diff --git a/example/autorate/auto-rater.ipynb b/example/autorate/auto-rater.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a64a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/autorate/auto-rater.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,4698 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "8e97c809-9637-4bcc-b1bf-d970ef8758e4",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Requirement already satisfied: openai in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (0.27.8)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.20 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from openai) (2.31.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from openai) (4.66.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from openai) (3.8.6)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (3.3.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (3.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (2.0.7)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (2023.7.22)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (23.1.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (6.0.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0.0a3 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (4.0.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (1.9.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (1.4.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (1.3.1)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Since the GPL-licensed package `unidecode` is not installed, using Python's `unicodedata` package which yields worse results.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "! pip install openai\n",
+ "import dataclasses\n",
+ "import logging\n",
+ "import math\n",
+ "import ast\n",
+ "import re\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "import io\n",
+ "import sys\n",
+ "import time\n",
+ "import json\n",
+ "import tqdm\n",
+ "import copy\n",
+ "import openai\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union\n",
+ "from cleantext import clean\n",
+ "import nltk\n",
+ "from nltk.corpus import stopwords\n",
+ "from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer\n",
+ "from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# from openai import openai_object\n",
+ "openai.api_key = \"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\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "ef295321-5c2d-44b4-92f1-202fb42a7f8c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Load data "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "70cdc7e3-b93d-4ef9-ab0d-e4e218b1c75d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Augmented Question and Answer pairs with row 0\\~R_AUG-1 augmented from Q0, row R_AUG\\~2*R_AUG-1 augmented from Q1... "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "2e76d16d-e586-48c0-8f07-d56a62560d27",
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " _question | \n",
+ " _answer | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " Can I initiate the green card process if my H-... | \n",
+ " Yes, the employer can initiate the green card ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " If I have a masters in engineering management ... | \n",
+ " Yes, the employer can begin the green card pro... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Do I have the option to initiate the green car... | \n",
+ " Yes, the employer can commence the green card ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " What is the eligibility and process for portin... | \n",
+ " It is possible to upgrade from EB-3 to EB-2 as... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " What is the criteria for and the steps of port... | \n",
+ " It is possible to move up from EB-3 to EB-2 as... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 270 | \n",
+ " Can my wife take advantage of EB2 processing w... | \n",
+ " There is no special status for OTs like there ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 271 | \n",
+ " Does my wife's OT degree make her eligible for... | \n",
+ " OTs do not have the same privileges as physica... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 272 | \n",
+ " I have three years of work experience and am p... | \n",
+ " Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card once... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 273 | \n",
+ " I have been working in the IT field for three ... | \n",
+ " Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 274 | \n",
+ " I have three years of experience in the IT fie... | \n",
+ " Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
275 rows × 2 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " _question \\\n",
+ "0 Can I initiate the green card process if my H-... \n",
+ "1 If I have a masters in engineering management ... \n",
+ "2 Do I have the option to initiate the green car... \n",
+ "3 What is the eligibility and process for portin... \n",
+ "4 What is the criteria for and the steps of port... \n",
+ ".. ... \n",
+ "270 Can my wife take advantage of EB2 processing w... \n",
+ "271 Does my wife's OT degree make her eligible for... \n",
+ "272 I have three years of work experience and am p... \n",
+ "273 I have been working in the IT field for three ... \n",
+ "274 I have three years of experience in the IT fie... \n",
+ "\n",
+ " _answer \n",
+ "0 Yes, the employer can initiate the green card ... \n",
+ "1 Yes, the employer can begin the green card pro... \n",
+ "2 Yes, the employer can commence the green card ... \n",
+ "3 It is possible to upgrade from EB-3 to EB-2 as... \n",
+ "4 It is possible to move up from EB-3 to EB-2 as... \n",
+ ".. ... \n",
+ "270 There is no special status for OTs like there ... \n",
+ "271 OTs do not have the same privileges as physica... \n",
+ "272 Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card once... \n",
+ "273 Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... \n",
+ "274 Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[275 rows x 2 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# current_directory = os.getcwd()\n",
+ "qaa = pd.read_csv(\"data/raw_input/immigration_qa_augment.csv\", encoding = \"utf8\") # LLMs usually requires input text data with character encoding utf8\n",
+ "qaa"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "d3072fec-9ebc-4e07-b2d1-0337a9c3c86c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Randomly select rows from the augmented qa pairs"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "e1bcdf12-e7fa-4f17-bbb1-5b7118889572",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "R_AUG = 3 # each question and answer pair is augmented to R_AUG pairs\n",
+ "N_AUG_SEL = 90\n",
+ "idx_q_sel = np.random.choice(len(qaa) // R_AUG, N_AUG_SEL, replace=False) # Firt, randomly select N_AUG_SEL distinctive questions \n",
+ "idx_row_sel = np.random.choice(R_AUG, N_AUG_SEL, replace=True) + idx_q_sel # Second, randomly select an augmented qa pair for each selected question\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# alternativaly, randomly sample N_AUG_SEL directly from the augmented data.\n",
+ "# idx_q_sel = np.random.choice(len(qaa), N_AUG_SEL, replace=False) "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "id": "dc65cc9e-9105-4663-8fca-93e74f2928ce",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "array([65, 61, 72, 69, 54, 67, 78, 58, 29, 90, 70, 44, 83, 45, 14, 1, 80,\n",
+ " 40, 50, 0, 42, 86, 56, 28, 8, 89, 10, 35, 3, 53, 41, 81, 62, 18,\n",
+ " 74, 17, 60, 30, 63, 71, 7, 64, 76, 13, 73, 36, 32, 34, 85, 5, 15,\n",
+ " 4, 68, 77, 27, 31, 43, 66, 49, 22, 52, 47, 20, 39, 88, 87, 2, 12,\n",
+ " 6, 23, 9, 59, 75, 38, 24, 26, 84, 82, 21, 57, 33, 25, 37, 19, 51,\n",
+ " 48, 79, 46, 55, 16])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "idx_q_sel\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "id": "cf2d4e58-6136-4217-9800-87a2b907fa1d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "array([67, 62, 72, 71, 54, 68, 79, 60, 31, 92, 70, 45, 84, 47, 14, 3, 82,\n",
+ " 41, 51, 1, 43, 86, 57, 28, 8, 89, 10, 37, 5, 54, 42, 83, 64, 19,\n",
+ " 74, 18, 61, 32, 65, 73, 8, 64, 77, 14, 75, 38, 32, 35, 87, 6, 15,\n",
+ " 4, 69, 77, 27, 31, 45, 68, 50, 22, 52, 47, 21, 40, 89, 89, 4, 12,\n",
+ " 7, 24, 9, 61, 76, 40, 24, 26, 84, 84, 22, 57, 34, 25, 39, 20, 53,\n",
+ " 50, 79, 47, 57, 17])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "idx_row_sel"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "2c00dac5-3f06-488f-80db-c1b1910797c7",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Create negative samples by giving unrelated answers to immigration"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "75916996-e39a-4acc-b60d-586d110a2558",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "3716b100-4ffa-4e61-bbaa-e72baca89e82",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Creat negative dataset by shifting the answers in augmented data. So the answer is inaccurate but related to immigration."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "18fba436-e42a-4c8f-b381-0cc39109843d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "8ef6e4dc-424c-4c6d-b94b-73e32e318420",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Load original question answer pairs"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "id": "2acbdd07-bf19-4c8c-926d-2888ea2023df",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "qaa = pd.read_csv(\"data/raw_input/qd_immigration.csv\", encoding = \"utf8\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "95c5b6dc-d862-41cb-88dc-82cead6a9d9b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### prompt engineering that evaluate the correctness"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "id": "06b1172c-0e7d-4551-8ba7-457581be2bb5",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "prompt = \"\"\"you act as an expert evaluater who evaluate two answers to a question.\n",
+ "You'll be given a function grading_function which you'll call for each provided question and answer to submit your reasoning and score for the correctness, comprehensiveness and readability of the answer. \n",
+ "Please make sure you always call the function to submit result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Please act as an impartial judge and evaluate the quality of the provided answer which attempts to answer the provided question based on a provided context.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "You'll be given a function grading_function which you'll call for each provided context, question and answer to submit your reasoning and score for the correctness, comprehensiveness and readability of the answer. \n",
+ "Please make sure you always call the function to submit result\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Below is your grading rubric: \n",
+ "\n",
+ "- Correctness: If the answer correctly answer the question, below are the details for different scores:\n",
+ " - Score 0: the answer is completely incorrect, doesn’t mention anything about the question or is completely contrary to the correct answer.\n",
+ " - Example: when asked “How to terminate a databricks cluster”, the answer is empty string, or content that’s completely irrelevant, or sorry I don’t know the answer.\n",
+ " - Score 0: the answer provides some relevance to the question and answer one aspect of the question correctly.\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to terminate a databricks cluster\n",
+ " - Answer: Databricks cluster is a cloud-based computing environment that allows users to process big data and run distributed data processing tasks efficiently.\n",
+ " - Or answer: In the Databricks workspace, navigate to the \"Clusters\" tab. And then this is a hard question that I need to think more about it\n",
+ " - Score 1: the answer mostly answer the question but is missing or hallucinating on one critical aspect.\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to terminate a databricks cluster”\n",
+ " - Answer: “In the Databricks workspace, navigate to the \"Clusters\" tab.\n",
+ " Find the cluster you want to terminate from the list of active clusters.\n",
+ " And then you’ll find a button to terminate all clusters at once”\n",
+ " - Score 1: the answer correctly answer the question and not missing any major aspect\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to terminate a databricks cluster\n",
+ " - Answer: In the Databricks workspace, navigate to the \"Clusters\" tab.\n",
+ " Find the cluster you want to terminate from the list of active clusters.\n",
+ " Click on the down-arrow next to the cluster name to open the cluster details.\n",
+ " Click on the \"Terminate\" button. A confirmation dialog will appear. Click \"Terminate\" again to confirm the action.”\n",
+ "- Comprehensiveness: How comprehensive is the answer, does it fully answer all aspects of the question and provide comprehensive explanation and other necessary information. Below are the details for different scores:\n",
+ " - Score 0: typically if the answer is completely incorrect, then the comprehensiveness is also zero score.\n",
+ " - Score 0: if the answer is correct but too short to fully answer the question, then we can give score 1 for comprehensiveness.\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to use databricks API to create a cluster?\n",
+ " - Answer: First, you will need a Databricks access token with the appropriate permissions. You can generate this token through the Databricks UI under the 'User Settings' option. And then (the rest is missing)\n",
+ " - Score 1: the answer is correct and roughly answer the main aspects of the question, but it’s missing description about details. Or is completely missing details about one minor aspect.\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to use databricks API to create a cluster?\n",
+ " - Answer: You will need a Databricks access token with the appropriate permissions. Then you’ll need to set up the request URL, then you can make the HTTP Request. Then you can handle the request response.\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to use databricks API to create a cluster?\n",
+ " - Answer: You will need a Databricks access token with the appropriate permissions. Then you’ll need to set up the request URL, then you can make the HTTP Request. Then you can handle the request response.\n",
+ " - Score 1: the answer is correct, and covers all the main aspects of the question\n",
+ "- Readability: How readable is the answer, does it have redundant information or incomplete information that hurts the readability of the answer.\n",
+ " - Score 0: the answer is completely unreadable, e.g. fully of symbols that’s hard to read; e.g. keeps repeating the words that it’s very hard to understand the meaning of the paragraph. No meaningful information can be extracted from the answer.\n",
+ " - Score 0: the answer is slightly readable, there are irrelevant symbols or repeated words, but it can roughly form a meaningful sentence that cover some aspects of the answer.\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to use databricks API to create a cluster?\n",
+ " - Answer: You you you you you you will need a Databricks access token with the appropriate permissions. And then then you’ll need to set up the request URL, then you can make the HTTP Request. Then Then Then Then Then Then Then Then Then\n",
+ " - Score 1: the answer is correct and mostly readable, but there is one obvious piece that’s affecting the readability (mentioning of irrelevant pieces, repeated words)\n",
+ " - Example:\n",
+ " - Question: How to terminate a databricks cluster\n",
+ " - Answer: In the Databricks workspace, navigate to the \"Clusters\" tab.\n",
+ " Find the cluster you want to terminate from the list of active clusters.\n",
+ " Click on the down-arrow next to the cluster name to open the cluster details.\n",
+ " Click on the \"Terminate\" button…………………………………..\n",
+ " A confirmation dialog will appear. Click \"Terminate\" again to confirm the action.\n",
+ " - Score 1: the answer is correct and reader friendly, no obvious piece that affect readability.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Provided question:\n",
+ "xxx\n",
+ "\"\"\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "604c831b-de89-4fb7-854f-4845df3bade9",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### prompt engineering that evaluate the F1 score"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "42ed8430-01fe-4636-b475-4d68ec4035dd",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "prompt = \"\"\"you act as an expert evaluater who evaluate two answers to a question. The evaluation is based on instruction following\n",
+ "You'll be given a function F1 score which you'll call to submit your score based on the F1 score. \n",
+ "Please make sure you always call the function to submit result. Your score should be an integer ranging 0 to 3"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "60271f90-b458-475e-a013-02331cae762a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "target_df = pd.read_csv(\"pre_grade_datasets/pre_grade_doc_qa_mpt_30b_chat.csv\")\n",
+ "target_df = target_df.head(10)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from databricks.labs.doc_qa.evaluators.templated_evaluator import OpenAIEvaluator, AnthropicEvaluator, ParameterDef, NoRetryPolicy\n",
+ "\n",
+ "output_parameters = [\n",
+ " ParameterDef(\"reasoning_for_correctness\", \"string\"),\n",
+ " ParameterDef(\"correctness\", \"number\", display_name=\"Score for correctness\"),\n",
+ " ParameterDef(\"reasoning_for_comprehensiveness\", \"string\"),\n",
+ " ParameterDef(\"comprehensiveness\", \"number\", display_name=\"Score for comprehensiveness\"),\n",
+ " ParameterDef(\"reasoning_for_readability\", \"string\"),\n",
+ " ParameterDef(\"readability\", \"number\", display_name=\"Score for readability\"),\n",
+ "]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "anthropic_claude_2_evaluator = AnthropicEvaluator(model='claude-2', temperature=0.1, \n",
+ " grading_prompt_tempate=anthropic_grading_prompt, input_columns=[\"question\", \"answer\", \"context\"], \n",
+ " output_parameters=output_parameters, retry_policy=retry_policy)\n",
+ "eval_result = anthropic_claude_2_evaluator.run_eval(dataset_df=target_df, concurrency=20, catch_error=catch_error)\n",
+ "result_df = eval_result.to_dataframe()\n",
+ "print(eval_result.summary())\n",
+ "result_df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "c203777d-6a4b-412f-a39f-5fbe42cac15c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "03831638-54f7-4091-b220-fd636f479eaa",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "5c7298b5-96ff-4256-b886-12938938e8f3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "02ed069e-128e-4b8f-99d0-c980f3ff1a4a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "6fb87057-8c10-478c-850b-1342b5cc3064",
+ "metadata": {
+ "jp-MarkdownHeadingCollapsed": true
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "#### Check the number of missing values"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "e2377b09-ecfb-47af-ba20-d8914f19f732",
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Unnamed: 0 0\n",
+ "ID 0\n",
+ "Question 0\n",
+ "Answer 0\n",
+ "Vote Status 0\n",
+ "Timestamp 96\n",
+ "dtype: int64\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "print(qaa.isna().sum())"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "2d4cd094-ae42-48ad-8c5a-cb027babc38b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Data preprocessing"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "a00b6aef-78ec-4fd6-919a-a2f24d97eb6a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Stop words removal and stemming (Optional)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "dcebd404-ead1-4fb5-adb9-1970c8a0268b",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /home/ubuntu/nltk_data...\n",
+ "[nltk_data] Package punkt is already up-to-date!\n",
+ "[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /home/ubuntu/nltk_data...\n",
+ "[nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date!\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "True"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "nltk.download('punkt')\n",
+ "nltk.download('stopwords')"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "id": "5c51d2fc-125b-4041-82f1-1e58196fcd82",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "stop = stopwords.words('english')\n",
+ "# These words are important for the problem. Exclude them from the stop words.\n",
+ "excluding = ['against', 'not', 'don', \"don't\",'ain', 'aren', \"aren't\", 'couldn', \"couldn't\",\n",
+ " 'didn', \"didn't\", 'doesn', \"doesn't\", 'hadn', \"hadn't\", 'hasn', \"hasn't\", \n",
+ " 'haven', \"haven't\", 'isn', \"isn't\", 'mightn', \"mightn't\", 'mustn', \"mustn't\",\n",
+ " 'needn', \"needn't\",'shouldn', \"shouldn't\", 'wasn', \"wasn't\", 'weren', \n",
+ " \"weren't\", 'won', \"won't\", 'wouldn', \"wouldn't\"]\n",
+ "# New stop word list\n",
+ "stop_words = [word for word in stop if word not in excluding]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "snow = SnowballStemmer('english')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def process_text(texts): \n",
+ " final_text_list=[]\n",
+ " for sent in texts:\n",
+ " \n",
+ " # Check if the sentence is a missing value\n",
+ " if isinstance(sent, str) == False:\n",
+ " sent = \"\"\n",
+ " \n",
+ " filtered_sentence=[]\n",
+ " \n",
+ " sent = sent.lower() # Lowercase \n",
+ " sent = sent.strip() # Remove leading/trailing whitespace\n",
+ " sent = re.sub('\\s+', ' ', sent) # Remove extra space and tabs\n",
+ " sent = re.compile('<.*?>').sub('', sent) # Remove HTML tags/markups:\n",
+ "\n",
+ " for w in word_tokenize(sent):\n",
+ " # We are applying some custom filtering here, feel free to try different things\n",
+ " # Check if it is not numeric and its length>2 and not in stop words\n",
+ " if(not w.isnumeric()) and (len(w)>2) and (w not in stop_words): \n",
+ " # Stem and add to filtered list\n",
+ " filtered_sentence.append(snow.stem(w))\n",
+ " final_string = \" \".join(filtered_sentence) #final string of cleaned words\n",
+ " \n",
+ " final_text_list.append(final_string)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " return final_text_list\n",
+ "\n",
+ "stop_stem=False\n",
+ "if stop_stem:\n",
+ " question_l_raw, answer_l_raw = qaa[\"Question\"].to_list(), qaa[\"Answer\"].to_list()\n",
+ " qaa[\"Question\"] = process_text(question_l_raw)\n",
+ " qaa[\"Answer\"] = process_text(answer_l_raw)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "e72db19d-b1dc-4869-9ae1-dd24c2474525",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Personal Identification Information (PII) removal and other preprocessing using cleantext"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "id": "3390bf56-1a0b-4b29-ac64-fa88f8b62416",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Requirement already satisfied: clean-text in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (0.6.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: emoji<2.0.0,>=1.0.0 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from clean-text) (1.7.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: ftfy<7.0,>=6.0 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from clean-text) (6.1.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth>=0.2.5 in /opt/conda/envs/pykoi/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from ftfy<7.0,>=6.0->clean-text) (0.2.8)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "! pip install clean-text\n",
+ "f_clean = lambda qaa_pair_raw : clean(qaa_pair_raw,\n",
+ " fix_unicode=True, # fix various unicode errors\n",
+ " to_ascii=True, # transliterate to closest ASCII representation\n",
+ " lower=True, # lowercase text\n",
+ " no_line_breaks=False, # fully strip line breaks as opposed to only normalizing them\n",
+ " no_urls=False, # replace all URLs with a special token\n",
+ " no_emails=False, # replace all email addresses with a special token\n",
+ " no_phone_numbers=False, # replace all phone numbers with a special token\n",
+ " no_numbers=False, # replace all numbers with a special token\n",
+ " no_digits=False, # replace all digits with a special token\n",
+ " no_currency_symbols=False, # replace all currency symbols with a special token\n",
+ " no_punct=False, # remove punctuations\n",
+ " replace_with_punct=\"\", # instead of removing punctuations you may replace them\n",
+ " replace_with_url=\"\",\n",
+ " replace_with_email=\"\",\n",
+ " replace_with_phone_number=\"\",\n",
+ " replace_with_number=\"\",\n",
+ " replace_with_digit=\"0\",\n",
+ " replace_with_currency_symbol=\"\",\n",
+ " lang=\"en\" # set to 'de' for German special handling\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n",
+ "question_l_raw = qaa[\"Question\"].to_list()\n",
+ "question_l = [f_clean(p) for p in question_l_raw]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "answer_l_raw = qaa[\"Answer\"].to_list()\n",
+ "answer_l = [f_clean(p) for p in answer_l_raw]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "qaa[\"Question\"] = question_l\n",
+ "qaa[\"Answer\"] = answer_l\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "0a48d15f-0698-41c0-b26a-58d650ddf8fc",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Dataset customized clenaup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "id": "59344b41-74e7-41ae-aea9-e1c915149193",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "answer_l_raw = qaa[\"Answer\"].to_list()\n",
+ "qaa[\"Answer\"] = [re.compile(r'<.*?>|More\\.\\.\\.', flags=re.IGNORECASE).sub('', p) for p in answer_l_raw] # Remove HTML tags/markups: "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "0d478a24-2a09-4725-9a25-1692f8f7e0d5",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Data structure conversion"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "id": "7b64e1ff-b6da-45c4-af28-99ec5badcc95",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "96\n",
+ "[{'Question': 'h-1b to eb-2 process . i would like to know if i have an advanced degree (masters engineering management) and my employer filed my h-1b and if the lottery is picked can i initiate the green card process? i also heard that there is a minimum salary cap for eb-2 advanced degree.', 'Answer': 'the employer can start the green card process at any time, even before you join. to see the salary figures by county and profession, you can review this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/'}, {'Question': 'eligibility for and the process of eb-3 to eb-2 porting . can you talk about this upgrade process from eb3 to eb2 for pending i-485? does it need another i-485 application or just a letter to uscis?', 'Answer': \"you can always go up and you can always go down as long as your perm was filed as an eb-2. if you filed your prm as an eb-3 then you're not going to be able to upgrade to eb-2. but if your perm was filed as an eb-2 you can downgrade i-140 eb-3. you can go back upgrade toeb-2if you already have aneb-2approval. you can file a downgrade second case aseb-3with the sameperm.faq in detail...\"}, {'Question': 'how can i qualify for eb-1c/international managers or executives . i was in usa on h1b for 11 yrs until august 2019 as senior software engineer and moved/transferred to canada on september 2019 as software development manager, managing 5 direct reports plus 4 second level reports with the same company in usa and canada. and now promoted as director, software development projects support and maintenance, before completing one year as manager. have i-140 approved and priority date is 2012 july.
1.what is my success rate of getting l1a
2. also need to re-apply my green card in eb1c, do i need to be in usa or when i am in canada my company can apply for this. and upon eb1c i-140 approval can i get l1a and move to usa
3. is this the correct time to apply eb1c in the next couple of months when 1 year completes or should i wait for visa ban to complete.', 'Answer': \"1. please discuss your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside usa with your lawyers. make sure you plan for it from day one because if you try to plan for it a year down the line you won't succeed.\"}, {'Question': \"downgrading from eb-2 to eb-3 . my wife and i are currently on ead's since feb 2012 when the dates became current for our priority date and we were able to apply for the i-485. she is the primary applicant and i am the dependent on her application. since 2012 the ead/ap card is being renewed every 2 years. with the eb3 category now going ahead of eb2 does it make sense for her to downgrade to eb3 - apply for i-140 under eb3. i believe it takes 6 months for approval so we would essentially be doing this preemptively in anticipation of our date becoming current under eb3 in 6+ months.\", 'Answer': 'i see no problem applying for eb-3 and then using whichever one is faster when the time comes.'}, {'Question': \"how to get h-1b approved for three years, not shorter duration . 1. i got my h1b approved for a period of one year only and expires on oct 27th, 2019. i work through a consultancy. any precautions i can take in the future which can help me getting the h1b approved for 3 years in the upcoming h1b extension after oct 27th, 2019.
2. any particular documents needed for getting the h1b approved for 3 years?
3. if i go for stamping, do i need to be careful with social media at the port of entry? any tips or recommendations you can give with reference to social media during port of entry?
4. my eb2 priority date is feb 4th, 2015 and i'm planning to marry a girl who is a nepal citizen and she's on opt right now. can i move my priority date to eb2 nepal category after marriage? if yes, what would be my next steps - how soon can i file for i-485 interview?\", 'Answer': '1. typically the only way you can get three year extension is if you can prove that the project will go on for three years.'}, {'Question': 'options to stay in the usa after expiration of h-1b . 1. i am currently in h1-b more than 10 years in the usa and i have approved i-140 priority date mar 2011 - eb2. my current employment is getting over in 3 weeks. and my current h1-b and i-94 expires in mid-august 2019. my question is if i am not able to find another job within my h1-b and i-94 expires on mid august 2019. what are the options available for me to legally stay in the usa after my h1-b and i-94 expires? i have own house. is there an exceptional case we can file gc ead?
2. without a job how many days i can stay in usa before my i-94 expires using i-140?', 'Answer': \"1. i don't think you would get the tourist visa or tourist status but you can apply for it.\"}, {'Question': 'downgrading a case from eb-2 to eb-3 for priority date advantage . i am with my current employer since 2008. my gc is filled in eb2 with aug-2010 priority date. only i-140 is approved so far.
1) can my employer file me under eb-3 concurrently without affecting my existing eb-2 filling?
2) if yes then what is the procedure for that? do i have to do my labor and i-140 once again?', 'Answer': '1. your eb-2 does not get affected. you can file eb-3/i-140 and i believe you can file a i-485 also if your dates are current.'}, {'Question': 'eb-2 approved - applying for eb-3 . i applied for eb3 in 2011 and port to eb2, now eb3 dates are moving forward and if it reach to my priority date am i still eligible for eb3 as i initially applied for or do i need to downgrade to eb3. will there be any questions raised?', 'Answer': 'this is mostly a question of procedure and policy. the uscis has been indicating that if you have only one i-140 approved under eb-2 but you want to file under eb-3 you have to file another i-140 using the copy of the same labor certification - perm application and get an eb-3 approval first.'}, {'Question': \"not worked for green card sponsoring company fraud implication for naturalization/citizenship . in summary,
* i worked for the same company from 2004 to 2014 (2004 - 2011 in us on h1b, and 2011-2014 in india)
* but, after green card, i did not work for the company in us.
* i don't have even a single paycheck from us company after receiving gc.
* since then, i have been working in a job with same job description that my gc was filed for.
* all other history is clean. i have two us born children, always paid taxes on time, no legal cases.
i heard from reliable sources that under current circumstances, my case will be marked as fraud and there is a 99% chance that they will revoke my gc and deport me, as i didn't stay with the employer that sponsored my gc.
* should i be really concerned?
* what are my options?
* i have the option of going back to the same employer now. does that help?
* if my wife applies for naturalization instead of me, is that going to be any different?\", 'Answer': \"this is a difficult situation. i would argue that this is fine because once you went and got the green card you took the job and you are just working for the company's operations outside the usa temporarily. so i think it's going to be a touch and go, but that is what i would argue. you definitely need to take a lawyer with you.\"}, {'Question': 'how can i downgrade from eb-2 to eb-3 and consequences . i have i-140 approved in eb2, priority date is 2010. when date become current for eb3, i want to downgrade from eb2 to eb3 (i know i have to only refile i-140 and i-485 concurrent). what will happen if uscis denied newly filed i-140 (eb3)? can i-485 also denied? if newly filed i-140 (eb3) denied, can i used my previously approved i-140 (eb2)?', 'Answer': \"if we have an eb-2 approved i-140 we apply for an eb-3 approval on the same form or you can file eb-3 i-140 and i-485 concurrently if the dates are current. if you file a i-485 that is prematurely filed when the priority date of eb-2 is not current, if eb-3 is denied on which basis you had filed the i-485 then the i-485 will also be denied. i would want your lawyers to review your case very carefully. make sure that you don't have any other issues. if the second eb-3 filing gets denied it should not have any impact on the already approved i-140 unless the second filing reveals some problem with the case that was not addressed earlier.\"}]\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "qaa_list = qaa[[\"Question\", \"Answer\"]].to_dict('records')\n",
+ "print(len(qaa_list))\n",
+ "print(qaa_list[:10])"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "2b415e10-e725-4183-bf92-73b8fe0488d4",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Prompt Engineering"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "id": "7848e9a4-22e4-4e90-8ef6-09d634de1b33",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "294\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "prompts= \"\"\"Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "print(len(prompts))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "id": "36ada685-4c31-4356-99f9-1f82bf3f17cf",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "len(qaa_list_encoded): 96\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"h-1b to eb-2 process . i would like to know if i have an advanced degree (masters engineering management) and my employer filed my h-1b and if the lottery is picked can i initiate the green card process? i also heard that there is a minimum salary cap for eb-2 advanced degree.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"the employer can start the green card process at any time, even before you join. to see the salary figures by county and profession, you can review this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"eligibility for and the process of eb-3 to eb-2 porting . can you talk about this upgrade process from eb3 to eb2 for pending i-485? does it need another i-485 application or just a letter to uscis?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"you can always go up and you can always go down as long as your perm was filed as an eb-2. if you filed your prm as an eb-3 then you're not going to be able to upgrade to eb-2. but if your perm was filed as an eb-2 you can downgrade i-140 eb-3. you can go back upgrade toeb-2if you already have aneb-2approval. you can file a downgrade second case aseb-3with the sameperm.faq in detail...\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"how can i qualify for eb-1c/international managers or executives . i was in usa on h1b for 11 yrs until august 2019 as senior software engineer and moved/transferred to canada on september 2019 as software development manager, managing 5 direct reports plus 4 second level reports with the same company in usa and canada. and now promoted as director, software development projects support and maintenance, before completing one year as manager. have i-140 approved and priority date is 2012 july.
1.what is my success rate of getting l1a
2. also need to re-apply my green card in eb1c, do i need to be in usa or when i am in canada my company can apply for this. and upon eb1c i-140 approval can i get l1a and move to usa
3. is this the correct time to apply eb1c in the next couple of months when 1 year completes or should i wait for visa ban to complete.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"1. please discuss your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside usa with your lawyers. make sure you plan for it from day one because if you try to plan for it a year down the line you won't succeed.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"downgrading from eb-2 to eb-3 . my wife and i are currently on ead's since feb 2012 when the dates became current for our priority date and we were able to apply for the i-485. she is the primary applicant and i am the dependent on her application. since 2012 the ead/ap card is being renewed every 2 years. with the eb3 category now going ahead of eb2 does it make sense for her to downgrade to eb3 - apply for i-140 under eb3. i believe it takes 6 months for approval so we would essentially be doing this preemptively in anticipation of our date becoming current under eb3 in 6+ months.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"i see no problem applying for eb-3 and then using whichever one is faster when the time comes.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"how to get h-1b approved for three years, not shorter duration . 1. i got my h1b approved for a period of one year only and expires on oct 27th, 2019. i work through a consultancy. any precautions i can take in the future which can help me getting the h1b approved for 3 years in the upcoming h1b extension after oct 27th, 2019.
2. any particular documents needed for getting the h1b approved for 3 years?
3. if i go for stamping, do i need to be careful with social media at the port of entry? any tips or recommendations you can give with reference to social media during port of entry?
4. my eb2 priority date is feb 4th, 2015 and i'm planning to marry a girl who is a nepal citizen and she's on opt right now. can i move my priority date to eb2 nepal category after marriage? if yes, what would be my next steps - how soon can i file for i-485 interview?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"1. typically the only way you can get three year extension is if you can prove that the project will go on for three years.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"options to stay in the usa after expiration of h-1b . 1. i am currently in h1-b more than 10 years in the usa and i have approved i-140 priority date mar 2011 - eb2. my current employment is getting over in 3 weeks. and my current h1-b and i-94 expires in mid-august 2019. my question is if i am not able to find another job within my h1-b and i-94 expires on mid august 2019. what are the options available for me to legally stay in the usa after my h1-b and i-94 expires? i have own house. is there an exceptional case we can file gc ead?
2. without a job how many days i can stay in usa before my i-94 expires using i-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"1. i don't think you would get the tourist visa or tourist status but you can apply for it.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"downgrading a case from eb-2 to eb-3 for priority date advantage . i am with my current employer since 2008. my gc is filled in eb2 with aug-2010 priority date. only i-140 is approved so far.
1) can my employer file me under eb-3 concurrently without affecting my existing eb-2 filling?
2) if yes then what is the procedure for that? do i have to do my labor and i-140 once again?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"1. your eb-2 does not get affected. you can file eb-3/i-140 and i believe you can file a i-485 also if your dates are current.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"eb-2 approved - applying for eb-3 . i applied for eb3 in 2011 and port to eb2, now eb3 dates are moving forward and if it reach to my priority date am i still eligible for eb3 as i initially applied for or do i need to downgrade to eb3. will there be any questions raised?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"this is mostly a question of procedure and policy. the uscis has been indicating that if you have only one i-140 approved under eb-2 but you want to file under eb-3 you have to file another i-140 using the copy of the same labor certification - perm application and get an eb-3 approval first.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"not worked for green card sponsoring company fraud implication for naturalization/citizenship . in summary,
* i worked for the same company from 2004 to 2014 (2004 - 2011 in us on h1b, and 2011-2014 in india)
* but, after green card, i did not work for the company in us.
* i don't have even a single paycheck from us company after receiving gc.
* since then, i have been working in a job with same job description that my gc was filed for.
* all other history is clean. i have two us born children, always paid taxes on time, no legal cases.
i heard from reliable sources that under current circumstances, my case will be marked as fraud and there is a 99% chance that they will revoke my gc and deport me, as i didn't stay with the employer that sponsored my gc.
* should i be really concerned?
* what are my options?
* i have the option of going back to the same employer now. does that help?
