Queue Implementation using Linked List
Chess Knight Problem – Find Shortest path from source to destination
Shortest path in a Maze | Lee algorithm
Find shortest safe route in a field with sensors present
Find Shortest path from source to destination in a matrix that satisfies given constraints
Generate binary numbers between 1 to N
Calculate height of a binary tree | Iterative & Recursive
Delete given Binary Tree | Iterative & Recursive
Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree
Spiral Order Traversal of Binary Tree
Reverse Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree
Print all nodes of a given binary tree in specific order
Print left view of binary tree
Find next node in same level for given node in a binary tree
Check if given binary tree is complete binary tree or not
Print Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree
Print corner nodes of every level in binary tree
Breadth First Search (BFS) | Iterative & Recursive Implementation
Minimum number of throws required to win Snake and Ladder game
Check if an undirected graph contains cycle or not
Invert given Binary Tree | Recursive and Iterative solution
Find maximum cost path in graph from given source to destination
Find shortest distance of every cell from landmine in a Maze