Sway Window Manager is a tiling window manager and a drop-in replacement for i3, built specifically for the Wayland display server. I chose it because of: lightweight, tiling, customization, minimalism.
Instead of configuring the entire window manger in a single file, I chose the modular configuration path.
Files list:
- config - the basic configuration file which contains the inclusion of all specific files and the assignment of the most necessary settings.
- config.d/daemons.conf - running all necessary background processes.
- config.d/floating.conf - rules of behavior of floating windows.
- config.d/input.conf - settings for input devices such as keyboard and touchpad.
- config.d/keybinds.conf - keybind settings.
- config.d/theme.conf - colorscheme, themes and other visual settings.
Function | Hotkey |
mod | Win |
Execute term | mod+Return |
Kill container | mod+Shift+q |
Execute rofi | mod+d |
Reload sway | mod+Shift+r |
Focus on left container | mod+[Left/h] |
Focus on down container | mod+[Down/j] |
Focus on up container | mod+[Up/k] |
Focus on right container | mod+[Right/l] |
Move container left | mod+Shift+[Left/h] |
Move container down | mod+Shift+[Down/j] |
Move container up | mod+Shift+[Up/k] |
Move container right | mod+Shift+[Right/l] |
Focus on workspace [0-9] | mod+[0-9] |
Move container to workspace [0-9] | mod+Shift+[0-9] |
Split container horizontally | mod+b |
Split container vertically | mod+v |
Layout container stacking | mod+s |
Layout container tabbed | mod+w |
Layout container in current split mode | mod+e |
Full-screen container | mod+f |
Make container floating | mod+Shift+space |
Reload sway config | mod+Shift+c |
Focus between floating and not | mod+space |
Focus on parent container | mod+a |
Focus on child container | mod+Shift+a |
Enter the resize mode | mod+r |
Execute Firefox developer edition | mod+Shift+t |
Execute Firefox developer edition(private window) | mod+Shift+p |
Screenshot select area | |
Screenshot current container | mod+Print |
Screenshot current workspace | mod+Shift+Print |
Execute nnn file manager | mod+t |
Execute cool-retro-term | mod+Shift+Return |
Execute swaylock | mod+Escape |
Execute SwayNC notification panel | mod+n |
Exit sway | mod+Shift+e |