diff --git a/BuildingCGNS/build_cgns_MS.bat b/BuildingCGNS/build_cgns_MS.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index fe16d0ff..00000000
--- a/BuildingCGNS/build_cgns_MS.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-@echo OFF
-:: Run the cmake command
-cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" ^
-  -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH="C:\Program Files\HDF_Group\HDF5\1.11.2\cmake" ^
-  -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^
-         ../CGNS
- cmake --build . 
diff --git a/CGNSFiles.html b/CGNSFiles.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d69d53a9..00000000
--- a/CGNSFiles.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-Example Files</font></h1>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>Example CGNS Files</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>These files are distributed as a service to help CGNS users
-test their own implementations. They are submitted by users "as is" and are
-<b>not certified by anyone except the sender to be CGNS compliant</b>.&nbsp;
-<p>If you have any questions about these data files, please contact
-the person listed in the table. The CGNS Committee is not able to provide
-technical support for the data files listed on this webpage.&nbsp;
-<p>Please send any CGNS data files (along with a graphic file if possible)
-or the URL of the datafiles which you would like to
-share with the CGNS users community to: 
-<a href="mailto:cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov">cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</a>.
-<p>Most of the files on this page are very old and hence are ADF type.  However, a few have been converted to HDF5,
-as noted (using cgns_type.f tool on <a href="Utilities.html">Utilities Page</a>).
-Structured Grid Examples</h2>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Description</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Data File</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Dates:&nbsp; (Posted)&nbsp;
-<br>Last Revised</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" NOSAVE>Contact</th>
-<td>Structured, 12 block, 3-D constricting channel, <b>with example use of Family_t for BCs</b> (ADF type)
-(<a href="CGNSFiles/Poinot/constrictingchannel.gif">constrictingchannel.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Poinot/sqnz_s.adf.cgns.gz">sqnz_s.adf.cgns.gz</a> (&lt; 1Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:marc.poinot@safrangroup.com">Marc Poinot</a></td>
-<td>Same file as above, except HDF5 type</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Poinot/sqnz_s.hdf.cgns.gz">sqnz_s.hdf.cgns.gz</a> (&lt; 1Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:marc.poinot@safrangroup.com">Marc Poinot</a></td>
-<td>Structured, 1 block, quasi-3D axisymmetric bump (2 planes) , with cell
-centered solution (<a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.gif">bump.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.cgns.gz">bump.cgns.gz</a> (6.4Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Same file as above, except HDF5 type</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/bump_hdf5.cgns.gz">bump_hdf5.cgns.gz</a> (6.4Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Structured, 4 blocks, 2D (2 planes in third dimension) multielement airfoil, with cell
-centered solution (<a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.gif">multi.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.cgns.gz">multi.cgns.gz</a> (2.3Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Same file as above, except converted to HDF5 type</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/multi_hdf5.cgns.gz">multi_hdf5.cgns.gz</a> (2.3Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Structured, 1 block, 3-D Delta Wing, with cell centered solution - see also
-delta_vertex.cgns.gz with solution at vertices (<a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.gif">delta.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.cgns.gz">delta.cgns.gz </a>(8.1Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Structured, 1 block, 3-D Delta Wing, with solution at vertices - see also
-delta.cgns.gz with cell-center solution (<a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.gif">delta.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Chris/delta_vertex.cgns.gz">delta_vertex.cgns.gz </a>(3.1Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Structured, 5 block, 2D (1 plane in third dimension) airfoil with combination 1-to-1
-and overset connectivity, no solution included 
-(<a href="CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa1.gif">oversetnasa1.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa1.cgns.gz">oversetnasa1.cgns.gz</a> (181Kb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:hschilling@nasa.gov">Herb Schilling</a></td>
-<td>Structured, 3 block, 2D (1 plane in third dimension) airfoil with combination 1-to-1
-and overset connectivity, no solution included
-(<a href="CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa2.gif">oversetnasa2.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa2.cgns.gz">oversetnasa2.cgns.gz</a> (191Kb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:hschilling@nasa.gov">Herb Schilling</a></td>
-<td>Structured, 26 block, DLR-F6 wing-body (includes several degenerate lines),
-no solution included (<a href="CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.gif">dlr-f6.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.coar.cgns.gz">dlr-f6.coar.cgns.gz</a> (55.5Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Multiblock structured grids for a business jet, a wing/body, and a wing/body/nacelle/pylon
-configuration are available from Stanford.</td>
-<td><a href="http://aero-comlab.stanford.edu/vdweide/CGNSFiles/">Stanford
-CGNS test files</a> (link to external site)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:Edwin.vanderWeide@stanford.edu">Edwin van der Weide</a></td>
-<td NOSAVE>3D Multiblock Structured Mesh&nbsp; (<a href="CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.gif">5blocks.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.cgns.gz">5blocks.cgns.gz</a>(21Kb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:Diane.Poirier@ansys.com">Diane Poirier</a></td>
-Unstructured Grid Examples</h2>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Description</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Data File</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Dates:&nbsp; (Posted)&nbsp;
-<br>Last Revised</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" NOSAVE>Contact</th>
-<td>Unstructured mesh for YF-17 with solution (modified 3/17/11 to
-have more useful BCs). (<a href="CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.gif">yf17.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.cgns.gz">yf17.cgns.gz </a>(7.5Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:brucewedan@gmail.com">Bruce Wedan</a></td>
-<td>Same file as above, except converted to HDF5 type</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17_hdf5.cgns.gz">yf17_hdf5.cgns.gz </a>(7.5Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td>Unstructured polygonal mesh of a trapped vortex combustor configuration
-	with Family hierarchy tree (CGNS 4.1 standard). (<a href="CGNSFiles/TrappedVtx/trappedvtx.gif">trappedvtxgif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/TrappedVtx/trappedvtx_ngon.cgns.gz">trappedvtx_ngon.cgns.gz </a>(4.8Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:marc.poinot@safrangroup.com">Marc Poinot</a></td>
-<td>3-D hexahedral mesh for the Standard Configuration 10 blade (single blade, part
-of a compressor cascade),
-with cell centered solution. (<a href="CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10.gif">SC10.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10_steady.cgns.gz">SC10_steady.cgns.gz </a>(34.2Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:cgns2007@rpmturbo.com">Andrew McGhee</a></td>
-<td>2 zone unstructured mixed element mesh of a coil inside a cylinder
-with solution. (<a href="CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.gif">HeatingCoil.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.cgns.gz">HeatingCoil.cgns.gz </a>(2.3Mb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:Richard.Hann@ansys.com">Richard Hann</a></td>
-<td>Unstructured mesh of a static mixer with solution. (<a href="CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.gif">StaticMixer.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.cgns.gz">StaticMixer.cgns.gz </a>(221Kb)</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:Richard.Hann@ansys.com">Richard Hann</a></td>
-<td>Moving mesh solution of a piston; 20 timesteps (not using the standard BaseIterativeData method, but rather storing each
-time step in a separate base). (<a href="CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.gif">MovingTransient.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.cgns.gz">MovingTransient.cgns.gz
-<td><a href="mailto:Richard.Hann@ansys.com">Richard Hann</a></td>
-<td>3D Flow of Air in Obstructed Elbow:&nbsp; Unstructured mesh of MIXED
-element types with cell centered solution, no boundaries or boundary
-info included&nbsp; (<a href="CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.gif">tut21.gif</a>)</td>
-<td><a href="CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.cgns.gz">tut21.cgns.gz</a> (61Kb)</td>
-<td NOSAVE><a href="mailto:stevef@adapco.com">Steve Feldman</a></td>
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 14e9a2e6..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.gif b/CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.gif
deleted file mode 100755
index 504d9734..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/5blocks/5blocks.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 73f7ccd6..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.gif b/CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.gif
deleted file mode 100755
index dbcf542d..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/AdapcoTut21/tut21.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 115e151b..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.gif b/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 026f184e..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17_hdf5.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17_hdf5.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ee5417..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17_hdf5.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17_orig.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17_orig.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 536ed4aa..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Bruce/yf17_orig.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 24057693..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.gif b/CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e5aafd8..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/CFX/HeatingCoil.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index e4314615..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.gif b/CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index bb894504..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/CFX/MovingTransient.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index fb4c45a2..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.gif b/CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 3151e191..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/CFX/StaticMixer.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/README b/CGNSFiles/Chris/README
deleted file mode 100755
index 159ec164..00000000
--- a/CGNSFiles/Chris/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Bruce and/or Diane,
-   Please update (replace) the files on the CGNS website under
-"Collection of CGNS Files for Testing" with the files contained
-in this directory.  I am including 3 gzipped CGNS files (note
-that their sizes are somewhat larger than the old ones currently
-on the website), as well as 3 updated gif files.
-   These CGNS files are under 2.2, and they include some
-relatively minor revisions and enhancements since I ran the
-old ones.
-   You might want to play with the CGNS files a bit yourself,
-just to make sure they are OK.
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index ea359457..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.gif b/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.gif
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f0138bc..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump_hdf5.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump_hdf5.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 65bbff08..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/bump_hdf5.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 054e8362..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.gif b/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.gif
deleted file mode 100755
index 3254ecb0..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta_vertex.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta_vertex.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 1bc8e7f1..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/delta_vertex.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 77b53ca9..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.gif b/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.gif
deleted file mode 100755
index bd3c1d8a..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi_hdf5.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi_hdf5.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index d323d014..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Chris/multi_hdf5.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/README b/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d043c7..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This is the Boeing DLR-F6 coarse grid from DPW-III
-(originally named vgrd_f6cor1.cgns).  Note: it contains
-several degenerate (singular) lines.  It is a 26-block
-grid, and does not include a solution.
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.coar.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.coar.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index e745d6d0..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.coar.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.gif b/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e77059..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/DLR-F6/dlr-f6.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/McGhee/README b/CGNSFiles/McGhee/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 56243def..00000000
--- a/CGNSFiles/McGhee/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-The first mesh that comes to mind that
-we could make available is a 3D unstructured mesh for the Standard
-Configuration 10 blade (single blade, part of a compressor cascade - the
-mesh contains boundaries marked for inlet / outlet, periodic, blade, surface
-and side walls).
-Andrew McGhee
-RPMTurbo Pty Ltd
-7 Havana Street
-Ashgrove QLD 4060
-Brisbane, Australia
-Ph: +61 7 3366 5685
-Fax: +61 7 3257 3129
-Email: andrew.mcghee@rpmturbo.com
-Web: http://www.rpmturbo.com/
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10.gif b/CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e3ba9c..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10_steady.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10_steady.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 752ae229..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/McGhee/SC10_steady.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Poinot/constrictingchannel.gif b/CGNSFiles/Poinot/constrictingchannel.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e0ff039..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Poinot/constrictingchannel.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Poinot/constrictingchannel.lay b/CGNSFiles/Poinot/constrictingchannel.lay
deleted file mode 100644
index af3c0fa4..00000000
--- a/CGNSFiles/Poinot/constrictingchannel.lay
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3503 +0,0 @@
-#!MC 1400
-# Created by Tecplot 360 build
-$!VarSet |LFDSRN1| = 'CGNS Loader'
-$!VarSet |LFDSFN1| = '"STANDARDSYNTAX" "1.0" "FILELIST_CGNSFILES" "1" "sqnz_s.hdf.cgns" "AverageToNodes" "No" "AveragingMethod" "Arithmetic" "SectionLoad" "SeparateZones" "LoadBCs" "Yes" "AssignStrandIDs" "Yes" "LOADCONVERGENCEHISTORY" "No" "ZoneList" "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43," "VarList" "0,1,2,3,4,"'
-    {
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-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 0
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 0
-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        B = 255
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-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.1667
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
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-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.3333
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.6667
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.8333
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 100
-        G = 35
-        B = 100
-        }
-        {
-        R = 100
-        G = 35
-        B = 100
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.1429
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 35
-        G = 35
-        B = 100
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.2857
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 35
-        G = 100
-        B = 100
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.4286
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 35
-        G = 100
-        B = 35
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.5714
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 100
-        G = 100
-        B = 35
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.7143
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 85
-        G = 46
-        B = 10
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      COLORMAPFRACTION = 0.8571
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 100
-        G = 35
-        B = 35
-        }
-        {
-        R = 217
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-        B = 26
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 0
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 0
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 0
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 32
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 32
-        G = 32
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 64
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 64
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 96
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 96
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 128
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 128
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 160
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 160
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 192
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 192
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 224
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 224
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 0
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 0
-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        B = 0
-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
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-      }
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 0
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
-        B = 255
-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
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-        }
-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
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-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        B = 0
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-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        {
-        R = 255
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-      }
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        {
-        R = 0
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-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
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-        }
-        {
-        R = 0
-        G = 255
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-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        {
-        R = 0
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-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        {
-        R = 255
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-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        {
-        R = 255
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-    }
-    {
-      {
-      LEADRGB
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-        R = 0
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-        {
-        R = 0
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-      }
-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 0
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-        {
-        R = 0
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-      {
-      LEADRGB
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-        R = 0
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-        {
-        R = 0
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-      {
-      LEADRGB
-        {
-        R = 255
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-        {
-        R = 255
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-      {
-      LEADRGB
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-        {
-        R = 255
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-### Frame Number 1 ###
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-$!FIELDMAP  [8]
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [9]
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-$!FIELDMAP  [10]
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-    {
-      {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [11]
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-    {
-      {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [12]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-      {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [13]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [14]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-      {
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [15]
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-    {
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [16]
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-    {
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-    {
-      {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [17]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [18]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [19]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    SHOW = YES
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-      {
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [20]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [21]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [22]
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [23]
-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [24]
-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [25]
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-    {
-    }
-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [26]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [27]
-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [28]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [29]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [30]
-    {
-    }
-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-      {
-      }
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-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [31]
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
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-$!FIELDMAP  [34]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [35]
-    {
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-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
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-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [36]
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [37]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [38]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [39]
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
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-    }
-    {
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-$!FIELDMAP  [40]
-    {
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-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [41]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [42]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [43]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-$!FIELDMAP  [44]
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = YES
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    VARNUM = 1
-    }
-    {
-    VARNUM = 2
-    }
-    {
-    VARNUM = 3
-    }
-    {
-    XYPOS
-      {
-      X = 12.688
-      Y = 86.705
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    RANGEMIN = -1.3100000000000000533
-    RANGEMAX = 1.1100000000000000977
-    GRSPACING = 0.5
-      {
-      EDGE = 1
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    RANGEMIN = -0.050000000000000002776
-    RANGEMAX = 1.0500000000000000444
-    GRSPACING = 0.2
-      {
-      EDGE = 1
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    RANGEMIN = -0.050000000000000002776
-    RANGEMAX = 1.0500000000000000444
-    GRSPACING = 0.2
-      {
-      EDGE = 3
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    X = 0
-    Y = 0
-    Z = 0
-    I = 1
-    J = 1
-    K = 1
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-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      X = 0
-      Y = 0
-      Z = 0
-      }
-      {
-      X = 0
-      Y = 0
-      Z = 0
-      }
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    SHOW = NO
-    }
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    MARKSIZE = 1
-      {
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      }
-    }
-  MAXSTEPS = 10000
-    {
-    X = 1
-    Y = 1
-    Z = 1
-    }
-    {
-    X = -0.09999999999999998
-    Y = 0.5
-    Z = 0.5
-    }
-    {
-      {
-      X = -0.2
-      Y = -0.2
-      Z = 0.9591663046625438
-      }
-    INTENSITY = 75
-    }
-  THETAANGLE = 35.8755
-    {
-    X = -7.965471335057187
-    Y = -10.37552919940368
-    Z = 8.249038105676659
-    }
-  VIEWWIDTH = 2.62981
-  SHOW = NO
-  FRAME = 1
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index fc1d4e33..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index ff48f9ea..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Poinot/sqnz_s.adf.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Poinot/sqnz_s.hdf.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Poinot/sqnz_s.hdf.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index d0287097..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Poinot/sqnz_s.hdf.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa1.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa1.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index cf082dc4..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa1.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa1.gif b/CGNSFiles/Schilling/oversetnasa1.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ab4cad..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 247aa2f6..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 986b4ff8..00000000
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index 34e53285..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index c434d4d1..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/TrappedVtx/trappedvtx.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/TrappedVtx/trappedvtx_ngon.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/TrappedVtx/trappedvtx_ngon.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index c0aa7472..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/TrappedVtx/trappedvtx_ngon.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/jet/description b/CGNSFiles/jet/description
deleted file mode 100755
index a74c783b..00000000
--- a/CGNSFiles/jet/description
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-CGNSLibraryVersion (CGNSLibraryVersion_t) = 1.1
-Translated from CART3D (CGNSBase_t)
-  CellDimension=2
-  PhysDimension=3
-  Zone #1 (Zone_t) 
-    ZoneType (ZoneType_t) = Unstructured
-      Nnodes = 46941
-      Nelements = 93858
-      NboundaryNodes = 46941
-    GridCoordinates (GridCoordinates_t)
-      CoordinateX (DataArray_t):  R4, 46941 data
-      CoordinateY (DataArray_t)
-      CoordinateZ (DataArray_t)
-    Triangular Surface Elements (Elements_t)
-      ElementRange (IndexRange_t) = 1 to 93858
-      ElementConnectivity (DataArray_t): !4, dim_val=( 3, 93858 )
-    Flow Solution Data (FlowSolution_t)
-      CoefPressure (DataArray_t): R4, dim_val=46941
-    ZoneBC (ZoneBC_t)
-      Component #1 (BC_t)
-   	ElementList (IndexArray_t)
-        Component #1 (FamilyName_t)
-      Component #2 (BC_t)
-        ...
-    ORPHAN (FamilyName_t)
-  Component #1 (Family_t) 
-    Ordinal (Ordinal_t) = 1
-  Component #2 (Family_t) 
-  Component #3 (Family_t) 
-  Component #4 (Family_t) 
-  Component #5 (Family_t) 
-  Component #6 (Family_t) 
-  Component #7 (Family_t) 
-  Component #8 (Family_t)
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.cgns.gz b/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.cgns.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d01e9f4..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.cgns.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.gif b/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.gif
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a813605..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.jpg b/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.jpg
deleted file mode 100755
index 6a7ab476..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet_Cp.gif b/CGNSFiles/jet/jet_Cp.gif
deleted file mode 100755
index fe0cf9e7..00000000
Binary files a/CGNSFiles/jet/jet_Cp.gif and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1567e47d..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/CGNSTalk/2000-2003.txt.gz and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 436ee0f3..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/CGNSTalk/2000-2020.txt.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/CGNSTalk/2004-2005.txt.gz b/CGNS_docs_current/CGNSTalk/2004-2005.txt.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d400dc..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 99d2b551..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 14bf6ac4..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 069c72c2..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index ef4a21c6..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index eb55fb80..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/CGNSTalk/2012-2013.txt.gz and /dev/null differ
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* ADF User's Guide - style sheet */
-/* Header colors */
-h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color: #2D0091}
-/* Current page and parent document in navigation headers */
-span.nav {color: #000066}
-/* Footer */
-div.footer {font-style: italic}
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/adf/adf_figure.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<!-- ADF User's Guide - longdesc for "Example Database Hierarchy of Nodes" -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="adf.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ADF User's Guide - Example Database Hierarchy of Nodes</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates an example ADF hierarchical database, with
-parent and child nodes, node IDs, and links.
-The database consists of two files - <i>ADF_File_One</i> and
-At the top in the file <i>ADF_File_One</i> is the Root node.
-At the first level below the Root node are three child nodes (i.e.,
-sub-nodes), with IDs <tt>N1</tt>, <tt>N2</tt>, and <tt>N3</tt>.
-<tt>N1</tt> has the following three children at the next lower level.
-<li> <tt>N4</tt>, which has children <tt>N6</tt> and <tt>N7</tt>.
-     <tt>N6</tt> in turn has a single child node <tt>N8</tt>.
-<li> <tt>L3</tt>, which is a link node, described later.
-<li> <tt>N5</tt>, which has no child nodes.
-The second node at the first level below the Root node, <tt>N2</tt>, has
-no children.
-The third node just below the Root node, <tt>N3</tt>, has the following
-three children at the next lower level.
-<li> <tt>N9</tt>, which has children <tt>N12</tt> and <tt>N13</tt>.
-<li> <tt>N10</tt>, which has children <tt>L1</tt> and <tt>N14</tt>
-<li> <tt>N11</tt>, which has children <tt>L2</tt> and <tt>N15</tt>.
-<tt>L1</tt> and <tt>L2</tt> are both link nodes, described later.
-In the file <i>ADF_File_Two</i>, there is again a Root node at the
-top level, with children <tt>F1</tt>, <tt>F2</tt>, and <tt>F3</tt>.
-<tt>F1</tt> and <tt>F2</tt> have no child nodes, while
-<tt>F3</tt> has children <tt>F4</tt> and <tt>F5</tt>.
-The <a href="glossary.html#link">link nodes</a> <tt>L1</tt>,
-<tt>L2</tt>, and <tt>L3</tt> in the file <i>ADF_File_One</i> point to
-other nodes in the ADF database.
-<tt>L1</tt> and <tt>L2</tt> are both links to the node <tt>N13</tt>
-in the same file, <i>ADF_File_One</i>.
-<tt>L3</tt> is a link to the node <tt>F3</tt> in the file
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 23 Aug 2002
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/adf/arch.html b/CGNS_docs_current/adf/arch.html
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+++ /dev/null
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-<title> ADF User's Guide - ADF File System Architectures </title>
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-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
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-(<a href="history.html"><b>History&nbsp;of&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Releases</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>File&nbsp;System&nbsp;Architectures</b></span>)
-(<a href="versions.html"><b>File&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Numbering</b></a>)
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-(<a href="conventions.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;and&nbsp;Implementations</b></a>)
-(<a href="errors.html"><b>Error&nbsp;Messages</b></a>)
-(<a href="defaults.html"><b>Default&nbsp;Values&nbsp;and&nbsp;Limits</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_database.html"><b>Database-Level&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_structure.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;and&nbsp;Management&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_query.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Query&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_io.html"><b>Data&nbsp;I/O&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleFortran.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;Fortran&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleC.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;C&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>ADF File System Architectures</h2>
-The following platform architectures have been tested and used both for
-functionality testing of the ADF core software libraries and for testing
-and running the prototype.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Release</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Machine</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>OS Version</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Native Format</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>A01<td>
-   <td>Cray<td>
-   <td>Unicos 8.0<td>
-   <td>Unicos 8.0<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>A01<td>
-   <td>SGI/IRIS<td>
-   <td>4.0.5<td>
-   <td>IEEE Big Endian<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>B01<td>
-   <td>HP<td>
-   <td>9.05<td>
-   <td>IEEE Big Endian<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>B01<td>
-   <td>SGI/IRIS<td>
-   <td>5.03<td>
-   <td>IEEE Little Endian<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>C00<td>
-   <td>Intel Paragon<td>
-   <td>-<td>
-   <td>IEEE Little Endian<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>C00<td>
-   <td>Dec Alpha<td>
-   <td>-<td>
-   <td>IEEE Little Endian<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>C00<td>
-   <td>SGI/IRIS<td>
-   <td>6.2<td>
-   <td>IEEE Big Endian<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>C00<td>
-   <td>Cray T90<td>
-   <td>Unicos 9.02<td>
-   <td>Cray Format<td>
-[In the table, "Endian" refers to the ordering of bytes in a multi-byte
-Big endian is a computer architecture in which, within a given
-multi-byte numeric representation, the most significant byte has the
-lowest address (the word is stored "big-end-first").
-Little endian is a computer architecture in which, within a given 16- or
-32-bit word, bytes at lower addresses have lower significance (the word
-is stored "little-end-first").]
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-<h2>ADF Conventions and Implementations</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>C<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>All input strings are to be null terminated.
-       All returned strings will have the trailing blanks removed and
-       will be null terminated.
-       Variables declared to hold Names, Labels, and Data-Types should
-       be at least 33 characters long.
-       <i>ADF.h</i> has a number of variables defined.
-       An example declaration would be:
-       <pre>
-   char name[ADF_NAME_LENGTH+1];
-       </pre>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Fortran<td>
-   <td>Strings will be determined using inherited length.
-       Returned strings will be blank filled to the specified length.
-       All returned names will be left justified and blank filled on the
-       right.
-       There will be no null character.
-       An example declaration would be:
-       <pre>
-       </pre>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ID<td>
-   <td>A unique identifier to access a given node within a file.
-       This 8-byte field contains sufficient information for ADF to
-       locate the node within a file.
-       For any given node, the ID is generated only after the file it
-       resides in has been opened by a program and the user requests
-       information about the node.
-       The ID is valid only within the program that opened the file and
-       while that file is open.
-       If the file is closed and reopened, the ID for any given node
-       will be different.
-       Within different programs, the node ID for the same node will be
-       different.
-       The ID is not ever actually written into a file.
-       <br><br>
-       The declaration for variables that will hold node IDs should be
-       for an 8-byte real number.
-       <br><br>
-       The ID is actually a 64-bit combination of a system-generated
-       file index along with the block and offset of the location of the
-       node on the disk.
-       In general, users do not need to know the internal coding of this
-       information.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>error_return</tt><td>
-   <td>The error code for the ADF routines is the following:
-       <br><br>
-       <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <td>&minus;1</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-          <td>No error.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><i>n</i>&nbsp;(&gt;&nbsp;0)</td><td></td>
-          <td>ADF error code.
-              The routine
-              <a href="subs_misc.html#Error_Message"><tt>ADF_Error_Message</tt></a>
-              is used to get a textual description of the error.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>0</td><td></td>
-          <td>ADF should never return the value zero.
-       </table>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Indexing<td>
-   <td>All indexing is Fortran-like in that the starting index is 1 and
-       the last is <tt>N</tt> for <i>N</i> items in an index or array
-       dimension.
-       The array structure is assumed to be the same as in Fortran
-       with the first array dimension varying the fastest and the last
-       dimension varying the slowest.
-       <br><br>
-       The index starting at one is used in
-       <a href="subs_io.html#Read_Data"><tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt></a>,
-       <a href="subs_io.html#Write_Data"><tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt></a>, and
-       <a href="subs_structure.html#Children_Names"><tt>ADF_Children_Names</tt></a>.
-       <br><br>
-       The user should be aware of the differences in array indexing
-       between Fortran and C.
-       The subroutines
-       <a href="subs_io.html#Read_All_Data"><tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt></a> and
-       <a href="subs_io.html#Write_All_Data"><tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt></a>
-       merely take a pointer to the beginning of the data, compute how
-       much data is to be read/written, and process as many bytes as
-       have been requested.
-       Thus, these routines effectively make a copy of memory onto disk
-       or vice versa.
-       Given this convention, it is possible for a C program to
-       use standard C conventions for array indexing and use
-       <tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt> to store the array on disk.
-       Then a Fortran program might use <tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt> to
-       read the data set.
-       Unless the user is aware of the structure of the data, it is
-       possible for the array to be transposed relative to what is
-       expected.
-       <br><br>
-       The implications of the assumed array structure convention can be
-       quite subtle.
-       The subroutines <tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt> and
-       <tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt> assume the Fortran array structure in
-       order to index the data.
-       Again, unless the user is aware of the implications of this, it
-       is possible to write an array on disk and later try to change a
-       portion of the data and not change the correct numbers.
-       <br><br>
-       As long as users are aware of how their data structure maps onto
-       ADF, there will not be any problems.
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-<h2>Default Values and Sizes and Limits of Dimensions and Arrays</h2>
-The following default values, sizes, and limits are defined in the
-header file <i>ADF.h</i>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Attribute</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Limit, Size, or Value</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Data type length<td>
-   <td>32-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Date length<td>
-   <td>32-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>File name length<td>
-   <td>1024-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Format length<td>
-   <td>20-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Label length<td>
-   <td>32-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Maximum link depth<td>
-   <td>100
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Maximum dimension<td>
-   <td>12
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Maximum length of error string<td>
-   <td>80 characters
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Maximum link data size<td>
-   <td>4096
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Name length<td>
-   <td>32-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Length of status<td>
-   <td>32-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Version length<td>
-   <td>32-byte character field
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Maximum children<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Pointer size<td>
-   <td>48-bit pointer is used for a block size of 4096
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><td>
-   <td>32-bit pointer is used for blocks less than 4096
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><td>
-   <td>16-bit pointer is used for blocks within blocks
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-<h2>ADF Design Considerations</h2>
-<li> <a href="#fileheader">ADF File Header Information</a>
-<li> <a href="#optimizations">ADF File Optimizations</a>
-<li> <a href="#portability">ADF File Portability</a>
-<li> <a href="#errors">ADF File Error Checking</a>
-<li> <a href="#source">ADF Source Code Considerations</a>
-<li> <a href="#nodeheader">ADF Node Header Information</a>
-<li> <a href="#fortran">Fortran Character Array Portability Concerns</a>
-<li> <a href="#integer64">Integer 64 Data Type Portability Concerns</a>
-<li> <a href="#compound">Compound Data Types Portability Concerns</a>
-This section provides a summary of the design considerations that were
-used in the construction of the ADF software library.
-<a name="fileheader"></a>
-<h3>ADF File Header Information</h3>
-Every ADF file has a header section that contains information about the
-file itself.
-The following information from this header is available to the user:
-<li> ADF version number of the library that created the database.
-<li> File creation date and time.
-<li> File modification date and time.
-<li> Data format used in database (IEEE big endian, IEEE little endian,
-     etc.)
-[Under data format, "endian" refers to the ordering of bytes in a
-multi-byte number.
-Big endian is a computer architecture in which, within a given
-multi-byte numeric representation, the most significant byte has the
-lowest address (the word is stored "big-end-first").
-Little endian is a computer architecture in which, within a given 16- or
-32-bit word, bytes at lower addresses have lower significance (the word
-is stored "little-end-first").]
-<a name="optimizations"></a>
-<h3>ADF File Optimizations</h3>
-To optimize the performance of ADF, the following techniques have been
-incorporated into the ADF software to enhance performance of the file:
-<li> Use block-based, unbuffered (raw mode) I/O where available, with
-     block sizes of 4096 bytes.
-<li> Align medium to large data chunks on block boundaries.
-<li> If the data size is equal to or greater than 2048, then
-     <ul>
-     <li> align data to the next block and
-     <li> add extra to free (garbage) lists
-     </ul>
-<li> Avoid, where possible, small- to medium-sized chunks of data that
-     span block boundaries.
-<li> Align, where possible, to the next block and add extra to free
-     (garbage) lists.
-Allow data space to grow by linking data chunks.
-It is possible to increase the last dimension; doing so will extend the
-However, internal dimensional changes will corrupt the existing data.
-The pointer table for child nodes will also contain the child node names.
-<a name="portability"></a>
-<h3>ADF File Portability</h3>
-To address code portability and future needs, the following design decisions were made:
-<li> Use larger than 32-bit file pointers to allow for files larger than
-     4 Gigabytes.
-     (C routine <tt>lseek</tt> may not handle this, but ADF files should
-     allow it.)<br><br>
-<li> Use 48-bit pointers within a block of data.
-     32-bit pointers to 4096-byte blocks and a 16-bit pointer to a
-     position within the block.
-     This allows for files with 4 gigabyte blocks, in other words
-     2<sup>32</sup> &times; 4096 = 17.5922 + 12 bytes or 17.59 Tera bytes.<br><br>
-<li> The ID pointers will be 64-bit coded IDs.
-     Users may use double data type (<tt>real*8</tt>).
-     This is parceled as follows: 32 bits for block number, 12 bits for
-     block offset, and 20 bits for file identifier.<br><br>
-<li> Encode the integer information, other than data, in ASCII,
-     Hex-based notation.
-<a name="errors"></a>
-<h3>ADF File Error Checking</h3>
-Error checking has been implemented for the ADF file and is summarized
-Each item in the ADF file will have item-specific boundary tags
-surrounding it to provide file-based corruption checking.
-For variable-sized items, the associated boundary tags will include
-file-based size information.
-Information will be written to the disk in a sequence that will not
-allow corrupt files.
-For example, when adding a new child node, the complete child
-information will be written before the parent's child-table is updated.
-An ADF-core subroutine for downloading data to disk will be provided.
-<a name="source"></a>
-<h3>ADF Source Code Considerations</h3>
-The ADF library of source code will incorporate the use of UNIX "what"
-strings for the ADF version number and also RCS versioning information
-in the source code and in the object code.
-The source code is written in portable ANSI C, using POSIX-defined system
-<a name="nodeheader"></a>
-<h3>ADF Node Header Information</h3>
-The following information is contained in an ADF node header:
-<li> node boundary tag<br><br>
-<li> name (32 characters)<br><br>
-<li> label (32 characters)<br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> number of subnodes (<tt>num_sub_nodes</tt>) is an integer
-          (ASCII, Hex encoded in file).
-     <li> address pointer of the subnodes indicated by the variable.
-     </ul><br>
-<li> <tt>sub_nodes</tt>, which are pointers (ASCII, Hex encoded in file)
-     to a table (the "child table") of file pointers and names for each
-     of the node's children.
-     Note that the child name information is redundant and included for
-     performance.<br><br>
-<li> data type is specified in <tt>data_type</tt> (32 characters allowed).<br><br>
-<li> dimensionality of the data, called <tt>num_dimensions</tt>.
-     It is ASCII, Hex encoded in the file.<br><br>
-<li> dimension values are listed in the integer array of 12,
-     <tt>dimension_values</tt>.
-     The dimension values are Hex encoded.<br><br>
-<li> integer value for the number of data chunks is found in
-     <tt>num_data_chunks</tt> (ASCII, Hex encoded).<br><br>
-<li> data address, which is as follows:<br><br>
-     <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td>if&nbsp;<tt>num_data_chunks</tt>
-        <td>=&nbsp;1,
-        <td>then a file pointer to data
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td>
-        <td>&gt;&nbsp;1,
-        <td>then a file pointer to a table of <tt>num_data_chunks</tt>
-            file pointers and associated data sizes.
-     </table><br>
-<li> ending node boundary tag.
-<a name="fortran"></a>
-<h3>Fortran Character Array Portability Concerns</h3>
-Fortran character arrays are different from any other array type because
-they inherently include declared length information.
-Abstractly, they are a compound type: an array and an integer.
-The ANSI standards do not specify the implementation mechanism for
-handling this data type and so it is left to the vendor.
-As one might expect, vendors have devised different policies.
-This is particularly evident in how argument lists are created and used.
-The matter is further complicated when writing functions in other
-languages that are to be called from Fortran.
-To keep the interfaces simple and to keep the Fortran and C data I/O
-calls similar (as opposed to having separate data I/O functions for
-character data), ADF suggests abiding by the following rules (these are
-required for Cray T90-mode users):
-<li> Do not pass character arrays as the actual data arguments to any
-     ADF read or write function unless that node has been defined with a
-     data type of <tt>C1</tt>.<br><br>
-<li> If a node has been defined as data type <tt>C1</tt>, then pass
-     character arrays only as the actual data arguments to all ADF read
-     and write function.
-<em>Note to Cray T90-mode users:</em> The above rules must be followed.
-In addition, the given node must be available and have its data type
-correctly defined.
-Error handling is not possible otherwise, and ADF will abort or fail
-regardless of how the error state flag is set.
-<a name="integer64"></a>
-<h3>Integer 64 Data Type Portability Concerns</h3>
-For portability reasons, it is suggested that the use of the <tt>I8</tt>
-data type be restricted to a 64-bit environment.
-<a name="compound"></a>
-<h3>Compound Data Types Portability Concerns</h3>
-For the transportability reasons discussed below, use of compound data
-types is not recommended.
-When using compound data types (e.g., with structures in C), it is
-important to be aware of data alignment issues.
-If one is not careful, the actual size of the structure in memory may be
-larger than the sum of the individual members.
-The total size depends on the order and word boundary alignment
-requirements of the specific data types.
-This is platform and compiler dependent and not handled by ADF.
-In order to provide the greatest portability (at least up to 64-bit
-environments), it is recommended that
-<li> 8-byte data types (<tt>I8</tt>, <tt>R8</tt>) be aligned on 8 byte
-     boundaries, and
-<li> data types smaller than the word size be padded to a size equal to
-     the word size.
-So a 4-byte data type (e.g., <tt>I4[1]</tt>) needs "padding" (e.g.,
-<tt>I4[2]</tt>) if it is to be followed by an 8-byte data type.
-And assuming a word size of 4 bytes, all <tt>C1</tt>-data-type elements
-need dimension values of multiples of 4 bytes (e.g., <tt>C1[4]</tt>,
-<tt>C1[8]</tt>, etc.).
-To be even more careful, size everything in multiples of 8 bytes,
-for example, "<tt>C1[8]</tt>, <tt>I4[2]</tt>, <tt>C1[16]</tt>,
-<tt>R4[6]</tt>, <tt>R8[5]</tt>, <tt>I8[1]</tt>".
-For a given architecture and compiler, and taking into consideration the
-restrictions given above, compound data types should work.
-It is more portable and highly recommended that users write out the
-individual components of a structure into separate nodes.
-It would probably be best to copy the individual components of a list of
-structures into an appropriate array type and write the temporary array
-out using the write-all or write-strided routines.
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-<h2>ADF Error Messages</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col><u>Number</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Error Message</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;1<td>
-   <td>No Error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>1<td>
-   <td>Integer number is less than a given minimum value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>2<td>
-   <td>Integer value is greater than given maximum value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>3<td>
-   <td>String length of zero of blank string detected
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>4<td>
-   <td>String length longer than maximum allowable length
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>5<td>
-   <td>String length is not an ASCII-Hex string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>6<td>
-   <td>Too many ADF files opened
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>7<td>
-   <td>ADF file status was not recognized
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>8<td>
-   <td>ADF file open error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>9<td>
-   <td>ADF file not currently opened
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>10<td>
-   <td>ADF file index out of legal range
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>11<td>
-   <td>Block/offset out of legal range
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>12<td>
-   <td>A string pointer is null
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>13<td>
-   <td>FSEEK error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>14<td>
-   <td>FWRITE error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>15<td>
-   <td>FREAD error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>16<td>
-   <td>Internal error: Memory boundary tag bad
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>17<td>
-   <td>Internal error: Disk boundary tag bad
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>18<td>
-   <td>File Open Error: NEW - File already exists
-       (see <a href="#note1">Note 1</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>19<td>
-   <td>ADF file format was not recognized
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>20<td>
-   <td>Attempt to free the RootNode disk information
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>21<td>
-   <td>Attempt to free the FreeChunkTable disk information
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>22<td>
-   <td>File Open Error: OLD - File does not exist
-       (see <a href="#note2">Note 2</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>23<td>
-   <td>Entered area of unimplemented code
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>24<td>
-   <td>Subnode entries are bad
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>25<td>
-   <td>Memory allocation failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>26<td>
-   <td>Duplicate child name under a parent node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>27<td>
-   <td>Node has no dimensions
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>28<td>
-   <td>Node's number of dimensions is not in legal range
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>29<td>
-   <td>Specified child is not a child of the specified parent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>30<td>
-   <td>Data-Type is too long
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>31<td>
-   <td>Invalid Data-Type
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>32<td>
-   <td>A pointer is null
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>33<td>
-   <td>Node had no data associated with it
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>34<td>
-   <td>Error zeroing out of memory
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>35<td>
-   <td>Requested data exceeds actual data available
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>36<td>
-   <td>Bad end value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>37<td>
-   <td>Bad stride values
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>38<td>
-   <td>Minimum value is greater than maximum value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>39<td>
-   <td>The format of this machine does not match a known signature
-       (see <a href="#note3">Note 3</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>40<td>
-   <td>Cannot convert to or from an unknown native format
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>41<td>
-   <td>The two conversion formats are equal; no conversion done
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>42<td>
-   <td>The data format is not supported on a particular machine
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>43<td>
-   <td>File close error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>44<td>
-   <td>Numeric overflow/underflow in data conversion
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>45<td>
-   <td>Bad start value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>46<td>
-   <td>A value of zero is not allowable
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>47<td>
-   <td>Bad dimension value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>48<td>
-   <td>Error state must be either a 0 (zero) or a 1 (one)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>49<td>
-   <td>Dimensional specifications for disk and memory are unequal
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>50<td>
-   <td>Too many link levels are used; may be caused by a recursive link
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>51<td>
-   <td>The node is not a link. It was expected to be a link.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>52<td>
-   <td>The linked-to node does not exist
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>53<td>
-   <td>The ADF file of a linked node is not accessible
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>54<td>
-   <td>A node ID of 0.0 is not valid
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>55<td>
-   <td>Incomplete data when reading multiple data blocks
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>56<td>
-   <td>Node name contains invalid characters
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>57<td>
-   <td>ADF file version incompatible with this library version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>58<td>
-   <td>Nodes are not from the same file
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>59<td>
-   <td>Priority stack error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>60<td>
-   <td>Machine format and file format are incomplete
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>61<td>
-   <td>Flush error
-<a name="note1"></a>
-<li> The user is trying to create a new file and give it a name.
-     The system has responded that the name has already been used.
-<a name="note2"></a>
-<li> The user wants to open an existing file that supposedly has the
-     given name.
-     The system has responded that no file by that name exists.
-<a name="note3"></a>
-<li> When ADF wakes up, it tries to figure out what data format the
-     machine it is running on uses (e.g., IEEE big endian, IEEE little
-     endian, Cray).
-     If it doesn't recognize the format, it can't convert files created
-     on other platforms to the current one, so it issues this error
-     message and punts.
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-<h2>ADF Glossary of Terms</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>ADF<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The initialism (acronym) for Advanced Data Format.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Child<td>
-   <td>One of the subnodes of a Parent.
-       A child node does not have knowledge of its parent node.
-       The user must keep track of this relationship.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Database<td>
-   <td>A hierarchy of ADF nodes.
-       By use of links, it may physically span multiple files.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>File<td>
-   <td>An ADF file, which a single root node and its underlying structure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ID<td>
-   <td>A unique identifier to access a given node within a file.
-       This 8-byte field contains sufficient information for ADF to
-       locate the node within a file.
-       For any given node, the ID is generated only after the file it
-       resides in has been opened by a program and the user requests
-       information about the node.
-       The ID is valid only within the program that opened the file and
-       while that file is open.
-       If the file is closed and reopened, the ID for any given node
-       will be different.
-       Within different programs, the node-ID for the same node will be
-       different.
-       The ID is never actually written into a file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Link-Node<a name="link"></a><td>
-   <td>A special type of node.
-       Links are created using the
-       <a href="subs_structure.html#Link"><tt>ADF_Link</tt></a> subroutine.
-       The data type of this node is <tt>LK</tt>, and its data is a
-       one-dimensional array containing the name of the file (if other
-       than the current file) containing the node to be linked and the
-       full path name in that file from the root node to the desired
-       node.
-       <br><br>
-       Links provide a mechanism for referring to a node that physically
-       resides in a different part of the hierarchy.
-       The node pointed to by a link may or may not reside in the same
-       file as the link itself.
-       A link within ADF is very similar to a "soft" link in the
-       UNIX operating system in that it does not guarantee that the
-       referenced node exists.
-       ADF will "resolve" the link only when information is requested
-       about the node.
-       If the ID of a link-node is used in an ADF call, the effect of
-       the call is the same as if the ID of the linked-to node was used.
-       Note that a link node does not have children itself.
-       In the <a href="library.html#f:example">example database</a>
-       figure, the children seen for <tt>L3</tt> are <tt>F4</tt> and
-       <tt>F5</tt>.
-       If a child is "added" to <tt>L3</tt>, then in reality, the child
-       is added to <tt>F3</tt>.
-       There are specialized subroutines provided to create link nodes
-       and extract the link details.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Node<td>
-   <td>The single component used to construct an ADF database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Node&nbsp;name<td>
-   <td>A node has a 32-character name.
-       Every child node directly under a given parent must have a unique
-       name.
-       Legal characteristics in a name are <tt>A-Z</tt>, <tt>a-z</tt>,
-       <tt>0-9</tt>, and special characters (ASCII values from 32 to
-       126, omitting the forward slash "<tt>/</tt>", ASCII number 47).
-       Names will be blank filled to 32 bytes; they are case sensitive.
-       Leading blanks are discarded and trailing blanks are ignored,
-       whereas internal blanks are significant.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Parent<td>
-   <td>A node that has subnodes directly associated with it.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Pathname<td>
-   <td>Within a database, nodes can be referenced using the name of a node
-       along with its parent ID, or by using a "pathname" whose syntax is
-       roughly the same as a path name in the UNIX environment.
-       A pathname that begins with a leading slash "<tt>/</tt>" is
-       assumed to begin at the root node of the file.
-       If no leading slash is given, the name is assumed to begin at the
-       node specified by the parent ID.
-       Although there is a 32-character limitation on the node Name,
-       there is no restriction on the length of the pathname.
-       For example, equivalent ways to refer to node <tt>N8</tt> in the
-       hierarchy in the <a href="library.html#f:example">example
-       database</a> figure are:
-       <ul>
-       <li> Node-ID for <tt>N6</tt> and name = "<tt>N8</tt>"
-       <li> Node-ID for <tt>N4</tt> and name = "<tt>N6/N8</tt>"
-       <li> Node-ID for <tt>N1</tt> and name = "<tt>N4/N6/N8</tt>"
-       <li> Node-ID for the <tt>Root_Node</tt> and name =
-            "<tt>/N1/N4/N6/N8</tt>"
-       </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 25 Oct 2001
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-(<a href="intro.html"><b>Introduction</b></a>)
-(<a href="library.html"><b>The&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="glossary.html"><b>Glossary&nbsp;of&nbsp;Terms</b></a>)
-(<a href="history.html"><b>History&nbsp;of&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Releases</b></a>)
-(<a href="arch.html"><b>File&nbsp;System&nbsp;Architectures</b></a>)
-(<a href="versions.html"><b>File&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Numbering</b></a>)
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-(<a href="errors.html"><b>Error&nbsp;Messages</b></a>)
-(<a href="defaults.html"><b>Default&nbsp;Values&nbsp;and&nbsp;Limits</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_database.html"><b>Database-Level&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_structure.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;and&nbsp;Management&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_query.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Query&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_io.html"><b>Data&nbsp;I/O&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleFortran.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;Fortran&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleC.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;C&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       ADF&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Document Version 1.1.1</small></small></h1>
-This document defines the structure of an ADF file, and describes in
-detail the ADF Core, a library of low-level routines used
-to store and retrieve data in an ADF file.
-<li> <a href="intro.html">Introduction</a>
-<li> <a href="library.html">The ADF Software Library</a>
-<li> <a href="glossary.html">ADF Glossary of Terms</a>
-<li> <a href="history.html">History of ADF Version Releases</a>
-<li> <a href="arch.html">ADF File System Architectures</a>
-<li> <a href="versions.html">ADF File Version Control Numbering</a>
-<li> <a href="design.html">ADF Design Considerations</a>
-<li> <a href="conventions.html">ADF Conventions and Implementations</a>
-<li> <a href="errors.html">ADF Error Messages</a>
-<li> <a href="defaults.html">Default Values and Sizes and Limits of Dimensions and Arrays</a>
-<li> <a href="subs_database.html">Database-Level Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_database.html#Database_Open">ADF_Database_Open</a></tt> -
-          Open a database
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_database.html#Database_Close">ADF_Database_Close</a></tt> -
-          Close an opened database
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_database.html#Database_Delete">ADF_Database_Delete</a></tt> -
-          Delete an existing database
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_database.html#Database_Get_Format">ADF_Database_Get_Format</a></tt> -
-          Get the data format in an existing database
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_database.html#Database_Set_Format">ADF_Database_Set_Format</a></tt> -
-          Set the data format in an existing database
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="subs_structure.html">Data Structure and Management Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Create">ADF_Create</a></tt> -
-          Create a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Delete">ADF_Delete</a></tt> -
-          Delete a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Children_Names">ADF_Children_Names</a></tt> -
-          Get the child names of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Number_of_Children">ADF_Number_of_Children</a></tt> -
-          Get the number of children of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Get_Node_ID">ADF_Get_Node_ID</a></tt> -
-          Get a unique identifier of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Get_Name">ADF_Get_Name</a></tt> -
-          Get the name of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Put_Name">ADF_Put_Name</a></tt> -
-          Put (change) the name of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Move_Child">ADF_Move_Child</a></tt> -
-          Change a parent (move a child)
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Link">ADF_Link</a></tt> -
-          Create a link
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Is_Link">ADF_Is_Link</a></tt> -
-          Test if a node is a link
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Get_Link_Path">ADF_Get_Link_Path</a></tt> -
-          Get the path information from a link
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_structure.html#Get_Root_ID">ADF_Get_Root_ID</a></tt> -
-          Get the root ID of the ADF file
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="subs_query.html">Data Query Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_query.html#Get_Label">ADF_Get_Label</a></tt> -
-          Get a label
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_query.html#Set_Label">ADF_Set_Label</a></tt> -
-          Set a label
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_query.html#Get_Data_Type">ADF_Get_Data_Type</a></tt> -
-          Get the data type
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_query.html#Get_Number_of_Dimensions">ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions</a></tt> -
-          Get the number of dimensions
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_query.html#Get_Dimension_Values">ADF_Get_Dimension_Values</a></tt> -
-          Get the dimension values of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_query.html#Put_Dimension_Information">ADF_Put_Dimension_Information</a></tt> -
-          Set the data type and dimension information
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="subs_io.html">Data I/O Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_io.html#Read_Data">ADF_Read_Data</a></tt> -
-          Read the data from a node (with partial capabilities)
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_io.html#Read_All_Data">ADF_Read_All_Data</a></tt> -
-          Read all the data into a contiguous memory space
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_io.html#Read_Block_Data">ADF_Read_Block_Data</a></tt> -
-          Read a contiguous block of data from a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_io.html#Write_Data">ADF_Write_Data</a></tt> -
-          Write the data to a node (with partial capabilities)
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_io.html#Write_All_Data">ADF_Write_All_Data</a></tt> -
-          Write all the data from a contiguous memory space
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_io.html#Write_Block_Data">ADF_Write_Block_Data</a></tt> -
-          Write a contiguous block of data to a node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="subs_misc.html">Miscellaneous Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_misc.html#Flush_to_Disk">ADF_Flush_to_Disk</a></tt> -
-          Flush the data to a disk
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_misc.html#Database_Garbage_Collection">ADF_Database_Garbage_Collection</a></tt> -
-          Garbage collection
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_misc.html#Error_Message">ADF_Error_Message</a></tt> -
-          Return an error message
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_misc.html#Set_Error_State">ADF_Set_Error_State</a></tt> -
-          Set the error state
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_misc.html#Get_Error_State">ADF_Get_Error_State</a></tt> -
-          Get the error state
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_misc.html#Database_Version">ADF_Database_Version</a></tt> -
-          Get the ADF file version ID
-     <li> <tt><a href="subs_misc.html#Library_Version">ADF_Library_Version</a></tt> -
-          Get the ADF library version ID
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="sampleFortran.html">Sample Fortran Program</a>
-<li> <a href="sampleC.html">Sample C Program</a>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was derived from an earlier PDF version of the document,
-dated 5/7/98.
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 6 Sep 2005
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-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
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-(<a href="library.html"><b>The&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="glossary.html"><b>Glossary&nbsp;of&nbsp;Terms</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>History&nbsp;of&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Releases</b></span>)
-(<a href="arch.html"><b>File&nbsp;System&nbsp;Architectures</b></a>)
-(<a href="versions.html"><b>File&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Numbering</b></a>)
-(<a href="design.html"><b>Design&nbsp;Considerations</b></a>)
-(<a href="conventions.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;and&nbsp;Implementations</b></a>)
-(<a href="errors.html"><b>Error&nbsp;Messages</b></a>)
-(<a href="defaults.html"><b>Default&nbsp;Values&nbsp;and&nbsp;Limits</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_database.html"><b>Database-Level&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_structure.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;and&nbsp;Management&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_query.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Query&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_io.html"><b>Data&nbsp;I/O&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleFortran.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;Fortran&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleC.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;C&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>History of ADF Version Releases</h2>
-This section contains a list of all the versions of ADF Software
-Libraries that have been released since the first release in December
-Along with each release, we include a brief synopsis of the improvements
-made in this version.
-In the future, newer versions may be implemented and released and they
-will also be accessible on the World Wide Web.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>ADF&nbsp;A01&nbsp;(December&nbsp;1995)<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>This was the first release of the software.
-       It includes the majority of the subroutines that are summarized
-       in this document, and it was internally distributed for use at
-       Boeing and to members of the working group (NASA and McDonnell
-       Douglas).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ADF&nbsp;A02,&nbsp;A03&nbsp;(July&nbsp;1996)<td>
-   <td>This release includes improvements and some bug fixes for the A01
-       version.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ADF&nbsp;B01&nbsp;(September&nbsp;1996)<td>
-   <td>This release includes the first release of the ADF library and
-       with the following subroutines added:
-       <a href="subs_structure.html#Delete">Delete a Node</a>,
-       <a href="subs_structure.html#Put_Name">Add a Name (Change) on a Node</a>,
-       <a href="subs_structure.html#Move_Child">Change the Parent Node
-       (move a Child)</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ADF&nbsp;C00&nbsp;(October&nbsp;1996)<td>
-   <td>This release includes the performance enhancements and support
-       for more platforms (Cray T90, SGI 6.2, DEC Alpha, Intel Paragon).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ADF&nbsp;AXX&nbsp;(Future&nbsp;Release)<td>
-   <td>It is anticipated that there will be future releases of the ADF
-       core libraries, and they will include at a minimum the following
-       additional routines (plus others that will provide enhancements
-       as they are needed):
-       Delete an Existing Database and
-       <a href="subs_misc.html#Database_Garbage_Collection">Garbage
-       Collection</a>.
-       Garbage Collection will redistribute the ADF file to use
-       free-space that is not located at the end of the file.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 25 Oct 2001
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-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></span>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="summary.html"><b>Summary&nbsp;Description&nbsp;of&nbsp;ADF</b></a>)
-(<a href="guide.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       ADF&nbsp;Implementation</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-ADF was the original database manager for CGNS. As a result, the
-structure of a CGNS database as described in the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a> parallels
-closely the functionality of the ADF library. The hierarchical nature,
-and concept of a node and a link were taken directly from ADF.
-The ADF database manager is always shipped and built along with
-the CGNS library.
-There is a <a href="summary.html">brief description of ADF</a>; for
-further details consult the <a href="guide.html"><i>ADF User's Guide</i><a>.
-The user's guide defines the structure of an ADF file, and describes in
-detail the ADF Core, a library of low-level routines used
-to store and retrieve data in an ADF file.
-<i>Note</i>: As of CGNS Version 3.1, the ADF core
-routines have been superseded by the
-<a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO interface routines</a>, and any new
-development should use those instead.
-The complete <a href="adf.tar.gz">ADF Implementation in HTML form</a>
-is available for installation on a local system.
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (60K, 302K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c adf.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>adf</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>adf/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>ADF Implementation</i> home page or to
-<i>adf/guide.html</i> to display the <i>ADF User's Guide</i>.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 23 Sep 2015
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-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<a href="library.html"><b>The&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="glossary.html"><b>Glossary&nbsp;of&nbsp;Terms</b></a>)
-(<a href="history.html"><b>History&nbsp;of&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Releases</b></a>)
-(<a href="arch.html"><b>File&nbsp;System&nbsp;Architectures</b></a>)
-(<a href="versions.html"><b>File&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Numbering</b></a>)
-(<a href="design.html"><b>Design&nbsp;Considerations</b></a>)
-(<a href="conventions.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;and&nbsp;Implementations</b></a>)
-(<a href="errors.html"><b>Error&nbsp;Messages</b></a>)
-(<a href="defaults.html"><b>Default&nbsp;Values&nbsp;and&nbsp;Limits</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_database.html"><b>Database-Level&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_structure.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;and&nbsp;Management&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_query.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Query&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_io.html"><b>Data&nbsp;I/O&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleFortran.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;Fortran&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleC.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;C&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<li> <a href="#history">History of Project</a>
-<li> <a href="#other">Other Software Interfaces and ADF</a>
-<li> <a href="#organization">Organization of Manual</a>
-Advanced Data Format (ADF) is a library of basic database management
-and I/O subroutines that implements a relatively simple hierarchical
-ADF is written in ANSI C to enhance portability of the software, and the
-design of the database allows for portability of files from platform to
-There is also a Fortran interface.
-The files are self-describing (i.e., it is possible to browse files and
-determine their contents) and extensible (i.e., many different pieces of
-software on different platforms may add or modify information).
-The routines allow the user to construct a
-<a href="library.html#f:example">tree structure</a> with their data.
-This structure is very similar to the directory structures of the UNIX
-or DOS operating systems.
-ADF also allows links between nodes within the same file or to different
-This feature works somewhat like "soft links" in the UNIX operating
-The major difference between the aforementioned directory structures and
-ADF is that the nodes not only contain information about their children
-(next lower-level nodes) but may also contain data.
-The installation package includes the source code to ADF, the Fortran
-interface, sample files, and a simple file browser.
-<a name="history"></a>
-<h3>History of Project</h3>
-ADF was developed as part of the <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CFD
-General Notation System(CGNS)</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> project.
-The purpose of the CGNS project is to define the data models for
-Navier-Stokes based Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology,
-develop a set of standard interface data structures for those data
-models, and develop the software that will allow implementation of those
-data structures in existing and future CFD analysis tools.
-The CGNS system consists of a collection of conventions, and software
-conforming to these conventions, for the storage and retrieval of CFD
-Adherence to these conventions is intended to facilitate the exchange of
-CFD data between sites, between application codes such as solvers and
-grid generators, and across computing platforms.
-Once the data models (called the <a href="../sids/index.html">Standard
-Interface Data Structures, or SIDS</a>) were defined, a project was started
-to write software that could faithfully reproduce that information on
-ADF is the result of that project.
-While ADF was developed specifically for the CFD process, it is quite
-general and has no built-in knowledge of CFD; therefore, it should
-be applicable to storing any type of data that lends itself to a
-hierarchical definition.
-<a name="other"></a>
-<h3>Other Software Interfaces and ADF</h3>
-Two other software packages were investigated as part of this project.
-The first database interface investigated was the
-<a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/">Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> developed at the
-<a href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/">National Center for Supercomputing
-Applications</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> at the
-University of Illinois.
-This database system has a large user base and support and has been
-in existence more than 6 years with utilities and graphical routines
-written with both a C and a Fortran interface.
-The limitation of HDF was that it was not truly hierarchical despite its
-Any hierarchy has to be built using naming conventions.
-Since the CGNS data models indicated a natural hierarchical structure,
-it seemed appropriate to develop database software that worked in that
-mode by design.
-The <a href="conventions.html">ADF design considerations</a> are
-summarized in a separate section.
-The second was the
-<a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/winddocs/cff/">Common File Format
-(CFF)</a> developed by McDonnell Douglas Aerospace.
-CFF is a second-generation database management system that provides a
-unifying file structure for CFD data.
-The purpose of the Common File is to insulate the user from the myriad
-of different computer types that make up computer systems so that the
-user or application programmer may process a file from another machine
-without performing explicit conversions.
-CFF was written in Fortran; however, it was felt that portability and
-extensibility could be enhanced using C.
-Much of the experience gained from the McDonnell Douglas group is
-incorporated into ADF due to the cooperative efforts of personnel from
-the CFD group at McDonnell Douglas Aerospace.
-<a name="organization"></a>
-<h3>Organization of Manual</h3>
-The main section of this manual explains the basics of the
-<a href="library.html">hierarchical structure of an ADF database</a>.
-In addition, the concept of a <a href="library.html#node">node</a> as
-the basic building block of the hierarchy is developed in detail.
-The remaining sections of this manual are extensive.
-They provide a <a href="glossary.html">glossary</a> of terms and
-conventions, as well as information related to the
-<a href="history.html">ADF version releases</a>,
-<a href="versions.html">version control numbering</a>, and
-<a href="arch.html">architectures</a> that are supported by ADF.
-There are two examples, <a href="sampleFortran.html">one in Fortran</a>
-and <a href="sampleC.html">one in C</a>, respectively, that implement
-the structure illustrated in the
-<a href="library.html#f:example">example database figure</a>.
-These examples should help familiarize the new user with ADF.
-Design considerations, file optimization, and portability issues are
-also discussed.
-The individual ADF core routines are described in detail.
-They are categorized into
-<a href="subs_database.html">database-level routines</a>,
-<a href="subs_structure.html">data structure and management subroutines</a>,
-<a href="subs_query.html">data query subroutines,
-<a href="subs_io.html">data I/O subroutines</a>, and some
-<a href="subs_misc.html">miscellaneous utility subroutines</a>.
-Numerous examples are included to clarify the use of each subroutine.
-Other sections provide a <a href="errors.html">summary of ADF error
-messages</a>, and list <a href="defaults.html">default values for
-various parameters and limits on dimensions of arrays</a>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<a href="history.html"><b>History&nbsp;of&nbsp;ADF&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Releases</b></a>)
-(<a href="arch.html"><b>File&nbsp;System&nbsp;Architectures</b></a>)
-(<a href="versions.html"><b>File&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Numbering</b></a>)
-(<a href="design.html"><b>Design&nbsp;Considerations</b></a>)
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-(<a href="defaults.html"><b>Default&nbsp;Values&nbsp;and&nbsp;Limits</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_database.html"><b>Database-Level&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_structure.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;and&nbsp;Management&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_query.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Query&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_io.html"><b>Data&nbsp;I/O&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="subs_misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleFortran.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;Fortran&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-(<a href="sampleC.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;C&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>The ADF Software Library</h2>
-<li> <a href="#node">ADF Node Attributes</a>
-<li> <a href="#acquiring">Acquiring the Software and Documentation</a>
-The ADF library is a hierarchical database system that is built around
-the concept of a "node".
-Each node contains information about itself and its ancestors and
-possibly data (e.g., arrays, vectors, character strings, etc.).
-Each of these nodes, in turn, can be connected to an arbitrary number of
-children, each of which is itself a node.
-In this system, an ADF node contains user-accessible information related
-to identification, name, type, and amount of data associated with it,
-and pointers to child nodes.
-Basic nodal information includes:
-<li> a unique ID (essentially a file location pointer)
-<li> a name (character string) used to describe the node and its data
-<li> a label (character string) an additional field used to describe the
-     node and its data.
-     It is analogous to, but not exactly the same as, the name.
-<li> information describing the type and amount of data
-<li> data
-<li> IDs of child nodes
-There are no restrictions on the number of child nodes that a node can
-have associated with it in the ADF database.
-This structure allows the construction of a hierarchical database as
-shown in the figure below.
-As illustrated in the figure, it is possible to reference nodes in a
-second file (<i>ADF_File_Two</i>) from the original file
-This is the concept of "linking."
-<a name="f:example"></a>
-<img src="adf_figure.gif"
-     alt="Example database showing node connections and links"
-     longdesc="adf_figure.html">
-Example Database Hierarchy of Nodes
-A node knows about itself and its children, but it does not know
-anything about its parent.
-This means that it is possible to traverse "down" the tree by making
-queries about what lies below the current node, but it is not possible
-to traverse "up" the tree by making queries about nodes above a given
-If it is desired to move back up the tree, the user must keep track of
-that information.
-All ADF files start with the root node, named "ADF MotherNode".
-This node is created automatically when a new file is opened.
-There is only one root node in an ADF file.
-<a name="node"></a>
-<h3>ADF Node Attributes</h3>
-There is a single building block called a node (see the
-<a href="#f:example">example database</a> figure) used to construct the
-hierarchical structure.
-Each node may have zero to many subnodes that are associated with it, as
-well as its own data.
-The following are a list of attributes accessible by the user for a node
-in the ADF hierarchical database system.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Child Table<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>A table of file pointers and names for each of the node's
-       children.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Data<td>
-   <td>The data associated with a node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Data Type<td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character field, blank filled, case sensitive.
-       Specifies the type of data (e.g., real, integer, complex)
-       associated with this node.
-       The <a href="#t:datatype">supported data types</a> are listed below.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dimensions<td>
-   <td>An integer vector containing the number of elements within
-       each dimension.
-       For example, if the array <tt>A</tt> was declared (Fortran) as
-       <tt>A(10,20)</tt>, the Dimension vector would contain two entries
-       (10,20).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ID<td>
-   <td>A unique identifier to access a given node within a file.
-       This field contains sufficient information for ADF to locate the
-       node within a file.
-       For any given node, the ID is generated only after the file it
-       resides in has been opened by a program and the user requests
-       information about the node.
-       The ID is valid only within the program that opened the file and
-       while that file is open.
-       If the file is closed and reopened, the ID for any given node
-       will be different.
-       Within different programs, the node ID for the same node will be
-       different.
-       The ID is never actually written into a file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Label<td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character field.
-       The rules for Labels are identical to those for Names.
-       Unlike names, Labels do not have to be unique.
-       The Label field was introduced to allow "data typing" similar to
-       the "typedef" concept in C.
-       Using the Label field in this way allows programs to know some
-       additional information about the use of the node itself or its
-       child nodes and to call specific subroutines to read the data or
-       react in specific ways upon detection of the type.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Name<td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character field.
-       The names of child nodes directly attached to a parent node must
-       be unique.
-       For example, in the <a href="#f:example">example database
-       figure</a>, all nodes directly attached to N3 must have unique names.
-       When a request to create a new node is made, ADF checks the
-       requested name against the other names of the child nodes of the
-       specified parent.
-       If the requested name is not unique, ADF returns an error.
-       <br><br>
-       Legal characteristics of a name are a A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and special
-       characters (ASCII values from 32 to 126, except for the forward
-       slash "/" (ASCII number 47)).
-       Names will be blank filled to 32 bytes; they are case sensitive.
-       Leading blanks are discarded and trailing blanks are ignored,
-       whereas internal blanks are significant.
-       <br><br>
-       <em>Note</em>: Names passed to ADF from C must have the null "\0"
-       character appended to them.
-       Names returned from ADF through the C interface will have the
-       null character appended to them.
-       Therefore, C programs should allocate 33 bytes for any Name in
-       order to accommodate the null character.
-       <br><br>
-       Fortran programs can allocate 32 characters for Names.
-       The Fortran interface takes care of adding or removing the null
-       character as required.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Names of Subnodes<td>
-   <td>A list of names of the subnodes (children) of a node.
-       (This is the information contained in the child table.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Number of Dimensions<td>
-   <td>The dimensionality of the data.
-       ADF views all data as an array and can handle from zero (i.e., no
-       data) to 12 dimensions.
-       A "0" is used if the data type is empty.
-       Thus, a scalar is viewed as a vector with one dimension and
-       length 1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Number of Subnodes<td>
-   <td>The number of child nodes directly attached to any given node.
-       Each node can have zero or more child nodes directly associated
-       with it.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Pointer<td>
-   <td>An address, from the point of view of a programming language.
-       Pointers are like jumps, leading from one part of the data
-       structure to another.
-<a name="t:datatype"></a>
-The following table lists the data types supported by CGNS.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Data Type</u><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Notation</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>No Data<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt> (i.e., eMpTy)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Integer 32<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Integer 64<td>
-   <td><tt>I8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Unsigned Integer 32<td>
-   <td><tt>U4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Unsigned Integer 64<td>
-   <td><tt>U8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Real 32<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Real 64<td>
-   <td><tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Complex 64<td>
-   <td><tt>X4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Complex 128<td>
-   <td><tt>X8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Character (unsigned byte)<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Byte (unsigned byte)<td>
-   <td><tt>B1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Link<td>
-   <td><tt>LK</tt>
-<a name="datatypedefs"></a>
-<h4>Data Type Definitions</h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Structure<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>It is possible to define a "structure" in ADF similar to the way
-       that "struct" is defined in the C programming language.
-       ADF will treat each instance of the structure as a single
-       instance of data.
-       A structure is described by using a string.
-       For example: "<tt>I4,I4,R8,R4</tt>".
-       <br><br>
-       <i>Notes:</i>
-       <ul>
-       <li> Structures can be only as complex as can be described in 32
-            characters.
-       <li> This construct is not very portable; therefore, its use is
-            highly discouraged.
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Character<td>
-   <td>A character type is intended for ASCII-type character information.
-       There may be different system architectures that use different
-       representations for translating data.
-       Byte data type should be used for pure byte or bit data usage.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Precision<td>
-   <td>The <tt>R4</tt> and <tt>R8</tt> are single and double precision,
-       respectively, on a 32-bit system architecture.
-       On the Cray, single precision is <tt>R8</tt> and double precision
-       may be <tt>R8</tt> or <tt>R16</tt>, depending on the compile
-       settings.
-       ADF tracks the number of bits to guarantee precision.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Link<td>
-   <td>A link is denoted by "<tt>LK</tt>" in the table of
-       <a href="#t:datatype">supported data types</a> and defines the
-       linkage between nodes and subnodes.
-       A link provides a mechanism for referring to a node that
-       physically resides in a different part of the hierarchy or a
-       different file.
-       A link within ADF parallels a soft link in the UNIX operating
-       system in that it does not guarantee that the referenced node
-       exists.
-       ADF will "resolve" the link only when information is requested
-       about the linked node.
-<a name="acquiring"></a>
-<h3>Acquiring the Software and Documentation</h3>
-The ADF software is distributed as part of the CGNS Library.
-This manual, as well as the other CGNS documentation, is available in
-both HTML and PDF format from the <a href="../index.html">CGNS
-documentation web site</a>.
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-(<span class=nav><b>Sample&nbsp;C&nbsp;Program</b></span>)
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-<h2>Sample C Program</h2>
-The following C program builds the ADF file shown in the
-<a href="library.html#f:example">example database figure</a>.
-   /*
-      Sample ADF test program to build adf files illustrated
-      in example database figure.
-   */
-   #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
-   #include &lt;ctype.h&gt;
-   #include &lt;string.h&gt;
-   #include "../include/ADF.h"
-   void print_child_list(double node_id);
-   main ()
-   {
-     /* --- Node header character strings */
-      char label[ ADF_LABEL_LENGTH+1];
-      char data_type[ADF_DATA_TYPE_LENGTH+1];
-      char file_name[ADF_FILENAME_LENGTH+1];
-      char path[ADF_MAX_LINK_DATA_SIZE+1];
-     /* --- Node id variables */
-      double root_id,parent_id,child_id,tmp_id,root_id_file2;
-     /* --- Data to be stored in database */
-      float a[3][4] = {
-                       1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,
-                       1.2,2.2,3.2,4.2,
-                       1.3,2.3,3.3,4.3
-                      };
-      int a_dimensions[2] = {4,3};
-      int c[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
-      int c_dimension = 6;
-     /* --- miscellaneous variables */
-      int error_flag, i, j;
-      int error_state = 1;
-      int num_dims, dim_d, d[6], dims_b[2];
-      float b[3][4];
-   /* ------ begin source code ----- */
-     /* --- set database error flag to abort on error */
-      ADF_Set_Error_State(error_state,&error_flag);
-     /* -------- build file: adf_file_two.adf ---------- */
-     /* --- 1.) open database
-            2.) create three nodes at first level
-            3.) put label on node f3
-            4.) put some data in node f3
-            5.) create two nodes below f3
-            6.) close database */
-      ADF_Database_Open("adf_file_two.adf","new"," ",&root_id,&error_flag);
-      root_id_file2 = root_id;
-      ADF_Create(root_id,"f1",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(root_id,"f2",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(root_id,"f3",&parent_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Set_Label(parent_id,"label on node f3",&error_flag);
-      ADF_Put_Dimension_Information(parent_id,"R4",2,a_dimensions,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Write_All_Data(parent_id,(char *)(a),&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"f4",&child_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"f5",&child_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Database_Close(root_id,&error_flag);
-     /* -------- build file: adf_file_one.adf ---------- */
-     /* open database and create three nodes at first level */
-      ADF_Database_Open("adf_file_one.adf","new"," ",&root_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(root_id,"n1",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(root_id,"n2",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(root_id,"n3",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* put three nodes under n1 (two regular and one link) */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"n1",&parent_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n4",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Link(parent_id,"l3","adf_file_two.adf","/f3",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n5",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* put two nodes under n4 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(parent_id,"n4",&child_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(child_id,"n6",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(child_id,"n7",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* put one nodes under n6 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n1/n4/n6",&parent_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n8",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* put three nodes under n3 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"n3",&parent_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n9",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n10",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n11",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* put two nodes under n9 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(parent_id,"n9",&child_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(child_id,"n12",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(child_id,"n13",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* put label and data in n13 */
-      ADF_Set_Label(tmp_id,"Label on Node n13",&error_flag);
-      ADF_Put_Dimension_Information(tmp_id,"i4",1,&c_dimension,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Write_All_Data(tmp_id,(char *)(c),&error_flag);
-     /* put two nodes under n10 (one normal, one link) */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n3/n10",&parent_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Link(parent_id,"l1"," ","/n3/n9/n13",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n14",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* put two nodes under n11 (one normal, one link) */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n3/n11",&parent_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Link(parent_id,"l2"," ","/n3/n9/n13",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Create(parent_id,"n15",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-     /* ----------------- finished building adf_file_one.adf ------------- */
-     /* ------------- access and print data --------------- */
-     /* access data in node f3 (adf_file_two.adf) through link l3 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n1/l3",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Label(tmp_id,label,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Data_Type(tmp_id,data_type,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions(tmp_id,&num_dims,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Dimension_Values(tmp_id,dims_b,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Read_All_Data(tmp_id,(char *)(b),&error_flag);
-      printf (" node f3 through link l3:\n");
-      printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-      printf ("   data_type   = %s\n",data_type);
-      printf ("   num of dims = %5d\n",num_dims);
-      printf ("   dim vals    = %5d %5d\n",dims_b[0],dims_b[1]);
-      printf ("   data:\n");
-      for (i=0; i&lt;=3; i++)
-        {
-          for (j=0; j&lt;=2; j++)
-            {
-              printf("     %10.2f",b[j][i]);
-            };
-          printf("\n");
-        };
-     /* access data in node n13 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n3/n9/n13",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Label(tmp_id,label,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Data_Type(tmp_id,data_type,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions(tmp_id,&num_dims,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Dimension_Values(tmp_id,&dim_d,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Read_All_Data(tmp_id,(char *)(d),&error_flag);
-      printf (" node n13:\n");
-      printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-      printf ("   data_type   = %s\n",data_type);
-      printf ("   num of dims = %5d\n",num_dims);
-      printf ("   dim val     = %5d\n",dim_d);
-      printf ("   data:\n");
-      for (i=0; i&lt;=5; i++)
-        {
-          printf("     %-4d",d[i]);
-        };
-      printf("\n\n");
-     /* access data in node n13 through l1 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n3/n10/l1",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Label(tmp_id,label,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Read_All_Data(tmp_id,(char *)(d),&error_flag);
-      printf (" node n13 through l1:\n");
-      printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-      printf ("   data:\n");
-      for (i=0; i&lt;=5; i++)
-        {
-          printf("     %-4d",d[i]);
-        };
-      printf("\n\n");
-     /* access data in node n13 through l2 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n3/n11/l2",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Get_Label(tmp_id,label,&error_flag);
-      ADF_Read_All_Data(tmp_id,(char *)(d),&error_flag);
-      printf (" node n13 through l2:\n");
-      printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-      printf ("   data:\n");
-      for (i=0; i&lt;=5; i++)
-        {
-          printf("     %-4d",d[i]);
-        };
-      printf("\n\n");
-     /* print list of children under root node */
-      print_child_list(root_id);
-     /* print list of children under n3 */
-      ADF_Get_Node_ID(root_id,"/n3",&tmp_id,&error_flag);
-      print_child_list(tmp_id);
-     /* re-open adf_file_two and get new root id */
-      ADF_Database_Open("adf_file_two.adf","old"," ",&root_id,&error_flag);
-      printf (" Comparison of root id:\n");
-      printf ("   adf_file_two.adf original root id = %x\n",root_id_file2);
-      printf ("   adf_file_two.adf new      root id = %x\n",root_id);
-   }
-   void print_child_list(double node_id)
-   {
-   /*
-      print table of children given a parent node-id
-   */
-      char node_name[ADF_NAME_LENGTH+1];
-      int i, num_children, num_ret, error_return;
-      ADF_Get_Name(node_id,node_name,&error_return);
-      ADF_Number_of_Children(node_id,&num_children,&error_return);
-      printf ("Parent Node Name = %s\n",node_name);
-      printf ("  Number of Children = %2d\n",num_children);
-      printf ("  Children Names:\n");
-      for (i=1; i&lt;=num_children; i++)
-        {
-          ADF_Children_Names(node_id,i,1,ADF_NAME_LENGTH+1,
-              &num_ret,node_name,&error_return);
-          printf ("     %s\n",node_name);                                };
-       printf ("\n");
-   }
-The resulting output is:
-   node f3 through link l3:
-     label       = label on node f3
-     data_type   = R4
-     num of dims =     2
-     dim vals    =     4     3
-     data:
-             1.10           1.20           1.30
-             2.10           2.20           2.30
-             3.10           3.20           3.30
-             4.10           4.20           4.30
-   node n13:
-     label       = Label on Node n13
-     data_type   = i4
-     num of dims = 1
-     dim val     = 6
-     data:
-       1        2        3        4        5        6
-   node n13 through l1:
-     label       = Label on Node n13
-     data:
-       1        2        3        4        5        6
-   node n13 through l2:
-     label       = Label on Node n13
-     data:
-       1        2        3        4        5        6
-   Parent Node Name = ADF MotherNode
-     Number of Children =  3
-     Children Names:
-        n1
-        n2
-        n3
-   Parent Node Name = n3
-     Number of Children =  3
-     Children Names:
-        n9
-        n10
-        n11
-   Comparison of root id:
-     adf_file_two.adf original root id = 18
-     adf_file_two.adf new      root id = 2a
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-Last updated 25 Oct 2001
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-<h2>Sample Fortran Program</h2>
-The following Fortran program builds the ADF file shown in the
-<a href="library.html#f:example">example database figure</a>.
-         PROGRAM TEST
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-         REAL A(4,3),B(4,3)
-         INTEGER IC(6),ID(6)
-         INTEGER IERR
-   C
-         DATA A /1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,
-        X        1.2,2.2,3.2,4.2,
-        X        1.3,2.3,3.3,4.3/
-         DATA IDIMA /4,3/
-   C
-         DATA IC /1,2,3,4,5,6/
-         DATA IDIMC /6/
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFSES(1,IERR)
-   C
-   C     3.) PUT LABEL ON NODE F3
-   C     4.) PUT DATA IN F3
-   C     6.) CLOSE DATABASE
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('adf_file_two.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-         RIDF2 = RID
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C *** 1.) OPEN 2ND DATABASE
-   C     2.) CREATE NODES
-   C     3.) PUT DATA IN N13
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('adf_file_one.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFLINK(PID,'L3','adf_file_two.adf','/F3',TMPID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFGNID(RID,'/N1/N4/N6',PID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFGNID(RID,'/N3/N10',PID,IERR)
-         CALL ADFLINK(PID,'L1',' ','/N3/N9/N13',TMPID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFGNID(RID,'/N3/N11',PID,IERR)
-         CALL ADFLINK(PID,'L2',' ','/N3/N9/N13',TMPID,IERR)
-   C
-   C     1.) NODE F5 THROUGH LINK L3
-   C
-         PRINT *,' NODE F3 THROUGH LINK L3:'
-         PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-         PRINT *,'   DATA TYPE   = ',DTYPE
-         PRINT *,'   NUM OF DIMS = ',NUMDIM
-         PRINT *,'   DIM VALS    = ',IDIM
-         PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-         WRITE(*,100)((B(J,I),I=1,3),J=1,4)
-     100 FORMAT(5X,3F10.2)
-   C
-   C     2.) N13
-   C
-         CALL ADFGNID(RID,'N3/N9/N13',PID,IERR)
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' NODE N13:'
-         PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-         PRINT *,'   DATA TYPE   = ',DTYPE
-         PRINT *,'   NUM OF DIMS = ',NUMDIM
-         PRINT *,'   DIM VALS    = ',IDIMD
-         PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-         WRITE(*,200)(ID(I),I=1,6)
-     200 FORMAT(5X,6I6)
-   C
-   C     3.) N13 THROUGH L1
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' NODE N13 THROUGH LINK L1:'
-         PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-         PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-         WRITE(*,200)(ID(I),I=1,6)
-   C
-   C     4.) N13 THROUGH L2
-   C
-         CALL ADFGNID(RID,'N3/N11/L2',CID,IERR)
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' NODE N13 THROUGH LINK L2:'
-         PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-         PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-         WRITE(*,200)(ID(I),I=1,6)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL PRTCLD(RID)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL PRTCLD(PID)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('adf_file_two.adf','OLD',' ',RID,IERR)
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' ADF_FILE_TWO.ADF NEW ROOT ID      = ',RID
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         REAL*8 PID
-         WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-     120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X       '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-         NLEFT = NUMC
-         ISTART = 1
-   C     --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130 CONTINUE
-        X                NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-            WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140    FORMAT(8X,A)
-            NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-            ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-         IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-     LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE F3
-     DATA TYPE   = R4
-     NUM OF DIMS = 2
-     DIM VALS    = 4 3
-     DATA:
-             1.10      1.20      1.30
-             2.10      2.20      2.30
-             3.10      3.20      3.30
-             4.10      4.20      4.30
-   NODE N13:
-     LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE N13
-     DATA TYPE   = I4
-     NUM OF DIMS = 1
-     DIM VALS    = 6
-     DATA:
-            1      2      3      4      5      6
-     LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE N13
-     DATA:
-            1      2      3      4      5      6
-     LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE N13
-     DATA:
-            1      2      3      4      5      6
-          N1
-          N2
-          N3
-          N9
-          N10
-          N11
-     ADF_FILE_TWO.ADF ORIGINAL ROOT ID = 1.2653021189994324-320
-     ADF_FILE_TWO.ADF NEW ROOT ID      = 4.7783097267391979-299
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-(<a href="defaults.html"><b>Default&nbsp;Values&nbsp;and&nbsp;Limits</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Database-Level&nbsp;Routines</b></span>)
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-(<a href="subs_query.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Query&nbsp;Routines</b></a>)
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-(<a href="sampleFortran.html"><b>Sample&nbsp;Fortran&nbsp;Program</b></a>)
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Database-Level Routines</h2>
-<li> <tt><a href="#Database_Open">ADF_Database_Open</a></tt> -
-     Open a database
-<li> <tt><a href="#Database_Close">ADF_Database_Close</a></tt> -
-     Close an opened database
-<li> <tt><a href="#Database_Delete">ADF_Database_Delete</a></tt> -
-     Delete an existing database
-<li> <tt><a href="#Database_Get_Format">ADF_Database_Get_Format</a></tt> -
-     Get the data format in an existing database
-<li> <tt><a href="#Database_Set_Format">ADF_Database_Set_Format</a></tt> -
-     Set the data format in an existing database
-<a name="Database_Open"></a>
-<h3>Open a Database</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Database_Open"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Database_Open (filename,status,format,root_ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Database_Open</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFDOPN</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const char *filename</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *status</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *format</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) filename</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) status</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) format</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>double *root_ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 root_ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>filename</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>A legal file name that may include a relative or absolute path
-       where it is directly usable by the C <tt>fopen()</tt> system
-       routine (no environment expansion is done).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>status</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Similar to a Fortran <tt>OPEN()</tt> status.
-       Input is required: there is no default.
-       Allowable values are:<br><br>
-       <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <td><tt>READ_ONLY</tt></td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <td>File must exist; writing is not allowed.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><tt>OLD</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td>File must exist; reading and writing are allowed.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><tt>NEW</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td>File must not exist.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><tt>SCRATCH</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td>Temporary new file is created with a system name, and
-              <tt><i>filename</i></tt> is ignored.
-              The temporary file is deleted when the program exits or
-              the file is closed.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><tt>UNKNOWN</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>OLD</tt> if file exists or else <tt>NEW</tt> is used.
-       </table>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>format</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Specifies the numeric format for the file.
-       This field is used only when a file is created and is ignored
-       when <tt><i>status</i></tt> = <tt>OLD</tt>.
-       Allowable values are:<br><br>
-       <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <td><tt>NATIVE</tt></td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <td>Use the native numeric format of the computer that creates
-              the file.
-              This is the default for a new file if the input string for
-              format is null.
-              Note that if the native numeric format is not one of the
-              supported formats listed here, then the file cannot be
-              read on machines using any other format.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><tt>IEEE_BIG</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td>Use the IEEE big endian format.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><tt>IEEE_LITTLE</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td>Use the IEEE little endian format.
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td><tt>CRAY</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td>Use the native CRAY format.
-       </table>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>root_ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The root identity of the database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Database_Open</tt>, opens a new or existing database.
-If links to other ADF files exist in the current file, they will be
-opened only as required.
-Using this routine is similar to opening a file in Fortran with the
-corresponding clarifiers, such as whether it is <tt>READ_ONLY</tt>,
-<tt>OLD</tt>, <tt>NEW</tt>, or named as <tt>SCRATCH</tt> file.
-The format of the file, which is ignored when the status of the file is
-<tt>OLD</tt>, is used when the file is first created.
-Big endian is a binary format in which the most significant byte or bit
-comes first, whereas in little endian, the most significant byte or bit
-comes last.
-To specify the format more explicitly, you can use the following formats:
-   IEEE_BIG_32
-   IEEE_BIG_64
-for IEEE big or little endian formats.
-This example opens a new database using the native format of the host
-Note that the default format is specified by using the empty string.
-In the C programming language, a null string could have been used.
-      CHARACTER*(80) MSG
-      REAL*8 RID
-      CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-      IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-         PRINT *,MSG
-         STOP
-      ENDIF
-      STOP
-      END
-<a name="Database_Close"></a>
-<h3>Close a Database</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Database_Close"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Database_Close (root_ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Database_Close</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFDCLO</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double *root_ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 root_ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>root_ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The root identification of the database.
-       This can be a valid node ID for this database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Database_Close</tt>, closes an existing database,
-as well as the other ADF files that may be attached through links.
-For example, if there is another ADF file that is opened and linked to
-this database, only the file stream associated with this database will
-be closed.
-This routine is similar to the close of a file in Fortran.
-This example closes a database.
-Note that while the root ID is used in the call to <tt>ADFDCLO</tt>, any
-valid node ID for this file will work.
-Also, in general, it is not necessary to close open ADF files when the
-program exits normally.
-The standard shutdown procedures will flush all buffers and bring files
-up to date.
-The primary use of <tt>ADFDCLO</tt> is to clean up file tables or to
-release unused files.
-      CHARACTER*(80) MSG
-      REAL*8 RID
-      CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-      IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-         PRINT *,MSG
-         STOP
-      ENDIF
-      .
-      ...<i>do useful stuff (hopefully)</i>
-      .
-      STOP
-      END
-<a name="Database_Delete"></a>
-<h3>Delete a File</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Database_Delete"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Database_Delete (filename,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Database_Delete</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFDDEL</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const char *filename</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) filename</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>filename</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>A legal file name of an existing ADF database.
-       The filename may include a relative or absolute path where it
-       is directly usable by the C <tt>fopen()</tt> system routine (no
-       environment expansion is done).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Database_Delete</tt>, deletes an existing database
-It does not delete links referenced in the database.
-This routine is similar to the deletion of a file in Fortran.
-<em>Note: This routine will be implemented in a future release.</em>
-<a name="Database_Get_Format"></a>
-<h3>Get the Data Format</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Database_Get_Format"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Database_Get_Format (root_ID,format,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Database_Get_Format</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFDGF</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double *root_ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 root_ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *format</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) format</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>root_ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Any valid node ID for the given ADF file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>format</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The format for the file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Database_Get_Format</tt>, gets the data format for
-an existing database.
-This example opens an existing ADF database, creates a new node, and
-then uses the node ID for the new node to ask what the file type is.
-Note that the file <tt><i>format</i></tt> is ignored because the
-database already exists.
-      CHARACTER*(80) MSG
-      CHARACTER*(32) FORM
-      REAL*8 RID,CID
-      CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','OLD',' ',RID,IERR)
-      IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-         PRINT *,MSG
-         STOP
-      ENDIF
-      CALL ADFCRE(RID,'junk_node',CID,IERR)
-      STOP
-      END
-<a name="Database_Set_Format"></a>
-<h3>Set the Data Format</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Database_Set_Format"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Database_Set_Format (root_ID,format,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Database_Set_Format</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFDSF</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double *root_ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 root_ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const char *format</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) format</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>root_ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The root identity of the database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>format</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The numeric format for the file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Database_Set_Format</tt>, sets the data format in
-an existing database.
-<em>Note: Use with extreme caution. This routine is needed only for the
-data conversion utilities and not intended for the general user.</em>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Data I/O Routines</h2>
-<li> <tt><a href="#Read_Data">ADF_Read_Data</a></tt> -
-     Read the data from a node (with partial capabilities)
-<li> <tt><a href="#Read_All_Data">ADF_Read_All_Data</a></tt> -
-     Read all the data into a contiguous memory space
-<li> <tt><a href="#Read_Block_Data">ADF_Read_Block_Data</a></tt> -
-     Read a contiguous block of data from a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Write_Data">ADF_Write_Data</a></tt> -
-     Write the data to a node (with partial capabilities)
-<li> <tt><a href="#Write_All_Data">ADF_Write_All_Data</a></tt> -
-     Write all the data from a contiguous memory space
-<li> <tt><a href="#Write_Block_Data">ADF_Write_Block_Data</a></tt> -
-     Write a contiguous block of data to a node
-<em>Note:</em> For all data I/O routines, the system is based on
-indexing starting from 1 and not 0.
-(That is, the first element in an array is indexed as 1 and not zero.)
-<a name="Read_Data"></a>
-<h3>Read the Data From a Node Having Stride Capabilities</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Read_Data"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Read_Data (ID,s_start[],s_end[],s_stride[],m_num_dims,m_dims[],<br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFREAD</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int s_start[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int s_end[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int s_stride[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_num_dims</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_dims[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_start[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_end[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_stride[]</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer s_start()</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer s_end()</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer s_stride()</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_num_dims</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_dims(m_num_dims)</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_start(m_num_dims)</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_end(m_num_dims)</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_stride(m_num_dims)</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *data</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) data</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>s_start[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting index to use for each dimension of the array within
-       the database node (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-       The maximum number of dimensions an array is allowed in ADF is 12.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>s_end[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ending index to use for each dimension of the array within
-       the database node (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>s_stride[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The stride value to use for each dimension of the array within
-       the database node (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_num_dims</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The number of dimensions to use in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_dims[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The dimension values to use for the array in memory (1D array;
-       i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_start[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting index to use for each dimension of the array in
-       memory (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_end[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ending index to use for each dimension of the array in
-       memory (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_stride[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The stride value to use for each dimension of the array in
-       memory (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting address of the data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt>, provides general purpose read
-It allows for a general specification of the starting location within
-the data well as fixed step lengths (strides) through the data from the
-initial position.
-This capability works for both the data on disk and the data being
-stored in memory.
-One set of integer vectors (<tt><i>s_start</i></tt>, etc.) is used to
-describe the mapping of the data within the node, and a second set
-of integer vectors (<tt><i>m_start</i></tt>) is used to describe the
-mapping of the desired data within memory.
-There can be a significant performance penalty for using
-<tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt> when compared with
-<a href="#Read_All_Data"><tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt></a>.
-If performance is a major consideration, it is best to organize
-data to take advantage of the speed of <tt>Adf_Read_All_Data</tt>.
-The data are stored in both memory and on disk in "Fortran ordering."
-That is, the first index varies the fastest.
-<tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt> will not accept "negative" indexing.
-That is, it is not possible to reverse the ordering of the data from the
-node into memory.
-Be careful when writing data using
-<a href="#Write_All_Data"><tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt></a> and then using
-<tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt> to randomly access the data.
-<tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt> takes a starting address in memory and
-writes <i>N</i> words to disk, making no assumption as to the order of
-the data.
-<tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt> assumes that the data have Fortran-like ordering
-to navigate through the data in memory and on disk.
-It assumes that the first dimension varies the fastest.
-It would be easy for a C program to use the default array ordering
-(last dimension varying fastest) and write the data out using
-Then another program might use <tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt> to access a
-subsection of the data, and the routine would not return what was
-If all the data type of the node is a compound data type, such as
-("<tt>I4[3],R8</tt>"), the partial capabilities will access one or more
-of these 20-byte data entities.
-You cannot access a subset of an occurrence of the data type.
-See the section on <a href="design.html#fortran">Fortran character
-array portability</a>.
-<u><i>Example 1</i></u>
-This example shows <tt>ADFREAD</tt> being used to emulate the same
-capabilities as those in <a href="#Read_All_Data"><tt>ADFRALL</tt></a>.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXROW=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCOL=3)
-   C
-         INTEGER IDIMI(2),IDIMO(2)
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         IDIMI(1) = MAXROW
-         IDIMI(2) = MAXCOL
-         DO 200 ICOL = 1,MAXCOL
-            DO 100 IROW = 1,MAXROW
-               R4ARRI(IROW,ICOL) = 2.0*ICOL*IROW
-     100    CONTINUE
-     200 CONTINUE
-         PRINT *,' ORIGINAL ARRAY:'
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRI(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-     300 FORMAT(3(5X,F10.2))
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         IDBEG(1) = 1
-         IDEND(1) = MAXROW
-         IDINCR(1) = 1
-   C
-         IDBEG(2) = 1
-         IDEND(2) = MAXCOL
-         IDINCR(2) = 1
-   C
-         IDIMO(1) = MAXROW
-         IDIMO(2) = MAXCOL
-   C
-         IMBEG(1) = 1
-         IMEND(1) = MAXROW
-         IMINCR(1) = 1
-   C
-         IMBEG(2) = 1
-         IMEND(2) = MAXCOL
-         IMINCR(2) = 1
-        X             2,IDIMO,IMBEG,IMEND,IMINCR,
-        X             R4ARRO,IERR)
-   C
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRO(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-            10.00          20.00          30.00
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-            10.00          20.00          30.00
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-<u><i>Example 2</i></u>
-This example illustrates some of the flexibility available with
-An array is created and written to disk using
-<a href="#Write_All_Data"><tt>ADFWALL</tt></a>.
-Then every other entry in the second column is read back into every
-other element of a vector.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXROW=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCOL=3)
-   C
-         INTEGER IDIMD(2)
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         IDIMD(1) = MAXROW
-         IDIMD(2) = MAXCOL
-         DO 200 ICOL = 1,MAXCOL
-            DO 100 IROW = 1,MAXROW
-               R4ARRI(IROW,ICOL) = 2.0*ICOL*IROW
-     100    CONTINUE
-     200 CONTINUE
-   C
-         DO 250 I = 1,MAXROW
-            R4VECO(I) = 0.0
-     250 CONTINUE
-   C
-         PRINT *,' ORIGINAL ARRAY:'
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRI(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-     300 FORMAT(3(5X,F10.2))
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         IDBEG(1) = 1
-         IDEND(1) = MAXROW
-         IDINCR(1) = 2
-   C
-         IDBEG(2) = 2
-         IDEND(2) = 2
-         IDINCR(2) = 1
-   C
-   C
-         NDIMM = 1
-         IDIMM = MAXROW
-         IMBEG = 1
-         IMEND = MAXROW
-         IMINCR = 2
-   C
-        X             NDIMM,IDIMM,IMBEG,IMEND,IMINCR,
-        X             R4VECO,IERR)
-   C
-         WRITE(*,400)(R4VECO(J),J=1,MAXROW)
-     400 FORMAT(3(5X,F10.2))
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-            10.00          20.00          30.00
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-             4.00           0.00          12.00
-             0.00          20.00           0.00
-            28.00           0.00          36.00
-             0.00
-<a name="Read_All_Data"></a>
-<h3>Read All the Data From a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Read_All_Data"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Read_All_Data (ID,data,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFRALL</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *data</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) data</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting address of the data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt>, reads all data from a node.
-It reads all the node's data and returns them into a contiguous memory
-The disk performance of <tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt> is very good.
-The routine issues a single read command to the system for the entire
-data set; therefore, it is as fast as the system can return the data.
-See the section on <a href="design.html#fortran">Fortran character
-array portability</a>.
-See the <a href="subs_query.html#ex:Get_Data_Type">example for
-<a name="Read_Block_Data"></a>
-<h3>Read a Contiguous Block of Data From a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Read_Block_Data"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data (ID,b_start,b_end,data,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFRBLK</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const long b_start</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const long b_end</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer b_start</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer b_end</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *data</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) data</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>b_start</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting point of the block in token space.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>b_end</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ending point of the block in token space.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting address of the data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data</tt>, reads a block of data from a
-node and returns it into a contiguous memory space.
-See the section on <a href="design.html#fortran">Fortran character
-array portability</a>.
-<a name="Write_Data"></a>
-<h3>Write the Data to a Node Having Stride Capabilities</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Write_Data"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Write_Data (ID,s_start[],s_end[],s_stride[],m_num_dims,m_dims[],<br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFWRIT</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int s_start[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int s_end[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int s_stride[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_num_dims</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_dims[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_start[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_end[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int m_stride[]</tt><br>
-                  <tt>char *data</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer s_start()</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer s_end()</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer s_stride()</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_num_dims</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_dims(m_num_dims)</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_start(m_num_dims)</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_end(m_num_dims)</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer m_stride(m_num_dims)</tt><br>
-                  <tt>character*(*) data</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>s_start[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting index to use for each dimension of the array within
-       the database node (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-       The maximum number of dimensions an array is allowed in ADF is 12.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>s_end[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ending index to use for each dimension of the array within
-       the database node (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>s_stride[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The stride value to use for each dimension of the array within
-       the database node (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_num_dims</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The number of dimensions to use in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_dims[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The dimension values to use for the array in memory (1D array;
-       i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_start[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting index to use for each dimension of the array in
-       memory (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_end[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ending index to use for each dimension of the array in
-       memory (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>m_stride[]</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The stride value to use for each dimension of the array in
-       memory (1D array; i.e., list of indices).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting address of the data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt>, provides general purpose write
-It allows offsets and strides within both the data in memory and the
-node on disk.
-One set of integer vectors (<tt><i>s_start</i></tt>, etc.) is used to
-describe the mapping of the data within the node, and a second set of
-integer vectors (<tt><i>m_start</i></tt>, etc.) is used to describe the
-mapping of the desired data within memory.
-There can be a significant performance penalty for using
-<tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt> when compared with
-<a href="#Write_All_Data"><tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt></a>.
-If performance is a major consideration, it is best to organize
-data to take advantage of the speed of <tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt>.
-The data are stored in both memory and on disk in "Fortran ordering."
-That is, the first index varies the fastest.
-<tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt> will not accept "negative" indexing.
-That is, it is not possible to reverse the ordering of the data from the
-node into memory.
-Be careful when using
-<a href="#Read_All_Data"><tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt></a> to randomly
-access data that has been written using <tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt>.
-<tt>ADF_Read_All_Data</tt> takes a starting address in memory and takes
-<i>N</i> contiguous words from disk, making no assumption as to the
-order of the data.
-<tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt> assumes that the data have Fortran-like ordering
-to navigate through the data on disk and in memory.
-It assumes that the first dimension varies the fastest.
-See the section on <a href="design.html#fortran">Fortran character
-array portability</a>.
-<u><i>Example 1</i></u>
-This example uses <tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt> to perform exactly the same
-task as <a href="#Write_All_Data"><tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt></a>.
-<tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt> should be used whenever possible for
-performance reasons.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         PARAMETER (MAXROW=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCOL=3)
-   C
-         INTEGER IDIMI(2),IDIMO(2)
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         IDIMI(1) = MAXROW
-         IDIMI(2) = MAXCOL
-         DO 200 ICOL = 1,MAXCOL
-            DO 100 IROW = 1,MAXROW
-               R4ARRI(IROW,ICOL) = 2.0*ICOL*IROW
-     100    CONTINUE
-     200 CONTINUE
-         PRINT *,' ORIGINAL ARRAY:'
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRI(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-     300 FORMAT(3(5X,F10.2))
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         IDBEG(1) = 1
-         IDEND(1) = MAXROW
-         IDINCR(1) = 1
-   C
-         IDBEG(2) = 1
-         IDEND(2) = MAXCOL
-         IDINCR(2) = 1
-   C
-         IDIMO(1) = MAXROW
-         IDIMO(2) = MAXCOL
-   C
-         IMBEG(1) = 1
-         IMEND(1) = MAXROW
-         IMINCR(1) = 1
-   C
-         IMBEG(2) = 1
-         IMEND(2) = MAXCOL
-         IMINCR(2) = 1
-   C
-        X             IMEND,IMINCR,R4ARRI,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' NODE NAME            = ',NODNAM
-         PRINT *,' LABEL                = ',LABL
-         PRINT *,' DATA TYPE            = ',DTYPE
-         PRINT *,' DIMENSIONS           = ',IDIMO
-         PRINT *,' ADFRALL DATA:'
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRO(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-            10.00          20.00          30.00
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-   NODE NAME            = NODE 1
-   LABEL                = LABEL FOR NODE 1
-   DATA TYPE            = R4
-   NUMBER OF DIMENSIONS =            2
-   DIMENSIONS           =           10           3
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-            10.00          20.00          30.00
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-<u><i>Example 2</i></u>
-This example illustrates the capability to write a full matrix to an ADF
-file and then use <tt>ADF_Write_Data</tt> to rewrite selected portions
-of the matrix with new data from a much smaller data structure.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         PARAMETER (MAXROW=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCOL=3)
-   C
-         INTEGER IDIMI(2),IDIMO(2),IDIMM(2)
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         IDIMI(1) = MAXROW
-         IDIMI(2) = MAXCOL
-         DO 200 ICOL = 1,MAXCOL
-            DO 100 IROW = 1,MAXROW
-               R4ARRI(IROW,ICOL) = 2.0*ICOL*IROW
-     100    CONTINUE
-            R4VEC(ICOL) = 2.2*ICOL
-     200 CONTINUE
-         PRINT *,' ORIGINAL ARRAY:'
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRI(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-     300 FORMAT(3(5X,F10.2))
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' NODE NAME            = ',NODNAM
-         PRINT *,' LABEL                = ',LABL
-         PRINT *,' DATA TYPE            = ',DTYPE
-         PRINT *,' DIMENSIONS           = ',IDIMO
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRO(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-   C
-   C     OF THE MATRIX)
-   C
-         IDBEG(1)  = 5
-         IDEND(1)  = 5
-         IDINCR(1) = 1
-   C
-         IDBEG(2)  = 1
-         IDEND(2)  = MAXCOL
-         IDINCR(2) = 1
-   C
-         NMDIM = 1
-         IDIMM(1)  = MAXCOL
-         IMBEG(1)  = 1
-         IMEND(1)  = MAXCOL
-         IMINCR(1) = 1
-   C
-        X             NMDIM,IDIMM,IMBEG,IMEND,IMINCR,
-        X             R4VEC,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' AFTER SCATTER:'
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4ARRO(I,J),J=1,MAXCOL),I=1,MAXROW)
-   C
-   STOP
-   END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-            10.00          20.00          30.00
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-   NODE NAME            = NODE 1
-   LABEL                = LABEL FOR NODE 1
-   DATA TYPE            = R4
-   NUMBER OF DIMENSIONS =            2
-   DIMENSIONS           =           10            3
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-            10.00          20.00          30.00
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-             2.00           4.00           6.00
-             4.00           8.00          12.00
-             6.00          12.00          18.00
-             8.00          16.00          24.00
-             2.20           4.40           6.60
-            12.00          24.00          36.00
-            14.00          28.00          42.00
-            16.00          32.00          48.00
-            18.00          36.00          54.00
-            20.00          40.00          60.00
-<a name="Write_All_Data"></a>
-<h3>Write All the Data to a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Write_All_Data"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Write_All_Data (ID,data,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFWALL</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *data</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) data</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting address of the data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt>, writes all data to a node.
-It copies all the node's data from a contiguous memory space into a
-contiguous disk space.
-The disk performance of <tt>ADF_Write_All_Data</tt> is very good.
-The routine issues a single write command to the system for the entire
-data set; therefore, it is as fast as the system can put the data on
-See the section on <a href="design.html#fortran">Fortran character
-array portability</a>.
-See the <a href="subs_query.html#ex:Get_Data_Type">example for
-<a name="Write_Block_Data"></a>
-<h3>Write a Contiguous Block of Data To a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Write_Block_Data"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Write_Block_Data (ID,b_start,b_end,data,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Write_Block_Data</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFWBLK</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const long b_start</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const long b_end</tt><br>
-                         <tt>char *data</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer b_start</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer b_end</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) data</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>b_start</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting point of the block in token space.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>b_end</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ending point of the block in token space.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The starting address of the data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Write_Block_Data</tt>, writes a contiguous block
-of data from memory to a node.
-See the section on <a href="design.html#fortran">Fortran character
-array portability</a>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<h2>Miscellaneous Routines</h2>
-<li> <tt><a href="#Flush_to_Disk">ADF_Flush_to_Disk</a></tt> -
-     Flush the data to a disk
-<li> <tt><a href="#Database_Garbage_Collection">ADF_Database_Garbage_Collection</a></tt> -
-     Garbage collection
-<li> <tt><a href="#Error_Message">ADF_Error_Message</a></tt> -
-     Return an error message
-<li> <tt><a href="#Set_Error_State">ADF_Set_Error_State</a></tt> -
-     Set the error state
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Error_State">ADF_Get_Error_State</a></tt> -
-     Get the error state
-<li> <tt><a href="#Database_Version">ADF_Database_Version</a></tt> -
-     Get the ADF file version ID
-<li> <tt><a href="#Library_Version">ADF_Library_Version</a></tt> -
-     Get the ADF library version ID
-<a name="Flush_to_Disk"></a>
-<h3>Flush the Data to the Disk</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Flush_to_Disk"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Flush_to_Disk (ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Flush_to_Disk</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFFTD</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Flush_to_Disk</tt>, flushes data to disk; it is
-used to force any modified information to be flushed to the physical
-This ensures that data will not be lost if a program aborts.
-The control of when to flush all data to disk is provided to the user
-rather than flushing the data every time it is modified, which would
-result in reduced performance.
-<a name="Database_Garbage_Collection"></a>
-<h3>Redistribute the Data Within a File</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Database_Garbage_Collection"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Database_Garbage_Collection (ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Database_Garbage_Collection</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFDGC</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Database_Garbage_Collection</tt>, redistributes
-the data within a file to use free space within the file.
-This free space is not located at the end of the file, and it may have
-been created during node deletions or other file operations.
-Neighboring free spaces will be merged.
-<em>Note:</em> For better file compaction, a utility could be written to
-copy an ADF file into a newly created ADF file without wasted space.
-<em>Note:</em> This routine is currently not implemented.
-<a name="Error_Message"></a>
-<h3>Get a Description of the Error</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Error_Message"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Error_Message (error_code,error_string)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Error_Message</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFERR</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const int error_code</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_code</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *error_string</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) error_string</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>error_code</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The <a href="errors.html">error return code</a> from
-       any ADF routine.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_string</i></tt><td>
-   <td>An 80-byte description for the specified error.
-       If <tt>ADF_Error_Message</tt> cannot find a message corresponding
-       to the input <tt>error_code</tt>, the error string "<tt>Unknown
-       error#<i>nnn</i></tt>" will be returned.
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Error_Message</tt>, returns a textual error
-message when given the error return code from any ADF routine.
-See the <a href="#ex:Set_Error_State">example for
-<a name="Set_Error_State"></a>
-<h3>Set the Error State Flag</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Set_Error_State"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Set_Error_State (error_state,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Set_Error_State</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFSES</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const int error_state</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_state</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>error_state</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Flag specifying the action to take when an error occurs; 0 to
-       return the error code and continue, 1 to abort.
-       The default is 0.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Set_Error_State</tt>, sets the error state flag.
-This flag controls the error handling convention for all ADF routines:
-either return the error codes or print an error message and abort the
-program on error.
-The flag covers all open ADF files associated with the current program,
-and it is not done on a file-by-file basis.
-The default state for the ADF interface is to return error codes and not
-<a name="ex:Set_Error_State"></a>
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-         CHARACTER*(80) MESS
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID1,CID2
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C *** CREATE 2 NODES
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' *** ON ERROR CONTINUE'
-         PRINT *,' '
-   C
-   C
-         INEWS = 1
-         PRINT *,' *** ABORT ON ERROR SET'
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' HELLO WORLD'
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-   DEFAULT ERROR STATE =            0
-   ADF 10: ADF file index out of legal range.
-   ADF 10: ADF file index out of legal range.
-   ADF Aborted: Exiting
-<a name="Get_Error_State"></a>
-<h3>Get the Error State</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Error_State"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Error_State (error_state,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Get_Error_State</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFGES</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap>&nbsp;
-    <td width=41% nowrap>&nbsp;
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_state</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_state</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>error_state</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Flag specifying the action to take when an error occurs; 0 to
-       return the error code and continue, 1 to abort.
-       The default is 0.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Error_State</tt>, returns the currently set
-error state.
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFSES(1,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-   DEFAULT ERROR STATE =            0
-   RESET ERROR STATE   =            1
-<a name="Database_Version"></a>
-<h3>Get the Version Number of the ADF Library
-That Created the ADF Database</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Database_Version"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Database_Version (root_ID,version,creation_date,modification_date,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Database_Version</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFDVER</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>constant double root_ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 root_ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *version</tt><br>
-                         <tt>char *creation_date</tt><br>
-                         <tt>char *modification_date</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*)version</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) creation_date</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) modification_date</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>root_ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the root node in the ADF file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>version</i></tt><td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character string containing the version ID.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>creation_date</i></tt><td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character string containing the creation date of the file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>modification_date</i></tt><td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character string containing the last modification date of
-       the file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Database_Version</tt>, returns the version number
-of the ADF library that created an ADF database, the file creation date
-and time, and the last modification date and time.
-A modified ADF database will take on the version ID of the current ADF
-library version if it is higher than the version indicated in the file.
-On return, "version" contains a six-character string.
-The meaning of the characters are described in detail in the section
-<a href="versions.html">"ADF File Version Control Numbering"</a>.
-<a name="ex:Database_Version"></a>
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-         CHARACTER*(80) MESS
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID1,CID2
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C *** CREATE 2 NODES
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,'    CREATION DATE                : ',CDATE
-         PRINT *,'    MODIFICATION DATE            : ',MDATE
-         PRINT *,'    ADF LIBRARY BEING USED       : ',LVER
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-      ADF LIBRARY USED FOR CREATION: ADF Database Version A01007
-      CREATION DATE                : Thu Apr 24 15:41:55 1997
-      MODIFICATION DATE            : Thu Apr 24 15:41:55 1997
-      ADF LIBRARY BEING USED       : ADF Library  Version C01
-<a name="Library_Version"></a>
-<h3>Get the Version Number of the ADF Library
-That the Application Program is Currently Using</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Library_Version"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Library_Version (version,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADF_Library_Version</tt></b>
-    <td align=center><b><tt>ADFLVER</tt></b>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap>&nbsp;
-    <td width=41% nowrap>&nbsp;
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *version</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) version</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>version</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>A 32-byte character string containing the ADF library version ID
-       information.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Library_Version</tt>, gets the ADF library version
-This is the version number of the ADF library that the application
-program is currently using.
-For this routine, the format of the version ID is "<tt>ADF Library
-Version A<i>XXXxxx</i></tt>".
-See the <a href="#ex:Database_Version">example for
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-<h2>Data Query Routines</h2>
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Label">ADF_Get_Label</a></tt> -
-     Get a label
-<li> <tt><a href="#Set_Label">ADF_Set_Label</a></tt> -
-     Set a label
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Data_Type">ADF_Get_Data_Type</a></tt> -
-     Get the data type
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Number_of_Dimensions">ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions</a></tt> -
-     Get the number of dimensions
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Dimension_Values">ADF_Get_Dimension_Values</a></tt> -
-     Get the dimension values of a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Put_Dimension_Information">ADF_Put_Dimension_Information</a></tt> -
-     Set the data type and dimension information
-<a name="Get_Label"></a>
-<h3>Get the String in a Node's Label Field</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Label"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Label (ID,label,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Label</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGLB</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *label</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) label</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>label</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The 32-character label of the node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine returns the 32-character string stored in the node's label
-In C, the label will be null terminated after the last nonblank
-Therefore, in general, 33 characters should be allocated (32 for the
-label, plus 1 for the null).
-In Fortran, the label is left justified and blank filled to the right.
-The null character is not returned in Fortran, therefore, the variable
-declaration can be for 32 characters (e.g., <tt>CHARACTER*(32)</tt>).
-<a name="ex:Get_Label"></a>
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' NODE NAME = ',NODNAM
-         PRINT *,' LABEL     = ',LABL
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-<a name="Set_Label"></a>
-<h3>Set the String in a Node's Label Field</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Set_Label"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Set_Label (ID,label,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Set_Label</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFSLB</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *label</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) label</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>label</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The 32-character label for the node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Set_Label</tt>, sets the 32-character string in
-the node's label field.
-See the <a href="#ex:Get_Label">example for <tt>ADF_Get_Label</tt></a>.
-<a name="Get_Data_Type"></a>
-<h3>Get the String in a Node's Data-Type Field</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Data_Type"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Data_Type (ID,data_type,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Data_Type</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGDT</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *data_type</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) data_type</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data_type</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The 32-character data type field stored in the node information
-       header.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Data_Type</tt>, returns the 32-character
-string in the node's data-type field.
-In C, the label will be null terminated after the last nonblank;
-therefore, at least 33 characters (32 for the label, plus 1 for the
-null) should be allocated for the <tt><i>data_type</i></tt> string.
-In Fortran, the null character is not returned; therefore, the
-declaration for the string <tt><i>data_type</i></tt> can be for 32
-<a name="ex:Get_Data_Type"></a>
-This example illustrates the process of creating a node, storing data in
-it, querying the node for the information in the header, and reading the
-data back out.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         PARAMETER (MAXROW=2)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCOL=10)
-   C
-         INTEGER IDIMI(2),IDIMO(2)
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         IDIMI(1) = MAXROW
-         IDIMI(2) = MAXCOL
-         DO 200 ICOL = 1,MAXCOL
-            DO 100 IROW = 1,MAXROW
-               R4DATI(IROW,ICOL) = 2.0*ICOL*IROW
-     100    CONTINUE
-     200 CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' NODE NAME            = ',NODNAM
-         PRINT *,' LABEL                = ',LABL
-         PRINT *,' DATA TYPE            = ',DTYPE
-         PRINT *,' DIMENSIONS           = ',IDIMO
-         PRINT *,' DATA:'
-         WRITE(*,300)((R4DATO(I,J),I=1,MAXROW),J=1,MAXCOL)
-     300 FORMAT(2(5X,F10.2))
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-   NODE NAME            = NODE 1
-   LABEL                = LABEL FOR NODE 1
-   DATA TYPE            = R4
-   NUMBER OF DIMENSIONS =            2
-   DIMENSIONS           =            2           10
-   DATA:
-            2.00           4.00
-            4.00           8.00
-            6.00          12.00
-            8.00          16.00
-           10.00          20.00
-           12.00          24.00
-           14.00          28.00
-           16.00          32.00
-           18.00          36.00
-           20.00          40.00
-<a name="Get_Number_of_Dimensions"></a>
-<h3>Get the Number of Node Dimensions</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions (ID,num_dims,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGND</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *num_dims</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer num_dims</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>num_dims</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The integer dimension value.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions</tt>, returns the number
-of data dimensions used in the node.
-Values will be returned only for the number of dimensions defined in the
-If the number of dimensions for the node is zero, an error is returned.
-See the <a href="#ex:Get_Data_Type">example for <tt>ADF_Get_Data_Type</tt></a>.
-<a name="Get_Dimension_Values"></a>
-<h3>Get the Values of the Node Dimensions</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Dimension_Values"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Dimension_Values (ID,dim_vals[],error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Dimension_Values</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGDV</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *dim_vals[]</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer dim_vals()</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>dim_vals</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The array (list) of dimension values.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Dimension_Values</tt>, returns the array
-(list) of dimension values for a node.
-Values will be returned only for the number of dimensions defined in the
-If the number of dimensions for the node is zero, an error is returned.
-See the <a href="#ex:Get_Data_Type">example for <tt>ADF_Get_Data_Type</tt></a>.
-<a name="Put_Dimension_Information"></a>
-<h3>Set or Change the Data Type and Dimensions of a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Put_Dimension_Information"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Put_Dimension_Information (ID,data_type,dims,dim_vals[],error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Put_Dimension_Information</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFPDIM</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const char *data_type</tt><br>
-                  <tt>const int dims</tt><br>
-                  <tt>int dim_vals[]</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                  <tt>character*(*) data_type</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer dims</tt><br>
-                  <tt>integer dim_vals()</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>data_type</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The 32-character data type of the node.
-       The valid user-definable data types are:
-       <br><br>
-       <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th align=left scope=col><u>Data Type</u></td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col><u>Notation</u>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>No Data</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>MT</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Integer 32</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>I4</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Integer 64</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>I8</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Unsigned Integer 32</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>U4</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Unsigned Integer 64</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>U8</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Real 32</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>R4</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Real 64</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>R8</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Complex 64</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>X4</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Complex 128</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>X8</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Character (unsigned byte)</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>C1</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td>Byte (unsigned byte)</td><td></td>
-          <td align=center><tt>B1</tt>
-       </table>
-       <br>
-       Compound data types can be defined as a combination of types
-       ("<tt>I4,I4,R8</tt>"), an array ("<tt>I4[25]</tt>"), or a
-       combination of types and arrays ("<tt>I4,C1[20],R8[3]</tt>").
-       They can contain up to 32 characters.
-       This style of data type definition is not very portable across
-       platforms; therefore, it is not recommended.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>dims</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The number of dimensions of this node.
-       <tt><i>dims</i></tt> can be a number from 0 to 12.
-       "0" means no data.
-       The dimension of an array can range from 1 (vector) to 12.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>dim_vals</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The array (list) of dimension values for this node.
-       <tt><i>dim_vals</i></tt> is a vector of integers that define
-       the size of the array in each dimension as defined by
-       <tt><i>dims</i></tt>.
-       If the dims is zero, the <tt><i>dims_vals</i></tt> are not used.
-       The valid range of <tt><i>dim_vals</i></tt> is from 1 to
-       2,147,483,648.
-       The total data size in bytes, calculated by the
-       <tt><i>data_type</i></tt> size times the dimension values, cannot
-       exceed 2,147,483,648 for any one node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Put_Dimension_Information</tt>, sets or changes
-the data type and dimension information for a node.
-When this routine is used to change the data type or number of
-dimensions of an existing node, any data currently associated with the
-node are lost.
-The dimension values can be changed and the data space will be extended
-as needed.
-Be very careful changing the dimension values.
-The layout of the data is assumed to be Fortran-like.
-If the left-most dimension values are changed, the data are not shifted
-around on disk to account for this; only the amount of data is changed.
-Therefore, the indexing into the data will be changed.
-In general, it is safe to change the right-most dimension value.
-For example, if the array of dimension values was (10,11,20,50), then
-changing the 10, 11, or 20 is very risky, whereas changing the 50 should
-be safe.
-See the section on <a href="design.html#fortran">Fortran character
-array portability</a>.
-See the <a href="#ex:Get_Data_Type">example for <tt>ADF_Get_Data_Type</tt></a>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<h2>Data Structure and Management Routines</h2>
-<li> <tt><a href="#Create">ADF_Create</a></tt> -
-     Create a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Delete">ADF_Delete</a></tt> -
-     Delete a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Children_Names">ADF_Children_Names</a></tt> -
-     Get the child names of a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Number_of_Children">ADF_Number_of_Children</a></tt> -
-     Get the number of children of a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Node_ID">ADF_Get_Node_ID</a></tt> -
-     Get a unique identifier of a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Name">ADF_Get_Name</a></tt> -
-     Get the name of a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Put_Name">ADF_Put_Name</a></tt> -
-     Put (change) the name of a node
-<li> <tt><a href="#Move_Child">ADF_Move_Child</a></tt> -
-     Change a parent (move a child)
-<li> <tt><a href="#Link">ADF_Link</a></tt> -
-     Create a link
-<li> <tt><a href="#Is_Link">ADF_Is_Link</a></tt> -
-     Test if a node is a link
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Link_Path">ADF_Get_Link_Path</a></tt> -
-     Get the path information from a link
-<li> <tt><a href="#Get_Root_ID">ADF_Get_Root_ID</a></tt> -
-     Get the root ID of the ADF file
-<a name="Create"></a>
-<h3>Create a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Create"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Create (PID,name,ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Create</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFCRE</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *name</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) name</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>double *ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>ID of the parent node of the created child node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>name</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the parent node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ID of the newly created child node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Create</tt>, creates a new node (not a link) as a
-child of a given parent node.
-Default node header values in this new node are:
-<li> label = blank
-<li> number of subnodes = 0
-<li> datatype = <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> number of dimensions = 0
-<li> data = <tt>NULL</tt>
-This example opens a database and creates a node under the root node.
-Note that the default values for a newly created node are label = <tt>''</tt>,
-datatype = <tt>MT</tt>, dimension = <tt>null</tt>, data = none.
-These are reset as required using the routines
-<a href="subs_query.html#Set_Label"><tt>ADFSLB</tt></a>,
-<a href="subs_query.html#Put_Dimension_Information"><tt>ADFPDIM</tt></a> and
-<a href="subs_io.html#Write_All_Data"><tt>ADFWALL</tt></a>/<a href="subs_io.html#Write_Data"><tt>ADFWRIT</tt></a>.
-Note also that the root node is named "<tt>ADF MotherNode</tt>".
-This name is generated when the database is first opened.
-If desired, it could be reset using <a href="#Put_Name"><tt>ADFPNAM</tt></a>.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,PID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         DO 150 I = 1,3
-            WRITE(NODNAM,'(A7,I1)')'PARENT.',I
-   C
-   C
-            NUMCLD = I*I
-            DO 110 J = 1,NUMCLD
-               WRITE(NODNAM,'(A6,I1,A1,I1)')'CHILD.',I,'x',J
-     110    CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-            CALL PRTCLD(PID)
-     150 CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-         CALL PRTCLD(RID)
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         REAL*8 PID
-         WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-     120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X       '     CHILDREN NAMES: ')
-         NLEFT = NUMC
-         ISTART = 1
-   C     --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130 CONTINUE
-        X                NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140    FORMAT(2(8X,A))
-            NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-            ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-         IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-          CHILD.1.1
-          CHILD.2.1                               CHILD.2.2
-          CHILD.2.3                               CHILD.2.4
-          CHILD.3.1                               CHILD.3.2
-          CHILD.3.3                               CHILD.3.4
-          CHILD.3.5                               CHILD.3.6
-          CHILD.3.7                               CHILD.3.8
-          CHILD.3.9
-          PARENT.1                                PARENT.2
-          PARENT.3
-<a name="Delete"></a>
-<h3>Delete a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Delete"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Delete (PID,ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Delete</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFDEL</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node's parent.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-In general, this routine, <tt>ADF_Delete</tt>, deletes a node and all of
-its children.
-Given the starting node, a recursive search is done down the hierarchy,
-deleting all nodes.
-If a "link" is encountered during the deletion (i.e., the specified node
-or any of its children), then the link is deleted, and the downward
-search stops.
-That is, the link information is deleted, but not the actual node it
-refers to.
-To understand the deletion of a node that is a link, it must be
-remembered that a link is merely a reference to another node.
-Therefore, the deletion of a node that is a link is the deletion of that
-reference, not the referred node itself.
-The reason for this is that a link may actually point to data in another
-file that may be owned by another user.
-Therefore, it would not be proper for ADF to try to delete that node.
-Therefore, ADF stops at the link.
-When a node is deleted, any links that reference it are left "dangling."
-In other words, the existing links to the node still reference the node,
-but if ADF is asked to resolve that reference, it will determine that
-the referred to node doesn't exist and will return an error flag.
-Note that the parent ID of the node to be deleted is required.
-This is due to the fact that child nodes do not know the ID of their
-parent node.
-Thus when a node is deleted, in order for the child table of the parent
-to be updated properly, the parent ID must be supplied as an input.
-This example opens a database and creates three nodes attached to the
-root node.
-It also generates nodes to each of these base nodes.
-Then one of the base nodes is deleted.
-Not only is the node "<tt>PARENT.2</tt>" deleted; all of its children
-are deleted at the same time.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,PID,CID
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         DO 150 I = 1,3
-            WRITE(NODNAM,'(A7,I1)')'PARENT.',I
-   C
-   C
-            NUMCLD = I*I
-            DO 110 J = 1,NUMCLD
-               WRITE(NODNAM,'(A6,I1,A1,I1)')'CHILD.',I,'.',J
-     110    CONTINUE
-     150 CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-         CALL PRTCLD(RID)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL PRTCLD(PID)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL PRTCLD(RID)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         REAL*8 PID
-         WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-     120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X       '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-         NLEFT = NUMC
-         ISTART = 1
-   C     --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130 CONTINUE
-        X                NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140    FORMAT(2(8X,A))
-            NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-            ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-         IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-          PARENT.1                                PARENT.2
-          PARENT.3
-          CHILD.2.1                               CHILD.2.2
-          CHILD.2.3                               CHILD.2.4
-          PARENT.1                                PARENT.3
-   ADF 29: Specified child is NOT a child of the specified parent.
-  IOT Trap
-  Abort - core dumped
-<a name="Children_Names"></a>
-<h3>Get the Names of the Child Nodes</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Children_Names"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Children_Names (PID,istart,imax_num,imax_name_length,inum_ret,names,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Children_Names</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFCNAM</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const int istart</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const int imax_num</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const int imax_name_length</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer istart</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer imax_num</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer imax_name_length</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *inum_ret</tt><br>
-                         <tt>char *names</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer inum_ret</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) names</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the parent node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>istart</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The <i>n</i>th child's name (to start with the first, use
-       <tt><i>istart</i></tt> = 1).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>imax_num</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The maximum number of names to return.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>imax_name_length</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The number of characters allocated to hold the name of each
-       child node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>inum_ret</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The number of names returned.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>names</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The names of the children.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Children_Names</tt>, returns the child names
-directly associated with a parent node.
-The names of the children are not guaranteed to be returned in any
-particular order.
-For example, if four child nodes were created in the order:
-<tt>node1</tt>, <tt>node2</tt>, <tt>node3</tt>, <tt>node4</tt>, when the
-call to <tt>ADFCNAM</tt> is made, there is no guarantee that the order
-of the node names in the character array names will be the same.
-The reason for not guaranteeing node ordering has to do with efficient
-use of disk space.
-Although the concept of "linked lists" works fine in central memory, it
-is not particularly efficient on disk.
-Therefore, static tables are used to maintain parent/child lists.
-The order in which children names are returned is the order found in the
-static table.
-If a child node is deleted, an empty slot is created and will be used by
-the next child node created under that parent node.
-The indexing of a child is Fortran-like and begins with 1, but as noted
-above, this does not imply a notion of node ordering.
-To start with a child node listed as the first index, use an
-<tt><i>istart</i></tt> value of 1.
-<u><i>C Programming Notes</i></u>
-<li> Node names can be up to 32 characters.
-     ADF appends the null (<tt>\0</tt>) character to the end of each
-     node name.
-     Therefore, at least 33 characters should be allocated for each node
-     name to be returned.
-<li> <tt><i>imax_name_length</i></tt> is used to "stride" through the
-     character array passed to ADF.
-     For example, if 50 characters per name were allocated, the first
-     character of the first name would be in the first allocated byte
-     (position [0]), and the second name would start in the 51st byte
-     (position [50]) and so on.
-     The length of the individual names can be determined using the
-     <tt>strlen</tt> function.
-<u><i>Fortran Programming Notes</i></u>
-<li> Node names can be up to 32 characters.
-     The returned names are left justified and blank filled within the
-     array.
-     No null (<tt>\0</tt>) character is appended to the name; therefore,
-     an appropriate declaration would be <tt>CHARACTER*(32)</tt>.
-<a name="ex:Children_Names"></a>
-This example creates three nodes attached to the root node.
-It then creates a varying number of child nodes under each of the base
-Lastly, it queries the database to find out how many children were
-created and then gets the child names.
-The thing to notice in this example is that the character array
-<tt>NDNMS</tt> is not large enough to hold all the names under
-The array <tt>NDNMS</tt> will hold only five names at a time; therefore,
-a loop was set up to read a subset of the name list during each pass.
-Note also that the call to <tt>ADFCNAM</tt> may request more names than
-are present.
-If this occurs, the routine will return all that is available in the
-output array <tt><i>names</i></tt> and return that number in the
-<tt><i>inum_ret</i></tt> variable.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=5)
-         PARAMETER (NDATA=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C     RID - ROOT ID
-   C     CID - CHILD ID
-   C     PID - PARENT ID
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,CID,PID
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         DO 150 I = 1,3
-            WRITE(NODNAM,'(A7,I1)')'PARENT.',I
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-   C
-   C
-            NUMCLD = I*I
-            DO 110 J = 1,NUMCLD
-               WRITE(NODNAM,'(A6,I1,A1,I1)')'CHILD.',I,'.',J
-               CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-     110    CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            WRITE(*,120)I,NODNAM,NUMC
-     120    FORMAT(' LEVEL = ',I2,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X          '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X          '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-            NLEFT = NUMC
-            ISTART = 1
-   C        --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130    CONTINUE
-        X                   NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-               CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-               PRINT *,' FETCHED: ',NUMRET,' NAMES'
-               WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140       FORMAT(8X,A)
-               NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-               ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-            IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-     150 CONTINUE
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-        FETCHED            1 NAMES
-          CHILD.1.1
-        FETCHED            4 NAMES
-          CHILD.2.1
-          CHILD.2.2
-          CHILD.2.3
-          CHILD.2.4
-        FETCHED            5 NAMES
-          CHILD.3.1
-          CHILD.3.2
-          CHILD.3.3
-          CHILD.3.4
-          CHILD.3.5
-        FETCHED            4 NAMES
-          CHILD.3.6
-          CHILD.3.7
-          CHILD.3.8
-          CHILD.3.9
-<a name="Number_of_Children"></a>
-<h3>Get the Number of Children Names</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Number_of_Children"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Number_of_Children (PID,num_children,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Number_of_Children</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFNCLD</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *num_children</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer num_children</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the parent node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>num_children</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The number of children directly associated with this node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Number_of_Children</tt>, returns the number of
-child names directly associated with a parent node.
-See the <a href="#ex:Children_Names">example for <tt>ADF_Children_Names</tt></a>.
-<a name="Get_Node_ID"></a>
-<h3>Get the ID of a Child Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Node_ID"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Node_ID (PID,name,ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Node_ID</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGNID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *name</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) name</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>double *ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the parent node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>name</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The name of the node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ID of the named node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Node_ID</tt>, returns the ID of a child node,
-given the parent node ID and the name of the child node.
-To return the ID of the root node in an ADF file, use any known ID in
-the ADF file and a name of "<tt>/</tt>".
-The syntax for <tt><i>name</i></tt> is essentially the same as the "path
-name" within the UNIX operating system.
-It might look like <tt>/level.1/level.2/node</tt>.
-The name of the node may be one of two forms.
-If the name begins with a "<tt>/</tt>", then the name is relative to the
-root node for the associated database.
-If the name does not begin with a "<tt>/</tt>", then the name is
-relative to the parent node associated with the given PID.
-To return the ID of the root node an ADF file, use any known ID in the
-ADF file and a name of "<tt>/</tt>".
-<a name="ex:Get_Node_ID"></a>
-This example illustrates the various ways to access a node.
-Note that when a full path is specified (i.e., a leading slash
-"<tt>/</tt>" is specified), all that is required for the ID is any valid
-ID for the associated database.
-It will probably be clearer to others if the root ID is used in that
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C     RID - ROOT ID
-   C     AL1ID - LEVEL 1 ID
-   C     AL2ID - LEVEL 2 ID
-   C     AL3ID - LEVEL 3 ID
-   C     CID - CHILD ID
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C ****** FULL PATH NAME
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-<a name="Get_Name"></a>
-<h3>Get the Name of a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Name"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Name (ID,name,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Name</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGNAM</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *name</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) name</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>name</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The simple name of the node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Name</tt>, returns the 32-character name of a
-node, given the node's ID.
-In C, the name will be null terminated after the last nonblank
-character; therefore, 33 characters should be used (32 for the name,
-plus 1 for the null).
-In Fortran, the null character is not returned; therefore, the character
-variable declaration for name should be for 32 characters (e.g.,
-<tt>CHARACTER*(32) NAME</tt>).
-See the <a href="#ex:Get_Node_ID">example for <tt>ADF_Get_Node_ID</tt></a>.
-<a name="Put_Name"></a>
-<h3>Put a Name on a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Put_Name"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Put_Name (PID,ID,name,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Put_Name</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFPNAM</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *name</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) name</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node's parent.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>name</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The new name of the node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Put_Name</tt>, changes the name of a node.
-Note that the parent ID of the node to be deleted is required.
-This is due to the fact that child nodes do not know the ID of their
-parent node.
-Thus, when a node is deleted, in order for the child table of the parent
-to be updated properly, the parent ID must be supplied as an input.
-<em>Warning: If the node is pointed to by a link node, changing the node's name will
-break the link.</em>
-This example illustrates the creation of a node with an initial name.
-Later, the name of the node is changed.
-The routine <tt>ADFCNAM</tt> is used to get the new name from the
-parent's information table.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C     RID - ROOT ID
-   C     CID - CHILD ID
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)-*9+
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' NODE NAME = ',NODNAM
-        X             NUMRET,CLDNAM,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' '
-         PRINT *,' NEW NODE NAME = ',NODNAM
-        X             NUMRET,CLDNAM,IERR)
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-   NODE NAME     = LEVEL.1
-<a name="Move_Child"></a>
-<h3>Move a Child Node to a Different Parent</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Move_Child"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Move_Child (PID,ID,NPID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Move_Child</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFMOVE</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const double ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>double NPID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>real*8 NPID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>ID of the node's current parent.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>NPID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>ID of the node's new parent.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Move_Child</tt>, deletes the given child node from
-the current parent's child table and adds it to the new parent's child
-<tt>ADF_Move_Child</tt> is restricted to moves within the same physical
-If the node is pointed to by a link-node, moving the node's name will
-break the link.
-This example creates a simple hierarchy.
-It then picks up a node from its original parent and moves it to a new
-parent node.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,PID,CID,PID1,PID3
-         INTEGER I,J,IERR
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         WRITE(*,100)
-     100 FORMAT(/,' *** ORIGINAL DATABASE SETUP ***')
-         DO 150 I = 1,3
-            WRITE(NODNAM,'(A7,I1)')'PARENT.',I
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-   C
-   C
-            NUMCLD = I*I
-            DO 110 J = 1,NUMCLD
-               WRITE(NODNAM,'(A6,I1,A1,I1)')'CHILD.',I,'.',J
-               CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-     110    CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-            CALL PRTCLD(PID)
-     150 CONTINUE
-   C
-   C     TO /PARENT.1
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         WRITE(*,160)
-     160 FORMAT(/,'*** PARENT.1 AND PARENT.3 AFTER MOVE ***')
-         CALL PRTCLD(PID1)
-         CALL PRTCLD(PID3)
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         REAL*8 PID
-         WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-     120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X       '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-         NLEFT = NUMC
-         ISTART = 1
-   C     --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130 CONTINUE
-        X                NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140    FORMAT(2(8X,A))
-            NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-            ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-         IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-          CHILD.1.1
-          CHILD.2.1                       CHILD.2.2
-          CHILD.2.3                       CHILD.2.4
-          CHILD.3.1                       CHILD.3.2
-          CHILD.3.3                       CHILD.3.4
-          CHILD.3.5                       CHILD.3.6
-          CHILD.3.7                       CHILD.3.8
-          CHILD.3.9
-          CHILD.1.1                       CHILD.3.4
-          CHILD.3.1                       CHILD.3.2
-          CHILD.3.3                       CHILD.3.5
-          CHILD.3.6                       CHILD.3.7
-          CHILD.3.8                       CHILD.3.9
-<a name="Link"></a>
-<h3>Create a Link to a Node</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Link"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Link (PID,name,file,name_in_file,ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Link</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFLINK</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *name</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *file</tt><br>
-                         <tt>const char *name_in_file</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 PID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) name</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) file</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) name_in_file</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>double ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>PID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node's parent.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>name</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The name of the link node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>file</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The file name to use for the link directly usable by a C
-       <tt>open()</tt> routine.
-       If blank (null), the link is assumed to be within the same file
-       as the parent (<tt><i>PID</i></tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>name_in_file</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The name of the node that the link will point to.
-       This can be a simple or a compound node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ID of the created node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Link</tt>, will create a link (reference) to a
-node somewhere within the same ADF database file or another ADF database
-The node that the newly created link node refers to (points to) does not
-have to exist when the link is created.
-The ADF library does not check to make sure that the referenced node
-actually exists at the time <tt>ADF_Link</tt> is called.
-However, when information from the referenced node is requested by
-routines such as <a href="subs_query.html#Get_Label"><tt>ADF_Get_Label</tt></a>
-or <a href="subs_io.html#Read_Data"><tt>ADF_Read_Data</tt></a>, the
-referenced node is then accessed.
-If the referenced node is not in existence at that time, an error will
-<tt>ADF_Link</tt> behaves like a "soft link" in the UNIX operating system.
-<u><i>Example 1</i></u>
-This example creates a link to another node that exists in the same
-physical file.
-Note that the length of <tt><i>name_in_file</i></tt> is not limited to 32
-characters but can be any length required to fully specify the desired
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-         CHARACTER*(72) FN,PATH
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,PID,CID,PID1,PID3
-         INTEGER I,J,IERR
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         WRITE(*,100)
-     100 FORMAT(/,' *** ORIGINAL DATABASE SETUP ***')
-         DO 150 I = 1,3
-            WRITE(NODNAM,'(A7,I1)')'PARENT.',I
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-   C
-   C
-            NUMCLD = I*I
-            DO 110 J = 1,NUMCLD
-               WRITE(NODNAM,'(A6,I1,A1,I1)')'CHILD.',I,'.',J
-               CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-               WRITE(NODLBL,105)I,J
-     105       FORMAT('LABEL STRING IN CHILD.',I1,'.',I1)
-               CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-     110    CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-            CALL PRTCLD(PID)
-     150 CONTINUE
-   C
-   C
-   C
-        X             '/PARENT.3/CHILD.3.4',CID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         WRITE(*,160)
-     160 FORMAT(/,'*** PARENT.1 AFTER LINK ***')
-         CALL PRTCLD(PID1)
-   C
-   C
-         WRITE(*,170)TSTLBL
-     170 FORMAT(/,'LINKED_NODE LABEL = ',A)
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         REAL*8 PID
-         WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-     120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X       '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-         NLEFT = NUMC
-         ISTART = 1
-   C     --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130 CONTINUE
-        X                NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140    FORMAT(2(8X,A))
-            NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-            ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-         IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-          CHILD.1.1
-          CHILD.2.1                       CHILD.2.2
-          CHILD.2.3                       CHILD.2.4
-          CHILD.3.1                       CHILD.3.2
-          CHILD.3.3                       CHILD.3.4
-          CHILD.3.5                       CHILD.3.6
-          CHILD.3.7                       CHILD.3.8
-          CHILD.3.9
-   *** PARENT.1 AFTER LINK ***
-          CHILD.1.1                       LINKED_NODE
-<u><i>Example 2</i></u>
-This example illustrates the linking of nodes across files.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,PID,CID
-         INTEGER IERR
-   C
-   C *** 1.) OPEN 1ST DATABASE
-   C     2.) CREATE TWO NODES
-   C     3.) PUT LABEL ON 2ND NODE
-   C     4.) CLOSE DATABASE
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db1.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C *** 1.) OPEN 2ND DATABASE
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db2.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFLINK(PID,'LINKED_NODE','db1.adf',
-        X             '/DB1_NODE1/DB1_NODE2',CID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         WRITE(*,160)
-     160 FORMAT(/,'*** PARENT AFTER LINK ***')
-         CALL PRTCLD(PID)
-   C
-   C
-         WRITE(*,170)TSTLBL
-     170 FORMAT(/,'LINKED_NODE LABEL = ',A)
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         REAL*8 PID
-         WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-     120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X       '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-         NLEFT = NUMC
-         ISTART = 1
-   C     --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130 CONTINUE
-        X                NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140    FORMAT(2(8X,A))
-            NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-            ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-         IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-          DB2_NODE2                       LINKED_NODE
-<a name="Is_Link"></a>
-<h3>See If the Node Is a Link</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Is_Link"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Is_Link (ID,link_path_length,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Is_Link</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFISLK</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>int *link_path_length</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>integer link_path_length</tt><br>
-                         <tt>integer error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>link_path_length</i></tt><td>
-   <td>This returned value is zero if the node is not a link.
-       If the node referenced by <tt><i>ID</i></tt> is a link within the
-       same file, the number of characters in the path is returned.
-       If the node referenced by <tt><i>ID</i></tt> is a link in another
-       file, the sum of the number of characters in the referenced file
-       name and the number of characters in the path + 1 is returned.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Is_Link</tt>, tests to see if the node is a link.
-If the actual data type of the node is <tt>LK</tt> (created with
-<a href="#Link"><tt>ADF_Link</tt></a>), the routine returns the link
-path length; otherwise it returns 0.
-This example creates a link into a second file, and then calls
-<tt>ADF_Is_Link</tt> to determine whether the requested node is indeed a
-link or a normal node.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,PID,CID
-         INTEGER IERR
-   C
-   C *** 1.) OPEN 1ST DATABASE
-   C     2.) CREATE TWO NODES
-   C     3.) PUT LABEL ON 2ND NODE
-   C     4.) CLOSE DATABASE
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db1.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C *** 1.) OPEN 2ND DATABASE
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db2.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFLINK(PID,'LINKED_NODE','db1.adf',
-        X             '/DB1_NODE1/DB1_NODE2',CID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-   PATH LENGTH FROM LINK IS:           28
-<a name="Get_Link_Path"></a>
-<h3>Get the Path Information From a Link</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Link_Path"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Link_Path (ID,file,name_in_file,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Link_Path</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGLKP</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>char *file</tt><br>
-                         <tt>char *name_in_file</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>character*(*) file</tt><br>
-                         <tt>character*(*) name_in_file</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The ID of the node to use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>file</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The file name to use for the link.
-       It is directly usable by the C <tt>open()</tt> routine.
-       If blank (null), the link is within the same file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>name_in_file</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The name of the node that the link points to.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Link_Path</tt>, gets the path information from
-a link.
-If the node is a link node, the routine returns the path information;
-otherwise it returns an error.
-This example opens two ADF files.
-A link is created in the second file (<i>db2.adf</i>) that references a
-node in the first file (<i>db1.adf</i>).
-<tt>ADFGLKP</tt> is used to extract the file name and path that the link
-actually points to.
-It is not anticipated that this information will be useful to the normal
-For most applications, it is best to allow ADF to resolve the link
-internally, transparent to the user.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-         REAL*8 RID,PID,CID
-         INTEGER IERR
-   C
-   C *** 1.) OPEN 1ST DATABASE
-   C     2.) CREATE TWO NODES
-   C     3.) PUT LABEL ON 2ND NODE
-   C     4.) CLOSE DATABASE
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db1.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C *** 1.) OPEN 2ND DATABASE
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db2.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFLINK(PID,'LINKED_NODE','db1.adf',
-        X             '/DB1_NODE1/DB1_NODE2',CID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         PRINT *,' FILE: ',FILENM
-         PRINT *,' PATH: ',PATH
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-   C
-   C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CHARACTER*80 MESS
-         IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
-            PRINT *,MESS
-            CALL ABORT('ADF ERROR')
-         ENDIF
-         RETURN
-         END
-   C
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCLD=10)
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-         REAL*8 PID
-         WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-     120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-        X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-        X       '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-         NLEFT = NUMC
-         ISTART = 1
-   C     --- TOP OF DO-WHILE LOOP
-     130 CONTINUE
-        X                NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-            CALL ERRCHK(IERR)
-            WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-     140    FORMAT(2(8X,A))
-            NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-            ISTART = ISTART + MAXCLD
-         IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-         RETURN
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-   FILE: db1.adf
-<a name="Get_Root_ID"></a>
-<h3>Get the Root ID for the ADF System</h3>
-<table align=center width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<tr><th colspan=3 align=left scope=colgroup abbr="ADF_Get_Root_ID"><br>
-<tt>ADF_Get_Root_ID (ID,root_ID,error_return)</tt><br><br>
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Language
-    <th align=center scope=column>C
-    <th align=center scope=column>Fortran
-<tr><th align=right scope=row>Routine Name
-    <td align=center><tt>ADF_Get_Root_ID</tt>
-    <td align=center><tt>ADFGRID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Input
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>const double ID</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 ID</tt>
-<tr><th width=18% align=right valign=baseline scope=row>Output
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>double root_ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-    <td width=41% nowrap><tt>real*8 root_ID</tt><br>
-                         <tt>int *error_return</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><i>ID</i></tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Any valid node ID for the given ADF database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>root_ID</i></tt><td>
-   <td>The ID of the root node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><i>error_return</i></tt><td>
-   <td><a href="errors.html">Error return code.</a>
-This routine, <tt>ADF_Get_Root_ID</tt>, returns the root ID for an ADF
-file when given any valid node ID for that file.
-This example illustrates that the root node ID can be obtained at any
-time by using a currently valid node ID for that file.
-   C
-         PARAMETER (MAXCHR=32)
-   C
-   C
-   C *** NODE IDS
-   C
-   C
-   C
-         CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
-   C
-   C
-         DO 150 I = 1,2
-            WRITE(NODNAM,'(A7,I1)')'PARENT.',I
-            TESTID = 0.0
-            ROOTNM =''
-            WRITE(*,100)NODNAM,ROOTNM
-     100    FORMAT('USING NODE ID FROM: ',A,
-        X          ' ROOT NAME = ',A)
-   C
-   C
-            NUMCLD = 2*I
-            DO 110 J = 1,NUMCLD
-               WRITE(NODNAM,'(A6,I1,A1,I1)')'CHILD.',I,'.',J
-               TESTID = 0.0
-               ROOTNM =''
-               WRITE(*,100)NODNAM,ROOTNM
-     110    CONTINUE
-     150 CONTINUE
-   C
-         STOP
-         END
-The resulting output is:
-   USING NODE ID FROM: PARENT.1          ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-   USING NODE ID FROM: CHILD.1.1         ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-   USING NODE ID FROM: CHILD.1.2         ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-   USING NODE ID FROM: PARENT.2          ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-   USING NODE ID FROM: CHILD.2.1         ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-   USING NODE ID FROM: CHILD.2.2         ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-   USING NODE ID FROM: CHILD.2.3         ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-   USING NODE ID FROM: CHILD.2.4         ROOT NAME = ADF MotherNode
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-(<span class=nav><b>Summary&nbsp;Description&nbsp;of&nbsp;ADF</b></span>)
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-<h2>Summary Description of ADF (Advanced Data Format)</h2>
-<li> <a href="#general">General Description of ADF</a>
-<li> <a href="#adfnodestructure">The Structure of an ADF Node</a>
-The purpose of the current document is to describe the way in which
-CFD data is to be stored in an ADF file.  To do this, it is necessary
-to first describe the structure of the ADF file itself in some
-detail. Therefore, a conceptual summary of ADF is given here in order
-to make the current document relatively independent, and to allow
-the reader to focus on those aspects of ADF which are essential to
-understanding the file mapping.
-The <a href="../adf/index.html">ADF User's Guide</a> should be used as
-the authoritative reference to resolve any issues not covered by this
-<a name="general"></a>
-<h3>General Description of ADF</h3>
-The ADF, or Advanced Data Format, together with its access software
-known as the ADF Core, constitutes a general database manager
-particularly suited to the storage of numerical data. Its use is not
-restricted to data connected with CFD, and ADF contains no built-in
-references to concepts from CFD.
-<h4>ADF Files and the ADF Core</h4>
-Files created by the ADF Core are referred to as ADF files. These
-are binary files whose precise physical form on the external storage
-medium is completely controlled by the Core routines. ADF files are not
-intelligible or accessible except through the ADF Core routines, and
-their physical form is of interest only to ADF Core programmers.
-The ADF Core routines perform typical operations on ADF files: open,
-close, create, delete, read, write, and so on. They are written in ANSI
-C and are thus themselves portable to any platform supporting an ANSI
-C compiler. Because the Core completely determines the physical form
-of the ADF files, the files themselves can be read on those platforms
-as well.
-[There are necessarily some issues relating to the
-retention of precision on platforms of varying word length.]
-In addition to portability, this arrangement provides integrity of data
-across both space and time. In particular, it is never necessary to know
-more about an ADF file (other than that it is one) in order to open it
-and find out what it contains.
-The ADF Core implements the minimal set of procedures required to fully
-manipulate the database. The Core itself is written in C, but each Core
-call is also provided in Fortran. This enables the user to access ADF
-data from either of these languages.
-<h4>The Conceptual Structure of ADF Files</h4>
-Although the physical structure of an ADF file in storage is (or should
-be) of little concern to users of ADF, an understanding of its logical
-or conceptual structure is essential. This structure determines its
-suitability for the type of data at hand and is reflected in all of the
-ADF Core calling sequences.
-An ADF file consists entirely of a collection of elements called
-nodes. These nodes are arranged in a tree structure which is logically
-similar to a UNIX file system. The nodes are said to be connected in a
-"child-parent" relationship according to the following simple rules:
-<li> Each node may have any number of child nodes.
-<li> Except for one node, called the root, each node is the child of
-     exactly one other node, called its parent.
-<li> The root node has no parent.
-Every node in an ADF file has exactly the same internal structure. Each
-node contains identifying information, pointers to any children, and,
-optionally, data.
-When an ADF file is opened (by the appropriate Core routine),
-information is returned to the calling program which is sufficient to
-access the root node. It is then the responsibility of the program to
-search the tree for whatever information is required, or to add to the
-tree any information it wishes to store.
-There is a special kind of node called a link, which serves as a pointer
-to a node in another ADF file, or in another part of the same ADF
-file. The tree structure at and below the node to which the link points
-is available as if that node were present instead of the link. This
-allows an ADF file to span multiple physical files, and also allows a
-portion of one ADF file to be referenced by several other ADF files.
-<h4>The ADF Mid-Level Library (projected)</h4>
-The ADF Core routines access the data at a very fundamental level. Since
-by definition the Core implements a minimum number of basic functions,
-it necessarily deals with the data at a very fundamental level. While
-skilled programmers may find this acceptable, most programs define
-higher level routines which coalesce oft-repeated sequences of Core
-calls. We envision that these routines will eventually be gathered into
-an ADF "Mid-Level" Library.
-At this time, there are approximately four such routines. However, there
-has been no coordinated effort to gather, organize, or distribute such a
-(These remarks apply only to routines designed to access general ADF
-data. There does exist a set of higher level routines used to access CFD
-related data, namely, the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level
-<a name="adfnodestructure"></a>
-<h3>The Structure of an ADF Node</h3>
-The File Mapping specifies not only the location of the node at which
-a particular kind of data is to be stored, but also how the internal
-structure of the node is to be used. Each node contains a number of
-fields into which data may be entered directly via ADF Core calls. They
-<li> The <a href="#nodename">Node Name</a>
-<li> The <a href="#label">Label</a>
-<li> The <a href="#datatype">Data Type</a>
-<li> The <a href="#dimensions">Number of Dimensions</a>
-<li> The <a href="#dimvalues">Dimension Values</a>
-<li> The <a href="#data">Data</a>
-In addition, two other entities associated with the nodes are managed by
-ADF itself. These are:
-<li> The <a href="#nodeid">Node ID</a>
-<li> The <a href="#childtable">Child Table</a>
-<a name="nodeid"></a>
-<h4>The Node ID</h4>
-The node ID is a unique identifier assigned to each existing node by
-ADF when the file containing it is opened, and to new nodes as they are
-created. ADF Core inquiries generally return node IDs as a result and
-accept node IDs as input. By building a table of IDs, calling software
-can subsequently access specific nodes without further search. The Node
-ID is real and is not under user control.
-<a name="nodename"></a>
-<h4>The Node Name</h4>
-The node Name is a 32-byte character field which is user
-controllable. Its general use is to distinguish among the children of a
-given node; consequently, no two children of the same parent may have
-the same Name.
-<a name="label"></a>
-<h4>The Label</h4>
-The Label is a 32-byte character field which is user controllable. ADF
-assigns no formal role to the Label, but the intent was to identify
-the structure of the included data. It is common for the various
-children of a single parent to store different instances of the same
-structure. Therefore, there is no prohibition against more than one
-child of the same parent having the same Label.
-<a name="datatype"></a>
-<h4>The Data Type</h4>
-The Data Type is a 32-byte character field which specifies the type and
-precision of any data which is stored in the data field. Types provided
-by ADF are:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Data Type</u><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Notation</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>No Data<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Integer 32<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Integer 64<td>
-   <td><tt>I8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Unsigned Integer 32<td>
-   <td><tt>U4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Unsigned Integer 64<td>
-   <td><tt>U8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Real 32<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Real 64<td>
-   <td><tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Complex 64<td>
-   <td><tt>X4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Complex 128<td>
-   <td><tt>X8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Character<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Byte<td>
-   <td><tt>B1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Link<td>
-   <td><tt>LK</tt>
-If the data type is <tt>MT</tt> or <tt>LK</tt>, the node attributes which
-described the data may be left undefined.
-<a name="dimensions"></a>
-<h4>The Number of Dimensions</h4>
-The Data portion of a node is designed to store multi-dimensional arrays
-of data, each element of which is presumed to be of the Data Type
-specified. The Number of Dimensions specifies the number of integers
-required to reference a single datum within the array.
-<a name="dimvalues"></a>
-<h4>The Dimension Values</h4>
-The Dimension Values are a list of integers expressing the actual sizes
-of the stored array in each of the dimensions specified.
-<a name="data"></a>
-<h4>The Data</h4>
-The portion of the node holding the actual stored data array.
-<a name="childtable"></a>
-<h4>The Child Table</h4>
-ADF maintains a table recording the number of, and pointers to, the
-children of each node. The table is adjusted when children are added or
-deleted by ADF Core calls.
-Children may be identified by their names and labels, and, thence,
-by their node IDs once these have been determined. ADF provides no
-notion of order among children. In particular, the order of a list of
-children returned by ADF has nothing to do with the order in which they
-were inserted in the file. However, the order returned is consistent
-from call to call provided the file has not been closed and the node
-structure has not been modified.
-Note that there is no <em>parent</em> table; that is, a node has no direct
-knowledge of its parent. Since calling software must open the file
-from the root, it presumably cannot access a child without having
-first accessed the parent.  It is the responsibility of the calling
-software to record the node ID of the parent if this information will be
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-Last updated 05 April 2011
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-(<span class=nav><b>File&nbsp;Version&nbsp;Control&nbsp;Numbering</b></span>)
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>ADF File Version Control Numbering</h2>
-The ADF file version control number scheme is described below.
-The format for the version number is a field of six digits or characters:
-   AXXxxx
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>A</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Major revision number.
-       Major internal structure changes.
-       This number is not expected to change very often, if at all,
-       because the backward compatibility is only available by explicit
-       policy decision.
-       <br><br>
-       One alphabetic character.
-       <br><br>
-       Range of values: <tt>A-Z</tt>, <tt>a-z</tt>
-       <br><br>
-       In the unlikely event of reaching <tt>z</tt>, then use any other
-       unused printable ASCII character, except the blank or symbols
-       used by the "<i>what</i>" command 
-   @()#~>\
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>XX</tt><td>
-   <td>Minor revision number.
-       New features, minor changes, and bug fixes.
-       Backward but not forward compatible.
-       <br><br>
-       Two-digit hexadecimal number (uppercase letters).
-       <br><br>
-       Range of values: <tt>00-FF</tt>
-       <br><br>
-       Reset to <tt>00</tt> with changes in major revision number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>xxx</tt><td>
-   <td>Incremental number.
-       Incremented with every new version of the library (even if no
-       changes are made to the file format).
-       Files are forward and backward compatible.
-       <br><br>
-       Three-digit hexadecimal number (lowercase letters).
-       <br><br>
-       Range of values: <tt>000-fff</tt>
-       <br><br>
-       Does not reset.
-The following definitions are used:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Forward compatible<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Older versions of libraries can read and write to files created
-       by newer versions of libraries.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Backward compatible<td>
-   <td>Newer versions of libraries can read and write to files created
-       by older versions of libraries.
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-Last updated 25 Oct 2001
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-   <td><img src="logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System</h1>
-<h2>AIAA Recommended Practice</h2>
-As part of its role as a sub-committee of the
-<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=262">AIAA CFD
-Committee on Standards</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">,
-the CGNS Steering Committee was involved in the development of the
-AIAA Recommended Practice for recording and recovering computer data
-associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid
-The Recommended Practice consists of the CGNS Standard Interface
-Data Structures (SIDS) document, reformatted to conform to AIAA's
-Although outdated, the current AIAA Recommended Practice (corresponding to CGNS Version
-2.4) is available as an
-<a href="sids/aiaa/R_101A_2005.pdf">outdated PDF file</a> (1.01M, 200 pages;
-copyright AIAA, made available here by permission).
-<!--See email in "cgnsaiaa" folder from me to Craig Day (23 Sep 2002)
-and from Craig Day to me (21 Oct 2002)-->
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-Last updated 25 Sep 2015
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-<h2>Database-Level Routines</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_is_supported(<span class=in>int file_type</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_check_file(<span class=in>const char *filename</span>, <span class=out><i>int *file_type</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_open_file(<span class=in>const char *filename</span>, <span class=in>int file_mode</span>, <span class=in>int file_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *cgio_num</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_close_file(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_file_type(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>int *file_type</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_root_id(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>double *rootid</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_is_supported_f(<span class=in>file_type</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_check_file_f(<span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=out><i>file_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_open_file_f(<span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=in>file_mode</span>, <span class=in>file_type</span>, <span class=out><i>cgio_num</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_close_file_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_file_type_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>file_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_root_id_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>rootid</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>file_type</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Type of database file. acceptable values are <tt>CGIO_FILE_NONE</tt>,
-       <tt>CGIO_FILE_ADF</tt>, <tt>CGIO_FILE_HDF5</tt> and.<tt>CGIO_FILE_ADF2</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>filename</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the database file, including path name if necessary.
-       There is no limit on the length of this character variable.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>file_mode</tt><td>
-   <td>Mode used for opening the file. The supported modes are.
-       <tt>CGIO_MODE_READ</tt>, <tt>CGIO_MODE_WRITE</tt>, and
-       <tt>CGIO_MODE_MODIFY</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>cgio_num</tt><td>
-   <td>Identifier for the open database file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>rootid</tt><td>
-   <td>Node identifier for the root node of the database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<h2>Function Descriptions</h2>
-<a name="is_supported"></a>
-<dd>Determines if the database type given by <tt>file_type</tt> is supported
-    by the library. Returns 0 if supported, else <tt>CGIO_ERR_FILE_TYPE</tt>
-    if not. <tt>CGIO_FILE_ADF</tt> is always supported;
-    <tt>CGIO_FILE_HDF5</tt> is supported if the library was built with HDF5;
-    and <tt>CGIO_FILE_ADF2</tt> is supported when built in 32-bit mode.
-<a name="check_file"></a>
-<dd>Checks the file <tt>filename</tt> to determine if it is a valid database.
-    If so, returns 0 and the type of database in <tt>file_type</tt>,
-    otherwise returns an error code and <tt>file_type</tt> will be set
-    to <tt>CGIO_FILE_NONE</tt>.
-<a name="open_file"></a>
-<dd>Opens a database file of the specified type and mode. If successful,
-    returns 0, and the database identifier in <tt>cgio_num</tt>, otherwise
-    returns an error code. The database identifier is used to access the
-    database in subsequent function calls.
-    <br><br>
-    The mode in which the database is opened is given by <tt>file_mode</tt>,
-    which may take the value <tt>CGIO_MODE_READ</tt>, <tt>CGIO_MODE_WRITE</tt>,
-    or <tt>CGIO_MODE_MODIFY</tt>. New databases should be opened with
-    <tt>CGIO_MODE_WRITE</tt>, while existing databases are opened with either
-    <tt>CGIO_MODE_READ</tt> (for read-only access) or
-    <tt>CGIO_MODE_MODIFY</tt> (for read/write access).
-    <br><br>
-    A specific database type may be specified by <tt>file_type</tt>, which may
-    be one of <tt>CGIO_FILE_NONE</tt>, <tt>CGIO_FILE_ADF</tt>,
-    <tt>CGIO_FILE_HDF5</tt>, or <tt>CGIO_FILE_ADF2</tt>. When opening a database
-    in write mode, <tt>CGIO_FILE_NONE</tt> indicates that the default database
-    type should be used, otherwise the specified database type will be opened.
-    When opening in read or modify mode, <tt>CGIO_FILE_NONE</tt> indicates that
-    any database type is acceptable, otherwise if the database type does
-    not match that given by <tt>file_type</tt> an error will be returned.
-<a name="close_file"></a>
-<dd>Closes the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. Returns 0 for success,
-    else an error code.
-<a name="get_file_type"></a>
-<dd>Gets the type of the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>.
-    Returns 0 and the type in <tt>file_type</tt> if successful,
-    else an error code.
-<a name="get_root_id"></a>
-<dd>Gets the unique node identifier for the root node in the database given
-    by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. Returns 0 and the identifier in <tt>rootid</tt>
-    if successful, else an error code.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 06 April 2011
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-<h2>Data I/O Routines</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_read_data_type(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_end</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_stride</span>, <span class=in>const char *m_data_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int m_num_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_end</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_stride</span>, <span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_read_all_data_type(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>const char *m_data_type</span>, <span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_read_block_data_type(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t b_start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t b_end</span>, <span class=cgin>const char *m_data_type</span>, <span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_write_data(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_end</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_stride</span>, <span class=in>int m_num_dims</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_start</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_end</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_stride</span>, <span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_write_data_type(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_end</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *s_stride</span>, <span class=cgin>const char *m_data_type</span>,<br>
-	       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int m_num_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_start</span>, <br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_end</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *m_stride</span>, <span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_write_all_data(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_write_all_data_type(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>const char *m_data_type</span>, <span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_write_block_data(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t b_start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t b_end</span>, <span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_read_data_type_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=cgin>s_start</span>, <span class=cgin>s_end</span>, <span class=cgin>s_stride</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>m_data_type</span>, <span class=in>m_num_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>m_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>m_start</span>, <span class=cgin>m_end</span>, <span class=cgin>m_stride</span>, <span class=out><i>data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_read_all_data_type_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>m_data_type</span>, <span class=out><i>data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_read_block_data_type_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=cgin>b_start</span>, <span class=cgin>b_end</span>, <span class=cgin>m_data_type</span>,  <span class=out><i>data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_write_data_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=cgin>s_start</span>, <span class=cgin>s_end</span>, <span class=cgin>s_stride</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>m_num_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>m_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>m_start</span>, <span class=cgin>m_end</span>, <span class=cgin>m_stride</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_write_data_type_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=cgin>s_start</span>, <span class=cgin>s_end</span>, <span class=cgin>s_stride</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>m_data_type</span>, <span class=in>m_num_dims</span>, <span class=in>m_num_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>m_dims</span>, <span class=cgin>m_start</span>, <span class=cgin>m_end</span>, <span class=cgin>m_stride</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_write_all_data_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_write_all_data_type_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>m_data_type</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_write_block_data_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=cgin>b_start</span>, <span class=cgin>b_end</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>cgio_num</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Database identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>id</tt><td>
-   <td>Node identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>s_start</tt><td>
-   <td>Starting indices for data in the database.
-       Fortran indexing is used (starting at 1).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>s_end</tt><td>
-   <td>Ending indices for data in the database.
-       Fortran indexing is used (starting at 1).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>s_stride</tt><td>
-   <td>Step increment for data in the database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>m_num_dims</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions for data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>m_dims</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimension values for data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>m_start</tt><td>
-   <td>Starting indices for data in memory.
-       Fortran indexing is used (starting at 1).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>m_end</tt><td>
-   <td>Ending indices for data in memory.
-       Fortran indexing is used (starting at 1).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>m_stride</tt><td>
-   <td>Step increment for data in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>m_data_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of data being used for data in memory. One of "I4", "I8", "U4", "U8", "R4", "R8", "C1", or "B1".
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of data to be read or written.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>b_start</tt><td>
-   <td>Starting offset (index) for the data in the database.
-       Fortran indexing is used (starting at 1).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>b_end</tt><td>
-   <td>Ending offset (index) for the data in the database.
-       Fortran indexing is used (starting at 1).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<h2>Function Descriptions</h2>
-<a name="read_data_type"></a>
-<dd>This routine provides general purpose read capabilities from the
-    node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>.
-    It allows for a general specification of the starting location within
-    the data as well as fixed step lengths (strides) through the data from
-    the initial position.
-    This capability works for both the data on disk and the data being
-    stored in memory. One set of vectors (<tt>s_start</tt>,
-    <tt>s_end</tt> and <tt>s_stride</tt>) are used to describe the mapping
-    of the data within the node, and a second set of vectors
-    (<tt>m_start</tt>, <tt>m_end</tt> and <tt>m_stride</tt>) are used to
-    describe the mapping of the desired data within memory.
-    <br><br>
-    The memory dimensions are given by <tt>m_num_dims</tt> and <tt>m_dims</tt>.
-    There is no requirement that the node dimensions and memory dimensions
-    match, only that the total number of values to be read are the same
-    for the node and memory specifications.
-    <br><br>
-    The data are stored in both memory and on disk in "Fortran ordering."
-    That is, the first index varies the fastest, and indexing starts at 1.
-    Negative indexing is not allowed.
-    <br><br>
-    Be careful when writing data using
-    <a href="#write_all_data"><tt>cgio_write_all_data</tt></a> and then using
-    <tt>cgio_read_data_type</tt> to randomly access the data.
-    <tt>cgio_write_all_data_type</tt> takes a starting address in memory and
-    writes <i>N</i> words to disk, making no assumption as to the order of
-    the data.
-    <tt>cgio_read_data_type</tt> assumes that the data have Fortran-like
-    ordering to navigate through the data in memory and on disk.
-    It assumes that the first dimension varies the fastest.
-    It would be easy for a C program to use the default array ordering
-    (last dimension varying fastest) and write the data out using
-    <tt>cgio_write_all_data_type</tt>. Then another program might use
-    <tt>cgio_read_data_type</tt> to access a subsection of the data, and the
-    routine would not return what was expected.
-    <br><br>
-    There can be a significant performance penalty for using
-    <tt>cgio_read_data_type</tt> when compared with
-    <a href="#read_all_data_type"><tt>cgio_read_all_data_type</tt></a>.
-    If performance is a major consideration, it is best to organize
-    data to take advantage of the speed of <tt>cgio_read_all_data_type</tt>.
-    <br><br>
-    The function returns 0 on success, else an error code.
-<a name="read_all_data_type"></a>
-<dd>Reads all the data from the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the
-    database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. On success, the function
-    returns 0 and the data in <tt>data</tt>, else an error code is returned.
-    <i>Note</i>: Data is returned in Fortran indexing order.
-<a name="read_block_data_type"></a>
-<dd>Reads a contiguous block of data from the node identified by <tt>id</tt>
-    in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. On success, the function
-    returns 0 and the data in <tt>data</tt>, else an error code is returned.
-    The starting index is given by <tt>b_start</tt> and the end by
-    <tt>b_end</tt>.
-    <i>Note</i>: Fortran indexing order for multi-dimensional data is used
-    when computing the starting and ending locations.
-<a name="write_data"></a>
-<dt><tt>cgio_write_data</tt>, <tt>cgio_write_data_type</tt>
-<dd>This function is similar to <a href="#read_data_type">cgio_read_data_type</a>,
-    but writes the data from memory to the node.
-<a name="write_all_data"></a>
-<dt><tt>cgio_write_all_data</tt>, <tt>cgio_write_all_data_type</tt>
-<dd>This function is similar to <a href="#read_all_data_type">cgio_read_all_data_type</a>,
-    but writes the data from memory to the node.
-<a name="write_block_data"></a>
-<dd>This function is similar to <a href="#read_block_data_type">cgio_read_block_data_type</a>,
-    but writes the data from memory to the node.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 04 March 2020
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Error Handling Routines</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_error_message(<span class=out><i>char *error_msg</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>void cgio_error_code(<span class=out><i>int *errcode</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *file_type</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>void cgio_error_exit(<span class=in>const char *msg</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>void cgio_error_abort(<span class=in>int abort_flag</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_error_message_f(<span class=out><i>error_msg</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_error_code_f(<span class=out><i>errcode</i></span>, <span class=out><i>file_type</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_error_exit_f(<span class=in>msg</span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_error_abort_f(<span class=in>abort_flag</span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;-</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>error_msg</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Error message from CGIO or the underlying database manager.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>errcode</tt><td>
-   <td>The last error code from CGIO or the underlying database manager.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>file_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Where the last error was encountered. <tt>CGIO_FILE_NONE</tt> for an
-       error coming from CGIO, else the type of database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>msg</tt><td>
-   <td>An additional message to print, which prefixes the error message
-       before exiting. This may be <tt>NULL</tt> or an empty string, in
-       which case it is not printed.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>abort_flag</tt><td>
-   <td>Abort on error flag.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<h2>Function Descriptions</h2>
-<a name="error_message"></a>
-<dd>Gets the error message for the last error encountered, and returns
-    it in <tt>error_msg</tt>, Maximum length of the error message is
-    <tt>CGIO_MAX_ERROR_LENGTH</tt> (80). In C, <tt>error_msg</tt> should
-    be dimensioned at least 81 in the calling routine
-    to allow for the terminating '0'. The function returns the error
-    code corresponding to the error message.
-<a name="error_code"></a>
-<dd>Returns the last error code in <tt>errcode</tt> and where is was
-    generated in <tt>file_type</tt>. If the error code is &lt; 0, then
-    the error is from the CGIO library, and <tt>file_type</tt> will be
-    <tt>CGIO_FILE_NONE</tt>, otherwise <tt>file_type</tt> will be the
-    type of database.
-<a name="error_exit"></a>
-<dd>Prints <tt>msg</tt> and any error message to <i>stderr</i> and exits.
-    The exit code will be <tt>abort_flag</tt> if it is set, else &minus;1.
-    If <tt>msg</tt> is <tt>NULL</tt> or
-    an empty string, then it is not printed.
-<a name="error_abort"></a>
-<dd>Sets the flag to abort (exit) when an error is encountered. If
-    <tt>abort_flag</tt> is non-zero, then an error in the CGIO routines
-    or database managers will cause <tt>cgio_error_exit</tt> to be called.
-    The exceptions are
-    <a href="database.html#is_supported">cgio_is_supported</a>,
-    <a href="database.html#check_file">cgio_check_file</a>, and
-    <a href="links.html#is_link">cgio_is_link</a>. These routines
-    will not cause an abort on an error.
-<a name="messages"></a>
-<h2>Error Messages</h2>
-This is a list of the possible return codes from the CGIO routines
-along with the error messages.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col><u>Code</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Error Message</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>0<td>
-   <td>no error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;1<td>
-   <td>invalid cgio index
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;2<td>
-   <td>malloc/realloc failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;3<td>
-   <td>unknown file open mode
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;4<td>
-   <td>invalid file type
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;5<td>
-   <td>filename is NULL or empty
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;6<td>
-   <td>character string is too small
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;7<td>
-   <td>file was not found
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;8<td>
-   <td>pathname is NULL or empty
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;9<td>
-   <td>no match for pathname
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;10<td>
-   <td>error opening file for reading
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;11<td>
-   <td>file opened in read-only mode
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;12<td>
-   <td>NULL or empty string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;13<td>
-   <td>invalid configure option
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;14<td>
-   <td>rename of tempfile file failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;15<td>
-   <td>too many open files
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>&minus;16<td>
-   <td>dimensions exceed that for a 32-bit integer
-Error codes from the ADF and HDF5 database managers.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col><u>Code</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Error Message</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>1<td>
-   <td>Integer number is less than a given minimum value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>2<td>
-   <td>Integer value is greater than given maximum value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>3<td>
-   <td>String length of zero of blank string detected
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>4<td>
-   <td>String length longer than maximum allowable length
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>5<td>
-   <td>String length is not an ASCII-Hex string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>6<td>
-   <td>Too many ADF files opened
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>7<td>
-   <td>ADF file status was not recognized
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>8<td>
-   <td>ADF file open error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>9<td>
-   <td>ADF file not currently opened
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>10<td>
-   <td>ADF file index out of legal range
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>11<td>
-   <td>Block/offset out of legal range
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>12<td>
-   <td>A string pointer is null
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>13<td>
-   <td>FSEEK error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>14<td>
-   <td>FWRITE error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>15<td>
-   <td>FREAD error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>16<td>
-   <td>Internal error: Memory boundary tag bad
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>17<td>
-   <td>Internal error: Disk boundary tag bad
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>18<td>
-   <td>File Open Error: NEW - File already exists
-       (see <a href="#note1">Note 1</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>19<td>
-   <td>ADF file format was not recognized
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>20<td>
-   <td>Attempt to free the RootNode disk information
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>21<td>
-   <td>Attempt to free the FreeChunkTable disk information
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>22<td>
-   <td>File Open Error: OLD - File does not exist
-       (see <a href="#note2">Note 2</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>23<td>
-   <td>Entered area of unimplemented code
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>24<td>
-   <td>Subnode entries are bad
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>25<td>
-   <td>Memory allocation failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>26<td>
-   <td>Duplicate child name under a parent node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>27<td>
-   <td>Node has no dimensions
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>28<td>
-   <td>Node's number of dimensions is not in legal range
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>29<td>
-   <td>Specified child is not a child of the specified parent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>30<td>
-   <td>Data-Type is too long
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>31<td>
-   <td>Invalid Data-Type
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>32<td>
-   <td>A pointer is null
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>33<td>
-   <td>Node had no data associated with it
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>34<td>
-   <td>Error zeroing out of memory
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>35<td>
-   <td>Requested data exceeds actual data available
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>36<td>
-   <td>Bad end value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>37<td>
-   <td>Bad stride values
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>38<td>
-   <td>Minimum value is greater than maximum value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>39<td>
-   <td>The format of this machine does not match a known signature
-       (see <a href="#note3">Note 3</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>40<td>
-   <td>Cannot convert to or from an unknown native format
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>41<td>
-   <td>The two conversion formats are equal; no conversion done
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>42<td>
-   <td>The data format is not supported on a particular machine
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>43<td>
-   <td>File close error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>44<td>
-   <td>Numeric overflow/underflow in data conversion
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>45<td>
-   <td>Bad start value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>46<td>
-   <td>A value of zero is not allowable
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>47<td>
-   <td>Bad dimension value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>48<td>
-   <td>Error state must be either a 0 (zero) or a 1 (one)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>49<td>
-   <td>Dimensional specifications for disk and memory are unequal
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>50<td>
-   <td>Too many link levels are used; may be caused by a recursive link
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>51<td>
-   <td>The node is not a link. It was expected to be a link.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>52<td>
-   <td>The linked-to node does not exist
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>53<td>
-   <td>The ADF file of a linked node is not accessible
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>54<td>
-   <td>A node ID of 0.0 is not valid
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>55<td>
-   <td>Incomplete data when reading multiple data blocks
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>56<td>
-   <td>Node name contains invalid characters
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>57<td>
-   <td>ADF file version incompatible with this library version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>58<td>
-   <td>Nodes are not from the same file
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>59<td>
-   <td>Priority stack error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>60<td>
-   <td>Machine format and file format are incomplete
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>61<td>
-   <td>Flush error
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>62<td>
-   <td>The node ID pointer is NULL
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>63<td>
-   <td>The maximum size for a file exceeded
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>64<td>
-   <td>Dimensions exceed that for a 32-bit integer
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>70<td>
-   <td>H5Glink:soft link creation failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>71<td>
-   <td>Node attribute doesn't exist
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>72<td>
-   <td>H5Aopen:open of node attribute failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>73<td>
-   <td>H5Iget_name:failed to get node path from ID
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>74<td>
-   <td>H5Gmove:moving a node group failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>75<td>
-   <td>H5Gunlink:node group deletion failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>76<td>
-   <td>H5Gopen:open of a node group failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>77<td>
-   <td>H5Dget_space:couldn't get node dataspace
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>78<td>
-   <td>H5Dopen:open of the node data failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>79<td>
-   <td>H5Dextend:couldn't extend the node dataspace
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>80<td>
-   <td>H5Dcreate:node data creation failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>81<td>
-   <td>H5Screate_simple:dataspace creation failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>82<td>
-   <td>H5Acreate:node attribute creation failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>83<td>
-   <td>H5Gcreate:node group creation failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>84<td>
-   <td>H5Dwrite:write to node data failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>85<td>
-   <td>H5Dread:read of node data failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>86<td>
-   <td>H5Awrite:write to node attribute failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>87<td>
-   <td>H5Aread:read of node attribute failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>88<td>
-   <td>H5Fmount:file mount failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>89<td>
-   <td>Can't move a linked-to node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>90<td>
-   <td>Can't change the data for a linked-to node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>91<td>
-   <td>Parent of node is a link
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>92<td>
-   <td>Can't delete a linked-to node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>93<td>
-   <td>File does not exist or is not a HDF5 file
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>94<td>
-   <td>unlink (delete) of file failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>95<td>
-   <td>couldn't get file index from node ID
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>96<td>
-   <td>H5Tcopy:copy of existing datatype failed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>97<td>
-   <td>H5Aget_type:couldn't get attribute datatype
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>98<td>
-   <td>H5Tset_size:couldn't set datatype size
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>99<td>
-   <td>routine not implemented
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>100<td>
-   <td>H5L: Link target is not an HDF5 external link
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>101<td>
-   <td>HDF5: No external link feature available
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>102<td>
-   <td>HDF5: Internal problem with objinfo
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>103<td>
-   <td>HDF5: No value for external link
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>104<td>
-   <td>HDF5: Cannot unpack external link
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>106<td>
-   <td>HDF5: Root descriptor is NULL
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>107<td>
-   <td>dimensions need transposed - open in modify mode
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td align=center>108<td>
-   <td>invalid configuration option
-<a name="note1"></a>
-<li> The user is trying to create a new file and give it a name.
-     The system has responded that the name has already been used.
-<a name="note2"></a>
-<li> The user wants to open an existing file that supposedly has the
-     given name.
-     The system has responded that no file by that name exists.
-<a name="note3"></a>
-<li> When ADF wakes up, it tries to figure out what data format the
-     machine it is running on uses (e.g., IEEE big endian, IEEE little
-     endian, Cray).
-     If it doesn't recognize the format, it can't convert files created
-     on other platforms to the current one, so it issues this error
-     message and punts.
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-Last updated 08 April 2011
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-(<span class=nav><b>Example&nbsp;Programs</b></span>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-The following examples build the database file shown in the
-<a href="library.html#example">example database figure</a>.
-<li> <a href="#Fortran">Fortran Example</a>
-<li> <a href="#C">C Example</a>
-<a name="Fortran"></a>
-<h3>Fortran Example</h3>
-      INCLUDE 'cgns_io_f.h'
-      REAL A(4,3),B(4,3)
-      INTEGER*4 IC(6),ID(6)
-      DATA A /1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1,
-     X        1.2,2.2,3.2,4.2,
-     X        1.3,2.3,3.3,4.3/
-      DATA IDIMA /4,3/
-      DATA IC /1,2,3,4,5,6/
-      DATA IDIMC /6/
-C     4.) PUT DATA IN F3
-      CALL CGIO_OPEN_FILE_F('file_two.cgio',CGIO_MODE_WRITE,
-     &                      CGIO_FILE_ADF,ICGIO,IERR)
-      RIDF2 = RID
-C     3.) PUT DATA IN N13
-      CALL CGIO_OPEN_FILE_F('file_one.cgio',CGIO_MODE_WRITE,
-     &                      CGIO_FILE_ADF,ICGIO,IERR)
-      CALL CGIO_CREATE_LINK_F(ICGIO,PID,'L3','file_two.cgio','/F3',
-     &                        TMPID,IERR)
-      PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-      PRINT *,'   DATA TYPE   = ',DTYPE
-      PRINT *,'   NUM OF DIMS = ',NUMDIM
-      PRINT *,'   DIM VALS    = ',IDIM
-      PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-      WRITE(*,100)((B(J,I),I=1,3),J=1,4)
-  100 FORMAT(5X,3F10.2)
-C     2.) N13
-      PRINT *,' '
-      PRINT *,' NODE N13:'
-      PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-      PRINT *,'   DATA TYPE   = ',DTYPE
-      PRINT *,'   NUM OF DIMS = ',NUMDIM
-      PRINT *,'   DIM VALS    = ',IDIMD
-      PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-      WRITE(*,200)(ID(I),I=1,6)
-  200 FORMAT(5X,6I6)
-C     3.) N13 THROUGH L1
-      PRINT *,' '
-      PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-      PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-      WRITE(*,200)(ID(I),I=1,6)
-C     4.) N13 THROUGH L2
-      PRINT *,' '
-      PRINT *,'   LABEL       = ',TSTLBL
-      PRINT *,'   DATA:'
-      WRITE(*,200)(ID(I),I=1,6)
-      CALL CGIO_OPEN_FILE_F('file_two.cgio',CGIO_MODE_READ,
-     &                      CGIO_FILE_ADF,ICGIO2,IERR)
-      PRINT *,' '
-      PRINT *,' file_two.cgio ORIGINAL ROOT ID = ',RIDF2
-      PRINT *,' file_two.cgio NEW ROOT ID      = ',RID
-      STOP
-      END
-C ************* SUBROUTINES ****************
-      REAL*8 PID
-      WRITE(*,120)NODNAM,NUMC
-  120 FORMAT(/,' PARENT NODE NAME = ',A,/,
-     X       '     NUMBER OF CHILDREN = ',I2,/,
-     X       '     CHILDREN NAMES:')
-      NLEFT = NUMC
-      ISTART = 1
-     X                              NUMRET,NDNMS,IERR)
-         WRITE(*,140)(NDNMS(K),K=1,NUMRET)
-  140    FORMAT(8X,A)
-         NLEFT = NLEFT - MAXCLD
-      IF (NLEFT .GT. 0) GO TO 130
-      RETURN
-      END
-The resulting output is:
-    LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE F3
-    DATA TYPE   = R4
-    NUM OF DIMS =  2
-    DIM VALS    =  4 3
-    DATA:
-           1.10      1.20      1.30
-           2.10      2.20      2.30
-           3.10      3.20      3.30
-           4.10      4.20      4.30
-  NODE N13:
-    LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE N13
-    DATA TYPE   = I4
-    NUM OF DIMS =  1
-    DIM VALS    =  6
-    DATA:
-          1     2     3     4     5     6
-    LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE N13
-    DATA:
-          1     2     3     4     5     6
-    LABEL       = LABEL ON NODE N13
-    DATA:
-          1     2     3     4     5     6
-        N1
-        N2
-        N3
-        N9
-        N10
-        N11
-  file_two.cgio ORIGINAL ROOT ID =   2.
-  file_two.cgio NEW ROOT ID      =   3.
-<a name="C"></a>
-<h3>C Example</h3>
-   Sample CGIO test program to build files illustrated
-   in example database figure.
-#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
-#include &lt;ctype.h&gt;
-#include &lt;string.h&gt;
-#include "cgns_io.h"
-void print_child_list(int cgio_num,double node_id);
-int main ()
-  /* --- Node header character strings */
-   char label[CGIO_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH+1];
-   char data_type[CGIO_MAX_DATATYPE_LENGTH+1];
-  /* --- Database identifier */
-  int cgio_num, cgio_num2;
-  /* --- Node id variables */
-   double root_id,parent_id,child_id,tmp_id,root_id_file2;
-  /* --- Data to be stored in database */
-   float a[3][4] = {{1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1},
-                    {1.2,2.2,3.2,4.2},
-                    {1.3,2.3,3.3,4.3}
-                   };
-   cgsize_t a_dimensions[2] = {4,3};
-   int c[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
-   cgsize_t c_dimension = 6;
-  /* --- miscellaneous variables */
-   int i, j;
-   int error_state = 1;
-   int num_dims, d[6];
-   cgsize_t dim_d, dims_b[2];
-   float b[3][4];
-  /* ------ begin source code ----- */
-  /* --- set database error flag to abort on error */
-   cgio_error_abort(error_state);
-  /* -------- build file: file_two.cgio ---------- */
-  /* --- 1.) open database
-         2.) create three nodes at first level
-         3.) put label on node f3
-         4.) put some data in node f3
-         5.) create two nodes below f3
-         6.) close database */
-   cgio_open_file("file_two.cgio",CGIO_MODE_WRITE,CGIO_FILE_NONE,&cgio_num);
-   cgio_get_root_id(cgio_num,&root_id);
-   root_id_file2 = root_id;
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,root_id,"f1",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,root_id,"f2",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,root_id,"f3",&parent_id);
-   cgio_set_label(cgio_num,parent_id,"label on node f3");
-   cgio_set_dimensions(cgio_num,parent_id,"R4",2,a_dimensions);
-   cgio_write_all_data(cgio_num,parent_id,a);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"f4",&child_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"f5",&child_id);
-   cgio_close_file(cgio_num);
-  /* -------- build file: file_one.cgio ---------- */
-  /* open database and create three nodes at first level */
-   cgio_open_file("file_one.cgio",CGIO_MODE_WRITE,CGIO_FILE_NONE,&cgio_num);
-   cgio_get_root_id(cgio_num,&root_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,root_id,"n1",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,root_id,"n2",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,root_id,"n3",&tmp_id);
-  /* put three nodes under n1 (two regular and one link) */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"n1",&parent_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n4",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_link(cgio_num,parent_id,"l3","file_two.cgio","/f3",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n5",&tmp_id);
-  /* put two nodes under n4 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,parent_id,"n4",&child_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,child_id,"n6",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,child_id,"n7",&tmp_id);
-  /* put one nodes under n6 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n1/n4/n6",&parent_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n8",&tmp_id);
-  /* put three nodes under n3 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"n3",&parent_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n9",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n10",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n11",&tmp_id);
-  /* put two nodes under n9 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,parent_id,"n9",&child_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,child_id,"n12",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,child_id,"n13",&tmp_id);
-  /* put label and data in n13 */
-   cgio_set_label(cgio_num,tmp_id,"Label on Node n13");
-   cgio_set_dimensions(cgio_num,tmp_id,"I4",1,&c_dimension);
-   cgio_write_all_data(cgio_num,tmp_id,c);
-  /* put two nodes under n10 (one normal, one link) */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n3/n10",&parent_id);
-   cgio_create_link(cgio_num,parent_id,"l1"," ","/n3/n9/n13",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n14",&tmp_id);
-  /* put two nodes under n11 (one normal, one link) */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n3/n11",&parent_id);
-   cgio_create_link(cgio_num,parent_id,"l2"," ","/n3/n9/n13",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_create_node(cgio_num,parent_id,"n15",&tmp_id);
-  /* ----------------- finished building file_one.cgio ------------- */
-  /* ------------- access and print data --------------- */
-  /* access data in node f3 (file_two.cgio) through link l3 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n1/l3",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_get_label(cgio_num,tmp_id,label);
-   cgio_get_data_type(cgio_num,tmp_id,data_type);
-   cgio_get_dimensions(cgio_num,tmp_id,&num_dims,dims_b);
-   cgio_read_all_data_type(cgio_num,tmp_id,"R4",b);
-   printf (" node f3 through link l3:\n");
-   printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-   printf ("   data_type   = %s\n",data_type);
-   printf ("   num of dims = %5d\n",num_dims);
-   printf ("   dim vals    = %5d %5d\n",dims_b[0],dims_b[1]);
-   printf ("   data:\n");
-   for (i=0; i&lt;=3; i++)
-     {
-       for (j=0; j&lt;=2; j++)
-         {
-           printf("     %10.2f",b[j][i]);
-         };
-       printf("\n");
-     }
-  /* access data in node n13 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n3/n9/n13",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_get_label(cgio_num,tmp_id,label);
-   cgio_get_data_type(cgio_num,tmp_id,data_type);
-   cgio_get_dimensions(cgio_num,tmp_id,&num_dims,&dim_d);
-   cgio_read_all_data_type(cgio_num,tmp_id,"I4",d);
-   printf (" node n13:\n");
-   printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-   printf ("   data_type   = %s\n",data_type);
-   printf ("   num of dims = %5d\n",num_dims);
-   printf ("   dim val     = %5d\n",dim_d);
-   printf ("   data:\n");
-   for (i=0; i&lt;=5; i++)
-     {
-       printf("     %-4d",d[i]);
-     }
-   printf("\n\n");
-  /* access data in node n13 through l1 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n3/n10/l1",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_get_label(cgio_num,tmp_id,label);
-   cgio_read_all_data_type(cgio_num,tmp_id,"I4",d);
-   printf (" node n13 through l1:\n");
-   printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-   printf ("   data:\n");
-   for (i=0; i&lt;=5; i++)
-     {
-       printf("     %-4d",d[i]);
-     }
-   printf("\n\n");
-  /* access data in node n13 through l2 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n3/n11/l2",&tmp_id);
-   cgio_get_label(cgio_num,tmp_id,label);
-   cgio_read_all_data_type(cgio_num,tmp_id,"I4",d);
-   printf (" node n13 through l2:\n");
-   printf ("   label       = %s\n",label);
-   printf ("   data:\n");
-   for (i=0; i&lt;=5; i++)
-     {
-       printf("     %-4d",d[i]);
-     }
-   printf("\n\n");
-  /* print list of children under root node */
-   print_child_list(cgio_num,root_id);
-  /* print list of children under n3 */
-   cgio_get_node_id(cgio_num,root_id,"/n3",&tmp_id);
-   print_child_list(cgio_num,tmp_id);
-  /* re-open file_two and get new root id */
-   cgio_open_file("file_two.cgio",CGIO_MODE_READ,CGIO_FILE_NONE,&cgio_num2);
-   cgio_get_root_id(cgio_num2,&root_id);
-   printf (" Comparison of root id:\n");
-   printf ("   file_two.cgio original root id = %g\n",root_id_file2);
-   printf ("   file_two.cgio new      root id = %g\n",root_id);
-   cgio_close_file(cgio_num);
-   cgio_close_file(cgio_num2);
-   return 0;
-void print_child_list(int cgio_num, double node_id)
-   print table of children given a parent node-id
-   char node_name[CGIO_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1];
-   int i, num_children, num_ret;
-   cgio_get_name(cgio_num,node_id,node_name);
-   cgio_number_children(cgio_num,node_id,&num_children);
-   printf ("Parent Node Name = %s\n",node_name);
-   printf ("  Number of Children = %2d\n",num_children);
-   printf ("  Children Names:\n");
-   for (i=1; i&lt;=num_children; i++)
-     {
-       cgio_children_names(cgio_num,node_id,i,1,CGIO_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1,
-           &num_ret,node_name);
-       printf ("     %s\n",node_name);
-     }
-    printf ("\n");
-The resulting output is:
- node f3 through link l3:
-   label       = label on node f3
-   data_type   = R4
-   num of dims =     2
-   dim vals    =     4     3
-   data:
-           1.10           1.20           1.30
-           2.10           2.20           2.30
-           3.10           3.20           3.30
-           4.10           4.20           4.30
- node n13:
-   label       = Label on Node n13
-   data_type   = I4
-   num of dims =     1
-   dim val     =     6
-   data:
-     1        2        3        4        5        6
- node n13 through l1:
-   label       = Label on Node n13
-   data:
-     1        2        3        4        5        6
- node n13 through l2:
-   label       = Label on Node n13
-   data:
-     1        2        3        4        5        6
-Parent Node Name = ADF MotherNode
-  Number of Children =  3
-  Children Names:
-     n1
-     n2
-     n3
-Parent Node Name = n3
-  Number of Children =  3
-  Children Names:
-     n9
-     n10
-     n11
- Comparison of root id:
-   file_two.cgio original root id = 2
-   file_two.cgio new      root id = 3
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-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-The CGIO interface provides low-level access to the database manager which
-underlies CGNS. The original database manager for CGNS was
-<a href="../adf/index.html">ADF</a> (Advanced Data Format), and as such
-much of the CGIO interface routines are patterned after this. Starting
-with CGNS library version 2.xx, a new database manager
-<a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5</a> (Hierarchical Data Format) was
-introduced. At that time only one of these database managers could be used
-at a time, and this was selected at build time.
-In CGNS library version 3.xx, the CGIO interface was developed to support
-both database managers simultaneously, and in a fashion transparent to
-the application code. This is now the preferred way to access the database
-This document defines the general structure of a database file, but not
-the specific implementation details. See the
-<a href="../adf/index.html">ADF</a> and
-<a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5</a> Implementations for the details.
-The CGIO core routines used to store and retrieve data from the
-database manager are also described.
-<li> <a href="library.html">The CGIO Software Library</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#node">Node - The Building Block</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#attributes">Node Attributes</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#glossary">Glossary of Terms</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#conventions">Conventions and Implementations</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#defaults">Limits and Sizes</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="database.html">Database-Level Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>cgio_is_supported</tt> - Check for supported database type
-     <li> <tt>cgio_check_file</tt> - Check for valid database
-     <li> <tt>cgio_open_file</tt> - Open a database
-     <li> <tt>cgio_close_file</tt> - Close a database
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_file_type</tt> - Get the type of the database
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_root_id</tt> - Get the root ID of the database
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="structure.html">Data Structure Management Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>cgio_create_node</tt> - Create an empty node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_new_node</tt> - Create a node with data
-     <li> <tt>cgio_delete_node</tt> - Delete a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_move_node</tt> - Move a node to new location
-     <li> <tt>cgio_number_children</tt> - Get the number of children of a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_children_names</tt> - Get the child names of a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_children_ids</tt> - Get a unique identifiers for children of a node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="links.html">Link Management Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>cgio_is_link</tt> - Test if a node is a link
-     <li> <tt>cgio_link_size</tt> - Get link path size
-     <li> <tt>cgio_create_link</tt> - Create a link
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_link</tt> - Get the path information from a link
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="node.html">Node Management Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_node_id</tt> - Get a unique identifier for a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_name</tt> - Get the name of a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_set_name</tt> - Set (change) the name of a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_label</tt> - Get the label of a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_set_label</tt> - Set (change) the label of a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_data_type</tt> - Get the data type for a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_get_dimensions</tt> - Get the number of dimensions
-     <li> <tt>cgio_set_dimensions</tt> - Set the data type and dimension information
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="dataio.html">Data I/O Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>cgio_read_data_type</tt> - Read the data from a node (with partial capabilities)
-     <li> <tt>cgio_read_all_data_type</tt> - Read all the data into a contiguous memory space
-     <li> <tt>cgio_read_block_data_type</tt> - Read a contiguous block of data from a node
-     <li> <tt>cgio_write_data</tt> - Write the data to a node (with partial capabilities)
-     <li> <tt>cgio_write_all_data</tt> - Write all the data from a contiguous memory space
-     <li> <tt>cgio_write_data_type</tt> - Write the data to a node (with partial capabilities)
-     <li> <tt>cgio_write_all_data_type</tt> - Write all the data from a contiguous memory space
-     <li> <tt>cgio_write_block_data</tt> - Write a contiguous block of data to a node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="errors.html">Error Handling and Messages</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>cgio_error_message</tt> - Get the error message for the last error
-     <li> <tt>cgio_error_code</tt> - Get last error code and database type
-     <li> <tt>cgio_error_exit</tt> - Print error message and abort
-     <li> <tt>cgio_error_abort</tt> - Set/unset abort on error option
-     <li> <a href="errors.html#messages">Error messages</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="misc.html">Miscellaneous Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>cgio_flush_to_disk</tt> - Force a write to disk
-     <li> <tt>cgio_library_version</tt> - Get the database library version
-     <li> <tt>cgio_file_version</tt> - Get the database file version and dates
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="examples.html">Example Programs</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="examples.html#Fortran">Fortran Example</a>
-     <li> <a href="examples.html#C">C Example</a>
-     </ul>
-The complete <a href="cgio.tar.gz">CGIO Manual in HTML form</a>
-is also available for installation on a local system.
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (32K, 143K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c cgio.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>cgio</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>cgio/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>CGIO Manual</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-(<a href="examples.html"><b>Example&nbsp;Programs</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>The CGIO Software Library</h2>
-<li> <a href="#node">Node - the Building Block</a>
-<li> <a href="#attributes">Node Attributes</a>
-<li> <a href="#glossary">Glossary of Terms</a>
-<li> <a href="#conventions">Conventions and Implementations</a>
-<li> <a href="#defaults">Limits and Sizes</a>
-<a name="node"></a>
-<h3>Node - The Building Block</h3>
-A database is a hierarchical system that is built around
-the concept of a "node".
-Each node contains information about itself and its ancestors and
-possibly data (e.g., arrays, vectors, character strings, etc.).
-Each of these nodes, in turn, may be connected to an arbitrary number of
-children, each of which is itself a node.
-In this system, a node contains user-accessible information related
-to identification, name, type, and amount of data associated with it,
-and pointers to child nodes.
-Basic nodal information includes:
-<li> a unique ID (node locator)
-<li> a name (character string) used to describe the node and its data
-<li> a label (character string) an additional field used to describe the
-     node and its data.
-     It is analogous to, but not exactly the same as, the name.
-<li> information describing the type and amount of data
-<li> data
-<li> IDs of child nodes
-There are no restrictions on the number of child nodes that a node can
-have associated with it in the database.
-This structure allows the construction of a hierarchical system as
-shown in the figure below.
-As illustrated in the figure, it is possible to reference nodes in a
-second file (<i>File_Two</i>) from the original file
-This is the concept of "linking."
-<a name="example"></a>
-<img src="figure.gif"
-     alt="Example database showing node connections and links">
-Example Database Hierarchy of Nodes
-A node knows about itself and its children, but it does not know
-anything about its parent.
-This means that it is possible to traverse "down" the tree by making
-queries about what lies below the current node, but it is not possible
-to traverse "up" the tree by making queries about nodes above a given
-If it is desired to move back up the tree, the user must keep track of
-that information.
-All database files start with a root node, which is created automatically
-when a new file is opened.
-There is only one root node in a database file, and may be referenced
-by the database Root ID or by name as "/".
-<a name="attributes"></a>
-<h3>Node Attributes</h3>
-Each node in the database may have zero to many subnodes that are
-associated with it, as well as its own data.
-The following are a list of attributes accessible by the user for a node
-in the hierarchical database system.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Data<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The data associated with a node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Data Type<td>
-   <td>A 2-byte character field, blank filled, case sensitive.
-       Specifies the type of data (e.g., real, integer, character)
-       associated with this node.
-       The <a href="#t:datatype">supported data types</a> are listed below.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dimensions<td>
-   <td>An integer vector containing the number of elements within
-       each dimension.
-       For example, if the array <tt>A</tt> was declared (Fortran) as
-       <tt>A(10,20)</tt>, the Dimension vector would contain two entries
-       (10,20).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ID<td>
-   <td>A unique identifier to access a given node within a file.
-       This field contains sufficient information for the database manager
-       to locate the node within a file.
-       For any given node, the ID is generated only after the file it
-       resides in has been opened by a program and the user requests
-       information about the node.
-       The ID is valid only within the program that opened the file and
-       while that file is open.
-       If the file is closed and reopened, the ID for any given node
-       may be different.
-       Within different programs, the node ID for the same node may
-       also be different.
-       The ID is never actually written into a file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Label<td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character field.
-       The rules for Labels are identical to those for Names.
-       Unlike names, Labels do not have to be unique.
-       The Label field was introduced to allow "data typing" similar to
-       the "typedef" concept in C.
-       Using the Label field in this way allows programs to know some
-       additional information about the use of the node itself or its
-       child nodes and to call specific subroutines to read the data or
-       react in specific ways upon detection of the type.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Name<td>
-   <td>A 32-byte character field.
-       The names of child nodes directly attached to a parent node must
-       be unique.
-       For example, in the <a href="#example">example database
-       figure</a>, all nodes directly attached to N3 must have unique names.
-       When a request to create a new node is made, the database manager
-       checks the requested name against the other names of the child nodes
-       of the specified parent.
-       If the requested name is not unique, an error is returned.
-       <br><br>
-       Legal characteristics of a name are a A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and special
-       characters (ASCII values from 32 to 126, except for the forward
-       slash "/" (ASCII number 47)).
-       Names will be blank filled to 32 bytes; they are case sensitive.
-       Leading blanks are discarded and trailing blanks are ignored,
-       whereas internal blanks are significant.
-       <br><br>
-       <em>Note</em>: Names passed from C must have the null "\0"
-       character appended to them.
-       Names returned through the C interface will have the
-       null character appended to them.
-       Therefore, C programs should allocate 33 bytes for any Name in
-       order to accommodate the null character.
-       <br><br>
-       Fortran programs can allocate 32 characters for Names.
-       The Fortran interface takes care of adding or removing the null
-       character as required.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Names of Subnodes<td>
-   <td>A list of names of the subnodes (children) of a node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Number of Dimensions<td>
-   <td>The dimensionality of the data.
-       All data is viewed as an array with from zero (i.e., no
-       data) to 12 dimensions.
-       A "0" is used if the data type is empty.
-       Thus, a scalar is viewed as a vector with one dimension and
-       length 1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Number of Subnodes<td>
-   <td>The number of child nodes directly attached to any given node.
-       Each node can have zero or more child nodes directly associated
-       with it.
-<a name="t:datatype"></a>
-The following table lists the data types supported by CGNS.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Notation</u><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Data Type</u><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>C Type</u><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Fortran Type</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt><td>
-   <td>No Data<td>
-   <td><td><td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt><td>
-   <td>32-bit Integer<td>
-   <td><tt>int</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>integer*4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>I8</tt><td>
-   <td>64-bit Integer<td>
-   <td><tt>cglong_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>integer*8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>U4</tt><td>
-   <td>32-bit Unsigned Integer<td>
-   <td><tt>unsigned int</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>integer*4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>U8</tt><td>
-   <td>64-bit Unsigned Integer<td>
-   <td><tt>cgulong_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>integer*8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt><td>
-   <td>32-bit Real<td>
-   <td><tt>float</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real*4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>R8</tt><td>
-   <td>64-bit Real<td>
-   <td><tt>double</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real*8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt><td>
-   <td>Character<td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>character</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B1</tt><td>
-   <td>Byte (unsigned byte)<td>
-   <td><tt>unsigned char</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>character*1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>LK</tt><td>
-   <td>Link<td>
-   <td><td><td>
-The "<tt>MT</tt>" node contains no data, and is typically used as a
-container for subnodes (children).
-A link is denoted by "<tt>LK</tt>", and defines the
-linkage between nodes and subnodes. A link provides a mechanism for
-referring to a node that physically resides in a different part of the
-hierarchy or a different database file. The link parallels a soft link
-in the UNIX operating system in that it does not guarantee that the
-referenced node exists. The database manager will "resolve" the link
-only when information is requested about the linked node or it's children.
-<a name="glossary"></a>
-<h3>Glossary of Terms</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Child<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>One of the subnodes of a Parent.
-       A child node does not have knowledge of its parent node.
-       The user must keep track of this relationship.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Database<td>
-   <td>The representation of a hierarchy of nodes on disk files.
-       By use of links, it may physically span multiple files.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>File<td>
-   <td>The database file, with a single root node and its underlying structure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ID<td>
-   <td>A unique identifier to access a given node within a database file.
-       This field contains sufficient information for the database manager
-       to locate the node within a file.
-       For any given node, the ID is generated only after the file it
-       resides in has been opened by a program and the user requests
-       information about the node.
-       The ID is valid only within the program that opened the file and
-       while that file is open.
-       If the file is closed and reopened, the ID for any given node
-       may be different. Within different programs, the node-ID for the
-       same node may also be different.
-       The ID is never actually written into a file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Link-Node<a name="link"></a><td>
-   <td>A special type of node.
-       Links are created using the
-       <a href="links.html#create_link"><tt>cgio_create_link</tt></a>
-       subroutine. The data type of this node is <tt>LK</tt>,
-       and its data is a one-dimensional array containing the name of the
-       file (if other than the current file) containing the node to be
-       linked and the full path name in that file from the root node
-       to the desired node.
-       <br><br>
-       Links provide a mechanism for referring to a node that physically
-       resides in a different part of the hierarchy.
-       The node pointed to by a link may or may not reside in the same
-       file as the link itself.
-       A link is very similar to a "soft" link in the
-       UNIX operating system in that it does not guarantee that the
-       referenced node exists. The database manager
-       will "resolve" the link only when information is requested
-       about the node. If the ID of a link-node is used in an CGIO call,
-       the effect of the call is the same as if the ID of the
-       linked-to node was actually used.
-       Note that a link node does not have children itself.
-       In the <a href="#example">example database</a>
-       figure, the children seen for <tt>L3</tt> are <tt>F4</tt> and
-       <tt>F5</tt>.
-       If a child is "added" to <tt>L3</tt>, then in reality, the child
-       is added to <tt>F3</tt>.
-       There are specialized <a href="links.html">subroutines</a> provided
-       to create link nodes and extract the link details.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Node<td>
-   <td>The single component used to construct a database.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Node&nbsp;name<td>
-   <td>A node has a 32-character name.
-       Every child node directly under a given parent must have a unique
-       name.
-       Legal characteristics in a name are <tt>A-Z</tt>, <tt>a-z</tt>,
-       <tt>0-9</tt>, and special characters (ASCII values from 32 to
-       126, omitting the forward slash "<tt>/</tt>", ASCII number 47).
-       Names will be blank filled to 32 bytes; they are case sensitive.
-       Leading blanks are discarded and trailing blanks are ignored,
-       whereas internal blanks are significant.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Parent<td>
-   <td>A node that has subnodes directly associated with it.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Pathname<td>
-   <td>Within a database, nodes can be referenced using the name of a node
-       along with its parent ID, or by using a "pathname" whose syntax is
-       roughly the same as a path name in the UNIX environment.
-       A pathname that begins with a leading slash "<tt>/</tt>" is
-       assumed to begin at the root node of the file.
-       If no leading slash is given, the name is assumed to begin at the
-       node specified by the parent ID.
-       Although there is a 32-character limitation on the node Name,
-       there is no restriction on the length of the pathname.
-       For example, equivalent ways to refer to node <tt>N8</tt> in the
-       hierarchy in the <a href="#example">example database</a> figure are:
-       <ul>
-       <li> Node-ID for <tt>N6</tt> and name = "<tt>N8</tt>"
-       <li> Node-ID for <tt>N4</tt> and name = "<tt>N6/N8</tt>"
-       <li> Node-ID for <tt>N1</tt> and name = "<tt>N4/N6/N8</tt>"
-       <li> Node-ID for the <tt>Root_Node</tt> and name =
-            "<tt>/N1/N4/N6/N8</tt>"
-       </ul>
-<a name="conventions"></a>
-<h3>Conventions and Implementations</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>C<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>All input strings are to be null terminated.
-       All returned strings will have the trailing blanks removed and
-       will be null terminated.
-       Variables declared to hold Names, Labels, and Data-Types should
-       be at least 33 characters long.
-       <i>cgns_io.h</i> has a number of variables defined.
-       An example declaration would be:
-       <pre>
-   char name[CGIO_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1];
-       </pre>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Fortran<td>
-   <td>Strings will be determined using inherited length.
-       Returned strings will be blank filled to the specified length.
-       All returned names will be left justified and blank filled on the
-       right. There will be no null character.
-       An example declaration would be:
-       <pre>
-       </pre>
-       or include the Fortran header file <i>cgns_io_f.h</i> which
-       defines these parameters.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>ID<td>
-   <td>A unique identifier to access a given node within a database.
-       For any given node, the ID is generated only after the file it
-       resides in has been opened by a program and the user requests
-       information about the node.
-       The ID is valid only within the program that opened the file and
-       while that file is open.
-       If the file is closed and reopened, the ID for any given node
-       may be different.
-       Within different programs, the node ID for the same node may
-       also be different.
-       The ID is not ever actually written into a file.
-       <br><br>
-       The declaration for variables that will hold node IDs should be
-       for an 8-byte real number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Indexing<td>
-   <td>All indexing is Fortran-like in that the starting index is 1 and
-       the last is <tt>N</tt> for <i>N</i> items in an index or array
-       dimension.
-       The array structure is assumed to be the same as in Fortran
-       with the first array dimension varying the fastest and the last
-       dimension varying the slowest.
-       <br><br>
-       The index starting at one is used in
-       <a href="dataio.html#read_data_type"><tt>cgio_read_data_type</tt></a>,
-       <a href="dataio.html#write_data"><tt>cgio_write_data</tt></a>,
-       <a href="structure.html#children_names"><tt>cgio_children_names</tt></a>,
-       and <a href="structure.html#children_ids"><tt>cgio_children_ids</tt></a>.
-       <br><br>
-       The user should be aware of the differences in array indexing
-       between Fortran and C.
-       The subroutines
-       <a href="dataio.html#read_all_data_type"><tt>cgio_read_all_data_type</tt></a> and
-       <a href="dataio.html#write_all_data"><tt>cgio_write_all_data</tt></a>
-       merely take a pointer to the beginning of the data, compute how
-       much data is to be read/written, and process as many bytes as
-       have been requested.
-       Thus, these routines effectively make a copy of memory onto disk
-       or vice versa.
-       Given this convention, it is possible for a C program to
-       use standard C conventions for array indexing and use
-       <tt>cgio_write_all_data</tt> to store the array on disk.
-       Then a Fortran program might use <tt>cgio_read_all_data_type_f</tt> to
-       read the data set.
-       Unless the user is aware of the structure of the data, it is
-       possible for the array to be transposed relative to what is
-       expected.
-       <br><br>
-       The implications of the assumed array structure convention can be
-       quite subtle.
-       The subroutines <tt>cgio_write_data</tt> and
-       <tt>cgio_read_data_type</tt> assume the Fortran array structure in
-       order to index the data.
-       Again, unless the user is aware of the implications of this, it
-       is possible to write an array on disk and later try to change a
-       portion of the data and not change the correct numbers.
-       <br><br>
-       As long as users are aware of how their data structure maps onto
-       the database, there will not be any problems.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>return codes</tt><td>
-   <td>The CGIO routines return an integer code indicating whether they
-       were successful or not. On success, 0 (<tt>CGIO_ERR_NONE</tt>) is
-       returned. A non-zero return indicates an error. Return codes &lt; 0
-       indicate an error at the CGIO level; codes &gt; 0 indicate an
-       error in the database manager. See
-       <a href="errors.html#messages">Error Messages</a> for a list of
-       error codes and messages.
-<a name="defaults"></a>
-<h3>Limits and Sizes</h3>
-The following default values, sizes, and limits are defined in the
-header file <i>cgns_io.h</i>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Define</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Value</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Attribute</u><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_DATATYPE_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>2<td>
-   <td>Data type length<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS</tt><td>
-   <td>12<td>
-   <td>Maximum dimensions<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_NAME_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>32<td>
-   <td>Maximum node name length<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>32<td>
-   <td>maximum node label length<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_VERSION_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>32<td>
-   <td>Maximum version length<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_DATE_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>32<td>
-   <td>Maximum date length<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_ERROR_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>80<td>
-   <td>Maximum length of error string<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_LINK_DEPTH</tt><td>
-   <td>100<td>
-   <td>Maximum link depth<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_FILE_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>1024<td>
-   <td>Maximum file name length<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CGIO_MAX_LINK_LENGTH</tt><td>
-   <td>4096<td>
-   <td>Maximum link data size<td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<h2>Link Management Routines</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_is_link(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>int *link_len</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_link_size(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>int *file_len</i>, <span class=out><i>int *name_len</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_create_link(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double pid</span>, <span class=in>const char *name</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>const char *filename</span>, <span class=in>const char *name_in_file</span>, <span class=out><i>double *id</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_link(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>char *filename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *name_in_file</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_is_link_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>link_len</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_link_size_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>file_len</i>, <span class=out><i>name_len</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_create_link_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>pid</span>, <span class=in>name</span>, <span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=in>name_in_file</span>, <span class=out><i>id</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_link_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>filename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>name_in_file</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>cgio_num</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Identifier for the open database file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>id</tt><td>
-   <td>Node identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pid</tt><td>
-   <td>Parent node identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>link_len</tt><td>
-   <td>Total length of the link information (<tt>file_len + name_len</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>file_len</tt><td>
-   <td>Length of the name of the linked-to file.
-       This will be 0 if this is an internal link.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name_len</tt><td>
-   <td>Length of the pathname of the linked-to node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the link node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>filename</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the linked-to file. If creating an internal link, then this
-       should be <tt>NULL</tt> or an empty string. When reading an internal
-       link, this will be returned as an empty string.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name_in_file</tt><td>
-   <td>Pathname of the linked-to node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<h2>Function Descriptions</h2>
-<a name="is_link"></a>
-<dd>Determines if the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the database given by
-    <tt>cgio_num</tt> is a link or not. The function returns 0 if successful,
-    else an error code. If this node is a link, then the total length of the
-    linked-to file and node information in returned in <tt>link_len</tt>.
-    If the node is not a link, <tt>link_len</tt> will be 0.
-<a name="link_size"></a>
-<dd>Gets the size of the linked-to file name in <tt>file_len</tt> and the
-    node pathname length in <tt>name_len</tt> for the node identified by
-    <tt>id</tt> in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. The function
-    returns 0 for success, else an error code. If this is an internal link
-    (link to a node in the same database), then <tt>file_len</tt> will be
-    returned as 0.
-<a name="create_link"></a>
-<dd>Creates a link node as a child of the parent node identified by <tt>pid</tt>
-    in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. The name of the node is given
-    by <tt>name</tt>, the name of the linked-to file by <tt>filename</tt>, and
-    the pathname to the linked-to node by <tt>name_in_file</tt>. If this is an
-    internal link (link to a node in the same database), then <tt>filename</tt>
-    should be defined as <tt>NULL</tt> or an empty string. The function
-    returns 0 and the identifier of the new node in <tt>id</tt> on success,
-    otherwise an error code is returned.
-<a name="get_link"></a>
-<dd>Gets the link information for the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the
-    database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. If successful, the function returns
-    0 and the linked-to file name in <tt>filename</tt> and the node pathname
-    in <tt>name_in_file</tt>. These strings are '0'-terminated, and thus
-    should be dimensioned at least (<tt>file_len + 1</tt>) and
-    (<tt>name_len + 1</tt>), respectively If this is an internal link
-    (link to a node in the same database), then <tt>filename</tt> will be an
-    empty string. The maximum length for a file name is given by
-    <tt>CGIO_MAX_FILE_LENGTH</tt> (1024) and for a link pathname by
-    <tt>CGIO_MAX_LINK_LENGTH</tt> (4096).
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Miscellaneous Routines</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_flush_to_disk(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_library_version(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>char *version</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_file_version(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>char *file_version</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *creation_date</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<span class=out><i>char *modified_date</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_flush_to_disk_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_library_version_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>version</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_file_version_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=out><i>file_version</i></span>, <span class=out><i>creation_date</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<span class=out><i>modified_date</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>cgio_num</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Database identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>version</tt><td>
-   <td>32-byte character string containing the database library version.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>file_version</tt><td>
-   <td>32-byte character string containing the database file version.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>creation_date</tt><td>
-   <td>32-byte character string containing the database file creation date.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>modified_date</tt><td>
-   <td>32-byte character string containing the last modification date for the database file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<h2>Function Descriptions</h2>
-<a name="flush_to_disk"></a>
-<dd>Forces any buffered data in the database manager to be written
-    to disk. Returns 0 if successful, else an error code.
-<a name="library_version"></a>
-<dd>Gets the current library version for the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>.
-    The version is returned in <tt>version</tt> which is of maximum length
-    <tt>CGIO_MAX_VERSION_LENGTH</tt> (32). In C, <tt>version</tt> should
-    be dimensioned at least 33 in the calling routine to allow for the
-    terminating '0'.
-    The function returns 0 if successful, else an error code.
-<a name="file_version"></a>
-<dd>Gets the version, creation and last modified dates, for the database
-    file given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. The version is returned in
-    <tt>file_version</tt>, which is of maximum length
-    <tt>CGIO_MAX_VERSION_LENGTH</tt> (32). The creation date is returned in
-    <tt>creation_date</tt>, and the last modified date in <tt>modified_date</tt>,
-    which are of maximum length <tt>CGIO_MAX_DATE_LENGTH</tt> (32).
-    In C, these should be dimensioned at least 33 in the calling routine
-    to allow for the terminating '0'.
-    The function returns 0 if successful, else an error code.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<h2>Node Management Routines</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_node_id(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double pid</span>, <span class=in>const char *pathname</span>, <span class=out><i>double *id</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_name(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>char *name</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_set_name(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double pid</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>const char *name</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_label(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>char *label</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_set_label(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>const char *label</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_data_type(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>char *data_type</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_get_dimensions(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>int *ndims</i></span>, <span class=cgout><i>cgsize_t *dims</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_set_dimensions(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>const char *data_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int ndims</span>, <span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *dims</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_node_id_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>pid</span>, <span class=in>name</span>, <span class=out><i>id</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_name_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>name</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_set_name_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>pid</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>name</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_label_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>label</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_set_label_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>label</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_data_type_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>data_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_get_dimensions_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>ndims</i></span>, <span class=cgout><i>dims</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_set_dimensions_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>data_type</span>, <span class=in>ndims</span>, <span class=cgin>dims</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>cgio_num</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Database identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pid</tt><td>
-   <td>Parent node identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>id</tt><td>
-   <td>Node identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pathname</tt><td>
-   <td>Absolute or relative path name for a node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name</tt><td>
-   <td>Node name (max length 32).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>label</tt><td>
-   <td>Node label (max length 32).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of data contained in the node. One of "MT", "I4", "I8", "U4", "U8",
-       "R4", "C1", or "B1".
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ndims</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions for the data (max 12).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>dims</tt><td>
-   <td>Data dimension values (<tt>ndims</tt> values).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<h2>Function Descriptions</h2>
-<a name="get_node_id"></a>
-<dd>Gets the node identifier for the node specified by <tt>pathname</tt>
-    in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. if <tt>pathname</tt> starts
-    with '/', then it is taken as an absolute path and is located based
-    on the root id of the database, otherwise it is taken to be a relative
-    path from the parent node identified by <tt>pid</tt>. The function returns
-    0 and the node identifier in <tt>id</tt> on success, else an error code.
-<a name="get_name"></a>
-<dd>Gets the name of the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the database given
-    by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. The name is returned in <tt>name</tt>, and has a
-    maximum length of <tt>CGIO_MAX_NAME_LENGTH</tt> (32). In C, <tt>name</tt>
-    should be dimensioned at least 33 to allow for the terminating '0'.
-    The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
-<a name="set_name"></a>
-<dd>Sets (renames) the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the database given by
-    <tt>cgio_num</tt> to <tt>name</tt>. The parent node identifier is given
-    by <tt>pid</tt>. There must not already exist a child node of <tt>pid</tt>
-    with that name. The function return 0 on success, else an error code.
-<a name="get_label"></a>
-<dd>Gets the label of the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the database given
-    by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. The label is returned in <tt>label</tt>, and has a
-    maximum length of <tt>CGIO_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH</tt> (32). In C, <tt>label</tt>
-    should be dimensioned at least 33 to allow for the terminating '0'.
-    The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
-<a name="set_label"></a>
-<dd>Sets the label of the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the database given by
-    <tt>cgio_num</tt> to <tt>label</tt>. The function return 0 on success,
-    else an error code.
-<a name="get_data_type"></a>
-<dd>Gets the data type of the data associated with the node identified by
-    <tt>id</tt> in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>.
-    The data type is returned in <tt>data_type</tt>, and has a
-    maximum length of <tt>CGIO_MAX_DATATYPE_LENGTH</tt> (2).
-    In C, <tt>data_type</tt> should be dimensioned at least 3 to allow for
-    the terminating '0'.
-    The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
-<a name="get_dimensions"></a>
-<dd>Gets the dimensions of the data associated with the node identified by
-    <tt>id</tt> in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. The number of
-    dimensions is returned in <tt>ndims</tt> and the dimension values
-    in <tt>dims</tt>. Since the maximum number of dimensions is
-    <tt>CGIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS</tt> (12), <tt>dims</tt> should be dimensioned
-    12, unless the actual number of dimensions is already known.
-    The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
-<a name="set_dimensions"></a>
-<dd>Sets the data type and dimensions for data associated with the node
-    identified by <tt>id</tt> in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>.
-    The data type (<tt>data_type</tt>) as one of:
-    <pre>
-    "MT"  An empty node containing no data
-    "I4"  32-bit integer (int or integer*4)
-    "I8"  64-bit integer (cglong_t or integer*8)
-    "U4"  32-bit unsigned integer (unsigned int or integer*4)
-    "U8"  64-bit unsigned integer (cgulong_t or integer*8)
-    "R4"  32-bit real (float or real*4)
-    "R8"  64-bit real (double or real*8)
-    "C1"  character (char or character)
-    "B1"  unsigned bytes (unsigned char or character*1)
-    </pre>
-    The number of dimensions is given by <tt>ndims</tt> (maximum is 12), and
-    the dimension values by <tt>dims</tt>. Note that any existing data for the
-    node will be destroyed. To add the data to the node, use one of the
-    <a href="dataio.html">data writing routines</a>. The function returns 0 for
-    success, else an error code.
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Data Structure Management Routines</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_create_node(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double pid</span>, <span class=in>const char *name</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>double *id</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_new_node(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double pid</span>, <span class=in>const char *name</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>const char *label</span>, <span class=in>const char *data_type</span>, <span class=in>int ndims</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>const cgsize_t *dims</span>, <span class=in>const void *data</span>, <span class=out><i>double *id</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_delete_node(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double pid</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_move_node(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double pid</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>double new_pid</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_number_children(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=out><i>int *num_child</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_children_names(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>int start</span>, <span class=in>int max_ret</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int name_len</span>, <span class=out><i>int *num_ret</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *child_names</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgio_children_ids(<span class=in>int cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>double id</span>, <span class=in>int start</span>, <span class=in>int max_ret</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *num_ret</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *child_ids</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_create_node_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>pid</span>, <span class=in>name</span>, <span class=out><i>id</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgio_new_node_f</span>(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>pid</span>, <span class=in>name</span>, <span class=in>label</span>, <span class=in>data_type</span>, <span class=in>ndims</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>dims</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>id</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_delete_node_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>pid</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_move_node_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>pid</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>new_pid</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_number_children_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=out><i>num_child</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_children_names_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>max_ret</span>, <span class=in>name_len</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>num_ret</i></span>, <span class=out><i>child_names</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgio_children_ids_f(<span class=in>cgio_num</span>, <span class=in>id</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>max_ret</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>num_ret</i></span>, <span class=out><i>child_ids</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>cgio_num</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Database identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pid</tt><td>
-   <td>Parent node identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>id</tt><td>
-   <td>Node identifier.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name</tt><td>
-   <td>Node name (max length 32).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>label</tt><td>
-   <td>Node label (max length 32).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of data contained in the node. Options are:<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>MT</b>" &mdash; empty<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>C1</b>" &mdash; character data<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>I4</b>" &mdash; 32-bit integer<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>I8</b>" &mdash; 64-bit integer<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>U4</b>" &mdash; unsigned 32-bit integer<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>U8</b>" &mdash; unsigned 64-bit integer<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>R4</b>" &mdash; 32-bit real<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>R8</b>" &mdash; 64-bit real<br>
-        &emsp;"<b>B1</b>" &mdash; byte data<br>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ndims</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions for the data (max 12).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>dims</tt><td>
-   <td>Data dimension values (<tt>ndims</tt> values).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data</tt><td>
-   <td>Data array to be stored with the node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>new_pid</tt><td>
-   <td>New parent node identifier under which the node is to be moved.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>num_child</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of children of the specified node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>start</tt><td>
-   <td>Starting index for returned child names or ids
-       (1 &lt;= <tt>start</tt> &lt;= <tt>num_child</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>max_ret</tt><td>
-   <td>Maximum child names or ids to be returned
-       (1 &lt;= <tt>max_ret</tt> &lt;= <tt>num_child-start+1</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name_len</tt><td>
-   <td>Length reserved for each returned child name.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>num_ret</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of returned values of child names or identifiers.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>child_names</tt><td>
-   <td>Child node names (<tt>num_ret</tt> values). This array should
-       be dimensioned at least (<tt>name_len * max_ret</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>child_ids</tt><td>
-   <td>Child node identifiers (<tt>num_ret</tt> values). This array
-       should be dimensioned at least (<tt>max_ret</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<h2>Function Descriptions</h2>
-<a name="create_node"></a>
-<dd>Creates a new empty node in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>
-    as a child of the node identified by <tt>pid</tt>. The name of the new
-    node is given by <tt>name</tt>, and must not already exist as a child
-    of the parent node. The node will contain no label, dimensions,
-    or data. Use the <a href="node.html">Node Management Routines</a> to
-    change the properties of the node, and the
-    <a href="dataio.html">Data I/O Routines</a> to add data. Returns 0 and the
-    identifier of the new node in <tt>id</tt> on success, else an error code.
-<a name="new_node"></a>
-<dd>Creates a new node in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>
-    as a child of the node identified by <tt>pid</tt>. The name of the new
-    node is given by <tt>name</tt>, and must not already exist as a child
-    of the parent node. The node label is given by <tt>label</tt>,
-    the type of data by <tt>data_type</tt>, the dimensions of the data by
-    <tt>ndims</tt> and <tt>dims</tt>, and the data to write to the node
-    by <tt>data</tt>. This is equivalent to calling the routines:
-    <pre>
-    <a href="#create_node">cgio_create_node</a>
-    <a href="node.html#set_label">cgio_set_label</a>
-    <a href="node.html#set_dimensions">cgio_set_dimensions</a>
-    <a href="dataio.html#write_all_data">cgio_write_all_data</a>
-    </pre>
-    Returns 0 and the identifier of the new node in <tt>id</tt> on success,
-    else an error code.
-<a name="delete_node"></a>
-<dd>Deletes the node identified by <tt>id</tt> below the parent node identified
-    by <tt>pid</tt> in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. All children
-    of the deleted node will also be deleted unless a link is encountered.
-    The link node will be deleted but nothing below it.
-    Returns 0 on success, else an error code.
-<a name="move_node"></a>
-<dd>Moves the node identified by <tt>id</tt> below the parent node identified
-    by <tt>pid</tt> to below the new parent node identified by <tt>new_pid</tt>
-    in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. A node by the same name as
-    that that for <tt>id</tt> must not already exist under <tt>new_pid</tt>.
-    A node may only be moved if it and the parent nodes all reside in the
-    sane physical database. Returns 0 on success, else an error code.
-<a name="number_children"></a>
-<dd>Gets the number of children of the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in the
-    database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>, Returns 0 and the number of children
-    in <tt>num_child</tt> on success, else an error code.
-<a name="children_names"></a>
-<dd>Gets the names of the children of the node identified by <tt>id</tt> in
-    the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>. The starting index for the
-    array of names is given by <tt>start</tt>, and the maximum number of
-    names to return by <tt>max_ret</tt>. Both <tt>start</tt> and <tt>max_ret</tt>
-    should be between 1 and <tt>num_child</tt>, inclusively. The size reserved
-    for each name in <tt>child_names</tt> is given by <tt>name_len</tt>.
-    The array <tt>child_names</tt> should be dimensioned at least
-    (<tt>name_len * max_ret</tt>). Since node names are limited to a length
-    of <tt>CGIO_MAX_NAME_LENGHT</tt> (32), <tt>name_len</tt> should be at
-    least 32 to ensure the returned names are not truncated. In C, an
-    additional byte should be added to <tt>name_len</tt> allow for the
-    terminating '0' for each name. If successful, the function returns 0;
-    the actual number of returned names is given by <tt>num_ret</tt>,
-    and the array of names in <tt>child_names</tt>. In C, the names are
-    '0'-terminated within each name field. In Fortran, any unused space
-    is padded with blanks (space character).
-<a name="children_ids"></a>
-<dd>Gets the node identifiers of the children of the node identified by
-    <tt>id</tt> in the database given by <tt>cgio_num</tt>.
-    The starting index for the array of ids is given by <tt>start</tt>,
-    and the maximum ids to return by <tt>max_ret</tt>. Both <tt>start</tt>
-    and <tt>max_ret</tt> should be between 1 and <tt>num_child</tt>, inclusively.
-    The array <tt>child_ids</tt> should be dimensioned at least
-    (<tt>max_ret</tt>). If successful, the function returns 0; the
-    actual number of returned ids is given by <tt>num_ret</tt>, and the
-    array of identifiers in <tt>child_ids</tt>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 09 April 2011
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-   <title>Base Selection</title>
-<a href="separator.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="display.html">[next]</a>
-Base Selection</h2>
-<img SRC="images/base_sel.gif" NOSAVE height=29 width=195>
-<p>The base selection entry allows the desired CGNS base to be selected
-for display. Clicking Mouse Button-1 in the entry field or on the pull-down
-arrow, will invoke a selection list displaying all the bases in the CGNS
-file. When a base is selected, the graphics will be reset, and the <a href="display.html">Display
-List</a> will be filled with the list of zones under the base. If there
-is only 1 base in the CGNS file, then this will be disabled.
-<p><a href="separator.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="display.html">[next]</a>
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-   <title>CGNSplot</title>
-[previous] [index] <a href="menu.html">[next]</a>
-CGNSplot Documentation</h1>
-The CGNSplot program displays the mesh, element sets, connectivities and
-boundary conditions defined in a CGNS file. You may click on the image
-below to jump to a topic, or select from the following links.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
-<td valign="top">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
-<tr><td valign="top">
-<br><a href="menu.html">Menu Items</a>
-<br><a href="toolbar.html">Toolbar Buttons</a>
-<br><a href="separator.html">Separator Bar</a>
-<br><a href="base.html">Base Selection</a>
-<br><a href="display.html">Display Tree</a>
-<br><a href="graphics.html">Graphics Window</a>
-<br><a href="status.html">Status Line</a>
-<br><a href="cutting.html">Cutting Plane</a>
-<br><a href="defaults.html">Defaults Setup</a>
-<br><a href="perspective.html">Perspective Control</a>
-<br><a href="help.html">Help Setup</a>
-<td valign="top">
-<map name="image_map">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 16, 630, 30" HREF="menu.html"
-      alt="Menu Items">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 32, 630, 52" HREF="toolbar.html"
-      alt="Toolbar Buttons">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="146, 54, 156, 440" HREF="separator.html"
-      alt="Separator Bar">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 54, 146, 76" HREF="base.html"
-      alt="Base Selection">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 78, 146, 435" HREF="display.html"
-      alt="Display Tree">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="158, 56, 632, 435" HREF="graphics.html"
-      alt="Graphics Window">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 440, 634, 458" HREF="status.html"
-      alt="Status Line">
-<img src="images/cgnsplot.gif" border="0" width="640" height="461"
-usemap="#image_map" alt="CGNSplot main window"
-<p>[previous] [index] <a href="menu.html">[next]</a>
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-   <title>Cutting Plane</title>
-<a href="status.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="defaults.html">[next]</a>
-Cutting Plane</h2>
-<table CELLSPACING=3 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td><img SRC="images/cutplane.gif" NOSAVE height=389 width=288></td>
-<td><img SRC="images/cutview.gif" NOSAVE height=364 width=547></td>
-<p>This panel defines and controls the display of a cutting plane. The
-first section, <b>Color</b>, defines the color and transparency of the
-cutting plane positioner, as shown in the image to the right.
-<p>The second section, <b>Cut Plane</b>, controls the location of the cutting
-plane. The <i>X</i>, <i>Y</i> and <i>Z Directions</i> are the components
-of the cutting plane normal, and the <i>Offset</i> is the distance along
-the normal. The <i>X</i>, <i>Y</i> and <i>Z Cut</i> buttons will initialize
-the cutting plane normal to the specified axis, and in the middle of the
-bounding box. The <i>X</i>, <i>Y</i> and <u>Z</u> <i>Rotate</i> sliders
-will rotate the plane about the corresponding axis, and the <i>Translate</i>
-slider translates the plane along it's current normal. Lastly, the <i>Center</i>
-button will center the plane in the middle of the bounding box. The cutting
-plane is clipped the the bounding box, which is either that of the visible
-objects or the entire model if the <i>Ignore Region Visibility</i> button
-is checked (see below).
-<p>In the image to the right, the cutting plane was first located by using
-the <i>X Cut</i> button and computed, then repositioned using the <i>Y
-Cut</i> button. Entering <i>Compute</i> now will remove the previous cutting
-plane results, and recompute it at the new location.
-<p>The last section, <b>Display</b>, controls how the cut elements will
-be displayed. <i>Off</i> disables display of the cut elements; <i>Planar</i>
-displays the intersect of the cut elements as lines in the plane; and <i>Elements</i>
-and <i>Shaded</i> display the cut elements as either a wireframe or shaded
-surfaces. The cut elements will either be colored by the region colors
-or by the cutplane positioner color, depending on whether <i>Use Cutplane
-Color</i> is enabled. If <i>Ignore Region Visibility</i> is enabled, then
-all elements will be intersected and displayed, regardless of whether they
-are actually visible or not.
-<p>When the cutting plane has been positioned, the <i>Compute</i> button
-or the <i>Enter</i> key will compute and display the cutting plane. The
-<i>Defaults</i> button will reset everything to the defaults, and the <i>Close</i>
-button will close the panel and remove the cut plane.
-<p><a href="status.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="defaults.html">[next]</a>
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-   <title>Defaults Setup</title>
-<a href="cutting.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="perspective.html">[next]</a>
-Defaults Setup</h2>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td><img SRC="images/setup.gif" NOSAVE height=344 width=202></td>
-<td>This panel sets up the initial behavior and colors to be used when
-reading in a CGNS file.
-<p>The first section, <b>Display Tree</b>, controls the display of connecting
-lines and color boxes within the Display Tree.
-<p>The next section, <b>Volume Mesh</b>, indicates how the boundaries of
-the volume mesh for each zone are to be treated. The default is to show
-them as outlines.
-<p>The initialization for the surface regions are set in the <b>Regions</b>
-section, and the default for these is to display them as mesh lines but
-with the visibility initially off.
-<p>The <b>Colors</b> section defines the background color for the graphics
-display and how to assign initial colors to the regions, either individually
-or else on a zone basis. The <b>Default</b> button resets everything
-to the default values.
-<p><a href="cutting.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="perspective.html">[next]</a>
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-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Display Tree</title>
-<a href="base.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="graphics.html">[next]</a>
-Display Tree</h2>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td><img SRC="images/tree.gif" NOSAVE height=488 width=196></td>
-<td>The display tree list is filled in when the <a href="base.html">CGNS
-base is selected</a>. The first entry in the tree will be the name of the
-base. Under the base node will be the list of zones for that base. For
-each zone, CGNSplot will build a list of regions which consist of the exterior
-faces of the zone mesh, surface elements, and connectivities and boundary
-conditions which lie on the exterior faces. These nodes will be located
-under the zone node.
-<p>Nodes with a name enclosed in &lt; > are created by CGNSplot and do
-not correspond to CGNS entities in the file. For example, a structured
-zone will have a node <i>&lt;mesh></i> which refers to the structured mesh,
-and <i>&lt;Mesh Boundaries></i> which contains the i,j and k boundary faces
-of the mesh. An unstructured mesh will contain the node <i>&lt;Element
-Sections></i> under which will be located the element sets in the CGNS
-<p>One to one connectivities will be grouped under a <i>&lt;1to1 Connections></i>
-node, general connectivities under <i>&lt;General Connections></i>, and
-boundary conditions will be under <i>&lt;Boundary Conditions></i>.
-<p>To expand and collapse individual nodes in the tree, use the icon to
-the far left, or double-click the left-mouse button on the node name. You
-may also expand all the nodes under a given node, by holding the <i>Shift</i>
-key while clicking on a node name. The <i>Control</i> key with the left
-mouse button will collapse all the nodes.
-<p>If a node contains the icon&nbsp;<img SRC="images/error.gif" NOSAVE height=14 width=14>
-instead of a box, this indicates that CGNSplot was unable to build the
-region. If you highlight the node, a brief error message will be displayed
-in the <a href="status.html">Status Line</a>.</td>
-<p>The current color and visibility state for a region is indicated by
-the colored box to the left of the node name. A checked box indicates that
-the visibility is enabled. In order for the region to be visible in the
-<a href="graphics.html">Graphics
-Window</a>, it's box and all it's parent boxes must be checked. This allows
-an entire zone by be turned off, for example, by just unchecking the zone
-visibility box. To turn on the visibility of a node and all of it's children
-nodes, hold the <i>Shift</i> key while clicking the left mouse button on
-the node visibility box. Use the <i>Control</i> key will turn off the visibility
-of the node and all it's children nodes.
-<p>The display mode for a region may be one of <i>Outline</i>, <i>Mesh</i>,
-or <i>Shaded</i>, as indicated at the bottom of the tree. This shows the
-mode for the currently highlighted region. <i>Outline</i> indicates that
-the region will be shown by the edges of the region, in addition to any
-feature edges in the region (edges where the angle between the shared faces
-is greater than 30 degrees). <i>Mesh</i> shows the region with all the
-mesh lines and <i>Shaded</i> will display it with shaded faces. The region
-color is shown in the <i>Color...</i> button at the bottom. Clicking on
-this button, will bring up a color selection panel, which allows you to
-change the region color.
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td><img SRC="images/popup.gif" NOSAVE height=109 width=71></td>
-<td>You may also right-mouse click on a node, which will invoke the popup
-menu shown to the left, allowing changing of the mode or color. The
-selection will show information about the region as described below.</td>
-<p><b>Note:</b> When you change the mode or color for a node, the changes
-are propagated to all it's children nodes.
-<p>Clicking the middle mouse button on a region name, or selecting <i>Info...</i>
-from the popup menu will display a window similar to the one below, listing
-the properties of the region.
-<p><img SRC="images/region_info.gif" NOSAVE height=118 width=330>
-Mouse Bindings</h3>
-<td><b>Mouse Binding</b></td>
-<td><b>On Visibility Button</b></td>
-<td><b>On Node Name</b></td>
-<td>Button 1 (left)</td>
-<td>toggles node visibility</td>
-<td>highlights node</td>
-<td>Button 2 (middle)</td>
-<td>shows node info window</td>
-<td>Button 3 (right)</td>
-<td>invokes popup menu</td>
-<td>Double-Click-Button 1</td>
-<td>toggles open status of node</td>
-<td>Shift-Button 1</td>
-<td>turns on visibility of node and all children</td>
-<td>expands (opens) node and all children</td>
-<td>Control-Button 1</td>
-<td>turns off visibility of node and all children</td>
-<td>collapses (closes) node and all children</td>
-<p><a href="base.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="graphics.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Graphics Window</title>
-<a href="display.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="status.html">[next]</a>
-Graphics Window</h2>
-<img SRC="images/graphics.gif" NOSAVE height=449 width=559>
-<p>The graphics window uses OpenGL to display the currently selected objects.
-To view may be rotated, translated and scaled using the mouse. The axes
-are turned on in the example view, and are displayed along the minimum
-edges of the bounding box. The x-axis is shown in red, the y-axis in yellow,
-and the z-axis in green.
-Mouse Bindings</h3>
-The view may be adjusted by holding down a mouse button while moving the
-mouse in the graphics window. The mouse button bindings and the corresponding
-action are:
-<td>Button 1</td>
-<td>Button 2 or
-<br>Control-Button 1</td>
-<td>Button 3 or
-<br>Shift-Button 1</td>
-Key Bindings</h3>
-The following keys may be used as short cuts to the menu and toolbar buttons:
-<td>center the plot</td>
-<td>reset the plot</td>
-<td>toggle two-sided lighting</td>
-<td>toggle back-face culling</td>
-<td>toggle axis display</td>
-<td>invoke the cutting plane panel</td>
-<p><a href="display.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="status.html">[next]</a>
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnsplot/help.html b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnsplot/help.html
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnsplot/help.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Help Setup</title>
-<a href="perspective.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> [next]
-Help Setup</h2>
-<img SRC="images/help.gif" NOSAVE height=201 width=440>
-<p>This panel sets up the HTML browser and location of the CGNS documentation.
-Normally, the CGNS Documentation URL points to the base CGNS documentation
-on the NASA Glenn server. The <i>Browse</i> buttons will invoke
-a file selection dialog to locate the browser or local copies of the documentation.
-The <i>Accept</i> button accepts the setting, the <i>Defaults</i> button
-will restore the default values, and the <i>Cancel</i> button will close
-the window and cancel the changes.
-<a href="base.html"></a>
-<p><a href="perspective.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> [next]
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNSplot - Base Information window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-In this example, the Base Information window contains:
-Base Name   : BASE#1
-Physical Dim: 3
-Cell Dim    : 3
-Number Zones: 5
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNSplot - Base Selection panel</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The Base Selection panel is a pull-down menu selection box, with the
-title "Base", listing the base nodes in the file.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNSplot - Main window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the CGNSplot main window.
-The window is divided into several areas, or panels, each described
-Along the top are the <a href="../menu.html">Menu Items</a>, followed by
-a series of <a href="../toolbar.html">Toolbar Buttons</a>.
-Below these, on the left is the <a href="../graphics.html">Graphics
-On the right, from top to bottom, are the
-<a href="../nodedesc.html">Base Selection</a>,
-<a href="../linkdesc.html">Zone Selection</a>, and
-<a href="../datadesc.html">Region Selection</a> panels.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNSplot - Region Information window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-In this example, the Region Information window contains:
-Region Name   : Conn. 1to1 for SF4 (4,1)
-Type of Region: 1to1 Connectivity
-Point Set Type: PointRange
-I Index Range : 4 -> 7
-I Index Range : 10 -> 10
-I Index Range : 1 -> 10
-Donor Zone    : domain.a
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNSplot - Defaults Setup window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The Defaults Setup window has the title "Defaults", and is divided
-into four sections.
-The first section, at the top, is titled "Volume Mesh".
-On the left is a check box labeled "Visible as", and to the right of
-this are four radio buttons labeled "Outline", "Mesh", "Flat", and
-The "Visible as" box is checked, and the "Outline" button is selected.
-Below this is a section titled "Regions", with the same check box
-and radio buttons as the "Volume Mesh" section.
-In the "Regions" section, the "Visible as" box is unchecked, and the
-"Mesh" button is selected.
-The third section is at the lower left, and is titled "Colors".
-It consists of eight "Select" buttons, organized vertically, labeled
-"Background" and "Color 1" through "Color 7".
-In order, the "Select" buttons are colored black, gray, red, yellow,
-green, cyan, blue, and magenta.
-The fourth section, at the lower right, has five buttons, labeled
-"Defaults", "Add", "Remove", "Accept", and "Cancel".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNSplot - Zone Information window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-In this example, the Zone Information window contains:
-Zone Name          : domain.4
-Type of Zone       : Structured
-Vertex Dimensions  : 7 x 10 x 10
-Cell Dimensions    : 6 x 9 x 9
-Element Sections   : 0
-1to1 Connections   : 7
-General Connections: 0
-Boundary Conditions: 0
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
-content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<a href="#endnav"><img src="../../blank.gif" border=0 alt="Skip navigation links"></a>
-(<a href="../../index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation&nbsp;Home&nbsp;Page</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../charter/index.html"><b>Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgnstools/index.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../tools.html"><b>Tools</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnsview/index.html"><b>CGNSview</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>CGNSplot</b></span>)
-(<a href="../utilities/index.html"><b>Utilities</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<p>The CGNSplot program displays the mesh, element sets,
-connectivities and boundary conditions defined in a CGNS file.</p>
-<p>You may click on the image below to jump to a topic, or select
-from the following links.</p>
-<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
-<td valign="top">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
-<tr><td valign="top">
-<br><a href="menu.html">Menu Items</a>
-<br><a href="toolbar.html">Toolbar Buttons</a>
-<br><a href="separator.html">Separator Bar</a>
-<br><a href="base.html">Base Selection</a>
-<br><a href="display.html">Display Tree</a>
-<br><a href="graphics.html">Graphics Window</a>
-<br><a href="status.html">Status Line</a>
-<br><a href="cutting.html">Cutting Plane</a>
-<br><a href="defaults.html">Defaults Setup</a>
-<br><a href="perspective.html">Perspective Control</a>
-<br><a href="help.html">Help Setup</a>
-<td valign="top">
-<map name="image_map">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 16, 630, 30" HREF="menu.html"
-      alt="Menu Items">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 32, 630, 52" HREF="toolbar.html"
-      alt="Toolbar Buttons">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="146, 54, 156, 440" HREF="separator.html"
-      alt="Separator Bar">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 54, 146, 76" HREF="base.html"
-      alt="Base Selection">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 78, 146, 435" HREF="display.html"
-      alt="Display Tree">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="158, 56, 632, 435" HREF="graphics.html"
-      alt="Graphics Window">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1, 440, 634, 458" HREF="status.html"
-      alt="Status Line">
-<img src="images/cgnsplot.gif" border="0" width="640" height="461"
-usemap="#image_map" alt="CGNSplot main window"
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was written by
-<a href="mailto:brucewedan@gmail.com">Bruce Wedan</a>.
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_big.html" -->
-<a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/Doc/grcwebpolicies.html">Privacy Policy and Important Notices</a><br>
-Last updated 23 Feb 2013
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Menu Items</title>
-<a href="index.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="toolbar.html">[next]</a>
-Menu Items</h2>
-The following lists the menu selection items, and the function of each.
-<a NAME="FileMenu"></a>File Menu</h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/file_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=73 width=99></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Load
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes up a file
-selection panel to select a CGNS file for plotting.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Quit</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Exit CGNSplot.</font></font></td>
-<a NAME="OptionsMenu"></a>Options Menu</h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/options_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=95 width=118></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Reset
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Resets the view
-back to the initial orientation.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Center
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Centers and rescales
-the current graphics view.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Set
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="defaults.html">defaults
-panel</a> to allow configuring the initial volume and surface region behavior
-and colors.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Set
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="perspective.html">perspective
-settings panel</a> to control the perspective view and near and far clipping
-<a NAME="ConfigMenu"></a>Display Menu</h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/display_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=95 width=112></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Two
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, two-sided
-lighting will be used.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Backface
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, then
-back-facing faces will not be drawn.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Display
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, axis
-will be drawn on the minimum edges of the object bounding box.</font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Cutting
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="cutting.html">cutting
-plane panel</a> for displaying a cutting plane.</font></font></td>
-<a NAME="HelpMenu"></a>Help Menu</h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/help_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=125 width=113></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>CGNSplot
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes the CGNSplot
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>CGNS
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes the CGNS
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Configure
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="help.html">setup
-panel</a> to configure the HTML browser and URL's to the documentation.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>About...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes an about
-dialog box.</font></font></td>
-<p><a href="index.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="toolbar.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Perspective Control</title>
-<a href="defaults.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="help.html">[next]</a>
-<h2>Perspective Control</h2>
-<img SRC="images/perspective.gif" NOSAVE height=217 width=354>
-<p>This controls the perspective transformation by defining a frustum
-of a pyramid. The Field of View is the angle of the pyramid sides, and
-the Near and Far Clipping Planes define the apex and base of the pyramid,
-respectively. The clipping planes are specified as fractions of the distance
-between the view point and the center of the model.
-<p><a href="defaults.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="help.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Separator Bar</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="toolbar.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="base.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Separator Bar</font></h2>
-<td><img SRC="images/separator.gif" NOSAVE height=224 width=162></td>
-<td>The separator bar is located between the Selection Tree panel and the
-Graphics Window. Clicking Mouse Button 1 on this bar and dragging left
-or right, allows the relative sizes of the windows to be adjusted. Dragging
-the bar beyond the half-way location will cause the Selection Tree to relocate
-to that side. The mouse cursor will change to a horizontal double-headed
-arrow when over the separator bar.</td>
-<p><a href="toolbar.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="base.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Status Line</title>
-<a href="graphics.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="cutting.html">[next]</a>
-Status Line</h2>
-<img SRC="images/status.gif" NOSAVE height=87 width=355>
-<p>The status line reports on the progress when loading a CGNS file. Error
-messages related to the computation of regions will also be shown here
-when the region is selected in the <a href="display.html">Display Tree</a>.
-<p><a href="graphics.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="cutting.html">[next]</a>
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-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Toolbar Buttons</title>
-<a href="menu.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="separator.html">[next]</a>
-Toolbar Buttons</h2>
-The toolbar provides shortcuts to most of the Menu items, as shown below:
-<th ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Button</font></font></th>
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Menu
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Description</font></font></th>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/open_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>File
-| Open...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Open a CGNS file.
-A file selection box will be invoked to allow filename selection.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/reset_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Options
-| Reset View</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Resets the view back to the
-initial orientation.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/center_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Options
-| Center View</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Centers and rescales the current
-graphics view.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/setup_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Options
-| Set Defaults...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="defaults.html">defaults
-panel</a> to allow configuring default volume and surface region behavior
-and colors.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/perspective_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Options
-| Set Perspective...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="perspective.html">perspective
-settings panel</a> to control the perspective view and near and far clipping
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/lighting_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Display
-| Two Sided</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Enables or disables
-two-sided lighting.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/backface_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Display
-| Backface Culling</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Enables or disables
-back face culling.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/axes_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Display
-| Display Axis</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Enables or disables
-the display of axes on the edge of the bounding box.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/cutting_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Display
-| Cutting Plane...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="cutting.html">cutting
-plane panel</a> for displaying a cutting plane.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/help_but.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Help
-| CGNSplot...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes the CGNSplot
-<p><a href="menu.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="separator.html">[next]</a>
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-/* CGNS Tools - style sheet */
-/* Header colors */
-h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color: #2D0091}
-/* Current page and parent document in navigation headers */
-span.nav {color: #000066}
-/* Footer */
-div.footer {font-style: italic}
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Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnstools.tar.gz and /dev/null differ
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Buttons</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="nodedata.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="dialogs.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Buttons</font></h2>
-The buttons between the <a href="datadesc.html">Data Description</a> and
-<a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> panels allow for the creation of a new node, modification of an
-existing node, deleting a node, and reading the node data into the <a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> panel. The button operations are described below.
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Button</font></font></th>
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Description</font></font></th>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/create_but.gif" NOSAVE height=29 width=57></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Creates a new node
-with the name and location given in the <a href="nodedesc.html">Node Description</a>
-panel. If a <b>Link Node</b> has been specified in the <a href="linkdesc.html">Link
-Description</a> panel, the node will be created as a link, otherwise the
-data properties given in the <a href="datadesc.html">Data Description</a>
-and <a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a> panels will be applied the the
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/modify_but.gif" NOSAVE height=29 width=57></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Applies changes
-to the node selected in the the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a> panel.
-If changes have been made to the node location or name in the <a href="nodedesc.html">Node
-Description</a> panel, the node will be moved. If changes have been made
-in the <a href="linkdesc.html">Link Description</a> panel, the node will
-be changed to or from a link, depending on the value in the <b>Link Node</b>
-field. If the node is not a link, the data properties in the <a href="datadesc.html">Data
-Description</a> and <a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a> panels will be
-applied the the node, including data type conversions if needed.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/read_but.gif" NOSAVE height=29 width=57></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Reads the node
-data and displays it in the <a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a> panel.
-This will always read the data, regardless of the <a href="menu.html#ConfigMenu">Auto
-Load Data</a> settings.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/clear_but.gif" NOSAVE height=29 width=57></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Clears the <a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> panel. This is recommended when doing data type conversions for
-existing data, otherwise the data in the panel will be used for the conversion,
-with a possible loss in accuracy.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/delete_but.gif" NOSAVE height=29 width=57></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Deletes the currently
-selected node. If the <a href="menu.html#ConfigMenu">Verify Delete</a>
-option is enabled, the user will be prompted to verify deletion prior to
-deleting the node.</font></font></td>
-<p><a href="nodedata.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="dialogs.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Node Data</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="unitconv.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> [next]
-<font color="#000066">CGNS Node References</font></h2>
-<img SRC="images/noderef.gif" NOSAVE height=446 width=556>
-<p>This window provides a reference guide to all the CGNS nodes, and the
-node descriptions as defined in the SIDS (Standard Interface Data Structures).
-It may be invoked from the CGNSview menu <font color="#FF0000">Help |
-CGNS Nodes...</font> or in standalone mode from the command line.
-<p>The left panel shows all the nodes, arranged in a tree structure as
-defined by the SIDS. Selecting a node will display the relevant information
-for that node. The SIDS definition for a BC node is presented above. If
-the documentation URLs and browser have been setup (the <i>Setup...</i>
-button), then the MLL (Mid-Level Library) and SIDS documentation for the
-node may be accessed by clicking on the appropriate button.
-<p>The mouse bindings are the same as for the CGNSview <a href="nodetree.html">Node
-<p>Clicking Mouse Button 1 on a node selects the node.
-<br>Double-clicking Mouse Button 1 on a parent node, will toggle the open
-state of the node.
-<br>Shift-Mouse Button 1 will open one level of nodes below the selected
-<br>Control-Mouse Button 1 will close the last level of open nodes below
-the selected node.
-<br>Shift-Mouse Button 3 will expand all the nodes below the selected node.
-<br>Control-Mouse Button 3 will collapse all the nodes below the selected
-<p><a href="unitconv.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> [next]
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-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>CGNSview</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-[previous] [index] <a href="menu.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">CGNSview Documentation</font></h1>
-The CGNSview program provides a graphical user interface to view and edit
-CGNS files. It reads the file using only the core cgio routines,
-thus should be able to handle invalid or damaged CGNS files.
-<p>The current documentation is brief in nature, but hopefully adequate
-for most needs. You may click on the image below to jump to a topic, or
-select from the following links.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
-<td valign="top">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
-<tr><td valign="top">
-<br><a href="menu.html">Menu Items</a>
-<br><a href="toolbar.html">Toolbar Buttons</a>
-<br><a href="separator.html">Separator Bar</a>
-<br><a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>
-<br><a href="nodedesc.html">Node Description</a>
-<br><a href="linkdesc.html">Link Description</a>
-<br><a href="datadesc.html">Data Description</a>
-<br><a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a>
-<br><a href="buttons.html">Buttons</a>
-<br><a href="dialogs.html">Dialog Windows</a>
-<br><a href="customize.html">Customization</a>
-<br><a href="unitconv.html">Unit Conversions</a>
-<br><a href="cgnsnodes.html">CGNS Node Reference</a>
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-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="2, 45, 570, 73" HREF="toolbar.html"
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-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="222, 78, 238, 518" HREF="separator.html"
-      alt="Separator Bar">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="10, 79, 223, 519" HREF="nodetree.html"
-      alt="Node Tree">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 79, 564, 166" HREF="nodedesc.html"
-      alt="Node Description">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 173, 564, 244" HREF="linkdesc.html"
-      alt="Link Description">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 251, 564, 336" HREF="datadesc.html"
-      alt="Data Description">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 374, 564, 516" HREF="nodedata.html"
-      alt="Node Data">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 336, 564, 374" HREF="buttons.html"
-      alt="Buttons">
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-<font color="#000066">Customization</font></h2>
-CGNSview currently allows a certain amount of customization by way of
-specifying new menu items. This is done through a menu file (a file with
-the extension <i>mnu</i>), which is read at startup. When the menu items
-are selected, a user-defined TCL script and/or external program will be
-<p>The following is an example of a menu file (<i>utilities.mnu</i>), which
-comes from the CGNS utility programs package.
-# File->Import menu
-File:Import:PLOT3D import plot3d_to_cgns plot3d_import plot3d.tcl
-File:Import:Tecplot import tecplot_to_cgns tecplot_import tecplot.tcl
-File:Import:Patran import patran_to_cgns patran_import patran.tcl
-File:Import:User import
-# File->Export menu
-File:Export:PLOT3D export cgns_to_plot3d plot3d_export plot3d.tcl
-File:Export:Tecplot export cgns_to_tecplot tecplot_export tecplot.tcl
-File:Export:User export
-# Utilities
-"Utilities:Solution Location" convert convert_location \
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; convert_location convert.tcl
-"Utilities:Solution Variables" convert convert_variables \
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; convert_variables convert.tcl
-Utilities:Dimensionalization convert convert_dataclass \
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; convert_dimensional convert.tcl
-"Utilities:Extract Subset" convert extract_subset extract_subset util.tcl
-Utilities:Interpolation convert interpolate_cgns interpolate_cgns util.tcl</pre>
-This adds two cascade menus to the <i>File</i> menu (<i>Import</i> and
-and creates a new toplevel menu item, <i>Utilities</i>, as shown below.
-<p><img SRC="images/custom_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=262 width=330>
-Each new menu entry is specified as
-<pre>menu&nbsp; <i>type</i>&nbsp; <i>command</i>&nbsp; <i>TCLscript</i>&nbsp; <i>TCLfile</i></pre>
-where <i>menu</i> is required and the others are optional. The values are
-white-space separated, so an input that contains spaces must be enclosed
-in double-quotes ("). Blank lines and comments in the file are ignored
-and an input line may be continued to the next line with the back-slash
-character (\) at the end of the line. Comments are indicated with the #
-character, which causes everything to the end of the line to be ignored.
-This specifies the new menu item to be created. The menu hierarchy is given
-by a colon (:) separated list of menu items. The last element in the list
-is the label for the new menu item. If the last item is <i>separator</i>,
-then a separator bar is created in the parent menu. If the list contains
-white-space, then it must be enclosed in double-quotes ("). See the example
-above for clarification of how the menu specification relates to the created
-menu item.</dd>
-This identifies the type of menu item. This identifier is used to define
-the default panel used if a TCL script is not specified and how the menu
-item is handled by CGNSview. The currently recognized types are <i>import</i>,
-<i>convert utility</i>, and <i>command</i>. The default panel and behavior
-for each of these is described below under <a href="#MenuTypes">Menu Types.</a>
-If <b>type</b> does not match any of the recognized types, it is assumed
-to be <i>command</i>.</dd>
-The name of the executable and command line options, if any. If a full
-path to the executable is not given, then CGNSview will search for it
-first in the directory where CGNSview is installed, then in subdirectories
-and <i>$ARCH</i> (ARCH environment variable), and lastly in the directories
-given by the <i>PATH</i> environment variable. If command line options
-are to be given, these should be given after the executable name, and the
-entire specification enclosed in double-quotes (").</dd>
-The name of aTCL procedure to invoke for this menu item. This allows a
-custom panel to be created, which will be displayed when the menu item
-is selected. If not specified, then one of the default panels will be displayed,
-based on the menu <b>type</b>.</dd>
-The name of the file containing <b>TCLscript</b>. If specified, this file
-will be sourced before executing the script. As an alternative, the <b>TCLfile</b>
-may be specified in the <b>tclIndex</b> file in the directory containing
-the CGNSview scripts, following standard TCL/TK practices.</dd>
-<a NAME="MenuTypes"></a>Menu Types</h3>
-The following menu types are currently recognized by CGNSview. The default
-panels shown for each type will be invoked by CGNSview in the case that
-a TCL script has not been specified for the menu item.
-<blockquote>Import routines read a non-CGNS file, and convert it to a CGNS
-file. An example of this is the <b>plot3d_to_cgns</b> program, which reads
-a PLOT3D file and writes out a CGNS file. This menu item will always be
-enabled in the CGNSview GUI. The following shows the default panel for
-import menu items.
-<p><img SRC="images/import.gif" NOSAVE height=221 width=426>
-<p>The specification in the menu file in this case was
-<pre>"Test:My Import" import "import_my_file option1 option2"</pre>
-<font face="Courier New">W</font>hen the <i>Accept</i> button is selected,
-the import command will be executed as
-<pre>import_my_file option1 option2 InputFile CGNSoutput</pre>
-If the command is successful, then the CGNSview will read and display
-the CGNS file.</blockquote>
-<blockquote>Export routines read a CGNS file, and convert it to a non-CGNS
-format. An example of this is the <b>cgns_to_plot3d</b> program, which
-reads a CGNS file and writes a PLOT3D file. This menu item will only be
-enabled after a CGNS file has been read into CGNSview. The following shows
-the default panel for export menu items.
-<p><img SRC="images/export.gif" NOSAVE height=221 width=426>
-<p>The specification in the menu file in this case was
-<pre>"Test:My Export" export export_cgns</pre>
-<font face="Courier New">W</font>hen the <i>Accept</i> button is selected,
-the export command will be executed as
-<pre>export_cgns CGNSinput OutputFile</pre>
-If any options are specified, they will appear after the executable name
-and before the CGNS input file name.</blockquote>
-<blockquote>This class of routines read a CGNS file, operate on it in some
-way, and then write a new CGNS file. An example is the <b>convert_location</b>
-utility program which converts between cell-center and vertex based solutions.
-This menu item will only be enabled after a CGNS file has been read into
-CGNSview. The following shows the default panel for convert menu items.
-<p><img SRC="images/convert.gif" NOSAVE height=221 width=426>
-<p>The specification in the menu file in this case was
-<pre>"Test:My Conversion" convert convert_cgns</pre>
-<font face="Courier New">W</font>hen the <i>Accept</i> button is selected,
-the convert command will be executed as
-<pre>convert_cgns CGNSinput CGNSoutput</pre>
-If any options are specified, they will appear after the executable name
-and before the CGNS input file name.</blockquote>
-<blockquote>A utility processes a CGNS file, such as the <b>cgnscheck</b>
-program which reads a CGNS file and checks for SIDS compliance. This menu
-item will only be enabled after a CGNS file has been read into CGNSview.
-The following shows the default panel for utility menu items.
-<p><img SRC="images/utility.gif" NOSAVE height=222 width=426>
-<p>The specification in the menu file in this case was
-<pre>"Test:My Utility" utility print_cgns</pre>
-<font face="Courier New">W</font>hen the <i>Accept</i> button is selected,
-the utility command will be executed as
-<pre>print_cgns CGNSinput</pre>
-If any options are specified, they will appear after the executable name
-and before the CGNS input file name. If <i>Run Command in Background</i>
-is selected, then CGNSview will execute the command, but not wait for
-the command to finish.</blockquote>
-<blockquote>This is the default behavior for a menu item if the type is
-not one of <i>import</i>, <i>export</i>, <i>convert</i> or <i>utility</i>.
-A command is simply executed by CGNSview and the menu item is always enabled.
-The following shows the default panel for command menu items.
-<p><img SRC="images/command.gif" NOSAVE height=193 width=426>
-<p>The specification in the menu file in this case was
-<pre>"Test:My Command" command "run_command options"</pre>
-<font face="Courier New">W</font>hen the <i>Accept</i> button is selected,
-the command will be executed as
-<pre>run_command options</pre>
-If <i>Run Command in Background</i> is selected, then CGNSview will execute
-the command, but not wait for the command to finish.</blockquote>
-<a href="dialogs.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-[<a href="unitconv.html">next</a>]
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-   <title>Data Description</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="linkdesc.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="nodedata.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Data Description</font></h2>
-This panel shows the type of data, dimensions and size of the data in bytes
-associated with the selected node. Changing the data type and/or dimensions
-will set the data properties when creating a new node, or modify the properties
-for an existing node using the <a href="buttons.html">Create</a> or <a href="buttons.html">Modify</a>
-<p><img SRC="images/datadesc.gif" NOSAVE height=97 width=378>
-<b>Data Type</b></dt>
-This displays or sets the data type. The data type is selected from the
-drop-down list invoked by clicking in the entry field or on the button
-to the right. When changing data types, the <a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> panel will be automatically cleared. This is done so that data
-conversions will use the actual node data, rather than the data displayed
-in the <a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a> panel in order to reduce conversion
-errors. The <a href="buttons.html">Read</a> button may be used to reload
-the data, if desired.</dd>
-Displays the dimension for the current node. Editing this will change the
-dimensions of the data for the node. If this field is empty when the <a href="buttons.html">Create</a>
-or <a href="buttons.html">Modify</a> button is pressed, the dimension will
-be determined from the data type and data values in the <a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> panel. This is the recommended procedure when creating new data
-for the node.</dd>
-This shows the size in bytes for the data associated with the current node.
-This field is shown for reference only, and is not editable.</dd>
-<a href="linkdesc.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="nodedata.html">[next]</a>
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-   <title>Dialog Windows</title>
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-<font color="#000066">Dialog Windows</font></h2>
-<font color="#000066">The dialog windows invoked by CGNSview are briefly
-described below.</font>
-<a NAME="FileInfo"></a><font color="#000066">File Info</font></h3>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/fileinfo_dialog.gif" NOSAVE height=265 width=233></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>This dialog is invoked from the <font color="#FF0000">File
-| File Info..</font><font color="#000000"> menu selection or from the&nbsp;<img SRC="images/properties.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23>
-toolbar button. As shown on the left, it gives a summary of the information
-for the currently loaded file. The <i>Close</i> button closes the window,
-and the <i>Update</i> button will update the information.</font></td>
-<a NAME="AutoDataSize"></a>Auto Data Size</h3>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/autosize_dialog.gif" NOSAVE height=139 width=303></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>This panel sets the data size for automatic loading
-of node data into the <a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a> window. It
-is invoked from the <font color="#FF0000">Config | Auto Data Size..</font><font color="#000000">
-menu selection or the&nbsp;<img SRC="images/datasize.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23>
-toolbar button. The size in bytes and max data values per line in the Node
-Data window may be specified. The <i>Accept</i> button will accept the
-new values, <i>Cancel</i> will cancel the changes and <i>Default</i> will
-restore the default values.</font></td>
-<a NAME="Find"></a>Find</h3>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/find_dialog.gif" NOSAVE height=120 width=198></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>Dialog to find a node in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node
-Tree</a>. This is invoked from the <font color="#FF0000">Tree | Find...</font><font color="#000000">
-menu selection or the&nbsp;<img SRC="images/find.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23>
-toolbar button. Enter the node to search for in the <i>Node:</i> entry
-field. The search supports standard grep-type matching. If the <i>Match
-Case</i> button is enabled, then a case-sensitive search is done, otherwise
-the search is case-insensitive. The <i>Find</i> button will search for
-the next match, and highlight the entry. If the <i>Start from Root</i>
-button is enabled, the search will start from the top of the tree, otherwise
-it will start from the current location. The <i>Cancel</i> button closes
-the dialog.</font></td>
-<a NAME="Diff"></a>Diff CGNS File</h3>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/diff_dialog.gif" NOSAVE height=218 width=358></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>Runs the <i>cgnsdiff</i> program on the currently
-loaded CGNS file and the one selected in the dialog. This is invoked from the <font color="#FF0000">Tools
-| Diff CGNS Files...</font><font color="#000000"> menu item, or the&nbsp;<img SRC="images/update.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23>
-toolbar button, and compares the two files on a node name basis. The
-<i>Case-insensitive</i> and <i>Ignore White Space</i> buttons control the
-matching of node names in the files. Any matching nodes in the files are
-compared by node header information, and differences listed, if any.
-The <i>Compare Node Data</i> button, if enabled, will also compare the
-data associated with the nodes. For floating point data, <i>Compare Tolerance</i>
-is the tolerance to be used when comparing the data.</td>
-<a NAME="Check"></a>Check CGNS</h3>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/check_dialog.gif" NOSAVE height=141 width=263></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>Runs the <i>cgnscheck</i> program on the currently
-loaded CGNS file. This is invoked from the <font color="#FF0000">Tools
-| Check CGNS...</font><font color="#000000"> menu item or the&nbsp;<img SRC="images/check.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23>
-toolbar button, and will check the file for CGNS compatibility. The <i>Verbose
-Output</i> button enables more detailed output and the <i>Show Errors</i>
-will output the error information. The level of warning messages is controlled
-by the <i>Warning Level</i> setting - 0 for no warnings, and 3 for all.
-The <i>Accept</i> button runs the check and <i>Cancel</i> will cancel and
-close the window.</font></td>
-<a NAME="NodeBrowser"></a>Node Tree Browser</h3>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/linknode_dialog.gif" NOSAVE height=415 width=242></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>This is invoked from the Link Node <i>Browse</i>
-button on the <a href="linkdesc.html">Link Description panel</a>. The Link
-File name is shown in the header. To select the node within the file, highlight
-it, then select the <i>Accept</i> button. The <i>Cancel</i> button will
-close the window, and cancel the selection.</td>
-<a NAME="Help"></a>Help Setup</h3>
-<img SRC="images/helpsetup_dialog.gif" NOSAVE height=201 width=440>
-<p>This panel sets up the HTML browser and location of the CGNS documentation.
-Normally, the CGNS Documentation URL points to the base CGNS documentation
-on the NASA Glenn server. The <i>Browse</i> buttons will invoke
-a file selection dialog to locate the browser or local copies of the documentation.
-The <i>Accept</i> button accepts the setting, the <i>Defaults</i> button
-will restore the default values, and the <i>Cancel</i> button will close
-the window and cancel the changes.
-<p><a href="buttons.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="customize.html">[next]</a>
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
-content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<a href="#endnav"><img src="../../blank.gif" border=0 alt="Skip navigation links"></a>
-(<a href="../../index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation&nbsp;Home&nbsp;Page</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../charter/index.html"><b>Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgnstools/index.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../tools.html"><b>Tools</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>CGNSview</b></span>)
-(<a href="../cgnsplot/index.html"><b>CGNSplot</b></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/index.html"><b>Utilities</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<p>The CGNSview program provides a graphical user interface to
-view and edit ADF and/or HDF5 based CGNS files. It reads the file using
-only the core cgio routines, thus should be able to handle invalid
-or damaged CGNS file. The current documentation is
-brief in nature, but hopefully adequate for most needs.</p>
-<p>You may click on the image below to jump to a topic, or select
-from the following links.</p>
-<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
-<td valign="top">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
-<tr><td valign="top">
-<br><a href="menu.html">Menu Items</a>
-<br><a href="toolbar.html">Toolbar Buttons</a>
-<br><a href="separator.html">Separator Bar</a>
-<br><a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>
-<br><a href="nodedesc.html">Node Description</a>
-<br><a href="linkdesc.html">Link Description</a>
-<br><a href="datadesc.html">Data Description</a>
-<br><a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a>
-<br><a href="buttons.html">Buttons</a>
-<br><a href="dialogs.html">Dialog Windows</a>
-<br><a href="customize.html">Customization</a>
-<br><a href="unitconv.html">Unit Conversions</a>
-<br><a href="cgnsnodes.html">CGNS Node Reference</a>
-<td valign="top">
-<map name="image_map">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="2, 24, 570, 42" HREF="menu.html"
-      alt="Menu Items">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="2, 45, 570, 73" HREF="toolbar.html"
-      alt="Toolbar Buttons">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="222, 78, 238, 518" HREF="separator.html"
-      alt="Separator Bar">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="10, 79, 223, 519" HREF="nodetree.html"
-      alt="Node Tree">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 79, 564, 166" HREF="nodedesc.html"
-      alt="Node Description">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 173, 564, 244" HREF="linkdesc.html"
-      alt="Link Description">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 251, 564, 336" HREF="datadesc.html"
-      alt="Data Description">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 374, 564, 516" HREF="nodedata.html"
-      alt="Node Data">
-<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="239, 336, 564, 374" HREF="buttons.html"
-      alt="Buttons">
-<img src="images/cgnsview.gif" border="0" width="573" height="529"
-usemap="#image_map" alt="CGNSview main window"
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was written by
-<a href="mailto:brucewedan@gmail.com">Bruce Wedan</a>.
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 23 Feb 2013
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnsview/linkdesc.html b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnsview/linkdesc.html
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnsview/linkdesc.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Link Description</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="nodedesc.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="datadesc.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Link Description</font></h2>
-This panel gives the file name and node location for a linked node. Editing
-these will set or change the link properties for the node specified in
-the <a href="nodedesc.html">Node Description panel</a>. For a normal node,
-both entries will be empty. For a linked node, the <b>Link Node</b> field
-must be given. If the <b>Link File</b> entry is blank, then the link is
-within the current file, else it specifies the file to which the link refers.
-To apply the changes, use the <a href="buttons.html">Create or Modify buttons</a>.
-<p><img SRC="images/linkdesc.gif" NOSAVE height=92 width=379>
-<b>Link File</b></dt>
-Shows the name of the file to which the link refers. If blank, then the
-link is in the current file. The <i>Browse</i> button may be used to invoke
-a file selection dialog with which to select a file name.</dd>
-<b>Link Node</b></dt>
-Shows the node to which the link refers. This is required for a link. The
-button to the right will invoke a <a href="dialogs.html#NodeBrowser">node
-tree browser panel</a>, allowing selection of the node.</dd>
-<a href="nodedesc.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="datadesc.html">[next]</a>
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/cgnsview/menu.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Menu Items</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="index.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="toolbar.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Menu Items</font></h2>
-The following lists the menu selection items, and the function of each.
-<a NAME="FileMenu"></a><font color="#000066">File Menu</font></h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/file_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=178 width=80></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>New..</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Creates a new CGNS
-file. You will be prompted for the file format.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Open...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Open an existing
-CGNS file. A file selection box will be invoked to allow filename
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Save...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Save a copy of the current
-file. A file selection box will be invoked to allow the filename selection.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Reload</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Reload the current
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>File
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>A <a href="dialogs.html#FileInfo">dialog
-box</a> will invoked, which displays the file properties.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Restore</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Restore the backup
-file created when changes are made. This will undo all changes made to
-the current file.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Quit</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Exit CGNSview.</font></font></td>
-<a NAME="ConfigMenu"></a><font color="#000066">Config Menu</font></h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/config_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=132 width=118></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Show
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Toggles the display
-of the connecting lines in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>.</font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Show
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Toggles the display of the
-<a href="toolbar.html">toolbar buttons</a>.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Verify
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, the
-user will be prompted to verify the deletion of a node prior to deleting
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Auto
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, the
-current file will be backed-up prior to making any changes. When exiting
-or loading a new file, the user will be prompted as to whether or not to
-delete the backup file.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Auto
-Load Data</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, then
-the node data will be automatically loaded into the <a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> window when a new node is selected. This is only done if the node
-data size is less than the data size threshold as set by <font color="#FF0000">Auto
-Data Size...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Auto
-Data Size...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>This invokes a
-<a href="dialogs.html#AutoDataSize">setup panel</a> to allow setting the
-data size threshold for automatically loading node data into the <a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> window. The default value is set at 1K bytes.</font></font></td>
-<a NAME="TreeMenu"></a><font color="#000066">Tree Menu</font></h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/tree_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=128 width=97></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Follow
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, then
-nodes which are linked to nodes containing children (subnodes) will be
-expanded. These subnodes will be displayed in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node
-Tree</a> in blue and are not editable. If not enabled, only the link nodes
-are shown.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Expand
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Expands all the
-nodes in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>. If <font color="#FF0000">Follow
-Links</font> is enabled, then the linked nodes will also be expanded.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Collapse
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Collapses all the
-nodes in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Find
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="dialogs.html#Find">Find
-dialog window</a>, which allows specification of a node to search for in
-the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>. Wildcards are allowed in the
-node name.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Find
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Searches for the
-next node in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a> which matches the
-pattern specified in <font color="#FF0000">Find Node...</font></font></font></td>
-<a NAME="ToolsMenu"></a><font color="#000066">Tools Menu</font></h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/tools_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=121 width=133></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Diff
-CGNS Files...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="dialogs.html#Diff">dialog
-window</a> to compare the current file with another.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Check
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="dialogs.html#Check">dialog
-window </a>to check the current file for CGNS compatibility.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Plot
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Calls CGNSplot
-for the current file, if installed.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Calculate
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Calls CGNScalc
-for the current file, if installed.</font></font></td>
-<td NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Unit
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="unitconv.html">units
-conversion panel</a>.</font></font></td>
-<a NAME="HelpMenu"></a><font color="#000066">Help Menu</font></h3>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/help_menu.gif" NOSAVE height=149 width=115></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>CGNSview..</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes the CGNSview
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Utilities...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes the CGNS utilility
-routines documentation</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>CGNS...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes the CGNS
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Configure...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="dialogs.html#Help">dialog
-to setup</a> the HTML browser and URL's to the documentation.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>About...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes an about
-dialog box.</font></font></td>
-<p><a href="index.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="toolbar.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Node Data</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="datadesc.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="buttons.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Node Data</font></h2>
-This panel displays the data associated with a node, and allows editing
-of the data. The panel is a simple text editor, and really only intended
-to be used to edit small amounts of data.
-<p>The panel is filled in automatically when selecting a node from the
-<a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a> if <a href="menu.html#ConfigMenu">Auto
-Load Data</a> is enabled and the size of the the data is less than the
-<a href="menu.html#ConfigMenu">Auto Data Size</a> threshold. A read of
-the data may also be forced using the <a href="buttons.html">Read button</a>.
-<p>In the case of multidimensional arrays, the data will shown in groups
-of the inner dimension, with successive groups on a new line. In order
-to prevent very long lines, which may cause a problem for the editor, the
-number of data values to be displayed per line is limited to a maximum
-value (default 10). This maximum value may be changed from the <a href="menu.html#ConfigMenu">Auto
-Data Size</a> setup window. The current value may also be changed by typing
-the new value in the <b>Values/Line</b> entry box, followed by the <i>Enter</i>
-<p>The current line containing the insertion cursor is shown in the <b>Line</b>
-box. You may enter a new line number, followed by the <i>Enter</i> key
-to go to the line. This entry accepts arithmetic expressions, so you may
-type an expression like 75/3+1 to go to the line containing the 75th data
-value. The number in parenthesis following the line number is the number
-of the data value which is first on the current line.
-<p>The data in the following figure is dimensioned (3,60) and so is shown
-as 60 lines of 3 values each, and the cursor is currently on the 7th line,
-which contains data values 19, 20 and 21.
-<p><img SRC="images/nodedata.gif" NOSAVE height=172 width=380>
-<p>When formatting the data for display, the C "%g" format is used for
-real data and the "%d" format for integer data. When converting the data
-for writing to the node, the C routines atof() and atoi() are used for
-real and integer data, respectively. Character data is treated as C strings.
-<p>When creating a new node with the <a href="buttons.html">Create</a>
-button, the data values in this panel, will be used to assign data to the
-node. When modifying an existing node with the <a href="buttons.html">Modify</a>
-button, these values will be used if they exist, otherwise the actual node
-data is used. When doing data type conversions, this panel should generally
-be cleared of data. Therefore, the program will automatically clear this
-panel when the <b>Data Type</b> on the <a href="datadesc.html">Data Description</a>
-panel is changed. The <a href="buttons.html">Read</a> button may be used
-to reload the existing data if desired.
-<p>When the <b>Node Label</b> in the <a href="nodedesc.html">Node Description</a>
-panel is a known CGNS type, clicking Mouse Button 3 in this window will
-pop-up a panel which lists the data properties associated with the CGNS
-label type. If there is predefined data associated with the CGNS label
-type, then a list of these values will be presented instead, allowing selection
-of one of the predefined types.
-<p><a href="datadesc.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="buttons.html">[next]</a>
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
-content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0">
-<title>Node Description</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="nodetree.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="linkdesc.html">[next]</a></p>
-<h2><font color="#000066">Node Description</font></h2>
-<p>This panel shows the node location (Parent Node), the Node
-Name, and the Node Label. These values will be filled in when a
-node is selected from the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>.
-The fields may also be edited to change the node location, name
-or label, then applied to the file with the <a
-href="buttons.html">Create or Modify buttons</a>. If the selected
-node is a child of a linked node, these fields will be disabled.
-If the selected node is a link, the Node Label field will be
-disabled, however the location and name may still be modified.</p>
-<p><font color="#000066"><img src="images/nodedesc.gif"
-width="378" height="97"></font></p>
-    <dt><strong>Parent Node</strong></dt>
-    <dd>Shows the location (parent) of the selected node.
-        Changing this value to another valid node, will allow a
-        new node to be created, or the current node moved using
-        the <a href="buttons.html">Create or Modify buttons</a>.</dd>
-    <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
-    <dt><strong>Node Name</strong></dt>
-    <dd>Shows the name of the selected node. This may be edited
-        to change the name of the current node or create a new
-        node using the <a href="buttons.html">Create or Modify
-        buttons</a>. The button to the right invokes a drop-down
-        list containing a list of CGNS nodes. Selecting a node
-        from this list, will also fill in appropriate values for
-        the <strong>Node Label</strong> and <a
-        href="datadesc.html">Data Description panel</a>.</dd>
-    <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
-    <dt><strong>Node Label</strong></dt>
-    <dd>Shows the label associated with the current node. This
-        may be edited to change the label for the node, or a new
-        value selected from the list of CGNS values in the drop-down
-        list invoked with the button to the right.</dd>
-<p><a href="nodetree.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a>
-<a href="linkdesc.html">[next]</a></p>
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-   <title>Node Tree</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="separator.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="nodedesc.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Node Tree</font></h2>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/nodetree.gif" NOSAVE height=506 width=254 align=TEXTTOP></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>The Node Tree displays the nodes for the currently
-loaded file.&nbsp;
-<p>Terminator nodes (those containing no children nodes) are indicated
-with a file icon,&nbsp;<img SRC="images/file.gif" NOSAVE height=16 width=16>.
-Nodes which contain child nodes are indicated with a folder icon,&nbsp;<img SRC="images/folder.gif" NOSAVE height=16 width=16>.&nbsp;
-<p>Linked nodes are displayed with&nbsp;<img SRC="images/file-link.gif" NOSAVE height=16 width=16>
-or&nbsp;<img SRC="images/folder-link.gif" NOSAVE height=16 width=16> icons,
-depending on whether they contain children or not. Any children of a linked
-node will be displayed in <font color="#0000FF">blue</font>, and are not
-editable. These will only by visible if the <font color="#FF0000">Follow
-Links</font> option is turned on.&nbsp;
-<p>A bad node will be shown in <font color="#FF0000">red</font> with an&nbsp;<img SRC="images/invalid.gif" NOSAVE height=16 width=16>
-icon. This indicates a node for which nothing can be read. Invalid nodes
-will also be shown in <font color="#FF0000">red</font>, with an&nbsp;<img SRC="images/question.gif" NOSAVE height=16 width=16>
-or&nbsp;<img SRC="images/question-link.gif" NOSAVE height=16 width=16>
-icon, depending on whether the node is a link or not.
-<p>The scrollbars to the right and below the tree may be used to scroll
-the view.&nbsp;
-<p>A node is selected by clicking Mouse Button 1 on the desired node. All
-the information for the selected node will then be displayed in the <a href="nodedesc.html">Node
-Description</a>, <a href="linkdesc.html">Link Description</a>, and <a href="datadesc.html">Data
-Description</a> panels to the right of the Node Tree. If the size of the
-node data is less than or equal to the <a href="menu.html#ConfigMenu">Auto
-Load Data</a> threshold value, and the <a href="menu.html#ConfigMenu">Auto
-Load Data</a> option is enabled, the node data will also be read and displayed
-in the <a href="nodedata.html">Node Data</a> panel.&nbsp;
-Mouse Bindings</h3>
-Clicking Mouse Button 1 on a node selects the node.
-<br>Double-clicking Mouse Button 1 on a parent node, will toggle the open
-state of the node.
-<br>Shift-Mouse Button 1 will open one level of nodes below the selected
-<br>Control-Mouse Button 1 will close the last level of open nodes below
-the selected node.
-<br>Shift-Mouse Button 3 will expand all the nodes below the selected node.
-<br>Control-Mouse Button 3 will collapse all the nodes below the selected
-<p>Clicking Mouse Button 2 on a node will invoke a popup window showing
-the SIDS definition for the node, as shown below for a Zone_t node.
-<p><img SRC="images/nodeinfo.gif" NOSAVE height=170 width=322>
-<p>Clicking Mouse Button 3 on a node will invoke the popup menu shown below:
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/popup.gif" NOSAVE height=128 width=75></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Expand</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Open the current
-node and all of it's children nodes.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Collapse</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Close the current
-node and all of it's children nodes.</font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Info...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Creates a popup window showing
-info for the current node (same as Mouse Button 2)</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Insert</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Gives a submenu
-containing a list of nodes which may be added as a subnode of the current
-node. An edit field will be created allowing the node name to be specified.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Rename</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Change the name
-of the current node. An edit field will be created allowing the new name
-to be specified.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Delete</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Delete the current
-Key Bindings</h3>
-If the focus is set to the Node Tree (indicated by a black box around the
-panel), then the following keyboard operations are available:
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Key</font></font></th>
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Menu
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Description</font></font></th>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Down</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Move the selection
-down to the next node.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Up</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Move the selection
-up to the previous node.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Left</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Collapse</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Close the current
-node and all of it's children nodes.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Right</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Expand</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Open the current
-node and all of it's children nodes.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Space</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>toggle open</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Toggle the open
-state for the node.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Insert</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Insert</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Add a new node
-as a subnode of the current node. An edit field will be created allowing
-the node name to be specified.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Enter</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Rename</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Change the name
-of the current node. An edit field will be created allowing the new name
-to be specified.</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Delete</font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Delete</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Delete the current
-<p><a href="separator.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="nodedesc.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Separator Bar</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="toolbar.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="nodetree.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Separator Bar</font></h2>
-<td><img SRC="images/separator.gif" NOSAVE height=172 width=198></td>
-<td>The separator bar is located between the Node Tree panel and the Node
-Description panels. Clicking Mouse Button 1 on this bar and dragging allows
-the relative sizes of the panels to be adjusted. The mouse cursor will
-change to a horizontal double-headed arrow when over the separator bar.</td>
-<p><a href="toolbar.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="nodetree.html">[next]</a>
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-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Toolbar Buttons</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="menu.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="separator.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Toolbar Buttons</font></h2>
-The toolbar provides shortcuts to most of the Menu items, as shown below:
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Button</font></font></th>
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Menu
-<th ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#C0C0C0"><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Description</font></font></th>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/new.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>File
-| New...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Creates a new CGNS
-file. You will be prompted for the file format.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/open.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>File
-| Open...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Open an existing
-CGNS file. A file selection box will be invoked to allow filename
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/save.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>File
-| Save As...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Save a copy of the current
-file. A file selection box will be invoked to allow the filename selection.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/refresh.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>File
-| Reload</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Reload the current
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/properties.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>File
-| File Info...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>A <a href="dialogs.html#FileInfo">dialog
-box</a> will invoked, which displays the file properties.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/datasize.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Config
-| Auto Data Size...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>This invokes a
-<a href="dialogs.html#AutoDataSize">panel</a> to allow setting the data
-size threshold for automatically loading node data into the <a href="nodedata.html">Node
-Data</a> window. The default value is set at 1K bytes.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/follow.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tree
-| Follow Links</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If enabled, then
-nodes which are linked to nodes containing children (subnodes) will be
-expanded. These subnodes will be displayed in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node
-Tree</a> in blue and are not editable. If not enabled, only the link nodes
-are shown.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/expand.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP>&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Opens the next
-level of child nodes for all the nodes in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/collapse.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP>&nbsp;</td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Closes the last
-level of open nodes in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/find.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tree
-| Find...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="dialogs.html#Find">Find
-dialog box,</a> which allows specification of a node to search for in the
-<a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>. Wildcards are allowed in the node
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/findagain.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tree
-| Find Again</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Searches for the
-next node in the <a href="nodetree.html">Node Tree</a> which matches the
-pattern specified in <font color="#FF0000">Find Node...</font></font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/update.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tools
-| Diff CGNS Files...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If cgnsdiff is installed,
-this will invoke a <a href="dialogs.html#Diff">panel</a> to allow a
-comparison of two CGNS files for differences.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/check.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tools
-| Check CGNS...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If CGNScheck is installed,
-this will invoke a <a href="dialogs.html#Check">panel</a> to check the
-current file for CGNS compatibility.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/plot.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tools
-| Plot CGNS...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If CGNSplot is installed,
-this will plot the current CGNS file.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/calc.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tools
-| Calculate CGNS...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>If CGNScalc is installed this
-will invoke it for the current file.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/unitconv.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Tools
-| Unit Conversions...</font></font></font></td>
-<td><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes a <a href="unitconv.html">units
-conversion panel</a>.</font></font></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/help.gif" NOSAVE height=23 width=23></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font color="#FF0000"><font size=-1>Help
-| CGNSview...</font></font></font></td>
-<td VALIGN=TOP><font face="MS Sans Serif"><font size=-1>Invokes the CGNSview
-<p><a href="menu.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="separator.html">[next]</a>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>Node Data</title>
-<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<a href="customize.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="cgnsnodes.html">[next]</a>
-<font color="#000066">Unit Conversions</font></h2>
-<table CELLSPACING=10 WIDTH="100%" >
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP><img SRC="images/units.gif" NOSAVE height=259 width=284></td>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>This window provides the capability to do simple
-unit conversions. It&nbsp; is invoked by CGNSview from either the
-Conversions</i> menu or the toolbar button. It may also be invoked in stand-alone
-mode from the command line.
-<p>The type of units are selected from the <i>Unit Type</i> menu button,
-and the input and output units are highlighted in the listboxes. Typing
-in the <i>Input</i> entry field will result in the current value being
-converted from the input units to the output units. The entry field accepts
-arithmetic expressions, so you may type an expression like 75/3+1. It will
-also accept some basic C-type math operators like log() and sin().
-<p>The <i>STO</i> button will store the current value in the output field,
-and the <i>RCL</i> button will past the stored value into the input field
-at the current cursor location. The <i>Copy</i> button will copy the input
-field value into the clipboard for pasting into other applications.</td>
-<p><a href="customize.html">[previous]</a> <a href="index.html">[index]</a> <a href="cgnsnodes.html">[next]</a>
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index 419c06fb..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/external.png and /dev/null differ
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index 47db8427..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Home Page for CGNS Tools -->
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-<title> CGNS Tools </title>
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-(<a href="../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></span>)
-(<a href="tools.html"><b>Tools</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnsview/index.html"><b>CGNSview</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnsplot/index.html"><b>CGNSplot</b></a>)
-(<a href="utilities/index.html"><b>Utilities</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-A variety of CGNS-related utility packages have been developed, both by
-CGNS team members and by CGNS users.
-<dt> <b><a href="tools.html">Tools</a></b>
-     <dd> A number of utility programs are provided in the <i>tools</i>
-          subdirectory for the CGNS library release. These include:
-          <ul type=disk>
-          <li> <i>cgnscheck</i>, a CGNS file validator
-          <li> <i>cgnscompress</i>, compress (remove extra space) from a CGNS file.
-          <li> <i>cgnsdiff</i>, compare 2 CGNS files.
-          <li> <i>cgnslist</i>, list the contents of a CGNS file.
-          <li> <i>cgnsnames</i>, display all the standard data-name identifiers.
-          <li> <i>cgnsupdate</i>, script to update a CGNS file to the current version.
-          <li> <i>cgnsconvert</i>, convert a CGNS file to/from ADF/HDF5 format.
-          <li> <i>adf2hdf</i>, script to convert a CGNS file from ADF to HDF5.
-          <li> <i>hdf2adf</i>, script to convert a CGNS file from HDF5 to ADF.
-          </ul>
-<a name="CGNSview"></a>
-<dt> <b><a href="cgnsview/index.html">CGNSview</a></b>
-     <dd> A CGNS file viewer and editor based on Tcl/Tk. This is a replacement
-          for ADFviewer, and is now based on the cgio interface which allows
-          for reading both ADF and HDF5 based CGNS files.
-          The GUI allows access to any node in the file using a
-          Windows-like collapsible node tree.
-          Nodes and data may be added, deleted, and modified.
-          Several other utilities may be accessed from <i>CGNSview</i>,
-          including:<br><br>
-          <ul type=disk>
-          <li> <a href="cgnsplot/index.html">CGNSplot</a>, for displaying
-               the surface mesh, element sets, connectivity regions, and
-               boundary condition regions
-          <li> <i>CGNScalc</i>, a calculator using data in CGNS files
-          <li> <i>cgnscheck</i>, a CGNS file validator
-          <li> <i>cgnsdiff</i>, compare CGNS file with another.
-          <li> <a href="utilities/import.html">Import</a>,
-               <a href="utilities/export.html">export</a>,
-               <a href="utilities/convert.html">data conversion</a>, and
-               <a href="utilities/subset.html">subset extraction and
-               interpolation</a> utilities
-          </ul>
-          <p>
-          <i>CGNSview</i> is part of the <i>CGNStools</i> package.
-<dt> <b><a href="cgnsplot/index.html">CGNSplot</a></b>
-     <dd> For structured zones, <i>CGNSplot</i> may be used to display
-          the exterior faces of the volume mesh, the minimum and maximum
-          bounding surfaces, the connectivity regions, and the boundary
-          condition regions.
-          For unstructured zones, <i>CGNSplot</i> will display the
-          element sets.
-          It may be run stand-alone, or accessed from
-          <a href="cgnsview/index.html">CGNSview</a>.
-          <p>
-          <i>CGNSplot</i> is part of the <i>CGNStools</i> package.
-<dt> <b><a href="utilities/index.html">Utilities</a></b>
-     <dd> A collection of import, export, data conversion, and subset
-          extraction and interpolation utilities that may be run
-          stand-alone, or accessed from
-          <a href="cgnsview/index.html">CGNSview</a>.<br><br>
-          <ul type=disk>
-          <li> Utilities for converting <a href="utilities/import.html">Patran,
-               PLOT3D, or Tecplot files to CGNS files</a>, and
-               <a href="utilities/export.html">CGNS files to PLOT3D or
-               Tecplot files</a>
-          <li> <a href="utilities/convert.html">Data conversion utilities</a>
-               for modifying the grid location (vertex or
-               cell-center), solution variables (primitive or
-               conservative), and data class (<tt>Dimensional</tt>,
-               <tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt>, or
-               <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>)
-          <li> Utilities for creating a <a href="utilities/subset.html">subset
-               or interpolated version</a> of a CGNS file
-          </ul><br>
-          These utilities are included in the <i>CGNStools</i> package.
-<dt> <b>ADF_Edit</b>
-     <dd> A browser/editor that displays the ADF tree structure and
-          contents in ASCII form, and permits item-by-item editing.
-          Although <i>ADF_Edit</i> is still available,
-          it has been superseded by the much more capable
-          <a href="#CGNSview">CGNSview</a>.
-<dt> <b>CGNS_readhist</b>
-     <dd> Reads a CGNS file and writes history data to a formatted file.
-          <i>CGNS_readhist</i> is available from the
-          Utilities page at the
-          <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS web site</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.<br>
-          <i>Contact:</i> Chris Rumsey (<a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@larc.nasa.gov"><i>c.l.rumsey@larc.nasa.gov</i></a>)
-<dt> <b>FTU (File Transfer Utility)</b>
-     <dd> Converts CGNS files to and from Plot3D format.
-          Has a text-based menu allowing the manipulation of a CGNS base.
-          <i>FTU</i> is available from the
-          Utilities page at the
-          <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS web site</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.<br>
-          <i>Contact:</i> Bob Bush (<a href="mailto:bushrh@pweh.com"><i>bushrh@pweh.com</i></a>)
-<!--<dt> <b>CGNS Viewer</b>
-     <dd> An alpha release of another ADF/CGNS file viewer and editor.
-          Requires the GTK+ library version 1.2 or newer (installed by
-          default on newer Linux systems using Gnome; otherwise found at
-          <a href="http://www.gtk.org/"><i>http://www.gtk.org/</i></a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">).
-          <i>CGNS Viewer</i> is available from the
-          Utilities page at the
-          <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS web site</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.<br>
-          <i>Contact:</i> Christian Lundh (<a href="mailto:xistan@yahoo.se"><i>xistan@yahoo.se</i></a>)
-<dt> <b><a href="http://cgns-python.berlios.de/">PyCGNS</a></b>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-     <dd> A Python binding to the ADF Core and Mid-Level Library.<br>
-          <i>Contact:</i> Marc Poinot (<a href="mailto:Marc.Poinot@onera.fr"><i>Marc.Poinot@onera.fr</i></a>)
-<dt> <b>ADFM</b>
-     <dd> A development version of software for managing an in-memory
-          representation of ADF trees.
-          For more information, see
-          "<a href="http://cgns.sourceforge.net/utilities/ADFM/ADFM.pdf">Proposal
-          and Prototype for an in-memory representation of ADF
-          trees</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">"
-          (PDF, 7 pages, 256K).<br>
-          <i>Contact:</i> Marc Poinot (<a href="mailto:Marc.Poinot@onera.fr"><i>Marc.Poinot@onera.fr</i></a>)
-<dt> <b><a href="http://cgnspp.sourceforge.net/">CGNS++</a></b>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-     <dd> A C++ binding to the ADF Core and Mid-Level Library.<br>
-          <i>Contact:</i> Manuel Kessler (<a href="mailto:kessler@iag.uni-stuttgart.de"><i>kessler@iag.uni-stuttgart.de</i></a>)
-The complete <a href="cgnstools.tar.gz">CGNS Tools and Utilities</a>
-documentation is available for installation on a local system.
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (318K, 635K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c cgnstools.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>cgnstools</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>cgnstools/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>CGNS Tools and Utilities</i> home page.
-Note that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 23 Sep 2015
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-<title>Supplied CGNS Tools</title>
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-(<a href="../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<span class=nav><b>Tools</b></span>)
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-(<a href="utilities/index.html"><b>Utilities</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h1>Supplied CGNS Tools</h1>
-<p>A number of useful CGNS tools are available in the </i>tools</i>
-subdirectory of the CGNS library distribution, are are documented here.
-<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnscheck"><i>cgnscheck</i></a></td>
-        <td>a CGNS file validator</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnscompress"><i>cgnscompress</i></a></td>
-        <td>compress (remove extra space) from a CGNS file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnsdiff"><i>cgnsdiff</i></a></td>
-        <td>compare 2 CGNS files</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnslist"><i>cgnslist</i></a></td>
-        <td>list the contents of a CGNS file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnsnames"><i>cgnsnames</i></a></td>
-        <td>display all the standard data-name identifiers</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnsupdate"><i>cgnsupdate</i></a></td>
-        <td>script to update a CGNS file to the current version</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnsconvert"><i>cgnsconvert</i></a></td>
-        <td>convert a CGNS file to/from ADF/HDF5 format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnsconvert"><i>adf2hdf</i></a></td>
-        <td>script to convert a CGNS file from ADF to HDF5</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#cgnsconvert"><i>hdf2adf</i></a></td>
-        <td>script to convert a CGNS file from HDF5 to ADF</td>
-    </tr>
-<h2><a name="cgnscheck"></a>cgnscheck</h2>
-Checks a CGNS file for validity and if it conforms to the CGNS standard.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<b>cgnscheck</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-v</td>
-        <td>verbose output. Print node information</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-V</td>
-        <td>more verbose. Also print out descriptors</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-w<i> level</i></td>
-        <td>Level for warning messages, from 0 (no messages) to
-            3 (for all messages). default is 3</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-e</td>
-        <td>don't print out error messages (done by default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-u</td>
-        <td>update CGNS version and check file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-U</td>
-        <td>update CGNS version only</td>
-    </tr>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. If option <i>-u</i>
-or <i>-U</i> is given, then the file will be updated to the current
-CGNS version and rewritten. If the output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>,
-is specified the modified CGNS data file will be written to it,
-otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em> will be modified.
-<h2><a name="cgnscompress"></a>cgnscompress</h2>
-Rewrites a CGNS file to remove any unused space. This may happen when a
-file is opened in modify mode and nodes deleted or rewritten. In previous
-versions of the library, the entire file was automatically rewritten
-in this case, thus unused space did not occur. In the current version
-this is no longer done since problems may occur when doing parallel I/O.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<b>cgnscompress</b> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is the file to be compressed.
-If an output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>,
-is specified the compressed file will be written to it,
-otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em> will be compressed.
-<h2><a name="cgnsdiff"></a>cgnsdiff</h2>
-Compares 2 CGNS files and lists the differences.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<b>cgnsdiff</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile1</b> <i>dataset1</i> <b>CGNSfile2</b> <i>dataset2</i>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-c</td>
-        <td>compare node names as case insensitive</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-i</td>
-        <td>ignore white space in node names wihile comparing</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-q</td>
-        <td>quiet mode. print only if the files differ</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>follow links while comparing</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-r</td>
-        <td>compare child nodes also. This is only used when <i>dataset1</i>
-            is specified. Normally, only the specified node is compared</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d</td>
-        <td>compare the data for a node also. Normally, only the node headers
-            are compared (i.e. label, data type and dimensions.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-t<i> tolerance</i></td>
-        <td>Tolerance for comparing floating point data when <i>-d</i>
-            is used. The default is 0</td>
-    </tr>
-<p>The CGNS files to be compared are given by <i>CGNSfile1</i> and
-<i>CGNSfile1</i>. The files will be compared by matching node (dataset)
-names. If <i>dataset1</i> is specified, then only that node (and it's
-children if option <i>-r</i> is given) will be compared. Two different
-named nodes may be compared be specifying <i>dataset2</i>, in which
-case <i>dataset1</i> in file <i>CGNSfile1</i> will be compared with
-<i>dataset2</i> in file <i>CGNSfile2</i>. The actual data contained in
-the nodes is not compared by default, rather just the header information.
-The <i>-d</i> option will case the node data to be compared also if the
-headers match. When comparing floating point data, the tolerance given
-by option <i>-t</i> will be used.
-<p>On output:</p>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>&lt; <i>dataset1</i></td>
-        <td>indicates node is only in <i>CGNSfile1</i></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>&gt; <i>dataset2</i></td>
-        <td>indicates node is only in <i>CGNSfile2</i></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap><i>dataset1</i>&lt;&gt;<i>dataset2</i> - <i>what</i></td>
-        <td>indicates that the nodes differ and <i>what</i> indicates the
-            difference</td>
-    </tr>
-<h2><a name="cgnslist"></a>cgnslist</h2>
-Lists th contents of a CGNS file in a tree structure.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>cgnslist</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b</td>
-        <td>brief output. File summary only</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-i<i> indent</i></td>
-        <td>amount to indent when printing tree. (default is 2)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>follow links</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-l</td>
-        <td>print the node label</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-t</td>
-        <td>print the node data type</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d</td>
-        <td>print the node dimensions</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s</td>
-        <td>print the node size in bytes</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-a</td>
-        <td>print all the above. implies <i>-ltds</i></td>
-    </tr>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. The file contents
-will be listed (node names) in a tree structure, where children nodes
-are indented 2 from their parent nodes. The information printed for
-a node, and the indent amount, may be set with the command line options.