* if my wife applies for naturalization instead of me, is that going to be any different?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"this is a difficult situation. i would argue that this is fine because once you went and got the green card you took the job and you are just working for the company's operations outside the usa temporarily. so i think it's going to be a touch and go, but that is what i would argue. you definitely need to take a lawyer with you.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Paraphrase the below question and answer pair in 3 different ways.\n",
+ "Try not to repeat the verb for each pair to maximize diversity.\n",
+ "Return everything in an array of JSON object in this format: ######{\"_question\":\"string\", \"_answer\":\"string\"}\n",
+ "Seperate each pair with \"######\" rather than commas.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"how can i downgrade from eb-2 to eb-3 and consequences . i have i-140 approved in eb2, priority date is 2010. when date become current for eb3, i want to downgrade from eb2 to eb3 (i know i have to only refile i-140 and i-485 concurrent). what will happen if uscis denied newly filed i-140 (eb3)? can i-485 also denied? if newly filed i-140 (eb3) denied, can i used my previously approved i-140 (eb2)?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"if we have an eb-2 approved i-140 we apply for an eb-3 approval on the same form or you can file eb-3 i-140 and i-485 concurrently if the dates are current. if you file a i-485 that is prematurely filed when the priority date of eb-2 is not current, if eb-3 is denied on which basis you had filed the i-485 then the i-485 will also be denied. i would want your lawyers to review your case very carefully. make sure that you don't have any other issues. if the second eb-3 filing gets denied it should not have any impact on the already approved i-140 unless the second filing reveals some problem with the case that was not addressed earlier.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "def encode_prompt_QA(prompts=prompts, QA_list=[]):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Encode multiple prompt instructions into a single string.\"\"\"\n",
+ " listof_prompt_QA = []\n",
+ " for idx, task_dict in enumerate(QA_list):\n",
+ " single_prompt_QA = prompts+\"\\n\"\n",
+ " (question, answer) = task_dict[\"Question\"], task_dict[\"Answer\"]\n",
+ " question = re.sub(r\"\\s+\", \" \", question).strip().rstrip(\":\")\n",
+ " answer = \"\" if answer.lower() == \"\" else answer\n",
+ " single_prompt_QA += f\"######\\n\"\n",
+ " single_prompt_QA += \"{\"\n",
+ " single_prompt_QA += f\"\\\"_question\\\": \\\"{question}\\\",\\n\"\n",
+ " single_prompt_QA += f\"\\\"_answer\\\": \\\"{answer}\\\"\"\n",
+ " single_prompt_QA += \"}\"\n",
+ " # single_prompt_QA += f\"###\\n\"\n",
+ " listof_prompt_QA.append(single_prompt_QA)\n",
+ " return listof_prompt_QA\n",
+ "\n",
+ "qaa_list_encoded = encode_prompt_QA(prompts, qaa_list)\n",
+ "print(\"len(qaa_list_encoded): \", len(qaa_list_encoded))\n",
+ "for id, qa in enumerate(qaa_list_encoded[:10]):\n",
+ " print(qa)\n",
+ " print(\"\\n\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "011cb89e-9a46-41c4-90fc-1c28f021579f",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Generate synthetic data with low temparature"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "id": "39e8c494-c5a1-41c3-9830-94903bdef3f5",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "qaa_augmented_raw = []"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "id": "898c89a3-9bc4-4f26-9057-5edb2ca59ac3",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I initiate the green card process if my employer has filed my H-1B and it is selected in the lottery?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can initiate the green card process at any time, even before you join. To find out the salary figures by county and profession, you can review this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If my employer has submitted my H-1B and it is picked in the lottery, can I start the green card process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can begin the green card process at any point, even before you join. To view the salary figures by county and profession, you can check out this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If my employer has filed my H-1B and it is chosen in the lottery, can I initiate the green card process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can initiate the green card process at any time, even before you join. To find out the salary figures by county and profession, you can look at this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the eligibility and process for porting from EB-3 to EB-2 for a pending I-485? Does it require a new I-485 application or just a letter to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can always move up or down in classification as long as your PERM was filed as an EB-2. If you filed your PERM as an EB-3, you won't be able to upgrade to EB-2. However, if your PERM was filed as an EB-2, you can downgrade your I-140 to EB-3. You can go back and upgrade to EB-2 if you already have an EB-2 approval. You can file a downgrade second case as EB-3 with the same PERM. For more information, please refer to the FAQs.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the requirements and steps to port from EB-3 to EB-2 for a pending I-485? Is a new I-485 application necessary or just a letter to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to move up or down in classification as long as your PERM was filed as an EB-2. If you filed your PERM as an EB-3, you won't be able to upgrade to EB-2. However, if your PERM was filed as an EB-2, you can downgrade your I-140 to EB-3. You can go back and upgrade to EB-2 if you already have an EB-2 approval. You can file a downgrade second case as EB-3 with the same PERM. For more information, please consult the FAQs.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the eligibility and procedure for porting from EB-3 to EB-2 for a pending I-485? Is a new I-485 application necessary or just a letter to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to move up or down in classification as long as your PERM was filed as an EB-2. If you filed your PERM as an EB-3, you won't be able to upgrade to EB-2. However, if your PERM was filed as an EB-2, you can downgrade your I-140 to EB-3. You can go back and upgrade to EB-2 if you already have an EB-2 approval. You can file a downgrade second case as EB-3 with the same PERM. For further information, please refer to the FAQs.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "2 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are my chances of obtaining an L1A visa? I was in the US on an H1B for 11 years until August 2019, when I transferred to Canada as a Software Development Manager, managing 5 direct reports and 4 second-level reports with the same company in both countries. I have since been promoted to Director of Software Development Projects Support and Maintenance, before completing one year as Manager. I have an approved I-140 and my priority date is July 2012. Is this the right time to apply for an EB1C in the next couple of months, when I have completed one year as Manager, or should I wait for the visa ban to end?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is best to discuss your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside the US with your lawyers. Make sure you plan for it from the beginning, as attempting to plan for it a year down the line may not be successful.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the chances of me getting an L1A visa? I was in the US on an H1B for 11 years until August 2019, when I moved to Canada as a Software Development Manager, managing 5 direct reports and 4 second-level reports with the same company in both countries. I have since been promoted to Director of Software Development Projects Support and Maintenance, before completing one year as Manager. I have an approved I-140 and my priority date is July 2012. Is now the right time to apply for an EB1C in the next couple of months, when I have finished one year as Manager, or should I wait for the visa ban to end?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is best to consult with your lawyers about your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside the US. Make sure you plan for it from the start, as attempting to plan for it a year down the line may not be successful.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the chances of me getting an L1A visa? I was in the US on an H1B for 11 years until August 2019, when I transferred to Canada as a Software Development Manager, managing 5 direct reports and 4 second-level reports with the same company in both countries. I have since been promoted to Director of Software Development Projects Support and Maintenance, before completing one year as Manager. I have an approved I-140 and my priority date is July 2012. Is this the correct time to apply for an EB1C in the next couple of months, when I have completed one year as Manager, or should I wait for the visa ban to end?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is best to discuss your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside the US with your lawyers. Make sure you plan for it from day one, as trying to plan for it a year down the line may not be successful.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Would it be beneficial for my wife and I to switch from EB-2 to EB-3 and apply for I-140 under EB-3?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It could be advantageous to apply for EB-3 and then use whichever one is quicker when the time comes.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it a good idea to switch from EB-2 to EB-3 and file for I-140 under EB-3?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It could be beneficial to apply for EB-3 and then utilize whichever one is faster when the time arrives.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Should my wife and I switch from EB-2 to EB-3 and submit an I-140 under EB-3?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It might be advantageous to apply for EB-3 and then take advantage of whichever one is quicker when the time comes.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "4 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What can I do to ensure I get a three year H-1B visa extension? I currently have a one year visa that expires on October 27th, 2019 and I work through a consultancy. Are there any documents I need to provide? What should I be aware of when I go for stamping at the port of entry? Additionally, my EB2 priority date is February 4th, 2015 and I am planning to marry a Nepal citizen who is on OPT. Can I move my priority date to the EB2 Nepal category after marriage and if so, what are the next steps?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The only way to get a three year extension is to prove that the project will last that long. You will need to provide documents to support this. When you go for stamping, be aware of what you post on social media as it can be used against you. If you marry a Nepal citizen, you can move your priority date to the EB2 Nepal category. You will need to file for an I-485 interview soon after.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What precautions should I take to get a three year H-1B visa extension? My current visa is only valid for one year and expires on October 27th, 2019. I am employed through a consultancy. Are there any documents I need to provide? What should I consider when I go for stamping at the port of entry? Additionally, my EB2 priority date is February 4th, 2015 and I am planning to marry a Nepal citizen who is on OPT. Can I transfer my priority date to the EB2 Nepal category after marriage and if so, what are the next steps?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The only way to get a three year extension is to prove that the project will last that long. You will need to provide documents to support this. When you go for stamping, be mindful of what you post on social media as it can be used against you. If you marry a Nepal citizen, you can move your priority date to the EB2 Nepal category. You will need to file for an I-485 interview soon after.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What can I do to ensure I get a three year H-1B visa extension? I have a one year visa that expires on October 27th, 2019 and I work through a consultancy. Are there any documents I need to provide? What should I be aware of when I go for stamping at the port of entry? Additionally, my EB2 priority date is February 4th, 2015 and I am planning to marry a Nepal citizen who is on OPT. Can I move my priority date to the EB2 Nepal category after marriage and if so, what are the next steps?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The only way to get a three year extension is to demonstrate that the project will last that long. You will need to provide documents to support this. When you go for stamping, be conscious of what you post on social media as it can be used against you. If you marry a Nepal citizen, you can transfer your priority date to the EB2 Nepal category. You will need to file for an I-485 interview soon after.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "5 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the possibilities for me to remain in the US after my H-1B and I-94 expire?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I don't believe you would be able to get a tourist visa or tourist status, but you can apply for it.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are my choices for staying in the US after my H-1B and I-94 have expired?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I don't think you would be able to obtain a tourist visa or tourist status, but you can try to apply for it.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the options for me to legally stay in the US after my H-1B and I-94 have expired?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I don't believe you would be able to acquire a tourist visa or tourist status, but you can attempt to apply for it.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "6 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I downgrade my case from EB-2 to EB-3 for priority date advantage while still being employed by my current employer since 2008? My green card is filled in EB-2 with an August 2010 priority date and only the I-140 has been approved so far. What is the process for filing EB-3 concurrently without affecting my existing EB-2 filing?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your EB-2 will not be affected. You can file EB-3/I-140 and if your dates are current, you can also file an I-485.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to switch my case from EB-2 to EB-3 to take advantage of the priority date while I have been with my current employer since 2008? My green card application is in EB-2 with an August 2010 priority date and only the I-140 has been approved. What is the procedure for filing EB-3 concurrently without impacting my EB-2 filing?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your EB-2 will remain unaffected. You can submit EB-3/I-140 and if your dates are current, you can also file an I-485.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I downgrade my case from EB-2 to EB-3 to gain priority date advantage while still employed by my current employer since 2008? My green card is filled in EB-2 with an August 2010 priority date and only the I-140 has been approved so far. What is the process for filing EB-3 concurrently without affecting my existing EB-2 filing?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your EB-2 will not be affected. You can file EB-3/I-140 and if your dates are current, you can also submit an I-485.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "7 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the procedure if I have an approved EB-2 and I want to apply for EB-3, but the EB-3 dates have moved forward and are now ahead of my priority date? Will I still be eligible for EB-3 or do I need to downgrade to EB-3? Will there be any questions raised?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is largely a matter of policy and procedure. The USCIS has indicated that if you have only one I-140 approved under EB-2 but you want to file under EB-3, you must submit another I-140 using the same labor certification and PERM application and get an EB-3 approval first.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have an EB-2 approval and I am now applying for EB-3, but the EB-3 dates have progressed past my priority date, am I still eligible for EB-3 or do I need to downgrade? Will there be any queries raised?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is mainly an issue of policy and procedure. The USCIS has stated that if you have only one I-140 approved under EB-2 but you wish to file under EB-3, you must submit another I-140 using the same labor certification and PERM application and get an EB-3 approval first.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have an EB-2 approval and I am now applying for EB-3, but the EB-3 dates have advanced beyond my priority date, am I still eligible for EB-3 or do I need to downgrade? Will there be any questions asked?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is mainly a question of policy and procedure. The USCIS has indicated that if you have only one I-140 approved under EB-2 but you want to file under EB-3, you must submit another I-140 using the same labor certification and PERM application and get an EB-3 approval first.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "8 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the implications of not working for the green card sponsoring company after receiving the green card? Is there a chance of deportation if I don't stay with the employer that sponsored my green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is a difficult situation. I would suggest that it should be alright since you took the job after you got the green card and are just working for the company's operations outside the US temporarily. It is a risky situation, so it is best to consult a lawyer.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the risks of not working for the green card sponsoring company after obtaining the green card? Could I be deported if I don't remain with the employer that sponsored my green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is a tricky situation. I would argue that it should be okay since you accepted the job after you got the green card and are just working for the company's operations outside the US temporarily. It is a risky situation, so it is best to seek legal advice.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the consequences of not working for the green card sponsoring company after getting the green card? Is there a possibility of deportation if I don't stay with the employer that sponsored my green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is a difficult situation. I would suggest that it should be alright since you took the job after you got the green card and are just working for the company's operations outside the US temporarily. It is a risky situation, so it is best to consult a lawyer.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "9 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What will happen if I attempt to downgrade from EB-2 to EB-3 and my newly filed I-140 is denied? Can I use my previously approved I-140 (EB-2)?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you file an I-485 prematurely when the priority date of EB-2 is not current and the EB-3 filing is denied, the I-485 will also be denied. It is important to have your lawyer review your case carefully to ensure there are no other issues. If the second EB-3 filing is denied, it should not have any impact on the already approved I-140 unless the second filing reveals some problem with the case that was not addressed earlier.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What will be the outcome if I try to downgrade from EB-2 to EB-3 and my new I-140 is rejected? Can I still use my approved I-140 (EB-2)?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you submit an I-485 before the priority date of EB-2 is current and the EB-3 filing is denied, the I-485 will also be denied. It is important to have your lawyer carefully review your case to make sure there are no other issues. If the second EB-3 filing is rejected, it should not affect the already approved I-140 unless the second filing reveals some problem with the case that was not addressed earlier.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What will happen if I try to downgrade from EB-2 to EB-3 and my new I-140 is not accepted? Can I still use my previously approved I-140 (EB-2)?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you file an I-485 prematurely when the priority date of EB-2 is not current and the EB-3 filing is denied, the I-485 will also be denied. It is important to have your lawyer thoroughly examine your case to make sure there are no other issues. If the second EB-3 filing is not accepted, it should not have any impact on the already approved I-140 unless the second filing reveals some problem with the case that was not addressed earlier.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "10 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What do I need to do to get an EB-2 green card with a master's degree?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You must attend an accredited university in the US to obtain a master's degree in order to be eligible for an EB-2 green card. The US Department of Education has a list of state-level agencies who can accredit programs, and your university should be able to tell you who has accredited them or their programs.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What qualifications do I need to meet to be eligible for an EB-2 green card?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"To be eligible for an EB-2 green card, you must attend an accredited university in the US to obtain a master's degree. The US Department of Education has a list of state-level agencies who can accredit programs, and your university should be able to tell you who has certified them or their programs.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"How can I get an EB-2 green card with a master's degree?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In order to get an EB-2 green card with a master's degree, you must attend an accredited university in the US. The US Department of Education has a list of state-level agencies who can accredit programs, and your university should be able to tell you who has validated them or their programs.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "11 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to initiate a green card application while on F-1 status? I am currently on F1 OPT and working for Employer A. My Employer A has filed an H1B for me this year and I am waiting for the approval. Can my employer start the green card process while I am on F1 status?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For individuals from countries where priority dates are extremely delayed, such as India, China, Philippines, and Mexico, it is not recommended to initiate a green card application while on F-1 status. This is because F-1 status does not permit dual intent, whereas statuses like H-1, H-4, L-1, L-2, and O-1 do. If one files for a green card while on a status that does not permit dual intent, they may have difficulty getting extensions, visa stamping, or re-entry into the US. However, for those from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal, or Europe, where priority dates are not delayed, it may be possible to complete the green card process within a year under the EB-1, EB-2, or EB-3 categories.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I begin the green card process while on F-1 status? I am currently on F1 OPT and working for Employer A. My Employer A has filed an H1B for me this year and I am waiting for the approval. Is it possible for my employer to start the green card process while I am on F1 status?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For individuals from countries where priority dates are significantly delayed, such as India, China, Philippines, and Mexico, it is not recommended to start a green card application while on F-1 status. This is because F-1 status does not allow dual intent, whereas statuses like H-1, H-4, L-1, L-2, and O-1 do. If one files for a green card while on a status that does not allow dual intent, they may have difficulty getting extensions, visa stamping, or re-entry into the US. However, for those from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal, or Europe, where priority dates are not delayed, it may be possible to complete the green card process within a year under the EB-1, EB-2, or EB-3 categories.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it feasible to initiate a green card application while on F-1 status? I am currently on F1 OPT and working for Employer A. My Employer A has filed an H1B for me this year and I am waiting for the approval. Can my employer initiate the green card process while I am on F1 status?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For individuals from countries where priority dates are significantly delayed, such as India, China, Philippines, and Mexico, it is not recommended to initiate a green card application while on F-1 status. This is because F-1 status does not permit dual intent, whereas statuses like H-1, H-4, L-1, L-2, and O-1 do. If one files for a green card while on a status that does not permit dual intent, they may have difficulty getting extensions, visa stamping, or re-entry into the US. However, for those from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal, or Europe, where priority dates are not delayed, it may be possible to complete the green card process within a year under the EB-1, EB-2, or EB-3 categories.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "12 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to submit multiple green card applications at the same time? What are the potential consequences? My employer has already filed for my green card in the EB-2 category and the I-140 has been approved with a priority date of 2013. Can I try to apply for an EB-1 green card on my own? If the EB-1 application is not approved, will it have an impact on my EB-2 green card? Should the job description be the same for both the EB-1 and EB-2 applications? What are the possible issues that may arise?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can file green cards through multiple categories such as employment, family, or investment. As long as the applications are submitted honestly, any number of green cards can be filed. If the EB-1 application is not approved, it will not have an effect on the EB-2 green card. The job description does not need to be the same for both applications, however, it is recommended to be consistent. Possible issues that may arise include delays in processing or denial of the application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I submit multiple green card applications at the same time? What could be the repercussions? My employer has already filed a green card application for me in the EB-2 category and the I-140 has been approved with a priority date of 2013. Can I attempt to apply for an EB-1 green card on my own? If the EB-1 application is not successful, will it affect my EB-2 green card? Should the job description be the same for both the EB-1 and EB-2 applications? What potential problems may arise?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can file green cards through multiple categories such as employment, family, or investment. As long as the applications are submitted honestly, any number of green cards can be filed. If the EB-1 application is not approved, it will not have an effect on the EB-2 green card. The job description does not need to be the same for both applications, however, it is recommended to be consistent. Possible issues that may occur include delays in processing or denial of the application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to submit multiple green card applications at the same time? What could be the consequences? My employer has already filed for my green card in the EB-2 category and the I-140 has been approved with a priority date of 2013. Can I try to apply for an EB-1 green card on my own? If the EB-1 application is not accepted, will it have an effect on my EB-2 green card? Should the job description be the same for both the EB-1 and EB-2 applications? What are the possible issues that may arise?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can file green cards through multiple categories such as employment, family, or investment. As long as the applications are submitted honestly, any number of green cards can be filed. If the EB-1 application is not accepted, it will not have an effect on the EB-2 green card. The job description does not need to be the same for both applications, however, it is recommended to be consistent. Possible issues that may come up include delays in processing or denial of the application.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "13 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch employers while my NIW application is in process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can change employers at any point if you are a self-applicant and will remain in the same field of national interest. However, the NIW priority date will take the same amount of time as a regular EB-2 application. See: http://www.immigration.com/visa-bulletin under Employment-Based Category 2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the processing times for NIW?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you are a self-applicant and will stay in the same area of national interest, you can switch employers at any time. The NIW priority date will take the same amount of time as a regular EB-2 application. See: http://www.immigration.com/visa-bulletin under Employment-Based Category 2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I change employers while my NIW application is being processed?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you are a self-applicant and will stay in the same field of national interest, you can switch employers whenever you want. However, the NIW priority date will take the same amount of time as a regular EB-2 application. See: http://www.immigration.com/visa-bulletin under Employment-Based Category 2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "14 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"regarding form g-884 (returns of original documents) . i got i-140 approved and also got ead with eb2 category in april 2012. i need to change my employer but my employer did not give me my green card paper like i-140 approval copy, labor code etc. i have only receipt copy of i-140 and i-485. i heard about uscis form g-884 (returns of original documents) which use to get all green card documents from uscis. i have following questions to ask you. based on g-884, can i obtain my all green card documents from uscis without knowing my employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"form g-884 is used to request the return of documents you had sent to uscis (e.g., your collegedegrees and diplomas). use foia for the purpose you are considering.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"regarding form g-884 (returns of original documents) . i got i-140 approved and also got ead with eb2 category in april 2012. i need to change my employer but my employer did not give me my green card paper like i-140 approval copy, labor code etc. i have only receipt copy of i-140 and i-485. i heard about uscis form g-884 (returns of original documents) which use to get all green card documents from uscis. i have following questions to ask you. based on g-884, can i retrieve my all green card documents from uscis without knowing my employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"form g-884 is used to request the return of documents you had sent to uscis (e.g., your collegedegrees and diplomas). use foia for the purpose you are considering.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"regarding form g-884 (returns of original documents) . i got i-140 approved and also got ead with eb2 category in april 2012. i need to change my employer but my employer did not give me my green card paper like i-140 approval copy, labor code etc. i have only receipt copy of i-140 and i-485. i heard about uscis form g-884 (returns of original documents) which use to get all green card documents from uscis. i have following questions to ask you. based on g-884, can i acquire my all green card documents from uscis without knowing my employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"form g-884 is used to request the return of documents you had sent to uscis (e.g., your collegedegrees and diplomas). use foia for the purpose you are considering.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "15 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I submit an adjustment of status application if my 'schedule a' application falls into the EB-2 or employment based second preference category?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can submit an adjustment of status application concurrently with the form I-140 if your priority date for EB-2 is not backlogged.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to file for adjustment of status if my 'schedule a' application is in the EB-2 or employment based second preference category?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can file for adjustment of status simultaneously with the form I-140 if your priority date for EB-2 is up to date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I submit an adjustment of status application if my 'schedule a' application is in the EB-2 or employment based second preference category?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can submit an adjustment of status application concurrently with the form I-140 provided that your priority date for EB-2 is not backlogged.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "16 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the status of Obama's immigration action regarding I-140 stage? I am on an H-1B visa and my I-140 has been approved in the EB-2 category, but I am still waiting for the dates to become current. Will I be given an EAD or any other form of documentation due to the executive action?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I have heard that there is a proposal to allow filing of I-485 at the I-140 stage, without waiting for priority dates to be current. This, if implemented, would grant you an EAD as well as the right to change jobs under AC21. Unfortunately, there is no clear indication about this proposal in any government document yet.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the status of Obama's immigration action for those at the I-140 stage? I am on an H-1B visa and my I-140 has been approved in the EB-2 category, but I am still waiting for the dates to become current. Will I receive an EAD or any other form of documentation due to the executive action?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I have heard that there is a proposal to allow filing of I-485 at the I-140 stage, without waiting for priority dates to be current. This, if implemented, would give you an EAD as well as the right to change jobs under AC21. Unfortunately, there is no clear indication about this proposal in any government document up to this point.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the status of Obama's immigration action for those at the I-140 stage? I am on an H-1B visa and my I-140 has been approved in the EB-2 category, but I am still waiting for the dates to become current. Will I be given an EAD or any other form of documentation due to the executive action?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I have heard that there is a proposal to allow filing of I-485 at the I-140 stage, without waiting for priority dates to be current. This, if implemented, would provide you an EAD as well as the right to change jobs under AC21. Unfortunately, there is no clear indication about this proposal in any government document as of now.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "17 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the options for expediting a background check for an EB-2 with a priority date of June 2008 and an I-485 application filed in January 2012?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"see the marked clip below from rajiv's video recording for the answer to this question.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=uum4s1qwos\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What can be done to speed up the background check process for an EB-2 with a priority date of June 2008 and an I-485 application filed in January 2012?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"see the marked clip below from rajiv's video recording for the answer to this question.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=uum4s1qwos\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What steps can be taken to hasten the background check for an EB-2 with a priority date of June 2008 and an I-485 application filed in January 2012?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"see the marked clip below from rajiv's video recording for the answer to this question.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=uum4s1qwos\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "18 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my current employer's experience in India while filing for a PERM?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can use the experience gained with an employer who has a tax id number other than your petitioning employer.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I include my Indian experience with my current employer while filing for a PERM?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can use the experience gained with an employer who has a different tax id number than your petitioning employer.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my Indian experience with my current employer for the PERM application?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can utilize the experience gained with an employer who has a different tax id number than your petitioning employer.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "19 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have two bachelor's degrees from US universities. A 3-year bachelor degree in science and a 2-year bachelor's degree in engineering. Am I eligible for an EB-2 visa with this? In the event that I do not qualify for EB-2, should I wait another year to apply for EB-2 or should I just file for EB-3 now? Additionally, do internships count when calculating the number of years of work after school?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Internships are taken into account when calculating experience. You must first have your degrees evaluated under AACRAO EDGE standards.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have two bachelor's degrees from US universities. A 3-year bachelor degree in science and a 2-year bachelor's degree in engineering. Can I be considered for an EB-2 visa with this? If I am not eligible for EB-2, should I wait another year to submit an EB-2 application or should I just file for EB-3 now? Also, do internships count when determining the number of years of work after school?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Internships are included when determining experience. You must first have your degrees evaluated under AACRAO EDGE standards.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have two bachelor's degrees from US universities. A 3-year bachelor degree in science and a 2-year bachelor's degree in engineering. Am I qualified for an EB-2 visa with this? In the event that I do not qualify for EB-2, should I wait another year to apply for EB-2 or should I just file for EB-3 now? Also, do internships count when calculating the number of years of work after school?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Internships are taken into account when calculating experience. You must first have your degrees evaluated under AACRAO EDGE standards.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "20 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the timeline for applying for a green card if I am an L1-A visa holder with 14 years of IT experience and have been in a managerial role for the past 3 years? I manage a team of 30 people located in Chennai, Shanghai, and San Jose. Can I choose between EB-1 and EB-2? Do I need a Bachelor's or Master's degree to apply for a green card? Can I apply for the green card myself or do I need to go through my employer?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can apply for green card without any wait. Yes, but EB-1 is a gazillion times faster for indian-born people. Degree is not a requirement for international managers/execs. Your employer needs to apply.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the timeline for initiating the green card process if I am an L1-A visa holder with 14 years of IT experience and have been in a managerial role for the past 3 years? I manage a team of 30 people located in Chennai, Shanghai, and San Jose. Do I have the option to select between EB-1 and EB-2? Is a Bachelor's or Master's degree necessary to apply for a green card? Can I apply for the green card independently or do I need to go through my employer?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can start the green card process without any wait. Yes, but EB-1 is a gazillion times faster for indian-born people. Degree is not a requirement for international managers/execs. Your employer needs to apply.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the timeline for beginning the green card process if I am an L1-A visa holder with 14 years of IT experience and have been in a managerial role for the past 3 years? I manage a team of 30 people located in Chennai, Shanghai, and San Jose. Do I have the choice of EB-1 or EB-2? Is a Bachelor's or Master's degree required to apply for a green card? Can I apply for the green card on my own or do I need to go through my employer?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can commence the green card process without any wait. Yes, but EB-1 is a gazillion times faster for indian-born people. Degree is not a requirement for international managers/execs. Your employer needs to apply.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "21 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will I be eligible for an EB-2 visa if I have a three year bachelor's degree from India and 16 years of experience in the US, and I am currently in the process of applying for an EB-3 visa with a priority date of 10/2006? If I pursue a master's degree here, either online or through an executive program, will I qualify for EB-2 without needing to demonstrate progressive experience since obtaining the master's degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If the master's degree is accredited, you should not need to have any post-master's experience in order to be eligible for EB-2. There may be some issues with the 3+2 pattern of education, but an accredited master's should resolve them.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a three year bachelor's degree from India and 16 years of experience in the US. I am currently in the process of applying for an EB-3 visa with a priority date of 10/2006. If I get a master's degree here, either online or through an executive program, will I be eligible for an EB-2 visa without needing to demonstrate progressive experience since obtaining the master's degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If the master's degree is accredited, you should not need to have any post-master's experience in order to qualify for EB-2. There may be some issues with the 3+2 pattern of education, but an accredited master's should resolve them.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "22 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I'm on a J-1 visa and still have four years left. I'm considering applying for an EB2-NIW. Will I have any issues travelling if I don't get the EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There is a chance that having exhibited immigrant intent could lead to problems with your J-1 visa. It is not certain, but the risk is there.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I'm currently on a J-1 visa and have four more years left. I'm thinking of submitting an EB2-NIW application. What are the chances of having trouble travelling if I don't get the EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There is a possibility that not receiving the EB2 could lead to issues with your J-1 visa due to exhibiting immigrant intent. It is not definite, but the possibility is there.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I'm on a J-1 visa and have four more years on it. I'm considering applying for an EB2-NIW. Could I have problems travelling if I don't get the EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There is a potential for difficulties with your J-1 visa due to exhibiting immigrant intent. It is not certain, but the risk is present.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "23 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB-2 visa if I'm a veterinary assistant from Bulgaria with a master's degree in veterinary medicine?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In order to be eligible for an EB-2 visa, you must have a degree that is equivalent to a U.S. advanced degree and the job must require an advanced degree or equivalent experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get an EB-2 visa if I'm a veterinary assistant from Bulgaria with a master's degree in veterinary medicine?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In order to be eligible for an EB-2 visa, you must meet two criteria: 1. Your degree must be equal to a U.S. advanced degree (a credentials evaluation service must assess that under proper standards); and 2. The job must require an advanced degree or equivalent experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I'm a veterinary assistant from Bulgaria with a master's degree in veterinary medicine, am I eligible for an EB-2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In order to be considered for an EB-2 visa, two conditions must be fulfilled: 1. Your degree must be equivalent to a U.S. advanced degree (a credentials evaluation service must assess that under proper standards); and 2. The job must necessitate an advanced degree or equivalent experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "24 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the best way to reach out to the USCIS Service Centers to inform them that a priority date is current, an EB case has been upgraded from EB-3 to EB-2, or dependents have been separated from the principal applicant's petition?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Send an email to the Nebraska Service Center at ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov or the Texas Service Center at tsc.ncscfollowup@uscis.dhs.gov. Make sure to include the case number and A# of the beneficiary(s). If applicable, attach scans of any notices for the USCIS to reference.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the best way to notify the USCIS Service Centers that a priority date is current, an EB case has been upgraded from EB-3 to EB-2, or dependents have been separated from the principal applicant's petition?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Send an email to the Nebraska Service Center at ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov or the Texas Service Center at tsc.ncscfollowup@uscis.dhs.gov. Make sure to include the case number and A# of the beneficiary(s). If applicable, attach scans of any notices for the USCIS to review.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the best way to communicate with the USCIS Service Centers to inform them that a priority date is current, an EB case has been upgraded from EB-3 to EB-2, or dependents have been separated from the principal applicant's petition?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Send an email to the Nebraska Service Center at ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov or the Texas Service Center at tsc.ncscfollowup@uscis.dhs.gov. Make sure to include the case number and A# of the beneficiary(s). If applicable, attach scans of any notices for the USCIS to examine.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "25 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it necessary for a beneficiary petitioned for a green card under EB-2 classification to have a degree from an accredited US university?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, a beneficiary must possess a degree from an accredited university in order to be eligible for a green card under EB-2 classification. Evidence such as SEVIS certification or state board approval, which confirm that the university is a legitimate educational institution, is not sufficient to show accreditation for green card purposes. To determine a university's accreditation status, please visit the following website: http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/ Additionally, you may watch this video prepared by Mr. Khanna, 'Accreditation of Distance Education for EB-2' and read the transcript: http://www.immigration.com/media/eb2-green-card/accreditation-distance-\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do beneficiaries petitioned for a green card under EB-2 classification need to have a degree from an accredited US university?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, a degree from an accredited university is required for a beneficiary to be eligible for a green card under EB-2 classification. Evidence such as SEVIS certification or state board approval, which confirm that the university is a legitimate educational institution, is not enough to prove accreditation for green card purposes. To find out a university's accreditation status, please visit the following website: http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/ Additionally, you may watch this video prepared by Mr. Khanna, 'Accreditation of Distance Education for EB-2' and read the transcript: http://www.immigration.com/media/eb2-green-card/accreditation-distance-\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it a requirement for a beneficiary petitioned for a green card under EB-2 classification to have a degree from an accredited US university?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, a beneficiary must have a degree from an accredited university to be eligible for a green card under EB-2 classification. Evidence such as SEVIS certification or state board approval, which confirm that the university is a legitimate educational institution, is not enough to demonstrate accreditation for green card purposes. To determine a university's accreditation status, please visit the following website: http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/ Additionally, you may watch this video prepared by Mr. Khanna, 'Accreditation of Distance Education for EB-2' and read the transcript: http://www.immigration.com/media/eb2-green-card/accreditation-distance-\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "26 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Did I finish my master's degree in one year? I have a master's degree in science and I have been given the final degree certificate by the university, but I completed the normal 2 year program in just 1 year. Will USCIS consider my M.Sc degree incomplete?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is where the evaluators come in. We have had problems with USCIS in these scenarios. Evaluation done through the EDGE database should be enough to convince USCIS.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Did I finish my master's degree in one year? I have a master's degree in science and I have been presented the final degree certificate by the university, but I completed the regular 2 year program in just 1 year. Will USCIS view my M.Sc degree as incomplete?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is where the evaluators come into play. We have had issues with USCIS in these cases. Evaluation done through the EDGE database should be enough to persuade USCIS.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Did I complete my master's degree in one year? I have a master's degree in science and I have been given the final degree certificate by the university, but I finished the regular 2 year program in just 1 year. Will USCIS see my M.Sc degree as incomplete?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is where the evaluators come in. We have had difficulties with USCIS in these situations. Evaluation done through the EDGE database should be enough to convince USCIS.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "27 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What qualifications are necessary for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In June 2007, the USCIS clarified what is considered to be equivalent to a U.S. master's degree for employment-based category 2. Generally, a U.S. master's degree is required, but a four-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree (India) in the same or related fields, or a three-year bachelor's degree plus three-year master's degree (India) in the same or related fields, may be accepted. Additionally, a three-year bachelor's degree plus one-year postgraduate diploma plus two-year master's degree (India) in the same or similar field may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Furthermore, a three-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree (India) may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Lastly, a three-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree plus one-year postgraduate diploma (India) may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Documentation such as an official academic record and letters from employers showing five years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the specialty must be included in the petition.