PROJECT: Student Schedule Planner
This portfolio showcases the software engineering skills I acquired during my time of study in National University of Singapore (NUS).
Student Schedule Planner (SSP) is a desktop application created by my team T12-3 for CS2103T module. SSP aimed to aid university students to manage their tasks effectively. It is morphed from an existing product called Address Book (Level 4), with constraints such as command-line interface must be the main mode of user input.
My contributions to the project included adding task monitoring system which consists of firstday
and listweek
commands to aid the users in better monitoring of their tasks.
Major enhancement: Added task monitoring system
What it does: This feature allows user to know what is the current academic week whenever they launch the application within the academic semester. It also allow users to know what tasks they have that are due on the current date or from the current date until the closest Sunday.
Justification: This feature allows user to monitor their tasks easier as they may know that they have certain tasks due on a particular week and could use this to plan their remaining time properly. Users could also easily know what tasks they have on the current week.
Highlights: This implementation was challenging as it required creating a new
for saving and retrieving the data. It was also tedious and time consuming to conduct both system and manual tests for different dates due to the need to manipulate my device’s system date. -
Credits to Stack Overflow and The Java™ Tutorials - Oracle Docs: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Code contributed: RepoSense
Other contributions:
Project management:
Some parts of
command andListWeekCommandTest
test cases I added was adopted by a classmate: #125, #212 -
Some parts of
test cases I added was adopted by a classmate: #201 -
Some parts of
test cases I added was adopted by a classmate: #229 -
Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class: #220, #224, #235, #238, #242, #248
Integrated two Github plugins (AppVeyor, Coveralls) to the team repo
Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide to aid the user in using the application. |
Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide that includes my technical documentation and depth to aid developer to understand how the application functions. |