-The option <i>-b</i> will print only a file summary, rather than the
-entire tree.
-<h2><a name="cgnsnames"></a>cgnsnames</h2>
-Prints the list on the standardized CGNS data-name identifiers along
-with their dimensional units (if any).
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p>and writes the output to the console.</p>
-<h2><a name="cgnsupdate"></a>cgnsupdate</h2>
-This is a script that calls <a href="#cgnscheck"><i>cgnscheck</i></a>
-with the <i>-U</i> option to update a file to the current CGNS version.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The script is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<b>cgnsupdate</b> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is the file to be converted.
-If an output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>,
-is specified the modified CGNS data file will be written to it,
-otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em> will be modified.
-<h2><a name="cgnsconvert"></a>cgnsconvert</h2>
-Converts a CGNS file to or from ADF or HDF5 format.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>cgnsconvert</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-a</td>
-        <td>write ADF file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-h
-        <td>write HDF5 format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>force output if input format is the same as the output format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-l</td>
-        <td>expand links in output file</td>
-    </tr>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is the file to be converted.
-If an output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>,
-is specified the converted CGNS file will be written to it,
-otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em> will be converted.
-The output format is given by the command line options <i>-a</i> to
-write an ADF file, or <i>-h</i> to write an HDF5 file. If neither
-option is given, then the output format is assumed to be the opposite
-of the input format. If the input and output formats are the same,
-nothing is done, unless the <i>-f</i> option is given to force the
-writing. The <i>-l</i> option will remove the links and create the
-corresponding data within the output file.
-<h2><a name="adf2hdf"></a>adf2hdf</h2>
-Script to convert an ADF CGNS file to HDF5 format. Calls
-<a href="#cgnsconvert"><i>cgnsconvert</i></a> with the <i>-h</i> option.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>adf2hdf</b> <i>-links</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The only command line option is <i>-links</i> which causes
-any linked data to be included in the output file.
-The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is the file to be converted.
-If an output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>,
-is specified the converted CGNS file will be written to it,
-otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em> will be converted. If the input format
-is already in HDF5 format, nothing is done.
-<h2><a name="hdf2adf"></a>hdf2adf</h2>
-Script to convert a HDF5 CGNS file to ADF format. Calls
-<a href="#cgnsconvert"><i>cgnsconvert</i></a> with the <i>-a</i> option.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>hdf2adf</b> <i>-links</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The only command line option is <i>-links</i> which causes
-any linked data to be included in the output file.
-The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is the file to be converted.
-If an output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>,
-is specified the converted CGNS file will be written to it,
-otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em> will be converted. If the input format
-is already in ADF format, nothing is done.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<h1>Data Conversion Utilities</h1>
-<p>This document describes the conversion routines which operate
-on CGNS data files. The following conversion utilities are
-currently available.</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Location">Solution Location</a></td>
-        <td>convert_location</td>
-        <td>Convert between cell-center and vertex solutions</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Variables">Solution Variables</a></td>
-        <td>convert_variables</td>
-        <td>Convert between primitive and conserved variables</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Dimensionalization">Dimensionalization</a></td>
-        <td>convert_dataclass</td>
-        <td>Convert between dimensional and nondimensional
-        variables</td>
-    </tr>
-<h2><a name="Location"></a>Solution Location</h2>
-<p>Converts the solution in a CGNS file between cell-center and
-vertex locations.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>convert_location</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. If the
-output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>, is specified the modified
-CGNS data file will be written to it, otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em>
-will be modified. The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</td>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-c</td>
-        <td>convert solution location to cell-center</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-v</td>
-        <td>convert solution location to vertex</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-w</td>
-        <td>use volume weighted averaging (default is simple
-        averaging)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>. (default 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-z<i> zone</i></td>
-        <td>read zone number <i>zone</i> (default all zones)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s<i> sol</i></td>
-        <td>read solution number <i>sol</i> (default all
-        solutions)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-S<i> name</i></td>
-        <td>write to solution <i>name</i> (default is same as
-        read)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td align="center" colspan="2"><em>options valid only for
-        conversion to cell-center</em></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-i</td>
-        <td>add rind cell at imin</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-I</td>
-        <td>add rind cell at imax</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-j</td>
-        <td>add rind cell at jmin</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-J</td>
-        <td>add rind cell at jmax</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-k</td>
-        <td>add rind cell at kmin</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-K</td>
-        <td>add rind cell at kmax</td>
-    </tr>
-<p>One of the options, <strong>-c</strong> or<strong> -v</strong>
-must be specified; the others are optional.</p>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/solution_location.gif" width="447" height="446"
-        alt="CGNSview Solution Location conversion window"
-        longdesc="images/solution_location.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>convert_location</strong>. If
-the conversion is successful, CGNSview will read and display the
-CGNS file.</p>
-<h2><a name="Variables"></a>Solution Variables</h2>
-<p>Converts the solution in a CGNS file between primitive and
-conserved variables.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>convert_variables</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile </b><em>newCGNSfile</em></p>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. If the
-output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>, is specified the modified
-CGNS data file will be written to it, otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em>
-will be modified. The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</td>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-p</td>
-        <td>convert to primitive variables</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-c</td>
-        <td>convert to conserved variables</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f <em>file</em></td>
-        <td>read conversion expressions from file <em>file</em></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>. (default 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-z <i>zone</i></td>
-        <td>read zone number <i>zone</i> (default all zones)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s<i> sol</i></td>
-        <td>read solution number <i>sol</i> (default all
-        solutions)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-S <i>name</i></td>
-        <td>write to solution <i>name</i> (default is same as
-        read)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-g<em> gamma</em></td>
-        <td>value of gamma for conversions (default 1.4)</td>
-    </tr>
-<p>One of the options, -p<strong>, -c</strong> or<strong> -f</strong>
-must be specified; the others are optional.</p>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/solution_variables.gif" width="447" height="449"
-        alt="CGNSview Solution Variables conversion window"
-        longdesc="images/solution_variables.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>convert_variables</strong>. If
-the conversion is successful, CGNSview will read and display the
-CGNS file.</p>
-<h2><a name="Dimensionalization"></a>Dimensionalization</h2>
-<p>Converts the solution in a CGNS file between dimensional and
-non-dimensional data.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>convert_dataclass</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile </b><em>newCGNSfile</em></p>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. If the
-output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>, is specified the modified
-CGNS data file will be written to it, otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em>
-will be modified. The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</td>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d</td>
-        <td>convert to Dimensional variables (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-n</td>
-        <td>convert to NormalizedByDimensional variables</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-u</td>
-        <td>convert to NormalizedByUnknownDimensional variables</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-v</td>
-        <td>verbose output - show expression parsing errors, if
-        any</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f <em>file</em></td>
-        <td>read conversion expressions from file <em>file</em></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>. (default 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-z<i> zone</i></td>
-        <td>read zone number <i>zone</i> (default all zones)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s<i> sol</i></td>
-        <td>read solution number <i>sol</i> (default all
-        solutions)</td>
-    </tr>
-<p>One of the options, -p<strong>, -c</strong> or<strong> -f</strong>
-must be specified; the others are optional</p>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/dimensionalization.gif" width="552" height="419"
-        alt="CGNSview Dimensionalization conversion window"
-        longdesc="images/dimensionalization.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>convert_dataclass</strong>. If
-the conversion is successful, CGNSview will read and display the
-CGNS file.</p>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<h1>Export Utilities</h1>
-<p>This document describes the export routines which convert data
-CGNS to other formats. The following export utilities are
-currently available.</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#PLOT3D">PLOT3D</a></td>
-        <td>cgns_to_plot3d</td>
-        <td>Converts a structured CGNS file to PLOT3D file(s)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Tecplot">Tecplot</a></td>
-        <td>cgns_to_tecplot</td>
-        <td>Converts a CGNS file to a Tecplot file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#AFLR3">AFLR3</a></td>
-        <td>cgns_to_aflr3</td>
-        <td>Converts a CGNS file to an AFLR3 file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#FAST">FAST</a></td>
-        <td>cgns_to_fast</td>
-        <td>Converts a CGNS file to a FAST file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#VTK">VTK</a></td>
-        <td>cgns_to_vtk</td>
-        <td>Converts a CGNS file to VTK files</td>
-    </tr>
-<h2><a name="PLOT3D"></a>PLOT3D</h2>
-<p>Converts a CGNS file containing a structured grid to a PLOT3D
-XYZ file and Q file (if a solution is present). </p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>cgns_to_plot3d</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile XYZfile</b> <i>Qfile</i>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i>, and PLOT3D XYZ output
-file, <i>XYZfile</i>, are required. The grid from the CGNS file
-will be written to the PLOT3D XYZ file. Interfaces in the CGNS
-file will be output as an <i>iblank</i> array in the XYZ file
-unless disabled by the <i>-n</i> command line option. If <i>Qfile</i>
-is specified and a solution exists in the CGNS file, it will be
-written to <em>Qfile</em>. The command line aptions are:&nbsp; </p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s</td>
-        <td>write as single block PLOT3D file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-p</td>
-        <td>write planar grid format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-n</td>
-        <td>don't write an iblank array. (default is to write one
-        only if interfaces exist)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>write formatted (ASCII) PLOT3D file. (default is
-        binary)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-u</td>
-        <td>write Fortran unformatted PLOT3D file. (default is
-        binary)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d</td>
-        <td>use double-precision (64-bit)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B <i>name</i></td>
-        <td>set CGNS base name to <i>name</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-S <i>sol</i></td>
-        <td>solution to use if multiple (default 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-w</td>
-        <td>use volume weighting</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-g <i>gamma</i></td>
-        <td>gamma for data conversions (default is 1.4)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/export_plot3d.gif" width="374" height="539"
-        alt="CGNSview PLOT3D export window"
-        longdesc="images/export_plot3d.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>cgns_to_plot3d</strong>.</p>
-<h2><a name="Tecplot"></a>Tecplot</h2>
-<p>Converts a CGNS file to a Tecplot file. </p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>cgns_to_tecplot</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile Tecplotfile</b></p>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i>, and Tecplot output file,
-<em>Tecplotfile</em>, are required. The command line aptions are:&nbsp;
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-a</td>
-        <td>write ASCII Tecplot file (default is binary)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B <i>name</i></td>
-        <td>set CGNS base name to <i>name</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-S <i>sol</i></td>
-        <td>solution to use if multiple (default 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-w</td>
-        <td>use volume weighting</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/export_tecplot.gif" width="426" height="382"
-        alt="CGNSview Tecplot export window"
-        longdesc="images/export_tecplot.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>cgns_to_tecplot</strong>.</p>
-<h2><a name="AFLR3"></a>AFLR3</h2>
-<p>Converts a CGNS file to an AFLR3 file. </p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>cgns_to_aflr3</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>AFLR3file MAPBCfile</i></p>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. If the AFLR3 output file,
-<em>AFLR3file</em>, is not given, the output file name will be constructed
-from the base name of the CGNS file with the extension .ugrid. The same is
-done for the BC file, but the extension .mapbc is used. If <em>MAPBCfile</em>
-is given, then <em>AFLR3file</em> must also be given.</p>
-<p>The command line aptions are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-4</td>
-        <td>write coordinates as real*4</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-8</td>
-        <td>write coordinates as real*8 (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>write formatted ASCII file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s</td>
-        <td>write Fortran stream (binary) file (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-l</td>
-        <td>write little-endian format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b</td>
-        <td>write big-endian format (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-x</td>
-        <td>indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition
-            should be treated as X-symmetry (6661 in mapbc)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-y</td>
-        <td>indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition
-            should be treated as Y-symmetry (6662 in mapbc)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-z</td>
-        <td>indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition
-            should be treated as Z-symmetry (6663 in mapbc)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B <i>base</i></td>
-        <td>set CGNS base index to <i>base</i> (default is 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-Z <i>zone</i></td>
-        <td>set CGNS zone index to <i>zone</i> (default is 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/export_aflr3.gif" width="337" height="375"
-        alt="CGNSview AFLR3 export window"
-        longdesc="images/export_aflr3.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>cgns_to_aflr3</strong>.</p>
-<h2><a name="FAST"></a>FAST</h2>
-<p>Converts a CGNS file to a FAST file. </p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>cgns_to_fast</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>FASTfile MAPBCfile</i></p>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. If the FAST output file,
-<em>FASTfile</em>, is not given, the output file name will be constructed
-from the base name of the CGNS file with the extension .fgrid. The same is
-done for the BC file, but the extension .mapbc is used. If <em>MAPBCfile</em>
-is given, then <em>FASTfile</em> must also be given.</p>
-<p>The command line aptions are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-4</td>
-        <td>write coordinates as real*4</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-8</td>
-        <td>write coordinates as real*8 (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>write formatted ASCII file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s</td>
-        <td>write Fortran stream (binary) file (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-l</td>
-        <td>write little-endian format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b</td>
-        <td>write big-endian format (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-x</td>
-        <td>indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition
-            should be treated as X-symmetry (6661 in mapbc)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-y</td>
-        <td>indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition
-            should be treated as Y-symmetry (6662 in mapbc)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-z</td>
-        <td>indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition
-            should be treated as Z-symmetry (6663 in mapbc)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B <i>base</i></td>
-        <td>set CGNS base index to <i>base</i> (default is 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-Z <i>zone</i></td>
-        <td>set CGNS zone index to <i>zone</i> (default is 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/export_fast.gif" width="336" height="371"
-        alt="CGNSview FAST export window"
-        longdesc="images/export_fast.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>cgns_to_fast</strong>.</p>
-<h2><a name="VTK"></a>VTK</h2>
-<p>Converts a CGNS file to VTK files. </p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>cgns_to_vtk</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>VTKdir</i></p>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i>, is required. If the VTK output
-directory, <em>VTKdir</em>, is given, the VTK files are written to that
-directory, otherwise the current directory is used. Each zone,
-and element set (if option <i>-e</i> is selected), will be written
-to a separate VTK file in that directory.
-The command line aptions are:&nbsp;
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-a</td>
-        <td>write ASCII files (default is binary)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>, (default is 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-z<i> zone</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS zone index <i>zone</i>. (default is 0 for all)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s<i> sol</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS solution index <i>sol</i>. (default is 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-e</td>
-        <td>write element sets (unstructured zone).</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-v</td>
-        <td>verbose printing</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/export_vtk.gif" width="349" height="333"
-        alt="CGNSview VTK export window"
-        longdesc="images/export_vtk.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input file and output
-directory and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>cgns_to_vtk</strong>.</p>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 22 Feb 2013
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer Dimensionalization window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer Dimensionalization window has three sections, from top to
-First is a section titled "Data Class".
-At the top of this section are three radio buttons, labeled "Dimensional",
-"NormalizedByDimensional" and "NormalizedByUnknownDimensional".
-These are followed by two check boxes labeled "Use Conversion File" and
-"Slow Parsing Errors", and a button labeled "Edit Conversion File".
-Below these is a text input box labeled "Filename", with a "Browse"
-button to the right.
-Next is the "CGNS Input" section, with four text input boxes, labeled
-"Filename", "Base Index", "Zone Index", and "Solution Index".
-At the right of the first box is a "Browse" button.
-At the right of the other three text boxes are check boxes labeled
-"default", "all zones", and "all solutions", respectively.
-The third section is the "CGNS Output" section, with two text input
-boxes, labeled "Filename" and "Solution Name".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the second box is a check box labeled "default".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer PLOT3D export window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer PLOT3D export window, titled "Plot3d export", has five
-sections, from top to bottom.
-First is the "Files" section, with three text input boxes, labeled
-"CGNS", "XYZ", and "Q".
-At the right of each box is a "Browse" button.
-Next is the "CGNS Location" section, with two text input boxes, labeled
-"Base Index" and "Solution Index".
-To the right of the each box is a check box labeled "default".
-Below this is the "Plot3d File Format" section, with two sets of
-two radio buttons each.
-On the left are radio buttons labeled "Multi-Block" and "Single-Block",
-and on the right. are radio buttons labeled "Whole Format" and "Planar
-The next section is titled "Plot3d File Type".
-There are three radio buttons, labeled "binary", "unformatted", and
-"formatted", followed by a check box labeled "64-bit".
-The last section is titled "Options".
-It has two check boxes, labeled "Don't write iblank" and "Use
-volume weighting", and a text input box labeled "gamma".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer Tecplot export window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer Tecplot export window, titled "Tecplot Export", has three
-sections, from top to bottom.
-First is the "CGNS Input" section, with three text input boxes, labeled
-"Filename", "Base Index", and "Solution Index".
-At the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and at the right of
-each of the other two boxes is a check box labeled "default".
-Next is the "Tecplot Output" section, with a single text input box
-labeled "Filename".
-To the right of the box is a "Browse" button.
-The last section is titled "Options".
-It has three check boxes, labeled "ASCII Tecplot Output", "Grid Output
-Only (no solution)", and "Use Volume Weighting".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer Extract Subset window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer Extract Subset window has four sections, from top to
-First is a section titled "Directions" containing three radio buttons,
-labeled "I-subset", "J-subset", and "K-subset".
-Next is the "CGNS Input" section, with three text input boxes, labeled
-"Filename", "Base Index", and "Zone Index".
-At the right of the first box is a "Browse" button.
-At the right of the other two text boxes are check boxes labeled
-"default" and "all zones", respectively.
-The third section is the "CGNS Output" section, with two text input
-boxes, labeled "Filename" and "Base Name".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the second box is a check box labeled "default".
-The last section is titled "Averaging", with two radio buttons,
-labeled "Simple Averaging" and "Volume Weighting".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 May 2003
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index b688370c..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_aflr3.gif and /dev/null differ
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer PATRAN import window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer PATRAN import window, titled "Patran Neutral File Import",
-has three sections, from top to bottom.
-First is the "Patran Input" section, containing a single text input box
-labeled "Filename", with a "Browse" button on the right.
-Next is the "CGNS Output" section, with two text input boxes, labeled
-"Filename" and "Base Name".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the second text input box is a check box labeled "default".
-The third section is titled "Options".
-On the left are is a single check box labeled "Include Distributed
-On the right is a check box labeled "Duplicate Node Checking", followed
-by a text input box labeled "Tolerance" and two radio buttons labeled
-"Relative" and "Absolute".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_plot3d.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_plot3d.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 008969aa..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_plot3d.gif and /dev/null differ
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_plot3d.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer PLOT3D import window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer PLOT3D import window, titled "Plot3d import", has six
-sections, from top to bottom.
-First is the "Files" section, with three text input boxes, labeled
-"CGNS", "XYZ", and "Q".
-At the right of each box is a "Browse" button.
-Next is the "CGNS Location" section, with two text input boxes, labeled
-"Base Index" and "Base Name".
-To the right of the first box is a check box labeled "default".
-Below this is the "Plot3d File Format" section, with three sets of
-two radio buttons each.
-On the left are radio buttons labeled "Multi-Block" and "Single-Block".
-In the middle are radio buttons labeled "Whole Format" and "Planar Format".
-On the right are radio buttons labeled "No iblank" and "Has iblank".
-The next section is titled "Plot3d File Type".
-There are three radio buttons, labeled "binary", "unformatted", and
-"formatted", followed by a check box labeled "64-bit".
-Below this is the "Plot3d Machine Type" section, with 12 radio buttons,
-labeled "default", "IEEE", "BSIEEE", "Iris", "Sun", "HP", "Alpha",
-"DEC", "IBM", "Cray", "Convex", and "NT".
-The last section is titled "Options".
-It has two check boxes, labeled "Don't use iblank" and "Write
-primitive variables", and a text input box labeled "gamma".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_tecplot.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_tecplot.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 12d1882a..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_tecplot.gif and /dev/null differ
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index 82306775..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_tecplot.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer Tecplot import window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer Tecplot import window, titled "Tecplot File Import",
-has three sections, from top to bottom.
-First is the "Tecplot Input" section, containing a single text input box
-labeled "Filename", with a "Browse" button on the right.
-Next is the "CGNS Output" section, with two text input boxes, labeled
-"Filename" and "Base Name".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the second text input box is a check box labeled "default".
-The third section is titled "Options".
-On the left are two check boxes, labeled "Fix Degenerate Blocks" and
-"Import as Single Zone".
-On the right is a check box labeled "Duplicate Node Checking", followed
-by a text input box labeled "Tolerance" and two radio buttons labeled
-"Relative" and "Absolute".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_tetgen.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_tetgen.gif
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index 1e5da732..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5e63fd5e..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/import_vgrid.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/interpolate_solution.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/interpolate_solution.gif
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index 5ec7d9c2..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/interpolate_solution.gif and /dev/null differ
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer Interpolate Solution window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer Interpolate Solution window has five sections, from top to
-First is a section titled "CGNS Solution" containing two text input
-boxes, labeled "Filename" and "Base Index".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the second box is a check box labeled "default".
-Next is the "CGNS Grid" section, again with two text input boxes,
-labeled "Filename" and "Base Index", and again with a "Browse" buttonand
-a "default" check box on the right.
-The third section is the "CGNS Output" section, with three text input
-boxes, labeled "Filename", "Base Name", and "Solution Name".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the other two boxes are check boxes labeled "default".
-The next section is titled "Averaging", with two radio buttons,
-labeled "Simple Averaging" and "Volume Weighting".
-The last section is titled "Octtree Options".
-It has three text input boxes, labeled "Bounding Box Padding", "Max
-Octtree Depth", and "Max Octtree Elements", each with a check box
-labeled "default" to the right.
-Below the three text input boxes is a check box labeled "Allow
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/solution_location.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/solution_location.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index ad28f73b..00000000
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer Solution Location window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer Solution Location window has four sections, from top to
-First is a section titled "Location" containing two radio buttons,
-labeled "Vertex" and "Cell Center".
-Next is the "CGNS Input" section, with four text input boxes, labeled
-"Filename", "Base Index", "Zone Index", and "Solution Index".
-At the right of the first box is a "Browse" button.
-At the right of the other three text boxes are check boxes labeled
-"default", "all zones", and "all solutions", respectively.
-The third section is the "CGNS Output" section, with two text input
-boxes, labeled "Filename" and "Solution Name".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the second box is a check box labeled "default".
-The last section is titled "Averaging", with two radio buttons,
-labeled "Simple Averaging" and "Volume Weighting".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/solution_variables.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/solution_variables.gif
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index 0cc154ed..00000000
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index 159c4d33..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/images/solution_variables.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgnstools.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Utilities - ADFviewer Solution Variables window</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The ADFviewer Solution Variables window has three sections, from top to
-First is a section titled "Variables".
-At the top of this section are two radio buttons, labeled "Primitive"
-and "Conserved", and a text input box labeled "gamma".
-These are followed by a check box labeled "Use Conversion File", and
-a button labeled "Edit Conversion File".
-Below these is a text input box labeled "Filename", with a "Browse"
-button to the right.
-Next is the "CGNS Input" section, with four text input boxes, labeled
-"Filename", "Base Index", "Zone Index", and "Solution Index".
-At the right of the first box is a "Browse" button.
-At the right of the other three text boxes are check boxes labeled
-"default", "all zones", and "all solutions", respectively.
-The third section is the "CGNS Output" section, with two text input
-boxes, labeled "Filename" and "Solution Name".
-To the right of the first box is a "Browse" button, and to the right of
-the second box is a check box labeled "default".
-At the bottom of the window are "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/import.html b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/import.html
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h1>Import Utilities</h1>
-<p>This document describes the import routines which convert data
-from other formats to CGNS. The following import utilities are
-currently available.</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#PLOT3D">PLOT3D</a></td>
-        <td>plot3d_to_cgns</td>
-        <td>Converts a PLOT3D file to structured CGNS</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Tecplot">Tecplot</a></td>
-        <td>tecplot_to_cgns</td>
-        <td>Converts a Tecplot file to unstructured CGNS</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Patran">Patran</a></td>
-        <td>patran_to_cgns</td>
-        <td>Converts a Patran Neutral file to unstructured CGNS</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#VGRID">VGRID</a></td>
-        <td>vgrid_to_cgns</td>
-        <td>Converts a VGRID file to unstructured CGNS</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#AFLR3">AFLR3</a></td>
-        <td>aflr3_to_cgns</td>
-        <td>Converts an AFLR3 file to unstructured CGNS</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#FAST">FAST</a></td>
-        <td>fast_to_cgns</td>
-        <td>Converts a FAST file to unstructured CGNS</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#TetGen">TetGen</a></td>
-        <td>tetgen_to_cgns</td>
-        <td>Converts a TetGen file to unstructured CGNS</td>
-    </tr>
-<h2><a name="PLOT3D"></a>PLOT3D</h2>
-<p>Converts a PLOT3D file to a structured CGNS file. No attempt
-is made to determine the type of PLOT3D file, you must tell the
-import routine what type of PLOT3D file to expect through the
-command line argument list. The default is a multi-block, binary
-file with no iblank array, written as whole format.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>plot3d_to_cgns</b> <i>options </i><b>XYZfile</b> <i>Qfile</i>
-<p>where <em>XYZfile</em> and <em>CGNSfile</em> are required. If <em>Qfile</em>
-is given, then the solution will be output to the CGNS file,
-otherwise just the grid will be written.</p>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s</td>
-        <td>single block PLOT3D file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-p</td>
-        <td>planar grid format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-i</td>
-        <td>PLOT3D file contains an iblank array</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-n</td>
-        <td>read iblank array, but ignore it</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>formatted (ASCII) PLOT3D file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-u</td>
-        <td>Fortran unformatted PLOT3D file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-M<i> mach</i></td>
-        <td>machine type for binary or unformatted PLOT3D file. <i>Mach</i>
-        is one of: <br>
-        ie<i>ee</i>, bs<i>ieee</i>, ir<i>is</i>, al<i>pha</i>,
-        hp, ib<i>m</i>, su<i>n,</i> de<i>c</i>, cr<i>ay</i>, co<i>nvex</i>,
-        nt or li<i>nux</i>. <br>
-        Case of <i>mach</i> is not significant, and only the
-        first 2 characters are used.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d</td>
-        <td>use double-precision (64-bit)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b <i>base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B<i> name</i></td>
-        <td>set CGNS base name to <i>name</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-c</td>
-        <td>convert PLOT3D solution to primitive variables</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-g<i> gamma</i></td>
-        <td>gamma for data conversions (default is 1.4)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/import_plot3d.gif" width="374" height="655"
-        alt="CGNSview PLOT3D import window"
-        longdesc="images/import_plot3d.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>plot3d_to_cgns</strong>. If the
-import is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS
-<h2><a name="Tecplot"></a>Tecplot</h2>
-<p>Converts a Tecplot file to an unstructured CGNS file. Both
-ASCII and binary files are supported.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>tecplot_to_cgns</b> <i>options</i> <b>Tecplotfile</b> <b>CGNSfile</b></p>
-<p>where <em>Tecplotfile</em> and <em>CGNSfile</em> are required.</p>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>Fix degenerate brick elements</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d</td>
-        <td>Eliminate duplicate nodes using a relative tolerance.
-        The relative tolerance is based on an average distance
-        computed from the bounding box surrounding the nodes
-        divided by the number of nodes. The distance between
-        nodes is then compared with this distance times the input
-        tolerance value.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-D</td>
-        <td>Eliminate duplicate nodes using an absolute tolerance.
-        The tolerance specifies the absolute distance between
-        nodes for duplicate node comparisons.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-t<i> tol</i></td>
-        <td>Duplicate node checking tolerance. Default value is
-        10e-6.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B <i>name</i></td>
-        <td>Set CGNS base name to <i>name</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/import_tecplot.gif" width="426" height="352"
-        alt="CGNSview Tecplot import window"
-        longdesc="images/import_tecplot.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>tecplot_to_cgns</strong>. If the
-import is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS
-<h2><a name="Patran"></a>PATRAN</h2>
-<p>Converts a PATRAN Neutral file to an unstructured CGNS file.
-Reads packet 01 (nodes) as nodes, packet 02 (elements) as
-elements, and nodes (type 5) from packet 21 (named groups) as
-element sets. A command line option is available to read packet
-06 (loads) also. All other packets are read, but not processed.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>patran_to_cgns</b> <i>options</i> <b>Patranfile</b> <b>CGNSfile</b></p>
-<p>where <em>Patranfile</em> and <em>CGNSfile</em> are required.</p>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-l</td>
-        <td>Process packet 6 - distributed loads</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d</td>
-        <td>Eliminate duplicate nodes using a relative tolerance.
-        The relative tolerance is based on an average distance
-        computed from the bounding box surrounding the nodes
-        divided by the number of nodes. The distance between
-        nodes is then compared with this distance times the input
-        tolerance value.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-D</td>
-        <td>Eliminate duplicate nodes using an absolute tolerance.
-        The tolerance specifies the absolute distance between
-        nodes for duplicate node comparisons.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-t <i>tol</i></td>
-        <td>Duplicate node checking tolerance. Default value is
-        10e-6.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B<i> name</i></td>
-        <td>Set CGNS base name to <i>name</i>.</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/import_patran.gif" width="426" height="352"
-        alt="CGNSview PATRAN import window"
-        longdesc="images/import_patran.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>patran_to_cgns</strong>. If the
-import is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS
-<h2><a name="VGRID"></a>VGRID</h2>
-<p>Converts VGRID .cogsg, .mapbc, and .bc files to an unstructured CGNS file.
-An option, <i>-c</i>, is provided to combine patches with the same name
-and boundary condition.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>vgrid_to_cgns</b> <i>options</i> <b>VGRIDfile</b> <i>CGNSfile</i></p>
-<p>where <em>VGRIDfile</em> may be any of the VGRID input files
-(.cogsg, .mapbc, or .bc).
-The base file name is constructed from <em>VGRIDfile</em> and used to
-load the additional files. If <em>CGNSfile</em> is given, then the
-output will be written to that file, otherwise the CGNS file name
-is constructed from the VGRID file name by replacing the file extension
-with .cgns.</p>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-c</td>
-        <td>Combine patches where possible</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/import_vgrid.gif" width="335" height="238"
-        alt="CGNSview VGRID import window"
-        longdesc="images/import_vgrid.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>vgrid_to_cgns</strong>. If the
-import is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS
-<h2><a name="AFLR3"></a>AFLR3</h2>
-<p>Converts a AFLR3 file to an unstructured CGNS file.
-Will read a corresponding .mapbc file (if available)
-to define the boundary conditions.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>aflr3_to_cgns</b> <i>options</i> <b>AFLR3file</b> <i>CGNSfile</i></p>
-The name of the AFLR3 file is given by <em>AFLR3file</em>.
-If <em>CGNSfile</em> is given, then the
-output will be written to that file, otherwise the CGNS file name
-is constructed from the AFLR3 file name by replacing the file extension
-with .cgns. The default file format is assumed to be double-precision,
-big-endian, Fortran stream (binary).</p>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-4</td>
-        <td>coordinates are real*4</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-8</td>
-        <td>coordinates are real*8 (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>Formatted ASCII file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-u</td>
-        <td>Fortran unformatted file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s</td>
-        <td>Fortran stream (binary) file (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-l</td>
-        <td>little-endian format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b</td>
-        <td>big-endian format (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/import_aflr3.gif" width="324" height="273"
-        alt="CGNSview AFLR3 import window"
-        longdesc="images/import_aflr3.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>aflr3_to_cgns</strong>. If the
-import is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS
-<h2><a name="FAST"></a>FAST</h2>
-<p>Converts a FAST file to an unstructured CGNS file.
-Will read a corresponding .fastbc or .mapbc file (if available)
-to define the boundary conditions. If <em>CGNSfile</em> is given, then the
-output will be written to that file, otherwise the CGNS file name
-is constructed from the FAST file name by replacing the file extension
-with .cgns. The default file format
-is assumed to be double-precision, big-endian, Fortran stream (binary).
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>fast_to_cgns</b> <i>options</i> <b>FASTfile</b> <i>CGNSfile</i></p>
-The name of the FAST file is given by <em>FASTfile</em>.
-If <em>CGNSfile</em> is given, then the
-output will be written to that file, otherwise the CGNS file name
-is constructed from the FAST file name by replacing the file extension
-with .cgns. The default file format is assumed to be double-precision,
-big-endian, Fortran stream (binary).</p>
-<p>The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</th>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-4</td>
-        <td>coordinates are real*4</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-8</td>
-        <td>coordinates are real*8 (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-f</td>
-        <td>Formatted ASCII file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-u</td>
-        <td>Fortran unformatted file</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-s</td>
-        <td>Fortran stream (binary) file (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-l</td>
-        <td>little-endian format</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b</td>
-        <td>big-endian format (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/import_fast.gif" width="323" height="267"
-        alt="CGNSview FAST import window"
-        longdesc="images/import_fast.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>fast_to_cgns</strong>. If the
-import is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS
-<h2><a name="TetGen"></a>TetGen</h2>
-<p>Converts TetGen .poly, .smesh, .node, .face or .ele file(s)
-to an unstructured CGNS file.
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>tetgen_to_cgns</b> <b>TetGenfile</b> <i>CGNSfile</i></p>
-<p>where <em>TetGenfile</em> is the TetGen file. If the file extension
-is .node, .face, or .ele, the additional files to be read will be
-constructed from the base file name and appropriate extensions.
-If <em>CGNSfile</em> is given, then the
-output will be written to that file, otherwise the CGNS file name
-is constructed from the TetGen file name by replacing the file extension
-with .cgns.
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/import_tetgen.gif" width="335" height="182"
-        alt="CGNSview TetGen import window"
-        longdesc="images/import_tetgen.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>tetgen_to_cgns</strong>. If the
-import is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 03 Feb 2013
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-(<a href="../../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../../cgnstools/index.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../tools.html"><b>Tools</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnsview/index.html"><b>CGNSview</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnsplot/index.html"><b>CGNSplot</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Utilities</b></span>)
-(<a href="../utilities/import.html"><b>Import&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/export.html"><b>Export&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/convert.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Conversion&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/subset.html"><b>Subsets&nbsp;and&nbsp;Interpolation</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<p>This document describes the utility programs developed under
-contract to NASA Langley. These utilities may be run in batch
-mode, or from within the CGNSview Graphical User Interface. </p>
-    <dt><a href="import.html">Import Utilities</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="import.html#PLOT3D">PLOT3D</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#Tecplot">Tecplot</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#Patran">Patran</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#VGRID">VGRID</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#AFLR3">AFLR3</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#FAST">FAST</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#TetGen">TetGen</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
-    <dt><a href="export.html">Export Utilities</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="export.html#PLOT3D">PLOT3D</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#Tecplot">Tecplot</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#AFLR3">AFLR3</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#FAST">FAST</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#VTK">VTK</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
-    <dt><a href="convert.html">Data Conversion Utilities</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="convert.html#Location">Solution Location</a></li>
-            <li><a href="convert.html#Variables">Solution
-                Variables</a></li>
-            <li><a href="convert.html#Dimensionalization">Dimensionalization</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
-    <dt><a href="subset.html">Subsets and Interpolation</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="subset.html#Extract">Extract Subset</a></li>
-            <li><a href="subset.html#Interpolation">Interpolation</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was written by
-<a href="mailto:brucewedan@gmail.com">Bruce Wedan</a>.
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
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-(<a href="../../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgnstools/index.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../tools.html"><b>Tools</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnsview/index.html"><b>CGNSview</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnsplot/index.html"><b>CGNSplot</b></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/index.html"><span class=nav><b>Utilities</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/import.html"><b>Import&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/export.html"><b>Export&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../utilities/convert.html"><b>Data&nbsp;Conversion&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Subsets&nbsp;and&nbsp;Interpolation</b></span>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h1>Subset Extraction and Interpolation</h1>
-<p>This document describes routines to extract a subset from a
-CGNS data file and interpolate a solution from one CGNS file to
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Extract">Extract Subset</a></td>
-        <td>extract_subset</td>
-        <td>Extract subset from structured CGNS file.</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td><a href="#Interpolation">Interpolation</a></td>
-        <td>interpolate_cgns</td>
-        <td>Interpolate solution from one CGNS file to another</td>
-    </tr>
-<h2><a name="Extract"></a>Extract Subset</h2>
-<p>Extracts a subset of the grid from a structured CGNS file.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>extract_subset</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSfile</b> <i>newCGNSfile</i>
-<p>The input CGNS file, <i>CGNSfile</i> is required. If the
-output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>, is specified the modified
-CGNS data file will be written to it, otherwise <em>CGNSfile</em>
-will be modified. The command line options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</td>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-w</td>
-        <td>use volume weighted averaging (default is simple
-        averaging)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i>. (default 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-z<i> zone</i></td>
-        <td>read zone number <i>zone</i> (default all zones)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B<i> name</i></td>
-        <td>write subset to base <i>name</i> (default is same as
-        read)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-i</td>
-        <td>subset in i-direction</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-j</td>
-        <td>subset in j-direction</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-k</td>
-        <td>subset in k-direction</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-a</td>
-        <td>subset in i,j and k-directions (default)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/extract_subset.gif" width="447" height="416"
-        alt="CGNSview Extract Subset window"
-        longdesc="images/extract_subset.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>extract_subset</strong>. If the
-extraction is successful, CGNSview will read and display the
-CGNS file.</p>
-<h2><a name="Interpolation"></a>Interpolation</h2>
-<p>Reads a solution from one CGNS file and interpolates the
-solution onto the grid from another CGNS file.</p>
-<h3>Command Line</h3>
-<p>The program is executed from the command line as:</p>
-<p><b>interpolate_cgns</b> <i>options</i> <b>CGNSsol CGNSgrid </b><em>newCGNSfile</em></p>
-<p>The solution CGNS file, <i>CGNSsol</i>, and the grid CGNS
-file, <em>CGNSgrid</em>, are required. If the output CGNS file, <em>newCGNSfile</em>,
-is specified the modified CGNS data file will be written to it,
-otherwise <em>CGNSgrid</em> will be modified. The command line
-options are:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
-    <tr>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>option</td>
-        <th bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align=left scope=col>description</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-c<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i> for the solution file.
-        (default 1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-b<i> base</i></td>
-        <td>use CGNS base index <i>base</i> for the grid file. (default
-        1)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-B<i> name</i></td>
-        <td>write results to base <i>name</i> (default is same as
-        read)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-S<i> name</i></td>
-        <td>write to solution <i>name</i> (default is same as
-        read)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-w</td>
-        <td>use volume weighted averaging (default is simple
-        averaging)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-a</td>
-        <td>allow element extrapolation</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-d <em>depth</em></td>
-        <td>set max depth for octtree to <em>depth</em> (default
-        16)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-e <em>nelem</em></td>
-        <td>set max elements in an octtree branch to <em>nelem</em>
-        (default 256)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-p <em>pad</em></td>
-        <td>set the bounding box padding fraction to <em>pad</em>
-        (default 0.01)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-i <em>iter</em></td>
-        <td>set the max number of Newton iterations to <em>iter</em>
-        (default 20)</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <td nowrap>-t<em> tol</em></td>
-        <td>set the parametric u, v, w tolerance to <em>tol</em>
-        (default 0.00001)</td>
-    </tr>
-<h3>CGNSview Interface</h3>
-<p>The following panel is created when launched from the
-CGNSview GUI:</p>
-<p><img src="images/interpolate_solution.gif" width="437" height="599"
-        alt="CGNSview Interpolation window"
-        longdesc="images/interpolate_solution.html"></p>
-<p>This allows interactive selection of the input and output
-files and options. The <em>Accept</em> button will then construct
-the command line and run <strong>interpolate_cgns</strong>. If
-the interpolation is successful, CGNSview will read and display
-the CGNS file.</p>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 16 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/utilities.html b/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/utilities.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bd9fa3e5..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/utilities/utilities.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
-content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0">
-<title>CGNS Utilities</title>
-<p>This document describes the utility programs developed under
-contract to NASA Langley. These utilities may be run in batch
-mode, or from within the CGNSview Graphical User Interface. </p>
-    <dt><a href="import.html">Import Utilities</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="import.html#PLOT3D">PLOT3D</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#Tecplot">Tecplot</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#Patran">Patran</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#VGRID">VGRID</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#AFLR3">AFLR3</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#FAST">FAST</a></li>
-            <li><a href="import.html#TetGen">TetGen</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
-    <dt><a href="export.html">Export Utilities</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="export.html#PLOT3D">PLOT3D</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#Tecplot">Tecplot</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#AFLR3">AFLR3</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#FAST">FAST</a></li>
-            <li><a href="export.html#VTK">VTK</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
-    <dt><a href="convert.html">Data Conversion Utilities</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="convert.html#Location">Solution Location</a></li>
-            <li><a href="convert.html#Variables">Solution
-                Variables</a></li>
-            <li><a href="convert.html#Dimensionalization">Dimensionalization</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
-    <dt><a href="subset.html">Subsets and Interpolation</a></dt>
-    <dd><ul>
-            <li><a href="subset.html#Extract">Extract Subset</a></li>
-            <li><a href="subset.html#Interpolation">Interpolation</a></li>
-        </ul>
-    </dd>
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-<!-- CGNS Documentation "Change History" page -->
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Documentation - Change History </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<a href="#endnav"><img src="blank.gif" border=0 alt="Skip navigation links"></a>
-(<a href="index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation&nbsp;Home&nbsp;Page</b></a>)
-(<a href="charter/index.html"><b>Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</b></a>)
-(<a href="overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Document&nbsp;Change&nbsp;History</h1>
-<li> <a href="#charter">Steering Committee Charter</a>
-<li> <a href="#overview">Overview and Entry-Level Document</a>
-<li> <a href="#user">A User's Guide to CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="#midlevel">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<li> <a href="#sids">Standard Interface Data Structures</a>
-<li> <a href="#filemap">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a>
-<li> <a href="#cgio">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<li> <a href="#adf">ADF Implementation</a>
-<li> <a href="#hdf">HDF5 Implementation</a>
-<li> <a href="#python">Python Implementation</a>
-<li> <a href="#cgnstools">CGNS Tools and Utilities</a>
-<li> <a href="#parallel">Parallel CGNS User's Guide</a>
-<em>Note</em>: The SIDS-to-ADF, SIDS-to-HDF, and SIDS-to-Python File
-Mapping Manuals no longer exist. Instead, the context associated with
-mapping the SIDS to a general database manager has been put in the
-documentation <i>SIDS File Mapping Manual</i>, and the details of
-implementation (content) into <i>ADF Implementation</i>,
-<i>HDF5 Implementation</i>, and <i>Python Implementation</i>. The
-header above, and sections below, reflect these changes.
-This document summarizes the change history for the CGNS documentation.
-Each entry includes the document version number, the date of the
-change, and a (very) brief description of the change.  For the
-<i>Mid-Level Library</i>, <i>Standard Interface Data Structures</i>, and
-<i>SIDS File Mapping Manual</i>, the CGNS release number that the
-document corresponds to is also shown.
-A bit more detail about the changes may be available in the
-<a href="whatsnew.html">What's New</a> list for the CGNS documentation.
-Note that very minor changes and/or typo corrections may not be documented below.
-To simplify things, as of V3.3, all "Document Versions" simply correspond to the "CGNS Version",
-so only one number is used from this point forward.
-<a name="charter"></a>
-<h3>Steering Committee Charter</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Original WWW version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1<td>
-    <td>13&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Updated
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.1<td>
-    <td>19&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Additions to
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">Steering
-        Committee members</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.2<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Modified the <a href="charter/organization.html">Organization/Bylaws</a>
-        section to allow appointment of a Vice-Chairperson.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.3<td>
-    <td>31&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Modified the <a href="charter/background.html">Background</a>
-        section to to note the addition of the HDF5 option, and changed
-        the <a href="charter/license.html">license</a> covering the
-        allowed distribution and use of the CGNS software.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.4<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Updated (and alphabetized) the list of
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-        member organizations</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.5<td>
-    <td>27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Updated the list of
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-        member organizations</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.6<td>
-    <td>13&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Minor name change in the list of
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">Steering
-        Committee Members</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.7<td>
-    <td>5&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>In the
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">Representation</a>
-        section, updated the list of current member organizations, and
-        added a paragraph about the responsibilities of individual
-        Steering Committee members.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.8<td>
-    <td>11&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Updated the list of
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-        member organizations</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.9<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Updated the list of
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-        member organizations</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.10<td>
-    <td>9&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Modified the list of
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-        member organizations</a> in the <i>CGNS Steering Committee
-        Charter</i> to reflect a company name change.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.11<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009<td>
-    <td>Updated the list of
-        <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-        member organizations</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.12<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009<td>
-    <td>Deleted the list of current member organizations in the
-        <a href="charter/organization.html">Organization/Bylaws</a>
-        section.
-        This is now available at the <a href="http://www.cgns.org/">CGNS
-        web site</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed <i>SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping</i> to <i>SIDS File Mapping</i>
-        and added reference to <i>CGIO User's Manual</i>. Also updated
-        document number to correspond to CGNS Version number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed text references from ADF to CGIO.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>24&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Added some missing external link images.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="overview"></a>
-<h3>Overview and Entry-Level Document</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;May&nbsp;1998<td>
-    <td>Original version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Updated and reorganized
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.1<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Corrected location of APPT in the tables in the
-        <a href="overview/applications.html#major">CGNS-Compatible
-        Applications</a> section
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.2<td>
-    <td>30&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Updated the <a href="overview/history.html#status">History and
-        Current Status</a> section to reflect the release of Version
-        2.1 of the CGNS software on May 24, 2002.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.3<td>
-    <td>10&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Added an entry for the CGNS Tools in the list of
-        <a href="overview/applications.html#utilities">CGNS Utilities</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.4<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Updated the <a href="overview/history.html#standards">History and
-        Current Status</a> section to reflect the publication of the
-        AIAA Recommended Practice for the storage of CFD data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.5<td>
-    <td>13&nbsp;May&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Updated to reflect the release of Version 2.2 of the CGNS
-        software on May 3, 2003.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.6<td>
-    <td>9&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Changed terminology of "Software Release" to "CGNS Version".
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.7<td>
-    <td>28&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Updated links in the <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications
-        Software</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.8<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Updated to reflect the release of CGNS Version 2.3 on
-        Jan 22, 2004.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.9<td>
-    <td>27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Updated some links and contact points listed in the
-        <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.10<td>
-    <td>2&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Updated to reflect the release of CGNS Version 2.4 in
-        Aug, 2005.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.11<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Added note crediting developers of HDF5 support in CGNS Version 2.4.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.12<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Updated <a href="overview/elements.html">Elements and
-        Documentation</a> section to reflect the option of using HDF
-        instead of ADF.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.13<td>
-    <td>10&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Updated some links and contact points listed in the
-        <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.14<td>
-    <td>13&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Updated the status of the
-        <a href="overview/history.html#status">inclusion of CGNS as
-        part of an ISO standard</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.15<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Updated some links and contact points listed in the
-        <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.16<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Updated to reflect the release of CGNS Version 2.5 in
-        Sep, 2007.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.17<td>
-    <td>30&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Changed a contact email address.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.18<td>
-    <td>12&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Removed references to the utility ADF_Edit, in favor of
-        <a href="cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.19<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Updated a contact link in the
-        <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.20<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009<td>
-    <td>Changed the contact person in the
-        <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-        section for notification about new CGNS applications.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;April&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Change in version number only, to reflect release of CGNS Version 3.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;April&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added reference to 3.1, and changed text references from ADF to CGIO.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>24&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Added some missing external link images.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="user"></a>
-<h3>A User's Guide to CGNS</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>Nov&nbsp;2000<td>
-    <td>Original version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Rev&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Addition of sections on
-        <a href="user/additional.html#sec:timedep">time-dependent
-        capability</a> and <a href="user/plot3d.html">PLOT3D guidelines</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.1<td>
-    <td>2.1,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Paragraph change due to addition of
-        <a href="user/additional.html#sec:links">links</a> to API
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.2<td>
-    <td>2.2,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>12&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Added an <a href="user/faq.html">FAQ</a> about
-        writing data sets associated with boundary conditions.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.3<td>
-    <td>2.2,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Small clarification added to last answer in
-        <a href="user/faq.html">FAQ</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.4<td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>9&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Changed sentence defining <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.5<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>6&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Modified the <a href="user/started.html">"Getting Started"
-        section</a> to reflect the addition of <tt>ElementRange</tt> and
-        <tt>ElementList</tt> in the <tt>BC_t</tt> structure in CGNS
-        Version 2.3.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.6<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>1&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Added a note in the <a href="user/intro.html">Introduction</a>
-        about the option of using HDF instead of ADF.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.7<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Modified to refer users to the 
-        <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns">CGNS site at
-        SourceForge</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-        to download the source code examples.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.8<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>19&nbsp;May&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Wording changes due to the new capability for rind data with
-        unstructured grids.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.9<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS
-        Version 2.5 in Sep, 2007.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.10<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Noted its original publication as NASA/TM-2001-211236.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.11<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Modified the section on
-        <a href="user/started.html#sec:bcunstr">writing boundary
-        conditions for an unstructured grid</a> to illustrate the
-        recommended procedure using <tt>ElementList</tt>, and removed
-        references to the utility ADF_Edit, in favor of ADFviewer.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.12<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Made a minor change in the <a href="user/started.html">Getting
-        Started</a> section involving the use of <tt>PointList</tt>
-        or <tt>PointRange</tt> with <tt>GridLocation</tt> set to
-        <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.13<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>01&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed references of ADFviewer to CGNSview.  Updated code 
-        snippet examples to reflect changes in new UserGuideCodeV3.1,
-        including changes of <tt>MODE_READ</tt> to <tt>CG_MODE_READ</tt> 
-        (for example) in <tt>cg_open</tt> calls.  Added mention of 
-        <tt>cg_error_handler</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>02&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.1 in Mar, 2011. 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed use of ElementList in cg_boco_write_f to PointList instead (associated with
-        CPEX 0031). Also changed figure associated with BCs in unstructured example.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added reference to CGIO, and updated references to newer online documents.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td> <td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="midlevel"></a>
-<h3>Mid-Level Library</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>Original (undated) HTML version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Re-organization and creation of PDF version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.1<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>10&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Slanted font for output
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.2<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 2<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Error fix in description of the <tt>donor_datatype</tt> argument for
-        <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general">Generalized
-        Connectivity functions</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 3<td>
-    <td>2&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Changes related to
-        <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc"><tt>FamilySpecified</tt> boundary
-        condition type</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/families.html#family">cardinality of
-        <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>2.1,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Changes to add
-        <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#userdefined">user-defined data</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/equation.html">chemistry</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/links.html">links</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.1<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>12&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>In the PDF version of the
-        manual, corrected error in the input/output labeling for
-        <i>fn</i> in the <tt>cg_open</tt>, <tt>cg_version</tt>, and
-        <tt>cg_close</tt> routines.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.2<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>6&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>In the PDF version of the
-        manual, corrected a typo in the definition of "<tt>A</tt>"
-        in Section 8.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.3<td>
-    <td>2.1, Rev 1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Corrected minor error in syntax of C call for
-        <a href="midlevel/families.html#geometry"><tt>cg_geo_read</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.4<td>
-    <td>2.1, Rev 1<td>
-    <td>27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of
-        <a href="midlevel/navigating.html"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 1<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Updated for consistency with Release 2.2, Beta 1, of the CGNS
-        software.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.1<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Corrected errors in descriptions of
-        <a href="midlevel/families.html#geometry"><tt>cg_geo_read</tt></a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#delete"><tt>cg_delete_node</tt></a>,
-        and routines used to read and write
-        <a href="midlevel/grid.html#rotatingcoordinates">rotating coordinates</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.2<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 1<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Added some new typedefs in the
-        <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">General Remarks/Typedefs</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.3<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 2<td>
-    <td>27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of
-        <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.4<td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Modified the section on
-        <a href="midlevel/general.html#acquiring">Acquiring the Software
-        and Documentation</a> to reflect the current use of SourceForge
-        for distribution.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.5<td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>9&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Changed terminology of "Software Release" to "CGNS Version",
-        and added a paragraph explaining the default for a missing
-        <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.6<td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>12&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Corrected a couple of typos in the
-        <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html">Grid Connectivity</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.7<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>5&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of the routines related to the
-        <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc">Boundary Condition Type and
-        Location</a> to reflect the addition of <tt>ElementRange</tt>
-        and <tt>ElementList</tt> in the <tt>BC_t</tt> structure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.8<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>18&nbsp;May&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Fixed a minor error in the definition of
-        <a href="midlevel/descriptor.html#ordinal"><tt>Ordinal</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.9<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>24&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Corrected an error in the description of the
-        <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataconversion">data conversion
-        routines</a> <tt>cg_conversion_write</tt> and
-        <tt>cg_conversion_read</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.10<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Added a paragraph to the description of the function
-        <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcdata"><tt>cg_bcdata_write</tt></a>
-        about writing the boundary condition data itself.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Updated for consistency with CGNS Version 2.4.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.1<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>1&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Minor modifications in the
-        <a href="midlevel/index.html">Introduction</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/general.html">General Remarks</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#openclose">Opening and Closing a
-        CGNS File</a>, and <a href="midlevel/navigating.html">Navigating
-        a CGNS File</a> sections, due to the option of using HDF instead
-        of ADF.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.2<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>2&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td> In the description of the
-         <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general">Generalized
-         Connectivity</a> routines, clarified the definitions of
-         <tt>ndata_donor</tt> and <tt>donor_data</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.3<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Corrected a couple of typos in the
-        <a href="midlevel/solution.html">Solution Data</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>3&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Corrected a typo in the
-        <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataarray">Physical Data/Data Arrays</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.5<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>1&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Corrected a typo where <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt>
-        had been written as <tt>FlowSolutionsPointers</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.6<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>28&nbsp;July&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Changes in the
-        <a href="midlevel/location.html#rind">Rind Layers</a> section
-        due to the new capability for rind data with unstructured grids.
-        Also added the functions
-        <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free</tt></a> and
-        <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general"><tt>cg_conn_write_short</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.7<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>5&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Changes in the
-        <a href="midlevel/structural.html#zone">Zone Information</a>
-        section to clarify the definition of <tt>size</tt> for
-        unstructured grids.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.8<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>16&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Corrected an error in the argument list for
-        <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general"><tt>cg_conn_write_short</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.9<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>30&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Corrected a minor error,
-        changing the error status names <tt>ALL_OK</tt>, <tt>ERROR</tt>,
-          <tt>NODE_NOT_FOUND</tt>, and <tt>INCORRECT_PATH</tt> to
-          <tt>CG_OK</tt>, <tt>CG_ERROR</tt>, <tt>CG_NODE_NOT_FOUND</tt>, and
-          <tt>CG_INCORRECT_PATH</tt>, respectively.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>New functions to <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#openclose">check
-        file validity</a> and
-        <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#configure">configure some
-        internal CGNS library options</a>.
-        Additional functions providing alternate ways to
-        <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#goto">access a node</a>.
-        Changes in the use of functions for partial writes of
-        <a href="midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates">coordinate</a>
-        <a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements">element</a>,
-        and <a href="midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution">solution</a>
-        data.
-        Corrected typo in the data type of the argument <tt>data</tt>
-        in the function
-        <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.0.1<td>
-    <td>3.0 Beta<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>In the <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>
-        section, added <tt>PYRA_13</tt> and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> to the list
-        of supported key words for <tt>ElementType_t</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.0.2<td>
-    <td>3.0 Beta<td>
-    <td>12&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009<td>
-    <td>In the <a href="midlevel/structural.html#zone">Zone
-        Information</a> description in the "Structural Nodes" section,
-        added a sentence emphasizing that zones must be named
-        alphanumerically to ensure proper retrieval.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.0.3<td>
-    <td>3.0 Beta<td>
-    <td>21&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009<td>
-    <td>In the <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#goto">Accessing a
-        Node</a> description in the "Navigating a CGNS File" section,
-        corrected an error in the syntax for the <tt>cg_gopath_f</tt>
-        Fortran routine.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>01&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added new table of Typedef Name Access Functions under General Remarks.
-        Added description of cg_elements_partial_write.
-        Added descriptions of cg_save_as, cg_set_file_type, cg_get_file_type, cg_error_handler, cg_set_compress,
-        cg_get_compress, cg_set_path, and cg_add_path.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>04&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed Null to CG_Null and UserDefined to CG_UserDefined, and added
-             comment under General Remarks about their usage.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed references from "int" to "cgsize_t" as appropriate.
-        Added new sections on 64-bit C and Fortran <a href="midlevel/general.html#c-port">Portability and Issues.</a>
-        Added references to xxxxNull and xxxxUserDefined under <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.4<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Moved PYRA_13 in list to come after MIXED in <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>.
-        Moved <a href="midlevel/general.html#acquiring">Acquiring the Software and Documentation</a> and
-        <a href="midlevel/general.html#organization">Organization of This Manual</a> sections to come first.
-        Minor correction of ParentData in cg_parent_data_write and cg_parent_data_partial_write to no longer be slanted
-        typeface (because it is input type) in <a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements">Element Connectivity</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.5<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>01&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added information in
-        <a href="midlevel/fileops.html">File Operations</a> 
-        about file_type = CG_FILE_ADF2, which can be used to write a Version 2.5 file from Version 3
-        when compiled in 32-bit.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.6<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added cg_boco_gridlocation_read and write functions to
-        <a href="midlevel/bc.html">Mid-Level Library</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.7<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Updated to reflect implementation of
-        CPEX 0027 (<a href="midlevel/timedep.html#zconn">Time-dependent Connectivities</a>),
-        CPEX 0030 (<a href="midlevel/solution.html#subregion">Regions</a>),
-        and CPEX 0031 (General SIDS Improvements).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.8<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Corrected <a href="midlevel/error.html">Error Handling</a> in to be const char.
-        Added clarity that in Fortran, float values are Real*4, in:
-        <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcproperty">Special Boundary Condition Properties</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#gravity">Gravity</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/grid.html#axisymmetry">Axisymmetry</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/grid.html#rotatingcoordinates">Rotating Coordinates</a>,
-        <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty">Special Grid Connectivity Properties</a>.
-        Added clarity that for RotationAngle, if rotating about more than 1 axis, then it is done
-        in a particular order in
-        <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty">Special Grid Connectivity Properties</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.9<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>11&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added minor clarification in
-        <a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements">Element Connectivity</a>, regarding global numbering
-        system to insure that every element within a zone has a unique number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.10<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>09&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added statement under all Input/Output listings in the MLL noting that for Fortran calls, all
-        integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode, along with a link to:
-        <a href="midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.11<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>17&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2012<td>
-    <td>Changed NormalListFlag to NormalListSize in 
-        <a href="midlevel/bc.html">cg_boco_info</a>.
-        Added LongInteger as possible type for DataType in 
-        <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataarray">Data Arrays</a> and for datatype
-        in <a href="midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution">Flow Solution Data</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.12<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>3&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2012<td>
-    <td>Added section 
-        <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#cgiointer">"Interfacing with CGIO"</a> under "File Operations";
-        also corrected 
-        <a href="midlevel/solution.html">type for "pnts"</a> under cg_sol_ptset_write, cg_subreg_ptset_write, and
-        cg_discrete_ptset_write (should be const cgsize_t *, and not cgsize_t *).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.13<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>31&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2012<td>
-    <td>Added reminder that max number for DataDimension is 12 for
-          <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataarray">Data Arrays</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.14<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>29&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2012<td>
-    <td>Corrected the description of the cg_where MLL call in section on
-          <a href="midlevel/navigating.html">Navigating a CGNS File</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.15<td>
-    <td>3.1.4<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>One set of changes is in
-         <a href="midlevel/bc.html">BC</a> and include new description
-         under <u>location</u>, as well as under "Notes: (see CPEX 0031)".
-         Another change is in
-         <a href="midlevel/fileops.html">File Operations</a> to the default
-         for CG_CONFIG_COMPRESS.
-         Added new function, <tt>cg_precision</tt>, to read precision (32 or 64 bit)
-         in the MLL <a href="midlevel/fileops.html">File Operations</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2.1, Beta<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;July&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Added documentation for <tt>CGNS_CONFIG_HDF5_MPI_COMM</tt> option
-        to <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#configure">cg_configure</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td> <td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="sids"></a>
-<h3>Standard Interface Data Structures</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>11&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;1999<td>
-    <td>Original (un-numbered) version, labeled as a draft
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0<td>
-    <td>1.2<td>
-    <td>8&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2000<td>
-    <td>Changes and additions for
-        <a href="sids/conv.html#unstructgrid">unstructured zones</a> and
-        <a href="sids/misc.html#Family">geometry-to-mesh association</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2000<td>
-    <td>Changes to add <a href="sids/timedep.html">time-dependent
-        structures</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1.1<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>22&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Error fixes in description of
-        <a href="sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1.2<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Clarifications of <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_2d">normal
-        direction for 2-D unstructured grid elements</a>, and for
-        <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">data-name identifiers
-        of components of vector quantities</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1.3<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Clarifications in descriptions of
-        <a href="sids/timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a> and
-        <a href="sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-        structures
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1.4<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>27&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Error fix in <a href="sids/gridflow.html#flow_example">Flow
-        Solution example</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1.5<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 2<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Error fix for <a href="sids/floweqn.html#t:id_perfect">units of
-        ideal gas constant</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1.6<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 3<td>
-    <td>2&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Changes related to
-        <a href="sids/bc.html#t:BCTypeSimple"><tt>FamilySpecified</tt></a>
-        boundary condition type, cardinality of
-        <a href="sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1.7<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 4<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Corrected a minor error in the
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-        structure definition.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>2.1,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Changes to add
-        <a href="sids/floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel">chemistry</a>,
-        <a href="sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData">user-defined data</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.1<td>
-    <td>2.1,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Clarification in Data-Name Identifiers section about where
-        to store <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_force">forces
-        and moments data</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.2<td>
-    <td>2.1,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;3<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Corrected a minor error in the
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-        structure definition.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.3<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Corrected a minor error in the
-        <a href="sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-        structure definition.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.4<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Fixed a typo in the equations for the lift and drag coefficients
-        in the <a href="sids/dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name
-        Identifiers</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.5<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>In the HTML version, fixed typo in definition of
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-        data structure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.6<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>22&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Added a paragraph noting that the CGNS SIDS document represents
-        a draft revision of the AIAA Recommended Practice, and made
-        the <a href="sids/aiaa/R_101_2002.pdf">PDF version of the
-        Recommended Practice</a> available.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.7<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Corrected use of <tt>ParentData</tt> in the
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#element_example">examples of the
-        <tt>Elements_t</tt> data structure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.8<td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Added to the discussion of the
-        <a href="sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a> and
-        <a href="sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> data structures, to
-        clarify some information about BC patches.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 1<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Updated for consistency with Release 2.2, Beta 1, of the CGNS
-        software.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.1<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>In the HTML version, fixed typo in definition of
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-        data structure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.2<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 2<td>
-    <td>22&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Added a paragraph noting that the CGNS SIDS document represents
-        a draft revision of the AIAA Recommended Practice, and made
-        the <a href="sids/aiaa/R_101_2002.pdf">PDF version of the
-        Recommended Practice</a> available.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.3<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 2<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Corrected use of <tt>ParentData</tt> in the
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#element_example">examples of the
-        <tt>Elements_t</tt> data structure</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.4<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 2<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Added to the discussion of the
-        <a href="sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a> and
-        <a href="sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> data structures, to
-        clarify some information about BC patches.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.5<td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>9&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Changed terminology of "Software Release" to "CGNS Version", and
-        added the section
-        <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSLibraryVersion">CGNS Version</a>
-        defining it.
-        Also modified the <i>Notes</i> for the
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-        node to clarify the allowed <tt>GridLocation</tt> values.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.6<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>5&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Changed the description of the
-        <a href="sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt> data structure</a>
-        to reflect the addition of <tt>ElementRange</tt> and
-        <tt>ElementList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.7<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>6&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Added <tt>SoundIntensityDB</tt> and <tt>SoundIntensity</tt> to the
-        list of recommended <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">flow
-        solution data-name identifiers</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.8<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Corrected an error in the list of oriented edges for face
-        <tt>F4</tt> for pyramid elements, in the
-        <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_pyramid">Unstructured Grid Element
-        Numbering Conventions</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.9<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>19&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Corrected a spelling typo in the "Deforming Grid Motion" example
-        in the <a href="sids/timedep.html">Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.10<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>24&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Corrected an error in the
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#element_example"><tt>Elements_t</tt>
-        data structure examples</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Updated for consistency with CGNS Version 2.4.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.1<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>1&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Minor modifications in the <a href="sids/intro.html">Introduction</a>,
-        <a href="sids/conv.html">Conventions</a>,
-        <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html">Hierarchical Structures</a>,
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html">Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>,
-        and <a href="sids/bc.html">Boundary Conditions</a> sections,
-        due to the option of using HDF instead of ADF.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.2<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>18&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Added a couple of sentences in the
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html">Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>
-        and <a href="sids/bc.html">Boundary Conditions</a> sections to
-        clarify that a given zone boundary segment is intended to be
-        defined as either a boundary condition segment or a multizone
-        connectivity segment, but not both.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.3<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>19&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of the use of <tt>GridLocation</tt> under 
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-        to clarify its allowed values for different types of interfaces.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>16&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Corrected a minor cross-referencing error in the PDF version of
-        the document.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.5<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Added a paragraph at the start of the
-        <a href="sids/intro.html">Introduction</a>, clarified the
-        description of the
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a> 
-        data structure, and made a few other changes in various places
-        to correct typos and add clarification.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.6<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>10&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Corrected a typo in the PDF version of the document involving an
-        escaped underscore.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.7<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>1&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Corrected a couple of typos where <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt>
-        had been written as <tt>FlowSolutionsPointers</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.8<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>28&nbsp;July&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Changes to the descriptions and/or components of the following
-        structures due to the new capability for rind data with
-        unstructured grids:
-        <a href="sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="sids/misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>.
-        Modified the description of the
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>
-        structure</a> due to zone connectivity donor information being
-        optional for generalized multizone interfaces.
-        Added a sentence to the description of the 
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-        structure to clarify the use of the global numbering system.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.9<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>5&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of <tt>VertexSize</tt> for the
-        <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> structure to
-        clarify its definition for unstructured grids.
-        Also modified the description of <tt>GridLocation</tt> under
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-        to allow indices in the receiver zone to be specified at face
-        centers for abutting interfaces.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.10<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Corrected an error in the description of the unstructured grid
-        element numbering conventions for
-        <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_pyramid">pyramid elements</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.11<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>5&nbsp;July&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Rearranged discussion of the AIAA Recommended Practice version
-        of the SIDS, noting that it's out of date.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.12<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>11&nbsp;July&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Updated to include information on the newly-released AIAA
-        Recommended Practice R-101A-2005, and made the
-        <a href="sids/aiaa/R_101A_2005.pdf">PDF version of the
-        Recommended Practice</a> available.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers to reflect the release of CGNS Version
-        2.5 in Sep, 2007.
-        Modified the description of the
-        <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-        structure to clarify the use of <tt>CellListDonor</tt>
-        and <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>, and added some <a
-        href="sids/cnct.html#cnct_gen_example">examples</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.5.1<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of the
-        <a href="sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></a>
-        structure to add more detail about the various
-        <tt>TurbulenceModelType</tt> names.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.0.1<td>
-    <td>3.0 Beta<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Added a <tt>PYRA_13</tt> element in the description of the
-        unstructured grid element numbering conventions for
-        <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_pyramid">pyramid elements</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.0.2<td>
-    <td>3.0 Beta<td>
-    <td>19&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of the
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-        structure to incorporate the new definition of the
-        <tt>NGON_n</tt> element type, and add the <tt>NFACE_n</tt>
-        element type.
-        Also added <a href="sids/gridflow.html#element_example">examples</a>
-        illustrating their use.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.0.3<td>
-    <td>3.0 Beta<td>
-    <td>11&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>In the description of the
-        <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-        structure, modified the description of how <tt>NGON_n</tt> and
-        <tt>NFACE_n</tt> are used to define general polyhedral elements,
-        along with the corresponding example.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>04&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed Null to xxxxNull and UserDefined to xxxxUserDefined, as appropriate.
-        Also made sure that the xxxxNull is listed first, and the
-        xxxxUserDefined is listed second.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Changed description of <a href="sids/bc.html#BCType">BCType_t</a> slightly, 
-        to clarify the simple and compound types.
-        Added section <a href="sids/floweqn.html#ModelType">Model Type Structure Definition</a>.
-        Corrected ModelTypeNull and ModelTypeUserDefined listings (where enumerated values are 
-        a subset of the ModelType_t enumeration).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added <a href="sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">ZoneSubRegion_t</a> (CPEX 0030).
-        Made changes associated with CPEX 0031:
-        (1) added CellDimension to several places in <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone">Zone_t</a>,
-        (2) added new ParentElements and ParentElementsPosition
-        in <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements">Elements_t</a>,
-        (3) added CellDimension and revamped usage of PointList and PointRange
-        in <a href="sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution">FlowSolution_t</a>,
-        (4) added CellDimension to several places in <a href="sids/bc.html#ZoneBC">ZoneBC_t</a>,
-        (5) added CellDimension and revamped usage of PointList and PointRange
-        in <a href="sids/bc.html#BC">BC_t</a>,
-        (6) changes in <a href="sids/bc.html#BCDataSet">BCDataSet_t</a>,
-        (7) added CellDimension and revamped usage of PointList and PointRange
-        in <a href="sids/misc.html#DiscreteData">DiscreteData_t</a>,
-        (8) changes in <a href="sids/misc.html#FamilyBC">FamilyBC_t</a>,
-        (9) creation of new <a href="sids/misc.html#FamilyBCDataSet">FamilyBCDataSet_t</a>,
-        (10) changes in <a href="sids/timedep.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">Zone Grid Connectivities</a>, and
-        (11) and addition of ZoneGridConnectivityPointers and ZoneSubRegionPointers
-        in <a href="sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData">ZoneIterativeData_t</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.4<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>28&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added ZoneSubRegion_t node under Zone_t (mistakenly left out) in
-        <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone">Zone_t</a>. Also minor descriptor change 
-        regarding file mapping in intro.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.5<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added clarity that if rotating about more than 1 axis, then it is done
-          in a particular order in
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html#Periodic">Periodic_t</a> and in
-          <a href="sids/timedep.html#t:id_rigidgrid">Data-Name Identifiers for Rigid Grid Motion</a>.
-        Corrected GridLocation definitions for
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">ZoneSubRegion_t</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.6<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Updated the <a href="sids/changes.html">list of major changes</a> in the SIDS.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.7<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>06&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Corrected index range in the documentation for NFaceElements in
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#ex:elements2">Example - NGON_N and NFACE_n Element Types</a>
-          in the SIDS.  Also removed typo in the PDF version of the SIDS (note 8 in section 8.4).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.8<td>
-    <td>3.1.4<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Changes are in
-         <a href="sids/bc.html">BC</a> and include modified table describing
-         usage of GridLocation vis CellDimension under BC_t.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Changes in:
-        Added AdditionalFamilyName_t under BC_t, Zone_t, and ZoneSubRegion_t, and added
-        FamilyName_t under Family_t (a hierarchy of families is now possible); according
-        to CPEX 0033 and 0034.
-        Added new cubic elements in <a href="sids/conv.html#unstructgrid">Conventions</a>, according to CPEX 0036.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>24&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Added some missing external link images.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Added blurb about AdditionalFamilyName to cgnsbase.html.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.2<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;May&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Added AdditionalFamilyName to UserDefinedData.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.3<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;July&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Minor change: differences from previous versions put in reverse chronological order.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.4<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1, includes a few very minor typo and grammar fixes.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.5<td>
-    <td>3.2.2, Alpha<td>
-    <td>02&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Added quartic element definitions (CPEX 0038), not coded into the MLL yet (when it is, the
-        CGNS Version designation will be changed to
-        3.2.2).  Here the CGNS Version designation is given as
-        3.2.2, Alpha.  Also fixed some typos, grammar, and did some minor
-        formatting fixes.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td> <td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Added changes associated with CPEX 0039, along with a few other minor additions.  Details given on the page:
-        <a href="sids/changes.html">Major Differences from Previous CGNS Versions</a>.
-<a name="filemap"></a>
-<h3>SIDS File Mapping Manual</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.2.7<td>
-    <td>1.2<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2000<td>
-    <td>PDF version from CGNS Team
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0<td>
-    <td>2.0,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;2<td>
-    <td>22&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Updates for consistency with SIDS
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.1<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 1<td>
-    <td>21&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Error fixes for
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#bcgroup"><tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt></a> and
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#GeometryEntity"><tt>GeometryEntity_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.2<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 2<td>
-    <td>10&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Error fix for cardinality of
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0.3<td>
-    <td>2.0, Rev 3<td>
-    <td>2&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2001<td>
-    <td>Error fixes and clarifications involving
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#familygroup">families</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.1<td>
-    <td>2.1,&nbsp;Beta&nbsp;1<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Changes to add
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#UserDefinedData">user-defined data</a>,
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#ThermalRelaxationModel">chemistry</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>2.2, Beta 1<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Updated for consistency with Release 2.2, Beta 1, of the CGNS
-        software.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.2.1<td>
-    <td>2.2<td>
-    <td>9&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Changed terminology of "Software Release" to "CGNS Version", and
-        expanded the description of the <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>
-        node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>5&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Modified the <a href="filemap/figures/BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt>
-        figure</a> to reflect the addition of <tt>ElementRange</tt> and
-        <tt>ElementList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.3.1<td>
-    <td>2.3<td>
-    <td>2&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2004<td>
-    <td>Removed some wording inadvertently left in when the
-        documentation was updated with the release of CGNS Version 2.3.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Updated for consistency with CGNS Version 2.4.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.1<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>1&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Minor modifications in the
-        <a href="filemap/brief.html">Brief Description of CGNS</a>,
-        <a href="filemap/documentation.html">CGNS Documentation</a>, and
-        <a href="filemap/adfsummary.html">Summary Description of ADF</a>
-        sections, due to the option of using HDF instead of ADF.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.4.2<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>28&nbsp;July&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Changes to the descriptions of the
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>, and
-        <a href="filemap/nodes.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-        nodes, and to the figures for the
-        <a href="filemap/figures/GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="filemap/figures/Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>, and
-        <a href="filemap/figures/FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-        nodes due to the new capability for rind data with unstructured
-        grids.
-        In the
-        <a href="filemap/figures/GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt>
-        node figure</a>, changed the Cardinality of
-        <tt>CellListDonor/PointListDonor</tt> from "1" to "0,1".
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS
-        Version 2.5 in Sep, 2007.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>02&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.1 in Mar, 2011.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Removed all references to ADF and made the document consistent with
-        specifying context rather than content.
-        Changed <a href="filemap/figures/Zone.html">Zone figure</a> to
-        reflect multiple <tt>ZoneGridConnectivities</tt> now allowed (CPEX 0027)
-        and <tt>ZoneSubRegions</tt> (CPEX 0030).
-        Added <a href="filemap/figures/ZoneSubRegion.html">ZoneSubRegion figure</a> (CPEX 0030)
-        and <a href="filemap/figures/FamilyBCDataSet.html">FamilyBCDataSet figure</a> (CPEX 0031).
-        Modified <a href="filemap/figures/BC.html">BC figure</a>,
-        <a href="filemap/figures/FamilyBC.html">FamilyBC figure</a>,
-        <a href="filemap/figures/FlowSolution.html">FlowSolution or DiscreteData figure</a>
-        as per CPEX 0031.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Added info about cgsize_t for 64-bit integers. In some places in text, I4 replaced by
-        cgsize_t. Added "bit" to DataType description for DataArray_t. Many updated figures
-        to reflect 64-bit integer changes (I4 changed to cgsize_t).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>added AdditionalFamilyName_t node to nodes.html.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.2<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;May&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>added AdditionalFamilyName_t node to UserDefinedData figure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.2<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td> <td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="cgio"></a>
-<h3>CGIO User's Guide</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Original version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>24&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Minor change to correct missing figure reference and typo.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td> <td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="adf"></a>
-<h3>ADF Implementation</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>7&nbsp;May&nbsp;1998<td>
-    <td>Original version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002<td>
-    <td>Addition of
-        <a href="adf/subs_io.html#Read_Block_Data"><tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data</tt></a> and
-        <a href="adf/subs_io.html#Write_Block_Data"><tt>ADF_Write_Block_Data</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1.1<td>
-    <td>13&nbsp;May&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Modified the section on <a href="adf/library.html#acquiring">Acquiring
-        the Software and Documentation</a> to reflect the current use of
-        SourceForge for distribution.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Moved the adfsummary.html document from <i>SIDS File Mapping</i>
-        to here. The intent is to have this document describe the
-        implementation of the <i>SIDS File Mapping</i> within the
-        ADF database manager. The PDF file has not changed as it is still
-        the <i>ADF User's Guide</i>. Updated version number to reflect release
-        of CGNS Version 3.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="hdf"></a>
-<h3>HDF5 Implementation</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>2.4<td>
-    <td>2&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005<td>
-    <td>Original version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0.1<td>
-    <td>2.4.4<td>
-    <td>28&nbsp;July&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Changes to the descriptions of the
-        <a href="filemap_hdf/nodes.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="filemap_hdf/nodes.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>, and
-        <a href="filemap_hdf/nodes.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-        nodes, and to the figures for the
-        <a href="filemap_hdf/figures/GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-        <a href="filemap_hdf/figures/Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>, and
-        <a href="filemap_hdf/figures/FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-        nodes due to the new capability for rind data with unstructured
-        grids.
-        In the
-        <a href="filemap_hdf/figures/GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt>
-        node figure</a>, changed the Cardinality of
-        <tt>CellListDonor/PointListDonor</tt> from "1" to "0,1".
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.1<td>
-    <td>2.5<td>
-    <td>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS
-        Version 2.5 in Sep, 2007.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>02&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.1 in Mar, 2011.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Moved the hdfsummary.html document from <i>SIDS File Mapping</i>
-        to here. Removed all the file mapping figures,
-        leaving just the implementation details. This documentation was
-        also moved from the <i>filemap_hdf</i> directory to <i>hdf5</i>.
-        The intent is to have this document describe the
-        implementation of the <i>SIDS File Mapping</i> within the
-        HDF5 database manager.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td> <td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="python"></a>
-<h3>Python Implementation</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>3.1<td>
-    <td>03&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Original version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.1.3<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>No changes to the Python PDF files, just changes to index.html.
-        This documentation was also moved from the <i>filemap_python</i>
-        directory to <i>python</i>.The intent is to have this document
-        describe the implementation of the <i>SIDS File Mapping</i>
-        within Python.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1.
-<a name="cgnstools"></a>
-<h3>CGNS Tools and Utilities</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0<td>
-    <td>20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2003<td>
-    <td>Original version.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0.1<td>
-    <td>30&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2006<td>
-    <td>Corrected error in table at top of
-        <a href="cgnstools/utilities/export.html">Export Utilities</a>
-        section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>1.0.2<td>
-    <td>12&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2008<td>
-    <td>Modified the description of ADF_Edit to note that it's been
-        superseded by the more capable
-        <a href="cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>2.0<td>
-    <td>01&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Major update of CGNS tools and utilities, including switch from
-        use of ADFviewer to CGNSview.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.1<td>
-    <td>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011<td>
-    <td>Change in version number only, to reflect release of CGNS Version 3.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.1.2<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Added new
-         <a href="cgnstools/tools.html">Tools</a> description under
-         <a href="cgnstools/index.html">CGNSTools</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only, to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.2.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.2<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Updated figures and html to be consistent with new version.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<a name="parallel"></a>
-<h3>Parallel CGNS User's Guide</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=bottom><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>Document<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left scope=col><b>CGNS<br>
-        Version</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Date</b><th>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-    <th align=left valign=bottom scope=col><b>Change</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2, Beta<td>
-    <td>26&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>Original version.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2.1, Beta<td>
-    <td>6&nbsp;July&nbsp;2013<td>
-    <td>added <a href="pcgns/library.html#misc">cgp_mpi_comm</a> routine documentation.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>3.2.1<td>
-    <td>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014<td>
-    <td>Reflects official release of 3.2.1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>3.3<td>
-    <td> <td>
-    <td>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015<td>
-    <td>Change in version numbers only.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 17 Oct 2017
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee Charter - Background -->
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-<link href="charter.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Steering Committee Charter - Background </title>
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-(<a href="index.html"><span class=nav><b>Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Background</b></span>)
-(<a href="mission.html"><b>Mission/Vision/Responsibilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="organization.html"><b>Organization/Bylaws</b></a>)
-(<a href="principles.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;and&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Governing&nbsp;Principles</b></a>)
-(<a href="license.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;License</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<li> <a href="#history">History</a>
-<li> <a href="#management">Management</a>
-<a name="history"></a>
-In the early 1980s, the PLOT3D data format gained acceptance as a de
-<i>facto</i> standard to enable the storage and exchange of CFD data
-within analysis processes, and among collaborating organizations.
-This initial CFD data standard today continues to be the most common
-storage and exchange standard for CFD data, based on structured grids.
-However, by the early 1990s several limitations in the PLOT3D standard
-had become apparent.
-Individual organizations were overcoming these limitations by defining
-extensions to the PLOT3D standard to meet their needs.
-These extensions were not coordinated among different organizations, and
-therefore data stored in these extended formats generally could not be
-utilized outside the originating organization.
-Further, the PLOT3D standard had not anticipated several key trends in
-CFD technology, such as unstructured grids, turbulence models based on
-solutions of partial differential equations, and the need to include
-chemical species concentrations as part of a CFD solution.
-Also, the PLOT3D format, which was originally developed simply
-to expedite post-processing (visualization) did not include
-self-documenting features.
-Therefore, it was necessary to rely on file-naming conventions or
-external notes to maintain awareness of the flow conditions and analyzed
-geometry of each PLOT3D data file.
-The CGNS Data Standard was initially conceived in 1994 by
-<a href="http://www.nasa.gov/">NASA</a>,
-<a href="http://www.boeing.com/">Boeing</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, and then-McDonnell Douglas
-teams working under the Integrated Wing Design element of NASA's
-Advanced Subsonic Technology Program.
-The objective of this work was to greatly reduce the time required to
-design a transport wing.
-Implicit in this goal was increased extensive use of Computational
-Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the possibility of collaborative analyses by
-many organizations.
-To achieve this vision, it was necessary to establish a common data
-format suitable to meet the needs of production CFD tools in the mid- to
-This format would be used to enable interchange of data among different
-CFD-related tools and different computing platforms, and to provide a
-mechanism for archive and retrieval of CFD data.
-The chief tools that were taken into consideration for this goal were
-two structured-grid multi-block codes, OVERFLOW and TLNS3D.
-The available data standard, the PLOT3D format, was increasingly proving
-to be inadequate for this purpose.
-Some of these shortcomings included:
-<li> Requirement to read the entire file to retrieve any data.
-<li> No provision for multi-block connectivity data.
-<li> Requirement to convert to ASCII format to transfer data between
-     dissimilar computing platforms.
-<li> Lack of self-documentation; descriptive information must be
-     separately maintained outside the data file.
-Several database options were considered by the NASA / Boeing /
-McDonnell Douglas team during the period December 1994 to March 1995.
-In March 1995, a decision was taken to build a new data standard called
-CGNS (Complex Geometry Navier Stokes).
-This standard was a "clean sheet" development, but it was heavily
-influenced by the McDonnell Douglas
-<a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/winddocs/cff/">Common File Format
-(CFF)</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> standard,
-which had been established and deployed in 1989 and
-significantly revised in 1992.
-It should be noted that the CGNS data standard consists of two major
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap><i>Data Content and Format</i><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The definition of the intellectual content of the data to
-       be represented in this standard, and the format of the
-       representation in the standard-conforming data file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td nowrap><i>Implementing Software</i><td>
-   <td>Software packages developed to ease the process of establishing
-       CGNS-compliant database references within an applications code.
-In accepted standards contexts such as ISO / STEP, the "standard"
-consists only of the first item, a definition of the data content and
-In this regard, the CGNS development team went beyond the traditional
-role in setting standards, by also developing software to easily
-implement the standard in a code.
-The implementing software, in turn, was developed in two layers:
-<li> Low-level routines to perform elementary operations on the
-     database, known as the <a href="../adf/index.html"><i>ADF
-     (Advanced Data Format) Library</i></a>.
-     This low-level ADF library performs basic direct I/O operations on
-     the file.
-     It does not have any built-in knowledge of the data structure or
-     the content of the data.
-     The user must provide this knowledge; thus, a user who writes
-     ADF calls must have a complete understanding of the CGNS data
-     structures and content.
-      When CGNS Version 2.4 was released, support for
-      <a href="../hdf5/index.html"><i>HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format)</i></a>
-      as the underlying database was added.
-      The ADF routines were "mapped" to equivalent HDF5
-      routines, and the Mid-Level Library could be built using
-      either ADF or HDF5.
-      With the release of CGNS Version 3.1, new low-level routines were
-      created (<a href="../cgio/index.html"><i>the CGIO interface</i></a>)
-      as a replacement for the direct ADF calls. This interface supports
-      both ADF and HDF5 simultaneously
-      and transparently to the application code.
-<li> Higher-level routines to perform common operations required by a
-     CFD code, known as the <a href="../midlevel/index.html"><i>CGNS
-     Mid-Level Library</i></a>.
-     The CGNS Mid-Level Library is an Application Programming Interface
-     (API) that allows the use of CGNS data files without any knowledge
-     of the underlying data structures and file format.
-     The person who writes code using this mid-level library needs only
-     to have a general understanding of the standard data structure and
-     content.
-     The purpose of the mid-level library is to shield the user from the
-     complexity of the basic database manager calls,
-     and to ensure that the data are
-     written in the proper structure to create a CGNS-compliant file.
-The data standards are controlled by two documents, which are available
-at the <a href="../index.html">CGNS Documentation Home Page</a>.
-These key control documents are:
-<li> <a href="../sids/index.html">Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</a>
-<li> <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a>
-The ADF library was developed during 1995, and the first large-scale
-deployment was made by (then) McDonnell Douglas - St. Louis in November
-1995, as part of an upgrade to the Common File Format system.
-During 1995-97, the NASA - Boeing - McDonnell Douglas team focused on
-adding content to the control documents, and laying out the requirements
-of the mid-level library.
-At a review in June 1997, the CGNS team (NASA, Boeing, and McDonnell
-Douglas) determined that additional professional support would be
-required to produce an adequate mid-level library.
-Subcontracts were issued to the <a href="http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/">ICEM
-CFD Engineering Company</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">,
-in Berkeley, CA, following this decision.
-ICEM CFD Engineering in effect became the lead organization for the
-development of the mid-level library.
-At this time, the acronym "CGNS" was re-defined to mean "CFD General
-Notation System", which was more in keeping with the evolved goals of
-this project.
-An initial mid-level software library (version 1.0), which met the
-original goals of structured multi-block analysis codes, was released
-in May 1998.
-At this time, a decision also was taken whereby NASA and Boeing
-(McDonnell Douglas by this time had been absorbed by Boeing) would
-relinquish all rights to ICEM CFD Engineering.
-Concurrently, NASA and the informal CGNS committee determined that there
-was no need for export authority, so the CGNS standard, the ADF and
-mid-level library, and all supporting documentation could be distributed
-worldwide as freeware.
-Appropriate legal reviews and approvals were obtained at both NASA and
-Boeing to validate this decision.
-At meetings in March, May, and October 1998, the mid-level library was
-extended to support a wide range of unstructured grid types.
-The SIDS document defining the standard was modified, and extended
-versions of the mid-level library were released at intervals in late
-1998 and early 1999.
-By May 1999, the extension to unstructured grids was released.
-<a name="management"></a>
-Up to this time, all activities related to the development of the
-standard, the implementing software, and the related documentation had
-been coordinated and largely funded by NASA under the Advanced Subsonic
-Technology Program.
-In 1998, NASA took a decision that the Advanced Subsonic Technology
-program would end on September 30, 1999, which was approximately one
-year earlier than their original plan.
-Further, NASA indicated that they would not be able to manage the
-development of a standard or a software system such as CGNS, once it
-ceased to be the focus of an ongoing NASA program.
-At this time, a number of U.S. and international organizations had
-established plans to use the CGNS standard and the ADF and
-mid-level library, and in several cases they had begun implementation.
-These organizations had a clear interest in the existence of an
-organization to coordinate future use and extensions of the CGNS
-standard and its supporting software and documentation.
-Also during this same period (1998-99), The Boeing Company launched an
-initiative to establish an 
-ISO standard for aerodynamic data,
-to be based on the CGNS standard.
-However, in a best-case scenario CGNS will not become an ISO standard
-until roughly 2005-2006, and acceptance of CGNS as an ISO standard is
-not a certainty.
-It became clear that CGNS needed to find an organizational home, to
-coordinate its extension and utilization.
-The organizations interested in the CGNS standard met in Hampton, VA,
-on May 20, 1999 to discuss options for a CGNS management organization.
-Out of this meeting, the CGNS Steering Committee was established.
-This Steering Committee is a voluntary organization to coordinate the
-further development and dissemination of the CGNS standard and its
-supporting software and documentation.
-In January 2000, the CGNS Steering Committee became an official
-subcommittee under the purview of the American Institute of Aeronautics
-and Astronautics (AIAA) Committee on Standards.
-The AIAA also distributes the CGNS SIDS document as an AIAA Recommended
-However, this AIAA affiliation does not preclude the CGNS committee from
-public dissemination of the SIDS and other CGNS documentation.
-The following sections of this document present the vision of how the
-CGNS Steering Committee will operate.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-span.nav {color: #000066}
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-div.footer {font-style: italic}
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-<!-- Home Page for CGNS Steering Committee Charter -->
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-<title> CGNS Steering Committee Charter </title>
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-(<a href="../overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="background.html"><b>Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="mission.html"><b>Mission/Vision/Responsibilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="organization.html"><b>Organization/Bylaws</b></a>)
-(<a href="principles.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;and&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Governing&nbsp;Principles</b></a>)
-(<a href="license.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;License</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This document is the charter for the CGNS Steering Committee, a
-public forum made up of international representatives from government
-and private industry, responsible for the development, evolution,
-support, and promotion of the <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS
-(CFD General Notation System) standard</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-It provides <a href="background.html">background information</a> on
-the CGNS project;
-describes the <a href="mission.html">mission and responsibilities</a>
-of the committee, and its <a href="organization.html">organization</a>;
-and presents the <a href="principles.html">principles</a> used for
-distribution and modification of the CGNS standard and software.
-<li> <a href="background.html">Background</a>
-<li> <a href="mission.html">Mission/Vision/Responsibilities</a>
-<li> <a href="organization.html">Organization/Bylaws</a>
-<li> <a href="principles.html">CGNS Standard and Software Governing Principles</a>
-<li> <a href="license.html">CGNS License</a>
-The complete <a href="charter.tar.gz">CGNS Steering Committee Charter
-in HTML form</a> is also available for installation on a local
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (13K, 62K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c charter.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>charter</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>charter/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>CGNS Steering Committee Charter</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was originally written by
-Bob Bush (Pratt &amp; Whitney),
-Raymond Cosner (Boeing, Phantom Works),
-Diane Poirier (ICEM CFD Engineering),
-Ed Hall (Rolls Royce/Allison),
-Armen Darian (Boeing, Rocketdyne), and
-Dan Dominik (Boeing, Reusable Space Systems),
-and later updated by Bob Bush and
-Chris Rumsey (NASA Langley).
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 23 Sep 2015
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index 4db5f1fb..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee Charter - License -->
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-<title> CGNS Steering Committee Charter - License </title>
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-(<a href="../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="background.html"><b>Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="mission.html"><b>Mission/Vision/Responsibilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="organization.html"><b>Organization/Bylaws</b></a>)
-(<a href="principles.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;and&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Governing&nbsp;Principles</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>CGNS License</b></span>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>CGNS License</h2>
-The distribution and use of the CGNS software is covered by the
-following license:
-This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
-the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-<li> The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
-     not claim that you wrote the original software.
-     If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
-     product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-<li> Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
-     not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-<li> This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
-     distribution.
-This license is borrowed from the
-<a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php">zlib/libpng
-License</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, and
-supersedes the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) which previously
-governed the use and distribution of the software.
-For details on the policy governing the distribution of the CGNS
-standard and software see the section of the <i>CGNS Steering Committee
-Charter</i> describing the <a href="principles.html">Standard and
-Software Governing Principles</a>.
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-(<a href="organization.html"><b>Organization/Bylaws</b></a>)
-(<a href="principles.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;and&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Governing&nbsp;Principles</b></a>)
-(<a href="license.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;License</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<li> <a href="#maintenance">Ensure the maintenance of the existing software, documentation and web site</a>
-<li> <a href="#evolution">Provide mechanisms for the evolution of the standard</a>
-<li> <a href="#acceptance">Promote the acceptance of CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="#services">Provide mechanism for answering questions and exchanging ideas</a>
-<li> <a href="#support">Determine the means by which the CGNS activities are supported</a>
-The mission of the CGNS Steering Committee is to ensure the continuation
-of the CFD General Notation System.
-The survival of a standard depends entirely on its level of use.
-Therefore the CGNS Steering Committee must aim at providing a standard
-that is widely accepted by the CFD community.
-Several elements must be satisfied to ensure the acceptance of the
-CGNS standard.
-The most obvious asset is that CGNS must be useful.
-Not only must it answer the current needs for the recording of fluid
-dynamics data, but it must also follow the changes in requirements as
-CFD progresses.
-A second important element is that CGNS must be easy to implement.
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a> (or
-Application Programming Interface, API) must be user-friendly and
-well documented, and online
-support must be
-available for all users at all times.
-The standard must also be easily accessible, meaning that all the
-sources, binaries, documents and any other pertinent information must be
-available to anyone without restrictions.
-Finally, it is of utmost importance that CGNS retains its public nature,
-encouraging contributions from all users.
-The Steering Committee has the responsibility to oversee that the
-CGNS standard remains useful, accessible, easy to use, and preserves
-its public nature.
-This implies multiple activities, which can be subdivided in the
-following groups:
-<a name="maintenance"></a>
-<h3>Ensure the maintenance of the existing software, documentation and web site</h3>
-The CGNS Steering Committee is responsible for appointing a prime
-source, and overseeing the prime source activities.
-The Steering Committee must ensure that the prime source maintains the
-existing software, documentation and web site.
-This includes, but is not limited to:
-<li> correcting/updating the documentation if necessary
-<li> fixing any reported software bug
-<li> collecting a list of CGNS users via the web site
-<li> keeping the web site up to date with the latest versions of the
-     <a href="../index.html">documentation</a> and
-     software
-<li> informing the user base of new releases and major software problems
-<li> posting proposals for
-     new features or modifications
-     to the CGNS standard
-     on the web site and collect comments from the user base
-<li> maintaining a distribution site for
-     contributed software
-     utilities which
-     utilize the CGNS standard
-<a name="evolution"></a>
-<h3>Provide mechanisms for the evolution of the standard</h3>
-The CGNS Steering Committee has the responsibility to support and even
-encourage the evolution of the standard in order for CGNS to remain
-Therefore, the committee must solicit technical support and "in-kind"
-In addition, the Steering Committee must follow the policies described
-in the section of this document on
-<a href="principles.html#changes">Changes or Additions to the
-Standard</a> regarding the collection and evaluation of technical
-<a name="acceptance"></a>
-<h3>Promote the acceptance of CGNS</h3>
-The CGNS Steering Committee has the responsibility to promote the
-acceptance of CGNS throughout the CFD community.
-This can be achieved through various means, including word of mouth,
-advertising, business articles, and presentations at conferences and
-technical meetings.
-<a name="services"></a>
-<h3>Provide mechanism for answering questions and exchanging ideas</h3>
-Electronic mail constitutes the main point of contact between CGNS
-users and CGNS developers.
-Therefore, the CGNS Steering Committee must maintain an electronic mail
-forum, to which users can post questions, answer questions, and exchange
-Members of the CGNS Steering Committee and/or appointed qualified
-persons will respond to the posted questions on the forum.
-<a name="support"></a>
-<h3>Determine the means by which the CGNS activities are supported</h3>
-The CGNS Steering Committee has the obligation to determine the means by
-which all CGNS activities are supported.
-The Committee is also responsible for identifying and obtaining sources
-of funding, if appropriate.
-Finally the CGNS Steering Committee has the responsibility to distribute
-the tasks and funds to the most appropriate candidate, in the best
-interests of CGNS.
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-Last updated 6 Jan 2006
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-(<span class=nav><b>Organization/Bylaws</b></span>)
-(<a href="principles.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;and&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Governing&nbsp;Principles</b></a>)
-(<a href="license.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;License</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<li> <a href="#representation">Representation</a>
-<li> <a href="#committees">Standing Committees</a>
-<li> <a href="#supportteam">Software and Documentation Support Team</a>
-The CGNS Steering Committee is a voluntary organization that will
-determine its own policies and internal structure, and will govern by
-consensus whenever possible.
-In the absence of consensus, a two-thirds majority of the Committee
-members will be required to adopt changes to the standard, alter this
-Charter, or take other official actions.
-The CGNS Steering Committee will meet at a minimum of one time per year.
-The time and location will be determined by consensus of the Committee,
-and all members of the Committee will be notified in advance.
-The members of the CGNS Steering Committee will appoint a Chairperson
-whose responsibilities will include coordinating activities,
-facilitating meetings and serving as a focal point for the Committee.
-The Chairperson will be a member of the Committee, be elected by
-consensus, and serve for a two-year term.
-There is no limit on how many terms the Chairperson can be elected.
-At the discretion of the Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson may be
-appointed by consensus of the Committee, to assist the Chairperson with
-his or her duties.
-The Vice-Chairperson will also be a member of the Committee.
-The appointment of a secretary to maintain records will be at the
-discretion of the Chairperson.
-The CGNS Steering Committee may decide to suggest appropriate
-contributions from its members.
-The Steering Committee is not prohibited from charging membership fees;
-the decision whether to do so, and the amount of the fees, lies within
-the purview of the Steering Committee.
-All parties are welcome to bring forward issues and participate in
-development of the CGNS Standard, whether or not they are members of the
-Steering Committee.
-The decision whether to support the migration of the CGNS standard to
-ISO/STEP, or any other organization, lies within the purview of the
-Steering Committee.
-<a name="representation"></a>
-The CGNS Steering Committee will be made up of representatives from
-specific institutions, rather than individuals.
-Changes or additions to Steering Committee membership will be based on
-potential contribution to the standard.
-Membership on the Steering Committee will be limited to 30 institutions
-that actively participate in the development, maintenance, distribution
-and use of the CGNS Standard.
-No more than 5 institutions may be related, i.e., have the same parent
-Changes to the Membership (including the limit on the number of
-institutions) will be determined by consensus, or if required, a
-two-thirds majority of the existing Membership.
-To help satisfy the <a href="mission.html">duties of the Steering
-Committee as a whole</a>, the minimal responsibilities of each
-individual Steering Committee member are to:
-<li> Attend as many telecons/meetings as possible, but not less than
-     one per year
-<li> Read and send comments on proposals or other issues when asked to
-     do so
-<li> Vote when asked to do so
-More active participation - including support, software development,
-and actively working to improve and promote CGNS - is encouraged.
-<a name="committees"></a>
-<h3>Standing Committees</h3>
-The CGNS Steering Committee may constitute Standing Committees, in
-an ongoing or temporary basis, to which it may delegate various
-The Standing Committees will report and make recommendations to the
-Steering Committee who will retain the authority to act and make final
-<a name="supportteam"></a>
-<h3>Software and Documentation Support Team</h3>
-The CGNS Steering Committee will be responsible for selecting one or
-more organizations to maintain and distribute existing documentation
-and software, to develop and distribute new software resulting from
-extensions to the standard, and to post or distribute meeting minutes
-and other new documentation.
-The organization(s) selected to maintain CGNS software will determine
-the form of newly developed software and maintain compatibility with the
-existing ADF Core and CGNS API.
-The organization(s) selected to maintain CGNS Documentation will
-be responsible for posting and maintaining on the web the Steering
-Committee meeting minutes, Charter, and archive information.
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-Last updated 20 May 2009
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-(<span class=nav><b>Standard&nbsp;and&nbsp;Software&nbsp;Governing&nbsp;Principles</b></span>)
-(<a href="license.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;License</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Standard and Software Governing Principles</h2>
-<li> <a href="#distribution">Distribution</a>
-<li> <a href="#changes">Changes or Additions to the Standard</a>
-<a name="distribution"></a>
-This section describes the policy governing the distribution of the
-CGNS standard and software to the engineering and scientific community
-at large.
-By definition, the CGNS <i>standard</i> refers to the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">Standard Interface Data Structures
-(SIDS)</a> definitions, the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>,
-and the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level
-Library</a> structure (API), as well as all documentation.
-The CGNS <i>software</i> refers to the CGNS
-Library source code, the <a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO core routines</a>,
-and the <a href="../adf/index.html">ADF</a> and
-<a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5</a> database manager implementations.
-The CGNS <i>software</i> may also include sample programs demonstrating
-the application and use of the CGNS and ADF libraries, as well as some
-utility programs to assist with the implementation and analysis of
-CGNS-based files and systems.
-Implementation and maintenance of the CGNS distribution policy is the
-responsibility of the CGNS Steering Committee.
-The distribution policy dictates that both the CGNS standard and the
-CGNS software are publicly available, and that the standard and software
-itself are free of charge.
-The CGNS software may be used for any purpose, including commercial
-applications, and may be altered and redistributed, subject to the
-restrictions described in the <a href="license.html">CGNS License</a>.
-It is the responsibility of the CGNS Steering Committee to enable
-distribution mechanisms that comply with the following principles:
-<li> The CGNS standard (documentation and definitions) will be publicly
-     available at no more than the cost of distribution.
-<li> The CGNS software (CGNS Library and CGIO, ADF and HDF5 core), including source
-     code, will also be available at no more than the cost of
-     distribution.
-<li> The CGNS API (Mid-Level Library), including source code will be
-     similarly available.
-<li> Development, sale, and licensing of proprietary packages based on
-     CGNS that perform substantive operations on the data, beyond the
-     I/O performed by the API, are encouraged.
-     Such packages must abide by the restrictions described in the
-     <a href="license.html">CGNS License</a>.
-<li> The sale of services designed to assist in the conversion of
-     existing software to the CGNS standard is acceptable.
-<li> The voluntary contribution of software that performs operations on
-     CGNS data is encouraged.
-<li> The CGNS Steering Committee will provide mechanisms for the
-     accumulation and distribution of contributed software, but will not
-     be responsible for the function of contributed software.
-<li> Contributed software does not become part of the CGNS Standard,
-     that is, either the SIDS or the API, without the approval of the
-     CGNS Steering Committee.
-<li> The Steering Committee may agree to support or endorse additional
-     utility software.
-<li> The Steering Committee will <em>not</em> endorse third party
-     software.
-<a name="changes"></a>
-<h3>Changes or Additions to the Standard</h3>
-CGNS is a standard that has been developed with the key concepts of
-flexibility and extendibility in mind.
-The standard can accommodate the majority of CFD data quantities in
-practical usage today; however, some additional capabilities are still
-being implemented.
-It is also understood that in the future other additional capabilities
-will need to be implemented as well.
-For these reasons, a process for adding to or modifying the existing
-CGNS standard is necessary.
-To address a particular need or deficiency in CGNS, a proposal for a
-potential change to the standard first must be made.
-A Technical Team will prepare all proposals.
-A Technical Team may voluntarily submit the proposal, or a Technical
-Team may be specifically appointed by the Steering Committee to author
-the proposal.
-A primary requirement of all proposals for modifications will be to
-support and maintain code compatibility.
-No additions or changes to the CGNS standard will be adopted which
-invalidate existing software or data.
-Prior to adoption, the Technical Team must present all proposals in
-an open and public forum.
-Included with the proposal, a draft of the necessary changes to the
-SIDS and File Mapping must be provided by the team introducing the
-The open forum will then review the proposal, identify any possible
-shortcomings, and suggest alternatives or improvements.
-After the proposal has been presented and deliberated upon, only the
-Steering Committee has final authority of approval and may elect to
-do one of three things.
-First, the Steering Committee may vote by consensus (or a two-thirds
-majority if necessary) to accept the proposal as is, and thus the
-changes are approved for implementation.
-If such approval does not occur, the Steering Committee may still feel
-there is merit to the proposal, and may choose to defer acceptance of
-the proposal under the provision that specific changes be made.
-Finally, the Steering Committee may deem there is little merit in the
-proposed changes to CGNS, and reserves the right to reject the proposal
-Whatever the disposition of the proposal, individual organizations may
-implement <tt>UserDefined</tt> functions, provided that they adhere to
-the conventions and standards as defined in the SIDS.
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-Last updated 31 Aug 2005
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-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
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-(<a href="documentation.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></span>)
-(<a href="general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="figures.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>CGNS Background</h2>
-<li> <a href="#purpose">Purpose</a>
-<li> <a href="#history">Participation and Brief History</a>
-<li> <a href="#scope">Scope</a>
-The information in this section is supplied for the sake of
-completeness. It is identical with the information found in the
-<a href="../overview/index.html">Overview</a>.
-<a name="purpose"></a>
-The purpose of CGNS is to provide a standard for recording and
-recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the
-equations of fluid dynamics. The format implemented by this standard is
-(1) general, (2) portable, (3) expandable, and (4) durable.
-The CGNS system consists of a collection of conventions, and software
-implementing those conventions, for the storage and retrieval of
-CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data. The system consists of two
-parts: (1) a standard format for recording the data, and (2) software
-that reads, writes and modifies data in that format.  The format is a
-conceptual entity established by the documentation; the software is a
-physical product supplied to enable developers to access and produce
-data recorded in that format. The CGNS standard, applied through the use
-of the supplied software, is intended to do the following:
-<li> facilitate the exchange of CFD data
-     <ul>
-     <li> between sites.
-     <li> between applications codes.
-     <li> across computing platforms.
-     </ul>
-<li> stabilize the archiving of CFD data.
-<a name="history"></a>
-<h3>Participation and Brief History</h3>
-The CGNS project originated around 1994-1995 through a series of
-meetings between <a href="http://www.boeing.com/">Boeing</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> and
-<a href="http://www.nasa.gov/">NASA</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-that addressed improved means for
-transferring NASA technology to industrial use. It was held that
-a principal impediment to technology transfer was the disparity
-in I/O formats employed by various flow codes, grid generators,
-and so forth. The CGNS system was conceived as a means to promote
-"plug-and-play" CFD.
-Agreement was reached to develop CGNS at Boeing, under NASA Contract
-NAS1-20267, with active participation by a team of CFD researchers from
-<li> <a href="http://www.larc.nasa.gov/">NASA Langley Research Center</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/">NASA Glenn Research Center</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.arc.nasa.gov/">NASA Ames Research Center</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.boeing.com/phantom/">Boeing St-Louis
-     (McDonnell-Douglas Corporation)</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.boeing.com/commercial/index.html">Boeing
-     Commercial Airplane Group</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> Aerodynamics
-<li> <a href="http://www.boeing.com/commercial/index.html">Boeing
-     Commercial Airplane Group</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> Propulsion
-<li> <a href="http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/">ICEM CFD Engineering
-     Corporation</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-     of Berkeley, California
-Also participating in the discussions at various times have been
-researchers from
-<li> Defense and Space Group and Environmental Systems
-<li> <a href="http://www.arnold.af.mil/">Arnold Engineering
-     Development Center</a>, <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-     representing the
-     <a href="http://web.arnold.af.mil/nparc/">NPARC Alliance</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.wpafb.af.mil/">Wright-Patterson Air
-     Force Base</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<a name="scope"></a>
-The principal target of CGNS is the data normally associated with
-compressible viscous flow (i.e., the Navier-Stokes equations), but the
-standard is also applicable to subclasses such as Euler and potential
-CGNS Version 1.0, released 5/15/98, was limited to problems described
-by multiblock structured grids. Version 1.1 addresses grids,
-flowfields, boundary conditions, and block-to-block connection
-information. Also included are a number of auxiliary items,
-including nondimensionalization, reference state, and equation set
-specifications. The extension to time-dependent flows and unstructured
-grids is addressed in Version 2. Also included are links between CGNS
-data and CAD geometry. Any mix of the following types of field data can
-be recorded:
-<li> nodal.
-<li> edge-centered.
-<li> face-centered.
-<li> cell-centered.
-Block connections can be of the following types:
-<li> contiguous (one-to-one).
-<li> abutting (patched mismatched).
-<li> overlapping (Chimera).
-Much of the standard and the software is applicable to computational
-field physics in general. Disciplines other than fluid dynamics would
-need to augment the data definitions and storage conventions, but the
-fundamental database software, which provides platform independence, is
-not specific to fluid dynamics.
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-(<a href="nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="figures.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Brief Description of CGNS</h2>
-The <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CFD General Notation System
-(CGNS)</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> is a set of
-standards, together with software implementing those standards, for the
-recording of data associated with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
-The present document describes the mapping from the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">Standard Interface Data Structures
-(SIDS)</a> to a file structure provided by an underlying database manager.
-Physical data storage is accomplished via a general database manager,
-either <a href="../adf/index.html">ADF (Advanced Data Format)</a> or
-<a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF (Hierarchical Data Format)</a>.
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-(<a href="nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>CGNS Documentation</h2>
-<li> <a href="#description">Description of the Documents</a>
-<li> <a href="#which">Which Documents Do You Need?</a>
-<li> <a href="#howto">How to Use This Document</a>
-Documentation of CGNS is found in a number of related
-publications. These are maintained separately for several
-reasons. First, they describe logically independent aspects of the CGNS
-system. Second, many users will find that a subset of the documentation
-is sufficient for their needs. And last, some portions of the system can
-be viewed as independent entities useful outside the context of CGNS.
-The main documents currently available are:
-<li> <a href="#overview">CGNS Overview and Entry-Level Document</a>
-<li> <a href="#user">A User's Guide to CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="#midlevel">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a>
-<li> <a href="#sids">Standard Interface Data Structures</a>
-<li> <a href="#filemap">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a> (this document)
-<li> <a href="#cgio">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<li> <a href="#adf">ADF Implementation</a>
-<li> <a href="#hdf">HDF Implementation</a>
-<a name="description"></a>
-<h3>Description of the Documents</h3>
-In order to make the current document as self-contained as possible,
-basic information regarding all components of the CGNS standard has
-been included. However, the reader should be aware of the documents
-describing these other components. These should be regarded as the
-authoritative and complete descriptions of their respective components
-of CGNS. Each of these documents is described briefly in this section.
-<a name="overview"></a>
-<h4>CGNS Overview and Entry-Level Document</h4>
-This is an <a href="../overview/index.html">introductory document</a>
-which provides an overall view of the purpose and components of
-CGNS. The Overview is intended as an entry point into CGNS.
-Prospective users completely unfamiliar with CGNS should consult the
-Overview to determine whether CGNS provides the capabilities they seek.
-<a name="user"></a>
-<h4>A User's Guide to CGNS</h4>
-The <a href="../user/index.html"><i>User's Guide to CGNS</i></a> has
-been written to aid users in the implementation of CGNS.
-It is intended as a tutorial: light in content, but heavy in examples,
-advice, and guidelines.
-The guide provides a concise overview of many of the most commonly-used
-features of the SIDS, and gives coding examples using the CGNS Mid-Level
-Library to write and read simple CGNS files.
-<a name="midlevel"></a>
-<h4>CGNS Mid-Level Library</h4>
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html"><i>CGNS Mid-Level Library</i></a>
-document describes a set of routines which store and retrieve the CFD
-data objects defined in the SIDS.
-Their purpose is to provide CGNS compliant I/O without the need for
-detailed programming in the ADF or HDF Core.
-These "mid-level routines" are designed to be inserted directly into
-applications codes, such as flow solvers and grid generators.
-<a name="sids"></a>
-<h4>Standard Interface Data Structures</h4>
-The <a href="../sids/index.html"><i>Standard Interface Data
-Structures</i></a>, usually abbreviated as "SIDS," define the
-"intellectual content" of CFD data.
-They detail the data which must be stored to completely characterize
-each CFD entity.
-They describe, for example, what exactly is meant by a "grid" or a
-"boundary condition".
-They also establish a system of nomenclature which gives standard
-meaning to certain names, such as "Density" and "SubsonicInflow".
-The SIDS description of the CFD data is hierarchical in nature, in that
-complex entities are built up out of simpler ones.
-In the SIDS document, this is reflected in a syntax which uses C-like
-structures to define the various entities.
-The result is a tree-like structure which maps
-naturally onto the ADF format. Consequently, the File Mapping described
-by the current document exactly parallels the SIDS. Thus in terms of
-basic structure, the Mapping itself summarizes the SIDS.
-However, there are many conventions regarding the nomenclature and
-meaning of data which are not summarized in the current document, and
-for these the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> is the authoritative
-It is worth emphasizing that the SIDS may be regarded as a stand-alone
-definition of the data associated with CFD, and that these data could
-be stored in any sufficiently general format, given a mapping onto that
-<a name="filemap"></a>
-<h4>SIDS File Mapping Manual</h4>
-The <a href="../filemap/index.html"><i>SIDS File Mapping Manual</i></a>
-specifies the exact manner in which, under CGNS conventions, CFD data
-structures (the SIDS) are to be stored in, i.e., mapped onto, the file
-structure provided by a database manager.
-Adherence to the mapping conventions guarantees uniform meaning
-and location of CFD data within database files, and thereby allows the
-construction of universal software to read and write the data.
-<a name="cgio"></a>
-<h4>CGIO User's Guide</h4>
-The <a href="../cgio/index.html"><i>CGIO User's Guide</i></a> describes the
-interface between the SIDS File Mapping and an underlying database
-manager. It also documents the low-level routines that provide this
-functionality as used in the Mid-Level Library. This is the preferred
-way to access the database directly if additional requirements beyond
-those provided by the MLL are needed.
-<a name="adf"></a>
-<h4>ADF Implementation</h4>
-The <a href="../adf/index.html"><i>ADF Implementation</i></a> describes
-one of the underlying database managers, ADF (Advanced Data Format),
-which may be used to create CGNS files.
-ADF is a binary format, based on a simple tree structure.
-In principal, nearly any kind of data could be stored in ADF format.
-ADF was, however, especially designed for the storage of large
-quantities of scientific data in a platform-independent and
-randomly-accessible manner.
-The "ADF Core" is a set of portable routines which store and retrieve
-data in ADF format.
-These routines are written in C, but Fortran versions are also provided.
-The <i>ADF User's Guide</i> describes both the ADF format and the ADF Core
-routines in detail.
-Because the CGNS File Mapping depends intimately on the format of the
-underlying database manager, a <a href="../adf/summary.html">summary of ADF
-data structures</a> is provided.
-It should be emphasized that ADF, with its Core routines, constitutes a
-very general stand-alone database manager which is not directly related
-to CFD. It can therefore be used to store any kind of data <em>once it has
-been specified where to place that data within the ADF format</em>.
-This File Mapping document describes the CGNS conventions governing that
-placement for CFD-specific data.
-<a name="hdf"></a>
-<h4>HDF Implementation</h4>
-HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format) is another underlying database manager
-that may be used to create CGNS files, and is developed and maintained
-by the <a href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/">National Center for
-Supercomputing Applications</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">at the University of
-Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
-Documentation for HDF5 is available at the
-<a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF5 Home Page</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-Like ADF, HDF5 is a binary format, based on a tree structure,
-designed for the storage of large quantities of scientific data in a
-platform-independent and randomly-accessible manner.
-Also like ADF, HDF5 can be used to store any kind of data.
-The <a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5 Implementation</a> document
-describes the CGNS conventions governing the placement of CFD-specific
-data within the HDF5 format.
-The document describes the <em>node level</em> system, whereas the
-Mid-Level Library can be understood as the <em>tree level</em> system.
-A description is given for every Mid-Level Library type, or sub-tree, in
-terms of sets of atomic nodes.
-Moreover, it specifies the exact manner in which, under CGNS
-conventions, CFD data structures (the SIDS) are to be mapped onto the
-data structures provided by the low level layer (HDF5).
-Some system-specific mechanisms, such as <em>link</em> management are
-[Please note that only the <em>final</em> representation of these
-<em>links</em> are relevant, in other words the sequence of HDF5 calls
-required to obtain such a representation is not important.]
-Adherence to the mapping conventions guarantees uniform meaning
-and location of CFD data within HDF5 files, and thereby allows the
-construction of universal software to read and write the data.
-<a name="which"></a>
-<h3>Which Documents Do You Need?</h3>
-Ideally, all users of the CGNS system will want to have all the
-documents available for reference. However, many will find it possible
-to begin to use the system effectively without reading all the documents
-beforehand.  In fact, since the CGNS system is intended to minimize
-interaction with underlying data structures, some users will find
-they need very little knowledge of the system's internal workings. We
-distinguish four classes of users who may wish to consult the CGNS
-<h4>Prospective Users</h4>
-Prospective users are presumably unfamiliar with CGNS. They will
-probably wish to begin with the Overview, or, if they require more
-detailed information, one or more of the various
-<a href="../index.html#Papers">papers</a> that have been written
-describing CGNS.
-Beyond that, most will find a quick read of this file mapping document
-enlightening as to the logical form of the contents of CGNS files.
-Browsing the <a href="figures.html">figures</a> in this document, as
-well as the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> itself, will provide
-some feel for the scope of the system.
-The <a href="../user/index.html"><i>User's Guide to CGNS</i></a>, and
-the <a href="../midlevel/index.html"><i>CGNS Mid-Level Library</i></a>
-document, should give an indication of what might be required to
-implement CGNS in a given application.
-Prospective users should probably not concern themselves with the
-details of ADF or HDF.
-<h4>End Users</h4>
-The end user is the practitioner of CFD who generates the grids, runs
-the flow codes and/or analyzes the results.
-For this user, CGNS provides a mechanism for accumulating the output of
-the various processes related to CFD, e.g., grid generation and flow
-solution, and for making this output available to subsequent processes
-or for archiving final results.
-For this user, a scan of the <a href="../overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-will sufficiently explain the overall workings of the system.
-This includes end user responsibilities for matters not governed by
-CGNS, such as the maintenance of files and directories.
-The end user will also find useful the
-<a href="../user/index.html"><i>User's Guide to CGNS</i></a>, as
-well as those portions of the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-which deal with standard nomenclature.
-<a href="../papers/aiaa98-3007.pdf">AIAA 98-3007</a> may also be useful
-if more details about the capabilities of CGNS are desired.
-The end user is, by definition, not involved in the building of
-CGNS-compliant applications code.
-<h4>Applications Code Developers</h4>
-The applications code developer builds or maintains code to support the
-various sub-processes encountered in CFD, e.g., grid generation, flow
-solution, post-processing, or flow visualization.
-The code developer must be able to install CGNS compliant I/O.
-The most convenient method for doing so is to utilize the CGNS Mid-Level
-The <a href="../user/index.html"><i>User's Guide to CGNS</i></a> is the
-starting point for learning to use the Mid-Level Library to create and
-use CGNS files.
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html"><i>CGNS Mid-Level Library</i></a>
-document itself should also be considered essential.
-This library of routines will perform the most common I/O operations in
-a CGNS-compliant manner.
-However, even when the CGNS Library suffices to implement all necessary
-I/O, an understanding of the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> and the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File mapping</a> will be useful.
-It will likely be necessary to consult the
-SIDS to determine the precise meaning
-of the nomenclature. In the unlikely case that the MLL does not provide
-all the functionality needed by the application, the
-<a href="../cgio/index.html"><i>CGIO User's Guide</i></a> may be consulted
-for information on the low-level access to the CGNS database.
-<h4>CGNS System Developers</h4>
-CGNS System development can be kept somewhat compartmentalized.
-Developers responsible for the maintenance or building of supplements
-to the ADF or HDF Core, need not concern themselves with documentation
-other than the <a href="../adf/index.html"><i>ADF User Guide</i></a> or
-the <a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF5 documentation</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-System developers wishing to add to the
-<a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a> will need
-all the documents.
-Theoretical developments, such as extensions to the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>, may possibly be undertaken with a
-knowledge of the SIDS alone, but such contributions must also be added
-to the <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-before they can be implemented.
-<a name="howto"></a>
-<h3>How to Use This Document</h3>
-Those wishing to do more than simply browse this document
-will find that the detailed information begins with the
-the <a href="general.html">General File Mapping Concepts</a>.
-The <a href="nodes.html">detailed textual node descriptions</a> in are
-more useful as reference than as sequential literature.
-The best overall technical view of the layout of CGNS files can be
-acquired by reference to the <a href="figures.html">figures</a>.
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-(<a href="general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>CGNS File Mapping Figures</h2>
-This section contains figures illustrating the nodal structure
-of a CGNS database.
-An example file hierarchy is shown below, but without any internal
-detail of the individual nodes.
-Just below the <tt>Root Node</tt> is a
-<a href="nodes.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>
-node</a>, and one or more
-<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> nodes.
-Each <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node represents the root node of a CGNS database.
-<a name="example_hierarchy"></a>
-<img src="figures/cgns_figure1.gif"
-     alt="Example file hierarchy"
-     longdesc="figures/example_hierarchy.html">
-The remaining figures present all the nodes defined in the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> that have child nodes.
-An example illustrating the general layout of these figures
-is shown below.
-<a name="example_node"></a>
-<img src="figures/example_node.gif"
-     alt="Example node"
-     longdesc="figures/example_node.html">
-At the top of each figure is a single parent node (with a tan
-background), and below it are boxes (with gray backgrounds)
-containing descriptions of the various child nodes.
-In the parent's box are links to the figures corresponding
-to its parents in turn.
-Each child's "<b>Label:</b>" entry is a link to the definition of that
-data structure in the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>.
-If a child node has children of its own, the "<b>Child Nodes:</b>" entry
-is a link to the figure showing that node as a parent, with its children.
-To save space, nodes that were shown in a previous figure are abbreviated,
-with a link to that figure in the "<b>See:</b>" entry.
-<b>Note:</b> In some of the figures the data type is specified as
-<span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span>. This data type has been introduced
-with the advent of CGNS library version 3.1.3, and is the natural size
-of a word for a given compilation of the library. For a 32-bit compilation,
-<span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span> will be a 32-bit integer (<tt>I4</tt>),
-and for a 64-bit compilation it will be a 64-bit integer (<tt>I8</tt>).
-Regardless of how the file is written, the data is returned to an
-application as <span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span>. When reading <tt>I8</tt>
-values in a 32-bit application, an error will be generated if the size
-of the data exceeds the 32-bit integer limitation.
-The following list contains links to the remaining figures.
-<li> <a href="figures/ArbitraryGridMotion.html"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/Area.html"><tt>Area_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/AverageInterface.html"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/BaseIterativeData.html"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ConvergenceHistory.html"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/DimensionalExponents.html"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/DimensionalUnits.html"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/FamilyBC.html"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/FamilyBCDataSet.html"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> and <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> Data Structures</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/GasModel.html"><tt>GasModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/GeometryReference.html"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/GoverningEquations.html"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/IntegralData.html"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/OversetHoles.html"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ReferenceState.html"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/RigidGridMotion.html"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ThermalConductivityModel.html"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/TurbulenceClosure.html"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/TurbulenceModel.html"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ViscosityModel.html"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/WallFunction.html"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ZoneBC.html"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ZoneIterativeData.html"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<li> <a href="figures/ZoneSubRegion.html"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 25 Apr 2016
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index b24c77fa..00000000
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ArbitraryGridMotion Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt>, <tt>R8</tt>, or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataSize[]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Grid velocity values</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>DataSize</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Rind</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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index 17645709..00000000
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>Area Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>AreaType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#Area"><tt>AreaType_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Description string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>SurfaceArea</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Size of area</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>RegionName</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 32</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Name of region</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 13 May 2003
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>AverageInterface Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>AverageInterfaceType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#AverageInterface"><tt>AverageInterfaceType_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Description string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 13 May 2003
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deleted file mode 100644
index 44b2e5ff..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
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-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - Axisymmetry Figure </title>
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<br><big><b>Axisymmetry Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td width=49% align=left>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Origin for defining rotation axis</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>AxisymmetryAngle</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Circumferential extent</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-   <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-   <td width=49% align=right>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>AxisymmetryAxisVector</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Direction cosines of rotation axis</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>CoordinateNames</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 32,2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Dataname identifiers for coordinates</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 13 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/BC.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/BC.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 22f9691f..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/BC.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - BC Figure -->
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-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - BC Figure </title>
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<br><big><b>BC Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="ZoneBC.html"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td width=49% align=left>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>PointList</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength[]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> List of indices representing vertices or boundary elements</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#InwardNormalIndex"><tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> "<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>"</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Index of inward normal</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#InwardNormalList"><tt>InwardNormalList</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength[]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Vectors normal to patch pointing in</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ReferenceState</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-   <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-   <td width=49% align=right>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>,2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Begin[]</tt>, <tt>End[]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>BCProperty</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#BCProperty"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>FamilyName</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Name of CFD family</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>User defined</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <tt>AdditionalFamilyName_t</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Name of CFD family</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,N</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ListLength</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Functions:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Ordinal</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-<li> The nodes <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt>,
-     provide different ways of defining the patch.
-     Only one of them may be used.
-<li> <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> is only meaningful for structured zones.
-<li> <tt>cgsize_t</tt> is determined by the application from which the
-     node is written. For a 32-bit application, <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will
-     be <tt>I4</tt>, and <tt>I8</tt> for a 64-bit application.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 09 April 2012
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>BCData Node</b><br>
-        DirichletData or NeumannData</big><br><br>
-(See <a href="BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>ListLength</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Vector of local BC data quantities</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ListLength</tt>, <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Global BC data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>BCDataSet Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DirichletData</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Functions:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>NeumannData</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Functions:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointList</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ReferenceState</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 21 June 2005
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-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - BCProperty Figure </title>
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-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>BCProperty Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>WallFunction</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#WallFunction"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="WallFunction.html"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Area</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#Area"><tt>Area_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="Area.html"><tt>Area_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 13 May 2003
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deleted file mode 100644
index ab689b47..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/BaseIterativeData.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
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-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - BaseIterativeData Figure </title>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>BaseIterativeData Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt>, dimension of data, size of data</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/CGNSBase.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/CGNSBase.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c13e812..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/CGNSBase.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - CGNSBase Figure -->
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%>Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td width=49% align=left>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>,3</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>VertexSize[IndexDimension]</tt>,
-               <tt>CellSize[IndexDimension]</tt>,
-               <tt>VertexSizeBoundary[Index-</tt>
-               <tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dimension]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>SimulationType</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#SimulationType"><tt>SimulationType_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>SimulationType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="BaseIterativeData.html"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ReferenceState</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="ReferenceState.html"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Axisymmetry</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#Axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Gravity</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#Gravity"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-   <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-   <td width=49% align=right>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#IntegralData"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="IntegralData.html"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GlobalConvergenceHistory</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Number of iterations</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="ConvergenceHistory.html"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DataClass</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> (32,5)</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="DimensionalUnits.html"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Description string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-<li> <tt>cgsize_t</tt> is determined by the application from which the
-     node is written. For a 32-bit application, <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will
-     be <tt>I4</tt>, and <tt>I8</tt> for a 64-bit application.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 10 December 2011
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index 68874038..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ChemicalKineticsModel.html
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ChemicalKineticsModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 12 Feb 2002
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index aab0029c..00000000
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ConvergenceHistory Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> and <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> User specified</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Number of iterations</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Convergence history data</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><tt>NormDefinitions</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Description of data</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/DataArray.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/DataArray.html
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index cd428dac..00000000
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-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>DataArray Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Area.html"><tt>Area_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GasModel.html"><tt>GasModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ViscosityModel.html"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ThermalConductivityModel.html"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="TurbulenceClosure.html"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="TurbulenceModel.html"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ConvergenceHistory.html"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="IntegralData.html"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ReferenceState.html"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="BaseIterativeData.html"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ZoneIterativeData.html"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="RigidGridMotion.html"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ArbitraryGridMotion.html"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>,
-and <a href="Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 5</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MassExponent</tt>, <tt>LengthExponent</tt>, <tt>TimeExponent</tt>,
-        <tt>TemperatureExponent</tt>, <tt>AngleExponent</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="DimensionalExponents.html"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataConversion</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataConversion"><tt>DataConversion_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ConversionScale</tt>, <tt>ConversionOffset</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 21 June 2005
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index 392095ba..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>DimensionalExponents Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>AdditionalExponents</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents"><tt>AdditionalExponents_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 3</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElectricCurrentExponent</tt>, <tt>SubstanceAmountExponent</tt>,
-        <tt>LuminousIntensityExponent</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
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-Last updated 21 June 2005
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index da3533fc..00000000
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>DimensionalUnits Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ZoneBC.html"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="GasModel.html"><tt>GasModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ViscosityModel.html"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ThermalConductivityModel.html"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="TurbulenceClosure.html"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="TurbulenceModel.html"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ConvergenceHistory.html"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="IntegralData.html"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ReferenceState.html"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="BaseIterativeData.html"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ZoneIterativeData.html"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="RigidGridMotion.html"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="ArbitraryGridMotion.html"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>, and
-<a href="Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>AdditionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>AdditionalUnits</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> (32,3)</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>AdditionalUnits</tt> value</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
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-Last updated 21 June 2005
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-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>EMConductivityModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>EMElectricFieldModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 21 June 2005
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index 252fae32..00000000
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@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>EMMagneticFieldModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 21 June 2005
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-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>Elements Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementRange</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Begin, end</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementDataSize</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Element connectivity table</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Functions:</th>
-   <td> <tt>NPE</tt>, <tt>ElementSize</tt>, <tt>ElementDataSize</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementStartOffset</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementSize + 1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Element connectivity position table</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Functions:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementDataSize</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ParentElements</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementSize</tt>,2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Parent1[ElementSize]</tt>, <tt>Parent2[ElementSize]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ParentElementsPosition</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>ElementSize</tt>,2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>SideOfParent1[ElementSize]</tt>,
-        <tt>SideOfParent2[ElementSize]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Rind</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<li> <tt>cgsize_t</tt> is determined by the application from which the
-     node is written. For a 32-bit application, <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will
-     be <tt>I4</tt>, and <tt>I8</tt> for a 64-bit application.
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-Last updated 10 December 2011
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-(<a href="../../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../brief.html"><b>Brief&nbsp;Description&nbsp;of&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../documentation.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>Family Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Ordinal</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,N</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>BCType</tt> value</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="FamilyBC.html"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Family name</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,N</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="GeometryReference.html"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 April 2012
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FamilyBC.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FamilyBC.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cc1f2ae..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FamilyBC.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - FamilyBC Figure -->
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-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>FamilyBC Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#FamilyBCDataSet"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="FamilyBCDataSet.html"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 02 April 2011
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FamilyBCDataSet.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FamilyBCDataSet.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 295dbc44..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FamilyBCDataSet.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - BCDataSet Figure -->
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-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - FamilyBCDataSet Figure </title>
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>FamilyBCDataSet Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FamilyBC.html"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DirichletData</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>NeumannData</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ReferenceState</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 02 April 2011
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FlowEquationSet.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FlowEquationSet.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 453d8ee7..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FlowEquationSet.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - FlowEquationSet Figure -->
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-<link href="../filemap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - FlowEquationSet Figure </title>
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-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<br><big><b>FlowEquationSet Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> and <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td width=49% align=left>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GoverningEquations</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#GoverningEquations"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GoverningEquationsType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="GoverningEquations.html"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GasModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#GasModel"><tt>GasModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GasModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="GasModel.html"><tt>GasModel_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ViscosityModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#ViscosityModel"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ViscosityModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="ViscosityModel.html"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ThermalRelaxationModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ChemicalKineticsModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>EMMagneticFieldModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#EMMagneticFieldModel"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>EMMagneticFieldModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-   <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-   <td width=49% align=right>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>EquationDimension</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> "<tt>int</tt>"</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>EquationDimension</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ThermalConductivityModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalConductivityModel"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ThermalConductivityModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="ThermalConductivityModel.html"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>TurbulenceModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>TurbulenceModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="TurbulenceModel.html"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>TurbulenceClosure</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceClosure"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>TurbulenceClosureType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="TurbulenceClosure.html"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>EMElectricFieldModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#EMElectricFieldModel"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>EMElectricFieldModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>EMConductivityModel</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#EMConductivityModel"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>EMConductivityModelType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 21 June 2005
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FlowSolution.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FlowSolution.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ee555a5d..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/FlowSolution.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>FlowSolution or DiscreteData Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
- <tr valign=top>
-  <td width=49% align=left>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> <tt>PointList</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data-Type:</th>
-     <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimensions:</th>
-     <td> 2</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength[]</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data:</th>
-     <td> List of indices representing vertices or boundary elements</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Cardinality:</th>
-     <td> 0,1</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Parameters:</th>
-     <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength</tt></td>
-   </table></div>
-   <br>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:</th>
-      <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data-Type:</th>
-     <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimensions:</th>
-     <td> 1</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> Length of string</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data:</th>
-     <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt> value</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Cardinality:</th>
-     <td> 0,1</td>
-   </table></div>
-   <br>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data-Type:</th>
-     <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimensions:</th>
-     <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <tt>DataSize[]</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data:</th>
-     <td> Solution quantities</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Cardinality:</th>
-     <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Parameters:</th>
-     <td> <tt>DataType</tt>, <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>DataSize</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-     <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-   </table></div>
-  </td>
-  <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-  <td width=49% align=right>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data-Type:</th>
-     <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimensions:</th>
-     <td> 2</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>,2</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Data:</th>
-     <td> <tt>Begin[]</tt>, <tt>End[]</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Cardinality:</th>
-     <td> 0,1</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Parameters:</th>
-     <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-   </table></div>
-   <br>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> <tt>Rind</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> See:</th>
-     <td> <a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-   </table></div>
-   <br>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> User defined</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> See:</th>
-     <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-   </table></div>
-   <br>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> See:</th>
-     <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-   </table></div>
-   <br>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> See:</th>
-     <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-   </table></div>
-   <br>
-   <div class=figelem2>
-   <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-     <td> User defined</td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-     <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-    <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-     <th> See:</th>
-     <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-   </table></div>
-  </td>
- </tr>
-<li> <tt>cgsize_t</tt> is determined by the application from which the
-     node is written. For a 32-bit application, <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will
-     be <tt>I4</tt>, and <tt>I8</tt> for a 64-bit application.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 10 December 2011
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index d95d7701..00000000
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>GasModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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index 590777c1..00000000
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>GeometryReference Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GeometryFile</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryFile_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Name of the geometry file</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GeometryFormat</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#GeometryFormat"><tt>GeometryFormat_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Name of the geometry format</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryEntity_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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index 8e6136b3..00000000
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>GoverningEquations Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#DiffusionModel"><tt>DiffusionModel</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> "<tt>int[1 + ... + IndexDimension]</tt>"</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> f(<tt>IndexDimension</tt>)</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Diffusion term indices</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<li> The diffusion model defined here is only applicable to structured zones.
-<li> For a structured zone, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> = <tt>CellDimension</tt>.
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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index 5918dfb3..00000000
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-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>Gravity Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GravityVector</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Gravitational vector</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 13 May 2003
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deleted file mode 100644
index 389a698c..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - GridConnectivity Figure </title>
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-(<a href="../../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../brief.html"><b>Brief&nbsp;Description&nbsp;of&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../documentation.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<br><big><b>GridConnectivity Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td width=49% align=left>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>,2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Begin[]</tt>, <tt>End[]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Ordinal</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>CellListDonor</tt> or <tt>PointListDonor</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt> of donor, <tt>PointListSize[]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Cells or nodes on adjoining patch</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>PointListSize[]</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GridConnectivityProperty</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-   <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-   <td width=49% align=right>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>PointList</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>PointListSize[]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Vector of nodes on current patch</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>PointListSize</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivityType_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt>, <tt>PointListSize[]</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Interpolants for each node</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>CellDimension</tt>, <tt>PointListSize[]</tt></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-<li> The nodes <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> are mutually
-     exclusive.
-<li> For mismatched interfaces, the combination of <tt>CellListDonor</tt>
-     and <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> is used to define the position of
-     each receiver point in the donor zone.
-<li> <tt>cgsize_t</tt> is determined by the application from which the
-     node is written. For a 32-bit application, <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will
-     be <tt>I4</tt>, and <tt>I8</tt> for a 64-bit application.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 09 December 2011
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index 62efbeeb..00000000
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-(<a href="../../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="../brief.html"><b>Brief&nbsp;Description&nbsp;of&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../documentation.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>GridConnectivity1to1 Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#Transform"><tt>Transform</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> "<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>"</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Transformation matrix (shorthand)</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>,2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Begin[]</tt>, <tt>End[]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>,2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Begin[]</tt>, <tt>End[]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Ordinal</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GridConnectivityProperty</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt>
-	figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<li> <tt>GridConnectivity1to1</tt> is only applicable to
-     structured-to-structured 1-to-1 mesh connectivity.
-<li> <tt>cgsize_t</tt> is determined by the application from which the
-     node is written. For a 32-bit application, <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will
-     be <tt>I4</tt>, and <tt>I8</tt> for a 64-bit application.
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-Last updated 21 June 2005
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index 2f7c16d1..00000000
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>GridConnectivityProperty Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a> <a href="GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Periodic</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#Periodic"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>AverageInterface</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#AverageInterface"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="AverageInterface.html"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 21 June 2005
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index 62205c8b..00000000
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>GridCoordinates Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataSize[]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Grid coordinate values</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt>, <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>DataSize</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Rind</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>2*IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>RindPlanes</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<li> The data labeled <tt>RindPlanes</tt> under <tt>Rind_t</tt> refers
-     to number of rind planes for structured grids, and number of rind
-     points for unstructured grids.
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-Last updated 27 July 2006
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index 03d033d5..00000000
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>IntegralData Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> and <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined<br>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a><br>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../brief.html"><b>Brief&nbsp;Description&nbsp;of&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="../documentation.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>OversetHoles Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointList</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<li> The nodes <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> are mutually
-     exclusive. Use one format or the other.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 11 Decenber 2011
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/Periodic.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/Periodic.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b3bc77c..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/Periodic.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - Periodic Figure -->
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-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<br><big><b>Periodic Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td width=49% align=left>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>RotationCenter</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Coordinates of rotation center</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>RotationAngle</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Rotation angle</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-   <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-   <td width=49% align=right>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Translation</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> Translation values</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 13 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ReferenceState.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ReferenceState.html
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index 4f4dc022..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ReferenceState.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - ReferenceState Figure -->
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-(<a href="../../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
-(<a href="../general.html"><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ReferenceState Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> and <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Reference state data</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceStateDescription</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Description of data</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/RigidGridMotion.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/RigidGridMotion.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7652263a..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/RigidGridMotion.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
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-(<a href="../background.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Background</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>RigidGridMotion Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt>, <tt>R8</tt>, or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt>, dimension of data, size of data</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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index 280cf108..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/RotatingCoordinates.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>RotatingCoordinates Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> and <a href="Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>RotationCenter</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Coordinates of center of rotation</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>RotationRateVector</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>R4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Angular velocity components</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 21 June 2005
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deleted file mode 100644
index 93cd5e1c..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ThermalConductivityModel.html
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ThermalConductivityModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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index 385a9e53..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ThermalRelaxationModel.html
+++ /dev/null
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ThermalRelaxationModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 12 Feb 2002
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>TurbulenceClosure Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>TurbulenceModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#DiffusionModel"><tt>DiffusionModel</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> "<tt>int[1 + ... + IndexDimension]</tt>"</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GoverningEquations.html"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<li> The diffusion model as defined here is only applicable to structured zones.
-<li> For a structured zone, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> = <tt>CellDimension</tt>.
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>UserDefinedData Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="AverageInterface.html"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="OversetHoles.html"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ZoneBC.html"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="WallFunction.html"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Area.html"><tt>Area_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GoverningEquations.html"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="GasModel.html"><tt>GasModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ViscosityModel.html"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ThermalConductivityModel.html"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="TurbulenceClosure.html"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="TurbulenceModel.html"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ConvergenceHistory.html"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="IntegralData.html"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ReferenceState.html"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="BaseIterativeData.html"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ZoneIterativeData.html"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="RigidGridMotion.html"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="ArbitraryGridMotion.html"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
- and <a href="Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a> figures)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointList</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataArray#</tt> or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>I4</tt>, <tt>I8</tt>, <tt>R4</tt>, <tt>R8</tt>, or <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>FamilyName</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#FamilyName"><tt>AdditionalFamilyName_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Ordinal</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 May 2013
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ViscosityModel.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ViscosityModel.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f8b161f..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ViscosityModel.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ViscosityModel Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Data quantity</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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index 3fe96781..00000000
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-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>WallFunction Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a> figure)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>WallFunctionType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#WallFunction"><tt>WallFunctionType_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Description string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 13 May 2003
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/Zone.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/Zone.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 999b7021..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/Zone.html
+++ /dev/null
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-(<a href="../nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<br><big><b>Zone Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td width=49% align=left>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>GridCoordinates</tt> (original grid); User defined
-               (additional grids)</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Functions:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_grid"><tt>DataSize</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>,
-               <tt>CellSize</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Functions:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 2</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ElementType</tt>, <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ZoneBC</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="ZoneBC.html"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="ZoneIterativeData.html"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/timedep.html#RigidGridMotion"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>RigidGridMotionType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="RigidGridMotion.html"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>RegionCellDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>,
-               <tt>CellSize</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Functions:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="ZoneSubRegion.html"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ReferenceState</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#IntegralData"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-   <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-   <td width=49% align=right>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>,
-               <tt>CellSize</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Functions:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ZoneType</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>ZoneType_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Structured</tt> or <tt>Unstructured</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>Ordinal</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>I4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> User-defined ordinal</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,1</td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity or user defined</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,N</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>CellDimension</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data-Type:</th>
-          <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimensions:</th>
-          <td> 1</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> Length of string</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Data:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType</tt> value</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Cardinality:</th>
-          <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Parameters:</th>
-          <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>,
-               <tt>CellSize</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Functions:</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Child&nbsp;Nodes:</th>
-          <td> <a href="ArbitraryGridMotion.html"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt>
-               figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>FamilyName</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/cgnsbase.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>User defined</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <tt>AdditionalFamilyName_t</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>ZoneConvergenceHistory</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> <tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-       <br>
-       <div class=figelem2>
-       <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-          <td> User defined</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-          <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline align=left>
-          <th> See:</th>
-          <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-       </table></div>
-   </td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 13 April 2012
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ZoneBC.html b/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ZoneBC.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c51c31..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ZoneBC.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - ZoneBC Figure -->
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-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - ZoneBC Figure </title>
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ZoneBC Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ReferenceState</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>BCType</tt> value</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0f48fd8b..00000000
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ZoneGridConnectivity Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt>&nbsp;</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Functions:</th>
-   <td> None</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>CellDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Functions:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#PointListSize_abut"><tt>PointListSize</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>MT</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="OversetHoles.html"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>&nbsp;</a></td>
-<li> <tt>GridConnectivity1to1</tt> is only applicable to
-     structured-to-structured 1-to-1 mesh connectivity.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1a6ff644..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead>
-<br><big><b>ZoneIterativeData Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt> or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2 or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> (32, <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt>) or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Context dependent or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt>, dimension of data, size of data</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
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-Last updated 11 Feb 2002
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2eaa3360..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/filemap/figures/ZoneSubRegion.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
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-(<a href="../figures.html"><span class=nav><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></span></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<div class=fighead2>
-<br><big><b>ZoneSubRegion Node</b></big><br><br>
-(See <a href="Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>)<br><br>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-<td width=49% align=left>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointList</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength[]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> List of indices representing vertices or boundary elements</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> BCRegionName</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Name of BC node</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataClass</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> Data-name identifier or user defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataSize[]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Solution quantities</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,<i>N</i></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>DataType</tt>, <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>DataSize</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Child Nodes:</th>
-   <td> <a href="DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<td width=49% align=right>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>PointRange</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt>,2</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Begin[]</tt>, <tt>End[]</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Parameters:</th>
-   <td> <tt>IndexDimension</tt></td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> GridConnectivityRegionName</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Name of GridConnectivity node</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>GridLocation</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-        figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>Rind</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>FamilyName</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/bc.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Name of CFD family</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,1</td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> <tt>User defined</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:</th>
-   <td> <tt>AdditionalFamilyName_t</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data-Type:</th>
-   <td> <tt>C1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimensions:</th>
-   <td> 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Dimension&nbsp;Values:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> Length of string</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Data:</th>
-   <td> Name of CFD family</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Cardinality:</th>
-   <td> 0,N</td>
-<div class=figelem2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th width=10%> Name:</th>
-   <td> User defined</td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> Label:&nbsp;</th>
-   <td> <a href="../../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a></td>
-<tr valign=baseline align=left>
-   <th> See:</th>
-   <td> <a href="CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a></td>
-<li> The nodes <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>,
-     <tt>BCRegionName</tt>, and <tt>GridConnectivityRegionName</tt>
-     provide different ways of defining the patch.
-     Only one of them may be used.
-<li> <tt>cgsize_t</tt> is determined by the application from which the
-     node is written. For a 32-bit application, <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will
-     be <tt>I4</tt>, and <tt>I8</tt> for a 64-bit application.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 April 2012
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-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - longdesc for example hierarchy figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../filemap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS File Mapping Manual - Example ADF File Hierarchy </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates an example ADF file hierarchy containing a CGNS
-database, but without any internal detail of the individual nodes.
-At the top is the ADF Root Node.
-Just below the ADF root node is a <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node,
-a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node named <tt>CGNSBase1</tt>, and possibly
-additional <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> nodes.
-The <tt>CGNSBase1</tt> node has as children a <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>
-node named <tt>ReferenceState</tt>, <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes named
-<tt>Zone1</tt> and <tt>Zone2</tt>, and possibly additional nodes.
-Below the <tt>Zone1</tt> node are the following nodes.
-<li> A <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node named <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>,
-     with three <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes as children, named
-     <tt>CoordinateX</tt>, <tt>CoordinateY</tt>, and
-     <tt>CoordinateZ</tt>.
-<li> A <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node named <tt>FlowSolution1</tt>.
-     Below this node is a <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> node named
-     <tt>GridLocation</tt>, and four <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes named
-     <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>, and
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>.
-<li> A <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node named <tt>ZoneBC</tt>, with a child
-     <tt>BC_t</tt> node named <tt>BC1</tt>, and possibly additional
-     child nodes.
-<li> A <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node named
-     <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt>.
-     Below this node is an <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> node named
-     <tt>OversetHoles1</tt>, a <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node named
-     <tt>GridConnectivity1</tt>, and possible additional nodes.
-<li> Additional possible nodes.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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-<!-- CGNS File Mapping Manual - longdesc for example node figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../filemap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS File Mapping Manual - Example Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the general layout of the node figures in the
-CGNS File Mapping Manual.
-At the top is a tan-colored box representing the parent node,
-containing the text "Example Node" and "See parent_t figure".
-Below the parent node box are three gray boxes representing child
-The following text describes all three boxes.
-<i>Sub(Child) nodes.
-There may be many child nodes.
-There may also be additional levels in the hierarchy.</i>
-Inside each of the first two child node boxes are the following ten
-<li> Name:
-<li> Label:
-<li> Data-Type:
-<li> Dimensions:
-<li> Dimension Values:
-<li> Data:
-<li> Cardinality:
-<li> Parameters:
-<li> Functions:
-<li> Child Nodes:
-The first six of these entries are described as "ADF node contents",
-and the remaining four entries are described as "Additional information
-about the node".
-Inside the third child node box are the following three entries.
-<li> Name:
-<li> Label:
-<li> See:
-The following text describes this third child node box.
-<i>This abbreviated node block indicates that the node has been illustrated
-in a previous figure.</i>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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-/* SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual - style sheet */
-/* Headers */
-h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color: #2D0091}
-/* Current page and parent document in navigation headers */
-span.nav {color: #000066}
-/* "Node Attributes" caption */
-caption.node {text-align: left;
-              font-style: italic;
-              text-decoration: underline}
-/* Head & element boxes in one-column file mapping figures */
-div.fighead {border: thin solid rgb(72%,45%,26%);
-             width: 67%;
-             background: rgb(100%,93%,80%);}
-div.figelem {border: thin solid #666666;
-             width: 67%;
-             background: #eeeeee;
-             margin-left: 10%;}
-/* Head & element boxes in two-column file mapping figures */
-div.fighead2 {border: thin solid rgb(72%,45%,26%);
-              width: 67%;
-              background: rgb(100%,93%,80%);
-              text-align: center;}
-div.figelem2 {border: thin solid #666666;
-              background: #eeeeee;
-              text-align: center;}
-/* Footer */
-div.footer {font-style: italic}
-span.cgsize {color: #990000; font-style: italic}
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-<link href="filemap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS File Mapping Manual - General CGNS File Mapping Concepts </title>
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-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<span class=nav><b>General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></span>)
-(<a href="nodes.html"><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></a>)
-(<a href="figures.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>General CGNS File Mapping Concepts</h2>
-<li> <a href="#filestructure">Conceptual Structure of a CGNS Database</a>
-<li> <a href="#nodestructure">The Structure of a Node</a>
-<li> <a href="#nodeuse">Use of Nodes in CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="#cgns_databases">CGNS Databases</a>
-<li> <a href="#internal">Internal Organization of a CGNS Database</a>
-This document describes the general concepts behind and structure of
-a CGNS Database. The implementation details of reading and writing to a
-storage medium are left to an underlying database manager. The
-<a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a> provides the core
-routines to access the database manager at that level.
-Since CGNS was originally developed based on the
-<a href="../adf/index.html">ADF</a> (Advanced Data Format) as the
-database manager, much of this documentation parallels those concepts.
-With the introduction of the <a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5</a>
-(Hierarchical Data Format) database manager, the concepts in this
-document have been "mapped" to HDF5.
-We first describe the structure of the <a href="#filestructure">database</a>,
-and the <a href="#nodestructure">nodes</a> from which it is constructed,
-followed by a description of <a href="#internal">the overall layout</a>
-of the tree structure itself.
-The section <a href="nodes.html">Detailed CGNS Node Descriptions</a>
-describes the exact conventions for each type of data.
-<a name="filestructure"></a>
-<h3>Conceptual Structure of a CGNS Database</h3>
-Although the physical structure of a CGNS file in storage is (or should
-be) of little concern to users of CGNS, an understanding of its logical
-or conceptual structure is essential. This structure determines its
-suitability for the type of data at hand and is reflected in all of the
-low-level database access routines.
-A CGNS file consists entirely of a collection of elements called
-nodes. These nodes are arranged in a tree structure which is logically
-similar to a UNIX file system. The nodes are said to be connected in a
-"child-parent" relationship according to the following simple rules:
-<li> Each node may have any number of child nodes.
-<li> Except for one node, called the root, each node is the child of
-     exactly one other node, called its parent.
-<li> The root node has no parent.
-Every node in a CGNS file has exactly the same internal structure. Each
-node contains identifying information, pointers to any children, and,
-optionally, data.
-When a CGNS file is opened (by the appropriate database manager),
-information is returned to the calling program which is sufficient to
-access the root node. It is then the responsibility of the program to
-search the tree for whatever information is required, or to add to the
-tree any information it wishes to store.
-There is a special kind of node called a link, which serves as a pointer
-to a node in another CGNS file, or in another part of the same CGNS
-file. The tree structure at and below the node to which the link points
-is available as if that node were present instead of the link. This
-allows a CGNS file to span multiple physical files, and also allows a
-portion of one CGNS file to be referenced by several other CGNS files.
-<a name="nodestructure"></a>
-<h3>The Structure of a Node</h3>
-The File Mapping specifies not only the location of the node at which
-a particular kind of data is to be stored, but also how the internal
-structure of the node is to be used. Each node contains a number of
-fields into which data may be recorded. They are:
-<li> The <a href="#nodename">Node Name</a>
-<li> The <a href="#label">Label</a>
-<li> The <a href="#datatype">Data Type</a>
-<li> The <a href="#dimensions">Number of Dimensions</a>
-<li> The <a href="#dimvalues">Dimension Values</a>
-<li> The <a href="#data">Data</a>
-In addition, two other entities associated with the nodes are provided by
-the database manager itself. These are:
-<li> The <a href="#nodeid">Node ID</a>
-<li> The <a href="#childtable">Child Table</a>
-<a name="nodename"></a>
-<h4>The Node Name</h4>
-The node Name is a 32-byte character field which is user
-controllable. Its general use is to distinguish among the children of a
-given node; consequently, no two children of the same parent may have
-the same Name.
-The Name may be left to the choice of the user, or it may be
-specified by the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>.
-At the levels of the tree nearest the root,
-the (end-)user is free to set the Name to distinguish among like
-objects in the case at hand. For example, in a multizone problem, nodes
-associated with different zones might be named "<tt>UnderLeftWing</tt>"
-or "<tt>AboveForwardFuselage</tt>". At this level, it is generally
-not possible to identify a collection of names which are likely to
-recur. This means that the naming of high level objects does not
-require standardization, and the SIDS are silent regarding the naming
-Because every node must be given a name when it is opened, default
-names, based on the node Label, are provided by convention.
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Midlevel Library</a> will
-record the default names if none is provided by the user.
-The precise formula is given in the Label section below.
-At levels of the tree farther from the root, the SIDS often specify
-the name. There is, for example, a commonly encountered collection of
-flow variables whose general meaning is widely understood. In this
-case, standardizing the name conveys precise information. Thus the SIDS
-specify, for instance, that a node containing static internal energy
-per unit mass should have the Name "<tt>EnergyInternal</tt>".
-Adherence to these <a href="../sids/dataname.html">naming
-conventions</a> guarantees uniform meaning of the data from site to site
-and user to user.
-Of course, there may be a desire to store quantities for which no naming
-convention is specified.
-In this case any suitable name can be used, but there is no guarantee of
-proper interpretation by anyone unaware of the choice.
-<a name="label"></a>
-<h4>The Label</h4>
-The Label is a 32-byte character field which is used
-to identify the structure of the included data.
-It is common for the various
-children of a single parent to store different instances of the same
-structure. Therefore, there is no prohibition against more than one
-child of the same parent having the same Label.
-Within CGNS, nearly all labels reflect C-style type definitions
-("typedefs") specified by the SIDS, and end in the characters
-"<tt>_t</tt>". Some "Leaf" nodes (i.e. nodes that have no children)
-do not represent higher level CGNS structures and therefore have labels
-that do not follow the "<tt>_t</tt>" convention. At this writing, all
-such nodes have the type <tt>int[]</tt>, i.e., integer array, a type
-already recognized in C, for which a separate type definition would be
-artificial. Such nodes are generally located by the software through
-their names, which are specified by the SIDS, rather than through their
-The Label generally indicates the role of the data at and below the
-node in the context of CFD. Nodes which are entry points to data for a
-particular zone, for example, have the Label "<tt>Zone_t</tt>".
-Parent nodes often have a number of children each containing data for
-different instances of the same structure. Multiple children of the same
-parent therefore often have the same Label. It is customary for software
-to conduct searches which depend on the Label, e.g., to determine the
-number of zones in a problem. The software will fail if the conventions
-regarding Labels are not observed.
-Labels are also used to build default node Names. These are derived from
-the Label by dropping the characters "<tt>_t</tt>" and substituting the
-smallest positive integer resulting in a unique name among children
-of the same parent. For example, the first default Name for a node
-of type <tt>Zone_t</tt> will be "<tt>Zone1</tt>"; the second will be
-"<tt>Zone2</tt>"; and so on.
-<a name="datatype"></a>
-<h4>The Data Type</h4>
-The Data Type is a 2-byte character field which specifies the type and
-precision of any data which is stored in the data field. The data types
-allowed by CGNS are:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Data Type</u><th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><u>Notation</u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>No Data<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Link<td>
-   <td><tt>LK</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Integer 32<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Integer 64<td>
-   <td><tt>I8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Real 32<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Real 64<td>
-   <td><tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Character<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-The <tt>MT</tt> node contains no data, thus the number of dimensions and
-dimension values are ignored. This node is typically used as a container
-for children nodes.
-The <tt>LK</tt> node is a link to a node within within the current or
-an external database. The actual data stored with the node is a file name
-and node path name to the link (as <tt>C1</tt> data). This information
-is available only through the core link access routines. A normal
-read of a <tt>LK</tt> node will will return the node properties
-(with the exception of the Name) from the linked-to node.
-The specification of data types within the File Mapping allows for the
-probability that files written under different circumstances, or on
-different platforms, may differ in precision or format. It is the
-responsibility of the database manager to provide any data conversions
-required, and to ensure precision of the data.
-<a name="dimensions"></a>
-<h4>The Number of Dimensions</h4>
-The Data portion of a node is designed to store multi-dimensional arrays
-of data, each element of which is presumed to be of the Data Type
-specified. The Number of Dimensions specifies the number of integers
-required to reference a single datum within the array. The limit for
-the Number of Dimensions is 12.
-Whenever data is stored at a node, it is in the form of a single array
-of elements of a single date type. <em>Note</em> that Fortran-indexing
-conventions are  used within CGNS. For multi-dimensional data, this means
-that the first index of the array varies the fastest, and indexing
-starts at 1. This is important to understand when reading the data
-into multi-dimensional "C" arrays, since the indexing order is opposite
-to that as used by CGNS.
-Another thing to note, is that character data (<tt>C1</tt>) is not
-stored with a "C" terminating '0' character, but rather is padded out
-with blanks (space character) as in Fortran character data. The MLL,
-however, will add the terminating-'0' to the strings when returning
-this data to a "C" application.
-<a name="dimvalues"></a>
-<h4>The Dimension Values</h4>
-The Dimension Values are a list of integers expressing the actual sizes
-of the stored array in each of the dimensions specified. With the
-introduction of 64-bit capability with CGNS Version 3.1.3, these
-dimensions are stored internally as 64-bit integers, regardless of the
-compilation mode (32 or 64-bit mode). They are returned to the
-application, however, as <span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span> variables.
-In the case of rectangular
-arrays of physical data, the dimension values are set to the actual
-sizes in physical space. Note that these sizes often depend on whether
-the values are associated with grid nodes, cell centers or other
-physical locations with respect to the grid. In any event, they refer to
-the amount of data actually stored, not to any larger array from which
-it may have been extracted.
-In the case of list data, the dimension value is the length of the
-list. Lists of characters may contain termination bytes such as
-"<tt>\n</tt>"; this means an entire document can be
-stored in the data field.
-<a name="data"></a>
-<h4>The Data</h4>
-The portion of the node holding the actual stored data array.
-CGNS imposes no conventions on the data itself.
-<em>Note</em> that it is a responsibility of the CGNS software to ensure
-that the amount and type of stored data agrees with the specification of
-the data type, number of dimensions, and dimension values.
-<a name="nodeid"></a>
-<h4>The Node ID</h4>
-The node ID is a unique identifier assigned to each existing node by
-a database manager when the file containing it is opened, and to new
-nodes as they are created. Core routine inquiries generally return node
-IDs as a result and accept node IDs as input. By building a table of IDs,
-calling software can subsequently access specific nodes without a
-further search. The Node ID is a 64-bit real and is not under user control.
-<a name="childtable"></a>
-<h4>The Child Table</h4>
-The database manager maintains a table recording the
-children of each node, which is adjusted when children are added or
-Children may be identified by their names and labels, and, thence,
-by their node IDs once these have been determined. There is no provision
-for the notion of order among children. In particular, the order of a
-list of children returned by the database manager may or may not have
-anything to do with the order in which they
-were inserted in the file. However, the order returned is consistent
-from call to call provided the file has not been closed and the node
-structure has not been modified.
-Note that there is no <em>parent</em> table; that is, a node has no direct
-knowledge of its parent. Since calling software must open the file
-from the root, it presumably cannot access a child without having
-first accessed the parent.  It is the responsibility of the calling
-software to record the node ID of the parent if this information will be
-The Child Table is completely controlled by the database manager,
-and it's role is exactly the same for CGNS. CGNS software accesses and
-modifies the child table only through calls to the database manager.
-In addition to the meaning of attributes of individual nodes,
-the File Mapping specifies the relations between nodes in a CGNS
-database. Consequently, the File Mapping determines what kinds of nodes
-will lie in the child table.
-<a name="nodeuse"></a>
-<h3>Use of Nodes in CGNS</h3>
-There are certain attributes of nodes which are
-derived from context, i.e., which the node possesses by virtue of its
-location within a CGNS database. These are often needed by CGNS to
-properly interpret the data; namely,
-<li> <a href="#cardinality">Cardinality</a>
-<li> <a href="#parameters">Parameters</a>
-<li> <a href="#functions">Functions</a>
-<a name="cardinality"></a>
-The <em>cardinality</em> of a CGNS node is the number of nodes of the same
-label permitted at one point in the tree, i.e., as children of the same
-parent. It consists of both lower and upper limits.
-Since the notion of a CGNS database allows for work in progress, the
-lower limit is generally zero (although the database may be of little
-use until certain nodes are filled). The upper limit is usually either
-one or many (<i>N</i>).
-<a name="parameters"></a>
-CGNS relies on the fact that nodes cannot be found except by
-following the pointers from their parents.  This means that software
-accessing a node has had an opportunity to note all the data above that
-node in the tree. Therefore, nodes do not repeat within themselves
-information which is necessary for their interpretation but which is
-available at a higher level.
-A datum which is necessary for the proper interpretation of a
-node but which is derived from its ancestors is referred to as a
-<i>structure parameter</i>.
-<a name="functions"></a>
-Occasionally the proper interpretation of a node depends on
-an implicitly understood <em>function</em> of its structure
-parameters. Usually these relate to the actual amount of data
-Several of these functions are defined in the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> and referenced in this document.
-<a name="cgns_databases"></a>
-<h3>CGNS Databases</h3>
-<h4>Definition of a CGNS Database</h4>
-A CGNS database is defined by the existence of a
-node or nodes which conforms to the <a href="#CGNSBase">specifications
-given below</a> for a node of type
-"<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>".
-This node is conceptually the root of the CGNS database. Because it is
-created and controlled by the user, it is not the actual root of the
-database file.
-However, current CGNS conventions require that it be located directly below
-the database root node which is identified by the name "/".
-Further, by the mechanism of links, a CGNS database may span multiple
-files. Thus there is no notion of a CGNS <em>file</em>, only of a CGNS
-<em>database</em> implemented within one or more <em>files</em>.
-By virtue of its intended use, a CGNS database is dynamic in
-that its content at any time reflects the current state of a CFD
-problem of interest. For example, after the completion of a grid
-generation procedure, a CGNS file may contain a grid but no boundary
-conditions. Therefore, beyond the occurrence of a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-node, there is no minimum content required in a CGNS database.
-Conversely, there is no proscription against the inclusion, anywhere
-within a CGNS database, of nodes of any form
-whatsoever, provided only that their naming and labeling does not mimic
-CGNS conventions. Such "non-CGNS" nodes, and those below them in the
-tree, are not regarded as part of the CGNS database. CGNS software will
-not detect the existence of non-CGNS nodes.
-We may therefore take the following as a definition of a CGNS database:
-<i>A CGNS database is a subtree of a file or files which is rooted
-at a node with label</i> "<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>" <i>and which conforms to
-the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS data model</a> as implemented by
-the SIDS File Mapping.</i>
-<h4>Location of CGNS Databases within a File</h4>
-A file may contain more than one <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node; i.e.,
-there may be more than one CGNS database rooted within the same file.
-CGNS software accepts the <em>name</em> of the desired database as an
-argument, and will locate the correct <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node within
-the specified file.
-Obviously, each <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node in a single file must have
-a unique name.
-A CGNS database may link to CGNS nodes in the same or other
-files. Thus, for example, a CGNS database may reference the grid from
-another CGNS database without physically copying the the information.
-In this case, the structure of the file into which the link is made
-is invisible except below the node to which the link is made.
-<h4>File Management</h4>
-Beyond <i>Open</i> and <i>Close</i> neither CGNS or the database manager
-provides any file management facilities. The user is responsible for
-ensuring that:
-<li> The file containing the root of the required database is
-     available and its permissions are properly set at runtime.
-<li> If links are made to other files, including any not under the
-     user's direct control, these are also available at runtime.
-<li> No file is opened for writing by more than one program at a time.
-It is possible, within CGNS, to protect files from inadvertent writing
-by opening them as "read only".
-<a name="internal"></a>
-<h3>Internal Organization of a CGNS Database</h3>
-<a name="CGNSBase"></a>
-<h4>The <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> Node</h4>
-At the highest level of the tree defining a CGNS database there is
-always a node labeled
-"<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>".
-The name of this node is user defined, and serves essentially as the
-name of the database itself.
-This name is used by the CGNS software to open the database.
-<a name="CGNSLibraryVersion"></a>
-<h4>The <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> Node</h4>
-A file may also contain other nodes below the root node beside
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, but these are <em>not</em> officially part of the
-CGNS database and will not be recognized by most CGNS software.
-One exception to this is a node called <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>,
-which is a child of the root node.
-This node stores the version number of the CGNS standard with which the
-file is consistent, and is created automatically when the file is
-created or modified using the <a href="../sids/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level
-Officially, the CGNS version number is not a part of the CGNS
-database (because it is not located below <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>).
-But because the Mid-Level Library software makes use of it, the node is
-included in this document.
-<h4>Topological Basis of CGNS Database Organization</h4>
-Below the root, the organization of a CGNS database reflects the problem
-Omitting detail, <a href="figures.html#example_hierarchy">the overall
-structure of the CGNS database file</a> is shown in the first of the
-<a href="figures.html">CGNS File Mapping Figures</a>.
-Below the root node is the <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node, and
-one or more <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> nodes.
-Each <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is the root of a CGNS database.
-At the next level below a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node are general
-specifications which apply to the problem globally, such as reference
-states, units, and so on.
-At this level we also find a collection of nodes labeled
-"<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>".
-The tree below each of these holds all the data local to
-one of the various zones or subdomains which constitute the problem.
-Beneath each <tt>Zone_t</tt> node there are nodes whose subtrees
-store: the grid (labeled
-<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>);
-(<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>);
-boundary conditions
-(<a href="../sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>);
-information about the geometrical connection to other zones
-(<a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>);
-and information defining <a href="../sids/timedep.html">time-dependent
-Below these there may be additional nodes containing yet more
-geometrically local information. For example, under the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>
-node there are nodes defining individual boundary conditions on portions
-of faces of the zone (<a href="../sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>).
-Certain types of nodes originally specified at a high level are
-optionally repeated below.
-For example, immediately below a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node we may find
-another <a href="../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a> node.
-The CGNS convention is that such a node overrides (for the associated
-portion of the topology only) any data found at a higher level.
-<a name="notcovered"></a>
-<h4>Topics Not Currently Covered</h4>
-No specification of the kind represented by this file mapping can ever
-be complete. However, it is worth noting that there are certain entities
-common in CFD which are not currently specified by the file mapping.
-Within nodes of type
-<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-the current file mapping permits the storage of fields of any number of
-dependent variables.
-In addition to those whose names are specified in the SIDS the user may
-add any desired quantities, naming them appropriately.
-Names that are not currently codified in the SIDS will not be
-common between practitioners without separate communication.
-Obviously any sort of physical field could be stored in a
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node. The problem with using CGNS for such
-applications lies in the probable need to specify additional physical
-Standardizing this information is tantamount to extending the SIDS and
-File Mapping to the disciplines in question.
-Similarly, if a reacting flow problem requires the specification of rate
-tables or catalytic wall boundary conditions, extensions to the SIDS and
-File mapping will be needed.
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-Last updated 08 Feb 2013
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-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This document specifies the exact manner in which, under CGNS
-conventions, CFD data structures (the SIDS) are to be stored in, i.e.,
-mapped onto, the file structure provided by a database manager.
-Adherence to the mapping conventions guarantees uniform meaning
-and location of CFD data within a database file, and thereby allows the
-construction of universal software to read and write the data.
-<li> <a href="brief.html">Brief&nbsp;Description&nbsp;of&nbsp;CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="documentation.html">CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</a>
-<li> <a href="background.html">CGNS&nbsp;Background</a>
-<li> <a href="general.html">General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</a>
-<li> <a href="nodes.html">Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</a>
-<li> <a href="figures.html">CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</a>
-The complete <a href="filemap.tar.gz">SIDS File Mapping
-Manual in HTML form</a> is also available for installation on a local
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (73K, 547K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c filemap.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>filemap</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>filemap/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>SIDS File Mapping Manual</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
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-This document was written by the CGNS Project Group.
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-Last updated 23 Sep 2015
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-(<span class=nav><b>Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</b></span>)
-(<a href="figures.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Detailed CGNS Node Descriptions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#basicnodes">Basic Nodes</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#descriptorgroup">Descriptor Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#physicalgroup">Physical Data Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#locationgroup">Location and Position Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#auxiliarygroup">Auxiliary Data Group</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#specializednodes">Specialized Nodes</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#gridspecification">Grid Specification</a>
-     <li> <a href="#fieldspecification">Field Specification</a>
-     <li> <a href="#connectivitygroup">Connectivity Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#bcgroup">Boundary Condition Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#equationspecification">Equation Specification Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#familygroup">Family Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#timedepgroup">Time-Dependent Group</a>
-     <li> <a href="#structuralnodes">Structural Nodes</a>
-     </ul>
-This section, together with the <a href="figures.html">CGNS File Mapping
-Figures</a>, constitutes a complete description of the CGNS database
-structure, together with detailed descriptions of the contents of each
-attribute of each node.
-It is intended to be suitable as a reference for anyone implementing
-CGNS within their own database manager or using the
-<a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO Core Routines</a>. It should also
-be of interest to those wishing to understand exactly where information
-is stored within a CGNS database.
-Note that it is the advertised purpose of the
-<a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a> to
-store and retrieve information in conformity with the mapping herein
-described. Therefore, anyone accessing a CGNS database through the
-CGNS routines alone does not need a detailed understanding of the file
-mapping per se. However, this document should still prove useful in
-ascertaining the meaning of some of the arguments which must be supplied
-to the Library routines. Further, it will be necessary to consult the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> themselves to determine some of
-the naming conventions.
-The node descriptions in this section are closely coupled to and
-cross-referenced with the <a href="figures.html">CGNS File Mapping
-Figures</a>, which show all the nodes defined in the SIDS that have
-child nodes.
-In the current section, the "<b>Children:</b>" entry in the list of
-<i>Node Attributes</i> is a link to the figure showing that node
-with its children.
-The "<b>Label:</b>" entry (or, in some cases, the "<b>Name:</b>" entry)
-is a link to the definition of the node's data structure in the SIDS.
-The nodal hierarchy of the CGNS database directly reflects that of the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>.
-Certain sections of the SIDS, notably
-<a href="../sids/build.html">Building-Block Structure Definitions</a>,
-<a href="../sids/data.html">Data-Array Structure Definitions</a>, and
-<a href="../sids/misc.html">Miscellaneous Data Structures</a>,
-describe basic data structures which appear repeatedly as children
-of nodes representing more complex structures.
-In order to simplify the presentation and avoid the introduction of
-undefined terms, this section has been divided into two parts.
-The first defines a number of <a href="#basicnodes">basic types</a>
-which recur often in the structure, and the second describes
-<a href="#specializednodes">higher level nodes</a> of more
-specific function built from the <a href="#basicnodes">basic nodes</a>.
-[For convenience, we group the node descriptions according to the type
-of data the nodes contain.
-These groupings only roughly correspond to the chapters in the SIDS.]
-<a name="basicnodes"></a>
-<h3>Basic CGNS Nodes</h3>
-In this section we describe CGNS nodes which hold fundamental
-<em>types</em> of information. Their structure and function, which are the
-same everywhere, are described here. However, the <em>meaning</em> of the
-data they hold at any particular point in a CGNS database depends on the
-context, i.e., the parent node. Therefore, where necessary, any special
-context-dependent meaning is elaborated in the paragraph devoted to the
-<a name="descriptorgroup"></a>
-<h4>Descriptor Group</h4>
-These are user-assigned nodes designed to further describe the user's
-intent. Their data is meant for human perusal or other user-designated
-<a name="Descriptor"></a>
-The purpose of a node of type <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> is to store textual
-data. It is not intended to be read by any system software, except to
-return the text for human examination.
-The intent of the <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> node is to hold comment sufficient
-to allow someone other than the originator to understand what the
-node contains. This may consist of a problem description, reference
-documents, personal notes, etc.
-Any node may have zero to many <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> children, with
-the uses differentiated by the Name field. At this time, there are <em>no</em>
-conventions for these names or for the form of the associated text. It
-is expected that a standard set such as <tt>README</tt>, <tt>TimeStamp</tt>,
-etc. will evolve as a matter of practice.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string to be stored, including any carriage control or
-       null bytes.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>String - Since line terminators can be stored within the data,
-       the user could conceptually store an entire document in this
-       area, read it into a program and then print it out. For example,
-       an entire PostScript document describing the problem (and maybe
-       results) could be stored in the Data field, read by a program and
-       then sent to a printer.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="Ordinal"></a>
-Because there is no notion of order among children, there is
-occasionally a desire to order children in a way that survives from one
-opening of a CGNS database to another. The current CGNS Library provides
-means of doing this. However, another early method was to place the node
-"number" in a child of type <tt>Ordinal_t</tt>.
-Like <tt>Descriptor_t</tt>, the <tt>Ordinal_t</tt> node is completely
-under the control of the user, who takes full responsibility for its
-content. Unlike <tt>Descriptor_t</tt>, CGNS conventions do not encourage
-the use of <tt>Ordinal_t</tt>, as it usually encodes information which
-is redundant with the name. It is not read or written by standard
-CGNS software, and so there is no assurance that sibling nodes
-will be differently, consecutively, or consistently numbered by
-<tt>Ordinal_t</tt>. Clearly, if <tt>Ordinal_t</tt> must be used, no node
-should have more than one <tt>Ordinal_t</tt> child, and no two siblings
-should have <tt>Ordinal_t</tt> children containing the same data.
-It is worth noting that, if consistent numbering is desired, one way of
-achieving it is to make the desired integer either the name or part of
-the name. In fact, if, for example, individual zones are left unnamed,
-the default convention will provide names of <tt>Zone1</tt>, <tt>Zone2</tt>,
-etc. Alternatively, the character strings "<tt>1</tt>", "<tt>2</tt>",
-..., are legal names. The CGNS software, of course, will return
-these as strings. This may necessitate type conversion or parsing before
-the names can be used as integer indices.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Ordinal</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>The user-defined ordinal number (an integer).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="physicalgroup"></a>
-<h4>Physical Data Group</h4>
-<a name="DataClass"></a>
-A <tt>DataClass_t</tt> node specifies the dimensional nature of the
-data in and below its parent. It overrides any <tt>DataClass_t</tt>
-information higher up in the tree. There are six recognized string
-values. It is necessary to consult the SIDS to determine the precise
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>DataClass</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>The length of the string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>One of: <tt>DataClassNull</tt>, <tt>DataClassUserDefined</tt>,
-      <tt>Dimensional</tt>, <tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt>,
-      <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>,
-      <tt>NondimensionalParameter</tt>, or <tt>DimensionlessConstant</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="DimensionalUnits"></a>
-A <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> node specifies dimensional units
-which apply to data in and below its parent.  It overrides any
-<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> information higher up in the tree. There are
-five strings to specify, corresponding, respectively, to units for mass,
-length, time, temperature, and angular measure. The number of recognized
-string values varies with the physical property.
-Units for three additional types of data are specified in a child node,
-<a href="#AdditionalUnits"><tt>AdditionalUnits_t</tt></a>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>(32,5)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left valign=top>Data:<td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td>For&nbsp;mass,&nbsp;one&nbsp;of:</td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <td><tt>MassUnitsNull</tt>, <tt>MassUnitsUserDefined</tt>,
-              <tt>Kilogram</tt>, <tt>Gram</tt>, <tt>Slug</tt>,
-              <tt>Pound-Mass</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td>For&nbsp;length,&nbsp;one&nbsp;of:</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>LengthUnitsNull</tt>, <tt>LengthUnitsUserDefined</tt>,
-              <tt>Meter</tt>, <tt>Centimeter</tt>, <tt>Millimeter</tt>,
-              <tt>Foot</tt>, <tt>Inch</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td>For&nbsp;time,&nbsp;one&nbsp;of:</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>TimeUnitsNull</tt>, <tt>TimeUnitsUserDefined</tt>,
-              <tt>Second</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td>For&nbsp;temperature,&nbsp;one&nbsp;of:</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>TemperatureUnitsNull</tt>,
-              <tt>TemperatureUnitsUserDefined</tt>, <tt>Kelvin</tt>,
-              <tt>Celsius</tt>, <tt>Rankine</tt>, <tt>Fahrenheit</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td>For&nbsp;angles,&nbsp;one&nbsp;of:</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>AngleUnitsNull</tt>, <tt>AngleUnitsUserDefined</tt>,
-              <tt>Degree</tt>, <tt>Radian</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/DimensionalUnits.html"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="AdditionalUnits"></a>
-An <tt>AdditionalUnits_t</tt> node specifies dimensional units for
-additional types of data.
-To maintain compatibility with earlier CGNS versions, this is an
-optional child node of
-<a href="#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>.
-The specified units apply to data in and below the parent of the
-corresponding <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> node, and override any
-<tt>AdditionalUnits_t</tt> information higher up in the tree.
-There are three strings to specify, corresponding, respectively, to
-units for electric current, substance amount, and luminous intensity.
-The number of recognized string values varies with the physical
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>AdditionalUnits</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#AdditionalUnits"><tt>AdditionalUnits_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>(32,3)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left valign=top>Data:<td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td nowrap>For electric current, one of:</td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <td><tt>ElectricCurrentUnitsNull</tt>,
-              <tt>ElectricCurrentUnitsUserDefined</tt>, <tt>Ampere</tt>,
-              <tt>Abampere</tt>, <tt>Statampere</tt>, <tt>Edison</tt>,
-              <tt>auCurrent</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td nowrap>For substance amount, one of:</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>SubstanceAmountUnitsNull</tt>,
-              <tt>SubstanceAmountUnitsUserDefined</tt>, <tt>Mole</tt>,
-              <tt>Entities</tt>, <tt>StandardCubicFoot</tt>,
-              <tt>StandardCubicMeter</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td nowrap>For luminous intensity, one of:</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>LuminousIntensityUnitsNull</tt>,
-              <tt>LuminousIntensityUnitsUserDefined</tt>, <tt>Candela</tt>,
-              <tt>Candle</tt>, <tt>Carcel</tt>, <tt>Hefner</tt>,
-              <tt>Violle</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="DataConversion"></a>
-A <tt>DataConversion_t</tt> node specifies a non-homogeneous linear
-function which converts non-dimensional data in its parent to
-raw dimensional data. Although in principle it overrides any
-<tt>DataConversion_t</tt> information higher up in the tree, it is
-generally not meaningful for it to apply to more than one kind of
-physical data. Therefore, CGNS specifies its use only as a child of a
-node which actually contains a single type of real data.
-There are two values to specify, corresponding to the scale factor and
-offset. The SIDS contain the exact conversion formula.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>DataConversion</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/data.html#DataConversion"><tt>DataConversion_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ConversionScale</tt>, <tt>ConversionOffset</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="DimensionalExponents"></a>
-A <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> node specifies the powers of mass,
-length, time, temperature, and angular measure which characterize
-dimensional data in its parent. Although in principle it overrides any
-<tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> information higher up in the tree, it
-is generally not meaningful for it to apply to more than one kind of
-physical data. Therefore, CGNS specifies its use only as a child of
-a node which actually contains a single type of real data.
-There are five values to specify, corresponding to the five types of
-units specified using
-<a href="#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>.
-The data type is real, not integer.
-Exponents for three additional types of data are specified in a child node,
-<a href="#AdditionalExponents"><tt>AdditionalExponents_t</tt></a>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>5
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>MassExponent</tt>, <tt>LengthExponent</tt>, <tt>TimeExponent</tt>,
-      <tt>TemperatureExponent</tt>, <tt>AngleExponent</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/DimensionalExponents.html"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="AdditionalExponents"></a>
-An <tt>AdditionalExponents_t</tt> node specifies the powers of the units
-for additional types of data, which characterize the corresponding
-dimensional data.
-There are three values to specify, corresponding to the three types of
-units specified using
-<a href="#AdditionalUnits"><tt>AdditionalUnits_t</tt></a>.
-The data type is real, not integer.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>AdditionalExponents</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#AdditionalExponents"><tt>AdditionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>3
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ElectricCurrentExponent</tt>,
-       <tt>SubstanceAmountExponent</tt>, <tt>LuminousIntensityExponent</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="DataArray"></a>
-A <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node is a very general type of node meant to hold
-large arrays of data, such as grids and flowfields. Often, some of the
-attributes of a <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node depend on the context in which
-the node is found; that is, they are structure parameters.
-For example, the SIDS specify that the Data Type of <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-is a structure parameter, "<tt>DataType</tt>", which may assume
-any of the values "<tt>I<i>n</i></tt>", "<tt>R<i>n</i></tt>",
-or "<tt>C<i>n</i></tt>".
-The other two attributes of <tt>DataArray_t</tt>, <tt>Dimensions</tt>
-and <tt>DataSize</tt>, also depend on the context where they are being used.
-<tt>Dimensions</tt> is a function of the underlying dimensionality of
-the data being described (often <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, defined in the
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node), and the <tt>DataSize</tt> may be inferred from
-detailed descriptions of the grid.
-A node may have any number of <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children. The
-meaning of their contents is differentiated by Name, often
-according to conventions specified by the SIDS. SIDS names are
-usually precise and descriptive, such as <tt>CoordinateTheta</tt> or
-(See the SIDS for a <a href="../sids/dataname.html">current list of
-sanctioned names</a>.)
-Conversely, quantities not specified by the SIDS can
-be stored in <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes, but should be given names other
-than those specified in the SIDS. In other words, to comply with the
-SIDS requires that one give a quantity the SIDS-defined name <em>if
-and only if</em> it is one of the SIDS-defined quantities.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Context dependent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td>Context dependent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>Context dependent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Context dependent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>The array of data values
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>DataType</tt>, dimension of the data, size of the data
-<h4>Integer Arrays</h4>
-Integer array nodes perform the same function as nodes of type
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt>, but store integer instead of real arrays. They are
-always of type <tt>int[]</tt> or <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span>[]</tt>,
-with the dimensions and values given either
-explicitly in the appropriate fields, or as parameters or functions. The
-<tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt> data type is used wherever
-there is the potential of exceeding the size limit for a
-32-bit integer (<tt>I4</tt>), such as <tt>PointList</tt>,
-<tt>PointRange</tt>, and <tt>ElementRange</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Context dependent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><tt>int</tt>, <tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>, <tt>int[2*IndexDimension]</tt>,
-      or <tt>int[1 + ... + IndexDimension]</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt> or <tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>1, <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>2*IndexDimension</tt>, or
-      <tt>(1 + ... + IndexDimension)</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>The array of integer values
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt> or none (context dependent)
-<a name="locationgroup"></a>
-<h4>Location and Position Group</h4>
-<a name="GridLocation"></a>
-A <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> node specifies the physical location, with
-respect to the underlying grid, with which the field data below
-its parent is associated. The value (data field) is a character
-string of enumeration type, i.e., it must take one of a number of
-predefined values. These values are: <tt>Vertex</tt>, <tt>CellCenter</tt>,
-<tt>FaceCenter</tt>, <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>,
-<tt>KFaceCenter</tt>, or <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>. The strings are case
-sensitive, and an exact match is required. The <tt>GridLocation_t</tt>
-node is optional, and the default is <tt>Vertex</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GridLocation</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of the string value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>Vertex</tt>, <tt>CellCenter</tt>, <tt>FaceCenter</tt>, <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>,
-      <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>, or <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="Rind"></a>
-The presence of a <tt>Rind_t</tt> node indicates that field data stored
-below its parent includes values associated with a spatial extent beyond
-that of the basic underlying grid. Such data often arise from the use of
-ghost cells, or from the copying of information from adjacent zones.
-Within a single zone, the size of the basic grid is found in the
-<a href="#Zone">data field of the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node</a>.
-The data field of a <tt>Rind_t</tt> node contains integers specifying
-the number of planes (for structured grids) or number of rind points or
-elements (for unstructured grids) of included extra data.
-The planes for structured grids correspond to the low and high values in
-the <i>i</i>-direction, low and high values in the <i>j</i>-direction,
-and low and high values in the <i>k</i>-direction (if needed), in that
-Note that the actual size of the field data, which is stored
-in a <tt>DataArray_t</tt> sibling node, is a <tt>DataSize</tt>
-structure parameter which depends on the basic grid size, the
-<tt>GridLocation</tt>, and the <tt>Rind</tt>.
-The <tt>Rind_t</tt> node is optional, and the default is no rind.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Rind</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>2*IndexDimension</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Number of planes of extra data in low <i>i</i>, high <i>i</i>,
-       low <i>j</i>, high <i>j</i>, etc., (for structured grids) or
-       number of points or elements of extra data (for unstructured
-       grids)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-<a name="IndexRange"></a>
-An <tt>IndexRange_t</tt> node describes a subregion of a zone. This may
-be, for example, a sub-block or a portion of a face of a zone. It may be
-used to describe the locations of boundary condition patches and holes
-for overset grids.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt>, <tt>ElementRange</tt>,
-      or user defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, 2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>First indices, last indices
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>Context dependent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-<a name="IndexArray"></a>
-An <tt>IndexArray_t</tt> node describes a general subregion of a
-zone. Unlike <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>, it lists all the elements of the
-subregion, rather then only the first and last ones. Its use is similar
-to <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>PointListDonor</tt>, <tt>CellListDonor</tt>,
-      or <tt>InwardNormalList</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt>, or (for <tt>InwardNormalList</tt>) <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, number of items in the list;
-      or (for <tt>InwardNormalList</tt>) <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, number
-      of items in the list
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Index coordinates of each point or element in the list, or
-      (for <tt>InwardNormalList</tt>) physical-space normal vectors
-      at each point or element in the list
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, either <tt>PointListSize</tt> or
-      <tt>ListLength</tt>, and <tt>DataType</tt>;
-      or (for <tt>InwardNormalList</tt>)
-      <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength</tt>, and <tt>DataType</tt>
-<a name="auxiliarygroup"></a>
-<h4>Auxiliary Data Group</h4>
-<a name="ReferenceState"></a>
-The appearance of a <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node is optional. It is
-used to specify the values of flow quantities at reference conditions,
-e.g., at freestream or stagnation. This is typically done for the whole
-database, in which case the <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node is a child of
-the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node.
-<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> nodes follow the usual convention that
-information specified lower in the tree overrides higher level
-specifications. Such overrides are therefore specified if a
-<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node appears as a child of a <tt>Zone_t</tt>,
-<tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>, or <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node.
-The actual values are stored in one or more <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children
-whose names identify the quantities being stored. If present, the
-units specified in the <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> child apply to all
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> children, subject to the usual override convention.
-( I.e., if one of the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children itself has a
-<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> child, it takes precedence over the higher
-level specification.)
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ReferenceState</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ReferenceState.html"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="ConvergenceHistory"></a>
-<tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> nodes are intended for the storage of lists
-of quantities accumulated during calculations associated with either the
-entire CGNS database or with a single zone.
-In the former case, they are called Global convergence histories, and
-appear as children of the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node. In the latter, they
-are called Local and stored below, with the zones to which they correspond.
-Each <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node is a parent of a collection
-of one-dimensional <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes, each of which contains
-a list of values of a quantity defined by the user. These quantities
-are differentiated by their user-assigned Names. User definitions of
-the names are recorded in a <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> child node with Name
-<tt>NormDefinitions</tt>. Children of types <tt>DataClass_t</tt> and
-<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> modify the meaning of the <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-children in the usual manner.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GlobalConvergenceHistory</tt> if under a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node;
-      <tt>ZoneConvergenceHistory</tt> if under a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Number of iterations
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ConvergenceHistory.html"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="IntegralData"></a>
-<tt>IntegralData_t</tt> nodes are intended for the storage of
-integrated flow quantities such as mass flows, forces and
-moments. These are kept in <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children just as in the
-<tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> nodes, except that these nodes hold only
-one real number each.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#IntegralData"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/IntegralData.html"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="UserDefinedData"></a>
-<tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> nodes are intended as a means of
-storing arbitrary user-defined data in <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the restrictions or implicit
-meanings imposed on these node types at other node locations.
-Multiple <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children
-may be stored below a <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> node, and the
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> children may be of any dimension and size.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="Gravity"></a>
-An optional <tt>Gravity_t</tt> node may be used to define the
-gravitational vector.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Gravity</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#Gravity"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="specializednodes"></a>
-<h3>Specialized Nodes</h3>
-In this section we describe nodes whose use is specialized to certain
-types of CFD-related data. Although these nodes may appear in multiple
-places in a CGNS DataBase, they play a single role in the description of
-the data.
-<a name="gridspecification"></a>
-<h4>Grid Specification</h4>
-CGNS recognizes the notion of a collection of subdomains called zones,
-within each of which there is a single structured or unstructured
-grid. Mathematically, the grid is an assignment of a location in
-physical space to each element in a discrete computational space. An
-essential feature of the grid is the connection structure it inherits
-from the underlying computational space.
-It is possible, given a grid, to create others from it, by translation
-to cell centers, for example. However, CGNS views these as new
-field structures associated with the original grid, and the File
-Mapping specifies that they be stored as
-<a href="#fieldspecification"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> or
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> nodes</a>.
-<a name="GridCoordinates"></a>
-A <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node describes a grid associated with
-a single zone. For a structured zone, the connection structure of
-the underlying computational space is that of a rectangular array,
-and its dimension is the <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, that is, the number
-of integers required to identify a point in the grid. The physical
-dimension is the number of real coordinates assigned at each grid point
-and need not be the same. Thus CGNS can store a grid, for example, with
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> equal to two and a physical dimension of three,
-that is, a structured grid on a curved surface.
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> is a zone dependent parameter. For an unstructured
-grid, it always equals one, meaning that a unique index is required to
-specified a node location. For a structured grid, <tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-varries with the <tt>CellDimension</tt> of the mesh. For a mesh composed
-of 3D cells, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> equals 3, while for a mesh composed
-of surface or shell elements, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> equals 2. The
-values of the physical coordinates of the grid points are stored
-in <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children of <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>. The
-names of the coordinates are stored in the Name field of the
-corresponding <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node. For common coordinate systems,
-i.e., Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical, the names are
-specified by the SIDS.
-Unlike <a href="#fieldspecification"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> and
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> nodes</a>, <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes are
-not permitted to have <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> children, because all grid
-points are at vertices by definition.
-Coordinate arrays may also contain rind data. If
-they do, the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node must have a <tt>Rind_t</tt>
-child node describing the amount of rind. All <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes
-under <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> must have the same size. Because the
-number of field quantities to be stored depends on the number of rind,
-the actual dimension values are functions, specified in this document by
-the generic term <tt>DataSize[]</tt>.
-Under each node of type <tt>Zone_t</tt>, the original grid is
-contained in a node named <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>.  Additional
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> data structures are allowed, with user-defined
-names, to store the grid at multiple time steps or iterations.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GridCoordinates</tt> or user defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt> or <tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, 2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>BoundingBox</tt> values
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Functions:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_grid"><tt>DataSize</tt></a>
-<a name="Elements"></a>
-The <tt>Elements_t</tt> data structure is required for unstructured
-zones, and contains the element connectivity data, the element type,
-the element range, the parent elements data, and the number of boundary
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ElementType</tt> value, <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="Axisymmetry"></a>
-The <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> data structure may be included as a child
-of the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node to record the axis of rotation and the
-angle of rotation around this axis for an axisymmetric database.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Axisymmetry</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="RotatingCoordinates"></a>
-The <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt> data structure may be included as a
-child of either the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node or a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node
-to record the center of rotation and the rotation rate vector for a
-rotating coordinate system.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="fieldspecification"></a>
-<h4>Field Specification</h4>
-The object of computational field physics is to compute fields
-of physical data associated with points in space.
-<a name="FlowSolution"></a>
-A <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node describes a field of physical data
-associated with the grid for a single zone. It is intended for
-the storage of computed flowfield data such as densities and
-pressures. There is no convention as to how many or what kind
-of quantities must or may be stored. In particular, it is not
-specified that the quantities need in any sense be either complete or
-The data are stored in <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children of
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>. These <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes are dimensioned
-by the same underlying <tt>IndexDimension</tt> parameter as the grid, and
-the order of storage within the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes is presumed
-the same as it is for the grid. The names of the physical quantities are
-stored in the Name field of the corresponding <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-For common fluid dynamic quantities the
-<a href="../sids/dataname.html">names are specified by the SIDS</a>.
-The relationship between the locations of the field quantities and the
-vertices of the grid is specified by a <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> child
-node. If this node is absent, the field quantities are assumed to be
-associated with the grid vertices. Field arrays
-may also contain rind data. If they do, the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-must have a <tt>Rind_t</tt> child node describing the amount of rind. All
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes under a single <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> must
-have the same size. Field arrays containing different numbers of rind
-must be stored under different <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes. There
-may be any number of nodes of type <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> under a
-Because the number of field quantities to be stored depends on the
-number of rind and on the location with respect to the grid, the actual
-dimension values are functions, specified in this document by the
-generic term <tt>DataSize[]</tt>.
-The meaning of the field arrays is modified in the usual way by any
-<tt>DataClass_t</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> children of the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>, <tt>CellSize</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Functions:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a>
-<a name="DiscreteData"></a>
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> nodes are identical to <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-nodes, but are intended for the storage of fields of real data not
-usually identified as part of the field solution, such as cell-centered
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>, <tt>CellSize</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Functions:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a>
-<a name="ZoneSubRegion"></a>
-The <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node allows for the ability to give flowfield or
-other information over a subset of the entire zone in a CGNS file.
-This subset may be over a portion of a boundary, or it may be over a portion
-of the entire field.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>RegionCellDimension
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ZoneSubRegion.html"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>, <tt>CellSize</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Functions:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a>
-<a name="connectivitygroup"></a>
-<h4>Connectivity Group</h4>
-<h4><tt>Transform</tt> Node</h4>
-The <tt>Transform</tt> node is a node of type <tt>int[]</tt> which is
-identified by its name rather than its label. Thus the name must be
-"<tt>Transform</tt>". It appears only as a child of a node of type
-This node stores the transformation matrix relating the indices of two
-adjacent zones. Its data field contains a list of <tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-signed integers, each within the range <tt>[-IndexDimension,
-..., +IndexDimension]</tt>, and no two of which have the same absolute
-value. Thus in 3-D allowed components are 0, &plusmn;1, &plusmn;2, and
-&plusmn;3. Each component of the array shows the image in the adjacent zone
-of a positive index increment in the current zone. The SIDS contain
-complete details.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#Transform"><tt>Transform</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td>"<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>"
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Transformation matrix (shorthand)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-<a name="GridConnectivityType"></a>
-The purpose of this node is to describe the type of zone-to-zone
-connectivity specified by its parent, which is always a
-<tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node. The connectivity type is given in the
-data field as a character string which may take one of three specific
-values: <tt>Abutting</tt>, <tt>Abutting1to1</tt>, or <tt>Overset</tt>.
-There is a shorthand form of the <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>
-node, namely, <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>, which
-incorporates the assumption that the connection is
-<tt>Abutting1to1</tt>. Nodes of type <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>
-do not have <tt>GridConnectivityType_t</tt> subnodes. However,
-<tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> nodes can only be used to specify
-zone-to-zone connections on rectangular subregions between two
-structured zones. So the use of <tt>GridConnectivityType_t</tt> subnodes
-to specify <tt>Abutting1to1</tt> is required if the connecting regions
-are not rectangular, or if the connectivity involves a least one
-unstructured zone.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GridConnectivityType</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivityType_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>Abutting</tt>, <tt>Abutting1to1</tt>, or <tt>Overset</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="GridConnectivity1to1"></a>
-This node is a shorthand format of <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> capable
-of describing only <tt>Abutting1to1</tt> connections between two
-structured zones.
-The underlying subregion must have rectangular data structure.
-Each <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> node describes a subregion
-of a face of a zone whose vertices are coincident in a 1-to-1
-fashion with those of a corresponding subregion of a face of another
-zone. Each <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node may have as many
-<tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> (or <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>) children
-as are required to describe the connection structure.
-The location of the connected subregion of a face of the current zone
-is given in a single child of type <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>, whose name
-is specified by the mapping as "<tt>PointRange</tt>". The location of
-the corresponding subregion on a face of the other zone is given in
-a single child of type <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>, whose name is specified
-by the mapping as "<tt>PointRangeDonor</tt>". The first (i.e.,
-beginning) points in these <tt>IndexRange_t</tt> nodes are presumed to be
-coincident. The specification of the correspondence is completed by the
-inclusion of a <tt>Transform</tt> child node which describes the relative
-orientation of the two systems of indices. The second (i.e., end) point
-of the <tt>PointRange</tt> subnode specifies the extant of the connection.
-In general, the File Mapping seeks to avoid the storage of
-redundant data. However, there are two redundancies associated with
-<tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>. First, for the sake of symmetry, the
-information recorded here is duplicated (in reverse) in a corresponding
-node under the donor zone. It is expected that these two specifications
-will agree.
-Second, the end point of the <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> can be
-calculated from the other three points specified, along with the
-transform. However, the transform cannot be inferred from the four
-points. Therefore, the end point of the <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> is
-considered to be redundant, and the three points and the transform are
-designated as the primary specification.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ZoneDonorName</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-<a name="GridConnectivity"></a>
-The <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node is the most general format for
-describing grid connectivity. It can describe one-to-one, mismatched,
-and overset connectivity, and the underlying subregions of the
-connecting zones need not be rectangular.
-Each <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node describes a subregion
-of a zone which corresponds to a subregion of another
-zone. Each <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node may have as many
-<tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> (or <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>) children
-as are required to describe the connection structure.
-The location of the connected subregion of the current zone is
-given in a single child of type either <tt>IndexRange_t</tt> or
-<tt>IndexArray_t</tt>, whose name is specified by the mapping as
-"<tt>PointRange</tt>" or "<tt>PointList</tt>", respectively.
-If the grid connectivity is one-to-one, the corresponding subregion is
-defined with a single child of type <tt>IndexArray_t</tt>, whose name is
-specified by the mapping as "<tt>PointListDonor</tt>".  Otherwise, the
-corresponding subregion is defined by two child nodes, one defining the
-cells and the other the interpolation factors within the cells.
-See the SIDS for the complete description.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ZoneDonorName</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>CellDimension</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Functions:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#PointListSize_abut"><tt>PointListSize</tt></a>
-<a name="GridConnectivityProperty"></a>
-An optional <tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> node may be used to
-record special properties associated with particular connectivity
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GridConnectivityProperty</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="Periodic"></a>
-A <tt>Periodic_t</tt> node may be used as a child of
-<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> to record data associated with a
-periodic interface.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Periodic</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#Periodic"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="AverageInterface"></a>
-An <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> node is used as a child of
-<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> when data at the current
-connectivity interface is to be averaged in some way prior to passing it
-to a neighboring interface.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>AverageInterface</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#AverageInterface"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/AverageInterface.html"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="OversetHoles"></a>
-A node of type <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> describes a region in a grid in
-which solution values are to be ignored because the data in the region
-is to be represented by values associated with other "overlapping"
-zones (equivalent to that specified by <tt>IBLANK</tt> = 0 in the PLOT3D
-format). Each <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node may have as many
-<tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> children as are required to describe the affected
-Each hole is described either by a single child of type <tt>IndexArray_t</tt> or
-by any number of children of type <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>. The latter is provided
-as a means of specifying holes which are unions of small numbers of
-logically rectangular subregions. However, if the region is irregular,
-the intent is that it should be specified by a single child of type
-<tt>IndexArray_t</tt> which lists the points.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/OversetHoles.html"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-<a name="ZoneGridConnectivity"></a>
-Each <tt>Zone_t</tt> node may have zero or more children of type
-<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>. It holds no data, but serves as the point
-below which all connectivity data associated with the zone can be found.
-Multiple <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> nodes may be used to specify
-time-dependent changes in the connectivity information.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity or user defined</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,N
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>CellDimension</tt>
-<a name="bcgroup"></a>
-<h4>Boundary Condition Group</h4>
-Nodes in this group are used to specify the physical boundary
-conditions. Each boundary condition is associated with a subregion of
-a zone. For brevity below, we use the word "domain" to refer to the
-region on which a boundary condition is to be enforced.
-The domain is usually, but not necessarily, a subregion of a face of the
-zone. The mapping is sufficiently general to permit the description of
-internal boundary conditions and boundary conditions which do not lie on
-a constant coordinate plane.
-Mathematical boundary conditions are generally applied on subregions of
-physical dimension one less than the corresponding field problem. This
-condition, however, is neither defined nor enforced by the File Mapping.
-A large number of <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCType">standard boundary
-condition types</a> are named by the SIDS.
-In addition, it is possible to define new types as collections
-of Dirichlet and Neumann conditions. It is not possible to describe
-the entire array of possibilities within this document, and the reader
-should consult the SIDS for a full description.
-An <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> node is a node of type
-<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt> which is identified by its Name.
-It applies to structured grids only, and its function is to specify on
-which side of the domain the condition is to be enforced.
-<tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> may have only one nonzero element, whose
-sign indicates the computational-coordinate direction of the boundary
-condition patch normal; this normal points into the interior of the zone.
-For example, if the domain lies on the face of a three-dimensional zone
-where the second index is a maximum, the inward normal index values are
-The <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> node must apply to the entire domain
-of the boundary condition.
-For a boundary condition on a face of a zone, the
-<tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> can be calculated from other data and need not
-be specified. Its purpose is to define the normal direction for internal
-boundary conditions and other cases where the direction is ambiguous.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#InwardNormalIndex"><tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td>"<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>"
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Index of inward normal
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-An <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> node is a node of type <tt>IndexArray_t</tt>
-identified by its Name. Its data field contains an array of
-physical (real) vectors which point into the region on which the
-boundary condition is to be applied.  It may be used for boundary
-conditions on complex domains for which <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> is not
-defined, or to store vectors orthogonal to the domain of the boundary
-condition where these are not easily calculated from the domain itself.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#InwardNormalList"><tt>InwardNormalList</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt> or <tt>R8</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Inward normal vectors
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLength</tt>
-<a name="BCData"></a>
-When global or local Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions are
-defined, a node of type <tt>BCData_t</tt> is introduced to store the
-numerical data. For global data, this consists of a single quantity kept
-in a <tt>DataArray_t</tt> child. For local
-data, e.g., a pressure profile, it is a vector of quantities stored in
-an order corresponding to that defining the domain and kept in a child
-node of type <tt>DataArray_t</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>DirichletData</tt> or <tt>NeumannData</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>ListLength</tt>
-<a name="BCDataSet"></a>
-The function of a <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node is to specify the equations
-to be applied at the boundary, including any actual data values which
-may be required. The type of the equation is specified by the SIDS and
-recorded in the data field. For some types, the data is implicit or
-empty. For others, the data is specified in <tt>BCData_t</tt> children.
-If the locations at which the boundary conditions are to be applied are
-specified in <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>, using <tt>PointRange</tt> or
-<tt>PointList</tt>, the structure function
-<a href="../sids/bc.html#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a> is used.
-Otherwise, the structure parameter <tt>ListLength</tt> is required.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Functions:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>ListLength</tt>
-<a name="BC"></a>
-A <tt>BC_t</tt> node specifies a single boundary condition to be applied
-on a single zone. It specifies the domain on which the condition is
-to be applied and the equations to be enforced. All the <tt>BC_t</tt>
-nodes for a single zone are found under that zone's <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>
-node. A <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node may have as many <tt>BC_t</tt> children
-as are required to describe the physical boundary conditions on the
-corresponding zone.
-The domain on which the boundary condition is to be enforced is
-specified by a single node of type either <tt>IndexRange_t</tt> or
-The equations are specified in one or more <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> children.
-The type of the boundary condition, which may be either simple or
-compound, is specified in the data field.  For a complete description,
-it is necessary to consult the SIDS.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>BCType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>
-<a name="ZoneBC"></a>
-The <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node occurs at most once for each zone and serves
-as the location under which all boundary conditions on that zone are
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ZoneBC</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ZoneBC.html"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>
-<a name="BCProperty"></a>
-An optional <tt>BCProperty_t</tt> node may be used to record special
-properties associated with particular boundary condition patches.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>BCProperty</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#BCProperty"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="WallFunction"></a>
-A <tt>WallFunction_t</tt> node may be used as a child of
-<tt>BCProperty_t</tt> to record data associated with the use of wall
-function boundary conditions.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>WallFunction</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#WallFunction"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/WallFunction.html"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="Area"></a>
-An <tt>Area_t</tt> node may be used as a child of <tt>BCProperty_t</tt>
-to record data associated with area-related boundary conditions such as
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Area</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/bc.html#Area"><tt>Area_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/Area.html"><tt>Area_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="equationspecification"></a>
-<h4>Equation Specification Group</h4>
-Nodes in this group serve to identify the physical model associated
-with the data being recorded. Nearly always, the data is of enumeration
-type and is selected from a collection of terms defined in detail in
-the SIDS.  The names are largely self explanatory, and the detailed
-definitions will not be repeated here. Numerical values associated with
-the physical model depend on the type of modeling being chosen and are
-generally stored in child nodes of type <tt>DataArray_t</tt>.
-<a name="GoverningEquations"></a>
-This node names the equation set being solved, for example,
-<tt>FullPotential</tt> or <tt>NSTurbulent</tt>. If Navier-Stokes, the
-diffusion terms retained may be specified in a <tt>DiffusionModel</tt>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GoverningEquations</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#GoverningEquations"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>GoverningEquationsType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/GoverningEquations.html"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>CellDimension</tt>
-<a name="GasModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>GasModel_t</tt> names the gas model used, for example,
-<tt>Ideal</tt> or <tt>VanderWaals</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GasModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#GasModel"><tt>GasModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>GasModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/GasModel.html"><tt>GasModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="ViscosityModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt> names the molecular viscosity
-model used to relate the viscosity to the temperature, for example,
-<tt>PowerLaw</tt> or <tt>SutherlandLaw</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ViscosityModel"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ViscosityModel.html"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-A node named <tt>EquationDimension</tt>, of type <tt>int[]</tt>, gives the
-number of dependent variables required for a complete solution
-description, or the number of equations being solved.
-For example, for <tt>NSTurbulent</tt> with the
-<i>k</i>-<i>&epsilon;</i> turbulence model in three dimensions, it is 7.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>EquationDimension</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td>"<tt>int</tt>"
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>EquationDimension</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="ThermalConductivityModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt> names the model used
-to relate the thermal conductivity to the temperature, for example,
-<tt>ConstantPrandtl</tt>, <tt>PowerLaw</tt>, or <tt>SutherlandLaw</tt>. These
-closely parallel the viscosity model.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductivityModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalConductivityModel"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductivityModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ThermalConductivityModel.html"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="TurbulenceClosure"></a>
-A node of type <tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt> names the method of closing
-the Reynolds stress equations when the governing equations are
-turbulent, for example, <tt>EddyViscosity</tt> or
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceClosure</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceClosure"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceClosureType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/TurbulenceClosure.html"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="TurbulenceModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt> names the equation
-set used to model the turbulence quantities, for example,
-<tt>Algebraic_BaldwinLomax</tt> or <tt>OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/TurbulenceModel.html"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>CellDimension</tt>
-<a name="ThermalRelaxationModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt> names the equation
-set used to model the thermal relaxation quantities, for example,
-<tt>Frozen</tt> or <tt>ThermalEquilib</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ThermalRelaxationModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="ChemicalKineticsModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt> names the equation
-set used to model the chemical kinetics quantities, for example,
-<tt>Frozen</tt> and <tt>ChemicalEquilibCurveFit</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ChemicalKineticsModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="EMElectricFieldModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt> names the electric
-field model used for electromagnetic flows, for example,
-<tt>Constant</tt> or <tt>Voltage</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>EMElectricFieldModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#EMElectricFieldModel"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>EMElectricFieldModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="EMMagneticFieldModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt> names the magnetic
-field model used for electromagnetic flows, for example,
-<tt>Constant</tt> or <tt>Interpolated</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#EMMagneticFieldModel"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>EMMagneticFieldModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="EMConductivityModel"></a>
-A node of type <tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt> names the conductivity
-model used for electromagnetic flows, for example,
-<tt>Constant</tt> or <tt>Equilibrium_LinRessler</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>EMConductivityModel</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#EMConductivityModel"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>EMConductivityModelType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="FlowEquationSet"></a>
-A node of type <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> appears either at the highest
-level of the tree (under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>), to indicate the equation
-set whose solution is recorded throughout the database, or below a
-<tt>Zone_t</tt> node, to indicate the set of equations solved in that
-zone. The usual convention applies, i.e., specifications at the local
-(zone) level override global specifications.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>CellDimension</tt>
-<a name="familygroup"></a>
-<h4>Family Group</h4>
-Because there is rarely a 1-to-1 connection between mesh regions and
-geometric entities, it is often desirable to set geometric associations
-indirectly in a CGNS file.
-That is, rather than setting the geometry data for each mesh entity
-(nodes, edges, and faces), it's useful to associate them with
-intermediate objects.
-The intermediate objects are in turn linked to nodal regions of the
-computational mesh.
-This intermediate object is defined as a <em>CFD family</em>.
-Each mesh surface may linked to the geometric entities of one or more CAD
-databases by a user-defined CFD family name.
-The CFD family corresponds to one or more CAD geometric entities on which
-the mesh face is projected.
-Each one of these geometric entities is described in a CAD file and is
-not redefined within the CGNS file.
-<a name="Family"></a>
-This node, a child of a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node or a <tt>Family_t</tt> node, contains the
-definition of a single CFD family.
-Multiple <tt>Family_t</tt> nodes are allowed.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="FamilyName"></a>
-This node is used to identify a family to which a particular zone or
-boundary belongs.
-Note that the name of the family is defined by the "Name"
-of the <tt>Family_t</tt> node, and is stored as data in the
-<tt>FamilyName_t</tt> node.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>FamilyName or user defined</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><tt>FamilyName_t</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Name of CFD family
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="AdditionalFamilyName"></a>
-This node is a supplement to the <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> node, and is used
-to identify additional families to which a particular zone or
-boundary belongs.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>user defined</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><tt>AdditionalFamilyName_t</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Name of CFD family
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,N
-<a name="FamilyBC"></a>
-This node contains a boundary condition type for a
-particular CFD family.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>FamilyBC</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>BCType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/FamilyBC.html"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="FamilyBCDataSet"></a>
-A <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> node contains Dirichlet and Neumann
-data for a single set of boundary condition equations to be applied
-to a Family. It's intended use is for simple boundary condition types,
-where the equations imposed do not depend on local flow conditions.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#FamilyBCDataSet"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/FamilyBCDataSet.html"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="GeometryReference"></a>
-<tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> nodes are used to associate
-a CFD family with one or more CAD databases.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/GeometryReference.html"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="GeometryFile"></a>
-This node contains the name of the CAD geometry file.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GeometryFile</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryFile_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Name of the CAD geometry file
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>1
-<a name="GeometryFormat"></a>
-This enumeration node defines the format of the CAD geometry file.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GeometryFormat</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#GeometryFormat"><tt>GeometryFormat_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>Name of the CAD geometry format
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>1
-<a name="GeometryEntity"></a>
-<tt>GeometryEntity_t</tt> nodes define the names of the
-entities in CAD geometry file that make up a CFD family.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryEntity_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="timedepgroup"></a>
-<h4>Time-Dependent Group</h4>
-Nodes in this section are used for information related to time-dependent
-flows, and include specification of grid motion and storage of
-time-dependent or iterative data.
-<a name="BaseIterativeData"></a>
-Located directly under the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node, the
-<tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> node contains information about the number
-of time steps or iterations being recorded, and the time and/or
-iteration values at each step.
-In addition, it may include the list of zones and families for each step
-of the simulation, if these vary throughout the simulation.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>NumberOfSteps</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/BaseIterativeData.html"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="ZoneIterativeData"></a>
-The <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> node is a child of the <tt>Zone_t</tt>
-node, and is used to store pointers to zonal data for each recorded
-step of the simulation.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>MT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ZoneIterativeData.html"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>NumberOfSteps</tt>
-<a name="RigidGridMotion"></a>
-<tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> nodes are used to store data
-defining rigid translation and/or rotation of the grid coordinates.
-Multiple <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> nodes may be associated with different
-iterations or time steps in the computation.
-This association is recorded under the <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> node.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/timedep.html#RigidGridMotion"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>RigidGridMotionType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/RigidGridMotion.html"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="ArbitraryGridMotion"></a>
-<tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> nodes are used to store grid
-velocities for each grid point in a zone (i.e., for deforming grids).
-Multiple <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> nodes may be associated with
-different iterations or time steps in the computation.
-This association is recorded under the <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> node.
-Note that instantaneous grid coordinates at different iterations or time
-steps may be recorded using multiple <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes
-under a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType</tt> value
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/ArbitraryGridMotion.html"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>, <tt>CellSize</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Functions:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a>
-<a name="structuralnodes"></a>
-<h4>Structural Nodes</h4>
-In this section we describe the highest levels of the hierarchy. Nodes
-in this section store only quantities which refer to all the entities
-below them. Therir primary function is to provide organization to the
-data below.
-<a name="Zone"></a>
-Directly below the highest level node in the database, which is
-by definition of type <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, are found nodes of type
-<tt>Zone_t</tt> providing entry into the data specific to each
-zone. There are as many <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes as there are zones. Their
-children, in turn, record grid, field, connectivity, and boundary
-conditions, and a variety of auxiliary data.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt><span class=cgsize>cgsize_t</span></tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt>, 3
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>VertexSize[IndexDimension]</tt>, <tt>CellSize[IndexDimension]</tt>,
-      <tt>VertexSizeBoundary[IndexDimension]</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Parameters:<td>
-   <td><tt>CellDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>
-<a name="CGNSBase"></a>
-The <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is by definition the highest level node in
-the database, and is located directly below the database root node.
-It provides entry into all other data.
-Multiple <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> nodes are allowed in a file.
-The particular database being accessed is determined by the name
-of the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node.
-The only data stored in the node itself are <tt>CellDimension</tt>, the
-dimensionality of a cell in the mesh (i.e., 3 for a volume cell and 2
-for a face cell), and <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, the number of indices
-required to specify a unique physical location in the field data being
-recorded. However, a variety of global information concerning the entire
-database may be stored in children of the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node. In
-particular, a <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> node at this level can store user
-commentary on the entire history of the development of the database.
-Other information typically stored directly below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-node includes convergence histories, reference states, dimensional
-units, integrated quantities, and information on the flow equations
-being solved.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>User defined
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>I4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>2
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>CellDimension</tt>, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>See <a href="figures/CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> figure</a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,<i>N</i>
-<a name="SimulationType"></a>
-This enumeration-type node is a child of the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node,
-and specifies whether or not the data below <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> is
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>SimulationType</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#SimulationType"><tt>SimulationType_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>TimeAccurate</tt> or <tt>NonTimeAccurate</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>0,1
-<a name="ZoneType"></a>
-This enumeration-type node is a required child of the <tt>Zone_t</tt>
-node, and specifies whether the grid in that zone is structured or
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ZoneType</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>ZoneType_t</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>C1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>Length of string
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td><tt>Structured</tt> or <tt>Unstructured</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>1
-<a name="CGNSLibraryVersion"></a>
-A file containing a CGNS database also contains, directly below
-the root node, a <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node.
-This node stores the version number of the CGNS standard with which
-the file is consistent, and is created automatically when the file is
-created or modified using the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS
-Mid-Level Library</a>.
-Note that this node is not actually part of the CGNS database, since
-it is not located below a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node.
-Note that a file may contain multiple CGNS databases, but there is
-only one <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node.
-It is assumed that the version number in the <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>
-node is applicable to all the CGNS databases in the file.
-Note also that some CGNS nodes may actually be links to CGNS nodes in
-other files.
-In this case, it is assumed that the <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node
-in the "top-level" file is applicable to the file(s) containing the
-linked nodes.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=node>Node Attributes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left>Name:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Label:<td>
-   <td><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>DataType:<td>
-   <td><tt>R4</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Dimension&nbsp;Values:<td>
-   <td>1
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Data:<td>
-   <td>CGNS version number
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Children:<td>
-   <td>None
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <th align=left>Cardinality:<td>
-   <td>1
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-(<span class=nav><b>General&nbsp;HDF5&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></span>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>General HDF5 Mapping Concepts</h2>
-<li> <a href="#hdfelements">Use of HDF5 Elements in CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="#cgns_databases">CGNS Databases</a>
-<li> <a href="#internal">Internal Organization of a CGNS Database</a>
-This section describes the general philosophy underlying the use of
-the HDF5 tree structure by CGNS.
-The section <a href="../filemap/nodes.html">Detailed CGNS Node Descriptions</a>
-describes the exact conventions for each type of data.
-We first describe the <a href="#hdfelements">roles of the various HDF5
-elements</a> (i.e. <em>groups</em> or <em>attributes</em>) as they are
-specifically applied within CGNS, followed by a description of
-<a href="#internal">the overall layout</a> of the tree structure itself.
-<a name="hdfelements"></a>
-<h3>Use of HDF5 Elements in CGNS</h3>
-We previously described the
-<a href="summary.html#dedicated">general role of each of the HDF5
-elements</a> without reference to CFD.
-Here we note any additional information regarding their use within CGNS.
-We first describe attributes recognized by both HDF5 and CGNS.
-We then describe certain elements which are derived from context,
-i.e., which the node possesses by virtue of its location within a CGNS
-These notions, namely, <a href="#cardinality">Cardinality</a>,
-<a href="#parameters">Parameters</a>, and
-<a href="#functions">Functions</a>, are unique to CGNS.
-<a name="nodeid"></a>
-<h4>The Node ID</h4>
-The Node ID is completely controlled by HDF5, and thus its role is
-exactly the same for CGNS as it is for HDF5. CGNS software accesses the
-Node ID only through calls to HDF5. HDF5 itself guarantees that Node IDs
-are unique and constant within any HDF5 file (or collection of files)
-while the file(s) are open.
-<a name="nodename"></a>
-<h4>The Node Name</h4>
-In CGNS, the Name may be left to the choice of the user, or it may be
-specified by the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>.
-At the levels of the tree nearest the root,
-the (end-)user is free to set the Name to distinguish among like
-objects in the case at hand. For example, in a multizone problem, nodes
-associated with different zones might be named "<tt>UnderLeftWing</tt>"
-or "<tt>AboveForwardFuselage</tt>". At this level, it is generally
-not possible to identify a collection of names which are likely to
-recur. This means that the naming of high level objects does not
-require standardization, and the SIDS are silent regarding the naming
-Because every HDF5 node must be given a name when it is opened, default
-names, based on the node Label, are provided by convention.
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Midlevel Library</a> will
-record the default names if none is provided by the user.
-The precise formula is given in the Label section below.
-At levels of the tree farther from the root, the SIDS often specify
-the name. There is, for example, a commonly encountered collection of
-flow variables whose general meaning is widely understood. In this
-case, standardizing the name conveys precise information. Thus the SIDS
-specify, for instance, that a node containing static internal energy
-per unit mass should have the Name "<tt>EnergyInternal</tt>".
-Adherence to these <a href="../sids/dataname.html">naming
-conventions</a> guarantees uniform meaning of the data from site to site
-and user to user.
-Of course, there may be a desire to store quantities for which no naming
-convention is specified.
-In this case any suitable name can be used, but there is no guarantee of
-proper interpretation by anyone unaware of the choice.
-By extension, a node name is a series of names separated by a
-<em>slash</em> "<tt>/</tt>" (like the POSIX file system names),
-moreover "<tt>/</tt>" is the root name of the CGNS tree.
-A CGNS Name can contain any printable ASCII character except the 
-<em>slash</em> "<tt>/</tt>" and the <em>dot</em> "<tt>.</tt>" when
-this <em>dot</em> is the first character of the name.
-<h4>The Label</h4>
-Within CGNS, nearly all labels reflect C-style type definitions
-("typedefs") specified by the SIDS, and end in the characters
-"<tt>_t</tt>". Some "Leaf" nodes (i.e. nodes that have no children)
-do not represent higher level CGNS structures and therefore have labels
-that do not follow the "<tt>_t</tt>" convention. At this writing, all
-such nodes have the type <tt>int[]</tt>, i.e., integer array, a type
-already recognized in C, for which a separate type definition would be
-artificial. Such nodes are generally located by the software through
-their names, which are specified by the SIDS, rather than through their
-The Label generally indicates the role of the data at and below the
-node in the context of CFD. Nodes which are entry points to data for a
-particular zone, for example, have the Label "<tt>Zone_t</tt>".
-Parent nodes often have a number of children each containing data for
-different instances of the same structure. Multiple children of the same
-parent therefore often have the same Label. It is customary for software
-to conduct searches which depend on the Label, e.g., to determine the
-number of zones in a problem. The software will fail if the conventions
-regarding Labels are not observed.
-Labels are also used to build default node Names. These are derived from
-the Label by dropping the characters "<tt>_t</tt>" and substituting the
-smallest positive integer resulting in a unique name among children
-of the same parent. For example, the first default Name for a node
-of type <tt>Zone_t</tt> will be "<tt>Zone1</tt>"; the second will be
-"<tt>Zone2</tt>"; and so on.
-<h4>The Data Type</h4>
-Data Types are completely specified by the file mapping. Although HDF5
-provides a number of types, in CGNS the only types used are <tt>MT</tt>
-(No Data), <tt>I4</tt> (Integer), <tt>R4</tt> and <tt>R8</tt> (Real),
-<tt>C1</tt> (Character), and <tt>LK</tt> (Link).
-The specification of data types within the File Mapping allows for the
-probability that files written under different circumstances may differ
-in precision. The issue is complicated by the ability of HDF5 to sense
-the capabilities of the platform on which it is running and interpret or
-record data accordingly. The general rule is that, although the user of
-HDF5 can specify the precision in which it is desired to read or write
-the data, HDF5 knows both the precision available at the source and the
-precision acceptable to the destination and will mitigate accordingly.
-Thus to specify the precision of real data as <tt>R4</tt>, for example, has
-no meaning unless both <tt>R4</tt> and <tt>R8</tt> are available. Therefore,
-the generic specification "<tt>DataType</tt>" is used to allow for all
-For all integer data specified by the SIDS, <tt>I4</tt> provides
-sufficient precision.
-<h4>The Number of Dimensions</h4>
-Whenever data is stored at a node, it is in the form of a single array
-of elements of a single date type. Insofar as possible, the dimension
-specified by CGNS is the natural underlying dimension; for example, a
-rectangular array of pressures is stored with dimension equal to the
-physical dimension of the problem.
-There are situations in which this representation is not feasible. For
-instance, a list of points which do not form a rectangular array in
-physical space may be compacted into a one-dimensional array in HDF5.
-Frequently the data is of type <tt>C1</tt> (character data). In some
-cases, the data holds additional information in the form of a name
-specified by the SIDS, and in some cases holds user comment. All such
-data is generally represented as a one-dimensional array (or list) of
-<h4>The Dimension Values</h4>
-These are used exactly as specified by HDF5. In the case of rectangular
-arrays of physical data, the dimension values are set to the actual
-sizes in physical space. Note that these sizes often depend on whether
-the values are associated with grid nodes, cell centers or other
-physical locations with respect to the grid. In any event, they refer to
-the amount of data actually stored, not to any larger array from which
-it may have been extracted.
-In the case of list data, the dimension value is the length of the
-list. Lists of characters may contain termination bytes such as
-"<tt>\n</tt>"; by this means an entire document can be
-stored in the data field.
-<h4>The Data</h4>
-CGNS imposes no conventions on the data itself beyond those specified
-by HDF5. Note that it is a responsibility of the CGNS software to ensure
-that the amount and type of stored data agrees with the specification of
-the data type, number of dimensions, and dimension values.
-<a name="childtable"></a>
-<h4>The Child Table</h4>
-The Child Table is completely controlled by HDF5, and thus its role is
-exactly the same for CGNS as it is for HDF5. CGNS software accesses and
-modifies the child table only through calls to HDF5.
-In addition to the meaning of attributes of individual HDF5 nodes,
-the File Mapping specifies the relations between nodes in a CGNS
-database. Consequently, the File Mapping determines what kinds of nodes
-will lie in the child table.
-It is important to reemphasize that HDF5 provides no notion of order
-among children. This means children can be identified only by their
-names, labels and system-provided node IDs. In particular, the order
-of a list of children returned by HDF5 has nothing to do with the order
-in which they were inserted in the file. However, the order returned is
-consistent from call to call provided the file has not been closed and
-the node structure has not been modified.
-<a name="cardinality"></a>
-The <em>cardinality</em> of a CGNS node is the number of nodes of the same
-label permitted at one point in the tree, i.e., as children of the same
-parent. It consists of both lower and upper limits.
-Since the notion of a CGNS database allows for work in progress, the
-lower limit is generally zero (although the database may be of little
-use until certain nodes are filled). The upper limit is usually either
-one or many (<i>N</i>).
-<a name="parameters"></a>
-CGNS relies on the fact that SLL nodes cannot be found except by
-following the pointers from their parents.  This means that software
-accessing a node has had an opportunity to note all the data above that
-node in the tree. Therefore, nodes do not repeat within themselves
-information which is necessary for their interpretation but which is
-available at a higher level.
-A datum which is necessary for the proper interpretation of a
-node but which is derived from its ancestors is referred to as a
-<i>structure parameter</i>.
-<a name="functions"></a>
-Occasionally the proper interpretation of a node depends on
-an implicitly understood <em>function</em> of its structure
-parameters. Usually these relate to the actual amount of data
-Several of these functions are defined in the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> and referenced in this document.
-<a name="cgns_databases"></a>
-<h3>CGNS Databases</h3>
-<h4>Definition of a CGNS Database</h4>
-By definition, a CGNS database is created when, within an HDF5 file, a
-node is created which conforms to the <a href="#CGNSBase">specifications
-given below</a> for a node of type
-"<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>".
-This node is conceptually the root of the CGNS database. Because it is
-created and controlled by the user, it cannot be the root of the HDF5
-Current CGNS conventions require that it be located directly below
-the HDF5 root node.
-Further, by the mechanism of links, a CGNS database may span multiple
-files. Thus there is no notion of a CGNS <em>file</em>, only of a CGNS
-<em>database</em> implemented within one or more <em>HDF5 files</em>.
-By virtue of its intended use, a CGNS database is dynamic in
-that its content at any time reflects the current state of a CFD
-problem of interest. For example, after the completion of a grid
-generation procedure, a CGNS file may contain a grid but no boundary
-conditions. Therefore, beyond the occurrence of a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-node, there is no minimum content required in a CGNS database.
-Conversely, there is no proscription against the inclusion, anywhere
-within an HDF5 file containing a CGNS database, of nodes of any form
-whatsoever, provided only that their naming and labelling does not mimic
-CGNS conventions. Such "non-CGNS" nodes, and those below them in the HDF5
-tree, are not regarded as part of the CGNS database. CGNS software will
-not detect the existence of non-CGNS nodes.
-We may therefore take the following as a definition of a CGNS database:
-<i>A CGNS database is a subtree of an HDF5 file or files which is rooted
-at a node with label</i> "<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>" <i>and which conforms to
-the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS data model</a> as implemented by
-the <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>.</i>
-<h4>Location of CGNS Databases within HDF5 Files</h4>
-An HDF5 file may contain more than one <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node; i.e.,
-there may be more than one CGNS database rooted within the same HDF5
-CGNS software accepts the <em>name</em> of the desired database as an
-argument, and will locate the correct <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node within
-the specified HDF5 file.
-Obviously, each <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node in a single HDF5 file must have
-a unique name.
-A CGNS database may link to CGNS nodes in the same or other HDF5
-files. Thus, for example, a CGNS database may reference the grid from
-another CGNS database without physically copying the the information.
-In this case, the structure of the HDF5 file into which the link is made
-is invisible except below the node to which the link is made.
-<h4>File Management</h4>
-Beyond <i>Open</i> and <i>Close</i> neither HDF5 nor CGNS provides
-any file management facilities. The user is responsible for ensuring
-<li> The HDF5 file containing the root of the required database is
-     available and its permissions are properly set at runtime.
-<li> If links are made to other HDF5 files, including any not under the
-     user's direct control, these are also available at runtime.
-<li> No file is opened for writing by more than one program at a time.
-It is possible, within CGNS, to protect files from inadvertent writing
-by opening them as "read only".
-<a name="internal"></a>
-<h3>Internal Organization of a CGNS Database</h3>
-<a name="CGNSBase"></a>
-<h4>The <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> Node</h4>
-At the highest level of the tree defining a CGNS database there is
-always a node labeled
-"<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>".
-The name of this node is user defined, and serves essentially as the
-name of the database itself.
-This name is used by the CGNS software to open the database.
-<a name="CGNSLibraryVersion"></a>
-<h4>The <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> Node</h4>
-An HDF5 file may also contain other nodes below the root node beside
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, but these are <em>not</em> officially part of the
-CGNS database and will not be recognized by most CGNS software.
-One exception to this is a node called <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>,
-which is a child of the HDF5 root node.
-This node stores the version number of the CGNS standard with which the
-file is consistent, and is created automatically when the file is
-created or modified using the <a href="../sids/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level
-Officially, the CGNS version number is not a part of the CGNS
-database (because it is not located below <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>).
-But because the Mid-Level Library software makes use of it, the node is
-included in this document.
-<h4>Topological Basis of CGNS Database Organization</h4>
-Below the root, the organization of a CGNS database reflects the problem
-Omitting detail, <a href="../filemap/figures.html#example_hierarchy">the overall
-structure of the HDF5 file</a> is shown in the first of the
-<a href="../filemap/figures.html">CGNS File Mapping Figures</a>.
-Below the HDF5 root node is the <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node, and
-one or more <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> nodes.
-Each <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is the root of a CGNS database.
-At the next level below a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node are general
-specifications which apply to the problem globally, such as reference
-states, units, and so on.
-At this level we also find a collection of nodes labeled
-"<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>".
-The tree below each of these holds all the data local to
-one of the various zones or subdomains which constitute the problem.
-Beneath each <tt>Zone_t</tt> node there are nodes whose subtrees
-store: the grid (labeled
-<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>);
-(<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>);
-boundary conditions
-(<a href="../sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>);
-information about the geometrical connection to other zones
-(<a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>);
-and information defining <a href="../sids/timedep.html">time-dependent
-Below these there may be additional nodes containing yet more
-geometrically local information. For example, under the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>
-node there are nodes defining individual boundary conditions on portions
-of faces of the zone (<a href="../sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>).
-Certain types of nodes originally specified at a high level are
-optionally repeated below.
-For example, immediately below a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node we may find
-another <a href="../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a> node.
-The CGNS convention is that such a node overrides (for the associated
-portion of the topology only) any data found at a higher level.
-<a name="notcovered"></a>
-<h4>Topics Not Currently Covered</h4>
-No specification of the kind represented by this file mapping can ever
-be complete. However, it is worth noting that there are certain entities
-common in CFD which are not currently specified by the file mapping.
-Within nodes of type
-<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-the current file mapping permits the storage of fields of any number of
-dependent variables.
-In addition to those whose names are specified in the SIDS the user may
-add any desired quantities, naming them appropriately.
-Names that are not currently codified in the SIDS will not be
-common between practitioners without separate communication.
-Obviously any sort of physical field could be stored in a
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node. The problem with using CGNS for such
-applications lies in the probable need to specify additional physical
-Standardizing this information is tantamount to extending the SIDS and
-File Mapping to the disciplines in question.
-Similarly, if a reacting flow problem requires the specification of rate
-tables or catalytic wall boundary conditions, extensions to the SIDS and
-File mapping will be needed.
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-/* "Node Attributes" caption */
-caption.node {text-align: left;
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-              text-decoration: underline}
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-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This document specifies the exact manner in which, under CGNS
-conventions, CFD data structures (the SIDS) are to be stored in, i.e.,
-mapped onto, the file structure provided by the HDF database manager.
-Adherence to the mapping conventions guarantees uniform meaning
-and location of CFD data within HDF files, and thereby allows the
-construction of universal software to read and write the data.
-<li> <a href="summary.html">Implementation&nbsp;Summary</a>
-<li> <a href="general.html">General&nbsp;HDF5&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</a>
-The complete <a href="hdf5.tar.gz">HDF Implementation
-documentation in HTML form</a> is also available for installation on a local
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (78K, 594K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c hdf5.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>hdf5</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>hdf5/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>HDF5 Implementation</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was written by the CGNS Project Group.
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-Last updated 23 Sep 2015
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-(<span class=nav><b>Implementation&nbsp;Summary</b></a>)
-(<a href="general.html"><b>General&nbsp;HDF5&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Implementation Summary</h2>
-<li> <a href="#general">General Description of HDF5</a>
-<li> <a href="#dedicated">Dedicated HDF5 Structures</a>
-The purpose of the current document is to describe the way in which CFD
-data is to be represented in an HDF5 data tree.
-To do this, it is necessary to first describe the HDF5 data structure
-itself in some detail.
-Therefore, a conceptual summary of HDF5 is given here in order to make
-the current document relatively independent, and to allow the reader to
-focus on those aspects of HDF5 which are essential to understanding the
-file mapping.
-Any HDF5 file with a conformant mapping is <em>CGNS/HDF5</em> compliant.
-The mapping has been made using a <em>per-node</em> basis.
-Instead of having a new mapping dedicated to HDF5, we have made a
-mapping from the ADF nodes to a set of HDF5 groups.
-While this is not an optimal mapping, the use of such an HDF5 node
-allows us to reuse the ADF API without change.
-The <a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF5 documentation</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> should be used as the
-authoritative references to resolve any issues not covered by this
-<a name="general"></a>
-<h3>General Description of HDF5</h3>
-The HDF5 library provides CGNS with a low level storage system.  
-This library is developed and maintained by the
-<a href="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/">National Center for Supercomputing
-Applications</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> at the
-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
-It offers a free storage system, with support for a very large number of
-platforms used in the scientific world.
-This system is in charge of all physical features such as storage,
-compression, virtual access to data and many other services also useful
-for the CGNS users.
-HDF5 allows a fine tuning of the physical devices, however, the SLL use
-of HDF5 forces all <em>property lists</em> to <tt>DEFAULT</tt> values.
-Refer to the <a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF5 web site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> for further information
-about HDF5.
-<a name="dedicated"></a>
-<h3>Dedicated HDF5 Structures</h3>
-The <em>CGNS node</em> is an HDF5 group.
-It contains attributes, an optional dataset and optional child groups.
-This structure is required and can be extended by other implementers as
-long as the following requirements are fulfilled.
-In a CGNS tree, most of the nodes are <em>normal</em> nodes.
-These nodes can optionally contain data and have other nodes as
-There are special nodes, such as the root node and the nodes managing
-the <em>links</em>.
-These special link structures use the HDF5 mount system.
-It is not necessary for either the MLL or SLL users to understand the
-HDF5 mount system, but it should be understood by SLL implementers.
-<a name="nodemapping"></a>
-<h4>The CGNS Node Mapping</h4>
-The CGNS node uses <em>groups</em> and <em>attributes</em> elements of
-A basic CGNS node is composed of elements listed in the following table.
-The attribute names have been enclosed in square brackets, because the
-SLL uses private attributes with a leading <i>space</i> character.
-These brackets are not part of the names.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Basic Node
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>GROUP<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[name]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>U8LE[33]</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[label]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>U8LE[33]</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[type]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>U8LE[3]</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[&nbsp;order]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_INT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[&nbsp;data]</tt><td>
-   <td>
-All the children groups of a node are understood as SLL children nodes
-of this node, unless the group name starts with a <em>space</em>
-The <em>dataset</em> contains the actual data of a node.
-In the case of a node without data (i.e. <tt>MT</tt> type), the dataset
-does not exist.
-In addition to the attributes of a <em>normal</em> node, special
-attribute names are reserved for the root node, shown in the following
-The name of the root node is <tt>[HDF5 MotherNode]</tt>, its label is
-<tt>[Root Node of HDF5 File]</tt>, type is <tt>MT</tt>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Root Node
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>GROUP<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><tt>[/]</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[&nbsp;version]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>U8LE[33]</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[&nbsp;format]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>U8LE[33]</tt>
-The node hosting the link entries is a special node named
-<tt>[&nbsp;mount]</tt> without attributes nor data.
-This group should be a child of the root node, its absolute path is
-The group <tt>[&nbsp;mount]</tt> contains one group for each mounted
-file referred to by a link.
-Each entry has the attributes described in the table below. 
-The link node itself is a group with the special name
-This implementation is discussed further in the section describing the
-<a href="#linkmechs">link mechanism</a>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Link Node
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>GROUP<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><tt>[/&nbsp;mount/&nbsp;*]</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[&nbsp;refcnt]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_INT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>[&nbsp;file]</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_CHAR</tt>
-<a name="nodeid"></a>
-<h4>The Node ID</h4>
-The node ID is a unique identifier assigned to each existing node by
-HDF5 when the file containing it is opened, and to new nodes as they are
-SLL inquiries generally return node IDs as a result and accept node IDs
-as input.
-By building a table of IDs, calling software can subsequently access
-specific nodes without further search.
-The Node ID is real and is not under user control, its lifetime is ended
-by the closing of the HDF5 file.
-<a name="nodename"></a>
-<h4>The Node Name</h4>
-The node Name is a 32-byte character field which is user controllable.
-Its general use is to distinguish among the children of a given node;
-consequently, no two children of the same parent may have the same Name.
-Constraints related to the node name are detailed in the <i>General CGNS
-SLL Mapping Concepts</i> section, under
-<a href="general.html#nodename">Node Name</a>.
-<a name="label"></a>
-<h4>The Label</h4>
-The Label is a 32-byte character field which is user controllable.
-SLL assigns no formal role to the Label, but the intent was to identify
-the structure of the included data.
-It is common for the various children of a single parent to store
-different instances of the same structure.
-Therefore, there is no prohibition against more than one child of the
-same parent having the same Label.
-<a name="datatype"></a>
-<h4>The Data Type</h4>
-The Data Type is a 32-byte character field which specifies the type and
-precision of any data which is stored in the data field.
-Types provided by HDF5 are:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data Types
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Data Type<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th            scope=col>Notation<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>HDF5 Type
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>No Data<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>MT</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>-</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Integer 32<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>I4</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_INT32</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Integer 64<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>I8</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_INT64</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Unsigned Integer 32<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>U4</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_UINT32</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Unsigned Integer 64<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>U8</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_UINT64</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Real 32<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>R4</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Real 64<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>R8</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Complex 64<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>X4</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>-</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Complex 128<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>X8</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>-</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Character<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>C1</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_CHAR</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Byte<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>B1</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Link<td>
-   <td align=center><tt>LK</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>-</tt>
-There is no mapping to HDF5 <tt>MT</tt> and <tt>LK</tt> types, because
-there is no actual <em>data space</em> associated with the nodes.
-The type information itself is stored in the node as the strings
-"<tt>MT</tt>" and "<tt>LK</tt>".
-The types <tt>X4</tt> and <tt>X8</tt> are also not mapped.
-The data storage format is translated as described below.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Native Formats
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Native Format<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>HDF5 Type
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>H5T_IEEE_F32BE</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>IEEE_BIG_32</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>H5T_IEEE_F32LE</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>IEEE_LITTLE_32</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>H5T_IEEE_F64BE</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>IEEE_BIG_64</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>H5T_IEEE_F64LE</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>IEEE_LITTLE_64</tt>
-<a name="dimensions"></a>
-<h4>The Number of Dimensions</h4>
-The Data portion of a node is designed to store multi-dimensional arrays
-of data, each element of which is presumed to be of the Data Type
-The Number of Dimensions specifies the number of integers required to
-reference a single datum within the array.
-<a name="dimvalues"></a>
-<h4>The Dimension Values</h4>
-The Dimension Values are a list of integers expressing the actual sizes
-of the stored array in each of the dimensions specified.
-These dimensions are stored by the <em>dataspace</em> associated with
-the <em>dataset</em>; no other attributes contains these values.
-<a name="data"></a>
-<h4>The Data</h4>
-In an HDF5 node, the portion of the node holding the actual stored data
-array is a <i>dataset</i>.
-<a name="childtable"></a>
-<h4>The Child Table</h4>
-All groups of the current group are said to be the children of this
-group, except the groups with a name starting with a space character.
-Each of these children groups is a <em>normal</em> node (i.e. group).
-Children may be identified by their names and labels, and, thence, by
-their node IDs once these have been determined.
-HDF5 provides no notion of order among children, but the SLL layer adds
-a creation order stored in the <tt>[&nbsp;order]</tt> attribute.
-This order is guaranteed to be the same from call to call, even after
-the file has been closed and re-opened.
-Note that there is no <em>parent</em> table; that is, a node has no
-direct knowledge of its parent.
-Since calling software must open the file from the root, it presumably
-cannot access a child without having first accessed the parent.
-It is the responsibility of the calling software to record the node ID
-of the parent if this information will be required.
-<a name="linkmechs"></a>
-<h4>The link mechanism</h4>
-A <tt>LK</tt> typed node is a <em>link</em>.
-Such a node refers to another node elsewhere.
-In other words, the <em>link</em> has no child or contents, but is a
-name of a node somewhere in the current file or in another file.
-The <tt>LK</tt> typed node is said to be the <em>emph</em> node, while
-the node elsewhere is said to be the <em>destination</em> node.
-Is is the role of the SLL layer to insure consistency
-[in particular in order to avoid an acyclic graph]
-and transparency of the link mechanism, so that any <em>normal</em> node
-request to the <em>link</em> node is performed as if it is performed on
-the destination node.
-A <em>link</em> destination can be in the same file as the <em>link</em>
-source or in another file.
-In both cases, the <em>link</em> is made using an HDF5 soft link from
-source to destination.
-In the case of a destination in another file, the destination file is
-mounted in the <tt>[/&nbsp;mount]</tt>
-[absolute path]
-group and the soft link is made from the source to the destination now
-present in this mounted file.
-Each time a file is mounted, the <tt>[/&nbsp;refcnt]</tt>
-[absolute path]
-attribute is incremented.
-The file is unmounted if there is no reference to itself.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 05 April 2011
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-For more information about CGNS, please see the
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS home page</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">.
-Curators: <a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Christopher L. Rumsey</a><br> 
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-Curators: <a href="mailto:Anthony.C.Iannetti@nasa.gov">Anthony C.
-Iannetti</a> and <a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Christopher L. Rumsey</a><br>
-Responsible NASA Official: <a href="mailto:Anthony.C.Iannetti@nasa.gov">Anthony C. Iannetti</a><br>
-<a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/Doc/grcwebpolicies.html">Privacy Policy and Important Notices</a><br>
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-(<a href="overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
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-   <td><img src="logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br></h1>
-<!--<b><i>Now an <a href="aiaa.html">AIAA Recommended Practice</a>!</i></b>-->
-CGNS Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-<i><a href="../index.html">CGNS Project Group</a></i>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="#Documentation">Documentation</a>
-<li> <a href="#Papers">Conference Papers</a>
-<li> <a href="#Slides">Slide Presentations</a>
-<li> <a href="#Minutes">Meeting and Telecon Minutes</a>
-<li> <a href="#CGNSTalk">CGNSTalk Archives</a> </ul> 
-The specific purpose of the CFD General Notation System (CGNS) project
-is to provide a standard for recording and recovering computer data
-associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid
-The intent is to facilitate the exchange of Computational Fluid Dynamics
-(CFD) data between sites, between applications codes, and across
-computing platforms, and to stabilize the archiving of CFD data.
-The CGNS project originated in 1994 as a joint effort between Boeing
-and NASA, and has since grown to include many other contributing
-organizations worldwide.
-In 1999, control of CGNS was completely transferred to a public forum
-known as the <a href="charter/index.html">CGNS Steering Committee</a>.
-This Steering Committee is made up of international representatives from
-government and private industry.
-The CGNS system consists of two parts: (1) a standard format for
-recording the data, and (2) software that reads, writes, and modifies
-data in that format.
-The format is a conceptual entity established by the documentation; the
-software is a physical product supplied to enable developers to access
-and produce data recorded in that format.
-All CGNS software is completely free and open to anyone.
-In addition to the <a href="#Documentation">CGNS documentation</a>,
-several <a href="#Papers">conference papers</a> and
-<a href="#Slides">slide presentations</a> are available, as well as
-<a href="#Minutes">minutes</a> from the CGNS meetings and telecons.
-<b><u>NOTE:</u></b> Due to its dynamic nature, starting in 2013 most of the
-primary documentation (other than the SIDS document)
-will only be available as HTML pages, and no longer also in PDF form.
-We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
-A CGNStalk mailing list is available for discussion of the CGNS standard
-and software.
-To subscribe, fill out the subscription form at the
-<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk">CGNStalk
-Information Page</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">.
-You'll receive an automated welcome message when your subscription is
-Subscription requests are sent to the list owner for approval, so there
-may be a short delay.
-Once your subscription is activated, you may send messages
-to the CGNStalk mailing list by addressing them to
-An <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk">archive</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-of the CGNStalk mailing list is also available, to list subscribers
-<a name="Documentation"></a>
-<li> <a href="whatsnew.html">What's New</a>
-<li> <a href="changes.html">Document Versions</a>
-<li> <a href="install_html.html">Download HTML Source</a>
-<li> <a href="structures.html">Data Structures Summary</a>
-The various CGNS documents are listed below, and are consistent with the
-current CGNS version.
-The home or title page for each of the documents shows the document
-version number, and the specific CGNS version that the document applies
-Documentation is also available for
-<!--<li> the <a href="betause/index.html">current beta version</a> of the CGNS standard-->
-<li> the <a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS_archives/tree/master/CGNS_docs_rel32">prior version 3.2</a>
-     of the CGNS standard
-<li> the <a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS_archives/tree/master/CGNS_docs_rel31">prior version 3.1</a>
-     of the CGNS standard
-<li> the <a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS_archives/tree/master/CGNS_docs_rel25">prior version 2.5</a>
-     of the CGNS standard
-<h3>Primary Documentation</h3>
-<dt> <b><a href="sids/index.html">Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</a></b>
-     <dd> Precisely defines the "intellectual content" of CFD-related
-          data, including the organizational structure supporting the
-          data and the conventions adopted to standardize the data
-          exchange process.
-          The SIDS, together with the information in the
-          <i>SIDS File Mapping Manual</i>,
-          defines the content and organization of a CGNS database.
-          <p>
-          Note that most documentation
-          is now on-line only (html).  However, an older print
-          <a href="sids/sids.3.3.2.pdf">pdf version of the SIDS from version 3.3 rev 2</a> is still available.
-          This print document does <u>not</u> cover changes starting with CPEX 0040, nor any errors 
-          or changes made after September 2015.
-          <!--The full set of corresponding 
-          <a href="sids/sids_tex.tar.gz">SIDS LaTeX files (tarred and gzipped)</a> are also available.-->
-          <p>
-          The current SIDS document represents a revision of the now outdated
-          <a href="aiaa.html">AIAA Recommended Practice R-101A-2005</a>.
-<dt> <b><a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a></b>
-     <dd> Describes a set of routines making up an Application
-          Programming Interface (API) for storing and retrieving data in
-          a CGNS database.
-          Their purpose is to ease the implementation of CGNS by
-          providing CGNS-compliant I/O without the need for detailed
-          low-level programming using the ADF Core routines.
-          These "mid-level routines" are designed to be inserted
-          directly into applications codes, such as flow solvers and
-          grid generators.
-<dt> <b><a href="user/index.html">A User's Guide to CGNS</a></b>
-     <dd> A concise introduction to many of the most commonly-used features
-          of CGNS, with coding examples using the Mid-Level Library to
-          write and read simple files containing CGNS databases.
-          The User's Guide is intended as a tutorial: light in content,
-          but heavy in examples, advice, and guidelines.
-          Version 1.0 of the User's Guide was also published as
-          NASA/TM-2001-211236, October 2001.
-          <p>
-          Note that most documentation (including the User's Guide)
-          is now on-line only (html).  However, a 
-          <a href="user/usersguide.3.1.3.pdf">pdf version of User's Guide v3.1.3</a> 
-          is included for convenience (may be outdated).
-<dt> <b><a href="pcgns/index.html">Parallel CGNS User's Guide</a></b>
-     <dd> Describes the use of the parallel I/O within the CGNS library,
-          and associated routines.
-<h3>Other Documentation</h3>
-<dt> <b><a href="charter/index.html">Steering Committee Charter</a></b>
-     <dd> The charter for the CGNS Steering Committee, the public forum
-          responsible for the development, evolution, support, and
-          promotion of the <a href="www.cgns.org">CGNS
-          (CFD General Notation System) standard</a>
-          <img src="external.png" alt="external link">.
-<dt> <b><a href="overview/index.html">Overview and Entry-Level Document</a></b>
-     <dd> An introductory document providing
-          an overall view of the purpose and components of CGNS.
-          The Overview is intended as an entry point into CGNS.
-<a name="filemapping"></a>
-<dt> <b><a href="filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a></b><br>
-     <dd> Specifies the exact manner in which, under CGNS conventions,
-          the CFD data structures (the SIDS) are to be stored in, i.e.,
-          mapped onto, the file structure provided by a database
-          manager (ADF, HDF, or Python).
-          The <i>File Mapping Manual</i>, together with the information
-          in the <i>Standard Interface Data Structures</i> (SIDS),
-          defines the content and organization of a CGNS database.
-<dt> <b><a href="cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a></b>
-     <dd> The CGIO routines provide low-level access to the underlying
-          database manager (ADF or HDF5), that may be used to store and
-          retrieve data. It is patterned along the lines of the original
-          ADF core routines, but works for both ADF and HDF5 transparently
-          to the user. This document describes in detail the CGIO core
-          routines used to store and retrieve the data from the
-          database manager.
-<dt> <b><a href="adf/index.html">ADF Implementation</a></b>
-     <dd> ADF is the original underlying database manager for CGNS.
-          This document defines the structure of an ADF file, and
-          describes in detail the ADF Core, a library of low-level
-          routines used to store and retrieve data in an ADF file.
-          <em>Note</em> that these
-          routines are still supported, but have been superseded by
-          the CGIO interface routines.
-<dt> <b><a href="hdf5/index.html">HDF5 Implementation</a></b>
-     <dd> HDF5 is now the default database manager for CGNS (when built
-          with HDF5 support). This document describes the interface
-          between the <i>SIDS File Mapping</i> and the HDF5 database manager.
-     <li> Study of cgp_open scaling performance, and motivation for switching to
-          HDF5 compact storage in CGNS. [<a href="hdf5/CGNS_cgp_open_study.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<dt> <b><a href="python/index.html">Python Implementation</a></b>
-     <dd> This document describes the interface
-          between the <i>SIDS File Mapping</i> and Python as a database manager.
-<dt> <b><a href="cgnstools/index.html">CGNS Tools and Utilities</a></b>
-     <dd> A variety of tools and utilities for viewing, editing, and
-          manipulating CGNS and ADF files, including the CGNSview,
-          CGNSplot, and Utilities programs in the CGNStools package.
-          Links are also provided to documentation for alternate
-          bindings to the ADF Core and Mid-Level Library routines.
-<a name="Papers"></a>
-<h2>Conference Papers</h2>
-"The CGNS System," D. Poirier, S. R. Allmaras, D. R. McCarthy,
-M. F. Smith, F. Y. Enomoto (AIAA Paper 98-3007).
-[<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/">Available from AIAA</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">]
-"Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD,"
-D. M. A. Poirier, R. H. Bush, R. R. Cosner, C. L. Rumsey, D. R. McCarthy
-(AIAA Paper 2000-0681).
-[<a href="papers/aiaa00-0681.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="papers/aiaa00-0681.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"CFD General Notation System (CGNS):  Status and Future Directions,"
-S. M. Legensky, D. E. Edwards, R. H. Bush, D. M. A. Poirier,
-C. L. Rumsey, R. R. Cosner, C. E. Towne (AIAA Paper 2002-0752).
-[<a href="papers/aiaa02-0752.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="papers/aiaa02-0752.pdf">PDF</a>; copyright
-Intelligent Light, made available here by permission]
-<!--See email from Dave Edwards in "cgnsdocs" folder (10 Jan 2002)-->
-"Parallel I/O for the CGNS system," Th. Hauser (AIAA Paper 2004-1088).
-[<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/">Available from AIAA</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">]
-"Impact of CGNS on CFD Workflow," M. Poinot, C. L. Rumsey, M. Mani (AIAA
-Paper 2004-2142).
-[<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/">Available from AIAA</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">]
-"CGNS-Based Data Model for Turbine Blade Optimization," H. Iepan,
-F. Guibault, M.-G. Vallet, Magnan, R. (AIAA Paper 2005-0334).
-[<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/">Available from AIAA</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">]
-"Checking CFD interfaces in a multi-disciplinary workflow with an
-XML/CGNS compiler," M. Poinot, E. Montreuil, E. Henaux (AIAA Paper
-[<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/">Available from AIAA</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">]
-"Benchmarking Parallel I/O Performance for Computational Fluid Dynamics
-Applications," P. D. Pakalapati, T. Hauser (AIAA Paper 2005-1381).
-[<a href="papers/aiaa05-1381.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="papers/aiaa05-1381.pdf">PDF</a>; copyright
-Thomas Hauser, made available here by permission]
-<!--See email from Thomas Hauser in "cgnsdocs" folder (3 Feb 2005)-->
-"Application of CGNS software components for helicopter blade
-fluid-structure strong coupling," M. Poinot, M. Costes, B. Cantaloube
-(ERF Paper 31-107).
-"Benchmarking the CGNS I/O Performance," Thomas Hauser (AIAA Paper
-[<a href="papers/aiaa08-0479.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="papers/aiaa08-0479.pdf">PDF</a>; copyright
-Thomas Hauser, made available here by permission]
-<!--See email from Thomas Hauser in "cgnsdocs" folder (8 Oct 2008)-->
-"An Efficient and Flexible Parallel I/O implementation for the CFD General
-Notation System," Kyle Horne, Nate Benson, Center for High Performance
-Computing, Utah State University, Thomas Hauser, Academic & Research Computing,
-Northwestern University [<a
-href="papers/AnEfficientAndFlexibleIParallelIOImplementationForTheCFDGeneralNotationSystem.pdf">PDF</a>; copyright Thomas Hauser, made available here by permission]
-"Recent Updates to the CFD General Notation System (CGNS),"
-C. Rumsey, B. Wedan, T. Hauser, M. Poinot (AIAA Paper 2012-1264).
-[<a href="papers/AIAA-2012-1264-CGNSstatus.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"CGNS Test Suites for CFD Software Components,"
-M. Poinot (AIAA Paper 2016-1924).
-[<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/">Available from AIAA</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">]
-"Seven Keys for Practical Understanding and Use of CGNS,"
-M. Poinot and C. Rumsey (AIAA Paper 2018-1503).
-[<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/">Available from AIAA</a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">]
-<a name="Slides"></a>
-"CGNS Summary," Douglas McCarthy, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Open
-Meeting, Hampton, VA, May 20-21, 1999.
-[<a href="slides/OpenMtgSummary.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="slides/OpenMtgSummary.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"The CGNS System," Diane Poirier, ICEM CFD Engineering, 29th AIAA Fluid
-Dynamics Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 15-18, 1998.
-[See AIAA Paper 98-3007, above]
-"The CGNS System," Armin Wulf, ICEM CFD Engineering, 37th Aerospace
-Sciences Meeting &amp; Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 13, 1999.
-[<a href="slides/aiaa99-Reno-vg.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="slides/aiaa99-Reno-vg.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD," Diane
-Poirier, ICEM CFD Engineering, 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting &amp;
-Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 10-13, 2000.
-[<a href="slides/aiaa00-0681-vg.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="slides/aiaa00-0681-vg.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"CGNS CFD Data Standard," John Steinbrenner, Pointwise, Inc., Panel on
-Standards for Geometry Modeling and Grid Generation, 8th International
-Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field
-Simulations, International Society of Grid Generation, Honolulu, Hawaii,
-June 2-6, 2002.
-[<a href="slides/cgns_8isgg.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="slides/cgns_8isgg.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"CFD General Notation System," Bruce Wedan, ANSYS/ICEM CFD, Presentation
-at NASA Ames, Jan, 2005.
-[<a href="slides/nasa-ames.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="slides/nasa-ames.ppt">PowerPoint</a> (345K, 46 pages)]
-<a name="slides:tutorial_jun06"></a>
-"CGNS Tutorial Session," 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San
-Francisco, California, June 5-8, 2006.
-<li> "Introduction, Overview, and Basic Usage," Christopher L. Rumsey,
-     NASA Langley Research Center
-     [<a href="slides/RUMSEY_tutorial.html">HTML</a>,
-      <a href="slides/RUMSEY_tutorial.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Usage for Structured Grids," Bruce Wedan, ANSYS/ICEM CFD,
-     [<a href="slides/WEDAN_tutorial.html">HTML</a>,
-      <a href="slides/WEDAN_tutorial.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Usage for Unstructured Grids," Edwin van der Weide, Stanford
-     University
-     [<a href="slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial.html">HTML</a>,
-      <a href="slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Parallel I/O for the CGNS System," Thomas Hauser, Utah State
-     University
-     [<a href="slides/HAUSER_tutorial.html">HTML</a>,
-      <a href="slides/HAUSER_tutorial.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Python and In-Memory CGNS Trees," Marc Poinot, ONERA/DSNA
-     [<a href="slides/POINOT_tutorial.html">HTML</a>,
-      <a href="slides/POINOT_tutorial.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<a name="slides:tutorial_jan10"></a>
-"CGNS Tutorial Session," 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando,
-Florida, January 4-7, 2010.
-<li> "Module 1: Introduction," Christopher Rumsey,
-     [<a href="slides/cgns_course_module1.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Module 2: CGNS Standard Components," Ken Alabi,
-     [<a href="slides/cgns_course_module2.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Module 3: Structured Grids," Thomas Hauser, Bruce Wedan, and Marc Poinot,
-     [<a href="slides/cgns_course_module3.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Module 4: Unstructured Grids," Christopher Rumsey,
-     [<a href="slides/cgns_course_module4.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<li> "Module 5: Completing the CGNS Solution Description," Ken Alabi,
-     [<a href="slides/cgns_course_module5.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"Recent Updates to the CFD General Notation System (CGNS),"
-C. Rumsey, B. Wedan, T. Hauser, M. Poinot, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, TN, January 9-12, 2012.
-(See AIAA Paper 2012-1264, above.) [<a href="slides/AIAA-2012-1264-CGNSstatus_slides.pdf">PDF</a>]
-"Seven Keys for Practical Understanding and Use of CGNS,"
-M. Poinot and C. Rumsey, 2018 AIAA SciTech Forum, Kissimmee, FL, January 8-12, 2018. 
-(See AIAA Paper 2018-1503.) [<a href="slides/POINOT-RUMSEY-AIAA-2018-SLIDES.pdf">PDF</a>]
-<a name="Minutes"></a>
-Minutes are available for the following CGNS Steering Committee meetings
-and telecons.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2020
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>28 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2020_1_28.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>28 Apr<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2020_4_28.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>4 Aug<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2020_8_4.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>8 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2020_12_8.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2019
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>12 Nov<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_11_12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>03 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_09_03.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>25 June<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_06_25.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>21 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_05_21.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>26 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_03_26.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>22 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_01_22.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2018
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>06 Nov<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_11_06.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>18 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_09_18.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>05 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_06_05.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>27 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_03_27.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>30 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_01_30.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2017
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>24 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_10_24.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>12 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_09_12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>25 Jul<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_07_25.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>5 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_05_05.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>31 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_01_31.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2016
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>29 Nov<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2016_11_29.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>23 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2016_09_23.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>05 Jul<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_05Jul2016_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>05 Apr<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_05Apr2016_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>01 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_01Mar2016_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2015
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>08 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_08Dec2015_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>20 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_20Oct2015_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>08 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_08Sep2015_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>19 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_19May2015_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>03 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_3Mar2015_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2014
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>02 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_2dec2014_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>02 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_2oct14_Minutes.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>03 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep14.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>18 Feb<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_feb14.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>28 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jan14.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2013
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>17 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec13.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>18 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep13.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>16 Jul<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jul13.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>30 Apr<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_apr13.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>12 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar13.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>5 Feb<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_feb13.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2012
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>10 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>23 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_oct12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>25 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>24 Apr<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_apr12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>13 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>24 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jan12.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2011
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>06 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec11.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>30 Aug<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_aug11.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>07 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jun11.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>19 Apr<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_apr11.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>02 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar11.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>02 Feb<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_feb11.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2010
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>01 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec10.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>20 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_oct10.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>08 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep08_2010.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>10 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jun10.htm">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_jun10.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>29 Apr<td>&nbsp;
-          <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-          <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_apr10.htm">HTML</a>,
-                      <a href="minutes/telecon_apr10.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>18 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-          <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-          <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar10.htm">HTML</a>,
-                      <a href="minutes/telecon_mar10.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>28 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-          <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-          <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jan10.htm">HTML</a>,
-                      <a href="minutes/telecon_jan10.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2009 
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>01 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec09.htm">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_dec09.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>02 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sept09.htm">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_sept09.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>07 Jul<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jul09.htm">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_jul09.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>20 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may09.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may09.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>1 Apr <td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-        <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_apr09.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_apr09.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>7 Jan <td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan09.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan09.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2008
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>5 Nov <td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_nov08.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_nov08.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>10 Sep <td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep08.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_sep08.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>2 Jul <td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_jul08.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_jul08.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>7 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may08.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may08.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>6 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan08.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan08.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2007
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>28 Nov<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_nov07.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_nov07.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>12 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep07.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_sep07.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>22 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may07.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may07.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>21 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar07.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar07.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>10 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan07.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan07.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2006
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>4 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_oct06.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_oct06.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>2 Aug<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_aug06.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_aug06.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>10 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may06.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may06.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>22 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar06.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar06.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>11 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan06.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan06.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2005
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>4 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_oct05.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_oct05.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>2 Aug<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_aug05.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_aug05.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>25 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may05.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may05.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>16 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar05.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar05.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>12 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan05.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan05.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2004
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>17 Nov<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_nov04.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_nov04.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>28 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep04.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_sep04.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>30 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jun04.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jun04.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>25 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar04.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar04.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>7 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan04.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan04.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2003
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>20 Nov<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_nov03.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_nov03.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>18 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep03.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_sep03.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>24 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jun03.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jun03.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>29 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may03.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may03.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>20 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar03.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar03.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>15 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan03.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan03.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2002
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>4 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec02.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_dec02.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>18 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep02.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_sep02.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>24 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jun02.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jun02.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>15 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may02.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may02.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>13 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar02.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar02.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>14 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan02.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan02.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2001
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>6 Nov<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_nov01.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_nov01.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>6 Sep<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_sep01.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_sep01.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>12 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jun01.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jun01.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>17 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may01.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may01.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>15 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar01.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar01.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>9 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan01.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan01.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>2000
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>7 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec00.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_dec00.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>25 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_oct00.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_oct00.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>24 Aug<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_aug00.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_aug00.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>21 Jun<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jun00.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jun00.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>11 May<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_may00.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_may00.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>16 Mar<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_mar00.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_mar00.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>10 Jan<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_jan00.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_jan00.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<tr><td><th align=left>1999
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>9 Dec<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Telecon<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/telecon_dec99.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/telecon_dec99.pdf">PDF</a>)
-       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>14 Oct<td>&nbsp;
-       <td>Meeting<td>&nbsp;
-       <td nowrap>(<a href="minutes/meeting_oct99.html">HTML</a>,
-                   <a href="minutes/meeting_oct99.pdf">PDF</a>)
-<a name="CGNSTalk"></a> 
-<h2>CGNSTalk Archives</h2>
-    The following gzipped text files are archives of CGNSTalk emails from the 
-    past years.  Sometimes, these emails can be useful to search for answers to 
-    CGNS-related questions that have been posted in the past.
-<p>Archives are available from 2008 forward from:
-<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/">https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/</a>
-(you may need to 
-<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk/">sign up to be a member of CGNSTalk</a> in order to view).
-For convenience, they are also given below, along with older archives extending
-back to 2000.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr><td><th align=left>2000-2020
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<td nowrap>(<a href="CGNSTalk/2000-2020.txt.gz">Gzipped Text File</a>) 
-<p> <hr size=4 width=75%> 
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 01 Mar 2021 </body>
-    </html>
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/install_html.html b/CGNS_docs_current/install_html.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a8952a16..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/install_html.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Documentation - Installing HTML Documentation -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Documentation - Installing HTML Documentation </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<a href="#endnav"><img src="blank.gif" border=0 alt="Skip navigation links"></a>
-(<a href="index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation&nbsp;Home&nbsp;Page</b></a>)
-(<a href="charter/index.html"><b>Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</b></a>)
-(<a href="overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="whatsnew.html"><b>What's&nbsp;New?</b></a>)
-(<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk/"><b>Join&nbsp;CGNStalk</b>
-</a><img src="external.png" alt="external link">)
-(<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/"><b>CGNStalk&nbsp;Archive</b></a>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">)
-<!--(<a href="search.html"><b>Search&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)-->
-(<a href="sitemaps/index.html"><b>Site&nbsp;Maps</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Installing&nbsp;HTML&nbsp;Documentation</h1>
-<i><a href="www.cgns.org">CGNS Project Group</a></i>
-<img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-Any or all of the HTML version of the CGNS documentation may be
-downloaded and installed on a local system.
-To do so,
-<li> Create a parent directory for the documentation (say, 
-     "<i>cgns_docs</i>") and <i>cd</i> into it.
-     [These instructions assume a Unix system is being used, since
-     that's what I'm familiar with.
-     Windows PC users will have to do their own translation.
-     Sorry.]
-<li> Download each of the following files by clicking on the link while
-     holding down the shift key, assuming your browser supports this
-     capability.
-     A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file
-     name to be used on your local system.
-     Use the <i>cgns_docs</i> directory you created in step 1, and the
-     file names shown below.
-     Note that an HTML version of the SIDS-to-Python File Mapping Manual is not available yet.
-     <p>
-     <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-         <th scope=col align=left>File Name<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <th scope=col align=left>Document<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="index.html"><i>index.html</i></a><td>
-         <td>CGNS Documentation Home Page<td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="whatsnew.html"><i>whatsnew.html</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>"What's New" page<td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="changes.html"><i>changes.html</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>Documentation change history<td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="aiaa.html"><i>aiaa.html</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>AIAA Recommended Practice<td>
-<!--     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="search.html"><i>search.html</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>Search page<td>-->
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="install_html.html"><i>install_html.html</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>This page<td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="cgns.css"><i>cgns.css</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>External style file<td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="blank.gif"><i>blank.gif</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>1x1 blank gif image<td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="external.png"><i>external.png</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td>External link symbol<td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="charter/charter.tar.gz"><i>charter.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>Steering Committee Charter</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="overview/overview.tar.gz"><i>overview.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>Overview and Entry-Level Document</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="user/user.tar.gz"><i>user.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>User's Guide to CGNS</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="midlevel/midlevel.tar.gz"><i>midlevel.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>Mid-Level Library</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="sids/sids.tar.gz"><i>sids.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="filemap/filemap.tar.gz"><i>filemap.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>SIDS File Mapping Manual</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="cgio/cgio.tar.gz"><i>cgio.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>CGIO User's Guide</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="pcgns/pcgns.tar.gz"><i>pcgns.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>Parallel CGNS User's Guide</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="adf/adf.tar.gz"><i>adf.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>ADF Implementation</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="hdf5/hdf5.tar.gz"><i>hdf5.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>HDF5 Implementation</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="cgnstools/cgnstools.tar.gz"><i>cgnstools.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>CGNS Tools and Utilities</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="logo/logo.tar.gz"><i>logo.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>CGNS logo</i><td>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-         <td><a href="sitemaps/sitemaps.tar.gz"><i>sitemaps.tar.gz</i></a><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-         <td><i>Documentation Index</i><td>
-     </table>
-<li> Unpack the "<i>.tar.gz</i>" files:
-   gunzip -c charter.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c overview.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c user.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c midlevel.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c sids.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c filemap.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c cgio.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c pcgns.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c adf.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c hdf5.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c cgnstools.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c logo.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   gunzip -c sitemaps.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-<li> Point your browser to the file <i>index.html</i> in <i>cgns_docs</i>
-     to open the CGNS Documentation Home Page.
-Note that this installs only the HTML version of the CGNS documentation.
-It does not include the other material at the web site, such as the
-PDF version of the documentation, the conference papers and slide
-presentations, or the meeting and telecon minutes, or the CGNSTalk 
-Links to those files in the locally-installed CGNS documentation
-will not work.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 26 Feb 2013
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/logo/cgns_bw.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/logo/cgns_bw.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index c0114a4d..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/logo/cgns_bw.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/logo/cgns_color.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/logo/cgns_color.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 8afa1758..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/logo/cgns_color.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/logo/logo.tar.gz b/CGNS_docs_current/logo/logo.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 7394e4fa..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/logo/logo.tar.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/makehtml b/CGNS_docs_current/makehtml
deleted file mode 100755
index 4aed44b9..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/makehtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# makehtml - create compressed tar file containing HTML documentation
-#            for a specified document
-# Author: Charlie Towne (towne@lerc.nasa.gov)
-#set -vx
-version='1.0, 8 June 2001'
-usage='USAGE: makehtml dirlist'
-# get the directories to process
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-  [ -d $1 ] && dirs="$dirs $1"
-  shift
-if [ -z "$dirs" ]; then
-   echo 'Error: No directories specified' >& 2
-   echo $usage >& 2
-   exit 1
-# process the directories
-for d in $dirs ; do
-# Set directory name
-  directory=$d
-# Create the tar file
-# explicitly name the files so don't get .svn
-  case $d in
-    adf)          tar cvf adf.tar \
-                      adf/adf.css adf/*.html adf/*.gif adf/*.png;;
-    cgio)         tar cvf cgio.tar \
-                     cgio/cgio.css cgio/*.html cgio/*.gif cgio/*.png;;
-    cgnstools)    tar cvf cgnstools.tar \
-                      cgnstools/cgnstools.css cgnstools/*.html cgnstools/*.png \
-                      cgnstools/cgnsplot/*.html cgnstools/cgnsplot/*.png \
-                      cgnstools/cgnsplot/images/*.html cgnstools/cgnsplot/images/*.gif \
-                      cgnstools/cgnsview/*.html cgnstools/cgnsview/images/*.gif \
-                      cgnstools/utilities/*.html cgnstools/utilities/*.png \
-                      cgnstools/utilities/images/*.html cgnstools/utilities/images/*.gif;;
-    charter)      tar cvf charter.tar \
-                      charter/charter.css charter/*.html charter/*.png;;
-    filemap)      tar cvf filemap.tar \
-                      filemap/filemap.css filemap/*.html filemap/*.png \
-                      filemap/figures/*.html filemap/figures/*.gif;;
-    hdf5)         tar cvf hdf5.tar \
-                      hdf5/hdf5.css hdf5/*.html hdf5/*.png;;
-    logo)         tar cvf logo.tar \
-                      logo/cgns*;;
-    midlevel)     tar cvf midlevel.tar \
-                      midlevel/midlevel.css midlevel/*.html midlevel/*.png;;
-    overview)     tar cvf overview.tar \
-                      overview/overview.css overview/*.html overview/*.png;;
-    sids)         tar cvf sids.tar \
-                      sids/sids.css sids/*.html sids/*.png \
-                      sids/*.eqs/*.html sids/*.eqs/*.gif \
-                      sids/*.figs/*.html sids/*.figs/*.gif sids/aiaa/*.pdf;;
-    user)         tar cvf user.tar \
-                      user/user.css user/*.html user/*.png \
-                      user/figures/*.html user/figures/*.gif;;
-    sitemaps)     tar cvf sitemaps.tar \
-                      sitemaps/*.html;;
-    pcgns)        tar cvf pcgns.tar \
-                      pcgns/pcgns.css pcgns/*.html;;
-    *)            directory=""
-                  echo "skipping directory $d" ;;
-  esac
-  if [ -n "$directory" ]; then
-# Compress it, show the sizes, and move it into the directory
-    gzip $directory.tar
-    gzip -l $directory.tar.gz
-    mv $directory.tar.gz $directory
-    echo "$directory.tar.gz - done"
-  fi
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/auxiliary.html b/CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/auxiliary.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c97fbb..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/auxiliary.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Mid-Level Library - Auxiliary Data -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="midlevel.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Mid-Level Library - Auxiliary Data </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<a href="#endnav"><img src="../blank.gif" border=0 alt="Skip navigation links"></a>
-(<a href="../index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation&nbsp;Home&nbsp;Page</b></a>)
-(<a href="../charter/index.html"><b>Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</b></a>)
-(<a href="../overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="index.html"><span class=nav><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="general.html"><b>General&nbsp;Remarks</b></a>)
-(<a href="fileops.html"><b>File&nbsp;Operations</b></a>)
-(<a href="navigating.html"><b>Navigating&nbsp;a&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File</b></a>)
-(<a href="error.html"><b>Error&nbsp;Handling</b></a>)
-(<a href="structural.html"><b>Structural&nbsp;Nodes</b></a>)
-(<a href="descriptor.html"><b>Descriptors</b></a>)
-(<a href="physical.html"><b>Physical&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="location.html"><b>Location&nbsp;and&nbsp;Position</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Auxiliary&nbsp;Data</b></span>)
-(<a href="grid.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Specification</b></a>)
-(<a href="solution.html"><b>Solution&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="connectivity.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
-(<a href="bc.html"><b>Boundary&nbsp;Conditions</b></a>)
-(<a href="equation.html"><b>Equation&nbsp;Specification</b></a>)
-(<a href="families.html"><b>Families</b></a>)
-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="links.html"><b>Links</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Auxiliary Data</h2>
-<li> <a href="#refstate">Reference State</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_state_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_state_size</b></tt> - Get length of reference state description string.
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_state_read</b></tt> - Read text description of reference state.
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#gravity">Gravity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_gravity_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>Gravity_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_gravity_read</b></tt> - Read <tt>Gravity_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#convergence">Convergence History</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_convergence_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_convergence_read</b></tt> - Read <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#integral">Integral Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_integral_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>IntegralData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nintegrals</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>IntegralData_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_integral_read</b></tt> - Get name of an <tt>IntegralData_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#userdefined">User-Defined Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_user_data_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nuser_data</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_user_data_read</b></tt> - Get name of an <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#free">Freeing Memory</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_free</b></tt> - Release library-allocated memory
-     </ul>
-<a name="refstate"></a>
-<h3>Reference State</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ReferenceState">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_state_write(<span class=in>char *StateDescription</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_state_read(<span class=out><i>char **StateDescription</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_state_write_f(<span class=in>StateDescription</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_state_size_f(<span class=out><i>Size</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_state_read_f(<span class=out><i>StateDescription</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>StateDescription</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Text description of reference state.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Size</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of characters in the <tt>StateDescription</tt> string
-       (Fortran interface only) - integer.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The function <tt>cg_state_write</tt> creates the
-<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node and must be called even if
-<tt>StateDescription</tt> is undefined (i.e., a blank string).
-The descriptors, data arrays, data class, and dimensional units
-characterizing the <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> data structure may be added
-to this data structure after its creation.
-The function <tt>cg_state_read</tt> reads the <tt>StateDescription</tt>
-of the local <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node.
-If <tt>StateDescription</tt> is undefined in the CGNS database, this
-function returns a null string.
-If <tt>StateDescription</tt> exists, the library will allocate the space
-to store the description string, and return the description string to
-the application.
-It is the responsibility of the application to free this space when it
-is no longer needed by a call to
-<a href="#free"><tt>cg_free(StateDescription)</tt></a>.
-<a name="gravity"></a>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Gravity_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#Gravity">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Gravity">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_gravity_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>float *GravityVector</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_gravity_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>float *GravityVector</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_gravity_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>GravityVector</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m<br>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_gravity_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>GravityVector</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GravityVector</tt><td>
-   <td>Components of the gravity vector.
-       The number of components must equal <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>.
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="convergence"></a>
-<h3>Convergence History</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#ConvergenceHistory">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ConvergenceHistory">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_convergence_write(<span class=in>int niterations</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *NormDefinitions</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_convergence_read(<span class=out><i>int *niterations</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char **NormDefinitions</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_convergence_write_f(<span class=in>niterations</span>, <span class=in>NormDefinitions</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m<br>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_convergence_read_f(<span class=out><i>niterations</i></span>, <span class=out><i>NormDefinitions</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>niterations</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Number of iterations for which convergence information is recorded.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormDefinitions</tt><td>
-   <td>Description of the convergence information recorded in the data arrays.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The function <tt>cg_convergence_write</tt> creates a
-<tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node.
-It must be the first one called when recording convergence history data.
-The <tt>NormDefinitions</tt> may be left undefined (i.e., a blank string).
-After creation of this node, the descriptors, data arrays, data class,
-and dimensional units characterizing the <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>
-data structure may be added.
-The function <tt>cg_convergence_read</tt> reads a
-<tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node.
-If <tt>NormDefinitions</tt> is not defined in the CGNS database, this
-function returns a null string.
-If <tt>NormDefinitions</tt> exists, the library will allocate the space
-to store the description string, and return the description string to
-the application.
-It is the responsibility of the application to free this space when it
-is no longer needed by a call to
-<a href="#free"><tt>cg_free(NormDefinitions)</tt></a>.
-<a name="integral"></a>
-<h3>Integral Data</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>IntegralData_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#IntegralData">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#IntegralData">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_integral_write(<span class=in>char *Name</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nintegrals(<span class=out><i>int *nintegrals</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_integral_read(<span class=in>int Index</span>, <span class=out><i>char *Name</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_integral_write_f(<span class=in>Name</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nintegrals_f(<span class=out><i>nintegrals</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_integral_read_f(<span class=in>Index</span>, <span class=out><i>Name</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Name</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>IntegralData_t</tt> data structure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nintegrals</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>IntegralData_t</tt> nodes under current node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Index</tt><td>
-   <td>Integral data index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Index</tt> &le; <tt>nintegrals</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="userdefined"></a>
-<h3>User-Defined Data</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#UserDefinedData">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_user_data_write(<span class=in>char *Name</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nuser_data(<span class=out><i>int *nuserdata</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_user_data_read(<span class=in>int Index</span>, <span class=out><i>char *Name</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_user_data_write_f(<span class=in>Name</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nuser_data_f(<span class=out><i>nuserdata</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_user_data_read_f(<span class=in>Index</span>, <span class=out><i>Name</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>nuserdata</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Number of <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> nodes under current node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Name</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Index</tt><td>
-   <td>User-defined data index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Index</tt> &le; <tt>nuserdata</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-After accessing a particular <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> node using
-<a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>, the
-<a href="location.html#ptset">Point Set functions</a> may be used to
-read or write point set information for the node.
-The function <a href="location.html#gridlocation"><tt>cg_gridlocation_write</tt></a>
-may also be used to specify the location of the data with respect to the
-grid (e.g., <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>FaceCenter</tt>).
-Multiple levels of <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> nodes may be written and
-retrieved by positioning via <a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>.
-   ier = cg_goto(fn, B, "Zone_t", Z, "UserDefinedData_t", ud1, 
-                 "UserDefinedData_t", ud2, "UserDefinedData_t", ud3, "end");
-<a name="free"></a>
-<h3>Freeing Memory</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_free(<span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>data</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Data allocated by the Mid-Level Library.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-This function does not affect the structure of a CGNS file; it is
-provided as a convenience to free memory allocated by the Mid-Level
-This isn't necessary in Fortran, and thus an equivalent Fortran function
-is not provided.
-The functions that are used to allocate memory for return values are
-<a href="descriptor.html#descriptor"><tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt></a>,
-<a href="#convergence"><tt>cg_convergence_read</tt></a>,
-<a href="families.html#geometry"><tt>cg_geo_read</tt></a>,
-<a href="links.html"><tt>cg_link_read</tt></a>,
-and <a href="#refstate"><tt>cg_state_read</tt></a>.
-Each of these may allocate space to contain the data returned
-to the application.
-It is the responsibility of the application to free this data when it is
-no longer needed.
-Calling <tt>cg_free</tt> is identical to calling the standard C function
-<tt>free</tt>, however it is probably safer in that the memory is
-freed in the same module in which it is created, particularly when the
-Mid-Level Library is a shared library or DLL.
-The routine checks for NULL data and will return <tt>CG_ERROR</tt> in
-this case, otherwise it returns <tt>CG_OK</tt>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Boundary Conditions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#bc">Boundary Condition Type and Location</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_boco_write</b></tt> - Write boundary condition type and data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_boco_normal_write</b></tt> - Write boundary condition normals
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nbocos</b></tt> - Get number of boundary condition in zone
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_boco_info</b></tt> - Get boundary condition info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_boco_read</b></tt> - Read boundary condition data and normals
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_boco_gridlocation_write</b></tt> - Write boundary condition location
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_boco_gridlocation_read</b></tt> - Read boundary condition location
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#bcdataset">Boundary Condition Datasets</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_dataset_write</b></tt> - Write boundary condition dataset info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_dataset_read</b></tt> - Read boundary condition dataset info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bcdataset_write</b></tt> - Write family boundary condition dataset info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bcdataset_info</b></tt> - Get number of family boundary condition datasets
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bcdataset_read</b></tt> - Read family boundary condition dataset info
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#bcdata">Boundary Condition Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bcdata_write</b></tt> - Write boundary condition data
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#bcproperty">Special Boundary Condition Properties</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bc_wallfunction_write</b></tt> - Write wall function data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bc_area_write</b></tt> - Write area-related data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bc_wallfunction_read</b></tt> - Read wall function data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_bc_area_read</b></tt> - Read area-related data
-     </ul>
-<a name="bc"></a>
-<h3>Boundary Condition Type and Location</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>BC_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/bc.html#BC">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#BC">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_boco_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *boconame</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>BCType_t bocotype</span>, <span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>int *BC</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_boco_normal_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int *NormalIndex</span>, <span class=in>int NormalListFlag</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t NormalDataType</span>, <span class=in>void *NormalList</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_boco_gridlocation_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>, <span class=in><i>GridLocation_t location</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nbocos(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nbocos</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_boco_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>, <span class=out><i>char *boconame</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>BCType_t *bocotype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *npnts</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *NormalIndex</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *NormalListSize</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>DataType_t *NormalDataType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *ndataset</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_boco_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *NormalList</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_boco_gridlocation_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>, <span class=out><i>GridLocation_t *location</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_boco_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>boconame</span>, <span class=in>bocotype</span>, <span class=in>ptset_type</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>BC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_boco_normal_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=in>NormalIndex</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>NormalListFlag</span>, <span class=in>NormalDataType</span>, <span class=in>NormalList</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_boco_gridlocation_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=in><i>location</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nbocos_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>nbocos</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_boco_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=out><i>boconame</i></span>, <span class=out><i>bocotype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ptset_type</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>NormalIndex</i></span>, <span class=out><i>NormalListSize</i></span>, <span class=out><i>NormalDataType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ndataset</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_boco_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>NormalList</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_boco_gridlocation_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=out><i>location</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BC</tt><td>
-   <td>Boundary condition index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>BC</tt> &le; <tt>nbocos</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nbocos</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of boundary conditions in zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>boconame</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the boundary condition.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>bocotype</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of boundary condition defined.
-       See the eligible types for <tt>BCType_t</tt> in the
-       <a href="general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a> section.
-       Note that if <tt>bocotype</tt> is <tt>FamilySpecified</tt>
-       the boundary condition type is being specified for the family
-       to which the boundary belongs.
-       The boundary condition type for the family may be read and written
-       using <a href="families.html#familybc"><tt>cg_fambc_read</tt> and
-       <tt>cg_fambc_write</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ptset_type</tt><td>
-   <td>The extent of the boundary condition may be defined using a range
-       of points or elements using <tt>PointRange</tt>, or using a
-       discrete list of all points or elements at which the boundary
-       condition is applied using <tt>PointList</tt>.
-       When the boundary condition is to be applied anywhere other than points,
-       then <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> under the <tt>BC_t</tt> node must
-       be used to indicate this.
-       The value of <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> may be read or written by
-       <tt>cg_boco_gridlocation_read</tt> and <tt>cg_boco_gridlocation_write</tt>.
-       As in previous versions of the library, this may also be done by
-       first using <a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>
-       to access the <tt>BC_t</tt> node, then using
-       <a href="location.html#gridlocation"><tt>cg_gridlocation_read</tt></a>
-       or <a href="location.html#gridlocation"><tt>cg_gridlocation_write</tt></a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of points or elements defining the boundary
-       condition region.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointRange</tt>,
-       <tt>npnts</tt> is always two.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointList</tt>,
-       <tt>npnts</tt> is the number of points or elements in the list.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of point or element indices defining the boundary condition region.
-       There should be <tt>npnts</tt> values, each of dimension
-       <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#IndexDimension"><tt>IndexDimension</tt></a>
-       (i.e., 1 for unstructured grids, and 2 or 3 for structured grids
-       with 2-D or 3-D elements, respectively).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormalIndex</tt><td>
-   <td>Index vector indicating the computational coordinate direction
-       of the boundary condition patch normal.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormalListFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating if the normals are defined in <tt>NormalList</tt>
-       and are to be written out; 1 if they are defined, 0 if they're not.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormalListSize</tt><td>
-   <td>If the normals are defined in <tt>NormalList</tt>,
-       <tt>NormalListSize</tt> is the number of points
-       in the patch times <tt>phys_dim</tt>, the number of coordinates
-       required to define a vector in the field.
-       If the normals are not defined in <tt>NormalList</tt>,
-       <tt>NormalListSize</tt> is 0.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormalDataType</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type used in the definition of the normals.
-       Admissible data types for the normals are <tt>RealSingle</tt> and
-       <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormalList</tt><td>
-   <td>List of vectors normal to the boundary condition patch pointing
-       into the interior of the zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ndataset</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of boundary condition datasets for the current boundary
-       condition.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>location</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid location used in the definition of the point set.
-       The currently admissible locations are <tt>Vertex</tt> (the default
-       if not given), and <tt>CellCenter</tt>. Interpretation of
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt>, and additional allowable values of grid location
-       depends on the base cell dimension. For <tt>CellDim</tt>=1,
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt> refers to line elements. For <tt>CellDim</tt>=2,
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt> refers to area elements, and the additional
-       value <tt>EdgeCenter</tt> is allowed. For <tt>CellDim</tt>=3,
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt> refers to volume elements, and in addition to
-       <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>, the values of <tt>FaceCenter</tt>,
-       <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, and <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>
-       may be used.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<i>Notes:</i> (see CPEX 0031)
-<li> The use of <tt>ElementList</tt> and <tt>ElementRange</tt> for
-     <tt>ptset_type</tt> is deprecated and should not be used
-     in new code for writing boundary conditions. These are still currently
-     accepted, but will be internally replaced with the appropriate values
-     of <tt>PointList/PointRange</tt> and <tt>GridLocation_t</tt>,
-     based on the base cell dimension.
-<li> Code which reads older CGNS files, should handle <tt>ElementList</tt>
-     and <tt>ElementRange</tt>, however, since many older files contain
-     these specifications for <tt>ptset_type</tt>.
-<a name="bcdataset"></a>
-<h3>Boundary Condition Datasets</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/bc.html#BCDataSet">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#BCDataSet">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_dataset_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *DatasetName</span>, <span class=in>BCType_t BCType</span>, <span class=out><i>int *Dset</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_dataset_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>, <span class=in>int Dset</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *DatasetName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>BCType_t *BCType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *DirichletFlag</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *NeumannFlag</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_dataset_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=in>DatasetName</span>, <span class=in>BCType</span>, <span class=out><i>Dset</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_dataset_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=in>Dset</span>, <span class=out><i>DatasetName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>BCType</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>DirichletFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>NeumannFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BC</tt><td>
-   <td>Boundary condition index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>BC</tt> &le; <tt>nbocos</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Dset</tt><td>
-   <td>Dataset index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>Dset</tt> &le; <tt>ndataset</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DatasetName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of dataset.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BCType</tt><td>
-   <td>Simple boundary condition type for the dataset.
-       The supported types are listed in the table of
-       <a href="../sids/bc.html#t:BCTypeSimple">Simple Boundary
-       Condition Types</a> in the SIDS manual, but note that
-       <tt>FamilySpecified</tt> does not apply here.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DirichletFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating if the dataset contains Dirichlet data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NeumannFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating if the dataset contains Neumann data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are applicable to <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> nodes
-that are children of <tt>BC_t</tt> nodes.
-For <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> nodes that are children of a <tt>BC_t</tt> node,
-after accessing a particular <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node using
-<a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>, the
-<a href="location.html#ptset">Point Set functions</a> may be used to
-read or write the locations at which the boundary conditions are to be
-This is only applicable when the boundary conditions are to be applied
-at locations different from those used with
-<a href="#bc"><tt>cg_boco_write</tt></a> to define the boundary
-condition region (e.g., when the region is being defined by
-specification of vertices, but the boundary conditions are to be applied
-at face centers).
-When writing point set data to a <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node, in addition
-to the specification of the indices using <tt>cg_ptset_write</tt>, the
-function <a href="location.html#gridlocation"><tt>cg_gridlocation_write</tt></a>
-must also be used to specify the location of the data with respect to
-the grid (e.g., <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>FaceCenter</tt>).
-<a name="bcdataset_family"></a>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bcdataset_write(<span class=in>char *DatasetName</span>, <span class=in>BCType_t BCType</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>BCDataType_t BCDataType</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bcdataset_info(<span class=out><i>int *ndataset</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bcdataset_read(<span class=in>int Dset</span>, <span class=out><i>char *DatasetName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>BCType_t *BCType</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *DirichletFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *NeumannFlag</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bcdataset_write_f(<span class=in>DatasetName</span>, <span class=in>BCType</span>, <span class=in>BCDataType, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bcdataset_info_f(<span class=out><i>ndataset</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bcdataset_read_f(<span class=in>Dset</span>, <span class=out><i>DatasetName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>BCType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>DirichletFlag</i></span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>NeumannFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Dset</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Dataset index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>Dset</tt> &le; <tt>ndataset</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DatasetName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of dataset.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BCType</tt><td>
-   <td>Simple boundary condition type for the dataset.
-       The supported types are listed in the table of
-       <a href="../sids/bc.html#t:BCTypeSimple">Simple Boundary
-       Condition Types</a> in the SIDS manual, but note that
-       <tt>FamilySpecified</tt> does not apply here.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BCDataType</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of boundary condition in the dataset (i.e., for a
-       <tt>BCData_t</tt> child node).
-       Admissible types are <tt>Dirichlet</tt> and <tt>Neumann</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ndataset</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>BCDataSet</tt> nodes under the current
-       <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DirichletFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating if the dataset contains Dirichlet data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NeumannFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating if the dataset contains Neumann data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are applicable to <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> nodes
-that are used to define boundary conditions for a CFD family, and thus
-are children of a <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> node.
-The <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> node must first be accessed using
-<a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>.
-The first time <tt>cg_bcdataset_write</tt> is called with a particular
-<tt>DatasetName</tt>, <tt>BCType</tt>, and <tt>BCDataType</tt>, a new
-<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node is created, with a child <tt>BCData_t</tt> node.
-Subsequent calls with the same <tt>DatasetName</tt> and <tt>BCType</tt>
-may be made to add additional <tt>BCData_t</tt> nodes, of type
-<tt>BCDataType</tt>, to the existing <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node.
-<a name="bcdata"></a>
-<h3>Boundary Condition Data</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>BCData_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/bc.html#BCData">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#BCData">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bcdata_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>, <span class=in>int Dset</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>BCDataType_t BCDataType</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bcdata_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=in>Dset</span>, <span class=in>BCDataType</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BC</tt><td>
-   <td>Boundary condition index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>BC</tt> &le; <tt>nbocos</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Dset</tt><td>
-   <td>Dataset index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>Dset</tt> &le; <tt>ndataset</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BCDataType</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of boundary condition in the dataset.
-       Admissible boundary condition types are <tt>Dirichlet</tt> and
-       <tt>Neumann</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-To write the boundary condition data itself, after creating the
-<tt>BCData_t</tt> node using the function <tt>cg_bcdata_write</tt>, use
-<a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a> to access the node,
-then <a href="physical.html#dataarray"><tt>cg_array_write</tt></a> to
-write the data.
-Note that when using <tt>cg_goto</tt> to access a <tt>BCData_t</tt>
-node, the node index should be specified as either <tt>Dirichlet</tt> or
-<tt>Neumann</tt>, depending on the type of boundary condition.
-See the description of <a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>
-for details.
-<a name="bcproperty"></a>
-<h3>Special Boundary Condition Properties</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>BCProperty_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/bc.html#BCProperty">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#BCProperty">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bc_wallfunction_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>WallFunctionType_t WallFunctionType</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bc_area_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>AreaType_t AreaType</span>, <span class=in>float SurfaceArea</span>, <span class=in>char *RegionName</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bc_wallfunction_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>WallFunctionType_t *WallFunctionType</i>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_bc_area_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>AreaType_t *AreaType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>float *SurfaceArea</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *RegionName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bc_wallfunction_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=in>WallFunctionType</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bc_area_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=in>AreaType</span>, <span class=in>SurfaceArea</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>RegionName</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bc_wallfunction_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=out><i>WallFunctionType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_bc_area_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=out><i>AreaType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>SurfaceArea</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>RegionName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BC</tt><td>
-   <td>Boundary condition index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>BC</tt> &le; <tt>nbocos</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>WallFunctionType</tt><td>
-   <td>The wall function type.
-       Valid types are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>, and
-       <tt>Generic</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>AreaType</tt><td>
-   <td>The type of area.
-       Valid types are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>, 
-       <tt>BleedArea</tt>, and <tt>CaptureArea</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>SurfaceArea</tt><td>
-   <td>The size of the area. (In Fortran, this is a Real*4 value.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>RegionName</tt><td>
-   <td>The name of the region, 32 characters max.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The "<tt>write</tt>" functions will create the <tt>BCProperty_t</tt>
-node if it doesn't already exist, then add the appropriate boundary
-condition property.
-Multiple boundary condition properties may be recorded under the same
-<tt>BCProperty_t</tt> node.
-The "<tt>read</tt>" functions will return with <tt>ier</tt> = 2 =
-<tt>CG_NODE_NOT_FOUND</tt> if the requested boundary condition property,
-or the <tt>BCProperty_t</tt> node itself, doesn't exist.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Grid Connectivity</h2>
-<li> <a href="#1to1">One-to-One Connectivity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_n1to1_global</b></tt> - Get total number of 1-to-1 interfaces in a database
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_1to1_read_global</b></tt> - Read data for all 1-to-1 interfaces in a database
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_1to1_write</b></tt> - Write 1-to-1 connectivity data for a zone
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_n1to1</b></tt> - Get number of 1-to-1 interfaces in a zone
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_1to1_read</b></tt> - Read 1-to-1 connectivity data for a zone
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#general">Generalized Connectivity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_write</b></tt> - Write generalized connectivity data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_write_short</b></tt> - Write generalized connectivity data without donor information
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nconns</b></tt> - Get number of generalized connectivity interfaces in a zone 
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_info</b></tt> -  Get info about a generalized connectivity interface
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_read</b></tt> - Read generalized connectivity data
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#connproperty">Special Grid Connectivity Properties</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_periodic_write</b></tt> - Write data for periodic interface
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_average_write</b></tt> - Write data for averaging interface
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_periodic_read</b></tt> - Read data for periodic interface
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conn_average_read</b></tt> - Read data for averaging interface
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#overset">Overset Holes</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_hole_write</b></tt> - Write overset hole data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nholes</b></tt> - Get number of overset holes in a zone
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_hole_info</b></tt> - Get info about an overset hole
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_hole_read</b></tt> - Read overset hole data
-     </ul>
-<a name="1to1"></a>
-<h3>1-to-1 Connectivity</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivity1to1">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_n1to1_global(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>int *n1to1_global</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_1to1_read_global(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>char **connectname</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char **zonename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char **donorname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t **range</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t **donor_range</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int **transform</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_n1to1_global_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>n1to1_global</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_1to1_read_global_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>connectname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>zonename</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>donorname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>range</i></span>, <span class=out><i>donor_range</i></span>, <span class=out><i>transform</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>n1to1_global</tt><td>
-   <td>Total number of one-to-one interfaces in base <tt>B</tt>,
-       stored under <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> nodes.
-       (I.e., this does not include one-to-one interfaces that may be
-       stored under <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> nodes, used for
-       generalized zone interfaces.)
-       Note that the function <tt>cg_n1to1</tt> (described below) may
-       be used to get the number of one-to-one interfaces in a specific
-       zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>connectname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the interface.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>zonename</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the first zone, for all one-to-one interfaces in base
-       <tt>B</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donorname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the second zone, for all one-to-one interfaces in base
-       <tt>B</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range</tt><td>
-   <td>Range of points for the first zone, for all one-to-one interfaces
-       in base <tt>B</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donor_range</tt><td>
-   <td>Range of points for the current zone, for all one-to-one interfaces
-       in base <tt>B</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>transform</tt><td>
-   <td>Short hand notation for the
-       <a href="../sids/cnct.html#Transform">transformation matrix</a>
-       defining the relative orientation of the two zones.
-       This transformation is given for all one-to-one interfaces in
-       base <tt>B</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions may be used to get information about all the
-one-to-one zone interfaces in a CGNS database.
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_1to1_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *connectname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *donorname</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *donor_range</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int *transform</span>, <span class=out><i>int *I</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_n1to1(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *n1to1</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_1to1_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>, <span class=out><i>char *connectname</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *donorname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *range</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *donor_range</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *transform</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_1to1_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>connectname</span>, <span class=in>donorname</span>, <span class=in>range</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>donor_range</span>, <span class=in>transform</span>, <span class=out><i>I</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_n1to1_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>n1to1</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_1to1_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>connectname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>donorname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>range</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>donor_range</i></span>, <span class=out><i>transform</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>I</tt><td>
-   <td>Interface index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>I</tt> &le; <tt>n1to1</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>n1to1</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of one-to-one interfaces in zone <tt>Z</tt>, stored under
-       <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> nodes.
-       (I.e., this does not include one-to-one interfaces that may be
-       stored under <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> nodes, used for
-       generalized zone interfaces.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>connectname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the interface.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donorname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the zone interfacing with the current zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range</tt><td>
-   <td>Range of points for the current zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donor_range</tt><td>
-   <td>Range of points for the donor zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>transform</tt><td>
-   <td>Short hand notation for the
-       <a href="../sids/cnct.html#Transform">transformation matrix</a>
-       defining the relative orientation of the two zones.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are used to read and write one-to-one connectivity
-data for a specific zone.
-<a name="general"></a>
-<h3>Generalized Connectivity</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivity">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *connectname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>GridLocation_t location</span>, <span class=in>GridConnectivityType_t connect_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *pnts</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *donorname</span>, <span class=in>ZoneType_t donor_zonetype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>PointSetType_t donor_ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t donor_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t ndata_donor</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *donor_data</span>, <span class=out><i>int *I</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_write_short(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *connectname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>GridLocation_t location</span>, <span class=in>GridConnectivityType_t connect_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *pnts</span>, <span class=in>char *donorname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *I</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nconns(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nconns</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>, <span class=out><i>char *connectname</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>GridLocation_t *location</i></span>, <span class=out><i>GridConnectivityType_t *connect_type</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *donorname</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ZoneType_t *donor_zonetype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *donor_ptset_type</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>DataType_t *donor_datatype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ndata_donor</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t donor_datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *donor_data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_read_short(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>connectname</span>, <span class=in>location</span>, <span class=in>connect_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=in>donorname</span>, <span class=in>donor_zonetype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>donor_ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>donor_datatype</span>, <span class=in>ndata_donor</span>, <span class=in>donor_data</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>I</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_write_short_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>connectname</span>, <span class=in>location</span>, <span class=in>connect_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=in>donorname</span>, <span class=out><i>I</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nconns_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>nconns</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>connectname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>location</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>connect_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>donorname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>donor_zonetype</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>donor_ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>donor_datatype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ndata_donor</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=in>donor_datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>donor_data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_read_short_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>I</tt><td>
-   <td>Interface index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>I</tt> &le; <tt>nconns</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nconns</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of interfaces for zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>connectname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the interface.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>location</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid location used in the definition of the point set.
-       The currently admissible locations are <tt>Vertex</tt> and
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>connect_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of interface being defined.
-       The admissible types are <tt>Overset</tt>, <tt>Abutting</tt>,
-       and <tt>Abutting1to1</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ptset_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of point set defining the interface in the current zone;
-       either <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donor_ptset_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of point set defining the interface in the donor zone;
-       either <tt>PointListDonor</tt> or <tt>CellListDonor</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of points defining the interface in the current zone.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt>
-       is always two.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt> is
-       the number of points in the <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ndata_donor</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of points or cells in the current zone.
-       These are paired with points, cells, or fractions thereof in the
-       donor zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donorname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the zone interfacing with the current zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donor_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type in which the donor points are stored in the file.
-       As of Version 3.0, this value is ignored when writing, and on
-       reading it will return either <tt>Integer</tt> or <tt>LongInteger</tt>
-       depending on whether the file was written using 32 or 64-bit.
-       The <tt>donor_datatype</tt> argument was left in these functions
-       only for backward compatibility. The donor data is always read
-       as <tt>cgsize_t</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of points defining the interface in the current zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donor_data</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of donor points or cells corresponding to
-       <tt>ndata_donor</tt>.
-       Note that it is possible that the same donor point or cell may
-       be used multiple times.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>donor_zonetype</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of the donor zone.
