
- It's a work in progress and actually, main goal is to connect to server and retrive histories to make numeric analysis. Eventually, other options will be implemented through the REST API.
- .
- For this to work with [Anaconda](http://continuum.io/downloads) IPython Notebook in Windows, be sure to use "python setup.py install" using the Anaconda Command Prompt in Windows.
- If not, module will be installed for System path python but won't work in the environment of Anaconda IPython Notebook.
- .
- Chat with us on |Gitter|
- .
- .. |build-status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/ChristianTremblay/pyhaystack.svg?branch=master
- :target: https://travis-ci.org/ChristianTremblay/pyhaystack
- :alt: Build status
- .
- .. |docs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pyhaystack/badge/?version=latest
- :target: http://pyhaystack.readthedocs.org/
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index 68479c9..0000000
--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# This file was automatically generated by stdeb 0.8.5 at
-# Wed, 20 Apr 2016 02:19:27 +0000
- dh $@ --with python2 --buildsystem=python_distutils
- python setup.py clean -a
- find . -name \*.pyc -exec rm {} \;
- python setup.py build --force
- python setup.py install --force --root=debian/python-pyhaystack --no-compile -O0 --install-layout=deb
- dh_python2 --no-guessing-versions
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 89ae9db..0000000
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (native)
diff --git a/debian/source/options b/debian/source/options
deleted file mode 100644
index bcc4bbb..0000000
--- a/debian/source/options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 857747c..cce2ebb 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -21,43 +21,43 @@
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@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
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@@ -89,27 +89,27 @@
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# unit titles (such as .. function::).
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# output. They are ignored by default.
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@@ -119,156 +119,155 @@
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- 'Christian Tremblay, P.Eng.', 'manual'),
+ (
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+ "Christian Tremblay, P.Eng.",
+ "manual",
+ )
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+# latex_appendices = []
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+# latex_domain_indices = True
# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
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- (master_doc, 'pyhaystack', 'pyhaystack Documentation',
- [author], 1)
+man_pages = [(master_doc, "pyhaystack", "pyhaystack Documentation", [author], 1)]
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-#man_show_urls = False
+# man_show_urls = False
# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
@@ -277,22 +276,28 @@
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
- (master_doc, 'pyhaystack', 'pyhaystack Documentation',
- author, 'pyhaystack', 'One line description of project.',
- 'Miscellaneous'),
+ (
+ master_doc,
+ "pyhaystack",
+ "pyhaystack Documentation",
+ author,
+ "pyhaystack",
+ "One line description of project.",
+ "Miscellaneous",
+ )
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#texinfo_appendices = []
+# texinfo_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
-#texinfo_domain_indices = True
+# texinfo_domain_indices = True
# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
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-#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
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# -- Options for Epub output ----------------------------------------------
@@ -304,66 +309,66 @@
epub_copyright = copyright
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+# epub_basename = project
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# for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub output is
# usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save visual
# space.
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+# epub_theme = 'epub'
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# or 'en' if the language is not set.
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+# epub_language = ''
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-#epub_scheme = ''
+# epub_scheme = ''
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# or the project homepage.
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+# epub_identifier = ''
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+# epub_uid = ''
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+# epub_guide = ()
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# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
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# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
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-#epub_tocscope = 'default'
+# epub_tocscope = 'default'
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+# epub_fix_images = False
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+# epub_max_image_width = 0
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+# epub_show_urls = 'inline'
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+# epub_use_index = True
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+intersphinx_mapping = {"https://docs.python.org/": None}
diff --git a/mkdeb.sh b/mkdeb.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceda0a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkdeb.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Build a Debian package of pyhaystack.
+set -e
+: ${MY_DIR:=$( dirname "$0" )}
+: ${PYTHON:=$( which python2 )}
+: ${BUILD_PY2:=True}
+: ${BUILD_PY3:=True}
+# Set the output directory if not already given
+: ${OUT_DIR:=${MY_DIR}/out}
+cd "${MY_DIR}"
+# Clean up
+[ ! -d deb_dist ] || rm -fr deb_dist
+[ ! -d dist ] || rm -fr dist
+# Build
+"${PYTHON}" setup.py \
+ --command-package stdeb.command sdist_dsc \
+ --with-python2=${BUILD_PY2} --with-python3=${BUILD_PY3} \
+ ${DEBIAN_VERSION:+--debian-version=}${DEBIAN_VERSION} \
+ bdist_deb
+# Clean up source tree
+find deb_dist -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs rm -fr
+# Move out the resultant files
+[ -d ${OUT_DIR} ] || mkdir ${OUT_DIR}
+mv deb_dist/* ${OUT_DIR}
diff --git a/pyhaystack/__init__.py b/pyhaystack/__init__.py
index 47e3655..7e1ac55 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/__init__.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/__init__.py
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
from hszinc import Quantity, use_pint
Q_ = Quantity
from .client.loader import get_instance as connect
import requests.packages.urllib3
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import SubjectAltNameWarning
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/__init__.py b/pyhaystack/client/__init__.py
index 521ce1e..cd018a1 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/__init__.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/__init__.py
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
from .loader import get_implementation, get_instance
-__all__ = ['get_implementation', 'get_instance']
+__all__ = ["get_implementation", "get_instance"]
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/entity.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/entity.py
index a849139..1d06f13 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/entity.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/entity.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
from hszinc import Ref
from .tags import ReadOnlyEntityTags, MutableEntityTags
class Entity(object):
A base class for Project Haystack entities. This is a base class that is
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ def __init__(self, session, entity_id):
self._session = session
self._entity_id = entity_id
- if hasattr(session, 'update'):
+ if hasattr(session, "update"):
tags = MutableEntityTags(self)
tags = ReadOnlyEntityTags(self)
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ def dis(self):
Return the description field of the entity.
- return self._tags['dis']
+ return self._tags["dis"]
def tags(self):
@@ -63,15 +64,16 @@ def __repr__(self):
Return a string representation of the entity.
- return '<%s: %s>' % (self.id, self.tags)
+ return "<%s: %s>" % (self.id, self.tags)
def _update_tags(self, tags):
Update the value of given tags.
- if hasattr(self._session, '_check_entity_type') \
- and (not self._session._check_entity_type(self)):
+ if hasattr(self._session, "_check_entity_type") and (
+ not self._session._check_entity_type(self)
+ ):
def _invalidate(self):
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ def delete(self, callback=None):
if not self._valid:
raise StaleEntityInstanceError()
- raise NotImplementedError('TODO: implement CRUD ops')
+ raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement CRUD ops")
class StaleEntityInstanceError(Exception):
@@ -104,4 +106,5 @@ class StaleEntityInstanceError(Exception):
Exception thrown when an entity instance is "stale", that is, the
entity class type no longer matches the tag set present in the entity.
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/equip.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/equip.py
index a1dee4f..bddbdc9 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/equip.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/equip.py
@@ -8,25 +8,25 @@
import hszinc
from ....exception import HaystackError
class EquipMixin(object):
A mix-in used for entities that carry the 'equip' marker tag.
- def find_entity(self, filter_expr=None, limit=None,
- single=False, callback=None):
+ def find_entity(self, filter_expr=None, limit=None, single=False, callback=None):
Retrieve the entities that are linked to this equipment.
This is a convenience around the session find_entity method.
equip_ref = hszinc.dump_scalar(self.id)
if filter_expr is None:
- filter_expr = 'equipRef==%s' % equip_ref
+ filter_expr = "equipRef==%s" % equip_ref
- filter_expr = '(equipRef==%s) and (%s)' % (equip_ref, filter_expr)
+ filter_expr = "(equipRef==%s) and (%s)" % (equip_ref, filter_expr)
return self._session.find_entity(filter_expr, limit, single, callback)
- def __getitem__(self,key):
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
In a navigation context, component of an equipment is a point (tag/entity)
@@ -38,35 +38,35 @@ def __getitem__(self,key):
# if key not found in tags... we probably are searching a point
# self will call __iter__ which will look for points in equipment
for point in self:
- #partial_results = []
+ # partial_results = []
# Given an ID.... should return the point with this ID
- if key.replace('@','') == str(point.id).replace('@',''):
+ if key.replace("@", "") == str(point.id).replace("@", ""):
return point
# Given a dis or navName... should return equip
- if 'dis' in each.tags:
- if key == each.tags['dis']:
+ if "dis" in each.tags:
+ if key == each.tags["dis"]:
return each
- if 'navName' in each.tags:
- if key == each.tags['navName']:
+ if "navName" in each.tags:
+ if key == each.tags["navName"]:
return each
- if 'navNameFormat' in each.tags:
- if key == each.tags['navNameFormat']:
+ if "navNameFormat" in each.tags:
+ if key == each.tags["navNameFormat"]:
return each
- else:
+ else:
# Maybe key is a filter_expr
request = self.find_entity(key)
return request.result
except HaystackError as e:
- self._session._log.warning('{} not found'.format(key))
+ self._session._log.warning("{} not found".format(key))
def __iter__(self):
When iterating over an equipment, we iterate points.
for point in self.points:
yield point
def points(self):
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def points(self):
return self._list_of_points
except AttributeError:
- print('Reading points for this equipment...')
+ print("Reading points for this equipment...")
return self._list_of_points
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ def refresh(self):
self._list_of_points = []
def _add_points(self):
Store a local copy of equip for this site
To accelerate browser
- if not '_list_of_points' in self.__dict__.keys():
- self._list_of_points = []
- for point in self['point'].items():
+ if not "_list_of_points" in self.__dict__.keys():
+ self._list_of_points = []
+ for point in self["point"].items():
@@ -106,5 +106,6 @@ def get_equip(self, callback=None):
Retrieve an instance of the equip this entity is linked to.
- return self._session.get_entity(self.tags['equipRef'],
- callback=callback, single=True)
+ return self._session.get_entity(
+ self.tags["equipRef"], callback=callback, single=True
+ )
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/point.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/point.py
index eca4333..5c39aca 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/point.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/point.py
@@ -5,15 +5,19 @@
'point' related mix-ins for high-level interface.
class HisMixin(object):
A mix-in used for 'point' entities that carry the 'his' marker tag.
- def his(self, rng='today', tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None):
+ def his(self, rng="today", tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None):
Shortcut to read_series
- return self.his_read_series(rng=rng, tz=tz, series_format=series_format, callback=callback)
+ return self.his_read_series(
+ rng=rng, tz=tz, series_format=series_format, callback=callback
+ )
def his_read_series(self, rng, tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None):
@@ -23,8 +27,9 @@ def his_read_series(self, rng, tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None):
:param tz: Optional timezone to translate timestamps to
:param series_format: Optional desired format for the series
- return self._session.his_read_series(point=self, rng=rng,
- tz=tz, series_format=series_format, callback=callback)
+ return self._session.his_read_series(
+ point=self, rng=rng, tz=tz, series_format=series_format, callback=callback
+ )
def his_write_series(self, series, tz=None, callback=None):
@@ -33,10 +38,12 @@ def his_write_series(self, series, tz=None, callback=None):
:param series: Historical series to write
:param tz: Optional timezone to translate timestamps to
- return self._session.his_write_series(point=self, series=series,
- tz=tz, callback=callback)
+ return self._session.his_write_series(
+ point=self, series=series, tz=tz, callback=callback
+ )
-class PointMixin(object):
- @property
+class PointMixin(object):
+ @property
def value(self):
- return (self._session.read(ids=self.id).result)[0]['curVal']
+ return (self._session.read(ids=self.id).result)[0]["curVal"]
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/site.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/site.py
index c733508..16d6571 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/site.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/site.py
@@ -8,25 +8,24 @@
import hszinc
from ....exception import HaystackError
class SiteMixin(object):
A mix-in used for entities that carry the 'site' marker tag.
- def find_entity(self, filter_expr=None, single=False,
- limit=None, callback=None):
+ def find_entity(self, filter_expr=None, single=False, limit=None, callback=None):
Retrieve the entities that are linked to this site.
This is a convenience around the session find_entity method.
site_ref = hszinc.dump_scalar(self.id)
if filter_expr is None:
- filter_expr = 'siteRef==%s' % site_ref
+ filter_expr = "siteRef==%s" % site_ref
- filter_expr = '(siteRef==%s) and (%s)' % (site_ref, filter_expr)
+ filter_expr = "(siteRef==%s) and (%s)" % (site_ref, filter_expr)
return self._session.find_entity(filter_expr, limit, single, callback)
def __getitem__(self, key):
A site is typically the first level object... under it there are
@@ -48,26 +47,26 @@ def __getitem__(self, key):
# self will call __iter__ which will look for equipments
for each in self:
# Given an ID.... should return the equip with this ID
- if key.replace('@','') == str(each.id).replace('@',''):
+ if key.replace("@", "") == str(each.id).replace("@", ""):
return each
# Given a dis or navName... should return equip
- if 'dis' in each.tags:
- if key == each.tags['dis']:
+ if "dis" in each.tags:
+ if key == each.tags["dis"]:
return each
- if 'navName' in each.tags:
- if key == each.tags['navName']:
+ if "navName" in each.tags:
+ if key == each.tags["navName"]:
return each
- if 'navNameFormat' in each.tags:
- if key == each.tags['navNameFormat']:
+ if "navNameFormat" in each.tags:
+ if key == each.tags["navNameFormat"]:
return each
- else:
+ else:
# Maybe key is a filter_expr
request = self.find_entity(key)
return request.result
except HaystackError as e:
- self._session._log.warning('{} not found'.format(key))
+ self._session._log.warning("{} not found".format(key))
def __iter__(self):
@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ def __iter__(self):
for equip in self.equipments:
yield equip
def equipments(self):
@@ -97,27 +96,27 @@ def equipments(self):
# At first, this variable will not exist... will be created
return self._list_of_equip
except AttributeError:
- print('Reading equipments for this site...')
+ print("Reading equipments for this site...")
return self._list_of_equip
def refresh(self):
Re-create local list of equipments
self._list_of_equip = []
def _add_equip(self):
Store a local copy of equip names for this site
To accelerate browser
- if not '_list_of_equip' in self.__dict__.keys():
- self._list_of_equip = []
- for equip in self['equip'].items():
+ if not "_list_of_equip" in self.__dict__.keys():
+ self._list_of_equip = []
+ for equip in self["equip"].items():
class SiteRefMixin(object):
@@ -128,5 +127,6 @@ def get_site(self, callback=None):
Retrieve an instance of the site this entity is linked to.
- return self._session.get_entity(self.tags['siteRef'],
- callback=callback, single=True)
+ return self._session.get_entity(
+ self.tags["siteRef"], callback=callback, single=True
+ )
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/tz.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/tz.py
index e6de278..bcd1eae 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/tz.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/mixins/tz.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import hszinc
import pytz
class TzMixin(object):
A mix-in used for entities that carry the 'tz' tag.
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ def hs_tz(self):
Return the Project Haystack timezone type.
- return self.tags['tz']
+ return self.tags["tz"]
def iana_tz(self):
@@ -26,8 +27,8 @@ def iana_tz(self):
Return the IANA (Olson) database timezone name.
hs_tz = self.hs_tz
- if '/' in hs_tz:
- return hs_tz # This is the IANA zone name.
+ if "/" in hs_tz:
+ return hs_tz # This is the IANA zone name.
tz_map = hszinc.zoneinfo.get_tz_map()
return tz_map[hs_tz]
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/model.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/model.py
index 3a0320b..2cdaf00 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/model.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/model.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import weakref
from .entity import Entity, DeletableEntity
class TaggingModel(object):
A base class for representing tagging models. The tagging model
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ def create_entity(self, entity_id, tags):
# Does the session instance support CRUD? Add the appropriate base
# class to the end of the types list.
- if hasattr(session, 'delete'):
+ if hasattr(session, "delete"):
types += [DeletableEntity]
types += [Entity]
@@ -57,5 +58,4 @@ def _identify_types(self, tags):
- a list of class instances that represent the add-on types for
that object.
- raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented in %s' \
- % self.__class__.__name__)
+ raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/models/haystack.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/models/haystack.py
index 02f2117..69522a2 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/models/haystack.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/models/haystack.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
from ..model import TaggingModel
from ..mixins import tz, site, equip, point
class HaystackTaggingModel(TaggingModel):
An implementation of the Project Haystack tagging model.
@@ -24,33 +25,33 @@ def _identify_types(self, tags):
types = []
names = []
- if 'tz' in tags:
+ if "tz" in tags:
# We have a timezone
- names.append('Tz')
+ names.append("Tz")
- if 'site' in tags:
+ if "site" in tags:
# This is a site
- names.append('Site')
- elif 'siteRef' in tags:
+ names.append("Site")
+ elif "siteRef" in tags:
# This links to a site
- names.append('SiteRef')
+ names.append("SiteRef")
- if 'equip' in tags:
+ if "equip" in tags:
# This is a site
- names.append('Equip')
- elif 'equipRef' in tags:
+ names.append("Equip")
+ elif "equipRef" in tags:
# This links to an equip
- names.append('EquipRef')
+ names.append("EquipRef")
- if 'point' in tags:
+ if "point" in tags:
- if 'his' in tags:
+ if "his" in tags:
- names.append('His')
+ names.append("His")
- return ('%sEntity' % ''.join(sorted(names)), types)
+ return ("%sEntity" % "".join(sorted(names)), types)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/ops/crud.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/ops/crud.py
index 5e64930..4adcccd 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/ops/crud.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/ops/crud.py
@@ -27,20 +27,21 @@ def __init__(self, entity, updates):
:param session: Haystack HTTP session object.
super(EntityTagUpdateOperation, self).__init__(result_copy=False)
- self._log = entity._session._log.getChild('update_tags')
+ self._log = entity._session._log.getChild("update_tags")
self._entity = entity
self._updates = updates
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('do_update', 'init', 'update'),
- ('update_done', 'update', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("do_update", "init", "update"),
+ ("update_done", "update", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={"onenterdone": self._do_done},
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -60,19 +61,22 @@ def _on_update(self, operation, **kwargs):
# Iterate over each row:
for row in grid:
row = row.copy()
- entity_id = row.pop('id')
- if (entity_id is None) or (entity_id.name != \
- self._entity.id.name):
+ entity_id = row.pop("id")
+ if (entity_id is None) or (entity_id.name != self._entity.id.name):
# Not for us!
- self._log.debug('Ignoring row (%s does not match %s) %r',
- entity_id, self._entity.id, row)
+ self._log.debug(
+ "Ignoring row (%s does not match %s) %r",
+ entity_id,
+ self._entity.id,
+ row,
+ )
- self._log.debug('Processed row %r', row)
+ self._log.debug("Processed row %r", row)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_done(self, event):
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/entity/tags.py b/pyhaystack/client/entity/tags.py
index 8c98bcc..999b092 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/entity/tags.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/entity/tags.py
@@ -7,11 +7,16 @@
import hszinc
-import collections
+ import collections.abc as col
+except ImportError:
+ import collections as col
import weakref
from ...util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
from .ops.crud import EntityTagUpdateOperation
class BaseEntityTags(object):
A base class for storing entity tags.
@@ -32,17 +37,19 @@ def __repr__(self):
Dump a string representation of the tags.
def _dump_tag(ti):
(t, v) = ti
if v is hszinc.MARKER:
return t
elif v is hszinc.REMOVE:
- return 'R(%s)' % t
+ return "R(%s)" % t
- return '%s=%r' % (t, v)
+ return "%s=%r" % (t, v)
tags = list(map(_dump_tag, self.items()))
- return '{%s}' % ', '.join(tags)
+ return "{%s}" % ", ".join(tags)
def __iter__(self):
@@ -104,7 +111,7 @@ def commit(self, callback=None):
entity = self._entity()
updates = self._tag_updates.copy()
- updates['id'] = entity.id
+ updates["id"] = entity.id
for tag in self._tag_deletions:
updates[tag] = hszinc.REMOVE
@@ -173,13 +180,14 @@ def _tag_names(self):
Return a set of tag names present.
- return (set(self._tags.keys()) | set(self._tag_updates.keys())) \
- - self._tag_deletions
+ return (
+ set(self._tags.keys()) | set(self._tag_updates.keys())
+ ) - self._tag_deletions
-class ReadOnlyEntityTags(BaseEntityTags, collections.Mapping):
+class ReadOnlyEntityTags(BaseEntityTags, col.Mapping):
-class MutableEntityTags(BaseMutableEntityTags, collections.MutableMapping):
+class MutableEntityTags(BaseMutableEntityTags, col.MutableMapping):
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/http/auth.py b/pyhaystack/client/http/auth.py
index 36a036a..c685590 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/http/auth.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/http/auth.py
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
containers for authentication methods defined in the HTTP spec.
class AuthenticationCredentials(object):
A base class to represent authentication credentials.
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ class UserPasswordAuthenticationCredentials(AuthenticationCredentials):
A base class that represents username/password type authentication.
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.username = username
self.password = password
@@ -24,6 +27,7 @@ class BasicAuthenticationCredentials(UserPasswordAuthenticationCredentials):
A class that represents Basic authentication.
@@ -31,4 +35,5 @@ class DigestAuthenticationCredentials(UserPasswordAuthenticationCredentials):
A class that represents Digest authentication.
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/http/base.py b/pyhaystack/client/http/base.py
index e47bfbf..c6d5bbb 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/http/base.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/http/base.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
import shlex
import re
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
except ImportError:
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
from .auth import AuthenticationCredentials
class HTTPClient(object):
The base HTTP client interface. This class defines methods for making
@@ -29,14 +31,25 @@ class HTTPClient(object):
asynchronous one, even for synchronous implementations.
- PROTO_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z]+://')
- CONTENT_TYPE_HDR = b'Content-Type'
- CONTENT_LENGTH_HDR = b'Content-Length'
- def __init__(self, uri=None, params=None, headers=None, cookies=None,
- auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, tls_verify=None,
- tls_cert=None, accept_status=None, log=None,
- insecure_requests_warning=True):
+ PROTO_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-z]+://")
+ CONTENT_TYPE_HDR = b"Content-Type"
+ CONTENT_LENGTH_HDR = b"Content-Length"
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ uri=None,
+ params=None,
+ headers=None,
+ cookies=None,
+ auth=None,
+ timeout=None,
+ proxies=None,
+ tls_verify=None,
+ tls_cert=None,
+ accept_status=None,
+ log=None,
+ insecure_requests_warning=True,
+ ):
Instantiate a HTTP client instance with some default parameters.
These parameters are made accessible as properties to be modified at
@@ -80,15 +93,30 @@ def __init__(self, uri=None, params=None, headers=None, cookies=None,
self.tls_verify = tls_verify
self.tls_cert = tls_cert
self.log = log
if not insecure_requests_warning:
- def request(self, method, uri, callback, body=None, params=None,
- headers=None, cookies=None, auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None,
- tls_verify=None, tls_cert=None, exclude_params=None,
- exclude_headers=None, exclude_cookies=None, exclude_proxies=None,
- accept_status=None):
+ def request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body=None,
+ params=None,
+ headers=None,
+ cookies=None,
+ auth=None,
+ timeout=None,
+ proxies=None,
+ tls_verify=None,
+ tls_cert=None,
+ exclude_params=None,
+ exclude_headers=None,
+ exclude_cookies=None,
+ exclude_proxies=None,
+ accept_status=None,
+ ):
Perform a request with this client. Most parameters here exist to either
add to or override the defaults given by the client attributes. The
@@ -146,8 +174,7 @@ def request(self, method, uri, callback, body=None, params=None,
if not self.PROTO_RE.match(uri):
# Do we have a base URL?
if self.uri is None:
- raise ValueError('uri must be absolute or base '\
- 'set in uri attribute')
+ raise ValueError("uri must be absolute or base " "set in uri attribute")
# Prepend our base URL
uri = urljoin(self.uri, uri)
@@ -164,8 +191,13 @@ def _merge(given, defaults, exclude):
if self.log is not None:
- self.log.debug('Merging %r with %r, exclude %s -> %r',
- given, defaults, exclude, result)
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Merging %r with %r, exclude %s -> %r",
+ given,
+ defaults,
+ exclude,
+ result,
+ )
return result
# Merge our parameters, headers and cookies together
@@ -177,48 +209,71 @@ def _merge(given, defaults, exclude):
timeout = timeout or self.timeout or None
if not ((auth is None) or isinstance(auth, AuthenticationCredentials)):
- raise TypeError('%s is not a subclass of the '\
- 'AuthenticationCredentials class.' \
- % auth.__class__.__name__)
+ raise TypeError(
+ "%s is not a subclass of the "
+ "AuthenticationCredentials class." % auth.__class__.__name__
+ )
if tls_verify is None:
tls_verify = self.tls_verify
- if (tls_verify is None) and uri.startswith('https://'):
+ if (tls_verify is None) and uri.startswith("https://"):
# If we're dealing with a https:// URL, turn on verification
# by default for user safety.
tls_verify = True
tls_cert = tls_cert or self.tls_cert or None
# Convert parameters to a query string
- query_str = u'&'.join([
- '%s=%s' % (key, quote_plus(value))
- for key, value in params.items()
- ])
+ query_str = "&".join(
+ ["%s=%s" % (key, quote_plus(value)) for key, value in params.items()]
+ )
# Tack query string onto URL
if query_str:
- uri += u'?' + query_str
+ uri += "?" + query_str
# Perform the actual request.
if self.log is not None:
- self.log.debug( 'Performing operation %s of %s, headers: %r, '\
- 'cookies: %r, body: %r', method, uri, headers,
- cookies, body)
- self._request(method=method, uri=uri, callback=callback, body=body,
- headers=headers, cookies=cookies, auth=auth,
- timeout=timeout, proxies=proxies, tls_verify=tls_verify,
- tls_cert=tls_cert, accept_status=accept_status)
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Performing operation %s of %s, headers: %r, " "cookies: %r, body: %r",
+ method,
+ uri,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ body,
+ )
+ self._request(
+ method=method,
+ uri=uri,
+ callback=callback,
+ body=body,
+ headers=headers,
+ cookies=cookies,
+ auth=auth,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ proxies=proxies,
+ tls_verify=tls_verify,
+ tls_cert=tls_cert,
+ accept_status=accept_status,
+ )
def get(self, uri, callback, **kwargs):
Convenience function: perform a HTTP GET operation. Arguments are the
same as for request.
- kwargs.pop('body',None)
- self.request('GET', uri, callback, **kwargs)
- def post(self, uri, callback, body=None, body_type=None, body_size=None,
- headers=None, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.pop("body", None)
+ self.request("GET", uri, callback, **kwargs)
+ def post(
+ self,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body=None,
+ body_type=None,
+ body_size=None,
+ headers=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
Convenience function: perform a HTTP POST operation. Arguments are the
same as for request.
