- Status: Completed
- Type: Specific
- Work Package: WP3
- Coordinators: Iris Hendrickx (Radboud University)
- Participating Institutes: Radboud University, Dutch Health Inspectorate
- End-users: Dutch Health Inspectorate
- Developers: Iris Hendrickx (Radboud), Maarten van Gompel (Radboud)
- Interest Groups: DevOps, Text
- Task IDs: T098 (LaMachine), T139 (Frog)
Citation from M. van Gompel & I. Hendrickx (2018):
We participated in a small Dutch national project titled “Text mining for Inspection: an exploratory study on automatic analysis of health care complaints” led by IQhealthcare42, the scientific centre for healthcare quality of RadboudUMC hospital. This project took place at the Dutch Health Inspectorate and aimed to apply text mining techniques to health care complaints that have been registered at the national contact point for health care (Landelijk Meldpunt Zorg).
We investigated the usefulness of text mining to categorise and cluster complaints, to automatically determine the severity of incoming complaints, to extract patterns and to identify risk cases. This project turned out to be a good test case of the applicability and usefulness of LaMachine as a standalone research environment. As the complaint data is highly sensitive, it could not leave the secure servers of the health inspectorate and was stored in an environment without internet access. We needed to bring the software to the data via a shared folder
The tools needed to be brought to a secure non-networked environment, on-site, because of the sensitive nature of the data that had to be worked with.
The main functionality to bring the full environment to the data was already present with LaMachine, but the ability to have a shared dataspace between the host and VM was insufficiently developed prior to this project.
LaMachine was used as the solution to bring the tools to the data. Better integration between host and VM, with regards to shared data space, was implemented.
- LaMachine
- Frog
The researcher has succesfully used the research environment in a restricted network-less environment in which she was only offered a Windows machine, and processed privacy-sensitive data on-site with various tools.
References to related resources and publications and especially links to related use-cases:
- M. van Gompel & I. Hendrickx (2018). LaMachine: A meta-distribution for NLP software. CLARIN Annual Conference 2018.