-       The admissible types are <tt>Structured</tt> and <tt>Unstructured</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-Note that the interpolation factors stored
-in the <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> data array are accessed using the
-<a href="navigating.html"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a> and
-<a href="physical.html#dataarray"><tt>cg_array_<i>xxx</i></tt></a>
-<a name="connproperty"></a>
-<h3>Special Grid Connectivity Properties</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivityProperty">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_periodic_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>float *RotationCenter</span>, <span class=in>float *RotationAngle</span>, <span class=in>float *Translation</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_average_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>AverageInterfaceType_t AverageInterfaceType</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_1to1_periodic_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>float *RotationCenter</span>, <span class=in>float *RotationAngle</span>, <span class=in>float *Translation</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_1to1_average_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>AverageInterfaceType_t AverageInterfaceType</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_periodic_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>float *RotationCenter</i></span>, <span class=out><i>float *RotationAngle</i></span>, <span class=out><i>float *Translation</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conn_average_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>AverageInterfaceType_t *AverageInterfaceType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_1to1_periodic_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>float *RotationCenter</i></span>, <span class=out><i>float *RotationAngle</i></span>, <span class=out><i>float *Translation</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_1to1_average_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>AverageInterfaceType_t *AverageInterfaceType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_periodic_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=in>RotationCenter</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>RotationAngle</span>, <span class=in>Translation</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_average_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=in>AverageInterfaceType</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_1to1_periodic_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=in>RotationCenter</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>RotationAngle</span>, <span class=in>Translation</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_1to1_average_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=in>AverageInterfaceType</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_periodic_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>RotationCenter</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>RotationAngle</i></span>, <span class=out><i>Translation</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conn_average_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>AverageInterfaceType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_1to1_periodic_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>RotationCenter</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>RotationAngle</i></span>, <span class=out><i>Translation</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_1to1_average_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>AverageInterfaceType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>I</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid connectivity index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>I</tt> &le; <tt>nconns</tt> for the "<tt>cg_conn</tt>"
-       functions, and 1 &le; <tt>I</tt> &le; <tt>n1to1</tt> for the
-       "<tt>cg_1to1</tt>" functions.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>RotationCenter</tt><td>
-   <td>An array of size <tt>phys_dim</tt> defining
-       the coordinates of the origin for defining the rotation angle
-       between the periodic interfaces.
-       (<tt>phys_dim</tt> is the number of coordinates required to
-       define a vector in the field.)
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>RotationAngle</tt><td>
-   <td>An array of size <tt>phys_dim</tt> defining
-       the rotation angle from the current interface to the connecting
-       interface.
-       If rotating about more than one axis, the rotation is performed
-       first about the x-axis, then the y-axis, then the z-axis.
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Translation</tt><td>
-   <td>An array of size <tt>phys_dim</tt> defining
-       the translation from the current interface to the connecting
-       interface.
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>AverageInterfaceType</tt><td>
-   <td>The type of averaging to be done.
-       Valid types are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>AverageAll</tt>, <tt>AverageCircumferential</tt>,
-       <tt>AverageRadial</tt>, <tt>AverageI</tt>, <tt>AverageJ</tt>, and
-       <tt>AverageK</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-These functions may be used to store special grid connectivity properties.
-The "<tt>cg_conn</tt>" functions apply to generalized grid
-connectivity nodes (i.e., <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>), and the
-"<tt>cg_1to1</tt>" functions apply to 1-to-1 grid connectivity nodes
-(i.e., <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>).
-The "<tt>write</tt>" functions will create the
-<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> node if it doesn't already exist,
-then add the appropriate connectivity property.
-Multiple grid connectivity properties may be recorded under the same
-<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> node.
-The "<tt>read</tt>" functions will return with <tt>ier</tt> = 2 =
-<tt>CG_NODE_NOT_FOUND</tt> if the requested connectivity property, or the
-<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> node itself, doesn't exist.
-<a name="overset"></a>
-<h3>Overset Holes</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#OversetHoles">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_hole_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *holename</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>GridLocation_t location</span>, <span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>int nptsets</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>int *I</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nholes(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nholes</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_hole_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>, <span class=out><i>char *holename</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>GridLocation_t *location</i></span>, <span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *nptsets</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *npnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_hole_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int I</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_hole_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>holename</span>, <span class=in>location</span>, <span class=in>ptset_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>nptsets</span>, <span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>I</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nholes_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>nholes</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_hole_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>holename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>location</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ptset_type</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>nptsets</i></span>, <span class=out><i>npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_hole_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>I</span>, <span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>I</tt><td>
-   <td>Overset hole index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>I</tt> &le; <tt>nholes</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nholes</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of overset holes in zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>holename</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the overset hole.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>location</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid location used in the definition of the point set.
-       The currently admissible locations are <tt>Vertex</tt> and
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ptset_type</tt><td>
-   <td>The extent of the overset hole may be defined using a range of
-       points or cells, or using a discrete list of all points or cells
-       in the overset hole.
-       If a range of points or cells is used, <tt>ptset_type</tt> is set
-       to <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-       When a discrete list of points or cells is used,
-       <tt>ptset_type</tt> equals <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nptsets</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of point sets used to define the hole.
-       If <tt>ptset_type</tt> is <tt>PointRange</tt>, several point sets
-       may be used.
-       If <tt>ptset_type</tt> is <tt>PointList</tt>, only one point set
-       is allowed.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of points (or cells) in the point set.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt>
-       is always two.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt> is
-       the number of points or cells in the <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of points or cells in the point set.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<li> <a href="#descriptor">Descriptive Text</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_descriptor_write</b></tt> - Write descriptive text
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ndescriptors</b></tt> - Get number of descriptors in file
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_descriptor_size</b></tt> - Get size of descriptor data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_descriptor_read</b></tt> - Read descriptive text
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#ordinal">Ordinal Value</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ordinal_write</b></tt> - Write ordinal value
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ordinal_read</b></tt> - Read ordinal value
-     </ul>
-<a name="descriptor"></a>
-<h3>Descriptive Text</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Descriptor_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/build.html#Descriptor">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Descriptor">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_descriptor_write(<span class=in>char *name</span>, <span class=in>char *text</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ndescriptors(<span class=out><i>int *ndescriptors</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_descriptor_read(<span class=in>int D</span>, <span class=out><i>char *name</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char **text</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_descriptor_write_f(<span class=in>name</span>, <span class=in>text</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ndescriptors_f(<span class=out><i>ndescriptors</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_descriptor_size_f(<span class=in>D</span>, <span class=out><i>size</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_descriptor_read_f(<span class=in>D</span>, <span class=out><i>name</i></span>, <span class=out><i>text</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ndescriptors</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Number of <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> nodes under the current node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>D</tt><td>
-   <td>Descriptor index number, where 1 &le; <tt>D</tt> &le; <tt>ndescriptors</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>text</tt><td>
-   <td>Description held in the <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>size</tt><td>
-   <td>Size of the descriptor data (Fortran interface only) - integer.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-Note that with <tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt> the memory for the descriptor
-character string, <tt>text</tt>, will be allocated by the Mid-Level
-The application code is responsible for releasing this memory when it is
-no longer needed by calling
-<a href="auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free(text)</tt></a>.
-<a name="ordinal"></a>
-<h3>Ordinal Value</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Ordinal_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Ordinal">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ordinal_write(<span class=in>int Ordinal</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ordinal_read(<span class=out><i>int *Ordinal</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ordinal_write_f(<span class=in>Ordinal</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ordinal_read_f(<span class=out><i>Ordinal</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Ordinal</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Any integer value.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
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-<h2>Equation Specification</h2>
-<li> <a href="#flowequationset">Flow Equation Set</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_equationset_write</b></tt> - Write dimensionality of flow equations
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_equationset_read</b></tt> - Read flow equation set info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_equationset_chemistry_read</b></tt> - Read chemistry equation set info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_equationset_elecmagn_read</b></tt> - Read electromagnetic equation set info
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#governingequations">Governing Equations</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_governing_write</b></tt> - Write type of governing equation
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_governing_read</b></tt> - Read type of governing equation
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_diffusion_write</b></tt> - Write flags for diffusion terms
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_diffusion_read</b></tt> - Read flags for diffusion terms
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#auxiliary">Auxiliary Models</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_model_write</b></tt> - Write auxiliary model types
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_model_read</b></tt> - Read auxiliary model types
-     </ul>
-<a name="flowequationset"></a>
-<h3>Flow Equation Set</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#FlowEquationSet">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_equationset_write(<span class=in>int EquationDimension</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_equationset_read(<span class=out><i>int *EquationDimension</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *GoverningEquationsFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *GasModelFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *ViscosityModelFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *ThermalConductModelFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *TurbulenceClosureFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *TurbulenceModelFlag</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_equationset_chemistry_read(<span class=out><i>int *ThermalRelaxationFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *ChemicalKineticsFlag</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_equationset_elecmagn_read(<span class=out><i>int *ElecFldModelFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *MagnFldModelFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *ConductivityModelFlag</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_equationset_write_f(<span class=in>EquationDimension</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_equationset_read_f(<span class=out><i>EquationDimension</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>GoverningEquationsFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>GasModelFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ViscosityModelFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ThermalConductModelFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>TurbulenceClosureFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>TurbulenceModelFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_equationset_chemistry_read_f(<span class=out><i>ThermalRelaxationFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ChemicalKineticsFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_equationset_elecmagn_read_f(<span class=out><i>ElecFldModelFlag</i></span>,<br>
-              &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>MagnFldModelFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ConductivityModelFlag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>EquationDimension</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Dimensionality of the governing equations; it is the number of
-       spatial variables describing the flow.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GoverningEquationsFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of the governing equations;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GasModelFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a gas model;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityModelFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a viscosity model;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductModelFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a thermal conductivity model;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceClosureFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of the turbulence closure;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceModelFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a turbulence model;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ThermalRelaxationFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a thermal relaxation model;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ChemicalKineticsFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a chemical kinetics model;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ElecFldModelFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of an electric field model for
-       electromagnetic flows;;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>MagnFldModelFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a magnetic field model for
-       electromagnetic flows;;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ConductivityModelFlag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating whether or not this <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>
-       node includes the definition of a conductivity model for
-       electromagnetic flows;
-       0 if it doesn't, 1 if it does.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="governingequations"></a>
-<h3>Governing Equations</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#GoverningEquations">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GoverningEquations">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_governing_write(<span class=in>GoverningEquationsType_t Equationstype</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_governing_read(<span class=out><i>GoverningEquationsType_t *EquationsType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_diffusion_write(<span class=in>int *diffusion_model</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_diffusion_read(<span class=out><i>int *diffusion_model</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_governing_write_f(<span class=in>EquationsType</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_governing_read_f(<span class=out><i>EquationsType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_diffusion_write_f(<span class=in>diffusion_model</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_diffusion_read_f(<span class=out><i>diffusion_model</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>EquationsType</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Type of governing equations.
-       The admissible types are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>FullPotential</tt>, <tt>Euler</tt>, <tt>NSLaminar</tt>,
-       <tt>NSTurbulent</tt>, <tt>NSLaminarIncompressible</tt>, and
-       <tt>NSTurbulentIncompressible</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>diffusion_model</tt><td>
-   <td>Flags defining which diffusion terms are included in the governing
-       equations.
-       This is only applicable to the Navier-Stokes equations with
-       structured grids.
-       See the <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#DiffusionModel">discussion
-       in the SIDS manual</a> for details.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="auxiliary"></a>
-<h3>Auxiliary Models</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>Nodes</i>:
-   <td><tt>GasModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#GasModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GasModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ViscosityModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ViscosityModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalConductivityModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ThermalConductivityModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceClosure">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#TurbulenceClosure">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#TurbulenceModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ThermalRelaxationModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ChemicalKineticsModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#EMElectricFieldModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#EMElectricFieldModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#EMMagneticFieldModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#EMMagneticFieldModel">File Mapping</a>)
-   <br><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt>
-           (<a href="../sids/floweqn.html#EMConductivityModel">SIDS</a>,
-            <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#EMConductivityModel">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_model_write(<span class=in>char *ModelLabel</span>, <span class=in>ModelType_t ModelType</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_model_read(<span class=in>char *ModelLabel</span>, <span class=out><i>ModelType_t *ModelType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_model_write_f(<span class=in>ModelLabel</span>, <span class=in>ModelType</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_model_read_f(<span class=in>ModelLabel</span>, <span class=out><i>ModelType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ModelLabel</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The CGNS label for the model being defined.
-       The models supported by CGNS are:
-       <ul>
-       <li><tt>GasModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt>
-       <li><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt>
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ModelType</tt><td>
-   <td>One of the model types (listed below) allowed for the
-       <tt>ModelLabel</tt> selected.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The types allowed for the various models are:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GasModel_t</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Ideal, VanderWaals, CaloricallyPerfect,
-       ThermallyPerfect, ConstantDensity, RedlichKwong</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Constant, PowerLaw, SutherlandLaw</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, PowerLaw, SutherlandLaw, ConstantPrandtl</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Algebraic_BaldwinLomax,
-       Algebraic_CebeciSmith, HalfEquation_JohnsonKing,
-       OneEquation_BaldwinBarth, OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras,
-       TwoEquation_JonesLaunder, TwoEquation_MenterSST,
-       TwoEquation_Wilcox</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, EddyViscosity, ReynoldsStress,
-       ReynoldsStressAlgebraic</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Frozen, ThermalEquilib,
-       ThermalNonequilib</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Frozen,
-       ChemicalEquilibCurveFit, ChemicalEquilibMinimization,
-       ChemicalNonequilib</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Constant, Frozen, Interpolated,
-       Voltage</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Constant, Frozen, Interpolated</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Constant, Frozen, Equilibrium_LinRessler,
-       Chemistry_LinRessler</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-<script src="lastupdated.js"></script>
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-<h2>Error Handling</h2>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>error_message</i></span> = const char *cg_get_error();</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>void cg_error_exit();</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>void cg_error_print();</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call cg_get_error_f(<span class=out><i>error_message</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_error_exit_f()</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_error_print_f()</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-If an error occurs during the execution of a CGNS library function,
-signified by a non-zero value of the error status variable
-<tt>ier</tt>, an error message may be retrieved using the function
-The function <tt>cg_error_exit</tt> may then be used to print the
-error message and stop the execution of the program.
-Alternatively, <tt>cg_error_print</tt> may be used to print the
-error message and continue execution of the program.
-In C, you may define a function to be called automatically in the case
-of a warning or error using the
-<a href="fileops.html#configure"><tt>cg_configure</tt></a> routine.
-The function is of the form <tt>void err_func(int is_error, char
-*errmsg)</tt>, and will be called whenever an error or warning occurs.
-The first argument, <tt>is_error</tt>, will be 0 for warning messages,
-1 for error messages, and &minus;1 if the program is going to terminate
-(i.e., a call to <tt>cg_error_exit</tt>).
-The second argument is the error or warning message.
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<li> <a href="#family">Family Definition</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_family_write</b></tt> - Create a Family_t node (CGNSBase_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nfamilies</b></tt> - Get number of families (CGNSBase_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_family_read</b></tt> - Read family info (CGNSBase_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_family_name_write</b></tt> - Write multiple family names under Family_t (CGNSBase_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nfamily_names</b></tt> - Get number of family names under Family_t (CGNSBase_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_family_name_read</b></tt> - Read multiple family names under Family_t (CGNSBase_t level)
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#familytree">Family Hierarchy Tree</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_node_family_write</b></tt> - Create a Family_t node (Family_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_node_nfamilies</b></tt> - Get number of families (Family_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_node_family_read</b></tt> - Read family info (Family_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_node_family_name_write</b></tt> - Write multiple family names under Family_t (Family_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_node_nfamily_names</b></tt> - Get number of family names under Family_t (Family_t level)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_node_family_name_read</b></tt> - Read multiple family names under Family_t (Family_t level)
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#geometry">Geometry Reference</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_geo_write</b></tt> - Create a GeometryReference_t node 
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_geo_read</b></tt> - Read geometry reference info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_part_write</b></tt> - Write geometry entity name
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_part_read</b></tt> - Get geometry entity name
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#familybc">Family Boundary Condition</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_fambc_write</b></tt> - Write boundary condition type for a family
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_fambc_read</b></tt> - Read boundary condition type for a family
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#familyname">Family Name</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_famname_write</b></tt> - Write family name
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_famname_read</b></tt> - Read family name
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_multifam_write</b></tt> - Write multiple family names
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nmultifam</b></tt> - Get number of family names
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_multifam_read</b></tt> - Read multiple family names
-     </ul>
-<a name="family"></a>
-<h3>Family Definition</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Family_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#Family">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Family">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_family_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>char *FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>int *Fam</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nfamilies(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nfamilies</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_family_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>char *FamilyName</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *nFamBC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *nGeo</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_family_name_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>char *NodeName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *FamilyName</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nfamily_names(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nNames</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_family_name_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>int N</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *NodeName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *FamilyName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call cg_family_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>Fam</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nfamilies_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>nfamilies</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_family_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>FamilyName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>nFamBC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>nGeo</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_family_name_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>NodeName</span>, <span class=in>FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nfamily_names_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>nNames</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_family_name_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>N</span>, <span class=out><i>NodeName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>FamilyName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nfamilies</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of families in base <tt>B</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Fam</tt><td>
-   <td>Family index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>Fam</tt> &le; <tt>nfamilies</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>FamilyName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the family.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NodeName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> node. <tt>FamilyParent</tt> is used to refer
-       to the parent family of the <tt>Family_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nFamBC</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of boundary conditions for this family.
-       This should be either 0 or 1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nGeo</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of geometry references for this family.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nNames</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> nodes for this family.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N</tt><td>
-   <td>Family name index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>N</tt> &le; <tt>nNames</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="familytree"></a>
-<h3>Family Hierarchy Tree Definition</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Family_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#Family">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Family">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_node_family_write(<span class=in>char *FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>int *Fam</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_node_nfamilies(<span class=out><i>int *nfamilies</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_node_family_read(<span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>char *FamilyName</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *nFamBC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *nGeo</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_node_family_name_write(<span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>char *NodeName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *FamilyName</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_node_nfamily_names(<span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nNames</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_node_family_name_read(<span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>int N</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *NodeName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *FamilyName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call cg_node_family_write_f(<span class=in>FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>Fam</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_node_nfamilies_f(<span class=out><i>nfamilies</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_node_family_read_f(<span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>FamilyName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>nFamBC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>nGeo</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_node_family_name_write_f(<span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>NodeName</span>, <span class=in>FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_node_nfamily_names_f(<span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=out><i>nNames</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_node_family_name_read_f(<span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>N</span>, <span class=out><i>NodeName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>FamilyName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nfamilies</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of families in current node (<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> or <tt>Family_t</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Fam</tt><td>
-   <td>Family index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>Fam</tt> &le; <tt>nfamilies</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>FamilyName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the family.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NodeName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> node. <tt>FamilyParent</tt> is used to refer
-       to the parent family of the <tt>Family_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nFamBC</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of boundary conditions for this family.
-       This should be either 0 or 1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nGeo</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of geometry references for this family.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nNames</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> nodes for this family.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N</tt><td>
-   <td>Family name index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>N</tt> &le; <tt>nNames</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-Note that a current node with <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> or <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> type has to be set with a
-<a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a> function
-or equivalent prior any of these function calls.
-<a name="geometry"></a>
-<h3>Geometry Reference</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GeometryReference">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_geo_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>char *GeoName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *FileName</span>, <span class=in>char *CADSystem</span>, <span class=out><i>int *G</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_geo_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>int G</span>, <span class=out><i>char *GeoName</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char **FileName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *CADSystem</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *nparts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_part_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>int G</span>, <span class=in>char *PartName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *P</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_part_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>int G</span>, <span class=in>int P</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *PartName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_geo_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>GeoName</span>, <span class=in>FileName</span>, <span class=in>CADSystem</span>, <span class=out><i>G</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_geo_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>G</span>, <span class=out><i>GeoName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>FileName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>CADSystem</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>nparts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_part_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>G</span>, <span class=in>PartName</span>, <span class=out><i>P</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_part_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>G</span>, <span class=in>P</span>, <span class=out><i>PartName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Fam</tt><td>
-   <td>Family index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Fam</tt> &le; <tt>nfamilies</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>G</tt><td>
-   <td>Geometry reference index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>G</tt> &le; <tt>nGeo</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>P</tt><td>
-   <td>Geometry entity index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>P</tt> &le; <tt>nparts</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GeoName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>FileName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of geometry file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CADSystem</tt><td>
-   <td>Geometry format.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nparts</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of geometry entities.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>PartName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of a geometry entity in the file <tt>FileName</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-Note that with <tt>cg_geo_read</tt> the memory for the filename
-character string, <tt>FileName</tt>, will be allocated by the Mid-Level
-The application code is responsible for releasing this memory
-when it is no longer needed by calling
-<a href="auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free(FileName)</tt></a>.
-<a name="familybc"></a>
-<h3>Family Boundary Condition</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#FamilyBC">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#FamilyBC">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_fambc_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>char *FamBCName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>BCType_t BCType</span>, <span class=out><i>int *BC</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_fambc_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Fam</span>, <span class=in>int BC</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *FamBCName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>BCType_t *BCType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_fambc_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>FamBCName</span>, <span class=in>BCType</span>, <span class=out><i>BC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_fambc_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Fam</span>, <span class=in>BC</span>, <span class=out><i>FamBCName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>BCType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Fam</tt><td>
-   <td>Family index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Fam</tt> &le; <tt>nfamilies</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BC</tt><td>
-   <td>Family boundary condition index number.
-       This must be equal to 1.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>FamBCName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BCType</tt><td>
-   <td>Boundary condition type for the family.
-       See the eligible types for <tt>BCType_t</tt> in the
-       <a href="general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="familyname"></a>
-<h3>Family Name</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>FamilyName_t</tt>
-             (SIDS,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#FamilyName">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_famname_write(<span class=in>char *FamilyName</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_famname_read(<span class=out><i>char *FamilyName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_multifam_write(<span class=in>char *NodeName</span>, <span class=in>char *FamilyName</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nmultifam(<span class=out><i>int *nNames</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_multifam_read(<span class=in>int N</span>, <span class=out><i>char *NodeName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *FamilyName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_famname_write_f(<span class=in>FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_famname_read_f(<span class=out><i>FamilyName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-     <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_multifam_write_f(<span class=in>NodeName</span>, <span class=in>FamilyName</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nmultifam_f(<span class=out><i>nNames</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_multifam_read_f(<span class=in>N</span>, <span class=out><i>NodeName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>FamilyName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>NodeName</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Node name.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>FamilyName</tt><td>
-   <td>Family name.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nNames</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of additional family names.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N</tt><td>
-   <td>Family name index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>N</tt> &le; <tt>nNames</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-Note that the family name written <tt>cg_famname_write</tt> is stored in
-a <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> node named <tt>FamilyName</tt> as in previous
-versions. The additional family names written with <tt>cg_multifam_write</tt>
-are stored in <tt>AdditionalFamilyName_t</tt> nodes.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>File Operations</h2>
-<li> <a href="#openclose">Opening and Closing a CGNS File</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_open</b></tt> - Open a CGNS file
-     </li><li> <tt><b>cg_version</b></tt> - Get CGNS file version
-     </li><li> <tt><b>cg_precision</b></tt> - Get CGNS file precision
-     </li><li> <tt><b>cg_close</b></tt> - Close a CGNS file
-     </li><li> <tt><b>cg_is_cgns</b></tt> - Check for a valid CGNS file
-     </li><li> <tt><b>cg_save_as</b></tt> - Save the open CGNS file
-     </li><li> <tt><b>cg_set_file_type</b></tt> - Set default file type
-     </li><li> <tt><b>cg_get_file_type</b></tt> - Get file type for open CGNS file
-     </li></ul>
-</li><li> <a href="#configure">Configuring CGNS Internals</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_configure</b></tt> - Configure CGNS internals
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_error_handler</b></tt> - Set CGNS error handler
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_set_compress</b></tt> - Set CGNS compression mode
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_get_compress</b></tt> - Get CGNS compression mode
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_set_path</b></tt> - Set the CGNS link search path
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_add_path</b></tt> - Add to the CGNS link search path
-     </li></ul>
-</li><li> <a href="#cgiointer">Interfacing with CGIO</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_get_cgio</b></tt> - get the CGIO index number
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_root_id</b></tt> - get the root node ID
-     </li></ul>
-<a name="openclose"></a>
-<h3>Opening and Closing a CGNS File</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_open(<span class=in>char *filename</span>, <span class=in>int mode</span>, <span class=out><i>int *fn</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_version(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=out><i>float *version</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_precision(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=out><i>int *precision</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_close(<span class=in>int fn</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_is_cgns(<span class=in>const char *filename</span>, <span class=out><i>int *file_type</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_save_as(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>const char *filename</span>, <span class=in>int file_type</span>, <span class=in>int follow_links</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_set_file_type(<span class=in>int file_type</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_get_file_type(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=out><i>int *file_type</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_open_f(<span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=in>mode</span>, <span class=out><i>fn</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_version_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>version</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_precision_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>precision</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_close_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_is_cgns_f(<span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=out><i>file_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_save_as_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=in>file_type</span>, <span class=in>follow_links</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_set_file_type_f(<span class=in>file_type</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_get_file_type_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>file_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>filename</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Name of the CGNS file, including path name if necessary.
-       There is no limit on the length of this character variable.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mode</tt><td>
-   <td>Mode used for opening the file.
-       The modes currently supported are <tt>CG_MODE_READ</tt>,
-       <tt>CG_MODE_WRITE</tt>, and <tt>CG_MODE_MODIFY</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>version</tt><td>
-   <td>CGNS version number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>precision</tt><td>
-   <td>Precision used to write the CGNS file. The return value will be
-       one of 32 (32-bit), 64 (64-bit), or 0 if not known.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>file_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of CGNS file. This will typically be either <tt>CG_FILE_ADF</tt>
-       or <tt>CG_FILE_HDF5</tt> depending on the underlying file format.
-       However, note that when built in 32-bit, there is also an option
-       to create a Version 2.5 CGNS file by setting the file type to 
-       <tt>CG_FILE_ADF2</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>follow_links</tt><td>
-   <td>This flag determines whether links are left intact when saving
-       a CGNS file. If non-zero, then the links will be removed and the
-       data associated with the linked files copied to the new file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The function <tt>cg_open</tt> must always be the first one called.
-It opens a CGNS file for reading and/or writing and returns an index
-number <tt>fn</tt>.
-The index number serves to identify the CGNS file in subsequent
-function calls.
-Several CGNS files can be opened simultaneously.
-The current limit on the number of files opened at once depends on the
-On an SGI workstation, this limit is set at 100 (parameter
-<tt>FOPEN_MAX</tt> in <i>stdio.h</i>).
-The file can be opened in one of the following modes:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>CG_MODE_READ</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Read only mode.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_MODE_WRITE</tt><td>
-   <td>Write only mode.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_MODE_MODIFY</tt><td>
-   <td>Reading and/or writing is allowed.
-When the file is opened, if no <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node is
-found, a default value of 1.05 is assumed for the CGNS version number.
-Note that this corresponds to an old version of the CGNS standard, that
-doesn't include many data structures supported by the current standard.
-The function <tt>cg_close</tt> must always be the last one called.
-It closes the CGNS file designated by the index number <tt>fn</tt> and frees
-the memory where the CGNS data was kept.
-When a file is opened for writing, <tt>cg_close</tt> writes all the CGNS
-data in memory onto disk prior to closing the file.
-Consequently, if is omitted, the CGNS file is not written properly.
-In order to reduce memory usage and improve execution speed,
-large arrays such as grid coordinates or flow solutions are not actually
-stored in memory.
-Instead, only basic information about the node is kept,
-while reads and writes of the data is directly to and from the
-application's memory. An attempt is also made to do the same with
-unstructured mesh element data.
-When a CGNS file is newly created using <tt>CG_MODE_WRITE</tt>, the default
-type of database manager used is determined at compile time. If the CGNS
-library was built with HDF5 version 1.8 or later support, the file type
-will be <tt>CG_FILE_HDF5</tt>, otherwise <tt>CG_FILE_ADF</tt> is used.
-This may be changed either by setting an environment variable,
-<tt>CGNS_FILETYPE</tt>, to one of <tt>adf</tt>, <tt>hdf5</tt>, or
-<tt>adf2</tt>, or by calling the routine <tt>cg_set_file_type</tt>
-prior to the <tt>cg_open</tt> call. Calling <tt>cg_set_file_type</tt>
-with the argument <tt>CG_FILE_NONE</tt> will reset the library to
-use the default file type. <b>Note:</b> If the environment variable
-<tt>CGNS_FILETYPE</tt> is set, it takes precedence.
-For existing files, the function <tt>cg_is_cgns</tt> may be used to
-determine if a file is a CGNS file or not, and the type of file
-(<tt>CG_FILE_ADF</tt> or <tt>CG_FILE_HDF5</tt>). If the file is a CGNS file,
-<tt>cg_is_cgns</tt> returns <tt>CG_OK</tt>, otherwise <tt>CG_ERROR</tt>
-is returned and <tt>file_type</tt> is set to <tt>CG_FILE_NONE</tt>.
-The CGNS file identified by <tt>fn</tt> may be saved to a different filename
-and type using <tt>cg_save_as</tt>. In order to save as an HDF5 file,
-the library must have been built with HDF5 support. ADF support is always
-built. The
-function <tt>cg_set_file_type</tt> sets the default file type for
-newly created CGNS files. The function
-<tt>cg_get_file_type</tt> returns the file type for the CGNS file
-identified by <tt>fn</tt>. If the CGNS library is built as 32-bit,
-the additional file type, <tt>CG_FILE_ADF2</tt>, is available.
-This allows creation of a 2.5 compatible CGNS file.
-<a name="configure"></a>
-<h3>Configuring CGNS Internals</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_configure(<span class=in>int option</span>, <span class=in>void *value</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_error_handler(<span class=in>void (*)(int, char *)</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_set_compress(<span class=in>int compress</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_get_compress(<span class=out><i>int *compress</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_set_path(<span class=in>const char *path</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_add_path(<span class=in>const char *path</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_configure_f(<span class=in>option</span>, <span class=in>value</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_exit_on_errors_f(<span class=in>flag</span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_set_compress_f(<span class=in>compress</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_get_compress_f(<span class=out><i>compress</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_set_path_f(<span class=in>path</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_add_path_f(<span class=in>path</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>option</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The option to configure, currently one of
-       <tt>CG_CONFIG_ERROR</tt>, <tt>CG_CONFIG_COMPRESS</tt>,
-       <tt>CG_CONFIG_SET_PATH</tt>, <tt>CG_CONFIG_ADD_PATH</tt>,
-       <tt>CG_CONFIG_FILE_TYPE</tt>, <tt>CG_CONFIG_RIND_INDEX</tt>,
-       <tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_DISKLESS</tt>,
-       <tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_DISKLESS_INCR</tt>,
-       <tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_COMPRESS</tt>, or <tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_MPI_COMM</tt> as
-       defined in <i>cgnslib.h</i>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>value</tt><td>
-   <td>The value to set, type cast as <tt>void *</tt>. In Fortran the type is <tt>TYPE(C_PTR)</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>compress</tt><td>
-   <td>CGNS compress (rewrite) setting.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>path</tt><td>
-   <td>Pathname to search for linked to files when opening a
-       file with external links.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>flag</tt><td>
-   <td>Fortran flag to set automatic exit in the case of error.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The function <tt>cg_configure</tt> allows particular CGNS library internal
-options to be configured.
-The currently supported options and expected values are:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_ERROR</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>This allows an error call-back function to be defined by the
-       user.
-       The value should be a pointer to a function to receive the error.
-       The function is defined as <tt>void err_callback(int is_error,
-       char *errmsg)</tt>, and will be called for errors and warnings.
-       The first argument, <tt>is_error</tt>, will be 0 for warning
-       messages, 1 for error messages, and &minus;1 if the program is
-       going to terminate (i.e., a call to <tt>cg_error_exit()</tt>).
-       The second argument is the error or warning message.
-       If this is defined, warning and error messages will go to the
-       function rather than the terminal.
-       A <tt>value</tt> of <tt>NULL</tt> will remove the call-back
-       function.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_COMPRESS</tt><td>
-   <td>This is the rewrite-upon-close setting.
-       <b>Note:</b> Prior versions of the library would automatically rewrite
-       the CGNS file when it was closed after being opened in modify mode
-       if there was unused space. This is no longer done due to possible
-       conflicts when using parallel I/O. The previous behavior may be
-       recovered by setting <tt>value</tt> to a positive integer. In this
-       case, the file will be rewritten if the number of node deletions or
-       modifications are equal to or exceed this number. Setting
-       <tt>value</tt> to a negative number will force the rewrite
-       when the file is closed. The default value is 0 (no rewrite).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_SET_PATH</tt><td>
-   <td>Sets the search path for locating linked-to files.
-       The argument <tt>value</tt> should be a character string
-       containing one or more directories, formatted the same as for the
-       <tt>PATH</tt> environment variable.
-       This will replace any current settings.
-       Setting <tt>value</tt> to <tt>NULL</tt> will remove all paths. In Fortran,
-       the path must terminate with a NULL character, CHAR(0) or C_NULL_CHAR. 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_ADD_PATH</tt><td>
-   <td>Adds a directory, or list of directories, to the linked-to file
-       search path.
-       This is the same as <tt>CG_CONFIG_SET_PATH</tt>, but adds to the
-       path instead of replacing it. In Fortran,
-       the path must terminate with a NULL character, CHAR(0) or C_NULL_CHAR.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_FILE_TYPE</tt><td>
-   <td>Sets the default file type for newly created CGNS files.
-       The argument, <tt>value</tt> should be set to one of
-       <tt>CG_FILE_NONE</tt>, <tt>CG_FILE_ADF</tt>, <tt>CG_FILE_HDF5</tt>,
-       or <tt>CG_FILE_ADF2</tt>. See the discussion above for
-       <tt>cg_set_file_type</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_RIND_INDEX</tt><td>
-  <td>This option affects index bounds on structured arrays with rind planes.
-      The <a href=../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates>SIDS specifies</a> that
-      core array locations begin at index 1.  Lower rind planes, if present,
-      would have an index less than 1 (see
-      <a href=../sids/conv.html#structgrid> structured grid indexing
-      conventions</a>).  Versions of
-      the Mid-Level Library &lt 3.4 did not produce this behavior.  Index 1
-      always represented the start of an array: in an array with no rind
-      planes, the core location would have index 1; in an array with 1 rind
-      plane, the core location would have index 2.  In version 3.4 of the
-      Mid-Level Library, the API's behavior was fixed to match that
-      specified in the SIDS: core array locations always begin at index 1.
-      This option allows for configuring the library to pre-3.4 indexing
-      behavior (set value to <tt>CG_CONFIG_RIND_ZERO</tt>) or the new default
-      behavior (set value to <tt>CG_CONFIG_RIND_CORE</tt>).  Note that using
-      <tt>CG_CONFIG_RIND_ZERO</tt> is considered obsolete, but is provided for
-      backward compatibility.  Most users should not select this option and use
-      the default.  Values used for this option do not need to be explicitly
-      cast as <tt>void*</tt>.  This option does not change the cgns file
-      in any way; it only modifies the API to the library.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_COMPRESS</tt><td>
-   <td>Sets the compression level for data written from HDF5. The default is
-       no compression. Setting <tt>value</tt> to -1 will use the default
-       compression level of 6. The acceptable values are 0 to 9, corresponding
-       to gzip compression levels. <b>This option currently does nothing as compression is not yet implemented</b>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_MPI_COMM</tt><td>
-   <td>Sets the MPI communicator for parallel I/O. The default is
-       <tt>MPI_COMM_WORLD</tt>. The new communicator is given by
-       typecasting it to a <tt>void *</tt>. This is generally used
-       internally - see <a href="../pcgns/library.html#misc">cgp_mpi_comm</a>
-       instead.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_DISKLESS</tt><td>
-   <td>Performs I/O directly to memory and can be used to create temporary CGNS files that never exist on permanent storage.
-       The memory is written to disk depending on the state of <tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_DISKLESS_WRITE</tt>. CGNS will use the
-       <em>core</em> file driver in HDF5 via <em>H5Pset_fapl_core</em>, and the parameters associated with
-       <em>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_DISKLESS</em> are associated with that API. When <tt>value</tt> is 1, any previously defined driver mode is ignored.
-       Setting <tt>value</tt> to 0 disables the diskless mode, enabling the previous mode. This configuration is
-       not a valid option when accessing the memory by more than one process.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_DISKLESS_INCR</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>Value</tt> specifies the increment by which allocated memory is to be increased each time more memory is required, in bytes.
-       The default is 10MiB. Ideally, <tt>value</tt> should be set large enough to minimize repeated increases. The type of <tt>value</tt> is <em>size_t</em> in C and <em>C_SIZE_T</em> in Fortran. Due to a bug with gfortran, it is advisable to use <em>C_LOC</em> or <em>C_FUNLOC</em> in-line of the call instead of using a variable.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CG_CONFIG_HDF5_DISKLESS_WRITE</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>Value</tt> indicates whether to write (<tt>value=1</tt>) the memory contents to disk when the file is closed. Otherwise, <tt>value=0</tt> does not persist the memory to disk.
-The routines <tt>cg_error_handler</tt>, <tt>cg_set_compress</tt>,
-<tt>cg_set_path</tt>, <tt>cg_add_path</tt>, and <tt>cg_set_file_type</tt>
-are convenience functions built on top of <tt>cg_configure</tt>.
-There is no Fortran counterpart for function
-<tt>cg_error_handler</tt>. The Fortran function <tt>cg_exit_on_error_f</tt>
-routine can be used in place of <tt>cg_error_handler</tt>. If <tt>flag</tt>
-is non-zero, then when an error is encountered, the library will print
-the error message and exit with a code of 1. Setting <tt>flag</tt> to
-zero (the default) prevents this, and the error is returned to the user
-<i>Note:</i> The HDF5 implementation does not support search paths
-for linked files. The links need to be either absolute or relative
-pathnames. As a result, it is recommended that the search path
-options not be used as they may be removed in future versions.
-<a name="cgiointer"></a>
-<h3>Interfacing with CGIO</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_get_cgio(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=out><i>int *cgio_num</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_root_id(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=out><i>double *rootid</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_get_cgio_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>cgio_num</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_root_id_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>rootid</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>cgio_num</tt><td>
-   <td>CGIO identifier for the CGNS file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>rootid</tt><td>
-   <td>Root node identifier for the CGNS file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-These allow for the use of the <a href="../cgio/index.html">low-level
-CGIO functions</a> in conjunction with the Mid Level Library.
-The function <tt>cg_get_cgio</tt> returns the CGIO database identifier
-for the specified CGNS file, which is used in the CGIO routines.
-The root node identifier for the CGNS file
-is returned by <tt>cg_root_id</tt>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<script src="lastupdated.js"></script>
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index cff3cc45..00000000
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-<h2>General Remarks</h2>
-<li> <a href="#acquiring">Acquiring the Software and Documentation</a>
-<li> <a href="#organization">Organization of This Manual</a>
-<li> <a href="#syntax">Syntax</a>
-<li> <a href="#language">Language</a>
-<li> <a href="#character">Character Strings</a>
-<li> <a href="#error">Error Status</a>
-<li> <a href="#typedefs">Typedefs</a>
-<li> <a href="#typedefs_char">Character Names for Typedefs</a>
-<li> <a href="#c-port">64-bit C Portability and Issues</a>
-<li> <a href="#fortran">Calling CGNS from Fortran</a>
-<li> <a href="#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability</a>
-<a name="acquiring"></a>
-<h3>Acquiring the Software and Documentation</h3>
-The CGNS Mid-Level Library may be downloaded from the
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-The manual, as well as the other CGNS documentation, is available 
-from the <a href="../index.html">CGNS
-documentation web site</a>.
-<a name="organization"></a>
-<h3>Organization of This Manual</h3>
-The sections that follow describe the Mid-Level Library functions
-in detail.
-The first three sections cover <a href="fileops.html">some basic
-file operations</a> (i.e., opening and closing a CGNS file, and
-some configuration options), <a href="navigating.html">accessing a
-specific node in a CGNS database</a>, and <a href="error.html">error
-The remaining sections describe the functions used to read, write, and
-modify nodes and data in a CGNS database.
-These sections basically follow the organization used in the "Detailed
-CGNS Node Descriptions" section of the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html"><i>SIDS File Mapping manual</i></a>.
-At the start of each sub-section is a <i>Node</i> line, listing the
-the applicable CGNS node label, with links to that node's description
-in the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> and
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a> manuals.
-<a name="syntax"></a>
-Next is a table illustrating the syntax for the Mid-Level Library
-The C functions are shown in the top half of the table, followed by the
-corresponding Fortran routines in the bottom half of the table. Fortran subroutines
-identified in
-<span class=cgf><b><tt> green </tt></b></span>indicates APIs which <b>do not</b> have 
-explicit interfaces.
-Input variables are shown in an
-<span class=in><b><tt>upright blue</tt></b></span> font, and
-output variables are shown in a
-<span class=out><b><tt><i>slanted red</i></tt></b></span> font.
-Note, as of CGNS-3.1.0, some of the arguments to the Mid-Level Library
-have changed from <b><tt>int</tt></b> to <b><tt>cgsize_t</tt></b>
-in order to support 64-bit data. Changed APIs can quickly be identified by
-searching for <b><tt>cgsize_t</tt></b>.
-For each function, the right-hand column lists the modes (read, write,
-and/or modify) applicable to that function. 
-The input and output variables are then listed and defined.
-<a name="language"></a>
-The CGNS Mid-Level Library is written in C, but each function has a
-Fortran counterpart.
-All function names start with "<tt>cg_</tt>".
-The Fortran functions have the same name as their C counterpart with the
-addition of the suffix "<tt>_f</tt>".
-<a name="character"></a>
-<h3>Character Strings</h3>
-All data structure names and labels in CGNS are limited to 32
-When reading a file, it is advised to pre-allocate the
-character string variables to 32 characters in Fortran, and 33
-in C (to include the string terminator).
-Other character strings, such as the CGNS file name or
-descriptor text, are unlimited in length.
-The space for unlimited length character strings will be
-created by the Mid-Level Library; it is then the responsibility
-of the application to release this space by a call to
-<a href="auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free</tt></a>.
-<a name="error"></a>
-<h3>Error Status</h3>
-All C functions return an integer value representing the error
-All Fortran functions have an additional parameter, <tt>ier</tt>,
-which contains the value of the error status.
-An error status different from zero implies that an error occurred.
-The error message can be printed using the <a href="error.html">error
-handling functions</a> of the CGNS library.
-The error codes are coded in the C and Fortran include files
-<i>cgnslib.h</i> and <i>cgnslib_f.h</i>.
-<a name="typedefs"></a>
-Beginning with CGNS-3.1.0, two new typedef variables have been
-introduced to support 64-bit mode. The <tt>cglong_t</tt> typedef
-is always a 64-bit integer, and <tt>cgsize_t</tt> will be either
-a 32-bit or 64-bit integer depending on how the library was built.
-Many of the C functions in the MLL have been changed
-to to use <tt>cgsize_t</tt> instead of <tt>int</tt> in the arguments.
-These functions include any that may exceed the <tt>2Gb</tt> limit
-of an <tt>int</tt>, e.g. zone dimensions, element data, boundary
-conditions, and connectivity. In Fortran, all integer data is taken
-to be <tt>integer*4</tt> for 32-bit and <tt>integer*8</tt> for 64-bit
-Several types of variables are defined using typedefs in the
-<i>cgnslib.h</i> file.
-These are intended to facilitate the implementation of
-CGNS in C.
-These variable types are defined as an enumeration of key
-words admissible for any variable of these types.
-The file <i>cgnslib.h</i> must be included in any C application
-programs which use these data types.
-In Fortran, the same key words are defined as integer parameters in the
-include file <i>cgnslib_f.h</i>.
-Such variables should be declared as <tt>integer</tt> in Fortran
-The file <i>cgnslib_f.h</i> must be included in any
-Fortran application using these key words.
-Note that the first two enumerated values in these lists,
-<i>xxxNull</i> and <i>xxxUserDefined</i>, are only available
-in the C interface, and are provided in the advent that your
-C compiler does strict type checking. In Fortran, these values
-are replaced by the numerically equivalent <tt>CG_Null</tt>
-and <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>. These values are also defined in the
-C interface, thus either form may be used. The function prototypes
-for the MLL use <tt>CG_Null</tt> and <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-rather than the more specific values.
-The list of enumerated values (key words) for each of these variable
-types (typedefs) are:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ZoneType_t</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>ZoneTypeNull, ZoneTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           Structured, Unstructured</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ElementType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>ElementTypeNull, ElementTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           NODE, BAR_2, BAR_3, TRI_3, TRI_6, QUAD_4,
-           QUAD_8, QUAD_9, TETRA_4, TETRA_10, PYRA_5,
-           PYRA_14, PENTA_6, PENTA_15, PENTA_18, HEXA_8,
-           HEXA_20, HEXA_27, MIXED, PYRA_13, NGON_n, NFACE_n,
-           BAR_4, TRI_9, TRI_10, QUAD_12, QUAD_16,
-           TETRA_16, TETRA_20, PYRA_21, PYRA_29, PYRA_30,
-           PENTA_24, PENTA_38, PENTA_40, HEXA_32, HEXA_56, HEXA_64,
-           BAR_5, TRI_12, TRI_15, QUAD_P4_16, QUAD_25,
-           TETRA_22, TETRA_34, TETRA_35,
-           PYRA_P4_29, PYRA_50, PYRA_55,
-           PENTA_33, PENTA_66, PENTA_75,
-           HEXA_44, HEXA_98, HEXA_125</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DataType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>DataTypeNull, DataTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           Integer, RealSingle, RealDouble, Character, LongInteger
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DataClass_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>DataClassNull, DataClassUserDefined,</span>
-           Dimensional, NormalizedByDimensional,
-           NormalizedByUnknownDimensional, NondimensionalParameter,
-           DimensionlessConstant</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>MassUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>MassUnitsNull, MassUnitsNullUserDefined,</span>
-           Kilogram, Gram, Slug, PoundMass</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>LengthUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>LengthUnitsNull, LengthUnitsUserDefined,</span>
-           Meter, Centimeter, Millimeter, Foot, Inch</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TimeUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>TimeUnitsNull, TimeUnitsUserDefined,</span>
-           Second</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TemperatureUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>TemperatureUnitsNull, TemperatureUnitsUserDefined,</span>
-           Kelvin, Celsius, Rankine, Fahrenheit</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>AngleUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>AngleUnitsNull, AngleUnitsUserDefined,</span>
-           Degree, Radian</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ElectricCurrentUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>ElectricCurrentUnitsNull, ElectricCurrentUnitsUserDefined,</span>
-           Ampere, Abampere, Statampere, Edison, auCurrent</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>SubstanceAmountUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>SubstanceAmountUnitsNull, SubstanceAmountUnitsUserDefined,</span>
-           Mole, Entities, StandardCubicFoot, StandardCubicMeter</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>LuminousIntensityUnits_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>LuminousIntensityUnitsNull, LuminousIntensityUnitsUserDefined,</span>
-           Candela, Candle, Carcel, Hefner, Violle</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GoverningEquationsType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>GoverningEquationsTypeNull, GoverningEquationsTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           FullPotential, Euler, NSLaminar,
-           NSTurbulent, NSLaminarIncompressible,
-           NSTurbulentIncompressible</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ModelType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>ModelTypeNull, ModelTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           Ideal, VanderWaals, Constant,
-           PowerLaw, SutherlandLaw, ConstantPrandtl, EddyViscosity,
-           ReynoldsStress, ReynoldsStressAlgebraic,
-           Algebraic_BaldwinLomax, Algebraic_CebeciSmith,
-           HalfEquation_JohnsonKing, OneEquation_BaldwinBarth,
-           OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras, TwoEquation_JonesLaunder,
-           TwoEquation_MenterSST, TwoEquation_Wilcox,
-	   CaloricallyPerfect, ThermallyPerfect,
-	   ConstantDensity, RedlichKwong,
-	   Frozen, ThermalEquilib, ThermalNonequilib,
-           ChemicalEquilibCurveFit, ChemicalEquilibMinimization,
-           ChemicalNonequilib, EMElectricField, EMMagneticField,
-           EMConductivity, Voltage, Interpolated,
-           Equilibrium_LinRessler, Chemistry_LinRessler</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GridLocation_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>GridLocationNull, GridLocationUserDefined,</span>
-           Vertex, CellCenter, FaceCenter, IFaceCenter, JFaceCenter,
-           KFaceCenter, EdgeCenter</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GridConnectivityType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>GridConnectivityTypeNull, GridConnectivityTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           Overset, Abutting, Abutting1to1</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>PointSetType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>PointSetTypeNull, PointSetTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           PointList, PointRange, PointListDonor, PointRangeDonor,
-           ElementList, ElementRange, CellListDonor</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BCType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>BCTypeNull, BCTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           BCAxisymmetricWedge,
-           BCDegenerateLine, BCExtrapolate,
-           BCDegeneratePoint, BCDirichlet, BCFarfield, BCNeumann,
-           BCGeneral, BCInflow, BCOutflow, BCInflowSubsonic,
-           BCOutflowSubsonic, BCInflowSupersonic,
-           BCOutflowSupersonic, BCSymmetryPlane, BCTunnelInflow,
-           BCSymmetryPolar, BCTunnelOutflow, BCWallViscous,
-           BCWall, BCWallViscousHeatFlux, BCWallInviscid,
-           BCWallViscousIsothermal, FamilySpecified</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BCDataType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>BCDataTypeNull, BCDataTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           Dirichlet, Neumann</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>RigidGridMotionType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>RigidGridMotionTypeNull, RigidGridMotionTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           ConstantRate, VariableRate</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>ArbitraryGridMotionTypeNull, ArbitraryGridMotionTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           NonDeformingGrid, DeformingGrid</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>SimulationType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>SimulationTypeNull, SimulationTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           TimeAccurate, NonTimeAccurate</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>WallFunctionType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>WallFunctionTypeNull, WallFunctionTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           Generic</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>AreaType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>AreaTypeNull, AreaTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           BleedArea, CaptureArea</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>AverageInterfaceType_t</tt><td>
-   <td><tt><span class=null>AverageInterfaceTypeNull, AverageInterfaceTypeUserDefined,</span>
-           AverageAll, AverageCircumferential, AverageRadial, AverageI,
-	   AverageJ, AverageK</tt>
-<a name="typedefs_char"></a>
-<h3>Character Names For Typedefs</h3>
-The CGNS library defines character arrays which map the typedefs above
-to character strings.
-These are global arrays dimensioned to the size of each list of
-To retrieve a character string representation of a typedef, use the
-typedef value as an index to the appropriate character array.
-For example, to retrieve the string "<tt>Meter</tt>"
-for the <tt>LengthUnits_t Meter</tt> typedef, use
-Functions are available to retrieve these names without the need for
-direct global data access.
-These functions also do bounds checking on the input, and if out of
-range, will return the string "<tt>&lt;invalid&gt;</tt>".
-An additional benefit is that these will work from within a Windows DLL,
-and are thus the recommended access technique.
-The routines have the same name as the global data arrays, but with a
-"<tt>cg_</tt>" prepended.
-For the example above, use "<tt>cg_LengthUnitsName(Meter)</tt>".
-<table bgcolor="#f5f5f0" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" rules="groups" width="100%">
-<colgroup width="90%">
-<tr><th scope="col" align="left" width="90%">Typedef Name Access Functions
-<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_MassUnitsName(<span class="in">MassUnits_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_LengthUnitsName(<span class="in">LengthUnits_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_TimeUnitsName(<span class="in">TimeUnits_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_TemperatureUnitsName(<span class="in">TemperatureUnits_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_ElectricCurrentUnitsName(<span class="in">ElectricCurrentUnits_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_SubstanceAmountUnitsName(<span class="in">SubstanceAmountUnits_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_LuminousIntensityUnitsName(<span class="in">LuminousIntensityUnits_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_DataClassName(<span class="in">DataClass_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_GridLocationName(<span class="in">GridLocation_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_BCDataTypeName(<span class="in">BCDataType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_GridConnectivityTypeName(<span class="in">GridConnectivityType_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_PointSetTypeName(<span class="in">PointSetType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_GoverningEquationsTypeName(<span class="in">GoverningEquationsType_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_ModelTypeName(<span class="in">ModelType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_BCTypeName(<span class="in">BCType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_DataTypeName(<span class="in">DataType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_ElementTypeName(<span class="in">ElementType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_ZoneTypeName(<span class="in">ZoneType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_RigidGridMotionTypeName(<span class="in">RigidGridMotionType_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_ArbitraryGridMotionTypeName(<span class="in">ArbitraryGridMotionType_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_SimulationTypeName(<span class="in">SimulationType_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_WallFunctionTypeName(<span class="in">WallFunctionType_t
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_AreaTypeName(<span class="in">AreaType_t type</span>);</b></tt>
-</td></tr><tr><td nowrap="nowrap">
-        <tt><b><span class="out"><i>const char *name</i></span> =
-cg_AverageInterfaceTypeName(<span class="in">AverageInterfaceType_t
-<a name="c-port"></a>
-<h3>64-bit C Portability and Issues</h3>
-If you use the <tt>cgsize_t</tt> data type in new code,
-it will work in both 32 and 64-bit compilation modes.
-In order to support CGNS versions prior to 3.1, you may also
-want to add something like this to your code:
-#if CGNS_VERSION < 3100
-#define cgsize_t int
-Existing code that uses <tt>int</tt> will not work with a
-CGNS 3.1 library compiled in 64-bit mode. You may want
-to add something like this to your code:
-#if CGNS_VERSION >= 3100 && CG_BUILD_64BIT
-#error does not work in 64 bit mode
-or modify your code to use <tt>cgsize_t</tt>.
-<a name="fortran"></a>
-<h3>Calling CGNS from Fortran</h3>
-Starting with CGNS-3.3.0, a new CGNS module was added to the library. Fortran programs 
-can use the new module by adding <font color="blue"><tt>USE CGNS</tt></font>. The use of
-<font color="blue"><tt>include 'cgnslib_f.h'</tt></font> is deprecated as of CGNS-3.3.0.
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Fortran Helper Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>FUNCTION cg_get_type(<span class=in><i>buf</i></span>)</b></tt>
-Returns the data type of <i>buf</i>, where <i>buf</i> is a scalar. This is a useful function
-for automatically passing the correct data type of a buffer.
-For example:
-CALL cg_coord_read_f(cg, base, zone, coordname,<font color="blue"><tt> cg_get_type(data(1))</tt></font>, rmin, DataSize, data, ier)
-Fortran APIs which can except a null character or an empty string are encouraged to pass <font color="blue"><tt><i>C_NULL_CHAR</i></font></tt> as opposed to "\0" or "". </p>
-<a name="f-port"></a>
-<h3>64-bit Fortran Portability</h3>
-Starting with CGNS-3.3.0, the Fortran APIs have the following specifications (recommended for portability):
-</p><ul><li>Fortran arguments should be 
-declared as the default <font color="blue"><tt>INTEGER</tt></font> if the corresponding 
-argument in the C API is declared as an <font color="blue"><tt>int</tt></font>.</li>
-<li>Fortran arguments should be declared as <font color="blue"><tt>INTEGER(cgsize_t)</tt></font> if the corresponding 
-argument in the C API is declared as  <font color="blue"></tt>cgsize_t</tt></font>.</li>
-<li>Fortran  arguments should be declared as type
- <font color="blue"><tt>INTEGER(cgenum_t)</tt></font> if the corresponding 
-argument in the C API is declared as <a href="general.html#typedefs">enumerated values (enums)</a>.
-An integer parameter, <tt>CG_BUILD_64BIT</tt>, can be used to tell the size of <tt>cgsize_t</tt>, which will be set
-to 1 in 64-bit mode and 0 otherwise. You may use this parameter
-to check at run time if the CGNS library has been compiled in 64-bit
-mode or not, as in:
-if (CG_BUILD_64BIT .ne. 0) then
-    print *,'will not work in 64-bit mode'
-    stop
-If you are using a CGNS library prior to version 3.1, this parameter will
-not be defined and you will need to rely on your compiler initializing all
-undefined values to 0 (not always the case) for this test to work.
-<font color="red">DISCLAIMER: The following section's practice is not recommend!</font> 
-If you have explicitly defined your default integers which are passed to the CGNS library as <tt>INTEGER*8</tt>, or used a compiler option to promote implicit integers to <tt>INTEGER*8</tt>, then you MUST compile the CGNS library with the same compiler option in order to promote implicit integers to <tt>INTEGER*8</tt>. If you really must promote all integers to <tt>INTEGER*8</tt> in your code, and you are not able to compile the CGNS library with the same compilar options,  then it is recommended that all arguments in the CGNS Fortran APIs should be declared as <font color="blue"><tt>INTEGER(C_INT)</tt></font> if the corresponding argument in the C API is declared as an <font color="blue"></tt>int</tt></font>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Grid Specification</h2>
-<li> <a href="#gridcoordinates">Zone Grid Coordinates</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_grid_write</b></tt> - Create a <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ngrids</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_grid_read</b></tt> - Get name of a <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_grid_bounding_box_read</b></tt> - Get bounding box associated to a <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_grid_bounding_box_write</b></tt> - Write bounding box associated to a <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_coord_write</b></tt> - Write grid coordinates
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_coord_partial_write</b></tt> - Write subset of grid coordinates
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_coord_general_write</b></tt> - Write shaped array to a subset of grid coordinates
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ncoords</b></tt> - Get number of coordinate arrays
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_coord_info</b></tt> - Get info about a coordinate array
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_coord_read</b></tt> - Read grid coordinates
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_coord_general_read</b></tt> - Read subset of grid coordinates to a shaped array
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#elements">Element Connectivity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_section_write</b></tt> - Write fixed size element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_poly_section_write</b></tt> - Write element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_section_general_write</b></tt> - Write section data without element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_section_initialize</b></tt> - Initialize element data for not fixed size elements
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_section_partial_write</b></tt> - Write subset of element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_elements_partial_write</b></tt> - Write element data for a fixed size element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_poly_elements_partial_write</b></tt> - Write element data for an element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_elements_general_write</b></tt> - Write element data for a fixed size element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_poly_elements_general_write</b></tt> - Write element data for an element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_parent_data_write</b></tt> - Write parent info for an element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_parent_data_partial_write</b></tt> - Write subset of parent info for an element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nsections</b></tt> - Get number of element sections
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_section_read</b></tt> - Get info for an element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ElementDataSize</b></tt> - Get size of element connectivity data array
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ElementPartialSize</b></tt> - Get size of element connectivity data array for partial read
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_elements_read</b></tt> - Read fixed size element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_elements_partial_read</b></tt> - Read subset of fixed size element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_elements_general_read</b></tt> - Read subset of fixed size element data to a typed array
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_poly_elements_read</b></tt> - Read element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_poly_elements_partial_read</b></tt> - Read subset of element data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_poly_elements_general_read</b></tt> - Read subset of element data to typed arrays
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_parent_elements_general_read</b></tt> - Read parent info for an element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_parent_elements_position_general_read</b></tt> - Read parent position info for an element section
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_npe</b></tt> - Get number of nodes for an element type
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#axisymmetry">Axisymmetry</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_axisym_write</b></tt> - Create axisymmetry data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_axisym_read</b></tt> - Read axisymmetry data
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#rotatingcoordinates">Rotating Coordinates</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_rotating_write</b></tt> - Create rotating coordinates data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_rotating_read</b></tt> - Read rotating coordinates data
-     </ul>
-<a name="gridcoordinates"></a>
-<h3>Zone Grid Coordinates</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GridCoordinates">File Mapping</a>)
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes are used to describe grids associated
-with a particular zone.
-The original grid must be described by a <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node
-named <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>.
-Additional <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes may be used, with user-defined
-names, to store grids at multiple time steps or iterations.
-In addition to the discussion of the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node
-in the <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates">SIDS</a> and
-<a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GridCoordinates">File Mapping</a> manuals,
-see the discussion of the
-<a href="../sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-and <a href="../sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-nodes in the SIDS manual.
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_grid_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *GridCoordName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *G</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ngrids(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *ngrids</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_grid_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int G</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *GridCoordName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_grid_bounding_box_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int G</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in><i>void *bbox_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_grid_bounding_box_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int G</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>void *bbox_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_grid_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>GridCoordName</span>, <span class=out><i>G</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ngrids_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>ngrids</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_grid_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>G</span>, <span class=out><i>GridCoordName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_grid_bounding_box_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>G</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>bbox_array</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_grid_bounding_box_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>G</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=out>bbox_array</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>G</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>G</tt> &le; <tt>ngrids</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ngrids</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes for zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>GridCoordinateName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node.
-       Note that the name "<tt>GridCoordinates</tt>" is reserved for the
-       original grid and must be the first <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>
-       node to be defined.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of the bounding box array written to the file or read.
-       Admissible data types for a coordinate bounding box are <tt>RealSingle</tt>
-       and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>bbox_array</tt><td>
-   <td>Data Array with bounding box values.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are applicable to any <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node.<br>
-When reading a bounding box, if the information is missing from the file, the <tt>bbox_array</tt> will remain untouched, and a warning is emitted.<br>
-The CGNS MLL relies on the user to compute the bounding box and ensure that the bounding box being stored is coherent with the coordinates under <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node.
-<a name="gridcoordinates_original"></a>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_coord_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *coordname</span>, <span class=in>void *coord_array</span>, <span class=out><i>int *C</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_coord_partial_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in>char *coordname</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=in>void *coord_array</span>, <span class=out><i>int *C</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_coord_general_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *coordname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>void *coord_array</span>, <span class=out><i>int *C</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ncoords(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *ncoords</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_coord_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int C</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>DataType_t *datatype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *coordname</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_coord_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *coordname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *coord_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_coord_general_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *coordname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>void *coord_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_coord_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>coordname</span>, <span class=in>coord_array</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>C</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_coord_partial_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>coordname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>coord_array</span>, <span class=out><i>C</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_coord_general_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>coordname</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>mem_range_max</span>, <span class=in>coord_array</span>, <span class=out><i>C</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ncoords_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>ncoords</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_coord_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>C</span>, <span class=out><i>datatype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>coordname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_coord_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>coordname</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>coord_array</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_coord_general_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>coordname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>mem_range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>coord_array</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>C</tt><td>
-   <td>Coordinate array index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>C</tt> &le; <tt>ncoords</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ncoords</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of coordinate arrays for zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of the coordinate array written to the file.
-       Admissible data types for a coordinate array are <tt>RealSingle</tt>
-       and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>coordname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the coordinate array.
-       It is strongly advised to use the
-       <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_grid">SIDS nomenclature
-       conventions</a> when naming the coordinate arrays to insure file
-       compatibility.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in file (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in file (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of an array in memory.
-       Admissible data types for a coordinate array are <tt>RealSingle</tt>
-       and <tt>RealDouble</tt>..
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_dimensions</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in memory (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in memory (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>coord_array</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of coordinate values.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are applicable <em>only</em> to the 
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node named <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>, used
-for the original grid in a zone.
-Coordinates for additional <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes in a zone
-must be read and written using the
-<a href="physical.html#dataarray"><tt>cg_array_<i>xxx</i></tt> functions</a>.
-When writing, the function <tt>cg_coord_write</tt> will
-automatically write the full range of coordinates (i.e., the entire
-The functions <tt>cg_coord_partial_write</tt> and <tt>cg_coord_general_write</tt> may be used to write
-only a subset of <tt>coord_array</tt>.
-When using the partial write, any existing data as defined by
-<tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> will be overwritten by the new
-All other values will not be affected.
-The function <tt>cg_coord_read</tt> returns the coordinate array
-<tt>coord_array</tt>, for the range prescribed by <tt>range_min</tt> and
-The array is returned to the application in the data type requested in
-This data type does not need to be the same as the one in which the
-coordinates are stored in the file.
-A coordinate array stored as double precision in the CGNS file can be
-returned to the application as single precision, or vice versa.
-The functions <tt>cg_coord_general_read</tt> and <tt>cg_coord_general_write</tt>
-allow for type conversion when both reading from and writing to the file.
-In Fortran, when using <tt>cg_coord_read_f</tt> to read 2D or 3D
-coordinates, the extent of each dimension of <tt>coord_array</tt> must
-be consistent with the requested range.
-When reading a 1D solution, the declared size can be larger than the
-requested range.
-For example, for a 2D zone with 100 &times; 50 vertices, if
-<tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> are set to (11,11) and (20,20)
-to read a subset of the coordinates, then <tt>coord_array</tt> must be
-dimensioned (10,10).
-If <tt>coord_array</tt> is declared larger (e.g., (100,50)) the
-indices for the returned coordinates will be wrong.
-These restrictions can be avoided by using <tt>cg_coord_general_read_f</tt> instead.
-When using <tt>cg_coord_general_write</tt> and
-<tt>cg_coord_general_read</tt>, the lower <em>core</em> vertices in the file
-have index 1 for defining <tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt>; whereas
-for the array in memory, defined by <tt>mem_rank</tt> and
-<tt>mem_dimensions</tt>, the lower <em>array</em> vertices in memory have
-index 1 for defining <tt>mem_range_min</tt> and <tt>mem_range_max</tt>.
-The actual lower and upper bounds of the array in memory can be anything.
-For example, to fully read a two-dimensional 6 &times 6 coordinate array with 1
-rind plane on each side in the file to an 8 &times 8 array in memory
-(<tt>mem_rank</tt> = 2 and <tt>mem_dimensions</tt> = (8,8)), set
-<tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> to (0,0) and (7,7), and set
-<tt>mem_range_min</tt> and <tt>mem_range_max</tt> to (1,1) and (8,8).
-<a name="elements"></a>
-<h3>Element Connectivity</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Elements_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Elements">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Elements">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_section_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>ElementType_t type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>int nbndry</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *Elements</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_poly_section_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>ElementType_t type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>int nbndry</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *Elements</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *ConnectOffset</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_section_general_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>ElementType_t type</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t ElementDataType</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t ElementDataSize</span>, <span class=in>int nbndry</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_section_initialize(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_section_partial_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>ElementType_t type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>int nbndry</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_elements_partial_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="in">cgsize_t start</span>, <span class="in">cgsize_t end</span>, <span class="in">cgsize_t *Elements</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_poly_elements_partial_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="in">cgsize_t start</span>, <span class="in">cgsize_t end</span>, <span class="in">cgsize_t *Elements</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *ConnectOffset</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_elements_general_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="in">cgsize_t start</span>, <span class="in">cgsize_t end</span>, <span class="in">DataType_t mem_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="in">void *Elements</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_poly_elements_general_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="in">cgsize_t start</span>, <span class="in">cgsize_t end</span>, <span class="in">DataType_t mem_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="in">void *Elements</span>, <span class=in>void *ConnectOffset</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_parent_data_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *ParentData</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_parent_data_partial_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *ParentData</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nsections(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nsections</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_section_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *ElementSectionName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ElementType_t *type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *start</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *end</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *nbndry</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *parent_flag</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ElementDataSize(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ElementDataSize</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ElementPartialSize(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ElementDataSize</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_elements_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *Elements</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ParentData</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_elements_partial_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *Elements</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ParentData</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_elements_general_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>void *Elements</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_poly_elements_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *Elements</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ConnectOffset</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ParentData</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_poly_elements_partial_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *Elements</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ConnectOffset</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *ParentData</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_poly_elements_general_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t *mem_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *Elements</i></span>, <span class=out><i>void *ConnectOffset</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_parent_elements_general_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t *mem_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *ParentElement</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_parent_elements_position_general_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t start</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t *mem_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *ParentFace</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_npe(<span class=in>ElementType_t type</span>, <span class=out><i>int *npe</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_section_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>nbndry</span>, <span class=in>Elements</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_poly_section_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>nbndry</span>, <span class=in>Elements</span>, <span class=in>ConnectOffset</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_section_general_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>ElementDataType</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>ElementDataSize</span>, <span class=in>nbndry</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_section_initialize_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_section_partial_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>nbndry</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_elements_partial_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class="in">start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>Elements</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_poly_elements_partial_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class="in">start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>Elements</span>, <span class=in>ConnectOffset</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_elements_general_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class="in">start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>Elements</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_poly_elements_general_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class="in">start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>Elements</span>, <span class=in>ConnectOffset</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_parent_data_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>ParentData</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_parent_data_partial_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>ParentData</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nsections_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>nsections</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_section_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>ElementSectionName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>type</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>start</i></span>, <span class=out><i>end</i></span>, <span class=out><i>nbndry</i></span>, <span class=out><i>parent_flag</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ElementDataSize_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>ElementDataSize</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ElementPartialSize_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=out><i>ElementDataSize</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_elements_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>Elements</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ParentData</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_elements_partial_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=out><i>Elements</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ParentData</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_poly_elements_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>Elements</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ConnectOffset</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ParentData</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_poly_elements_partial_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=out><i>Elements</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ConnectOffset</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ParentData</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-<tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_elements_general_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>Elements</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-<tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_poly_elements_general_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>Elements</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ConnectOffset</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-<tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_parent_elements_general_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>ParentElement</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-<tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_parent_elements_position_general_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>ParentFace</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b><br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_npe_f(<span class=in>type</span>, <span class=out><i>npe</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ElementSectionName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>Elements_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of element.
-       See the eligible types for <tt>ElementType_t</tt> in the
-       <a href="general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>start</tt><td>
-   <td>Index of first element in the section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>end</tt><td>
-   <td>Index of last element in the section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nbndry</tt><td>
-   <td>Index of last boundary element in the section.
-       Set to zero if the elements are unsorted.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nsections</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of element sections.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>S</tt><td>
-   <td>Element section index, where
-       1 &le; <tt>S</tt> &le; <tt>nsections</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>parent_flag</tt><td>
-   <td>Flag indicating if the parent data are defined.
-       If the parent data exist, <tt>parent_flag</tt> is set to 1;
-       otherwise it is set to 0.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ElementDataType</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of an array. Admissible data types are <tt>Integer</tt> and <tt>LongInteger</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ElementDataSize</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of element connectivity data values.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Elements</tt><td>
-   <td>Element connectivity data. The element connectivity order is given in
-       <a href="../sids/conv.html#unstructgrid">Element Numbering Conventions</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ConnectOffset</tt><td>
-   <td>Element connectivity offset data. This is required for <tt>NGON_n</tt>, <tt>NFACE_n</tt> and <tt>MIXED</tt> according to
-       <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Elements">Elements_t Structure Definition</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ParentData</tt><td>
-   <td>For boundary or interface elements, this array contains
-       information on the cell(s) and cell face(s) sharing the element.
-       If you do not need to read the <tt>ParentData</tt> when reading
-       the <tt>ElementData</tt>, you may set the value to <tt>NULL</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ParentElement</tt><td>
-   <td>For boundary or interface elements, this array contains
-       information on the cell(s) sharing the element.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ParentFace</tt><td>
-   <td>For boundary or interface elements, this array contains
-       information on the cell face(s) sharing the element.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of an array in memory. Admissible data types are <tt>Integer</tt> and <tt>LongInteger</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npe</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of nodes for an element of type <tt>type</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-It is important to note that each element under a given <tt>Zone_t</tt> - including
-all cells, faces, edges, boundary elements, etc. - must have a unique element index 
-number. The numbering should be consecutive (i.e., no gaps).
-This global numbering system insures that each and every element 
-within a zone is uniquely identified by its number.
-If the specified <tt>Elements_t</tt> node doesn't yet exist, it may be
-created using either <tt>cg_section_write</tt> or
-<tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>NGON_n</tt>, and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element sets
- may be created using <tt>cg_poly_section_write</tt> or <tt>cg_poly_section_partial_write</tt>.
-The function <tt>cg_section_write</tt> writes the full range as
-indicated by <tt>start</tt> and <tt>end</tt> and supplied by the element
-connectivity array <tt>Elements</tt>.
-The <tt>cg_section_partial_write</tt> function will create the element section
-data for the range <tt>start</tt> to <tt>end</tt> with the element data
-initialized to 0. <tt>cg_poly_section_write</tt> and <tt>cg_poly_section_partial_write</tt>
- have a comparable behavior for <tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>NGON_n</tt>, and <tt>NFACE_n</tt>. 
-To add elements to the section, use <tt>cg_elements_partial_write</tt>
-or <tt>cg_poly_elements_partial_write</tt>
-and parent data (it it exists) using <tt>cg_parent_data_partial_write</tt>.
-These functions will replace the data for the range
-as indicated by <tt>start</tt> and <tt>end</tt> with the new values.
-In most cases, the data is not duplicated in the mid-level library and
-written directly from the user data to disk.The exception to this is in the case
-of <tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>NGON_n</tt>, and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element sets. Even if 
-the size of the element connectivity array can be known through <tt>ConnectOffset</tt>, the MLL
-will keep a copy of the data in memory for the partial writes.
-The functions <tt>cg_elements_read</tt> and <tt>cg_poly_elements_read</tt> returns all of the element
-connectivity and parent data.
-Specified subsets of the element connectivity and parent data may be
-read using <tt>cg_elements_partial_read</tt> or <tt>cg_poly_elements_partial_read</tt> (<tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>NGON_n</tt>, <tt>NFACE_n</tt>).
-<tt><b><font color="red">Note : cg_elements_read, cg_elements_partial_read, cg_section_write and cg_element_partial_write functions only work with fixed size elements.</font></b>
-<a name="axisymmetry"></a>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Axisymmetry">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Axisymmetry">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_axisym_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>float *ReferencePoint</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>float *AxisVector</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_axisym_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>float *ReferencePoint</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>float *AxisVector</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_axisym_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>ReferencePoint</span>, <span class=in>AxisVector</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_axisym_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>ReferencePoint</i></span>, <span class=out><i>AxisVector</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ReferencePoint</tt><td>
-   <td>Origin used for defining the axis of rotation.
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>AxisVector</tt><td>
-   <td>Direction cosines of the axis of rotation, through the reference
-       point.
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-This node can only be used for a bi-dimensional model, i.e.,
-<tt>PhysicalDimension</tt> must equal two.
-<a name="rotatingcoordinates"></a>
-<h3>Rotating Coordinates</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#RotatingCoordinates">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_rotating_write(<span class=in>float *RotationRateVector</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>float *RotationCenter</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_rotating_read(<span class=out><i>float *RotationRateVector</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>float *RotationCenter</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_rotating_write_f(<span class=in>RotationRateVector</span>, <span class=in>RotationCenter</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_rotating_read_f(<span class=out><i>RotationRateVector</i></span>, <span class=out><i>RotationCenter</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>RotationRateVector</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Components of the angular velocity of the grid about the center
-       of rotation.
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>RotationCenter</tt><td>
-   <td>Coordinates of the center of rotation.
-       (In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-<script src="lastupdated.js"></script>
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index 22f38406..00000000
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@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
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-<title> CGNS Mid-Level Library </title>
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-(<a href="../user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></span>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="general.html"><b>General&nbsp;Remarks</b></a>)
-(<a href="fileops.html"><b>File&nbsp;Operations</b></a>)
-(<a href="navigating.html"><b>Navigating&nbsp;a&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File</b></a>)
-(<a href="error.html"><b>Error&nbsp;Handling</b></a>)
-(<a href="structural.html"><b>Structural&nbsp;Nodes</b></a>)
-(<a href="descriptor.html"><b>Descriptors</b></a>)
-(<a href="physical.html"><b>Physical&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="location.html"><b>Location&nbsp;and&nbsp;Position</b></a>)
-(<a href="auxiliary.html"><b>Auxiliary&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="grid.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Specification</b></a>)
-(<a href="solution.html"><b>Solution&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="connectivity.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
-(<a href="bc.html"><b>Boundary&nbsp;Conditions</b></a>)
-(<a href="equation.html"><b>Equation&nbsp;Specification</b></a>)
-(<a href="families.html"><b>Families</b></a>)
-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This document outlines a CGNS library designed to ease implementation of
-CGNS by providing developers with a collection of handy I/O functions.
-Since knowledge of the database manager and file structure is not
-required to use this library, it greatly facilitates the task of
-interfacing with CGNS.
-The CGNS Mid-Level Library is based on the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a>.
-It allows reading and writing all of the information described in
-that manual including grid coordinates, block interfaces, flow
-solutions, and boundary conditions.
-Use of the mid-level library functions insures efficient
-communication between the user application and the internal
-representation of the CGNS data.
-It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the information in the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">CGNS Standard Interface Data Structures
-(SIDS)</a>, as well as the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a>.
-The reader is also strongly encouraged to read the
-<a href="../user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a>, which contains
-coding examples using the Mid-Level Library to write and read simple
-files containing CGNS databases.
-<li> <a href="general.html">General Remarks</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>
-     <li> <a href="general.html#fortran">Calling CGNS from Fortran</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="fileops.html">File Operations</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="fileops.html#openclose">Opening and Closing a CGNS File</a>
-     <li> <a href="fileops.html#configure">Configuring CGNS Internals</a>
-     <li> <a href="fileops.html#cgiointer">Interfacing with CGIO</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="navigating.html">Navigating a CGNS File</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="navigating.html#goto">Accessing a Node</a>
-     <li> <a href="navigating.html#delete">Deleting a Node</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="error.html">Error Handling</a>
-<li> <a href="structural.html">Structural Nodes</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="structural.html#base">CGNS Base Information
-          (<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="structural.html#zone">Zone Information
-          (<tt>Zone_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="structural.html#simulationtype">Simulation Type
-          (<tt>SimulationType_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="descriptor.html">Descriptors</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="descriptor.html#descriptor">Descriptive Text
-          (<tt>Descriptor_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="descriptor.html#ordinal">Ordinal Value
-          (<tt>Ordinal_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="physical.html">Physical Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="physical.html#dataarray">Data Arrays
-          (<tt>DataArray_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="physical.html#dataclass">Data Class
-          (<tt>DataClass_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="physical.html#dataconversion">Data Conversion Factors
-          (<tt>DataConversion_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="physical.html#dimensionalunits">Dimensional Units
-          (<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="physical.html#dimensionalexponents">Dimensional Exponents
-          (<tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="location.html">Location and Position</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="location.html#gridlocation">Grid Location
-          (<tt>GridLocation_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="location.html#ptset">Point Sets
-          (<tt>IndexArray_t, IndexRange_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="location.html#rind">Rind Layers
-          (<tt>Rind_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="auxiliary.html">Auxiliary Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="auxiliary.html#refstate">Reference State
-          (<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="auxiliary.html#gravity">Gravity
-          (<tt>Gravity_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="auxiliary.html#convergence">Convergence History
-          (<tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="auxiliary.html#integral">Integral Data
-          (<tt>IntegralData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="auxiliary.html#userdefined">User-Defined Data
-          (<tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="auxiliary.html#free">Freeing Memory</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="grid.html">Grid Specification</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="grid.html#gridcoordinates">Zone Grid Coordinates
-          (<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="grid.html#elements">Element Connectivity
-          (<tt>Elements_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="grid.html#axisymmetry">Axisymmetry
-          (<tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="grid.html#rotatingcoordinates">Rotating Coordinates
-          (<tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="solution.html">Solution Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="solution.html#flowsolution">Flow Solution
-          (<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="solution.html#discretedata">Discrete Data
-          (<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="solution.html#subregion">Zone Subregions
-          (<tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="connectivity.html">Grid Connectivity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="connectivity.html#1to1">One-to-One Connectivity
-          (<tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="connectivity.html#general">Generalized Connectivity
-          (<tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="connectivity.html#connproperty">Special Grid Connectivity Properties
-          (<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="connectivity.html#overset">Overset Holes
-          (<tt>OversetHoles_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="bc.html">Boundary Conditions</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="bc.html#bc">Boundary Condition Type and Location
-          (<tt>BC_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="bc.html#bcdataset">Boundary Condition Datasets
-          (<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="bc.html#bcdata">Boundary Condition Data
-          (<tt>BCData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="bc.html#bcproperty">Special Boundary Condition Properties
-          (<tt>BCProperty_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="equation.html">Equation Specification</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="equation.html#flowequationset">Flow Equation Set
-          (<tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="equation.html#governingequations">Governing Equations
-          (<tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="equation.html#auxiliary">Auxiliary Models
-          (<tt>GasModel_t, ViscosityModel_t, ThermalConductivityModel_t,
-          TurbulenceClosure_t, TurbulenceModel_t, ThermalRelaxationModel_t,
-          ChemicalKineticsModel_t, EMElectricFieldModel_t,
-          EMMagneticFieldModel_t, EMConductivityModel_t</tt>)</a>
-    </ul>
-<li> <a href="families.html">Families</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="families.html#family">Family Definition
-          (<tt>Family_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="families.html#geometry">Geometry Reference
-          (<tt>GeometryReference_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="families.html#familybc">Family Boundary Condition
-          (<tt>FamilyBC_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="families.html#familyname">Family Name
-          (<tt>FamilyName_t</tt>)</a>
-    </ul>
-<li> <a href="timedep.html">Time-Dependent Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="timedep.html#biter">Base Iterative Data
-          (<tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="timedep.html#ziter">Zone Iterative Data
-          (<tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="timedep.html#rigid">Rigid Grid Motion
-          (<tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="timedep.html#arbitrary">Arbitrary Grid Motion
-          (<tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="timedep.html#zconn">Zone Grid Connectivity
-          (<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>)</a>
-    </ul>
-<li> <a href="links.html">Links</a>
-The complete <a href="midlevel.tar.gz">CGNS Mid-Level Library document
-in HTML form</a> is also available for installation on a local system.
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (50K, 378K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c midlevel.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>midlevel</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>midlevel/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>CGNS Mid-Level Library</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was originally written by Diane Poirier of ICEM CFD
-Engineering for the CGNS Project Group.
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-function makeArray() {
-for (i = 0; i < makeArray.arguments.length; i++) 
-  this[i + 1] = makeArray.arguments[i]; 
-var modifiedMonth = new makeArray('January','February','March','April',
-                                  'May','June','July','August','September',
-                                  'October','November','December');
-var modifiedDate = new Date(document.lastModified);
-function modifiedDay(day) { 
-      if (day == 0) return 'Sunday'; 
-else  if (day == 1) return 'Monday';
-else  if (day == 2) return 'Tuesday'; 
-else  if (day == 3) return 'Wednesday';
-else  if (day == 4) return 'Thursday'; 
-else  if (day == 5) return 'Friday';
-else                return 'Saturday'; }
-function modifiedDateSuffix(date) { 
-     if (date == 1 || date == 21 || date == 31) return 'st'; 
-else if (date == 2 || date == 22)               return 'nd';  
-else if (date == 3 || date == 23)               return 'rd'; 
-else                                            return 'th'; }
-function getCorrectedYear(year) {
-    year = year - 0;
-    if (year < 70) return (2000 + year);
-    if (year < 1900) return (1900 + year);
-    return year;
-document.write('Last Updated: ' + modifiedDay(modifiedDate.getDay()) + ', ' + 
-                                    modifiedMonth[modifiedDate.getMonth() + 1] + ' ' + 
-                                    modifiedDate.getDate() + 
-                                    modifiedDateSuffix(modifiedDate.getDate()) + ', ' + 
-                                    getCorrectedYear(modifiedDate.getFullYear()));
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/links.html b/CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/links.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa64691..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-(<a href="index.html"><span class=nav><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="general.html"><b>General&nbsp;Remarks</b></a>)
-(<a href="fileops.html"><b>File&nbsp;Operations</b></a>)
-(<a href="navigating.html"><b>Navigating&nbsp;a&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File</b></a>)
-(<a href="error.html"><b>Error&nbsp;Handling</b></a>)
-(<a href="structural.html"><b>Structural&nbsp;Nodes</b></a>)
-(<a href="descriptor.html"><b>Descriptors</b></a>)
-(<a href="physical.html"><b>Physical&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="location.html"><b>Location&nbsp;and&nbsp;Position</b></a>)
-(<a href="auxiliary.html"><b>Auxiliary&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="grid.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Specification</b></a>)
-(<a href="solution.html"><b>Solution&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<a href="connectivity.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
-(<a href="bc.html"><b>Boundary&nbsp;Conditions</b></a>)
-(<a href="equation.html"><b>Equation&nbsp;Specification</b></a>)
-(<a href="families.html"><b>Families</b></a>)
-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Data</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Links</b></span>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<ul type=circle>
-<li> <tt><b>cg_link_write</b></tt> - Create a link at the current location
-<li> <tt><b>cg_is_link</b></tt> - Test if a node is a link
-<li> <tt><b>cg_link_read</b></tt> - Get path information for a link at the current location
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_link_write(<span class=in>char *nodename</span>, <span class=in>char *filename</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *name_in_file</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_is_link(<span class=out><i>int *path_length</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_link_read(<span class=out><i>char **filename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char **link_path</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_link_write_f(<span class=in>nodename</span>, <span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=in>name_in_file</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_is_link_f(<span class=out><i>path_length</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_link_read_f(<span class=out><i>filename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>link_path</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>nodename</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Name of the link node to create, e.g., <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>filename</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the linked file, or empty string if the link is within the
-       same file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>name_in_file</tt><td>
-   <td>Path name of the node which the link points to.
-       This can be a simple or a compound name, e.g.,
-       <tt>Base/Zone 1/GridCoordinates</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>path_length</tt><td>
-   <td>Length of the path name of the linked node.
-       The value 0 is returned if the node is not a link.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>link_path</tt><td>
-   <td>Path name of the node which the link points to.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-Use <a href="navigating.html"><tt>cg_goto(_f)</tt></a> to
-position to a location in the file prior to calling these routines.
-When using <tt>cg_link_write</tt>, the node being linked to does not have 
-to exist when the link is created.
-However, when the link is used, an error will occur if the linked-to
-node does not exist.
-Only nodes that support child nodes will support links.
-It is assumed that the CGNS version for the file containing the link,
-as determined by the
-<a href="fileops.html#openclose"><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node</a>,
-is also applicable to <tt>filename</tt>, the file containing the linked
-Memory is allocated by the library for the return values of the C
-function <tt>cg_link_read</tt>.
-This memory should be freed by the user when no longer needed by calling
-<a href="auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free(filename)</tt> and
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-<script src="lastupdated.js"></script>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Location and Position</h2>
-<li> <a href="#gridlocation">Grid Location</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_gridlocation_write</b></tt> - Write grid location
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_gridlocation_read</b></tt> - Read grid location
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#ptset">Point Sets</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ptset_write</b></tt> - Write point set data
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ptset_info</b></tt> - Get point set information
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ptset_read</b></tt> - Read point set data
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#rind">Rind Layers</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_rind_write</b></tt> - Write number of rind layers
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_rind_read</b></tt> - Read number of rind layers
-     </ul>
-<a name="gridlocation"></a>
-<h3>Grid Location</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/build.html#GridLocation">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#GridLocation">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_gridlocation_write(<span class=in>GridLocation_t GridLocation</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_gridlocation_read(<span class=out><i>GridLocation_t *GridLocation</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_gridlocation_write_f(<span class=in>GridLocation</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_gridlocation_read_f(<span class=out><i>GridLocation</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>GridLocation</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Location in the grid.
-       The admissible locations are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Vertex</tt>, <tt>CellCenter</tt>, <tt>FaceCenter</tt>,
-       <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>,
-       and <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="ptset"></a>
-<h3>Point Sets</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt>, <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/build.html#IndexArray">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#IndexRange">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ptset_write(<span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>,<br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *pnts</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ptset_info(<span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *npnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ptset_read(<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_ptset_write_f</span>(<span class=in>ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ptset_info_f(<span class=out><i>ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_ptset_read_f</span>(<span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>ptset_type</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The point set type; either <tt>PointRange</tt> for a range of
-       points or cells, or <tt>PointList</tt> for a list of discrete
-       points or cells.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npnts</tt><td>
-   <td>The number of points or cells in the point set.
-       For a point set type of <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt> is
-       always two.
-       For a point set type of <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt> is
-       the number of points or cells in the list.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pnts</tt><td>
-   <td>The array of point or cell indices defining the point set.
-       There should be <tt>npnts</tt> values, each of dimension
-       <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#IndexDimension"><tt>IndexDimension</tt></a>
-       (i.e., 1 for unstructured grids, and 2 or 3 for structured grids
-       with 2-D or 3-D elements, respectively).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-These functions may be used to write and read point set data (i.e., an
-<tt>IndexArray_t</tt> node named <tt>PointList</tt>, or an
-<tt>IndexRange_t</tt> node named <tt>PointRange</tt>).
-They are only applicable at nodes that are descendents of a
-<a href="structural.html#zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt> node</a>.
-<a name="rind"></a>
-<h3>Rind Layers</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Rind_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/build.html#Rind">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Rind">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_rind_write(<span class=in>int *RindData</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_rind_read(<span class=out><i>int *RindData</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_rind_write_f(<span class=in>RindData</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_rind_read_f(<span class=out><i>RindData</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>RindData</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Number of rind layers for each computational direction
-       (structured grid) or number of rind points or elements
-       (unstructured grid).  For structured grids, the low/high sides have unit stride in the array (e.g., <tt>[NRindLowI, NRindHighI, NRindLowJ, NRindHighJ, NRindLowK, NRindHighK]</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-When writing rind data for elements,
-<a href="grid.html#elements"><tt>cg_section_write</tt></a> must be
-called first, followed by
-<a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a> to access the
-<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> node,
-and then <tt>cg_rind_write</tt>.
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Navigating a CGNS File</h2>
-<li> <a href="#goto">Accessing a Node</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_goto</b></tt> - Access a node via label/name, index pairs
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_gorel</b></tt> - Access a node via relative path
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_gopath</b></tt> - Access a node via pathname
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_golist</b></tt> - Access a node via arrays of labels and indices
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_where</b></tt> - Get path to current node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#delete">Deleting a Node</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_delete_node</b></tt> - Delete a node
-     </ul>
-<a name="goto"></a>
-<h3>Accessing a Node</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_goto(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>...</span>, <span class=in>"end"</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_gorel(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>...</span>, <span class=in>"end"</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_gopath(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>const char *path</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_golist(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int depth</span>, <span class=in>char **label</span>, <span class=in>int *index</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_where(<span class=out>int *fn</span>, <span class=out>int *B</span>, <span class=out><i>int *depth</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char **label</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *index</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_goto_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>, <span class=in>...</span>, <span class=in>'end'</span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_gorel_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>, <span class=in>...</span>, <span class=in>'end'</span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_gopath_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>path</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>...</tt><td>
-   <td>Variable argument list used to specify the path to a node.
-       It is composed of an unlimited list of pair-arguments identifying
-       each node in the path.
-       Nodes may be identified by their label or name.
-       Thus, a pair-argument may be of the form
-   "CGNS_NodeLabel", <i>NodeIndex</i>
-       where <tt>CGNS_NodeLabel</tt> is the node label and
-       <i>NodeIndex</i> is the node index, or
-   "CGNS_NodeName", 0
-       where <tt>CGNS_NodeName</tt> is the node name.
-       The 0 in the second form is required, to indicate that a node
-       name is being specified rather than a node label.
-       In addition, a pair-argument may be specified as
-   "..", 0
-       indicating the parent of the current node.
-       The different pair-argument forms may be intermixed in the same
-       function call.
-       <p>
-       There is one exception to this rule.
-       When accessing a <tt>BCData_t</tt> node, the index must be set to
-       either <tt>Dirichlet</tt> or <tt>Neumann</tt> since only these
-       two types are allowed.
-       (Note that <tt>Dirichlet</tt> and <tt>Neumann</tt> are defined in
-       the include files <i>cgnslib.h</i> and <i>cgnslib_f.h</i>).
-       Since "<tt>Dirichlet</tt>" and "<tt>Neuman</tt>" are also the
-       names for these nodes, you may also use the <tt>"Dirichlet", 0</tt>
-       or <tt>"Neuman", 0</tt> to access the node.
-       See the example below.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>end</tt><td>
-   <td>The character string <tt>"end"</tt> (or <tt>'end'</tt> for the Fortran
-       function) must be the last argument.
-       It is used to indicate the end of the argument list.
-       You may also use the empty string, <tt>""</tt> (<tt>''</tt> for
-       Fortran), or the <tt>NULL</tt> string in C, to terminate the
-       list.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>path</tt><td>
-   <td>The pathname for the node to go to.
-       If a position has been already set, this may be a relative
-       path, otherwise it is an absolute path name, starting with
-       <tt>"/Basename"</tt>, where <tt>Basename</tt> is the base under
-       which you wish to move.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>depth</tt><td>
-   <td>Depth of the path list.
-       The maximum depth is defined in <i>cgnslib.h</i> by
-       <tt>CG_MAX_GOTO_DEPTH</tt>, and is currently equal to 20.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>label</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of node labels for the path.
-       This argument may be passed as <tt>NULL</tt> to
-       <tt>cg_where()</tt>, otherwise it must be dimensioned by the
-       calling program.
-       The maximum size required is <tt>label[MAX_GO_TO_DEPTH][33]</tt>.
-       You may call <tt>cg_where()</tt> with both <tt>label</tt> and
-       <tt>index</tt> set to <tt>NULL</tt> in order to get the current
-       depth, then dimension to that value.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>index</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of node indices for the path.
-       This argument may be passed as <tt>NULL</tt> to
-       <tt>cg_where()</tt>, otherwise it must be dimensioned by the
-       calling program.
-       The maximum size required is <tt>index[MAX_GO_TO_DEPTH]</tt>.
-       You may call <tt>cg_where()</tt> with both <tt>label</tt> and
-       <tt>index</tt> set to <tt>NULL</tt> in order to get the current
-       depth, then dimension to that value.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-       The possible values, with the corresponding C names (or Fortran
-       parameters) defined in <i>cgnslib.h</i> (or <i>cgnslib_f.h</i>)
-       are listed below.<br><br>
-       <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col>Value</td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th align=left scope=col>Name/Parameter</td>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td align=center>0</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>CG_OK</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td align=center>1</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>CG_ERROR</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td align=center>2</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>CG_NODE_NOT_FOUND</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline><td></td>
-          <td align=center>3</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>CG_INCORRECT_PATH</tt></td>
-       </table><br>
-       For non-zero values, an error message may be printed using
-       <a href="error.html"><tt>cg_error_print()</tt></a>.
-This function allows access to any parent-type nodes in a CGNS file.
-A parent-type node is one that can have children.
-Nodes that cannot have children, like <tt>Descriptor_t</tt>, are
-not supported by this function.
-To illustrate the use of the above routines, assume you have a file with
-CGNS index number <tt>filenum</tt>, a base node named <tt>Base</tt>
-with index number <tt>basenum</tt>, 2 zones (named <tt>Zone1</tt>
-and <tt>Zone2</tt>, with indices 1 and 2), and user-defined data
-(<tt>User</tt>, index 1) below each zone.
-To move to the user-defined data node under zone 1, you may use any of
-the following:
-   cg_goto(filenum, basenum, "Zone_t", 1, "UserDefinedData_t", 1, NULL);
-   cg_goto(filenum, basenum "Zone1", 0, "UserDefinedData_t", 1, NULL);
-   cg_goto(filenum, basenum, "Zone_t", 1, "User", 0, NULL);
-   cg_goto(filenum, basenum, "Zone1", 0, "User", 0, NULL);
-   cg_gopath(filenum, "/Base/Zone1/User");
-Now, to change to the user-defined data node under zone 2, you may use
-the full path specification as above, or else a relative path, using one
-of the following:
-   cg_gorel(filenum, "..", 0, "..", 0, "Zone_t", 2, "UserDefinedData_t", 1, NULL);
-   cg_gorel(filenum, "..", 0, "..", 0, "Zone2", 0, "UserDefinedData_t", 1, NULL);
-   cg_gorel(filenum, "..", 0, "..", 0, "Zone_t", 2, "User", 0, NULL);
-   cg_gorel(filenum, "..", 0, "..", 0, "Zone2", 0, "User", 0, NULL);
-   cg_gopath(filenum, "../../Zone2/User");
-Shown below are some additional examples of various uses of these
-routines, in both C and Fortran, where <tt>fn</tt>, <tt>B</tt>,
-<tt>Z</tt>, etc., are index numbers.
-   ier = cg_goto(fn, B, "Zone_t", Z, "FlowSolution_t", F, "..", 0, "MySolution", 0, "end");
-   ier = cg_gorel(fn, "..", 0, "FlowSolution_t", F, NULL);
-   ier = cg_gopath(fn, "/MyBase/MyZone/MySolution");
-   ier = cg_gopath(fn, "../../MyZoneBC");
-   call cg_goto_f(fn, B, ier, 'Zone_t', Z, 'GasModel_t', 1, 'DataArray_t', A, 'end')
-   call cg_goto_f(fn, B, ier, 'Zone_t', Z, 'ZoneBC_t', 1, 'BC_t', BC, 'BCDataSet_t', S,
-                  'BCData_t', Dirichlet, 'end')
-   call cg_gorel_f(fn, ier, '..', 0, 'Neumann', 0, '')
-   call cg_gopath_f(fn, '../../MyZoneBC', ier)
-<a name="delete"></a>
-<h3>Deleting a Node</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_delete_node(<span class=in>char *NodeName</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_delete_node_f(<span class=in>NodeName</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>NodeName</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Name of the child to be deleted.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The function <tt>cg_delete_node</tt> is used is conjunction with
-<a href="#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>.
-Once positioned at a parent node with <tt>cg_goto</tt>, a child of
-this node can be deleted with <tt>cg_delete_node</tt>.
-This function requires a single argument, <tt>NodeName</tt>, which is
-the name of the child to be deleted.
-Since the highest level that can be pointed to with <tt>cg_goto</tt> is
-a base node for a CGNS database
-(<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>), the
-highest-level nodes that can be deleted are the children of a
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node.
-In other words, nodes located directly under the ADF (or HDF) root node
-(<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> and
-<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt></a>)
-can not be deleted with <tt>cg_delete</tt>.
-A few other nodes are not allowed to be deleted from the database
-because these are required nodes as defined by the SIDS, and deleting
-them would make the file non-CGNS compliant.
-These are:
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>ZoneType</tt> 
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>PointRange, PointRangeDonor, Transform</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>PointList</tt> and any <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>PointRange, PointList, CellListDonor, PointListDonor</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>PointList, PointRange</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>GeometryFile, GeometryFormat</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>ElementRange, ElementConnectivity</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/misc.html#Gravity"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>GravityVector</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint, AxisymmetryAxisVector</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>RotationCenter, RotationRateVector</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/cnct.html#Periodic"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>RotationCenter, RotationAngle, Translation</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/cnct.html#AverageInterface"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>AverageInterfaceType</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/bc.html#WallFunction"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>WallFunctionType</tt>
-<li> Under <a href="../sids/bc.html#Area"><tt>Area_t</tt></a>:
-     <tt>AreaType, SurfaceArea, RegionName</tt>
-When a child node is deleted, both the database and the file on disk are
-updated to remove the node.
-One must be careful not to delete a node from within a loop of that node
-For example, if the number of zones below a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is
-<tt>nzones</tt>, a zone should never be deleted from within a zone loop!
-By deleting a zone, the total number of zones (<tt>nzones</tt>) changes,
-as well as the zone indexing.
-Suppose for example that <tt>nzones</tt> is 5, and that the third zone
-is deleted.
-After calling <tt>cg_delete_node</tt>, <tt>nzones</tt> is changed to 4,
-and the zones originally indexed 4 and 5 are now indexed 3 and 4.
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Physical Data</h2>
-<li> <a href="#dataarray">Data Arrays</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_array_write</b></tt> - Write data array
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_array_general_write</b></tt> - Write shaped array to a subset of data array
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_narrays</b></tt> - Get number of data arrays under current node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_array_info</b></tt> - Get data array info
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_array_read</b></tt> - Read data array
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_array_read_as</b></tt> - Read data array as a certain type
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_array_general_read</b></tt> - Read subset of data array to a shaped array
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#dataclass">Data Class</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_dataclass_write</b></tt> - Write data class
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_dataclass_read</b></tt> - Read data class
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#dataconversion">Data Conversion Factors</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conversion_write</b></tt> - Write conversion factors
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conversion_info</b></tt> - Get conversion factors data type
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_conversion_read</b></tt> - Read conversion factors
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#dimensionalunits">Dimensional Units</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_units_write</b></tt> - Write first five dimensional units
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_unitsfull_write</b></tt> - Write all eight dimensional units
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nunits</b></tt> - Get number of dimensional units
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_units_read</b></tt> - Read first five dimensional units
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_unitsfull_read</b></tt> - Read all eight dimensional units
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#dimensionalexponents">Dimensional Exponents</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_exponents_write</b></tt> - Write first five dimensional exponents
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_expfull_write</b></tt> - Write all eight dimensional exponents
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nexponents</b></tt> - Get number of dimensional exponents
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_exponents_info</b></tt> - Get exponent data type
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_exponents_read</b></tt> - Read first five dimensional exponents
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_expfull_read</b></tt> - Read all eight dimensional exponents
-     </ul>
-<a name="dataarray"></a>
-<h3>Data Arrays</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/data.html#DataArray">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#DataArray">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_array_write(<span class=in>char *arrayname</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *dimensions</span>, <span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_array_general_write(<span class=in>char *arrayname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in>int rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_narrays(<span class=out><i>int *narrays</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_array_info(<span class=in>int A</span>, <span class=out><i>char *arrayname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>DataType_t *datatype</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *rank</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *dimensions</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_array_read(<span class=in>int A</span>, <span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_array_read_as(<span class=in>int A</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_array_general_read(<span class=in>int A</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_array_write_f(<span class=in>arrayname</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>rank</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>dimensions</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_array_general_write_f</span>(<span class=in>arrayname</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>rank</span>, <span class=in>dimensions</span><br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>mem_range_max</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_narrays_f(<span class=out><i>narrays</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_array_info_f(<span class=in>A</span>, <span class=out><i>arrayname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>datatype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>rank</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>dimensions</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_array_read_f</span>(<span class=in>A</span>, <span class=out><i>data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_array_read_as_f</span>(<span class=in>A</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=out><i>data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_array_general_read_f</span>(<span class=in>A</span>, <span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>mem_dimensions</span>, <span class=in>mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>mem_range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>narrays</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Number of <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes under the current node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>A</tt><td>
-   <td>Data array index, where 1 &le; <tt>A</tt> &le; <tt>narrays</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>arrayname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of data held in the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node.
-       The admissible types are <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>LongInteger</tt>,
-       <tt>RealSingle</tt>, <tt>RealDouble</tt>, and <tt>Character</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in file (max 12). See
-<a href="../cgio/node.html">Node Management Routines</a> in CGIO User's Guide.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>dimensions</tt><td>
-  <td>Dimensions of array in file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in file (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in file (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>The type of data held in memory.
-       The admissible types are <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>LongInteger</tt>,
-       <tt>RealSingle</tt>, <tt>RealDouble</tt>, and <tt>Character</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in memory (max 12).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_dimensions</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in memory (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in memory (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data</tt><td>
-   <td>The data array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The function <tt>cg_array_general_write</tt> may be used to write
-from a subset of the array in memory to a subset of the array in the file.
-When using the partial write, any existing data from <tt>range_min</tt>
-to <tt>range_max</tt> will be overwritten by the new values.
-All other values will not be affected.
-The functions <tt>cg_array_general_read</tt> and <tt>cg_array_general_write</tt>
-allow for type conversion when both reading from and writing to the file.
-When using <tt>cg_array_general_write</tt> and
-<tt>cg_array_general_read</tt>, the lower <em>core</em> elements in the file
-have index 1 for defining <tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt>; whereas
-for the array in memory, defined by <tt>mem_rank</tt> and
-<tt>mem_dimensions</tt>, the lower <em>array</em> elements in memory have
-index 1 for defining <tt>mem_range_min</tt> and <tt>mem_range_max</tt>.
-The actual lower and upper bounds of the array in memory can be anything.
-For example, to fully read a two-dimensional 6 &times 6 data array with 1
-rind plane on each side in the file to an 8 &times 8 array in memory
-(<tt>mem_rank</tt> = 2 and <tt>mem_dimensions</tt> = (8,8)), set
-<tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> to (0,0) and (7,7), and set
-<tt>mem_range_min</tt> and <tt>mem_range_max</tt> to (1,1) and (8,8).
-<a name="dataclass"></a>
-<h3>Data Class</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>DataClass_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/build.html#DataClass">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#DataClass">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_dataclass_write(<span class=in>DataClass_t dataclass</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_dataclass_read(<span class=out><i>DataClass_t *dataclass</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_dataclass_write_f(<span class=in>dataclass</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_dataclass_read_f(<span class=out><i>dataclass</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>dataclass</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Data class for the nodes at this level.
-       See below for the data classes currently supported in CGNS.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The data classes currently supported in CGNS are:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Dimensional</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Regular dimensional data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt><td>
-   <td>Nondimensional data that is normalized by dimensional reference
-       quantities.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt><td>
-   <td>All fields and reference data are nondimensional.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>NondimensionalParameter</tt><td>
-   <td>Nondimensional parameters such as Mach number and lift coefficient.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DimensionlessConstant</tt><td>
-   <td>Constant such as <i>&pi;</i>.
-These classes are declared within typedef <tt>DataClass_t</tt> in
-<i>cgnslib.h</i>, and as parameters in <i>cgnslib_f.h</i>.
-<a name="dataconversion"></a>
-<h3>Data Conversion Factors</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>DataConversion_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/data.html#DataConversion">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#DataConversion">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conversion_write(<span class=in>DataType_t DataType</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>void *ConversionFactors</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conversion_info(<span class=out><i>DataType_t *DataType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_conversion_read(<span class=out><i>void *ConversionFactors</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_conversion_write_f</span>(<span class=in>DataType</span>, <span class=in>ConversionFactors</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conversion_info_f(<span class=out><i>DataType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_conversion_read_f(<span class=out><i>ConversionFactors</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>DataType</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Data type in which the conversion factors are recorded.
-       Admissible data types for conversion factors are <tt>RealSingle</tt>
-       and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ConversionFactors</tt><td>
-   <td>Two-element array containing the scaling and offset factors.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The <tt>DataConversion_t</tt> data structure contains factors to convert
-the nondimensional data to "raw" dimensional data.
-The scaling and offset factors are contained in the two-element array
-In pseudo-Fortran, the conversion process is as follows:
-   ConversionScale  = ConversionFactors(1)
-   ConversionOffset = ConversionFactors(2)
-   Data(<i>raw</i>) = Data(<i>nondimensional</i>)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset
-<a name="dimensionalunits"></a>
-<h3>Dimensional Units</h3>
-<i>Nodes</i>: <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt>
-              (<a href="../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits">SIDS</a>,
-               <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalUnits">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_units_write(<span class=in>MassUnits_t mass</span>, <span class=in>LengthUnits_t length</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>TimeUnits_t time</span>, <span class=in>TemperatureUnits_t temperature</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>AngleUnits_t angle</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_unitsfull_write(<span class=in>MassUnits_t mass</span>, <span class=in>LengthUnits_t length</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>TimeUnits_t time</span>, <span class=in>TemperatureUnits_t temperature</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>AngleUnits_t angle</span>, <span class=in>ElectricCurrentUnits_t current</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>SubstanceAmountUnits_t amount</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>LuminousIntensityUnits_t intensity</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nunits(<span class=out><i>int *nunits</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_units_read(<span class=out><i>MassUnits_t *mass</i></span>, <span class=out><i>LengthUnits_t *length</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>TimeUnits_t *time</i></span>, <span class=out><i>TemperatureUnits_t *temperature</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>AngleUnits_t *angle</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_unitsfull_read(<span class=out><i>MassUnits_t *mass</i></span>, <span class=out><i>LengthUnits_t *length</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>TimeUnits_t *time</i></span>, <span class=out><i>TemperatureUnits_t *temperature</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>AngleUnits_t *angle</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ElectricCurrentUnits_t *current</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>SubstanceAmountUnits_t *amount</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>LuminousIntensityUnits_t *intensity</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_units_write_f(<span class=in>mass</span>, <span class=in>length</span>, <span class=in>time</span>, <span class=in>temperature</span>, <span class=in>angle</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_unitsfull_write_f(<span class=in>mass</span>, <span class=in>length</span>, <span class=in>time</span>, <span class=in>temperature</span>, <span class=in>angle</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>current</span>, <span class=in>amount</span>, <span class=in>intensity</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nunits_f(<span class=out><i>nunits</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_units_read_f(<span class=out><i>mass</i></span>, <span class=out><i>length</i></span>, <span class=out><i>time</i></span>, <span class=out><i>temperature</i></span>, <span class=out><i>angle</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_unitsfull_read_f(<span class=out><i>mass</i></span>, <span class=out><i>length</i></span>, <span class=out><i>time</i></span>, <span class=out><i>temperature</i></span>, <span class=out><i>angle</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>current</i></span>, <span class=out><i>amount</i></span>, <span class=out><i>intensity</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>mass</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Mass units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Kilogram</tt>, <tt>Gram</tt>, <tt>Slug</tt>, and
-       <tt>PoundMass</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>length</tt><td>
-   <td>Length units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Meter</tt>, <tt>Centimeter</tt>, <tt>Millimeter</tt>,
-       <tt>Foot</tt>, and <tt>Inch</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>time</tt><td>
-   <td>Time units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>, and
-       <tt>Second</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>temperature</tt><td>
-   <td>Temperature units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Kelvin</tt>, <tt>Celsius</tt>, <tt>Rankine</tt>, and
-       <tt>Fahrenheit</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>angle</tt><td>
-   <td>Angle units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Degree</tt>, and <tt>Radian</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>current</tt><td>
-   <td>Electric current units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Ampere</tt>, <tt>Abampere</tt>, <tt>Statampere</tt>,
-       <tt>Edison</tt>, and <tt>auCurrent</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>amount</tt><td>
-   <td>Substance amount units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Mole</tt>, <tt>Entities</tt>, <tt>StandardCubicFoot</tt>, and
-       <tt>StandardCubicMeter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>intensity</tt><td>
-   <td>Luminous intensity units.
-       Admissible values are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>Candela</tt>, <tt>Candle</tt>, <tt>Carcel</tt>,
-       <tt>Hefner</tt>, and <tt>Violle</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nunits</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of units used in the file (i.e., either 5 or 8).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The supported units are declared within typedefs in <i>cgnslib.h</i>
-and as parameters in <i>cgnslib_f.h</i>.
-When reading units data, either <tt>cg_units_read</tt> or
-<tt>cg_unitsfull_read</tt> may be used, regardless of the number of
-units used in the file.
-If <tt>cg_unitsfull_read</tt> is used, but only five units are used
-in the file, the returned values of <tt>current</tt>, <tt>amount</tt>,
-and <tt>intensity</tt> will be <tt>CG_Null</tt>.
-<a name="dimensionalexponents"></a>
-<h3>Dimensional Exponents</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalExponents">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_exponents_write(<span class=in>DataType_t DataType</span>, <span class=in>void *exponents</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_expfull_write(<span class=in>DataType_t DataType</span>, <span class=in>void *exponents</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nexponents(<span class=out><i>int *nexponents</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_exponents_info(<span class=out><i>DataType_t *DataType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_exponents_read(<span class=out><i>void *exponents</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_expfull_read(<span class=out><i>void *exponents</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_exponents_write_f</span>(<span class=in>DataType</span>, <span class=in>exponents</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_expfull_write_f</span>(<span class=in>DataType</span>, <span class=in>exponents</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nexponents_f(<span class=out><i>nexponents</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_exponents_info_f(<span class=out><i>DataType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_exponents_read_f</span>(<span class=out><i>exponents</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_expfull_read_f</span>(<span class=out><i>exponents</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>DataType</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Data type in which the exponents are recorded.
-       Admissible data types for the exponents are <tt>RealSingle</tt>
-       and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>exponents</tt><td>
-   <td>Exponents for the dimensional units for mass, length, time,
-       temperature, angle, electric current, substance amount, and
-       luminous intensity, in that order.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nexponents</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of exponents used in the file (i.e., either 5 or 8).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-When reading exponent data, either <tt>cg_exponents_read</tt> or
-<tt>cg_expfull_read</tt> may be used, regardless of the number of
-exponents used in the file.
-If <tt>cg_exponents_read</tt> is used, but all eight exponents are used
-in the file, only the first five exponents are returned.
-If <tt>cg_expfull_read</tt> is used, but only five exponents are used
-in the file, the returned values of the exponents for electric current,
-substance amount, and luminous intensity will be zero.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Solution Data</h2>
-<li> <a href="#flowsolution">Flow Solution</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_sol_write</b></tt> - Create and/or write to a <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nsols</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_sol_info</b></tt> - Get info about a <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_sol_ptset_write</b></tt> - Create a point set <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_sol_ptset_info</b></tt> - Get info about a point set <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_sol_ptset_read</b></tt> - Read a point set <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_sol_size</b></tt> - Get the dimensions of a <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#flowsolution_array">Flow Solution Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_field_write</b></tt> - Write flow solution
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_field_partial_write</b></tt> - Write subset of flow solution
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_field_general_write</b></tt> - Write shaped array to a subset of flow solution
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nfields</b></tt> - Get number of flow solution arrays
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_field_info</b></tt> - Get info about a flow solution array
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_field_read</b></tt> - Read flow solution
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_field_general_read</b></tt> - Read subset of flow solution to a shaped array
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#discretedata">Discrete Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_discrete_write</b></tt> - Create a <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ndiscrete</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_discrete_read</b></tt> - Get name of a <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_discrete_ptset_write</b></tt> - Create a point set <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_discrete_ptset_info</b></tt> - Get info about a point set <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_discrete_ptset_read</b></tt> - Read a point set <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_discrete_size</b></tt> - Get the dimensions of a <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#subregion">Zone Subregions</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nsubregs</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_subreg_info</b></tt> - Get info about a <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_subreg_ptset_read</b></tt> - Read point set data for a <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_subreg_bcname_read</b></tt> - Read the <tt>BC_t</tt> node name for a <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_subreg_gcname_read</b></tt> - Read the <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node name for a <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_subreg_ptset_write</b></tt> - Create a point set <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_subreg_bcname_write</b></tt> - Create a <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node that references a <tt>BC_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_subreg_gcname_write</b></tt> - Create a <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node that references a <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<a name="flowsolution"></a>
-<h3>Flow Solution</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#FlowSolution">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_sol_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *solname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>GridLocation_t location</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nsols(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nsols</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_sol_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>char *solname</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>GridLocation_t *location</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_sol_ptset_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>const char *solname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>GridLocation_t location</span>, <span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>, <span class=in>const cgsize_t *pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_sol_ptset_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *npnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_sol_ptset_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_sol_size(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>int *data_dim</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *dim_vals</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call cg_sol_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>solname</span>, <span class=in>location</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nsols_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>nsols</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_sol_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>solname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>location</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_sol_ptset_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>solname</span>, <span class=in>location</span>, <span class=in>ptset_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_sol_ptset_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_sol_ptset_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_sol_size_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>data_dim</i></span>, <span class=out><i>dim_vals</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>S</tt><td>
-   <td>Flow solution index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>S</tt> &le; <tt>nsols</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nsols</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of flow solutions for zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>solname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the flow solution.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>location</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid location where the solution is recorded.
-       The current admissible locations are <tt>Vertex</tt>,
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt>, <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>,
-       and <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ptset_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of point set defining the interface in the current solution;
-       either <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of points defining the interface in the current solution.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt>
-       is always two.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt> is
-       the number of points in the <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of points defining the interface in the current solution.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data_dim</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions defining the solution data. If a
-       point set has been defined, this will be 1, otherwise
-       this will be the current zone index dimension.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>dim_vals</tt><td>
-   <td>The array of <tt>data_dim</tt> dimensions for the solution data.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are used to create, and get information about,
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes.
-Solution data may be specified over the entire zone, as in previous
-versions of the library, using <tt>cg_sol_write</tt> or over
-a patch region of the zone using <tt>cg_sol_ptset_write</tt>.
-The two are mutually exclusive. In the first case, the size of
-the solution data is determined by the size of the zone, the
-grid location, and rind data (if any) as in previous versions.
-In the second case the solution data size is entirely determined
-by the <tt>PointList/PointRange</tt> patch. In order to determine which of
-the two forms in which the solution data was written, use
-<tt>cg_sol_ptset_info</tt>. If the solution is over the entire
-zone, <tt>ptset_type</tt> will be returned as <tt>CG_Null</tt>
-and <tt>npnts</tt> as 0. Otherwise, <tt>ptset_type</tt> will
-be either <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt>, and the
-number of points will be returned in <tt>npnts</tt>.
-To assist in determining the size of the solution data,
-the function <tt>cg_sol_size</tt> has been added. For a solution
-defined over the full zone, <tt>data_dim</tt> returns the index
-dimension for the zone, and <tt>dim_vals</tt> specifies the
-dimensions of the data, corrected for the grid location type
-and rind data. If a point set patch has been specified,
-<tt>data_dim</tt> will be 1 and <tt>dim_vals</tt> will contain
-the total size of the patch.
-Acceptable values of <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> are <tt>Vertex</tt>
-and <tt>CellCenter</tt>. If the base cell dimension is 2 or
-greater (surface or volume), then <tt>EdgeCenter</tt> is
-also allowed. For 3 dimensional bases, <tt>FaceCenter</tt>, and
-for structured zones, <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>
-and <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>, are also acceptable.
-<a name="flowsolution_array"></a>
-<h3>Flow Solution Data</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_field_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in>char *fieldname</span>, <span class=in>void *solution_array</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *F</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_field_partial_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in>char *fieldname</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=in>void *solution_array</span>, <span class=out><i>int *F</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_field_general_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>char *fieldname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>void *solution_array</span>, <span class=out><i>int *F</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nfields(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nfields</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_field_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>int F</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>DataType_t *datatype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>char *fieldname</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_field_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>char *fieldname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *solution_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_field_general_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>char *fieldname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *solution_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_field_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>fieldname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>solution_array</span>, <span class=out><i>F</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_field_partial_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>fieldname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>solution_array</span>, <span class=out><i>F</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_field_general_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>fieldname</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>mem_range_max</span>, <span class=in>solution_array</span>, <span class=out><i>F</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nfields_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>nfields</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_field_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>F</span>, <span class=out><i>datatype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>fieldname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_field_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>fieldname</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>range_min</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>solution_array</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cg_field_general_read_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>fieldname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>mem_range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>solution_array</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>S</tt><td>
-   <td>Flow solution index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>S</tt> &le; <tt>nsols</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F</tt><td>
-   <td>Solution array index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>F</tt> &le; <tt>nfields</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nfields</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of data arrays in flow solution <tt>S</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of the solution array written to the file.
-       Admissible data types for a solution array are <tt>Integer</tt>,
-       <tt>LongInteger</tt>, <tt>RealSingle</tt>, and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>fieldname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the solution array.
-       It is strongly advised to use the
-       <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">SIDS nomenclature
-       conventions</a> when naming the solution arrays to insure file
-       compatibility.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in file (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in file (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of an array in memory.
-       Admissible data types for a solution array are <tt>Integer</tt>,
-       <tt>LongInteger</tt>, <tt>RealSingle</tt>, and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_dimensions</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in memory (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in memory (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>solution_array</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of solution values.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are used to read and write solution arrays stored
-below a <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node.
-When writing, the function <tt>cg_field_write</tt> will
-automatically write the full range of the solution (i.e., the entire
-The functions <tt>cg_field_partial_write</tt> and <tt>cg_field_general_write</tt> may be used to write
-only a subset of <tt>solution_array</tt>.
-When using the partial write, any existing data from <tt>range_min</tt>
-to <tt>range_max</tt> will be overwritten by the new values.
-All other values will not be affected.
-The function <tt>cg_field_read</tt> returns the solution array
-<tt>fieldname</tt>, for the range prescribed by <tt>range_min</tt> and
-The array is returned to the application in the data type requested in
-This data type does not need to be the same as the one in which the data is
-stored in the file.
-A solution array stored as double precision in the CGNS file can be
-returned to the application as single precision, or vice versa.
-The functions <tt>cg_field_general_read</tt> and <tt>cg_field_general_write</tt>
-allow for type conversion when both reading from and writing to the file.
-In Fortran, when using <tt>cg_field_read_f</tt> to read a 2D or 3D
-solution, the extent of each dimension of <tt>solution_array</tt> must
-be consistent with the requested range.
-When reading a 1D solution, the declared size can be larger than the
-requested range.
-For example, for a 2D zone with 100 &times; 50 vertices, if
-<tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> are set to (11,11) and (20,20)
-to read a subset of the solution, then <tt>solution_array</tt> must be
-dimensioned (10,10).
-If <tt>solution_array</tt> is declared larger (e.g., (100,50)) the
-indices for the returned array values will be wrong.
-These restrictions can be avoided by using <tt>cg_field_general_read_f</tt> instead.
-When using <tt>cg_field_general_write</tt> and
-<tt>cg_field_general_read</tt>, the lower <em>core</em> locations in the file
-have index 1 for defining <tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt>; whereas
-for the array in memory, defined by <tt>mem_rank</tt> and
-<tt>mem_dimensions</tt>, the lower <em>array</em> locations in memory have
-index 1 for defining <tt>mem_range_min</tt> and <tt>mem_range_max</tt>.
-The actual lower and upper bounds of the array in memory can be anything.
-For example, to fully read a two-dimensional 6 &times 6 solution array with 1
-rind plane on each side in the file to an 8 &times 8 array in memory
-(<tt>mem_rank</tt> = 2 and <tt>mem_dimensions</tt> = (8,8)), set
-<tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> to (0,0) and (7,7), and set
-<tt>mem_range_min</tt> and <tt>mem_range_max</tt> to (1,1) and (8,8).
-<a name="discretedata"></a>
-<h3>Discrete Data</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/misc.html#DiscreteData">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#DiscreteData">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_discrete_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *DiscreteName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *D</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ndiscrete(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *ndiscrete</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_discrete_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int D</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *DiscreteName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_discrete_ptset_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>const char *DiscreteName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>GridLocation_t location</span>, <span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>, <span class=in>const cgsize_t *pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>int *D</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_discrete_ptset_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int D</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *npnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_discrete_ptset_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int D</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_discrete_size(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int D</span>, <span class=out><i>int *data_dim</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *dim_vals</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call cg_discrete_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>DiscreteName</span>, <span class=out><i>D</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ndiscrete_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>ndiscrete</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_discrete_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>D</span>, <span class=out><i>DiscreteName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_discrete_ptset_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>DiscreteName</span>, <span class=in>location</span>, <span class=in>ptset_type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>D</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_discrete_ptset_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>D</span>, <span class=out><i>ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_discrete_ptset_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>D</span>, <span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_discrete_size_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>D</span>, <span class=out><i>data_dim</i></span>, <span class=out><i>dim_vals</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>D</tt><td>
-   <td>Discrete data index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>D</tt> &le; <tt>ndiscrete</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ndiscrete</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> data structures under zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>DiscreteName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> data structure.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>location</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid location where the discrete data is recorded.
-       The current admissible locations are <tt>Vertex</tt>,
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt>, <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>,
-       and <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ptset_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of point set defining the interface for the discrete data;
-       either <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of points defining the interface for the discrete data.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt>
-       is always two.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt> is
-       the number of points in the list.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of points defining the interface for the discrete data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data_dim</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions defining the discrete data. If a
-       point set has been defined, this will be 1, otherwise
-       this will be the current zone index dimension.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>dim_vals</tt><td>
-   <td>The array of <tt>data_dim</tt> dimensions for the discrete data.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> nodes are intended for the storage of fields
-of data not usually identified as part of the flow solution, such as
-fluxes or equation residuals.
-The description for these functions is similar to the
-<a href="#flowsolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a> node as described above.
-To read and write the discrete data, use
-<a href="navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a> to access the
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node, then
-<a href="physical.html#dataarray"><tt>cg_array_read</tt></a> and
-<a href="physical.html#dataarray"><tt>cg_array_write</tt></a>.
-The dimensions provided to the array-write family of functions must match the dimensions specified by the <tt>Zone_t</tt> and DiscreteData_t</tt> nodes.  Use <a href="location.html#gridlocation"><tt>cg_gridlocation_write</tt></a> and
-<a href="location.html#rind"><tt>cg_rind_write</tt></a> under the <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> node, as required.
-<a name="subregion"></a>
-<h3>Zone Subregions</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ZoneSubRegion">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nsubregs(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nsubregs</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_subreg_info(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>char *regname</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *dimension</i></span>, <span class=out><i>GridLocation_t *location</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>PointSetType_t *ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *npnts</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *bcname_len</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *gcname_len</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_subreg_ptset_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>cgsize_t *pnts</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_subreg_bcname_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>char *bcname</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_subreg_gcname_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=out><i>char *gcname</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_subreg_ptset_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>const char *regname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int dimension</span>, <span class=in>GridLocation_t location</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>PointSetType_t ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t npnts</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>const cgsize_t *pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_subreg_bcname_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>const char *regname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int dimension</span>, <span class=in>const char *bcname</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_subreg_gcname_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>const char *regname</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int dimension</span>, <span class=in>const char *gcname</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nsubregs_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>nsubregs</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_subreg_info_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>regname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>dimension</i></span>, <span class=out><i>location</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ptset_type</i></span>, <span class=out><i>npnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>bcname_len</i></span>, <span class=out><i>gcname_len</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_subreg_ptset_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>pnts</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_subreg_bcname_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>bcname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_subreg_gcname_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=out><i>gcname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_subreg_ptset_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>regname</span>,  <span class=in>dimension</span>, <span class=in>location</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>ptset_type</span>, <span class=in>npnts</span>, <span class=in>pnts</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_subreg_bcname_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>regname</span>, <span class=in>dimension</span>, <span class=in>bcname</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_subreg_gcname_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>regname</span>, <span class=in>dimension</span>, <span class=in>gcname</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>S</tt><td>
-   <td>ZoneSubRegion index number, where 1 &le; <tt>S</tt> &le; <tt>nsubregs</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nsubregs</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> nodes under Zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>regname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <zz>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node,</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>dimension</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensionality of the subregion, 1 for lines, 2 for faces,
-       3 for volumes,</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>location</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid location used in the definition of the point set.
-       The currently admissible locations are <tt>Vertex</tt> and
-       <tt>CellCenter</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ptset_type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of point set defining the interface for the subregion data;
-       either <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>npnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of points defining the interface for the subregion data.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt>
-       is always two.
-       For a <tt>ptset_type</tt> of <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>npnts</tt> is
-       the number of points in the <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>pnts</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of points defining the interface  for the subregion data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>bcname</tt><td>
-   <td>The name of a <tt>BC_t</tt> node which defines the subregion.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>gcname</tt><td>
-   <td>The name of a <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> or
-       <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> node which defines the subregion.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>bcname_len</tt><td>
-   <td>String length of <tt>bcname</tt>.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>gcname_len</tt><td>
-   <td>String length of <tt>gcname</tt>.</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-These functions allow for the specification of Zone subregions. The
-subregion may be specified as either the name of an existing
-<tt>BC_t</tt> node (<tt>cg_subreg_bcname_write</tt>), an
-existing <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> or <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>
-node (<tt>cg_subreg_gcname_write</tt>), or as a <tt>PointSet/PointRange</tt>
-(<tt>cg_subreg_ptset_write</tt>). These specifications are mutually
-exclusive. To determine the type of the subregion, use
-<tt>cg_subreg_info</tt>. If the subregion is a point set,
-then <tt>ptset_type</tt> will indicate the point set type (either
-<tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt>) and <tt>npts</tt> will be
-set to the number of points to define the region. Otherwise,
-<tt>ptset_type</tt> will be set to <tt>CG_Null</tt> and
-<tt>npnts</tt> will be 0. In this case, one of <tt>bcname_len</tt>
-or <tt>gcname_len</tt> will be non-zero, indicating whether the
-ZoneSubRegion references a <tt>BC_t</tt> node
-(<tt>bcname_len</tt> non-zero) or
-<tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node (<tt>gcname_len</tt> non-zero).
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-<script src="lastupdated.js"></script>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Structural Nodes</h2>
-<li> <a href="#base">CGNS Base Information</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_base_write</b></tt> - Create and/or write to a CGNS base node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nbases</b></tt> - Get number of CGNS base nodes in file
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_base_read</b></tt> - Read CGNS base information
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_cell_dim</b></tt> - Get the cell dimension for the CGNS base
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#zone">Zone Information</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_zone_write</b></tt> - Create and/or write to a zone node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nzones</b></tt> - Get number of zones in base
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_zone_read</b></tt> - Read zone information
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_zone_type</b></tt> - Get type of zone (structured or unstructured)
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_index_dim</b></tt> - Get the index dimension for the CGNS zone
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#simulationtype">Simulation Type</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_simulation_type_write</b></tt> - Write simulation type
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_simulation_type_read</b></tt> - Read simulation type
-     </ul>
-<a name="base"></a>
-<h3>CGNS Base Information</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#CGNSBase">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_base_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>char *basename</span>, <span class=in>int cell_dim</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int phys_dim</span>, <span class=out><i>int *B</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nbases(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nbases</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_base_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>char *basename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>int *cell_dim</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *phys_dim</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_cell_dim(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>int *cell_dim</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_base_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>basename</span>, <span class=in>cell_dim</span>, <span class=in>phys_dim</span>, <span class=out><i>B</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nbases_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>nbases</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_base_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>basename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>cell_dim</i></span>, <span class=out><i>phys_dim</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_cell_dim_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>cell_dim</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nbases</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of bases present in the CGNS file <tt>fn</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>basename</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the base.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>cell_dim</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimension of the cells; 3 for volume cells, 2 for surface cells
-       and 1 for line cells.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>phys_dim</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of coordinates required to define a vector in the field.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="zone"></a>
-<h3>Zone Information</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>Zone_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#Zone">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_zone_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>char *zonename</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *size</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>ZoneType_t zonetype</span>, <span class=out><i>int *Z</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nzones(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nzones</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_zone_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>char *zonename</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>cgsize_t *size</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_zone_type(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>ZoneType_t *zonetype</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_index_dim(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *index_dim</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_zone_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>zonename</span>, <span class=in>size</span>, <span class=in>zonetype</span>, <span class=out><i>Z</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nzones_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>nzones</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_zone_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>zonename</i></span>, <span class=out><i>size</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_zone_type_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>zonetype</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_index_dim_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>index_dim</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nzones</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of zones present in base <tt>B</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>zonename</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the zone.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>size</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of vertices, cells, and boundary vertices in each
-       (<i>index</i>)-dimension.  For structured grids, the dimensions have unit stride in the array (e.g., <tt>[NVertexI, NVertexJ, NVertexK, NCellI, NCellJ, NCellK, NBoundVertexI, NBoundVertexJ, NBoundVertexK]</tt>).
-       <p>
-       Note that for unstructured grids, the number of cells is the
-       number of highest order elements.
-       Thus, in three dimensions it's the number of 3-D cells, and in
-       two dimensions it's the number of 2-D cells.
-       <p>
-       Also for unstructured grids, if the nodes are sorted between
-       internal nodes and boundary nodes, the optional parameter
-       <tt>NBoundVertex</tt> must be set equal to the number of boundary
-       nodes.
-       By default, <tt>NBoundVertex</tt> equals zero, meaning that the
-       nodes are unsorted.
-       <p>
-       Note that a non-zero value for <tt>NBoundVertex</tt> only applies
-       to unstructured grids.
-       For structured grids, the <tt>NBoundVertex</tt> parameter always
-       equals 0 in all directions.<br><br>
-       <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th align=left scope=col>Mesh Type</td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th align=left scope=col>Size
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td nowrap>3D structured</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>NVertexI, NVertexJ, NVertexK</tt><br>
-              <tt>NCellI, NCellJ, NCellK</tt><br>
-              <tt>NBoundVertexI = 0, NBoundVertexJ = 0, NBoundVertexK = 0</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td nowrap>2D structured</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>NVertexI, NVertexJ</tt><br>
-              <tt>NCellI, NCellJ</tt><br>
-              <tt>NBoundVertexI = 0, NBoundVertexJ = 0</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td>3D unstructured</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>NVertex, NCell3D, NBoundVertex</tt>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td>2D unstructured</td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>NVertex, NCell2D, NBoundVertex</tt>
-       </table><br>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>zonetype</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of the zone.
-       The admissible types are <tt>Structured</tt> and <tt>Unstructured</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>index_dim</tt><td>
-   <td>Index dimension for the zone. For Structured zones, this will
-       be the base cell dimension and for Unstructured zones it will
-       be 1</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-Note: When a CGNS file is opened via the cg_open() MLL function, the zones are sorted 
-<i>alphanumerically</i> by name (the creation order is ignored/discarded).  This mechanism is
-provided to enable ordinal zone indexing.  Therefore, if ordinal zone indexing is desired,
-it is considered good standard
-practice to always <u>choose zone names to 
-be alphabetically increasing.</u>  For example, Zone0001, Zone0002, etc. is appropriate for up to
-9999 zones.
-(Important: Because the cgnsview tool uses the low-level cgio API, it does not sort the zones
-by name and zone order presented may not match that of the MLL API.  Generally, cgnsview
-presents the zones in creation order for both ADF and HDF5 formats.  One exception is CGNS files
-that are either created or opened using the HDF5 v1.6 library (or older) will always be presented
-alphabetically (creation order tracking was added to HDF5 in v1.8).)
-<!--Note that the zones are sorted alphanumerically to insure that
-they can always be retrieved in the same order (for the same
-<em>Therefore, users must name their zones alphanumerically to ensure proper
-<a name="simulationtype"></a>
-<h3>Simulation Type</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>SimulationType_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#SimulationType">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#SimulationType">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_simulation_type_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>SimulationType_t SimulationType</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_simulation_type_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>SimulationType_t SimulationType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_simulation_type_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>SimulationType</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_simulation_type_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>SimulationType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt></b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>SimulationType</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of simulation.
-       Valid types are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>TimeAccurate</tt>, and <tt>NonTimeAccurate</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Time-Dependent Data</h2>
-<li> <a href="#biter">Base Iterative Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_biter_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_biter_read</b></tt> - Read <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#ziter">Zone Iterative Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ziter_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_ziter_read</b></tt> - Read <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#rigid">Rigid Grid Motion</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_rigid_motion_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_n_rigid_motions</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_rigid_motion_read</b></tt> - Read <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#arbitrary">Arbitrary Grid Motion</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_arbitrary_motion_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_n_arbitrary_motions</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_arbitrary_motion_read</b></tt> - Read <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#zconn">Zone Grid Connectivity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_nzconns</b></tt> - Get number of <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> nodes
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_zconn_read</b></tt> - Read <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_zconn_write</b></tt> - Create <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_zconn_set</b></tt> - Set the current <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node
-     <li> <tt><b>cg_zconn_get</b></tt> - Get the current <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node
-     </ul>
-<a name="biter"></a>
-<h3>Base Iterative Data</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/timedep.html#BaseIterativeData">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#BaseIterativeData">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_biter_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>char *BaseIterName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int Nsteps</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_biter_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=out><i>char *BaseIterName</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *Nsteps</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_biter_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>BaseIterName</span>, <span class=in>Nsteps</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_biter_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=out><i>BaseIterName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>Nsteps</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>BaseIterName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Nsteps</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of time steps or iterations.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="ziter"></a>
-<h3>Zone Iterative Data</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ZoneIterativeData">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ziter_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>char *ZoneIterName</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_ziter_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>char *ZoneIterName</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ziter_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ZoneIterName</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_ziter_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>ZoneIterName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ZoneIterName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="rigid"></a>
-<h3>Rigid Grid Motion</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/timedep.html#RigidGridMotion">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#RigidGridMotion">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_rigid_motion_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *RigidGridMotionName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>RigidGridMotionType_t RigidGridMotionType</span>, <span class=out><i>int *R</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_n_rigid_motions(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *n_rigid_motions</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_rigid_motion_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int R</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *RigidGridMotionName</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>RigidGridMotionType_t RigidGridMotionType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_rigid_motion_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>RigidGridMotionName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>RigidGridMotionType</span>, <span class=out><i>R</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_n_rigid_motions_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>n_rigid_motions</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_rigid_motion_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>R</span>, <span class=out><i>RigidGridMotionName</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>RigidGridMotionType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>RigidGridMotionName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>RigidGridMotionType</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of rigid grid motion.
-       The admissible types are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>ConstantRate</tt>, and <tt>VariableRate</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>n_rigid_motions</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> nodes under zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>R</tt><td>
-   <td>Rigid rotation index number, where 1 &le; <tt>R</tt> &le; <tt>n_rigid_motions</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="arbitrary"></a>
-<h3>Arbitrary Grid Motion</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ArbitraryGridMotion">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_arbitrary_motion_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *ArbitraryGridMotionName</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>ArbitraryGridMotionType_t ArbitraryGridMotionType</span>, <span class=out><i>int *A</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_n_arbitrary_motions(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>int *n_arbitrary_motions</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_arbitrary_motion_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int A</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>char *ArbitraryGridMotionName</i></span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ArbitraryGridMotionType_t ArbitraryGridMotionType</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_arbitrary_motion_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>ArbitraryGridMotionName</span>, <span class=in>ArbitraryGridMotionType</span>, <span class=out><i>A</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_n_arbitrary_motions_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>n_arbitrary_motions</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_arbitrary_motion_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>A</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>ArbitraryGridMotionName</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ArbitraryGridMotionType</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ArbitraryGridMotionName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of arbitrary grid motion.
-       The admissible types are <tt>CG_Null</tt>, <tt>CG_UserDefined</tt>,
-       <tt>NonDeformingGrid</tt>, and <tt>DeformingGrid</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>n_arbitrary_motions</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> nodes under zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>A</tt><td>
-   <td>Arbitrary grid motion index number, where 1 &le; <tt>A</tt> &le; <tt>n_arbitrary_motions</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<a name="zconn"></a>
-<h3>Zone Grid Connectivity</h3>
-<i>Node</i>: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-             (<a href="../sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">SIDS</a>,
-              <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">File Mapping</a>)
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_nzconns(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *nzconns</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_zconn_read(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int ZC</span>, <span class=out><i>char *zcname</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_zconn_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>const char *zcname</span>, <span class=out><i>int *ZC</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_zconn_set(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int ZC</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cg_zconn_get(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=out><i>int *ZC</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_nzconns_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>nzconns</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_zconn_read_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ZC</span>, <span class=out><i>zcname</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_zconn_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>zcname</span>, <span class=out><i>ZC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_zconn_set_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ZC</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cg_zconn_get_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=out><i>ZC</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ZC</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone grid connectivity index number, where 1 &le; <tt>ZC</tt> &le; <tt>nzconns</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nzconns</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> nodes under Zone <tt>Z</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>zcname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node,</td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-This allows for the specification of multiple <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-nodes. If these functions are not used, or <tt>cg_zconn_write</tt>
-is called once with a <tt>zcname</tt> of <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt>,
-then there will be no differences from previous versions of the
-CGNS library. However, with multiple <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-nodes, there is an implicit <i>current</i> <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-node on which subsequent grid connectivity functions will operate,
-i.e. <tt>cg_conn_read/write</tt> or <tt>cg_1to1_read/write</tt>.
-The functions <tt>cg_zconn_read</tt> and <tt>cg_zconn_write</tt>
-will implicitly set the <i>current</i> <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-node, while <tt>cg_zconn_set</tt> explicitly sets it. The functions
-<tt>cg_nzconns</tt> and <tt>cg_zconn_get</tt> do not change it.
-The time-dependent changes to the connectivities may then be recorded
-in the <tt>ZoneInterativeData_t</tt> node as an array of
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-<script src="lastupdated.js"></script>
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-<!-- HTML input file for "AP209E2 Initial Module Breakdown, V1.1"
-     (attachment to minutes of Oct 2005 Steering Committee Telecon) -->
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-<title>AP209E2 Initial Module Breakdown, V1.1</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-AP209E2 Initial Module Breakdown
-August 31, 2005
-<h2>Product Data Management</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Product Identification<td>
-    <td>part_and_version_identification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>part_definition_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>part_view_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_categorization
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_concept_identification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_identification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_version_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_view_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_view_definition_properties
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_view_definition_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Work Management<td>
-    <td>approval
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>certification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>contract
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Activity<td>
-    <td>activity
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>activity_method
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>work_order
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>work_request
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Document Management<td>
-    <td>document_and_version_identification document_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>document_definition document_management document_properties
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>document_structure
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>external_item_identification_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>file_identification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Management Resource Information<td>
-    <td>alias_identification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>class
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>classification_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>date_time
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>date_time_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>event
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>event_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>external_class
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>external_model
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>group
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>identification_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>incomplete_data_reference_mechanism
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>management_resource_information multi_linguism
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>name_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>project
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>security_classification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>time_interval
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>time_interval_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Product Structure<td>
-    <td>assembly_structure
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_replacement
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>product_structure
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>single_part_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Configuration Effectivity<td>
-    <td>configuration_effectivity
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>configuration_item
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>effectivity
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>effectivity_application
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Person Organisation<td>
-    <td>person_organization
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>person_organization_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Properties<td>
-    <td>independent_property
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>independent_property_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>process_property_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>property_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>shape_property_assignment
-<h2>Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Geometric Shape<td>
-    <td>advanced_boundary_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>basic_curve
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>basic_geometry
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>construction_geometry constructive_solid_geometry_3d contextual_shape_positioning
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>derived_shape_element edge_based_wireframe elemental_geometric_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>faceted_boundary_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>foundation_representation geometrically_bounded_surface
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>geometrically_bounded_wireframe
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>manifold_surface
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>shell_based_wireframe
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>topologically_bounded_surface
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Associative Text<td>
-    <td>associative_text
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>text_appearance
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing<td>
-    <td>default_tolerance dimension_tolerance
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>extended_measure_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>geometric_tolerance measure_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>value_with_unit
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Geometric Accuracy and Validation<td>
-    <td>geometric_validation_property_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>representation_with_uncertainty
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Geometric Presentation<td>
-    <td>appearance_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>colour
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>curve_appearance
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>general_surface_appearance
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>layer_assignment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>shape_appearance_layers
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>styled_curve
-<h2>Composite Structure Definition, Specification, and Shape</h2>
-<h3>Composite Structure Definition</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Composite_constituent_definition<td>
-    <td>constituent_part
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>ply
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>ply_piece
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>ply_piece_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>processed_core
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>ply_lamnate
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>ply_laminate_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>filament_laminate
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>filament_laminate_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>woven_laminate
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>woven_laminate_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>braided_laminate
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>braided_laminate_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>composite_assembly
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>composite_assembly_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Laminate_table<td>
-    <td>laminate_table
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>surface_with_direction
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>SURFACE
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Part_laminate_table<td>
-    <td>ply_laminate_table
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>ply_laminate_sequence_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>composite_assembly_table
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>compiste_assembly_sequence_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>component_class_for_assembly
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Zone_laminate_table<td>
-    <td>zone_structural_makeup
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>smeared_material
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>percentage_laminate_table
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>percentage_ply
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>thickness_laminate_table
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>thickness_laminate_table_component
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>zone_structural_makeup_shape_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>edge_zone_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>boundary_class_zone
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>point_zone_shape
-<h3>Composite Structure Shape</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Ply_shape<td>
-    <td>ply_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>projected_ply_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>projection_method
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>DIRECTION
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>surface_ply_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>view_ply_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>laid_ply_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>flat_pattern_ply_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>LOCATION
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Ply_orientation<td>
-    <td>ply_orientation_angle
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>reinforcement_orientation_basis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>draped_orientation_angle
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>laid_orientation_angle
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>woven_orentation_angles
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>braided_orentation_angles
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>angle_select
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>point_path
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>point_and_vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>CURVE
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>DIRECTION
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Composite_constituent_shape<td>
-    <td>constituent_shape_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>beveled_sheet_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>composite_sheet_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>face_based_sheet_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>SURFACE
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>LOOP
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>geomtric_sheet_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>boundary_curve_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>CURVE
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>three_d_geometry_set
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>CURVE
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>SURFACE
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Material_specification (may exist)<td>
-    <td>material_specification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Material_property (look at 210 module for this)<td>
-    <td>material_property
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>environment
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Stock_material<td>
-    <td>stock_material
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>anisotropic_material
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>isotropic_material
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>stock_core
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>filament_assembly
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>woven_assembly
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>braided_assembly
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>discontinous_fiber_assembly
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Ply_material<td>
-    <td>ply_stock_material
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Design_material_aspects (E1 extended to apply
-                       material to shape aspects)<td>
-    <td>design_material
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>design_material_application
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>material_select
-<h2>Analysis Model, Control, and Results</h2>
-<h3>Analysis Identification</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Analysis<td>
-    <td>analysis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>analysis_version
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>analysis_design_version_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>analysis_discipline_product_definitioni
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Retention_period<td>
-    <td>retention_period
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>retention_data_select
-<h3>Mesh Model</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FEA_model<td>
-    <td>fea_model
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>fea_model_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FEA_group (may exist and just need to extend)<td>
-    <td>group
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>group_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Node<td>
-    <td>node
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>node_description
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>substructure_node_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>node_shape_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>nodal_results_coordinate_system
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Finite_element<td>
-    <td>element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>element_description
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>element_shape_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>element_shape_aspect
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>volume_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>surface_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>curve_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>substructure_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>point_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>directionally_explicit_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>explicit_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FEA_matrix<td>
-    <td>mass_matrix
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>stiffness_matrix
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>damping_matrix
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>general_matrix
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Element_properties<td>
-    <td>curve_property
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>curve_section_properties
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>curve_cross_section
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>cross_section_shape_select
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>surface_property
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>surface_thickness
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>element_property_geometric_relationship
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>element_property_select
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>definition_element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FEA_material_specification<td>
-    <td>fea_material_specification
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>fea_material_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>fea_material_property
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_model<td>
-    <td>mbna_model
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_zone<td>
-    <td>mbna_zone
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_grid_coordinates<td>
-    <td>grid_coordinates
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_defined_data<td>
-    <td>specified_general_property
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_equation<td>
-    <td>flow_equation_set
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Model_product_domain<td>
-    <td>model_product_domain
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Numerical_model<td>
-    <td>numerical_model
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Structured_mesh<td>
-    <td>structured_mesh_model
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Unstructured_mesh<td>
-    <td>unstructured_mesh_model
-<h3>Analysis Shape</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Analysis_shape<td>
-    <td>analysis_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>idealized_analysis_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>node_shape
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FEA_shape<td>
-    <td>point_model
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Non_manifold_surface<td>
-    <td>non_manifold_shape_representation
-<h3>Fields and Properties</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Model_property_distribution<td>
-    <td>model_property_distribution
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Property_distribution_description<td>
-    <td>property_distribution_description
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FE_analysis_defintion_relationships<td>
-    <td>product_and_model_relationships
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>action_and_model_relationships
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>state_and_model_relationships
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>shape_relationships
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>porperty_distribution_and_model_relationships
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>FEA_definition_relationships
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_specified_general_property<td>
-    <td>specified_general_property
-<h3>Analysis Control and Boundary Conditions</h3>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Analysis_control<td>
-    <td>analysis_control
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FE_analysis_control<td>
-    <td>fe_analysis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>fe_analysis_control_step
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>static_control_step
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>modes_and_freqencies_analysis_step
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FE_analysis_state<td>
-    <td>fe_analysis_state
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>output_request_state
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>specified_state
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>linearly_superimposed_state
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>calculated_state
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FE_analysis_state_definition<td>
-    <td>fe_analysis_state_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>single_oint_constraint_values
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>nodal_freedom_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>element_field_variable_definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>elemnt_nodal_freedom_actions
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>linear_constraint_equation_values
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>analysis_message
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>definition_reference
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FE_analysis_constraint_defintion<td>
-    <td>constraint
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>linear_constraint_equation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>nodal_degree_of_freedom_reduction
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_condition<td>
-    <td>mbna_condition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_step<td>
-    <td>mbna_step
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Model_action_domain<td>
-    <td>model_action_domain
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Model_state_domain<td>
-    <td>model_state_domain
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Module<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Application Object
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>FE_analysis_results<td>
-    <td>fe_analysis_results
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>fe_analysis_results_step
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>static_results_step
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>modes_and_frequencies_analysis_step
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>CFD_analysis_results<td>
-    <td>mbna_result
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Analysis_report<td>
-    <td>analysis_report_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>graphical_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td>tabular_representation
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup>Simulation_run<td>
-    <td>simulation_run
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<img src="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.1/fig2.png"
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-     "AP209E2 Planning Model"
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-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 1 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Product Data Management" and
-"Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies".
-In the "Product Data Management" area is a box labeled "Product
-Identification" containing the following items.
-<li> part_and_version_identification
-<li> part_definition_relationship
-<li> part_view_definition
-<li> product_categorization
-<li> product_concept_identification
-<li> product_identification
-<li> product_version
-<li> product_version_relationship
-<li> product_view_definition
-<li> product_view_definition_properties
-<li> product_view_definition_relationship
-Lines are drawn from the "Product Identification" box to seven other
-boxes in the "Product Data Management" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Work Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> approval
-     <li> certification
-     <li> contract
-     </ul>
-<li> Activity
-     <ul>
-     <li> activity
-     <li> activity_method
-     <li> work_order
-     <li> work_request
-     </ul>
-<li> Document Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> document_and_version_identification
-     <li> document_assignment
-     <li> document_definition
-     <li> document_management
-     <li> document_properties
-     <li> document_structure
-     <li> external_item_identification_assignment
-     <li> file_identification
-     </ul>
-<li> Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> independent_property
-     <li> independent_property_representation
-     <li> process_property_assignment
-     <li> property_assignment
-     <li> shape_property_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Person Organization
-     <ul>
-     <li> person_organization
-     <li> person_organization_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Configuration Effectivity
-     <ul>
-     <li> configuration_effectivity
-     <li> configuration_item
-     <li> effectivity
-     <li> effectivity_application
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Structure
-     <ul>
-     <li> assembly_structure
-     <li> product_replacement
-     <li> product_structure
-     <li> single_part_representation
-     </ul>
-In addition, the "Product Identification" box is connected to boxes
-labeled "Analysis Identification" and "Material", described on
-<a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of this chart.
-Additional lines connect the "Material" box to the "Document Management"
-box, and to a box labeled "Geometric Shape" in the "Configuration
-Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area of the chart.
-There's an eighth box in the "Product Data Management" area, labeled
-"Management Resource Information", that's not connected to the "Product
-Identification" box.
-Its contents are:
-<li> alias_identification
-<li> class
-<li> classification_assignment
-<li> date_time
-<li> date_time_assignment
-<li> event
-<li> event_assignment
-<li> external_class
-<li> external_model
-<li> group
-<li> identification_assignment
-<li> incomplete_data_reference_mechanism
-<li> management_resource_information
-<li> multi_linguism
-<li> name_assignment
-<li> project
-<li> security_classification
-<li> time_interval
-<li> time_interval_assignment
-The "Management Resource Information" box is connected to a box labeled
-"Geometric Shape" in the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and
-Assemblies" area of the chart.
-In the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area is a box
-labeled "Geometric Shape" containing the following items.
-<li> advanced_boundary_representation
-<li> basic_curve
-<li> basic_geometry
-<li> construction_geometry
-<li> constructive_solid_geometry_3d
-<li> contextual_shape_positioning
-<li> derived_shape_element
-<li> edge_based_wireframe
-<li> elemental_geometric_shape
-<li> faceted_boundary_representation
-<li> foundation_representation
-<li> geometrically_bounded_surface
-<li> geometrically_bounded_wireframe
-<li> manifold_surface
-<li> shell_based_wireframe
-<li> topologically_bounded_surface
-Lines are drawn from the "Geometric Shape" box to four other boxes in
-the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Associative Text
-     <ul>
-     <li> associative_text
-     <li> text_appearance
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
-     <ul>
-     <li> default_tolerance
-     <li> dimension_tolerance
-     <li> extended_measure_representation
-     <li> geometric_tolerance
-     <li> measure_representation
-     <li> value_with_unit
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Presentation
-     <ul>
-     <li> appearance_assignment
-     <li> colour
-     <li> curve_appearance
-     <li> general_surface_appearance
-     <li> layer_assignment
-     <li> shape_appearance_layers
-     <li> styled_curve
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Accuracy and Validation
-     <ul>
-     <li> geometric_validation_property_representation
-     <li> representation_with_uncertainty
-     </ul>
-In addition, the "Geometric Shape" box is connected to the "Management
-Resource Information" box in the "Product Data Management" area of the
-chart, described previously, and to boxes labeled "Analysis Shape",
-"Mesh Model", "EACM Fields and Properties", "Analysis Control", and
-"Material", described on <a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of this chart.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     May 2005
-     "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 2 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Composite Structure Definition,
-Specification, and Shape" and "Analysis Model, Control, and Results".
-In the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification, and Shape" area
-are three boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-     <ul>
-     <li> Composite_constituent_definition
-     <li> Laminate_table
-     <li> Part_laminate_table
-     <li> Zone_laminate_table
-     </ul>
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Ply_shape
-     <li> Ply_orientation
-     <li> Composite_constituent_shape
-     </ul>
-<li> Material
-     <ul>
-     <li> Material_specification
-     <li> Material_property
-     <li> Stock_material
-     <li> Ply_material
-     <li> Design_material
-     </ul>
-The "Material" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-<li> Analysis Identification (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and
-     Results" area)
-<li> Mesh Model (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> Analysis Shape (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> EACM Fields and Properties (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and
-     Results" area)
-<li> Document Management (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-In the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area are six boxes, with
-the following labels and contents.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> Retention_period
-     </ul>
-<li> Mesh Model
-     <ul>
-     <li> FEA_model
-     <li> FEA_group
-     <li> Node
-     <li> Finite_element
-     <li> FEA_matrix
-     <li> Element_properties
-     <li> FEA_material_specicfication
-     <li> Unstructured_mesh
-     <li> Structured_mesh
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_shape
-     <li> FEA_shape
-     <li> Non_manifold_surface
-     </ul>
-<li> EACM Fields and Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> EACM_fields
-     <li> EACM_properties
-     <li> FE_analysis_definition_relationships
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Control
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_control
-     <li> FE_analysis_control
-     <li> FE_analysis_state
-     <li> FE_analysis_state_defintion
-     <li> FE_analysis_constraint_definition
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> FE_Analysis_results
-     <li> Analysis_report
-     </ul>
-The "Analysis Identification" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Mesh Model
-The "Mesh Model" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Control
-The "Analysis Shape" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "EACM Fields and Properties" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Control" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Mesh Model
-<li> Analysis
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis" box is connected to the "Analysis Control" box.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.1/fig2.png b/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.1/fig2.png
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-<!-- HTML input file for "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-     (attachment to minutes of Oct 2005 Steering Committee Telecon) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>AP209E2 Planning Model</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<img src="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig1.png"
-     alt="Page 1 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig1.html">
-<img src="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig2.png"
-     alt="Page 2 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig2.html">
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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deleted file mode 100644
index c32d828a..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2.pdf and /dev/null differ
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Oct 2005
-     "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 1 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Product Data Management" and
-"Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies".
-In the "Product Data Management" area is a box labeled "Product
-Identification" containing the following items.
-<li> part_and_version_identification
-<li> part_definition_relationship
-<li> part_view_definition
-<li> product_categorization
-<li> product_concept_identification
-<li> product_identification
-<li> product_version
-<li> product_version_relationship
-<li> product_view_definition
-<li> product_view_definition_properties
-<li> product_view_definition_relationship
-Lines are drawn from the "Product Identification" box to eight other
-boxes in the "Product Data Management" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Work Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> approval
-     <li> certification
-     <li> contract
-     </ul>
-<li> Activity
-     <ul>
-     <li> activity
-     <li> activity_method
-     <li> work_order
-     <li> work_request
-     </ul>
-<li> Document Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> document_and_version_identification
-     <li> document_assignment
-     <li> document_definition
-     <li> document_management
-     <li> document_properties
-     <li> document_structure
-     <li> external_item_identification_assignment
-     <li> file_identification
-     </ul>
-<li> Management Resource Information
-     <ul>
-     <li> alias_identification
-     <li> class
-     <li> classification_assignment
-     <li> date_time
-     <li> date_time_assignment
-     <li> event
-     <li> event_assignment
-     <li> external_class
-     <li> external_model
-     <li> group
-     <li> identification_assignment
-     <li> incomplete_data_reference_mechanism
-     <li> management_resource_information
-     <li> multi_linguism
-     <li> name_assignment
-     <li> project
-     <li> security_classification
-     <li> time_interval
-     <li> time_interval_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> independent_property
-     <li> independent_property_representation
-     <li> process_property_assignment
-     <li> property_assignment
-     <li> shape_property_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Person Organization
-     <ul>
-     <li> person_organization
-     <li> person_organization_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Configuration Effectivity
-     <ul>
-     <li> configuration_effectivity
-     <li> configuration_item
-     <li> effectivity
-     <li> effectivity_application
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Structure
-     <ul>
-     <li> assembly_structure
-     <li> product_replacement
-     <li> product_structure
-     <li> single_part_representation
-     </ul>
-The "Product Identification" box is also connected to a box labeled
-"Geometric Shape" in the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and
-Assemblies" area of the chart, and to boxes labeled "Analysis
-Identification" and "Material", described on <a href="fig2.html">page
-2</a> of this chart.
-Additional lines connect the "Material" box to the "Document Management"
-box, and to the "Geometric Shape" box in the "Configuration Controlled
-3D Parts and Assemblies" area.
-In the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area is a box
-labeled "Geometric Shape" containing the following items.
-<li> advanced_boundary_representation
-<li> basic_curve
-<li> basic_geometry
-<li> construction_geometry
-<li> constructive_solid_geometry_3d
-<li> contextual_shape_positioning
-<li> derived_shape_element
-<li> edge_based_wireframe
-<li> elemental_geometric_shape
-<li> faceted_boundary_representation
-<li> foundation_representation
-<li> geometrically_bounded_surface
-<li> geometrically_bounded_wireframe
-<li> manifold_surface
-<li> shell_based_wireframe
-<li> topologically_bounded_surface
-Lines are drawn from the "Geometric Shape" box to four other boxes in
-the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Associative Text
-     <ul>
-     <li> associative_text
-     <li> text_appearance
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
-     <ul>
-     <li> default_tolerance
-     <li> dimension_tolerance
-     <li> extended_measure_representation
-     <li> geometric_tolerance
-     <li> measure_representation
-     <li> value_with_unit
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Presentation
-     <ul>
-     <li> appearance_assignment
-     <li> colour
-     <li> curve_appearance
-     <li> general_surface_appearance
-     <li> layer_assignment
-     <li> shape_appearance_layers
-     <li> styled_curve
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Accuracy and Validation
-     <ul>
-     <li> geometric_validation_property_representation
-     <li> representation_with_uncertainty
-     </ul>
-In addition, the "Geometric Shape" box is connected to boxes labeled
-"Analysis Shape", "Mesh Model", "Fields and Properties", "Analysis
-Control", and "Material", described on <a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of
-this chart.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig1.png b/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig1.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 875df65c..00000000
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index c3111024..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Oct 2005
-     "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 2 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Composite Structure Definition,
-Specification, and Shape" and "Analysis Model, Control, and Results".
-In the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification, and Shape" area
-are three boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-     <ul>
-     <li> Composite_constituent_definition
-     <li> Laminate_table
-     <li> Part_laminate_table
-     <li> Zone_laminate_table
-     </ul>
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Ply_shape
-     <li> Ply_orientation
-     <li> Composite_constituent_shape
-     </ul>
-<li> Material
-     <ul>
-     <li> Material_specification
-     <li> Material_property
-     <li> Stock_material
-     <li> Ply_material
-     <li> Design_material_aspects
-     </ul>
-The "Material" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-<li> Mesh Model (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> Analysis Shape (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> Fields and Properties (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and
-     Results" area)
-<li> Document Management (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-In the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area are six boxes, with
-the following labels and contents.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> Retention_period
-     </ul>
-<li> Mesh Model
-     <ul>
-     <li> FEA_model
-     <li> FEA_group
-     <li> Node
-     <li> Finite_element
-     <li> FEA_matrix
-     <li> Element_properties
-     <li> FEA_material_specicfication
-     <li> CFD_model
-     <li> CFD_zone
-     <li> CFD_grid_coordinates
-     <li> CFD_defined_data
-     <li> CFD_equation
-     <li> Model_product_domain
-     <li> Numerical_model
-     <li> Unstructured_mesh
-     <li> Structured_mesh
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_shape
-     <li> FEA_shape
-     <li> Non_manifold_surface
-     </ul>
-<li> Fields and Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> Model_property_distribution
-     <li> Property_distribution_description
-     <li> FE_analysis_definition_relationships
-     <li> CFD_specified_general_property
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Control
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_control
-     <li> FE_analysis_control
-     <li> FE_analysis_state
-     <li> FE_analysis_state_defintion
-     <li> FE_analysis_constraint_definition
-     <li> CFD_condition
-     <li> CFD_step
-     <li> Model_action_domain
-     <li> Model_state_domain
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis
-     <ul>
-     <li> FE_analysis_results
-     <li> CFD_analysis_results
-     <li> Analysis_report
-     <li> Simulation_run
-     </ul>
-The "Analysis Identification" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Mesh Model
-The "Mesh Model" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Shape" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Fields and Properties" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Control" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis" box is connected to the "Analysis Control" box.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig2.png b/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig2.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 282946e5..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2/fig2.png and /dev/null differ
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<!-- HTML input file for "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-     (attachment to minutes of Mar 2006 Steering Committee Telecon) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>AP209E2 Planning Model</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<img src="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3/fig1.png"
-     alt="Page 1 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3/fig1.html">
-<img src="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3/fig2.png"
-     alt="Page 2 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3/fig2.html">
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3.pdf b/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index b9cd5b72..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3.pdf and /dev/null differ
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Mar 2006
-     "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 1 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Product Data Management" and
-"Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies".
-In the "Product Data Management" area is a box labeled "Product
-Identification" containing the following items.
-<li> part_and_version_identification
-<li> part_definition_relationship
-<li> part_view_definition
-<li> product_categorization
-<li> product_concept_identification
-<li> product_identification
-<li> product_version
-<li> product_version_relationship
-<li> product_view_definition
-<li> product_view_definition_properties
-<li> product_view_definition_relationship
-Lines are drawn from the "Product Identification" box to eight other
-boxes in the "Product Data Management" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Work Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> approval
-     <li> certification
-     <li> contract
-     </ul>
-<li> Activity
-     <ul>
-     <li> activity
-     <li> activity_method
-     <li> work_order
-     <li> work_request
-     </ul>
-<li> Document Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> document_and_version_identification
-     <li> document_assignment
-     <li> document_definition
-     <li> document_management
-     <li> document_properties
-     <li> document_structure
-     <li> external_item_identification_assignment
-     <li> file_identification
-     </ul>
-<li> Management Resource Information
-     <ul>
-     <li> alias_identification
-     <li> class
-     <li> classification_assignment
-     <li> date_time
-     <li> date_time_assignment
-     <li> event
-     <li> event_assignment
-     <li> external_class
-     <li> external_model
-     <li> group
-     <li> identification_assignment
-     <li> incomplete_data_reference_mechanism
-     <li> management_resource_information
-     <li> multi_linguism
-     <li> name_assignment
-     <li> project
-     <li> security_classification
-     <li> time_interval
-     <li> time_interval_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> independent_property
-     <li> independent_property_representation
-     <li> process_property_assignment
-     <li> property_assignment
-     <li> shape_property_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Person Organization
-     <ul>
-     <li> person_organization
-     <li> person_organization_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Configuration Effectivity
-     <ul>
-     <li> configuration_effectivity
-     <li> configuration_item
-     <li> effectivity
-     <li> effectivity_application
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Structure
-     <ul>
-     <li> assembly_structure
-     <li> product_replacement
-     <li> product_structure
-     <li> single_part_representation
-     </ul>
-The "Product Identification" box is also connected to a box labeled
-"Geometric Shape" in the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and
-Assemblies" area of the chart, and to boxes labeled "Analysis
-Identification" and "Material", described on <a href="fig2.html">page
-2</a> of this chart.
-Additional lines connect the "Material" box to the "Document Management"
-box, and to the "Geometric Shape" box in the "Configuration Controlled
-3D Parts and Assemblies" area.
-In the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area is a box
-labeled "Geometric Shape" containing the following items.
-<li> advanced_boundary_representation
-<li> basic_curve
-<li> basic_geometry
-<li> construction_geometry
-<li> constructive_solid_geometry_3d
-<li> contextual_shape_positioning
-<li> derived_shape_element
-<li> edge_based_wireframe
-<li> elemental_geometric_shape
-<li> faceted_boundary_representation
-<li> foundation_representation
-<li> geometrically_bounded_surface
-<li> geometrically_bounded_wireframe
-<li> manifold_surface
-<li> shell_based_wireframe
-<li> topologically_bounded_surface
-Lines are drawn from the "Geometric Shape" box to four other boxes in
-the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Associative Text
-     <ul>
-     <li> associative_text
-     <li> text_appearance
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
-     <ul>
-     <li> default_tolerance
-     <li> dimension_tolerance
-     <li> extended_measure_representation
-     <li> geometric_tolerance
-     <li> measure_representation
-     <li> value_with_unit
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Presentation
-     <ul>
-     <li> appearance_assignment
-     <li> colour
-     <li> curve_appearance
-     <li> general_surface_appearance
-     <li> layer_assignment
-     <li> shape_appearance_layers
-     <li> styled_curve
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Accuracy and Validation
-     <ul>
-     <li> geometric_validation_property_representation
-     <li> representation_with_uncertainty
-     </ul>
-In addition, the "Geometric Shape" box is connected to boxes labeled
-"Analysis Shape", "Mesh Model", "Fields and Properties", "Analysis
-Control", and "Material", described on <a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of
-this chart.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Mar 2006
-     "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 2 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Composite Structure Definition,
-Specification, and Shape" and "Analysis Model, Control, and Results".
-In the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification, and Shape" area
-are three boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-     <ul>
-     <li> Composite_constituent_definition
-     <li> Laminate_table
-     <li> Part_laminate_table
-     <li> Zone_laminate_table
-     </ul>
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Ply_shape
-     <li> Ply_orientation
-     <li> Composite_constituent_shape
-     </ul>
-<li> Material
-     <ul>
-     <li> Material_specification
-     <li> Material_property
-     <li> Stock_material
-     <li> Ply_material
-     <li> Design_material_aspects
-     </ul>
-The "Material" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-<li> Analysis Model (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> Analysis Shape (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> Fields and Properties (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and
-     Results" area)
-<li> Document Management (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-In the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area are six boxes, with
-the following labels and contents.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> Retention_period
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Model
-     <ul>
-     <li> FEA_model
-     <li> FEA_group
-     <li> Node
-     <li> Finite_element
-     <li> FEA_matrix
-     <li> CFD_model
-     <li> CFD_zone
-     <li> CFD_grid_coordinates
-     <li> CFD_defined_data
-     <li> Model_product_domain
-     <li> Numerical_model
-     <li> Unstructured_mesh
-     <li> Structured_mesh
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_shape
-     <li> FEA_shape
-     <li> Non_manifold_surface
-     </ul>
-<li> Fields and Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> Model_property_distribution
-     <li> Property_distribution_description
-     <li> FE_analysis_definition_relationships
-     <li> CFD_specified_general_property
-     <li> Element_properties
-     <li> FEA_material_specification
-     <li> CFD_equation
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Control
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_control
-     <li> FE_analysis_control
-     <li> FE_analysis_state
-     <li> FE_analysis_state_defintion
-     <li> FE_analysis_constraint_definition
-     <li> CFD_condition
-     <li> CFD_step
-     <li> Model_action_domain
-     <li> Model_state_domain
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Results
-     <ul>
-     <li> FE_analysis_results
-     <li> CFD_analysis_results
-     <li> Analysis_report
-     <li> Simulation_run
-     </ul>
-The "Analysis Identification" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Model
-The "Analysis Model" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Shape" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Fields and Properties" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Control" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Results
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Results" box is connected to the "Analysis Control" box.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     (attachment to minutes of Nov 2007 Steering Committee Telecon) -->
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-<title>AP209 Edition 2 Overview</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-AP209 Edition 2 Overview<br>
-<small>Rev 1.1 - October, 2007</small>
-<h2>AP209 Edition 1 Background and Overview</h2>
-The Design/Analysis integration problem is typified by the requirement
-to share geometric shape and analysis information in an iterative
-environment. The integration is made more difficult when composite
-structures become a part of the problem. Figure 1 illustrates the
-interconnectivity that this overview addresses. Most production systems
-currently employ specific point-to-point translators to enable this
-process, and very few analysis systems are able to seamlessly return
-geometric shape information to the design shape modeler. With composite
-structures there are the additional problems of calculating true fiber
-directions and ply flat patterns that are shared with the manufacturing
-process. All of this information needs to be shared with commercial or
-inhouse detailed analysis codes such as those for fastened joints and
-panel buckling.
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating interconnectivity"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig1.html">
-Figure 1. Engineering design, analysis, and manufacturing information
-          interconnectivity
-Given this problem AP 209 Edition 1 was created to enable:
-<li> <b>Collaborative analysis and design</b>: Companies using different CAD
-     and FEA systems will be able to exchange engineering design and
-     analysis data using standard file formats. The same data schema
-     used to share information via standard file formats is also usable
-     to dynamically share information tool to tool.  Configuration
-     management data within the standard can ensure that design and
-     analysis activities carried out by the different teams relate to
-     the correct product versions.
-     <p>
-     It is possible to provide separate, but associated, versioning for
-     the product, the analysis idealisation of the product, and for the
-     finite element model.<br>
-<li> <b>Archiving of analysis and design data</b>: A company will be able to
-     archive associated, configuration managed CAD and FEA data in
-     standard format, confident that that data can be reused in the
-     future, whatever system changes have occurred. This is of special
-     importance where FEA has been used for product certification,
-     because additional analyses may be required to investigate
-     in-service problems.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Development of integrated systems</b>: A company will be able to
-     develop an integrated system combining design and analysis based
-     upon standard interfaces.  Such an integrated system may address
-     different analysis disciplines such as structural, thermal and
-     fluids, and may be used for design optimisation. The use of
-     standard interfaces will ensure that the system is not locked-in to
-     a particular system supplier.
-AP 209 Edition 1 covers:
-<li> <b>Finite element data</b>: This includes models, analysis definitions and
-     load cases, and results. A model can be specified in as much detail
-     as required - if necessary down to the level of element shape
-     functions, discretisation points and integration rules. Static and
-     natural frequency analyses are within the initial scope.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Configuration management data</b>: A version of the finite element
-     model is linked to a version of the product. This ensures that the
-     correct finite element data may be associated with the correct
-     version of a product within a PDM (Product Data Management) system.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Product geometry</b>: Both the design geometry and the idealised
-     geometry created for analysis can be recorded. Nodes, finite
-     elements, their edges, faces and volumes can be explicitly
-     associated with aspects of the product geometry.  It is possible to
-     specify element properties, loadings or boundary conditions on a
-     curve, edge, surface, or volume of the geometric model.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Composite lay-up</b>: The lay-up of a composite part can be specified
-     in detail.  Shape, stacking sequence, and property information can
-     be supplied about individual plies and their fibre orientations.
-<h2>AP209 Edition 2</h2>
-The second Edition of ISO 10303-209 (AP209) has integrated a generic
-Engineering Analysis capability complimented by specific CFD and
-generalized mesh based numerical analysis capabilities to the AP209
-Edition 1 classical Finite Element Analysis capabilities. The CFD
-capability is based upon the NASA/AIAA CGNS standard and the Volvo Aero
-EAR-model work. The generalized structured and unstructured analysis and
-mesh capabilities are based upon work done in the Generic Engineering
-Analysis Model (GEM) project from the European Union. In addition there
-is a complete discrete/continuous mathematical field representation
-capability that has been added based upon the Daved Talyor Labs/Boeing
-DT-NURBS package. All of these added capabilities have been integrated
-into the STEP common resources Parts 50, 51, 52, 53, 107, and 110 as
-a basis for use in Application Protocols. The intent is that AP209E2
-will now address a much wider set of multi-disciplinary analysis and
-optimization problems.
-A high-level planning diagram that provides an overview of the contents
-of AP209E2 is shown in Figure 2. The SC4 community has gone to a
-modular approach to developing Application Protocols (APs) to promote
-integration and ease of reuse. Due the modularization of existing
-AP209 capabilities it is now possible to take advantage of this new SC4
-Modular Architecture by embedding the second edition of AP203 and get
-all the new shape, presentation, and GD&amp;T capabilities.
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig2.png"
-     alt="Overview chart for AP209E2"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig2.html">
-Figure 2. ISO 10303-209E2 High Level Overview
-Figures 3 and 4 provide a more detailed overview of the capabilities
-of AP209E2. Figure 3 illustrates the AP203E2 capabilities portion of
-AP209E2. Here there is more detail on the new Presentation, shape, and
-product characteristic capabilities. Note that the composite structure
-shape, structure, and material properties capabilities from the first
-edition of AP209 have now been incorporated into AP203E2. Figure 4
-shows more detail of the modular components of the classical Finite
-Element capability, and the added capabilities for generic structured
-and unstructured mesh based numerical analysis, CFD, and field based
-property definition.
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig3.png"
-     alt="Page 1 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig3.html">
-Figure 3. AP209E2 Planning Model, Page 1 of 2
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig4.png"
-     alt="Page 2 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1/fig4.html">
-Figure 4. AP209E2 Planning Model, Page 2 of 2
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Engineering design, analysis, and manufacturing information interconnectivity </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a box chart showing the high-level connectivity between
-different elements in the engineering design, analysis, and
-manufacturing process.
-There are six boxes, labeled as follows.
-<li> Computer Aided Design
-<li> Finite Element Modeling
-<li> Finite Element Analysis
-<li> Composite Producibility
-<li> Composite Ply Boundary and Stacking Optimization
-<li> Detail Analysis
-Connections between elements are shown using double-ended arrows drawn
-between boxes.
-<li> "Computer Aided Design" connects to "Finite Element Modeling",
-     "Composite Producibility", "Composite Ply Boundary and Stacking
-     Optimization", and "Detail Analysis".
-<li> "Finite Element Modeling" connects to all the other boxes.
-<li> "Finite Element Analysis" connects to "Finite Element Modeling"
-     and "Detail Analysis".
-<li> "Composite Producibility" connects to "Computer Aided Design",
-     "Finite Element Modeling", "Detail Analysis", and "Composite Ply
-     Boundary and Stacking Optimization".
-<li> "Composite Ply Boundary and Stacking Optimization" connects to
-     "Composite Producibility", "Computer Aided Design", "Finite Element
-     Modeling", and "Detail Analysis".
-<li> "Detail Analysis" connects to all the other boxes.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ISO 10303-209E2 High Level Overview </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a complicated "bubble" chart providing a high-level overview
-of the contents of AP209E2.
-Moving more or less from top to bottom:
-<li> At the top a "Product Identification Core" bubble connects
-     to modules labeled "Activity and Work Management", "Product
-     Structure", "Analysis Identification", "Rules and Requirement",
-     "Product Concept, Configuration &amp; Effectivity", "Management
-     Resource Information", "Product characteristic", "Document
-     Management", and "Geometric Shape".
-<li> "Product Structure" connects to "Analysis Identification".
-<li> "Analysis Identification" connects to "Analysis Model".
-<li> "Analysis Model" connects to "Product characteristic", "Fields and
-     Properties", "Analysis Shape", and "Analysis Control and Results".
-<li> "Fields and Properties" and "Analysis Shape" both connect to
-     "Geometric Shape".
-<li> "Geometric Shape" connects to "Geometric Shape Related" and
-     "Presentation".
-At the borrom left is an unconnected box labeled "AP209E2 Modules".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model, page 1 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 1 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-At the top is a box labeled "Product
-Identification Core" containing the following items.
-<li> Part and version identification
-<li> Part view definition
-Lines are drawn from the "Product Identification Core" box to eight
-other boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Activity and Work Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> Activity
-     <li> Work Organization
-     </ul>
-<li> Rules and Requirement
-     <ul>
-     <li> Requirement
-     <li> Planned and evaluated characteristics
-     <li> Production rule
-     </ul>
-<li> Management Resource Information
-     <ul>
-     <li> Alias identification
-     <li> Approval
-     <li> Certification
-     <li> Contract and project
-     <li> Date and time
-     <li> Event and time interval
-     <li> Information rights
-     <li> Multi linguism
-     <li> Person and organization
-     <li> Security_classification
-     </ul>
-<li> Document Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basic document
-     <li> Document structure and properties
-     <li> Partial document and structured text representation
-     <li> Software
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Structure
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basic assembly
-     <li> Assembly with transformation
-     <li> Assembly with usage dependent shape of components
-     <li> Enhanced Assembly
-     <li> Part make from relationship
-     <li> Product version relationship
-     <li> Alternate product and assembly component substitution
-     <li> Physical and functional breakdown
-     <li> Geometric placement within physical breakdown elements
-     <li> Solutions for physical and functional breakdown
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Concept, Configuration &amp; Effectivity
-     <ul>
-     <li> configuration_effectivity
-     <li> configuration_item
-     <li> effectivity
-     <li> effectivity_application
-     </ul>
-<li> Product characteristic
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basis product property
-     <li> Complex product property
-     <li> Basic classification
-     <li> Extended classification
-     <li> Materials
-     <li> Composite materials
-     <li> External library
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> External model
-     <li> Wireframe models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Geometrically bounded wireframe
-          <li> Edge based wireframe
-          <li> Shell based wireframe
-          </ul>
-     <li> Geometrically bounded surface
-     <li> Topologically bounded solid models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Faceted boundary representation
-          <li> Elementary boundary representation
-          <li> Advanced boundary representation
-          </ul>
-     <li> Other solid models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Constructive solid geometry 3d
-          <li> Curve swept solid
-          <li> Swept solid
-          <li> Thickened face solid
-          <li> Solid with local modification
-          <li> Solid with construction history
-          </ul>
-     <li> Other topological bounded models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Manifold surface
-          <li> Manifold subsurface
-          <li> Non manifold surface
-          <li> Compound shape representation
-          </ul>
-     <li> Composite constituent shape representation
-     </ul>
-The "Product Identification" box is also connected to a box labeled
-"From Page 2", indicating that it's connected to other boxes on
-<a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of this chart.
-The "Geometric Shape" box is connected to two boxes, with the following
-labels and contents.
-<li> Presentation
-     <ul>
-     <li> Colours and layers
-     <li> Basic text and curve presentation
-     <li> Text with specified font
-     <li> Basic callout without associativity
-     <li> Associative draughting
-     <li> GD&amp;T presentation
-     <li> GD&amp;T presentation with association
-     <li> Mechanical design geometric presentation
-     <li> Mechanical design shaded presentation
-     <li> Mechanical design presentation representation with draughting
-     <li> Saved view
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric shape related
-     <ul>
-     <li> Shape feature
-     <li> GD&amp;T representation
-     <li> Shape validation property
-     </ul>
-The "Product Identification", "Product characteristic", and "Geometric
-Shape" boxes are also connected to boxes labeled "From Page 2",
-indicating that they're connected to other boxes on
-<a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of this chart.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model, page 2 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 2 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-There are five boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_assignment
-     <li> Analysis_characterized
-     <li> Analysis_identification
-     <li> Analysis_product_relationships
-     <li> Retention_period
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Model
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> Analysis_representation
-     <li> External_analysis_representation
-     <li> Finite_element_model
-     <li> CFD_model
-     <li> Mesh_connectivity
-     <li> Mesh_topology
-     <li> Product_analysis
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_shape
-     <li> B_spline_volume
-     <li> FEA_shape_representation
-     <li> Finite_element_shape
-     <li> Non_manifold_surface
-     </ul>
-<li> Fields and Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> FEA_definition_relationships
-     <li> FEA_material_aspects
-     <li> CFD_specified_general_property
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-     <ul>
-     <li> CFD_conditions
-     <li> CFD_equations
-     <li> CFD_results
-     <li> Finite_element_analysis
-     <li> Mesh_function
-     </ul>
-The "Analysis Identification" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Model
-The "Analysis Model" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-<li> Analysis Shape
-<li> Product Characteristic (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Fields and Properties
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Shape" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Product Characteristic (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Fields and Properties
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-The "Fields and Properties" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Shape
-<li> Product Characteristic (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-The "Analysis Control and Results" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Fields and Properties
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     (attachment to minutes of Nov 2007 Steering Committee Telecon) -->
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-<title>AP209 Edition 2 Overview</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-AP209 Edition 2 Overview<br>
-<small>Rev 1.2 - September, 2008</small>
-<h2>AP209 Edition 1 Background and Overview</h2>
-The Design/Analysis integration problem is typified by the requirement
-to share geometric shape and analysis information in an iterative
-environment. The integration is made more difficult when composite
-structures become a part of the problem. Figure 1 illustrates the
-interconnectivity that this overview addresses. Most production systems
-currently employ specific point-to-point translators to enable this
-process, and very few analysis systems are able to seamlessly return
-geometric shape information to the design shape modeler. With composite
-structures there are the additional problems of calculating true fiber
-directions and ply flat patterns that are shared with the manufacturing
-process. All of this information needs to be shared with commercial or
-inhouse detailed analysis codes such as those for fastened joints and
-panel buckling.
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating interconnectivity"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig1.html">
-Figure 1. Engineering design, analysis, and manufacturing information
-          interconnectivity
-Given this problem AP 209 Edition 1 was created to enable:
-<li> <b>Collaborative analysis and design</b>: Companies using different
-     CAD and FEA systems will be able to exchange engineering design and
-     analysis data using standard file formats. The same data schema
-     used to share information via standard file formats is also usable
-     to dynamically share information tool to tool.  Configuration
-     management data within the standard can ensure that design and
-     analysis activities carried out by the different teams relate to
-     the correct product versions.
-     <p>
-     It is possible to provide separate, but associated, versioning for
-     the product, the analysis idealisation of the product, and for the
-     finite element model.<br>
-<li> <b>Archiving of analysis and design data</b>: A company will
-     be able to archive associated, configuration managed CAD and
-     FEA data in standard format, confident that that data can be
-     reused in the future, whatever system changes have occurred. This
-     is of special importance where FEA has been used for product
-     certification, because additional analyses may be required to
-     investigate in-service problems.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Development of integrated systems</b>: A company will be able
-     to develop an integrated system combining design and analysis
-     based upon standard interfaces.  Such an integrated system may
-     address different analysis disciplines such as structural, thermal
-     and fluids, and may be used for design optimisation. The use of
-     standard interfaces will ensure that the system is not locked-in to
-     a particular system supplier.
-AP 209 Edition 1 covers:
-<li> <b>Finite element data</b>: This includes models, analysis
-     definitions and load cases, and results. A model can be specified
-     in as much detail as required - if necessary down to the level of
-     element shape functions, discretisation points and integration
-     rules. Static and natural frequency analyses are within the initial
-     scope.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Configuration management data</b>: A version of the finite
-     element model is linked to a version of the product. This ensures
-     that the correct finite element data may be associated with the
-     correct version of a product within a PDM (Product Data Management)
-     system.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Product geometry</b>: Both the design geometry and the idealised
-     geometry created for analysis can be recorded. Nodes, finite
-     elements, their edges, faces and volumes can be explicitly
-     associated with aspects of the product geometry.  It is possible to
-     specify element properties, loadings or boundary conditions on a
-     curve, edge, surface, or volume of the geometric model.<br><br>
-<li> <b>Composite lay-up</b>: The lay-up of a composite part can be
-     specified in detail.  Shape, stacking sequence, and property
-     information can be supplied about individual plies and their fibre
-     orientations.
-<h2>AP209 Edition 2</h2>
-The second Edition of ISO 10303-209 (AP209) has integrated a generic
-Engineering Analysis capability complimented by specific CFD and
-generalized mesh based numerical analysis capabilities to the AP209
-Edition 1 classical Finite Element Analysis capabilities. The CFD
-capability is based upon the NASA/AIAA CGNS standard and the Volvo Aero
-EAR-model work. The generalized structured and unstructured analysis and
-mesh capabilities are based upon work done in the Generic Engineering
-Analysis Model (GEM) project from the European Union. In addition there
-is a complete discrete/continuous mathematical field representation
-capability that has been added based upon the Daved Talyor Labs/Boeing
-DT-NURBS package. All of these added capabilities have been integrated
-into the STEP common resources Parts 50, 51, 52, 53, 107, and 110 as
-a basis for use in Application Protocols. The intent is that AP209E2
-will now address a much wider set of multi-disciplinary analysis and
-optimization problems
-A high-level planning diagram that provides an overview of the contents
-of AP209E2 is shown in Figure 2. The SC4 community has gone to a
-modular approach to developing Application Protocols (APs) to promote
-integration and ease of reuse. Due the modularization of existing
-AP209 capabilities it is now possible to take advantage of this new SC4
-Modular Architecture by embedding the second edition of AP203 and get
-all the new shape, presentation, and GD&amp;T capabilities.
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig2.png"
-     alt="Overview chart for AP209E2"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig2.html">
-Figure 2. ISO 10303-209E2 High Level Overview
-Figures 3 and 4 provide a more detailed overview of the capabilities
-of AP209E2. Figure 3 illustrates the AP203E2 capabilities portion of
-AP209E2. Here there is more detail on the new Presentation, shape, and
-product characteristic capabilities. Note that the composite structure
-shape, structure, and material properties capabilities from the first
-edition of AP209 have now been incorporated into AP203E2. Figure 4
-shows more detail of the modular components of the classical Finite
-Element capability, and the added capabilities for generic structured
-and unstructured mesh based numerical analysis, CFD, and field based
-property definition.
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig3.png"
-     alt="Page 1 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig3.html">
-Figure 3. AP209E2 Planning Model, Page 1 of 2
-<img src="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig4.png"
-     alt="Page 2 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2/fig4.html">
-Figure 4. AP209E2 Planning Model, Page 2 of 2
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-Last updated 9 Jan 2009
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Engineering design, analysis, and manufacturing information interconnectivity </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a box chart showing the high-level connectivity between
-different elements in the engineering design, analysis, and
-manufacturing process.
-There are six boxes, labeled as follows.
-<li> Computer Aided Design
-<li> Finite Element Modeling
-<li> Finite Element Analysis
-<li> Composite Producibility
-<li> Composite Ply Boundary and Stacking Optimization
-<li> Detail Analysis
-Connections between elements are shown using double-ended arrows drawn
-between boxes.
-<li> "Computer Aided Design" connects to "Finite Element Modeling",
-     "Composite Producibility", "Composite Ply Boundary and Stacking
-     Optimization", and "Detail Analysis".
-<li> "Finite Element Modeling" connects to all the other boxes.
-<li> "Finite Element Analysis" connects to "Finite Element Modeling"
-     and "Detail Analysis".
-<li> "Composite Producibility" connects to "Computer Aided Design",
-     "Finite Element Modeling", "Detail Analysis", and "Composite Ply
-     Boundary and Stacking Optimization".
-<li> "Composite Ply Boundary and Stacking Optimization" connects to
-     "Composite Producibility", "Computer Aided Design", "Finite Element
-     Modeling", and "Detail Analysis".
-<li> "Detail Analysis" connects to all the other boxes.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ISO 10303-209E2 High Level Overview </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a complicated "bubble" chart providing a high-level overview
-of the contents of AP209E2.
-Moving more or less from top to bottom:
-<li> At the top a "Product Identification Core" bubble connects
-     to modules labeled "Activity and Work Management", "Product
-     Structure", "Analysis Identification", "Rules and Requirement",
-     "Product Concept, Configuration &amp; Effectivity", "Management
-     Resource Information", "Product characteristic", "Document
-     Management", and "Geometric Shape".
-<li> "Product Structure" connects to "Analysis Identification".
-<li> "Analysis Identification" connects to "Analysis Model".
-<li> "Analysis Model" connects to "Product characteristic", "Fields and
-     Properties", "Analysis Shape", and "Analysis Control and Results".
-<li> "Fields and Properties" and "Analysis Shape" both connect to
-     "Geometric Shape".
-<li> "Geometric Shape" connects to "Geometric Shape Related" and
-     "Presentation".
-At the borrom left is an unconnected box labeled "AP209E2 Modules".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model, page 1 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 1 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-At the top is a box labeled "Product
-Identification Core" containing the following items.
-<li> Part and version identification
-<li> Part view definition
-Lines are drawn from the "Product Identification Core" box to eight
-other boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Activity and Work Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> Activity
-     <li> Work Organization
-     </ul>
-<li> Rules and Requirement
-     <ul>
-     <li> Requirement
-     <li> Planned and evaluated characteristics
-     <li> Production rule
-     </ul>
-<li> Management Resource Information
-     <ul>
-     <li> Alias identification
-     <li> Approval
-     <li> Certification
-     <li> Contract and project
-     <li> Date and time
-     <li> Event and time interval
-     <li> Information rights
-     <li> Multi linguism
-     <li> Person and organization
-     <li> Security_classification
-     </ul>
-<li> Document Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basic document
-     <li> Document structure and properties
-     <li> Partial document and structured text representation
-     <li> Software
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Structure
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basic assembly
-     <li> Assembly with transformation
-     <li> Assembly with usage dependent shape of components
-     <li> Enhanced Assembly
-     <li> Part make from relationship
-     <li> Product version relationship
-     <li> Alternate product and assembly component substitution
-     <li> Physical and functional breakdown
-     <li> Geometric placement within physical breakdown elements
-     <li> Solutions for physical and functional breakdown
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Concept, Configuration &amp; Effectivity
-     <ul>
-     <li> configuration_effectivity
-     <li> configuration_item
-     <li> effectivity
-     <li> effectivity_application
-     </ul>
-<li> Product characteristic
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basis product property
-     <li> Complex product property
-     <li> Basic classification
-     <li> Extended classification
-     <li> Materials
-     <li> Composite materials
-     <li> External library
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> External model
-     <li> Wireframe models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Geometrically bounded wireframe
-          <li> Edge based wireframe
-          <li> Shell based wireframe
-          </ul>
-     <li> Geometrically bounded surface
-     <li> Topologically bounded solid models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Faceted boundary representation
-          <li> Elementary boundary representation
-          <li> Advanced boundary representation
-          </ul>
-     <li> Other solid models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Constructive solid geometry 3d
-          <li> Curve swept solid
-          <li> Swept solid
-          <li> Thickened face solid
-          <li> Solid with local modification
-          <li> Solid with construction history
-          </ul>
-     <li> Other topological bounded models
-          <ul>
-          <li> Manifold surface
-          <li> Manifold subsurface
-          <li> Non manifold surface
-          <li> Compound shape representation
-          </ul>
-     <li> Composite constituent shape representation
-     </ul>
-The "Product Identification" box is also connected to a box labeled
-"From Page 2", indicating that it's connected to other boxes on
-<a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of this chart.
-The "Geometric Shape" box is connected to two boxes, with the following
-labels and contents.
-<li> Presentation
-     <ul>
-     <li> Colours and layers
-     <li> Basic text and curve presentation
-     <li> Text with specified font
-     <li> Basic callout without associativity
-     <li> Associative draughting
-     <li> GD&amp;T presentation
-     <li> GD&amp;T presentation with association
-     <li> Mechanical design geometric presentation
-     <li> Mechanical design shaded presentation
-     <li> Mechanical design presentation representation with draughting
-     <li> Saved view
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric shape related
-     <ul>
-     <li> Shape feature
-     <li> GD&amp;T representation
-     <li> Shape validation property
-     </ul>
-The "Product Identification", "Product characteristic", and "Geometric
-Shape" boxes are also connected to boxes labeled "From Page 2",
-indicating that they're connected to other boxes on
-<a href="fig2.html">page 2</a> of this chart.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     Nov 2007
-     "AP209 Edition 2 Overview"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP209E2 Planning Model, page 2 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 2 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209E2 planning model.
-There are five boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_assignment
-     <li> Analysis_characterized
-     <li> Analysis_identification
-     <li> Analysis_product_relationships
-     <li> Retention_period
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Model
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> Analysis_representation
-     <li> External_analysis_representation
-     <li> Finite_element_model
-     <li> CFD_model
-     <li> Mesh_connectivity
-     <li> Mesh_topology
-     <li> Product_analysis
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_shape
-     <li> B_spline_volume
-     <li> FEA_shape_representation
-     <li> Finite_element_shape
-     <li> Non_manifold_surface
-     </ul>
-<li> Fields and Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> FEA_definition_relationships
-     <li> FEA_material_aspects
-     <li> CFD_specified_general_property
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-     <ul>
-     <li> CFD_conditions
-     <li> CFD_equations
-     <li> CFD_results
-     <li> Finite_element_analysis
-     <li> Mesh_function
-     </ul>
-The "Analysis Identification" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Model
-The "Analysis Model" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-<li> Analysis Shape
-<li> Product Characteristic (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Fields and Properties
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Shape" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Product Characteristic (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Fields and Properties
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-The "Fields and Properties" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Shape
-<li> Product Characteristic (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-The "Analysis Control and Results" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Fields and Properties
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig1.html">page 1</a>)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-     (attachment to minutes of May 2005 Steering Committee Telecon) -->
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-<title>AP209 Modular Edition 2 Development Proposal</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-AP209 Modular Edition 2 Development Proposal
-Keith Hunten, P.E.<br>
-Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.
-<li> Modularization Approach
-<li> High Level AP209E2 Composition
-<li> Applicable Recent Integrated Resource Developments
-<li> Required Integrated Resource Updates
-<li> First Order Estimate of Modularization Tasks
-<h2>Modularization Approach</h2>
-<li> Primary Objective
-     <ul>
-     <li> Modify existing modules (203E2, PDM)
-     <li> Create Materials, and Composites modules from AP209E1
-     <li> Create FEA modules from AP209E1
-     <li> Create EACM Fields modules from IRs
-     <li> Create Implementation and AP modules
-     </ul>
-<li> Stretch Objective
-     <ul>
-     <li> Create Structured/Unstructured Grids and Analyses from IRs
-          <ul>
-          <li> Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer are initial goals
-          </ul>
-     <li> Create Nonlinear Analyses by enhancing IRs and Modules
-     </ul>
-<h2>High Level AP209E2 Composition</h2>
-<img src="AP209_Modular_Edition_2_1.1/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart showing high-level composition for AP209E2"
-     longdesc="AP209_Modular_Edition_2_1.1/fig1.html">
-<h2>Applicable Recent Integrated Resource Developments</h2>
-<li> Parts 50 and 51 provide the mathematical basis for the definition
-     and representation of fields and expressions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Including external binary format representation
-     </ul>
-<li> Parts 52 and 53 provide the remaining basis for structured and
-     unstructured meshes
-     <ul>
-     <li> Part 110 adds further detail for Fluid Dynamics
-     </ul>
-<li> Part 107 provides the linkage between existing Part 104-based
-     FEA and the above
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td>Part&nbsp;50:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>Mathematical constructs
-    <td>Part&nbsp;51:<td>
-    <td>Mathematical description
-    <td>Part&nbsp;52:<td>
-    <td>Mesh based topology
-    <td>Part&nbsp;53:<td>
-    <td>Numerical analysis
-    <td>Part&nbsp;104:<td>
-    <td>Finite element analysis
-    <td>Part&nbsp;107:<td>
-    <td>FEA definition relationships
-    <td>Part&nbsp;110:<td>
-    <td>Mesh based computational fluid dynamics
-<h2>Required Integrated Resource Updates</h2>
-<li> Extending and/or generalizing Part 104 and AP209
-     <ul>
-     <li> Extend existing field representations to represent nonlinear
-          field components
-     <li> Add specialized nonlinear element types
-     <li> Add nonlinear boundary conditions and loads
-     </ul>
-<li> The general structured and unstructured grids and analysis
-     capabilities of STEP would need no further update as they now
-     adequately cover nonlinear analyses
-<h2>First Order Estimate of Modularization Tasks</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Component<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Hours
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup colspan=3><u><i>Primary Objective</i></u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Modify existing modules<td>
-    <td align=right>64
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Composites modules<td>
-    <td align=right>336
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>FEA modules<td>
-    <td align=right>252
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>EACM Fields modules<td>
-    <td align=right>186
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Implementation and AP modules<td>
-    <td align=right>82
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Total<td>
-    <td align=right>920
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup colspan=3><u><i>Stretch Objective</i></u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Structured/Unstructured Grids and Analyses<td>
-    <td align=right>200
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Nonlinear Analyses<td>
-    <td align=right>150
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Previous Total<td>
-    <td align=right>920
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Total<td>
-    <td align=right>1270
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     May 2005
-     "AP209 Modular Edition 2 Development Proposal"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> High Level AP209E2 Composition </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a complicated "bubble" chart showing the high-level composition
-of AP209E2, and the connections between the various modules.
-Moving more or less from top to bottom:
-<li> The "AP209E2" bubble connects to modules labeled "Mechanical CAD
-     (AP203E2)" and "Analysis".
-<li> "Analysis" connects to "Mesh Model".
-<li> "Mesh Model" connects to "Structured Mesh Model", "Unstructured
-     Mesh Model", "FEA Model", "PDM + Work Authorization + Engineering
-     Analysis", and "Analysis Report".
-<li> "PDM + Work Authorization + Engineering Analysis" connects to "FEA
-     Model" and "PDM + Geometric Placement".
-<li> "Mechanical CAD (AP203E2)" connects to "PDM + Geometric Placement".
-<li> "Structured Mesh Model" connects to "Analysis Control" and "EACM
-     Fields and Properties".
-<li> "Unstructured Mesh Model" connects to "Analysis Control" and "EACM
-     Fields and Properties".
-<li> "FEA Model" connects to "EACM Fields and Properties", "FE Analysis
-     Control", "Composite Definition, Shape and Structure", and
-     "Material Specification and Representation".
-<li> "Material Specification and Representation" connects to "EACM
-     Fields and Properties", "Composite Definition, Shape and
-     Structure", and "PDM + Geometric Placement".
-<li> "PDM + Geometric Placement" connects to "Shape Representation" and
-     "Composite Definition, Shape and Structure".
-<li> "Analysis Control" connects to "Analysis Results".
-<li> "EACM Fields and Properties" connects to "Analysis Control", "FE
-     Analysis Control", and "FE Analysis Results".
-<li> "FE Analysis Control" connects to "FE Analysis Results".
-<li> "Analysis Results" connects to "Analysis Report".
-<li> "FE Analysis Results" connects to "Analysis Report".
-<li> "Shape Representation" connects to "Composite Definition, Shape and
-     Structure".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209_Modular_Edition_2_1.1/fig1.png b/CGNS_docs_current/minutes/attachments/AP209_Modular_Edition_2_1.1/fig1.png
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-<title>First Order Estimate of AP209E2 Modularization and Extension Tasks</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-First Order Estimate of AP209E2 Modularization and Extension Tasks<br>
-<small>Rev. 2</small>
-April 30, 2004<br>
-Keith Hunten, P.E.
-These estimates assume that Keith is working on this with support from
-Darla Nettles. The times would be significantly higher if either would
-not be able to be the primary producers as significant knowledge of the
-AP and the modularization creation and publication process is assumed.
-The following are the Units of Functionality of AP209E1. Many of these
-are covered by module work to date, these are marked by an '*', and
-those that will have to be extended with '**'.
-<li> **activity_control;
-<li> *advanced_boundary_representation;
-<li> analysis_report;
-<li> *assembly;
-<li> **authorization;
-<li> composite_constituent_representation;
-<li> *effectivity;
-<li> *end_item_identification;
-<li> *faceted_boundary_representation;
-<li> fea_model;
-<li> fe_analysis_control;
-<li> fe_analysis_results;
-<li> *manifold_surface_with_topology;
-<li> material;
-<li> *non_topological_surface_and_wireframe;
-<li> part_composite_constituents;
-<li> **part_identification;
-<li> part_laminate_table;
-<li> **part_shape;
-<li> *wireframe_with_topology;
-<li> zone_composite_constituents_and_their_representation.
-Of the 21 UoFs, 12 have modular work to date, with 4 of the 12 requiring
-some extension, mostly to deal with the duality of Design Discipline
-Product Definition (DDPD) and the Analysis Discipline Product Definition
-(ADPD), and the delineation of Nominal, Idealized, and Analysis Shapes.
-The remaining 9 UoFs are unique to AP209 and will have to be
-modularized. Of these 9, 5 are concerned with composite structural
-definition and representation. The remaining 4 are concerned with Finite
-Element Analysis, with a fifth, material, shared with composites.
-<h2>Extensions to Existing Modules</h2>
-The extensions tasks will include:
-<li> adding text definitions;
-<li> modifying existing EXPRESS-G diagrams;
-<li> generating new ARM EXPRESS;
-<li> generating new MIM EXPRESS.
-Extensions to apply to APDPD and other AP209 ARM objects, 8 hours.
-Extensions to apply to APDPD and other AP209 ARM objects, 8 hours.
-Extensions to apply to APDPD and other AP209 ARM objects, add analysis specific ARM
-objects, 24 hours.
-<li> analysis;
-<li> analysis_design_version_relationship;
-<li> analysis_discipline_product_definition;
-<li> analysis_version;
-<li> design_discipline_product_definition;
-<li> design_material;
-<li> file;
-<li> mass_measure.
-Extension to apply to the delineation of Nominal, Idealized, and Analysis Shapes, 24 hours.
-<li> analysis_shape;
-<li> idealized_analysis_shape;
-<li> node_shape;
-<li> nominal_design_shape;
-<li> shape;
-<li> shape_aspect.
-<h2>Composite Structural Definition and Representation Modularization</h2>
-The Modularization tasks will include:
-<li> creating text definitions for ARM and MIM - virtually all will be
-     copied from E1 document (1 hour);
-<li> transcribing mapping table (1 hour);
-<li> creating EXPRESS-G diagrams (2 hours);
-<li> generating new ARM EXPRESS (0.1 hour);
-<li> generating new MIM EXPRESS (0.1 hour).
-This results in a rough ROM of 4.2 hours per Application Object (AO). As
-there are approximately 80 unique AOs this results in an estimate of 336
-<li> angle_measure;
-<li> beveled_sheet_representation;
-<li> boundary_curve_representation;
-<li> composite_sheet_representation;
-<li> constituent_shape_representation;
-<li> curve;
-<li> direction;
-<li> face_based_sheet_representation;
-<li> filament_laminate_shape;
-<li> flat_pattern_ply_shape;
-<li> geometric_model_representation;
-<li> geometric_sheet_representation;
-<li> geometry_element;
-<li> laid_ply_shape;
-<li> length_measure;
-<li> location;
-<li> loop;
-<li> ply_shape;
-<li> projected_ply_shape;
-<li> surface;
-<li> surface_ply_shape;
-<li> three_d_geometry_set;
-<li> view_ply_shape.
-<li> additional_design_information;
-<li> anisotropic_material;
-<li> design_specification;
-<li> direction;
-<li> discontinuous_fiber_assembly;
-<li> environment;
-<li> filament_assembly;
-<li> isotropic_material;
-<li> material_direction;
-<li> material_property;
-<li> material_specification;
-<li> measure_value;
-<li> process_specification;
-<li> specification;
-<li> stock_core;
-<li> stock_material;
-<li> surface_finish_specification;
-<li> usage_constraint.
-<li> composite_assembly;
-<li> constituent_part;
-<li> curve;
-<li> direction;
-<li> filament_laminate;
-<li> length_measure;
-<li> mass_measure;
-<li> ply;
-<li> ply_laminate;
-<li> ply_orientation_angle;
-<li> ply_piece;
-<li> point;
-<li> point_and_vector;
-<li> point_path;
-<li> processed_core.
-<li> composite_assembly_sequence_definition;
-<li> composite_assembly_table;
-<li> direction;
-<li> laminate_table;
-<li> location;
-<li> part_laminate_table;
-<li> ply_laminate_sequence_definition;
-<li> ply_laminate_table;
-<li> reinforcement_orientation_basis;
-<li> surface;
-<li> surface_with_direction.
-<li> angle_measure;
-<li> boundary_representation;
-<li> curve;
-<li> direction;
-<li> draped_orientation_angle;
-<li> edge_zone_shape;
-<li> laid_orientation_angle;
-<li> laminate_table;
-<li> length_measure;
-<li> location;
-<li> loop;
-<li> percentage;
-<li> percentage_laminate_table;
-<li> percentage_ply;
-<li> ply_orientation_angle;
-<li> point;
-<li> point_and_vector;
-<li> point_path;
-<li> point_zone_shape;
-<li> reinforcement_orientation_basis;
-<li> smeared_material;
-<li> surface;
-<li> surface_with_direction;
-<li> thickness_laminate_table;
-<li> zone_structural_makeup;
-<li> zone_structural_makeup_shape_representation.
-<h2>Finite Element Analysis Modularization</h2>
-The Modularization tasks will include:
-<li> creating text definitions for ARM and MIM - virtually all will be
-     copied from E1 document (1 hour);
-<li> transcribing mapping table (1 hour)
-<li> creating EXPRESS-G diagrams (2 hours);
-<li> generating new ARM EXPRESS (0.1 hour);
-<li> generating new MIM EXPRESS (0.1 hour).
-This results in a rough ROM of 4.2 hours per Application Object (AO). As
-there are approximately 60 AOs this results in an estimate of 252 hours.
-<li> analysis_report_representation;
-<li> graphical_representation;
-<li> tabular_representation.
-<li> curve_cross_section;
-<li> curve_element;
-<li> curve_property;
-<li> curve_section_properties;
-<li> damping_matrix;
-<li> directionally_explicit_element;
-<li> element;
-<li> element_description;
-<li> element_property_geometric_relationship;
-<li> element_shape_aspect;
-<li> element_shape_relationship;
-<li> environment;
-<li> explicit_element;
-<li> fea_material_definition;
-<li> fea_material_property;
-<li> fea_material_specification;
-<li> fea_model;
-<li> fea_model_description;
-<li> geometric_model_representation;
-<li> geometry_element;
-<li> group;
-<li> group_relationship;
-<li> mass_matrix;
-<li> material_property;
-<li> material_specification;
-<li> matrix;
-<li> nodal_results_coordinate_system;
-<li> node;
-<li> node_description;
-<li> node_shape_relationship;
-<li> point_element;
-<li> point_model;
-<li> specification;
-<li> stiffness_matrix;
-<li> substructure_element;
-<li> substructure_node_relationship;
-<li> surface_element;
-<li> surface_property;
-<li> surface_thickness;
-<li> volume_element.
-<li> analysis_message;
-<li> calculated_state;
-<li> constraint;
-<li> element_field_variable_definition;
-<li> element_nodal_freedom_actions;
-<li> fe_analysis;
-<li> fe_analysis_control_step;
-<li> fe_analysis_state;
-<li> fe_analysis_state_definition;
-<li> linear_constraint_equation;
-<li> linear_constraint_equation_value;
-<li> linearly_superimposed_state;
-<li> modes_and_frequencies_control_step;
-<li> nodal_degree_of_freedom_reduction;
-<li> nodal_freedom_definitions;
-<li> output_request_state;
-<li> single_point_constraint;
-<li> single_point_constraint_values;
-<li> specified_state;
-<li> static_control_step.
-<li> analysis_message;
-<li> calculated_state;
-<li> constraint;
-<li> element_field_variable_definition;
-<li> element_nodal_freedom_actions;
-<li> fe_analysis_results;
-<li> fe_analysis_results_step;
-<li> fe_analysis_state;
-<li> fe_analysis_state_definition;
-<li> linear_constraint_equation;
-<li> linear_constraint_equation_value;
-<li> linearly_superimposed_state;
-<li> modes_and_frequencies_results_step;
-<li> nodal_degree_of_freedom_reduction;
-<li> nodal_freedom_definitions;
-<li> output_request_state;
-<li> single_point_constraint;
-<li> single_point_constraint_values;
-<li> specified_state;
-<li> static_results_step.
-<li> additional_design_information;
-<li> anisotropic_material;
-<li> design_specification;
-<li> direction;
-<li> discontinuous_fiber_assembly;
-<li> environment;
-<li> filament_assembly;
-<li> isotropic_material;
-<li> material_direction;
-<li> material_property;
-<li> material_specification;
-<li> measure_value;
-<li> process_specification;
-<li> specification;
-<li> stock_core;
-<li> stock_material;
-<li> surface_finish_specification;
-<li> usage_constraint.
-<h2>Implementation and AP Module Creation</h2>
-Roughly half of the Implementation Modules will be taken from
-AP203E2. However, some will require some additional modules that will
-be created in the tasks above covering modifying existing modules. The
-remaining implementation modules will be for composites, materials, and
-Finite Element Analysis.
-The plan at the present time is for all of the new AP209 Implementation
-Modules to roughly follow the UoFs of AP209. This will result in
-significantly larger modules than many produced to date, however there
-is no pressing business/sharing requirement for finer granularity
-particularly as the components of these UoFs need to be used as
-monolithic blocks due to the structure of the Integrated Resources and
-the application domain. Given this, the new Implementation modules for
-AP209 will be:
-<li> analysis_report;
-<li> composite_constituent_representation;
-<li> fea_model;
-<li> fe_analysis_control;
-<li> fe_analysis_results;
-<li> material;
-<li> part_composite_constituents;
-<li> part_shape;
-<li> zone_composite_constituents_and_their_representation.
-The Implementation Modularization tasks will include:
-<li> creating text definitions for ARM and MIM (2 hours);
-<li> creating EXPRESS-G diagrams and context diagrams (4 hours);
-<li> generating new ARM EXPRESS (1 hour);
-<li> generating new MIM EXPRESS (1 hour).
-This results in a rough ROM of 8 hours per Implementation Module As
-there are approximately 9 Implementation Modules this results in an
-estimate of 72 hours. In addition the AP level module should take about
-10 hours.
-<h2>Additional AP209E2 Capabilities</h2>
-There are two major areas where the STEP Integrated Resources have
-been extended as part of the ongoing Engineering Analysis Core Model
-(EACM) and Computational Fluid Dynamics efforts. The first provides
-capabilities to represent continuous and discrete fields to be used
-as properties and/or state information. The second provided a generic
-structured and unstructured grid representation capability that will
-support a large number of non-FEA computational disciplines such as
-Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer.
-Finally, a major area of complaint against AP209 is the non-coverage
-of Nonlinear Analyses. Though the AP and the underlying Integrated
-Resources of STEP were designed to easily be extended to nonlinear, this
-was not done due to a time and cost constraint. This would be a fairly
-straight-forward and valuable addition to AP209.
-<h3>EACM Fields and Properties</h3>
-The EACM field and property extensions are quite small in scope and
-would add Application Objects to all of the FEA UoFs. These capabilities
-are supported by the 50 series Parts of STEP, and integrated with
-Part 104 by Part 107. All of these documents are at DIS or above thus
-providing minimal added risk to this task. As there are roughly 30 or so
-ARM/MIM objects to be documented an estimate would be:
-<li> creating text definitions for ARM and MIM (2 hours);
-<li> creating mapping table (2 hours)
-<li> creating EXPRESS-G diagrams (2 hours);
-<li> generating new ARM EXPRESS (0.1 hour);
-<li> generating new MIM EXPRESS (0.1 hour).
-This results in a rough ROM of 6.2 hours per Application Object (AO). As
-there are approximately 30 AOs this results in an estimate of 186 hours.
-<h3>General Structured and Unstructured Grids and Analyses</h3>
-The second capability addition would require substantially more time
-investment - probably on the order of the modularization of the FEM
-portion of AP209, about 200 hours.  However there is a possibility that
-some help from David Leal and other personnel from the UK BSI/NAFEMS
-CAD/FE working group can apply resources to create these modules.
-<h3>Nonlinear Analyses</h3>
-The primary task is extending and/or generalizing the field
-representations in Part 104 and AP209 to represent nonlinear
-components. The other areas are element types and nonlinear boundary
-conditions and loads. A small update to Part 104 may also be
-required. The general structured and unstructured grids and analysis
-capabilities of STEP would need no further update as they now adequately
-cover nonlinear analyses. A very rough guess for this addition would
-be 150 hours. However there is a possibility that some help from David
-Leal and other personnel from the UK BSI/NAFEMS CAD/FE working group can
-apply resources to create these modules.
-<h2>Summary and Estimate Rollup</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Component<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <th scope=col>Hours
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup colspan=3><u><i>Primary Objective</i></u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Modify existing modules<td>
-    <td align=right>64
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Composites modules<td>
-    <td align=right>336
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>FEA modules<td>
-    <td align=right>252
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>EACM modules<td>
-    <td align=right>186
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Implementation and AP modules<td>
-    <td align=right>82
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Total<td>
-    <td align=right>920
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td scope=rowgroup colspan=3><u><i>Stretch Objective</i></u>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Structured/Unstructured Grids and Analyses<td>
-    <td align=right>200
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Nonlinear Analyses<td>
-    <td align=right>150
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Previous Total<td>
-    <td align=right>920
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td>Total<td>
-    <td align=right>1270
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-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative" (attachment to
-minutes of Jan 2001 Steering Committee Meeting) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative for CGNS-Based Fluid Dynamics Standard
-Presented to the AIAA CGNS Subcommittee<br>
-January 9, 2001
-Raymond R. Cosner<br>
-Senior Technical Fellow<br>
-Boeing, Phantom Works<br>
-St. Louis, MO<br>
-(314) 233-6481<br>
-<h2>What Is STEP?</h2>
-<li> STEP is an acronym
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>ST</u>andard for the <u>E</u>xchange of <u>P</u>product model data
-     </ul>
-<li> Formal name is ISO 10303
-     <ul>
-     <li> Industrial automation systems and integration
-     <li> Product data representation and exchange
-     <li> Intended (eventually) to cover the complete life cycle of all
-          industrial products
-     </ul>
-<li> PDES is Product Data Exchange using STEP
-     <ul>
-     <li> PDES is the U.S. effort, administered through the IGES/PDES
-          organization, to support the development and deployment of the
-          international STEP standard
-     </ul>
-<h2>STEP Approach</h2>
-<li> The most viable solution:
-     <ul>
-     <li> public NOT proprietary data model;
-     <li> supports extension for additional application;
-     <li> has publicly defined interface/access mechanisms;
-     <li> usable and stable over the life span of the products and their
-          supporting information;
-     <li> designed and validated to industry defined needs;
-     <li> allows CAD/CAM/CAE industry to construct a compatible suite of
-          engineering software.
-     </ul>
-<h2>Four Levels of Exchange</h2>
-<li> Level 1 - Physical file transfer 
-     <ul>
-     <li> communication between two remote processes in which data is
-          exchanged via a sequential file of an agreed upon format.
-     </ul>
-<li> Level 2 - Shared memory access exchange 
-     <ul>
-     <li> communication between two concurrent processes in which data  
-          is exchanged via agreed upon data access processes. There is  
-          no assertion of data persistence.                             
-     </ul>
-<li> Level 3 - Shared database access exchange 
-     <ul>
-     <li> communication between two or more asynchronous processes in
-          which data is exchanged via agreed upon access processes to a
-          persistent data repository.
-     </ul>
-<li> Level 4 - Knowledge-based data exchange 
-     <ul>
-     <li> communication between two or more asynchronous processes in   
-          which data is exchanged via agreed upon access mechanisms     
-          to a persistent repository supporting both product data and   
-          knowledge of processes related to use of that data. Further   
-          definition of this concept and any supporting activity is a   
-          future work item.                                             
-     </ul>
-<h2>Differences between ISO-STEP and CGNS</h2>
-ISO-STEP is based on ...
-<li> Strong link to Product Data Management 
-     <ul>
-     <li> Record of all data sources, persistent links if possible
-     </ul>
-<li> Commonality and reuse of existing data structures to maximum      
-     extent possible                                                         
-     <ul>
-     <li> E.g., reuse data structures from AP203 (geometry), AP209
-          (finite element analysis), and AP232 (technical data exchange)
-     </ul>
-<li> ASCII data exchange 
-     <ul>
-     <li> We will need to extend ISO-STEP to provide binary data
-          exchange as an option                                         
-     </ul>
-<h2>Major Events</h2>
-Since previous committee meeting, June 2000 
-<li> Review draft ISO-STEP standard with CGNS Steering Team members
-     (July 6-7, Seattle, WA)
-     <ul>
-     <li> General approval of then-current state; some issues
-          identified
-     </ul>
-<li> Initial draft of standards documentation completed (Sept 2000) 
-     <ul>
-     <li> Work mainly accomplished by Peter Wilson (Boeing - Seattle) 
-     <li> Incomplete, but contains all technical content of SIDS as of  
-          August 2000                                                             
-     </ul>
-<li> ISO meeting (October 16-20, Charleston, SC) 
-     <ul>
-     <li> Cosner presentation to Change Management Board 
-          <ul>
-          <li> Focused on scope, component parts, schedule of the Fluid
-               Dynamics AP 
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Technical Workshop (December 11-14, Seattle, WA) 
-     <ul>
-     <li> Define the structure of the Fluid Dynamics AP 
-     <li> Continue defining the organization and content 
-     </ul>
-<h2>ISO Organization</h2>
-<img src="jan01_ISO/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart showing ISO hierarchy related to CGNS"
-     longdesc="jan01_ISO/fig1.html">
-<h2>Structure of the Fluid Dynamics Standard</h2>
-<img src="jan01_ISO/fig2.png"
-     alt="Chart showing elements of the Fluid Dynamics Standard"
-     longdesc="jan01_ISO/fig2.html">
-<h2>STEP Standards Development Life Cycle</h2>
-<li> Preliminary Work Item: Nov 1999
-<li> New Work Item: Feb 2001
-<li> Industry Review Draft: Feb-June 2001
-<li> Committee Draft: June-Dec 2001
-<li> Draft International Std
-<li> Final Draft International Std
-<li> International Std: 2003-4?
-<li> Amendments or Technical Changes
-<h2>Approval Process</h2>
-<li> Passage through each "gate" requires a specified number of
-     favorable votes
-     <ul>
-     <li> One country = one vote 
-     <li> P-Member countries are voting members (there also are observers) 
-     </ul>
-<li> Required number of votes becomes more stringent at each "gate"
-<li> To gain approval, it is essential to have supporters in most (all)
-     of the P-member countries
-     <ul>
-     <li> There are CGNS users in each P-member country 
-     </ul>
-<li> P-Member Countries 
-     <ul>
-     <li> Australia 
-     <li> Canada 
-     <li> China 
-     <li> France 
-     <li> Germany 
-     <li> Italy 
-     <li> Japan 
-     <li> Korea (Republic of) 
-     <li> Netherlands 
-     <li> Norway 
-     <li> Portugal 
-     <li> Russia 
-     <li> Spain 
-     <li> Sweden 
-     <li> Switzerland 
-     <li> United Kingdom 
-     <li> United States
-     </ul>
-<h2>Operating Relationships</h2>
-<li> ISO Standards Organization
-     <ul>
-     <li> Integrate the fluid dynamics standard requirements with other
-          ISO standards
-     </ul>
-<li> Fluid Dynamics Standards Initiative
-     <ul>
-     <li> Map the CGNS content into the ISO process
-     <li> Build international support
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS Steering Committee
-     <ul>
-     <li> Intellectual content of the CGNS standard (SIDS)
-     <li> ADF libraries
-     <li> Mid-level libraries
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     9 Jan 2001
-     "Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative for CGNS-Based Fluid Dynamics Standard"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ISO Organization </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the ISO organization as it relates to the eventual
-location of the CGNS standard.
-There's a top-level box labeled "ISO", a second-level box labeled "TC
-184", defined as Industrial Automation Systems and Integration", and a
-third-level box labeled "SC4", defined as Industrial Data.
-Below SC4 are boxes labeled "WG2, Parts Library", "WG3, Product
-Modeling", "WG3, Qualification &amp; Integration", and "WG8,
-Manufacturing Management Data".
-The WG3 box is relevant to CGNS and below it is "T9, Engineering
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     9 Jan 2001
-     "Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative for CGNS-Based Fluid Dynamics Standard"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Structure of the Fluid Dynamics Standard </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the organization within ISO of the existing Fluid
-Dynamics Standard, with the proposed additions.
-At the top are the following four areas.
-<li> Usage Guide for AP2xx
-<li> Part 209, Finite Element Analysis
-<li> AP2xx, Fluid Dynamics Data
-<li> Part 203, Geometry
-Of these top-level areas, Parts 209 and 203 already exist, and the
-Usage Guide and AP2xx are (or will be) new.
-Below AP2xx is the new area "Part 1xx, CFD Models".
-Below that are the following.
-<li> Part 50, Mathematical Constructs
-<li> Part 5a, Mesh-Based Data
-<li> Part 5b, Numerical Analysis
-<li> Part 5x, Mesh-Based Topology
-Of these, only Part 50 already exists.
-Finally, at the bottom is "Part 21, Clear-Text Encoding".
-This already exists, but needs to be extended to include binary data.
-Each of the new parts must be carried individually through the approval
-The lower-level parts will lead the way.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for Oct 2000 CGNS Survey Results (attachment to
-minutes of Jan 2001 Steering Committee Meeting) -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-Results of the October 2000 CGNS Email Survey
-AIAA Reno Jan. 2001
-Steve M. Legensky<br>
-Founder and General Manager<br>
-Intelligent Light
-<h2>Raw Data</h2>
-<li> 360 Surveys Sent Out
-<li> 84 "Responses" of which 45 were "bounces"
-<li> Therefore, 39 usable responses
-     <ul>
-     <li> 16 Commercial
-     <li> 11 Universities
-     <li> 6 NASA/National Labs
-     <li> 2 Solver Cos.
-     <li> 2 Grid generation
-     <li> 2 Post-processing
-     </ul>
-<h2>Commercial Responses</h2>
-<li> Location = 8 US, 8 European
-     <ul>
-     <li> 0 in production
-     <li> 2 using and having some impact
-     <li> 2 haven't tried it yet
-     <li> 12 in various stages of trying it
-     </ul>
-<li> Solver/Motivation
-     <ul>
-     <li> 11 with in-house/government codes
-     <li> 5 want it for commercial codes
-     <li> Universal desire: share data between codes
-     </ul>
-<h2>NASA/National Lab Responses</h2>
-<li> 4 from NASA, 1 Sandia, 1 LANL
-     <ul>
-     <li> 0 using and having some impact
-     <li> 2 haven't tried it yet
-     <li> 4 in various stages of trying it
-     </ul>
-<li> Main Issues
-     <ul>
-     <li> Lack of full pre/post suites to support operation
-     <li> Poor operation in parallel environment
-     <li> Lack of time to implement
-     </ul>
-<h2>Other Observations</h2>
-<li> People generally want to interchange data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Some European organizations using just ADF
-     <li> Interchange between copmmercial solvers is the key for
-          industrial respondents
-     <li> Some people have experienced small incompatibility problems
-     </ul>
-<li> Issues people have raised
-     <ul>
-     <li> Complaints about "heaviness of CGNS"
-     <li> Problems with complexity and structure of documentation
-     <li> Some link problems under Windows & LINUX
-     <li> Poor implementation of BC's and unstructured data types
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative" (attachment to
-minutes of Jan 2002 Steering Committee Meeting) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative for CGNS-Based Fluid Dynamics Standard
-Presented to the AIAA CGNS Subcommittee<br>
-January 14, 2002
-Raymond R. Cosner<br>
-Senior Technical Fellow<br>
-Boeing, Phantom Works<br>
-St. Louis, MO<br>
-(314) 233-6481<br>
-Establish an ISO-STEP standard for representation, storage, and exchange
-of digital data in fluid dynamics.
-<h2>What Is STEP?</h2>
-<li> STEP is an acronym
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>ST</u>andard for the <u>E</u>xchange of <u>P</u>product model data
-     </ul>
-<li> Formal name is ISO 10303
-     <ul>
-     <li> Industrial automation systems and integration
-     <li> Product data representation and exchange
-     <li> Intended (eventually) to cover the complete life cycle of all
-          industrial products
-     </ul>
-<li> PDES is Product Data Exchange using STEP
-     <ul>
-     <li> PDES is the U.S. effort, administered through the IGES/PDES
-          organization, to support the development and deployment of the
-          international STEP standard
-     </ul>
-<li> Adapt CGNS as the kernel of an ISO standard for storage and
-     exchange of digital data in fluid dynamics
-     <ul>
-     <li> Utilize current CGNS structure and concepts to the maximum extent
-          that is practical
-     <li> Use current CGNS user base as core supporters for the ISO Fluid
-          Dynamics AP development
-     </ul>
-<li> Utilize a two-stage strategy
-     <ul>
-     <li> First: Establish an AP for CFD data
-          <ul>
-          <li> Build on existing CGNS, which is fairly mature for CFD
-          </ul>
-     <li> Second: Extend the AP to other types of fluid dynamics data
-          <ul>
-          <li> Wind tunnel, flight test, hydrodynamics, etc.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>Differences between ISO-STEP and CGNS</h2>
-ISO-STEP is based on ...
-<li> Strong link to Product Data Management 
-     <ul>
-     <li> Record of all data sources, persistent links if possible
-     </ul>
-<li> Commonality and reuse of existing data structures to maximum      
-     extent possible                                                         
-     <ul>
-     <li> E.g., reuse data structures from AP203 (geometry), AP209
-          (finite element analysis), and AP232 (technical data exchange)
-     <li> As we create new data structures, attempt to anticipate future
-          use of those data structures by other disciplines
-     </ul>
-<li> ASCII data exchange 
-     <ul>
-     <li> We will need to extend ISO-STEP to provide binary data
-          exchange as an option                                         
-     </ul>
-<h2>ISO Organization</h2>
-<img src="jan02_ISO/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart showing ISO hierarchy related to CGNS"
-     longdesc="jan02_ISO/fig1.html">
-<h2>Operating Relationships</h2>
-<li> ISO Standards Organization
-     <ul>
-     <li> Integrate the fluid dynamics standard requirements with other
-          ISO standards
-     </ul>
-<li> Fluid Dynamics Standards Initiative
-     <ul>
-     <li> Map the CGNS content into the ISO process
-     <li> Build international support
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS Steering Committee (AIAA)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Intellectual content of the CGNS standard (SIDS)
-     <li> ADF libraries
-     <li> Mid-level libraries
-     </ul>
-We will work with on the existing CGNS Steering Committee, and the
-users they represent, to build international consensus for the proposed
-<h2>Recent Events</h2>
-Since previous committee meeting, June 2001:
-<li> Extensive rewrite of all four parts (completed Aug-Sept 2001)
-<li> Page-by-page review at ISO SC4 meeting (Fukuoka, Japan, 1-5 October
-     2001)
-<li> Now incorporating all pending comments
-     <ul>
-     <li> To be completed early February 2002
-     </ul>
-<h2>Future Events</h2>
-<li> ISO SC4 Meeting - Myrtle Beach, SC; February 25 - March 1, 2002
-     <ul>
-     <li> Hope to release Part 52 to Committee Draft ballot
-          <ul>
-          <li> First public release of a complete draft standard
-          <li> This initiates the formal process of responding to all
-               comments for Part 52
-          </ul>
-     <li> Page-by-page review of all four parts
-     </ul>
-<li> ISO SC4 Meeting - Stockholm, Sweden; June 2002
-     <ul>
-     <li> Hope to release Parts 53 and 110 to Committee Draft ballot
-     <li> Page-by-page review of all four parts
-     </ul>
-<li> ISO SC4 Meeting - Seoul, South Korea; November 2002
-     <ul>
-     <li> Page-by-page review of all four parts
-     </ul>
-Is there any interest in holding a workshop with members from
-this Committee for a detailed review of AP 237 and the
-derivative parts?
-<li> At least two days
-<li> Participants - CGNS Steering Committee and representatives of the
-     AP 237 project
-<li> Spring 2002
-<li> Somewhere in the US
-     <ul>
-     <li> Hartford CT?
-     <li> Seattle WA?
-     <li> St Louis MO?
-     <li> Reston VA (AIAA HQ)?
-     <li> Fort Worth TX?
-     </ul>
-<h2>Structure of the Fluid Dynamics Standard</h2>
-<img src="jan02_ISO/fig2.png"
-     alt="Chart showing elements of the Fluid Dynamics Standard"
-     longdesc="jan02_ISO/fig2.html">
-<h2>STEP Standards Development Life Cycle</h2>
-<li> Preliminary Work Item: Nov 1999
-<li> New Work Item: Feb 2001
-<li> Industry Review Draft: Feb-Dec 2001
-<li> Committee Draft: Jan 2002 - Mar 2003
-<li> Draft International Std: Dec 2002 - Mar 2004
-<li> Final Draft International Std: Omit
-<li> International Std: Aug 2003 - May 2005
-<li> Amendments or Technical Changes
-<h2>Approval Process</h2>
-<li> Passage through each "gate" requires a specified number of
-     favorable votes
-     <ul>
-     <li> One country = one vote 
-     <li> P-Member countries are voting members (there also are observers) 
-     </ul>
-<li> Required number of votes becomes more stringent at each "gate"
-<li> To gain approval, it is essential to have supporters in most (all)
-     of the P-member countries
-     <ul>
-     <li> There are CGNS users in each P-member country 
-     </ul>
-<li> P-Member Countries 
-     <ul>
-     <li> Australia 
-     <li> Canada 
-     <li> China 
-     <li> France 
-     <li> Germany 
-     <li> Italy 
-     <li> Japan 
-     <li> Korea (Republic of) 
-     <li> Netherlands 
-     <li> Norway 
-     <li> Portugal 
-     <li> Russia 
-     <li> Spain 
-     <li> Sweden 
-     <li> Switzerland 
-     <li> United Kingdom 
-     <li> United States
-     </ul>
-<h2>AP 237 Fluid Dynamics Schedule for Related Document Deliverables</h2>
-<img src="jan02_ISO/fig3.png"
-     alt="Schedule chart for new areas in AP237, Fluid Dynamics"
-     longdesc="jan02_ISO/fig3.html">
-Schedule reviewed and updated October 4, 2001
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative for CGNS-Based Fluid Dynamics Standard"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ISO Organization </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the ISO organization as it relates to the eventual
-location of the CGNS standard.
-There's a top-level box labeled "ISO", a second-level box labeled "TC
-184", defined as Industrial Automation Systems and Integration", and a
-third-level box labeled "SC4", defined as Industrial Data.
-Below SC4 are boxes labeled "WG2, Parts Library", "WG3, Product
-Modeling", "WG3, Qualification &amp; Integration", and "WG8,
-Manufacturing Management Data".
-The WG3 box is relevant to CGNS and below it is "T9, Engineering
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative for CGNS-Based Fluid Dynamics Standard"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Structure of the Fluid Dynamics Standard </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the organization within ISO of the existing Fluid
-Dynamics Standard, with the proposed additions.
-At the top are the new areas "Usage Guide for AP237" and "AP237, Fluid
-Dynamics Data".
-Below AP237 is the new area "Part 110, CFD Models".
-Below that are the following.
-<li> Part 50, Mathematical Constructs
-<li> Part 52, Mesh-Based Data
-<li> Part 53, Numerical Analysis
-Of these, only Part 50 already exists.
-Finally, at the bottom is "Part 21, Clear-Text Encoding".
-This already exists, but needs to be extended to include binary data.
-Each of the new parts must be carried individually through the approval
-The lower-level parts will lead the way.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "Status of the ISO-STEP Initiative for CGNS-Based Fluid Dynamics Standard"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> AP 237 Fluid Dynamics Schedule for Related Document Deliverables </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the schedule for the new additions, as listed below.
-For AP237, Fluid Dynamics:
-<li> Committee Draft Ballot; first quarter 2003
-<li> Draft International Standard Ballot; third quarter 2004
-<li> International Standard Ballot; second quarter 2005
-For Part 110, Computational Fluid Dynamics:
-<li> Committee Draft Ballot; second quarter 2002
-<li> Draft International Standard Ballot; second quarter 2003
-<li> International Standard Ballot; fourth quarter 2003
-For Part 52, Mesh Based Topology:
-<li> Committee Draft Ballot; first quarter 2002
-<li> Draft International Standard Ballot; fourth quarter 2002
-<li> International Standard Ballot; third quarter 2003
-For Part 53, Numerical Analysis:
-<li> Committee Draft Ballot; second quarter 2002
-<li> Draft International Standard Ballot; second quarter 2003
-<li> International Standard Ballot; fourth quarter 2003
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "CGNS and elsA" (attachment to
-minutes of Jan 2002 Steering Committee Meeting) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>CGNS and elsA</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-CGNS and elsA
-Poinot Marc<br>
-<li> CFD standard for data representation is required
-     <ul>
-     <li> We want to use a common data representation for interoperability
-     <li> We want to ensure our data a long life format
-     </ul>
-<li> ONERA is a CFD expert
-     <ul>
-     <li> We are one of the aerospace main actors
-     <li> We want to participate to a standard
-          <ul>
-          <li> Add our expertise
-          <li> Be aware of what's going on
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Some customers are asking for CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> Common data representation at specification level
-     <li> Interoperability for application framework
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS related developments</h2>
-<li> elsA
-     <ul>
-     <li> Main I/O data representation
-          <ul>
-          <li> In-memory tree
-               <ul>
-               <li> Interoperability / Multi-processing
-               </ul>
-          </ul>
-          <ul>
-          <li> Disk tree
-               <ul>
-               <li> Validation resources
-               </ul>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> pyCGNS
-     <li> A Python binding to CGNS
-     <li> Gluing language for application framework
-          <ul>
-          <li> e.g. translators to CGNS trees
-               <ul>
-               <li> From/To Tecplot and Aerospace actors data format
-               </ul>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Open source
-          <ul>
-          <li> http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>An ISO Data Representation</h2>
-<img src="jan02_PyCGNS-intro/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart showing CGNS within ISO data structure"
-     longdesc="jan02_PyCGNS-intro/fig1.html">
-<h2>Application side features/ concerns</h2>
-<li> Top level side
-     <ul>
-     <li> Share application data
-          <ul>
-          <li> Semantics
-          <li> Common names/structure
-          </ul>
-     <li> Self-described tree structure
-     <li> ISO process
-     </ul>
-<li> Lower level side
-     <ul>
-     <li> Share physical data
-     <li> Actual interoperability between applications
-     </ul>
-<li> Missing Features
-     <ul>
-     <li> Protocol
-          <ul>
-          <li> No data lifecycle
-          <li> No data ownership
-          </ul>
-     <li> Specific data / extensions
-          <ul>
-          <li> Guidelines for proprietary sub-tree
-          </ul>
-     <li> Parallel
-          <ul>
-          <li> Application side: uses in-memory representation?
-          </ul>
-     <li> Share / Transactionnal / Query
-          <ul>
-          <li> DBMS uses blobs at application level?
-          </ul>
-     <li> Other
-          <ul>
-          <li> Force an XML mapping
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<img src="jan02_PyCGNS-intro/fig2.png"
-     alt="Chart showing elsA and other applications interfacing a tree on disk"
-     longdesc="jan02_PyCGNS-intro/fig2.html">
-<img src="jan02_PyCGNS-intro/fig3.png"
-     alt="Chart showing elsA and other applications interfacing a tree on disk, and a tree in memory"
-     longdesc="jan02_PyCGNS-intro/fig3.html">
-<h2>pyCGNS Status</h2>
-<li> v0.3
-     <ul>
-     <li> Binding
-          <ul>
-          <li> Full ADF wrapper
-          <li> 60% MLL wrapper
-          <li> 10% OOL layer
-          </ul>
-     <li> Python + Numerical Python
-          <ul>
-          <li> Standard package
-          <li> Documentation + test suite
-          </ul>
-     <li> Tools
-          <ul>
-          <li> SIFT - SIDS instance description check
-          <li> ParseTree - Tree dump/display as XML tree
-          <li> StampNode - Add sub-nodes with specific stamps (date,
-               ownership ...)
-          </ul>
-     <li> http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases
-     </ul>
-<li> v0.4 (1Q2002)
-     <ul>
-     <li> In-memory representation
-          <ul>
-          <li> Python/C/C++/Fortran in-memory tree sharing	
-          </ul>
-     <li> Tools
-          <ul>
-          <li> SIFT - Generate data tree from SIDS instance description
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> v1.0 (3Q2002)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Binding
-          <ul>
-          <li> Full MLL wrapper
-          <li> Full OOL layer
-          </ul>
-     <li> Documentation
-          <ul>
-          <li> Features 100% documented + tutorial
-          <li> Design partly documented
-          </ul>
-     <li> Test suite
-          <ul>
-          <li> Complete test suite for OOL/MLL/ADFF
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>Code example - pyCGNS</h2>
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# CFD General Notation System - CGNS lib wrapper
-# ONERA/DSNA/ELSA - poinot@onera.fr
-# User's Guide to CGNS - C.L.Rumsey et al. examples translation
-from CGNS      import midlevel
-from CGNS.wrap import *
-from Numeric   import *
-# open CGNS file for read-only
-if (loc != midlevel.Vertex):
-  print "Error, GridLocation must be Vertex! Currently:",
-  print midlevel.GridLocation[loc]
-# read flow solution
-# close CGNS file
-del file
-print "Successfully read flow solution from file 'grid.cgns'"
-print "For example, r,p(21,17,9)=",r[20,16,8],p[20,16,8]
-print "Program successful... ending now"
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "CGNS and elsA"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> An ISO Data Representation </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-At the top is a symbol representing CGNS, with the text "ISO data format
-and semantics".
-Under the CGNS symbol is a line representing an interface, and below
-that are five symbols representing applications, some with arrows
-pointing from the application to the interface, and some with arrows
-pointing from the interface to the application.
-Below the application symbols is the text "Proprietary data format and
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "CGNS and elsA"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Architecture </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows four boxes representing different applications,
-including elsA, above a symbol representing a disk file with the text
-"Tree on disk: File system/DBMS.
-There are arrows pointing from the disk tree to two of the applications,
-and from the application to the disk tree for the other two applications
-(including elsA).
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "CGNS and elsA"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Architecture </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows four boxes representing different applications,
-including elsA, above a symbol representing a disk file with the text
-"Tree on disk: File system/DBMS.
-Three of the applications (A, B, and elsA) are within a section
-containing a symbol representing an n-memory tree, labeled "Tree
-in-memory: Python interpreter", while the fourth (C) is not.
-There are arrows between the different components of the diagram, as
-<li> from application A to the in-memory tree
-<li> from elsA to the in-memory tree, and back to elsA
-<li> from elsA to the on-disk tree
-<li> from the in-memory tree to application B
-<li> from application B to application C
-<li> from the on-disk tree to application C
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- HTML input file for "CGNS Documentation Update" (attachment to
-minutes of Jan 2002 Steering Committee Meeting) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-CGNS Documentation Update
-<h2>Changes to Documentation and Web Site</h2>
-<li> Feb 2001; Documentation web site moved to NASA Glenn.
-<li> Apr 2001; Re-organized the Mid-Level Library manual, and created
-     LaTeX version.
-<li> Aug 2001; New sections added to the User's Guide
-     <ul>
-     <li> time-dependent data
-     <li> guidelines for writing and reading PLOT3D data in CGNS files
-     </ul>
-<li> Nov 2001; Added files and instructions for downloading and
-     installing the HTML version of the documentation on a local system.
-<li> In Nov 2001, the CGNS documentation web site recorded 2019 page
-     requests from 430 distinct hosts in 33 countries.
-<li> The SIDS document is in the process of being made available as an
-     AIAA "Recommended Practice" publication.
-<li> Changes to several documents will be necessary when support for
-     linked files, user defined data arrays, and chemistry is officially
-     added to the CGNS standard.
-<li> A CGNSTalk Majordomo mailing list was created at GRC in July, to
-     replace the CGNSTalk ListBot list, since Microsoft had announced
-     that the free ListBot service was being discontinued in August.
-     <ul>
-     <li> As of Jan 10, the CGNSTalk mailing list had 87 subscribers
-          from 17 different countries, and 23 different commercial
-          organizations
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "CGNS Extensions" (attachment to
-minutes of Jan 2002 Steering Committee Meeting) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>CGNS Extensions</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-CGNS Extensions
-Reno, 2002
-<li> New extensions:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Links
-     <li> User Defined data
-     <li> Chemistry &amp; species
-     </ul>
-<li> Implemented by Intelligent Light (under contract with NASA Langley)
-<li> Capability has always been there, but only possible to create them
-     with ADF calls
-<li> New API routines have been written:
-     <ul>
-     <li> cg_link_write (nodename, filename, name_in_file)
-     <li> cg_link_read (filename, link_path)
-     <li> cg_is_link (path_length) 
-     </ul>
-<h2>Example of creating a link</h2>
-<img src="jan02_extensions/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating two CGNS files with a link between them"
-     longdesc="jan02_extensions/fig1.html">
-While you are in file 1:
-   filename='file 2'
-   name_in_file='GridBase/Zone 1/GridCoordinates'
-   call cg_goto_f(index,ibase,ier,'Zone_t',1,'end')
-   call cg_link_write_f('GridCoordinates',filename,name_in_file,ier)
-<h2>User-defined data</h2>
-<li> Currently difficult to add arbitrary data (not covered by SIDS) to
-     CGNS file when using API
-<li> Needed, e.g., to hold required code-specific information that is
-     not intended to be used by others
-<li> Identified by the tag: UserDefinedData_t
-<li> Is supported under most existing nodes
-<li> Arbitrary dimensions and dimension values are supported
-<li> Arbitrary number of UserDefinedData_t nodes allowed under each node
-<li> Arbitrary number of DataArrays allowed under each UserDefinedData_t
-     node
-<li> New API routines have been written:
-     <ul>
-     <li> cg_user_data_write (user_data_name, index)
-     <li> cg_user_data_read (index, user_data_name)
-     <li> cg_nuser_data (nuserdata)
-     </ul>
-<h2>Example of writing user-defined data</h2>
-   real*8 data1(3)
-   real*4 data2(3,3)
-   call cg_goto_f(index,ibase,ier,...,'end')
-   call cg_user_data_write_f('Extra',index,ier)
-   call cg_goto_f(index,ibase,ier,...,'UserDefinedData_t',index,'end')
-   call cg_array_write_f('MyData1',RealDouble,1,3,data1,ier)
-   indx(1)=3
-   indx(2)=3
-   call cg_array_write_f('MyData2',RealSingle,2,indx,data2,ier)
-<h2>Chemistry &amp; species</h2>
-<li> Still in process, but nearing completion
-<li> Summary of changes:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Under FlowSolution, define new field quantity data-name
-          identifiers (e.g.: MassFractionH2O)
-     <li> Under FlowEquationSet, modify GasModel to allow several
-          additional types (e.g., CaloricallyPerfect, RedlichKwong)
-     <li> Under FlowEquationSet, allow new node ThermalRelaxationModel_t
-          (e.g., type = Frozen, ThermalEquilib)
-     <li> Under FlowEquationSet, allow new node ChemicalKineticsModel_t:
-          <ul>
-          <li> e.g., type = Frozen, ChemicalEquilibCurveFit
-          <li> define several data-name identifiers for DataArray_t
-               nodes (e.g., MolecularWeightH2O)
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> If needed, other FlowEquationSet information to be stored in
-     Descriptor nodes
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "CGNS Extensions"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example of creating a link </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart illustrates the file structure for two CGNS files, one (File
-1) containing a flow solution and the other (File 2) containing a grid,
-with a link between them.
-On the left is File 1, and on the right is File 2.
-For both files, below the root node is the CGNSBase_t node, named
-FlowSolutionBase in File 1 and GridBase in File 2.
-In both files the CGNSBase_t node has the following data:
-   CellDimension = 3
-   PhysicalDimension = 3
-Below the CGNSBase_t node in both files is a Zone_t node, named Zone 1,
-containing the following data:
-   VertexSize = (21,17,9)
-   CellSize = (20,16,8)
-   VertexSizeBoundary = (0,0,0)
-In File 2, below the Zone_t node are two nodes - a ZoneType_t node
-named ZoneType, with Data = Structured, and a GridCoordinates_t
-node named GridCoordinates, with Data = MT.
-Below GridCoordinates_t are child nodes containing the actual grid
-In File 1, below the Zone_t node are two nodes - the same ZoneType_t
-node as in File 2, and a FlowSolution_t
-node named FlowSolution, with Data = MT.
-Below FlowSolution_t are child nodes containing the actual flow
-Also below the Zone_t node in File 1 is a link node, represented
-by a line labeled "link" drawn from the Zone_t in File 1 to the
-GridCoordinates_t node in File 2.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-<title>AP209 Modular Edition 2: Update for AIAA CGNS Team</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-AP209 Modular Edition 2<br>
-Update for AIAA CGNS Team
-Keith Hunten, P.E.<br>
-Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.
-<li> Overview of STEP Architecture
-<li> AP209 E2 Modularization Approach and Progress
-<li> High Level AP209 E2 Engineering Analysis Composition
-<li> Applicable Recent Integrated Resource Developments
-<li> Remaining Tasks
-<li> Future Cooperations
-<h2>Elements of the ISO 10303 STEP Standard</h2>
-<img src="jan07_ISOstatus/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart showing elements of the ISO 10303 STEP standard"
-     longdesc="jan07_ISOstatus/fig1.html">
-<h2>STEP Application Protocol (AP) Components</h2>
-<img src="jan07_ISOstatus/fig2.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating relationship between components of the STEP application protocol"
-     longdesc="jan07_ISOstatus/fig2.html">
-<h2>Applicable Recent Engineering Analysis Integrated Resource Developments</h2>
-<li> Parts 50 and 51 provide the mathematical basis for the definition
-     and representation of fields and expressions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Including external binary format representation
-     </ul>
-<li> Parts 52 and 53 provide the remaining basis for structured and
-     unstructured meshes
-     <ul>
-     <li> Part 110 adds further detail for Fluid Dynamics
-     </ul>
-<li> Part 107 provides the linkage between existing Part 104-based
-     FEA and the above
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td>Part&nbsp;50:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>Mathematical constructs
-    <td>Part&nbsp;51:<td>
-    <td>Mathematical description
-    <td>Part&nbsp;52:<td>
-    <td>Mesh based topology
-    <td>Part&nbsp;53:<td>
-    <td>Numerical analysis
-    <td>Part&nbsp;104:<td>
-    <td>Finite element analysis
-    <td>Part&nbsp;107:<td>
-    <td>FEA definition relationships
-    <td>Part&nbsp;110:<td>
-    <td>Mesh based computational fluid dynamics
-<h2>Modularization Approach and Progress</h2>
-<li> Primary Objective
-     <ul>
-     <li> Modify/include existing modules (203 E2, PDM)
-     <li> Create Materials, and Composites modules from AP209 E1
-     <li> Create FEA modules from AP209 E1
-     <li> Create Engineering Analysis Core Model (EACM) Fields modules
-          from newly developed STEP Integrated Resources
-     <li> Create Structured/Unstructured Grids and Analyses from STEP
-          integrated resources derived from the integration of the AIAA
-          CGNS standard and EACM
-          <ul>
-          <li> Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (ESA STEP/TAS - TBD) are
-               initial goals
-          </ul>
-     <li> Create Implementation and AP modules (TBD)
-     </ul>
-<li> Progress
-     <ul>
-     <li> Application Reference Models (ARMs) have been created,
-          compiled, and EXPRESS-G diagrams drawn for all but the
-          Implementation and AP modules
-     </ul>
-<li> Stretch Objective
-     <ul>
-     <li> Create Nonlinear Analyses by enhancing IRs and Modules (TBD)
-     </ul>
-<h2>High Level AP209E2 Engineering Analysis Modular Composition</h2>
-<img src="jan07_ISOstatus/fig3.png"
-     alt="Chart showing high-level engineering analysis composition for AP209E2"
-     longdesc="jan07_ISOstatus/fig3.html">
-See backup charts for complete high-level planning model.
-<h2>Remaining Tasks</h2>
-<li> Complete the copying of ARM object and attribute definitions into
-     modular publishing format
-<li> Copy in existing ARM-AIM mapping tables
-<li> Create mapping tables for new CFD and mesh-based numerical analysis
-     modules
-<li> Create final long form EXPRESS AIM (implementation form)
-<li> Send out for ISO ballot
-<h2>Potential Areas of Cooperation</h2>
-<li> STEP has been creating an new Binary implementation form based upon
-     HDF-5
-     <ul>
-     <li> David Price of EuroSTEP has been doing this under VIVACE
-          funding
-     <li> CGNS has as well
-     </ul>
-<li> Experience has taught us that in order to really get widespread
-     implementation a high-level API must be developed
-     <ul>
-     <li> ISO STEP Engineering Analysis team would definitely like
-          to get a lessons learnt and advice from CGNS team on their
-          experiences with this
-     <li> Since the CGNS model was (fairly) faithfully used in the
-          integration with other STEP IRs we should be able to come very
-          close, if not exactly, to the existing CGNS API for the CFD
-          subset
-     </ul>
-<h2>Backup Slides<br>
-AP209 E2 High Level Planning Model</h2>
-<img src="jan07_ISOstatus/fig4.png"
-     alt="Page 1 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="jan07_ISOstatus/fig4.html">
-<img src="jan07_ISOstatus/fig5.png"
-     alt="Page 2 of chart illustrating AP209E2 planning model"
-     longdesc="jan07_ISOstatus/fig5.html">
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-<title> Elements of the ISO 10303 STEP Standard </title>
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-In the middle of this chart are the "Integrated Resources", which define
-the core data structure definitions.
-These include:
-<li> Fundamentals of Product Design
-<li> Geometric and Topologic Representation
-<li> Specialized Representations
-On the left is "EXPRESS", the language in which the core data structure
-definitions are written.
-On the top are the "Application Protocols", which are application
-specific views of the Integrated Resources in a clearly defined context.
-Examples shown in the chart are:
-<li> AP 202 - Explicit, Associative Draughting
-<li> AP 203 - Configuration Controlled Design (3D Shape)
-<li> AP 209 - Composite and Metallic Structural Analysis and Related
-On the right is "Conformance Testing", use for translator and
-application certification.
-Elements shown for this are:
-<li> General Concepts
-<li> Testing Requirements
-On the bottom are the "Implementation Specifications", used to transfer
-Elements shown for this are:
-<li> Physical File (Flat ASCII File)
-<li> STEP Data Access Interface (Database)
-<li> STEP Binary File (in-work)
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-<title> STEP Application Protocol (AP) Components </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-In order, the components of a STEP Application Protocol (AP) are shown
-<li> Application Protocol Scope, including input and output definition.
-<li> Application Activity Model (AAM), specifying information
-     requirements and usage/context.
-<li> Application Reference Model (ARM), containing the information model
-     in application experts language.
-<li> Application Interpreted Model (AIM), which maps the ARM to the STEP
-     information model, using detailed EXPRESS language.
-In addition, "Conformance Classes" define requirements for software
-implementing the AP, and "Test Cases/Suites" are used to certify
-software implementations.
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-<title> High Level AP209E2 Engineering Analysis Modular Composition </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart illustrates the high level composition of the engineering
-analysis modules.
-There are five boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_assignment
-     <li> Analysis_characterized
-     <li> Analysis_identification
-     <li> Analysis_product_relationships
-     <li> Retention_period
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Model
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> Analysis_representation
-     <li> External_analysis_representation
-     <li> Finite_element_model
-     <li> CFD_model
-     <li> Mesh_connectivity
-     <li> Mesh_topology
-     <li> Product_analysis
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_shape
-     <li> B_spline_volume
-     <li> Finite_element_shape
-     <li> Non_manifold_surface
-     </ul>
-<li> Fields and Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> FEA_definition_relationships
-     <li> FEA_material_aspects
-     <li> CFD_specified_general_property
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-     <ul>
-     <li> CFD_conditions
-     <li> CFD_equations
-     <li> CFD_results
-     <li> Finite_element_analysis
-     <li> Mesh_function
-     </ul>
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-<title> AP209 E2 High Level Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 1 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209 E2 high level
-planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Product Data Management" and
-"Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies".
-In the "Product Data Management" area is a box labeled "Product
-Identification" containing the following items.
-<li> part_and_version_identification
-<li> part_definition_relationship
-<li> part_view_definition
-<li> product_categorization
-<li> product_concept_identification
-<li> product_identification
-<li> product_version
-<li> product_version_relationship
-<li> product_view_definition
-<li> product_view_definition_properties
-<li> product_view_definition_relationship
-Lines are drawn from the "Product Identification" box to eight other
-boxes in the "Product Data Management" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Work Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> approval
-     <li> certification
-     <li> contract
-     </ul>
-<li> Activity
-     <ul>
-     <li> activity
-     <li> activity_method
-     <li> work_order
-     <li> work_request
-     </ul>
-<li> Document Management
-     <ul>
-     <li> document_and_version_identification
-     <li> document_assignment
-     <li> document_definition
-     <li> document_management
-     <li> document_properties
-     <li> document_structure
-     <li> external_item_identification_assignment
-     <li> file_identification
-     </ul>
-<li> Management Resource Information
-     <ul>
-     <li> alias_identification
-     <li> class
-     <li> classification_assignment
-     <li> date_time
-     <li> date_time_assignment
-     <li> event
-     <li> event_assignment
-     <li> external_class
-     <li> external_model
-     <li> group
-     <li> identification_assignment
-     <li> incomplete_data_reference_mechanism
-     <li> management_resource_information
-     <li> multi_linguism
-     <li> name_assignment
-     <li> project
-     <li> security_classification
-     <li> time_interval
-     <li> time_interval_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> independent_property
-     <li> independent_property_representation
-     <li> process_property_assignment
-     <li> property_assignment
-     <li> shape_property_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Person Organization
-     <ul>
-     <li> person_organization
-     <li> person_organization_assignment
-     </ul>
-<li> Configuration Effectivity
-     <ul>
-     <li> configuration_effectivity
-     <li> configuration_item
-     <li> effectivity
-     <li> effectivity_application
-     </ul>
-<li> Product Structure
-     <ul>
-     <li> assembly_structure
-     <li> product_replacement
-     <li> product_structure
-     <li> single_part_representation
-     </ul>
-The "Product Identification" box is also connected to a box labeled
-"Geometric Shape" in the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and
-Assemblies" area of the chart, and to boxes labeled "Analysis
-Identification" and "Material", described on <a href="fig5.html">page
-2</a> of this chart.
-Additional lines connect the "Material" box to the "Document Management"
-box, and to the "Geometric Shape" box in the "Configuration Controlled
-3D Parts and Assemblies" area.
-In the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area is a box
-labeled "Geometric Shape" containing the following items.
-<li> advanced_boundary_representation
-<li> basic_curve
-<li> basic_geometry
-<li> construction_geometry
-<li> constructive_solid_geometry_3d
-<li> contextual_shape_positioning
-<li> derived_shape_element
-<li> edge_based_wireframe
-<li> elemental_geometric_shape
-<li> faceted_boundary_representation
-<li> foundation_representation
-<li> geometrically_bounded_surface
-<li> geometrically_bounded_wireframe
-<li> manifold_surface
-<li> shell_based_wireframe
-<li> topologically_bounded_surface
-Lines are drawn from the "Geometric Shape" box to four other boxes in
-the "Configuration Controlled 3D Parts and Assemblies" area.
-These boxes have the following labels and contents.
-<li> Associative Text
-     <ul>
-     <li> associative_text
-     <li> text_appearance
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
-     <ul>
-     <li> default_tolerance
-     <li> dimension_tolerance
-     <li> extended_measure_representation
-     <li> geometric_tolerance
-     <li> measure_representation
-     <li> value_with_unit
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Presentation
-     <ul>
-     <li> appearance_assignment
-     <li> colour
-     <li> curve_appearance
-     <li> general_surface_appearance
-     <li> layer_assignment
-     <li> shape_appearance_layers
-     <li> styled_curve
-     </ul>
-<li> Geometric Accuracy and Validation
-     <ul>
-     <li> geometric_validation_property_representation
-     <li> representation_with_uncertainty
-     </ul>
-In addition, the "Geometric Shape" box is connected to boxes labeled
-"Analysis Shape", "Mesh Model", "Fields and Properties", "Analysis
-Control", and "Material", described on <a href="fig5.html">page 2</a> of
-this chart.
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-<title> AP209 E2 High Level Planning Model </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is page 2 (of 2) of a chart illustrating the AP209 E2 high level
-planning model.
-It's divided into two areas, labeled "Composite Structure Definition,
-Specification, and Shape" and "Analysis Model, Control, and Results".
-In the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification, and Shape" area
-are three boxes, with the following labels and contents.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-     <ul>
-     <li> Composite_material_aspects
-     <li> Part_and_zone_laminate_tables
-     <li> Ply_orientation_specification
-     </ul>
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Composite_constituent_shape
-     </ul>
-<li> Material
-     <ul>
-     <li> Material_specification
-     <li> Material_property
-     <li> Stock_material
-     <li> Design_material_aspects
-     </ul>
-The "Material" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Composite Structure Definition
-<li> Composite Structure Shape
-<li> Analysis Model (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> Analysis Shape (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area)
-<li> Fields and Properties (in the "Analysis Model, Control, and
-     Results" area)
-<li> Document Management (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
-In the "Analysis Model, Control, and Results" area are five boxes, with
-the following labels and contents.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_assignment
-     <li> Analysis_characterized
-     <li> Analysis_identification
-     <li> Analysis_product_relationships
-     <li> Retention_period
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Model
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis
-     <li> Analysis_representation
-     <li> External_analysis_representation
-     <li> Finite_element_model
-     <li> CFD_model
-     <li> Mesh_connectivity
-     <li> Mesh_topology
-     <li> Product_analysis
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Shape
-     <ul>
-     <li> Analysis_shape
-     <li> B_spline_volume
-     <li> Finite_element_shape
-     <li> Non_manifold_surface
-     </ul>
-<li> Fields and Properties
-     <ul>
-     <li> FEA_definition_relationships
-     <li> FEA_material_aspects
-     <li> CFD_specified_general_property
-     </ul>
-<li> Analysis Control and Results
-     <ul>
-     <li> CFD_conditions
-     <li> CFD_equations
-     <li> CFD_results
-     <li> Finite_element_analysis
-     <li> Mesh_function
-     </ul>
-The "Analysis Identification" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Product Identification (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
-<li> Analysis Model
-The "Analysis Model" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Analysis Identification
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Shape" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Fields and Properties" box is connected to the following boxes.
-<li> Material (in the "Composite Structure Definition, Specification,
-     and Shape" area)
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
-The "Analysis Control and Results" box is connected to the following
-<li> Analysis Model
-<li> Geometric Shape (on <a href="fig4.html">page 1</a>)
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-CGNS 2006 Summary
-<h2>Overall goals / priorities</h2>
-From CGNS Charter,
-<li> Ensure CGNS remains useful, accessible, easy to use, and publicly
-     available
-     <ul>
-     <li> Ensure maintenance of software, docs, and website
-     <li> Provide mechanism for evolution of the standard
-     <li> Promote acceptance
-     <li> Provide mechanism for answering questions &amp; exchanging
-          ideas
-     <li> Determine means by which CGNS is supported
-     </ul>
-<h2>Accomplishments 2006</h2>
-<li> Maintenance
-     <ul>
-     <li> Went to release 2.5 - bug fixes, tweaks, added capabilities
-     <li> UsersGuideCode upgraded to include C routines
-     </ul>
-<li> Evolution
-     <ul>
-     <li> Rind-for-unstructured capability added
-     <li> Certain connectivity info made optional for patching (docs
-          &amp; MLL fixed)
-     <li> Face-center connectivity now allowed (doc fix only)
-     <li> Multiple-zone connectivity proposal accepted, but not
-          implemented yet
-     <li> 2 new proposals on the table (Regions &amp; Face-based)
-     </ul>
-<li> Acceptance
-     <ul>
-     <li> San Francisco Tutorial session &amp; Panel discussion held
-     <li> Latest SIDS in AIAA's hands (Recommended Practice document
-          update)
-     <li> CGNS was represented/discussed at an NOAA workshop
-     </ul>
-<li> Answering questions &amp; Exchanging ideas
-     <ul>
-     <li> Website improved &amp; reorganized to include FAQ page
-     <li> CGNSTalk archiving process improved
-     </ul>
-<li> Support
-     <ul>
-     <li> 3 new steering committee members added
-     </ul>
-<h2>Current emphasis</h2>
-<li> Technical:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Seamless inter-usability between ADF and HDF5 (with HDF5
-          "officially" recommended by the committee)
-     <li> Parallel HDF5 capability
-     <li> Ensure bugs get fixed &amp; docs remain up-to-date
-     <li> Keep up with extensions (submission / approval / implementation)
-     </ul>
-<li> Other:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Promote acceptance through:
-          <ul>
-          <li> Papers/presentations (e.g., Poinot, Hauser 2005 &amp; 2006)
-          <li> Tutorial Session at AIAA San Francisco meeting 2006
-          <li> Panel Discussion at San Francisco meeting 2006
-          <li> Develop possible short course for AIAA (in process)
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>New/additional emphasis needed?</h2>
-<li> Strive to secure funding for software development and support
-     (through AIAA short course? other?)
-<li> Improve extension proposal, approval, and implementation process
-     <ul>
-     <li> Proposal template? Guaranteed process timeline?
-     <li> Extending MLL is difficult
-     </ul>
-<li> Develop official certification process
-     <ul>
-     <li> Define levels of compliance?
-     </ul>
-<li> More extensive updates to website - include Wiki page?
-<li> Ideas to overcome vendor &amp; user inertia?
-<li> If we want to pursue any of these items, they need a leader and
-     probably a small sub-committee
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 8 Feb 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "Status of CFD General Notation System (CGNS)"
-     (attachment to minutes of June 2003 Steering Committee Meeting) -->
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-<title>Status of CFD General Notation System (CGNS)</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<h2>CGNS meeting, June 24, 2003, Orlando, FL</h2>
-<li> Status of CGNS and outstanding issues
-<li> Discussion of recent issues raised on CGNStalk
-     <ul>
-     <li> UserDefined extension
-     <li> BCDataSet extension
-     <li> CGNSVersion
-     <li> Possible need for GridLocation=FaceCenter in
-          ZoneGridConnectivity
-     </ul>
-<li> Future directions, needs, and other issues
-<h1>Status of CFD General Notation System (CGNS)</h1>
-Christopher L. Rumsey<br>
-June 24, 2003, Orlando FL
-<li> Introduction
-<li> Recent accomplishments
-<li> Where we are
-<li> Current issues/needss
-<li> Where we are going
-<h2>What is CGNS?</h2>
-<li> Standard for defining &amp; storing CFD data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Self-descriptive
-     <li> Machine-independent
-     <li> Very general and extendable
-     <li> Administered by international steering committee
-     </ul>
-<li> AIAA recommended practice (AIAA R-101-2002)
-<li> In process of becoming international ISO standard
-<li> Free and open software
-<li> www.cgns.org
-<h2>Typical CGNS file</h2>
-<img src="jun03_status/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating a typical CGNS file"
-     longdesc="jun03_status/fig1.html">
-<h2>Makeup of CGNS</h2>
-<li> Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS) is the core of CGNS -
-     defines the intellectual content
-<li> Low level implementation is currently Advanced Data Format (ADF)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basic direct I/O operations
-     <li> Software has no knowledge of data structure or contents
-     <li> Tree-based (nodal parent/child) structure
-     </ul>
-<li> Mid-level library (MLL) is currently available for C and Fortran
-     <ul>
-     <li> This is what most users employ
-     <li> Software has some knowledge of SIDS
-     <li> C++ and Python extensions also available
-     </ul>
-<h2>Recent accomplishments</h2>
-<li> CGNS now maintained on and available from SourceForge
-     (sourceforge.net)
-<li> Latest version is 2.2
-<li> Utility "adfviewer" available for viewing &amp; translating CGNS
-     files
-<li> Extensive web-based and pdf documentation available
-<li> CGNStalk@grc.nasa.gov discussion group
-<h2>Where we are</h2>
-<li> SIDS &amp; software reliable and well-tested
-<li> Most current proposals for extension (to SIDS) are relatively
-     minor/specific
-<li> Acceptance as ISO standard is progressing (but stalled in 2003 due
-     to budgeting problem)
-<li> Many people beginning to use CGNS, but mostly as an "option" - it
-     has yet to gain full acceptance as a standard
-<h2>Current issues/needs</h2>
-<li> Replacement of underlying ADF with HDF5
-     <ul>
-     <li> Prototype (written by Poinot) is available
-     <li> Needs evaluation and further work
-     <li> Adds parallel capability and would help propel CGNS to wider
-          use/acceptance
-     </ul>
-<li> Need to reconcile ISO specs (STEP documents) with latest SIDS
-<li> New proposals for extension need review, then implementation
-<h2>Where we are going</h2>
-<li> Resolve current issues/needs (last slide)
-<li> Replace ADF with HDF5 for commonality and growth
-<li> Continue "advertising": Poinot et al. abstract submitted for Reno
-     2004, "Impact of CGNS on CFD Workflow"
-<li> Push to get more of the widely-used CFD codes to implement CGNS
-<li> Maintain an active &amp; diverse steering committee
-<h1>Discussion of recent issues raised on CGNSTalk</h1>
-<h2>UserDefined extension</h2>
-<li> Allow the following additional children:
-     <ul>
-     <li> PointRange, PointList, GridLocation, FamilyName, Ordinal
-     </ul>
-<li> Would need new MLL functions, e.g.:
-     <ul>
-     <li> cg_ptset_write, cg_ptset_read, cg_ptset_info
-     </ul>
-<li> Purpose: extends usefulness of UserDefined node
-<h2>BCDataSet extension</h2>
-<li> Allow the following additional children:
-     <ul>
-     <li> PointRange, PointList, GridLocation
-     </ul>
-<li> Would need new MLL functions, e.g.:
-     <ul>
-     <li> cg_ptset_write, cg_ptset_read, cg_ptset_info
-     </ul>
-<li> Purpose: allows auxiliary BC data info to reside at different grid
-     location from the indices that define the BC patch
-<h2>CGNSVersion issue</h2>
-<li> Problem: if write CGNS file without CGNSLibraryVersion node, then
-     reading the file using MLL can cause problems
-<li> Current fix: make CGNSLibraryVersion node mandatory part of CGNS
-     file (this is a fix to the documentation only)
-<li> Question: is a proposal for a separate CGNSVersion node needed?
-     <ul>
-     <li> Maybe not, because MLL and SIDS maintain the same numbering
-          (e.g., "2.2")
-     </ul>
-<h2>GridLocation issue</h2>
-<li> Currently, connectivity information is always with respect to the
-     vertices for abutting-type interfaces, and can be either Vertex or
-     CellCenter for overset-type
-<li> Should GridLocation=FaceCenter also be allowed?
-     <ul>
-     <li> Particularly desirable for unstructured grids
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee, attachment to meeting/telecon minutes
-     14 Jan 2002
-     "Status of CFD General Notation System (CGNS)"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Typical CGNS file </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart illustrates the file structure for a typical CGNS file.
-Below the root node are the CGNSLibraryVersion_t and CGNSBase_t nodes.
-Below are two Zone_t nodes, one named Zone 1 and the other Zone 2, a
-ConvergenceHistory_t node, and a ReferenceState_t node.
-Below the Zone 2 node are GridCoordinates_t, ZoneBC_t, FlowSolution_t,
-and ZoneGridConnectivity_t nodes.
-There are also child nodes below the Zone 1 node, not shown in detail.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 7 Feb 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Steering Committee Minutes, 21 June 2000 - longdesc for schedule figure -->
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-<title> CGNS Steering Committee Minutes, 21 June 2000 - Schedule </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This schedule is presented in the form of a bar chart.
-The contents are described in the following table.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Item<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Responsible Person<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Schedule
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Unstructured element ordering<td>
-   <td>Poirier<td>
-   <td>Implement Jan-Mar, release Mar
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Moving grid<td>
-   <td>Poirier<td>
-   <td>Comment Jan-Apr, implement May-July, release July
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Chemistry<td>
-   <td>Bush<td>
-   <td>Comment June-July, implement August-October, release October
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Misc. scalar data<td>
-   <td>Bush<td>
-   <td>Comment June-July, implement August-October, release October
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Hierarchical elements<td>
-   <td>Patel<td>
-   <td>Develop June, comment June-August, implement September-October,
-       release November
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Hanging nodes<td>
-   <td>Edwards<td>
-   <td>Develop June-October, comment October-December
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Multi-phase - spray combustor<td>
-   <td>Darian<td>
-   <td>Develop July-September, comment September-November, implement
-       November and after
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>ADF Windows link update<td>
-   <td>Fisher<td>
-   <td>Release May
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>ADF UNIX link fix<td>
-   <td>Fisher<td>
-   <td>Release June
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Release 1.2-6<td>
-   <td>Poirier<td>
-   <td>Release June
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Release 2.0<td>
-   <td>Poirier<td>
-   <td>Release December
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>SIDS update release<td>
-   <td>Towne<td>
-   <td>Release July
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>User's Guide<td>
-   <td>Rumsey<td>
-   <td>Develop June-September, comment September-November, release
-       December
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>File Mapping<td>
-   <td>Towne<td>
-   <td>Implement July-October, release October
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Performance paper<td>
-   <td>Poirier<td>
-   <td>Release December
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Performance enhancement<td>
-   <td>Fisher<td>
-   <td>(blank)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Implementation paper abstract<td>
-   <td>Legensky<td>
-   <td>Develop July-September, comment September-October, release October
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Press release<td>
-   <td>Legensky<td>
-   <td>Develop June-July, comment July-August, release August
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-10 January 2000<br>
-Reno, Nevada
-The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Bob Bush.
-There were 21 attendees, representing 16 organizations,
-<a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-The minutes of the December telecon were approved.
-<li> Final copies of the Steering Committee Charter were distributed.
-     The charter is also available on the CGNS web site.
-<li> Discussion of proposed changes to the Steering Committee.
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Bob Bush introduced Steve Legensky of Intelligent Light,
-          and reviewed the request to add Intelligent Light to the
-          Steering Committee. Steve Legensky reviewed what Intelligent
-          Light brings to the Committee. This includes a commitment to
-          implement CGNS in their product, bring a significant customer
-          base and therefore provide user feedback. Intelligent Light
-          also offered to bring technology elements based on previous
-          contracted work which may significantly speed CGNS data
-          access, and committed a one person level of effort in support
-          of the CGNS standard, upgrades and utilities.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Diane Poirier introduced Nouredine Hakimi and Marc Tombroff of
-          NUMECA and reviewed their request that NUMECA becomes a member
-          of the CGNS Steering Committee. The NUMECA representatives
-          relayed their experiences implementing CGNS into their
-          production capability and their extensive European contact,
-          customer base and international collaborations.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The committee agreed to add Intelligent Light and NUMECA to
-          the Steering Committee by unanimous consent.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> With these additions the Steering Committee is composed of 14
-          organizations (up to 15 are allowed by the Charter).
-     <br><br>
-     <li> There was some discussion of who the appropriate Air Force
-          representative should be. It used to be Steve Scherr of AFRL
-          in Dayton, but he has a new position and may no longer be the
-          appropriate point of contact. It was noted that there is other
-          potential AF organizations that might be more active in the
-          Committee. No actions were taken at this time.
-     </ul>
-<li> Theresa Babrauckas displayed several versions of the 'swan' logo
-     for comment and discussion.  After some discussion, she agreed
-     to go back to refine and select a small number of candidates for
-     further review. Ed Hall also indicated a willingness to look at
-     meshing and solving 'on' the logo to obtain color contours as a
-     potential logo.
-<li> Bob Bush reviewed the <a href="#aiaa">material to be proposed at
-     the AIAA CFD Committee on Standards</a> the following evening. The
-     Committee had a final agreement that we would propose becoming a
-     sub-committee of that AIAA committee, establishing an affiliation
-     between the CGNS Steering Committee and the AIAA. The proposal
-     materials are included as attachments. (Bob Bush made the
-     presentation the following evening. After a question and answer
-     period, and some discussion, the AIAA CFD Committee on Standards
-     approved the proposal. Thus, the CGNS Steering Committee is now
-     formally affiliated with the AIAA CFD Committee on Standards as the
-     CGNS Sub-Committee.)
-<li> Diane Poirier reviewed the current status of the CGNS software and
-     proposed extensions.  There was some discussion about the Chemistry
-     proposal, and the potential need for a more complete definition,
-     and/or a phased implementation of capabilities. Theresa Babrauckas
-     indicated that we should contact the NCC group on their experiences
-     and requirements for chemistry data for aerodynamic modeling, and
-     agreed to make contact with them to get their input. It was also
-     recommended that we look at the CHEMKIN database as it is widely
-     used to define chemistry properties, and the chemistry support in
-     KIVA. Mori Mani agreed to review the CGNS extension proposal and
-     make specific recommendations.
-<li> Diane Poirier reviewed the CGNS evaluation report from
-     Aerospatiale. Their conclusion is that CGNS could replace their
-     current file format (DAMAS) once the I/O performance is improved.
-<li> There was a brief discussion of the current status of the ISO
-     standard process as it relates to CGNS.
-<li> There was a brief discussion on potential future funding sources to
-     support the CGNS standard.  A draft <a href="#funding">Funding
-     Requirements document</a> is attached for comment.
-The meeting was adjourned at 8:15.
-Action Items
-<li> Bob Bush - Propose AIAA affiliation - completed
-<li> Mori Mani - Revisions to Chemistry extension proposal
-<li> Theresa Babrauckas - Logo revision
-<li> Theresa Babrauckas - Contact NCC for chemistry extension
-     suggestions
-<li> All - Contact Cosner with ISO member country reference contacts.
-<li> Poirier, Bush - Discuss potential NIST proposal
-<li> Bob Bush - Arrange Feb/Mar telecon
-<li> Diane Poirier - Start working on performance improvements
-<li> Steve Legensky: Identify specific work elements Intelligent
-     Light is interested in contributing to CGNS.
-<li> Diane Poirier - Implement in the API the extensions proposed
-     for:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Rigid Grid Motion
-     <li> Arbitrary Grid Motion
-     <li> Iterative and Time-Dependant Data
-     </ul>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Juan J. Alonso<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Babrauckas<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn Research Center
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise, Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Roger Davis<td>
-   <td>UTRC, Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Nouredine Hakimi<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edward Hall<td>
-   <td>Rolls-Royce-Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Hill<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve L. Karman Jr.<td>
-   <td>Lockeed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Kenwright<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Drew Lytle<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing St-Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Scott Ochs<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>Arnold AF Base
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>James Reuther<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Anthony L. Thornton<td>
-   <td>Lockeed Martin Skunk Works
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Tombroff<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
-<a name="aiaa"></a>
-<h2>Position Paper - AIAA Committee on Standards</h2>
-The CGNS Steering Committee has been established to help ensure the
-continuation of the CFD General Notation System (CGNS). In order to
-perform this mission most effectively, the Steering Committee would
-like to affiliate with an established organization that can support
-the mission of the Committee, and help ensure the establishment and
-continuation of the Standard.
-The CGNS Steering Committee has become aware of the AIAA CFD Committee
-on Standards, and would like to explore the possibility of becoming
-a sub-committee of that organization. This affiliation will advance
-the AIAA mission and the CFD CoS mission to promote the acceptance of
-standards in a core area if interest to AIAA.
-This document summarizes the expectations and anticipated working
-relationship that the CGNS Steering Committee would like to see
-The AIAA Committee on Standards would create a new sub-committee, called
-the CGNS sub-committee, which would be the continuation of the existing
-CGNS Steering Committee.
-The CGNS sub-committee would operate autonomously, and would not
-increase the workload on existing sub-committees.
-A member of the CGNS sub-committee (usually the CGNS Steering Committee
-Chairperson) would represent the sub-committee at AIAA Committee on
-Standards meetings.
-This affiliation does not preclude the CGNS Steering Committee from
-collaborating with other professional organizations that might also
-support the continuation of the CGNS Data Standard.
-Access to AIAA communications media, technical conferences, committees,
-etc. will accelerate the process of gaining acceptance for CGNS
-and ensuring that CGNS meets the needs of the entire aerospace CFD
-The AIAA would support the CGNS sub-committee by providing a legal
-entity through which contracts could be negotiated, and funding
-accumulated and distributed in support of the Standard.  (The
-sub-committee is responsible for raising any funds that are to be
-disbursed by them.)
-The CGNS sub-committee would abide by the CGNS Steering Committee
-Charter (until such time as the CoS adopts their own by-laws).
-<a name="funding"></a>
-<h2>Funding Requirements</h2>
-The CGNS Steering Committee has been established to help ensure the
-continuation of the CFD General Notation System (CGNS). In order to
-perform this mission, resources will be required to maintain and further
-develop the software and documentation, to help propagate the standard,
-and to ensure a sufficient support to new adepts of CGNS. This document
-outlines the effort the Steering Committee feels is required to maintain
-a viable data standard for CFD.
-<h3>Proposed Tasks</h3>
-The effort has been broken down into the ten categories summarized in
-the following table. An estimate in man-year of the level of effort
-required in each given year is also shown. A brief description of the
-specific tasks envisioned in each category is also provided.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border>
-<caption>Estimated effort in man-years required for each task
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=row>Tasks
-   <th scope=row>Year 2000
-   <th scope=row>Year 2001
-   <th scope=row>Year 2002
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Extensions
-   <td align=center>0.5
-   <td align=center>0.3
-   <td align=center>0.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Validation and Performance Reports
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.1
-   <td align=center>0.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Documentation
-   <td align=center>0.3
-   <td align=center>0.3
-   <td align=center>0.3
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Training
-   <td align=center>0.1
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Web Maintenance
-   <td align=center>0.1
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.2
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>User Support
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Utility Development
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.3
-   <td align=center>0.5
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Platform/OS Upgrade Maintenance
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.2
-   <td align=center>0.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Outreach
-   <td align=center>0.1
-   <td align=center>0.1
-   <td align=center>0.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Administration
-   <td align=center>0.1
-   <td align=center>0.1
-   <td align=center>0.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Total
-   <td align=center>2.0
-   <td align=center>2.0
-   <td align=center>1.7
-<h3>Description of the specific tasks</h3>
-<h4>1. Extensions</h4>
-The more CGNS is being adopted, the more the users request extensions to
-the standard to support data types not yet part of the SIDS. The CGNS
-Steering Committee recognizes that it is not possible to satisfy every
-individual requirement. However, some requests are general enough to
-benefit the whole CFD community.
-The role of the CGNS Committee would then be to determine which
-extensions are general enough to be added to the CGNS standard. It would
-supervise the elaboration of proposals by voluntary sub-committees and
-post these proposals on the CGNS web site for all users to comment on
-them.  Once approved by the CGNS Steering Committee, these proposals
-would be implemented in the documentation and software (API).
-<h4>2. Validation and Performance Reports</h4>
-<h5>2.1 Validation</h5>
-As the CGNS API extends, and if more and more programmers add their
-contributions to it, the risk to introduce bugs increases. In addition,
-the more the user base grows, the more costly problems in the software
-will be. It is therefore important to establish a test metric that will
-grow with the API.  This test metric should allow testing every function
-of the API and every node in the CGNS ADF tree. It should also allow
-testing both the C and FORTRAN interfaces on all supported platforms.
-<h5>2.2 Verification</h5>
-Users are questioning the performance of CGNS, and what they can expect
-in comparison to their existing I/O systems. Preliminary performance
-tests have shown that it takes more CPU time to create a new CGNS file,
-or to read an existing one, then to write or read a typical sequential
-file.  However, once the database is created, interrogating a CGNS file
-shows much better performance.  This is due to the fact that CGNS not
-only writes long list of data, but also creates an organized database.
-The penalty involved with the initial creation of the hierarchical
-database worries several users. In order to provide potential users
-with the confidence required to rely on the new standard, a thoroughly
-performance study on the CGNS I/O should be conducted. Parameters
-such as operating system, number of blocks and nodes in the mesh,
-unstructured or structured data, quantity of auxiliary information, etc,
-should be included in this performance study. The performance of the
-CGNS I/O in CPU time, wall clock time and memory, should be compared
-with other I/O systems (FORTRAN read/write, C fread/fwrite, Plot3D,
-etc... ).
-<h4>3. Documentation</h4>
-The CGNS Data Standard (SIDS), and associated software (ADF and API),
-currently have a substantial body of documentation. This documentation
-will need to be enhanced, maintained and augmented, as extensions are
-approved and implemented. The existing documentation, although necessary
-and useful, is enough to scare away the most devoted CGNS fan... Since
-one of the main goals of the CGNS Steering committee is to propagate the
-standard by acquiring more and more users, it is necessary to provide
-for simpler and more comprehensive documentation, in the form of a
-User's Guide and Training Manual.
-<h4>4. Training</h4>
-It is envisioned that as CGNS is accepted and adopted by various
-software organizations, that training will be required to facilitate new
-users. This effort will develop training materials, and provide training
-for new users. The aim is to reduce the barriers to full implementation,
-and to gain wide acceptance of the standard.
-<h4>5. Web Maintenance</h4>
-The CGNS web site was originally established as a mean to distribute the
-CGNS software and documentation. It has grown to be a key element in the
-propagation of the CGNS standard. In addition to its primary function of
-distribution, the CGNS web site also allows to recruit new users.  It
-informs users of any pertinent CGNS news and receives user questions
-and requests. It is also used to post new proposals for extensions to
-the standard, and any other relevant documentation such as conference
-papers, presentation viewgraphs, etc. Finally it provides for a "meeting
-place" for all CGNS users. It can be foreseen that eventually a CGNS
-News Group could be added to the web site to facilitate exchange between
-<h4>6. User Support</h4>
-As the user base grows, the number of questions and requests send to
-the CGNS-Support Team increases accordingly. Timely response to users
-requests is mandatory in order to maintain users interest. So in the
-coming years, users support should be a priority.  When the user base is
-large enough, we foresee that a News Group may be sufficient, as users
-could answer each other questions.
-<h4>7. Utility Development</h4>
-Utilities differ from extensions for they do not change the Standard
-Interface Data Structures (SIDS). They are instead tools facilitating
-the use of CGNS. For examples, it would be useful to have a utility to
-compare two CGNS files, or to view the file content graphically. Several
-proposals for utility development have been submitted to the CGNS
-Steering Committee. The Steering Committee supports the idea of creating
-some utilities that would benefit all users.
-<h4>8. Platform/OS Upgrade, Maintenance &amp; Validation</h4>
-The CGNS API and ADF Core are distributed on most platforms/operating
-systems commonly used by the CFD community. Currently, these are
-SGI/IRIX, SUN/Solaris, HP/UX, IBM/AIX, DEC-Alpha/OSF, CRAY/Unicos and
-WindowsNT. Although not distributed on the CGNS web site, users have
-also compiled and ran CGNS successfully on Linux. It is important
-to continue porting CGNS to a wide range of platforms, and keep
-updating the compiled libraries as the different operating systems are
-upgraded. This automatically involves testing the API on all new or
-upgraded operating system.
-<h4>9. Outreach</h4>
-In the early years of CGNS, the outreach effort is crucial in order to
-inform the CFD community of the existence of CGNS, and convince key
-organizations to adopt the CGNS standard, and maybe even contribute to
-its development.
-<h4>10. Administration</h4>
-Most administrative efforts are done on a voluntary basis. However
-some extraordinary administrative costs may arise. For example, the
-cost related to the user meeting at the Reno conference, or the cost
-of teleconferences between Steering Committee members. The Steering
-Committee should be able to cover for such special administrative costs.
-<h3>Funding Sources</h3>
-Much of the work, to date and anticipated, will be performed as in-kind
-contributions from CGNS Steering Committee Members and CGNS users at
-Additional resources will be sought to reimburse the software Focal
-Point for work performed to maintain the software.
-Interested parties may seek resources to fund significant extensions to
-the standard or software utilities.
-Funding/contributions will be sought from industry and government
-agencies interested in extending and maintaining the CGNS
-Standard. Support may be provided:
-<li> to the CGNS Steering Committee who will contract with interested
-     parties and,
-<li> directly to parties interested in working on the CGNS Standard. (It
-     is anticipated that these activities will be coordinated with the
-     Steering Committee.)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 5 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-9 January 2001<br>
-Reno, Nevada
-The meeting was called to order at 8:00pm.
-There were 21 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-The minutes of the 7 December 2000 telecon were approved as posted on
-the web.
-<li> <b>Steering Committee Membership</b> - A motion to revise the
-     charter to increase the number of voting members of the Steering
-     Committee from 15 to 16 was made, seconded and approved. A motion
-     to add three organizations to the Steering Committee was made and
-     seconded. Each of the proposed new members briefly introduced
-     themselves and their organizations. Aerospatiale Matra Airbus -
-     Alexandre Corjon; AEDC - Greg Power; Pointwise - John Chawner. The
-     motion passed by consensus.
-<li> <b>Logo</b> - John Chawner presented revised logo recommendations
-     designed by the DPC Group. The DPC Group has offered their design
-     services for the logo in exchange for recognition on our web
-     site. There was some discussion of the designs, and John agreed to
-     take minor suggestions back to the design group and have the logo
-     revised.  The <a href="#logos">proposed designs</a> are included
-     below.  Consensus seemed to form around number 1, dropping 'the'
-     and increasing the size of the 'CFD Data Standard' tag line to be
-     the full width of the CGNS text.
-<li> <b>Survey Results</b> - Steve Legensky reviewed the results of the
-     CGNS user survey (<a href="attachments/jan01_survey.html">HTML</a>,
-     <a href="attachments/jan01_survey.pdf">PDF</a>).
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner outlined the process to generate an
-     ISO standard (<a href="attachments/jan01_ISO.html">HTML</a>,
-     <a href="attachments/jan01_ISO.pdf">PDF</a>) for aerodynamic data
-     based on CGNS.
-<li> There was much discussion about the need to identify and fund a
-     Developer Focal Point. ICEM-CFD Engineering has been donating
-     their time for this function, and their contribution has been
-     essential to the success of CGNS, and much appreciated.  There was
-     discussion of how we might fund a continuation of this effort, and
-     how we might find someone to fill that role. Bob Bush will follow
-     up on some of these leads.  Ray Cosner offered to support him in
-     coordinating the effort.
-<li> <b>Release Status</b> - CGNS 2.0 is in final Beta testing and
-     should be released in the next month or so. Diane Poirier requested
-     other organizations to test the beta version.  Chris Rumsey and
-     Steve Legensky agreed to test the new capabilities before release,
-     and Bob Bush will see if Ed Hall (Rolls Royce) will test them also.
-The meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA LaRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>Lockheed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bill Jones<td>
-   <td>NASA LaRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Alex Corjon<td>
-   <td>EADS Airbus SA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Jiim French<td>
-   <td>AIAA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>Adapco
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Jeanne Mara<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charles Hirsch<td>
-   <td>Numeca
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michael Aftomis<td>
-   <td>NASA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Babrauckas<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Anthony Iannetti<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Peter Eiseman<td>
-   <td>Program Development Co.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armin Wulf<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<a name="logos"></a>
-<h2>CGNS Logo Samples</h2>
-The table below contains the latest four concepts for the CGNS logo
-based on feedback provided during the 07 December steering committee
-telecon. Each logo concept is presented in color and greyscale.  The
-CGNS logo was developed, produced, and contributed to the CGNS Steering
-Committee by The DPC Group.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>color version
-   <th align=left scope=col>black &amp; white version
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><img src="figures/logo1.gif" alt="Logo concept 1, color"><br>1
-   <td><img src="figures/logo2.gif" alt="Logo concept 1, black and white"><br>2
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><img src="figures/logo3.gif" alt="Logo concept 2, color"><br>3
-   <td><img src="figures/logo4.gif" alt="Logo concept 2, black and white"><br>4
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><img src="figures/logo5.gif" alt="Logo concept 3, color"><br>5
-   <td><img src="figures/logo6.gif" alt="Logo concept 3, black and white"><br>6
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><img src="figures/logo7.gif" alt="Logo concept 4, color"><br>7
-   <td><img src="figures/logo8.gif" alt="Logo concept 4, black and white"><br>8
-For more information contact John Chawner at (888) GRIDGEN or
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-14 January 2002<br>
-Reno, Nevada
-The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
-There were 24 attendees, as <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<li> <b>Charter/Membership</b> - 
-     A motion to amend the Charter to increase the number of voting members
-     of the Steering committee from 16 to 17 was made, seconded and passed by
-     consensus.  A motion to amend the Charter by adding ONERA as an official
-     Steering Committee member was made, seconded and passed by consensus.
-     <p>
-     Laurent Cambier introduced the ONERA efforts with CGNS (for Marc
-     Poinot).
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - 
-     Ray Cosner presented an overview of the ISO status
-     (<a href="attachments/jan02_ISO.html">HTML</a>,
-     <a href="attachments/jan02_ISO.pdf">PDF</a>).  Ray also solicited
-     interest in a 2 day ISO-CGNS workshop at which the CGNS Steering
-     Committee would do a thorough review of the ISO documentation.
-     This would probably occur in the late spring time frame.  Many in
-     the audience indicated a willingness to attend, so Ray will set a
-     date and location with Bob Bush and invitations will be sent to
-     interested parties.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - 
-     Theresa Benyo gave an overview of the documentation status
-     (<a href="attachments/jan02_documentation.html">HTML</a>,
-     <a href="attachments/jan02_documentation.pdf">PDF</a>) for Charlie
-     Towne.
-     <p>
-     Jim French indicated that the transfer of the SIDS documentation to
-     AIAA for transition to an AIAA Recommended Practice is underway.  Final
-     documentation should be available soon.  This will be distributed to
-     the entire CGNS mailing list, and votes for approval solicited from the
-     official Steering Committee members.  We anticipate this will occur in
-     the spring.
-     <p>
-     David Edwards reported that the AIAA Paper was completed, and presented
-     the paper on Wednesday.  The paper was well received.  Thanks to David
-     for pulling it together so nicely.
-     <p>
-     It was mentioned that CGNStalk has had little activity lately.  Theresa
-     will ask Charlie to check to be sure it is operational.  All interested
-     parties are encouraged to submit questions and comments via this web
-     vehicle.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - 
-     Chris Rumsey gave an overview of the status of various extensions
-     (<a href="attachments/jan02_extensions.html">HTML</a>,
-     <a href="attachments/jan02_extensions.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     <p>
-     Diane Poirier gave an overview of the version control system that is in
-     place to facilitate software updates and code management.  The system is
-     based on CVS and is currently controlled via controlled access.  Access
-     can be granted by the Steering Committee.  Currently, only Diane (ICEM)
-     and David Edwards (Intelligent Light) have access.  It is intended that
-     others will be provided access when the need arises.  It was noted that
-     we should have a document itemizing the quality control steps needed to
-     maintain the software integrity.  This may be in the form of a checklist
-     that includes the update steps, and include a process to have updated
-     code checked by a third party before insertion in the official version.
-<li> <b>Related Software</b> - 
-     Bob Bush gave a brief overview of material Marc Poinot prepared
-     (<a href="attachments/jan02_PyCGNS-intro.html">HTML</a>,
-     <a href="attachments/jan02_PyCGNS-intro.pdf">PDF</a>) that details
-     the PyCGNS software that ONERA has developed.
-     The software is available from
-     <a href="http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases"><i>http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases</i></a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-     <p>
-     There was quick mention of the C++ interface being developed by Manuel
-     Kessler and Udo Tremel.  Unfortunately they were not able to attend
-     the meeting, so the discussion was relatively generic.  There was
-     also discussion of how to make this software available and how the
-     CGNS Steering Committee should support the software.  We would like
-     to suggest that rather than posting the library directly on the CGNS
-     web site, that we provide a summary of the capability and a link to
-     a developers web site.  This would allow the developers to respond
-     directly to questions, comments and extensions without introducing an
-     intermediate filter, and it would lessen the need for the Steering
-     Committee to support unfamiliar software.  However, it will also
-     increase the support burden on the developers.  We will work with Udo
-     and Manuel to determine the most effective means of distributing the
-     software.
-<li> <b>Issues</b> - 
-     There was a short discussion on funding and support.  It was suggested
-     that funding agencies be identified, and proposals prepared.  One
-     approach would be to have interested organizations bid on tasks directly
-     to funding agencies.  The role of the Steering Committee could be to
-     coordinate and endorse various proposals instead of trying to bid
-     directly.
-     <p>
-     NIST was suggested as a potentially interested funding agency.  Ray
-     Cosner offered that Cary Presser of NIST often attends the CoS meetings.
-     (Bob Bush met with Cary briefly after the CoS meeting Wednesday evening.
-     Cary indicated that NIST is not generally a funding agency, but he has
-     interest in CGNS and will assist us in looking for potential funding.)
-The meeting was adjourned at about 8:30.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td>
-   <td>Sverdrup - AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>Sverdrup - AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Space and Comm
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Space and Comm
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Dannenhoffer<td>
-   <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Aircraft and Missiles
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Jeanne Mara<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Nick Wyman<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Craig Day<td>
-   <td>AIAA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Jim French<td>
-   <td>AIAA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Lauren Cambier<td>
-   <td>Onera
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dipankar Choudhory<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Benyo<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>Lockheed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kozo Fujii<td>
-   <td>ISAS, Japan
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Phantom Works
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engr
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>S.V. Ramakrishnan<td>
-   <td>Hypercomp/Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>George Papadopoulos<td>
-   <td>Dantec Dynamics
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-6 January 2003<br>
-Reno, Nevada
-<b>Call to order</b> -
-Bob Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00.
-<b>Attendance</b> -
-There were 17 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<b>Approval of minutes of last meeting</b> -
-The minutes were approved as posted on the web.
-<b>Charter Business</b> -
-Chris Rumsey of NASA Langley was elected as new chairperson of the CGNS
-steering committee.  He will serve a 2 year term.
-<b>ISO Status</b> -
-Ray Cosner provided an overview of the ISO standard development effort.
-Hierarchically, the CGNS model consists of the following parts.  At
-the top is AP 237 (Fluid Dynamics Data).  Under this is Part 110 (CFD
-Models), which was at one time removed, but then restored in Oct 2002.
-Under this are Part 50 (Mathematical Constructs) - which already exists
-under ISO, Part 52 (Mesh Based Data), and Part 53 (Numerical Analysis).
-Under these 3 parts is Part 21 (Clear-Text Encoding) - which already
-exists under ISO.
-By Ray's estimates, if all goes well AP 237, and Parts 52, and 53, and
-110 will be voted as draft international standards by Jun 03 - Mar 04,
-and voted as international standards by Jan 04 - May 05 (2/3 vote needed
-from 19 countries).  An alternative to Part 21 will need to be tackled
-in the future if the ISO standard is to include binary representation
-of data (currently the ISO standard is ASCII).  The committee had some
-discussion about this issue.  It was suggested that the committee
-advocate HDF 5 to replace ADF as the binary representation.  HDF 5 has
-many tools and capabilities, including parallel capabilities.  Also, ISO
-committee members are already leaning that way.  Ray would like to hear
-from anyone by the end of February 2003 if they have any concerns or
-issues about HDF 5.  Chris Rumsey agreed to solicit an e-mail exchange
-about HDF 5 between Powers, Edwards, Michal, Cosner, Bush, and Poinot.
-The use of gzipped XML was also discussed as a possibility for ASCII
-Ray again suggested the need for a workshop (at Lockheed, Ft Worth)
-for CGNS steering committee members to go through the ISO documents in
-detail.  This workshop was originally suggested for Fall 2002, but was
-postponed.  It was also suggested that a subcommittee be formed to go
-through Part 52 in detail, and make sure that it is still aligned with
-the latest CGNS SIDS constructs.  Chris Rumsey agreed to solicit input
-from Bussoletti, Poirier, Michal, Bush, and Cosner on this issue.
-Ray informed the committee that he has a new job within Boeing, and he
-will need to identify a new project leader at some point in the future
-to take over the CGNS ISO effort.
-<b>Documentation</b> -
-Craig Day (standards engineer at AIAA) announced that the printed
-version of the SIDS document (Recommended Practice R-101-2002) is
-complete and is available from the AIAA on-line store. Charlie Towne
-could not be present, but indicated to the Chairman via e-mail that once
-the AIAA version is complete, he will update our version, labeling it as
-a Draft Recommended Practice and adding a link to the AIAA on-line store
-web site.  He will also make the AIAA version available as a PDF file.
-Towne made a note that the Recommended Practice is basically version
-2.1.6 of the SIDS document, dated 2 Nov 2001, and corresponds to CGNS
-software release 2.0, Rev 3.  Version 2.1 of the software was released
-in May 2002; version 2.2 in beta, and may become "official" soon.  The
-Recommended Practice thus doesn't include the data structures for
-chemistry or user-defined data (in version 2.1 of the software), or the
-data structures for axisymmetry, rotating coordinates, special grid
-connectivity properties, special boundary condition properties, or
-gravity (in version 2.2 beta of the software).  It also doesn't include
-various corrections and clarifications that have been added in the last
-year or so.  Charlie suggests that once version 2.2 of the software
-becomes official (i.e., non-beta), that we update the AIAA Recommended
-Practice.  The revised documentation for Version 2.1 is now installed
-on the web in the default locations.  The older documentation is still
-available via other links.
-<b>Extensions</b> -
-John Bussoletti mentioned that currently the SIDS is lacking in some
-respects for unstructured CFD representation.  For example, there is
-no official place to store number of edges.  These can be placed under
-UserDefined for the time being. Also it was mentioned that the SIDS
-currently does not allow an unstructured GridLocation to be anything
-other than Vertex or CellCenter.  Bussoletti said that he planned to
-eventually propose some changes to the way SIDS handles unstructured
-data sets, as official extensions.
-<b>Related Software Status</b> -
-David Edwards reported that Intelligent Light recently won an SBIR Phase
-1 from NASA that involves CGNS usage in post-processing large data sets.
-Bruce Wedan reported on the status of adfviewer and related tools.  He
-is still working on documentation of this software.  Through e-mail,
-Charlie Towne mentioned that he plans to update the web documentation to
-include adfviewer.  But he would like to wait until documentation for
-the additional utilities that Bruce wrote can also be made available,
-especially since they can be accessed through ADFViewer.
-At the last Telecon, it was agreed that Version 2.2 would be removed
-from beta status as of January 2003.  However, Bruce has recently made a
-lot of minor changes to the API beta software, so the decision to remove
-the beta status has been deferred for the time being and will be taken
-up again at the next telecon.
-The use of SourceForge as a possible location for distributing CGNS
-software (and for having outside users upload modifications and
-additions) was discussed.  For example, Kessler uses SourceForge to
-distribute CGNS++ (C++ interface for CGNS). Bruce Wedan agreed to look
-into this possibility.
-<b>Issues</b> -
-New ideas were solicited for directions that the CGNS committee should
-take this year.  Some of the ideas (and needs) that surfaced were as
-<li> Discussion of need for FORTRAN 95 extension - but we already have
-     2 mid-level libraries (C and C++) ... too many?  Hard to control
-     multiple versions?
-<li> Need for a tool to check for SIDS-compliance
-<li> Parallel implementation needed
-<li> May need better definition for chemistry - Mori Mani may eventually
-     help to define extensions as he delves deeper into it
-<li> Need for a move to HDF 5 as the binary representation
-<li> Need to keep existing users engaged - need more CFD codes to
-     implement and actively use CGNS
-<b>Summary of Action Items</b> -
-<li> Chris to initiate discussion for feedback on HDF 5, with Powers,
-     Edwards, Michal, Cosner, Bush, and Poinot.
-<li> Chris to initiate team to evaluate Part 52 with Bussoletti,
-     Poirier, Michal, Bush, and Cosner, to make sure it conforms (maps)
-     to the latest SIDS document.
-<li> Bruce to complete documentation of adfviewer and its new tools.
-     Charlie to put this documentation on the web site, when Bruce
-     finishes it.
-<li> Bruce to look into SourceForge as a possible alternative to
-     distributing CGNS software.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td>
-   <td>JE Sverdrup - AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Dannenhoffer<td>
-   <td>Syracuse University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Bussoletti<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Allan Grosvenor<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Siansay Padhiar<td>
-   <td>Pointwise, Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Benyo<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Manuel Kessler<td>
-   <td>University of Stuttgart
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Paul Batten<td>
-   <td>Metacomp Tech.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 15 Jan 2003
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-7 January 2004<br>
-7:00 PM Pacific Time<br><br>
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">17 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the 20 November 2004 telecon meeting were reviewed
-     and approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Check in latest HDF-5 software to SourceForge (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> A version was posted to SourceForge earlier, but Bruce
-               has since worked on it more. <u>The latest version will
-               be posted to SourceForge (under CVS) soon</u>, after
-               Marc Poinot has had a chance to look at it.  It can do
-               links OK now.  It is basically complete, although Bruce
-               identified a bug in the HDF-5 software, which he reported
-               to them.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Add home page to SourceForge (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Proposal for reinstating removed element list and range (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Committee decided to reinstate this without formal
-               proposal review, as of official release of Version
-               2.3 (see #7 below). <u>Rumsey to check with Towne to
-               see if SIDS documentation exists for this capability
-               already.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Problem with ADF children's IDs between 2.2 and 2.3 (Poinot, Wedan)
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Resolved.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Experiment with disk block size (Alonso, van der Weide)
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> 4096 = standard
-          <li> Biggest speed-up was maybe 25%, usually it was 5-10%
-          <li> Decided to leave as-is; maintains backward compatibility
-          </ul>
-     <li> Do links cause slowdown? (Alonso, van der Weide)
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Yes, when many linked nodes are present
-          <li> Problem is number of zones in link - there are a lot of
-               links to <tt>GridCoordinates</tt> when there are a lot of
-               zones - when you open the file, it goes through all the
-               tree
-          <li> <u>Bruce will look into this issue further (perhaps can
-               modify open call so it does not follow links).</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Prepare/prioritize extensions (Bush, Rumsey)
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done (discussion later)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Post charter for comments (Rumsey, Edwards):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done (discussion later)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Proposal for partial read/write posted to website (van der Weide):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Charter (Rumsey)
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Only 2 minor comments were made via e-mail during the last 2
-          months.
-     <li> Vote was taken, charter was accepted.
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will finalize and send to Towne to post.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion (Cosner):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey reported for Cosner: no formal change of status.
-          Boeing funding for 2004 remains unresolved.  With regard
-          to parts 52, 53, and 110, Ray has received several formal
-          comments from several countries, but they are low-level and
-          easily addressed.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues (Towne):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey reported for Towne: for the updated AIAA recommended
-          practice, AIAA will send a ballot to the CGNS committee
-          sometime soon. <tt>ElementList</tt> and <tt>Range</tt> will
-          need to be added into the SIDS when that functionality is
-          turned back on (see #7 below).  Regarding spam problem on
-          CGNSTalk, it is not bad enough yet to warrant any action.
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion (Wedan):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion took place about releasing CGNS V2.3 (removing from
-          beta status).  This was formally voted on and accepted by the
-          committee.
-     <li> It was also decided to put back in the <tt>ElementList</tt>
-          and <tt>Range</tt> capability, but this will require
-          modification to the SIDS.