@@ -242,20 +297,37 @@ def post(self, uri, callback, body=None, body_type=None, body_size=None,
if body_type is not None:
headers[self.CONTENT_TYPE_HDR] = body_type
- self.request(method='POST', uri=uri, callback=callback,
- body=body, headers=headers, **kwargs)
- def _request(self, method, uri, callback, body,
- headers, cookies, auth, timeout, proxies,
- tls_verify, tls_cert, accept_status):
+ self.request(
+ method="POST",
+ uri=uri,
+ callback=callback,
+ body=body,
+ headers=headers,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ def _request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ timeout,
+ proxies,
+ tls_verify,
+ tls_cert,
+ accept_status,
+ ):
Perform a HTTP request using the underlying implementation. This is
expected to take the arguments given, perform a query, then return the
result via a callback.
- raise NotImplementedError('TODO: implement in %s' \
- % self.__class__.__name__)
+ raise NotImplementedError("TODO: implement in %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
def silence_insecured_warnings(self):
Can be used to disable Insecure Requests Warnings
@@ -263,19 +335,24 @@ def silence_insecured_warnings(self):
Use with care.
if self.log is not None:
- self.log.warning('Disabling insecure requests warnings. Please use with care. Unverified HTTPS requests will be made. Adding Certificate verification is strongly advised.')
+ self.log.warning(
+ "Disabling insecure requests warnings. Please use with care. Unverified HTTPS requests will be made. Adding Certificate verification is strongly advised."
+ )
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
except ImportError:
class HTTPResponse(object):
A class that represents the raw response from a HTTP request.
def __init__(self, status_code, headers, body, cookies=None):
self.status_code = status_code
self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(headers or {})
@@ -310,11 +387,11 @@ def text(self):
if self._text is None:
body = self.body
- if not hasattr(body, 'decode'):
+ if not hasattr(body, "decode"):
# It probably is a str/unicode
return body
- content_encoding = self.content_type_args.get('charset')
+ content_encoding = self.content_type_args.get("charset")
if content_encoding is None:
self._text = self.body.decode()
@@ -322,14 +399,15 @@ def text(self):
return self._text
def _parse_content_type(self):
- content_type = self.headers['content-type']
+ content_type = self.headers["content-type"]
# Is content encoding shoehorned in there?
- if ';' in content_type:
- (content_type, content_type_args) = content_type.split(';',1)
+ if ";" in content_type:
+ (content_type, content_type_args) = content_type.split(";", 1)
content_type = content_type.strip()
- content_type_args = dict([tuple(kv.split('=',1)) for kv in
- shlex.split(content_type_args)])
+ content_type_args = dict(
+ [tuple(kv.split("=", 1)) for kv in shlex.split(content_type_args)]
+ )
content_type_args = {}
self._content_type = content_type
@@ -340,11 +418,12 @@ class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict):
A dict object that maps keys in a case-insensitive manner.
def _key_to_str(cls, key):
# Handle bytes
if isinstance(key, bytes):
- key = key.decode('utf-8')
+ key = key.decode("utf-8")
return str(key).lower()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -356,15 +435,12 @@ def __getitem__(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
key = self._key_map[self._key_to_str(key)]
except KeyError:
- return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__getitem__(
- key, *args, **kwargs)
+ return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__getitem__(key, *args, **kwargs)
def __setitem__(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
self._key_map[self._key_to_str(key)] = key
- return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__setitem__(
- key, *args, **kwargs)
+ return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__setitem__(key, *args, **kwargs)
def __delitem__(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
self._key_map.pop(str(key).lower(), None)
- return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__delitem__(
- key, *args, **kwargs)
+ return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__delitem__(key, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/http/dummy.py b/pyhaystack/client/http/dummy.py
index 691c727..efbc3f9 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/http/dummy.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/http/dummy.py
@@ -4,10 +4,14 @@
from .base import HTTPClient, HTTPResponse
-from .auth import BasicAuthenticationCredentials, \
- DigestAuthenticationCredentials
-from .exceptions import HTTPConnectionError, HTTPTimeoutError, \
- HTTPRedirectError, HTTPStatusError, HTTPBaseError
+from .auth import BasicAuthenticationCredentials, DigestAuthenticationCredentials
+from .exceptions import (
+ HTTPConnectionError,
+ HTTPTimeoutError,
+ HTTPRedirectError,
+ HTTPStatusError,
+ HTTPBaseError,
from ...util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
@@ -29,18 +33,42 @@ def __init__(self):
self._rq_order = []
self._next_id = 0
- def submit_request(self, method, uri, callback,
- body, headers, cookies, auth, timeout, proxies,
- tls_verify, tls_cert, accept_status):
+ def submit_request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ timeout,
+ proxies,
+ tls_verify,
+ tls_cert,
+ accept_status,
+ ):
Submit a request.
rq_id = self._next_id
self._next_id += 1
- rq = DummyHttpClientRequest(rq_id, method, uri, callback,
- body, headers, cookies, auth, timeout, proxies,
- tls_verify, tls_cert, accept_status)
+ rq = DummyHttpClientRequest(
+ rq_id,
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ timeout,
+ proxies,
+ tls_verify,
+ tls_cert,
+ accept_status,
+ )
self._requests[rq_id] = rq
@@ -78,12 +106,35 @@ def __init__(self, server, **kwargs):
super(DummyHttpClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._server = server
- def _request(self, method, uri, callback, body,
- headers, cookies, auth, timeout, proxies,
- tls_verify, tls_cert, accept_status):
- self._server.submit_request(method,
- uri, callback, body, headers, cookies, auth,
- timeout, proxies, tls_verify, tls_cert, accept_status)
+ def _request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ timeout,
+ proxies,
+ tls_verify,
+ tls_cert,
+ accept_status,
+ ):
+ self._server.submit_request(
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ timeout,
+ proxies,
+ tls_verify,
+ tls_cert,
+ accept_status,
+ )
class DummyHttpClientRequest(object):
@@ -94,9 +145,22 @@ class DummyHttpClientRequest(object):
response to the waiting client.
- def __init__(self, rq_id, method, uri, callback, body,
- headers, cookies, auth, timeout, proxies,
- tls_verify, tls_cert, accept_status):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ rq_id,
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ timeout,
+ proxies,
+ tls_verify,
+ tls_cert,
+ accept_status,
+ ):
Collect all the parameters supplied in the request.
@@ -166,10 +230,11 @@ def __str__(self):
Return a string representation for debugging purposes.
- return 'Request %d: %s of %s\n'\
- '\tHeaders: %s\n'\
- '\tBody:\n%s' % (self.rq_id, self.method, self.uri,
- self.headers, self.body)
+ return (
+ "Request %d: %s of %s\n"
+ "\tHeaders: %s\n"
+ "\tBody:\n%s" % (self.rq_id, self.method, self.uri, self.headers, self.body)
+ )
def __hash__(self):
@@ -186,14 +251,15 @@ def respond(self, status, headers, content, cookies=None):
if cookies is None:
cookies = {}
- if ((self._accept_status is None) and (status < 400)) \
- or (status in self._accept_status):
- result = HTTPResponse(status, headers.copy(), content,
- cookies.copy())
+ if ((self._accept_status is None) and (status < 400)) or (
+ status in self._accept_status
+ ):
+ result = HTTPResponse(status, headers.copy(), content, cookies.copy())
- raise HTTPStatusError('HTTP Status %d' % status,
- status, headers.copy(), content)
+ raise HTTPStatusError(
+ "HTTP Status %d" % status, status, headers.copy(), content
+ )
# Catch it for the callback
result = AsynchronousException()
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/http/exceptions.py b/pyhaystack/client/http/exceptions.py
index e3620ba..7d6feb2 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/http/exceptions.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/http/exceptions.py
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
HTTP client exception classes.
class HTTPBaseError(IOError):
Error class to represent a HTTP errors.
@@ -14,6 +16,7 @@ class HTTPConnectionError(HTTPBaseError):
Error class to represent a failed attempt to connect to a host.
@@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ class HTTPTimeoutError(HTTPConnectionError):
Error class to represent that a request timed out.
@@ -28,6 +32,7 @@ class HTTPRedirectError(HTTPBaseError):
Error class to represent that the server's redirections are looping.
@@ -35,10 +40,9 @@ class HTTPStatusError(HTTPBaseError):
Error class to represent a returned failed status from the host.
def __init__(self, message, status, headers=None, body=None):
self.headers = headers
self.body = body
self.status = status
super(HTTPStatusError, self).__init__(message, status)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/http/sync.py b/pyhaystack/client/http/sync.py
index 76ef8e3..c135db1 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/http/sync.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/http/sync.py
@@ -4,71 +4,106 @@
from .base import HTTPClient, HTTPResponse
-from .auth import BasicAuthenticationCredentials, \
- DigestAuthenticationCredentials
-from .exceptions import HTTPConnectionError, HTTPTimeoutError, \
- HTTPRedirectError, HTTPStatusError, HTTPBaseError
+from .auth import BasicAuthenticationCredentials, DigestAuthenticationCredentials
+from .exceptions import (
+ HTTPConnectionError,
+ HTTPTimeoutError,
+ HTTPRedirectError,
+ HTTPStatusError,
+ HTTPBaseError,
from ...util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
import requests
# Handle different versions of requests
-try :
from requests.exceptions import SSLError
except ImportError:
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import SSLError
class SyncHttpClient(HTTPClient):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._session = requests.Session()
super(SyncHttpClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- def _request(self, method, uri, callback, body,
- headers, cookies, auth, timeout, proxies,
- tls_verify, tls_cert, accept_status):
+ def _request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ timeout,
+ proxies,
+ tls_verify,
+ tls_cert,
+ accept_status,
+ ):
if auth is not None:
if isinstance(auth, BasicAuthenticationCredentials):
- auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
- auth.username, auth.password)
+ auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(auth.username, auth.password)
elif isinstance(auth, DigestAuthenticationCredentials):
- auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(
- auth.username, auth.password)
+ auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(auth.username, auth.password)
raise NotImplementedError(
- '%s does not implement support for %s' % (
- self.__class__.__name__,
- auth.__class__.__name__))
+ "%s does not implement support for %s"
+ % (self.__class__.__name__, auth.__class__.__name__)
+ )
response = self._session.request(
- method=method, url=uri, data=body,
- headers=headers, cookies=cookies,
- auth=auth, timeout=timeout,
- proxies=proxies, verify=tls_verify,
- cert=tls_cert)
- if (accept_status is None) or \
- (response.status_code not in accept_status):
+ method=method,
+ url=uri,
+ data=body,
+ headers=headers,
+ cookies=cookies,
+ auth=auth,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ proxies=proxies,
+ verify=tls_verify,
+ cert=tls_cert,
+ )
+ if (accept_status is None) or (
+ response.status_code not in accept_status
+ ):
except SSLError as e:
if self.log is not None:
- self.log.warning('Problem with the certificate : %s', e)
- self.log.warning('You can use http_args={"tls_verify":False} to validate issue.')
+ self.log.warning("Problem with the certificate : %s", e)
+ self.log.warning(
+ 'You can use http_args={"tls_verify":False} to validate issue.'
+ )
except Exception as e:
if self.log is not None:
- self.log.debug('Exception in request %s of %s with '\
- 'body %r, headers %r, cookies %r, auth %r',
- method, uri, body, headers, cookies, auth,
- exc_info=1)
+ self.log.debug(
+ "Exception in request %s of %s with "
+ "body %r, headers %r, cookies %r, auth %r",
+ method,
+ uri,
+ body,
+ headers,
+ cookies,
+ auth,
+ exc_info=1,
+ )
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- raise HTTPStatusError(e.args[0], e.response.status_code, \
- dict(e.response.headers), e.response.content)
+ raise HTTPStatusError(
+ e.args[0],
+ e.response.status_code,
+ dict(e.response.headers),
+ e.response.content,
+ )
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
raise HTTPTimeoutError(e.strerror)
except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects as e:
@@ -79,17 +114,19 @@ def _request(self, method, uri, callback, body,
# TODO: handle this with a more specific exception
raise HTTPBaseError(e.message)
- result = HTTPResponse(response.status_code,
- dict(response.headers), response.content,
- dict(response.cookies))
+ result = HTTPResponse(
+ response.status_code,
+ dict(response.headers),
+ response.content,
+ dict(response.cookies),
+ )
except Exception as e:
# Catch all exceptions and forward those to the callback function
result = AsynchronousException()
- except: # pragma: no cover
+ except: # pragma: no cover
# This should not happen!
if self.log:
- self.log.exception('Failure in callback with result: %r',
- result)
+ self.log.exception("Failure in callback with result: %r", result)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/loader.py b/pyhaystack/client/loader.py
index 86e60f8..d72e35a 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/loader.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/loader.py
@@ -12,19 +12,20 @@
# IMPLEMENTATION ALIASES: These help map short-hand aliases to full session
# instances. Further aliases can be added here.
- 'niagara-ax': 'niagara.NiagaraHaystackSession',
- 'ax': 'niagara.NiagaraHaystackSession',
- 'niagara4': 'niagara.Niagara4HaystackSession',
- 'n4': 'niagara.Niagara4HaystackSession',
- 'skyspark2': 'skyspark.SkysparkHaystackSession',
- 'skyspark': 'skyspark.SkysparkScramHaystackSession',
- 'widesky': 'widesky.WideskyHaystackSession',
+ "niagara-ax": "niagara.NiagaraHaystackSession",
+ "ax": "niagara.NiagaraHaystackSession",
+ "niagara4": "niagara.Niagara4HaystackSession",
+ "n4": "niagara.Niagara4HaystackSession",
+ "skyspark2": "skyspark.SkysparkHaystackSession",
+ "skyspark": "skyspark.SkysparkScramHaystackSession",
+ "widesky": "widesky.WideskyHaystackSession",
# KNOWN IMPLEMENTATIONS: This is populated at run time with instances of session
# classes as they are loaded. It should be empty at first.
_known_implementations = {}
def get_implementation(implementation):
Get an implementation of Project Haystack session manager based on
@@ -41,14 +42,13 @@ def get_implementation(implementation):
# Extract class name from implementation
- implementation_parts = implementation.split('.')
+ implementation_parts = implementation.split(".")
implementation_class = implementation_parts.pop()
- implementation_mod = '.'.join(implementation_parts)
+ implementation_mod = ".".join(implementation_parts)
# Try short name, e.g. widesky.WideskySession
- mod = import_module('.%s' % implementation_mod,
- package='pyhaystack.client')
+ mod = import_module(".%s" % implementation_mod, package="pyhaystack.client")
except ImportError:
# Nope, not a short name, try the absolute full name.
mod = import_module(implementation_mod)
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ def get_implementation(implementation):
impl = getattr(mod, implementation_class)
except AttributeError:
# Is it aliased?
- if hasattr(mod, 'IMPLEMENTATIONS'):
- impl_alias = getattr(mod, 'IMPLEMENTATIONS')
+ if hasattr(mod, "IMPLEMENTATIONS"):
+ impl_alias = getattr(mod, "IMPLEMENTATIONS")
impl = impl_alias[implementation_class]
except KeyError:
- raise ImportError('No implementation named %s' % implementation)
+ raise ImportError("No implementation named %s" % implementation)
- raise ImportError('No implementation named %s' % implementation)
+ raise ImportError("No implementation named %s" % implementation)
_known_implementations[implementation] = impl
return impl
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/niagara/bql.py b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/niagara/bql.py
index 5024bad..2795c61 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/niagara/bql.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/niagara/bql.py
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
# Python 2.7 dinosaur
from urllib import quote as quote_uri
class BQLOperation(BaseAuthOperation):
def __init__(self, session, bql, args=None, **kwargs):
Initialise a GET request for the BQL with the given request and arguments.
@@ -28,12 +28,11 @@ def __init__(self, session, bql, args=None, **kwargs):
:param bql: BQL Request
:param args: Dictionary of key-value pairs to be given as arguments.
- self._log = session._log.getChild('bql.%s' % bql)
- bql_request = 'ord?' + quote_uri(bql) + '%7Cview:file:ITableToCsv'
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("bql.%s" % bql)
+ bql_request = "ord?" + quote_uri(bql) + "%7Cview:file:ITableToCsv"
self.uri = urljoin(session._uri, bql_request)
self._file_like_object = None
- super(BQLOperation, self).__init__(
- session=session, uri=self.uri,**kwargs)
+ super(BQLOperation, self).__init__(session=session, uri=self.uri, **kwargs)
def _do_submit(self, event):
@@ -41,12 +40,13 @@ def _do_submit(self, event):
- self._session._get(self._uri, api=False,
- headers=self._headers, callback=self._on_response)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Get fails', exc_info=1)
+ self._session._get(
+ self._uri, api=False, headers=self._headers, callback=self._on_response
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Get fails", exc_info=1)
def _on_response(self, response):
Process the response given back by the HTTP server.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def _on_response(self, response):
# Does the session want to invoke any relevant hooks?
# This allows a session to detect problems in the session and
# abort the operation.
- if hasattr(self._session, '_on_http_grid_response'):
+ if hasattr(self._session, "_on_http_grid_response"):
# Process the HTTP error, if any.
@@ -64,35 +64,35 @@ def _on_response(self, response):
# If we're expecting a raw response back, then just hand the
# request object back and finish here.
- self._file_like_object = io.StringIO(response.body.decode('UTF-8'))
+ self._file_like_object = io.StringIO(response.body.decode("UTF-8"))
df = pd.read_csv(self._file_like_object)
- except: # Catch all exceptions for the caller.
- self._log.debug('Parse fails', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions for the caller.
+ self._log.debug("Parse fails", exc_info=1)
class BQLMixin(object):
This will add function needed to implement the BQL ops
for Niagara clients
def _get_bql(self, bql, callback, cache=False, **kwargs):
Perform a HTTP GET of a BQL Request.
- op = self._BQL_OPERATION(self, bql,
- cache=cache, **kwargs)
+ op = self._BQL_OPERATION(self, bql, cache=cache, **kwargs)
if callback is not None:
return op
- def get_bql(self, bql):
+ def get_bql(self, bql):
Helper to get a BQL sent to the Niagara device
- """
+ """
return self._get_bql(bql, callback=lambda *a, **k: None)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/niagara/encoding.py b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/niagara/encoding.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa929d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/niagara/encoding.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Niagara makes some weird thing with encoding.
+import re
+class EncodingMixin(object):
+ """
+ This will add functions needed to decode characters coming
+ from Niagara in its weird format ~2d like
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def unescape(self, s):
+ """
+ Niagara and nhaystack will spit out ~xy characters
+ Those are in fact unicode and can be escaped to be
+ easier to read
+ "H.Client.Labo~2f222~2dBA~2fPC_D~e9bit_Alim"
+ becomes
+ "H.Client.Labo/222-BA/PC_Débit_Alim"
+ """
+ _s = s
+ escape = re.compile(r"~(\w\w)")
+ for each in escape.finditer(_s):
+ _s = re.sub(each.group(0), chr(int(each.group(1), base=16)), _s)
+ return _s
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/skyspark/evalexpr.py b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/skyspark/evalexpr.py
index adcaed1..427ed76 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/skyspark/evalexpr.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/skyspark/evalexpr.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
class EvalOpsMixin(object):
This will add function needed to implement the eval ops
@@ -14,8 +15,8 @@ class EvalOpsMixin(object):
[ref : https://www.beyon-d.net/doc/docSkySpark/Ops.html]
- def get_eval(self, arg_expr):
+ def get_eval(self, arg_expr):
@@ -33,10 +34,11 @@ def get_eval(self, arg_expr):
- url = 'eval?expr=%s' % arg_expr
+ url = "eval?expr=%s" % arg_expr
return self._get_grid(url, callback=lambda *a, **k: None)
# ===========================
# This function is commented and not working. I don't have anything to test
# This should return multiple grids and I don't know how pyhaystack will react
@@ -46,25 +48,25 @@ def get_eval(self, arg_expr):
# """
# Eval All
# ========
-# If you have multiple expressions to evaluate, you can POST a grid to the evalAll URI.
-# The posted grid specifies a row for each expression to evaluate with the expr column.
-# The results are returned as a encoded a list of grids based on content negioation in the same
+# If you have multiple expressions to evaluate, you can POST a grid to the evalAll URI.
+# The posted grid specifies a row for each expression to evaluate with the expr column.
+# The results are returned as a encoded a list of grids based on content negioation in the same
# order as the request expressions.
-# If an error occurs for any one expression, then an error grid is returned as the result
-# of that expression. All expressions are evaluated regardless of any partial failure.
-# If you wish to perform an atomic series of expressions, then you can evaluate one expression
+# If an error occurs for any one expression, then an error grid is returned as the result
+# of that expression. All expressions are evaluated regardless of any partial failure.
+# If you wish to perform an atomic series of expressions, then you can evaluate one expression
# inside a do block.
-# The evalAll operation is not a Haystack compliant operation. Its request is compliant,
+# The evalAll operation is not a Haystack compliant operation. Its request is compliant,
# but the response returns a list of multiple grids.
# Reusing Intermediate Results
# ----------------------------
-# The evalAll API supports the ability to reuse intermediate expressions to feed
-# additional expressions. For example lets say we want to return a history query
-# and a daily rollup of both min and max. The expensive way would be to re-evaluate
+# The evalAll API supports the ability to reuse intermediate expressions to feed
+# additional expressions. For example lets say we want to return a history query
+# and a daily rollup of both min and max. The expensive way would be to re-evaluate
# the history query three times:
# ver:"2.0"
@@ -72,24 +74,22 @@ def get_eval(self, arg_expr):
# "readAll(kw).hisRead(thisWeek)"
# "readAll(kw).hisRead(thisWeek).hisRollup(max,1day)"
# "readAll(kw).hisRead(thisWeek).hisRollup(min,1day)"
-# Instead we can add an args column to reuse previous expressions as arguments.
+# Instead we can add an args column to reuse previous expressions as arguments.
# In this case we can evaluate the history query once, then reuse it for the two rollups:
# ver:"2.0"
# expr,args
# "readAll(kw).hisRead(thisWeek)",
# "hisRollup(_,max,1day)","0"
# "hisRollup(_,min,1day)","0"
-# The args column is formatted as a list of strings separated by comma. The arguments
-# must be an integer index into the row to use as argument. Or the value "prev" may be
-# used to indicate the previous row. In order to use the args feature, the expression must
-# evaluate to a function with the required number of parameters. This is typically
+# The args column is formatted as a list of strings separated by comma. The arguments
+# must be an integer index into the row to use as argument. Or the value "prev" may be
+# used to indicate the previous row. In order to use the args feature, the expression must
+# evaluate to a function with the required number of parameters. This is typically
# accomplished via partial application.
# """
# url = '/evalAll?expr=%s' % arg_expr
# result = self.session._post_grid(url, callback=lambda *a, **k: None)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/crud.py b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/crud.py
index c146d1c..054acfa 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/crud.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/crud.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
import hszinc
from six import string_types
class CRUDOpsMixin(object):
The CRUD operations mix-in implements low-level support for entity
@@ -31,7 +32,9 @@ def create(self, entities, callback=None):
:param entities: The entities to be inserted.
- return self._crud_op('createRec', entities, callback)
+ return self._crud_op(
+ "createRec", entities, callback, accept_status=(200, 400, 404)
+ )
def create_entity(self, entities, single=None, callback=None):
@@ -65,7 +68,9 @@ def update(self, entities, callback=None):
:param entities: The entities to be updated.