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What credentials are needed for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In June 2007, the USCIS clarified what is considered to be equivalent to a U.S. master's degree for employment-based category 2. Generally, a U.S. master's degree is necessary, but a four-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree (India) in the same or related fields, or a three-year bachelor's degree plus three-year master's degree (India) in the same or related fields, may be accepted. Additionally, a three-year bachelor's degree plus one-year postgraduate diploma plus two-year master's degree (India) in the same or similar field may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Furthermore, a three-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree (India) may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Lastly, a three-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree plus one-year postgraduate diploma (India) may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Supporting documents such as an official academic record and letters from employers showing five years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the specialty must be included in the petition.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What educational qualifications are necessary for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In June 2007, the USCIS clarified what is considered to be equivalent to a U.S. master's degree for employment-based category 2. Generally, a U.S. master's degree is required, but a four-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree (India) in the same or related fields, or a three-year bachelor's degree plus three-year master's degree (India) in the same or related fields, may be accepted. Additionally, a three-year bachelor's degree plus one-year postgraduate diploma plus two-year master's degree (India) in the same or similar field may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Furthermore, a three-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree (India) may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Lastly, a three-year bachelor's degree plus two-year master's degree plus one-year postgraduate diploma (India) may be accepted, but five years of progressive experience is also required. Supporting documents such as an official academic record and letters from employers showing five years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the specialty must be submitted with the petition.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "28 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to qualify for EB-2 with a diploma, AMIE, and M.Tech, and 7 years of experience post M.Tech from a previous employer and 5 years from the current employer, even though the job requirements state a Bachelor's in engineering and 5 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The AMIE is uncertain. I remember a decision from the AAO that said they would not recognize it, but a more recent decision was more ambiguous. Nonetheless, I think an EB-2 should be attempted. The M.Tech should help.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I meet the criteria for EB-2 if I have a diploma, AMIE, and M.Tech, plus 7 years of experience post M.Tech from a prior job and 5 years from the current job, even though the job requirements state a Bachelor's in engineering and 5 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The AMIE is questionable. I recall an AAO decision that said they would not accept it, but a more recent decision was more uncertain. Nevertheless, I think an EB-2 should be attempted. The M.Tech should be beneficial.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB-2 if I have a diploma, AMIE, and M.Tech, and 7 years of experience post M.Tech from a prior job and 5 years from the current job, even though the job requirements state a Bachelor's in engineering and 5 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The AMIE is uncertain. I remember an AAO decision that said they would not accept it, but a more recent decision was more vague. Nonetheless, I think an EB-2 should be attempted. The M.Tech should be advantageous.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "29 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB-2 considering I have a 4 year bachelor's degree from India and 7 years of experience? My company has applied for a green card in EB-3 and my I-140 is approved with a priority date of September 2010. The company name has changed and they are saying the process needs to be restarted from the PERM, but I can keep my same priority date. The lawyers said no, as my job description states a bachelor's degree and 3 or 5 years of experience. They argued that the USCIS will deny the application as the job can be done by someone with 3 years of experience. Is this true?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Take note of these points. First, a change in the employer's name does not necessitate restarting the green card process. Second, if the sponsoring employer ceases operations, the USCIS can take away your priority date. Lastly, the job must require 5 years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB-2 with my 4 year bachelor's degree from India and 7 years of experience? My company has already applied for a green card in EB-3 and my I-140 has been approved with a priority date of September 2010. The company name has changed and they are saying the process must start from the PERM again, but I can keep my same priority date. The lawyers said no, as my job description states a bachelor's degree and 3 or 5 years of experience. They argued that the USCIS will deny the application as the job can be done by someone with 3 years of experience. Is this accurate?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Remember these points. First, a change in the employer's name does not necessitate restarting the green card process. Second, if the sponsoring employer ceases operations, the USCIS can take away your priority date. Lastly, the job must require 5 years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB-2 with my 4 year bachelor's degree from India and 7 years of experience? My company has already applied for a green card in EB-3 and my I-140 has been approved with a priority date of September 2010. The company name has changed and they are saying the process must be restarted from the PERM, but I can keep my same priority date. The lawyers said no, as my job description states a bachelor's degree and 3 or 5 years of experience. They argued that the USCIS will deny the application as the job can be done by someone with 3 years of experience. Is this true?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Keep in mind these points. First, a mere name change of the employer does not require that green card be started all over again. Second, if the sponsoring employer stops business operations, the USCIS can take away your priority date. Lastly, the job must require 5 year's experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "30 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I restart the green card process under the EB-2 category if I have a Bachelor's degree from India and 8 years of work experience in the US? My labor was filed in EB-3 and my priority date is October 2003. I received my EAD in 2007.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to restart the green card process under the EB-2 category if you have over 5 years of experience after a 4-year degree. This would involve redoing the PERM and I-140 for an EB-2 level job and porting your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a Bachelor's degree from India and 8 years of work experience in the US. My labor was filed in EB-3 and my priority date is October 2003. I received my EAD in 2007. Am I eligible to restart the green card process under the EB-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you have more than 5 years of experience after a 4-year degree, you may be able to restart the green card process under the EB-2 category and port your priority date. This would involve submitting a new PERM and I-140 for an EB-2 level job.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a Bachelor's degree from India and 8 years of work experience in the US. My labor was filed in EB-3 and my priority date is October 2003. I received my EAD in 2007. Is it possible to restart the green card process under the EB-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you have more than 5 years of experience after a 4-year degree, you may be able to restart the green card process under the EB-2 category and port your priority date. This would involve filing a new PERM and I-140 for an EB-2 level job.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "31 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can you bypass the requirement for perm if you apply for eb-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to avoid the perm requirement if you are eligible for a national interest waiver under the eb-2 category.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to get around the perm requirement by using the eb-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You may be able to sidestep the perm requirement if you qualify for a national interest waiver under the eb-2 category.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can one evade the perm requirement by applying through the eb-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to circumvent the perm requirement if you are eligible for a national interest waiver under the eb-2 category.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "32 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the most likely way to get an EB-2 application approved quickly? Is it through the master's equivalency (evaluating a bachelor's degree to be equivalent to a master's) or with five years of progressive experience? I know someone who was approved through the master's equivalency, and they didn't even have five years of experience. Does it depend on the employer's ability to provide documents or the lawyer's attention to detail?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It all starts with the lawyer. Make sure your attorney is thorough and plan for any possible outcome they can think of. The job must be accurately described.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the most probable way to get an EB-2 application accepted quickly? Is it the master's equivalency (evaluating a bachelor's degree to be equal to a master's) or five years of progressive experience? I know someone who was accepted through the master's equivalency, and they didn't even have five years of experience. Does it rely on the employer's capability to provide documents or the lawyer's precision with the details to be submitted to the USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It all begins with the lawyers. So, make sure your counsel is precise and plan for every potential outcome they can think of. The job has to be described accurately.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the most likely way to get an EB-2 application approved quickly? Is it through the master's equivalency (evaluating a bachelor's degree to be equivalent to a master's) or with five years of progressive experience? I know someone who was approved through the master's equivalency, and they didn't even have five years of experience. Does it depend on the employer's ability to provide documents or the lawyer's attention to detail?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It all starts with the lawyer. Make sure your attorney is meticulous and plan for any possible result they can think of. The job must be described truthfully.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "33 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an EB-2 visa with the same employer if I have more than 10 years of experience, including the experience with the current employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can, provided the job offered is more than 50% different than the job you were performing so far with the same employer.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to apply for an EB-2 visa with the same employer if I have more than 10 years of experience, including the experience with the current employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can do so, as long as the job offered is more than 50% different than the job you were performing so far with the same employer.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have an EB-3 visa with the same employer and more than 10 years of experience, including the experience with the current employer, can I apply for an EB-2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can, if the job offered is more than 50% different than the job you were performing so far with the same employer.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "34 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I be qualified for an EB-2 visa? I have been a professor at a major US university for only 9 months (on an H1B visa). I have a physician and PhD degree, 16 years of professional experience in Europe, and have published 20 papers and one book. Is it too early to apply for an EB green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You are eligible for an EB-2 visa and should apply as soon as possible. Professorial jobs can reuse existing advertisements if they filepermwithin 18 months of when the job was offered to them. You should also have your resume evaluated for a potential simultaneous EB1 application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for an EB-2 visa? I have been a professor at a major US university for only 9 months (on an H1B visa). I have a physician and PhD degree, 16 years of professional experience in Europe, and have published 20 papers and one book. Is it too soon to apply for an EB green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You are certainly eligible for an EB-2 visa and should submit your application as soon as possible. Professorial jobs can reuse existing advertisements if they filepermwithin 18 months of when the job was offered to them. You should also have your resume assessed for a possible simultaneous EB1 application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for an EB-2 visa? I have been a professor at a major US university for only 9 months (on an H1B visa). I have a physician and PhD degree, 16 years of professional experience in Europe, and have published 20 papers and one book. Is it too early to apply for an EB green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You are eligible for an EB-2 visa and should submit your application promptly. Professorial jobs can reuse existing advertisements if they filepermwithin 18 months of when the job was offered to them. You should also have your resume examined for a potential simultaneous EB1 application.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "35 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"am i eligible for eb-2 ? i completed a 3 year bachelor of computer science degree from india in june 2005. then i started a master of computer applications program (m.c.a) in india in aug 2005 (3 year program). while still in the masters program, i began a full time job in a software company in jan 2006. i earned my master of computer applications(3 year degree)in 2008, and worked with the same company in a full time job until dec 2010 (5 years). after that, i moved to the US and have been employed with a US based company for 7 months as a full time employee (total experience 5 years 7 months). am i eligible for eb-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"yes, you are eligible.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"do i meet the requirements for eb-2 ? i acquired a 3 year bachelor of computer science degree from india in june 2005. then i began a master of computer applications program (m.c.a) in india in aug 2005 (3 year program). while still studying for my masters, i started a full time job in a software company in jan 2006. i was awarded my master of computer applications(3 year degree)in 2008, and worked with the same company in a full time job until dec 2010 (5 years). after that, i moved to the US and have been employed with a US based company for 7 months as a full time employee (total experience 5 years 7 months). do i meet the requirements for eb-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"you fulfill the requirements.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "36 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the chances of getting an EB2 visa with my qualifications? I have a B.Sc. from Israel from 2006, and in 2002 I started a M.Sc. while working as a QA Engineer for 1.5 years. I stopped my M.Sc. and joined the company I'm currently working for. After 3 years I was relocated to the US and have been here for 4 years. My company's law firm has suggested I apply for an EB3 visa. What are my chances of getting an EB2 visa with my B.Sc. from Israel, 1.5 years of QA experience in Israel, 3 years of development in Israel, and 4 years of development in the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your degree must be equivalent to a US Bachelor's degree in order to be eligible for an EB2 visa. Incomplete degrees are not considered.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the odds of getting an EB2 visa with my background? I earned my B.Sc. from Israel in 2006, and in 2002 I began a M.Sc. while also working as a QA Engineer for 1.5 years. I ended my M.Sc. and joined the company I'm currently employed with. After 3 years I was transferred to the US and have been here for 4 years. My company's law firm has recommended I apply for an EB3 visa. What are my chances of getting an EB2 visa with my B.Sc. from Israel, 1.5 years of QA experience in Israel, 3 years of development in Israel, and 4 years of development in the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your degree must be equal to a US Bachelor's degree in order to be eligible for an EB2 visa. Unfinished degrees are not accepted.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the prospects of getting an EB2 visa with my credentials? I have a B.Sc. from Israel from 2006, and in 2002 I began a M.Sc. while also working as a QA Engineer for 1.5 years. I stopped my M.Sc. and joined the company I'm currently employed with. After 3 years I was relocated to the US and have been here for 4 years. My company's law firm has suggested I apply for an EB3 visa. What are my chances of getting an EB2 visa with my B.Sc. from Israel, 1.5 years of QA experience in Israel, 3 years of development in Israel, and 4 years of development in the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your degree must be comparable to a US Bachelor's degree in order to be eligible for an EB2 visa. Incomplete degrees are not taken into account.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "37 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my prior experience for EB-2 qualification?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can use your experience prior to August 2010 for EB-2 qualification, even if you have not been continuously employed with the same employer, as long as the job you used to perform and the job you will perform after the green card are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my experience from before August 2010 for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can use your experience from before August 2010 for EB-2, even if you have not been continuously employed with the same employer, provided the job you used to do and the job you will do after the green card are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to be continuously employed to use my experience for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, you do not need to be continuously employed to use your experience for EB-2, as long as the job you used to do and the job you will do after the green card are more than 50% different.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "38 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I keep my priority date if I move to a new company after my I-140 application was approved on August 8th, 2008 with an EB2 priority date of March 7th, 2008 and my H-1 is in its 8th year expiring on May 12th, 2021?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can retain your priority date as long as the sponsoring employer does not revoke your I-140, go out of business, or USCIS does not revoke the I-140 for fraud.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I change employers after my I-140 was approved on August 8th, 2008 with an EB2 priority date of March 7th, 2008 and my H-1 is in its 8th year expiring on May 12th, 2021, can I keep my priority date?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you may retain your priority date provided the sponsoring employer does not revoke your I-140, go out of business, or USCIS does not revoke the I-140 for fraud.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I switch jobs after my I-140 approval on August 8th, 2008 with an EB2 priority date of March 7th, 2008 and my H-1 is in its 8th year expiring on May 12th, 2021, can I still keep my priority date from my current employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can maintain your priority date as long as the sponsoring employer does not revoke your I-140, go out of business, or USCIS does not revoke the I-140 for fraud.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "39 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the costs associated with an employment-based green card application in the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The employer is required to pay for all expenses related to the PERM process, such as legal fees, but not the other parts of the green card process.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am applying for an employment-based green card in the EB2 category, who is responsible for the expenses?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The employer is obligated to cover all costs related to the PERM process, such as attorney's fees, but not the other parts of the green card process.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am applying for an EB2 green card, can I pay for the entire process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The employer is obligated to pay for all expenses related to the PERM process, such as filing fees and legal fees, but not the other parts of the green card process.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "40 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB-2 with my educational background and work experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you could qualify for EB-2 with a Bachelor's degree plus five years of progressive experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get an EB-2 visa with my qualifications?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you could be eligible for EB-2 with a Bachelor's degree and five years of progressive work experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I have the qualifications to apply for an EB-2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you could be eligible for EB-2 with a Bachelor's degree and five years of progressive work experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "41 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I include skills I acquired while working for the company sponsoring my green card in the job description for the EB-2? I have been employed with them for 2.5 years.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is permissible to use the skills you have gained since starting with the sponsoring company, provided the job you had then and the one you are applying for are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have been employed with the company sponsoring my green card for 2.5 years and have gained some skills during this time. Can I include these in the job description for the EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is acceptable to use the skills you have obtained since beginning with the sponsoring company, as long as the job you had then and the one you are applying for are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have been with the company sponsoring my green card for 2.5 years and have gained some skills during this time. Is it valid to include these in the job description for the EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to use the skills you have obtained since starting with the sponsoring company, provided the job you had then and the one you are applying for are more than 50% different.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "42 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I file for a green card while on OPT? I recently completed my Master's and have been working for two months. Is it possible to file for an EB2? I have two years of IT experience in India. If not, do I have to wait until I get an H1B? Does the green card process depend on H1B?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This requires your lawyer to evaluate the situation. Generally, nothing prevents you from submitting a PERM application while on OPT and an EB2 appears feasible.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I able to file for a green card while on OPT? I just finished my Master's and have been employed for two months. Is it possible to file for an EB2? I have two years of IT experience in India. If not, do I have to wait until I get an H1B? Is the green card process dependent on H1B?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This question needs your lawyer to assess the case. Generally, nothing hinders you from filing a PERM application while on OPT and an EB2 appears possible.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for a green card while on OPT? I recently graduated with my Master's and have been working for two months. Is it possible to apply for an EB2? I have two years of IT experience in India. If not, do I have to wait until I get an H1B? Does the green card process rely on H1B?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This requires your attorney to evaluate the situation. Generally, nothing stops you from submitting a PERM application while on OPT and an EB2 appears feasible.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "43 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch from EB3 to EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but you will need to restart the green card process from the PERM stage.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it feasible to change my classification from EB3 to EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but you must begin the green card process again from the PERM level.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I alter my EB3 status to EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but you must restart the green card process from the PERM stage.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "44 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"is it possible to submit an application for green card in the eb-2 category? i have a bachelor's degree from india, a two-year diploma from niit (in h1 and l1 they considered my diploma as a master degree), and 10 years of experience. could i apply for a green card in the eb-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"it's hard to say. it's unlikely that you would qualify for eb-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"am i able to apply for a green card in the eb-2 category? i have a bsc from india, plus a two-year diploma from niit (in h1 and l1 they thought of my diploma as a master degree) and 10 years of experience. could i submit an application for a green card in the eb-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"it's difficult to tell. it's unlikely that you would be eligible for eb-2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "45 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from India and 7.5 years of experience in the same field. Can I apply for a Green Card in the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It looks like you are eligible for EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2? I have a Bachelor of Engineering (4 years) in Computer Science from India and 7.5 years of experience in the related field. Can I submit a Green Card application in the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You seem to be qualified for EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I fulfill the criteria for EB2? I have a Bachelor of Engineering (4 years) in Computer Science from India and 7.5 years of experience in the related field. Am I able to apply for a Green Card in the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You appear to be eligible for EB-2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "46 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for the EB-2 category? I am currently working as a Mechanical Engineer for one of the largest companies and am transitioning to a Product Development Engineer role within the same company. The job requires a Bachelor's degree plus two to five years of experience. I have a Bachelor's degree from four years ago, a Master's degree from the US, one year and four months of research assistant experience, ten months of teaching assistant experience, and three years and seven months of experience as a Mechanical Engineer. Do I qualify for the EB-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The minimum requirements for the job are two years of experience, so this job does not qualify for EB-2. You do, however.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the criteria for the EB-2 category? I am employed as a Mechanical Engineer with one of the largest companies and am transitioning to a Product Development Engineer role within the same organization. The job requires a Bachelor's degree plus two to five years of experience. I have a Bachelor's degree from four years ago, a Master's degree from the US, one year and four months of research assistant experience, ten months of teaching assistant experience, and three years and seven months of experience as a Mechanical Engineer. Am I eligible for the EB-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The job requires a minimum of two years of experience, so it does not qualify for EB-2. You, however, do.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "47 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for EB-2 with my 3 year Bachelor's in Computer Science and 2 year Master's in Computer Science from India?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is a possibility, but your legal counsel should determine the best course of action: compare the two degrees to be equal to a Bachelor's and use the Bachelor's plus 5 years for EB-2 or just use the Master's degree (risky).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a 3 year Bachelor's in Computer Science and a 2 year Master's in Computer Science from India, can I apply for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is feasible, but your lawyer must decide which path is best for you: assess the two degrees to be equivalent to a Bachelor's and use the Bachelor's plus 5 years for EB-2 or just use the Master's degree (risky).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB-2 with my 3 year Bachelor's in Computer Science and 2 year Master's in Computer Science from India?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible, but your attorney must evaluate which route is best for you: evaluate the two degrees to be equal to a Bachelor's and use the Bachelor's plus 5 years for EB-2 or just use the Master's degree (risky).\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "48 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 or EB3 with a 4 year degree in civil engineering and 13 years of documented progressive experience in the IT industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to qualify for EB2\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get an EB2 or EB3 visa with a 4 year degree in civil engineering and 13 years of documented progressive experience in the IT industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to get an EB2\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2 or EB3 with a 4 year degree in civil engineering and 13 years of documented progressive experience in the IT industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to meet the requirements for EB2\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "49 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What about accredited degrees? I have a two-year B.Com from my home country and a CA. I have 10 years of accounting experience, plus a CPA. My firm's lawyers refused to file EB-2 and insisted on EB-3. I know two people from another accounting firm with the same credentials (even the same university) who filed EB-2 and got their green cards. When I got my H1B, I got my foreign credentials evaluated and received equivalence to a BBA (accounting and finance) based on my B.Com and CA. But the lawyers insisted that for the green card process, USCIS won't consider the CA.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your lawyers are correct in that the CA is not accepted as education by USCIS. Consult with a credentials evaluation agency about master's degrees.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What about accredited degrees? I have a two-year B.Com from my home country and a CA. I have 10 years of accounting experience, plus a CPA. My firm's lawyers refused to file EB-2 and insisted on EB-3. I know two people from another accounting firm with the same credentials (even the same university) who filed EB-2 and got their green cards. When I got my H1B, I got my foreign credentials evaluated and received equivalence to a BBA (accounting and finance) based on my B.Com and CA. But the lawyers insisted that for the green card process, USCIS won't consider the CA.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your lawyers are accurate in that the CA is not accepted as education by USCIS. Talk to a credentials evaluation agency about master's degrees.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What about accredited degrees? I have a two-year B.Com from my home country and a CA. I have 10 years of accounting experience, plus a CPA. My firm's lawyers refused to file EB-2 and insisted on EB-3. I know two people from another accounting firm with the same credentials (even the same university) who filed EB-2 and got their green cards. When I got my H1B, I got my foreign credentials evaluated and received equivalence to a BBA (accounting and finance) based on my B.Com and CA. But the lawyers insisted that for the green card process, USCIS won't consider the CA.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your lawyers are right in that the CA is not accepted as education by USCIS. Consult with a credentials evaluation agency about master's degrees.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "50 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible for me to switch jobs and submit an I-140 and PERM under EB-2 instead of EB-3 with a new employer? How risky is this situation? I could stay with my current employer, but it would take another three years to get my green card under EB-3 with my priority date of February 2007.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can submit an I-485 in the month when your priority date becomes current (and then get EAD). Priority dates are reported in the Visa Bulletin. I do not see any issue with carrying the priority date forward if you file an EB-2 through a new employer. As to the risk, that needs to be evaluated by your lawyers.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I able to change jobs and file an I-140 and PERM under EB-2 instead of EB-3 with a new employer? How dangerous is this situation? I could stay with my current employer, but it would take another three years to get my green card under EB-3 with my priority date of February 2007.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can submit an I-485 when your priority date becomes current (and then get EAD). Priority dates are reported in the Visa Bulletin. I do not see any problem with transferring the priority date forward if you file an EB-2 through a new employer. As to the danger, that needs to be evaluated by your lawyers.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch jobs and file an I-140 and PERM under EB-2 instead of EB-3 with a new employer? How hazardous is this situation? I could stay with my current employer, but it would take another three years to get my green card under EB-3 with my priority date of February 2007.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can submit an I-485 when your priority date becomes current (and then get EAD). Priority dates are reported in the Visa Bulletin. I do not see any difficulty with carrying the priority date forward if you file an EB-2 through a new employer. As to the hazard, that needs to be evaluated by your lawyers.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "51 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Could I be eligible for EB-2 with my qualifications and current job? If I switch employers during the application process, would I have to start over?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that you could qualify for EB-2 depending on your qualifications and the job requirements. If you leave before the I-140 is approved, you may not get anything out of the process. However, if you leave after the I-140 is approved, you can carry forward your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB-2 with my master's degree in biomedical engineering and my current job as a senior consultant? If I change employers during the GC application, will I have to start from the beginning?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that you could be eligible for EB-2 depending on your qualifications and the job requirements. If you leave before the I-140 is approved, you may not benefit from the process. However, if you leave after the I-140 is approved, you can retain your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a master's degree in biomedical engineering and work as a senior consultant in a company that implements EQMS for biologics, medical device and pharma companies, am I eligible for EB-2? If I switch employers during the GC application, do I have to start over?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You may be able to qualify for EB-2 depending on your qualifications and the job requirements. If you leave before the I-140 is approved, you may not gain anything from the process. But if you leave after the I-140 is approved, you can keep your priority date.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "52 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch jobs after I-140 approval? I'm in my fifth year of H1-B status. My current employer has filed for my permanent residency in the EB-3 category, since I didn't have five years of experience (EB-3 has a six year backlog, but EB-2 is current for me). Is it possible to wait for I-140 approval, get a three year extension with my current employer, and then switch jobs? Will I be able to get three more years on H1 with a new employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible and common for a new employer (Employer B) to get an H-1 extension based on the I-140 approval of the previous employer (Employer A). You should discuss the details with an attorney.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I change jobs after I-140 is approved? I'm in my fifth year on H1-B. My current employer has filed for my green card in the EB-3 category, since I didn't have five years of experience (EB-3 has a six year backlog, but EB-2 is current for me). Is it feasible to wait for I-140 approval, get a three year extension with my current employer, and then switch employers? Will I be able to get three more years on H1 with a new employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible and common for a different employer (Employer B) to get an H-1 extension based on the I-140 approval of the original employer (Employer A). You should consult with a lawyer about the details.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch jobs after I-140 is accepted? I'm in my fifth year of H1-B status. My current employer has filed for my permanent residency in the EB-3 category, since I didn't have five years of experience (EB-3 has a six year backlog, but EB-2 is current for me). Is it possible to wait for I-140 approval, get a three year extension with my current employer, and then change jobs? Will I be able to get three more years on H1 with a new employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible and common for a different employer (Employer B) to get an H-1 extension based on the I-140 approval of the original employer (Employer A). You should speak to a lawyer about the specifics.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "53 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to wait for a promotion before starting the green card process in order to qualify for EB-2? Is a Bachelor's degree plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience or a Master's degree plus two years of experience sufficient for a Senior level position? Does the job description need to specify Bachelor's plus five years or Master's plus two years?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You should consult with your legal counsel to determine when to file. For EB-2, either a Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience is required to qualify.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Should I wait for a promotion before beginning the green card process to be eligible for EB-2? Is a Bachelor's degree and five years of post-Bachelor's experience or a Master's degree and two years of experience enough for a Senior level job? Does the job description need to state Bachelor's plus five years or Master's plus two years explicitly?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You should speak with your attorneys to decide when to file. For EB-2, either a Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience is necessary to qualify.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Should I postpone the green card process until I get a promotion to qualify for EB-2? Is a Bachelor's degree and five years of post-Bachelor's experience or a Master's degree and two years of experience sufficient for a Senior level position? Does the job description need to explicitly mention Bachelor's plus five years or Master's plus two years?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You should consult with your legal advisors to decide when to file. For EB-2, either a Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience is required to qualify.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "54 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2? I have a Bachelor of Business Administration (3 years) and a Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (2 years) and 10 years of experience, 7.5 of which are in the required job description.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends. If the diploma is a postgraduate degree (not available to undergraduates) and is recognized, you may be eligible for EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2? I have a Bachelor of Business Administration (3 years) and a Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (2 years) and 10 years of experience, 7.5 of which are in the required job description.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends. If the diploma is a postgraduate qualification (not available to undergraduates) and is accepted, you may be eligible for EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2? I have a Bachelor of Business Administration (3 years) and a Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (2 years) and 10 years of experience, 7.5 of which are in the required job description.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends. If the diploma is a postgraduate program (not available to undergraduates) and is acknowledged, you may be eligible for EB-2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "55 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified to apply for a green card under the EB2 category? I have a B.Sc. in Computer Science (3 years) and an M.Sc. in Computer Science (2 years). I have 9 years of experience as a Technical Architect and Lead (managing 5-20 people). My M.Sc. was evaluated as equivalent to a US Master's degree for an H1 visa. Is this enough?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If your Bachelor's and Master's degrees are in the same field and are related to your job, then EB-2 should be suitable.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2 green card eligibility? I have a B.Sc. in Computer Science (3 years) and an M.Sc. in Computer Science (2 years). I have 9 years of experience as a Technical Architect and Lead (overseeing 5-20 people). My M.Sc. was evaluated as equal to a US Master's degree for an H1 visa. Am I eligible?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If your Bachelor's and Master's degrees are in the same field and are related to your work, then EB-2 should be suitable.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for a green card under the EB2 category? I have a B.Sc. in Computer Science (3 years) and an M.Sc. in Computer Science (2 years). I have 9 years of experience as a Technical Architect and Lead (leading 5-20 people). My M.Sc. was evaluated as equivalent to a US Master's degree for an H1 visa. Is this enough?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If your Bachelor's and Master's degrees are in the same field and are related to your occupation, then EB-2 should work.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "56 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I port my EB3 I-485 with a PD of 06/2006 to an EB2 if my employer is willing to file for me? What is the minimum wage for the EB2 category? Will my current company experience count for the new EB2 category? Any advice on the job responsibilities for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In theory, this is doable. As for the practical implications, you should consult with the attorneys who will be handling your second green card application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I transfer my EB3 I-485 with a PD of 06/2006 to an EB2 if my employer is willing to file for me? What is the minimum wage for the EB2 category? Does my current company experience count for the new EB2 category? Any tips on the job responsibilities for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is theoretically possible. As for the practical implications, you need to speak with the lawyers who will be representing you in the second green card process.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to move my EB3 I-485 with a PD of 06/2006 to an EB2 if my employer is willing to file for me? What is the minimum wage for the EB2 category? Will my current company experience be applicable to the new EB2 category? Any advice on the job responsibilities for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In theory, this is feasible. As for the practical implications, you must consult with the attorneys who will be handling your second green card application.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "57 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the criteria for EB2 with my MS in Electrical Engineering and 3 years of experience?\",\n",
+ " \"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for EB2, unless the job requirements are lower than a bachelor's degree and 5 years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2 with my Master's in Electrical Engineering and 3 years of experience?\",\n",
+ " \"_answer\": \"Yes, you can apply for EB2, unless the job requirements are lower than a bachelor's degree and 5 years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 with my Master's in Electrical Engineering and 3 years of experience?\",\n",