-     <li> <u>Bruce will prepare V2.3 for official release - need to
-          coordinate with change to SIDS for <tt>ElementList</tt> and
-          <tt>Range</tt>.</u>
-     <li> <u>Bruce will look into formally archiving all old versions of
-          the software.</u>
-     <li> <u>Bruce will remove the webpage containing binaries - in the
-          future, all software must be obtained through SourceForge.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion (Poinot, Wedan, Power): 
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Thomas Hauser described his work (Reno AIAA paper 2004-1088)
-          regarding CGNS with HDF-5 for parallel (created new calls in
-          API) - a start, still needs more work.
-     <li> Power, Alonso, agreed to help test new software.
-     <li> Edwards and Hauser will coordinate their efforts in this area.
-     <li> At some point, Bruce will put preliminary version of Hauser's
-          software on SourceForge.
-     <li> Noted that HDF-5 is slower than ADF for small files (&lt;
-          roughly 1 million points).  The file size is also bigger.
-     <li> Committee decided that it is still too early to officially
-          switch over to HDF-5 (from ADF).  We will work toward it.
-          When we go, it will be a "major" release (3.0).
-     <li> There is already a translator ADF -&gt; HDF-5 available.
-          When we go to V3.0, it should probably automatically make
-          the translation for the user (in much the same way that the
-          current software automatically upgrades earlier versions to
-          the latest).
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion (Bush, Rumsey)
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Extensions were discussed and
-          <a href="#extensions">prioritized</a>, regarding possibility
-          for immediate implementation by Intelligent Light (as part
-          of their SBIR contract). <u>Rumsey to send a summary to
-          Edwards.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot plans to submit a proposal relating to SIDS changes
-          needed in conjunction with an XML CGNS "compiler" he has been
-          developing.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
-<li> Summary of action items:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan to post latest and greatest HDF-5 version (including
-          link capability) to SourceForge.
-     <li> Rumsey to check with Towne to see if documentation still
-          exists for <tt>ElementList</tt> and <tt>Range</tt> (removed
-          prior to V2).
-     <li> Wedan will look into issue of links further (perhaps can
-          modify open call so it does not follow links).
-     <li> Rumsey will finalize updated CGNS Charter and send to Towne to
-          post.
-     <li> Wedan will prepare V2.3 for official release - need to
-          coordinate with change to SIDS for <tt>ElementList</tt> and
-          <tt>Range</tt>.
-     <li> Wedan will look into formally archiving all old versions of
-          the software.
-     <li> Wedan will remove the webpage containing binaries - in the
-          future, all software must be obtained through SourceForge.
-     <li> Rumsey to send a summary of priority list of Proposals for
-          Extension to Edwards.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Juan Alonzo<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Barson<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt & Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bill Jones<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td>
-   <td>ITAC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Steinbrenner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Stephane Viala<td>
-   <td>AIRBUS
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Andreas Wierse<td>
-   <td>VirCinity
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<h2>Prioritization of Proposals for Extension</h2>
-<table border>
-<tr align=left>
-   <th scope=col>Extension
-   <th scope=col>Recommendation<br>
-                 for near-term<br>
-                 implementation
-   <th scope=col>Changes<br>
-                 needed<br>
-                 to SIDS?
-   <th scope=col>Comments
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>1) Partial read/write
-   <td align=center>H
-   <td align=center>N
-   <td>API only (5 functions) - see
-       <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates"><tt>cg_coord_read</tt></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>2) Family extensions
-   <td align=center>H
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Simple
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>3) <tt>GridConnectivity</tt>
-   <td align=center>M
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Simple
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>4) <tt>BCDataSet</tt>
-   <td align=center>L
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Implementation similar to #5
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>5) <tt>UserDefined</tt>
-   <td align=center>H+
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Highest priority - need to include <tt>UserDefined</tt> as child,
-       and limit to 10 layers
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>6) New BC types
-   <td align=center>L
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Some already exist - interior BC types should not be BCs
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>7) &amp; 9) Elements/Chemistry
-   <td align=center>L
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Needs more definition - also, make consistent with existing
-       Chemistry - get more buy-in from chemistry community
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>8) Regions
-   <td align=center>L
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Important, but need to add similar capability for Structured also
-       (in consistent fashion)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>10) Soln specific BCs
-   <td align=center>L
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Transition still needed; need for others may not be justified
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>11) Electromagnetics
-   <td align=center>H
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Simple, already used by Wind code; need to rename "Sigma", change
-       label names
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>12) Multiphase
-   <td align=center>L
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Important, but not ready yet
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>13) Hierarchical
-   <td align=center>L
-   <td align=center>Y
-   <td>Important, but not ready yet
-Note: low (L) priority does not indicate low value of proposal - the
-rating is primarily relating to readiness for immediate implementation,
-as well as need for the capability by the greatest number of users.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 13 Jan 2004
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-12 January 2005<br>
-7:00 PM Pacific Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">19 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the 17 November 2004 meeting were approved as posted
-     on the web site.
-<li> Chair and Vice-Chair positions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> The 2-year term for Chair expired.
-          It was moved that Rumsey be reappointed as chair for a
-          second term (Jan 2005 - Jan 2007).
-          The motion carried.
-     <li> A discussion was held on the need for a Vice-Chair position.
-          The Vice-Chair would assist the Chair with his or her duties,
-          with the expectation of taking over the Chair position when
-          the current Chair's term expires.
-          Members were encouraged to consider applying for this
-          position; this subject will be further discussed at the next
-          telecon.
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will make changes in CGNS Charter document.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will check into parallel issues regarding
-          time-dependent data.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Can do time-dependent fine in parallel as long as set
-               total number of time steps up front
-          <li> Need to discuss certain issues with HDF5 people.
-               <u>Hauser will provide Rumsey a list of these.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will circulate CGNS flyer to steering committee for
-          comments.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. One-page flyer produced and distributed at Reno
-               conference.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation;
-          Wedan, Rumsey, Towne, Koziol will be reviewers.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In process.  Documentation currently under review.
-               <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will look into good way to implement the disabled
-          chunk-search fix in ADF.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  Change made permanent.  The only down side is that
-               the storage temporarily doubles during the write, with a
-               final slight (10%) increase in file size at the end.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Van der Weide will try deleting node and then writing (using
-          ADF) on one of his big test cases and report back.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. No problems (no increase in file size) with this
-               process.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will send e-mail to CGNSTalk about testing HDF5 version
-          of CGNS, and also will try to develop a list of what users there
-          are and what platforms they have tested on.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Only one response received. Discussion in HDF5
-               section below.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan and Wall will work out details about extensions &amp; get
-          latest version in place for V2.4.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will initiate documentation on new extensions; Wall and
-          Towne will help.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In process. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Status from Cosner (e-mail):
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> No realistic prospect of regaining Boeing funding, and
-               thus Boeing participation, for this project.  Authority
-               to decide funding for ISO-STEP projects now rests
-               with a Boeing org that is focused on CAD tools for
-               mechanical/structural design.  They have no interest in
-               development of a fluid dynamics standard.
-          <li> ISO-STEP has decided to merge the draft CGNS-based fluids
-               standard into the existing standard for finite element
-               solid mechanics (AP 209), because there is a high degree
-               of common content. Therefore, the standard will be
-               discrete-element models for both fluids and solids.  This
-               effort is being led by Keith Hunten of Lockheed Martin,
-               Fort Worth.
-          <li> The combined fluids-solids standard will be released in a
-               new edition (update) of AP 209.  A release date has not
-               been established, but it is unlikely to be in 2005.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Committee held brief discussion on compatibility of CGNS with
-          the ISO version now that the ISO version may end up being
-          radically different.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Will CGNS still achieve a certain level of compliance?
-          <li> Does the committee need another "ISO representative" to
-               keep track of the new developments?
-          <li> Decision for now to try to keep communication lines open.
-               <u>Rumsey to contact Keith Hunten of Lockheed Martin.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues (Towne):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Status of V2.3 becoming revised AIAA recommended practice
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Day and Cawley said most of our committee members have
-               turned in their initial survey forms.  So far our
-               committee is made up of: 4 from Government, 6 from
-               Vendors, 7 from Users, and 2 from Academia. Day said that
-               this balance is good (no one group has more than 50%),
-               so there is no problem continuing with the balloting
-               process. The ballots (voting to adopt latest SIDS version
-               as AIAA recommended practice) will be e-mailed to
-               steering committee members soon.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Updated documentation for V2.4beta (SIDS, SIDS-to-ADF, and
-          MLL) is underway. <u>Towne will post changes for everyone to
-          check. Poinot's new SIDS-to-HDF5 document will also need to
-          eventually incorporate these changes.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion (Wedan):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> V2.4beta still has not been announced.  Wedan plans to make
-          some additional changes and then officially announce it (also
-          see discussion in HDF5 section below).
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey reported that Koziol (NCSA) e-mailed to say that they
-          were planning to implement "creation order" tracking of
-          objects in groups for the 1.8.0 release (due approximately
-          in March 2005).  He also continues to work on speedup for
-          the large number (thousands) of zones (which is still
-          significantly slower than ADF).
-     <li> Rumsey only received 1 response from users who tried the HDF5
-          version.  The comments were:
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> it is not backward compatible
-          <li> the HDF5 version of the test files were 2-3 times larger
-               than the ADF files
-          </ol>
-     <li> Discussion of these issues
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Backward compatibility should be easily overcome through
-               converters between ADF and HDF5.  These converters
-               already exist.  Software should be able to incorporate
-               the converters.
-          <li> The issue of larger HDF5 files was noticed by other
-               people as well.  If only 1 zone, then the ADF and HDF5
-               files are usually of similar size.  It is with many zones
-               that they tend to be different. <u>Rumsey will contact
-               Koziol to make him aware of this issue.</u>
-          <li> To summarize, there appears to be 2 issues regarding
-               HDF5 that are "worse" than with ADF files: first is
-               excessively slow I/O when there are many (thousands) of
-               zones; second is larger file sizes, even for "standard"
-               files.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Discussion of switchover to HDF5
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Discussion about HDF5 two problems, and how they affect
-               our switchover.
-          <li> Creation ordering in CGNS can probably be thrown away.
-          <li> <u>Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-               read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.</u>
-          <li> IL is looking at compression issues.  Legensky plans to
-               keep the committee informed about what they find.
-          <li> With new version of HDF5, links are a lot faster.
-          <li> Hauser currently has some parallel API calls, similar to
-               partial read/writes just added by IL.
-          <li> The (unchanged) <a href="#HDF5_todo">list of things to
-               do/consider prior to HDF5 switchover</a> is included below.
-          <li> Final decision of committee:
-               <ol type=l>
-               <li> Do not formally switchover to HDF5 yet.  We need to
-                    resolve some of the performance and size issues first.
-               <li> <u>V2.4beta will be modified by Wedan to include
-                    HDF5 as an option (at compile time).</u> This beta
-                    release can then undergo further testing.  We will
-                    re-evaluate formal switchover date in the future.
-               </ol>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion (Wall, Wedan):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Fiedler (UIUC) made suggestion in CGNSTalk about allowing Rind
-          for unstructured data. Apparently the change is easy.  <u>Wedan
-          will look into the change and will contact Rumsey about it.</u>
-          The change would also involve changes to the documentation.
-     <li> Issue about polyhedral cells brought up. CGNS currently cannot
-          handle them appropriately, and they are more and more in
-          use by commercial CFD codes. It may fit under "N-gon", but
-          additional info is needed (how ordered). <u>Michal will write a
-          first draft proposal to handle polyhedral cells.</u>
-     <li> Karman mentioned a needed capability for a particular
-          unstructured type that is currently missing.  <u>He will write
-          this up and send to Rumsey.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Review status of open items - deferred to a later meeting
-     <li> CGNS user's meeting
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> tentative time for this will be at Reno 2006
-          <li> possibly have a short training session in one of the rooms
-          <li> possibly use extra space in exhibit hall (booth?)
-          <li> <u>Rumsey will look into these possibilities</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Next telecon: in roughly 2 months time
-     <li> 3 CGNS-related papers were presented at this Reno meeting:
-          2005-1381, 2005-1155, and 2005-0334.  <u>Hauser will send a PDF
-          of his paper to Towne to post.</u> <u>Poinot will send a PDF of his
-          paper to Towne to post.</u>  <u>Poinot will contact author of 0334
-          (Iepan) to obtain PDF to send to Towne to post.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
-<li> Summary of <u><b>action items</b></u>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will provide Rumsey a list of issues that need to be
-          discussed with the NCSA (HDF5) people.
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation;
-          Wedan, Rumsey, Towne, Koziol will be reviewers. Will need
-          to eventually incorporate new extensions (see (d)).
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension.
-     <li> Towne will complete and post draft documentation on new
-          extensions.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Keith Hunten of Lockheed Martin.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Koziol to make him aware of issue of larger
-          size (factor 2-3) of HDF5 files.
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can read
-          (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-     <li> Wedan will modify V2.4beta to include HDF5 as an option (at
-          compile time), then will announce it.
-     <li> Wedan will look into change required to allow Rind data for
-          unstructured, and will contact Rumsey about it.
-     <li> Michal will write a first draft proposal to handle polyhedral
-          cells.
-     <li> Karman will write up description of need for a particular
-          unstructured type and send to Rumsey.
-     <li> Rumsey will look into possibility for CGNS user's meeting in
-          Reno 2006.
-     <li> Hauser will send PDF of his CGNS Reno paper to Towne to post.
-     <li> Poinot will send PDF of his CGNS Reno paper to Towne to post.
-     <li> Poinot will obtain PDF of Iepan's CGNS Reno paper and will
-          forward to Towne to post.
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> With V3.0 release, eliminate the <tt>Pointlist/Range</tt> +
-          <tt>CellCenter</tt> possibility (and thus remove the need for
-          <tt>GridLocation</tt> under <tt>BC_t</tt>).  Next major
-          release of API will need to automatically make the
-          alteration (transparent to the user). Documentation (SIDS,
-          User's Guide, other?) will need to be changed.
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Issue of 8 units - need consistency between
-          <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Question of need (or preference) to have alphanumeric sorting
-          of everything (like is currently done for zones)
-     <li> Need for developing certification process (official test for
-          compliance)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Theresa Benyo<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>NASA GRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Craig Day<td>
-   <td>AIAA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Meredith Cawley<td>
-   <td>AIAA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Matt Godo<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>UT Chattanooga
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing - St. Louis 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Reed<td>
-   <td>Lockheed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Tecplot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Stephane Viala<td>
-   <td>Airbus
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Nick Wyman<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> HDF-5 must fix "creation tracking"
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> Create SIDS-to-HDF-5 documentation (Poinot)
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 18 Jan 2005
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-11 January 2006<br>
-7:30 PM Pacific Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">16 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the 4 October 2005 meeting were approved as posted
-     on the web site.
-<li> Rumsey presented steering committee membership changes and updates
-     (based on contacting all current members and asking for commitment)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Removal of NUMECA and NASA Ames
-     <li> Addition of Pratt &amp; Whitney - Rocketdyne (represented by
-          Darian)
-     <li> Boeing - Rocketdyne changed to Boeing - IDS/PW (represented
-          by Dominik)
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to contact Towne to update
-          <a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a> with above changes.</u>
-     <li> Personnel changes: Benyo replaced by Towne for NASA Glenn;
-          Stuckert replaced by Gupta for Fluent
-     <li> Committee approved the above changes
-     <li> It was suggested to ask Aftsomis from NASA Ames.
-          <u>Rumsey will contact him about possible participation.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey will contact all current steering committee members and
-          ask for commitment.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras will write explicit documentation, for addition to
-          SIDS, describing face-based storage and providing explicit
-          examples for using the method, and will send to Rumsey and
-          Michal for review.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey, Poinot, and Hauser to coordinate CGNS Panel Discussion
-          and possible tutorial for AIAAs June 2006 meeting in San
-          Francisco.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Underway.  See <a href="#item5">number 5</a> below for
-               detailed status.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS and MLL as appropriate
-          on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey, Norris, and Towne.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Koziol to learn status of HDF-5 beta
-          implementation of external links for helping to solve link of
-          links problem.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Koziol contacted.  His response was as follows: "made
-               progress toward implementing external links and the
-               extensions to the library necessary for supporting
-               'creation order index' access to objects in groups ...
-               estimate a beta release before the end of 2005 and a real
-               1.8.0 release sometime in first quarter of 2006."
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will review the <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 to-do list</a>
-          and revise if necessary.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  One item added (link of links). See the
-               <a href="#HDF5_todo">list</a>.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will update the
-          <a href="http://cgns-python.berlios.de/">PyCGNS website</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> with regard to
-          the XML compliance tool.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In process.  Also, the document "CGNS component
-               specification guidelines" will be made available to CGNS
-               steering committee soon.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will update <a href="../overview/elements.html">Elements
-          and Documentation</a> section of
-          <a href="../overview/index.html">CGNS Overview and
-          Entry-Level</a> document to reflect option of using HDF-5, and
-          send to Towne to post.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue of memory allocation for
-          <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor"><tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt></a>
-          (related to use of <tt>malloc</tt>).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to post HDF-5 policy statement on website, and include
-          link to HDF-5 site.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Will do soon. <u>Action item carries. Also, Wedan will try
-               to give Rumsey access to the CGNS website.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will look into the issue of having
-          <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> be an optional node for
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>,
-          and will respond to the committee about it.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  See discussion under <a href="#item11">number 11</a>
-               below.
-          </ol>
-     <a name="actionl"></a>
-     <li> Poinot will send Rumsey a copy of his tree to show how he
-          handled source terms for internal BCs
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  <u>Rumsey will summarize and pass on to others
-               through CGNSTalk.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will e-mail a copy of his paper to Towne for posting.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<a name="item5"></a>
-<li> Planning for San Francisco AIAA meeting
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Two major CGNS events planned: Panel discussion and evening
-          tutorial session
-     <li> Panel discussion will be "CGNS Practical Applications in CFD",
-          under auspices of Fluid Dynamics TC.  We currently have 5
-          potential panel members: Cayre (SNECMA), Sudre (Eurocopter),
-          Poinot (ONERA), Hann (Ansys-CFX), Allmaras or Mani (Boeing).
-          Rumsey and Stuckert will try to identify an additional 1 or 2
-          panelists by end of January.  Bob Bush and Bruce Wedan said
-          they may be able to participate if we need them.  <u>Rumsey
-          to send Stuckert and Bush a copy of invitation letter for
-          reference.</u>
-     <li> Discussion held about evening tutorial. 
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Van der Weide volunteered to help teach (specifically
-               something on basic usage of CGNS for unstructured).
-          <li> Committee felt the tutorial should be in 2 parts: basic
-               and advanced, with break between.
-          <li> Intro should be longer, and give a sort of crash course,
-               and include justification for CGNS, and possibly demonstrate
-               Plot3d vs. CGNS side-by-side, and include discussion of
-               dimensional/nondimensional.
-          <li> Rumsey, Wedan, Van der Weide to focus on basic tutorial;
-               Hauser and Poinot to focus on more advanced topics (such
-               as HDF-5, parallel, PyCGNS, XML). These volunteers will
-               coordinate with each other, but will be responsible to
-               develop their "section" independently.
-          <li> Committee decided NOT to force attendees to sign up in
-               advance.
-          <li> Rumsey suggested having the tutorial in lieu of the
-               regular steering committee meeting.
-          <li> <u>Rumsey to look into advertising the tutorial</u>: through
-               AIAA website? Aerospace America? the CGNS website? mass
-               mailing?  CGNSTalk?
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#item15">number 15</a> below)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Reviewed by committee; no change
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No updates available prior to meeting, but the following
-          received from Hunten afterward:
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> The modularization and allocation of data to modules
-               for AP209E2 has been updated to better reflect the CFD
-               specific data. One of the four new STEP Integrated
-               Resource (IR) documents necessary for the addition of the
-               CGNS work has been published, work is progressing on the
-               second.  These two IR documents provide the integration
-               of the CGNS work with the rest of STEP.  The work is just
-               starting on the other two CFD specific IR documents. Work
-               has begun creating the module that provides the link of
-               analysis to product shared with the Systems Engineering
-               AP233 program. A workshop was held at NCSA to refine the
-               definition of an HDF5 standard mapping for EXPRESS that
-               will provide a binary capability.  In addition strategies
-               for API definition were discussed.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> The latest SIDS has passed the AIAA voting process, and an
-          updated Recommended Practice document will be published by
-          AIAA soon.
-     <li> There have been minor updates to documentation - see website
-          for <a href="../whatsnew.html">details</a>.
-     </ol>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> UsersGuideCode has been updated to include C routines (on
-          SourceForge
-          CVS and as new release)
-     <li> <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> problem (lines 1877-1878 in
-          <i>cgns_internal.c</i>). <u>Wedan will investigate.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser's student is almost ready with a beta release for
-          parallel HDF-5, probably by end of January
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> unstructured not included
-          <li> for now will be released as a separate entity on
-               SourceForge
-          <li> Alonso and van der Weide plan to get it and try it out.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<a name="item11"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of mismatched/abutting interfaces 
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In previous e-mail voting, steering committee
-               members voted 8-0 to change the SIDS so as to make
-               <tt>CellList</tt>+<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> (under
-               <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>)
-               optional rather than required.
-          <li> This change requires changes to the MLL API (likely needs
-               new <tt>cg_conn_write_short</tt> call).  <u>Wedan will look
-               into this.</u>
-          <li> <u>Rumsey will make changes to the SIDS and will pass on to
-               Towne.</u> The doc changes will need to be coordinated to
-               correspond with the release in which the MLL changes will
-               be made.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Issue of possible need for source terms for internal BCs
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> There may be a need to eventually propose a new extension
-               to handle this cleanly.  See <a href="#actionl">action
-               item (l)</a> above.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Issue of
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt></a>
-          for <a href="../sids/timedep.html">time-dependent data</a> 
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> This brought up by Leich at Intelligent Light
-          <li> It is likely that we will need to modify the SIDS &amp;
-               MLL to allow for multiple <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt>'s
-               for time-dependent data (and also need to store pointers
-               to these under
-               <a href="../sids/timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData</tt></a>).
-               This is so can save moving
-               <a href="../sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles</tt></a>
-               in a time-dependent dataset, for example. <u>Rumsey and
-               Bush will look at this and put together a preliminary
-               proposal.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> The committee may want to consider developing "levels of
-          compliance" for vendors.  For example, "level 1" may mean
-          a code can read a CGS file with grid and connectivity
-          information.  "Level 2" may include BCs and reference data.
-          <u>Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on this,
-          related to problems he has encountered.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
-<li> Summary of <u><b>action items</b></u>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey and Towne to update
-          <a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a> with changes to
-          committee membership.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Aftosmis about possible participation on
-          committee.
-     <li> Allmaras will write explicit documentation, for addition
-          to SIDS, describing face-based storage and providing explicit
-          examples for using the method, and will send to Rumsey and Michal
-          for review.
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS and MLL as appropriate
-          on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey, Norris, and Towne.
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue of memory allocation for
-          <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor"><tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt></a>
-          (related to use of <tt>malloc</tt>).
-     <li> Wedan to post HDF-5 policy statement on website, and include
-          link to HDF-5 site.  Also Wedan will try to give Rumsey access
-          to the CGNS website.
-     <li> Rumsey will summarize Poinot's handling of source terms for
-          internal BCs, and pass on to others through CGNSTalk.
-     <li> Rumsey to send Stuckert and Bush a copy of invitation letter
-          to panelists for reference.
-     <li> Rumsey to look into advertising the tutorial session to be
-          held in San Francisco.
-     <li> Wedan will investigate <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> problem (lines
-          1877-1878 in <i>cgns_internal.c</i>).
-     <li> Wedan will look into MLL changes associated with making
-          <tt>CellList</tt>+<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> (under
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>)
-          optional rather than required.
-     <li> Rumsey will make SIDS doc changes associated with making
-          <tt>CellList</tt>+<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> (under
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>)
-          optional rather than required.
-     <li> Rumsey and Bush will look at need for multiple
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt></a>'s
-          for <a href="../sids/timedep.html">time-dependent data</a> and
-          will put together a preliminary proposal.
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on levels
-          of compliance for vendors, related to problems he has
-          encountered.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item15"></a>
-<li> Summary of <u><b>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of / resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do"
-          list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to upgrade / update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific
-          examples)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steven Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Juan Alonso<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ed Ascoli<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Barson<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Carolyn Dear<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Earl Duque<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing - IDS/PW
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing - IDS/St. Louis 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>ITAC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Christopher Reed<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Lockheed Martin Aero
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works - likely
-     complete in early 2006?)
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-Last updated 17 Jan 2006
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-10 January 2007<br>
-7:00 PM Pacific Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">11 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_oct06.html">4 October 2006
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee membership changes and updates
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Current membership level: 22 members (3 new members within
-          last year: Pacific Northwest National Labs, Thaerocomp, and
-          Tecplot).
-     <li> Committee chair position
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Rumsey's second 2-year term officially ends as of Jan 2007.
-          <li> Thomas Hauser, current vice-chair, asked to extend the
-               term for one more year, and delay being voted into this
-               position until Jan 2008.
-          <li> Committee members voted in favor of this proposal.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will update the <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering
-          Committee Charter</a> to add Tecplot, and Rumsey will update
-          the website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne will e-mail AIAA the latest version of the SIDS, to
-          insure it is up-to-date.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  <u>Rumsey spoke with Craig Day and Michele Ringrose
-               at Reno, and they asked him to e-mail them a reminder
-               about the status of the SIDS as AIAA Recommended Practice.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to van der
-          Weide, Poinot, and Wedan to try out.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  Action carries (slightly modified). <u>Hauser
-               needs to coordinate with Wedan before putting parallel
-               version on SourceForge as beta release.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will post new proposal for Regions on website and ask
-          for comments.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will contact Poinot and look into adding string
-          definitions header file as part of the official CGNS
-          distribution.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  The header file has been added to CVS repository.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will send Alabi information about what AIAA needs to
-          get the ball rolling on a possible AIAA short course for CGNS.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Alabi will pursue AIAA short course effort, with
-          possible help from Wedan, Rumsey, and Poinot.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In process.  New action item associated with this is
-               given below.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will make the fix recommended by Montreuil in cgnstools
-          for IRIX64.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will test the HDF5 external link capability.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras will send revised face-based proposal to Rumsey for
-          posting on website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will cut a new point release (2.5) soon, to include all
-          of the new capabilities.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will write MLL documentation on all the recent changes
-          related to 2.5 and send to Towne for posting.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done (sent to Towne).  <u>Rumsey to get verification
-               from Towne when the MLL documentation on all the recent
-               changes related to 2.5 is posted.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#item15">number 15</a> below)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No discussion.
-     </ol>
-<a name="short_course"></a>
-<li> Possible CGNS short course for AIAA
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> After our June 2006 tutorial, AIAA asked us if we were
-          interested in expanding it to become an AIAA short course -
-          this would align with AIAA's desire to promote standards.
-     <li> Process is: 
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> We fill out AIAA Course Profile Form, which includes
-               outline of the course, instructor names, who the target
-               audience is, etc.
-          <li> AIAA needs to have everything settled and in order prior
-               to June 2007, in order to start marketing for the January
-               2008 meeting.
-          <li> We develop the course in detail, including course notes.
-          <li> About 1 month prior to course date, AIAA decides if it is
-               a "go" or "no-go" (i.e., if there are enough attendees).
-               Typically, if about 5 or more have signed up by 1 month
-               in advance, it is a "go", because typically it fills up
-               sufficiently after that.  The AIAA goal is to have at
-               least a dozen or so students.
-          <li> AIAA will make copies of all the course notes, put them
-               in binders, and deliver them to the course site.
-          <li> AIAA pays travel and an honorarium to the instructors;
-               instructors can decide what to do with the money (some
-               keep it, some fold it back in to the TC that sponsors the
-               course).
-          </ol>
-     <li> Patricia Carr is the AIAA contact person.
-     <li> The idea is that this would be part tutorial, part hands-on
-          programming and learning to use CGNS.  AIAA would ask that
-          students bring their own laptops. Network connections can be
-          provided by AIAA.
-     <li> Hauser and Alabi agreed to lead this effort. <u>Hauser and
-          Alabi will finish completing the AIAA Course Profile Form by
-          March 2007, and will start putting together the course in
-          detail after that.</u> Rumsey, Wedan, and Poinot, said that
-          they can possibly help serve as instructors. We are shooting
-          to hold the first course at Reno in January 2008.
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hunten provided slides on status
-          (<a href="attachments/jan07_ISOstatus.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/jan07_ISOstatus.pdf">PDF</a>).
-          There are still some remaining tasks to be completed before
-          ISO ballot to be sent out.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Typo found and corrected in MLL for
-          <a href="../midlevel/connectivity.html#general"><tt>conn_write_short</tt></a>.
-     <li> Definition of <tt>PYRA_14</tt> has been discovered to be
-          wrong and needs to be fixed in SIDS: the 14th node should be
-          at the center of the bottom face, not in the center of the
-          pyramid.  Committee members felt the change should be made
-          (i.e., that it was unlikely to affect anyone). Also, Poirier
-          sent an e-mail a month ago to CGNSTalk asking for anyone
-          possibly affected by the change to e-mail the committee (no
-          one has). <u>Rumsey will send Towne the change to
-          <tt>PYRA_14</tt> for fixing in the SIDS.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion about need for going to Version 3.0
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Committee overall felt there is no reason to upgrade to
-               new versions on a regular schedule.  In other words,
-               we should only be compelled to upgrade when necessary.
-               For Version 3.0, this means we would do it when changes
-               force us to lose forward compatibility, or when a large
-               (significant) change is taking place that seems to
-               warrant a major number change.
-          <li> Right now one item still needed that would currently
-               lose forward-compatibility is the addition of a
-               <tt>PYRA_13</tt> element definition (first noted by
-               Karman).  However, Wedan has a proposal (see
-               <a href="#item11">Extensions section</a> below) that may
-               fix a lot of things, including this issue.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan is working on adding a new layer between MLL and ADF.
-          This will allow easily writing HDF-5, ADF, or XML, as desired, at
-          run-time!
-     <li> MLL will not permit writing a normal list without also
-          writing normal index (<tt>cg_boco_normal_write</tt>), but
-          <tt>NormalIndex</tt> is not an option for unstructured.
-          Rumsey will send Wedan original e-mail about this
-          issue (originally brought up by Guzik), and <u>Wedan
-          will see if there is a change needed in the MLL call
-          <tt>cg_boco_normal_write</tt></u>.
-     <li> Fix for <i>adf2hdf.c</i> (originally brought up by Mason) has
-          been made in 2.4-4.
-     <li> Fix for cgnscheck related to History node (originally brought
-          up by Macounba) has been made in the CVS repository.
-     <li> Van der Weide noticed very slow I/O on some parallel file
-          systems. <u>Wedan and van der Weide will communicate, and
-          Wedan will look into the issue of very slow I/O on some
-          parallel file systems.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser reported on status of parallel version.  He needs to
-          coordinate with Wedan before it can be posted to SourceForge.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item11"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey noted that very few committee members responded to
-          e-mails asking for comments on the proposed extensions.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> The extension approval process currently does not work
-               smoothly, because it is difficult to get committee
-               consensus when only a handful of people look at new
-               proposals.  The following is our current "process" as
-               specified in the Charter:
-               <ol>
-               <li> Proposal is submitted by a Technical Team
-               <li> Proposal is presented in an open and public forum
-               <li> Open forum reviews the proposal
-               <li> Steering committee has final authority for approval
-                    by consensus or by 2/3 majority if necessary
-               </ol>
-          <li> Currently the "Technical Team" is usually an individual,
-               and the "open forum" is through both CGNSTalk as well as
-               the website "Proposals for Extension" page.
-          <li> The biggest problem is step (3), when it is difficult to
-               get more than a handful of people to really thoroughly
-               look at the new proposals.
-          <li> Suggestion made: assign extensions to a sub-committee for
-               review (between steps 3 and 4), then have sub-committee
-               report to full committee, at which point full committee
-               can vote.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Face-based storage proposal (from Allmaras)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> A Technical Team made up of committee members previously
-               worked with Allmaras to refine this proposal.
-          <li> However, Wedan introduced a new formulation that may
-               work either in place of, or in addition to, the current
-               proposal.  The idea is to replace <tt>Type = MIXED,
-               Element = NGON_n + nnodes, node1, node2, ...</tt> with
-               <tt>Type = NGON_n, Element = nnodes, node1, node2,
-               ...</tt> With this change, we will be free to add new
-               element types.  And to handle face-based, we could have
-               <tt>Type = NFACE_n, Element = nfaces, face1, face2,
-               ...</tt> Thus, one could readily identify a face-based
-               storage system by looking at the element set type.
-          <li> Therefore, this proposal is on hold for now. <u>Allmaras
-               will study Wedan's new formulation as it relates to
-               face-based, and will make a recommendation.  It may
-               be necessary to hold another sub-committee telecon to
-               discuss it.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Regions proposal (from Rumsey)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> This proposal addresses need to be able to store data
-               at subsets of the entire zone (such as skin friction)
-               without "cheating" and using <tt>BC_t</tt>, and without
-               having to put it in a separate <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>.
-          <li> Again, only a few people have reviewed it, so it is
-               difficult to know how to reach consensus.
-          <li> <u>Rumsey will try to form a sub-committee to perform
-               a more thorough review of this extension before moving
-               forward with it. This will also test to see how well
-               the sub-committee idea works as part of the extension
-               approval process.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey presented a year-end summary
-          (<a href="attachments/jan07_summary.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/jan07_summary.pdf">PDF</a>) of what we
-          accomplished and where we stand.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> We had a lot of significant accomplishments in 2006!  In
-               particular, the Tutorial session and Panel discussion
-               held at the AIAA meeting in San Francisco went extremely
-               well.
-          <li> There was only very limited discussion on some of the
-               major points under "New/additional emphasis needed?" In
-               other words, the following are still open issues:
-               <ol>
-               <li> Funding for software support?  (AIAA short course
-                    may be able to provide some, but it is typically a
-                    very small amount - like order $1000 per year)
-               <li> How to improve proposal-for-extension process?
-               <li> How do we go about developing an official
-                    certification process?
-               <li> Website improvements/upgrades needed?
-               <li> How to overcome vendor and user inertia?
-               </ol>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan again noted that anyone interested in contributing <b>as
-          a developer</b> to CGNS can be given developer access to the
-          SourceForge repository.  Please contact Wedan or Rumsey if you
-          are interested!
-     <li> Hauser attended NOAA oceanographic workshop in Boulder
-          Colorado in mid-October to discuss CGNS.  They are very tied
-          to NET-CDF.  Wedan pointed out that when he finishes the new
-          layer between MLL and ADF, it would be relatively easy to add
-          the capability to write a CGNS file using NET-CDF if desired.
-          Hauser plans to contact a group at BYU, who already have an
-          API but there may be a way to bring CGNS and their method
-          together.
-     <li> Next Steering Committee telecon will be held sometime in March
-          2007.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.
-<li> Summary of <u><b>action items</b></u>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey to e-mail Craig Day and Michele Ringrose, to remind
-          them to look into the status of the SIDS as AIAA Recommended
-          Practice.
-     <li> Hauser to coordinate with Wedan and put parallel HDF-5 version
-          of CGNS on SourceForge as beta release.
-     <li> Poinot will test the HDF5 external link capability.
-     <li> Rumsey to get verification from Towne when the MLL
-          documentation on all the recent changes related to 2.5 is
-          posted.
-     <li> Hauser and Alabi will finish completing the AIAA Course
-          Profile Form by March 2007, and will start putting together
-          the course in detail after that.
-     <li> Rumsey will send Towne the change to <tt>PYRA_14</tt> for
-          fixing in the SIDS.
-     <li> Wedan will see if there is a change needed in the MLL call
-          <tt>cg_boco_normal_write</tt> (from Guzik e-mail).
-     <li> Wedan and van der Weide will communicate, and Wedan will look
-          into the issue of very slow I/O on some parallel file systems.
-     <li> Allmaras will study Wedan's new formulation as it relates to
-          face-based storage, and will make a recommendation.  It may be
-          necessary to hold another sub-committee telecon to discuss it.
-     <li> Rumsey will try to form a sub-committee to perform a more
-          thorough review of the Regions extension before moving forward
-          with it. This will also test to see how well the sub-committee
-          idea works as part of the extension approval process.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item15"></a>
-<li> Summary of <u><b>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of / resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do"
-          list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to upgrade / update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific
-          examples)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Ken Alabi<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Thaerocomp
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steven Allmaras<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Scott Imlay<td>
-   <td>Tecplot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td>
-   <td>Innovative Technology Applications
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Vaughn<td>
-   <td>CD-Adapco
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls-Royce
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford University
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works - likely
-     complete in early 2006?)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 17 Jan 2006
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-6 January 2008<br>
-7:30 PM Pacific Time<br>
-AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">9 attendees</a> (one by telecon), listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_nov07.html">28 November 2007
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee membership changes, updates, and issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Thomas Hauser was voted in as the new chair of the CGNS
-          steering committee. This is a 2-year term, through January
-          2010. Congratulations, Thomas!
-     <li> We are still looking for a CGNS Steering committee member
-          willing to assume the role of Vice Chair (2-year position).
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser and Wedan will put V3.0 with parallel HDF-5 capability
-          as an alpha release on SourceForge when ready.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Wedan has put an alpha release of V3.0 on SourceForge
-               (CVS access only). This version has the new PYRA fixes
-               (see <a href="#open_d">Open Items, item (d)</a>), allows the user to choose
-               between ADF, HDF-5, and XML on the fly, and supports
-               <tt>NGON_n</tt> plus <tt>NFACE_n</tt> (see item (b)
-               below). The parallel HDF-5 capability is not in it yet.
-               <u>Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel capability to V3.0
-               on SourceForge CVS and will let users know when it is
-               available.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras will send Rumsey, Feldman, and Pereira revised
-          face-based proposal for evaluation, comparison with original
-          proposal, and posting on website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done.  However, Wedan has implemented the proposal
-               from 1/07 into V3.0 on SourceForge (CVS access only).
-               This is described <a href="#NGON">below</a>. Users are
-               encouraged to look at this method and see if it suits
-               their needs. <u>Rumsey to send Wedan any existing
-               documentation on <tt>NGON_n</tt> + <tt>NFACE_n</tt> for
-               modification/addition, then posting.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will coordinate bringing the Regions proposal to
-          completion.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  This item has been transferred to
-               Allmaras. <u>Allmaras to finalize Regions proposal
-               modification, including proposed additions to
-               <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, <tt>DiscreteData</tt>,
-               <tt>BC</tt>, and <tt>BCDataSet</tt> and send to Rumsey
-               for posting on website.</u>
-          <li> There was also discussion regarding potential Boeing
-               involvement in helping the development effort in this
-               regard.  <u>Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to look into
-               finding development resources (particularly for MLL
-               implementation) at Boeing.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done; Rumsey decided he was not enough of an expert
-               on this subject to do it justice. <u>Duque and Hauser to
-               assume lead on new discussion/proposal for handling
-               sprays of unconnected points.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hann and Hauser will evaluate the capability for writing
-          HDF-5, ADF, or XML in proposed V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done for HDF-5 and ADF. Others may also now evaluate by
-               getting V3.0 alpha from Sourceforge (CVS version). Use of
-               XML is available in V3.0 alpha, but there may be issues
-               related to consistency of the XML grammar. <u>Hauser to
-               have further discussions with Poinot on usage of XML and
-               possible need for changes.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will look into Weinkauf (9/12/07 CGNSTalk) issues
-          regarding automatically closing linked files, problem with
-          unsuccessful opening leaving data structures undefined, issues
-          with <tt>MAXIMUM_FILES</tt>, and use of relative paths.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. These limitations have been fixed.  They are
-               currently in the CVS version of V2.5, and will be in the
-               official V2.5.3 when it is released.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will maintain contact with users interested in parallel
-          HDF-5 capability, and let them know when parallel V3.0alpha
-          version is ready to be tested.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  Action item cancelled (absorbed into
-               another action item).
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Rumsey will contact people in Europe regarding
-          possibility of holding a European CGNS User's Meeting sometime
-          in the future.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ongoing. <u>Hauser, Rumsey, and Poinot to continue to
-               explore possible CGNS meeting in Europe.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will carry several unresolved CGNSTalk issues over
-          to the next meeting: Bussoletti 9/25/07 CGNSTalk), Guzik
-          (10/02/07 CGNSTalk), Miller (10/19/07 CGNSTalk).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#open_items">number 15 below</a>)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Purpose of open items is to not lose track of long-term issues
-          that come up.
-     <li> Two new open items added (see <a href="#software_c">Software
-          item (c)</a>).
-     </ol>
-<a name="short_course"></a>
-<li> CGNS short course for AIAA
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Originally scheduled for Jan 5-6, 2008 in Reno, NV (just prior
-          to Aerospace Sciences Meeting), but had to be cancelled due to
-          insufficient number of advance registrants.  AIAA would like
-          to try again for their Summer 2009 conference.
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing new to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing new to report.
-     </ol>
-<a name="software"></a>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of the API forcing a copy of the entire CGNS file
-          temporarily (Bussoletti
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001142.html">9/25/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>) was discussed. This is an ADFViewer issue (the
-          MLL does a compress when closing, so it is not an issue
-          there). <u>Wedan will add a button to ADFViewer to allow user to
-          compress file after deleting nodes.</u>
-     <li> Issue from Guzik
-          (<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001147.html">10/02/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>) on the use of
-          <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html#configure"><tt>cg_configure</tt></a>
-          to avoid the copy. Currently <tt>cg_config_compress</tt> by
-          default is &minus;1 (only compress if nodes deleted), but it
-          can also be set to 1 (always rewrite) or 0 (never rewrite).
-          <u>Rumsey to check with Towne if documentation is in place
-          for <tt>cg_config_compress</tt>.</u> Guzik also brought
-          up issues on it being not necessary to delete and rewrite
-          entire node when dimensions are the same, and specific
-          issue regarding dereferencing void. <u>Wedan to investigate
-          issue of MLL deleting the entire node even though its new
-          dimensions are the same.</u> Also, <u>Wedan to investigate
-          type casting of int to void pointer then dereferencing
-          (<tt>cg_configure</tt>).</u>
-     <li> <a name="software_c"></a>Issue of wanting to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via
-          <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#elements"><tt>cg_section_write_f</tt></a>,
-          and issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" (Miller
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001155.html">10/19/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>). Issue of writing one element at a time (perhaps
-          using something like <tt>cg_section_partialwrite</tt>) is
-          somewhat difficult and cannot be addressed in the near-term.
-          This item has been added as an "Open Item." Issue of ints
-          &amp; longs is complicated; many aspects are machine
-          dependent.  We may need to define our own datatype to allow
-          for greater than 2 Gig signed limit.  This item has also been
-          added as an "Open Item."
-     <li> Need to change Celsius to Celsius (<i>cgnsKeywords.h</i>,
-          <i>cgnslib.c</i>, <i>cgnslib.h</i>, <i>cgnslib_f.h</i>) (Lecointe
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001169.html">12/5/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>). Fixed in CVS version 2.5.  Will be in V2.5.3
-          official version when it is released.  In V2.5, it will accept
-          either spelling; but in V3.0, it will only accept the correct
-          spelling (Celsius).
-     </ol>
-<a name="HDF5"></a>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Some discussion of HDF-5 linking features (see
-          <a href="telecon_nov07.html">minutes from November 2007</a>).
-          <u>Poinot to send necessary coding changes for HDF-5 linking
-          to Hauser for implementation into V3.0 alpha version.</u>
-     </ol>
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Covered under Status of Previous Action Items.
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey reported on "Accomplishments" and "Concerns" for 2007.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Accomplishments:
-               <ol type=1>
-               <li> Maintenance &amp; Support
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> 1 new steering committee member added (total=23)
-                    <li> Website moved from ICEM to SourceForge hosting
-                    </ol>
-               <li> Evolution
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> September 2007: official release of Version 2.5
-                         (off beta status)
-                    <li> Fixed HDF5 external links feature (with CGNS
-                         mods to be implemented and with a soon-to-be
-                         released version of HDF-5)
-                    </ol>
-               <li> Acceptance
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> Latest SIDS finally came out in 2007 in AIAA's
-                         Recommended Practice document update:  AIAA
-                         R-101A-2005
-                    <li> As of Oct 2007, the CGNSTalk mailing list had
-                         223 participants from 20 different countries
-                         and 77 different organizations
-                    <li> Over 21,000 CGNS downloads from SourceForge
-                         since 2003 (average of 496 per month over the
-                         last year)
-                    </ol>
-               <li> Answering questions &amp; Exchanging ideas
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> CGNSTalk has regular postings (137 postings in
-                         2007)
-                    <li> CGNS short course is nearly developed (Alabi,
-                         Hauser, Poinot, Wedan, Rumsey) - even though it
-                         was cancelled for Jan 2008
-                    </ol>
-               </ol>
-          <li> Concerns:
-               <ol type=1>
-               <li> Maintenance &amp; Support
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> We still only have 1 official developer (in his
-                         spare time)
-                    </ol>
-               <li> Evolution
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> All recent proposals for extension have been
-                         stalled during 2007, either in development or
-                         in implementation
-                    <li> Move toward implementation of V3.0 (with
-                         parallel HDF-5) has been very slow
-                    </ol>
-               <li> Acceptance
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> CGNS short course for Jan 2008 (through AIAA)
-                         had to be cancelled due to lack of minimum
-                         required registrants
-                    </ol>
-               <li> Answering questions &amp; Exchanging ideas
-                    <ol type=a>
-                    <li> CGNSTalk postings mostly only answered by a few
-                         people; questions sometimes remain unanswered /
-                         unresolved for a long time
-                    </ol>
-               </ol>
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to look into adding back (optional) registration to
-          website when people download CGNS.</u>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to respond to some of the CGNSTalk issues that are
-          now closed.</u>
-     <li> <u>Hauser to look into methods on SourceForge for getting
-          Poinot developer access: switch from CVS to SVN? or use SSL?</u>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to notify people about V3.0 alpha.</u>
-     <li> <u>Wedan to release 2.5.3.</u>
-     <li> <u>Hauser to speak to Koziol at HDF5 Group about issues
-          related to developers and funding; and also to ask about when
-          their link-fix release will become official.</u>
-     <li> <u>Wedan to investigate problem with NFS-mounted soft links
-          when re-write file.</u>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey and Hauser to work out issues on domain name with
-          ANSYS-ICEM.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM. Next Telecon will be called by
-     Hauser.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel capability to V3.0 on
-          SourceForge CVS and will let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Rumsey to send Wedan any existing documentation on
-          <tt>NGON_n</tt> + <tt>NFACE_n</tt> for modification/addition,
-          then post.
-     <li> Allmaras to finalize Regions proposal modification,
-          including proposed additions to <tt>FlowSolution</tt>,
-          <tt>DiscreteData</tt>, <tt>BC</tt>, and <tt>BCDataSet</tt> and
-          send to Rumsey for posting on website.
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to look into finding
-          development (particularly for MLL implementation) resources at
-          Boeing.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to assume lead on new discussion/proposal for
-          handling sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Hauser to have further discussions with Poinot on usage of XML
-          and possible need for changes.
-     <li> Hauser, Rumsey, and Poinot to continue to explore possible
-          CGNS meeting in Europe.
-     <li> Wedan will add a button to ADFViewer to allow user to compress
-          file after deleting nodes.
-     <li> Rumsey to check with Towne if documentation is in place for
-          <tt>cg_config_compress</tt>.
-     <li> Poinot to send necessary coding changes for HDF-5 linking to
-          Hauser for implementation into V3.0 alpha version.
-     <li> Rumsey to look into adding back (optional) registration to
-          website when people download CGNS.
-     <li> Rumsey to respond to some of the CGNSTalk issues that are now
-          closed.
-     <li> Hauser to look into methods on SourceForge for getting Poinot
-          developer access: switch from CVS to SVN? or use SSL?
-     <li> Rumsey to notify people about V3.0 alpha.
-     <li> Wedan to release 2.5.3.
-     <li> Hauser to speak to Koziol at HDF5 Group about issues related
-          to developers and funding; and also to ask about when their
-          link-fix release will become official.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate problem with NFS-mounted soft links when
-          re-write file.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate type casting of int to void pointer then
-          dereferencing (<tt>cg_configure</tt>).
-     <li> Rumsey and Hauser to work out issues on domain name with
-          ANSYS-ICEM.
-     </ol>
-<a name="open_items"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve HDF-5 "to-do" list.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> <a name="open_d"></a>Need to make Karman's changes to <tt>PYRA</tt> elements:
-          change <tt>PYRA_14</tt> to <tt>PYRA_13</tt>, without the
-          centroid, and add <tt>PYRA_14</tt> with the base mid-face
-          defined (in software and in SIDS). Need to wait until V3.0 for
-          this due to compatibility issues.
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     <li> Need to resolve slow behavior and larger file sizes that can
-          occur in CGNS files when there are many (thousands) of nodes.
-     <li> Develop method to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via something like <tt>cg_section_partialwrite</tt>
-          (Miller <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001155.html">10/19/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>)
-     <li> Address issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" to
-          avoid signed 2 Gig limit (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk).
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Earl Duque<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Scott Imlay<td>
-   <td>Tecplot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>U Tennessee Chattanooga
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ben Paul<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Simon Pereira<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>no affiliation
-<a name="NGON"></a>
-<h2>New <tt>NGON_n</tt> + <tt>NFACE_n</tt> Capability</h2>
-The following is a brief description of the proposed extension for
-storing arbitrary polyhedral cells.  This is implemented in the alpha
-release of V3.0 (currently available on SourceForge under CVS only).
-In it, we redefine <tt>NGON_n</tt> to be similar to <tt>MIXED</tt>,
-but with the element type replaced by the number of nodes for the
-face. We then eliminate all of the element types <tt>NGON_n+1</tt>,
-<tt>NGON_n+2</tt>, etc. For face-based storage, this requires exactly
-the same amount of data for the element definitions, since we replace
-   type = MIXED;
-   Element = NGON_n+nnodes,node1,node2,...
-   Type = NGON_n
-   Element = nnodes,node1,node2,...
-With this change, we are free to add new element types. To handle
-volume cells in a face-based system, we define an element type
-<tt>NFACE_n</tt>, which indicates the element set is defined by number
-of faces, and the face elements.
-   Type = NFACE_n
-   Element = nfaces,face1,face2,...
-This formulation also has the advantage of readily identifying a
-face-based system, since you only need to check the element set
-type - if it is <tt>NGON_n</tt> or <tt>NFACE_n</tt>, you know it is
-face-based. We are also able to add new element types in the future as
-the need arises without breaking any code. Finally, this also involves
-only changes to the SIDS, not the MLL.
-As an example, consider a grid with a single hexahedral cell (one
-6-sided cube with eight vertices) in it.  To describe this in a
-face-based manner, the new method would use:
-   Name = user-specified1 (Elements_t)
-      ElementType = NGON_n
-      ElementRange (IndexRange_t) = ElemNo1, ElemNo6
-      ElementConnectivity (DataArray_t) = 
-         4, face1node1, face1node2, face1node3, face1node4
-         4, face2node1, face2node2, face2node3, face2node4
-         4, face3node1, face3node2, face3node3, face3node4
-         4, face4node1, face4node2, face4node3, face4node4
-         4, face5node1, face5node2, face5node3, face5node4
-         4, face6node1, face6node2, face6node3, face6node4
-   Name = user-specified2 (Elements_t)
-   ElementType = NFACE_n
-      ElementRange (IndexRange_t) = 1,1
-      ElementConnectivity (DataArray_t) = 
-         6, ElemNo1, ElemNo2, ElemNo3, ElemNo4, ElemNo5, ElemNo6
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 18 Jan 2008
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-7 January 2009<br>
-7:00 PM Eastern Time<br>
-AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL
-<li> The face-to-face meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM eastern
-     time, in Orlando FL at the AIAA ASM Conference.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">8 attendees</a>, listed below (including 3
-     telephone call-ins).
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_nov08.html">5 November 2008
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser and Poinot will work together to resolve the issue of
-          the HDF-5 indexing problem, both to make sure the fix in V3
-          works for Poinot and to check consistency of files generated
-          without MLL.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Poinot considered adding a new flag to file, to indicate
-               what the ordering inside the file is, but others at
-               the meeting felt that this gives too many options and
-               complicates the reading.  The problem is that a bug
-               was discovered in the software last year, so Poinot's
-               group has many CGNS HDF-5 files with the incorrect index
-               ordering (written before the bug was fixed). General
-               consensus at the meeting was to enforce C-ordering in
-               HDF-5 files. I.e., corrupted files will need to be fixed
-               via some external utility; there should be no additional
-               flag or node added in the file.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to incorporate compression capability into Version 3 MLL.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Hauser believes this was done (in CVS version), but it
-               needs testing. <u>Hauser to test Version 3 compression
-               capability prior to release.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Wedan to improve documentation and build
-          instructions for V3.0, remove instructions regarding XML
-          output from configure script, make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar
-          file distribution, and generally upgrade the build capability
-          prior to release of V3.0. Tentative plans to release V3.0 in
-          January 2009.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Significant progress made on this front by Hauser and
-               his student. They plan to use cmake (similar to autoconf
-               &amp; automake) - there were no objections to this from
-               the other attendees.  They also added a patch to fix
-               HDF-5 for large number of zones (it used to be slower
-               than ADF, but now is typically a little bit faster).
-               They are essentially on schedule for a release of V3.0
-               within the next month. <u>Hauser &amp; Wedan to complete
-               and release V3.0.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to move Allmaras' proposal to "Awaiting implementation"
-          column.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid Motion
-          Improvement proposal to completion, including specific
-          examples.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  Examples still needed. Power wants to be
-               sure standard does not have too many options; i.e., make
-               it as simple as possible.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to compile list of potential programmers who might help
-          to implement some of the outstanding proposals.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Attempted. The only positive response came from
-               Poinot. The 3 outstanding accepted proposals for
-               extension are still awaiting MLL implementation, so this
-               issue of developer support for the MLL still remains one
-               of the CGNS Team's biggest bottlenecks.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to continue to look into finding
-          manpower development (particularly for MLL implementation)
-          resources at Boeing.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Still no progress on this front.  Does not appear likely,
-               so action item deleted.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Hauser to contact members of the HPC Consortium to explore
-          possibility of CGNS contributing to their effort.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for
-          handling sprays of unconnected points.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to send information on interface "fix" to improve
-          performance of HDF-5 when there are many zones to Wedan,
-          Poinot, and anyone else interested.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done, see item c above.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Hauser will take control of cgns.org domain name and will
-          consider possibility of moving website to Utah State site.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  There is some urgency on this now because
-               the domain no longer works, but Hauser has been unable to
-               get an invoice from ANSYS for the transfer. Periera and
-               Rumsey will try to help follow up on this with Dave Davis
-               at ANSYS
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.</u>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Committee membership
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> At his request, Dan Einstein (Pacific Northwest Labs) asked
-          to be replaced on the committee by Xiangmin (Jim) Jiao (Stony
-          Brook University). Jim has created a Matlab/Octave interface
-          for CGNS, which will soon be available for download.  He is
-          interested to become an active contributor and push for CGNS's
-          usage for Octave and MATLAB users and also for multiphysics
-          codes. The committee approved the change in membership from
-          Pacific Northwest Labs to Stony Brook University.
-     <li> Hauser mentioned that Alonso (Stanford) may be interested
-          in re-establishing a seat on the committee. <u>Hauser will
-          contact Alonso to see if he is interested in rejoining the
-          CGNS steering committee.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (purpose of these is to not lose track of long-term
-     issues that come up)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Many of these items are now completed for V3.0.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Rumsey will ping Hunten to find out the current status
-               of the ISO/STEP effort.</u>
-               [This was done shortly after the meeting. Hunten
-               responded immediately via email,
-               (<a href="#Hunten_email">see below</a>), and included an
-               updated version of an overview document of AP209E2
-               (<a href="attachments/AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2.html">HTML</a>,
-               <a href="attachments/AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2.pdf">PDF</a>).]
-          </ol>
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> There was some discussion on this. <u>Power will provide
-               some high-level routines for reading/writing CGNS that
-               may be useful, for inclusion on the website.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Develop method to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via something like <tt>cg_section_partialwrite</tt>
-          (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> No progress.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Address issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" to
-          avoid signed 2 Gig limit (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk).
-     <li> Problem with 64-bit <tt>cg_goto_f</tt> (Gibeling 08/29/08
-          CGNSTalk)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Hauser will investigate both the "long" vs
-               "int" issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit
-               <tt>cg_goto_f</tt>, and report back.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> There was also some discussion regarding decision by Drag
-     Prediction Workshop (DPW) committee to move toward CGNS as the
-     official format for their grids, particularly as part of their
-     mesh quality evaluation.  There may be opportunities for CGNS
-     discussions/talks at the AIAA San Antonio meeting in June or at
-     next January's ASM in Orlando, as part of DPW meetings and/or as
-     part of a workshop effort by Jack Benek. Hauser and Rumsey also
-     mentioned that the CGNS tutorial session has a green light for the
-     EUCASS meeting in France in July 2009.  Currently it is not known
-     whether it will be a half-day or full-day event. <u>Rumsey will
-     notify people via CGNSTalk about the upcoming CGNS activities at
-     the EUCASS meeting in France.</u>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM Eastern. Next Telecon date is TBD.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser to test Version 3 compression capability prior to
-          release.
-     <li> Hauser &amp; Wedan to complete and release V3.0.
-     <li> Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid Motion
-          Improvement proposal to completion, including specific
-          examples.
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Hauser to contact members of the HPC Consortium to explore
-          possibility of CGNS contributing to their effort.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Hauser will take control of cgns.org domain name and will
-          consider possibility of moving website to Utah State site.
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.
-     <li> Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.
-     <li> Hauser will contact Alonso to see if he is interested in
-          rejoining the CGNS steering committee.
-     <li> Rumsey will ping Hunten to find out the current status of the
-          ISO/STEP effort.
-     <li> Power will provide some high-level routines for
-          reading/writing CGNS that may be useful, for inclusion on the
-          website.
-     <li> Hauser will investigate both the "long" vs "int" issue as well
-          as the problem with the 64-bit <tt>cg_goto_f</tt>, and report
-          back.
-     <li> Rumsey will notify people via CGNSTalk about the upcoming CGNS
-          activities at the EUCASS meeting in France.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Andrew Cary<td>
-   <td>Boeing Integrated Defense Systems
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>U. Tennessee Chattanooga
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Joe Morrison<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Simon Pereira<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done by Poinot - capability will be added to V3 MLL</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     under development (1.8.0 beta)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0 in combination with HDF-5 V1.8</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Are any changes needed in SIDS-to-HDF5 document?  Or is it
-     up-to-date?
-<li> Improve build capability of V3.0.
-<a name="Hunten_email"></a>
-<h2>Email from Keith Hunten to Chris Rumsey on status of ISO/STEP effort</h2>
-Chris -
-Well, for once I have some good, concrete news!  The three standards
-documents that comprise the integration of CGNS with ISO/STEP have just
-been approved for their next level of ballot (a Draft International
-Standard).  These are Part 10303-52 Mesh Based Topology, Part 10303-53
-Numerical Analysis, and Part 10303-110 Mesh-based computational fluid
-I apologize for the lateness on these, but since Boeing pulled out their
-resources this has been a spare time effort on many peoples part (many
-thanks to David Leal and Ray Goult in the UK on Parts 52 and 110, and
-Darla Nettles of PDES, Inc on Parts 53 and 209), and a low level of
-effort here at LM Aero and the PDES, Inc consortium.
-The second edition of AP209 (10303-209E2) is very near completion. It
-has been renamed to "Multidisciplinary analysis and design" to reflect
-the additional scope beyond traditional finite element analysis.  The
-composite material shape and definition modules have been balloted and
-completed with the AP203E2 project (though this does not affect you).
-The modules that reflect the new analysis capabilities in the above
-mentioned documents have been completed and are in their last stages of
-editorial revision.  The overall AP209E2 document is also in that stage.
-With luck we may have it ready to go out for review in a couple of
-Once the new AP209E2 document is completed I would like to propose some
-kind of review process with your committee to ensure that we are up to
-date.  There will be an ISO TC184/SC4 meeting in Vancouver May 18-22
-where we could do a formal review and walk-through.
-I have included an updated version of an overview document of AP209E2
-[<a href="attachments/AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2.html">HTML</a>,
-<a href="attachments/AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.2.pdf">PDF</a>]
-that may be useful for you and your committee members.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 9 Jan 2009
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-21 June 2000<br>
-Denver, Colorado
-The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.
-There were 12 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-In addition, Armen Darian, Ray Cosner, Michel Delanaye and John Chawner
-indicated that they would not be able to attend the meeting and sent
-information to the Chair or an alternate.
-The minutes of the 11 May 2000 telecon were approved as posted on
-the Web.
-<li> Bob Bush reviewed the AIAA CFD Committee on Standards that
-     occurred on the previous evening. The bulk of the meeting was
-     spent discussing how to collect a database of CFD validation data,
-     and the requirements for such data. People with an interest or
-     potentially data to contribute should contact Ray Cosner.
-<li> There was a brief discussion about the process for adding new
-     'official' members to the Steering Committee. It was agreed that
-     the Chairperson would solicit and collect nominations, and review
-     current member activity over the year in the fall. This information
-     will be used to develop a slate of proposed changes to the Steering
-     Committee that will be distributed via e-mail for review and
-     comment. Based on this feedback a slate will be developed for
-     discussion, potential modification and approval at the January
-     meeting at Reno.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Doug McCarthy gave a brief review of the
-     effort to develop an ISO Standard for aerodynamic data based on
-     CGNS. Draft documents will be reviewed by members of the CGNS
-     Steering Committee in Seattle on 6-7 July, and are scheduled to
-     be put out for public review and comment in August. We will send
-     notice of where the proposed standards are posted to the extended
-     CGNS Steering Committee mailing list so interested parties may
-     review the proposals.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Bob Bush introduced Charlie Town (who could
-     not be present) who has agreed to serve as the Documentation
-     Focal Point. Charlie has created a new draft of the SIDS with all
-     extensions included. Bob Bush, Diane Poirier and Chris Rumsey are
-     reviewing the draft. The new version should be released some time
-     in July. There was also a request for Charlie to put together a
-     summary of the SIDS changes, for quick reference for implementers.
-     <p>
-     Chris Rumsey has agreed to draft a User's Guide Tutorial for
-     CGNS. This will be drafted and circulated for review, hopefully to
-     be finished by the end of the year.
-     <p>
-     Steve Legensky volunteered to take the lead on developing
-     an implementation paper, potentially for next summer's
-     conferences. The paper would summarize CGNS implementations in
-     various vendor/supplier codes, and demonstrate communication of
-     data across organizations.
-     <p>
-     In reviewing the SIDS, we noticed a nomenclature discrepancy
-     in the definition of '<i>mut</i>' and '<i>nut</i>'. We propose
-     changing the definition of '<tt>ViscosityEddy</tt>' to <i>mut</i>,
-     and adding <tt>ViscosityEddyKinematic</tt> as the name for
-     <i>nut</i>. We have not found anyone who objects to changing the
-     standard in this way, so the SIDS will be changed. Hopefully this
-     will not cause compatibility issues for anyone.
-<li> <b>User Support</b> - A plea for a volunteer to become the Support
-     Focal Point was made. The Support Focal Point would be the first
-     contact for users, answering questions and/or distributing them to
-     others for follow-up. Anyone interested in serving in such a role
-     please contact Bob Bush.
-     <p>
-     There was some discussion of developing web based user support,
-     groups and forums (potentially similar to 'Kiva talk' for
-     example). Don Roberts agreed to look into how Tecplot handles the
-     support role. The maintenance of such support could also be the
-     function of the Support Focal Point, should we be able to find one!
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - Diane Poirier gave an overview of the API and
-     SIDS extensions released this year.
-     <p>
-     Alpesh Patel provided a draft extension for hierarchical data
-     structures. After some discussion, Alpesh agreed to take the lead
-     on circulating the proposal for comment and revision. Interested
-     parties include: Jamil Appa, Bob Bush, Diane Poirier, Steve
-     Karman. We should also ask Fluent if they would like to comment
-     (Dave Schowalter is a good first contact).
-     <p>
-     Steve Legensky proposed a way to support hanging nodes. There
-     was much discussion on the need, and differentiating it from the
-     hierarchical data structures. This may generalize to how to handle
-     non-linear elements in CGNS. Steve agreed to have Intelligent
-     Light look into it further and draft a more formal proposal in the
-     future.
-<li> <b>Schedule</b> - A draft schedule was posted and discussed. The
-     <a href="#schedule">amended schedule</a> is shown below. Note that
-     the persons responsible for developing and circulating extensions
-     are listed. The development of the extension should proceed to the
-     point where it can be provided to the Documentation Focal Point for
-     inclusion in the documentation, and the Software Focal Point for
-     implementation in the API.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Doug McCarthy<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Jamil Appa<td>
-   <td>BAE Systems
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Connor<td>
-   <td>Adapco
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA LaRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Alpesh Patel<td>
-   <td>NUMECA Intl
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>Lockheed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Erick Gantt<td>
-   <td>Pointwise Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>UTRC
-<a name="schedule"></a>
-<img src="figures/jun00_schedule.gif"
-     alt="Amended CGNS schedule"
-     longdesc="figures/jun00_schedule.html">
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-12 June 2001<br>
-La Jolla Room, Anaheim, CA<br><br>
-The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
-There were 11 attendees, as <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-The minutes of the 17 May 2001 telecon were approved as posted on the
-<li> <b>Steering Committee Membership</b> - no activity
-<li> <b>Logo</b> - The logo was approved as posted on the web.  Diskettes with
-     the art work were made available by Pointwise and distributed to
-     Steering Committee members present.  Those wishing a copy of the disk
-     can contact Bob Bush or John Chawner.  Members are encouraged to use the
-     logo to identify the Standard.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Bob Bush outlined the status of the ISO process.  The
-     standard has been assigned the number AP 237 and has been broken into 4
-     parts: the Fluid Dynamics standard, CFD, Mesh Based Data, and Product
-     data management for analysis.  Drafts of the documents are available
-     through the CGNS web site
-     (<i>www.cgns.org</i>).
-     <p>
-     At the full CFD Committee on Standards (CoS) meeting, the committee
-     voted to offer to serve as the US body for review for the four parts of
-     the ISO Standard (based on CGNS).  If accepted by the US governing body
-     for the ISO process, the AIAA CFD CoS would offer voting advice to the
-     US representative in this area.
-     <p>
-     Those present at the meeting felt that it was important that members of
-     this committee familiar with the intent of the CGNS standard
-     <b>review the ISO documents</b> before the October meeting. A deadline of 31 August was
-     set for this review.  Chris Rumsey and Bob Bush volunteered to review
-     the documents.  Steve Legensky volunteered to review the Part on Product
-     Data Management.  Those present also suggest and hope that Charlie
-     Towne, Diane Poirier, Doug McCarthy and Steve Allmaras will be willing
-     to review the ISO documents as well.  Bob Bush will send a request for
-     review to these individuals, collect the comments, and reply to Ray
-     Cosner.  We encourage anyone else interested in reviewing the documents
-     to do so, sending comments to Bush or directly to Cosner.
-     <p>
-     Also at the full CFD Committee on Standards (CoS) meeting, <b>a motion was
-     passed to delegate to the CGNS Sub-Committee the authority to serve as
-     the consensus body for defining an AIAA Recommended Practice based on
-     the CGNS Standard</b>.  After some discussion, the Committee members present
-     agreed with this proposal.  Chris Rumsey moved that this committee offer
-     to serve as the AIAA Consensus body for defining an AIAA Recommended
-     Practice for storing CFD data.  After a second and some discussion, it
-     was felt that there was insufficient attendance to formally vote on the
-     motion, so Bob Bush will coordinate an e-mail vote of the voting members
-     of the Steering Committee.  Those present unanimously recommend a vote
-     in favor of the motion.
-<li> <b>Software Focal Point</b> - Chris Rumsey reported that NASA Langley was
-     moving forward with a small contract to fund Intelligent Light to
-     implement the Chemistry, Linking and User Defined Data in the API.  In
-     addition, Steve Legensky indicated that Intelligent Light had submitted
-     an SBIR proposal to support CGNS in the areas of utilities, performance
-     enhancement and adding capabilities.  They hope to know the result of
-     this proposal in September, and are recruiting a new person to provide
-     this support.
-     <p>
-     Bob Bush indicated that he felt that areas that would benefit from
-     near term support included providing broader developer access to the
-     code (to enable broader participation for development), Cartesian grid
-     support, and the ability to support distributed memory and parallel
-     implementations.  Dave Edwards agreed to formulate a team of those
-     interested in parallel capabilities in the API.  Interested parties
-     include: Boeing St. Louis (Fisher, Michal), Intelligent Light (Edwards),
-     NASA Glenn (Iannetti), Stanford (Alonso), AEDC (Nelson) and Pratt &amp;
-     Whitney (Bush).
-     <p>
-     Armen Darian indicated that the multi-phase and spray extension still
-     needs work, and that he would 'ping' those who have expressed interest.
-     <p>
-     Earlier in the meeting, there was also some discussion of whether
-     various implementations are utilizing surface data and boundary data
-     correctly for unstructured grid implementations.  This is an issue
-     for post processing where the boundary surfaces must be identified to
-     provide functionality often desired.  It was also noted that none of
-     the examples on the web site utilize the surface boundary condition
-     data structures.  Dave Edwards will poll those responsible for various
-     implementations and try to generate an example for the web site that
-     contains the preferred mode of storing boundary data for unstructured
-     grid data sets.
-<li> <b>Reno Planning</b> - Dave Edwards indicated that he was collecting
-     information on the use of CGNS in industry for a paper to be presented
-     at Reno.  He also provided an abstract for the proposed paper entitled
-     "CFD General Notation System (CGNS): Status and Future Directions."
-     He is also planning a User's Group Meeting as well as the Steering
-     Committee Meeting.
-The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA LaRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Andrew Cary<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Alan Grosvenor<td>
-   <td>NUMECA-USA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-24 June 2002<br>
-St. Louis, Missouri
-Bob Bush called the meeting to order at 7:00.
-There were 10 attendees at the informal CGNS Steering Committee meeting
-held at the AIAA Summer fluids conferences.
-Attendees are <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<li> <b>Charter Business</b> - 
-     Bob Bush publicly thanked Alexandre Corjon who has been representing AM
-     Airbus on the Steering Committee, and reported that Thierry Chevalier
-     will be taking over this role.
-     <p>
-     Bob Bush noted that the Charter calls for a chairperson election every
-     2 years.  We have been somewhat remiss in this department, and so plan
-     to hold an election at the winter meeting at the AIAA conference in
-     Reno in January.  Bob would like to pass the mantle and use this as an
-     opportunity to re-invigorate the committee.  Nominations or volunteers
-     are encouraged to contact Bob.  This will be a topic of discussion at
-     future telecons.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - 
-     Ray Cosner provided an overview of the ISO standard development effort.
-     The effort is on track for approval of the various parts towards the end
-     of 2004.  We are getting closer to voting time, so Ray is soliciting
-     additional international contacts to provide support.  Bob Bush will
-     send Ray the contact information for Theiry Chevalier, Marc Poinot
-     and Jan B. Vos.  Others are encouraged to send additional contact
-     information; Ray has a standard introductory letter and can take it from
-     there.
-     <p>
-     There will be a detailed technical review of the ISO standard, most
-     likely the first week of November hosted by Lockheed Martin.  This will
-     be the best opportunity for the CGNS community to make detailed comments
-     on the evolving ISO standard.  Participation is encouraged.  Ray Cosner
-     will be providing details as we get closer to the date.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - 
-     Charlie Towne could not be present, but indicated to the Chairman that
-     the revised documentation for Version 2.1 is now installed on the web in
-     the default locations.  The older documentation is still available via
-     other links.
-     <p>
-     Jim French and Craig Day could not be present.  However, they indicated
-     to the Chairman that the voting for the standard has been completed.  It
-     is not clear what the next steps are, but it is anticipated that the
-     documentation will be available as an AIAA Recommended Practice soon.
-     <p>
-     The committee discussed how to move the documentation updates that are
-     continually occurring reflected in the AIAA Recommended Practice.  The
-     committee agreed that we could make the SIDS document a DRAFT AIAA
-     Recommended Practice, and label it as such on the web site.  Then,
-     periodically, as significant changes to the SIDS are implemented and
-     accepted, a revised Recommended Practice will be voted on and released.
-     Unfortunately, none of the principals could attend the meeting, so
-     the Chairman asks Charlie Towne, Jim French and Craig Day to work out
-     appropriate arrangements, and feedback any issues that arise.
-     <p>
-     Bob Bush is not sure of the process to use in answering the few
-     questions that were brought up during the public comment period.  The
-     questions were discussed briefly at the meeting, and Bob will draft a
-     set of responses, and ask for guidance on how to proceed.
-     <p>
-     One of the issues raised is the need for a simplified standard to
-     facilitate new user familiarization.  The User's Guide was one attempt
-     at a simplified set of documentation.  Mark Fisher also suggested that
-     there may be instances where information can be stored in more than one
-     way, and we should streamline and/or eliminate the duplications.  It was
-     generally agreed that we should document and emphasize the preferred
-     approach for duplicate information, and discourage use of alternate
-     methods.  Mark volunteered to document some of the duplications he has
-     in mind so we can try to address this issue.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - 
-     Marc Poinot could not attend, but indicated to the Chairman that he
-     is working on an HDF5 implementation for the mid-level library which
-     replaces the ADF core.  This will likely be a link time option and
-     require no, or few, changes to user programs.
-     <p>
-     Ray Cosner also indicated that the ISO standard effort is still
-     struggling with how to represent binary data.  Currently the path
-     of least resistance seems to be to use HDF5 for the binary data
-     representation.  Ray asked for any known objections to going in this
-     direction, but there was no experience with HDF5 at the meeting.  Please
-     send Ray and Bob Bush any information you might have - for or against
-     using HDF5 as the ISO standard.
-     <p>
-     Marc Poinot's HDF5 implementation provide a starting point for this
-     effort.  However, for backward compatibility, and ease of transition, we
-     will also likely need binary translation routines which will re-format a
-     file between HDF5 and ADF.
-     <p>
-     Chris Rumsey reported on the progress of the Langley sub-contract
-     to extend the CGNS software.  Several options and extensions are
-     being implemented and tested, including a translator utility
-     program, a new API <tt>call cg_delete_node</tt>, and new
-     extensions <tt>Gravity_t</tt>, <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> and
-     <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt>.  Wall Functions, periodic BC's and
-     rotor-stator interfaces are still being defined.  Bob Bush, Mark
-     Fisher and Chris Rumsey met briefly after the meeting to discuss these
-     extensions.  Chris Rumsey volunteered to re-write the proposals in
-     SIDS-speak, and put them back out for review.
-     <p>
-     Mark Fisher had a few ideas for additional extensions, including surface
-     groupings and solution data at boundaries, and agreed to draft such
-     proposals for review.
-<li> <b>Issues</b> - 
-     There were no additional issues, and the meeting was adjourned around
-     8:30.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-Bob Bush<br>
-Dan Dominik<br>
-Chris Rumsey<br>
-Steve Legensky<br>
-David Edwards<br>
-Rick Matus<br>
-John Benek<br>
-Greg Power<br>
-Steve Karman<br>
-Ray Cosner
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-Last updated 2 July 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-24 June 2003<br>
-7:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time<br>
-Orlando, Florida (in conjunction with AIAA meeting)<br><br>
-<li> This general informational meeting and discussion was called to
-     order at 7:05 PM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">8 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> This was not an official steering committee meeting, so minutes
-     from the last telecon were not reviewed or approved.
-<li> Current status of CGNS and outstanding issues
-     (<a href="attachments/jun03_status.html">HTML</a>,
-     <a href="attachments/jun03_status.pdf">PDF</a>) - was presented by
-     Rumsey
-<li> Discussion of current issues:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> HDF-5
-          <ol type="i">
-          <li> AEDC is actively evaluating and working with Poinot's
-               HDF-5 prototype (summer intern Brian Pittman).
-          <li> Poinot has also expressed an interest in bringing it to
-               completion at some time in the future.
-          <li> Question raised: what will happen to existing CGNS files
-               that use ADF?  Will the MLL automatically switch them
-               over?  Or will an explicit translation step be necessary?
-               Will HDF-5 implementation be a new Version (3.0)?  Will
-               the MLL be able to read <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>
-               node if it is an HDF file (i.e., how will the MLL
-               software detect that the file is HDF-5 as opposed to
-               ADF)?
-          </ol>
-     <li> <tt>UserDefined</tt> extension - no issues.
-     <li> <tt>BCDataSet</tt> extension - will this proposal work for
-          unstructured datasets also?
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSLibraryVersion">CGNSVersion</a>
-          <ol type="i">
-          <li> The <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt> automatically gets altered
-               (updated) by MLL when it opens an older file (Q: is this
-               true when going from V1 to V2?).
-          <li> Should there be a CGNSVersion number (under base) that
-               NEVER changes?  This would indicate what version was used
-               to write the particular base - kind of a way to document
-               the dataset.  But this gets confusing if V2 is ADF and V3
-               is HDF-5.  Do we really want to keep a file with part ADF
-               and part HDF-5?  This does not seem like a good idea.
-          </ol>
-     <li> <tt>GridLocation</tt>=<tt>FaceCenter</tt> in
-          <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt>.
-          <ol type="i">
-          <li> This issue is for unstructured grids that connect
-               multiple zones.
-          <li> Seems reasonable to allow this, but will this work for
-               non-point-matched connectivity?
-          </ol>
-     <li> General issues:
-          <ol type="i">
-          <li> Confusion among attendees as to if/how CGNS allows
-               face-based info for unstructured to be stored (Partial
-               answer:  CGNS easily allows for defining face elements,
-               e.g. for use to define BCs at faces rather than at
-               vertices.  See the
-               <a href="../user/started.html#sec:unstrgrid">"Single-Zone
-               Unstructured Grid"</a> section in the
-               <a href="../user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a>.)
-          <li> We probably need to review and update the
-               <a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a>; some
-               of it is outdated.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bill Jones<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>UT Chattanooga
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Christopher Reed<td>
-   <td>LM Aero - Ft. Worth
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Tom Shih<td>
-   <td>Michigan State
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 30 June 2003
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-AIAA Meeting, Portland, OR<br>
-30 June 2004, 7:00 PM Pacific Time<br><br>
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">7 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the 25 March 2004 telecon meeting were
-     approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan will formally archive old versions of software on SourceForge.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will take V2.3 documentation out of beta status.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - V2.3 is now official documentation
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will form informal HDF-5 task force to begin looking
-          at timing to switch to HDF-5, and develop list of things that
-          need to be done.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - <a href="#HDF5_members">current e-mail list of
-               members</a> is below... anyone else interested in being a
-               member of this list should contact Rumsey
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will post Hauser's CGNS paper(s) to website.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done (Reno paper <a href="../papers/aiaa04-1088.pdf">AIAA
-               2004-1088</a>)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will set up & hold meeting for Portland.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Alonso and Hann will send Wedan some of their examples of CGNS
-          files and programs that write/read them, and Wedan will post
-          them.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of open items:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of links causing slowdown (perhaps can modify open call
-          so it does not follow links).
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> status unchanged
-          </ul>
-     <li> With next major release, eliminate <tt>PointList/Range</tt>
-          + <tt>CellCenter</tt> possibility (and thus remove the need
-          for <tt>GridLocation</tt> under <tt>BC_t</tt>).  Next major
-          release of API will need to automatically make this alteration
-          (transparent to user). Documentation (SIDS, User's Guide,
-          other?) will need to be changed.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> status unchanged
-          </ul>
-     <li> Need to look into compression capability of HDF-5.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> this item is one of the items in the new list of
-               <a href="#HDF5_todo">Tentative to-do list prior to HDF-5
-               switchover</a>... this list as a whole will from this
-               point be considered an open item.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion (Cosner, in absentia):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Possibility to merge AP 237 (Fluid Dynamics) with AP 209
-          (Finite Element Solid Mechanics).  Next ISO/STEP meeting is in
-          UK in early July 2004, where they may decide this issue.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues (Towne, in absentia):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> V2.3 now official documentation.  V2.2 is under "prior
-          version," and V2.1 has been removed.  Currently there is a
-          V2.4beta, which is same as V2.3.  We're not sure yet whether
-          the next release will be V2.4, or V3.0.  It depends on when we
-          make the big switchover to HDF-5 (which will be V3.0).
-     <li> V2.3 will at some point become the updated AIAA Recommended
-          Practice document. Craig Day at AIAA will first put it out for
-          public review and comment. After that, CGNS members will be
-          called on to vote.
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion (Wedan, in absentia):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing new, other than a few small bug fixes and configure
-          script updates.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion (Hauser, Poinot): 
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser is currently testing prototype parallel implementation
-          - goal is to be ready for his planned Reno 2005 paper.  He
-          noted that it is necessary to create whole tree (or read whole
-          tree) first using master processor, then can write (or read)
-          data in parallel.
-     <li> The question came up: what happens in parallel if want/need
-          to create new node (with time-dependent data, for example)?
-          <u>Hauser believes you would have to close then re-open the
-          file, but he will check into this.</u>
-     <li> It was noted that HDF-5 has its own complete set of tools
-          available.  For example, there is a viewer program (like
-          <a href="../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html"><i>adfviewer</i></a>).
-     <li> Quincey (NCSA) is currently working creation tracking issue in
-          HDF-5.
-     <li> After we switch over to HDF-5, users will need to download
-          both CGNS software and HDF-5 software separately.  Configure
-          scripts will need to be modified to check for availability of
-          appropriate HDF-5 libraries. This item will be added to the
-          "to do" list.
-     <li> Hauser brought up question whether it wouldn't be better to
-          eliminate ID's altogether in the MLL when we go to HDF-5.
-          Reference by names instead.  This may be a big job, but it may
-          be better for us in the long run.  This item will be added to
-          the "to do" list.
-     <li> Poinot reiterated need for SIDS-to-HDF-5 file mapping
-          document, prior to switch. This item will be added to the "to
-          do" list.
-     <li> The group discussed a possible date to shoot for the
-          switch-over:  Summer 2005 was offered as a possible goal!  Is
-          this feasible?  There is unlikely to be funding available for
-          any part of this effort. <u>This will be discussed further at
-          the next CGNS telecon.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion (Edwards, in absentia):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Intelligent Light (IL) is completing 6 extensions, as part
-          of their SBIR.  They should be completed in July, for beta
-          testing.  They are looking for volunteers to test the new
-          extensions.
-     <li> Issue related to the EM extension (units) was discussed.  8
-          units apparently cover everything. IL will probably implement
-          only new <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> call for now (with 8
-          units), and <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> will remain at 5 with
-          the additional 3 being required to be certain units (electric
-          current=Amperes, amnt of substance=moles, and luminous
-          intensity=candelas).  The group felt this was not desirable
-          in the long run, and it should be a high priority item to
-          create new <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> calls to handle all 8,
-          for consistency, at the very least by the time we switch over
-          to HDF-5. <u>This will be added as an open issue.</u> <u>Also,
-          Rumsey will send an e-mail to CGNSTalk and Tom Shih (CoS) to
-          make everyone aware of this issue.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot presented a CGNS paper in Portland AIAA meeting:
-          <a href="../papers/aiaa04-2142.pdf">AIAA 2004-2142</a>.
-          <u>Rumsey will send to Towne to post.</u>
-     <li> In a recent AIAA survey, general membership expressed the
-          desire to see a greater promotion of CGNS.  AIAA is asking for
-          ideas on how they can help us with this.  At the Committee on
-          Standards (CoS) meeting, they suggested that we draft a letter
-          that AIAA can send to commercial CFD companies' presidents,
-          discussing AIAA's support of the CGNS standard. The CoS may
-          also write letters to technical contacts as well. <u>Rumsey
-          will work with Tom Shih (chair of CoS) to draft a letter for
-          AIAA.</u>
-     <li> It was decided to wait to hold the next CGNS telecon until
-          September, to avoid conflicts with summer holidays.
-     <li> <u>A new "open item" is to eventually align / resolve
-          differences between SIDS and latest ISO/STEP, as each
-          continues to evolve.</u>
-     <li> Issue was brought up that we may want to add flag-based
-          options when opening CGNS files.  For example: "follow
-          links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use HDF-5";
-          "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-          "compress" vs. "don't compress". This will be added to "to do"
-          list.
-     <li> Poinot asked the question: currently if you use MLL you are
-          compliant: but if people write their own MLL, how can we
-          insure they are compliant?  Set up "ISO test suite"?
-     <li> The request was made whether we can put all documentation
-          (<i>.tex</i> files?) on SourceForge. <u>Rumsey will check with
-          Towne about this.</u>
-     <li> Question about whether it might be a good idea to have a "CGNS
-          User's Meeting" at the AIAA summer 2005 meeting. <u>This will
-          be discussed further at the next CGNS telecon.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.
-<li> Summary of <u><b>action items</b></u>:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan will formally archive old versions of software on
-          SourceForge.
-     <li> Alonso and Hann will send Wedan some of their examples of CGNS
-          files and programs that write/read them, and Wedan will post them.
-     <li> Hauser will check into parallel issues regarding
-          time-dependent data.
-     <li> Rumsey to send e-mail to CGNStalk & Shih regarding 8 units
-          issue.
-     <li> Rumsey to send Poinot's AIAA paper to Towne to post.
-     <li> Rumsey to work with Tom Shih of CoS to draft letter from AIAA
-          to software companies urging active support of CGNS.
-     <li> Rumsey to check with Towne regarding posting documentation to
-          SourceForge.
-     <li> Rumsey to discuss (during next telecon) the possibility of
-          holding a CGNS User's meeting in summer 2005, in conjunction with
-          the AIAA meeting.
-     <li> Rumsey to discuss (during next telecon) the possible date of
-          summer 2005 as a goal for switching over to HDF-5.
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of <u><b>open items</b></u> (these are different from
-     action items, in that they are open or unresolved issues that we
-     want to keep track of, but there are no specific actions required
-     of anyone at this point in time):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of links causing slowdown (perhaps can modify open call
-          so it does not follow links).
-     <li> With next major release, eliminate the
-          <tt>Pointlist/Range</tt> + <tt>CellCenter</tt> possibility
-          (and thus remove the need for <tt>GridLocation</tt> under
-          <tt>BC_t</tt>).  Next major release of API will need to
-          automatically make the alteration (transparent to the
-          user). Documentation (SIDS, User's Guide, other?) will need to
-          be changed.
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Issue of 8 units - need consistency between
-          <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing, St. Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Nelson<td>
-   <td>ITAC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rahaim<td>
-   <td>Rotordynamics Seal Research
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<a name="HDF5_members"></a>
-<h2>List of people on HDF-5 task force</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Robert Bush
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Fisher
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Quincey Koziol
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ken Wall
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin van der Weide
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list prior to HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> HDF-5 must fix "creation tracking"
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> Create SIDS-to-HDF-5 documentation (Poinot?)
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
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-Last updated 7 July 2004
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Meeting Minutes</h2>
-14-15 October 1999<br>
-United Technologies Research Center<br>
-East Hartford, Connecticut
-The first CGNS Steering committee meeting was held 14-15 October 1999
-in Hartford, CT. This committee is responsible for supporting the CGNS
-CFD data standard, after the end of the NASA/Boeing contract effort to
-develop the standard. The main objective of this first meeting was to
-adopt a charter and to plan the next steps for the organization. The
-meeting minutes are followed by a list of <a href="#action">action
-There were 17 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<li> <b>Attendee Comments</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Ed Hall: suggests encouraging the universities to use CGNS.
-          Has implemented CGNS in ADPAC.
-     <li> Ray Cosner: Boeing has more aggressive plans regarding CGNS
-          for the year 2000.
-     <li> Francis Enomoto: IT is probably interested.
-     <li> Todd Michal: Will soon have a full implementation of CGNS in
-          WIND. The next step is to add it to all the supporting tools.
-     <li> Dan Dominik: Boeing Reusable Space Systems has reviewed CGNS
-          and decided to proceed with it.
-     <li> Chris Rumsey: Version 6 of CFL3D supports CGNS.
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Outreach Team</b> - report by Barbara Hutchings (Fluent)
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Phase I: prime players with focus on commercial
-          companies: Fluent, CD, ICEM CFD, Pointwise (Gridgen), CEI
-          (Ensight), Intelligent Light (FieldView)
-     <li> Phase II: focus on other end-user organizations (CFD, CAE,
-          CAD vendors)
-          <ul>
-          <li> CGNS needs to support CFD CAE connections. Add material
-               properties, etc.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Charter Team</b> - report by Bob Bush (UTRC)
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS will officially adhere to GNU licensing requirements
-     <li> GNU license will be on the internet, prior to downloading
-          users have to click "OK"
-     <li> CGNS membership will be limited to 15 or fewer organizations
-          at the discretion of the Steering Committee.
-          <ul>
-          <li> If size becomes an issue, we may limit membership to
-               one representative from each organization i.e., "NASA"
-               only needs one representative rather than one from each
-               research center
-          <li> Membership changes will be approved by the Steering
-               Committee
-          <li> We must leave the door opened for members of the
-               automotive industry.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Technical Support Subcommittee (Documentation Committee)
-          <ul>
-          <li> The purpose of this committee is to take new proposals
-               and put them in proper SIDS and ADF-File-Mapping
-               format. The persons submitting proposals are not
-               held responsible to present them in the SIDS and
-               ADF-File-Mapping format.
-          </ul>
-     <li> The issue of whether a secretary is needed will be left up to
-          the discretion of the chairperson.
-     <li> Add ADAPCO to the steering committee
-     <li> Contact DASA-MTU (see if they really want to be on the
-          steering committee)
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Chairperson election</b>
-     <p>
-     Bob Bush (UTRC) unanimously selected chairperson
-<li> <b>CAPRI</b> - report by Bob Haimes, (MIT)
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> motivated by NPSS (NASA Glenn)
-     <li> tying into many existing CAD packages
-     <li> sees CAPRI as natural tie-in to CGNS, and NPSS is interested.
-     <li> doesn't know if CAPRI will be free yet
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Position Discussions</b> - report by Ray Cosner (Boeing)
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> ISO (discussion of process and current status)
-          <ul>
-          <li> Boeing initiative. First presented at an ISO meeting in
-               January 1999.
-          <li> 200 CGNS registered users over 28 countries, as of
-               9/1/99.  But only 6 of the 17 ISO P-Member countries are
-               currently supporting CGNS.
-          <li> Steps in the ISO certification process:
-               <ul type=disc>
-               <li> Translating SIDS into EXPRESS language. Almost
-                    completed.
-               <li> Nov.12, 1999: Lobby for PWI Support. Needs and has
-                    the support of five ISO P-Member countries.
-               <li> May 2000: Obtain NWI Approval: needs 2/3 of the
-                    voting countries.
-               <li> Subcommittee to prepare the Draft International
-                    Standard during year 2000.
-               <li> Several revisions are expected
-               <li> Earliest possible ISO acceptance: November 2001, but
-                    2002 or even 2003 are more realistic dates.
-               </ul>
-          <li> The wind tunnel and flight test capability will be added
-               later by amendment.
-          <li> The main stumbling block is to identify potential
-               overseas supporters from the "P-membership" list
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> AIAA subcommittee on standards
-          <ul>
-          <li> potential home for CGNS
-          <li> AIAA is excited by the prospect
-          <li> existing committee members don't want to increase their
-               workload
-          <li> The AIAA Committee on Standards would form a 4th
-               sub-committee for CGNS and let the CGNS team operate
-               autonomously.
-          <li> we voted "YES" to this idea and to think about what does
-               the CGNS team want from AIAA
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Funding and Maintenance discussion</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> need money for tech support, software, upgrading API, etc.
-          10-20K per year from each org? Is this possible? most money
-          needed next 4 years or so, then could taper off
-     <li> we need to write "white papers"
-     <li> ICEM: may need as much as 2 F.T.E.'s for next few years! this
-          translates to 300K per yr! -a lot to do!
-     <li> need to draft a list of specific items that require funding.
-          Do this at end of this meeting and present at next CGNS
-          meeting at Reno 2000 (one evening) (Bush)
-     <li> perhaps should hold a USERS meeting at summer 2000 AIAA meeting
-     <li> can we put a plug (write article) for Aerospace America?
-     <li> SIDS changes could be partly funded by the Boeing ISO project.
-     <li> possible funding sources:(?) NIST, NPSS, IT, DOE
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Proposal for SIDS extensions</b> - report by Bob Bush (UTRC)
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> how do we adopt these?
-     <li> action: everyone on team to look at proposed extensions on the
-          web site by the end of the month - send comments about them
-     <li> we can vote via e-mail
-     <li> should also send e-mail to all registered users telling them
-          that it's their last chance to send their comments about the
-          proposed extensions
-     <li> any changes shouldn't alter existing API functions.  If a
-          change is needed, write a new function, but still support the
-          old one for backward compatibility (perhaps gradually phase it
-          out)
-     <li> have a "beta" release before making changes "official"?
-     <li> should this CGNS team hold telecons? RECOMMENDATION:
-          bi-monthly - Bob to look into it
-     <li> web site should post all new SIDS extension proposals as
-          they come in
-     <li> Need to develop a draft of actual process for adding
-          extensions, and post this process on the web (Doug McCarthy)
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Logo report</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> it's been on the web site long enough - should probably
-          come off
-     <li> team "seemed" to agree on some sort of swan logo
-     <li> Theresa Babrauckas (NASA) will try to refine the logo for
-          final recommendation
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Award report</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Recognized for their outstanding contribution to the CGNS
-          project: Thomas Dickens (Boeing), Wayne Jones (Boeing), Matt
-          Smith (Boeing), Steve Allmaras (Boeing), Theresa Babrauckas
-          (NASA Glenn), Christopher Rumsey (NASA Langley), Francis
-          Enomoto (NASA Ames), Mike George (NASA Ames), Ben Paul
-          (Boeing), Armin Wulf (ICEM CFD Engineering), Ray Cosner
-          (Boeing), and Doug McCarthy (Boeing).
-     <li> Diane Poirier (ICEM CFD Engineering) was given an award for
-          her outstanding service to the CGNS team.
-     <li> Theresa Babrauckas gets "best unabashed performance in a
-          crowded restaurant" award for her bold rendition of "I Could
-          Have Danced All Night" at the Thursday evening dinner
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Definition of the work required to support CGNS</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Extensions
-          <ul>
-          <li> necessary changes to new proposals, (esp. relating to
-               "point-by-point" grid motion)
-               <ul type=disc>
-               <li> need to allow for multiple <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>
-                    nodes
-               <li> default is the one named "<tt>GridCoordinates</tt>"
-               <li> new API calls are needed relating to reading
-                    grid, (old call can still default to reading
-                    "default" grid) then point-by-point will be easier,
-                    w/o having to use multiple bases (can employ a
-                    <tt>GridCoordinateConnections</tt> under
-                    <tt>TimeLevels_t</tt>)
-               </ul>
-          <li> discussion about area-weighted patched connectivity
-               <ul type=disc>
-               <li> Steve Feldman will look into drafting a new proposal
-                    if needed
-               </ul>
-          <li> need <tt>FreeStream_t</tt> node? Several users wonder
-               where to store their freestream conditions.
-          <li> need to be able to handle Cartesian grids? (Octree)
-               <ul type=disc>
-               <li> Diane Poirier will work with M. Aftosmis to prepar
-                    a proposal
-               </ul>
-          <li> Add API function to be able to create an arbitrary node,
-               and improve the <tt>cg_goto</tt> function to be able to
-               go to these arbitrary nodes.
-          <li> Add support to periodic boundary conditions.
-          <li> Create an API function to write to disk in case the
-               solver bombs.
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Performance Reports
-          <ul>
-          <li> we need a "performance report" available on the web site
-               <ul type=disc>
-               <li> many customers want to know overhead before they
-                    commit to CGNS
-               </ul>
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Documentation
-          <ul>
-          <li> SIDS needs to be updated to include all the new features
-          <li> documents should be available in the pdf format
-          <li> need User Manual/Tutorial
-          <li> CGNS API documentation needs to be printable (pdf)
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Training
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Web maintenance
-     <br><br>
-     <li> User support
-          <ul>
-          <li> This effort is expected to grow rapidly in the next few
-               years. An idea is to establish a CGNS News Group enabling
-               users to help each other.
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Utility development
-          <ul>
-          <li> Utility that finds if 2 CGNS files differ, and list
-               the differences.
-          <li> Utility that computes the translated &amp; rotated
-               grid coordinates.
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Platform/OS Upgrade Maintenance &amp; Validation
-          <ul>
-          <li> Build a collection of test cases.
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Outreach
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Administration
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Estimation of the funding required</b>
-     <p>
-     The team made a first estimate of the manpower required in each of
-     the 10 categories listed above, for the next 3 years. The total
-     manpower for the 10 categories came to 2 F.T.E. for year 2000.
-<a name="action"></a>
-<h2>Action Items</h2>
-<h3>Theresa Babrauckas (NASA Glenn)</h3>
-<li> refine swan logo and make final recommendation
-<li> Find out about possible funding from NPSS
-<h3>Diane Poirier (ICEM CFD Engineering)</h3>
-<li> Contact DASA-MTU (see if they really want to be on the steering
-     committee)
-<li> Discuss with M. Aftosmis of a way to handle Cartesian grids
-     (Octree) and make a proposal
-<li> take the logo off the web site, and send Theresa the logo files
-<li> Rewrite the proposed extensions in the SIDS and ADF_File-Mapping
-     language. Then contact all registered users to ask for a final
-     review of these proposals.
-<li> Post on the web:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Meeting minutes
-     <li> the GNU License Agreement on the web.
-     <li> Proposal for extensions of the SIDS and API
-     <li> CGNS steering committee charter
-     <li> Process for extending the standard
-     </ul>
-<li> Add a notice of exclusion of warranty in all software files and
-     documents.
-<li> Extend the CGNS SIDS, ADF-File-Mapping and API to incorporate the
-     proposals once reviewed.
-<h3>Bob Bush (UTRC)</h3>
-<li> Present a list of specific items we need funding for at the next
-     CGNS meeting and list of possible funding sources.
-<li> look into bi-monthly telecons
-<li> Arrange the CGNS team meeting at the AIAA conference in Reno,
-     January 2000.
-<li> Update charter and distribute
-<li> Prepare terms of agreement with the AIAA Committee on Standards.
-<h3>Doug McCarthy (Boeing)</h3>
-<li> develop a process for adding extensions, to be posted on the web
-<h3>Steve Feldman (ADAPCO)</h3>
-<li> draft a new proposal for area-weighted patched connectivity and
-     circulate
-<h3>Outreach Committee</h3>
-<li> Develop advertising strategy
-<li> Contact potential users
-<li> Keep contact list of users, funding, sources, etc.
-<h3>Bob Haimes (MIT)</h3>
-<li> Find out about possible funding from the NIST (Federal Agency for
-     Standards).
-<h3>Chris Rumsey (NASA Langley)</h3>
-<li> Prepare meeting minutes.
-<li> Comment on proposed extensions by 31 October, and send comments
-     to Diane Poirier.
-<li> Decide what CGNS needs from AIAA - respond to e-mail draft
-<li> Look for international cooperation
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Theresa Babrauckas<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>NASA Glenn Research Center
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Raymond Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing Phantom Works
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing Reusable Space Systems
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominak<td>
-   <td>Boeing Reusable Space Systems
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Computer Sciences Corp.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Barbra Hutching<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Francis Enomoto<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Feldman<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Haimes<td>
-   <td>MIT
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edward Hall<td>
-   <td>Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Douglas McCarthy<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bill Riner<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter<td>
-   <td>Fluent
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-Last updated 5 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-1 April 2009
-<li> The telecon was called to order at 11:05 AM eastern time. There were
-     <a href="#attendees">6 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="meeting_jan09.html">07 January 2009
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> EUCASS meeting in France
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot and Hauser will run an all-day special event at the
-          EUCASS meeting in early July 2009 in Versailles, France.
-          The all-day event will consist of a tutorial session,
-          hands-on workstation demos, industrial presentations, and a
-          meeting. Rumsey, Poinot, and Hauser have developed a poster
-          for Poinot to print for the meeting. <u>Poinot to organize the
-          industrial presentations for EUCASS.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> CGNS for Drag Prediction Workshop
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Recall from the previous meeting that the Drag Prediction
-          Workshop (DPW) committee would like to move toward CGNS as the
-          official format for their grids, particularly as part of their
-          mesh quality evaluation. There may be opportunities for CGNS
-          discussions/talks at the AIAA San Antonio meeting in June or
-          at next January's ASM in Orlando. <u>Rumsey to contact Michael
-          (Boeing) regarding the status of the CGNS-for-DPW effort,
-          as well as to try to obtain tools for posting on the CGNS
-          website.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> CGNS for AIAA SBLI-challenge workshop
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to contact Benek to see whether CGNS can play a part
-          of the SBLI-challenge workshop.</u>  Currently, it appears
-          that the workshop provides no grids. See the website:
-          <a href="http://sbliworkshop.engin.umich.edu/html/">http://sbliworkshop.engin.umich.edu/html/</a>.
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of Version 3.0
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Recall previous discussion: Poinot considered adding a new
-          flag to file, to indicate what the ordering inside the file
-          is, but others felt that this gives too many options and
-          complicates the reading.  The problem is that a bug was
-          discovered in the software last year, so Poinot's group has
-          many CGNS HDF-5 files with the incorrect index ordering
-          (written before the bug was fixed). General consensus at
-          an earlier meeting was to enforce C-ordering in HDF-5
-          files. I.e., corrupted files will need to be fixed via some
-          external utility; there should be no additional flag or node
-          added in the file.
-     <li> However, in pursuing this, Hauser wants to make sure that V3.0
-          will work correctly with Poinot's (or anyone else's) old HDF5
-          files that were written with incorrect index ordering. <u>Hauser
-          to make a proposal regarding handling index ordering in V3.0
-          and will hold a special mini-telecon in mid-April to try to
-          finalize how to handle it.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne retiring - probably at end of May. He is seeking someone
-          at NASA Glenn to take over his CGNS-documentation-handling
-          duties, so that NASA Glenn will continue to have
-          representation on the committee.  However, it may be better
-          for the documentation website (currently 45 MB in size) to be
-          moved to Sourceforge.  Rumsey said we may need to reduce the
-          website's current size first, because Sourceforge has size
-          restrictions. Decision on this will be deferred until Towne
-          meets with others at Glenn. Rumsey may at least take over the
-          monitoring of CGNSTalk.
-     <li> CGNS.org website - This long process of transferring the
-          domain name of CGNS.org from Ansys to Utah State (Hauser)
-          is nearing completion. Payment has been made for the domain
-          name, but full transfer is awaiting final actions by Ansys. In
-          the mean time, the website has still been reachable via
-          http://cgns.sourceforge.net/.
-          <u>Hauser to announce to CGNSTalk that CGNS.org is back up
-          and running as soon as the domain transfer is successfully
-          concluded.</u>
-     <li> Two bugs have been raised on CGNSTalk. Someone needs to follow
-          up on these. <u>Hauser to investigate and fix bugs noted
-          by Magnan (CGNSTalk 04 Feb 2009) regarding declaration of
-          <tt>cg_model_read</tt>, and by Edwards (CGNSTalk 27 March
-          2009) regarding <tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data</tt>.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser to test Version 3 compression capability prior to
-          release.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. It works.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser &amp; Wedan to complete and release V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. Array ordering needs final resolution
-               first.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid Motion
-          Improvement proposal to completion, including specific
-          examples.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. Poinot still needs to provide examples to
-               Power. Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. Student still working on it.  Action
-               carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to contact members of the HPC Consortium to explore
-          possibility of CGNS contributing to their effort.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> No response back. Action cancelled.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will take control of cgns.org domain name and will
-          consider possibility of moving website to Utah State site.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Control has been transferred, but some action by Ansys
-               is still required. <u>Hauser will oversee completion of
-               cgns.org domain transfer.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will contact Alonso to see if he is interested in
-          rejoining the CGNS steering committee.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Action item transferred to Rumsey.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will ping Hunten to find out the current status of the
-          ISO/STEP effort.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Status reported in <a href="meeting_jan09.html">07
-               Jan 09 minutes</a>.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Power will provide some high-level routines for
-          reading/writing CGNS that may be useful, for inclusion on the
-          website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. These are still being worked. Ultimately,
-               they will come from Todd Michal at Boeing. Rumsey will
-               contact Michal about this.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will investigate both the "<tt>long</tt>" vs
-          "<tt>int</tt>" issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit
-          <tt>cg_goto_f</tt>, and report back.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> HDF uses <tt>long long</tt> type. A problem is that C++
-               does not support this. Committee recommended moving
-               forward in spite of C++ issue and making it work
-               with HDF (using <tt>long long</tt>), because we are
-               already running into the limit for big grids. <u>Hauser
-               to proceed with fix for both the "<tt>long</tt>" vs
-               "<tt>int</tt>" issue as well as the problem with the
-               64-bit <tt>cg_goto_f</tt>.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will notify people via CGNSTalk about the upcoming CGNS
-          activities at the EUCASS meeting in France.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM Eastern. Next Telecon date for
-     the full steering committee is tentatively Wed, May 20, 11 AM
-     eastern.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot to organize the industrial presentations for EUCASS.
-     <li> Rumsey to contact Michael (Boeing) regarding the status of the
-          CGNS-for-DPW effort, as well as to try to obtain tools for
-          posting on the CGNS website.
-     <li> Rumsey to contact Benek to see whether CGNS can play a part of
-          the SBLI-challenge workshop.
-     <li> Hauser to make a proposal regarding handling index ordering in
-          V3.0 and will hold a special mini-telecon in mid-April to try
-          to finalize how to handle it.
-     <li> Hauser will oversee completion of cgns.org domain
-          transfer. Hauser to announce to CGNSTalk that CGNS.org is back
-          up and running as soon as the domain transfer is successfully
-          concluded.
-     <li> Hauser to investigate and fix bugs noted by Magnan (CGNSTalk
-          04 Feb 2009) regarding declaration of <tt>cg_model_read</tt>,
-          and by Edwards (CGNSTalk 27 March 2009) regarding
-          <tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data</tt>.
-     <li> Hauser &amp; Wedan to complete and release V3.0.
-     <li> Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid Motion
-          Improvement proposal to completion, including specific
-          examples.
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.
-     <li> Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Alonso to see if he is interested in
-          rejoining the CGNS steering committee.
-     <li> Power or Michal will provide some high-level routines for
-          reading/writing CGNS that may be useful, for inclusion on the
-          website.
-     <li> Hauser to proceed with fix for both the "<tt>long</tt>" vs
-          "<tt>int</tt>" issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit
-          <tt>cg_goto_f</tt>.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Mark Anderson<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Concepts NREC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Simon Pereira<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 6 Apr 2009
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-<div class=WordSection1>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>CGNS Steering
-Committee Telecon Minutes</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>29 April 2010<span
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>1)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>There were 8 attendees, listed in Attachment
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>2)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-minutes of the 18 March 2010 telecon were approved as posted on the web site. </p>
-<p class=MsoTableColorfulListAccent1 style='margin-left:0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>3)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of CGNS Version 3.0</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-finished commits to future V3.0 that handle an issue brought up by Jiao,
-regarding use of names that may conflict with other tools. In cgnslib.h, some
-of the enum variables have very generic names, such as NODE, MIXED, etc. These names
-are likely to be used by application codes. A “cg_” has now been prefixed to
-these. The change is transparent to the user.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Bussoletti
-and Allmaras brought up an important issue from recent CGNSTalk posts: Partial
-read allocates memory for the whole structure, thereby defeating the purpose of
-having partial read in the first place.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-</span>This problem exists in both V2 as well as the new V3. The committee
-members felt that Wedan is needed to help solve this.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span><u>Hauser to contact Wedan and ask Wedan to
-address the issue of partial reads allocating too much memory.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Nonetheless,
-committee felt it important to release V3.0 asap (as beta), and deal with fixes
-like the above later.<u><o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]><u>Iannetti
-and Hauser to hold mini-telecon May 13, and discuss future switchover to make the
-old “beta” documentation the new official one.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]><u>Iannetti
-to look into NASA form that allows for a payment of newly released software.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Bussoletti
-and Allmaras brought up that the CGNS software needs to have a smaller “memory
-footprint”, in general. I.e., it needs to be better optimized for memory
-usage.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>This will be tabled as an
-important item to be addressed at a future time.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>4)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of previous action items</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Bug
-identified by Jiao 3/9/10 in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read needs to be fixed.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span><u>Hauser
-to fix bug identified by Jiao 3/9/10 in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read prior to
-release of V3.0.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to add ifdefs to V3.0 so can still compile with HDF 1.6.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and send to Rumsey to post
-on website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wiki has been enabled. <u>Hauser to supply Wiki address
-to Rumsey for linking to website.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium. Also look into applying to NSF
-software infrastructure for sustained innovation.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users
-know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>It is under SVN. <u>Hauser to email descriptions and
-instructions regarding HDF-5 parallel code under SVN at Sourceforge to Rumsey
-for posting on website.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g.,
-is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to
-Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to fix the “long” vs “int” issue (4 byte integer
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to send details and a link to his recent paper on
-parallel I/O with CGNS to Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Sent, but not posted yet.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span><u>Iannetti to post Hauser’s recent paper on
-parallel I/O with CGNS.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post new tutorial slides on the website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to coordinate with Poinot to correct the faulty 3.0 commit and replace flag
-attribute capability.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Done, in rev 137.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and
-announce it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release
-and send to Iannetti for posting.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email inactive committee members.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Done.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>Three
-inactive members have been removed.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>5)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Next
-Telecon tentatively set for Thu, June 10, 2010, 11 am eastern.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>6)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Summary
-of <b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u>action items</u></b>:</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to contact Wedan and ask Wedan to address the issue of partial reads allocating
-too much memory.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-and Hauser to hold mini-telecon May 13, and discuss future switchover to make
-the old “beta” documentation the new official one.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to look into NASA form that allows for a payment of newly released software.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix bug identified by Jiao 3/9/10 in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read prior to
-release of V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to add ifdefs to V3.0 so can still compile with HDF 1.6.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and send to Rumsey to post
-on website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to supply Wiki address to Rumsey for linking to website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium. Also look into applying to NSF
-software infrastructure for sustained innovation.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Poinot to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts:
-part associated to families can be accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to email descriptions and instructions regarding
-HDF-5 parallel code under SVN at Sourceforge to Rumsey for posting on website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g.,
-is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to
-Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix the “long” vs “int” issue (4 byte integer limit).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post Hauser’s recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post new tutorial slides on the website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and
-announce it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>r)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release
-and send to Iannetti for posting.</p>
-<u><span style='font-size:12.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";
-mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:
-AR-SA;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'><br clear=all style='page-break-before:always'>
-<p class=MsoNormal><u>Attachment 1: Attendees<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Ken Alabi<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                            </span>TTC
-<p class=MsoNormal>Steve Allmaras<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                    </span>Boeing</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>John Bussoletti<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                    </span>Boeing</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thomas Hauser<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                   </span>Northwestern
-<p class=MsoNormal>Tony Iannetti<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal>Marc Poinot<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>ONERA</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Chris Rumsey<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal>Kurt Weber<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                         </span>Rolls
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:1.0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-24 August 2000<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Eastern time.
-There were 13 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-The minutes of the 21 June were reviewed.
-Steve Legensky asked that two discussion items be added to the
-minutes: 1) We discussed version control and agreed on a new API
-software release process where we release once per year, with a beta
-release for new capabilities. 2) There was some discussion, with no
-conclusion, about what is sufficient information to consider a file CGNS
-compliant (additional discussion below). These items will be added to
-the minutes. The minutes were then approved as amended.
-<li> <b>Steering Committee Nominations</b> - The Sverdrup
-     representatives at AEDC indicated a willingness to represent the
-     Air Force on the Steering Committee. This will be included in the
-     discussion for the list of nominees to be presented at the end of
-     the year.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - There was a meeting to review the preliminary
-     ISO-STEP documentation which represents the migration of CGNS
-     into an international standard. The Steering Committee should
-     remain vigilant that the standards do not diverge. So far, it
-     seems that CGNS and the ISO standard can remain compatible.  The
-     ISO-STEP proposal is due out for public comment in November. It is
-     hoped that the CGNS community will actively review and keep the
-     definitions from diverging.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne indicated that the SIDS has
-     been updated, and is almost ready for release. There was some
-     discussion about how to release the SIDS and API. It was decided
-     to create a beta release of the software, and to make the SIDS
-     documentation consistent with each release.
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Version 2.0 Beta 1: SIDS with all changes prior to grid motion
-     <li> Version 2.0 Beta 2: Add grid motion and time accurate
-     <li> Version 2.0 Beta 3: Add other extensions
-     </ul>
-     <br>
-     In December, Version 2.0 Beta 3 will become the production version 2.0.
-     <p>
-     Chris Rumsey has written a draft User's Guide which is being
-     reviewed by Bob Bush and Diane Poirier. Ed Hall volunteered to
-     review the draft also.
-     <p>
-     Steve Legensky is working on an AIAA implementation paper. He will
-     be sending out a brief survey to get feedback on how and where
-     CGNS is being used. He is also collecting examples to demonstrate
-     interchangeability of the files. Potential volunteers with examples
-     include Ed Hall and Dave Schowalter.  It was also mentioned
-     that the AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop might provide a good
-     demonstration of delivering grids, and potentially solutions, using
-     CGNS.
-<li> <b> Support</b> - Don Roberts discussed his experiences with
-     Tecplot Talk, an e-mail forum we might use as a pattern for a
-     CGNS group. ListBot could manage the forum, potentially at no
-     charge. Diane will check into setting up a forum for CGNS.
-     <p>
-     There were no replies to inquiries for user support focal point.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Hierarchical Structures - Michel Delanaye has submitted
-          a proposal. Very limited feedback to date (Diane). It is on
-          the web, and the deadline for comments is set for the end of
-          September so the implementation can begin.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Chemistry - The proposal has been in review recently,
-          with minor mods incorporated. A revised version will
-          be posted on the web when the current reviewers are in
-          concurrence. Armen Darian has requested to be included in the
-          current review.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Gravity, Axi-symmetry, Rotating Coordinates - Are ready
-          for implementation.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Liquid Spray - Armen Darian has a draft in
-          circulation. Additional reviewers are needed. Steve Legensky
-          volunteered to review. Hope to have a proposal ready to post
-          in September.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Hanging Nodes - No progress. Steve Legensky has
-          contacted Steve Karman and plans to discuss with M. Aftosmis.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Wall Functions - Bob Bush will try to revive this
-          extension. Chris Rumsey, Ed Hall and Steve Legensky offered to
-          be on the review team.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Turbomachinery Boundary Conditions - Bob Bush will try
-          to revive this extension also. No volunteers to review.
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Additional Items</b> - It is difficult to interrogate and edit
-     a file. Ed Hall offered to look into acquiring utilities that
-     facilitate this. Diane Poirier will send a code that reads a file
-     and outputs its contents. It would also be nice to have an editing
-     capability, and a graphical user interface into the file. This
-     might allow creation of non-cgns compliant modifications to the
-     file. This also raises the possibility of a 'validator' which
-     checks for some set of minimal information required to make the
-     file 'compliant'. Francis Enomoto has looked at XML, which might be
-     usable as a CGNS browser since XML structures are similar to CGNS
-     structures. He will try to map the SIDS into an XML format.
-Bob Bush will set up the next telecon for mid October, the next
-meeting will take place at the AIAA conference in Reno in January.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Amtec Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA LaRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Rick Matus<td>
-   <td>Pointwise Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Francis Enomoto<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michel Delanaye<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Teresa Babraukas<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ed Hall<td>
-   <td>Allison
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-2 August 2005<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">8 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_may05.html">25 May 2005
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will incorporate Vice-Chair changes into the charter and
-          post.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will forward to Hunten the e-mails of the members on
-          the <i>hdf5cgns@ncsa.uiuc.edu</i> mailing list.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Hunten will send a copy of his planning documentation to
-          Rumsey, for inclusion as an attachment to these minutes.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.  These are attached to the May 2005 minutes.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Hauser will provide a list of issues that need to be discussed
-          with the NCSA (HDF5) people.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> The only remaining major issues are the two already
-               known: (a) HDF5 has slower I/O for files with many
-               (thousands of) nodes and (b) HDF5 files tend to be
-               significantly larger than ADF files.  No additional
-               issues need to be raised. Action item dropped.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will upgrade Poinot's SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation with
-          2.4 additions and post after V2.4 comes online.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done yet. Document needs to be modified to read V2.4
-               (rather than 3.0), and statement "CGNS versions prior to
-               v3.x used the ADF storage manager" needs to be deleted
-               or modified. Also, SIDS-to-ADF documentation needs
-               to continue to be posted for the foreseeable future.
-               <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-          read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done, but not tested/available yet.  Action item carries.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will complete changes for V2.4 and will announce when
-          ready.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Almost ready. Initial download page still needs to be
-               updated.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Allmaras will write up an example of how to use existing
-          standard for unstructured face-based connectivity, and send to
-          Rumsey to pass on to the Committee.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.  There was a lot of discussion on this issue,
-               which deals with a method of using face-based data
-               structures with parents defined, for handling polyhedral
-               unstructured cells.  This method is apparently
-               SIDS-compliant, although it was not originally an
-               intended method for general use. The method works, but
-               there is still some missing information that Allmaras
-               currently puts in as <tt>UserDefined</tt> nodes.
-               Continuing to allow this method puts some additional
-               workload on CGNS readers which at this point are probably
-               not looking for it, but on the positive side it does
-               allow users to write polyhedral cells easily without the
-               necessity of adding/coding a new extension.  Allmaras
-               said that it is already easy to determine, by looking at
-               the file, whether the face-based method is being used or
-               not. <u>Allmaras will write explicit documentation, for
-               addition to the SIDS, describing face-based storage and
-               providing explicit examples for using the method, and
-               will send to Rumsey and Michal for review.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will change the MLL to return element list instead of
-          point list when appropriate.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> This item had to do with eliminating the
-               <tt>Pointlist/Range + CellCenter</tt> possibility -
-               and thus removing the need for GridLocation under
-               <tt>BC_t</tt>. The idea was to have the API automatically
-               make the alteration, transparent to the user.  Wedan was
-               not sure if this specific task had been done yet or not.
-               <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey and Poinot to coordinate some type of "Intro to CGNS"
-          for Reno 2006 or for AIAA's summer 2006 meeting.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Ongoing. Current plan is to do nothing at Reno, but hold
-               a Panel Discussion (something like "CGNS in Industry")
-               at AIAA's June 2006 meeting in San Francisco. Poinot is
-               arranging for several industry representatives to attend,
-               give brief talks, and answer questions. Apparently there
-               are not many industrial users yet in the U.S. (other than
-               Boeing to some degree)... most activity is occurring in
-               Europe. Michal said that someone at Boeing would probably
-               be willing to serve on the panel.  Rumsey and Poinot
-               also plan to tentatively coordinate an evening tutorial
-               session. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will check to see if old documentation is stored on
-          SourceForge. He will make sure future "old versions" also get
-          put there.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.  The old documentation is there, starting with
-               Version 2.2. <u>As soon as V2.4 comes on line, Towne will
-               bundle up V2.3 documentation for Wedan to post.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Norris will try to work with the (currently commented)
-          Rind-for-unstructured fixes and see if they meet his needs.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u> There was
-               some discussion on whether to officially implement
-               this capability now, or to wait (because of loss of
-               forward compatibility).  It was decided to wait, to give
-               Norris a chance to try it and also because there is no
-               documentation on this capability yet. <u>Wedan will write
-               documentation for SIDS on Rind-for-unstructured and send
-               to Rumsey and Norris.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Hann will send his proposed changes for decoupling the MLL
-          from ADF and HDF5 to Poinot, Rumsey, Wedan, and Allmaras, to
-          get their opinion on it.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.  According to our <a href="#HDF_policy">draft
-               policy statement regarding HDF-5</a>, even once we
-               officially announce HDF-5 as the official recommended
-               storage format, we will continue to support ADF
-               capability for the foreseeable future.  Hann's method may
-               be the best way to handle this in the future.  Currently,
-               the user can choose between ADF and HDF-5 at compile
-               time.  There was also some discussion for eventually
-               providing "stubs" so users can avoid HDF-5 entirely if
-               desired, but if HDF-5 is to be our official recommended
-               method, then this probably is not a good idea (the
-               "stubs" could be done for those who ask for it, but not
-               widely advertised and not part of the V3.0 distribution
-               package).
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot and Wedan will work to resolve issue of "link of links"
-          problem with our HDF5 implementation.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <a name="item3o"></a>
-     <li> Rumsey will send McMorris & Brouillet e-mails to Michal, and
-          Michal will contact them about need for <tt>GridLocation =
-          FaceCenter</tt> for zone-to-zone connectivity.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done, but there does not appear to be enough interest (or
-               time) for anyone to propel this idea forward by writing
-               a proposal for extension and following it through.
-               Therefore, this item will be tabled for now.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open Items (<a href="#item13">number 13 below</a>):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Regarding <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to do" list</a>, it is
-          no longer a necessity that HDF-5 fix "creation tracking", so
-          this item was taken off the list.  Also, the SIDS-to-HDF5
-          documentation is complete, so that item was also removed.
-     <li> Regarding the issue of alphanumeric sorting: HDF-5 does this
-          automatically, so this item becomes a non-issue once HDF-5
-          becomes the recommended official storage mechanism.  It does
-          not appear to be worthwhile to pursue it for ADF nodes outside
-          the Zone nodes (for which it is already done). Item removed
-          from list of Open Items.
-     <li> Regarding CGNS license, the decision was made (via e-mail
-          voting) to switch to the zlib license. Therefore this item
-          removed from Open Item list. <u>Wedan will change the license
-          in the software and on the website to zlib, and will forward
-          appropriate wording to Towne.  Also, Towne will change the
-          license in the documentation
-          (<a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a> and anywhere else
-          it appears).</u>
-     <li> Regarding <tt>PYRA</tt> element needed, this change definitely
-          needs to wait for Version 3.0, because it changes the enums,
-          and forward compatibility is lost in a major way.
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> There are some known errors in the SIDS that have been
-          corrected in the on-line version, which Towne will want to
-          pass on to AIAA for its next Recommended Practice.
-     <li> Because NASA Glenn is transitioning its e-mail services to an
-          Agency-level service, the CGNStalk address is being changed
-          to: <i>CGNStalk@lists.nasa.gov</i> (effective immediately).
-          The old <i>CGNStalk@grc.nasa.gov</i> will disappear Aug 8. All
-          current subscribers should have already received a Welcome
-          message.  Anyone can post to this address, not just those who
-          are subscribed.  The list archives have been moved to
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/"><i>https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/</i></a>
-          (access is limited to members only).  The CGNStalk info page is
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk/"><i>https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk/</i></a>.
-          <u>Also, Wedan will update the
-          <i>www.cgns.org</i> webpage
-          describing CGNStalk.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Possible bugs reported on CGNStalk in <tt>family_write</tt>
-          etc. were already fixed by Wedan.  Same goes for Fortran90
-          bugs found by Hauser in V2.4. The fixes are in the latest
-          version.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <a href="#HDF_policy">Draft policy statement regarding
-          HDF-5</a> was discussed.  Earlier e-mail voting by Steering
-          Committee members gave a thumbs-up to it.  Telecon attendees
-          also agreed to it.  This Policy Statement will remain
-          unofficial and will not be widely publicized until we make the
-          official move to Version 3.0.
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Tabling of possible extension <tt>GridLocation =
-          FaceCenter</tt> for zone-to-zone connectivity (for use
-          primarily with unstructured grids) was discussed during action
-          items (<a href="#item3o">item 3(o)</a>).
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> None.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:17 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will upgrade Poinot's SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation with
-          2.4 additions and post (along with other 2.4 docs) after V2.4
-          comes online.
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-          read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-     <li> Wedan will complete changes for V2.4 and will announce when
-          ready.
-     <li> Allmaras will write explicit documentation, for addition to
-          the SIDS, describing face-based storage and providing explicit
-          examples for using the method, and will send to Rumsey and
-          Michal for review.
-     <li> Wedan will change the MLL to return element list instead of
-          point list when appropriate.
-     <li> Rumsey and Poinot to coordinate CGNS Panel Discussion and
-          possible tutorial for AIAA's June 2006 meeting in San
-          Francisco.
-     <li> As soon as V2.4 comes on line, Towne will bundle up V2.3
-          documentation for Wedan to post.
-     <li> Norris will try to work with the (currently commented)
-          Rind-for-unstructured fixes and see if they meet his needs.
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS on
-          Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey and Norris.
-     <li> Poinot and Wedan will work to resolve issue of "link of links"
-          problem with our HDF5 implementation.
-     <li> Wedan will change the license in the software and on the
-          website to zlib, and will forward appropriate wording to Towne.
-     <li> Towne will change the license in the documentation
-          (<a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a> and anywhere else
-          it appears).
-     <li> Wedan will update the
-          <i>www.cgns.org</i> webpage
-          describing CGNStalk.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item13"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to allow Rind for unstructured (in software and in SIDS)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing - Seattle
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Fiedler<td>
-   <td>U. Illinois
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing - St. Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>Ansys / ICEM CFD
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> HDF-5 must fix "creation tracking"
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<a name="HDF_policy"></a>
-<h2>Draft CGNS Policy Statement regarding HDF-5</h2>
-The CGNS implementation of SIDS, so-called MLL, was originally built
-using a file format called ADF (Advanced Data Format).  This format was
-based on a common file format system previously in use at McDonnell
-Douglas.  The ADF has worked extremely well, requiring little repair,
-upgrade, or maintenance over the last decade.
-However, ADF does not have parallel or compression capability, and does
-not have the support and tools HDF5 offers.  Also, HDF5, supported by
-the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), has rapidly
-grown to become a world-wide format standard for storing scientific
-data.  HDF5 has parallel capability as well as a broader support base
-than ADF.
-Therefore, the CGNS Steering Committee has made the decision to adopt
-HDF5 as the default (official) data storage mechanism.  We are currently
-in the process of making the switch.  In doing so, however, we have
-learned that there are some issues associated with usage of HDF5: it has
-slower I/O for files with many (thousands of) nodes, and its file sizes
-tend to be significantly larger than ADF files in general.  These issues
-make the switch more complicated, but we have decided to count on NCSA
-to continue to improve HDF5 and hopefully eliminate the problems at some
-point in the future.
-We have also learned that it is possible to easily support both ADF and
-HDF5 formats simultaneously, giving the user the capability to choose
-between them.
-Therefore, we have decided to continue forward with the "switch", with
-the following as our goal:
-The CGNS Steering Committee considers HDF5 to be its official,
-recommended storage format.  However, ADF will continue to be available
-for use, with the CGNS mid-level library capable of (1) using either
-format and (2) translating back and forth between the two.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 10 Aug 2005
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-2 August 2006<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">14 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_may06.html">10 May 2006
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee Membership changes and updates
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> The committee agreed to increase the allowable number of
-          Steering Committee members from 20 to 30, in order to encourage
-          growth.  Since we typically have 10-15 people attend each
-          meeting/telecon, extending the limit was not believed to be a
-          problem.
-     <li> Subsequently, Ken Alabi from Thaerocomp introduced himself,
-          and expressed an interest in joining the Steering Committee.
-          Thaerocomp has developed the high-order CFD code AEROFLO, which
-          uses CGNS.  The committee approved the Thaerocomp membership.
-     <li> <u>Towne will update the <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering
-          Committee Charter</a> to raise the
-          limit of members to 30, and to add Thaerocomp.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan and Rumsey will write documentation for
-          <a href="../sids/build.html#Rind">SIDS</a> and
-          <a href="../midlevel/location.html#rind">MLL</a>
-          as appropriate on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Norris
-          and Towne.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done and posted
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to write up documentation on
-          <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free</tt>
-          (in MLL)</a>.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done and posted
-          </ol>
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on
-          levels of compliance for vendors, related to problems he
-          has encountered.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne will e-mail AIAA again to check on the status of the
-          Recommended Practice.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to
-          Alonso, van der Weide, Poinot, and Wedan to try out.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will schedule a small Telecon the week of May 22 for
-          the tutors and panelists, in case there are any issues that
-          come up that need to be discussed.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan and Rumsey will initiate a new proposal for extension,
-          perhaps based on Sayre's existing proposal but also including
-          structured grids, to try to deal with the need for writing
-          data to smaller and/or possibly lower-order regions.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will look at Poinot's string definition header file and
-          determine the best course of action.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will look into the partial write problem (found by
-          Allmaras), and Rumsey will contact its authors (at Intelligent
-          Light) to ask about it.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> no response yet from IL, problem not fixed yet - <u>first
-               part of action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Committee members should send comments (to Rumsey) on 4 latest
-          Proposals for Extension by May 31.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done (5 responses) - <a href="#extensions">further discussion
-               during this telecon</a>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail the participants interested in the issue
-          of Allmaras' face-based storage method (Fisher, Poinot, Hann,
-          Weber) and solicit their feedback again.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done, but no response - <a href="#Allmaras">further
-               discussion during this telecon</a>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of San Francisco AIAA meeting
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> The CGNS events went extremely well.  Rumsey earlier sent a
-          <a href="#AIAA_summary">summary</a> to Steering Committee members
-     <li> Rumsey has made some minor changes to the
-          www.cgns.org website
-          to try to initiate some of the recommendations from the SF meeting:
-          (1) a little more detail is now given on the Proposed Extension
-          process, (2) the example files for testing have been better
-          organized, and (3) an FAQ page has been started.  It would be nice
-          to somehow develop a more complete test suite of examples, but we
-          will probably need more time and/or volunteers to help accomplish
-          this.
-     <li> The possibility of developing the Tutorial session into an
-          AIAA short course was discussed.  AIAA has said that if we are
-          interested, they can do market research and help promote it.
-          Hauser and Wedan (offline) said that they would be willing to serve
-          as instructors. Rumsey was not sure, but may be able to help also.
-          <u>Rumsey and Hauser will follow up with AIAA about the possibility of
-          developing an AIAA short course.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#item15">number 15 below</a>):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No discussion
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing new to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> An earlier issue regarding the fact that the number of
-          cells in <tt>Zone_t</tt> is supposed to be the number of
-          highest-order elements has not yet been fully resolved.  We
-          need to look at the documentation and make sure it is clear
-          on this issue. <u>Hann will look at the documentation and
-          recommend changes to make it more explicit on the fact that
-          the number of cells in <tt>Zone_t</tt> should be the number of
-          highest order elements.</u>
-     <li> Official documentation has been updated:  Rind for unstructured,
-          <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free</tt></a>,
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity">zone connectivity</a>
-          donor info now optional, clarifying sentence under
-          <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>ElementRange</tt></a>
-          to clarify global numbering system
-     </ol>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of incorrect behavior of <tt>_partial_write</tt>
-          routines was discussed.  For example, when writing in
-          <tt>MODE_MODIFY</tt> mode, one might write a partial write
-          from 1 &minus; <i>N</i>/2, but then writing a second partial
-          write from <i>N</i>/2+1 &minus; <i>N</i> will destroy the previously
-          written portion.  No one can offer a good reason for this
-          behavior, so it is believed to be a bug.  The action item to
-          fix this already exists.
-     <li> A minor fix for cgnstools is needed for IRIX64 (Montreuil).
-          Offline, <u>Wedan agreed to make the fix for cgnstools for
-          IRIX64.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> In an earlier e-mail from Koziol (NCSA), he said that the
-          "external links" feature hasn't been checked into HDF5 source
-          code repository yet.  It may be there in the next alpha
-          release, but they are not certain yet.  Then recently, Poinot
-          found that in <i>CGNS/hdf5-1.8.0-alpha4</i>, the HDF5 web
-          site refers to external links (these are our node links) as a
-          possible release. Offline, <u>Poinot said he will test this
-          HDF5 external link capability.</u>
-     </ol>
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> A discussion was held on the 4 new proposals for extension:
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Averaging Interfaces - (Magnan)
-          <li> Face Center Connectivity - (deVito)
-          <li> Multiple zone connectivities for time-dependent - (Rumsey)
-          <li> Fluid-structure interaction with deformable boundaries -
-               (Einstein) 
-          </ol>
-     <li> Earlier e-mail responses (only 5 committee members responded)
-          were OK with the first three, but the last one generated some
-          concern.  In subsequent e-mail exchanges, it appears that (iv)
-          could be accomplished in a different way, with little or no changes
-          to the SIDS. Therefore, proposal (iv) will be tabled.
-     <li> During discussions, several members expressed concerns
-          about (i) Averaging Interfaces, because it appears to be too
-          specialized, without broad enough appeal.  For example, some of the
-          members who do rotor-stator applications do things in a different
-          manner than the proposal, and accepting this proposal would mean
-          trying to impose it on those who already use different methods.
-          Therefore, it was decided to table this proposal for the time
-          being, until a compromise or other agreement can be reached, with
-          the recommendation that anyone needing the proposed method handle
-          it through UserDefined for now.
-     <li> Proposals (ii) and (iii) were accepted.
-     <li> <a name="Allmaras"></a>Regarding Allmaras' face-based storage method for SIDS,
-          comments have still not been received yet, other than a note from
-          Poirier regarding the rationale for only allowing cell-based
-          storage.  <u>Allmaras will head up a task force to try to finally
-          resolve the issue of the face-based storage method.  Members
-          are: Allmaras, Fisher, Poinot, Hann, Weber, Feldman, Rumsey, Wedan,
-          Imaly.  They will hold a mini-telecon in early-September.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Next Steering Committee telecon will be held in late September
-          or early October.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will update the Steering Committee Charter to raise the
-          limit of members to 30, and to add Thaerocomp.
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on levels
-          of compliance for vendors, related to problems he has encountered.
-     <li> Towne will e-mail AIAA again to check on the status of the
-          Recommended Practice.
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to
-          Alonso, van der Weide, Poinot, and Wedan to try out.
-     <li> Wedan and Rumsey will initiate a new proposal for extension,
-          perhaps based on Sayre's existing proposal but also including
-          structured grids, to try to deal with the need for writing data to
-          smaller and/or possibly lower-order regions.
-     <li> Wedan will look at Poinot's string definition header file and
-          determine the best course of action.
-     <li> Wedan will look into the partial write problem (found by
-          Allmaras).
-     <li> Rumsey and Hauser will follow up with AIAA about the
-          possibility of developing an AIAA short course.
-     <li> Hann will look at the documentation and recommend changes
-          to make it more explicit on the fact that the number of cells in
-          <tt>Zone_t</tt> should be the number of highest order elements.
-     <li> Wedan will make the fix recommended by Montreuil in cgnstools
-          for IRIX64.
-     <li> Poinot will test the HDF5 external link capability.
-     <li> Allmaras will head up a task force to resolve the issue of the
-          face-based storage method.  Members are: Allmaras, Fisher, Poinot,
-          Hann, Weber, Feldman, Rumsey, Wedan, Imaly.  They will hold a
-          mini-telecon in early-September.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item15"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Ankur Agarwal<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ken Alabi<td>
-   <td>Thaerocomp
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steven Allmaras<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominic<td>
-   <td>Boeing - IDS/PW
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Feldman<td>
-   <td>CD-ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Fisher<td>
-   <td>Boeing - IDS
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS/CFX 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Scott Imlay<td>
-   <td>Tecplot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls Royce / Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford University
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works -
-     likely complete in early 2006?)
-<a name="AIAA_summary"></a>
-<h2>Summary of CGNS activities at AIAA's meeting in San Francisco, June 2006</h2>
-As all of you know, the CGNS Steering Committee held two big activities
-at the San Francisco meeting.
-The first was a Panel Discussion: "CGNS Practical Applications in
-CFD". Presentations were made by Richard Hann (ANSYS-CFX), Foluso
-Ladeinde (Thaerocomp), Mark Fisher (Boeing), and Marc Poinot (ONERA).
-Marc also presented slides from Eurocopter, whose representative could
-not be present.  Slides from Snecma unfortunately did not make it in
-time for the presentation.  There were between 10-20 attendees present
-at each of the talks.  The focus of the Panel discussion was on uses and
-needs for CGNS in industry.  There were very interesting discussions.
-It seems clear that CGNS is beginning to fill a need in industry
-as a standard CFD data exchange mechanism.  It is particularly en
-route to becoming a de facto standard at many companies in Europe,
-and it is often specified as the standard for data transfer between
-different departments or business partners.  The fact that CGNS is a
-vendor-independent standard is one of its attractive features.
-Some of the needs mentioned were:
-<li> better, more complete support of CGNS from third-party vendors
-<li> more additions to the pool of examples (CGNS files, codes, templates)
-    (particularly unstructured)
-<li> high order overset BC support
-<li> better (simpler? more formal?) process for adopting new proposals
-<li> method for enforcing/ensuring compliance
-<li> ease of use & implementation (need for simpler subset standard?)
-There was particularly a lot of discussion on this latter point.  The
-fact that CGNS has so many options makes it difficult for vendors to
-fully support it, and also makes many people reluctant to start using
-it.  Having a simpler "subset standard" or "data transfer standard"
-might make things a lot easier.  By the end of the discussion, however,
-many seemed to agree that although subset standards may be a good idea,
-allowing flexibility is also an asset. It may be better to leave it up
-to each user to decide how (specifically) they want to transfer data
-with their partners. Perhaps "subset standards" may eventually emerge
-naturally. It was also brought up that, over time, the vendors seem to
-be slowly improving their capability for reading different possible CGNS
-I shall make a note to try to address the above needs in future
-meetings.  We would obviously like to focus some energy toward solving
-The second activity was a tutorial session, divided into 5 separate
-talks:  "Introduction, overview, and basic usage", "Usage for structured
-grids", "Usage for unstructured grids", "HDF5 usage and parallel
-implementation", and "Python and in-memory CGNS trees". There were
-over 30 attendees at the beginning of this evening session.
-<a href="../index.html#slides:tutorial_jun06">These presentations</a>
-have been placed on the CGNS website.
-Another important development has arisen as a direct result of this
-tutorial session:
-The AIAA has approached us, and asked us to think about the possibility
-of putting together a two-day short course following the same outline
-as the tutorial, but with a lot more detail (including the development
-of a database in real time).  This short course could be given both at
-AIAA conferences as well as at on-site locations. Furthermore, the AIAA
-Board of Directors voted to make electronic versions of the standards
-library available free of charge to members. Their goal is to recover
-lost revenues by offering the short course.
-Finally, I want to extend a very sincere "thank you" to the Panelists
-and to the Tutors who helped make the San Francisco events possible:
-<li> Richard Hann, ANSYS-CFX
-<li> Foluso Ladeinde, Thaerocomp
-<li> Marc Poinot, ONERA
-<li> Mark Fisher, Boeing
-<li> Bruce Wedan, ANSYS-ICEM CFD
-<li> Edwin van der Weide, Stanford
-<li> Thomas Hauser, Utah State
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-Last updated 8 Aug 2006
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-7 December 2000<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Eastern time.
-There were 18 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-The minutes of the 25 October meeting were reviewed and approved as
-posted on the web site.
-<li> <b>Steering Committee Nominations</b> - There are currently 13
-     'voting' organizations on the Steering Committee. There have been
-     3 nominations to be added: Alexandre Corjon from Aerospatiale
-     Matra Airbus, Greg Power from USAF/AEDC/Sverdrup and John Chawner
-     from Pointwise. After some discussion, it was decided to recommend
-     increasing the number of voting organizations called for in
-     the Charter from 15 to 16. Bob Bush will prepare a motion for
-     the January meeting that will increase the number of voting
-     organizations to 16 and put forward the 3 nominations.  We will
-     re-address the limit for voting members each year, as the need
-     arises.
-<li> <b>Logo</b> - John Chawner discussed the proposed
-     logos developed by the design firm The DPC Group
-     (<i>http://www.dpcgroup.com/</i>).
-     This firm has offered to create a logo for no cost, provided we
-     acknowledge them on our web site and where appropriate, and provide
-     a letter acknowledging the contribution. There was some concern
-     about the duration of any commitment we make due to the voluntary
-     and transient nature of our organization, and the potential to
-     forget the commitment over a long time period.  The suggestion was
-     to limit the duration to 1-3 years, subject to negotiation. There
-     was general agreement that the designs without the 'swan' were
-     preferred (reluctantly by some who remember the 'ugly duckling'
-     days), and to change the tag line to "CFD Data Standard" for
-     clarity. There was also concern about gray-scale representation
-     of the 'swirl'. John Chawner will coordinate with the design
-     firm on revisions and present refined choices at the January
-     meeting. We do not feel there is sufficient need to register as a
-     trademark for now. We anticipate a vote to accept a final design in
-     January, and subsequent posting and publicity on the Web site and
-     on documentation.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner was not available for the telecon,
-     but sent this summary of the status:
-     <blockquote>
-     <tt>
-     I reviewed our plans on Oct 17 with the ISO Change Management Board,
-     which is the group within ISO responsible for overall scheduling and
-     coordination of standards proposals within the area of Engineering
-     Analysis Tools. I reviewed the current state, and indicated we were
-     planning to present both a New Work Item (Gate 2) and a Committee
-     Draft (Gate 3) at, hopefully, the next meeting in February. That's an
-     aggressive date, and it easily could slip to the following meeting
-     in June. The review generally focused on the scope of the proposed
-     standard, the plans for the next year, and the current degree of
-     acceptance of the CGNS starting point. This review went well, and the
-     Chair remarked that we were especially well prepared.
-     <p>
-     In meetings of the ISO Working Group for Engineering Analysis on Oct
-     16-19, there were no issues with the current content, and it looks like
-     Sweden (Volvo) is back on board as a supporter. However, the Chair of
-     this Working Group (Keith Hunten, Lockheed Martin, Fort Worth) expressed
-     an opinion that all the engineering analysis standards should be grouped
-     in one AP, and that we should not be planning on a separate AP. This
-     is a philosophical point, and as we are the second standard to come
-     forward in this area we are the lightning rod for resolution of this
-     organizational issue.
-     <p>
-     Up to now, ISO standards all use ASCII data storage. Obviously, that
-     is impractical for CFD data. Therefore, we will have to take on the
-     additional task of defining and "selling" an agreed ISO standard
-     mechanism for binary data storage. CGNS-ADF obviously is an attractive
-     answer, but there is a lot of interest in the ISO community in HDF. I
-     am trying to increase my knowledge of HDF now. If any members of this
-     CGNS committee have detailed knowledge of HDF, I would appreciate
-     getting your comments as to its strengths and weaknesses in storing CFD
-     data. ISO will insist on a single approach to binary storage for any
-     application, so I am concerned that achieving consensus on this point
-     could end up being a significant diversion of our effort.
-     <p>
-     We will hold a four-day meeting in Seattle, Dec 11-14, to continue
-     the development of the ISO standard for fluid dynamics and associated
-     sub-elements such as mathematical representations and binary
-     storage. Keith Hunten will attend, and we hope to finally resolve
-     all issues associated with the organization and structure of this
-     standard. The Boeing preference is to have a stand-alone AP for fluid
-     dynamics, but the overarching goal is to get all parties to agree on the
-     course. Without consensus as to how the fluid dynamics standard relates
-     to other ISO standards, we cannot expect to pass Gate 3. We are bringing
-     in a consultant from UK (David Leal), with whom we have worked before,
-     to help us with details of the structure and content of the actual
-     written standard. The chief Boeing information modeler, Peter Wilson,
-     will participate in all four days, as I will.  Wilson, by the way, has
-     written a number of books on ISO standards and information modeling
-     (you can review his books at Amazon.Com). As an outcome, at the end of
-     the meeting we expect to have agreement among all parties as to how the
-     standard will be organized, and we expect to make substantial progress
-     in the actual definition and documentation of the standard. I will
-     report on the progress at the meeting of the CGNS committee in Reno, in
-     January.
-     </tt></blockquote>
-     <p>
-     There was some discussion, initiated by Michel Delanaye, on
-     the need to define the binary format for the data. There was
-     general consensus that the CGNS committee should be primarily
-     concerned with the intellectual content of the data - i.e. the SIDS
-     information. The actual implementation and representation in binary
-     format may evolve as the technology evolves (e.g. Oracle database,
-     HDF, XML, others). The CGNS committee does not have the expertise
-     to define the binary standard, and we do not wish to take a stand
-     on what the appropriate binary format should be. However, it is
-     recognized that ISO does not currently support binary data, and
-     ASCII data is not viable for CFD data. Thus the ISO working group
-     may be forced to define a standard, and this definition could hold
-     up adoption of the AP on Fluid Dynamics. We would like to encourage
-     the ISO working group, but keep the focus of the CGNS committee on
-     the SIDS content.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne reported that the SIDS V2,
-     Beta 2 is on the web.  Rather than combining the SIDS and File
-     Mapping documents, we are now looking at having separate documents,
-     but closely cross-linked on-line. The Draft User's Guide is on the
-     web, no comments to date. Steve Legensky is working the paper, and
-     has collected survey results. We requested a summary of the results
-     at Reno.
-<li> <b>User Support</b> - There was discussion of the need for 1/2 to 1
-     person effort as Software Focal Point. Diane Poirier has provided
-     this support in the past, sponsored by ICEM-CFD Engineering. First
-     the committee wants to recognize and express its appreciation
-     for this support for the past 3 years. ICEM will be scaling back
-     this support and we need to define alternative ways to provide
-     this support. Several optionsn were considered: cycling through
-     various organizations on a 1 year basis, collecting dues from
-     Steering Committee Members to pay for this support, and various
-     combinations. This should be a prime focus for discussion at the
-     January meeting.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - Michel Delanaye discussed the Hierarchical
-     structures proposal, and the response from M. Aftosmis. The
-     points in the response were well-taken, and further refinement
-     and participation by other organizations is encouraged. One
-     general point of discussion was trying to keep the standard
-     restrictive vs. general with many possibilities to check. We are
-     leaning toward restrictive with applications responsible for
-     re-constructing data. In this case, it may lead to the requirement
-     to store the history of refinements, so there are still issues
-     to be worked out. Michel Delanaye will try again to reinvigorate
-     the discussion, including more timely responses and broader
-     participation (e.g. Aftosmis, Fluent, ADAPCO).
-     <p>
-     Other extensions are in implementation for V2, or
-     preparation. Diane will try to get the Chemistry extension
-     implemented for V2, but it may slip beyond the freeze date.  There
-     is also a new proposal for <tt>UserDefinedArrays</tt> which would
-     be valid children of many nodes. We will discuss these issues at
-     the January meeting.
-<li> <b>Additional Items</b> - The January Meeting is currently
-     scheduled for Tuesday night of the Reno conference. Due to
-     potential conflicts, we have altered the start time to 8:00. Bob
-     Bush will attempt to notify AIAA and have the change published. We
-     will also try to post a sign indicating the change. Current agenda
-     items include:
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Steering Committee Changes
-     <li> Logo disposition
-     <li> CGNS 2.0 release sequence
-     <li> Survey Results - Legensky
-     <li> Developer Focal Point
-     <li> Extensions Status
-     </ul>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Ametec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Francis Enomoto<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Doug McCarthy<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing Phantom Works
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michel Delanaye<td>
-   <td>Numeca
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Babrauckas<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bill Jones<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing Space
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ed Hall<td>
-   <td>Rolls-Royce-Allison
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-4 December 2002<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-Telecon Number: (805) 240-9853, participant code: 557184
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00.
-There were <a href="#attendees">12 attendees</a>, listed below.
-The minutes of the last meeting were approved as posted on the Web.
-It was announced that CGNS will have a meeting at the AIAA Aerospace
-Sciences Meeting in Reno.
-The meeting will be on Monday night, January 6 at 7:00pm.
-The room will be posted at the meeting.
-Potential items for the agenda were suggested, including:
-<ul type=circle>
-<li> Announcing the release of V2.2 of the libraries
-<li> Discuss the interest in a new demo of interoperability using CGNS
-     and the new utilities
-<li> Discuss what the next thrust should be
-<li> Discuss funding strategies
-<li> XML mapping of SIDS
-<li> <b>Charter Business</b> - Bob Bush introduced Greg Stuckert who
-     will replace Dave Schowalter as the Steering Committee
-     representative.
-     Thanks to Dave to helped introduce CGNS to Fluent, and welcome to
-     Greg.
-     <p>
-     We also welcome Bruce Wedan, who will be taking over from Diane
-     Poirier as the new ICEM representative on the Committee.
-     Diane has been the principal author of the CGNS software for many
-     years, and we thank her for contributions and enthusiasm.
-     Bruce has also been active, being the principal author of ADF
-     Viewer, and we look forward to his participation.
-     <p>
-     Chris Rumsey has agreed to put his name forward as Chairperson,
-     replacing Bob Bush.
-     We will vote on this change in leadership at the January meeting in
-     Reno.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner was not available for the telecon,
-     but sent word that there was a Workshop in Fort Worth dedicated to
-     the Fluid Dynamics Standard on Oct 28-31, and they made a lot of
-     progress.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne reported that the AIAA
-     Standard is ready to be posted, we are only waiting for AIAA to
-     finish final preparations to make the printed version available.
-     Once that is in place, the documentation will be modified to
-     reflect that it is an AIAA Recommended Practice.
-     <p>
-     There was discussion of if/how documentation for the utilities
-     should be posted on the Web site.
-     Charlie indicated that the documentation provided by Bruce Wedan
-     with the ADFViewer is quite extensive, and can easily be posted.
-     Currently the CGNS web-site points directly to individual CGNS
-     documents (hosted at NASA).
-     However, Charlie indicated that there is also a summary document at
-     NASA.
-     Bruce will add a link to the CGNS Documentation Home Page at NASA
-     Glenn and Charlie will maintain the utility documentation from the
-     NASA site.
-     Bruce also indicated that documentation for the additional
-     utilities added under the Langley contract will be completed soon,
-     and can also be posted by Charlie.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - Diane reported (via e-mail) that Version 2.2
-     beta of the libraries have been updated to Version 2.2 Beta 2 to
-     eliminate all reported bugs.
-     The libraries seem stable at this point.
-     We will maintain the beta status up to the Reno meeting, and remove
-     the beta status at that time (provided testing in the interim does
-     not turn up any anomalies).
-     At this time we will notify the vendors and users that they should
-     up date their software.
-     <p>
-     Chris Rumsey updated the attendees on the recently completed
-     Langley contract.
-     His <a href="#Rumsey_notes">notes</a> are included below.
-     <p>
-     There was some discussion on if and how we could maintain utilities
-     developed by various organizations.
-     It was suggested to provide an upload site for source and
-     makefiles, and a mechanism to access code from a common utility.
-     Charlie Towne will look into if NASA can provide a site with upload
-     capability, and Bruce Wedan will check if the current ICEM host can
-     be used.
-<li> <b>Related Software Status</b> - Marc Poinot discussed some options
-     for using a Data Type Definition (DTD) and XML to develop a more
-     portable SIDS grammar checker and CGNS templates.
-     Marc will write and send a summary of his proposal to Bob Bush, who
-     will forward to interested parties, including Chris Rumsey, Charlie
-     Towne and Bruce Wedan.
-     <p>
-     David Edwards could not attend the telecon, but indicated via
-     e-mail that he is still interested in and planning to benchmark a
-     comparison between HDF and ADF implementations of CGNS files.
-The meeting was adjourned at about 3:00.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Curt Weber<td>
-   <td>Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>Onera
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Nick Wyman<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<a name="Rumsey_notes"></a>
-<h2>Chris Rumsey notes on NASA Langley contract</h2>
-To:   CGNS users
-From: Chris Rumsey
-Re:   latest news from CGNS
-Although many of you are already aware of these, I 
-thought it would be worthwhile to summarize several
-important tasks that were recently accomplished for
-CGNS.  In summary:
-1.  A new mid-level library (API) function was written
-    allow deletion of any node in CGNS database (V2.2)
-      - this expands the usability of the API
-2.  Several new additions have been made to the CGNS
-    standard, and corresponding API calls have been
-    written to handle them (V2.2):
-      a. axisymmetry specification
-      b. rotating coordinates specification
-      c. gravity specification
-      d. wall function specification
-      e. periodic BC specification
-      f. rotor-stator interface BC specification
-      - these expand the range of applications that 
-        can make use of CGNS
-3.  A CGNS Tools Utility has been written.  It can be used
-    alone or in conjunction with the "adfviewer" utility.
-    The new tools include:
-      a. translate between CGNS and PLOT3D formats
-      b. translate between CGNS, TECPLOT, and PATRAN
-         unstructured formats
-      c. translate between cell-centered & cell-vertex
-         CGNS files
-      d. translate between dimensional & nondimensional
-         CGNS files
-      e. translate between primitive & conserved
-         CGNS files
-      f. interpolate solutions from one CGNS grid 
-         to another
-      g. extract subsets of data from structured
-         CGNS solutions (e.g., every other gridpoint)
-      - this new utility greatly enhances the 
-        ability to use, translate, share, and work 
-        with CGNS files
-As always, all software is freely available from the 
-CGNS website:
-    www.cgns.org
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-Last updated 6 Dec 2002
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-<body bgcolor=white lang=EN-US link=blue vlink=purple style='tab-interval:.5in'>
-<div class=Section1>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>CGNS Steering
-Committee Telecon Minutes</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>01 December 2009<span
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>1)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>There were 3 attendees, listed in Attachment
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>2)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-minutes of the 02 September 2009 meeting were approved as posted on the web
-<p class=MsoListParagraph><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>3)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>This
-mini-telecon was called primarily to discuss the upcoming AIAA meeting in
-Orlando.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>Also, it was announced that the
-chair (Thomas Hauser) has recently changed jobs.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>He is now at Northwestern University, which
-is supportive of Hauser’s continuing leadership role on the CGNS Steering
-Committee. As a result, Utah State will be removed from the Steering Committee,
-and Northwestern University will be added.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>4)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of CGNS Version 3.0</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Was
-released in August 2009 (beta version). Can be accessed on SourceForge. There
-are apparently still problems on Windows?<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-</span><u>Hauser to make Version 3.0 more accessible and easy to try/use, and
-also will test on Windows.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Current
-documentation for V3.0(beta) can be found at:<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Committee
-members and users should still be testing V3.0(beta), and reporting any
-problems. Nothing much has been reported to date.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='tab-stops:.5in'><u><o:p><span style='text-decoration:
- none'>&nbsp;</span></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>5)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Parallel
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Separate
-library add-on is ready to be posted and tested (as alpha release).<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>This only works for HDF (not for ADF). It
-currently supports the basic infrastructure calls in CGNS.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>It uses calls prefaced by “cgp_”.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>Hauser still plans to post alpha version of
-parallel CGNS to SourceForge and announce its availability for testing.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-also had a paper about this work at a recent Supercomputing conference.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span><u>Hauser to send details and a link to the
-paper to Rumsey and Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>6)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of previous action items</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey
-to post on website or post directly himself.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into scheduling the CGNS tutorial session for the AIAA meeting in Orlando
-in January 2010 (evening meeting time).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Room has been scheduled. <u>Rumsey to follow up with
-AIAA about room in Orlando for CGNS tutorial session.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into creating Track/Wiki capability at Utah State or on SourceForge for
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>It is available on SourceForge, but not enabled yet.
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Boeing not done yet.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to finish testing the indexing ordering in V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will let users know when it is
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Carries. (See #5 above)</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for
-handling sprays of unconnected points.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to implement partial write fixes for V3.0
-applicable to mixed elements, to stop excessive memory usage.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns,
-cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Rumsey and
-Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to proceed with fix for both the “long” vs “int”
-issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Carries.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>This
-was identified by Rumsey as a key showstopper for CGNS, unless fixed soon,
-because large grids are already hitting up against this limit.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to make modifications to Proposal webpage, to include SIDS-to-ADF mapping
-status and other ideas from Poinot.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>7)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-added several utilities to the website, for unstructured-to-CGNS file translations
-(from AFLR3, FAST, and VGRID formats).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>8)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Next
-Telecon tentatively set for Thu, January 28, 2010, 11 am eastern.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>9)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Meeting
-was adjourned at 11:30 AM.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>10)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Summary of <b
-style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u>action items</u></b>:</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey
-to post on website or post directly himself.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to finish testing the indexing ordering in V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users
-know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to implement partial write fixes for V3.0
-applicable to mixed elements, to stop excessive memory usage.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g.,
-is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to
-Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to make Version 3.0(beta) more accessible and
-easy to try/use, and also will test on Windows.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to send details and a link to his recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS to
-Rumsey and Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo4;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to follow up with AIAA about room in Orlando for CGNS tutorial session in
-January 2010.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<u><span style='font-size:12.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";
-mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:
-AR-SA;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'><br clear=all style='page-break-before:always'>
-<p class=MsoNormal><u>Attachment 1: Attendees<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thomas Hauser<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                   </span>Northwestern
-<p class=MsoNormal>Simon Pereira<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>                                     </span>ANSYS /
-<p class=MsoNormal>Chris Rumsey<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:1.0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-9 December 1999<br>
-12:00pm Eastern Time
-The meeting was called to order at 12:00 Eastern time.
-There were 10 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<li> <b>Outstanding Items</b>
-     <p>
-     The steering Committee meeting in Reno is Monday night, 6:30 PM
-     in Carson 1. It is opened to anyone else interested. Depending on
-     attendance, Diane may or may not give a CGNS overview presentation
-     at the beginning of the meeting.
-<li> <b>Charter Revisions</b>
-     <p>
-     Steve Legensky, president of Intelligent Light, would like
-     to be active on the CGNS Steering Committee. His company is
-     willing to provide funding and/or a body to work on CGNS software
-     development. At Reno, the committee will vote to add Intelligent
-     Light (and others?) to the Steering Committee.
-     <p>
-     According to Diane, DASA/MTU and NUMECA are not decided yet about
-     joining.
-     <p>
-     When the committee deals with Fluent, it should deal with Barb from
-     now on (she is now their contact point).
-     <p>
-     Pointwise (Gridgen) is very interested, but not committed to join
-     at this point. John Chawner will attend the Reno meeting.
-     <p>
-     Outreach Committee will contact S.W. Research Inst. (Steve will
-     provide Barb with name of contact) regarding their interest in
-     CGNS. Outreach Committee should also continue to feel out DASA/MTU
-     and NUMECA.
-<li> <b>AIAA Position Paper</b>
-     <p>
-     Will change "affiliate" with other organizations to "associate"
-     (will only "affiliate" with AIAA).
-     <p>
-     Bob will attend the Committee on Standards (CoS) meeting at Reno
-     (Rm 153, 7PM Tuesday).
-     <p>
-     CoS may want to form by-laws in the future (there are none
-     now).
-<li> <b>Funding</b>
-     <p>
-     Mostly discussion during this section:
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> not sure precisely how to proceed with getting funding yet
-     <li> requirements perhaps too vague at this point - need to develop
-          more specific Statements of Work?
-     <li> 2 types of work: fundamental/utility and customizing (e.g. NPSS)
-     <li> to go after future NASA or Boeing funding, we will need to
-          put forward specific proposal(s)
-     <li> if we can first find funding sources, then we can tailor
-          Statements of Work to these sources
-     <li> a possibility is Nat. Inst. of Standards (NIST) - best if get
-          a place like NIST to fund the overall project, rather than get
-          several places funding small pieces; for example, no one will
-          want to fund "WEB maintenance"
-     </ul>
-     <p>
-     Steve reiterated his company's commitment to provide a person
-     and/or funding for future software development.
-     <p>
-     Bob will serve as collection point for further ideas regarding
-     funding.
-     <p>
-     More discussion will take place at the Reno meeting.
-<li> <b>ISO</b>
-     <p>
-     CGNS is through 1st gate, but we will need more international votes
-     to get through next gate.
-     <p>
-     Possibly 2 years to get CFD standard formalized.
-     <p>
-     Everyone: start forwarding potential international contact info to
-     Ray immediately.
-     <p>
-     STEP:AP - we are working closely with this team.
-     <p>
-     Major issue: CGNS ADF currently too slow - it was evaluated by
-     Aerospatiale and they rejected adoption because of this issue
-     (a function of the number of ADF nodes). The standard is really
-     separate from the software, but many will not adopt it if the
-     software is slow.
-     <p>
-     We should immediately add a task to address this issue directly.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b>
-     <p>
-     Some discussion on existing "patched" connectivity method - may
-     need to enhance in order to handle different methodologies; also,
-     discussion on hybrid grids and semi-structured grids (layered near
-     bodies).
-     <p>
-     New proposals are on WEB site - members need to look at and
-     comment.
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Rigid motion, deforming motion, and time accurate are all
-          ready to implement - comment on them SOON!
-     <li> Other proposals are not as far along.
-     </ul>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Robert Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Babrauckas<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Barb Hutching<td>
-   <td>Fluent Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michael<td>
-   <td>Boeing St-Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Christopher Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 5 Feb 2002
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-<div class=Section1>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>CGNS Steering
-Committee Telecon Minutes</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>28 January 2010<span
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>1)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>There were 10 attendees, listed in Attachment
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>2)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-minutes of the 01 December 2009 meeting were approved as posted on the web
-site. It was noted that the HTML version was not working.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span><u>Iannetti to fix HTML version of Dec 2009
-<p class=MsoListParagraph><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>3)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Report
-on AIAA meeting in Orlando.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>Thomas
-Hauser and Chris Rumsey presented a CGNS tutorial session at an evening session.
-It drew approximately 10 attendees. There was good discussion. <u>Rumsey will
-finalize the new Tutorial presentation slides and send to Iannetti for posting
-on the website.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>4)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Website</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>It
-was noted that a few things need updating on the CGNS website. <u>Iannetti to
-post CGNSTalk archive files on the doc webpage</u>. <u>Rumsey to modify 3<sup>rd</sup>
-paragraph on “Switch to HDF” page, and also to switch ISO page with the
-Applications info on the FAQs page.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoListParagraph><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>5)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of CGNS Version 3.0</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>3.0
-beta version was released in August 2009. Currently at 3.0.7 (still beta). Can
-be accessed on SourceForge. It was noted that there was a recent faulty commit
-that incorrectly removed a flag attribute. <u>Hauser to correct the faulty 3.0
-commit and replace flag attribute capability.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Current
-documentation for V3.0(beta) can be found at: <span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/cgns/beta/index.html.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>There
-was discussion on whether we are ready to make V3 an official release.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>It was decided that after a final round of
-testing by Wedan, Hauser, Poinot, and Rumsey, it would be ready to go.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>No need to wait until the next telecon. <u>Hauser
-or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and
-announce it.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Also,<u>
-Hauser to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the
-release and send to Iannetti for posting.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='tab-stops:.5in'><u><o:p><span style='text-decoration:
- none'>&nbsp;</span></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>6)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Steering
-Committee issues</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-was re-elected to a second 2-year term as chair by committee vote. His second
-term will expire in January 2012.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>We are
-still looking for a volunteer for vice-chair.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-</span><u>Rumsey to email a plea to the committee to try to find volunteer to
-be vice-chair.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]><u>Rumsey
-to email to Hauser a list of steering committee members who have not
-participated at all over the last 2 years.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>7)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of previous action items</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey
-to post on website or post directly himself.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to finish testing the indexing ordering in V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users
-know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><u>Iannetti to develop starting point for proposal for
-handling sprays of unconnected points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring
-it to fruition.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to implement partial write fixes for V3.0
-applicable to mixed elements, to stop excessive memory usage.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Done for both 2.5 and 3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g.,
-is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to
-Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Done, but not uploaded yet. Carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to make Version 3.0(beta) more accessible and
-easy to try/use, and also will test on Windows.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>No longer considered necessary. Cancelled.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to send details and a link to his recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS to
-Rumsey and Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Carries. Will send AIAA paper and link to IEEE paper.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to follow up with AIAA about room in Orlando for CGNS tutorial session in
-January 2010.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;tab-stops:.5in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>8)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Misc.
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]><u>Rumsey
-to email to Weber a list of benefits of CGNS.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-mentioned the R&amp;D 100 award, and thought we should apply for it. <u>Iannetti
-to email information on submission process for R&amp;D 100 award to Hauser
-&amp; Rumsey.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>9)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Next
-Telecon tentatively set for Thu, March 4, 2010, 11 am eastern.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>10)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Summary of <b
-style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u>action items</u></b>:</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey
-to post on website or post directly himself.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users
-know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns,
-cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Iannetti for
-posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to fix both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as
-the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to send details and a link to his recent paper on
-parallel I/O with CGNS to Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to fix HTML version of Dec 2009 minutes.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Rumsey will finalize the new Tutorial presentation
-slides and send to Iannetti for posting on the website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post CGNSTalk archive files on the doc webpage. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to modify 3<sup>rd</sup> paragraph on “Switch to HDF” page, and also to switch
-ISO page with the Applications info on the FAQs page.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to correct the faulty 3.0 commit and replace flag attribute capability.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and
-announce it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release
-and send to Iannetti for posting.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>r)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email a plea to the committee to try to find volunteer to be vice-chair.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>s)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email to Hauser a list of steering committee members who have not
-participated at all over the last 2 years.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>t)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email to Weber a list of benefits of CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>u)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to email information on submission process for R&amp;D 100 award to Hauser
-&amp; Rumsey.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;tab-stops:.5in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><u>Attachment 1: Attendees<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Steve Allmaras<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                    </span>Boeing</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Juan Alonso<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>Stanford
-<p class=MsoNormal>Pat Baker<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                            </span>Pointwise</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thierry Chevalier<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                </span>Airbus</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thomas Hauser<span style='mso-tab-count:2'>                       </span><span
-style='mso-tab-count:1'>            </span>Northwestern University</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Tony Iannetti<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal>Marc Poinot<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>ONERA</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Chris Rumsey<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal>Kurt Weber<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                         </span>Rolls
-Royce / Allison</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Bruce Wedan<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>SimCosm</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:1.0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-2 July 2008
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time. There were
-     <a href="#attendees">8 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_may08.html">7 May 2008
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-     (Rumsey noted a missing action item, but it will be added to the
-     action items for this telecon: <u>Wedan and Hauser to look into
-     improving documentation and build instructions for V3.0</u>).
-<li> Extensions status
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Regions proposal was approved.  It is now listed on the
-          website as "accepted: awaiting implementation in MLL."
-     <li> There is also an earlier approved extension (Multiple
-          zone connectivities for time-dependent) still awaiting
-          implementation in MLL.
-     <li> New Allmaras proposal for "General SIDS improvement" has been
-          posted. This proposal is for storing edge and face-based data,
-          and creating uniformity across the SIDS.  Deadline for comment
-          is August 1, 2008.
-     <li> New Poinot proposal for "Rigid motion improvement" has been
-          posted.  Deadline for comment is September 1, 2008.
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to e-mail committee to remind them to comment on new
-          extensions.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will lead a mini-telecon for those involved with
-          Regions on May 13.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Regions extension was finally approved.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to remove instructions regarding XML output from
-          configure script in V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Hauser to take on this action item.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to look into the issue of bundling HDF-5 with the CGNS
-          release of V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Bundling OK as long as HDF-5 copyright kept intact.
-          <li> Decision made for V3.0: bundle in HDF-5.  If user does
-               nothing special, "make" will automatically create library
-               with HDF-5 capability, using bundled software.  If user
-               specifies, it will either make with user's version of
-               HDF-5, or will not make with HDF-5 at all.
-          <li> <u>Hauser to make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar file
-               distribution, and set up makefile appropriately.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to contact vendors regarding testing V3.0 prior to
-          release if possible and report back to committee.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will let
-          users know when it is available.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. This will be done after V3.0 is released.
-               <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne and Rumsey to add <tt>NGON_n + NFACE_n</tt>
-          documentation into V3.0 SIDS.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. There was discussion regarding Towne's question
-               about whether there should be a rule for <tt>NGON_n</tt>
-               regarding ordering the nodes. Allmaras felt a general
-               rule probably was not possible in 3-D. The suggestion was
-               made that perhaps it should be suggested in the SIDS that
-               <tt>NGON_n</tt> be used for 2-D only (in this case one
-               could enforce counterclockwise node ordering), and for
-               3-D one must use <tt>NGON_n</tt> only when in combination
-               with <tt>NFACE_n</tt>. <u>Rumsey to email Towne and Wedan
-               about the issue of node ordering for <tt>NGON_n</tt>.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to send email to committee members describing <tt>NGON_n +
-          NFACE_n</tt> and ask them to try it out.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras to finalize Regions proposal modification,
-          including proposed additions to <tt>FlowSolution</tt>,
-          <tt>DiscreteData</tt>, <tt>BC</tt>, and <tt>BCDataSet</tt> and
-          send to Rumsey for posting on website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to look into finding development
-          (particularly for MLL implementation) resources at Boeing.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Some discussions have been held at Boeing. They are
-               considering enterprise-wide commitment of person/people
-               resources to CGNS, since 3 significant projects in the
-               company currently use it. It is seen as an investment,
-               but commitment of money is unlikely.
-          <li> <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to assume lead on new discussion/proposal for
-          handling sprays of unconnected points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ongoing. There are still some questions that need to
-               be resolved, such as: is the assumption of a spherical
-               particle at each point sufficient, or is handling of more
-               complex shapes needed? <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          <li> <u>Rumsey to look at posting a specific checklist on the
-               website on what to put in a proposal for extension.</u>
-          <li> Duque and Hauser have also been looking into possible NSF
-               funding for CGNS. They plan to continue to pursue this,
-               and also possibly look into the idea of a collaborative
-               of industry partners - to try to secure funding in order
-               to sustain CGNS software development. Intelligent Light
-               would be willing to help spearhead this effort, and
-               manage the collaborative. <u>Duque and Hauser to continue to
-               pursue NSF funding and look into idea of a fundraising
-               collaborative.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser, Rumsey, and Poinot to continue to explore possible
-          CGNS meeting in Europe.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ongoing.  A possibility is EUCASS 2009 in France (July
-               2009). <u>Rumsey will contact EUCASS 2009 conference
-               organizers about possibility of having CGNS sessions
-               and/or tutorial.</u>
-          <li> Rumsey suggested we should also consider writing a CGNS
-               status paper for the AIAA summer meeting in San Antonio
-               in June 2009.  Abstract deadline would be Oct 2008
-               timeframe. Hauser and Rumsey to consider writing abstract
-               on CGNS progress for AIAA summer 2009 conference.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot to send necessary coding changes for HDF-5 linking to
-          Hauser for implementation into V3.0 alpha version.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. <u>Hauser to merge Poinot's changes related to HDF-5
-               linking into V3.0.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to look into methods on SourceForge for getting Poinot
-          developer access: switch from CVS to SVN? or use SSL?
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Poinot will check if CVS is working for him, if not
-               Hauser will look into moving to SVN using SSL?</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to speak to Koziol at HDF-5 Group about issues related
-          to developers and funding.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will take control of domain name and will consider
-          possibility of moving website to Utah State site.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Hauser is waiting for an invoice from ANSYS before he
-               pays for the rights to the domain name. <u>Action item
-               carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to contact Hunten about ISO/STEP and ask the best way
-          for us to comment.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (purpose of these is to not lose track of long-term
-     issues that come up)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Many of these items are now completed for V3.0.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance).
-     <li> Develop method to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via something like <tt>cg_section_partialwrite</tt>
-          (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk)
-     <li> Address issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" to
-          avoid signed 2 Gig limit (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk).
-     </ol>
-<li> Next Telecon is tentatively set for September 3, 2008.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan and Hauser to look into improving documentation and
-          build instructions for V3.0.
-     <li> Rumsey to e-mail committee to remind them to comment on new
-          extensions.
-     <li> Hauser to remove instructions regarding XML output from
-          configure script in V3.0.
-     <li> Hauser to make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar file distribution, and
-          set up makefile appropriately.
-     <li> Hauser to contact vendors regarding testing V3.0 prior to
-          release if possible and report back to committee.
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Rumsey to email Towne and Wedan about the issue of node
-          ordering for <tt>NGON_n</tt>.
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to continue to look into
-          finding manpower development (particularly for MLL
-          implementation) resources at Boeing.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Rumsey to look at posting a specific checklist on the website
-          on what to put in a proposal for extension.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to pursue NSF funding and look
-          into idea of a fundraising collaborative.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact EUCASS 2009 conference organizers about
-          possibility of having CGNS sessions and/or tutorial.
-     <li> Hauser and Rumsey to consider writing abstract on CGNS
-          progress for AIAA summer 2009 conference.
-     <li> Hauser to merge Poinot's changes related to HDF-5 linking into
-          V3.0.
-     <li> Poinot will check if CVS is working for him, if not Hauser
-          will look into moving to SVN using SSL?
-     <li> Hauser to speak to Koziol at HDF-5 Group about issues related
-          to developers and funding.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Hauser will take control of cgns.org domain name and will
-          consider possibility of moving website to Utah State site.
-     <li> Hauser to contact Hunten about ISO/STEP and ask the best way
-          for us to comment.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Pat Baker<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Earl Duque<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Simon Pereira<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls Royce / Allison
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     under development (1.8.0 beta)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0 in combination with HDF-5 V1.8</u>
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 11 July 2008
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-<body bgcolor=white lang=EN-US link=blue vlink=purple style='tab-interval:.5in'>
-<div class=Section1>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>CGNS Steering
-Committee Telecon Minutes</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>07 July 2009<span
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>1)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-telecon was called to order at 12:15 PM eastern time.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>There were 7 attendees, listed in Attachment
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>2)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-minutes of the 20 May 2009 meeting were approved as posted on the web site.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>3)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Membership
-issue: E. Arnand of Rolls Royce / Allison said that Kurt Weber will likely have
-to be pulled off of the CGNS committee... they are looking for someone else to
-replace him.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>The company is interested
-in expanding their CGNS capability into non-combustion.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>4)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot,
-Hauser, and Rumsey were in attendance at the EUCASS2009 conference. A
-workstation demo was set up by Poinot, and was shown to a few interested
-conference attendees. A tutorial session had been put together for this
-conference, but was postponed due to scheduling error on the part of the
-conference host. <u>Hauser to look into rescheduling the CGNS tutorial session
-for the AIAA meeting in Orlando in January 2010.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>5)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of CGNS Version 3.0</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-is happy with new cmake capability.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-and his student still need to integrate tools into the package, along with
-readme files and other documentation prior to release. Current V3.0 code is
-checked into SourceForge via svn. Goal for release is now end of August 2009.<u><o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='tab-stops:.5in'><u><o:p><span style='text-decoration:
- none'>&nbsp;</span></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>6)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of previous action items</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to look into possibility of arranging for Telecon capability at the EUCASS
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-and his student (Kyle) to post Version 3 BETA to SourceForge and announce its
-release to CGNSTalk, including its major changes compared to Version 2.5.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Waiting for tools to be integrated.
-Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Towne
-to email “how-to” document regarding CGNS documentation to Hauser and Rumsey,
-so that multiple members have it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email Charlie’s “how-to” document regarding CGNSTalk administration to
-Hauser, so that multiple members have it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to create a “how-to” document regarding the website on SourceForge, and email
-it to Hauser, so that multiple members have it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-and his student (Kyle) to look into SourceForge bug tracking capability.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser and student not impressed with SourceForge
-capability. <u>Hauser to look into creating Track/Wiki capability at Utah State
-for CGNS instead.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-and his student (Kyle) to look into SourceForge testing platforms.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Looked into it, but not easily available on
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque,
-Rumsey, and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Another possibility is to see if HDF-5
-consortium can assume a more active role.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-</span><u>Duque and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for
-CGNS, including more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Rumsey to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation
-tools (from Michal) when they are ready.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Poinot to test the indexing ordering in V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to check if Magnan (CGNSTalk 04 Feb 2009) and Edwards (CGNSTalk 27 March 2009)
-bugs have been fixed in V2.5 (CVS version).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid
-Motion Improvement proposal to completion, including specific examples.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will let users know when it is
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries. Hope to benchmark by September
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node even though its new
-dimensions are the same.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to complete fixes related to excessive memory usage for partial writes.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to proceed with fix for both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem
-with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>7)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Next
-Telecon tentatively set for Wed, September 2, 2009, 11 am eastern.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>8)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Summary
-of <b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u>action items</u></b>:</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into rescheduling the CGNS tutorial session for the AIAA meeting in
-Orlando in January 2010.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-and his student (Kyle) to post Version 3 BETA to SourceForge and announce its
-release to CGNSTalk, including its major changes compared to Version 2.5.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to create a “how-to” document regarding the website on SourceForge, and email
-it to Hauser, so that multiple members have it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into creating Track/Wiki capability at Utah State for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to test the indexing ordering in V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to check if Magnan (CGNSTalk 04 Feb 2009) and Edwards (CGNSTalk 27 March 2009)
-bugs have been fixed in V2.5 (CVS version).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid
-Motion Improvement proposal to completion, including specific examples.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and
-will let users know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling sprays of unconnected points.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire
-node even though its new dimensions are the same.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to complete fixes related to excessive memory usage for partial writes.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to proceed with fix for both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem
-with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><u>Attachment 1: Attendees<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Steve Allmaras<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                    </span>Boeing</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>E. Arnand<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                           </span>Rolls
-Royce / Allison</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Earl Duque<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                          </span>Intelligent
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thomas Hauser<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                   </span>Utah
-<p class=MsoNormal>Simon Pereira<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>ANSYS
-/ ICEM CFD</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Marc Poinot<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>ONERA</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Chris Rumsey<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:1.0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-<body bgcolor=white lang=EN-US link=blue vlink=purple style='tab-interval:.5in'>
-<div class=WordSection1>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center;mso-outline-level:
-1'>CGNS Steering Committee Telecon Minutes<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center;mso-outline-level:
-1'>10 June 2010<span style='color:red'><o:p></o:p></span></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='tab-stops:377.0pt'><span style='mso-tab-count:1'>                                                                                                                              </span><o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>1)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>There were 9 attendees, listed in Attachment
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>2)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-minutes of the 29 April 2010 telecon were approved as posted on the web site. <o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoTableMediumGrid1Accent2 style='margin-left:0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>3)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Documentation
-issue noted by Richard Hann.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>The documentation
-is incorrect for all enumerated types for example the following specifies what
-the valid values are for TimeUnits_t: Null, UserDefined, Second<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'>but the actual
-definition is as follows:<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'>typedef enum
-{TimeUnitsNull, TimeUnitsUserDefined, Second} TimeUnits_t;<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'>From a code point
-of view this will work and be consistent due to how a fix was made in edit 1.3 of
-cgnslib.h using macros to define CG_Null as 0 and CG_UserDefined as 1 and
-corresponding subsequent macros Null (as CG_Null) and UserDefined (as CG_UserDefined)
-to maintain backwards compatibility. Hann mentioned that the main problem here
-is that the documentation is out-of-sync with the code base and this should be
-corrected but he also noted that using a mixture of enumerated types and macros
-isn't sustainable because it relies on any enumerated type having its first and
-second values specified consistently so that each type always starts with a
-&quot;Null&quot; and this is always followed &quot;UserDefined&quot; which can
-then be followed by any other values. If this convention isn't kept to it may
-mean it is impossible to add one of these values to a type whilst still
-allowing a user to make use of the generic CG_Null, Null, CG_UserDefined or
-UserDefined macros to compare and get consistent results. Hann recommends we
-fix up the documentation so the new (correct) values are referenced which puts
-the onus on the user to correctly use the enumerated types and to discourage
-the use of either CG_Null, CG_UserDefined and the older Null and UserDefined.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>To ensure that the user is forced to use the
-correct enumerated value it would be appropriate to remove the generic (CG_)Null
-and (CG_)UserDefined macros from the file completely which would force users to
-move to the correct values on upgrade to Version 3. Rumsey indicated the
-removal of these generic values may cause backwards compatibility problems and
-further problems for users who specify their own types.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'>Hann will send a
-description of how the <span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span>documentation for
-2.5 and 3.0 beta needs to be updated to Hauser, Chris and Iannetti.<b
-style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u><span style='color:red'><o:p></o:p></span></u></b></p>
-<p class=MsoTableColorfulListAccent1><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>4)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-developed a SIDS-to-Python mapping. <u>Hauser to email to committee asking for
-a vote to approve the SIDS-to-Python mapping</u>. Poinot also mentioned that we
-may eventually want to consider changes related to SIDS, but that will come
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>5)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of CGNS Version 3.0<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-pointed out that the bundled tarball for V3.0 beta is not the correct version. <u>Hauser
-to correct bundled tarball for V3.0 and let the committee know when done.</u><o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]><u>Chris
-to add links to beta and parallel code on website, after bundled tarball is
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Committee
-is encouraged to test V3.0.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>6)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of previous action items<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to contact Wedan and ask Wedan to address the issue of partial reads allocating
-too much memory.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Rumsey forwarded original Bussoletti email to
-Wedan.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span><u>Wedan to look into issue of
-need for partial_read functionality with low memory usage.</u><o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-and Hauser to hold mini-telecon May 13, and discuss future switchover to make
-the old “beta” documentation the new official one.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to look into NASA form that allows for a payment of newly released software.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix bug identified by Jiao 3/9/10 in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read prior to
-release of V3.0.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to add ifdefs to V3.0 so can still compile with HDF 1.6.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Cancelled. Decided that this issue will go away, and it
-can be gotten around in any case in the mean time. <u>Rumsey to put message on
-website stating that for V3.0 with HDF-5 it is necessary to use HDF-5 V1.8 or
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and send to Rumsey to post
-on website.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to supply Wiki address to Rumsey for linking to website.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium. Also look into applying to NSF
-software infrastructure for sustained innovation.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Poinot to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts:
-part associated to families can be accepted/implemented right away. <o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to email descriptions and instructions regarding
-HDF-5 parallel code under SVN at Sourceforge to Rumsey for posting on website.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g.,
-is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to
-Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Carries.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>Also, <u>Wedan
-to document cg_io replacement calls to ADF and send to Rumsey.</u><o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix the “long” vs “int” issue (4 byte integer limit).<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post Hauser’s recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post new tutorial slides on the website.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and
-announce it.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>r)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release
-and send to Iannetti for posting.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>7)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will email the committee members and invite them to a “CGNS Social” at the AIAA
-Chicago meeting on Wednesday June 30 at 6:30 pm.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>8)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Next
-Telecon tentatively set for Thu, August 19, 2010, 11 am eastern.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>9)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Summary
-of <b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u>action items</u></b>:<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hann
-to send documentation changes needed for 2.5 and 3.0 to Hauser, Rumsey, and
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to email to committee asking for a vote to approve the SIDS-to-Python mapping.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to correct bundled tarball for V3.0 and let the committee know when done.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Chris
-to add links to beta and parallel code on website, after bundled tarball is
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to look into issue of need for partial_read functionality with low memory usage
-(identified by Bussoletti in CGNSTalk, 3/25/10).<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to look into NASA form that allows for a payment of newly released software.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix bug identified by Jiao 3/9/10 in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read prior to
-release of V3.0.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to put message on website stating that for V3.0 with HDF-5 it is necessary to
-use HDF-5 V1.8 or later.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to update website “Download” page, including
-making list of what is new in V3.0 compared to V2.5 – including new MLL
-calls/changes, and send to Rumsey to post on website.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Duque and Hauser to continue to look into the
-consortium idea for CGNS, including more active support of HDF-5 consortium.
-Also look into applying to NSF software infrastructure for sustained innovation.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. <o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to email descriptions and instructions regarding
-HDF-5 parallel code under SVN at Sourceforge to Rumsey for posting on website.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns,
-cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Rumsey and
-Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to document cg_io replacement calls to ADF and send to Rumsey and Iannetti.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to fix the “long” vs “int” issue (4 byte integer limit).<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>r)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post Hauser’s recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>s)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post new tutorial slides on the website.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>t)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release
-and send to Iannetti for posting.<o:p></o:p></p>
-<u><span style='font-size:12.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";
-mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:
-AR-SA;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'><br clear=all style='page-break-before:always'>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='mso-outline-level:1'><u>Attachment 1: Attendees<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Richard Hann<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>ANSYS
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thomas Hauser<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                   </span>Northwestern
-<p class=MsoNormal>Marc Poinot<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>ONERA<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Chris Rumsey<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal>Brude Wedan<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>SimCosm,
-<p class=MsoNormal>Juan Alonzo<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>Stanford
-<p class=MsoNormal>Scott Emelie<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>Techplot<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Todd Simons<span style='mso-tab-count:2'>               </span><span
-style='mso-tab-count:2'>                        </span>Rolls Royce<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Steve Feldman<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                                </span>Adapco<o:p></o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:1.0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-16 March 2000<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Eastern time.
-There were 18 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-Bob Bush reviewed the minutes from the January meeting, noting that
-they have been posted on the web. Having no comments, the minutes were
-approved as posted. Bob also noted that following the January meeting, a
-presentation was made to the AIAA CFD Committee on Standards proposing
-to affiliate with that organization. The proposal was accepted, and we
-are now a sub-committee of this organization.
-<li> A round-table discussion of the current implementation and usage
-     status of CGNS in various organizations was held to familiarize the
-     Committee with current activities.  The high points are summarized
-     here.
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Intelligent Light - Dave Edwards - IL is planning to release
-          a CGNS reader for their primary product in the July time
-          frame. During this effort, they will assess performance
-          and identify areas for improvement. One area is likely to
-          be incorporation of their 'Data Guide' technology to speed
-          access to large data sets.  During the installation process
-          they also anticipate needing additional utilities. They hope
-          to provide these utilities to the CGNS community. This led
-          to some discussion of how to provide and support additional
-          utilities. This will need to be explored further. Steve
-          Legensky also offered to help with a web list of CGNS
-          contacts. See the <a href="#intelligentlight">viewgraph
-          presented by Dave Edwards</a>.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> ADAPCO - Scott Ochs - ADAPCO is in the process of
-          transitioning to CGNS, and can currently read and write
-          grids and solutions (structured and unstructured). Their
-          next step is to utilize the mixed element capability, and
-          store time accurate data.  The capability is already in beta
-          release, with a more complete release planned in a couple of
-          months. They expressed an interest in obtaining 'sample' codes
-          to help in the transition. This led to a discussion of the
-          possibility of creating a place on the web where sample code
-          can be posted. Scott (and Steve Feldman) also raised a problem
-          they were having with the <tt>cg_goto</tt> function on IBM
-          systems. Others on the line who had used IBM systems have not
-          experienced similar problems. They will continue to try and
-          identify the problem.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> AMTEC - Diane Poirier noted that Tecplot now has a CGNS
-          reader. Release date is unknown.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Fluent - Barb Hutchings - Barb noted that Fluent has
-          downloaded the documentation, and assigned a programmer to
-          begin implementation. They anticipate a release of the ability
-          to read and write information in V5.5, which should occur in
-          the third quarter of 2000.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> NUMECA - Michel Delanaye - NUMECA is adopting CGNS for all
-          their products.  They currently have a full implementation
-          in their grid generator, with the exception of the boundary
-          condition information. The structured code also uses it for
-          the solution (but again not coupling information yet. They
-          would like to include unsteady data as soon as the capability
-          is available. They would also like the ability to store
-          planes of solution data (they were referred to the Boeing
-          discussion to come). They anticipate a March release to their
-          user base. NUMECA has also been active convincing various
-          consortia to adopt CGNS as the data exchange standard. New
-          capabilities required include new element types (e.g.
-          hanging nodes) and potentially octree information. For
-          <a href="#numeca">more details</a>, see below.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Lockheed - Steve Karman - Also mentioned the need for hanging
-          node information.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Boeing - Todd Michal - Boeing has a structured grid
-          implementation of CGNS in a pre-release version of Wind. They
-          anticipate including unstructured grid capability, utilities
-          and post processing capability this year, and a release to
-          NPARC user community next year. Boeing is also bringing in
-          Overflow and CFL3D versions, which utilize CGNS. They have
-          made a proposal for storing boundary planes, which will be
-          distributed for discussion as an extension proposal.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> RocketDyne - Armen Darian - RocketDyne has converted a
-          rotating machinery post-processor to use CGNS.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Vircinity - Andreas Wierse - We introduced Andreas Wierse
-          who gave an overview of Vircinity, a visualization and
-          post-processing capability with emphasis on virtual
-          reality. They are looking at CGNS, and should decide on a
-          development plan soon, and assign a CGNS contact point. They
-          also have contacts with the EU and will bring CGNS to their
-          attention.
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Extension Status (Diane Poirier)</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> The unstructured grid element ordering extension has
-          been implemented and is on the web. Documentation is
-          underway. ADAPCO is utilizing already.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The moving grid proposal is finished and ready for
-          implementation.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The chemistry proposal is still stalled. Suggested to finalize
-          as is, and extend in the future if a more comprehensive
-          standard is required.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Diane also brought up the need for a documentation focal
-          point. Anyone interested please contact Diane or Bob Bush.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Steve Legensky offered to take on some of the testing on
-          multiple platforms to relieve Diane of this aspect of the
-          development.
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>June Meeting</b> - There was a brief discussion of the June
-     meeting, and it was decided to coordinate with the AIAA CFD CoS
-     with the CGNS team meeting first, and reporting out at the CoS
-     meeting. (Subsequent contact with Ray Cosner has identified
-     that our meeting night will be Tuesday, with the CoS meeting on
-     Wednesday night. Please plan accordingly!)
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Stuart Ochs<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Feldman<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Barb Hutching<td>
-   <td>Fluent Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michel Delanaye<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bill Thompson<td>
-   <td>?
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Kenwright<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>Lockeed
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Legensky<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Fisher<td>
-   <td>Boeing St-Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing St-Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michael<td>
-   <td>Boeing St-Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing St-Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Andreas Wierse<td>
-   <td>Vircinity
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<a name="intelligentlight"></a>
-<h2>Intelligent Light's CGNS Effort</h2>
-<li> Develop CGNS reader for Fieldview (Version 7, Sept 2000)
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Testing with CGNS files generated from various solvers
-          <br><br>
-          <ul>
-          <li> Creation of matrix of CGNS data sets generated from from
-               various CFD solvers and grid generation tools
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Assessment of performance
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Identification of areas of improvement
-          <br><br>
-          <ul>
-          <li> Integration with Fieldview Data Guide
-          </ul>
-     </ul> 
-<li> Develop Deskdrawer CGNS Utilities
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Utility for output of header information (tell user what's
-          in the file)
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Utility to determine if CGNS file can be used for
-          pre-processing, solver or post-processing
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Utility to convert CGNS to Fieldview Unstructured File Format
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Others (TBD)
-     </ul>
-<a name="numeca"></a>
-<h2>Report from NUMECA</h2>
-Subject: NUMECA input
-I thought you would be interested to get something written about what
-I said during the last teleconference. So, NUMECA is adopting the CGNS
-format as the only data transfer system between its different products,
-IGG (multi-block structured grid generation), Euranus (multi-block
-structured flow solver), CFView (postprocessing, visualization).
-So far, the grid coordinates are written in the data base, the topology
-is still stored in our own format, but we are progressively changing
-to CGNS for the complete set of information, connectivity, boundary
-conditions, etc. This should be completed fairly soon.  The flow solver
-outputs solutions in the CGNS database, and the database can be read by
-CFView. For unsteady computations, solutions at different time steps are
-stored for the moment in a different file. The CGNS will be part of the
-next release of these products, i.e. end of March.
-We have proposed the use of CGNS in two European research projects. The
-CGNS format has been adopted in the first one, HPNURSA, to study
-unsteady flows in turbomachinery. Partners in this project are TaskFlow,
-SIMULOG which is writing a CGNS reader for Ensight, SEP, HYRDO-Vevay,
-EPFL and Ecole Centrale de Lyon. In the second one, ESTEDI, we proposed
-to test the CGNS format as a possible way to store data in a very large
-data base which is intended for data posttreatment (data mining) for
-large scientific computations (Climate modeling, Cosmology, Satellite
-tracking, LES, etc).
-I mentioned some problems regarding speed. Further investigation on
-our side has highlighted some bad usage which has been corrected
-since. I also mentioned our wish to be able to store quantities on
-block boundaries. The Boeing proposal will most probably meet our
-expectations. The last comment was about the ability to store our
-hierarchal hexahedral unstructured grids. On this matter, I am going to
-investigate different possibilities and probably contact Diane with some
-Hope this will help,
-Dr. Michel Delanaye<br>
-NUMECA International<br>
-Av. Franklin Roosevelt 5<br>
-B-1050 Brussels<br>
-Tel: +32 2 647.83.11 (main) ext 824<br>
-+32 2 642.28.24 (voice mail)<br>
-Fax: +32 2 647.93.98
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 5 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-15 March 2001<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-Telecon Number: (304) 345-7506, participant code: 686358
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Eastern time.
-There were 14 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<li> <b>Charter/Membership</b> - It was noted that the Charter and web
-     pages have not been updated to include the new 'voting' Steering
-     Committee members elected at the January meeting.  Diane Poirier will
-     update the Web site, and Bob Bush will update the charter.  Alan Shih,
-     from Catalpa Research joined the telecon and introduced himself.  He is
-     interested in becoming an active member of the committee.
-<li> <b>Issues</b> - It was decided to have an informal meeting at the
-     AIAA summer conferences in Anehiem Calif.  Bob Bush will arrange to have
-     a meeting room assigned one evening.
-     <p>
-     There was some discussion of what we should be planning for the next
-     AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting in Reno next year.  Dave Edwards
-     agreed to arrange for a User's meeting, potentially to include a panel
-     discussion to get things moving.
-     <p>
-     Bob Bush asked if there was interest in publishing CGNS as an AIAA
-     Standard.  There seemed to be general agreement that this would
-     be a good idea, but some reservations about what documentation,
-     administrative or other burden it might place on the committee.  The
-     committee generally felt that they were in favor, provided there was not
-     a substantial burden put on the committee.  Bob Bush will report this
-     back to the AIAA CFD Committee on Standards, who asked the question.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner could not attend, but sent a
-     <a href="#ISOstatus">detailed discussion</a>.
-     This e-mail also contained several questions for the committee from
-     the ISO organization.  Short responses to the questions are:
-     <br><br>
-     <ol>
-     <li> The committee does not feel that rind data is redundant, and in
-           fact may be required information to uniquely construct the
-           boundary information.  It was also noted that the information
-           is optional, and does not need to be present for codes or
-           applications that do not use the information.  However, for codes
-           that use it, it provides information that cannot be constructed
-           from other existing data.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The committee was not sure what was meant by 'associative
-           geometry'.  It may be the <tt>Family_t</tt> data that associates the
-           grid to an underlying CAD definition, in which case CGNS does
-           have the definition needed.  However, there may be more implied
-           by 'associative geometry', and we may need to have a broader
-           discussion.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The committee could only recall degenerate block types being
-           specified in the boundary conditions only.  That is, where the
-           BCType specifies how to treat a degenerate face (e.g. average
-           adjacent points in some specified direction, or define a normal
-           for the degenerate surface to search along).  Thus the degenerate
-           block types are not so much specified as how the degenerate data
-           is to be interpreted and treated.  Also, this data is optional.
-           Has the ISO committee found another specification we did not think
-           of, and is this a problem?
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The committee did not understand this question.  The name gives
-           the number, other than for n-gons.  Where is the redundant info?
-           There should be further discussions in this area.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The committee was not aware of an "<tt>index_range_ok</tt>" entity, and so
-           have no input.
-     </ol>
-<li> <b>Logo Status</b> - John Chawner indicated that the logo has been
-     revised and is ready for review, approval and posting.  John will
-     (already did) mail it to the committee for review and comment.  We
-     hopefully can approve it at the June meeting, and have it posted on the
-     web soon thereafter.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne was not available for the
-     telecon, but sent a <a href="#docstatus">summary of the
-     documentation</a>.
-<li> <b>Software Support</b> - Bob Bush reported that while there has
-     been some initial activity aimed at defining support and staffing for a
-     software focal point, things are moving slowly.  However, the committee
-     had several suggestions for moving forward in the interim.
-     <br><br>
-     <ol>
-     <li> Encourage additional use of the Listbot, using it to increase
-          the availability of expert advice and suggestions.  We also
-          encourage knowledgeable people to sign up and provide this advice
-          as time allows.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Diane Poirier is still getting many e-mails.  She will begin
-          forwarding them to the Listbot and other members of the committee
-          as appropriate.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Diane Poirier is still willing to maintain the web site.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Intelligent Light is willing to take on the focal point role, but
-          require funding in order to fully commitment.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The definition and refinement of extensions can and should
-          continue even in the absence of a software focal point.  The
-          extensions should be refined to the level that they are ready
-          for inclusion in the SIDS documentation, and the File Mapping
-          document.  It is up to the originator, and any ad hoc committee
-          that can be formed to make sure these continue to progress.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Doug McCarthy agreed to draft and propose a Steering Committee
-          contribution strategy to obtain the necessary funding.  This
-          proposal should be circulated among the various member
-          organizations to determine the feasibility of gaining the funding.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> There was much discussion on the open source status of the
-          software.  While the source is 'open' we currently have no
-          mechanism for others to contribute to the development.  One
-          role of the software focal point should be to establish such
-          a mechanism.  Two potential version control mechanisms were
-          mentioned: CVS and IVMS.  CVS is public domain and should allow
-          multiple developers to contribute to the development effort.  IVMS
-          is an inter-net based version control software developed by the
-          NPARC Alliance.  Both are layered over RCS, so migrating from one
-          to the other should be possible.  If anyone is willing to invest
-          the time to set up a version control system for the development
-          source it would be appreciated.  Once set up, it should allow
-          multiple developers to contribute extensions to the software.
-          Members are encouraged to look into this as it would allow
-          continued growth of CGNS in the interim between identifying focal
-          points.
-     </ol>
-<li> <b>Extension Status</b> - There was brief discussion of the various
-     extension proposals.  Many are somewhat stagnant and need to be
-     re-invigorated.  Currently we rely on the originator to keep them
-     moving.
-     <ul>
-     <li> Hierarchical structures - Patel
-     <li> Chemistry - Bush
-     <li> Rotating Coordinates - Bush
-     <li> Spray/2phase flow - Darian
-     <li> Hanging Nodes - Edwards
-     <li> Wall Functions
-     <li> Turbomachinery BC's
-     <li> API Link support
-     <li> User defined arrays - Rumsey
-     <li> Utilities - Hall
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Additional</b> - Release Status - Diane Poirier indicated that we
-     are ready to release V2 beta2 as the production V2.
-     <p>
-     Diane Poirier is eagerly anticipating being unavailable for several
-     weeks due to the arrival of a new addition to their family!  We all wish
-     her the best and look forward to hearing the news!
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing Space
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michel Delanaye<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Francis Enomoto<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Alan Shih<td>
-   <td>Catalpa Research
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM-CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Doug McCarthy<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<a name="ISOstatus"></a>
-<h2>E-mail from Ray Cosner on ISO Approval Status</h2>
-Due to a travel commitment, I will not be participating in the CGNS telecon
-on March 15.  Here's the latest on the ISO-STEP project.
-The ISO-STEP project has progressed through Gate 2 - New Work Item Proposal.
-This standard has been assigned the name "AP 237: Fluid Dynamics".  We will
-be producing (probably) five documents:
-1) AP 237, the top-level standard for fluid dynamics data
-2) Part 1xx (100-series, number not yet assigned), specialized components of
-the standard applicable only to CFD.  In the future, other 100-series parts
-will be produced with specializations for flight test data, wind tunnel
-data, and other categories of fluid dynamics data.  These will all be
-components of AP 237.
-3) Part 52, generic data structures for mesh-based data - both structured
-and unstructured mesh.  This will be referenced from AP 237 and Part 1xx.
-4) Part 5b (50-series, number not yet assigned), general product data
-management information for numerical analysis results.  This will be
-referenced from AP237 and Part 1xx.
-5) A "Usage Guide" which is more of a free-form document, intended to
-familiarize the reader with the concepts and the implementation.  If you
-ever need to become knowledgeable quickly about an ISO standard, I recommend
-you start with the Usage Guide for that standard.  Not all standards have
-one, however.
-Drafts of all these parts exist now, except for the Usage Guide.  However,
-only Parts 52 and 5b are in a state which we think could be final.  The
-current drafts of AP 237 and 1xx were marked up at meetings in December and
-February, and those markups have not yet been incorporated into revisions of
-the documents.
-Our Fluid Dynamics proposal was supported by US, UK, Sweden, Germany,
-Switzerland, Australia and Japan - these I know of, and probably there were
-several others that I don't yet know of because the official results of the
-vote have not yet been conveyed to me.  At this stage in the process, we had
-to have five "yes" votes and no "no" votes.
-The next stage of the process will be to present a full draft for detailed
-review.  With Parts 5b and 52, we hope to reach this point in April.  For
-Part 1xx, we are shooting for the summer, and for the top-level AP 237,
-sometime in the fall.
-Here are some questions which have been raised.  I would ask the CGNS
-Steering Committee to consider these questions.
-1) Do we need to provide for rinds?  This seems like redundant information
-that (a) can be easily created by an application code as needed and (b) is
-related to a specific code, i.e., different codes will require different
-rind characteristics (excluding the large number of codes which don't
-require a rind at all).  The rind can be retained in the standard if it's
-needed, but there is a desire not to include data in the standard which can
-be easily recreated from other data in the standard, or data which has no
-relevance except to a specific application code.
-2) Does the CGNS Steering Committee have plans to extend CGNS to include
-associative geometry, in a time frame that is compatible with the schedule I
-have outlined above?
-3) Is it necessary to identify as discrete types of structured grid blocks
-the degenerate block types which include collapsed faces or edges?
-Currently, all these degenerate cases are listed and given separate
-identifiers but we are not sure this is needed.
-4) Is there a need to include the vertex count associated with each
-unstructured cell type.  This seems to be redundant information that is
-easily derived.
-5) Do we need the entity "<tt>index_range_OK</tt>" ?
-As I indicated during my presentation to this Committee on January 9, I plan
-to refer these and future questions regarding intellectual content to this
-Committee, since it is my goal to keep the ISO-STEP standard as close as
-possible to CGNS.
-At this point, it seems possible to think of having a final, approved
-international standard by perhaps late 2003 or early 2004.
-Thank you for your continued support.
-<a name="docstatus"></a>
-<h2>E-mail from Charlie Towne on Documentation Status</h2>
-Sorry, but I won't be able to dial in for tomorrow's telecon.  Here's
-a summary of the documentation changes since the last meeting, and the
-current status.
-   - The documentation web pages have been moved to the GRC web server.
-     The documentation page at the CGNS web server looks basically the
-     same, but links now go to the GRC server.
-   - HTML versions have been added for the:
-      - Overview (but the content is old and should be updated)
-      - User's Guide
-      - File Mapping Manual
-   - The "hard-copy" versions of the Overview and File Mapping documents
-     have been converted to LaTeX
-   - The File Mapping Manual has been updated for consistency with the
-     current version of the SIDS.
-   - The Mid-Level Library documentation is being re-organized, and
-     basically follows the organization used in the "Detailed CGNS Node
-     Descriptions" section of the File Mapping Manual.  Both an HTML and
-     LaTeX "hard-copy" version will be available.  The first cut at this
-     should be ready tomorrow or Friday for review, I assume by you,
-     Diane, and Chris (and anyone else who's interested enough).
-Charlie Towne                   Email: towne@grc.nasa.gov  
-MS 86-7                         Phone: (216) 433-5851
-NASA Glenn Research Center      FAX:   (216) 977-7500
-Cleveland, OH  44135-3191       WWW:   www.grc.nasa.gov/www/winddocs/towne/
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-13 March 2002<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-Telecon Number: (334) 262-0740, participant code: 491863
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm.
-The <a href="#attendees">attendees</a> are listed below.
-The minutes of the last meeting, in Reno 15 January 2002 were approved
-as posted on the Web.
-<li> <b>Charter Business</b> - Bob Bush introduced three people who have
-        requested to attend Steering Committee meetings.  These were:
-        <br><br>
-	Prof. Habashi - McGill U.<br>
-	Dr. Sebastin Peron - Newmerical<br>
-	Dr. Francois Morency - McGill U.
-        <br><br>
-        They were unable to attend the telecon.  In addition, Ed Hall
-        the RR-Allison voting member of the Steering Committee has moved
-        to GE Corporate R&amp;D center.  We hope he will remain active on
-        the CGNS committee.  Kurt Weber has replaced Ed as the voting
-        member for RR-Allison.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner provided a brief overview of the
-        status of the ISO certification effort.  There was a 1 week
-        meeting in February where all parts of the new standard were
-        reviewed.  There were minor changes to Parts 52 and 53, it is
-        felt that with these changes they are ready for the Committee
-        Draft stage.  Part 110 - the CFD specific portions were reviewed
-        and much of the contents moved to AP 237.  It was decided to
-        eliminate part 110 and just include all its contents into AP
-        237.  Completion of the ISO certification process for the fluid
-        dynamics standard is now expected to occur in the fall of 2004.
-        <p>
-        Ray also noted that Peter Wilson (the guiding force behind
-        formatting the standard for ISO acceptance) will be retiring at
-        the end of 2003.
-        <p>
-        After some discussion it was decided to move a proposed CGNS
-        committee review of the ISO drafts to the fall of 2002.  This
-        is to accommodate attendance and hosting by the US lead ISO
-        representative, having the drafts further, and more information
-        about a potential combination of the fluids and finite element
-        standards.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne gave an overview of the
-        documentation status.  A beta version of the documentation,
-        that is consistent with the beta version of the software, is
-        available on the web.  He is working on updating the ADF manual
-        with un-documented extensions by Mark Fisher, and re-writing
-        the Overview document.  The AIAA standard document (SIDS
-        re-formatted) is being worked by the AIAA.  We anticipate
-        receiving the draft soon for voting and acceptance.
-        <p>
-        We had an invitation to participate in a panel session at
-        the Grid Generation Conference in Hawaii in June 2002.  John
-        Chawner indicated that he was planning to attend and offered to
-        represent the committee on the panel.
-        <p>
-        Marc Poinot will be presenting a paper on pyCGNS at the
-        Aerospace PDE conference in Amsterdam.  We offered to provide
-        any CGNS material that might help him in his presentation.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - The Links, User Defined Data and Chemistry
-        extensions have been implemented and are available in the beta
-        version (2.1 beta 2) on the web.
-        <p>
-        There were some issues checking in new code to CVS from
-        a PC system.  These involved the different handling of
-        &lt;<tt>CR</tt>&gt; between PC and Unix.  The CVS system flagged
-        these as differences, resulting in 100% changes for code being
-        checked in.  This defeats the purpose of the history tracking,
-        so all routines were checked in through a Unix system. David
-        Edwards and Diane Poirier will draft an update procedure to
-        guide future efforts.
-        <p>
-        Diane sent out a message to all registered users.  Of 599 sent,
-        118 were not found.  She is 'cleaning out' the registered user
-        list.
-        <p>
-        Bob Bush briefly summarized recent activity for turbomachinery
-        extensions including Rotating Coordinates, Periodic Boundary
-        Conditions, and Interface Type.  Dave Schowalter expressed
-        interest in these extensions.  He will look at the latest
-        updates on the web, and Bob Bush will try to tie him into future
-        discussions.
-        <p>
-        Marc Poinot briefly described his extensions of the ADF library
-        to include the ability to maintain an in-memory representation
-        of the tree.  This should facilitate MPI implementations.  The
-        extensions were implemented as a small number of new calls that
-        can be used in place of existing calls.  The new calls provide
-        the ability to specify if the data is in memory or on disk.
-        Shawn Fuller indicated that he has used the extensions, but
-        that the level of parallelism is too coarse for his immediate
-        needs.  Marc has provided the libraries and documentation on the
-        web, and we have provided links to the site from the CGNS site.
-        We will extend the ADF library to include these capabilities
-        depending on usage and user experience.
-        <p>
-        There was brief discussion on extending the units to include a
-        number unit (moles) and charge unit (electron).  Thus far, we do
-        not have an immediate need to make these extensions, so we will
-        wait.  In addition, the ISO standards should have a definition
-        of various units.  Ray Cosner will track down how and what units
-        are tracked by the ISO community.  This can be incorporated into
-        CGNS, or we can wait until the ISO capabilities are available.
-<li> <b>Related Software</b> - There is a link to the PyCGNS software
-        from the CGNS web site, along with his presentation from Reno.
-        <p>
-        Manuel Kessler has loaded the C++ interface on the web via
-        sourceforge.  We will add a link to the CGNS web site to this
-        library and its documentation.  Manuel would be very interested
-        in any feedback that anyone can provide.
-        <p>
-        Bruce Wedan introduced himself and briefly described his Tcl/Tk
-        ADF viewer.  Chris Rumsey and Diane Poirier have used the viewer
-        and like it's functionality.  The viewer is based strictly on
-        ADF, but knows about some CGNS structures.  The viewer has been
-        posted on the web under the Utilities page.  Bruce will look at
-        packaging a self extracting NT version also.
-        <p>
-        Christian Lundh has also contributed a viewer via CGNSTalk.
-        He was not available at the telecon, and no one present has
-        experience with his viewer.
-        <p>
-        There was some discussion of if we could use this or a similar
-        capability to make money to support committee activities
-        (development, support, etc.).  Since we are a sub-committee of
-        the AIAA, and they have many commercial products, perhaps there
-        is an avenue to pursue.  It was also noted that we must respect
-        the wishes of the developers who may have intended software to
-        remain Open Source.  This will require further discussion, and a
-        champion.
-<li> <b>Next Meeting</b> - It was suggested that we convene a meeting at
-        the summer fluids conference in St. Louis the week of 24 June.
-        Chris Rumsey offered to help set up the meeting.  Bob Bush will
-        see if he can attend the meeting.
-There being no additional issues, the meeting was adjourned.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Shawn Fuller
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Manuel Kessler
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Francis Enomoto
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot
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-Last updated 14 Mar 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-20 March 2003<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time<br><br>
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">12 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the 6 January 2003 Reno meeting were reviewed and
-     approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of Reno action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> HDF-5: Everyone agrees it is a good idea to eventually
-          replace ADF with HDF-5.  HDF-5 has the following advantages:
-          it has large following and support, it possesses parallel
-          capabilities, and it has strong possibility to becoming an
-          accepted ISO standard.  The two major issues for us are
-          backward compatibility and doing the work itself.  Marc
-          Poinot has a prototype available now (off the PyCGNS website
-          <a href="http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases/">&lt;http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases/&gt;</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">),
-          but it needs a lot of testing and has some limitations (like
-          missing system services such as error management).  Ignoring
-          links, Marc estimates it might take approximately 1 month to
-          complete work on it, but he personally doesn't have the time
-          to do it now.  Bruce Wedan and Chris Rumsey agreed to take a
-          look at the prototype as it currently stands.
-     <li> Part 52: Nothing done.  The ISO effort currently on standby
-          within Boeing.  An evaluation of the ISO parts by the CGNS
-          committee will also require active participation from at
-          least one of the Boeing people who is working with the STEP
-          documents.
-     <li> ADFVIEWER documentation and SourceForge:  The documentation is
-          complete and is on SourceForge, but there are currently still
-          some wrinkles to work out with SourceForge to make it work
-          for anonymous users.  Bruce Wedan will send the documentation
-          separately to Charlie Towne.  Bruce will also give information
-          to Chris Rumsey so he can try accessing CGNS from SourceForge.
-          For SourceForge, copyright is not an issue - we are protected.
-          The software continues to be under the GNU lesser public
-          license.  Once CGNS is accessible through SourceForge, the
-          current plan is that Bruce (and perhaps one other person
-          outside of ICEM?) will control and grant write privileges to
-          certain people.  Bruce also is developing shell scripts that
-          run through the mid-level-library test cases.
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO Status - Ray Cosner reported that there was a problem with the
-     2003 budget for ISO at Boeing that has resulted in the project
-     currently being put on hold.  Thus there was no progress at the
-     last ISO meeting in early March.  The budget problem should
-     hopefully be resolved soon.  There is a STEP meeting next week, and
-     another ISO meeting in June.
-<li> Documentation - Charlie Towne will put in the
-     <a href="#sids_mods">changes (clarifications) suggested by
-     Chris</a> in the BC section of the SIDS, shown below.  Also,
-     Charlie says the documentation for utilities is currently buried
-     (difficult to find / get to).  He will correct this.
-<li> Discussion on extensions:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> There appears to be a need for allowing <tt>GridLocation</tt>
-          and <tt>PointRange</tt>/<tt>PointList</tt> under
-          <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>.  Chris will write up a proposal
-          for extension and have Bruce post it.  There has also arisen
-          a proposal from Florent Cayre of SNECMA in France, regarding
-          additional specification of GridLocation for data deep under
-          <tt>BC_t</tt>.  Chris also agreed to write up this proposal
-          and pass it on to Bruce to post.
-     <li> Regarding tools to check for SIDS compliance, there are now
-          two separate tools in process of being developed.  One (by
-          Marc Poinot) is in conjunction with PyCGNS and performs all
-          parts of a compliance check (syntactic and semantic parts).
-          Checking a CGNS file is a compiler-like tool, and a compiler
-          has a syntactic part that can be done using XML.  The second
-          tool (by Bruce Wedan) checks physical data, and can be used in
-          conjunction with adfviewer.
-     </ol>
-<li> Software Status:  Version 2.2 is ready to come off Beta status.
-     Bruce will remove the Beta status as soon as SourceForge is working
-     for CGNS.  In the future, CGNS will be obtainable only from
-     SourceForge, and no longer from the ICEM website (the ICEM cite
-     will point to SourceForge).  As soon as the beta status is removed,
-     Bruce will notify Charlie so Charlie can revise the documentation.
-<li> Other issues:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Greg Stuckert mentioned a colleague with questions regarding
-          CGNS's capability to handle material properties and different
-          equations of state.  Bob Bush said he believed that the SIDS
-          currently handles these, but also recommended that the person
-          submit a detailed question to cgnstalk, so that someone could
-          more properly respond and point to where in the SIDS it is
-          covered.
-     <li> Charlie Towne will look into capability for archiving of
-          cgnstalk questions and responses.
-     <li> Marc Poinot reported on a recent meeting of the French CGNS
-          User's group.  Many large companies met.  Each has its own way
-          of using the standard.  Mostly, CGNS is currently used for its
-          intellectual content (SIDS part).
-     <li> The possibility of doing an AIAA paper for Reno 2004 was
-          discussed. Marc Poinot and Chris Rumsey agreed to think about
-          it, and perhaps submit something together if possible.
-     </ol>
-<li> Next Telecon will probably be in mid-May.  There will likely also
-     be a CGNS meeting at the summer AIAA Meeting in Orlando.  Craig Day
-     is the person to contact for reserving a room, which should not
-     conflict with the Standards committee meeting (Tom Shih).
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.
-<li> Summary of action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Bruce Wedan and Chris Rumsey to check out Poinot's HDF-5
-          prototype.
-     <li> Bruce Wedan to send adfviewer documentation to Charlie Towne.
-     <li> Bruce Wedan to send SourceForge info to Chris Rumsey so Chris
-          can try to access CGNS from it.
-     <li> Charlie Towne to make <a href="#sids_mods">changes to SIDS</a>.
-     <li> Charlie Towne to improve accessibility of utility
-          documentation.
-     <li> Chris Rumsey to write 2 proposals for extensions:
-          additional capability for <tt>UserDefinedData</tt>, and
-          <tt>GridLocation</tt> deep under <tt>BC_t</tt> and have them
-          posted.
-     <li> Bruce Wedan to get CGNS up and working on SourceForge - and
-          notify Charlie Towne when it is ready so he can update the
-          documentation (beta status will come off at the same time).
-     <li> Charlie Towne to look into archiving cgnstalk questions and
-          responses.
-     <li> Chris Rumsey and Marc Poinot to discuss offline the
-          possibility for a Reno 2004 CGNS paper.
-     <li> Chris Rumsey to arrange for CGNS meeting room in Orlando.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thierry Chevalier<td>
-   <td>Airbus
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing Phantom
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ed Hall<td>
-   <td>GE Research Center
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls-Royce
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<a name="sids_mods"></a>
-<h2>Proposed changes/additions to SIDS</h2>
-<li> Re-wording of <a href="../sids/bc.html#ZoneBC">Sect 9.2</a> in SIDS
-     after notes:<br><br>
-     OLD:<br>
-     Boundary-condition information for a single patch is contained in the
-     <tt>BC_t</tt> structure.
-     All boundary-condition information pertaining to a given zone is
-     contained in the list of <tt>BC_t</tt> structure entities.
-     If a zone contains <i>N</i> boundary-condition patches, then <i>N</i>
-     separate instances of <tt>BC_t</tt> must be provided in the
-     <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> entity for the zone.
-     NEW:<br>
-     Boundary-condition information for a single patch is contained in the
-     <tt>BC_t</tt> structure.
-     All boundary-condition information pertaining to a given zone is
-     contained in the list of <tt>BC_t</tt> structure entities.
-     If a zone contains <i>N</i> boundary-condition patches, then <i>N</i>
-     <FONT color="#009900">(and only <i>N</i>)</FONT> separate instances
-     of <tt>BC_t</tt> must be provided in the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> entity
-     for the zone.
-     <FONT color="#009900">That is, each boundary-condition patch must
-     be represented by a single <tt>BC_t</tt> entity.</FONT>
-<li> Expansion of <a href="../sids/bc.html#BC">Sect. 9.3</a> (on
-     <tt>BC_t</tt>), note 2 in SIDS:<br><br>
-     OLD:<br>
-     When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>Vertex</tt>, then
-     <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt> refer to node indices,
-     for both structured and unstructured grids.
-     When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>FaceCenter</tt> ... etc...
-     NEW:<br>
-     When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>Vertex</tt>, then
-     <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt> refer to node indices,
-     for both structured and unstructured grids.
-     <FONT color="#009900">These node indices define the BC patch.
-     In particular, it should
-     be noted that these points can be interpreted in one of two ways:
-     the finite-difference sense and the finite-volume sense.  In the
-     finite-difference sense, the points are defined as specific point
-     locations at which the BC patch is enforced.  In the finite-volume
-     sense, the points define the boundary surrounding the BC patch
-     region; thus, the indices are used to define the logical region
-     in index-space within which the particular BC patch is defined.
-     This latter case means that the edges of the BC patches may be
-     multiply-defined, but the areas which are enclosed are unique.
-     There is no mechanism currently included in this standard to
-     differentiate between these two interpretations.  Both are allowed.</FONT>
-     When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>FaceCenter</tt> ... etc...
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-Last updated 26 Mar 2003
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-25 March 2004<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time<br><br>
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">13 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="meeting_jan04.html">7 January 2004
-     Reno meeting</a> were reviewed and approved as posted on the web
-     site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan to post latest and greatest HDF-5 version (including
-          link capability) to SourceForge.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done; SourceForge package is "adfh".
-               Users will also need to download HDF5 itself, and build it. 
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to check with Towne to see if documentation still
-          exists for <tt>ElementList</tt> and <tt>Range</tt> (removed
-          prior to V2).
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - some was there, and some was written
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will look into issue of links further (perhaps can
-          modify open call so it does not follow links).
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> looked into it - will take some considerable work, so not
-               done yet (<u>keep as open item</u>)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will finalize updated CGNS Charter and send to Towne to
-          post.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will prepare V2.3 for official release - need to
-          coordinate with change to SIDS for <tt>ElementList</tt> and
-          <tt>Range</tt>.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done, but documentation still needs to be taken off beta
-               status
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will look into formally archiving all old versions of
-          the software.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> old versions have been archived on ICEM's machines
-          <li> Wedan will post to SourceForge at some point in the future
-               (<u>action item carries</u>)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will remove the webpage containing binaries - in the
-          future, all software must be obtained through SourceForge.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - now directs you to SourceForge or to old archived
-               files
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to send a summary of priority list of Proposals for
-          Extension to Edwards.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion (Cosner):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No change in status to report.  There is no hard "no"
-          regarding future funding, but not encouraging, either.  In the
-          ISO process, we are still good for 18 months more.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues (Towne):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Spam issue on CGNSTalk is still bothersome, but generally
-          tends to be only a few per week.  This is felt to be not worth
-          taking any action on yet.
-     <li> Current documentation is still V2.2 (2.3 is still in beta
-          status). <u>Towne will take V2.3 documentation out of beta
-          status</u>. The 2.2 documentation will be moved to the "prior
-          version" location, and the 2.1 documentation will be removed.
-     <li> For latest SIDS (i.e., consistent with CGNS Version 2.3)
-          as recommended practice, the formal review period will
-          begin near mid-April and will last approximately 1 month
-          (Craig Day at AIAA will set this up).  After that, a formal
-          CGNS Steering Committee ballot will be done to approve the
-          revision.
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion (Wedan):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion took place regarding <tt>ElementList</tt> and
-          <tt>Range</tt> capability, which was recently re-added
-          with V2.3.  By default, V2.3 SIDS allows both the use of
-          <tt>PointList/Range</tt> with <tt>GridLocation=CellCenter</tt>
-          OR the new <tt>ElementList/Range</tt> feature.  This is
-          currently how the V2.3 documentation reads.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Wedan has suggested eliminating the
-               <tt>Pointlist/Range</tt> + <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-               possibility (and thus removing the need for
-               <tt>GridLocation</tt> under <tt>BC_t</tt>).  So to
-               summarize, the two choices are:
-               <ol>
-               <li> allow existing usage of <tt>PointList/Range</tt>
-                    with <tt>GridLocation=CellCenter</tt> AND add new
-                    <tt>ElementList/Range</tt> capability (current
-                    default in V2.3), or:
-               <li> change SIDS so when <tt>PointList/Range</tt>
-                    are used, they mean vertices only; drop
-                    <tt>GridLocation</tt> from <tt>BC_t</tt>
-               </ol>
-          <li> An informal e-mail vote was split on the decision.
-               During the discussion here, most people felt it would
-               be better in the long run to go with Wedan's suggestion
-               (number 2).  Wedan could make the API automatically fix
-               files doing it the old way (transparent to the user), so
-               backward compatibility will not be a problem.
-          <li> It was finally decided to go with Wedan's suggestion, but
-               only when the next major release occurs.  This way, there
-               is plenty of time to make changes in the beta releases
-               of the API (Wedan) and documentation (Towne) (<u>open
-               items</u>).
-          </ul>
-     <li> Discussion took place regarding recent discussion topic on
-          CGNSTalk about CGNS slowness on Linux.  It appears to be a
-          Linux Red Hat 8.0 problem, writing to a remotely-mounted
-          disk.  The suggestion was made that Red Hat 9.0 might fix the
-          problem.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion (Wedan):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan has been in communication with someone from NCSA
-          (HDF-5); fixing bugs in HDF-5, looking at things that might
-          need changing in CGNS to improve its usability with HDF-5
-          (e.g.: character strings would be better for HDF-5 than
-          character arrays)
-     <li> Earlier HDF-5 problem writing over 150 children has been fixed
-          with a recent HDF-5 version
-     <li> Tracking creation order ("creation tracking") is still a
-          problem with HDF-5 - they will probably fix this
-     <li> Using HDF-5 rather than ADF is still slower and bigger (up to
-          4 times) for smaller files (less than 1-2 meg or so).  For
-          bigger files, the differences are smaller.  Performance should
-          also improve with new future versions of HDF-5.
-     <li> Wedan has not yet looked into compression capability of HDF-5
-          (<u>open item</u>)
-     <li> HDF-5 is still the direction we want to eventually go, because
-          (1) we don't need to maintain it, (2) it has parallel I/O
-          capability, and (3) lots of other people use it
-     <li> There is no current date planned for switching over.  We
-          need to be very sensitive to any possible impact on vendors
-          using CGNS. <u>Rumsey will form an informal task force to
-          begin looking at timing for this, and to develop a list of
-          things that need to be done prior to switching over (initial
-          volunteers are Hauser, Edwards, Hann, van der Weide, Wall,
-          Wedan - Poinot will also likely join).</u>
-     <li> Parallel I/O has not yet been implemented completely. Hauser
-          is currently still working on parallel capability of HDF-5
-          version.  He has a paper at an upcoming conference in May.
-          <u>Hauser will send his paper (and his earlier Reno paper) to
-          Towne to post.</u>
-     <li> There is currently a converter available that translates ADF
-          &lt;-&gt; HDF-5.
-     <li> Mid-level library currently cannot distinguish between ADF
-          and HDF-5.  If you try to read the wrong one, you will get an
-          error message.  Eventually, we will develop a converter to
-          make the conversion automatically.
-     <li> The HDF-5 version of CGNS will definitely remain as beta for
-          now.  The informal task force will help decide when it is most
-          to our advantage (and when we are ready) to switch officially.
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion (Edwards):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Intelligent Light (Ken Wall) is starting on the agreed-upon
-          extensions (six of them), as part of their SBIR.  They are
-          starting with the <tt>UserDefined</tt> extension. They
-          still need to get CVS version of the software.  Testing
-          of <tt>UserDefined</tt> &amp; <tt>BCDataSet</tt> will
-          be done (at least) by Rumsey &amp; Poinot.  Testing of
-          Partial read/write, <tt>Family</tt> extension, and added
-          <tt>GridConnectivityProperty</tt> extension will be done
-          (at least) by van der Weide and Alonso.  Testing of
-          Electromagnetics will probably be done by Bush and Fisher.
-          Other people interested in testing the new extensions should
-          contact Rumsey, Edwards, or Wall.
-     <li> Testing of the new extensions will be done using both the
-          existing F77 example test codes, and also Wall will write
-          new tests for the new extensions, and will add them to the
-          repository of tests codes.
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot will be presenting a CGNS paper in Portland AIAA
-          meeting.
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will set up a CGNS meeting for Portland (probably
-          Wed PM).</u> Depending on the number of attendees, this may be
-          either informal (like last summer's meeting) or else will be a
-          regular steering committee meeting.
-     <li> Question came up regarding how to test if a file is
-          SIDS-compatible or not. Wedan has an incomplete method
-          available (needs more work).  Poinot has an XML CGNS
-          "compiler" he has been developing that performs check.
-     <li> Suggestion was made to add to the example files as well as
-          programs that generate example files to the CGNS website.
-          <u>Alonso and Hann will send Wedan some of their examples, and
-          Wedan will post them.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:20 PM.<br><br>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan will formally archive old versions of software on
-          SourceForge.
-     <li> Towne will take V2.3 documentation out of beta status.
-     <li> Rumsey will form an informal task force to begin looking
-          at timing for switch to HDF-5, and to develop a list of
-          things that need to be done prior to switching over (initial
-          volunteers are Hauser, Edwards, Hann, van der Weide, Wall,
-          Wedan - Poinot will also likely join).
-     <li> Hauser will send his May paper (and his earlier Reno paper) to
-          Towne to post.
-     <li> Rumsey will set up a CGNS meeting for Portland (probably Wed
-          PM).
-     <li> Alonso and Hann will send Wedan some of their examples of CGNS
-          files and programs that write/read them, and Wedan will post
-          them.
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> (these are different from
-     action items, in that they are open or unresolved issues that we
-     want to keep track of, but there are no specific actions required
-     of anyone at this point in time):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of links causing slowdown (perhaps can modify open call
-          so it does not follow links).
-     <li> With next major release, eliminate the
-          <tt>Pointlist/Range</tt> + <tt>CellCenter</tt> possibility
-          (and thus remove the need for <tt>GridLocation</tt> under
-          <tt>BC_t</tt>).  Next major release of API will need to
-          automatically make the alteration (transparent to the
-          user). Documentation (SIDS, User's Guide, other?) will need to
-          be changed.
-     <li> Need to look into compression capability of HDF-5.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Juan Alonso<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>Ansys/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ken Wall<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Nick Wyman<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 2 Apr 2004
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-16 Mar 2005<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">14 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="meeting_jan05.html">12 January 2005
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will provide Rumsey a list of issues that need to be
-          discussed with the NCSA (HDF5) people.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation;
-          Wedan, Rumsey, Towne, Koziol will be reviewers. Will need to
-          eventually incorporate new extensions (see (d)).
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Status unknown. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Status unknown. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will complete and post draft documentation on new
-          extensions.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Keith Hunten of Lockheed Martin.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done via e-mail. Merge of FD standard with existing ISO
-               standard for finite element solid mechanics will be
-               started in next few months.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Koziol to make him aware of issue of
-          larger size (factor 2-3) of HDF5 files.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-          read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will modify V2.4beta to include HDF5 as an option (at
-          compile time), then will announce it.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Mostly done; but a few small issues remain. <u>Wedan will
-               complete changes for V2.4 and will announce when ready.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will look into change required to allow Rind data for
-          unstructured, and will contact Rumsey about it.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done. The change is easy to do, but it is a problem
-               because it causes loss of backward compatibility.
-               Discussion below.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Michal will write a first draft proposal to handle polyhedral
-          cells.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Karman will write up description of need for a particular
-          unstructured type and send to Rumsey.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done. Rumsey passed a request to CGNSTalk to ask for a
-               volunteer to write up a formal definition, but got no
-               responses.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will look into possibility for CGNS user's meeting in
-          Reno 2006.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done. It is easy to sign up for a room. We need to define
-               what is needed, how long it should last, etc.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Hauser will send PDF of his CGNS Reno paper to Towne to post.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot will send PDF of his CGNS Reno paper to Towne to post.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot will obtain PDF of Iepan's CGNS Reno paper and will
-          forward to Towne to post.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Vice-Chair position:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> It was suggested that the committee members vote via e-mail.
-          <u>Rumsey will send a request for a vote via e-mail.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No change of status.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Status of AIAA balloting process is unknown.  <u>Rumsey will
-          continue to try to contact Day and Cawley.</u>
-     <li> Recent corrections to documentation:
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> SIDS examples 7d and 7e
-          <li> MLL doc for <tt>ConversionScale</tt>
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan brought up a user's concern with the current
-          license (GNU Lesser General Public License): that it may
-          contain legal loopholes. He suggested two alternatives
-          (<i>www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php</i> or
-          <i>www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</i>). <u>Wedan and
-          Hann will discuss off-line, consult with legal people, and
-          make decision.</u>
-     <li> Wedan implemented large file support (&gt; 2 Gig) for 32-bit;
-          will be available in Version 2.4.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion that we will want to keep ADF capability available,
-          even after we move more heavily into usage of HDF-5.
-     <li> Although Version 2.4 will be either-or, we may eventually
-          want to be able to have one executable work with both ADF and
-          HDF-5. Wedan said this would be possible with some relatively
-          minor code modifications.
-     <li> Status of  problems with HDF-5 is unchanged:
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> HDF-5 has slower I/O when thousands of nodes.
-          <li> The HDF-5 version of the test files were 2-3 times larger
-               than the ADF files Discussion group is:
-               <i>hdf5cgns@ncsa.uiuc.edu</i>.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Need for minor addition/changes to element type definitions
-          was discussed.  The software change will be easy. The main
-          thing needed is formal documentation. <u>Karman agreed to
-          modify existing SIDS doc on element type definitions and send
-          to Towne.</u>
-     <li> UIUC proposal to modify Rind data for use with unstructured
-          data was discussed. The software change is relatively simple,
-          but the change is not forward compatible: if put into V2.4,
-          then earlier versions of the software would not be able to
-          read the V2.4 file.  Several options were discussed:
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> hold off on change until Version 3.0 (major releases do
-               not have to be forward compatible)
-          <li> put in, and provide data stripper
-          <li> create a new URind node 
-          </ul>
-          It was finally decided to leave this capability out of Version
-          2.4 (commented), but Wedan will make it available for anyone
-          who wants to try it (Norris of UIUC agreed to try it). We will
-          revisit this issue during the next Telecon.
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Review status of open items:
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Item (a) from list was discussed (eliminate the
-               <tt>Pointlist/Range</tt> + <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-               possibility - and thus remove the need for
-               <tt>GridLocation</tt> under <tt>BC_t</tt>.  Next
-               major release of API will need to automatically make
-               the alteration, transparent to the user.) <u>Wedan will
-               change the MLL to return element list instead of point
-               list when appropriate.</u>  For the foreseeable future
-               the <tt>PointList/Range</tt> + <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-               possibility will be retained, as there does not seem to
-               be a driving reason to go through the trouble to remove
-               it. This item is being removed from the open item list.
-          <li> Item (c) from the list (need consistency
-               between <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and
-               <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>) is being removed from the
-               list, because Wedan has already resolved this.
-          </ul>
-     <li> CGNS user's meeting:
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> tentative time for this will be at Reno 2006
-          <li> max of 1.5 hours would be appropriate (evening meeting)
-          <li> change title to "Introduction to CGNS", use it as an
-               outreach activity
-          <li> give intro, and base it on the User's Guide, but also
-               introduce attendees to all of CGNS's functionality
-          <li> <u>Rumsey volunteered to work toward putting something
-               together, and to identify others to help.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan recently gave a talk about CGNS to an EM audience at
-          NASA Ames.
-     <li> Next telecon: sometime in May.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:20 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will provide a list of issues that need to be discussed
-          with the NCSA (HDF5) people.
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation;
-          Wedan, Rumsey, Towne, Koziol will be reviewers. Need to
-          incorporate new extensions.
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension.
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-          read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-     <li> Wedan will complete changes for V2.4 and will announce when
-          ready.
-     <li> Michal will write a first draft proposal to handle polyhedral
-          cells.
-     <li> Rumsey will send a request for a vote for vice-chair via
-          e-mail.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Day and Cawley about AIAA balloting
-          status.
-     <li> Wedan and Hann will discuss license issue off-line, consult
-          with legal people, and make decision.
-     <li> Karman agreed to modify existing SIDS doc on element type
-          definitions and send to Towne.
-     <li> Wedan will change the MLL to return element list instead of
-          point list when appropriate.
-     <li> Rumsey volunteered to plan "Intro to CGNS" for Reno 2006, and
-          to identify others to help.
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Question of need (or preference) to have alphanumeric sorting
-          of everything (like is currently done for zones)
-     <li> Need for developing certification process (official test for
-          compliance)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Juan Alonso<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Fiedler<td>
-   <td>UIUC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>Ansys/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>UT Chattanooga
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Norris<td>
-   <td>UIUC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ken Wall<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> HDF-5 must fix "creation tracking"
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> Create SIDS-to-HDF-5 documentation
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 22 Mar 2005
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-22 March 2006<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">13 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="meeting_jan06.html">11 January 2006
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee Membership
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Daniel Einstein (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
-          introduced himself
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> he is interested in joining the steering committee
-          <li> works in area of computational physiology
-          <li> committee voted to add Pacific NW National Lab to
-               steering committee: <u>Towne will add Pacific Northwest
-               National Laboratory to
-               <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering Committee
-               Charter</a>.</u>
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey and Towne to update
-          <a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a> with changes to
-          committee membership.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Aftosmis about possible participation on
-          committee.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - no response
-          </ul>
-     <li> Allmaras will write explicit documentation, for addition to
-          SIDS, describing face-based storage and providing explicit
-          examples for using the method, and will send to Rumsey and
-          Michal for review.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          <li> we need other committee members to look at it and give
-               comments
-          <li> it currently works with existing MLL (it is merely a
-               documentation change), but do we need to worry about
-               mixing cell-based with face-based in the same file or
-               zone? do we need some sort of descriptor node so another
-               user can easily identify what method is being used?
-          <li> Fisher, Poinot, Hann, Weber, Allmaras, Rumsey will be
-               on team to evaluate this proposal and decide what to
-               do.  <u>Rumsey will forward Allmaras's documentation on
-               face-based storage method to Fisher, Poinot, Hann, Weber.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS and MLL as appropriate
-          on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey, Norris, and Towne.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue of memory allocation for
-          <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor"><tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt></a>
-          (related to use of <i>malloc</i>).
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          <li> this involves C-usage of
-               <a href="../midlevel/links.html"><tt>link_read</tt></a>,
-               <a href="../midlevel/families.html#geometry"><tt>geo_read</tt></a>,
-               <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor"><tt>descriptor_read</tt></a>,
-               and <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#convergence"><tt>convergence_read</tt></a>
-          <li> other MLL routines require user to <i>malloc</i> memory,
-               and free up space
-          <li> but these 4 routines are different in that they
-               <i>malloc</i> the character strings for you
-          <li> Wedan added new <tt>cg_free</tt> MLL routine (currently
-               in CVS) so user can free up space "<i>malloc</i>"ed by
-               these 4 routines
-          <li> Documentation for this call still needed.  <u>Wedan to write
-               up documentation on <tt>cg_free</tt>.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan to post HDF-5
-          policy statement
-          on website, and include link to
-          <a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF-5 site</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.  Also
-          Wedan will try to give Rumsey access to the CGNS website.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> first part done
-          <li> Rumsey now helps Wedan make changes to the site, but sole
-               control still resides at ANSYS/ICEM
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will summarize Poinot's handling of source terms for
-          internal BCs, and pass on to others through CGNSTalk.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to send Stuckert and Bush a copy of invitation letter
-          to panelists for reference.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <a name="item4i"></a>
-     <li> Rumsey to look into advertising the tutorial session to be
-          held in San Francisco.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          <li> AIAA did not want to advertise in the conference
-               bulletin, because of possible conflicts with AIAA courses
-               that attendees are paying for
-          <li> AIAA recommended that we make one or more posters, and
-               also 1-page flyers. <u>Poinot and Rumsey will work on
-               making a poster and flyer, and will forward to steering
-               committee prior to printing.</u>
-          <li> Hann recommended looking into advertising at
-               <a href="http://www.cfd-online.com/">CFD-Online</a>
-               <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-               <u>Rumsey will look into advertising the SF tutorial session
-               at CFD-Online.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will investigate <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> problem (lines
-          1877-1878 in <i>cgns_internal.c</i>).
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done (bug fixed)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will look into MLL changes associated with making
-          <tt>CellList+InterpolantsDonor</tt> (under
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>)
-          optional rather than required.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - new MLL routine <tt>cg_conn_write_short</tt>
-               written (in CVS)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will make SIDS doc changes associated with making
-          <tt>CellList+InterpolantsDonor</tt> (under
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>)
-          optional rather than required.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - currently posted in Beta documentation
-          <li> Discussion held about version numbering and documentation
-               (summary in <a href="#item8">section 8</a> below)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey and Bush will look at need for multiple
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivities</tt></a>
-          for <a href="../sids/timedep.html">time-dependent data</a> and
-          will put together a preliminary proposal.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - new proposal submitted
-          </ul>
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on levels
-          of compliance for vendors, related to problems he has
-          encountered.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Planning for San Francisco AIAA meeting
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Two major CGNS events planned: Panel discussion and evening
-          tutorial session
-     <li> Panel discussion will be "CGNS Practical Applications in
-          CFD", under auspices of Fluid Dynamics TC, Monday June 5,
-          1PM.  We currently have 5 panel members: Cayre (SNECMA), Sudre
-          (Eurocopter), Poinot (ONERA), Hann (Ansys-CFX), Fisher (or
-          Mani or Allmaras) (Boeing). But Cayre and Sudre are not sure
-          about being able to attend.  <u>Rumsey will send Fisher more
-          information about SF Panel discussion.</u>
-     <li> Discussion held about evening tutorial. 
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> we already discussed advertising (see
-               <a href="#item4i">4i</a>)
-          <li> 5 tutors are Rumsey, Wedan, van der Weide, Hauser, Poinot
-          <li> Rumsey has requested a room sized for 50 people
-          <li> Question came up whether it's a good idea to divide
-               tutorial into into "Basic" and "Advanced" sections.
-               Perhaps better to just show topics and proceed naturally
-               from basic to advanced?  Or change "advanced" to
-               "in-depth"?  No decision made.  Poinot and Rumsey will
-               work on the advertising poster and see how it comes out -
-               and decide what to call things at that point.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#item15">number 15 below</a>):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No discussion
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hunten reported that of four new STEP Integrated Resource
-          (IR) documents developed during CGNS STEP integration, 2
-          are done (Parts 107 and 53) and 2 are in process (Parts
-          52 and 110). They are combining the original AP 209 with
-          an integrated engineering analysis framework and CGNS to
-          create a second version of AP209 (AP209E2).  Expect ISO
-          committee draft for ballot around September 2006.  They
-          hope to eventually develop an API standard based upon the
-          currently-being-developed STEP Binary standard based upon
-          HDF-5 to be associated with the AP 209E2. The latest revision
-          of the AP 209 planning model is attached
-          (<a href="attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.3.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ol>
-<a name="item8"></a>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <u>Towne will check with AIAA on the status of the latest
-          Recommended Practice document.</u>
-     <li> Version numbering discussion
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> generally, we consider e.g. 2.0 &rarr; 3.0 a major new
-               release, with possible loss of some compatibility - it is
-               formally announced
-          <li> 2.3 &rarr; 2.4 a fairly significant new release, with
-               compatibility maintained - it is also formally announced
-          <li> when there are fairly minor changes, like bug fixes or
-               small enhancements that do not affect most users, they
-               sometimes come out unannounced (e.g., 2.4.2 &rarr; 2.4.3)
-          <li> the question is how to handle minor changes when the
-               small changes involve a need for documentation change or
-               addition
-          <li> Towne indicated that the decision of determining the
-               version number can be made independent of consideration
-               of the documentation.  In other words, if the new
-               documentation goes with 2.4.4, then this version number
-               is posted at the top of the SIDS document.  The most
-               important thing is good communication between Wedan and
-               Towne, so each is fully aware of what the other is doing.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No discussion
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Koziol at NCSA is working on revisions to group format in
-          HDF-5, and plans to wrap up sometime this spring for release
-          1.8.0.
-     <li> Hauser's student is almost ready with a beta release for
-          parallel HDF-5
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> <u>Hauser will send to Alonso and van der Weide to try out</u>
-          <li> After this, it will be made available on SourceForge
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> There are several new proposals for extension (the first 3 are
-          already posted), but technical problems on the website make it
-          impossible to access them yet.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Averaging Interfaces - (Magnan)
-          <li> Face Center Connectivity - (deVito)
-          <li> Multiple zone connectivities for time-dependent - (Rumsey)
-          <li> Fluid-structure interaction with deformable boundaries -
-               (Einstein) 
-          </ul>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will forward all new proposals to Steering Committee
-          for comments.</u> Deadline for response will be in a few months.
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will have Einstein's FSI proposal posted to the
-          website.</u>
-     <li> There is also still a need for handling source terms without
-          having to specify them over the entire field, but rather
-          only over a small "region" or "regions".  One possibility is
-          to springboard off of Sayre's
-          existing
-          proposal on "Element Regions", which applies
-          only to unstructured grids.  We need an interested person
-          willing to extend this and/or create a new source term
-          ("region") proposal for extension!
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Next telecon will be tentatively held on Wed, May 10 at 11 AM
-          eastern.
-     <li> We will also try to hold a special telecon just for the
-          participants/leaders/panelists at the San Francisco meeting,
-          probably earlier in May, to coordinate in preparation for the
-          event.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will add Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to
-          <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering Committee Charter</a>.
-     <li> Rumsey will forward Allmaras's documentation on face-based
-          storage method to Fisher, Poinot, Hann, Weber.
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS and MLL as appropriate
-          on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey, Norris, and
-          Towne.
-     <li> Wedan to write up documentation on <tt>cg_free</tt>.
-     <li> Poinot and Rumsey will work on making a poster and flyer
-          for the SF tutorial session, and will forward to steering
-          committee prior to printing.
-     <li> Rumsey will look into advertising the SF tutorial session at
-          <a href="http://www.cfd-online.com/">CFD-Online</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on
-          levels of compliance for vendors, related to problems he has
-          encountered.
-     <li> Rumsey will send Fisher more information about SF Panel
-          discussion.
-     <li> Towne will check with AIAA on the status of the latest
-          Recommended Practice document.
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to Alonso
-          and van der Weide to try out.
-     <li> Rumsey will forward all new proposals for extension to
-          Steering Committee for comments.
-     <li> Rumsey will have Einstein's FSI proposal posted to the
-          website.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item15"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steven Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Daniel Einstein<td>
-   <td>Pacific NW National Laboratory
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Fisher<td>
-   <td>Boeing - IDS/St. Louis 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS/CFX 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Keith Hunten<td>
-   <td>Lockheed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Robert Magnan<td>
-   <td>Hydro Quebec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls Royce/Allison</table>
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works -
-     likely complete in early 2006?)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 24 Mar 2006
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-21 March 2007<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">10 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="meeting_jan07.html">10 January 2007
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee Membership changes, updates, and issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Since last meeting, committee voted by e-mail to allow free
-          and open usage of the CGNS logo.  Words to this effect have
-          been added to the website.
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey to e-mail Craig Day and Michele Ringrose, to remind
-          them to look into the status of the SIDS as AIAA Recommended
-          Practice.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  The latest document has been approved and will be
-               printed soon.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to coordinate with Wedan and put parallel HDF-5 version
-          of CGNS on SourceForge as beta release.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ongoing. Hauser plans to send his 2.4 parallel version to
-               Wedan to integrate. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will test the HDF5 external link capability.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ongoing. This relates to last item in the
-               <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>. See report
-               below under <a href="#HDF5">HDF5</a>. <u>Poinot will
-               continue to test and work with HDF5 external link
-               capability.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to get verification from Towne when the MLL
-          documentation on all the recent changes related to 2.5 is
-          posted.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done and posted.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Alabi will finish completing the AIAA Course
-          Profile Form by March 2007, and will start putting together
-          the course in detail after that.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ongoing.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will send Towne the change to <tt>PYRA_14</tt> for
-          fixing in the SIDS.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done and posted.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will see if there is a change needed in the MLL call
-          <a href="../midlevel/bc.html#bc"><tt>cg_boco_normal_write</tt></a>
-          (from Guzik e-mail).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Currently this routine requires a normal index to be
-               input (and written to the file) whenever a normal
-               list is written, but this does not make sense for
-               unstructured grids because unstructured grids do not
-               use it.  As a result, <i>cgnscheck</i> complains.
-               <u>Wedan will make changes to fix problem associated with
-               <tt>NormalIndex</tt> and <tt>cg_boco_normal_write</tt> /
-               <i>cgnscheck</i> for unstructured grids.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan and van der Weide will communicate, and Wedan will look
-          into the issue of very slow I/O on some parallel file systems.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  This is a fundamental problem associated with
-               files having many (thousands) of nodes.  There is no
-               quick fix for this, so this issue has been added to the
-               list of <a href="#open_items">Open Items</a>.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras will study Wedan's new formulation as it relates to
-          face-based storage, and will make a recommendation.  It may be
-          necessary to hold another sub-committee telecon to discuss it.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  The recommendation was to stay with the
-               original Allmaras proposal. But there still may be
-               some misunderstanding about Wedan's proposal, so it
-               is necessary to hold another mini-telecon to discuss.
-               <u>Rumsey will arrange mini-telecon among people interested
-               in face-based storage method.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will try to form a sub-committee to perform a more
-          thorough review of the Regions extension before moving
-          forward with it.  This will also test to see how well the
-          sub-committee idea works as part of the extension approval
-          process.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  Subcommittee (Rumsey, Poinot, Bush, Fisher) has
-               modified the proposal.  <u>Rumsey will post the new Regions
-               proposal on the website and announce it to allow for a
-               new round of comments.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#open_items">number 15 below</a>)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No discussion.
-     </ol>
-<li> Possible CGNS short course for AIAA
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> See <a href="meeting_jan07.html#short_course">summary given in
-          the January 2007 minutes</a>.
-     <li> Alabi made excellent progress putting together a strawman
-          course.  The Course Profile (proposal for course) needs to be sent
-          to AIAA soon.
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will contact U. Ghia (chair of Committee on
-          Standards) to discuss whether any proceeds from the course can
-          be kept in a CGNS fund for handling incidental expenses.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> New version of AIAA Recommended Practice is now fully approved
-          by AIAA and will be printed soon.
-     <li> Rumsey reported that several new
-          examples of
-          "real" CGNS files
-          have been added
-          to the website.
-     <li> Rumsey reported that as a result of people sending him new
-          examples, an issue came up with one company that may require
-          a new proposal for extension.  They use zones with "sprays"
-          of random points with no connectivity.  They currently cannot
-          use <a href="../sids/conv.html#elementtypes">"<tt>NODE</tt>"
-          type of connectivity</a> because these are not recognized as
-          3-D elements in <i>cgnscheck</i>.  One solution is to allow
-          a new element type (like <tt>NODE</tt>) - perhaps called
-          <tt>UNCONNECTED3D</tt> - which would be recognized as valid
-          for 3-D and would be included in the summation of "volumetric"
-          elements. <u>Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays
-          of unconnected points.</u>
-     </ol>
-<a name="software"></a>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan mentioned working on adding a new layer between MLL
-          and ADF.  This will allow easily writing HDF-5, ADF, or XML,
-          as desired, at run-time!  This is not in the repository yet.
-          <u>Wedan will send a copy of new capability for writing HDF-5,
-          ADF, or XML to Hann.</u>
-     </ol>
-<a name="HDF5"></a>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Mark Poinot has been looking at the latest external linking
-          capability of HDF5.  He sent in the following summary:
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> The ADFH mount system has been suppressed and changed by
-               HDF5 external links. This new feature is so close to our
-               actual needs that the code is really simplified.
-          <li> However, it seems we are the beta tester for this
-               feature. I had a very good support from Quincey Koziol
-               (NCSA) who has quickly released patched versions for our
-               needs and had always gave me answers to my questions
-               within hours.
-          <li> The feature is implemented in ADFH but cannot be
-               released. I have a non-blocking issue at close time,
-               which has no effect on the actual use of the links, but
-               that cannot be ignored. Such a close time error indicates
-               an internal error somewhere, and thus this should be
-               tracked and resolved. I had no time to put on this
-               problem, I hope to have a slot during March. Then I would
-               first try to reproduce the problem, in order to reduce
-               the scope and find out whether it is related to ADFH or
-               to HDF5. I suspect the (mis-?)use of HDF5 attributes
-               through an HDF5 group.
-          <li> I am very confident in achieving this by summer 2007,
-               so that we could run tons of tests for a Reno 2008
-               release. Note that such a release is related to the
-               public release of HDF5 with external links feature.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Quincey Koziol of NCSA emailed to say that there is a "stable
-          format" snapshot up on their ftp server. Any files created
-          with that snapshot (or later ones) WILL be read by future
-          versions of the HDF5 library.  However, they are still
-          wrapping up some features that don't affect the file format,
-          along with some API compatibility issues, so we might have to
-          adapt our code to slight tweaks in the API routine names, etc.
-     </ol>
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Face-based storage proposal (from Allmaras) - ongoing (team
-          needs to meet again!)
-     <li> Regions proposal (from Rumsey) - ongoing (new proposal will be
-          posted for comment soon)
-     <li> A user (Yang) sent proposal via CGNSTalk for removing
-          restrictions on
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity">Generalized
-          Connectivity</a>.  He wants to be able to write
-          <tt>CellListDonor</tt> without <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>.  We
-          already made a change last year to allow no donor information
-          at all, so their proposal is merely a step halfway between
-          writing everything and writing very little.  The change
-          required is only a few lines in the SIDS, and perhaps a minor
-          change in <i>cgnscheck</i>.  No changes would be needed in
-          the MLL. <u>Rumsey will summarize proposal for tweak to
-          generalized connectivity for the committee and will ask for a
-          vote via e-mail.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Next Telecon will probably be mid May.
-     <li> Rumsey will not be present at the AIAA meeting in late June
-          in Miami, so it is not known yet whether a face-to-face CGNS
-          meeting will be held there or not. <u>Rumsey will communicate
-          with Hauser about possibility of Hauser leading a CGNS meeting
-          in Miami.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 11:52 AM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser to coordinate with Wedan and put parallel HDF-5 version
-          of CGNS on SourceForge as beta release.
-     <li> Poinot will continue to test and work with HDF5 external link
-          capability.
-     <li> Hauser and Alabi will finish completing the AIAA Course
-          Profile Form by March 2007, and will start putting together
-          the course in detail after that.
-     <li> Wedan will make changes to fix problem associated with
-          <tt>NormalIndex</tt> and <tt>cg_boco_normal_write</tt> /
-          <i>cgnscheck</i> for unstructured grids.
-     <li> Rumsey will arrange mini-telecon among people interested in
-          face-based storage method.
-     <li> Rumsey will post the new Regions proposal on the website and
-          announce it to allow for a new round of comments.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact U. Ghia (chair of Committee on Standards)
-          to discuss whether any proceeds from the course can be kept in
-          a CGNS fund for handling incidental expenses.
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-     <li> Wedan will send a copy of new capability for writing HDF-5,
-          ADF, or XML to Hann.
-     <li> Rumsey will summarize proposal for tweak to generalized
-          connectivity for the committee and will ask for a vote via
-          e-mail.
-     <li> Rumsey will communicate with Hauser about possibility of
-          Hauser leading a CGNS meeting in Miami.
-     </ol>
-<a name="open_items"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     <li> Need to resolve slow behavior and larger file sizes that can
-          occur in CGNS files when there are many (thousands) of nodes.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Ken Alabi<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Thaerocomp
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise, Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>P&amp;W Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Earl Duque<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Fisher<td>
-   <td>Boeing IDS
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Scott Imlay<td>
-   <td>Tecplot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls-Royce / Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works -
-     likely complete in early 2006?)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 26 Mar 2007
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-<div class=Section1>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>CGNS Steering
-Committee Telecon Minutes</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>18 March 2010<span
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>1)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>There were 10 attendees, listed in Attachment
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>2)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-minutes of the 28 January 2010 telecon were approved as posted on the web site.
-<p class=MsoTableColorfulListAccent1 style='margin-left:0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>3)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of CGNS Version 3.0</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>It
-was noted previously that there was a recent faulty commit that incorrectly
-removed a flag attribute.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>We do not know
-if this has been corrected yet. Hauser and Poinot to coordinate to fix the
-faulty commit.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>We
-would like to have a new beta release in April, with announcement. Hauser has a
-student working the 4 byte integer limit issue. Hopefully it can be fixed in
-the new beta release, but we should not hold up release solely because of it.
-Plan for official 3.1 release by July. It was pointed out that software
-companies will not implement V3 until V3.1 gets officially released, and even
-then there will be some delay.<u><o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Why
-was new element type not added to the end of the list for V3.0? Because of
-NGON+ … types. V3.0 automatically converts old files to fix this. However, we
-do not have forward compatibility.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>But
-Wedan says there is a cgns version program in Tools that can convert between
-2.5 and 3.0.<u><o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Jim
-Jiao (Stonybrook U) had brought up several issues with V3.0 on CGNSTalk
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]><u>Bug in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read needs to be fixed.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>ii)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>3.0
-compatibility issues with 2.5.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>See note
-above about cgns version program in Tools that can convert between 2.5 and 3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>iii)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Need
-3.0 to be able to also compile with HDF 1.6 (even though links will not work). <u>Wedan
-to add ifdefs to V3.0 so can still compile with HDF 1.6.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>iv)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>We
-need to provide binary releases of the new software.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>4)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of previous action items</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey
-to post on website or post directly himself.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Carries. <u>They will also look into NSF software
-infrastructure for sustained innovation.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Not done as of end of January. Action removed.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.5in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users
-know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write,
-cg_element_partial_write), and send to Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Carries. Still has cgio to do.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to fix both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as
-the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to send details and a link to his recent paper on
-parallel I/O with CGNS to Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to fix HTML version of Dec 2009 minutes.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Rumsey will finalize the new Tutorial presentation
-slides and send to Iannetti for posting on the website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Sent to Iannetti,<u> but not posted yet.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post CGNSTalk archive files on the doc webpage. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to modify 3<sup>rd</sup> paragraph on “Switch to HDF” page, and also to switch
-ISO page with the Applications info on the FAQs page.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to correct the faulty 3.0 commit and replace flag attribute capability.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and
-announce it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release
-and send to Iannetti for posting.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>r)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email a plea to the committee to try to find volunteer to be vice-chair.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Done.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>No
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>s)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email to Hauser a list of steering committee members who have not participated
-at all over the last 2 years.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Done. Rumsey to email inactive members.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>t)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email to Weber a list of benefits of CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>u)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Done.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>v)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to email information on submission process for R&amp;D 100 award to Hauser
-&amp; Rumsey.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Done. We cannot apply this year because new software
-must be released first.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>5)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Next
-Telecon tentatively set for Thu, April 29, 2010, 11 am eastern.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>6)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Summary
-of <b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u>action items</u></b>:</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Bug
-identified by Jiao 3/9/10 in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read needs to be fixed.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to add ifdefs to V3.0 so can still compile with HDF 1.6.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and send to Rumsey to post
-on website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium. Also look into applying to NSF
-software infrastructure for sustained innovation.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users
-know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g.,
-is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to
-Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to fix the “long” vs “int” issue (4 byte integer
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to send details and a link to his recent paper on
-parallel I/O with CGNS to Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Iannetti
-to post new tutorial slides on the website.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to coordinate with Poinot to correct the faulty 3.0 commit and replace flag
-attribute capability.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>o)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and
-announce it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>p)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release
-and send to Iannetti for posting.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in list .5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>q)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to email inactive committee members.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;tab-stops:.5in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<u><span style='font-size:12.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";
-mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:
-AR-SA;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'><br clear=all style='page-break-before:always'>
-<p class=MsoNormal><u>Attachment 1: Attendees<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Bob Bush<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                            </span>Pratt
-&amp; Whitney</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Earl Duque<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                          </span>Intelligent
-<p class=MsoNormal>Richard Hann<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>ANSYS/CFX</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thomas Hauser<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                   </span>Northwestern
-<p class=MsoNormal>Jim Jiao<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                               </span>Stonybrook
-<p class=MsoNormal>Simon Pereira<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>ANSYS/ICEM</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Greg Power<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                         </span>USAF/AEDC</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Chris Rumsey<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal>Bruce Wedan<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>SimCosm</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:1.0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-11 May 2000<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Eastern time.
-There were 13 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-Bob Bush reviewed the minutes from the March telecon, noting that they
-have been posted on the web. Having no comments, the minutes were
-approved as posted.
-<li> A round-table discussion of the current implementation and usage
-     status of CGNS in various organizations was held to familiarize the
-     Committee with current activities.
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Introduction of Charlie Towne, NASA GRC, as the new
-          documentation focal point. Charlie is currently merging
-          the SIDS and the SIDS_additions documents.  He creates the
-          document in LaTex, then convert it to PDF. He would be like to
-          also build an HTML version. This merging of the 2 documents
-          implies reviewing to whole SIDS which was written originally
-          only for multi-block. Chris Rumsey, Bob Bush and Diane Poirier
-          agreed to help by reviewing the merged document before it is
-          posted on the web.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Introduction of Don Roberts - AMTEC Engineering: In 1 or 2
-          weeks, they are releasing a CGNS reader for Tecplot. Their
-          reader supports structured and unstructured data, with
-          solutions at cell centers or nodes. Experience to share with
-          others: Mentioned that the CGNS libraries should be stable,
-          and that they had compatibility problems between library
-          versions. Will ask the developer to send more details on this.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Introduction of Jamil Appa - BAE and Denis Bertin -
-          Aerospatiale (both not present)
-     <br><br>
-     <li> ISO Status - Bob Bush presented for Boeing St-Louis: The
-          work continues. There is an informative meeting planned in
-          June between the ISO group and some members of the CGNS
-          committee. Are on schedule to present a draft standard at the
-          ISO meeting in October 2000. Peter Wilson (Boeing Seattle)
-          converted the SIDS to EXPRESS.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> John Chawner - Pointwise - They have been evaluating CGNS
-          since December 1999 and decided to implement it. GridGen
-          version 14 will have a CGNS writer.  Would like to volunteer
-          to be part of the CGNS Steering Committee. Bob said
-          that we will discuss adding new members at the Denver
-          conference. Questions he passed along from his developers:
-          <br><br>
-          <ul>
-          <li> Q: Are there any higher level documents to explain how to
-               create a CGNS file for a tetra mesh, for example?
-               <br>
-               A: Such document doesn't exist. The best thing to do is
-               to use the examples on the web.
-          <li> Q: Is there a data checker to see if the file is CGNS
-               compliant?
-               <br>
-               A: No, but if the file is readable in the CGNS API, or
-               if the file was written with the CGNS API, then it is
-               necessarily CGNS compliant. The ADF_edit file browser is
-               also a good tool for browsing a file and verifying its
-               content.
-          </ul>
-     <br>
-     <li> Michel Delanaye - Numeca - Numeca software released at the
-          end of April 2000 included their implementation of CGNS for
-          structured meshes and solutions.  They are working now on
-          implementing the interblock connectivity. Wants to present
-          a proposal for hierarchical elements in June. Steve Karman
-          (Lockeed) agreed to work with Michel on this proposal. Passed
-          along comments from his chemisty specialist who would like
-          CGNS to
-          <br><br>
-          <ul>
-          <li> interface with Chemkin
-          <li> Have curve fitting enthalpy and Cp
-          <li> Complex kinematics scheme
-          <li> Bob Bush suggested that we start with what we have, then
-               we can work on an extension proposal.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Extension Status (Diane Poirier)</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Web site enhancements: Add pages to collect data sets,
-          utilities and comments/experiences.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Linux port: First release on April 26. It is being used by MTU
-          in Munich and by L.A.N.L.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> LINUX problem: gives memory error when using
-          <tt>cg_goto_f(...)</tt> and compiling the Fortran application
-          with the g77 compiler, but only when format statement for
-          prints is inside parenthesis. Works OK when separate format
-          statement is used.  For example:
-          <br><br>
-          <ul>
-          <li> Syntax that creates memory errors in function
-               <tt>cg_goto_f</tt> using g77 compiler:
-      write(6,'(a,i3)') 'a=',a
-          <li> Syntax that doesn't create any memory errors:
-      write(6,10) 'a=',a
-10    format(a,i3)
-          </ul> 
-     <li> Released - Unstructured Element Ordering on March 15.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Status - Moving Grid specification: the CGNS lib version 1.3
-          is planned to be release in July and to include the API for
-          moving grid.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Doug McCarthy to check if Boeing - St Louis has made any
-          headway with ADF linking problems.
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Solicit implementation paper for Reno 2000 (Bob Bush)</b> -
-     Most people not prepared to submit abstract for Reno 2001 on
-     CGNS implementations. Diane is planning a CGNS performance paper
-     however. Many agreed that an informal gathering/demo/discussion of
-     CGNS implementations at Reno may be feasible.
-<li> <b>June Meeting (Bob Bush)</b>
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Rescheduled for Wednesday night, tentatively at 7 p.m.  Advise
-          all to look for posting of room and time in Denver.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> Items on the agenda
-          <br><br>
-          <ul>
-          <li> Discuss addition of new members of the steering committee
-          <li> Plan and schedule for development through Jan 2000
-          <li> Implementation and release status reports
-          <li> Documentation status report
-          <li> Extensions status report
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michel Delanaye<td>
-   <td>Numeca
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Peter Dutton<td>
-   <td>Adapco
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>Lockeed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Doug McCarthy<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 5 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-17 May 2001<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-Telecon Number: (601) 354-1086, participant code: 374105
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Eastern time.
-There were 14 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<li> <b>Charter/Membership</b> - Michael Marchant from CFX/AEA Technology
-     attended the telecon for the first time.  Mike introduced himself as
-     the Meshing Team Leader and indicated that CFX now supports import and
-     export of CGNS files.  They would like to become more active in the
-     Steering Committee.  Diane Poirier indicated that she would add them to
-     the list of applications on the web.  Welcome Mike.
-     <p>
-     Not mentioned at the telecon, the charter has been updated on the web to
-     include the current list of steering committee members.
-<li> <b>Issues</b> - There will be an informal meeting at the AIAA summer
-     conferences in Anehiem Calif.  We have requested a room for Tuesday
-     evening at 7:00.  The room number should be posted at the conference.
-     We welcome all who can attend.  (7 of the attendees indicated that they
-     would attend the Anaheim conference, so we anticipate a reasonable
-     turn-out for the meeting.)  An agenda will be sent to the entire
-     committee before the meeting.
-     <p>
-     Discussions on if CGNS should be published as an AIAA Standard are still
-     underway.  There will be a telecon on this subject between Ray Cosner
-     (AIAA CFD Committee on Standards), Jim French (AIAA Staff) and Bob Bush
-     (CGNS Steering Committee) on 29 May.  Bob will report the results of the
-     discussion at the meeting in Anaheim.
-     <p>
-     Dave Edwards reported on progress in preparing for the Reno conference
-     in January.  He thinks it would be timely to have another technical
-     paper on the status of CGNS, and can arrange for an invitation for
-     the ICG session.  Dave will be sending out a questionnaire to collect
-     data for the paper.  We also discussed the idea of having a Steering
-     Committee and/or User's meeting.  We tentatively decided to hold a
-     one-hour Steering Committee meeting before a publicly announced User's
-     meeting.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner could not attend, but sent the
-     following report:
-     <blockquote>
-     <tt>The next meeting of ISO Standing Committee 4 will be June 11-15, in San
-     Francisco.  This is the group whose responsibility includes the Fluid
-     Dynamics standard.  I expect this will be a fairly low-key meeting from
-     the Fluid Dynamics perspective - no major decisions are to be made
-     at this one. The primary activity will be to continue the process of
-     reviewing and updating the drafts of the standard.  Since the previous
-     meeting of this group in February, we have been receiving comments
-     and updating the documentation.  All the comments received have been
-     minor.  People in several countries have agreed to put in some time at
-     their own expense to help us develop the standard.  Those countries
-     are: US, UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, and Germany.  The next meeting
-     of Standing Committee 4 will be in October, in Fukuoka Japan.  This will
-     be a major meeting for the Fluid Dynamics standard - we hope to pass
-     Gate 3 (Committee Draft) for all the parts of the AP 237 standard.  To
-     do this, we will have to have a draft we consider to be complete in all
-     respects.  Once we reach that stage, we will have to institute a formal
-     process of recording and responding to all comments we receive.  Our
-     response can be 'we received your comment and we choose to ignore it'
-     (not a bright idea) but we have to respond.</tt>
-     </blockquote>
-     <p>
-     Ray also sent the updated documentation to Bob Bush for comment and
-     review.  This information will be forwarded to Diane Poirier for
-     inclusion on the Web site.  All members of the committee are urged to
-     review this documentation to ensure consistency with the intent of
-     making a smooth transition of CGNS to an ISO standard.
-<li> <b>Logo Status</b> - John Chawner could not attend, but indicated
-     via e-mail that the logo has been revised and is ready for approval and
-     posting.  An initial version has been posted on the web, and some minor
-     comments of John's addressed.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne indicated that an HTML version
-     of all the documentation is now available on the web.  He is also
-     working on a revision to the Mid-Level Library documentation that will
-     hopefully make it easier to use.
-     <p>
-     Chris Rumsey indicated that he has gotten little feedback on the draft
-     User's Guide.  However, it has been used by some groups, and has been
-     helpful in providing answers and a reference for several listbot
-     questions that have come up.
-<li> <b>Software Support</b> - There has been little progress in
-     identifying a Software Focal Point.  Doug McCarthy could not attend the
-     telecon, and there is no progress on drafting a contribution strategy
-     as a potential source of funding for Software Support.  On the positive
-     side however, the listbot has been a great help in getting questions
-     answered.  Our biggest need now is to implement extensions that are
-     ready, and to provide a mechanism for bug fixes.
-     <p>
-     In the mean time, all parties are encouraged to continue to work on
-     gaining consensus for the various extensions.  We would like to get the
-     extensions to the point where they are well enough defined to begin
-     implementation and the documentation is ready for inclusion in the SIDS.
-     (However, we do not anticipate updating the SIDS until the extension has
-     been implemented.)
-<li> <b>Extension Status</b> - There was brief discussion of the various
-     extension proposals.  Many are somewhat stagnant and need to be
-     re-invigorated.  Currently we rely on the originator to keep them
-     moving.
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> Chemistry - Bush - Ready for implementation
-     <li> Rotating Coordinates - Bush - Ready for implementation
-     <li> API Link support - in SIDS - Ready for implementation
-     <li> User defined arrays - Rumsey - need to choose a strategy
-     <li> Hierarchical structures - Patel
-     <li> Hanging Nodes - Edwards
-     <li> Spray/2phase flow - Darian
-     <li> Wall Functions
-     <li> Turbomachinery BC's
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Utilities</b> - Ed Hall indicated that he is still interested
-     in pursuing generating various utilities to operate on CGNS files.
-     He indicated that CGNS support has been added to the OpenGL version
-     of PLOT3D that is now being supported by NASA Ames (Stuart Rogers -
-     <i>rogers@nas.nasa.gov</i>).  He would also like to develop a Viewer/Editor
-     based on JAVA, and has internal funding but no manpower at this point.
-     <p>
-     David Edwards indicated that Intelligent Light has developed a CGNS
-     inspector for their internal development that might serve as a good
-     starting point for Ed Hall's activity.  He was encouraged to send it
-     to Diane Poirier to make it available as a download from the Utilities
-     page.
-<li> <b>Additional</b> - Release Status - Diane Poirier indicated that we
-     are ready to release V2 beta2 as the production V2, and will take the
-     beta designation off the web.  For the present we will retain the older
-     versions of the software on the web as well.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing Space
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michel Delanaye<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM-CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ed Hall<td>
-   <td>RR/Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing Phantom Works
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michael Marchant<td>
-   <td>AEA/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing Space
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-15 May 2002<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-Telecon Number: (850) 240-9853, participant code: 557184
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm EDT.
-The <a href="#attendees">attendees</a> are listed below.
-The minutes of the last telecon were approved as posted
-on the Web.
-<li> <b>Charter Business</b> - Bob Bush introduced two people who have
-        requested to attend Steering Committee meetings.  These were:
-        <br><br>
-	Steven J. Massey, Eagle Aeronautics, Hampton, VA<br>
-	John Bussoletti, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
-        <br><br>
-        Steve Massey introduced himself and indicated that he would be
-        working on the NASA Langley contract (discussed in more detail
-        below).
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner was not available but sent in an
-        e-mail indicating that there have been no ISO meetings since the
-        last telecon, so there is no update.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Bob Bush indicated that Jim French and Craig
-        Day have indicated that only 3 Steering Committee members have
-        voted thus far on the AIAA standard (re-format of the SIDS).
-        Bob encouraged all the Steering Committee Members to vote soon.
-        Bob will send a reminder to the Steering Committee members.
-        <p>
-        Charlie Towne gave an overview of the documentation status.  He
-        indicated that there is a new Overview and Entry Level document,
-        and that all documents have been version controlled with
-        references to software version numbers.
-        <p>
-        John Chawner indicated that he might not be able to attend
-        the Grid Generation Conference in Hawaii, but that in any
-        event, CGNS would be represented on the panel discussion by
-        a representative from Pointwise.  If John cannot attend, the
-        representative will be John Steinbrenner.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - Chris Rumsey introduced the new Langley
-        sub-contracted effort to be performed by Eagle Aeronautics,
-        with ICEM CFD contributions.  The effort will focus on three
-        areas.  The largest will be the development of utilities to
-        support translation, node to cell conversion, primitive to
-        conservative variable conversion, etc.  The other 2 areas will
-        be adding the ability to delete node children, and adding SIDS
-        based extensions.  Bruce Wedan indicated that these capabilities
-        will be developed with a TCL/TK GUI and loosely coupled to the
-        "adfviewer" viewer that he wrote.  The programming will be done
-        in C and so portable.  The capabilities will be developed as a
-        series of independent programs callable from scripts or the GUI.
-        <p>
-        Todd Michal of Boeing indicated that they were interested some
-        old extensions that have not been implemented yet.  Some of
-        these are in the current Langley sub-contract (Axi Symmetry,
-        Rotating Coordinates and Gravity), some need more definition
-        (Wall functions and Periodic BC's), and some are yet to be
-        proposed (frozen BC's, Bleed-Blowing BC's, Electro-Magnetic
-        extensions, and solution specific BC's).  Boeing will take a
-        cut at defining the new extension proposals, and reviewing the
-        existing extension proposals.
-        <p>
-        Chris Rumsey reinforced the notion that we need to put more
-        fidelity into the extensions before they can be effectively
-        implemented.
-        <p>
-        Diane Poirier proposed taking the beta status off the version
-        2.1 release.  The value of <tt>NormalListFlag</tt> returned by
-        the function <tt>cg_boco_info</tt> has been modified.  It was
-        previously set to 1 when <tt>NormalList</tt> was defined, and 0
-        when it was not.  In this new version, if <tt>NormalList</tt>
-        exists, <tt>NormalListFlag</tt> is set to the number of data
-        contained in <tt>NormalList</tt>.  However, this is seldom used
-        to date and should pose no problem.  It was agreed to release
-        version 2.1.
-<li> <b>Next Meeting</b> - There will be an informal meeting at the
-        summer fluids conference in St. Louis the week of 24 June.  The
-        tentative time is set for Monday evening, at 7:00.  The room is
-        to be determined.  We do not have much on the agenda, Bob Bush
-        will send out a request for topics and discussion items.
-<li> <b>Other</b> - Todd Michal indicated that the Unstructured
-        Grid Consortium was continuing to make progress in defining
-        interfaces and an API between grid generation modules.  The
-        consortium is using CGNS data structures as a guide for much of
-        the development.  There should be a draft out soon for public
-        comment.  Todd will send an announcement, with the web address
-        to Bob Bush to forward to the CGNS team.
-There being no additional issues, the meeting was adjourned.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Massey
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Teresa Benyo
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominic
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-Last updated 22 May 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-29 May 2003<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time<br><br>
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">11 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_mar03.html">20 March 2003
-     telecon meeting</a> were reviewed and approved as posted on the web
-     site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot's HDF-5 implementation:  Wedan &amp; Rumsey both
-          checked it out and tried the test case, but nothing done
-          beyond that.  <u>Power said they are currently looking into it
-          as a part of CHSSI project, and will report to the group when
-          they get further along.</u>
-     <li> <a href="../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFVIEWER
-          documentation</a>:  Wedan has completed - it comes with the
-          package, through SourceForge. Towne has also put documentation
-          separately on the web documentation page.  ADFVIEWER also
-          now has "CGNS compatibility" button functional, for limited
-          checking of file for compatibility with the standard.
-     <li> SourceForge status: up and running and working fine.  Wedan
-          and Rumsey are administrators, Poinot is currently the only
-          developer.  Access is available by downloading tar files or
-          by accessing via CVS (see (g) below for further discussion).
-          Need SSH to use CVS.
-     <li> Rewording of BC section in SIDS:  Towne has completed.
-     <li> Accessibility of <a href="../cgnstools/index.html">tools and
-          utilities documentation</a>:  Towne has revamped so that
-          documentation is now accessible through 1 link as opposed to
-          being difficult to navigate to.
-     <li> New proposals for extension:
-          Rumsey has posted on CGNS website - <u>reviews
-          and comments needed by August.</u>
-     <li> Removal of beta status: done, as of initiation of
-          SourceForge
-          accessibility
-          (by Wedan) Version 2.2 is now the latest
-          official CGNS release.
-          <ol type="i">
-          <li> Issue: if get tar file, you get latest "official"
-               release, if download using CVS, you get official + bug
-               fixes.
-          <li> We will recommend that users get the "official" release;
-               CVS version is unofficial.
-          <li> When enough fixes accumulate, or when a "major" bug is
-               corrected, then there should be a new "official" release
-               issued.
-          <li> Developers should "tag" any significant series of changes
-               that are committed.
-          <li> <u>Wedan will add comment(s) on web page and/or on
-               SourceForge regarding this policy.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Archiving CGNSTALK:  Towne completed this.
-     <li> Reno 2004 paper:  Poinot, Rumsey, Bush submitted abstract
-          "Impact of CGNS on CFD Workflow".
-     <li> Orlando meeting:  Rumsey set up for Tues, June 24 at 7PM in
-          Jasmine room.
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO Status - Ray Cosner (via e-mail) reported that there was still
-     a problem with the 2003 budget for ISO at Boeing. It is a long shot
-     to get restored funding this year; it is more likely that budgets
-     will be restored in 2004.  Some limited efforts have continued in
-     Seattle, but the funding has been week-to-week and it is likely to
-     stop soon.  In spite of the budget problem, they still may get to
-     present the Committee Draft Proposal (via e-mail) for all 4 parts
-     in June at the ISO-STEP meeting in Stuttgart.
-<li> Documentation - Towne asked if we want to submit the latest (2.2)
-     <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS documentation</a> to AIAA for a
-     revised <a href="../aiaa.html">recommended practice guideline</a>.
-     The answer is yes, although there may be a minor modification to
-     make first regarding the
-     <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt>
-     node</a> (see item (7b) below).  <u>After that issue is resolved,
-     Towne will proceed with forwarding the latest documentation to
-     AIAA.</u> The spam problem we were having with the cgnstalk mailing
-     list seems to have died down, so a decision on how to deal with the
-     problem was tabled for now.
-<li> Software status - Wedan mentioned that recent bug (a check testing
-     index range in pnts) was fixed in the official release of 2.2: the
-     check was taken out (so it is possible for a user to end up with
-     invalid point ranges - the software does not check for it).  This
-     bug is a result of a change made at the release of version 2.0 for
-     unstructured grids, having to do with element list and element
-     range being taken out.  Wedan asked details about the change made,
-     but those present could not remember enough.  <u>Wedan will speak to
-     Poirier to get more details on why it was taken out and whether or
-     not it is possible or practical to put back in.</u>
-<li> Discussion on extensions:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Regarding a need for allowing <tt>GridLocation</tt>
-          and <tt>PointRange</tt>/<tt>PointList</tt> under
-          <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>, and also regarding additional
-          specification of <tt>GridLocation</tt> for data deep under
-          <tt>BC_t</tt>: these proposals have been posted on the CGNS
-          website under Proposals
-          For Extension.
-          <u>Deadline is 30 Aug 2003 for comments (Bush
-          volunteered as one reviewer, more are needed).</u>
-     <li> It has come up on cgnstalk: the need to make
-          <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt>
-          node</a> node mandatory (currently, if it is not present, the
-          MLL assumes a default version of 1.05).  The MLL automatically
-          adds this node, but other software may not; and then it
-          runs into trouble if the MLL is used to read the file
-          subsequently. Also, there is the question of a possible need
-          for a node referring to the version of the SIDS, as opposed to
-          the version of the MLL.  After discussion, it was decided to
-          make the current <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt> node mandatory.
-          This will be a change in documentation only.  Because the MLL
-          and the SIDS keep identical numbering and stay current of each
-          other, the number to include is either the MLL library version
-          or the SIDS version (they are the exact same number). It was
-          decided that a proposal for a separate node for the SIDS
-          version number was not crucial at this time, because the
-          numbers are identical. The wording "Library" is unfortunate,
-          but is difficult to change; the documentation will hopefully
-          clarify what is meant. Other issues related to this have
-          been brought up on cgnstalk, but it appears possible to work
-          within the current framework for the present. Documentation
-          needs to be added (in SIDS?) to describe the fact that the
-          <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt> node is mandatory &amp; what it
-          means, and also documentation is needed somewhere (in MLL
-          docs?) to describe how the MLL handles files without the node
-          present. <u>Towne will look into where it is most appropriate to
-          add documentation regarding this policy.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues - Rumsey mentioned two mailing lists for other mesh
-     standards that are under development (mail
-     <a href="mailto:majordomo@ncsa.uiuc.edu">majordomo@ncsa.uiuc.edu</a>;
-     subscribe hdf5mesh) (mail
-     <a href="mailto:majordomo@mcs.anl.gov">majordomo@mcs.anl.gov</a>;
-     subscribe tstt-interface) for those people interested in keeping
-     abreast.  There has been some communication with these groups, but
-     so far common ground has not been found.  They are aware of CGNS.
-<li> Next CGNS meeting will be at the Orlando AIAA Meeting in June -
-     anyone is welcome (Tues, June 24 at 7PM in the Jasmine Room).  Next
-     Telecon will probably be in Aug-Sept time frame.
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
-<li> Summary of action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Power to report on his group's assessment of HDF-5
-          implementation of CGNS.
-     <li> Bush (and other volunteers) to review 2 new proposals for
-          extension.
-     <li> Wedan to add comments to website and/or SourceForge regarding
-          policy of "official" release vs. CVS updates.
-     <li> Towne to propose documentation regarding
-          <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt> node being mandatory - Rumsey will
-          involve several people (including Robert Magnan, the person
-          who originally pointed out the problem) via e-mail to help
-          wordsmith and agree to it.
-     <li> Towne to submit latest 2.2 documentation to AIAA to update the
-          recommended practice guideline document.
-     <li> Wedan to discuss with Poirier the issue of element list and
-          element range.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing Space
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>UT Chattanooga
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls-Royce
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Nick Wyman<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
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-Last updated 2 June 2003
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-25 May 2005<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">11 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_mar05.html">16 March 2005
-     telecon</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Rumsey announced that Thomas Hauser has been elected as Vice Chair,
-     through January 2007.
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey proposed a change to the Charter to accommodate the
-          Vice Chair position to read (as amended) as follows:  "At
-          the discretion of the Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson may
-          be appointed by consensus of the Committee, to assist the
-          Chairperson with his or her duties. The Vice-Chairperson will
-          also be a member of the Committee."  This change was adopted
-          by the Committee.  <u>Towne will incorporate into the charter and
-          post.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keith Hunten dialed in to report on progress integrating the
-          proposed CGNS AP 237 for Fluid Dynamics into the existing ISO
-          standard AP 209.
-     <li> AP 209 is being upgraded (modularized) and modules based on
-          CGNS and EU work done on the Engineering Analysis Core model
-          in the GEM program will be added.  This work has already been
-          harmonized and integrated with the STEP Integrated Resources
-          data models.
-     <li> They are also in the late design phase of a standard binary
-          file format mapping for STEP (based on HDF-5). Hunten is
-          interested in tapping the knowledge of CGNS committee
-          members familiar with the HDF-5 implementation.  <u>Rumsey
-          will forward to Hunten the e-mails of the members on the
-          <i>hdf5cgns@ncsa.uiuc.edu</i> mailing list.</u>
-     <li> <u>Hunten will send a copy of his planning documentation to
-          Rumsey, for inclusion as an attachment to these minutes.</u>
-          [See "AP209 Modular Edition 2 Development Proposal"
-          (<a href="attachments/AP209_Modular_Edition_2_1.1.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/AP209_Modular_Edition_2_1.1.pdf">PDF</a>),
-          "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-          (<a href="attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.1.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.1.pdf">PDF</a>), and
-          "First Order Estimate of AP209E2 Modularization and Extension Tasks"
-          (<a href="attachments/High_Level_AP209E2_Task_Planning.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/High_Level_AP209E2_Task_Planning.pdf">PDF</a>).]
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will provide Rumsey a list of issues that need to be
-          discussed with the NCSA (HDF5) people.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation;
-          Wedan, Rumsey, Towne, Koziol will be reviewers. Need to
-          incorporate new extensions.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Poinot has completed the documentation and sent to Towne.
-               <u>Towne will upgrade with 2.4 additions and post after V2.4
-               comes online.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> There does not appear to be interest to test.  Action
-               item dropped.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-          read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Status unknown. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will complete changes for V2.4 and will announce when ready.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Michal will write a first draft proposal to handle polyhedral
-          cells.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Begun, but Allmaras brought to Committee's attention
-               that there is an existing way to handle these.  Rather
-               than cell-based, connectivity can be defined via
-               face-based (with parents defined).  <u>Allmaras will write
-               up an example and send to Rumsey to pass on to the
-               Committee.</u> We may want to add example to SIDS.  Michal's
-               action item dropped.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will send a request for a vote for vice-chair via e-mail.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Day and Cawley about AIAA balloting status.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done. AIAA is progressing, but there are still several
-               committee members who have not sent in their ballot, as
-               of 5/17/05:  Allmaras, Benyo, Enomoto, Hauser, Legensky,
-               Pottiez, Power, Stuckert, and Weber.  They have been
-               reminded by Cawley to do so.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan and Hann will discuss license issue off-line, consult
-          with legal people, and make decision.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Hann reported that their legal people are looking at it,
-               but it is unlikely they will give definitive advice.  No
-               decision made yet.  This item moved to "open item" list.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Karman agreed to modify existing SIDS doc on element type
-          definitions and send to Towne.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.  Bruce can implement the additional PYRA element,
-               but apparently there is a problem with forward
-               compatibility (if try to read 2.4 file with older version
-               of CGNS, will have error).  For now, Bruce will comment
-               out, but this is an item that needs to be implemented
-               when we are willing to lose forward compatibility. This
-               item added to "open item" list.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will change the MLL to return element list instead of
-          point list when appropriate.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Status unknown.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey volunteered to plan "Intro to CGNS" for Reno 2006, and
-          to identify others to help.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Poinot volunteered to help, but won't be at Reno, so
-               it may be better to plan for the Summer 2006 AIAA
-               meeting. <u>Action item carries (in modified form).</u>
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> V2.4 documentation is ready to go, as soon as the software
-          comes on line.
-     <li> <u>Towne will check to see if old documentation is stored on
-          SourceForge. He will make sure future "old versions" also get
-          put there.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot had reported a problem on CGNSTalk regarding
-          <tt>BCDataSet</tt> and <i>adfviewer</i> checker.  Wedan found
-          bugs causing this and has corrected them in CVS version.  It
-          will be correct in official V2.4 when it comes on line.
-     <li> Further discussion on modifying Rind to allow for unstructured
-          grids (Norris and others are interested.) Wedan has a fix,
-          but CGNS loses forward compatibility with it.  For now, these
-          fixes are commented out. <u>Norris will try to work with the
-          fixes and see if they meet his needs.</u>  Also, this item will be
-          added to "open items" list and will be officially implemented
-          when we are willing to lose forward compatibility.
-     <li> Hann reported on his idea to decouple the MLL from ADF
-          and HDF5.  He wants to be able to use ADF and HDF5
-          interchangeably. <u>Hann will send his proposed changes to
-          Poinot, Rumsey, Wedan, and Allmaras, to get their opinion on
-          it.</u> Anyone else interested can contact Hann about it.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Status of HDF5 I/O slowdown for many nodes, and larger file
-          sizes than ADF: no significant progress known. Discussion
-          group is <i>hdf5cgns@ncsa.uiuc.edu</i>.
-     <li> A new issue brought up on CGNSTalk by Poinot (link of links,
-          or mount of mounts for HDF5) turns out to be a problem with
-          CGNS software.  Poinot has a fix, but needs to discuss it with
-          Wedan.  <u>Poinot and Wedan will work to resolve this issue.</u>
-     <li> Brief discussion held regarding where we are heading regarding
-          ADF and HDF5.  Allmaras brought up the point that even ADF
-          allows different formats (IEEE-big, IEEE-little, etc.)  Do we
-          want to maintain capability for both ADF and HDF5 and allow
-          users to use either interchangeably (as with Hann's idea)?
-          Poinot has the opinion that we need to have one format (HDF5)
-          that is "preferred" or "official" or "default", to avoid
-          confusion among users, especially if they transfer files
-          to others who don't use the CGNS MLL. This issue will be
-          revisited at our next meeting.
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey brought up a recent exchange (with McMorris, Brouillet)
-          regarding a need for <tt>GridLocation = FaceCenter</tt> for
-          zone-to-zone connectivity (for use primarily with unstructured
-          grids).  Michal is also interested in this capability, but
-          they currently use a non-CGNS method internally.  No one is
-          sure what issues there are associated with this change, or how
-          much effort would be involved to make a change to the SIDS
-          and software. <u>Rumsey will send McMorris &amp; Brouillet e-mail
-          addresses to Michal, and Michal will contact them.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Review status of open items:
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Rumsey mentioned that HDF-5 "to do" list may need
-               revisiting at some point.
-          <li> Certification process is already underway on at least
-               2 fronts: <i>adfviewer</i> has a check capability, and
-               Poinot is developing an XML capability (website will
-               eventually be available).
-          </ul>
-     <li> No formal CGNS meeting will be held at Toronto AIAA
-          conference. Because September is so far away, next telecon
-          will be scheduled sometime during the summer (probably July).
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will incorporate Vice-Chair changes into the charter and
-          post.
-     <li> Rumsey will forward to Hunten the e-mails of the members on
-          the <i>hdf5cgns@ncsa.uiuc.edu</i> mailing list.
-     <li> Hunten will send a copy of his planning documentation to
-          Rumsey, for inclusion as an attachment to these minutes.
-     <li> Hauser will provide a list of issues that need to be discussed
-          with the NCSA (HDF5) people.
-     <li> Towne will upgrade Poinot's SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation with
-          2.4 additions and post after V2.4 comes online.
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-          read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-     <li> Wedan will complete changes for V2.4 and will announce when
-          ready.
-     <li> Allmaras will write up an example of how to use existing
-          standard for unstructured face-based connectivity, and send to
-          Rumsey to pass on to the Committee.
-     <li> Wedan will change the MLL to return element list instead of
-          point list when appropriate.
-     <li> Rumsey and Poinot to coordinate some type of "Intro to CGNS"
-          for Reno 2006 or for AIAA's summer 2006 meeting.
-     <li> Towne will check to see if old documentation is stored on
-          SourceForge. He will make sure future "old versions" also get
-          put there.
-     <li> Norris will try to work with the (currently commented)
-          Rind-for-unstructured fixes and see if they meet his needs.
-     <li> Hann will send his proposed changes for decoupling the MLL
-          from ADF and HDF5 to Poinot, Rumsey, Wedan, and Allmaras, to
-          get their opinion on it.
-     <li> Poinot and Wedan will work to resolve issue of "link of links"
-          problem with our HDF5 implementation.
-     <li> Rumsey will send McMorris &amp; Brouillet e-mails to Michal, and
-          Michal will contact them about need for <tt>GridLocation =
-          FaceCenter</tt> for zone-to-zone connectivity.
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Question of need (or preference) to have alphanumeric sorting
-          of everything (like is currently done for zones)
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to make decision about CGNS license (keep existing one,
-          or switch?)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional PYRA element type to allowed
-          list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to allow Rind for unstructured (in software and in SIDS)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing - Seattle
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>Ansys/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Keith Hunten<td>
-   <td>Lockheed Martin
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing - St. Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Norris<td>
-   <td>Ctr for Sim of Advanced Rockets (U of Illinois)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> HDF-5 must fix "creation tracking"
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> Create SIDS-to-HDF-5 documentation
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
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-Last updated 6 June 2005
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-10 May 2006<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">11 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_mar06.html">22 March 2006
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee Membership changes and updates
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> no changes or updates
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will add Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to
-          <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering Committee Charter</a>.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will forward Allmaras's documentation on face-based
-          storage method to Fisher, Poinot, Hann, Weber.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done, but no responses yet - see <a href="#item11b">section
-               11(b)</a> below
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS and MLL as appropriate
-          on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey, Norris, and Towne.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> in process - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan to write up documentation on <tt>cg_free</tt>.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot and Rumsey will work on making a poster and flyer for
-          the SF tutorial session, and will forward to steering committee
-          prior to printing.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - it is being printed now and will be ready for the
-               conference
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will look into advertising the SF tutorial session at
-          <a href="http://www.cfd-online.com/">CFD-Online</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - advertisement posted to CFD-Online
-          </ul>
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on levels
-          of compliance for vendors, related to problems he has encountered.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will send Fisher more information about SF Panel
-          discussion.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will check with AIAA on the status of the latest
-          Recommended Practice document.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> as of March 24, AIAA said it would come out shortly.
-               <u>Towne will e-mail AIAA again to check on the status of
-               the Recommended Practice.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to Alonso
-          and van der Weide to try out.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries (including Poinot
-               and Wedan as recipients)</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will forward all new proposals for extension to
-          Steering Committee for comments.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - comments from committee members due by May 31
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will have Einstein's FSI proposal posted to the website.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Planning for San Francisco AIAA meeting
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Panel discussion will be "CGNS Practical Applications in
-          CFD", under auspices of Fluid Dynamics TC, Monday June
-          5, 1PM.  We currently have 4 panel members attending for
-          sure: Poinot (ONERA), Hann (Ansys-CFX), Fisher (Boeing), and
-          Ladeinde (Thaerocomp). Cayre (SNECMA) and Sudre (Eurocopter)
-          could not get approval to come, but they have been asked to
-          submit their slides in advance so someone else can try to give
-          them.  Rumsey will give Panel Discussion Intro, and Hauser
-          will lead discussion at the end.
-     <li> Regarding evening tutorial (Wed June 7 at 7:00PM in Pacific
-          D), the five tutors are: Rumsey, Wedan, van der Weide, Hauser,
-          Poinot.  Things appear to be well in hand.
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will schedule a small Telecon the week of May 22 for
-          the tutors and panelists, in case there are any issues that
-          come up that need to be discussed.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#item15">number 15 below</a>):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No discussion
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing new to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion led by Wedan regarding an interpretation of the
-          SIDS that a few people seem to be making, that is counter to
-          what we believe was intended. They are writing the number
-          of elements as the total number of volume <em>and</em>
-          surface elements.  They are doing this so that they can write
-          <tt>FlowSolution</tt> data for both the volume and surface
-          elements. CGNSCHECK interprets the number of elements as
-          the number of "highest order" elements, so it is issuing a
-          warning error.  Also, for example, in <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-          the <tt>celldim</tt> is being set to 3, yet some zones
-          have only surface elements in them.  After discussion, it
-          was decided that the SIDS should not be changed in these
-          regards.  It appears that there is a capability missing in
-          the SIDS that some people are working around, and hence
-          the misinterpretations.  (Van der Weide writes his surface
-          information to a separate CGNS file in order to be able to
-          visualize it.) This missing capability is likely related to
-          the earlier issue (see previous recent minutes) related to
-          "source terms" or "regions."  See also Sayre's Proposal for
-          Extension (on website) titled "Element Regions." <u>Wedan
-          and Rumsey will initiate a new proposal for extension,
-          perhaps based on Sayre's existing proposal but also including
-          structured grids, to try to deal with the need for writing
-          data to smaller and/or possibly lower-order regions.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot's CGNS string definition header file: can possibly
-          be added to website's list of
-          Contributed
-          Utilities,
-          or eventually incorporated and used by MLL
-          itself. <u>Wedan will look at Poinot's string definition
-          header file and determine the best course of action.</u>
-     <li> Problem of using relative pathnames when links are involved
-          (from Norris through CGNSTalk): this issue still exists.  It
-          will be revisited if it crops up as a persistent problem for
-          more users.
-     <li> Memory leaks (found by Muller, Poinot) have been fixed by
-          Wedan.  Newest release 2.4.4 has the correction.
-     <li> Strange behavior of partial write routine (from Allmaras
-          through CGNSTalk): no one has responded to this issue yet.
-          <u>Wedan will look into the partial write problem (found by
-          Allmaras), and Rumsey will contact its authors (at Intelligent
-          Light) to ask about it.</u>
-     <li> Issue brought up by Hann: is current limit of 32 characters
-          too small?  Is it possible to add a capability to also store
-          longer strings, and/or have the MLL recover longer string
-          data?  This would take a significant amount of coding changes
-          to implement - there does not seem to be an easy solution.
-          Decided to table the issue for now.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Question came up about status of Hauser's beta release for
-          parallel HDF-5.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Poinot and Wedan are also interested in trying it.
-               Hauser should send to Alonso, van der Weide, Poinot,
-               and Wedan to try out when ready.
-          <li> After this, it should be made available on SourceForge.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> There are several new proposals for extension - <u>Committee
-          members should send comments (to Rumsey) on these by May 31</u>
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Averaging Interfaces - (Magnan)
-          <li> Face Center Connectivity - (deVito)
-          <li> Multiple zone connectivities for time-dependent - (Rumsey)
-          <li> Fluid-structure interaction with deformable boundaries -
-               (Einstein) 
-          </ul>
-     <li> <a name="item11b"></a>
-          Regarding Allmaras' face-based storage method for SIDS, no
-          comments have been received yet.  Poinot told Rumsey (offline)
-          that he had some comments from people at ONERA that he could make
-          available in early June.  <u>Rumsey will e-mail the participants
-          interested in the issue of Allmaras' face-based storage method
-          (Fisher, Poinot, Hann, Weber) and solicit their feedback again.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Next telecon will be held sometime during the summer.
-     <li> Note of interest: Einstein has CGNS writer for isosurfaces in
-          MEVISLAB.  They will eventually be mapping cell types and gene
-          expressions to these.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 AM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan and Rumsey will write documentation for SIDS and MLL as
-          appropriate on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Norris and Towne.
-     <li> Wedan to write up documentation on <tt>cg_free</tt> (in MLL).
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on levels
-          of compliance for vendors, related to problems he has encountered.
-     <li> Towne will e-mail AIAA again to check on the status of the
-          Recommended Practice.
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to
-          Alonso, van der Weide, Poinot, and Wedan to try out.
-     <li> Rumsey will schedule a small Telecon the week of May 22 for
-          the tutors and panelists, in case there are any issues that
-          come up that need to be discussed.
-     <li> Wedan and Rumsey will initiate a new proposal for extension,
-          perhaps based on Sayre's existing proposal but also including
-          structured grids, to try to deal with the need for writing
-          data to smaller and/or possibly lower-order regions.
-     <li> Wedan will look at Poinot's string definition header file and
-          determine the best course of action.
-     <li> Wedan will look into the partial write problem (found by
-          Allmaras), and Rumsey will contact its authors (at Intelligent
-          Light) to ask about it.
-     <li> Committee members should send comments (to Rumsey) on 4 latest
-          Proposals for Extension by May 31.
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail the participants interested in the issue
-          of Allmaras' face-based storage method (Fisher, Poinot, Hann,
-          Weber) and solicit their feedback again.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item15"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steven Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominic<td>
-   <td>Boeing - IDS/PW
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS/CFX 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works -
-     likely complete in early 2006?)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 17 May 2006
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-22 May 2007<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">9 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_mar07.html">21 March 2007
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee Membership changes, updates, and issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser to coordinate with Wedan and put parallel HDF-5 version
-          of CGNS on SourceForge as beta release.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Action item carries.</u> Hauser and Wedan need to determine
-               whether it makes more sense to put into Version 2.5 or
-               into a beta release of Version 3.0. (We are currently at
-               V2.5beta, so a first order of business should be to make V2.5
-               official. Then, we need to upload V3.0 as V3.0beta.) Hauser is
-               working with the latest HDF5 version: 1.8 beta1.  He and his
-               student are benchmarking now.
-          <li> Question about memory leak in V2.5. Has it been repaired
-               yet?  Rumsey will contact Wedan to find status of various
-               software issues.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will continue to test and work with HDF5 external link
-          capability.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Action item carries.</u> As reported in
-               <a href="telecon_mar07.html">March 2007 minutes</a>,
-               link-of-links works very well (it even follows multiple layers
-               of links), but it gives an error upon closing. Cause of error
-               has not been found yet. Koziol at NCSA is working with Poinot
-               to try to find the problem.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Alabi will finish completing the AIAA Course
-          Profile Form by March 2007, and will start putting together the
-          course in detail after that.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Profile form set in to AIAA. We are awaiting their
-               decision.
-          <li> Chawner mentioned a process they went through for a
-               different AIAA short course.  He said the instructors started
-               putting together the notes for the course after AIAA began
-               advertising it.
-          <li> <u>Rumsey will e-mail Tricia Carr to get update on status of
-               the CGNS short course.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will make changes to fix problem associated with
-          <tt>NormalIndex</tt> and <tt>cg_boco_normal_write</tt> /
-          <i>cgnscheck</i> for unstructured grids.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Rumsey contacted Wedan.  This fix has been done and
-               checked into latest V2.5 release.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will arrange mini-telecon among people interested in
-          face-based storage method.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Rumsey held telecon with Allmaras and Wedan. As a result,
-               the proposal will be revised.  Allmaras will send Rumsey
-               revised face-based proposal for posting on website.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will post the new Regions proposal on the website and
-          announce it to allow for a new round of comments.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Comment period has ended. <u>Rumsey will e-mail to the
-               Committee for a vote on the Regions proposal.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact U. Ghia (chair of Committee on Standards)
-          to discuss whether any proceeds from the course can be kept in a
-          CGNS fund for handling incidental expenses.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. CoS has fully approved the idea of holding a
-               CGNS short course. They leave it up to the CGNS Committee
-               to determine what to do with any proceeds donated by the
-               instructors from their honoraria.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          <li> <u>Richard Hann and Earl Duque will ask others at their
-               company about sprays, and will e-mail Rumsey particular needs
-               or issues.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will send a copy of new capability for writing HDF-5,
-          ADF, or XML to Hann.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. <u>Hann will evaluate the new capability sent to him
-               by Wedan for writing HDF-5, ADF, or XML and will report about
-               it.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will summarize proposal for tweak to generalized
-          connectivity for the committee and will ask for a vote via e-mail.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Summary needed to be more extensive, because it
-               was realized that we need definitions for interpolations when
-               abutting unstructured elements. Rumsey and Wedan defined these
-               changes needed for the SIDS and posted on the website in
-               mid-April.
-          <li> Comment period has ended. <u>Rumsey will e-mail to the
-               Committee for a vote on the modified Generalized Connectivity
-               proposal (change to SIDS).</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will communicate with Hauser about possibility of
-          Hauser leading a CGNS meeting in Miami.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Hauser will hold CGNS meeting in Miami on Wed, June
-               27 at 7PM.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#open_items">number 15 below</a>)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No discussion.
-     </ol>
-<li> Possible CGNS short course for AIAA
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No further discussion beyond discussion held during action items.
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Awaiting making V2.5 official, then V2.5 documentation will
-          also come off beta status.
-     </ol>
-<a name="software"></a>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey contacted Wedan. Valgrind had complaint in API software
-          (solution found by Reveille in a CGNSTalk correspondence). <u>Wedan
-          will make fix associated with Valgrind complaint in V2.5, and will
-          take 2.5 off beta status.</u>
-     <li> Windows XP 64 bit problem (discussed on CGNSTalk) apparently
-          was resolved previously by Wedan in a fix to V2.4.  (The issue was
-          that longs are still size 32 bit even though pointers are 64 bit.)
-     <li> VISIT plugin status - also apparently has been resolved. It is
-          mostly a matter of re-linking to V2.5. They were building a DLL by
-          modifying the CGNS MLL. But Wedan added the option to build a DLL
-          to Version 2.5, so they should be able to build CGNS 2.5 as a DLL
-          with HDF5, and then replace the VISIT DLL with the new version.