- return self._crud_op('updateRec', entities, callback)
+ return self._crud_op(
+ "updateRec", entities, callback, accept_status=(200, 400, 404)
+ )
def delete(self, ids=None, filter_expr=None, callback=None):
@@ -86,27 +91,28 @@ def delete(self, ids=None, filter_expr=None, callback=None):
if bool(ids):
if filter_expr is not None:
- raise ValueError('Either specify ids or filter_expr, not both')
+ raise ValueError("Either specify ids or filter_expr, not both")
ids = [self._obj_to_ref(r) for r in ids]
if len(ids) == 1:
# Reading a single entity
- return self._get_grid('deleteRec', callback,
- args={'id': ids[0]})
+ return self._get_grid("deleteRec", callback, args={"id": ids[0]})
# Reading several entities
grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.column['id'] = {}
- grid.extend([{'id': r} for r in ids])
- return self._post_grid('deleteRec', grid, callback)
+ grid.column["id"] = {}
+ grid.extend([{"id": r} for r in ids])
+ return self._post_grid("deleteRec", grid, callback)
- args = {'filter': filter_expr}
- return self._get_grid('deleteRec', callback, args=args)
+ args = {"filter": filter_expr}
+ return self._get_grid(
+ "deleteRec", callback, args=args, accept_status=(200, 400, 404)
+ )
# Private methods
- def _crud_op(self, op, entities, callback):
+ def _crud_op(self, op, entities, callback, **kwargs):
Perform a repeated operation on the given entities with the given
values for each entity. `entities` should be a list of dicts, each
@@ -123,8 +129,11 @@ def _crud_op(self, op, entities, callback):
all_columns = set()
list(map(all_columns.update, [e.keys() for e in entities]))
# We'll put 'id' first sort the others.
- all_columns.discard('id')
- all_columns = ['id'] + sorted(all_columns)
+ if "id" in all_columns:
+ all_columns.discard("id")
+ all_columns = ["id"] + sorted(all_columns)
+ else:
+ all_columns = sorted(all_columns)
# Construct the grid
grid = hszinc.Grid()
@@ -136,7 +145,8 @@ def _crud_op(self, op, entities, callback):
entity = entity.copy()
# Ensure 'id' is a ref
- entity['id'] = self._obj_to_ref(entity['id'])
+ if "id" in entity:
+ entity["id"] = self._obj_to_ref(entity["id"])
# Ensure all other columns are present
for column in all_columns:
@@ -147,4 +157,4 @@ def _crud_op(self, op, entities, callback):
# Post the grid
- return self._post_grid(op, grid, callback)
+ return self._post_grid(op, grid, callback, **kwargs)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/multihis.py b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/multihis.py
index 20f9e2b..75c0a64 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/multihis.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/mixins/vendor/widesky/multihis.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
import hszinc
from six import string_types
class MultiHisOpsMixin(object):
The Multi-His operations mix-in implements low-level support for
@@ -24,19 +25,18 @@ def multi_his_read(self, points, rng, callback=None):
a numbered column named idN where N starts counting from zero.
if isinstance(rng, slice):
- str_rng = ','.join([hszinc.dump_scalar(p) for p in
- (rng.start, rng.stop)])
+ str_rng = ",".join([hszinc.dump_scalar(p) for p in (rng.start, rng.stop)])
elif not isinstance(rng, string_types):
str_rng = hszinc.dump_scalar(rng)
# Better be valid!
str_rng = rng
- args = {'range': str_rng}
+ args = {"range": str_rng}
for (col, point) in enumerate(points):
- args['id%d' % col] = self._obj_to_ref(point)
+ args["id%d" % col] = self._obj_to_ref(point)
- return self._get_grid('hisRead', callback, args=args)
+ return self._get_grid("hisRead", callback, args=args)
def multi_his_write(self, timestamp_records, callback=None):
@@ -51,35 +51,37 @@ def multi_his_write(self, timestamp_records, callback=None):
# Grid
grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.column['ts'] = {}
+ grid.column["ts"] = {}
# A mapping of IDs to column indexes
point_idx = {}
def _get_idx(point_id):
return point_idx[point_id]
except KeyError:
col = len(point_idx)
point_idx[point_id] = col
- grid.column['v%d' % col] = {'id': self._obj_to_ref(point_id)}
+ grid.column["v%d" % col] = {"id": self._obj_to_ref(point_id)}
return col
# Collate the grid data by timestamp.
grid_data_by_ts = {}
def _get_ts(ts):
ts_rec = grid_data_by_ts[ts]
except KeyError:
- ts_rec = {'ts': ts}
+ ts_rec = {"ts": ts}
grid_data_by_ts[ts] = ts_rec
return ts_rec
- if hasattr(timestamp_records, 'to_dict'):
+ if hasattr(timestamp_records, "to_dict"):
# Probably a Pandas DataFrame. Assume it returns
# {column: {ts: value}}
for point_id, col_data in timestamp_records.to_dict().items():
col_idx = _get_idx(point_id)
- col = 'v%d' % col_idx
+ col = "v%d" % col_idx
for ts, value in col_data.items():
ts_rec = _get_ts(ts)
ts_rec[col] = value
@@ -89,18 +91,18 @@ def _get_ts(ts):
ts_rec = _get_ts(ts)
for point_id, value in values.items():
col_idx = _get_idx(point_id)
- ts_rec['v%d' % col_idx] = value
+ ts_rec["v%d" % col_idx] = value
# A list of dicts, I hope!
for rec in timestamp_records:
- ts = rec.pop('ts')
+ ts = rec.pop("ts")
ts_rec = _get_ts(ts)
for point_id, value in rec.items():
col_idx = _get_idx(point_id)
- ts_rec['v%d' % col_idx] = value
+ ts_rec["v%d" % col_idx] = value
# Fill up the grid
- grid.extend(sorted(grid_data_by_ts.values(), key=lambda r : r['ts']))
+ grid.extend(sorted(grid_data_by_ts.values(), key=lambda r: r["ts"]))
# Submit the data
- return self._post_grid('hisWrite', grid, callback)
+ return self._post_grid("hisWrite", grid, callback)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/niagara.py b/pyhaystack/client/niagara.py
index 944690f..3dc1a7d 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/niagara.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/niagara.py
@@ -8,8 +8,12 @@
from .ops.vendor.niagara import NiagaraAXAuthenticateOperation
from .ops.vendor.niagara_scram import Niagara4ScramAuthenticateOperation
from .mixins.vendor.niagara.bql import BQLOperation, BQLMixin
+from .mixins.vendor.niagara.encoding import EncodingMixin
-class NiagaraHaystackSession(HaystackSession, BQLMixin):
+import hszinc
+class NiagaraHaystackSession(HaystackSession, BQLMixin, EncodingMixin):
The NiagaraHaystackSession class implements some base support for
NiagaraAX. This is mainly a convenience for
@@ -18,7 +22,7 @@ class NiagaraHaystackSession(HaystackSession, BQLMixin):
_AUTH_OPERATION = NiagaraAXAuthenticateOperation
def __init__(self, uri, username, password, **kwargs):
Initialise a Nagara Project Haystack session handler.
@@ -27,7 +31,7 @@ def __init__(self, uri, username, password, **kwargs):
:param username: Authentication user name.
:param password: Authentication password.
- super(NiagaraHaystackSession, self).__init__(uri, 'haystack', **kwargs)
+ super(NiagaraHaystackSession, self).__init__(uri, "haystack", **kwargs)
self._username = username
self._password = password
self._authenticated = False
@@ -61,7 +65,8 @@ def _on_authenticate_done(self, operation, **kwargs):
self._auth_op = None
-class Niagara4HaystackSession(HaystackSession, BQLMixin):
+class Niagara4HaystackSession(HaystackSession, BQLMixin, EncodingMixin):
The Niagara4HaystackSession class implements some base support for
Niagara4. This is mainly a convenience for
@@ -79,7 +84,10 @@ def __init__(self, uri, username, password, **kwargs):
:param username: Authentication user name.
:param password: Authentication password.
- super(Niagara4HaystackSession, self).__init__(uri, 'haystack', **kwargs)
+ super(Niagara4HaystackSession, self).__init__(
+ uri, "haystack", grid_format=hszinc.MODE_JSON, **kwargs
+ )
self._username = username
self._password = password
self._authenticated = False
@@ -100,7 +108,7 @@ def _on_authenticate_done(self, operation, **kwargs):
op_result = operation.result
- self._authenticated = op_result['authenticated']
+ self._authenticated = op_result["authenticated"]
self._authenticated = False
@@ -108,5 +116,3 @@ def _on_authenticate_done(self, operation, **kwargs):
self._client.cookies = None
self._auth_op = None
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/entity.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/entity.py
index 092cbc6..3cc8f28 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/entity.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/entity.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
from ...util import state
from ...util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
+from ...exception import HaystackError
class EntityRetrieveOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
@@ -27,7 +28,8 @@ def __init__(self, session, single):
single = bool(single)
super(EntityRetrieveOperation, self).__init__(
- result_deepcopy=False, result_copy=not single)
+ result_deepcopy=False, result_copy=not single
+ )
self._session = session
self._entities = {}
self._single = single
@@ -38,17 +40,24 @@ def _on_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
# See if the read succeeded.
- grid = operation.result
- self._log.debug('Received grid: %s', grid)
+ try:
+ grid = operation.result
+ except HaystackError as e:
+ # Is this a "not found" error?
+ if str(e).startswith("HNotFoundError"):
+ raise NameError("No matching entity found")
+ raise
+ self._log.debug("Received grid: %s", grid)
# Iterate over each row:
for row in grid:
# Ignore rows that don't specify an ID.
- if 'id' not in row:
+ if "id" not in row:
row = row.copy()
- entity_ref = row.pop('id')
+ entity_ref = row.pop("id")
# This entity does not exist
if entity_ref is None:
@@ -65,7 +74,8 @@ def _on_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
except KeyError:
entity = self._session._tagging_model.create_entity(
- entity_id, row)
+ entity_id, row
+ )
# Stash/update entity references.
self._session._entities[entity_id] = entity
@@ -75,11 +85,11 @@ def _on_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
result = list(self._entities.values())[0]
except IndexError:
- raise NameError('No matching entity found')
+ raise NameError("No matching entity found")
result = self._entities
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_done(self, event):
@@ -116,7 +126,6 @@ class GetEntityOperation(EntityRetrieveOperation):
def __init__(self, session, entity_ids, refresh_all, single):
Initialise a request for the named IDs.
@@ -126,24 +135,25 @@ def __init__(self, session, entity_ids, refresh_all, single):
:param refresh_all: Refresh all entities, ignore existing content.
- self._log = session._log.getChild('get_entity')
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("get_entity")
super(GetEntityOperation, self).__init__(session, single)
- self._entity_ids = set(map(lambda r : r.name \
- if isinstance(r, hszinc.Ref) else r, entity_ids))
+ self._entity_ids = set(
+ map(lambda r: r.name if isinstance(r, hszinc.Ref) else r, entity_ids)
+ )
self._todo = self._entity_ids.copy()
self._refresh_all = refresh_all
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('cache_checked', 'init', 'read'),
- ('read_done', 'read', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterread': self._do_read,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("cache_checked", "init", "read"),
+ ("read_done", "read", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={"onenterread": self._do_read, "onenterdone": self._do_done},
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -155,8 +165,7 @@ def go(self):
entity_id = entity_id.name
- self._entities[entity_id] = \
- self._session._entities[entity_id]
+ self._entities[entity_id] = self._session._entities[entity_id]
except KeyError:
@@ -171,19 +180,18 @@ def _do_read(self, event):
if bool(self._todo):
- self._session.read(ids=list(self._todo),
- callback=self._on_read)
+ self._session.read(ids=list(self._todo), callback=self._on_read)
# Nothing needed to read.
if self._single:
result = list(self._entities.values())[0]
except IndexError:
- raise NameError('No matching entity found')
+ raise NameError("No matching entity found")
result = self._entities
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
@@ -213,26 +221,28 @@ def __init__(self, session, filter_expr, limit, single):
:param limit: Maximum number of entities to fetch.
- self._log = session._log.getChild('find_entity')
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("find_entity")
super(FindEntityOperation, self).__init__(session, single)
self._filter_expr = filter_expr
self._limit = limit
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('go', 'init', 'read'),
- ('read_done', 'read', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("go", "init", "read"),
+ ("read_done", "read", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={"onenterdone": self._do_done},
+ )
def go(self):
Start the request, check cache for existing entities.
- self._session.read(filter_expr=self._filter_expr, limit=self._limit,
- callback=self._on_read)
+ self._session.read(
+ filter_expr=self._filter_expr, limit=self._limit, callback=self._on_read
+ )
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/feature.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/feature.py
index bd892db..ec45d2d 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/feature.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/feature.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
from ...util import state
import fysom
class HasFeaturesOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
A base class to detect if a given set of features is present.
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ def __init__(self, session, features, cache=True):
:param cache: Whether or not to use cache for this check.
super(HasFeaturesOperation, self).__init__()
- self._log = session._log.getChild('has_features')
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("has_features")
self._session = session
self._features = set(features)
self._cache = cache
@@ -33,8 +34,7 @@ def __init__(self, session, features, cache=True):
# compare the features to the op names to see if they're present.
self._need_about = False
self._need_formats = False
- self._need_ops = any([('/' not in feature) \
- for feature in self._features])
+ self._need_ops = any([("/" not in feature) for feature in self._features])
# Retrieved feature data
self._about = None
@@ -45,29 +45,36 @@ def __init__(self, session, features, cache=True):
self._ops_data = {}
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('go', 'init', 'get_about'),
- ('about_done', 'get_about', 'get_formats'),
- ('formats_done', 'get_formats', 'get_ops'),
- ('ops_done', 'get_ops', 'check_features'),
- ('checked', 'check_features', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterget_about': self._do_get_about,
- 'onenterget_formats': self._do_get_formats,
- 'onenterget_ops': self._do_get_ops,
- 'onentercheck_features':self._do_check_features,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("go", "init", "get_about"),
+ ("about_done", "get_about", "get_formats"),
+ ("formats_done", "get_formats", "get_ops"),
+ ("ops_done", "get_ops", "check_features"),
+ ("checked", "check_features", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenterget_about": self._do_get_about,
+ "onenterget_formats": self._do_get_formats,
+ "onenterget_ops": self._do_get_ops,
+ "onentercheck_features": self._do_check_features,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
Start the request.
- self._log.debug('Needed: about=%s, formats=%s, ops=%s',
- self._need_about, self._need_formats, self._need_ops)
+ self._log.debug(
+ "Needed: about=%s, formats=%s, ops=%s",
+ self._need_about,
+ self._need_formats,
+ self._need_ops,
+ )
def _do_get_about(self, event):
@@ -76,13 +83,12 @@ def _do_get_about(self, event):
if self._need_about:
- self._log.debug('Retrieving about data')
- self._session.about(callback=self._on_got_about,
- cache=self._cache)
+ self._log.debug("Retrieving about data")
+ self._session.about(callback=self._on_got_about, cache=self._cache)
- self._log.debug('Skipping about data')
+ self._log.debug("Skipping about data")
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_got_about(self, operation, **kwargs):
@@ -92,9 +98,9 @@ def _on_got_about(self, operation, **kwargs):
self._about = operation.result
self._about_data = self._about[0]
- self._log.debug('Got about data: %s', self._about_data)
+ self._log.debug("Got about data: %s", self._about_data)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_get_formats(self, event):
@@ -103,13 +109,12 @@ def _do_get_formats(self, event):
if self._need_formats:
- self._log.debug('Retrieving formats data')
- self._session.formats(callback=self._on_got_formats,
- cache=self._cache)
+ self._log.debug("Retrieving formats data")
+ self._session.formats(callback=self._on_got_formats, cache=self._cache)
- self._log.debug('Skipping formats data')
+ self._log.debug("Skipping formats data")
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_got_formats(self, operation, **kwargs):
@@ -119,10 +124,10 @@ def _on_got_formats(self, operation, **kwargs):
self._formats = operation.result
for row in self._formats:
- self._formats_data[row['mime']] = row
- self._log.debug('Got formats data: ', self._formats_data)
+ self._formats_data[row["mime"]] = row
+ self._log.debug("Got formats data: ", self._formats_data)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_get_ops(self, event):
@@ -131,13 +136,12 @@ def _do_get_ops(self, event):
if self._need_ops:
- self._log.debug('Retrieving ops data')
- self._session.ops(callback=self._on_got_ops,
- cache=self._cache)
+ self._log.debug("Retrieving ops data")
+ self._session.ops(callback=self._on_got_ops, cache=self._cache)
- self._log.debug('Skipping ops data')
+ self._log.debug("Skipping ops data")
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_got_ops(self, operation, **kwargs):
@@ -147,10 +151,10 @@ def _on_got_ops(self, operation, **kwargs):
self._ops = operation.result
for row in self._ops:
- self._ops_data[row['name']] = row
- self._log.debug('Got ops data: %s', self._ops_data)
+ self._ops_data[row["name"]] = row
+ self._log.debug("Got ops data: %s", self._ops_data)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_check_features(self, event):
@@ -159,7 +163,7 @@ def _do_check_features(self, event):
result = self._check_features()
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
@@ -171,7 +175,7 @@ def _check_features(self):
res = {}
for feature in self._features:
- if '/' in feature:
+ if "/" in feature:
# This is an extension
res[feature] = False
elif feature in self._ops_data:
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/grid.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/grid.py
index 111b890..15a9178 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/grid.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/grid.py
@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@
from six import string_types
from time import time
class BaseAuthOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
A base class authentication operations.
- def __init__(self, session, uri, retries=2, cache=False,):
+ def __init__(self, session, uri, retries=2, cache=False):
Initialise a request for the authenticating with the given URI and arguments.
@@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ def __init__(self, session, uri, retries=2, cache=False,):
super(BaseAuthOperation, self).__init__()
self._retries = retries
self._session = session
self._uri = uri
@@ -45,29 +45,32 @@ def __init__(self, session, uri, retries=2, cache=False,):
self._cache = cache
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('auth_ok', 'init', 'check_cache'),
- ('auth_not_ok', 'init', 'auth_attempt'),
- ('auth_ok', 'auth_attempt', 'check_cache'),
- ('auth_not_ok', 'auth_attempt', 'auth_failed'),
- ('auth_failed', 'auth_attempt', 'done'),
- ('cache_hit', 'check_cache', 'done'),
- ('cache_miss', 'check_cache', 'submit'),
- ('response_ok', 'submit', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'failed'),
- ('retry', 'failed', 'init'),
- ('abort', 'failed', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onretry': self._check_auth,
- 'onenterauth_attempt': self._do_auth_attempt,
- 'onenterauth_failed': self._do_auth_failed,
- 'onentercheck_cache': self._do_check_cache,
- 'onentersubmit': self._do_submit,
- 'onenterfailed': self._do_fail_retry,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("auth_ok", "init", "check_cache"),
+ ("auth_not_ok", "init", "auth_attempt"),
+ ("auth_ok", "auth_attempt", "check_cache"),
+ ("auth_not_ok", "auth_attempt", "auth_failed"),
+ ("auth_failed", "auth_attempt", "done"),
+ ("cache_hit", "check_cache", "done"),
+ ("cache_miss", "check_cache", "submit"),
+ ("response_ok", "submit", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "failed"),
+ ("retry", "failed", "init"),
+ ("abort", "failed", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onretry": self._check_auth,
+ "onenterauth_attempt": self._do_auth_attempt,
+ "onenterauth_failed": self._do_auth_failed,
+ "onentercheck_cache": self._do_check_cache,
+ "onentersubmit": self._do_submit,
+ "onenterfailed": self._do_fail_retry,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -85,8 +88,8 @@ def _check_auth(self, *args):
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Authentication check fails', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Authentication check fails", exc_info=1)
def _do_auth_attempt(self, event):
@@ -95,26 +98,26 @@ def _do_auth_attempt(self, event):
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_authenticate(self, *args, **kwargs):
Retry the authentication check.
- self._log.debug('Authenticated, trying again')
+ self._log.debug("Authenticated, trying again")
def _do_check_cache(self, event):
Implement if needed
- self._state_machine.cache_miss() # Nope
+ self._state_machine.cache_miss() # Nope
def _on_response(self, response):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _do_fail_retry(self, event):
Determine whether we retry or fail outright.
@@ -140,15 +143,25 @@ def _do_done(self, event):
class BaseGridOperation(BaseAuthOperation):
A base class for GET and POST operations involving grids.
- def __init__(self, session, uri, args=None,
- expect_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC, multi_grid=False,
- raw_response=False, retries=2, cache=False, cache_key=None,
- accept_status=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ session,
+ uri,
+ args=None,
+ expect_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC,
+ multi_grid=False,
+ raw_response=False,
+ retries=2,
+ cache=False,
+ cache_key=None,
+ accept_status=None,
+ ):
Initialise a request for the grid with the given URI and arguments.
@@ -175,10 +188,17 @@ def __init__(self, session, uri, args=None,
super(BaseGridOperation, self).__init__(session, uri)
if args is not None:
# Convert scalars to strings
- args = dict([(param, hszinc.dump_scalar(value) \
- if not isinstance(value, string_types) \
- else value)
- for param, value in args.items()])
+ args = dict(
+ [
+ (
+ param,
+ hszinc.dump_scalar(value)
+ if not isinstance(value, string_types)
+ else value,
+ )
+ for param, value in args.items()
+ ]
+ )
self._retries = retries
self._session = session
@@ -197,21 +217,21 @@ def __init__(self, session, uri, args=None,
if not raw_response:
if expect_format == hszinc.MODE_ZINC:
- self._headers[b'Accept'] = 'text/zinc'
+ self._headers[b"Accept"] = "text/zinc"
elif expect_format == hszinc.MODE_JSON:
- self._headers[b'Accept'] = 'application/json'
+ self._headers[b"Accept"] = "application/json"
elif expect_format is not None:
raise ValueError(
- 'expect_format must be one onf hszinc.MODE_ZINC '\
- 'or hszinc.MODE_JSON')
+ "expect_format must be one onf hszinc.MODE_ZINC "
+ "or hszinc.MODE_JSON"
+ )
def _do_check_cache(self, event):
See if there's cache for this grid.
if not self._cache:
- self._state_machine.cache_miss() # Nope
+ self._state_machine.cache_miss() # Nope
# Initialise data
@@ -249,6 +269,7 @@ def _proxy(op):
def _on_response(self, response):
@@ -259,7 +280,7 @@ def _on_response(self, response):
# Does the session want to invoke any relevant hooks?
# This allows a session to detect problems in the session and
# abort the operation.
- if hasattr(self._session, '_on_http_grid_response'):
+ if hasattr(self._session, "_on_http_grid_response"):
# Process the HTTP error, if any.
@@ -276,29 +297,31 @@ def _on_response(self, response):
content_type = response.content_type
body = response.text
- if content_type in ('text/zinc', 'text/plain'):
+ if content_type in ("text/zinc", "text/plain"):
# We have been given a grid in ZINC format.
decoded = hszinc.parse(body, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
- elif content_type == 'application/json':
+ elif content_type == "application/json":
# We have been given a grid in JSON format.
decoded = [hszinc.parse(body, mode=hszinc.MODE_JSON)]
- elif content_type in ('text/html'):
+ elif content_type in ("text/html"):
# We probably fell back to a login screen after auto logoff.
# We don't recognise this!
- raise ValueError('Unrecognised content type %s' % content_type)
+ raise ValueError("Unrecognised content type %s" % content_type)
# Check for exceptions
def _check_err(grid):
- if 'err' in grid.metadata:
+ if "err" in grid.metadata:
raise HaystackError(
- grid.metadata.get('dis', 'Unknown Error'),
- grid.metadata.get('traceback', None))
+ grid.metadata.get("dis", "Unknown Error"),
+ grid.metadata.get("traceback", None),
+ )
return grid
return AsynchronousException()
decoded = [_check_err(g) for g in decoded]
if not self._multi_grid:
decoded = decoded[0]
@@ -306,15 +329,17 @@ def _check_err(grid):
# If we get here, then the request itself succeeded.
if self._cache:
with self._session._grid_lk:
- self._session._grid_cache[self._cache_key] = \
- (None, time() + self._session._grid_expiry, decoded)
+ self._session._grid_cache[self._cache_key] = (
+ None,
+ time() + self._session._grid_expiry,
+ decoded,
+ )
- except: # Catch all exceptions for the caller.
- self._log.debug('Parse fails', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions for the caller.
+ self._log.debug("Parse fails", exc_info=1)
class GetGridOperation(BaseGridOperation):
A state machine that performs a GET operation then reads back a ZINC grid.
@@ -333,10 +358,10 @@ def __init__(self, session, uri, args=None, multi_grid=False, **kwargs):
_always_ return a list, otherwise, it will _always_
return a single grid.
- self._log = session._log.getChild('get_grid.%s' % uri)
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("get_grid.%s" % uri)
super(GetGridOperation, self).__init__(
- session=session, uri=uri, args=args,
- multi_grid=multi_grid, **kwargs)
+ session=session, uri=uri, args=args, multi_grid=multi_grid, **kwargs
+ )
def _do_submit(self, event):
@@ -344,11 +369,15 @@ def _do_submit(self, event):
- self._session._get(self._uri, params=self._args,
- headers=self._headers, callback=self._on_response,
- accept_status=self._accept_status)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Get fails', exc_info=1)
+ self._session._get(
+ self._uri,
+ params=self._args,
+ headers=self._headers,
+ callback=self._on_response,
+ accept_status=self._accept_status,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Get fails", exc_info=1)
@@ -358,8 +387,9 @@ class PostGridOperation(BaseGridOperation):
read back a ZINC grid.
- def __init__(self, session, uri, grid, args=None,
- post_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self, session, uri, grid, args=None, post_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC, **kwargs
+ ):
Initialise a POST request for the grid with the given grid,
URI and arguments.
@@ -371,26 +401,32 @@ def __init__(self, session, uri, grid, args=None,
:param post_format: What format to post grids in?
:param args: Dictionary of key-value pairs to be given as arguments.
- self._log = session._log.getChild('post_grid.%s' % uri)
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("post_grid.%s" % uri)
super(PostGridOperation, self).__init__(
- session=session, uri=uri, args=args, **kwargs)
+ session=session, uri=uri, args=args, **kwargs
+ )
# Convert the grids to their native format
- self._body = hszinc.dump(grid, mode=post_format).encode('utf-8')
+ self._body = hszinc.dump(grid, mode=post_format).encode("utf-8")
if post_format == hszinc.MODE_ZINC:
- self._content_type = 'text/zinc'
+ self._content_type = "text/zinc"
- self._content_type = 'application/json'
+ self._content_type = "application/json"
def _do_submit(self, event):
Submit the GET request to the haystack server.
- self._session._post(self._uri, body=self._body,
- body_type=self._content_type, params=self._args,
- headers=self._headers, callback=self._on_response,
- accept_status=self._accept_status)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Post fails', exc_info=1)
+ self._session._post(
+ self._uri,
+ body=self._body,
+ body_type=self._content_type,
+ params=self._args,
+ headers=self._headers,
+ callback=self._on_response,
+ accept_status=self._accept_status,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Post fails", exc_info=1)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/his.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/his.py
index fd68846..c81e393 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/his.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/his.py
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
-except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
+except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# Not covered, since we'll always have 'pandas' available during tests.
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ def _resolve_tz(tz):
if (tz is None) or isinstance(tz, tzinfo):
return tz
if isinstance(tz, string_types):
- if '/' in tz:
+ if "/" in tz:
# Olson database name
return pytz.timezone(tz)
@@ -44,9 +45,9 @@ class HisReadSeriesOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
- FORMAT_LIST = 'list' # [(ts1, value1), (ts2, value2), ...]
- FORMAT_DICT = 'dict' # {ts1: value1, ts2: value2, ...}
- FORMAT_SERIES = 'series' # pandas.Series
+ FORMAT_LIST = "list" # [(ts1, value1), (ts2, value2), ...]
+ FORMAT_DICT = "dict" # {ts1: value1, ts2: value2, ...}
+ FORMAT_SERIES = "series" # pandas.Series
def __init__(self, session, point, rng, tz, series_format):
@@ -60,12 +61,23 @@ def __init__(self, session, point, rng, tz, series_format):
super(HisReadSeriesOperation, self).__init__()
- if series_format not in (self.FORMAT_LIST, self.FORMAT_DICT,
- raise ValueError('Unrecognised series_format %s' % series_format)
+ if series_format not in (
+ ):
+ raise ValueError("Unrecognised series_format %s" % series_format)
if (series_format == self.FORMAT_SERIES) and (not HAVE_PANDAS):
- raise NotImplementedError('pandas not available.')
+ raise NotImplementedError("pandas not available.")
+ if isinstance(rng, slice):
+ rng = ",".join(
+ [
+ hszinc.dump_scalar(p, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
+ for p in (rng.start, rng.stop)
+ ]
+ )
self._session = session
self._point = point
@@ -74,16 +86,16 @@ def __init__(self, session, point, rng, tz, series_format):
self._series_format = series_format
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('go', 'init', 'read'),
- ('read_done', 'read', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterread': self._do_read,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("go", "init", "read"),
+ ("read_done", "read", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={"onenterread": self._do_read, "onenterdone": self._do_done},
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -92,8 +104,9 @@ def _do_read(self, event):
Request the data from the server.
- self._session.his_read(point=self._point, rng=self._range,
- callback=self._on_read)
+ self._session.his_read(
+ point=self._point, rng=self._range, callback=self._on_read
+ )
def _on_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
@@ -104,12 +117,12 @@ def _on_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
grid = operation.result
if self._tz is None:
- conv_ts = lambda ts : ts
+ conv_ts = lambda ts: ts
- conv_ts = lambda ts : ts.astimezone(self._tz)
+ conv_ts = lambda ts: ts.astimezone(self._tz)
# Convert grid to list of tuples
- data = [(conv_ts(row['ts']), row['val']) for row in grid]
+ data = [(conv_ts(row["ts"]), row["val"]) for row in grid]
if self._series_format == self.FORMAT_DICT:
data = dict(data)
@@ -122,19 +135,19 @@ def _on_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
units = data[0].unit
values = data
- units = ''
+ units = ""
except ValueError:
values = []
index = []
- units = ''
+ units = ""
- #ser = Series(data=data[0].value, index=index)
+ # ser = Series(data=data[0].value, index=index)
meta_serie = MetaSeries(data=values, index=index)
- meta_serie.add_meta('units', units)
- meta_serie.add_meta('point', self._point)
+ meta_serie.add_meta("units", units)
+ meta_serie.add_meta("point", self._point)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_done(self, event):
@@ -150,9 +163,9 @@ class HisReadFrameOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
concise format.