+ " \"_answer\": \"Yes, you fulfill the criteria for EB2, unless the job requirements are less than a bachelor's degree and 5 years of experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "58 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 if I have a Master's in Computer Science from the US and 6 months of experience prior to my current job?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If the job requires a Master's degree, then yes.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get an EB2 visa if I have a Master's in Computer Science from the US and 6 months of experience before my current job?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends on if the job requires a Master's degree or not, but if it does, then yes.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB2 if I have a Master's in Computer Science from the US and 6 months of experience before my current job?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends on the job requirements, but if a Master's degree is necessary, then yes.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "59 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the prospects of me getting a green card through the EB-2 category after I finish my PhD in semiconductor devices and get a job in the industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your chances of obtaining a green card through EB-2 are quite good.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am in my last year of a PhD in semiconductor devices at a US university. I have done my MS from the same university and have around 5 first author publications. What are the odds of me getting a green card through the EB-2 category once I get a job in the industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You have a strong likelihood of getting a green card through EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am close to completing my PhD in semiconductor devices at a university in the US. I have a MS from the same university and 5 first author publications. What are the possibilities of me getting a green card through the EB-2 category after I get a job in the industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your chances of getting a green card through EB-2 are quite high.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "60 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to transfer my PD from EB3 to EB2? I filed my PERM under the EB3 category on October 1, 2008 and received an audit. According to the current PERM dates, they are processing audits from August 2008. Can I file with the same employer under EB2? If so, can I keep my EB3 file running in parallel? Is there a way to transfer my PD from EB3 to EB2 after I-140 approval if I file a new EB2? I have already completed four years and two months on H1B. Can you suggest if I can change my employer now to file for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not possible to have two PERM applications for the same individual for different jobs with the same company. However, you cannot transfer your PD until the I-140 is approved. I see no issue with changing jobs right away. You may have just enough time.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I move my PD from EB3 to EB2? I submitted my PERM under the EB3 category on October 1, 2008 and got an audit. According to the current PERM dates, they are processing audits from August 2008. Is it possible to file with the same employer under EB2? If so, can I keep my EB3 file running in parallel? Is there a way to transfer my PD from EB3 to EB2 after I-140 approval if I file a new EB2? I have already completed four years and two months on H1B. Can you suggest if I can switch my employer now to file for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not feasible to have two PERM applications for the same individual for different jobs with the same company. However, you cannot move your PD until the I-140 is approved. I see no issue with changing jobs right away. You may have just enough time.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to transfer my PD from EB3 to EB2? I filed my PERM under the EB3 category on October 1, 2008 and received an audit. According to the current PERM dates, they are processing audits from August 2008. Can I file with the same employer under EB2? If so, can I keep my EB3 file running in parallel? Is there a way to move my PD from EB3 to EB2 after I-140 approval if I file a new EB2? I have already completed four years and two months on H1B. Can you suggest if I can change my employer now to file for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not logical to have two PERM applications for the same individual for different jobs with the same company. However, you cannot transfer your PD until the I-140 is approved. I see no issue with changing jobs right away. You may have just enough time.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "61 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 with my qualifications?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would qualify for EB2 with a 3-year bachelor's degree, certification as a software architect, 15+ years of experience, and a salary of 100k+.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB2 with my credentials?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would be eligible for EB2 with a 3-year bachelor's degree, certification as a software architect, 15+ years of experience, and a salary of 100k+.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you meet the requirements for EB2 with a 3-year bachelor's degree, certification as a software architect, 15+ years of experience, and a salary of 100k+.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "62 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to apply for EB2 Schedule A despite the recent denial of my PERM application due to layoffs in my company?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you meet the qualifications, you can submit a Schedule A application without any delay.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I still apply for EB2 Schedule A despite the denial of my PERM application caused by the layoffs in my company?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you are eligible, you can submit the Schedule A application right away without any issues.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Given the recent denial of my PERM application due to layoffs in my company, can I still apply for EB2 Schedule A?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you are qualified, you can go ahead and file the Schedule A application without any problems.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "63 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2? I have a B.Tech in engineering from India and over 13 years of experience in IT. I am currently an IT architect and my company is ready to process my green card. Am I eligible?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It appears that you meet the qualifications for EB2, given that your B.Tech is a 4-year degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2? I have a B.Tech in engineering from India and more than 13 years of experience in IT. I am an IT architect now and my company is ready to process my green card. Can I apply?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It looks like you are eligible for EB2, as long as your B.Tech is a 4-year degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2? I have a B.Tech in engineering from India and over 13 years of experience in IT. I am an IT architect now and my company is willing to process my green card. Am I able to apply?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It seems that you are qualified for EB2, provided that your B.Tech is a 4-year degree.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "64 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB-2 if I have a 4 year US Bachelors degree, a 2 year Masters degree in Chemistry, and have been working on an H-1B for the same US university as a research associate for 2 years, with my publications (2-3) still pending and me being secondary on most of them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you qualify for EB-2, however whether or not a promotion is necessary is something that your lawyer and the employer must decide. Any position that requires a Masters or Bachelors degree plus 5 years of progressively responsible experience is eligible for EB-2 filing.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 4 year US Bachelors degree in Chemistry, a 2 year Masters degree, and have been working on an H-1B for the same US university as a research associate for 2 years, with my publications (2-3) still pending and me being secondary on most of them. Do I meet the requirements for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for EB-2. Whether or not a promotion is necessary is something that your lawyer and the employer must decide. Any position that requires a Masters or Bachelors degree plus 5 years of progressively responsible experience is qualified for EB-2 filing.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 4 year US Bachelors degree in Chemistry, a 2 year Masters degree, and have been working on an H-1B for the same US university as a research associate for 2 years, with my publications (2-3) still pending and me being secondary on most of them. Am I qualified for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are qualified for EB-2. Whether or not a promotion is needed is something that your lawyer and the employer must decide. Any position that requires a Masters or Bachelors degree plus 5 years of progressively responsible experience is eligible for EB-2 filing.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "65 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2? I completed my BSc in Computer Science from St. Xaviers Mumbai and my MCA from REC Trichy. I have 7 years of experience in the IT industry and my employer is filing my Green Card. Is this enough for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you meet the requirements for EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2? I have a BSc in Computer Science from St. Xaviers Mumbai and an MCA from REC Trichy. I have 7 years of work in the IT industry and my employer is filing for my Green Card. Am I eligible?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for EB2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "66 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB-2 green card if I have a BSc and a BTech, both 3 years long, plus 8 years of experience, and the position requires a MS or a BS plus 5 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It appears unlikely that you would be eligible for an EB-2 green card, as combining two 3-year bachelor's degrees is usually not allowed.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an EB-2 green card if I have a BSc and a BTech, both 3 years long, plus 8 years of experience, and the job requires a MS or a BS plus 5 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would meet the criteria for an EB-2 green card, as it is generally not permissible to combine two 3-year bachelor's degrees.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for an EB-2 green card if I have a BSc and a BTech, both 3 years long, plus 8 years of experience, and the position requires a MS or a BS plus 5 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would qualify for an EB-2 green card, as combining two 3-year bachelor's degrees is usually not allowed.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "67 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 with my educational background?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is likely that you would qualify for EB2 with your 3 year bachelor's degree and 2 year master's degree, as long as the two degrees are in the same or similar fields.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I combine my educational degrees for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can combine your 3 year bachelor's degree and 2 year master's degree to meet the requirements of EB2, as long as the two degrees are in the same or similar fields.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the minimum educational requirement for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The minimum educational requirement for EB2 is a 4 year bachelor's degree, or a combination of a 3 year bachelor's degree and a 2 year master's degree in the same or similar fields.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "68 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the timeline for green card processing and EB2 if I have a US Masters degree and am currently employed by Company A? I am on an H1-B visa and it will expire in a month. I am trying to make an informed decision about whether to pursue the green card or change jobs. Is there a way to expedite the process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For people from countries with an EB2 backlog, the timeline can range from 3-4 years or longer, depending on various factors. The advantage of getting to the I-140 approval stage is that you can transfer your priority date to a new employer and get an H-1B extension beyond six years.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a Masters degree from the US and I think I qualify for the EB2 category for a green card. I am currently employed by Company A and I am trying to decide if I should go ahead with the green card process or look for a new job. My H1-B visa will expire in a month. How long will the process take if I start it now? Is there a way to speed it up?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For individuals from countries with an EB2 backlog, the timeline can range from 3-4 years or longer, depending on various factors. An advantage of reaching the I-140 approval stage is that you can transfer your priority date to a new employer and get an H-1B extension beyond six years.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "69 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can my current employer sponsor me for EB2 after they promote me to clinical specialist, even if I have only 1 year and 1/2 experience with them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to use the experience gained with the same employer if the labor certain job is more than fifty percent different from the earlier positions held with the same employer. A qualified lawyer can help you assess the chances.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am promoted to clinical specialist by my current employer, can they still sponsor me for EB2, even though I only have 1 year and 1/2 experience with them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Under the current law, it is possible to use the experience gained with the same employer if the labor certain job is more than fifty percent different from the earlier positions held with the same employer. Consulting a lawyer is the best way to determine the chances of success.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If my employer promotes me to clinical specialist, can they still sponsor me for EB2, even though I have only 1 year and 1/2 experience with them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The law allows for the use of experience gained with the same employer if the labor certain job is more than fifty percent different from the earlier positions held with the same employer. A legal expert can help you assess the chances of success.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "70 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB2? I have a B.Tech in Electronics from India in 2004 and a combined experience of 6 years (3 years in India and 3 years in the US). Is it necessary to have 5 years of experience outside of the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Given your four-year degree and more than five years of post-degree experience, you should have a good chance of qualifying for EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2? I have a B.Tech in Electronics from India in 2004 and a total of 6 years of experience (3 years in India and 3 years in the US). Is it a must to have 5 years of experience outside of the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"With your four-year degree and more than five years of post-degree experience, you should be able to have a shot at EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB2? I have a B.Tech in Electronics from India in 2004 and a combined experience of 6 years (3 years in India and 3 years in the US). Is it required to have 5 years of experience outside of the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Given your four-year degree and more than five years of post-degree experience, you should have a good chance of meeting the criteria for EB2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "71 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does volunteer work count as experience for EB2? I have a BSOT and did two years of OT volunteer work in an adult setting in my home country, but I was not yet licensed for the first six months. Would that count towards the five years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally, for EB2, there is no requirement that I am aware of that necessitates paid experience. Volunteer experience could be taken into consideration.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does volunteer work count towards the five years of experience for EB2? I have a BSOT and did two years of OT volunteer work in an adult setting in my home country, but I was not yet licensed for the first six months.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally, for EB2, there is no requirement that I know of that requires paid experience. Volunteer experience could be taken into account.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does volunteer work count as experience for EB2? I have a BSOT and did two years of OT volunteer work in an adult setting in my home country, but I was not yet licensed for the first six months. Does that count towards the five years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally, for EB2, there is no requirement that I am aware of that mandates paid experience. Volunteer experience could potentially be used.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "72 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering and I am currently working as a Subject Matter Expert in the US on an L1B visa with 4 years of experience. I have also completed two Microsoft certifications and AICPCU certifications. Can I apply for a green card under the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You must have 5 years of experience after your Bachelor's degree to be eligible. Certifications do not usually count.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering and I am currently employed as a Subject Matter Expert in the US on an L1B visa with 4 years of experience. I have also obtained two Microsoft certifications and AICPCU certifications. Can I apply for a green card under the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You must have 5 years of experience following your Bachelor's degree to qualify. Certifications are usually not considered.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "73 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If one has an approved I-140, is it necessary to switch to a similar job in order to preserve the priority date?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, the job does not have to be the same. The green card application must be restarted, but the priority date can be transferred to any job and category (EB1, EB2, EB3).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If an individual has an approved I-140, is it mandatory to switch to a comparable job to maintain the priority date?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, the job does not have to be comparable. The green card process must be restarted, but the priority date can be transferred to any job and category (EB1, EB2, EB3).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If someone has an approved I-140, is it necessary to move to a comparable job to save the priority date?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, the job does not have to be comparable. The green card application must be restarted, but the priority date can be ported to any job and category (EB1, EB2, EB3).\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "74 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for EB2 if the job I am in requires a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of post-Bachelor's experience? Is the concept of 'cross chargeability' applicable to my green card application? If so, how can I take advantage of it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible to file an EB2 application if the role requires a Bachelor's degree plus 5 years of work experience. Cross chargeability is applicable to your green card application, and you should discuss the details with your lawyers.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 if the job I am in requires a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of post-Bachelor's experience? Is the concept of 'cross chargeability' applicable to my green card application? If so, what is the best way to take advantage of it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you meet the requirements to apply for EB2 if the role requires a Bachelor's degree plus 5 years of work experience. Cross chargeability is applicable to your green card application, and you should consult with your lawyers to learn how to benefit from it.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible to file an EB2 application if the job I am in requires a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of post-Bachelor's experience? Is the concept of 'cross chargeability' applicable to my green card application? If so, how can I make use of it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can apply for EB2 if the role requires a Bachelor's degree plus 5 years of work experience. Cross chargeability is applicable to your green card application, and you should speak to your lawyers to find out how to take advantage of it.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "75 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an EB2 visa with a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the Philippines and an advanced degree in OT from the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to be eligible for an EB2 visa if your job requires an advanced degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB2 visa if I have a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the Philippines and an advanced degree in OT from the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you may be eligible for an EB2 visa if your job requires an advanced degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get an EB2 visa if I have a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the Philippines and an advanced degree in OT from the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to be approved for an EB2 visa if your job requires an advanced degree.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "76 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am an Indian citizen and my wife is a Russian citizen, born in Russia. We are both applying for green cards. Can I use her country's priority date (\"current\" as of today) for the green card application?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is possible. This is referred to as 'cross changeability'.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am an Indian citizen and my wife is a Russian citizen. We are both applying for green cards. Is it possible to use her country's priority date (\"current\" as of today) for the green card application?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is allowed. This is known as 'cross changeability'.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am an Indian citizen and my wife is a Russian citizen. We are both applying for green cards. Can I use her country's priority date (\"current\" as of today) for the green card application?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is doable. This is referred to as 'cross changeability'.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "77 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I be eligible for an EB2 if my employer advertises a new job with a master's degree requirement after I am hired?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, you will not be able to meet the criteria for an EB2 unless the job also legitimately requires a post graduate degree or bach. with five years of experience at a minimum.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am hired for a state job that requires a bachelor's degree and one year of experience, but I have a US-based master's degree, can I be eligible for an EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, you will not qualify for an EB2 unless the job also legitimately requires a post graduate degree or bach. with five years of experience at a minimum.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If my employer changes the job requirements to include a master's degree after I am hired, will I be eligible for an EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, you will not be able to meet the criteria for an EB2 unless the job also legitimately requires a post graduate degree or bach. with five years of experience at a minimum.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "78 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 with an online masters degree?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The most important factor is to determine if the degree is accredited. Speak with the school to find out.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB2 with a distance learning masters degree?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The key is to check if the degree is accredited. Consult with the school to find out.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get EB2 with a masters degree earned online?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The primary concern is to verify if the degree is accredited. Reach out to the school to learn more.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "79 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"To be eligible for EB-2 status under advanced degrees, is it enough to have a Master's degree from a US university or must the job require it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The job must also necessitate EB-2 level qualifications.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"To qualify for EB-2 under advanced degrees, is it enough to have a Master's degree from a US university or must the job demand it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The job must also call for EB-2 level qualifications.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"To be eligible for EB-2 status under advanced degrees, is it sufficient to have a Master's degree from a US university or must the job necessitate it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The job must also require EB-2 level qualifications.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "80 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is there any issue with my educational background for the I-140 application, given that my PERM is approved under EB2? I have a 3-year diploma, 3-year B.Tech, 1.5-year M.Tech, and 8 years of experience at the time of PERM, and all my education is from India.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends on the specifics, but generally speaking, if the B.Tech is supposed to be a 4-year degree and you got it in three due to your diploma, you should be okay.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Given that my PERM is approved under EB2, is there any problem with my educational background for the I-140 application? I have a 3-year diploma, 3-year B.Tech, 1.5-year M.Tech, and 8 years of experience at the time of PERM, and all my education is from India.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It varies, but usually, if the B.Tech is supposed to be a 4-year degree and you got it in three because of your diploma, you should be in the clear.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If my PERM is approved under EB2, is there any issue with my educational background for the I-140 application? I have a 3-year diploma, 3-year B.Tech, 1.5-year M.Tech, and 8 years of experience at the time of PERM, and all my education is from India.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends on the details, but generally, if the B.Tech is supposed to be a 4-year degree and you got it in three due to your diploma, you should be fine.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "81 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the typical amount of time it takes to get a green card through the EB2 category? I have a Master's in International Business and 7 years of experience in the US and EU. I have a job offer from the US and I would like to submit the petition.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The biggest holdup for most people is the priority date movement. Have a look at the Visa Bulletin and the Perm Processing Times. That should give you a good idea of the timeline.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the average duration to get a green card through the EB2 category? I have a Master's in International Business and 7 years of experience in the US and EU. I have a job offer from the US and I would like to file the application.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The biggest delay for most people is in the priority date movement. Check out the Visa Bulletin and the Perm Processing Times. That should give you a good idea of the timeline.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the average time it takes to get a green card through the EB2 category? I have a Master's in International Business and 7 years of experience in the US and EU. I have a job offer from the US and I would like to submit the petition.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The biggest obstacle for most people is the priority date movement. Have a look at the Visa Bulletin and the Perm Processing Times. That should give you a good idea of the timeframe.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "82 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB-2 eligibility? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computing from the UK, which was a three year course, and a Master's degree from the UK in Computing, which was a one year course. Will this be enough to qualify for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to say for certain. It all depends on the type of degrees and the language used in the Form I-9089.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will I be eligible for EB-2? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computing from the UK, which was a three year course, and a Master's degree from the UK in Computing, which was a one year course. Is this enough to meet the requirements?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not possible to predict. It all depends on the type of degrees and the language used in the Form I-9089.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB-2? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computing from the UK, which was a three year course, and a Master's degree from the UK in Computing, which was a one year course. Is this sufficient to qualify?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not possible to tell. It all depends on the type of degrees and the language used in the Form I-9089.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "83 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use cross chargeability if I was born in India and have an approved EB2 I-140, but my priority date is from November 2008? If I marry someone from a country other than India or China, can we both file for I-485 right away?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Cross chargeability is an option if your spouse was born in a country other than India. Your spouse can only file for I-485 if they are in the US.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I was born in India and have an EB2 I-140 that has been approved, but my priority date is from November 2008. Can I use cross chargeability in this case? If I marry someone from a different country than India or China, can we both submit I-485 applications immediately?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Cross chargeability is a possibility if your partner was born in a country other than India. They can only submit an I-485 if they are in the US.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am an H1B holder, born in India, with an approved EB2 I-140 but I cannot apply for I-485 since my priority date is from November 2008. Is cross-chargeability applicable in this case if I marry someone from a country other than India or China? Is it okay if my partner is not in the US right now or on a different visa category than H1B? Will marrying enable us to file for I-485 right away?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Cross changeability is a possibility if your spouse was born in a country other than India. They can only file their I-485 if they are in the US.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "84 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I still be refused by the US Embassy despite having my EB2 approved by USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not likely, but it is a possibility.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is there a chance of being denied by the US Embassy even after my EB2 was approved by USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not probable, but it is a possibility.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is there a risk of being rejected by the US Embassy after my EB2 was approved by USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not probable, but it is a possibility.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "85 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the eligibility criteria for EB-2 US Masters Degree for a technology professional with nearly 9 years of work experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you have earned a master's degree by the time you file your perm, you should be eligible to apply for EB-2 US Masters Degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for EB-2 US Masters Degree with my MBA in Finance?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, as long as you have earned the degree by the time you file your perm, you should be able to get EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will my previous experience be taken into consideration when applying for EB-2 US Masters Degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, as long as you have earned the degree by the time you file your perm, your previous experience should be evaluated.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "86 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can company B refile an I-140 using the labor certificate from company A?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to refile the I-140 under EB2 with the labor certificate from company A and transfer the priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to use the labor certificate from company A to refile the I-140 under EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, it is possible to refile the I-140 under EB2 with the labor certificate from company A and transfer the priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can company B use the labor certificate from company A to refile the I-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, it is possible to utilize the labor certificate from company A to refile the I-140 under EB2 and transfer the priority date.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "87 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 10+3.5 years diploma and 3 years BS. I studied computer engineering for the diploma and information systems (BITS) for the BS. My labor certification is in the process under the EB2 category. I am concerned that my I-140 might be denied due to my education. Mr. Khanna, do you have any successful cases with a diploma and BS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I understand your worry. These types of cases can be difficult to get approved. I am not able to comment on your specific situation since I do not know the details. I suggest you talk to your lawyers and if possible, get a written response.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 10+3.5 years diploma and 3 years BS. I studied computer engineering for the diploma and information systems (BITS) for the BS. My labor certification is in the process under the EB2 category. I am worried that my I-140 might be denied due to my education. Mr. Khanna, do you have any approval cases with a diploma and BS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I can understand your apprehension. These types of cases can be hard to get approved. I cannot comment on your particular case since I do not know the facts. I recommend you speak to your lawyers and if possible, get a written reply.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 10+3.5 years diploma plus 3 years BS. I did 3.5 years diploma in computer engineering plus 3 years BS in information systems (BITS). My labor is in the process under EB2 catageory. I am concerned that my I-140 is going to be denied because of my education. Mr. Khanna, do you have any approval cases with a diploma and BS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I sympathize with your worry. These types of cases can be difficult to get approved. I am unable to comment on your particular situation since I do not know the details. I suggest you consult with your lawyers and if possible, get a response in writing.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "88 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the odds of my EB1 extraordinary ability petition being approved on the second filing?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to determine without knowing the specifics of your case.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the likelihood of my EB1 extraordinary ability application being accepted on the second attempt?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to say without having access to the details of your case.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the chances of my EB1 extraordinary ability petition being accepted on the second filing?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to predict without having knowledge of your case.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "89 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for an EB2 visa? I have a Bachelor's degree, completed a medical program which is equivalent to a Master's degree, and have been a faculty member/administrator at a top nursing school in Manila for five years. I am also a PhD student in a top university in Manila majoring in biology. Is EB2 a family-based petition? My parents live in New Jersey.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"EB stands for employment-based. To be eligible for an EB2 visa, you must have a post-graduate degree (by US standards) or a 4-year Bachelor's degree with five years of progressively responsible experience. You should speak to your lawyer about applying for an EB2 and transferring your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB2 visa? I have a Bachelor's degree, and I have completed a medical program which is equivalent to a Master's degree. I have been a faculty member/administrator at a top nursing school in Manila for five years and I am also a PhD student in a top university in Manila majoring in biology. Is EB2 a family-based petition? My parents live in New Jersey.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"EB stands for employment-based. To be eligible for an EB2 visa, you must have a post-graduate degree (by US standards) or a 4-year Bachelor's degree with five years of progressively responsible experience. You should consult with your lawyer about applying for an EB2 and transferring your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I able to apply for an EB2 visa? I have a Bachelor's degree, and I have completed a medical program which is equivalent to a Master's degree. I have been a faculty member/administrator at a top nursing school in Manila for five years and I am also a PhD student in a top university in Manila majoring in biology. Is EB2 a family-based petition? My parents live in New Jersey.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"EB stands for employment-based. To be eligible for an EB2 visa, you must have a post-graduate degree (by US standards) or a 4-year Bachelor's degree with five years of progressively responsible experience. You should discuss with your lawyer about applying for an EB2 and transferring your priority date.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "90 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to wait to get my diploma before I can apply for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally, immigration law looks at when the degree was finished, not when the diploma was given. Consult with your attorneys.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my official transcript to apply for EB2 or do I need to wait until I get my diploma?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally, immigration law looks at when the degree was accomplished - not when the diploma was issued. Speak with your legal advisors.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to wait until I get my diploma to apply for EB2 or can I use my official transcript?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally, immigration law focuses on when the degree was completed - not when the diploma was conferred. Consult with your lawyers.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "91 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the risk of my education being denied when filing under EB-2?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your educational qualifications may be scrutinized during the I-140 stage, but USCIS can query any of these matters at any point. I have seen I-140s that were approved initially but later denied at the I-485 stage.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the likelihood of my educational background being rejected when I apply for EB-2?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your educational qualifications could be examined in depth during the I-140 phase, but USCIS can raise any of these issues at any stage. I have seen cases where I-140s were accepted initially but later denied at the I-485 stage.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the risk of my educational qualifications being denied when filing under EB-2?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your educational background may be investigated thoroughly at the I-140 stage, but USCIS can raise any of these matters at any point. I have seen I-140s that were approved initially but later denied at the I-485 stage.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "92 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to file for an employment green card in the EB2 category if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT from India?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but make sure your lawyers draft the PERM application carefully so that if EB2 is denied, EB3 should still be approved.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT from India, can I apply for an employment green card under the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but your lawyers should be sure to craft the PERM application carefully so that if EB2 is not accepted, EB3 should still be approved.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an employment green card in the EB2 category if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT from India?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but your lawyers should be sure to create the PERM application carefully so that if EB2 is denied, EB3 should still be accepted.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "93 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I file for an employment-based green card in the EB2 category if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is feasible, but make sure your attorneys craft the PERM application cautiously, so if EB2 is denied, EB3 should still be accepted.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for an EB2 green card if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible, but have your lawyers create the PERM application carefully, so if EB2 is declined, EB3 should still be approved.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for an EB2 green card if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is doable, but make sure your attorneys design the PERM application prudently, so if EB2 is rejected, EB3 should still be granted.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "94 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does my wife qualify for EB-2 processing with her post-professional degree in occupational therapy?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Occupational therapists do not have a special category like physical therapists, however, it is possible to qualify for EB-2. Consult with her lawyers for more information.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the chances of my wife getting EB-2 processing with her OT degree?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible for occupational therapists to qualify for EB-2, although there is no special category like physical therapists. Your wife should speak to her lawyers for more information.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does my wife's post-professional degree in OT make her eligible for EB-2 processing?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Occupational therapists do not have a special category like physical therapists, but it is possible to qualify for EB-2. Your wife should consult with her lawyers for more information.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "95 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB-2 green card if I have 3 years of IT experience and am in the process of completing a master's degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card once you finish your master's degree and take up a job that requires such degree or bachelor's plus five years experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have 3 years of experience in the IT field and am in the process of getting my master's degree, am I eligible for an EB-2 green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card once you have completed your master's degree and acquired a job that requires such degree or bachelor's plus five years experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an EB-2 green card if I have 3 years of IT experience and am in the process of obtaining a master's degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible to apply for an EB-2 green card once you finish your master's degree and secure a job that requires such degree or bachelor's plus five years experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "for id, batch_inputs_string in enumerate(qaa_list_encoded):\n",
+ " print(id, \"\\n\") # \"\\n\\n\\n\", \"input:\\n\", batch_inputs_string, \"\\n\"\n",
+ " completion_batch = openai.Completion.create(\n",
+ " prompt=batch_inputs_string, \n",
+ " model=\"text-davinci-003\",\n",
+ " temperature = 0.2,\n",
+ " max_tokens = 1000 # The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " results_string = completion_batch['choices'][0]['text']\n",
+ " print(results_string, \"\\n\\n\\n\")\n",
+ " qaa_augmented_raw.append(results_string)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "742c9e49-a5f5-440c-be51-ad395ab241a7",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Generate synthetic data with high temperature"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "id": "6085d004-14b5-48b2-b343-4b0f17112137",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I initiate the green card process if my H-1B is picked in the lottery and I have a masters in engineering management?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can initiate the green card process even before you join. You can review the salary figures for each county and profession at this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a masters in engineering management and my employer has filed an H-1B, is it possible to start the green card process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can begin the green card process at any time, even before you join. You can find the salary caps for EB-2 advanced degree holders by county and profession in this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I have the option to initiate the green card process if my employer has submitted an H-1B and I have a masters in engineering management?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can commence the green card process prior to you joining. You can look up the minimum salary caps for EB-2 advanced degree holders by county and profession in this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the eligibility and process for porting from EB-3 to EB-2 for a pending I-485? Is it necessary to file another I-485 application or just a letter to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to upgrade from EB-3 to EB-2 as long as the PERM was filed as an EB-2. If the PERM was filed as an EB-3, then it is not possible to upgrade to EB-2. However, if the PERM was filed as an EB-2, you can file a downgrade second case as EB-3 with the same PERM. For more information, please refer to the FAQs in detail...\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the criteria for and the steps of porting from EB-3 to EB-2 for a pending I-485? Is it necessary to submit another I-485 application or just a letter to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to move up from EB-3 to EB-2 as long as the PERM was filed as an EB-2. If the PERM was filed as an EB-3, then it is not possible to upgrade to EB-2. But if the PERM was filed as an EB-2, you can file a downgrade second case as EB-3 with the same PERM. For more information, please consult the FAQs in detail...\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the requirements and procedure of porting from EB-3 to EB-2 for a pending I-485? Is it necessary to submit another I-485 application or just a letter to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to upgrade from EB-3 to EB-2 as long as the PERM was filed as an EB-2. If the PERM was filed as an EB-3, then it is not possible to upgrade to EB-2. But if the PERM was filed as an EB-2, you can file a downgrade second case as EB-3 with the same PERM. For more information, please refer to the FAQs in detail...\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "2 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the chances of me qualifying for EB-1C/International Managers or Executives? I was in the US on an H1B visa for 11 years until August 2019, when I transferred to Canada as a Software Development Manager, managing 5 direct reports and 4 second-level reports with the same company in both the US and Canada. I have since been promoted to Director of Software Development Projects Support and Maintenance, before completing one year as Manager. I have an I-140 approved and my priority date is July 2012. What is my likelihood of obtaining an L1A? Do I need to be in the US to re-apply for my green card under EB1C, or can my company apply for it while I am in Canada? If I get an I-140 approval under EB1C, can I get an L1A and move to the US? Is this the right time to apply for EB1C in the next couple of months, or should I wait until the visa ban is over?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Please discuss your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside the US with your lawyers. Make sure you plan for it from day one, as attempting to do so a year down the line will not be successful.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are my odds of qualifying for EB-1C/International Managers or Executives? I had an H1B visa in the US for 11 years until August 2019, when I transferred to Canada as a Software Development Manager, managing 5 direct reports and 4 second-level reports with the same company in both the US and Canada. I have since been promoted to Director of Software Development Projects Support and Maintenance, before completing one year as Manager. I have an I-140 approved and my priority date is July 2012. What is the probability of me getting an L1A? Do I need to be in the US to re-apply for my green card under EB1C, or can my company apply for it while I am in Canada? If I get an I-140 approval under EB1C, can I get an L1A and move to the US? Is this the ideal time to apply for EB1C in the next couple of months, or should I wait until the visa ban is over?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Discuss your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside the US with your lawyers. Make sure you plan for it from the start, as attempting to do so a year down the line will not be successful.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are my chances of qualifying for EB-1C/International Managers or Executives? I had an H1B visa in the US for 11 years until August 2019, when I transferred to Canada as a Software Development Manager, managing 5 direct reports and 4 second-level reports with the same company in both the US and Canada. I have since been promoted to Director of Software Development Projects Support and Maintenance, before completing one year as Manager. I have an I-140 approved and my priority date is July 2012. What is the likelihood of me getting an L1A? Do I need to be in the US to re-apply for my green card under EB1C, or can my company apply for it while I am in Canada? If I get an I-140 approval under EB1C, can I get an L1A and move to the US? Is this the proper time to apply for EB1C in the next couple of months, or should I wait until the visa ban is over?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Consult your lawyers about your job description that is intended in the foreign country outside the US. Make sure you plan for it from the beginning, as trying to do so a year down the line will not be successful.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Would it be a good idea for my wife and I to switch from EB-2 to EB-3 for our I-140 application, given that EB-3 is now ahead of EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I don't see any issue with applying for EB-3 and then using the faster option when the time comes.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"My wife and I have been on EADs since 2012 when our priority date became current. We are the primary and dependent applicants on the I-485. Would it be beneficial for us to switch from EB-2 to EB-3 since EB-3 is now ahead of EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I don't think there would be any harm in applying for EB-3 and then selecting the quicker option when the time comes.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "4 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What can I do to ensure that my H-1B is approved for three years, not a shorter duration? I have already been approved for a one year period which expires on October 27th, 2019. I work through a consultancy. Are there any precautions I can take for the upcoming extension? Are there any particular documents needed for the three year approval? If I go for stamping, do I need to be aware of my social media presence at the port of entry? What tips or recommendations do you have in regards to social media during port of entry? My EB2 priority date is February 4th, 2015 and I am planning to marry a girl who is a Nepal citizen and is currently on OPT. Can I move my priority date to the EB2 Nepal category after marriage? If so, what would be my next steps and how soon can I file for an I-485 interview?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Typically the only way you can get a three year extension is if you can prove that the project will go on for three years.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What can I do to secure a three year H-1B approval instead of a shorter duration? My current approval is for one year and will expire on October 27th, 2019. I am employed through a consultancy. Are there any steps I can take to ensure a successful three year extension? What documents will I need to provide for the three year approval? If I go for stamping, should I be mindful of my social media presence at the port of entry? Are there any tips or advice you can provide about social media during port of entry? My EB2 priority date is February 4th, 2015 and I am planning to marry a girl who is a Nepal citizen and is currently on OPT. Is it possible to move my priority date to the EB2 Nepal category after marriage? If so, what would be my next steps and how quickly can I file for an I-485 interview?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally the only way you can get a three year extension is if you can demonstrate that the project will go on for three years.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "5 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the possibilities for remaining in the USA after the expiration of my H-1B visa and I-94?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I do not believe you would qualify for a tourist visa or tourist status, but you can apply for it.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are my options for staying in the US legally after my H-1B and I-94 expire?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would be granted a tourist visa or tourist status, but you can attempt to apply for it.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What can I do to remain in the US after my H-1B and I-94 expire?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would be able to obtain a tourist visa or tourist status, but you can try to apply for it.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "6 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to downgrade a case from EB-2 to EB-3 for priority date advantage, while still keeping the existing EB-2 filing intact? If so, what is the process to do this? Do I need to file a new Labor and I-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, your EB-2 filing will not be affected. You can file an EB-3/I-140 and I believe you can also file an I-485 if your dates are current.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I move my case from EB-2 to EB-3 to gain priority date advantage, while preserving my EB-2 filing? What is the procedure for this? Do I need to submit a new Labor and I-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your EB-2 filing will remain unaffected. You can submit an EB-3/I-140 and I think you can also submit an I-485 if your dates are current.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the process for downgrading a case from EB-2 to EB-3 for priority date advantage, while keeping the EB-2 filing in place? Do I have to file a Labor and I-140 again?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your EB-2 filing will stay unaffected. You can file an EB-3/I-140 and it appears you can also file an I-485 if your dates are current.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "7 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If my EB-2 petition has been approved and I had originally applied for EB-3 in 2011, but now the EB-3 dates are progressing, will I be eligible to still use EB-3 even if my priority date has been reached?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The USCIS has been indicating that if you have an I-140 approved under EB-2 but wish to file under EB-3, you have to submit a copy of the same labor certification - PERM application and get an EB-3 approval first.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have an EB-2 approval and I initially filed for EB-3 in 2011. If the EB-3 dates reach my priority date, am I still able to use EB-3 as I originally applied for?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The USCIS has suggested that if you have a single I-140 approved under EB-2 but want to submit under EB-3, you must submit another I-140 using the same labor certification - PERM application and receive an EB-3 approval first.