-     </ol>
-<a name="HDF5"></a>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No further discussion beyond discussion held during action items.
-     </ol>
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Face-based storage proposal - ongoing (Allmaras has action item)
-     <li> Regions proposal - will be put to e-mail committee vote
-          (Rumsey action item)
-     <li> Generalized Connectivity - will be put to e-mail committee
-          vote (Rumsey action item)
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Next meeting is face-to-face at AIAA meeting in Miami, led
-          by Hauser (Wed, June 27 at 7PM).
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser to coordinate with Wedan and put parallel HDF-5 version
-          of CGNS on SourceForge as beta release, either in V2.5 or in V3.0.
-     <li> Poinot will continue to test and work with HDF5 external link
-          capability.
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail Tricia Carr to get update on status of the
-          CGNS short course.
-     <li> Allmaras will send Rumsey revised face-based proposal for
-          posting on website.
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail to the Committee for a vote on the Regions
-          proposal.
-     <li> Richard Hann and Earl Duque will ask others at their company
-          about sprays, and will e-mail Rumsey particular needs or issues.
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-     <li> Hann will evaluate the new capability sent to him by Wedan for
-          writing HDF-5, ADF, or XML and will report about it.
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail to the Committee for a vote on the modified
-          Generalized Connectivity proposal (change to SIDS).
-     <li> Wedan will make fix associated with Valgrind complaint in
-          V2.5, and will take 2.5 off beta status.
-     </ol>
-<a name="open_items"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS). Need to wait until V3.0
-          for this due to compatibility issues.
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     <li> Need to resolve slow behavior and larger file sizes that can
-          occur in CGNS files when there are many (thousands) of nodes.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise, Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Earl Duque<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Urmila Ghia<td>
-   <td>U. Cincinnati
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 23 May 2007
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-7 May 2008
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM eastern time. There were
-     <a href="#attendees">11 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="meeting_jan08.html">6 January 2008
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Region Proposal was discussed
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey discussed the status of the Region proposal.
-          It is basically ready, except for the issue of
-          changing <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>,
-          <tt>ElementRange</tt>, and <tt>ElementList</tt> to
-          something else for better ease of use with edge-based.
-          Allmaras would like to use <tt>ConnectivityRange</tt> and
-          <tt>ConnectivityList</tt> instead, not only for Regions but
-          in other places in the SIDS as well. Because V3.0 is almost
-          ready to be officially released, we might want to target that
-          version for the first implementation of Regions.
-     <li> Hann mentioned that the key is making the MLL easy to use. It
-          really does not matter so much what is underneath.
-     <li> <u>Hauser will lead a mini-telecon for those involved with
-          Regions on May 13</u>, to iron it out.
-     <li> Hauser decided the final proposal should still be posted to
-          the website prior to implementation.
-     <li> Allmaras and Wedan said having Regions ready for June or July
-          release in V3.0 was possible.
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of V3.0 - ready for release?
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion of XML output capability.  Consensus decision was
-          to leave XML capability in V3.0, but leave it out of the
-          documentation and configure script.  Thus, it will be easy
-          to reinstate if needed, but it will not be a "supported"
-          (or well-known) option for users.  This will simplify
-          things. <u>Wedan to remove option regarding XML output from
-          configure script in V3.0.</u>
-     <li> Discussion of whether HDF-5 should be bundled in with CGNS
-          release, so users do not have to go off and get it on their
-          own. <u>Hauser to look into the issue of bundling HDF-5 with the
-          CGNS release of V3.0.</u>
-     <li> Parallel HDF-5 is not a part of the V3.0 release yet.  Hauser
-          said it would be at least put up on SourceForge soon. (This is
-          also an earlier action item.)
-     <li> Hann insisted it was very important for his group to have CGNS
-          V3.0 officially released as soon as possible.
-     <li> Poinot said it would be a good idea to ask current vendors to
-          test it and report prior to releasing, but others indicated
-          that CGNS implementation is minimal at best in many vendor
-          codes so it is doubtful they would be inclined to respond
-          quickly. However, Hauser agreed to contact vendors about this.
-          <u>Hauser to contact vendors regarding testing V3.0 prior to
-          release if possible and report back to committee.</u>
-     <li> Hauser suggested to improve documentation and build
-          instructions of V3.0. <u>Wedan and Hauser will look into this.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Potential funding opportunity from NSF did not work out - call got
-     cancelled due to lack of funding at NSF.
-<li> Hauser asked for a volunteer for vice-chair position - none present
-     were interested at this time.
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel capability to V3.0 on
-          SourceForge CVS and will let users know when it is available.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to send Wedan any existing documentation on <tt>NGON_n +
-          NFACE_n</tt> for modification/addition, then post.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done, but not posted yet.  <u>Towne and Rumsey to add
-               <tt>NGON_n + NFACE_n</tt> documentation into V3.0 SIDS.</u>
-               Furthermore, <u>Rumsey to send email to committee members
-               describing <tt>NGON_n + NFACE_n</tt> and ask them to try
-               it out.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras to finalize Regions proposal modification, including
-          proposed additions to <tt>FlowSolution</tt>,
-          <tt>DiscreteData</tt>, <tt>BC</tt>, and <tt>BCDataSet</tt> and
-          send to Rumsey for posting on website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> still in progress... <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to look into finding
-          development (particularly for MLL implementation) resources at
-          Boeing.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to assume lead on new discussion/proposal for
-          handling sprays of unconnected points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to have further discussions with Poinot on usage of XML
-          and possible need for changes.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done - decision regarding XML in V3.0 made during this
-               telecon
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser, Rumsey, and Poinot to continue to explore possible CGNS
-          meeting in Europe.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> ongoing... EUCASS in 2009 is a possibility... <u>action item
-               carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will add a button to ADFViewer to allow user to compress
-          file after deleting nodes.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done in V3.0 (cgnstools3)
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to check with Towne if documentation is in place for
-          <tt>cg_config_compress</tt>.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done - it is in MLL under "Configuring CGNS Internals"
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot to send necessary coding changes for HDF-5 linking to
-          Hauser for implementation into V3.0 alpha version.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done but unable to retrieve; will do again... <u>action item
-               carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to look into adding back (optional) registration to
-          website when people download CGNS.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done - we have had 8 registrants since February 2008
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to respond to some of the CGNSTalk issues that are now
-          closed.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to look into methods on SourceForge for getting Poinot
-          developer access: switch from CVS to SVN? or use SSL?
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> not done yet - Poinot will try CVS again; <u>action item
-               carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to notify people about V3.0 alpha.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to release 2.5.3.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> done
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to speak to Koziol at HDF-5 Group about issues related
-          to developers and funding; and also to ask about when their
-          link-fix release will become official.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Link fix for HDF5 is now official. HDF5 V1.8.0 has the
-               link fix implemented.  <u>Hauser will talk to Koziol about
-               funding and collaboration - new action item</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate problem with NFS-mounted soft links when
-          re-write file.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> resolved in V3.0
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node even
-          though its new dimensions are the same.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> not done yet; <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate type casting of int to void pointer then
-          dereferencing (<tt>cg_configure</tt>).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> changed some data types so compiler does not complain as
-               much - done
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey and Hauser to work out issues on domain name with
-          ANSYS-ICEM.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Hauser has contacted them for an invoice.  <u>Hauser will
-               take control of domain name `and will consider possibility
-               of moving website to Utah State site.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (purpose of these is to not lose track of long-term
-     issues that come up)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> 3 of the items are essentially "done" for V3.0 and can
-               probably be removed from the "to-do" list
-          </ol>
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Hunten indicated early summer completion for next step.
-               <u>Hauser to contact Hunten about ISO/STEP and ask the best
-               way for us to comment.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to make Karman's changes to <tt>PYRA</tt> elements:
-          change <tt>PYRA_14</tt> to <tt>PYRA_13</tt>, without the
-          centroid, and add <tt>PYRA_14</tt> with the base mid-face
-          defined (in software and in SIDS).  Need to wait until V3.0
-          for this due to compatibility issues.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done in V3.0
-          </ol>
-     <li> Need to upgrade / update User's Guide as appropriate (such as
-          additional specific examples).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done by Rumsey and Towne
-          </ol>
-     <li> Need to resolve slow behavior and larger file sizes that can
-          occur in CGNS files when there are many (thousands) of nodes.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> This is no longer as major issue and can be removed.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Develop method to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via something like <tt>cg_section_partialwrite</tt>
-          (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk)
-     <li> Address issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" to
-          avoid signed 2 Gig limit (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk).
-     </ol>
-<li> There will be no official CGNS meeting in Seattle
-<li> CGNS was recently entered into Wikipedia by Rumsey
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CGNS">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CGNS</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM. Next Telecon will be tentatively
-     set for July 2.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser will lead a mini-telecon for those involved with
-          Regions on May 13.
-     <li> Wedan to remove instructions regarding XML output from
-          configure script in V3.0.
-     <li> Hauser to look into the issue of bundling HDF-5 with the CGNS
-          release of V3.0.
-     <li> Hauser to contact vendors regarding testing V3.0 prior to
-          release if possible and report back to committee.
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Towne and Rumsey to add <tt>NGON_n + NFACE_n</tt>
-          documentation into V3.0 SIDS.
-     <li> Rumsey to send email to committee members describing <tt>NGON_n +
-          NFACE_n</tt> and ask them to try it out.
-     <li> Allmaras to finalize Regions proposal modification,
-          including proposed additions to <tt>FlowSolution</tt>,
-          <tt>DiscreteData</tt>, <tt>BC</tt>, and <tt>BCDataSet</tt> and
-          send to Rumsey for posting on website.
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to look into finding
-          development (particularly for MLL implementation) resources at
-          Boeing.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to assume lead on new discussion/proposal for
-          handling sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Hauser, Rumsey, and Poinot to continue to explore possible
-          CGNS meeting in Europe.
-     <li> Poinot to send necessary coding changes for HDF-5 linking to
-          Hauser for implementation into V3.0 alpha version.
-     <li> Hauser to look into methods on SourceForge for getting Poinot
-          developer access: switch from CVS to SVN? or use SSL?
-     <li> Hauser to speak to Koziol at HDF-5 Group about issues related
-          to developers and funding;
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Hauser will take control of domain name and will consider
-          possibility of moving website to Utah State site.
-     <li> Hauser to contact Hunten about ISO/STEP and ask the best way
-          for us to comment.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Anderson<td>
-   <td>Concepts NREC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Earl Duque<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS-CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mike Jeffries<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Simon Pereira<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>no affiliation
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     under development (1.8.0 beta)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0 in combination with HDF-5 V1.8</u>
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 20 May 2008
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-20 May 2009
-<li> The telecon was called to order at 11:05 AM eastern time. There were
-     <a href="#attendees">10 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_apr09.html">01 April 2009
-     telecon</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Committee membership issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Stanford University (represented by Juan Alonso) was voted
-          onto the steering committee.
-     <li> SimCom Inc (Bruce Wedan) will likely join soon.
-     </ol>
-<li> EUCASS meeting in France
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot, Hauser, and Rumsey will run an all-day special event
-          at the EUCASS meeting in early July 2009 in Versailles,
-          France.  The all-day event will consist of a tutorial session,
-          hands-on workstation demos, industrial presentations, and
-          a meeting. Poinot has confirmed two speakers: from Snecma
-          and ONERA (applied department).  It is also possible a
-          representative from CD-ADAPCO may be available to speak.
-     <li> Hauser also plans an open CGNS meeting, beginning around 6:10
-          pm Paris time. <u>Poinot to look into possibility of arranging
-          for Telecon capability at the EUCASS meeting.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of CGNS Version 3.0
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> The 3.0 package has been evaluated by Poinot.  Some issues
-          have been discussed and fixed.
-     <li> Biggest discussion focused on new use of cmake (rather
-          than configure scripts). Bottom line: configure needs to
-          be maintained regularly, and is difficult particularly for
-          Windows.  Cmake is a more universal tool, although there
-          is some concern that it may cause problems for some users.
-          Decision was made to have cmake the new default for V3, but
-          configure will be kept in bundle for now (unsupported) in case
-          users need it.  Once people start using V3, we can see if
-          problems arise regarding cmake.
-     <li> <u>Hauser and his student (Kyle) to post Version 3 BETA to
-          SourceForge and announce its release to CGNSTalk, including
-          its major changes compared to Version 2.5.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Charlie Towne retirement
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Tony Iannetti at NASA Glenn will be taking over Charlie's job
-          of maintaining documentation.
-     <li> Rumsey is taking over as administrator of CGNSTalk.
-     <li> <u>Towne to email "how-to" document regarding CGNS documentation
-          to Hauser and Rumsey, so that multiple members have it.</u>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to email Charlie's "how-to" document regarding CGNSTalk
-          administration to Hauser, so that multiple members have it.</u>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to create a "how-to" document regarding the website on
-          SourceForge, and email it to Hauser, so that multiple members
-          have it.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser brought up issue of bug tracking.  Currently we rely
-          on CGNSTalk and telecon action-items to keep track of these.
-          But with more developers coming on-board, we perhaps need to
-          be more organized about it.  SourceForge has method available
-          to assign bug fixes and keep track of them. <u>Hauser and
-          his student (Kyle) to look into SourceForge bug tracking
-          capability.</u>
-     <li> SourceForge also apparently has many testing platforms
-          available. <u>Hauser and his student (Kyle) to look into
-          SourceForge testing platforms.</u>
-     <li> Hauser discussed the issue of software maintenance.  This
-          is a necessary evil, and takes a lot of time, particularly
-          testing and documentation.  Typically universities are not
-          the most appropriate place to do software maintenance, but
-          rather research.  Intelligent Light (Steve Legensky and Earl
-          Duque) had previously communicated with Hauser and Rumsey
-          about the possibility of forming some sort of consortium to
-          help fund this kind of activity. <u>Duque, Rumsey, and Hauser
-          to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot to organize the industrial presentations for EUCASS. 
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In process. Will (necessarily) be done by July 7, the
-               date of the presentations, so action item removed.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to contact Michael (Boeing) regarding the status of
-          the CGNS-for-DPW effort, as well as to try to obtain tools
-          for posting on the CGNS website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> The tools are not ready yet. Rumsey to obtain and post
-               Boeing's CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they
-               are ready.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to contact Benek to see whether CGNS can play a part of
-          the SBLI-challenge workshop.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. The SBLI workshop is not providing grids, so it is
-               not known yet how CGNS can play a part.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to make a proposal regarding handling index ordering in
-          V3.0 and will hold a special mini-telecon in mid-April to try
-          to finalize how to handle it.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Poinot to test the indexing ordering in V3.0.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will oversee completion of cgns.org domain
-          transfer. Hauser to announce to CGNSTalk that CGNS.org is back
-          up and running as soon as the domain transfer is successfully
-          concluded.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. <a href="http://www.cgns.org">www.cgns.org</a>
-               finally up and running again.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to investigate and fix bugs noted by Magnan (CGNSTalk
-          04 Feb 2009) regarding declaration of <tt>cg_model_read</tt>,
-          and by Edwards (CGNSTalk 27 March 2009) regarding
-          <tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data</tt>.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Fixed in V3.0. Wedan to check if Magnan (CGNSTalk 04 Feb
-               2009) and Edwards (CGNSTalk 27 March 2009) bugs have been
-               fixed in V2.5 (CVS version).
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser &amp; Wedan to complete and release V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Hauser to do this, probably later this week.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid Motion
-          Improvement proposal to completion, including specific
-          examples.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> This is related to next action item.  See (m).
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Wedan discussed this at length. The main problem is the
-               <tt>MIXED</tt> and <tt>NGON_n</tt> element type.  For
-               these, you must have everything in memory because you
-               do not automatically know the offsets.  His plan is to
-               fix everything else (via Bussoletti's fix), and treat
-               mixed as a special case.  This work also needs to be
-               coordinated with the parallel work of Hauser. Wedan to
-               complete fixes related to excessive memory usage for
-               partial writes.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Alonso to see if he is interested in
-          rejoining the CGNS steering committee.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Stanford has been added.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Power or Michal will provide some high-level routines for
-          reading/writing CGNS that may be useful, for inclusion on the
-          website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> This action is the same as item (b) above.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to proceed with fix for both the "long" vs "int" issue
-          as well as the problem with the 64-bit <tt>cg_goto_f</tt>.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. Action carries.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM Eastern. Next Telecon may be held
-     during EUCASS.  If not, it will probably be set up sometime later
-     in July.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot to look into possibility of arranging for Telecon
-          capability at the EUCASS meeting.
-     <li> Hauser and his student (Kyle) to post Version 3 BETA to
-          SourceForge and announce its release to CGNSTalk, including
-          its major changes compared to Version 2.5.
-     <li> Towne to email "how-to" document regarding CGNS documentation
-          to Hauser and Rumsey, so that multiple members have it.
-     <li> Rumsey to email Charlie's "how-to" document regarding CGNSTalk
-          administration to Hauser, so that multiple members have it.
-     <li> Rumsey to create a "how-to" document regarding the website on
-          SourceForge, and email it to Hauser, so that multiple members
-          have it.
-     <li> Hauser and his student (Kyle) to look into SourceForge bug
-          tracking capability.
-     <li> Hauser and his student (Kyle) to look into SourceForge testing
-          platforms.
-     <li> Duque, Rumsey, and Hauser to continue to look into the
-          consortium idea for CGNS.
-     <li> Rumsey to obtain and post Boeing's CGNS translation tools
-          (from Michal) when they are ready.
-     <li> Poinot to test the indexing ordering in V3.0.
-     <li> Wedan to check if Magnan (CGNSTalk 04 Feb 2009) and Edwards
-          (CGNSTalk 27 March 2009) bugs have been fixed in V2.5 (CVS
-          version).
-     <li> Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid Motion
-          Improvement proposal to completion, including specific
-          examples.
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Wedan to complete fixes related to excessive memory usage for
-          partial writes.
-     <li> Hauser to proceed with fix for both the "long" vs "int" issue
-          as well as the problem with the 64-bit <tt>cg_goto_f</tt>.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>ANSYS-CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Tony Iannetti<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Jim Jiao<td>
-   <td>Stony Brook University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Prafanch Kambrath<td>
-   <td>Boeing Bangalor
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Simon Pereira<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>SimCosm Inc.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 21 May 2009
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-6 November 2001<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-Telecon Number: (954) 797-1657, participant code: 995403
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm.
-There were 16 attendees, as <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-<li> <b>Charter/Membership</b> - Bob Bush indicated that he received a
-     letter from ONERA indicating that they would like to be formal members
-     of the Steering Committee.  Marc Poinot attended the meeting and
-     introduced himself and described ONERA's interest in the committee and
-     their activities with CGNS.  After some discussion, it was decided to
-     introduce a formal motion at the Reno meeting to increase the number of
-     Steering Committee members allowed by the Charter to 17, and to elect
-     ONERA to serve on the Steering Committee.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner was unavailable for the telecon.  Bob
-     Bush gave a quick summary of the status.  There was a thorough review
-     of the draft documents at the ISO meeting in Japan in September.  The
-     process is continuing more or less on schedule.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne gave the status of the CGNS
-     documentation pages of the web site.  NASA closed all external access
-     to their web pages following the September 11 incidents.  Charlie has
-     completed the paperwork required to re-open the site, and expects the
-     documents to be available soon.  In the mean time, he has fielded
-     several requests for copies of the documentation and sent information to
-     individuals via e-mail.
-     <p>
-     The documentation has been revised with clarifications to the
-     <tt>Family_t</tt> sections.
-     <p>
-     There has been no movement on the AIAA Standard.  Charlie Towne will
-     contact Jim French at the AIAA to see what the next steps should be.
-     We are waiting for AIAA to request the documentation in the form they
-     require.
-     <p>
-     Charlie Towne received e-mail requesting to copy portions of the CGNS
-     documentation to another site as reference material.  As all CGNS
-     information is considered in the public domain, and we encourage
-     the widest use of the Standard, the Committee has no objections.
-     However we strongly recommend that they instead provide links to
-     the CGNS documentation so that the revisions are reflected at the
-     referencing site, and the CGNS committees and contributors are be
-     properly acknowledged.
-<li> <b>Reno Meeting</b> - Dave Edwards reported that he has requested
-     a room for 30-45 people for Monday evening of the Reno AIAA Aerospace
-     Sciences Conference for the Steering Committee meeting, and a Users
-     meeting.  These will also be announced at the AIAA web site, and in the
-     conference proceedings.  We are tentatively scheduled for 7-8pm for
-     the Steering Committee, and 8-9 for the User's meeting.  Times will be
-     finalized soon.
-     <p>
-     A technical paper on the status of CGNS implementations in industry
-     has been accepted.  Dave Edwards is collecting input from various
-     organizations on their status, and will be drafting the paper in
-     November.  He will send the paper out for review in December, and it
-     will be presented at the Reno meeting.  Anyone interested in having
-     their organizations CGNS implementation status summarized in the paper
-     is encouraged to submit contributions to Dave.
-<li> <b>Software Support</b> - The sub-committee working on Object
-     Oriented language access to CGNS files has been quite active.  One of
-     the questions that has come up is the relationship between CGNS and
-     ADF.  Currently, ADF is the only implementation of the SIDS.  However,
-     there are other database standards (e.g. HDF-5) that might provide
-     more functionality that ADF (e.g. parallel access).  The SIDS and
-     the emerging ISO standard do not specify how the underlying data is
-     actually stored, and would seem to permit implementations in addition
-     to ADF.  However, this would potentially destroy the data sharing
-     capabilities, which is the major driver for CGNS implementations.  If
-     multiple implementations of the SIDS is allowed, it was felt that the
-     mid-level library and other software supported by the committee should
-     be able to detect and read all of the allowed implementations, without
-     user intervention.  A definition of what constitutes a `CGNS file' is
-     needed that spells out our position on what constitutes a CGNS file,
-     and what the committee will support.  Chris Rumsey will draft a policy
-     statement on data base implementations of CGNS.  Bob Bush, Manuel
-     Kessler and Marc Poinot will review the draft, and the full committee
-     will review the final statement.  We hope to adopt a formal position
-     that will be published on the Web site at the Reno meeting.
-     <p>
-     There was some discussion of the current C++ implementation being done
-     by Manuel Kessler and Udo Tremel, and if it represents a data access
-     mechanism, or includes enough functionality that it should also be
-     considered a utility that operates on the data.
-     <p>
-     The chemistry extension is being re-worked somewhat to conform to new
-     inputs by chemistry experts.  It is hoped that the revision will be
-     complete soon, and implementation completed (by Intelligent Light) by
-     the end of January.
-     <p>
-     The link and user defined data extensions are being implemented by
-     Intelligent Light, and should be available by the end of January.
-     <p>
-     Diane Poirier has implemented a CVS based version control system for
-     the libraries.  Intelligent Light is using this system to implement the
-     extensions and serving as an alpha test for remote updates to the code.
-<li> <b>Issues</b> - Doug McCarthy drafted a policy that would allow,
-     encourage or enforce dues from the Steering Committee to be used to
-     fund support activities.  There was discussion on the feasibility of
-     enforcing the policy, and other potential funding mechanisms.  It
-     was felt that proposals for specific extensions to the software were
-     generally easier to justify funding.  We will continue to discuss the
-     issue as we move forward.
-     <p>
-     The next meeting is scheduled for Reno in January.  Bob Bush (or anyone
-     else who would like to suggest) will determine if there is a need for a
-     telecon in December to prepare for the meeting.
-The meeting was adjourned at about 3:30.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Manual Kessler<td>
-   <td>U. Stuttgart
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominick<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Francis Enomoto<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA LaRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Benyo<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>???<td>
-   <td>NUMECA
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-20 November 2003<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time<br><br>
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">17 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_sep03.html">28 September 2003
-     telecon meeting</a> were reviewed and approved as posted on the web
-     site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Progress on release of ONERA/AEDC's HDF-5 implementation (Power):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Updated implementation released by AEDC, but not
-               available on web yet.
-          <li> Replaces ADF; still need CGNS mid-level library.
-          <li> Still has some known problems: problem closing when
-               multiple opens; cannot do linking.
-          <li> Poinot has tested it, and had some problems related to
-               ADF children IDs, possibly related to change between V2.2
-               and V2.3?  <u>Poinot will investigate further.</u>
-          <li> Power, Poinot, and Wedan will attempt to coordinate their
-               work on HDF-5, to avoid duplication of effort.
-          <li> <u>Wedan will add HDF-5 implementation package to
-               SourceForge for all to access.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Summary/status of Wedan's fix to speed up CGNS (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Installed in beta software (V2.3), and results in as much
-               as factor of 10 speed-up. Several groups reported that it
-               is working great!
-          <li> Additional change (user-specified record length) may give
-               additional speed-up, but existing record length believed
-               to be "optimal" in some sense.  If change record length,
-               lose backward-compatability, but this point becomes moot
-               if and when we switch over to HDF-5.
-          <li> <u>Alonso and Van derWeide will experiment with various
-               record lengths to see what types of speed-up can be
-               achieved.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Are links a fundamental problem for HDF-5? (Power, Poinot):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> No fundamental problem; it should be workable.
-          <li> Alonso identified a big slow-down when accessing a file
-               with links, but this was with V2.2.  <u>Alonso will test
-               this with V2.3 and report back.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Status of pending proposals for extension (Bush):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Bush didn't see any particular problems, but some
-               proposals may need increased definition.
-          <li> <u>Bush and Rumsey will re-examine them, for discussion at
-               Steering Committee meeting in Reno.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Can a "home page" be added at SourceForge? (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Yes, but hasn't yet been done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Proposal for reinstating removed element list and range (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Update charter (Rumsey, Edwards):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Charter has been updated. <u>Rumsey will send to Steering
-               Committee members and to Towne for posting on web site,
-               for review.</u>  Committee will vote on it at Reno meeting.
-          </ul>
-     <li> New ISO drafts posted on CGNS webpage (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Need for allowing <tt>GridLocation</tt>=<tt>FaceCenter</tt>
-          for <tt>GridConnectivity</tt> (Rumsey):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Rumsey has been in contact with the proposer (Harlan
-               McMorris).  An official proposal for extension may be
-               forthcoming from him.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Addition of two van der Weide proposals to website (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Abstract submission (Poinot, Rumsey, Bush):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Submitted for 2004 AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference in
-               Portland ("Impact of CGNS on CFD Workflow")
-          <li> Also noted that Poinot and Legensky will participate
-               in panel discussion on "Integrated Computational and
-               Visualization Environments" at AIAA meeting in Reno
-               (Wed AM, January 7).
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion (Cosner):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> All four parts have passed their next gate, so we're OK for
-          two more years.
-     <li> Parts 52, 53, and 110 are now under formal configuration
-          control. Part 237 is one gate behind, and thus not yet under
-          formal configuration control.
-     <li> Four months allowed for people to comment, none received yet.
-          The time expires sometime near mid-January.
-     <li> Boeing FY 2004 funding for this is still undecided. 
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues (Towne):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Craig Day at AIAA will send ballot to CGNS Steering Committee
-          members, for approval of current SIDS document as updated
-          Recommended Practice, this month or next.
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion (Wedan):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion to take place at Steering Committee Meeting in Reno
-          about releasing CGNS V2.3 (removing from beta status)
-     <li> No documentation changes needed for V2.3.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion (Poinot, Power):<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Question about whether or not PHDF-5 (Parallel) will
-          automatically work if HDF-5 works?  The answer is no;
-          different calls will have to be added in the Mid-Level
-          Library. Boeing St. Louis has done similar work, and Bush
-          thinks they can release it, but it uses ADF, not HDF-5.
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Reading/writing partial connectivity info (van der Weide): For
-          unstructured grids, we cannot now read/write partial
-          connectivity info.  This capability is needed for parallel IO,
-          where you don't want to read connectivity info for entire grid
-          on each processor. <u>Van der Weide will write proposal.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Intelligent Light work/update (Edwards):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Intelligent Light has finished Phase 1 NASA SBIR for
-               improved data management for CFD, using CGNS.  Phase 2
-               has been awarded, for two years, to start in January.
-          <li> Will be addressing use of HDF-5, including parallel
-               capability.
-          <li> Will also add up to five proposed extensions (or two
-               man-months work).  Extensions to be chosen by Steering
-               Committee, and work to be completed within first eight
-               months.  Committee to begin selection process at Reno
-               meeting.
-          <li> All CGNS software enhancements will be given to CGNS
-               Committee for public release.
-          <li> Alonso and Van der Weide at Stanford volunteered to work
-               with Edwards to help set up benchmarks.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Reno meeting in January (Rumsey):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Steering Committee Meeting tentatively scheduled to be
-               held Wed, Jan 7, at 7:00 PM.
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.<br><br>
-<li> Summary of action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot will further investigate possible problem between V2.2
-          and V2.3 related to ADF children IDs when using HDF-5 package.
-     <li> Wedan will add Poinot and Power's HDF-5 implementation package
-          to SourceForge.
-     <li> Alonso and Van derWeide will experiment with various record
-          lengths to see what types of speed-up can be achieved.
-     <li> Alonso and Van der Weide will test to see if there is a big
-          slowdown with V2.3 when a link is present.
-     <li> Bush and Rumsey will re-examine and prepare plan for
-          discussing and down-selecting proposals for extension, for
-          discussion at Steering Committee meeting in Reno.
-     <li> (carried) Wedan will look into adding a "home page" at
-          SourceForge, allowing more content &amp; description of CVS and
-          release process.
-     <li> (carried) Wedan will write and post an extension proposal,
-          regarding issue of removed element list and element range.
-     <li> Rumsey will send updated draft Charter to Steering Committee
-          members and to Towne for posting on web site, for review.
-     <li> Van der Weide will write proposal for partial read/writes of
-          connectivity info.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Juan Alonso<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Integrated Defense
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Pankaj Gupta<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>Ansys/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Karman<td>
-   <td>UT Chattanooga
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 25 Nov 2003
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-17 November 2004<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">13 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_sep04.html">28 September 2004
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering committee membership: Motion was made to increase
-     committee membership to 20 institutions.  Motion carried.  Then
-     the committee members voted Utah State, Stanford, and ANSYS-CFX as
-     new steering committee members.  <u>Towne will make changes in CGNS
-     Charter document.</u>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan will formally archive old versions of software on
-          SourceForge.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Van der Weide will look for examples of CGNS read/write
-          programs, and will send to Wedan for posting.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> decided that his programs not appropriate for tutorial
-               level (item removed); Wedan is developing some sample
-               code in spare time for eventual posting
-          </ul>
-     <li> Hauser will check into parallel issues regarding
-          time-dependent data.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> in process (for Reno paper); <u>item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey and Edwards to look into possibility to advertise
-          CGNS by handing out CGNS material at AIAA meeting
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Rumsey created draft of 1-page flyer - <u>will circulate it
-               to steering committee for comments</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will post LaTeX documents on documentation website.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will send Wedan old versions of documentation for
-          posting on SourceForge
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will e-mail Craig Day at AIAA to find out status of
-          latest SIDS as AIAA recommended practice document.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done; discussion below
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail Bussoletti to get definition of
-          <tt>SoundIntensityDB</tt>
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done; definition is now in latest SIDS documentation
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will check to see if the settings in CGNSTalk can be
-          changed so replies automatically go to CGNSTalk
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Van der Weide will try out the HDF-5 version of CGNS on his
-          test case, and will report back
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done; discussion below
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will make another 2.3.x release
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation, in
-          preparation for the Beta release of V3.0
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> in progress; <u>Wedan, Rumsey, Towne, Koziol agreed to be
-               reviewers</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension soon
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done; <u>item carries</u>; although we may need to move
-               forward soon with the extensions without Boeing testing
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wall will look into possibility of filling in unwritten
-          portions of array with NaN's for partial read/write extension,
-          and will work with Wedan to prepare all extensions for
-          release.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> decided changes would be too extensive; staying with
-               default of zeros for unwritten portions, with user
-               responsible for keeping track
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No change from last report
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues (Towne):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Status of V2.3 becoming revised AIAA recommended practice
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Day and Cawley discussed balloting process - changed
-               from 2 years ago
-          <li> committee needs to be balanced among "interest categories"
-          <li> decided on Government, Academia, Industry (tool vendor),
-               and Industry (user)
-          <li> first step will be to e-mail the committee members and
-               have them fill out which category they belong to
-          <li> ballot on recommended practice will occur after that
-               (possibly in January)
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion (Wedan):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> As part of Alonso and Van der Weide's discovery of slowness
-          writing files with huge numbers of blocks, Wedan found a major
-          cause in ADF: software doing "chunk search" to try to use up
-          empty spaces in the file.  By disabling this search, write
-          times dramatically improved (e.g., 15 min -> 20 sec) for the
-          big files. Downside is that file size could increase. <u>Wedan
-          will look into good way to implement this fix.</u>
-     <li> Wedan said that it appears that if you delete a node in ADF,
-          then write out the file, it rewrites everything. <u>Van der
-          Weide agreed to try this on one of his big test cases and
-          report back.</u> Koziol said that HDF-5 does not do this.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> HDF-5 task force has been active, pursuing issue uncovered
-          by Alonso and Van der Weide (slow writing of files with huge
-          numbers of blocks, 1000 or more).  Wedan found a fix for ADF,
-          but HDF-5 is still too slow.  Koziol is working with Alonso
-          and Van der Weide looking into the issue.
-     <li> Poinot uses HDF-5 version of CGNS regularly, and has no
-          problems (but he does not employ so many blocks).
-     <li> Discussion of switchover to HDF-5
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> we need more people to try the HDF-5 version prior to
-               Reno meeting; <u>Rumsey will send e-mail to CGNSTalk
-               about it, and also will try to develop a list of what
-               users there are and what platforms they have tested
-               on.</u>
-          <li> it is also important that software vendors be a part of
-               the beta process
-          <li> Koziol mentioned that HDF-5 is funded and committed for
-               long-term; unlikely to be major changes (i.e., no HDF-6)
-          <li> further discussion and decision on switchover to take
-               place at Reno meeting
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion (Wall, Wedan):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Version 2.4 (Beta) will be cut sometime soon; this version
-          includes the latest IL extensions
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Wedan and Wall will work out details &amp; get latest
-               version of extensions in place</u>
-          <li> <u>Rumsey will initiate documentation on new extensions;
-               Wall and Towne will help</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Review status of open items
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> links causing slowdown is no longer a major problem
-               (remove item)
-          <li> Eliminate <tt>PointList/Range</tt> + <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-               possibility: will be done for V3.0, not before
-          <li> <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to do" list</a> - still open
-          <li> Issue of 8 units - still an issue
-          <li> Resolve SIDS and ISO/STEP - still an issue
-          <li> alphanumeric sorting of everything - would be useful, but
-               still needs looking into
-          <li> certification process - Poinot's upcoming Reno paper
-               addresses this (uses XML grammar)
-          </ol>
-     <li> Need for CGNS user's meeting - to be discussed at Reno
-     <li> Wedan to talk about CGNS at Computational Electromagnetics
-          meeting at NASA Ames early in 2005
-     <li> Next meeting: face-to-face at Reno, Wed Jan 12, 7PM, room TBD
-     <li> Election of chairperson will be held at Reno meeting; anyone
-          interested in the position should contact Rumsey
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will make changes in CGNS Charter document.
-     <li> Hauser will check into parallel issues regarding
-          time-dependent data.
-     <li> Rumsey will circulate CGNS flyer to steering committee for
-          comments.
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation;
-          Wedan, Rumsey, Towne, Koziol will be reviewers.
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension.
-     <li> Wedan will look into good way to implement the disabled
-          chunk-search fix in ADF.
-     <li> Van der Weide will try deleting node and then writing (using
-          ADF) on one of his big test cases and report back.
-     <li> Rumsey will send e-mail to CGNSTalk about testing HDF-5
-          version of CGNS, and also will try to develop a list of what
-          users there are and what platforms they have tested on.
-     <li> Wedan and Wall will work out details about extensions &amp;
-          get latest version in place for V2.4.
-     <li> Rumsey will initiate documentation on new extensions; Wall
-          and Towne will help.
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> With V3.0 release, eliminate the <tt>Pointlist/Range</tt> +
-          <tt>CellCenter</tt> possibility (and thus remove the need for
-          <tt>GridLocation</tt> under <tt>BC_t</tt>).  Next major
-          release of API will need to automatically make the
-          alteration (transparent to the user). Documentation (SIDS,
-          User's Guide, other?) will need to be changed.
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Issue of 8 units - need consistency between
-          <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Question of need (or preference) to have alphanumeric sorting
-          of everything (like is currently done for zones)
-     <li> Need for developing certification process (official test for
-          compliance)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Juan Alonso<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Craig Day<td>
-   <td>AIAA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Meredith Cawley<td>
-   <td>AIAA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Quincey Koziol<td>
-   <td>NCSA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing - St. Louis 
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ken Wall<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> HDF-5 must fix "creation tracking"
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> Create SIDS-to-HDF-5 documentation (Poinot)
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 19 Nov 2004
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-28 November 2007<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">15 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_sep07.html">12 September 2007
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee membership changes, updates, and issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Simon Pereira, who is taking over for Bruce Wedan as the
-          committee representative for ANSYS / ICEM CFD, introduced
-          himself. Simon is the Product Manager for ICEM CFD. The
-          current member list is still at 23 organizations (current
-          maximum is set at 30).
-     <li> Thaerocomp (one of the committee member organizations) was
-          renamed to TTC Technologies.
-     <li> Current Vice Chair Thomas Hauser is scheduled to be voted in
-          as Chair of the CGNS Committee at the Reno meeting in January
-          2008.
-     <li> We are looking for a CGNS Steering committee member willing
-          to assume the role of Vice Chair (2-yr position) beginning
-          January 2008. The Vice Chair's duty is to help the Chair in
-          the running of the committee.  It is expected that the Vice
-          Chair will take over as Chair when the Chair's term ends.
-          Please e-mail nominations to Rumsey
-          (<a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov</a>)
-          by Dec 15.  You may nominate yourself.
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will update the Steering Committee Charter to add
-          Concepts NREC, and Rumsey will update the website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Wedan will put V3.0 with parallel HDF-5 capability
-          as an alpha release on SourceForge when ready.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <a name="action_HDF5"></a>
-     <li> Poinot will continue to test and work with HDF5 external link
-          capability.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Poinot sent in a <a href="#HDF5_links">report</a>.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras will send Rumsey revised face-based proposal for
-          posting on website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. Feldman emphasized that this capability is
-               still in demand by their customers. <u>Action carries,
-               with addition that Allmaras will also send to Feldman
-               and Pereira for evaluaton.</u> New method needs to be
-               compared against original method given on the website
-               under Proposals for Extension.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will coordinate bringing the Regions proposal to
-          completion.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. This item directly ties into item (d)
-               above, particularly with regard to how to get edge-based
-               data for unstructured grids. <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hann and Hauser will evaluate the capability for writing
-          HDF-5, ADF, or XML in proposed V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne will add the
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity">Generalized
-          Connectivity</a> change to the SIDS.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will arrange a telecon for the AIAA short course
-          instructors to start to work out details (likely Monday
-          Sept 17).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  These mini-telecons are ongoing.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne will make V2.5 the official documentation.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will add Hauser as a SourceForge developer.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will look into Weinkauf
-          (<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001133.html">9/12/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>) issues regarding automatically closing linked
-          files, problem with unsuccessful opening leaving data
-          structures undefined, issues with <tt>MAXIMUM_FILES</tt>, and
-          use of relative paths.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Status unknown. <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will maintain contact with users interested in parallel
-          HDF-5 capability, and let them know when parallel V3.0alpha
-          version is ready to be tested.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Status unknown. <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Rumsey will contact people in Europe regarding
-          possibility of holding a European CGNS User's Meeting sometime
-          in the future.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> No resolution yet. <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#open_items">number 15 below</a>)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Purpose of open items is to not lose track of long-term issues
-          that come up.
-     </ol>
-<a name="short_course"></a>
-<li> CGNS short course for AIAA
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Scheduled for Jan 5-6, 2008 in Reno, NV (just prior to
-          Aerospace Sciences Meeting).
-     <li> Led by Thomas Hauser and Ken Alabi, with help from Marc
-          Poinot, Bruce Wedan, and Chris Rumsey.
-     <li> Planning for course is progressing, but we need to have some
-          minimum number of attendees signed up by Dec 7, or AIAA will
-          cancel the course.
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keith Hunten sent details on AP209E2
-          (<a href="attachments/AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/AP209Edition2OverviewRev1.1.pdf">PDF</a>).
-          CGNS plays into a part of this.
-          He is interested in feedback.
-          Please email:
-          <a href="mailto:keith.a.hunten@lmco.com">keith.a.hunten@lmco.com</a>
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> References were added to the SIDS to document
-          <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel">turbulence
-          models</a> currently used.
-     </ol>
-<a name="software"></a>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of the API forcing a copy of the entire CGNS file
-          temporarily (Bussoletti
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001142.html">9/25/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>) was discussed. This can cause problems if the
-          file is linked to other files, for example.  It can also be
-          painful if the file is large and you are only making a very
-          small change.  Also, may be unrelated, but it was noted that
-          if you delete nodes in
-          <a href="../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFViewer</a>, the
-          resulting file size still stays the same. The question came up
-          whether all this was an ADF issue or a MLL issue.  I.e., does
-          use of HDF5 eliminate the problem? If a MLL issue, is this
-          something that should be worked to correct, or is there a good
-          reason for doing it this way?
-     <li> Issue from Guzik
-          (<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001147.html">10/02/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>) on the use of
-          <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html#configure"><tt>cg_configure</tt></a>
-          to avoid the copy. He also mentioned some specific developer
-          issues with <tt>cg_configure</tt>.
-     <li> Issue of wanting to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via
-          <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#elements"><tt>cg_section_write_f</tt></a>,
-          and issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" (Miller
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001155.html">10/19/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>).
-     <li> <u>None of these issues was resolved: they will be carried over
-          to the next meeting.</u>
-     </ol>
-<a name="HDF5"></a>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> See <a href="#action_HDF5">4(c)</a> and
-          <a href="#HDF5_links">Marc Poinot's report on HDF5 with
-          external links</a>. No additional discussion.
-     </ol>
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion held on whether current Extension process is
-          working or not. Current process: proposal is made and posted
-          to website, people comment, it is revised and voted on (and
-          often revised and voted on again), then if approved it
-          eventually gets implemented when a developer has time.  The
-          process is very slow, but things do eventually seem to get
-          done.  Given the CGNS committee circumstances (no money, all
-          volunteer effort), it seems to be the best method.  Most felt
-          that CGNS is stable enough and the volume of changes is low
-          enough that the current method is still viable.  However,
-          it would be far better if we could fund the maintenance and
-          development effort.  Rumsey also mentioned it would be better
-          if we could get our "truck number" higher (if one of our
-          developers gets hit by a truck, do we have others who can
-          still do the work?). Some brainstorm ideas were:
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> To raise money for maintenance and development, charge
-               committee members nominal annual dues.
-          <li> Use proceeds from short course to help fund development
-               work.
-          <li> Issue "Call for developers" on SourceForge.
-          <li> Use Bugzilla method to report and track problems, request
-               changes, log issues and fixes, etc.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Status of recent proposals (Face-based and Regions): still in
-          the revision phase.
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Next face-to-face meeting Sunday Jan 6 at 7:30PM in Reno, NV
-          at the AIAA meeting (note this is different from the usually
-          held Wednesday PM time slot). Rumsey will try to get the room
-          set up for teleconference capability.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser and Wedan will put V3.0 with parallel HDF-5 capability
-          as an alpha release on SourceForge when ready.
-     <li> Allmaras will send Rumsey, Feldman, and Pereira revised
-          face-based proposal for evaluation, comparison with original
-          proposal, and posting on website.
-     <li> Rumsey will coordinate bringing the Regions proposal to
-          completion.
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-     <li> Hann and Hauser will evaluate the capability for writing
-          HDF-5, ADF, or XML in proposed V3.0.
-     <li> Wedan will look into Weinkauf
-          (<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001133.html">9/12/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>) issues regarding automatically closing linked
-          files, problem with unsuccessful opening leaving data
-          structures undefined, issues with <tt>MAXIMUM_FILES</tt>, and
-          use of relative paths.
-     <li> Hauser will maintain contact with users interested in parallel
-          HDF-5 capability, and let them know when parallel V3.0alpha
-          version is ready to be tested.
-     <li> Hauser and Rumsey will contact people in Europe regarding
-          possibility of holding a European CGNS User's Meeting sometime
-          in the future.
-     <li> Rumsey will carry several unresolved CGNSTalk issues over to
-          the next meeting: Bussoletti
-          (<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001142.html">9/25/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>), Guzik
-          (<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001147.html">10/02/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>), Miller
-          (<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk/2007/001155.html">10/19/07
-          CGNSTalk</a>).
-     </ol>
-<a name="open_items"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to make Karman's changes to <tt>PYRA</tt> elements:
-          change <tt>PYRA_14</tt> to <tt>PYRA_13</tt>, without the
-          centroid, and add <tt>PYRA_14</tt> with the base mid-face
-          defined (in software and in SIDS). Need to wait until V3.0 for
-          this due to compatibility issues.
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     <li> Need to resolve slow behavior and larger file sizes that can
-          occur in CGNS files when there are many (thousands) of nodes.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Anderson<td>
-   <td>Concepts NREC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Patrick Baker<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Bussoletti<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Feldman<td>
-   <td>CD-ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ashish Gupta<td>
-   <td>Airbus - India
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Subarchan Kundu<td>
-   <td>Airbus - India
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Simon Pereira<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF / AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Renaud Sauvage<td>
-   <td>AM-Airbus
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>Rolls Royce / Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<a name="HDF5_links"></a>
-<h2>Report on CGNS/HDF5 with external links from Marc Poinot (Onera)</h2>
-The CGNS/ADFH has been changed and we can use now the HDF5 external
-links feature. This allows some new capabilities such as the node
-creation in a sub-tree through a link, more than one level of link
-(I've tested up to 7)... The use of external links reduces *a lot* the
-complexity of the code and thus would lead to a better maintenance of
-ADF layer. All the Bruce's tests are ok (using cgnslib v2.5) and I also
-passed my pyCGNS v3.1 test suite that intensively calls both ADF and MLL
-I think we can integrate this external link implementation as the new
-CGNS/HDF5 implementation. Moreover, there is no other hanging issue that
-could delay the official announce of a full CGNS/HDF5 library. I will
-push for that, Quincey Koziol (NCSA) says they may release the HDF5 v1.8
-(we actually use for external links) by the end of the year.
-These are the points I see now:
-<li> Take sources and merge to Sourceforge
-<li> Update <a href="../filemap_hdf/index.html">SIDS-to-HDF5 document</a>
-<li> Find a volunteer team to test (including soft editors), shake
-     the CGNS/HDF to increase the coverage of API and check 100%
-     implementation.
-<li> Prepare a set of examples that shows the benefits of HDF5 tools
-     added to existing CGNS tools, encourage full-HDF5 based tools for
-     CGNS
-<li> Make an official announce
-<li> Find an HDF5 conference and make some presentation on CGNS use
-I can take parts of [2], [4] and [6]. Maybe Bruce can handle [1] and
-take a look at the code. All CGNS users can re-link the MLL and test
-their applications to fulfill [3] (including ONERA). We could have
-a test matrix saying if the user has tested his known use of MLL on
-read/write/modify, with/without links, pre/post ADF/HDF files with
-<tt>adf2hdf</tt> ...
-Then [5] has to be discussed next week or in Reno.
-Now, I really want to thank Quincey Koziol (QAK) and the NCSA team, they
-really gave me an efficient support during these past months. This is
-not a matter of simple email replies but actually in terms of hours of
-actual work. Thanks again.
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Nov 2007
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-5 November 2008
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM eastern time. There were
-     <a href="#attendees">5 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_sep08.html">10 September 2008
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot to try Version 3 fix for HDF-5 indexing problem, and
-          make sure it works for his applications.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet, but there was also some discussion on this
-               point.  The index ordering for HDF-5 is now fixed in
-               Version 3.0, but this is for people who use the MLL.  The
-               question arises whether one of Marc's HDF-5 files, if
-               given to someone else who uses MLL to read it, will be
-               successful or not.  I.e., if a user like Marc does not
-               use MLL, it is up to them to order the indices correctly.
-               If they do not, then the file will not transfer correctly
-               to other users who use MLL. <u>Hauser and Poinot will
-               work together to resolve the issue of the HDF-5 indexing
-               problem, both to make sure the fix in V3 works for Poinot
-               and to check consistency of files generated without
-               MLL.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to add disclaimer about HDF-5 incorrect index ordering
-          in Version 2.x to website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Change can be seen at:
-               http://cgns.sourceforge.net/hdf5.html.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne to add disclaimer about HDF-5 incorrect index ordering
-          in Version 2.x in <a href="../midlevel/index.html">MLL
-          documentation</a>.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  Changes can be seen at:
-               <p>
-               <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates">midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates</a><br>
-               <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#elements">midlevel/grid.html#elements</a><br>
-               <a href="../midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution">midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution</a>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot to send Wedan his coding and other information related
-          to HDF-5 compression.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to incorporate compression capability into Version 3
-          MLL.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan and Hauser to look into improving documentation and
-          build instructions for V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  This action item will be combined with (h)
-               and (i) to make a new action item associated with the
-               upcoming release of V3.0. <u>Hauser and Wedan to improve
-               documentation and build instructions for V3.0, remove
-               instructions regarding XML output from configure script,
-               make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar file distribution, and
-               generally upgrade the build capability prior to release
-               of V3.0. Tentative plans to release V3.0 in January 2009.
-               This was also added to <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do"
-               list</a></u>.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to email committee and ask for vote on two existing
-          proposals and collect responses.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Allmaras' General SIDS Improvement extension is
-               ready to go, but Poinot's Rigid Motion Improvement
-               needs some specific examples added, and a renewed
-               consensus. Rumsey also brought up that we need to start
-               to tackle some of the accepted proposals "awaiting
-               implementation." <u>Rumsey to move Allmaras' proposal to
-               "Awaiting implementation" column. Poinot to work with
-               Power and others to bring Rigid Motion Improvement
-               proposal to completion, including specific examples.
-               Rumsey to compile list of potential programmers who might
-               help to implement some of the outstanding proposals.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to remove instructions regarding XML output from
-          configure script in V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. Combined to make a new action item.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar file distribution, and
-          set up makefile appropriately.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. Combined to make a new action item.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne to modify <tt>NGON+NFACE</tt> documentation for V3 to
-          include Feldman's suggestions, and to remove <tt>NGON +</tt>
-          parent data as an option.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Changes can be seen at:
-               <p>
-               <a href="../beta/sids/gridflow.html#Elements">beta/sids/gridflow.html#Elements</a><br>
-               <a href="../beta/sids/gridflow.html#ex:elements2">beta/sids/gridflow.html#ex:elements2</a>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to continue to look into
-          finding manpower development (particularly for MLL
-          implementation) resources at Boeing.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u> There was also
-               discussion about NSF Industry Centers, which require
-               a collaboration of several groups each contributing
-               about 25K per year. Feldman also brought up the HPC
-               Consortium, which is trying to tie multi-physics codes
-               together... there is the question whether CGNS has
-               something to offer to this group and possibly could join
-               or contribute. Allmaras pointed out that if CGNS could
-               gain the consortium's support, that it might help CGNS to
-               gain more support from Boeing. <u>Hauser to contact members
-               of the HPC Consortium to explore possibility of CGNS
-               contributing to their effort.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to pursue NSF funding and look
-          into idea of a fundraising collaborative.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Hauser has applied for NSF funding, including parallel
-               development for CGNS, but there is probably only a very
-               small chance that it will go through.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot to forward a draft proposal on CGNS activities for
-          EUCASS to Hauser &amp; Rumsey that will eventually go to the
-          EUCASS organizers.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Poinot has forwarded the request to the EUCASS
-               organizers.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to attend an upcoming HDF-5 meeting in Colorado, and
-          find out more about what it means to become a non-profit like
-          HDF-5 and how it would affect things.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Hauser gave a talk at the HDF-5 meeting and
-               spoke to members of that group. He found out that they
-               may be interested in attending the EUCASS meeting in
-               July 2009 and contributing or participating in the
-               CGNS activities there. Regarding becoming non-profit,
-               HDF-5 was helped considerably by the fact that it has
-               a long-term investment by NASA's earth observatory
-               mission. Another thing learned: In HDF-5, if there
-               are a very large number of zones, there are still
-               performance issues, but HDF-5 has a method to "fix" this,
-               using a different interface to HDF-5, which improves
-               performance. <u>Hauser to send information on interface
-               "fix" to improve performance of HDF-5 when there are many
-               zones to Wedan, Poinot, and anyone else interested.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will take control of <i>cgns.org</i> domain name and
-          will consider possibility of moving website to Utah State
-          site.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not successful in obtaining an invoice from Ansys
-               yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to contact Hunten about ISO/STEP and ask the best way
-          for us to comment.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done. Decided to delete this action item and instead
-               keep this as an open item.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to email Hauser information on how to reserve a room
-          for AIAA conference.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (purpose of these is to not lose track of long-term
-     issues that come up)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Many of these items are now completed for V3.0.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance).
-     <li> Develop method to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via something like <tt>cg_section_partialwrite</tt>
-          (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk)
-     <li> Address issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" to
-          avoid signed 2 Gig limit (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk).
-     <li> Problem with 64-bit <tt>cg_goto_f</tt> (Gibeling 08/29/08
-          CGNSTalk)
-     </ol>
-<li> Hauser plans to have face-to-face meeting at the AIAA meeting in
-     Orlando in January 2009.  Tentatively set for Wednesday evening of
-     the conference, January 7 at 7:00 PM.  Hauser will ask for telecon
-     capability in case anyone is interested in calling in.
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM Eastern. Next Telecon date will
-     be set at the AIAA meeting in Orlando.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser and Poinot will work together to resolve the issue of
-          the HDF-5 indexing problem, both to make sure the fix in V3
-          works for Poinot and to check consistency of files generated
-          without MLL.
-     <li> Wedan to incorporate compression capability into Version 3
-          MLL.
-     <li> Hauser and Wedan to improve documentation and build
-          instructions for V3.0, remove instructions regarding XML
-          output from configure script, make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar
-          file distribution, and generally upgrade the build capability
-          prior to release of V3.0. Tentative plans to release V3.0 in
-          January 2009.
-     <li> Rumsey to move Allmaras' proposal to "Awaiting implementation"
-          column.
-     <li> Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid Motion
-          Improvement proposal to completion, including specific
-          examples.
-     <li> Rumsey to compile list of potential programmers who might help
-          to implement some of the outstanding proposals.
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to continue to look into
-          finding manpower development (particularly for MLL
-          implementation) resources at Boeing.
-     <li> Hauser to contact members of the HPC Consortium to explore
-          possibility of CGNS contributing to their effort.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Hauser to send information on interface "fix" to improve
-          performance of HDF-5 when there are many zones to Wedan,
-          Poinot, and anyone else interested.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Hauser will take control of <i>cgns.org</i> domain name and
-          will consider possibility of moving website to Utah State
-          site.
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.
-     <li> Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Anderson<td>
-   <td>Concepts NREC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steve Feldman<td>
-   <td>CD-ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done by Poinot - capability will be added to V3 MLL</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     under development (1.8.0 beta)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0 in combination with HDF-5 V1.8</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Are any changes needed in SIDS-to-HDF5 document?  Or is it
-     up-to-date?
-<li> Improve build capability of V3.0.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 19 Nov 2008
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-25 October 2000<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00 Eastern time.
-There were 14 attendees, <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-The minutes of the 24 August meeting were reviewed and approved as
-posted on the web site.
-<li> <b>Steering Committee Nominations</b> - The process for adding new
-     voting members to the Steering Committee this year will be for
-     the Chairperson to collect nominations and develop a recommended
-     slate of candidates for addition and removal from the list. This
-     slate will be discussed and revised at the December telecon, and
-     approved at the January face to face meeting. At present, there
-     are 13 voting members. Two additional candidates have been put
-     forward: Alexandre Corjon of Aerospatiale Matra Airbus and Greg
-     Power of AEDC (potentially representing the US Air Force). These
-     additions would put the membership at 15, what is called for
-     in the Charter.  Additional recommendations are solicited. At
-     present there is no need to expand the number of members beyond the
-     Charter, or to ask organizations to step down.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner sent Bob Bush input on the meeting
-     of the ISO committee in October since he was unable to attend
-     the telecon. The meeting went well, although it was decided to
-     postpone Gates 2 and 3. Gate 3 requires full documentation that
-     is not yet in final form. It is hoped that this will be ready for
-     the February meeting, although it may slip into June. There was no
-     difficulty with the CGNS content, the primary remaining actions
-     are to re-format and generate documentation in a form suitable
-     for the ISO community. Ray provided the current drafts for those
-     interested. There was a request to post them on the web site. Bob
-     will ask Ray if it is appropriate to post them on the web, either
-     with a direct link from the CGNS web site, or under an unpublished
-     site to be distributed to the extended Steering Committee.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne announced that the SIDS
-     Version 2 Beta 1 has been completed and posted. The addition of
-     time accurate and iterative data will be released with the software
-     as Beta 2 in mid November. Beta 3 will include a merging of the
-     file-mapping document into the SIDS, and the current chemistry
-     extensions.  This should be ready by the end of the year. It was
-     suggested that we announce and release Version 2 at the January
-     meeting/conference.
-     <p>
-     Chris Rumsey said the draft version of the User's Guide is
-     almost ready. This includes some sample code, which he will also
-     release. The software will be released both with the User's Guide,
-     and under the Utilities web site. Comments are solicited
-     when the Draft User's Guide is released.
-     <p>
-     David Edwards, reporting for Steve Legensky, stated that the paper
-     abstract for a CGNS applications paper should be ready by 31
-     October. A survey to collect information for the paper was sent to
-     CGNS users with responses due by 7 November. This data will be used
-     for the paper, and <b>responses by all parties is requested</b>. We
-     responded to a request from the AIAA Aerospace America year in
-     review - <a href="#AAarticle">Interactive Computer Graphics</a>
-     for a contribution to an article.
-<li> <b>User Support</b> - No volunteers for Support Focal Point
-     have come forward. There are about 400 registered CGNS users at
-     present. A 'ListBot' e-mail user forum has been set up, accessible
-     from the web site. To date only a few people have signed up.
-     Members are encouraged to utilize this site for user support and
-     discussion.
-     <p>
-     Steve Feldman suggested contacting the 'owner' of CFD-Online to see
-     if we could or should add a CGNS forum to that popular site. There
-     being general support for the idea, Steve will contact them.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - Diane Poirier reported that grid motion API
-     programming is almost complete, only testing and documentation
-     remains before an expected mid November release as V2beta2. She
-     also hopes to have the chemistry extension implemented by the end
-     of the year for release of V2beta3. The rest of the extensions are
-     in various states of readiness, and will be implemented in the API
-     for potential release in V3 next year.
-     <br><br>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <b>Hierarchical Structures</b> - Michel Delanaye is
-          implementing an application specific version for internal
-          purposes, and would like feedback on the proposal as soon as
-          possible to get general agreement for an official extension to
-          the standard. Diane reported that M. Aftomis (Spelling?) is
-          preparing a counter proposal for review.  Fluent has reviewed
-          the proposal, and it looks like it should meet their needs.
-          Adapco will also look more closely at the proposal to ensure
-          it meets their needs.
-          <p>
-          A discussion of the need for summary information
-          followed. After some discussion it became clear there is a
-          need for summary information that describes the content of a
-          particular file. A consensus seemed to form around the idea
-          of a utility that would scan the file for its contents, and
-          another utility that would use this information to classify
-          the information. Given the classification, applications could
-          make assumptions about the file and avoid messy checks for
-          data availability. There is a need for a classification system
-          (e.g. solution with conservation variables, non-dimensional
-          structured grid, hierarchical structures with at most 2
-          children,?). There were no volunteers to develop this system,
-          but it was agreed that we should continue to pursue the idea,
-          the classification system and the utilities.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> <b>Chemistry</b> - Ed Hall forwarded some concerns about
-          the proposed extension, primarily centered on missing data
-          (thermodynamic properties of species, reaction rates,
-          etc.). Ed was not available at the telecon, but Bob indicated
-          that he responded that it was hoped that this information
-          would be the subject of future extensions. Bob will contact
-          Ed to inquire if the current extension does not preclude the
-          future (or application specific) addition of the information
-          he requires. Assuming this to be the case, we propose
-          implementing the extension as described, and soliciting future
-          extensions.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> <b>Misc. extensions</b> - These are ready for implementation,
-          but have had no comment. The implementation will be held for V3.
-          <br><br>
-          <ul>
-          <li> Spray-2phase flow - There is a draft out for
-               comment. The team (Darian) solicits comments on the
-               proposed content. The proposal needs to be refined more
-               fully defining the proposed data structures. Ed Ascoli
-               will request this refinement from Armen Darian.
-          <li> Hanging Nodes - Dave Edwards indicated that they
-               should have a proposal by the first of December.
-          <li> Wall functions and Turbomachinery Boundary Conditions -
-               Bob Bush indicated that he has taken no action on these
-               extensions, but will try to revive and push them forward
-               soon. Anyone interested in more immediate action is
-               encouraged to participate.
-          <li> API Link Support - Chris Rumsey has requested
-               API support for links. He has a rough proposal. Due to
-               priorities, we will try to implement early next year.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> <b>Additional Items</b> - Bob Bush will arrange the next telecon
-     for the first week of December. We will discuss the agenda for the
-     January meeting.
-The January meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday night at Reno.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>UTRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Ametec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ed Ascoli (for Armen Darian)<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Francis Enomoto<td>
-   <td>NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Doug McCarthy<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing Phantom Works
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Michel Delanaye<td>
-   <td>Numeca
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>Adapco
-<a name="AAarticle"></a>
-<h2>Aerospace America Article</h2>
-<b>Interactive Computer Graphics</b>
-Outstanding developments in Y2K included: collaborative systems for
-better utilization of graphics hardware, co-processing systems for
-visualizing large-scale simulations, an emerging ISO standard for CFD
-data exchange, and commercialization of automatic feature extraction
-Many aerospace companies and government laboratories have established
-Visualization Lab's that contain specialized SGI graphics workstations
-to generate hi-resolution computer graphics images. These labs have been
-poorly utilized in the past because engineers often had to travel great
-distances to use the graphics hardware. This situation is rapidly
-changing as vendors adapt their software to utilize the Internet and
-corporate intranets. For example, EnLiten is a new product from
-Computational Engineering International (CEI) that allows high-end
-visualizations to be easily and cost-effectively shared throughout an
-enterprise. EnLiten supports 3D stereo viewing and a full range of
-computing and display systems, from notebook computers to workstations
-to semi-immersive environments such as the NCSA ImmersaDesk. It plugs
-into well-known browsers and viewers such as MS Internet Explorer, MS
-PowerPoint, and Netscape.
-Parallel computing is rapidly emerging as the method of choice for
-visualizing large-scale CFD solutions. Intelligent Light has built upon
-MIT's pV3 client-server infrastructure with the popular Fieldview
-software. The result is a fully supported, robust commercial "graphics
-client" for the pV3 system. pV3 is used throughout the world for
-visualization co-processing, that is, concurrent simulation and
-interactive visualization. Intelligent Light's implementation supports
-systems ranging from laptop Windows PC's through UNIX clusters and
-supercomputers and enables enterprise-wide visualization.
-Every CFD code that enters the marketplace generates datasets with a
-slightly different format than their competitor. Products that utilize
-these datasets, i.e., pre- and post-processing software, have to support
-approximately 50 different file formats at the present time. The lack of
-standardization forces vendors to spend an inordinate amount of time
-implementing and maintaining file exchange software. To combat this
-software crisis, a consortium of CFD users and vendors have adopted a
-formal standard for exchanging CFD data called the CFD General Notation
-System (CGNS). The CGNS system facilitates the exchange of data between
-sites and applications, and stabilizes the archiving of aerodynamic
-data. An Application Program Interface, implemented by ICEM CFD
-Engineering, is platform independent and simplifies the installation of
-CGNS in C, C++, and Fortran applications. CGNS was conceived back in
-1994 as a means to promote "plug-and-play" CFD via a file specification
-standard and supporting code that could be distributed freely. In 2000,
-the CGNS Steering Committee affiliated with AIAA as a subcommittee,
-made progress in proposing CGNS as an ISO standard, and added
-capabilities to the standard to handle increasingly specialized and
-complex meshes. Currently, there are over 20 CFD applications that
-support or have translators for CGNS. Further information about this
-effort can be found at http://www.cgns.org/.
-Automatic feature extraction tools have transitioned from research
-institutions to commercial vendors of post-processing software in the
-past six months. The open-source FX (Feature eXtraction) library
-released by MIT in June 2000, has been adopted by two leading suppliers
-of CFD visualization software; Intelligent Light (Fieldview) and CEI
-(Ensight). Feature extraction tools automatically deduce the location,
-shape, and strength of specific features without human intervention, and
-do so in substantially less time than their human counterpart. This is a
-different paradigm than typical graphical analysis methods where the
-engineer has to do the work, interpreting the data from imagery and
-using their insight or experience to infer and find specific patterns.
-Feature extraction algorithms are programmed with domain-specific
-knowledge, so they do not require a-priori knowledge of places to look
-for interesting behavior. The latest feature extraction tools, developed
-at MIT and NASA Ames, automatically calculate vortex cores, separation
-and re-attachment lines, and shock surfaces. These tools will be
-available in Fieldview 7 and Ensight Gold in the final quarter of Y2K.
-David Kenwright<br>
-Figure 1 [sh_side35.jpg] (to be supplied by CEI)<br>
-Figure 2 [f16.jpg] An F16 solution from the USAF Cobalt group. Vortex
-cores are colored by strength and were used to guide the creation of
-streamlines. (Image courtesy of Intelligent Light)
-Dr. David N. Kenwright<br>
-Principal Research Scientist<br>
-Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics<br>
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
-Bldg 37-462, 77 Vassar Street<br>
-Cambridge, MA 02139<br><br>
-Tel. (617) 253-3505<br>
-Fax. (617) 258-5143<br>
-Email. kenwright@mit.edu
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-4 October 2005<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">9 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_aug05.html">2 Aug 2005
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Regarding the SIDS Ballot for the AIAA Recommended Practice: we did
-     not achieve a 2/3 response from voting members, so AIAA did not
-     pass the ballot measure! This indicates a problem we are facing
-     on the committee: several members are no longer active.  <u>Rumsey
-     will contact all current steering committee members and ask for
-     commitment; no response will result in vote for removal from
-     steering committee.</u>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will upgrade Poinot's SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation with
-          2.4 additions and post (along with other 2.4 docs) after V2.4
-          comes online.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will make change in CGNS HDF5 software so viewer can
-          read (see) character strings in the HDF5 files.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will complete changes for V2.4 and will announce when
-          ready.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Allmaras will write explicit documentation, for addition to
-          the SIDS, describing face-based storage and providing explicit
-          examples for using the method, and will send to Rumsey and
-          Michal for review.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet; <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will change the MLL to return element list instead of
-          point list when appropriate.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> determined to be unimportant; action item dropped
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey and Poinot to coordinate CGNS Panel Discussion and
-          possible tutorial for AIAA's June 2006 meeting in San
-          Francisco.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> ongoing, with Hauser also helping to coordinate; status
-               given below; <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> As soon as V2.4 comes on line, Towne will bundle up V2.3
-          documentation for Wedan to post.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Norris will try to work with the (currently commented)
-          Rind-for-unstructured fixes and see if they meet his needs.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done; they are working very well
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS on
-          Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey and Norris.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet; <u>action item carries (docs needed for MLL)</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Poinot and Wedan will work to resolve issue of "link of links"
-          problem with our HDF5 implementation.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> this item depends on changes in HDF-5 (Koziol of NCSA);
-               this item moved to <a href="#HDF5_todo">Tentative to-do
-               list</a> in association with HDF-5 switchover. <u>Rumsey
-               will contact Koziol to learn status of HDF-5 beta
-               implementation of "external links" for helping to solve
-               "link of links" problem.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will change the license in the software and on the
-          website to zlib, and will forward appropriate wording to Towne.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Towne will change the license in the documentation
-          (<a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a> and anywhere else
-          it appears).
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan will update the <i>www.cgns.org</i>
-          webpage describing
-          CGNStalk.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> San Francisco AIAA meeting
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Current plan calls for 2 major CGNS activities at this
-          meeting: a Panel Discussion and an evening CGNS tutorial
-     <li> Panel discussion will occur under the auspices of the Fluid
-          Dynamics Technical Committee.  It will occur during the
-          regular sessions, and will be titled something like:  "CGNS
-          Practical Applications in CFD".  We will have 5-7 Panelists,
-          who spend 15 minutes (each) making a presentation (no paper),
-          then we open the floor for an hour or so of general discussion
-          and questions at the end. Poinot has several possible panel
-          members he has been working to get a commitment from; also
-          Michal &amp; Hann volunteered (likely); also Wedan could
-          serve.
-     <li> The CGNS tutorial will probably occur in the evening. We will
-          be asking for steering committee members to volunteer to help
-          with this event (perhaps contributing to the presentations). A
-          tentative outline for this is (2.5 hrs):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Brief intro &amp; overview (10 min)
-          <li> Tutorial on general use of the library, compiling,
-               setting up, use of mid-level calls in CFD codes, etc
-               (20 min)
-          <li> Tutorial for simple structured grids, flow solns, &amp;
-               BCs (30 min)
-          <li> Tutorial for use with unstructured grids (30 min)
-          <li> Advanced topics TBD (30 min)
-          <li> More advanced topics/Discussion/questions (30 min)
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open Items (<a href="#item15">number 15 below</a>):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Regarding <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to do" list</a>,
-          <u>Rumsey will review the HDF-5 "to do" list and revise if
-          necessary</u>
-     <li> Regarding the issue of resolving differences between SIDS and
-          ISO/STEP, this is still tabled for the foreseeable future
-     <li> Regarding certification process:
-          (a) <a href="../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">adfviewer</a>
-          has a compliance checker that is continually undergoing
-          improvements; (b) another tool, available through PyCGNS and
-          built on XML grammar, is in need of testing and approval of
-          the grammar by the steering committee. <u>Poinot will update
-          the <a href="http://cgns-python.berlios.de/">PyCGNS
-          website</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-          with regard to the XML compliance tool</u>, then
-          volunteers on the steering committee will be asked to help
-          evaluate it.
-     <li> Regarding <tt>PYRA</tt> element needed for unstructured grids,
-          this change needs to wait for Version 3.0, because it changes
-          the enums, and forward compatibility is lost in a major way.
-     <li> Regarding Rind for unstructured: this has been done; item
-          removed from list
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hunten sent some planning documents on the AP 209E2 work.
-          [See "AP209E2 Initial Module Breakdown, V1.1"
-          (<a href="attachments/AP209E2_Module-AOs.1.1.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/AP209E2_Module-AOs.1.1.pdf">PDF</a>),
-          and "AP209E2 Planning Model"
-          (<a href="attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="attachments/AP209E2_Planning_Model.1.2.pdf">PDF</a>).]
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <a href="../index.html">V2.4</a> is available now
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will update <a href="../overview/elements.html">Elements
-          and Documentation</a> section of the <i>CGNS Overview and
-          Entry-Level Document</i> to reflect option of using HDF-5, and
-          send to Towne to post.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> CGNSTalk question about
-          <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor"><tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt></a>
-          allocating memory but not deallocating, whereas all
-          other routines make user allocate memory himself. <u>Wedan
-          will look into the issue of memory allocation for
-          <tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt>.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <a href="#HDF_policy">Draft policy statement regarding
-          HDF-5</a> was discussed.  Committee members decided it would
-          be a good idea to post this conspicuously, as a tentative
-          policy statement, to allow time for feedback, and to give
-          vendors a heads-up. <u>Wedan will post HDF-5 policy statement
-          on website, and include link to
-          <a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF-5 site</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of mismatched abutting interfaces: the idea was raised
-          in CGNSTalk about having <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> be an
-          optional node, rather than required.  It is possible (for
-          mismatched interfaces) that a user may want to include some
-          information, but leave details as code-specific information
-          rather than complying fully to the CGNS standard. <u>Rumsey
-          will look into the issue of having <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>
-          be an optional node for
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>,
-          and will respond to the committee about it.</u>
-     <li> Issue of need for source terms for internal BCs: Poinot found
-          a way to handle this, but it brings up the issue in general
-          that we may need to expand the <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> to help show how to handle specific circumstances
-          such as this. <u>Poinot will send Rumsey a copy of his tree to
-          show how he handled source terms for internal BCs.</u> This
-          issue in general is being added as an "Open Item" for the
-          future.  Perhaps after the San Francisco meeting we will have
-          additional needs for addition to the <i>User's Guide</i>.
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot recently presented a CGNS paper at a rotorcraft
-          conference. <u>Poinot will e-mail a copy of his paper to Towne
-          for posting.</u>
-     <li> Committee decided to not hold another telecon prior to Reno.
-          Thus, the next meeting will be face-to-face at the Reno AIAA
-          meeting, Jan 11, 2006; 7PM (Wednesday).
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Rumsey will contact all current steering committee members and
-          ask for commitment; no response will result in vote for removal
-          from steering committee.
-     <li> Allmaras will write explicit documentation, for addition to
-          the SIDS, describing face-based storage and providing explicit
-          examples for using the method, and will send to Rumsey and
-          Michal for review.
-     <li> Rumsey, Poinot, and Hauser to coordinate CGNS Panel Discussion
-          and possible tutorial for AIAA's June 2006 meeting in San
-          Francisco.
-     <li> Wedan will write documentation for SIDS and MLL as appropriate
-          on Rind-for-unstructured and send to Rumsey, Norris, and Towne.
-     <li> Rumsey will contact Koziol to learn status of HDF-5 beta
-          implementation of "external links" for helping to solve "link of
-          links" problem.
-     <li> Rumsey will review the <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to do"
-          list</a> and revise if necessary
-     <li> Poinot will update the
-          <a href="http://cgns-python.berlios.de/">PyCGNS website</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> with regard to
-          the XML compliance tool
-     <li> Rumsey will update <a href="../overview/elements.html">Elements
-          and Documentation</a> section of the <i>CGNS Overview and
-          Entry-Level Document</i> to reflect option of using HDF-5, and
-          send to Towne to post.
-     <li> Wedan will look into the issue of memory allocation for
-          <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor"><tt>cg_descriptor_read</tt></a>.
-     <li> Wedan will post <a href="#HDF_policy">HDF-5 policy statement</a>
-          on website, and include link to
-          <a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF-5 site</a>
-          <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-     <li> Rumsey will look into the issue of having <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>
-          be an optional node for
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>,
-          and will respond to the committee about it.
-     <li> Poinot will send Rumsey a copy of his tree to show how he
-          handled source terms for internal BCs.
-     <li> Poinot will e-mail a copy of his paper to Towne for posting.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item15"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need for additional specific examples in <i>User's Guide</i>,
-          such as how to handle internal BCs
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>Ansys / CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing - St. Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Norris<td>
-   <td>Ctr for Sim of Advanced Rockets (U of Illinois)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>Ansys / ICEM CFD
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works)
-<a name="HDF_policy"></a>
-<h2>Draft CGNS Policy Statement regarding HDF-5</h2>
-The CGNS implementation of SIDS, so-called MLL, was originally built
-using a file format called ADF (Advanced Data Format).  This format was
-based on a common file format system previously in use at McDonnell
-Douglas.  The ADF has worked extremely well, requiring little repair,
-upgrade, or maintenance over the last decade.
-However, ADF does not have parallel or compression capability, and does
-not have the support and tools HDF5 offers.  Also, HDF5, supported by
-the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), has rapidly
-grown to become a world-wide format standard for storing scientific
-data.  HDF5 has parallel capability as well as a broader support base
-than ADF.
-Therefore, the CGNS Steering Committee has made the decision to adopt
-HDF5 as the default (official) data storage mechanism.  We are currently
-in the process of making the switch.  In doing so, however, we have
-learned that there are some issues associated with usage of HDF5: it has
-slower I/O for files with many (thousands of) nodes, and its file sizes
-tend to be significantly larger than ADF files in general.  These issues
-make the switch more complicated, but we have decided to count on NCSA
-to continue to improve HDF5 and hopefully eliminate the problems at some
-point in the future.
-We have also learned that it is possible to easily support both ADF and
-HDF5 formats simultaneously, giving the user the capability to choose
-between them.
-Therefore, we have decided to continue forward with the "switch", with
-the following as our goal:
-The CGNS Steering Committee considers HDF5 to be its official,
-recommended storage format.  However, ADF will continue to be available
-for use, with the CGNS mid-level library capable of (1) using either
-format and (2) translating back and forth between the two.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 5 Oct 2005
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-4 October 2006<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">11 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_aug06.html">2 August 2006
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee Membership changes and updates
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Scott Imaly from Tecplot introduced himself, and expressed
-          an interest in joining the Steering Committee.  Tecplot has
-          supported CGNS for quite some time.  The committee approved
-          the Tecplot membership.
-     <li> <u>Towne will update the <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering
-          Committee Charter</a> to add Tecplot, and Rumsey will update
-          the website.</u>
-     <li> Specific member changes: Earl Duque now POC for IL, Ankur
-          Agarwal now POC for Fluent, Edwin van der Weide now POC for
-          Stanford
-     <li> Committee chair position
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Rumsey's 2-year term is ending in Jan 2007
-          <li> Thomas Hauser, current vice-chair, would like to extend
-               the term for one more year, and delay being voted into
-               this position until Jan 2008
-          <li> Committee members saw no problem with this; it will be
-               voted on at January Reno meeting
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will update the <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering
-          Committee Charter</a> to raise the limit of members to 30, and
-          to add Thaerocomp.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Alonso will forward to Rumsey some preliminary ideas on levels
-          of compliance for vendors, related to problems he has
-          encountered.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Alonso no longer able to participate.  Action item
-               cancelled.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Towne will e-mail AIAA again to check on the status of the
-          Recommended Practice.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  Michele Ringrose said AIAA still needs to take
-               some "process steps" to complete this. <u>Towne will e-mail
-               AIAA the latest version of the SIDS, to insure it is
-               up-to-date.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to
-          Alonso, van der Weide, Poinot, and Wedan to try out.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Parallel version not quite finished ... still needs to
-               resolve one issue with HDF-5 developers.  <u>Action item
-               carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan and Rumsey will initiate a new proposal for extension,
-          perhaps based on Sayre's existing proposal but also including
-          structured grids, to try to deal with the need for writing
-          data to smaller and/or possibly lower-order regions.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Proposal developed and sent to CGNSTalk. It is based
-               on current <a href="../sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>
-               node structure, which apparently can handle a lot of what
-               users want for functionality when writing "regions",
-               including arbitrary dimensionality. <u>Rumsey will post new
-               proposal for Regions on website and ask for comments.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will look at Poinot's string definition header file and
-          determine the best course of action.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. May add this to distribution, but would not
-               be linked by default.  <u>Wedan will contact Poinot and look
-               into adding string definitions header file as part of the
-               official CGNS distribution.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will look into the partial write problem (found by
-          Allmaras).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  Problem fixed (see <a href="#software">Software
-               section</a>).
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey and Hauser will follow up with AIAA about the
-          possibility of developing an AIAA short course.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ball is now in our court.  AIAA wants outline developed
-               for course before they decide how to market it.  Alabi
-               volunteered to help Hauser prepare the outline /
-               course. <u>Rumsey will send Alabi information about what
-               AIAA needs to get the ball rolling on a possible AIAA
-               short course for CGNS. Hauser and Alabi will pursue this
-               effort.</u> Wedan, Rumsey, and Poinot are also interested in
-               possibly helping.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hann will look at the documentation and recommend changes to
-          make it more explicit on the fact that the number of cells
-          in <tt>Zone_t</tt> should be the number of highest order
-          elements.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done, doc changes implemented early September.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will make the fix recommended by Montreuil in cgnstools
-          for IRIX64.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will test the HDF5 external link capability.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In process.  He has built HDF-5 version with links
-               extension, but is not sure how to apply them to his
-               problem yet.  Action item carries.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras will head up a task force to resolve the issue of the
-          face-based storage method.  Members are: Allmaras, Fisher,
-          Poinot, Hann, Weber, Feldman, Rumsey, Wedan, Imaly).  They
-          will hold a mini-telecon in early-September.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Telecon held (see <a href="#minutes">minutes</a>).
-               <u>Allmaras will send revised proposal to Rumsey for posting
-               on website.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#item14">number 14 below</a>):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Brief discussion:
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a> maybe not a
-               high priority now, because we decided to actively and
-               indefinitely support both ADF and HDF-5 (with HDF-5 the
-               "officially recommended" method).  But it is probably
-               important to continue to keep the items on the list in
-               the back of our minds.
-          <li> ISO/STEP effort is pretty much independent from us now,
-               but we still need to remember to try to keep up with it.
-          <li> Issue of need for certification process often comes up
-               at meetings, so we need to keep this in the back of our
-               minds also.  A checker currently comes bundled in with
-               the tools, and can be used stand-alone or in conjunction
-               with <a href="../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">adfviewer</a>.
-          <li> Need to add missing <tt>PYRA</tt> element, but this will
-               lose backward compatibility, so we have to wait until
-               version 3.0 before putting it in. General feeling at this
-               time was that we should hold off on 3.0: perhaps want to
-               first add capability for accessing HDF-5 or ADF at run
-               time rather than at compile time.
-          <li> It would be "nice" at some point to update the
-               <a href="../user/index.html">User's Guide</a>, especially
-               with more unstructured examples.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing new to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Documentation has been updated: 
-          (1) <a href="../charter/organization.html#representation">changes
-          to charter</a> as mentioned above, (2) changes to
-          <a href="../midlevel/structural.html#zone">MLL</a> and
-          <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone">SIDS</a> regarding # of
-          cells in <tt>Zone_t</tt> being the number of "highest order"
-          elements, (3) changes to charter to add
-          <a href="../charter/organization.html#representation">steering
-          committee member responsibilities</a>, (4) changes for
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>FaceCenter</tt>
-          connectivity</a> (recently-adopted proposal).
-     </ol>
-<a name="software"></a>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan has made many changes, including:  
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> In particular, he fixed the partial read/write problem.
-               Now in write or modify mode, MLL never deletes the node
-               ... you must specifically delete it, or overwrite the
-               node entirely. As a result of all the fixes, there are
-               some new MLL routines, and some are no longer needed.
-          <li> Also added a capability to search for links
-          <li> Also modified <tt>cg_goto</tt> function to add more
-               capabilities (such as searching by name)
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Wedan will cut a new point release (2.5) soon, to include all
-          of the new capabilities.</u>
-     <li> <u>Wedan will write MLL documentation on all the recent changes
-          related to 2.5 and send to Towne for posting.</u> (No changes are
-          required in the SIDS.)
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing new to report.
-     </ol>
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> As a result of voting as well as discussions during
-          <a href="telecon_aug06.html">2 August 2006 Telecon</a>, four
-          proposals were "processed":
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> multiple zone connectivities for time dependent accepted,
-               awaiting implementation
-          <li> averaging interfaces &amp; grid connectivity put on hold
-               (conflicts with the way others already handle this -
-               better to do as <tt>UserDefined</tt> for now until
-               agreement can be reached)
-          <li> face center connectivity accepted, implemented (Doc only)
-          <li> FSI with deformable boundaries put on hold (apparently
-               can be handled using current capabilities)
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan noted that anyone interested in contributing as a
-          developer to CGNS can be given developer access to the
-          SourceForge
-          repository.
-          Please contact Wedan or Rumsey if you are interested!
-     <li> Hauser to attend NOAA oceanographic workshop in Boulder
-          Colorado in mid-October and discuss CGNS.
-     <li> Next Steering Committee telecon will be held either in late
-          November, or else we will wait until we hold the Reno meeting
-          in early January (Wed PM). Decision will be made in early
-          November.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will update the Steering Committee Charter to add
-          Tecplot, and Rumsey will update the website.
-     <li> Towne will e-mail AIAA the latest version of the SIDS, to
-          insure it is up-to-date.
-     <li> Hauser will send parallel version of CGNS with HDF-5 to van
-          der Weide, Poinot, and Wedan to try out.
-     <li> Rumsey will post new proposal for Regions on website and ask
-          for comments.
-     <li> Wedan will contact Poinot and look into adding string
-          definitions header file as part of the official CGNS
-          distribution.
-     <li> Rumsey will send Alabi information about what AIAA needs to
-          get the ball rolling on a possible AIAA short course for CGNS.
-     <li> Hauser and Alabi will pursue AIAA short course effort, with
-          possible help from Wedan, Rumsey, and Poinot.
-     <li> Wedan will make the fix recommended by Montreuil in cgnstools
-          for IRIX64.
-     <li> Poinot will test the HDF5 external link capability.
-     <li> Allmaras will send revised proposal to Rumsey for posting on
-          website.
-     <li> Wedan will cut a new point release (2.5) soon, to include all
-          of the new capabilities.
-     <li> Wedan will write MLL documentation on all the recent changes
-          related to 2.5 and send to Towne for posting.
-     </ol>
-<a name="item14"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS)
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ken Alabi<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Thaerocomp
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Steven Allmaras<td>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Einstein<td>
-   <td>Pacific NW National Laboratory
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Scott Imlay<td>
-   <td>Tecplot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Renaud Sauvage<td>
-   <td>Airbus
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford University
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     (beta implementation of "external links" is in the works -
-     likely complete in early 2006?)
-<a name="minutes"></a>
-<h2>Minutes of Mini-telecon concerning Face-based storage proposal</h2>
-Wed, Sept 6, 2006<br>
-11AM eastern
-Allmaras, Feldman, Fisher, Hann, Imlay, Rumsey, Weber, Wedan
-Discussion centered around whether or not to allow (encourage / make
-official) face-based connectivity method in CGNS files.  (Currently,
-connectivity is officially done via element-based, also known as
-cell-based or volume-based.)  It turns out that the mechanisms for
-allowing face-based are largely already in place. Allmaras presented
-pros and cons for allowing the new approach.
-The consensus was to allow face-based as an option.  A given zone will
-be allowed to use either element-based OR face-based, but not both. A
-new flag will be defined at the <tt>Zone_t</tt> level to indicate what
-storage method is being used.  If this new flag is not present, then the
-default is element-based.  The data in the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node will
-still contain vertex size and cell size etc, as usual.
-The current method for lumping the interior and boundary elements
-together will remain (there was some discussion for use of a new
-<tt>BoundaryElements_t</tt> label, but it was felt that there is already
-a lot of investment in the current method, and adding a new label would
-mostly complicate things at this point).
-There was also a discussion about a possible need to allow
-<tt>FlowSolution</tt>s etc to be stored at face-centers and edges.
-Currently, for unstructured zones, such storage is only allowed at
-<tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>CellCenter</tt>.  This appears to be do-able, but
-is independent of the face-based connectivity proposal, and therefore
-will be treated as a separate proposal in the future.
-Thus, for the current proposal, there will be not only some
-documentation changes, but also some (minor) coding changes required to
-implement this proposal, in order to accommodate the new flag.  It was
-also mentioned that one of the CGNS "checkers" may need to be modified,
-because cell size in <tt>Zone_t</tt> will no longer match up with number
-of elements when they are face-based.
-ACTIONS from mini-telecon:<br>
-Allmaras will revise his proposed changes to the SIDS and will send to
-the group.  Rumsey will subsequently post this to the website under
-"Proposals for Extension".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 11 Oct 2006
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-6 September 2001<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm.
-There were 15 attendees, as <a href="#attendees">listed below</a>.
-There were 2 invited guests to the telecon: Udo
-Tremel from Germany who has implemented a C++ interface on top of ADF that is
-`parallel' to the mid-level library.  Marc Poinot from ONERA who has
-been working a Python oriented wrapper to the mid-level library.
-<li> <b>Steering Committee Membership</b> - no activity
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Bob Bush read Ray Cosner's
-     <a href="#ISOstatus">ISO status report</a>.
-     <p>
-     There was discussion of the CGNS Committee review of the ISO documents.
-     Bob Bush, Diane Poirier, Charlie Towne and Chris Rumsey have reviewed
-     portions of the documents.  The consensus is that the ISO documents are
-     very confusing and difficult to map to the SIDS document.  This makes
-     the review and comments difficult.  Bob Bush will arrange a telecon with
-     Ray Cosner, and perhaps Peter Wilson, to discuss the review in more
-     detail.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne indicated that the updated
-     User's Guide has been put on the web, as have been the minutes from the
-     June meeting.
-     <p>
-     Charlie and Bob reported that there has been some contact with Jim
-     French to deliver the SIDS to the AIAA and re-format it for release as
-     a Recommended Practice.  The CGNS Steering Committee will serve as the
-     Consensus Body for the document.  Also, Jim French indicated that AIAA
-     uses LaTeX for some documents (e.g. text books) so we should be able to
-     maintain the documentation in close to its current form.
-<li> <b>Reno Planning</b> - Dave Edwards reported that the AIAA paper
-     abstract was approved and will be presented on Wednesday at the AIAA
-     Reno meeting.  He will be collecting inputs and writing the paper in the
-     October time frame.  He has also arranged for the CGNS Users Meeting
-     to appear in the Conference announcement. Users group, and Steering
-     Committee meetings have been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday night,
-     16 January.
-<li> <b>Software</b> - Marc Poinot indicated that they have release a
-     NEC SX4/5 version of CGNS.  Manuel Kessler agreed to serve as a software
-     quality check, and Diane has posted it on the web with their names as
-     contact.  There seems to be an issue with ADF on the NEC with double
-     precision integers.  Mark Fisher agreed to review their difficulties and
-     help propose changes consistent with existing ADF software.
-     <p>
-     There was considerable discussion of what approach we should be taking
-     on extending the current mid-level library functionality to object
-     oriented programming standards, and distributed memory constructs.  Udo
-     Tremel has a C++ version of the mid-level libraries.  There is some
-     concern that wholesale replacement of the current mid-level library
-     could cause backward compatibility and maintenance issues.  Marc Poinot
-     has a Python object oriented wrapper to the existing ADF and mid-level
-     libraries.  Mark Fisher and Todd Michal have some issues with the
-     existing mid-level library (internal buffering - flush entire buffer;
-     parallel access from multiple machines; lock while writing to memory).
-     While there was good discussion, no consensus seemed to form on the
-     direction to go.  A sub committee was formed to discuss the issue
-     further.  The first step is for Mark Fisher (and or Todd Michal), Udo
-     Tremel and Marc Poinot (and anyone else interested) to submit a short
-     proposed approach to add the capabilities they require (object oriented
-     interface, distributed memory) to Bob Bush by 20 September.  Bob will
-     compile the responses, and draft a summary for review and comment.  We
-     will then iterate to see if we can come to consensus on an approach that
-     will satisfy the needs of all organizations (technical, manpower, time,
-     etc.)
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - Intelligent Light has a small contract with
-     NASA Langley to implement the Chemistry, Links and User Defined Array
-     support.  They have the contract, identified staff, and anticipate
-     beginning effort soon.  ICEM-CFD (Diane Poirier) has a small contract
-     with Boeing to supply ISO support, as well as support of the existing
-     software implementation.  She will be generating a version control
-     system, and perhaps implementing the Rotating Coordinate extension.
-The meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA LaRC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Don Roberts<td>
-   <td>Amtec
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Fisher<td>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Alan Shih<td>
-   <td>Catalpa Research
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier<td>
-   <td>ICEM-CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kurt Weber<td>
-   <td>RR-Allison
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Chawner<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dave Schowalter<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Udo Tremel<td>
-   <td>EADS Germany
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<a name="ISOstatus"></a>
-<h2>E-mail from Ray Cosner re ISO/STEP Status</h2>
-As a reminder, the ISO/STEP fluid dynamics standard based on CGNS actually
-consists of four "parts", each of which is a separate document:
-<li> AP 237 - Fluid Dynamics Data
-<li> Part 110 - Mesh-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics
-<li> Part 52 - Mesh-Based Topology
-<li> Part 52 - Numerical Analysis
-The most recent meeting of the ISO group responsible for the AP 237 Fluid
-Dynamics standard was held June 11-15 in San Francisco.  During the San
-Francisco meeting, a page-by-page review was conducted of each of these
-parts, spanning four days.  Since then, we have been working to update the
-standards documents to incorporate all comments.  The update of Part 52 was
-completed on August 21; the other updates are expected to be completed in
-September.  All comments from the CGNS Committee are welcomed, and if
-possible we will incorporate the comments in these Parts during the current
-update.  When the current update is completed, probably in the second half
-of September, I will deliver all four parts to Bob Bush and ask him to
-distribute them to the members of this Committee.
-On September 5-6, I will brief the CGNS and ISO standards to a hydrodynamics
-conference of the US Navy.  I anticipate they will express discomfort with
-the absence of free surface, hydrodynamics and acoustics data provisions in
-the current draft of the standard.  If that issue does come up, I will
-respond that the scope of the standard is simply limited by skill areas of
-the participants and by the available resources, and that we would welcome
-US Navy participation to define these additional needed elements.
-The next ISO meeting is Sept 30 - Oct 5, in Fukuoka Japan.  I plan to attend
-this meeting, together with Peter Wilson who is the Boeing person who is
-actually documenting the standard.  Another page-by-page review of the fluid
-dynamics standard will be performed at that meeting.  Following that meeting
-in Japan, we will again update the documentation.  This update, in the
-October-January period, will be our last opportunity to make easy and
-radical changes (if desired) without needing to coordinate them with other
-parties participating in the ISO process.
-The next ISO meeting after the Fukuoka meeting will be held Feb 25 - March
-1, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  At this meeting, we plan to present all
-four Parts as "committee drafts" which is the third of six gates in the
-process for establishing an ISO standard.  This means, the parts will be in
-a complete form and they are then formally offered to the worldwide ISO
-community for comments.  Once we reach this stage, we will have to maintain
-a formal process of logging and responding to all comments we receive.  
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Feb 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-18 September 2002<br>
-2:00pm Eastern Time<br><br>
-Telecon Number: (805) 240-9853, participant code: 557184
-The meeting was called to order with 10 people in attendance.
-The <a href="#attendees">attendees</a> are listed below.
-The minutes of the June Meeting in St. Louis were approved as posted on
-the web.
-<li> <b>Charter Business</b> - Bob Bush extended an invitation for
-     nominations and volunteers for people to serve as chairman of the
-     Steering Committee beginning next year.
-     The duties include arranging meetings and telecons, setting
-     agendas, serving as a focal point for questions about the
-     standard and organization, coordinating the review, approval and
-     implementation of extensions and generally keeping the lines of
-     communication open.
-     Anyone interested should contact Bob Bush
-     (<a href="mailto:bushrh@pweh.com">bushrh@pweh.com</a>) by the
-     end of September.
-<li> <b>ISO Status</b> - Ray Cosner indicated that there have been no
-     meetings of the ISO committee since the June meeting.
-     Parts 52 an 53 are complete and ready for release.
-     They are available for review on the
-     CGNS web site.
-     Part 110 has been incorporated into Part 237 and which is still
-     being revised.
-     There is still a plan to have a workshop to review the parts once
-     237 is in draft form, probably towards the end of the year.
-     Ray will try to provide one month notice to the committee of the
-     arrangements.
-<li> <b>Documentation</b> - Charlie Towne indicated that the Library of
-     Congress number for the AIAA Recommended Practice has arrived and
-     final arrangements are being made to finalize the document.
-     He is now working on revising the beta document to include new
-     extensions currently being implemented.
-<li> <b>Extensions</b> - Diane Poirier reported on the status of
-     extensions currently being implemented, including Delete Node,
-     Gravity, Axisymmetry, Rotating Coordinates, Periodic Connectivity
-     and Rotor/Stator interactions.
-     These will be released as Version 2.2 as soon as the beta
-     documentation has been updated.
-     There was some discussion about forward compatibility.
-     We will allow forward compatibility for point releases, and
-     reserve changes that are not forward compatible for integer level
-     revisions.
-     This should alleviate much of the vendor support issues.
-     The change has been implemented in V2.1 and will be supported in
-     subsequent revisions.
-     We have also made a Rev release of V2.0 in case vendors would like
-     this capability, but do not want to upgrade to V2.1.
-     Charlie Towne asked if we could pass back an error code instead of
-     stopping the read, but this would be difficult to implement.
-     We will continue to study this issue.
-     Marc Poinot has indicated that he has a full implementation of the
-     SIDS using HDF5 instead of the ADF core, with the notable exception
-     of support for Links.
-     Revisions to HDF5 should facilitate adding Link capability also.
-     Marc has not had time to do performance comparisons between HDF
-     and ADF implementations, and ONERA is still using ADF for their
-     applications.
-     David Edwards indicated a willingness to do some benchmarking and
-     comparisons.
-     <br><br>
-<li> <b>Related Software Status</b> - Chris Rumsey will review the
-     utilities and documentation provided by Bruce Wedan, and see what
-     we can provide in the way of documentation.
-<li> <b>Issues</b> - There was some discussion about bug tracking
-     to provide additional user information about the status of the
-     software.
-     There are free software products out there, but there being no
-     known bugs we will wait to implement a bug tracking system.
-     John Bussoletti would like to see some re-structuring of the
-     mid-level libraries to better support unstructured grids, new
-     programming capabilities and perhaps isolate ADF from the SIDS and
-     mid level library implementation.
-     He also indicated a desire for the addition of unstructured edge
-     definition to the SIDS.
-     The committee invited him to write extensions for the SIDS, and to
-     recommend changes to the mid level library.
-     A bottom up re-write of the mid level library would be welcomed,
-     but the committee does not currently have the resources to support
-     such an activity.
-     Chris Rumsey indicated the continuing need for a diff function to
-     compare binary files.
-     The time stamp difficulty, and the indeterminate node structure
-     were cited as difficulties that would need to be overcome.
-     This also led to a discussion of the need for a SIDS compliance
-     checker, perhaps built into the Utilities.
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ray Cosner
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Bussoletti
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Diane Poirier
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 23 Sept 2002
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-18 September 2003<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time<br><br>
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM, at the start of the
-     east-coast hurricane Isabel.
-     There were <a href="#attendees">14 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_may03.html">29 May 2003
-     telecon meeting</a> were reviewed and approved as posted on the web
-     site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:<br><br>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> HDF-5 implementation (Power):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> AEDC has implemented the ADFH library (HDF5) for
-               CGNS files, and tested it successfully with Wind and
-               ADFViewer.  Seems about 20% slower than ADF for large
-               datasets.  Have not done much investigation into why it
-               is slower.
-          <li> Greg Power asked for advice on licensing/release
-               issues.  For government organizations like AEDC, what
-               are the difficulties, procedures to follow, etc., in
-               re-distributing modified open-source (e.g., GNU licensed)
-               software?  No one had an answer to this.  <u>Power will try
-               to obtain permission to release their work to the CGNS
-               steering committee as soon as possible.</u>
-          <li> Others confirmed that the use of CGNS for large databases
-               can be prohibitively slow.  The problem appears to be
-               related to the number of nodes (quadratic dependence),
-               not so much to the amount of data stored in each node.
-               Reading seems to be faster than writing.  Timing tests
-               seem to indicate the bottleneck is in
-               <a href="../midlevel/open.html"><tt>cg_close</tt></a>.
-               <u>Wedan will look into this high priority issue.</u>
-          <li> Need to establish communication between Power and Poinot
-               on their experience with the HDF5 software, if possible.
-          <li> Still no linking capability.  Is this a fundamental
-               problem with HDF5?  <u>Power will check into this.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Review of 2 proposals
-          for extension
-          (Bush):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Discussion tabled because Bob had to sign off telecon
-               early.  <u>Action item carries over.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Comments added to website on release policy (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Added to
-               SourceForge
-               web site,
-               but limited to 256 characters
-          <li> Alonso offered to house CGNS website at Stanford, if
-               needed
-          <li> <u>Wedan will look into adding a "home page" at SourceForge,
-               allowing more content.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt></a>
-          now mandatory, documentation in place; no <tt>CGNSVersion</tt>
-          extension is being proposed (Towne):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Towne confirmed that the documentation has been updated.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Latest 2.2 docs to AIAA for update to
-          <a href="../aiaa.html">Recommended Practice</a> (Towne):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> PDF file, in style used for AIAA Recommended Practice,
-               was sent to AIAA on Sept. 2, but no response from them
-               as yet.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Issue of removed element list and element range (Wedan):
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> These are easy to re-implement (and in fact the software
-               changes have already been made and tested in the CVS version).
-          <li> <u>Wedan will write and post an extension proposal, to make
-               it official.</u>
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Charter issues (Rumsey): <u>Rumsey and Edwards will work together
-     to update the <a href="../charter/index.html">Charter</a>.</u>
-<li> ISO Status - Chris described the current status, based on info in
-     an email from Ray Cosner.
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Still no Boeing funds for this work.  It even seems doubtful
-          that they will be able to restore funding in 2004.
-     <li> ISO has adopted a new rule, requiring the cancellation of any
-          initiatives that have not shown any progress (i.e., passing a
-          gate) in two years.  Under the new rule, all four parts of the
-          CGNS initiative are subject to cancellation on Sep 30, 2003.
-     <li> Ray and Peter Wilson put together and submitted to ISO a draft
-          submittal for Parts 52, 53, and 110 for gate 3.  Hopefully these
-          will be accepted, and keep the effort alive for two more years.
-     <li> They also created a draft of Part 237 for gate 2, although
-          this has some missing pieces.
-     <li> <u>Wedan will be posting the
-          new drafts at the
-          CGNS web site.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF5 status (Poinot): On a note unrelated to HDF5, Chris reported
-     that Marc had been working on a MY-SQL DBS server for CGNS files
-     over the summer.
-<li> Documentation issues and
-     CGNStalk issues (Towne):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> No documentation issues.
-     <li> CGNStalk has received several emails containing viruses within
-          the last few weeks.  Usually, but not always, the attachment
-          containing the virus is removed by mail filters at NASA Glenn
-          before being sent to the list.  So far, this has been more of a
-          nuisance than a severe problem, and no changes have been made to
-          the subscription policy for CGNStalk.
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status (Wedan):
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Most of the recent work has been on the configuration scripts
-          and the include files, to make the software more portable.  It
-          works for Macintosh, also.
-     <li> A new release has not been made yet.  Users need to do a CVS
-          update to get the latest updated software.
-     </ol>
-<li> Discussion on extensions:  
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> The deadline for commenting on the
-          extension proposals currently posted
-          has passed.  However, we need information/review
-          from Bush on their status before proceeding.
-     <li> Need for decision regarding allowing
-          <a href="../sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation=FaceCenter</tt></a>
-          for <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>
-          (assign team to create a proposal? user who identified need:
-          Harlan McMorris, CentaurSoft). <u>Rumsey will look into this.</u>
-     <li> Need for allowing
-          <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet</tt></a> under
-          <a href="../sids/misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-          node? (assign team to create a proposal? User who identified
-          need:  Edwin van der Weide, Stanford). <u>Van der Weide
-          will write up a formal proposal, and submit it to Bruce for
-          posting.</u>
-     <li> It was mentioned that it would be nice to allow
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty">Periodic BC
-          property</a> under a
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1</tt></a>
-          node, in addition to under the general
-          <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt></a>
-          node. <u>Van der Weide will write a proposal, and submit to
-          Bruce for posting.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues - Reno abstract on CGNS was not accepted.  However,
-     Theresa Benyo reported that Poinot will be an invited member
-     of a panel discussion at Reno (Integrated Computational and
-     Visualization Environments, 8am-12noon Wed Jan 7), but there would
-     be no published paper. <u>Poinot (Rumsey, Bush) will also re-submit
-     the abstract to the Portland AIAA meeting.</u>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
-<li> Summary of action items:
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Power will try to obtain permission to release their work to
-          the CGNS steering committee as soon as possible.
-     <li> Wedan will look into the high priority issue of why CGNS is so
-          slow for large numbers of nodes.
-     <li> Power will check into whether linking is a fundamental problem
-          for HDF5.
-     <li> Bush to review/report on the 2 pending proposals for
-          extension.
-     <li> Wedan will look into adding a "home page" at SourceForge,
-          allowing more content &amp; description of CVS and release process.
-     <li> Wedan will write and post an extension proposal, regarding
-          issue of removed element list and element range.
-     <li> Rumsey and Edwards will work together to update the Charter.
-     <li> Wedan will post the new ISO drafts at the CGNS web site.
-     <li> Rumsey will look into need for allowing
-          <tt>GridLocation=FaceCenter</tt> for <tt>GridConnectivity</tt>.
-     <li> Van der Weide will write up two formal proposals: one
-          for allowing <tt>BCDataSet</tt> under <tt>Family_t</tt>
-          node, and one for allowing Periodic BC property under a
-          <tt>GridConnectivity1to1</tt> node.  Wedan will post these.
-     <li> Poinot (Rumsey, Bush) will re-submit the abstract for the
-          Portland AIAA meeting.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Juan Alonso<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Theresa Benyo<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Pankaj Gupta<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mori Mani<td>
-   <td>Boeing St. Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF/AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Stuckert<td>
-   <td>Fluent
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD Engineering
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Nick Wyman<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 24 Sep 2003
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-28 September 2004<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">14 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="meeting_jun04.html">30 June 2004
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Status of previous action items:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan will formally archive old versions of software on
-          SourceForge.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> not done yet - <u>action item carries</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Alonso and Hann will send Wedan some of their examples of CGNS
-          files and programs that write/read them, and Wedan will post them.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> example CGNS files sent &amp; posted; <u>van der Weide will look
-               for example codes to send to Wedan to post also</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Hauser will check into parallel issues regarding
-          time-dependent data.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> in process: reading OK; investigating writing now (for
-               Reno paper)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to send e-mail to CGNStalk &amp; Shih regarding 8 units
-          issue.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done - only response involved sound units (dB); see below
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to send Poinot's AIAA paper to Towne to post.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to work with Tom Shih of CoS to draft letter from AIAA
-          to software companies urging active support of CGNS.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done (sent to AIAA)
-          <li> suggestion to further advertise by handing out CGNS
-               material at AIAA meeting in exhibit hall - <u>Rumsey and
-               Edwards will look into this</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to check with Towne regarding posting documentation to
-          SourceForge.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done, discussion below
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to discuss (during this telecon) the possibility of
-          holding a CGNS User's meeting in summer 2005, in conjunction with
-          the AIAA meeting.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done, discussion below
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey to discuss (during this telecon) the possible date of
-          summer 2005 as a goal for switching over to HDF-5.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> done, discussion below
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of open items from prior meetings
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> It is not yet known whether issue of links causing slowdown in
-          files with thousands of blocks will be as big a problem with
-          HDF-5.  See 7a. 
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO status/discussion (Cosner, in absentia):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Boeing does not appear willing to resume funding of AP 237
-          soon (no funding since 1/1/03).
-     <li> At time of cancellation, fluid dynamics standard was 80-90%
-          complete.
-     <li> The ISO-STEP category of "Engineering Analysis Data" (for
-          which AP 237 was one component) is led by Keith Hunter
-          of Lockheed-Martin, Ft. Worth TX.  He plans to integrate
-          fluid dynamics standard with the existing AP 209 standard
-          for finite-element solid mechanics (many underlying data
-          structures are functionally the same).  It is expected that
-          the CFD-related structures derived from CGNS will be preserved
-          in the process.
-     <li> This go-forward plan is based on the assumption that Boeing
-          will not resume participation in this effort. (Note: Cosner
-          is now in a new position in Boeing, so even if Boeing funding
-          is restored, he will not be able to participate, except in
-          initial stages of re-launching the Boeing engagement.)
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation issues and CGNStalk issues (Towne):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Discussion of putting documentation on SourceForge or not
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> Towne creates and posts both PDF and HTML - may lose this
-               generality if post to SourceForge (it is not straightforward
-               to do both automatically)
-          <li> After discussion, decided that <u>Towne will post LaTeX
-               documents on website</u>.  Anyone interested in modifying the
-               documentation can download these and pass back to Towne, who
-               will create new PDF and HTML.
-          <li> Decision also made to put old versions of documentation
-               on SourceForge in tar files along with old versions of
-               CGNS software.  <u>Towne will send Wedan old versions of
-               documentation.  Wedan will also look for version 1.x
-               documentation and will post on Sourceforge along with that
-               software.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Status of V2.3 becoming revised AIAA recommended practice
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> AIAA has put the SIDS out for public comment - <u>Towne will
-               e-mail Craig Day at AIAA to find out status.</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Is there a need to add &amp; define "<tt>SoundIntensityDB</tt>"
-          and others from acoustics as a data name identifier?
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> <u>Rumsey will e-mail Bussoletti to ask him for definitions,
-               if he would like them implemented.</u> It should be easy to
-               implement, because it is simply a definition in the SIDS.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Rumsey asked about hitting "reply" when answering a CGNSTalk
-          e-mail.  By default the reply goes to sender only and not
-          CGNSTalk. <u>Towne will check to see if the settings can be
-          changed so replies automatically go to CGNSTalk.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Software status/discussion (Wedan):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Status of slowdown when writing files with thousands of
-          blocks, using links
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> question as to whether this will still be a major issue
-               for HDF-5
-          <li> <u>Van der Weide will try out the HDF-5 version of CGNS on
-               his test case, using links, and will report back</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Need for <tt>cg_axisym_query</tt> call?
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> there was an error that has been fixed, so there should
-               no longer be a problem with this using existing calls
-          <li> this and many other small bug fixes have been made -
-               <u>Wedan will make another 2.3.x release and will announce it
-               soon</u>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Can we have API sort BCs and Connectivity alphanumerically
-          (like Zones)?
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> a lot of discussion on this; if everything done
-               alphanumerically, it will help with regard to HDF-5 (make it
-               more efficient), but if a user is expecting creation order,
-               then there would be problems
-          <li> most participants in the discussion seemed to feel that
-               doing alphanumeric sorting would be desirable, but no firm
-               decision made yet (this will be added to list of open items)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Wedan mentioned that the CGNS check routine now checks <em>all</em>
-          syntax for V2.3.
-     </ol>
-<li> HDF-5 status/discussion (Hauser, Poinot):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Held discussion on possible official switchover date to
-          HDF-5 in Summer 2005. It was felt that a Beta version (including
-          documentation) should be released at least 6 months prior to the
-          switchover date.
-     <li> In looking at the <a href="#HDF5_todo">"to-do" list</a>, many people
-          felt that the entire list wasn't really <em>necessary</em>
-          to complete prior to beta release.  In other words, many
-          of the items could be done later.  Thus, January 2005 may
-          even be a realistic date for releasing and announcing a Beta
-          version. We would need to decide for sure on this issue by the
-          next telecon.
-     <li> Three key items on the "to do" list seem to be:
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> completing the documentation (especially SIDS-to-HDF5
-               mapping document) - <u>Poinot agreed to work on this</u>
-          <li> deciding how to perform automatic (or not) updating
-               of ADF-type CGNS files to HDF5-type; this is important for
-               backward compatibility, since many users would want the
-               conversion to occur automatically and transparently, but it
-               was also discussed that some users might want to preserve the
-               old ADF-type file as is - we need to give more thought to
-               this, and discuss again at the next telecon
-          <li> issue of creation order
-          </ul>
-     </ol>
-<li> Extensions status/discussion (Edwards):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Intelligent Light (IL) is completing 6 extensions, as part of
-          their SBIR.
-          <ul type=disc>
-          <li> EM part still needs testing - <u>Michal will check with
-               other Boeing people to see if they can do this soon</u>
-          <li> There are still some minor issues with partial
-               read/write: <u>Wall will look into possibility of filling in
-               unwritten portions of array with NaN's (will this work on
-               multiple platforms?)</u>
-          <li> There is also a minor fix needed (add
-               <tt>EMConductivityModel</tt>)
-          </ul>
-     <li> The extensions will eventually be implemented as Version 2.4
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Need for developing certification process was not discussed,
-          but remains an issue.  This will be added to list of open items.
-     <li> Discussion of holding a possible "CGNS User's meeting" was
-          tabled; it is subject to decision on release date of V3.0.
-     <li> Poinot's CGNS compiler is not ready for release yet, but
-          should be finished by January 2005 in time for his paper
-          presentation at the AIAA meeting in Reno.
-     <li> Rumsey mentioned that his 2-year term as chairperson will
-          expire in January 2005.  At that time (Reno meeting) we need to
-          hold a chairperson election. Anyone interested in filling this
-          position should contact Rumsey or Bush. Primary responsibilities
-          include (1) organizing and leading regular telecons and meetings,
-          (2) processing the minutes, (3) helping to lead and keep track
-          of the various activities and directions of the CGNS effort, and
-          (4) working to promote CGNS and give it greater visibility. The
-          chairperson should be able to attend one face-to-face CGNS meeting
-          per year (typically this has been the AIAA meeting in Reno). Also,
-          it is helpful for the chairperson to maintain contact with the
-          AIAA's CoS (Committee on Standards), which is our "parent"
-          committee. The CoS also holds meetings at AIAA conferences.
-     <li> Next telecon will be sometime in November 2004.
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan will formally archive old versions of software, along
-          with corresponding documentation (including 1.x versions if they
-          can be found), on SourceForge.
-     <li> Van der Weide will look for examples of CGNS read/write
-          programs, and will send to Wedan for posting.
-     <li> Hauser will continue to check into parallel issues regarding
-          time-dependent data.
-     <li> Rumsey and Edwards to look into possibility to advertise CGNS
-          by handing out CGNS material at AIAA meeting in exhibit hall.
-     <li> Towne will post LaTeX documents on documentation website.
-     <li> Towne will send Wedan old versions of documentation for
-          posting on SourceForge.
-     <li> Towne will e-mail Craig Day at AIAA to find out status of
-          latest SIDS as AIAA recommended practice document.
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail Bussoletti to ask him for definitions of
-          <tt>SoundIntensityDB</tt>, etc.
-     <li> Towne will check to see if the settings in CGNSTalk can be
-          changed so replies automatically go to CGNSTalk.
-     <li> Van der Weide will try out the HDF-5 version of CGNS on his
-          test case, using links, and will report back.
-     <li> Wedan will make another 2.3.x release and will announce it
-          soon.
-     <li> Poinot will work on completing SIDS-to-HDF5 documentation, in
-          preparation for the Beta release of V3.0.
-     <li> Michal will check with other Boeing people to see if they can
-          test EM extension soon.
-     <li> Wall will look into possibility of filling in unwritten
-          portions of array with NaN's for partial read/write extension, and
-          will work with Wedan to prepare all extensions for release.
-     </ol>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are different from
-     action items, in that they are open or unresolved issues that we
-     want to keep track of, but there are no specific actions required
-     of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Issue of links causing slowdown (perhaps can modify open call
-          so it does not follow links).
-     <li> With next major release, eliminate the
-          <tt>Pointlist/Range</tt> + <tt>CellCenter</tt> possibility
-          (and thus remove the need for <tt>GridLocation</tt> under
-          <tt>BC_t</tt>).  Next major release of API will need to
-          automatically make the alteration (transparent to the
-          user). Documentation (SIDS, User's Guide, other?) will need to
-          be changed.
-     <li> Resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Issue of 8 units - need consistency between <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>
-          and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>.
-     <li> Eventually resolve any differences between SIDS and ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Question of need (or preference) to have alphanumeric sorting
-          of everything (like is currently done for zones)
-     <li> Need for developing certification process (official test for
-          compliance)
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Bob Bush<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Pratt &amp; Whitney
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Armen Darian<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Dominik<td>
-   <td>Boeing - Rocketdyne
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>David Edwards<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>Ansys/CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State University
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Todd Michal<td>
-   <td>Boeing - St. Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>ONERA
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin Van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Ken Wall<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ICEM CFD
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Dan Williams<td>
-   <td>Ansys
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list prior to HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> HDF-5 must fix "creation tracking"
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> Create SIDS-to-HDF-5 documentation (Poinot?)
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 30 Sept 2004
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-12 September 2007<br>
-11:00 AM Eastern Time
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM.  There were
-     <a href="#attendees">10 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_may07.html">22 May 2007
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Steering Committee Membership changes, updates, and issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Mark Anderson of Concepts NREC (a turbomachinery design and
-          development organization) introduced himself, and expressed
-          an interest in joining the Steering Committee.  The committee
-          approved the membership.  This brings the current member list
-          to 23 organizations (current maximum is set at 30).
-     <li> <u>Towne will update the <a href="../charter/index.html">Steering
-          Committee Charter</a> to add Concepts NREC, and Rumsey will
-          update the website.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Hauser to coordinate with Wedan and put parallel HDF-5 version
-          of CGNS on SourceForge as beta release, either in V2.5 or in V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Action item carries (modified). Hauser has obtained
-               latest release, and is in process of having his students
-               add and test the parallel HDF-5 capability.  Will be
-               V3.0.  <u>Hauser and Wedan will put V3.0 with parallel HDF-5
-               capability as an alpha release on SourceForge when ready.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Poinot will continue to test and work with HDF5 external link
-          capability.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Poinot is still evaluating link capability of HDF-5
-               version 1.8.0 beta 3, with help from Koziol at NCSA.
-               <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail Tricia Carr to get update on status of the
-          CGNS short course.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Short course is currently scheduled for Jan 5-6,
-               2008 (see <a href="#short_course">more details below</a>).
-          </ol>
-     <li> Allmaras will send Rumsey revised face-based proposal for
-          posting on website.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail to the Committee for a vote on the Regions
-          proposal.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done, but some issues surfaced that prevent closure.
-               These are being worked. <u>Rumsey will coordinate bringing
-               the Regions proposal to completion.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Richard Hann and Earl Duque will ask others at their company
-          about sprays, and will e-mail Rumsey particular needs or issues.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Anyone else interested in this feature should
-               contact Rumsey, to be included in future e-mail
-               discussions on this subject.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. <u>Action item carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hann will evaluate the new capability sent to him by Wedan for
-          writing HDF-5, ADF, or XML and will report about it.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet. This capability is also being evaluated by
-               Hauser and his students. Action item carries as: <u>Hann and
-               Hauser will evaluate the capability for writing HDF-5,
-               ADF, or XML in proposed V3.0.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will e-mail to the Committee for a vote on the
-          modified Generalized Connectivity proposal (change to SIDS).
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. Proposal was accepted. <u>Towne will add the
-               Generalized Connectivity change to the
-               <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan will make fix associated with Valgrind complaint in
-          V2.5, and will take 2.5 off beta status.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done. V2.5 is new official release as of Sept 7, 2007.
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (see <a href="#open_items">number 15 below</a>)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Purpose of open items is to not lose track of long-term issues
-          that come up.
-     <li> Brief discussion: item (d) of Open Items will be taken care of
-          in V3.0.
-     </ol>
-<a name="short_course"></a>
-<li> CGNS short course for AIAA
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Scheduled for Jan 5-6, 2008 in Reno, NV (just prior to
-          Aerospace Sciences Meeting).
-     <li> Led by Thomas Hauser and Ken Alabi, with help from Marc
-          Poinot, Bruce Wedan, and Chris Rumsey.
-     <li> AIAA allots some travel expenses for instructors, but there is
-          not a lot available, so most instructors will need to try to
-          get their companies to pay travel.
-     <li> AIAA may cover conference registration fee if company covers
-          travel.
-     <li> Current plan for any honoraria is to hold it for future
-          committee use.
-     <li> AIAA decides go vs. no-go in early December, based on number
-          of pre-registrants at that time (goal is 4-5 by early Dec., at
-          least 12 or so for the class).
-     <li> There are still a lot of logistics to work out:
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> who prepares what?
-          <li> who teaches what?
-          <li> can all 5 instructors can make it to Reno, and how to
-               most effectively use AIAA's available travel money?
-          <li> need complete course notes (copies of viewgraphs plus
-               any other documentation to be given to the students) by
-               early December (AIAA will copy and pass out)
-          <li> how to work lap-top logistics - connection to internet
-               needed? or provide CD with all software on it?
-          </ol>
-     <li> <u>Rumsey will arrange a telecon for the instructors to start to
-          work out details (Monday Sept 17).</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> ISO/STEP
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Nothing to report.
-     </ol>
-<li> Documentation
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <u>Towne will make V2.5 the official documentation.</u>
-     <li> The SIDS document as revised AIAA Recommended Practice:
-          AIAA R-101A-2005 is now out, and available either from AIAA
-          or from www.cgns.org.
-     </ol>
-<a name="software"></a>
-<li> Software
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <u>Wedan will add Hauser as a SourceForge developer.</u>
-     <li> Weinkauf problems: cannot link to more than 127 files, and
-          also closing CGNS file does not necessarily close links. <u>Wedan
-          will look into Weinkauf issues regarding automatically closing
-          linked files, problem with unsuccessful opening leaving data
-          structures undefined, issues with <tt>MAXIMUM_FILES</tt>, and
-          use of relative paths.</u>
-     </ol>
-<a name="HDF5"></a>
-<li> HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Brief discussion regarding benchmarking currently underway by
-          Hauser and his students.
-     <li> Question on how to get more people involved?
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> There are several users interested in parallel
-               capability. <u>Hauser will maintain contact with these
-               users, and let them know when parallel V3.0alpha version
-               is ready to be tested.</u>
-          <li> Suggestion to hold a "user's meeting" in Europe, where
-               there is a lot of CGNS activity and relatively broad user
-               base.  <u>Hauser and Rumsey will contact people in Europe
-               regarding possibility of holding a European CGNS User's
-               Meeting sometime in the future.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Funding for software development - is always a problem for
-          CGNS committee
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> NASA funding no longer readily available.
-          <li> We generally rely on volunteers.
-          <li> Possibly could tie software development as part of grants
-               or proposals that individual committee members write.
-          </ol>
-     <li> New V3.0 will be very easy for user to use or switch between
-          ADF and HDF-5.
-     <li> HDF-5 1.8.0 is still beta version - this is the version that
-          intended to fix links issues.
-     </ol>
-<a name="extensions"></a>
-<li> Extensions
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Face-based storage proposal - ongoing (Allmaras has action item)
-     <li> Regions proposal - discussed redundancy of
-          <tt>ElementList/Range</tt>... in the past it was in, then out,
-          then put back in again (its use makes <tt>GridLocation</tt>
-          unnecessary)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <tt>PointList/Range</tt> generally preferred for specifying
-               specifying points
-          <li> <tt>ElementList/Range</tt> for faces and cell centers
-          <li> <tt>PointList/Range</tt> + <tt>GridLocation=Cellcenter</tt>
-               still allowed (but discouraged)
-          <li> Allmaras still trying to figure out how to allow for
-               edge-based capability in Regions
-          <li> Effort is still under development
-          </ol>
-     <li> Generalized Connectivity - proposal accepted, currently being
-          added to the SIDS documentation.
-     </ol>
-<li> Other issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Next telecon planned for Wed, Nov. 28 at 11AM eastern.
-     <li> Next face-to-face meeting planned for Sunday Jan 6 at 7PM
-          in Reno, NV at the AIAA meeting (note this is different from
-          the usually held Wednesday PM time slot).
-     </ol>
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 AM.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Towne will update the Steering Committee Charter to add
-          Concepts NREC, and Rumsey will update the website.
-     <li> Hauser and Wedan will put V3.0 with parallel HDF-5 capability
-          as an alpha release on SourceForge when ready.
-     <li> Poinot will continue to test and work with HDF5 external link
-          capability.
-     <li> Allmaras will send Rumsey revised face-based proposal for
-          posting on website.
-     <li> Rumsey will coordinate bringing the Regions proposal to
-          completion.
-     <li> Rumsey will develop a proposal to handle sprays of unconnected
-          points.
-     <li> Hann and Hauser will evaluate the capability for writing
-          HDF-5, ADF, or XML in proposed V3.0.
-     <li> Towne will add the Generalized Connectivity change to the
-          <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>.
-     <li> Rumsey will arrange a telecon for the AIAA short course
-          instructors to start to work out details (likely Monday Sept 17).
-     <li> Towne will make V2.5 the official documentation.
-     <li> Wedan will add Hauser as a SourceForge developer.
-     <li> Wedan will look into Weinkauf issues regarding automatically
-          closing linked files, problem with unsuccessful
-          opening leaving data structures undefined, issues with
-          <tt>MAXIMUM_FILES</tt>, and use of relative paths.
-     <li> Hauser will maintain contact with users interested in parallel
-          HDF-5 capability, and let them know when parallel V3.0alpha
-          version is ready to be tested.
-     <li> Hauser and Rumsey will contact people in Europe regarding
-          possibility of holding a European CGNS User's Meeting sometime
-          in the future.
-     </ol>
-<a name="open_items"></a>
-<li> Summary of <b><u>open items</u></b> from prior meetings (these are
-     different from action items, in that they are open or unresolved
-     issues that we want to keep track of, but there are no specific
-     actions required of anyone at this point in time):
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>.
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance)
-     <li> Need to add Karman's additional <tt>PYRA</tt> element type to
-          allowed list (in software and in SIDS). Need to wait until V3.0
-          for this due to compatibility issues.
-     <li> Need to upgrade/update <a href="../user/index.html">User's
-          Guide</a> as appropriate (such as additional specific examples)
-     <li> Need to resolve slow behavior and larger file sizes that can
-          occur in CGNS files when there are many (thousands) of nodes.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mark Anderson<td>
-   <td>Concepts NREC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Mike Jeffries<td>
-   <td>Pointwise, Inc.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Earl Duque<td>
-   <td>Intelligent Light
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Greg Power<td>
-   <td>USAF / AEDC
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Edwin van der Weide<td>
-   <td>Stanford
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / ICEM CFD
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (1.8.0 beta)
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 Sep 2007
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-<h1>CGNS Steering Committee</h1>
-<h2>Telecon Minutes</h2>
-10 September 2008
-<li> The meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time. There were
-     <a href="#attendees">9 attendees</a>, listed below.
-<li> The minutes of the <a href="telecon_jul08.html">2 July 2008
-     meeting</a> were approved as posted on the web site.
-<li> Discussion of HDF-5 array ordering
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Summary of problem:  HDF-5 uses C-index ordering for its
-          arrays, but CGNS uses Fortran indexing.  So if anyone (in
-          Version 2.5 or earlier) wrote an HDF-5 file with CGNS, it
-          would have its indexing incorrect.  This did not hurt if
-          one only used CGNS API to read/write the file (i.e. it was
-          internally consistent), but it would be incorrect if one tried
-          to use other software to read the HDF-5 CGNS file.  Also,
-          partial read/writes in the CGNS software did not work.
-     <li> Wedan fixed this for Version 3.  He added new "HDF5 Version"
-          node.  If detected, then the software knows the indexing
-          is already correct.  If not detected, then the software
-          automatically corrects the faulty indexing.
-     <li> <u>Poinot to try Version 3 fix for HDF-5 indexing problem, and
-          make sure it works for his applications.</u>
-     <li> There was also discussion about whether to put the fix in
-          Version 2.x.  If we do, we lose forward compatibility (if
-          try to open new file with older software, it will fail).
-          Consensus: to NOT put fix in Version 2.x.  This means that
-          Version 2.x and earlier will have this known problem: HDF-5
-          indexing is backward.  We should recommend that only V3 and
-          above be used in conjunction with HDF-5.
-     <li> <u>Rumsey to add disclaimer about HDF-5 incorrect index ordering
-          in Version 2.x to website.</u>
-     <li> <u>Towne to add disclaimer about HDF-5 incorrect index ordering
-          in Version 2.x in MLL documentation.</u>
-     </ol>
-<li> Other discussion related to HDF-5
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot tested HDF-5 1st level compression.  Works well, but
-          very slow.  Easy to put in MLL - only 5-10 lines of code.
-          Uses "chunk" storage.  Chunk feature has a "magic" value that
-          sets size of the chunk.
-     <li> We need to decide how to put compression in at the API level.
-     <li> Consensus was that <tt>cg_configure</tt> would be an
-          appropriate place to bring this capability in.  Can make it
-          so it only compresses when greater than a certain number of
-          bytes.
-     <li> <u>Poinot to send Wedan his coding and other information related
-          to HDF-5 compression.</u>
-     <li> <u>Wedan to incorporate compression capability into Version 3
-          MLL.</u>
-     <li> Hauser asked if there are any changes needed in SIDS-to-HDF5
-          document?
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Added this to "to-do" list for HDF-5 switchover
-               (attachment 2)
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Status of previous action items
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Wedan and Hauser to look into improving documentation and
-          build instructions for V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to e-mail committee to remind them to comment on new
-          extensions.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done: mail sent to all CGNSTalk, but no responses
-               received.  <u>Rumsey to email committee and ask for vote on
-               two existing proposals and collect responses.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to remove instructions regarding XML output from
-          configure script in V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar file distribution, and
-          set up makefile appropriately.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to contact vendors regarding testing V3.0 prior to
-          release if possible and report back to committee.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Almost ready for V3 release. Action deleted.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Tabled until after Version 3 release - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to email Towne and Wedan about the issue of node
-          ordering for <tt>NGON_n</tt>.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  There was a lot of discussion on the outcome of
-               this.
-          <li> One issue: if one uses <tt>NGON + NFACE</tt> to describe
-               arbitrary polyhedra, you need additional "winding"
-               information. As pointed out in email by Feldman, this
-               can be done by making <tt>NFACE</tt> + or &minus; (+ indicates
-               pointing outward from the cell matching the <tt>NGON</tt>
-               right hand rule definition, and &minus; pointing inward).  You
-               also need to prohibit faces that are not attached to a
-               volume element - other than at boundaries.
-          <li> Second issue: the draft documentation currently
-               allows TWO methods: <tt>NGON + NFACE</tt>, and also
-               <tt>NGON</tt> + parent data.  Having two methods is
-               confusing, and can put too big a burden on external
-               software readers.  Allmaras pointed out that his original
-               proposal a long time ago involved use of parent data, but
-               the group had decided to go with <tt>NGON + NFACE</tt>
-               because it was already coded and it did not involve
-               additional descriptive nodes.  In today's discussion,
-               consensus was to only document the <tt>NGON + NFACE</tt>
-               method (including <tt>NFACE</tt> + or &minus; for winding
-               information).
-          <li> <u>Towne to modify <tt>NGON+NFACE</tt> documentation for
-               V3 to include Feldman's suggestions, and to remove
-               <tt>NGON</tt> + parent data as an option.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to continue to look into
-          finding manpower development (particularly for MLL
-          implementation) resources at Boeing.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Ongoing. Seeds have been planted.  <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey to look at posting a specific checklist on the website
-          on what to put in a proposal for extension.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to pursue NSF funding and look
-          into idea of a fundraising collaborative.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Rumsey will contact EUCASS 2009 conference organizers about
-          possibility of having CGNS sessions and/or tutorial.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  They are interested.  Conference is in June 2009
-               in Versailles, France. They are looking into providing
-               a room for CGNS's use for 1-2 days.  We can perhaps
-               hold a tutorial session and a series of talks or panel
-               discussions, much like we did in San Francisco in
-               2006. Poinot has become our new point-of-contact for
-               this.
-          <li> <u>Poinot to forward a draft proposal on CGNS activities for
-               EUCASS to Hauser &amp; Rumsey that will eventually go to the
-               EUCASS organizers.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser and Rumsey to consider writing abstract on CGNS
-          progress for AIAA summer 2009 conference.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> This conference would conflict with EUCASS, so action
-               cancelled.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to merge Poinot's changes related to HDF-5 linking into
-          V3.0.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  Currently in CVS.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to look into methods on SourceForge for getting Poinot
-          developer access: switch from CVS to SVN? or use SSL?
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  Poinot now has check-out access.  Cannot currently
-               check-in because of ONERA's firewall.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to speak to Koziol at HDF-5 Group about issues related
-          to developers and funding.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Done.  HDF-5 has become some sort of non-profit.  They
-               have about 20 employees, and have long-term support.
-               They are willing to help us look into taking the same
-               route, and they are also willing to collaborate.
-          <li> Wedan mentioned the "donate" button on SourceForge, if we
-               have a place to put the money.
-          <li> Rumsey asked about accounting and tax-filing issues (and
-               who would do it) if we tried to go the non-profit route.
-          <li> <u>Hauser to attend an upcoming HDF-5 meeting in Colorado,
-               and find out more about what it means to become a
-               non-profit like HDF-5 and how it would affect things.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet.  May be good idea for certain nodes.
-               <u>Action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser will take control of <i>cgns.org</i> domain name and
-          will consider possibility of moving website to Utah State site.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     <li> Hauser to contact Hunten about ISO/STEP and ask the best way
-          for us to comment.
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Not done yet - <u>action carries.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> CGNSTalk issues
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> <u>Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.</u>  (This issue
-          is also on list of open items)
-     <li> Miller: address issue of possible need for "long" instead of
-          "int" to avoid signed 2 Gig limit (This issue is also on list
-          of open items)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> no change of status
-          </ol>
-     <li> Shenoy: error in CGNSTools file (08/28/08)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Already fixed in CVS version.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Gibeling: Problem with 64-bit cg_goto_f (08/29/08)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> this issue added to list of open items
-          </ol>
-     <li> Ahlman: question on status of parallel implementation (09/03/08)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Hauser will respond to Ahlman CGNSTalk question about
-               status of parallel implementation.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Bussoletti: excessive memory usage by MLL (09/04/08)
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> <u>Bussoletti to send patch fixing excessive memory usage by
-               MLL to Wedan, and Wedan to implement.</u>
-          </ol>
-     </ol>
-<li> Open items (purpose of these is to not lose track of long-term
-     issues that come up)
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Keep track of/resolve <a href="#HDF5_todo">HDF-5 "to-do" list</a>
-          <ol type=i>
-          <li> Many of these items are now completed for V3.0.
-          </ol>
-     <li> Keep track of progress with ISO/STEP.
-     <li> Need for official certification process (test for compliance).
-     <li> Develop method to write info one element at a time to save
-          memory via something like <tt>cg_section_partialwrite</tt>
-          (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk)
-     <li> Address issue of possible need for "long" instead of "int" to
-          avoid signed 2 Gig limit (Miller 10/19/07 CGNSTalk).
-     <li> Problem with 64-bit <tt>cg_goto_f</tt> (Gibeling 08/29/08
-          CGNSTalk)
-     </ol>
-<li> Hauser plans to have face-to-face meeting at the AIAA meeting in
-     Orlando in January 2009.  Tentatively set for Wednesday evening
-     of the conference.  Rumsey to email Hauser information on how to
-     reserve a room for AIAA conference.
-<li> Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM Eastern. Next Telecon is
-     tentatively set for November 5, 2008.
-<li> Summary of <b><u>action items</u></b>:
-     <p>
-     <ol type="a">
-     <li> Poinot to try Version 3 fix for HDF-5 indexing problem, and
-          make sure it works for his applications.
-     <li> Rumsey to add disclaimer about HDF-5 incorrect index ordering
-          in Version 2.x to website.
-     <li> Towne to add disclaimer about HDF-5 incorrect index ordering
-          in Version 2.x in MLL documentation.
-     <li> Poinot to send Wedan his coding and other information related
-          to HDF-5 compression.
-     <li> Wedan to incorporate compression capability into Version 3
-          MLL.
-     <li> Wedan and Hauser to look into improving documentation and
-          build instructions for V3.0.
-     <li> Rumsey to email committee and ask for vote on two existing
-          proposals and collect responses.
-     <li> Hauser to remove instructions regarding XML output from
-          configure script in V3.0.
-     <li> Hauser to make HDF-5 part of V3.0's tar file distribution, and
-          set up makefile appropriately.
-     <li> Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will
-          let users know when it is available.
-     <li> Towne to modify <tt>NGON+NFACE</tt> documentation for V3 to
-          include Feldman's suggestions, and to remove <tt>NGON</tt> +
-          parent data as an option.
-     <li> Paul, Bussoletti, and Allmaras to continue to look into
-          finding manpower development (particularly for MLL
-          implementation) resources at Boeing.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling
-          sprays of unconnected points.
-     <li> Duque and Hauser to continue to pursue NSF funding and look
-          into idea of a fundraising collaborative.
-     <li> Poinot to forward a draft proposal on CGNS activities for
-          EUCASS to Hauser &amp; Rumsey that will eventually go to the
-          EUCASS organizers.
-     <li> Hauser to attend an upcoming HDF-5 meeting in Colorado, and
-          find out more about what it means to become a non-profit like
-          HDF-5 and how it would affect things.
-     <li> Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire node
-          even though its new dimensions are the same.
-     <li> Hauser will take control of <i>cgns.org</i> domain name and
-          will consider possibility of moving website to Utah State site.
-     <li> Hauser to contact Hunten about ISO/STEP and ask the best way
-          for us to comment.
-     <li> Wedan to look into issue brought up by Miller (10/19/07) to
-          write info one element at a time to save memory.
-     <li> Wedan to implement patch sent to him by Bussoletti to fix
-          excessive memory usage by MLL.
-     <li> Rumsey to email Hauser information on how to reserve a room
-          for AIAA conference.
-     </ol>
-<a name="attendees"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Steve Allmaras<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Boeing Commercial
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>John Bussoletti<td>
-   <td>Pointwise
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Richard Hann<td>
-   <td>ANSYS / CFX
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Thomas Hauser<td>
-   <td>Utah State
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Kevin Mack<td>
-   <td>CD-ADAPCO
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Marc Poinot<td>
-   <td>Onera
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Chris Rumsey<td>
-   <td>NASA Langley
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Charlie Towne<td>
-   <td>NASA Glenn
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Bruce Wedan<td>
-   <td>unaffiliated
-<a name="HDF5_todo"></a>
-<h2>Tentative to-do list in association with HDF-5 switchover</h2>
-<li> Complete and test parallel implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development
-     </ul>
-<li> Complete and test API capability to automatically detect and switch
-     between ADF and HDF-5 (transparent to user?)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess/minimize impact on software vendors using CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> under development (success with automatic detection transparent
-          to user will minimize impact)
-     </ul>
-<li> Make changes recommended by HDF-5 to improve usability with HDF-5
-     (e.g., character strings as opposed to character arrays)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Assess compression capability of HDF-5
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done by Poinot - capability will be added to V3 MLL</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS configure scripts will need to be modified to check for
-     availability of appropriate HDF-5 libraries.
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Possibly add flag-based options when opening CGNS files.  For
-     example: "follow links" vs. "don't follow links"; "use ADF" vs. "use
-     HDF-5"; "translate file automatically" vs. "leave the file as-is";
-     "compress" vs. "don't compress".
-<li> Look into eliminating need for ID's from MLL
-<li> Resolve "link-of-links" problem: will require HDF-5 fix by NCSA
-     under development (1.8.0 beta)
-     <ul>
-     <li> <u>done in V3.0 in combination with HDF-5 V1.8</u>
-     </ul>
-<li> Are any changes needed in SIDS-to-HDF5 document?  Or is it
-     up-to-date?
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 23 Sep 2008
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-  <o:Author>BushRH</o:Author>
-  <o:LastAuthor>Anthony Iannetti</o:LastAuthor>
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-  <o:LastPrinted>2009-04-02T12:23:00Z</o:LastPrinted>
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-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>CGNS Steering
-Committee Telecon Minutes</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal align=center style='text-align:center'>02 September 2009<span
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>1)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>There were 8 attendees, listed in Attachment
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>2)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>The
-minutes of the 07 July 2009 meeting were approved as posted on the web site.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>3)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Membership
-issue: Bruce Wedan’s company, SimCosm, was voted onto the Steering
-Committee.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>The number of steering
-committee members currently stands at 23.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>4)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of CGNS Version 3.0</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Was
-released in August 2009 (beta version). On SourceForge, can download tar file
-at bottom of page.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Static
-library works, dynamic OK on Linux, but currently does not work on Windows or
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Memory
-leak (fixed in V2.5) has also been fixed in 3.0(beta) – trunk version.<u><o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>There
-are still some issues with cmake.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>For
-example, Absoft compiler not recognized by cmake for Fortran. Wedan added old
-configure stuff back to trunk distribution of V3.0, so users can have a choice
-of whether to use cmake or configure.<u><o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>There
-will be an updated beta release of 3.0 soon, which will include abovementioned
-recent fixes.<u><o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]><u>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey
-to post on website or post directly himself.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]><u>Wedan
-to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns,
-cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Rumsey and
-Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Current
-documentation for V3.0(beta) can be found at:<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Current plan is to schedule “official” V3.0 release for
-January.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>Committee members and users
-should test out V3.0(beta) in the mean time.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='tab-stops:.5in'><u><o:p><span style='text-decoration:
- none'>&nbsp;</span></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>5)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Status
-of previous action items</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into rescheduling the CGNS tutorial session for the AIAA meeting in Orlando
-in January 2010.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:45.0pt;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Action
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-and his student (Kyle) to post Version 3 BETA to SourceForge and announce its
-release to CGNSTalk, including its major changes compared to Version 2.5.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:45.0pt;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Done.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to create a “how-to” document regarding the website on SourceForge, and email
-it to Hauser, so that multiple members have it.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:45.0pt;text-indent:0in;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Done.<span
-style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>Sent to Hauser, Iannetti, and Wedan.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into creating Track/Wiki capability at Utah State for CGNS.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Maybe
-better to use SourceForge. Modified action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Action
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Tools not
-ready yet. Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to test the indexing ordering in V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>In process.
-Action carries.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to check if Magnan (CGNSTalk 04 Feb 2009) and Edwards (CGNSTalk 27 March 2009)
-bugs have been fixed in V2.5 (CVS version).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Done.
-Implemented in both V2.5and V.30(beta).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Poinot to work with Power and others to bring Rigid
-Motion Improvement proposal to completion, including specific examples.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Not done
-yet. New plan identified: <u>Poinot to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2
-parts: part associated to families can be accepted/implemented right away.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and
-will let users know when it is available.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Action
-carries. (Hope to have it done during Fall 2009.)</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling sprays of unconnected
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Action
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to investigate issue of MLL deleting the entire
-node even though its new dimensions are the same.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Generally
-felt that current behavior is correct, because if there are children and you
-keep them, this may give erroneous CGNS file. Action item removed; if it proves
-to be a particular problem to someone in the future, it can be brought up
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to complete fixes related to excessive memory usage for partial writes.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.75in;text-indent:-9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>There have
-been some fixes made in V2.5 and V3.0(beta). Section partial write routines
-changed to take element range. But if mixed elements, you still must traverse
-all elements (everything must be loaded into memory). Wedan has a fix for this,
-but it involves changes to 2 MLL calls.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 
-</span>The committee discussed this and decided that for V3.0, the change
-should be made.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>This will mean users who
-currently make use of certain “section_write” routines will need to revise
-those particular calls for V3.0.<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  </span>The
-number of users affected is believed not to be large. <u>Wedan to implement
-partial write fixes for V3.0 applicable to mixed elements, to stop excessive
-memory usage.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>n)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to proceed with fix for both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem
-with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:9.0pt;mso-list:l1 level3 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in list .75in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Action
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>6)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>New
-proposal for handling extensions process (Poinot).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Mostly
-involves modification of Proposals webpage, to include assigned number and
-SIDS-to-ADF mapping. If mapping is given, then people can still use the
-accepted proposal even if it has not yet been implemented into the MLL. Idea
-kind of follows Python methodology for proposing and implementing changes. <u>Rumsey
-to make modifications to Proposal webpage, to include SIDS-to-ADF mapping
-status and other ideas from Poinot.</u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>7)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Next
-Telecon tentatively set for Wed, October 21, 2009, 11 am eastern.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>8)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Meeting
-was adjourned at 12:05 PM.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.25in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>9)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Summary
-of <b style='mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'><u>action items</u></b>:</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>a)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Thomas
-to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0
-compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey
-to post on website or post directly himself.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>b)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into scheduling the CGNS tutorial session for the AIAA meeting in
-Orlando in January 2010 (evening meeting time).</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>c)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-to look into creating Track/Wiki capability at Utah State or on SourceForge for
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>d)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Duque
-and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including
-more active support of HDF-5 consortium.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>e)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>f)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to finish testing the indexing ordering in V3.0.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>g)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Poinot
-to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be
-accepted/implemented right away. </p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>h)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Hauser
-will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will let users know when it is
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>i)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for
-handling sprays of unconnected points.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>j)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Wedan to implement partial write fixes for V3.0
-applicable to mixed elements, to stop excessive memory usage.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>k)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Wedan
-to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write,
-cg_element_partial_write), and send to Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to
-V3.0(beta) docs pages.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>l)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-</span></span><![endif]>Hauser to proceed with fix for both the “long” vs “int”
-issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.5in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l1 level2 lfo2;
-tab-stops:.5in'><![if !supportLists]><span style='mso-list:Ignore'>m)<span
-style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span><![endif]>Rumsey
-to make modifications to Proposal webpage, to include SIDS-to-ADF mapping
-status and other ideas from Poinot.</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<u><span style='font-size:12.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";
-mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:
-AR-SA;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'><br clear=all style='page-break-before:always'>
-<p class=MsoNormal><u>Attachment 1: Attendees<o:p></o:p></u></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Steve Allmaras<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                    </span>Boeing</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Richard Hann<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>ANSYS
-/ CFX</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Thomas Hauser<span style='mso-tab-count:3'>                                   </span>Utah
-<p class=MsoNormal>Mike Jeffries<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                       </span>Pointwise</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Marc Poinot<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                        </span>ONERA</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Greg Power<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                         </span>USAF</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal>Chris Rumsey<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>NASA
-<p class=MsoNormal>Bruce Wedan<span style='mso-tab-count:4'>                                      </span>SimCosm</p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
-<p class=MsoNormal style='margin-left:.25in;tab-stops:1.0in'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p>
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-<title> CGNS Overview - Acquiring CGNS </title>
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-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
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-(<a href="description.html"><b>General&nbsp;Description</b></a>)
-(<a href="elements.html"><b>Elements&nbsp;and&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)
-(<a href="applications.html"><b>Applications&nbsp;Software</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Acquiring&nbsp;CGNS</b></span>)
-(<a href="history.html"><b>History&nbsp;and&nbsp;Current&nbsp;Status</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Acquiring CGNS</h2>
-<li> <a href="#software">Software</a>
-<li> <a href="#documentation">Documentation</a>
-<a name="software"></a>
-The CGNS software is available free of charge, under the terms of the
-<a href="../charter/license.html">CGNS License</a>, from
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">http://www.cgns.org</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-Also available there are the <i>cgnstools</i> utilities, the source code
-examples from <a href="../user/index.html">A User's Guide to CGNS</a>,
-and additional Fortran source code examples.
-The CGNS Library contains source code for the
-<a href="elements.html#cgnsmidlevel">Mid-Level Library</a>, the
-<a href="elements.html#cgio">CGIO core</a>, and the
-<a href="elements.html#database">ADF and HDF5 implementations</a>,
-plus CMake and configure scripts for building the library for a
-variety of platforms.
-<a name="documentation"></a>
-The CGNS documentation may be accessed via the
-<a href="../index.html">CGNS Documentation home page</a>.
-In addition to current version, documentation may also be available for
-the previous and beta versions of CGNS.
-All the CGNS documentation is available in HTML form (PDF is no longer
-being supported except for the SIDS).
-In addition to the CGNS documentation itself, several
-<a href="../index.html#Papers">conference papers</a> and
-<a href="../index.html#Slides">slide presentations</a> are available, as
-well as <a href="../index.html#Minutes">minutes from the CGNS meetings
-and telecons</a>.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
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-(<a href="history.html"><b>History&nbsp;and&nbsp;Current&nbsp;Status</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Applications Software</h2>
-<li> <a href="#major">CGNS-Compatible Applications</a>
-<li> <a href="#utilities">CGNS Utilities</a>
-The development of CGNS-compliant applications, e.g., grid generators,
-postprocessors, and the like, has not been a direct undertaking of the
-CGNS team.
-Rather, it has been the intent to make the attractiveness of
-interoperable CFD applications, together with general acceptance of
-the CGNS standard by Boeing, NASA, and others, sufficient to induce
-applications developers to incorporate CGNS I/O into their offerings.
-Several CGNS-compatible applications have indeed been developed, and
-more continue to appear.
-This section lists the known applications at the time of publication.
-Please contact <a href="mailto:Anthony.C.Iannetti@nasa.gov">Tony
-Iannetti</a> to modify or add to the lists.
-<a name="major"></a>
-<h3>CGNS-Compatible Applications</h3>
-This section lists major software packages that read and/or write
-CGNS files.
-The software listed here is taken from Table 1 of
-<a href="../papers/aiaa02-0752.pdf">AIAA Paper 2002-0752</a>, and is for
-informational purposes only.
-The CGNS Project Group cannot endorse specific software packages.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption align=top>
-<b>CGNS-Compatible Grid Generators and Pre-Processors</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Organization<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Application<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Contact
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=rowgroup colspan=5 style="font-weight: normal"><i>Commercial</i>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.ansys.com/">Ansys, Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.ansys.com/products/icemcfd.asp">ANSYS&nbsp;ICEM&nbsp;CFD</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:ansysinfo@ansys.com"><i>ansysinfo@ansys.com</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/">NUMECA</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=72">IGG</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=offices"><i>http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=offices</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.pointwise.com/">Pointwise,&nbsp;Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.pointwise.com/gridgen/">GRIDGEN</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.pointwise.com/pointwise/contact.shtml"><i>http://www.pointwise.com/pointwise/contact.shtml</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=rowgroup colspan=5 style="font-weight: normal"><i>Industry</i><tr valign=baseline>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.pw.utc.com/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=a4a307b06f5eb010VgnVCM1000000881000aRCRD">Pratt &amp; Whitney&nbsp;Rocketdyne</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>APPT<td>
-   <td>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption align=top>
-<b>CGNS-Compatible Flow Solvers</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Organization<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Application<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Contact
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=rowgroup colspan=5 style="font-weight: normal"><i>Commercial</i>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td rowspan=2 scope=row><a href="http://www.ansys.com/">Ansys, Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.ansys.com/products/cfx.asp">CFX5<a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:ansysinfo@ansys.com"><i>ansysinfo@ansys.com</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.ansys.com/products/cfx-tascflow.asp">CFX-TASCFlow<a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:ansysinfo@ansys.com"><i>ansysinfo@ansys.com</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.aerosft.com/">Aerosoft,&nbsp;Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.aerosft.com/Gasp/main.php">GASP</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.aerosft.com/Misc/contact.php"><i>http://www.aerosft.com/Misc/contact.php</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.cd-adapco.com/">CD&nbsp;ADAPCO</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.cd-adapco.com/products/STAR-CD/index.html">STAR-CD</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.cd-adapco.com/about/global_locations.html"><i>http://www.cd-adapco.com/about/global_locations.html</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.fluent.com/">Fluent,&nbsp;Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.fluent.com/software/fluent/">Fluent</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.fluent.com/contact/"><i>http://www.fluent.com/contact/</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?language=en">Newmerical&nbsp;Tech.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?pageId=software&categorie=fensap&language=en">FENSAP</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
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-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/">NUMECA</a>
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-   <td>EURANUS<td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=offices"><i>http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=offices</i></a>
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-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.cerfacs.fr/~ttn/projects/asmea/fiches/trace.html">TRACE</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:Frank.Eulitz@dlr.de"><i>Frank.Eulitz@dlr.de</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td rowspan=3 scope=row><a href="http://www.larc.nasa.gov/">NASA&nbsp;Langley</a><td>
-   <td><a href="http://aaac.larc.nasa.gov/~buning/codes.html#pegsus">PEGSUS</a><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:Pieter.G.Buning@nasa.gov"><i>Pieter.G.Buning@nasa.gov</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>
-   <td><a href="http://aaac.larc.nasa.gov/~buning/codes.html#overflow">OVERFLOW</a><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:Pieter.G.Buning@nasa.gov"><i>Pieter.G.Buning@nasa.gov</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.nas.nasa.gov/~aftosmis/cart3d/cart3Dhome.html">Cart3D</a><td>
-   <td><a href="http://people.nas.nasa.gov/~aftosmis/"><i>http://people.nas.nasa.gov/~aftosmis/</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/">NASA&nbsp;Glenn</a><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/combustion/people/nliu/ncc-quad.htm">NCC</a><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:Nan-Suey.Liu-1@nasa.gov"><i>Nan-Suey.Liu-1@nasa.gov</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td rowspan=2 scope=row><a href="http://www.larc.nasa.gov/">NASA&nbsp;Langley</a><td>
-   <td><a href="http://cfl3d.larc.nasa.gov/Cfl3dv6/cfl3dv6.html">CFL3D</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://cfl3d.larc.nasa.gov/Cfl3dv6/cfl3dv6.html#contact"><i>http://cfl3d.larc.nasa.gov/Cfl3dv6/cfl3dv6.html#contact</i></a>
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-   <td>UPS<td>
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-   <td><a href="http://web.arnold.af.mil/nparc/">NPARC&nbsp;Alliance</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/winddocs/">WIND</a><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:npsupport@info.arnold.af.mil"><i>npsupport@info.arnold.af.mil</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.onera.fr/english.php">ONERA</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://elsa.onera.fr/">elsA</a>
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-   <th align=left scope=rowgroup colspan=5 style="font-weight: normal"><i>Industry</i><tr valign=baseline>
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-   <td><a href="http://www.boeing.com/commercial/index.html">Boeing&nbsp;Seattle</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>TLNS3D<td>
-   <td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.rolls-royce.com/">Rolls-Royce&nbsp;Allison</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>ADPAC<td>
-   <td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/mike.giles/utc/">Rolls-Royce&nbsp;Oxford</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/mike.giles/hydra.html">HYDRA</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:pierre.moinier@comlab.ox.ac.uk"><i>pierre.moinier@comlab.ox.ac.uk</i></a>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption align=top>
-<b>CGNS-Compatible Post Processors</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Organization<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
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-   <th align=left scope=rowgroup colspan=5 style="font-weight: normal"><i>Commercial</i>
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-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.avs.com/">Advanced&nbsp;Visual&nbsp;Sys.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.avs.com/software/soft_t/avsxps.html">AVS/Express</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.avs.com/contact/"><i>http://www.avs.com/contact/</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
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-   <td><a href="http://www.aerosft.com/">Aerosoft,&nbsp;Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.aerosft.com/Gasp/main.php">GASP</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.aerosft.com/Misc/contact.php"><i>http://www.aerosft.com/Misc/contact.php</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
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-   <td><a href="http://www.tecplot.com/">Tecplot, Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.tecplot.com/">Tecplot</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.tecplot.com/contact_us/"><i>http://www.tecplot.com/contact_us/</i></a>
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-   <td rowspan=2 scope=row><a href="http://www.ensight.com/">CEI</a>
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-   <td><a href="http://www.ensight.com/ensight.html">Ensight</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.ensight.com/contact-us-3.html"><i>http://www.ensight.com/contact-us-3.html</i></a>
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-   <td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.ensight.com/ensight-gold.html">Ensight&nbsp;Gold</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.ensight.com/contact-us-3.html"><i>http://www.ensight.com/contact-us-3.html</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.fluent.com/">Fluent,&nbsp;Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.fluent.com/software/fluent/">Fluent</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.fluent.com/contact/"><i>http://www.fluent.com/contact/</i></a>
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-   <td><a href="http://www.ansys.com/">Ansys, Inc.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.ansys.com/products/icemcfd.asp">ANSYS&nbsp;ICEM&nbsp;CFD</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:ansysinfo@ansys.com"><i>ansysinfo@ansys.com</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.ilight.com/">Intelligent&nbsp;Light</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.ilight.com/">Fieldview</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:fieldview@ilight.com"><i>fieldview@ilight.com</i></a>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?language=en">Newmerical&nbsp;Tech.</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?pageId=software&categorie=drop3d&language=en">DROP3D</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td nowrap><a href="http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?pageId=about&language=en"><i>http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?pageId=about&language=en</i></a>
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-   <td><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?pageId=software&categorie=ice3d&language=en">ICE3D</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?pageId=about&language=en"><i>http://www.newmerical.com/public/eng/index.php?pageId=about&language=en</i></a>
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-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/">NUMECA</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=30">CFView</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=offices"><i>http://www.numeca.be/index.php?id=offices</i></a>
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-   <th align=left scope=rowgroup colspan=5 style="font-weight: normal"><i>Government</i><tr valign=baseline>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><a href="http://www.arc.nasa.gov/">NASA&nbsp;Ames</a><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www.nas.nasa.gov/~rogers/plot3d/intro.html">PLOT3D</a><td>
-   <td><a href="mailto:Cetin.C.Kiris@nasa.gov"><i>Cetin.C.Kiris@nasa.gov</i></a>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="utilities"></a>
-<h3>CGNS Utilities</h3>
-A variety of CGNS utility packages have been developed, both by CGNS
-team members and by CGNS users.
-While not formally a part of CGNS itself, these utilities are available
-from the <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS web site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap><a href="../../Utilities.html">Plot3dg_to_CGNS</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Converts a "standard" Plot3D grid file to a CGNS grid file.<br>
-       Contact: Chris Rumsey (<a href="mailto:Christopher.L.Rumsey@nasa.gov"><i>Christopher.L.Rumsey@nasa.gov</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">CGNS_to_Plot3d</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>Converts a CGNS file with a cell-centered solution to "standard"
-       Plot3D grid and solution files.<br>
-       Contact: Chris Rumsey (<a href="mailto:Christopher.L.Rumsey@nasa.gov"><i>Christopher.L.Rumsey@nasa.gov</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">CGNS_readhist</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>Reads a CGNS file and writes history data to a formatted file.<br>
-       Contact: Chris Rumsey (<a href="mailto:Christopher.L.Rumsey@nasa.gov"><i>Christopher.L.Rumsey@nasa.gov</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">FTU</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>Converts CGNS files to and from Plot3D format.
-       Has a text-based menu allowing the manipulation of a CGNS base.<br>
-       Contact: Bob Bush (<a href="mailto:bushrh@pweh.com"><i>bushrh@pweh.com</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">CGNSview</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>A CGNS file viewer and editor; requires <i>Tcl/Tk</i> 8.3 or above.
-       The GUI allows complete editing of CGNS files (both ADF and HDF5),
-       and handles links and data conversions. It works at the CGIO interface
-       level, and thus is not affected by "bad" CGNS files.
-       It includes built-in CGNS node and label information, and
-       documentation support through HTML
-       (including access to all CGNS docs).<br>
-       Contact: Bruce Wedan (<a href="mailto:leavingdust@gmail.com"><i>leavingdust@gmail.com</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">CGNS Tools</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>A variety of tools for viewing, editing, and manipulating the
-       contents of CGNS files; requires <i>Tcl/Tk</i> 8.3 or above.
-       Included are:
-       <ul>
-       <li> <i>CGNSplot</i>, for plotting grids
-       <li> <i>CGNScalc</i>, a calculator using data in CGNS files
-       <li> Utilities for converting from Patran, and from/to PLOT3D and
-            Tecplot
-       <li> Utilities for modifying the grid location
-            (vertex or cell-center), solution variables
-            (primitive or conservative), and data class
-            (<tt>Dimensional</tt>, <tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt>, or
-            <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>)
-       <li> Utilities for creating a subset or interpolated version of
-            a CGNS file
-       </ul>
-       These may be used as stand-alone utilities, or initiated from
-       <i>CGNSview</i>, which is included.<br>
-       Contact: Bruce Wedan (<a href="mailto:leavingdust@gmail.com"><i>leavingdust@gmail.com</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<!--<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">CGNS Viewer</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>An alpha release of another ADF/CGNS file viewer and editor.
-       Requires the GTK+ library version 1.2 or newer (installed by default
-       on newer Linux systems using Gnome; otherwise found at
-       <a href="http://www.gtk.org/"><i>http://www.gtk.org/</i></a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">).<br>
-       Contact: Christian Lundh (<a href="mailto:xistan@yahoo.se"><i>xistan@yahoo.se</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;-->
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">PyCGNS</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>A Python binding to the ADF Core and Mid-Level Library.
-       For more information, see the
-       <a href="http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases/">pyCGNS home page</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.<br>
-       Contact: Marc Poinot (<a href="mailto:Marc.Poinot@onera.fr"><i>Marc.Poinot@onera.fr</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">ADFM</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>A development version of software for managing an in-memory
-       representation of ADF trees.
-       Contact: Marc Poinot (<a href="mailto:Marc.Poinot@onera.fr"><i>Marc.Poinot@onera.fr</i></a>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="../../Utilities.html">CGNS++</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>A C++ binding to the ADF Core and Mid-Level Library.
-       For more information, see the
-       <a href="http://cgnspp.sourceforge.net/">CGNS++ home page</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.<br>
-       Contact: Manuel Kessler (<a href="mailto:kessler@iag.uni-stuttgart.de"><i>kessler@iag.uni-stuttgart.de</i></a>)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>General Description</h2>
-A CGNS database describes the current state of one or more entire CFD
-(Computational Fluid Dynamics) problems, including the following:
-<li> grid
-<li> flowfield
-<li> boundary conditions
-<li> topological connection information
-<li> auxiliary data (e.g., nondimensionalization parameters,
-     reference states)
-Not all of these data need to be present at any particular time.
-The overall view is that of a shared database that can be accessed
-by the various software tools common to CFD, such as solvers, grid
-generators, field visualizers, and postprocessors.
-Each of these "applications" serves as an editor of the data, adding to,
-modifying, or interpreting it according to that application's specific
-CGNS conventions and software provide for the recording of a complete
-and flexible problem description.
-The exact meaning of a subsonic inflow boundary condition, for example,
-can be described in complete detail if desired.
-User comments can be included nearly anywhere, affording the
-opportunity, for instance, for date stamping or history information to
-be included.
-Dimension and sizing information is carefully defined.
-Any number of flow variables may be recorded, with or without standard
-names, and it is also possible to add user-defined or site-specific
-These features afford the opportunity for applications to perform
-extensive error checking if desired.
-Because of this generality, CGNS provides for the recording of much more
-descriptive information than current applications normally use.
-However, the provisions for this data are layered so that much of it is
-It should be practical to convert most current applications to CGNS with
-little or no conceptual change, retaining the option to take advantage
-of more detailed descriptions as that becomes desirable.
-CGNS specifications currently cover the bulk of CFD data that one might
-wish to exchange among sites or applications; for instance, nearly any
-type of field data can be recorded, and, based on its name, found and
-understood by any code that needs it.
-Global data (e.g., freestream Mach number, Reynolds number, angle
-of attack) and physical modeling instructions (e.g., thin layer
-assumptions, turbulence model) may be specified.
-Nevertheless, there are items specific to individual applications for
-which there is currently no specification within CGNS.
-Most commonly, these are operational instructions, such as number of
-sweeps, solution method, multigrid directives, and so on.
-Owing to the miscellaneous nature of this data, there has been no
-attempt to codify it within a global standard.
-It is therefore expected that many applications will continue to require
-small user-generated input files, presumably in ASCII format.
-CGNS itself does not initiate action or undertake any function normally
-handled by the operating system.
-The user still performs CFD tasks according to existing processes.
-This includes selecting the computing platform, maintaining the files,
-and launching the applications.
-However, the ease of communication between applications that CGNS
-provides should motivate the development of new batch and interactive
-mechanisms for the convenient application of CFD tools.
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-Last updated 13 Mar 2002
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-<h2>Elements and Documentation</h2>
-<li> <a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
-<li> <a href="#structure">Structure of a CGNS Database</a>
-<li> <a href="#sids">Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</a>
-<li> <a href="#filemap">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<li> <a href="#database">Database Manager</a>
-<li> <a href="#cgnsmidlevel">Mid-Level Library, or API</a>
-<li> <a href="#documentation">Documentation</a>
-<a name="intro"></a>
-CGNS concerns itself with the recording and retrieval of data associated
-with the computation of fluid flows.
-Included are such structures as grids, flowfields, boundary conditions,
-and zone connectivity information.
-CGNS "understands" this data in the sense that it contains conventions
-for recording it based on its structure and its role in CFD.
-The underlying design of CGNS is that of a common database that is
-accessed (read, written, or modified) by a collection of "applications"
-programs such as solvers, grid generators, and postprocessors.
-CGNS itself does not synthesize, modify, or interpret the data it
-The applications create, edit, or display the data; CGNS is limited to
-recording and retrieving it.
-Each application's program accesses the data directly using CGNS
-function calls installed in the application by its developer.
-The applications are not regarded as part of CGNS itself.
-CGNS is passive.
-It does not initiate action and cannot "push" information into the
-applications codes or "pull" information out.
-Rather, the codes must request the information they seek and store the
-information they produce.
-The applications must be launched by a user who organizes the location
-and content of the database.
-The process and sequence of events remain under user control.
-Thus CGNS facilitates, but does not incorporate, the development of
-batch or interactive environments designed to control the CFD process.
-The elements of CGNS address all activities associated with the
-storage of the data on external media and its movement to and from the
-applications programs.
-These elements include the following:
-<li> The <a href="#sids">Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</a>,
-     which specify the intellectual content of CFD data and the
-     conventions that govern naming and terminology.
-<li> The <a href="#filemap">SIDS File Mapping</a>, which specifies
-     the exact location where the CFD data defined by the SIDS is to be
-     stored within a database file.
-<li> The <a href="#database">Database Manager</a>, which
-     consists of both a file format specification
-     and its I/O software, which handles the actual reading and writing
-     of data from and to external storage media.
-The following sections discuss in more detail the roles of the CGNS
-elements and introduce their documentation.
-<a name="structure"></a>
-<h3>Structure of a CGNS Database</h3>
-In this section, the conceptual structure of a CGNS database, and the
-nodes from which it is built, are discussed. This describes the way
-in which the CGNS software "sees" the database, not necessarily the way
-in which it is implemented. The details of the implementation are
-left to the underlying database manager.
-A CGNS database consists of a collection of elements called nodes.
-These nodes are arranged in a tree structure that is logically similar
-to a UNIX file system.
-The nodes are said to be connected in a "child-parent" relationship
-according to the following simple rules:
-<li> Each node may have any number of child nodes.
-<li> Except for one node, called the root, each node is the child of
-     exactly one other node, called its parent.
-<li> The root node has no parent.
-<h4>Structure of a Node</h4>
-Each node has exactly the same internal structure.
-The entities associated with each node are the following:
-<li> Node Identifier (ID)
-<li> Name
-<li> Label
-<li> Data Type
-<li> Dimension
-<li> Dimension Values
-<li> Data
-<li> Child Table
-<b>Node Identifier.</b>
-The Node ID is a floating point number assigned by the system when the
-database is opened or created.
-Applications may record the ID and use it to return directly to the
-corresponding node when required.
-The Node ID is valid only while the database is open; subsequent openings of
-the same database may be expected to yield different IDs.
-The Name field holds a character string chosen by the user or specified
-by the SIDS to identify the particular instance of the data being
-The Label, also a character string, is specified by the CGNS mapping
-conventions and identifies the kind of data being recorded.
-For example, a node with label <tt>Zone_t</tt> may record (at and below
-it) information on the zone with Name "UnderWing."
-No node may have more than one child
-with the same name, but the CGNS mapping conventions commonly specify
-many children with the same label.
-For some nodes, the mapping conventions specify that the name
-field has significance for the meaning of the data (e.g.,
-Although the user may specify another name, these "paper" conventions
-serve the transfer of data between users and between applications.
-These names and their meanings are
-<a href="../sids/dataname.html">established by the SIDS</a>.
-<b>Data Type, Dimension, Dimension Values, Data.</b>
-Nodes may or may not contain data.
-For those that do, CGNS specifies a single array whose type (integer,
-etc.), dimension, and size are recorded in the Data Type, Dimension, and
-Dimension Value fields, respectively.
-The mapping conventions specify some nodes that serve to establish the
-tree structure and point to further data below but contain no data
-For these nodes, the Data Type is <tt>MT</tt>, and the other fields are
-empty. A link to another node within the current or an external CGNS
-database is indicated by a Data Type of <tt>LK</tt>
-<b>Child Table.</b>
-The Child Table contains a list of the node's children.
-It is maintained by the database manager as children are created and deleted.
-<h4>High-Level Organization of the CGNS Database</h4>
-For a full specification of the location of CFD data in the
-CGNS database, the user should see the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a> document.
-For convenience, we summarize the high-level structure below.
-A CGNS database consists of a tree of nodes implemented as all or part
-of one or more database files.
-All information is identified by and accessed through a single node in
-one of these files.
-By definition, the root node of a CGNS database has the Label
-The name of the CGNS database can be specified by the user and is stored in
-the "Name" field of the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node.
-Current CGNS conventions require that the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node be
-located directly below a "root node" in the database file
-identified by the name "/".
-A database file may contain multiple CGNS databases, and thus
-multiple <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> nodes.
-However, each node labeled <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> in a single
-file must have a unique name.
-The user or application must know the name of the file containing
-the entry-level node and, if there is more than one node labeled
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> in that file, the name of the database as well.
-Below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node, the mapping conventions specify a
-subnode for each zone.
-This node has label <tt>Zone_t</tt>.
-Its Name refers to the particular zone whose characteristics are
-recorded at and below the node, such as "UnderWing."
-In general, names can be specified by the user, but defaults are
-specified for nodes that the user does not choose to name.
-For the <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes, the defaults are <tt>Zone1</tt>,
-<tt>Zone2</tt>, and so forth, in order of creation.
-A similar convention for default names applies elsewhere.
-It is impossible to create a node without a name (or with a name of zero
-The CGNS Mid-Level Library conforms to the default convention.
-Below each zone node will be found nodes for the grid, flowfield,
-boundary conditions, and connectivity information; these, in turn, are
-parents of nodes specifying extent, spatial location, and so on.
-The file mapping specifies that one or more "Descriptor" nodes may be
-inserted anywhere in the file.
-Descriptor nodes are used to record textual information regarding the
-file contents.
-The size of Descriptor nodes is unlimited, so entire documents could be
-named and stored within the data field if desired.
-Descriptors are intended to store human-readable text, and they are not
-processed by any supplied CGNS software (except, of course, that the
-text may be stored and retrieved).
-It is possible, by using the linking capability of CGNS, for a child of
-any node to be a node in another database file, or elsewhere within
-the same file.
-This mechanism enables one database to share a grid, for example, with
-another database without duplicating the information.
-<a name="sids"></a>
-<h3>Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</h3>
-The establishment of a standard for storing CFD-related information
-requires a detailed specification of the content and meaning of the data
-to be stored.
-For example, it is necessary to state the meaning of the words "boundary
-condition" in a form sufficiently concrete to be recorded precisely, and
-yet sufficiently flexible to embrace current and future practice.
-The <a href="../sids/index.html">Standard Interface Data Structures
-(SIDS) document</a> describes this "intellectual content" of CFD-related
-data in detail.
-An exact description of the intellectual content is required not only
-to define the precise form of the data but also to guarantee that the
-meaning of the data is consistently interpreted by practitioners.
-Thus the SIDS include a collection of
-<a href="../sids/dataname.html">naming conventions</a> that
-specify the precise meaning of nomenclature (e.g., the strings
-<tt>DensityStatic</tt> and <tt>BCWallViscous</tt>).
-The SIDS are written in a self-contained C-like descriptive language.
-SIDS data structures are defined in a hierarchical manner in which more
-complex entities are built from simpler ones.
-These structures are closely reflected in CGNS-compliant files:
-simple entities are often stored in single nodes, while more
-complex structures are stored in entire subtrees.
-<a name="filemap"></a>
-<h3>SIDS File Mapping</h3>
-Because of the generality of the tree structure, there are
-many conceivable means of encoding CFD data.
-But for any application to access, say, the boundary conditions for zone
-"UnderWing", requires a single convention with regard to where in the
-file that data has been stored.
-The <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-document, sometimes referred to as the "File Mapping," establishes
-the precise node, and properties of that node, where each piece of
-CGNS data should be recorded.
-The <a href="#cgnsmidlevel">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a> relies on the
-File Mapping to locate CFD-related data within the file.
-The mapping provides locations for an extensive set of CFD
-Most applications will make use of only a small subset of this data.
-Further, inasmuch as applications are viewed as editors that are in the
-process of building the database, most of them are intended for use on
-incomplete data sets.
-Therefore, it is not required that all the data elements specified by
-the CGNS conventions be complete in order for a database to be CGNS
-The user must ensure that the current state of the database will support
-whatever application he may launch.
-Of course, the application should gracefully handle any absence or
-deficiency of data.
-CGNS conventions do not specify the following:
-<li> the use the applications programs may make of the data
-<li> the means by which the applications programs modify the data
-<li> the form in which the data is stored internal to an application
-The validity, accuracy and completeness of the data are determined
-entirely by the applications software.
-The tree structure also makes it possible for applications
-to ignore data for which they have no use.
-(In fact, they cannot even discover the data's existence without a
-specific inquiry.)
-Therefore, it is permissible for an file containing a CGNS
-database to contain additional nodes not specified by the mapping.
-Such nodes will be disregarded by software not prepared to use them.
-However, if data essential to the CFD process is stored in a manner
-not consistent with CGNS conventions, that data becomes invisible and
-therefore useless to other applications.
-Note that the SIDS serve not only to facilitate the mapping of data onto
-the file structure but also to standardize the meaning of
-the recorded data.
-Thus there are two kinds of conventions operative within CGNS.
-Adherence to the File Mapping conventions guarantees that the software
-will be able to find and read the data.
-Adherence to the SIDS guarantees uniformity of meaning among users and
-between applications.
-The <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a> document
-establishes the context of CGNS for a database manager;
-the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> define the nomenclature,
-content, and meaning of the stored data.
-The File Mapping generally avoids the storage of redundant data.
-Sometimes an application may require an alternate (but intellectually
-equivalent) form of the data; in such cases it is recommended that the
-alternate form be prepared at the time of use and kept separate from the
-CGNS data.
-This avoids habitual reliance on the alternate form, which would
-invalidate the standard.
-<a name="database"></a>
-<h3>Database Manager</h3>
-A database manager contains the I/O software,
-which handles the actual reading and writing
-of data from and to external storage media. It must conform, at least
-in context, to that specified by the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a> document,
-and provide a minimal number of data access routines
-(referred to as core routines).
-In principle, it is possible to install CGNS I/O into an application
-using only these core routines.
-However, such an approach would require the installer to access the data
-at a very fundamental level and would result in lengthy sequences of
-core function calls.
-Therefore, the CGNS system also includes a <a href="#cgnsmidlevel">Mid-Level
-Library</a>, an API (Application Programming Interface) that contains
-additional routines intended to facilitate higher-level access to the
-These are CFD-knowledgeable routines suitable for direct installation
-into applications codes.
-The CGNS software was originally developed around
-<a href="../adf/index.html">ADF (Advanced Data Format)</a>
-as it's database manager, thus much of the concepts and structures
-of CGNS originated from there.
-In version 2.4 of the CGNS software,
-<a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format</a> was
-introduced as an alternative database manager. At that time, either
-ADF or HDF5 (but not both) was selectable at build time.
-It should be noted that because of HDF5's parallel and compression      
-capability as well as its support, the CGNS Steering Committee has made 
-the decision to slowly transition (beginning in 2005) to HDF5 as the    
-official data storage mechanism.                                        
-However, ADF will continue to be available for use, with the CGNS
-mid-level library capable of (1) using either format and (2) translating
-back and forth between the two.
-Beginning with CGNS version 3.0,
-both ADF and HDF5 are supported concurrently and transparently
-by CGNS. To facilitate this, a new set of core routines, described in
-the <a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>, have been
-developed as a replacement to the individual ADF and HDF5 core routines.
-These allow general access to the low-level I/O, irrespective of the
-underlying database manager.
-<a name="cgnsmidlevel"></a>
-<h3>Mid-Level Library, or API</h3>
-The CGNS Mid-Level Library, or Applications Programming Interface
-(API), is one of the most directly visible parts of CGNS, and it is of
-particular interest to applications code developers.
-It consists of a set of routines that are designed to allow applications
-to access CGNS data according to the role of the data in CFD.
-Unlike the ADF (or HDF5) Core, routines in the CGNS Mid-Level Library
-"understand" the SIDS-defined CFD data structures and the File Mapping.
-This enables applications developers to insert CGNS I/O into their
-applications without having detailed knowledge of the File Mapping.
-For instance, an application might use CGNS mid-level calls to retrieve
-all boundary conditions for a given zone.
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level Library document</a>
-contains complete descriptions and usage instructions for all mid-level
-routines. All calls are provided in both C and Fortran.
-<a name="documentation"></a>
-The CGNS elements described above are documented individually, and are
-available as follows:
-<li> <a href="../sids/index.html">Standard Interface Data Structures</a>
-<li> <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/index.html">ADF Implementation</a>
-<li> <a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5 Implementation</a>
-In addition, the following documentation is also recommended:
-<li> CGNS Overview and Entry-Level Document (this document)
-<li> <a href="../user/index.html">A User's Guide to CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="../papers/aiaa98-3007.pdf">"The CGNS System"</a>,
-     AIAA Paper 98-3007 [PDF (496K, 16 pages)]
-<li> <a href="../papers/aiaa00-0681.pdf">"Advances in the CGNS Database
-     Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD"</a>,
-     AIAA Paper 2000-0681 [PDF (106K, 11 pages)]
-<li> <a href="../papers/aiaa02-0752.pdf">"CFD General Notation System (CGNS):
-     Status and Future Directions"</a>,
-     AIAA Paper 2002-0752, [PDF (289K, 13 pages)]
-The specific documents of interest vary with the level of intended use
-of CGNS.
-<h4>Prospective Users</h4>
-Prospective users are presumably unfamiliar with CGNS.
-They will probably wish to begin with the current Overview document, or,
-if they require more detailed information, the AIAA papers listed above.
-Beyond that, most will find a quick read of the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a> (or 
-enlightening as to the logical form of the contents of CGNS
-Browsing the <a href="../filemap/figures.html">figures in the File
-Mapping Manual</a>, as well as the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-itself, will provide some feel for the scope of the system.
-The <a href="../user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a>, and
-the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a>
-document, should give an indication of what might be required to
-implement CGNS in a given application.
-Prospective users should probably not concern themselves with the
-details of ADF or HDF5.
-<h4>End Users</h4>
-The end user is the practitioner of CFD who generates the grids, runs
-the flow codes and/or analyzes the results.
-For this user, a scan of this Overview document will sufficiently
-explain the overall workings of the system.
-This includes end user responsibilities for matters not governed by
-CGNS, such as the maintenance of files and directories.
-The end user will also find useful the
-<a href="../user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a>, as
-well as those portions of the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-which deal with <a href="../sids/dataname.html">standard data names</a>.
-The AIAA papers listed above may also be useful if more details about
-the capabilities of CGNS are desired.
-<h4>Applications Code Developers</h4>
-The applications code developer builds or maintains code to support the
-various sub-processes encountered in CFD, e.g., grid generation, flow
-solution, post-processing, or flow visualization.
-The code developer must be able to install CGNS compliant I/O.
-The most convenient method for doing so is to utilize the CGNS Mid-Level
-The <a href="../user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a> is the
-starting point for learning to use the Mid-Level Library to create and
-use CGNS files.
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a>
-document itself should also be considered essential.
-This library of routines will perform the most common I/O operations in
-a CGNS-compliant manner.
-However, even when the Mid-Level Library suffices to implement all
-necessary I/O, an understanding of the file mapping and SIDS will be
-It will likely be necessary to consult the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a> to determine the precise meaning
-of the nomenclature.
-Applications code developers wishing to read or write data
-that isn't supported by the Mid-Level Library, will need to
-use the CGIO low-level routines to access the underlying database
-manager directly. The <a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-documents these routines in detail.
-<h4>CGNS System Developers</h4>
-CGNS System development can be kept somewhat compartmentalized.
-Developers responsible for the maintenance or building
-of supplements to the ADF Core, need not concern themselves with
-documentation other than the <a href="../adf/index.html">ADF User
-(Development and maintenance of HDF5 is under the purview of NCSA, so
-has no relevance here.)
-System developers wishing to add to the
-<a href="../midlevel/index.html">CGNS Mid-Level Library</a> will need
-all the documents.
-Theoretical developments, such as extensions to the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS</a>, may possibly be undertaken with a
-knowledge of the SIDS alone, but such contributions must also be added
-to the <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a> before
-they can be implemented.
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-Last updated 23 Apr 2011
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-(<span class=nav><b>History&nbsp;and&nbsp;Current&nbsp;Status</b></span>)
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-<h2>History and Current Status</h2>
-<li> <a href="#initial">Initial Development</a>
-<li> <a href="#subsequent">Subsequent Development</a>
-<li> <a href="#status">Current Status</a>
-<li> <a href="#contributions">Noteworthy Contributions</a>
-<a name="initial"></a>
-<h3>Initial Development</h3>
-The initial development of CGNS took place from March 1995 through
-May 1998, when Version 1.0 of the CGNS software was released.
-The project originated through a series of meetings in 1994-1995 between
-NASA, Boeing, and McDonnell Douglas, who were then working under the
-Integrated Wing Design element of NASA's Advanced Subsonic Technology
-The work being planned involved extensive use of CFD, and the
-possibility of collaborative analyses by many organizations.
-It was thus necessary to establish a common data format suitable to meet
-the needs of production CFD tools in the mid- to late-1990s.
-This format would be used to enable interchange of data among different
-CFD-related tools and different computing platforms, and to provide a
-mechanism for archive and retrieval of CFD data
-At that time, the <i>de facto</i> standard for CFD data was the file
-format used by Plot3D, a flow visualization program developed at NASA
-However, the Plot3D format was developed to expedite post-processing,
-and was never intended as a general-purpose standard for the storage
-and exchange of CFD data.
-By the early 1990s, as CFD became more sophisticated, the limitations of
-the Plot3D format as a general-purpose standard had become apparent.
-It had no provisions for storing data associated with modern CFD
-technology, such as unstructured grids, turbulence models based on
-solutions of partial differential equations, and flows with multiple
-chemical species.
-Individual organizations were overcoming these limitations by defining
-extensions to the Plot3D format to meet their needs.
-These extensions were not coordinated among different organizations, and
-therefore data stored in these extended formats generally could not be
-utilized outside the originating organization.
-Further, the Plot3D format was not self-documenting, and it was
-necessary to rely on file-naming conventions or external notes to
-maintain awareness of the flow conditions and analyzed geometry of each
-PLOT3D data file.
-To overcome these limitations, several database options were considered
-by the NASA / Boeing / McDonnell Douglas team from December 1994 to
-March 1995.
-In March 1995, the decision was made to build a new data standard called
-CGNS (Complex Geometry Navier Stokes).
-This standard was a "clean sheet" development, but it was heavily
-influenced by the McDonnell Douglas
-<a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/winddocs/cff/index.html">Common
-File Format (CFF)</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">,
-which had been established and deployed in 1989
-and heavily revised in 1992.
-Agreement was reached to develop CGNS at Boeing, under NASA Contract
-NAS1-20267, with active participation by a team of CFD researchers from
-<li> <a href="http://www.larc.nasa.gov/">NASA Langley Research Center</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/">NASA Glenn Research Center</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.arc.nasa.gov/">NASA Ames Research Center</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.boeing.com/phantom/">McDonnell
-     Douglas Corporation (now Boeing St. Louis)</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-<li> <a href="http://www.boeing.com/commercial/index.html">Boeing
-     Commercial Airplane Group (Seattle)</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> Aerodynamics
-<li> <a href="http://www.boeing.com/commercial/index.html">Boeing
-     Commercial Airplane Group (Seattle)</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> Propulsion
-<li> <a href="http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/">ICEM CFD Engineering
-     Corporation</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-The original development work itself occurred from 1995-1998, and
-consisted of essentially four activities:
-<li> Development of the standalone database manager (the
-     <a href="elements.html#adfcore">ADF Core</a>)
-<li> Identification and layout of the CFD data (the
-     <a href="elements.html#sids">SIDS</a> and
-     <a href="elements.html#filemap">File Mapping</a>)
-<li> Development of an API for use in applications codes (the
-     <a href="elements.html#cgnsmidlevel">Mid-Level Library</a>)
-<li> Demonstration of system capability
-<a name="adf"></a>
-<h4>Development of ADF</h4>
-As noted earlier, the decision to develop CGNS was made after an
-examination of several existing formats.
-Because of its hierarchical structure, the CFF (Common File Format) that
-was then in use at McDonnell Douglas was judged the most compatible with
-the SIDS.
-However, CFF had known limitations, and it was decided to adopt the CFF
-structure but recast it in a more general form.
-This gave the developers control over the software and facilitated the
-development of a robust, portable, reliable, and flexible database
-manager, which could be distributed freely within the system.
-These low-level routines were developed during 1995, and make up the
-ADF (Advanced Data Format) Core.
-ADF was written and extensively tested at Boeing by a small subteam
-familiar with standard software development practices, and it may now be
-considered a stable product.
-<a name="sids"></a>
-<h4>Identification and layout of the CFD data</h4>
-Another task, undertaken in parallel with the development of ADF, was to
-identify the data associated with CFD and establish a means of encoding
-it within the ADF format.
-This task was the primary concern of the national team, with Boeing
-proposing the standards and the remainder of the team serving to
-critique, test, and improve them.
-This began with the development of the SIDS and its language.
-The hierarchical nature of the SIDS was used to suggest the SIDS-to-ADF
-File Mapping conventions, which were developed slightly after the SIDS
-but along the same track.
-<a name="api"></a>
-<h4>Development of an API</h4>
-At a review in June 1997, the CGNS team (NASA, Boeing, and McDonnell
-Douglas) determined that additional support would be required to produce
-an adequate Mid-Level Library.
-Subcontracts were issued to the ICEM CFD Engineering Company, in
-Berkeley, CA, following this decision.
-ICEM CFD in effect became the lead organization for the development of
-the Mid-Level Library.
-Also at this time, the acronym "CGNS" was re-defined to mean "CFD
-Generalized Notation System", which was more in keeping with the evolved
-goals of this project.
-Version 1.0 of the Mid-Level Library, which met the original goal of
-supporting structured multi-block analysis codes, was released in May
-This set of higher-level routines enables a user to implement the CFD
-standards defined by the SIDS, without specific knowledge of the File
-Mapping or the ADF Core.
-This activity was crucial to the acceptance and implementation of CGNS
-among the CFD community.
-NASA and the informal CGNS committee determined that there was no
-need for export authority so the CGNS standard, the ADF Core and the
-Mid-Level Library, and all supporting documentation could be distributed
-worldwide as freeware.
-Appropriate legal reviews and approvals were obtained at both NASA and
-Boeing to validate this decision.
-<a name="demonstration"></a>
-<h4>Demonstration of system capability</h4>
-To test the CGNS data recording and retrieval mechanisms and to
-gain experience with the installation of the software into common
-applications codes, the developers modified two CFD solvers (namely,
-NPARC and TLNS3D) to operate in the CGNS environment.
-In addition, NASA Langley Research Center modified CFL3D similarly.
-These modifications were made early in the project and predate the
-Mid-Level Library and some later portions of the SIDS.
-Separate data cases were prepared for each of the prototypes.
-Each prototype proved capable of starting, exiting, and restarting its
-data case as expected.
-In addition, in all three cases, transfer of the CGNS data between
-workstation (SGI) and mainframe (CRAY) platforms was successfully
-Dissimilarity of the <em>content</em> of the data required by NPARC
-and the other two codes (i.e., nodal vs. cell-centered data) prevented
-restarting NPARC from TLNS3D/CFL3D data and vice versa.
-However, this type of restart was demonstrated between TLNS3D and CFL3D.
-These prototypes were limited in certain ways and, therefore, were not
-suitable as a final implementation of their respective capabilities in
-The principal limitations are:
-<li> The prototypes implement only the grid coordinates, flow solution,
-     boundary condition, and 1-to-1 interface connectivity portions of
-     the CGNS data specification.<br><br>
-<li> No attempt was made to modify the internal structure of any of
-     the codes in order to improve compatibility with CGNS data
-     organization.<br><br>
-<li> The prototypes accessed the ADF files primarily using routines
-     at the ADF Core level.
-     There were some higher-level routines included, and these, in many
-     cases, suggested the content of the CGNS Mid-Level Libraries.
-     But the high-level prototype routines often intermingled
-     ADF functions with CGNS functions and, in some cases, were
-     code-specific or dependent on internal directives to make them so.
-     They were thus less broadly applicable than the current Mid-Level
-     Library routines.<br><br>
-<li> These codes exercised only a portion of the CGNS boundary
-     condition specifications.<br><br>
-<li> The prototypes sometimes incorporated extra nodes into their ADF
-     files to carry code-specific data.
-     This practice arose partially from the lack of complete CGNS data
-     specifications at the time the prototypes were written, but it
-     resulted also, in part, because the current code input structure
-     required a different (but equivalent) form of the CGNS data, and
-     the developers opted to duplicate it within the CGNS database.
-The general lesson learned from the construction of the prototypes
-was that professional programmers had no conceptual difficulty in
-implementing CGNS at the ADF Core level.
-But the resulting code was cumbersome, and the development of the
-Mid-Level Library was needed to facilitate dissemination of CGNS among
-those disinclined to work with the ADF Core.
-<b>System Demonstrator.</b>
-As the CGNS effort progressed, an additional activity was undertaken
-to demonstrate the capability of the mature system.
-Known as the "system demonstrator", this tested the ability of CGNS to
-transfer data seamlessly between applications that had never operated
-together before.
-The system demonstrator used most of that portion of the currently
-existing SIDS that has been included in the Mid-Level Library.
-The geometry chosen for the test was a high-lift configuration known as
-the trapezoidal wing.
-This is a multielement airfoil with a full-span slat and flap, and a
-generic fuselage.
-Three separate CGNS-compatible application codes were involved in the
-system demonstrator.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/winddocs/gman/">GMAN</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>A pre-processor and grid generation tool developed by Boeing
-       St. Louis
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="http://aaac.larc.nasa.gov/~buning/codes.html#overflow">OVERFLOW</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>A CFD flow solver developed by NASA Ames
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><a href="http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/visual3/index.html">Visual3</a>
-       <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"><td>
-   <td>A flow visualization tool from ICEM CFD, originally developed at MIT
-The system demonstrator consisted of the following tasks:
-<li> The grid was generated using NASA Ames grid tools and written
-     as a Plot3D file.<br><br>
-<li> The grid file was sent to Boeing St. Louis, where it was processed
-     by a locally-modified version of GMAN.
-     GMAN calculated the grid connectivity information, and wrote the
-     grid and connectivity data into a CGNS database.
-     Boundary conditions were also added to the CGNS database at this
-     time.<br><br>
-<li> The CGNS file was returned to NASA Ames, where it was read by the
-     newly-modified OVERFLOW code.
-     (Some iteration was necessary here, because the definition of
-     overset holes used by GMAN differs from that normally expected by
-     The CGNS file was intact, and served, as intended, to highlight the
-     discrepancy.)
-     OVERFLOW computed the flow field, writing the results into the
-     CGNS database.<br><br>
-<li> The CGNS file was next sent to ICEM CFD.
-     There, the CGNS database was read and displayed using Visual3.
-The system demonstrator involved significant cross-platform transfer
-among various workstation and mainframe computing facilities.
-The results indicated that universal data exchange was well supported by
-<a name="subsequent"></a>
-<h3>Subsequent Development</h3>
-<a name="software"></a>
-Since the release of Version 1.0 of the CGNS software in May 1998,
-several improvements and extensions have been made to the SIDS, the File
-Mapping, and the Mid-Level Library.
-<li> Version 1.1, released in June 1999, added support for
-     unstructured grids, and for associating CAD geometric entities
-     with grid surfaces.<br><br>
-<li> Version 2.0, released in December 2000, added support for
-     moving and/or deforming grids, and for iterative/time-dependent
-     data.<br><br>
-<li> Version 2.1, released in May 2002, added support for
-     user-defined data arrays, chemistry, and linked nodes.<br><br>
-<li> Version 2.2, released in May 2003, added support for axisymmetry
-     information, rotating coordinates, special properties associated
-     with particular grid connectivity patches, such as periodicity or
-     averaging, special properties associated with particular boundary
-     condition patches, such as wall functions and bleed, and gravity.<br><br>
-<li> Version 2.3, released in Jan 2004, restored the capability to
-     specify a boundary condition patch using <tt>ElementRange</tt> or
-     <tt>ElementList</tt>.<br><br>
-<li> Version 2.4, released in Aug 2005, added support for describing
-     electric field, magnetic field, and conductivity models used
-     in electromagnetic flows, specification of units for electric
-     current, substance amount, and luminous intensity, more flexible
-     specification of boundary condition locations, and additional
-     user-defined data.
-     Also new in Version 2.4 is the ability to choose, at build time,
-     either ADF or <a href="http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/">HDF5</a>
-     <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> as the underlying
-     database manager.<br><br>
-<li> Version 2.5, released in Sep 2007, added Mid-Level Library
-     functions to check file validity, configure some internal CGNS
-     library options, and provide alternate ways to access a node.
-     Some changes were also made in the use of functions for partial
-     writes of coordinate, element, and solution data.
-     Support was also added for building the CGNS library as a DLL under
-     Windows.
-<li> Version 3.1, released in Jan 2011, added 64-bit capabilities, support
-     for both ADF and HDF5 concurrently, and the CGIO interface routines
-     to access these database managers in a generic fashion.
-A <a href="../../news.html">more detailed list of
-revisions</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> to the
-CGNS software is available at the CGNS web site.
-<a href="http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/">ICEM CFD</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> served as the
-focal point for CGNS software development through the release of Version
-2.0, plus the changes in Version 2.5, using internal company resources.
-New features in Version 2.1 and 2.4 were added by
-<a href="http://www.ilight.com/">Intelligent Light</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, with funding from NASA
-<a href="http://www.eagle.com/">Eagle Aeronautics</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, with additional
-participation by ICEM CFD, added the new features in Version 2.2, again
-with funding from NASA Langley.
-Support for HDF as the underlying database in Version 2.4 was added
-by personnel from <a href="http://www.onera.fr/english.php">ONERA</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, ICEM CFD, and the U. S.
-Air Force <a href="http://www.arnold.af.mil/">Arnold Engineering
-Development Center</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-<a name="management"></a>
-<h4>Management and Support</h4>
-In 1998 NASA announced that the Advanced Subsonic Technology program,
-which had funded the initial CGNS development, would end in September
-Several organizations interested in the continued development of CGNS
-met in May 1999 to discuss options.
-The decision was made to create the CGNS Steering Committee, a voluntary
-public forum made up of international representatives from government
-and private industry.
-The Steering Committee is responsible for coordinating the further
-development and dissemination of the CGNS standard and its supporting
-software and documentation.
-In Jan 2000, the CGNS Steering Committee became a Sub-committee of the
-<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=262">AIAA CFD
-Committee on Standards</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-Additional details about the mission and responsibilities of
-the Steering Committee, and its organization, are in the
-<a href="../charter/index.html">CGNS Steering Committee Charter</a>.
-The basic <a href="elements.html#documentation">CGNS documentation</a>
-has of course been updated to reflect the software changes described
-In addition, all the documentation has been converted to LaTeX (used
-to create PDF versions for printing), and to HTML (for interactive
-A new document, <a href="../user/index.html">A User's Guide to
-CGNS</a>, was made available in October 2001, and is very useful for
-new and prospective users of the Mid-Level Library.
-To encourage communication between CGNS users, a mailing list called
-CGNStalk was created in Oct 2000.
-<a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk/">Instructions for
-subscribing</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> are
-available at the CGNS web site.
-<a name="status"></a>
-<h3>Current Status</h3>
-Since the initial release of the Mid-Level Library in May 1998,
-interest in CGNS has continued to grow throughout the global CFD
-The system is being used by engineers and scientists in academia,
-industry, and government.
-By January 2002, 591 users from more than 25 countries had formally
-registered at the CGNS web site.
-As of September 2007, the CGNStalk mailing list had 224 participants
-from 20 different countries and at least 79 different organizations.
-<a name="software_current"></a>
-The current "production" release of CGNS is Version 3.1, released in
-January 2011.
-Several extensions to CGNS have been formally proposed.
-Documentation supporting these extensions, and information on their
-current status, is available via the
-"<a href="../../Proposals.html">Proposals for
-Extensions</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">" link at
-the <a href="http://www.cgns.org/">CGNS web site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-<a name="standards"></a>
-Between 1999 and 2002, an effort was spearheaded by Boeing to establish
-an ISO-STEP standard for the representation, storage, and exchange of
-digital data in fluid dynamics based on the CGNS standard.
-Unfortunately, the effort had to be curtailed because of budget
-It was subsequently decided that an existing ISO standard on finite
-element solid mechanics would be rewritten and submitted to include CGNS
-as well as an integrated engineering analysis framework.
-As part of its role as a sub-committee of the AIAA CFD Committee
-on Standards, the CGNS Steering Committee is also involved in the
-development of the AIAA Recommended Practice for the storage of CFD
-The Recommended Practice consists of the CGNS Standard Interface
-Data Structures (SIDS) document, reformatted to conform to AIAA's
-The current AIAA Recommended Practice (corresponding to CGNS Version
-2.4) is available at the
-<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=363&id=1657">AIAA
-Online Store</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, and as a
-<a href="../sids/aiaa/R_101A_2005.pdf">PDF file</a> (1.01M, 200 pages)
-at the CGNS Documentation web site.
-<a name="contributions"></a>
-<h3>Noteworthy Contributions</h3>
-The entire CGNS team deserves credit for its accomplishments.
-The project might easily be cited as a prime example of effective
-voluntary cooperation between government and industry.
-Every member has contributed ideas, enthusiasm, and improvements, and
-enabled us to represent a cross-section of knowledge and practice from
-the CFD community.
-It would not be practical to outline each member's contributions to a
-project of this complexity.
-Nevertheless, it is appropriate to note the contributions of a few
-individuals who dedicated special effort during the crucial stages
-leading to the initial release of CGNS in May 1998.
-<li> Steve Allmaras conceived, pursued, and completed the SIDS and
-     developed the language in which it is written.<br><br>
-<li> Tom Dickens, Matt Smith, and Wayne Jones designed the ADF Core.<br><br>
-<li> Tom Dickens wrote the ADF Core.<br><br>
-<li> Dan Owen maintained and tuned the ADF Core after Tom left the
-     group.<br><br>
-<li> Chuck Keagle designed and executed stringent testing procedures
-     for the ADF Core; that is to say, he did everything he could think
-     of to break it.<br><br>
-<li> Diane Poirier designed and wrote the CGNS Mid-Level Library and
-     drafted the original proposals for unstructured grid.
-     She and Alan Magnuson drafted the proposals for CAD-to-geometry
-     specifications.<br><br>
-<li> Gary Shurtleff wrote the TLNS3D and NPARC prototypes and provided
-     us with what was, for a long time, the only examples of working
-     CGNS software.<br><br>
-<li> Chris Rumsey served as liaison with NASA Langley, responding in
-     detail to requests for criticism and improvements and testing the
-     system by writing the CFL3D prototype.<br><br>
-<li> Cetin Kiris converted the OVERFLOW code to CGNS, twice.<br><br>
-<li> Wayne Jones tested our abstractions with real code, which found
-     its way into the ADF Mid-Level Library and the CGNS Toolkit.<br><br>
-<li> Matt Smith wrote much of the File Mapping and ADF Core documents
-     and, with knowledge of both CFD and software design, brought good
-     sense to bear on proposals that needed it.<br><br>
-<li> Ray Cosner's retrospective vantage point made him a reliable
-     supporter who was often able to move things forward when progress
-     slowed.<br><br>
-<li> Susan Jacob supplied initial guidance as a Productivity+ coach and
-     got us all moving in (more or less) the same direction.<br><br>
-<li> Doug McCarthy led the project to completion.<br><br>
-<li> Shay Gould made the documentation intelligible and presentable.
-And, a particularly special mention:
-<li> Ben Paul secured the initial funding and shepherded the project
-     through the early phases of the contract.
-     We will never forget the many meetings Ben held to make sure that
-     he thought that he knew that we thought that we knew what we needed
-     to do, and that we were doing it.
-     His patience and good-natured perseverance could not have been
-     replaced.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="purpose.html"><b>Purpose&nbsp;and&nbsp;Scope</b></a>)
-(<a href="description.html"><b>General&nbsp;Description</b></a>)
-(<a href="elements.html"><b>Elements&nbsp;and&nbsp;Documentation</b></a>)
-(<a href="applications.html"><b>Applications&nbsp;Software</b></a>)
-(<a href="acquiring.html"><b>Acquiring&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="history.html"><b>History&nbsp;and&nbsp;Current&nbsp;Status</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This document describes the structure of
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org/">CGNS (CFD General Notation
-System)</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, its
-software, and its documentation.
-The Overview, which was written primarily for new and prospective users
-of CGNS, (1) introduces terminology, (2) identifies the elements of the
-system and their relationships, and (3) describes the various documents
-that elaborate the details.
-Reading the material on the <a href="purpose.html">purpose</a> and
-<a href="description.html">general description</a> of CGNS should help
-users determine whether CGNS will meet their needs.
-Those wanting a bit more detail should read the section describing
-the various <a href="elements.html">elements of CGNS</a>.
-For those interested only in understanding the scope and capabilities of
-CGNS, or for the end user unconcerned with the internal workings of the
-system, the Overview may prove sufficient documentation by itself.
-The Overview also includes certain information that is current as of the
-document date but which may change with time.
-All information on CGNS compatible <a href="applications.html">"applications"
-software</a> (i.e., external programs such as grid generators, flow
-codes, or postprocessors) is of this type.
-Also subject to change is the information on the
-<a href="acquiring.html">acquisition of the software and
-documentation</a>, and the <a href="history.html#status">current status
-of CGNS</a>.
-<li> <a href="purpose.html">Purpose and Scope</a>
-<li> <a href="description.html">General Description</a>
-<li> <a href="elements.html">Elements and Documentation</a>
-<li> <a href="applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-<li> <a href="acquiring.html">Acquiring CGNS</a>
-<li> <a href="history.html">History and Current Status</a>
-The complete <a href="overview.tar.gz">Overview and Entry-Level Document
-in HTML form</a> is also available for installation on a local
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (24K, 92K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
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-<h2>Purpose and Scope</h2>
-The general purpose of CGNS is to provide a standard for recording and
-recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the
-equations of fluid dynamics.
-CGNS consists of a collection of conventions, and software implementing
-those conventions, for the storage and retrieval of CFD (Computational
-Fluid Dynamics) data.
-The system consists of two parts: (1) a standard format for recording
-the data, and (2) software that reads, writes, and modifies data in that
-The format is a conceptual entity established by the documentation, and
-is intended to be general, portable, expandable, and durable.
-The software is a physical product supplied to enable developers to
-access and produce data recorded in that format.
-All CGNS software is completely free and open to anyone. 
-The CGNS standard, applied through the use of the supplied software, is
-intended to:
-<li> facilitate the exchange of CFD data
-   <ul>
-   <li> between sites
-   <li> between applications codes
-   <li> across computing platforms
-   </ul>
-<li> stabilize the archiving of CFD data
-The principal target of CGNS is data normally associated with
-compressible viscous flow (i.e., the Navier-Stokes equations), but the
-standard is also applicable to subclasses such as Euler and potential
-The CGNS standard addresses the following types of data.
-<li> Structured, unstructured, and hybrid grids
-<li> Flow solution data, which may be nodal, cell-centered,
-     face-centered, or edge-centered
-<li> Multizone interface connectivity, both abutting and overset
-<li> Boundary conditions
-<li> Flow equation descriptions, including the equation of state,
-     viscosity and thermal conductivity models, turbulence models,
-     and multi-species chemistry models
-<li> Time-dependent flow, including moving and deforming grids
-<li> Dimensional units and nondimensionalization information
-<li> Reference states
-<li> Convergence history
-<li> Association to CAD geometry definitions
-Much of the standard and the software is applicable to computational
-field physics in general.
-Disciplines other than fluid dynamics would need to augment the data
-definitions and storage conventions, but the fundamental database
-software, which provides platform independence, is not specific to fluid
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-Last updated 13 Mar 2002
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-(<span class=nav><b>Example&nbsp;Programs</b></span>)
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-The following examples create a 4x4x4 cube of hexahedral elements
-using parallel data output. A cell-centered solution field and a
-data array under a user-defined node are also created. Each process
-writes a subset of the total data based on it's rank and the number
-of processes.
-<li> <a href="#Fortran">Fortran Example</a>
-<li> <a href="#C">C Example</a>
-<a name="Fortran"></a>
-<h3>Fortran Example</h3>
-      program fexample
-#ifdef WINNT
-      include 'cgnswin_f.h'
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-      include 'mpif.h'
-      integer nperside, totnodes, totelems
-      parameter (nperside = 5)
-      parameter (totnodes=nperside*nperside*nperside)
-      parameter (totelems=(nperside-1)*(nperside-1)*(nperside-1))
-      integer commsize, commrank, ierr
-      integer i, j, k, n, nn, ne
-      integer F, B, Z, E, S, Fs, Cx, Cy, Cz, A
-      integer nnodes, nelems
-      integer sizes(3), start, end
-      real*4 fx(totnodes), fy(totnodes), fz(totnodes), fd(totelems)
-      integer ie(8*totelems)
-c---- initialize MPI
-      call MPI_INIT(ierr)
-      call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, commsize, ierr)
-      call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, commrank, ierr)
-c---- open file and create base and zone
-      sizes(1) = totnodes
-      sizes(2) = totelems
-      sizes(3) = 0
-c---- default is MPI_COMM_WORLD, but can set another
-c     communicator with this
-c     call cgp_mpi_comm_f(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
-      call cgp_open_f('fexample.cgns', CG_MODE_WRITE, F, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cg_base_write_f(F, 'Base', 3, 3, B, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cg_zone_write_f(F, B, 'Zone', sizes, Unstructured, Z, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- print info
-      if (commrank .eq. 0) then
-        print *, 'writing',totnodes,' coordinates and', totelems,
-     &           ' hex elements to fexample.cgns'
-      endif
-c---- create data nodes for coordinates
-      call cgp_coord_write_f(F, B, Z, RealSingle, 'CoordinateX',
-     &                       Cx, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cgp_coord_write_f(F, B, Z, RealSingle, 'CoordinateY',
-     &                       Cy, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cgp_coord_write_f(F, B, Z, RealSingle, 'CoordinateZ',
-     &                       Cz, ierr)
-c---- number of nodes and range this process will write
-      nnodes = (totnodes + commsize - 1) / commsize
-      start  = nnodes * commrank + 1
-      end    = nnodes * (commrank + 1)
-      if (end .gt. totnodes) end = totnodes
-c---- create the coordinate data for this process
-      nn = 1
-      n  = 1
-      do k=1,nperside
-        do j=1,nperside
-          do i=1,nperside
-            if (n .ge. start .and. n .le. end) then
-              fx(nn) = i
-              fy(nn) = j
-              fz(nn) = k
-              nn = nn + 1
-            endif
-            n = n + 1
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-c---- write the coordinate data in parallel
-      call cgp_coord_write_data_f(F, B, Z, Cx, start, end, fx, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cgp_coord_write_data_f(F, B, Z, Cy, start, end, fy, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cgp_coord_write_data_f(F, B, Z, Cz, start, end, fz, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- create data node for elements
-      call cgp_section_write_f(F, B, Z, 'Hex', HEXA_8, 1, totelems,
-     &                         0, E, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- number of elements and range this process will write
-      nelems = (totelems + commsize - 1) / commsize
-      start  = nelems * commrank + 1
-      end    = nelems * (commrank + 1)
-      if (end .gt. totelems) end = totelems
-c---- create the hex element data for this process
-      nn = 0
-      n  = 1
-      do k=1,nperside-1
-        do j=1,nperside-1
-          do i=1,nperside-1
-            if (n .ge. start .and. n .le. end) then
-              ne = i + nperside*((j-1)+nperside*(k-1))
-              ie(nn+1) = ne
-              ie(nn+2) = ne + 1
-              ie(nn+3) = ne + 1 + nperside
-              ie(nn+4) = ne + nperside
-              ne = ne + nperside*nperside
-              ie(nn+5) = ne
-              ie(nn+6) = ne + 1
-              ie(nn+7) = ne + 1 + nperside
-              ie(nn+8) = ne + nperside
-              nn = nn + 8
-            endif
-            n = n + 1
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-c---- write the element connectivity in parallel
-      call cgp_elements_write_data_f(F, B, Z, E, start, end, ie, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- create a centered solution
-      call cg_sol_write_f(F, B, Z, 'Solution', CellCenter, S, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cgp_field_write_f(F, B, Z, S, RealSingle, 'CellIndex',
-     &                       Fs, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- create the field data for this process
-      nn = 1
-      do n=1, totelems
-        if (n .ge. start .and. n .le. end) then
-          fd(nn) = n
-          nn = nn + 1
-        endif
-      enddo
-c---- write the solution field data in parallel
-      call cgp_field_write_data_f(F, B, Z, S, Fs, start, end, fd, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- create user data under the zone and duplicate solution data
-      call cg_goto_f(F, B, ierr, 'Zone_t', 1, 'end')
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cg_user_data_write_f('User Data', ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cg_gorel_f(F, ierr, 'User Data', 0, 'end')
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call cgp_array_write_f('CellIndex', RealSingle, 1, totelems,
-     &                       A, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- write the array data in parallel
-      call cgp_array_write_data_f(A, start, end, fd, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-c---- close the file and terminate MPI
-      call cgp_close_f(F, ierr)
-      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
-      call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
-      end
-<a name="C"></a>
-<h3>C Example</h3>
-#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
-#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
-#include "pcgnslib.h"
-#include "mpi.h"
-#define NODES_PER_SIDE 5
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    int comm_size, comm_rank;
-    int tot_nnodes, tot_nelems, nnodes, nelems;
-    int F, B, Z, E, S, Fs, A, Cx, Cy, Cz;
-    int i, j, k, n, nn, ne;
-    float *x, *y, *z, *d;
-    cgsize_t sizes[3], *e, start, end, ncells;
-    static char *outfile = "cexample.cgns";
-    /* initialize MPI */
-    MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
-    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size);
-    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_rank);
-    /* total number of nodes and hex elements */
-    tot_nelems = (NODES_PER_SIDE-1) * (NODES_PER_SIDE-1) * (NODES_PER_SIDE-1);
-    /* open the file and create base and zone */
-    sizes[0] = tot_nnodes;
-    sizes[1] = tot_nelems;
-    sizes[2] = 0;
-    /* the default here is to use MPI_COMM_WORLD,
-       but this allows assigning of another communicator
-    cgp_mpi_comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD); */
-    if (cgp_open(outfile, CG_MODE_WRITE, &F) ||
-        cg_base_write(F, "Base", 3, 3, &B) ||
-        cg_zone_write(F, B, "Zone", sizes, Unstructured, &Z))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* print info */
-    if (comm_rank == 0) {
-        printf("writing %d coordinates and %d hex elements to %s\n",
-            tot_nnodes, tot_nelems, outfile);
-    }
-    /* create data nodes for coordinates */
-    if (cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateX", &Cx) ||
-        cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateY", &Cy) ||
-        cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateZ", &Cz))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* number of nodes and range this process will write */
-    nnodes = (tot_nnodes + comm_size - 1) / comm_size;
-    start  = nnodes * comm_rank + 1;
-    end    = nnodes * (comm_rank + 1);
-    if (end &gt; tot_nnodes) end = tot_nnodes;
-    /* create the coordinate data for this process */
-    x = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
-    y = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
-    z = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
-    nn = 0;
-    for (n = 1, k = 0; k &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; k++) {
-        for (j = 0; j &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; j++) {
-            for (i = 0; i &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; i++, n++) {
-                if (n &gt;= start && n &lt;= end) {
-                    x[nn] = (float)i;
-                    y[nn] = (float)j;
-                    z[nn] = (float)k;
-                    nn++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* write the coordinate data in parallel */
-    if (cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cx, &start, &end, x) ||
-        cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cy, &start, &end, y) ||
-        cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cz, &start, &end, z))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* create data node for elements */
-    if (cgp_section_write(F, B, Z, "Hex", HEXA_8, 1, tot_nelems, 0, &E))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* number of elements and range this process will write */
-    nelems = (tot_nelems + comm_size - 1) / comm_size;
-    start  = nelems * comm_rank + 1;
-    end    = nelems * (comm_rank + 1);
-    if (end &gt; tot_nelems) end = tot_nelems;
-    /* create the hex element data for this process */
-    e = (cgsize_t *)malloc(8 * nelems * sizeof(cgsize_t));
-    nn = 0;
-    for (n = 1, k = 1; k &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; k++) {
-        for (j = 1; j &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; j++) {
-            for (i = 1; i &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; i++, n++) {
-                if (n &gt;= start && n &lt;= end) {
-                    ne = i + NODES_PER_SIDE*((j-1)+NODES_PER_SIDE*(k-1));
-                    e[nn++] = ne;
-                    e[nn++] = ne + 1;
-                    e[nn++] = ne + 1 + NODES_PER_SIDE;
-                    e[nn++] = ne + NODES_PER_SIDE;
-                    ne += NODES_PER_SIDE * NODES_PER_SIDE;
-                    e[nn++] = ne;
-                    e[nn++] = ne + 1;
-                    e[nn++] = ne + 1 + NODES_PER_SIDE;
-                    e[nn++] = ne + NODES_PER_SIDE;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* write the element connectivity in parallel */
-    if (cgp_elements_write_data(F, B, Z, E, start, end, e))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* create a centered solution */
-    if (cg_sol_write(F, B, Z, "Solution", CellCenter, &S) ||
-        cgp_field_write(F, B, Z, S, RealSingle, "CellIndex", &Fs))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* create the field data for this process */
-    d = (float *)malloc(nelems * sizeof(float));
-    nn = 0;
-    for (n = 1; n &lt;= tot_nelems; n++) {
-        if (n &gt;= start && n &lt;= end) {
-            d[nn] = (float)n;
-            nn++;
-        }
-    }
-    /* write the solution field data in parallel */
-    if (cgp_field_write_data(F, B, Z, S, Fs, &start, &end, d))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* create user data under the zone and duplicate solution data */
-    ncells = tot_nelems;
-    if (cg_goto(F, B, "Zone_t", 1, NULL) ||
-        cg_user_data_write("User Data") ||
-        cg_gorel(F, "User Data", 0, NULL) ||
-        cgp_array_write("CellIndex", RealSingle, 1, &ncells, &A))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* write the array data in parallel */
-    if (cgp_array_write_data(A, &start, &end, d))
-        cgp_error_exit();
-    /* close the file and terminate MPI */
-    cgp_close(F);    
-    MPI_Finalize();
-    return 0;
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-Last updated 06 July 2013
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>General Remarks</h2>
-The Parallel CGNS library, or PCGNS, is built on top of the collective
-I/O support in HDF5 using MPI-IO. PCGNS provides specialized routines
-to open and close a file for parallel I/O and read and write grid
-coordinates, element data, solution data, and general arrays in a
-collective fashion. The PCGNS functions
-are prefixed with <em>cgp_</em>, and documented in
-<a href="library.html">The PCGNS Software Library</a>.
-All additional accesses to the data use the standard Mid-Level Library (MLL)
-functions. A typical use of the PCGNS routines in a parallel I/O program
-would be:
-cgp_open              --- open file for parallel I/O
-cg_base_write         --- create base and zone using MLL
-cgp_coord_write       --- create coordinate dataset for parallel I/O
-cgp_coord_write_data  --- write the coordinates collectively
-cgp_close             --- close the file
-An example Fortran and C program are given in
-<a href="examples.html">Example Programs</a>.
-A detailed discussion on the implementation may be found in the PDF paper
-<a href="../papers/AnEfficientAndFlexibleIParallelIOImplementationForTheCFDGeneralNotationSystem.pdf">
-"An Efficient and Flexible Parallel I/O implementation for the CFD General
-Notation System"</a> by Horne, Bensen, and Hauser.
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-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This document describes the use of parallel input/output within
-the CGNS library, and the associated routines. It utilizies
-<a href="http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/PHDF5/">MPI-IO
-within the context of HDF5</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-to do the IO, and thus the CGNS library must be built with this support.
-<li> <a href="general.html">General Remarks</a>
-<li> <a href="library.html">The PCGNS Software Library</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#misc">Miscellaneous</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#file">File Operations</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#coord">Coordinate Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#element">Element Connectivity Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#solution">Solution Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="library.html#array">Array Data</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="examples.html">Example Programs</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="examples.html#Fortran">Fortran Example</a>
-     <li> <a href="examples.html#C">C Example</a>
-     </ul>
-The complete <a href="pcgns.tar.gz">Parallel CGNS User's Guide document
-in HTML form</a> is also available for installation on a local system.
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (50K, 378K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c pcgns.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>pcgns</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>pcgns/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>Parallel CGNS User's Guide</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Parallel CGNS Routines</h2>
-<li> <a href="#misc">Miscellaneous Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_mpi_comm</b></tt> - Set the MPI communicator
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_mpi_info</b></tt> - Set the MPI info object
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_pio_mode</b></tt> - Set the parallel IO mode
-     <li> <tt><b><font color="red">BINDING DEPRECATED, Deprecated since CGNS-3.3.0 </font></b></tt><strike><tt><b> cgp_queue_set</b></tt> - Enable/Disable queued output </strike>
-     <li> <tt><b><font color="red">BINDING DEPRECATED, Deprecated since CGNS-3.3.0 </font></b></tt><strike><tt><b> cgp_queue_flush</b></tt> - Flush the output queue </strike>
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_error_exit</b></tt> - Exit with error message
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#file">File Operations</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_open</b></tt> - Open a file for parallel IO
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_close</b></tt> - Close a file
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#coord">Grid Coordinate Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_coord_write</b></tt> - Create a coordinate data node
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_coord_write_data</b></tt> - Write coordinate data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_coord_general_write_data</b></tt> - Write shaped array to a subset of grid coordinates in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_coord_read_data</b></tt> - Read coordinate data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_coord_general_read_data</b></tt> - Read subset of grid coordinates to a shaped array in parallel
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#element">Element Connectivity Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_section_write</b></tt> - Create a section data node
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_poly_section_write</b></tt> - Create a section data node
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_elements_write_data</b></tt> - Write element data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_poly_elements_write_data</b></tt> - Write element data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_elements_read_data</b></tt> - Read element data in parallel
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#solution">Solution Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_field_write</b></tt> - Create a solution field data node
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_field_write_data</b></tt> - Write field data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_field_general_write_data</b></tt> - Write shaped array to a subset of flow solution field in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_field_read_data</b></tt> - Read field data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_field_general_read_data</b></tt> - Read subset of flow solution field to a shaped array in parallel
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#array">Array Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_array_write</b></tt> - Create an array data node
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_array_write_data</b></tt> - Write array data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_array_general_write_data</b></tt> - Write shaped array to a subset of data array in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_array_read_data</b></tt> - Read array data in parallel
-     <li> <tt><b>cgp_array_general_read_data</b></tt> - Read subset of data array to a shaped array in parallel
-     </ul>
-<a name="misc"></a>
-<h3>Miscellaneous Routines</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_mpi_comm(<span class=in>int mpicomm</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt><tr>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_mpi_info(<span class=in>MPI_Info info</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_pio_mode(<span class=in>PIOmode_t mode</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><font color="red">BINDING DEPRECATED, Deprecated since CGNS-3.3.0 </font></b></tt><strike><tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_queue_set(<span class=in>int use_queue</span>);</b></tt></strike>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><font color="red">BINDING DEPRECATED, Deprecated since CGNS-3.3.0 </font></b></tt><strike><tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_queue_flush();</b></tt></strike>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>void cgp_error_exit();</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgp_mpi_comm_f(<span class=in>mpicomm</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgp_mpi_info_f(<span class=in>info</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgp_pio_mode_f(<span class=in>mode</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><font color="red">BINDING DEPRECATED, Deprecated since CGNS-3.3.0 </font></b></tt><strike><tt><b>call cgp_queue_set_f(<span class=in>use_queue</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt></strike>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><font color="red">BINDING DEPRECATED, Deprecated since CGNS-3.3.0 </font></b></tt><strike><tt><b>call cgp_queue_flush_f(<span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt></strike>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgp_error_exit_f()</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<br><font size="1">(Note that for Fortran calls, all integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode. See
-<a href="../midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.)</font>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>mpicomm</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>The MPI communicator to be used by the CGNS library.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>mode</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Parallel input/output mode.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt><strike>use_queue</strike></tt><td>
-   <td><strike>enable or disables queued output.</strike>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The routine <tt>cgp_mpi_comm</tt> sets the MPI communicator for parallel
-operations by the CGNS library. The default value is <tt>MPI_COMM_WORLD</tt>.
-The routine <tt>cgp_mpi_info</tt> passes the MPI info object for parallel
-operations to the CGNS library. Notes for Fortran: the data type for <tt>info</tt>
-is an INTEGER.
-The routine <tt>cgp_pio_mode</tt> sets the mode for parallel
-data reads and writes. The default value is <tt>CGP_COLLECTIVE</tt>,
-which allows any number of processes to access the data. When set
-to <tt>CGP_COLLECTIVE</tt>, all processes must access the data.
-<strike>If <tt>cgp_queue_set</tt> is called with a non-zero argument, then
-output data will not be written to the file, but rather stored in
-a queue. The queued data will then be written out when
-<tt>cgp_queue_flush</tt> is called.
-<b>Note:</b> The data array to
-be written is NOT duplicated in the queue. Rather a pointer to
-the data is stored. Thus, the data must be persistent within
-the user's program until <tt>cgp_queue_flush</tt> is called.</strike>
-The routine <tt>cgp_error_exit</tt> is similar to
-<a href="../midlevel/error.html"><tt>cg_error_exit</tt></a> in that
-the process will exit with an error message. However, it will also
-print the process rank, and call MPI_Abort with an exit code of 1.
-<a name="file"></a>
-<h3>File Operations</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_open(<span class=in>char *filename</span>, <span class=in>int mode</span>, <span class=out><i>int *fn</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_close(<span class=in>int fn</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgp_open_f(<span class=in>filename</span>, <span class=in>mode</span>, <span class=out><i>fn</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgp_close_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<br><font size="1">(Note that for Fortran calls, all integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode. See
-<a href="../midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.)</font>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>filename</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Name of the CGNS file, including path name if necessary.
-       There is no limit on the length of this character variable.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mode</tt><td>
-   <td>Mode used for opening the file.
-       The modes currently supported are <tt>CG_MODE_READ</tt>,
-       <tt>CG_MODE_WRITE</tt>, and <tt>CG_MODE_MODIFY</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The routines <tt>cgp_open</tt> and <tt>cgp_close</tt> are similar
-to <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html#openclose"><tt>cg_open</tt></a>
-and <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html#openclose"><tt>cg_close</tt></a>,
-and call those routines. The differences are that <tt>cgp_open</tt>
-explicitly sets an internal CGNS flag to indicate parallel access.
-<a name="coord"></a>
-<h3>Grid Coordinate Data</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_coord_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *coordname</span>, <span class=out><i>int *C</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_coord_write_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int C</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=in>void *coord_array</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_coord_general_write_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int C</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>void *coord_array</span>);</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_coord_read_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int C</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>void *coord_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_coord_general_read_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int C</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *coord_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_coord_write_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>coordname</span>, <span class=out><i>C</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_coord_write_data_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>C</span>, <span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>coord_array</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_coord_read_data_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>C</span>, <span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>coord_array</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<br><font size="1">(Note that for Fortran calls, all integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode. See
-<a href="../midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.)</font>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>C</tt><td>
-   <td>Coordinate array index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>C</tt> &le; <tt>ncoords</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of the coordinate array written to the file.
-       Admissible data types for a coordinate array are <tt>RealSingle</tt>
-       and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>coordname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the coordinate array.
-       It is strongly advised to use the
-       <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_grid">SIDS nomenclature
-       conventions</a> when naming the coordinate arrays to insure file
-       compatibility.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in file (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in file (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of an array in memory.
-       Admissible data types for a coordinate array are <tt>RealSingle</tt>
-       and <tt>RealDouble</tt>..
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_dimensions</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in memory (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in memory (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>coord_array</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of coordinate values for the range prescribed.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are used to read and write grid coordinate data
-by multiple processes in a parallel fashion. To write the data in
-parallel, first call <tt>cgp_coord_write</tt> to create an empty
-data node. This call is identical to
-<a href="../midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates"><tt>cg_coord_write</tt></a>
-with <tt>coord_array</tt> set to <tt>NULL</tt> (no data written). The
-actual data is then written to the node in parallel using either
-<tt>cgp_coord_write_data</tt> or <tt>cgp_coord_general_write_data</tt>
-where <tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> specify the subset of
-coordinate data to be written by a given process.
-The routines <tt>cgp_coord_read_data</tt> and
-<tt>cgp_coord_general_read_data</tt> perform
-the same function for reading the coordinate data in parallel.
-<b>Note:</b> The routines <tt>cgp_coord_general_write_data</tt> and
-<tt>cgp_coord_general_read_data</tt> perform data conversions if
-<tt>datatype</tt> is different from <tt>mem_datatype</tt>.  For other routines,
-it is the responsibility of the application to ensure that the data type for the
-coordinate data matches that as defined in the file; no conversions are done.
-<a name="element"></a>
-<h3>Element Connectivity Data</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_section_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>ElementType_t type</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=in>int nbndry</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_poly_section_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>char *ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>ElementType_t type</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t end</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t MaxOffset</span>, <span class=in>int nbndry</span>, <span class=out><i>int *S</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_elements_write_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="cgin">cgsize_t start</span>, <span class="cgin">cgsize_t end</span>, <span class="cgin">cgsize_t *Elements</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_poly_elements_write_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="cgin">cgsize_t start</span>, <span class="cgin">cgsize_t end</span>, <span class="cgin">cgsize_t *Elements</span>, <span class="cgin">cgsize_t *Offsets</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_elements_read_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="cgin">cgsize_t start</span>, <span class="cgin">cgsize_t end</span>, <span class="cgout"><i>cgsize_t *Elements</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call cgp_section_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>ElementSectionName</span>, <span class=in>type</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>start</span>, <span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>nbndry</span>, <span class=out><i>S</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)<br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_elements_write_data_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class="in">start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>end</span>, <span class=in>Elements</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)<br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_elements_read_data_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class="in">start</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>end</span>, <span class=out><i>Elements</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)<br>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<br><font size="1">(Note that for Fortran calls, all integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode. See
-<a href="../midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.)</font>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ElementSectionName</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>Elements_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>type</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of element.
-       See the eligible types for <tt>ElementType_t</tt> in the
-       <a href="../midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a> section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>start</tt><td>
-   <td>Index of first element in the section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>end</tt><td>
-   <td>Index of last element in the section.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>nbndry</tt><td>
-   <td>Index of last boundary element in the section.
-       Set to zero if the elements are unsorted.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>S</tt><td>
-   <td>Element section index, where
-       1 &le; <tt>S</tt> &le; <tt>nsections</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Elements</tt><td>
-   <td>Element connectivity data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Offsets</tt><td>
-   <td>Element connectivity offsets data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>MaxOffset</tt><td>
-   <td>Maximum data size that should be reserved for Element connectivity data.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-<b>Note:</b> These routines only work for constant sized elements, since
-it is not possible to compute file offsets for variable sized elements
-without knowledge of the entire element connectivity data.
-The above functions are used to read and write element connectivity data
-by multiple processes in a parallel fashion. To write the element data in
-parallel, first call <tt>cgp_section_write</tt> to create an empty
-data node. This call is identical to
-<a href="../midlevel/grid.html#elements"><tt>cg_section_write</tt></a>
-with <tt>Elements</tt> set to <tt>NULL</tt> (no data written). The
-actual element data is then written to the node in parallel using
-<tt>cgp_element_write_data</tt> where <tt>start</tt> and
-<tt>end</tt> specify the range of the elements to be written
-by a given process. The routine <tt>cgp_element_read_data</tt> performs
-the same function for reading the solution data in parallel.
-<b>Note:</b> It is the responsibility of the application to ensure
-that <tt>cgsize_t</tt> in the application is the same size as that
-defined in the file; no conversions are done.
-<a name="solution"></a>
-<h3>Solution Data</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_field_write(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>, <span class=in>char *fieldname</span>, <span class=out><i>int *F</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_field_write_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>int F</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=in>void *solution_array</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_field_general_write_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>int F</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>void *solution_array</span>);</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_field_read_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>int F</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>void *solution_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_field_general_read_data(<span class=in>int fn</span>, <span class=in>int B</span>, <span class=in>int Z</span>, <span class=in>int S</span>, <span class=in>int F</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *solution_array</i></span>);</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-       <tt><b>call cgp_field_write_f(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>fieldname</span>, <span class=out><i>F</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_field_write_data_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>F</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>solution_array</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_field_read_data_f</span>(<span class=in>fn</span>, <span class=in>B</span>, <span class=in>Z</span>, <span class=in>S</span>, <span class=in>F</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>solution_array</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<br><font size="1">(Note that for Fortran calls, all integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode. See
-<a href="../midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.)</font>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>fn</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>CGNS file index number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>B</tt><td>
-   <td>Base index number, where 1 &le; <tt>B</tt> &le; <tt>nbases</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Z</tt><td>
-   <td>Zone index number, where 1 &le; <tt>Z</tt> &le; <tt>nzones</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>S</tt><td>
-   <td>Flow solution index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>S</tt> &le; <tt>nsols</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F</tt><td>
-   <td>Solution array index number, where
-       1 &le; <tt>F</tt> &le; <tt>nfields</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of the solution array written to the file.
-       Admissible data types for a solution array are <tt>Integer</tt>,
-       <tt>LongInteger</tt>, <tt>RealSingle</tt>, and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>fieldname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the solution array.
-       It is strongly advised to use the
-       <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">SIDS nomenclature
-       conventions</a> when naming the solution arrays to insure file
-       compatibility.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in file (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in file (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Data type of an array in memory.
-       Admissible data types for a solution array are <tt>Integer</tt>,
-       <tt>LongInteger</tt>, <tt>RealSingle</tt>, and <tt>RealDouble</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_dimensions</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in memory (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in memory (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>solution_array</tt><td>
-   <td>Array of solution values for the range prescribed.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are used to read and write solution arrays
-by multiple processes in a parallel fashion. To write the data in
-parallel, first call <tt>cgp_field_write</tt> to create an empty
-data node. This call is identical to
-<a href="../midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution_array"><tt>cg_field_write</tt></a>
-with <tt>solution_array</tt> set to <tt>NULL</tt> (no data written). The
-actual data is then written to the node in parallel using either
-<tt>cgp_field_write_data</tt> or <tt>cgp_field_general_write_data</tt>
-where <tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> specify the subset of
-the solution data to be written by a given process.
-The routines <tt>cgp_field_read_data</tt> and
-<tt>cgp_field_general_read_data</tt> perform
-the same function for reading the solution data in parallel.
-<b>Note:</b> The routines <tt>cgp_field_general_write_data</tt> and
-<tt>cgp_field_general_read_data</tt> perform data conversions if
-<tt>datatype</tt> is different from <tt>mem_datatype</tt>.  For other routines,
-it is the responsibility of the application to ensure that the data type for the
-solution data matches that as defined in the file; no conversions are done.
-<a name="array"></a>
-<h3>Array Data</h3>
-<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border rules=groups
-       bgcolor="#f5f5f0">
-<colgroup width=90%>
-<tr><th align=left scope=col width=90%>Functions
-    <th scope=col>Modes
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_array_write(<span class=in>char *arrayname</span>, <span class=in>DataType_t datatype</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>int rank</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *dimensions</span>, <span class=out><i>int *A</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_array_write_data(<span class=in>int A</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_array_general_write_data(<span class=in>int A</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>void *data</span>);</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_array_read_data(<span class=in>int A</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=cgin>cgsize_t *range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b><span class=out><i>ier</i></span> = cgp_array_general_read_data(<span class=in>int A</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *range_max</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>DataType_t mem_datatype</span>, <span class=in>int mem_rank</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_dimensions</span>,<br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_min</span>, <span class=in>cgsize_t *mem_range_max</span>,</br>
-               &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=out><i>void *data</i></span>);</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_array_write_f</span>(<span class=in>arrayname</span>, <span class=in>datatype</span>, <span class=in>rank</span>, <span class=in>dimensions</span>, <span class=out><i>A</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_array_write_data_f</span>(<span class=in>A</span>, <span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=in>data</span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>-&nbsp;w&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<tr><td nowrap>
-        <tt><b>call <span class=cgf>cgp_array_read_data_f</span>(<span class=in>A</span>, <span class=in>range_min</span>, <span class=in>range_max</span>, <span class=out><i>data</i></span>, <span class=out><i>ier</i></span>)</b></tt>
-    <td align=center valign=baseline>
-        <tt><b>r&nbsp;-&nbsp;m</b></tt>
-<b><span class=in>Input</span>/<span class=out><i>Output</i></span></b>
-<br><font size="1">(Note that for Fortran calls, all integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode. See
-<a href="../midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.)</font>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 noborder>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>A</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Data array index, where 1 &le; <tt>A</tt> &le; <tt>narrays</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>arrayname</tt><td>
-   <td>Name of the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>Type of data held in the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node.
-       The admissible types are <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>LongInteger</tt>,
-       <tt>RealSingle</tt>, <tt>RealDouble</tt>, and <tt>Character</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>dimensions</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensions of array in file.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in file (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in file (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_datatype</tt><td>
-   <td>The type of data held in memory.
-       The admissible types are <tt>Integer</tt>, <tt>LongInteger</tt>,
-       <tt>RealSingle</tt>, <tt>RealDouble</tt>, and <tt>Character</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_rank</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_dimensions</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensions of array in memory.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_min</tt><td>
-   <td>Lower range index in memory (eg., <tt>imin, jmin, kmin</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>mem_range_max</tt><td>
-   <td>Upper range index in memory (eg., <tt>imax, jmax, kmax</tt>).
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>data</tt><td>
-   <td>The data array.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>ier</tt><td>
-   <td>Error status.
-The above functions are used to read and write data arrays
-by multiple processes in a parallel fashion. To write the data in
-parallel, first call
-<a href="../midlevel/navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a>
-to set the position for the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node, then call
-<tt>cgp_array_write</tt> to create an empty
-data node. This call is similar to
-<a href="../midlevel/physical.html#dataarray"><tt>cg_array_write</tt></a>
-with <tt>Data</tt> set to <tt>NULL</tt> (no data written). This
-function will return the array index, <tt>A</tt>, which is used to
-write the actual data to the node in parallel using either
-<tt>cgp_array_write_data</tt> or <tt>cgp_array_general_write_data</tt>
-where <tt>range_min</tt> and <tt>range_max</tt> specify the subset of
-the array data to be written by a given process.
-The routines <tt>cgp_array_read_data</tt> and
-<tt>cgp_array_general_read_data</tt> perform
-the same function for reading the array data in parallel.
-<b>Note:</b>  The routines <tt>cgp_array_general_write_data</tt> and
-<tt>cgp_array_general_read_data</tt> perform data conversions if
-<tt>datatype</tt> is different from <tt>mem_datatype</tt>.  For other routines,
-it is the responsibility of the application to ensure
-that the data type for the array data matches that as
-defined in the file; no conversions are done.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 04 August 2014
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-/* CGNS Mid-Level Library manual - style sheet */
-/* Header colors */
-h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color: #2D0091}
-/* Current page and parent document in navigation headers */
-span.nav {color: #000066}
-/* Colors for input and output variables */
-span.in {color: #0044cc}
-span.out {color: #990000}
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-/*span.cgout {color: #ff0000} */
-span.cgin {color: #0044cc}
-span.cgout {color: #990000}
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-span.cgf {color: #26732d}
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-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Python&nbsp;Implementation</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 3.1.2 (currently not up-to-date)</small></small></h1>
-This document describes the implementation of Python as the CGNS
-database manager. Currently the document is only available as a PDF file:
-<a name="mapping"><a>
-<a href="pyCGNS_MAP.pdf">Python Mapping Manual</a>.-->
-<a name="sids"><a>
-<a href="sidstopython.pdf">SIDS-to-Python (PDF)</a>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was written by the CGNS Project Group.
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-Last updated 23 Sep 2015
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-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Boundary Conditions - longdesc for Boundary
-     Condition Implementation Levels (fully SIDS compliant) -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - Boundary Condition Specification Data - Boundary Condition Implementation Levels (fully SIDS compliant) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the nodes in a CGNS dataset for a fully SIDS
-compliant boundary condition implementation.
-At the top level is the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node, with a <tt>BC_t</tt>
-child node.
-At the next level below the <tt>BC_t</tt> node are:
-<li> an <tt>IndexRange_t</tt> node
-<li> a <tt>BCType_t</tt> node
-<li> one or more <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> nodes
-Below each <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node are:
-<li> a <tt>BCData_t</tt> node named <tt>DirichletData</tt>
-<li> a <tt>BCData_t</tt> node named <tt>NeumannData</tt>
-<li> a <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> node
-Each of the <tt>BCData_t</tt> nodes in turn has a <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-child node.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 22 Aug 2002
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-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Boundary Conditions - longdesc for Boundary
-     Condition Implementation Levels (lowest) -->
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-<title> SIDS - Boundary Condition Specification Data - Boundary Condition Implementation Levels (lowest) </title>
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-This diagram shows the nodes in a CGNS dataset for the lowest allowed
-boundary condition implementation level.
-At the top level is the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node, with a <tt>BC_t</tt>
-child node.
-Below the <tt>BC_t</tt> node are just two child nodes -
-<tt>IndexRange_t</tt> and <tt>BCType_t</tt>.
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-Last updated 22 Aug 2002
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-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Boundary Conditions - longdesc for Hierarchy
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-<title> SIDS - Boundary Condition Structures Overview - Hierarchy for Boundary Condition Structures </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the hierarchy used in a CGNS dataset to define
-a single boundary condition.
-At the top level is a box labeled "BC", representing the boundary
-At the next level are:
-<li> a "BC patch specification" box
-<li> a "BC type (compound)" box
-<li> multiple "BC data set" boxes numbered from 1 to N
-Below each "BC data set" box are the following three boxes.
-<li> "BC type (simple)"
-<li> "Dirichlet BC data"
-<li> "Neumann BC data"
-Below the "Dirichlet BC data" box are two boxes labeled with the Greek
-letters alpha and beta, and below the "Neumann BC data" box are two
-boxes labeled with the Greek letters gamma and delta.
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-Last updated 22 Aug 2002
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-<title> CGNS Standard Interface Data Structures - Boundary Conditions </title>
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-<h2>9 Boundary Conditions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#BCstruct">9.1 Boundary Condition Structures Overview</a>
-<li> <a href="#ZoneBC">9.2 Zonal Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#BC">9.3 Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>BC_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#BCDataSet">9.4 Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#BCData">9.5 Boundary Condition Data Structure Definition: <tt>BCData_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#BCProperty">9.6 Boundary Condition Property Structure Definition: <tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#WallFunction">9.6.1 Wall Function Structure Definition: <tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="#Area">9.6.2 Area Structure Definition: <tt>Area_t</tt></a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#BCType">9.7 Boundary Condition Type Structure Definition: <tt>BCType_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#BCType_assoc">9.8 Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</a>
-<li> <a href="#BC_specdata">9.9 Boundary Condition Specification Data</a>
-<li> <a href="#BCexample">9.10 Boundary Condition Examples</a>
-This section is an attempt to unify boundary-condition specifications
-within Navier-Stokes codes.
-The structures and conventions developed are a compromise between
-simplicity and generality.
-It is imperative that they be easy to use initially, but that they are
-general enough to provide future flexibility and extensibility.
-This section may be somewhat daunting initially.
-It is suggested that the reader refer to the
-<a href="#BCexample">Boundary Condition Examples</a> during study of
-the following sections to help resolve any questions and confusions
-that might arise.
-The difficulty with boundary conditions is that there is such a wide
-variety used, and even a single boundary-condition equation is often
-implemented differently in different codes.
-Some boundary conditions, such as a symmetry plane, are fairly well
-Other boundary conditions are much looser in their definition and
-An inflow boundary is a good example.
-It is generally accepted how many solution quantities should be
-specified at an inflow boundary (from mathematical well-posedness
-arguments), but what those quantities are will change with the class of
-flow problems (e.g., internal flows vs. external flows), and they will
-also change from code to code.
-An additional difficulty for CFD analysis is that in some situations
-different boundary-condition equations are applied depending on local
-flow conditions.
-Any boundary where the flow can change from inflow to outflow
-or supersonic to subsonic is a candidate for flow-dependent
-boundary-condition equations.
-These difficulties have molded the design of our boundary-condition
-specification structures and conventions.
-We define <a href="#BCType">boundary-condition types</a> that establish
-the equations to be enforced.
-However, for those more loosely defined boundary conditions, such as
-inflow/outflow, the boundary-condition type merely establishes general
-guidelines on the equations to be imposed.
-Augmenting (and superseding) the information provided by the
-boundary-condition type is precisely defined boundary-condition
-solution data.
-We rely on our <a href="dataname.html">conventions for data-name
-identifiers</a> to identify the exact quantities involved in the
-boundary conditions.
-One flexibility that is provided by this approach is that
-boundary-condition information can easily be built during the course of
-an analysis.
-For example, during grid-generation phases minimal information (e.g., the
-boundary-condition type) may be given.
-Then prior to running of the flow solver, more specific
-boundary-condition information, such as Dirichlet or Neumann data, may
-be added to the database.
-An additional flexibility provided by the structures of this section
-is that both uniform and non-uniform boundary-condition data can be
-described within the same framework.
-We realize that most current codes allow little or no flexibility in
-choosing solution quantities to specify for a given boundary-condition
-We also realize the coding effort involved with checking for consistency
-between I/O specifications and internal boundary-condition routines.
-To make these boundary-condition structures more palatable initially, we
-adopt the convention that if no solution quantities are specified for
-a given boundary-condition type, then the code is free to enforce any
-appropriate boundary condition
-(see <a href="#BC_specdata">Boundary Condition Specification Data</a>).
-Note that there are no boundary-condition structures defined for
-abutting or overset interfaces, unless they involve cases of symmetry or
-In other words, it is a CGNS design intent that a given zone boundary
-segment or location should at most be defined (or covered) by either a
-boundary condition or a multizone interface connectivity, but not by
-There is also no separate boundary-condition structure for periodic
-boundary conditions (i.e., when a zone interfaces with itself).
-Both of these situations are addressed by <a href="cnct.html">interface
-connectivity data structures</a>.
-In the sections to follow, the definitions of boundary-condition
-structures are presented in the first six sections.
-<a href="#BCType">Boundary-condition types</a> are then discussed in
-detail, including a description of the boundary-condition
-equations to be enforced for each type; this section also describes
-the distinction between boundary-condition types that impose a set of
-equations regardless of local flow conditions and those that impose
-different sets of boundary-condition equations depending on the local
-flow solution.
-The rules for <a href="#BCType_assoc">matching boundary-condition types
-and the appropriate sets of boundary-condition equations</a> are next
-Details of <a href="#BC_specdata">specifying data to be imposed in
-boundary-condition equations</a> are provided next.
-Finally, several <a href="#BCexample">examples of boundary
-conditions</a> are presented.
-<a name="BCstruct"></a>
-<h3>9.1 Boundary Condition Structures Overview</h3>
-Prior to presenting the detailed boundary condition structures, we give
-a brief overview of the hierarchy used to describe boundary conditions.
-Boundary conditions are classified as either fixed or flow-dependent.
-Fixed boundary conditions enforce a given set of boundary-condition
-equations regardless of flow conditions; whereas, flow-dependent
-boundary conditions enforce different sets of boundary-condition
-equations depending on local flow conditions.
-We incorporate both fixed and flow-dependent boundary conditions into a
-uniform framework.
-This allows all boundary conditions to be described in a similar manner.
-We consider this functionally superior to separately treating fixed
-and flow-dependent boundary conditions, even though the latter allows a
-simpler description mechanism for fixed boundary conditions.
-The current organization also makes sense considering the fact that
-flow-dependent boundary conditions are composed of multiple sets of
-fixed boundary conditions.
-<a name="f:bctree"></a>
-<img src="bc.figs/bctree.gif"
-     alt="CGNS hierarchy for a single boundary condition"
-     longdesc="bc.figs/bctree.html">
-Hierarchy for Boundary Condition Structures
-The above figure depicts the hierarchy used for prescribing a single
-boundary condition.
-Each boundary condition includes a type that describes the general
-equations to enforce, a patch specification, and a collection of data
-The minimum required information for any boundary condition is the patch
-specification and the boundary-condition type (indicated by "BC type
-(compound)" in the figure).
-This minimum information is similar to that used in many existing flow
-Generality in prescribing equations to enforce and their associated
-boundary-condition data is provided in the optional data sets.
-Each data set contains all boundary condition data required for a given
-fixed or simple boundary condition.
-Each data set is also tagged with a boundary-condition type.
-For fixed boundary conditions, the hierarchical tree contains a
-single data set, and the two boundary-condition types shown in
-the above figure are identical.
-Flow-dependent or compound boundary conditions contain multiple data
-sets, each to be applied separately depending on local flow conditions.
-The compound boundary-condition type describes the general
-flow-dependent boundary conditions, and each data set contains
-associated simple boundary-condition types.
-For example, a farfield boundary condition would contain four data
-sets, where each applies to the different combinations of subsonic and
-supersonic inflow and outflow.
-See the sections <a href="#BCType">Boundary Condition Type Structure
-Definition: <tt>BCType_t</tt></a> and 
-<a href="#BCType_assoc">Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</a> for
-more details.
-Within a single data set, boundary condition data is grouped by equation
-type into Dirichlet and Neumann data.
-The lower leaves of the above figure show data for generic
-flow-solution quantities
-<i>&alpha;</i> and <i>&beta;</i> to be applied in Dirichlet conditions,
-and data for <i>&gamma;</i> and <i>&delta;</i> to be applied in
-Neumann boundary conditions.
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities are
-employed to store these data and to identify the specific flow variables
-they are associated with.
-In situations where the data sets (or any information contained therein)
-are absent from a given boundary-condition hierarchy, flow solvers are
-free to impose any appropriate boundary conditions.
-Although not pictured in the above figure, it is also possible to
-specify the reference state from which the flow solver should extract
-the boundary-condition data.
-<a name="ZoneBC"></a>
-<h3>9.2 Zonal Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></h3>
-All boundary-condition information pertaining to a given zone is
-contained in the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> structure.
-  ZoneBC_t&lt; int CellDimension, int IndexDimension, int PhysicalDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    List( BC_t&lt;CellDimension, IndexDimension, int PhysicalDimension&gt;
-          BC1 ... BCN ) ;                                              (o)
-    ReferenceState_t ReferenceState ;                                  (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, or
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-<li> All lists within a <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> structure entity may be empty.
-<tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> requires three structure parameters, <tt>CellDimension</tt>,
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> and <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>, which are passed
-onto all <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> substructures.
-Boundary-condition information for a single patch is contained in the
-<a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> structure.
-All boundary-condition information pertaining to a given zone is
-contained in the list of <tt>BC_t</tt> structure entities.
-If a zone contains <i>N</i> boundary-condition patches, then <i>N</i>
-(and only <i>N</i>) separate instances of <tt>BC_t</tt> must be provided
-in the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> entity for the zone.
-That is, each boundary-condition patch must be represented by a single
-<tt>BC_t</tt> entity.
-Reference data applicable to all boundary conditions of a zone is
-contained in the <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a>
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the zonal
-default for the class of data contained in the boundary conditions of a
-If the boundary conditions contain dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these three entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-Reference-state data is useful for situations where boundary-condition
-data is not provided, and flow solvers are free to enforce any
-appropriate boundary condition equations.
-The presence of <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a>
-at this level or below specifies the appropriate flow conditions from
-which the flow solver should extract its boundary-condition data.
-For example, when computing an external flowfield around an airplane, an
-engine nozzle exit is often simulated by imposing a stagnation pressure
-boundary condition (or some other stagnation quantity) different from
-The nozzle-exit stagnation quantities could be specified in an instance
-of <tt>ReferenceState</tt> at this level or below in lieu of providing
-explicit Dirichlet or Neumann data.
-(See <a href="#BC_specdata">Boundary Condition Specification Data</a>.)
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="BC"></a>
-<h3>9.3 Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>BC_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>BC_t</tt> contains boundary-condition information for a single BC surface
-patch of a zone.
-A BC patch is the subrange of the face of a zone where a given boundary
-condition is applied.
-The structure contains a boundary-condition type, as well as one or
-more sets of boundary-condition data that are used to define the
-boundary-condition equations to be enforced on the BC patch.
-For most boundary conditions, a single data set is all that is needed.
-The structure also contains information describing the normal vector to
-the BC surface patch.
-  BC_t&lt; int CellDimension, int IndexDimension, int PhysicalDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    BCType_t BCType ;                                                  (r)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                          (r:o)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, ListLength[], int&gt; PointList ;        (o:r)
-    int[IndexDimension] InwardNormalIndex ;                            (o)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;PhysicalDimension, ListLength[], real&gt;
-       InwardNormalList ;                                              (o)
-    List( BCDataSet_t&lt;CellDimension, IndexDimension, ListLength[], GridLocation&gt;
-          BCDataSet1 ... BCDataSetN ) ;                                (o)
-    BCProperty_t BCProperty ;                                          (o)
-    FamilyName_t FamilyName ;                                          (o)
-    List( AdditionalFamilyName_t AddFamilyName1 ... AddFamilyNameN ) ; (o)
-    ReferenceState_t ReferenceState ;                                  (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    int Ordinal ;                                                      (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>BC_t</tt> and shall not include the names <tt>BCProperty</tt>,
-     <tt>BCType</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-     <tt>FamilyName</tt>, <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt>,
-     <tt>InwardNormalList</tt>, <tt>Ordinal</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>,
-     <tt>PointRange</tt>, or <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-<li> <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> is optional;
-     if absent its default value is <tt>Vertex</tt>. For other allowble
-     values, see the table below.
-<li> One of <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> must be specified but not
-     both. They must define a subrange of the zone.
-<li> <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> is only an option for structured grids.
-     For unstructured grid boundaries, it should not be used.
-     <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> may have only one nonzero element, whose
-     sign indicates the computational-coordinate direction of the BC
-     patch normal; this normal points into the interior of the zone.
-<li> <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> contains a list of vectors normal to the
-     BC patch pointing into the interior of the zone.
-     It is a function of <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt> and
-     <a href="#ListLength"><tt>ListLength[]</tt></a>.
-     The vectors are located at the vertices of the BC patch when
-     <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> is set
-     to <tt>Vertex</tt>. Otherwise, they are located at edge/face midpoints.
-     The vectors are not required to have unit magnitude.
-<li> If <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> are specified,
-     an ordering  convention is needed for indices on the BC patch.
-     An ordering convention is also needed if a range is specified and
-     local data is present in the
-     <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> substructures.
-     FORTRAN multidimensional array ordering is used.
-<a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a> specifies the boundary-condition
-type, which gives general information on the boundary-condition
-equations to be enforced.
-The BC patch may be specified by <tt>PointRange</tt> if it constitutes a
-logically rectangular region. In all other cases, <tt>PointList</tt> should be
-used to list the vertices or cell edges/faces making up the BC patch.
-When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>Vertex</tt>, then <tt>PointList</tt>
-or <tt>PointRange</tt> refer to vertex indices, for both structured and
-unstructured grids. When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>,
-then <tt>PointRange/List</tt> refer to edge elements. For 3-D grids, when
-<tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>FaceCenter</tt>, <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, etc.,
-then <tt>PointRange/List</tt> refer to face elements. The interpretation of
-<tt>PointRange/List</tt> is summarized in the table below:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border>
-<tr align=center>
-  <th rowspan=2>CellDimension</th>
-  <th colspan=4>GridLocation</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <th>Vertex</th>
-  <th>EdgeCenter</th>
-  <th>*FaceCenter</th>
-  <th>CellCenter</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>1</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (line elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>2</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (area elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>3</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>faces</td>
-  <td>cells (volume elements)</td>
-<i>Note</i>: In the table, *FaceCenter stands for the possible types:
-<tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>,
-or <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-For structured grids, face centers are indexed using the minimum of the connecting
-vertex indices, as described in
-<a href="conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</a>.
-For unstructured grids, edge and face elements are indexed using their
-element numbering as defined in the
-<a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> data structures.
-The BC patch defined by <tt>PointRange/List</tt> is a surface region over which
-the particular set of boundary conditions is applied. However, in the current
-standard there is no mechanism to specify whether boundary conditions are enforced
-in the weak or strong form. If boundary conditions are imposed using collocation
-(i.e., strong form), there is also no requirement that they be imposed at the same
-locations used to define the BC patch (via <tt>PointRange/List</tt>).
-In the case when BC patches are defined in terms of vertices (or edges in 3-D),
-then the bounding vertices will be located on multiple BC patches.
-If boundary conditions are imposed using collocation at vertices, then for
-this case there is no mechanism to determine which BC patch takes precedence
-for any of these bounding vertices.
-<a name="InwardNormalIndex"></a>
-Some boundary conditions require a normal direction to be specified in
-order to be properly imposed.
-For structured zones a computational-coordinate normal can be derived
-from the BC patch specification by examining redundant index components.
-Alternatively, for structured zones this information can be provided
-directly by <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt>.
-From Note 4, this vector points into the zone and can have only one
-non-zero element.
-For exterior faces of a zone in 3-D, <tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt> should take the
-following values:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col>Face<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col><tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Face<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col><tt>InwardNormalIndex</tt>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>i</i>-min<td>
-   <td align=center>[+1,0,0]<td>
-   <td align=center><i>i</i>-max<td>
-   <td align=center>[&minus;1,0,0]
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>j</i>-min<td>
-   <td align=center>[0,+1,0]<td>
-   <td align=center><i>j</i>-max<td>
-   <td align=center>[0,&minus;1,0]
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>k</i>-min<td>
-   <td align=center>[0,0,+1]<td>
-   <td align=center><i>k</i>-max<td>
-   <td align=center>[0,0,&minus;1]
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="InwardNormalList"></a>
-The physical-space normal vectors of the BC patch may be described by
-<tt>InwardNormalList</tt>; these are located at vertices or cell faces,
-consistent with the BC patch specification.
-<tt>InwardNormalList</tt> is listed as an optional field because it is not
-always needed to enforce boundary conditions, and the physical-space
-normals of a BC patch can usually be constructed from the grid.
-However, there are some situations, such as grid-coordinate singularity
-lines, where <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> becomes a required field, because it
-cannot be generated from other information.
-The <tt>BC_t</tt> structure provides for a list of boundary-condition
-data sets, described in the next section.
-In general, the proper <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-instance to impose on the BC patch is determined by the
-<a href="#t:BCType_assoc"><tt>BCType</tt> association table</a>.
-The mechanics of determining the proper data set to impose is described
-in the section <a href="#BCType_assoc">Matching Boundary Condition Data
-For a few boundary conditions, such as a symmetry plane or polar
-singularity, the value of <a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a>
-completely describes the equations to impose, and no instances of
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> are needed.
-For "simple" boundary conditions, where a single set of Dirichlet and/or
-Neumann data is applied, a single <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> will likely appear
-(although this is not a requirement).
-For "compound" boundary conditions, where the equations to impose
-are dependent on local flow conditions, several instances of
-<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> will likely appear; the procedure for choosing
-the proper data set is more complex as described in the section
-<a href="#BCType_assoc">Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</a>.
-A <a href="#BCProperty"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a> data structure may be
-used to record special properties associated with particular boundary
-condition patches, such as wall functions or bleed regions.
-<a name="FamilyName"></a>
-<tt>FamilyName</tt> identifies the family to which the boundary belongs.
-Family names link the mesh boundaries to the CAD surfaces.
-(See the section on <a href="misc.html#Family">Family Data Structure
-Definition</a> for more details.)
-Boundary conditions may also be defined directly on families.
-In this case, the <a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a> must be
-If, under a <tt>BC_t</tt> structure, both <tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a> and
-<a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType_t</tt></a> are present, and the
-<tt>BCType</tt> is <em>not</em> <tt>FamilySpecified</tt>,
-then the <tt>BCType</tt> that <em>is</em> specified takes
-precedence over any <tt>BCType</tt> that might be stored in a
-<a href="misc.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a> structure under the
-specified <a href="misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>.
-The actual name of the referred-to <tt>Family_t</tt> can be in the same
-base or another base, as detailed in 
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#BaseLevelFamilies">Base Level Families</a>.
-Reference data applicable to the boundary conditions of a BC patch is
-contained in the <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a>
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-for the class of data contained in the boundary conditions.
-If the boundary conditions contain dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these three entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<tt>Ordinal</tt> is user-defined and has no restrictions on the values that it
-can contain.
-It is included for backward compatibility to assist implementation of
-the CGNS system into applications whose I/O depends heavily on the
-numbering of BC patches.
-Since there are no restrictions on the values contained in <tt>Ordinal</tt>
-(or that <tt>Ordinal</tt> is even provided), there is no guarantee that the
-BC patches for a given zone in an existing CGNS database will have
-sequential values from 1 to <i>N</i> without holes or repetitions.
-Use of <tt>Ordinal</tt> is discouraged and is on a user-beware basis.
-<a name="ListLength"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>ListLength[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: <tt>int</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>
-<tt>BC_t</tt> requires the structure function <tt>ListLength</tt>, which
-is used to specify the number of vertices or edge/face elements making up the
-BC patch. If <tt>PointRange</tt> is specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is
-obtained from the number of points (inclusive) between the beginning and
-ending indices of <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-If <tt>PointList</tt> is specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is the
-number of indices in the list of points.
-In this situation, <tt>ListLength</tt> becomes a user input along with the
-indices of the list <tt>PointList</tt>.
-By <i>user</i> we mean the application code that is generating the CGNS
-<tt>ListLength</tt> is also the number of elements in the list
-Note that syntactically <tt>PointList</tt> and
-<tt>InwardNormalList</tt> must have the same number of elements.
-If neither <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> is specified in a
-particular <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> substructure, <tt>ListLength</tt> must
-be passed into it to determine the length of BC data arrays.
-<a name="BCDataSet"></a>
-<h3>9.4 Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> contains Dirichlet and Neumann data for a single set of
-boundary-condition equations.
-Its intended use is for simple boundary-condition types, where the
-equations imposed do not depend on local flow conditions.
-  BCDataSet_t&lt; int CellDimension, int IndexDimension,
-    int ListLengthParameter, GridLocation_t GridLocationParameter &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple ;                                      (r)
-    BCData_t&lt;ListLengthBCData[]&gt; DirichletData ;                       (o)
-    BCData_t&lt;ListLengthBCData[]&gt; NeumannData ;                         (o)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                          (o)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, ListLength, int&gt; PointList ;          (o)
-    ReferenceState_t ReferenceState ;                                  (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     names <tt>BCTypeSimple</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt>,
-     <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>DirichletData</tt>,
-     <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>NeumannData</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>,
-     <tt>PointRange</tt>, or <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-<li> <a href="#BCType"><tt>BCTypeSimple</tt></a> is the only required field.
-     All other fields are optional and the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> list
-     may be empty.
-<li> <tt>GridLocation</tt> is optional; if absent its default value is
-     <tt>GridLocationParameter</tt>. For 2-D grids (<tt>CellDimension = 2</tt>),
-     <tt>GridLocation</tt> may take the values of <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>.
-     For 3-D grids (<tt>CellDimension = 3</tt>), <tt>GridLocation</tt> may take
-     the values of <tt>Vertex</tt>, <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>, <tt>FaceCenter</tt>,
-     <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt> or <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>.
-<li> <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> are both optional; only one of
-     them may be specified. They must define a face subrange of the zone.
-<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> requires the structure parameters <tt>CellDimension</tt>,
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>ListLengthParameter</tt>, and <tt>GridLocationParameter</tt>.
-These are all used to control the grid location and length of data arrays in the
-<tt>Dirichlet</tt> and <tt>Neumann</tt> substructures.
-They are inputs for the structure functions
-<a href="#ListLength_bcdataset"><tt>ListLength[]</tt></a> and
-<a href="#ListLengthBCData"><tt>ListLengthBCData[]</tt></a> defined below.
-<a href="#BCType"><tt>BCTypeSimple</tt></a> specifies the boundary-condition
-type, which gives general information on the boundary-condition
-equations to be enforced.
-<tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> is also used for <a href="#BCType_assoc">matching
-boundary condition data sets</a>.
-Boundary-condition data is separated by equation type into Dirichlet and
-Neumann conditions.
-Dirichlet boundary conditions impose the value of the given variables,
-whereas Neumann boundary conditions impose the normal derivative of the
-given variables.
-The mechanics of specifying Dirichlet and Neumann data for boundary
-conditions is covered in the section <a href="#BC_specdata">Boundary
-Condition Specification Data</a>.
-The substructures <a href="#BCData"><tt>DirichletData</tt></a> and
-<a href="#BCData"><tt>NeumannData</tt></a> contain boundary-condition data
-that may be constant over the BC patch, or defined locally at each vertex or
-edge/face of the patch. Locally defined data may be specified in one of two ways.
-If <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> are
-all absent, then the data is defined consistent with the BC patch specification
-of the parent <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> structure. In this case,
-the location of the locally defined data is given by <tt>GridLocationParameter</tt>
-and the length of the data arrays are given by <tt>ListLengthParameter</tt>.
-If <tt>GridLocation</tt> and one of <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>
-is present, then the length of the data arrays is given by
-<a href="#ListLength_bcdataset"><tt>ListLength[]</tt></a>.
-Reference quantities applicable to the set of boundary-condition data are
-contained in the <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a>
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-for the class of data contained in the boundary-condition data.
-If the boundary conditions contain dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these three entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="ListLength_bcdataset"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>ListLength[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: <tt>int</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>
-<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> requires the structure function <tt>ListLength</tt>, which
-is used to specify the length of locally defined <tt>Dirichlet</tt> and
-<tt>Neumann</tt> data arrays when the grid location of these quantities differs
-from that of the BC patch definition. If <tt>PointRange</tt> is specified,
-then <tt>ListLength</tt> is obtained from the number of points (inclusive)
-between the beginning and ending indices of <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-If <tt>PointList</tt> is specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is the
-number of indices in the list of points.
-In this situation, <tt>ListLength</tt> becomes a user input along with the
-indices of the list <tt>PointList</tt>.
-By <i>user</i> we mean the application code that is generating the CGNS
-If neither <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> is specified in a
-particular <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> substructure, <tt>ListLength</tt> must
-be passed into it to determine the length of BC data arrays.
-<a name="ListLengthBCData"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>ListLengthBCData[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: <tt>int</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>ListLengthParameter</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>
-<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> also requires the structure function <tt>ListLengthBCData</tt>.
-If <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> is present, then <tt>ListLengthBCData</tt>
-takes the value of <tt>ListLength</tt>. If both are absent, then it takes
-the value <tt>ListLengthParameter</tt>.
-<a name="BCData"></a>
-<h3>9.5 Boundary Condition Data Structure Definition: <tt>BCData_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>BCData_t</tt> contains a list of variables and associated data for
-boundary-condition specification.
-Each variable may be given as global data (i.e., a scalar) or local data
-defined at each grid point or cell face of the BC patch.
-By convention all data specified in a given instance of
-<tt>BCData_t</tt> is to be used in the same <em>type</em> of
-boundary-condition equation.
-For example, the use of separate <tt>BCData_t</tt> substructures for
-Dirichlet and Neumann equations in the
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> structure of the previous
-  BCData_t&lt; int ListLength &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t  Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt;
-          DataGlobal1 ... DataGlobalN ) ;                              (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, ListLength&gt;
-          DataLocal1 ... DataLocalN ) ;                                (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>BCData_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> There are no required elements; all three lists may be empty.
-This structure definition shows separate lists for
-<a href="#global&local">global verses local</a> data.
-The global data is essentially scalars, while the local data variables
-have size determined by the structure parameter <tt>ListLength</tt>.
-For <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities
-with <a href="dataname.html">standardized
-data-name identifiers</a>, <tt>DataType</tt> is determined by convention.
-For user-defined variables, <tt>DataType</tt> is a user input.
-Two important points need to be mentioned regarding this structure
-First, this definition allows a given instance of <tt>BCData_t</tt> to
-have a mixture of global and local data.
-For example, if a user specifies Dirichlet data that has a uniform
-stagnation pressure but has a non-uniform velocity profile, this
-structure allows the user to describe the stagnation pressure by a
-scalar in the <tt>DataGlobal</tt> list and the velocity by an array in the
-<tt>DataLocal</tt> list.
-Second, the only distinction between the lists (aside from default
-names, which will be seldom used) is the parameters passed into the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> structure.
-Therefore, in actual implementation of this <tt>BCData_t</tt> structure
-it may not be possible to distinguish between members of the global
-and local lists without querying inside the <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-Straightforward mapping onto the ADF or HDF database will not provide any
-distinctions between the members of the two lists.
-This hopefully will not cause any problems.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-for the class of data contained in the boundary-condition data.
-If the boundary-condition data is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="BCProperty"></a>
-<h3>9.6 Boundary Condition Property Structure Definition: <tt>BCProperty_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>BCProperty_t</tt> allows the recording of special properties associated
-with particular boundary condition patches.
-At the current time, only two properties (<tt>WallFunction_t</tt>
-and <tt>Area_t</tt>) are included, but extensions involving
-boundary conditions may be implemented as additional nodes under
-<tt>BCProperty_t</tt> in the future.
-  BCProperty_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t  Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                (o)
-    WallFunction_t WallFunction ;                                      (o)
-    Area_t Area ;                                                      (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>BCProperty_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>WallFunction</tt> or <tt>Area</tt>.
-The <tt>WallFunction_t</tt> and <tt>Area_t</tt> data structures may be
-used to record properties associated with the use of wall functions, or
-area-related boundary conditions such as bleed, respectively.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="WallFunction"></a>
-<h4>9.6.1 Wall Function Structure Definition: <tt>WallFunction_t</tt></h4>
-The <tt>WallFunction_t</tt> data structure allows data associated with
-the use of wall function boundary conditions to be recorded.
-  WallFunction_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t  Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                (o)
-    WallFunctionType_t WallFunctionType ;                              (r)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>WallFunction_t</tt> and shall not include the name
-     <tt>WallFunctionType</tt>.
-<tt>WallFunctionType_t</tt> is a required enumeration data structure
-that is used to define the type of wall functions being used.
-  WallFunctionType_t := Enumeration(
-    WallFunctionTypeNull,
-    WallFunctionTypeUserDefined,
-    Generic ) ;
-Because there is such a wide array of methods for employing wall
-functions (few of which are well-documented), the type <tt>Generic</tt>
-is used to simply indicate that a wall function is employed, without
-specifying details.
-<a name="Area"></a>
-<h4>9.6.2 Area Structure Definition: <tt>Area_t</tt></h4>
-The <tt>Area_t</tt> data structure allows data associated with
-area-related boundary conditions such as bleed to be recorded.
-  Area_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t  Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                (o)
-    AreaType_t AreaType ;                                              (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt;  SurfaceArea ;                             (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 32&gt; RegionName ;                              (r)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>Area_t</tt> and shall not include the names <tt>AreaType</tt>,
-     <tt>RegionName</tt>, or <tt>SurfaceArea</tt>.
-<tt>AreaType_t</tt> is a required enumeration data structure
-that is used to define the type of area being defined.
-  AreaType_t := Enumeration(
-    AreaTypeNull,
-    AreaTypeUserDefined,
-    BleedArea,
-    CaptureArea ) ;
-If <tt>AreaType</tt> is set to <tt>BleedArea</tt>, the value of
-<tt>SurfaceArea</tt> is the size of the current bleed surface.
-Note that bleed is commonly used with wall boundary conditions.
-The bleed area is the surface area of the boundary condition patch.
-If <tt>AreaType</tt> is set to <tt>CaptureArea</tt>, then
-<tt>SurfaceArea</tt> represents the size of the current capture surface.
-For inlet flows, for example, the capture area is the area of a
-fictitious surface in front of the inlet in which mass is pulled into
-the inlet.
-This is used to calculate the mass flow for the boundary condition patch
-based on the formula:<br><br>
-mass flow = <i>MFR &rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>U</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>A<sub>cap</sub></i>
-where <i>MFR</i> is the desired mass flow ratio and
-<i>A<sub>cap</sub></i> is the capture area.
-Another interpretation is the far-upstream cross-sectional area of the
-stream tube that feeds the inlet.
-Note that the capture area is usually defined with an outflow boundary
-condition, which is commonly used at an engine face.
-The <tt>RegionName</tt> is character identifier, and is needed so that a
-specific region can span multiple surfaces over multiple zones.
-<a name="BCType"></a>
-<h3>9.7 Boundary Condition Type Structure Definition: <tt>BCType_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>BCType_t</tt> is an enumeration type that identifies the
-boundary-condition equations to be enforced at a given boundary
-  BCType_t := Enumeration(
-    BCTypeNull, BCTypeUserDefined, BCAxisymmetricWedge, BCDegenerateLine.
-    BCDegeneratePoint, BCDirichlet, BCExtrapolate, BCFarfield, BCGeneral,
-    BCInflow, BCInflowSubsonic, BCInflowSupersonic, BCNeumann,
-    BCOutflow, BCOutflowSubsonic, BCOutflowSupersonic, BCSymmetryPlane,
-    BCSymmetryPolar, BCTunnelInflow, BCTunnelOutflow, BCWall,
-    BCWallInviscid, BCWallViscous, BCWallViscousHeatFlux,
-    BCWallViscousIsothermal, FamilySpecified ) ;
-The boundary-condition type is further defined as simple,
-<tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt>, or compound, <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt>,
-which are subsets of the enumeration type <tt>BCType_t</tt>.
-  BCTypeSimple_t := Enumeration(
-    BCTypeNull, BCTypeUserDefined, BCAxisymmetricWedge, BCDegenerateLine.
-    BCDegeneratePoint, BCDirichlet, BCExtrapolate, BCGeneral,
-    BCInflowSubsonic, BCInflowSupersonic, BCNeumann,
-    BCOutflowSubsonic, BCOutflowSupersonic, BCSymmetryPlane,
-    BCSymmetryPolar, BCTunnelInflow, BCTunnelOutflow, BCWall,
-    BCWallInviscid, BCWallViscous, BCWallViscousHeatFlux,
-    BCWallViscousIsothermal, FamilySpecified ) ;
-  BCTypeCompound_t := Enumeration(
-    BCTypeNull, BCTypeUserDefined, BCInflow, BCOutflow,
-    BCFarfield ) ;
-The members of <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> completely identify the equations to
-impose, while those of <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> give a general description of the class of
-boundary-condition equations to impose.
-The specific boundary-condition equations to enforce for each
-value of <tt>BCType_t</tt> are listed in separate tables for
-<a href="#t:BCTypeSimple">Simple Boundary Condition Types</a> and
-<a href="#t:BCTypeCompound">Compound Boundary Condition Types</a>.
-The subdivision of <tt>BCType_t</tt> is based on function.
-For simple boundary conditions, the equations and data imposed are
-fixed; whereas, for compound boundary conditions different sets of
-equations are imposed depending on local flow conditions at the
-This distinction requires <a href="#BCType_assoc">additional rules for
-dealing with simple and compound boundary-condition types</a>.
-For the inflow/outflow boundary-condition descriptions, 3-D inviscid
-compressible flow is assumed; the 2-D equivalent should be obvious.
-These same boundary conditions are typically used for viscous cases
-This "3-D Euler" assumption will be noted wherever used.
-In the following tables, <i>Q</i> is the solution vector,
-<b><i>q</i></b> is the velocity vector whose magnitude is <i>q</i>, the
-unit normal to the boundary is <b><i>n</i></b>, and
-&part;() / &part;<i>n</i> = <b><i>n</i></b> &sdot; &nabla is differentiation
-normal to the boundary.
-<a name="t:BCTypeSimple"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Simple Boundary Condition Types
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col align=left abbr="Identifier"><tt>BCType_t</tt> or
-       <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left abbr="Description">Boundary Condition Description
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCGeneral<td>
-   <td>Arbitrary conditions on <i>Q</i> or &part;<i>Q</i> / &part;<i>n</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCDirichlet<td>
-   <td>Dirichlet condition on <i>Q</i> vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCNeumann<td>
-   <td>Neumann condition on &part;<i>Q</i> / &part;<i>n</i>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCExtrapolate<td>
-   <td>Extrapolate <i>Q</i> from interior
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCWallInviscid<td>
-   <td>Inviscid (slip) wall
-       <ul>
-       <li> normal velocity specified (default:
-            <b><i>q</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>n</i></b> = 0)
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCWallViscousHeatFlux<td>
-   <td>Viscous no-slip wall with heat flux
-       <ul>
-       <li> velocity Dirichlet (default: <i>q</i> = 0)
-       <li> temperature Neumann (default: adiabatic,
-            &part;<i>T</i> / &part;<i>n</i> = 0)
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCWallViscousIsothermal<td>
-   <td>Viscous no-slip, isothermal wall
-       <ul>
-       <li> velocity Dirichlet (default: <i>q</i> = 0)
-       <li> temperature Dirichlet
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCWallViscous<td>
-   <td>Viscous no-slip wall; special cases are <tt>BCWallViscousHeatFlux</tt>
-       and <tt>BCWallViscousIsothermal</tt>
-       <ul>
-       <li> velocity Dirichlet (default: <i>q</i> = 0)
-       <li> Dirichlet or Neumann on temperature
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCWall<td>
-   <td>General wall condition; special cases are <tt>BCWallInviscid</tt>, 
-       <tt>BCWallViscous</tt>, <tt>BCWallViscousHeatFlux</tt>, and
-       <tt>BCWallViscousIsothermal</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCInflowSubsonic<td>
-   <td>Inflow with subsonic normal velocity
-       <ul>
-       <li> specify 4; extrapolate 1 (3-D Euler)
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCInflowSupersonic<td>
-   <td>Inflow with supersonic normal velocity
-       <ul>
-       <li> specify 5; extrapolate 0 (3-D Euler)
-       </ul>
-       Same as <tt>BCDirichlet</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCOutflowSubsonic<td>
-   <td>Outflow with subsonic normal velocity
-       <ul>
-       <li> specify 1; extrapolate 4 (3-D Euler)
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCOutflowSupersonic<td>
-   <td>Outflow with supersonic normal velocity
-       <ul>
-       <li> specify 0; extrapolate 5 (3-D Euler)
-       </ul>
-       Same as <tt>BCExtrapolate</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCTunnelInflow<td>
-   <td>Tunnel inlet (subsonic normal velocity)
-       <ul>
-       <li> specify cross-flow velocity, stagnation enthalpy, entropy 
-       <li> extrapolate 1 (3-D Euler)
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCTunnelOutflow<td>
-   <td>Tunnel exit (subsonic normal velocity)
-       <ul>
-       <li> specify static pressure
-       <li> extrapolate 4 (3-D Euler)
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCDegenerateLine<td>
-   <td>Face degenerated to a line <tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-       <img align=top src="bc.figs/face2line.gif"
-       alt="3-D region with a rectangular front face; top and bottom edges merge to a line at the back 'face'"">
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCDegeneratePoint<td>
-   <td>Face degenerated to a point <tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-       <img align=top src="bc.figs/face2point.gif"
-       alt="3-D region with a rectangular front face; all four edges merge to a point at the back 'face'"">
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCSymmetryPlane<td>
-   <td>Symmetry plane; face should be coplanar
-       <ul>
-       <li> density, pressure: &part;() / &part;<i>n</i> = <b><i>n</i></b> &sdot; &nabla = 0
-       <li> tangential velocity: &part;(<b><i>q</i></b> &times; <b><i>n</i></b>) / &part;<i>n</i> = 0
-       <li> normal velocity: <b><i>q</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>n</i></b> = 0
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCSymmetryPolar<td>
-   <td>Polar-coordinate singularity line; special case of
-       <tt>BCDegenerateLine</tt> where degenerate face is
-       a straight line and flowfield has polar symmetry;
-       <b><i>s</i></b> is singularity line
-       tangential unit vector
-       <ul>
-       <li> normal velocity: <b><i>q</i></b> &times; <b><i>s</i></b> = 0
-       <li> all others: &part;() / &part;<i>n</i> = <b><i>n</i></b> &sdot; &nabla = 0,
-            <b><i>n</i></b> normal to <b><i>s</i></b>
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCAxisymmetricWedge<td>
-   <td>Axisymmetric wedge; special case of <tt>BCDegenerateLine</tt>
-       where degenerate face is a straight line
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>FamilySpecified<td>
-   <td>A boundary condition type is being specified for the family to
-       which the current boundary belongs.
-       A <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> specification must exist under
-       <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>, corresponding to a
-       <a href="misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a> structure under
-       <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>.
-       Under the <tt>Family_t</tt> structure there must
-       be a <a href="misc.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-       structure specifying a valid <tt>BCType</tt> (other than
-       <tt>FamilySpecified</tt>!).
-       If any of these are absent, the boundary condition type is
-       undefined.
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="t:BCTypeCompound"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Compound Boundary Condition Types
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col align=left abbr="Identifier"><tt>BCType_t</tt> or
-       <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left abbr="Description">Boundary Condition Description
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCInflow<td>
-   <td>Inflow, arbitrary normal Mach; test on normal Mach, then perform
-       one of: <tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt>, <tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCOutflow<td>
-   <td>Outflow, arbitrary normal Mach; test on normal Mach, then perform
-       one of: <tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt>, <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCFarfield<td>
-   <td>Farfield inflow/outflow, arbitrary normal Mach; test on
-       normal velocity and normal Mach, then perform one of:
-       <tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt>, <tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt>,
-       <tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt>, <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="BCType_assoc"></a>
-<h3>9.8 Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</h3>
-The <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> structure allows for a
-arbitrary list of boundary-condition data sets, described by the
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> structure.
-For simple boundary conditions, a single data set must be chosen from a
-list that may contain more than one element.
-Likewise, for a compound boundary condition, a limited number of data
-sets must be chosen and applied appropriately.
-The mechanism for the proper choice of data sets is controlled by
-the <a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a> field of the <tt>BC_t</tt>
-structure, the <tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> field of the <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>
-structure, and the <a href="#t:BCType_assoc">boundary-condition type
-association table</a>.
-In the following discussion, we will use the "<tt>/</tt>" notation for
-fields or elements of a structure type.
-<a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> is used for both simple and compound
-boundary conditions; hence, the field <tt>BC_t/BCType</tt> is of type
-Conversely, the substructure <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-is intended to enforce a single set of boundary-condition equations
-independent of local flow conditions (i.e., it is appropriate only for
-simple boundary conditions).
-This is why the field <tt>BCDataSet_t/BCTypeSimple</tt> is of type
-<tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> and not <tt>BCType_t</tt>.
-The appropriate choice of data sets is determined by matching the field
-<tt>BC_t/BCType</tt> with the field <tt>BCDataSet_t/BCTypeSimple</tt>
-as specified in the <a href="#t:BCType_assoc">boundary-condition type
-association table</a>.
-For simple boundary conditions, a single match from the list of
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> instances is required.
-For all <a href="#t:BCTypeSimple"><tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> identifiers</a>,
-except <tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt> and <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt>, an
-exact match is necessary.
-<tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt> will match itself or <tt>BCDirichlet</tt>;
-<tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt> will match itself or <tt>BCExtrapolate</tt>.
-For compound boundary conditions, the association table specifies which
-simple boundary-condition types are appropriate.
-Since compound boundary conditions enforce different boundary-condition
-equation sets depending on local flow conditions, several instances of
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> will be matched for each
-<a href="#t:BCTypeCompound"><tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> identifier</a>.
-The accompanying rule determines which of the matching data sets to
-apply at a given location on the BC patch.
-This provides a general procedure applicable to both <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt>
-and <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> situations.
-For a given <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t/BCType</tt></a> use those instances of
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> whose field
-<tt>BCDataSet_t/BCTypeSimple</tt> matches according to the following table.
-Apply the matching data set or sets as prescribed by the appropriate
-usage rule.
-<a name="t:BCType_assoc"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Associated Boundary Condition Types and Usage Rules
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col align=left><tt>BCType_t</tt> Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left abbr="BCTypeSimple_t Identifiers">Associated
-       <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> Identifiers and Usage Rules
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCInflow<td>
-   <td><tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt><br>
-       <tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt><br><br>
-       <i>Usage Rule:</i>
-       <ul>
-       <li> if supersonic normal Mach, choose <tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt>;
-       <li> else, choose <tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt>
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCOutflow<td>
-   <td><tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt><br>
-       <tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt><br><br>
-       <i>Usage Rule:</i>
-       <ul>
-       <li> if supersonic normal Mach, choose <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt>;
-       <li> else, choose <tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt>
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCFarfield<td>
-   <td><tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt><br>
-       <tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt><br>
-       <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt><br>
-       <tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt><br><br>
-       <i>Usage Rule:</i>
-       <ul>
-       <li> if inflow and supersonic normal Mach, choose <tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt>;
-       <li> else if inflow, choose <tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt>;
-       <li> else if outflow and supersonic normal Mach, choose <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt>;
-       <li> else, choose <tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt>
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCInflowSupersonic<td>
-   <td><tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt><br>
-       <tt>BCDirichlet</tt><br><br>
-       <i>Usage Rule:</i>
-       <ul>
-       <li> choose either; <tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt> takes precedence
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>BCOutflowSupersonic<td>
-   <td><tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt><br>
-       <tt>BCExtrapolate</tt><br><br>
-       <i>Usage Rule:</i>
-       <ul>
-       <li> choose either; <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt> takes precedence
-       </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>All others<td>
-   <td>Self-matching
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-Although we present a strict division between the two categories of
-boundary-condition types, we realize that some overlap may exist.
-For example, some of the more general simple boundary-condition types,
-such as <tt>BCWall</tt>, may include a situation of inflow/outflow (say
-if the wall is porous).
-These complications require further guidelines on appropriate definition
-and use of boundary-condition types.
-The real distinctions between
-<a href="#t:BCTypeSimple"><tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt></a> and
-<a href="#t:BCTypeCompound"><tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt></a> are as follows:
-<li> <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> identifiers always match themselves;
-     <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> identifiers never match themselves.<br><br>
-<li> <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> identifiers always produce a single match;
-     <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> will produce multiple matches.<br><br>
-<li> The usage rule for <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> identifiers is always
-     trivial - apply the single matching data set regardless of local
-     flow conditions.
-Therefore, any boundary condition that involves application of different
-data sets depending on local flow conditions should be classified
-<a href="#t:BCTypeCompound"><tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt></a>.
-If a type that we have classified
-<a href="#t:BCTypeSimple"><tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt></a> is used as a
-compound type (<tt>BCWall</tt> for a porous wall is an example), then it
-should somehow be reclassified.
-One option is to define a new <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> identifier and
-provide associated <tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> types and a usage rule.
-Another option may be to allow some identifiers to be both
-<tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> and <tt>BCTypeCompound_t</tt> and let their
-appropriate use be based on context.
-This is still undetermined.
-<a name="BC_specdata"></a>
-<h3>9.9 Boundary Condition Specification Data</h3>
-For a given simple boundary condition (i.e., one that is not
-dependent on local flow conditions), the database provides a set of
-boundary-condition equations to be enforced through the structure
-definitions for <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> and
-<a href="#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a>.
-Apart from the boundary-condition type, the precise equations to be
-enforced are described by boundary-condition solution data.
-These specified solution data are arranged by "equation type":
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Dirichlet:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>Q</i> = <i>Q</i><sub>specified</sub>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td>Neumann:<td>
-   <td>&part;<i>Q</i> / &part;<i>n</i> = 
-       (&part;<i>Q</i> / &part;<i>n</i>)<sub>specified</sub>
-The <tt>DirichletData</tt> and <tt>NeumannData</tt> entities of
-<a href="#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a> list both the solution variables
-involved in the equations (through the <a href="dataname.html">data-name
-identifier conventions</a>) and the specified solution data.
-Two issues need to be addressed for specifying Dirichlet or Neumann
-boundary-condition data.
-The first is whether the data is global or local: 
-<a name="global&local"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td nowrap>Global BC data:<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Data applied globally to the BC patch; for example, specifying
-       a uniform total pressure at an inflow boundary
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td nowrap>Local BC data:<td>
-   <td>Data applied locally at each vertex or cell face of the BC patch;
-       an example of this is varying total pressure specified at each
-       grid point at an inflow boundary
-The second issue is describing the actual solution quantities that are
-to be specified.
-Both of these issues are addressed by use of the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> structure.
-For some types of boundary conditions, many different combinations of
-solution quantities could be specified.
-For example, <tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt> requires 4 solution quantities to
-be specified in 3-D, but what those 4 quantities are varies with
-applications (e.g., internal verses external flows) and codes.
-We propose the convention that the actual data being specified for
-any <a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a> is given by the list of
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities included
-in <a href="#BCData"><tt>DirichletData</tt> and <tt>NeumannData</tt></a>
-structures (actually by the identifier attached to each instance of
-This frees us from having to define <em>many</em> versions
-of a given <tt>BCType</tt> (e.g., <tt>BCInflowSubsonic1</tt>,
-<tt>BCInflowSubsonic2</tt>, etc.), where each has a precisely defined
-set of Dirichlet data.
-We are left with the easier task of defining <em>how many</em> Dirichlet or
-Neumann quantities must be provided for each <tt>BCType</tt>.
-An example of using
-<a href="dataname.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt>-identifier conventions</a>
-to describe BC specification data is the following: subsonic
-inflow with uniform stagnation pressure, mass flow and cross-flow angle
-specified; the Dirichlet data are stagnation pressure = 2.56,
-mass flow = 1.34, and cross-flow angle has a <i>y</i>-component of
-0.043 and a <i>z</i>-component of 0.02 (ignore dimensional-units or
-normalization for the present).
-The specified solution variables and associated data are described as
-  BCData_t&lt;ListLength=?&gt; DirichletData = 
-    {{
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; PressureStagnation = {{ Data(real, 1, 1) = 2.56  }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; MassFlow           = {{ Data(real, 1, 1) = 1.34  }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityAngleY     = {{ Data(real, 1, 1) = 0.043 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityAngleZ     = {{ Data(real, 1, 1) = 0.02  }} ;
-    }} ;
-Basically, this states that <tt>DirichletData</tt> contains four
-instances of <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> with
-identifiers or names <tt>PressureStagnation</tt>, <tt>MassFlow</tt>,
-<tt>VelocityAngleY</tt> and <tt>VelocityAngleZ</tt>.
-Each <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure entity contains a single
-floating-point value; these are the Dirichlet data for the BC.
-Note that <tt>Data(real, 1, 1)</tt> means a single floating-point value.
-The <a href="#global&local">global verses local</a> data issue can be
-easily handled by storing either a scalar, as shown above, for the
-global BC data case; or storing an array for the local BC data case.
-Storing an array of local BC data allows the capability for specifying
-non-constant solution profiles, such as "analytic" boundary-layer
-profiles or profiles derived from experimental data.
-For the above example, if the stagnation pressure is instead specified
-at every vertex of the boundary-condition patch the following results:
-  BCData_t&lt;ListLength=99&gt; DirichletData = 
-    {{
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 99&gt; PressureStagnation = 
-      {{ Data(real, 1, 99) = (PTOT(n), n=1,99) }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; MassFlow           = {{ Data(real, 1, 1) = 1.34  }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityAngleY     = {{ Data(real, 1, 1) = 0.043 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityAngleZ     = {{ Data(real, 1, 1) = 0.02  }} ;
-    }} ;
-where, say, the boundary face is logically rectangular and contains
-11 &times; 9 vertices and the stagnation pressure at the vertices is
-given by the array <tt>PTOT()</tt>.
-To facilitate implementation of boundary conditions into existing flow
-solvers, we adopt the convention that if no boundary-condition data
-is specified, then flow solvers are free to enforce any appropriate
-boundary-condition equations.
-This includes situations where entities of
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a> or
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> are absent within the
-boundary-condition hierarchy.
-By convention, if no <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet</tt></a>
-entities are present, then application codes are free to enforce
-appropriate BCs for the given value of <a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a>.
-Furthermore, if the entities <tt>DirichletData</tt> and
-<tt>NeumannData</tt> are not present in an instance of
-<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>, or if insufficient data is present in
-<tt>DirichletData</tt> or <tt>NeumannData</tt> (e.g., if only one
-Dirichlet variable is present for a subsonic inflow condition), then
-application codes are free to fill out the boundary-condition data as
-appropriate for the <a href="#t:BCTypeSimple"><tt>BCTypeSimple</tt></a>
-The various levels of BC implementation allowed are shown in the
-following figure, from the lowest level in which the application codes
-interpret the <a href="#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a>, to the fully
-SIDS-compliant BC implementation that completely defines the BC within
-the CGNS file.
-<a name="f:BCimplementations"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><img src="bc.figs/bcimpl_low.gif"
-                     alt="CGNS dataset nodes for lowest boundary condition implementation level allowed"
-                     longdesc="bc.figs/bcimpl_low.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td align=center><img src="bc.figs/bcimpl_full.gif"
-                     alt="CGNS dataset nodes for fully SIDS-compliant boundary condition implementation"
-                     longdesc="bc.figs/bcimpl_full.html">
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center scope=col><small>Lowest-level allowed (application
-       code interprets meaning of <tt>BCType</tt>)</small><td>
-   <td align=center scope=col><small>Fully SIDS-compliant</small>
-Boundary Condition Implementation Levels
-An alternative approach to the present design could be to list all the
-solution variables and data (as
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>-like structures)
-for the boundary condition, and contain descriptive tags in each one to
-indicate if they are Dirichlet or Neumann data.
-We have not taken this approach.
-We think grouping boundary-condition data by "equation type" as we have
-done better allows for future extension to other types of boundary
-conditions (e.g., 2nd-order non-reflecting BC's that result in 
-partial differential equations
-to be solved at the boundary).
-<a name="BCexample"></a>
-<h3>9.10 Boundary Condition Examples</h3>
-This section contains boundary-condition examples with increasing
-Included is the most simple <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> entity
-and one of the most complex.
-The examples show situations of <a href="#global&local">local and
-global</a> boundary-condition data, <a href="#t:BCTypeSimple">simple</a>
-and <a href="#t:BCTypeCompound">compound</a> boundary-condition types,
-and multiple boundary-condition data sets that must be
-<a href="#BCType_assoc">matched</a> with the appropriate
-boundary-condition type.
-<a name="ex:bc1"></a>
-<h4>Example - Symmetry Plane</h4>
-Symmetry plane for a patch on the <i>i</i>-min face of a 3-D structured zone.
-  !  CellDimension = 3, IndexDimension = 3
-  BC_t&lt;3,3,3&gt; BC1 =
-    {{
-    BCType_t BCType = BCSymmetryPlane ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1,1,1 ] ;
-      int[3] End   = [1,9,17] ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-Since the boundary-condition equations to be enforced are completely
-defined by the boundary-condition type <tt>BCSymmetryPlane</tt>, no other
-information needs to be provided, except for the extent of the BC patch.
-The BC patch is specified by <tt>PointRange</tt> with a beginning index of
-(1,1,1) and an ending index of (1,9,17).
-By default, these refer to vertices.
-<a name="ex:bc2"></a>
-<h4>Example - Viscous Solid Wall I</h4>
-A viscous solid wall for a 3-D structured zone, where a Dirichlet
-condition is enforced for temperature; the wall temperature for the
-entire wall is specified to be 273 K.
-The BC patch is on the <i>j</i>-min face and is bounded by the indices
-(1,1,1) and (33,1,9).
-  !  CellDimension = 3, IndexDimension = 3
-  BC_t&lt;3,3,3&gt; BC2 =
-    {{
-    BCType_t BCType = BCWallViscousIsothermal ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1 ,1,1] ;
-      int[3] End   = [33,1,9] ;
-      }} ;
-    !  ListLength = 33*9 = 297
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;297&gt; BCDataSet1 =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCWallViscousIsothermal ;
-      !  Data array length = ListLength = 297
-      BCData_t&lt;297&gt; DirichletData =
-        {{
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Temperature =
-          {{
-          Data(real, 1, 1) = 273. ;
-          DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-          DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits =
-            {{
-            MassUnits        = MassUnitsNull ;
-            LengthUnits      = LengthUnitsNull ;
-            TimeUnits        = TimeUnitsNull ;
-            TemperatureUnits = Kelvin ;
-            AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-            }} ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-This is an example of a <a href="#t:BCTypeSimple">simple
-boundary-condition type</a>, <tt>BCWallViscousIsothermal</tt>.
-By default there is a zero Dirichlet condition on the velocity, and
-<a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet1</tt></a> states there is a
-Dirichlet condition on temperature with a global value of 273 K.
-The data set contains a single <a href="#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a>
-entity, called <tt>DirichletData</tt>, meaning a (possibly empty)
-collection of Dirichlet conditions should be enforced.
-Within <tt>DirichletData</tt>, there is a single
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entity; this
-narrows the specification to a single Dirichlet condition.
-This lone entity has the identifier <tt>Temperature</tt>, which by the
-<a href="dataname.html">data-name identifier conventions</a> is the
-identifier for static temperature.
-The data contained in <tt>Temperature</tt> is a floating-point scalar
-with a value of 273.
-The qualifiers <a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a>
-and <a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-specify that the temperature is dimensional with units of <tt>Kelvin</tt>.
-Since <tt>BCWallViscousIsothermal</tt> is a simple boundary-condition
-type, the appropriate data set contains a
-<a href="#BCType"><tt>BCTypeSimple</tt></a> entity whose value is
-For this example, only a single data set is provided, and this data set
-has the correct boundary-condition type.
-This is an example of a trivial data-set match.
-Apart from velocity and temperature, additional "numerical" boundary
-conditions are typically required by Navier-Stokes flow solvers, but
-none are given here; therefore, a code is free to implement other
-additional boundary conditions as desired.
-Although the boundary-condition data is global, we include in this
-example structure parameters that are the lengths of potential
-local-data arrays.
-Comments are added to the example with the "<tt>!</tt>" notation to document
-the structure parameters.
-The <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> structure function
-<a href="#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a> is evaluated based on
-Since <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> is not
-specified in <tt>BC2</tt>, any local data is at vertices by default.
-The entity <tt>Temperature</tt> contains global data, so the value of
-<tt>ListLength</tt> is unused in <tt>DirichletData</tt>.
-This example raises the question of whether unused structure parameters
-are required in structure entities.
-The answer is no.
-We included them here for completeness.
-The purpose of structure parameters is to mimic the need to define
-elements of a entity based on information contained elsewhere (at a
-higher level) in the CGNS database.
-When this need is not present in a given instance of a structure entity,
-the structure parameters are superfluous.
-In some of the following examples, structure parameters that are
-superfluous or otherwise not needed are denoted by "<tt>?</tt>".
-<a name="ex:bc3"></a>
-<h4>Example - Subsonic Inflow</h4>
-Subsonic inflow for a 2-D structured zone: The BC patch is on
-the <i>i</i>-min face and includes
-<i>j</i> &isin; [2, 7].
-As prescribed by the boundary-condition type, three quantities must be
-Uniform entropy and stagnation enthalpy are specified with values of
-0.94 and 2.85, respectively.
-A velocity profile is specified at face midpoints, given by the array
-No dimensional or nondimensional information is provided.
-  !  CellDimension = 2, IndexDimension = 2
-  BC_t&lt;2,2,?&gt; BC3 =
-    {{
-    BCType_t BCType = BCInflowSubsonic ;
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation = FaceCenter ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;2&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[2] Begin = [1,2] ;
-      int[2] End   = [1,6] ;
-      }} ;
-    !  ListLength = 5
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;5&gt; BCDataSet1 =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCInflowSubsonic ;
-      !  Data array length = ListLength = 5
-      BCData_t&lt;5&gt; DirichletData =
-        {{
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; EntropyApprox =
-          {{
-          Data(real, 1, 1) = 0.94 ;
-          }} ;
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; EnthalpyStagnation =
-          {{
-          Data(real, 1, 1) = 2.85 ;
-          }} ;
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 5&gt; VelocityY =
-          {{
-          Data(real, 1, 5) = (v_inflow(j), j=3,7) ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-This is another example of a <a href="#t:BCTypeSimple">simple
-boundary-condition type</a>.
-The primary additional complexity included in this example is multiple
-Dirichlet conditions with one containing local data.
-<tt>DirichletData</tt> contains three
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities named
-<tt>EntropyApprox</tt>, <tt>EnthalpyStagnation</tt> and <tt>VelocityY</tt>.
-This specifies three Dirichlet boundary conditions to be enforced, and
-the names identify the solution quantities to set.
-Since both <tt>EntropyApprox</tt> and <tt>EnthalpyStagnation</tt> have
-an array-length structure parameter of one, they identify global data,
-and the values are provided.
-<tt>VelocityY</tt> is an array of data values and contains the values in
-The length of the array is given by
-<a href="#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a>, which represents
-the number of cell faces because <tt>BC3</tt> is specified using the value
-of <tt>FaceCenter</tt> for <tt>GridLocation</tt>.
-Note that the beginning and ending indices on the array
-<tt>v_inflow()</tt> are unimportant (they are user inputs); there just
-needs to be five values provided.
-<a name="ex:bc4"></a>
-<h4>Example - Outflow</h4>
-Outflow boundary condition with unspecified normal Mach number for an
-<i>i</i>-max face of a 3-D structured zone: For subsonic outflow, a uniform
-pressure is specified; for supersonic outflow, no boundary-condition
-equations are specified.
-  !  CellDimension = 3, IndexDimension = 3
-  BC_t&lt;3,3,3&gt; BC4 =
-    {{
-    BCType_t BCType = BCOutflow ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange = {{ }} ;
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;?&gt; BCDataSetSubsonic =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCOutflowSubsonic ;
-      BCData_t&lt;?&gt; DirichletData =
-        {{
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Pressure = {{ }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;?&gt; BCDataSetSupersonic =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCOutflowSupersonic ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-This is an example of a <a href="#t:BCTypeCompound">complex
-boundary-condition type</a>; the equation set to be enforced depends
-on the local flow conditions, namely the Mach number normal to the
-Two <a href="#BCDataSet">data sets</a> are provided,
-<tt>BCDataSetSubsonic</tt> and <tt>BCDataSetSupersonic</tt>; recall
-the names are unimportant and are user defined.
-The first data set has a boundary-condition type of
-<tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt> and prescribes a global Dirichlet condition
-on static pressure.
-Any additional boundary conditions needed may be applied by a flow
-The second data set has a boundary-condition type of
-<tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt> with no additional boundary-condition equation
-Typically, all solution quantities are extrapolated from the interior
-for supersonic outflow.
-From the <a href="#t:BCType_assoc">boundary-condition type
-association table</a>, <tt>BCOutflow</tt> requires two data sets
-with boundary-condition types <tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt> and
-The accompanying usage rule states that the data set for
-<tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt> should be used for a subsonic normal Mach number;
-otherwise, the data set for <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt> should be enforced.
-Any additional data sets with boundary-condition types other than
-<tt>BCOutflowSubsonic</tt> or <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt> could be
-provided (the definition of <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> allows
-an arbitrary list of <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-entities); however, they should be ignored by any code processing the
-boundary-condition information.
-Another caveat is that providing two data sets with the same simple
-boundary-condition type would cause indeterminate results - which one
-is the correct data set to apply?
-The actual global data value for static pressure is not provided; an
-abbreviated form of the <tt>Pressure</tt> entity is shown.
-This example also uses the "<tt>?</tt>" notation for unused
-data-array-length structure parameters.
-<a name="ex:bc5"></a>
-<h4>Example - Farfield</h4>
-Farfield boundary condition with arbitrary flow conditions for a <i>j</i>-max
-face of a 2-D structured zone: If subsonic inflow, specify entropy,
-vorticity and incoming acoustic characteristics; if supersonic inflow
-specify entire flow state; if subsonic outflow, specify incoming
-acoustic characteristic; and if supersonic outflow, extrapolate all flow
-None of the extrapolated quantities for the different boundary condition
-possibilities need be stated.
-  !  CellDimension = 2, IndexDimension = 2
-  BC_t&lt;2,2,2&gt; BC5 =
-    {{
-    BCType_t BCType = BCFarfield ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;2&gt; PointRange = {{ }} ;
-    int[2] InwardNormalIndex = [0,-1] ;
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;?&gt; BCDataSetInflowSupersonic =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCInflowSupersonic ;
-      }} ;
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;?&gt; BCDataSetInflowSubsonic =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCInflowSubsonic ;
-      BCData&lt;?&gt; DirichletData =
-        {{
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; CharacteristicEntropy      = {{ }} ;
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; CharacteristicVorticity1   = {{ }} ;
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; CharacteristicAcousticPlus = {{ }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;?&gt; BCDataSetOutflowSupersonic =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCOutflowSupersonic ;
-      }} ;
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;?&gt; BCDataSetOutflowSubsonic =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCOutflowSubsonic ;
-      BCData&lt;?&gt; DirichletData =
-        {{
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; CharacteristicAcousticMinus = {{ }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-The farfield boundary-condition type is the most complex of the
-<a href="#t:BCTypeCompound">compound boundary-condition types</a>.
-<tt>BCFarfield</tt> requires four <a href="#BCDataSet">data sets</a>;
-these data sets must contain the <a href="#t:BCTypeSimple">simple
-boundary-condition types</a> <tt>BCInflowSupersonic</tt>,
-<tt>BCInflowSubsonic</tt>, <tt>BCOutflowSupersonic</tt> and
-This example provides four appropriate data sets.
-The <a href="#t:BCType_assoc">usage rule given for <tt>BCFarfield</tt></a>
-states which set of boundary-condition equations to be enforced based on the
-normal velocity and normal Mach number.
-The data set for supersonic-inflow provides no information other than
-the <a href="#BCType">boundary-condition type</a>.
-A flow solver is free to apply any conditions that are appropriate;
-typically all solution quantities are set to freestream reference state
-The data set for subsonic-inflow states that three Dirichlet conditions
-should be enforced; the three data identifiers provided are from the
-standard <a href="dataname.html">data-name identifier conventions</a>.
-The data set for supersonic-outflow only provides the boundary-condition
-type, and the data set for subsonic-outflow provides one
-Dirichlet condition on the incoming acoustic characteristic,
-Also provided in the example is the inward-pointing
-computational-coordinate normal; the normal points in the -<i>j</i>
-direction, meaning the BC patch is a <i>j</i>-max face.