- FORMAT_LIST = 'list' # [{'ts': ts1, 'col1': val1, ...}, {...}, ...]
- FORMAT_DICT = 'dict' # {ts1: {'col1': val1, ...}, ts2: ...}
- FORMAT_FRAME = 'frame' # pandas.DataFrame
+ FORMAT_LIST = "list" # [{'ts': ts1, 'col1': val1, ...}, {...}, ...]
+ FORMAT_DICT = "dict" # {ts1: {'col1': val1, ...}, ts2: ...}
+ FORMAT_FRAME = "frame" # pandas.DataFrame
def __init__(self, session, columns, rng, tz, frame_format):
@@ -165,20 +178,27 @@ def __init__(self, session, columns, rng, tz, frame_format):
:param frame_format: What format to present the frame in.
super(HisReadFrameOperation, self).__init__()
- self._log = session._log.getChild('his_read_frame')
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("his_read_frame")
- if frame_format not in (self.FORMAT_LIST, self.FORMAT_DICT,
- raise ValueError('Unrecognised frame_format %s' % frame_format)
+ if frame_format not in (self.FORMAT_LIST, self.FORMAT_DICT, self.FORMAT_FRAME):
+ raise ValueError("Unrecognised frame_format %s" % frame_format)
if (frame_format == self.FORMAT_FRAME) and (not HAVE_PANDAS):
- raise NotImplementedError('pandas not available.')
+ raise NotImplementedError("pandas not available.")
+ if isinstance(rng, slice):
+ rng = ",".join(
+ [
+ hszinc.dump_scalar(p, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
+ for p in (rng.start, rng.stop)
+ ]
+ )
# Convert the columns to a list of tuples.
- strip_ref = lambda r : r.name if isinstance(r, hszinc.Ref) else r
+ strip_ref = lambda r: r.name if isinstance(r, hszinc.Ref) else r
if isinstance(columns, dict):
# Ensure all are strings to references
- columns = [(str(c),strip_ref(r)) for c, r in columns.items()]
+ columns = [(str(c), strip_ref(r)) for c, r in columns.items()]
# Translate to a dict:
columns = [(strip_ref(c), c) for c in columns]
@@ -192,46 +212,50 @@ def __init__(self, session, columns, rng, tz, frame_format):
self._todo = set([c[0] for c in columns])
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('probe_multi', 'init', 'probing'),
- ('do_multi_read', 'probing', 'multi_read'),
- ('all_read_done', 'multi_read', 'postprocess'),
- ('do_single_read', 'probing', 'single_read'),
- ('all_read_done', 'single_read', 'postprocess'),
- ('process_done', 'postprocess', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterprobing': self._do_probe_multi,
- 'onentermulti_read': self._do_multi_read,
- 'onentersingle_read': self._do_single_read,
- 'onenterpostprocess': self._do_postprocess,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("probe_multi", "init", "probing"),
+ ("do_multi_read", "probing", "multi_read"),
+ ("all_read_done", "multi_read", "postprocess"),
+ ("do_single_read", "probing", "single_read"),
+ ("all_read_done", "single_read", "postprocess"),
+ ("process_done", "postprocess", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenterprobing": self._do_probe_multi,
+ "onentermulti_read": self._do_multi_read,
+ "onentersingle_read": self._do_single_read,
+ "onenterpostprocess": self._do_postprocess,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
def _do_probe_multi(self, event):
- self._log.debug('Probing for multi-his-read support')
- self._session.has_features([self._session.FEATURE_HISREAD_MULTI],
- callback=self._on_probe_multi)
+ self._log.debug("Probing for multi-his-read support")
+ self._session.has_features(
+ [self._session.FEATURE_HISREAD_MULTI], callback=self._on_probe_multi
+ )
def _on_probe_multi(self, operation, **kwargs):
result = operation.result
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
if result.get(self._session.FEATURE_HISREAD_MULTI):
# Session object supports multi-his-read
- self._log.debug('Using multi-his-read support')
+ self._log.debug("Using multi-his-read support")
# Emulate multi-his-read with separate
- self._log.debug('No multi-his-read support, emulating')
+ self._log.debug("No multi-his-read support, emulating")
def _get_ts_rec(self, ts):
@@ -246,8 +270,11 @@ def _do_multi_read(self, event):
Request the data from the server as a single multi-read request.
- self._session.multi_his_read(points=[c[1] for c in self._columns],
- rng=self._range, callback=self._on_multi_read)
+ self._session.multi_his_read(
+ points=[c[1] for c in self._columns],
+ rng=self._range,
+ callback=self._on_multi_read,
+ )
def _on_multi_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
@@ -257,21 +284,20 @@ def _on_multi_read(self, operation, **kwargs):
grid = operation.result
if self._tz is None:
- conv_ts = lambda ts : ts
+ conv_ts = lambda ts: ts
- conv_ts = lambda ts : ts.astimezone(self._tz)
+ conv_ts = lambda ts: ts.astimezone(self._tz)
for row in grid:
- ts = conv_ts(row['ts'])
+ ts = conv_ts(row["ts"])
rec = self._get_ts_rec(ts)
for (col_idx, (col, _)) in enumerate(self._columns):
- val = row.get('v%d' % col_idx)
- if (val is not None) or \
- (self._frame_format != self.FORMAT_FRAME):
+ val = row.get("v%d" % col_idx)
+ if (val is not None) or (self._frame_format != self.FORMAT_FRAME):
rec[col] = val
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Hit exception', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Hit exception", exc_info=1)
def _do_single_read(self, event):
@@ -279,92 +305,98 @@ def _do_single_read(self, event):
Request the data from the server as multiple single-read requests.
for col, point in self._columns:
- self._log.debug('Column %s point %s', col, point)
- self._session.his_read(point, self._range,
- lambda operation, **kw : self._on_single_read(operation,
- col=col))
+ self._log.debug("Column %s point %s", col, point)
+ self._session.his_read(
+ point,
+ self._range,
+ lambda operation, **kw: self._on_single_read(operation, col=col),
+ )
def _on_single_read(self, operation, col, **kwargs):
Handle the multi-valued grid.
- self._log.debug('Response back for column %s', col)
+ self._log.debug("Response back for column %s", col)
grid = operation.result
- #print(grid)
- #print('===========')
+ # print(grid)
+ # print('===========')
if self._tz is None:
- conv_ts = lambda ts : ts
+ conv_ts = lambda ts: ts
- conv_ts = lambda ts : ts.astimezone(self._tz)
+ conv_ts = lambda ts: ts.astimezone(self._tz)
- self._log.debug('%d records for %s: %s', len(grid), col, grid)
+ self._log.debug("%d records for %s: %s", len(grid), col, grid)
for row in grid:
- ts = conv_ts(row['ts'])
+ ts = conv_ts(row["ts"])
if self._tz is None:
self._tz = ts.tzinfo
rec = self._get_ts_rec(ts)
- val = row.get('val')
- if (val is not None) or \
- (self._frame_format != self.FORMAT_FRAME):
+ val = row.get("val")
+ if (val is not None) or (self._frame_format != self.FORMAT_FRAME):
rec[col] = val
- self._log.debug('Still waiting for: %s', self._todo)
+ self._log.debug("Still waiting for: %s", self._todo)
if not self._todo:
# No more to read
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Hit exception', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Hit exception", exc_info=1)
def _do_postprocess(self, event):
Convert the dict-of-dicts to the desired frame format.
- self._log.debug('Post-processing')
+ self._log.debug("Post-processing")
if self._frame_format == self.FORMAT_LIST:
def _merge_ts(item):
rec = item[1].copy()
- rec['ts'] = item[0]
+ rec["ts"] = item[0]
return rec
data = list(map(_merge_ts, list(self._data_by_ts.items())))
- #print(data)
+ # print(data)
elif self._frame_format == self.FORMAT_FRAME:
# Build from dict
- data = MetaDataFrame.from_dict(self._data_by_ts, orient='index')
+ data = MetaDataFrame.from_dict(self._data_by_ts, orient="index")
def convert_quantity(val):
If value is Quantity, convert to value
- if isinstance(val,hszinc.Quantity):
+ if isinstance(val, hszinc.Quantity):
return val.value
return val
def get_units(serie):
first_element = serie.dropna()[0]
- except IndexError: # needed for empty results
- return ''
+ except IndexError: # needed for empty results
+ return ""
if isinstance(first_element, hszinc.Quantity):
return first_element.unit
- return ''
+ return ""
for name, serie in data.iteritems():
Convert Quantity and put unit in metadata
- data.add_meta(name,get_units(serie))
+ data.add_meta(name, get_units(serie))
data[name] = data[name].apply(convert_quantity)
data = self._data_by_ts
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Hit exception', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Hit exception", exc_info=1)
def _do_done(self, event):
@@ -406,38 +438,41 @@ def __init__(self, session, point, series, tz):
self._tz = _resolve_tz(tz)
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('have_tz', 'init', 'write'),
- ('have_point', 'init', 'get_point_tz'),
- ('need_point', 'init', 'get_point'),
- ('have_point', 'get_point', 'get_point_tz'),
- ('have_tz', 'get_point_tz', 'write'),
- ('need_equip', 'get_point_tz', 'get_equip'),
- ('have_equip', 'get_equip', 'get_equip_tz'),
- ('have_tz', 'get_equip_tz', 'write'),
- ('need_site', 'get_equip_tz', 'get_site'),
- ('have_site', 'get_site', 'get_site_tz'),
- ('have_tz', 'get_site_tz', 'write'),
- ('write_done', 'write', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterget_point': self._do_get_point,
- 'onenterget_point_tz': self._do_get_point_tz,
- 'onenterget_equip': self._do_get_equip,
- 'onenterget_equip_tz': self._do_get_equip_tz,
- 'onenterget_site': self._do_get_site,
- 'onenterget_site_tz': self._do_get_site_tz,
- 'onenterwrite': self._do_write,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("have_tz", "init", "write"),
+ ("have_point", "init", "get_point_tz"),
+ ("need_point", "init", "get_point"),
+ ("have_point", "get_point", "get_point_tz"),
+ ("have_tz", "get_point_tz", "write"),
+ ("need_equip", "get_point_tz", "get_equip"),
+ ("have_equip", "get_equip", "get_equip_tz"),
+ ("have_tz", "get_equip_tz", "write"),
+ ("need_site", "get_equip_tz", "get_site"),
+ ("have_site", "get_site", "get_site_tz"),
+ ("have_tz", "get_site_tz", "write"),
+ ("write_done", "write", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenterget_point": self._do_get_point,
+ "onenterget_point_tz": self._do_get_point_tz,
+ "onenterget_equip": self._do_get_equip,
+ "onenterget_equip_tz": self._do_get_equip_tz,
+ "onenterget_site": self._do_get_site,
+ "onenterget_site_tz": self._do_get_site_tz,
+ "onenterwrite": self._do_write,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
- if self._tz is not None: # Do we have a timezone?
+ if self._tz is not None: # Do we have a timezone?
# We do!
- elif self._point is not None: # Nope, do we have the point?
+ elif self._point is not None: # Nope, do we have the point?
# We do!
@@ -448,8 +483,7 @@ def _do_get_point(self, event):
Retrieve the point entity.
- self._session.get_entity(self._entity_id, single=True,
- callback=self._got_point)
+ self._session.get_entity(self._entity_id, single=True, callback=self._got_point)
def _got_point(self, operation, **kwargs):
@@ -465,7 +499,7 @@ def _do_get_point_tz(self, event):
See if the point has a timezone?
- if hasattr(self._point, 'tz') and isinstance(self._point.tz, tzinfo):
+ if hasattr(self._point, "tz") and isinstance(self._point.tz, tzinfo):
# We have our timezone.
self._tz = self._point.tz
@@ -494,7 +528,7 @@ def _do_get_equip_tz(self, event):
See if the equip has a timezone?
equip = event.equip
- if hasattr(equip, 'tz') and isinstance(equip.tz, tzinfo):
+ if hasattr(equip, "tz") and isinstance(equip.tz, tzinfo):
# We have our timezone.
self._tz = equip.tz
@@ -523,15 +557,16 @@ def _do_get_site_tz(self, event):
See if the site has a timezone?
site = event.site
- if hasattr(site, 'tz') and isinstance(site.tz, tzinfo):
+ if hasattr(site, "tz") and isinstance(site.tz, tzinfo):
# We have our timezone.
self._tz = site.tz
# Nope, no idea then.
- raise ValueError('No timezone specified for operation, '\
- 'point, equip or site.')
+ raise ValueError(
+ "No timezone specified for operation, " "point, equip or site."
+ )
@@ -541,7 +576,7 @@ def _do_write(self, event):
# Process the timestamp records into an appropriate format.
- if hasattr(self._series, 'to_dict'):
+ if hasattr(self._series, "to_dict"):
records = self._series.to_dict()
elif not isinstance(self._series, dict):
records = dict(self._series)
@@ -554,18 +589,26 @@ def _do_write(self, event):
# Time-shift the records.
- if hasattr(self._tz, 'localize'):
- localise = lambda ts : self._tz.localize(ts) \
- if ts.tzinfo is None else ts.astimezone(self._tz)
+ if hasattr(self._tz, "localize"):
+ localise = (
+ lambda ts: self._tz.localize(ts)
+ if ts.tzinfo is None
+ else ts.astimezone(self._tz)
+ )
- localise = lambda ts : ts.replace(tzinfo=self._tz) \
- if ts.tzinfo is None else ts.astimezone(self._tz)
- records = dict([(localise(ts), val) \
- for ts, val in records.items()])
+ localise = (
+ lambda ts: ts.replace(tzinfo=self._tz)
+ if ts.tzinfo is None
+ else ts.astimezone(self._tz)
+ )
+ records = dict([(localise(ts), val) for ts, val in records.items()])
# Write the data
- self._session.his_write(point=self._entity_id,
- timestamp_records=records, callback=self._on_write)
+ self._session.his_write(
+ point=self._entity_id,
+ timestamp_records=records,
+ callback=self._on_write,
+ )
@@ -577,10 +620,10 @@ def _on_write(self, operation, **kwargs):
# See if the write succeeded.
grid = operation.result
if not isinstance(grid, hszinc.Grid):
- raise TypeError('Unexpected result: %r' % grid)
+ raise TypeError("Unexpected result: %r" % grid)
# Move to the done state.
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_done(self, event):
@@ -605,25 +648,29 @@ def __init__(self, session, columns, frame, tz):
:param tz: Timezone to translate timezones to.
super(HisWriteFrameOperation, self).__init__()
- self._log = session._log.getChild('his_write_frame')
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("his_write_frame")
tz = _resolve_tz(tz)
if tz is None:
tz = pytz.utc
- if hasattr(tz, 'localize'):
- localise = lambda ts : tz.localize(ts) \
- if ts.tzinfo is None else ts.astimezone(tz)
+ if hasattr(tz, "localize"):
+ localise = (
+ lambda ts: tz.localize(ts) if ts.tzinfo is None else ts.astimezone(tz)
+ )
- localise = lambda ts : ts.replace(tzinfo=tz) \
- if ts.tzinfo is None else ts.astimezone(tz)
+ localise = (
+ lambda ts: ts.replace(tzinfo=tz)
+ if ts.tzinfo is None
+ else ts.astimezone(tz)
+ )
# Convert frame to list of records.
# Convert Pandas frame to dict of dicts form.
if isinstance(frame, DataFrame):
- self._log.debug('Convert from Pandas DataFrame')
- raw_frame = frame.to_dict(orient='dict')
+ self._log.debug("Convert from Pandas DataFrame")
+ raw_frame = frame.to_dict(orient="dict")
frame = {}
for col, col_data in raw_frame.items():
for ts, val in col_data.items():
@@ -637,49 +684,60 @@ def __init__(self, session, columns, frame, tz):
# Convert dict of dicts to records, de-referencing column names.
if isinstance(frame, dict):
if columns is None:
def _to_rec(item):
(ts, raw_record) = item
record = raw_record.copy()
- record['ts'] = ts
+ record["ts"] = ts
return record
def _to_rec(item):
(ts, raw_record) = item
record = {}
for col, val in raw_record.items():
entity = columns[col]
- if hasattr(entity, 'id'):
+ if hasattr(entity, "id"):
entity = entity.id
if isinstance(entity, hszinc.Ref):
entity = entity.name
record[entity] = val
- record['ts'] = ts
+ record["ts"] = ts
return record
frame = list(map(_to_rec, list(frame.items())))
elif columns is not None:
# Columns are aliased. De-alias the column names.
frame = deepcopy(frame)
for row in frame:
- ts = row.pop('ts')
+ ts = row.pop("ts")
raw = row.copy()
- row['ts'] = ts
+ row["ts"] = ts
for column, point in columns.items():
value = raw.pop(column)
except KeyError:
- self._log.debug('At %s missing column %s (for %s): %s',
- ts, column, point, raw)
+ self._log.debug(
+ "At %s missing column %s (for %s): %s",
+ ts,
+ column,
+ point,
+ raw,
+ )
row[session._obj_to_ref(point).name] = value
# Localise all timestamps, extract columns:
columns = set()
def _localise_rec(r):
- r['ts'] = localise(r['ts'])
- columns.update(set(r.keys()) - set(['ts']))
+ r["ts"] = localise(r["ts"])
+ columns.update(set(r.keys()) - set(["ts"]))
return r
frame = list(map(_localise_rec, frame))
self._session = session
@@ -689,61 +747,63 @@ def _localise_rec(r):
self._tz = _resolve_tz(tz)
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('probe_multi', 'init', 'probing'),
- ('no_data', 'init', 'done'),
- ('do_multi_write', 'probing', 'multi_write'),
- ('all_write_done', 'multi_write', 'done'),
- ('do_single_write', 'probing', 'single_write'),
- ('all_write_done', 'single_write', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterprobing': self._do_probe_multi,
- 'onentermulti_write': self._do_multi_write,
- 'onentersingle_write': self._do_single_write,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("probe_multi", "init", "probing"),
+ ("no_data", "init", "done"),
+ ("do_multi_write", "probing", "multi_write"),
+ ("all_write_done", "multi_write", "done"),
+ ("do_single_write", "probing", "single_write"),
+ ("all_write_done", "single_write", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenterprobing": self._do_probe_multi,
+ "onentermulti_write": self._do_multi_write,
+ "onentersingle_write": self._do_single_write,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
if not bool(self._columns):
- self._log.debug('No data to write')
+ self._log.debug("No data to write")
def _do_probe_multi(self, event):
- self._log.debug('Probing for multi-his-write support')
- self._session.has_features([self._session.FEATURE_HISWRITE_MULTI],
- callback=self._on_probe_multi)
+ self._log.debug("Probing for multi-his-write support")
+ self._session.has_features(
+ [self._session.FEATURE_HISWRITE_MULTI], callback=self._on_probe_multi
+ )
def _on_probe_multi(self, operation, **kwargs):
result = operation.result
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.warning('Unable to probe multi-his-write support',
- exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.warning("Unable to probe multi-his-write support", exc_info=1)
result = {}
- self._log.debug('Got result: %s', result)
+ self._log.debug("Got result: %s", result)
if result.get(self._session.FEATURE_HISWRITE_MULTI):
# Session object supports multi-his-write
- self._log.debug('Using multi-his-write support')
+ self._log.debug("Using multi-his-write support")
# Emulate multi-his-write with separate
- self._log.debug('No multi-his-write support, emulating')
+ self._log.debug("No multi-his-write support, emulating")
def _do_multi_write(self, event):
Request the data from the server as a single multi-read request.
- self._session.multi_his_write(self._frame,
- callback=self._on_multi_write)
+ self._session.multi_his_write(self._frame, callback=self._on_multi_write)
def _on_multi_write(self, operation, **kwargs):
@@ -752,10 +812,10 @@ def _on_multi_write(self, operation, **kwargs):
grid = operation.result
if not isinstance(grid, hszinc.Grid):
- raise ValueError('Unexpected result %r' % grid)
+ raise ValueError("Unexpected result %r" % grid)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Hit exception', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Hit exception", exc_info=1)
def _do_single_write(self, event):
@@ -763,33 +823,41 @@ def _do_single_write(self, event):
Submit the data in single write requests.
for point in self._columns:
- self._log.debug('Point %s', point)
+ self._log.debug("Point %s", point)
# Extract a series for this column
- series = dict([(r['ts'], r[point]) for r in \
- filter(lambda r : r.get(point) is not None, self._frame)])
- self._session.his_write_series(point, series,
- callback=lambda operation, **kw : \
- self._on_single_write(operation, point=point))
+ series = dict(
+ [
+ (r["ts"], r[point])
+ for r in filter(lambda r: r.get(point) is not None, self._frame)
+ ]
+ )
+ self._session.his_write_series(
+ point,
+ series,
+ callback=lambda operation, **kw: self._on_single_write(
+ operation, point=point
+ ),
+ )
def _on_single_write(self, operation, point, **kwargs):
Handle the single write.
- self._log.debug('Response back for point %s', point)
+ self._log.debug("Response back for point %s", point)
res = operation.result
if res is not None:
- raise ValueError('Unexpected result %r' % res)
+ raise ValueError("Unexpected result %r" % res)
- self._log.debug('Still waiting for: %s', self._todo)
+ self._log.debug("Still waiting for: %s", self._todo)
if not self._todo:
# No more to read
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
- self._log.debug('Hit exception', exc_info=1)
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._log.debug("Hit exception", exc_info=1)
def _do_done(self, event):
@@ -800,11 +868,14 @@ def _do_done(self, event):
class MetaSeries(Series):
Custom Pandas Serie with meta data
meta = {}
def _constructor(self):
return MetaSeries
@@ -812,13 +883,14 @@ def _constructor(self):
def add_meta(self, key, value):
self.meta[key] = value
class MetaDataFrame(DataFrame):
Custom Pandas Dataframe with meta data
Made from MetaSeries
meta = {}
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(MetaDataFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara.py
index 1d985e4..e751205 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
from ...http.auth import BasicAuthenticationCredentials
from ...http.exceptions import HTTPStatusError
class NiagaraAXAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
An implementation of the log-in procedure for Niagara AX. The procedure
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ class NiagaraAXAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
Future requests should include the basic authentication credentials.
- _LOGIN_RE = re.compile('login', re.IGNORECASE)
+ _LOGIN_RE = re.compile("login", re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, session, retries=0):
@@ -52,25 +53,29 @@ def __init__(self, session, retries=0):
self._retries = retries
self._session = session
self._cookies = {}
- self._auth = BasicAuthenticationCredentials(session._username,
- session._password)
+ self._auth = BasicAuthenticationCredentials(
+ session._username, session._password
+ )
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('get_new_session', 'init', 'newsession'),
- ('do_login', 'newsession', 'login'),
- ('login_done', 'login', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'failed'),
- ('retry', 'failed', 'newsession'),
- ('abort', 'failed', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenternewsession': self._do_new_session,
- 'onenterlogin': self._do_login,
- 'onenterfailed': self._do_fail_retry,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("get_new_session", "init", "newsession"),
+ ("do_login", "newsession", "login"),
+ ("login_done", "login", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "failed"),
+ ("retry", "failed", "newsession"),
+ ("abort", "failed", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenternewsession": self._do_new_session,
+ "onenterlogin": self._do_login,
+ "onenterfailed": self._do_fail_retry,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ def go(self):
# Are we logged in?
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_new_session(self, event):
@@ -87,10 +92,16 @@ def _do_new_session(self, event):
Request the log-in cookie.
- self._session._get('login', self._on_new_session,
- cookies={}, headers={}, exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._get(
+ "login",
+ self._on_new_session,
+ cookies={},
+ headers={},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_new_session(self, response):
@@ -109,30 +120,36 @@ def _on_new_session(self, response):
self._cookies = response.cookies.copy()
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_login(self, event):
# Cover Niagara AX 3.7 where cookies are handled differently...
- niagara_session = self._cookies['niagara_session']
+ niagara_session = self._cookies["niagara_session"]
except KeyError:
niagara_session = ""
- self._session._post('login', self._on_login,
- params={
- 'token':'',
- 'scheme':'cookieDigest',
- 'absPathBase':'/',
- 'content-type':'application/x-niagara-login-support',
- 'Referer':self._session._client.uri+'login/',
- 'accept':'text/zinc; charset=utf-8',
- 'cookiePostfix' : niagara_session,
- },
- headers={}, cookies=self._cookies,
- exclude_cookies=True, exclude_proxies=True,
- api=False, auth=self._auth)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._post(
+ "login",
+ self._on_login,
+ params={
+ "token": "",
+ "scheme": "cookieDigest",
+ "absPathBase": "/",
+ "content-type": "application/x-niagara-login-support",
+ "Referer": self._session._client.uri + "login/",
+ "accept": "text/zinc; charset=utf-8",
+ "cookiePostfix": niagara_session,
+ },
+ headers={},
+ cookies=self._cookies,
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_proxies=True,
+ api=False,
+ auth=self._auth,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_login(self, response):
@@ -152,10 +169,10 @@ def _on_login(self, response):
if self._LOGIN_RE.match(response.text):
# No good.
- raise IOError('Login failed')
+ raise IOError("Login failed")
self._state_machine.login_done(result=(self._auth, self._cookies))
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_fail_retry(self, event):
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara_scram.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara_scram.py
index c64daee..ef8c151 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara_scram.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/niagara_scram.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
from ....util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
from ...http.exceptions import HTTPStatusError
class Niagara4ScramAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
An implementation of the log-in procedure for Niagara4. The procedure
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class Niagara4ScramAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
Future requests should use the JSESSIONID cookies returned.
