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lgatto edited this page Mar 27, 2013 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the CambR wiki!

Tentative dates for our next meeting: 25, 26 or 27 March 2013.

Please provide your suggestions below.

Suggestions for talks you are willing to give

  • Mark Dunning, Introduction to ggplot2
  • Ed Morrissey, Rcpp/RcppArmadillo: Speeding R up with cpp

Suggestions for talks you would want to hear

  • Andrius, using C (well, this is sort of covered by advances in RStudio) or Python in R

25 March 2013 - Fountain Inn

  • Andrius Druzinis, Interactive visualisations and GUIs with Shiny
  • Adrian Alexa, Programming with R, the talk will contain: a set of problems I needed to solve in R, code optimization, and some useful and geeky R tricks
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