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373 lines (322 loc) · 7.91 KB

File metadata and controls

373 lines (322 loc) · 7.91 KB


An example of how to implement complex search conditions in your application.

Here is the model code.

class Article extends AppModel {

	public $actsAs = array(

	public $belongsTo = array(

	public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
		'Tag' => array(
			'with' => 'Tagged'

	public $filterArgs = array(
		'title' => array(
			'type' => 'like'
		'status' => array(
			'type' => 'value'
		'blog_id' => array(
			'type' => 'lookup',
			'formField' => 'blog_input',
			'modelField' => 'title',
			'model' => 'Blog'
		'search' => array(
			'type' => 'like',
			'field' => 'Article.description'
		'range' => array(
			'type' => 'expression',
			'method' => 'makeRangeCondition',
			'field' => 'Article.views BETWEEN ? AND ?'
		'username' => array(
			'type' => 'like', 'field' => array(
		'tags' => array(
			'type' => 'subquery',
			'method' => 'findByTags',
			'field' => ''
		'filter' => array(
			'type' => 'query',
			'method' => 'orConditions'
		'year' => array(
			'type' => 'query',
			'method' => 'yearRange'
		'enhanced_search' => array(
			'type' => 'like',
			'encode' => true,
			'before' => false,
			'after' => false,
			'field' => array(
				'', ''

	public function findByTags($data = array()) {
		$this->Tagged->Behaviors->attach('Containable', array(
				'autoFields' => false

		$query = $this->Tagged->getQuery('all', array(
			'conditions' => array(
				'' => $data['tags']
			'fields' => array(
			'contain' => array(
		return $query;

	// Or conditions with like
	public function orConditions($data = array()) {
		$filter = $data['filter'];
		$condition = array(
			'OR' => array(
				$this->alias . '.title LIKE' => '%' . $filter . '%',
				$this->alias . '.body LIKE' => '%' . $filter . '%',
		return $condition;

	// Turns 2000 - 2014 into a search between these two years
	public function yearRange($data = array()) {
		if (strpos($data['year'], ' - ') !== false){
			$tmp = explode(' - ', $data['year']);
			$tmp[0] = $tmp[0] . '-01-01';
			$tmp[1] = $tmp[1] . '-12-31';
			return $tmp;
		} else {
			return array($data['year'] . '-01-01', $data['year']."-12-31");

Associated snippet for the controller class.

class ArticlesController extends AppController {

	public $components = array(

	public function find() {
		$this->Paginator->settings['conditions'] = $this->Article->parseCriteria($this->Prg->parsedParams());
		$this->set('articles', $this->Paginator->paginate());

or verbose (overriding the model configuration)

class ArticlesController extends AppController {

	public $components = array(

	// This will override the model config
	public $presetVars = array(
		'title' => array(
			'type' => 'value'
		'status' => array(
			'type' => 'checkbox'
		'blog_id' => array(
			'type' => 'lookup',
			'formField' => 'blog_input',
			'modelField' => 'title',
			'model' => 'Blog'

	public function find() {
		$this->Paginator->settings['conditions'] = $this->Article->parseCriteria($this->Prg->parsedParams());
		$this->set('articles', $this->Paginator->paginate());

The find.ctp view is the same as index.ctp with the addition of the search form.

echo $this->Form->create('Article', array(
	'url' => array_merge(
				'action' => 'find'
echo $this->Form->input('title', array(
		'div' => false
echo $this->Form->input('year', array(
		'div' => false
echo $this->Form->input('blog_id', array(
		'div' => false,
		'options' => $blogs
echo $this->Form->input('status', array(
		'div' => false,
		'multiple' => 'checkbox',
		'options' => array(
			'open', 'closed'
echo $this->Form->input('username', array(
		'div' => false
echo $this->Form->submit(__('Search'), array(
		'div' => false
echo $this->Form->end();

In this example the search by OR condition is shown. For this purpose we defined the method orConditions() and added the filter method.

	'name' => 'filter',
	'type' => 'query',
	'method' => 'orConditions'

Advanced Usage

public $filterArgs = array(

	// match results with `%searchstring`:
	'search_exact_beginning' => array(
		'type' => 'like',
		'encode' => true,
		'before' => true,
		'after' => false

	// match results with `searchstring%`:
	'search_exact_end' => array(
		'type' => 'like',
		'encode' => true,
		'before' => false,
		'after' => true

	// match results with `__searchstring%`:
	'search_special_like' => array(
		'type' => 'like',
		'encode' => true,
		'before' => '__',
		'after' => '%'

	// use custom wildcards in the frontend (instead of * and ?):
	'search_custom_like' => array(
		'type' => 'like',
		'encode' => true,
		'before' => false,
		'after' => false,
		'wildcardAny' => '%', 'wildcardOne' => '_'

	// use and/or connectors ('First + Second, Third'):
	'search_with_connectors' => array(
		'type' => 'like',
		'field' => 'Article.title',
		'connectorAnd' => '+', 'connectorOr' => ','

Default Values to Allow Search for "Not Any of The Below"

Let's say we have categories and a dropdown list to select any of those or "empty = ignore this filter". But what if we also want to have an option to find all non-categorized items? With "default 0 NOT NULL" fields this works as we can use 0 here explicitly.

$categories = $this->Model->Category->find('list');

// before passing it on to the view (the key will be 0, not '' as the ignore-filter key will be)
array_unshift($categories, '- not categorized -');

But for char(36) foreign keys or "default NULL" fields this doesn't work. The posted empty string will result in the omitting of the rule. That's where emptyValue comes into play.

// controller
public $presetVars = array(
	'category_id' => array(
		'allowEmpty' => true,
		'emptyValue' => '0',

This way we assign '' for 0, and "ignore" for '' on POST, and the opposite for presetForm().

Note: This only works if you use allowEmpty here. If you fail to do that it will always trigger the lookup here.

Default Values to Allow Search in Default Case

The filterArgs property in your model.

public $filterArgs = array(
	'some_related_table_id' => array(
		'type' => 'value',
		'defaultValue' => 'none'

This will always trigger the filter for it (looking for string none in the table field).

Full Example for Model/Controller Configuration with Overriding

This goes in a model.

public $filterArgs = array(
	'some_related_table_id' => array(
		'type' => 'value'
	'search'=> array(
		'type' => 'like',
		'encode' => true,
		'before' => false,
		'after' => false,
		'field' => array(
	'name'=> array(
		'type' => 'query',
		'method' => 'searchNameCondition'

public function searchNameCondition($data = array()) {
	$filter = $data['name'];
	$conditions = array(
		'OR' => array(
			$this->alias . '.name LIKE' => '' . $this->formatLike($filter) . '',
			$this->alias . '.invoice_number LIKE' => '' . $this->formatLike($filter) . '',
	return $conditions;

In your controller.

public $presetVars = array(
	'some_related_table_id' => true,
	'search' => true,
	// overriding/extending the model defaults
	'name'=> array(
		'type' => 'value',
		'encode' => true

Search example with wildcards in the view for field search 20??BE* => matches 2011BES and 2012BETR etc.