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have an EB-2 approval and I applied for EB-3 in 2011, will I still be eligible for EB-3 if the dates reach my priority date?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The USCIS has indicated that if you have one I-140 approved under EB-2 but wish to file under EB-3, you must submit a fresh copy of the same labor certification - PERM application and get an EB-3 approval first.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "8 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the implications of not working for the green card sponsoring company for naturalization or citizenship? I worked for the same company from 2004 to 2014 (2004 - 2011 in the US on an H1B visa, and 2011-2014 in India). After receiving my green card, I have not received a single paycheck from a US company. Since then, I have been working in a job with the same job description that my green card was filed for. All other history is clean; I have two US-born children, always pay taxes on time, and have no legal cases. Could I be in trouble? What are my options? Would it help if I went back to the same employer now? Would the situation be any different if my wife applied for naturalization instead of me?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is a difficult situation. I would argue that this is fine because once you obtained the green card, you took the job and you are just temporarily working for the company's operations outside the US. It is likely going to be a touch and go, but that is what I would suggest. You should definitely seek legal advice.\"}\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What risks do I face if I did not work for the green card sponsoring company for naturalization or citizenship? From 2004 to 2014, I worked for the same company (2004 - 2011 in the US on an H1B visa, and 2011-2014 in India). After getting my green card, I have not received a single paycheck from a US company. Since then, I have been working in a job with the same job description that my green card was filed for. All other history is clean; I have two US-born children, always pay taxes on time, and have no legal cases. Am I in danger? What are my choices? Would it help if I returned to the same employer now? Would the situation be any different if my wife applied for naturalization instead of me?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is a tricky situation. I would argue that this is acceptable since you got the green card, took the job, and are just temporarily working for the company's operations outside the US. It is likely going to be a close call, but that is what I would suggest. You should definitely consult a lawyer.\"}\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the consequences of not working for the green card sponsoring company for naturalization or citizenship? I worked for the same company from 2004 to 2014 (2004 - 2011 in the US on an H1B visa, and 2011-2014 in India). After getting my green card, I have not received a single paycheck from a US company. Since then, I have been working in a job with the same job description that my green card was filed for. All other history is clean; I have two US-born children, always pay taxes on time, and have no legal cases. Am I in trouble? What are my options? Would it help if I went back to the same employer now? Would the situation be any different if my wife applied for naturalization instead of me?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This is a difficult situation. I would argue that this is fine because once you obtained the green card, you took the job and you are just temporarily working for the company's operations outside the US. It is likely going to be a tight call, but that is what I would suggest. You should definitely get legal advice.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "9 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What will happen if I downgrade from EB-2 to EB-3 and my newly filed I-140 is denied? Will my previously approved I-140 in EB-2 still be valid?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you file a I-485 prematurely when the priority date of EB-2 is not current, then if the EB-3 is denied, the I-485 will also be denied. It is important to have your lawyer review your case carefully to ensure you don't have any other issues. If the second EB-3 filing is denied, it should not affect the already approved I-140 unless the second filing reveals a problem that was not addressed before.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What happens if I attempt to downgrade from EB-2 to EB-3 and my new I-140 is not approved? Will my original EB-2 I-140 still be valid?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you submit a I-485 before the priority date of EB-2 is current and the EB-3 is denied, the I-485 application will also be rejected. Have your lawyer review your case thoroughly to make sure there are no other issues. If the second EB-3 filing is declined, it should not impact the already approved I-140 unless the second filing brings to light a problem that was not addressed earlier.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What will occur if I try to switch from EB-2 to EB-3 and my new I-140 is denied? Will my already approved EB-2 I-140 remain valid?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you file a I-485 prematurely when the priority date of EB-2 is not current, then if the EB-3 is denied, the I-485 will also be denied. It is important to have your lawyer review your case carefully to guarantee you don't have any other issues. If the second EB-3 filing is rejected, it should not affect the already approved I-140 unless the second filing reveals a problem that was not addressed before.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "10 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What do I need to do to get an accredited master's degree to process an EB-2 green card?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You will need to check with your university to see who has accredited their programs or credentials in order to meet the requirements for an EB-2 green card.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What kind of degree do I need to get to apply for an EB-2 green card?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You will need to have a master's degree from an accredited university in order to be eligible for an EB-2 green card. You can check with your university to find out who has accredited their programs or credentials.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What kind of master's degree do I need to qualify for an EB-2 green card?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You will need to have a master's degree from an accredited university in order to be eligible for an EB-2 green card. Your university should be able to tell you who has accredited their programs or credentials.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "11 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it feasible to initiate green card paperwork while on F-1 status? I am on F-1 OPT visa and working for employer A. My employer A has filed an H1B application for me this year and I am now waiting for the approval. Can my employer begin the green card process while I am on F-1 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For those born in countries where the priority dates are significantly delayed, such as India, China, Philippines, and Mexico, it is risky to start the green card process while on F-1 status as F-1 does not permit dual intent. This means that if you file for a green card in this status, you could encounter issues when obtaining extensions, visas, or re-entry into the US. However, if you are born in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal, or any other country in Europe, where the priority dates are not as delayed, it may be possible to obtain the green card within a year in the EB-1, EB-2, or EB-3 category.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to initiate the green card process while on F-1 visa? I am currently on F-1 OPT and employed by employer A. My employer A has applied for my H1B this year and I am now awaiting the approval. Can my employer start the green card process when I am on F-1 status?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"People born in countries where the priority dates are significantly backlogged, such as India, China, Philippines, and Mexico, it is dangerous to begin the green card process while on F-1 visa as this does not allow for dual intent. This means that if you file for a green card in this status, you could face problems when trying to get extensions, visas, or re-entry into the US. However, for those born in countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal, or any other country in Europe, where the priority dates are not as backlogged, it may be possible to receive the green card within a year in the EB-1, EB-2, or EB-3 category.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it feasible to start the green card process while on F-1 status? I am currently on F-1 OPT visa and working for employer A. My employer A has filed an H1B for me this year and I am now waiting for the approval. Can my employer initiate the green card paperwork while I am on F-1 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"People born in countries where the priority dates are significantly backlogged, such as India, China, Philippines, and Mexico, it is risky to begin the green card process while on F-1 visa as this does not permit dual intent. This means that if you file for a green card in this status, you could encounter difficulties when obtaining extensions, visas, or re-entry into the US. However, if you are born in countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal, or any other country in Europe, where the priority dates are not as backlogged, it may be possible to get the green card within a year in the EB-1, EB-2, or EB-3 category.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "12 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to file for multiple green cards simultaneously? What are the potential side effects of doing so? What would happen if I tried to file for an EB1 and it was not approved, would it affect my EB2 green card? Should job descriptions match for EB1 and EB2? What other issues may arise?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, it is possible to file for multiple green cards at once. Employment, family, and investment categories can all be included in the application. As long as the applications are filed honestly, any number of green cards can be filed. If an EB1 application is not approved, it will not affect an EB2 application. The job descriptions do not need to match for each category, however it is important to be honest in the applications to avoid any issues.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for multiple green cards simultaneously? What will be the consequences of doing so? If I attempt to get an EB1 and it is rejected, will this hurt my EB2 green card? Is it necessary for the job descriptions to be the same in EB1 and EB2? What other problems could come up?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, it is possible to submit green card applications in several categories at once, including employment, family, and investment. As long as the applications are truthful, any number of green cards can be filed. A declined EB1 application will not impact an EB2 application. The job descriptions do not have to be identical, however accuracy is important to avoid any complications.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "13 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the processing time for a NIW application under the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The processing time for a NIW application under the EB2 category is the same as any other EB2 application. You can find the current processing times at http://www.immigration.com/visa-bulletin under the Employment-Based Category 2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I change employers during the NIW application process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, if you are a self-applicant and will continue to work in your stated area of national interest, you can change employers at any time. However, the NIW priority date will take the same amount of time as a normal EB-2 application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"How long will it take to receive my EAD card for a NIW application under the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The processing time for a NIW application under the EB2 category is the same as any other EB2 application. You can find the current processing times at http://www.immigration.com/visa-bulletin under the Employment-Based Category 2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "14 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I receive my green card documents from USCIS without knowing my employer, using form G-884 (Returns of Original Documents)?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Form G-884 is used to request the return of documents that you have sent to USCIS (e.g., your college degrees and diplomas). Use FOIA for the purpose you are considering.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I had my I-140 approved and EAD with EB2 category in April 2012, but my employer did not return my green card documents like I-140 approval copy, labor code, etc. Is it possible to get those documents from USCIS using Form G-884 (Returns of Original Documents) without knowing my employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Form G-884 is for requesting the return of documents that you sent to USCIS (e.g., your college degrees and diplomas). Use FOIA for the purpose you are considering.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I got approved for I-140 and EAD with EB2 category in April 2012, but I haven't gotten my green card documents like I-140 approval copy, labor code, etc. back from my employer. Can I retrieve those documents from USCIS with Form G-884 (Returns of Original Documents) without knowing my employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Form G-884 is used for requesting the return of documents that you had sent to USCIS (e.g., your college degrees and diplomas). Use FOIA for the purpose you are considering.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "15 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can you concurrently file for an EB-2 physical therapist?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Submitting your adjustment of status application is only an option if your priority date for EB-2 is up to date and not delayed.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Are you able to file for an EB-2 physical therapist at the same time?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Concurrent filing is only feasible if your priority date for EB-2 is current and not backlogged.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to submit an adjustment of status application for an EB-2 physical therapist simultaneously?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Only if your priority date for EB-2 is current and not delayed can you file concurrently.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "16 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the details of Obama's immigration action regarding I-140 stage? I'm on an H-1B visa, and my I-140 has been approved in the EB-2 category, but I'm waiting for the dates to become current. Will I be granted any EAD or other forms of permission based on the executive action?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I have heard there is a plan to enable the filing of I-485 at the I-140 stage, without waiting for priority dates to be current. If this is implemented, it would provide you with an EAD as well as the right to switch jobs under AC21. However, there is no definite confirmation of this proposal in any government document as of yet.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the situation with Obama's immigration action at the I-140 stage? I'm on an H-1B visa, and my I-140 has been approved in the EB-2 category, but I'm still waiting for the dates to become current. Can I expect any EAD or other forms of authorization based on the executive action?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I have heard that there is a proposal to allow filing of I-485 at the I-140 stage, without waiting for priority dates to be current. If this is implemented, it would provide you with an EAD as well as the right to change jobs under AC21. Unfortunately, there is no clear indication of this proposal in any government document as of yet.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the status of Obama's immigration action at the I-140 stage? I'm on an H-1B visa, and my I-140 has been approved in the EB-2 category, but I'm still waiting for the dates to become current. Could I receive any EAD or other forms of permission based on the executive action?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I have heard there is a plan to enable the filing of I-485 at the I-140 stage, without waiting for priority dates to be current. If this is implemented, it would get you an EAD as well as the right to switch jobs under AC21. However, there is no definite confirmation of this proposal in any government document as of yet.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "17 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the options for a person with an EB-2 priority date of June 2008, who applied for I-485 in January 2012, and whose priority date became current in July 2014, to expedite their background checks?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"see the marked clip below from rajiv's video recording for the answer to this question.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=uum4s1qwos\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the best course of action for a person with an EB-2 priority date of June 2008, who applied for I-485 in January 2012, and whose priority date became current in July 2014, to speed up their background checks?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"see the marked clip below from rajiv's video recording for the answer to this question.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=uum4s1qwos\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the alternatives for a person with an EB-2 priority date of June 2008, who applied for I-485 in January 2012, and whose priority date became current in July 2014, to hasten their background checks?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"see the marked clip below from rajiv's video recording for the answer to this question.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=uum4s1qwos\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "18 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my experience with my current employer in India while filing for PERM?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can use the experience gained with an employer who has a tax id number other than your petitioning employer.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If my current employer is failing the GC, can I use my Indian experience when filing for PERM?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, it is generally acceptable to use the experience gained with an employer who has a tax id number other than your petitioning employer.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my two and a half years of experience in India with my current employer when filing for PERM?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can use the experience gained with an employer who has a tax id number other than your petitioning employer.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "19 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do internships count when calculating the number of years of experience after school for a EB-2 or EB-3 visa? I have two US university bachelor's degrees, a 3-year degree in science and a 2-year degree in engineering. Will I be considered for an EB-2 visa with this? In case I don't qualify for EB-2, should I wait another year to file EB-2 or should I just file EB-3 now?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Internships are counted when assessing the number of years of experience after school. You must first get your degrees evaluated according to AACRAO EDGE standards to determine if you qualify for an EB-2 visa.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do internships qualify when assessing the number of years of work after school for a EB-2 or EB-3 visa? I hold two US university bachelor's degrees, a 3-year degree in science and a 2-year degree in engineering. Am I eligible for an EB-2 visa with this? If I do not qualify for EB-2, should I wait another year to file EB-2 or just file EB-3 now?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Internships can be taken into account when calculating the number of years of experience after school. You must first have your degrees evaluated under AACRAO EDGE standards to determine if you qualify for an EB-2 visa.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do internships count when determining the number of years of experience after school for an EB-2 or EB-3 visa? I possess two US university bachelor's degrees, a 3-year degree in science and a 2-year degree in engineering. Will I be considered for an EB-2 visa with this? In case I do not qualify for EB-2, should I wait another year to file EB-2 or just file EB-3 now?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Internships are taken into account when assessing the number of years of work after school. You must first get your degrees evaluated according to AACRAO EDGE standards to determine if you qualify for an EB-2 visa.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "20 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"How long should I wait to start the process for a green card if I am entering the US with an L1-A visa? I have 14 years of IT experience and have been in a manager, service delivery role for the past 3 years. I manage a team of 30 people located in Chennai, Shanghai, and San Jose. Do I have the choice to choose between an EB-1 and EB-2 visa? I do not have a bachelor's or master's degree, will that be a barrier to get a green card? Do I need to apply through my employer or can I apply myself?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can apply for green card without any wait. Yes, but EB-1 is a gazillion times faster for Indian-born people. Degree is not a requirement for international managers/execs. Your employer needs to apply.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"How long do I need to wait before I can start the green card process if I am entering the US with an L1-A visa? I have a total of 14 years of IT experience and have been in a manager, service delivery role for the past 3 years. I manage a team of 30 people in Chennai, Shanghai, and San Jose. Can I choose between an EB-1 and EB-2 visa? I do not possess a bachelor's or master's degree, will that be a hindrance to obtaining a green card? Do I have to apply through my employer or can I apply on my own?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can begin the green card process right away. Yes, but EB-1 is a gazillion times faster for Indian-born people. Not having a degree is not an issue for international managers/execs. Your employer needs to apply.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "###### \n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"How soon can I initiate the green card process if I am entering the US with an L1-A visa? I have a total of 14 years of IT experience and have been in a manager, service delivery role for the past 3 years. I manage a team of 30 people located in Chennai, Shanghai, and San Jose. Do I have the option to pick between an EB-1 and EB-2 visa? I do not have a bachelor's or master's degree, will that be an obstacle to getting a green card? Should I only apply through my employer or can I apply on my own?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can start the green card process immediately. Yes, but EB-1 is a gazillion times faster for Indian-born people. Degree is not a requirement for international managers/execs. Your employer needs to apply.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "21 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I acquire a master's degree from an accredited institution, do I have to demonstrate progressive experience since then to be eligible for eb-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, you do not have to demonstrate progressive experience since getting the master's degree for eb-2 eligibility. There may be some issues about the 3+2 pattern of education, but an accredited degree should resolve those.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 3 year bachelor's degree from India and 16 years of experience in the US. I am currently in the process of an EB-3 with a priority date of 10/2006. If I obtain an accredited master's degree, will I qualify for EB-2 or do I need to prove progressive experience since then?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You should not need to demonstrate progressive experience since getting the master's degree for EB-2 eligibility. There could be some issues with the 3+2 pattern of education, but an accredited degree should resolve those.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I possess a bachelor's degree from India and 16 years of experience in the US. I'm currently in the process of an EB-3 with a priority date of 10/2006. If I acquire a master's degree from an accredited institution, will I meet the requirements for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No post-master's experience is necessary for EB-2 eligibility, provided the master's degree is from an accredited institution. There might be some issues regarding the 3+2 pattern of education, but an accredited degree should resolve those.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "22 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will I face difficulty if I have a J-1 visa and I apply for an EB2-NIW, but do not get it?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that exhibiting immigrant intent could cause issues with the J-1 visa, though it is not guaranteed.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am unsuccessful in obtaining an EB2-NIW, will I have problems with my J-1 visa when travelling?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is uncertain, but there is a chance that having attempted to obtain the EB2-NIW could lead to issues with the J-1 visa.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the potential repercussions of applying for an EB2-NIW while I have a J-1 that's valid for four more years?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that having exhibited immigrant intent could cause difficulties with the J-1 visa, though it is not definite.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "23 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get an EB-2 visa if I live in Bulgaria and have a master's degree in veterinary medicine to work as a veterinary assistant in the USA?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In order to be eligible for EB2, two requirements must be met: 1. Your degree must be equivalent to a U.S. advanced degree (a credentials evaluation service needs to assess that according to the correct criteria); and 2. The job must demand an advanced degree or equivalent experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am from Bulgaria and have a master's degree in veterinary medicine, am I able to obtain an EB-2 visa to become a veterinary assistant in the USA?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You may qualify for EB2 if two conditions are fulfilled: 1. Your degree is equal to a U.S. advanced degree (a credentials evaluation service needs to evaluate that using the correct standards); and 2. The job necessitates an advanced degree or equivalent experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB-2 visa if I am from Bulgaria with a master's degree in veterinary medicine and would like to work as a veterinary assistant in the USA?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can be eligible for EB2 provided that two conditions are satisfied: 1. Your degree is comparable to a U.S. advanced degree (a credentials evaluation service needs to assess that under proper standards); and 2. The job requires an advanced degree or equivalent experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "24 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"How can I get in touch with the USCIS Service Centers to update them on the current priority date, upgrade from EB-3 to EB-2, or separate dependents from the principal applicant's petition?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Send an email to the Nebraska Service Center at ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov or the Texas Service Center at tsc.ncscfollowup@uscis.dhs.gov. Make sure to include the case number and A# of the beneficiary(s). If applicable, attach scans of any notices for the USCIS to reference.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the best way to inform the USCIS Service Centers that the priority date is current, that an EB case has been upgraded from EB-3 to EB-2, or that dependents have been separated from the principal applicant's petition?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Send an email to the Nebraska Service Center at ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov or the Texas Service Center at tsc.ncscfollowup@uscis.dhs.gov. Be sure to include the case number and A# of the beneficiary(s). If applicable, attach scans of any notices for the USCIS to reference.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the procedure for notifying the USCIS Service Centers of a priority date being current, an EB case being upgraded from EB-3 to EB-2, or dependents being separated from the principal applicant's petition?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Send an email to the Nebraska Service Center at ncscfollowup.nsc@dhs.gov or the Texas Service Center at tsc.ncscfollowup@uscis.dhs.gov. Include the case number and A# of the beneficiary(s). If applicable, attach scans of any notices for the USCIS to reference.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "25 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " \n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"is a degree from an accredited U.S university needed for green card eligibility under the eb-2 classification?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, a degree from an accredited U.S university is required for a beneficiary to be eligible for a green card under the eb-2 classification. Evidence such as SEVIS certification or state board approval, which confirm the university is a legitimate institution, is not enough to show accreditation. You can find out a university's accreditation status from the website http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/. Additionally, you may watch the video 'Accreditation of Distance Education for EB-2' and read the transcript at http://www.immigration.com/media/eb2-green-card/accreditation-distance-\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"is it essential for a beneficiary who has been petitioned for a green card under the eb-2 classification (due to a U.S master's degree) to have a degree from an accredited U.S. university?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, a beneficiary must have a degree from an accredited U.S. university in order to be eligible for a green card under the eb-2 classification. Proof such as SEVIS certification or state board approval, which verifies the university is a legitimate educational institution, is not sufficient to demonstrate accreditation for green card purposes. You can check a university's accreditation status from the website http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/. You may also want to watch the video 'Accreditation of Distance Education for EB-2' and read the transcript at http://www.immigration.com/media/eb2-green-card/accreditation-distance-\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"does a beneficiary who is petitioned for a green card under the eb-2 classification (based on a U.S master's degree) need to have a degree from an accredited U.S. university?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, a beneficiary must possess a degree from an accredited U.S. university in order for them to be eligible for a green card under the eb-2 classification. Evidence such as SEVIS certification or state board approval, which confirms that the university is a legitimate educational institution, is not enough to demonstrate accreditation for green card purposes. You can find out a university's accreditation status from the website http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/. You may also watch the video 'Accreditation of Distance Education for EB-2' and read the transcript at http://www.immigration.com/media/eb2-green-card/accreditation-distance-\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "26 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"have i earned a master's degree in science within one year? i have the final degree certificate from the university, but i finished the regular 2 year program in just 1 year. will uscis consider my m.sc degree to be incomplete?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"this is where the evaluators come in. we have experienced issues with uscis in these circumstances. an evaluation done through the edge database should be sufficient to satisfy uscis.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"did i finish a master's degree in one year? i possess a master's degree in science and i have the final degree certificate from the university. however, i completed the normal 2 year program in only 1 year. will uscis view my m.sc degree as incomplete?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"this is where the evaluators enter the picture. we have encountered problems with uscis in these situations. a review conducted via the edge database should be enough to convince uscis.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "27 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What qualifications are required for an EB-2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The USCIS clarified the equivalent of a U.S. master's degree for an EB-2 visa in June 2007. Each petition and its documentation are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Generally, the following qualifications are accepted: a U.S. master's degree, a four-year bachelor's degree and two-year master's degree in the same or related fields, a three-year bachelor's degree and three-year master's degree in the same or related fields, a three-year bachelor's degree, one-year postgraduate diploma, and two-year master's degree in the same or similar field, and a three-year bachelor's degree, two-year master's degree, and five years of progressive post-master's degree experience. Documentation must be included, such as an official academic record showing the degree or a letter from an employer showing five years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the specialty.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What educational credentials are accepted for an EB-2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The USCIS clarified the equivalent of a U.S. master's degree for an EB-2 visa in June 2007. Each petition and its documentation are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Generally, the following qualifications are accepted: a U.S. master's degree, a four-year bachelor's degree and two-year master's degree in the same or related fields, a three-year bachelor's degree and three-year master's degree in the same or related fields, a three-year bachelor's degree, one-year postgraduate diploma, and two-year master's degree in the same or similar field, and a three-year bachelor's degree, two-year master's degree, and five years of progressive post-master's degree experience. Supporting documentation must be provided, such as an official academic record showing the degree or a letter from an employer demonstrating five years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the specialty.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the qualifications for an EB-2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The USCIS clarified the equivalent of a U.S. master's degree for an EB-2 visa in June 2007. Each petition and its documentation are examined on an individual basis. Generally, the following qualifications are accepted: a U.S. master's degree, a four-year bachelor's degree and two-year master's degree in the same or related fields, a three-year bachelor's degree and three-year master's degree in the same or related fields, a three-year bachelor's degree, one-year postgraduate diploma, and two-year master's degree in the same or similar field, and a three-year bachelor's degree, two-year master's degree, and five years of progressive post-master's degree experience. Evidence must be included, such as an official academic record showing the degree or a letter from an employer displaying five years of progressive post-baccalaureate experience in the specialty.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "28 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am attempting to apply for EB-2 status. The job requirement is a Bachelor's degree in engineering with five years of experience. No alternatives are mentioned in the PERM. Would my educational qualifications - diploma, AMIE, and M.Tech - and seven years of experience post M.Tech from my previous and current employer be considered for EB-2 eligibility? Are there any issues I should be aware of regarding my education when filing the I-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The AMIE is questionable. I recall a decision from the AAO that said they would not recognize AMIE, but a more recent decision was more lenient. Regardless, an EB-2 should be attempted. The M.Tech should help.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I am aiming to get EB-2 status. The job requirement is a Bachelor's in engineering plus five years of experience. No other options are listed in the PERM. Is my educational background - diploma, AMIE, and M.Tech - and seven years of experience post M.Tech from past and current employers enough to be considered for EB-2 eligibility? Are there any potential risks I should be aware of regarding my education when submitting the I-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The AMIE is iffy. I remember an AAO decision that said they will not accept AMIE, but a more recent decision was a bit more open-minded. Regardless, an EB-2 should be tried. The M.Tech should help.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "29 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified to apply for EB-2 status with my credentials?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Take into consideration the following: the name change of the employer will not require the green card process to start from the beginning, USCIS could take away your priority date if the sponsoring employer halts business operations, and the job must necessitate five years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the qualifications for EB-2 status?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Be aware of these points: a switch in the company name does not mean the green card process must begin again, USCIS may revoke your priority date if the sponsoring employer discontinues business, and the job must demand five years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB-2 with my background?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Remember these details: the alteration of the employer's name does not necessitate the green card process to be restarted, USCIS could take away your priority date if the sponsoring employer ceases operations, and the job should require five years of experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "30 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I restart the green card process under the EB-2 category with my current qualifications and experience?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you have more than 5 years of experience after completing a 4-year degree, you may be able to restart the green card process under the EB-2 category and port your priority date. Essentially, you would have to redo the PERM and I-140 for an EB-2 level job.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to begin the green card process anew under the EB-2 category given my background?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you have at least 5 years of experience after obtaining a 4-year degree, you could potentially restart the green card process in the EB-2 category and transfer your priority date. This would involve filing a new PERM and I-140 for an EB-2 level job.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I restart the green card process under the EB-2 category given my qualifications and experience?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you have more than 5 years of experience after earning a 4-year degree, you may be able to restart the green card process under the EB-2 category and port your priority date. This would involve submitting a new PERM and I-140 for an EB-2 level job.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "31 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I bypass the requirement for perm by filing under the eb-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You may be able to bypass the need for perm if you are eligible for a national interest waiver under the eb-2 category.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to avoid perm by submitting an eb-2 petition?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It may be possible to skip the perm process if you are eligible for a national interest waiver under the eb-2 category.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I get around the perm requirement by filing under the eb-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You may be able to circumvent the perm process if you are eligible for a national interest waiver under the eb-2 category.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "32 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is more likely to be approved (or faster) for an EB-2 application: master's equivalency or five years of progressive experience? Is the employer's capability to support documents relevant, or does it depend on the lawyer's attention to detail when submitting to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It all starts with the lawyer. Ensure they are thorough and plan for any potential outcome. The job must be accurately described.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the likelihood of success for an EB-2 application: master's equivalency or five years of progressive experience? How much does the employer's capability to provide documentation matter compared to the lawyer's attention to detail when submitting to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is important to have a lawyer who is meticulous in their preparation and can provide a truthful description of the job. This is the first step.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is more likely to be approved (or faster) for an EB-2 application: master's equivalency or five years of progressive experience? Does the employer's capability to support documents play a role, or is it solely dependent on the lawyer's attention to detail when submitting to USCIS?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is essential to have a lawyer who is thorough in their preparations and can accurately describe the job. This is the initial step.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "33 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for EB-2 with the same employer using the experience I have gained from them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, if the job is more than 50% different from the one you were doing previously.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to apply for EB-2 with my current employer using my experience gained from them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, if the job offered is significantly different than the one you were doing before.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I reapply for EB-2 with the same employer using my experience with them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, if the job is significantly different than the one you had before.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "34 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for the EB-2 category? I am working as a professor at a major US university on an H1B visa for the past 9 months. I have a physician and PhD degree, 16 years of professional experience in Europe, and have published 20 papers and 1 book. Can I apply for an EB green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You meet the requirements for the EB-2 category and should submit your application as soon as possible. For professorial jobs, you can reuse existing advertisements if you file PERM within 18 months of when the job was offered to you. You should also have your resume evaluated for a possible simultaneous EB1 application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for the EB-2 level? I have been a professor at a major US university on an H1B visa for 9 months now. I possess a physician and PhD degree, 16 years of professional experience in Europe, and I have published 20 papers and 1 book. Can I apply for an EB green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You are eligible for the EB-2 level and you should submit your application as quickly as possible. For professorial jobs, you can reuse existing advertisements if you file PERM within 18 months of when the job was offered to you. You should also have your resume examined for a potential simultaneous EB1 application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the criteria for EB-2? I have been working as a professor at a major US university on an H1B visa for 9 months. I have a physician and PhD degree, 16 years of professional experience in Europe, and I have published 20 papers and 1 book. Am I able to apply for an EB green card?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You fulfill the criteria for the EB-2 category and you should file your application as soon as possible. For professorial jobs, you can reuse existing advertisements if you file PERM within 18 months of when the job was offered to you. You should also have your resume evaluated for a possible simultaneous EB1 application.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "35 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"am i eligible for eb-2 ? i completed a three year bachelor of computer science program in india in june 2005. then i began a master of computer applications program in india in aug 2005 (three year program). while still studying for my degree, i started a full time job in a software company in jan 2006. i was given a master of computer applications degree (three year degree) in 2008. i worked with the same company in a full time capacity until dec 2010 (five years). after that, i relocated to the US. i have been working with a US-based company for the past seven months in a full time position (total experience 5 years 7 months). am i eligible for eb-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"yes, you are eligible.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"am i qualified for eb-2 ? i obtained a three year bachelor of computer science degree from india in june 2005. then i began a master of computer applications program (m.c.a) in india in aug 2005 (three year program). while still enrolled in the master's degree program, i began a full time job in a software company in jan 2006. i was presented with a master of computer applications degree (three year degree) in 2008. i worked with the same company in a full time job until dec 2010 (five years). after that, i moved to the US. i have been employed with a US-based company for the past seven months as a full time employee (total experience 5 years 7 months). am i qualified for eb-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"you are qualified.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "36 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the prospects of getting an EB2 visa with my qualifications?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your degree must be comparable to a US Bachelor's degree. Unfinished degrees are not accepted for EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the likelihood of obtaining an EB2 visa given my background?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your academic credentials must be equivalent to a US Bachelor's degree. Incomplete degrees cannot be used for EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are my chances of securing an EB2 visa with my educational background?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your educational attainment must be similar to a US Bachelor's degree. Uncompleted degrees are not applicable for EB2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "37 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to be continuously employed for the same employer to qualify for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, you don't have to be continuously employed for the same employer to qualify for EB-2, but you can only use the experience with the same employer if the job you used to perform and the job you will perform after the green card are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my experience prior to Aug 2010 for EB-2 qualification?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can use your experience prior to Aug 2010 for EB-2 qualification, provided that the job you used to perform and the job you will perform after the green card are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible to use my experience from before Aug 2010 for EB-2 qualification?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can use your experience from before Aug 2010 for EB-2 qualification, as long as the job you used to perform and the job you will perform after the green card are more than 50% different.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "38 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I change employers after my I-140 application is approved, will I retain my priority date? I applied for my I-140 in August 2008, my EB2 priority date is March 7th 2008, and my H-1 visa is in its 8th year and expires on May 12th. Can my current employer withdraw my application and cause me to lose my priority date?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can keep your priority date as long as the sponsoring employer does not revoke your I-140, go out of business, or USCIS does not revoke the I-140 or find fraud. Your current employer cannot withdraw your application and cause you to lose your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What happens to my priority date if I move to a new company after my I-140 is approved? I applied for I-140 on August 8th 2008, my EB2 priority date is March 7th 2008, and I am in the 8th year of my H-1 visa which expires on May 12th. Can my old employer cancel my application and make me lose my priority date?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can maintain your priority date as long as the sponsoring employer does not revoke your I-140, go out of business, or USCIS does not revoke the I-140 or find fraud. Your old employer cannot cancel your application and make you lose your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I keep my priority date if I change employers after my I-140 is approved? My I-140 was submitted on August 8th 2008, my EB2 priority date is March 7th 2008, and my H-1 visa is in its 8th year and will expire on May 12th. Will my current employer's withdrawal of my application cause me to lose my priority date?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can retain your priority date as long as the sponsoring employer does not revoke your I-140, go out of business, or USCIS does not revoke the I-140 or find fraud. Your current employer's withdrawal of your application will not cause you to lose your priority date.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "39 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What expenses can an employee cover for an employment-based green card application in the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The employer is legally obligated to pay for all costs related to the PERM process, but not the other stages of the green card application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible for an employee to pay for the entire green card application process, including attorney's processing fees, filing fees, advertising fees, EAD, and advance parole fees?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, the employer is required to cover all expenses related to the PERM process, not the other stages of the green card application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can an employee be responsible for the entire cost of the green card application process, such as legal fees, filing fees, advertising fees, EAD, and advance parole fees?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No, the employer must pay for expenses associated with the PERM process, but not the other steps of the green card application.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "40 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the qualifications for the EB-2 visa? I have a total of 5 years of experience with 3 years of a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and 2 years of a Master's Degree in Information Technology. Will this count as a Bachelor's Degree + 1 year and require 5 years of progressive experience to qualify for the EB-2?