-This information could also be obtained from the BC patch description
-given in <tt>IndexRange</tt>.
-Note that this example shows only the overall layout of the
-boundary-condition entity.
-<a href="build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange</tt></a> and all
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities
-are abbreviated, and all unused structure functions are not evaluated.
-<a name="ex:bc6"></a>
-<h4>Example - Viscous Solid Wall II</h4>
-There are circumstances when a user may wish to define a BC patch using
-vertices (under <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>), but store the BC data
-at face centers (under <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>).
-The following example is similar to the <a href="#ex:bc6">Viscous Solid
-Wall</a> example given previously, with the exception that the Dirichlet
-data for temperature is stored at face centers rather than at vertices.
-As before, the example is a viscous solid wall in a 3-D structured
-zone, where a Dirichlet condition is enforced for temperature; the wall
-temperature for the entire wall is specified to be 273 K.
-The BC patch is on the <i>j</i>-min face and is bounded by the indices
-(1,1,1) and (33,1,9).
-  !  CellDimension = 3, IndexDimension = 3
-  BC_t&lt;3,3,3&gt; BC2 =
-    {{
-    BCType_t BCType = BCWallViscousIsothermal ;
-    !  Grid location is Vertex by default
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1 ,1,1] ;
-      int[3] End   = [33,1,9] ;
-      }} ;
-    !  ListLength = 33*9 = 297
-    BCDataSet_t&lt;297&gt; BCDataSet1 =
-      {{
-      BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCWallViscousIsothermal ;
-      GridLocation_t GridLocation = FaceCenter ;
-      IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-        {{
-        int[3] Begin = [1 ,1,1] ;
-        int[3] End   = [32,1,8] ;
-        }} ;
-      !  ListLength = 32*8 = 256
-      BCData_t&lt;256&gt; DirichletData =
-        {{
-        DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Temperature =
-          {{
-          Data(real, 1, 1) = 273. ;
-          DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-          DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits =
-            {{
-            MassUnits        = MassUnitsNull ;
-            LengthUnits      = LengthUnitsNull ;
-            TimeUnits        = TimeUnitsNull ;
-            TemperatureUnits = Kelvin ;
-            AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-            }} ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-As in the previous <a href="#ex:bc6">Viscous Solid Wall</a> example,
-although the boundary-condition data is global, we include in this
-example structure parameters that are the lengths of potential
-local-data arrays.
-In <a href="#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>, <tt>GridLocation</tt> is not
-specified, and thus is <tt>Vertex</tt> by default.
-The structure function <a href="#ListLength"><tt>ListLength</tt></a> is
-297, based on the specification of <tt>PointRange</tt>, and that value
-is passed to <a href="#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>.
-In this example <tt>PointRange</tt> is specified in <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>,
-so the <tt>ListLength</tt> passed into it from <tt>BC_t</tt> is not used.
-In <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>, <tt>GridLocation</tt> is specified as
-<tt>FaceCenter</tt>, and <tt>PointRange</tt> is set accordingly.
-The corresponding value of <tt>ListLength</tt> is 256, which is passed
-into <a href="#BCData"><tt>BCData_t</tt></a>.
-As before, in <tt>BCData_t</tt> the entity <tt>Temperature</tt> contains
-global data, so the value of <tt>ListLength</tt> is unused.
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-(<a href="cgnsbase.html"><b>Hierarchical&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="gridflow.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Coordinates,&nbsp;Elements,&nbsp;and&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Solution</b></a>)
-(<a href="cnct.html"><b>Multizone&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
-(<a href="bc.html"><b>Boundary&nbsp;Conditions</b></a>)
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-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Flow</b></a>)
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-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>4 Building-Block Structure Definitions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#DataClass">4.1 Definition: <tt>DataClass_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#Descriptor">4.2 Definition: <tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#DimensionalUnits">4.3 Definition: <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#DimensionalExponents">4.4 Definition: <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#GridLocation">4.5 Definition: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#IndexArray">4.6 Definition: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#IndexRange">4.7 Definition: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#Rind">4.8 Definition: <tt>Rind_t</tt></a>
-This section defines and describes low-level structures types that are
-used in the definition of more complex structures within the hierarchy.
-<a name="DataClass"></a>
-<h3>4.1 Definition: <tt>DataClass_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>DataClass_t</tt> is an enumeration type that identifies the class of
-a given piece of data.
-  DataClass_t := Enumeration( 
-    DataClassNull, 
-    DataClassUserDefined,
-    Dimensional,
-    NormalizedByDimensional,
-    NormalizedByUnknownDimensional,
-    NondimensionalParameter,
-    DimensionlessConstant ) ;
-These classes divide data into different categories depending on
-dimensional units or normalization associated with the data.
-<tt>Dimensional</tt> specifies dimensional data.
-<tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt> specifies nondimensional data that is
-normalized by dimensional reference quantities.
-In contrast, <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt> specifies
-nondimensional data typically found in completely nondimensional
-databases, where all field and reference data is nondimensional.
-<tt>NondimensionalParameter</tt> specifies nondimensional parameters
-such as Mach number and lift coefficient.
-Constants such as <i>&pi;</i> are designated
-by <tt>DimensionlessConstant</tt>.
-The distinction between these different classes is further discussed in
-<a href="data.html">Data-Array Structure Definition</a>.
-<a name="Descriptor"></a>
-<h3>4.2 Definition: <tt>Descriptor_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> is a documentation or annotation structure that
-contains a character string.
-Characters allowed within the string include newlines, tabs and other
-special characters; this potentially allows for unlimited documentation
-inclusion within the database.
-For example, a single <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> structure could be used to
-"swallow" an entire ASCII file.
-In the hierarchical structures defined in the next sections, each allows
-for the inclusion of multiple <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> substructures.
-Conventions could be made for names of often-used
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> structure entities, such as <tt>ReadMe</tt> or
-  Descriptor_t :=
-    {
-    Data(char, 1, string_length) ;                                     (r)
-    } ;
-where <tt>string_length</tt> is the length of the character string.
-<a name="DimensionalUnits"></a>
-<h3>4.3 Definition: <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> describes the system of units used to
-measure dimensional data.
-It is composed of a set of enumeration types that define the units for
-mass, length, time, temperature, angle, electric current, substance
-amount, and luminous intensity.
-  MassUnits_t              := Enumeration( MassUnitsNull, MassUnitsUserDefined,
-                                           Kilogram, Gram, Slug, PoundMass ) ;
-  LengthUnits_t            := Enumeration( LengthUnitsNull, LengthUnitsUserDefined,
-                                           Meter, Centimeter, Millimeter, Foot,
-                                           Inch ) ;
-  TimeUnits_t              := Enumeration( TimeUnitsNull, TimeUnitsUserDefined,
-                                           Second ) ;
-  TemperatureUnits_t       := Enumeration( TemperatureUnitsNull,
-                                           TemperatureUnitsUserDefined, Kelvin,
-                                           Celsius, Rankine, Fahrenheit ) ;
-  AngleUnits_t             := Enumeration( AngleUnitsNull, AngleUnitsUserDefined,
-                                           Degree, Radian ) ;
-  ElectricCurrentUnits_t   := Enumeration( ElectricCurrentUnitsNull,
-                                           ElectricCurrentUnitsUserDefined, Ampere,
-                                           Abampere, Statampere, Edison, auCurrent ) ;
-  SubstanceAmountUnits_t   := Enumeration( SubstanceAmountUnitsNull,
-                                           SubstanceAmountUnitsUserDefined, Mole,
-                                           Entities, StandardCubicFoot,
-                                           StandardCubicMeter ) ;
-  LuminousIntensityUnits_t := Enumeration( LuminousIntensityUnitsNull,
-                                           LuminousIntensityUnitsUserDefined,
-                                           Candela, Candle, Carcel, Hefner, Violle ) ;
-  DimensionalUnits_t :=
-    {
-    MassUnits_t        MassUnits ;                                     (r)
-    LengthUnits_t      LengthUnits ;                                   (r)
-    TimeUnits_t        TimeUnits ;                                     (r)
-    TemperatureUnits_t TemperatureUnits ;                              (r)
-    AngleUnits_t       AngleUnits ;                                    (r)
-    AdditionalUnits_t :=                                               (o)
-      {
-      ElectricCurrentUnits_t   ElectricCurrentUnits ;                  (r)
-      SubstanceAmountUnits_t   SubstanceAmountUnits ;                  (r)
-      LuminousIntensityUnits_t LuminousIntensityUnits ;                (r)
-      }
-    } ;
-The International System (SI) uses the following units.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Physical Quantity<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Unit
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Mass<td>
-   <td>Kilogram
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Length<td>
-   <td>Meter
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Time<td>
-   <td>Second
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Temperature<td>
-   <td>Kelvin
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Angle<td>
-   <td>Radian
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Electric Current<td>
-   <td>Ampere
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Substance Amount<td>
-   <td>Mole
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Luminous Intensity<td>
-   <td>Candela
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-For an entity of type <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt>, if all the elements
-of that entity have the value <tt>Null</tt> (i.e., <tt>MassUnits</tt>
-= <tt>MassUnitsNull</tt>, etc.), this is equivalent to stating that the data
-described by the entity is nondimensional.
-<a name="DimensionalExponents"></a>
-<h3>4.4 Definition: <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> describes the dimensionality of data by
-defining the exponents associated with each of the fundamental units.
-  DimensionalExponents_t :=
-    {
-    real MassExponent ;                                                (r)
-    real LengthExponent ;                                              (r)
-    real TimeExponent ;                                                (r)
-    real TemperatureExponent ;                                         (r)
-    real AngleExponent ;                                               (r)
-    AdditionalExponents_t :=                                           (o)
-      {
-      real ElectricCurrentExponent   ;                                 (r)
-      real SubstanceAmountExponent   ;                                 (r)
-      real LuminousIntensityExponent ;                                 (r)
-      }
-    } ;
-For example, an instance of <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> that
-describes velocity is,
-  DimensionalExponents_t =
-    {{
-    MassExponent        =  0 ;
-    LengthExponent      = +1 ;
-    TimeExponent        = -1 ;
-    TemperatureExponent =  0 ;
-    AngleExponent       =  0 ;
-    }} ;
-<a name="GridLocation"></a>
-<h3>4.5 Definition: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>GridLocation_t</tt> identifies locations with respect to the grid;
-it is an enumeration type.
-  GridLocation_t := Enumeration( 
-    GridLocationNull,
-    GridLocationUserDefined,
-    Vertex,
-    CellCenter,
-    FaceCenter,
-    IFaceCenter,
-    JFaceCenter,
-    KFaceCenter,
-    EdgeCenter ) ;
-<tt>Vertex</tt> is coincident with the grid vertices.
-<tt>CellCenter</tt> is the center of a cell; this is also appropriate
-for entities associated with cells but not necessarily with a given
-location in a cell.
-For structured zones, <tt>IFaceCenter</tt> is the center of a face in
-3-D whose computational normal points in the <i>i</i> direction.
-<tt>JFaceCenter</tt> and <tt>KFaceCenter</tt> are similarly defined,
-again only for structured zones.
-<tt>FaceCenter</tt> is the center of a generic face that can point in
-any coordinate direction.
-These are also appropriate for entities associated with a face, but not
-located at a specific place on the face.
-<tt>EdgeCenter</tt> is the center of an edge.
-See <a href="conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid Notation and Indexing
-Conventions</a> for descriptions of cells, faces and edges.
-All of the entities of type <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> defined in this
-document use a default value of <tt>Vertex</tt>.
-<a name="IndexArray"></a>
-<h3>4.6 Definition: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>IndexArray_t</tt> specifies an array of indices.
-An argument is included that allows for specifying the data type of each
-index; typically the data type will be integer (<tt>int</tt>).
-<tt>IndexArray_t</tt> defines an array of indices of size
-<tt>ArraySize</tt>, where the dimension of each index is
-  IndexArray_t&lt; int IndexDimension, int ArraySize, DataType &gt; :=
-    {
-    Data( DataType, 2, [IndexDimension,ArraySize] ) ;                  (r)
-    } ;
-<a name="IndexRange"></a>
-<h3>4.7 Definition: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>IndexRange_t</tt> specifies the beginning and ending indices of a
-The subrange may describe a portion of a grid line, grid plane, or grid
-  IndexRange_t&lt; int IndexDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    int[IndexDimension] Begin ;                                        (r)
-    int[IndexDimension] End ;                                          (r)
-    } ;
-where <tt>Begin</tt> and <tt>End</tt> are the indices of the opposing
-corners of the subrange.
-<a name="Rind"></a>
-<h3>4.8 Definition: <tt>Rind_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>Rind_t</tt> describes the number of <a href="conv.html#rind_struct">rind
-planes</a> (for structured grids) or <a href="conv.html#rind_unstruct">rind
-points and elements</a> (for unstructured grids)
-associated with a data array containing grid coordinates,
-flow-solution data or any other grid-related discrete data.
-  Rind_t&lt; int IndexDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    int[2*IndexDimension] RindPlanes ;                                 (r)
-    } ;
-For structured grids, <tt>RindPlanes</tt> contains the number of rind
-planes attached to the minimum and maximum faces of a zone.
-The face corresponding to each index <i>n</i> of <tt>RindPlanes</tt> in
-3-D is:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>n</i> = 1&nbsp;&nbsp;--&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>i</i>-min<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>n</i> = 2&nbsp;&nbsp;--&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>i</i>-max
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>n</i> = 3&nbsp;&nbsp;--&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>j</i>-min<td>
-   <td><i>n</i> = 4&nbsp;&nbsp;--&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>j</i>-max
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>n</i> = 5&nbsp;&nbsp;--&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>k</i>-min<td>
-   <td><i>n</i> = 6&nbsp;&nbsp;--&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>k</i>-max
-For a 3-D grid whose "core" size is
-<tt>II</tt>&times;<tt>JJ</tt>&times;<tt>KK</tt>, a value of
-<tt>RindPlanes = [a,b,c,d,e,f]</tt> indicates that the range of indices
-for the grid with rind is:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>i</i>:<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>(1 - a, II + b)</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>j</i>:<td>
-   <td><tt>(1 - c, JJ + d)</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>k</i>:<td>
-   <td><tt>(1 - e, KK + f)</tt>
-For unstructured grids, <tt>RindPlanes</tt> does not actually contain
-planes, but rather contains the number of rind points or elements.
-The points are defined by the grid coordinates rind node, and the
-elements by the element set rind node.
-Note that to maintain consistency with the structured usage
-of <tt>Rind_t</tt>, <tt>RindPlanes</tt> is still dimensioned
-<tt>2*IndexDimension</tt> for unstructured grids (and, for unstructured
-grids, <tt>IndexDimension = 1</tt>).
-The first <tt>RindPlanes</tt> value is the number of rind nodes/elements
-stored before the core data, and the second is the number stored after.
-Thus <tt>RindPlanes[2] = {1 2}</tt> would mean there is one rind value
-before the core data, and two after the core data.
-However, it is preferable to write all the rind points or elements at
-the <em>end</em> of the array; in other words, for unstructured grids
-<tt>RindPlanes[2]</tt> should be set to <tt>{0 </tt><i>nrind</i><tt>}</tt>,
-where <i>nrind</i> is the number of rind points or elements.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Flow</b></a>)
-(<a href="misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>6 Hierarchical Structures</h2>
-<li> <a href="#CGNSLibraryVersion">6.1 CGNS Version</a>
-<li> <a href="#CGNSBase">6.2 CGNS Entry Level Structure Definition: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#Zone">6.3 Zone Structure Definition: <tt>Zone_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#precedence">6.4 Precedence Rules and Scope Within the Hierarchy</a>
-This section presents the structure-type definitions for the top levels
-of the CGNS hierarchy.
-As stated in the <a href="design.html">SIDS design philosophy</a>, the
-hierarchy is <a href="design.html#topology">topologically based</a>,
-where the overall organization is by zones.
-All information pertaining to a given zone, including grid coordinates,
-flow solution, and other related data, is contained within that zone's
-structure entity.
-This section describes the <a href="#CGNSLibraryVersion">CGNS version
-number</a>, defines the <a href="#CGNSBase">CGNS database entry level
-structure</a> and the <a href="#Zone">zone structure</a>, and concludes
-with a discussion of <a href="#precedence">globally applicable data</a>.
-<a name="CGNSLibraryVersion"></a>
-<h3>6.1 CGNS Version</h3>
-CGNS is an evolving standard.
-Although great care is taken to make CGNS databases backward-compatible
-with previous versions whenever possible, new nodes and new features are
-still being added that make them non-forward-compatible.
-To address this issue, each new version of the standard is labeled with
-a version number that should be written in the file.
-This version number corresponds to the version of the SIDS and is an
-essential part of the file containing the CGNS database.
-The file can not be interpreted properly without knowledge of this
-version number.
-Physically, this version number is located directly under the root node
-of the file.
-The <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#CGNSLibraryVersion">SIDS File Mapping
-Manual</a> defines this location more precisely.
-Historically, the version number was used to describe the version of
-the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a> used to write
-or modify the file.
-The corresponding node was thus named <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>.
-With the advent of new libraries that can read and write CGNS databases,
-the node is now defined as the version of the CGNS standard.
-The Mid-Level Library modifies its interpretation of node data according
-to the CGNS version number, and other libraries should also.
-<a name="CGNSBase"></a>
-<h3>6.2 CGNS Entry Level Structure Definition: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></h3>
-The highest level structure in a CGNS database is <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>.
-This top level entity is designed to be self-contained,
-a complete CFD computation can be archived and reproduced using the data
-defined in the CGNSBase. However a CGNS tree can contain more than one base,
-these can be related to the same CFD case or not. The behavior of a multi-base
-CGNS tree is application dependent, even if inter-base relationships are
-authorized in three cases:
- <li> A reference to another base's zone name (including its sub-nodes' names)
-  as defined in the multi-zone connectivities (see 
-  <a href="cnct.html">Multizone Interface Connectivity</a> and
-  time-dependant pointers 
-  <a href="timedep.html">Time-Dependent Flow</a>);
- <li> A reference to another base's family name (see 
-  <a href="misc.html#Family">Family Data Structure Definition: <tt>Family_t</tt></a>) as
-  as <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> data;
- <li> A LogicalLink() from one base to another on any kind of node;
-Care must be taken on precedence rules and scope in the case of parsing
-multiple CGNS bases (see <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">Precedence Rules and Scope
-Within the Hierarchy</a>).
-The CGNS Base contains the cell dimension and physical dimension of the
-computational grid and lists of zones and families making up the domain.
-Globally applicable information, including a reference state, a set of
-flow equations, dimensional units, time step or iteration information,
-and convergence history are also attached.
-In addition, structures for describing or annotating the database are
-also provided; these same descriptive mechanisms are provided for
-structures at all levels of the hierarchy.
-  CGNSBase_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    int CellDimension ;                                                (r)
-    int PhysicalDimension ;                                            (r)
-    BaseIterativeData_t BaseIterativeData ;                            (o)
-    List( Zone_t&lt;CellDimension, PhysicalDimension&gt; Zone1 ... ZoneN ) ; (o)
-    ReferenceState_t ReferenceState ;                                  (o)
-    Axisymmetry_t Axisymmetry ;                                        (o)
-    RotatingCoordinates_t RotatingCoordinates ;                        (o)
-    Gravity_t Gravity ;                                                (o)
-    SimulationType_t SimulationType ;                                  (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    FlowEquationSet_t&lt;CellDimension&gt; FlowEquationSet ;                 (o)
-    ConvergenceHistory_t GlobalConvergenceHistory ;                    (o)
-    List( IntegralData_t IntegralData1... IntegralDataN ) ;            (o)
-    List( Family_t Family1... FamilyN ) ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="misc.html#IntegralData"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>, 
-     <a href="misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown;
-     users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique at this level and
-     shall not include the names <tt>Axisymmetry</tt>,
-     <tt>BaseIterativeData</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt>,
-     <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt>,
-     <tt>GlobalConvergenceHistory</tt>, <tt>Gravity</tt>,
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>, <tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt>, or
-     <tt>SimulationType</tt>.
-<li> The number of entities of type <tt>Zone_t</tt> defines the number of
-     zones in the domain.
-<li> <tt>CellDimension</tt> and <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt> are the only
-     required fields.  The <tt>Descriptor_t</tt>, <tt>Zone_t</tt> and
-     <tt>IntegralData_t</tt> lists may be empty, and all other optional
-     fields absent.
-<a name="IndexDimension"></a>
-Note that we make the distinction between the following:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>IndexDimension</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Number of different indices required to reference a node
-       (e.g., 1&nbsp;=&nbsp;<i>i</i>, 2&nbsp;=&nbsp;<i>i</i>,<i>j</i>,
-       3&nbsp;=&nbsp;<i>i</i>,<i>j</i>,<i>k)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>CellDimension</tt><td>
-   <td>Dimensionality of the cell in the mesh (e.g., 3 for a volume cell,
-       2 for a face cell)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>PhysicalDimension</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of coordinates required to define a node position
-       (e.g., 1 for 1-D, 2 for 2-D, 3 for 3-D)
-These three dimensions may differ depending on the mesh.
-For example, an unstructured triangular surface mesh representing the
-wet surface of an aircraft will have:
-<li> <tt>IndexDimension</tt> = 1 (always for unstructured)
-<li> <tt>CellDimension</tt> = 2  (face elements)
-<li> <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt> = 3  (needs <i>x</i>, <i>y</i>,
-     <i>z</i> coordinates since it is a 3D surface)
-For a structured zone, the quantities <tt>IndexDimension</tt> and
-<tt>CellDimension</tt> are always equal.
-For an unstructured zone, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> always equals 1.
-Therefore, storing <tt>CellDimension</tt> at the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-level will automatically define the <tt>IndexDimension</tt> value for
-each zone.
-On the other hand we assume that all zones of the base have the same
-<tt>CellDimension</tt>, e.g., if <tt>CellDimension</tt> is 3, all zones
-must be composed of 3D cells within the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>.
-We need <tt>IndexDimension</tt> for both structured and unstructured
-zones in order to use original data structures such as
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>, etc.
-<tt>CellDimension</tt> is necessary to express the interpolants in
-<tt>ZoneConnectivity</tt> with an unstructured zone (mismatch or overset
-When the cells are bidimensional, two interpolants per node are
-required, whereas when the cells are tridimensional, three interpolants
-per node must be provided.
-<tt>PhysicalDimension</tt> becomes useful when expressing quantities
-such as the <tt>InwardNormalList</tt> in the
-<a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> data structure.
-It's possible to have a mesh where <tt>IndexDimension</tt> = 2 but the
-normal vectors still require <i>x</i>, <i>y</i>, <i>z</i> components in
-order to be properly defined.
-Consider, for example, a structured surface mesh in the 3D space.
-Information about the number of time steps or iterations being recorded,
-and the time and/or iteration values at each step, may be contained in
-the <a href="timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData</tt></a>
-Data specific to each zone in a multizone case is contained in the list
-of <a href="#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> structure entities.
-Reference data applicable to the entire CGNS database is contained in
-the <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a>
-structure; quantities such as Reynolds number and freestream Mach number
-are contained here (for external flow problems).
-<a href="gridflow.html#Axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry</tt></a> may be used
-to specify the axis of rotation and the circumferential extent for an
-axisymmetric database.
-If a rotating coordinate system is being used, the rotation
-center and rotation rate vector may be specified using the
-<a href="gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt></a>
-<a href="misc.html#Gravity"><tt>Gravity</tt></a> may be used to define
-the gravitational vector.
-<a name="SimulationType"></a>
-<tt>SimulationType</tt> is an enumeration type identifying the type
-of simulation. The default value is <tt>SimulationTypeNull</tt>.
-  SimulationType_t := Enumeration (
-    SimulationTypeNull,
-    SimulationTypeUserDefined,
-    TimeAccurate,
-    NonTimeAccurate ) ;
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> describes the
-global default for the class of data contained in the CGNS database.
-If the CGNS database contains dimensional data (e.g., velocity with units
-of <i>m/s</i>),
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of units employed.
-<a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></a>
-contains a description of the governing flow equations associated with
-the entire CGNS database.
-This structure contains information on the general class of governing
-equations (e.g., Euler or Navier-Stokes), equation sets required for
-closure, including turbulence modeling and equations of state, and
-constants associated with the equations.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a>,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>,
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a>, and
-<a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></a> have
-special function in the CGNS hierarchy.
-They are globally applicable throughout the database, but their
-precedence may be superseded by local entities (e.g., within a given
-The scope of these entities and the rules for determining precedence are
-treated in the section on <a href="#precedence">Precedence Rules and Scope
-Within the Hierarchy</a>.
-Globally relevant convergence history information is contained in
-<a href="misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><tt>GlobalConvergenceHistory</tt></a>.
-This convergence information includes total configuration forces,
-moments, and global residual and solution-change norms taken over all
-the zones.
-Miscellaneous global data may be contained in the
-<a href="misc.html#IntegralData"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a> list.
-Candidates for inclusion here are global forces and moments.
-<a name="BaseLevelFamilies"></a>
-<h4>6.2.1 Base Level Families</h4>
-The <a href="misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a> data structure
-is used to record geometry reference data.
-It may also include boundary conditions linked to geometry patches.
-For the purpose of defining material properties, families may also be
-defined for groups of elements.
-The family-mesh association is defined under the <tt>Zone_t</tt>,
- the <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> and
-<tt>BC_t</tt> data structures by specifying the family name corresponding
-to a zone or a boundary patch. The familyname can refer to a <tt>Family_t</tt>
-defined in a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> other than the referring <tt>Zone_t</tt>,
-the <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> or <tt>BC_t</tt>. In this case, the actual
-name of the <tt>Family_t</tt> has to be prefixed by the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> name.
-The pattern is then <tt>basename/familyname</tt>, only one single /
-character is allowed, and neither of <tt>basename</tt> nor <tt>familyname</tt>
-should be empty. This <tt>Family_t</tt> node can be a direct child of the
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> or a child of another <tt>Family_t</tt>. The actual family name
-has the pattern
-The family-mesh association is defined under the
-<a href="#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>,  <a href="#ZoneSubRegion"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></a> and
-<a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> data structures by specifying
-the family name corresponding to a zone, a zone sub-region or a boundary patch in a
-<tt>FamilyName_t</tt> node. If the value of the <tt>FamilyName_t</tt> node does not have
-a <tt>/</tt> character in it, then the name refers to a family being a direct child of its
-CGNS base. Otherwise, if this value has at least one <tt>/</tt> in it, the pattern
-is mandatory.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="Zone"></a>
-<h3>6.3 Zone Structure Definition: <tt>Zone_t</tt></h3>
-The <tt>Zone_t</tt> structure contains all information pertinent to an
-individual zone.
-This information includes the zone type, the number of cells and
-vertices making up the grid in that zone, the physical coordinates
-of the grid vertices, grid motion information, the family, the flow
-solution, zone interface connectivity, boundary conditions, and zonal
-convergence history data.
-Zonal data may be recorded at multiple time steps or iterations.
-In addition, this structure contains a reference state, a set of flow
-equations and dimensional units that are all unique to the zone.
-For unstructured zones, the element connectivity may also be recorded.
-  ZoneType_t := Enumeration(
-    ZoneTypeNull,
-    ZoneTypeUserDefined,
-    Structured,
-    Unstructured ) ;
-  Zone_t&lt; int CellDimension, int PhysicalDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType ;                                              (r)
-    int[IndexDimension] VertexSize ;                                   (r)
-    int[IndexDimension] CellSize ;                                     (r)
-    int[IndexDimension] VertexSizeBoundary ;                           (o/d)
-    List( GridCoordinates_t&lt;IndexDimension, VertexSize&gt;
-          GridCoordinates MovedGrid1 ... MovedGridN ) ;                (o)
-    List( Elements_t Elements1 ... ElementsN ) ;                       (o)
-    List( RigidGridMotion_t RigidGridMotion1 ... RigidGridMotionN ) ;  (o)
-    List( ArbitraryGridMotion_t&lt;IndexDimension, VertexSize, CellSize&gt;
-          ArbitraryGridMotion1 ... ArbitraryGridMotionN ) ;            (o)
-    FamilyName_t FamilyName ;                                          (o)
-    List( AdditionalFamilyName_t AddFamilyName1 ... AddFamilyNameN ) ; (o)
-    List( FlowSolution_t&lt;CellDimension, IndexDimension, VertexSize, CellSize&gt;
-          FlowSolution1 ... FlowSolutionN ) ;                          (o)
-    List( DiscreteData_t&lt;CellDimension, IndexDimension, VertexSize, CellSize&gt;
-          DiscreteData1 ... DiscreteDataN ) ;                          (o)
-    List( IntegralData_t IntegralData1 ... IntegralDataN ) ;           (o)
-    List( ZoneGridConnectivity_t&lt;IndexDimension, CellDimension&gt;
-          ZoneGridConnectivity1 ... ZoneGridConnectivityN ) ;          (o)
-    List( ZoneSubRegion_t&lt;IndexDimension, VertexSize, CellSize&gt;
-          ZoneSubRegion1 ... ZoneSubRegionN ) ;                        (o)
-    ZoneBC_t&lt;CellDimension, IndexDimension, PhysicalDimension&gt; ZoneBC ;(o)
-    ZoneIterativeData_t&lt;NumberOfSteps&gt; ZoneIterativeData ;             (o)
-    ReferenceState_t ReferenceState ;                                  (o)
-    RotatingCoordinates_t RotatingCoordinates ;                        (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    FlowEquationSet_t&lt;CellDimension&gt; FlowEquationSet ;                 (o)
-    ConvergenceHistory_t ZoneConvergenceHistory ;                      (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    int Ordinal ;                                                      (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="misc.html#IntegralData"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given
-     instance of <tt>Zone_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     names <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-     <tt>FamilyName</tt>, <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt>,
-     <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>, <tt>Ordinal</tt>,
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>, <tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt>,
-     <tt>ZoneBC</tt>, <tt>ZoneConvergenceHistory</tt>,
-     <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt>, <tt>ZoneIterativeData</tt>, or
-     <tt>ZoneType</tt>.
-<li> The original grid coordinates should have the name
-     <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>.
-     Default names for the remaining entities in the
-     <a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-     list are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names, subject to
-     the restrictions listed in the previous note.
-<li> <tt>ZoneType</tt>, <tt>VertexSize</tt>, and <tt>CellSize</tt>
-     are the only required fields within the <tt>Zone_t</tt> structure.
-<tt>Zone_t</tt> requires the parameters <tt>CellDimension</tt> and
-<tt>CellDimension</tt>, along with the type of zone, determines
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt>; if the zone type is <tt>Unstructured</tt>,
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> = 1, and if the zone type is
-<tt><tt>Structured</tt>, IndexDimension</tt> = <tt>CellDimension</tt>.
-These three structure parameters identify the dimensionality of the
-grid-size arrays.
-One or more of them are passed on to the grid coordinates, flow
-solution, interface connectivity, boundary condition and flow-equation
-description structures.
-<tt>VertexSize</tt> is the number of vertices in each index direction,
-and <tt>CellSize</tt> is the number of cells in each direction.
-For example, for structured grids in 3-D, <tt>CellSize = VertexSize -
-[1,1,1]</tt>, and for unstructured grids in 3-D, <tt>CellSize</tt> is
-simply the total number of 3-D cells.
-<tt>VertexSize</tt> is the number of vertices defining "the grid" or the
-domain (i.e., without rind points); <tt>CellSize</tt> is the number of
-cells on the interior of the domain.
-These two grid-size arrays are passed onto the grid-coordinate,
-flow-solution and discrete-data substructures.
-If the nodes are sorted between internal nodes and boundary nodes, then
-the optional parameter <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt> must be set equal to
-the number of boundary nodes.
-If the nodes are sorted, the grid coordinate vector must first include
-the boundary nodes, followed by the internal nodes.
-By default, <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt> equals zero, meaning that the
-nodes are unsorted.
-This option is only useful for unstructured zones.
-For structured zones, <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt> always equals 0 in all
-index directions.
-The <a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-structure defines "the grid"; it contains the physical coordinates of
-the grid vertices, and may optionally contain physical coordinates of
-rind or ghost points.
-The original grid is contained in <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>.
-Additional <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> data structures are allowed, to
-store the grid at multiple time steps or iterations.
-When the grid nodes are sorted, the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> in
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-lists first the data for the boundary nodes, then the data for the
-internal nodes.
-The <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> data
-structure contains unstructured elements data such as connectivity,
-element type, parent elements, etc.
-The <a href="timedep.html#RigidGridMotion"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a> and
-<a href="timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-data structures contain information defining rigid and arbitrary (i.e.,
-deforming) grid motion.
-<a name="FamilyName"></a>
-<tt>FamilyName</tt> identifies to which family a zone belongs.
-Families may be used to define material properties. Where multiple
-families are desired, <tt>AdditionalFamilyName</tt> nodes may be used
-to specify them.
-Both <tt>FamilyName</tt> and <tt>AdditionalFamilyName</tt> should refer to
-a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> level <tt>Family_t</tt>, in the parent base of the zone
-or in another sibbling base (see <a href="#BaseLevelFamilies">Base Level Families</a>).
-Flow-solution quantities are contained in the list of
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a> structures.
-Each instance of the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> structure is only allowed
-to contain data at a single grid location (vertices, cell-centers,
-etc.); multiple <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> structures are provided to store
-flow-solution data at different grid locations, to record different
-solutions at the same grid location, or to store solutions at multiple
-time steps or iterations.
-These structures may optionally contain solution data defined at rind
-Miscellaneous discrete field data is contained in the list of
-<a href="misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a> structures.
-Candidate information includes residuals, fluxes and other related
-discrete data that is considered auxiliary to the flow solution.
-Likewise, miscellaneous zone-specific global data, other than
-reference-state data and convergence history information, is contained
-in the list of <a href="misc.html#IntegralData"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>
-It is envisioned that these structures will be seldom used in practice
-but are provided nonetheless.
-The <a href="gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></a> node
-allows flowfield or other information to be specified over a subset
-of the entire zone.
-For unstructured zones only, the node-based
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-vectors (<tt>GridLocation = Vertex</tt>) in
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a> or
-<a href="misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a> must follow
-exactly the same ordering as the
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates</tt></a> vector.
-If the nodes are sorted (<tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt> is non-zero), the
-data on the boundary nodes must be listed first, followed by the data on
-the internal nodes.
-Note that the order in which the node-based data are recorded must
-follow exactly the node ordering in
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-to be able to associate the data to the correct nodes.
-For element-based data (<tt>GridLocation = CellCenter</tt>), the
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a> or
-<a href="misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a> data arrays must
-list the data values for each element, in the same order as the elements
-are listed in
-<a href="gridflow.html#ElementConnectivity"><tt>ElementConnectivity</tt></a>.
-All interface connectivity information, including identification
-of overset-grid holes, for a given zone is contained in
-<a href="cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt></a>.
-All boundary condition information pertaining to a zone is contained in
-<a href="bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>.
-The <a href="timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-data structure may be used to record pointers to zonal data at multiple
-time steps or iterations.
-Reference-state data specific to an individual zone is contained in the
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a> structure.
-<a href="gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt></a> may be used
-to specify the rotation center and rotation rate vector of a rotating
-coordinate system.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the zonal
-default for the class of data contained in the zone and its substructures.
-If a zone contains dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If a set of flow equations are specific to a given zone, these may be
-described in
-<a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></a>.
-For example, if a single zone within the domain is inviscid, whereas all
-other are turbulent, then this zone-specific equation set could be used
-to describe the special zone.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a>,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>,
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a>,
-and <a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></a>
-have special function in the hierarchy.
-They are applicable throughout a given zone, but their precedence may be
-superseded by local entities contained in the zone's substructures.
-If any of these entities are present within a given instance of
-<tt>Zone_t</tt>, they take precedence over the corresponding global
-entities contained in database's
-<a href="#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> entity.
-These precedence rules are further discussed in the section on
-<a href="#precedence">Precedence Rules and Scope Within the Hierarchy</a>
-Convergence history information applicable to the zone is contained in
-<a href="misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><tt>ZoneConvergenceHistory</tt></a>;
-this includes residual and solution-change norms.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="Ordinal"></a>
-<tt>Ordinal</tt> is user-defined and has no restrictions on the values
-that it can contain.
-It is included for backward compatibility to assist implementation of
-the CGNS system into applications whose I/O depends heavily on the
-numbering of zones.
-Since there are no restrictions on the values contained in
-<tt>Ordinal</tt> (or that <tt>Ordinal</tt> is even provided), there
-is no guarantee that the zones in an existing CGNS database will have
-sequential values from 1 to <i>N</i> without holes or repetitions.
-Use of <tt>Ordinal</tt> is discouraged and is on a user-beware basis.
-<a name="precedence"></a>
-<h3>6.4 Precedence Rules and Scope Within the Hierarchy</h3>
-<a name="SingleBase"></a>
-<h4>6.4.1 Single Base</h4>
-The dependence of a structure entity's information on data contained at 
-higher levels of the hierarchy is typically explicitly expressed through
-structure parameters.
-For example, all arrays within <a href="#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>
-depend on the dimensionality of the computational grid.
-This dimensionality is passed down to a <tt>Zone_t</tt> entity through a
-structure parameter in the definition of <tt>Zone_t</tt>.
-We have established an alternate dependency for a limited number
-of entities that is not explicitly stated in the structure type
-These special situations include entities for describing data class,
-system of dimensional units, reference states and flow equation sets.
-At each level of the hierarchy (where appropriate), entities for
-describing this information are defined, and if present they take
-precedence over all corresponding information existing at higher levels
-of the CGNS hierarchy.
-Essentially, we have established globally applicable data with
-provisions for recursively overriding it with local data.
-Specifically, the entities that follow this alternate dependency are:
-<li> <tt>FlowEquationSet_t FlowEquationSet</tt>,
-<li> <tt>ReferenceState_t ReferenceState</tt>,
-<li> <tt>DataClass_t DataClass</tt>,
-<li> <tt>DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></a>
-contains a description of the governing flow equations;
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a> describes
-a set of reference state flow conditions;
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-class of data (e.g., <a href="data.html#dim">dimensional</a> or
-<a href="data.html#normbydim">nondimensional</a>); and
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-specifies the system of units used for dimensional data.
-All of these entities may be defined within the highest level
-<a href="#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> structure, and if present
-in a given database, establish globally applicable information;
-these may also be considered to be global defaults.
-Each of these four entities may also be defined within the
-<a href="#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> structure.
-If present in a given instance of <tt>Zone_t</tt>, they supersede the
-global data and establish new defaults that apply only within that
-For example, if a different set of flow equations is solved within a
-given zone than is solved in the rest of the flowfield, then this can be
-conveyed through
-<a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></a>.
-In this case, one <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt> entity would be placed within
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> to state the globally applicable flow equations,
-and a second <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt> entity would be placed within
-the given zone (within its instance of <tt>Zone_t</tt>); this second
-<tt>FlowEquationSet</tt> entity supersedes the first only within the
-given zone.
-In addition to its presence in <a href="#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>
-and <a href="#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a> may also
-be defined within the boundary-condition structure types to establish
-reference states applicable to one or more boundary-condition patches.
-Actually, <tt>ReferenceState</tt> entities can be defined at
-several levels of the <a href="bc.html">boundary-condition hierarchy</a>
-to allow flexibility in setting the appropriate reference state
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> and
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> are
-used within entities describing data arrays.
-They classify the data and specify its system of units if dimensional.
-If these entities are absent from a particular instance of
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, the information
-is derived from appropriate global data.
-<tt>DataClass</tt> and <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> are also declared in
-all intermediate structure types that directly or indirectly contain
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> entities.
-Examples include
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-<a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>, and
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>.
-The same precedence rules apply - lower-level entities supersede
-higher-level entities.
-It is envisioned that in practice, the use of globally applicable data
-will be the norm rather than the exception.
-It provides a measure of economy throughout the CGNS database in many
-For example, when creating a database where the vast majority of
-data arrays are dimensional and use a consistent set of units,
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> and
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-can be set appropriately at the <a href="#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>
-level and thereafter omitted when outputting data.
-<a name="MultipleBases"></a>
-<h4>6.4.2 Multiple Bases</h4>
-With a multiple-bases CGNS tree, some nodes defined at
-the base level may lead to an inconsistent CGNS set of data. In that case
-it is up to the application using the CGNS tree to define its own
-understanding of the data. In particular, the following nodes are not
-required to be the same in all bases of a CGNS tree, thus inter-base
-references may lead to inconsistency:
-  <li><tt>CellDimension</tt> and <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>
-  <li><tt>ReferenceState</tt>
-  <li><tt>Axisymmetry</tt>
-  <li><tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt>
-  <li><tt>Gravity</tt>
-  <li><tt>SimulationType</tt>
-  <li><tt>DataClass</tt>
-  <li><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>
-  <li><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt>
-  <li><tt>Family_t</tt>
-The application has to take into account the corresponding base definition
-for the referred-to node.
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-Last updated 20 May 2016
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-(<a href="cgnsbase.html"><b>Hierarchical&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="gridflow.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Coordinates,&nbsp;Elements,&nbsp;and&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Solution</b></a>)
-(<a href="cnct.html"><b>Multizone&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
-(<a href="bc.html"><b>Boundary&nbsp;Conditions</b></a>)
-(<a href="floweqn.html"><b>Governing&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Equations</b></a>)
-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Flow</b></a>)
-(<a href="misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Major Differences from Previous CGNS Versions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#Version34">Version 3.4</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version33">Version 3.3</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version32">Version 3.2</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version31">Version 3.1</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version25">Version 2.5</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version24">Version 2.4</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version23">Version 2.3</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version22beta1">Version 2.2, Beta 1</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version21beta1">Version 2.1, Beta 1</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version2beta2">Version 2.0, Beta 2</a>
-<li> <a href="#Version2beta1">Version 2.0, Beta 1</a>
-The following items represent noteworthy alterations and additions to
-the SIDS <u>in reverse chronological order</u>.  References to CPEX in the following refer to 
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org/Proposals.html">CGNS Proposals for Extension</a>.
-<a name="Version34"></a>
-<h3>Version 3.4</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 3.4.
-<li>Added CPEX 0041 to modify the description of the
-      <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-      structure for <tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>NGON_n</tt>, <tt>NFACE_n</tt>
-      element types. Add a new array <tt>ElementStartOffset</tt> to describe
-      elements positions and make per process i/o easier.
-<a name="Version33"></a>
-<h3>Version 3.3</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 3.3.
-<li>Added CPEX 0039 to define inter-base reference for multi-zone
-      connectivities, families,
-      and time dependent pointers to Zones and
-      Families. A reference to a zone or a family can
-      now have the pattern <tt>{base name}/{zone name}</tt> or
-      <tt>{base name}/{family name}</tt> in order to refer to
-      a zone or a family defined in another base.
-      65 characters are allowed for identifiers in another base.
-      <a href="cgnsbase.html#BaseLevelFamilies">Base Level Families</a> section added.
-      New subsection on <a href="cgnsbase.html#MultipleBases">Multiple Bases</a> added.
-      Mention of use of 65 characters made in <a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1">GridConnectivity1to1_t</a>
-      and <a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity">GridConnectivity_t</a>.
-      Added note in <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData">UserDefinedData_t</a>.
-      New maximum character size of 65 in ZonePointers and FamilyPointers in
-      <a href="timedep.html#BaseIterativeData">BaseIterativeData_t</a>.
-<li>Added mention that <tt>FamilyName</tt> and <tt>AdditionalFamilyName</tt>
-      in <a href="gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">ZoneSubRegion_t</a> must respect appropriate rules.
-<li>Added ".." to be avoided in names in <a href="conv.html#notation">Data Structure Notation Conventions</a>,
-      and added mention that entity names cannot exceed 32 characters.
-<li>Added mention that default value for SimulationType is SimulationTypeNull
-      (in <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase">CGNSBase_t</a>).
-<li>Added a note in <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution">FlowSolution_t</a> to mention that the <tt>NODE</tt> element
-      is not to be used in place of the vertex.
-<li>Added some new subsection headings.
-<li>Fixed typo in section 10.3 (GasModelType_t changed to ModelType_t).
-<a name="Version32"></a>
-<h3>Version 3.2</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 3.2.
-<li> Added AdditionalFamilyName_t under 
-      <a href="bc.html#BC">BC_t</a>, 
-      <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone">Zone_t</a>, 
-      <a href="gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">ZoneSubRegion_t</a>, and
-      <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData">UserDefinedData_t</a>; and added
-      FamilyName_t under 
-      <a href="misc.html#Family">Family_t</a> 
-      (a hierarchy of families is now possible); according
-      to CPEX 0033 and 0034.
-<li> Added new cubic elements in <a href="conv.html#unstructgrid">Conventions</a>, according to CPEX 0036.
-<li> Added new quartic elements in <a href="conv.html#unstructgrid">Conventions</a>, according to CPEX 0038.
-     <br><br>
-<a name="Version31"></a>
-<h3>Version 3.1</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 3.1.
-<li> Added a <tt>PYRA_13</tt> element in the description of the
-        unstructured grid element numbering conventions for
-        <a href="conv.html#unst_pyramid">pyramid elements</a>.
-     <br><br>
-<li> Modified the description of the
-        <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-        structure to incorporate the new definition of the
-        <tt>NGON_n</tt> element type, and added the <tt>NFACE_n</tt>
-        element type.
-        Also added <a href="gridflow.html#element_example">examples</a>
-        illustrating their use, including for polyhedral elements.
-     <br><br>
-<li> Changed <tt>Null</tt> to <tt>xxxxNull</tt> and <tt>UserDefined</tt> to <tt>xxxxUserDefined</tt>, as appropriate.
-     <br><br>
-<li> Also made sure that the <tt>xxxxNull</tt> is listed first, and the
-     <tt>xxxxUserDefined</tt> is listed second.
-     <br><br>
-<li> Added section <a href="floweqn.html#ModelType">Model Type Structure Definition</a>.
-     <br><br>
-<li> Added <a href="gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">ZoneSubRegion_t</a> (CPEX 0030).
-        Made changes associated with CPEX 0031:
-        (1) added CellDimension to several places in <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone">Zone_t</a>,
-        (2) added new ParentElements and ParentElementsPosition
-        in <a href="gridflow.html#Elements">Elements_t</a>,
-        (3) added CellDimension and revamped usage of PointList and PointRange
-        in <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution">FlowSolution_t</a>,
-        (4) added CellDimension to several places in <a href="bc.html#ZoneBC">ZoneBC_t</a>,
-        (5) added CellDimension and revamped usage of PointList and PointRange
-        in <a href="bc.html#BC">BC_t</a>,
-        (6) changes in <a href="bc.html#BCDataSet">BCDataSet_t</a>,
-        (7) added CellDimension and revamped usage of PointList and PointRange
-        in <a href="misc.html#DiscreteData">DiscreteData_t</a>,
-        (8) changes in <a href="misc.html#FamilyBC">FamilyBC_t</a>,
-        (9) creation of new <a href="misc.html#FamilyBCDataSet">FamilyBCDataSet_t</a>,
-        (10) changes in <a href="timedep.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">Zone Grid Connectivities</a>, and
-        (11) addition of ZoneGridConnectivityPointers and ZoneSubRegionPointers
-        in <a href="timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData">ZoneIterativeData_t</a>.
-        A note regarding CPEX 0031:  The use of ElementList and ElementRange has been
-        deprecated in favor of PointList and PointRange, as described in CPEX 0031 and
-        in relevant sections of this document.
-     <br><br>
-<li> Added clarity that if rotating about more than one axis, then it is done
-          in a particular order in
-          <a href="cnct.html#Periodic">Periodic_t</a> and in
-          <a href="timedep.html#t:id_rigidgrid">Data-Name Identifiers for Rigid Grid Motion</a>.
-     <br><br>
-<li> Modified table in
-          <a href="bc.html#BC">BC_t</a> to include CellCenter GridLocation.
-<a name="Version25"></a>
-<h3>Version 2.5</h3>
-No changes were made to the data structures for Version 2.5.
-<a name="Version24"></a>
-<h3>Version 2.4</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 2.4.
-<li> <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>,
-     <tt>PointRange</tt>, and <tt>PointList</tt>
-     have been added to the
-     <a href="bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> data structure,
-     allowing boundary conditions to be specified at locations different
-     from those used to defined the BC patch.
-     (E.g., a BC patch may be defined using vertices, with boundary
-     conditions applied at face centers.)<br><br>
-<li> Data structures have been added to
-     <a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>
-     for describing the electric field, magnetic field, and conductivity
-     models used for <a href="floweqn.html#EM">electromagnetic flows</a>.
-     Corresponding recommended <a href="floweqn.html#t:id_EM">data-name
-     identifiers</a> have also been added.<br><br>
-<li> <a href="gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-     has been added to the <a href="misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-     data structure.<br><br>
-<li> A <a href="bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> list
-     has been added to the <a href="misc.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-     data structure, allowing specification of boundary condition data
-     arrays for CFD families.<br><br>
-<li> <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>,
-     <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>,
-     <a href="cgnsbase.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>,
-     and <a href="cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal</tt></a> have been
-     added to the
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     data structure.<br><br>
-<li> The <a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>
-     and <a href="build.html#DimensionalExponents"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-     structures have been expanded to include units for electric
-     current, substance amount, and luminous intensity.<br><br>
-<li> The capability to include <a href="conv.html#rind_unstruct">rind
-     data with unstructured grids</a> has been added, and
-     <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a> has been added to the
-     <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> structure,
-     allowing specification of connectivity information for rind
-     elements.
-<a name="Version23"></a>
-<h3>Version 2.3</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 2.3.
-<li> <tt>ElementRange</tt> and <tt>ElementList</tt> have been added to the
-     <a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> data structure.
-     <tt>ElementRange</tt> or <tt>ElementList</tt> may now be used
-     to define a boundary condition patch by specifying face indices,
-     instead of using <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> with
-     <tt>GridLocation</tt> set to <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-     The use of <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> to define a
-     boundary condition patch hasn't changed.
-     They may be used to define a boundary condition patch by specifying
-     either vertex or face indices.
-     <p>
-     When <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> is used, the choice
-     between vertex or face indices is determined by the value of
-     <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>.
-     When <tt>ElementRange</tt> or <tt>ElementList</tt> is used,
-     <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> is ignored.
-<a name="Version22beta1"></a>
-<h3>Version 2.2, Beta 1</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 2.2, Beta 1.
-<li> <a href="gridflow.html#Axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-     nodes have been added, allowing the recording of data relevant to
-     axisymmetric flows and rotating coordinates.<br><br>
-<li> A <a href="misc.html#Gravity"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a> node has
-     been added for storage of the gravitational vector.<br><br>
-<li> A <a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-     node has been added, allowing the recording of special properties
-     associated with particular connectivity patches, such as periodic
-     interfaces, or interfaces where the data is to be averaged in some
-     way prior to passing it to a neighboring interface.<br><br>
-<li> A <a href="bc.html#BCProperty"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>
-     node has been added, allowing the recording of special properties
-     associated with particular boundary condition patches, such as wall
-     function or bleed regions.<br><br>
-<li> Additional <a href="dataname.html#dataname_flow">flow solution
-     data-name identifiers</a> are included for variables in rotating
-     coordinate systems.
-<a name="Version21beta1"></a>
-<h3>Version 2.1, Beta 1</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 2.1, Beta 1.
-<li> A node type
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     is added for the storage of arbitrary user defined data in
-     <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-     restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at
-     other node locations.<br><br>
-<li> Support for multi-species flows and chemistry has been added.
-     New gas models have been added to the
-     <a href="floweqn.html#GasModel"><tt>GasModelType_t</tt></a>
-     enumeration, and
-     <a href="floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>
-     and <a href="floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>
-     data structures have been added for describing the thermal
-     relaxation and chemical kinetics models.
-     Additional <a href="dataname.html#dataname_flow">flow solution
-     data-name identifiers</a> are included.
-<a name="Version2beta2"></a>
-<h3>Version 2.0, Beta 2</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 2.0, Beta 2.
-<li> The following data structures related to time-dependent flow
-     have been added:
-     <a href="timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="timedep.html#RigidGridMotion"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>.
-<a name="Version2beta1"></a>
-<h3>Version 2.0, Beta 1</h3>
-The following changes were made for Version 2.0, Beta 1.
-<li> The capability for recording unstructured zones has been
-     added to the SIDS.
-     (These changes occur throughout the document, although some
-     specific items are listed below.)<br><br>
-<li> The values <tt>UserDefined</tt> and <tt>Null</tt> are now allowed
-     for all enumeration types (throughout document).<br><br>
-<li> The following nodes are now defined (some of these also
-     include additional new children sub-nodes):
-     <a href="misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>ZoneType_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="misc.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>.<br><br>
-<li> Under <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>, the
-     <tt>IndexDimension</tt> is no longer recorded; it has been replaced
-     by <tt>CellDimension</tt> and <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>.<br><br>
-<li> Under <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>, the
-     optional parameter <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt> has been added for
-     unstructured zones.<br><br>
-<li> The method for general connectivity
-     (<a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>)
-     has been altered.
-     It now requires the use of either (a) <tt>PointListDonor</tt> (an
-     integer, for <tt>Abutting1to1</tt> only) or (b) <tt>CellListDonor</tt>
-     (an integer) plus <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> (a real).<br><br>
-<li> The <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>
-     structure has been moved up one level
-     (from <a href="bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> to
-     <a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>).
-     Thus, for example, if the boundary conditions are defined at
-     vertices (the default), then any associated dataset information
-     must also be specified at vertices.<br><br>
-<li> The data-name identifier
-     <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState"><tt>LengthReference</tt></a>
-     has been added (see also the
-     <a href="dataname.html#dataname_flow">data-name identifier
-     conventions for the flowfield solution</a>).<br><br>
-<li> The <i>&nu;<sub>t</sub></i> parameter has
-     been renamed <tt>ViscosityEddyKinematic</tt>, and a new parameter
-     <tt>ViscosityEddy</tt>, representing
-     <i>&mu;<sub>t</sub></i>, has been defined
-     (see the <a href="dataname.html#dataname_flow">data-name identifier
-     conventions for the flowfield solution</a>).
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-     for Transformation matrix for general Transform -->
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-<title> SIDS - 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Structure Definition - Transformation matrix for general Transform </title>
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-The elements in the first row of the 3 by 3 transformation matrix T are
-sgn(a) del(a-1), sgn(b) del(b-1), and sgn(c) del(c-1).
-The elements in the second row are
-sgn(a) del(a-2), sgn(b) del(b-2), and sgn(c) del(c-2).
-And the elements in the third row are
-sgn(a) del(a-3), sgn(b) del(b-3), and sgn(c) del(c-3).
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 21 Aug 2002
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index a8c42dbb..00000000
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.eqs/Texample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for Transformation matrix for Transform = [-2, +3, +1] -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Structure Definition - Transformation matrix for Transform = [-2, +3, +1] </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The elements in the first row of the transformation matrix are
-0, 0, +1.
-The elements in the second row are -1, 0, 0.
-And the elements in the third row are 0, +1, 0.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 21 Aug 2002
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.eqs/d.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.eqs/d.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c64fc9a..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.eqs/d.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_1to1.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_1to1.gif
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index a1c1a1f1..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_1to1.gif and /dev/null differ
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_1to1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for 1-to-1 Abutting, Complete Face to a Subset of a Face -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Examples - 1-to-1 Abutting, Complete Face to a Subset of a Face </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows two abutting structured zones.
-Zone 1, on the left, is 17 by 9 by 7, and zone 2, on the right, is
-7 by 9 by 5.
-The entire j-max face of zone 2 abuts the larger i-max face of zone 1.
-The grid point (17,3,1) in zone 1 coincides with the grid point (7,9,5)
-in zone 2, and the point (17,9,5) in zone 1 coincides with the point
-(1,9,1) in zone 2.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 21 Aug 2002
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example1.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example1.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index fb7ce920..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example1.gif and /dev/null differ
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index c5c58253..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity Examples - longdesc
-     for Structured Abutting Zones example -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity Examples - Structured
-        Abutting Zones </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows the two-dimensional faces of two abutting
-three-dimensional structured grid cells.
-The donor cell face is drawn using solid lines, and has corners labeled
-"i=20,j=10,k=2", "i=20,j=11,k=2", "i=20,j=10,k=3", and "i=20,j=11,k=3".
-The receiving cell face is drawn using dashed lines, with one corner
-labeled "R" inside the donor cell face.
-Arrows are drawn showing that the location of point "R" in the donor
-zone is "0.75 in the j direction" and "0.45 in the k direction".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example2.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example2.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cebf958..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example2.gif and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8c8dca16..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity Examples - longdesc
-     for Unstructured Abutting Zones, HEXA_8 Donor Cell example -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity Examples - Unstructured
-        Abutting Zones, HEXA_8 Donor Cell </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows the two-dimensional faces of two abutting
-three-dimensional unstructured hexahedral grid cells.
-The donor cell face is drawn using solid lines, and is labeled as "HEXA_8
-volume element #238".
-Its corners are labeled "node 1", "node 2", "node 3", and "node 4".
-The receiving cell face is drawn using dashed lines, with one corner
-labeled "R" inside the donor cell face.
-Arrows are drawn showing that the location of point "R" in the donor
-zone is "0.75 in the 1-2 direction" and "0.55 in the 1-4 direction".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example3.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example3.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc8c6be..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example3.gif and /dev/null differ
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index 7ab58087..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_example3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity Examples - longdesc
-     for Unstructured Abutting Zones, TRI_3 Donor Cell example -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity Examples - Unstructured
-        Abutting Zones, TRI_3 Donor Cell </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows the two-dimensional faces of two abutting unstructured
-grid cells.
-The donor cell face is a triangle, drawn using solid lines, and is
-labeled as "TRI_3 face element #1893".
-Its corners are labeled "node 1", "node 2", and "node 3".
-The receiving cell face is a quadrilateral, drawn using dashed lines,
-with one corner labeled "R" inside the donor cell face.
-Arrows are drawn showing that the location of point "R" in the donor
-zone is "0.34 in the 1-2 direction" and "0.61 in the 1-3 direction".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
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deleted file mode 100644
index d7145ced..00000000
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index a4ba3e35..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_struct.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for structured
-     grid cell-->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for structured grid cell </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows a three-dimensional structured grid cell, with
-one corner having indices (i,j,k) and the opposite having indices
-Vectors are drawn for r, s, and t, in the i, j, and k directions,
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_bar2.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_bar2.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 608ed357..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_bar2.gif and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0777bd59..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_bar2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for unstructured
-     BAR_2 grid element -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for
-        unstructured BAR_2 grid element </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows an unstructured line grid element (i.e., a line),
-with nodes labeled 1 and 2.
-An r vector is drawn in the direction from node 1 to node 2.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_hexa8.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_hexa8.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index f18b1ad4..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_hexa8.gif and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 885a43f4..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_hexa8.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for unstructured
-     HEXA_8 grid element -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for
-        unstructured HEXA_8 grid element </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows an unstructured hexahedral grid element, with nodes
-labeled 1 through 8.
-Vectors for r, s, and t are drawn in the directions from node 1 to node 2,
-node 1 to node 4, and node 1 to node 5, respectively.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_penta6.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_penta6.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index a7d502f5..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_penta6.gif and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index ac39f913..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_penta6.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for unstructured
-     PENTA_6 grid element -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for
-        unstructured PENTA_6 grid element </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows an unstructured pentahedral grid element, with nodes
-labeled 1 through 6.
-Vectors for r, s, and t are drawn in the directions from node 1 to node 2,
-node 1 to node 3, and node 1 to node 4, respectively.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b550967..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.html b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e1cc1bed..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for unstructured
-     PYRA_5 grid element -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for
-        unstructured PYRA_5 grid element </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows an unstructured pyramid grid element, with nodes
-labeled 1 through 5.
-Vectors for r, s, and t are drawn in the directions from node 1 to node 2,
-node 1 to node 4, and node 1 to node 5, respectively.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_quad4.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_quad4.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af6dbc1..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_quad4.gif and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index ef9b8509..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_quad4.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for unstructured
-     QUAD_4 grid element -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for
-        unstructured QUAD_4 grid element </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows an unstructured quadrilateral grid element, with nodes
-labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4.
-Vectors for r and s are drawn in the directions from node 1 to node 2,
-and node 1 to node 4, respectively.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tetra4.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tetra4.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index f19bfc8a..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 037d455b..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tetra4.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for unstructured
-     TETRA_4 grid element -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for
-        unstructured TETRA_4 grid element </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows an unstructured tetrahedral grid element, with nodes
-labeled 1 through 4.
-Vectors for r, s, and t are drawn in the directions from node 1 to node 2,
-node 1 to node 3, and node 1 to node 4, respectively.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tri3.gif b/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tri3.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index aec12e39..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5cf61d83..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tri3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity - longdesc
-     for General Interface Connectivity, interpolants for unstructured
-     TRI_3 grid element -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - General Interface Connectivity - interpolants for
-        unstructured TRI_3 grid element </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows an unstructured triangular grid element, with nodes
-labeled 1, 2, and 3.
-Vectors for r and s are drawn in the directions from node 1 to node 2,
-and node 1 to node 3, respectively.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 14 Sep 2007
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-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Multizone Interface Connectivity -->
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-<link href="sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Standard Interface Data Structures - Multizone Interface Connectivity </title>
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-(<a href="floweqn.html"><b>Governing&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Equations</b></a>)
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-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>8 Multizone Interface Connectivity</h2>
-<li> <a href="#ZoneGridConnectivity">8.1 Zonal Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#GridConnectivity1to1">8.2 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#cnct_1to1_example">8.3 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Examples</a>
-<li> <a href="#GridConnectivity">8.4 General Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#cnct_gen_example">8.5 General Interface Connectivity Examples</a>
-<li> <a href="#GridConnectivityProperty">8.6 Grid Connectivity Property Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#Periodic">8.6.1 Periodic Interface Structure Definition: <tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="#AverageInterface">8.6.2 Average Interface Structure Definition: <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#OversetHoles">8.7 Overset Grid Holes Structure Definition: <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-This section defines structures for describing multizone interface
-connectivity for <a href="conv.html#interfaces">1-to-1 abutting,
-mismatched abutting, and overset type interfaces</a>.
-All interface connectivity information pertaining to a given zone is
-grouped together in a
-<a href="#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-structure entity; this in turn is contained in a <a
-href="cgnsbase.html#Zone">zone structure entity</a>.
-Before presentation of the structure definitions, a few design features
-require comment.
-All indices used to describe interfaces are the dimensionality
-(<tt>IndexDimension</tt>) of the grid, even when they are used to
-describe lower-dimensional zonal boundaries for abutting interfaces.
-The alternative for structured zones that was not chosen is to use
-lower-dimensional indices for lower-dimensional interfaces (e.g., for a
-3-D grid, use two-dimensional indices for describing grid planes that
-are interfaces).
-Both alternatives offer trade-offs.
-The lower-dimensional indices require cyclic notation conventions and
-additional identification of face location; whereas, full-dimensional
-indices result in one redundant index component when describing points
-along a grid plane.
-We decided that full-dimensional indices would be more usable and less
-error prone in actual implementation.
-A major consequence of this decision is that connectivity information
-for describing mismatched abutting interfaces and overset interfaces
-can be merged into a single structure,
-<a href="#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>.
-In fact, this single structure type can be used to describe all zonal
-A second design choice was to duplicate all 1-to-1 abutting interface
-information within the CGNS database.
-It is possible to describe a given 1-to-1 interface with a single set of
-connectivity data.
-In contrast, mismatched and overset interfaces require different
-connectivity information when the roles of receiver and donor zones are
-Therefore, a given mismatched or overset interface requires two sets of
-connectivity data within the database.
-The decision to force two sets of connectivity data (one contained
-in each of the <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> entities
-for the two adjacent zones)for each 1-to-1 interface makes the
-connectivity structures for all interface types look and function
-It also fits better with the zone-by-zone hierarchy chosen for the CGNS
-database.  The minor penalty in data duplication was deemed worth the
-advantages gained.
-Note that it is a CGNS design intent that a given zone boundary segment
-or location should at most be defined (or covered) by either a boundary
-condition or a multizone interface connectivity, but not by both.
-<a name="ZoneGridConnectivity"></a>
-<h3>8.1 Zonal Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></h3> 
-All multizone interface grid connectivity information pertaining to
-a given zone is contained in the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-This includes abutting interfaces (1-to-1 and general mismatched),
-overset-grid interfaces, and overset-grid holes.
-  ZoneGridConnectivity_t&lt; int IndexDimension, int CellDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    List( GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt;
-          GridConnectivity1to11 ... GridConnectivity1to1N ) ;          (o)
-    List( GridConnectivity_t&lt;IndexDimension, CellDimension&gt;
-          GridConnectivity1 ... GridConnectivityN ) ;                  (o)
-    List( OversetHoles_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; 
-          OversetHoles1 ... OversetHolesN ) ;                          (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>.
-<li> All lists within the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> structure may
-     be empty.
-<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> requires two structure parameters,
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt>, which is passed onto all connectivity
-substructures, and <tt>CellDimension</tt>, which is passed to
-<a href="#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a> only.
-Connectivity information for 1-to-1 or matched multizone interfaces is
-contained in the
-<a href="#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a> structure.
-Abutting and overset connectivity is contained in the
-<a href="#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a> structure,
-and overset-grid holes are identified in the
-<a href="#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a> structure.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="GridConnectivity1to1"></a>
-<h3>8.2 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> only applies to structured zones
-interfacing with structured donors and whose interface is a logically
-rectangular region.
-It contains connectivity information for a multizone interface patch
-that is abutting with 1-to-1 matching between adjacent zone indices
-(also referred to as C0 connectivity).
-An interface patch is the subrange of the face of a zone that touches
-one and only one other zone.
-This structure identifies the subrange of indices for the two adjacent
-zones that make up the interface and gives an index transformation from
-one zone to the other.
-It also identifies the name of the adjacent zone.
-All the interface patches for a given zone are contained in the
-<a href="#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-entity for that zone.
-If a face of a zone touches several other zones (say <i>N</i>), then
-<i>N</i> different instances of the <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>
-structure must be included in the zone to describe each separate
-interface patch.
-This convention requires that a single interface patch be described
-twice in the database - once for each adjacent zone.
-  GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt; int IndexDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    int[IndexDimension] Transform ;                                    (o/d)
-    IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                          (r)
-    IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRangeDonor ;                     (r)
-    Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName ;                                 (r)
-    GridConnectivityProperty_t GridConnectivityProperty ;              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    int Ordinal ;                                                      (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     names <tt>GridConnectivityProperty</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt>,
-     <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt>, <tt>Transform</tt>, or <tt>Ordinal</tt>.
-<li> If <tt>Transform</tt> is absent, then its default value is
-     <tt>[</tt>+1,+2,+3<tt>]</tt>.
-<li> <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> must be equated to a 32 character maximum zone identifier
-     within the current CGNS database (i.e., it must be equal to one
-     of the <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> identifiers
-     contained in the current
-     <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> entity)
-     or to a 65 character maximum zone identifier
-     in another base of the same CGNS tree; in that case the
-     <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> string has the pattern <tt>base/zone</tt>, only one
-     single "/" character is allowed, and neither <tt>basename</tt> nor
-     <tt>zonename</tt> should be empty. <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> should also not be empty.
-<li> Beginning indices of <tt>PointRange</tt> and
-     <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> must coincide (i.e., must be the same
-     physical point); ending indices of <tt>PointRange</tt> and
-     <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> must also coincide.
-<li> Elements of <tt>Transform</tt> must be signed integers in the range
-     <tt>-IndexDimension</tt>, ..., <tt>+IndexDimension</tt>;
-     element magnitudes may not be repeated.
-     In 3-D allowed elements are 0, &plusmn;1, &plusmn;2, &plusmn;3.
-<tt>PointRange</tt> contains the subrange of indices that makes up the
-interface patch in the current zone (i.e., that
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> entity
-that contains the given instance of <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>).
-<tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> contains the interface patch subrange
-of indices for the adjacent zone (whose identifier is given by
-By convention the indices contained in <tt>PointRange</tt> and
-<tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> refer to vertices.
-<a name="Transform"></a>
-<tt>Transform</tt> contains a short-hand notation for the transformation
-matrix describing the relation between indices of the two adjacent
-The transformation matrix itself has rank <tt>IndexDimension</tt> and
-contains elements +1, &minus;1 and 0; it is orthonormal and its inverse
-is its transpose.
-The transformation matrix (<tt>T</tt>) works as follows:  If
-<tt>Index1</tt> and <tt>Index2</tt> are the indices of a given point
-on the interface, where <tt>Index1</tt> is in the current zone and
-<tt>Index2</tt> is in the adjacent zone, then their relationship is,
-        Index2 = T.(Index1 - Begin1) + Begin2 
-        Index1 = Transpose[T].(Index2 - Begin2) + Begin1 
-where the "<tt>.</tt>" notation indicates matrix-vector multiply.
-<tt>Begin1</tt> and <tt>End1</tt> are the subrange indices contained
-in <tt>PointRange</tt>, and <tt>Begin2</tt> and <tt>End2</tt> are the
-subrange indices contained in <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt>.
-The short-hand notation used in <tt>Transform</tt> is as follows: Each
-element shows the image in the adjacent zone's face of a positive index
-increment in the current zone's face.
-The first element is the image of a positive increment in <i>i</i>; the
-second element is the image of an increment in <i>j</i>; and the third
-(in 3-D) is the image of an increment in <i>k</i> on the current zone's
-For 3-D, the transformation matrix <tt>T</tt> is constructed from
-<tt>Transform =
-[</tt>&plusmn;<i>a</i>, &plusmn;<i>b</i>, &plusmn;<i>c</i><tt>]</tt>
-as follows:
-<img src="cnct.eqs/T.gif"
-     alt="Transformation matrix for general Transform"
-     longdesc="cnct.eqs/T.html">
-sgn(<i>x</i>) &equiv; +1 if <i>x</i> &ge; 0, and &minus;1 if <i>x</i> &lt; 0, and
-del(<i>x&minus;y</i>) &equiv; +1 if |<i>x</i>| = |<i>y</i>|, and 0 otherwise.
-For example, <tt>Transform = [</tt>&minus;2, +3, +1<tt>]</tt> gives the
-transformation matrix,
-<img src="cnct.eqs/Texample.gif"
-     alt="Transformation matrix for Transform = [-2, +3, +1]"
-     longdesc="cnct.eqs/Texample.html">
-For establishing relationships between adjacent and current zone indices
-lying on the interface itself, one of the elements of <tt>Transform</tt>
-is superfluous since one component of both interface indices remains
-It is therefore acceptable to set that element of <tt>Transform</tt> to
-If the transformation matrix is used for continuation of computational
-coordinates into the adjacent zone (e.g., to find the location of a rind
-point in the adjacent zone), then all elements of <tt>Transform</tt> are
-If the above mentioned superfluous element is set to zero, it can be
-easily regenerated from <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt>
-and the grid sizes of the two zones.
-This is done by determining the faces represented by <tt>PointRange</tt>
-and <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> (i.e., <i>i</i>-min, <i>i</i>-max,
-<i>j</i>-min, etc.).
-If one is a minimum face and the other a maximum face, then the sign of
-the missing element in <tt>Transform</tt> is "+", and the value of the
-missing element in the transformation matrix (<tt>T</tt>) is +1.
-If the faces are both minimums or are both maximums, the sign is "&minus;".
-Next, the position and magnitude of the element in <tt>Transform</tt>,
-and hence the row and column in the transformation matrix, is given by
-the combinations of <i>i</i>, <i>j</i> and <i>k</i> faces for the two.
-For example, if <tt>PointRange</tt> represents a <i>j</i>-min
-or <i>j</i>-max face and <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt> represents an
-<i>i</i>-min or <i>i</i>-max face, then the missing element's position
-in <tt>Transform</tt> is 2 and its magnitude is 1 (i.e., <tt>Transform =
-[</tt>*, &plusmn;1, *<tt>]</tt>).
-Note also that the transform matrix and the two index pairs overspecify
-the interface patch.
-For example, <tt>End2</tt> can be obtained from <tt>Transform</tt>,
-<tt>Begin1</tt>, <tt>End1</tt> and <tt>Begin2</tt>.
-A <a href="#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-data structure may be used to record special properties associated with
-particular connectivity patches, such as a periodic interface, or an
-interface where data is to be averaged in some way.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<tt>Ordinal</tt> is user-defined and has no restrictions on the values
-that it can contain.
-It is included for backward compatibility to assist implementation of
-the CGNS system into applications whose I/O depends heavily on the
-numbering of zone interfaces.
-Since there are no restrictions on the values contained in
-<tt>Ordinal</tt> (or that <tt>Ordinal</tt> is even provided), there is
-no guarantee that the interfaces in an existing CGNS database will have
-sequential values from 1 to <i>N</i> without holes or repetitions.
-Use of <tt>Ordinal</tt> is discouraged and is on a user-beware basis.
-<a name="cnct_1to1_example"></a>
-<h3>8.3 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Examples</h3>
-This section contains two examples of structure entities for describing
-the connectivity for structured-zone 1-to-1 abutting multizone
-The <a href="twozone.html">Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example</a>
-contains additional examples of 1-to-1 interfaces.
-<a name="ex:1to1a"></a>
-<h4>Example - 1-to-1 Abutting of Complete Faces</h4>
-Two zones have the same orientation; zone 1 is 9 &times; 17 &times; 11 and
-zone 2 is 9 &times; 17 &times; 21.
-The <i>k</i>-max face of zone 1 abuts the <i>k</i>-min face of zone 2.
-Contained in the structure entities of zone 1 is the following interface
-  GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; Zone1/ZoneGridConnectivity/KMax =
-    {{
-    int[3] Transform = [1,2,3] ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1,1,11] ;
-      int[3] End   = [9,17,11] ;
-      }} ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1,1,1] ; 
-      int[3] End   = [9,17,1] ;
-      }} ;
-    Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone2 ;
-    }} ;
-Contained in the structure entities of zone 2 is the following:
-  GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; Zone2/ZoneGridConnectivity/KMin =
-    {{
-    int[3] Transform = [1,2,3] ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1,1,1] ; 
-      int[3] End   = [9,17,1] ;
-      }} ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1,1,11] ;
-      int[3] End   = [9,17,11] ;
-      }} ;
-    Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone1 ;
-    }} ;
-This example assumes zones 1 and 2 have the identifiers <tt>Zone1</tt>
-and <tt>Zone2</tt>, respectively.
-<a name="ex:1to1b"></a>
-<h4>Example - 1-to-1 Abutting, Complete Face to a Subset of a Face</h4>
-<a name="f:cnct_1to1"></a>
-<img src="cnct.figs/cnct_1to1.gif"
-     alt="Two abutting zones, with 1-to-1 abutting of a complete face to a subset of a face"
-     longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_1to1.html">
-Example Interface for 1-to-1 Connectivity
-The above figure shows a more complex 1-to-1 abutting interface, where
-the entire <i>j</i>-max face of zone 2 coincides with a subset of the
-<i>i</i>-max face of zone 1.
-This situation would result in the following connectivity structures:
-  GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; Zone1/ZoneGridConnectivity/IMax =
-    {{
-    int[3] Transform = [-2,-1,-3] ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [17,3,1] ;
-      int[3] End   = [17,9,5] ;
-      }} ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [7,9,5] ; 
-      int[3] End   = [1,9,1] ;
-      }} ;
-    Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone2 ;
-    }} ;
-  GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; Zone2/ZoneGridConnectivity/JMax =
-    {{
-    int[3] Transform = [-2,-1,-3] ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [1,9,1] ;
-      int[3] End   = [7,9,5] ;
-      }} ;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [17,9,5] ; 
-      int[3] End   = [17,3,1] ;
-      }} ;
-    Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone1 ;
-    }} ;
-This example also assumes zones 1 and 2 have the identifiers
-<tt>Zone1</tt> and <tt>Zone2</tt>, respectively.
-Note that the index transformation matrix for both this and the previous
-examples is symmetric; hence, the value of <tt>Transform</tt> is
-identical for both members of the interface pair.
-In general this will not always be the case.
-<a name="GridConnectivity"></a>
-<h3>8.4 General Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> contains connectivity information for
-generalized multizone interfaces, and may be used for any mix of
-structured and unstructured zones.
-Its purpose is to describe mismatched-abutting and overset interfaces,
-but can also be used for 1-to-1 abutting interfaces.
-For abutting interfaces that are not 1-to-1, also referred to as patched
-or mismatched, an interface patch is the subrange of the face of a zone
-that touches one and only one other zone.
-This structure identifies the subrange of indices (or array of indices)
-that make up the interface and gives their image in the adjacent (donor)
-It also identifies the name of the adjacent zone.
-If a given face of a zone touches several (say <i>N</i>) adjacent zones,
-then <i>N</i> different instances of <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> are
-needed to describe all the interfaces.
-For a single abutting interface, two instances of
-<tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> are needed in the database - one for each
-adjacent zone.
-For overset interfaces, this structure identifies the fringe points of a
-given zone that lie in one and only one other zone.
-If the fringe points of a zone lie in several (say <i>N</i>) overlapping
-zones, then <i>N</i> different instances of <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>
-are needed to describe the overlaps.
-It is possible with overset grids that a single fringe point may
-actually lie in several overlapping zones (though in typical usage,
-linkage to only one of the overlapping zones is kept).
-There is no restriction against a given fringe point being contained
-within multiple instances of <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>; therefore,
-this structure allows the description of a single fringe point lying in
-several overlapping zones.
-  GridConnectivityType_t := Enumeration(
-    GridConnectivityTypeNull,
-    GridConnectivityTypeUserDefined,
-    Overset,
-    Abutting,
-    Abutting1to1 ) ;
-  GridConnectivity_t&lt; int IndexDimension, int CellDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GridConnectivityType_t GridConnectivityType ;                      (o/d)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                          (o:r)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, PointListSize, int&gt;  PointList ;      (r:o)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, PointListSize, int&gt;  PointListDonor ; (o)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, PointListSize, int&gt;  CellListDonor ;  (o)
-    Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName ;                                 (r)
-    DataArray_t &lt;real, 2, [CellDimension, PointListSize]&gt;
-       InterpolantsDonor                                               (o)
-    GridConnectivityProperty_t GridConnectivityProperty ;              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    int Ordinal ;                                                      (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>CellListDonor</tt>, <tt>GridConnectivityProperty</tt>,
-     <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt>, <tt>GridLocation</tt>,
-     <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>, <tt>Ordinal</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>,
-     <tt>PointListDonor</tt>, or <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-<li> <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> must be equated to a 32 character maximum zone identifier
-     within the current CGNS database (i.e., it must be equal to one
-     of the <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> identifiers
-     contained in the current
-     <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> entity)
-     or to a 65 character maximum zone identifier
-     in another base of the same CGNS tree; in that case the
-     <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> string has the pattern <tt>base/zone</tt>, only one
-     single "/" character is allowed, and neither <tt>basename</tt> nor
-     <tt>zonename</tt> should be empty. <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> should also not be empty.
-<li> If <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt> is absent, then its default value
-     is <tt>Overset</tt>.
-<li> For <tt>Abutting</tt> or <tt>Abutting1to1</tt> interfaces,
-     <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> can be
-     either <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-     When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>Vertex</tt>, then
-     <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt> refer to node indices,
-     for both structured and unstructured grids.
-     When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>FaceCenter</tt>, then
-     <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt> refer to face elements.
-     Face elements are indexed using different methods depending if the
-     zone is structured or unstructured.
-     For a structured zone, face elements are indexed using the minimum
-     of the connecting vertex indices, as described in the section
-     <a href="conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid Notation and
-     Indexing Conventions</a>.
-     For an unstructured zone, face elements are indexed using their
-     element numbering, as defined in the
-     <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> data
-     structures.
-     For <tt>Overset</tt> interfaces, <tt>GridLocation</tt> can be
-     either <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>CellCenter</tt>, allowing the
-     description of the overlap region in the receiver zone to be
-     consistent with the grid location used for storing the flow
-     solution.
-     If <tt>GridLocation</tt> is absent, then its default value is
-     <tt>Vertex</tt>.
-<li> One of <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> must be specified,
-     but not both.
-<li> If <tt>PointRange</tt> is specified, then an index ordering
-     convention is needed to map receiver-zone grid points to donor-zone
-     grid points.
-     FORTRAN multidimensional array ordering is used.
-<li> If <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt> is <tt>Abutting1to1</tt> or
-     <tt>Abutting</tt>, then <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>
-     must define points associated with a face subrange (if
-     the zone is structured, all points must be in a single
-     computational grid plane); the donor-zone grid locations defined
-     by <tt>PointListDonor</tt> or <tt>CellListDonor</tt> must also be
-     associated with a face subrange.
-<li> If donor information is given, either <tt>PointListDonor</tt>
-     alone, or <tt>CellListDonor</tt> with or without
-     <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>, must be used.
-     The use of <tt>PointListDonor</tt> is restricted to
-     <tt>Abutting1to1</tt>, whereas <tt>CellListDonor</tt> can be used
-     for any interface type.
-<li> Thus, for a <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt> that is not
-     <tt>Abutting1to1</tt>, there are three allowable levels of
-     description concerning the connectivity information: (a) full,
-     giving <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> with <tt>CellListDonor</tt>
-     plus <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>; (b) partial, giving
-     <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> with <tt>CellListDonor</tt> but
-     no <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>; or (c) minimal, giving
-     <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt> only.
-The type of multizone interface connectivity may be
-<a href="conv.html#interfaces"><tt>Overset</tt>, <tt>Abutting</tt>, or
-<tt>Overset</tt> refers to zones that overlap; for a 3-D configuration
-the overlap is a 3-D region.
-<tt>Abutting</tt> refers to zones that abut or touch, but do not overlap
-(other than the vertices and faces that make up the interface).
-<tt>Abutting1to1</tt> is a special case of abutting interfaces where
-grid lines are continuous across the interface and all vertices on the
-interface are shared by the two adjacent zones.
-The interface grid points within the receiver zone may be specified by
-<tt>PointRange</tt> if they constitute a logically rectangular region
-(e.g., an abutting interface where an entire face of the receiver zone
-abuts with a part of a face of the donor zone).
-In all other cases, <tt>PointList</tt> should be used to list the
-receiver-zone grid points making up the interface.
-For a structured-to-structured interface, all indices in
-<tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> should have one index element
-in common (see note 7).
-<a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> identifies
-the location of indices within the receiver zone described by
-<tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>.
-It also identifies the location of indices defined by
-<tt>PointListDonor</tt> in the donor zone.
-<tt>GridLocation</tt> does <em>not</em> apply to <tt>CellListDonor</tt>
-or <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>.
-The <tt>CellListDonor</tt> is always an index or indices that define a
-particular cell or element, while the <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> defines
-an interpolation value relative to the cell/element <em>vertices</em>.
-In other words, when using <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>, the interpolants
-are always given with respect to the vertices of the donor zone.
-<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> is currently only defined for structured
-grids and certain basic unstructured grid element types.
-For structured grids, the interpolant value is given along each index
-direction, depending on the location within the cell.
-For example, if the point is located within the cell at a position 75%
-in the <i>i</i>-direction, 41% in the <i>j</i>-direction, and 20% in the
-<i>k</i>-direction, then <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> values (<i>r</i>,
-<i>s</i>, <i>t</i>) would be (0.75, 0.41, 0.20).
-The interpolation function is a linear combination of the <i>x</i>,
-<i>y</i>, and <i>z</i> values at the surrounding nodes:
-<img src="cnct.eqs/d.gif"
-     alt="d = sum from i=1 to N of W sub i dot d sub i">
-where <i>d</i> is the <i>x</i>, <i>y</i>, or <i>z</i> value at an
-interior point in the cell, <i>d<sub>i</sub></i> is the <i>x</i>,
-<i>y</i>, or <i>z</i> value at node <i>i</i>, and <i>W<sub>i</sub></i> is
-a weight at node <i>i</i>.
-The weights are functions of the parametric variables <i>r</i>,
-<i>s</i>, and <i>t</i> (corresponding with the <i>i</i>, <i>j</i>, and
-<i>k</i> directions, respectively), which vary from 0 to 1, inclusively.
-For structured grids in 3-D, <i>N</i> = 8.
-Note that for skewed, non-parallel grids, it is not always easy to
-determine the interpolants geometrically, and it may be necessary to
-solve an inverse problem using the interpolation function.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_struct.gif" alt="Structured grid cell"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_struct.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>,<i>j</i>,<i>k</i></sub> =
-          (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>+1,<i>j</i>,<i>k</i></sub> =
-          <i>r</i>(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>,<i>j</i>+1,<i>k</i></sub> =
-          (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)<i>s</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>,<i>j</i>,<i>k</i>+1</sub> =
-          (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)<i>t</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>+1,<i>j</i>+1,<i>k</i></sub> =
-          <i>r</i><i>s</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>+1,<i>j</i>,<i>k</i>+1</sub> =
-          <i>r</i>(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)<i>t</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>,<i>j</i>+1,<i>k</i>+1</sub> =
-          (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)<i>s</i><i>t</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub><i>i</i>+1,<i>j</i>+1,<i>k</i>+1</sub> =
-          <i>r</i><i>s</i><i>t</i>
-For unstructured grids, <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> is defined only for
-the basic linear element types:
-<a href="conv.html#unst_line"><tt>BAR_2</tt></a>,
-<a href="conv.html#unst_tri"><tt>TRI_3</tt></a>,
-<a href="conv.html#unst_quad"><tt>QUAD_4</tt></a>,
-<a href="conv.html#unst_tetra"><tt>TETRA_4</tt></a>,
-<a href="conv.html#unst_pyramid"><tt>PYRA_5</tt></a>,
-<a href="conv.html#unst_penta"><tt>PENTA_6</tt></a>,
-and <a href="conv.html#unst_hexa"><tt>HEXA_8</tt></a>.
-The directionality for the <i>r</i>, <i>s</i>, and <i>t</i> interpolants
-for the basic element types is defined as follows.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td><tt>BAR_2</tt>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_bar2.gif" alt="Unstructured grid line element"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_bar2.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub>1</sub> = 1 &minus; <i>r</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>r</i>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td><tt>TRI_3</tt>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tri3.gif" alt="Unstructured grid triangular element"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tri3.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub>1</sub> = 1 &minus; <i>r</i> &minus; <i>s</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>r</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>3</sub> = <i>s</i>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td><tt>QUAD_4</tt>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_quad4.gif" alt="Unstructured grid quadrilateral element"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_quad4.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub>1</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>r</i>(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>3</sub> = <i>rs</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>4</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)<i>s</i>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td><tt>TETRA_4</tt>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tetra4.gif" alt="Unstructured grid tetrahedral element"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_tetra4.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub>1</sub> = 1 &minus; <i>r</i> &minus; <i>s</i> &minus; <i>t</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>r</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>3</sub> = <i>s</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>4</sub> = <i>t</i>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td><tt>PYRA_5</tt>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.gif" alt="Unstructured grid pyramid element"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_pyra5.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub>1</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>r</i>(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>3</sub> = <i>rs</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>4</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)<i>s</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>5</sub> = <i>t</i>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td><tt>PENTA_6</tt>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_penta6.gif" alt="Unstructured grid pentahedral element"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_penta6.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub>1</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i> &minus; <i>s</i>)(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>r</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>3</sub> = <i>s</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>4</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i> &minus; <i>s</i>)<i>t</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>5</sub> = <i>rt</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>6</sub> = <i>st</i>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-    <td><tt>HEXA_8</tt>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><img src="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_hexa8.gif" alt="Unstructured grid hexahedral element"
-            longdesc="cnct.figs/cnct_unst_hexa8.html">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>W</i><sub>1</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>2</sub> = <i>r</i>(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>3</sub> = <i>rs</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>4</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)<i>s</i>(1 &minus; <i>t</i>)<br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>5</sub> = (1 &minus; <i>r</i>)(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)<i>t</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>6</sub> = <i>r(1 &minus; <i>s</i>)t</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>7</sub> = <i>rst</i><br>
-       <i>W</i><sub>8</sub> = <i>(1 &minus; <i>r</i>)st</i>
-<tt>PointListDonor</tt> may only be used when the interface is
-It contains the images of all the receiver-zone interface points in the
-donor zone.
-If the zone is structured, all indices in <tt>PointListDonor</tt> should
-have one index element in common.
-For mismatched or overset interfaces, the zone connectivity
-donor information, when given, is defined using either
-the <tt>CellListDonor</tt> alone, or the combination of
-<tt>CellListDonor</tt> and <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>.
-<tt>CellListDonor</tt> contains the list of donor cells or elements in
-which each node of the receiver zone can be located.
-<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> contains the interpolation factors to locate
-the receiver nodes in the donor cells.
-<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> may be thought of as bi- or tri-linear
-interpolants (depending on <tt>CellDimension</tt>) in the cell of the
-donor zone.
-A <a href="#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-data structure may be used to record special properties associated with
-particular connectivity patches, such as a periodic interface, or an
-interface where data is to be averaged in some way.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<tt>Ordinal</tt> is user-defined and has no restrictions on the values
-that it can contain.
-It is included for backward compatibility to assist implementation of
-the CGNS system into applications whose I/O depends heavily on the
-numbering of zone interfaces.
-Since there are no restrictions on the values contained in
-<tt>Ordinal</tt> (or that <tt>Ordinal</tt> is even provided), there is
-no guarantee that the interfaces for a given zone in an existing CGNS
-database will have sequential values from 1 to <i>N</i> without holes or
-Use of <tt>Ordinal</tt> is discouraged and is on a user-beware basis.
-<a name="PointListSize_abut"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>PointListSize</tt>:</h4>
-return value: <tt>int</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>
-<tt>PointListDonor</tt>, <tt>CellListDonor</tt>, and
-<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> require the function <tt>PointListSize</tt>,
-to identify the length of the array.
-If <tt>PointRange</tt> is specified by <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>,
-then <tt>PointListSize</tt> is obtained from the number of grid
-points (inclusive) between the beginning and ending indices of
-If <tt>PointList</tt> is specified by <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>,
-then <tt>PointListSize</tt> is actually a user input during creation of
-the database; it is the length of the array <tt>PointList</tt> whose
-elements are also user inputs (by "user" we mean the application code
-that is generating the CGNS database).
-By definition, the <tt>PointList</tt> and <tt>PointListDonor</tt> arrays
-have the same size, and this size should be stored along with the arrays
-in their respective <a href="build.html#IndexArray"><tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a>
-<tt>PointListSize</tt> was chosen to be a structure function, rather
-than a separate element of <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> for the following
-reasons: first, it is redundant if <tt>PointRange</tt> is specified;
-and second, it leads to redundant storage if <tt>PointList</tt> is
-specified, since the value of <tt>PointListSize</tt> is also stored
-within the <tt>PointList</tt> structure.
-This situation has somewhat of a precedent within the SIDS definitions.
-The structure <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>
-contains a string of unspecified length.
-Yet in actual implementation, the (string) length is a function of the
-descriptor string itself and should be stored along with the string.
-<a name="cnct_gen_example"></a>
-<h3>8.5 General Interface Connectivity Examples</h3>
-<a name="ex:struct_abut"></a>
-<h4>Example - Structured Abutting Zones</h4>
-Say that you have a three-dimensional structured grid.
-Assume that at the interface between two zones you have the following
-<img src="cnct.figs/cnct_example1.gif"
-     alt="Cell faces at interface between two structured zones"
-     longdesc="cnct.eqs/cnct_example1.html">
-Example Interface for Generalized Connectivity, Structured Grids
-In this particular example, the patching occurs on a "plane".
-In other words, the two cells in 3-D have faces that abut in a 2-D
-It is these faces that we are picturing here.
-The solid quadrilateral is the donor cell face, and the dashed
-quadrilateral is the position of the receiving cell face relative to the
-donor cell.
-Note that since this is a 2-D-type of abutting case, one of the indices
-(in this case <i>i</i> = 20, which represents <tt>imax</tt>) of the
-donor cell is constant.
-For this example, the point R of the receiver cell is located within the
-donor cell pictured, and we wish to give the <tt>CellListDonor</tt> and
-<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> for it.
-Because this is a structured grid, the <tt>CellListDonor</tt> in this
-case is given by
-   CellListDonor = (19, 10, 2)
-Here, we are using the <a href="conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid
-Notation and Indexing Conventions</a> that say cell centers, face
-centers, and edge centers are indexed by the minimum <i>i</i>, <i>j</i>,
-and <i>k</i> indices of the connecting vertices.
-The <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> defines an interpolation value relative
-to the cell/element vertices.
-In this case, say that the point R is located 0.75 along the
-<i>j</i>-index direction and 0.45 along the <i>k</i>-index direction.
-(It also lies on the <i>i</i> = 20, or <tt>imax</tt> face.)
-Thus, in this example:
-   InterpolantsDonor = (1.0, 0.75, 0.45) 
-Note that if the donor zone was instead located on an <i>i</i> = 1
-(<tt>imin</tt> face), then the <tt>CellListDonor</tt> would be (1, 10, 2)
-and the <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> would be (0.0, 0.75, 0.45).
-<a name="ex:unstruct_abut1"></a>
-<h4>Example - Unstructured Abutting Zones, <tt>HEXA_8</tt> Donor Cell</h4>
-As a second example, assume that you have the same setup as before, but
-now with a three-dimensional unstructured grid.
-In this case, we no longer have a 3-D array of indices defining
-coordinate directions.
-Instead, we simply have a 1-D list of indices as well as a list of
-volume (and possibly face) elements composed of those indices.
-In this example we again are assuming the two zones abut in a 2-D sense.
-We now have the choice of describing the donor in terms of its volume
-element or its boundary (face) element, if available.
-Here in this example, we use the volume element.
-<img src="cnct.figs/cnct_example2.gif"
-     alt="Cell faces at interface between two unstructured zones"
-     longdesc="cnct.eqs/cnct_example2.html">
-Example Interface for Generalized Connectivity, Unstructured Grids with
-<tt>HEXA_8</tt> Donor Cell
-The <tt>HEXA_8</tt> volume element has been appropriately numbered,
-using the <a href="conv.html#unstructgrid">Unstructured Grid Element
-Numbering Conventions</a>.
-In this example, it is the 1-2-3-4 face of the volumetric element that
-is abutting with the other zone (but it could be any of its six faces)
-The <tt>CellListDonor</tt> in this case is simply given by
-   CellListDonor = (238)
-Using the convention established above for <tt>HEXA_8</tt> elements, the
-<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> would be
-   InterpolantsDonor = (0.75, 0.55, 0.0)
-<a name="ex:unstruct_abut2"></a>
-<h4>Example - Unstructured Abutting Zones, <tt>TRI_3</tt> Donor Cell</h4>
-As a third example, assume that you have two zones in a
-three-dimensional unstructured grid with triangles and quadrilaterals at
-its boundaries.
-Here the current zone (made up of quadrilateral faces) is abutting the
-donor zone (made up of triangular faces) in a 2-D sense.
-We again have the choice of describing the donor in terms of its volume
-element or its boundary (face) element.
-Here in this example, we use the face element.
-<img src="cnct.figs/cnct_example3.gif"
-     alt="Cell faces at interface between two unstructured zones"
-     longdesc="cnct.eqs/cnct_example3.html">
-Example Interface for Generalized Connectivity, Unstructured Grids with
-<tt>TRI_3</tt> Donor Cell
-The <tt>CellListDonor</tt> in this case is simply given by
-   CellListDonor = (1893)
-Using the convention established above for <tt>TRI_3</tt> elements, the
-<tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> would be:
-   InterpolantsDonor = (0.34, 0.61)
-In this case the third dimension of the <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>
-(although present) is not used, because by default the interpolation is
-only two-dimensional in the 2-D plane of the donor face.
-<a name="GridConnectivityProperty"></a>
-<h3>8.6 Grid Connectivity Property Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> allows the recording of special
-properties associated with particular connectivity patches.
-At the current time, only two properties (<tt>Periodic_t</tt> and
-<tt>AverageInterface_t</tt>) are included, but extensions involving
-other properties may be implemented as additional nodes under
-<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> in the future.
-  GridConnectivityProperty_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t  Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                (o)
-    Periodic_t Periodic ;                                              (o)
-    AverageInterface_t AverageInterface ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>Periodic</tt> or <tt>AverageInterface</tt>.
-The <tt>Periodic_t</tt> and <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> data structures
-may be used to record properties associated with periodic interfaces, or
-interfaces where data is to be averaged in some way, respectively.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="Periodic"></a>
-<h4>8.6.1 Periodic Interface Structure Definition: <tt>Periodic_t</tt></h4>
-The <tt>Periodic_t</tt> data structure allows data associated with
-a periodic interface to be recorded.
-  Periodic_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t  Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, PhysicalDimension&gt; RotationCenter ;           (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, PhysicalDimension&gt; RotationAngle ;            (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, PhysicalDimension&gt; Translation ;              (r)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>Periodic_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     names <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-     <tt>RotationAngle</tt>, <tt>RotationCenter</tt>, or
-     <tt>Translation</tt>.
-<tt>RotationCenter</tt> is the origin for defining the rotation angle
-between the periodic interfaces.
-<tt>RotationAngle</tt> defines the angle from the current interface to
-the connecting interface.
-If rotating about more than one axis, the rotation is performed first 
-about the x-axis, then the y-axis, then the z-axis.
-<tt>Translation</tt> defines the translation from the current interface
-to the connecting interface.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-for the class of data contained in the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures.
-If the data is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="AverageInterface"></a>
-<h4>8.6.2 Average Interface Structure Definition: <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></h4>
-The <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> data structure is used when data at the
-current connectivity interface is to be averaged in some way prior to
-passing it to a neighboring interface.
-  AverageInterface_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t  Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                (o)
-    AverageInterfaceType_t AverageInterfaceType                        (r)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     name <tt>AverageInterfaceType</tt>.
-<tt>AverageInterfaceType_t</tt> is a required enumeration data structure
-that is used to define the type of averaging to be done.
-  AverageInterfaceType_t := Enumeration(
-    AverageInterfaceTypeNull,
-    AverageInterfaceTypeUserDefined,
-    AverageAll,
-    AverageCircumferential,
-    AverageRadial,
-    AverageI,
-    AverageJ,
-    AverageK ) ;
-<tt>AverageAll</tt> means that the data from the entire current patch is
-averaged, whereas each of the other choices indicates averaging of the
-data on the current interface in the indicated direction.
-Note that <tt>AverageI</tt>, <tt>AverageJ</tt>, and <tt>AverageK</tt>
-apply only to structured grids.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="OversetHoles"></a>
-<h3>8.7 Overset Grid Holes Structure Definition: <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></h3>
-Grid connectivity for overset grids must also include "holes" within
-zones, where any solution states are ignored or "turned off", because
-they are solved for in some other overlapping zone.
-The structure <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> specifies those points within
-a given zone that make up a hole (or holes), and applies to both
-structured and unstructured zones.
-Grid points specified in this structure are equivalent to those with
-IBLANK=0 in the PLOT3D format.
-  OversetHoles_t&lt; int IndexDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    List( IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; 
-      PointRange, PointRange2 ... PointRangeN ) ;                      (o:r)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, PointListSize, int&gt; PointList ;       (r:o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>GridLocation</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>.
-<li> If <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> is
-     absent, then its default value is <tt>Vertex</tt>.
-<li> One of <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> must be
-     specified, but not both.
-The location of grid indices specified in <tt>PointList</tt> and the
-<tt>PointRange</tt> list is given by
-<a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>.
-The grid points making up a hole within a zone may be specified by
-<tt>PointRange</tt> if they constitute a logically rectangular region.
-If the hole points constitute a (small) set of possibly overlapping
-logically rectangular regions, then they may be specified by the list
-<tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointRange2</tt>, etc.
-The more general alternate is to use <tt>PointList</tt> to list all grid
-points making up the hole(s) within a zone.
-Note that using multiple <tt>PointRange</tt> specifications may result
-in a given hole being specified more than once.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="PointListSize_over"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>PointListSize</tt>:</h4>
-return value: <tt>int</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>PointList</tt>
-<tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> requires one structure function,
-<tt>PointListSize</tt>, to identify the length of the <tt>PointList</tt>
-<tt>PointListSize</tt> is a user input.
-(See the discussion on function
-<a href="#PointListSize_abut"><tt>PointListSize</tt></a>.)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 May 2016
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-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Conventions - longdesc for Structured Grid
-     Notation and Indexing Conventions for cell center -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions - cell center </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows two cells, oriented horizontally, from a rectangular
-2-D grid.
-The grid points along the bottom are labeled (i,j), (i+1,j), and (i+2,j).
-Those along the top are labeled (i,j+1), (i+1,j+1), and (i+2,j+1).
-The center of the left cell is thus labeled (i,j), and the center of
-the right cell is labeled (i+1,j).
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/conv.figs/gridnot_fig2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Conventions - longdesc for Structured Grid
-     Notation and Indexing Conventions for rind points -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions - rind points </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows a 5 by 4 2-D core grid, with vertices denoted by
-bullet symbols.
-A row of rind points is shown on the left and right, at the minimum
-and maximum i-faces, with vertices denoted by "X" symbols.
-The lower-left, lower-right, and upper-right core vertices are labeled
-(1,1), (5,1), and (5,4), respectively.
-The rind vertices at the lower-left and lower-right are labeled (0,1)
-and (6,1).
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Conventions - longdesc for 1-to-1 Abutting
-     Interface -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - Multizone Interfaces - 1 to 1 abutting </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows two abutting 2-D structured zones with 1 to 1 grid
-point matching at the interface.
-The zone on the left is 11 by 6, and the zone on the right is 6 by 5.
-At the interface, the lower 5 grid points on the right boundary of the
-left zone match the 5 grid points on the left boundary of the right
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/conv.figs/interface2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Conventions - longdesc for Mismatched Abutting
-     Interface -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - Multizone Interfaces - mismatched abutting </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows two abutting 2-D structured zones with mismatched grid
-points at the interface.
-The zone on the left is 11 by 6, and the zone on the right is 6 by 7.
-At the interface, the vertices and face centers of the leftmost zone
-do not match the vertices and face centers of the rightmost zone.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/conv.figs/interface3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Conventions - longdesc for Overset Interface -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../sids.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> SIDS - Multizone Interfaces - overset </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows two overlapping 2-D structured zones.
-The zone on the left is 11 by 6, and the zone on the right is 6 by 9.
-In this example, the solution in the rightmost zone is retained.
-Thus, all the grid points from the leftmost zone in the overlap
-region are hole points.
-The outermost layer of these points, outlining the hole, are fringe
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Conventions - longdesc for Unstructured
-     Grid Example -->
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-<title> SIDS - Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions - Unstructured Grid Example </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows a 3 by 3 by 3 unstructured grid in the shape of a cube.
-Each of the 27 nodes is numbered.
-Nodes 1-9 are on the back face of the cube, with nodes 1-3 on the
-bottom, 4-6 in the middle, and 7-9 on the top.
-Nodes 10-18 are on the mid-plane of the cube, between the back and front
-faces, with nodes 10-12 on the bottom, 13-15 in the middle, and 16-18 on
-the top.
-Nodes 19-27 are on the front face of the cube, with nodes 19-21 on the
-bottom, 22-24 in the middle, and 25-27 on the top.
-All nodes are numbered from left to right as seen from the front of the
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 20 Aug 2002
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-<title> CGNS Standard Interface Data Structures - Conventions </title>
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-(<span class=nav><b>Conventions</b></span>)
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-(<a href="cgnsbase.html"><b>Hierarchical&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="gridflow.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Coordinates,&nbsp;Elements,&nbsp;and&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Solution</b></a>)
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-(<a href="misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>3 Conventions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#notation">3.1 Data Structure Notation Conventions</a>
-<li> <a href="#structgrid">3.2 Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</a>
-<li> <a href="#unstructgrid">3.3 Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#unst_line">3.3.1 1-D (Line) Elements</a>
-     <li> <a href="#unst_2d">3.3.2 2-D (Surface) Elements</a>
-     <li> <a href="#unst_3d">3.3.3 3-D (Volume) Elements</a>
-     <li> <a href="#unst_example">3.3.4 Unstructured Grid Example</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#interfaces">3.4 Multizone Interfaces</a>
-<a name="notation"></a>
-<h3>3.1 Data Structure Notation Conventions</h3>
-The intellectual content of the CGNS database is defined in terms of C-like
-notation including typedefs and structures.  The database is made up of
-entities, and each entity has a type associated with it.  Entities include such
-things as the dimensionality of the grid, an array of grid coordinates, or a
-zone that contains all the data associated with a given region.
-Entities are defined in terms of types, where a type can be an
-integer or a collection of elements (a structure) or a hierarchy of
-structures or other similar constructs.
-The terminology "instance of an entity" is used to refer to an entity that
-has been assigned a value or whose elements have been assigned values.  The
-terminology "specific instance of a structure" is also used in the following
-sections.  It is short for an instance of an entity whose type is a structure.
-Names of entities and types are constructed using conventions typical
-of <a href="http://www.wri.com/products/mathematica/"><i>Mathematica</i></a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-[<i>Mathematica 3.0</i>, <a href="http://www.wri.com/">Wolfram Research,
-Inc.</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, Champaign, IL (1996)].
-Names or identifiers contain no spaces and capitalization is used to
-distinguish individual words making up a name; names are case-sensitive.
-The character "/" should be avoided in names, as well as the names
-"." and "..", as these have
-special meaning when referencing elements of a structure entity.
-An entity name cannot exceed 32 characters.
-The following notational conventions are employed:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>!</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>comment to end of line
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>_t</tt><td>
-   <td>suffix used for naming a type
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>;</tt><td>
-   <td>end of a definition, declaration, assignment or entity instance
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>=</tt><td>
-   <td>assignment (takes on the value of)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>:=</tt><td>
-   <td>indicates a type definition (typedef)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>[&nbsp;]</tt><td>
-   <td>delimiters of an array
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>{&nbsp;}</tt><td>
-   <td>delimiters of a structure definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>{{&nbsp;}}</tt><td>
-   <td>delimiters of an instance of a structure entity
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>&lt;&nbsp;&gt;</tt><td>
-   <td>delimiters of a structure parameter list
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>int</tt><td>
-   <td>integer
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td>floating-point number
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td>character
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>bit</tt><td>
-   <td>bit
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Enumeration(&nbsp;)</tt><td>
-   <td>indicates an enumeration type
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Data(&nbsp;)</tt><td>
-   <td>indicates an array of data, which may be multidimensional
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>List(&nbsp;)</tt><td>
-   <td>indicates a list of entities
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Identifier(&nbsp;)</tt><td>
-   <td>indicates an entity identifier
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>LogicalLink(&nbsp;)</tt><td>
-   <td>indicates a logical link
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>/</tt><td>
-   <td>delimiter for element of a structure entity
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>../</tt><td>
-   <td>delimiter for parent of a structure entity
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>(r)</tt><td>
-   <td>designation for a required structure element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>(o)</tt><td>
-   <td>designation for an optional structure element
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>(o/d)</tt><td>
-   <td>designation for an optional structure element with default if absent
-An enumeration type is a set of values identified by names; names of
-values within a given enumeration declaration must be unique.
-An example of an enumeration type is the following:
-  Enumeration( Dog, Cat, Bird, Frog ) 
-This defines an enumeration type which contains four values.  
-<a name="data"></a>
-<tt>Data()</tt> identifies an array of given dimensionality and size in
-each dimension, whose elements are all of a given data type.
-It is written as,
-  Data( DataType, Dimension, DimensionValues[] ) ;
-<tt>Dimension</tt> is an integer, and <tt>DimensionValues[]</tt> is an
-array of integers of size <tt>Dimension</tt>.
-<tt>Dimension</tt> and <tt>DimensionValues[]</tt> specify the
-dimensionality of the array and its size in each dimension.
-<tt>DataType</tt> specifies the data type of the array's elements;
-it may consist of one of the following: <tt>int</tt>, <tt>real</tt>,
-<tt>char</tt> or <tt>bit</tt>.
-For multidimensional arrays, FORTRAN indexing conventions are used.  
-<tt>Data()</tt> is formulated to map directly onto the data section of
-an ADF node.
-<a name="typedef"></a>
-A typedef establishes a new type and defines it in terms of previously  
-defined types.                                                          
-Types are identified by the suffix "<tt>_t</tt>", and the symbol
-"<tt>:=</tt>" is used to establish a type definition (or typedef).
-For example, the above enumeration example can be used in a typedef:
-  Pet_t := Enumeration( Dog, Cat, Bird, Frog ) ;
-This defines a new type <tt>Pet_t</tt>, which can then be used to
-declare a new entity, such as,
-  Pet_t MyFavoritePet ;
-By the above typedef and declaration, <tt>MyFavoritePet</tt> is an
-entity of type <tt>Pet_t</tt> and can have the values <tt>Dog</tt>,
-<tt>Cat</tt>, <tt>Bird</tt> or <tt>Frog</tt>.
-A specific instance of <tt>MyFavoritePet</tt> is setting it equal to one
-of these values (e.g., <tt>MyFavoritePet = Bird</tt>).
-<a name="structure"></a>
-A structure is a type that can contain any number of elements, including
-elements that are also structures.
-An example of a structure type definition is:
-  Sample_t :=
-    {
-    int Dimension ;                                      (r)
-    real[4] Vector ;                                     (o)
-    Pet_t ObnoxiousPet ;                                 (o)
-    } ;
-where <tt>Sample_t</tt> is the type of the structure.
-This structure contains three elements, <tt>Dimension</tt>,
-<tt>Vector</tt> and <tt>ObnoxiousPet</tt>, whose types are <tt>int</tt>,
-<tt>real[4]</tt> and <tt>Pet_t</tt>, respectively.
-The type <tt>int</tt> specifies an integer, and <tt>real[4]</tt>
-specifies an array of reals that is one-dimensional with a length of
-The "<tt>(r)</tt>" and "<tt>(o)</tt>" notation in the right margin is
-explained below.
-Given the definition of <tt>Sample_t</tt>, entities of this type can
-then be declared (e.g., <tt>Sample_t Sample1;</tt>).
-An example of an instance of a structure entity is given by,
-  Sample_t Sample1 = 
-    {{
-    Dimension = 3 ;
-    Vector = [1.0, 3.45, 2.1, 5.4] ;
-    ObnoxiousPet = Dog ;
-    }} ;
-Note the different functions played by single braces "<tt>{</tt>" and
-double braces "<tt>{{</tt>".
-The first is used to delimit the definition of a structure type; the
-second is used to delimit a specific instance of a structure entity.
-<a name="list"></a>
-Some structure type definitions contain arbitrarily long lists of other
-structures or types.
-These lists will be identified by the notation,
-  List( Sample_t Sample1 ... SampleN ) ;
-where <tt>Sample1 ... SampleN</tt> is the list of structure names or
-identifiers, each of which has the type <tt>Sample_t</tt>.
-Within each list, the individual structure names are user-defined.
-<a name="identifier"></a>
-In the CGNS database it is sometimes necessary to reference the name or
-identifier of a structure entity.
-References to entities are denoted by <tt>Identifier()</tt>, whose
-single argument is a structure type.
-For example,
-  Identifier(Sample_t) SampleName ;
-declares an entity, <tt>SampleName</tt>, whose value is the identifier
-of a structure entity of type <tt>Sample_t</tt>.
-Given this declaration, <tt>SampleName</tt> could be assigned the value
-<tt>Sample1</tt> (i.e., <tt>SampleName = Sample1</tt>).
-<a name="logicallink"></a>
-It is sometimes convenient to directly identify an element of a specific
-structure entity.
-It is also convenient to indicate that two entities with different names
-are actually the same entity.
-We borrow UNIX conventions to indicate both these features, and make the
-analogy that a structure entity is a UNIX directory and its elements are
-UNIX files.
-An element of an entity is designated by "<tt>/</tt>"; an example is
-The structure entity that a given element belongs to is designated
-A UNIX-like logical link that specifies the sameness of two apparently
-different entities is identified by <tt>LogicalLink()</tt>; it has one
-An example of a logical link is as follows:  Suppose a specific         
-instance of a structure entity contains two elements that are of type   
-<tt>Sample_t</tt>; call them <tt>SampleA</tt> and <tt>SampleB</tt>.     
-The statement that <tt>SampleB</tt> is actually the same entity as
-<tt>SampleA</tt> is,
-  SampleB = LogicalLink(../SampleA) ;
-The argument of <tt>LogicalLink()</tt> is the UNIX-like "path name" of
-the entity with which the link is made.
-In this document, <tt>LogicalLink()</tt> and the direct specification
-of a structure element via "<tt>/</tt>" and "<tt>../</tt>" are actually
-seldom used.
-These language elements are never used in the actual definition of a
-structure type.
-Structure type definitions include three additional syntactic/semantic
-These are parameterized structures, structure-related functions, and the
-identification of required and optional fields within a structure.
-<a name="parameterized"></a>
-As previously stated, one of our design objectives is to minimize
-duplication of information within the CGNS database.
-To meet this objective, information is often stored in only one location
-of the hierarchy; however, that information is typically used in other
-parts of the hierarchy.
-A consequence of this is that it may not be possible to decipher all
-the information associated with a given entity in the hierarchy without
-knowledge of data contained in higher level entities.
-For example, the grid size of a zone is stored in one location
-(in <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>), but is needed in
-many substructures to define the size of grid and solution-data arrays.
-This organization of information must be reflected in the language
-used to describe the database.  First, parameterized structures are
-introduced to formalize the notion that information must be passed down the
-hierarchy.  A given structure type is defined in terms of a list of parameters
-that precisely specify what information must be obtained from the structure's
-parent.  These structure-defining parameters play a similar role to
-subroutine parameters in C or FORTRAN and are used to define fields within
-the structure; they are also passed onto substructures.  Parameterized
-structures are also loosely tied to templates in C++.  
-Parameterized structures are identified by the delimiters
-<tt>&lt;&nbsp;&gt;</tt> enclosing the list of parameters.
-Each structure parameter in a structure-type definition consists of a
-type and an identifier.
-Examples of parameterized structure type  definitions are:
-  NewSample_t&lt; int Dimension, int Fred &gt; :=
-    {
-    int[Dimension] Vector ;                              (o)
-    Pet_t ObnoxiousPet ;                                 (o)
-    Stuff_t&lt;Fred&gt; Thingy ;                               (o)
-    } ;
-  Stuff_t&lt; int George &gt; :=
-    {
-    real[George] IrrelevantStuff ;                       (r)
-    } ;
-<tt>NewSample_t</tt> and <tt>Stuff_t</tt> are parameterized structure
-<tt>Dimension</tt> and <tt>Fred</tt> are the structure parameters of
-<tt>George</tt> is the structure parameter of <tt>Stuff_t</tt>.
-All structure parameters in this example are of type <tt>int</tt>.
-<tt>Thingy</tt> is a structure entity of type <tt>Stuff_t</tt>; it uses
-the parameter <tt>Fred</tt> to complete its declaration.
-Note the use of <tt>George</tt> and <tt>Fred</tt> in the above example.
-<tt>George</tt> is a parameter in the definition of <tt>Stuff_t</tt>;
-<tt>Fred</tt> is an argument in the declaration of an entity of type
-This mimics the use of parameters in function definitions in C.
-<a name="functions"></a>
-A second language feature required to cope with the cascade of information
-within the hierarchy is structure-related functions.  For example, the size
-of an array within a given structure may be a function of one or more of the
-structure-defining parameters, or the array size may be a function of an
-optional field within the structure.  No new syntax is provided to
-incorporate structure-related functions; they are instead described in terms
-of their return values, dependencies, and functionality.
-<a name="reqopt"></a>
-An additional notation used in structure typedefs is that each element
-or field within a structure definition is identified as required,
-optional, or optional with a default if absent; these are designated by
-"<tt>(r)</tt>", "<tt>(o)</tt>", and "<tt>(o/d)</tt>", respectively, in
-the right margin of the structure definition.
-These designations are included to assist in implementation of the data
-structures into an actual database and can be used to guide mapping of
-data as well as error checking.
-"Required" fields are those essential to the interpretation of the
-information contained within the data structure.  "Optional" fields
-are those that are not necessary but potentially useful, such as
-"Defaulted-optional" fields are those that take on a known default if
-absent from the database.
-In the example of <tt>Sample_t</tt> above, only the element
-<tt>Dimension</tt> is required.
-Both elements <tt>Vector</tt> and <tt>ObnoxiousPet</tt> are optional.  
-This means that in any specific instance of the structure, only
-<tt>Dimension</tt> must be present.
-An alternative instance of the entity <tt>Sample1</tt> shown above is
-the following:
-  Sample_t Sample1 = 
-    {{
-    Dimension = 4 ;
-    }} ;
-None of the entities and types defined in the above examples are actually
-used in the definition of the SIDS.
-As a final note, the reader should be aware that the SIDS is a 
-conceptual description of the form of the data.
-The actual location of data in the file is determined by the file
-mapping, defined by the appropriate
-<a href="../index.html#filemapping">File Mapping Manual</a>.
-<a name="structgrid"></a>
-<h3>3.2 Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</h3>
-A <em>grid</em> is defined by its vertices.  In a 3-D structured grid, the volume 
-is the ensemble of cells, where each cell is the hexahedron region defined
-by eight nearest neighbor vertices.  Each cell is bounded by six faces, where
-each face is the quadrilateral made up of four vertices.  An edge links two
-nearest-neighbor vertices; a face is bounded by four edges.
-In a 2-D structured grid, the notation is more ambiguous.  Typically, the
-quadrilateral area composed of four nearest-neighbor vertices is referred to
-as a cell.  The sides of each cell, the line linking two vertices, is either
-a face or an edge.  In a 1-D grid, the line connecting two vertices is a cell.
-A <em>structured multizone grid</em> is composed of multiple regions
-called <em>zones</em>, where each zone includes all the vertices, cells,
-faces, and edges that constitute the grid in that region.
-Indices describing a 3-D grid are ordered (<i>i</i>,<i>j</i>,<i>k</i>);
-(<i>i</i>,<i>j</i>) is used for 2-D and (<i>i</i>) for 1-D.
-Cell centers, face centers, and edge centers are indexed by the minimum
-<i>i</i>, <i>j</i>, and <i>k</i> indices of the connecting vertices.
-For example, a 2-D cell center (or face center on a 3-D grid) would have
-the following convention:
-<img src="conv.figs/gridnot_fig1.gif"
-     alt="Section of 2-D grid, with indices"
-     longdesc="conv.figs/gridnot_fig1.html">
-In addition, the default beginning vertex for the grid in a given zone
-is (1,1,1); this means the default beginning cell center of the grid in
-that zone is also (1,1,1).
-<a name="rind_struct"></a>
-A zone may contain grid-coordinate or flow-solution data defined
-at a set of points outside the zone itself.
-These are referred to as "rind" or ghost points and may be associated
-with fictitious vertices or cell centers.
-They are distinguished from the vertices and cells making up the grid
-within the zone (including its boundary vertices), which are referred to
-as "core" points.
-The following is a 2-D zone with a single row of rind vertices
-at the minimum and maximum <i>i</i>-faces.
-The grid size (i.e., the number of core vertices in each direction) is
-Core vertices are designated by a bullet, and rind vertices by
-Default indexing is also shown for the vertices.
-<img src="conv.figs/gridnot_fig2.gif"
-     alt="5 by 4 core grid, with row of rind vertices at minimum and maximum i faces"
-     longdesc="conv.figs/gridnot_fig2.html">
-For a zone, the minimum faces in each coordinate direction are
-denoted <i>i</i>-min, <i>j</i>-min and <i>k</i>-min; the maximum faces
-are denoted <i>i</i>-max, <i>j</i>-max and <i>k</i>-max.
-These are the minimum and maximum core faces.
-For example, <i>i</i>-min is the face or grid plane whose core vertices
-have minimum <i>i</i> index (which if using default indexing is 1).
-<a name="unstructgrid"></a>
-<h3>3.3 Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions</h3>
-The major difference in the way structured and unstructured
-grids are recorded is the element definition.
-In a structured grid, the elements can always be recomputed easily
-using the computational coordinates, and therefore they are usually
-not written in the data file.
-For an unstructured grid, the element connectivity cannot be easily
-built, so this additional information is generally added to the data file.
-The element information typically includes the element type or shape,
-and the list of nodes for each element.
-In an unstructured zone, the nodes are ordered from 1 to <i>N</i>,
-where <i>N</i> is the number of nodes in the zone.
-An element is defined as a group of one or more nodes, where each node
-is represented by its index.
-The elements are indexed from 1 to <i>M</i> within a zone, where <i>M</i>
-is the total number of elements defined for the zone.
-CGNS supports eight element shapes - points, <a href="#unst_line">lines</a>,
-<a href="#unst_tri">triangles</a>, <a href="#unst_quad">quadrangles</a>,
-<a href="#unst_tetra">tetrahedra</a>, <a href="#unst_penta">pentahedra</a>,
-<a href="#unst_pyramid">pyramids</a>, and <a href="#unst_hexa">hexahedra</a>.
-Elements describing a volume are referred to as <a href="#unst_3d">3-D
-Those defining a surface are <a href="#unst_2d">2-D elements</a>.
-Line and point elements are called <a href="#unst_line">1-D</a> and
-0-D elements, respectively.
-In a 3-D unstructured mesh, the cells are defined using
-<a href="#unst_3d">3-D elements</a>, while the boundary patches may be
-described using <a href="#unst_2d">2-D elements</a>.
-The complete element definition may include more than just the cells.
-Each element shape may have a different number of nodes, depending on
-whether linear, quadratic, or cubic interpolation is used.
-Therefore the name of each type of element is composed of two parts;
-the first part identifies the element shape, and the second part the
-number of nodes.
-The following table summarizes the element types supported in CGNS.
-<a name="elementtypes"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Element Types in CGNS
-<tr align=left><td colspan=15><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col>Dimensionality<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Shape<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Linear<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Quadratic<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Cubic<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Quartic
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Interpolation<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Interpolation<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Interpolation<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Interpolation
-<tr align=left><td colspan=15><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center id=0d>0-D<td>
-   <td headers=0d>Point<td>
-   <td headers=0d><tt>NODE</tt><td>
-   <td headers=0d><tt>NODE</tt><td>
-   <td headers=0d><tt>NODE</tt><td>
-   <td headers=0d><tt>NODE</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center id=1d>1-D<td>
-   <td headers=1d><a href="#unst_line">Line</a><td>
-   <td headers=1d><tt>BAR_2</tt><td>
-   <td headers=1d><tt>BAR_3</tt><td>
-   <td headers=1d><tt>BAR_4</tt><td>
-   <td headers=1d><tt>BAR_5</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center id=2d>2-D<td>
-   <td headers=2d><a href="#unst_tri">Triangle</a><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>TRI_3</tt><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>TRI_6</tt><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>TRI_9,&nbsp;TRI_10</tt><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>TRI_12,&nbsp;TRI_15</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=2d><a href="#unst_quad">Quadrangle</a><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>QUAD_4</tt><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>QUAD_8,&nbsp;QUAD_9</tt><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>QUAD_12,&nbsp;QUAD_16</tt><td>
-   <td headers=2d><tt>QUAD_P4_16,&nbsp;QUAD_25</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center id=3d>3-D<td>
-   <td headers=3d><a href="#unst_tetra">Tetrahedron</a><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>TETRA_4</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>TETRA_10</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>TETRA_16,&nbsp;TETRA_20</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>TETRA_22,&nbsp;TETRA_34,&nbsp;TETRA_35</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=3d><a href="#unst_pyramid">Pyramid</a><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PYRA_5</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PYRA_13,&nbsp;PYRA_14</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PYRA_21,&nbsp;PYRA_29,&nbsp;PYRA_30</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PYRA_P4_29,&nbsp;PYRA_50,&nbsp;PYRA_55</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=3d><a href="#unst_penta">Pentahedron</a><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PENTA_6</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PENTA_15,&nbsp;PENTA_18</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PENTA_24,&nbsp;PENTA_38,&nbsp;PENTA_40</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>PENTA_33,&nbsp;PENTA_66,&nbsp;PENTA_75</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=3d><a href="#unst_hexa">Hexahedron</a><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>HEXA_8</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>HEXA_20,&nbsp;HEXA_27</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>HEXA_32,&nbsp;HEXA_56,&nbsp;HEXA_64</tt><td>
-   <td headers=3d><tt>HEXA_44,&nbsp;HEXA_98,&nbsp;HEXA_125</tt>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=15><hr width=100% noshade>
-General polyhedral elements can be recorded using the CGNS
-generic element types <tt>NGON_n</tt> and <tt>NFACE_n</tt>.
-See the <a href="gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt> structure
-definition</a> for more detail.
-The ordering of the nodes within an element is important.
-Since the nodes in each element type could be ordered in multiple ways,
-it is necessary to define numbering conventions.
-The following sections describe the element numbering conventions
-used in CGNS.
-<a name="rind_unstruct"></a>
-Like a structured zone, an unstructured zone may contain
-grid-coordinates or flow-solution data at points outside of the zone
-itself, through the use of ghost or "rind" points and elements.
-However, unlike for structured zones, rind data for unstructured zones
-cannot be defined implicitly (i.e., via indexing conventions alone).
-In other words, when using rind with unstructured zones, the rind grid
-points and their element connectivity information should always be
-<a name="unst_line"></a>
-<h3>3.3.1 1-D (Line) Elements</h3>
-1-D elements represent geometrically a line (or bar).
-The linear form, <tt>BAR_2</tt>, is composed of two nodes at each extremity
-of the line.
-The quadratic form, <tt>BAR_3</tt>, has an additional node located at
-the middle of the line.
-The cubic form of the line, <tt>BAR_4</tt>, contains two nodes
-interior to the endpoints.
-The quartic form of the line, <tt>BAR_5</tt>, contains three nodes
-interior to the endpoints.
-<h5>Linear and Quadratic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>BAR_2</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/bar_2.png" alt="BAR_2 element">
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>BAR_3</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/bar_3.png" alt="BAR_3 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col>Oriented edge</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col class=midnode>Mid node</th>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midnode><tt>N3</tt></td>
-<h5>Cubic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>BAR_4</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/bar_4.png" alt="BAR_4 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col>Oriented edge</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midnode><tt>N3,N4</tt></td>
-<h5>Quartic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>BAR_5</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/bar_5.png" alt="BAR_5 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col>Oriented edge</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midnode><tt>N3,N4,N5</tt></td>
-Note that nodes are uniformly spaced on all edges for all higher order elements.
-<a name="unst_2d"></a>
-<h3>3.3.2 2-D (Surface) Elements</h3>
-2-D elements represent a surface in either 2-D or 3-D space.
-Note that in physical space, the surface need not be planar, but
-may be curved.
-In a 2-D mesh the elements represent the cells themselves; in a 3-D
-mesh they represent faces.
-CGNS supports two shapes of 2-D elements - <a href="#unst_tri">triangles</a>
-and <a href="#unst_quad">quadrangles</a>.
-The normal vector of a 2-D element is computed using the cross product
-of a vector from the first to second node, with a vector from the first
-to third node.
-The direction of the normal is such that the three vectors
-(i.e., <img align=absbottom src="conv.eqs/N21.gif" alt="N2 - N1">,
-<img align=absbottom src="conv.eqs/N31.gif" alt="N3 - N1">, and
-<img src="conv.eqs/N.gif" alt="N">) form a right-handed triad.
-<img src="conv.eqs/normal.gif" alt="N = (N2 - N1) cross (N3 - N1)">
-In a 2-D mesh, all elements must be oriented the same way; i.e., all
-normals must point toward the same side of the mesh.
-<a name="unst_tri"></a>
-<h4> Triangular Elements</h4>
-Six types of triangular elements are supported in CGNS, <tt>TRI_3</tt>,
-<tt>TRI_6</tt>, <tt>TRI_9</tt>, <tt>TRI_10</tt>, <tt>TRI_12</tt>, and <tt>TRI_15</tt>.
-<tt>TRI_3</tt> elements are composed of three nodes located at the
-three geometric corners of the triangle.
-<tt>TRI_6</tt> elements have three additional nodes located at the
-middles of the three edges.
-The cubic forms of triangular elements, <tt>TRI_9</tt> and <tt>TRI_10</tt>
-contain two interior nodes along each edge, and an interior face node
-in the case of <tt>TRI_10</tt>.
-The quartic forms of triangular elements, <tt>TRI_12</tt> and <tt>TRI_15</tt>
-contain three interior nodes along each edge, and three interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>TRI_15</tt>.
-<h5>Linear and Quadratic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TRI_3 and TRI_6</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tri_3_6.png" width=85% alt="TRI_3 and TRI_6 elements">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid node</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N4,N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>E1,E2,E3</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<h5>Cubic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TRI_9 and TRI_10</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tri_9_10.png" width=80% alt="TRI_9 and TRI_10 elements">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N4,N5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6,N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8,N9</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N10</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>E1,E2,E3</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N1,...,N10</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Grid point identification number.
-       Integer &ge; 0 or blank, and no two values may be the same.
-       Grid points <tt>N1</tt>, <tt>N2</tt>, and <tt>N3</tt> are in
-       consecutive order about the triangle.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>E1,E2,E3</tt><td>
-   <td>Edge identification number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F1</tt><td>
-   <td>Face identification number.
-<h5>Quartic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TRI_12</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tri_12.png" width=80% alt="TRI_12 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TRI_15</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tri_15.png" width=80% alt="TRI_15 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N4,N5,N6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8,N9</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10,N11,N12</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N13,N14,N15</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>E1,E2,E3</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N13</tt>, <tt>N14</tt>, and <tt>N15</tt> are equally spaced within the element.
-<a name="unst_quad"></a>
-<h4> Quadrilateral Elements</h4>
-CGNS supports seven types of quadrilateral elements, <tt>QUAD_4</tt>,
-<tt>QUAD_8</tt>, <tt>QUAD_9</tt>, <tt>QUAD_12</tt>, <tt>QUAD_16</tt>, <tt>QUAD_P4_16</tt>, and <tt>QUAD_25</tt>.
-<tt>QUAD_4</tt> elements are composed of four nodes located at the
-four geometric corners of the quadrangle.
-In addition, <tt>QUAD_8</tt> and <tt>QUAD_9</tt> elements have four
-mid-edge nodes, and <tt>QUAD_9</tt> adds a mid-face node.
-The cubic forms of quadrilateral elements, <tt>QUAD_12</tt> and <tt>QUAD_16</tt>
-contain two interior nodes along each edge, and four interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>QUAD_16</tt>.
-The quartic forms of quadrilateral elements, <tt>QUAD_P4_16</tt> and <tt>QUAD_25</tt>
-contain three interior nodes along each edge, and nine interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>QUAD_25</tt>.
-<h5>Linear and Quadratic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>QUAD_4 and QUAD_8</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/quad_4_8.png" width=80% alt="QUAD_4 and QUAD_8 elements">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>QUAD_9</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/quad_9.png" width=80% alt="QUAD_9 element">
-   <td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid node</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=edge>Face Definition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th></td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N2,N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6,N7,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N9</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>E1,E2,E3,E4</tt></td>
-<h5>Cubic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>QUAD_12</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/quad_12.png" width=80% alt="QUAD_12 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>QUAD_16</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/quad_16.png" width=80% alt="QUAD_16 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N13,N14,N15,N16</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>E1,E2,E3,E4</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N1,...,N16</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Grid point identification number.
-       Integer &ge; 0 or blank, and no two values may be the same.
-       Grid points <tt>N1, ..., N4</tt> are in
-       consecutive order about the quadrangle.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>E1,...,E4</tt><td>
-   <td>Edge identification number.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F1</tt><td>
-   <td>Face identification number.
-<h5>Quartic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>QUAD_P4_16</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/quad_p4_16.png" width=80% alt="QUAD_P4_16 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>QUAD_25</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/quad_25.png" width=80% alt="QUAD_25 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6,N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8,N9,N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12,N13</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N14,N15,N16</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6,N7,N8,N9,N10,N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N17,N18,N19,N20,N21,N22,N23,N24,N25</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>E1,E2,E3,E4</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<a name="unst_3d"></a>
-<h3>3.3.3 3-D (Volume) Elements</h3>
-3-D elements represent a volume in 3-D space, and constitute the cells
-of a 3-D mesh.
-CGNS supports four different shapes of 3-D elements -
-<a href="#unst_tetra">tetrahedra</a>, <a href="#unst_pyramid">pyramids</a>,
-<a href="#unst_penta">pentahedra</a>, and <a href="#unst_hexa">hexahedra</a>.
-<a name="unst_tetra"></a>
-<h4> Tetrahedral Elements</h4>
-CGNS supports seven types of tetrahedral elements, <tt>TETRA_4</tt>,
-<tt>TETRA_10</tt>, <tt>TETRA_16</tt>, <tt>TETRA_20</tt>, <tt>TETRA_22</tt>, <tt>TETRA_34</tt>, and <tt>TETRA_35</tt>.
-<tt>TETRA_4</tt> elements are composed of four nodes located at the
-four geometric corners of the tetrahedron.
-<tt>TETRA_10</tt> elements have six additional nodes, at the middle
-of each of the six edges.
-The cubic forms of tetrahedral elements, <tt>TETRA_16</tt> and <tt>TETRA_20</tt>
-contain two interior nodes along each edge, and four interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>TETRA_20</tt>.
-The quartic forms of tetrahedral elements, <tt>TETRA_22</tt>, <tt>TETRA_34</tt>, and <tt>TETRA_35</tt>
-contain three interior nodes along each edge, twelve interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>TETRA_34</tt>, and twelve interior face nodes plus one interior volume
-node in the case of <tt>TETRA_35</tt>.
-<h5>Linear and Quadratic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TETRA_4</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tetra_4.png" width=80% alt="TETRA_4 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>TETRA_10</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tetra_10.png" width=80% alt="TETRA_10 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid node</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N6,&nbsp;N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N9,&nbsp;N8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,&nbsp;E5,-E4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6,N10,N9 </tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,&nbsp;E6,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8,&nbsp;N10</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,&nbsp;E4,-E6</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<h5>Cubic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>TETRA_16</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tetra_16.png" width=85% alt="TETRA_16 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>TETRA_20</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tetra_20.png" width=85% alt="TETRA_20 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N14</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N16</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10,N9,N8,N7,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N17</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6,N13,N14,N12,N11</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N18</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E5,-E4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8,N15,N16,N14,N13</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N19</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E6,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N11,N12,N16,N15</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N20</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E4,-E6</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N1,...,N20</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Grid point identification number.
-       Integer &ge; 0 or blank, and no two values may be the same.
-       Grid points <tt>N1 ... N3</tt> are in consecutive order about
-       one trilateral face.
-       The cross product of a vector going from <tt>N1</tt> to <tt>N2</tt>,
-       with a vector going from <tt>N1</tt> to <tt>N3</tt>, must result in a
-       vector oriented from face <tt>F1</tt> toward <tt>N4</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>E1,...,E6</tt><td>
-   <td>Edge identification number.
-       The edges are oriented from the first to the second node.
-       A negative edge (e.g., <tt>-E1</tt>) means that the edge is used in
-       its reverse direction.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F1,...,F4</tt><td>
-   <td>Face identification number.
-       The faces are oriented so that the cross product of a vector
-       from its first to second node, with a vector from its first to
-       third node, is oriented outward.
-<h5>Quartic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>TETRA_22</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tetra_22.png" width=85% alt="TETRA_22 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>TETRA_34</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tetra_34.png" width=85% alt="TETRA_34 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>TETRA_35</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/tetra_35.png" width=85% alt="TETRA_35 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6,N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8,N9,N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12,N13</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N14,N15,N16</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N17,N18,N19</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N20,N21,N22</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N12,N11,N10,N9,N8,N7,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N23,N25,N24</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N5,N6,N7,N17,N18,N19,N16,N15,N14</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N26,N27,N28</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E5,-E4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8,N9,N10,N20,N21,N22,N19,N18,N17</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N29,N30,N31</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E6,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12,N13,N14,N15,N16,N22,N21,N20</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N32,N33,N34</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E4,-E6</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N23</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N1-N12-N6</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N24</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N2-N6-N9</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N25</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N3-N9-N12</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N26</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N1-N6-N15</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N27</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N2-N18-N6</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N28</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N4-N15-N18</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N29</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N2-N9-N18</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N30</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N3-N21-N9</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N31</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N4-N18-N21</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N32</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N3-N12-N21</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N33</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N1-N15-N12</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N34</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N4-N21-N15</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N35</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of the tetrahedron.
-<a name="unst_pyramid"></a>
-<h4> Pyramid Elements</h4>
-CGNS supports nine types of pyramid elements, <tt>PYRA_5</tt>,
-<tt>PYRA_13</tt>, <tt>PYRA_14</tt>, <tt>PYRA_21</tt>, <tt>PYRA_29</tt>,
-<tt>PYRA_30</tt>, <tt>PYRA_P4_29</tt>, <tt>PYRA_50</tt>, and <tt>PYRA_55</tt>.
-<tt>PYRA_5</tt> elements are composed of five nodes located at the
-five geometric corners of the pyramid.
-In addition, <tt>PYRA_13</tt> and <tt>PYRA_14</tt> elements have a node
-at the middle of each of the eight edges; <tt>PYRA_14</tt> adds a node
-at the middle of the quadrilateral face.
-The cubic forms of pyramid elements, <tt>PYRA_21</tt>,
-<tt>PYRA_29</tt>, and <tt>PYRA_30</tt>
-contain two interior nodes along each edge, eight interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>PYRA_29</tt> and <tt>PYRA_30</tt>, and an additional
-interior volume node for <tt>PYRA_30</tt>.
-The quartic forms of pyramid elements, <tt>PYRA_P4_29</tt>, <tt>PYRA_50</tt>, and <tt>PYRA_55</tt>
-contain three interior nodes along each edge, 21 interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>PYRA_50</tt>, and 21 interior face nodes and five additional
-interior volume nodes for <tt>PYRA_55</tt>.
-<h5>Linear and Quadratic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_5</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_5.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_5 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_13</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_13.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_13 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_14</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_14.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_14 element">
-   <td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid node</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=edge>Face Definition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N4,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N8,&nbsp;N7,&nbsp;N6</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N14</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>-E4,-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N6,N11,N10</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,&nbsp;E6,-E5</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N2,N3,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N12,N11</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,&nbsp;E7,-E6</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N3,N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N8,N13,N12</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,&nbsp;E8,-E7</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N4,N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N13</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E4,&nbsp;E5,-E8</tt></td>
-<h5>Cubic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_21</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_21.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_21 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_29</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_29.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_29 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_30</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_30.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_30 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6,N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8,N9</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10,N11</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N13</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N14,N15</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N16,N17</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N18,N19</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N20,N21</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N12,N11,N10,N9,N8,N7,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N22,N25,N24,N23</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>-E4,-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6,N7,N16,N17,N15,N14</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N26</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E6,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8,N9,N18,N19,N17,N16</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N27</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E7,-E6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10,N11,N20,N21,N19,N18</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N28</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E8,-E7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N13,N14,N15,N21,N20</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N29</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E4,E5,-E8</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N1,...,N30</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Grid point identification number.
-       Integer &ge; 0 or blank, and no two values may be the same.
-       Grid points <tt>N1 ... N4</tt> are in consecutive order about
-       the quadrilateral face.
-       The cross product of a vector going from <tt>N1</tt> to <tt>N2</tt>,
-       with a vector going from <tt>N1</tt> to <tt>N3</tt>, must result in a
-       vector oriented from face <tt>F1</tt> toward <tt>N5</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>E1,...,E8</tt><td>
-   <td>Edge identification number.
-       The edges are oriented from the first to the second node.
-       A negative edge (e.g., <tt>-E1</tt>) means that the edge is used in
-       its reverse direction.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F1,...,F5</tt><td>
-   <td>Face identification number.
-       The faces are oriented so that the cross product of a vector
-       from its first to second node, with a vector from its first to
-       third node, is oriented outward.
-<h5>Quartic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_P4_29</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_p4_29.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_P4_29 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_50</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_50.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_50 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PYRA_55</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/pyra_55.png" width=85% alt="PYRA_55 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6,N7,N8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N11</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N13,N14</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N16,N17</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N18,N19,N20</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N21,N22,N23</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N24,N25,N26</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N27,N28,N29</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N17,N16,N15,N14,N13,N12,N11,N10,N9,N8,N7,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N30,N31,N32,N33,N34,N35,N36,N37,N38</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>-E4,-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N6,N7,N8,N21,N22,N23,N20,N19,N18</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N39,N40,N41</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E6,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N11,N24,N25,N26,N23,N22,N21</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N42,N43,N44</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E7,-E6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N13,N14,N27,N28,N29,N26,N25,N24</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N45,N46,N47</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E8,-E7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N16,N17,N18,N19,N20,N29,N28,N27</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td align=center class=midface><tt>N48,N49,N50</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>&nbsp;E4,E5,-E8</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N39</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N1-N7-N19</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N40</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N2-N22-N7</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N41</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N5-N19-N22</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N42</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N2-N10-N22</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N43</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N3-N25-N10</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N44</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N5-N22-N25</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N45</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N3-N13-N25</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N46</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N4-N28-N13</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N47</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N5-N25-N28</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N48</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N4-N16-N28</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N49</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N1-N19-N16</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N50</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N5-N28-N19</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N51</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the intersection of the line <tt>N5-N30</tt> and the face <tt>N18-N21-N24-N27<tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N52</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the intersection of the line <tt>N5-N32</tt> and the face <tt>N18-N21-N24-N27<tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N53</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the intersection of the line <tt>N5-N34</tt> and the face <tt>N18-N21-N24-N27<tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N54</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the intersection of the line <tt>N5-N36</tt> and the face <tt>N18-N21-N24-N27<tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N55</tt><td>
-   <td>Is located at the intersection of the line <tt>N5-N38</tt> and the face <tt>N20-N23-N26-N29<tt>.
-<p>NOTE: Prior to 5/21/2019, Face F1 was defined incorrectly in the table for PYRA_50 and PYRA_55.
-<a name="unst_penta"></a>
-<h4> Pentahedral Elements</h4>
-CGNS supports nine types of pentahedral elements, <tt>PENTA_6</tt>,
-<tt>PENTA_15</tt>, <tt>PENTA_18</tt>, <tt>PENTA_24</tt>,
-<tt>PENTA_38</tt>, <tt>PENTA_40</tt>,
-<tt>PENTA_33</tt>, <tt>PENTA_66</tt>, and <tt>PENTA_75</tt>.
-<tt>PENTA_6</tt> elements are composed of six nodes located at the
-six geometric corners of the pentahedron.
-In addition, <tt>PENTA_15</tt> and <tt>PENTA_18</tt> elements have a node
-at the middle of each of the nine edges; <tt>PENTA_18</tt> adds a
-node at the middle of each of the three quadrilateral faces.
-The cubic forms of the pentahedral elements, <tt>PENTA_24</tt>,
-<tt>PENTA_38</tt>, and <tt>PENTA_40</tt>
-contain two interior nodes along each edge, fourteen interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>PENTA_38</tt> and <tt>PENTA_40</tt>, and an additional
-two interior volume nodes for <tt>PENTA_40</tt>.
-The quartic forms of the pentahedral elements, 
-<tt>PENTA_33</tt>, <tt>PENTA_66</tt>, and <tt>PENTA_75</tt>
-contain three interior nodes along each edge, 33 interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>PENTA_66</tt>, and 33 interior face nodes and an additional
-nine interior volume nodes for <tt>PENTA_75</tt>.
-<h5>Linear and Quadratic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_6</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_6.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_6 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_15</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_15.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_15 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_18</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_18.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_18 element">
-   <td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid node</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N14</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E9</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N6,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=edge>Face Definition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N2,N5,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N7,&nbsp;N11,N13,N10</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N16</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,&nbsp;E5,-E7,-E4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N2,N3,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N8,&nbsp;N12,N14,N11</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N17</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,&nbsp;E6,-E8,-E5</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N3,N1,N4,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N9,&nbsp;N10,N15,N12</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N18</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,&nbsp;E4,-E9,-E6</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N9,&nbsp;N8,&nbsp;N7</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N4,N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N14,N15</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E7,&nbsp;E8,&nbsp;E9</tt></td>
-<h5>Cubic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_24</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_24.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_24 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_38</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_38.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_38 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_40</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_40.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_40 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N14</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N16</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N17,N18</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N19,N20</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N21,N22</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E9</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N6,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N23,N24</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N2,N5,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8,N15,N16,N20,N19,N14,N13</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N26,N27,N28,N29</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E5,-E7,-E4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N2,N3,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N17,N18,N22,N21,N16,N15</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N30,N31,N32,N33</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E6,-E8,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N3,N1,N4,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12,N13,N14,N24,N23,N18,N17</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N34,N35,N36,N37</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E4,-E9,-E6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N11,N10,N9,N8,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N25</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N4,N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N19,N20,N21,N22,N23,N24</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N38</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E7,E8,E9</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N1,...,N40</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Grid point identification number.
-       Integer &ge; 0 or blank, and no two values may be the same.
-       Grid points <tt>N1 ... N3</tt> are in consecutive order about
-       one trilateral face.
-       Grid points <tt>N4 ... N6</tt> are in order in the same
-       direction around the opposite trilateral face.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>E1,...,E9</tt><td>
-   <td>Edge identification number.
-       The edges are oriented from the first to the second node.
-       A negative edge (e.g., <tt>-E1</tt>) means that the edge is used in
-       its reverse direction.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F1,...,F5</tt><td>
-   <td>Face identification number.
-       The faces are oriented so that the cross product of a vector
-       from its first to second node, with a vector from its first to
-       third node, is oriented outward.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N39</tt><td>
-   <td>Is at the centroid of the triangle <tt>N13,N17,N15</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>N40</tt><td>
-   <td>Is at the centroid of the triangle <tt>N14,N18,N16</tt>.
-<h5>Quartic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_33</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_33.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_33 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_66</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_66.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_66 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>PENTA_75</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/penta_75.png" width=85% alt="PENTA_75 element">
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8,N9</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10,N11,N12</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N14,N15</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N16,N17,N18</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N19,N20,N21</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N22,N23,N24</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N25,N26,N27</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N28,N29,N30</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E9</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N6,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N31,N32,N33</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N2,N5,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N7,N8,N9,N19,N20,N21,N27,N26,N25,N18,N17,N16</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N37,N38,N39,N40,N41,N42,N43,N44,N45</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E5,-E7,-E4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N2,N3,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N10,N11,N12,N22,N23,N24,N30,N29,N28,N21,N20,N19</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N46,N47,N48,N49,N50,N51,N52,N53,N54</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E6,-E8,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N3,N1,N4,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N14,N15,N16,N17,N18,N33,N32,N31,N24,N23,N22</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N55,N56,N57,N58,N59,N60,N61,N62,N63</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E4,-E9,-E6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N14,N13,N12,N11,N10,N9,N8,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N34,N35,N36</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N4,N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N25,N26,N27,N28,N29,N30,N31,N32,N33</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N64,N65,N66</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E7,E8,E9</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N34</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N1-N14-N8</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N35</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N2-N8-N11</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N36</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N3-N11-N14</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N64</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N4-N26-N32</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N65</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N5-N29-N26</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N66</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N6-N32-N29</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N67</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N16-N38-N56</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N68</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N19-N47-N38</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N69</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N22-N56-N47</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N70</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N17-N45-N63</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N71</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N20-N54-N45</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N72</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N23-N63-N54</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N73</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N18-N42-N60</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N74</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N21-N51-N42</tt>.
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N75</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Is located at the centroid of sub-triangle <tt>N24-N60-N51</tt>.
-<p>NOTE: Prior to 5/21/2019, Face F4 was defined incorrectly in the table for PENTA_66 and PENTA_75.
-<a name="unst_hexa"></a>
-<h4> Hexahedral Elements</h4>
-CGNS supports nine types of hexahedral elements, <tt>HEXA_8</tt>,
-<tt>HEXA_20</tt>, <tt>HEXA_27</tt>, <tt>HEXA_32</tt>,
-<tt>HEXA_56</tt>, <tt>HEXA_64</tt>,
-<tt>HEXA_44</tt>, <tt>HEXA_98</tt>, and <tt>HEXA_125</tt>.
-<tt>HEXA_8</tt> elements are composed of eight nodes located at the
-eight geometric corners of the hexahedron.
-In addition, <tt>HEXA_20</tt> and <tt>HEXA_27</tt> elements have a node
-at the middle of each of the twelve edges; <tt>HEXA_27</tt> adds a
-node at the middle of each of the six faces, and one at the cell center.
-The cubic forms of the hexahedral elements, <tt>HEXA_32</tt>,
-<tt>HEXA_56</tt>, and <tt>HEXA_64</tt>
-contain two interior nodes along each edge, 24 interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>HEXA_56</tt> and <tt>HEXA_64</tt>, and an additional
-eight interior volume nodes for <tt>HEXA_64</tt>.
-The quartic forms of the hexahedral elements,
-<tt>HEXA_44</tt>, <tt>HEXA_98</tt>, and <tt>HEXA_125</tt>
-contain three interior nodes along each edge, 54 interior face nodes
-in the case of <tt>HEXA_98</tt>, and 54 interior face nodes and an additional
-27 interior volume nodes for <tt>HEXA_125</tt>.
-<h5>Linear and Quadratic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_8</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_8.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_8 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_20</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_20.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_20 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt> </tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_20_table.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_20 element table">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_27</tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_27.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_27 element">
-   <td>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-  <td><tt> </tt><br><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_27_table.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_27 element table">
-   <td>
-   <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid node</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N14</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N16</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E9</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N17</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E10</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N6,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N18</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E11</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N7,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N19</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E12</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N8,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N20</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<p>NOTE: Prior to 7/19/2019, there was a typo in F3 corner nodes definition for HEXA_8, HEXA_20, and HEXA_27.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<caption class=edge>Face Definition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face node</th></td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N4,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N11,N10,N9</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N21</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>-E4,-E3,&nbsp;-E2,&nbsp;-E1</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N2,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N9,&nbsp;N14,N17,N13</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N22</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E1, E6,&nbsp;-E9,&nbsp;-E5</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N2,N3,N7,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N10,N15,N18,N14</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N23</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,&nbsp;E7, -E10,-E6</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N3,N4,N8,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N16,N19,N15</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N24</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,&nbsp;E8,&nbsp;-E11,-E7</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N1,N5,N8,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N20,N16,N12</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N25</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E5,-E12,-E8,&nbsp;&nbsp;E4</tt></td>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>F6</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>N5,N6,N7,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td class=midnode><tt>N17,N18,N19,N20</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td align=center class=midface><tt>N26</tt></td><td></td>
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;E9,&nbsp;E10,&nbsp;E11,&nbsp;E12</tt></td>
-<h5>Cubic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_32</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_32.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_32 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt> </tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_32_table.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_32 element table">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_56</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_56.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_56 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_64</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_64.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_64 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt> </tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_56_64_table.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_56 and HEXA_64 element table">
-<p>NOTE: Prior to 7/19/2019, there was a typo in F3 corner nodes definition for HEXA_32, HEXA_56, and HEXA_64,
-and F5 mid-face nodes were mis-ordered in HEXA_56 and HEXA_64.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N14</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N16</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N17,N18</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N19,N20</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N21,N22</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N23,N24</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E9</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N25,N26</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E10</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N6,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N27,N28</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E11</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N7,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N29,N30</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E12</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N8,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N31,N32</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th></td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N4,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N16,N15,N14,N13,N12,N11,N10,N9</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N33,N36,N35,N34</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>-E4,-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N2,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N19,N20,N26,N25,N18,N17</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N37,N38,N39,N40</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E6,-E9,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N2,N3,N7,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N11,N12,N21,N22,N28,N27,N20,N19</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N41,N42,N43,N44</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E7,-E10,-E6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N3,N4,N8,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N13,N14,N23,N24,N30,N29,N22,N21</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N45,N46,N47,N48</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E8,-E11,-E7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N5,N8,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N17,N18,N32,N31,N24,N23,N15,N16</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N49,N50,N51,N52</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E5,-E12,-E8,E4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N5,N6,N7,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N25,N26,N27,N28,N29,N30,N31,N32</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N53,N54,N55,N56</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E9,E10,E11,E12</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>N1,...,N64</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Grid point identification number.
-       Integer &ge; 0 or blank, and no two values may be the same.
-       Grid points <tt>N1 ... N4</tt> are in consecutive order about
-       one quadrilateral face.
-       Grid points <tt>N5 ... N8</tt> are in order in the same
-       direction around the opposite quadrilateral face.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>E1,...,E12</tt><td>
-   <td>Edge identification number.
-       The edges are oriented from the first to the second node.
-       A negative edge (e.g., <tt>-E1</tt>) means that the edge is used in
-       its reverse direction.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>F1,...,F6</tt><td>
-   <td>Face identification number.
-       The faces are oriented so that the cross product of a vector
-       from its first to second node, with a vector from its first to
-       third node, is oriented outward.
-<h5>Quartic Elements</h5>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_44</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_44.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_44 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt> </tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_44_table.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_44 element table">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_98</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_98.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_98 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt>HEXA_125</tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_125.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_125 element">
-<tr valign=top><td><br>
-<tr valign=top><td>
-   <td><tt> </tt><br>
-       <img src="conv.figs/hexa_98_125_table.png" width=85% alt="HEXA_98 and HEXA_125 element table">
-<p>NOTE: Prior to 7/19/2019, there was a typo in F3 corner nodes definition for HEXA_44, HEXA_98, and HEXA_125,
-and F5 mid-face nodes were mis-ordered in HEXA_98 and HEXA_125.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Edge Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-          <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid nodes</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N11</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E2</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N13,N14</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E3</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N16,N17</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E4</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N1</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N18,N19,N20</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N1,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N21,N22,N23</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N2,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N24,N25,N26</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N3,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N27,N28,N29</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N4,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N30,N31,N32</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E9</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N5,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N33,N34,N35</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E10</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N6,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N36,N37,N38</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E11</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N7,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N39,N40,N41</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-          <td><tt>E12</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td><tt>N8,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-          <td class=midnode><tt>N42,N43,N44</tt></td>
-       </table>
-   <tr><br>
-   <tr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-       <caption class=edge>Face Definition
-       <br><br>
-       </caption>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Face</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Corner nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left class=midnode>Mid-edge nodes</th><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col class=midface>Mid-face nodes</th></td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
-         <th scope=col align=left>Oriented edges</th>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F1</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N4,N3,N2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N20,N19,N18,N17,N16,N15,N14,N13,N12,N11,N10,N9</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N45,N46,N47,N48,N49,N50,N51,N52,N53</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>-E4,-E3,-E2,-E1</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F2</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N2,N6,N5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N9,N10,N11,N24,N25,N26,N35,N34,N33,N23,N22,N21</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N54,N55,N56,N57,N58,N59,N60,N61,N62</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E1,E6,-E9,-E5</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F3</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N2,N3,N7,N6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N12,N13,N14,N27,N28,N29,N38,N37,N36,N26,N25,N24</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N63,N64,N65,N66,N67,N68,N69,N70,N71</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E2,E7,-E10,-E6</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N3,N4,N8,N7</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N15,N16,N17,N30,N31,N32,N41,N40,N39,N29,N28,N27</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N72,N73,N74,N75,N76,N77,N78,N79,N80</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E3,E8,-E11,-E7</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F5</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N1,N5,N8,N4</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N21,N22,N23,N44,N43,N42,N32,N31,N30,N18,N19,N20</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N81,N82,N83,N84,N85,N86,N87,N88,N89</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E5,-E12,-E8,E4</tt></td>
-       <tr valign=baseline>
-         <td><tt>F6</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>N5,N6,N7,N8</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td class=midnode><tt>N33,N34,N35,N36,N37,N38,N39,N40,N41,N42,N43,N44</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td align=center class=midface><tt>N90,N91,N92,N93,N94,N95,N96,N97,N98</tt></td><td></td>
-         <td><tt>&nbsp;E9,E10,E11,E12</tt></td>
-       </table>
-<p>NOTE: Prior to 5/21/2019, Face F1 was defined incorrectly in the table for HEXA_98 and HEXA_125.
-<a name="unst_example"></a>
-<h4>3.3.4 Unstructured Grid Example</h4>
-Consider an unstructured zone in the shape of a cube, with each edge
-of the zone having three nodes.
-The resulting unstructured grid has a total of 27 nodes, as illustrated
-in the exploded figure below.
-<img src="conv.figs/unst_example.gif"
-     alt="3 by 3 by 3 unstructured grid, with numbered nodes"
-     longdesc="conv.figs/unst_example.html">
-Example Unstructured Cube (Exploded View)
-This zone contains eight hexahedral cells, numbered 1 to 8, and the
-cell connectivity is:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col>Element No.<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Element Connectivity
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>1<td><td>&nbsp;1, &nbsp;2, &nbsp;5, &nbsp;4, 10, 11, 14, 13
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>2<td><td>&nbsp;2, &nbsp;3, &nbsp;6, &nbsp;5, 11, 12, 15, 14
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>3<td><td>&nbsp;4, &nbsp;5, &nbsp;8, &nbsp;7, 13, 14, 17, 16
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>4<td><td>&nbsp;5, &nbsp;6, &nbsp;9, &nbsp;8, 14, 15, 18, 17
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>5<td><td>10, 11, 14, 13, 19, 20, 23, 22
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>6<td><td>11, 12, 15, 14, 20, 21, 24, 23
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>7<td><td>13, 14, 17, 16, 22, 23, 26, 25
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center>8<td><td>14, 15, 18, 17, 23, 24, 27, 26
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-In addition to the cells, the boundary faces could also be added to the
-element definition of this unstructured zone.
-There are 24 boundary faces in this zone, corresponding to element
-numbers 9 to 32.
-Each boundary face is of type <tt>QUAD_4</tt>.
-The table below shows the element connectivity of each boundary face,
-as well as the element number and face number of its parent cell.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=9><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left>Face<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th>Element No.<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th>Element Connectivity<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th>Parent Cell<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th>Parent Face
-<tr align=left><td colspan=9><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td align=left id=left>Left<td>
-   <td headers=left>9<td>
-   <td headers=left>1, 10, 13,  4<td>
-   <td headers=left>1<td>
-   <td headers=left>5
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=left>10<td>
-   <td headers=left> 4, 13, 16,  7<td>
-   <td headers=left>3<td>
-   <td headers=left>5
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=left>11<td>
-   <td headers=left>10, 19, 22, 13<td>
-   <td headers=left>5<td>
-   <td headers=left>5
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=left>12<td>
-   <td headers=left>13, 22, 25, 16<td>
-   <td headers=left>7<td>
-   <td headers=left>5
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td align=left id=right>Right <td>
-   <td headers=right>13<td>
-   <td headers=right> 3,  6, 15, 12<td>
-   <td headers=right>2<td>
-   <td headers=right>3
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=right>14<td>
-   <td headers=right> 6,  9, 18, 15<td>
-   <td headers=right>4<td>
-   <td headers=right>3
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=right>15<td>
-   <td headers=right>12, 15, 24, 21<td>
-   <td headers=right>6<td>
-   <td headers=right>3
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=right>16<td>
-   <td headers=right>15, 18, 27, 24<td>
-   <td headers=right>8<td>
-   <td headers=right>3
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td align=left id=bottom>Bottom<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>17<td>
-   <td headers=bottom> 1,  2, 11, 10<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>1<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>2
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=bottom>18<td>
-   <td headers=bottom> 2,  3, 12, 11<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>2<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>2
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=bottom>19<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>10, 11, 20, 19<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>5<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>2
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=bottom>20<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>11, 12, 21, 20<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>6<td>
-   <td headers=bottom>2
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td align=left id=top>Top   <td>
-   <td headers=top>21<td>
-   <td headers=top> 7, 16, 17,  8<td>
-   <td headers=top>3<td>
-   <td headers=top>4
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=top>22<td>
-   <td headers=top> 8, 17, 18,  9<td>
-   <td headers=top>4<td>
-   <td headers=top>4
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=top>23<td>
-   <td headers=top>16, 25, 26, 17<td>
-   <td headers=top>7<td>
-   <td headers=top>4
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=top>24<td>
-   <td headers=top>17, 26, 27, 18<td>
-   <td headers=top>8<td>
-   <td headers=top>4
-<tr align=centervalign=baseline>
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td align=left id=back>Back  <td>
-   <td headers=back>25<td>
-   <td headers=back>1, 4, 5, 2<td>
-   <td headers=back>1<td>
-   <td headers=back>1
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=back>26<td>
-   <td headers=back>2, 5, 6, 3<td>
-   <td headers=back>2<td>
-   <td headers=back>1
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=back>27<td>
-   <td headers=back>4, 7, 8, 5<td>
-   <td headers=back>3<td>
-   <td headers=back>1
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=back>28<td>
-   <td headers=back>5, 8, 9, 6<td>
-   <td headers=back>4<td>
-   <td headers=back>1
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td align=left id=front>Front <td>
-   <td headers=front>29<td>
-   <td headers=front>19, 20, 23, 22<td>
-   <td headers=front>5<td>
-   <td headers=front>6
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=front>30<td>
-   <td headers=front>20, 21, 24, 23<td>
-   <td headers=front>6<td>
-   <td headers=front>6
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=front>31<td>
-   <td headers=front>22, 23, 26, 25<td>
-   <td headers=front>7<td>
-   <td headers=front>6
-<tr align=center valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td headers=front>32<td>
-   <td headers=front>23, 24, 27, 26<td>
-   <td headers=front>8<td>
-   <td headers=front>6 
-<tr align=left><td colspan=9><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="interfaces"></a>
-<h3>3.4 Multizone Interfaces</h3>
-<img src="conv.figs/interface1.gif"
-     alt="Two abutting zones with 1 to 1 grid point matching at the interface"
-     longdesc="conv.figs/interface1.html">
-<i>1-to-1 Abutting Interface</i>
-<img src="conv.figs/interface2.gif"
-     alt="Two abutting zones with mismatched grid points at the interface"
-     longdesc="conv.figs/interface2.html">
-<i>Mismatched Abutting Interface</i>
-<img src="conv.figs/interface3.gif"
-     alt="Two overlapping zones"
-     longdesc="conv.figs/interface3.html">
-<i>Overset Interface</i>
-Structured-Grid Multizone Interface Types
-The above figure shows three types of multizone interfaces, shown for
-structured zones.
-The first type is a 1-to-1 abutting interface, also referred to as
-matching or C0 continuous.
-The interface is a plane of vertices that are physically coincident
-between the adjacent zones.
-For structured zones, grid-coordinate lines perpendicular to the
-interface are continuous from one zone to the next.
-In 3-D, a 1-to-1 abutting interface is usually a logically rectangular
-The second type of interface is mismatched abutting, where two zones
-touch but do not overlap (except for vertices and cell faces on the grid
-plane of the interface).
-Vertices on the interface may not be physically coincident between the
-two zones.
-The figure identifies the vertices and face centers of the
-left zone that lay on the interface.
-Even for structured zones in 3-D, the vertices of a zone that constitute
-an interface patch may not form a logically rectangular region.
-The third type of multizone interface is called overset and occurs when
-two zones overlap; in 3-D, the overlap is a 3-D region.
-For overset interfaces, one of the two zones takes precedence over the
-other; this establishes which solution in the overlap region to retain
-and which to discard.
-The region in a given zone where the solution is discarded is called an
-overset hole and the grid points outlining the hole are called fringe
-The figure depicts an overlap region between two zones.
-The right zone takes precedence over the left zone, and the points
-identified in the figure are the fringe points and overset-hole points
-for the left zone.
-In addition, for the zone taking precedence, any bounding points (i.e.,
-vertices on the bounding faces) of the zone that lay within the overlap
-region must also be identified.
-Overset interfaces may also include multiple layers of fringe points
-outlining holes and at zone boundaries.
-For the mismatched abutting and overset interfaces in the above figure,
-the left zone plays the role of receiver zone and the right plays the
-role of donor zone.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 July 2019 (figures and tables in Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions redone)
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-<h2>5 Data-Array Structure Definitions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#DataArray">5.1 Definition: <tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#DataConversion">5.1.1 Definition: <tt>DataConversion_t</tt></a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#manip">5.2 Data Manipulation</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#dim">5.2.1 Dimensional Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="#normbydim">5.2.2 Nondimensional Data Normalized by Dimensional Quantities</a>
-     <li> <a href="#normbyunkdim">5.2.3 Nondimensional Data Normalized by Unknown Dimensional Quantities</a>
-     <li> <a href="#nondimparam">5.2.4 Nondimensional Parameters</a>
-     <li> <a href="#dimensionless">5.2.5 Dimensionless Constants</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#example">5.3 Data-Array Examples</a>
-This section defines the structure type <tt>DataArray_t</tt> for
-describing data arrays.
-This general-purpose structure is used to declare data arrays and
-scalars throughout the CGNS hierarchy.
-It is used to describe grid coordinates, flow-solution data, governing
-flow parameters, boundary-condition data, and other information.
-For most of these different types of CFD data, we have also established
-a <a href="dataname.html">list of standardized identifiers</a> for
-entities of type <tt>DataArray_t</tt>.
-For example, <tt>Density</tt> is used for data arrays containing static
-We address five classes of data with the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure
-<li> dimensional data (e.g., velocity in units of m/s);
-<li> nondimensional data normalized by dimensional reference quantities;
-<li> nondimensional data with associated nondimensional reference quantities;
-<li> nondimensional parameters (e.g., Reynolds number, pressure coefficient);
-<li> pure constants (e.g., <i>&pi;</i>, <i>e</i>).
-The first two of these classes often occur within the same test case,
-where each piece of data is either dimensional itself or normalized by a
-dimensional quantity.
-The third data class is typical of a completely nondimensional test
-case, where all field data and reference quantities are nondimensional.
-The fourth class, nondimensional parameters, are universal in CFD,
-although not always consistently defined.
-The individual components of nondimensional parameters may be data from
-any of the first three classes.
-Each of the five classes of data requires different information to
-describe dimensional units or normalization associated with the data.
-These requirements are reflected in the structure definition for
-The remainder of this section is as follows: The structure type
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> is first defined.
-Then the <a href="#manip">class identification and data
-manipulation</a> is discussed for each of the five data classes.
-Finally, <a href="#example">examples of <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-entities</a> are presented.
-<a name="DataArray"></a>
-<h3>5.1 Definition: <tt>DataArray_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> describes a multi-dimensional data array of given
-type, dimensionality and size in each dimension.
-The data may be dimensional, nondimensional or pure constants.
-Qualifiers are provided to describe dimensional units or normalization
-information associated with the data.
-  DataArray_t&lt; DataType, int Dimension, int[Dimension] DimensionValues &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    Data( DataType, Dimension, DimensionValues ) ;                     (r)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    DimensionalExponents_t DimensionalExponents ;                      (o)
-    DataConversion_t DataConversion ;                                  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> list are
-     as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>DataArray_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     names <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-     <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>, or <tt>DataConversion</tt>.
-<li> <tt>Data()</tt> is the only required field for <tt>DataArray_t</tt>.
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> requires three structure parameters:
-<tt>Dimension</tt> is the dimensionality of the data array;
-<tt>DimensionValues</tt> is an array of length <tt>Dimension</tt>
-that contains the size of the data arrays in each dimension; and
-<tt>DataType</tt> is the data type of the data stored.
-<tt>DataType</tt> will usually be <tt>real</tt>, but other data types
-are permissible.
-The optional entities <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-<tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> and
-<a href="#DataConversion"><tt>DataConversion</tt></a> provide information
-on dimensional units and normalization associated with the data.
-The function of these qualifiers is provided in the
-<a href="#manip">next section</a>.
-This structure type is formulated to describe an array of scalars.
-Therefore, for vector quantities (e.g., the position vector or the
-velocity vector), separate structure entities are required for each
-component of the vector.
-For example, the Cartesian coordinates of a 3-D grid are described by
-three separate <tt>DataArray_t</tt> entities: one for <i>x</i>, one
-for <i>y</i> and one for <i>z</i> (see the example for
-<a href="gridflow.html#ex:grid1">Cartesian Coordinates for a 2-D
-Structured Grid</a>).
-<a name="DataConversion"></a>
-<h4>5.1.1 Definition: <tt>DataConversion_t</tt></h4>
-<tt>DataConversion_t</tt> contains conversion factors for recovering raw
-dimensional data from given nondimensional data.
-These conversion factors are typically associated with nondimensional
-data that is normalized by dimensional reference quantities.
-  DataConversion_t :=
-    {
-    real ConversionScale ;                                             (r)
-    real ConversionOffset ;                                            (r)
-    } ;
-Given a nondimensional piece of data, <tt>Data(nondimensional)</tt>, the
-conversion to "raw" dimensional form is:
-  Data(raw) = Data(nondimensional)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset
-These conversion factors are further described in the section
-<a href="#normbydim">Nondimensional Data Normalized by Dimensional
-<a name="manip"></a>
-<h3>5.2 Data Manipulation</h3>
-The optional entities of <a href="#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-provide information for manipulating the data, including changing units
-or normalization.
-This section describes the rules under which these optional entities
-operate and the specific manipulations that can be performed on the
-Within a given instance of <tt>DataArray_t</tt>, the class of data
-and all information required for manipulations may be completely
-and precisely specified by the entities <tt>DataClass</tt>,
-<tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> and
-<tt>DataClass</tt> identifies the class of data and governs the
-manipulations that can be performed.
-Each of the five data classes is treated separately in the subsequent
-The entities <tt>DataClass</tt> and <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> serve
-special functions in the CGNS hierarchy.
-If <tt>DataClass</tt> is absent from a given instance of
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt>, then its value is determined from "global" data.
-This global data may be set at any level of the CGNS hierarchy with the
-data set at the lowest level taking precedence.
-<tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> may be similarly set by global data.
-The rules for determining the appropriate set of global data to apply is
-further detailed in the section
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">Precedence Rules and Scope
-Within the Hierarchy</a>.
-This alternate functionality provides a measure of economy in describing
-dimensional units or normalization within the hierarchy.
-Examples that make use of global data are available for both
-<a href="gridflow.html#grid_example">grid coordinates</a> and
-<a href="gridflow.html#flow_example">flow solutions</a>.
-A complete <a href="twozone.html">two-zone example case</a> also depicts
-this alternate functionality.
-<a name="dim"></a>
-<h4>5.2.1 Dimensional Data</h4>
-If <tt>DataClass = Dimensional</tt>, the data is dimensional.
-The optional qualifiers <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and
-<tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> describe dimensional units associated with
-the data.
-These qualifiers are provided to specify the system of dimensional units
-and the dimensional exponents, respectively.
-For example, if the data is the <i>x</i>-component of velocity,
-then <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> will state that the pertinent
-dimensional units are, say, <tt>Meter</tt> and <tt>Second</tt>;
-<tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> will specify that the pertinent dimensional
-exponents are <tt>LengthExponent = 1</tt> and <tt>TimeExponent = -1</tt>.
-Combining the information gives the units m/s.
-<a href="#example">Examples showing the use of these two qualifiers</a>
-are provided.
-If <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> is absent, then the appropriate set of
-dimensional units is obtained from "global" data.
-The rules for determining this appropriate set of global dimensional
-units are presented in the section 
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">Precedence Rules and Scope
-Within the Hierarchy</a>.
-If <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> is absent, then the appropriate
-dimensional exponents can be determined by convention if the specific
-instance of <tt>DataArray_t</tt> corresponds to one of the
-<a href="dataname.html">standardized data-name identifiers</a>.
-Otherwise, the exponents are unspecified.
-We strongly recommend inclusion of the <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>
-qualifier whenever the data is dimensional and the instance of
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> is not among the list of standardized identifiers.
-<a name="normbydim"></a>
-<h4>5.2.2 Nondimensional Data Normalized by Dimensional Quantities</h4>
-If <tt>DataClass = NormalizedByDimensional</tt>, the data is
-nondimensional and is normalized by dimensional reference quantities.
-All optional entities in <a href="#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-are used.
-<a href="#DataConversion"><tt>DataConversion</tt></a> contains factors
-to convert the nondimensional data to "raw" dimensional data; these
-factors are <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and <tt>ConversionOffset</tt>.
-The conversion process is as follows:
-  Data(raw) = Data(nondimensional)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset
-where <tt>Data(nondimensional)</tt> is the original nondimensional data,
-and <tt>Data(raw)</tt> is the converted raw data.
-This converted raw data is dimensional, and the optional qualifiers
-<tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> describe the
-appropriate dimensional units and exponents.
-Note that <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>
-also describe the units for <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and
-If <tt>DataConversion</tt> is absent, the equivalent defaults are
-<tt>ConversionScale = 1</tt> and <tt>ConversionOffset = 0</tt>.
-If either <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> or <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> is
-absent, follow the rules described in the <a href="#dim">previous section</a>.
-Note that functionally there is little difference between these
-first two data classes (<tt>DataClass = <a href="#dim">Dimensional</a></tt>
-and <tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt>}.
-In the first case the data is dimensional, and in the second, the
-converted raw data is dimensional.
-Also, the equivalent defaults for <tt>DataConversion</tt> produce
-no changes in the data; hence, it is almost the same as stating the
-original data is dimensional.
-<a name="normbyunkdim"></a>
-<h4>5.2.3 Nondimensional Data Normalized by Unknown Dimensional Quantities</h4>
-If <tt>DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>, the data is
-nondimensional and is normalized by some unspecified dimensional
-This type of data is typical of a completely nondimensional test case,
-where all field data and all reference quantities are nondimensional.
-Only the <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> qualifier is used in this case,
-although it is expected that this qualifier will be seldom utilized in
-For entities of <tt>DataArray_t</tt> that are not among the list of
-standardized data-name identifiers, the qualifier could provide useful
-information by defining the exponents of the dimensional form of the
-nondimensional data.
-Rather than providing qualifiers to describe the normalization
-of the data, we instead dictate that all data of type
-<tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt> in a given database be
-nondimensionalized consistently.
-This is done by picking one set of mass, length, time and temperature
-scales and normalizing all appropriate data by these scales.
-We describe this process in detail in the following.
-A complete <a href="twozone.html">two-zone example case</a> is also
-available that uses a completely nondimensional database with consistent
-normalization used throughout.
-The practice of nondimensionalization within flow solvers and other
-application codes is quite popular.
-The problem with this practice is that to manipulate the data
-from a given code, one must often know the particulars of the
-nondimensionalization used.
-This largely results from what we call inconsistent normalization - more
-than the minimum required scales are used to normalize data within the
-For example, in the OVERFLOW flow solver, the following
-nondimensionalization is used:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>x</i>&prime; = <i>x</i> / <i>L</i><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>u</i>&prime; = <i>u</i> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i>&prime; = <i>&rho;</i> / <i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>y</i>&prime; = <i>y</i> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>v</i>&prime; = <i>v</i> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime; = <i>p</i> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>z</i>&prime; = <i>z</i> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>w</i>&prime; = <i>w</i> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td>
-   <td><i>&mu;</i>&prime; = <i>&mu;</i> / <i>&mu;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>
-where (<i>x</i>,<i>y</i>,<i>z</i>) are the Cartesian coordinates,
-(<i>u</i>,<i>v</i>,<i>w</i>) are the Cartesian components of velocity,
-<i>&rho;</i> is static
-density, <i>p</i> is static pressure, <i>c</i> is the static speed of
-sound, and <i>&mu;</i> is the
-molecular viscosity.
-In this example, primed quantities are nondimensional
-and all others are dimensional.
-Four dimensional scales are used for normalization: <i>L</i> (a unit
-<i>v</i><sub>&infin;</sub> and
-However, only three fundamental dimensional units are represented: mass,
-length and time.
-The extra normalizing scale leads to inconsistent normalization.
-The primary consequence of this is additional nondimensional parameters,
-such as Reynolds number, appearing in the nondimensionalized governing
-equations where none are found in the original dimensional equations.
-Many definitions, including skin friction coefficient, also have extra
-terms appearing in the nondimensionalized form.
-This adds unnecessary complication to any data or equation manipulation
-associated with the flow solver.
-Consistent normalization avoids many of these problems.
-Here the number of scales used for normalization is the same as the
-number of fundamental dimensional units represented by the data.
-Using consistent normalization, the resulting nondimensionalized form
-of equations and definitions is identical to their original dimensional
-One piece of evidence to support this assertion is that it is not
-possible to form any nondimensional parameters from the set of
-dimensional scales used for normalization.
-An important fallout of consistent normalization is that the actual
-scales used for normalization become immaterial for all data
-manipulation processes.
-To illustrate this consider the following nondimensionalization
-procedure: let <i>M</i> (mass), <i>L</i> (length) and <i>T</i> (time) be
-arbitrary dimensional scales by which all data is normalized (neglect
-temperature data for the present).
-The nondimensional data follows:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>x</i>&prime; = <i>x</i> / <i>L</i><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>u</i>&prime; = <i>u</i> / (<i>L</i>/<i>T</i>)<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i>&prime; = <i>&rho;</i> / (<i>M</i>/<i>L</i><sup>3</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>y</i>&prime; = <i>y</i> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>v</i>&prime; = <i>v</i> / (<i>L</i>/<i>T</i>)<td>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime; = <i>p</i> / (<i>M</i>/(<i>LT</i><sup>2</sup>))
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>z</i>&prime; = <i>z</i> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>w</i>&prime; = <i>w</i> / (<i>L</i>/<i>T</i>)<td>
-   <td><i>&mu;</i>&prime; = <i>&mu;</i> / (<i>M</i>/(<i>LT</i>))
-where primed quantities are nondimensional and all others are
-Consider an existing database where all field data and all reference
-data is nondimensional and normalized as shown.
-Assume the database has a single reference state given by,
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>x</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>x</i><sub>ref</sub> / <i>L</i><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>u</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>u</i><sub>ref</sub> / (<i>L</i>/<i>T</i>)<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub> / (<i>M</i>/<i>L</i><sup>3</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>y</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>y</i><sub>ref</sub> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>v</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>v</i><sub>ref</sub> / (<i>L</i>/<i>T</i>)<td>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>p</i><sub>ref</sub> / (<i>M</i>/(<i>LT</i><sup>2</sup>))
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>z</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>z</i><sub>ref</sub> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>w</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>w</i><sub>ref</sub> / (<i>L</i>/<i>T</i>)<td>
-   <td><i>&mu;</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub> = <i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub> / (<i>M</i>/(<i>LT</i>))
-If a user wanted to change the nondimensionalization of grid-point
-pressures, the procedure is straightforward.
-Let the desired new normalization be given by
-<i>p</i>&Prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>p<sub>ijk</sub></i> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>c</i><sub>ref</sub><sup>2</sup>),
-where all terms on the right-hand-side are <em>dimensional</em>, and as
-such they are unknown to the database user.
-However, the desired manipulation is possible using only nondimensional
-data provided in the database,
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>p</i>&Prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub><td>&nbsp;
-   <td>&equiv; <i>p<sub>ijk</sub></i> / 
-               (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>c</i><sub>ref</sub><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td>= [<i>p<sub>ijk</sub></i> / (<i>M</i>/(<i>LT</i><sup>2</sup>)]
-         [(<i>M</i>/<i>L</i><sup>3</sup>) / <i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub>]
-         [(<i>L</i>/<i>T</i>) / <i>c</i><sub>ref</sub>]<sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><td>
-   <td>= <i>p</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> / 
-         (<i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub>(<i>c</i>&prime;<sub>ref</sub>)<sup>2</sup>)
-Thus, the desired renormalization is possible using the database's
-nondimensional data as if it were actually dimensional.
-There is, in fact, a high degree of equivalence between dimensional data
-and consistently normalized nondimensional data.
-The procedure shown in this example should extend to any desired
-renormalization, provided the needed
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState">reference-state quantities</a> are
-included in the database.
-This example points out two stipulations that we now dictate for data in
-the class <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>,
-<ol type="a">
-<li> All nondimensional data within a given database that has 
-     <tt>DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>
-     shall be consistently normalized.
-<li> Any nondimensional <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState">reference
-     state</a> appearing in a database should be sufficiently populated
-     with reference quantities to allow for renormalization procedures.
-The second of these stipulations is somewhat ambiguous, but good
-practice would suggest that a flow solver, for example, should output
-to the database enough static and/or stagnation reference quantities to
-sufficiently define the state.
-A <a href="twozone.html">two-zone example case</a> is available that
-shows an example of a well-populated reference state.
-With these two stipulations, we contend the following:
-<li> The dimensional scales used to nondimensionalize all data are
-     immaterial, and there is no need to identify these quantities in a
-     CGNS database.
-<li> The dimensional scales need not be reference-state quantities
-     provided in the database.
-     For example, a given database could contain freestream reference
-     state conditions, but all the data is normalized by sonic
-     conditions (which are not provided in the database).
-<li> All renormalization procedures can be carried out treating the data
-     as if it were dimensional with a consistent set of units.
-<li> Any application code that internally uses consistent normalization
-     can use the data provided in a CGNS database without modification
-     or transformation to the code's internal normalization.
-Before ending this section, we note that the OVERFLOW flow solver
-mentioned above (or any other application code that internally uses
-inconsistent normalization) could easily read and write data to a
-nondimensional CGNS database that conforms to the above stipulations.
-On output, the code could renormalize data so it is consistently
-Probably, the easiest method would be to remove the molecular viscosity
-scale (<i>&mu;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>),
-and only use <i>L</i>,
-<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub> and
-for all normalizations (recall these are dimensional scales).
-The only change from the above example would be the
-nondimensionalization of viscosity, which would become
-<i>&mu;</i>&Prime; = <i>&mu;</i> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>L</i>).
-The code could then output all field data as,
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>x</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>x<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>L</i><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>u</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>u<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>&rho;<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>y</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>y<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>v</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>v<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>p<sub>ijk</sub></i> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>z</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>z<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><i>w</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>w<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td>
-   <td><i>&mu;</i>&Prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>&mu;<sub>ijk</sub></i> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>L</i>)
-and output the freestream reference quantities,
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>u</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>u</i><sub>&infin;</sub> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub> / <i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 1
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>v</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>v</i><sub>&infin;</sub> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>p</i><sub>&infin;</sub> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><sup>2</sup>) = 1 / <i>&gamma;</i>
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>w</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>w</i><sub>&infin;</sub> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>&mu;</i>&Prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>&mu;</i><sub>&infin;</sub> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>L</i>) &sim; <i>O</i> (1/<i>Re</i>)
-<tr valign=baseline align=center>
-   <td><i>c</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub> / <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 1<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>L</i>&prime; = <i>L</i> / <i>L</i> = 1
-where <i>&gamma;</i> is the specific heat
-ratio (assumes a perfect gas) and <i>Re</i> is the Reynolds number.
-On input, the flow solver should be able to recover its internal
-normalizations from the data in a nondimensional CGNS database by
-treating the data as if it were dimensional.
-<a name="nondimparam"></a>
-<h4>5.2.4 Nondimensional Parameters</h4>
-If <tt>DataClass = NondimensionalParameter</tt>, the data is a
-nondimensional parameter (or array of nondimensional parameters).
-Examples include Mach number, Reynolds number and pressure coefficient.
-These parameters are prevalent in CFD, although their definitions tend
-to vary between different application codes.
-A list of <a href="dataname.html#dataname_nondim">standardized data-name
-identifiers for nondimensional parameters</a> is provided.
-We distinguish nondimensional parameters from other data classes by the
-fact that they are <em>always</em> dimensionless.
-In a completely nondimensional database, they are distinct in that their
-normalization is not necessarily consistent with other data.
-Typically, the <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>
-and <tt>DataConversion</tt> qualifiers are not used for nondimensional
-parameters; although, there are a few situations where they may be used
-(these are discussed below).
-Rather than rely on optional qualifiers to describe the normalization,
-we establish the convention that <em>any nondimensional parameters
-should be accompanied by their defining scales</em>; this is further
-discussed in the section on
-<a href="dataname.html#dataname_nondim">standardized data-name
-identifiers for nondimensional parameters</a>.
-An example is Reynolds number defined as
-<i>Re</i> = <i>VL<sub>R</sub></i> / <i>&nu;</i>,
-where <i>V</i>, <i>L<sub>R</sub></i> and <i>&nu;</i>
-are velocity, length, and viscosity scales, respectively.
-Note that these defining scales may be dimensional or nondimensional
-We establish the data-name identifiers <tt>Reynolds</tt>,
-<tt>Reynolds_Velocity</tt>, <tt>Reynolds_Length</tt> and
-<tt>Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic</tt> for the Reynolds number and its
-defining scales.
-Anywhere an instance of <tt>DataArray_t</tt> is found with the
-identifier <tt>Reynolds</tt>, there should also be entities for the
-defining scales.
-An <a href="#ex:data5">example of this use for Reynolds number</a> is
-In certain situations, it may be more convenient to use the optional
-qualifiers of <a href="#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> to describe
-the normalization used in nondimensional parameters.
-These situations must satisfy two requirements:  First, the defining
-scales are dimensional; and second, the nondimensional parameter is a
-normalization of a single "raw" data quantity and it is clear what this
-raw data is.
-Examples that satisfy this second constraint are pressure coefficient,
-where the raw data is static pressure, and lift coefficient, where the
-raw data is the lift force.
-Conversely, Reynolds number is a parameter that violates the second
-requirement - there are three pieces of raw data rather than one that
-make up <i>Re</i>.
-For nondimensional parameters that satisfy these two requirements, the
-qualifiers <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> and
-<tt>DataConversion</tt> may be used as in the section
-<a href="#normbydim">Nondimensional Data Normalized by Dimensional
-Quantities</a> to recover the raw dimensional data.
-<a name="dimensionless"></a>
-<h4>5.2.5 Dimensionless Constants</h4>
-If <tt>DataClass = DimensionlessConstant</tt>, the data is a constant
-(or array of constants) with no associated dimensional units.
-The <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> and
-<tt>DataConversion</tt> qualifiers are not used.
-<a name="example"></a>
-<h3>5.3 Data-Array Examples</h3>
-This section presents five examples of data-array entities and
-illustrates the use of optional information for describing dimensional
-and nondimensional data.
-<a name="ex:data1"></a>
-<h4>Example - One-Dimensional Data Array, Constants</h4>
-A one-dimensional array of integers; the array is the integers from 1 to
-The data is pure constants.
-  !  DataType = int
-  !  Dimension = 1
-  !  DimensionValues = 10
-  DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, 10&gt; Data1 =
-    {{
-    Data(int, 1, 10) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ;
-    DataClass_t DataClass = DimensionlessConstant ;
-    }} ;
-The structure parameters for <tt>DataArray_t</tt> state the data is an
-one-dimensional integer array of length ten.
-The value of <tt>DataClass</tt> indicates the data is
-<a href="#dimensionless">unitless constants</a>.
-<a name="ex:data2"></a>
-<h4>Example - Two-Dimensional Data Array, Pressures</h4>
-A two-dimensional array of pressures with size 11 &times; 9 given by the
-array <tt>P(i,j)</tt>.
-The data is dimensional with units of N/m<sup>2</sup> (i.e.,
-Note that <tt>Pressure</tt> is the data-name identifier for static
-  !  DataType = real
-  !  Dimension = 2
-  !  DimensionValues = [11,9]
-  DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [11,9]&gt; Pressure =
-    {{
-    Data(real, 2, [11,9]) = ((P(i,j), i=1,11), j=1,9) ;
-    DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits =
-      {{
-      MassUnits        = Kilogram ;
-      LengthUnits      = Meter ;
-      TimeUnits        = Second ;
-      TemperatureUnits = TemperatureUnitsNull ;
-      AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-      }} ;
-    DimensionalExponents_t DimensionalExponents =
-      {{
-      MassExponent        = +1 ;
-      LengthExponent      = -1 ;
-      TimeExponent        = -2 ;
-      TemperatureExponent =  0 ;
-      AngleExponent       =  0 ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-From the <a href="dataname.html">data-name identifier conventions</a>,
-<tt>Pressure</tt> has a floating-point data type; hence, the appropriate
-structure parameter for <tt>DataArray_t</tt> is <tt>real</tt>.
-The value of <tt>DataClass</tt> indicates that the data is
-<a href="#dim">dimensional</a>, and both the dimensional units and
-dimensional exponents are provided.
-<tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> specifies that the units are kilograms,
-meters, and seconds, and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> specifies the
-appropriate exponents for pressure.
-Combining the information gives pressure as kg/(m-s<sup>2</sup>).
-<tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> could have been defaulted, since the
-dimensional exponents are part of the <a href="dataname.html">standardized
-data-name identifier</a> for <tt>Pressure</tt>.
-Note that FORTRAN multidimensional array indexing is used to store
-the data; this is reflected in the FORTRAN-like implied do-loops for
-<a name="ex:data3"></a>
-<h4>Example - Three-Dimensional Data Array, Nondimensional Static Enthalpy</h4>
-A 3-D array of size 33 &times; 9 &times; 17 containing nondimensional
-static enthalpy.
-The data is normalized by freestream velocity as follows:
-<i>h</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>h<sub>ijk</sub></i> / <i>q</i><sub>ref</sub><sup>2</sup>
-where <i>h</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub>
-is nondimensional static enthalpy.
-The freestream velocity is dimensional with a value of 10 m/s.
-  !  DataType = real
-  !  Dimension = 3
-  !  DimensionValues = [33,9,17]
-  DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [33,9,17]&gt; Enthalpy =
-    {{
-    Data(real, 3, [33,9,17]) = (((H(i,j,k), i=1,33), j=1,9), k=1,17) ;
-    DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByDimensional ;
-    DataConversion_t DataConversion =
-      {{
-      real ConversionScale  = 100 ;
-      real ConversionOffset = 0 ;
-      }} ;
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits =
-      {{
-      MassUnits        = MassUnitsNull ;
-      LengthUnits      = Meter ;
-      TimeUnits        = Second ;
-      TemperatureUnits = TemperatureUnitsNull ;
-      AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-      }} ;
-    DimensionalExponents_t DimensionalExponents =
-      {{
-      MassExponent        =  0 ;
-      LengthExponent      = +2 ;
-      TimeExponent        = -2 ;
-      TemperatureExponent =  0 ;
-      AngleExponent       =  0 ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-From the list of <a href="dataname.html">standardized data-name
-identifiers</a>, the identifier for static enthalpy is <tt>Enthalpy</tt>
-and its data type is <tt>real</tt>.
-The value of <tt>DataClass</tt> indicates that the data is
-<a href="#normbydim">nondimensional and normalized by a dimensional reference
-<tt>DataConversion</tt> provides the conversion factors
-for recovering the raw static enthalpy, which has units of
-m<sup>2</sup>/s<sup>2</sup> as indicated by
-<tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> and <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>.
-Note that <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt> could have been defaulted using
-the conventions for the data-name identifier <tt>Enthalpy</tt>.
-<a name="ex:data4"></a>
-<h4>Example - Three-Dimensional Data Array, Nondimensional Database</h4>
-The previous example for nondimensional enthalpy is repeated for a
-<a href="#normbyunkdim">completely nondimensional</a> database.
-  !  DataType = real
-  !  Dimension = 3
-  !  DimensionValues = [33,9,17]
-  DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [33,9,17]&gt; Enthalpy =
-    {{
-    Data(real, 3, [33,9,17]) = (((H(i,j,k), i=1,33), j=1,9), k=1,17) ;
-    DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-    }} ;
-The value of <tt>DataClass</tt> indicates the appropriate class.
-<a name="ex:data5"></a>
-<h4>Example - Data Arrays for Reynolds Number</h4>
-Reynolds number of 1.554 &times; 10<sup>6</sup> based on a
-velocity scale of 10 m/s, a length scale of 2.3 m
-and a kinematic viscosity scale of 1.48 &times; 10<sup>&minus;5</sup>
-Assume the database has globally set the dimensional units to kilograms,
-meters, and seconds, and the global default data class to dimensional
-(<tt>DataClass = Dimensional</tt>).
-  !  DataType = real
-  !  Dimension = 1
-  !  DimensionValues = 1
-  DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds =
-    {{
-    Data(real, 1, 1) = 1.554e+06 ;
-    DataClass_t DataClass = NondimensionalParameter ;
-    }} ;
-  DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds_Velocity =
-    {{
-    Data(real, 1, 1) = 10. ;
-    }} ;
-  DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds_Length =
-    {{
-    Data(real, 1, 1) = 2.3 ;
-    }} ;
-  DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic =
-    {{
-    Data(real, 1, 1) = 1.48e-05 ;
-    }} ;
-<tt>Reynolds</tt> contains the value of the Reynolds number, and
-the value of its <tt>DataClass</tt> qualifier designates it as a
-<a href="#nondimparam">nondimensional parameter</a>.
-By conventions for <a href="dataname.html#dataname_nondim">standardized
-data-name identifiers for nondimensional parameters</a>, the
-defining scales are contained in the associated entities
-<tt>Reynolds_Velocity</tt>, <tt>Reynolds_Length</tt>, and
-Since each of these entities contain no qualifiers, global information
-is used to decipher that they are all dimensional with mass, length, and
-time units of kilograms, meters, and seconds.
-The structure parameters for each <tt>DataArray_t</tt> entity state that
-they contain a real scalar.
-If a user wanted to convey the dimensional units of the defining scales
-using optional qualifiers of <tt>DataArray_t</tt>, then the last
-three entities in this example would have a form similar to that in
-the <a href="#ex:data2">Two-Dimensional Data Array example</a>.
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-S<sub>i,j</sub> double bar = partial u<sub>i</sub> / partial x<sub>j</sub> +
-                             partial u<sub>j</sub> / partial x<sub>i</sub>
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-S<sub>i,j</sub> double bar = partial u<sub>i</sub> / partial x<sub>j</sub> +
-                             partial u<sub>j</sub> / partial x<sub>i</sub>
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-tau<sub>i,j</sub> double bar =
-   mu (partial u<sub>i</sub> / partial x<sub>j</sub> +
-       partial u<sub>j</sub> / partial x<sub>i</sub>) +
-   lambda partial u<sub>k</sub> / partial x<sub>k</sub>
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-tau<sub>i,j</sub> double bar =
-   mu (partial u<sub>i</sub> / partial x<sub>j</sub> +
-       partial u<sub>j</sub> / partial x<sub>i</sub>) +
-   lambda partial u<sub>k</sub> / partial x<sub>k</sub>
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-e<sub>auxiliary</sub> = T e<sub>cartesian</sub>
-where e<sub>auxiliary</sub> is a three-element vector with elements
-e<sub>xi</sub> hat, e<sub>eta</sub> hat, and e<sub>zeta</sub> hat;
-and e<sub>cartesian</sub> is a three-element vector with elements
-e<sub>x</sub> hat, e<sub>y</sub> hat, and e<sub>z</sub> hat.
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-<h2>Appendix A Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</h2>
-<li> <a href="#dataname_grid">A.1 Coordinate Systems</a>
-<li> <a href="#dataname_flow">A.2 Flowfield Solution</a>
-<li> <a href="#dataname_turb">A.3 Turbulence Model Solution</a>
-<li> <a href="#dataname_nondim">A.4 Nondimensional Parameters</a>
-<li> <a href="#dataname_char">A.5 Characteristics and Riemann Invariants Based on 1-D Flow</a>
-<li> <a href="#dataname_force">A.6 Forces and Moments</a>
-<li> <a href="#dataname_timedep">A.7 Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-Identifiers or names can be attached to
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities to
-identify and describe the quantity being stored.
-To facilitate communication between different application codes, we
-propose to establish a set of standardized data-name identifiers with
-fairly precise definitions.
-For any identifier in this set, the associated data should be
-unambiguously understood.
-In essence, this section proposes standardized terminology for labeling
-CFD-related data, including grid coordinates, flow solution, turbulence
-model quantities, nondimensional governing parameters, boundary
-condition quantities, and forces and moments.
-We use the convention that all standardized identifiers denote
-scalar quantities; this is consistent with the intended use of the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> structure type
-to describe an array of scalars.
-For quantities that are vectors, such as velocity, their components are
-Included with the lists of standard data-name identifiers are the
-fundamental units of dimensions associated with that quantity.
-The following notation is used for the fundamental units:
-<b>M</b> is mass, <b>L</b> is length, <b>T</b> is time,
-<b>&Theta;</b> is temperature, <b>&alpha;</b> is angle,
-and <b>I</b> is electric current.
-These fundamental units are directly associated with the elements of the
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalExponents"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-For example, a quantity that has dimensions <b>ML</b>/<b>T</b>
-corresponds to <tt>MassExponent = +1</tt>, <tt>LengthExponent = +1</tt>,
-and <tt>TimeExponent = -1</tt>.
-Unless otherwise noted, all
-quantities in the following sections denote floating-point data
-types, and the appropriate <tt>DataType</tt> structure parameter for
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> is <tt>real</tt>.
-<a name="dataname_grid"></a>
-<h3>A.1 Coordinate Systems</h3>
-Coordinate systems for identifying physical location are as follows:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>System<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th>3-D<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th>2-D
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Cartesian<td>
-   <td align=center>(<i>x</i>,<i>y</i>,<i>z</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>(<i>x</i>,<i>y</i>) or (<i>x</i>,<i>z</i>) or (<i>y</i>,<i>z</i>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Cylindrical<td>
-   <td align=center>(<i>r</i>,<i>&theta;</i>,<i>z</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>(<i>r</i>,<i>&theta;</i>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Spherical<td>
-   <td align=center>(<i>r</i>,<i>&theta;</i>,<i>&phi;</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Auxiliary<td>
-   <td align=center>(<i>&xi;</i>,<i>&eta;</i>,<i>&zeta;</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>(<i>&xi;</i>,<i>&eta;</i>) or
-                    (<i>&xi;</i>,<i>&zeta;</i>) or
-                    (<i>&eta;</i>,<i>&zeta;</i>)
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-Associated with these coordinate systems are the following unit vector 
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>x</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>r</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>r</sub></i><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>&xi;</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>&xi;</sub></i>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>y</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i><td>
-   <td><i>&theta;</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>&theta;</sub></i><td>
-   <td><i>&eta;</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>&eta;</sub></i>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>z</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i><td>
-   <td><i>&phi;</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>&phi;</sub></i><td>
-   <td><i>&zeta;</i>-direction:&nbsp;<i><b>e</b><sub>&zeta;</sub></i>
-Note that <i><b>e</b><sub>r</sub></i>, <i><b>e</b><sub>&theta;</sub></i>
-and <i><b>e</b><sub>&phi;</sub></i> are functions of position.
-We envision that one of the "standard" coordinate systems (Cartesian,
-cylindrical or spherical) will be used within a zone (or perhaps the
-entire database) to define grid coordinates and other related data.
-The auxiliary coordinates will be used for special quantities, including
-<a href="#dataname_force">forces and moments</a>, which may not be
-defined in the same coordinate system as the rest of the data.
-When auxiliary coordinates are used, a transformation must also be
-provided to uniquely define them.
-For example, the transform from Cartesian to orthogonal auxiliary
-coordinates is,
-<img src="dataname.eqs/transform.gif"
-     alt="Equation of transformation from Cartesian to orthogonal auxiliary coordinates"
-     longdesc="dataname.eqs/transform.html">
-where <b>T</b> is an orthonormal matrix (2&times;2 in 2-D and 3&times;3
-in 3-D).
-In addition, normal and tangential coordinates are often used to define
-boundary conditions and data related to surfaces.
-The normal coordinate
-is identified as <i>n</i> with the unit vector <i><b>e</b><sub>n</sub></i>.
-The data-name identifiers defined for coordinate systems are listed in
-the following table.
-All represent real <tt>DataType</tt>s, except for <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt>
-and <tt>ParentData</tt>, which are integer.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Coordinate Systems
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateR</tt><td>
-   <td><i>r</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateTheta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&theta;</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinatePhi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&phi;</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateNormal</tt><td>
-   <td>Coordinate in direction of <i><b>e</b><sub>n</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateTangential</tt><td>
-   <td>Tangential coordinate (2-D only)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b> 
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateXi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&xi;</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateEta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&eta;</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateZeta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&zeta;</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoordinateTransform</tt><td>
-   <td>Transformation matrix (<b>T</b>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt><td>
-   <td>Interpolation factors<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElementConnectivity</tt><td>
-   <td>Nodes making up an element<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ParentData</tt><td>
-   <td>Element parent identification<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="dataname_flow"></a>
-<h3>A.2 Flowfield Solution</h3>
-This section describes data-name identifiers for typical Navier-Stokes
-solution variables.
-The list is obviously incomplete, but should suffice for initial
-implementation of the CGNS system.
-The variables
-listed in this section are dimensional or raw quantities; nondimensional
-parameters and coefficients based on these variables are discussed in
-the section <a href="#dataname_nondim">Nondimensional Parameters</a>.
-We use fairly universal notation for state variables.
-Static quantities are measured with the fluid at speed: static density
-(<i>&rho;</i>), static pressure
-(<i>p</i>), static temperature (<i>T</i>), static internal energy per
-unit mass (<i>e</i>), static enthalpy per unit mass (<i>h</i>), entropy
-(<i>s</i>), and static speed of sound (<i>c</i>).
-We also approximate the true entropy by the function
-<i>s</i><sub>app</sub> = <i>p</i> / <i>&rho;<sup>&gamma;</sup></i>
-(this assumes an ideal gas).
-The velocity is <b><i>q</i></b> = <i>u<b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i> +
-<i>v<b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i> + <i>w<b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i>,
-with magnitude <i>q</i> = (<b><i>q</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>q</i></b>)<sup>1/2</sup>.
-Stagnation quantities are obtained by bringing the fluid isentropically
-to rest; these are identified by a subscript "<sub>0</sub>".
-The term "total" is also used to refer to stagnation quantities.
-Conservation variables are density, momentum
-(<i>&rho;<b>q</b></i> = <i>&rho;u<b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i> +
-<i>&rho;v<b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i> + <i>&rho;w<b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i>),
-and stagnation energy per unit volume
-For <a href="gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates">rotating coordinate
-systems</a>, <i>u</i>, <i>v</i>, and <i>w</i> are the <i>x</i>,
-<i>y</i>, and <i>z</i> components of the velocity vector in the inertial
-frame; <b><i>&omega;</i></b> is the rotation rate vector; <b><i>R</i></b>
-is a vector from the center of rotation to the point of interest; and
-<i><b>w</b><sub>r</sub></i> = <b><i>&omega;</i></b> &times; <b><i>R</i></b>
-is the rotational velocity vector of the rotating frame of
-reference, with components <i>w<sub>rx</sub></i>, <i>w<sub>ry</sub></i>,
-and <i>w<sub>rz</sub></i>.
-Molecular diffusion and heat transfer introduce the molecular viscosity
-(<i>&mu;</i>), kinematic viscosity (<i>&nu;</i>) and thermal conductivity
-coefficient (<i>k</i>).
-These are obtained from the state variables through auxiliary
-For a perfect gas, <i>&mu;</i> and <i>k</i> are functions of static
-temperature only.
-The Navier-Stokes equations involve the strain tensor
-(<img align=bottom src="dataname.eqs/strain.gif" alt="S double bar">) and
-the shear-stress tensor
-(<img align=bottom src="dataname.eqs/stress.gif" alt="tau double bar">).
-Using indicial notation, the
-3-D Cartesian components of the strain tensor are,
-<img src="dataname.eqs/straineq.gif"
-     alt="Equation for strain tensor"
-     longdesc="dataname.eqs/straineq.html">
-and the stress tensor is, 
-<img src="dataname.eqs/stresseq.gif"
-     alt="Equation for stress tensor"
-     longdesc="dataname.eqs/stresseq.html">
-where (<i>x</i><sub>1</sub>,<i>x</i><sub>2</sub>,<i>x</i><sub>3</sub>) =
-(<i>x</i>,<i>y</i>,<i>z</i>) and
-(<i>u</i><sub>1</sub>,<i>u</i><sub>2</sub>,<i>u</i><sub>3</sub>) =
-The bulk viscosity is usually approximated as
-<i>&lambda;</i> = &minus;2<i>&mu;</i>/3.
-Reynolds averaging of the Navier-Stokes equations introduce Reynolds
-stresses (&minus;<i>&rho;</i>(<i>u</i>&prime;<i>v</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub>,
-etc.) and turbulent heat flux terms
-etc.), where primed quantities are instantaneous fluctuations.
-These quantities are obtained from auxiliary turbulence closure models.
-Reynolds-stress models formulate transport equations for the Reynolds
-stresses directly; whereas, eddy-viscosity models correlate the Reynolds
-stresses with the mean strain rate,
-&minus;(<i>u</i>&prime;<i>v</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub> =
-   <i>&nu;<sub>t</sub></i> (&part;<i>u</i>/&part;<i>y</i> + &part;<i>v</i>/&part;<i>x</i>)
-where <i>&nu;<sub>t</sub></i> is the kinematic eddy viscosity.
-The eddy viscosity is either correlated to mean flow quantities by
-algebraic models or by auxiliary transport models.
-An example two-equation turbulence transport model is the
-model, where transport equations are formulated for the turbulent kinetic
-energy (<i>k</i> = [(<i>u</i>&prime;<i>u</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub> +
-(<i>v</i>&prime;<i>v</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub> +
-(<i>w</i>&prime;<i>w</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub>] / 2)
-and turbulent dissipation (<i>&epsilon;</i>).
-Skin friction evaluated at a surface is the dot product of the shear
-stress tensor with the surface normal:
-<img src="dataname.eqs/skinfriction.gif"
-     alt="tau vector = tau double bar dot n hat">
-Note that skin friction is a vector.
-The data-name identifiers defined for flow solution quantities are listed
-Note that for some vector quantities, like momentum, the table only
-explicitly lists data-name identifiers for the <i>x</i>, <i>y</i>, and <i>z</i>
-components, and for the magnitude.
-It should be understood, however, that for any vector quantity with a
-standardized data name "<tt>Vector</tt>", the following standardized data
-names are also defined:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>VectorX</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorR</tt><td>
-   <td>Radial component of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorTheta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&theta;</i>-component of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorPhi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&phi;</i>-component of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorMagnitude</tt><td>
-   <td>Magnitude of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorNormal</tt><td>
-   <td>Normal component of vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>VectorTangential</tt><td>
-   <td>Tangential component of vector (2-D only)
-Also note that some data-name identifiers used with multi-species flows
-include the variable string <i>Symbol</i>, which represents either the
-chemical symbol for a species, or a defined name for a mixture.
-See the section describing the
-<a href="floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel</tt>
-data structure</a> for examples and a
-<a href="floweqn.html#t:id_chemicalkineticssymbols">table of defined
-<a name="t:id_flow"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Flow Solution Quantities
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Potential</tt><td>
-   <td>Potential: &nabla;&phi; = <b><i>q</i></b><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>StreamFunction</tt><td>
-   <td>Stream function (2-D): &nabla; &times; &psi; = <b><i>q</i></b><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Density</tt><td>
-   <td>Static density (<i>&rho;</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/<b>L</b><sup>3</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Pressure</tt><td>
-   <td>Static pressure (<i>p</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Temperature</tt><td>
-   <td>Static temperature (<i>T</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>EnergyInternal</tt><td>
-   <td>Static internal energy per unit mass (<i>e</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Enthalpy</tt><td>
-   <td>Static enthalpy per unit mass (<i>h</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Entropy</tt><td>
-   <td>Entropy (<i>s</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>EntropyApprox</tt><td>
-   <td>Approximate entropy (<i>s</i><sub>app</sub> = <i>p</i> / <i>&rho;<sup>&gamma;</sup></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center nowrap><b>L</b><sup>3<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1</sup>/(<b>M</b><sup><i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1</sup><b>T</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>DensityStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation density (<i>&rho;</i><sub>0</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/<b>L</b><sup>3</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>PressureStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation pressure (<i>p</i><sub>0</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TemperatureStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation temperature (<i>T</i><sub>0</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>EnergyStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation energy per unit mass (<i>e</i><sub>0</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>EnthalpyStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation enthalpy per unit mass (<i>h</i><sub>0</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation energy per unit volume (<i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of velocity (<i>u</i> = <i><b>q</b> &middot; <b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of velocity (<i>v</i> = <i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of velocity (<i>w</i> = <i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityR</tt><td>
-   <td>Radial velocity component (<i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>r</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityTheta</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity component in <i>&theta;</i> direction (<i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>&theta;</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityPhi</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity component in <i>&phi;</i> direction (<i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>&phi;</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityMagnitude</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity magnitude (<i>q</i> = (<b><i>q</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>q</i></b>)<sup>1/2</sup>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityNormal</tt><td>
-   <td>Normal velocity component (<i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>n</b></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityTangential</tt><td>
-   <td>Tangential velocity component (2-D)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocitySound</tt><td>
-   <td>Static speed of sound<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>      
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocitySoundStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation speed of sound<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentumX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of momentum (<i>&rho;u</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentumY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of momentum (<i>&rho;v</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentumZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of momentum (<i>&rho;w</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentumMagnitude</tt><td>
-   <td>Magnitude of momentum (<i>&rho;q</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingVelocityX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of velocity, relative to rotating frame (<i>u<sub>rx</sub></i> = <i>u</i> &minus; <i>w<sub>rx</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingVelocityY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of velocity, relative to rotating frame (<i>u<sub>ry</sub></i> = <i>v</i> &minus; <i>w<sub>ry</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingVelocityZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of velocity, relative to rotating frame (<i>u<sub>rz</sub></i> = <i>w</i> &minus; <i>w<sub>rz</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingMomentumX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of momentum, relative to rotating frame (<i>&rho;u<sub>rx</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingMomentumY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of momentum, relative to rotating frame (<i>&rho;u<sub>ry</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingMomentumZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of momentum, relative to rotating frame (<i>&rho;u<sub>rz</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingVelocityMagnitude</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity magnitude in rotating frame (<i>q<sub>r</sub></i> = (<i>u<sub>rx</sub></i> + <i>u<sub>ry</sub></i> + <i>u<sub>rz</sub></i>)<sup>1/2</sup>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingPressureStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation pressure in rotating frame<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingEnergyStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation energy per unit mass in rotating frame ((<i>e</i><sub>0</sub>)<sub><i>r</i></sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingEnergyStagnationDensity</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation energy per unit volume in rotating frame (<i>&rho;</i>(<i>e</i><sub>0</sub>)<sub><i>r</i></sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingEnthalpyStagnation</tt><td>
-   <td>Stagnation enthalpy per unit mass in rotating frame, rothalpy<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>EnergyKinetic</tt><td>
-   <td>(<i>u</i><sup>2</sup> + <i>v</i><sup>2</sup> + <i>w</i><sup>2</sup>)/2 = <i>q</i><sup>2</sup>/2<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>PressureDynamic</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&rho;q</i><sup>2</sup>/2<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SoundIntensityDB</tt><td>
-   <td>Sound intensity level in decibels,
-       10 log<sub>10</sub>(<i>I</i>/<i>I<sub>ref</sub></i>) =
-       20 log<sub>10</sub>(<i>p</i>/<i>p<sub>ref</sub></i>), where
-       <i>I</i> is the sound power per unit area,
-       <i>I<sub>ref</sub></i> = 10<sup>&minus;12</sup> watts/m<sup>2</sup>
-       is the reference sound power per unit area,
-       <i>p</i> is the pressure wave amplitude, and
-       <i>p<sub>ref</sub></i> = 2&times;10<sup>&minus;5</sup> N/m<sup>2</sup>
-       is the reference pressure.<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SoundIntensity</tt><td>
-   <td>Sound intensity (i.e., sound power per unit area, <i>I</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/<b>T</b><sup>3</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VorticityX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&omega;<sub>x</sub></i> = 
-       &part;<i>w</i>/&part;<i>y</i> &minus; &part;<i>v</i>/&part;<i>z</i> =
-       <i><b>&omega;</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>T</b><sup>&minus;1</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VorticityY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&omega;<sub>y</sub></i> = 
-       &part;<i>u</i>/&part;<i>z</i> &minus; &part;<i>w</i>/&part;<i>x</i> =
-       <i><b>&omega;</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>T</b><sup>&minus;1</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VorticityZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&omega;<sub>z</sub></i> = 
-       &part;<i>v</i>/&part;<i>x</i> &minus; &part;<i>u</i>/&part;<i>y</i> =
-       <i><b>&omega;</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>T</b><sup>&minus;1</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VorticityMagnitude</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&omega;</i> = (<b><i>&omega;</i></b> &times; <b><i>&omega;</i></b>)<sup>1/2</sup><td>
-   <td align=center><b>T</b><sup>&minus;1</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SkinFrictionX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of skin friction (<i><b>&tau;</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SkinFrictionY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of skin friction (<i><b>&tau;</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SkinFrictionZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of skin friction (<i><b>&tau;</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SkinFrictionMagnitude</tt><td>
-   <td>Skin friction magnitude ((<b><i>&tau;</i></b> &times; <b><i>&tau;</i></b>)<sup>1/2</sup>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityAngleX</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity angle (arccos(<i>u</i>/<i>q</i>) &isin; [0,180&deg;])<td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityAngleY</tt><td>
-   <td>arccos(<i>v</i>/<i>q</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityAngleZ</tt><td>
-   <td>arccos(<i>w</i>/<i>q</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityUnitVectorX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of velocity unit vector (<i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i> / <i>q</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityUnitVectorY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of velocity unit vector (<i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i> / <i>q</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VelocityUnitVectorZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of velocity unit vector (<i><b>q</b> &sdot; <b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i> / <i>q</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MassFlow</tt><td>
-   <td>Mass flow normal to a plane (<i>&rho<b>q</b> &sdot; <b>n</b></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>L</b><sup>2</sup><b>T</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityKinematic</tt><td>
-   <td>Kinematic viscosity (<i>&nu;</i> = <i>&mu;</i>/<i>&rho;</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityMolecular</tt><td>
-   <td>Molecular viscosity (<i>&mu;</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityEddyKinematic</tt><td>
-   <td>Kinematic eddy viscosity (<i>&nu;<sub>t</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityEddy</tt><td>
-   <td>Eddy viscosity (<i>&mu;<sub>t</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductivity</tt><td>
-   <td>Thermal conductivity coefficient (<i>k</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/(<b>T</b><sup>3</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>PowerLawExponent</tt><td>
-   <td>Power-law exponent (<i>n</i>) in molecular viscosity or
-       thermal conductivity model<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SutherlandLawConstant</tt><td>
-   <td>Sutherland's Law constant (<i>T<sub>s</sub></i>) in molecular
-       viscosity or thermal conductivity model<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TemperatureReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference temperature (<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>) in molecular
-       viscosity or thermal conductivity model<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityMolecularReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference viscosity (<i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub>) in
-       molecular viscosity model<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductivityReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference thermal conductivity (<i>k</i><sub>ref</sub>) in
-       thermal conductivity model<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/(<b>T</b><sup>3</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>IdealGasConstant</tt><td>
-   <td>Ideal gas constant (<i>R</i> = <i>c<sub>p</sub></i> &minus; <i>c<sub>v</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatPressure</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat at constant pressure (<i>c<sub>p</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatVolume</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat at constant volume (<i>c<sub>v</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReynoldsStressXX</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds stress &minus;<i>&rho;</i>(<i>u</i>&prime;<i>u</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReynoldsStressXY</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds stress &minus;<i>&rho;</i>(<i>u</i>&prime;<i>v</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReynoldsStressXZ</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds stress &minus;<i>&rho;</i>(<i>u</i>&prime;<i>w</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReynoldsStressYY</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds stress &minus;<i>&rho;</i>(<i>v</i>&prime;<i>v</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReynoldsStressYZ</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds stress &minus;<i>&rho;</i>(<i>v</i>&prime;<i>w</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReynoldsStressZZ</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds stress &minus;<i>&rho;</i>(<i>w</i>&prime;<i>w</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MolecularWeight<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Molecular weight for species <i>Symbol</i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>HeatOfFormation<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Heat of formation per unit mass for species <i>Symbol</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>FuelAirRatio</tt><td>
-   <td>Fuel/air mass ratio<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReferenceTemperatureHOF</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference temperature for the heat of formation<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MassFraction<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Mass of species <i>Symbol</i>, divided by
-       total mass<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LaminarViscosity<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Laminar viscosity of species <i>Symbol</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductivity<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Thermal conductivity of species <i>Symbol</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/(<b>T</b><sup>3</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>EnthalpyEnergyRatio</tt><td>
-   <td>The ratio <i>&beta;</i> = <i>h</i> / <i>e</i> =
-       &int;<i><sup>T</sup><sub>T</i><sub>ref</sub></sub> <i>c<sub>p</sub> dT</i> /
-       &int;<i><sup>T</sup><sub>T</i><sub>ref</sub></sub> <i>c<sub>v</sub> dT</i>
-       for the mixture<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CompressibilityFactor</tt><td>
-   <td>The gas constant of the mixture divided by the freestream gas
-       constant, <i>Z</i> = <i>R</i> / <i>R</i><sub>&infin;</sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VibrationalElectronEnergy</tt><td>
-   <td>Vibrational-electronic excitation energy per unit mass<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>HeatOfFormation</tt><td>
-   <td>Heat of formation per unit mass for the
-       entire mixture, <i>H</i>&nbsp;=&nbsp;&sum;<sup><i>n</i></sup><sub><i>i</i>=1</sub>&nbsp;<i>Y<sub>i</sub>&nbsp;H<sub>i</sub></i>,
-       where <i>n</i> is the number of species, <i>Y<sub>i</sub></i> is
-       the mass fraction of species <i>i</i>, and <i>H<sub>i</sub></i>
-       is the heat of formation for species <i>i</i> at the reference
-       temperature <tt>ReferenceTemperatureHOF</tt>.
-       This requires that <tt>ReferenceTemperatureHOF</tt> be
-       specified using the
-       <a href="floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel</tt>
-       data structure</a>.<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>VibrationalElectronTemperature</tt><td>
-   <td>Vibrational electron temperature<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpeciesDensity<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Density of species <i>Symbol</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/<b>L</b><sup>3</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MoleFraction<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Number of moles of species <i>Symbol</i> divided by the total
-       number of moles for all species<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Voltage</tt><td>
-   <td>Voltage<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricFieldX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of electric field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricFieldY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of electric field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricFieldZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of electric field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MagneticFieldX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of magnetic field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MagneticFieldY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of magnetic field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MagneticFieldZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of magnetic field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CurrentDensityX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of current density vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CurrentDensityY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of current density vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CurrentDensityZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of current density vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricConductivity</tt><td>
-   <td>Electrical conductivity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>3</sup><b>I</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LorentzForceX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of Lorentz force vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LorentzForceY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of Lorentz force vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LorentzForceZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of Lorentz force vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>JouleHeating</tt><td>
-   <td>Joule heating<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LengthReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference length <i>L</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="dataname_turb"></a>
-<h3>A.3 Turbulence Model Solution</h3>
-This section lists data-name identifiers for typical Reynolds-averaged
-Navier-Stokes turbulence model variables.
-Turbulence model solution quantities and model constants present a
-particularly difficult nomenclature problem - to be precise we need to
-identify both the variable and the model (and version) that it comes
-The list in the following table falls short in this respect.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Typical Turbulence Models
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TurbulentDistance</tt><td>
-   <td>Distance to nearest wall<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TurbulentEnergyKinetic</tt><td>
-   <td><i>k</i> = [(<i>u</i>&prime;<i>u</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub> +
-                   (<i>v</i>&prime;<i>v</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub> +
-                   (<i>w</i>&prime;<i>w</i>&prime;)<sub>ave</sub>] / 2<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TurbulentDissipation</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&epsilon;</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>3</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TurbulentDissipationRate</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&epsilon;</i>/<i>k</i> = <i>&omega;</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>T</b><sup>&minus;1</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TurbulentBBReynolds</tt><td>
-   <td>Baldwin-Barth one-equation model <i>R<sub>T</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TurbulentSANuTilde</tt><td>
-   <td>Spalart-Allmaras one-equation model <i>&nu;</i><sub>SA</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="dataname_nondim"></a>
-<h3>A.4 Nondimensional Parameters</h3>
-CFD codes are rich in nondimensional governing parameters, such as Mach
-number and Reynolds number, and nondimensional flowfield coefficients,
-such as pressure coefficient.
-The problem with these parameters is that the definitions and
-conditions at which they are evaluated can vary from code to code.
-Reynolds number is particularly notorious in this respect.
-These parameters have posed a difficult dilemma for us.
-Either we impose a rigid definition for each and force all database
-users to abide by it, or we develop some methodology for describing the
-particular definition that the user is employing.
-The first limits applicability and flexibility, and the second adds
-We have opted for the second approach, but we include only enough
-information about the definition of each parameter to allow for
-conversion operations.
-For example, the Reynolds number includes velocity, length,
-and kinematic viscosity scales in its definition (i.e.,
-The database description of Reynolds number includes these different
-By providing these "definition components", any code that reads Reynolds
-number from the database can transform its value to an appropriate
-internal definition.
-These definition components are identified by appending a "<tt>_</tt>"
-to the data-name identifier of the parameter.
-Definitions for nondimensional flowfield coefficients follow: the
-pressure coefficient is defined as,
-<i>c<sub>p</sub></i> = (<i>p</i> &minus; <i>p</i><sub>ref</sub>) /
-   (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-where <i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub> / 2
-is the dynamic
-pressure evaluated at some reference condition, and <i>p</i><sub>ref</sub>
-is some reference pressure.
-The skin friction coefficient is,
-<b><i>c<sub>f</sub></i></b> = <b><i>&tau;</i></b> /
-   (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-where <b><i>&tau;</i></b>
-is the shear stress or skin friction vector.
-Usually, <b><i>&tau;</i></b>
-is evaluated at the wall surface.
-The data-name identifiers defined for nondimensional governing
-parameters and flowfield coefficients are listed in the following table.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Nondimensional Parameters
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Mach</tt><td>
-   <td>Mach number: <i>M</i> = <i>q</i>/<i>c</i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Mach_Velocity</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity scale (<i>q</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Mach_VelocitySound</tt><td>
-   <td>Speed of sound scale (<i>c</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RotatingMach</tt><td>
-   <td>Mach number relative to rotating frame: <i>M<sub>r</sub></i> = <i>q<sub>r</sub></i>/<i>c</i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds number: <i>Re</i> = <i>VL<sub>R</sub></i>/<i>&nu;</i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds_Velocity</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity scale (<i>V</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds_Length</tt><td>
-   <td>Length scale (<i>L<sub>R</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic</tt><td>
-   <td>Kinematic viscosity scale (<i>&nu;</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Prandtl</tt><td>
-   <td>Prandtl number: <i>Pr</i> = <i>&mu;</i><i>c<sub>p</sub></i>/<i>k</i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Prandtl_ThermalConductivity</tt><td>
-   <td>Thermal conductivity scale (<i>k</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/(<b>T</b><sup>3</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Prandtl_ViscosityMolecular</tt><td>
-   <td>Molecular viscosity scale (<i>&mu;</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Prandtl_SpecificHeatPressure</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat scale (<i>c<sub>p</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>PrandtlTurbulent</tt><td>
-   <td>Turbulent Prandtl number, <i>&rho;&nu;<sub>t</sub>c<sub>p</sub></i>/<i>k<sub>t</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatRatio</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat ratio: <i>&gamma;</i> = <i>c<sub>p</sub></i>/<i>c<sub>v</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatRatio_Pressure</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat at constant pressure (<i>c<sub>p</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatRatio_Volume</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat at constant volume (<i>c<sub>v</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefPressure</tt><td>
-   <td><i>c<sub>p</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefSkinFrictionX</tt><td>
-   <td><b><i>c<sub>f</sub></i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub>x</sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefSkinFrictionY</tt><td>
-   <td><b><i>c<sub>f</sub></i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub>y</sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefSkinFrictionZ</tt><td>
-   <td><b><i>c<sub>f</sub></i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub>z</sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Coef_PressureDynamic</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub> / 2<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Coef_PressureReference</tt><td>
-   <td><i>p</i><sub>ref</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="dataname_char"></a>
-<h3>A.5 Characteristics and Riemann Invariants Based on 1-D Flow</h3>
-Boundary condition specification for inflow/outflow or farfield
-boundaries often involves Riemann invariants or characteristics of the
-linearized inviscid flow equations.
-For an ideal compressible gas, these are typically defined as
-follows: Riemann invariants for an isentropic 1-D flow are,
-[&part;/&part;<i>t</i> + (<i>u</i> &plusmn; <i>c</i>) &part;/&part;<i>x</i>]
-   [u &plusmn; 2<i>c</i> / (<i>&gamma;</i> &minus; 1)] = 0
-Characteristic variables for the 3-D Euler equations linearized about a
-constant mean flow are,
-[&part;/&part;<i>t</i> + &Lambda;<sub><i>n</i></sub> &part;/&part;<i>x</i>]
-   <i>W&prime;<sub>n</sub></i>(<i>x,t</i>) = 0
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>n</i> = 1, 2,  ..., 5
-where the characteristics and corresponding characteristic variables are
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Characteristic<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>&Lambda;<sub><i>n</i></sub><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col><i>W'<sub>n</sub></i>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Entropy<td>
-   <td align=center><i>u</i><td>
-   <td align=center><i>p</i>&prime; &minus; <i>&rho;</i>&prime;<i>c</i><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Vorticity<td>
-   <td align=center><i>u</i><td>
-   <td align=center><i>v</i>&prime;
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Vorticity<td>
-   <td align=center><i>u</i><td>
-   <td align=center><i>w</i>&prime;
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Acoustic<td>
-   <td align=center><i>u</i> &plusmn; <i>c</i><td>
-   <td align=center><i>p</i>&prime; &plusmn; <i>u</i>&prime;<i>&rho;c</i>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-Primed quantities are linearized perturbations, and the remainder are
-evaluated at the mean flow.
-The only non-zero mean-flow velocity component is <i>u</i>.
-The data-name identifiers defined for Riemann invariants and
-characteristic variables are listed in the following table.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Characteristics and Riemann Invariants
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RiemannInvariantPlus</tt><td>
-   <td><i>u</i> + 2<i>c</i> / (<i>&gamma;</i> &minus; 1)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RiemannInvariantMinus</tt><td>
-   <td><i>u</i> &minus; 2<i>c</i> / (<i>&gamma;</i> &minus; 1)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CharacteristicEntropy</tt><td>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime; &minus; <i>&rho;</i>&prime;<i>c</i><sup>2</sup><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CharacteristicVorticity1</tt><td>
-   <td><i>v</i>&prime;<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CharacteristicVorticity2</tt><td>
-   <td><i>w</i>&prime;<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CharacteristicAcousticPlus</tt><td>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime; + <i>u</i>&prime;<i>&rho;c</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CharacteristicAcousticMinus</tt><td>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime; &minus; <i>u</i>&prime;<i>&rho;c</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="dataname_force"></a>
-<h3>A.6 Forces and Moments</h3>
-Conventions for data-name identifiers for forces and moments are defined
-in this section.
-Ideally, forces and moments should be attached to geometric components
-or less ideally to surface grids.
-Currently, the standard mechanism for storing forces and moments is
-generally through the
-<a href="misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>
-node, either attached to the entire configuration (under
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>) or attached to
-a zone (under <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>).
-Given a differential force <b><i>f</i></b>
-(i.e., a force per unit area), the force integrated over
-a surface is,
-<b><i>F</i></b> =
-   <i>F<sub>x</sub><b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i> +
-   <i>F<sub>y</sub><b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i> +
-   <i>F<sub>z</sub><b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i> =
-   <i>&int; <b>f</b> dA</i>
-where <i><b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i>, <i><b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i> and
-<i><b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i> are
-the unit vectors in the <i>x</i>, <i>y</i> and <i>z</i> directions,
-The moment about a point <i><b>r</b></i><sub>0</sub>
-integrated over a surface is,
-<b><i>M</i></b> =
-   <i>M<sub>x</sub><b>e</b><sub>x</sub></i> +
-   <i>M<sub>y</sub><b>e</b><sub>y</sub></i> +
-   <i>M<sub>z</sub><b>e</b><sub>z</sub></i> =
-   <i>&int;</i> (<i><b>r</b></i> &minus; <i><b>r</b></i><sub>0</sub>)
-            &times; <i><b>f</b> dA</i>
-Lift and drag components of the integrated force are,
-<i>L</i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>L</i></b>
-           &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<i>D</i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>D</i></b>
-where <b><i>L</i></b> and
-<b><i>D</i></b> are the unit
-vectors in the positive lift and drag directions, respectively.
-Lift, drag and moment are often computed in auxiliary coordinate frames
-(e.g., wind axes or stability axes).
-We introduce the convention that
-lift, drag and moment are computed in the
-coordinate system.
-Positive drag is assumed parallel to the
-<i>&xi;</i>-direction (i.e.,
-<b><i>D</i></b> = <i><b>e</b><sub>&xi;</sub></i>);
-and positive lift is assumed parallel to the
-<i>&eta;</i>-direction (i.e.,
-<b><i>L</i></b> = <i><b>e</b><sub>&eta;</sub></i>).
-Thus, forces and moments defined in this auxiliary coordinate system are,
-<i>L</i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <i><b>e</b><sub>&eta;</sub></i>
-           &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<i>D</i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <i><b>e</b><sub>&xi;</sub></i>
-<b><i>M</i></b> =
-   <i>M<sub>&xi;</sub><b>e</b><sub>&xi;</sub></i> +
-   <i>M<sub>&eta;</sub><b>e</b><sub>&eta;</sub></i> +
-   <i>M<sub>&zeta;</sub><b>e</b><sub>&zeta;</sub></i> =
-   <i>&int;</i> (<i><b>r</b></i> &minus; <i><b>r</b></i><sub>0</sub>)
-            &times; <i><b>f</b> dA</i>
-Lift, drag and moment coefficients in 3-D are defined as,
-<i>C<sub>L</sub></i> = 
-   <i>L</i> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub><i>S</i><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-<i>C<sub>D</sub></i> = 
-   <i>D</i> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub><i>S</i><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-<b><i>C<sub>M</sub></i></b> = 
-   <b><i>M</i></b> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub><i>c</i><sub>ref</sub><i>S</i><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-where <i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub> / 2
-is a reference
-dynamic pressure, <i>S</i><sub>ref</sub> is a reference area, and
-<i>c</i><sub>ref</sub> is a reference length.
-For a wing, <i>S</i><sub>ref</sub> is typically the wing area and
-<i>c</i><sub>ref</sub> is the mean aerodynamic chord.
-In 2-D, the sectional force coefficients are,
-<i>c<sub>l</sub></i> = 
-   <i>L</i>&prime; / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub><i>c</i><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-<i>c<sub>d</sub></i> = 
-   <i>D</i>&prime; / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub><i>c</i><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-<b><i>c<sub>m</sub></i></b> = 
-   <b><i>M</i></b>&prime; / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub><i>c</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub> / 2)
-where the forces are integrated along a contour (e.g., an airfoil
-cross-section) rather than a surface.
-The data-name identifiers and definitions provided for forces
-and moments and their associated coefficients are listed in
-the table below.
-For coefficients, the dynamic pressure and length scales used in the
-normalization are provided.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Forces and Moments
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ForceX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>F<sub>x</sub></i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>x</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ForceY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>F<sub>y</sub></i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>y</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ForceZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>F<sub>z</sub></i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>z</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ForceR</tt><td>
-   <td><i>F<sub>r</sub></i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>r</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ForceTheta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>F<sub>&theta;</sub></i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&theta;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ForcePhi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>F<sub>&phi;</sub></i> = <b><i>F</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&phi;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Lift</tt><td>
-   <td><i>L</i> or <i>L</i>'<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Drag</tt><td>
-   <td><i>D</i> or <i>D</i>'<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>x</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>x</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>y</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>y</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>z</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>z</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentR</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>r</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>r</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentTheta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>&theta;</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&theta;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentPhi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>&phi;</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&phi;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentXi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>&xi;</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&xi;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentEta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>&eta;</sub></i> = <b><i>M</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&eta;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MomentZeta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>M<sub>&zeta;</sub></i> = <b><i>r</i></b> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&zeta;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Moment_CenterX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i><sub>0</sub> = <b><i>r</i></b><sub>0</sub> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>x</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Moment_CenterY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i><sub>0</sub> = <b><i>r</i></b><sub>0</sub> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>y</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Moment_CenterZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i><sub>0</sub> = <b><i>r</i></b><sub>0</sub> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>z</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefLift</tt><td>
-   <td><i>C<sub>L</sub></i> or <i>c<sub>l</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefDrag</tt><td>
-   <td><i>C<sub>D</sub></i> or <i>c<sub>d</sub></i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentX</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>x</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>x</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentY</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>y</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>y</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>z</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>z</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentR</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>r</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>r</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentTheta</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&theta;</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&theta;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentPhi</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&phi;</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&phi;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentXi</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&xi;</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&xi;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentEta</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&eta;</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&eta;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CoefMomentZeta</tt><td>
-   <td><i><b>C<sub>M</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&zeta;</i></sub>
-       or
-       <i><b>c<sub>m</sub></b></i> &sdot; <b><i>e</i></b><sub><i>&zeta;</i></sub><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Coef_PressureDynamic</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i><sub>ref</sub><i>q</i><sup>2</sup><sub>ref</sub> / 2<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Coef_Area</tt><td>
-   <td><i>S</i><sub>ref</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Coef_Length</tt><td>
-   <td><i>c</i><sub>ref</sub><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a name="dataname_timedep"></a>
-<h3>A.7 Time-Dependent Flow</h3>
-Data-name identifiers related to time-dependent flow include those
-associated with the storage of grid coordinates and flow solutions
-as a function of time level or iteration.
-Also included are identifiers for storing information defining
-both rigid and arbitrary (i.e., deforming) grid motion.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Time-Dependent Flow
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Type">Data Type<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>TimeValues</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td>Time values<td>
-   <td align=center><b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>IterationValues</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>int</tt><td>
-   <td>Iteration values<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>NumberOfZones</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>int</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of zones used for each recorded step<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>NumberOfFamilies</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>int</tt><td>
-   <td>Number of families used for each recorded step<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ZonePointers</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td>Names of zones used for each recorded step<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>FamilyPointers</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td>Names of families used for each recorded step<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RigidGridMotionPointers</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td>Names of <tt>RigidGridMotion</tt> structures used for each
-       recorded step for a zone<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ArbitraryGridMotionPointers</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td>Names of <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion</tt> structures used for each
-       recorded step for a zone<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridCoordinatesPointers</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td>Names of <tt>GridCoordinates</tt> structures used for each
-       recorded step for a zone<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>char</tt><td>
-   <td>Names of <tt>FlowSolution</tt> structures used for each
-       recorded step for a zone<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>OriginLocation</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td>Physical coordinates of the origin before and after a rigid
-       grid motion<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RigidRotationAngle</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td>Rotation angles about each axis of the translated coordinate
-       system for rigid grid motion<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&alpha;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RigidVelocity</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid velocity vector of the origin translation for rigid grid motion<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RigidRotationRate</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td>Rotation rate vector about the axis of the translated
-       coordinate system for rigid grid motion<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&alpha;</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityX</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityY</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityZ</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityR</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>r</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityTheta</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&theta;</i>-component of
-       grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&alpha;</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityPhi</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&phi;</i>-component of
-       grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&alpha;</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityXi</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&xi;</i>-component of
-       grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityEta</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&eta;</i>-component of
-       grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityZeta</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>real</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&zeta;</i>-component of
-       grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 14 May 2019
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>2 Design Philosophy of Standard Interface Data Structures</h2>
-The major design goal of the SIDS is a comprehensive and unambiguous
-description of the "intellectual content" of information that must be
-passed from code to code in a multizone Navier-Stokes analysis system.
-This information includes grids, flow solutions, multizone interface
-connectivity, boundary conditions, reference states and dimensional
-units or normalization associated with data.
-<a name="implications"></a>
-<h4>2.1 Implications of CFD Data Sets</h4>
-The goal is description of the data sets typical of CFD analysis, which
-tend to contain a small number of extremely large data arrays.
-This has a number of implications for both the design of the SIDS and
-the ultimate physical files where the data resides.
-The first is that any I/O system built for CFD analysis must be designed
-to efficiently store and process large data arrays.
-This is reflected in the SIDS, which includes provisions for describing
-large data arrays.
-The second implication is that the nature of the data sets allows for
-thorough description of the data with relatively little storage overhead
-and performance penalty.
-For example, the flow solution of a CFD analysis may contain several
-millions of quantities.
-Therefore, with little penalty it is possible to include information
-describing the flow variables stored, their location in the grid, and
-dimensional units or nondimensionalization associated with the data.
-The SIDS take advantage of this situation and includes an extensive
-description of the information stored in the database.
-The third implication of CFD data sets is that files containing a CFD
-database are almost always required to be binary - ASCII storage of CFD
-data involves excessive storage and performance penalties.
-This means the files are not readable by humans and the information
-contained in them is not directly modifiable by text editors and such.
-This is reflected in the syntax of the SIDS, which tends to be verbose
-and thorough; whereas, directly modifiable ASCII file formats would tend
-to foster a more brief syntax.
-It is important to note that the description of information by the SIDS
-is independent of physical file formats.
-However, it is targeted toward implementation using the ADF Core
-Some of the language components used to define the SIDS are meant to
-directly map into elements of an ADF node.
-<a name="topology"></a>
-<h4>2.2 Topologically Based Hierarchical Database</h4>
-An early decision in the CGNS project was that any new CFD I/O standard
-should include a hierarchical database, such as a tree or directed
-The SIDS describe a hierarchical database, precisely defining both the
-data and their hierarchical relationships.
-There are two major alternatives to organizing a CFD hierarchy:
-topologically based and data-type based.
-In a topologically based graph, overall organization is by; information
-pertaining to a particular zone, including its grid coordinates or flow
-solution, hangs off the zone.
-In a data-type based graph, organization is by related data.
-For example, there would be two nodes at the same level, one for grid
-coordinates and another for the flow solution.
-Hanging off each of these nodes would be separate lists of the zones.
-<a name="f:hierarchy"></a>
-<img src="design.figs/tree.gif"
-     alt="Nodes in a sample CGNS database">
-Sample Topologically Based CFD Hierarchy
-The hierarchy described in this document is topologically based; a
-simplified illustration of the database hierarchy is shown in the above
-Hanging off the <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase">root "node"</a> of the
-database is a node containing global
-<a href="misc.html#ReferenceState">reference-state information</a>,
-such as freestream conditions, and a list of
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone">nodes for each zone</a>.
-The figure shows the nodes that hang off the first zone; similar nodes
-would hang off of each zone in the database.
-Nodes containing the physical-coordinate data arrays (<i>x</i>, <i>y</i>
-and <i>z</i>) for the first zone are shown hanging off the
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates">"grid coordinates" node</a>.
-Likewise, nodes containing the first zone's flow-solution data arrays
-hang off the <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution">"flow solution" node</a>.
-The figure also depicts nodes containing <a href="cnct.html">multizone
-interface connectivity</a> and <a href="bc.html">boundary condition
-information</a> for the first zone; subnodes hanging off each of these
-are not pictured.
-<a name="additional"></a>
-<h4>2.3 Additional Design Objectives</h4>
-The data structures comprising the SIDS are the result of several
-additional design objectives:
-One objective is to minimize duplication of data within the hierarchy.
-Many parameters, such as the grid size of a zone, are defined in only
-one location.
-This avoids implementation problems arising from data duplication within
-the physical file containing the database; these problems include
-simultaneous update of all copies and error checking when two copies of
-a data quantity are found to be different.
-One consequence of minimizing data duplication is that information at
-lower levels of the hierarchy may not be completely decipherable without
-access to information at higher levels.
-For example, the grid size is defined in the
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone">zone structure</a>, but this parameter
-is needed in several substructures to define the size of grid and
-flow-solution data arrays.
-Therefore, these substructures are not autonomous and deciphering
-information within them requires access to information contained in the
-zone structure itself.
-The SIDS must reflect this cascade of information within the database.
-Another objective is elimination of nonsensical descriptions of the data.
-The SIDS have been carefully developed to avoid data qualifiers and
-other optional descriptive information that could be inconsistent.
-This has led to the use of specialized structures for certain
-CFD-related information.
-One example is a single-purpose
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates">structure for defining physical
-grid coordinates</a> of a zone.
-It is possible to define the grid coordinates, flow solution and
-any other field quantities within a zone by a generic discrete-data
-However, this requires the generic structure to include information
-defining the grid location of the data (e.g., the data is located at
-vertices or cell centers).
-Using the generic structure to describe the grid coordinates leads to a
-possible inconsistency.
-By definition the physical coordinates that define the grid are located
-at vertices, and including an optional qualifier that states otherwise
-makes no sense.
-A final objective is to allow documentation inclusion throughout the 
-The SIDS contain a <a href="build.html#Descriptor">uniform documentation
-mechanism</a> for all major structures in the hierarchy.
-However, this document establishes no conventions for using the
-documentation mechanism.
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-Last updated 20 May 2016
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-(<a href="build.html"><b>Building-Block&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;Definitions</b></a>)
-(<a href="data.html"><b>Data-Array&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;Definitions</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnsbase.html"><b>Hierarchical&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="gridflow.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Coordinates,&nbsp;Elements,&nbsp;and&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Solution</b></a>)
-(<a href="cnct.html"><b>Multizone&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
-(<a href="bc.html"><b>Boundary&nbsp;Conditions</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Governing&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Equations</b></span>)
-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Flow</b></a>)
-(<a href="misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>10 Governing Flow Equations</h2>
-<li> <a href="#FlowEquationSet">10.1 Flow Equation Set Structure Definition: <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#GoverningEquations">10.2 Governing Equations Structure Definition: <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#ModelType">10.3 Model Type Structure Definition: <tt>ModelType_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#GasModel">10.4 Thermodynamic Gas Model Structure Definition: <tt>GasModel_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#ViscosityModel">10.5 Molecular Viscosity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#ThermalConductivityModel">10.6 Thermal Conductivity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#Turbulence">10.7 Turbulence Structure Definitions</a>
-<li> <a href="#ThermalRelaxationModel">10.8 Thermal Relaxation Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#ChemicalKineticsModel">10.9 Chemical Kinetics Model Structure Definition: <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#EM">10.10 Electromagnetics Structure Definitions</a>
-<li> <a href="#flowexample">10.11 Flow Equation Examples</a>
-This section provides structure type definitions for describing the
-governing flow-equation set associated with the database.
-The description includes the general class of governing equations, the
-turbulent closure equations, the gas and chemistry models, the
-viscosity and thermal-conductivity models, and the electromagnetics
-Included with each equation description are associated constants.
-The structure definitions attempt to balance the opposing requirements
-for future growth and extensibility with initial ease of implementation.
-Included in the final section are examples of flow-equation sets.
-The intended use of these structures initially is primarily for archival
-purposes and to provide additional documentation of the flow solution.
-If successful in this role, it is foreseeable that these flow-equation
-structures may eventually be also used as inputs for grid generators,
-flow solvers, and post-processors.
-<a name="FlowEquationSet"></a>
-<h3>10.1 Flow Equation Set Structure Definition: <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> is a general description of the governing
-flow equations.
-It includes the dimensionality of the governing equations, and the
-collection of specific equation-set descriptions covered in subsequent
-It can be a child node of either
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> or
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> (or both).
-  FlowEquationSet_t&lt; int CellDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    int EquationDimension ;                                            (o)
-    GoverningEquations_t&lt;CellDimension&gt; GoverningEquations ;           (o)
-    GasModel_t GasModel ;                                              (o)
-    ViscosityModel_t ViscosityModel ;                                  (o)
-    ThermalConductivityModel_t ThermalConductivityModel ;              (o)
-    TurbulenceClosure_t TurbulenceClosure ;                            (o)
-    TurbulenceModel_t&lt;CellDimension&gt; TurbulenceModel ;                 (o)
-    ThermalRelaxationModel_t ThermalRelaxationModel ;                  (o)
-    ChemicalKineticsModel_t ChemicalKineticsModel ;                    (o)
-    EMElectricFieldModel_t EMElectricFieldModel ;                      (o)
-    EMMagneticFieldModel_t EMMagneticFieldModel ;                      (o)
-    EMConductivityModel_t EMConductivityModel ;                        (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>EMConductivityModel</tt>, <tt>EMElectricFieldModel</tt>,
-     <tt>EMMagneticFieldModel</tt>, <tt>EquationDimension</tt>,
-     <tt>GoverningEquations</tt>, <tt>GasModel</tt>,
-     <tt>ViscosityModel</tt>, <tt>ThermalConductivityModel</tt>,
-     <tt>TurbulenceClosure</tt>, <tt>TurbulenceModel</tt>,
-     <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel</tt>, <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel</tt>,
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> There are no required elements for <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>.
-<tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> requires a single structure parameter,
-<tt>CellDimension</tt>, to identify the dimensionality of index arrays
-for structured grids.
-This parameter is passed onto several substructures.
-<tt>EquationDimension</tt> is the dimensionality of the governing
-equations; it is the number of spatial variables describing the flow.
-<a href="#GoverningEquations"><tt>GoverningEquations</tt></a> describes
-the general class of flow equations.
-<a href="#GasModel"><tt>GasModel</tt></a> describes the equation of state,
-and <a href="#ViscosityModel"><tt>ViscosityModel</tt></a> and
-<a href="#ThermalConductivityModel"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel</tt></a>
-describe the auxiliary relations for molecular viscosity and the thermal
-conductivity coefficient.
-<a href="#TurbulenceClosure"><tt>TurbulenceClosure</tt></a> and
-<a href="#TurbulenceModel"><tt>TurbulenceModel</tt></a> describe the
-turbulent closure for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations.
-<a href="#ThermalRelaxationModel"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel</tt></a> and
-<a href="#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel</tt></a>
-describe the equations used to model thermal relaxation and chemical
-<tt>EMElectricFieldModel</tt>, <tt>EMMagneticFieldModel</tt>, and
-<tt>EMConductivityModel</tt> describe the equations used to model
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the flow-equation set.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="GoverningEquations"></a>
-<h3>10.2 Governing Equations Structure Definition: <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> describes the class of governing flow
-equations associated with the solution.
-  GoverningEquationsType_t := Enumeration(
-    GoverningEquationsTypeNull,
-    GoverningEquationsTypeUserDefined,
-    FullPotential,
-    Euler,
-    NSLaminar,
-    NSTurbulent,
-    NSLaminarIncompressible,
-    NSTurbulentIncompressible ) ;
-  GoverningEquations_t&lt; int CellDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GoverningEquationsType_t GoverningEquationsType ;                  (r)
-    int[CellDimension*(CellDimension + 1)/2] DiffusionModel ;          (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> and shall not include the name
-     <tt>DiffusionModel</tt>.
-<li> <tt>GoverningEquationsType</tt> is the only required element.
-<li> The length of the <a href="#DiffusionModel"><tt>DiffusionModel</tt></a>
-     array is as follows: in 1-D it is <tt>int[1]</tt>; in 2-D it is
-     <tt>int[3]</tt>; and in 3-D it is <tt>int[6]</tt>.
-     For unstructured zones, <tt>DiffusionModel</tt> is not supported,
-     and should not be used.
-<tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> requires a single structure parameter,
-It is used to define the length of the array <tt>DiffusionModel</tt>.
-<a name="DiffusionModel"></a>
-<tt>DiffusionModel</tt> describes the viscous diffusion terms modeled
-in the flow equations, and is applicable only to the Navier-Stokes
-equations with structured grids.
-Typically, thin-layer approximations include only the diffusion terms in
-one or two computational-coordinate directions.
-<tt>DiffusionModel</tt> encodes the coordinate directions that include
-second-derivative and cross-derivative diffusion terms.
-The first <tt>CellDimension</tt> elements are second-derivative terms
-and the remainder elements are cross-derivative terms.
-Allowed values for individual elements in the array
-<tt>DiffusionModel</tt> are 0 and 1; a value of 1 indicates the
-diffusion term is modeled, and 0 indicates that they are not modeled.
-In 3-D, the encoding of <tt>DiffusionModel</tt> is as follows:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th scope=col>Element<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Terms">Modeled Terms
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>n</i> = 1<td>
-   <td>Diffusion terms in <i>i</i>
-       (&part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&xi;</i><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>n</i> = 2<td>
-   <td>Diffusion terms in <i>j</i>
-       (&part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&eta;</i><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>n</i> = 3<td>
-   <td>Diffusion terms in <i>k</i>
-       (&part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&zeta;</i><sup>2</sup>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>n</i> = 4<td>
-   <td>Cross-diffusion terms in <i>i</i>-<i>j</i>
-       (&part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&xi;</i> &part;<i>&eta;</i> and
-        &part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&eta;</i> &part;<i>&xi;</i>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>n</i> = 5<td>
-   <td>Cross-diffusion terms in <i>j</i>-<i>k</i>
-       (&part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&eta;</i> &part;<i>&zeta;</i> and
-        &part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&zeta;</i> &part;<i>&eta;</i>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td align=center><i>n</i> = 6<td>
-   <td>Cross-diffusion terms in <i>k</i>-<i>i</i>
-       (&part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&zeta;</i> &part;<i>&xi;</i> and
-        &part;<sup>2</sup>/&part;<i>&xi;</i> &part;<i>&zeta;</i>)
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-where derivatives in the <i>i</i>, <i>j</i> and <i>k</i>
-computational-coordinates are <i>&xi;</i>, <i>&eta;</i> and
-<i>&zeta;</i>, respectively.
-The full Navier-Stokes equations in 3-D are indicated by
-<tt>DiffusionModel = [1,1,1,1,1,1]</tt>, and the thin-layer
-equations including only diffusion in the <i>j</i>-direction are
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="ModelType"></a>
-<h3>10.3 Model Type Structure Definition: <tt>ModelType_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> is a complete list of all models covered in subsequent
-sections. A specific model will contain a subset of this enumeration.
-  ModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull, ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Ideal, VanderWaals, Constant, PowerLaw,
-    SutherlandLaw, ConstantPrandtl, EddyViscosity,
-    ReynoldsStress, ReynoldsStressAlgebraic,
-    Algebraic_BaldwinLomax, Algebraic_CebeciSmith,
-    HalfEquation_JohnsonKing, OneEquation_BaldwinBarth,
-    OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras, TwoEquation_JonesLaunder,
-    TwoEquation_MenterSST, TwoEquation_Wilcox,
-    CaloricallyPerfect, ThermallyPerfect, ConstantDensity,
-    RedlichKwong, Frozen, ThermalEquilib, ThermalNonequilib,
-    ChemicalEquilibCurveFit, ChemicalEquilibMinimization,
-    ChemicalNonequilib, EMElectricField, EMMagneticField,
-    EMConductivity, Voltage, Interpolated,
-    Equilibrium_LinRessler, Chemistry_LinRessler ) ;
-<a name="GasModel"></a>
-<h3>10.4 Thermodynamic Gas Model Structure Definition: <tt>GasModel_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>GasModel_t</tt> describes the equation of state model used in the
-governing equations to relate pressure, temperature and density.
-The enumerated values for <tt>GasModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  GasModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Ideal,
-    VanderWaals,
-    CaloricallyPerfect,
-    ThermallyPerfect,
-    ConstantDensity,
-    RedlichKwong ) ;
-  GasModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GasModelType_t GasModelType ;                                      (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>GasModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>GasModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-<li> The <tt>GasModelType</tt> enumeration name <tt>Ideal</tt> implies
-     a calorically perfect single-component gas, but the more descriptive
-     name <tt>CaloricallyPerfect</tt> is generally preferred.
-For a perfect gas (<tt>GasModelType = CaloricallyPerfect</tt>), the
-pressure, temperature, and density are related by
-<i>p</i> = <i>&rho;RT</i>
-where <i>R</i> is the ideal gas constant.
-Related quantities are the specific heat at constant pressure
-(<i>c<sub>p</sub></i>), specific heat at constant volume
-(<i>c<sub>v</sub></i>) and specific heat ratio <i>&gamma;</i> =
-The gas constant and specific heats are related by
-<i>R</i> = <i>c<sub>p</sub></i> &minus; <i>c<sub>v</sub></i>.
-Data-name identifiers associated with the perfect gas law are listed below.
-<a name="t:id_perfect"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Perfect Gas
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>IdealGasConstant</tt><td>
-   <td>Ideal gas constant (<i>R</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatRatio</tt><td>
-   <td>Ratio of specific heats
-       (<i>&gamma;</i> = <i>c<sub>p</sub></i>/<i>c<sub>v</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatVolume</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat at constant volume (<i>c<sub>v</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SpecificHeatPressure</tt><td>
-   <td>Specific heat at constant pressure (<i>c<sub>p</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/(<b>T</b><sup>2</sup><b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-If it is desired to specify any of these identifiers in a CGNS database,
-they should be defined as
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray</tt></a>s under
-The dimensional units are defined as follows: <b>M</b> is mass, <b>L</b>
-is length, <b>T</b> is time and
-<b>&Theta;</b> is temperature.
-These are further described in the section on
-<a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the thermodynamic gas model.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="ViscosityModel"></a>
-<h3>10.5 Molecular Viscosity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt> describes the model for relating molecular
-viscosity (<i>&mu;</i>) to
-The enumerated values for <tt>ViscosityModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  ViscosityModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Constant,
-    PowerLaw,
-    SutherlandLaw ) ;
-  ViscosityModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    ViscosityModelType_t ViscosityModelType ;                          (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>ViscosityModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-The molecular viscosity models are as follows: <tt>Constant</tt> states
-that molecular viscosity is constant throughout the field and is equal
-to some reference value (<i>&mu;</i> = <i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub>);
-<tt>PowerLaw</tt> states that molecular viscosity follows a power-law
-<i>&mu;</i> = <i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub>
-              (<i>T</i>/<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>)<sup><i>n</i></sup>
-and <tt>SutherlandLaw</tt> is Sutherland's Law for molecular viscosity,
-<i>&mu;</i> = <i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub>
-              (<i>T</i>/<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>)<sup>3/2</sup>
-              (<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub> + <i>T<sub>s</sub></i>) / 
-              (<i>T</i> + <i>T<sub>s</sub></i>)
-where <i>T<sub>s</sub></i> is the Sutherland's Law constant, and
-<i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub> and
-<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub> are the reference viscosity and temperature,
-For air [White, F. M., <i>Viscous Fluid Flow</i>, McGraw-Hill, 1974,
-p. 28-29], the power-law exponent is <i>n</i> = 0.666, Sutherland's law
-constant (<i>T<sub>s</sub></i>) is 110.6 K, the reference temperature
-(<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>) is 273.15 K, and the reference viscosity
-(<i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub>) is
-1.716 &times; 10<sup>-5</sup> kg/(m-s).
-The data-name identifiers for molecular viscosity models are defined below.
-<a name="t:id_viscosity"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Molecular Viscosity Models
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col><tt>ViscosityModelType</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>PowerLaw</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>PowerLawExponent</tt><td>
-   <td>Power-law exponent (<i>n</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SutherlandLaw</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>SutherlandLawConstant</tt><td>
-   <td>Sutherland's Law constant (<i>T<sub>s</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>All</i><td>
-   <td><tt>TemperatureReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference temperature (<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>All</i><td>
-   <td><tt>ViscosityMolecularReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference viscosity (<i>&mu;</i><sub>ref</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>M</b>/(<b>LT</b>)
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-If it is desired to specify any of these identifiers in a CGNS
-database, they should be defined as
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray</tt></a>s under
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the molecular viscosity model.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="ThermalConductivityModel"></a>
-<h3>10.6 Thermal Conductivity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt> describes the model for relating the
-thermal-conductivity coefficient (<i>k</i>) to temperature.
-The enumerated values for <tt>ThermalConductivityModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  ThermalConductivityModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    ConstantPrandtl,
-    PowerLaw,
-    SutherlandLaw ) ;
-  ThermalConductivityModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    ThermalConductivityModelType_t ThermalConductivityModelType ;      (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>ThermalConductivityModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-The thermal-conductivity models parallel the molecular viscosity models.
-<tt>ConstantPrandtl</tt> states that the Prandtl number
-is constant and equal to some reference value.
-<tt>PowerLaw</tt> relates <i>k</i> to temperature via a power-law
-<i>k</i> = <i>k</i><sub>ref</sub>
-           (<i>T</i>/<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>)<sup><i>n</i></sup>
-and <tt>SutherlandLaw</tt> is Sutherland's Law for molecular viscosity,
-<i>k</i> = <i>k</i><sub>ref</sub>
-           (<i>T</i>/<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>)<sup>3/2</sup>
-           (<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub> + <i>T<sub>s</sub></i>) / 
-           (<i>T</i> + <i>T<sub>s</sub></i>)
-where <i>k</i><sub>ref</sub> is the reference thermal conductivity,
-<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub> is the reference temperature, and
-<i>T<sub>s</sub></i> is the Sutherland's law constant.
-For air [White, F. M., <i>Viscous Fluid Flow</i>, McGraw-Hill,
-1974, p. 32-33], the Prandtl number is <i>Pr</i> = 0.72, the
-power-law exponent is <i>n</i> = 0.81, Sutherland's law constant
-(<i>T<sub>s</sub></i>) is 194.4 K, the reference temperature
-(<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>) is 273.15 K, and the reference thermal
-conductivity (<i>k</i><sub>ref</sub>) is 2.414 &times; 10<sup>-2</sup>
-Data-name identifiers for thermal conductivity models are listed below.
-<a name="t:id_thermal"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Thermal Conductivity Models
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col><tt>ThermalConduc</tt>-<br>
-       <tt>tivityModelType</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ConstantPrandtl</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>Prandtl</tt><td>
-   <td>Prandtl number (<i>Pr</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>PowerLaw</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>PowerLawExponent</tt><td>
-   <td>Power-law exponent (<i>n</i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>SutherlandLaw</tt><td>
-   <td><tt>SutherlandLawConstant</tt><td>
-   <td>Sutherland's Law constant (<i>T<sub>s</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>All</i><td>
-   <td><tt>TemperatureReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference temperature (<i>T</i><sub>ref</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>All</i><td>
-   <td><tt>ThermalConductivityReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference thermal conductivity (<i>k</i><sub>ref</sub>)<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/(<b>T</b><sup>3</sup>
-       <b>&Theta;</b>)
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-If it is desired to specify any of these identifiers in a CGNS
-database, they should be defined as
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray</tt></a>s under
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the thermal conductivity model.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="Turbulence"></a>
-<h3>10.7 Turbulence Structure Definitions</h3>
-This section presents structure definitions for describing the form of
-closure used in the Reynolds-averaged (or Favre-averaged) Navier-Stokes
-equations for determining the Reynolds stress terms.
-Here "turbulence closure" refers to eddy viscosity or other
-approximations for the Reynolds stress terms, and "turbulence model"
-refers to the actual algebraic or turbulence-transport equation models
-To an extent these are independent choices (e.g., using either an eddy
-viscosity closure or an algebraic Reynolds-stress closure with a
-two-equation model).
-<a name="TurbulenceClosure"></a>
-<h4>10.7.1 Turbulence Closure Structure Definition: <tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt></h4>
-<tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt> describes the turbulence closure for the
-Reynolds stress terms of the Navier-Stokes equations.
-The enumerated values for <tt>TurbulenceClosureType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  TurbulenceClosureType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    EddyViscosity,
-    ReynoldsStress,                     
-    ReynoldsStressAlgebraic ) ;
-  TurbulenceClosure_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    TurbulenceClosureType_t TurbulenceClosureType ;                    (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>TurbulenceClosureType</tt> is the only required element.
-The different types of turbulent closure are as follows:
-<tt>EddyViscosity</tt> is the Boussinesq eddy-viscosity closure, where
-the Reynolds stresses are approximated as the product of an eddy
-viscosity (<i>&nu;<sub>t</sub></i>)
-and the mean strain tensor.
-Using indicial notation, the relation is,
-&minus;(<i>u</i>&prime;<sub><i>i</i></sub><i>u</i>&prime;<sub><i>j</i></sub>)<sub>ave</sub> = 
-   <i>&nu;<sub>t</sub></i>
-      ( &part;<i>u<sub>i</sub></i> / &part;<i>x<sub>j</sub></i> +
-        &part;<i>u<sub>j</sub></i> / &part;<i>x<sub>i</sub></i> )
-where &minus;(<i>u</i>&prime;<sub><i>i</i></sub><i>u</i>&prime;<sub><i>j</i></sub>)<sub>ave</sub>
-the Reynolds stresses; the notation is further discussed under
-<a href="dataname.html#dataname_flow">Flowfield Solution</a> in the
-section on <a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-<tt>ReynoldsStress</tt> is no approximation of the Reynolds stresses.
-<tt>ReynoldsStressAlgebraic</tt> is an algebraic approximation for the
-Reynolds stresses based on some intermediate transport quantities.
-Associated with the turbulent closure is a list of constants, where each
-constant is described by a separate
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entity.
-Constants associated with the eddy-viscosity closure are listed below.
-<a name="t:id_closure"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Turbulence Closure
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>PrandtlTurbulent</tt><td>
-   <td>Turbulent Prandtl number
-       (<i>&rho; &nu;<sub>t</sub> c<sub>p</sub></i> / <i>k<sub>t</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-If it is desired to specify any of these identifiers in a CGNS
-database, they should be defined as
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray</tt></a>s under
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the turbulence closure.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="TurbulenceModel"></a>
-<h4>10.7.2 Turbulence Model Structure Definition: <tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></h4>
-<tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt> describes the equation set used to model the
-turbulence quantities.
-The enumerated values for <tt>TurbulenceModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  TurbulenceModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Algebraic_BaldwinLomax,
-    Algebraic_CebeciSmith,
-    HalfEquation_JohnsonKing,
-    OneEquation_BaldwinBarth,
-    OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras,
-    TwoEquation_JonesLaunder,
-    TwoEquation_MenterSST,
-    TwoEquation_Wilcox ) ;
-  TurbulenceModel_t&lt; int CellDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    TurbulenceModelType_t TurbulenceModelType ;                        (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    int[CellDimension*(CellDimension + 1)/2] DiffusionModel ;          (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>, 
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     names <tt>DiffusionModel</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt>, or
-     <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>TurbulenceModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-<li> The length of the <a href="#DiffusionModel"><tt>DiffusionModel</tt></a>
-     array is as follows: in 1-D it is <tt>int[1]</tt>; in 2-D it is
-     <tt>int[3]</tt>; and in 3-D it is <tt>int[6]</tt>.
-     For unstructured zones, <tt>DiffusionModel</tt> is not supported,
-     and should not be used.
-<tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt> requires a single structure parameter,
-It is used to define the length of the array
-<a href="#DiffusionModel"><tt>DiffusionModel</tt></a> describes the
-viscous diffusion terms included in the turbulent transport model
-The <tt>TurbulenceModelType</tt> names currently listed correspond to
-the following particular references.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>Algebraic_BaldwinLomax</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Baldwin, B. S., and Lomax, H. (1978) "Thin Layer Approximations
-       and Algebraic Model for Separated Turbulent Flows," AIAA Paper
-       78-257.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>Algebraic_CebeciSmith</tt><td>
-   <td>Cebeci, T., and Smith, A. M. O. (1974) <i>Analysis of
-       Turbulent Boundary Layers</i>, Academic Press, New York.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>HalfEquation_JohnsonKing</tt><td>
-   <td>Johnson, D., and King, L. (1985) "A Mathematically Simple
-       Turbulence Closure Model for Attached and Separated Turbulent
-       Boundary Layers," AIAA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 1684-1692.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>OneEquation_BaldwinBarth</tt><td>
-   <td>Baldwin, B., and Barth, T. (1990) "A One-Equation Turbulent
-       Transport Model for High Reynolds Number Wall-Bounded Flows," NASA
-       TM-102847.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras</tt><td>
-   <td>Spalart, P. R., and Allmaras, S. R. (1994) "A One-Equation
-       Turbulence Model for Aerodynamic Flows," La Recherche
-       Aerospatiale, Vol. 1, pp. 5-21.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TwoEquation_JonesLaunder</tt><td>
-   <td>Jones, W., and Launder, B. (1972) "The Prediction of
-       Laminarization with a Two-Equation Model of Turbulence,"
-       International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 15,
-       pp. 301-314.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TwoEquation_MenterSST</tt><td>
-   <td>Menter, F. R. (1994) "Two-Equation Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence
-       Models for Engineering Application," AIAA Journal, Vol. 32,
-       No. 8, pp. 1598-1605.
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>TwoEquation_Wilcox</tt><td>
-   <td>Wilcox, D. C. (1994) <i>Turbulence Modeling for CFD</i>, First
-       Edition, DCW Industries, La Canada, California.
-There is no formal mechanism for accounting for subsequent changes to
-these models.
-(For example, Wilcox later published 1998 and 2006 versions of his
-<i>k</i>-<i>&omega;</i> model).
-If it is a mere change to constant(s), then this could be described by
-retaining the same <tt>TurbulenceModelType</tt> name and listing each
-constant using a separate
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entry.
-If the change is more involved, then it is recommended to employ
-<tt>TurbulenceModelType = UserDefined</tt> with a child
-<a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> node giving
-details about it.
-Associated with each choice of turbulence model may be a list
-of constants, where each constant is described by a separate
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entity.
-If used, the Data-Name Identifier of each constant should
-include the turbulence model name, as well as the constant
-name (e.g., <tt>TurbulentSACb1</tt>, <tt>TurbulentSSTCmu</tt>,
-<tt>TurbulentKESigmak</tt>, etc.).
-However, no attempt is made here to formalize the names for all possible
-turbulence models.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the turbulence model equation set.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<h4>Example - Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model</h4>
-Description for the eddy-viscosity closure and Spalart-Allmaras
-turbulence model, including associated constants.
-  TurbulenceClosure_t TurbulenceClosure =
-    {{
-    TurbulenceClosureType_t TurbulenceClosureType = EddyViscosity ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; PrandtlTurbulent = {{ 0.90 }} ;
-    }} ;
-  TurbulenceModel_t TurbulenceModel = 
-    {{
-    TurbulenceModelType_t TurbulenceModelType = OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACb1   = {{ 0.1355 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACb2   = {{ 0.622 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSASigma = {{ 2/3 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSAKappa = {{ 0.41 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACw1   = {{ 3.2391 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACw2   = {{ 0.3 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACw3   = {{ 2 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACv1   = {{ 7.1 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACt1   = {{ 1 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACt2   = {{ 2 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACt3   = {{ 1.2 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TurbulentSACt4   = {{ 0.5 }} ;
-    }} ;
-Note that each <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-entity is abbreviated.
-<a name="ThermalRelaxationModel"></a>
-<h3>10.8 Thermal Relaxation Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt> describes the equation set used to model
-thermal relaxation quantities.
-The enumerated values for <tt>ThermalRelaxationModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  ThermalRelaxationModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Frozen,
-    ThermalEquilib,
-    ThermalNonequilib ) ;
-  ThermalRelaxationModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    ThermalRelaxationModelType_t ThermalRelaxationModelType ;          (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>ThermalRelaxationModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-<tt>ThermalRelaxationModelType_t</tt> is an enumeration type describing
-the type of thermal relaxation model.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> data structures
-may be used to store data associated with the thermal relaxation model.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data being used.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-Additional information, if needed, may be stored using
-<a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> data
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="ChemicalKineticsModel"></a>
-<h3>10.9 Chemical Kinetics Model Structure Definition: <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt> describes the equation set used to model
-chemical kinetics quantities.
-The enumerated values for <tt>ChemicalKineticsModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  ChemicalKineticsModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Frozen,
-    ChemicalEquilibCurveFit,
-    ChemicalEquilibMinimization,
-    ChemicalNonequilib ) ;
-  ChemicalKineticsModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    ChemicalKineticsModelType_t ChemicalKineticsModelType ;            (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>ChemicalKineticsModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-<tt>ChemicalKineticsModelType_t</tt> is an enumeration type describing
-the type of chemical kinetics model.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> data structures
-may be used to store data associated with the chemical kinetics model.
-Recommended data-name identifiers are listed in the following table.
-<a name="t:id_chemicalkinetics"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Chemical Kinetics Models
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MolecularWeight<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Molecular weight for species <i>Symbol</i><td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>HeatOfFormation<i>Symbol</i></tt><td>
-   <td>Heat of formation per unit mass for species <i>Symbol</i><td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>FuelAirRatio</tt><td>
-   <td>Fuel/air mass ratio<td>
-   <td align=center>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ReferenceTemperatureHOF</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference temperature for the heat of formation<td>
-   <td align=center><b>&Theta;</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-The dimensional units are defined as follows: <b>L</b> is length,
-<b>T</b> is time and <b>&Theta;</b> is
-These are further described in the section on
-<a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-The variable string <i>Symbol</i> in the above data-name identifiers
-represents the chemical symbol for the desired species.
-For example, <tt>H</tt> represents hydrogen atoms, <tt>O</tt> represents
-oxygen atoms, <tt>H2</tt> represents hydrogen molecules, <tt>H2O</tt>
-represents water molecules, and <tt>C3H5O3(NO2)3</tt> represents
-nitroglycerin molecules.
-Any symbols from the periodic table of the elements can be used.
-For charged molecules or particles, the word "<tt>plus</tt>" or
-"<tt>minus</tt>" should be spelled out in lower case.
-For example, a CNO+ molecule should be denoted as <tt>CNOplus</tt>.
-Other commonly used mixtures that are usually not referred to by their
-chemical symbols, are defined in the following table.
-Individual users may define new names, but these may not be recognized
-by other CGNS applications.
-For consistency, additional names should be proposed as SIDS extensions.
-<a name="t:id_chemicalkineticssymbols"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Defined Names (Symbols) for Commonly Used Mixtures
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Symbol<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Mixture
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Air</tt><td>
-   <td>Generic air model
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>eminus</tt><td>
-   <td>Electrons
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Fuel</tt><td>
-   <td>Generic fuel model
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>FuelAir</tt><td>
-   <td>Generic fuel/air mixture
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>JP5</tt><td>
-   <td>JP5 jet fuel
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>JP7</tt><td>
-   <td>JP7 jet fuel
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>JP10</tt><td>
-   <td>JP10 jet fuel
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Product</tt><td>
-   <td>Generic fuel/air product of combustion
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RP1</tt><td>
-   <td>RP1 rocket fuel
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade>
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data being used.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-Additional information, if needed, may be stored using
-<a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> data
-For example, if CHEMKIN is used, it is recommended that a
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> data structure be used to indicate this.
-Reaction equations could also be specified using <tt>Descriptor_t</tt>
-data structures.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="EM"></a>
-<h3>10.10 Electromagnetics Structure Definitions</h3>
-This section presents structure definitions for describing the electric
-field, magnetic field, and conductivity models used for electromagnetic
-<a name="EMElectricFieldModel"></a>
-<h4>10.10.1 Electromagnetics Electric Field Model Structure Definition: <tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt></h4>
-<tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt> describes the electric field model used
-for electromagnetic flows.
-The enumerated values for <tt>EMElectricFieldModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  EMElectricFieldModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Constant,
-    Frozen,
-    Interpolated,
-    Voltage ) ;
-  EMElectricFieldModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    EMElectricFieldModelType_t EMElectricFieldModelType ;              (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>EMElectricFieldModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-<tt>EMElectricFieldModelType_t</tt> is an enumeration type describing
-the type of electric field model.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> data structures
-may be used to store data associated with the electric field model.
-Recommended data-name identifiers are listed in the section describing
-the <a href="#EMConductivityModel">electromagnetics conductivity model</a>.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the electric field model.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="EMMagneticFieldModel"></a>
-<h4>10.10.2 Electromagnetics Magnetic Field Model Structure Definition: <tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt></h4>
-<tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt> describes the magnetic field model used
-for electromagnetic flows.
-The enumerated values for <tt>EMMagneticFieldModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  EMMagneticFieldModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Constant,
-    Frozen,
-    Interpolated ) ;
-  EMMagneticFieldModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    EMMagneticFieldModelType_t EMMagneticFieldModelType ;              (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>EMMagneticFieldModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-<tt>EMMagneticFieldModelType_t</tt> is an enumeration type describing
-the type of magnetic field model.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> data structures
-may be used to store data associated with the magnetic field model.
-Recommended data-name identifiers are listed in the section describing
-the <a href="#EMConductivityModel">electromagnetics conductivity model</a>.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the magnetic field model.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="EMConductivityModel"></a>
-<h4>10.10.3 Electromagnetics Conductivity Model Structure Definition: <tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt></h4>
-<tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt> describes the conductivity model used
-for electromagnetic flows.
-The enumerated values for <tt>EMConductivityModelType_t</tt> are a subset of the
-<tt>ModelType_t</tt> enumeration.
-  EMConductivityModelType_t := Enumeration(
-    ModelTypeNull,
-    ModelTypeUserDefined,
-    Constant,
-    Frozen,
-    Equilibrium_LinRessler,
-    Chemistry_LinRessler ) ;
-  EMConductivityModel_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    EMConductivityModelType_t EMConductivityModelType ;                (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>EMConductivityModelType</tt> is the only required element.
-<tt>EMConductivityModelType_t</tt> is an enumeration type describing
-the type of conductivity model.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> data structures
-may be used to store data associated with the conductivity model.
-Recommended data-name identifiers for all three electromagnetics models
-are listed in the following table.
-<a name="t:id_EM"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Electromagnetics Models
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Voltage</tt><td>
-   <td>Voltage<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricFieldX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of electric field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricFieldY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of electric field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricFieldZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of electric field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>TI</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MagneticFieldX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of magnetic field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MagneticFieldY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of magnetic field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>MagneticFieldZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of magnetic field vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CurrentDensityX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of current density vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CurrentDensityY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of current density vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>CurrentDensityZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of current density vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>I</b>/<b>L</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>ElectricConductivity</tt><td>
-   <td>Electrical conductivity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>3</sup><b>I</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LorentzForceX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of Lorentz force vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LorentzForceY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of Lorentz force vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LorentzForceZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of Lorentz force vector<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>JouleHeating</tt><td>
-   <td>Joule heating<td>
-   <td align=center><b>ML</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b><sup>2</sup>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-The dimensional units are defined as follows: <b>M</b> is mass,
-<b>L</b> is length, <b>T</b> is time, and <b>I</b> is electric current.
-These are further described in the section on
-<a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the conductivity model.
-For any data that is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="flowexample"></a>
-<h3>10.11 Flow Equation Examples</h3>
-This section presents two examples of flow-equation sets.
-The first is an inviscid case and the second is a turbulent case with a
-one-equation turbulence model.
-<a name="ex:eqn_Euler"></a>
-<h4>Example - 3-D Compressible Euler</h4>
-3-D compressible Euler with a perfect gas assumption for a monatomic
-  FlowEquationSet_t&lt;3&gt; EulerEquations = 
-    {{
-    int EquationDimension = 3 ;
-    GoverningEquations_t&lt;3&gt; GoverningEquations =
-      {{
-      GoverningEquationsType_t GoverningEquationsType = Euler ;
-      }} ;
-    GasModel_t GasModel =
-      {{
-      GasModelType_t GasModelType = CaloricallyPerfect ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; SpecificHeatRatio =
-        {{
-        Data(real, 1, 1) = 1.667 ;
-        DataClass_t DataClass = NondimensionalParameter ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-<a name="ex:eqneqn_NS_Euler"></a>
-<h4>Example - 3-D Compressible Navier-Stokes</h4>
-3-D compressible Navier-Stokes for a structured grid, with the S-A
-turbulence model, a perfect gas assumption, Sutherland's law for the
-molecular viscosity, a constant Prandtl-number assumption, and inclusion
-of the full Navier-Stokes diffusion terms; all models assume air:
-  FlowEquationSet_t&lt;3&gt; NSEquations = 
-    {{
-    int EquationDimension = 3 ;
-    GoverningEquations_t&lt;3&gt; GoverningEquations =
-      {{
-      GoverningEquationsType_t GoverningEquationsType = NSTurbulent ;
-      int[6] DiffusionModel = [1,1,1,1,1,1] ;
-      }} ;
-    GasModel_t GasModel =
-      {{
-      GasModelType_t GasModelType = CaloricallyPerfect ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; SpecificHeatRatio = {{ 1.4 }} ;
-      }} ;
-    ViscosityModel_t ViscosityModel =
-      {{
-      ViscosityModelType_t ViscosityModelType = SutherlandLaw ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; SutherlandLawConstant = 
-        {{ 
-        Data(real, 1, 1) = 110.6 }} ;
-        DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-        DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits = {{ TemperatureUnits = Kelvin }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    ThermalConductivityModel_t ThermalConductivityModel =
-      {{
-      ThermalConductivityModelType_t ThermalConductivityModelType =
-         ConstantPrandtl ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Prandtl = {{ 0.72 }} ;
-      }} ;
-    TurbulenceClosure_t&lt;3&gt; TurbulenceClosure =
-      {{
-      TurbulenceClosureType_t TurbulenceClosureType = EddyViscosity ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; PrandtlTurbulent = {{ 0.90 }} ;
-      }} ;
-    TurbulenceModel_t&lt;3&gt; TurbulenceModel =
-      {{
-      TurbulenceModelType_t TurbulenceModelType = OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras ;
-      int[6] DiffusionModel = [1,1,1,1,1,1] ;
-      }} ;      
-    }} ;
-Note that all <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities are abbreviated except
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-(<a href="index.html"><span class=nav><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="intro.html"><b>Introduction</b></a>)
-(<a href="design.html"><b>Design&nbsp;Philosophy&nbsp;of&nbsp;Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="conv.html"><b>Conventions</b></a>)
-(<a href="build.html"><b>Building-Block&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;Definitions</b></a>)
-(<a href="data.html"><b>Data-Array&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;Definitions</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnsbase.html"><b>Hierarchical&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Grid&nbsp;Coordinates,&nbsp;Elements,&nbsp;and&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Solution</b></span>)
-(<a href="cnct.html"><b>Multizone&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
-(<a href="bc.html"><b>Boundary&nbsp;Conditions</b></a>)
-(<a href="floweqn.html"><b>Governing&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Equations</b></a>)
-(<a href="timedep.html"><b>Time-Dependent&nbsp;Flow</b></a>)
-(<a href="misc.html"><b>Miscellaneous&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>7 Grid Coordinates, Elements, and Flow Solutions</h2>
-<li> <a href="#GridCoordinates">7.1 Grid Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#grid_example">7.2 Grid Coordinates Examples</a>
-<li> <a href="#Elements">7.3 Elements Structure Definition: <tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#element_example">7.4 Elements Examples</a>
-<li> <a href="#Axisymmetry">7.5 Axisymmetry Structure Definition: <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#RotatingCoordinates">7.6 Rotating Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#FlowSolution">7.7 Flow Solution Structure Definition: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#flow_example">7.8 Flow Solution Example</a>
-<li> <a href="#ZoneSubRegion">7.9 Zone Subregion Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#subreg_example">7.10 Zone Subregion Examples</a>
-This section defines structure types for describing the grid
-coordinates, element data, and flow solution data pertaining to a zone.
-Entities of each of the structure types defined in this section are
-contained in the <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> structure.
-<a name="GridCoordinates"></a>
-<h3>7.1 Grid Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></h3>
-The physical coordinates of the grid vertices are described by the 
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> structure.
-This structure contains a list for the data arrays of the individual
-components of the position vector.
-It also provides a mechanism for identifying rind-point data included
-within the position-vector arrays.
-  GridCoordinates_t&lt; int IndexDimension, int VertexSize[IndexDimension], int PhysicalDimension&gt; :=
-    {
-    DataArray_t&lt;DataType,PhysicalDimension, 2&gt; BoundingBox ;           (o)
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    Rind_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; Rind ;                                      (o/d)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, IndexDimension, DataSize[]&gt; 
-          DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                                (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are
-     as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, or <tt>Rind</tt>.
-<li> There are no required fields for <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>.
-     <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> has a default if absent;
-     the default is equivalent to having a <tt>Rind</tt> structure
-     whose <tt>RindPlanes</tt> array contains all zeros.
-<li> The structure parameter <tt>DataType</tt> must be consistent
-     with the data stored in the
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> substructures.
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> requires two structure parameters:
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> identifies the dimensionality of the grid-size
-arrays, and <tt>VertexSize</tt> is the number of vertices in each index
-direction excluding rind points.
-For unstructured zones, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> is always 1 and
-<tt>VertexSize</tt> is the total number of vertices, excluding rind
-The grid-coordinates data is stored in the list of
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-entities; each <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure entity may contain
-a single component of the position vector (e.g., three separate
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> entities are used for <i>x</i>, <i>y</i>, and
-Standardized data-name identifiers for the grid coordinates are
-described in <a href="dataname.html#dataname_grid">Conventions for
-Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is an optional field that
-indicates the number of rind planes (for structured grids) or rind
-points (for unstructured grids) included in the grid-coordinates data.
-If <tt>Rind</tt> is absent, then the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> structure
-entities contain only "core" vertices of a zone; core refers to all
-interior and bounding vertices of a zone - <tt>VertexSize</tt> is the
-number of core vertices.
-Core vertices in a zone begin at <tt>[1,1,1]</tt> (for a structured
-zone in 3-D) and end at <tt>VertexSize</tt>.
-If <tt>Rind</tt> is present, it will provide information on the number
-of "rind" points in addition to the core points that are contained in
-the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures.
-Indices in <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures have the range
-<tt>[1 - a,1 - c,1 - e]</tt> to <tt>[II + b,JJ + d,KK + f]</tt> where
-<tt>VertexSize = [II,JJ,...]</tt> and <tt>RindPlanes = [a,b,...]</tt>
-(see the <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a> structure for
-the definition of <tt>RindPlanes</tt>).
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default class for data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-For dimensional grid coordinates,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over the corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the CGNS hierarchy, following the
-standard <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-An example that uses these grid-coordinate defaults is shown under
-<a href="#grid_example">Grid Coordinates Examples</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-The <tt>BoundingBox</tt> array is optional and provides a measure within which all the grid points lie. It stores minima and maxima of Coordinates values sorted by alphabetical order for Cartesian and Cylindrical coordinate systems while Spherical and Auxiliary coordinate systems retain a specific order to be coherent with the existing SIDS notation:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade></tr>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-  <th align=left scope=col>System</th>
-  <th> Bounding Box</th>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade></tr>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-  <td align=left scope=col>Cartesian 3-D</td><tt></tt>
-  <td align=center>
-    <div>[[<i>Min(<tt>CoordinateX</tt>), Min(<tt>CoordinateY</tt>), Min(<tt>CoordinateZ</tt>)</i>],</div>
-    <div>[<i>Max(<tt>CoordinateX</tt>), Max(<tt>CoordinateY)</tt>, Max(<tt>CoordinateZ</tt>)</i>]]</div>
-  </td>
-<tr valign=left><td colspan=3></tr>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-  <td align=left scope=col>Cylindrical 3-D</td>
-  <td align=center>
-      <div>[[<i>Min(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>), Min(<tt>CoordinateX</tt>)</i>],</div>
-      <div>[<i>Max(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Sup(<tt>CoordinateTheta)</tt>, Max(<tt>CoordinateX</tt>)</i>]]</div>or
-      <div>[[<i>Min(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>), Min(<tt>CoordinateY</tt>)</i>],</div>
-      <div>[<i>Max(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Sup(<tt>CoordinateTheta)</tt>, Max(<tt>CoordinateY</tt>)</i>]]</div>or
-      <div>[[<i>Min(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>), Min(<tt>CoordinateZ</tt>)</i>],</div>
-      <div>[<i>Max(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Sup(<tt>CoordinateTheta)</tt>, Max(<tt>CoordinateZ</tt>)</i>]]</div>
-  </td>
-<tr valign=left><td colspan=3></tr>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-  <td align=left scope=col>Spherical</td>
-  <td align=center>
-     <div>[[<i>Min(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>), Inf(<tt>CoordinatePhi</tt>)</i>],</div>
-     <div>[<i>Max(<tt>CoordinateR</tt>), Sup(<tt>CoordinateTheta)</tt>, Sup(<tt>CoordinatePhi</tt>)</i>]]</div>
-  </td>
-<tr valign=left><td colspan=3>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-  <td align=left scope=col>Auxiliary 3-D</td>
-  <td align=center>
-      <div>[[<i>Min(<tt>CoordinateXi</tt>), Min(<tt>CoordinateEta</tt>), Min(<tt>CoordinateZeta</tt>)</i>],</div>
-      <div>[<i>Max(<tt>CoordinateXi</tt>), Max(<tt>CoordinateEta)</tt>, Max(<tt>CoordinateZeta</tt>)</i>]]</div>
-  </td>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=3><hr width=100% noshade></tr>
-Thus, all coordinate systems are handled in a deterministic way. For 2-D coordinate system, the order is kept the same as for 3-D.
-Angle coordinate part of a bounding box is defined by <i>Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>)</i> and <i>Sup(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>)</i> (respectively <i>Inf(<tt>CoordinatePhi</tt>)</i> and <i>Sup(<tt>CoordinatePhi</tt>)</i> for spherical coordinate angle) where <i>Inf</i> and <i>Sup</i> operators ensure unicity of the angle interval. The constraints for valid angle bounding box limits are:
-  <li><i>Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>)</i> is included in [0; 2&pi;]</li>
-  <li><i>Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>)</i> &lt; <i>Sup(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt></i>)</li>
-  <li><i>Sup(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>)</i> - <i>Inf(<tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>)</i> &le; 2 &pi;</li>
-<a name="DataSize_grid"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>DataSize[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: one-dimensional <tt>int</tt> array of length <tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize[]</tt>, <tt>Rind</tt>
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> requires a single structure function, named
-<tt>DataSize</tt>, to identify the array sizes of the grid-coordinates
-A function is required for the following reasons:
-<li> the entire grid, including both core and rind points, is stored
-     in the <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities;
-<li> the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure is simple in that it doesn't
-     know anything about core versus rind data; it just knows that
-     it contains data of some given size;
-<li> to make all the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> entities syntactically
-     consistent in their size (i.e., by syntax entities containing
-     <i>x</i>, <i>y</i> and <i>z</i> must have the same dimensionality
-     and dimension sizes), the size of the array is passed onto the
-     <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure as a parameter.
-  if (Rind is absent) then
-    {
-    DataSize[] = VertexSize[] ;
-    }
-  else if (Rind is present) then
-    { 
-    DataSize[] = VertexSize[] + [a + b,...] ;
-    }
-where <tt>RindPlanes = [a,b,...]</tt> (see the
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a> structure for the     
-definition of <tt>RindPlanes</tt>).
-<a name="grid_example"></a>
-<h3>7.2 Grid Coordinates Examples</h3>
-This section contains examples of grid coordinates.
-These examples show the storage of the grid-coordinate data arrays, as
-well as different mechanisms for describing the class of data and the
-system of units or normalization.
-<a name="ex:grid1"></a>
-<h4>Example - Cartesian Coordinates for a 2-D Structured Grid</h4>
-This example uses Cartesian coordinates for a 2-D grid of size 17 &times; 33; the data
-arrays include only core vertices, and the coordinates are in units of
-  !  IndexDimension = 2
-  !  VertexSize = [17,33]
-  GridCoordinates_t&lt;2, [17,33]&gt; GridCoordinates =
-    {{
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [17,33]&gt; CoordinateX =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [17,33]) = ((x(i,j), i=1,17), j=1,33) ;
-      DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-      DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits = 
-        {{ 
-        MassUnits        = MassUnitsNull ;
-        LengthUnits      = Foot ;
-        TimeUnits        = TimeUnitsNull ;
-        TemperatureUnits = TemperatureUnitsNull ;
-        AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [17,33]&gt; CoordinateY =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [17,33]) = ((y(i,j), i=1,17), j=1,33) ;
-      DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-      DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits = 
-        {{ 
-        MassUnits        = MassUnitsNull ;
-        LengthUnits      = Foot ;
-        TimeUnits        = TimeUnitsNull ;
-        TemperatureUnits = TemperatureUnitsNull ;
-        AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-From the <a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>,
-the identifiers
-for <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> are <tt>CoordinateX</tt> and <tt>CoordinateY</tt>,
-respectively, and both have a data type of <tt>real</tt>.
-The value of <a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a>
-in <tt>CoordinateX</tt> and <tt>CoordinateY</tt> indicate the data is
-dimensional, and
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-specifies the appropriate units are feet.
-The <a href="build.html#DimensionalExponents"><tt>DimensionalExponents</tt></a>
-entity is absent from both <tt>CoordinateX</tt> and <tt>CoordinateY</tt>;
-the information that <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> are lengths can be inferred
-from the <a href="dataname.html#dataname_grid">data-name identifier
-conventions for coordinate systems</a>.
-Note that FORTRAN multidimensional array indexing is used to store
-the data; this is reflected in the FORTRAN-like implied do-loops for
-<tt>x(i,j)</tt> and <tt>y(i,j)</tt>.
-Because the dimensional units for both <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> are the same, an
-alternate approach is to set the data class and system of units
-using <a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> and
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> at the
-<a href="#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a> level, and
-eliminate this information from each instance of
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>.
-  GridCoordinates_t&lt;2, [17,33]&gt; GridCoordinates =
-    {{
-    DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits = 
-      {{ 
-      MassUnits        = MassUnitsNull ;
-      LengthUnits      = Foot ;
-      TimeUnits        = TimeUnitsNull ;
-      TemperatureUnits = TemperatureUnitsNull ;
-      AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [17,33]&gt; CoordinateX =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [17,33]) = ((x(i,j), i=1,17), j=1,33) ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [17,33]&gt; CoordinateY =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [17,33]) = ((y(i,j), i=1,17), j=1,33) ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-Since the <a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> and
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-entities are not present in <tt>CoordinateX</tt> and <tt>CoordinateY</tt>,
-the established <a href="data.html#dim">rules for dimensional data</a>
-dictate that <tt>DataClass</tt> and <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> specified
-at the <a href="#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-level be used to retrieve the information.
-<a name="ex:grid2"></a>
-<h4>Example - Cylindrical Coordinates for a 3-D Structured Grid</h4>
-This example uses cylindrical coordinates for a 3-D grid whose core size is
-17 &times; 33 &times; 9;
-the grid contains a single plane of rind on the minimum and maximum
-<i>k</i> faces.
-The coordinates are nondimensional.
-  !  IndexDimension = 3
-  !  VertexSize = [17,33,9]
-  GridCoordinates_t&lt;3, [17,33,9]&gt; GridCoordinates =
-    {{
-    Rind_t&lt;3&gt; Rind =
-      {{
-      int[6] RindPlanes = [0,0,0,0,1,1] ;
-      }} ;
-    ! DataType = real
-    ! IndexDimension = 3
-    ! DataSize = VertexSize + [0,0,2] = [17,33,11]
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [17,33,11]&gt; CoordinateRadius =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 3, [17,33,11]) = (((r(i,j,k), i=1,17), j=1,33), k=0,10) ;
-      DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [17,33,11]&gt; CoordinateZ     = {{ }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [17,33,11]&gt; CoordinateTheta = {{ }} ;
-    }} ;
-The value of <tt>RindPlanes</tt> specifies two rind planes on the
-minimum and maximum <i>k</i> faces.
-These rind planes are reflected in the structure function
-<a href="#DataSize_grid"><tt>DataSize</tt></a> which is equal to the number
-of core vertices plus two in the <i>k</i> dimension.
-The value of <tt>DataSize</tt> is passed to the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-The value of <a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a>
-indicates the data is nondimensional.
-Note that if <tt>DataClass</tt> is set as
-<tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt> at a higher level
-(<a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> or
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>), then it is not
-needed here.
-Note that the entities <tt>CoordinateZ</tt> and <tt>CoordinateTheta</tt>
-are abbreviated.
-<a name="ex:grid3"></a>
-<h4>Example - Cartesian Coordinates for a 3-D Unstructured Grid</h4>
-This example uses Cartesian grid coordinates for a 3-D unstructured zone where
-<tt>VertexSize</tt> is 15.
-  GridCoordinates_t&lt;1, 15&gt; GridCoordinates =
-    {{
-    ! DataType = real
-    ! IndexDimension = 1
-    ! DataSize = VertexSize = 15
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 15&gt; CoordinateX =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 1, 15) = (x(i), i=1,15) ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 15&gt; CoordinateY =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 1, 15) = (y(i), i=1,15) ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 15&gt; CoordinateZ =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 1, 15) = (z(i), i=1,15) ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-<a name="Elements"></a>
-<h3>7.3 Elements Structure Definition: <tt>Elements_t</tt></h3>
-The <tt>Elements_t</tt> data structure is required for unstructured
-zones, and contains the element connectivity data, the element type,
-the element range, the parent elements data, and the number of boundary
-  Elements_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    Rind_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; Rind ;                                      (o/d)
-    IndexRange_t ElementRange ;                                        (r)
-    int ElementSizeBoundary ;                                          (o/d)
-    ElementType_t ElementType ;                                        (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, ElementDataSize&gt; ElementConnectivity ;         (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, ElementSize + 1&gt; ElementStartOffset ;          (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;int, 2, [ElementSize, 2]&gt; ParentElements;              (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;int, 2, [ElementSize, 2]&gt; ParentElementsPosition;      (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are
-     as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>Elements_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt>, <tt>ElementRange</tt>,
-     <tt>ParentElements</tt>, <tt>ParentElementsPosition</tt>, or <tt>Rind</tt>.
-<li> <a href="build.html#IndexRange"><tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#ElementType"><tt>ElementType_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="#ElementConnectivity"><tt>ElementConnectivity</tt></a>
-     are the required fields within the <tt>Elements_t</tt> structure.
-     <tt>ElementStartOffset</tt> is required only for <tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>NGON_n</tt> and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element type.
-     <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> has a default if absent;
-     the default is equivalent to having a <tt>Rind</tt> structure
-     whose <tt>RindPlanes</tt> array contains all zeros.
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is an optional field that
-indicates the number of rind elements included in the elements data.
-If <tt>Rind</tt> is absent, then the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> structure
-entities contain only core elements of a zone.
-If <tt>Rind</tt> is present, it will provide information on the number
-of rind elements, in addition to the core elements, that are contained
-in the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures.
-Note that the usage of rind data with respect to the size of the
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures is different under <tt>Elements_t</tt>
-than elsewhere.
-For example, when rind coordinate data is stored under
-<a href="#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>, the parameter
-<tt>VertexSize</tt> accounts for the core data only.
-The size of the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures containing the grid
-coordinates is determined by the <tt>DataSize</tt> function, which adds
-the number of rind planes or points to <tt>VertexSize</tt>.
-But for the element connectivity, the size of the <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-structures containing the connectivity data is just
-<tt>ElementDataSize</tt>, which depends on <tt>ElementSize</tt>, and
-includes both the core and rind elements.
-<tt>ElementRange</tt> contains the index of the first and last elements
-defined in <a href="#ElementConnectivity"><tt>ElementConnectivity</tt></a>.
-The elements are indexed with a global numbering system, starting at 1,
-for all element sections under a given
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> data structure.
-The global numbering insures that each element, whether it's a cell,
-a face, or an edge, is uniquely identified by its number.
-They are also listed as a continuous list of element numbers within any
-single element section.
-Therefore the number of elements in a section is:
-  ElementSize = ElementRange.end - ElementRange.start + 1
-The element indices are used for the boundary condition and zone
-connectivity definition.
-<tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt> indicates if the elements are sorted, and how
-many boundary elements are recorded.
-By default, <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt> is set to zero, indicating that
-the elements are not sorted.
-If the elements are sorted, <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt> is set to the
-number of elements at the boundary.
-  ElementSizeInterior = ElementSize - ElementSizeBoundary
-<a name="ElementType"></a>
-<tt>ElementType_t</tt> is an enumeration of the supported element types:
-  ElementType_t := Enumeration(
-     ElementTypeNull, ElementTypeUserDefined, NODE, BAR_2, BAR_3,
-     TRI_3, TRI_6, QUAD_4, QUAD_8, QUAD_9,
-     TETRA_4, TETRA_10, PYRA_5, PYRA_14,
-     PENTA_6, PENTA_15, PENTA_18, HEXA_8, HEXA_20, HEXA_27,
-     MIXED, PYRA_13, NGON_n, NFACE_n,
-     BAR_4, TRI_9, TRI_10, QUAD_12, QUAD_16,
-     TETRA_16, TETRA_20, PYRA_21, PYRA_29, PYRA_30,
-     PENTA_24, PENTA_38, PENTA_40, HEXA_32, HEXA_56, HEXA_64 );
-The conventions for element numbering for the various supported types
-are described in <a href="conv.html#unstructgrid">Unstructured Grid
-Element Numbering Conventions</a>.
-<a name="ElementConnectivity"></a>
-For all element types except <tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt>
- contains the list of nodes for each element.
-If the elements are sorted, then it must first list the connectivity of
-the boundary elements, then that of the interior elements.
-  ElementConnectivity = Node1<sub>1</sub>, Node2<sub>1</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>1</sub>,
-                        Node1<sub>2</sub>, Node2<sub>2</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>2</sub>,
-                        ...
-                        Node1<sub>M</sub>, Node2<sub>M</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>M</sub>
-where <tt>M</tt> is the total number of elements (i.e.,
-<tt>ElementSize</tt>), and <tt>N</tt> is the number of nodes per element.
-<tt>ElementDataSize</tt> indicates the total size (number of integers)
-of the array <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt>.
-For all element types except <tt>MIXED</tt>, <tt>NGON_n</tt>, and
-<tt>NFACE_n</tt>, <tt>ElementDataSize</tt> is given by:
-  ElementDataSize = ElementSize * NPE[ElementType]
-where <tt>NPE[ElementType]</tt> is a function returning the number of
-nodes for the given <tt>ElementType</tt>.
-For example, <tt>NPE[HEXA_8]=8</tt>.
-When the section <tt>ElementType</tt> is <tt>MIXED</tt>, the data array
-<tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> contains one extra integer per element, to
-hold each individual element type:
-  ElementConnectivity = Etype<sub>1</sub>, Node1<sub>1</sub>, Node2<sub>1</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>1</sub>,
-                        Etype<sub>2</sub>, Node1<sub>2</sub>, Node2<sub>2</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>2</sub>,
-                        ...
-                        Etype<sub>M</sub>, Node1<sub>M</sub>, Node2<sub>M</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>M</sub>
-where again <tt>M</tt> is the total number of elements, and
-<tt>N</tt><sub><i>i</i></sub> is the number of nodes in element <i>i</i>.
-The data array <tt>ElementStartOffset</tt> contains the starting positions of each element in the <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> data array
-and its last value corresponds to the ElementConnectivity total size:
-  ElementStartOffset  = 0, NPE[Etype<sub>1</sub>] + 1, ... ElementStartOffset[n-1] + NPE[Etype<sub>n</sub>] + 1,
-                        ..., ElementStartOffset[M-1] + NPE[Etype<sub>M</sub>] + 1 = ElementDataSize
-In the case of <tt>MIXED</tt> element section, <tt>ElementDataSize</tt> is
-given by:
-<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;ElementDataSize</tt> = &sum;(<tt>NPE[ElementType</tt><sub><i>n</i></sub><tt>] + 1</tt>)
-where the summation is over <i>n</i>, and <i>n</i> represents a specific
-element type.
-Arbitrary polyhedral elements may be defined using the <tt>NGON_n</tt>
-and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element types.
-The <tt>NGON_n</tt> element type is used to specify all the faces in the
-grid, and the <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element type is then used to define the
-polyhedral elements as a collection of these faces.
-Except for boundary faces, each face of a polyhedral element must be
-shared by another polyhedral element.
-For example, for <tt>NGON_n</tt>, the data array <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt>
-contains a list of nodes making up each face in the grid while <tt>ElementStartOffset</tt>
-provides the starting position of each face in the <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> array:
-  ElementConnectivity = Node1<sub>1</sub>, Node2<sub>1</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>1</sub>,
-                        Node1<sub>2</sub>, Node2<sub>2</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>2</sub>,
-                        ...
-                        Node1<sub>M</sub>, Node2<sub>M</sub>, ... NodeN<sub>M</sub>
-  ElementStartOffset  = 0, Nnodes<sub>1</sub>, Nnodes<sub>1</sub> + Nnodes<sub>2</sub>, ...
-                        ..., ElementStartOffset[i-1] + Nnodes<sub>i</sub>,
-                        ..., ElementStartOffset[M-1] + Nnodes<sub>M</sub> = ElementDataSize
-where here <tt>M</tt> is the total number of faces, and
-<tt>Nnodes</tt><sub><i>i</i></sub> is the number of nodes in face <i>i</i>.
-The <tt>ElementDataSize</tt> is the total number of nodes defining all
-the faces.
-Note that the number of nodes in face <i>i</i> is given by:
-<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;Nnodes<sub>i</sub></tt> = <tt>ElementStartOffset[i+1] - ElementStartOffset[i]</tt>
-Then for <tt>NFACE_n</tt>, <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> contains the
-list of face elements making up each polyhedral element, while <tt>ElementStartOffset</tt>
-provides the starting position of each polyhedral element in the <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> array:
-  ElementConnectivity = Face1<sub>1</sub>, Face2<sub>1</sub>, ... FaceN<sub>1</sub>,
-                        Face1<sub>2</sub>, Face2<sub>2</sub>, ... FaceN<sub>2</sub>,
-                        ...
-                        Face1<sub>M</sub>, Face2<sub>M</sub>, ... FaceN<sub>M</sub>
-  ElementStartOffset  = 0, Nfaces<sub>1</sub>, Nfaces<sub>1</sub> + Nfaces<sub>2</sub>, ...
-                        ..., ElementStartOffset[i-1] + Nfaces<sub>i</sub>,
-                        ..., ElementStartOffset[M-1] + Nfaces<sub>M</sub> = ElementDataSize
-where now <tt>M</tt> is the total number of polyhedral elements, and
-<tt>Nfaces</tt><sub><i>i</i></sub> is the number of faces in element <i>i</i>.
-The sign of the face number determines its orientation (i.e., the
-direction of the face normal, constructed as defined by the
-<a href="conv.html#unst_2d">convention for 2-D elements</a>).
