This page contains information about the web part of the course.
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- 20% lab
- 40% web
- 40% database
W3C --> negotiator between browsers so implementations are standardised between browsers IETF --> Request for Comment
more support
server waits client initiates conversation (request) server handles requests (response)
less support
pattern: [primary object type]/[subtype] examples:
- text/plain
- text/html
- image/jpg
- unknown/unknown
- application/xml
- model/mesh
if size of body doesnt match header length --> reject
also important for persistent connections. if multiple http requests are sent this field can help the browser find the end of the stream of requests
tells what kind of compression the server or client understands and thus can send to eachother.
advantage: less bandwidth disadvantage: more cpu time
- gzip
- deflate
- identity
removed in HTTP 2.0 though it's still used. used to verify content.
md5 is a hash computed of the entire body. if a bit is changed the md5 is different. so if the client recalculates md5 and it doesnt match the server knows there is something wrong
lets the client know when the content is not valid anymore and the client has to re-request it. this however has in history rarely actually been used by clients and is mostly used by webcaches. when a webcache has a recource, and it is not expired it will serve it, else it is forwarded to the origin server (Eventually, it might go through multiple webcaches)
web browsers also cache webpages. Therefore nowadays the expires field is more useful for clients too.
again mostly used by webcaches to know when it has to re-request data to cache. used to be used by search engines to give higher rankings to recently modified pages. due to abuse searchengines dont do this anymore.
Used so the server can push to clients (instead of client initiating requests)
simulating server --> client requests:
- polling
- long polling (server keeps conenction open until new data arrived)
HTTP/1.1 doesnt allow more than this
enables bidirectional communcation between client and server
client initiates bidirectional communication client sends 2 headers:
if server allows connection upgrade to websockets then bidirectional communication is established
1xx informational
2xx request ok
3xx redirected, resource moved
4xx client error 404 resource not found
402: reserved for payment requred
5xx server error should never be seen. server errors shouldnt be seen by clients!
GET sends resource, header and body
HEAD only send the header, no body
DNS server converts domain name to ip address
xx.xx.xx.xx (hex numbers) max 2^32 ip adresses push to convert to ipv6
xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (hex numbers) 2^128 possibilities