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you would be eligible for the EB-2 visa with a Bachelor's Degree plus 5 years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the eligibility requirement for the EB-2 visa? I have a combination of 3 years of a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and 2 years of a Master's Degree in Information Technology. Do I need to have a Bachelor's Degree plus one year and five years of progressive experience to qualify for the EB-2?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you would qualify for the EB-2 visa with a Bachelor's Degree plus five years of experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "41 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I include skills I acquired while working for the company sponsoring my green card if some of the experiences/skills required in the job description were acquired while working there?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you may use the after-acquired skills as long as the job in the past and the green card job are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I list the skills I have obtained while employed by the firm sponsoring my green card if some of the experiences/skills necessary in the job description were obtained while working there?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can include the after-acquired skills only if the job in the past and the green card job are more than 50% different.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I state the skills I have gained while employed by the company sponsoring my green card if some of the experiences/skills required in the job description were obtained while working there?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you may utilize the after-acquired skills only if the job in the past and the green card job are more than 50% different.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "42 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified to file for a green card while on OPT? I recently graduated with my Master's and have been working for two months. Can I file under the EB2 category, considering I have two years of IT experience in India? Or do I need to wait until I get an H1B?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This requires a legal evaluation of your case. Generally, there is nothing stopping you from filing a PERM application while on OPT and an EB2 appears to be a viable option.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I start the green card process while on OPT? I just graduated with my Master's and have been employed for two months. Is it possible to file for an EB2 given my two years of IT experience in India? Would I need to wait for an H1B to begin the process?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your lawyer should evaluate your case. Generally, nothing prevents you from filing a PERM application while on OPT and an EB2 is likely an achievable goal.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible to apply for a green card while on OPT? I acquired my Master's last summer and have been working for two months. Is it feasible to file for an EB2, given my two years of IT experience in India? Or must I wait for an H1B?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"This requires your attorney to assess your case. Generally speaking, there is nothing preventing you from submitting a PERM application while on OPT and an EB2 seems to be a viable option.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "43 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch my category from EB3 to EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is feasible, but the permanent residency application will have to be restarted.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it achievable to change my classification from EB3 to EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, however the green card process will need to be initiated again from the beginning.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I modify my category from EB3 to EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible, but the permanent residency filing must be begun again from perm.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "44 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"is it possible to put in an application for gc in the eb-2 category? i have a bsc from india plus a two year diploma from niit (in h1 and l1 they regarded my diploma as a master degree, i believe) and ten years of experience. is it possible to apply for a gc in the eb2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"diplomas can be unpredictable. i think it is unlikely that eb-2 would work.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"am i able to apply for gc in the eb-2 category? i have a bsc from india and a two year diploma from niit (in h1 and l1 they considered my diploma to be a master degree, i assume) and ten years of experience. am i able to put in an application for a gc in the eb2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"diplomas can be hard to predict. i think it is unlikely that eb-2 would be successful.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"am i able to submit an application for gc in the eb-2 category? i have a bsc from india and a two year diploma from niit (in h1 and l1 they thought of my diploma as a master degree, i surmise) and ten years of experience. am i able to submit an application for a gc in the eb2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"diplomas can be hard to anticipate. i think it is doubtful that eb-2 would be successful.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "45 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2? I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from India and 7.5 years of experience in a related field. Can I apply for a Green Card under this category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It looks like you are eligible for EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I suited for EB2? I received my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from India and I have 7.5 years of experience in the same field. Can I submit a Green Card application under this classification?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It appears that you qualify for EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2? I possess a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from India and have 7.5 years of experience in a related area. Can I apply for a Green Card in this category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You seem to be qualified for EB-2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "46 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for the EB-2 category? I am working for one of the largest companies as a mechanical engineer and I am transitioning from mechanical engineer to product development engineer within the same company. The job requires a bachelor's degree plus two to five years of experience. I have a bachelor's degree with four years, a master's degree from the US, one year and four months of research assistant experience, 10 months of teaching assistant experience, and three years and seven months of experience as a mechanical engineer.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for the EB-2 category. The minimum requirements for the job are two years of experience and you meet that requirement.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for the EB-2 category? I am employed as a mechanical engineer at one of the largest companies and I am changing my job to product development engineer within the same company. The job requires a bachelor's degree and two to five years of experience. I have a bachelor's degree with four years, a master's degree from the US, one year and four months of research assistant experience, 10 months of teaching assistant experience, and three years and seven months of experience as a mechanical engineer.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you meet the qualifications for the EB-2 category. The minimum requirement for the job is two years of experience and you fulfill that requirement.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I suitable for the EB-2 category? I am working as a mechanical engineer at one of the largest companies and I am transitioning to product development engineer within the same company. The job requires a bachelor's degree and two to five years of experience. I have a bachelor's degree with four years, a master's degree from the US, one year and four months of research assistant experience, 10 months of teaching assistant experience, and three years and seven months of experience as a mechanical engineer.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for the EB-2 category. The job requires a minimum of two years of experience and you meet that requirement.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "47 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for EB-2 with my 3 year Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and 2 year Master's degree in Computer Science from India?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is a possibility, however, your attorney must determine which route is more suitable for you: assess if the two degrees are equivalent to a Bachelor's and use the Bachelor's plus 5 years for EB-2, or just use the Master's degree (which carries more risk).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 3 year Bachelor's in Computer Science and 2 year Master's in Computer Science from India. My education evaluation says Master's. Is it possible to apply for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is a potential option, however, your legal representative must assess which path is more appropriate for you: evaluate if the two degrees are equal to a Bachelor's and use the Bachelor's plus 5 years for EB-2, or just use the Master's degree (which has more risk).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB-2 with my 3 year Bachelor's in Computer Science and 2 year Master's in Computer Science from India?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible, but your lawyers must decide which route is better for you: determine if the two degrees are equal to a Bachelor's and use the Bachelor's plus 5 years for EB-2, or just use the Master's degree (which is more risky).\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "48 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the criteria for eb-2? I hold a four-year degree in civil engineering and have had 13 years of documented experience in the IT industry. Is eb2 or eb3 my option?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You may be eligible for eb2\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for eb-2? I have a bachelors degree in civil engineering and have had 13 years of progressive experience in the IT field. Could I be considered for eb2 or eb3?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that you qualify for eb2\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for eb-2? I completed a four-year program in civil engineering and have had 13 years of progressive experience in the IT industry. Could I be approved for eb2 or eb3?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You could be eligible for eb2\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "49 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need a master's degree? I have a two-year B.Com from my home country, and a Chartered Accountancy certification. I have 10 years of accounting experience, and a CPA. My firm's lawyers refused to file an EB-2 and insisted on an EB-3. I know two people from another accounting firm with the same credentials (even the same university) who filed an EB-2 and got a green card. When I got my H1B, I got my foreign credentials evaluated and received equivalence to a BBA in Accounting and Finance based on my B.Com and CA. But the lawyers insisted that for the green card process, USCIS won't consider a CA.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your lawyers are correct in that a CA is not accepted as education by USCIS. You should consult a credentials evaluation agency about obtaining a master's degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What degree do I need? I have a two-year B.Com from my home country and a Chartered Accountancy certification. I have 10 years of accounting experience and a CPA. My firm's lawyers refused to file an EB-2 and insisted on an EB-3. I know two people from another accounting firm with the same credentials (even the same university) who filed an EB-2 and got a green card. When I got my H1B, I got my foreign credentials evaluated and received equivalence to a BBA in Accounting and Finance based on my B.Com and CA. But the lawyers asserted that for the green card process, USCIS won't accept a CA.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your lawyers are correct that the USCIS does not recognize a CA as an educational credential. You should talk to a credentials evaluation agency about getting a master's degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What qualifications do I need? I have a two-year B.Com from my home country plus a Chartered Accountancy certification. I have 10 years of accounting experience and a CPA. My firm's lawyers refused to file an EB-2 and insisted on an EB-3. I know two people from another accounting firm with the same credentials (even the same university) who filed an EB-2 and got a green card. When I got my H1B, I got my foreign credentials evaluated and received equivalence to a BBA in Accounting and Finance based on my B.Com and CA. But the lawyers said that for the green card process, USCIS won't accept a CA.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your lawyers are correct that the USCIS does not recognize a CA as an educational credential. You should consult a credentials evaluation agency about obtaining a master's degree.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "50 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it permissible to switch jobs and submit a PERM and I-140 application under EB-2 instead of EB-3 with my new employer? How risky is this? I could stay with my current job, but it would take another three years to get my green card under EB-3 with my priority date of February 2007.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can submit an I-485 when your priority date becomes current (and then get an EAD). Priority dates are reported in the Visa Bulletin. I do not see an issue with transferring the priority date if you file an EB-2 through a new employer. As for risk, that should be evaluated by your attorneys.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch jobs and file a PERM and I-140 under EB-2 instead of EB-3 with the new employer? What is the risk involved? I can stay with my current job, but it will take another three years to get my green card under EB-3 with my priority date of February 2007.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can file an I-485 when your priority date is current (and then receive an EAD). Priority dates are posted in the Visa Bulletin. I do not see a problem with transferring the priority date if you apply for an EB-2 through a new employer. As far as risk, that should be assessed by your lawyers.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I allowed to change jobs and submit a PERM and I-140 under EB-2 in place of EB-3 with the new employer? How dangerous is this? I could stay with my current job, but it would take another three years to get my green card under EB-3 with my priority date of February 2007.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can file an I-485 when your priority date is current (and then get an EAD). Priority dates are reported in the Visa Bulletin. I do not see an issue with carrying the priority date forward if you file an EB-2 through a new employer. As for danger, that should be evaluated by your attorneys.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "51 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Would my qualifications and current job as a senior consultant in a company that implements eqms for biologics, med device and pharma companies qualify me for EB-2 if I apply for green card? If I change employers before the green card is approved, what will happen?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that you may be eligible for EB-2, depending on your qualifications and the job requirements. If you leave before the I-140 is approved, you may not receive any benefit from the application process. However, if you leave after the I-140 has been approved, you can still keep your priority date and use it to apply for a green card.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a master's degree in biomedical engineering and am currently employed as a senior consultant in a company that implements eqms for biologics, med device and pharma companies, will I qualify for EB-2 if I apply for a green card? Will I have to start the process over if I switch employers before the green card is approved?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that you could be eligible for EB-2 depending on your qualifications and the job requirements. If you leave before the I-140 is approved, it is likely that you will not receive any benefit from the application process. However, if you leave after the I-140 has been approved, you can still keep your priority date and use it to apply for a green card.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a master's degree in biomedical engineering and am currently a senior consultant in a company that implements eqms for biologics, med device and pharma companies, would I be able to get EB-2 if I apply for a green card? Would I have to start from the beginning if I switch employers before the green card is approved?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible that you may be eligible for EB-2 depending on your qualifications and the job requirements. If you leave before the I-140 is approved, you may not gain any benefit from the application process. However, if you leave after the I-140 has been approved, you can still keep your priority date and use it to apply for a green card.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "52 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch jobs after I-140 approval? I am in my fifth year of H1B status and my current employer has filed a PERM under EB-3, which has a six year backlog. I am wondering if I can wait for the I-140 approval, get a three year extension with my current employer, and then switch jobs? Will I be able to get three more years on H1 with a new employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible and typical for a new employer (Employer B) to get an H1 extension based on an I-140 approval from a prior employer (Employer A). You should consult with an attorney for more details.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I change jobs after I-140 approval? I have been on H1B for five years and my current employer has initiated the PERM process under EB-3, which is subject to a six year backlog. I would like to know if I can wait for the I-140 approval, get a three year extension with my current employer, and then find a new job? Is it possible to get three more years on H1 with a different employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to obtain an H1 extension from a new employer (Employer B) based on an I-140 approval from a prior employer (Employer A). It is recommended to speak with an attorney for more information.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch jobs after I-140 approval? I have been on H1B for five years and my current employer has started the PERM process under EB-3, which is subject to a six year backlog. I want to know if I can wait for the I-140 approval, get a three year extension with my current employer, and then move to a new company? Is it possible to get three more years on H1 with a different employer?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to receive an H1 extension from a new employer (Employer B) based on an I-140 approval from a prior employer (Employer A). It is advised to consult with an attorney for further details.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "53 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to wait for a promotion before starting the green card process to qualify for EB-2? Is a Bachelor's degree plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience or a Master's degree plus two years of experience enough to meet the requirements for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is best to consult with your lawyers to decide when to file. For EB-2, either a minimum Master's degree or a Bachelor's degree plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience is the required qualification.\"}\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Should I wait to apply for my green card until I receive a promotion to qualify for EB-2? Does my Bachelor's plus five years of experience or my Master's plus two years of experience meet the requirements for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You should discuss with your lawyers when to submit the application. EB-2 requires either a minimum Master's degree or a Bachelor's plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience.\"}\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to wait for a promotion before I start the green card process in order to be eligible for EB-2? Is a Bachelor's plus five years' post-Bachelor experience or a Master's plus two years' experience sufficient to meet the criteria for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is advisable to speak with your lawyers to decide when to file. For EB-2, either a minimum Master's degree or a Bachelor's plus five years of post-Bachelor's experience is the necessary qualification.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "54 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends. If your software engineering diploma is postgraduate and recognized, then you may be eligible.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I suitable for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"That depends. If your software engineering diploma is postgraduate and accepted, then you could be eligible.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends. If your software engineering diploma is postgraduate and acknowledged, then you might be suitable.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "55 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 green card? I have a B.Sc. in Computer Science (3 years) and an M.Sc. in Computer Science (2 years). Additionally, I have 9 years of experience in a Tech Architect-Lead role (leading 5-20 people). My M.Sc. was evaluated as a US MS for my H1 visa approval. Am I eligible?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If your B.Sc. and M.Sc. are related to your work, then you should be able to apply for EB2 green card.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB2 green card? I have a B.Sc. in Computer Science (3 years) and an M.Sc. in Computer Science (2 years). Plus, I have 9 years of experience in a Tech Architect-Lead position (leading 5-20 people). My M.Sc. was evaluated as a US MS for my H1 visa approval. Can I qualify?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If your Bachelor's and Master's degrees are in the same field and relevant to your job, then you should be able to apply for EB2 green card.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "56 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I switch from an EB3 to an EB2 green card through portability? My EB3 I-485 is pending with a priority date of 06/2006. My current employer is willing to file a new EB2 as I have an Indian equivalent master's degree (3+3 years) and more experience as well as increased job duties. Is this allowed and will I be able to keep my EB3 priority date? What is the minimum wage for the EB2 category? Does my current company experience count for the new EB2? Any advice on the EB2 job requirements?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In theory, this is a possibility. As far as the practical implications, you should consult with the attorneys who will be representing you in the new green card process.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it feasible to switch from an EB3 to an EB2 green card through portability? My EB3 I-485 is pending with a priority date of 06/2006. My employer is willing to file a new EB2 as I have an Indian equivalent master's degree (3+3 years) and more experience as well as increased job responsibilities. Am I able to do this and keep my EB3 priority date? What is the minimum wage for the EB2 category? Does my current company experience apply to the new EB2? Any guidance on the EB2 job duties?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In theory, this is doable. As to the practical implications, you must speak with the lawyers who will be representing you in the second green card process.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "57 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2 status if I have a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and 3 years of experience?\",\n",
+ " \"_answer\": \"Yes, you meet the requirements for EB2 unless the job has different qualifications that are less than a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a Master's in Electrical Engineering and 3 years of experience, will I qualify for EB2?\",\n",
+ " \"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for EB2 unless the job requires qualifications that are less than a Bachelor's degree plus 5 years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for EB2 with a Master's in Electrical Engineering and 3 years of experience?\",\n",
+ " \"_answer\": \"Yes, you fulfill the criteria for EB2 unless the job has different qualifications that are lower than a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "58 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB2 visa if I have a Master's in Computer Science and 6 months experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends on if the job requires a Master's degree or not.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the requirement for an EB2 visa if I have a Master's in Computer Science and 6 months experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If the job requires a Master's degree, then you may be eligible.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I suitable for an EB2 visa if I possess a Master's in Computer Science and 6 months experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It depends if the job requires a Master's degree or not.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "59 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are my odds of obtaining a green card through the EB-2 category once I have graduated with a PhD in semiconductor devices and obtained a job in the industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your chances of getting a green card through the EB-2 are quite good.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am in the final year of my PhD in semiconductor devices at a US university, and have around 5 first author publications, what are my prospects of getting a green card through the EB-2 category once I have secured a job in the industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It looks like you have a great chance of getting a green card through the EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Given my current situation - final year of a PhD in semiconductor devices at a US university, with 5 first author publications - how likely is it that I can get a green card through the EB-2 category when I get a job in the industry?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Your probability of getting a green card through the EB-2 is quite high.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "60 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to transfer my Priority Date from an EB3 to an EB2? I filed for a PERM under the EB3 category on October 1, 2008 and received an audit. According to the current PERM dates, they are processing audits from August 2008. Could I file with the same employer under EB2? If yes, could I also keep the EB3 application running in parallel? Is there any way I can transfer my PD after I-140 approval if I file a new EB2? I have already been on an H1B for 4 years and 2 months. Could you please advise me if I can change my employer to file for EB2 or not? Is there any way to transfer my EB3 PD for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not possible to have two PERM applications for the same individual from the same company. However, if you have a valid explanation, there is no law that prevents it. You cannot transfer the PD until the I-140 is approved. I recommend changing jobs right away as you may have enough time.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it feasible to take my Priority Date from an EB3 to an EB2? I submitted my PERM under the EB3 category on October 1, 2008 and got an audit. According to the current PERM dates, they are processing audits from August 2008. Can I file with the same employer under EB2? If yes, can I keep the EB3 application running concurrently? Is there any way to take my PD after I-140 approval if I file a new EB2? I have already been on an H1B for 4 years and 2 months. Could you please suggest if I can switch my employer to file for EB2 or not? Is there any way to transfer my EB3 PD for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not logical to have two PERM applications for the same individual from the same company. However, if you have a valid, logical reason, there is no law that prevents it. You cannot move the PD until the I-140 is approved. I suggest changing jobs immediately as you may have just enough time.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to move my Priority Date from an EB3 to an EB2? I filed for a PERM under the EB3 category on October 1, 2008 and got an audit. According to the current PERM dates, they are processing audits from August 2008. Could I file with the same employer under EB2? If yes, could I also keep the EB3 application running in parallel? Is there any way to move my PD after I-140 approval if I file a new EB2? I have already been on an H1B for 4 years and 2 months. Could you please advise me if I can change my employer to file for EB2 or not? Is there any way to transfer my EB3 PD for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not possible to have two PERM applications for the same individual from the same company. However, if you have a valid explanation, there is no law that stops it. You cannot shift the PD until the I-140 is approved. I recommend switching jobs right away as you may have just enough time.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "61 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I able to apply for EB2 with my qualifications?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would qualify for EB2 based on your 3-year bachelor's degree, software architect certification, 15+ years of experience, and salary of over 100K.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I be eligible for EB2 with my background?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you would be approved for EB2 given your 3-year bachelor's degree, software architect certification, 15+ years of experience, and salary of over 100K.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do my qualifications fit the requirements for EB2?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is unlikely that you meet the requirements for EB2 with your 3-year bachelor's degree, software architect certification, 15+ years of experience, and salary of over 100K.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "62 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to apply for EB2 Schedule A if my PERM application was recently denied due to a layoff in my company? Will the denial have any effect on the Schedule A application? Is it okay to submit the Schedule A application right away or is there a waiting period?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you meet the qualifications, you can submit a Schedule A application. I don't think the PERM denial or layoffs should have any impact on the Schedule A application, and there is no need to wait to file.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I recently had my PERM application denied due to a layoff in my company. Can I apply for EB2 Schedule A to bypass the labor certification step? Will the denial of the PERM application have any effect on the Schedule A application? Is it okay to submit the Schedule A application right away or do I have to wait?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you are eligible, you can file for Schedule A. I can't imagine how the PERM denial or layoffs would cause any issues, and there is no requirement to delay submitting the Schedule A application.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"My PERM application was denied due to my company's recent layoff. Can I apply for EB2 Schedule A to avoid the labor certification step? Will the denial of the PERM application have any influence on the Schedule A application? Is it alright to submit the Schedule A application right away or should I wait for a certain period of time?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you qualify, you can submit a Schedule A application. I can't think of any way the PERM denial or layoffs would have any effect and there should be no need to wait to file.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "63 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for eb2? I have a B.Tech in engineering from India and 13+ years of experience in IT. I am a IT Architect, and my company is ready to process my green card. Can I apply?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It appears that you are eligible for eb-2 as long as your B.Tech is a 4-year degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for eb2? I have a B.Tech degree in engineering from India and I have worked in IT for more than 13 years. I am working as an IT Architect and my company is willing to process my green card. Am I qualified?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It looks like you meet the qualifications for eb-2 as long as your B.Tech is a 4-year degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for eb2? I have a B.Tech in engineering from India and 13 years of experience in IT. I'm currently an IT Architect and my company is ready to start my green card application. Do I qualify?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Assuming your B.Tech is a 4-year degree, it appears that you are eligible for eb-2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "64 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the qualifications for an EB-2 visa given my educational background and two years of work experience on an H-1B visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for an EB-2 visa. Whether a promotion is needed to be eligible for this visa is something that your lawyer and employer will need to decide. Any job that requires a master's degree or bachelor's degree plus five years of progressively responsible experience is sufficient for an EB-2 filing.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a bachelor's degree from a 4-year US program and a master's degree from a 2-year program, and have been working on an H-1B visa for two years, what qualifications would I need to meet in order to be eligible for an EB-2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You would be eligible for an EB-2 visa. It is up to your lawyer and employer to decide if a promotion is necessary for you to meet the requirements. Any position that requires a master's or bachelor's degree and five years of progressively responsible experience would be sufficient for an EB-2 filing.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What would I need to meet the requirements for an EB-2 visa if I have a 4-year US bachelor's degree, a 2-year master's degree, and two years of experience working on an H-1B visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You would be qualified for an EB-2 visa. Whether or not a promotion is necessary for you to be eligible for this visa is something that your lawyer and employer must determine. Any job that requires a master's or bachelor's degree plus five years of progressively responsible experience would be sufficient for an EB-2 filing.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "65 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2? I completed my BSc (3 years) in Computer Science from St. Xavier's Mumbai, then I finished my MCA (3 years) from REC Trichy. I have 7 years of IT experience. My employer is filing my GC. Can I get EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you meet the qualifications for EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for EB2? I studied BSc (3 years) in Computer Science from St. Xavier's Mumbai, then I got my MCA (3 years) from REC Trichy. I have 7 years of work in IT. My employer is submitting my GC. Am I eligible for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you are eligible for EB2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "66 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I fulfill the requirements for an EB-2 green card if I have a 3-year Bachelor's degree (BSc) and a 3-year Bachelor's degree in Technology (BTech) from India, as well as 8 years of experience, if the job needs a MS or BS plus 5 years of experience?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is generally not allowed to combine two 3-year Bachelor's degrees. Therefore, it is unlikely that you meet the EB-2 requirements.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible to apply for a green card under the EB-2 category if I have a 3-year Bachelor's degree (BSc) and a 3-year Bachelor's degree in Technology (BTech) from India, as well as 8 years of experience, and the job requires a MS or BS plus 5 years of experience?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It appears unlikely that you would qualify for EB-2 since combining two 3-year Bachelor's degrees is not usually allowed.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will I be able to get a green card through the EB-2 program if I have a 3-year Bachelor's degree (BSc) and a 3-year Bachelor's degree in Technology (BTech) from India, as well as 8 years of experience, and the job requires a MS or BS plus 5 years of experience?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is doubtful that you would be able to meet the requirements for EB-2 since it is not usually allowed to combine two 3-year Bachelor's degrees.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "67 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for an EB2 visa if I have a 3 year bachelor's degree from India and a 2 year master's degree from India, and 7 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In most cases, combining a 3 year bachelor's degree and a 2 year master's degree from the same or similar field can count as a 4 year degree for EB2 purposes. You should have a good chance of qualifying for EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have 3 years of undergraduate education in India and 2 years of post-graduate education in India, and 7 years of experience. Is this enough to qualify for an EB2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is likely that combining the 3 year bachelor's degree and the 2 year master's degree from the same or similar field can be considered as a 4 year degree for EB2 purposes. You should have a good chance of getting the EB2 visa.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 3 year bachelor's degree from India and a 2 year master's degree from India, and 7 years of experience. Does this meet the requirements for an EB2 visa?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In most cases, combining the 3 year bachelor's degree and the 2 year master's degree from the same or similar field can be considered as a 4 year degree for EB2 purposes. You should have a good chance of qualifying for the EB2 visa.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "68 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the timeline of the green card process if I start now?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The duration of the green card process for individuals from countries with an EB2 backlog can range from 3-4 years or more, depending on various factors. A big plus is that you can transfer your priority date to a new employer and get an H-1B extension beyond 6 years once your I-140 is approved.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"How long would it take to get a green card if I initiate the process now?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For those from countries with a backlog in the EB2 category, the wait time could be anywhere from 3-4 years or more, depending on certain conditions. One of the advantages of getting to the I-140 stage is that you can transfer your priority date to another employer and get an extension on your H-1B visa beyond 6 years.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I start the green card process now, how long will it take?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"For people from countries with an EB2 backlog, the time frame can range from 3-4 years or longer, depending on various factors. One of the benefits of getting to the I-140 stage is that you can take your priority date to a different employer and get an H-1B extension past 6 years.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "69 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can my employer sponsor me for EB2 after they promote me as clinical specialist even if I have only 1 year and 1/2 experience with them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is feasible to use the experience acquired with the same employer if the labor certain job is more than fifty percent distinct from the earlier positions held with the same employer. An experienced attorney can help you evaluate the chances.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it likely that my current employer will sponsor me for EB2 when they promote me to clinical specialist even if I have only 1 year and 1/2 experience with them?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The existing law allows for the use of experience gained with the same employer if the labor certain job is more than fifty percent different from the earlier positions held with the same employer. A qualified lawyer can help you assess the possibilities.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "70 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for EB2? Here are my details: I have a B.Tech in Electronics from India in 2004 and a total of 6 years of experience (3 in the US and 3 in India). Is it necessary to have 5 years of experience outside the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Given your four-year degree and more than 5 years of post-degree work experience, you should be able to apply for EB2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for EB2? My credentials are: B.Tech in Electronics from India in 2004 and a total of 6 years of experience (3 in the US and 3 in India). Do I need 5 years of experience outside the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"With your four-year degree and more than five years of post-degree experience, you should be able to qualify for EB2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "71 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does volunteer work count as experience for EB2? I have a BSOT and did two years of OT volunteer work in an adult setting in my home country, but I was not yet a licensed OT for the first six months.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not mandated that paid experience is necessary for EB2, so volunteer experience could be used.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"For EB2, is volunteer work considered an experience? I graduated with a BSOT and had two years of OT volunteer work in an adult setting in my country of origin, but I was not yet a licensed OT for the first half-year.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There is no requirement that I am aware of that demands paid experience for EB2; volunteer experience could potentially be accepted.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can volunteer work be counted as experience for EB2? I have a BSOT and did two years of OT volunteer work in an adult setting in my native country, but I was not yet a licensed OT for the first six months.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"No necessity exists that paid experience must be had for EB2, so volunteer experience could be taken into account.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "72 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will I be eligible for a green card under the EB-2 category if I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering (4yrs) and have been working as a Subject Matter Expert in the US on an L1B visa with 4 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You will need 5 years of experience after obtaining your Bachelor's degree to be eligible for a green card under the EB-2 category. Certifications do not usually count towards the requirement.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I qualify for a green card through the EB-2 category if I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering (4yrs) and am currently employed in the US on an L1B visa with 4 years of work experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Five years of experience following the completion of your Bachelor's degree is necessary to qualify for a green card through the EB-2 category. Certifications are not typically considered in such cases.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I able to apply for a green card through the EB-2 category if I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering (4yrs) and am presently working in the US on an L1B visa with 4 years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You will need 5 years of experience after completing your Bachelor's degree to be eligible for a green card through the EB-2 category. Certifications are not usually taken into account.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "73 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######{\"_question\":\"Does an individual have to find a similar job or position if they have an approved i-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\":\"No, it is not necessary to locate a comparable job. The green card process must be repeated, but the priority date can be transferred to any job and category (eb1, eb2, eb3).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######{\"_question\":\"If an individual has an approved i-140, is it necessary to switch to a comparable job in order to keep the priority date?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\":\"No, it is not essential to shift to a similar job. The green card procedure must be done again, yet the priority date can be moved to any job and category (eb1, eb2, eb3).\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######{\"_question\":\"If someone has an approved i-140, do they need to switch to a similar occupation to maintain the priority date?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\":\"No, it is not necessary to change to an equivalent job. The green card process has to be done again, but the priority date can be transferred to any job and category (eb1, eb2, eb3).\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "74 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to apply for an EB2 if the role requires a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of work experience? Additionally, is the concept of cross chargeability applicable to my Green Card application with my wife being an Indian citizen born in Kuwait?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can submit an EB2 application if the job requires a bachelor's degree and 5 years of post bachelor's experience. Cross chargeability is also applicable to your Green Card application with your wife being an Indian citizen born in Kuwait. Consult with a lawyer to discuss the details.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If the role I am in requires a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of work experience, am I eligible to apply for an EB2? Also, is cross chargeability applicable to my Green Card application with my wife being an Indian citizen born in Kuwait?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You are eligible to submit an EB2 application if the job requires a bachelor's degree and 5 years of post bachelor's experience. Cross chargeability can also be used in your Green Card application with your wife being an Indian citizen born in Kuwait. Speak to a lawyer to learn more about the details.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an EB2 if the role requires a Bachelor's degree and 5 years of work experience? Is it possible to take advantage of cross chargeability for my Green Card application if my wife is an Indian citizen born in Kuwait?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"You can apply for an EB2 if the job requires a bachelor's degree and 5 years of post bachelor's experience. Cross chargeability is also available for your Green Card application with your wife being an Indian citizen born in Kuwait. Consult a lawyer to find out more information.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "75 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an EB2 Visa with a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the Philippines and an advanced degree in OT from the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"My understanding is that you can qualify for an EB2 visa if your job requires an advanced degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the criteria for an EB2 visa if I have a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the Philippines and am currently pursuing an advanced degree in OT in the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Based on my knowledge, you should be eligible for an EB2 visa if your job requires an advanced degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I able to apply for an EB2 visa if I have a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the Philippines and am completing an advanced degree in OT in the US?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"In my opinion, you should be able to qualify for an EB2 visa if your job requires an advanced degree.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "76 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Many thanks for offering your invaluable advice to hundreds of us. Is it possible for me to use the current priority date of my wife's country (Russia) for her green card application, as she is my dependent?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is accurate. This is known as 'cross changeability'.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I appreciate your help to so many of us. Can I use the current priority date of my wife's nation of origin (Russia) for her green card application, since she is my dependent?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is correct. This is referred to as 'cross changeability'.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Your guidance has been a great help to all of us. Is it permissible for me to use the current priority date of my wife's country (Russia) for her green card application, since she is my dependent?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is correct. This is called 'cross changeability'.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "77 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I be eligible for an EB2 if my employer is willing to hire me in another position with the new job requirements of a Master's degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can be eligible for an EB2 if the job position requires a post graduate degree or Bachelor's degree with five years of experience at a minimum.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I am offered a state job with a Bachelor's degree and one year experience, can I still qualify for an EB2 if my employer is willing to hire me for a new position with a Master's degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you may be eligible for an EB2 if the job position requires a post graduate degree or Bachelor's degree with five years of experience at a minimum.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will I be able to get an EB2 if I am offered a state job with the requirements of a Bachelor's degree and one year experience, but my employer is willing to hire me for a different role that requires a Master's degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you will be able to qualify for an EB2 if the job position requires a post graduate degree or Bachelor's degree with five years of experience at a minimum.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "78 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the requirements for the EB2 category if I have a 5 year Bachelor's degree from a traditional school in the US and a 2 year MBA through online distance education from an accredited university in the US, and the job requires an advanced degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The determining factor is whether the degree is accredited. You should consult with the school to find out.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"In order to qualify for the EB2 category, which has a requirement for an advanced degree, do my qualifications of a 5 year Bachelor's degree from a US traditional school and a 2 year MBA from an accredited US university through distance education suffice?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The key here is verifying that the degree is accredited. Contact the school to confirm this.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "79 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need a job that requires an MS degree from a US university to be eligible for EB-2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the job must also demand EB-2 level qualifications.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"In order to be qualified for EB-2, does the job have to specify a MS degree from an American university?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, the job must also necessitate EB-2 level qualifications.