-If the face number is positive, the face normal is directed outward; if
-it's negative, the face normal is directed inward.
-The <tt>ElementDataSize</tt> is the sum of the number of faces defining
-each polyhedral element.
-Note that the number of faces in element <i>i</i> is given by:
-<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;Nfaces<sub>i</sub></tt> = <tt>ElementStartOffset[i+1] - ElementStartOffset[i]</tt>
-For face elements in 3-D, or bar element in 2-D, additional data may be provided
-for each element in <tt>ParentElements</tt> and <tt>ParentElementsPosition</tt>.
-The element numbers of the two adjacent cells for each face are given in
-<tt>ParentElements</tt>. The corresponding canonical positions of the face in the
-two parent cells is given in <tt>ParentElementsPosition</tt>; these canonical
-face positions are defined in the section
-<a href="conv.html#unstructgrid">Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions</a>.
-For faces on the boundary of the domain, the second parent is set to zero.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="element_example"></a>
-<h3>7.4 Elements Examples</h3>
-This section contains four examples of elements definition in CGNS.
-The first example is for a simple three-element tetrahedral grid, using
-the <tt>TETRA_4</tt> element type.
-The second example is for the same grid as the first example, but the
-elements are treated as general polyhedra to illustrate the use of the
-<tt>NGON_n</tt> and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element types.
-The third and fourth examples are for an unstructured zone with
-15 tetrahedral and 10 hexahedral elements, with the third example
-defining the elements in separate sections for the <tt>TETRA_4</tt> and
-<tt>HEXA_8</tt> element types, and the fourth example combining them
-using the <tt>MIXED</tt> element type.
-<a name="ex:elements1"></a>
-<h4>Example - <tt>TETRA_4</tt> Element Types</h4>
-This example uses the simple three-element tetrahedral grid shown below.
-<a name="f:ex_tetra"></a>
-<img src="gridflow.figs/ex_tetra.gif"
-     alt="Unstructured grid consisting of three tetrahedra"
-     longdesc="gridflow.figs/ex_tetra.html">
-Example Tetrahedral Grid
-The element type is <tt>TETRA_4</tt>, and the connectivity is defined
-in <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> by specifying the four nodes comprising
-each element, with the order consistent with the
-<a href="conv.html#unst_tetra">numbering conventions for tetrahedral
-The data in <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> is grouped by element; note
-that the parentheses are added here for presentation purposes only.
-  Zone_t UnstructuredZone =
-    {{
-    Elements_t TetraElements =
-      {{
-      IndexRange_t ElementRange = [1,3] ;
-      ElementType_t ElementType = TETRA_4 ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, NPE[TETRA_4] &times; 3&gt; ElementConnectivity =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, NPE[TETRA_4] &times; 3) =
-          (1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 5, 3, 6), (2, 6, 3, 4) ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-<a name="ex:elements2"></a>
-<h4>Example - <tt>NGON_n</tt> and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> Element Types</h4>
-This example uses the same grid as in the previous example, but
-treats the elements as general polyhedra to illustrate the use of the
-<tt>NGON_n</tt> and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element types.
-The grid consists of three volume elements, each made up of four face
-elements, with each face defined by three nodes.
-For each face, the nodes comprising that face are listed in
-<tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> for the <tt>NGON_n</tt> element type.
-The <tt>ElementRange</tt> is <tt>[1,10]</tt>, corresponding to the 10
-total faces in the grid.
-The <tt>ElementDataSize</tt> is 30, corresponding to the total of 30
-nodes defining the 10 faces.
-The faces making up the three volume elements are then listed in
-<tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> for the <tt>NFACE_n</tt> element type.
-The <tt>ElementRange</tt> is <tt>[11,13]</tt>, corresponding to the three
-volume elements.
-The <tt>ElementDataSize</tt> is 12, corresponding to three volume
-elements with four faces per element.
-Note that the face numbers for faces 3 and 8 are negative in the
-definition of volume element 3, since their normals point inward for
-that element.
-Again, the parentheses in <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt> are for
-presentation purposes only.
-  Zone_t UnstructuredZone =
-    {{
-    Elements_t NgonElements =
-      {{
-      IndexRange_t ElementRange = [1,10] ;
-      ElementType_t ElementType = NGON_n ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, 30&gt; ElementConnectivity =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, 30) =
-          (1, 3, 2), (1, 2, 4), (2, 3, 4), (3, 1, 4),
-          (2, 3, 5), (2, 5, 6), (5, 3, 6), (3, 2, 6),
-          (2, 6, 4), (6, 3, 4) ;
-        }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, 11&gt; ElementStartOffset =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, 11) =
-           0,  3,  6,  9,
-          12, 15, 18, 21,
-          24, 27, 30 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    Elements_t NfaceElements =
-      {{
-      IndexRange_t ElementRange = [11,13] ;
-      ElementType_t ElementType = NFACE_n ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, 12&gt; ElementConnectivity =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, 12) =
-          ( 1,  2,  3,  4),
-          ( 5,  6,  7,  8),
-          (-8,  9, 10, -3) ;
-        }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, 4&gt; ElementStartOffset =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, 4) =
-           0,  4,  8,  12 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-<a name="ex:elements3"></a>
-<h4>Example - Separate Element Types</h4>
-In this example, elements are defined for an unstructured zone with 15
-tetrahedral and 10 hexahedral elements.
-The elements are written in two separate sections, one for the
-tetrahedral elements and one for the hexahedral elements.
-  Zone_t UnstructuredZone =
-    {{
-    Elements_t TetraElements =
-      {{
-      IndexRange_t ElementRange = [1,15] ;
-      int ElementSizeBoundary = 10 ;
-      ElementType_t ElementType = TETRA_4 ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, NPE[TETRA_4] &times; 15&gt; ElementConnectivity =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, NPE[TETRA_4] &times; 15) = (node(i,j), i=1,NPE[TETRA_4], j=1,15) ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    Elements_t HexaElements =
-      {{
-      IndexRange_t ElementRange = [16,25] ;
-      int ElementSizeBoundary = 0 ;
-      ElementType_t ElementType = HEXA_8 ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, NPE[HEXA_8] &times; 10&gt; ElementConnectivity =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, NPE[HEXA_8] &times; 10) = (node(i,j), i=1,NPE[HEXA_8], j=1,10) ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-<a name="ex:elements4"></a>
-<h4>Example - <tt>MIXED</tt> Element Type</h4>
-In this example, the same unstructured zone described in the previous
-example is written in a single element section of type <tt>MIXED</tt>
-(i.e., an unstructured grid composed of mixed elements).
-  Zone_t UnstructuredZone =
-    {{
-    Elements_t MixedElementsSection =
-      {{
-      IndexRange_t ElementRange = [1,25] ;
-      ElementType_t ElementType = MIXED ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, ElementDataSize&gt; ElementConnectivity =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, ElementDataSize) = (etype(j),(node(i,j),
-             i=1,NPE[etype(j)]), j=1,25) ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;int, 1, 26&gt; ElementStartOffset =
-        {{
-        Data(int, 1, 26) =
-           0, (NPE[etype(j)]+ElementStartOffset[j], j=1,25) ;
-        }} ;
-    }} ;
-<a name="Axisymmetry"></a>
-<h3>7.5 Axisymmetry Structure Definition: <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></h3>
-The <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> data structure allows recording the axis of
-rotation and the angle of rotation around this axis for a two-dimensional
-dataset that represents an axisymmetric database.
-  Axisymmetry_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,2&gt; AxisymmetryReferencePoint ;                  (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,2&gt; AxisymmetryAxisVector ;                      (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,1&gt; AxisymmetryAngle ;                           (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char,2,[32,2]&gt; CoordinateNames ;                       (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>AxisymmetryAngle</tt>, <tt>AxisymmetryAxisVector</tt>,
-     <tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint</tt>, <tt>CoordinateNames</tt>,
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint</tt> and <tt>AxisymmetryAxisVector</tt>
-     are the required fields within the <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> structure.
-<tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint</tt> specifies the origin used for
-defining the axis of rotation.
-<tt>AxisymmetryAxisVector</tt> contains the direction cosines of the
-axis of rotation, through the <tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint</tt>.
-For example, for a 2-D dataset defined in the (<i>x,y</i>) plane,
-if <tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint</tt> contains (0,0) and
-<tt>AxisymmetryAxisVector</tt> contains (1,0), the <i>x</i>-axis is the
-axis of rotation.
-<tt>AxisymmetryAngle</tt> allows specification of the circumferential
-extent about the axis of rotation.
-If this angle is undefined, it is assumed to be 360&deg;.
-<tt>CoordinateNames</tt> may be used to specify the first and second
-coordinates used in the definition of <tt>AxisymmetryReferencePoint</tt>
-and <tt>AxisymmetryAxisVector</tt>.
-If not found, it is assumed that the first coordinate is
-<tt>CoordinateX</tt> and the second is <tt>CoordinateY</tt>.
-The coordinates given under <tt>CoordinateNames</tt>, or implied by
-using the default, must correspond to those found under
-<a href="#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-class for numerical data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-For dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over the corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the CGNS hierarchy, following the
-standard <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="RotatingCoordinates"></a>
-<h3>7.6 Rotating Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></h3>
-The <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt> data structure is used to record
-the rotation center and rotation rate vector of a rotating coordinate
-  RotatingCoordinates_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,PhysicalDimension&gt; RotationCenter ;             (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,PhysicalDimension&gt; RotationRateVector ;         (r)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt> and shall not include
-     the names <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-     <tt>RotationCenter</tt>, or <tt>RotationRateVector</tt>.
-<li> <tt>RotationCenter</tt> and <tt>RotationRateVector</tt> are
-     the required fields within the <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt>
-     structure.
-<tt>RotationCenter</tt> specifies the coordinates of the center of
-rotation, and <tt>RotationRateVector</tt> specifies the components of
-the angular velocity of the grid about the center of rotation.
-Together, they define the angular velocity vector.
-The direction of the angular velocity vector specifies the axis of
-rotation, and its magnitude specifies the rate of rotation.
-For example, for the common situation of rotation about the <i>x</i>-axis,
-<tt>RotationCenter</tt> would be specified as any point on the <i>x</i>-axis,
-like (0,0,0).
-<tt>RotationRateVector</tt> would then be specified as (<i>&omega;</i>,0,0),
-where <i>&omega;</i> is the rotation rate.
-Using the right-hand rule, <i>&omega;</i> would be positive for clockwise
-rotation (looking in the +<i>x</i> direction), and negative for
-counter-clockwise rotation.
-Note that for a rotating coordinate system, the axis of rotation is
-defined in the inertial frame of reference, while the grid coordinates
-stored using the <a href="#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-data structure are relative to the rotating frame of reference.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-class for data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-For dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over the corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the CGNS hierarchy, following the
-standard <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-If rotating coordinates are used, it is useful to store variables
-relative to the rotating frame.
-Standardized data-name identifiers should be used for these
-variables, as defined for flow-solution quantities in the section
-<a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-<a name="FlowSolution"></a>
-<h3>7.7 Flow Solution Structure Definition: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></h3>
-The flow solution within a given zone is described by the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> structure.
-This structure contains a list for the data arrays of the individual
-flow-solution variables, as well as identifying the grid location of the
-It also provides a mechanism for identifying rind-point data included
-within the data arrays.
-  FlowSolution_t&lt; int CellDimension, int IndexDimension,
-                  int VertexSize[IndexDimension],
-                  int CellSize[IndexDimension] &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    Rind_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; Rind ;                                      (o/d)
-    IndexRange&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                            (o)
-    IndexArray&lt;IndexDimension, ListLength[], int&gt; PointList ;          (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, IndexDimension, DataSize[]&gt; 
-          DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                                (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> and shall not include the
-     names <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-     <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt>,
-     or <tt>Rind</tt>.
-<li> There are no required fields for <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>.
-     <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> has a
-     default of <tt>Vertex</tt> if absent.
-     <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> also has a default if
-     absent; the default is equivalent to having an instance of
-     <tt>Rind</tt> whose <tt>RindPlanes</tt> array contains all zeros.
-<li> Both of the fields <tt>PointList</tt> and <tt>PointRange</tt> are
-     optional. Only one of these two fields may be specified.
-<li> The structure parameter <tt>DataType</tt> must be consistent with
-     the data stored in the
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-     structure entities; <tt>DataType</tt> is
-     <tt>real</tt> for all flow-solution identifiers defined in
-     the section <a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name
-     Identifiers</a>.
-<li> For unstructured zones
-     <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-     options are limited to <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>CellCenter</tt>,
-     unless one of <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt> is present.
-<li> Indexing of data within the
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> structure
-     must ne consistent with the associated numbering of vertices or elements.
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> requires four structure parameters; <tt>CellDimension</tt>
-identifies the dimensionality of cells or elements,
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> identifies the dimensionality of the grid-size
-arrays, and <tt>VertexSize</tt> and <tt>CellSize</tt> are the number of
-core vertices and cells, respectively, in each index direction,
-excluding rind points.
-For structured zones, core vertices and cells begin at <tt>[1,1,1]</tt>
-(in 3-D) and end at <tt>VertexSize</tt> and <tt>CellSize</tt>,
-For unstructured zones, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> is always 1.
-The flow solution data is stored in the list of
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities; each
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure entity may contain a single component of
-the solution vector.
-Standardized data-name identifiers for the flow-solution quantities are
-described in the section <a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name
-The field <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-specifies the location of the solution data with respect to the grid;
-if absent, the data is assumed to coincide with grid vertices (i.e.,
-<tt>GridLocation = Vertex</tt>).
-All data within a given instance of <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> must reside
-at the same grid location.
-For structured grids, the value of <tt>GridLocation</tt> alone specifies the
-location and indexing of the flow solution data. Vertices are explicitly indexed.
-Cell centers and face centers are indexed using the minimum of the connecting
-vertex indices, as described in the section
-<a href="conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</a>.
-For unstructured grids, the value of <tt>GridLocation</tt> alone specifies
-location and indexing of flow solution data only for vertex and cell-centered data.
-The reason for this is that element-based grid connectivity provided in the
-<a href="#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> data structures explicitly indexes only
-vertices and cells. For data stored at alternate grid locations (e.g., edges),
-additional connectivity information is needed. This is provided by the optional
-fields <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt>; these refer to vertices,
-edges, faces or cell centers, depending on the values of <tt>CellDimension</tt>
-and <tt>GridLocation</tt>. The following table shows these relations.
-The <tt>NODE</tt> element type should not be used in place of the vertex. A
-vertex <tt>GridLocation</tt> should use the <tt>GridLocation = Vertex</tt> pattern,
-which implies an indexing on the grid coordinates arrays and not a <tt>NODE</tt>
-<tt>Elements_t</tt> array.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border>
-<tr align=center>
-  <th rowspan=2>CellDimension</th>
-  <th colspan=4>GridLocation</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <th>Vertex</th>
-  <th>EdgeCenter</th>
-  <th>*FaceCenter</th>
-  <th>CellCenter</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>1</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (line elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>2</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (area elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>3</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>faces</td>
-  <td>cells (volume elements)</td>
-<i>Note</i>: In the table, *FaceCenter stands for the possible types:
-<tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>,
-or <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-Although intended for edge or face-based solution data for unstructured grids,
-the fields <tt>PointRange/List</tt> may also be used to (redundantly) index vertex
-and cell-centered data. In all cases, indexing of flow solution data corresponds
-to the element numbering as defined in the <a href="#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-data structures.
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is an optional field
-that indicates the number of rind planes (for
-structured grids) or rind points or elements (for unstructured grids)
-included in the data.
-Its purpose and function are identical to those described for the
-<a href="#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a> structure.
-Note, however, that the <tt>Rind</tt> in this structure is independent
-of the <tt>Rind</tt> contained in <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>.
-They are not required to contain the same number of rind planes or
-Also, the location of any flow-solution rind points is assumed to be
-consistent with the location of the core flow solution points (e.g.,
-if <tt>GridLocation = CellCenter</tt>,
-rind points are assumed to be located at fictitious cell centers).
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-class for data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-For dimensional flow solution data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over the corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the CGNS hierarchy, following the
-standard <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="ListLength_flow"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>Listlength[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: <tt>int</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> requires the structure function <tt>ListLength</tt>,
-which is used to specify the number of entities (e.g. vertices) corresponding
-to a given <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>. If <tt>PointRange</tt> is
-specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is obtained from the number of points
-(inclusive) between the beginning and ending indices of <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-If <tt>PointList</tt> is specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is the number of
-indices in the list of points. In this situation, <tt>ListLength</tt> becomes
-a user input along with the indices of the list <tt>PointList</tt>. By <i>user</i>
-we mean the application code that is generating the CGNS database.
-<a name="DataSize_flow"></a>
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>DataSize[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: one-dimensional <tt>int</tt> array of length <tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize[]</tt>, <tt>CellSize[]</tt>, <tt>GridLocation</tt>,
-<tt>Rind</tt>, <tt>ListLength[]</tt>
-The function <tt>DataSize[]</tt> is the size of flow solution data arrays.
-If <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is absent then
-<tt>DataSize</tt> represents only the core points; it will be
-the same as <tt>VertexSize</tt> or <tt>CellSize</tt> depending on
-<a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>.  The
-definition of the function <tt>DataSize[]</tt> is as follows:
-  if (PointRange/PointList is present) then
-    {
-    DataSize[] = ListLength[] ;
-    }
-  else if (Rind is absent) then
-    {
-    if (GridLocation = Vertex) or (GridLocation is absent)
-      {
-      DataSize[] = VertexSize[] ;
-      }
-    else if (GridLocation = CellCenter) then
-      {
-      DataSize[] = CellSize[] ;
-      }
-    }
-  else if (Rind is present) then
-    {
-    if (GridLocation = Vertex) or (GridLocation is absent) then
-      {
-      DataSize[] = VertexSize[] + [a + b,...] ;
-      }
-    else if (GridLocation = CellCenter)
-      {
-      DataSize[] = CellSize[] + [a + b,...] ;
-      }
-    }
-where <tt>RindPlanes = [a,b,...]</tt> (see the
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a> structure for the
-definition of <tt>RindPlanes</tt>).
-<a name="flow_example"></a>
-<h3>7.8 Flow Solution Example</h3>
-This section contains an example of the flow solution entity, including
-the designation of grid location and rind planes and data-normalization
-<a name="ex:flow"></a>
-<h4>Example - Flow Solution</h4>
-Conservation-equation variables (<i>&rho;</i>, <i>&rho;u</i>, <i>&rho;v</i>, 
-and <i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub>)
-for a 2-D grid of size 11 &times; 5.
-The flowfield is cell-centered with two planes of rind data.
-The density, momentum and stagnation energy
-data is nondimensionalized with respect to a freestream reference state
-whose quantities are dimensional.
-The freestream density and pressure are used for normalization; these
-values are 1.226 kg/m<sup>3</sup> and
-1.0132&times;10<sup>5</sup> N/m<sup>2</sup> (standard atmosphere conditions).
-The data-name identifier conventions for the conservation-equation
-variables are <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>
-and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>.
-  !  CellDimension = 2
-  !  IndexDimension = 2
-  !  VertexSize = [11,5]
-  !  CellSize = [10,4]
-  FlowSolution_t&lt;2, [11,5], [10,4]&gt; FlowExample =
-    {{
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation = CellCenter ;
-    Rind_t&lt;2&gt; Rind =
-      {{
-      int[4] RindPlanes = [2,2,2,2] ;
-      }} ;
-    DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByDimensional ;
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits = 
-      {{ 
-      MassUnits        = Kilogram ;
-      LengthUnits      = Meter ;
-      TimeUnits        = Second ;
-      TemperatureUnits = TemperatureUnitsNull ;
-      AngleUnits       = AngleUnitsNull ;
-      }} ;
-    !  DataType = real
-    !  Dimension = 2
-    !  DataSize = CellSize + [4,4] = [14,8]
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [14,8]&gt; Density =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [14,8]) = ((rho(i,j), i=-1,12), j=-1,6) ;
-      DataConversion_t DataConversion =
-        {{
-        ConversionScale  = 1.226 ;
-        ConversionOffset = 0 ;
-        }} ;
-      DimensionalExponents_t DimensionalExponents =
-        {{
-        MassExponent        = +1 ;
-        LengthExponent      = -3 ;
-        TimeExponent        =  0 ;
-        TemperatureExponent =  0 ;
-        AngleExponent       =  0 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [14,8]&gt; MomentumX =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [14,8]) = ((rho_u(i,j), i=-1,12), j=-1,6) ;
-      DataConversion_t DataConversion =
-        {{
-        ConversionScale  = 352.446 ;
-        ConversionOffset = 0 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [14,8]&gt; MomentumY =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [14,8]) = ((rho_v(i,j), i=-1,12), j=-1,6) ;
-      DataConversion_t DataConversion =
-        {{
-        ConversionScale  = 352.446 ;
-        ConversionOffset = 0 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [14,8]&gt; EnergyStagnationDensity =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 2, [14,8]) = ((rho_e0(i,j), i=-1,12), j=-1,6) ;
-      DataConversion_t DataConversion =
-        {{
-        ConversionScale  = 1.0132e+05 ;
-        ConversionOffset = 0 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;
-    }} ;
-The value of <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-indicates the data is at cell centers, and the value of
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>RindPlanes</tt></a> specifies two rind
-planes on each face of the zone.
-The resulting value of the structure function
-<a href="#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize</tt></a> is the number of cells
-plus four in each coordinate direction; this value is passed to each of
-the <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-Since the data are all nondimensional and normalized by dimensional
-reference quantities, this information is stated in
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> and
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-at the <a href="#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a> level
-rather than attaching the appropriate <tt>DataClass</tt> and
-<tt>DimensionalUnits</tt> to each
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entity.
-It could possibly be at even higher levels in the hierarchy.
-The contents of <a href="data.html#DataConversion"><tt>DataConversion</tt></a>
-are in each case the denominator of the normalization; this is
-for density,
-(<i>p</i><sub>&infin;</sub> <i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>)<sup>1/2</sup>
-for momentum, and
-for stagnation energy.
-The dimensional exponents are specified for density.
-For all the other data, the dimensional exponents are to be inferred
-from the data-name identifiers.
-Note that no information is provided to identify the actual reference
-state or indicate that it is freestream.
-This information is not needed for data manipulations involving
-renormalization or changing the units of the converted raw data.
-<a name="ZoneSubRegion"></a>
-<h3>7.9 Zone Subregion Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></h3>
-The <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> node allows for the ability to give flowfield or
-other information over a subset of the entire zone in a CGNS file.
-This subset may be over a portion of a boundary, or it may be over a portion
-of the entire field.
-  ZoneSubRegion_t&lt; int IndexDimension, int CellDimension &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                         (o)
-    int RegionCellDimension ;                                                  (o/d)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                              (o/d)
-    IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                                  (r:o:o:o)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, ListLength, int&gt; PointList ;                  (o:r:o:o)
-    Descriptor_t BCRegionName ;                                                (o:o:r:o)
-    Descriptor_t GridConnectivityRegionName ;                                  (o:o:o:r)
-    Rind_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; Rind;                                               (o/d)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, ListLength[]&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ; (o)
-    FamilyName_t FamilyName ;                                                  (o)
-    List( AdditionalFamilyName_t AddFamilyName1 ... AddFamilyNameN ) ;         (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                                    (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                                      (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;          (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>RegionCellDimension</tt>, <tt>Rind</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt>,
-     <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>BCRegionName</tt>, <tt>GridConnectivityRegionName</tt>,
-     <tt>FamilyName</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> <tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> must be equal to or less than the
-     cell dimension for the zone. If absent, then its default value is
-     <tt>CellDimension</tt>.
-<li> <tt>GridLocation</tt> has a default value of <tt>Vertex</tt> if absent.
-     Permissible values of <tt>GridLocation</tt> are determined by
-     <tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> (see below). All data within a given
-     instance of <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> must reside at the same grid location.
-<li> The extent of the region and distribution of its data is specified by one of
-     <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>BCRegionName</tt>, or
-     <tt>GridConnectivityRegionName</tt>. One and only one of these must be specified.
-The extent of the subregion and the distribution of data within that subregion
-is determined by <tt>RegionCellDimension</tt>, <tt>GridLocation</tt>, and one of
-<tt>PointRange/List</tt>, <tt>BCRegionName</tt>, or <tt>GridConnectivityRegionName</tt>.
-For a 3-D subregion (<tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> = 3), data can be located
-at vertices, edges, face centers or cell centers.
-For a 2-D subregion (<tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> = 2),
-data can be located at vertices, edges or cell centers (i.e. area elements).
-It is anticipated that one of the widest uses for <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt>
-will be to store specific boundary-only information. For example, in a 3-D simulation,
-one may wish to store additional data on surfaces. In this case, the
-<tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> would be set to 2.
-<tt>PointRange/List</tt> refer to vertices, edges, faces or cell centers,
-depending on the values of <tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> and <tt>GridLocation</tt>.
-Note that it is both the dimensionality of the zone (<tt>CellDimension</tt>)
-as well as the dimensionality of the subregion (<tt>RegionCellDimension</tt>),
-that determines the types of elements
-permissible in <tt>PointRange/List</tt>. The following table shows these relations.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border>
-<tr align=center>
-  <th rowspan=2>CellDimension</th>
-  <th rowspan=2>RegionCellDimension</th>
-  <th colspan=4>GridLocation</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <th>Vertex</th>
-  <th>EdgeCenter</th>
-  <th>*FaceCenter</th>
-  <th>CellCenter</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>1</td>
-  <td>1</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (line elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>2</td>
-  <td>1</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>2</td>
-  <td>2</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (area elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>3</td>
-  <td>1</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>3</td>
-  <td>2</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>faces</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>3</td>
-  <td>3</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>faces</td>
-  <td>cells (volume elements)</td>
-<i>Note</i>: In the table, *FaceCenter stands for the possible types:
-<tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>,
-or <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-For both structured and unstructured grids, <tt>GridLocation</tt> = <tt>Vertex</tt>
-means that <tt>PointRange/List</tt> refers to vertex indices. For structured grids,
-edges, faces and cell centers are indexed using the minimum of the
-connecting vertex indices, as described in the section
-<a href="conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</a>.
-For unstructured grids, edges, faces and
-cell centers are indexed using their element numbering, as defined in
-the <a href="#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> data structures.
-If the vertices or elements of the subregion are continuously numbered,
-then <tt>PointRange</tt> may be used. Otherwise, <tt>PointList</tt>
-should be used to list the vertices/elements. Alternatively, if
-the data locations and range of the subregion coincide with an existing
-BC region or zone-to-zone GridConnectivity region, then <tt>BCRegionName</tt>
-or <tt>GridConnectivityRegionName</tt> may be used.
-<tt>BCRegionName</tt> is a string giving the name of an existing
-<a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> node of the current zone.
-<tt>GridConnectivityRegionName</tt> is a string giving the name of an existing
-<a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-or <a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-node of the current zone.
-The name referred to should be unambiguous.
-Consistent with <a href="#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-the subregion’s solution data is stored in the list of
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities;
-each <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure entity contains a single quantity.
-Standardized data-name identifiers for solution quantities are described
-in the section <a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-As noted above, all solution data
-within a given subregion must reside at the same grid location.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default class
-for data contained in the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> entities. For dimensional
-flow solution data, <a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of units employed. If present, these two entities
-take precedence over the corresponding entities at higher levels of the
-CGNS hierarchy, following the standard <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-<tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> requires the structure function
-<a href="bc.html#ListLength"><tt>ListLength[]</tt></a>,
-which is used to specify the number
-of data points (e.g. vertices, cell centers, face centers, edge centers)
-corresponding to the given <tt>PointRange/List</tt>.
-If <tt>PointRange</tt> is specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is obtained
-from the number of points (inclusive) between the beginning and ending indices
-of <tt>PointRange</tt>. If <tt>PointList</tt> is specified,
-then <tt>ListLength</tt> is the number of indices in the list of points.
-In this situation, <tt>ListLength</tt> becomes a user input along with the
-indices of the list <tt>PointList</tt>. By <i>user</i> we mean the application
-code that is generating the CGNS database.
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is an optional field that indicates the
-number of rind planes (for structured grids) or rind points (for unstructured grids).
-If <tt>Rind</tt> is absent, then the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structure entities contain
-only core data of length <tt>ListLength</tt>, as defined for this region.
-If <tt>Rind</tt> is present, it will provide information on the number of
-rind elements, in addition to the <tt>ListLength</tt>, that are contained
-in the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures. The bottom line is that <tt>Rind</tt>
-simply adds a specified number to <tt>ListLength</tt>,
-as used by the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> structures.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a> data structure
-allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored.
-There may be multiple instances of <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> in a given zone.
-These may simply be multiple regions defined for a single solution,
-or they may be associated with different times / different solutions in a
-time-dependent simulation (in which case
-<a href="timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData">ZoneIterativeData</a> should be
-used to associate them).
-All <tt>FamilyName</tt> and <tt>AdditionalFamilyName</tt> entries should respect
-the rules defined in 
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#BaseLevelFamilies">Base Level Families</a> and
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>.
-<a name="subreg_example"></a>
-<h3>7.10 Zone Subregion Examples</h3>
-This section contains four examples of Zone Subregions, including
-the use of <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>BCRegionName</tt>.
-<h4>Example - Volume Subregion for a Structured Grid</h4>
-For this example, it is assumed that a 1-zone 3-D structured grid exists
-of size (197×97×33). Inside of this zone, the user wishes to output a
-special subset region of interior data (say, temperature and kinematic viscosity)
-at the specific cell-center locations i = 121-149, j = 17-45, k = 21-23.
-Even though this same data may possibly exist under <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-(which holds the flowfield data for the entire zone), this particular location
-may represent a special region of interest where the user wants to focus attention
-or output different types of flowfield variables or user-defined data.
-Note that for structured grids, the location list always references grid nodes;
-in this case with <tt>GridLocation</tt> = <tt>Cellcenter</tt> the cell centers
-are indexed by the minimum i, j, and k indices of the connecting vertices.
-Under Zone_t:
-  ZoneSubRegion_t&lt;3,3&gt; Region1 =
-    {{
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation = CellCenter ;
-    int RegionCellDimension = 3;
-    IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[3] Begin = [121,17,21];
-      int[3] End = [149,45,21];
-      }};
-    ! ListLength = (149-121+1)*(45-17+1)*(23-21+1) = 29*29*3 = 2523
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,2523&gt; Temperature =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,2523) = temperature at the cell centers specified
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,2523&gt; ViscosityKinematic =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,2523) = kinematic viscosity at the cell centers specified
-      }} ;
-    }} ; ! end Region1
-<h4>Example - Volume Subregion for an Unstructured Grid</h4>
-This example is like the previous one, except it is for an unstructured zone.
-Inside of this zone, the user wishes to output a special subset region of
-data (say, temperature and kinematic viscosity) at a specific list of 2523
-element cell-center locations, located somewhere within the (larger) field
-of elements. Recall that when <tt>GridLocation</tt> is anything other than
-<tt>Vertex</tt> in conjunction with unstructured grids, then the location list
-represents element numbers and not grid node numbers.
-Under Zone_t:
-  ZoneSubRegion_t&lt;1,3&gt; Region1 =
-    {{
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation = CellCenter ;
-    int RegionCellDimension = 3;
-    IndexArray_t&lt;1,2523,int&gt; PointList =
-      {{
-      int[1] ElementList = list of 3-D element numbers where region data given
-      }} ;
-    ! ListLength = length of the element list = 2523
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,2523&gt; Temperature =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,2523) = temperature at the element cell centers specified
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,2523&gt; ViscosityKinematic =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,2523) = kinematic viscosity at the element cell centers specified
-      }} ;
-    }} ; ! end Region1
-<h4>Example - Surface Subregion for an Unstructured Grid</h4>
-In this example, boundary data is output on a 2-D surface subregion of a 3-D problem.
-Because this is data on a topologically 2-D boundary (in a 3-D simulation),
-<tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> is set to 2. <tt>GridLocation</tt> is specified as
-<tt>FaceCenter</tt>. Recall that when <tt>GridLocation</tt> is anything other than
-<tt>Vertex</tt> in conjunction with unstructured grids, then the location list
-represents element numbers and not grid node numbers. Thus, the <tt>PointList/Range</tt>
-indicates particular surface elements (or boundary elements) that need to have been
-defined in the file under their own <tt>Elements_t</tt> node(s),
-separate from the 3-D volume elements that make up the grid.
-In this case, we assume that the surface element numbers at which we are outputting
-data are 5568 through 5592 inclusive. Because the numbers occur in sequential order,
-we can make use of <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-Under Zone_t:
-  ZoneSubRegion_t&lt;1,3&gt; Region1 =
-    {{
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation = FaceCenter ;
-    int RegionCellDimension = 2;
-    IndexArray_t&lt;1,25,int&gt; PointRange =
-      {{
-      int[1] Begin = [5568];
-      int[1] End = [5592];
-      }} ;
-    ! ListLength = length of the element list = 25
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,25&gt; Temperature =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,25) = temperature at the specific face element locations specified
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,25&gt; ViscosityKinematic =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,25) = kinematic viscosity at the specific face element locations specified
-      }} ;
-    }} ; ! end Region1
-<h4>Example - Surface Subregion Utilizing BC Information</h4>
-In this example, boundary data is output at the same locations where the BCs
-are specified in a particular <tt>BC_t</tt> node (in this case the ListLength is 25).
-Note that because this is data on a topologically 2-D boundary (in a 3-D simulation),
-<tt>RegionCellDimension</tt> is set to 2. <tt>GridLocation</tt> is not specified,
-because it is inherited from the <tt>BC_t</tt> node along with the <tt>ListLength</tt>.
-Under Zone_t:
-  ZoneSubRegion_t&lt;1,3&gt; Region1 =
-    {{
-    int RegionCellDimension = 2;
-    Descriptor_t BCRegionName = "name of a ZoneBC/BC_t node" ;
-    ! ListLength = length of the point/element list from BC_t = 25
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,25&gt; Temperature =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,25) = temperature at the specific BC locations specified
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real,1,25&gt; ViscosityKinematic =
-      {{
-      Data(real,1,25) = kinematic viscosity at the specific BC locations specified
-      }} ;
-    }} ; ! end Region1
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-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This document contains the Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)
-definitions for the <a href="http://www.cgns.org">CFD General
-Notation System (CGNS) project</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">; this project was
-originally a NASA-funded contract under the AST program, but control
-has now been completely transferred to a public forum known as the CGNS
-Steering Committee.
-The purpose of this document is to scope the information that should be
-communicated between various CFD application codes; the target is 3-D
-multizone, compressible Navier-Stokes analysis.
-Attention in this document is not focused on I/O routines or formats
-but on the precise description of data that should be present in the I/O
-of a CFD code or in a CFD database.
-This document therefore contains a precise definition of information
-pertinent to a CGNS database.
-Specifically, the following information is addressed:
-<li> <a href="gridflow.html">grid coordinates and elements</a>
-<li> <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution">flow solution data</a>,
-     including <a href="data.html#nondimparam">nondimensional parameters</a>
-<li> <a href="cnct.html">multizone interface connectivity</a>,
-     including abutting and overset
-<li> <a href="bc.html">boundary conditions</a>
-<li> <a href="floweqn.html">flow equation descriptions</a>
-<li> <a href="timedep.html">time-dependent flow</a>
-<li> <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState">reference states</a>
-<li> <a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits">dimensional units</a> and
-     <a href="data.html#DataConversion">nondimensionalization
-     information</a> associated with data
-<li> <a href="misc.html#ConvergenceHistory">convergence history</a>
-<li> <a href="misc.html#Family">association to geometry definition</a>
-<li> <a href="design.html#topology">topologically based hierarchical structures</a>
-This information is encoded into C-like data structures.
-This SIDS document is consistent with CGNS Version 4.1.
-A <a href="changes.html">list of major changes</a> for earlier versions
-is available.  The following is the INDEX:
-<li> <a href="intro.html">1 Introduction</a>
-<li> <a href="design.html">2 Design Philosophy of Standard Interface Data Structures</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="design.html#implications">2.1 Implications of CFD Data Sets</a>
-    <li> <a href="design.html#topology">2.2 Topologically Based Hierarchical Database</a>
-    <li> <a href="design.html#additional">2.3 Additional Design Objectives</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="conv.html">3 Conventions</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="conv.html#notation">3.1 Data Structure Notation Conventions</a>
-    <li> <a href="conv.html#structgrid">3.2 Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</a>
-    <li> <a href="conv.html#unstructgrid">3.3 Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions</a>
-      <ul>
-        <li> <a href="conv.html#unst_line">3.3.1 1-D (Line) Elements</a>
-        <li> <a href="conv.html#unst_2d">3.3.2 2-D (Surface) Elements</a>
-        <li> <a href="conv.html#unst_3d">3.3.3 3-D (Volume) Elements</a>
-        <li> <a href="conv.html#unst_example">3.3.4 Unstructured Grid Example</a>
-      </ul>
-    <li> <a href="conv.html#interfaces">3.4 Multizone Interfaces</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="build.html">4 Building-Block Structure Definitions</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#DataClass">4.1 Definition: <tt>DataClass_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#Descriptor">4.2 Definition: <tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits">4.3 Definition: <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#DimensionalExponents">4.4 Definition: <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#GridLocation">4.5 Definition: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#IndexArray">4.6 Definition: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#IndexRange">4.7 Definition: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="build.html#Rind">4.8 Definition: <tt>Rind_t</tt></a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="data.html">5 Data-Array Structure Definitions</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="data.html#DataArray">5.1 Definition: <tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-      <ul>
-        <li> <a href="data.html#DataConversion">5.1.1 Definition: <tt>DataConversion_t</tt></a>
-      </ul>
-    <li> <a href="data.html#manip">5.2 Data Manipulation</a>
-      <ul>
-        <li> <a href="data.html#dim">5.2.1 Dimensional Data</a>
-        <li> <a href="data.html#normbydim">5.2.2 Nondimensional Data Normalized by Dimensional Quantities</a>
-        <li> <a href="data.html#normbyunkdim">5.2.3 Nondimensional Data Normalized by Unknown Dimensional Quantities</a>
-        <li> <a href="data.html#nondimparam">5.2.4 Nondimensional Parameters</a>
-        <li> <a href="data.html#dimensionless">5.2.5 Dimensionless Constants</a>
-      </ul>
-    <li> <a href="data.html#example">5.3 Data-Array Examples</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="cgnsbase.html">6 Hierarchical Structures</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSLibraryVersion">6.1 CGNS Version</a>
-    <li> <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase">6.2 CGNS Entry Level Structure Definition: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone">6.3 Zone Structure Definition: <tt>Zone_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">6.4 Precedence Rules and Scope Within the Hierarchy</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="gridflow.html">7 Grid Coordinates, Elements, and Flow Solution</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates">7.1 Grid Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#grid_example">7.2 Grid Coordinates Examples</a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#Elements">7.3 Elements Structure Definition: <tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#element_example">7.4 Elements Examples</a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#Axisymmetry">7.5 Axisymmetry Structure Definition: <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates">7.6 Rotating Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution">7.7 Flow Solution Structure Definition: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#flow_example">7.8 Flow Solution Example</a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">7.9 Zone Subregion Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="gridflow.html#subreg_example">7.10 Zone Subregion Examples</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="cnct.html">8 Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">8.1 Zonal Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1">8.2 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="cnct.html#cnct_1to1_example">8.3 1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Examples</a>
-    <li> <a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity">8.4 General Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="cnct.html#cnct_gen_example">8.5 General Interface Connectivity Examples</a>
-    <li> <a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty">8.6 Grid Connectivity Property Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-      <ul>
-        <li> <a href="cnct.html#Periodic">8.6.1 Periodic Interface Structure Definition: <tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>
-        <li> <a href="cnct.html#AverageInterface">8.6.2 Average Interface Structure Definition: <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>
-      </ul>
-    <li> <a href="cnct.html#OversetHoles">8.7 Overset Grid Holes Structure Definition: <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="bc.html">9 Boundary Conditions</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BCstruct">9.1 Boundary Condition Structures Overview</a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#ZoneBC">9.2 Zonal Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BC">9.3 Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>BC_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BCDataSet">9.4 Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BCData">9.5 Boundary Condition Data Structure Definition: <tt>BCData_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BCProperty">9.6 Boundary Condition Property Structure Definition: <tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>
-       <ul>
-         <li> <a href="bc.html#WallFunction">9.6.1 Wall Function Structure Definition: <tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>
-         <li> <a href="bc.html#Area">9.6.2 Area Structure Definition: <tt>Area_t</tt></a>
-       </ul>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BCType">9.7 Boundary Condition Type Structure Definition: <tt>BCType_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BCType_assoc">9.8 Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BC_specdata">9.9 Boundary Condition Specification Data</a>
-    <li> <a href="bc.html#BCexample">9.10 Boundary Condition Examples</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="floweqn.html">10 Governing Flow Equations</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet">10.1 Flow Equation Set Structure Definition: <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#GoverningEquations">10.2 Governing Equations Structure Definition: <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#ModelType">10.3 Model Type Structure Definition: <tt>ModelType_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#GasModel">10.4 Thermodynamic Gas Model Structure Definition: <tt>GasModel_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#ViscosityModel">10.5 Molecular Viscosity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#ThermalConductivityModel">10.6 Thermal Conductivity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#Turbulence">10.7 Turbulence Structure Definitions</a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel">10.8 Thermal Relaxation Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel">10.9 Chemical Kinetics Model Structure Definition: <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#EM">10.10 Electromagnetics Structure Definitions</a>
-    <li> <a href="floweqn.html#flowexample">10.11 Flow Equation Examples</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="timedep.html">11 Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="timedep.html#IterativeData">11.1 Iterative Data Structure Definitions</a>
-    <li> <a href="timedep.html#RigidGridMotion">11.2 Rigid Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion">11.3 Arbitrary Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="timedep.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">11.4 Zone Grid Connectivities
-    <li> <a href="timedep.html#Examplestimedep">11.5 Examples for Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="misc.html">12 Miscellaneous Data Structures</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#ReferenceState">12.1 Reference State Structure Definition: <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#ReferenceStateEx">12.2 Reference State Example</a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#ConvergenceHistory">12.3 Convergence History Structure Definition: <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#DiscreteData">12.4 Discrete Data Structure Definition: <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#IntegralData">12.5 Integral Data Structure Definition: <tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#Family">12.6 Family Data Structure Definition: <tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#GeometryReference">12.7 Geometry Reference Structure Definition: <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#FamilyBC">12.8 Family Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#FamilyBCDataSet">12.9 Family Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData">12.10 User-Defined Data Structure Definition: <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-    <li> <a href="misc.html#Gravity">12.11 Gravity Data Structure Definition: <tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="dataname.html">Appendix A Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="dataname.html#dataname_grid">A.1 Coordinate Systems</a>
-    <li> <a href="dataname.html#dataname_flow">A.2 Flowfield Solution</a>
-    <li> <a href="dataname.html#dataname_turb">A.3 Turbulence Model Solution</a>
-    <li> <a href="dataname.html#dataname_nondim">A.4 Nondimensional Parameters</a>
-    <li> <a href="dataname.html#dataname_char">A.5 Characteristics and Riemann Invariants Based on 1-D Flow</a>
-    <li> <a href="dataname.html#dataname_force">A.6 Forces and Moments</a>
-    <li> <a href="dataname.html#dataname_timedep">A.7 Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-  </ul>
-<li> <a href="twozone.html">Appendix B Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li> <a href="twozone.html#flatplate_layout">B.1 Overall Layout</a>
-    <li> <a href="twozone.html#flatplate_grid">B.2 Grid Coordinates</a>
-    <li> <a href="twozone.html#flatplate_flowfield">B.3 Flowfield Solution</a>
-    <li> <a href="twozone.html#flatplate_connectivity">B.4 Interface Connectivity</a>
-    <li> <a href="twozone.html#flatplate_bc">B.5 Boundary Conditions</a>
-    <li> <a href="twozone.html#flatplate_refstate">B.6 Global Reference State</a>
-    <li> <a href="twozone.html#flatplate_eqs">B.7 Equation Description</a>
-  </ul>
-The complete <a href="sids.tar.gz">CGNS Standard Interface Data
-Structures in HTML form</a> is also available for installation on a
-local system.
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (224K, 861K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c sids.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>sids</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>sids/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>CGNS Standard Interface Data Structures</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-The SIDS document is also maintained separately as a LaTeX document.
-The <a href="sids_tex.tar.gz">SIDS LaTeX files (tarred and gzipped)</a> are
-available, as is the compiled <a href="sids.pdf">sids.pdf</a> document.
-(Because they are maintained separately, the HTML version and the LaTeX/PDF
-version may contain some inadvertent differences.  However, all reasonable
-efforts are made to keep them up-to-date with each other.)
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-(<a href="conv.html"><b>Conventions</b></a>)
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-(<a href="data.html"><b>Data-Array&nbsp;Structure&nbsp;Definitions</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnsbase.html"><b>Hierarchical&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="gridflow.html"><b>Grid&nbsp;Coordinates,&nbsp;Elements,&nbsp;and&nbsp;Flow&nbsp;Solution</b></a>)
-(<a href="cnct.html"><b>Multizone&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Connectivity</b></a>)
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-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>1 Introduction</h2>
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS (CFD General Notation System)</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> is a collection of
-conventions, along with software implementing those conventions, for the
-storage and retrieval of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data.
-The CGNS system is designed to facilitate the exchange of data between
-sites and applications, as well as to help stabilize the archiving of
-fluid dynamic data.
-In today's environment, it is important in many technical arenas to
-maintain detailed records of scientific computations.
-CGNS was designed to help promote a long-lasting and extensible standard
-for this purpose.
-Many companies and institutions choose to adopt the CGNS standard in
-order to increase productivity by (1) reducing the time required to
-translate between data created and used by different applications, and
-(2) increasing the quality, longevity, and re-usability of archived
-The CGNS standard is a conceptual entity established by the
-The CGNS software is a physical product supplied to enable writing and
-reading data according to this standard.
-All CGNS software is completely free and open to anyone.
-By using the supplied software, it is relatively easy for users to
-adhere to most of the standard described in detail in this document.
-The CGNS project originated during 1994 through a series of meetings
-that addressed improved transfer of NASA technology to industry.
-A principal impediment in this process was the disparity in I/O formats
-employed by various flow codes, grid generators, and other utilities,
-and CGNS was conceived as a means to promote "plug-and-play" CFD.
-An agreement was reached to develop CGNS at
-<a href="http://www.boeing.com/">Boeing</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, under NASA Contract
-NAS1-20267, with active participation by a team of CFD researchers from
-NASA's <a href="http://www.larc.nasa.gov/">Langley</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">,
-<a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/">Lewis (now Glenn)</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, and
-<a href="http://www.arc.nasa.gov/">Ames</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> Research Centers,
-McDonnell Douglas Corporation (now part of Boeing), and
-<a href="http://www.boeing.com/commercial/">Boeing Commercial Airplane
-Group</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-This team, which was joined by <a href="http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/">ICEM
-CFD Engineering Corporation</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> of Berkeley, California
-in 1997, undertook the core of the development.
-However, in the spirit of creating a completely open and broadly
-accepted standard, all interested parties were encouraged to
-participate; the <a href="http://www.af.mil/">US Air Force</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link"> and
-<a href="http://www.arnold.af.mil/">Arnold Engineering
-Development Center</a> <img src="../external.png" alt="external link">
-were notably present.
-From the beginning, the purpose was to develop a system that could be
-distributed freely, including all documentation, software and source
-This goal has now been fully realized; further, control of CGNS has been
-completely transferred to a public forum known as the CGNS Steering
-The principal target is the data normally associated with compressible
-viscous flow (i.e., the Navier-Stokes equations), but the standard is
-also applicable to subclasses such as Euler and potential flows. The
-initial release addressed multi-zone grids, flow fields, boundary
-conditions, and zone-to-zone connection information, as well as a number
-of auxiliary items, such as non-dimensionalization, reference states,
-and equation set specifications. Extensions incorporated since then
-include unstructured mesh, connections to geometry definition,
-time-dependent flow, and support for multiple species and chemistry.
-It is worth noting that extensibility is a fundamental design
-characteristic of the system, which in principal could be used for
-other disciplines of computational field physics, such as acoustics or
-electromagnetics, given the willingness of the cognizant scientific
-community to define the conventions.
-The standard format, or paper convention, part of CGNS consists of
-two fundamental pieces. The first, known as the Standard Interface
-Data Structures (SIDS), describes in detail the intellectual content
-of the information to be stored. It defines, for example, the precise
-meaning of a "boundary condition".
-The second, known as the <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>,
-defines the exact location in a
-CGNS file where the data is to be stored.
-The implementation, or software, part of CGNS likewise consists of two
-separate entities.
-CGNS files are read and written by a stand-alone database manager, either
-<a href="../adf/index.html">ADF (Advanced Data Format)</a> or
-<a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF (Hierarchical Data Format)</a>.
-The database manager implements a tree-like data structure, as a
-binary file.
-Since the format of this file is completely controlled by the database
-manager, and since ADF and HDF are both written in ANSI C (Fortran
-wrappers are provided), these files and the database manager itself are
-portable to any environment that supports ANSI C.
-Both ADF and HDF are available separately and constitute useful tools
-for the storage of large quantities of scientific data.
-The underlying database manager, however, implements no knowledge of
-CFD or of the File Mapping.
-To simplify access to CGNS files, a second layer of software known as
-the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a> is provided.
-This layer is in effect an API, or Application Programming Interface for
-The API incorporates knowledge of the CFD data structures, their meaning
-and their location in the file, enabling applications such as flow codes
-and grid generators to access the data in familiar terms.
-The API is therefore the piece of the CGNS system most visible to
-applications developers.
-Like the ADF and HDF database managers, the Mid-Level Library is written
-in ANSI C; all public API routines have Fortran counterparts.
-<a name="intro:outline"></a>
-<h3>Outline of Document</h3>
-This document includes the following sections:
-<dt><a href="design.html">2 Design Philosophy of Standard Interface Data Structures</a>
-Presents the major design philosophies used to develop the CGNS database
-and the encoding of this database into the SIDS; this section also
-provides an overview of the database hierarchy.
-<dt><a href="conv.html">3 Conventions</a>
-Describes the C-like nomenclature conventions used to define the SIDS.
-This section also gives the conventions for structured
-grid indexing and unstructured element numbering, and the
-nomenclature for multizone interfaces.
-<dt><a href="build.html">4 Building-Block Structure Definitions</a>
-Defines low-level building-block structures; these structures are used
-to define all higher-level structures.
-<dt><a href="data.html">5 Data-Array Structure Definitions</a>
-Presents structures for defining data arrays, including dimensional-units
-and nondimensional information.
-<dt><a href="cgnsbase.html">6 Hierarchical Structures</a>
-Defines the top levels of the CGNS hierarchy.
-<dt><a href="gridflow.html">7 Grid Coordinates, Elements, and Flow Solution</a>
-Defines the grid-coordinate, elements, and flow-solution structures.
-<dt><a href="cnct.html">8 Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>
-Defines the multizone interface connectivity structures.
-<dt><a href="bc.html">9 Boundary Conditions</a>
-Defines boundary-condition structures.
-<dt><a href="floweqn.html">10 Governing Flow Equations</a>
-Defines structures for describing governing flow equations.
-<dt><a href="timedep.html">11 Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-Defines structures related to time-dependent flow.
-<dt><a href="misc.html">12 Miscellaneous Data Structures</a>
-Defines miscellaneous structures.
-<dt><a href="dataname.html">Appendix A Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>
-Provides naming conventions for data contained within the CGNS database.
-<dt><a href="twozone.html">Appendix B Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example</a>
-Contains a complete SIDS description of a structured-grid two-zone test case.
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-Last updated 20 May 2016
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-(<a href="conv.html"><b>Conventions</b></a>)
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-(<a href="dataname.html"><b>Conventions&nbsp;for&nbsp;Data-Name&nbsp;Identifiers</b></a>)
-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>12 Miscellaneous Data Structures</h2>
-<li> <a href="#ReferenceState">12.1 Reference State Structure Definition: <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#ReferenceStateEx">12.2 Reference State Example</a>
-<li> <a href="#ConvergenceHistory">12.3 Convergence History Structure Definition: <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#DiscreteData">12.4 Discrete Data Structure Definition: <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#IntegralData">12.5 Integral Data Structure Definition: <tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#Family">12.6 Family Data Structure Definition: <tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#GeometryReference">12.7 Geometry Reference Structure Definition: <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#FamilyBC">12.8 Family Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#FamilyBCDataSet">12.9 Family Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#UserDefinedData">12.10 User-Defined Data Structure Definition: <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#Gravity">12.11 Gravity Data Structure Definition: <tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>
-This section contains miscellaneous structure types for describing
-reference states, convergence history, discrete field data, integral or
-global data, families, and user-defined data.
-<a name="ReferenceState"></a>
-<h3>12.1 Reference State Structure Definition: <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> describes a reference state, which is a list
-of geometric or flow-state quantities defined at a common location or
-Examples of typical reference states associated with CFD calculations
-are freestream, plenum, stagnation, inlet and exit.
-Note that providing a <tt>ReferenceState</tt> description is
-particularly important if items elsewhere in the CGNS database are
-<a href="data.html#normbyunkdim"><tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt></a>.
-  ReferenceState_t :=
-    {
-    Descriptor_t ReferenceStateDescription ;                           (o)
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, or
-     <tt>ReferenceStateDescription</tt>.
-Data-name identifiers associated with <tt>ReferenceState</tt> are shown in
-the table below.
-<a name="t:id_perfect"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Reference State
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Mach</tt><td>
-   <td>Mach number, <i>M</i> = <i>q</i>/<i>c</i><td>
-   <td>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Mach_Velocity</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity scale, <i>q</i><td>
-   <td><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Mach_VelocitySound</tt><td>
-   <td>Speed of sound scale, <i>c</i><td>
-   <td><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds</tt><td>
-   <td>Reynolds number, <i>Re</i> = <i>VL<sub>R</sub></i> / <i>&nu;</i><td>
-   <td>-
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds_Velocity</tt><td>
-   <td>Velocity scale, <i>V</i><td>
-   <td><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds_Length</tt><td>
-   <td>Length scale, <i>L<sub>R</sub></i><td>
-   <td><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic</tt><td>
-   <td>Kinematic viscosity scale, <i>&nu;</i><td>
-   <td><b>L</b><sup>2</sup>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>LengthReference</tt><td>
-   <td>Reference length, <i>L</i><td>
-   <td><b>L</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-In addition, any flowfield quantities (such as <tt>Density</tt>,
-<tt>Pressure</tt>, etc.) can be included in the <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-The reference length <i>L</i> (<tt>LengthReference</tt>) may be necessary for
-<a href="data.html#normbyunkdim"><tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt></a>
-databases, to define the length scale used for nondimensionalizations.
-It may be the same or different from the <tt>Reynolds_Length</tt> used to
-define the Reynolds number.
-Because of different definitions for angle of attack and angle of yaw,
-these quantities are not explicitly defined in the SIDS.
-Instead, the user can unambigouosly denote the freestream velocity      
-vector direction by giving <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and      
-<tt>VelocityZ</tt> in <tt>ReferenceState</tt>, (with the reference state    
-denoting the freestream).
-Care should be taken when defining the reference state quantities to
-ensure consistency.
-(See the discussion in the section on
-<a href="data.html#normbyunkdim">Nondimensional Data Normalized
-by Unknown Dimensional Quantities</a>.)
-For example, if velocity, length, and time are all defined, then the
-velocity stored should be length/time.
-If consistency is not followed, different applications could interpret
-the resulting data in different ways.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the reference state.
-If any reference state quantities are dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-We recommend using the <tt>ReferenceStateDescription</tt> entity to
-document the flow conditions.
-The format of the documentation is currently unregulated.
-<a name="ReferenceStateEx"></a>
-<h3>12.2 Reference State Example</h3>
-An example is presented in this section of a reference state entity that
-contains dimensional data.
-An additional example of a nondimensional reference state is provided in
-the <a href="twozone.html">Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example</a>.
-<h4>Example - Reference State with Dimensional Data</h4>
-A freestream reference state where all data quantities are dimensional.
-Standard atmospheric conditions at sea level are assumed for static
-quantities, and all stagnation variables are obtained using the
-isentropic relations.
-The flow velocity is 200 m/s aligned with the <i>x</i>-axis.
-Dimensional units of kilograms, meters, and seconds are used.
-The data class and system of units are specified at the
-<a href="#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a> level rather
-than attaching this information directly to the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities for
-each reference quantity.
-Data-name identifiers are provided in the section
-<a href="dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>.
-  ReferenceState_t ReferenceState = 
-    {{
-    Descriptor_t ReferenceStateDescription = 
-      {{
-      Data(char, 1, 45) = "Freestream at standard atmospheric conditions" ;
-      }} ;
-    DataClass_t DataClass = Dimensional ;
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits = 
-      {{
-      MassUnits        = Kilogram ;
-      LengthUnits      = Meter ;
-      TimeUnits        = Second ;
-      TemperatureUnits = Kelvin ;
-      AngleUnits       = Radian ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityX = 
-      {{
-      Data(real, 1, 1) = 200. ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityY               = {{ 0. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityZ               = {{ 0. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Pressure                = {{ 1.0132E+05 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Density                 = {{ 1.226 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Temperature             = {{ 288.15 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocitySound           = {{ 340. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; ViscosityMolecular      = {{ 1.780E-05 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; PressureStagnation      = {{ 1.2806E+05 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; DensityStagnation       = {{ 1.449 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TemperatureStagnation   = {{ 308.09 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocitySoundStagnation = {{ 351.6 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; PressureDynamic         = {{ 0.2542E+05 }} ;
-    }} ;                        
-Note that all <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-entities except <tt>VelocityX</tt> have been abbreviated.
-<a name="ConvergenceHistory"></a>
-<h3>12.3 Convergence History Structure Definition: <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></h3>
-Flow solver convergence history information is described by the 
-<tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> structure.
-This structure contains the number of iterations and a list of data
-arrays containing convergence information at each iteration.
-  ConvergenceHistory_t :=
-    {
-    Descriptor_t NormDefinitions ;                                     (o)
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    int Iterations ;                                                   (r)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, Iterations&gt; 
-      DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                                    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, or
-     <tt>NormDefinitions</tt>. 
-<li> <tt>Iterations</tt> is the only required field for
-     <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>.
-<tt>Iterations</tt> identifies the number of iterations for which
-convergence information is recorded.
-This value is also passed into each of the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities,
-defining the length of the data arrays.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the convergence history.
-If any convergence-history data is dimensional,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-Measures used to record convergence vary greatly among current
-flow-solver implementations.
-Convergence information typically includes global forces, norms of
-equation residuals, and norms of solution changes.
-Attempts to systematically define a set of convergence measures within
-the CGNS project have been futile.
-For global parameters, such as forces and moments, a set of
-<a href="dataname.html">standardized data-array identifiers</a> is used.
-For equations residuals and solution changes, no such standard list
-It is suggested that data-array identifiers for norms of equations
-residuals begin with <tt>RSD</tt>, and those for solution changes begin with
-For example, <tt>RSDMassRMS</tt> could be used for the
-<i>L</i><sub>2</sub>-norm (RMS) of mass conservation residuals.
-It is also strongly recommended that <tt>NormDefinitions</tt> be utilized to
-describe the convergence information recorded in the data arrays.
-The format used to describe the convergence norms in <tt>NormDefinitions</tt>
-is currently unregulated.
-<a name="DiscreteData"></a>
-<h3>12.4 Discrete Data Structure Definition: <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> provides a description of generic discrete data (i.e.,
-data defined on a computational grid); it is identical to
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-except for its type name.
-This structure can be used to store field data, such as fluxes or
-equation residuals, that is not typically considered part of the flow
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> contains a list for data arrays, identification of
-grid location, and a mechanism for identifying rind-point data included
-in the data arrays.
-All data contained within this structure must be defined at the same
-grid location and have the same amount of rind-point data.
-  DiscreteData_t&lt; int CellDimension, int IndexDimension,
-                  int VertexSize[IndexDimension],
-                  int CellSize[IndexDimension] &gt; :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    IndexRange&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                            (o)
-    IndexArray&lt;IndexDimension, ListLength[], int&gt; PointList ;          (o)
-    Rind_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; Rind ;                                      (o/d)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, IndexDimension, DataSize[]&gt; 
-          DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                                (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>GridLocation</tt>,
-     <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt>, or <tt>Rind</tt>.
-<li> There are no required fields for <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt>.
-     <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a> has a
-     default of <tt>Vertex</tt> if absent.
-     <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> also has a default if
-     absent; the default is equivalent to having an instance of
-     <tt>Rind</tt> whose <tt>RindPlanes</tt> array contains all zeros.
-<li> Both of the fields <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> are optional.
-     Only one of these two fields may be specified.
-<li> The structure parameter <tt>DataType</tt> must be consistent with the
-     data stored in the <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-     entities.
-<li> For unstructured zones
-     <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-     options are limited to <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>CellCenter</tt>,
-     unless one of <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt> is present.
-<li> Indexing of data within the
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> structures,
-     must be consistent with the associated numbering of vertices or elements.
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> requires four structure parameters;
-<tt>CellDimension</tt> identifies the dimensionality of cells or elements,
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> identifies the dimensionality of the grid size
-arrays, and <tt>VertexSize</tt> and <tt>CellSize</tt> are the number of
-core vertices and cells, respectively, in each index direction,
-excluding rind points.
-For structured zones, core vertices and cells begin at <tt>[1,1,1]</tt>
-(in 3-D) and end at <tt>VertexSize</tt> and <tt>CellSize</tt>,
-For unstructured zones, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> is always 1.
-The arrays of discrete data are stored in the list of
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-The field <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-specifies the location of the data with respect to the grid; if
-absent, the data is assumed to coincide with grid vertices (i.e.,
-<tt>GridLocation = Vertex</tt>).
-All data within a given instance of <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> must reside at the
-same grid location.
-For structured grids, the value of <tt>GridLocation</tt> alone specifies the
-location and indexing of the discrete. Vertices are explicitly indexed.
-Cell centers and face centers are indexed using the minimum of the connecting
-vertex indices, as described in the section
-<a href="conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</a>.
-For unstructured grids, the value of <tt>GridLocation</tt> alone specifies
-location and indexing of discrete data only for vertex and cell-centered data.
-The reason for this is that element-based grid connectivity provided in the
-<a href="#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a> data structures explicitly indexes only
-vertices and cells. For data stored at alternate grid locations (e.g., edges),
-additional connectivity information is needed. This is provided by the optional
-fields <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt>; these refer to vertices,
-edges, faces or cell centers, depending on the values of <tt>CellDimension</tt>
-and <tt>GridLocation</tt>. The following table shows these relations.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border>
-<tr align=center>
-  <th rowspan=2>CellDimension</th>
-  <th colspan=4>GridLocation</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <th>Vertex</th>
-  <th>EdgeCenter</th>
-  <th>*FaceCenter</th>
-  <th>CellCenter</th>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>1</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (line elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>2</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>-</td>
-  <td>cells (area elements)</td>
-</tr><tr align=center>
-  <td>3</td>
-  <td>vertices</td>
-  <td>edges</td>
-  <td>faces</td>
-  <td>cells (volume elements)</td>
-<i>Note</i>: In the table, *FaceCenter stands for the possible types:
-<tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>,
-or <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-Although intended for edge or face-based discrete data for unstructured grids,
-the fields <tt>PointRange/List</tt> may also be used to (redundantly) index vertex
-and cell-centered data. In all cases, indexing of flow solution data corresponds
-to the element numbering as defined in the <a href="#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-data structures.
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is an optional field
-that indicates the number of rind planes (for
-structured grids) or rind points or elements (for unstructured grids)
-included in the data.
-Its purpose and function are identical to those described for the
-<a href="#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a> structure.
-Note, however, that the <tt>Rind</tt> in this structure is independent
-of the <tt>Rind</tt> contained in <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>.
-They are not required to contain the same number of rind planes or
-Also, the location of any flow-solution rind points is assumed to be
-consistent with the location of the core flow solution points (e.g.,
-if <tt>GridLocation = CellCenter</tt>,
-rind points are assumed to be located at fictitious cell centers).
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-For dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>ListLength[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: <tt>int</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>PointList</tt>, <tt>PointRange[]</tt>
-<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> requires the structure function <tt>ListLength</tt>,
-which is used to specify the number of entities (e.g. vertices) corresponding
-to a given <tt>PointRange</tt> or <tt>PointList</tt>. If <tt>PointRange</tt> is
-specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is obtained from the number of points
-(inclusive) between the beginning and ending indices of <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-If <tt>PointList</tt> is specified, then <tt>ListLength</tt> is the number of
-indices in the list of points. In this situation, <tt>ListLength</tt> becomes
-a user input along with the indices of the list <tt>PointList</tt>.
-By <i>user</i> we mean the application code that is generating the CGNS
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>DataSize[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: one-dimensional <tt>int</tt> array of length <tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize[]</tt>, <tt>CellSize[]</tt>,
-              <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>Rind</tt>, <tt>ListLength[]</tt>
-The function <tt>DataSize[]</tt> is the size of discrete-data arrays.
-It is identical to the function
-<a href="gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize[]</tt></a> defined for
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>.
-<a name="IntegralData"></a>
-<h3>12.5 Integral Data Structure Definition: <tt>IntegralData_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>IntegralData_t</tt> provides a description of generic global or
-integral data that may be associated with a particular zone or an entire
-In contrast to <a href="#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>,
-integral data is not associated with any specific field location.
-  IntegralData_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;DataType, 1, 1&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt> or <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>.
-<li> There are no required fields for <tt>IntegralData_t</tt>.
-<li> The structure parameter <tt>DataType</tt> must be consistent with the
-     data stored in the <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-     entities.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default class for data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-For dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="Family"></a>
-<h3>12.6 Family Data Structure Definition: <tt>Family_t</tt></h3>
-Geometric associations need to be set through one layer of indirection.
-That is, rather than setting the geometry data for each mesh entity
-(nodes, edges, and faces), they are associated to intermediate objects.
-The intermediate objects are in turn linked to nodal regions of the
-computational mesh.
-We define a CFD <em>family</em> as this intermediate object.
-This layer of indirection is necessary since there is rarely a 1-to-1
-connection between mesh regions and geometric entities.
-The <tt>Family_t</tt> data structure holds the CFD family data.
-Each mesh surface is linked to the geometric entities of CAD databases
-by a name attribute.
-This attribute corresponds to a family of CAD geometric entities on which
-the mesh face is projected.
-Each one of these geometric entities is described in a CAD file and is not
-redefined within the CGNS file.
-A <tt>Family_t</tt> data structure may be included in the
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> structure for
-each CFD family of the model.
-A hierarchy of <tt>Family_t</tt> nodes can be build by adding a 
-<tt>Family_t</tt> node as child of an existing <tt>Family_t</tt> node.
-One can mimic an existing CAD hierarchy or add another hierarchy for
-special application purpose.
-In case of a tree of <tt>Family_t</tt>, the actual reference to a family
-in the tree should follow the pattern as described in 
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#BaseLevelFamilies"><tt>Base Level Families</tt></a>.
-The <tt>Family_t</tt> structure contains all information pertinent to a
-CFD family.
-This information includes the name attribute or family name, the
-boundary conditions applicable to these mesh regions, and the referencing
-to the CAD databases.
-  Family_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    FamilyBC_t FamilyBC ;                                              (o)
-    List( GeometryReference_t
-          GeometryReference1 ... GeometryReferenceN ) ;                (o)
-    RotatingCoordinates_t RotatingCoordinates ;                        (o)
-    List( Family_t Family1 ... FamilyN ) ;                             (o)
-    List( FamilyName_t FamilyName1 ... FamilyNameN ) ;                 (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    int Ordinal ;                                                      (o)
-    } ;
-<li> All data structures contained in <tt>Family_t</tt> are optional.
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference1_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique at this level and must not include
-     the names <tt>FamilyBC</tt>, <tt>Ordinal</tt>, or
-     <tt>RotatingCoordinates</tt>.
-<li> The CAD referencing data are written in the
-     <a href="#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-     data structures.
-     They identify the CAD systems and databases where the geometric
-     definition of the family is stored.
-<li> The boundary condition type pertaining to a family is contained in
-     the data structure <a href="#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>.
-     If this boundary condition type is to be used, the
-     <a href="bc.html#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a> specified under
-     <a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> must be <tt>FamilySpecified</tt>.
-<li> For the purpose of defining zone properties, families are extended
-     to a volume of cells.
-     In such case, the
-     <a href="#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-     structures are not used.
-<li> The mesh is linked to the family by attributing a family name to a
-     BC patch or a zone in the data structure
-     <a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> or
-     <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>, respectively.
-<li> A hierarchy of families is possible through the list of <tt>FamilyName_t</tt>
-     nodes. These nodes contain both a user defined node name and a
-     family name. The node name <tt>FamilyParent</tt> may be used to specify
-     the family name for the parent of the current <tt>Family_t</tt> node.
-<li> <tt>Ordinal</tt> is defined in the SIDS as a user-defined integer with no
-     restrictions on the values that it can contain.
-     It may be used here to attribute a number to the family.
-<li> A <tt>Family_t</tt> tree structure can be specified using the list of
-     <tt>Family_t</tt> hildren nodes. Into each of these children nodes the note #7
-     can be used to have a back tracking of the node parent.
-Rotation of the CFD family may be defined using the
-<a href="gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-data structure.
-The <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<a name="GeometryReference"></a>
-<h3>12.7 Geometry Reference Structure Definition: <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></h3>
-The standard interface data structure identifies the CAD systems used
-to generate the geometry, the CAD files where the geometry is stored,
-and the geometric entities corresponding to the family.
-The <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> structures contain all the information
-necessary to associate a CFD family to the CAD databases.
-For each <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> structure, the CAD format
-is recorded in <tt>GeometryFormat</tt>, and the CAD file in
-The geometry entity or entities within this CAD file that correspond to
-the family are recorded under the <tt>GeometryEntity_t</tt> nodes.
-  GeometryReference_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GeometryFormat_t GeometryFormat ;                                  (r)
-    GeometryFile_t GeometryFile ;                                      (r)
-    List (GeometryEntity_t GeometryEntity1 ... GeometryEntityN) ;      (o/d)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<a name="GeometryFormat"></a>
-The <tt>GeometryFormat</tt> is an enumeration type that identifies the CAD
-system used to generate the geometry.
-  GeometryFormat_t := Enumeration(
-    GeometryFormatNull,
-    GeometryFormatUserDefined,
-    SDRC,
-    Unigraphics,
-    ProEngineer,
-    ICEM-CFD ) ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <tt>GeometryEntity_t</tt>, and
-     <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique at this level and must not include
-     the names <tt>GeometryFile</tt> or <tt>GeometryFormat</tt>.
-<li> By default, there is only one <tt>GeometryEntity</tt> and its name
-     is the family name.
-<li> There is no limit to the number of CAD files or CAD systems
-     referenced in a CGNS file.
-     Different parts of the same model may be described with different
-     CAD files of different CAD systems.
-<li> Other CAD geometry formats may be added to this list as needed.
-<a name="FamilyBC"></a>
-<h3>12.8 Family Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></h3>
-One of the main advantages of the concept of a layer of indirection
-(called a family here) is that the mesh density and the geometric
-entities may be modified without altering the association between
-nodes and intermediate objects, or between intermediate objects and
-geometric entities.
-This is very beneficial when handling boundary conditions and properties.
-Instead of setting boundary conditions directly on mesh entities,
-or on CAD entities, they may be associated to the intermediate objects.
-Since these intermediate objects are stable in the sense that they are
-not subject to mesh or geometric variations, the boundary conditions
-do not need to be redefined each time the model is modified.
-Using the concept of indirection, the boundary conditions and property
-settings are made independent of operations such as geometric changes,
-modification of mesh topology (i.e., splitting into zones), mesh
-refinement and coarsening, etc.
-The <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> data structure contains the boundary condition
-It is envisioned that it will be extended to hold both material and
-volume properties as well.
-  FamilyBC_t :=
-    {
-    BCType_t BCType;                                                   (r)
-    List( FamilyBCDataSet_t&lt;ListLength&gt; BCDataSet1 ... BCDataSetN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the <a href="#FamilyBCDataSet"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-     list are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> and shall not include the name <tt>BCType</tt>.
-<a href="bc.html#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a> specifies the
-boundary-condition type, which gives general information on the
-boundary-condition equations to be enforced.
-Boundary conditions are to be applied at the locations specified by the
-<a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> structure(s) associated with the
-CFD family.
-The <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> structure provides for a list of
-boundary-condition data sets.
-In general, the proper <a href="#FamilyBCDataSet"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-instance to impose on the CFD family is determined by the
-<a href="bc.html#t:BCType_assoc"><tt>BCType</tt> association table</a>.
-The mechanics of determining the proper data set to impose is described
-in the section <a href="bc.html#BCType_assoc">Matching Boundary
-Condition Data Sets</a>.
-For a few boundary conditions, such as a symmetry plane or polar
-singularity, the value of <a href="bc.html#BCType"><tt>BCType</tt></a>
-completely describes the equations to impose, and no instances of
-<a href="#FamilyBCDataSet"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a> are needed.
-For "simple" boundary conditions, where a single set of Dirichlet and/or
-Neumann data is applied, a single <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> will likely appear
-(although this is not a requirement).
-For "compound" boundary conditions, where the equations to impose
-are dependent on local flow conditions, several instances of
-<tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> will likely appear; the procedure for choosing
-the proper data set is more complex as described in the section
-<a href="bc.html#BCType_assoc">Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</a>.
-<a name="FamilyBCDataSet"></a>
-<h3>12.9 Family Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></h3>
-<tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> contains Dirichlet and Neumann data for a single set
-of boundary-condition equations. Its intended use is for simple boundary-condition types,
-where the equations imposed do not depend on local flow conditions.
-  FamilyBCDataSet_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                  (o)
-    BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple ;                                       (r)
-    BCData_t<1> DirichletData ;                                         (o)
-    BCData_t<1> NeumannData ;                                           (o)
-    ReferenceState_t ReferenceState ;                                   (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                             (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                               (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;   (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a
-     given instance of <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>BCTypeSimple</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>,
-     <tt>DirichletData</tt>, <tt>NeumannData</tt> or <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-<li> <tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> is the only required field. All other fields are optional.
-<a href="bc.html#BCType"><tt>BCTypeSimple</tt></a> specifies the boundary-condition type,
-which gives general information on the boundary-condition equations to be enforced.
-<tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> is also used for matching boundary condition data sets as discussed
-in the section <a href="bc.html#BCType_assoc">Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</a>.
-Boundary-condition data is separated by equation type into Dirichlet and Neumann conditions.
-Dirichlet boundary conditions impose the value of the given variables, whereas Neumann boundary
-conditions impose the normal derivative of the given variables. The mechanics of specifying Dirichlet
-and Neumann data for boundary conditions is covered in section
-<a href="bc.html#BC_specdata">Boundary Condition Specification Data</a>.
-The substructures <tt>DirichletData</tt> and <tt>NeumannData</tt> contain boundary-condition data
-defined as globally constant over the family.
-Reference quantities applicable to the set of boundary-condition data are contained in the
-<a href="#ReferenceState"><tt>ReferenceState</tt></a> structure.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default for the class of
-data contained in the boundary condition data. If the boundary conditions contain dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of dimensional units employed. If present, these three entities take
-precedence over all corresponding entities at higher levels of the hierarchy,
-following the standard <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a> data structure allows arbitrary
-user-defined data to be stored in <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-children without the restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these
-node types at other node locations.
-Note that <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> is similar to the data structure
-<a href="bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>. The
-primary difference is that <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> only allows for globally
-constant Dirichlet and Neumann data.
-<a name="UserDefinedData"></a>
-<h3>12.10 User-Defined Data Structure Definition: <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></h3>
-Since the needs of all CGNS users cannot be anticipated,
-<tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> provides a means of storing arbitrary
-user-defined data in <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>
-and <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-children without the restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these
-node types at other node locations.
-  UserDefinedData_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    IndexRange_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; PointRange ;                          (o)
-    IndexArray_t&lt;IndexDimension, ListLength, int&gt; PointList ;          (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                  (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    FamilyName_t FamilyName ;                                          (o)
-    List( AdditionalFamilyName_t AddFamilyName1 ... AddFamilyNameN ) ; (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    int Ordinal ;                                                      (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance of
-     <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>FamilyName</tt>,
-     <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>Ordinal</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>, or
-     <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-<li> <tt>GridLocation</tt> may be set to <tt>Vertex</tt>,
-     <tt>IFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>JFaceCenter</tt>, <tt>KFaceCenter</tt>,
-     <tt>FaceCenter</tt>, <tt>CellCenter</tt>, or <tt>EdgeCenter</tt>.
-     If <tt>GridLocation</tt> is absent, then its default value is
-     <tt>Vertex</tt>.
-     When <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-     is set to <tt>Vertex</tt>, then <tt>PointList</tt> or
-     <tt>PointRange</tt> refer to node indices, for both structured and
-     unstructured grids.
-     When <tt>GridLocation</tt> is set to <tt>FaceCenter</tt>, then
-     <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt> refer to face elements.
-<li> <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>PointRange</tt>, and <tt>PointList</tt>
-     may only be used when <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> is located below a
-     <tt>Zone_t</tt> structure in the database hierarchy.
-<li> Only one of <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> may be
-     specified.
-<li> Both <tt>FamilyName</tt> and <tt>AdditionalFamilyName</tt> should refer to
-     a <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> level <tt>Family_t</tt>, in the parent base
-     or in another sibling base (see
-     <a href="cgnsbase.html#BaseLevelFamilies">Base Level Families</a>).
-<a name="Gravity"></a>
-<h3>12.11 Gravity Data Structure Definition: <tt>Gravity_t</tt></h3>
-The <tt>Gravity_t</tt> data structure may be used to define the
-gravitational vector.
-  Gravity_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, PhysicalDimension&gt; GravityVector ;            (r)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a> and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>Gravity_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, or
-     <tt>GravityVector</tt>.
-The only required field under the <tt>Gravity_t</tt> data structure is
-<tt>GravityVector</tt>, which contains the components of the gravity
-vector in the coordinate system being used.
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the default
-class for data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entity.
-For dimensional data,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a> may be
-used to describe the system of units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over the corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the CGNS hierarchy, following the
-standard <a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 20 May 2016
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-caption {font-weight: bold;}
-/* Tables of edge & face definitions in Unstructured Grid Element
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-              font-style: italic;
-              font-weight: normal;
-              text-decoration: underline}
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-(<a href="twozone.html"><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>11 Time-Dependent Flow</h2>
-<li> <a href="#IterativeData">11.1 Iterative Data Structure Definitions</a>
-<li> <a href="#RigidGridMotion">11.2 Rigid Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#ArbitraryGridMotion">11.3 Arbitrary Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-<li> <a href="#ZoneGridConnectivity">11.4 Zone Grid Connectivities
-<li> <a href="#Examplestimedep">11.5 Examples for Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-This section describes structure types intended primarily for time-dependent
-Data structures are presented for storing time-dependent or iterative
-data, and for recording rigid and arbitrary grid motion.
-The section concludes with several examples.
-<a name="IterativeData"></a>
-<h3>11.1 Iterative Data Structure Definitions</h3>
-In order to keep a record of time dependent or iterative data, the data
-structures <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> and <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt>
-are used.
-<a name="BaseIterativeData"></a>
-<h4>11.1.1 Base Iterative Data Structure Definition: <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></h4>
-The <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> data structure is located directly under
-the <a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> node.
-It contains information about the number of time steps or iterations
-being recorded, and the time and/or iteration values at each step.
-In addition, it may include the list of zones and families for each step
-of the simulation, if these vary throughout the simulation.
-The <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> data structure is defined as follows:
-  BaseIterativeData_t :=
-    {
-    int NumberOfSteps                                                  (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, NumberOfSteps&gt; TimeValues ;                   (o/r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;int,  1, NumberOfSteps&gt; IterationValues ;              (r/o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;int,  1, NumberOfSteps&gt; NumberOfZones ;                (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;int,  1, NumberOfSteps&gt; NumberOfFamilies ;             (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 3, [65, MaxNumberOfZones, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       ZonePointers ;                                                  (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 3, [65, MaxNumberOfFamilies, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       FamilyPointers ;                                                (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                  (o)
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    }
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>FamilyPointers</tt>,
-     <tt>IterationValues</tt>, <tt>NumberOfFamilies</tt>,
-     <tt>NumberOfZones</tt>, <tt>TimeValues</tt>, or <tt>ZonePointers</tt>.
-<li> <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt> is a required element of the
-     <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> data structure.
-     It holds either the number of time steps or the number of iterations
-     being recorded.
-<li> <tt>TimeValues</tt> or <tt>IterationValues</tt> must be defined.
-     If both are used, there must be a one-to-one correspondence between
-     them.
-<tt>TimeValues</tt> and <tt>IterationValues</tt> are data-name identifiers
-corresponding to the time and iteration values stored in the file.
-When <tt>IterationValues</tt> are used, the iterative data stored in the
-database correspond to values at the end of the associated iteration.
-The data-name identifiers <tt>NumberOfZones</tt> and <tt>ZonePointers</tt>
-are only used if different zone data structures apply to different steps
-of the simulation.
-(See the <a href="#ex:adaptedunstructuredmesh">Adapted Unstructured Mesh
-Similarly, if the geometry varies with time or iteration, then the
-data-name identifiers <tt>NumberOfFamilies</tt> and <tt>FamilyPointers</tt>
-are used to record which <a href="misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-data structure(s) correspond(s) to which step.
-The <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> nodes for
-<tt>ZonePointers</tt> and <tt>FamilyPointers</tt> are defined as
-three-dimensional arrays.
-For each recorded step, the names of all zones and families being
-used for the step may be recorded.
-Note that the names are limited to 65 characters;
-this is the
-maximum size of a name of a zone from another base: 32 chars + '/' + 32 chars.
-Only one '/' character is allowed, then the first token before the '/' is
-the CGNSBase name and the second token is the Zone or Family name.
-If no '/' is found, the name is a Zone or a Family name of the current
-CGNS Base.
-The variables <tt>MaxNumberOfZones</tt> and <tt>MaxNumberOfFamilies</tt>
-represent the maximum number of zones and families that apply to
-one step.
-So if <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt> = 5 and <tt>NumberOfZones</tt> = {2,2,3,4,3},
-then <tt>MaxNumberOfZones</tt> equals 4.
-When <tt>NumberOfZones</tt> and <tt>NumberOfFamilies</tt> vary for
-different stored time steps, the name <tt>Null</tt> is used in
-<tt>ZonePointers</tt> and <tt>FamilyPointers</tt> as appropriate for
-steps in which the <tt>NumberOfZones</tt> or <tt>NumberOfFamilies</tt>
-is less than the <tt>MaxNumberOfZones</tt> or <tt>MaxNumberOfFamilies</tt>.
-Any number of extra <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-nodes are allowed.
-These should be used to record data not covered by this specification.
-<a name="ZoneIterativeData"></a>
-<h4>11.1.2 Zone Iterative Data Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></h4>
-The <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> data structure is located under the
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> node.
-It may be used to record pointers to zonal data for each recorded step of
-the simulation, and is defined as follows:
-  ZoneIterativeData_t&lt; int NumberOfSteps &gt; :=
-    {
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 2, [32, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       RigidGridMotionPointers ;                                       (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 2, [32, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       ArbitraryGridMotionPointers ;                                   (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 2, [32, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       GridCoordinatesPointers ;                                       (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 2, [32, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       FlowSolutionPointers ;                                          (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 2, [32, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       ZoneGridConnectivityPointers ;                                  (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;char, 2, [32, NumberOfSteps]&gt;
-       ZoneSubRegionPointers ;                                         (o)
-    List( DataArray_t&lt;&gt; DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                  (o)
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    }
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>ArbitraryGridMotionPointers</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt>,
-     <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt>,
-     <tt>GridCoordinatesPointers</tt>, <tt>RigidGridMotionPointers</tt>,
-     <tt>ZoneGridConnectivityPointers</tt>, or <tt>ZoneSubRegionPointers</tt>.
-The data arrays with data-name identifiers <tt><i>xxx</i>Pointers</tt>
-contain lists of associated data structures for each recorded time value
-or iteration.
-These data structures contain data at the associated time value, or at
-the end of the associated iteration.
-There is an implied one-to-one correspondence between each pointer
-(from 1, 2, ..., <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt>) and the associated
-<tt>TimeValues</tt> and/or <tt>IterationValues</tt> under
-They refer by name to data structures within the current zone.
-The name <tt>Null</tt> is used when a particular time or iteration
-does not have a corresponding data structure to point to.
-Any number of extra <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-nodes are allowed.
-These should be used to record data not covered by this specification.
-The <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> data structure may not exist without
-the <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> under the
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a> node.
-However <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> may exist without
-<a name="RigidGridMotion"></a>
-<h3>11.2 Rigid Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></h3>
-Adding rigid grid motion information to the CGNS file enables an
-application code to determine the mesh location without the need to
-alter the original mesh definition recorded under
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>.
-A data structure named <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> is used to record the
-necessary data defining a rigid translation and/or rotation of the grid
-The rigid grid motion is recorded independently for each zone of the
-CGNS base.
-Therefore the <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> data structure is located under
-the zone data structure (<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>).
-There may be zero to several <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> nodes under a
-<tt>Zone_t</tt> node.
-The multiple rigid grid motion definitions may be associated with
-different iterations or time steps in the computation.
-This association is recorded under the
-<a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a> data structure.
-  RigidGridMotion_t :=
-    {
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    RigidGridMotionType_t RigidGridMotionType ;                        (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 2, [PhysicalDimension, 2]&gt; OriginLocation ;      (r)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1,  PhysicalDimension&gt;     RigidRotationAngle ;  (o/d)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1,  PhysicalDimension&gt;     RigidVelocity ;       (o)
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1,  PhysicalDimension&gt;     RigidRotationRate ;   (o)
-    List( DataArray_t DataArray1 ... DataArrayN ) ;                    (o)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    } ;
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>DataClass</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>OriginLocation</tt>,
-     <tt>RigidGridMotionType</tt>, <tt>RigidRotationAngle</tt>,
-     <tt>RigidRotationRate</tt>, or <tt>RigidVelocity</tt>.
-<li> <tt>RigidGridMotionType</tt> and <tt>OriginLocation</tt>are the
-     only required elements under <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt>.
-     All other elements are optional.
-<tt>RigidGridMotionType_t</tt> is an enumeration type that describes
-the type of rigid grid motion.
-  RigidGridMotionType_t := Enumeration(
-    RigidGridMotionTypeNull,
-    RigidGridMotionTypeUserDefined,
-    ConstantRate,
-    VariableRate ) ;
-The characteristics of the grid motion are defined by the following
-data-name identifiers:
-<a name="t:id_rigidgrid"></a>
-<table width=80% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Rigid Grid Motion
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>OriginLocation</tt><td>
-   <td>Physical coordinates of the origin before and after the rigid
-       grid motion<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RigidRotationAngle</tt><td>
-   <td>Rotation angles about each axis of the translated coordinate
-       system.
-       If rotating about more than one axis, the rotation is performed first
-       about the x-axis, then the y-axis, then the z-axis.
-       If not specified, <tt>RigidRotationAngle</tt> is set to zero.<td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RigidVelocity</tt><td>
-   <td>Grid velocity vector of the origin translation<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>RigidRotationRate</tt><td>
-   <td>Rotation rate vector about the axis of the translated
-       coordinate system<td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-Any number of <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-nodes are allowed.
-These may be used to record data not covered by this specification.
-"Rigid grid motion" implies relative motion of grid zones.
-However, no attempt is made in the <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> data
-structure to require that the
-<a href="cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-information be updated to be consistent with the new grid locations.
-Whether the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> information refers to the
-original connectivity (of
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates</tt></a>) or
-the latest connectivity (of the moved or deformed grid) is currently
-left up to the user.
-<a name="ArbitraryGridMotion"></a>
-<h3>11.3 Arbitrary Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></h3>
-When a grid is in motion, it is often necessary to account for the
-position of each grid point as the grid deforms.
-When all grid points move at the same velocity, the grid keeps its
-original shape.
-This particular case of grid motion may be recorded under the
-<a href="#RigidGridMotion"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a> data structure.
-On the other hand, if the grid points have different velocity, the grid
-is deforming.
-The <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> data structure allows the CGNS file to
-contain information about arbitrary grid deformations.
-If not present, the grid is assumed to be rigid.
-Note that multiple
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-nodes may be stored under a <a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>.
-This allows the storage of the instantaneous grid locations at different
-time steps or iterations.
-The arbitrary grid motion is recorded independently for each zone of the
-CGNS base.
-Therefore the <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> data structure is located
-under the zone data structure
-(<a href="cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a>).
-There may be zero to several <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> nodes under a
-single <tt>Zone_t</tt> node.
-The multiple arbitrary grid motion definitions may be associated with
-different iterations or time steps in the computation.
-This association is recorded under the
-<a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a> data structure.
-  ArbitraryGridMotion_t&lt; int IndexDimension, int VertexSize[IndexDimension], 
-                         int CellSize[IndexDimension] &gt; :=
-    {
-    ArbitraryGridMotionType_t ArbitraryGridMotionType ;                (r)
-    List(DataArray_t&lt;real, IndexDimension, DataSize[]&gt;
-       GridVelocityX GridVelocityY ... ) ;                             (o)
-    List( Descriptor_t Descriptor1 ... DescriptorN ) ;                 (o)
-    GridLocation_t GridLocation ;                                      (o/d)
-    Rind_t&lt;IndexDimension&gt; Rind ;                                      (o/d)
-    DataClass_t DataClass ;                                            (o)
-    DimensionalUnits_t DimensionalUnits ;                              (o)
-    List( UserDefinedData_t UserDefinedData1 ... UserDefinedDataN ) ;  (o)
-    }
-<li> Default names for the
-     <a href="build.html#Descriptor"><tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>,
-     <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>, and
-     <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     lists are as shown; users may choose other legitimate names.
-     Legitimate names must be unique within a given instance
-     of <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> and shall not include the names
-     <tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType</tt>, <tt>DataClass</tt>,
-     <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt>, <tt>GridLocation</tt>, or <tt>Rind</tt>.
-<li> The only required element of the <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt>
-     data structure is the <tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType</tt>.
-     Thus, even if a deforming grid application does not require the
-     storage of grid velocity data, the <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt>
-     node must exist (with
-     <tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType</tt> = <tt>DeformingGrid</tt>) to indicate
-     that deformed grid points
-     (<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>)
-     exist for this zone.
-<li> <a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is an optional field
-     that indicates the number of rind planes (for structured grids) or
-     rind points or elements (for unstructured grids) included in the
-     grid velocity data.
-<li> The <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-     specifies the location of the velocity data with respect to the
-     grid; if absent, the data is assumed to coincide with grid vertices
-     (i.e., <tt>GridLocation</tt> = <tt>Vertex</tt>).
-<tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> requires three structure parameters;
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> identifies the dimensionality of the grid-size
-arrays, and <tt>VertexSize</tt> and <tt>CellSize</tt> are the number of
-core vertices and cells, respectively, in each index direction,
-excluding rind points.
-For structured zones, core vertices and cells begin at <tt>[1,1,1]</tt>
-(in 3-D) and end at <tt>VertexSize</tt> and <tt>CellSize</tt>,
-For unstructured zones, <tt>IndexDimension</tt> is always 1.
-<tt>ArbitraryGridMotionType_t</tt> is an enumeration type that describes
-the type of arbitrary grid motion.
-  ArbitraryGridMotionType_t := Enumeration(
-    ArbitraryGridMotionTypeNull,
-    ArbitraryGridMotionTypeUserDefined,
-    NonDeformingGrid,
-    DeformingGrid ) ;
-The <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> nodes are used
-to store the components of the grid velocity vector.
-The table below lists the data-name identifiers used to record these
-vectors in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems.
-<a name="t:id_gridvel"></a>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-Data-Name Identifiers for Grid Velocity
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col abbr="Identifier">Data-Name Identifier<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Description<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col>Units
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityX</tt><td>
-   <td><i>x</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityY</tt><td>
-   <td><i>y</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityZ</tt><td>
-   <td><i>z</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityR</tt><td>
-   <td><i>r</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityTheta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&theta;</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityPhi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&phi;</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b><i>&alpha;</i></b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityXi</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&xi;</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityEta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&eta;</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><tt>GridVelocityZeta</tt><td>
-   <td><i>&zeta;</i>-component of grid velocity<td>
-   <td align=center><b>L</b>/<b>T</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=5><hr width=100% noshade>
-The field <a href="build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation</tt></a>
-specifies the location of the grid velocities with respect to the
-grid; if absent, the grid velocities are assumed to coincide with grid
-vertices (i.e., <tt>GridLocation = Vertex</tt>).
-All grid velocities within a given instance of
-<tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> must reside at the same grid location.
-<a href="build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind</tt></a> is an optional field that
-indicates the number of rind planes (for structured grids) or rind
-points or elements (for unstructured grids) included in the data.
-Its purpose and function are identical to those described for the
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-Note, however, that the <tt>Rind</tt> in this structure is independent
-of the <tt>Rind</tt> contained in
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a> or
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>.
-They are not required to contain the same number of rind planes or
-Also, the location of any rind points is assumed to be consistent
-with the location of the core data points (e.g., if
-<tt><a href="build.html#GridLocation">GridLocation</a> = CellCenter</tt>,
-rind points are assumed to be located at fictitious cell centers).
-<a href="build.html#DataClass"><tt>DataClass</tt></a> defines the
-default for the class of data contained in the
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities.
-For dimensional grid velocities,
-<a href="build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt></a>
-may be used to describe the system of dimensional units employed.
-If present, these two entities take precedence over all corresponding
-entities at higher levels of the hierarchy, following the standard
-<a href="cgnsbase.html#precedence">precedence rules</a>.
-The <a href="misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-data structure allows arbitrary user-defined data to be stored in
-<tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> children without the
-restrictions or implicit meanings imposed on these node types at other
-node locations.
-Point-by-point grid velocity implies a deformation (or potentially only
-motion) of the grid points relative to each other.
-Because the original grid coordinates definition remains unchanged with
-the name <a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates</tt></a>,
-any deformed coordinates must be written with a different name (e.g.,
-<tt>MovedGrid#1</tt> or another used-defined name) and are pointed
-to using <tt>GridCoordinatesPointers</tt> in the data structure
-<a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>.
-Point-by-point grid velocity may also lead to relative motion of grid
-zones, or movement of grid along abutting interfaces.
-However, no attempt is made here to require that the
-<a href="cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-information be updated to be consistent with the new grid locations.
-Whether the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> information refers to the
-original connectivity (of
-<a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates</tt></a>) or
-the latest connectivity (of the moved or deformed grid) is currently
-left up to the user.
-<h4>FUNCTION <tt>DataSize[]</tt>:</h4>
-return value: one-dimensional <tt>int</tt> array of length <tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-dependencies: <tt>IndexDimension</tt>, <tt>VertexSize[]</tt>, <tt>CellSize[]</tt>,
-              <tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>Rind</tt>
-The function <tt>DataSize[]</tt> is the size of the <tt>DataArray</tt>s
-containing the grid velocity components.
-It is identical to the function
-<a href="gridflow.html#DataSize_flow"><tt>DataSize[]</tt></a> defined for
-<a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>.
-<a name="ZoneGridConnectivity"></a>
-<h3>11.4 Zone Grid Connectivities</h3>
-Multiple <a href="cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-nodes may be used to specify time-dependent changes in the connectivity information
-associated with the zone. The time variation is the recorded in the
-<a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a> node as
-<a name="Examplestimedep"></a>
-<h3>11.5 Examples for Time-Dependent Flow</h3>
-<h4>Example - Rigid Grid Motion</h4>
-In this example, the whole mesh moves rigidly, so the only
-time-dependent data are the grid coordinates and flow solutions.
-However, since the mesh moves rigidly, the grid coordinates need not be
-recorded at each time step.
-Instead, a <a href="#RigidGridMotion"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-data structure is recorded for each step of the computation.
-The number of steps and time values for each step are recorded under
-<a href="#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>.
-  CGNSBase_t {
-    BaseIterativeData_t {
-      NumberOfSteps = N ;
-      TimeValues = time1, time2, ..., timeN ;
-    } ;
-  } ;
-The multiple rigid grid motion and flow solution data structures are
-recorded under the zone.
-<tt>RigidGridMotionPointers</tt> and <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt> keep the
-lists of which <a href="#RigidGridMotion"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-and <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a> nodes
-correspond to each time step.
-  Zone_t Zone {
-    <i>--- Time independent data</i>
-    GridCoordinates_t GridCoordinates
-    ZoneBC_t ZoneBC
-    ZoneGridConnectivity_t ZoneGridConnectivity
-    <i>--- Time dependent data</i>
-    RigidGridMotion_t RigidGridMotion#1
-    RigidGridMotion_t RigidGridMotion#2
-    ...
-    RigidGridMotion_t RigidGridmotion#N
-    FlowSolution_t Solution#0
-    FlowSolution_t Solution#1
-    FlowSolution_t Solution#2
-    ...
-    FlowSolution_t Solution#N
-    ZoneIterativeData_t {
-      RigidGridMotionPointers = {"RigidGridMotion#1", "RigidGridMotion#2", ...,
-         "RigidGridMotion#N"}
-      FlowSolutionPointers = {"Solution#1", "Solution#2, ..., "Solution#N"}
-    }
-  }
-Note that there may be more solutions under a zone than those pointed to
-by <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt>.
-In this example, <tt>Solution#0</tt> could correspond to a restart solution.
-<h4>Example - Deforming Grid Motion</h4>
-In this example, velocity vectors are node dependent allowing for mesh
-In such a case, it is difficult or even impossible to recompute the mesh
-at each time step.
-Therefore the grid coordinates are recorded for each step.
-Multiple <a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a> and <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> data
-structures are recorded under the zone.
-In addition, the data structure
-<a href="#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a> is
-recorded for each step.
-<tt>GridCoordinatesPointers</tt>, <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt>, and
-<tt>ArbitraryGridMotionPointers_t</tt> keep the list of which grid
-coordinates definition, flow solution, and arbitrary grid motion
-definition correspond to each time step.
-  Zone_t Zone {
-    <i>--- Time independent data</i>
-    ZoneBC_t ZoneBC
-    ZoneGridConnectivity_t ZoneGridConnectivity
-    <i>--- Time dependent data</i>
-    List ( GridCoordinates_t GridCoordinates MovedGrid#1 MovedGrid#2 ...
-           MovedGrid#N )
-    List ( FlowSolution_t Solution#0 Solution#1 Solution#2 ... Solution#N )
-    List ( ArbitraryGridMotion_t ArbitraryGridMotion#1 
-           ArbitraryGridMotion#2 ... ArbitraryGridMotion#N )
-    ZoneIterativeData_t {
-      GridCoordinatesPointers = {"MovedGrid#1", "MovedGrid#2", ...,
-         "MovedGrid#N"}
-      FlowSolutionPointers = {"Solution#1", "Solution#2, ..., "Solution#N"}
-      ArbitraryGridMotionPointers = {"ArbitraryGridMotion#1",
-         "ArbitraryGridMotion#2", ..., "ArbitraryGridMotion#N"}
-    }
-  }
-<a name="ex:adaptedunstructuredmesh"></a>
-<h4>Example - Adapted Unstructured Mesh</h4>
-In this example, the mesh size varies at each remeshing, therefore new
-zones must be created.
-<tt>ZonePointers</tt> is used to keep a record of the zone definition
-corresponding to each recorded step.
-Let's assume that the solution is recorded every 50 iterations, and the
-grid is adapted every 100 iterations.
-The number of steps, iteration values for each step, number of zones
-for each step, and name of these zones are recorded under
-<a href="#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>.
-  CGNSBase_t {
-    BaseIterativeData_t {
-      NumberOfSteps = 4
-      IterationValues = {50, 100, 150, 200}
-      NumberOfZones = {1, 1, 1, 1}
-      ZonePointers = {"Zone1", "Zone1", "Zone2", "Zone2"}
-    }
-  }
-Each zone holds 2 solutions recorded at 50 iterations apart.
-Therefore the <a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-data structure must be included to keep track of the
-  Zone_t Zone1 {
-    <i>--- Constant data</i>
-    GridCoordinates_t GridCoordinates
-    Elements_t Elements
-    ZoneBC_t ZoneBC
-    <i>--- Variable data</i>
-    List ( FlowSolution_t InitialSolution Solution50 Solution100 )
-    ZoneIterativeData_t {
-      FlowSolutionPointers = {"Solution50", "Solution100", "Null", "Null"}
-    }
-  }
-  Zone_t Zone2 {
-    <i>--- Constant data</i>
-    GridCoordinates_t GridCoordinates
-    Elements_t Elements
-    ZoneBC_t ZoneBC
-    <i>--- Variable data</i>
-    List ( FlowSolution_t RestartSolution Solution150 Solution200 )
-    ZoneIterativeData_t {
-      FlowSolutionPointers = {"Null", "Null", "Solution150", "Solution200"}
-    }
-  }
-<li> If the solution was recorded every 100 iterations instead of
-     every 50 iterations, then each zone would have only one
-     <a href="gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-     node and the data structure
-     <a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a> would not
-     be required.
-<li> Note that <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt> is always an array of size
-     <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt> even if some of the steps are defined in
-     another zone.
-<h4>Example - Combination of Grid Motion and Time-Accuracy</h4>
-The following is an example demonstrating the use of the rigid grid motion,
-arbitrary grid motion, and time-accurate data nodes in CGNS.
-The example is a 3-zone case.
-Zone 1 is rigidly rotating about the <i>x</i>-axis at a constant rate, with
-no translation.
-Zone 2 is a deforming zone.
-Zone 3 is a fixed zone.
-This is a time-accurate simulation with two solutions saved at times
-15.5 and 31.0, corresponding to iteration numbers 1000 and 2000.
-No units are given in this example, but a real case would establish them.
-Also, a real case would include connectivity, boundary conditions, and
-possibly other information as well.
-Each indentation represents a level down (a child) from the parent node.
-  Base (CGNSBase_t)
-    SimulationType (SimulationType_t) Data=TimeAccurate
-    BaseIterativeData (BaseIterativeData_t) Data=NumberOfSteps=2
-      TimeValues (DataArray_t) Data=(15.5, 31.0)
-      IterationValues (DataArray_t) Data=(1000, 2000)
-    Zone#1 (Zone_t)
-      GridCoordinates (GridCoordinates_t)
-        CoordinateX (DataArray_t)
-        CoordinateY (DataArray_t)
-      RigidGridMotion#1(RigidGridMotion_t) Data=RigidGridMotionType=ConstantRate
-        OriginLocation (DataArray_t) Data=(0,0,0), (0,0,0)
-        RigidRotationAngle (DataArray_t) Data=(5., 0., 0.)
-      RigidGridMotion#2(RigidGridMotion_t) Data=RigidGridMotionType=ConstantRate
-        OriginLocation (DataArray_t) Data=(0,0,0), (0,0,0)
-        RigidRotationAngle (DataArray_t) Data=(10., 0., 0.)
-      ZoneIterativeData (ZoneIterativeData_t)
-        RigidGridMotionPointers (DataArray_t) Data=(RigidGridMotion#1,
-                                                    RigidGridMotion#2)
-        FlowSolutionPointers (DataArray_t) Data=(Soln#1, Soln#2)
-      Soln#1 (FlowSolution_t)
-        Density (DataArray_t)
-        VelocityX (DataArray_t)
-      Soln#2 (FlowSolution_t)
-        Density (DataArray_t)
-        VelocityX (DataArray_t)
-    Zone#2 (Zone_t)
-      GridCoordinates (GridCoordinates_t)
-        CoordinateX (DataArray_t)
-        CoordinateY (DataArray_t)
-      MovedGrid#1 (GridCoordinates_t)
-        CoordinateX (DataArray_t)
-        CoordinateY (DataArray_t)
-      MovedGrid#2 (GridCoordinates_t)
-        CoordinateX (DataArray_t)
-        CoordinateY (DataArray_t)
-      ArbitraryGridMotion#1 (ArbitraryGridMotion_t)
-                             Data=ArbitraryGridMotionType=DeformingGrid
-      ArbitraryGridMotion#2 (ArbitraryGridMotion_t)
-                             Data=ArbitraryGridMotionType=DeformingGrid
-        GridVelocityX (DataArray_t)
-        GridVelocityY (DataArray_t)
-      ZoneIterativeData (ZoneIterativeData_t)
-        ArbitraryGridMotionPointers (DataArray_t) Data=("ArbitraryGridMotion#1",
-                                                        "ArbitraryGridMotion#2")
-        GridCoordinatesPointers (DataArray_t) Data=("MovedGrid#1",
-                                                    "MovedGrid#2")
-        FlowSolutionPointers (DataArray_t) Data=("Soln#1", "Soln#2")
-      Soln#1 (FlowSolution_t)
-        Density (DataArray_t)
-        VelocityX (DataArray_t)
-      Soln#2 (FlowSolution_t)
-        Density (DataArray_t)
-        VelocityX (DataArray_t)
-    Zone#3 (Zone_t)
-      GridCoordinates (GridCoordinates_t)
-        CoordinateX (DataArray_t)
-        CoordinateY (DataArray_t)
-      ZoneIterativeData (ZoneIterativeData_t)
-        FlowSolutionPointers (DataArray_t) Data=("Soln#1", "Soln#2")
-      Soln#1 (FlowSolution_t)
-        Density (DataArray_t)
-        VelocityX (DataArray_t)
-      Soln#2 (FlowSolution_t)
-        Density (DataArray_t)
-        VelocityX (DataArray_t)
-<li> Under <a href="#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>,
-     one can give either <tt>TimeValues</tt>, or <tt>IterationValues</tt>,
-     or both.
-     In the example, both have been given.
-<li> The nodes <tt>NumberOfZones</tt> and <tt>ZonePointers</tt> are not
-     required under the
-     <a href="#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a> node
-     in this example because all existing zones are used for each time step.
-<li> Under <a href="#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion</tt></a>,
-     the <tt>GridVelocity</tt> data is optional.
-     In the example, it was put under one of the nodes but not under
-     the other.
-     Hence, <tt>"ArbitraryGridMotion#1"</tt> in the example has no
-     children nodes, while <tt>"ArbitraryGridMotion#2"</tt> does.
-<li> The pointers under
-     <a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a> point to
-     names of nodes within the same zone.
-     Thus, for example, <tt>Soln#1</tt> refers to the flow solution
-     named <tt>Soln#1</tt> in the same zone, even though there are flow
-     solution nodes in other zones with the same name.
-<li> The name <tt>GridCoordinates</tt> always refers to the
-     <em>original</em> grid.
-     Thus, when a grid is deforming, the deformed values must be put in
-     <a href="gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-     nodes of a different name.
-     In the example, the deformed grids (for <tt>Zone#2</tt>) at the two
-     times of interest were put into <tt>"MovedGrid#1"</tt> and
-     <tt>"MovedGrid#2"</tt>.
-<li> Because the node <tt>"ArbitraryGridMotion#1"</tt> doesn't really
-     add any information in the current example (since it was decided
-     not to store <tt>GridVelocity</tt> data under it), one has the option
-     of not including this node in the CGNS file.
-     If it is removed, then under <tt>Zone#2</tt>'s
-     <a href="#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData</tt></a>,
-     the <tt>ArbitraryGridMotionPointers</tt> data would be replaced by:
-     <pre>
-   Data = (Null, ArbitraryGridMotion#2)
-     </pre>
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-Last updated 20 May 2016
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index 0862de62..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/sids/twozone.figs/plate.gif and /dev/null differ
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-<!-- CGNS SIDS document - Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example -
-     longdesc for figure showing geometry and boundary conditions -->
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-<title> SIDS - Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example - geometry and boundary conditions </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the geometric configuration, coordinate directions,
-and boundary conditions used for the two-zone flat plate example case.
-Zone 1, on the left, is 25 by 65 by 3, and zone 2, on the right, is
-49 by 65 by 3.
-The rightmost boundary of zone 1 is coupled to the leftmost boundary of
-zone 2.
-The origin is at the lower-left corner of zone 1, with the x direction
-and i index directed to the right, and the y direction and i index
-directed up.
-The zone boundaries are labeled with the boundary condition used there,
-as follows.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Boundary<th><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Boundary Condition
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Zone 1, left<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>Inflow
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Zone 1, bottom<td>
-   <td>Symmetry
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Zone 1, top<td>
-   <td>Outflow
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Zone 2, bottom<td>
-   <td>Solid wall
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Zone 2, top<td>
-   <td>Outflow
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>Zone 2, right<td>
-   <td>Outflow
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 23 Aug 2002
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-<title> CGNS Standard Interface Data Structures - Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example </title>
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-(<span class=nav><b>Structured&nbsp;Two-Zone&nbsp;Flat&nbsp;Plate&nbsp;Example</b></span>)
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-<h2>Appendix B Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example</h2>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_layout">B.1 Overall Layout</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_grid">B.2 Grid Coordinates</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_flowfield">B.3 Flowfield Solution</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_connectivity">B.4 Interface Connectivity</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_bc">B.5 Boundary Conditions</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_refstate">B.6 Global Reference State</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_eqs">B.7 Equation Description</a>
-This section describes a complete database for a sample test case.
-The test case is compressible turbulent flow past a flat plat at zero
-The domain is divided into two zones as shown in the figure below.
-The interface between the two zones is 1-to-1.
-<img src="twozone.figs/plate.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing zone sizes, coordinates, and boundary conditions"
-     longdesc="twozone.figs/plate.html">
-Two-Zone Flat Plate Test Case
-The database description includes the following:
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_layout">range of indices within each zone</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_grid">grid coordinates</a> of vertices
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_flowfield">flowfield solution</a> at cell
-     centers including a row of ghost-cells along each boundary; the
-     flowfield includes the conservation variables and a turbulent
-     transport variable
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_connectivity">multizone interface connectivity
-     information</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_bc">boundary condition information</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_refstate">reference state</a>
-<li> <a href="#flatplate_eqs">description of the compressible
-     Navier-Stokes equations</a> including one-equation turbulence model
-Each of these items is described in separate sections to make the
-information more readable.
-The same database is presented in each section, but only that
-information needed for the particular focus is included.
-The overall layout of the database is presented in the following section.
-All data for this test case is nondimensional and is normalized
-consistently by the following (dimensional) quantities: plate length
-<i>L</i>, freestream static density <i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>,
-freestream static speed of sound <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub>, and
-freestream static temperature <i>T</i><sub>&infin;</sub>.
-The fact that the database is completely nondimensional is reflected in
-the value of the globally set data class.
-<a name="flatplate_layout"></a>
-<h3>B.1 Overall Layout</h3>
-This section describes the overall layout of the database.
-Included are the cell dimension and physical dimension of the grid, the
-globally set data class, the global reference state and flow-equations
-description, and data pertaining to each zone.
-Each zone contains the grid size, grid coordinates, flow solution,
-multizone interfaces and boundary conditions.
-All entities given by <tt>{{*}}</tt> are expanded in subsequent
-Note that because this example contains structured zones,
-<tt>IndexDimension</tt> = <tt>CellDimension</tt> = 3 in each zone.
-CGNSBase_t TwoZoneCase =
-  {{
-  int CellDimension = 3 ;
-  int PhysicalDimension = 3 ;
-  DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-  <a href="#ReferenceState">ReferenceState_t ReferenceState = {{*}} ;</a>
-  <a href="#FlowEquationSet">FlowEquationSet_t&lt;3&gt; FlowEquationSet = {{*}} ;</a>
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone1 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [25,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [24,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    !  IndexDimension = 3
-    <a href="#GridCoordinates1">GridCoordinates_t&lt;3,VertexSize&gt; GridCoordinates = {{*}} ;</a>
-    <a href="#FlowSolution1">FlowSolution_t&lt;3,VertexSize,CellSize&gt; FlowSolution = {{*}} ;</a>
-    <a href="#ZoneGridConnectivity1">ZoneGridConnectivity_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneGridConnectivity = {{*}} ;</a>
-    <a href="#ZoneBC1">ZoneBC_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneBC = {{*}} ;</a>
-    }} ;        ! end Zone1
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone2 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [49,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [48,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    !  IndexDimension = 3
-    <a href="#GridCoordinates2">GridCoordinates_t&lt;3,VertexSize&gt; GridCoordinates = {{*}} ;</a>
-    FlowSolution_t&lt;3,VertexSize,CellSize&gt; FlowSolution = {{*}} ;
-    <a href="#ZoneGridConnectivity2">ZoneGridConnectivity_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneGridConnectivity = {{*}} ;</a>
-    <a href="#ZoneBC2">ZoneBC_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneBC = {{*}} ;</a>
-    }} ;        ! end Zone2
-  }} ;          ! end TwoZoneCase
-<a name="flatplate_grid"></a>
-<h3>B.2 Grid Coordinates</h3>
-This section describes the grid-coordinate entities for each zone.
-Since the coordinates are all nondimensional, the individual
-<a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a> entities do not
-include a data-class qualifier; instead, this information is derived
-from the globally set data class.
-The grid-coordinate entities for zone 2 are abbreviated.
-CGNSBase_t TwoZoneCase =
-  {{
-  int CellDimension = 3 ;
-  int PhysicalDimension = 3 ;
-  DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone1 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [25,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [24,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    <a name="GridCoordinates1">!  IndexDimension = 3</a>
-    !  VertexSize = [25,65,3]
-    GridCoordinates_t&lt;3, [25,65,3]&gt; GridCoordinates =
-      {{
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [25,65,3]&gt; CoordinateX =
-        {{
-        Data(real, 3, [25,65,3]) = (((x(i,j,k), i=1,25), j=1,65), k=1,3) ;
-        }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [25,65,3]&gt; CoordinateY =
-        {{
-        Data(real, 3, [25,65,3]) = (((y(i,j,k), i=1,25), j=1,65), k=1,3) ;
-        }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [25,65,3]&gt; CoordinateZ =
-        {{
-        Data(real, 3, [25,65,3]) = (((z(i,j,k), i=1,25), j=1,65), k=1,3) ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;      ! end Zone1/GridCoordinates
-    }} ;        ! end Zone1
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone2 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [49,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [48,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    <a name="GridCoordinates2">!  IndexDimension = 3</a>
-    !  VertexSize = [49,65,3]
-    GridCoordinates_t&lt;3, [49,65,3]&gt; GridCoordinates =
-      {{
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [49,65,3]&gt; CoordinateX = {{*}} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [49,65,3]&gt; CoordinateY = {{*}} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [49,65,3]&gt; CoordinateZ = {{*}} ;
-      }} ;      ! end Zone2/GridCoordinates
-    }} ;        ! end Zone2
-  }} ;          ! end TwoZoneCase
-<a name="flatplate_flowfield"></a>
-<h3>B.3 Flowfield Solution</h3>
-This section provides a description of the flowfield solution including
-the conservation variables and the Spalart-Allmaras turbulent-transport
-quantity (<i>&nu;</i><sub>SA</sub>).
-The flowfield solution is given at cell centers with a single row of
-ghost-cell values along each boundary.
-As with the case for grid coordinates, the flow solution is
-nondimensional, and this fact is derived from the globally set data
-The normalizations for each flow variable are,
-<i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = <i>&rho;</i><sub><i>ijk</i></sub> / <i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>
-(<i>&rho;u</i>)&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = (<i>&rho;u</i>)<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub>)
-(<i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub>)&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = (<i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub>)<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> / (<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><sup>2</sup>)
-(<i>&nu;</i><sub>SA</sub>)&prime;<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> = (<i>&nu;</i><sub>SA</sub>)<sub><i>ijk</i></sub> / (<i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub><i>L</i>)
-where primed quantities are nondimensional and all others are dimensional.
-Only the <tt>Density</tt> entity for zone 1 is fully described in the
-The momentum, energy and turbulence solution are abbreviated.
-The entire flow-solution data for zone 2 is also abbreviated.
-CGNSBase_t TwoZoneCase =
-  {{
-  int CellDimension = 3 ;
-  int PhysicalDimension = 3 ;
-  DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone1 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [25,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [24,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    <a name="FlowSolution1">!  IndexDimension = 3</a>
-    !  VertexSize = [25,65,3]
-    !  CellSize   = [24,64,2]
-    FlowSolution_t&lt;3, [25,65,3], [24,64,2]&gt; FlowSolution =
-      {{
-      GridLocation_t GridLocation = CellCenter ;
-      !  IndexDimension = 3
-      Rind_t&lt;3&gt; Rind = 
-        {{
-        int[6] RindPlanes = [1,1,1,1,1,1] ;
-        }} ;
-      !  IndexDimension = 3
-      !  DataSize = CellSize + [2,2,2] = [26,66,4]
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [26,66,4]&gt; Density =
-        {{
-        Data(real, 3, [26,66,4]) = (((rho(i,j,k), i=0,25), j=0,65), k=0,3) ;
-        }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [26,66,4]&gt; MomentumX = {{*}} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [26,66,4]&gt; MomentumY = {{*}} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [26,66,4]&gt; MomentumZ = {{*}} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [26,66,4]&gt; EnergyStagnationDensity = {{*}} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 3, [26,66,4]&gt; TurbulentSANutilde = {{*}} ;
-      }} ;      ! end Zone1/FlowSolution
-    }} ;        ! end Zone1
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone2 = {{*}} ;
-  }} ;          ! end TwoZoneCase
-<a name="flatplate_connectivity"></a>
-<h3>B.4 Interface Connectivity</h3>
-This section describes the interface connectivity between zones 1 and 2;
-it also includes the <i>k</i>-plane periodicity for each zone (which is
-essentially an interface connectivity of a zone onto itself).
-Each interface entity is repeated with the receiver and donor-zone roles
-reversed; this includes the periodic <i>k</i>-plane interfaces.
-Since each interface is a complete zone face, the
-<a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-entities are named after the face.
-Because of the orientation of the zones, the index transformation
-matrices (<a href="cnct.html#Transform"><tt>Transform</tt></a>) for all
-interfaces are diagonal.
-This means that each matrix is its own inverse, and the value of
-<tt>Transform</tt> is the same for every pair of interface entities.
-CGNSBase_t TwoZoneCase =
-  {{
-  int CellDimension = 3 ;
-  int PhysicalDimension = 3 ;
-  !  -----  ZONE 1 Interfaces  ------
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone1 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [25,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [24,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    <a name="ZoneGridConnectivity1">!  IndexDimension = 3, CellDimension = 3</a>
-    ZoneGridConnectivity_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneGridConnectivity =
-      {{
-      !  IndexDimension = 3
-      GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; IMax =                ! ZONE 1 IMax
-        {{
-        int[3] Transform = [1,2,3] ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [25,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [1,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone2 ;
-        }} ;
-      GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; KMin =                ! ZONE 1 KMin 
-        {{
-        int[3] Transform = [1,2,-3] ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,65,1] ;
-          }} ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,3] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone1 ;
-        }} ;
-      GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; KMax =                ! ZONE 1 KMax 
-        {{
-        int[3] Transform = [1,2,-3] ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,3] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,65,1] ;
-          }} ;
-        Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone1 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;      ! end Zone1/ZoneGridConnectivity
-    }} ;        ! end Zone1
-   !  -----  ZONE 2 Interfaces  ------
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-   Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone2 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [49,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [48,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    <a name="ZoneGridConnectivity2">!  IndexDimension = 3, CellDimension = 3</a>
-    ZoneGridConnectivity_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneGridConnectivity =
-      {{
-     !  IndexDimension = 3
-      GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; IMin =                ! ZONE 2 IMin
-        {{
-        int[3] Transform = [1,2,3] ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [1,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [25,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone1 ;
-        }} ;
-      GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; KMin =                ! ZONE 2 KMin 
-        {{
-        int[3] Transform = [1,2,-3] ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [49,65,1] ;
-          }} ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,3] ;
-          int[3] End   = [49,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone2 ;
-        }} ;
-      GridConnectivity1to1_t&lt;3&gt; KMax =                ! ZONE 2 KMax 
-        {{
-        int[3] Transform = [1,2,-3] ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,3] ;
-          int[3] End   = [49,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRangeDonor =
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [49,65,1] ;
-          }} ;
-        Identifier(Zone_t) ZoneDonorName = Zone2 ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;      ! end Zone2/ZoneGridConnectivity
-    }} ;        ! end Zone2
-  }} ;          ! end TwoZoneCase
-<a name="flatplate_bc"></a>
-<h3>B.5 Boundary Conditions</h3>
-Boundary conditions for the flat plate case are described in this
-The minimal information necessary is included in each boundary
-condition; this includes the boundary-condition type and BC-patch
-The lone exception is the viscous wall, which is isothermal
-and has an imposed temperature profile (given by the array
-For all other boundary conditions a flow solver is free to impose
-appropriate BC-data since none is provided in the following.
-The imposed BC-data for all cases should be evaluated at the globally
-set reference state, since no other reference states have been
-No boundary condition descriptions are provided for the multizone
-interface or for the <i>k</i>-plane periodicity in each zone.
-All relevant information is provided for these interfaces in the
-<a href="cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-entities of the <a href="#flatplate_connectivity">previous section</a>.
-The practice of naming <a href="bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a> entities
-after the face is followed.
-CGNSBase_t TwoZoneCase =
-  {{
-  int CellDimension = 3 ;
-  int PhysicalDimension = 3 ;
-  DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-  !  -----  ZONE 1 BC's  ------
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone1 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [25,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [24,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    <a name="ZoneBC1">!  IndexDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3</a>
-    ZoneBC_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneBC =
-      {{
-      !  IndexDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-      BC_t&lt;3,3&gt; IMin =                                  !  ZONE 1 IMin
-        {{
-        BCType_t BCType = BCInflowSubsonic ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange = 
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [1,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;
-      BC_t&lt;3,3&gt; JMin =                                  !  ZONE 1 JMin
-        {{
-        BCType_t BCType = BCSymmetryPlane ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange = 
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,1,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;
-      BC_t&lt;3,3&gt; JMax =                                  !  ZONE 1 JMax
-        {{
-        BCType_t BCType = BCOutFlowSubsonic ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange = 
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,65,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [25,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;
-      }} ;      ! end Zone1/ZoneBC
-    }} ;        ! end Zone1
-  !  -----  ZONE 2 BC's  ------
-  !  CellDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-  Zone_t&lt;3,3&gt; Zone2 =
-    {{
-    int VertexSize = [49,65,3] ;
-    int CellSize   = [48,64,2] ;
-    int VertexSizeBoundary = [0,0,0];
-    ZoneType_t ZoneType = Structured;
-    <a name="ZoneBC2">!  IndexDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3</a>
-    ZoneBC_t&lt;3,3&gt; ZoneBC =
-      {{
-      !  IndexDimension = 3, PhysicalDimension = 3
-      BC_t&lt;3,3&gt; IMax =                                  !  ZONE 2 IMax
-        {{
-        BCType_t BCType = BCOutflowSubsonic ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange = 
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [49,1 ,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [49,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;    ! end Zone2/ZoneBC/IMax
-      BC_t&lt;3,3&gt; JMin =                                  !  ZONE 2 JMin
-        {{
-        BCType_t BCType = BCWallViscous ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange = 
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,1,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [49,1,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        !  ListLength = 49*3 = 147
-        BCDataSet&lt;147&gt; BCDataSet =
-          {{
-          BCTypeSimple_t BCTypeSimple = BCWallViscousIsothermal ;
-          !  Data array length = ListLength = 147
-          BCData_t&lt;147&gt; DirichletData = 
-            {{
-            DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 147&gt; Temperature =
-              {{
-              Data(real, 1, 147) = (temperatureprofile(n), n=1,147) ;
-              }} ;
-            }} ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;    ! end Zone2/ZoneBC/JMin
-      BC_t&lt;3,3&gt; JMax =                                  !  ZONE 2 JMax
-        {{
-        BCType_t BCType = BCOutFlowSubsonic ;
-        IndexRange_t&lt;3&gt; PointRange = 
-          {{
-          int[3] Begin = [1 ,65,1] ;
-          int[3] End   = [49,65,3] ;
-          }} ;
-        }} ;    ! end Zone2/ZoneBC/JMax
-      }} ;      ! end Zone2/ZoneBC
-    }} ;        ! end Zone2
-  }} ;          ! end TwoZoneCase
-<a name="flatplate_refstate"></a>
-<h3>B.6 Global Reference State</h3>
-This section provides a description of the freestream reference state.
-As previously stated, all data is nondimensional including all reference
-state quantities.
-The dimensional plate length <i>L</i> and freestream scales
-<i>&rho;</i><sub>&infin;</sub>, <i>c</i><sub>&infin;</sub> and 
-<i>T</i><sub>&infin;</sub> are used for normalization.
-The freestream Mach number is 0.5 and the Reynolds number is
-10<sup>6</sup> based on freestream velocity and kinematic viscosity and
-the plate length.
-These are the only nondimensional parameters included in the reference
-The defining scales for each parameter are also included; these defining
-scales are nondimensional.
-Using consistent normalization, the following nondimensional freestream
-quantities are defined:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 1<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>(<i>&rho;</i><sub>0</sub>)&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> &Gamma;<sup>1/(<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1)</sup><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><i>L</i>&prime; = 1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>c</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 1<td>
-   <td>(<i>c</i><sub>0</sub>)&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>c</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> &Gamma;<sup>1/2</sup><td>
-   <td><i>u</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = <i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 0.5
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>T</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 1<td>
-   <td>(<i>T</i><sub>0</sub>)&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>T</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> &Gamma;<td>
-   <td><i>v</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 0
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>p</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 1 / <i>&gamma;</i><td>
-   <td>(<i>p</i><sub>0</sub>)&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>p</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> &Gamma;<sup><i>&gamma;</i>/(<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1)</sup><td>
-   <td><i>w</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 0
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>e</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 1 / <i>&gamma;</i>(<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1)<td>
-   <td>(<i>e</i><sub>0</sub>)&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>e</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> &Gamma;<td>
-   <td><i>&nu;</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>u</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub><i>L</i>&prime; / <i>Re</i> =
-       5&times;10<sup>&minus;7</sup>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><i>h</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 1 / (<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1)<td>
-   <td>(<i>h</i><sub>0</sub>)&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>h</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> &Gamma;<td>
-   <td><i>s</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> =
-       <i>p</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> / (<i>&rho;</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub>)<sup><i>&gamma;</i></sup> =
-       1 / <i>&gamma;</i>
-where &Gamma; &equiv;
-1 + (<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1)<i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub><sup>2</sup> / 2
-based on <i>M</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 0.5 and <i>&gamma;</i> = 1.4.
-Except for the nondimensional parameters Mach number and Reynolds
-number, all <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-entities are abbreviated.
-CGNSBase_t TwoZoneCase =
-  {{
-  DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-  <a name="ReferenceState">ReferenceState_t ReferenceState = </a>
-    {{
-    Descriptor_t ReferenceStateDescription =
-      {{
-      Data(char, 1, 10) = "Freestream" ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Mach =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 1, 1) = 0.5 ;
-      DataClass_t DataClass = NondimensionalParameter ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Mach_Velocity      = {{ 0.5 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Mach_VelocitySound = {{ 1 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds =
-      {{
-      Data(real, 1, 1) = 1.0e+06 ;
-      DataClass_t DataClass = NondimensionalParameter ;
-      }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds_Velocity           = {{ 0.5 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds_Length             = {{ 1. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic = {{ 5.0E-07 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Density                 = {{ 1. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; LengthReference         = {{ 1. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocitySound           = {{ 1. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityX               = {{ 0.5 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityY               = {{ 0 }};
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocityZ               = {{ 0 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Pressure                = {{ 0.714286 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Temperature             = {{ 1. }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; EnergyInternal          = {{ 1.785714 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Enthalpy                = {{ 2.5 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; EntropyApprox           = {{ 0.714286 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; DensityStagnation       = {{ 1.129726 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; PressureStagnation      = {{ 0.847295 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; EnergyStagnation        = {{ 1.875 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; EnthalpyStagnation      = {{ 2.625 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TemperatureStagnation   = {{ 1.05 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; VelocitySoundStagnation = {{ 1.024695 }} ;
-    DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; ViscosityKinematic      = {{ 5.0E-07 }} ;
-    }} ;
-  }} ;          ! end TwoZoneCase
-<a name="flatplate_eqs"></a>
-<h3>B.7 Equation Description</h3>
-This section provides a description of the flow equations used to solve
-the problem.
-The flow equation set is turbulent, compressible 3-D Navier-Stokes with
-the Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) one-equation turbulence model.
-The thin-layer Navier-Stokes diffusion terms are modeled; only diffusion
-in the <i>j</i>-coordinate direction is included.
-A perfect gas assumption is made with <i>&gamma;</i> = 1.4; based on the
-normalization used in this database, the nondimensional scales defining
-<i>&gamma;</i> are
-(<i>c<sub>p</sub></i>)&prime; = 1 / (<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1) and
-(<i>c<sub>v</sub></i>)&prime; = 1 / <i>&gamma;</i>(<i>&gamma;</i>&minus;1).
-The molecular viscosity is obtained from Sutherland's Law.
-In order to nondimensionalize the viscosity formula, standard atmospheric
-conditions are assumed (i.e., <i>T</i><sub>&infin;</sub> = 288.15 K).
-A constant Prandtl number assumption is made for the thermal conductivity
-coefficient; <i>Pr</i> = 0.72.
-The defining scales of <i>Pr</i> are evaluated at freestream conditions; the
-nondimensional thermal conductivity is <i>k</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub> = 
-<i>&mu;</i>&prime;<sub>&infin;</sub>(<i>c<sub>p</sub></i>)&prime; / <i>Pr</i>.
-The Navier-Stokes equations are closed with an eddy viscosity assumption 
-using the S-A model.
-A turbulent Prandtl number of <i>Pr<sub>t</sub></i> = 0.9 is prescribed.
-All parameters not provided are defaulted.
-Except for the nondimensional parameters <i>&gamma;</i> and
-<i>Pr</i>, all <a href="data.html#DataArray"><tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
-entities are abbreviated.
-CGNSBase_t TwoZoneCase =
-  {{
-  int CellDimension = 3 ;
-  int PhysicalDimension = 3 ;
-  DataClass_t DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional ;
-  <a name="FlowEquationSet">!  CellDimension = 3</a>
-  FlowEquationSet_t&lt;3&gt; FlowEquationSet = 
-    {{
-    int EquationDimension = 3
-    !  CellDimension = 3 ;
-    GoverningEquations_t&lt;3&gt; GoverningEquations =
-      {{
-      GoverningEquationsType_t GoverningEquationsType = NSTurbulent ;
-      int[6] DiffusionModel = [0,1,0,0,0,0] ;
-      }} ;
-    GasModel_t GasModel =
-      {{
-      GasModelType_t GasModelType = CaloricallyPerfect ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; SpecificHeatRatio =
-        {{
-        Data(real, 1, 1) = 1.4 ;
-        DataClass_t DataClass = NondimensionalParameter ;
-        }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; SpecificHeatRatio_Pressure = {{ 2.5 }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; SpecificHeatRatio_Volume   = {{ 1.785714 }} ;
-      }} ;
-    ViscosityModel_t ViscosityModel =
-      {{
-      ViscosityModelType_t ViscosityModelType = SutherLandLaw ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; SutherLandLawConstant       = {{ 0.38383 }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; TemperatureReference        = {{ 1.05491 }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; ViscosityMolecularReference = {{ 5.0E-07 }} ;
-      }} ;
-    ThermalConductivityModel_t ThermalConductivityModel =
-      {{
-      ThermalConductivityModelType_t ThermalConductivityModelType = 
-        ConstantPrandtl ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Prandtl = 
-        {{
-        Data(real, 1, 1) = 0.72 ;
-        DataClass_t DataClass = NondimensionalParameter ;
-        }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Prandtl_ThermalConductivity  = {{ 1.73611E-0.6 }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Prandtl_ViscosityMolecular   = {{ 5.0E-0.7 }} ;
-      DataArray_t&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; Prandtl_SpecificHeatPressure = {{ 2.5 }} ;
-      }} ;
-    TurbulenceClosure_t TurbulenceClosure =
-      {{
-      TurbulenceClosureType_t TurbulenceClosureType = EddyViscosity ;
-      DataArray&lt;real, 1, 1&gt; PrandtlTurbulent = {{ 0.90 }} ;
-      }} ;
-    TurbulenceModel_t&lt;3&gt; TurbulenceModel =
-      {{
-      TurbulenceModelType_t TurbulenceModelType = 
-        OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras ;
-      int[6] DiffusionModel = [0,1,0,0,0,0] ;
-      }} ;      
-    }} ;        ! end FlowEquationSet
-  }} ;          ! TwoZoneCase
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-<a href="../adf/index.html"><h3>ADF Implementation</h3></a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/summary.html">Summary Description of ADF</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/guide.html">ADF User's Guide</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/intro.html">Introduction</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../adf/intro.html#history">History of Project</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/intro.html#other">Other Software Interfaces and ADF</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/intro.html#organization">Organization of Manual</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/library.html">The ADF Software Library</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/library.html#node">ADF Node Attributes</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/library.html#acquiring">Acquiring the Software and Documentation</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/glossary.html">ADF Glossary of Terms</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/history.html">History of ADF Version Releases</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/arch.html">ADF File System Architectures</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/versions.html">ADF File Version Control Numbering</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/design.html">ADF Design Considerations</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../adf/design.html#fileheader">ADF File Header Information</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/design.html#optimizations">ADF File Optimizations</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../adf/design.html#source">ADF Source Code Considerations</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/design.html#nodeheader">ADF Node Header Information</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/design.html#fortran">Fortran Character Array Portability Concerns</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/design.html#integer64">Integer 64 Data Type Portability Concerns</a>
-     <li> <a href="../adf/design.html#compound">Compound Data Types Portability Concerns</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/conventions.html">ADF Conventions and Implementations</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/errors.html">ADF Error Messages</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/defaults.html">Default Values and Sizes and Limits of Dimensions and Arrays</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/subs_database.html">Database-Level Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_database.html#Database_Open">ADF_Database_Open</a></tt> -
-          Open a database
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_database.html#Database_Close">ADF_Database_Close</a></tt> -
-          Close an opened database
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_database.html#Database_Delete">ADF_Database_Delete</a></tt> -
-          Delete an existing database
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_database.html#Database_Get_Format">ADF_Database_Get_Format</a></tt> -
-          Get the data format in an existing database
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_database.html#Database_Set_Format">ADF_Database_Set_Format</a></tt> -
-          Set the data format in an existing database
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/subs_structure.html">Data Structure and Management Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Create">ADF_Create</a></tt> -
-          Create a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Delete">ADF_Delete</a></tt> -
-          Delete a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Children_Names">ADF_Children_Names</a></tt> -
-          Get the child names of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Number_of_Children">ADF_Number_of_Children</a></tt> -
-          Get the number of children of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Get_Node_ID">ADF_Get_Node_ID</a></tt> -
-          Get a unique identifier of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Get_Name">ADF_Get_Name</a></tt> -
-          Get the name of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Put_Name">ADF_Put_Name</a></tt> -
-          Put (change) the name of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Move_Child">ADF_Move_Child</a></tt> -
-          Change a parent (move a child)
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Link">ADF_Link</a></tt> -
-          Create a link
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Is_Link">ADF_Is_Link</a></tt> -
-          Test if a node is a link
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Get_Link_Path">ADF_Get_Link_Path</a></tt> -
-          Get the path information from a link
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_structure.html#Get_Root_ID">ADF_Get_Root_ID</a></tt> -
-          Get the root ID of the ADF file
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/subs_query.html">Data Query Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_query.html#Get_Label">ADF_Get_Label</a></tt> -
-          Get a label
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_query.html#Set_Label">ADF_Set_Label</a></tt> -
-          Set a label
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_query.html#Get_Data_Type">ADF_Get_Data_Type</a></tt> -
-          Get the data type
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_query.html#Get_Number_of_Dimensions">ADF_Get_Number_of_Dimensions</a></tt> -
-          Get the number of dimensions
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_query.html#Get_Dimension_Values">ADF_Get_Dimension_Values</a></tt> -
-          Get the dimension values of a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_query.html#Put_Dimension_Information">ADF_Put_Dimension_Information</a></tt> -
-          Set the data type and dimension information
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/subs_io.html">Data I/O Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_io.html#Read_Data">ADF_Read_Data</a></tt> -
-          Read the data from a node (with partial capabilities)
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_io.html#Read_All_Data">ADF_Read_All_Data</a></tt> -
-          Read all the data into a contiguous memory space
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_io.html#Read_Block_Data">ADF_Read_Block_Data</a></tt> -
-          Read a contiguous block of data from a node
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_io.html#Write_Data">ADF_Write_Data</a></tt> -
-          Write the data to a node (with partial capabilities)
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_io.html#Write_All_Data">ADF_Write_All_Data</a></tt> -
-          Write all the data from a contiguous memory space
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_io.html#Write_Block_Data">ADF_Write_Block_Data</a></tt> -
-          Write a contiguous block of data to a node
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/subs_misc.html">Miscellaneous Routines</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_misc.html#Flush_to_Disk">ADF_Flush_to_Disk</a></tt> -
-          Flush the data to a disk
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_misc.html#Database_Garbage_Collection">ADF_Database_Garbage_Collection</a></tt> -
-          Garbage collection
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_misc.html#Error_Message">ADF_Error_Message</a></tt> -
-          Return an error message
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_misc.html#Set_Error_State">ADF_Set_Error_State</a></tt> -
-          Set the error state
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_misc.html#Get_Error_State">ADF_Get_Error_State</a></tt> -
-          Get the error state
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_misc.html#Database_Version">ADF_Database_Version</a></tt> -
-          Get the ADF file version ID
-     <li> <tt><a href="../adf/subs_misc.html#Library_Version">ADF_Library_Version</a></tt> -
-          Get the ADF library version ID
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../adf/sampleFortran.html">Sample Fortran Program</a>
-<li> <a href="../adf/sampleC.html">Sample C Program</a>
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-<li> <a href="../cgio/library.html">The CGIO Software Library</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../cgio/library.html#node">Node - The Building Block</a>
-     <li> <a href="../cgio/library.html#attributes">Node Attributes</a>
-     <li> <a href="../cgio/library.html#glossary">Glossary of Terms</a>
-     <li> <a href="../cgio/library.html#conventions">Conventions and Implementations</a>
-     <li> <a href="../cgio/library.html#defaults">Limits and Sizes</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/database.html">Database-Level Routines</a>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/structure.html">Data Structure Management Routines</a>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/links.html">Link Management Routines</a>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/node.html">Node Management Routines</a>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/dataio.html">Data I/O Routines</a>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/errors.html">Error Handling and Messages</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../cgio/errors.html#messages">Error messages</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/misc.html">Miscellaneous Routines</a>
-<li> <a href="../cgio/examples.html">Example Programs</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../cgio/examples.html#Fortran">Fortran Example</a>
-     <li> <a href="../cgio/examples.html#C">C Example</a>
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-     <li><a href="../cgnstools/tools.html#cgnscheck"><i>cgnscheck</i></a>
-     <li><a href="../cgnstools/tools.html#cgnscompress"><i>cgnscompress</i></a>
-     <li><a href="../cgnstools/tools.html#cgnsdiff"><i>cgnsdiff</i></a>
-     <li><a href="../cgnstools/tools.html#cgnslist"><i>cgnslist</i></a>
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-<li> <a href="http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases/">PyCGNS</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../charter/mission.html#acceptance">Promote the acceptance of CGNS</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../charter/principles.html#changes">Changes or Additions to the Standard</a>
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-<li> <a href="../filemap/documentation.html">CGNS&nbsp;Documentation</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/documentation.html#description">Description of the Documents</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/documentation.html#which">Which Documents Do You Need?</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/documentation.html#howto">How to Use This Document</a>
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-<li> <a href="../filemap/background.html">CGNS&nbsp;Background</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../filemap/background.html#purpose">Purpose</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/background.html#history">Participation and Brief History</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/background.html#scope">Scope</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../filemap/general.html">General&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/general.html#filestructure">Conceptual Structure of a CGNS Database</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/general.html#nodestructure">The Structure of a Node</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/general.html#nodeuse">Use of Nodes in CGNS</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/general.html#cgns_databases">CGNS Databases</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/general.html#internal">Internal Organization of a CGNS Database</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html">Detailed&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;Node&nbsp;Descriptions</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#basicnodes">Basic Nodes</a>
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-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#descriptorgroup">Descriptor Group</a>
-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#physicalgroup">Physical Data Group</a>
-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#locationgroup">Location and Position Group</a>
-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#auxiliarygroup">Auxiliary Data Group</a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#specializednodes">Specialized Nodes</a>
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-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#gridspecification">Grid Specification</a>
-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#fieldspecification">Field Specification</a>
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-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#bcgroup">Boundary Condition Group</a>
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-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#timedepgroup">Time-Dependent Group</a>
-          <li> <a href="../filemap/nodes.html#structuralnodes">Structural Nodes</a>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../filemap/figures.html">CGNS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Figures</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ArbitraryGridMotion.html"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/Area.html"><tt>Area_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/AverageInterface.html"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/BaseIterativeData.html"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/BCData.html"><tt>BCData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/CGNSBase.html"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ConvergenceHistory.html"><tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/DataArray.html"><tt>DataArray_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/DimensionalExponents.html"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/DimensionalUnits.html"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/Family.html"><tt>Family_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/FamilyBC.html"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/FamilyBCDataSet.html"><tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> and <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> Data Structures</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/GasModel.html"><tt>GasModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/GeometryReference.html"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/GoverningEquations.html"><tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/IntegralData.html"><tt>IntegralData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/OversetHoles.html"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ReferenceState.html"><tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/RigidGridMotion.html"><tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ThermalConductivityModel.html"><tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/TurbulenceClosure.html"><tt>TurbulenceClosure_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/TurbulenceModel.html"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ViscosityModel.html"><tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/WallFunction.html"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/Zone.html"><tt>Zone_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ZoneGridConnectivity.html"><tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ZoneIterativeData.html"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
-     <li> <a href="../filemap/figures/ZoneSubRegion.html"><tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt> Data Structure</a>
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-<li> <a href="../hdf5/summary.html">Implementation&nbsp;Summary</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../hdf5/summary.html#general">General Description of HDF5</a>
-     <li> <a href="../hdf5/summary.html#dedicated">Dedicated HDF5 Structures</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../hdf5/general.html">General&nbsp;HDF5&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Concepts</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../hdf5/general.html#hdfelements">Use of HDF5 Elements in CGNS</a>
-     <li> <a href="../hdf5/general.html#cgns_databases">CGNS Databases</a>
-     <li> <a href="../hdf5/general.html#internal">Internal Organization of a CGNS Database</a>
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-<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><h3>Mid-Level Library</h3></a>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html">General Remarks</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#acquiring">Acquiring the Software and Documentation</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#organization">Organization of This Manual</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#language">Language</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#character">Character Strings</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#error">Error Status</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#typedefs_char">Character Names for Typedefs</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#c-port">64-bit C Portability and Issues</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>
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-<li> <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html">File Operations</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html#openclose">Opening and Closing a CGNS File</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html#configure">Configuring CGNS Internals</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/fileops.html#cgiointer">Interfacing with CGIO</a>
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-<li> <a href="../midlevel/navigating.html">Navigating a CGNS File</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/navigating.html#goto">Accessing a Node</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/navigating.html#delete">Deleting a Node</a>
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-<li> <a href="../midlevel/error.html">Error Handling</a>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/structural.html">Structural Nodes</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/structural.html#base">CGNS Base Information
-          (<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/structural.html#zone">Zone Information
-          (<tt>Zone_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/structural.html#simulationtype">Simulation Type
-          (<tt>SimulationType_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html">Descriptors</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor">Descriptive Text
-          (<tt>Descriptor_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/descriptor.html#ordinal">Ordinal Value
-          (<tt>Ordinal_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/physical.html">Physical Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/physical.html#dataarray">Data Arrays
-          (<tt>DataArray_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/physical.html#dataclass">Data Class
-          (<tt>DataClass_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/physical.html#dataconversion">Data Conversion Factors
-          (<tt>DataConversion_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits">Dimensional Units
-          (<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalexponents">Dimensional Exponents
-          (<tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/location.html">Location and Position</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/location.html#gridlocation">Grid Location
-          (<tt>GridLocation_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/location.html#ptset">Point Sets
-          (<tt>IndexArray_t, IndexRange_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/location.html#rind">Rind Layers
-          (<tt>Rind_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html">Auxiliary Data</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#refstate">Reference State
-          (<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#gravity">Gravity
-          (<tt>Gravity_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#convergence">Convergence History
-          (<tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#integral">Integral Data
-          (<tt>IntegralData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#userdefined">User-Defined Data
-          (<tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/auxiliary.html#free">Freeing Memory</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/grid.html">Grid Specification</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates">Zone Grid Coordinates
-          (<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#elements">Element Connectivity
-          (<tt>Elements_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#axisymmetry">Axisymmetry
-          (<tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/grid.html#rotatingcoordinates">Rotating Coordinates
-          (<tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
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-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution">Flow Solution
-          (<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/solution.html#discretedata">Discrete Data
-          (<tt>DiscreteData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/solution.html#subregion">Zone Subregions
-          (<tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/connectivity.html">Grid Connectivity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/connectivity.html#1to1">One-to-One Connectivity
-          (<tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/connectivity.html#general">Generalized Connectivity
-          (<tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty">Special Grid Connectivity Properties
-          (<tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/connectivity.html#overset">Overset Holes
-          (<tt>OversetHoles_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/bc.html">Boundary Conditions</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/bc.html#bc">Boundary Condition Type and Location
-          (<tt>BC_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/bc.html#bcdataset">Boundary Condition Datasets
-          (<tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/bc.html#bcdata">Boundary Condition Data
-          (<tt>BCData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/bc.html#bcproperty">Special Boundary Condition Properties
-          (<tt>BCProperty_t</tt>)</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../midlevel/equation.html">Equation Specification</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/equation.html#flowequationset">Flow Equation Set
-          (<tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/equation.html#governingequations">Governing Equations
-          (<tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary">Auxiliary Models
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-          TurbulenceClosure_t, TurbulenceModel_t, ThermalRelaxationModel_t,
-          ChemicalKineticsModel_t, EMElectricFieldModel_t,
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-<li> <a href="../midlevel/families.html">Families</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/families.html#family">Family Definition
-          (<tt>Family_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/families.html#geometry">Geometry Reference
-          (<tt>GeometryReference_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/families.html#familybc">Family Boundary Condition
-          (<tt>FamilyBC_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/families.html#familyname">Family Name
-          (<tt>FamilyName_t</tt>)</a>
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-<li> <a href="../midlevel/timedep.html">Time-Dependent Data</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/timedep.html#biter">Base Iterative Data
-          (<tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt>)</a>
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-          (<tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/timedep.html#rigid">Rigid Grid Motion
-          (<tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/timedep.html#arbitrary">Arbitrary Grid Motion
-          (<tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt>)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../midlevel/timedep.html#zconn">Zone Grid Connectivity
-          (<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>)</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../overview/elements.html#structure">Structure of a CGNS Database</a>
-     <li> <a href="../overview/elements.html#sids">Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</a>
-     <li> <a href="../overview/elements.html#filemap">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-     <li> <a href="../overview/elements.html#database">Database Manager</a>
-     <li> <a href="../overview/elements.html#cgnsmidlevel">Mid-Level Library, or API</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../pcgns/library.html#coord">Coordinate Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../pcgns/library.html#element">Element Connectivity Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../pcgns/library.html#solution">Solution Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../pcgns/library.html#array">Array Data</a>
-     </ul>
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-<li> <a href="../sids/conv.html">Conventions</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#notation">Data Structure Notation Conventions</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#structgrid">Structured Grid Notation and Indexing Conventions</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#unstructgrid">Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions</a>
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-          <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#unst_line">1-D (Line) Elements</a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#unst_2d">2-D (Surface) Elements</a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#unst_3d">3-D (Volume) Elements</a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#unst_example">Unstructured Grid Example</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../sids/conv.html#interfaces">Multizone Interfaces</a>
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-<li> <a href="../sids/build.html">Building-Block Structure Definitions</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#DataClass">Definition: <tt>DataClass_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#Descriptor">Definition: <tt>Descriptor_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits">Definition: <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents">Definition: <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#GridLocation">Definition: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#IndexArray">Definition: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#IndexRange">Definition: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/build.html#Rind">Definition: <tt>Rind_t</tt></a>
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-<li> <a href="../sids/data.html">Data-Array Structure Definitions</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#DataArray">Definition: <tt>DataArray_t</tt></a>
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-          <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#DataConversion">Definition: <tt>DataConversion_t</tt></a>
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-     <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#manip">Data Manipulation</a>
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-          <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#dim">Dimensional Data</a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#normbydim">Nondimensional Data Normalized by Dimensional Quantities</a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#normbyunkdim">Nondimensional Data Normalized by Unknown Dimensional Quantities</a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#nondimparam">Nondimensional Parameters</a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#dimensionless">Dimensionless Constants</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../sids/data.html#example">Data-Array Examples</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html">Hierarchical Structures</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSLibraryVersion">CGNS Version</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase">CGNS Entry Level Structure Definition: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone">Zone Structure Definition: <tt>Zone_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cgnsbase.html#precedence">Precedence Rules and Scope Within the Hierarchy</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html">Grid Coordinates, Elements, and Flow Solution</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates">Grid Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#grid_example">Grid Coordinates Examples</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Elements">Elements Structure Definition: <tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#element_example">Elements Examples</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#Axisymmetry">Axisymmetry Structure Definition: <tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates">Rotating Coordinates Structure Definition: <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution">Flow Solution Structure Definition: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#flow_example">Flow Solution Example</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">Zone Subregion Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneSubRegion_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/gridflow.html#subreg_example">Zone Subregion Examples</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html">Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">Zonal Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1">1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#cnct_example">1-to-1 Interface Connectivity Examples</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity">General Interface Connectivity Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#cnct_gen_example">General Interface Connectivity Examples</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty">Grid Connectivity Property Structure Definition: <tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-          <ul>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#Periodic">Periodic Interface Structure Definition: <tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#AverageInterface">Average Interface Structure Definition: <tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles">Overset Grid Holes Structure Definition: <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/bc.html">Boundary Conditions</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCstruct">Boundary Condition Structures Overview</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#ZoneBC">Zonal Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BC">Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>BC_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCDataSet">Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCData">Boundary Condition Data Structure Definition: <tt>BCData_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCProperty">Boundary Condition Property Structure Definition: <tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>
-          <ul>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#WallFunction">Wall Function Structure Definition: <tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>
-          <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#Area">Area Structure Definition: <tt>Area_t</tt></a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCType">Boundary Condition Type Structure Definition: <tt>BCType_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCType_assoc">Matching Boundary Condition Data Sets</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BC_specdata">Boundary Condition Specification Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCexample">Boundary Condition Examples</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html">Governing Flow Equations</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet">Flow Equation Set Structure Definition: <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#GoverningEquations">Governing Equations Structure Definition: <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ModelType">Model Type Structure Definition: <tt>ModelType_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#GasModel">Thermodynamic Gas Model Structure Definition: <tt>GasModel_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ViscosityModel">Molecular Viscosity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ViscosityModel_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalConductivityModel">Thermal Conductivity Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalConductivityModel_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#Turbulence">Turbulence Structure Definitions</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel">Thermal Relaxation Model Structure Definition: <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel">Chemical Kinetics Model Structure Definition: <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#EM">Electromagnetics Structure Definitions</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/floweqn.html#flowexample">Flow Equation Examples</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/timedep.html">Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/timedep.html#IterativeData">Iterative Data Structure Definitions</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/timedep.html#RigidGridMotion">Rigid Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion">Arbitrary Grid Motion Structure Definition: <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/timedep.html#ZoneGridConnectivity">Zone Grid Connectivities</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/timedep.html#Examplestimedep">Examples for Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/misc.html">Miscellaneous Data Structures</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#ReferenceState">Reference State Structure Definition: <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#ReferenceStateEx">Reference State Example</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#ConvergenceHistory">Convergence History Structure Definition: <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#DiscreteData">Discrete Data Structure Definition: <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#IntegralData">Integral Data Structure Definition: <tt>IntegralData_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#Family">Family Data Structure Definition: <tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#GeometryReference">Geometry Reference Structure Definition: <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#FamilyBC">Family Boundary Condition Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#FamilyBCDataSet">Family Boundary Condition Data Set Structure Definition: <tt>FamilyBCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData">User-Defined Data Structure Definition: <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/misc.html#Gravity">Gravity Data Structure Definition: <tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name Identifiers</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_grid">Coordinate Systems</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">Flowfield Solution</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_turb">Turbulence Model Solution</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_nondim">Nondimensional Parameters</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_char">Characteristics and Riemann Invariants Based on 1-D Flow</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_force">Forces and Moments</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/dataname.html#dataname_timedep">Time-Dependent Flow</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html">Structured Two-Zone Flat Plate Example</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html#flatplate_layout">Overall Layout</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html#flatplate_grid">Grid Coordinates</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html#flatplate_flowfield">Flowfield Solution</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html#flatplate_connectivity">Interface Connectivity</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html#flatplate_bc">Boundary Conditions</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html#flatplate_refstate">Global Reference State</a>
-     <li> <a href="../sids/twozone.html#flatplate_eqs">Equation Description</a>
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-<a href="../user/index.html"><h3>A User's Guide to CGNS</h3></a>
-<li> <a href="../user/intro.html">Introduction</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../user/intro.html#sec:whatCGNS">What is CGNS?</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/intro.html#sec:whyCGNS">Why CGNS?</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/intro.html#sec:whatCGNSfile">What is a CGNS File?</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/intro.html#sec:organization">How this User's Guide is Organized</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../user/started.html">Getting Started</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:str">Structured Grid</a>
-          <ul>
-          <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:singlegrid">Single-Zone Structured Grid</a>
-          <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:flowsoln">Single-Zone Structured Grid and Flow Solution</a>
-          <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:bcstruct">Single-Zone Structured Grid with Boundary Conditions</a>
-          <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:str1to1">Multi-Zone Structured Grid with 1-to-1 Connectivity</a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:unstr">Unstructured Grid</a>
-          <ul>
-          <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:unstrgrid">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid</a>
-          <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:unstrflow">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid and Flow Solution</a>
-          <li> <a href="../user/started.html#sec:bcunstr">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid with Boundary Conditions</a>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../user/additional.html">Additional Information</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../user/additional.html#sec:converge">Convergence History</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/additional.html#sec:descript">Descriptor Nodes</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/additional.html#sec:dimens">Dimensional Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/additional.html#sec:nondimens">Nondimensional Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/additional.html#sec:floweqns">Flow Equation Sets</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/additional.html#sec:timedep">Time-Dependent Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/additional.html#sec:links">Using Links</a>
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-<li> <a href="../user/trouble.html">Troubleshooting</a>
-<li> <a href="../user/faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a>
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-<li> <a href="../user/sids.html">Overview of the SIDS</a>
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-     <li> <a href="../user/sids.html#sec:bigpicture">The Big Picture</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/sids.html#sec:lowerlevels">Implementation at the Lower Levels of the Hierarchy</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/sids.html#sec:bcs">Boundary Conditions</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/sids.html#sec:connectivity">Zone Connectivity</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/sids.html#sec:sidsexample">Structured Zone Example</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="../user/plot3d.html">Guideline for PLOT3D Variables</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="../user/plot3d.html#sec:dimensional">Dimensional Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/plot3d.html#sec:NormalizedByDimensional">NormalizedByDimensional Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/plot3d.html#sec:NormalizedByUnknownDimensional">NormalizedByUnknownDimensional Data</a>
-     <li> <a href="../user/plot3d.html#sec:notes">Notes</a>
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-<title>Parallel I/O for the CGNS system</title>
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-<h1>CFD General Notation System (CGNS)<br>
-Parallel I/O for the CGNS system</h1>
-Thomas Hauser<br>
-Center for High Performance Computing<br>
-Utah State University<br>
-<li> Motivation
-<li> Background of parallel I/O
-<li> Overview of CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> Data formats
-     <li> Parallel I/O strategies
-     </ul>
-<li> Parallel CGNS implementation
-<li> Usage examples
-     <ul>
-     <li> Read
-     <li> Writing 
-     </ul>
-<h2>Why parallel I/O</h2>
-<li> Supercomputer
-     <ul>
-     <li> A computer which turns a CPU-bound problem into an I/O-bound
-          problem.
-     </ul>
-<li> As computers become faster and more parallel, the (often
-     serialized) I/O bus can often become the bottleneck for large
-     computations
-     <ul>
-     <li> Checkpoint/restart files
-     <li> Plot files
-     <li> Scratch files for out-of-core computation
-     </ul>
-<h2>I/O Needs on Parallel Computers</h2>
-<li> High Performance
-     <ul>
-     <li> Take advantage of parallel I/O paths (when available)
-     <li> Support for application-level tuning parameters
-     </ul>
-<li> Data Integrity
-     <ul>
-     <li> Deal with hardware and power failures sanely
-     </ul>
-<li> Single System Image
-     <ul>
-     <li> All nodes "see" the same file systems
-     <li> Equal access from anywhere on the machine
-     </ul>
-<li> Ease of Use
-     <ul>
-     <li> Accessible in exactly the same ways as a traditional
-          UNIX-style file system
-     </ul>
-<h2>Distributed File Systems</h2>
-<li> Distributed file system (DFS)
-     <ul>
-     <li> File system stored locally on one system (the server)
-     <li> Accessible by processes on many systems (clients).
-     </ul>
-<li> Some examples of a DFS
-     <ul>
-     <li> NFS (Sun)
-     <li> AFS (CMU)
-     </ul>
-<li> Parallel access
-     <ul>
-     <li> Possible
-     <li> Limited by network
-     <li> Locking problem
-     </ul>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig1.png"
-     alt="Diagram of a distributed file system"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig1.html">
-<h2>Parallel File Systems</h2>
-<li> A parallel file system
-     <ul>
-     <li> multiple servers
-     <li> multiple clients
-     </ul>
-<li> Optimized for high performance
-     <ul>
-     <li> Very large block sizes (=>64kB)
-     <li> Slow metadata operations
-     <li> Special APIs for direct access
-     </ul>
-<li> Examples of parallel file systems
-     <ul>
-     <li> GPFS (IBM)
-     <li> PVFS2 (Clemson/ANL)
-     </ul>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig2.png"
-     alt="Diagram of a parallel file system"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig2.html">
-<h2>PVFS2 - Parallel Virtual File System</h2>
-<li> Three-piece architecture
-     <ul>
-     <li> Single metadata server
-     <li> Multiple data servers
-     <li> Multiple clients
-     </ul>
-<li> Multiple APIs
-     <ul>
-     <li> PVFS library interface
-     <li> UNIX file semantics using Linux kernel driver
-     </ul>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig3.png"
-     alt="Diagram of a parallel virtual file system"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig3.html">
-<h2>Simplistic parallel I/O</h2>
-I/O in parallel programs without using a parallel I/O interface
-<li> Single I/O Process
-<li> Post-Mortem Reassembly
-Not scalable for large applications
-<h2>Single Process I/O</h2>
-<li> Single process I/O.
-     <ul>
-     <li> Global data broadcasted
-     <li> Local data distributed by message passing
-     </ul>
-<li> Scalability problems
-     <ul>
-     <li> I/O bandwidth = single process bandwidth
-     <li> No parallelism in I/O
-     <li> Consumes memory and bandwidth resources
-     </ul>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig4.png"
-     alt="Diagram illustrating single process I/O"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig4.html">
-<h2>Post-Mortem Reassembly</h2>
-<li> Each process does I/O into local files
-<li> Reassembly necessary
-<li> I/O scales
-<li> Reassembly and splitting tool
-     <ul>
-     <li> Does not scale
-     </ul>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig5.png"
-     alt="Diagram illustrating need for reassembly"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig5.html">
-<h2>Parallel CGNS I/O</h2>
-<li> New parallel interface
-<li> Perform I/O cooperatively or collectively
-<li> Potential I/O optimizations for better performance
-<li> CGNS integration
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig6.png"
-     alt="Diagram illustrating parallel I/O with CGNS"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig6.html">
-<h2>Parallel CGNS I/O API</h2>
-<li> The same CGNS file format
-     <ul>
-     <li> Using the HDF5 implementation
-     </ul>
-<li> Maintains the look and feel of the serial midlevel API
-     <ul>
-     <li> Same syntax and semantics
-          <ul>
-          <li> Except: open and create
-          </ul>
-     <li> Distinguished by cgp_ prefix
-     </ul>
-<li> Parallel access through the parallel HDF5 interface
-     <ul>
-     <li> Benefits from MPI-I/O
-     <li> MPI communicator added in open argument list
-     <li> MPI info used for parallel I/O management and further
-          optimization
-     </ul>
-<h2>MPI-IO File System Hints</h2>
-<li> File system hints
-     <ul>
-     <li> Describe access pattern and preferences in MPI-2 to the
-          underlying file system through
-     <li> (keyword,value) pairs stored in an MPI_Info object.
-     </ul>
-<li> File system hints can include the following
-     <ul>
-     <li> File stripe size
-     <li> Number of I/O nodes used
-     <li> Planned access patterns
-     <li> File system specific hints
-     </ul>
-<li> Hints not supported by the MPI implementation or the file system
-     are ignored.
-<li> Null info object (MPI_INFO_NULL) as default
-<h2>Parallel I/O implementation</h2>
-<li> Reading: no modification, except opening file
-<li> Writing: Split into 2 phases
-<li> Phase 1
-     <ul>
-     <li> Creation of a data set, e.g. coordinates, solution data
-     <li> Collective operation
-     </ul>
-<li> Phase 2
-     <ul>
-     <li> Writing of data into previously created data set
-     <li> Independent operation
-     </ul>
-<li> Reading
-     <ul>
-     <li> Each process reads it's own zone
-     </ul>
-<li> Writing
-     <ul>
-     <li> Each process writes it's own zone
-     <li> One zone is written by 4 processors
-          <ul>
-          <li> Creation of zone
-          <li> Writing of subset into the zone
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>Example Reading</h2>
-   if (cgp_open(comm, info, fname, MODE_READ, &amp;cgfile)) cg_error_exit();
-   if (cg_nbases(cgfile, &amp;nbases)) cg_error_exit();
-   cgbase = 1;
-   if (cg_base_read(cgfile, cgbase, basename, &amp;cdim, &amp;pdim)) cg_error_exit();
-   if (cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "end")) cg_error_exit();
-   if (cg_units_read(&amp;mu, &amp;lu, &amp;tu, &amp;tempu, &amp;au)) cg_error_exit();
-   if (cg_simulation_type_read(cgfile, cgbase, &amp;simType)) cg_error_exit();
-   if (cg_nzones(cgfile, cgbase, &amp;nzones)) cg_error_exit();
-   nstart[0] = 1; nstart[1] = 1; nstart[2] = 1;
-   nend[0] = SIDES; nend[1] = SIDES; nend[2] = SIDES;
-   for(nz=1; nz <= nzones; nz++) {
-     if (cg_zone_read(cgfile, cgbase, nz, zname, zsize)) cg_error_exit
-     if (mpi_rank == nz-1) {
-       if (cg_ncoords(cgfile, cgbase, nz, &amp;ngrids)) cg_error_exit();
-       if (cg_coord_read(cgfile, cgbase, nz, "CoordinateX", RealDouble,
-                         nstart, nend, coord)) cg_error_exit();
-     }
-   }
-<h2>Each Process writes one Zone - 1</h2>
-   if (cgp_open(comm, info, fname, MODE_WRITE, &amp;cgfile) ||
-       cg_base_write(cgfile, "Base", 3, 3, &amp;cgbase) ||
-       cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "end") ||
-       cg_simulation_type_write(cgfile, cgbase, NonTimeAccurate)) cg_error_exit();
-   for(nz=0; nz < nzones; nz++) {
-     if (cg_zone_write(cgfile, cgbase, name, size, Structured, &amp;cgzone[nz][0]))
-        cg_error_exit();
-     if (cgp_coord_create(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone[nz][0], RealDouble, "CoordinateX",
-                          &amp;cgzone[nz][1])) cg_error_exit();
-   }
-<h2>Each Process writes one Zone - 2</h2>
-   for(nz=0; nz < nzones; nz++) {
-     if (mpi_rank == nz) {
-       if (cgp_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone[mpi_rank][0], cgzone[mpi_rank][1],
-                           coord) ||
-           cgp_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone[mpi_rank][0], cgzone[mpi_rank][2],
-                           coord) ||
-           cgp_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone[mpi_rank][0], cgzone[mpi_rank][3],
-                           coord)) cg_error_exit();
-     }
-   }
-<h2>Writing One Zone</h2>
-   /* size is the total size of the zone */
-   if (cg_zone_write(cgfile, cgbase, name, size, Structured, &amp;cgzone[nz][0])) cg_error_exit();
-   if (cgp_coord_create(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone[nz][0], RealDouble, "CoordinateX",
-                        &amp;cgzone[nz][1]) ||
-       cgp_coord_create(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone[nz][0], RealDouble, "CoordinateY",
-                        &amp;cgzone[nz][2]) ||
-       cgp_coord_create(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone[nz][0], RealDouble, "CoordinateZ",
-                        &amp;cgzone[nz][3])) cg_error_exit();
-   if (cgp_coord_partial_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, cgcoord, rmin, rmax, coord))
-      cg_error_exit;
-<h2>Write Performance</h2>
-<li> 3 Cases
-     <ul>
-     <li> 50&times;50&times;50 points &times; number of processors
-          <ul>
-          <li> 23.0MB
-          </ul>
-     <li> 150&times;150&times;150 points &times; number of processors
-          <ul>
-          <li> 618 MB
-          </ul>
-     <li> 250&times;250&times;250 points &times; number of processors
-          <ul>
-          <li> 2.8GB
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Increasing the problem size with the number of processors
-<h2>Total write time - NFS</h2>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig7.png"
-     alt="Graph showing total write time with NFS vs number of processors"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig7.html">
-<h2>Total write time - PVFS2</h2>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig8.png"
-     alt="Graph showing total write time with PVFS2 vs number of processors"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig8.html">
-<h2>Creation time - PVFS2</h2>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig9.png"
-     alt="Graph showing creation time with PVFS vs number of processors"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig9.html">
-<h2>Write time - PVFS2</h2>
-<img src="HAUSER_tutorial/fig10.png"
-     alt="Graph showing write time with PVFS vs number of processors"
-     longdesc="HAUSER_tutorial/fig10.html">
-<li> Implemented a prototype of parallel I/O within the framework of CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> Built on top of existing HDF5 interface
-     <li> Small addition to the midlevel library cgp_* functions
-     </ul>
-<li> High-performance I/O possible with few changes
-<li> Splitting the I/O into two phases
-     <ul>
-     <li> Creation of data sets
-     <li> Writing of data independently into the previously created
-          data set
-     </ul>
-<li> Testing on more platforms
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-Last updated 20 Dec 2007
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Distributed File Systems </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a diagram of a distributed file system.
-There are five boxes labeled "Client", all connected to a box labeled
-"Network", which in turn is connected to a box labeled "I/O Server".
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-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Write time - PVFS2 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a plot of the write wall clock time in seconds vs the number of
-There are three curves, one for the small-grid case (50&times;50&times;50
-in each zone), one for the medium-grid case (150&times;150&times;150 in
-each zone), and one for the large-grid case (250&times;250&times;250 in
-each zone).
-For all three grids, the times increase gradually with the number of
-<li> For the small-grid case, the time increases very gradually, from
-     nearly 0 for 1 processor to about 1 for 16 processors.
-<li> For the medium-grid case, the time increases linearly from about
-     3.5 for 1 processor to about 5 for 8 processors, then jumps to 15
-     for 16 processors.
-<li> For the large-grid case, the time is about 16 for 1 or 2
-     processors, jumps to about 20 for 4 or 8 processors, then jumps
-     again to about 36 for 16 processors.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Parallel File Systems </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a diagram of a parallel file system.
-There are five boxes labeled "Client", all connected to a box labeled
-"PFS", which in turn is connected to four boxes labeled "I/O Server".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> PVFS2 - Parallel Virtual File System </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a diagram of a parallel virtual file system.
-There are ten boxes labeled "Compute nodes", which may be both I/O
-servers and clients, all connected to a box labeled "Network", which in
-turn is connected to a master node containing metadata and also acting
-as an I/O client.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Single Process I/O </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a diagram illustrating single process I/O.
-There are four boxes labeled "P01" through "P04, representing four
-These all connect to a box labeled "P00" representing the I/O process.
-The P00 box connects to a "CGNS" box, which in turn connects to a box
-labeled "Parallel File System".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Post-Mortem Reassembly </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a diagram illustrating the need for reassembly.
-There are five boxes labeled "P00" through "P04, each connecting to its
-own box labeled "CGNS".
-In turn, the five CGNS boxes all connect to a single box labeled
-"Parallel File System".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Parallel CGNS I/O </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a diagram illustrating parallel I/O with CGNS.
-Across the top of this figure are five boxes, labeled P00 through P04,
-representing five processors.
-Below that are three boxes stacked vertically, labeled from top to bottom
-<li> parallel CGNS implementation
-<li> parallel HDF
-<li> MPI-I/O
-There are double-sided arrows between each of the five processor boxes
-and the topmost of these three boxes, representing data flow in both
-Across the bottom of the figure is a box labeled "Parallel File System".
-There are five double-sided arrows between this box and the box above it
-labeled "MPI-I/O", again representing data flow in both directions.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/HAUSER_tutorial/fig7.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Total write time - NFS </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a plot of the total wall clock time in seconds vs the number of
-There are three curves, one for the small-grid case (50&times;50&times;50
-in each zone), one for the medium-grid case (150&times;150&times;150 in
-each zone), and one for the large-grid case (250&times;250&times;250 in
-each zone).
-For all three grids, the time increases roughly linearly with the number
-of processors, as follows:
-<li> For the small-grid case, from nearly 0 for one processor to about
-     180 for eight processors
-<li> For the medium-grid case, from about 5 for one processor to about
-     218 for eight processors
-<li> For the large-grid case, from about 19 for one processor to about
-     130 for four processors
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index 6796722b..00000000
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index abb68f91..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/HAUSER_tutorial/fig8.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Total write time - PVFS2 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a plot of the total wall clock time in seconds vs the number of
-There are three curves, one for the small-grid case (50&times;50&times;50
-in each zone), one for the medium-grid case (150&times;150&times;150 in
-each zone), and one for the large-grid case (250&times;250&times;250 in
-each zone).
-For all three grids, the time increases roughly linearly with the number
-of processors, as follows:
-<li> For the small-grid case, from nearly 0 for one processor to about
-     4 for eight processors
-<li> For the medium-grid case, from about 3 for one processor to about
-     15 for eight processors
-<li> For the large-grid case, from about 16 for one processor to about
-     50 for eight processors
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9d78a4f8..00000000
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index 7900f027..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/HAUSER_tutorial/fig9.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Creation time - PVFS2 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a plot of the creation wall clock time in seconds vs the number of
-There are three curves, one for the small-grid case (50&times;50&times;50
-in each zone), one for the medium-grid case (150&times;150&times;150 in
-each zone), and one for the large-grid case (250&times;250&times;250 in
-each zone).
-For all three grids, the time increases linearly with the number of
-processors, as follows:
-<li> For the small-grid case, from nearly 0 for 1 processor to about
-     0.5 for 16 processors
-<li> For the medium-grid case, from about 0.2 for 1 processor to about
-     3.3 for 16 processors
-<li> For the large-grid case, from about 0.7 for 1 processor to about
-     11.7 for 16 processors
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "CGNS Summary" slides -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>CGNS Summary</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-CGNS Summary
-CGNS (CFD General Notation System)<br><br>
-Summary for Open Meeting, May 1999
-Prepared by: Douglas R. McCarthy<br>
-May 20, 1999
-<h2>CGNS System - General Description</h2>
-<li> Standards for CFD data specification, storage and I/O
-<li> Open software implementing the standards
-<li> Developed under AST contract by:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Boeing Seattle
-     <li> Boeing St. Louis
-     <li> ICEM CFD
-     <li> NASA Langley
-     <li> NASA Ames
-     <li> NASA Glenn
-     </ul>
-<li> Participation by:
-     <ul>
-     <li> WPAFB
-     <li> NPARC Alliance
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS System - Standardized Data and I/O for CFD</h2>
-<li> Exchange data easily between groups and sites, and across computing
-     platforms
-<li> Archive data in self-documenting, machine independent form
-<li> Exchange data directly between "applications" codes (i.e., grid
-     generators, flow solvers, post-processors)
-<li> Make applications themselves interchangeable
-<li> Reduce time to incorporate new capabilities
-<li> Allow applications engineers to choose methods based on technical
-     requirements
-<li> Allow developers to focus on added value rather than I/O
-<li> Facilitate the development of infrastructure and general utilities
-     for manipulating CFD data
-<li> Pointers to CAD Geometry
-<li> Multi-block structured grids (all types)
-<li> Unstructured grids
-<li> Field properties
-<li> Boundary conditions
-<li> Connection information
-<li> Units, non-dimensionalization, turbulence models, equation sets,
-     etc.
-<li> Incorporate CGNS I/O into existing or new applications codes
-<li> Codes share information using the file system as a data bus
-<li> Codes are still run under user selection and control
-<li> User responsible for file manipulation and directory maintenance
-<li> No file "locking"
-<h2>CGNS Software Relationships</h2>
-<img src="OpenMtgSummary/fig1.png"
-     alt="Figure illustrating CGNS software relationships"
-     longdesc="OpenMtgSummary/fig1.html">
-<h2>Two Level System</h2>
-Independent Data Base Manager, ADF
-<li> Tree, with links
-<li> All nodes in tree are the same:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Labeling information
-     <li> Dimensioning information
-     <li> Data (optional): Integer, Real, Character, etc.
-     </ul>
-<li> Optimized for dense data
-<li> Minimal instruction set (ADF Core)
-CFD General Notation System (CGNS)
-<li> Data stored in ADF files
-<li> Accessed by "Mid" level API which understands CFD
-<h2>ADF (Advanced Data Format)</h2>
-<li> Stand-alone general Database Manager
-<li> Stores tree-structured binary data, patterned on St. Louis' Common
-     File Format (CFF)
-<li> Coded in C, with FORTRAN access
-<li> Code and files fully portable
-<li> Extensively debugged and tested
-<li> Thoroughly documented
-<li> In use in place of CFF at St. Louis, and in Wind code
-<h2>CGNS (CFD General Notation System)</h2>
-<li> SIDS (Standard Interface Data Structures)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Defines the intellectual content of CFD data in detail
-     </ul>
-<li> File Mapping Conventions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Define the way the content is stored in the ADF file(s)
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS Mid-level Library (API)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Routines to access CFD-related objects stored in ADF files
-          at a level much higher than the ADF Core. Meant to be
-          incorporated into applications code.
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS System Current Completion Status (5/99)</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left>SIDS<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left>File Mapping<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left>Mid-Level Routines
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>CAD Pointers<td>
-   <td nowrap>Agreement achieved 3/27/98,<br>
-              implementation in V1.1<td>
-   <td nowrap>Agreement achieved 3/27/98,<br>
-              implementation in V1.1<td>
-   <td>In work, V1.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>Structured<td>
-   <td>Complete V1.0<td>
-   <td>Complete V1.0<td>
-   <td>Complete V1.0
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>Unstructured<td>
-   <td>Complete V1.1<td>
-   <td>Complete V1.1<td>
-   <td>In work, V1.1
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>Chemistry<td>
-   <td>Nomenclature proposal on table<td>
-   <td>Complete<td>
-   <td>No special code needed
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>Moving Grid<td>
-   <td colspan=3>Proposals on table<td>
-   <td>Some code needed
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<h2>Software Development Status</h2>
-<li> Wind (NPARC) converted from CFF to ADF; conversion to CGNS underway
-     at Boeing (V3.0)
-<li> CFF-to-CGNS Converter
-     <ul>
-     <li> Done at Boeing S.L. using ADF Core level
-     <li> CGNS-to-CFF in work at UTRC using API
-     </ul>
-<li> Plot3d-to-CGNS Converter
-<li> Overflow converted to CGNS (Kiris) - ADF and API levels
-<li> Pegasus-to-CGNS converter (Kiris)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Installation into V5 at MicroCraft
-     </ul>
-<li> CFL3D converted (non-overset) (Rumsey)
-<li> TLNS3D underway (Poirier)
-<li> ICEM CFD
-     <ul>
-     <li> Grid Generation, V3 Visualizer, etc.
-     </ul>
-<h2>System Demonstration</h2>
-<li> Grid generated at NASA-Ames using local tools
-<li> Sent to St. Louis; overset connections calculated by G-man, written
-     in CGNS format
-<li> Sent to Ames, run in Overflow
-<li> (Runs in CFL3D, but point-match grid only partially complete)
-<li> Demonstrated at Team Meeting, March 98:
-     <ul>
-     <li> (Displayed in V3 via ICEM-CFD implementation)
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS/CAD Software Relationships</h2>
-<img src="OpenMtgSummary/fig2.png"
-     alt="Figure illustrating CGNS/CAD software relationships"
-     longdesc="OpenMtgSummary/fig2.html">
-<h2>Current CGNS Documentation and Software (V1.0)</h2>
-<li> Documents:
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS Overview
-     <li> The CGNS System (AIAA 98-3007)
-     <li> ADF Core User's Manual
-     <li> SIDS (Standard Interface Data Structures
-     <li> SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Document
-     <li> CGNS Mid-level Library Document
-     </ul>
-<li> Software:
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS Midlevel Library (API)
-     <li> ADF Core
-     </ul>
-<li> Site:
-     <ul>
-     <li> www.CGNS.org
-     </ul>
-<h2>What's Happening Now</h2>
-<li> Web Site
-     <ul>
-     <li> 120+ registrants
-     <li> 20+ countries
-     </ul>
-<li> Expansion of Interest
-     <ul>
-     <li> Engine Manufacturers
-     <li> Software Vendors
-     <li> Other Industries
-     </ul>
-<li> Transfer of Control
-     <ul>
-     <li> Open, public forum
-     <li> Boeing support for ISO standard
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 10 Dec 2007
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-<!-- CGNS Summary
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     Hampton, VA
-     May 20-21, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> CGNS Software Relationships </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the relationship between CGNS and the various
-types of CFD software it applies to.
-At the top is a box labeled "GUI", and immediately below it is a box
-labeled "User Control", representing user-level control of applications.
-Below this are boxes representing different types of applications,
-such as grid generators, flow solvers, and utilities.
-Each of these, through the use of CGNS calls, reads from and writes into
-one (or multiple) CGNS databases.
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Summary
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     Hampton, VA
-     May 20-21, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> CGNS/CAD Software Relationships </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates how CAD systems and databases may be incorporated
-into a software system that uses CGNS.
-At the top is a box labeled "GUI", and immediately below it is a box
-labeled "User Control System", representing user-level control of
-Below this are boxes representing five different types of applications:
-a CAD system, a grid generator, a solver, a post-processor, and a
-The CAD system uses CAD calls to read from and write into a CAD database.
-The grid generator uses CAD calls to communicate with the CAD database,
-and CGNS calls to communicate with a CGNS database.
-The solver and post-processor both use CGNS calls to communicate with
-the CGNS database.
-And the design/optimizer uses CGNS calls to communicate with the CGNS
-database and CAD calls to communicate with the CAD database.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-     section of CGNS tutorial -->
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-<title>Python & In-memory CGNS trees</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<h1>Python &amp; In-memory CGNS trees<br>
-Using CGNS trees for Code-coupling</h1>
-Marc Poinot<br>
-Computational Fliud Dynamics and Aeroacoustics Dept.<br>
-<h2>Code life cycle</h2>
-<li> Idea/Code/Test/Change
-     <ul>
-     <li> Prototype
-     <li> Test
-     <li> Pre/Post processing
-     <li> Code-coupling
-     <li> Parallel
-     </ul>
-<li> All you can do with another programming language
-     <ul>
-     <li> Interpreted
-     <li> Actually dedicated to code gluing
-     <li> Script languages are easily extensible
-     </ul>
-<li> Baseline for an Open System
-<li> Object-oriented interpreted language
-     <ul>
-     <li> Very easy to learn
-     <li> Clear syntax
-     <li> Powerful numerical extensions
-          <ul>
-          <li> Python/C/C++/Fortran arrays
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Good candidate for code gluing
-     <ul>
-     <li> Pre &amp; post processing on CGNS data
-     <li> A scripting language
-     </ul>
-<li> Python wrapper on CGNS MLL and ADF
-     <ul>
-     <li> Straightforward mapping
-     <li> Use 100% python types
-          <ul>
-          <li> Lists, strings, integers, floats
-          <li> Numerical array
-               <ul>
-               <li> Contiguous C/Fortran array
-               <li> Points to actual memory zone
-               </ul>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Easy scripting
-     <ul>
-     <li> Perform CGNS calls on-the-fly
-     </ul>
-<h2>Python/CGNS tree</h2>
-<li> Tree representation
-     <ul>
-     <li> List of nodes
-     <li> Each node has...
-          <ul>
-          <li> A Name
-          <li> A Type
-          <li> A Value
-          <li> A list of sons
-          </ul>
-     <li> Generic CGNS low level node requirements (ADF/HDF5)
-     </ul>
-   ['Transform',(1, 2, 3),[],'int[IndexDimension]'],
-   ['PointRange',((1, 1, 1), (1, 9, 9)),[],'IndexRange_t'],
-   ['PointRangeDonor',((21, 1, 1), (21, 9, 9)),[],'IndexRange_t']
-<h2>File and memory</h2>
-<li> ADF/HDF5 file
-     <ul>
-     <li> open/read/write/close
-     <li> MLL keeps private tree structure in memory
-     <li> ADF is per-node but still private data structure
-     <li> PyCGNS only maps to this behaviour
-     </ul>
-<li> Python tree
-     <ul>
-     <li> The Python/CGNS tree is just another implementation
-     <li> Structure in memory but not a proprietary one
-     <li> Same interface/Different implementation
-     </ul>
-<h2>File and memory workflow</h2>
-<img src="POINOT_tutorial/fig1.png"
-     alt="Diagram of file and memory workflow"
-     longdesc="POINOT_tutorial/fig1.html">
-<h2>pyCGNS example</h2>
-   import CGNS
-   import numarray as N
-   x=y=z=N.zeros((3,5,7),'d')
-   a=CGNS.pyCGNS("newfile.cgns",CGNS.MODE_WRITE)
-   print a.error
-   idb=a.basewrite("Base",3,3)
-   idz=a.zonewrite(idb,"Zone 01",[3,5,7],CGNS.Structured)
-   a.coordwrite(idb,idz,CGNS.RealDouble,CGNS.CoordinateX,x)
-   a.coordwrite(idb,idz,CGNS.RealDouble,CGNS.CoordinateY,y)
-   a.coordwrite(idb,idz,CGNS.RealDouble,CGNS.CoordinateZ,z)
-   a.close()
-<h2>Scripting example: Prototypes</h2>
-<li> Can I do this and that with CGNS?
-     <ul>
-     <li> Just try it!
-     <li> Versatile testing support
-     </ul>
-   import CGNS
-   f=CGNS.pyCGNS("hydro-result.cgns",CGNS.MODE_WRITE)
-   f.basewrite("MASS2",3,3)
-   f.zonewrite(1,"Block01",(2,3,4,1,2,3,0,0,0),CGNS.Structured)
-   f.solwrite(1,1,"07-01-1944 06:00:00",CGNS.CellCenter)
-   f.fieldwrite(1,1,1,CGNS.RealDouble,"sediment",w)
-   f.goto(1,[(CGNS.Zone_t,1),(CGNS.FlowSolution_t,1),(CGNS.DataArray_t,1)])
-   f.descriptorwrite("Description","Text here")
-   f.descriptorwrite("Units","Text here")
-   f.close()
-<h2>Scripting example: post-processing</h2>
-<li> Add links to actual grids
-     <ul>
-     <li> The computation sessions results are sharing the same grid
-     <li> No duplicates
-     <li> Post-processing adds links to the actual grid
-     <li> True MLL/ADF calls performed on file
-     </ul>
-   from CGNS import *
-   a=pyCGNS("result-001.cgns",MODE_MODIFY)
-   a.goto(1,[(Zone_t,1)])
-   a.linkwrite("GridCoordinates","grid.cgns","/Base/Zone/GridCoordinates")
-   a.close()
-<h2>Scripting example: pre-processing</h2>
-<li> Structured grid seen as unstructured
-     <ul>
-     <li> Generates connectivity
-     <li> Read the file/Change in-memory tree/Send to code
-     </ul>
-<img src="POINOT_tutorial/fig2.png"
-     alt="Diagram of pre-processing scripting example"
-     longdesc="POINOT_tutorial/fig2.html">
-<li> Blind connection to peer code
-     <ul>
-     <li> Open System: Public interface
-          <ul>
-          <li> Common baseline
-          <li> Restriction input/output
-          </ul>
-     <li> Use Bct for data exchange
-          <ul>
-          <li> Input/Output: BCDataset
-          <li> « Contact surface »
-          <li> Strong requirements for an arbitrary exchange mean
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Efficiency
-     <ul>
-     <li> Memory +no data duplication
-     <li> Easy stub &amp; duplication
-     </ul>
-<h2>Code-coupling CGNS tree</h2>
-<img src="POINOT_tutorial/fig3.png"
-     alt="Diagram of CGNS node tree with code-coupling"
-     longdesc="POINOT_tutorial/fig3.html">
-<h2>Scripting example: code-coupling</h2>
-   import MpCCI
-   pathB="/FlatPlate/Fluid/ZoneBC/Wall:Heat/DataSet#01/NeumannData"
-   pathI=pathB+"/Temperature"
-   pathO=pathB+"/NormalHeatFlux"
-   it=E.iteration()
-   fqx=mcci.Parameter_info("Simulation_Fluid_2_Therm_Ratio",MpCCI.CCI_INT)
-   xp=xw.get(E.RUNTIME_TREE)
-   xf=X.retrieve(pathO,xp)
-   if ( xf and ((it % fqx ) == 0 )):
-       sd1=mcci.Parameter_info("Fluid_Private_Synchro_ID",MpCCI.CCI_INT)
-       ZID=mcci.Parameter_info("Global_Mesh_ID",MpCCI.CCI_INT)
-       BID=1
-       nnodes=len(xf[1].flat)
-       if ( (it % fqx ) == 0 ):
-         mcci.Put_nodes(ZID,BID,171,1,nnodes,0,None,MpCCI.CCI_DOUBLE,xf)
-         mcci.Reach_sync_point(sd1)
-   (rC,nC)=mcci.Get_nodes(ZoneID,BoundaryID,154,1,nnodes,0,None,MpCCI.CCI_DOUBLE)
-   ...
-   E.update((E.RUNTIME_TREE,rt)
-<h2>Scripting example: parallel</h2>
-   import elsApy    as E
-   from Scientific  import MPI
-   communicator=MPI.world.duplicate()
-   id = communicator.rank
-   if   ( id == 0 ): remoteId=1
-   elif ( id == 1 ): remoteId=0
-   datatree=E.get(E.RUNTIME_TREE)
-   temp=pickle.dumps(datatree)
-   communicator.nonblocking_send(temp, remoteId, id)
-   return,rank,tag=communicator.receiveString(None,None)
-   result=pickle.loads(return)
-   for l in result:
-     if (l[0] == "RunTimeTree"):
-       for ll in l[2]:
-         if (ll[0] == "Rotor#Output"):  ll[0]="Stator#Input"
-         if (ll[0] == "Stator#Output"): ll[0]="Rotor#Input"
-   E.update(E.RUNTIME_TREE,result)
-<h2>In-memory issues</h2>
-<li> Dedicated to a platform
-     <ul>
-     <li> One per platform: requires an API
-     <li> Translation mandatory between platforms
-          <ul>
-          <li> XDR-like
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Best should be
-     <ul>
-     <li> Use an existing system
-          <ul>
-          <li> Python/Numeric (+Marshalling)
-          <li> HDF5 (?)
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>Python/CGNS Tree interface</h2>
-<li> List of Python objects
-     <ul>
-     <li> MLL-like interface
-          <ul>
-          <li> <tt>NewBase</tt>
-          <li> <tt>NewZone</tt>
-          <li> <tt>NewGridCoordinates</tt>
-          <li> <tt>NewCoordinates</tt>
-          <li> <tt>NewDataArray</tt>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Numeric Python arrays
-     <li> Input/Output from MLL
-     <li> Use paths instead of ids
-          <ul>
-          <li> <tt>GetByExactPath</tt>
-          <li> <tt>GetByRegexpPath</tt>
-          <li> <tt>GetAllTreePath</tt>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-   T=CGNSTree()
-   base=newBase(T,"Base",3,3)
-   print T
-   getChildrenNameByPath(T,"/Base/Zone-002/GridCoordinates")
-   [['CGNSLibraryVersion', 2.4, [], 'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'],
-    ['Base', array([3, 3]), [], 'CGNSBase_t']
-   ]
-<h2>Script example: Python/CGNS tree</h2>
-   T=C.newCGNS()
-   base=C.newBase(T,"Base",3,3)
-   size=(20,10,5)
-   z1=C.newZone(base,"Zone-001",size)
-   C.newCoordinates(z1,"CoordinatesX",x)
-   C.newCoordinates(z1,"CoordinatesY",y)
-   f=open("T01.py","w+")
-   f.write(str(T))
-   f.close()
-   clist=C.getChildrenNameByPath(T,"/Base/Zone-002/GridCoordinates")
-   for c in clist:
-     n=C.getByExactPath(T,"/Base/Zone-002/GridCoordinates/"+c)
-     print C.nodeName(n)
-     v=C.nodeValue(n)
-   print C.getChildrenType(T,"CGNSBase_t")
-   print C.getAllTreePath(T)
-   print C.getAllTreeType(T,"Zone_t")
-   print C.getAllTreeType(T,"DataArray_t")
-<h2>Workflow pre/post processing</h2>
-<li> Use tools operating on data trees
-     <ul>
-     <li> A data model is described by a grammar: SIDS
-     <li> Translate the grammar for existing tools
-          <ul>
-          <li> Relax-NG, BNF, ...
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> In-Memory data structure can be used for...
-     <ul>
-     <li> Perform tree verification
-     <li> Operate tree as ADT
-          <ul>
-          <li> Generate code:
-               <ul>
-               <li> MLL/ADF/HDF5/XML/SQL/XDR/...
-               </ul>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>More than float arrays...</h2>
-<li> CGNS is more than a storage mean...
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS as a data model
-          <ul>
-          <li> Store data the « CGNS way »
-               <ul>
-               <li> e.g. Map to 100% python objects
-               </ul>
-          <li> Tree with public definition
-          </ul>
-     <li> CGNS as component interface
-          <ul>
-          <li> Code-coupling data model
-          <li> Transfer whole tree instead of arrays
-               <ul>
-               <li> e.g. Memory buffer based system
-               </ul>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 20 Dec 2007
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Python & In-memory CGNS trees"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> File and memory workflow </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the communication paths used with pyCGNS.
-On the right is the end-user Python script.
-It creates the Python/CGNS tree (i.e., file) in memory, and communicates
-with pyCGNS.
-Other user applications, such as a numeric process or MPI, may also make
-use of the Python/CGNS tree.
-pyCGNS uses the CGNS Mid-Level Library to create an in-memory version of
-its own version of the tree.
-Using ADF (or HDF5) the Mid-Level Library also creates the actual CGNS
-The logical data model (i.e., the SIDS) is unchanged.
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Python & In-memory CGNS trees"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> File and memory workflow </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-As an example of the use of Python and pyCGNS, suppose you needed to
-use a structured-grid CGNS file with an application that required an
-unstructured grid.
-This diagram illustrates how this could be done.
-On the right is an end-user Python script.
-It would use pyCGNS to read the structured-grid CGNS file, and create an
-in-memory unstructured version of it as a Python/CGNS tree.
-The application code would then use the in-memory unstructured tree.
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Python & In-memory CGNS trees"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> File and memory workflow </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows a CGNS node tree illustrating the storage of data
-for an example of code coupling.
-Under the ZoneBC_t node for a zone, there's a BC_t node named "Wall:Heat".
-Below Wall:Heat is a PointRange node, and a BCDataSet_t node named
-Below the .Solver#BC node are nodes named "type", "wall_temp",
-"Protocol", and "Path".
-Under the FlowSolution_t node for the zone, there's a UserDefinedData_t
-node named ".Solver#SolutionSubSetlnBC".
-Below that node is a node named "Wall:Heat", with child nodes named
-"Protocol", "PathList", and "PointRange".
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-     Usage" section of CGNS tutorial -->
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-<title>CGNS Introduction, Overview, and Basic Usage</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<h1>CFD General Notation System (CGNS)<br>
-Tutorial Session</h1>
-<tr valign=top><td scope=row>7:00-7:30
-    <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>Introduction, overview, and basic usage<br>
-        C. Rumsey (NASA Langley)
-<tr valign=top><td scope=row>7:30-7:50
-    <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>Usage for structured grids<br>
-        B. Wedan (ANSYS - ICEM)
-<tr valign=top><td scope=row>7:50-8:10
-    <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>Usage for unstructured grids<br>
-        E. van der Weide (Stanford University)
-<tr valign=top><td scope=row>8:20-8:40
-    <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>HDF5 usage and parallel implementation<br>
-        T. Hauser (Utah State University)
-<tr valign=top><td scope=row>8:40-9:00
-    <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>Python and in-memory CGNS trees<br>
-        M. Poinot (ONERA)
-<tr valign=top><td scope=row>9:00-9:30
-    <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td> Discussion and question/answer period
-<h1>CFD General Notation System (CGNS)<br>
-Introduction, overview, and basic usage</h1>
-Christopher L. Rumsey<br>
-NASA Langley Research Center<br>
-Chair, CGNS Steering Committee
-<li> Introduction
-<li> Overview of CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> What it is
-     <li> History
-     <li> How it works, and how it can help
-     <li> The future
-     </ul>
-<li> Basic usage
-     <ul>
-     <li> Getting it and making it work for you
-     <li> Simple example
-     <li> Aspects for data longevity
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS provides a general, portable, and extensible standard for the
-     storage and retrieval of CFD analysis data
-<li> Principal target is data normally associated with computed
-     solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations &amp; its derivatives
-<li> But applicable to computational field physics in general (with
-     augmentation of data definitions and storage conventions)
-<h2>What is CGNS?</h2>
-<li> Standard for defining &amp; storing CFD data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Self-descriptive
-     <li> Machine-independent
-     <li> Very general and extendable
-     <li> Administered by international steering committee
-     </ul>
-<li> AIAA recommended practice (AIAA R-101-2002)
-<li> In process of becoming part of international ISO standard
-<li> Free and open software
-<li> Well-documented
-<li> Discussion forum: cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov
-<li> Website: http://www.cgns.org
-<li> CGNS was started in the mid-1990s as a joint effort between NASA,
-     Boeing, and McDonnell Douglas
-     <ul>
-     <li> Under NASA's Advanced Subsonic Technology (AST) program
-     </ul>
-<li> Arose from need for common CFD data format for improved
-     collaborative analyses between multiple organizations
-     <ul>
-     <li> Existing formats, such as PLOT3D, were incomplete, cumbersome
-          to share between different platforms, and not self-descriptive
-          (poor for archival purposes)
-     </ul>
-<li> Initial development was heavily influenced by McDonnell Douglas'
-     "Common File Format", which had been in use since 1989
-<li> Version 1.0 of CGNS released in May 1998
-<li> After AST funding ended in 1999, CGNS steering committee was formed
-     <ul>
-     <li> Voluntary public forum
-     <li> International members from government, industry, academia
-     <li> Formally became a sub-committee of AIAA Committee on Standards
-          in 2000
-     </ul>
-<li> Initial efforts by Boeing to make CGNS an international ISO-STEP
-     standard (1999-2002)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Stalled due to lack of funding
-     <li> Instead, the existing ISO standard AP209 (finite element solid
-          mechanics) is being rewritten (AP209E2) to include CGNS as
-          well as an integrated engineering analysis framework (headed
-          by Lockheed-Martin)
-     </ul>
-<h2>Steering committee</h2>
-<li> CGNS Steering committee is a public forum
-<li> Responsibilities include (1) maintaining software, documentation,
-     and website, (2) ensuring free distribution, and (3) promoting
-     acceptance
-<li> Current steering committee make-up (20 members):
-     <ul>
-     <li> ADAPCO
-     <li> ANSYS-CFX
-     <li> Aerospatiale Matra Airbus
-     <li> Boeing - IDS/PW
-     <li> Boeing Commercial
-     <li> Boeing IDS
-     <li> Fluent
-     <li> ANSYS-ICEM
-     <li> Intelligent Light
-     <li> NASA Glenn
-     <li> NASA Langley
-     <li> ONERA
-     <li> Pacific NW Laboratory
-     <li> Pointwise
-     <li> Pratt &amp; Whitney
-     <li> Pratt &amp; Whitney - Rocketdyne
-     <li> Rolls-Royce Allison
-     <li> Stanford University
-     <li> U.S. Air Force / AEDC
-     <li> Utah State University
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS main features</h2>
-<li> Hierarchical data structure: quickly traversed and sorted, no need
-     to process irrelevant data
-<li> Files stored in compact C binary format
-<li> Layered so that many of the data structures are optional
-<li> ADF or HDF5 database: universal and self-describing
-<li> Data may encompass multiple files through the use of links
-<li> Portable ANSI C software, with complete Fortran and C interfaces
-<li> Architecture-independent application programming interface (API) -
-     written as a mid-level library (MLL)
-<h2>CGNS File Layout</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig1.png"
-     alt="CGNS file layout"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig1.html">
-<h2>Makeup of CGNS</h2>
-<li> Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS) is the core of CGNS -
-     defines the intellectual content
-     <ul>
-     <li> Defines what goes in the "boxes" and how they are organized
-     </ul>
-<li> Original low level implementation is Advanced Data Format (ADF)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Basic direct I/O operations
-     <li> Software has no knowledge of data structure or contents
-     <li> Tree-based (nodal parent/child) structure
-     </ul>
-<li> Low level implementation is migrating toward HDF5 format
-     <ul>
-     <li> HDF5 is already available as an option
-     <li> HDF5 is well-supported (NCSA), widely used, and has parallel
-          I/O capability
-     <li> This will be the official recommended format, although ADF
-          will also continue to be supported, and MLL will translate
-          between the two
-     </ul>
-<li> Mid-level library (MLL) is currently available for C and Fortran
-     <ul>
-     <li> This is what most users employ
-     <li> Software has some knowledge of SIDS
-     <li> C++ and Python extensions also available 
-     </ul>
-<h2>How CGNS works</h2>
-<li> Users must download the CGNS software
-     <ul>
-     <li> This includes ADF software (basic I/O operations in binary
-          format)
-     <li> Also includes MLL software (for ease of implementation)
-     <li> Users wishing to use HDF5 instead of ADF must download this
-          separately (MLL will work with either ADF or HDF5)
-     </ul>
-<li> Users are encouraged to use the MLL to read and write their data
-     (helps ensure CGNS-compatibility)
-<li> Files are portable across computer platforms
-<li> Tools (such as adfviewer) allow user to "see" what is in the CGNS
-     file
-<li> Many commercial pre- and post-processing software support CGNS
-     format
-<h2>Typical view of CGNS file using ADFviewer</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig2.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig2.html">
-<h2>Typical CGNS file</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig3.png"
-     alt="Layout of typical CGNS file"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig3.html">
-<h2>Cons and Pros</h2>
-<li> Cons
-     <ul>
-     <li> Although there are rules, there are also many options and a
-          certain amount of freedom
-          <ul>
-          <li> Example: GridLocation = Vertex vs. CellCenter
-          <li> Example: data can be stored dimensional or nondimensional
-          <li> Example: optional use of Rind cells
-          </ul>
-     <li> This flexibility places more responsibility on the CGNS reader
-          to figure out how to make use of what is in the file
-     <li> Attempted balance between too rigid and too flexible
-     </ul>
-<li> Pros
-     <ul>
-     <li> As more people use it, more tools get developed to handle the
-          flexibility
-     <li> Can be as simple as storing only "grid + flow solution", or as
-          complex as storing <em>everything</em> needed to run/describe
-          a case
-     <li> Longevity and infinite extensibility
-     </ul>
-<h2>How CGNS can help you</h2>
-<li> Improves longevity (archival quality) of data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Self-descriptive (more on this later)
-     <li> Machine-independent
-     </ul>
-<li> Easy to share data files between sites
-     <ul>
-     <li> Eliminates need to translate between different data formats
-     <li> Rigorous standard means less ambiguity about what the data
-          means
-     </ul>
-<li> Saves time and money
-     <ul>
-     <li> For example, easy to set-up CFD runs because files include
-          grid coordinates, connectivity, and BC information
-     </ul>
-<li> Easily extendible to include additional types of data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Solver-specific or user-specific data can easily be written
-          &amp; read - file remains CGNS-compliant (others can still
-          read it!)
-     <li> Once defined &amp; agreed upon, new data standards can be added
-     </ul>
-<h2>Status/where CGNS is headed</h2>
-<li> Latest version is 2.4
-<li> As of Aug 2005, the CGNSTalk mailing list had 161 participants from
-     21 different countries and at least 80 different organizations
-<li> Over 11,000 CGNS downloads from SourceForge over last 3 years
-     (average of 408 per month over last 1 year)
-<li> Many people have expressed interest in CGNS from outside of the
-     traditional aerodynamics community
-     <ul>
-     <li> E.g., computational physiology, electromagnetics
-     </ul>
-<li> Parallel I/O (through HDF5) will be available soon
-<li> CGNS is already in many widely-used commercial visualization
-     products, e.g.,  Tecplot, Fieldview, ICEM-CFD (reader for Paraview
-     being worked)
-<li> Continuous process: approval and implementation of extensions for
-     handling new capabilities
-<h2>Getting CGNS</h2>
-<li> Go to <u>http://www.cgns.org</u> and follow instructions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Or go directly to <u>http://www.SourceForge.net</u>
-     <li> You can get the official released version (currently 2.4), or
-          use CVS to keep up with the latest fixes
-     <li> E.g.: cgnslib_2.4-4.tar.gz (or cgnslib_2.4-4.zip for Windows)
-     <li> Follow instructions in README file to compile
-     </ul>
-<li> Also highly recommended (from same place):
-     <ul>
-     <li> cgnstools (tools for viewing/editing)
-     <li> CGNS Users Guide (practical entry-level manual for getting
-          started with CGNS - includes simple source codes)
-     </ul>
-<h2>Basics of using CGNS</h2>
-<li> Simple example: opening, closing, writing, &amp; reading Base
-<li> Aspects for data longevity
-     <ul>
-     <li> Boundary conditions
-     <li> Convergence history
-     <li> Descriptor nodes
-     <li> Data &amp; equation descriptions
-     <li> Flowfield variables
-     </ul>
-<h2>Opening/closing file &amp; writing Base</h2>
-<li> C
-   cg_open("grid.cgns", MODE_WRITE, <u>&amp;indexf</u>);
-   basename="Base";
-   icelldim=3; /* dimensionality of cell (3 for volume cell) */
-   iphysdim=3; /* number of coordinates (3 for 3-D) */
-   cg_base_write(indexf, basename, icelldim, iphysdim, <u>&amp;indexb</u>);
-   ...
-   cg_close(indexf);
-<li> Fortran
-   call cg_open_f('grid.cgns', MODE_WRITE, <u>indexf</u>, <u>ier</u>)
-   basename='Base'
-   icelldim=3
-   iphysdim=3
-   call cg_base_write_f(indexf, basename, icelldim, iphysdim, <u>indexb</u>, <u>ier</u>)
-   ...
-   call cg_close_f(indexf, <u>ierr</u>)
-<h2>What the file looks like ...</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig4.png"
-     alt="CGNS file with root, CGNSLibraryVersion_t, and CGNSBase_t nodes"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig4.html">
-Notes: icelldim = dimensionality of cell (2 for face, 3 for volume),
-iphysdim = no. of coordinates required to define a node position (1 for
-1-D, 2 for 2-D, 3 for 3-D)
-<h2>What the file looks like in adfviewer ...</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig5.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with root, CGNSLibraryVersion_t, and CGNSBase_t nodes"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig5.html">
-<h2>Reading the Base</h2>
-<li> C
-   cg_open('grid.cgns', MODE_READ, <u>&amp;indexf</u>);
-   cg_nbases(indexf, <u>&amp;nbases</u>);
-   for (i=1; i <= nbases; i++)
-      {cg_base_read(indexf, i, <u>basename</u>, <u>&amp;icelldim</u>, <u>&amp;iphysdim</u>);}
-   cg_close(indexf);
-<li> Fortran
-   call cg_open_f('grid.cgns', MODE_READ, <u>indexf</u>, <u>ier</u>)
-   call cg_nbases_f(indexf, <u>nbases</u>, <u>ier</u>)
-   do i=1,nbases
-      call cg_base_read_f(indexf, i, <u>basename</u>, <u>icelldim</u>, <u>iphysdim</u>, <u>ier</u>)
-   enddo
-   call cg_close_f(indexf, <u>ier</u>)
-<h2>Aspects for data longevity</h2>
-<h3>boundary conditions</h3>
-<li> BCs are included in the CGNS file
-<li> Including BCs makes it easier for someone else to duplicate the
-     same flow conditions
-<li> Eliminates doubt as to how the solution was run, when later looking
-     at the file
-<li> BCs can be simple or have high level of detail
-     <ul>
-     <li> Minimum: list of points and their BC type (name)
-     <li> Can also include Dirichlet or Neumann-type data
-     </ul>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig6.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with boundary condition node"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig6.html">
-<h3>convergence history</h3>
-<li> GlobalConvergenceHistory tracks history of residual(s), forces,
-     moments, etc.
-<li> Part of a complete record of the flow solution, easily readable by
-     others
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig7.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with convergence history node"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig7.html">
-<h3>descriptor nodes</h3>
-<li> Allow user to add notes, descriptions, important factors associated
-     with the particular run, etc.
-<li> As part of the permanent record, descriptor nodes make the file
-     potentially more useful/meaningful in the future
-<li> Full inclusion of flow solver input deck(s) is particularly useful
-<li> Eliminates doubt as to how the solution was run, when later looking
-     at the file
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig8.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with descriptor node for flow solution"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig8.html">
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig9.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with descriptor node containing input file"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig9.html">
-<h3>data &amp; equation descriptions</h3>
-<li> Documents the dimensionality &amp; units (or normalization) of the
-     data
-<li> Reference state and flow solution method become part of permanent
-     record
-<li> Eliminates doubt as to what the variables represent and how the
-     solution was run, when later looking at the fileo
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig10.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with DataClass node"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig10.html">
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig11.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with Reynolds number node"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig11.html">
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig12.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with governing equations node"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig12.html">
-<h3>flowfield variables</h3>
-<li> As many flowfield variables as desired can be stored; for example:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Conserved and/or primitive variables
-     <li> Plus all turbulence quantities, eddy viscosity, distance
-          functions, species mass fractions, or other flowfield
-          quantities of interest
-     </ul>
-<li> Eliminates having to go back and restart or reconstruct when you
-     want to obtain nonstandard quantities
-<h2>Some final comments</h2>
-<li> A CGNS file can be as full or as sparse as you want to make it
-     <ul>
-     <li> The fuller it is, the more complete and archival the file
-     <li> Always easy to read only the parts you want
-     </ul>
-<li> Easy to build CGNS into existing processes
-     <ul>
-     <li> Start by writing only the "basic" elements of CGNS file
-          (e.g., grid, flow solution, connectivity, and BCs) as a
-          postprocessing file for flow visualization
-     <li> Gradually add to completeness of file
-     <li> Eventually, CGNS file can replace your restart file, if
-          desired
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS is a well-established, stable format with worldwide
-     acceptance, use, and support
-<li> Provides seamless communication of data between applications,
-     sites, and system architectures
-<li> Supported by many commercial visualization and CFD vendors
-<li> Extensible and flexible - easily adapted to other fields of
-     computational physics through specification in the SIDS
-<li> Backward compatible with previous versions; forward compatible
-     within major release numbers
-<li> Allows new software development to focus on important matters,
-     rather than on time-consuming data I/O, storage, and compatibility
-     issues
-<li> CGNS is the best thing since sliced bread!
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig13.png"
-     alt="Picture of sliced bread">
-<h2>Auxiliary slides</h2>
-<h2>Writing structured grids</h2>
-   double x[kdim][kdim][idim], y[kdim][jdim][idim], z[kdim][jdim][idim];
-   int isize[3][3];
-   strcpy(zonename,"Zone 1");
-   /* vertex size (structured grid example) */
-   isize[0][0]=idim;
-   isize[0][1]=jdim;
-   isize[0][2]=kdim;
-   /* cell size (structured grid example) */
-   isize[1][0]=isize[0][0]-1;
-   isize[1][1]=isize[0][1]-1;
-   isize[1][2]=isize[0][2]-1;
-   /* boundary vertex size (always zero for structured) */
-   isize[2][0]=0;
-   isize[2][1]=0;
-   isize[2][2]=0;
-   /* create zone */
-   cg_zone_write(indexf, indexb, zonename, isize[0], Structured, <u>&amp;indexz</u>);
-   /* write grid coordinates */
-   cg_coord_write(indexf, indexb, indexz, RealDouble, "CoordinateX", x, <u>&amp;indexcx</u>);
-   cg_coord_write(indexf, indexb, indexz, RealDouble, "CoordinateY", y, <u>&amp;indexcy</u>);
-   cg_coord_write(indexf, indexb, indexz, RealDouble, "CoordinateZ", z, <u>&amp;indexcz</u>);
-<h2>What the file looks like ...</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig14.png"
-     alt="CGNS file with zone and grid coordinates nodes"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig14.html">
-<h2>What the file looks like in adfviewer ...</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig15.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with zone and grid coordinates nodes"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig15.html">
-<h2>Writing unstructured grids</h2>
-   /* this is an example for HEXA_8 (cube-like) elements
-   double x[maxnodes], y[maxnodes], z[maxnodes];
-   int isize[3], ielem[maxelem][8];
-   strcpy(zonename,"Zone 1");
-   /* vertex size (unstructured grid example) */
-   isize[0]=inodedim;
-   /* cell size (unstructured grid example) */
-   isize[1]=icelldim;
-   /* boundary vertex size (zero if elements not sorted) */
-   isize[2]=ivbdy;
-   /* create zone */
-   cg_zone_write(indexf, indexb, zonename, isize, Unstructured, <u>&amp;indexz</u>);
-   /* write grid coordinates */
-   cg_coord_write(indexf, indexb, indexz, RealDouble, "CoordinateX", x, <u>&amp;indexcx</u>);
-   cg_coord_write(indexf, indexb, indexz, RealDouble, "CoordinateY", y, <u>&amp;indexcy</u>);
-   cg_coord_write(indexf, indexb, indexz, RealDouble, "CoordinateZ", z, <u>&amp;indexcz</u>);
-   /* write element connectivity */
-   cg_section_write(indexf, indexb, indexz, "Elem", HEXA_8, nelem_start, nelem_end,
-      nbdyelem, ielem[0], <u>&amp;indexe</u>);
-<h2>Element connectivity for HEXA_8</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig16.png"
-     alt="Figure showing node numbers for HEXA_8 element"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig16.html">
-<h2>What the file looks like ... (below Base)</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig17.png"
-     alt="CGNS file with zone, grid coordinates, and element nodes"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig17.html">
-<h2>What the file looks like in adfviewer ...</h2>
-<img src="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig18.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window with zone, grid coordinates, and element nodes"
-     longdesc="RUMSEY_tutorial/fig18.html">
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 19 Dec 2007
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Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial.pdf and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 14bce00d..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS File Layout </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows a CGNS file layout in generic terms.
-There's a top-level root node, with two child nodes.
-Each of the child nodes has child nodes of its own, etc.
-There may also be links between nodes.
-Each node below the root node has a name, a label, and contains data.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig1.png b/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig1.png
deleted file mode 100644
index cf73ed00..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig1.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3ab7c075..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig10.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Aspects for data longevity - data & equation descriptions, part 1 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of descriptive data in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for a
-<a href="fig2.html">typical view of a CGNS file</a>, but with the
-"DataClass" node highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is "/Base",
-the node name is DataClass, and the node label is DataClass_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 30, and the bytes value is 30.
-The string NormalizedByUnknownDimensional is shown in the node data
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig10.png b/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig10.png
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Aspects for data longevity - data & equation descriptions, part 2 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of reference state data in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for a
-<a href="fig2.html">typical view of a CGNS file</a>, but with the
-ReferenceState node expanded.
-Below the ReferenceState node are the following nodes.
-<li> "ReferenceStateDescription", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Mach", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "Mach_Velocity", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Mach_VelocitySound", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Reynolds", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "Reynolds_Velocity", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Reynolds_Length", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Temperature", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "AngleofAttack", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "AngleofYaw", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "Density", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "VelocitySound", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "ViscosityMolecular", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "ViscosityMolecularCFL3D", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "LengthReference", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "Pressure", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "VelocityX", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "VelocityY", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "VelocityZ", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-There are additional nodes below the ReferenceState node, not
-currently visible, as indicated by the scroll bar to the right of the
-node tree panel.
-In the node tree the Reynolds node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/ReferenceState", the node name is Reynolds, and the node label is
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R8, the dimensions
-value is 1, and the bytes value is 8.
-The Reynolds number is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig12.html
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Aspects for data longevity - data & equation descriptions, part 3 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of governing equation information in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for the
-<a href="fig6.html">figure illustrating the storage of boundary
-condition information in a CGNS file</a> but with the FlowEquationSet
-node expanded instead of the ZoneBC node.
-Below the FlowEquationSet node are the following nodes.
-<li> "EquationDimension", marked with a file icon
-<li> "GoverningEquations", marked with a folder icon, and expanded
-<li> "GasModel", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "ViscosityModel", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "ThermalConductivityModel", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "TurbulenceClosure", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "TurbulenceModel", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-Below the GoverningEquations node is the node DiffusionModel, marked
-with a file icon.
-In the node tree the GoverningEquations node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Zone 1/FlowEquationSet", the node name is GoverningEquations, and
-the node label is GoverningEquations_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 11, and the bytes value is 11.
-The string NSTurbulent is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> What the file looks like ... </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the CGNS file nodes related to the storage of
-structured grid coordinate data.
-At the top is the root node, and immediately below that are the 
-CGNSLibraryVersion_t and CGNSBase_t nodes, <a href="fig4.html">described
-Below the CGNSBase_t node is a Zone_t node named Zone 1, containing the
-data values (idim,jdim,kdim), (idim-1,jdim-1,kdim-1), (0,0,0).
-Below the Zone_t node are a ZoneType_t node named ZoneType, containing
-the data value "Structured", and a GridCoordinates_t node named
-GridCoordinates, containing the data value MT.
-Below the GridCoordinates_t node are DataArray_t nodes containing the
-grid coordinates.
-Only one of these DataArray_t nodes is shown, named CoordinateX,
-containing all the x grid coordinates.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig15.html
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> What the file looks like in adfviewer ... </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of grid coordinates in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for the
-<a href="fig6.html">figure illustrating the storage of boundary
-condition information in a CGNS file</a> but with the GridCoordinates
-node expanded instead of the ZoneBC node.
-Below the GridCoordinates node are the following nodes, all marked with a
-file icon.
-<li> "CoordinateX"
-<li> "CoordinateY"
-<li> "CoordinateZ"
-In the node tree the CoordinateX node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Zone 1/GridCoordinates", the node name is CoordinateX, and the
-node label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R8, the dimensions
-values are 21, 17, and 9, and the bytes value is 25704.
-The x grid coordinate values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig16.html
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Element connectivity for HEXA_8 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows a "HEXA_8" hexagonal unstructured grid cell.
-Looking down on the bottom face of the cell, the four nodes of the face
-are numbered 1 through 4, going counter-clockwise from the lower right
-Looking down on the top face of the cell, the four nodes of the face
-are numbered 5 through 8, going counter-clockwise from the lower right
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> What the file looks like ... (below Base) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the CGNS file nodes (below the CGNSBase_t node) related
-to the storage of unstructured grid coordinate data.
-At the top is a Zone_t node named Zone 1, containing the
-data values inodedim, icelldim, ivbdy.
-Below the Zone_t node are a ZoneType_t node named ZoneType, containing
-the data value "Unstructured", and a GridCoordinates_t node named
-GridCoordinates, containing the data value MT.
-Also below the Zone_t node is an Elements_t node named Elem, containing
-the data values 17, 0.
-The 17 represents the ElementType HEXA_8, and the 0 is the boundary
-element size.
-Below the GridCoordinates_t node are DataArray_t nodes containing the
-grid coordinates.
-Only one of these DataArray_t nodes is shown, named CoordinateX,
-containing all the x grid coordinates.
-Below the Elements_t node are an IndexRange_t node named ElementRange,
-containing the data values 1, number_of_elements, and a DataArray_t node
-named ElementConnectivity, containing the grid connectivity information.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> What the file looks like in adfviewer ... </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of grid coordinates in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for the
-<a href="fig15.html">figure illustrating the storage of structured grid
-coordinates in a CGNS file</a> but with the addition of an Elements_t
-node named Elem.
-Below the Elem node are nodes named ElementRange and
-ElementConnectivity, both marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the ElementConnectivity node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Zone 1/Elem", the node name is ElementConnectivity, and the
-node label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is I4, the dimensions
-value is 20480, and the bytes value is 81920.
-The connectivity data is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Typical view of CGNS file using ADFviewer </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a> main window.
-The window is divided into several areas, or panels.
-Along the top are the menu items, followed by a series of toolbar
-Below these, on the left is the expandable/collapsible node tree.
-On the right, from top to bottom, are the node description, link
-description, and data description panels, a row of node-related buttons,
-and the node data panel.
-At the top of the node tree is the root node of the ADF file, named
-simply "/", and shown with a folder icon.
-The next line is the "CGNSLibraryVersion" node, marked with a file icon.
-Next is the base node for the CGNS database, named "Base" and marked
-with a folder icon.
-The left is a "-" sign, indicating that the Basename node has been
-expanded, and clicking the "-" sign will collapse it.
-Below the Base node are the following nodes, with the names indicated.
-<li> "Zone 1", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "InputFileUsed 1", marked with a file icon
-<li> "SimulationType", marked with a file icon
-<li> "GlobalConvergenceHistory", marked with a folder icon, and
-     collapsed
-<li> "DataClass", marked with a file icon
-<li> "ReferenceState", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "TimeIterValues", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "CFL3DTimeStep", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "InputFileUsed 2", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Case Title", marked with a file icon
-In the node tree the Zone 1 node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is "/Base",
-the node name is Zone 1, and the node label is Zone_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is I4, the dimensions
-values are 3 and 3, and the bytes value is 16.
-Node values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Typical CGNS file </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows a typical CGNS file in tree form.
-At the top is the Root node, with child nodes CGNSLibraryVersion_t and
-Below CGNSBase_t are the following child nodes.
-<li> Zone_t, with the node name Zone 1
-<li> Zone_t, with the node name Zone 2
-<li> ConvergenceHistory_t
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-Below one of the Zone_t nodes are:
-<li> Elements_t
-<li> GridCoordinates_t
-<li> ZoneBC_t
-<li> FlowSolution_t
-<li> ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-Below the Elements_t node is a DataArray_t node named
-Below the GridCoordinates_t node are two DataArray_t nodes named
-CoordinateX and CoordinateY.
-Below the FlowSolution_t node is a GridLocation_t node named
-GridLocation, and two DataArray_t nodes named Density and Pressure.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> What the file looks like ... </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This chart shows the root node, with its two child nodes shown in more
-The first child node has the label CGNSLibraryVersion_t, is named
-CGNSLibraryVersion and contains the single data value 2.4.
-The second child node has the label CGNSBase_t node, is named Base, and
-contains the data values 3 and 3.
-The root and CGNSLibraryVersion_t nodes and their contents are created
-In the CGNSBase_t node, the label CGNSBase_t is automatic, and the name
-and data are user-defined.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> What the file looks like in adfviewer ... </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window, showing a node tree
-with just the root node of the ADF file, and its children named
-CGNSLibraryVersion and Base.
-The Base node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is simply "/",
-the node name is Base, and the node label is CGNSBase_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is I4, the dimensions
-values is 2, and the bytes value is 8.
-The values 3 and 3 are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig6.html
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Aspects for data longevity - boundary conditions </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of boundary condition information in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for a
-<a href="fig2.html">typical view of a CGNS file</a>, but with the Zone 1
-node expanded.
-Below the Zone 1 node are the following nodes.
-<li> "ZoneType", marked with a file icon
-<li> "ZoneBC", marked with a folder icon, and expanded.
-<li> "ZoneGridConnectivity", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "GridCoordinates", marked with a linked folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "CFL3DBoundaryValues", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "FlowSolution", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "ZoneIterativeData", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-<li> "FlowEquationSel", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed
-Below the ZoneBC node are the following nodes.
-<li> "Ilo_Seg 1", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed.
-<li> "Ihi_Seg 1", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed.
-<li> "Jlo_Seg 1", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed.
-<li> "Jhi_Seg 1", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed.
-<li> "Klo_Seg 1", marked with a folder icon, and expanded.
-<li> "Khi_Seg 1", marked with a folder icon, and collapsed.
-Below the Klo_Seg 1 node are the following nodes.
-<li> "PrintRange", marked with a file icon
-<li> "CFL3DType", marked with a file icon
-<li> "CFL3DAuxData", marked with a file icon
-In the node tree the Klo_Seg 1 node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Zone 1/ZoneBC", the node name is Klo_Seg 1, and the node label is
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 21, and the bytes value is 21.
-The string BCWallViscousHeatFlux is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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index 5e796964..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/RUMSEY_tutorial/fig7.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Aspects for data longevity - convergence history </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of convergence history information in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for a
-<a href="fig2.html">typical view of a CGNS file</a>, but with the
-GlobalConvergenceHistory node expanded.
-Below the GlobalConvergenceHistory node are the following nodes, all
-marked with a file icon.
-<li> "RSDMassRMS"
-<li> "CoefLift"
-<li> "CoefDrag"
-<li> "CoefPressureDrag"
-<li> "CoefViscousDrag"
-<li> "CoefForceX"
-<li> "CoefForceY"
-<li> "CoefForceZ"
-<li> "CoefMomentX"
-<li> "CoefMomentY"
-<li> "CoefMomentZ"
-<li> "ControlSurfaceMassFlow"
-<li> "ControlSurfaceMomentumForce"
-<li> "ControlSurfacePressureForce"
-<li> "ControlSurfaceViscousForce"
-<li> "ControlSurfaceForce"
-<li> "RSDTurbEqn1RMS"
-<li> "RSDTurbEqn2RMS"
-<li> "BadPointsTurbEqn1"
-There are additional nodes below the GlobalConvergenceHistory node, not
-currently visible, as indicated by the scroll bar to the right of the
-node tree panel.
-In the node tree the RSDMassRMS node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/GlobalConvergenceHistory", the node name is RSDMassRMS, and the
-node label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R8, the dimensions
-value is 751, and the bytes value is 6008.
-Data values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Aspects for data longevity - descriptor nodes, example 1 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of descriptive data in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for the
-<a href="fig6.html">figure illustrating the storage of boundary
-condition information in a CGNS file</a> but with the FlowSolution node
-expanded instead of the ZoneBC node.
-Below the FlowSolution node are the following nodes, all marked with a
-file icon.
-<li> "GridLocation"
-<li> "Information"
-<li> "Rind"
-<li> "Density"
-<li> "MomentumX"
-<li> "MomentumY"
-<li> "MomentumZ"
-<li> "EnergyStagnationDensity"
-<li> "ViscosityEddy"
-<li> "TurbulentDistance"
-<li> "TurbulentEnstrophy"
-<li> "TurbulentEnergyKinetic"
-In the node tree the Information node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Zone 1/FlowSolution", the node name is Information, and the node
-label is Descriptor_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 53, and the bytes value is 53.
-The string "Fine grid solution (on same level as GridCoordinates)" is
-shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Introduction, overview, and basic usage"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Aspects for data longevity - descriptor nodes, example 2 </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of descriptive data in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for a
-<a href="fig2.html">typical view of a CGNS file</a>, but with the
-"InputFileUsed 1" node highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base", the node name is InputFileUsed 1, and the node
-label is Descriptor_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 9063, and the bytes value is 9063.
-The node data panel contains the contents of the input file.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 25 Jan 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for slides in "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     section of CGNS tutorial -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>CGNS Usage for Unstructured Grids</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<h1>CFD General Notation System (CGNS)<br>
-Usage for Unstructured Grids</h1>
-Edwin van der Weide<br>
-Stanford University
-<h2>Example Unstructured Grid</h2>
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig1.png"
-     alt="Unstructured volume grid around a wing in a half-spherical domain">
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig2.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing Elements_t nodes for several unstructured element types"
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig2.html">
-<h2>Unstructured grid storage</h2>
-<li> Several possibilities to store an unstructured grid.
-     <ul>
-     <li> Every element type is stored in a separate Elements_t node.
-          Recommended.
-     <li> One Elements_t node, which stores all elements using the MIXED
-          Element type.
-     <li> Store all elements as arbitrary polygons, NGON_n Element type.
-     <li> Arbitrary combinations of the possibilities above.
-     <li> Pros
-          <ul>
-          <li> Flexibility.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Cons
-          <ul>
-          <li> Reading becomes complicated.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>Connectivities (linear elements)</h2>
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig3.png"
-     alt="Figure illustrating various unstructured element types"
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig3.html">
-See sids/conv.html#unstructgrid
-for all supported elements.
-<h2>Info in the zone</h2>
-<li> # elements = # elements of highest dimension.
-     <ul>
-     <li> E.g. for a 3D problem the number elements of the surface grid
-          should NOT be stored in the zone.
-     </ul>
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig4.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing Zone_t node data"
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig4.html">
-<h2>Single Zone vs. Multiple Zones</h2>
-<li> Multiple zones can be used when there is relative motion,
-     non-matching grids
-<li> Multiple zones can also be used to store a domain decomposition
-     <ul>
-     <li> Drawback: not very flexible
-     <li> Better: use the partial read/write functions
-     </ul>
-<h2>Example - CGNS Code (1)</h2>
-#include "cgnslib.h"
-   /* Open the CGNS for reading and check if the file was found. */
-   if(cg_open(gridFile, MODE_READ, &amp;fileInd) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   /* Determine the of bases in the grid. This example assumes */
-   /* one base. However it is allowed to have multiple bases. */
-   if(cg_nbases(fileInd, &amp;nBases)!= CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   if(nBases != 1)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", "This example assumes one base");
-   base = 1;
-   /* Check the cell and physical dimensions of the bases. */
-   /* Both should be 3. */
-   if(cg_base_read(fileInd, base, cgnsName, &amp;cellDim, &amp;physDim) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig5.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing CGNSBase_t node data"
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig5.html">
-<h2>Example - CGNS Code (2)</h2>
-   /* Read the number of zones in the grid. */
-   /* This example assumes one zone. */
-   if(cg_nzones(fileInd, base, &amp;nZones) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   if(nZones != 1)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", "This example assumes one zone");
-   zone = 1;
-   /* Check the zone type. This should be Unstructured. */
-   if(cg_zone_type(fileInd, base, zone, &amp;zoneType) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   if(zoneType != Unstructured)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", "Unstructured zone expected");
-   /* Determine the number of vertices and volume elements in this */
-   /* zone (and thus in the grid, because one zone is assumed). */
-   if(cg_zone_read(fileInd, base, zone, zoneName, sizes) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   nVertices    = sizes[0];
-   nVolElements = sizes[1];
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig6.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing ZoneType_t node"
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig6.html">
-<h2>Example - CGNS Code (3)</h2>
-   /* Determine the number and names of the coordinates. */
-   if(cg_ncoords(fileInd, base, zone, &amp;nCoords) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   if(cg_coord_info(fileInd, base, zone, 1, &amp;dataType, name) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   /* Read the x-coordinates. The y and z-coordinates can be read */
-   /* similarly. Just replace CoordinateX by CoordinateY and */
-   /* CoordinateZ respectively. This assumes Cartesian coordinates */
-   /* in double precision. Note that CGNS starts the numbering at */
-   /* 1 even if C is used. */
-   one = 1;
-   if(cg_coord_read(fileInd, base, zone, "CoordinateX", realDouble, &amp;one,
-                    &amp;nVertices, coorX) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   /* Determine the number of sections for this zone. Note that */
-   /* surface elements can be stored in a volume zone, but they */
-   /* are NOT taken into account in the number obtained from */
-   /* cg_zone_read. */
-   if(cg_nsections(fileInd, base, zone, &amp;nSections) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig7.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing x coordinates below GridCoordinates_t node "
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig7.html">
-<h2>Example - CGNS Code (4)</h2>
-   /* Loop over the number of sections and read the element */
-   /* connectivities. As CGNS starts the numbering at 1 the */
-   /* for-loop starts at 1 as well. */
-   for(sec=1; sec<=nSections; sec++)
-   {
-     /* Determine the element type and set the pointer for the */
-     /* connectivity accordingly. */
-     if(cg_section_read(fileInd, base, zone, sec, secName, &amp;type,
-                        &amp;eBeg, &amp;eEnd, &amp;nBdry, &amp;parentFlag) != CG_OK)
-       Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-     switch (type)
-     {
-       case TETRA_4:
-         conn = connTetra; break;
-       case PYRA_5:
-         conn = connPyra; break;
-       case PENTA_6:
-         conn = connPrisms; break;
-       case HEXA_8:
-         conn = connHexa; break;
-       case TRI_3:
-         conn = connTri; break;
-       case QUAD_4:
-         conn = connQuad; break;
-       default:
-         Terminate("readGridCGNS", "Unsupported element encountered.");
-         break;
-     }
-     /* Read the connectivity. Again, the node numbering of the */
-     /* connectivities start at 1. If internally a starting index */
-     /* of 0 is used (typical for C-codes) 1 must be subtracted */
-     /* from the connectivities read. */
-     if(cg_elements_read(fileInd, base, zone, sec, conn, NULL) != CG_OK)
-       Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-  }
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig8.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing element connectivity data below Elements_t node"
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig8.html">
-<h2>Example - CGNS Code (5)</h2>
-   /* Determine the number of boundary conditions for this zone. */
-   if(cg_nbocos(fileInd, base, zone, &amp;nBocos) != CG_OK)
-     Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-   /* Loop over the number of boundary conditions. */
-   for(boco=1; boco<=nBocos; boco++)
-   {
-     /* Read the info for this boundary condition. */
-     if(cg_boco_info(fileInd, base, zone, boco, bocoName, &amp;bocoType, &amp;ptsetType,
-                     &amp;nBCElem, &amp;normalIndex, &amp;normListFlag, &amp;normDataType,
-                     &amp;nDataSet) != CG_OK)
-       Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-     /* Read the element ID's. */
-     if(cg_boco_read(fileInd, base, zone, boco, BCElemRead, NULL) != CG_OK)
-       Terminate("readGridCGNS", cg_get_error());
-     /* And much more to make it fit into the */
-     /* internal data structures. */
-   }
-<img src="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig9.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing element list below BC_t node"
-     longdesc="VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig9.html">
-<li> CGNS can store a wide variety of unstructured mesh types.
-<li> Midlevel API offers many functions to read/write CGNS files, see
-     midlevel/index.html
-<li> Simple example to read a grid has been given.
-<li> In a real code more API-functions will be used for checking the
-     available data, etc.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 Dec 2007
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> View of CGNS file using ADFviewer for example unstructured grid </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a> main window,
-and shows the structure of a CGNS file for an example unstructured grid.
-The window is divided into several areas, or panels.
-Along the top are the menu items, followed by a series of toolbar
-Below these, on the left is the expandable/collapsible node tree.
-On the right, from top to bottom, are the node description, link
-description, and data description panels, a row of node-related buttons,
-and the node data panel.
-At the top of the node tree is the root node of the ADF file, named
-simply "/", and shown with a folder icon.
-The next line is the "CGNSLibraryVersion" node, marked with a file icon.
-Next is the base node for the CGNS database, named "Base" and marked
-with a folder icon.
-The left is a "-" sign, indicating that the Basename node has been
-expanded, and clicking the "-" sign will collapse it.
-Below the Base node are nodes named "Wing", "SymmetryPlane", and
-"Farfield", each marked with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below each of these nodes is a node named "FamilyBC", marked with a file
-Also below the Base node is a node named "Main", marked with a folder
-icon and expanded.
-Below the Main node are the following nodes, with the names indicated.
-<li> "ZoneType", marked with a file icon.
-<li> "GridCoordinates", marked with a folder icon, and expanded.  Below
-     this node are nodes named "CoordinateX", "CoordinateY", and
-     "CoordinateZ", each marked with a file icon.
-<li> Nodes named "Prisms", "Pyramids", "Tetrahedra", "Quadrilaterals",
-     and "Triangles", each marked with a folder icon and expanded.
-     Below each of these nodes are nodes named "ElementRange" and
-     "ElementConnectivity", each marked with a file icon.
-Also below the Main node is a node named "ZoneBC", marked with a folder
-icon and expanded.
-Below the ZoneBC node are nodes named "Quads_SymmetryPlane",
-"Trias_Wing", "Trias_SymmetryPlane", and "Trias_Farfield", each marked
-with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below each of these nodes are nodes named "ElementList" and
-"FamilyName", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the Tetrahedra node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Main", the node name is Tetrahedra, and the node label is
-In the data description panel, the data type value is I4, the dimensions
-value is 2, and the bytes value is 8.
-The values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Connectivities (linear elements) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows some of the unstructured grid elements supported by
-CGNS, as follows.
-<li> TRI_3 - Two-dimensional triangular element, with three nodes
-     located at the three geometric corners of the triangle.
-<li> QUAD_4 - Two-dimensional quadrilateral element, with four nodes
-     located at the four geometric corners of the quadrangle.
-<li> TETRA_4 - Three-dimensional tetrahedral element, with four nodes
-     located at the four geometric corners of the tetrahedron.
-<li> PYRA_5 - Three-dimensional pyramid element, with five nodes
-     located at the five geometric corners of the pyramid.
-<li> PENTA_6 - Three-dimensional pentahedral element, with six nodes
-     located at the six geometric corners of the pentahedron.
-<li> HEXA_8 - Three-dimensional hexahedral element, with eight nodes
-     located at the eight geometric corners of the hexahedron.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig4.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Info in the zone </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of the number of grid points and elements in a zone.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier for the
-<a href="fig2.html">example unstructured grid</a> but with the Main node
-highlighted in the node tree.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is "/Base",
-the node name is Main, and the node label is Zone_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is I4, the dimensions
-values are 1, 3, and the bytes value is 12.
-The three values shown in the node data panel are 696894, representing
-the number of grid points, and 1901144, representing the number of
-volume elements.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig5.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS Code (1) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window showing the CGNS file
-structure after the first part of the example.
-At the top of the node tree is the root node of the ADF file, named
-simply "/", and shown with a folder icon.
-The next line is the "CGNSLibraryVersion" node, marked with a file icon.
-Next is the base node for the CGNS database, named "Base", marked
-with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the Base node are nodes named "Wing", "SymmetryPlane",
-"Farfield", and "Main", each marked with a folder icon and collapsed.
-In the node tree the Base node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is "/",
-the node name is Base, and the node label is CGNSBase_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is I4, the dimensions
-value is 2, and the bytes value is 8.
-The values 3, 3 are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig6.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS Code (2) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window showing the CGNS file
-structure after the second part of the example.
-It shows the same node tree as described after the
-<a href="fig5.html">first part of the example</a> but with the Main node
-Below the Main node is a node named "ZoneType", marked with a file icon,
-and nodes named "GridCoordinates", "Prisms", "Pyramids", "Tetrahedra",
-"Quadrilaterals", "Triangles", and "ZoneBC", each marked with a folder
-icon and collapsed.
-In the node tree the ZoneType node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Main", the node name is ZoneType, and the node label is
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 12, and the bytes value is 12.
-The string "Unstructured" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig7.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS Code (3) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window showing the CGNS file
-structure after the third part of the example.
-It shows the same node tree as described after the
-<a href="fig6.html">second part of the example</a> but with the
-GridCoordinates node expanded.
-Below the GridCoordinates node are nodes named "CoordinateX",
-"CoordinateY", and "CoordinateZ", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the CoordinateX node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Main/GridCoordinates", the node name is CoordinateX, and the node
-label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R8, the dimensions
-value is 696894, and the bytes value is 5575152.
-The x coordinate values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index 37f18933..00000000
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index f33267b4..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig8.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS Code (4) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window showing the CGNS file
-structure after the fourth part of the example.
-It shows the same node tree as described after the
-<a href="fig7.html">third part of the example</a> but with the
-Prisms node expanded.
-Below the Prisms node are nodes named "ElementRange" and
-"ElementConnectivity", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the ElementConnectivity node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Main/Prisms", the node name is ElementConnectivity, and the node
-label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R4, the dimensions
-value is 6646482, and the bytes value is 26585928.
-The element connectivity data are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig8.png b/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig8.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aab6399..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig8.png and /dev/null differ
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index ee4cb959..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig9.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Unstructured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS Code (5) </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window showing the CGNS file
-structure after the fifth part of the example.
-It shows the same node tree as described after the
-<a href="fig8.html">fourth part of the example</a> but with the
-ZoneBC node expanded.
-Below the ZoneBC node are nodes named "Quads_SymmetryPlane",
-"Trias_Wing", "Trias_SymmetryPlane", and "Trias_Farfield", each marked
-with a folder icon.
-The Quads_SymmetryPlane node is expanded, and below it are nodes named
-"ElementList" and "FamilyName", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the ElementList node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Base/Main/ZoneBC/Quads_SymmetryPlane", the node name is ElementList,
-and the node label is IndexArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is I4, the dimensions
-values are 1 5064, and the bytes value is 20256.
-The elements are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9042c01e..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/VANDERWEIDE_tutorial/fig9.png and /dev/null differ
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- HTML input file for slides in "Usage for Structured Grids" section
-     of CGNS tutorial -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>CGNS Usage for Structured Grids</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<h1>CFD General Notation System (CGNS)<br>
-Usage for Structured Grids</h1>
-Bruce Wedan<br>
-<h2>Presentation Overview</h2>
-<li> Compare PLOT3D and CGNS Formats
-     <ul>
-     <li> Simple cube/cylinder example
-     <li> PLOT3D code
-     <li> CGNS code
-     <li> Timings and file size
-     </ul>
-<li> Enhancing the Data with CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> Documentation
-     <li> Coordinate systems
-     <li> Connectivity
-     <li> Boundary Conditions
-     <li> Solution Data
-     </ul>
-<li> What Else Can You Do?
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig1.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a cylindrical grid zone abutting a cubical grid zone">
-<h2>Example - Initialization Code</h2>
-         include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-         mach = 0.5
-         alpha = 0
-         re = 0
-         time = 0
-   C---- zone 1 - cube
-         do n=1,3
-           idim1(n,1) = 5
-           idim1(n,2) = 4
-           idim1(n,3) = 0
-         enddo
-         do i=1,5
-           do j=1,5
-             do k=1,5
-               r1(i,j,k,1) = i - 3
-               r1(i,j,k,2) = j - 3
-               r1(i,j,k,3) = k - 5
-               do n=1,5
-                 q1(i,j,k,n) = n
-               enddo
-             enddo
-           enddo
-         enddo
-   C---- zone 2 - cylinder
-         do n=1,3
-           idim2(n,1) = 5
-           idim2(n,2) = 4
-           idim2(n,3) = 0
-         enddo
-         idim2(2,1) = 10
-         idim2(2,2) = 9
-         do i=1,5
-           do j=1,10
-             do k=1,5
-               rad = i - 1
-               ang = 0.6981317*(j - 1)
-               r2(i,j,k,1) = rad * cos(ang)
-               r2(i,j,k,2) = rad * sin(ang)
-               r2(i,j,k,3) = k - 1
-               do n=1,5
-                 q2(i,j,k,n) = n
-               enddo
-             enddo
-           enddo
-         enddo
-<h2>Example - PLOT3D Code</h2>
-   c---- write PLOT3D xyz file
-         iunit = 11
-         open(iunit,file='example.xyz',form='unformatted')
-         write(iunit) 2
-         write(iunit) (idim1(i,1),i=1,3),(idim2(i,1),i=1,3)
-         write(iunit) ((((r1(i,j,k,n),i=1,5),j=1,5),k=1,5),n=1,3)
-         write(iunit) ((((r2(i,j,k,n),i=1,5),j=1,10),k=1,5),n=1,3)
-         close(iunit)
-   c---- write PLOT3D q file
-         open(iunit,file='example.q',form='unformatted')
-         write(iunit) 2
-         write(iunit) (idim1(i,1),i=1,3),(idim2(i,1),i=1,3)
-         write(iunit) mach,alpha,re,time
-         write(iunit) ((((q1(i,j,k,n),i=1,5),j=1,5),k=1,5),n=1,5)
-         write(iunit) ((((q2(i,j,k,n),i=1,5),j=1,10),k=1,5),n=1,5)
-         close(iunit)
-<h2>Example - CGNS Code</h2>
-   c---- open file and create base
-         call cg_open_f('example.cgns',MODE_WRITE,ifile,ierr)
-         if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-         call cg_base_write_f(ifile,'Example',3,3,ibase,ierr)
-   c---- zone 1 - cube
-         call cg_zone_write_f(ifile,ibase,'Cube',idim1,Structured,izone,ierr)
-         call cg_coord_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,RealSingle,'CoordinateX',r1(1,1,1,1),
-        &amp;                      icoord,ierr)
-         call cg_coord_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,RealSingle,'CoordinateY',r1(1,1,1,2),
-        &amp;                      icoord,ierr)
-         call cg_coord_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,RealSingle,'CoordinateZ',r1(1,1,1,3),
-        &amp;                      icoord,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig2.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing grid coordinates node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig2.html">
-         call cg_sol_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Cube Solution',Vertex,isol,ierr)
-         call cg_field_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,isol,RealSingle,'Density',
-        &amp;                      q1(1,1,1,1),ifld,ierr)
-         call cg_field_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,isol,RealSingle,'MomentumX',
-        &amp;                      q1(1,1,1,2),ifld,ierr)
-         call cg_field_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,isol,RealSingle,'MomentumY',
-        &amp;                      q1(1,1,1,3),ifld,ierr)
-         call cg_field_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,isol,RealSingle,'MomentumZ',
-        &amp;                      q1(1,1,1,4),ifld,ierr)
-         call cg_field_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,isol,RealSingle,'EnergyStagnationDensity',
-        &amp;                      q1(1,1,1,5),ifld,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig3.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing flow solution node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig3.html">
-   c---- zone 2 - cylinder
-         call cg_zone_write_f(ifile,ibase,'Cylinder',idim2,Structured,izone,ierr)
-         do n=1,3
-           call cg_coord_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,RealSingle,cnames(n),r2(1,1,1,n),
-        &amp;                        icoord,ierr)
-         enddo
-         call cg_sol_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Cylinder Solution',Vertex,isol,ierr)
-         do n=1,5
-           call cg_field_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,isol,RealSingle,snames(n),q2(1,1,1,n),
-        &amp;                        ifld,ierr)
-         enddo
-   c---- close file
-         call cg_close_f(ifile,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig4.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing all nodes"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig4.html">
-<h2>What Do We Have?</h2>
-<li> Mesh Coordinates and Conserved Variables at Vertices
-<li> PLOT3D
-     <ul>
-     <li> Two files which are non-portable unless ASCII or machines are
-          binary compatible
-     <li> Need to know format (i.e. single/double precision,
-          single/multiblock, planar/whole, iblank or none)
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> Completely machine independent and portable
-     <li> Self-contained, with inquiry functions to determine content
-     <li> Utilities available to convert to and from PLOT3D format
-     </ul>
-<h2>But I Want Separate Files</h2>
-<li> Write the Grid File
-     <ul>
-     <li> Create Base, Zone and Write Coordinates
-     </ul>
-<li> Write the Solution File
-     <ul>
-     <li> Create Base, Zone and Write Solution
-     </ul>
-<li> Link to Coordinates in Grid File
-   call cg_zone_write_f(ifile,ibase,'Cube',idim1,Structured,izone,ierr)
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'Zone_t',izone,'end')
-   call cg_link_write_f('GridCoordinates','grid.cgns','/Example/Cube/GridCoordinates',ierr)
-<li> No Apparent Difference Between Solution File and Combined File to
-     an Application Reading the Solution
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig5.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing link node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig5.html">
-<h2>Timings and File Size</h2>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row><b>Mesh Size</b><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left>100&times;100&times;100<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left>200&times;200&times;200<td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <th scope=col align=left>400&times;400&times;400
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row><b>File Size</b><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><b>30.5 MB</b><td>
-   <td><b>244 MB</b><td>
-   <td><b>1.90 GB</b>
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>PLOT3D<td>
-   <td>2.32 (3.62) secs<td>
-   <td>16.0 (45.8) secs<td>
-   <td>126 (216) secs
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>CGNS (1 file) (+6K bytes)<td>
-   <td>2.48 (0.63) secs<td>
-   <td>17.2 (7.9) secs<td>
-   <td>129 (40) secs
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td scope=row>CGNS (2 files) (+14K bytes)<td>
-   <td>2.34 (0.67) secs<td>
-   <td>17.4 (8.1) secs<td>
-   <td>164 (41) secs
-<tr align=left><td colspan=7><hr width=100% noshade>
-<li> You've already benefited from CGNS!
-<h2>Enhancing the Data</h2>
-<li> Documentation
-     <ul>
-     <li> Descriptors
-     <li> Units
-     <li> Data Class
-     <li> Reference State
-     <li> Simulation Type
-     <li> Flow Equations and Models
-     </ul>
-<li> Coordinate Systems
-<li> Connectivity
-     <ul>
-     <li> One to One Matching
-     <li> Mismatched Abutting
-     </ul>
-<li> Boundary Conditions
-<li> Solution Data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Cell-Centered
-     <li> Ghost Cells (rind)
-     </ul>
-<li> Adding a Descriptor Node
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'end')
-   text = 'This is a simple example of a cube and cylinder'
-   call cg_descriptor_write_f('Description',text,ierr)
-<li> Defining the Units
-   call cg_units_write_f(Kilogram,Meter,Second,Kelvin,Degree,ierr)
-   call cg_unitsfull_write_f(Kilogram,Meter,Second,Kelvin,Degree,Ampere,Mole,Candela,ierr)
-<li> Defining the Data Class
-   call cg_dataclass_write_f(NormalizedByUnknownDimensional,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig6.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing DataClass node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig6.html">
-<li> Reference State
-   call cg_state_write_f('Reference Quantities',ierr)
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'ReferenceState_t',1,'end')
-   call cg_array_write_f('Mach',RealSingle,1,1,mach,ierr)
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'ReferenceState_t',1,'DataArray_t',1,'end')
-   call cg_dataclass_write_f(NondimensionalParameter,ierr)
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'ReferenceState_t',1,'end')
-   call cg_array_write_f('LengthReference',RealSingle,1,1,reflen,ierr)
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'ReferenceState_t',1,'DataArray_t',3,'end')
-   call cg_dataclass_write_f(Dimensional,ierr)
-   call cg_units_write_f(Null,Foot,Null,Null,Null,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig7.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing reference state node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig7.html">
-<li> Simulation Type
-   call cg_simulation_type_write_f(ifile,ibase,NonTimeAccurate,ierr)
-<li> Equation Set and Numerical Models
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'end')
-   call cg_equationset_write_f(5,ierr)
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'FlowEquationSet_t',1,'end')
-   call cg_governing_write_f(Euler,ierr)
-   call cg_model_write_f('GasModel_t',Ideal,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig8.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing governing equations node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig8.html">
-<h2>Coordinate Systems</h2>
-<li> Four Predefined Coordinate Systems
-     <ul>
-     <li> Cartesian (x,y,z)
-     <li> Cylindrical (r,&theta;,z)
-     <li> Spherical (r,&theta;,&phi;)
-     <li> Auxiliary (&xi;,&eta;,&zeta;)
-     </ul>
-<li> Write Cylinder coordinates as Cylindrical
-   call cg_coord_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,RealSingle,'CoordinateR',rc(1,1,1,1),
-  &amp;                      icoord,ierr)
-   call cg_coord_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,RealSingle,'CoordinateTheta',rc(1,1,1,2),
-  &amp;                      icoord,ierr)
-   call cg_coord_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,RealSingle,'CoordinateZ',rc(1,1,1,3),
-  &amp;                      icoord,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig9.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing grid coordinates node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig9.html">
-<li> Cylinder Cut as One to One Connection
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig10.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a cylindrical grid attached to a cubical grid, with the periodic circumferential plane highlighted">
-   do n=1,3
-     transform(n) = n
-     range(n,1) = 1
-     range(n,2) = 5
-     d_range(n,1) = 1
-     d_range(n,2) = 5
-   enddo
-   range(2,2) = 1
-   d_range(2,1) = 10
-   d_range(2,2) = 10
-   call cg_1to1_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Periodic','Cylinder',range,d_range,transform,
-  &amp;                     iconn,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig11.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Periodic' node under ZoneGridConnectivity"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig11.html">
-<li> Cube to Cylinder Abutting Connection
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig12.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a cylindrical grid attached to a cubical grid, with the abutting face of the cubical grid highlighted">
-      n = 0
-      do j=1,5
-        do i=1,5
-          rad = sqrt(r1(i,j,5,1)**2 + r1(i,j,5,2)**2)
-          ang = atan2(r1(i,j,5,2), r1(i,j,5,1))
-          ic = rad
-          if (ic .ge. 4) ic = 3
-          if (ang .lt. 0.0) ang = ang + 6.2831853
-          ang = ang / 0.6981317
-          jc = ang
-          if (jc .ge. 9) jc = 8;
-          pts(n+1) = i;
-          pts(n+2) = j;
-          pts(n+3) = 5;
-          d_cell(n+1) = ic + 1;
-          d_cell(n+2) = jc + 1;
-          d_cell(n+3) = 1;
-          interp(n+1) = rad - ic;
-          interp(n+2) = ang - jc;
-          interp(n+3) = 0.0;
-          n = n + 3
-        enddo
-      enddo
-      call cg_conn_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Cube -> Cylinder',Vertex,Abutting,PointList,
-     &amp;                     n/3,pts,'Cylinder',Structured,CellListDonor,Integer,n/3,d_cell,
-     &amp;                     iconn,ierr)
-c     write the interpolants
-      call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'Zone_t',izone,'ZoneGridConnectivity_t',1,
-     &amp;               'GridConnectivity_t',iconn,'end')
-      dims(1) = 3;
-      dims(2) = n / 3;
-      call cg_array_write_f('InterpolantsDonor',RealSingle,2,dims,interp,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig13.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Cube -> Cylinder' node under ZoneGridConnectivity"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig13.html">
-<h2>Boundary Conditions</h2>
-<li> Inlet on Cube Using Point Range
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig14.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a cylindrical grid attached to a cubical grid, with the cube inlet face highlighted">
-   do n=1,3
-     range(n,1) = 1
-     range(n,2) = 5
-   enddo
-   range(3,2) = 1
-   call cg_boco_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Inlet',BCInflow,PointRange,2,range,ibc,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig15.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Inlet' node under ZoneBC"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig15.html">
-<li> Defining the Inlet Boundary Condition
-   call cg_dataset_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,ibc,'Inflow Conditions',BCInflowSubsonic,
-  &amp;                        idset,ierr)
-   call cg_bcdata_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,ibc,idset,Dirichlet,ierr)
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'Zone_t',izone,'ZoneBC_t',1,'BC_t',ibc,'BCDataSet_t',
-  &amp;               idset,'BCData_t',Dirichlet,'end')
-   call cg_array_write_f('Density',RealSingle,1,1,0.9,ierr)
-   call cg_array_write_f('VelocityX',RealSingle,1,1,1.5,ierr)
-   call cg_array_write_f('VelocityY',RealSingle,1,1,0.0,ierr)
-   call cg_array_write_f('VelocityZ',RealSingle,1,1,0.0,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig16.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Inflow Conditions' node under 'Inlet' node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig16.html">
-<li> Walls on Cube using Point List
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig17.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a cylindrical grid attached to a cubical grid, with the cube outer walls highlighted">
-   n = 0
-   do k=1,5
-     do i=1,4
-       pts(n+1) = i+1
-       pts(n+2) = 1
-       pts(n+3) = k
-       pts(n+4) = i
-       pts(n+5) = 5
-       pts(n+6) = k
-       n = n + 6
-     enddo
-     do j=1,4
-       pts(n+1) = 1
-       pts(n+2) = j
-       pts(n+3) = k
-       pts(n+4) = 5
-       pts(n+5) = j+1
-       pts(n+6) = k
-       n = n + 6
-     enddo
-   enddo
-   call cg_boco_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Walls',BCWall,PointList,n/3,pts,ibc,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig18.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Walls' node under ZoneBC"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig18.html">
-<li> Cylinder Axis as Degenerate Line
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig19.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a cylindrical grid attached to a cubical grid, with the cylinder axis highlighted">
-   range(1,1) = 1
-   range(1,2) = 1
-   range(2,1) = 1
-   range(2,2) = 10
-   range(3,1) = 1
-   range(3,2) = 5
-   call cg_boco_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Axis',BCDegenerateLine,PointRange,2,range,
-  &amp;                     ibc,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig20.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Axis' node under ZoneBC"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig20.html">
-<h2>Solution Data</h2>
-<li> Cell-Centered Data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Change Vertex in
-   call cg_sol_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Cylinder Solution',Vertex,isol,ierr)
-     <li> To CellCenter
-   call cg_sol_write_f(ifile,ibase,izone,'Cylinder Solution',CellCenter,isol,ierr)
-     </ul>
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig21.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Cylinder Solution' node"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig21.html">
-<li> Ghost Cells (Rind)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig22.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a cylindrical grid attached to a cubical grid, with rind highlighted on cylinder">
-   rind(1,1) = 0
-   rind(2,1) = 1
-   rind(1,2) = 0
-   rind(2,2) = 0
-   rind(1,3) = 0
-   rind(2,3) = 1
-   call cg_goto_f(ifile,ibase,ierr,'Zone_t',izone,'FlowSolution_t',isol,'end')
-   call cg_rind_write_f(rind,ierr)
-<img src="WEDAN_tutorial/fig23.png"
-     alt="ADFviewer window showing 'Cylinder Solution' node with rind points"
-     longdesc="WEDAN_tutorial/fig23.html">
-<h2>What Else Can You Do?</h2>
-<li> Multiple Cases (bases)
-<li> Data Conversions and Dimensional Exponents
-<li> Gravity
-<li> Convergence History
-<li> Moving/Rotating/Axisymmetric Grids
-<li> Time-dependent Solutions
-<li> User-defined Data
-<li> Integral and Discrete Data
-<li> Group by Families
-<li> Geometry References
-<li> Connectivity and Boundary Condition Properties
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 18 Dec 2007
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Connectivity - Cylinder Cut as One to One Connection </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of periodic one-to-one grid connectivity.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but with
-the addition of a node named "ZoneGridConnectivity" below the Cylinder
-zone node, marked with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the ZoneGridConnectivity node is a node named "Periodic", also
-marked with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the Periodic node are nodes named "Transform", "PointRange", and
-"PointRangeDonor", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the Periodic node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cylinder/ZonalGridconnectivity", the node name is Periodic,
-and the node label is Gridconnectivity1to1_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 8, and the bytes value is 8.
-The string "Cylinder" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig11.png b/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig11.png
deleted file mode 100644
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Connectivity - Cube to Cylinder Abutting Connection </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of generalized abutting grid connectivity.
-It shows the same node tree as described for
-<a href="fig11.html">one-to-one connectivity</a>, except that below the
-ZoneGridConnectivity node is a node named "Cube -> Cylinder", marked
-with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the Periodic node are nodes named "GridConnectivityType",
-"PointList", "CellListDonor", and "InterpolantsDonor", each marked with
-a file icon.
-In the node tree the Cube -> Cylinder node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cylinder/ZonalGridconnectivity", the node name is Cube ->
-Cylinder, and the node label is Gridconnectivity1to1_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 8, and the bytes value is 8.
-The string "Cylinder" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig13.png b/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig13.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bf049db..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Boundary Conditions - Inlet on Cube Using Point Range </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of an inlet boundary surface.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but with
-the addition of a node named "ZoneBC" below the Cube zone node, marked
-with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the ZoneBC node is a node named "Inlet", also marked with a folder
-icon and expanded.
-Below the Inlet node is a node named "PointRange", marked with a file
-In the node tree the Inlet node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cylinder/ZoneBC", the node name is Inlet, and the node label
-is BC_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 8, and the bytes value is 8.
-The string "BCInflow" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig15.png b/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig15.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e6ccda9a..00000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index bcb169e6..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig16.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Boundary Conditions - Defining the Inlet Boundary Condition </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of conditions at a boundary surface.
-It shows the same node tree as described for
-<a href="fig15.html">specification of an inlet boundary surface</a>,
-except that below the
-Inlet node is an additional node named "Inflow Conditions", marked
-with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the Inflow Conditions node is a node named "DirichletData",
-also marked with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the DirichletData node are nodes named "Density", "VelocityX",
-"VelocityY", and "VelocityZ", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the Inflow Conditions node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cube/ZoneBC/Inlet", the node name is Inflow Conditions,
-and the node label is BCDataSet_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 16, and the bytes value is 16.
-The string "BCInflowSubsonic" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index 78eaf4b3..00000000
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index 9045ba7d..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig18.html
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@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Boundary Conditions - Walls on Cube using Point List </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of a solid wall boundary surface.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but with
-the addition of a node named "Walls" below the ZoneBC node for the Cube
-zone, marked with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the Walls node is a node named "PointList", marked with a file
-In the node tree the Walls node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cube/ZoneBC", the node name is Walls, and the node label
-is BC_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 6, and the bytes value is 6.
-The string "BCWall" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS code for coordinates </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure is an image of the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a> main
-window, and shows the structure of a CGNS file after writing the grid
-The window is divided into several areas, or panels.
-Along the top are the menu items, followed by a series of toolbar
-Below these, on the left is the expandable/collapsible node tree.
-On the right, from top to bottom, are the node description, link
-description, and data description panels, a row of node-related buttons,
-and the node data panel.
-At the top of the node tree is the root node of the ADF file, named
-simply "/", and shown with a folder icon.
-The next line is the "CGNSLibraryVersion" node, marked with a file icon.
-Next is the base node for the CGNS database, named "Example" in this
-case, and marked with a folder icon.
-The left is a "-" sign, indicating that the Basename node has been
-expanded, and clicking the "-" sign will collapse it.
-Below the Example node is a zone node named "Cube", marked with a
-folder icon, and expanded.
-Below the Cube node is a node named "ZoneType" marked with a file icon,
-and the grid coordinates node named "GridCoordinates", marked with a
-folder icon, and expanded.
-Below the GridCoordinates node are nodes named "CoordinateX",
-"CoordinateY", and "CoordinateZ", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the CoordinateX node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cube/GridCoordinates", the node name is CoordinateX, and the
-node label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R4, the dimensions
-values are 5, 5, 5, and the bytes value is 500.
-The x coordinate values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig20.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Boundary Conditions - Cylinder Axis as Degenerate Line </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of a cylinder axis boundary.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but with
-the addition of three boundary nodes below the "ZoneBC" for the Cylinder
-zone node, named "Outflow", "Farfield", and "Axis", each marked with a
-folder icon and expanded.
-Below each of these nodes is a node named "PointRange", marked with a
-file icon.
-Also below the Outflow node is a node named "Outflow Conditions", marked
-with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the Outflow Conditions node is a node named "NeumannData",
-also marked with a folder icon and expanded.
-Below the NeumannData node is a node named "PressureGradient", marked
-with a file icon.
-In the node tree the Axis node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cylinder/ZoneBC", the node name is Axis, and the node label
-is BC_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 16, and the bytes value is 16.
-The string "BCDegenerateLine" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig21.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Solution Data - Cell Centered Data </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of a location for solution data.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, with
-the Cylinder Solution node expanded.
-Below the Cylinder Solution node, in addition to the Density, MomentumX,
-MomentumY, MomentumZ, and EnergyStagnationDensity nodes, a node named
-"GridLocation" has been added.
-In the node tree the Density node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cylinder/Cylinder Solution", the node name is Density, and the
-node label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R4, the dimensions
-values are 4, 9, 4, and the bytes value is 676.
-The density values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig23.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Solution Data - Cell Centered Data </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the
-specification of solution data when a rind plane is present.
-It shows the same node tree as was used for the 
-<a href="fig21.html">illustrating the specification of a location for
-solution data</a>, but with the addition of a node named "Rind" below
-the Cylinder Solution node.
-In the node tree the Density node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cylinder/Cylinder Solution", the node name is Density, and the
-node label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R4, the dimensions
-values are now 5, 9, 5, and the bytes value is 900.
-The density values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index 7dff62e8..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS code for flow solution </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the storage
-of flow solution data in a CGNS file.
-It shows the same node tree as described earlier 
-<a href="fig2.html">illustrating the storage of grid coordinates</a>,
-but with the addition, below the Cube node, of a flow solution node
-named "Cube Solution", marked with a folder icon, and expanded.
-Below the Cube Solution node are are nodes named "Density", "MomentumX",
-"MomentumY", "MomentumZ", and "EnergyStagnationDensity", each marked
-with a file icon.
-In the node tree the Density node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cube/Cube Solution", the node name is Density, and the node
-label is DataArray_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R4, the dimensions
-values are 5, 5, 5, and the bytes value is 500.
-The density values are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig4.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Example - CGNS code for multiple zones </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the structure
-of both grid coordinates and flow solution data in a CGNS file for two
-It shows the same node tree as described previously
-<a href="fig3.html">illustrating the storage of flow solution data</a>,
-but with the addition of a second zone node, and with all the nodes
-There are now two zone nodes below the Example node, named "Cube" and
-Below each of these is a grid coordinates node named "GridCoordinates",
-and below each GridCoordinates node are nodes named "CoordinateX",
-"CoordinateY", and "CoordinateZ".
-Also below each zone node is a flow solution node, named "Cube Solution"
-below the Cube node, and "Cylinder Solution" below the Cylinder node.
-Below each of the flow solution nodes are nodes named "Density",
-"MomentumX", "MomentumY", "MomentumZ", and "EnergyStagnationDensity".
-In the node tree the CGNSLibraryVersion node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/", the node name is CGNSLibraryVersion, and the node label is
-In the data description panel, the data type value is R4, the dimensions
-value is 1, and the bytes value is 4.
-The version number 2.42 is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index a1167bba..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig5.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> But I Want Separate Files </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the use of
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but now
-the GridCoordinates nodes are links to nodes in a different file, and
-are thus marked with a link folder icon.
-In the node tree the GridCoordinates node for the Cube zone is
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cube", the node name is GridCoordinates, and the node label is
-In the link description panel, the link file is grid.cgns, and the link
-node is "/Example/Cube/GridCoordinates".
-A pop-up window with the window title "Select Link Node" obscures the
-data description and node data panels.
-This pop-up window shows the node tree in the file grid.cgns, which in
-this case has the same structure as the node tree in the current file,
-except without the flow solution nodes (and of course in grid.cgns the
-GridCoordinates nodes aren't links, and are thus marked with regular
-folder icons).
-In the pop-up window, the GridCoordinates node for the Cube zone is
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Documentation - Defining the Data Class </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the use of
-nodes with descriptive data, and documenting the dimensional units and
-data class.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but
-with the addition of nodes named "Description", "DimensionalUnits",
-and "DataClass" below the Example node (the base node for the CGNS
-In the node tree the DataClass node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example", the node name is DataClass, and the node label is
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 30, and the bytes value is 30.
-The string "NormalizedByUnknownDimensional" is shown in the node data
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index a44be73b..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig7.html
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@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Documentation - Reference State </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the use of a
-node documenting the reference state.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but with
-the addition of a node named "ReferenceState" below the Example node
-(the base node for the CGNS database).
-The ReferenceState node is marked with a folder icon, and expanded.
-Below the ReferenceState node are the following nodes, with the names
-<li> "ReferenceStateDescription", marked with a file icon
-<li> "Mach", marked with a folder icon, and expanded
-<li> "SpecificHeatRatio", marked with a folder icon, and expanded
-<li> "LengthReference", marked with a folder icon, and expanded
-Below each of the Mach, SpecificHeatRatio, and LengthReference nodes is
-a DataClass node, marked with a file icon.
-Also below the LengthReference node is a DimensionalUnits node, also
-marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the ReferenceStateDescription node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/ReferenceState", the node name is ReferenceStateDescription,
-and the node label is Descriptor_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 20, and the bytes value is 20.
-The string "Reference Quantities" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index 267dfd38..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig8.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Documentation - Equation Set and Numerical Models </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the use of
-nodes documenting the equation set and numerical model.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but with
-the addition of nodes named "SimulationType" and "FlowEquationSet" below
-the Example node (the base node for the CGNS database).
-The SimulationType node is marked with a file icon, and the
-FlowEquationSet node is marked with a folder icon, and expanded.
-Below the FlowEquationSet node are nodes named "EquationDimension",
-"GoverningEquations", and "GasModel", each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the GoverningEquations node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/FlowEquationSet", the node name is GoverningEquations,
-and the node label is GoverningEquations_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is C1, the dimensions
-value is 5, and the bytes value is 5.
-The string "Euler" is shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
diff --git a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig8.png b/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig8.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b561a8..00000000
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index 38a160ce..00000000
--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/WEDAN_tutorial/fig9.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CGNS Tutorial Session
-     AIAA 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Francisco, California
-     June 5-8, 2006.
-     "Usage for Structured Grids"
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Coordinate Systems </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the ADFviewer main window illustrating the use of
-cylindrical coordinates instead of Cartesian coordinates.
-It shows the same node tree as described in previous figures, but with
-cylindrical coordinates used in the Cylinder zone.
-Below the Cylinder node, the GridCoordinates node is expanded, and below
-it are nodes named "CoordinateR", "CoordinateTheta", and "CoordinateZ",
-each marked with a file icon.
-In the node tree the GridCoordinates node is highlighted.
-In the node description panel, the parent node value shown is
-"/Example/Cylinder", the node name is GridCoordinates,
-and the node label is GridCoordinates_t.
-In the data description panel, the data type value is MT, the dimensions
-value is null, and the bytes value is 0.
-No data are shown in the node data panel.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 28 Jan 2008
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index 8efbc9ad..00000000
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-<!-- HTML input file for "Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for
-     Aerodynamics and CFD" slides -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD<br><br>
-<small>Reno, NV, January 12, 2000</small>
-Diane M. A. Poirier<br>
-ICEM CFD Engineering, Berkeley, CA
-Robert H. Bush<br>
-United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT
-Raymond R. Cosner<br>
-Boeing Phantom Works, St. Louis, MO
-Christopher L. Rumsey<br>
-NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
-Douglas R. McCarthy<br>
-Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, WA
-<li> Introduction
-     <ul>
-     <li> History
-     <li> CGNS Original Features and Components
-     </ul>
-<li> Advances in the CGNS
-     <ul>
-     <li> Technical Extensions
-          <ul>
-          <li> Unstructured Topology
-          <li> Geometry-to-Mesh Association
-          <li> Grid Motion
-          <li> Iterative and Time-Accurate data
-          </ul>
-     <li> New Organization: The CGNS Steering Committee
-     <li> Migration to an ISO Standard
-     </ul>
-<li> Conclusion
-<h2>Introduction: Objective</h2>
-The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) was conceived to:
-<li> Provide a general, portable and extensible standard for the storage
-     and retrieval of CFD analysis data.
-<li> To offer the opportunity for seamless communication of CFD analysis
-     data between sites, applications and system architectures.
-<li> To eliminate the overhead costs due to file translation, and
-     multiplicity of data sets in various formats.
-<h2>Introduction: History of the CGNS Project</h2>
-<li> 1994-1995:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Series of meetings between Boeing and NASA addressing means of
-          improving technology transfer from NASA to Industry: The main
-          impediment to technology transfer is the disparity of file
-          formats.
-     </ul>
-<li> 1995-1998:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Development of the CGNS System (SIDS, ADF) at Boeing Seattle,
-          under NASA Contract with participation from:
-          <ul>
-          <li> Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group, Seattle
-          <li> NASA Ames/Langley/Lewis Research Centers
-          <li> Boeing St-Louis (former McDonnell Douglas Corporation)
-          <li> Arnold Engineering Development Center, for the NPARC
-               Alliance
-          <li> Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
-          <li> ICEM CFD Engineering Corporation
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> 1997-1998:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Development of the CGNS Library.
-     <li> Institution of the CGNS website (http://www.cgns.org) and
-          first official release of the CGNS software and documentation.
-     </ul>
-<h2>Introduction: CGNS Elements</h2>
-<li> Conceptual entity: Collection of conventions and definitions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)
-     </ul>
-<li> Database System: Software that performs I/O operations
-     <ul>
-     <li> Advanced Data Format (ADF)
-     </ul>
-<li> Mapping of the SIDS to the ADF Core
-<li> CGNS Application Programming Interface (API)
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating data flow between a user application and CGNS software"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig1.html">
-<h2>Introduction: CGNS Main Features</h2>
-<li> Hierarchical data structure: quickly traversed and sorted, no need
-     to process irrelevant data
-<li> Complete and explicit problem description
-<li> Standardized naming conventions
-<li> Ability to include unlimited documentation, and application
-     specific data
-<li> Layered so that much of the data structures are optional
-<li> ADF database: universal and self describing
-<li> Based on a single data structure called an ADF node
-<li> The data may encompass several files through the use of links
-<li> Portable ANSI C software, with complete Fortran and C interfaces
-<li> Files stored in compact C binary format
-<li> Complete and architecture independent API
-<h2>Introduction: Chart of Original SIDS</h2>
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig2.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating node structure for the original SIDS specification"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig2.html">
-<h2>Extension: Unstructured Topology</h2>
-<li> Unstructured blocks are recorded using the same data structure as
-     structured blocks, <tt>Zone_t</tt>
-<li> Two new children are added to the <tt>Zone_t</tt> data structure:
-     <ul>
-     <li> <tt>ZoneType_t</tt> = <tt>{Structured, Unstructured}</tt>
-     <li> <tt>Elements_t</tt>: Element connectivity, shape, range, ...
-     </ul>
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig3.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating Zone_t node structure for unstructured grid"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig3.html">
-<h2>Extension: Elements Data Structure</h2>
-<tt>Element_t</tt> is added under the <tt>Zone_t</tt> data structure to
-record unstructured elements data:
-<li> element based connectivity
-<li> arranged by element type
-<li> use global element numbering
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig4.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating Elements_t node structure"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig4.html">
-<h2>Extension: Geometry-to-Mesh Association</h2>
-Necessary for:
-<li> Quick response to design changes
-<li> Mesh adaptation
-<li> Analysis and Display of Results
-<li> Compatible to the CGNS System
-<li> Reference data in CAD Files
-<li> Associate CAD Data to Mesh and Boundary Conditions
-Layer of indirection:
-<li> Rarely a 1-to-1 connection between mesh regions &amp; geometric
-     entities.
-<li> Association independent of changes to mesh &amp; geometry.
-<li> Boundary conditions &amp; material properties can be defined on
-     families.
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig5.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating geometry-to-mesh association"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig5.html">
-<h2>Extension: Family Data Structure</h2>
-<tt>Family_t</tt> is added under the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> data structure
-to record references to geometry files.
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig6.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating Family_t node structure"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig6.html">
-<h2>Extension: Grid Motion</h2>
-<li> <tt>RigidGridMotion_t</tt>: Records rigid translation and rotation
-     of the mesh
-<li> <tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt>: Records point-by-point grid motion
-     or deformation
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig7.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating RigidGridMotion_t and ArbitraryGridMotion_t node structures"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig7.html">
-<h2>Extension: Iterative and Time-Accurate Data</h2>
-<tt>IterativeOrTemporalData_t</tt> associates with each time step or
-iteration the appropriate data structures for:
-<li> rigid and arbitrary grid motion
-<li> grid coordinates
-<li> flow solutions.
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig8.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating IterativeOrTemporalData_t node structure"
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig8.html">
-<h2>Other Extensions Under Review</h2>
-<li> Chemistry
-<li> Multigrid
-<li> Rotating Coordinate Systems
-<li> Periodic Boundary Conditions
-<li> Wall Functions
-<li> 2D Axisymmety
-<li> Cartesian Mesh
-<h2>New Organization: The CGNS Steering Committee</h2>
-<li> Mission: To ensure the continuation of the CGNS
-<li> Charter: Adopted by the Committee on 21 October 1999
-     <ul>
-     <li> Responsibilities:
-          <ul>
-          <li> Maintain the software, documentation, and CGNS web site
-          <li> Ensure a free distribution of the software and
-               documentation
-          <li> Provide mechanisms for the evolution of the Standard
-          <li> Promote the acceptance of the standard
-          <li> Provide user services
-          </ul>
-     <li> Membership:
-          <ul>
-          <li> Currently limited to 15 organizations
-          </ul>
-     <li> Organization:
-          <ul>
-          <li> Meets at a minimum of once per year
-          <li> Is represented by a Chairperson
-          <li> Governs by consensus
-          <li> Welcomes participation of all parties, members or not
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>Migration to an ISO Standard</h2>
-<li> <u>Preliminary Stage</u> - Planning for possible standardization
-     projects (accomplished 1998-99).
-<li> <u>Proposal Stage</u> - Culminates in approval to start a new AP
-     project (completed November 1999).
-<li> <u>Preparatory Stage</u> - Develop a Working Draft and a New Work
-     Item (planned completion October 2000).
-<li> <u>Committee Stage</u> - Consensus is achieved on a Committee
-     Draft (planned completion ~ April 2001).
-<li> <u>Enquiry Stage</u> - Vote on Draft International Standard.
-<li> <u>National Stage</u> - Vote on Final Draft International Standard
-     (~2002)
-<li> <u>Publication Stage</u> - ISO publishes the International
-     Standard.
-<h2>CGNS Continues to Gain Acceptance</h2>
-Number of Registered Users
-<img src="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig9.png"
-     alt="Bar chart showing growth in number uf users "
-     longdesc="aiaa00-0681-vg/fig9.html">
-<li> Technical progress
-     <ul>
-     <li> The CGNS was extended to support unstructured topology and
-          geometry-to-mesh association
-     <li> Grid motion, iterative and time-accurate data have been added
-          to the SIDS, and soon will be added to the API
-     <li> Several other extensions are currently under review
-     </ul>
-<li> Organizational progress
-     <ul>
-     <li> The CGNS Steering Committee governs the CGNS activities and
-          welcomes the participation of all parties
-     </ul>
-<li> Dissemination progress
-     <ul>
-     <li> The CGNS is the object of an ISO standard for aerodynamic data
-     <li> The number of CGNS users is been growing steadily
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 23 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Introduction: CGNS Elements </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the relationship between the various elements of
-On the left is a box representing the CFD application.
-It's connected by an arrow, pointing in both directions, to a box
-labeled "API" representing the CGNS Application Programming Interface.
-A box labeled "SIDS + SIDS-to-ADF Mapping" points into the API,
-indicating that the API incorporates the standards and conventions
-defined by the SIDS and File Mapping documents.
-The API is connected, by an arrow pointing in both directions, to a box
-labeled "ADF Core" representing the ADF database management routines.
-The ADF Core is similarly connected to a box labeled "Storage Media"
-representing the file containing the CGNS database.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Introduction: Chart of Original SIDS </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of a CGNS database, as it was
-originally defined by the SIDS.
-At the top is the base node of the CGNS database, labeled CGNSBase_t.
-Below CGNSBase_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Zone_t
-<li> FlowEquationSet_t
-<li> IndexDimension
-<li> DataClass_t
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t
-<li> ConvergenceHistory_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-<li> IntegralData_t
-<li> ReferenceState
-Below the Zone_t node are the following nodes.
-<li> NCells, Nvertices
-<li> GridCoordinates_t
-<li> FlowSolutions_t
-<li> ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-<li> ZoneBC_t
-<li> DiscreteData_t
-Additional nodes may also be below Zone_t.
-Below the FlowEquationSet_t node are the following nodes.
-<li> GoverningEquations_t
-<li> ViscosityModel_t
-<li> TurbulenceModel_t
-<li> GasModel_t
-<li> ThermalConductivityModel_t
-<li> TurbulenceClosure_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-<li> EquationDimension
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Extension: Unstructured Topology </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of a Zone_t node with the
-additions made for unstructured grids.
-There are two new child nodes of Zone_t: Elements_t and ZoneType_t.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Extension: Elements Data Structure </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of the new Elements_t node below
-Elements_t has the following child nodes.
-<li> ElementRange
-<li> ElementSizeBoundary
-<li> ElementType_t
-<li> ElementConnectivity
-<li> ParentData
-<li> Descriptor_t
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Extension: Geometry-to-Mesh Association </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates how geometric entities and mesh regions may be
-associated in CGNS.
-On the right is a box labeled "Geometry Data" representing a geometric
-entity like a wing surface, or nacelle.
-It's connected by an arrow, pointing in both directions, to a box
-labeled "Intermediate Object / CFD Family", which is similarly connected
-to a box labeled "Mesh Entities" representing the regions of the
-computational mesh that correspond to the geometric entity.
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Extension: Family Data Structure </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of the new Family_t node, with the
-node name FamilyName, below CGNSBase_t.
-There are two child nodes of Family_t: GeometryReference_t and
-In turn, the GeometryReference_t node has four children: GeometryFile_t,
-GeometryFormat_t, GeometryEntity_t, and Descriptor_t.
-The FamilyBC_t node has one child, BCType_t.
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Extension: Grid Motion </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of the new RigidGridMotion_t and
-ArbitraryGridMotion_t nodes below Zone_t.
-The RigidGridMotion_t node has child nodes RigidGridMotionType_t,
-OriginLocation, RigidVelocity, RigidRotationRate, and RigidRotationAngle.
-Additional child nodes, not new to CGNS, may also be present.
-The ArbitraryGridMotion_t node has child nodes ArbitraryGridMotionType_t
-and GridVelocityN, where the "N" in GridVelocityN represents a specific
-coordinate direction.
-Additional child nodes, not new to CGNS, may also be present.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Extension: Iterative and Time-Accurate Data </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of the new
-IterativeOrTemporalData_t node below Zone_t.
-It has child nodes NumberOfSteps, TimeValues, IterationValues,
-GridCoordinatesPointers, FlowSolutionPointers, RigidGridMotionPointers,
-and ArbitraryGridMotionPointers.
-Additional child nodes, not new to CGNS, may also be present.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD
-     Slides from presentation of AIAA Paper 2000-0681
-     AIAA 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 10-13, 2000
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Continues to Gain Acceptance </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is a bar chart showing how the number of registered CGNS users has
-grown over time.
-The approximate numbers are listed in the following table.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <th align=left scope=col>Date
-   <th align=left scope=col>Number of Users
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>May 1998
-   <td>0
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>September 1998
-   <td>49
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>January 1999
-   <td>77
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>May 1999
-   <td>135
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>September 1999
-   <td>198
-<tr valign=baseline>
-   <td>January 2000
-   <td>240
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- HTML input file for "The CGNS System" slides -->
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-<title>The CGNS System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-The CGNS System<br>
-<small>Standard for Aerodynamic Data</small>
-Armin Wulf<br>
-ICEM CFD Engineering<br>
-January 13 1999
-<li> Introduction
-<li> Brief History of the CGNS Project
-<li> CGNS Conceptual Entity: The SIDS
-<li> CGNS Physical Entities:
-     <ul>
-     <li> The ADF Core
-     <li> The CGNS Library
-     </ul>
-<li> Examples of Implementation
-<li> Current Development
-<li> Future Development
-<li> Conclusion
-<li> Objective: To offer the opportunity for seamless communication
-     of CFD analysis data between sites, applications and system
-     architectures.
-<li> Motivation: The disparity of data file format reduces the cost
-     effectiveness of CFD while impairing its development.
-<li> Definition: The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) was conceived to
-     provide a general, portable and extensible standard for the storage
-     and retrieval of CFD analysis data.
-<li> CGNS Elements:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Conceptual entity: Collection of conventions for the archiving
-          of CFD data.
-     <li> Physical entity: Software that performs I/O operations in
-          accordance with the defined concepts.
-     </ul>
-<h2>Brief History of the CGNS Project</h2>
-<li> 1994-1995:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Series of meetings between Boeing and NASA addressing means of
-          improving technology transfer from NASA to Industry: The main
-          impediment to technology transfer is the disparity of file
-          formats.
-     </ul>
-<li> 1995-1998:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Development of the CGNS System (SIDS, ADF) at Boeing Seattle,
-          under NASA Contract with participation from:
-          <ul>
-          <li> Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group, Seattle
-          <li> NASA Ames/Langley/Lewis Research Centers
-          <li> Boeing St-Louis (former McDonnell Douglas Corporation)
-          <li> Arnold Engineering Development Center, for the NPARC
-               Alliance
-          <li> Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
-          <li> ICEM CFD Engineering Corporation
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> 1997-1998:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Development of the CGNS Library.
-     <li> Institution of the CGNS website (http://www.cgns.org) and
-          first official release of the CGNS software and documentation.
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS Conceptual Entity:<br>
-The Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</h2>
-<li> The SIDS constitutes the essence of CGNS. It defines:
-     <ul>
-     <li> The intellectual content of CFD-related data
-     <li> The organizational data structure
-     <li> The naming conventions
-     </ul>
-<li> Principal Characteristics of the SIDS:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Hierarchical data structure
-     <li> Highly descriptive way of recording the data
-     <li> Ability to include unlimited documentation
-     <li> Complete and explicit problem description
-     <li> Layered so that much of the data structures are optional
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS High Levels Chart</h2>
-<img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig1.png"
-     alt="Chart showing high-level structures (i.e., nodes) in a CGNS file"
-     longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig1.html">
-<h2>Grid Coordinates, Flow Solutions and Zone Connectivity Data Structures</h2>
-<img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig2.png"
-     alt="Chart showing grid coordinate, zone connectivity, and flow solution nodes with their children"
-     longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig2.html">
-<h2>Zone Boundary Conditions Data Structure</h2>
-<img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig3.png"
-     alt="Chart showing zone boundary conditions node with its children"
-     longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig3.html">
-<h2>Globally Applicable Data and Precedence</h2>
-<img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig4.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating precedence rules and scope within the hierarchy"
-     longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig4.html">
-<h2>CGNS Physical Entities</h2>
-<li> The (ADF) Core:
-     <ul>
-     <li> The Advanced Data Format (ADF) Core is a set of software
-          routines performing I/O operations to/from an extremely
-          general database system consisting of ADF files.
-     </ul>
-<li> The CGNS Library:
-     <ul>
-     <li> The CGNS Library is an Application Programming Interface
-          facilitating higher level access of the data contained in an
-          ADF database. The CGNS Library is built on top of the ADF Core
-          and does not perform any direct I/O operation.
-     </ul>
-<h2>ADF Core Characteristics</h2>
-<li> Hierarchical data structure
-     <ul>
-     <li> Quickly traversed and sorted
-     <li> No need to process irrelevant data
-     </ul>
-<li> Based on a single data structure called an ADF node
-<li> Directed graph
-<li> May encompass several ADF files through the use of links
-<li> ADF database is self describing
-<li> Supports any type of data (integer, real, character, complex, byte,
-     link ...)
-<li> Software written in ANSI C to insure its portability
-<li> Complete Fortran and C interface
-<li> Stored in compact C binary format
-<li> Independent of system architectures (Cray/Unicos, Sun/Solaris,
-     SGI/IRIX, IBM/AIX, DEC-Alpha/OSF, Intel/Paragon)
-<li> Universal database (not specific to CFD only)
-<h2>ADF Core</h2>
-<img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig5.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating ADF file structure with links"
-     longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig5.html">
-<h2>ADF Node Content</h2>
-<li> <b>ID</b>: A unique identifier to access a node within a file.
-<li> <b>Name</b>: A character field used to name the node. It must be
-     unique for a given parent.
-<li> <b>Label</b>: A character field used to described the type of
-     information contained in the node.
-<li> <b>Data type</b>: A character field specifying the type of data
-     (e.g. real, complex) associated with the node.
-<li> <b>Number of dimensions</b>: The dimensionality of the data.
-<li> <b>Dimensions</b>: An integer vector containing the number of
-     elements within each dimension.
-<li> <b>Data</b>: The data associated with the node.
-<li> <b>Number of sub-nodes</b>: The number of children directly
-     attached to a node.
-<li> <b>Name of sub-nodes</b>: The list of children names.
-<h2>Functions of the ADF Core</h2>
-The ADF Core is composed of 34 low level functions performing
-the following operations:
-<li> open or close ADF file
-<li> read or set the data binary format
-<li> get the root-id or a node-id
-<li> create, delete or move a node
-<li> create, read or test a node link
-<li> get the children of a node
-<li> read or write the constituents of a node: name, label, data type,
-     dimension, dimension vector and data
-<li> perform version and error control%
-<h2>SIDS-to-ADF Mapping of Upper Levels</h2>
-<img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig6.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating contents of upper-level nodes"
-     longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig6.html">
-<h2>The Library Reflects Precisely the SIDS and Mapping</h2>
-<li> SIDS
-   CGNSBase_t: = {
-   int IndexDimension;
-   List (Zone_t<IndexDimension>Zone1,...ZoneN);
-   ...}
-   Zone_t<IndexDimension> : = {
-      int[IndexDimension] VertexSize, CellSize;
-      ...}
-<li> Mapping SIDS to ADF
-     <p>
-     For <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>,
-     <ul>
-     <li> Name = <tt>BaseName</tt>
-     <li> Label = <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-     <li> Data type = <tt>I4</tt>
-     <li> Dimension = 1
-     <li> Data = <tt>IndexDimension</tt>
-     </ul>
-     <p>
-     For <tt>Zone_t</tt>,
-     <ul>
-     <li> Name = ZoneName
-     <li> Label = <tt>Zone_t</tt>
-     <li> Data type = <tt>I4</tt>
-     <li> Dimensions = <tt>IndexDim</tt> &times; 2
-     <li> Data = <tt>ZoneSize[]</tt> = <tt>VertexSize[], CellSize[]</tt>
-     </ul>
-<li> Mid-Level Library Functions
-   int cg_nbases(int FileNo, int *nbases);
-   int cg_base_read(int FileNo, int BaseNo, char *BaseName, int *IndexDimension);
-   int cg_nzones(int FileNo, int BaseNo, int *nzones);
-   int cg_zone_read(int FileNo, int BaseNo, int ZoneNo, char *ZoneName, int *ZoneSize);
-<h2>CGNS Library Design Philosophy</h2>
-<li> Communication Storage Media &lt;=&gt; Internal Database
-   int cg_open(char *filename, int mode, int *fn);
-   int cg_close(int fn);
-<li> Internal Representation<br>
-     C-Structures Organized Hierarchically (SIDS)
-<li> Communication Internal Database <=> User-Application<br>
-     46 Functions
-<li> Exception: Large Arrays<br>
-     Keep ADF-ID in Internal Database Instead of Entire Array
-     <ul>
-     <li> Reduce memory usage
-     <li> Improve execution speed
-     </ul>
-<h2>Data Flow</h2>
-<img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig7.png"
-     alt="Chart illustrating data flow between a user application and CGNS software"
-     longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig7.html">
-<h2>CGNS Library: General Remarks</h2>
-<li> C &amp; Fortran functions<br>
-     C: <tt>cg_<i>name</i></tt><br>
-     Fortran: <tt>cg_<i>name</i>_f</tt>
-<li> Error Status = <tt>ier</tt>. If <tt>ier!=0</tt>, error detected.<br>
-     C: return value<br>
-     Fortran: extra argument
-<li> Platform Independent<br>
-     CRAY, SGI-IRIX, DEC-Alpha, SunOS, HP, IBM
-<h2>Examples of Implementation</h2>
-<li> Read bases, zones &amp; coordinates
-   cg_open(filename, MODE_READ, &amp;fn);
-   cg_nbases(fn, &amp;nbases);
-   for (B=1; B&lt;=nbases; B++) {
-      cg_base_read(fn, B, BaseName, &amp;IndexDim);
-      cg_nzones(fn, B, &amp;nzones);
-      for (Z=1; Z&lt;=nzones; Z++) {
-         cg_zone_read(fn, B, Z, ZoneName, ZoneSize)
-         cg_coord_read(fn, B, Z, "CoordinateX", RealSingle,
-                       RangeMin, RangeMax, X);
-      }
-   }
-   cg_close(fn);
-<li> Read solutions
-Given <tt>fn, B, Z</tt>:
-   cg_nsols(fn, B, Z, nsolutions);
-   for (S=1, S&lt;=nsolutions, S++) {
-      cg_sol_info(fn, B, Z, S, SolutionName, GridLocation);
-      cg_nfields(fn, B, Z, S, nfields);
-      for (F=1; F&lt;=nfields; F++) {
-         cg_field_info(fn, B, Z, S, F, DataType, FieldName);
-         cg_field_read(fn, B, Z, S, FieldName, RealDouble,
-                       RangeMin, RangeMax, DataArray);
-      }
-   }
-<li> Completed (Version 1.0)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Specification &amp; software for ADF
-     <li> SIDS for multi-block structured
-     <li> API for multi-block structured
-     <li> ADF-Edit file browser
-     <li> Website at www.cgns.org: centralizes distribution of software
-          and information, and tracks users (54 as of October 18 1998)
-     <li> CGNS-online exchange to/from CGNS-Support@CGNS.org for online
-          help, gathering of suggestions, bug reports, etc.
-     </ul>
-<li> In progress (Version 1.1)
-     <ul>
-     <li> SIDS for unstructured and hybrid meshes
-     <li> SIDS for geometry links
-     <li> API for unstructured and geometry data
-     </ul>
-<h2>Current Development</h2>
-<li> Extension to Unstructured Meshes
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> Use existing CGNS hierarchy as much as possible.  Incorporate
-          changes only where needed to support unstructured grids.
-     <li> Define new unstructured-grid zones
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> same as structured-grid zones except for connectivity
-               information
-          </ul>
-     <li> Define unstructured-grid connectivity information
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> element based connectivity
-          <li> arranged by element type
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-     <p>
-     <center>
-     <img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig8.png"
-          alt="Chart showing ZoneUnstructured_t node with its children"
-          longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig8.html">
-     </center>
-     <p>
-     <u>Unstructured Zone</u>
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> Vertex size: number of nodes
-     <li> Cell size: number of elements of highest dimension
-     </ul>
-     <p>
-     <u>Element Sections</u>
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> Section name: unique for a zone
-     <li> Element type: <tt>Hexa_8</tt>, <tt>Tetra_4</tt>, <tt>Penta_6</tt>,
-          <tt>Quad_4</tt>, <tt>Tri_3</tt>, etc...
-   NPE = NodePerElement(ElementType)
-     <li> Start and end index: element number of first and last elements
-   nelem = end - start + 1
-     <li> Elements array:
-   node(1,1),	  node(1,2)	 ... node(1,NPE)
-   node(nelem,1), node(nelem,2), ... node(nelem,NPE)
-     </ul>
-<li> Add Geometry-to-Mesh Association
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> Necessary for
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Quick response to design changes
-          <li> Mesh adaptation
-          <li> Analysis and Display of Results
-          </ul>
-     <li> Objectives
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Compatible to the CGNS System
-          <li> Minimum Changes to the Existing SIDS
-          <li> Reference data in CAD Files
-          <li> Associate CAD Data to Mesh, Solution Data and Boundary
-               Conditions
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-     <p>
-     <center>
-     <img src="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig9.png"
-          alt="Chart illustrating geometry-to-mesh association"
-          longdesc="aiaa99-Reno-vg/fig9.html">
-     </center>
-     <p>
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> Rarely a 1-to-1 connection between mesh regions &amp;
-          geometric entities.
-     <li> Association independent of changes to mesh &amp; geometry.
-     <li> Boundary conditions &amp; material properties can be defined
-          on families
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Independent of mesh and geometry.
-          <li> Defined only once.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>Future Actions</h2>
-<li> Build a User Base
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> Advertise CGNS more
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Give presentations at different organizations
-          <li> Send a newsletter or leaflet to CFD groups
-          <li> Advertise in Aerospace America
-          <li> Submit to web search engines
-          <li> Get e-mail lists from various government and industrial
-               organizations, and send CGNS information
-          </ul>
-     <li> Help implementing CGNS in key solvers, at NASA, Boeing, Gov't
-          Labs...
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Work together with solver developers to implement CGNS in
-               their code
-          <li> Provide training
-          <li> Make available examples of applications on the web
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> Future Development Issues
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> Extend supported data
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Chemistry, Electromagnetic (Maxwell)
-          <li> Experimental data e.g. pressure paint, flight test
-               recording...
-          <li> Add boundary conditions: Special topologies (C-grid),
-               periodic...
-          <li> Specialized data structures for Cartesian Grid support
-          </ul>
-     <li> Give access to geometry data
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Link to CAPRI
-          <li> Link to geometry evaluator &amp; repair kit
-          </ul>
-     <li> Unstructured and hybrid mesh tools
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Provide alternate connectivity representations, via quick
-               sorting routines
-          <li> Cell, face, edge, vertices neighboring information
-          <li> Compression techniques
-          </ul>
-     <li> Data tools
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Data set interrogator: inventory of cell types, assess
-               compatibility with specific codes, etc.
-          <li> Data consistency check: element quality, b.c., coupling,...
-          <li> Graphical User Interface to view the file content
-               (similar to Windows-Explorer)
-          </ul>
-     <li> Computer related issues:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Run time data management (as in PV3)
-          <li> Parallel handling (MPI or shared memory)
-          </ul>
-     <li> ISO Standard
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Documentation and code development to meet further
-               standardization requirements
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> defines conventions for an extremely complete problem description
-<li> hierarchical data structure optimizes the performance of the data
-     exchange
-<li> machine independent compact binary data files
-<li> most data structures are supported by the CGNS library
-<li> version 1.0 available at www.cgns.org.
-<li> implemented successfully in CFL3D, OVERFLOW, ICEM-CFD Visual3,
-     PEGASUS, ICEM-CFD Output-Interfaces, as well as translators for
-     Plot3D, NPARC, TLNS3D, WIND
-<li> version 1.1 planned for end of December 1998 includes:
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS Library coverage of the entire SIDS
-     <li> Geometry-to-Mesh Association and Unstructured Mesh
-     </ul>
-<li> supports seamless communication of analysis data between user sites
-     system architectures, and CFD applications.
-<li> should lead to the development of shared, reusable software
-     selected on technical merit without concern for I/O compatibility.
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-Last updated 23 Jan 2008
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-<!-- The CGNS System: Standard for Aerodynamic Data
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> CGNS High Levels Chart </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the high-level structure of a CGNS database.
-At the top is the base node of the CGNS database, labeled CGNSBase_t.
-Below CGNSBase_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Zone_t
-<li> ZoneUnstructured_t
-<li> FlowEquationSet_t
-<li> Family_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-<li> DataClass_t
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t
-<li> IndexDimension
-<li> ConvergenceHistory_t
-Below the Zone_t node are the following nodes.
-<li> NCells, Nvertices
-<li> GridCoordinates_t
-<li> FlowSolutions_t
-<li> ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-<li> ZoneBC_t
-Additional nodes may also be below Zone_t.
-Below the ZoneUnstruct_t node are the following nodes.
-<li> NCells, Nvertices
-<li> GridCoordinates_t
-<li> FlowSolutions_t
-<li> ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-<li> ZoneBC_t
-<li> Elements_t
-Additional nodes may also be below ZoneUnstruct_t.
-Below the FlowEquationSet_t node are the following nodes.
-<li> GoverningEquations_t
-<li> ViscosityModel_t
-<li> TurbulenceModel_t
-<li> GasModel_t
-<li> ThermalConductivityModel_t
-<li> TurbulenceClosure_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-<li> EquationDimension
-Below the Family_t node are the following nodes.
-<li> FamilyBC_t
-<li> GeometryReference_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- The CGNS System: Standard for Aerodynamic Data
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Grid Coordinates, Flow Solutions and Zone Connectivity Data Structures </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of the GridCoordinates_t,
-ZoneGridConnectivity_t, and FlowSolution_t nodes below Zone_t.
-Below GridCoordinates_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataArray_t
-<li> Rind_t
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t
-<li> DataClass_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-Below ZoneGridConnectivity_t are the following nodes.
-<li> GridConnectivity_t
-<li> GridConnectivity1to1_t
-<li> OversetHoles_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-Below FlowSolution_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataArray_t
-<li> Rind_t
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t
-<li> DataClass_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-<li> GridLocation_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- The CGNS System: Standard for Aerodynamic Data
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Zone Boundary Conditions Data Structure </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of the ZoneBC_t node below Zone_t.
-Below ZoneBC_t are the following nodes.
-<li> BC_t
-<li> Descriptor_t
-<li> DataClass_t
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t
-Below BC_t are the following nodes.
-<li> BCType_t
-<li> PointList/Range
-<li> InwardNormals
-<li> FamilyName
-<li> BCDataSet_t
-Additional nodes may also be below Zone_t.
-Below BCDataSet_t are the following nodes.
-<li> GridLocation_t
-<li> BCTypeSimple
-<li> BCDataNeumann
-<li> BCDataDirichlet
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-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
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-<title> Zone Boundary Conditions Data Structure </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the precedence rules used in CGNS.
-It shows multiple levels in a CGNS file hierarchy, each with a
-ReferenceState_t node.
-At the highest level, as a child of the CGNSBase_t node, the
-ReferenceState_t node provides the global default reference state.
-At the next lower level, below a Zone_t node, it provides a new
-default for that particular zone, overriding the global default.
-Next, below a ZoneBC_t node, it provides a new default reference state
-applicable to the boundary conditions in the zone, overriding both the
-global and zonal defaults.
-At a still lower level, below a BC_t node, it provides a new default
-reference state for a specific boundary condition, overriding all three
-higher-level defaults.
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-<!-- The CGNS System: Standard for Aerodynamic Data
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
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-<title> ADF Core </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the structure of an ADF file, including a link
-node to another file.
-Two tree structures are shown, one labeled ADF File #1, and the other
-labeled ADF File #2.
-Each has a box labeled Root at the top, representing the root node in
-the file.
-In ADF File #1, below the Root node are nodes labeled N1, L1, and N2.
-In turn, node N1 has child nodes labeled N3 and N4, and node N2 has
-child nodes labeled N5, N6, and L2.
-In ADF File #2, below the Root node are nodes labeled F1, F2, and F3.
-Node F3 has child nodes labeled F4 and F5.
-In ADF File #1, the node L1 has an arrow directed toward node N5,
-indicating that L1 is a link to node N5 in the same file.
-Node L2 has an arrow directed toward node F4 in ADF File #2, indicating
-that L2 is a link to node F4 in ADF File #2.
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-<!-- The CGNS System: Standard for Aerodynamic Data
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> SIDS-to-ADF Mapping of Upper Levels </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure shows the the base node and three upper-level nodes in a
-CGNS file, with the information they contain.
-At the top level is the CGNSBase node, with
-<li> Label = CGNSBase_t
-<li> Name = (user defined)
-<li> Data Type = I4
-<li> Dimension = 1
-<li> Dim. Vector = 1
-<li> Data = IndexDimension
-Below that are a structured zone node, an unstructured zone node, and
-a family node.
-<li> Structured Zone Node
-     <ul>
-     <li> Label = Zone_t
-     <li> Name = (user defined)
-     <li> Data Type = I4
-     <li> Dimension = 2
-     <li> Dim. Vector = IndexDimension,2
-     <li> Data = VertexSize[IndexDimension], CellSize[IndexDimension]
-     </ul>
-<li> Unstructured Zone Node
-     <ul>
-     <li> Label = ZoneUnstructured_t
-     <li> Name = (user defined)
-     <li> Data Type = I4
-     <li> Dimension = 2
-     <li> Dim. Vector = IndexDimension,2
-     <li> Data = VertexSize[IndexDimension], CellSize[IndexDimension]
-     </ul>
-<li> Family Node
-     <ul>
-     <li> Label = Family_t
-     <li> Name = (user defined)
-     <li> Data Type = MT
-     <li> Dimension = N/A
-     <li> Dim. Vector = N/A
-     <li> Data = N/A
-     </ul>
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-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Data Flow </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the data flow between the various elements of
-On the left is a box representing the CFD application.
-It's connected by an arrow, pointing in both directions, to a box
-labeled "API" representing the CGNS Application Programming Interface.
-A box labeled "Internal Data Representation" is connected to the API,
-also by a bi-directional arrow.
-The API is also connected by bi-directional arrow to a box labeled
-"ADF Core" representing the ADF database management routines, and
-the ADF Core is similarly connected to a box labeled "Storage Media"
-representing the file containing the CGNS database.
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-<!-- The CGNS System: Standard for Aerodynamic Data
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Current Development - Extension to Unstructured Meshes </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates the structure of the new ZoneUnstructured_t node.
-Below the ZoneUnstructured_t node are the following nodes.
-<li> GridCoordinates_t
-<li> FlowSolutions_t
-<li> Elements_t
-<li> ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-<li> ZoneBC_t
-Of these, the Elements_t node is new and contains unstructured grid
-connectivity information.
-The other nodes below ZoneUnstructured_t are the same as for structured
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-<!-- The CGNS System: Standard for Aerodynamic Data
-     Slides from presentation at CGNS Steering Committee Meeting
-     AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit
-     Jan 13, 1999
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Current Development - Add Geometry-to-Mesh Association </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure illustrates how geometric entities and mesh regions may be
-associated in CGNS.
