Created by: Shivani Mehan and Jacob Ramsaywak
iFridge is an inventory manager for your fridge. This app was created for the CP469 Winter 2020 final project at Wilfrid Laurier University, taught by Dr. Chinh Hoang.
Food waste is a huge problem in Canada: "A whopping 58 percent of all food produced in Canada — 35.5 million tonnes — is lost or wasted, according to a new report”.
iFridge is a project that aims to reduce food waste. It is a 'digital fridge' that matches what you have in your fridge at home and allows users to easily keep track of their food inventory.
Users are notified when their food is about to expire, and having an easy visual of all the food that they have helps to avoid unnecessarily buying food when grocery shopping.
Extra features include the ability to create recipe ideas based on items in your fridge database and, time permitting, the ability to make your own shopping list.
- 1.1) XCode 11+ (Requires MacOS Catalina)
- 2.1)
git clone
- 2.2) Move into project directory
- 2.3) Launch project from
(using .xcodeproj will not work as it will not identify Firebase dependencies)
- 3.1) Choose a simulator device on the top left (iPhone 8 or above recommended) or connect your own iPhone
- 3.2) Press the play button on the top left to compile and run the app!
- More search filtering
- Extended error checking and validation
- Add images directly from the camera
- Create a shopping list