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"To be eligible for EB-2, is it enough to have a MS degree from a US university or must the job explicitly mention it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The job must also necessitate EB-2 level qualifications.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "80 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does my education background present any issues with my I-140, considering my PERM is approved under EB2? I have a 3 year diploma, 3 year B.Tech, 1.5 year M.Tech and 8 years of experience at the time of PERM, and all of my education is from India.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There are some variables to consider. Generally, if the B.Tech should have been a 4 year degree, but you completed it in three due to your diploma, you should be okay.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does my education background present any issues for my I-140 application, since my PERM is approved under EB2? I have a 3 year diploma, 3 year B.Tech, 1.5 year M.Tech and 8 years of experience when the PERM was approved, and all of my education is from India.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There are a few things to consider. Generally, if you were supposed to have a 4 year B.Tech degree but got it in three due to your diploma, you should be in the clear.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will my education background cause any problems with my I-140, since my PERM is approved under EB2? I have a 3 year diploma, 3 year B.Tech, 1.5 year M.Tech and 8 years of experience when the PERM was approved, and all of my education is from India.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There are some variables to take into account. Generally, if your B.Tech should have been a 4 year program but you completed it in three due to your diploma, you should be fine.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "81 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can you tell me the typical amount of time it takes to get a green card through the EB2 category? I have a Master's in International Business and 7 years of expertise in the US and EU. I have a job offer from the US and I'd like to submit the application.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The biggest hindrance for most people is the movement of the priority date. Check out the Visa Bulletin and the Permanent Processing Times to get a good understanding.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the average duration for getting a green card through EB2? I have a Master's in International Business and 7 years of experience in the US and EU. I got a job offer from the US and I would like to submit the petition.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The major obstacle for many people is the advancement of the priority date. Have a look at the Visa Bulletin and the Permanent Processing Times for a better understanding.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can you give me an idea of the regular length of time to acquire a green card through the EB2 category? I possess a Master's in International Business and 7 years of knowledge in the US and EU. I have a job offer from the US and I would like to file the petition.\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The main delay for most individuals is the progression of the priority date. Review the Visa Bulletin and the Permanent Processing Times to gain a better comprehension.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "82 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I fulfill the EB-2 eligibility requirements? I have a Bachelors in Computing from the UK which was a three-year course and a Masters in Computing from the UK which was a one-year course. Will I be eligible for the EB-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to determine. It all depends on the type of degrees and the language used in the Form I-9089.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for the EB-2 classification? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computing from the UK which was a three-year program and a Master's degree in Computing from the UK which was a one-year program. Will I fit the EB-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not possible to forecast. It all depends on the kinds of degrees and the language used in the Form I-9089.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I meet the EB-2 eligibility requirements? I have a Bachelors in Computing from the UK which was a three-year course and a Masters in Computing from the UK which was a one-year course. Am I qualified for the EB-2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to tell. It all depends on the type of degrees and the language used in the Form I-9089.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "83 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is cross-chargeability a possibility for me, given my circumstances? I was born in India, have an approved EB2 I-140 but can't apply for I-485 since my Priority Date is November 2008. Would marrying my girlfriend, who was born in a country other than India/China, enable us to file for I-485 right away? Does it matter if she's not in the US or on a different visa than H1B?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Cross-chargeability may be an option if your partner was born in a country other than your own. She can only submit an I-485 if she is currently in the US.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I take advantage of cross-chargeability in my situation? I was born in India, have a valid EB2 I-140 but can't file for I-485 due to my Priority Date being November 2008. If I marry my girlfriend, who was born in a country other than India/China, will it let us submit our I-485s immediately? Does her current location or visa type make a difference?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Cross-chargeability may be an option if your spouse was born outside of India. She can only apply for I-485 if she is in the US.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is cross-chargeability an option for me? I'm from India, have an approved EB2 I-140 but can't apply for I-485 because my Priority Date is November 2008. Would marrying my girlfriend, who was born in a country other than India/China, let us file for I-485 right away? Does her current location or visa status have any effect?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Cross-chargeability may be available if your partner was born outside of India. She can only submit an I-485 if she is in the US.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "84 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can a US Embassy reject my application despite USCIS approval?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible, although unlikely.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it conceivable that the US Embassy could deny me even though I have USCIS approval?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is a remote possibility.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is there any chance that the US Embassy could turn me down after my USCIS approval?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not common, but it can happen.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "85 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the eligibility criteria for EB-2 US Masters Degree for a Technology Professional with 9 years of work experience?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"If you have obtained a master's degree and plan to apply for permanent residency next year, you should be eligible to apply under EB-2 US Masters Degree.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified to apply for EB-2 US Masters Degree if I have a MBA in Finance and 9 years of work experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, if you have earned the degree and are filing for permanent residency, you should be able to get EB-2.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I use my MBA in Finance and 9 years of work experience to apply for EB-2 US Masters Degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, as long as you have obtained the master's degree and are filing for permanent residency, you should be able to get EB-2.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "86 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can company B use company A's labor certificate and refile the I-140 again?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is possible to submit a new PERM under EB2 and transfer the priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is it possible to submit a new PERM under EB2 with company B using company A's labor certificate and refile the I-140?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can do that and transfer the priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can company B refile the I-140 with company A's labor certificate using EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is a viable option and you can transfer the priority date.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "87 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do you have any approval cases with a 10+3.5 year diploma and a 3 year BS degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I would advise caution in this situation as these types of cases can be difficult to get approved. It would be best to discuss your concerns with your lawyers and, if possible, get a written response.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 10+3.5 year diploma and a 3 year BS degree, and my labor is in process under the EB2 category. Will my I-140 be denied because of my education?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"I cannot be sure without knowing the specifics, however, this kind of case can be hard to get approved. My advice would be to talk to your lawyers and, if possible, get a written response regarding your worries.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have a 10+3.5 year diploma in computer engineering and a 3 year BS in information systems (BITS). Is it likely that my I-140 will be denied due to my education?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is hard to say without knowing the details, but I would be wary in this situation. I recommend consulting your lawyers and, if possible, getting a written reply to your concerns.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "88 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the likelihood that my EB1 extraordinary ability application will be accepted on my second filing?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to predict the outcome of your application without having access to your records and case.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What are the chances of my EB1 application being accepted after I refiled it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is not possible to accurately assess the situation without having all of the information related to your case.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the probability of my EB1 application being approved if I resubmit it?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is impossible to make a prediction without having the necessary details about your case.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "89 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for an EB2 visa? I have a Bachelor's degree, completed a course of study equivalent to a Master's degree, and am employed as a faculty member or administrator at a leading nursing school in Manila. Additionally, I am currently pursuing a PhD in Biology at a top university in Manila. Is EB2 a family-based petition? My parents live in New Jersey.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"EB stands for employment-based. To be eligible for an EB2 visa, you must have either a post-graduate degree (by US standards) or a Bachelor's degree with five years of progressively responsible experience. You should speak to your lawyer about applying for an EB2 and transferring your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I apply for an EB2 visa? I have a Bachelor's degree, completed a course of study equivalent to a Master's degree, and am employed as a faculty member or administrator at a leading nursing school in Manila. I am also currently enrolled in a PhD program in Biology at a top university in Manila. Is an EB2 a family-based petition? My parents are in New Jersey.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"EB stands for employment-based. To be eligible for an EB2 visa, you must have either a post-graduate degree (by US standards) or a Bachelor's degree with five years of progressively responsible experience. You should consult with your attorney about applying for an EB2 and transferring your priority date.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I qualified for an EB2 visa? I hold a Bachelor's degree, completed a course of study that is equivalent to a Master's degree, and I am employed as a faculty member or administrator at a leading nursing school in Manila. I am also currently pursuing a PhD in Biology at a top university in Manila. Is an EB2 a family-based petition? My parents live in New Jersey.\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"EB stands for employment-based. To be eligible for an EB2 visa, you must have either a post-graduate degree (by US standards) or a Bachelor's degree with five years of progressively responsible experience. You should speak to your lawyer about applying for an EB2 and transferring your priority date.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "90 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What do I need to do to apply for EB2 with my master transcript?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Immigration law focuses on when the degree was completed, not when the diploma was awarded. Consult with your lawyer for further advice.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I submit my transcript and letter for an EB2 application?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The immigration law looks to when the degree was finished, not when the diploma was given. You should speak with your lawyer for more information.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Do I need to wait until I receive the diploma to submit for EB2?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Generally, the immigration law looks at when the degree was achieved, not the diploma. It is best to consult with your lawyer for further guidance.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "91 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the likelihood of my educational qualifications leading to a denial in the EB-2 category when I file? Will this be taken into account at the I-140, I-485, or both?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The chances of a denial due to educational qualifications are usually higher at the I-140 stage. However, USCIS has the authority to review and question any of these matters at any stage. I have seen approved I-140's being reopened and denied at the I-485 stage.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the risk of my educational background resulting in a rejection when I apply for the EB-2 visa? Will this be checked at the I-140 or I-485 stage, or both?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Educational qualifications are usually more closely examined during the I-140 process. However, USCIS can raise questions regarding this at any point in the process. I have witnessed approved I-140's being revisited and denied at the I-485 stage.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"What is the potential for my educational background to lead to a denial when applying for an EB-2 visa? Will this be assessed at the I-140 or I-485 phase, or both?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"The risk of denial due to educational qualifications is usually higher at the I-140 stage. Nonetheless, USCIS has the power to review and query any of these matters at any time. I have seen approved I-140's being reopened and denied at the I-485 stage.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "92 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can I file for an employment-based green card in the EB2 category if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but make sure your legal counsel drafts the application carefully so that if EB2 is denied, EB3 is still approved.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible for an EB2 green card if I have a B.Sc in Physics and an MCA in IT from India?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but it is important to have your lawyers create the petition in a way that if EB2 is not accepted, EB3 will still be okay.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Is my background suitable for an employment-based green card in the EB2 category if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA in IT?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, but make sure your legal advisors draft the application properly so that if EB2 is denied, EB3 is still approved.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "93 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Will I be able to file for an employment-based green card in the EB2 category if I received a Bachelor of Science in Physics from India, and a Master of Computer Science from an IT company?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, it is a possibility, but make sure your lawyers create the PERM application carefully so that if EB2 is denied, EB3 should still be approved.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"If I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA from an IT-related company, can I apply for an employment-based green card in the EB2 category?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, that is a possibility, but make sure your legal team constructs the PERM application with care so that if EB2 is declined, EB3 remains an option.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Am I eligible to submit an employment-based green card application in the EB2 category if I have a B.Sc in Physics from India and an MCA from an IT-related company?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"It is feasible, but ensure your attorneys create the PERM application cautiously so that if EB2 is rejected, EB3 is still viable.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "94 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does my wife qualify for EB2 processing with her post professional degree in OT?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"OTs do not have a special category like physical therapists, but EB2 may be a possibility. Consult with her attorneys to explore further.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Can my wife take advantage of EB2 processing with her OT degree?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"There is no special status for OTs like there is for physical therapists, but EB2 may be an option. Your wife should speak with her lawyers to find out more.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"Does my wife's OT degree make her eligible for EB2 processing?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"OTs do not have the same privileges as physical therapists when it comes to EB2 processing, however it may still be an option. She should speak with her legal representatives to find out more.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "95 \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have three years of work experience and am planning on getting a master's degree. Is it a good idea to pursue a master's while having three years of experience?\", \n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card once you have completed your master's and have a job that requires such a degree or a bachelor's plus five years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have been working in the IT field for three years and am looking to get my master's degree. Is it beneficial to obtain my master's while having three years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when you finish your master's and secure a job that requires such a degree or a bachelor's plus five years of experience.\"}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "######\n",
+ "{\"_question\": \"I have three years of experience in the IT field and am considering getting a master's degree. Is it advantageous to get a master's while having three years of experience?\",\n",
+ "\"_answer\": \"Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when you have completed your master's and have a job that requires such a degree or a bachelor's plus five years of experience.\"} \n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "qaa_augmented_raw = []\n",
+ "for id, batch_inputs_string in enumerate(qaa_list_encoded):\n",
+ " print(id, \"\\n\") # \"\\n\\n\\n\", \"input:\\n\", batch_inputs_string, \"\\n\"\n",
+ " completion_batch = openai.Completion.create(\n",
+ " prompt=batch_inputs_string, \n",
+ " model=\"text-davinci-003\",\n",
+ " temperature = 0.5,\n",
+ " max_tokens = 2000 # The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " results_string = completion_batch['choices'][0]['text']\n",
+ " print(results_string, \"\\n\\n\\n\")\n",
+ " qaa_augmented_raw.append(results_string)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "0e391157-9ffe-4942-a0d2-a8c8c850f808",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### dump raw output to a file\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "id": "3df4c39b-fca0-4f80-a5ef-2e5b9c790b4d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def _make_w_io_base(f, mode: str):\n",
+ " if not isinstance(f, io.IOBase):\n",
+ " f_dirname = os.path.dirname(f)\n",
+ " if f_dirname != \"\":\n",
+ " os.makedirs(f_dirname, exist_ok=True)\n",
+ " f = open(f, mode=mode)\n",
+ " return f\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def jdump(obj, f, mode=\"w\", indent=4, default=str):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Dump a str or dictionary to a file in json format.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Args:\n",
+ " obj: An object to be written.\n",
+ " f: A string path to the location on disk.\n",
+ " mode: Mode for opening the file.\n",
+ " indent: Indent for storing json dictionaries.\n",
+ " default: A function to handle non-serializable entries; defaults to `str`.\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " f = _make_w_io_base(f, mode)\n",
+ " if isinstance(obj, (dict, list)):\n",
+ " json.dump(obj, f, indent=indent, default=default)\n",
+ " elif isinstance(obj, str):\n",
+ " f.write(obj)\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " raise ValueError(f\"Unexpected type: {type(obj)}\")\n",
+ " f.close()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "id": "ad7db994-92b6-4c17-b083-2dbddacd272c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "output_name = \"output_raw_96.json\"\n",
+ "output_dir=\"./raw_input\"\n",
+ "jdump(qaa_augmented_raw, os.path.join(output_dir, output_name))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "4ba9de85-e120-4dd3-a77c-e578966ede01",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Read json file"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "id": "9269aba8-ee1e-4f71-bf1c-e80d806b0842",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "'\\n\\n######\\n{\"_question\": \"Can I initiate the green card process if my H-1B is picked in the lottery and I have a masters in engineering management?\",\\n\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can initiate the green card process even before you join. You can review the salary figures for each county and profession at this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}\\n\\n######\\n{\"_question\": \"If I have a masters in engineering management and my employer has filed an H-1B, is it possible to start the green card process?\",\\n\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can begin the green card process at any time, even before you join. You can find the salary caps for EB-2 advanced degree holders by county and profession in this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}\\n\\n######\\n{\"_question\": \"Do I have the option to initiate the green card process if my employer has submitted an H-1B and I have a masters in engineering management?\",\\n\"_answer\": \"Yes, the employer can commence the green card process prior to you joining. You can look up the minimum salary caps for EB-2 advanced degree holders by county and profession in this link -https://www.flcdatacenter.com/\"}'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "def _make_r_io_base(f, mode: str):\n",
+ " if not isinstance(f, io.IOBase):\n",
+ " f = open(f, mode=mode)\n",
+ " return f\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def jload(f, mode=\"r\"):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Load a .json file into a dictionary.\"\"\"\n",
+ " f = _make_r_io_base(f, mode)\n",
+ " jdict = json.load(f)\n",
+ " f.close()\n",
+ " return jdict\n",
+ "\n",
+ "output_raw = jload(\"raw_input/output_raw_96.json\")\n",
+ "#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()\n",
+ "output_raw[0]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "e09ef700-d315-4d14-9620-717695dc85d5",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Postprocess the Raw Outputs"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "ec478198-784d-4b53-8dd0-293ef337814a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "id": "1284802f-185f-4783-9cd1-26706baafbdf",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "275\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "QApair_dict = []\n",
+ "error_list = []\n",
+ "for raw in qaa_augmented_raw:\n",
+ " pairs = raw.split(\"######\")\n",
+ " for id, item in enumerate(pairs):\n",
+ " # print(id)\n",
+ " if not item.isspace():\n",
+ " try:\n",
+ " str2dict = ast.literal_eval(item)\n",
+ " QApair_dict.append(str2dict)\n",
+ " except Exception as e: \n",
+ " print(e)\n",
+ " print(item)\n",
+ " print(\"\\n\\n\\n\")\n",
+ " error_list.append(item)\n",
+ " # print(type(str2dict))\n",
+ " # print(str2dict['_question'])\n",
+ " # print(str2dict['_answer'])\n",
+ "print(len(QApair_dict))\n",
+ "# QApair_dict"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "id": "d7f4de55-00fe-4fdd-afa6-1eda97d6dd5f",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " _question | \n",
+ " _answer | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " Can I initiate the green card process if my H-... | \n",
+ " Yes, the employer can initiate the green card ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " If I have a masters in engineering management ... | \n",
+ " Yes, the employer can begin the green card pro... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Do I have the option to initiate the green car... | \n",
+ " Yes, the employer can commence the green card ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " What is the eligibility and process for portin... | \n",
+ " It is possible to upgrade from EB-3 to EB-2 as... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " What is the criteria for and the steps of port... | \n",
+ " It is possible to move up from EB-3 to EB-2 as... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 270 | \n",
+ " Can my wife take advantage of EB2 processing w... | \n",
+ " There is no special status for OTs like there ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 271 | \n",
+ " Does my wife's OT degree make her eligible for... | \n",
+ " OTs do not have the same privileges as physica... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 272 | \n",
+ " I have three years of work experience and am p... | \n",
+ " Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card once... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 273 | \n",
+ " I have been working in the IT field for three ... | \n",
+ " Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 274 | \n",
+ " I have three years of experience in the IT fie... | \n",
+ " Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
275 rows × 2 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " _question \\\n",
+ "0 Can I initiate the green card process if my H-... \n",
+ "1 If I have a masters in engineering management ... \n",
+ "2 Do I have the option to initiate the green car... \n",
+ "3 What is the eligibility and process for portin... \n",
+ "4 What is the criteria for and the steps of port... \n",
+ ".. ... \n",
+ "270 Can my wife take advantage of EB2 processing w... \n",
+ "271 Does my wife's OT degree make her eligible for... \n",
+ "272 I have three years of work experience and am p... \n",
+ "273 I have been working in the IT field for three ... \n",
+ "274 I have three years of experience in the IT fie... \n",
+ "\n",
+ " _answer \n",
+ "0 Yes, the employer can initiate the green card ... \n",
+ "1 Yes, the employer can begin the green card pro... \n",
+ "2 Yes, the employer can commence the green card ... \n",
+ "3 It is possible to upgrade from EB-3 to EB-2 as... \n",
+ "4 It is possible to move up from EB-3 to EB-2 as... \n",
+ ".. ... \n",
+ "270 There is no special status for OTs like there ... \n",
+ "271 OTs do not have the same privileges as physica... \n",
+ "272 Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card once... \n",
+ "273 Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... \n",
+ "274 Yes, you can apply for an EB-2 green card when... \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[275 rows x 2 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "QApair_df = pd.DataFrame(QApair_dict)\n",
+ "QApair_df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "id": "a81743fb-966a-4c40-8e32-3bd2f7f7ee4d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "QApair_df.to_csv(\"output/output_qa_augment.csv\", index=False)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "8fefa17a-a0b3-48a9-96d0-db7ec575a6e4",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.12"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/example/autorate/data/Chapter 5 Rome.docx b/example/autorate/data/Chapter 5 Rome.docx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58d9118
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/autorate/data/Chapter 5 Rome.docx differ
diff --git a/example/autorate/data/rome.txt b/example/autorate/data/rome.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8ef093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/autorate/data/rome.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+Chapter 5 – Rome & the Rise of Christianity – 600B.C. – 500 A.D.
+Section 1. The Rise of Rome
+The Land & Peoples of Italy
+Italy is a peninsula extending about 750 miles (1,207 km) from north to south. It is not very wide, averaging about 120 miles (193 km) across. The Apennine mountain range forms a ridge from north to south down the middle of Italy that divides west from east. Italy has some fairly large fertile plains ideal for farming. Most important are the Po River valley in the north; the plain of Latium, on which the city of Rome is located; and the region of Campania, to the south of Latium.
+Impact of Geography
+In the same way as the other civilizations we have examined, geography played an important role in the development of Rome. The Apennines are less rugged than the mountain ranges of Greece and did not divide the Italian peninsula into many small, isolated communities. Italy also had more land for farming than did Greece, enabling it to support a large population.
+The location of the city of Rome was especially favorable to early settlers. Located about 18 miles (29 km) inland on the Tiber River, Rome had a way to the sea. However, it was far enough inland to be safe from pirates. Because it was built on seven hills, it was easily defended. In addition, it was situated where the Tiber could be easily crossed. Thus, it became a natural crossing point for north-south traffic in western Italy. All in all, Rome had a good central location in Italy from which to expand.
+The Italian peninsula juts into the Mediterranean, making it an important crossroads between the western and eastern Mediterranean Sea. Once Rome had unified Italy, it easily became involved in Mediterranean affairs. After the Romans had established their Mediterranean empire, governing it was made easier by Italy’s central location.
+Peoples of Italy
+Indo-European peoples moved into Italy during the period from about 1500 to 1000 B.C. We know little about these peoples, but we do know that one such group was the Latins, who lived in the region of Latium. These people spoke Latin, which, like Greek, is an Indo-European language. They were herders and farmers who lived in settlements consisting of huts on the tops of Rome’s hills. After about 800 B.C., other people also began settling in Italy—the two most notable being the Greeks and the Etruscans.
+The Greeks came to Italy in large numbers during the age of Greek colonization (750–550 B.C.). They settled in southern Italy and then slowly moved around the coast and up the peninsula. The eastern two-thirds of Sicily, an island south of the Italian peninsula, was also occupied by the Greeks. The Greeks had much influence on Rome. They cultivated olives and grapes, passed on their alphabet, and gave the Romans artistic and cultural models through their sculpture, architecture, and literature.
+The early development of Rome, however, was influenced most by the Etruscans, who were located north of Rome in Etruria. After 650 B.C., they expanded into north-central Italy and came to control Rome and most of Latium. The Etruscans found Rome a village but launched a building program that turned it into a city. Etruscan dress—the toga and short cloak—was adopted by the Romans. The organization of the Roman army also was borrowed from the Etruscans.
+The Roman Republic
+Roman tradition maintains that early Rome (753–509 B.C.) was under the control of seven kings and that two of the last three kings were Etruscans. Historians know for certain that Rome did fall under Etruscan influence during this time. In 509 B.C., the Romans overthrew the last Etruscan king and established a republic, a form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote. This was the beginning of a new era in Rome’s history.
+War & conquest
+At the beginning of the republic, Rome was surrounded by enemies. For the next two hundred years, the city was engaged in almost continuous warfare.
+In 338 B.C., Rome crushed the Latin states in Latium. During the next 50 years, the Romans waged a fierce struggle against people from the central Apennines, some of whom had settled south of Rome. Rome was again victorious. The conquest gave the Romans control over a large part of Italy.
+It also brought them into direct contact with the Greek communities of southern Italy. Soon, the Romans were at war with these Greek cities. By 264 B.C., they had overcome the Greeks and completed their conquest of southern Italy. After defeating the remaining Etruscan states to the north over the next three years, Rome had conquered virtually all of Italy.
+To rule Italy, the Romans devised the Roman Confederation. Under this system, Rome allowed some peoples—especially Latins—to have full Roman citizenship. Most of the remaining communities were made allies. They remained free to run their own local affairs but were required to provide soldiers for Rome. The Romans made it clear that loyal allies could improve their status and even become Roman citizens. The Romans made the conquered peoples feel they had a real stake in Rome’s success.
+Why Rome Was Successful
+Romans believed that their early ancestors were successful because of their sense of duty, courage, and discipline. The Roman historian Livy, writing in the first century B.C., provided a number of stories to teach Romans the virtues that had made Rome great. His account of Cincinnatus, a simple farmer who was chosen as a temporary ruler to save Rome from attack, is one such example.
+Looking back today, how can we explain Rome’s success in gaining control of the entire Italian peninsula? First, the Romans were good diplomats. They were shrewd in extending Roman citizenship and allowing states to run their own internal affairs. Although diplomatic, however, they could be firm, and even cruel when necessary, crushing rebellions without mercy.
+Second, the Romans excelled in military matters. They were not only accomplished soldiers but also persistent ones. The loss of an army or a fleet did not cause them to quit but instead spurred them on to build new armies and new fleets. In addition, they were brilliant strategists. As they conquered, the Romans built colonies—fortified towns—throughout Italy. By building roads to these towns and thus connecting them, the Romans could move troops quickly throughout their conquered territory.
+Finally, in law and politics, as in conquest, the Romans were practical. They did not try to build an ideal government but instead created political institutions in response to problems, as the problems arose.
+The Roman State
+The Romans had been ruled by kings under the Etruscans. As a result, they distrusted kingship and devised a very different system of government.
+Government of Rome
+Early Rome was divided into two groups or orders—the patricians
+and the plebeians (plih•BEE•uhns). The patricians were great landowners, who became Rome’s ruling class. Less wealthy landholders, craftspeople, merchants, and small farmers were part of a larger group called plebeians.
+Men in both groups were citizens and could vote, but only the patricians could be elected to governmental offices. The chief executive officers of the Roman Republic were the consuls and praetors (PREE•tuhrs). Two consuls, chosen every year, ran the government and led the Roman army into battle. The praetor was in charge of civil law—law as it applied to Roman citizens. As the Romans’ territory expanded, another praetor was added to judge cases in which one or both people were noncitizens. The Romans also had a number of officials who had special duties, such as supervising the treasury.
+The Roman Senate came to hold an especially important position in the Roman Republic. It was a select group of about three hundred patricians who served for life. At irst, the Senate’s only role was to advise government officials. However, the advice of the Senate carried a great deal of weight. By the third century B.C., it had the force of law.
+The Roman Republic had several people’s assemblies in addition to the Senate. By far the most important of these was the centuriate assembly. The centuriate assembly elected the chief officials, such as consuls and praetors, and passed laws. Because it was organized by classes based on wealth, the wealthiest citizens always had a majority. The council of the plebs was the assembly for plebeians only, and it came into being as a result of the struggle between the two social orders in Rome.
+The Struggle of the Orders
+There was often conflict between the patricians and the plebeians in the early Roman Republic. Children of patricians and plebeians were forbidden to marry each other. Plebeians resented this situation, especially since they served in the Roman army that protected the Republic. They thought that they deserved both political and social equality with the patricians.
+The struggle between the patricians and plebeians dragged on for hundreds of years. Ultimately, it led to success for the plebeians. A popular assembly for plebeians only, the council of the plebs, was created in 471 B.C. New officials, known as tribunes of the plebs, were given the power to protect the plebeians. In the fourth century B.C., plebeians were permitted to become consuls. Finally, in 287 B.C., the council of the plebs received the right to pass laws for all Romans.
+By 287 B.C., all male Roman citizens were supposedly equal under the law. In reality, however, a few wealthy patrician and plebeian families formed a new senatorial ruling class that came to dominate the political offices. The Roman Republic had not become a democracy.
+Roman Law
+One of Rome’s chief gifts to the Mediterranean world of its day and to later generations was its system of law. Rome’s first code of laws was the Twelve Tables, which was adopted in 450 B.C. This code was a product of a simple farming society and proved inadequate for later Roman needs. From the Twelve Tables, the Romans developed a more sophisticated system of civil law. This system applied only to Roman citizens, however.
+As Rome expanded, legal questions arose that involved both Romans and non-Romans. The Romans found that although some of their rules of civil law could be used in these cases, special rules were often needed. These rules gave rise to a body of law known as the Law of Nations. The Romans came to identify the Law of Nations with natural law, or universal law based on reason. This enabled them to establish standards of justice that applied to all people.
+These standards of justice included principles still recognized today. A person was regarded as innocent until proved otherwise. People accused of wrongdoing were allowed to defend themselves before a judge. A judge, in turn, was expected to weigh evidence carefully before arriving at a decision. These principles lived on long after the fall of the Roman Empire.
+Rome Conquers the Mediterranean
+After their conquest of Italy, the Romans found themselves face to face with a strong power in the Mediterranean—the state of Carthage. Carthage had been founded around 800 B.C. on the coast of North Africa by Phoenicians. The state had created an enormous trading empire in the western Mediterranean. By the third century B.C., the Carthaginian Empire included the coast of northern Africa, southern Spain, Sardinia, Corsica, and western Sicily. With its control of western Mediterranean trade, Carthage was the largest and richest state in the area.
+The presence of Carthaginians in Sicily, an island close to the Italian coast, made the Romans fearful. In 264 B.C., the two powers began a lengthy struggle for control of the western Mediterranean.
+The First Punic War
+Rome’s first war with Carthage began in 264 B.C. It is called the First Punic War, after the Latin word for Phoenician, punicus. The war started when the Romans sent an army to Sicily. The Carthaginians, who thought of Sicily as part of their empire, considered this an act of war. Both sides became determined to conquer Sicily.
+The Romans—a land power—realized that they could not win the war without a navy and created a large naval fleet. After a long struggle, a Roman fleet defeated the Carthaginian navy off the coast of Sicily, and the war came to an end. In 241 B.C., Carthage gave up all rights to Sicily and paid a fine to the Romans. Sicily became the first Roman province.
+Carthage vowed revenge, however, and added new lands in Spain to make up for the loss of Sicily. The Romans encouraged one of Carthage’s Spanish allies to revolt against Carthage. In response, Hannibal, the greatest of the Carthaginian generals, struck back, beginning the Second Punic War (218 to 201 B.C.).
+The Second Punic war
+Hannibal decided that the Carthaginians would bring the war home to the Romans. Hannibal entered Spain, moved east, and crossed the Alps with an army of about 46,000 men, a large number of horses, and 37 battle elephants. The Alps took a toll on the Carthaginian army; most of the elephants did not survive. The remaining army, however, posed a real threat to the Romans.
+In 216 B.C., the Romans decided to meet Hannibal head on. It was a serious mistake. At Cannae (KA•nee), the Romans lost an army of almost forty thousand men. On the brink of disaster, Rome refused to surrender and raised yet another army.
+In a brilliant military initiative, Rome decided to invade Carthage rather than fight Hannibal in Italy. This strategy forced the Carthaginians to recall Hannibal from Italy. At the Battle of Zama (ZAY•muh) in 202 B.C., the Romans crushed Hannibal’s forces, and the war was over. Carthage lost Spain, which became a Roman province. Rome had become the dominant power in the western Mediterranean.
+More Conquests
+Fifty years later, the Romans fought their third and final struggle with Carthage, the Third Punic War. For years, a number of prominent Romans had called for the complete destruction of Carthage.
+In 146 B.C., Carthage was destroyed. For 10 days, Roman soldiers burned and demolished all of the city’s buildings. The inhabitants—fifty thousand men, women, and children—were sold into slavery. The territory of Carthage became a Roman province called Africa.
+During its struggle with Carthage, Rome also battled the Hellenistic states in the eastern Mediterranean. The Fourth Macedonian War ended in 148 B.C., and Macedonia was made a Roman province. Two years later, Greece was placed under the control of the Roman governor of Macedonia. In 129 B.C., Pergamum became Rome’s first province in Asia. Rome was now master of the Mediterranean Sea.
+Section 2. From Republic to Empire
+Growing Inequity & Unrest
+By the second century B.C., the Senate had become the real governing body of the Roman state. Members of the Senate were drawn mostly from the landed aristocracy. They remained senators for life and held the chief offices of the republic. The Senate directed the wars of the third and second centuries B.C. and took control of both foreign and domestic policy, including financial affairs. The Senate and political offices were increasingly controlled by a small circle of wealthy and powerful families.
+Of course, these aristocrats formed only a tiny minority of the Roman people. The backbone of the Roman state and army had always been the small farmers. Over a period of time, however, many small farmers had found themselves unable to compete with large, wealthy landowners and had lost their lands. As a result, many of these small farmers drifted to the cities, especially Rome, forming a large class of landless poor.
+Some aristocrats tried to remedy this growing economic and social crisis. Two brothers, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus (GRA•kuhs), believed that the basic cause of Rome’s problems was the decline of the small farmer. To remedy the problem, they urged the council of the plebs to pass land-reform bills that called for the government to take back public land held by large landowners and give it to landless Romans.
+Many senators, themselves large landowners whose estates included large areas of public land, were furious. A group of senators took the law into their own hands and killed Tiberius in 133 B.C. His brother Gaius later suffered the same fate. The attempts of the Gracchus brothers to bring reforms had opened the door to more instability and more violence. Changes in the Roman army soon brought even worse problems.
+A New Role for the Army
+In 107 B.C., a Roman general named Marius became consul and began to recruit his armies in a new way. For a long time, the Roman army had been made up of small farmers who were landholders. Now Marius recruited volunteers from the urban and rural poor who owned no property. To recruit them, he promised them land. These volunteers swore an oath of loyalty to the general, not to the Roman state. As a result, Marius created a new type of army that was not under government control. In addition, generals were forced to become involved in politics in order to get laws passed that would provide the land they needed for their veterans.
+Marius left a powerful legacy. He had created a new system of military recruitment that placed much power in the hands of the individual generals.
+Lucius Cornelius Sulla was the next general to take advantage of the new military system. The Senate had given him command of a war in Asia Minor. The council of the plebs tried to transfer command to Marius, and a civil war broke out. Sulla won and seized Rome itself in 82 B.C., conducting a reign of terror to wipe out all opposition. Then Sulla restored power to the hands of the Senate and eliminated most of the powers of the popular assemblies.
+Sulla hoped that he had created a firm foundation to restore a traditional Roman republic governed by a powerful Senate. His real legacy was quite different from what he had intended, however. His example of using an army to seize power would prove most attractive to ambitious men.
+The Collapse of the Republic
+For the next 50 years (82–31 B.C.), Roman history was characterized by civil wars as a number of individuals competed for power. Three men—Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar—emerged as victors.
+Crassus was known as the richest man in Rome. Pompey had returned from a successful command in Spain as a military hero. Julius Caesar also had a military command in Spain. The combined wealth and power of these three men was enormous and enabled them to dominate the political scene and achieve their basic aims.
+The First Triumvirate
+In 60 B.C., Caesar joined with Crassus and Pompey to form the First Triumvirate. A triumvirate is a government by three people with equal power. Pompey received a command in Spain, Crassus was given a command in Syria, and Caesar was granted a special military command in Gaul (modern France)—where he achieved success and distinction as a military leader.
+When Crassus was killed in battle in 53 B.C., however, only two powerful men were left. Leading senators decided that rule by Pompey alone would be to their benefit. They voted for Caesar to lay down his command.
+Caesar refused. During his time in Gaul, he had gained military experience, as well as an army of loyal veterans. He chose to keep his army and moved into Italy by illegally crossing the Rubicon, the river that formed the southern boundary of his province. (“Crossing the Rubicon” is a phrase used today to mean being unable to turn back.)
+Caesar marched on Rome, starting a civil war between his forces and those of Pompey and his allies. The defeat of Pompey’s forces left Caesar in complete control of the Roman government.
+Caesar was officially made dictator in 45 B.C. A dictator is an absolute ruler. Realizing the need for reforms, Caesar gave land to the poor and increased the Senate to 900 members. By filling it with many of his supporters and increasing the number of members, he weakened the power of the Senate.
+Caesar planned much more in the way of building projects and military adventures to the east. However, in 44 B.C., a group of leading senators assassinated him.
+The Second Triumvirate
+A new struggle for power followed Caesar’s death. Three men—Octavian, Caesar’s heir and grandnephew; Antony, Caesar’s ally and assistant; and Lepidus, who had been commander of Caesar’s cavalry—joined forces to form the Second Triumvirate. Within a few years after Caesar’s death, however, only two men divided the Roman world between them. Octavian took the west; Antony, the east.
+The empire of the Romans, large as it was, was still too small for two masters. Octavian and Antony soon came into conflict. Antony allied himself with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII. Like Caesar before him, Antony had fallen deeply in love with her. At the Battle of Actium in Greece in 31 B.C., Octavian’s forces smashed the army and the navy of Antony and Cleopatra. Both fled to Egypt, where they committed suicide a year later:
+“Antony was the first to commit suicide, by the sword. Cleopatra threw herself at Octavian’s feet, and tried her best to attract his gaze: in vain, for his self control enabled him to ignore her beauty. It was not her life she was after, . . . but a portion of her kingdom. When she realized this was hopeless. . . she took advantage of her guard’s carelessness to get herself into the royal tomb. Once there, she put on the royal robes . . . and lay down in a richly perfumed coffin beside her Antony. Then she applied poisonous snakes to her veins and passed into death as though into a sleep.”
+Octavian, at the age of 32, stood supreme over the Roman world. The civil wars had ended. So had the republic. The period beginning in 31 B.C. and lasting until A.D. 14 came to be known as the Age of Augustus.
+The Age of Augustus
+In 27 B.C., Octavian proclaimed the “restoration of the Republic.” He knew that only traditional republican forms would satisfy the Senate. At the same time, he was aware that the republic could not be fully restored. Although he gave some power to the Senate, Octavian in fact became the first Roman emperor. In 27 B.C., the Senate awarded him the title of Augustus—“the revered one,” a fitting title in view of his power.
+Augustus proved to be highly popular, but his continuing control of the army was the chief source of his power. The Senate gave Augustus the title imperator, or commander in chief. Imperator gave us our word emperor.
+Augustus maintained a standing army of 28 legions, or about 150,000 men. (A legion was a military unit of about 5,000 troops.) Only Roman citizens could be legionnaires (members of a legion). Subject peoples could serve as auxiliary forces, which numbered around 130,000 under Augustus. Augustus also set up a praetorian guard of roughly 9,000 men who had the important task of guarding the emperor.
+Augustus stabilized the frontiers of the Roman Empire, conquering many new areas. His attempt to conquer Germany failed, however, when three Roman legions under Varus were massacred by German warriors. These defeats in Germany taught Augustus that Rome’s power was not unlimited. This knowledge devastated him. For months, he would beat his head on a door, shouting, “Varus, give me back my legions!”
+The Early Empire
+Beginning in A.D. 14, a series of new emperors ruled Rome. This period, ending in A.D. 180, is called the Early Empire.
+Emperors of the Early Empire
+Augustus’s new political system allowed the emperor to select his successor from his natural or adopted family. The first four emperors after Augustus came from his family. They were Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. During their reigns, these emperors took over more and more of the responsibilities that Augustus had given to the Senate. At the same time, as the emperors grew more powerful, they became more corrupt.
+Nero, for example, had people killed if he wanted them out of the way—including his own mother. Without troops, the senators were unable to oppose his excesses, but the Roman legions finally revolted. Nero, abandoned by his guards, chose to commit suicide by stabbing himself in the throat after allegedly uttering these final words: “What an artist the world is losing in me.”
