To use the bot add the bot to your server with this Link
/watch-mirror add {@role} Adds the channel the comand is run in to the list of channels watching mirror. The role passed in with the command is piged by the bot when there is a status update.
/watch-mirror delete Deletes the channel the command is run in from the watch list.
/ping {address} used to ping any hostname or ip address.
Install D++ using instructions on the D++ Documentation Website. Installation Instructions
There are many ways to install I personally built D++ from source from the github. D++ Github
Create a .env file with the following 3 lines of text for registering slash commands in a single server for testing.
Create a .env file with the following 2 lines of text for registering slash commands globally for any server the bot joins.
To start the bot just run docker-compose up
Your .env
file should be located in a subdirectory in the project root called resources/
. Your channels.txt
will also be located in this subdirectory, but you do not need to manually create this file.