- _COOKIE_RE = re.compile(r'^cookie[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^=]+)=(.*)$')
+ _COOKIE_RE = re.compile(r"^cookie[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^=]+)=(.*)$")
def __init__(self, session, retries=0):
@@ -53,37 +54,39 @@ def __init__(self, session, retries=0):
self._algorithm = None
self._handshake_token = None
- self._server_first_msg = None
+ self._server_first_msg = None
self._server_nonce = None
self._server_salt = None
self._server_iterations = None
self._auth_token = None
self._auth = None
- self._login_uri = '%s' % \
- (session._client.uri)
+ self._login_uri = "%s" % (session._client.uri)
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('get_new_session', 'init', 'newsession'),
- ('do_prelogin', 'newsession', 'prelogin'),
- ('do_first_msg', 'prelogin', 'first_msg'),
- ('do_second_msg', 'first_msg', 'second_msg'),
- ('do_validate_login', 'second_msg', 'validate_login'),
- ('login_done', 'validate_login', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'failed'),
- ('retry', 'failed', 'newsession'),
- ('abort', 'failed', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenternewsession': self._do_new_session,
- 'onenterprelogin': self._do_prelogin,
- 'onenterfirst_msg': self._do_first_msg,
- 'onentersecond_msg': self._do_second_msg,
- 'onentervalidate_login': self._do_validate_login,
- 'onenterfailed': self._do_fail_retry,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("get_new_session", "init", "newsession"),
+ ("do_prelogin", "newsession", "prelogin"),
+ ("do_first_msg", "prelogin", "first_msg"),
+ ("do_second_msg", "first_msg", "second_msg"),
+ ("do_validate_login", "second_msg", "validate_login"),
+ ("login_done", "validate_login", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "failed"),
+ ("retry", "failed", "newsession"),
+ ("abort", "failed", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenternewsession": self._do_new_session,
+ "onenterprelogin": self._do_prelogin,
+ "onenterfirst_msg": self._do_first_msg,
+ "onentersecond_msg": self._do_second_msg,
+ "onentervalidate_login": self._do_validate_login,
+ "onenterfailed": self._do_fail_retry,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ def go(self):
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_new_session(self, event):
@@ -99,11 +102,16 @@ def _do_new_session(self, event):
Reach the prelogin page and clear everything
- self._session._get('%s/prelogin?clear=true' % self._login_uri,
- callback=self._on_new_session,
- cookies={}, headers={}, exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._get(
+ "%s/prelogin?clear=true" % self._login_uri,
+ callback=self._on_new_session,
+ cookies={},
+ headers={},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_new_session(self, response):
@@ -115,8 +123,8 @@ def _on_new_session(self, response):
raise HTTPStatusError("Unable to connect to server")
- except Exception as e: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except Exception as e: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_prelogin(self, event):
@@ -124,15 +132,18 @@ def _do_prelogin(self, event):
Send the username to the prelogin page
- self._session._post('%s/prelogin' % self._login_uri,
- params={'j_username': self._session._username},
- callback=self._on_prelogin,
- cookies={},
- headers={},
- exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._post(
+ "%s/prelogin" % self._login_uri,
+ params={"j_username": self._session._username},
+ callback=self._on_prelogin,
+ cookies={},
+ headers={},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_prelogin(self, response):
@@ -145,23 +156,28 @@ def _on_prelogin(self, response):
self.client_first_msg = "n=%s,r=%s" % (self._session._username, self._nonce)
- except Exception as e: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except Exception as e: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_first_msg(self, event):
Send the client first message to server
- msg = 'action=sendClientFirstMessage&clientFirstMessage=n,,%s' % self.client_first_msg
- cookies = dict(niagara_userid = self._session._username)
+ msg = (
+ "action=sendClientFirstMessage&clientFirstMessage=n,,%s"
+ % self.client_first_msg
+ )
+ cookies = dict(niagara_userid=self._session._username)
- self._session._post('%s/j_security_check' % (self._login_uri),
- body=msg.encode('utf-8'),
- callback=self._on_first_msg,
- headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-niagara-login-support"},
- cookies=cookies,
- api=False)
+ self._session._post(
+ "%s/j_security_check" % (self._login_uri),
+ body=msg.encode("utf-8"),
+ callback=self._on_first_msg,
+ headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-niagara-login-support"},
+ cookies=cookies,
+ api=False,
+ )
except Exception as e:
@@ -172,12 +188,14 @@ def _on_first_msg(self, response):
This includes the JSESSIONID
- self.jsession = get_jession(response.headers['set-cookie'])
- self.server_first_msg = response.body.decode('utf-8')
+ self.jsession = get_jession(response.headers["set-cookie"])
+ self.server_first_msg = response.body.decode("utf-8")
tab_response = self.server_first_msg.split(",")
- self.server_nonce = scram.regex_after_equal( tab_response[0] )
- self.server_salt = hexlify( scram.b64decode( scram.regex_after_equal( tab_response[1] ) ) )
- self.server_iterations = scram.regex_after_equal( tab_response[2] )
+ self.server_nonce = scram.regex_after_equal(tab_response[0])
+ self.server_salt = hexlify(
+ scram.b64decode(scram.regex_after_equal(tab_response[1]))
+ )
+ self.server_iterations = scram.regex_after_equal(tab_response[2])
self._algorithm_name = "sha256"
self._algorithm = sha256
@@ -186,30 +204,44 @@ def _on_first_msg(self, response):
except Exception as e:
def _do_second_msg(self, event):
Send the client second (final) message to server
- self.salted_password = scram.salted_password_2( self.server_salt, self.server_iterations, self._algorithm_name, self._session._password )
- client_final_without_proof = "c=%s,r=%s" % ( scram.standard_b64encode(b'n,,').decode(),
- self.server_nonce )
- self.auth_msg = "%s,%s,%s" % ( self.client_first_msg, self.server_first_msg,
- client_final_without_proof )
- client_proof = _createClientProof(self.salted_password, self.auth_msg, self._algorithm)
+ self.salted_password = scram.salted_password_2(
+ self.server_salt,
+ self.server_iterations,
+ self._algorithm_name,
+ self._session._password,
+ )
+ client_final_without_proof = "c=%s,r=%s" % (
+ scram.standard_b64encode(b"n,,").decode(),
+ self.server_nonce,
+ )
+ self.auth_msg = "%s,%s,%s" % (
+ self.client_first_msg,
+ self.server_first_msg,
+ client_final_without_proof,
+ )
+ client_proof = _createClientProof(
+ self.salted_password, self.auth_msg, self._algorithm
+ )
client_final_message = client_final_without_proof + ",p=" + client_proof
- final_msg = 'action=sendClientFinalMessage&clientFinalMessage=%s' % (client_final_message)
+ final_msg = "action=sendClientFinalMessage&clientFinalMessage=%s" % (
+ client_final_message
+ )
- cookies = dict(niagara_userid = self._session._username,
- JSESSIONID = self.jsession)
+ cookies = dict(niagara_userid=self._session._username, JSESSIONID=self.jsession)
- self._session._post('%s/j_security_check' % self._login_uri,
- body=final_msg.strip().encode("utf-8"),
- callback=self._on_second_msg,
- headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-niagara-login-support"},
- cookies=cookies,
- api=False)
+ self._session._post(
+ "%s/j_security_check" % self._login_uri,
+ body=final_msg.strip().encode("utf-8"),
+ callback=self._on_second_msg,
+ headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-niagara-login-support"},
+ cookies=cookies,
+ api=False,
+ )
@@ -219,32 +251,46 @@ def _on_second_msg(self, response):
We will compare signatures to validate the authentication
- server_final_message = response.body.decode('utf-8')
- server_key = hmac.new( unhexlify( self.salted_password ), "Server Key".encode('UTF-8'), self._algorithm).hexdigest()
- server_signature = hmac.new( unhexlify( server_key ) , self.auth_msg.encode() , self._algorithm ).hexdigest()
- remote_server_signature = hexlify( scram.b64decode( scram.regex_after_equal( server_final_message ) ) )
+ server_final_message = response.body.decode("utf-8")
+ server_key = hmac.new(
+ unhexlify(self.salted_password),
+ "Server Key".encode("UTF-8"),
+ self._algorithm,
+ ).hexdigest()
+ server_signature = hmac.new(
+ unhexlify(server_key), self.auth_msg.encode(), self._algorithm
+ ).hexdigest()
+ remote_server_signature = hexlify(
+ scram.b64decode(scram.regex_after_equal(server_final_message))
+ )
if server_signature == remote_server_signature.decode():
- cookies = dict(JSESSIONID=self.jsession, niagara_userid=self._session._username)
+ cookies = dict(
+ JSESSIONID=self.jsession, niagara_userid=self._session._username
+ )
self._session._client.cookies = cookies
- raise Exception('Login Failed, local and remote signature are different')
+ raise Exception(
+ "Login Failed, local and remote signature are different"
+ )
except Exception as e:
- self._state_machine.exception(result=AsynchronousException())
+ self._state_machine.exception(result=AsynchronousException())
def _do_validate_login(self, event):
We need to send another request to the server to validate the login
- self._session._post('%s/j_security_check' % self._login_uri,
- body=None,
- callback=self._on_validate_login,
- headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-niagara-login-support"},
- api=False)
+ self._session._post(
+ "%s/j_security_check" % self._login_uri,
+ body=None,
+ callback=self._on_validate_login,
+ headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-niagara-login-support"},
+ api=False,
+ )
@@ -253,14 +299,15 @@ def _on_validate_login(self, response):
Retrieve the response and set authenticated status
+ if isinstance(response, AsynchronousException):
+ response.reraise()
if response.status_code == 200:
- self._state_machine.login_done(result={'authenticated': True})
+ self._state_machine.login_done(result={"authenticated": True})
- raise HTTPStatusError('Server refused the last message')
+ raise HTTPStatusError("Server refused the last message")
except Exception as e:
- self._state_machine.exception(result=AsynchronousException())
+ self._state_machine.exception(result=AsynchronousException())
def _do_fail_retry(self, event):
@@ -278,26 +325,33 @@ def _do_done(self, event):
-def binary_encoding(string, encoding = 'utf-8'):
+def binary_encoding(string, encoding="utf-8"):
This helper function will allow compatibility with Python 2 and 3
return bytes(string, encoding)
- except TypeError: # We are in Python 2
+ except TypeError: # We are in Python 2
return str(string)
def get_jession(arg_header):
- set_cookie = arg_header.split(',')
+ set_cookie = arg_header.split(",")
for key in set_cookie:
if "JSESSIONID=" in key:
jsession = scram.regex_after_equal(key)
jsession = jsession.split(";")[0]
return jsession
def _createClientProof(salted_password, auth_msg, algorithm):
- client_key = hmac.new( unhexlify( salted_password ), "Client Key".encode('UTF-8'), algorithm).hexdigest()
- stored_key = scram._hash_sha256( unhexlify(client_key), algorithm )
- client_signature = hmac.new( unhexlify( stored_key ) , auth_msg.encode() , algorithm ).hexdigest()
- client_proof = scram._xor (client_key, client_signature)
- return b2a_base64(unhexlify(client_proof)).decode('utf-8')
+ client_key = hmac.new(
+ unhexlify(salted_password), "Client Key".encode("UTF-8"), algorithm
+ ).hexdigest()
+ stored_key = scram._hash_sha256(unhexlify(client_key), algorithm)
+ client_signature = hmac.new(
+ unhexlify(stored_key), auth_msg.encode(), algorithm
+ ).hexdigest()
+ client_proof = scram._xor(client_key, client_signature)
+ return b2a_base64(unhexlify(client_proof)).decode("utf-8")
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark.py
index 13c79fc..4875d17 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
from ....util import state
from ....util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
class SkysparkAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
An implementation of the log-in procedure for Skyspark. The procedure
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class SkysparkAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
Future requests should the cookies returned.
- _COOKIE_RE = re.compile(r'^cookie[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^=]+)=(.*)$')
+ _COOKIE_RE = re.compile(r"^cookie[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^=]+)=(.*)$")
def __init__(self, session, retries=2):
@@ -52,24 +53,30 @@ def __init__(self, session, retries=2):
self._username = None
self._user_salt = None
self._digest = None
- self._login_uri = '%s/auth/%s/api?%s' % \
- (session._client.uri, session._project, session._username)
+ self._login_uri = "%s/auth/%s/api?%s" % (
+ session._client.uri,
+ session._project,
+ session._username,
+ )
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('get_new_session', 'init', 'newsession'),
- ('do_login', 'newsession', 'login'),
- ('login_done', 'login', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'failed'),
- ('retry', 'failed', 'newsession'),
- ('abort', 'failed', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenternewsession': self._do_new_session,
- 'onenterlogin': self._do_login,
- 'onenterfailed': self._do_fail_retry,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("get_new_session", "init", "newsession"),
+ ("do_login", "newsession", "login"),
+ ("login_done", "login", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "failed"),
+ ("retry", "failed", "newsession"),
+ ("abort", "failed", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenternewsession": self._do_new_session,
+ "onenterlogin": self._do_login,
+ "onenterfailed": self._do_fail_retry,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -78,7 +85,7 @@ def go(self):
# Are we logged in?
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_new_session(self, event):
@@ -86,13 +93,17 @@ def _do_new_session(self, event):
Request the log-in parameters.
- self._session._get(self._login_uri,
- callback=self._on_new_session,
- cookies={}, headers={}, exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
- #args={'username': self._session._username},
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._get(
+ self._login_uri,
+ callback=self._on_new_session,
+ cookies={},
+ headers={},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
+ # args={'username': self._session._username},
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_new_session(self, response):
@@ -104,36 +115,39 @@ def _on_new_session(self, response):
login_params = {}
- for line in response.text.split('\n'):
- key, value = line.split(':')
+ for line in response.text.split("\n"):
+ key, value = line.split(":")
login_params[key] = value
- self._username = login_params['username']
- self._user_salt = login_params['userSalt']
- self._nonce = login_params['nonce']
+ self._username = login_params["username"]
+ self._user_salt = login_params["userSalt"]
+ self._nonce = login_params["nonce"]
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_login(self, event):
login_params = {
- 'username' : self._session._username,
- 'password' : self._session._password,
- 'userSalt' : self._user_salt,
- 'nonce' : self._nonce
+ "username": self._session._username,
+ "password": self._session._password,
+ "userSalt": self._user_salt,
+ "nonce": self._nonce,
- self._digest = get_digest_info(login_params)['digest']
+ self._digest = get_digest_info(login_params)["digest"]
# Post
- self._session._post(self._login_uri,
- callback=self._on_login,
- body='nonce:%s\ndigest:%s' % \
- (self._nonce, self._digest),
- body_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8',
- headers={}, exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._post(
+ self._login_uri,
+ callback=self._on_login,
+ body="nonce:%s\ndigest:%s" % (self._nonce, self._digest),
+ body_type="text/plain; charset=utf-8",
+ headers={},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_login(self, response):
@@ -147,12 +161,12 @@ def _on_login(self, response):
# Locate the cookie in the response.
cookie_match = self._COOKIE_RE.match(response.text)
if not cookie_match:
- raise IOError('No cookie in response, log-in failed.')
+ raise IOError("No cookie in response, log-in failed.")
(cookie_name, cookie_value) = cookie_match.groups()
self._state_machine.login_done(result={cookie_name: cookie_value})
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_fail_retry(self, event):
@@ -171,26 +185,32 @@ def _do_done(self, event):
def get_digest_info(param):
- message = binary_encoding("%s:%s" % (param['username'], param['userSalt']))
- password_buf = binary_encoding(param['password'])
- hmac_final = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(key=password_buf, msg=message, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).digest())
+ message = binary_encoding("%s:%s" % (param["username"], param["userSalt"]))
+ password_buf = binary_encoding(param["password"])
+ hmac_final = base64.b64encode(
+ hmac.new(key=password_buf, msg=message, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).digest()
+ )
- digest_msg = binary_encoding('%s:%s' % (hmac_final.decode('utf-8'), param['nonce']))
+ digest_msg = binary_encoding("%s:%s" % (hmac_final.decode("utf-8"), param["nonce"]))
digest = hashlib.sha1()
digest_final = base64.b64encode((digest.digest()))
- res ={'hmac' : hmac_final.decode('utf-8'),
- 'digest' : digest_final.decode('utf-8'),
- 'nonce' : param['nonce']}
+ res = {
+ "hmac": hmac_final.decode("utf-8"),
+ "digest": digest_final.decode("utf-8"),
+ "nonce": param["nonce"],
+ }
return res
-def binary_encoding(string, encoding = 'utf-8'):
+def binary_encoding(string, encoding="utf-8"):
This helper function will allow compatibility with Python 2 and 3
return bytes(string, encoding)
- except TypeError: # We are in Python 2
+ except TypeError: # We are in Python 2
return str(string)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark_scram.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark_scram.py
index 2993ede..6cff71a 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark_scram.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/skyspark_scram.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
from ....util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
from ...http.exceptions import HTTPStatusError
class SkysparkScramAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
An implementation of the log-in procedure for Skyspark. The procedure
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class SkysparkScramAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
Future requests should the cookies returned.
- _COOKIE_RE = re.compile(r'^cookie[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^=]+)=(.*)$')
+ _COOKIE_RE = re.compile(r"^cookie[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^=]+)=(.*)$")
def __init__(self, session, retries=2):
@@ -54,35 +55,37 @@ def __init__(self, session, retries=2):
self._algorithm = None
self._handshake_token = None
- self._server_first_msg = None
+ self._server_first_msg = None
self._server_nonce = None
self._server_salt = None
self._server_iterations = None
self._auth_token = None
self._auth = None
- self._login_uri = '%s' % \
- (session._client.uri)
+ self._login_uri = "%s" % (session._client.uri)
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('get_new_session', 'init', 'newsession'),
- ('do_hs_token', 'newsession', 'handshake_token'),
- ('do_second_msg', 'handshake_token', 'second_msg'),
- ('do_server_token', 'second_msg', 'server_token'),
- ('login_done', 'server_token', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'failed'),
- ('retry', 'failed', 'newsession'),
- ('abort', 'failed', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenternewsession': self._do_new_session,
- 'onenterhandshake_token': self._do_hs_token,
- 'onentersecond_msg': self._do_second_msg,
- 'onenterserver_token': self._do_server_token,
- 'onenterfailed': self._do_fail_retry,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("get_new_session", "init", "newsession"),
+ ("do_hs_token", "newsession", "handshake_token"),
+ ("do_second_msg", "handshake_token", "second_msg"),
+ ("do_server_token", "second_msg", "server_token"),
+ ("login_done", "server_token", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "failed"),
+ ("retry", "failed", "newsession"),
+ ("abort", "failed", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenternewsession": self._do_new_session,
+ "onenterhandshake_token": self._do_hs_token,
+ "onentersecond_msg": self._do_second_msg,
+ "onenterserver_token": self._do_server_token,
+ "onenterfailed": self._do_fail_retry,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ def go(self):
# Are we logged in?
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_new_session(self, event):
@@ -99,49 +102,56 @@ def _do_new_session(self, event):
Test if server respond...
- self._session._get('%s/user/login' % self._login_uri,
- callback=self._on_new_session,
- cookies={}, headers={}, exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
- #args={'username': self._session._username},
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._get(
+ "%s/user/login" % self._login_uri,
+ callback=self._on_new_session,
+ cookies={},
+ headers={},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
+ # args={'username': self._session._username},
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_new_session(self, response):
Retrieve the log-in parameters.
- #if isinstance(response, AsynchronousException):
+ # if isinstance(response, AsynchronousException):
# response.reraise()
self._nonce = scram.get_nonce()
self._salt_username = scram.base64_no_padding(self._session._username)
self.client_first_message = "HELLO username=%s" % (self._salt_username)
- except Exception as e: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except Exception as e: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_hs_token(self, event):
- self._session._get('%s/ui' % self._login_uri,
- callback=self._validate_hs_token,
- headers={"Authorization": self.client_first_message},
- exclude_cookies=True, api=False)
+ self._session._get(
+ "%s/ui" % self._login_uri,
+ callback=self._validate_hs_token,
+ headers={"Authorization": self.client_first_message},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
except Exception as e:
def _validate_hs_token(self, response):
- response.reraise() # ← AsynchronousException class
+ response.reraise() # ← AsynchronousException class
except HTTPStatusError as e:
if e.status != 401 and e.status != 303:
- server_response = e.headers['WWW-Authenticate']
- header_response = server_response.split(',')
- algorithm = scram.regex_after_equal( header_response[1] )
+ server_response = e.headers["WWW-Authenticate"]
+ header_response = server_response.split(",")
+ algorithm = scram.regex_after_equal(header_response[1])
algorithm_name = algorithm.replace("-", "").lower()
if algorithm_name == "sha256":
self._algorithm = sha256
@@ -150,42 +160,47 @@ def _validate_hs_token(self, response):
self._algorithm = sha1
self._algorithm_name = "sha1"
- raise Exception('SHA not implemented')
+ raise Exception("SHA not implemented")
self._handshake_token = scram.regex_after_equal(header_response[0])
except Exception as e:
def _do_second_msg(self, event):
self._client_second_msg = "n=%s,r=%s" % (self._session._username, self._nonce)
client_second_msg_encoded = scram.base64_no_padding(self._client_second_msg)
- authMsg = "SCRAM handshakeToken=%s, data=%s" % (self._handshake_token , client_second_msg_encoded )
+ authMsg = "SCRAM handshakeToken=%s, data=%s" % (
+ self._handshake_token,
+ client_second_msg_encoded,
+ )
# Post
- self._session._get('%s/ui' % self._login_uri,
- callback=self._validate_sec_msg,
- headers={"Authorization": authMsg},
- exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
+ self._session._get(
+ "%s/ui" % self._login_uri,
+ callback=self._validate_sec_msg,
+ headers={"Authorization": authMsg},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
def _validate_sec_msg(self, response):
- response.reraise() # ← AsynchronousException class
+ response.reraise() # ← AsynchronousException class
except HTTPStatusError as e:
if e.status != 401 and e.status != 303:
- header_response = e.headers['WWW-Authenticate']
- tab_header = header_response.split(',')
+ header_response = e.headers["WWW-Authenticate"]
+ tab_header = header_response.split(",")
server_data = scram.regex_after_equal(tab_header[0])
missing_padding = len(server_data) % 4
if missing_padding != 0:
- server_data += '='* (4 - missing_padding)
+ server_data += "=" * (4 - missing_padding)
server_data = scram.b64decode(server_data).decode()
- tab_response = server_data.split(',')
+ tab_response = server_data.split(",")
self._server_first_msg = server_data
self._server_nonce = scram.regex_after_equal(tab_response[0])
self._server_salt = scram.regex_after_equal(tab_response[1])
@@ -198,34 +213,62 @@ def _validate_sec_msg(self, response):
def _do_server_token(self, event):
- client_final_no_proof = "c=%s,r=%s" % ( scram.standard_b64encode(b'n,,').decode() , self._server_nonce )
- auth_msg = "%s,%s,%s" % ( self._client_second_msg, self._server_first_msg, client_final_no_proof )
- client_key = hmac.new(unhexlify(scram.salted_password(self._server_salt, self._server_iterations, self._algorithm_name, self._session._password)), "Client Key".encode('UTF-8'), self._algorithm).hexdigest()
- stored_key = scram._hash_sha256(unhexlify(client_key), self._algorithm)
- client_signature = hmac.new( unhexlify(stored_key), auth_msg.encode('utf-8'), self._algorithm).hexdigest()
- client_proof = scram._xor(client_key, client_signature)
- client_proof_encode = b2a_base64(unhexlify(client_proof)).decode()
- client_final = client_final_no_proof + ",p=" + client_proof_encode
- client_final_base64 = scram.base64_no_padding(client_final)
- final_msg = "scram handshaketoken=%s,data=%s" % (self._handshake_token , client_final_base64)
+ client_final_no_proof = "c=%s,r=%s" % (
+ scram.standard_b64encode(b"n,,").decode(),
+ self._server_nonce,
+ )
+ auth_msg = "%s,%s,%s" % (
+ self._client_second_msg,
+ self._server_first_msg,
+ client_final_no_proof,
+ )
+ client_key = hmac.new(
+ unhexlify(
+ scram.salted_password(
+ self._server_salt,
+ self._server_iterations,
+ self._algorithm_name,
+ self._session._password,
+ )
+ ),
+ "Client Key".encode("UTF-8"),
+ self._algorithm,
+ ).hexdigest()
+ stored_key = scram._hash_sha256(unhexlify(client_key), self._algorithm)
+ client_signature = hmac.new(
+ unhexlify(stored_key), auth_msg.encode("utf-8"), self._algorithm
+ ).hexdigest()
+ client_proof = scram._xor(client_key, client_signature)
+ client_proof_encode = b2a_base64(unhexlify(client_proof)).decode()
+ client_final = client_final_no_proof + ",p=" + client_proof_encode
+ client_final_base64 = scram.base64_no_padding(client_final)
+ final_msg = "scram handshaketoken=%s,data=%s" % (
+ self._handshake_token,
+ client_final_base64,
+ )
- self._session._get('%s/ui' % self._login_uri,
- callback=self._validate_server_token,
- headers={"Authorization": final_msg},
- exclude_cookies=True,
- exclude_headers=True, api=False)
+ self._session._get(
+ "%s/ui" % self._login_uri,
+ callback=self._validate_server_token,
+ headers={"Authorization": final_msg},
+ exclude_cookies=True,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
except Exception as e:
def _validate_server_token(self, response):
- server_response = response.headers['Authentication-Info']
- tab_response = server_response.split(',')
+ server_response = response.headers["Authentication-Info"]
+ tab_response = server_response.split(",")
self._auth_token = scram.regex_after_equal(tab_response[0])
self._auth = "BEARER authToken=%s" % self._auth_token
- self._state_machine.login_done(result={'header': {'Authorization': self._auth} })
+ self._state_machine.login_done(
+ result={"header": {"Authorization": self._auth}}
+ )
except Exception as e:
@@ -246,26 +289,32 @@ def _do_done(self, event):
def get_digest_info(param):
- message = binary_encoding("%s:%s" % (param['username'], param['userSalt']))
- password_buf = binary_encoding(param['password'])
- hmac_final = base64.b64encode(hmac.new(key=password_buf, msg=message, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).digest())
+ message = binary_encoding("%s:%s" % (param["username"], param["userSalt"]))
+ password_buf = binary_encoding(param["password"])
+ hmac_final = base64.b64encode(
+ hmac.new(key=password_buf, msg=message, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).digest()
+ )
- digest_msg = binary_encoding('%s:%s' % (hmac_final.decode('utf-8'), param['nonce']))
+ digest_msg = binary_encoding("%s:%s" % (hmac_final.decode("utf-8"), param["nonce"]))
digest = hashlib.sha1()
digest_final = base64.b64encode((digest.digest()))
- res ={'hmac' : hmac_final.decode('utf-8'),
- 'digest' : digest_final.decode('utf-8'),
- 'nonce' : param['nonce']}
+ res = {
+ "hmac": hmac_final.decode("utf-8"),
+ "digest": digest_final.decode("utf-8"),
+ "nonce": param["nonce"],
+ }
return res
-def binary_encoding(string, encoding = 'utf-8'):
+def binary_encoding(string, encoding="utf-8"):
This helper function will allow compatibility with Python 2 and 3
return bytes(string, encoding)
- except TypeError: # We are in Python 2
+ except TypeError: # We are in Python 2
return str(string)
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/widesky.py b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/widesky.py
index 0cbd1a7..16cb13a 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/widesky.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/ops/vendor/widesky.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
from ..feature import HasFeaturesOperation
from ...session import HaystackSession
class WideskyAuthenticateOperation(state.HaystackOperation):
An implementation of the log-in procedure for WideSky. WideSky uses
@@ -53,37 +54,45 @@ def __init__(self, session, retries=0):
super(WideskyAuthenticateOperation, self).__init__()
self._auth_headers = {
- 'Authorization': (u'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(
- ':'.join([session._client_id,
- session._client_secret]).encode('utf-8')
- ).decode('us-ascii')
- ).encode('us-ascii'),
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ "Authorization": (
+ u"Basic %s"
+ % base64.b64encode(
+ ":".join([session._client_id, session._client_secret]).encode(
+ "utf-8"
+ )
+ ).decode("us-ascii")
+ ).encode("us-ascii"),
+ "Accept": "application/json",
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
- self._auth_body = json.dumps({
- 'username': session._username,
- 'password': session._password,
- 'grant_type': 'password',
- }).encode('utf-8')
+ self._auth_body = json.dumps(
+ {
+ "username": session._username,
+ "password": session._password,
+ "grant_type": "password",
+ }
+ ).encode("utf-8")
self._session = session
self._retries = retries
self._auth_result = None
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('do_login', ['init', 'failed'], 'login'),
- ('login_done', 'login', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'failed'),
- ('retry', 'failed', 'login'),
- ('abort', 'failed', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterlogin': self._do_login,
- 'onenterfailed': self._do_fail_retry,
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("do_login", ["init", "failed"], "login"),
+ ("login_done", "login", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "failed"),
+ ("retry", "failed", "login"),
+ ("abort", "failed", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={
+ "onenterlogin": self._do_login,
+ "onenterfailed": self._do_fail_retry,
+ "onenterdone": self._do_done,
+ },
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -92,16 +101,20 @@ def go(self):
# Are we logged in?
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_login(self, event):
- self._session._post(self._session._auth_dir,
- self._on_login, body=self._auth_body,
- headers=self._auth_headers, exclude_headers=True,
- api=False)
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ self._session._post(
+ self._session._auth_dir,
+ self._on_login,
+ body=self._auth_body,
+ headers=self._auth_headers,
+ exclude_headers=True,
+ api=False,
+ )
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _on_login(self, response):
@@ -114,19 +127,18 @@ def _on_login(self, response):
content_type = response.content_type
if content_type is None:
- raise ValueError('No content-type given in reply')
- if content_type != 'application/json':
- raise ValueError('Invalid content type received: %s' % \
- content_type)
+ raise ValueError("No content-type given in reply")
+ if content_type != "application/json":
+ raise ValueError("Invalid content type received: %s" % content_type)
# Decode JSON reply
reply = json.loads(response.text)
- for key in ('token_type', 'access_token', 'expires_in'):
+ for key in ("token_type", "access_token", "expires_in"):
if key not in reply:
- raise ValueError('Missing %s in reply :%s' % (key, reply))
+ raise ValueError("Missing %s in reply :%s" % (key, reply))
- except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
+ except: # Catch all exceptions to pass to caller.
def _do_fail_retry(self, event):
@@ -156,19 +168,20 @@ def __init__(self, session, entities, single):
:param session: Haystack HTTP session object.