+At the beginning of the second century, a series of five so-called good emperors came to power. They were Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. These emperors created a period of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana—the “Roman Peace.” The Pax Romana lasted for almost a hundred years. These rulers treated the ruling classes with respect, ended arbitrary executions, maintained peace in the empire, and supported domestic policies generally helpful to the empire. By adopting capable men as their sons and successors, the first four good emperors reduced the chances of succession problems.
+Under the five good emperors, the powers of the emperor continued to expand at the expense of the Senate. Officials who were appointed and directed by the emperor took over the running of the government. The good emperors also created new programs to help the people. Trajan, for example, created a program that provided state funds to assist poor parents in the raising and education of their children. The good emperors were widely praised for their building programs. Trajan and Hadrian were especially active in building public works—aqueducts, bridges, roads, and harbor facilities—throughout the provinces and in Rome.
+Extent of the Empire
+Rome expanded further during the period of the Early Empire. Trajan extended Roman rule into Dacia (modern Romania), Mesopotamia, and the Sinai Peninsula. His successors, however, realized that the empire was too large to be easily governed.
+withdrew Roman forces from much of Mesopotamia and also went on the defensive in his frontier policy. He strengthened the fortifications along a line connecting the Rhine and Danube Rivers. He also built a defensive wall (Hadrian’s Wall) about 74 miles (118 km) long across northern Britain to keep out the Picts and the Scots. By the end of the second century, it became apparent that it would be more and more difficult to defend the empire. Roman forces were located in permanent bases behind the frontiers.
+At its height in the second century, the Roman Empire was one of the greatest states the world had ever seen. It covered about three and a half million square miles (about 9.1 million square km) and had a population that has been estimated at more than fifty million.
+The emperors and the imperial government provided a degree of unity. Much leeway was given to local customs, and the privileges of Roman citizenship were granted to many people throughout the empire. In A.D. 212, the emperor Caracalla gave Roman citizenship to every free person in the empire.
+Cities were important in the spread of Roman culture, Roman law, and the Latin language. Provincial cities resembled each other with their temples, markets, and public buildings. Local city officials acted as Roman agents, performing many government duties, especially taxation.
+Latin was the language of the western part of the empire, whereas Greek was used in the east. Roman culture spread to all parts of the empire and freely mixed with Greek culture. The result has been called Greco-Roman civilization.
+Economic & Social Conditions
+The Early Empire was a period of much prosperity, with internal peace leading to high levels of trade. Merchants from all over the empire came to the chief Italian ports of Puteoli (pyuh•TEE•uh•LY) on the Bay of Naples and Ostia at the mouth of the Tiber. Trade went beyond the Roman frontiers as well and included even silk goods from China. Large quantities of grain were imported, especially from Egypt, to feed the people of Rome. Luxury items poured in to satisfy the wealthy upper classes.
+Despite the active trade and commerce, however, farming remained the chief occupation of most people and the underlying basis of Roman prosperity. Large landed estates, called latifundia , dominated farming in southern and central Italy. These estates raised sheep and cattle on a large scale using mostly slave labor. Small peasant farms continued to exist in northern Italy.
+An enormous gulf separated rich and poor in Roman society. The upper classes lived lives of great leisure and luxury in their villas and on their vast estates. Small farmers often became dependent on the huge estates of their wealthy neighbors. In the cities, many poor citizens worked in shops and markets. Thousands of unemployed people depended on the emperor’s handouts of grain to survive.
+Section 3. Culture & Society in Ancient Rome
+Roman Art & Architecture
+During the third and second centuries B.C., the Romans adopted many features of the Greek style of art. They developed a taste for Greek statues, which they placed not only in public buildings but also in their private houses. Reproductions of Greek statues became popular once the supply of original works ran low. While Greek sculptors aimed for an ideal appearance in their figures, Roman sculptors produced realistic statues that included even unpleasant physical details.
+The Romans excelled in architecture, a highly practical art. Although they continued to use Greek styles such as colonnades and rectangular buildings, the Romans also used forms based on curved lines: the arch, vault, and dome. The Romans were the first people in antiquity to use concrete on a massive scale. Using concrete along with the new architectural forms made it possible for the Romans to construct huge buildings undreamed of by the Greeks.
+The remarkable engineering skills of the Romans were also put to use in constructing roads, bridges, and aqueducts. The Romans built a network of some 50,000 miles (80,450 km) of roads throughout the empire. In Rome, almost a dozen aqueducts kept a population of one million supplied with water. The Romans were superb builders.
+Roman Literature
+Although there were many talented writers, the high point of Latin literature was reached in the Age of Augustus. Indeed, the Augustan Age has been called the golden age of Latin literature.
+The most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age was Virgil. The son of a small landholder in northern Italy near Mantua, he welcomed the rule of Augustus and wrote his greatest work, the Aeneid (ih• NEE•uhd), in honor of Rome. In the poem, the character of Aeneas is portrayed as the ideal Roman—his virtues are duty, piety, and faithfulness. Virgil’s overall purpose was to show that Aeneas had fulfilled his mission to establish the Romans in Italy and thereby start Rome on its divine mission to rule the world.
+Another prominent Augustan poet was Horace, a friend of Virgil’s. He was a sophisticated writer who enjoyed pointing out to his fellow Romans the “follies and vices of his age.” In the Satires, Horace directs attacks against job dissatisfaction and greed. (“How does it happen, Maecenas, that no man alone is content with his lot?”) Horace mostly laughs at the weaknesses of humans.
+The most famous Latin prose work of the golden age was written by the historian Livy, whose masterpiece was the History of Rome. In 142 books, Livy traced the history of Rome from the foundation of the city to 9 B.C. Only 35 of the books have survived. Livy saw history in terms of moral lessons. He stated in the preface:
+“The study of history is the best medicine for a sick mind; for in history you have a record of the infinite variety of human experience plainly set out for all to see; and in that record you can find for yourself and your country both examples and warnings: fine things to take as models, base things, rotten through and through, to avoid.”
+Livy’s history celebrated Rome’s greatness. He built scene upon scene that not only revealed the character of the chief figures but also demonstrated the virtues that had made Rome great. Livy had a serious weakness as a historian: he was not always concerned about the factual accuracy of his stories. He did tell a good tale, however, and his work became the standard history of Rome for a long time.
+The Roman Family
+At the heart of the Roman social structure stood the family, headed by the paterfamilias—the dominant male. The household also included the wife, sons with their wives and children, unmarried daughters, and slaves.
+Unlike the Greeks, the Romans raised their children at home. All Roman upper-class children (boys and girls) were expected to learn to read. The father was the chief figure in providing for the education of his children. He made the decision whether to teach his children himself, acquire a teacher for them, or send them to school. Teachers were often Greek slaves because upper-class Romans had to learn Greek as well as Latin to prosper in the empire.
+Roman boys learned reading and writing, moral principles and family values, law, and physical training to prepare them to be soldiers. The end of childhood for Roman males was marked by a special ceremony. At the age of 16, a young Roman man exchanged his purple-edged toga for a plain white toga—the toga of manhood.
+Some parents in upper-class families provided education for their daughters by hiring private tutors or sending the girls to primary schools. However, at the age when boys were entering secondary schools, girls were entering into marriage.
+Attitudes Toward Women
+Like the Greeks, Roman males believed that the weakness of females made it necessary for women to have male guardians. The paterfamilias had that responsibility. When he died, his sons or nearest male relatives assumed the role of guardian. Fathers also arranged the marriages of their daughters.
+For females, the legal minimum age for marriage was 12, although 14 was a more common age in practice (for males, the legal minimum age was 14, although most men married later). Although some Roman doctors warned that pregnancies could be dangerous for young girls, early marriages continued.
+Traditionally, Roman marriages were meant to be for life, but divorce was introduced in the third century B.C. and became fairly easy to obtain. Either husband or wife could ask for a divorce. No one needed to prove the breakdown of the marriage.
+Changing Roles
+By the second century A.D., important changes were occurring in the Roman family. The paterfamilias no longer had absolute authority over his children. He could not sell his children into slavery or have them put to death. The husband’s absolute authority over his wife also disappeared. By the late second century, women were no longer required to have guardians.
+Upper-class Roman women in the Early Empire had considerable freedom and independence. They had the right to own, inherit, and sell property. Unlike Greek wives, Roman wives were not segregated from males in the home. They were appreciated as enjoyable company and were at the center of household social life.
+Outside their homes, upper-class women could attend races, the theater, and events in the amphitheater. In the latter two places, however, they were forced to sit in separate female sections. Women of rank were still accompanied by maids and companions when they went out. Women could not officially participate in politics, but a number of important women influenced politics through their husbands.
+Slavery was common throughout the ancient world, but no people had more slaves or relied so much on slave labor as the Romans did. Before the third century B.C., a small Roman farmer might possess one or two slaves, who would help farm his few acres and work in the house. These slaves would most likely be from Italy and be regarded as part of the family household. The very rich would have many slaves.
+The Use of slaves
+The Roman conquest of the Mediterranean brought a drastic change in the use of slaves. Large numbers of foreign peoples who had been captured in different wars were brought back to Italy as slaves. Greek slaves were in much demand as tutors, musicians, doctors, and artists. Roman businessmen would employ them as shop assistants or craftspeople. Many slaves of all nationalities were used as household workers, such as cooks, valets, waiters, cleaners, and gardeners.
+Slaves built roads and public buildings, and farmed the large estates of the wealthy. The conditions under which these slaves lived were often pitiful. One Roman writer argued that it was cheaper to work slaves to death and then replace them than to treat them well.
+Slave Revolts
+Some slaves revolted against their owners and even murdered them, causing some Romans to live in great fear of their slaves. The murder of a master by a slave might mean the execution of all the other household slaves.
+The most famous slave revolt in Italy occurred in 73 B.C. Led by the gladiator Spartacus, the revolt broke out in southern Italy and involved seventy thousand slaves. Spartacus managed to defeat several Roman armies before being trapped and killed in 71 B.C. Six thousand followers of Spartacus were crucified (put to death by nailing to a cross).
+Daily life in the City of Rome
+At the center of the colossal Roman Empire was the ancient city of Rome. Truly a capital city, Rome had the largest population of any city in the empire— close to one million by the time of Augustus. For anyone with ambitions, Rome was the place to be. People from all over the empire resided there.
+Living conditions
+Rome was an overcrowded and noisy city. Because of the congestion, cart and wagon traffic was banned from the streets during the day. However, the noise from the traffic at night often made sleep difficult. Walking in Rome at night was also dangerous. Augustus had organized a police force, but people could be assaulted or robbed. They could also be soaked by filth thrown out of the upper-story windows of Rome’s massive apartment buildings.
+An enormous gulf existed between rich and poor. The rich had comfortable villas, while the poor lived in apartment blocks called insulae, which might be six stories high. Constructed of concrete walls with wooden beam floors, these buildings were usually poorly built and often collapsed.
+Fire was a constant threat in the insulae because of the use of movable stoves, torches, candles, and lamps within the rooms for heat and light. Once started, fires were extremely difficult to put out. The famous fire of A.D. 64, which Nero was falsely accused of starting, destroyed a good part of the city.
+High rents forced entire families to live in one room. There was no plumbing or central heating. These conditions made homes uncomfortable. As a result, many poor Romans spent most of their time outdoors in the streets.
+Public Programs
+Rome boasted public buildings unequaled anywhere in the empire. Its temples, markets, baths, theaters, governmental buildings, and amphitheaters gave parts of the city an appearance of grandeur and magnificence.
+it was the center of a great empire, Rome had serious problems. Beginning with Augustus, the emperors provided food for the city poor. About two hundred thousand people received free grain. Even so, conditions remained grim for the poor.
+Entertainment was provided on a grand scale for the inhabitants of Rome. The poet Juvenal said of the Roman masses, “But nowadays, with no vote . . . , their motto is ‘Couldn’t care less.’ Time was when their vote elected generals, heads of state, commanders of legions: but now. . . there’s only two things that concern them: Bread and Circuses.”
+Public spectacles were provided by the emperor as part of the great religious festivals celebrated by the state. The festivals included three major types of entertainment. At the Circus Maximus, horse and chariot races attracted hundreds of thousands. Dramatic performances were held in theaters. The most famous of all the public spectacles, however, were the gladiatorial shows.
+Section 4. Development of Christianity
+Background: Roman Religion
+Augustus brought back traditional festivals and ceremonies to revive the Roman state religion, which had declined during the turmoil of the late Roman Republic. The official state religion focused on the worship of a number of gods and goddesses, including Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, and Mars. (In addition, beginning with Augustus, emperors were often officially made gods by the Roman Senate, thus bolstering support for the emperors.)
+The Romans believed that the observation of proper ritual by state priests brought them into a right relationship with the gods. This guaranteed peace and prosperity. Indeed, the Romans believed that their success in creating an empire meant that they had earned the favor of the gods. As the politician Cicero claimed in the first century B.C., “We have overcome all the nations of the world, because we have realized that the world is directed and governed by the gods.”
+At the same time, the Romans were tolerant of other religions. They allowed the worship of native gods and goddesses throughout their provinces. They even adopted some of the local gods.
+After the Romans conquered the states of the Hellenistic east, religions from those regions flooded the western Roman world. The desire for a more emotional spiritual experience drew many people to these religions. They promised their followers an entry into a higher world of reality and the promise of a future life superior to the present one. It was believed that, by participating in these ceremonies, a person could communicate with spiritual beings and open the door to life after death.
+The Jewish Background
+In Hellenistic times, the Jewish people had been given considerable independence. By A.D. 6, however, Judaea, which embraced the lands of the old Jewish kingdom of Judah, had been made a Roman province and been placed under the direction of a Roman official called a procurator.
+Unrest was widespread in Judaea, but the Jews differed among themselves about Roman rule. The priestly Sadducees favored cooperation with Rome. The scholarly Pharisees held that close observance of religious law would protect Jewish identity from Roman influences. The Essenes lived apart from society, sharing goods in common. Like many other Jews, they waited for God to save Israel from oppression. The Zealots, however, called for the violent overthrow of Roman rule. In fact, a Jewish revolt began in A.D. 66, only to be crushed by the Romans four years later. The Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.
+The Message of Jesus
+A few decades before the revolt, a Jewish prophet named Jesus traveled and preached throughout Judaea and neighboring Galilee.
+Jesus believed that his mission was to complete the salvation that God had promised to Israel throughout its history. He stated:
+“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” According to Jesus, what was important was not strict adherence to the letter of the law but the transformation of the inner person: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
+God’s command was to love God and one another. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus voiced the ethical concepts—humility, charity, and love toward others—that would later shape the value system of Western civilization.
+Jesus’ preaching eventually stirred controversy. Some people saw Jesus as a potential revolutionary who might lead a revolt against Rome. Jesus’ opponents finally turned him over to Roman authorities. The procurator Pontius Pilate ordered Jesus’ crucifixion.
+After the death of Jesus, his followers proclaimed that he had risen from death and had appeared to them. They believed Jesus to be the Messiah (anointed one), the long expected deliverer who would save Israel from its foes.
+The Spread of Christianity
+Christianity began as a movement within Judaism. After the reports that Jesus had overcome death, the Christian movement won followers in Jerusalem and throughout Judaea and Galilee.
+Prominent apostles, or leaders, arose in early Christianity. One was Simon Peter, a Jewish fisherman who had become a follower of Jesus during Jesus’ lifetime. Peter was recognized as the leader of the apostles. Another major apostle was Paul, a highly educated Jewish Roman citizen who joined the movement later. Paul took the message of Jesus to Gentiles (non-Jews) as well as to Jews. He founded Christian communities throughout Asia Minor and along the shores of the Aegean Sea.
+At the center of Paul’s message was the belief that Jesus was the Savior, the Son of God who had come to Earth to save humanity. Paul taught that Jesus’ death made up for the sins of all humans. By accepting Jesus as Christ (from Christos, the Greek term for Messiah) and Savior, people could be saved from sin and reconciled to God.
+The teachings of early Christianity were passed on orally. Written materials also appeared, however. Paul and other followers of Jesus had written letters, or epistles, outlining Christian beliefs for communities they had helped found around the eastern Mediterranean. Also, some of Jesus’ disciples, or followers, may have preserved some of the sayings of Jesus in writing and passed on personal memories. Later, between A.D. 40 and 100, these accounts became the basis of the written Gospels— the “good news” concerning Jesus. These writings give a record of Jesus’ life and teachings, and they form the core of the New Testament, the second part of the Christian Bible.
+By 100, Christian churches had been established in most of Greek-speaking populations of the major cities of the eastern empire and in some places in the western part of the empire. Most early Christians came from the Jews and the populations of the east. In the second and third centuries, however, an increasing number of followers were Latin-speaking people.
+Roman Persecution
+The basic values of Christianity differed markedly from those of the Greco-Roman world. In spite of that, the Romans at first paid little attention to the Christians, whom they regarded as simply another sect of Judaism. As time passed, however, the Roman attitude toward Christianity began to change.
+The Romans tolerated the religions of other peoples unless these religions threatened public order or public morals. Many Romans came to view Christians as harmful to the Roman state because Christians refused to worship the state gods and emperors. The Romans saw the Christians’ refusal to do so as an act of treason, punishable by death. The Christians, however, believed there was only one God. To them, the worship of state gods and the emperors meant worshiping false gods and endangering their own salvation.
+The Roman government began persecuting (harassing to cause suffering) Christians during the reign of Nero (A.D. 54–68). The emperor blamed the Christians for the fire that destroyed much of Rome and subjected them to cruel deaths. In contrast, in the second century, persecution of Christians diminished. By the end of the reigns of the five good emperors, Christians still represented a small minority, but one of considerable strength.
+The Triumph of Christianity
+The Romans persecuted Christians in the first and second centuries, but this did nothing to stop the growth of Christianity. In fact, it did just the opposite, strengthening Christianity in the second and third centuries by forcing it to become more organized. Fear of persecution meant that only the most committed individuals would choose to follow the outlawed faith.
+Crucial to this change was the emerging role of the bishops, who began to assume more control over church communities. The Christian church was creating a new structure in which the clergy (the church leaders) had distinct functions separate from the laity (the regular church members). Christianity grew quickly in the first century, took root in the second, and by the third had spread widely. Why was Christianity able to attract so many followers?
+First, the Christian message had much to offer the Roman world. The Roman state-based religion was impersonal and existed for the good of Rome. Christianity was personal and offered salvation and eternal life to individuals. Christianity gave meaning and purpose to life.
+Second, Christianity seemed familiar. It was viewed by some as similar to other religions, offering immortality as the result of the sacrificial death of a savior-god.
+Finally, Christianity fulfilled the human need to belong. Christians formed communities bound to one another. In these communities, people could express their love by helping one another and offering assistance to the poor and the sick. Christianity satisfied the need to belong in a way that the huge Roman Empire could never provide.
+Christianity proved attractive to all classes, but especially to the poor and powerless. Eternal life was promised to all—rich, poor, aristocrats, slaves, men, and women. As Paul stated in his letters to the Colossians and the Galatians, “And [you] have put on the new self . . . . Here there is no Greek nor Jew . . . barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Although Christianity did not call for revolution, it stressed a sense of spiritual equality for all people, which was a revolutionary idea.
+Some emperors began new persecutions of the Christians in the third century, but their schemes failed. The last great persecution was by Diocletian (DY•uh•KLEE•shuhn) at the beginning of the fourth century. Even he had to admit, however, what had become obvious in the course of the third century: Christianity was too strong to be blotted out by force.
+In the fourth century, Christianity prospered as never before when Constantine became the first Christian emperor. Although he was not baptized until the end of his life, in 313 Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which proclaimed official tolerance of Christianity. Then, under Theodosius the Great, the Romans adopted Christianity as their official religion.
+Section 5. Decline and Fall
+The Decline
+Marcus Aurelius, the last of the five good emperors, died in A.D. 180. A period of conflict and confusion followed.
+Political Upheavals
+Following a series of civil wars, a military government under the Severan rulers restored order. Septimius Severus told his sons “to pay the soldiers, and ignore everyone else,” setting the tone for the new dynasty. After the Severan rulers there was a period of disorder. For almost fifty years, from 235 to 284, the Roman throne was occupied by whoever had military strength to seize it. During this period there were 22 emperors. Many of these emperors met a violent death.
+At the same time, the empire was troubled by a series of invasions. In the east, the Sassanid Persians made inroads into Roman territory. Germanic tribes poured into the Balkans, Gaul, and Spain. Not until the end of the third century were most of the boundaries restored.
+Economic & Military Problems
+Invasions, civil wars, and plague came close to causing an economic collapse of the Roman Empire in the third century. There was a noticeable decline in trade and small industry. A labor shortage created by plague (an epidemic disease) affected both military recruiting and the economy. Farm production declined as fields were ravaged by invaders or, even more often, by the defending Roman armies. The monetary system began to show signs of collapse.
+Armies were needed more than ever, but financial strains made it difficult to pay and enlist more soldiers. By the mid-third century, the state had to rely on hiring Germans to fight under Roman commanders. These soldiers did not understand Roman traditions and had little loyalty to either the empire or the emperors.
+Reforms of Diocletian & Constantine
+At the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth centuries, the Roman Empire gained a new lease on life through the efforts of two emperors, Diocletian and Constantine. The empire was changed into a new state: the Late Roman Empire, which included a new governmental structure, a rigid economic and social system, and a new state religion—Christianity.
+Believing that the empire had grown too large for a single ruler, Diocletian, who ruled from 284 to 305, divided it into four units, each with its own ruler. Diocletian’s military power still enabled him to claim a higher status and to hold the ultimate authority. Constantine, who ruled from 306 to 337, continued and even expanded the policies of Diocletian.
+Both rulers greatly strengthened and enlarged the administrative bureaucracies of the Roman Empire. A hierarchy of officials exercised control at the various levels of government. The army was enlarged to five hundred thousand men, including German troops. Mobile units were established to support frontier troops at threatened borders.
+The political and military reforms of Diocletian and Constantine greatly enlarged two institutions— the army and civil service—which drained most of the public funds. More revenues were needed to pay for the army and bureaucracy. The population was not growing, however, so the tax base could not be increased.
+Diocletian and Constantine devised new economic and social policies to deal with these financial burdens. To fight inflation—a rapid increase in prices— Diocletian issued a price edict in 301 that set wage and price controls for the entire empire. Despite severe penalties, it failed to work.
+To ensure the tax base and keep the empire going despite the shortage of labor, the emperors issued edicts that forced people to remain in their designated vocations. Hence, basic jobs, such as bakers and shippers, became hereditary. The fortunes of free tenant farmers also declined. Soon they found themselves bound to the land by large landowners who took advantage of depressed agricultural conditions to enlarge their landed estates.
+Constantine began his reign in 306, and by 324 he had emerged as the sole ruler of the empire. Constantine’s biggest project was the construction of a new capital city in the east, on the site of the Greek city of Byzantium on the shores of the Bosporus. The city, eventually renamed Constantinople (modern Istanbul in Turkey), was developed for defensive reasons and had an excellent strategic location. Calling it his “New Rome,” Constantine enriched the city with a forum, large palaces, and a vast amphitheater. Constantinople would become the center of the Eastern Roman Empire and one of the great cities of the world.
+In general, the economic and social policies of Diocletian and Constantine were based on control and coercion. Although temporarily successful, such policies in the long run stifled the very vitality the Late Empire needed to revive its sagging fortunes.
+The Fall
+The restored empire of Diocletian and Constantine limped along for more than a century. After Constantine, the empire continued to be divided into western and eastern parts. The capital of the Western Roman Empire remained in Rome. Constantinople remained the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Western Roman Empire came under increasing pressure from the invading Germanic tribes. The major breakthrough of invaders into the west came in the second half of the fourth century. The Huns, who came from Asia, moved into eastern Europe and put pressure on the Germanic Visigoths. The Visigoths, in turn, moved south and west, crossed the Danube River into Roman territory, and settled down as Roman allies. However, the Visigoths soon revolted. The Romans’ attempt to stop the revolt at Adrianople in
+378 led to a crushing defeat for the Romans.
+Increasing numbers of Germans now crossed the frontiers. In 410, the Visigoths sacked Rome. Another group, the Vandals, poured into southern Spain and Africa. They crossed into Italy from northern Africa and, in 455, they too sacked Rome. (Our modern word vandal is taken from this ruthless tribe.)
+In 476, the western emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was deposed by the Germanic head of the army. This is usually taken as the date of the fall of the Western Roman Empire. As we shall see in Chapter 9, a series of German kingdoms replaced the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire, or the Byzantine Empire, however, continued to thrive with its center at Constantinople.
+Many theories have been proposed to explain the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. They include the following:
+• Christianity’s emphasis on a spiritual kingdom weakened Roman military virtues.
+• Traditional Roman values declined as non-Italians gained prominence in the empire.
+• Lead poisoning through leaden water pipes and cups caused a mental decline in the population.
+• Plague wiped out one-tenth of the population.
+• Rome failed to advance technologically because of slavery.
+• Rome was unable to put together a workable political system.
+There may be an element of truth in each of these theories, but each has also been challenged. History is an intricate web of relationships, causes, and effects. No single explanation can sufficiently explain complex historical events, such as the fall of a great empire.
+For example, both the Han dynasty in China and the Roman Empire lasted for centuries. Both of these empires were able to govern large areas of land effectively. They instituted and maintained laws and a language. In spite of their attempts at unifying conquered territories, both empires experienced problems that came from acquiring so much land. Both tried to protect their borders with walls, forts, and troops. Both, however, eventually fell to invaders. The Han dynasty fell to the Xiongnu. The Roman army in the west was not able to fend off the hordes of people invading Italy and Gaul, and the Western Roman Empire fell. In contrast, the Eastern Roman Empire, which would survive for another thousand years, was able to withstand invaders.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/rlhf/supervised_finetuning_d2l.py b/example/rlhf/supervised_finetuning_d2l.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e50a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/rlhf/supervised_finetuning_d2l.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+"""Demo for the supervised fine tuning.
+python -m example.rlhf.supervised_finetuning_demo
+from pykoi.chat import QuestionAnswerDatabase
+from pykoi.chat.db.constants import (QA_CSV_HEADER_ANSWER, QA_CSV_HEADER_ID,
+from pykoi.rlhf import RLHFConfig, SupervisedFinetuning
+# get data from local database
+qa_database = QuestionAnswerDatabase()
+my_data_pd = qa_database.retrieve_all_question_answers_as_pandas()
+my_data_pd = my_data_pd[
+ [
+ ]
+# analyze the data
+print("My local database has {} samples in total".format(my_data_pd.shape[0]))
+# run supervised finetuning
+from peft import LoraConfig
+config = RLHFConfig(base_model_path="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1",
+ dataset_type="local_csv", dataset_name="data/chapter22_trnvalfromseed_data_processed.csv",
+ train_test_split_ratio=0.1,
+ max_seq_length=896,
+ per_device_eval_batch_size = 1,
+ lora_config_rl = LoraConfig(
+ r=512,
+ lora_alpha=1024,
+ lora_dropout=0.05,
+ target_modules=["q_proj","k_proj","v_proj","o_proj",], # "gate_proj","up_proj","down_proj",], #"lm_head",],
+ bias="none",
+ task_type="CAUSAL_LM"
+ ),
+ )
+rlhf_step1_sft = SupervisedFinetuning(config)
diff --git a/pykoi/rlhf/config.py b/pykoi/rlhf/config.py
index e7721f1..c34d68e 100644
--- a/pykoi/rlhf/config.py
+++ b/pykoi/rlhf/config.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from accelerate import Accelerator
from peft import LoraConfig, TaskType
+# TODO: DH: num_train_epochs=20,
diff --git a/pykoi/rlhf/customize_data_collator.py b/pykoi/rlhf/customize_data_collator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc8c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pykoi/rlhf/customize_data_collator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
+from transformers import DataCollatorForLanguageModeling
+import numpy as np
+class DataCollatorForCompletionOnlyLM(DataCollatorForLanguageModeling):
+ def torch_call(self, examples: List[Union[List[int], Any, Dict[str, Any]]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ batch = super().torch_call(examples)
+ # The prompt ends with the response key plus a newline. We encode this and then try to find it in the
+ # sequence of tokens. This should just be a single token.
+ RESPONSE_KEY = "### Response:"
+ response_token_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(RESPONSE_KEY_NL)
+ labels = batch["labels"].clone()
+ for i in range(len(examples)):
+ response_token_ids_start_idx = None
+ for idx in np.where(batch["labels"][i] == response_token_ids[0])[0]:
+ response_token_ids_start_idx = idx
+ break
+ if response_token_ids_start_idx is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f'Could not find response key {response_token_ids} in token IDs {batch["labels"][i]}'
+ )
+ response_token_ids_end_idx = response_token_ids_start_idx + 1
+ # Make pytorch loss function ignore all tokens up through the end of the response key
+ labels[i, :response_token_ids_end_idx] = -100
+ batch["labels"] = labels
+ return batch
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pykoi/rlhf/supervised_finetuning.py b/pykoi/rlhf/supervised_finetuning.py
index 7a58a9f..c5e8ed6 100644
--- a/pykoi/rlhf/supervised_finetuning.py
+++ b/pykoi/rlhf/supervised_finetuning.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
from pykoi.rlhf.config import RLHFConfig
from pykoi.telemetry.events import SFTStartEvent, SFTStopEvent
from pykoi.telemetry.telemetry import Telemetry
+from pykoi.rlhf.customize_data_collator import DataCollatorForCompletionOnlyLM
class SupervisedFinetuning:
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@ def __init__(self, rlhf_config: RLHFConfig, enable_telemetry: bool = True) -> No
self._telemetry = Telemetry(enable_telemetry)
self._rlhf_config = rlhf_config
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(rlhf_config.base_model_path)
+ # dh: add special tokens to tokenizer
+ self.tokenizer.pad_token = self.tokenizer.eos_token
+ END_KEY = "### End"
+ INSTRUCTION_KEY = "### Instruction:"
+ RESPONSE_KEY = "### Response:"
+ self.tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"additional_special_tokens": [END_KEY, INSTRUCTION_KEY, RESPONSE_KEY_NL]})
self.num_proc = (
self._rlhf_config.num_workers if not self._rlhf_config.streaming else None
@@ -83,13 +90,23 @@ def __init__(self, rlhf_config: RLHFConfig, enable_telemetry: bool = True) -> No
+ # resize the token embeddings to include the added special tokens
+ self.model.resize_token_embeddings(len(self.tokenizer))
+ # dh: try the customized data collator that only predicts the answer part
+ data_collator = DataCollatorForCompletionOnlyLM(
+ tokenizer=self.tokenizer, mlm=False, return_tensors="pt", pad_to_multiple_of=8
+ )
self.trainer = SFTTrainer(
- peft_config=self._rlhf_config.lora_config_rl,
+ peft_config=self._rlhf_config.lora_config_rl, ## TODO: DH: LoraConfig MAY BE IGNORED IF USING FROM_PRETRAINED
+ data_collator=data_collator,
+ dataset_text_field="text",
def train(self):
@@ -103,6 +120,8 @@ def load_lora(
base_model_path: Optional[str] = None,
lora_model_path: Optional[str] = None,
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # dh: not used
if base_model_path is None:
base_model_path = self._rlhf_config.base_model_path
@@ -163,6 +182,65 @@ def prepare_sample_text(self, example):
f" Answer: {example[self._rlhf_config.answer_title]}"
return text
+ def prepare_d2l_text(self, example):
+ """Prepare the text from a sample of the d2l dataset ."""
+ "Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request."
+ )
+ INSTRUCTION_KEY = "### Instruction:"
+ INPUT_KEY = "Input:"
+ RESPONSE_KEY = "### Response:"
+ END_KEY = "### End"
+ # This is a training prompt that does not contain an input string. The instruction by itself has enough information
+ # to respond. For example, the instruction might ask for the year a historic figure was born.
+ {instruction_key}
+ {instruction}
+ {response_key}
+ {response}
+ {end_key}""".format(
+ intro=INTRO_BLURB,
+ instruction_key=INSTRUCTION_KEY,
+ instruction="{instruction}",
+ response_key=RESPONSE_KEY,
+ response="{response}",
+ end_key=END_KEY,
+ )
+ # This is a training prompt that contains an input string that serves as context for the instruction. For example,
+ # the input might be a passage from Wikipedia and the intruction is to extract some information from it.
+ {instruction_key}
+ {instruction}
+ {input_key}
+ {input}
+ {response_key}
+ {response}
+ {end_key}""".format(
+ intro=INTRO_BLURB,
+ instruction_key=INSTRUCTION_KEY,
+ instruction="{instruction}",
+ input_key=INPUT_KEY,
+ input="{input}",
+ response_key=RESPONSE_KEY,
+ response="{response}",
+ end_key=END_KEY,
+ )
+ context = example.get("context")
+ if context:
+ text = PROMPT_WITH_INPUT_FORMAT.format(instruction=example["instruction"], response=example["response"], input=context)
+ else:
+ text = PROMPT_NO_INPUT_FORMAT.format(instruction=example["instruction"], response=example["instruction"])
+ return text
def create_datasets(self, tokenizer, args):
if args.dataset_type == "local_db":
@@ -181,6 +259,7 @@ def create_datasets(self, tokenizer, args):
elif args.dataset_type == "local_csv":
dataset = load_dataset("csv", data_files=args.dataset_name)
dataset = dataset[args.split] # Convert DatasetDict to Dataset
+ dataset2 = load_dataset("csv", data_files=args.dataset_name, split='train[:10%]')
elif args.dataset_type == "huggingface":
dataset = load_dataset(
@@ -208,7 +287,7 @@ def create_datasets(self, tokenizer, args):
train_dataset = ConstantLengthDataset(
- formatting_func=self.prepare_sample_text,
+ formatting_func=self.prepare_d2l_text,
# chars_per_token=chars_per_token,
@@ -216,7 +295,7 @@ def create_datasets(self, tokenizer, args):
eval_dataset = ConstantLengthDataset(
- formatting_func=self.prepare_sample_text,
+ formatting_func=self.prepare_d2l_text,
# chars_per_token=chars_per_token,