diff --git a/configFiles/StandardConfig_MOVEME.m b/configFiles/StandardConfig_MOVEME.m index 7db22fa3..f70619b0 100644 --- a/configFiles/StandardConfig_MOVEME.m +++ b/configFiles/StandardConfig_MOVEME.m @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ % options for determining PCs ops.spkTh = -6; % spike threshold in standard deviations (-6) ops.reorder = 1; % whether to reorder batches for drift correction. +ops.nskip = 25; % how many batches to skip for determining spike PCs ops.GPU = 1; % has to be 1, no CPU version yet, sorry % ops.Nfilt = 1024; % max number of clusters diff --git a/configFiles/configFile384.m b/configFiles/configFile384.m index 7db22fa3..f70619b0 100644 --- a/configFiles/configFile384.m +++ b/configFiles/configFile384.m @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ % options for determining PCs ops.spkTh = -6; % spike threshold in standard deviations (-6) ops.reorder = 1; % whether to reorder batches for drift correction. +ops.nskip = 25; % how many batches to skip for determining spike PCs ops.GPU = 1; % has to be 1, no CPU version yet, sorry % ops.Nfilt = 1024; % max number of clusters diff --git a/mainLoop/extractTemplatesfromSnippets.m b/mainLoop/extractTemplatesfromSnippets.m index d8f749c7..f0066068 100644 --- a/mainLoop/extractTemplatesfromSnippets.m +++ b/mainLoop/extractTemplatesfromSnippets.m @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ ops = rez.ops; +nskip = getOr(ops, 'nskip', 25); % Nchan = ops.Nchan; Nbatch = rez.temp.Nbatch; @@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ k = 0; dd = gpuArray.zeros(ops.nt0, 5e4, 'single'); -for ibatch = 1:100:Nbatch +for ibatch = 1:nskip:Nbatch offset = 2 * ops.Nchan*batchstart(ibatch); fseek(fid, offset, 'bof'); dat = fread(fid, [NT ops.Nchan], '*int16');