:param entities: A list of entities to create.
- self._log = session._log.getChild('create_entity')
+ self._log = session._log.getChild("create_entity")
super(CreateEntityOperation, self).__init__(session, single)
self._new_entities = entities
self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
- initial='init', final='done',
- events=[
- # Event Current State New State
- ('send_create', 'init', 'create'),
- ('read_done', 'create', 'done'),
- ('exception', '*', 'done'),
- ], callbacks={
- 'onenterdone': self._do_done,
- })
+ initial="init",
+ final="done",
+ events=[
+ # Event Current State New State
+ ("send_create", "init", "create"),
+ ("read_done", "create", "done"),
+ ("exception", "*", "done"),
+ ],
+ callbacks={"onenterdone": self._do_done},
+ )
def go(self):
@@ -178,23 +191,24 @@ def go(self):
# Ensure IDs are basenames.
def _preprocess_entity(e):
if not isinstance(e, dict):
- raise TypeError('%r is not a dict' % e)
+ raise TypeError("%r is not a dict" % e)
e = e.copy()
- e_id = e.pop('id')
- if isinstance(e_id, hszinc.Ref):
- e_id = e_id.name
- if '.' in e_id:
- e_id = e_id.split('.')[-1]
- e['id'] = hszinc.Ref(e_id)
+ if "id" in e:
+ e_id = e.pop("id")
+ if isinstance(e_id, hszinc.Ref):
+ e_id = e_id.name
+ if "." in e_id:
+ e_id = e_id.split(".")[-1]
+ e["id"] = hszinc.Ref(e_id)
return e
entities = list(map(_preprocess_entity, self._new_entities))
self._session.create(entities, callback=self._on_read)
class WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation(HasFeaturesOperation):
def __init__(self, session, features, **kwargs):
- super(WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation, self).__init__(
- session, features, **kwargs)
+ super(WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation, self).__init__(session, features, **kwargs)
# Turn on retrieval of 'about' version data.
self._need_about = True
@@ -203,21 +217,28 @@ def _check_features(self):
res = super(WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation, self)._check_features()
# Ensure this is WideSky
- if self._about_data['productName'] not in (
- 'Widesky Semantic Database Toolkit', 'WideSky'):
+ if self._about_data["productName"] not in (
+ "Widesky Semantic Database Toolkit",
+ "WideSky",
+ ):
# Not recognised, stop here.
return res
# Get the WideSky version, preferring moduleVersion over productVersion
- ver = self._about_data.get('moduleVersion',
- self._about_data['productVersion'])
+ ver = self._about_data.get("moduleVersion", self._about_data["productVersion"])
for feature in self._features:
- if feature in (HaystackSession.FEATURE_HISREAD_MULTI,
+ if feature in (
+ ):
- res[feature] = semver.match(ver, '>=0.5.0')
+ res[feature] = semver.match(ver, ">=0.5.0")
except ValueError:
# Unrecognised version string
return res
+ elif feature == HaystackSession.FEATURE_ID_UUID:
+ try:
+ res[feature] = semver.match(ver, ">=0.8.0")
+ except ValueError:
+ return res
return res
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/session.py b/pyhaystack/client/session.py
index a69a05c..1954e05 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/session.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/session.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
from .ops import feature as feature_ops
from .entity.models.haystack import HaystackTaggingModel
class HaystackSession(object):
The Haystack Session handler is responsible for presenting an API for
@@ -56,10 +57,18 @@ class HaystackSession(object):
_HAS_FEATURES_OPERATION = feature_ops.HasFeaturesOperation
- def __init__(self, uri, api_dir, grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC,
- http_client=sync.SyncHttpClient, http_args=None,
- tagging_model=HaystackTaggingModel, log=None,
- pint=False, cache_expiry=3600.0):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ uri,
+ api_dir,
+ grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC,
+ http_client=sync.SyncHttpClient,
+ http_args=None,
+ tagging_model=HaystackTaggingModel,
+ log=None,
+ pint=False,
+ cache_expiry=3600.0,
+ ):
Initialise a base Project Haystack session handler.
@@ -76,23 +85,22 @@ def __init__(self, uri, api_dir, grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC,
See : https://pint.readthedocs.io/ for details about pint
if log is None:
- log = logging.getLogger('pyhaystack.client.%s' \
- % self.__class__.__name__)
+ log = logging.getLogger("pyhaystack.client.%s" % self.__class__.__name__)
self._log = log
if http_args is None:
http_args = {}
- #Configure hszinc to use pint or not for Quantity definition
+ # Configure hszinc to use pint or not for Quantity definition
if grid_format not in (hszinc.MODE_ZINC, hszinc.MODE_JSON):
- raise ValueError('Unrecognised grid format %s' % grid_format)
+ raise ValueError("Unrecognised grid format %s" % grid_format)
self._grid_format = grid_format
# Create the HTTP client object
- if bool(http_args.pop('debug',None)) and ('log' not in http_args):
- http_args['log'] = log.getChild('http_client')
+ if bool(http_args.pop("debug", None)) and ("log" not in http_args):
+ http_args["log"] = log.getChild("http_client")
self._client = http_client(uri=uri, **http_args)
self._api_dir = api_dir
@@ -108,7 +116,7 @@ def __init__(self, uri, api_dir, grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC,
# Grid cache
self._grid_lk = Lock()
self._grid_expiry = cache_expiry
- self._grid_cache = {} # 'op' -> (op, expiry, grid)
+ self._grid_cache = {} # 'op' -> (op, expiry, grid)
# Public methods/properties
@@ -145,19 +153,19 @@ def about(self, cache=True, callback=None):
Retrieve the version information of this Project Haystack server.
- return self._get_grid('about', callback, cache=cache)
+ return self._on_about(cache=cache, callback=callback)
def ops(self, cache=True, callback=None):
Retrieve the operations supported by this Project Haystack server.
- return self._get_grid('ops', callback, cache=cache)
+ return self._on_ops(cache=cache, callback=callback)
def formats(self, cache=True, callback=None):
Retrieve the grid formats supported by this Project Haystack server.
- return self._get_grid('formats', callback, cache=cache)
+ return self._on_formats(cache=cache, callback=callback)
def read(self, ids=None, filter_expr=None, limit=None, callback=None):
@@ -174,31 +182,9 @@ def read(self, ids=None, filter_expr=None, limit=None, callback=None):
of interest.
:param limit: A limit on the number of entities to return.
- if isinstance(ids, string_types) or isinstance(ids, hszinc.Ref):
- # Make sure we always pass a list.
- ids = [ids]
- if bool(ids):
- if filter_expr is not None:
- raise ValueError('Either specify ids or filter_expr, not both')
- ids = [self._obj_to_ref(r) for r in ids]
- if len(ids) == 1:
- # Reading a single entity
- return self._get_grid('read', callback, args={'id': ids[0]})
- else:
- # Reading several entities
- grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.column['id'] = {}
- grid.extend([{'id': r} for r in ids])
- return self._post_grid('read', grid, callback)
- else:
- args = {'filter': filter_expr}
- if limit is not None:
- args['limit'] = int(limit)
- return self._get_grid('read', callback, args=args)
+ return self._on_read(
+ ids=ids, filter_expr=filter_expr, limit=limit, callback=callback
+ )
def nav(self, nav_id=None, callback=None):
@@ -206,25 +192,23 @@ def nav(self, nav_id=None, callback=None):
operation allows servers to expose the database in a human-friendly
tree (or graph) that can be explored.
- return self._get_grid('nav', callback, args={'navId': nav_id})
+ return self._on_nav(nav_id=nav_id, callback=callback)
- def watch_sub(self, points, watch_id=None, watch_dis=None,
- lease=None, callback=None):
+ def watch_sub(
+ self, points, watch_id=None, watch_dis=None, lease=None, callback=None
+ ):
This creates a new watch with debug string watch_dis, identifier
watch_id (string) and a lease time of lease (integer) seconds. points
is a list of strings, Entity objects or hszinc.Ref objects.
- grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.column['id'] = {}
- grid.extend([{'id': self._obj_to_ref(p)} for p in points])
- if watch_id is not None:
- grid.metadata['watchId'] = watch_id
- if watch_dis is not None:
- grid.metadata['watchDis'] = watch_dis
- if lease is not None:
- grid.metadata['lease'] = lease
- return self._post_grid('watchSub', grid, callback)
+ return self._on_watch_sub(
+ points=points,
+ watch_id=watch_id,
+ watch_dis=watch_dis,
+ lease=lease,
+ callback=callback,
+ )
def watch_unsub(self, watch, points=None, callback=None):
@@ -235,18 +219,7 @@ def watch_unsub(self, watch, points=None, callback=None):
hszinc.Ref objects which will be removed from the Watch object.
Otherwise, it closes the Watch object.
- grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.column['id'] = {}
- if not isinstance(watch, string_types):
- watch = watch.id
- grid.metadata['watchId'] = watch
- if points is not None:
- grid.extend([{'id': self._obj_to_ref(p)} for p in points])
- else:
- grid.metadata['close'] = hszinc.MARKER
- return self._post_grid('watchSub', grid, callback)
+ return self._on_watch_unsub(watch=watch, points=points, callback=callback)
def watch_poll(self, watch, refresh=False, callback=None):
@@ -256,20 +229,11 @@ def watch_poll(self, watch, refresh=False, callback=None):
If refresh is True, then all points on the watch will be updated, not
just those that have changed since the last poll.
- grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.column['empty'] = {}
- if not isinstance(watch, string_types):
- watch = watch.id
- grid.metadata['watchId'] = watch
- if refresh:
- grid.metadata['refresh'] = hszinc.MARKER
+ return self._on_watch_poll(watch=watch, refresh=refresh, callback=callback)
- return self._post_grid('watchPoll', grid, callback)
- def point_write(self, point, level=None, val=None, who=None,
- duration=None, callback=None):
+ def point_write(
+ self, point, level=None, val=None, who=None, duration=None, callback=None
+ ):
point is either the ID of the writeable point entity, or an instance of
the writeable point entity to retrieve the write status of or write a
@@ -279,24 +243,14 @@ def point_write(self, point, level=None, val=None, who=None,
write status of the point is retrieved. Otherwise, a write is
performed to the nominated point.
- args = {
- 'id': self._obj_to_ref(point),
- }
- if level is None:
- if (val is not None) or (who is not None) or (duration is not None):
- raise ValueError(
- 'If level is None, val, who and duration must '\
- 'be None too.')
- else:
- args.update({
- 'level': level,
- 'val': val,
- })
- if who is not None:
- args['who'] = who
- if duration is not None:
- args['duration'] = duration
- return self._get_grid('pointWrite', callback, args=args)
+ return self._on_point_write(
+ point=point,
+ level=level,
+ val=val,
+ who=who,
+ duration=duration,
+ callback=callback,
+ )
def his_read(self, point, rng, callback=None):
@@ -307,19 +261,7 @@ def his_read(self, point, rng, callback=None):
datetime.datetime (providing all samples since the nominated time) or a
slice of datetime.dates or datetime.datetimes.
- if isinstance(rng, slice):
- str_rng = ','.join([hszinc.dump_scalar(p) for p in
- (rng.start, rng.stop)])
- elif not isinstance(rng, string_types):
- str_rng = hszinc.dump_scalar(rng)
- else:
- # Better be valid!
- str_rng = rng
- return self._get_grid('hisRead', callback, args={
- 'id': self._obj_to_ref(point),
- 'range': str_rng,
- })
+ return self._on_his_read(point=point, rng=rng, callback=callback)
def his_write(self, point, timestamp_records, callback=None):
@@ -329,20 +271,9 @@ def his_write(self, point, timestamp_records, callback=None):
(datetime.datetime) to the values to be written at those times, or a
Pandas Series object.
- grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.metadata['id'] = self._obj_to_ref(point)
- grid.column['ts'] = {}
- grid.column['val'] = {}
- if hasattr(timestamp_records, 'to_dict'):
- timestamp_records = timestamp_records.to_dict()
- timestamp_records = list(timestamp_records.items())
- timestamp_records.sort(key=lambda rec : rec[0])
- for (ts, val) in timestamp_records:
- grid.append({'ts': ts, 'val': val})
- return self._post_grid('hisWrite', grid, callback)
+ return self._on_his_write(
+ point=point, timestamp_records=timestamp_records, callback=callback
+ )
def invoke_action(self, entity, action, callback=None, **kwargs):
@@ -350,14 +281,9 @@ def invoke_action(self, entity, action, callback=None, **kwargs):
invoke the named action on. Keyword arguments give any additional
parameters required for the user action.
- grid = hszinc.Grid()
- grid.metadata['id'] = self._obj_to_ref(entity)
- grid.metadata['action'] = action
- for arg in kwargs.keys():
- grid.column[arg] = {}
- grid.append(kwargs)
- return self._post_grid('invokeAction', grid, callback)
+ return self._on_invoke_action(
+ entity=entity, action=action, callback=callback, action_args=kwargs
+ )
def get_entity(self, ids, refresh=False, single=None, callback=None):
@@ -399,8 +325,7 @@ def find_entity(self, filter_expr, limit=None, single=False, callback=None):
return op
- def his_read_series(self, point, rng, tz=None,
- series_format=None, callback=None):
+ def his_read_series(self, point, rng, tz=None, series_format=None, callback=None):
Read the historical data of the given point and return it as a series.
@@ -415,8 +340,7 @@ def his_read_series(self, point, rng, tz=None,
- op = self._HIS_READ_SERIES_OPERATION(self, point,
- rng, tz, series_format)
+ op = self._HIS_READ_SERIES_OPERATION(self, point, rng, tz, series_format)
if callback is not None:
@@ -436,8 +360,7 @@ def his_write_series(self, point, series, tz=None, callback=None):
return op
- def his_read_frame(self, columns, rng, tz=None,
- frame_format=None, callback=None):
+ def his_read_frame(self, columns, rng, tz=None, frame_format=None, callback=None):
Read the historical data of multiple given points and return
them as a data frame.
@@ -454,8 +377,7 @@ def his_read_frame(self, columns, rng, tz=None,
- op = self._HIS_READ_FRAME_OPERATION(self, columns,
- rng, tz, frame_format)
+ op = self._HIS_READ_FRAME_OPERATION(self, columns, rng, tz, frame_format)
if callback is not None:
@@ -478,14 +400,14 @@ def his_write_frame(self, frame, columns=None, tz=None, callback=None):
return op
def site(self):
This helper will return the first site found on the server.
This case is typical : having one site per server.
- sites = self.find_entity('site').result
+ sites = self.find_entity("site").result
return sites[list(sites.keys())[0]]
@@ -493,12 +415,14 @@ def sites(self):
This helper will return all sites found on the server.
- sites = self.find_entity('site').result
+ sites = self.find_entity("site").result
return sites
# Extension feature support.
- FEATURE_HISREAD_MULTI = 'hisRead/multi' # Multi-point hisRead
- FEATURE_HISWRITE_MULTI = 'hisWrite/multi' # Multi-point hisWrite
+ FEATURE_HISREAD_MULTI = "hisRead/multi" # Multi-point hisRead
+ FEATURE_HISWRITE_MULTI = "hisWrite/multi" # Multi-point hisWrite
+ FEATURE_ID_UUID = "id_uuid"
def has_features(self, features, cache=True, callback=None):
Determine if a given feature is supported. This is a helper function
@@ -517,6 +441,137 @@ def has_features(self, features, cache=True, callback=None):
# Protected methods/properties
+ def _on_about(self, cache, callback, **kwargs):
+ return self._get_grid("about", callback, cache=cache, **kwargs)
+ def _on_ops(self, cache, callback, **kwargs):
+ return self._get_grid("ops", callback, cache=cache, **kwargs)
+ def _on_formats(self, cache, callback, **kwargs):
+ return self._get_grid("formats", callback, cache=cache, **kwargs)
+ def _on_read(self, ids, filter_expr, limit, callback, **kwargs):
+ if isinstance(ids, string_types) or isinstance(ids, hszinc.Ref):
+ # Make sure we always pass a list.
+ ids = [ids]
+ if bool(ids):
+ if filter_expr is not None:
+ raise ValueError("Either specify ids or filter_expr, not both")
+ ids = [self._obj_to_ref(r) for r in ids]
+ if len(ids) == 1:
+ # Reading a single entity
+ return self._get_grid("read", callback, args={"id": ids[0]}, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ # Reading several entities
+ grid = hszinc.Grid()
+ grid.column["id"] = {}
+ grid.extend([{"id": r} for r in ids])
+ return self._post_grid("read", grid, callback, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ args = {"filter": filter_expr}
+ if limit is not None:
+ args["limit"] = int(limit)
+ return self._get_grid("read", callback, args=args, **kwargs)
+ def _on_nav(self, nav_id, callback, **kwargs):
+ return self._get_grid("nav", callback, args={"nav_id": nav_id}, **kwargs)
+ def _on_watch_sub(self, points, watch_id, watch_dis, lease, callback, **kwargs):
+ grid = hszinc.Grid()
+ grid.column["id"] = {}
+ grid.extend([{"id": self._obj_to_ref(p)} for p in points])
+ if watch_id is not None:
+ grid.metadata["watchId"] = watch_id
+ if watch_dis is not None:
+ grid.metadata["watchDis"] = watch_dis
+ if lease is not None:
+ grid.metadata["lease"] = lease
+ return self._post_grid("watchSub", grid, callback, **kwargs)
+ def _on_watch_unsub(self, watch, points, callback, **kwargs):
+ grid = hszinc.Grid()
+ grid.column["id"] = {}
+ if not isinstance(watch, string_types):
+ watch = watch.id
+ grid.metadata["watchId"] = watch
+ if points is not None:
+ grid.extend([{"id": self._obj_to_ref(p)} for p in points])
+ else:
+ grid.metadata["close"] = hszinc.MARKER
+ return self._post_grid("watchSub", grid, callback, **kwargs)
+ def _on_watch_poll(self, watch, refresh, callback, **kwargs):
+ grid = hszinc.Grid()
+ grid.column["empty"] = {}
+ if not isinstance(watch, string_types):
+ watch = watch.id
+ grid.metadata["watchId"] = watch
+ return self._post_grid("watchPoll", grid, callback, **kwargs)
+ def _on_point_write(self, point, level, val, who, duration, callback, **kwargs):
+ args = {"id": self._obj_to_ref(point)}
+ if level is None:
+ if (val is not None) or (who is not None) or (duration is not None):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "If level is None, val, who and duration must " "be None too."
+ )
+ else:
+ args.update({"level": level, "val": val})
+ if who is not None:
+ args["who"] = who
+ if duration is not None:
+ args["duration"] = duration
+ return self._get_grid("pointWrite", callback, args=args, **kwargs)
+ def _on_his_read(self, point, rng, callback, **kwargs):
+ if isinstance(rng, slice):
+ str_rng = ",".join([hszinc.dump_scalar(p) for p in (rng.start, rng.stop)])
+ elif not isinstance(rng, string_types):
+ str_rng = hszinc.dump_scalar(rng)
+ else:
+ # Better be valid!
+ str_rng = rng
+ return self._get_grid(
+ "hisRead",
+ callback,
+ args={"id": self._obj_to_ref(point), "range": str_rng},
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ def _on_his_write(self, point, timestamp_records, callback, **kwargs):
+ grid = hszinc.Grid()
+ grid.metadata["id"] = self._obj_to_ref(point)
+ grid.column["ts"] = {}
+ grid.column["val"] = {}
+ if hasattr(timestamp_records, "to_dict"):
+ timestamp_records = timestamp_records.to_dict()
+ timestamp_records = list(timestamp_records.items())
+ timestamp_records.sort(key=lambda rec: rec[0])
+ for (ts, val) in timestamp_records:
+ grid.append({"ts": ts, "val": val})
+ return self._post_grid("hisWrite", grid, callback, **kwargs)
+ def _on_invoke_action(self, entity, action, callback, action_args, **kwargs):
+ grid = hszinc.Grid()
+ grid.metadata["id"] = self._obj_to_ref(entity)
+ grid.metadata["action"] = action
+ for arg in action_args.keys():
+ grid.column[arg] = {}
+ grid.append(action_args)
+ return self._post_grid("invokeAction", grid, callback, **kwargs)
def _get(self, uri, callback, api=True, **kwargs):
Perform a raw HTTP GET operation. This is a convenience wrapper around
@@ -524,47 +579,69 @@ def _get(self, uri, callback, api=True, **kwargs):
the session instance.
if api:
- uri = '%s/%s' % (self._api_dir, uri)
+ uri = "%s/%s" % (self._api_dir, uri)
return self._client.get(uri, callback, **kwargs)
- def _get_grid(self, uri, callback, expect_format=None,
- cache=False, **kwargs):
+ def _get_grid(self, uri, callback, expect_format=None, cache=False, **kwargs):
Perform a HTTP GET of a grid.
if expect_format is None:
- expect_format=self._grid_format
- op = self._GET_GRID_OPERATION(self, uri,
- expect_format=expect_format, cache=cache, **kwargs)
+ expect_format = self._grid_format
+ op = self._GET_GRID_OPERATION(
+ self, uri, expect_format=expect_format, cache=cache, **kwargs
+ )
if callback is not None:
return op
- def _post(self, uri, callback, body=None, body_type=None, body_size=None,
- headers=None, api=True, **kwargs):
+ def _post(
+ self,
+ uri,
+ callback,
+ body=None,
+ body_type=None,
+ body_size=None,
+ headers=None,
+ api=True,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
Perform a raw HTTP POST operation. This is a convenience wrapper around
the HTTP client class that allows pre/post processing of the request by
the session instance.
if api:
- uri = '%s/%s' % (self._api_dir, uri)
- return self._client.post(uri=uri, callback=callback,
- body=body, body_type=body_type, body_size=body_size,
- headers=headers, **kwargs)
- def _post_grid(self, uri, grid, callback, post_format=None,
- expect_format=None, **kwargs):
+ uri = "%s/%s" % (self._api_dir, uri)
+ return self._client.post(
+ uri=uri,
+ callback=callback,
+ body=body,
+ body_type=body_type,
+ body_size=body_size,
+ headers=headers,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ def _post_grid(
+ self, uri, grid, callback, post_format=None, expect_format=None, **kwargs
+ ):
Perform a HTTP POST of a grid.
if expect_format is None:
- expect_format=self._grid_format
+ expect_format = self._grid_format
if post_format is None:
- post_format=self._grid_format
- op = self._POST_GRID_OPERATION(self, uri, grid,
- expect_format=expect_format, post_format=post_format, **kwargs)
+ post_format = self._grid_format
+ self,
+ uri,
+ grid,
+ expect_format=expect_format,
+ post_format=post_format,
+ **kwargs
+ )
if callback is not None:
@@ -579,10 +656,11 @@ def _obj_to_ref(self, obj):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, string_types):
return hszinc.Ref(obj)
- if hasattr(obj, 'id'):
+ if hasattr(obj, "id"):
return obj.id
- raise NotImplementedError('Don\'t know how to get the ID from a %s' \
- % obj.__class__.__name__)
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Don't know how to get the ID from a %s" % obj.__class__.__name__
+ )
# Private methods/properties
@@ -593,8 +671,7 @@ def _on_authenticate_done(self, operation, **kwargs):
subclass to indicate the authentication state and clear the _auth_op
attribute on the base class.
- raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented in %s' % \
- self.__class__.__name__)
+ raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in %s" % self.__class__.__name__)
def config_pint(self, value=False):
if value:
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/skyspark.py b/pyhaystack/client/skyspark.py
index 7f3696b..323cbb9 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/skyspark.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/skyspark.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
from .ops.vendor.skyspark_scram import SkysparkScramAuthenticateOperation
from .mixins.vendor.skyspark import evalexpr
-class SkysparkHaystackSession(HaystackSession,
- evalexpr.EvalOpsMixin):
+class SkysparkHaystackSession(HaystackSession, evalexpr.EvalOpsMixin):
The SkysparkHaystackSession class implements some base support for
Skyspark servers.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class SkysparkHaystackSession(HaystackSession,
_AUTH_OPERATION = SkysparkAuthenticateOperation
- def __init__(self, uri, username, password, project = '', **kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, uri, username, password, project="", **kwargs):
Initialise a Skyspark Project Haystack session handler.
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ def __init__(self, uri, username, password, project = '', **kwargs):
:param password: Authentication password.
:param project: Skyspark project name
- super(SkysparkHaystackSession, self).__init__(uri,
- 'api/%s' % project, **kwargs)
+ super(SkysparkHaystackSession, self).__init__(uri, "api/%s" % project, **kwargs)
self._project = project
self._username = username
self._password = password
@@ -60,8 +59,8 @@ def _on_authenticate_done(self, operation, **kwargs):
self._auth_op = None
-class SkysparkScramHaystackSession(HaystackSession,
- evalexpr.EvalOpsMixin):
+class SkysparkScramHaystackSession(HaystackSession, evalexpr.EvalOpsMixin):
The SkysparkHaystackSession class implements some base support for
Skyspark servers.
@@ -78,8 +77,9 @@ def __init__(self, uri, username, password, project, **kwargs):
:param password: Authentication password.
:param project: Skyspark project name
- super(SkysparkScramHaystackSession, self).__init__(uri,
- 'api/%s' % project,**kwargs)
+ super(SkysparkScramHaystackSession, self).__init__(
+ uri, "api/%s" % project, **kwargs
+ )
self._username = username
self._password = password
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def _on_authenticate_done(self, operation, **kwargs):
op_result = operation.result
- header = op_result['header']
+ header = op_result["header"]
self._authenticated = True
self._client.cookies = None
self._client.headers = header
diff --git a/pyhaystack/client/widesky.py b/pyhaystack/client/widesky.py
index 4e55021..a33e5ce 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/client/widesky.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/client/widesky.py
@@ -6,24 +6,17 @@
from time import time
from .session import HaystackSession
-from .ops.vendor.widesky import WideskyAuthenticateOperation, \
- CreateEntityOperation, WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation
+from .ops.vendor.widesky import (
+ WideskyAuthenticateOperation,
+ CreateEntityOperation,
+ WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation,
from .mixins.vendor.widesky import crud, multihis
from ..util.asyncexc import AsynchronousException
from .http.exceptions import HTTPStatusError
-def _decode_str(s, enc='utf-8'):
- """
- Try to decode a 'str' object to a Unicode string.
- """
- try:
- return s.decode(enc)
- except AttributeError:
- # This is probably already a Unicode string
- return s
-def _decode_str(s, enc='utf-8'):
+def _decode_str(s, enc="utf-8"):
Try to decode a 'str' object to a Unicode string.
@@ -34,9 +27,9 @@ def _decode_str(s, enc='utf-8'):
return s
-class WideskyHaystackSession(crud.CRUDOpsMixin,
- multihis.MultiHisOpsMixin,
- HaystackSession):
+class WideskyHaystackSession(
+ crud.CRUDOpsMixin, multihis.MultiHisOpsMixin, HaystackSession
The WideskyHaystackSession class implements some base support for
Widesky servers. This is mainly a convenience for
@@ -47,9 +40,17 @@ class WideskyHaystackSession(crud.CRUDOpsMixin,
_CREATE_ENTITY_OPERATION = CreateEntityOperation
_HAS_FEATURES_OPERATION = WideSkyHasFeaturesOperation
- def __init__(self, uri, username, password,
- client_id, client_secret,
- api_dir='api', auth_dir='oauth2/token', **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ uri,
+ username,
+ password,
+ client_id,
+ client_secret,
+ api_dir="api",
+ auth_dir="oauth2/token",
+ **kwargs
+ ):
Initialise a VRT Widesky Project Haystack session handler.
@@ -59,8 +60,7 @@ def __init__(self, uri, username, password,
:param client_id: Authentication client ID.
:param client_secret: Authentication client secret.
- super(WideskyHaystackSession, self).__init__(
- uri, api_dir, **kwargs)
+ super(WideskyHaystackSession, self).__init__(uri, api_dir, **kwargs)
self._auth_dir = auth_dir
self._username = username
self._password = password
@@ -76,10 +76,15 @@ def is_logged_in(self):
if self._auth_result is None:
return False
# Return true if our token expires in the future.
- return (self._auth_result.get('expires_in') or 0.0) > (1000.0 * time())
+ return (self._auth_result.get("expires_in") or 0.0) > (1000.0 * time())
# Private methods/properties
+ def _on_read(self, ids, filter_expr, limit, callback, **kwargs):
+ return super(WideskyHaystackSession, self)._on_read(
+ ids, filter_expr, limit, callback, accept_status=(200, 404)
+ )
def _on_http_grid_response(self, response):
# If there's a '401' error, then we've lost the token.
if isinstance(response, AsynchronousException):
@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@ def _on_http_grid_response(self, response):
status_code = response.status_code
if (status_code == 401) and (self._auth_result is not None):
- self._log.warning('Authentication lost due to HTTP error 401.')
+ self._log.warning("Authentication lost due to HTTP error 401.")
self._auth_result = None
self._client.headers = {}
@@ -108,16 +113,17 @@ def _on_authenticate_done(self, operation, **kwargs):
self._auth_result = operation.result
self._client.headers = {
- 'Authorization': (u'%s %s' % (
- _decode_str(self._auth_result['token_type'],
- 'us-ascii'),
- _decode_str(self._auth_result['access_token'],
- 'us-ascii'),
- )).encode('us-ascii')
+ "Authorization": (
+ u"%s %s"
+ % (
+ _decode_str(self._auth_result["token_type"], "us-ascii"),
+ _decode_str(self._auth_result["access_token"], "us-ascii"),
+ )
+ ).encode("us-ascii")
self._auth_result = None
self._client.headers = {}
- self._log.warning('Log-in fails', exc_info=1)
+ self._log.warning("Log-in fails", exc_info=1)
self._auth_op = None
diff --git a/pyhaystack/exception.py b/pyhaystack/exception.py
index 57a0006..0f18fe3 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/exception.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/exception.py
@@ -4,30 +4,38 @@
class HaystackError(Exception):
- '''
+ """
Exception thrown when an error grid is returned by the Haystack server.
See http://project-haystack.org/doc/Rest#errorGrid
- '''
+ """
def __init__(self, message, traceback=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(HaystackError, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)
self.traceback = traceback
# Those exceptions have been made when working with Niagara AX
class NoResponseFromServer(Exception):
class ProblemSendingRequestToServer(Exception):
class NoCookieReceived(Exception):
class ProblemReadingCookie(Exception):
class AuthenticationProblem(Exception):
class UnknownHistoryType(Exception):
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
+ pass
diff --git a/pyhaystack/info.py b/pyhaystack/info.py
index 10ba8b5..4f6cbc2 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/info.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/info.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-__author__ = 'Christian Tremblay, Stuart Longland, @sudo-Whateverman, Igor'
-__author_email__ = 'christian.tremblay@servisys.com'
-__version__ = '0.92.7'
-__license__ = 'Apache 2.0'
+__author__ = "Christian Tremblay, Stuart Longland, @sudo-Whateverman, Igor"
+__author_email__ = "christian.tremblay@servisys.com"
+__version__ = "0.92.10"
+__license__ = "Apache 2.0"
__copyright__ = "Christian Tremblay / SERVISYS inc. | Stuart Longland / VRT | 2016"
diff --git a/pyhaystack/util/asyncexc.py b/pyhaystack/util/asyncexc.py
index c56fbce..ea4c504 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/util/asyncexc.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/util/asyncexc.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ def _some_async_function(…, callback_fn):
from sys import exc_info
from six import reraise
class AsynchronousException(object):
def __init__(self):
self._exc_info = exc_info()
diff --git a/pyhaystack/util/filterbuilder.py b/pyhaystack/util/filterbuilder.py
index 51f56e7..5b70307 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/util/filterbuilder.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/util/filterbuilder.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
import hszinc
class Base(object):
def __and__(self, other):
return And(self, other)
@@ -37,32 +38,32 @@ def __init__(self, value):
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Scalar):
- raise TypeError('not a scalar: %r' % other)
+ raise TypeError("not a scalar: %r" % other)
return Equal(self, other)
def __ne__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Scalar):
- raise TypeError('not a scalar: %r' % other)
+ raise TypeError("not a scalar: %r" % other)
return NotEqual(self, other)
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Scalar):
- raise TypeError('not a scalar: %r' % other)
+ raise TypeError("not a scalar: %r" % other)
return LessThan(self, other)
def __le__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Scalar):
- raise TypeError('not a scalar: %r' % other)
+ raise TypeError("not a scalar: %r" % other)
return LessThanOrEqual(self, other)
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Scalar):
- raise TypeError('not a scalar: %r' % other)
+ raise TypeError("not a scalar: %r" % other)
return GreaterThan(self, other)
def __ge__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Scalar):
- raise TypeError('not a scalar: %r' % other)
+ raise TypeError("not a scalar: %r" % other)
return GreaterThanOrEqual(self, other)
def __str__(self):
@@ -84,16 +85,16 @@ def __init__(self, x, y):
def __str__(self):
if isinstance(self.x, Binary):
- x = '( %s )' % self.x
+ x = "( %s )" % self.x
x = str(self.x)
if isinstance(self.y, Binary):
- y = '( %s )' % self.y
+ y = "( %s )" % self.y
y = str(self.y)
- return '%s %s %s' % (x, self.OP, y)
+ return "%s %s %s" % (x, self.OP, y)
class Unary(Base):
@@ -102,42 +103,42 @@ def __init__(self, value):
def __str__(self):
if isinstance(self.value, Binary):
- return '%s ( %s )' % (self.OP, self.value)
+ return "%s ( %s )" % (self.OP, self.value)
- return '%s %s' % (self.OP, self.value)
+ return "%s %s" % (self.OP, self.value)
class Equal(Binary):
- OP = '=='
+ OP = "=="
class NotEqual(Binary):
- OP = '!='
+ OP = "!="
class LessThan(Binary):
- OP = '<'
+ OP = "<"
class LessThanOrEqual(Binary):
- OP = '<='
+ OP = "<="
class GreaterThan(Binary):
- OP = '>'
+ OP = ">"
class GreaterThanOrEqual(Binary):
- OP = '>='
+ OP = ">="
class And(Binary):
- OP = 'and'
+ OP = "and"
class Or(Binary):
- OP = 'or'
+ OP = "or"
class Not(Unary):
- OP = 'not'
+ OP = "not"
diff --git a/pyhaystack/util/scram.py b/pyhaystack/util/scram.py
index 8992ef0..61da436 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/util/scram.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/util/scram.py
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
from binascii import b2a_hex, unhexlify, b2a_base64, hexlify
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
-from base64 import standard_b64encode, b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode, \
- urlsafe_b64decode
+from base64 import standard_b64encode, b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode
from hashlib import sha1, sha256
@@ -18,37 +17,47 @@
import re
import os
def get_nonce():
return b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)).decode()
def get_nonce_16():
- return urlsafe_b64encode( os.urandom(16) ).decode()
+ return urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(16)).decode()
def _hash_sha256(client_key, algorithm):
hashFunc = algorithm()
return hashFunc.hexdigest()
def salted_password(salt, iterations, algorithm_name, password):
- dk = pbkdf2_hmac(algorithm_name, password.encode(),
- urlsafe_b64decode(salt), int(iterations))
+ dk = pbkdf2_hmac(
+ algorithm_name, password.encode(), urlsafe_b64decode(salt), int(iterations)
+ )
encrypt_password = hexlify(dk)
return encrypt_password
def salted_password_2(salt, iterations, algorithm_name, password):
- dk = pbkdf2_hmac(algorithm_name, password.encode(),
- unhexlify(salt), int(iterations))
+ dk = pbkdf2_hmac(
+ algorithm_name, password.encode(), unhexlify(salt), int(iterations)
+ )
encrypt_password = hexlify(dk)
return encrypt_password
def base64_no_padding(s):
encoded_str = urlsafe_b64encode(s.encode())
encoded_str = encoded_str.decode().replace("=", "")
return encoded_str
def regex_after_equal(s):
- tmp_str = re.search( "\=(.*)$" ,s, flags=0)
+ tmp_str = re.search("\=(.*)$", s, flags=0)
return tmp_str.group(1)
def _xor(s1, s2):
return hex(int(s1, 16) ^ int(s2, 16))[2:]
diff --git a/pyhaystack/util/state.py b/pyhaystack/util/state.py
index 5e6750e..c659e9f 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/util/state.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/util/state.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class NotReadyError(Exception):
Exception raised when an attempt is made to retrieve the result of an
operation before it is ready.
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ class HaystackOperation(object):
A core state machine object. This implements the basic interface presented
for all operations in pyhaystack.
def __init__(self, result_copy=True, result_deepcopy=True):
Initialisation. This should be overridden by subclasses to accept and
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ def __init__(self, result_copy=True, result_deepcopy=True):
self._done_evt = Event()
# Signal emitted when the operation is "done"
- self.done_sig = Signal(name='done', threadsafe=True)
+ self.done_sig = Signal(name="done", threadsafe=True)
# Result returned by operation
self._result = None
@@ -52,8 +54,9 @@ def go(self):
# This needs to be implemented in the subclass.
- raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass %s" \
- % self.__class__.__name__)
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "To be implemented in subclass %s" % self.__class__.__name__
+ )
def wait(self, timeout=None):
@@ -111,11 +114,11 @@ def __repr__(self):
Return a representation of this object's state.
if self.is_failed:
- return '<%s failed>' % self.__class__.__name__
+ return "<%s failed>" % self.__class__.__name__
elif self.is_done:
- return '<%s done: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._result)
+ return "<%s done: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._result)
- return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.state)
+ return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.state)
def _done(self, result):
diff --git a/pyhaystack/util/tools.py b/pyhaystack/util/tools.py
index dfc0557..e51a407 100644
--- a/pyhaystack/util/tools.py
+++ b/pyhaystack/util/tools.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
def isfloat(value):
Helper function to detect if a value is a float
- if value != '':
+ if value != "":
return True
@@ -14,11 +15,12 @@ def isfloat(value):
return False
def isBool(value):
Helper function to detect if a value is boolean
- if value != '':
+ if value != "":
if isinstance(value, bool):
return True
@@ -26,8 +28,9 @@ def isBool(value):
return False
def prettyprint(jsonData):
Pretty print json object
- print('%s' % json.dumps(jsonData, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
\ No newline at end of file
+ print("%s" % json.dumps(jsonData, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index f0dbe85..5fd85e9 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -8,55 +8,59 @@
import os
-os.environ['COPYFILE_DISABLE'] = 'true'
+os.environ["COPYFILE_DISABLE"] = "true"
- version=info.__version__,
- description='Python Haystack Utility',
- author=info.__author__,
- author_email=info.__author_email__,
- url='http://www.project-haystack.com/',
- keywords = ['tags', 'hvac', 'project-haystack', 'building', 'automation', 'analytic'],
- install_requires = [
- 'requests',
- 'setuptools',
- 'pandas',
- 'parsimonious',
- 'iso8601',
- 'hszinc',
- 'six',
- 'fysom',
- 'signalslot',
- 'semver',
- 'certifi'],
- packages=[
- 'pyhaystack',
- 'pyhaystack.client',
- 'pyhaystack.client.mixins',
- 'pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor',
- 'pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky',
- 'pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.skyspark',
- 'pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.niagara',
- 'pyhaystack.client.http',
- 'pyhaystack.client.ops',
- 'pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor',
- 'pyhaystack.client.entity',
- 'pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins',
- 'pyhaystack.client.entity.models',
- 'pyhaystack.client.entity.ops',
- 'pyhaystack.util',
- 'pyhaystack.server',
- 'pyhaystack.util'],
- long_description=open('README.rst').read(),
- classifiers=[
- "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
- "Intended Audience :: Developers",
- "Operating System :: OS Independent",
- "Programming Language :: Python",
- "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
- "Topic :: System :: Networking",
- "Topic :: Utilities",
- "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
- ],)
+ name="pyhaystack",
+ version=info.__version__,
+ description="Python Haystack Utility",
+ author=info.__author__,
+ author_email=info.__author_email__,
+ url="http://www.project-haystack.com/",
+ keywords=["tags", "hvac", "project-haystack", "building", "automation", "analytic"],
+ install_requires=[
+ "requests",
+ "setuptools",
+ "pandas",
+ "parsimonious",
+ "iso8601",
+ "hszinc",
+ "six",
+ "fysom",
+ "signalslot",
+ "semver",
+ "certifi",
+ ],
+ packages=[
+ "pyhaystack",
+ "pyhaystack.client",
+ "pyhaystack.client.mixins",
+ "pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor",
+ "pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.widesky",
+ "pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.skyspark",
+ "pyhaystack.client.mixins.vendor.niagara",
+ "pyhaystack.client.http",
+ "pyhaystack.client.ops",
+ "pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor",
+ "pyhaystack.client.entity",
+ "pyhaystack.client.entity.mixins",
+ "pyhaystack.client.entity.models",
+ "pyhaystack.client.entity.ops",
+ "pyhaystack.util",
+ "pyhaystack.server",
+ "pyhaystack.util",
+ ],
+ long_description=open("README.rst").read(),
+ classifiers=[
+ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
+ "Topic :: System :: Networking",
+ "Topic :: Utilities",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/client/test_base.py b/tests/client/test_base.py
index ce2b490..a4b4ab5 100644
--- a/tests/client/test_base.py
+++ b/tests/client/test_base.py
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
# Logging setup so we can see what's going on
import logging
-BASE_URI = 'https://myserver/api/'
+BASE_URI = "https://myserver/api/"
# For testing _on_http_grid_response:
class DummySession(widesky.WideskyHaystackSession):
@@ -41,8 +42,11 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def _on_http_grid_response(self, response, *args, **kwargs):
- 'Received grid response: response=%r args=%r, kwargs=%r',
- response, args, kwargs)
+ "Received grid response: response=%r args=%r, kwargs=%r",
+ response,
+ args,
+ kwargs,
+ )
self._on_http_grid_response_called += 1
self._on_http_grid_response_last_args = (response, args, kwargs)
@@ -54,31 +58,33 @@ def server_session():
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = DummySession(
- uri=BASE_URI,
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
- http_client=dummy_http.DummyHttpClient,
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True},
- grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
+ uri=BASE_URI,
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
+ http_client=dummy_http.DummyHttpClient,
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC,
+ )
# Force an authentication.
op = session.authenticate()
# Pop the request off the stack. We'll assume it's fine for now.
rq = server.next_request()
- assert server.requests() == 0, 'More requests waiting'
- rq.respond(status=200,
- headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- content='''{
+ assert server.requests() == 0, "More requests waiting"
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "application/json"},
+ content="""{
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "DummyAccessToken",
"refresh_token": "DummyRefreshToken",
"expires_in": %f
- }''' % ((time.time() + 86400) * 1000.0))
- assert op.state == 'done'
- logging.debug('Result = %s', op.result)
+ }"""
+ % ((time.time() + 86400) * 1000.0),
+ )
+ assert op.state == "done"
+ logging.debug("Result = %s", op.result)
assert server.requests() == 0
assert session.is_logged_in
return (server, session)
@@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ def test_on_http_grid_response(self, server_session):
session._on_http_grid_response_last_args = None
# Fetch a grid
- op = session._get_grid('dummy', callback=lambda *a, **kwa : None)
+ op = session._get_grid("dummy", callback=lambda *a, **kwa: None)
# The operation should still be in progress
assert not op.is_done
@@ -105,10 +111,12 @@ def test_on_http_grid_response(self, server_session):
# Make a grid to respond with
expected = hszinc.Grid()
- expected.column['empty'] = {}
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ expected.column["empty"] = {}
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# Our dummy function should have been called
assert session._on_http_grid_response_called == 1
@@ -132,43 +140,47 @@ def test_about(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a GET
- assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for base + 'api/about'
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/about'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/about"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
# Make a grid to respond with
expected = hszinc.Grid()
- expected.column['haystackVersion'] = {}
- expected.column['tz'] = {}
- expected.column['serverName'] = {}
- expected.column['serverTime'] = {}
- expected.column['serverBootTime'] = {}
- expected.column['productName'] = {}
- expected.column['productUri'] = {}
- expected.column['productVersion'] = {}
- expected.column['moduleName'] = {}
- expected.column['moduleVersion'] = {}
- expected.append({
- 'haystackVersion': '2.0',
- 'tz': 'UTC',
- 'serverName': 'pyhaystack dummy server',
- 'serverTime': datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.UTC),
- 'serverBootTime': datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.UTC),
- 'productName': 'pyhaystack dummy server',
- 'productVersion': '0.0.1',
- 'productUri': hszinc.Uri('http://pyhaystack.readthedocs.io'),
- 'moduleName': 'tests.client.base',
- 'moduleVersion': '0.0.1',
- })
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ expected.column["haystackVersion"] = {}
+ expected.column["tz"] = {}
+ expected.column["serverName"] = {}
+ expected.column["serverTime"] = {}
+ expected.column["serverBootTime"] = {}
+ expected.column["productName"] = {}
+ expected.column["productUri"] = {}
+ expected.column["productVersion"] = {}
+ expected.column["moduleName"] = {}
+ expected.column["moduleVersion"] = {}
+ expected.append(
+ {
+ "haystackVersion": "2.0",
+ "tz": "UTC",
+ "serverName": "pyhaystack dummy server",
+ "serverTime": datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.UTC),
+ "serverBootTime": datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.UTC),
+ "productName": "pyhaystack dummy server",
+ "productVersion": "0.0.1",
+ "productUri": hszinc.Uri("http://pyhaystack.readthedocs.io"),
+ "moduleName": "tests.client.base",
+ "moduleVersion": "0.0.1",
+ }
+ )
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
@@ -187,60 +199,47 @@ def test_ops(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a GET
- assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for base + 'api/ops'
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/ops'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/ops"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
# Make a grid to respond with
expected = hszinc.Grid()
- expected.column['name'] = {}
- expected.column['summary'] = {}
- expected.extend([{
- "name": "about",
- "summary": "Summary information for server"
- }, {
- "name": "ops",
- "summary": "Operations supported by this server"
- }, {
- "name": "formats",
- "summary": "Grid data formats supported by this server"
- }, {
- "name": "read",
- "summary": "Read records by id or filter"
- }, {
- "name": "hisRead",
- "summary": "Read historical records"
- }, {
- "name": "hisWrite",
- "summary": "Write historical records"
- }, {
- "name": "nav",
- "summary": "Navigate a project"
- }, {
- "name": "watchSub",
- "summary": "Subscribe to change notifications"
- }, {
- "name": "watchUnsub",
- "summary": "Unsubscribe from change notifications"
- }, {
- "name": "watchPoll",
- "summary": "Poll for changes in watched points"
- }, {
- "name": "pointWrite",
- "summary": "Write a real-time value to a point"
- }, {
- "name": "invokeAction",
- "summary": "Invoke an action on an entity"
- }])
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ expected.column["name"] = {}
+ expected.column["summary"] = {}
+ expected.extend(
+ [
+ {"name": "about", "summary": "Summary information for server"},
+ {"name": "ops", "summary": "Operations supported by this server"},
+ {
+ "name": "formats",
+ "summary": "Grid data formats supported by this server",
+ },
+ {"name": "read", "summary": "Read records by id or filter"},
+ {"name": "hisRead", "summary": "Read historical records"},
+ {"name": "hisWrite", "summary": "Write historical records"},
+ {"name": "nav", "summary": "Navigate a project"},
+ {"name": "watchSub", "summary": "Subscribe to change notifications"},
+ {
+ "name": "watchUnsub",
+ "summary": "Unsubscribe from change notifications",
+ },
+ {"name": "watchPoll", "summary": "Poll for changes in watched points"},
+ {"name": "pointWrite", "summary": "Write a real-time value to a point"},
+ {"name": "invokeAction", "summary": "Invoke an action on an entity"},
+ ]
+ )
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
@@ -259,37 +258,37 @@ def test_formats(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a GET
- assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for base + 'api/formats'
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/formats'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/formats"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
# Make a grid to respond with
expected = hszinc.Grid()
- expected.column['mime'] = {}
- expected.column['receive'] = {}
- expected.column['send'] = {}
- expected.extend([{
- "mime": "text/csv",
- "receive": hszinc.MARKER,
- "send": hszinc.MARKER,
- }, {
- "mime": "text/zinc",
- "receive": hszinc.MARKER,
- "send": hszinc.MARKER,
- }, {
- "mime": "application/json",
- "receive": hszinc.MARKER,
- "send": hszinc.MARKER,
- }])
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ expected.column["mime"] = {}
+ expected.column["receive"] = {}
+ expected.column["send"] = {}
+ expected.extend(
+ [
+ {"mime": "text/csv", "receive": hszinc.MARKER, "send": hszinc.MARKER},
+ {"mime": "text/zinc", "receive": hszinc.MARKER, "send": hszinc.MARKER},
+ {
+ "mime": "application/json",
+ "receive": hszinc.MARKER,
+ "send": hszinc.MARKER,
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ def test_formats(self, server_session):
def test_read_one_id(self, server_session):
(server, session) = server_session
- op = session.read(hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id'))
+ op = session.read(hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id"))
# The operation should still be in progress
assert not op.is_done
@@ -308,27 +307,26 @@ def test_read_one_id(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a GET
- assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for a specific URI
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read?id=%40my.entity.id'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read?id=%40my.entity.id"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
# Make a grid to respond with
expected = hszinc.Grid()
- expected.column['id'] = {}
- expected.column['dis'] = {}
- expected.extend([{
- "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id'),
- "dis": 'my entity'
- }])
+ expected.column["id"] = {}
+ expected.column["dis"] = {}
+ expected.extend([{"id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id"), "dis": "my entity"}])
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
@@ -337,11 +335,13 @@ def test_read_one_id(self, server_session):
def test_read_many_id(self, server_session):
(server, session) = server_session
- op = session.read([
- hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id1'),
- hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id2'),
- hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id3'),
- ])
+ op = session.read(
+ [
+ hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1"),
+ hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2"),
+ hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id3"),
+ ]
+ )
# The operation should still be in progress
assert not op.is_done
@@ -351,51 +351,49 @@ def test_read_many_id(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a GET
- assert rq.method == 'POST', 'Expecting POST, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "POST", "Expecting POST, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for a specific URI
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read"
# Body shall be in ZINC
- assert rq.headers[b'Content-Type'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Content-Type"] == "text/zinc"
# Body shall be a single valid grid of this form:
expected = hszinc.Grid()
- expected.column['id'] = {}
- expected.extend([{
- "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id1'),
- }, {
- "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id2'),
- }, {
- "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id3'),
- }])
- actual = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode('utf-8'),
- mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
+ expected.column["id"] = {}
+ expected.extend(
+ [
+ {"id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1")},
+ {"id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2")},
+ {"id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id3")},
+ ]
+ )
+ actual = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode("utf-8"), mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
assert len(actual) == 1
grid_cmp(expected, actual[0])
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
# Make a grid to respond with
expected = hszinc.Grid()
- expected.column['id'] = {}
- expected.column['dis'] = {}
- expected.extend([{
- "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id1'),
- "dis": 'my entity 1'
- }, {
- "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id2'),
- "dis": 'my entity 2'
- }, {
- "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id3'),
- "dis": 'my entity 3'
- }])
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ expected.column["id"] = {}
+ expected.column["dis"] = {}
+ expected.extend(
+ [
+ {"id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1"), "dis": "my entity 1"},
+ {"id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2"), "dis": "my entity 2"},
+ {"id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id3"), "dis": "my entity 3"},
+ ]
+ )
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
diff --git a/tests/client/test_entity.py b/tests/client/test_entity.py
index 7a12440..1cbe914 100644
--- a/tests/client/test_entity.py
+++ b/tests/client/test_entity.py
@@ -28,9 +28,11 @@
# Logging setup so we can see what's going on
import logging
-BASE_URI = 'https://myserver/api/'
+BASE_URI = "https://myserver/api/"
def server_session():
@@ -39,31 +41,33 @@ def server_session():
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- uri=BASE_URI,
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
- http_client=dummy_http.DummyHttpClient,
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True},
- grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
+ uri=BASE_URI,
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
+ http_client=dummy_http.DummyHttpClient,
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ grid_format=hszinc.MODE_ZINC,
+ )
# Force an authentication.
op = session.authenticate()
# Pop the request off the stack. We'll assume it's fine for now.
rq = server.next_request()
- assert server.requests() == 0, 'More requests waiting'
- rq.respond(status=200,
- headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- },
- content='''{
+ assert server.requests() == 0, "More requests waiting"
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "application/json"},
+ content="""{
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "DummyAccessToken",
"refresh_token": "DummyRefreshToken",
"expires_in": %f
- }''' % ((time.time() + 86400) * 1000.0))
- assert op.state == 'done'
- logging.debug('Result = %s', op.result)
+ }"""
+ % ((time.time() + 86400) * 1000.0),
+ )
+ assert op.state == "done"
+ logging.debug("Result = %s", op.result)
assert server.requests() == 0
assert session.is_logged_in
return (server, session)
@@ -71,11 +75,10 @@ def server_session():
class TestSession(object):
def test_get_single_entity(self, server_session):
(server, session) = server_session
# Try retrieving an existing single entity
- op = session.get_entity('my.entity.id', single=True)
+ op = session.get_entity("my.entity.id", single=True)
# The operation should still be in progress
assert not op.is_done
@@ -85,44 +88,48 @@ def test_get_single_entity(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a GET
- assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for base + 'api/read?id=@my.entity.id'
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read?id=%40my.entity.id'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read?id=%40my.entity.id"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
# Make a grid to respond with
response = hszinc.Grid()
- response.column['id'] = {}
- response.column['dis'] = {}
- response.column['randomTag'] = {}
- response.append({
- 'id': hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id', value='id'),
- 'dis': 'A test entity',
- 'randomTag': hszinc.MARKER
- })
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ response.column["id"] = {}
+ response.column["dis"] = {}
+ response.column["randomTag"] = {}
+ response.append(
+ {
+ "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id", value="id"),
+ "dis": "A test entity",
+ "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,
+ }
+ )
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
entity = op.result
# Response should be an entity
- assert isinstance(entity, Entity), '%r not an entity' % entity
+ assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
# The tags should be passed through from the response
- assert entity.id.name == 'my.entity.id'
- assert entity.tags['dis'] == response[0]['dis']
- assert entity.tags['randomTag'] == response[0]['randomTag']
+ assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id"
+ assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[0]["dis"]
+ assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[0]["randomTag"]
def test_get_single_entity_missing(self, server_session):
(server, session) = server_session
# Try retrieving an existing single entity that does not exist
- op = session.get_entity('my.nonexistent.id', single=True)
+ op = session.get_entity("my.nonexistent.id", single=True)
# The operation should still be in progress
assert not op.is_done
@@ -132,24 +139,26 @@ def test_get_single_entity_missing(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a GET
- assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for base + 'api/read?id=@my.nonexistent.id'
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read?id=%40my.nonexistent.id'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read?id=%40my.nonexistent.id"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
# Make a grid to respond with. Note, server might also choose to
# throw an error, but we'll pretend it doesn't.
response = hszinc.Grid()
- response.column['id'] = {}
- response.column['dis'] = {}
+ response.column["id"] = {}
+ response.column["dis"] = {}
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
@@ -158,13 +167,14 @@ def test_get_single_entity_missing(self, server_session):
entity = op.result
assert entity is None
except NameError as e:
- assert str(e) == 'No matching entity found'
+ assert str(e) == "No matching entity found"
def test_get_multi_entity_missng(self, server_session):
(server, session) = server_session
# Try retrieving existing multiple entities, with one that doesn't exist
- op = session.get_entity(['my.entity.id1', 'my.entity.id2',
- 'my.nonexistent.id'], single=False)
+ op = session.get_entity(
+ ["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2", "my.nonexistent.id"], single=False
+ )
# The operation should still be in progress
assert not op.is_done
@@ -174,83 +184,87 @@ def test_get_multi_entity_missng(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a POST
- assert rq.method == 'POST', 'Expecting POST, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "POST", "Expecting POST, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for base + 'api/read?id=@my.entity.id'
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
- assert rq.headers[b'Content-Type'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
+ assert rq.headers[b"Content-Type"] == "text/zinc"
# Body shall be a single grid:
- rq_grid = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode('utf-8'), mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
+ rq_grid = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode("utf-8"), mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
assert len(rq_grid) == 1
rq_grid = rq_grid[0]
# It shall have one column; id
- assert set(rq_grid.column.keys()) == set(['id'])
+ assert set(rq_grid.column.keys()) == set(["id"])
# It shall have 3 rows
assert len(rq_grid) == 3
# Each row should only have 'id' values
- assert all([(set(r.keys()) == set(['id'])) for r in rq_grid])
+ assert all([(set(r.keys()) == set(["id"])) for r in rq_grid])
# The rows' 'id' column should *only* contain Refs.
- assert all([isinstance(r['id'], hszinc.Ref) for r in rq_grid])
+ assert all([isinstance(r["id"], hszinc.Ref) for r in rq_grid])
# Both IDs shall be listed, we don't about order
- assert set([r['id'].name for r in rq_grid]) \
- == set(['my.entity.id1', 'my.entity.id2', 'my.nonexistent.id'])
+ assert set([r["id"].name for r in rq_grid]) == set(
+ ["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2", "my.nonexistent.id"]
+ )
# Make a grid to respond with
response = hszinc.Grid()
- response.column['id'] = {}
- response.column['dis'] = {}
- response.column['randomTag'] = {}
- response.extend([{
- 'id': hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id2', value='id2'),
- 'dis': 'A test entity #2',
- 'randomTag': hszinc.MARKER
- },{
- 'id': None,
- 'dis': None,
- 'randomTag': None
- },{
- 'id': hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id1', value='id1'),
- 'dis': 'A test entity #1',
- 'randomTag': hszinc.MARKER
- }])
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ response.column["id"] = {}
+ response.column["dis"] = {}
+ response.column["randomTag"] = {}
+ response.extend(
+ [
+ {
+ "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2", value="id2"),
+ "dis": "A test entity #2",
+ "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,
+ },
+ {"id": None, "dis": None, "randomTag": None},
+ {
+ "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1", value="id1"),
+ "dis": "A test entity #1",
+ "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
entities = op.result
# Response should be a dict
- assert isinstance(entities, dict), '%r not a dict' % entity
+ assert isinstance(entities, dict), "%r not a dict" % entity
# Response should have these keys
- assert set(entities.keys()) == set(['my.entity.id1', 'my.entity.id2'])
+ assert set(entities.keys()) == set(["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2"])
- entity = entities.pop('my.entity.id1')
- assert isinstance(entity, Entity), '%r not an entity' % entity
+ entity = entities.pop("my.entity.id1")
+ assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
# The tags should be passed through from the response
- assert entity.id.name == 'my.entity.id1'
- assert entity.tags['dis'] == response[2]['dis']
- assert entity.tags['randomTag'] == response[2]['randomTag']
+ assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id1"
+ assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[2]["dis"]
+ assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[2]["randomTag"]
- entity = entities.pop('my.entity.id2')
- assert isinstance(entity, Entity), '%r not an entity' % entity
+ entity = entities.pop("my.entity.id2")
+ assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
# The tags should be passed through from the response
- assert entity.id.name == 'my.entity.id2'
- assert entity.tags['dis'] == response[0]['dis']
- assert entity.tags['randomTag'] == response[0]['randomTag']
+ assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id2"
+ assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[0]["dis"]
+ assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[0]["randomTag"]
def test_get_multi_entity(self, server_session):
(server, session) = server_session
# Try retrieving existing multiple entities
- op = session.get_entity(['my.entity.id1', 'my.entity.id2'],
- single=False)
+ op = session.get_entity(["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2"], single=False)
# The operation should still be in progress
assert not op.is_done
@@ -260,70 +274,78 @@ def test_get_multi_entity(self, server_session):
rq = server.next_request()
# Request shall be a POST
- assert rq.method == 'POST', 'Expecting POST, got %s' % rq
+ assert rq.method == "POST", "Expecting POST, got %s" % rq
# Request shall be for base + 'api/read?id=@my.entity.id'
- assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read'
+ assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read"
# Accept header shall be given
- assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'
- assert rq.headers[b'Content-Type'] == 'text/zinc'
+ assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
+ assert rq.headers[b"Content-Type"] == "text/zinc"
# Body shall be a single grid:
- rq_grid = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode('utf-8'), mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
+ rq_grid = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode("utf-8"), mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
assert len(rq_grid) == 1
rq_grid = rq_grid[0]
# It shall have one column; id
- assert set(rq_grid.column.keys()) == set(['id'])
+ assert set(rq_grid.column.keys()) == set(["id"])
# It shall have 2 rows
assert len(rq_grid) == 2
# Each row should only have 'id' values
- assert all([(set(r.keys()) == set(['id'])) for r in rq_grid])
+ assert all([(set(r.keys()) == set(["id"])) for r in rq_grid])
# The rows' 'id' column should *only* contain Refs.
- assert all([isinstance(r['id'], hszinc.Ref) for r in rq_grid])
+ assert all([isinstance(r["id"], hszinc.Ref) for r in rq_grid])
# Both IDs shall be listed, we don't about order
- assert set([r['id'].name for r in rq_grid]) \
- == set(['my.entity.id1', 'my.entity.id2'])
+ assert set([r["id"].name for r in rq_grid]) == set(
+ ["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2"]
+ )
# Make a grid to respond with
response = hszinc.Grid()
- response.column['id'] = {}
- response.column['dis'] = {}
- response.column['randomTag'] = {}
- response.extend([{
- 'id': hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id1', value='id1'),
- 'dis': 'A test entity #1',
- 'randomTag': hszinc.MARKER
- },{
- 'id': hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id2', value='id2'),
- 'dis': 'A test entity #2',
- 'randomTag': hszinc.MARKER
- }])
- rq.respond(status=200, headers={
- b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
- }, content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))
+ response.column["id"] = {}
+ response.column["dis"] = {}
+ response.column["randomTag"] = {}
+ response.extend(
+ [
+ {
+ "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1", value="id1"),
+ "dis": "A test entity #1",
+ "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,
+ },
+ {
+ "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2", value="id2"),
+ "dis": "A test entity #2",
+ "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,
+ },
+ ]
+ )
+ rq.respond(
+ status=200,
+ headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
+ content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),
+ )
# State machine should now be done
assert op.is_done
entities = op.result
# Response should be a dict
- assert isinstance(entities, dict), '%r not a dict' % entity
+ assert isinstance(entities, dict), "%r not a dict" % entity
# Response should have these keys
- assert set(entities.keys()) == set(['my.entity.id1','my.entity.id2'])
+ assert set(entities.keys()) == set(["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2"])
- entity = entities.pop('my.entity.id1')
- assert isinstance(entity, Entity), '%r not an entity' % entity
+ entity = entities.pop("my.entity.id1")
+ assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
# The tags should be passed through from the response
- assert entity.id.name == 'my.entity.id1'
- assert entity.tags['dis'] == response[0]['dis']
- assert entity.tags['randomTag'] == response[0]['randomTag']
+ assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id1"
+ assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[0]["dis"]
+ assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[0]["randomTag"]
- entity = entities.pop('my.entity.id2')
- assert isinstance(entity, Entity), '%r not an entity' % entity
+ entity = entities.pop("my.entity.id2")
+ assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
# The tags should be passed through from the response
- assert entity.id.name == 'my.entity.id2'
- assert entity.tags['dis'] == response[1]['dis']
- assert entity.tags['randomTag'] == response[1]['randomTag']
+ assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id2"
+ assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[1]["dis"]
+ assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[1]["randomTag"]
diff --git a/tests/manual/multiRWtest.py b/tests/manual/multiRWtest.py
index 062bfd9..03a1661 100644
--- a/tests/manual/multiRWtest.py
+++ b/tests/manual/multiRWtest.py
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Simple application that uses the pyhaystack library
# For this program to work you will need to have;
# 1) the API server up and running at port 3000
-# 2) Insert the point AUTH_Site.1.Equip.multiPt04 and AUTH_Site.1.Equip.multiPt05
+# 2) Insert the point AUTH_Site.1.Equip.multiPt04 and AUTH_Site.1.Equip.multiPt05
# - You can the API system test to insert these points
-# Expected output:
+# Expected output:
# Setup Widesky session. Object=
# Written some data using multi hisWrite. response should be blank = []
# Read the written data using multi hisRead. response is =
@@ -30,37 +30,45 @@
import pytz
# Edit the following parameters to suit your system
+WS_URI = "http://localhost:3000"
+WS_USERNAME = "youruser@example.com"
+WS_PASSWORD = "yourpassword"
+WS_CLIENT_ID = "xxxx"
def doStuff():
session = WideskyHaystackSession(
- uri=WS_URI,
- username=WS_USERNAME,
- password=WS_PASSWORD,
- client_id=WS_CLIENT_ID,
- client_secret=WS_CLIENT_SECRET)
+ uri=WS_URI,
+ username=WS_USERNAME,
+ password=WS_PASSWORD,
+ client_id=WS_CLIENT_ID,
+ client_secret=WS_CLIENT_SECRET,
+ )
- print "Setup Widesky session. Object=", session
+ print("Setup Widesky session. Object=", session)
result = session.multi_his_write(
- timestamp_records= {
- datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.timezone('Australia/Brisbane')).replace(microsecond=0):
- {
- 'AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt04': 800.8,
- 'AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt05': 123
- }}).result[:]
+ timestamp_records={
+ datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.timezone("Australia/Brisbane")).replace(
+ microsecond=0
+ ): {
+ "AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt04": 800.8,
+ "AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt05": 123,
+ }
+ }
+ ).result[:]
+ print("Written some data using multi hisWrite. response should be blank = ", result)
- print "Written some data using multi hisWrite. response should be blank = ", result
+ result = session.multi_his_read(
+ points=["AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt04", "AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt05"],
+ rng="today",
+ )
+ print("Read the written data using multi hisRead. response is = ", result)
- result = session.multi_his_read(points=['AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt04', 'AUTH_Site.1.Equip.1.multiPt05'], rng='today')
- print "Read the written data using multi hisRead. response is = ", result
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
diff --git a/tests/test_niagara_escape.py b/tests/test_niagara_escape.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccc0dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_niagara_escape.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+First test... just import something...
+import pytest
+import sys
+from pyhaystack.client.niagara import Niagara4HaystackSession
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 4), reason="requires python3 or higher")
+def test_conversion_of_str():
+ unescape = Niagara4HaystackSession.unescape
+ dct = {
+ "H.Client.Labo~2f227~2d2~2fBA~2fPC_D~e9bit_Alim": "H.Client.Labo/227-2/BA/PC_Débit_Alim"
+ }
+ for k, v in dct.items():
+ assert unescape(k) == v
diff --git a/tests/test_niagaraax.py b/tests/test_niagaraax.py
index 60ff84c..1c806a0 100644
--- a/tests/test_niagaraax.py
+++ b/tests/test_niagaraax.py
@@ -6,20 +6,24 @@
from pyhaystack.client.niagara import NiagaraHaystackSession
def session(request):
- session = NiagaraHaystackSession(uri='http://www.myserver.com',
- username='user_name',
- password='M87h$&')
+ session = NiagaraHaystackSession(
+ uri="http://www.myserver.com", username="user_name", password="M87h$&"
+ )
def terminate():
session = None
print("It's over")
return session
def test_session_username(session):
- assert session._username == 'user_name'
+ assert session._username == "user_name"
def test_session_password(session):
- assert session._password == 'M87h$&'
\ No newline at end of file
+ assert session._password == "M87h$&"
diff --git a/tests/test_skyspark.py b/tests/test_skyspark.py
index c206eba..4582f9e 100644
--- a/tests/test_skyspark.py
+++ b/tests/test_skyspark.py
@@ -7,14 +7,15 @@
from pyhaystack.client.ops.vendor.skyspark import get_digest_info
def test_digest_creation():
test_param = {
- 'username' : "alice",
- 'password' : "secret",
- 'userSalt' : "6s6Q5Rn0xZP0LPf89bNdv+65EmMUrTsey2fIhim/wKU=",
- 'nonce' : "3da210bdb1163d0d41d3c516314cbd6e"
- }
+ "username": "alice",
+ "password": "secret",
+ "userSalt": "6s6Q5Rn0xZP0LPf89bNdv+65EmMUrTsey2fIhim/wKU=",
+ "nonce": "3da210bdb1163d0d41d3c516314cbd6e",
+ }
test_result = get_digest_info(test_param)
- assert test_result['digest'] == "B2B3mIzE/+dqcqOJJ/ejSGXRKvE="
- assert test_result['hmac'] == "z9NILqJ3QHSG5+GlDnXsV9txjgo="
+ assert test_result["digest"] == "B2B3mIzE/+dqcqOJJ/ejSGXRKvE="
+ assert test_result["hmac"] == "z9NILqJ3QHSG5+GlDnXsV9txjgo="
diff --git a/tests/test_widesky.py b/tests/test_widesky.py
index 749c332..c72f2ce 100644
--- a/tests/test_widesky.py
+++ b/tests/test_widesky.py
@@ -26,11 +26,13 @@
# Logging setup so we can see what's going on
import logging
from pyhaystack.client import widesky
-BASE_URI = 'https://myserver/api/'
+BASE_URI = "https://myserver/api/"
class TestIsLoggedIn(object):
@@ -44,12 +46,13 @@ def test_returns_false_if_no_auth_result(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Straight off the bat, this should be None
assert session._auth_result is None
@@ -61,12 +64,13 @@ def test_returns_false_if_no_expires_in(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Inject our own auth result, empty dict.
session._auth_result = {}
@@ -78,17 +82,19 @@ def test_returns_false_if_expires_in_past(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Inject our own auth result, expiry in the past.
session._auth_result = {
- # Milliseconds here!
- 'expires_in': (time.time() - 1.0) * 1000.0
+ # Milliseconds here!
+ "expires_in": (time.time() - 1.0)
+ * 1000.0
# We should see a False result here
@@ -98,17 +104,19 @@ def test_returns_true_if_expires_in_future(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Inject our own auth result, expiry in the future.
session._auth_result = {
- # Milliseconds here!
- 'expires_in': (time.time() + 1.0) * 1000.0
+ # Milliseconds here!
+ "expires_in": (time.time() + 1.0)
+ * 1000.0
# We should see a True result here
@@ -127,33 +135,36 @@ def test_no_op_if_response_not_401(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Seed this with parameters
auth_result = {
- 'expires_in': (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
- 'access_token': 'abcdefgh',
- 'refresh_token': '12345678',
+ "expires_in": (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
+ "access_token": "abcdefgh",
+ "refresh_token": "12345678",
session._auth_result = auth_result
# A dummy response, we don't care much about the content.
- res = HTTPResponse(status_code=200, headers={}, body='')
+ res = HTTPResponse(status_code=200, headers={}, body="")
# This should do nothing
# Same keys
- assert set(auth_result.keys()) == set(session._auth_result.keys()), \
- 'Keys mismatch'
+ assert set(auth_result.keys()) == set(
+ session._auth_result.keys()
+ ), "Keys mismatch"
for key in auth_result.keys():
- assert auth_result[key] == session._auth_result[key], \
- 'Mismatching key %s' % key
+ assert auth_result[key] == session._auth_result[key], (
+ "Mismatching key %s" % key
+ )
def test_logout_if_response_401(self):
@@ -162,23 +173,24 @@ def test_logout_if_response_401(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Seed this with parameters
auth_result = {
- 'expires_in': (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
- 'access_token': 'abcdefgh',
- 'refresh_token': '12345678',
+ "expires_in": (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
+ "access_token": "abcdefgh",
+ "refresh_token": "12345678",
session._auth_result = auth_result
# A dummy response, we don't care much about the content.
- res = HTTPResponse(status_code=401, headers={}, body='')
+ res = HTTPResponse(status_code=401, headers={}, body="")
# This should drop our session
@@ -191,24 +203,25 @@ def test_logout_if_response_401_via_exception(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Seed this with parameters
auth_result = {
- 'expires_in': (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
- 'access_token': 'abcdefgh',
- 'refresh_token': '12345678',
+ "expires_in": (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
+ "access_token": "abcdefgh",
+ "refresh_token": "12345678",
session._auth_result = auth_result
# Generate a HTTPStatusError, wrap it up in an AsynchronousException
- raise HTTPStatusError('Unauthorized', 401)
+ raise HTTPStatusError("Unauthorized", 401)
except HTTPStatusError:
res = AsynchronousException()
@@ -223,18 +236,19 @@ def test_no_op_if_exception_not_http_status_error(self):
server = dummy_http.DummyHttpServer()
session = widesky.WideskyHaystackSession(
- username='testuser',
- password='testpassword',
- client_id='testclient',
- client_secret='testclientsecret',
+ username="testuser",
+ password="testpassword",
+ client_id="testclient",
+ client_secret="testclientsecret",
- http_args={'server': server, 'debug': True})
+ http_args={"server": server, "debug": True},
+ )
# Seed this with parameters
auth_result = {
- 'expires_in': (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
- 'access_token': 'abcdefgh',
- 'refresh_token': '12345678',
+ "expires_in": (time.time() + 3600.0) * 1000.0,
+ "access_token": "abcdefgh",
+ "refresh_token": "12345678",
session._auth_result = auth_result
@@ -243,7 +257,7 @@ class DummyError(Exception):
- raise DummyError('Testing')
+ raise DummyError("Testing")
except DummyError:
res = AsynchronousException()
@@ -251,8 +265,10 @@ class DummyError(Exception):
# Same keys
- assert set(auth_result.keys()) == set(session._auth_result.keys()), \
- 'Keys mismatch'
+ assert set(auth_result.keys()) == set(
+ session._auth_result.keys()
+ ), "Keys mismatch"
for key in auth_result.keys():
- assert auth_result[key] == session._auth_result[key], \
- 'Mismatching key %s' % key
+ assert auth_result[key] == session._auth_result[key], (
+ "Mismatching key %s" % key
+ )
diff --git a/tests/util.py b/tests/util.py
index 51c27b1..7b7995f 100644
--- a/tests/util.py
+++ b/tests/util.py
@@ -9,39 +9,39 @@
import hszinc
def grid_meta_cmp(msg, expected, actual):
errors = []
for key in set(expected.keys()) | set(expected.keys()):
if key not in expected:
- errors.append('%s key %s unexpected' % (msg, key))
+ errors.append("%s key %s unexpected" % (msg, key))
elif key not in actual:
- errors.append('%s key %s missing' % (msg, key))
+ errors.append("%s key %s missing" % (msg, key))
ev = expected[key]
av = actual[key]
if ev != av:
- errors.append('%s key %s was %r not %r' \
- % (msg, key, av, ev))
+ errors.append("%s key %s was %r not %r" % (msg, key, av, ev))
return errors
def grid_col_cmp(expected, actual):
errors = []
for col in set(expected.keys()) | set(actual.keys()):
if col not in expected:
- errors.append('unexpected column %s' % col)
+ errors.append("unexpected column %s" % col)
elif col not in actual:
- errors.append('missing column %s' % col)
+ errors.append("missing column %s" % col)
- errors.extend(grid_meta_cmp('column %s' % col,
- expected[col], actual[col]))
+ errors.extend(grid_meta_cmp("column %s" % col, expected[col], actual[col]))
return errors
def grid_cmp(expected, actual):
- assert isinstance(expected, hszinc.Grid), 'expected is not a grid'
- assert isinstance(actual, hszinc.Grid), 'actual is not a grid'
+ assert isinstance(expected, hszinc.Grid), "expected is not a grid"
+ assert isinstance(actual, hszinc.Grid), "actual is not a grid"
- errors = grid_meta_cmp('grid metadata',
- expected.metadata, actual.metadata)
+ errors = grid_meta_cmp("grid metadata", expected.metadata, actual.metadata)
errors.extend(grid_col_cmp(expected.column, actual.column))
for idx in range(0, max(len(expected), len(actual))):
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ def grid_cmp(expected, actual):
arow = None
if erow is None:
- errors.append('Unexpected row %d: %r' % (idx, arow))
+ errors.append("Unexpected row %d: %r" % (idx, arow))
elif arow is None:
- errors.append('Missing row %d: %r' % (idx, erow))
+ errors.append("Missing row %d: %r" % (idx, erow))
- errors.extend(grid_meta_cmp('Row %d' % idx, erow, arow))
+ errors.extend(grid_meta_cmp("Row %d" % idx, erow, arow))
if errors:
- assert False, 'Grids do not match:\n- %s' % ('\n- '.join(errors))
+ assert False, "Grids do not match:\n- %s" % ("\n- ".join(errors))