-On the right is a box labeled "Geometry Data" representing a geometric
-entity like a wing surface, or nacelle.
-It's connected by an arrow, pointing in both directions, to a box
-labeled "Intermediate Object / CFD Family", which is similarly connected
-to a box labeled "Mesh Entities" representing the regions of the
-computational mesh that correspond to the geometric entity.
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-<title>CGNS CFD Data Standard</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-CGNS CFD Data Standard
-by John Steinbrenner / Pointwise<br>
-on behalf of<br>
-CGNS Steering Committee
-<h2>What is CGNS?</h2>
-<li> <u>C</u>FD <u>G</u>eneral <u>N</u>otation <u>S</u>ystem
-<li> A standard for recording &amp; recovering CFD data.
-     <ul>
-     <li> Facilitates data exchange between sites, software, and computers
-     <li> Stabilizes archiving of data
-     </ul>
-<li> Free, open source: www.CGNS.org
-<h2>CGNS History</h2>
-<li> 1994: Boeing &amp; NASA identify file transfer as the main
-     impediment to CFD technology transfer.
-<li> 1995-98: CGNS developed under NASA contract NAS1-20267 (AST        
-     Program)
-<li> 1998: 1st Release
-<li> 1999: CGNS Steering Committee formed (subcommittee of AIAA Comm.
-     on Standards)
-<li> <u>Specific Goal: CGNS output from pre-processors</u>
-<h2>CGNS Technology</h2>
-<li> Intellectual content
-     <ul>
-     <li> SIDS (Standard Interface Data Structures)
-          <ul>
-          <li> Rules for organizing CFD data
-          </ul>
-     <li> File mapping
-     </ul>
-<li> Implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> Mid-Level Library
-          <ul>
-          <li> API that understands SIDS and file mapping
-          <li> <tt>cg_*</tt>
-          </ul>
-     <li> ADF (Advanced Data Format)
-          <ul>
-          <li> Portable binary I/O
-          <li> Tree data structure
-          <li> <tt>adf_*</tt>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS Philosophy</h2>
-<li> Target 3D, multi-zone, Navier-Stokes solutions (and subsets thereof)
-<li> Assume CFD data consists of small number of large arrays
-<li> Employ a topology based, hierarchical, treelike structure
-<h2>SIDS Content</h2>
-<li> Grid coordinates, elements, &amp; flow solution
-     <ul>
-     <li> Structured or Unstructured
-     </ul>
-<li> Multi-zone connectivity
-<li> Boundary conditions
-<li> Governing flow equations
-<li> Time dependency
-<li> Miscellaneous (reference states, convergence history, etc.)
-<li> Extensions for new technologies and capabilities
-     <ul>
-     <li> Input from CGNS community at large
-     <li> Documented in SIDS
-     <li> Implemented in API
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS Standardization</h2>
-<li> AIAA Recommended Practice R-101-2002
-     <ul>
-     <li> Review/voting complete 01 June
-     </ul>
-<li> Implementations
-     <ul>
-     <li> Various commercial software vendors, end user organizations,
-          etc.
-     </ul>
-<li> ISO STEP Standardization
-<h2>ISO STEP</h2>
-<li> STEP - STandard for the Exchange of Product model data - ISO 10303
-<li> Goal - CGNS to be ISO standard for Fluid Dynamics data
-<li> AP237 - Fluid Dynamics
-<li> Strategy
-     <ul>
-     <li> AP for CFD data
-          <ul>
-          <li> Based on existing CGNS
-          </ul>
-     <li> Extend to other fluids data
-          <ul>
-          <li> Wind tunnel, flight test, hydrodynamics
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>ISO STEP Requirements</h2>
-<li> Strong link to product data management
-     <ul>
-     <li> Record of all data sources, persistent links
-     </ul>
-<li> reuse existing data structures to full extent
-     <ul>
-     <li> AP203 - geometry
-     <li> AP209 - finite element analysis
-     <li> AP232 - technical data exchange
-     </ul>
-<li> ASCII only
-     <ul>
-     <li> Need binary
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS - ISO Timeline</h2>
-<li> 3 page-by-page reviews at ISO SC4 meetings within last 12 months
-<li> June 2002 - release mods to Committee Draft Ballot
-<li> Fall 2002 - workshop for interested parties in Fort Worth, TX
-     (Lockheed host)
-<li> Nov 2002 - ISO SC4 meeting in Seoul
-     <ul>
-     <li> Hope to release AP237 to committee draft ballot (aggressive)
-     </ul>
-<h2>ISO STEP Approval Process</h2>
-<li> Requires number of favorable votes at each "gate"
-<li> More votes required with each successive "gate"
-<li> Approximately 17 P-member countries - one vote per country
-<li> CGNS users currently exist in each P-member country
-<li> Final ballot in 2004-2005
-<h2>Use It!</h2>
-<li> Add CGNS to your applications
-     <ul>
-     <li> Download docs, source, binaries from CGNS.org
-     </ul>
-<li> Get involved at CGNS.org
-     <ul>
-     <li> Participate in telecons
-     <li> Subscribe to CGNSTalk
-     <li> Promote CGNS
-     <li> Propose &amp; work on extensions
-     </ul>
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-Last updated 23 Jan 2008
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-<title>CGNS Summary</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-<h1>CFD General Notation System</h1>
-Bruce Wedan<br>
-<h2>Presentation Overview</h2>
-<li> What is CGNS ?
-<li> History of CGNS
-<li> CGNS Steering Committee
-<li> ISO-STEP Standard
-<li> HDF5 Interface
-<li> User Base
-<li> CGNS Main Features
-<li> Current Release (Version 2.3)
-<li> Extensions (Version 2.4 beta)
-<li> CGNS Tools
-<li> Detailed Node Descriptions
-<li> Example
-<li> Conclusions
-<h2>What is CGNS?</h2>
-<li> CFD General Notation System
-     <ul>
-     <li> Principal target is the data normally associated with compressible
-          viscous flow (i.e. Navier-Stokes)
-     <li> Applicable to computational field physics in general with
-          augmentation of the data definitions and storage conventions
-     </ul>
-<li> Objectives
-     <ul>
-     <li> Provide a general, portable and extensible standard for the storing
-          and retrieval of CFD analysis data
-     <li> Offer seamless communication of CFD analysis data between
-          sites, applications and system architectures
-     <li> Eliminate the overhead costs due to file translation and
-          multiplicity of data sets in various formats
-     <li> Provide free, open software - GNU Lesser General Public License
-     </ul>
-<li> Advanced Data Format (ADF)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Software that performs the I/O operations
-     <li> Directed graph based on a single data structure (the ADF node)
-     <li> Defines how data is organized in the storage media.
-     </ul>
-<li> Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Collection of conventions and definitions that defines the
-          intellectual content of CFD-related data.
-     <li> Independent of the physical file format
-     </ul>
-<li> SIDS to ADF Mapping
-     <ul>
-     <li> Defines how the SIDS is represented in ADF
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS MidLevel Library (MLL)
-     <ul>
-     <li> High level Application Programming Interface (API) which
-          conforms closely to the SIDS
-     <li> Built on top of ADF and does not perform any direct I/O operation
-     </ul>
-<h2>History of CGNS</h2>
-<li> 1994-1995:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Series of meetings between Boeing and NASA addressing means
-          of improving technology transfer from NASA to Industry: The
-          main impediment to technology transfer is the disparity of file
-          formats.
-     </ul>
-<li> 1995-1998:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Development of the CGNS System (SIDS, ADF) at Boeing
-          Seattle, under NASA Contract with participation from:
-          <ul>
-          <li> Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group, Seattle
-          <li> NASA Ames/Langley/Lewis Research Centers
-          <li> Boeing St-Louis (former McDonnell Douglas Corporation)
-          <li> Arnold Engineering Development Center, for the NPARC Alliance
-          <li> Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
-          <li> ICEM CFD Engineering Corporation
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> 1997-1998:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Development of the CGNS Midlevel Library.
-     <li> Institution of the CGNS website (http://www.cgns.org)
-     <li> first release of the CGNS software and documentation.
-     </ul>
-<li> 1999-2001:
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS Steering Committee created as a subcommittee of the
-          AIAA CFD Committee on Standards
-     <li> Version 2.0 of CGNS library released
-          <ul>
-          <li> Added moving grids and time-dependent data
-          </ul>
-     <li> ISO-STEP standardization process undertaken by Boeing
-     <li> CGNStalk mailing list created at NASA Glenn
-     </ul>
-<li> 2002:
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS becomes a AIAA Recommended Practice
-     <li> Version 2.1 of CGNS library released
-          <li> Added support for user-defined arrays, chemistry and links
-     </ul>
-<li> 2003:
-     <ul>
-     <li> Source code moved under CVS at SourceForge
-          (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns/)
-     <li> Version 2.2 of CGNS library released
-          <ul>
-          <li> Added axisymmetry, rotating coordinates, connectivity and
-               boundary condition properties
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<li> 2004:
-     <ul>
-     <li> HDF5 interface to CGNS released
-     <li> Version 2.3 (current stable version) released
-          <ul>
-          <li> I/O times speed up by an order of magnitude
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS Steering Committee</h2>
-<li> Public forum made up of international representatives
-     from government, industry and academia
-<li> Responsibilities
-     <ul>
-     <li> Maintain the software, documentation and CGNS web site
-     <li> Ensure a free distribution of the software and documentation
-     <li> Promote the acceptance of the CGNS standard
-     </ul>
-<li> Organization
-     <ul>
-     <li> Meets at a minimum of once a year
-     <li> Represented by an elected ChairPerson
-          <ul>
-          <li> currently Chris Rumsey of NASA Langley
-          </ul>
-     <li> Governs by consensus
-     <li> Welcomes participation of all parties, members or not
-     </ul>
-<li> Membership - 20 organizations
-     <ul>
-     <li> NASA Ames
-     <li> NASA Langley
-     <li> NASA Glenn
-     <li> Boeing Commercial
-     <li> Boeing - Rocketdyne
-     <li> Boeing Integrated Defense Systems
-     <li> Pratt &amp; Whitney
-     <li> ICEM CFD Engineering
-     <li> Fluent, Inc.
-     <li> Rolls-Royce Allison
-     <li> US Air Force / AEDC
-     <li> CD ADAPCO
-     <li> Intelligent Light
-     <li> Pointwise
-     <li> Aerospatiale Matra Airbus
-     <li> NUMECA
-     <li> ONERA
-     <li> Stanford University
-     <li> Utah State University
-     <li> ANSYS CFX
-     </ul>
-<h2>ISO-STEP Standard</h2>
-<li> AP 237 - Fluid Dynamics
-     <ul>
-     <li> Top-level standard which defines the data types and structures
-          used throughout the field of fluid dynamics
-     <li> Need to extend ISO-STEP for binary data (currently ASCII only)
-     </ul>
-<li> Part 110 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
-     <ul>
-     <li> Defines the data types and structures unique to CFD
-     </ul>
-<li> Part 52 - Mesh-based Topology
-     <ul>
-     <li> Defines structured and unstructured grids including topology and
-          element connectivity
-     </ul>
-<li> Part 53 - Numerical Analysis
-     <ul>
-     <li> Defines links to product data management structures and
-          configuration control for numerical analysis
-     </ul>
-<li> Approval process
-     <ul>
-     <li> A proposal must past 6 stages or "gates" to become a standard.
-     <li> Passage through each "gate" requires a specified number of
-          votes from the 17 P-Member countries. There are CGNS users in
-          each of these countries.
-     <li> Proposals are cancelled after 2 years if progress is not shown
-     <li> AP 237 is at "gate" 3 (Committee Draft)
-     <li> Parts 110, 52, and 53 are at "gate" 4 (Draft International Std)
-     </ul>
-<li> Current status
-     <ul>
-     <li> Standardization effort is stalled due to lack of funds.
-     <li> ISO-STEP has decided to merge AP 237 with AP 209 (finite
-          element analysis) because there is a high degree of common
-          content. Effort is being lead by Keith Hunten of Lockheed
-          Martin
-     </ul>
-<h2>HDF5 Interface</h2>
-<li> Implementation
-     <ul>
-     <li> Fully implemented at the ADF level - no change to MLL
-     </ul>
-<li> Advantages
-     <ul>
-     <li> Used in many applications
-     <li> Parallel I/O using MPI
-     <li> Faster access through linked files
-     </ul>
-<li> Disadvantages
-     <ul>
-     <li> File sizes are 2 to 3 times larger
-     <li> I/O times are generally 2 to 3 times slower, but may be up to a
-          order of magnitude for a large number of nodes
-     </ul>
-<li> Current Status
-     <ul>
-     <li> HDF5 Task Force set up to further evaluate implementation
-     <li> Added as option to CGNS with conversion routines 
-     </ul>
-<h2>User Base</h2>
-<li> Registered Users
-     <ul>
-     <li> 591 users from more than 25 countries
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNStalk (as of May 2003)
-     <ul>
-     <li> 153 participants from 20 different countries and at least 63
-          different organizations
-     </ul>
-<li> SourceForge (last 2 years)
-     <ul>
-     <li> Average of 20 page views and 7.5 downloads per day
-     </ul>
-<li> Known implementations
-     <ul>
-     <li> 13 commercial, 9 government, 5 industry, 3 academia
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS Main Features</h2>
-<li> Hierarchical data structure: quickly traversed and sorted, no need to
-     process irrelevant data
-<li> Complete and explicit problem description
-<li> Standardized naming conventions
-<li> Unlimited internal documentation, and application specific data
-<li> Layered so that much of the data structures are optional
-<li> ADF database: universal and self describing
-<li> Based on a single data structure called an ADF node
-<li> The data may encompass several files through the use of links
-<li> Portable ANSI C software, with complete Fortran and C interfaces
-<li> Files stored in compact C binary format
-<li> Complete and architecture independent API
-<h2>Current Release (Version 2.3)</h2>
-<li> Grid coordinates and elements
-     <ul>
-     <li> 1D, 2D and 3D support (physical and cell dimensions)
-     <li> Any number of structured and/or unstructured zones
-     <li> Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates systems
-     <li> Linear and higher-order elements (22 predefined element types)
-     <li> 2D axisymmetry
-     </ul>
-<li> Grid connectivities
-     <ul>
-     <li> 1-to-1 abutting, mismatched abutting, and overset (chimera)
-     <li> Connectivity properties (average and periodic interfaces)
-     </ul>
-<li> Boundary conditions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Simple or complex boundary conditions with predefined
-          identifiers
-     <li> Any number of Dirichlet or Neumann conditions may be specified
-          globally or locally on a boundary condition patch
-     <li> Boundary patch normals, area and wall function properties
-     </ul>
-<li> Governing flow equations
-     <ul>
-     <li> General class of flow equations
-     <li> Gas, viscosity, thermal conductivity, thermal relaxation,
-          chemistry, turbulence, and turbulence closure models
-     </ul>
-<li> Solutions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Vertex, cell, face or edge centered with rind (ghost points/cells)
-     <li> Any number of solution variables
-     <li> Predefined identifiers for solution variables
-     <li> Generic discrete data (not typically part of the solution)
-     </ul>
-<li> Time-dependent flows
-     <ul>
-     <li> Time-accurate or non-time-accurate
-     <li> Rotating, rigid motion or arbitrary motion grids
-     <li> Storage of base and/or zone iterative data
-     </ul>
-<li> Physical data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Data class: dimensional, normalized, or nondimensional
-     <li> Data conversion factors
-     <li> Dimensional units: mass, length, time, temperature and angle
-     <li> Dimensional exponents: powers of base units
-     </ul>
-<li> Auxiliary data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Global and/or local convergence history
-     <li> Reference state variables
-     <li> Gravity and global integral data
-     <li> Arbitrary user-defined data
-     <li> Textual data for documentation and annotations
-     </ul>
-<li> Families
-     <ul>
-     <li> Provides a level of indirection to allow mesh to geometry
-          associations
-     <li> Boundary conditions may be applied on families
-     <li> Links mesh surfaces to one or more CAD entities
-     </ul>
-<h2>Extensions (Version 2.4 beta)</h2>
-<li> Units
-     <ul>
-     <li> Electric current, amount of a substance, and luminous intensity
-          added to the base units
-     </ul>
-<li> Electromagnetics
-     <ul>
-     <li> Electric field, magnetic field and electrical conductivity models
-          added to the governing flow equations
-     <li> Voltage, electric and magnetic field strengths, current density,
-          electrical conductivity, Lorenz force and Joule heating added to
-          list of solution identifiers
-     </ul>
-<li> Families
-     <ul>
-     <li> Rotating coordinates and complex boundary conditions added to
-          the family specification
-     </ul>
-<li> Boundary conditions
-     <ul>
-     <li> Allow for specification of boundary condition data at a location
-          different than that of the patch specification
-     </ul>
-<li> User-defined data
-     <ul>
-     <li> Allows recursive user-defined data
-     <li> Family names and point set specification added
-     </ul>
-<li> 1-to-1 connectivities
-     <ul>
-     <li> Periodic and average interface properties added
-     </ul>
-<li> Partial read and write
-     <ul>
-     <li> Partial read and write for grid coordinates, elements and solution
-          variable added
-     </ul>
-<h2>CGNS Tools</h2>
-<li> ADFviewer
-     <p>
-     <img src="nasa-ames/fig1.png"
-          alt="ADFviewer window"
-          longdesc="nasa-ames/fig1.html">
-     <ul>
-     <li> Views and/or edits ADF/CGNS files.
-     <li> May create, delete or modify nodes
-     <li> Nodes are displayed in a Windows-like collapsible tree
-     <li> Additional utilities may be accessed from the menus
-     <li> Configurable menus
-     <li> Written in Tcl/Tk
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNSplot
-     <p>
-     <img src="nasa-ames/fig2.png"
-          alt="CGNSplot window"
-          longdesc="nasa-ames/fig2.html">
-     <ul>
-     <li> Viewer for CGNS files
-     <li> Displays zones, element sets, connectivities, and boundary
-          conditions
-     <li> Written in Tcl/Tk with OpenGL
-     <li> Runs standalone, or may be called from ADFviewer
-     </ul>
-<li> File conversion
-     <ul>
-     <li> Convert Patran, PLOT3D and Tecplot files to CGNS
-     <li> Convert CGNS files to PLOT3D and Tecplot
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS file manipulation
-     <ul>
-     <li> Data conversion utilities for modifying the solution location
-          (vertex or cell-center), solution variables (primitive or
-          conservative), and data class (dimensional or normalized)
-     <li> Subset extraction and interpolation
-     </ul>
-<li> CGNS bindings
-     <ul>
-     <li> Tcl/Tk interface to ADF and MLL
-     <li> PyCGNS: Python interface to ADF and MLL
-     <li> ADFM: in memory representation of ADF trees
-     <li> CGNS++: C++ interface to ADF and MLL
-     </ul>
-<li> Other utilities
-     <ul>
-     <li> <i>CGNScheck</i>: checks CGNS files for valid data and
-          conformance to the SIDS
-     <li> <i>ADFlist</i>: lists ADF/CGNS file tree structure and node data
-     <li> <i>ADF_Edit</i>: command-line based interactive browser/editor
-          for ADF/CGNS files
-     <li> <i>CGNS_readhist</i>: reads a CGNS file and writes convergence
-          history to a formatted file.
-     <li> <i>FTU (File Transfer Utility)</i>: converts to and from
-          PLOT3D, and has a textbased menu allowing the manipulation of
-          a CGNS base
-     <li> <i>CGNS Viewer</i>: ADF/CGNS file editor/viewer with a GUI using
-          the GTK+ library
-     </ul>
-<h2>ADF Core</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig3.png"
-     alt="ADF file nodes with links"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig3.html">
-<h2>ADF Node Content</h2>
-<li> ID: A unique identifier to access a node within a file.
-<li> Name: A character field used to name the node. It must be unique for
-     a given parent.
-<li> Label: A character field used to described the type of information
-     contained in the node.
-<li> Data type: A character field specifying the type of data (e.g. real,
-     complex) associated with the node.
-<li> Number of dimensions: The dimensionality of the data.
-<li> Dimensions: An integer vector containing the number of elements
-     within each dimension.
-<li> Data: The data associated with the node.
-<li> Number of subnodes: The number of children directly attached to a
-     node.
-<li> Name of subnodes: The list of children names.
-<h2>Top Level Structure</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig4.png"
-     alt="Top level nodes in CGNS file"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig4.html">
-<h2>DataArray_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig5.png"
-     alt="DataArray_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig5.html">
-<h2>Family_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig6.png"
-     alt="Family_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig6.html">
-<h2>FlowEquationSet_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig7.png"
-     alt="FlowEquationSet_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig7.html">
-<h2>ReferenceState_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig8.png"
-     alt="ReferenceState_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig8.html">
-<h2>UserDefinedData_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig9.png"
-     alt="UserDefinedData_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig9.html">
-<h2>Zone_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig10.png"
-     alt="Zone_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig10.html">
-<h2>Elements_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig11.png"
-     alt="Elements_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig11.html">
-<h2>FlowSolution_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig12.png"
-     alt="FlowSolution_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig12.html">
-<h2>GridCoordinates_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig13.png"
-     alt="GridCoordinates_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig13.html">
-<h2>ZoneBC_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig14.png"
-     alt="ZoneBC_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig14.html">
-<h2>BCDataSet_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig15.png"
-     alt="BCDataSet_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig15.html">
-<h2>ZoneGridConnectivity_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig16.png"
-     alt="ZoneGridConnectivity_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig16.html">
-<h2>GridConnectivity_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig17.png"
-     alt="GridConnectivity_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig17.html">
-<h2>GridConnectivity1to1_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig18.png"
-     alt="GridConnectivity1to1_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig18.html">
-<h2>OversetHoles_t Node</h2>
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig19.png"
-     alt="OversetHoles_t node structure"
-     longdesc="nasa-ames/fig19.html">
-<li> Structured cylinder attached to unstructured cube
-<img src="nasa-ames/fig20.png"
-     alt="Figure showing a structured cylindrical grid attached to an unstructured cubical grid">
-<h2>Example - Code</h2>
-   unlink("example.cgns");
-   cg_open("example.cgns", MODE_WRITE, &cgfile);
-   cg_base_write(cgfile, "Mismatched", CellDim, PhyDim, &cgbase);
-   cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "end");
-   cg_descriptor_write("Descriptor", "Mismatched Grid");
-   cg_dataclass_write(Dimensional);
-   cg_units_write(Kilogram, Meter, Second, Kelvin, Radian);
-   /*----- zone 1 is unstructured cube -----*/
-   cg_zone_write(cgfile, cgbase, "UnstructuredZone", size, Unstructured, &cgzone);
-   /* write coordinates */
-   cg_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, RealSingle, "CoordinateX", xcoord, &cgcoord);
-   cg_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, RealSingle, "CoordinateY", ycoord, &cgcoord);
-   cg_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, RealSingle, "CoordinateZ", zcoord, &cgcoord);
-   /* write elements and faces */
-   cg_section_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "Elements", HEXA_8, 1, num_element, 0,
-      elements, &cgsect);
-   cg_section_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "Faces", QUAD_4, num_element+1,
-      num_element+num_face, 0, faces, &cgsect);
-   cg_parent_data_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, cgsect, parent);
-   /* write inflow and wall BCs */
-   cg_boco_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "Inlet", BCInflow, ElementRange, 2, range, &cgbc);
-   cg_boco_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "Walls", BCWall, PointList, n, pts, &cgbc);
-   /*----- zone 2 is structured cylinder -----*/
-   cg_zone_write(cgfile, cgbase, "StructuredZone", size, Structured, &cgzone);
-   /* write coordinates */
-   cg_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, RealSingle, "CoordinateR", xcoord, &cgcoord);
-   cg_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, RealSingle, "CoordinateTheta", ycoord, &cgcoord);
-   cg_coord_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, RealSingle, "CoordinateZ", zcoord, &cgcoord);
-   /* write outlet and wall BCs */
-   cg_boco_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "Outlet", BCOutflow, PointRange, 2, range, &cgbc);
-   cg_boco_write(cgfile, cgbase, cgzone, "Walls", BCWall, PointList, n/3, pts, &cgbc);
-   /* periodic 1to1 connectivity */
-   cg_1to1_write(cgfile, cgbase, 2, "Periodic", "StructuredZone", range, d_range, transform,
-      &cgconn);
-   /*----- zone 1 > zone 2 connectivity -----*/
-   cg_conn_write(cgfile, cgbase, 1, "Unstructured > Structured", Vertex, Abutting,
-      PointRange, 2, pts, "StructuredZone", Structured, CellListDonor, Integer, n/3, d_pts,
-      &cgconn);
-   cg_goto(cgfile, cgbase, "Zone_t", 1, "ZoneGridConnectivity_t", 1, "GridConnectivity_t",
-      cgconn, "end");
-   cg_array_write("InterpolantsDonor", RealSingle, 2, dims, interp);
-   /*----- zone 2 > zone 1 connectivity similar -----*/
-   /* close file */
-   cg_close(cgfile);
-<h2>Example - Node Tree</h2>
-ADF MotherNode
-  +-CGNSLibraryVersion
-  +-Mismatched
-    +-Descriptor
-    +-DataClass
-    +-DimensionalUnits
-    +-UnstructuredZone
-    | +-ZoneType
-    | +-GridCoordinates
-    | | +-CoordinateX
-    | | +-CoordinateY
-    | | +-CoordinateZ
-    | +-Elements
-    | | +-ElementRange
-    | | +-ElementConnectivity
-    | +-Faces
-    | | +-ElementRange
-    | | +-ElementConnectivity
-    | | +-ParentData
-    | +-ZoneBC
-    | | +-Inlet
-    | | | +-ElementRange
-    | | +-Walls
-    | |   +-PointList
-    | +-ZoneGridConnectivity
-    |   +-Unstructured -> Structured
-    |     +-GridConnectivityType
-    |     +-PointRange
-    |     +-CellListDonor
-    |     +-InterpolantsDonor
-    +-StructuredZone
-      +-ZoneType
-      +-GridCoordinates
-      | +-CoordinateR
-      | +-CoordinateTheta
-      | +-CoordinateZ
-      +-ZoneGridConnectivity
-      | +-Periodic
-      | | +-Transform
-      | | +-PointRange
-      | | +-PointRangeDonor
-      | +-Structured -> Unstructured
-      |   +-GridConnectivityType
-      |   +-PointList
-      |   +-CellListDonor
-      |   +-InterpolantsDonor
-      +-ZoneBC
-        +-Outlet
-        | +-PointRange
-        +-Walls
-          +-PointList
-<li> Why should I use CGNS?
-     <ul>
-     <li> CGNS is a well-established, stable format with worldwide
-          acceptance, use and support
-     <li> Provides seamless communication of data between applications,
-          sites, and system architectures
-     <li> Supported by most commercial visualization and CFD vendors
-     <li> Extensible and flexible - easily adapted to other fields of
-          computational physics through specification in the SIDS
-     <li> Backwards compatible with previous versions - forwards
-          compatible within the major release number
-     <li> Allows new software development to focus on functionality and
-          reliability rather than data I/O, storage and compatibility
-     </ul>
-<li> Want more information?
-     <ul>
-     <li> http://www.cgns.org
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Tools - ADFviewer </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This figure is an image of the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a> main
-The window is divided into several areas, or panels, each described
-Along the top are the <a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/menu.html">Menu
-Items</a>, followed by a series of
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/toolbar.html">Toolbar Buttons</a>.
-Below these, on the left is the expandable/collapsible
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/nodetree.html">Node Tree</a>.
-On the right, from top to bottom, are the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/nodedesc.html">Node Description</a>,
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/linkdesc.html">Link Description</a>, and
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/datadesc.html">Data Description</a>
-panels, a row of node-related
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/buttons.html">Buttons</a>, and the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/nodedata.html">Node Data</a> panel.
-A <a href="../../cgnstools/adfviewer/separator.html">Separator Bar</a>
-is located between the Node Tree on the left, and the various panels on
-the right.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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index d184fb21..00000000
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Zone_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a Zone_t node and its
-At the top is the Zone_t node.
-Below Zone_t are the following nodes.
-<li> ArbitraryGridMotion_t (motion type)
-<li> ConvergenceHistory_t (number iterations)
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DiscreteData_t
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> Elements_t (element type)
-<li> FamilyName_t (family name)
-<li> FlowEquationSet_t
-<li> FlowSolution_t (model type)
-<li> GridCoordinates_t (name)
-<li> IntegralData_t
-<li> Ordinal_t (ordinal number)
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-<li> RigidGridMotion_t (motion type)
-<li> RotatingCoordinates_t
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<li> ZoneBC_t
-<li> ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-<li> ZoneIterativeData_t
-<li> ZoneType_t (zone type)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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deleted file mode 100644
index 143b3426..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/nasa-ames/fig10.png and /dev/null differ
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Elements_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a Elements_t node and its
-At the top is the Elements_t node.
-Below Elements_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DataArray_t (element connectivity)
-<li> IndexRange_t (ElementRange)
-<li> DataArray_t (parent data)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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deleted file mode 100644
index bc81bb93..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/nasa-ames/fig11.png and /dev/null differ
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> FlowSolution_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a FlowSolution_t node and its
-At the top is the FlowSolution_t node.
-Below FlowSolution_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> GridLocation_t (grid location)
-<li> Rind_t (number rind planes)
-<li> DataArray_t (solution data)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/nasa-ames/fig12.png and /dev/null differ
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+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> GridCoordinates_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a GridCoordinates_t node and its
-At the top is the GridCoordinates_t node.
-Below GridCoordinates_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataArray_t (grid coordinates)
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> Rind_t (number rind planes)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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index a7b00164..00000000
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/nasa-ames/fig14.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ZoneBC_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a ZoneBC_t node and its
-At the top is the ZoneBC_t node.
-Below ZoneBC_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<li> BC_t (BC type)
-Below BC_t are the following nodes.
-<li> BCDataSet_t (bc type simple)
-<li> BCProperty_t
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> IndexArray_t (ElementList)
-<li> IndexRange_t (ElementRange)
-<li> FamilyName_t (family name)
-<li> GridLocation_t (grid location)
-<li> InwardNormalIndex (index of normal)
-<li> InwardNormalList (normal vectors)
-<li> Ordinal_t (ordinal number)
-<li> IndexArray_t (PointList)
-<li> IndexRange_t (PointRange)
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8dfd384f..00000000
Binary files a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/nasa-ames/fig14.png and /dev/null differ
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/slides/nasa-ames/fig15.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> BCDataSet_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a BCDataSet_t node and its
-At the top is the BCDataSet_t node.
-Below BCDataSet_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> GridLocation_t (grid location)
-<li> IndexArray_t (PointList)
-<li> IndexRange_t (PointRange)
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<li> BCData_t (DirichletData)
-<li> BCData_t (NeumannData)
-Below one of the BCData_t nodes are the following nodes.
-<li> DataArray_t (data)
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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index e8969e95..00000000
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ZoneGridConnectivity_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a ZoneGridConnectivity_t node and its
-At the top is the ZoneGridConnectivity_t node.
-Below ZoneGridConnectivity_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> GridConnectivity_t (donor zone name)
-<li> GridConnectivity1to1_t (donor zone name)
-<li> OversetHoles_t
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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index 737fcfab..00000000
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> GridConnectivity_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a GridConnectivity_t node and its
-At the top is the GridConnectivity_t node.
-Below GridConnectivity_t are the following nodes.
-<li> IndexArray_t (CellListDonor)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> GridConnectivityProperty_t
-<li> GridConnectivityType_t (connectivity type)
-<li> GridLocation_t (location)
-<li> DataArray_t (InterpolantsDonor)
-<li> Ordinal_t (ordinal number)
-<li> IndexArray_t (PointList)
-<li> IndexArray_t (PointListDonor)
-<li> IndexRange_t (PointRange)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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index 3ad1413e..00000000
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> GridConnectivity1to1_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a GridConnectivity1to1_t node and its
-At the top is the GridConnectivity1to1_t node.
-Below GridConnectivity1to1_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> GridConnectivityProperty_t
-<li> Ordinal_t (ordinal number)
-<li> IndexRange_t (PointRange)
-<li> IndexRange_t (PointRangeDonor)
-<li> Transform (connectivity transform
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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index 1e8e906a..00000000
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> OversetHoles_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a OversetHoles_t node and its
-At the top is the OversetHoles_t node.
-Below OversetHoles_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> GridLocation_t (location)
-<li> IndexArray_t (PointList)
-<li> IndexRange_t (PointRange)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Tools - CGNSplot </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This is an image of the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/cgnsplot/index.html">CGNSplot</a> main window.
-The window is divided into several areas, or panels, each described
-Along the top are the <a href="../../cgnstools/cgnsplot/menu.html">Menu
-Items</a>, followed by a series of
-<a href="../../cgnstools/cgnsplot/toolbar.html">Toolbar Buttons</a>.
-Below these, on the left is the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/cgnsplot/graphics.html">Graphics Window</a>.
-On the right, from top to bottom, are the
-<a href="../../cgnstools/cgnsplot/nodedesc.html">Base Selection</a>,
-<a href="../../cgnstools/cgnsplot/linkdesc.html">Zone Selection</a>, and
-<a href="../../cgnstools/cgnsplot/datadesc.html">Region Selection</a> panels.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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index a78c9569..00000000
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> ADF Core </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the structure of an ADF file, including a link
-node to another file.
-Two tree structures are shown, one labeled ADF File #1, and the other
-labeled ADF File #2.
-Each has a box labeled Root at the top, representing the root node in
-the file.
-In ADF File #1, below the Root node are nodes labeled N1, L1, and N2.
-In turn, node N1 has child nodes labeled N3 and N4, and node N2 has
-child nodes labeled N5, N6, and L2.
-In ADF File #2, below the Root node are nodes labeled F1, F2, and F3.
-Node F3 has child nodes labeled F4 and F5.
-In ADF File #1, the node L1 has an arrow directed toward node N5,
-indicating that L1 is a link to node N5 in the same file.
-Node L2 has an arrow directed toward node F4 in ADF File #2, indicating
-that L2 is a link to node F4 in ADF File #2.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> Top Level Structure </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the top-level structure of a CGNS database.
-At the top is the root node of the ADF file.
-Below that are the nodes CGNSLibraryVersion_t (containing the CGNS
-version number), and CGNSBase_t (containing the physical and cell
-dimensions), the root node of the CGNS database.
-Below CGNSBase_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Axisymmetry_t
-<li> BaseIterativeData_t (number of steps)
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (base units)
-<li> Family_t (family name)
-<li> FlowEquationSet_t
-<li> ConvergenceHistory_t (number of iterations)
-<li> Gravity_t
-<li> IntegralData_t
-<li> ReferenceState_t
-<li> RotatingCoordinates_t
-<li> SimulationType_t (simulation type)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<li> Zone_t (vertex and cell sizes)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> DataArray_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a DataArray_t node and its children.
-At the top is the DataArray_t node, containing data values.
-Below DataArray_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataConversion_t (conversion factors)
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> DimensionalExponents_t (exponents)
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> Family_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a Family_t node and its children.
-At the top is the Family_t node, containing the family name.
-Below Family_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> Ordinal_t (ordinal number)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<li> RotatingCoordinates_t
-<li> GeometryReference_t
-<li> FamilyBC_t (bc type)
-Below GeometryReference_t are the following nodes.
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> GeometryEntity_t (name)
-<li> GeometryFile_t (file name)
-<li> GeometryFormat_t (format)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-Below FamilyBC_t is a BCDataSet_t node, containing simple bc types.
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> FlowEquationSet_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a FlowEquationSet_t node and its
-At the top is the FlowEquationSet_t node.
-Below FlowEquationSet_t are the following nodes.
-<li> ChemicalKineticsModel_t (model type)
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> EquationDimension (dimension)
-<li> GasModel_t (model type)
-<li> GoverningEquations_t (equations type)
-<li> ThermalConductivityModel_t (model type)
-<li> ThermalRelaxationModel_t (model type)
-<li> TurbulenceClosure_t (closure model)
-<li> TurbulenceModel_t (model type)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<li> ViscosityModel_t (model type)
-<li> EMElectricFieldModel_t (model type)
-<li> EMMagneticFieldModel_t (model type)
-<li> EMConductivityModel_t (model type)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<title> ReferenceState_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a ReferenceState_t node and its
-At the top is the ReferenceState_t node.
-Below ReferenceState_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> Descriptor_t (reference state description)
-<li> DataArray_t (reference state value)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CFD General Notation System
-     Presentation at NASA Ames
-     Jan, 2005
-     longdesc file for figure -->
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-<link href="../../cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> UserDefinedData_t Node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the structure of a UserDefinedData_t node and its
-At the top is the UserDefinedData_t node.
-Below UserDefinedData_t are the following nodes.
-<li> DataArray_t (data values)
-<li> DataClass_t (data class)
-<li> Descriptor_t (text)
-<li> DimensionalUnits_t (units)
-<li> FamilyName_t (family name)
-<li> GridLocation_t (grid location)
-<li> Ordinal_t (ordinal number)
-<li> IndexArray_t (PointList)
-<li> IndexRange_t (PointRange)
-<li> UserDefinedData_t
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 29 Jan 2008
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-<!-- CGNS Data Structures Summary -->
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-<link href="cgns.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> CGNS Data Structures Summary </title>
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-<a href="#endnav"><img src="blank.gif" border=0 alt="Skip navigation links"></a>
-(<a href="index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Documentation&nbsp;Home&nbsp;Page</b></a>)
-(<a href="charter/index.html"><b>Steering&nbsp;Committee&nbsp;Charter</b></a>)
-(<a href="overview/index.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;and&nbsp;Entry-Level&nbsp;Document</b></a>)
-(<a href="user/index.html"><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></a>)
-(<a href="midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>CGNS Data Structures</h2>
-The following is a list of CGNS data structures, with links to the
-relevant sections in the various manuals.
-In general, the <i>SIDS</i>, <i>File Mapping</i>, and <i>Mid-Level
-Library</i> documents are organized in such a way that choosing the link
-destination for a particular data structure is fairly straightforward.
-In the <i>User's Guide</i>, however, a particular data structure may
-be discussed in various places, and the link generally connects to
-the first relevant location in the document.
-It should be noted that although either ADF or HDF5 may be used as the
-underlying database manager, the detailed CGNS node descriptions are
-essentially the same for both, and the "File Mapping" links connect to
-the <i>SIDS File Mapping Manual</i>.
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>AdditionalExponents_t</b></tt> -
-        Exponents associated with additional fundamental units
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents"><i>SIDS</i></a><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#AdditionalExponents"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalexponents"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-    <td>
-    <td width=100%>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>AdditionalFamilyName_t</b></tt> -
-        Additional families beyond that provided by Familyname_t
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#FamilyName"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#AdditionalFamilyName"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/families.html#familyname"><i>Mid-Level</i></a></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>AdditionalUnits_t</b></tt> -
-        Units for additional dimensional data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#AdditionalUnits"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits"><i>Mid-Level</i></a></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>AngleUnits_t</b></tt> -
-        Units for measuring angle
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</b></tt> -
-        Data defining arbitrary grid motion (e.g., deforming grids)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/timedep.html#arbitrary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:timedep"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Axisymmetry_t</b></tt> -
-        Axis and angle of rotation for a 2-D axisymmetric database
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/gridflow.html#Axisymmetry"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Axisymmetry"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/grid.html#axisymmetry"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BaseIterativeData_t</b></tt> -
-        Information on a time-dependent solution applicable to entire file
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BaseIterativeData"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/timedep.html#biter"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:timedep"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BC_t</b></tt> -
-        Boundary condition data for a single surface patch
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#BC"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BC"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:bcstruct"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BCData_t</b></tt> -
-    Variable names and associated boundary-condition data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#BCData"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BCData"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcdata"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BCDataSet_t</b></tt> -
-        Boundary condition data for a single set of simple boundary-condition types
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#BCDataSet"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BCDataSet"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcdataset"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BCProperty_t</b></tt> -
-        Special properties for particular boundary-condition patches
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#BCProperty"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BCProperty"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcproperty"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BCType_t</b></tt> -
-        Boundary-condition equations
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#BCType"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BC"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:bcstruct"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BCTypeCompound_t</b></tt> -
-        Flow-dependent boundary-condition equations and data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#BCType"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BC"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/sids.html#sec:bcs"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>BCTypeSimple_t</b></tt> -
-        Fixed boundary-condition equations and data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#BCType"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#BC"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:bcstruct"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>CGNSBase_t</b></tt> -
-        CGNS entry level
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSBase"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#CGNSBase"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/structural.html#base"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:singlegrid"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</b></tt> -
-        CGNS version number
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td><a href="user/sids.html#FIGoverviewSTR"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of equations used to model chemical kinetics
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ConvergenceHistory_t</b></tt> -
-        Convergence history information
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#ConvergenceHistory"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ConvergenceHistory"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#convergence"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:converge"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>DataArray_t</b></tt> -
-        Multi-dimensional data array
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/data.html#DataArray"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DataArray"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataarray"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:converge"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>DataClass_t</b></tt> -
-        Class of data (i.e., dimensional, non-dimensional, etc.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DataClass"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DataClass"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataclass"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>DataConversion_t</b></tt> -
-        Data conversion factors
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/data.html#DataConversion"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DataConversion"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataconversion"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Descriptor_t</b></tt> -
-        Documentation or annotation
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#Descriptor"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Descriptor"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/descriptor.html#descriptor"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:descript"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>DimensionalExponents_t</b></tt> -
-        Exponents associated with fundamental units
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalExponents"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalexponents"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>DimensionalUnits_t</b></tt> -
-        Units for dimensional data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>DiscreteData_t</b></tt> -
-        Generic discrete data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#DiscreteData"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DiscreteData"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/solution.html#discretedata"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Elements_t</b></tt> -
-        Grid element data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Elements"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:unstrgrid"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ElementType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of grid element
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/gridflow.html#ElementType"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Elements"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:unstrgrid"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>EMConductivityModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Conductivity model for electromagnetic flows
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#EMConductivityModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#EMConductivityModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>EMElectricFieldModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Electric field model for electromagnetic flows
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#EMElectricFieldModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#EMElectricFieldModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Magnetic field model for electromagnetic flows
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#EMMagneticFieldModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#EMMagneticFieldModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Family_t</b></tt> -
-        Information pertinent to a CFD family
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#Family"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Family"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/families.html#family"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>FamilyBC_t</b></tt> -
-        Boundary condition type for a CFD family
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#FamilyBC"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#FamilyBC"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/families.html#familybc"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>FamilyBCDataSet_t</b></tt> -
-        Boundary condition data for a CFD family
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#FamilyBCDataSet"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#FamilyBCDataSet"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td><td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>FamilyName_t</b></tt> -
-        Name of family to which a zone or boundary belongs
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#FamilyName"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#FamilyName"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/families.html#familyname"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>FlowEquationSet_t</b></tt> -
-        General description of governing flow equations
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#FlowEquationSet"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#flowequationset"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>FlowSolution_t</b></tt> -
-        Flow solution
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#FlowSolution"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:flowsoln"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GasModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of equation of state model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#GasModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GasModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GasModelType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of equation of state model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#GasModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GasModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GeometryReference_t</b></tt> -
-        Association between a CFD family and a CAD database
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GeometryReference"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/families.html#geometry"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GoverningEquations_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of governing flow equations
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#GoverningEquations"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GoverningEquations"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#governingequations"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GoverningEquationsType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of governing flow equations (Euler, laminar, etc.)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#GoverningEquations"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GoverningEquations"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#governingequations"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Gravity_t</b></tt> -
-        Components of gravity vector
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#Gravity"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Gravity"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#gravity"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GridConnectivity_t</b></tt> -
-        Generalized grid connectivity information
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivity"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:str1to1:general"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GridConnectivityProperty_t</b></tt> -
-        Special properties for particular connectivity patches
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GridConnectivityType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of grid connectivity
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivityType"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:str1to1:general"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GridConnectivity1to1_t</b></tt> -
-        Connectivity data for point-matched abutting structured zones
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#1to1"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:str1to1:specific"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GridCoordinates_t</b></tt> -
-        Physical grid coordinates
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridCoordinates"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:singlegrid"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>GridLocation_t</b></tt> -
-        Locations of data with respect to grid
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#GridLocation"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridLocation"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/location.html#gridlocation"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:bcunstr"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>IndexArray_t</b></tt> -
-        Array of indices
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#IndexArray"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#IndexArray"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/location.html#ptset"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>IndexRange_t</b></tt> -
-        Range of indices
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#IndexRange"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#IndexRange"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/location.html#ptset"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>IntegralData_t</b></tt> -
-        Generic global or integral data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#IntegralData"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#IntegralData""><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#integral"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>LengthUnits_t</b></tt> -
-        Units for measuring length
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>MassUnits_t</b></tt> -
-        Units for measuring mass
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Ordinal_t</b></tt> -
-        User-defined ordinal number for a node (obsolete)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Ordinal"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/descriptor.html#ordinal"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>OversetHoles_t</b></tt> -
-        Hole points in overlapping zones
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#OversetHoles"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#overset"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/sids.html#sec:connectivity"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ReferenceState_t</b></tt> -
-        Reference state definition
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#ReferenceState"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ReferenceState"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#refstate"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:nondimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>RigidGridMotion_t</b></tt> -
-        Data defining rigid translation/rotation of coordinates
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/timedep.html#RigidGridMotion"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#RigidGridMotion"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/timedep.html#rigid"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:timedep"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Rind_t</b></tt> -
-        Number of rind planes
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#Rind"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Rind"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/location.html#rind"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:flowsoln:rind"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>RotatingCoordinates_t</b></tt> -
-        Center of rotation and rotation rate vector for rotating coordinates
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#RotatingCoordinates"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/grid.html#rotatingcoordinates"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>SimulationType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of simulation (<tt>TimeAccurate</tt> or <tt>NonTimeAccurate</tt>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#SimulationType"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#SimulationType"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/structural.html#simulationtype"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:timedep"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>TemperatureUnits_t</b></tt> -
-        Units for measuring temperature
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ThermalConductivityModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of thermal conductivity model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#ThermalConductivityModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ThermalConductivityModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ThermalConductivityModelType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of thermal conductivity model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#ThermalConductivityModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ThermalConductivityModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of equations used to model thermal relaxation
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ThermalRelaxationModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>TimeUnits_t</b></tt> -
-        Units for measuring time
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#DimensionalUnits"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:dimens"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>TurbulenceClosure_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of turbulence closure method
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceClosure"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#TurbulenceClosure"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>TurbulenceClosureType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of turbulence closure method
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceClosure"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#TurbulenceClosure"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>TurbulenceModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of turbulence model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#TurbulenceModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>TurbulenceModelType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of turbulence model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#TurbulenceModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>UserDefinedData_t</b></tt> -
-        Arbitrary user-defined data
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#UserDefinedData"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#userdefined"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ViscosityModel_t</b></tt> -
-        Description of molecular viscosity model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#ViscosityModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ViscosityModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ViscosityModelType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of molecular viscosity model
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/floweqn.html#ViscosityModel"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ViscosityModel"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:floweqns"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>Zone_t</b></tt> -
-        Data for an individual zone
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#Zone"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/structural.html#zone"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:singlegrid"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ZoneBC_t</b></tt> -
-        Boundary condition data for a zone
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ZoneBC"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td><a href="user/faq.html"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</b></tt> -
-        Grid connectivity data for a zone
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cnct.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ZoneGridConnectivity"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><td>
-    <td><a href="user/sids.html#sec:connectivity"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ZoneIterativeData_t</b></tt> -
-        Information on a time-dependent solution applicable to a zone
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ZoneIterativeData"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/timedep.html#ziter"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/additional.html#sec:timedep"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ZoneSubRegion_t</b></tt> -
-        Subregion of a zone
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ZoneSubRegion"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/solution.html#subregion"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td>
-    <td>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-    <td colspan=9><tt><b>ZoneType_t</b></tt> -
-        Type of zone (e.g., <tt>Structured</tt> or <tt>Unstructured</tt>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td><td>
-    <td><a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><i>SIDS</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="filemap/nodes.html#ZoneType"><i>File&nbsp;Mapping</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="midlevel/structural.html#zone"><i>Mid-Level</i></a><td>
-    <td><a href="user/started.html#sec:singlegrid"><i>User's&nbsp;Guide</i></a>
-    <td>
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-<h2>Additional Information</h2>
-<li> <a href="#sec:converge">Convergence History</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:descript">Descriptor Nodes</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:dimens">Dimensional Data</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:nondimens">Nondimensional Data</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:floweqns">Flow Equation Sets</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:timedep">Time-Dependent Data</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:links">Using Links</a>
-This section introduces several additional types of data in CGNS.
-These items are by no means necessary to include when getting started,
-but it is likely that most users will eventually want to implement some
-of them into their CGNS files at some point in the future.
-The section ends with a discussion on the usage of links.
-<a name="sec:converge"></a>
-<h3>Convergence History</h3>
-The <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node can be used to store
-data associated with the convergence of a CFD solution. 
-For example, one may wish to store the global coefficient of lift
-as a function of iterations.  In this case, 
-this variable should be stored at the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> level
-of the CGNS file.
-This is achieved using the API in the following FORTRAN code 
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c  open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c  we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   go to base node
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'end')
-c   create history node (SIDS names it GlobalConvergenceHistory at base level)
-c   ntt is the number of recorded iterations
-      call cg_convergence_write_f(ntt,'',ier)
-c   go to new history node
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'ConvergenceHistory_t',
-     +  1,'end')
-c   write lift coefficient array (user must use SIDS-standard name here)
-      call cg_array_write_f('CoefLift',RealDouble,1,ntt,cl,ier)
-c  close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-In this example, the array <tt>cl</tt> must be declared as 
-an array of size <tt>ntt</tt> or larger.  Additional arrays <em>of the same
-size</em> may also be written under the <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>
-node.  Note that the call to <tt>cg_convergence_write_f</tt>
-includes a blank string in this case, because we are not recording
-norm definitions.
-<a name="sec:descript"></a>
-<h3>Descriptor Nodes</h3>
-Descriptor nodes, which record character strings and can be
-inserted nearly everywhere in a CGNS file, have many 
-possible uses.
-Users can insert comments or descriptions
-to help clarify the content of some data in the CGNS file.
-In the <a href="sids.html">SIDS overview section</a>,
-we mention a possible use for descriptor nodes to describe
-data that is <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>.
-Another potentially desirable use of the descriptor node is
-to maintain copies of the entire <em>input</em> file(s)
-from the CFD application code.  Because descriptor nodes
-can include carriage returns, entire ASCII files can be 
-"swallowed" into the CGNS file.  In this way, a future user
-can see and retrieve the exact input file(s) used by
-the CFD code to generate
-the data contained in the CGNS file.  The only ambiguity
-possible would be whether the CFD code itself has changed since
-that time; but if the CFD code has strict version control,
-then complete recoverability should be possible.
-An example that writes a descriptor node at the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> level
-is given here:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c  open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c  we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   go to base node
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'end')
-c   write descriptor node (user can give any name)
-      text1='Supersonic vehicle with landing gear'
-      text2='M=4.6, Re=6 million'
-      textstring=text1//char(10)//text2
-      call cg_descriptor_write_f('Information',textstring,ier)
-c  close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-In this example, the <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> node
-is named <tt>Information</tt> and
-the character string <tt>textstring</tt> (which is made up of <tt>text1</tt>
-and <tt>text2</tt> with a line feed - <tt>char(10)</tt> - in-between)
-is written there.
-All character strings must be declared appropriately.
-<a name="sec:dimens"></a>
-<h3>Dimensional Data</h3>
-The node <tt>DataClass_t</tt> denotes the class of the data.  When
-data is dimensional, then <tt>DataClass_t</tt> = <tt>Dimensional</tt>.
-The <tt>DataClass_t</tt> node can appear at many levels in the CGNS
-hierarchy; precedence rules dictate that a <tt>DataClass_t</tt>
-lower in the hierarchy supersedes any higher up.
-For dimensional data, one generally is expected to indicate the
-dimensionality of each particular variable through the use of
-<tt>DataClass_t</tt>, <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt>, and
-<tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt>.  An example of this is
-shown in the following code segment in which units are added
-to the <a href="started.html#sec:singlegrid">structured grid</a> and
-<a href="started.html#sec:flowsoln:centers">cell center flow solution</a>
-used previously.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-       include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   we know there is only one FlowSolution_t (real working code would check!)
-      index_flow=1
-c   we know there is only one GridCoordinates_t (real working code would check!)
-      index_grid=1
-c   put DataClass and DimensionalUnits under Base
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'end')
-      call cg_dataclass_write_f(Dimensional,ier)
-      call cg_units_write_f(Kilogram,Meter,Second,Kelvin,Degree,ier)
-c   read fields
-      call cg_nfields_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     +  nfields,ier) 
-      do if=1,nfields
-        call cg_field_info_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +    index_flow,if,idatatype,fieldname,ier)
-        if (fieldname .eq. 'Density') then
-          exponents(1)=1.
-          exponents(2)=-3.
-          exponents(3)=0.
-          exponents(4)=0.
-          exponents(5)=0.
-        else if (fieldname .eq. 'Pressure') then
-          exponents(1)=1.
-          exponents(2)=-1.
-          exponents(3)=-2.
-          exponents(4)=0.
-          exponents(5)=0.
-        else
-          write(6,'('' Error! this fieldname not expected: '',a32)')
-     +      fieldname
-          stop
-        end if
-c   write DimensionalExponents
-        call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',1,
-     +   'FlowSolution_t',1,'DataArray_t',if,'end')
-        call cg_exponents_write_f(RealSingle,exponents,ier)
-      enddo
-c   read grid
-      call cg_ncoords_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,ncoords,ier)
-      exponents(1)=0.
-      exponents(2)=1.
-      exponents(3)=0.
-      exponents(4)=0.
-      exponents(5)=0.
-      do ic=1,ncoords
-c   write DimensionalExponents
-        call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',1,
-     +   'GridCoordinates_t',1,'DataArray_t',ic,'end')
-        call cg_exponents_write_f(RealSingle,exponents,ier)
-      enddo
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Notice in this example that a <tt>DataClass_t</tt> node and
-a <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> node are placed
-near the top of the hierarchy, under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>. 
-<tt>DataClass_t</tt> is specified as <tt>Dimensional</tt>, and
-<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> are specified as (<tt>Kilogram</tt>,
-<tt>Meter</tt>, <tt>Second</tt>, <tt>Kelvin</tt>, <tt>Degree</tt>).
-These specify that, by and large, the entire database is dimensional
-with MKS units (anything that is <em>not</em> dimensional or
-<em>not</em> MKS units could be superseded at lower levels).
-Then, for each variable locally, one need only specify the
-<tt>DimensionalExponents</tt>, where one exponent is defined for each
-The layout of part of the resulting CGNS file
-from the above example is shown below.
-The density has units of kilogram/meter<sup>3</sup>, and the pressure
-has units of kilogram/(meter-second<sup>2</sup>).  The grid coordinates
-(not shown in the figure) have units of meters.
-<a name="FIGtree_dimensional"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_dimensional.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for flow solution at cell centers with dimensional data"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_dimensional.html">
-Layout of part of a CGNS file for flow solution at cell centers with
-dimensional data.
-<a name="sec:nondimens"></a>
-<h3>Nondimensional Data</h3>
-This example is for the relatively common occurrence of CFD
-data that is purely nondimensional, for which the
-reference state is arbitrary (unknown).  This type is referred
-to as <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>.  Another nondimensional type,
-<tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt>, for which the data is nondimensional
-but the reference state is <em>specifically known</em>, is not covered
-For a <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt> database, the 
-<tt>DataClass</tt> is recorded as such, but also a <tt>ReferenceState</tt>
-is <em>necessary</em> to define the nondimensionalizations used. 
-(A <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node can be used for any dataset
-to indicate the global reference state (such as free stream), as
-well as
-quantities such as the reference Mach number and Reynolds number.
-A <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node was not included in
-<a href="#sec:dimens">the previous section</a>,
-but it could have been.)
-For the current example, we do not go into detail regarding the 
-choices of the items which should define the reference state for a
-<tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt> database.
-We simply show in the example some typical choices which very often
-would likely be included.
-A detailed discussion of <a href="../sids/data.html#manip">how the
-data in <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> defines the nondimensionalizations</a>
-is given in the SIDS document.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-       include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   put DataClass under Base
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'end')
-      call cg_dataclass_write_f(NormalizedByUnknownDimensional,ier)
-c   put ReferenceState under Base
-      call cg_state_write_f('ReferenceQuantities',ier)
-c   Go to ReferenceState node, write Mach array and its dataclass
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'ReferenceState_t',1,
-     +  'end')
-      call cg_array_write_f('Mach',RealDouble,1,1,xmach,ier)
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'ReferenceState_t',1,
-     +  'DataArray_t',1,'end')
-      call cg_dataclass_write_f(NondimensionalParameter,ier)
-c   Go to ReferenceState node, write Reynolds array and its dataclass
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'ReferenceState_t',1,
-     +  'end')
-      call cg_array_write_f('Reynolds',RealDouble,1,1,reue,ier)
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'ReferenceState_t',1,
-     +  'DataArray_t',2,'end')
-      call cg_dataclass_write_f(NondimensionalParameter,ier)
-c   Go to ReferenceState node to write reference quantities:
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'ReferenceState_t',1,
-     +  'end')
-c   First, write reference quantities that make up Mach and Reynolds:
-c   Mach_Velocity
-      call cg_array_write_f('Mach_Velocity',RealDouble,1,1,xmv,ier)
-c   Mach_VelocitySound
-      call cg_array_write_f('Mach_VelocitySound',RealDouble,
-     +   1,1,xmc,ier)
-c   Reynolds_Velocity
-      call cg_array_write_f('Reynolds_Velocity',RealDouble,
-     +   1,1,rev,ier)
-c   Reynolds_Length
-      call cg_array_write_f('Reynolds_Length',RealDouble,
-     +   1,1,rel,ier)
-c   Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic
-      call cg_array_write_f('Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic',RealDouble,
-     +   1,1,renu,ier)
-c   Next, write flow field reference quantities:
-c   Density
-      call cg_array_write_f('Density',RealDouble,1,1,rho0,ier)
-c   Pressure
-      call cg_array_write_f('Pressure',RealDouble,1,1,p0,ier)
-c   VelocitySound
-      call cg_array_write_f('VelocitySound',RealDouble,1,1,c0,ier)
-c   ViscosityMolecular
-      call cg_array_write_f('ViscosityMolecular',RealDouble,
-     +   1,1,vm0,ier)
-c   LengthReference
-      call cg_array_write_f('LengthReference',RealDouble,
-     +   1,1,xlength0,ier)
-c   VelocityX
-      call cg_array_write_f('VelocityX',RealDouble,1,1,vx,ier)
-c   VelocityY
-      call cg_array_write_f('VelocityY',RealDouble,1,1,vy,ier)
-c   VelocityZ
-      call cg_array_write_f('VelocityZ',RealDouble,1,1,vz,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-In this case, the only information
-added to the CGNS file is at the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> level.
-Note that <tt>Mach</tt> and <tt>Reynolds</tt> (which are stored under
-<tt>ReferenceState</tt>) are variables that are
-known as "<tt>NondimensionalParameter</tt>"s, so they must
-each contain a <tt>DataClass</tt> child node stating this
-(the local <tt>DataClass</tt> nodes supersede the overall
-<tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt> data class that holds for everything else).
-The layout of the relevant portion of the resulting CGNS file
-from the above example is shown below.
-Many of the reference quantities that appear under
-<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> have been left out of the figure
-to conserve space.
-<a name="FIGtree_nondimensional"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_nondimensional.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for nondimensional data with arbitrary reference state"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_nondimensional.html">
-Layout of part of a CGNS file with
-purely nondimensional data (reference state unknown).
-<a name="sec:floweqns"></a>
-<h3>Flow Equation Sets</h3>
-The <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> node is useful for describing <em>how</em>
-a flow solution was generated.  This is one of the useful
-self-descriptive aspects of CGNS that may improve the usefulness and
-longevity of a CFD dataset.  For example, under this node, information
-such as the following may be recorded:  the flow field was obtained by
-solving the thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations (with diffusion only in the
-<i>j</i>-coordinate direction); the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence
-model was employed, and an ideal gas assumption was made with
-<i>&gamma;</i> = 1.4.
-The following FORTRAN code segment writes some of 
-the above example flow equation set information
-under the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node from our earlier
-<a href="started.html#sec:str">single-zone structured
-grid example</a>.  (Note that 
-a <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> node can also be placed at a higher level,
-under the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node.  The
-usual precedence rules apply).
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-       include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   existing file must be 3D structured (real working code would check!)
-c   Create 'FlowEquationSet' node under 'Zone_t'
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     +   'end')
-c   equation dimension = 3
-      ieq_dim=3
-      call cg_equationset_write_f(ieq_dim,ier)
-c   Create 'GoverningEquations' node under 'FlowEquationSet'
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     + 'FlowEquationSet_t',1,'end')
-      call cg_governing_write_f(NSTurbulent,ier)
-c   Create 'DiffusionModel' node under 'GoverningEquations'
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     + 'FlowEquationSet_t',1,'GoverningEquations_t',1,'end')
-      idata(1)=0
-      idata(2)=1
-      idata(3)=0
-      idata(4)=0
-      idata(5)=0
-      idata(6)=0
-      call cg_diffusion_write_f(idata,ier)
-c   Create 'GasModel' under 'FlowEquationSet'
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     + 'FlowEquationSet_t',1,'end')
-      call cg_model_write_f('GasModel_t',Ideal,ier)
-c   Create 'SpecificHeatRatio' under GasModel
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     + 'FlowEquationSet_t',1,'GasModel_t',1,'end')
-      call cg_array_write_f('SpecificHeatRatio',RealSingle,1,1, 
-     + gamma,ier)
-c   Create 'DataClass' under 'SpecificHeatRatio'
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     + 'FlowEquationSet_t',1,'GasModel_t',1,'DataArray_t',
-     + 1,'end')
-      call cg_dataclass_write_f(NondimensionalParameter,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-This particular example is specific to a 3-D structured zone.
-In an unstructured zone, the use of <tt>DiffusionModel</tt> is not valid.
-The layout of the relevant portion of the resulting CGNS file
-from the above example is shown below.
-<a name="FIGtree_floweqn"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_floweqn.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for flow equation set information"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_floweqn.html">
-Layout of part of a CGNS file with
-flow equation set information.
-<a name="sec:timedep"></a>
-<h3>Time-Dependent Data</h3>
-Time-dependent data (data with multiple flow solutions) can also be stored
-in a CGNS file.  Different circumstances may produce
-data with multiple flow solutions; for example:
-<li> Non-moving grid
-<li> Rigidly-moving grid
-<li> Deforming or changing grid
-Each of these may either be
-the result of a time-accurate run, or else may simply be
-multiple snapshots of a non-time-accurate run as it iterates toward
-This section gives an example for type 1 only.
-Readers interested in the <a href="../sids/timedep.html">two other
-types</a> should refer to the SIDS document.
-For a non-moving grid, the method for storing the multiple flow
-solutions is relatively simple: multiple <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes,
-each with a different name, are placed under each <tt>Zone_t</tt> node.
-However, there also needs to be a mechanism for associating each
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> with a particular time and/or iteration.
-This is accomplished through the use of <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt>
-(under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>) and <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> (under each
-<tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> contains <tt>NumberOfSteps</tt>, the number
-of times and/or iterations stored, and their values.
-<tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> contains <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt> as a
-character data array.
-<tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt> is dimensioned to be of size
-<tt>NumberOfSteps</tt>, and contains the <em>names</em> of the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes within the current zone that correspond
-with the respective times and/or iterations.
-Finally, a <tt>SimulationType_t</tt> node is placed under
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> to designate what type of simulation (e.g.,
-<tt>TimeAccurate</tt>, <tt>NonTimeAccurate</tt>) produced the data.
-(Note: the <tt>SimulationType_t</tt> node is not restricted for use with
-time-dependent data; <em>any</em> CGNS dataset can employ it!)
-The following FORTRAN code segment writes some of the above
-information, using our earlier <a href="started.html#sec:str">single-zone
-structured grid example</a>.
-For the purposes of this example, it is assumed that there are 3 flow
-solutions from a time-accurate simulation, to be output as a function of
-time to the CGNS file.
-The variables <tt>r1</tt> and <tt>p1</tt> represent the density and
-pressure at time 1, <tt>r2</tt> and <tt>p2</tt> are at time 2, and
-<tt>r3</tt> and <tt>p3</tt> are at time 3.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-       include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for modify
-       call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-       index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-       index_zone=1
-c   set up the times corresponding to the 3 solutions to be
-c   stored:
-       time(1)=10.
-       time(2)=20.
-       time(3)=50.
-c   define 3 different solution names (user can give any names)
-       solname(1) = 'FlowSolution1'
-       solname(2) = 'FlowSolution2'
-       solname(3) = 'FlowSolution3'
-c   do loop for the 3 solutions:
-       do n=1,3
-c   create flow solution node
-         call cg_sol_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,solname(n),
-     +     Vertex,index_flow,ier)
-c   write flow solution (user must use SIDS-standard names here)
-         if (n .eq. 1) then
-           call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     +       RealDouble,'Density',r1,index_field,ier)
-           call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     +       RealDouble,'Pressure',p1,index_field,ier)
-         else if (n .eq. 2) then
-           call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     +       RealDouble,'Density',r2,index_field,ier)
-           call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     +       RealDouble,'Pressure',p2,index_field,ier)
-         else
-           call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     +       RealDouble,'Density',r3,index_field,ier)
-           call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     +       RealDouble,'Pressure',p3,index_field,ier)
-         end if
-       enddo
-c   create BaseIterativeData
-       nsteps=3
-       call cg_biter_write_f(index_file,index_base,'TimeIterValues',
-     +   nsteps,ier)
-c   go to BaseIterativeData level and write time values
-       call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'BaseIterativeData_t',
-     +   1,'end')
-       call cg_array_write_f('TimeValues',RealDouble,1,3,time,ier)
-c   create ZoneIterativeData
-       call cg_ziter_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +   'ZoneIterativeData',ier)
-c   go to ZoneIterativeData level and give info telling which
-c   flow solution corresponds with which time (solname(1) corresponds
-c   with time(1), solname(2) with time(2), and solname(3) with time(3))
-       call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',
-     +   index_zone,'ZoneIterativeData_t',1,'end')
-       idata(1)=32
-       idata(2)=3
-       call cg_array_write_f('FlowSolutionPointers',Character,2,idata,
-     +   solname,ier)
-c   add SimulationType
-       call cg_simulation_type_write_f(index_file,index_base,
-     +   TimeAccurate,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-       call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-As cautioned for earlier coding snippets, dimensions must be set
-appropriately for all variables.
-The variable <tt>time</tt> (which is an array dimensioned
-size 3 in this case) contains the time values stored under
-The layout of the resulting CGNS file from the above example is shown
-Compare this figure with the <a href="started.html#FIGtree_cartesian_solV">
-layout of a CGNS file for a simple Cartesian structured grid with a
-single flow solution</a>.
-To conserve space, the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>, <tt>ZoneType_t</tt>,
-and all nodes underneath <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> have been left off.
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesian_soltime"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesian_soltime.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for time-accurate flow solutions"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesian_soltime.html">
-Layout of CGNS file for simple Cartesian
-structured grid with multiple time-accurate flow solutions
-(non-moving grid coordinates)
-<a name="sec:links"></a>
-<h3>Using Links</h3>
-A link associates one node to another within a CGNS tree, or even one node
-to another in a separate CGNS file altogether.  This can be useful when
-there is repeated data; rather than write the same data multiple times,
-links can point to the data written only once.
-One very important use of links that may be required by many
-users is to point to grid coordinates.
-This usage comes about in the following way.  Suppose
-a user is planning to use a particular grid for multiple cases.  There
-are several options for how to store the data.  Among these are:
-<li> Keep a copy of the grid with each flow solution in separate
-     CGNS files.
-<li> Keep just one CGNS file, with the grid and multiple
-     <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes; each <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-     corresponds with a different case.
-<li> Keep just one CGNS file, with multiple <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> nodes.
-     The grid and one flow solution would be stored under one base.
-     Other bases would each contain a separate flow solution, plus a link
-     to the grid coordinates in the first base.
-<li> Keep one CGNS file with the grid coordinates defined, and store
-     the flow solution for each case in its own separate CGNS file, with a 
-     link to the grid coordinates.
-Item 1 is conceptually the most direct, and is certainly the recommended
-method in general (this is the way all example CGNS files have been
-portrayed so far in this document).
-However, if the grid is very large, then this method causes a lot of
-storage space to be unnecessarily used to store the same grid points
-multiple times.
-Item 2 may or may not be a viable option.
-If the user is striving to have the CGNS file be completely
-self-descriptive, with <tt>ReferenceState</tt> and
-<tt>FlowEquationSet</tt> describing the relevant conditions, then
-this method cannot be used if the <tt>ReferenceState</tt> or
-<tt>FlowEquationSet</tt> is different between the cases (for example,
-different Mach numbers, Reynolds numbers, or angles of attack).
-Item 3 removes this restriction.
-It uses links to the grid coordinates within the same file.
-Item 4 is similar to item 3, except that the grid coordinates and each
-flow solution are stored in separate files altogether.
-A sample layout showing the relevant portions of two separate CGNS files
-for an example of item 4 is shown below.
-Note that for multiple-zone grids, each zone in FILE 1 in this
-example would have a separate link to the appropriate zone's grid
-coordinates in FILE 2.
-<a name="FIGtree_link"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_link.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing two CGNS files with a link from one to the other"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_link.html">
-Layout of part of two CGNS files with a link
-from one to the grid coordinates of the other.
-The CGNS API now has the capability to specify links and to query link
-information in a CGNS file.
-Previously this was only possible by use of the ADF core library
-However, when a CGNS file is open for writing and the link creation call
-is issued, the link information is merely recorded and the actual link
-creation is deferred until the file is written out upon closing it.
-Therefore, any attempt to go to a location in a linked file while the
-CGNS file is open for writing will fail.
-This problem does not exist when a CGNS file is open for modification as
-link creation is immediate.
-Reading a linked CGNS file presents no difficulties for the API, because
-links are "transparent."
-As long as any separate linked files keep their name unchanged, and
-maintain the same position (within the Unix-directory) relative to the
-parent file, opening the parent file will automatically access the
-linked ones.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 01 Feb 2011
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-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>The <i>adfedit</i> Utility</h2>
-The utility <i>adfedit</i> can be used to view (and 
-edit) CGNS files.  It is currently included with the CGNS
-software, although it is possible that in the future it may be
-superseded by a more advanced utility.
-The following is a brief description of the most basic capabilities
-of the <i>adfedit</i>} utility.
-A typical <i>adfedit</i> session might go like this:
-   adfedit
-   ADFmain&gt; br                 <i>go to "browse"</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; o cgns.file      <i>open file cgns.file</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; t                <i>go to "tools"</i>
-   ADFtools&gt; pt                <i>print out entire directory tree structure</i>
-   ADFtools&gt; pt -l             <i>same, but include node label info</i>
-   ADFtools&gt; br                <i>go to "browse"</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; ls               <i>list children (sub-nodes) of current node</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; cd Base          <i>go down one level to the node named "Base"</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; dd               <i>give description of node data</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; pd               <i>print node data</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; cd ..            <i>go up one level in the tree</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; cd               <i>go to the top of the tree (to root node)</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; ?                <i>help</i>
-   ADFbrowse&gt; quit             <i>exits program</i>
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-Last updated 25 Oct 2001
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-(<a href="faq.html"><b>Frequently&nbsp;Asked&nbsp;Questions</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Example&nbsp;Computer&nbsp;Codes</b></span>)
-(<a href="sids.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;SIDS</b></a>)
-(<a href="plot3d.html"><b>Guideline&nbsp;for&nbsp;PLOT3D&nbsp;Variables</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Example Computer Codes</h2>
-The following computer codes are complete, workable versions of the codes
-mentioned in the text of this User's Guide (plus some that are
-not mentioned).  They can be obtained from the
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-They read and write very simple example CGNS files, in order to help
-the user understand the CGNS concepts as well as the usage of the API calls.
-Instructions for compiling them on LINUX systems is contained in comment
-lines in each program. 
-The following codes are written in both FORTRAN and C.
-Note that these programs are very unsophisticated, purposefully
-for ease of readability.  Real working codes would be written more
-generally, with more checks, and would <em>not</em> be as hardwired for
-particular cases. The codes are listed here by corresponding section.
-<h3>Structured Grid</h3>
-<h4><a href="started.html#sec:singlegrid">Single-Zone Structured Grid</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_grid_str.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes grid
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>write_grid_str.c</tt><td>
-   <td>writes grid (C-program example)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_grid_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads grid
-<h4><a href="started.html#sec:flowsoln">Single-Zone Structured Grid and Flow Solution</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_flowvert_str.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes vertex-based flow solution
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_flowvert_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads vertex-based flow solution
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>write_flowcent_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>writes cell centered flow solution
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_flowcent_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td> reads cell centered flow solution
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>write_flowcentrind_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>writes cell centered flow solution with rind cells
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_flowcentrind_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads cell centered flow solution with rind cells
-<h4><a href="started.html#sec:bcstruct">Single-Zone Structured Grid with Boundary Conditions</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_bc_str.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes <tt>PointRange</tt> boundary condition patches
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_bc_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads <tt>PointRange</tt> boundary condition patches
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>write_bcpnts_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>writes <tt>PointList</tt> boundary condition patches
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_bcpnts_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads <tt>PointList</tt> boundary condition patches
-<h4><a href="started.html#sec:str1to1">Multi-Zone Structured Grid with 1-to-1 Connectivity</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_grid2zn_str.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes 2-zone grid
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_grid2zn_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads 2-zone grid
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>write_con2zn_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>writes 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_con2zn_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>write_con2zn_genrl_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>writes general 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_con2zn_genrl_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads general 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example
-<h3>Unstructured Grid</h3>
-<h4><a href="started.html#sec:unstrgrid">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_grid_unst.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes grid
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_grid_unst.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads grid
-<h4><a href="started.html#sec:unstrflow">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid and Flow Solution</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_flowvert_unst.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes vertex-based flow solution
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_flowvert_unst.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads vertex-based flow solution
-<h4><a href="started.html#sec:bcunstr">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid with Boundary Conditions</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_bcpnts_unst.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes <tt>PointList</tt> boundary condition patches (<tt>FaceCenter</tt>)
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_bcpnts_unst.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads <tt>PointList</tt> boundary condition patches (<tt>FaceCenter</tt>)
-<h4><a href="additional.html#sec:converge">Convergence History</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_convergence.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes convergence history
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_convergence.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads convergence history
-<h4><a href="additional.html#sec:descript">Descriptor Nodes</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_descriptor.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes descriptor node under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_descriptor.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads descriptor node under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>
-<h4><a href="additional.html#sec:dimens">Dimensional Data</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_dimensional.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes dimensional data to an existing grid + flow solution
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_dimensional.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads dimensional data from an existing grid + flow solution
-<h4><a href="additional.html#sec:nondimens">Nondimensional Data</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_nondimensional.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes nondimensional data to an existing CGNS file
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_nondimensional.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads nondimensional data from an existing CGNS file
-<h4><a href="additional.html#sec:floweqns">Flow Equation Sets</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_floweqn_str.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes flow equation information for structured example
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_floweqn_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads flow equation information for structured example
-<h4><a href="additional.html#sec:timedep">Time-Dependent Data</a></h4>
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><tt>write_timevert_str.f</tt><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>writes time-dependent flow soln (as Vertex) for structured example
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><tt>read_timevert_str.f</tt><td>
-   <td>reads time-dependent flow soln (as Vertex) for structured example
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-(<a href="index.html"><span class=nav><b>A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</b></span></a>)
-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
-(<a href="../filemap/index.html"><b>SIDS&nbsp;File&nbsp;Mapping&nbsp;Manual</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgio/index.html"><b>CGIO&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../pcgns/index.html"><b>Parallel&nbsp;CGNS&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide</b></a>)
-(<a href="../adf/index.html"><b>ADF&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<a href="intro.html"><b>Introduction</b></a>)
-(<a href="started.html"><b>Getting&nbsp;Started</b></a>)
-(<a href="additional.html"><b>Additional&nbsp;Information</b></a>)
-(<a href="trouble.html"><b>Troubleshooting</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Frequently&nbsp;Asked&nbsp;Questions</b></span>)
-(<a href="examples.html"><b>Example&nbsp;Computer&nbsp;Codes</b></a>)
-(<a href="sids.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;SIDS</b></a>)
-(<a href="plot3d.html"><b>Guideline&nbsp;for&nbsp;PLOT3D&nbsp;Variables</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
-Q:  Does CGNS support solution array names that are not listed in the SIDS?
-A:  You can use any data-name that you want for solution arrays.  However,
-if you create a new name not listed in the SIDS, it may not be understood
-by other applications reading your file.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Q:  What is a <tt>Family</tt> in CGNS?
-A:  The families are used to link the mesh to the geometry.  The data
-structure <tt>Family_t</tt> is optional and can be used to define the geometry
-of boundary patches by referencing CAD entities.  In turn, mesh
-patches can reference family, so we get:  mesh -&gt; family -&gt; geometry.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Q:  What are <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> and <tt>IntegralData_t</tt> used for?
-A:  <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt> can be used to store field data that is not
-typically considered part of the flow solution <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>.
-<tt>IntegralData_t</tt> can be used to store generic global or integral
-data (a single integer or floating point number is allowed in each
-<tt>DataArray_t</tt> node under <tt>IntegralData_t</tt>).
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Q:  What are some good programming practices that will help me avoid
-problems when implementing CGNS in my code?
-A:  The usual good programming standards apply:  
-use plenty of comments, use logical indentation to make the code more
-readable, etc.  In addition, the API returns an error code from
-each of its calls; it is a good idea to check this regularly and
-gracefully exit the program with an error message when it is not
-zero.  In FORTRAN, you can use:
-   if (ier .ne. 0) call cg_error_exit_f
-If programming in C, you may also assign an error callback function
-using <i>cg_error_handler</i>, which will be called in the case
-of an error.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Q:  How can I look at what is in a CGNS file?
-A:  The utility <a href="../cgnstools/index.html#CGNSview">CGNSview</a>
-is the best way to look at a CGNS file.
-This utility allows you to access any node in the file using a
-Windows-like collapsible node tree.  Nodes and data may be added,
-deleted, and modified.
-It also has translator capabilities and a crude built-in compliance checker.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Q:  How can I tell if I have created a truly SIDS-compliant CGNS file?
-A:  It is currently very difficult to <em>guarantee</em> that a user has
-created a SIDS-compliant CGNS file, that others can read and understand.
-But because the API (mid-level-library) has many checks for
-non-compliance, it is much more difficult for you to make a mistake when
-using it than if you utilize CGIO (core-level) calls. Included with
-the CGNS distribution is a crude compliance checker, <i>cgnscheck</i>
-located in the tools subdirectory. This may be run from the command line,
-or from within the <a href="../cgnstools/index.html#CGNSview">CGNSview utility</a>.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Q:  How do I write data sets associated with boundary conditions?
-A:  Writing data sets under boundary conditions is following the
-"fully SIDS-compliant BC implementation" rather than the "lowest
-level BC implementation".
-(See the figure showing the <a href="sids.html#FIGbc">hierarchical
-structure of <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a> in the <a href="sids.html">Overview
-of the SIDS</a> section.)
-In order to do this using the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level
-Library</a>, take the following steps:
-<li> Use <tt>cg_boco_write</tt> to create each <tt>BC_t</tt> node and
-     its associated <tt>BCType</tt> and boundary condition region.
-     (This also creates the top level <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node if it
-     does not already exist.  Note that only one <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>
-     node may exist under any given <tt>Zone_t</tt> node.)
-     This is the only step necessary to achieve the "lowest level
-     BC implementation."
-<li> Use <tt>cg_dataset_write</tt> to create each
-     <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> node and its associated
-     <tt>BCTypeSimple</tt> under the desired <tt>BC_t</tt> node.
-<li> Use <tt>cg_bcdata_write</tt> to create each
-     <tt>BCData_t</tt> node (of either type <tt>Dirichlet</tt>
-     or <tt>Neumann</tt>) under the desired <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>
-     node.
-<li> Use <tt>cg_goto</tt> to "go to" the appropriate
-     <tt>BCData_t</tt> node.
-<li> Use <tt>cg_array_write</tt> to write the desired data.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 01 Feb 2011
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for boundary condition implementation levels -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - boundary condition implementation levels </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the simplest as well as the fully SIDS-compliant
-implementation of the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node.
-In both cases, the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node has a child <tt>BC_t</tt>
-node, with data "<tt>BCType</tt>".
-In the lowest-level boundary condition implementation allowed, shown on
-the left, the <tt>BC_t</tt> node has a single child <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>
-node, with data "index range".
-The application code must interpret the meaning of <tt>BCType</tt>.
-In the fully SIDS-compliant boundary condition implementation, shown on
-the right, the <tt>BC_t</tt> node again has a child <tt>IndexRange_t</tt>
-node, with data "index range", but also has multiple <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt>
-child nodes, with the data "<tt>BCTypeSimple</tt>".
-Each of these <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> nodes in turn has two <tt>BCData_t</tt>
-child nodes, one named <tt>DirichletData</tt> and the other named
-Finally, the <tt>BCData_t</tt> nodes each have a child <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-node, with the data "BC quantities".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-     hierarchy for a 1-to-1 interface -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - ZoneGridConnectivity_t hierarchy for a 1-to-1 interface </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the hierarchical structure in a CGNS file for a
-1-to-1 zone interface, starting with the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-The <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node has the following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt><br>
-     Data: None
-The <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node may have multiple child nodes,
-one of which specifies that the interface has 1-to-1 connectivity, as
-<li> Name: User defined<br>
-     Label: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt>
-The <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> node in turn has the following
-child nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>Transform</tt><br>
-     Label: "<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>"<br>
-     Data: Transform values
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>IndexRange</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>IndexRange</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 4 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for ZoneGridConnectivity_t
-     hierarchy for an overset interface -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - ZoneGridConnectivity_t hierarchy for an overset interface </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the hierarchical structure in a CGNS file for an
-overset zone interface, starting with the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-The <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node has the following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt><br>
-     Data: None
-The <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node may have multiple child nodes,
-two of which are:
-<li> Name: User defined<br>
-     Label: <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt><br>
-     Data: None
-<li> Name: User defined<br>
-     Label: <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ZoneDonorName</tt>
-The <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> node in turn has the following child nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: Location of hole points relative to grid
-<li> Name: <tt>PointList</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: vector of points
-Finally, the <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> node has the following child
-<li> Name: <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridConnectivityType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Overset</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: Location of receiver points relative to grid
-<li> Name: <tt>PointList</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: Receiver points
-<li> Name: <tt>CellListDonor</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: Donor cells
-<li> Name: <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: Donor interpolants
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Sept 2002
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - options for data 'under' a node </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the two ways data may be stored "under" a node
-in a CGNS file.
-The first possibility, shown on the left, has a parent node containing
-"data1", with a child node containing "data2".
-The second possibility, shown on the right, has a parent node containing
-no data, and two child nodes containing "data1" and "data2", respectively.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 3 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for schematic of nodes and
-     elements in unstructured grid -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - nodes and elements in unstructured grid </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the first two elements of the hexagonal unstructured
-grid, with each node numbered.
-In the z = 0 plane, the nodes for element 1 are numbered 1, 2, 23, and
-22; those for element 2 are numbered 2, 3, 24, and 23.
-In the adjacent z plane, the nodes for element 1 are numbered 358, 359,
-380, and 379; those for element 2 are numbered 359, 360, 381, and 380.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 26 Aug 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for example CGNS tree-like structure -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - Example CGNS tree-like structure </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates a tree structure for categorizing animals.
-At the top is the root node, with one child node named "Animals".
-Below that are child nodes named "Fish" and "Mammals".
-Below the "Mammals" node are child nodes named "Dogs" and "Cats".
-Below the "Dogs" node are child nodes named "Collies", "Greyhounds",
-and "Beagles".
-At the lowest level, below the "Collies" node are child nodes named
-"Fido" and "Spot", and below the "Beagles" node are child nodes named
-"Fido" and "Ginger".
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 26 Aug 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for simple
-     Cartesian structured grid -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for simple Cartesian structured grid </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the hierarchical structure of a typical CGNS
-file for a structured grid.
-Just below the root node of the ADF file are the following two nodes.
-<li> <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt>, with the data "version number".
-<li> <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, with the data "<tt>CellDimension</tt> &amp;
-     <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>".
-At the next level, below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node, are the following
-<li> <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>, with the data "number of iterations".
-     Below the <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node are multiple
-     <tt>DataArray_t</tt> child nodes with the data "info".
-<li> Multiple <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes, with the data "<tt>VertexSize</tt>,
-     <tt>CellSize</tt>, &amp; <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>".
-     Below a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are several child nodes, described
-     later.
-<li> <tt>DataClass_t</tt>, with the data "type".
-<li> <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>.
-     Below the <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node are multiple
-     <tt>DataArray_t</tt> child nodes with the data "ref info".
-As noted, below a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are several child nodes.
-<li> <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>.
-     Below the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node are multiple
-     <tt>DataArray_t</tt> child nodes with the data "coords".
-<li> <tt>ZoneType_t</tt>, with the data "type".
-<li> <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>.
-     Below the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node are a <tt>GridLocation_t</tt>
-     child node with the data "location", a <tt>Rind_t</tt> child node
-     with the data "rind info", and multiple <tt>DataArray_t</tt> child
-     nodes with the data "solution".
-<li> <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>.
-<li> <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>.
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-Last updated 3 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for structured
-     grid example, upper levels -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for structured grid example, upper levels </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the upper-level nodes in the CGNS
-file for the two-zone structured grid example.
-Just below the root node of the ADF file are two nodes with the
-following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (version number)
-<li> Name: <tt>Flat Plate</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Just below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node are the two <tt>Zone_t</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(9,17,11),
-           <tt>CellSize</tt>=(8,16,10),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone2</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(9,17,21),
-           <tt>CellSize</tt>=(8,16,20),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-At the next level, each of the <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes have the following
-four child nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Structured</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>GridCoordinates</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>My Soln</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-The <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>, <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>, and
-<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> nodes have child nodes of their own,
-described in the next three figures.
-Note that the names of the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, <tt>Zone_t</tt>, and
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes are user defined.
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-Last updated 4 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for structured
-     grid example, GridCoordinates_t children -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for structured grid example, GridCoordinates_t children </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the children of the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node
-in the CGNS file for the two-zone structured grid example.
-For <tt>Zone1</tt> the child nodes are:
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateX</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>x1(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>x1(9,17,11)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateY</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>y1(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>y1(9,17,11)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateZ</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>z1(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>z1(9,17,11)</tt>
-And for <tt>Zone2</tt>:
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateX</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>x2(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>x2(9,17,21)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateY</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>y2(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>y2(9,17,21)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateZ</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>z2(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>z2(9,17,21)</tt>
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-Last updated 4 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for structured
-     grid example, FlowSolution_t children -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for structured grid example, FlowSolution_t children </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the children of the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node
-in the CGNS file for the two-zone structured grid example.
-For <tt>Zone1</tt> the child nodes are:
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Rind</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Rind_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (0,0,1,1,3,2)
-<li> Name: <tt>Pressure</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>p1(1,0,-2)</tt> to <tt>p1(8,17,12)</tt>
-And for <tt>Zone2</tt>:
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Vertex</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Pressure</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>p2(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>p2(9,17,21)</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for structured
-     grid example, ZoneGridConnectivity_t children -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for structured grid example, ZoneGridConnectivity_t children </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram shows the children of the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node
-in the CGNS file for the two-zone structured grid example.
-For <tt>Zone1</tt> the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node has the
-child node:
-<li> Name: <tt>KMax</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Zone2</tt>
-This <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> node in turn has the following
-three child nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>Transform</tt><br>
-     Label: "<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>"<br>
-     Data: (1,2,3)
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (1,1,11)(9,17,11)
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (1,1,1)(9,17,1)
-For <tt>Zone2</tt> the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node has the
-child node:
-<li> Name: <tt>KMin</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Zone1</tt>
-This <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> node in turn has the following
-three child nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>Transform</tt><br>
-     Label: "<tt>int[IndexDimension]</tt>"<br>
-     Data: (1,2,3)
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (1,1,1)(9,17,1)
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (1,1,11)(9,17,11)
-Note that the names of the <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> nodes are
-user defined.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 4 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for simple
-     Cartesian structured grid -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for simple Cartesian structured grid </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file for the simple
-Cartesian structured grid used in this example.
-Just below the root node of the ADF file are two nodes with the
-following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (version number)
-<li> Name: <tt>Base</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Just below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node, with:
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(21,17,9), <tt>CellSize</tt>=(20,16,8),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-At the next level, below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are the following two
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Structured</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>GridCoordinates</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-And below the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node are three nodes defining
-the grid coordinates.
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateX</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>x(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>x(21,17,9)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateY</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>y(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>y(21,17,9)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateZ</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>z(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>z(21,17,9)</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 30 Aug 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for unstructured
-     grid -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for unstructured grid </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file for the
-unstructured grid used in this example.
-Just below the root node of the ADF file are two nodes with the
-following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (version number)
-<li> Name: <tt>Base</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Just below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node, with:
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=3213, <tt>CellSize</tt>=2560,
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=0
-At the next level, below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are the following three
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Unstructured</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>GridCoordinates</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Elem</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Elements_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ElementType</tt>=<tt>HEXA_8</tt>,
-           <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt>=0
-Below the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node are three nodes defining
-the grid coordinates.
-In the figure, only the first is shown, as follows.
-<li> Name: <tt>CoordinateX</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>x(1)</tt> to <tt>x(3213)</tt>
-Finally, below the <tt>Elements_t</tt> node are the following two nodes
-defining the element range and connectivity data.
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 1,2560
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ielem(1,1)</tt> to <tt>ielem(8,2560)</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 30 Aug 2002
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/user/figures/tree_cartesianUelem.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout of Elements_t
-     boundary face nodes -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout of Elements_t boundary face nodes </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the use of additional <tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes
-under <tt>Zone_t</tt> to separately list the boundary elements.
-For this example, there are three additional nodes, as follows.
-<li> Name: <tt>InflowElem</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Elements_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ElementType</tt>=<tt>QUAD_4</tt>,
-           <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt>=0
-<li> Name: <tt>OutflowElem</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Elements_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ElementType</tt>=<tt>QUAD_4</tt>,
-           <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt>=0
-<li> Name: <tt>SidewallElem</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Elements_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ElementType</tt>=<tt>QUAD_4</tt>,
-           <tt>ElementSizeBoundary</tt>=0
-Below each of the added <tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes are two nodes
-defining the element range and connectivity data for that boundary.
-For <tt>InflowElem</tt>, these nodes are:
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 2561,2688
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>jelem(1,1)</tt> to <tt>jelem(4,128)</tt>
-For <tt>OutflowElem</tt>, they're:
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 2689,2816
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>kelem(1,1)</tt> to <tt>kelem(4,128)</tt>
-And for <tt>SidewallElem</tt>:
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 2817,3776
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementConnectivity</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>nelem(1,1)</tt> to <tt>nelem(4,960)</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 30 Aug 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout with boundary
-     conditions using PointRange -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout with boundary conditions using PointRange </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file with boundary
-conditions defined using <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-Just below the root node of the ADF file are two nodes with the
-following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (version number)
-<li> Name: <tt>Base</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Just below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node, with:
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(21,17,9),
-           <tt>CellSize</tt>=(20,16,8),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-At the next level, below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are the following
-four nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Structured</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>GridCoordinates</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolution</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneBC</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-Three lines below both the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node and the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node indicate the presence of child nodes, but
-the child nodes themselves are omitted from the figure.
-Below the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node are six nodes defining the boundary
-conditions used in this example.
-Only two of these nodes are shown in the figure, as follows.
-<li> Name: <tt>ilo</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>BC_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>BCTunnelInflow</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>ihi</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>BC_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>BCExtrapolate</tt>
-Below each of these <tt>BC_t</tt> nodes is a child node defining the
-region over which the boundary condition acts.
-For the <tt>ilo</tt> boundary, this is:
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (1,1,1),(1,17,9)
-And for the <tt>ihi</tt> boundary:
-<li> Name: <tt>PointRange</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexRange_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (21,1,1),(21,17,9)
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 30 Aug 2002
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-<html version="2.0">
-<img ismap usemap="#tree_cartesian_UBC" src="/ump/fldmd/home/rumsey/CGNS_SVN/cgns/CGNS_docs_current/user/figures/tree_cartesian_UBC.gif" border=0>
-<map name="tree_cartesian_UBC">
-  <area href="/ump/fldmd/home/rumsey/CGNS_SVN/cgns/CGNS_docs_current/user/figures/tree_cartesian_UBC.html" shape=rect coords="0,0,542,315">
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for unstructured
-     grid with boundary conditions at face centers -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for unstructured grid with boundary conditions at face centers </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file, starting with the
-<tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node, for an unstructured grid with boundary conditions
-defined at face centers.
-The <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node has the following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneBC</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-Below the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node are the following three nodes defining
-the boundary conditions.
-<li> Name: <tt>ilo</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>BC_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>BCTunnelInflow</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>ihi</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>BC_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>BCExtrapolate</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Walls</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>BC_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>BCWallInviscid</tt>
-Below each of these <tt>BC_t</tt> nodes is a child node defining the
-elements over which the boundary condition acts.
-For the <tt>ilo</tt> boundary, this is:
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementList</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 2561 to 2688
-For the <tt>ihi</tt> boundary, it's:
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementList</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 2689 to 2816
-And for the <tt>Walls</tt> boundaries, it's:
-<li> Name: <tt>ElementList</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>IndexArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 2817 to 3776
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 7 Mar 2008
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout with flow
-     solution at cell centers -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout with flow solution at cell centers </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file, starting with the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node, with the flow solution stored at the cell
-The <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node has the following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolution</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-Below the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node are the following three nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Density</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>r(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>r(20,16,8)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Pressure</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>p(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>p(20,16,8)</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 30 Aug 2002
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deleted file mode 100644
index 92bd1516..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout with flow
-     solution at cell centers, and rind data -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for flow solution at cell centers, and rind data </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file, starting with the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node, with the flow solution stored at the cell
-centers, and with the addition of the rind data.
-The <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node has the following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolution</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-Below the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node are the following four nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Rind</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Rind_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (1,1,1,1,0,0)
-<li> Name: <tt>Density</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>r(0,0,1)</tt> to <tt>r(21,17,8)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Pressure</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>p(0,0,1)</tt> to <tt>p(21,17,8)</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 30 Aug 2002
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deleted file mode 100644
index a9217a13..00000000
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout with flow
-     solution at vertices -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout with flow solution at vertices </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file with the flow
-solution stored at the vertices.
-Just below the root node of the ADF file are two nodes with the
-following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (version number)
-<li> Name: <tt>Base</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Just below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is a <tt>Zone_t</tt> node, with:
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(21,17,9),
-           <tt>CellSize</tt>=(20,16,8),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-At the next level, below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are the following
-three nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Structured</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>GridCoordinates</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolution</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-Three lines below the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node indicate the
-presence of the three child nodes defining the grid coordinates, but the
-child nodes themselves are omitted from the figure.
-Below the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node are the following three nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Vertex</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Density</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>r(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>r(21,17,9)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Pressure</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>p(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>p(21,17,9)</tt>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
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-Last updated 30 Aug 2002
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--- a/CGNS_docs_current/user/figures/tree_cartesian_soltime.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for time-accurate
-     flow solutions -->
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-<link href="../user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for time-accurate flow solutions </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the CGNS file for the simple
-Cartesian structured grid with multiple time-accurate flow solutions.
-Just below the root node of the ADF file are two nodes with the
-following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (version number)
-<li> Name: <tt>Base</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node are the zone node, and two other
-nodes associated with the time-accurate solution.
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(21,17,9), <tt>CellSize</tt>=(20,16,8),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-<li> Name: <tt>SimulationType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>SimulationType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>TimeAccurate</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>TimeIterValues</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>NumberofSteps</tt>=3
-Below the <tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> node is the following child node
-specifying the time values.
-<li> Name: <tt>TimeValues</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 10,20,50
-Below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are multiple nodes, four of which
-are shown in detail.
-Three of these are <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> labeled nodes, named
-<tt>FlowSolution1</tt>, <tt>FlowSolution2</tt>, and <tt>FlowSolution3</tt>,
-with data <tt>MT</tt>.
-Each of the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes has children containing
-flow solution data, but these are not shown in detail in the figure.
-The fourth node below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node in the figure is used
-to associate the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes with the appropriate
-time level.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneIterativeData</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-The <tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> node has the following child node
-containing the names of the nodes with the flow solution for the time
-levels stored in the file.
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolutionPointers</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>FlowSolution1</tt>, <tt>FlowSolution2</tt>,
-           <tt>FlowSolution3</tt>
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-Last updated 3 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for flow solution
-     at cell centers with dimensional data -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for flow solution at cell centers with dimensional data </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the relevant parts of the CGNS
-file with the flow solution at cell centers and dimensional data.
-The base node of the CGNS database (just below the root node of the ADF
-file) has the following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>Base</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Just below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node are the following three nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(21,17,9),
-           <tt>CellSize</tt>=(20,16,8),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-<li> Name: <tt>DimensionalUnits</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>(Kilogram, Meter, Second, Kelvin, Degree)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>DataClass</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataClass_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Dimensional</tt>
-Below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are multiple nodes.
-The only one with details shown in the figure is:
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolution</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-Below the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node are the following three nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>GridLocation</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridLocation_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Density</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>r(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>r(20,16,8)</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Pressure</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>p(1,1,1)</tt> to <tt>p(20,16,8)</tt>
-Below each of the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> nodes is a child node defining the
-dimensional exponents.
-For the density, this is:
-<li> Name: <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (+1,-3,0,0,0)
-And for the pressure:
-<li> Name: <tt>DimensionalExponents</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt><br>
-     Data: (+1,-1,-2,0,0)
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-Last updated 3 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for flow equation
-     set information -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for flow equation set information </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the relevant parts of the CGNS
-file for recording flow equation set information.
-The <tt>Zone_t</tt> node is the same as in previous figures, with the
-following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(21,17,9),
-           <tt>CellSize</tt>=(20,16,8),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-Below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are multiple nodes, with the
-following two nodes shown in detail.
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Structured</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-Below the <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt> node are again multiple nodes,
-with the following three shown in detail.
-<li> Name: <tt>EquationDimension</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>"int"</tt><br>
-     Data: 3
-<li> Name: <tt>GoverningEquations</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>NSTurbulent</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>GasModel</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GasModel_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Ideal</tt>
-Below the <tt>GoverningEquations_t</tt> nodes is a node defining the
-diffusion model used.
-<li> Name: <tt>DiffusionModel</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>"int[1+...+IndexDimension]"</tt><br>
-     Data: (0,1,0,0,0,0)
-Below the <tt>GasModel_t</tt> nodes is a child defining the specific
-heat ratio.
-<li> Name: <tt>SpecificHeatRatio</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 1.4
-And finally, below the node defining the specific heat ratio is a child
-node defining the data class.
-<li> Name: <tt>DataClass</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataClass_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>NondimensionalParameter</tt>
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-Last updated 3 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout with a link -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout with a link </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the use of a link from one CGNS file to grid
-coordinates stored in a separate CGNS file.
-The diagram shows two CGNS files.
-File 1, on the left, has the following CGNS base node.
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolutionBase</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-The CGNS base node in File 2, on the right, is:
-<li> Name: <tt>GridBase</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Both files contain identical <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes below the
-<tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node, as follows.
-<li> Name: <tt>Zone 1</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Zone_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>VertexSize</tt>=(21,17,9), <tt>CellSize</tt>=(20,16,8),
-           <tt>VertexSizeBoundary</tt>=(0,0,0)
-In File 2, below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are the following two nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>GridCoordinates</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Structured</tt>
-The grid coordinates themselves are stored in children of the
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node, not shown in detail in the figure.
-In File 1, below the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node are the following two nodes.
-<li> Name: <tt>FlowSolution</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>ZoneType</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ZoneType_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>Structured</tt>
-The flow solution itself is stored in children of the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node, not shown in detail in the figure.
-In File 1, in addition to the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> and
-<tt>ZoneType_t</tt> child nodes, the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node is linked to
-the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node in File 2.
-To the user, the <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node in File 2 appears as
-a child of the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node in File 1.
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-Last updated 3 Sept 2002
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-<!-- A User's Guide to CGNS - longdesc for CGNS layout for nondimensional
-     data with arbitrary reference state -->
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-<title> A User's Guide to CGNS - CGNS layout for nondimensional data with arbitrary reference state </title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
-This diagram illustrates the layout of the relevant parts of the CGNS
-file for nondimensional data with an arbitrary reference state.
-The base node of the CGNS database (just below the root node of the ADF
-file) has the following characteristics.
-<li> Name: <tt>Base</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>CellDimension</tt>=3, <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>=3
-Just below the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node are multiple nodes, with the
-following two nodes shown in detail.
-<li> Name: <tt>ReferenceState</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>MT</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>DataClass</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataClass_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>
-Below the <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt> node are multiple nodes, with the
-following three nodes shown in detail.
-<li> Name: <tt>ReferenceStateDescription</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>Descriptor_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>ReferenceQuantities</tt>
-<li> Name: <tt>Mach</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 4.6
-<li> Name: <tt>Density</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataArray_t</tt><br>
-     Data: 1.0
-Finally, below the <tt>DataArray_t</tt> node defining the Mach number,
-<li> Name: <tt>DataClass</tt><br>
-     Label: <tt>DataClass_t</tt><br>
-     Data: <tt>NondimensionalParameter</tt>
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-(<a href="plot3d.html"><b>Guideline&nbsp;for&nbsp;PLOT3D&nbsp;Variables</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-   <td><img src="../logo/cgns_color.gif" width=150 alt="CGNS logo">
-   <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       A&nbsp;User's&nbsp;Guide&nbsp;to&nbsp;CGNS</h1>
-<h1><small><small>Version 4.1</small></small></h1>
-This User's Guide (originally published as NASA/TM-2001-211236, October
-2001) has been written to aid users in the implementation of
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS (CFD General Notation System)</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-It is intended as a tutorial: light in content, but heavy in examples,
-advice and guidelines.
-All examples of source code discussed in the User's Guide are available
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/tree/master/src/Test_UserGuideCode">https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/tree/master/src/Test_UserGuideCode</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">, as a complement to the
-document itself.
-We strongly recommend that you download these examples.
-<li> <a href="intro.html">Introduction</a>
-<li> <a href="started.html">Getting Started</a>
-<li> <a href="additional.html">Additional Information</a>
-<li> <a href="trouble.html">Troubleshooting</a>
-<li> <a href="faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a>
-<li> <a href="examples.html">Example Computer Codes</a>
-<li> <a href="sids.html">Overview of the SIDS</a>
-<li> <a href="plot3d.html">Guideline for PLOT3D Variables</a>
-The complete <a href="user.tar.gz">User's Guide to CGNS in HTML form</a>
-is also available for installation on a local system.
-This is a gzip'ed tar file (215K, 451K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded
-by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your
-browser supports this capability.
-A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name.
-To unpack the contents, do
-   gunzip -c user.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-The files will be extracted and stored in the directory <i>user</i>.
-Point your browser to the local file <i>user/index.html</i> to
-display the <i>User's Guide to CGNS</i> home page.
-Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.
-Questions and comments on this document are welcome and
-should be directed to:
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt>
-<td>Chris Rumsey
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-<td>Mail Stop 128
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-<td>NASA Langley Research Center
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-<td>Hampton, VA &nbsp;23681-2199
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-<td>(757) 864-2165
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-<td>e-mail: &nbsp;<a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@larc.nasa.gov">c.l.rumsey@larc.nasa.gov</a>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-This document was written by Chris Rumsey, Diane Poirier, Bob Bush, and
-Charlie Towne for the CGNS Project Group.
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 11 Apr 2016
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-(<a href="../midlevel/index.html"><b>Mid-Level&nbsp;Library</b></a>)
-(<a href="../sids/index.html"><b>Standard&nbsp;Interface&nbsp;Data&nbsp;Structures</b></a>)
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-(<a href="../hdf5/index.html"><b>HDF5&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../python/index.html"><b>Python&nbsp;Implementation</b></a>)
-(<a href="../cgnstools/index.html"><b>CGNS&nbsp;Tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;Utilities</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Introduction</b></span>)
-(<a href="started.html"><b>Getting&nbsp;Started</b></a>)
-(<a href="additional.html"><b>Additional&nbsp;Information</b></a>)
-(<a href="trouble.html"><b>Troubleshooting</b></a>)
-(<a href="faq.html"><b>Frequently&nbsp;Asked&nbsp;Questions</b></a>)
-(<a href="examples.html"><b>Example&nbsp;Computer&nbsp;Codes</b></a>)
-(<a href="sids.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;SIDS</b></a>)
-(<a href="plot3d.html"><b>Guideline&nbsp;for&nbsp;PLOT3D&nbsp;Variables</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:whatCGNS">What is CGNS?</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:whyCGNS">Why CGNS?</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:whatCGNSfile">What is a CGNS File?</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:organization">How this User's Guide is Organized</a>
-This User's Guide (originally published as NASA/TM-2001-211236, October
-2001) has been written to aid users in the implementation
-of CGNS (CFD General Notation System).
-It is intended as a tutorial: light in content, but
-heavy in examples, advice, and guidelines.  Readers interested in
-additional details are referred to other documents, listed in the references,
-which are available from the
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS website</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-<a name="sec:whatCGNS"></a>
-<h3>What is CGNS?</h3>
-CGNS (CFD General Notation System) originated in 1994
-as a joint effort between Boeing and NASA, and has since grown
-to include many other contributing organizations worldwide.
-It is an effort to <em>standardize</em>
-CFD input and output, including grid (both structured
-and unstructured), flow solution,
-connectivity, BCs, and auxiliary information.
-CGNS is also easily extensible, and allows
-for file-stamping and user-inserted-commenting.
-It employs <a href="../adf/index.html">ADF (Advanced Data Format)</a>
-and/or <a href="../hdf5/index.html">HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format)</a>
-as a database manager which creates binary files that are portable
-across computer platforms. It provides a layer of software, the
-<a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO Interface</a> which allows access
-to these database managers at a low-level, and
-a second layer of software known as the
-<a href="../midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>, or API
-(Application Programming Interface), which eases the implementation of
-CGNS into existing CFD codes.
-In 1999, control of CGNS was completely transferred to a public
-forum known as the CGNS Steering Committee.  This Steering 
-Committee is made up of international representatives from 
-government and private industry.  All CGNS software
-is completely free and open to anyone (open source).  The
-CGNS standard is also the object of an ISO standardization 
-effort for fluid dynamics data, for 
-release some time in the early to mid-2000's.
-[Poirier, D. M. A., Bush, R. H., Cosner, R. R., Rumsey, C. L., and
-McCarthy, D. R.,
-"Advances in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD,"
-AIAA Paper 2000-0681, January 2000.]
-<a name="sec:whyCGNS"></a>
-<h3>Why CGNS?</h3>
-CGNS will eventually eliminate most of the translator
-programs now necessary when working between machines
-and between CFD codes.  Also, it eventually may allow for the
-results from one code to be easily restarted using another
-code.  It will hopefully therefore save a lot of time and
-money.  In particular, it is hoped that future grid-generation
-software will generate grids <em>with all connectivity and BC
-information included</em> as part of a CGNS database, saving 
-time and avoiding potential costly errors in setting
-up this information after-the-fact.
-<a name="sec:whatCGNSfile"></a>
-<h3>What is a CGNS File?</h3>
-A CGNS file is an entity that is
-organized (inside the file itself) into a set of "nodes" in a tree-like
-structure, in much the same way as directories are
-organized in the UNIX environment.
-[Strictly speaking, because links may be used to store information in
-multiple files, there is no notion of a CGNS <i>file</i>, only of a CGNS
-<i>database</i> implemented within one or more files.
-However, throughout this document the two phrases are used
-The top-most node is referred to
-as the "root node."  Each node below the root node
-is defined by both a name and a label, and
-may or may not contain information or data.  
-Each node can also be a "parent" to one or more
-"child" nodes.  A node can also have as a child node a link
-to a node elsewhere in the file or to a node in a separate
-CGNS file altogether.  Links are transparent to the user:
-the user "sees" linked children nodes as
-if they truly exist in the current tree.
-An example of a CGNS tree-like structure is shown below.
-<a name="FIGintro"></a>
-<img src="figures/intro.gif"
-     alt="Figure showing file structure with root node, child nodes, and a link">
-Example CGNS tree-like structure.
-In order for any user to be able to interpret a CGNS file, its
-nodes must be assembled according to particular rules.
-For example, the figure below shows a simple example
-of a tree-like structure that organizes some animals into
-categories according to rules that most of us are very
-familiar with.  (Note that this figure is different from 
-the previous figure in that no "Labels" or "Data" are
-used, only "Names.")
-<a name="FIGintro_2"></a>
-<img src="figures/intro_2.gif"
-     alt="Figure showing file structure for categorizing animals"
-     longdesc="figures/intro_2.html">
-Simple tree-like structure that categorizes some animals.
-The categories get narrower and narrower in their scope
-as you traverse lower in the tree.  The broadest category here
-is "Animals," and the tree narrows all the way down to
-particular dogs (two "Fido"s, a "Spot," and a "Ginger").
-Knowing ahead of time how this tree is organized allows you
-to quickly and easily access whatever particular information
-from the tree that you may be interested in.
-If someone else were to organize these same animals in a completely
-different way, according to different rules, then it would be
-difficult for you to access the desired information without
-spending a lot of time searching and studying the tree.
-The particular rules for organizing CGNS files for aerodynamic
-data, which allow users to easily access desired information, are described
-in the <a href="../sids/index.html">Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS) 
-Because CGNS files are binary files, they cannot be viewed by
-the user with standard UNIX ASCII-editing tools.
-The utility <a href="../cgnstools/index.html#CGNSview">CGNSview</a>
-was created to allow users to easily view CGNS files.
-<a name="sec:organization"></a>
-<h3>How this User's Guide is Organized</h3>
-The main content in this User's Guide is located in the
-<a href="started.html">Getting Started</a> section, where several
-simple examples are
-given for both structured and unstructured grids.  This section
-covers the basics that most users want or need to learn in order
-to get started using CGNS.
-It is recommended that the <a href="started.html#sec:str">section on
-structured grids</a> be read first, in its entirety, even if the user is
-only interested in unstructured grid applications.
-Some <a href="additional.html">additional information</a> is covered
-in the following section; these issues are felt to be important
-(i.e., most users will want to eventually include them), but
-they are not as crucial as the basic items covered under
-<a href="started.html">Getting Started</a>.
-Sections are also included on 
-<a href="trouble.html">troubleshooting</a> and
-<a href="faq.html">frequently asked questions</a>.
-Note that all of the codes and code segments given in this document are
-available as complete codes from the
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-The <a href="examples.html">names of these codes and their functions</a>
-are also listed in this document.  Also note that not all CGNS capabilities
-are covered in this document.  It is meant to be a fairly simple
-introductory guide only. 
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-(<a href="examples.html"><b>Example&nbsp;Computer&nbsp;Codes</b></a>)
-(<a href="sids.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;SIDS</b></a>)
-(<span class=nav><b>Guideline&nbsp;for&nbsp;PLOT3D&nbsp;Variables</b></span>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Guideline for PLOT3D Variables</h2>
-<li> <a href="#sec:dimensional">Dimensional Data</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:NormalizedByDimensional">NormalizedByDimensional Data</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:NormalizedByUnknownDimensional">NormalizedByUnknownDimensional Data</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:notes">Notes</a>
-The broad scope of CGNS allows users to essentially
-put <em>anything</em> into a CGNS file.  While this is useful from the
-perspective of extensibility, it also makes it more difficult
-to read someone else's CGNS file without an elaborate
-array of checks and translators.  This is true
-not only because of the many choices of variables to output, but also
-because CGNS allows many forms of dimensional and nondimensional
-Many people in the CFD community currently output structured-grids and
-corresponding flow field data in PLOT3D format [Walatka, P. P., Buning,
-P. G.,  Pierce, L., Elson, P. A., "PLOT3D User's Guide," NASA TM 101067,
-March 1990], particularly for use in postprocessing visualization
-It has, in some sense, become a <em>de facto</em> standard for
-sharing structured CFD data.  Because this format is so widely used, we give
-a guideline in this section for outputting and reading this type
-of data in a CGNS file.  If you follow this guideline, then it is more likely
-that other users will be able to easily read and interpret your
-CGNS files.  
-The PLOT3D standard grid variables are (in 3-D) <i>x</i>, <i>y</i>, and
-These coordinates may be dimensional or nondimensional.
-To follow this guideline, the three coordinates <tt>CoordinateX</tt>,
-<tt>CoordinateY</tt>, and <tt>CoordinateZ</tt> (either dimensional or
-nondimensional) must be given.
-There also may be "iblank" information, associated with overset grids.
-If used, the list of overset holes is stored under
-<a href="../sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a> nodes.
-This section does not cover the various dimensionalization and
-nondimensionalization options for the grid coordinates.
-By and large, from the point of view of portability, the issue of units
-and/or nondimensionalization for grid coordinates is not as crucial as
-it is for the "Q" variables, which is covered in great detail below.
-However, one should follow the SIDS standard and appropriately define
-within the CGNS file the grid's units or nondimensionalizations used.
-The PLOT3D standard "Q" variables are (in 3-D):
-<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-<tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-   <td><i>&rho;</i> / <i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub></i><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>=<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-   <td>nondimensional density
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>&rho;u</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td>=<td>
-   <td>nondimensional <i>x</i>-momentum
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>&rho;v</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td>=<td>
-   <td>nondimensional <i>y</i>-momentum
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>&rho;w</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td>=<td>
-   <td>nondimensional <i>z</i>-momentum
-<tr valign=baseline><td>
-   <td><i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a</i><sup>2</sup><i><sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-   <td>=<td>
-   <td>nondimensional total energy per unit volume
-where <i>a</i> is the speed of sound and <i>ref</i> indicates
-a reference state.  Standard PLOT3D Q files also
-specify a reference Mach number, Reynolds number, angle of attack, and
-time value.  For the purposes of this discussion, the time value will
-not be addressed.
-CGNS does have the capability for storing
-<a href="additional.html#sec:timedep">time-accurate data</a> if
-needed, but time-accurate data is not covered in this PLOT3D guideline.
-We include below the CGNS convention for
-storing Mach number, Reynolds number, and (indirectly) angle of attack.
-Each of the 5 flow field variables above has a standard name,
-defined in the SIDS.  They are, respectively: <tt>Density</tt>,
-<tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>, <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and
-To follow this guideline, these are the 5 variables that should be
-output to your CGNS file (in 3-D), and are also the ones that you should
-expect to read, given someone else's CGNS file, if they are following
-this guideline.
-Multiple bases are allowed in CGNS, but, to further enhance
-portability of PLOT3D-like datasets, only one <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node is 
-recommended under this guideline.  In other words, multiple cases
-(such as different angles of attack) should be stored in separate
-CGNS files with single bases, rather than in a single file with multiple bases.
-The three most common types of data that one may output in a CGNS file are:
-   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>DataClass = Dimensional</tt><br>
-   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>DataClass = NormalizedByDimensional</tt><br>
-   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>
-The first category indicates that the data has dimensional units.
-The second category indicates that
-the data has been nondimensionalized by <em>known</em> reference
-values, which are specified in the CGNS file.  
-The third category indicates that the data is nondimensional,
-but the reference values are
-unspecified or unknown.  Because CGNS deals with each of these in a 
-slightly different way, we will give the guideline for each of
-these three classes in separate subsections.
-<a name="sec:dimensional"></a>
-<h3>Dimensional Data</h3>
-To output dimensional data:
-<li> Under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, set <tt>DataClass = Dimensional</tt>.
-<li> Under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, put a <tt>ReferenceState</tt>; and under
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>, put the dimensional reference
-     values of <tt>Density</tt> and <tt>VelocitySound</tt>.
-     Under this guideline, the units of these
-     must be consistent with one another and with the units
-     of <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt> given
-     under <tt>FlowSolution</tt> (e.g., all MKS units).
-     Also under <tt>ReferenceState</tt>,
-     put <tt>Mach</tt>, <tt>Reynolds</tt>,
-     <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>.  
-<li> Under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, put the dimensional variables
-     <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>.
-     Under this guideline, the units of these 5 variables
-     must be consistent with one another and with the
-     units of <tt>Density</tt> and <tt>VelocitySound</tt> in 
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-To read dimensional data (i.e., if <tt>DataClass = Dimensional</tt>
-under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>):
-<li> Under <tt>ReferenceState</tt> (directly under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>),
-     read <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>VelocitySound</tt>,
-     <tt>Mach</tt>, and <tt>Reynolds</tt>.
-     Also read <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>
-     if an angle of attack of the reference state is needed.
-<li> Under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, read
-     <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and 
-     <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>.
-<li> To obtain the PLOT3D Q variables, do the following:
-     <br><br>
-     <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-        <td><i>&rho;</i> / <i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub></i><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td>=<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td><tt>Density</tt>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<tt>Density(ref)</tt>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;u</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td><tt>MomentumX</tt>&nbsp;/&nbsp;(<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt>)
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;v</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td><tt>MomentumY</tt>&nbsp;/&nbsp;(<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt>)
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;w</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td><tt>MomentumZ</tt>&nbsp;/&nbsp;(<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt>)
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a</i><sup>2</sup><i><sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td><tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>&nbsp;/<br>
-            (<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt><sup>2</sup>)
-     </table>
-<a name="sec:NormalizedByDimensional"></a>
-<h3>NormalizedByDimensional Data</h3>
-To output nondimensional data with known normalizations:
-<li> Under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, set <tt>DataClass = NormalizedByDimensional</tt>.
-<li> Under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, put a <tt>ReferenceState</tt>; and under
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>, put <tt>Mach</tt>, <tt>Reynolds</tt>,
-     <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>.
-     Then put either:
-     <br><br>
-     <ul type=disc>
-     <li> The <em>dimensional</em> reference
-          values of <tt>Density</tt> and <tt>VelocitySound</tt>.
-          Under this guideline, the units of these must be
-          consistent with one another and with the units of the
-          <em>raw</em> (dimensional) data <tt>Density</tt>,
-          <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>, <tt>MomentumZ</tt>,
-          and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt> given under
-          <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, prior to normalization.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> The <em>nondimensional</em> reference values of
-          <tt>Density</tt> and <tt>VelocitySound</tt>, along
-          with their corresponding <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and
-          <tt>ConversionOffset</tt> values.
-          Under this guideline, the units of the <em>raw</em>
-          (dimensional) <tt>Density</tt> and <tt>VelocitySound</tt>,
-          prior to normalization using <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and
-          <tt>ConversionOffset</tt>, must be consistent with one another
-          and with the units of the <em>raw</em> (dimensional) data
-          <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-          <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt> given
-          under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, prior to normalization.
-     </ul>
-<li> Under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, put the nondimensional variables
-     <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>,
-     along with their corresponding <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and
-     <tt>ConversionOffset</tt> values.
-     Under this guideline, the units of the <em>raw</em>
-     (dimensional) variables, prior to normalization using
-     <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and <tt>ConversionOffset</tt>, must be
-     consistent with one another and with the units of the <em>raw</em>
-     (dimensional) <tt>Density</tt> and <tt>VelocitySound</tt> in
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-To read nondimensional data with known normalizations (i.e., if
-<tt>DataClass = NormalizedByDimensional</tt> under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>):
-<li> Under <tt>ReferenceState</tt> (directly under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>),
-     read <tt>Density</tt> and <tt>VelocitySound</tt>.
-     Also read their <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and
-     <tt>ConversionOffset</tt> values if they are present.
-     Additionally, read <tt>Mach</tt> and <tt>Reynolds</tt>.
-     Also read <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and
-     <tt>VelocityZ</tt> if an angle of attack of the reference state is
-     needed.
-<li> Under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, read Density</tt>,
-     <tt><tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>, MomentumZ</tt>, and
-     <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>.
-     Also read each <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and <tt>ConversionOffset</tt>.
-<li> To obtain the PLOT3D Q variables, do the following.
-     First, <em>only if they were given as nondimensional
-     quantities</em> (indicated by a <tt>'</tt> below), recover the
-     <em>raw</em> (dimensional) reference values of <tt>Density</tt> and
-     <tt>VelocitySound</tt>, via:
-     <br><br>
-     <nobr>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>Density(ref) = Density'(ref)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset</tt>
-        <br>
-        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>VelocitySound(ref) = VelocitySound'(ref)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset</tt>
-     </nobr>
-     <br><br>
-     Then do:
-     <br><br>
-     <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-        <td><i>&rho;</i> / <i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub></i><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td>=<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td>(<tt>Density*ConversionScale&nbsp;+&nbsp;ConversionOffset</tt>)&nbsp;/<br>
-            <tt>Density(ref)</tt>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;u</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td>(<tt>MomentumX*ConversionScale&nbsp;+&nbsp;ConversionOffset</tt>)&nbsp;/<br>
-            (<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt>)
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;v</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td>(<tt>MomentumY*ConversionScale&nbsp;+&nbsp;ConversionOffset</tt>)&nbsp;/<br>
-            (<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt>)
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;w</i> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td>(<tt>MomentumZ*ConversionScale&nbsp;+&nbsp;ConversionOffset</tt>)&nbsp;/<br>
-            (<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt>)
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub> / (<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a</i><sup>2</sup><i><sub>ref</sub></i>)<td>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td>(<tt>EnergyStagnationDensity*ConversionScale&nbsp;+&nbsp;ConversionOffset</tt>)&nbsp;/<br>
-            (<tt>Density(ref)&nbsp;*&nbsp;VelocitySound(ref)</tt><sup>2</sup>)
-     </table>
-Note that it is possible that the conversion scale and offset for the
-PLOT3D Q variables may correspond to the reference conditions.
-This would imply that the variables could be directly output, without
-the above conversions needed.
-However, CGNS allows the variables to be normalized by properties
-independent of the reference conditions, so the above procedure is
-recommended to avoid ambiguity.
-<a name="sec:NormalizedByUnknownDimensional"></a>
-<h3>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional Data</h3>
-To output nondimensional data with unknown normalizations:
-<li> Under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, set <tt>DataClass =
-     NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>.
-<li> Under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>, put a <tt>ReferenceState</tt>; and under
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt>, put 
-     <tt>Density</tt> = 1 and <tt>VelocitySound</tt> = 1.
-     Also, put <tt>Mach</tt>, <tt>Reynolds</tt>,
-     <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>. 
-<li> Under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, put the nondimensional variables
-     <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>. 
-     These must be nondimensionalized as:
-     <i>&rho;</i>/<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub></i>,
-     <i>&rho;u</i>/(<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>),
-     <i>&rho;v</i>/(<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>),
-     <i>&rho;w</i>/(<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a<sub>ref</sub></i>),
-     <i>&rho;e</i><sub>0</sub>/(<i>&rho;<sub>ref</sub>&nbsp;a</i><sup>2</sup><i><sub>ref</sub></i>).
-(Setting <tt>Density</tt> = 1 and <tt>VelocitySound</tt> = 1 in the
-<tt>ReferenceState</tt> defines the particular nondimensionalization
-defined above for the PLOT3D variables; see the SIDS document
-for <a href="../sids/data.html#normbyunkdim">details and other examples</a>.)
-To read nondimensional data with unknown normalizations
-(i.e., if <tt>DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>
-under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>):
-<li> Check under <tt>ReferenceState</tt> (directly under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>),
-     to be sure that <tt>Density</tt> = 1 and <tt>VelocitySound</tt> = 1.
-     Then, read <tt>Mach</tt> and <tt>Reynolds</tt>.
-     Also read <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>
-     if an angle of attack of the reference state is needed.
-<li> Under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>, read
-     <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and 
-     <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt>.
-Nothing needs to be done in this case to obtain the PLOT3D Q variables.
-They are already in the correct form.
-<a name="sec:notes"></a>
-<li> In addition to the flow field variables <tt>Density</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>, <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and
-     <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt> (under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>), you
-     may also output additional variables if desired, but be sure these
-     5 are present.
-<li> Other reference values may also be placed under
-     <tt>ReferenceState</tt> (for example, <tt>LengthReference</tt>
-     may be needed to define the reference length associated
-     with the grid coordinates), but the use of <tt>Density</tt>
-     and <tt>VelocitySound</tt> is sufficient to define the
-     nondimensionalizations of the PLOT3D Q variables.
-<li> The quantities <tt>Mach</tt>, <tt>Reynolds</tt>,
-     <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, <tt>VelocityZ</tt>,
-     <tt>Density</tt>, and <tt>VelocitySound</tt> (plus anything else)
-     under <tt>ReferenceState</tt> must all represent the same reference
-     state of the flow.
-     For external aerodynamics, this is usually taken to be the free
-     stream, but it does not have to be.
-<li> The velocity components are used, in the PLOT3D sense, solely to
-     provide an angle of attack of the flow field at the reference
-     state.
-     The definition of angle of attack itself is non-unique in 3-D, so
-     there is therefore no SIDS standard for it.
-     For example, one possible set of angle definitions assumes that the
-     <i>z</i>-direction is "up," and uses:
-     <br><br>
-     <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-        <td><i>u</i><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td>=<td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td><i>V</i> cos <i>&beta;</i> cos <i>&alpha;</i>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>v</i><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td>&minus;<i>V</i> sin <i>&beta;</i>
-     <tr valign=baseline><td>
-        <td><i>w</i><td><tt>&nbsp;</tt>
-        <td>=<td>
-        <td><i>V</i> cos <i>&beta;</i> sin <i>&alpha;</i>
-     </table>
-     <br>
-     where <i>V</i> = (<i>u</i><sup>2</sup> + <i>v</i><sup>2</sup> +
-     <i>w</i><sup>2</sup>)<sup>1/2</sup>, <i>&alpha;</i> is angle of attack,
-     and <i>&beta;</i> is angle of sideslip.
-     Thus, an angle of attack can be obtained using <i>&alpha;</i> =
-     tan<sup>&minus;1</sup>(<i>w</i>/<i>u</i>), where <i>u</i> = <tt>VelocityX</tt>
-     and <i>w</i> = <tt>VelocityZ</tt>.
-<li> When reading someone else's CGNS file, a low-level approach to
-     interpret and/or use it appropriately would be the following.
-     First, check to see that there is only one <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node.
-     (As discussed above, multiple bases are allowed in general, but
-     under this guideline only one base should exist.)
-     Second, insure that the variables <tt>CoordinateX</tt>,
-     <tt>CoordinateY</tt>, and <tt>CoordinateZ</tt> exist under each
-     zone's <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> node, and that the variables
-     <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>MomentumX</tt>, <tt>MomentumY</tt>,
-     <tt>MomentumZ</tt>, and <tt>EnergyStagnationDensity</tt> exist
-     under each zone's <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node.
-     (Note: for time-accurate datasets there may be multiple
-     <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> and <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes under
-     each zone - see the section on
-     <a href="additional.html#sec:timedep">time-dependent data</a> - but
-     this situation is not covered under the current PLOT3D guideline.)
-     Then, search for the following characteristics in the file:
-     <br><br>
-     <ul type=disk>
-     <li> If <tt>DataClass</tt> = <tt>Dimensional</tt>,
-          then <tt>ReferenceState</tt> (directly under
-          <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>) <em>must</em> contain <tt>Density</tt>,
-          <tt>VelocitySound</tt>, <tt>Mach</tt>, and <tt>Reynolds</tt>.
-          <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>
-          are needed under <tt>ReferenceState</tt> only if a reference
-          angle of attack is required.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> If <tt>DataClass = NormalizedByDimensional</tt>,
-          then <tt>ReferenceState</tt> (directly under
-          <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>) <em>must</em> contain <tt>Density</tt>,
-          <tt>VelocitySound</tt>, <tt>Mach</tt>, and <tt>Reynolds</tt>.
-          <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>
-          are needed under <tt>ReferenceState</tt> only if a reference
-          angle of attack is required.
-          Furthermore, a <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and
-          <tt>ConversionOffset</tt> must exist for each of the 5 flow
-          field variables under <tt>FlowSolution</tt>.
-          <tt>ConversionScale</tt> and <tt>ConversionOffset</tt> may or
-          may not exist for the variables under <tt>ReferenceState</tt>.
-     <br><br>
-     <li> If <tt>DataClass = NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>,
-          then <tt>ReferenceState</tt> (directly under
-          <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>) <em>must</em> contain <tt>Density</tt> =
-          1, <tt>VelocitySound</tt> = 1, as well as <tt>Mach</tt>, and
-          <tt>Reynolds</tt>.
-          <tt>VelocityX</tt>, <tt>VelocityY</tt>, and <tt>VelocityZ</tt>
-          are needed under <tt>ReferenceState</tt> only if a reference
-          angle of attack is required.
-     </ul>
-     <br>
-     If these conditions are met, then a low-level reader could assume
-     that the guidelines outlined in the above subsections were
-     followed, and the PLOT3D variables could easily be obtained using
-     the procedures given.
-     A more advanced reader would probably check for consistency in the
-     dimensions and conversion scales, to ensure compliance with the
-     guidelines.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="../include/footer_small.html" -->
-Last updated 7 Mar 2008
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-<h2>Overview of the SIDS</h2>
-<li> <a href="#sec:bigpicture">The Big Picture</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:lowerlevels">Implementation at the Lower Levels of the Hierarchy</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:bcs">Boundary Conditions</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:connectivity">Zone Connectivity</a>
-<li> <a href="#sec:sidsexample">Structured Zone Example</a>
-<a name="sec:bigpicture"></a>
-<h3>The Big Picture</h3>
-As mentioned in the <a href="intro.html">Introduction</a>, a 
-CGNS file is organized into a set of "nodes" in a tree-like
-structure, in much the same way as directories are
-organized in the UNIX environment.
-Each node is identified by both a label and a name.
-Most node <em>labels</em> are given by a series of characters 
-followed by "_t".  There are generally very strict rules
-governing the labeling conventions in a CGNS file.  Node <em>names</em> 
-are sometimes user-defined, but sometimes must also follow 
-strict naming conventions.  The label identifies
-a "<em>type</em>."  For example, <tt>Zone_t</tt> identifies a Zone-type
-node, and <tt>DataArray_t</tt> identifies a type of node that contains
-a data array.  The name identifies a specific instance of
-the particular node type.  For example, <tt>Density</tt> is the name of
-a node of type <tt>DataArray_t</tt> that contains an array of densities.
-As you become more familiar with how CGNS files are
-organized, you will notice that,
-generally, the higher you are in the CGNS hierarchy, the more
-important the label is (names tend to be user-defined); whereas
-the lower you are in the hierarchy, the more important the
-name is.  This convention arises because at the higher levels,
-the broader categories are established, and are used to determine
-"where to go" in the hierarchy.   At the lower levels, the category becomes
-less important because this is the region where you are
-searching for specific items.
-Throughout the remainder of this
-first section, we will primarily be referring to the nodes by their
-<em>label</em>, because we are focusing on the "big picture."
-In later sections, as we get into specific examples,
-both names and labels will be referred to.
-It is important to note at this point that the SIDS document
-specifies the layout of the CGNS file, in terms of parents
-and children.  However, when a given piece of information is
-listed as being "under" a node, there are actually two possibilities:
-the information can be stored <i>as data <u>in</u> the current node</i>,
-or it can be stored <i>as data <u>in or under</u> a separate child node</i>.
-This distinction is illustrated in the figure below.
-The <a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a>
-determines which of the two
-possibilities are used for each situation, and must always be
-consulted along with the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS document</a>.
-Throughout the remainder
-of this section, the location of information (whether
-as data or as a separate child node) will always be explicitly
-specified, according to the SIDS File Mapping document.
-<a name="FIGdataorchild"></a>
-<img src="figures/dataorchild.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing options for data 'under' a node"
-     longdesc="figures/dataorchild.html">
-Two possible treatments of a parent node with sets
-of data "under" it.
-The remainder of this section attempts to summarize the most
-important and most commonly-used aspects of the SIDS.  It does not
-cover all possible nodes or situations.  It is intended as a 
-general overview only.  It is also likely
-that future extensions to the SIDS will add additional capabilities
-beyond what we cover here.
-The top, or entry-level, of the CGNS file is always what is 
-referred to as the "root node."  Children to be found
-directly under this node are the node <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> and
-one or more <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> nodes.  The <tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt> node
-has, as its data, the version (release) number
-of the CGNS standard as defined by the SIDS.
-The <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node represents the top level for a given
-database, or "case."
-Most CGNS files will only have one <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node, although
-the SIDS allows for any number in order to remain extensible
-and to allow for the possibility of having more than one
-"case" in a single file.  Here, the definition of "case"
-is left open.  For the remainder of this section, we assume that
-there is only one <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node within a given CGNS file.
-The <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node may have, as its children, the following
-nodes:  <tt>Zone_t</tt>, <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>,
-<tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt>,  <tt>SimulationType_t</tt>,
-<tt>Family_t</tt>, <tt>IntegralData_t</tt>,
-<tt>DataClass_t</tt>, <tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>, 
-<tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt>, <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>,
-<tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt>, <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt>,
-<tt>Gravity_t</tt>, <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>,and
-The <tt>Zone_t</tt> node gives information about a particular zone of
-the grid; most of the data in the CGNS file is usually found 
-under this node.  Any 
-number of <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes is allowed at this level.  Its children will 
-be described in greater detail below.  <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>
-contains solution history information typically output by many
-CFD codes, such as residual, lift, drag, etc. as a function of
-iteration number.  By convention, its name is
-A <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node can exist under the
-<tt>Zone_t</tt> node as well, but there, its name is by convention
-<tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt> stores information relating to the times
-and/or iteration numbers for a database in which flow solutions and/or
-grids at multiple times are stored.
-<tt>SimulationType_t</tt> describes the type of simulation stored (i.e.,
-<tt>TimeAccurate</tt> or <tt>NonTimeAccurate</tt>).
-<tt>Family_t</tt> is generally used to tie the grid to geometric CAD
-data, or to link certain entities together as a common part (e.g.,
-"wing," "strut," etc.).
-Any number of <tt>Family_t</tt> nodes is allowed.
-<tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt>, <tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt>, and
-<tt>Gravity_t</tt> are used for specific situations; details can be
-found in the SIDS.
-The remaining nodes allowed under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> are somewhat
-more generic, and can exist at other levels in the hierarchy
-beside this one.  They are briefly described here.
-<tt>IntegralData_t</tt> is a "catch-all" node for storing any 
-desired sets of generic data.  Any number of <tt>IntegralData_t</tt>
-nodes is allowed at this level. 
-<tt>DataClass_t</tt> (which, by convention, has the name <tt>DataClass</tt>)
-indicates the form that the data in the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> is
-stored, for example:  <tt>Dimensional</tt>, <tt>NormalizedByDimensional</tt>,
-or <tt>NormalizedByUnknownDimensional</tt>.
-(which, by convention, has the name <tt>FlowEquationSet</tt>)
-defines the equations used in the CFD
-simulation.  <tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt> (which, by convention, has the name 
-defines the dimensional units used (if any).  <tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>
-(which, by convention, has the name <tt>ReferenceState</tt>)
-defines a reference state.  This node is where quantities such
-as Reynolds number, Mach number, and other reference quantities
-that define the flow field conditions and/or the 
-nondimensionalizations are stored.
-<tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> is used to store user-defined data that is
-(by definition) not part of the SIDS standard.
-Finally, <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> is used to store descriptor strings. 
-Any number of <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> nodes is allowed at this level.
-<a name="dimensions"></a>
-The data stored within the <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt> node itself are the 
-<tt>CellDimension</tt> and the <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt>.
-The <tt>CellDimension</tt> is the dimensionality of the cells in the
-mesh (e.g., 3 for volume cell, 2 for face cell).
-The <tt>PhysicalDimension</tt> is the number of coordinates required to
-define a node position (e.g., 1 for 1-D, 2 for 2-D, 3 for 3-D).
-The index dimension, which is the number of different indices
-required to reference a node (e.g., 1=<i>i</i>, 2=<i>i</i>,<i>j</i>,
-3=<i>i</i>,<i>j</i>,<i>k</i>), is not stored, but can be
-determined for each zone based on its type (<tt>Structured</tt> or
-<tt>Structured</tt>, the index dimension is the same as <tt>CellDimension</tt>.
-If <tt>Unstructured</tt>, the index dimension is 1.
-Much information can be stored under <tt>Zone_t</tt>.  Because this is
-an overview, we do not go through it all here.  Instead, we only
-highlight the features that most users are likely to use. 
-<tt>ZoneType_t</tt> (which, by convention, has the name <tt>ZoneType</tt>)
-stores the name <tt>Structured</tt> or <tt>Unstructured</tt>.
-<tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> is the parent node of the grid coordinates 
-arrays, such as <tt>CoordinateX</tt>, <tt>CoordinateY</tt>, 
-and <tt>CoordinateZ</tt>.  
-Any number of <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes are
-allowed at this level (to handle the case of deforming
-grids).  By convention, the original grid coordinates
-has the name <tt>GridCoordinates</tt>.
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> stores under it nodes which contain the flow
-solution; for example, <tt>Density</tt>, <tt>VelocityX</tt>, 
-<tt>VelocityZ</tt>, and <tt>Pressure</tt>.
-It also gives the location at which the solution is stored (e.g.,
-<tt>CellCenter</tt>, <tt>Vertex</tt>), and includes the possibility for
-including <tt>Rind</tt> (ghost cell or ghost point) information.
-Any number of <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes are
-allowed at this level.  The <tt>Elements_t</tt> data structure holds
-unstructured element data such as connectivity, neighbors,
-etc.  Any number of 
-<tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes are allowed at this level.
-<tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt> stores information necessary
-for a database in which flow solutions at multiple times are stored.
-Other important nodes under <tt>Zone_t</tt> are <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>
-(which, by convention, has the name <tt>ZoneBC</tt>)
-and <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> (which, by convention, has the name 
-<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity</tt>).  These store the boundary conditions and
-the grid connectivity information, respectively.
-More will be said about these nodes later.
-The data stored within the <tt>Zone_t</tt> node itself are
-the <tt>VertexSize</tt>, the <tt>CellSize</tt>, and the
-These are dimensioned by the index dimension, and give the number of
-vertices, the number of cells, and the number of boundary vertices (used
-for sorted elements in unstructured zones only), respectively.
-<a name="Zonenaming"></a>
-An important point to note here is that the API sorts the <tt>Zone_t</tt>
-nodes alphanumerically according to their <em>name</em> when
-it reads them.  This
-was deemed necessary because most CFD codes currently perform
-operations on the zones of multiple-zone grids in a certain order.
-To duplicate existing non-CGNS applications, it is 
-necessary to insure that zones can be read in the desired
-sequence.  (the database manager may not retrieve data in the same
-order in which it was stored, so the API reader for zones was
-built to do this.)  Hence, when <em>naming</em> zones, the user should
-make sure they are named alphanumerically (if an ordering is
-For example, the naming convention <tt>ZoneN</tt>, where N is the zone
-number, is alphanumeric only up to <tt>Zone9</tt>.
-<tt>Zone10</tt> through <tt>Zone19</tt> would get sorted between
-<tt>Zone1</tt> and <tt>Zone2</tt>, and so on.
-Spaces are allowed in names, so <tt>Zone&nbsp;&nbsp;N</tt>,
-with two spaces, (e.g., <tt>Zone&nbsp;&nbsp;1</tt>,
-<tt>Zone&nbsp;&nbsp;2</tt>,... <tt>Zone&nbsp;99</tt>,
-<tt>Zone100</tt>,...) is alphanumeric up to <tt>Zone999</tt>.
-Other zone naming conventions are certainly possible, and are completely
-up to the user to define appropriately.
-A summary graphic of the overall layout of a typical CGNS file 
-is given below.  
-This figure shows the hierarchical data structure,
-and the relative locations of the nodes.  It also indicates
-(informally) what data, if any, is stored <em>within</em> each node.
-<a name="FIGoverviewSTR"></a>
-<img src="figures/overviewSTR.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing layout of a typical CGNS file"
-     longdesc="figures/overviewSTR.html">
-Hierarchical structure of a typical CGNS file (structured
-grid type).
-Note that all possible nodes are <em>not</em>
-included here.  In particular, note that <tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes are
-not shown under <tt>Zone_t</tt>; 
-<i>the</i> <tt>Elements_t</tt> <i>nodes would be present
-for an unstructured zone</i>.  
-Also note that nodes that occur
-under <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> and <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> have been omitted;
-these will also be covered below.
-Optional nodes such as 
-<tt>SimulationType_t</tt> (under <tt>CGNSBase_t</tt>) are not included.
-And finally, note that multiple <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> and
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes are allowed, but we show in the figure
-only one of each.
-Multiple <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes are usually only used in
-the situation when multiple times of time-accurate data are
-stored, and multiple <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> nodes are used
-for deforming grids.
-<a name="sec:lowerlevels"></a>
-<h3>Implementation at the Lower Levels of the Hierarchy</h3>
-Most of the actual data is at the lower levels of the CGNS
-hierarchy.  We do not go into great detail here; the examples 
-in the main body of this document serve as instruction for this.
-However, there are several general items of importance 
-related to the storage of data that are appropriate to mention
-Many specific items, variables, and conditions that relate to CFD
-data are specified in the SIDS.
-These are <a href="../sids/dataname.html">standardized <em>names</em></a>
-that must be used in order that other users will understand
-what is in your CGNS file.
-For example, the static density must
-be called <tt>Density</tt>.  Any other name may not be recognized by other
-users.  In fact, if another application code expects "<tt>Density</tt>," but
-you name it "<tt>density</tt>" (lower case "<tt>d</tt>"), then chances are the
-other code's search will fail.
-Naturally, the items listed in the SIDS
-cannot cover all possible items required by users.
-Hence, the SIDS allows for the use of the 
-type <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> for any special type not covered.
-For example, there are currently only a limited number of
-defined names for turbulence models in the SIDS (e.g.,
-<tt>OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras</tt>).  As everyone knows, there
-are a <em>huge</em> number of turbulence models and turbulence model
-variants that exist, so that the SIDS cannot hope to
-define standardized names for all of them.  The type <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt>
-covers this situation.
-When <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> is used, however, the user runs the risk
-that others will be unable to interpret the CGNS file.
-We therefore recommend that whenever a <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> type is
-unavoidable, the user also include a companion <tt>Descriptor_t</tt>
-node to specify what was done.
-It is possible that, if certain items are found to be used more heavily
-as time goes on, that standardized names may be created and added to the
-SIDS in the future.
-<a name="sec:bcs"></a>
-<h3>Boundary Conditions</h3>
-The boundary conditions hierarchical structure in CGNS can appear
-to be somewhat daunting at first.  Because the CGNS team decided
-to make the boundary condition information as descriptive as possible
-and easily extensible to complex situations, there are many
-layers possible in the hierarchy, and the usage rules can
-become complex.
-However, the SIDS allows for use of simplified versions of the
-<tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node, which are easier to understand and adopt.
-Essentially, the simplified versions "cut off" the hierarchy
-at a higher level than the full-blown 
-SIDS boundary condition description.  The
-implication of this is that application codes that use
-a simplified version must interpret what is meant by each 
-particular boundary condition type, without the help of the CGNS file.
-For example, the boundary condition 
-type <tt>BCFarfield</tt> indicates a boundary condition
-applied to a far field boundary.  Most CFD codes have this type,
-which performs different functions depending upon whether the
-local flow field is inflow or outflow, subsonic or supersonic.
-The full-blown SIDS description of <tt>BCFarfield</tt> attempts to
-describe in some detail the methodology involved in this boundary
-condition.  However, if the user chooses to use the minimal "cut off"
-version, the only information regarding the function of the
-boundary condition that is stored in the CGNS file is the
-<em>name</em> <tt>BCFarfield</tt>.
-An application code must determine from this name alone what is meant.
-<a name="FIGbc"></a>
-<img src="figures/bc.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing lowest allowed and fully SIDS-compliant boundary condition implementation levels"
-     longdesc="figures/bc.html">
-General hierarchical structure of <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>.
-Example hierarchical structures for both the simplest 
-implementation as well as the full-blown implementation
-of the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node are shown in the above figure.  (These
-hierarchies make use of an <tt>IndexRange_t</tt> node.  It is
-also possible to use an <tt>IndexArray_t</tt>, which gives a complete
-list of boundary indices or elements, rather than a
-range.)  Note that an intermediate structure, where <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> and
-<tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt> are both given but <tt>DirichletData</tt> and
-<tt>NeumannData</tt> are not, is also allowed.
-Many boundary condition types are currently defined in the SIDS,
-but they by no means cover all possible boundary conditions.
-The type <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> can be used for any special type not
-covered that the user finds impossible to describe using the existing
-SIDS.  When <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> is used,
-a companion descriptor node is helpful to describe what was done.
-<a name="sec:connectivity"></a>
-<h3>Zone Connectivity</h3>
-It is often desirable to specify zone connectivity information when
-parts of a zone connect with parts of another zone or itself.  The
-connectivity information tells how zones fit together or how a
-zone twists to reconnect with itself; the information
-is needed by most CFD flow solvers.
-There are three types of connectivity that can occur:  point-by-point,
-patched, and overset.  The point-by-point, or 1-to-1, type occurs
-when the edges of zones abut, and grid vertices from one patch
-exactly correspond with grid vertices from the other, with no
-points missing a partner.  The patched type occurs when
-the edges of zones abut, but there is not a correspondence of the
-points, or they are not partnered with another point.  The 
-overset type occurs when zones overlap one another (or a zone overlaps
-The SIDS allows for the specification of each of these types of zone 
-connectivity under the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node.  All three
-types can be implemented through the general <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> 
-subnode (overset also requires the use of <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> nodes).
-However, the 1-to-1 type can also utilize, in certain
-circumstances, the more specific <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> subnode.
-The following figure shows a sample hierarchy starting at the
-<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node, for a 1-to-1 type of interface
-using a <tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt> subnode.  Note in this figure that
-we now list the name, label, and data within each node.  For this
-structure, the naming convention at the bottom level
-is particularly important, and
-is actually more descriptive than the labels.  In fact, the label
-for the <tt>Transform</tt> node is very strange, and does not even follow 
-the usual "_t" convention.
-As can be seen in the figure, multiple nodes are allowed under
-the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> node.  These can be any combination of
-<tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt>, <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>, 
-<tt>OversetHoles_t</tt>, or <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> nodes.
-<a name="FIGconnectivity"></a>
-<img src="figures/connectivity.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing hierarchy below ZoneGridConnectivity_t node for a 1-to-1 interface"
-     longdesc="figures/connectivity.html">
-Hierarchical structure of <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> for a
-1-to-1 interface.
-A sample hierarchy (again starting at the <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt>
-node) is shown in the next figure
-for an <em>overset</em> interface using a <tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt> 
-subnode.  The case for a <em>patched</em> interface would look the
-same, except there would be no <tt>OversetHoles_t</tt> node
-or its children and <tt>GridConnectivityType</tt> would be <tt>Abutting</tt>.
-Note that <tt>CellListDonor</tt> 
-and <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> are used for
-patched or overset interfaces.
-(<tt>PointListDonor</tt> can be used in their place if the interface is
-See the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS document</a> and the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">file mapping manual</a> for details.)
-<a name="FIGconnectivityU"></a>
-<img src="figures/connectivityU.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing hierarchy below ZoneGridConnectivity_t node for an overset interface"
-     longdesc="figures/connectivityU.html">
-Hierarchical structure of <tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> for an
-overset interface.
-<a name="sec:sidsexample"></a>
-<h3>Structured Zone Example</h3>
-The following is an example for a structured grid.
-It corresponds with the <a href="../sids/cnct.html#ex:1to1a">"1-to-1
-Abutting of Complete Faces" example</a> in the SIDS document.
-It is a 3-D two-zone case, where the two zones are connected in
-a 1-to-1 fashion at one of each of their faces.  Zone 1 is
-9 &times; 17 &times; 11 and zone 2 is 9 &times; 17 &times; 21.
-The <i>k</i>-max face of zone 1 abuts the <i>k</i>-min face of zone 2.
-The hierarchy is shown in the following four figures.  
-Only directly relevant parts of the
-hierarchy are shown here for clarity.  For example, <tt>DataClass_t</tt>,
-<tt>ReferenceState_t</tt>, <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt>, 
-<tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt>, and <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> 
-have all been left off.  However, these (and other) items are
-<em>not</em> required, and the figure still represents a valid
-SIDS-compliant CGNS file.  Note that a data type of MT
-indicates that there is no data stored in the node.
-<a name="FIGstr_exampleA"></a>
-<img src="figures/str_exampleA.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing top-level nodes for two-zone example"
-     longdesc="figures/str_exampleA.html">
-CGNS top levels for a case composed of 2 structured zones.
-<a name="FIGstr_exampleB"></a>
-<img src="figures/str_exampleB.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing GridCoordinate_t children for two-zone example"
-     longdesc="figures/str_exampleB.html">
-<tt>GridCoordinate_t</tt> nodes of structured zone example.
-<a name="FIGstr_exampleC"></a>
-<img src="figures/str_exampleC.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing FlowSolution_t children for two-zone example"
-     longdesc="figures/str_exampleC.html">
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes of structured zone example.
-<a name="FIGstr_exampleD"></a>
-<img src="figures/str_exampleD.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing ZoneGridConnectivity_t children for two-zone example"
-     longdesc="figures/str_exampleD.html">
-<tt>ZoneGridConnectivity_t</tt> nodes of structured zone example.
-In this example, the flow solution in zone 1 is given at cell
-centers, whereas the flow solution in zone 2 is given at the
-vertices (see the <a href="#FIGstr_exampleC"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>
-In other words, the zone 1 solution points <em>do not</em>
-correspond with the grid points (as they do in zone 2).  
-They are defined <em>within</em> the volumes surrounded by the
-grid points.
-This example is constructed this way for the
-purpose of illustration, but it is unusual; typically one would use 
-only a single flow solution data location
-for the entire file.
-This example also illustrates the use of the <tt>Rind_t</tt> node, and how
-it affects the data arrays under a <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt>.  A rind
-node under <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> is used
-to indicate that the flow solution is outputting
-additional rind or "ghost" data outside one or more boundaries
-of the zone.
-(A rind node can also be used under <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt>
-and <tt>DiscreteData_t</tt>.)
-See the SIDS document for a <a href="../sids/build.html#Rind">more
-complete description</a>.  In zone 1 in this example, 
-there are no additional ghost cell
-data in the <i>i</i>-direction, there is one ghost cell next to
-each of <i>j</i>-min and <i>j</i>-max, and there are 3 ghost cells next
-to <i>k</i>-min and 2 next to <i>k</i>-max.  (Admittedly, this example is
-very contrived - most applications would be more consistent
-in their use of rind cells.)
-Because of the rind cells, the <i>i</i>, <i>j</i>, and <i>k</i> ranges of
-all flow solution data arrays in zone 1 are extended appropriately.
-It is very important for the user to realize that including rind 
-cells affects how the data is stored in the <tt>DataArray_t</tt>'s.
-In other words, when reading a CGNS file one cannot ignore
-<tt>Rind_t</tt> nodes if they are present, and attempting to read
-the <tt>DataArray_t</tt>'s using unmodified <tt>VertexSize</tt> or 
-<tt>CellSize</tt> dimensions
-will result in the retrieval of nonsensical data.
-Note that the SIDS specifies many defaults.  For example, the
-default <tt>Transform</tt> values are (1,2,3), and the default
-<tt>GridLocation</tt> is <tt>Vertex</tt>.  
-Hence, the nodes that contain these particular
-values in the example are not strictly necessary.
-The API sometimes leaves out default information.
-Another important fact is illustrated in this example.  When the names
-of a type of node (of given label) are user defined, 
-the names must be <em>different</em> if they
-have the same parent node.
-For example, the two <tt>Zone_t</tt> nodes in this example
-must have different names (recall the earlier discussion of
-<a href="#Zonenaming">zone naming</a>).
-However, if they are located in different places in the hierarchy, two
-nodes with the same label can have the same name.  For example, 
-both of the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> nodes, located in two different
-zones, have been given the same user-defined
-name:  "<tt>My Soln</tt>" in the example.
-Finally, although the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> nodes were not included in this
-example, note that if they were, they should describe the boundary
-conditions on all boundary faces <em>except</em> the 
-<i>k</i>-max face of zone 1 and the <i>k</i>-min face of zone 2.  These
-two faces would not be included in the boundary conditions because they
-are already defined as connectivity interfaces.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 25 Apr 2011
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-(<a href="sids.html"><b>Overview&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;SIDS</b></a>)
-(<a href="plot3d.html"><b>Guideline&nbsp;for&nbsp;PLOT3D&nbsp;Variables</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h2>Getting Started</h2>
-<li> <a href="#sec:str">Structured Grid</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#sec:singlegrid">Single-Zone Structured Grid</a>
-     <li> <a href="#sec:flowsoln">Single-Zone Structured Grid and Flow Solution</a>
-     <li> <a href="#sec:bcstruct">Single-Zone Structured Grid with Boundary Conditions</a>
-     <li> <a href="#sec:str1to1">Multi-Zone Structured Grid with 1-to-1 Connectivity</a>
-     </ul>
-<li> <a href="#sec:unstr">Unstructured Grid</a>
-     <ul>
-     <li> <a href="#sec:unstrgrid">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid</a>
-     <li> <a href="#sec:unstrflow">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid and Flow Solution</a>
-     <li> <a href="#sec:bcunstr">Single-Zone Unstructured Grid with Boundary Conditions</a>
-     </ul>
-The rules and conventions governing how the nodes in a CGNS 
-file are organized, including their names and labels, are 
-specified in the <a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS document</a>,
-with additional details in the
-<a href="../filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping Manual</a>.
-These documents also specify in detail how CFD information
-is to be stored within the nodes in a standardized fashion so that 
-other users can easily access and read it.
-When a CGNS file strictly adheres to the rules given in
-the SIDS document, it is said to be
-"SIDS-compliant."  A CGNS file must be SIDS-compliant in
-order for other users to be able to properly interpret it.
-A brief <a href="sids.html">overview of the most commonly used aspects
-of the SIDS</a> is included in the current document.
-However, to get started with CGNS, it is not necessary
-for the user to fully understand the SIDS document.  
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html">mid-level, or API calls</a> have
-been created to aid users in writing and reading CGNS files that are
-[There are currently two levels of programming access to CGNS.
-The lowest level consists of <a href="../cgio/index.html">CGIO-level</a>
-calls which interact directly with the database manager.
-These calls perform the most basic functions, such as
-creating a child node, writing data, reading data, etc.
-However, these low-level calls know nothing at all about the SIDS,
-so the user is responsible for putting data in the correct 
-place, to make the CGNS file SIDS-compliant.
-The <a href="../midlevel/index.html">mid-level, or API calls</a>, which
-always begin with the characters "cg_", were written with knowledge of
-the SIDS.
-Therefore, it is easier to adhere to the SIDS standards when
-writing a CGNS file using the API calls, and some checks for
-SIDS-compliance are also made by the API calls when accessing a CGNS file
-(SIDS compliance is not guaranteed, but the API calls
-go a long way toward facilitating it).  The API calls also
-drastically shorten the calling sequences necessary to perform
-many of the functions needed to create and read CGNS files.]
-Using the API, most CFD data of interest to the majority of users can be
-written into or read from a CGNS file very easily with only an
-elementary understanding of the SIDS.
-In the following sections, we give detailed instructions on
-how to create typical CGNS files or portions of files.  These 
-instructions are
-given in the form of simple examples.
-They make use of the mid-level API calls, although not all API calls
-are covered in this document (a complete list of available API calls
-can be found in the <a href="../midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library
-We recommend that the user read through the examples in this section
-<em>in order</em>, because some information in the later sections
-depends on being familiar with information given in the earlier ones.
-Hopefully, users should be able to easily extend these simple examples
-to their own applications. <a href="additional.html">Additional
-applications</a> are covered in a later section.
-For those users already familiar with the PLOT3D format for CFD data
-[Walatka, P. P., Buning, P. G.,  Pierce, L., Elson, P. A., "PLOT3D
-User's Guide," NASA TM 101067, March 1990], we include a detailed
-description on <a href="plot3d.html">reading and writing PLOT3D-type
-variables in a CGNS file</a>.
-Also note that we have delayed the discussion
-of <a href="additional.html#sec:dimens">units</a> and
-<a href="additional.html#sec:nondimens">nondimensionalization</a>
-until later.
-For now, all examples simply store and retrieve pure <em>numbers</em>,
-and it is assumed that the user knows what the dimensions or
-nondimensionalizations of each variable are.
-<a name="sec:str"></a>
-<h3>Structured Grid</h3>
-This first section gives several structured grid examples, whereas
-the following section gives <a href="#sec:unstr">unstructured
-grid examples</a>.  However,
-we recommend that the current section be read first, in its entirety,
-even if the user is only interested in unstructured grid
-applications.  This is because much of the organization of the
-CGNS files is identical for both grid types, and later sections
-of this document assume that the user is familiar with information
-given in earlier sections.
-<a name="sec:singlegrid"></a>
-<h4>Single-Zone Structured Grid</h4>
-This first example is for a very simple 3-D Cartesian grid of size
-21 &times; 17 &times; 9.  The grid points themselves are created
-using the following FORTRAN code snippet:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-   do k=1,nk
-      do j=1,nj
-         do i=1,ni
-            x(i,j,k)=float(i-1)
-            y(i,j,k)=float(j-1)
-            z(i,j,k)=float(k-1)
-         enddo
-      enddo
-   enddo
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-where <tt>ni</tt>=21, <tt>nj</tt>=17, and <tt>nk</tt>=9.
-A picture of the grid is shown below.
-<a name="FIGgrid_cartesian"></a>
-<img src="figures/grid_cartesian.gif"
-     alt="Figure showing a 21 by 17 by 9 Cartesian grid, with the origin in the front lower left corner">
-Simple Cartesian structured grid.
-A complete FORTRAN code that creates this grid and
-uses API calls to write it
-to a CGNS file called <tt>grid.cgns</tt> is shown here 
-(note that a FORTRAN line continuation
-is denoted by a <tt>+</tt>).  This (and all later) coded examples
-are available from the
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">,
-and summarized in this document in the section
-<a href="examples.html">Example Computer Codes</a>.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      program write_grid_str
-c   Creates simple 3-D structured grid and writes it to a
-c   CGNS file.
-c   This program uses the fortran convention that all
-c   variables beginning with the letters i-n are integers,
-c   by default, and all others are real
-c   Example compilation for this program is (change paths!):
-c   ifort -I ../CGNS_CVS/cgnslib -c write_grid_str.f
-c   ifort -o write_grid_str write_grid_str.o -L ../CGNS_CVS/cgnslib/LINUX -lcgns
-c   (../CGNS_CVS/cgnslib/LINUX/ is the location where the compiled
-c   library libcgns.a is located)
-c   cgnslib_f.h file must be located in directory specified by -I during compile:
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   dimension statements (note that tri-dimensional arrays
-c   x,y,z must be dimensioned exactly as (21,17,N) (N>=9)
-c   for this particular case or else they will be written to
-c   the CGNS file incorrectly!  Other options are to use 1-D
-c   arrays, use dynamic memory, or pass index values to a
-c   subroutine and dimension exactly there):
-      real*8 x(21,17,9),y(21,17,9),z(21,17,9)
-      dimension isize(3,3)
-      character basename*32,zonename*32
-c   create gridpoints for simple example:
-      ni=21
-      nj=17
-      nk=9
-      do k=1,nk
-        do j=1,nj
-          do i=1,ni
-            x(i,j,k)=float(i-1)
-            y(i,j,k)=float(j-1)
-            z(i,j,k)=float(k-1)
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-      write(6,'('' created simple 3-D grid points'')')
-c   open CGNS file for write
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_WRITE,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   create base (user can give any name)
-      basename='Base'
-      icelldim=3
-      iphysdim=3
-      call cg_base_write_f(index_file,basename,icelldim,iphysdim,
-     + index_base,ier)
-c   define zone name (user can give any name)
-      zonename = 'Zone  1'
-c   vertex size
-      isize(1,1)=21
-      isize(2,1)=17
-      isize(3,1)=9
-c   cell size
-      isize(1,2)=isize(1,1)-1
-      isize(2,2)=isize(2,1)-1
-      isize(3,2)=isize(3,1)-1
-c   boundary vertex size (always zero for structured grids)
-      isize(1,3)=0
-      isize(2,3)=0
-      isize(3,3)=0
-c   create zone
-      call cg_zone_write_f(index_file,index_base,zonename,isize,
-     + Structured,index_zone,ier)
-c   write grid coordinates (user must use SIDS-standard names here)
-      call cg_coord_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,
-     + 'CoordinateX',x,index_coord,ier)
-      call cg_coord_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,
-     + 'CoordinateY',y,index_coord,ier)
-      call cg_coord_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,
-     + 'CoordinateZ',z,index_coord,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-      write(6,'('' Successfully wrote grid to file grid.cgns'')')
-      stop
-      end
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-There are several items to note regarding this
-code.  Whenever a new entity is created using the API,
-an integer index is returned.  This index is used in subsequent
-API calls to refer to the entity.  For example, the above call to
-<tt>cg_open_f</tt>, which opens the file grid.cgns, assigns to this
-entity the index <tt>index_file</tt>.  This same <tt>index_file</tt>
-is used to identify this entity in subsequent calls.
-Similarly, <tt>cg_base_write_f</tt> assigns an index <tt>index_base</tt> to
-the base, <tt>cg_zone_write_f</tt> 
-assigns an index <tt>index_zone</tt> to the zone, and
-<tt>cg_coord_write_f</tt> assigns an index <tt>index_coord</tt>
-to each coordinate.
-For FORTRAN code, an include statement
-pointing to <tt>cgnslib_f.h</tt> must be present.  (The <tt>cgnslib_f.h</tt>
-file comes with the CGNS software.)  Also, it is
-imperative that the <tt>x</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and <tt>z</tt> arrays be
-dimensioned <em>exactly</em> as (21,17,<i>N</i>), where <i>N</i> &ge; 9 (or
-else as a one-dimensional array of at least size <tt>21*17*9</tt>) 
-for this particular example; 
-this is because the <tt>cg_coord_write_f</tt>
-routine writes the first <tt>21*17*9</tt> values contained in the
-array <em>as it is stored
-in memory</em>.  If <tt>x</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and <tt>z</tt> are
-tri-dimensional arrays and the first two indices 
-are dimensioned larger than 21 and 17, respectively, then incorrect
-values will be placed in the CGNS file.  In a real
-working code, one would probably either (a) use one-dimensional
-arrays, (b) dynamically allocate
-appropriate memory for <tt>x</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and <tt>z</tt>,
-or else (c) pass the index
-values to a subroutine and write via an appropriately dimensioned
-work array.
-In this case, the cell dimension (<tt>icelldim</tt>) is 3
-(because the grid is made up of volume cells), and the
-physical dimension (<tt>iphysdim</tt>) is 3 (because 3 coordinates
-define 3-D).
-(See the section <a href="sids.html">Overview of the SIDS</a> for a
-<a href="sids.html#dimensions">more detailed description</a>.)
-The <tt>isize</tt> array
-contains the vertex size, cell size, and
-boundary vertex size for each index direction.
-For a 3-D structured grid, the index dimension is always the same as the
-cell dimension, so this means there are 3 vertex sizes, 3 cell sizes,
-and 3 boundary vertex sizes (one each for the <i>i</i>, <i>j</i>, and
-<i>k</i> directions).  For structured grids,
-the cell size is always one less than the corresponding vertex
-size, and the boundary vertex size has no meaning and is always zero.
-When writing the grid coordinates, the user must use
-<a href="../sids/dataname.html">SIDS-standard names</a>.
-For example, <tt>x</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and <tt>z</tt> coordinates must be named
-<tt>CoordinateX</tt>, <tt>CoordinateY</tt>, and <tt>CoordinateZ</tt>,
-Other standard names exist for other possible choices.
-Finally, <tt>basename</tt> and <tt>zonename</tt> must be declared as character
-strings, and the integer array <tt>isize</tt> must be dimensioned
-The grid coordinate arrays can be written in single or double
-precision.  The desired data type is communicated to the API using the
-keywords <tt>RealSingle</tt> or <tt>RealDouble</tt>.  The user must
-insure that the data type transmitted to the API is consistent with
-the the one used in declaring the coordinates arrays.
-When it is compiled, the code must also link to the 
-compiled CGNS library <tt>libcgns.a</tt>.
-Instructions for compiling the CGNS library
-are given in README files that come with the CGNS software.
-A complete code written in C that performs the same task of
-creating grid coordinates and writing them to a CGNS file is given here.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-/*   Program write_grid_str.c    */
-Creates simple 3-D structured grid and writes it to a
-CGNS file.
-Example compilation for this program is (change paths!):
-cc -I ../CGNS_CVS/cgnslib -c write_grid_str.c
-cc -o write_grid_str_c write_grid_str.o -L ../CGNS_CVS/cgnslib/LINUX -lcgns
-(../CGNS_CVS/cgnslib/LINUX/ is the location where the compiled
-library libcgns.a is located)
-#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
-#include &lt;string.h&gt;
-/* cgnslib.h file must be located in directory specified by -I during compile: */
-#include "cgnslib.h"
-#if CGNS_VERSION &lt; 3100
-# define cgsize_t int
-#  error enumeration scoping needs to be off
-# endif
-int main()
-   dimension statements (note that tri-dimensional arrays
-   x,y,z must be dimensioned exactly as [N][17][21] (N&gt;=9)
-   for this particular case or else they will be written to
-   the CGNS file incorrectly!  Other options are to use 1-D
-   arrays, use dynamic memory, or pass index values to a
-   subroutine and dimension exactly there):
-   double x[9][17][21],y[9][17][21],z[9][17][21];
-   cgsize_t isize[3][3];
-   int ni,nj,nk,i,j,k;
-   int index_file,icelldim,iphysdim,index_base;
-   int index_zone,index_coord;
-   char basename[33],zonename[33];
-/* create gridpoints for simple example: */
-   ni=21;
-   nj=17;
-   nk=9;
-   for (k=0; k < nk; ++k)
-   {
-     for (j=0; j &lt; nj; ++j)
-     {
-       for (i=0; i &lt; ni; ++i)
-       {
-         x[k][j][i]=i;
-         y[k][j][i]=j;
-         z[k][j][i]=k;
-       }
-     }
-   }
-   printf("\ncreated simple 3-D grid points");
-/* open CGNS file for write */
-   if (cg_open("grid_c.cgns",CG_MODE_WRITE,&index_file)) cg_error_exit();
-/* create base (user can give any name) */
-   strcpy(basename,"Base");
-   icelldim=3;
-   iphysdim=3;
-   cg_base_write(index_file,basename,icelldim,iphysdim,&index_base);
-/* define zone name (user can give any name) */
-   strcpy(zonename,"Zone  1");
-/* vertex size */
-   isize[0][0]=21;
-   isize[0][1]=17;
-   isize[0][2]=9;
-/* cell size */
-   isize[1][0]=isize[0][0]-1;
-   isize[1][1]=isize[0][1]-1;
-   isize[1][2]=isize[0][2]-1;
-/* boundary vertex size (always zero for structured grids) */
-   isize[2][0]=0;
-   isize[2][1]=0;
-   isize[2][2]=0;
-/* create zone */
-   cg_zone_write(index_file,index_base,zonename,*isize,Structured,&index_zone);
-/* write grid coordinates (user must use SIDS-standard names here) */
-   cg_coord_write(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,"CoordinateX",
-       x,&index_coord);
-   cg_coord_write(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,"CoordinateY",
-       y,&index_coord);
-   cg_coord_write(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,"CoordinateZ",
-       z,&index_coord);
-/* close CGNS file */
-   cg_close(index_file);
-   printf("\nSuccessfully wrote grid to file grid_c.cgns\n");
-   return 0;
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Note that in the C-code, the "<tt>.h</tt>" file that must be included
-is called <tt>cgnslib.h</tt>.  From now on, all codes will be given in
-FORTRAN only.  The C-equivalent calls are similar, as demonstrated
-above.  Also, from now on, complete code will not be shown, but
-rather only code segments, in order to save space.  However, complete
-codes can be accessed from the
-<a href="http://www.cgns.org">CGNS site</a>
-<img src="../external.png" alt="external link">.
-The CGNS file <tt>grid.cgns</tt> that is created by the code above
-is a binary
-file that, internally, possesses the tree-like structure
-shown below.  As mentioned in the
-<a href="intro.html">Introduction</a>, each node has a name, a label,
-and may or
-may not contain data.  In the example in the figure, all the
-nodes contain data except for the <tt>GridCoordinates</tt> node,
-for which <tt>MT</tt> indicates no data.
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesian"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesian.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for simple Cartesian structured grid"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesian.html">
-Layout of CGNS file for simple Cartesian structured grid.
-However, the user really does not need to know the full details of
-the tree-like structure in this case.  The API has automatically
-created a SIDS-compliant CGNS file!  Now, the user can
-just as easily read the CGNS file using the API.
-The FORTRAN code segment used to read the CGNS file
-<tt>grid.cgns</tt> that we just created is given here:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for read-only
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_READ,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   get zone size (and name - although not needed here)
-      call cg_zone_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,zonename,
-     + isize,ier)
-c   lower range index
-      irmin(1)=1
-      irmin(2)=1
-      irmin(3)=1
-c   upper range index of vertices
-      irmax(1)=isize(1,1)
-      irmax(2)=isize(2,1)
-      irmax(3)=isize(3,1)
-c   read grid coordinates
-      call cg_coord_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     + 'CoordinateX',RealSingle,irmin,irmax,x,ier)
-      call cg_coord_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     + 'CoordinateY',RealSingle,irmin,irmax,y,ier)
-      call cg_coord_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     + 'CoordinateZ',RealSingle,irmin,irmax,z,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Note that this FORTRAN coding is very rudimentary.  It
-assumes that we know that there is only one base and one zone.
-In a real working code, one
-should check the numbers in the file, and either
-allow for the possibility of multiple bases or zones,
-or explicitly disallow it.  Also, this coding implicitly 
-assumes that the <tt>grid.cgns</tt> file is a 3-D structured grid
-(cell dimension = physical dimension = 3).  In a real working
-code, one should check to make sure that this is true, or
-else allow for other possibilities.  One
-should also check to make sure the zone type is <tt>Structured</tt>
-if this is the type expected.
-As before, the <tt>x</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and <tt>z</tt> arrays in this
-case <em>must</em>
-be dimensioned correctly: for a tri-dimensional array,
-(21,17,<i>N</i>), where <i>N</i>&nbsp;&ge;&nbsp;9.
-(In a real
-working code, one would probably either (a) use one-dimensional
-arrays, (b) dynamically allocate
-appropriate memory for <tt>x</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and <tt>z</tt> after
-reading <tt>isize</tt>, 
-or else (c) pass the <tt>isize</tt>
-values to a subroutine and dimension a work array appropriately
-prior to reading.)
-Also note that, regardless of the precision in which the
-grid coordinates were written
-to the CGNS file (single or double), one can read them 
-either way; the API automatically
-performs the translation.  (The arrays <tt>x</tt>, <tt>y</tt>, and
-<tt>z</tt> in the code above must be declared
-as single precision if <tt>RealSingle</tt> is used and as
-double precision if <tt>RealDouble</tt> is used.)
-Finally, <tt>isize</tt> should be dimensioned appropriately,
-<tt>zonename</tt> should be declared as a character variable,
-and <tt>irmin</tt> and <tt>irmax</tt> should be dimensioned appropriately.
-<a name="sec:flowsoln"></a>
-<h4>Single-Zone Structured Grid and Flow Solution</h4>
-In this section, we now write a flow solution associated with
-the grid from <a href="#sec:singlegrid">the previous section</a>.
-We assume that
-we have two flow solution arrays available: static density and 
-static pressure.  To illustrate three important options, we will
-show how to write the flow solution (a) at vertices, (b) at
-cell centers, and (c) at cell centers plus rind cells.  
-<a name="sec:flowsoln:vertices"></a>
-<b>(a) Flow Solution at Vertices</b>
-The first option is illustrated schematically in 2-D in the figure below.
-Simply stated, a <tt>Vertex</tt> flow solution is located at the
-same location as the grid points.  Assuming that the
-grid points have already been written to a CGNS file, the
-following FORTRAN code segment adds the flow solution at
-<a name="FIGvertex"></a>
-<img src="figures/vertex.gif"
-     alt="4 by 3 grid with circles at vertices">
-Schematic showing location (circles) of <tt>Vertex</tt> flow solution
-relative to grid.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   define flow solution node name (user can give any name)
-      solname = 'FlowSolution'
-c   create flow solution node
-      call cg_sol_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,solname,
-     + Vertex,index_flow,ier)
-c   write flow solution (user must use SIDS-standard names here)
-      call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + RealDouble,'Density',r,index_field,ier)
-      call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + RealDouble,'Pressure',p,index_field,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-In this code, the density (<tt>r</tt>) and pressure
-(<tt>p</tt>) variables <em>must</em> be dimensioned
-correctly for this particular case: for a tri-dimensional array,
-(21,17,<i>N</i>), where <i>N</i>&nbsp;&ge;&nbsp;9
-(see discussion in <a href="#sec:singlegrid">the previous section</a>).  
-Note that the API, knowing that the flow solution type is 
-<tt>Vertex</tt>, automatically writes out the correct index
-range, corresponding with the zone's grid index range.
-Also note that we opened the existing CGNS file and modified it
-(<tt>CG_MODE_MODIFY</tt>) - we
-knew ahead of time that only one base and only one zone exist;
-a real working code would make appropriate checks.  Finally,
-<tt>solname</tt> should be declared as a character variable and
-<tt>r</tt> and <tt>p</tt> must be declared as double precision variables when
-<tt>RealDouble</tt> type is used.
-The layout of the CGNS file with the flow 
-solution at vertices included 
-is shown in the figure below.
-The three nodes under <tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt> have been left out
-to conserve space in the figure,
-but they exist as indicated by the three unconnected lines.
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesian_solV"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesian_solV.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout with flow solution at vertices"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesian_solV.html">
-Layout of CGNS file for simple Cartesian structured grid with flow
-solution at vertices.
-(Note: because <tt>GridLocation</tt> = <tt>Vertex</tt> is the default,
-it is not necessary to specify it.
-The vertex flow solution can be read in using the following 
-FORTRAN code segment (can read in as single or double precision - see
-discussion in <a href="#sec:singlegrid">the previous section</a>):
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for read-only
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_READ,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   we know there is only one FlowSolution_t (real working code would check!)
-      index_flow=1
-c   get zone size (and name - although not needed here)
-      call cg_zone_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,zonename,
-     + isize,ier)
-c   lower range index
-      irmin(1)=1
-      irmin(2)=1
-      irmin(3)=1
-c   upper range index - use vertex dimensions
-c   checking GridLocation first (real working code would check
-c   to make sure there are no Rind cells also!):
-      call cg_sol_info_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + solname,loc,ier)
-      if (loc .ne. Vertex) then
-        write(6,'('' Error, GridLocation must be Vertex!'')')
-        stop
-      end if
-      irmax(1)=isize(1,1)
-      irmax(2)=isize(2,1)
-      irmax(3)=isize(3,1)
-c   read flow solution
-      call cg_field_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + 'Density',RealSingle,irmin,irmax,r,ier)
-      call cg_field_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + 'Pressure',RealSingle,irmin,irmax,p,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Note that this code segment assumes that it is known that
-the flow solution contains no rind data (to be covered in detail
-below).  If rind data <em>does</em> exist, but the user does not
-account for it, then the flow solution information will be read
-incorrectly.  Hence, a real working code would check for rind
-cells, and adjust the dimensions and index ranges appropriately.
-Other similar cautions as those mentioned earlier regarding
-dimensioning of variables, real working code checks, etc.,
-apply here as well.  These cautions will not always be repeated from
-this point forward.
-<a name="sec:flowsoln:centers"></a>
-<b>(b) Flow Solution at Cell Centers</b>
-The option for outputting the flow solution at cell centers
-is illustrated schematically in 2-D in the figure below.
-The flow solutions are defined at
-the <em>centers</em> of the cells defined by the 
-four surrounding grid points.  In 3-D,
-the cell centers are defined by eight surrounding grid points.
-<a name="FIGcellcenter"></a>
-<img src="figures/cellcenter.gif"
-     alt="4 by 3 grid with circles at cell centers">
-Schematic showing location (circles) of <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-flow solution relative to grid.
-The code segment to write to cell centers is identical to that given
-above for vertices, except that the call to 
-<tt>cg_sol_write_f</tt> is replaced by:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-c   create flow solution node (NOTE USE OF CellCenter HERE)
-      call cg_sol_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,solname,
-     + CellCenter,index_flow,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Also, now the density (<tt>r</tt>) and pressure
-(<tt>p</tt>) variables must be dimensioned
-correctly for this particular case: for a tri-dimensional array,
-(20,16,<i>N</i>), where <i>N</i> &ge; 8
-(i.e., one less in each index dimension than the grid itself).
-Again, the API, knowing that the flow solution type is
-<tt>CellCenter</tt>, automatically writes out the correct index
-range, corresponding with the zone's grid index range minus 1 in
-each index direction.
-The layout of the CGNS file with the flow
-solution at cell centers is shown (below the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node only) in the next figure.
-Note that the indices over which the flow solutions are written
-are now from (1,1,1) to (20,16,8) (contrast with 
-the <tt>FlowSolution</tt> part of the
-<a href="#FIGtree_cartesian_solV">figure with the flow
-solution at vertices</a>
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesian_solC"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesian_solC.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout with flow solution at cell centers"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesian_solC.html">
-Layout of CGNS file (under <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node)
-for simple Cartesian structured grid with flow solution at cell
-The FORTRAN code segment to read in the solution at cell centers
-is the same as that given above for vertices, except that the section that
-defines <tt>irmax</tt> is replaced by:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-c   upper range index - use cell dimensions
-c   checking GridLocation first (real working code would check
-c   to make sure there are no Rind cells also!):
-      call cg_sol_info_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + solname,loc,ier)
-      if (loc .ne. CellCenter) then
-        write(6,'('' Error, GridLocation must be CellCenter!'')')
-        stop
-      end if
-      irmax(1)=isize(1,2)
-      irmax(2)=isize(2,2)
-      irmax(3)=isize(3,2)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-and, as usual, the <tt>r</tt> and <tt>p</tt> arrays must be dimensioned 
-<a name="sec:flowsoln:rind"></a>
-<b>(c) Flow Solution at Cell Centers With Additional Rind Data</b>
-Rind data is additional flow solution data <em>exterior</em> to a
-grid, at "ghost" locations.  Rind data
-can be associated with other <tt>GridLocation</tt> values
-beside <tt>CellCenter</tt>, although we only show an example
-using <tt>CellCenter</tt> here.
-Furthermore, this example is for structured grids only, for which Rind
-data can be defined implicitly (via indexing conventions alone).
-The option for outputting the flow solution at cell centers
-with additional rind data is illustrated schematically in 2-D in
-the figure below.
-In this diagram, we show one layer
-of rind cell data in the row below the grid itself.  There could be
-rind data at other sides of the grid, or there could be
-more than one row at a given side.  
-<a name="FIGcellcenter_rind"></a>
-<img src="figures/cellcenter_rind.gif"
-     alt="4 by 3 grid with row of rind cells below, with circles at cell centers">
-Schematic showing location (circles) of <tt>CellCenter</tt>
-flow solution, including rind cells, relative to grid.
-In CGNS, the flow solution at
-rind cells is not stored as separate entities, but rather the 
-flow solution range is extended to <em>include</em> the rind cells.  For
-example, in the 2-D schematic of the above figure, instead
-of an index range of <tt>p(3,2)</tt> for pressures stored at the cell
-centers, the flow solution would now have an index range of 
-<tt>p(3,0:2)</tt> or <tt>p(3,3)</tt>.  See the
-<a href="../sids/index.html">SIDS document</a> for details.
-For our 3-D example, we assume that we have one row of rind data
-at 4 faces of the zone (<tt>ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi</tt>, where these
-represent the low and high ends of the <i>i</i> and <i>j</i>
-directions, respectively), and
-no rind cells at <tt>klo</tt> or <tt>khi</tt> (at either end of the <i>k</i>
-The code segment to write the flow solution and rind data is as
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   define flow solution node name (user can give any name)
-      solname = 'FlowSolution'
-c   create flow solution node (NOTE USE OF CellCenter HERE)
-      call cg_sol_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,solname,
-     + CellCenter,index_flow,ier)
-c  go to position within tree at FlowSolution_t node
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     + 'FlowSolution_t',index_flow,'end')
-c   write rind information under FlowSolution_t node (ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,klo,khi)
-      irinddata(1)=1
-      irinddata(2)=1
-      irinddata(3)=1
-      irinddata(4)=1
-      irinddata(5)=0
-      irinddata(6)=0
-      call cg_rind_write_f(irinddata,ier)
-c   write flow solution (user must use SIDS-standard names here)
-      call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + RealDouble,'Density',r,index_field,ier)
-      call cg_field_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + RealDouble,'Pressure',p,index_field,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Note that in the case of rind data, the user must
-position the <tt>Rind_t</tt> node appropriately, using the
-<tt>cg_goto_f</tt> call.  In this case, the <tt>Rind_t</tt> node belongs under
-the <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node.
-For this case of cell center flow solution
-with rind data, the density (<tt>r</tt>) and pressure (<tt>p</tt>)
-are written to the CGNS file with the following index ranges:
-from <i>i</i> = 0 to <i>i </i>= 20 + 1 = 21 (or a total <i>i</i>
-length of 22), from <i>j</i> = 0 to <i>j</i> = 16 + 1 = 17 (or a total <i>j</i>
-length of 18), and from <i>k</i> = 1 to <i>k</i> = 8.  The variables <tt>r</tt> and <tt>p</tt> must
-be dimensioned appropriately to reflect these index ranges
-modified by the rind values.
-The layout of the CGNS file for this example (below the
-<tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node only) is shown below.
-Compare this figure with the figures for the
-<a href="#FIGtree_cartesian_solV">flow solution at vertices</a> and for the
-<a href="#FIGtree_cartesian_solC">flow solution at cell
-centers without rind data</a>.
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesian_solCR"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesian_solCR.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for flow solution at cell centers, and rind data"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesian_solCR.html">
-Layout of CGNS file (under <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node)
-for simple Cartesian structured grid with flow solution at cell
-centers plus rind data
-A FORTRAN code segment to read the flow solution for this example is:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c   open CGNS file for read-only
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_READ,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c   we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   we know there is only one FlowSolution_t (real working code would check!)
-      index_flow=1
-c   get zone size (and name - although not needed here)
-      call cg_zone_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,zonename,
-     + isize,ier)
-c  go to position within tree at FlowSolution\_t node
-      call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',index_zone,
-     + 'FlowSolution_t',index_flow,'end')
-c  read rind data
-      call cg_rind_read_f(irinddata,ier)
-c   lower range index
-      irmin(1)=1
-      irmin(2)=1
-      irmin(3)=1
-c   upper range index - use cell dimensions and rind info
-c   checking GridLocation first:
-      call cg_sol_info_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + solname,loc,ier)
-      if (loc .ne. CellCenter) then
-        write(6,'('' Error, GridLocation must be CellCenter!'')')
-      stop
-      end if
-      irmax(1)=isize(1,2)+irinddata(1)+irinddata(2)
-      irmax(2)=isize(2,2)+irinddata(3)+irinddata(4)
-      irmax(3)=isize(3,2)+irinddata(5)+irinddata(6)
-c   read flow solution
-      call cg_field_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + 'Density',RealSingle,irmin,irmax,r,ier)
-      call cg_field_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,index_flow,
-     + 'Pressure',RealSingle,irmin,irmax,p,ier)
-c   close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-<a name="sec:bcstruct"></a>
-<h4>Single-Zone Structured Grid with Boundary Conditions</h4>
-To illustrate the use of boundary conditions, we again use the
-same <a href="#sec:singlegrid">single-zone Cartesian grid</a>.
-Referring back to <a href="#FIGgrid_cartesian">the grid figure</a>,
-we wish to apply the following:
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>ilo</tt> - <tt>BCTunnelInflow</tt><br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>ihi</tt> - <tt>BCExtrapolate</tt><br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>jlo</tt> - <tt>BCWallInviscid</tt><br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>jhi</tt> - etc.<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>klo</tt> - etc.<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>khi</tt> - etc.
-where <tt>BCTunnelInflow</tt>, <tt>BCExtrapolate</tt>, and
-<tt>BCWallInviscid</tt> are data-name identifiers for boundary 
-The complete list of <a href="../sids/bc.html#BCType">boundary condition
-identifiers</a> is found in the SIDS document.
-In this example, we take the approach of 
-using the lowest-level BC implementation allowed - see the figure
-showing the <a href="sids.html#FIGbc">general hierarchical
-structure of <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt></a> in the <a href="sids.html">SIDS
-overview section</a>.
-In this section, we show two different approaches for defining the
-region over which each boundary condition acts.
-The first is with type <tt>PointRange</tt>, meaning that we define the
-minimum and maximum points on a face that define a logically
-rectangular region (this method is usable only for faces that are
-capable of being defined in this way).
-The second is with type <tt>PointList</tt>, which gives
-the list of <em>all</em> the points for
-which the boundary condition applies.
-This latter method is generally used for any
-zone whose defined region is not logically rectangular.
-<a name="sec:bcstruct:range"></a>
-<b>(a) Boundary Conditions Specifying Range</b>
-A FORTRAN code segment to write the boundary condition
-information of type <tt>PointRange</tt>
-to the existing CGNS file from the previous two sections
-is given here:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c  open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c  we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c  we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c   get zone size (and name - although not needed here)
-      call cg_zone_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,zonename,
-     + isize,ier)
-      ilo=1
-      ihi=isize(1,1)
-      jlo=1
-      jhi=isize(2,1)
-      klo=1
-      khi=isize(3,1)
-c  write boundary conditions for ilo face, defining range first
-c  (user can give any name)
-c  lower point of range
-      ipnts(1,1)=ilo
-      ipnts(2,1)=jlo
-      ipnts(3,1)=klo
-c  upper point of range
-      ipnts(1,2)=ilo
-      ipnts(2,2)=jhi
-      ipnts(3,2)=khi
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Ilo',
-     + BCTunnelInflow,PointRange,2,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-c  write boundary conditions for ihi face, defining range first
-c  (user can give any name)
-c  lower point of range
-      ipnts(1,1)=ihi
-      ipnts(2,1)=jlo
-      ipnts(3,1)=klo
-c  upper point of range
-      ipnts(1,2)=ihi
-      ipnts(2,2)=jhi
-      ipnts(3,2)=khi
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Ihi',
-     + BCExtrapolate,PointRange,2,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-c  write boundary conditions for jlo face, defining range first
-c  (user can give any name)
-c  lower point of range
-      ipnts(1,1)=ilo
-      ipnts(2,1)=jlo
-      ipnts(3,1)=klo
-c  upper point of range
-      ipnts(1,2)=ihi
-      ipnts(2,2)=jlo
-      ipnts(3,2)=khi
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Jlo',
-     + BCWallInviscid,PointRange,2,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-      ... etc...
-c  close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-The zone names (e.g., <tt>Ilo</tt>) are arbitrary.  Note that 
-the variable <tt>zonename</tt> must be declared as a character variable, and
-<tt>isize</tt> and <tt>ipnts</tt> must be dimensioned appropriately.
-The layout of the CGNS file for this example 
-is shown below.
-Four of the children nodes of <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> are left off for
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesian_BC"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesian_BC.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout with boundary conditions defined using PointRange"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesian_BC.html">
-Layout of CGNS file 
-for simple Cartesian structured grid with flow
-solution and boundary conditions using <tt>PointRange</tt>.
-Reading the boundary conditions can also be easily accomplished using
-API calls, but we do not show an example of this here.
-Because there are multiple <tt>BC_t</tt> children nodes under the
-<tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node, the user must first read in the number
-of children nodes 
-that exist, then loop through them and retrieve the information
-from each.
-<a name="sec:bcstruct:points"></a>
-<b>(b) Boundary Conditions Specifying Points</b>
-The FORTRAN code segment to write the boundary conditions using
-<tt>PointList</tt> is the same as that for <tt>PointRange</tt> except
-that the following segment, for example,
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-c  write boundary conditions for ilo face, defining range first
-c  (user can give any name)
-      ipnts(1,1)=ilo
-      ipnts(2,1)=jlo
-      ipnts(3,1)=klo
-      ipnts(1,2)=ilo
-      ipnts(2,2)=jhi
-      ipnts(3,2)=khi
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Ilo',
-     + BCTunnelInflow,PointRange,2,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-is replaced by:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-c  write boundary conditions for ilo face, defining pointlist first
-c  (user can give any name)
-      icount=0
-      do j=jlo,jhi
-        do k=klo,khi
-          icount=icount+1
-          ipnts(1,icount)=ilo
-          ipnts(2,icount)=j
-          ipnts(3,icount)=k
-        enddo
-      enddo
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Ilo',
-     + BCTunnelInflow,PointList,icount,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-The layout of the CGNS file in this case is the same as in
-<a href="#FIGtree_cartesian_BC">the above figure</a>,
-except that <tt>PointRange</tt>
-(<tt>IndexRange_t</tt>) becomes <tt>PointList</tt> (<tt>IndexArray_t</tt>)
-and there is <tt>icount</tt> data in
-the <tt>PointList</tt> nodes.
-<a name="sec:str1to1"></a>
-<h4>Multi-Zone Structured Grid with 1-to-1 Connectivity</h4>
-For the case of a multi-zone structured grid, each zone is
-handled individually in the same way as the examples in the preceding
-sections.  However, multi-zone grids also require additional
-information about how the zones are connected to one another.
-A discussion of different types of zone-to-zone connectivity can be found
-in the <a href="sids.html">SIDS overview section</a>.
-For the example in this section, we show only
-a simple 1-to-1 connectivity example.  We assume that we have a two-zone
-grid, each identical to the <a href="#FIGgrid_cartesian">single zone
-used previously</a> (21 &times; 17 &times; 9), except that zone 2 is
-offset in the <i>x</i>-direction by 20 units.
-Thus, the <tt>ilo</tt> face of zone 2 abuts
-the <tt>ihi</tt> face of zone 1, and each abutting point in the two zones 
-touches a point from the neighboring zone.
-A picture of the grid is shown below.
-<a name="FIGgrid_cartesian2"></a>
-<img src="figures/grid_cartesian2.gif"
-     alt="Figure showing a two-zone Cartesian grid, with 1-to-1 connectivity">
-2-Zone Cartesian structured grid with 1-to-1 connectivity.
-The overall layout of this two-zone CGNS file is not shown here.
-It is similar to those shown earlier, except now there are two
-zones rather than one.
-See the <a href="sids.html">SIDS overview</a> for an additional example.
-Now, 1-to-1 connectivity information must be written into
-each of the zones.  There are two ways to record this 1-to-1
-The first (specific)
-method is valid only for 1-to-1 interfaces, and the regions
-<em>must</em> be logically rectangular (because they are recorded
-via <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointRangeDonor</tt>
-nodes, for which only two points define
-the entire region). 
-The second way is more general.  It uses 
-<tt>PointList</tt> nodes in combination with <tt>PointListDonor</tt>.
-(A third method, used to describe interfaces that are
-<em>not</em> point-matched - such as mismatched or overset zones -
-employs <tt>CellListDonor</tt> and <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>.)
-Refer to the SIDS document for <a href="../sids/cnct.html">details
-on the various methods for describing connectivity</a>.
-<a name="sec:str1to1:specific"></a>
-<b>(a) Connectivity Using Specific 1-to-1 Method</b>
-The 1-to-1 connectivity information for the current example
-can be written to a CGNS file using the following
-FORTRAN code segment (assuming that all grid information has
-already been written):
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c  open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c  we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   get number of zones (should be 2 for our case)
-      call cg_nzones_f(index_file,index_base,nzone,ier)
-c   loop over zones to get zone sizes and names
-      do index_zone=1,nzone
-        call cg_zone_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +    zonename(index_zone),isize,ier)
-        ilo(index_zone)=1
-        ihi(index_zone)=isize(1,1)
-        jlo(index_zone)=1
-        jhi(index_zone)=isize(2,1)
-        klo(index_zone)=1
-        khi(index_zone)=isize(3,1)
-      enddo
-c   loop over zones again
-      do index_zone=1,nzone
-c   set up index ranges
-        if (index_zone .eq. 1) then
-          donorname=zonename(2)
-c   lower point of receiver range
-          ipnts(1,1)=ihi(1)
-          ipnts(2,1)=jlo(1)
-          ipnts(3,1)=klo(1)
-c   upper point of receiver range
-          ipnts(1,2)=ihi(1)
-          ipnts(2,2)=jhi(1)
-          ipnts(3,2)=khi(1)
-c   lower point of donor range
-          ipntsdonor(1,1)=ilo(2)
-          ipntsdonor(2,1)=jlo(2)
-          ipntsdonor(3,1)=klo(2)
-c   upper point of donor range
-          ipntsdonor(1,2)=ilo(2)
-          ipntsdonor(2,2)=jhi(2)
-          ipntsdonor(3,2)=khi(2)
-        else
-          donorname=zonename(1)
-c   lower point of receiver range
-          ipnts(1,1)=ilo(2)
-          ipnts(2,1)=jlo(2)
-          ipnts(3,1)=klo(2)
-c   upper point of receiver range
-          ipnts(1,2)=ilo(2)
-          ipnts(2,2)=jhi(2)
-          ipnts(3,2)=khi(2)
-c   lower point of donor range
-          ipntsdonor(1,1)=ihi(1)
-          ipntsdonor(2,1)=jlo(1)
-          ipntsdonor(3,1)=klo(1)
-c   upper point of donor range
-          ipntsdonor(1,2)=ihi(1)
-          ipntsdonor(2,2)=jhi(1)
-          ipntsdonor(3,2)=khi(1)
-        end if
-c   set up Transform
-        itranfrm(1)=1
-        itranfrm(2)=2
-        itranfrm(3)=3
-c   write 1-to-1 info (user can give any name)
-        call cg_1to1_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +    'Interface',donorname,ipnts,ipntsdonor,itranfrm,
-     +    index_conn,ier)
-      enddo
-c  close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Note that this code segment is geared very specifically 
-toward our 2-zone example, i.e., it relies on our
-knowledge of this particular case.  <tt>Transform</tt> defines the
-relative orientation of the <i>i</i>, <i>j</i>, and <i>k</i> indices of the
-abutting zones.
-<a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1">Details concerning the
-values of <tt>Transform</tt></a> can be found in the SIDS document.
-However, note that <tt>Transform</tt> values of 
-(1,2,3) indicate that the <i>i</i>, <i>j</i>, <i>k</i> axes of both zones
-are oriented in the same directions.  Reading the connectivity information 
-can also be easily accomplished using
-API calls, but we do not show an example of this here.
-And finally, we do not show the layout of the nodes associated with
-the connectivity here.  The interested user is referred to 
-the <a href="sids.html">SIDS overview</a> for an example figure.
-<a name="sec:str1to1:general"></a>
-<b>(b) Connectivity Using General Method</b>
-Using a more general method, for which each connectivity pair is
-listed (rather than ranges),
-the connectivity information for the current example
-can be written to a CGNS file using the following
-FORTRAN code segment:
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c  open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c  we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c   get number of zones (should be 2 for our case)
-      call cg_nzones_f(index_file,index_base,nzone,ier)
-c   loop over zones to get zone sizes and names
-      do index_zone=1,nzone
-        call cg_zone_read_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +    zonename(index_zone),isize,ier)
-        ilo(index_zone)=1
-        ihi(index_zone)=isize(1,1)
-        jlo(index_zone)=1
-        jhi(index_zone)=isize(2,1)
-        klo(index_zone)=1
-        khi(index_zone)=isize(3,1)
-      enddo
-c   loop over zones again
-      do index_zone=1,nzone
-c   set up point lists
-        if (index_zone .eq. 1) then
-          icount=0
-          do j=jlo(index_zone),jhi(index_zone)
-            do k=klo(index_zone),khi(index_zone)
-              icount=icount+1
-              ipnts(1,icount)=ihi(1)
-              ipnts(2,icount)=j
-              ipnts(3,icount)=k
-              ipntsdonor(1,icount)=ilo(2)
-              ipntsdonor(2,icount)=j
-              ipntsdonor(3,icount)=k
-            enddo
-          enddo
-          donorname=zonename(2)
-        else
-          icount=0
-          do j=jlo(index_zone),jhi(index_zone)
-            do k=klo(index_zone),khi(index_zone)
-              icount=icount+1
-              ipnts(1,icount)=ilo(2)
-              ipnts(2,icount)=j
-              ipnts(3,icount)=k
-              ipntsdonor(1,icount)=ihi(1)
-              ipntsdonor(2,icount)=j
-              ipntsdonor(3,icount)=k
-            enddo
-          enddo
-          donorname=zonename(1)
-        end if
-c   write integer connectivity info (user can give any name)
-        call cg_conn_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +    'GenInterface',Vertex,Abutting1to1,PointList,icount,ipnts,
-     +    donorname,Structured,PointListDonor,Integer,icount,
-     +    ipntsdonor,index_conn,ier)
-      enddo
-c  close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-The method for <a href="../sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity">recording
-mismatched (patched) or overset connectivity information</a> is
-described in the SIDS document.
-However, note that in such cases the use of <tt>CellListDonor</tt>
-(along with <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt>)
-implies the specification of <em>cell center indices</em> on the donor
-side (these would correspond to element numbers in
-unstructured zones).  The <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> information consists of
-real-valued interpolants.
-<a name="sec:unstr"></a>
-<h3>Unstructured Grid</h3>
-This section gives several unstructured grid examples.
-The user should already be familiar with the information
-covered in <a href="#sec:str">the previous section</a>, which gives
-structured grid examples.
-Because much of the organization of the
-CGNS files is identical for both grid types, many
-of the ideas covered in the structured grid section
-are not repeated again here.
-<a name="sec:unstrgrid"></a>
-<h4>Single-Zone Unstructured Grid</h4>
-This example uses the exact <a href="#FIGgrid_cartesian">single-zone grid</a>
-shown earlier.  However, it is now written
-as an <em>unstructured</em> grid, which is made up of a series
-of 6-sided elements (cubes in this case).
-A FORTRAN code segment that uses API calls to write this grid
-to a CGNS file called <tt>grid.cgns</tt> is shown here (note that it
-<em>does not matter</em>
-how the nodes are ordered in an unstructured zone, but in this 
-example they are ordered sequentially for simplicity of presentation):
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c  open CGNS file for write
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_WRITE,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c  create base (user can give any name)
-      basename='Base'
-      icelldim=3
-      iphysdim=3
-      call cg_base_write_f(index_file,basename,icelldim,iphysdim,
-     + index_base,ier)
-c  define zone name (user can give any name)
-      zonename = 'Zone  1'
-c  we use the same grid as for the structured example with ni=21,
-c  nj=17, nk=9.  The variables ni, nj, and nk are still used later,
-c  for convenience when numbering the unstructured grid elements.
-      ni=21
-      nj=17
-      nk=9
-c  vertex size (21*17*9 = 3213)
-      isize(1,1)=3213
-c  cell size (20*16*8 = 2560)
-      isize(1,2)=2560
-c  boundary vertex size (zero if elements not sorted)
-      isize(1,3)=0
-c  create zone
-      call cg_zone_write_f(index_file,index_base,zonename,isize,
-     + Unstructured,index_zone,ier)
-c  write grid coordinates (user must use SIDS-standard names here)
-      call cg_coord_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,
-     + 'CoordinateX',x,index_coord,ier)
-      call cg_coord_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,
-     + 'CoordinateY',y,index_coord,ier)
-      call cg_coord_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,RealDouble,
-     + 'CoordinateZ',z,index_coord,ier)
-c  set element connectivity:
-c  do all the HEX_8 elements (this part is mandatory):
-c  maintain SIDS-standard ordering
-      ielem_no=0
-c  index no of first element
-      nelem_start=1
-      do k=1,nk-1
-        do j=1,nj-1
-          do i=1,ni-1
-            ielem_no=ielem_no+1
-c  in this example, due to the order in the node numbering, the
-c  hexahedral elements can be reconstructed using the following
-c  relationships:
-            ifirstnode=i+(j-1)*ni+(k-1)*ni*nj
-            ielem(1,ielem_no)=ifirstnode
-            ielem(2,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+1
-            ielem(3,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+1+ni
-            ielem(4,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni
-            ielem(5,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni*nj
-            ielem(6,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni*nj+1
-            ielem(7,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni*nj+1+ni
-            ielem(8,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni*nj+ni
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-c  index no of last element (=2560)
-      nelem_end=ielem_no
-c  unsorted boundary elements
-      nbdyelem=0
-c  write HEX_8 element connectivity (user can give any name)
-      call cg_section_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +  'Elem',HEXA_8,nelem_start,nelem_end,nbdyelem,ielem,
-     +  index_section,ier)
-c  close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Note that for unstructured zones, the index dimension is always 1
-(because only one index value is required to identify a position
-in the mesh),
-so the <tt>isize</tt> array contains the total vertex size, cell size,
-and boundary vertex size for the zone.
-In this example, the <tt>ielem</tt> array must be dimensioned exactly
-as (8,<i>N</i>), where <i>N</i> is greater than or equal to the total number
-of elements.
-The node points that lie in the lower left corner of 
-<a href="#FIGgrid_cartesian">the grid</a> are shown schematically
-for two elements in the figure below.
-Here it can be seen, for example, that node numbers
-1, 2, 23, 22, 358, 359, 380, and 379 make up element 1.
-<a name="FIGgrid_cartesianU"></a>
-<img src="figures/grid_cartesianU.gif"
-     alt="Figure showing two elements of the unstructured hexagonal grid"
-     longdesc="figures/grid_cartesianU.html">
-Schematic representation of nodes and elements of unstructured grid.
-The overall layout of the CGNS file created by the above code segment
-is shown below.  The nodes for <tt>y</tt> and
-<tt>z</tt> are left off due to lack of space.  
-Compare this figure with the <a href="#FIGtree_cartesian">layout for the
-structured version of this grid</a>.
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesianU"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesianU.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for unstructured grid"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesianU.html">
-Layout of CGNS file for unstructured grid.
-<a name="sec:unstrgrid:Elements"></a>
-For unstructured zones, the user may also wish to separately list the
-boundary elements in the CGNS file.
-This may be useful for <a href="#sec:bcunstr">assigning boundary
-conditions</a>, as we will show later.
-In the current example, assume that the user wishes to assign three
-different types of boundary conditions: inflow at one end,
-outflow at the other end, and side walls on the four
-faces in-between.  To accomplish this, it would be helpful to have three
-additional <tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes in the CGNS file, each of which lists the 
-corresponding faces as elements (<tt>QUAD_4</tt> in this case). 
-A FORTRAN code segment that accomplishes a part of this is given here.  It may
-be a part of the same code (above) that defined the grid and <tt>HEXA_8</tt>
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-c  do boundary (QUAD) elements (this part is optional,
-c  but you must do it if you eventually want to define BCs
-c  at element faces rather than at nodes):
-      ielem_no=0
-c  index no of first element
-      nelem_start=nelem_end+1
-      i=1
-      do k=1,nk-1
-        do j=1,nj-1
-          ielem_no=ielem_no+1
-          ifirstnode=i+(j-1)*ni+(k-1)*ni*nj
-          jelem(1,ielem_no)=ifirstnode
-          jelem(2,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni*nj
-          jelem(3,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni*nj+ni
-          jelem(4,ielem_no)=ifirstnode+ni
-        enddo
-      enddo
-c  index no of last element
-      nelem_end=nelem_start+ielem_no-1
-c  write QUAD element connectivity for inflow face (user can give any name)
-      call cg_section_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,
-     +  'InflowElem',QUAD_4,nelem_start,nelem_end,nbdyelem,
-     +  jelem,index_section,ier)
-      ... etc...
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-In this example, the <tt>jelem</tt> array must be dimensioned exactly
-as (4,<i>N</i>), where <i>N</i> is greater than or equal to the total number
-of elements.  Note that the <tt>nelem_start</tt> and <tt>nelem_end</tt>
-range is defined <em>subsequent</em> to the range of any other
-elements (i.e., the <tt>HEXA_8</tt> elements) already defined in this zone.
-In other words, all elements in a given zone must have a different
-The layout of the CGNS file in this case is exactly the same as that shown
-in <a href="#FIGtree_cartesianU">the previous figure</a>,
-except that there are now three additional
-<tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes under <tt>Zone_t</tt>.  These are shown
-separately below.
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesianUelem"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesianUelem.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout of Elements_t boundary face nodes"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesianUelem.html">
-Layout of additional <tt>Elements_t</tt> boundary face nodes.
-<a name="sec:unstrflow"></a>
-<h4>Single-Zone Unstructured Grid and Flow Solution</h4>
-To add a flow solution to an unstructured zone, the procedure is 
-identical to that for a structured zone.
-However, the Rind field for unstructured grids indicates additional
-points rather than planes.
-Example of Rind capability for unstructured grids is not covered here.
-Considering the <a href="#sec:flowsoln:vertices">vertex</a> and
-<a href="#sec:flowsoln:centers">cell-center</a> examples shown
-previously, the only difference for unstructured zones is that
-all arrays are one-dimensional (there is only one index), as opposed to three 
-indices for 3-D structured arrays.
-A vertex solution indicates that the solution is stored at vertices or
-In the above example, there would be lists of 3213 data array items per
-solution variable.
-A cell center solution implies that the solution is stored at the center
-of each element.
-In the above example, there would be lists of 2560 data array items per
-solution variable.
-The overall layout of the CGNS file is the same as
-<a href="#FIGtree_cartesianU">that shown previously</a>, except
-that there would also be a <tt>FlowSolution_t</tt> node under
-<tt>Zone&nbsp;&nbsp;1</tt>, and this node would have the children nodes
-<tt>GridLocation</tt>, <tt>Density</tt>, and <tt>Pressure</tt>.
-<a name="sec:bcunstr"></a>
-<h4>Single-Zone Unstructured Grid with Boundary Conditions</h4>
-When writing boundary conditions to a CGNS file for an unstructured
-zone, one can follow the same general <a href="#sec:bcstruct">procedure
-outlined previously for a structured zone</a>.
-In other words, the boundary conditions can be defined for point ranges or
-for individual points, where the points refer to nodes (vertices) of the
-Coding would be essentially the same as that presented before, except
-that the points and/or ranges are now one-dimensional (there is only one
-index), as opposed to three indices for 3-D structured arrays.
-However, for unstructured zones this is generally not the recommended
-Usually, for unstructured zones one has also already defined additional
-<tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes that <em>define</em> the
-<a href="#sec:unstrgrid:Elements">boundary face elements</a>.
-Therefore, it is best for the boundary conditions to be associated with
-these elements rather than with the nodes.
-Because this concept is quite different from what was done with the
-structured zone
-earlier, we illustrate it with an example.
-We earlier showed
-<a href="#sec:unstrgrid:Elements">how to create the additional
-<tt>Elements_t</tt> nodes</a> defining the boundary faces.  The face-center
-boundary conditions now can be written using the following code segment.
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
-c  open CGNS file for modify
-      call cg_open_f('grid.cgns',CG_MODE_MODIFY,index_file,ier)
-      if (ier .ne. CG_OK) call cg_error_exit_f
-c  we know there is only one base (real working code would check!)
-      index_base=1
-c  we know there is only one zone (real working code would check!)
-      index_zone=1
-c  we know that for the unstructured zone, the following face elements
-c  have been defined as inflow (real working code would check!):
-      nelem_start=2561
-      nelem_end=2688
-      icount=0
-      do n=nelem_start,nelem_end
-        icount=icount+1
-        ipnts(icount)=n
-      enddo
-c  write boundary conditions for ilo face
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Ilo',
-     + BCTunnelInflow,PointList,icount,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-c  we know that for the unstructured zone, the following face elements
-c  have been defined as outflow (real working code would check!):
-      nelem_start=2689
-      nelem_end=2816
-      icount=0
-      do n=nelem_start,nelem_end
-        icount=icount+1
-        ipnts(icount)=n
-      enddo
-c  write boundary conditions for ihi face
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Ihi',
-     + BCExtrapolate,PointList,icount,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-c  we know that for the unstructured zone, the following face elements
-c  have been defined as walls (real working code would check!):
-      nelem_start=2817
-      nelem_end=3776
-      icount=0
-      do n=nelem_start,nelem_end
-        icount=icount+1
-        ipnts(icount)=n
-      enddo
-c  write boundary conditions for wall faces
-      call cg_boco_write_f(index_file,index_base,index_zone,'Walls',
-     + BCWallInviscid,PointList,icount,ipnts,index_bc,ier)
-c  the above are all face-center locations for the BCs - must indicate this,
-c  otherwise Vertices will be assumed!
-      do ibc=1,index_bc
-c  (the following call positions you in BC_t - it assumes there
-c  is only one Zone_t and one ZoneBC_t - real working code would check!)
-        call cg_goto_f(index_file,index_base,ier,'Zone_t',1,
-     +    'ZoneBC_t',1,'BC_t',ibc,'end')
-        call cg_gridlocation_write_f(FaceCenter,ier)
-      enddo
-c  close CGNS file
-      call cg_close_f(index_file,ier)
-<hr size=1 noshade width=60% align=left>
-Note that we assume here that we know in advance the element numbers
-associated with each of the boundaries.  We have written these element
-numbers as a <tt>PointList</tt>, but, because they are in order, we could
-just as easily have used <tt>PointRange</tt> instead.
-In that case, only two <tt>ipnts</tt> values would be needed, equal to
-<tt>nelem_start</tt> and <tt>nelem_end</tt>, and <tt>icount</tt> would be 2.
-Finally, note that
-the <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> node under <tt>BC_t</tt> must be written using
-the API call <tt>cg_goto_f</tt> (which positions you
-correctly in the tree) followed by <tt>cg_gridlocation_write_f</tt>.
-Note that the use of <tt>ElementList</tt> and <tt>ElementRange</tt> (recommended in
-previous versions of CGNS) has been
-deprecated and should not be used in new code.
-These are still accepted, but will be internally replaced with the
-appropriate values of <tt>PointList/PointRange</tt> and <tt>GridLocation_t</tt>.
-A portion of the layout of the CGNS file for the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>
-node and its children is shown below.  The <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt>
-node lies directly under <tt>Zone_t</tt>.
-<a name="FIGtree_cartesian_UBC"></a>
-<img src="figures/tree_cartesian_UBC.gif"
-     alt="Diagram showing CGNS layout for unstructured grid with boundary conditions at face centers"
-     longdesc="figures/tree_cartesian_UBC.html">
-Layout of part of CGNS file for an unstructured zone with
-boundary conditions defined at face-center elements.
-The three figures, showing the <a href="#FIGtree_cartesianU">general
-layout of a CGNS file for an unstructured grid</a>, the
-<a href="#FIGtree_cartesianUelem">layout of additional Elements_t
-boundary face nodes</a>, and the <a href="#FIGtree_cartesian_UBC">layout
-at and below the <tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> node</a>, taken together, constitute
-the entire layout of the file.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 20 May 2015
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-(<a href="plot3d.html"><b>Guideline&nbsp;for&nbsp;PLOT3D&nbsp;Variables</b></a>)
-<a name="endnav"></a>
-<h3>Handling Errors</h3>
-The API has an extensive number of checks for errors, relating both to
-invalid data input as well as SIDS-noncompliance.
-However, it is not guaranteed that the API will catch all problems prior
-to reaching the core level. Even then, additional errors can arise due
-to I/O or invalid input. The list of errors that can arise in the CGIO
-or database manager core routines may be found in the
-<a href="../cgio/errors.html#messages">CGIO User's Guide</a>.
-If an error occurs, the message given by API or core routine
-should hopefully be descriptive enough to point to the source of the
-<h3>Known Problems</h3>
-One known problem that can occur, which is not so much a problem as it
-is a restriction, relates to links.
-If a user makes a link from one CGNS file to another, then the linked
-file <em>must</em> have write permission if the user wishes to open the
-linking file in <tt>CG_MODE_MODIFY</tt> or <tt>CG_MODE_WRITE</tt> mode.
-In other words, opening a CGNS file in <tt>CG_MODE_MODIFY</tt> or
-<tt>CG_MODE_WRITE</tt> mode implies that the <em>entire</em> CGNS
-hierarchy, including links (since they are transparent), is accessible
-in that mode.
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
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-Last updated 25 Apr 2011
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-   <td><h1>CFD&nbsp;General&nbsp;Notation&nbsp;System<br>
-       What's&nbsp;New?</h1>
-<li> <a href="#documentation">CGNS Documentation</a>
-<a name="documentation"></a>
-<h3>CGNS Documentation</h3>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>04&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2019</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_09_03.pdf">Sep 03, 2019 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-     <li>Updated new CGNS Committee chair information on 
-          <a href="../steering.html">CGNS Steering Committee Site page</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;July&nbsp;2019</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Fixed a few typos among the HEX element tables for
-          <a href="sids/conv.html#unstructgrid">Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions</a>.
-          This included fixing a typo in F3 corner nodes definition for HEXA_8, HEXA_20, HEXA_27,
-          HEXA_32, HEXA_56, HEXA_64, HEXA_44, HEXA_98, and HEXA_125. 
-          Also, there was a fix in the F5 mid-face node ordering in HEXA_56, HEXA_64, HEXA_98, and HEXA_125.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2019</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_06_25.pdf">Jun 25, 2019 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>21&nbsp;May&nbsp;2019</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Revised all element figures and tables for
-          <a href="sids/conv.html#unstructgrid">Unstructured Grid Element Numbering Conventions</a>.
-          This included a few corrections to the tables for some of the higher-order elements
-          (face F1 for PYRA_50 and PYRA_55; face F4 for PENTA_66 and PENTA_75;
-          face F1 for HEXA_98 and HEXA_125). For everything else, the reason for the update was
-          to improve the figure quality.
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_05_21.pdf">May 21, 2019 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2019</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_03_26.pdf">Mar 26, 2019 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2019</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2019_01_22.pdf">Jan 22, 2019 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2018</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Updated SIDS documentation to V3.4, including changes associated with CPEX 0041.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>08&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2018</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_11_06.pdf">Nov 06, 2018 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>18&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2018</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_09_18.pdf">Sep 18, 2018 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>05&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2018</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_06_05.pdf">Jun 05, 2018 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2018</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_03_27.pdf">Mar 27, 2018 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>31&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2018</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted revised draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2018_01_30.pdf">Jan 30, 2018 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2017</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_10_24.pdf">Oct 24, 2017 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>12&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2017</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_09_12.pdf">Sep 12, 2017 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2017</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_07_25.pdf">Jul 25, 2017 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>05&nbsp;May&nbsp;2017</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_05_05.pdf">May 05, 2017 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>01&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2017</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2017_01_31.pdf">Jan 31, 2017 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2016</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2016_11_29.pdf">Nov 29, 2016 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2016</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_Minutes_2016_09_23.pdf">Sep 23, 2016 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>06&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2016</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_05Jul2016_Minutes.pdf">Jul 05, 2016 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2016</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Fixed typo in 
-          <a href="sids/floweqn.html#ModelType">Section 10.3</a> (GasModelType_t changed to ModelType_t).  
-          Also created more complete
-          index to the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS</a>, including section and subsection numbering.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>09&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2016</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_05Apr2016_Minutes.pdf">Apr 05, 2016 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>04&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2016</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_01Mar2016_Minutes.pdf">Mar 01, 2016 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>10&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2015</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_08Dec2015_Minutes.pdf">Dec 08, 2015 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>21&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2015</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_20Oct2015_Minutes.pdf">Oct 20, 2015 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Updated SIDS documentation to V3.3, including changes associated with CPEX 0039.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Updated documentation to V3.3.  This was mostly simply a change to the posted numbering conventions,
-other than the addition of the new quartic elements from CPEX 0038 to the MLL in
-<a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>09&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2015</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_08Sep2015_Minutes.pdf">Sep 08, 2015 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;May&nbsp;2015</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_19May2015_Minutes.pdf">May 19, 2015 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>05&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2015</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_3Mar2015_Minutes.pdf">March 3, 2015 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>02&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2014</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_2dec2014_Minutes.pdf">December 2, 2014 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>07&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2014</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/CGNS_telecon_2oct14_Minutes.pdf">October 2, 2014 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>04&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2014</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep14.pdf">September 3, 2014 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>02&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2014</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added quartic element definitions (CPEX 0038) to
-        <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_line">Line Elements</a>,
-        <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_2d">Surface Elements</a>, and
-        <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_3d">Volume Elements</a> to the <u>SIDS definitions only</u>.
-        Not coded into the MLL yet (when it is, the
-        CGNS Version designation will be changed to
-        3.3).  Also fixed some typos, grammar, and did some minor
-        formatting fixes.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>24&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_feb14.pdf">February 18, 2014 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>07&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Official release of version 3.2.1. The 3.2 (beta) documentation has been switched to be primary documentation.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>04&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2014</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_jan14.pdf">January 28, 2014 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>18&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_dec13.pdf">December 17, 2013 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep13.pdf">September 18, 2013 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Minor change in SIDS docs: <a href="sids/changes.html">differences</a> 
-         from previous versions put in reverse chronological order.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>16&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_jul13.pdf">July 16, 2013 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>8&nbsp;July&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added documentation for <tt>CGNS_CONFIG_HDF5_MPI_COMM</tt> option
-        to <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#configure">cg_configure</a>.
-        Added <a href="pcgns/library.html#misc">cgp_mpi_comm</a> routine documentation.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;May&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added AdditionalFamilyName to UserDefinedData in 
-           <a href="sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData">SIDS</a> and in 
-           <a href="filemap/figures/UserDefinedData.html">File Mapping</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>30&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_apr13.pdf">April 30, 2013 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added description of CG_CONFIG_FILE_TYPE that was missing; also added
-         more description of cg_set_file_type on
-         <a href="midlevel/fileops.html">MLL File Operations</a> page.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Made minor mods in overview and intro of PDF version of SIDS v3.2, to remove stale
-         discussion, add abstract, and add some clarity.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>13&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar13.pdf">March 12, 2013 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>27&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Minor correction from *ptset_type to ptset_type in argument of cg_ptset_write in
-         <a href="midlevel/location.html">Point Sets</a> of MLL documentation.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added AdditionalFamilyName_t node documentation to
-         structures.html, sids and filemap.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Updated the CGNStools documentation.
-     <li>Added external link image to places it was missing.
-     <li>New <a href="pcgns/index.html">Parallel CGNS</a> capability.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Introduced Version 3.2 (beta).
-     <li> Added AdditionalFamilyName_t under BC_t, Zone_t, and ZoneSubRegion_t, and added
-          FamilyName_t under Family_t (a hierarchy of families is now possible); according
-          to CPEX 0033 and 0034.
-     <li> Added new cubic elements in <a href="sids/conv.html#unstructgrid">Conventions</a>, according to CPEX 0036.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>15&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2013</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Changes associated with update to 3.1.4.
-     <li>Updated MLL to version 3.1.15:  One set of changes is in
-         <a href="midlevel/bc.html">BC</a> and include new description
-         under <u>location</u>, as well as under "Notes: (see CPEX 0031)".
-         Another change is in
-         <a href="midlevel/fileops.html">File Operations</a> to the default
-         for CG_CONFIG_COMPRESS.
-     <li>Added new function, <tt>cg_precision</tt>, to read precision (32 or 64 bit)
-         in the MLL <a href="midlevel/fileops.html">File Operations</a>.
-     <li>Updated SIDS to version 3.1.8:  Changes are in
-         <a href="sids/bc.html">BC</a> and include modified table describing
-         usage of GridLocation vis CellDimension under BC_t.
-     <li>Updated CGNSTools to version 3.1.2:  Added new
-         <a href="cgnstools/tools.html">Tools</a> description under
-         <a href="cgnstools/index.html">CGNSTools</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_dec12.pdf">December 10, 2012 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_oct12.pdf">October 23, 2012 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>28&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep12.pdf">September 25, 2012 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Corrected the description of the cg_where MLL call in section on
-          <a href="midlevel/navigating.html">Navigating a CGNS File</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>31&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added reminder that max number for DataDimension is 12 for
-          <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataarray">Data Arrays</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>01&nbsp;May&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_apr12.pdf">April 24, 2012 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>16&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar12.pdf">March 13, 2012 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>3&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Changes associated with new MLL doc number 3.1.12: Added section
-        <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#cgiointer">"Interfacing with CGIO"</a> under "File Operations";
-        also updated
-        <a href="sitemaps/midlevel.html">Midlevel Sitemap</a> to add "Interfacing with CGIO".
-        Also corrected
-        <a href="midlevel/solution.html">type for "pnts"</a> under cg_sol_ptset_write, cg_subreg_ptset_write, and
-        cg_discrete_ptset_write (should be const cgsize_t *, and not cgsize_t *).
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>24&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_jan12.pdf">January 24, 2012 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Changed NormalListFlag to NormalListSize in MLL's
-        <a href="midlevel/bc.html">cg_boco_info</a> and updated MLL doc number from 3.1.10 to 3.1.11.
-        Added LongInteger as possible type for DataType in
-        <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataarray">Data Arrays</a> and for datatype
-        in <a href="midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution">Flow Solution Data</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>05&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added a link to FamilyBCDataSet_t in the
-        <a href="sitemaps/filemap.html">File Mapping Manual Sitemap</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>04&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added <a href="papers/AIAA-2012-1264-CGNSstatus.pdf">AIAA Paper 2012-1264</a>
-        ("Recent Updates to the CFD General Notation System (CGNS)")
-        and associated
-        <a href="slides/AIAA-2012-1264-CGNSstatus_slides.pdf">Slides</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>03&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2012</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added <a href="index.html#CGNSTalk">CGNSTalk archives</a> from 2010-2011.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>In File Mapping, added info about cgsize_t for 64-bit integers. In some places in text, I4 replaced by
-        cgsize_t. Added "bit" to DataType description for DataArray_t. Many updated figures
-        to reflect 64-bit integer changes (I4 changed to cgsize_t).
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>09&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added statement under all Input/Output listings in the MLL noting that for Fortran calls, all
-         integer arguments are integer*4 in 32-bit mode and integer*8 in 64-bit mode, along with a link to:
-         <a href="midlevel/general.html#f-port">64-bit Fortran Portability and Issues</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>08&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_dec11.pdf">December 06, 2011 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>21&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Minor change: removal of link to stale ISO page on
-          <a href="charter/background.html">Charter background</a> page.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>24&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Minor corrections in 
-          <a href="cgio/index.html">CGIO docs</a> (pdf file also updated due to missing figure reference),
-          <a href="midlevel/general.html">Midlevel docs</a>, and
-          <a href="sitemaps/filemap.html">Sitemap</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>31&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Posted draft minutes from the 
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_aug11.pdf">August 30, 2011 (PDF)</a> Steering Committee telecon.
-          (Other Minutes from
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_apr11.pdf">April 19, 2011 (PDF)</a> and
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_jun11.pdf">June 7, 2011 (PDF)</a> are also available.)
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li>Added minor clarification in
-        <a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements">Element Connectivity</a> in the Mid Level
-        documentation, regarding global numbering
-        system to insure that every element within a zone has a unique number.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>06&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected index range in the documentation for NFaceElements in
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#ex:elements2">Example - NGON_N and NFACE_n Element Types</a> 
-          in the SIDS.  Also removed typo in the PDF version of the SIDS (note 8 in section 8.4).
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>07&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated the <a href="sids/changes.html">list of major changes</a> in the SIDS.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>06&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In MLL, corrected the fact that error_message is a const char (not char) in
-          <a href="midlevel/error.html">Error Handling</a>.
-     <li> In MLL, added clarity that in Fortran, float values are Real*4, in:
-          <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcproperty">Special Boundary Condition Properties</a>,
-          <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#gravity">Gravity</a>,
-          <a href="midlevel/grid.html#axisymmetry">Axisymmetry</a>,
-          <a href="midlevel/grid.html#rotatingcoordinates">Rotating Coordinates</a>,
-          <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty">Special Grid Connectivity Properties</a>.
-     <li> In MLL, added clarity that for RotationAngle, if rotating about more than 1 axis, then it is done
-          in a particular order in
-          <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty">Special Grid Connectivity Properties</a>.
-     <li> In SIDS, added clarity that if rotating about more than 1 axis, then it is done
-          in a particular order in
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html#Periodic">Periodic_t</a> and in
-          <a href="sids/timedep.html#t:id_rigidgrid">Data-Name Identifiers for Rigid Grid Motion</a>.
-     <li> In SIDS, corrected GridLocation definitions for 
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#ZoneSubRegion">ZoneSubRegion_t</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>28&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In SIDS, added ZoneSubRegion_t node under Zone_t (mistakenly left out) in
-          <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone">Zone_t</a>. Also minor descriptor change
-          regarding file mapping in intro.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Minor changes to Charter, Overview document, and User's Guide
-          to refer to CGIO rather than ADF, to refer to 3.1 as the latest version,
-          and to update some stale references.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Reorganized File Mapping documentation to separate context from
-          content. SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual changed to SIDS File
-          Mapping Manual, which contains context. The content is now in
-          ADF Implementation, HDF5 Implementation and Python Implementation.
-     <li> SIDS, SIDS File Mapping and MLL documentation all updated
-          to include CPEX 0027 (Time-dependent Connectivities),
-          CPEX 0030 (Regions) and CPEX 0031 (General SIDS Improvements).
-     <li> Added CGIO User's Guide which documents the low-level interface
-          replacement for the ADF Core routines. The CGIO calls work for
-          both ADF and HDF5.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added cg_boco_gridlocation_read and write functions to
-          <a href="midlevel/bc.html">Mid-Level Library</a>.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>04&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected document version numbers of the
-          <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a> and
-          <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS</a> online pages.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>03&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Re-posted the correct version of new <a href="filemap_python/sidstopython.pdf">SIDS-to-Python file mapping manual</a> (PDF only).
-          This is Version 3.1.1, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>02&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the March 2, 2011 Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_mar11.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     <li> Posted new SIDS-to-Python file mapping manual (PDF only).
-     <li> Updated version numbering for User's Guide, SIDS-to-ADF, and SIDS-to-HDF documents
-          (no other changes to the documents),
-          to reflect the release of CGNS Version 3.1.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>01&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In Mid-Level Library, added information in
-          <a href="midlevel/fileops.html">File Operations</a>
-          about file_type = CG_FILE_ADF2, which can be used to write a Version 2.5 file from Version 3
-          when compiled in 32-bit.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Made Version 3.1 the current official document release, moved 2.5 to "prior version" status.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified Mid-Level Library:
-        <ul>
-        <li> Moved PYRA_13 in list to come after MIXED in <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>.
-        <li> Moved <a href="midlevel/general.html#acquiring">Acquiring the Software and Documentation</a> and
-        <a href="midlevel/general.html#organization">Organization of This Manual</a> sections to come first.
-        <li> Minor correction of ParentData in cg_parent_data_write and cg_parent_data_partial_write to no longer be slanted
-        typeface (because it is input type) in <a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements">Element Connectivity</a> section.
-        <li> New Document Version is 3.1.4, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-        </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified Mid-Level Library:
-        <ul>
-        <li> Added particular changes of "int" to "cgsize_t" throughout.
-        <li> Added new sections on 64-bit C and Fortran <a href="midlevel/general.html#c-port">Portability and Issues.</a>
-        <li> Added references to xxxxNull and xxxxUserDefined under <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>.
-        <li> New Document Version is 3.1.3, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-        </ul>
-     <li> Modified SIDS Document:
-        <ul>
-        <li> Changed description of <a href="sids/bc.html#BCType">BCType_t</a> slightly, to clarify the simple and compound types.
-        <li> Added section <a href="sids/floweqn.html#ModelType">Model Type Structure Definition</a>.
-        <li> Corrected ModelTypeNull and ModelTypeUserDefined listings (where enumerated values are a subset of the ModelType_t enumeration).
-        <li> New Document Version is 3.1.2, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-        </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>04&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified Mid-Level Library:
-        <ul>
-        <li> Changed Null to CG_Null and UserDefined to CG_UserDefined, and added
-             comment under General Remarks about their usage.
-        <li> New Document Version is 3.1.2, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-        </ul>
-     <li> Modified SIDS Document:
-        <ul>
-        <li> Changed Null to xxxxNull and UserDefined to xxxxUserDefined, as appropriate.
-        <li> Also made sure that the xxxxNull is listed first, and the
-             xxxxUserDefined is listed second.
-        <li> New Document Version is 3.1.1, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-        </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>01&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified doc home page to change mention of ADFviewer to CGNSview.
-     <li> Modified User's Guide
-        <ul>
-        <li> Changed references of ADFviewer to CGNSview.
-        <li> Updated code snippet examples to reflect changes in new UserGuideCodeV3.1,
-             including changes of MODE_READ to CG_MODE_READ (for example) in cg_open calls.
-        <li> Added mention of cg_error_handler.
-        <li> Changes to user/index.html, faq.html, intro.html, additional.html, started.html, trouble.html.
-        <li> New Document Version of Guide is 1.1.13, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-        </ul>
-     <li> Modified Mid-Level Library
-        <ul>
-        <li> Added new table of Typedef Name Access Functions under General Remarks.
-        <li> Added description of cg_elements_partial_write.
-        <li> Added descriptions of cg_save_as, cg_set_file_type, cg_get_file_type, cg_error_handler, cg_set_compress,
-             cg_get_compress, cg_set_path, and cg_add_path.
-        <li> New Document Version is 3.1.1, corresponding to CGNS Version 3.1.
-        </ul>
-     <li> On Sitemap for CGNS Tools and Utilities, updated old ADFviewer to new CGNSview, along with relevant
-          new information.
-     <li> Major update of CGNS tools and utilities, including switch from
-          use of ADFviewer to CGNSview; New Document Version is 2.0.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2011</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Caught up with postings of telecon minutes.  Added CGNS Tutorial slides
-          from Orlando Jan 2010.  Added 2008-2009 CGNSTalk archives.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications
-          Software</a> section of the CGNS <i>Overview and Entry-Level
-          Document</i>, changed the contact person for notification
-          about new CGNS applications.
-     <li> In the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS document</a>, deleted
-          the contact info for questions about the SIDS, since it was no
-          longer valid, and is now covered by the CGNStalk mailing list.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the May 20 CGNS Steering Committee
-          telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_may09.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_may09.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>21&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#goto">Accessing a
-          Node</a> description in the "Navigating a CGNS File" section
-          of the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> document, corrected an error
-          in the syntax for the <tt>cg_gopath_f</tt> Fortran routine.
-          The last two arguments were reversed. Thanks to Richard
-          McDonald at the USGS for the correction.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <i>Steering Committee Charter</i>, deleted the list of
-          current member organizations in the
-          <a href="charter/organization.html">Organization/Bylaws</a>
-          section.
-          This is now available at the <a href="http://www.cgns.org/">CGNS
-          web site</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>12&nbsp;May&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="midlevel/structural.html#zone">Zone
-          Information</a> description in the "Structural Nodes" section
-          of the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> document, added a sentence
-          emphasizing that zones must be named alphanumerically to
-          ensure proper retrieval.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the Apr 1 CGNS Steering Committee
-          telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_apr09.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_apr09.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the <i>CGNS Steering Committee Charter</i> to delete
-          <a href="http://www.pnl.gov/">Pacific Northwest National
-          Laboratory</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-          and add <a href="http://www.sunysb.edu/">Stony Brook
-          University</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link"> to
-          the list of <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">
-          current member organizations</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>9&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2009</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the Jan 7 CGNS Steering Committee
-          meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jan09.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jan09.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the Nov 5 CGNS Steering Committee
-          telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_nov08.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_nov08.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>9&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added AIAA Paper 2008-0479, titled "Benchmarking the CGNS I/O
-          Performance," by Thomas Hauser, presented at the 46th AIAA
-          Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
-          [<a href="papers/aiaa08-0479.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="papers/aiaa08-0479.pdf">PDF</a> (318K, 8 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the Sep 10 CGNS Steering Committee
-          telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_sep08.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep08.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the description of the
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-          structure in the SIDS to modify how <tt>NGON_n</tt> and
-          <tt>NFACE_n</tt> are used to define general polyhedral
-          elements.
-          Each face of an element (except for boundary faces) must be
-          shared by another element; faces may not be duplicated in
-          <tt>NGON_n</tt> with opposite orientations.
-          The sign of the face number for a particular polyhedral
-          element in <tt>NFACE_n</tt> determines the direction of its
-          normal with respect to that element - positive for outward,
-          negative for inward.
-          Also modified the
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#ex:elements2"><tt>NGON_n/NFACE_n</tt>
-          example</a> for consistency with the above change.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;July&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified each page to use server-side includes for adding the
-          footer.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;July&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the July 2 CGNS Steering Committee
-          telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_jul08.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_jul08.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;June&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the description of the
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-          structure in the SIDS to incorporate the new definition of
-          the <tt>NGON_n</tt> element type, and add the <tt>NFACE_n</tt>
-          element type.
-          Also added <a href="sids/gridflow.html#element_example">examples</a>
-          illustrating their use.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;June&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>
-          section of the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> documentation, added
-          <tt>PYRA_13</tt> and <tt>NFACE_n</tt> to the list of supported
-          key words for <tt>ElementType_t</tt>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the May 7 CGNS Steering Committee
-          telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_may08.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_may08.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the SIDS document, added a <tt>PYRA_13</tt> element to
-          the description of the unstructured grid element numbering
-          conventions for
-          <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_pyramid">pyramid elements</a>.
-     <li> Made a minor change in the <a href="user/started.html">Getting
-          Started</a> section of the <i>User's Guide to CGNS</i>,
-          involving the use of <tt>PointList</tt> or <tt>PointRange</tt>
-          with <tt>GridLocation</tt> set to <tt>FaceCenter</tt>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>12&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="cgnstools/index.html">CGNS Tools and
-          Utilities</a>, modified the description of ADF_Edit to note
-          that it's been superseded by the more capable
-          <a href="cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a>.
-     <li> In the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview and
-          Entry-Level Document</a>, removed references to the utility
-          ADF_Edit, in favor of
-          <a href="cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>7&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the <a href="user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a>,
-          primarily in the section on
-          <a href="user/started.html#sec:bcunstr">writing boundary
-          conditions for an unstructured grid</a> to illustrate the
-          recommended procedure using <tt>ElementList</tt>, rather than
-          <tt>PointList</tt> with <tt>GridLocation=FaceCenter</tt>.
-          Also removed references to the utility ADF_Edit, in favor of
-          <a href="cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>8&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added HTML versions of all the PDF attachments to meeting and
-          telecon minutes.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added HTML versions of (almost) all the
-          <a href="index.html#Slides">slide presentations</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added HTML versions of the following papers.
-          <ul>
-          <li> <a href="papers/aiaa00-0681.html">"Advances in the CGNS
-               Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD"</a> (AIAA
-               Paper 2000-0681)
-          <li> <a href="papers/aiaa02-0752.html">"CFD General Notation
-               System (CGNS): Status and Future Directions"</a> (AIAA
-               Paper 2002-0752)
-          <li> <a href="papers/aiaa05-1381.html">"Benchmarking Parallel
-               I/O Performance for Computational Fluid Dynamics
-               Applications"</a> (AIAA Paper 2005-1381)
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>18&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2008</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the Jan 6 CGNS Steering Committee
-          meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jan08.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jan08.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>5&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added an "external link" symbol
-          (<img src="external.png" alt="external link symbol">) to all
-          links to non-NASA sites, per NASA policy.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted draft minutes from the Nov 28 CGNS Steering Committee
-          telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_nov07.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_nov07.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>7&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the description of the
-          <a href="sids/floweqn.html#TurbulenceModel"><tt>TurbulenceModel_t</tt></a>
-          structure to add references to the specific models that correspond
-          to the <tt>TurbulenceModelType</tt> names, and to add a
-          recommendation for handling subsequent changes to the models.
-     <li> In the <a href="user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a>,
-          added a note that it was originally published as
-          NASA/TM-2001-211236, October 2001.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>9&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the list of
-          <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-          member organizations</a> in the <i>CGNS Steering Committee
-          Charter</i> to reflect the name change of Thaerocomp Technical
-          Corporation to TTC Technologies.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Sept 12 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_sep07.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep07.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Due to the release of CGNS Version 2.5, the CGNS documentation
-          has been moved as shown below:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> CGNS Version 2.5<br>
-               <a href="index.html">index.html</a>
-          <li> CGNS Version 2.4<br>
-               <a href="rel2.4/index.html">rel2.4/index.html</a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Documentation for CGNS Version 2.3 has been deleted.
-     <li> Updated the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview and
-          Entry-Level Document</a> to reflect the release of
-          CGNS Version 2.5.
-     <li> In the <i>SIDS</i> document, modified the description of the
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-          structure to clarify the use of <tt>CellListDonor</tt>
-          and <tt>InterpolantsDonor</tt> for both structured and
-          unstructured grids.
-          Also added some <a href="sids/cnct.html#cnct_gen_example">General
-          Interface Connectivity Examples</a>.
-     <li> Modified the <i>CGNS Steering Committee Charter</i> to add
-          <a href="http://www.conceptsnrec.com/">Concepts NREC</a> 
-          <img src="external.png" alt="external link"> to the list of
-          <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-          member organizations</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;July&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS document</a> to
-          include information on the newly-released AIAA Recommended
-          Practice R-101A-2005, and made the
-          <a href="sids/aiaa/R_101A_2005.pdf">PDF version of the
-          Recommended Practice</a> available.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>5&nbsp;July&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS document</a>, rearranged
-          discussion of the AIAA Recommended Practice version of the
-          SIDS, noting that it's out of date, and removed links to it on
-          the CGNS documentation home page.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;June&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the May 22 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_may07.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_may07.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Mar 21 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_mar07.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar07.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>30&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected a minor error in Mid-Level Library document,
-          changing the error status names <tt>ALL_OK</tt>, <tt>ERROR</tt>,
-          <tt>NODE_NOT_FOUND</tt>, and <tt>INCORRECT_PATH</tt> to
-          <tt>CG_OK</tt>, <tt>CG_ERROR</tt>, <tt>CG_NODE_NOT_FOUND</tt>, and
-          <tt>CG_INCORRECT_PATH</tt>, respectively.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2007</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected an error in SIDS document, in the description of
-          the unstructured grid element numbering conventions for 
-          <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_pyramid">pyramid elements</a>.
-          For the <tt>PYRA_14</tt> element, node 14 should be at the
-          center of the quadrilateral face, not the center of the
-          element.
-     <li> Several modifications to the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual,
-          for consistency with the current CGNS Version 2.5 beta.
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> New functions to
-               <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#openclose">check file
-               validity</a> and
-               <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#configure">configure some
-               internal CGNS library options</a>.
-          <li> Additional functions providing alternate ways to
-               <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#goto">access a node.</a>
-          <li> Changes in the use of functions for partial writes of
-               <a href="midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates">coordinate</a>,
-               <a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements">element</a>,
-               and <a href="midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution">solution</a>
-               data.
-               The result is now always the union of the existing and
-               new data.
-               As part of this, the functions <tt>cg_section_read_ext</tt>
-               and <tt>cg_elements_read_ext</tt> are no longer needed
-               and have been removed, and new functions
-               <tt>cg_ElementPartialSize</tt> and
-               <tt>cg_elements_partial_read</tt> have been added.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Corrected typo in the data type of the argument <tt>data</tt>
-          in the Mid-Level Library function
-          <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free</tt></a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>30&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected error in the table at the top of the
-          <a href="cgnstools/utilities/export.html">Export Utilities</a>
-          section.
-          <tt>cgns_to_tecplot</tt> converts from CGNS to Tecplot, not
-          the other way round.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>16&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected an error in the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual, in
-          the argument list for
-          <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general"><tt>cg_conn_write_short</tt></a>.
-          Even though the specific cell connectivity data aren't needed,
-          the name of the donor zone is still required.
-          Thanks to Thorsten Schwarz for spotting the problem.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Oct 4 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_oct06.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_oct06.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     <li> In the CGNS <i>Steering Committee Charter</i>, added
-          <a href="http://www.tecplot.com">Tecplot</a>
-          <img src="external.png" alt="external link"> to the list of
-          <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-          member organizations</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated some links and contact points listed in the
-          <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-          section of the CGNS <i>Overview and Entry-Level Document</i>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>5&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the CGNS <i>Steering Committee Charter</i>,
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Added Thaerocomp to the list of
-               <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-               member organizations</a>.
-          <li> Added a paragraph in the
-               <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">Representation</a>
-               section about the responsibilities of individual Steering
-               Committee members.
-          </ul>
-     <li> In the <i>Mid-Level Library</i>, modified the description of
-          the <tt>size</tt> argument for the
-          <a href="midlevel/structural.html#zone">Zone Information
-          routines</a>, attempting to clarify the definition for
-          unstructured grids.
-     <li> In the <i>SIDS</i>,
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Modified the description of <tt>VertexSize</tt> for the
-               <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Zone"><tt>Zone_t</tt></a> structure
-               to clarify its definition for unstructured grids.
-          <li> Modified the description of the 
-               <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>
-               structure to allow <tt>GridLocation</tt> to be
-               either <tt>Vertex</tt> or <tt>FaceCenter</tt> for
-               <tt>Abutting</tt> and <tt>Abutting1to1</tt> interfaces.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>8&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Aug 2 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_aug06.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_aug06.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>28&nbsp;July&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Various changes due to the new capability for
-          <a href="sids/conv.html#rind_unstruct">rind data with
-          unstructured grids</a>.
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> In the <i>SIDS</i> document, changes to the descriptions
-               and/or components of the following structures:
-               <a href="sids/build.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/gridflow.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/gridflow.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#DiscreteData"><tt>DiscreteData_t</tt></a>.
-          <li> In the <i>SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual</i>, changes to
-               the descriptions of the
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#Rind"><tt>Rind_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridCoordinates"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>, and
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#FlowSolution"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-               nodes, and to the figures for the
-               <a href="filemap/figures/GridCoordinates.html"><tt>GridCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/Elements.html"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>, and
-               <a href="filemap/figures/FlowSolution.html"><tt>FlowSolution_t</tt></a>
-               nodes.
-               Corresponding changes were also made in the
-               <i>SIDS-to-HDF File Mapping Manual</i>.
-          <li> In the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual, changes in the
-               <a href="midlevel/location.html#rind">Rind Layers</a>
-               section.
-          <li> In the <i>User's Guide to CGNS</i>, wording changes in the
-               sections describing a single-zone grid and flow solution for
-               <a href="user/started.html#sec:flowsoln:rind">structured</a> and
-               <a href="user/started.html#sec:unstrflow">unstructured</a>
-               grids, and in the
-               <a href="user/sids.html#sec:sidsexample">Structured Zone
-               Example</a> in the "Overview of the SIDS" section.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Added the Mid-Level Library function
-          <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#free"><tt>cg_free</tt></a>,
-          which frees memory allocated by the library for character data
-          returned by some routines.
-     <li> Made the following mods due to the SIDS change making zone
-          connectivity donor information optional for generalized
-          multizone interfaces.
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Modified the description of the
-               <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt>
-               structure</a> in the <i>SIDS</i> document.
-          <li> In the <a href="filemap/figures/GridConnectivity.html"><tt>GridConnectivity</tt>
-               node figure</a> in both the <i>SIDS-to-ADF</i> and
-               <i>SIDS-to-HDF File Mapping Manual</i>, changed the
-               Cardinality of <tt>CellListDonor/PointListDonor</tt> from
-               "1" to "0,1".
-          <li> Added the function <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general"><tt>cg_conn_write_short</tt></a>
-               in the <i>Mid-Level Library Manual</i>, to write
-               generalized zone connectivity data without donor
-               information.
-          </ul>
-     <li> In the <i>SIDS</i> document, added a sentence to the
-          description of <tt>ElementRange</tt> for the
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Elements"><tt>Elements_t</tt></a>
-          structure to clarify the use of the global numbering system.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;June&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added slides from the special
-          <a href="index.html#slides:tutorial_jun06">"CGNS Tutorial
-          Session"</a> at the 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference in San
-          Francisco, California, June 5-8, 2006.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;May&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the May 10 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_may06.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_may06.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>13&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated the paragraph in the <i>Overview and Entry-Level
-          Document</i> about the status of the
-          <a href="overview/history.html#status">inclusion of CGNS as
-          part of an ISO standard</a>.
-     <li> In the list of
-          <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-          member organizations</a> in the CGNS <i>Steering Committee
-          Charter</i>, changed the name "ICEM CFD Engineering" to
-          "ANSYS-ICEM CFD".
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>10&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated some links and contact points listed in the
-          <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-          section of the CGNS <i>Overview and Entry-Level Document</i>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added <a href="http://www.pnl.gov/">Pacific Northwest National
-          Laboratory</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-          to the list of
-          <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-          member organizations</a> in the CGNS <i>Steering Committee
-          Charter</i>.
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Mar 22 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_mar06.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar06.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>1&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected a couple of typos in the
-          <a href="sids/timedep.html">Time-Dependent Flow</a> and
-          <a href="sids/dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name
-          Identifiers</a> sections of the SIDS document, and
-          in the <a href="midlevel/navigating.html">Navigating
-          a CGNS File</a> section of the <i>Mid-Level Library
-          Manual</i> (where <tt>FlowSolution</tt> had been written as
-          <tt>FlowSolutions</tt>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>3&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <i>Mid-Level Library Manual</i>, corrected a typo in
-          the name of the Fortran routine
-          <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataarray"><tt>cg_array_read_as_f</tt></a>,
-          used to read data arrays (the "<tt>_f</tt>" was left off).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated (and alphabetized) the list of
-          <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">current
-          member organizations</a> in the CGNS <i>Steering Committee
-          Charter</i>.
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Jan 11 CGNS Steering Committee meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jan06.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jan06.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>10&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2006</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected a typo in the PDF version of the SIDS document
-          involving an escaped underscore.
-          Thanks to Marc Poinot for spotting it.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>21&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated all links to the
-          <a href="http://www.grc.nasa.gov/Doc/grcwebpolicies.html">NASA
-          Privacy and Accessibility Policies</a> to conform with the
-          latest NASA requirement.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>15&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <i>SIDS</i> document,
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Added a paragraph at the start of the
-               <a href="sids/intro.html">Introduction</a> intended to
-               better explain the importance and benefits of using CGNS.
-          <li> Added a bit to the description of the
-               <a href="sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a> 
-               data structure to more clearly explain its use, and
-               deleted the sentence saying that it doesn't cover cases
-               where the zone interfaces are not perpendicular to the
-               axis of rotation.
-          <li> Made a few other changes in various places to correct
-               typos and add clarification.
-          </ul>
-          Thanks to Kurt Weber for his review of the updated AIAA
-          Recommended Practice, and for suggesting these changes.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>7&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the <a href="user/index.html">User's Guide to
-          CGNS</a> to refer users to the 
-          <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns">CGNS site at
-          SourceForge</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-          to download the source code examples.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>21&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Eliminated most usage of images for equation elements
-          throughout the HTML version of the CGNS documentation, in
-          favor of the appropriate HTML character entities.
-          E.g., instead of using a GIF image to represent the Greek
-          letter rho, the character entity &amp;rho; is used instead.
-          Images were originally used because HTML browsers typically
-          didn't support character entities for many of the symbols
-          that were used.
-          Current-generation browsers, however, are much better.
-          Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 supports all the character entities used
-          in the CGNS documentation, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
-          supports all but a couple.
-          See the list of standard HTML 4.0 character entities for
-          <a href="http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html">Symbols
-          and Greek Letters</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-          to see how they are displayed in your browser.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected typos in the <a href="midlevel/solution.html">Solution
-          Data</a> section of the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual.
-          (<tt>GridLocation_t</tt> was mistakenly written as
-          <tt>GridLocationType_t</tt>.)
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>16&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected a minor cross-referencing error in the PDF version of
-          the SIDS document.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>2&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the description of the
-          <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general">Generalized
-          Connectivity</a> routines in the <i>Mid-Level Library
-          Manual</i>, clarified the definitions of <tt>ndata_donor</tt>
-          and <tt>donor_data</tt>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the description of
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity"><tt>GridConnectivity_t</tt></a>,
-          in the <a href="sids/cnct.html">Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>
-          section of the <i>SIDS</i> document, modified the description
-          of the use of <tt>GridLocation</tt> to clarify its allowed
-          values for different types of interfaces.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>18&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added a couple of sentences in the
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html">Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>
-          and <a href="sids/bc.html">Boundary Conditions</a> sections of
-          the <i>SIDS</i> document to clarify that a given zone boundary
-          segment is intended to be defined as either a boundary
-          condition segment or a multizone connectivity segment, but not
-          both.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated the <a href="overview/elements.html">Elements and
-          Documentation</a> section of the <i>Overview and Entry-Level
-          Document</i> to reflect the option of using HDF instead of ADF.
-          (Thanks to Chris Rumsey for doing the update.)
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>5&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Oct 4 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_oct05.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_oct05.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     <li> Added <a href="papers/erf31-107.pdf">ERF Paper 31-107</a>,
-          titled "Application of CGNS software components for
-          helicopter blade fluid-structure strong coupling," by M. Poinot,
-          M. Costes, and B. Cantaloube, presented at the 31st European
-          Rotorcraft Forum, Florence, Italy. [PDF (174K, 10 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>7&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="overview/history.html">History</a> section of
-          the <i>Overview</i> document, added a sentence crediting
-          ONERA, ICEM CFD, and AEDC for the addition of support for HDF5.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Due to the release of CGNS Version 2.4, the CGNS documentation
-          has been moved as shown below:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> CGNS Version 2.4<br>
-               <a href="rel2.4/index.html">index.html</a>
-          <li> CGNS Version 2.3<br>
-               <a href="rel2.3/index.html">rel2.3/index.html</a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Documentation for CGNS Version 2.2 has been deleted.
-     <li> Added the <a href="filemap_hdf/index.html">SIDS-to-HDF
-          File Mapping Manual</a>, created by Marc Poinot using the
-          <i>SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual</i> as a basis.
-     <li> Updated the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview and
-          Entry-Level Document</a> to reflect the release of
-          CGNS Version 2.4, and the option of using HDF instead of ADF.
-     <li> Modified the CGNS Steering Committee Charter to note the
-          addition of the HDF5 option, change the
-          <a href="charter/license.html">license</a>
-          covering the allowed distribution and use of the CGNS software,
-          and to update a few links.
-     <li> Added a note in the <a href="user/intro.html">Introduction</a>
-          section of the <i>User's Guide</i> about the option of using
-          HDF instead of ADF as the underlying database manager.
-     <li> Minor modifications to the <i>SIDS</i> document, in the
-          <a href="sids/intro.html">Introduction</a>,
-          <a href="sids/conv.html">Conventions</a>,
-          <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html">Hierarchical Structures</a>,
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html">Multizone Interface Connectivity</a>,
-          and <a href="sids/bc.html">Boundary Conditions</a> sections,
-          due to the option of using HDF instead of ADF.
-     <li> Minor modifications to the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> document,
-          in the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Introduction</a>,
-          <a href="midlevel/general.html">General Remarks</a>,
-          <a href="midlevel/fileops.html#openclose">Opening and Closing
-          a CGNS File</a>, and <a href="midlevel/navigating.html">Navigating
-          a CGNS File</a> sections, due to the option of using HDF
-          instead of ADF.
-     <li> Minor modifications to the <i>SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual</i>,
-          in the <a href="filemap/brief.html">Brief Description of CGNS</a>,
-          <a href="filemap/documentation.html">CGNS Documentation</a>, and
-          <a href="filemap/adfsummary.html">Summary Description of ADF</a>,
-          sections, due to the option of using HDF instead of ADF.
-     <li> Added a note to the list of <a href="structures.html">CGNS
-          Data Structures</a> saying that the "File Mapping" links
-          connect to the <i>SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual</i>.
-     <li> Added the <i>SIDS-to-HDF File Mapping Manual</i> to the lists
-          in the instructions for downloading the
-          HTML and
-          LaTeX source files.
-     <li> Added the <a href="sitemaps/filemap_hdf.html">SIDS-to-HDF File
-          Mapping Manual</a> to the document
-          <a href="sitemaps/index.html">sitemaps</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted slides <a href="slides/nasa-ames.ppt">CFD General
-          Notation System</a>, an overview of the CGNS project and its
-          current status, presented by Bruce Wedan of ANSYS/ICEM CFD at
-          NASA Ames, Jan 2005. [PowerPoint (345K, 46 pages)].
-     <li> In the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual, added a paragraph to
-          the description of the function
-          <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcdata"><tt>cg_bcdata_write</tt></a>
-          about writing the boundary condition data itself.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the information on the <a href="index.html">CGNS
-          Documentation Home Page</a> about the
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk">CGNStalk
-          mailing list</a>, due to the move to a new list server.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated the documentation for consistency with CGNS version 2.4.
-          In the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS document</a> this includes:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>
-               has been added to the
-               <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivity1to1"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1_t</tt></a>
-               data structure.
-          <li> <a href="sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>,
-               <tt>PointRange</tt>, and <tt>PointList</tt> have been added
-               to the <a href="sids/bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-               data structure, allowing boundary conditions to be
-               specified at locations different from those used to
-               defined the BC patch.
-               An <a href="sids/bc.html#ex:bc6">example</a> of this has
-               also been added.
-          <li> Data structures have been added to
-               <a href="sids/floweqn.html#FlowEquationSet"><tt>FlowEquationSet_t</tt></a>
-               for describing the electric field, magnetic field, and
-               conductivity models used for
-               <a href="sids/floweqn.html#EM">electromagnetic flows</a>.
-               Corresponding recommended
-               <a href="sids/floweqn.html#t:id_EM">data-name identifiers</a>
-               have also been added.
-          <li> <a href="sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>
-               has been added to the
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-               data structure.
-          <li> A <a href="sids/bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-               list has been added to the
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-               data structure, allowing specification of boundary
-               condition data arrays for CFD families.
-          <li> <a href="sids/build.html#GridLocation"><tt>GridLocation_t</tt></a>,
-               <tt>PointRange</tt>, <tt>PointList</tt>,
-               <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>,
-               and <a href="sids/cgnsbase.html#Ordinal"><tt>Ordinal</tt></a>
-               have been added to the
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-               data structure.
-          <li> The <a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalUnits"><tt>DimensionalUnits_t</tt></a>
-               and <a href="sids/build.html#DimensionalExponents"><tt>DimensionalExponents_t</tt></a>
-               structures have been expanded to include units for
-               electric current, substance amount, and luminous
-               intensity.
-          </ul>
-          In the <a href="filemap/index.html">SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual</a>:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Details have been added for the new nodes
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#AdditionalUnits"><tt>AdditionalUnits_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#AdditionalExponents"><tt>AdditionalExponents_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#EMElectricFieldModel"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#EMMagneticFieldModel"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#EMConductivityModel"><tt>EMConductivityModel_t</tt></a>.
-          <li> The description of <tt>ListLength</tt> for the
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a> node has been
-               modified due to the addition of <tt>GridLocation_t</tt> to
-               the <a href="sids/bc.html#BCDataSet"><tt>BCDataSet_t</tt></a>
-               structure.
-          <li> Minor modifications to some of the
-               <a href="filemap/figures.html">File Mapping Figures</a>
-               due to the addition of optional child nodes to some
-               nodes, primarily affecting
-               <a href="filemap/general.html#cardinality">Cardinality</a>
-               values.
-          <li> Added new child nodes in the
-               <a href="filemap/figures/GridConnectivity1to1.html"><tt>GridConnectivity1to1</tt><a>, 
-               <a href="filemap/figures/BCDataSet.html"><tt>BCDataSet</tt><a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt><a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/Family.html"><tt>Family</tt><a>, and
-               <a href="filemap/figures/UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData</tt><a>
-               figures.
-          <li> Added new figures for the
-               <a href="filemap/figures/DimensionalExponents.html"><tt>DimensionalExponents</tt><a>, 
-               <a href="filemap/figures/DimensionalUnits.html"><tt>DimensionalUnits</tt><a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/EMElectricFieldModel.html"><tt>EMElectricFieldModel</tt><a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/EMMagneticFieldModel.html"><tt>EMMagneticFieldModel</tt><a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/EMConductivityModel.html"><tt>EMConductivityModel</tt><a>, and
-               <a href="filemap/figures/FamilyBC.html"><tt>FamilyBC</tt><a>
-               nodes.
-          </ul>
-          And in the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library
-          manual</a>:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> In the list of <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">Typedefs</a>,
-               added the typedefs <tt>ElectricCurrentUnits_t</tt>,
-               <tt>SubstanceAmountUnits_t</tt>, and
-               <tt>LuminousIntensityUnits_t</tt>, and added some new key
-               words to the <tt>ModelType_t</tt> typedef.
-          <li> Modified the description of the routines for reading/writing
-               dimensional <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalunits">units</a>
-               and <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dimensionalexponents">exponents</a>
-               due to the addition of electric current, substance
-               amount, and luminous intensity.
-          <li> Added routines for
-               <a href="midlevel/location.html#ptset">reading/writing
-               point sets</a> (i.e., <tt>PointRange</tt> and
-               <tt>PointList</tt> nodes).
-          <li> For <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#userdefined">user-defined
-               data</a>, added detail about reading/writing point set
-               information.
-          <li> Added a routine for
-               <a href="midlevel/grid.html#gridcoordinates_original">writing a
-               partial set of grid coordinates</a>.
-          <li> Added new routines related to
-               <a href="midlevel/grid.html#elements">element connectivity</a>, 
-               including routines for reading/writing partial lists of
-               element and parent data</a>.
-          <li> Added a routine for
-               <a href="midlevel/solution.html#flowsolution_array">writing a
-               partial flow solution</a>.
-          <li> Added routines for
-               <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty">reading/writing
-               special grid connectivity information</a> for 1-to-1 grid
-               connectivity.
-          <li> Added detail about
-               <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcdataset">reading/writing point
-               set information</a> to <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> nodes that
-               are children of a <tt>BC_t</tt> node.
-          <li> Added routines for
-               <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcdataset_family">reading/writing
-               <tt>BCDataSet_t</tt> nodes for a CFD family</a>.
-          <li> Added a routine for
-               <a href="midlevel/equation.html#flowequationset">reading
-               electromagnetic equation set info</a>, and added
-               <a href="midlevel/equation.html#auxiliary">types for
-               electromagnetic models</a>.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the May 25 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_may05.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_may05.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated some links and contact points listed in the
-          <a href="overview/applications.html">Applications Software</a>
-          section of the CGNS <i>Overview and Entry-Level Document</i>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Modified the <a href="charter/organization.html">Organization/Bylaws</a>
-          section of the CGNS <i>Steering Committee Charter</i> to allow
-          the appointment of a Vice-Chairperson.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Mar 16 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_mar05.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar05.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>4&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added <a href="papers/aiaa05-1381.pdf">AIAA Paper
-          2005-1381</a>, titled "Benchmarking Parallel I/O Performance
-          for Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications," by P. D.
-          Pakalapati and T. Hauser, presented at the 43rd AIAA Aerospace
-          Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. [PDF (3.6M, 8 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>24&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected an error in the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual, in
-          the description of the
-          <a href="midlevel/physical.html#dataconversion">data conversion
-          routines</a> <tt>cg_conversion_write</tt> and
-          <tt>cg_conversion_read</tt>.
-          The scale and offset factors are stored in a two-element array,
-          not as separate scalars.
-     <li> Corrected an error in the <i>SIDS</i> document, in the
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#element_example"><tt>Elements_t</tt>
-          data structure examples</a>.
-          The examples included <tt>DataArray_t</tt> data structures
-          defining <tt>ParentData</tt> for 3-D elements, where it
-          doesn't apply.
-     <li> In the list of <a href="index.html#Papers">CGNS-related
-          conference papers</a>, added R. Magnan as an author for AIAA
-          Paper 2005-0334.
-          Apologies for inadvertently omitting him in the original update.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added <a href="papers/aiaa05-0334.pdf">AIAA Paper
-          2005-0334</a>, titled "CGNS-Based Data Model for Turbine Blade
-          Optimization," by H. Iepan, F. Guibault, M.-G. Vallet, and
-          R. Magnan, presented at the 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences
-          Meeting and Exhibit. [PDF (379K, 11 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>18&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2005</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Jan 12 CGNS Steering Committee meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jan05.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jan05.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     <li> Added <a href="papers/aiaa05-1155.pdf">AIAA Paper 2005-1155</a>,
-          titled "Checking CFD interfaces in a multi-disciplinary workflow
-          with an XML/CGNS compiler" by M. Poinot, E. Montreuil, and E.
-          Henaux, presented at the 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
-          and Exhibit. [PDF (662K, 11 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected (as Marc Poinot put it) the "smallest typo
-          ever known", in the "Deforming Grid Motion" example in the
-          <a href="sids/timedep.html">Time-Dependent Flow</a> section
-          of the <i>SIDS</i> document.
-          Thanks to Marc for spotting this.
-     <li> Modified the <i>Steering Committee Charter</i> to add Utah
-          State University, Stanford University, and ANSYS-CFX as
-          <a href="charter/organization.html#representation">Steering
-          Committee members</a>.
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Nov 17 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_nov04.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_nov04.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected an error in the section on
-          <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_pyramid">Unstructured Grid Element
-          Numbering Conventions</a> in the <i>SIDS</i> document.
-          For pyramid elements, the oriented edges for face <tt>F4</tt>
-          were listed as <tt>E6,E8,-E7</tt>, and the correct values
-          are <tt>E3,E8,-E7</tt>.
-          Thanks to Alan Sayre for spotting this.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added <tt>SoundIntensityDB</tt> (sound intensity level in decibels)
-          and <tt>SoundIntensity</tt> (sound power per unit area) to the
-          list of recommended <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">flow
-          solution data-name identifiers</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>30&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Sep 28 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_sep04.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep04.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added files and instructions for
-          downloading and using the LaTeX
-          source for the CGNS documentation.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>7&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the June 30 CGNS Steering Committee meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jun04.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jun04.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     <li> Added <a href="papers/aiaa04-2142.pdf">AIAA Paper 2004-2142</a>,
-          titled "Impact of CGNS on CFD Workflow" by M. Poinot,
-          C. L. Rumsey, and M. Mani, presented at the 34th AIAA Fluid
-          Dynamics Conference and Exhibit. [PDF (729K, 12 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added <a href="papers/aiaa04-1088.pdf">AIAA Paper 2004-1088</a>,
-          titled "Parallel I/O for the CGNS system" by Th. Hauser,
-          presented at the 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences
-          Meeting and Exhibit. [PDF (1.5M, 11 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>2&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Removed the wording "in the same manner as grid connectivity"
-          in the description of the <a href="filemap/nodes.html#BC">BC_t
-          node</a> in the <i>SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual</i>, that
-          was inadvertently left in when the documentation was updated
-          with the release of CGNS Version 2.3.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>18&nbsp;May&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Changed the description of
-          <a href="midlevel/descriptor.html#ordinal"><tt>Ordinal</tt></a>
-          in the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual to say that it may be
-          any integer value, and is not limited to values &gt; 0.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>2&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Mar 25 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_mar04.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar04.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Due to the release of CGNS Version 2.3, the CGNS documentation
-          has been moved as shown below:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> CGNS Version 2.3<br>
-               <a href="rel2.3/index.html">index.html</a>
-          <li> CGNS Version 2.2<br>
-               <a href="rel2.2/index.html">rel2.2/index.html</a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Documentation for CGNS Version 2.1 has been deleted.
-     <li> Updated the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview</a> document
-          to reflect the release of CGNS Version 2.3.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>19&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Removed the web page showing access stats for the CGNS
-          documentation web pages.
-          The widespread use of indexing robots for search engines, and
-          the local use of link validation tools, have made the access
-          stats pretty meaningless.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>13&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Changed the description of the
-          <a href="sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt> data structure</a>
-          in the <i>SIDS</i> manual to reflect the addition of
-          <tt>ElementRange</tt> and <tt>ElementList</tt>.
-     <li> In the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual, modified the
-          description of the routines related to the
-          <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc">Boundary Condition Type and
-          Location</a> to reflect the addition of <tt>ElementRange</tt>
-          and <tt>ElementList</tt> in the <tt>BC_t</tt> structure.
-     <li> In the <i>File Mapping</i> manual, modified the
-          <a href="filemap/figures/BC.html"><tt>BC_t</tt> figure</a>
-          to reflect the addition of <tt>ElementRange</tt> and
-          <tt>ElementList</tt>.
-     <li> In the <i>User's Guide to CGNS</i>, modified the
-          <a href="user/started.html">"Getting Started" section</a>
-          to reflect the addition of <tt>ElementRange</tt> and
-          <tt>ElementList</tt> in the <tt>BC_t</tt> structure.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Changed names of some .gif files used in the HTML version of
-          the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS document</a>, to avoid file
-          name conflicts on Windows systems, which (unfortunately) uses
-          case-insensitive file names.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>13&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2004</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated <a href="charter/index.html">CGNS Steering Committee
-          Charter</a>.
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Jan 7 CGNS Steering Committee meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jan04.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jan04.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>24&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Nov 20 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_nov03.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_nov03.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>24&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Sep 18 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_sep03.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep03.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>12&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected typos in the <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html">Grid
-          Connectivity</a> section of the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual.
-          (<tt>GridLocation_t</tt> was mistakenly written as
-          <tt>GridLocationType_t</tt>.)
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>4&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added an <a href="structures.html">alphabetical list of data
-          structures</a>, with links to the appropriate sections in the
-          various manuals. 
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>2&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the May 29 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_may03.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_may03.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added documentation for the <a href="cgnstools/index.html">CGNS
-          Tools and Utilities</a>, including
-          <a href="cgnstools/adfviewer/index.html">ADFviewer</a>,
-          <a href="cgnstools/cgnsplot/index.html">CGNSplot</a>, and
-          <a href="cgnstools/utilities/index.html">other utilities</a>
-          included in the <i>CGNStools</i> package.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>13&nbsp;May&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Due to the release of production Version 2.2 of the CGNS software,
-          the CGNS documentation has been moved as shown below:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Software Release 2.2<br>
-               <a href="rel2.2/index.html">index.html</a>
-          <li> Software Release 2.1<br>
-               <a href="rel2.1/index.html">rel2.1/index.html</a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Documentation for Software Release 2.0 has been deleted.
-     <li> Updated the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview</a> document
-          to reflect the release of Version 2.2 of the CGNS software.
-     <li> In the <i>ADF User's Guide</i>, modified the section on
-          <a href="adf/library.html#acquiring">Acquiring the Software
-          and Documentation</a> to reflect the current use of
-          <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns">SourceForge</a>
-          <img src="external.png" alt="external link"> for distribution.
-     <li> In the <i>Mid-Level Library</i>, modified the section on
-          <a href="midlevel/general.html#acquiring">Acquiring the Software
-          and Documentation</a> to reflect the current use of
-          <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns">SourceForge</a>
-          <img src="external.png" alt="external link"> for distribution.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>29&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added <a href="sitemaps/index.html">site maps</a> for the
-          major CGNS documents.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> A search capability has been added.
-          Words and/or phrases may be searched for in a specific
-          document, or in all documents combined.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>27&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added a paragraph about the CGNStalk mailing list, with a link
-          to the
-          <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk">list
-          archive</a>.
-     <li> Modified the description of
-          <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#goto"><tt>cg_goto</tt></a> in
-          the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library manual</a>
-          to note that when accessing a <tt>BCData_t</tt> node,
-          the index must be set to either <tt>Dirichlet</tt> or
-          <tt>Neumann</tt>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Mar 20 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_mar03.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar03.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added a sentence to the description of the
-          <a href="sids/bc.html#ZoneBC"><tt>ZoneBC_t</tt> data structure</a>
-          in the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS document</a> to clarify
-          that each boundary condition patch must be represented by a
-          single <tt>BC_t</tt> data structure.
-     <li> Expanded Note 2 for the <a href="sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt>
-          data structure</a> in the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS
-          document</a>, to add some discussion about the interpretation
-          of the points defining a BC patch when <tt>GridLocation</tt>
-          is set to <tt>Vertex</tt>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>28&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added a separate page describing the <a href="aiaa.html">AIAA
-          Recommended Practice R-101-2002</a>, with a more obvious link
-          near the top of the <a href="index.html">CGNS Documentation
-          Home Page</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added a paragraph to the <a href="index.html">CGNS
-          Documentation Home Page</a>, in the description of the SIDS
-          document, noting that it represents a draft revision
-          of the AIAA Recommended Practice, with links to the
-          <a href="http://www.aiaa.org/store/storeproductdetail.cfm?ID=1063">AIAA
-          Online Store</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link">
-          and to the <a href="sids/aiaa/R_101_2002.pdf">PDF version of
-          the Recommended Practice</a>.
-     <li> Updated the <a href="overview/history.html#standards">History and
-          Current Status</a> section to reflect the publication of the
-          AIAA Recommended Practice.
-     <li> In the SIDS document, corrected use of <tt>ParentData</tt> in
-          the <a href="sids/gridflow.html#element_example">examples of
-          the <tt>Elements_t</tt> data structure</a>; change suggested
-          by Diane Poirier an embarrassingly long time ago.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added a paragraph to the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS
-          document</a> noting that it represents a draft revision
-          of the AIAA Recommended Practice, and made the
-          <a href="sids/aiaa/R_101_2002.pdf">PDF version of the Recommended
-          Practice</a> available.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>15&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2003</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Jan 6 CGNS Steering Committee meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jan03.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jan03.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>10&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview</a> document,
-          added an entry for the CGNS Tools in the list of
-          <a href="overview/applications.html#utilities">CGNS Utilities</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Dec 4 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_dec02.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_dec02.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Sep 18 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_sep02.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_sep02.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     <li> In the
-          <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">General Remarks/Typedefs
-          section</a> of the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library
-          manual</a>, added the typedefs <tt>WallFunctionType_t</tt>,
-          <tt>AreaType_t</tt>, and <tt>AverageInterfaceType_t</tt>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library
-          manual</a>:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Corrected a minor error in the syntax of the C call for
-               <a href="midlevel/families.html#geometry"><tt>cg_geo_read</tt></a>.
-          <li> Added several nodes to the list of nodes that can't be
-               deleted by
-               <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#delete"><tt>cg_delete_node</tt></a>.
-          <li> Corrected the order of arguments for the routines used to
-               read and write
-               <a href="midlevel/grid.html#rotatingcoordinates">rotating coordinates</a>.
-          </ul>
-     <li> In the HTML version of the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS
-          document</a>, fixed a typo in the definition of the
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-          data structure.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated the documentation for consistency with Release 2.2,
-          Beta 1, of the CGNS software.
-          In the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS document</a> this includes:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> New data structures
-               <a href="sids/gridflow.html#Axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/gridflow.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/cnct.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/cnct.html#Periodic"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/cnct.html#AverageInterface"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/bc.html#BCProperty"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/bc.html#WallFunction"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="sids/bc.html#Area"><tt>Area_t</tt></a>, and
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#Gravity"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>.
-          <li> New <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">flow solution
-               data-name identifiers</a> for variables in rotating
-               coordinate systems.
-          </ul>
-          In the <a href="filemap/index.html">File Mapping Manual</a>:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Detailed descriptions for the
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#Axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#RotatingCoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#GridConnectivityProperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#Periodic"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#AverageInterface"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#BCProperty"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#WallFunction"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#Area"><tt>Area_t</tt></a>, and
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#Gravity"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>
-               nodes.
-          <li> Added figures for the
-               <a href="filemap/figures/Axisymmetry.html"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/RotatingCoordinates.html"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/GridConnectivityProperty.html"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/Periodic.html"><tt>Periodic_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/AverageInterface.html"><tt>AverageInterface_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/BCProperty.html"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/WallFunction.html"><tt>WallFunction_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/Area.html"><tt>Area_t</tt></a>, and
-               <a href="filemap/figures/Gravity.html"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>
-               nodes.
-          </ul>
-          And in the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library
-          manual</a>:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Added the routine
-               <a href="midlevel/navigating.html#delete"><tt>cg_delete_node</tt></a>
-               for deleting a node.
-          <li> Added routines for reading/writing the 
-               <a href="midlevel/grid.html#axisymmetry"><tt>Axisymmetry_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="midlevel/grid.html#rotatingcoordinates"><tt>RotatingCoordinates_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#connproperty"><tt>GridConnectivityProperty_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bcproperty"><tt>BCProperty_t</tt></a>, and
-               <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#gravity"><tt>Gravity_t</tt></a>
-               nodes.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>12&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added an <a href="user/faq.html">FAQ</a> in the
-          <a href="user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a> about
-          writing data sets associated with boundary conditions.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the PDF version of the Mid-Level
-     Library manual, corrected a typo in the definition of
-     "<tt>A</tt>" in Section 8.1.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Fixed a typo in the equations for the lift and drag coefficients
-          in the <a href="sids/dataname.html">Conventions for Data-Name
-          Identifiers</a> section of the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS
-          document</a>.
-          In the denominator, the area is <i>S</i><sub>ref</sub>, not
-          <i>S</i>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected error in the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS
-          document</a>.
-          In the <a href="sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-          data structure, <tt>GeometryFormat_t</tt> and
-          <tt>GeometryFile_t</tt> are required, not optional.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>12&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the PDF version of the Mid-Level
-          Library manual, corrected error in the input/output labeling
-          for <i>fn</i> in the <tt>cg_open</tt>, <tt>cg_version</tt>, and
-          <tt>cg_close</tt> routines.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>30&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Updated the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview</a> document
-          to reflect the release of Version 2.1 of the CGNS software on
-          May 24, 2002.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>3&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted slides presented by John Steinbrenner of Pointwise, Inc.,
-          at the 8th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation
-          in Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2-6, 2002.
-          [<a href="slides/cgns_8isgg.pdf">PDF</a> (131K, 12 pages),
-          <a href="slides/cgns_8isgg.ppt">PowerPoint</a> (143K, 12 pages)].
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>2&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the June 24 CGNS Steering Committee meeting.
-          (<a href="minutes/meeting_jun02.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/meeting_jun02.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>31&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Due to the release of production Version 2.1 of the CGNS software
-          on May 24, the CGNS documentation has been moved as shown below:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Software Release 2.1<br>
-               <a href="rel2.1/index.html">index.html</a>
-          <li> Software Release 2.0<br>
-               <a href="rel2.0/index.html">rel2.0/index.html</a>
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected a minor error in the
-          <a href="sids/cnct.html#OversetHoles"><tt>OversetHoles_t</tt></a>
-          structure definition.
-          <tt>PointRange</tt> and <tt>PointList</tt> are not both
-          optional; one must be specified, but not both.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the May 15 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_may02.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_may02.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="overview/index.html">Overview and Entry-Level
-          Document</a>, corrected the location of APPT in the tables in
-          the <a href="overview/applications.html#major">CGNS-Compatible
-          Applications</a> section
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>7&nbsp;May&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added the document version number and the applicable CGNS
-          software release number to the home or title page for each
-          of the CGNS documents.
-          Also added the CGNS logo, and in the HTML version changed
-          the heading color to match the logo.
-     <li> Updated and reorganized the
-          <a href="overview/index.html">Overview and Entry-Level
-          Document</a>.
-     <li> Modified the definition of <tt>NormalListFlag</tt> for the
-          <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc">Boundary Condition Type and
-          Location</a> routines in the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual.
-     <li> Added a list summarizing the <a href="changes.html">change
-          history</a> for the CGNS documentation.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the SIDS document, modified the introductory paragraph under
-          <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_force">Forces and
-          Moments</a> in the <a href="sids/dataname.html">Conventions
-          for Data-Name Identifiers</a> section to note that the standard
-          location for storing forces and moments is under a
-          <tt>ConvergenceHistory_t</tt> node.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>20&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted minutes from the Mar 13 CGNS Steering Committee telecon.
-          (<a href="minutes/telecon_mar02.html">HTML</a>,
-          <a href="minutes/telecon_mar02.pdf">PDF</a>).
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>15&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <i>ADF User's Guide</i>, added documentation for the
-          routines
-          <a href="adf/subs_io.html#Read_Block_Data"><tt>ADF_Read_Block_Data</tt></a> and
-          <a href="adf/subs_io.html#Write_Block_Data"><tt>ADF_Write_Block_Data</tt></a>,
-          for reading/writing a contiguous block of data to/from
-          a node.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>13&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Clarified/fixed the units for <tt>HeatOfFormationSymbol</tt>,
-          <tt>HeatOfFormation</tt>, and <tt>VibrationalElectronEnergy</tt>
-          in the lists of data-name identifiers for
-          <a href="sids/floweqn.html#t:id_chemicalkinetics">Chemical
-          Kinetics Models</a> and
-          <a href="sids/dataname.html#t:id_flow">Flow Solution Quantities</a>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>11&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Changed the three non-PDF <a href="index.html#Slides">slide
-          presentations</a> to PDF files, supplied by Diane Poirier.
-          (Thanks, Diane!)
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added a page with the monthly access statistics for the CGNS
-          documentation web site.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the SIDS document:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Modified the
-               <a href="sids/floweqn.html#GasModel"><tt>GasModelType_t</tt></a>
-               enumeration, and added the
-               <a href="sids/floweqn.html#ThermalRelaxationModel"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>
-               and <a href="sids/floweqn.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>
-               data structures, for supporting multi-species flows and
-               chemistry.
-          <li> Added <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">flow solution
-               data-name identifiers</a> for multi-species flows and
-               chemistry.
-          <li> Added the
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-               data structure for the storage of arbitrary user defined
-               data in <tt>Descriptor_t</tt> and <tt>DataArray_t</tt>
-               children without the restrictions or implicit meanings
-               imposed on these node types at other node locations.
-          </ul>
-     <li> In the File Mapping Manual:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Added the detailed node descriptions for the
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#ThermalRelaxationModel"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#ChemicalKineticsModel"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt></a>, and
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#UserDefinedData"><tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt></a>
-               nodes.
-          <li> Added a <tt>UserDefinedData_t</tt> child to many of the
-               <a href="filemap/figures.html">File Mapping Figures</a>
-          <li> Added <tt>ThermalRelaxationModel_t</tt> and
-               <tt>ChemicalKineticsModel_t</tt> children to the
-               <a href="filemap/figures/FlowEquationSet.html"><tt>FlowEquationSet</tt></a>
-               figure.
-          <li> Added figures for the
-               <a href="filemap/figures/ThermalRelaxationModel.html"><tt>ThermalRelaxationModel</tt></a>,
-               <a href="filemap/figures/ChemicalKineticsModel.html"><tt>ChemicalKineticsModel</tt></a>, and 
-               <a href="filemap/figures/UserDefinedData.html"><tt>UserDefinedData</tt></a>
-               nodes.
-          </ul>
-     <li> In the Mid-Level Library Manual:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Added <a href="midlevel/auxiliary.html#userdefined">routines
-               for including user-defined data</a>.
-          <li> Added <a href="midlevel/equation.html">material related
-               to multi-species flows and chemistry.</a>.
-          <li> Added <a href="midlevel/links.html">routines for links in
-               CGNS files</a>.
-          </ul>
-     <li> In the User's Guide:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> Added a bit to the section on
-               <a href="user/additional.html#sec:links">Using Links</a>.
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>5&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added HTML versions of the <a href="index.html#Minutes">minutes
-          for all the CGNS Steering Committee Meetings and Telecons</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>4&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Changed the attachments to the minutes from the 
-          Jan 14 CGNS Steering Committee meeting to PDF files,
-          supplied by Diane Poirier.  (Thanks, Diane!)
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>31&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted <a href="minutes/meeting_jan02.pdf">minutes from the
-          Jan 14 CGNS Steering Committee meeting in Reno, NV</a>,
-          along with PDF files for the following presentations:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> <a href="minutes/attachments/jan02_ISO.pdf">ISO Status</a>
-               (Ray Cosner)
-          <li> <a href="minutes/attachments/jan02_documentation.pdf">Documentation</a>
-               (Theresa Benyo)
-          <li> <a href="minutes/attachments/jan02_extensions.pdf">Extension Status</a>
-               (Chris Rumsey)
-          <li> <a href="minutes/attachments/jan02_PyCGNS-intro.pdf">PyCGNS</a>
-               (Marc Poinot)
-          </ul>
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>25&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added <a href="papers/aiaa02-0752.pdf">AIAA Paper 2002-0752</a>,
-          titled "CFD General Notation System (CGNS): Status and Future
-          Directions", presented at the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences
-          Meeting and Exhibit. [PDF (289K, 13 pages)]
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2002</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added the <a href="charter/index.html">CGNS Steering Committee
-          charter</a>.
-     <li> Changed the link for the software change history to point to
-          the <a href="http://cgns.sourceforge.net/Revisions.html">CGNS Software
-          Revisions</a> <img src="external.png" alt="external link"> page
-          on the <a href="http://cgns.sourceforge.net/">cgns.sourceforge.net</a>
-          <img src="external.png" alt="external link"> web site, which
-          is more up-to-date.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted <a href="minutes/telecon_nov01.pdf">minutes from the
-          Nov 6 CGNS Steering Committee telecon</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>2&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Changed the cardinality of <tt>FamilyBC_t</tt> to (0,1).
-          This affects:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> the description of the
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#FamilyBC"><tt>FamilyBC_t</tt></a>
-               node in the <a href="filemap/index.html">File Mapping
-               Manual</a>
-          <li> the definitions of
-               <a href="midlevel/families.html#family"><tt>nFamBC</tt></a> and
-               <a href="midlevel/families.html#familybc"><tt>BC</tt></a> in the
-               <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library Manual</a>.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Modified the docs to reflect the fact that the cardinality of
-          <tt>GeometryReference_t</tt> is (0,<i>N</i>).
-          This affects:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> the description of the
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a> and
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#GeometryReference"><tt>GeometryReference_t</tt></a>
-               structures in the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS Manual</a>
-          <li> the text for the
-               <a href="filemap/nodes.html#familygroup">Family Group</a>
-               nodes in the <a href="filemap/index.html">File Mapping
-               Manual</a>.
-          </ul>
-     <li> Added the <tt>FamilySpecified</tt> boundary condition type, for
-          specifying boundary conditions for a family.
-          This affects:
-          <ul type=circle>
-          <li> the <a href="midlevel/general.html#typedefs">list of
-               typedefs</a> in the
-               <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library Manual</a>
-          <li> the definition of
-               <a href="midlevel/bc.html#bc"><tt>bocotype</tt></a>
-               in the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library
-               Manual</a>
-          <li> the description of
-               <a href="sids/bc.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName</tt></a>
-               for the <a href="sids/bc.html#BC"><tt>BC_t</tt></a>
-               structure in the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS Manual</a>
-          <li> the description of the
-               <a href="sids/bc.html#BCType"><tt>BCTypeSimple_t</tt></a>
-               structure and the table of
-               <a href="sids/bc.html#t:BCTypeSimple">Simple Boundary Condition
-               Types</a> in the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS Manual</a>
-          <li> the description of the
-               <a href="sids/misc.html#Family"><tt>Family_t</tt></a>
-               structure in the <a href="sids/index.html">SIDS Manual</a>
-          </ul>
-     <li> Tried to clarify the definition of the family name, by adding
-          to the description of
-          <a href="filemap/nodes.html#FamilyName"><tt>FamilyName_t</tt></a>
-          node in the <a href="filemap/index.html">File Mapping Manual</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>1&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Added files and instructions for
-          installing the HTML version of
-          the CGNS documentation on a local system.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>10&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="filemap/index.html">File Mapping Manual</a>,
-          corrected the cardinality specified for the
-          <a href="filemap/nodes.html#FamilyName">FamilyName_t</a> node.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>26&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the SIDS document, fixed error in the units listed for the
-          ideal gas constant in the tables of
-          <a href="sids/floweqn.html#t:id_perfect">Data-Name Identifiers
-          for Perfect Gas</a> and
-          <a href="sids/dataname.html#t:id_flow">Data-Name Identifiers
-          for Flow Solution Quantities</a>.
-     <li> In the <i>Mid-Level Library</i> manual, fixed error in the
-          description of the <tt>donor_datatype</tt> argument for the
-          <a href="midlevel/connectivity.html#general">Generalized
-          Connectivity</a> functions.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted <a href="minutes/telecon_sep01.pdf">minutes from the
-          Sep 6 CGNS Steering Committee telecon</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted <a href="minutes/meeting_jun01.pdf">minutes from the
-          June 12 CGNS Steering Committee Meeting in Anaheim, CA</a>.
-          (And, I apologize for the delay.)
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>23&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> The <a href="user/index.html">User's Guide to CGNS</a> has
-          been updated, with new sections on
-          <a href="user/additional.html#sec:timedep">time-dependent data</a>
-          and <a href="user/plot3d.html">guidelines for writing and
-          reading PLOT3D data</a> in CGNS files.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>21&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected an couple of errors in the
-          <a href="filemap/index.html">File Mapping Manual</a>.
-          The <a href="filemap/nodes.html#bcgroup">InwardNormalIndex</a>
-          is actually a vector with <tt>IndexDimension</tt> elements,
-          and the name of the
-          <a href="filemap/nodes.html#GeometryEntity">GeometryEntity_t
-          node</a> is user defined, not <tt>GeometryEntity</tt>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>10&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-          manual, changed to a <font color="#990000"><i>slanted red</i></font>
-          font for the output variables, to better distinguish them
-          from the input variables.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>27&nbsp;Jun&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Corrected a minor bug in the
-          <a href="sids/gridflow.html#flow_example">Flow Solution
-          Example</a> in the SIDS manual.
-          The nondimensionalization factor for the momentum in the
-          example is <tt>sqrt</tt>(<i>p</i><tt>*</tt><i>rho</i>), not
-          <tt>sqrt</tt>(<i>p</i><tt>/</tt><i>rho</i>), and the corresponding
-          <tt>ConversionScale</tt> values for <tt>MomentumX</tt> and
-          <tt>MomentumY</tt> are both 352.446.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>17&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Reorganized the <a href="midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level
-          Library</a> manual, and created a PDF version.
-          The content is basically the same as the previous version,
-          but mostly follows the organization used in the
-          <a href="filemap/nodes.html">Detailed CGNS Node Descriptions</a>
-          section of the <a href="filemap/index.html">File Mapping Manual</a>.
-     <li> Converted the hard-copy version of the
-          ADF User's Guide to LaTeX, and
-          added an <a href="adf/index.html">HTML version</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>5&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Posted <a href="minutes/telecon_mar01.pdf">minutes from the
-          Mar 14 CGNS Steering Committee telecon</a>.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>14&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the SIDS manual, added statements in the sections describing the
-          <a href="sids/timedep.html#BaseIterativeData"><tt>BaseIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-          and <a href="sids/timedep.html#ZoneIterativeData"><tt>ZoneIterativeData_t</tt></a>
-          data structures clarifying that iterative data stored in a
-          CGNS database corresponds to values at the end of the
-          associated iteration.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>7 Mar 2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> In the SIDS manual, added a statement in the
-          <a href="sids/conv.html#unst_2d">2-D (Surface) Elements</a>
-          subsection clarifying the normal direction for 2-D
-          unstructured grid elements.
-     <li> In the SIDS manual, added a statement in the section on
-          <a href="sids/dataname.html#dataname_flow">data-name
-          identifiers for flowfield variables</a> stating that for
-          vector quantities, data-name identifiers for components in
-          cylindrical and spherical coordinates are established, even
-          when they're not explicitly listed.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>6&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Included software change history in this "What's New?" page.
-     </ul>
-<tr valign=baseline>
-<td> <b>22&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2001</b>
-<td> <ul>
-     <li> Documentation web pages moved to
-          <a href="index.html"></a>.
-     <li> Added HTML versions of the <a href="overview/index.html">CGNS
-          Overview and Entry-Level Document</a>, <a href="user/index.html">A
-          User's Guide to CGNS</a>, and the
-          <a href="filemap/index.html">SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping Manual</a>.
-          Also converted the hard-copy versions of the
-          CGNS Overview and Entry-Level
-          Document and the SIDS-to-ADF
-          File Mapping Manual to LaTeX.
-     <li> Corrected some errors in the description of
-          <a href="sids/timedep.html#ArbitraryGridMotion"><tt>ArbitraryGridMotion_t</tt></a>
-          in the SIDS manual.
-     <li> Updated the <a href="filemap/index.html">SIDS-to-ADF File Mapping
-          Manual</a> for consistency with the current version of the SIDS.
-          Modified the description of the
-          <a href="filemap/nodes.html#CGNSBase"><tt>CGNSBase_t</tt></a>
-          node, noting that current CGNS conventions require that it be
-          located directly below the ADF root node, and added a description
-          of the
-          <a href="filemap/nodes.html#CGNSLibraryVersion"><tt>CGNSLibraryVersion_t</tt></a>
-          node.
-     </ul>
-<hr size=4 width=75%>
-<div class=footer>
-<!--#include virtual="include/footer_big.html" -->
-Last updated 04 Sep 2019
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-Discussion Group</font></h1>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>Discussion Group</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>An email discussion list, CGNStalk, has been set up to facilitate
-the exchange of information among CGNS users. This list is hosted by
-As of July 2016, there are 431 total members worldwide.
-<p>To subscribe, fill out the subscription form at the <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/cgnstalk">CGNStalk
-Information Page</a>. You'll receive an automated welcome message when
-your subscription is activated. Subscription requests are sent to the list
-owner for approval, so there may be a short delay. Once your subscription
-is activated, you may send messages to the CGNStalk mailing list by addressing
-them to <i>cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</i>.
-<p>An <a href="https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/private/cgnstalk">archive</a>
-of the CGNStalk mailing list is also available, to list subscribers only.
-<!--<p><b>NOTE:</b> The CGNStalk email has changed from <i>cgnstalk@grc.nasa.gov</i>
-to <i>cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov.
-</i>As of August 8 2005, the old email will
-no longer be supported.</td>-->
-<!--<p>A <a href="https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/cgns">CGNS MediaWiki page</a> is now available.-->
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-   <title>FAQs</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)</font></h1>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>FAQs</font></b>&nbsp;
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<p><a href="#general">General Questions</a> are covered first, followed by
-<a href="#installation">Installation Questions</a>.
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-<a NAME="general"><h2>General Questions</h2>
-<p> Q: <b>How do I obtain CGNS?</b> </p>
-<p> A: CGNS is distributed via 
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS">https://github.com/CGNS</a>.  
-(Old, stable releases will remain available on SourceForge until the 
-transition from SourceForge to GitHub is completed.)
-All CGNS software is free, and
-is governed by the license described at the bottom of the
-<a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a> page.  You can 
-obtain the software by going to our <a href="download.html">Download</a> page.
-<p> Q: <b>How can I get help if I run into problems?</b> </p>
-<p> A: There is no full-time CGNS "help desk." Instead, the CGNS
-community relies on both extensive documentation and other CGNS users for
-help and support.  The documentation is available at
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>.
-In particular, we recommend that beginning users consult the 
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>,
-which includes many example programs in both Fortran and C.
-If you still need help, please make use of the 
-<a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>, via e-mail:
-<a href="mailto:cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov">cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</a>.  We
-strongly encourage you to join this group so you can be a part of ongoing
-CGNS discussions and updates.
-<p> Q: <b>There is a lot of documentation... which are most important for me
-to read?</b> </p>
-<p> A: We recommend the
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-as a first "must read."  This will introduce you to CGNS and guide you through
-many basic examples.
-As a tutorial overview, the "CGNS Tutorial Session" (slide format) may also be useful.  
-It can be found under
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-(Slides section).
-The full details about the intellectual content of
-CGNS files are given in the
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a> document
-(which is also an AIAA Recommended Practice).
-Finally, when you start programming, you will probably need to refer to the
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-documentation, which describes the Fortran and C calls used to read and write
-the CGNS files.
-<p> Q: <b>What does SIDS mean?</b> </p>
-<p> A: SIDS stands for "Standard Interface Data Structures."  It defines
-the details of how data is stored in a CGNS file.  CGNS files themselves are
-entities that are organized internally into a set of "nodes" in a tree-like structure.
-The top-most node is referred to as the "root node," and each node has
-an associated name, label, data, and (possible) children nodes.  It is the SIDS 
-that tells you how those nodes are organized, and 
-what data is contained therein.
-<p> Q: <b>What do I do if CGNS is not capable of handling my particular
-application?</b> </p>
-<p> A: CGNS has been designed to be very flexible, for handling a wide
-range of flow physics applications.  However, if you find an application
-that is not covered, you are encouraged to utilize the "UserDefined"
-construct as needed.  In fact, the UserDefined node can be used to create
-an entire tree consisting of multiple levels of UserDefined children nodes,
-so you can create an entire "pattern" for storing particular information.  
-Furthermore, if you feel that a change or addition is needed
-to the SIDS, or if you feel that a particular "pattern" you have created
-might be useful to others, please consider submitting a proposal for extension
-(see <a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a> page).
-<p> Q: <b>When there are multiple ZONES associated with a given CGNS file, is there a 
-particular way that they should be named?
-</b> </p>
-<p> A: 
-It is important for CGNS users to know that
-when a CGNS file is opened via the cg_open() MLL function, the zones are sorted
-<i>alphanumerically</i> by name (the creation order is ignored/discarded).  This mechanism is
-provided to enable ordinal zone indexing.  Therefore, if ordinal zone indexing is desired, 
-it is considered good standard
-practice to always <u>choose zone names to 
-be alphabetically increasing.</u>  For example, Zone0001, Zone0002, etc. is appropriate for up to
-9999 zones.
-(Important: Because the cgnsview tool uses the low-level cgio API, it does not sort the zones
-by name and zone order presented may not match that of the MLL API.  Generally, cgnsview
-presents the zones in creation order for both ADF and HDF5 formats.  One exception is CGNS files
-that are either created or opened using the HDF5 v1.6 library (or older) will always be presented
-alphabetically (creation order tracking was added to HDF5 in v1.8).)
-<p> Q: <b>How do I view my CGNS files?</b> </p>
-<p> A: CGNS files are most easily viewed using the tool "cgnsview" 
-(part of the cgnstools).  This tool is
-Tcl/Tk based.  Cgnsview also has the capability to plot and to translate to/from
-PLOT3D format, for example.
-<p> Q: <b>How do I know if a CGNS file is correct according to the SIDS 
-definitions?</b> </p>
-<p> A: There are currently tools being developed to evaluate how well a
-file complies with the CGNS rules ("SIDS-compliance").  For example, 
-the utility "cgnsview" (available as part of the 
-cgnstools), has a capability called "check CGNS" that checks for compliance
-to some degree (this tool can also be run independently of cgnsview).  
-There are still ongoing discussions about this subject.
-For example, it is possible that different levels of compliance may be
-defined in the future.
-<p> Q: <b>What do the CGNS Version numbers mean, and does the CGNS library maintain
-backward/forward compatibility?</b> </p>
-<p> A: The CGNS versions are currently numbered as follows:  "Version x.y, Revision z",
-or "Version x.y-z".  (However, the revision number is often left off, so you will typically
-only see "Version x.y".) The first number represents the "major" version number.  Within
-this number, the library maintains forward compatibility.  For example, Version 2.3 of the
-library can read a Version 2.5 CGNS file, but Version 1.y cannot necessarily read any Version 2.y
-(or later) file.  A new "major" version number is assigned
-either when forward compatibility is lost, or else when there is a significant
-change made to the API.  The second number is the "point release" number.  It
-increments when there are relatively minor changes to the API, or with the 
-addition of new features.  The third number (the revision number) changes with
-bug fixes.  Major releases and point releases are announced (via 
-the <a href="news.html">Latest News</a> page and via
-the CGNSTalk <a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>), whereas revisions are 
-generally not announced.  Note that CGNS always maintains backward compatibility: the most recent
-version of the library will be able to read all older versions CGNS files.
-<p> Q: <b>How do I keep up with the goings-on of the Steering Committee?</b> </p>
-<p> A: The CGNS Steering Committee meets and/or holds telecons about 5 times
-per year.  The minutes are posted on the
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-page.  Also, the meetings are an open forum: anyone is welcome to attend.
-To find out the date and time of the next meeting, please e-mail to
-<a href="mailto:cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov">cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</a>.
-<p><a NAME="logoQ"></a> Q: <b>Can I use the CGNS logo as part of my website or other documentation?</b> </p>
-<p> A: We encourage anyone to freely use the CGNS logo when distributing or documenting CGNS
-related information. The logo adds prestige and credibility to web sites, publications,
-displays, announcements, and activities.  However, the use of the logo in such a way as
-to imply approval, endorsement, or responsibility of the CGNS committee is prohibited
-without written permission.</p>
-<p> <a href="cgns_color.gif">Logo file (color) in .gif format (13 kB)</a>
-&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="cgns_bw.gif">Logo file (black & white) in .gif format (12 kB)</a>
-<p> <a href="cgns_color.jpg">Logo file (color) in .jpg format (12 kB)</a>
-&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="cgns_bw.jpg">Logo file (black & white) in .jpg format (9 kB)</a>
-<p> Q: <b>Is CGNS an ISO standard?</b> </p>
-<p> A: Between 1999 and 2002, an effort was spearheaded by Boeing to establish an ISO-STEP standard for the 
-representation, storage, and exchange of digital data in fluid dynamics based on the CGNS standard. 
-Unfortunately, the effort had to be curtailed because of budget problems. It was subsequently decided that an 
-existing ISO standard on finite element solid mechanics would be rewritten and submitted to include CGNS 
-as well as an integrated engineering analysis framework.
-Some details on this subsequent effort can be found in archives of the
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting
-and Telecon Minutes</a>.
-This new ISO effort was being conducted completely outside of
-the control of the CGNS committee. Therefore, the current status is not known.</p>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-<a NAME="installation"><h2>Installation Questions</h2>
-<p> Q: <b>How to install CGNS on Windows from source with HDF5 also built from source using Microsoft C compiler?</b> </p>
-<p> A: There are two components to consider: (1) Installation of HDF5 from source and
-(2) Installation of CGNS using the HDF5 built in (1). 
- <h3>(1) Installation of HDF5 from source.</h3>
-This guide is a quick start summary of the HDF5 build instruction
-provided by <a
-HDF Group</a>. CGNS does not need the Fortran HDF5 APIs, so it is
-not required to enable Fortran when building HDF5. CGNS also does
-not use compression, so Zlib and SZIP can be disabled when building
-HDF5. <u><br>
-<li>&nbsp;CMake MUST be installed. The configuration scripts
-require a minimum CMake version 3.2.2, the current version of
-CMake is strongly encouraged.</li>
-<li>(Optional, but strongly encouraged) <a
-href="http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page">NSIS</a> or <a
-href="http://wixtoolset.org/">WiX</a> should be installed to
-create an install image with CPack. NSIS will create a .exe
-installer. WiX will create a .msi installer. This guide assumes
-WiX is installed.</li>
-<li>Git for cloning the HDF5 and CGNS source.</li>
-<li>Blank spaces <strong>MUST NOT</strong> be used in directory
-path names as this will cause the build to fail.</li>
-<li>Perl needs to be installed if building from source from the
-repository. If building from released&nbsp;<a
-source</a> then it is not needed.<br>
-<p>In a directory (Noting item #4 of the Prerequisites) download the
-HDF5 source,<br>
-<pre>&nbsp;git clone https://bitbucket.hdfgroup.org/scm/hdffv/hdf5.git<br></pre>
-Copy three files in the HDF5 source directory <i>hdf5\config\cmake\scripts </i>to the current directory<i>.
-<br></i><pre>&nbsp;copy hdf5\config\cmake\scripts\HDF5options.cmake .
-<br>&nbsp;copy hdf5\config\cmake\scripts\CTestScript.cmake .
-<br>&nbsp;copy hdf5\config\cmake\scripts\HDF5config.cmake .<br>
-</pre>The only file that needs to be edited is HDF5options.cmake. Disable Zlib and Szip by setting the lines in HDF5options to,
-<br><pre>### disable ext zlib building<br>set(ADD_BUILD_OPTIONS "${ADD_BUILD_OPTIONS} -DHDF5_ENABLE_Z_LIB_SUPPORT:BOOL=OFF")
-<br>### disable ext szip building
-</pre>Create a batch script, <i>gen.bat</i>, to build HDF5. The contents will be,<br>
-<pre>&nbsp; ctest -S HDF5config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=VS201764,CTEST_SOURCE_NAME=hdf5,STATIC_ONLY=NO -C Release -VV -O hdf5.log</pre>
-If you are using a different version of Visual Studio, then change <i>BUILD_GENERATOR=</i> to the matching one found in&nbsp; HDF5config.cmake in the section "Following describes compiler". <br>
-<br>Execute <i>gen.bat</i>,<br>
-<pre>&nbsp; gen.bat</pre>
-Doing so will build and test the installation of HDF5. The HDF5 build directory will be called '<i>build</i>'. Change into the '<i>build</i>' directory and run cpack,<br>
-</i><pre>&nbsp; cpack -C Release</pre>
-Assuming WiX is installed, cpack will create an HDF5-X.X.X-win64.msi installer. Select the msi file and follow the installation GUI instructions, which will install HDF5.<br>
-<h3>(2) Installation of CGNS from source.</h3>
-Download CGNS source,<br>
-<pre>&nbsp;git clone https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS.git</pre>
-Create a directory which will contain the build of CGNS, don't build CGNS in the source directory.<br><br>mkdir build_cgns<br>cd build_cgns<br><br>Create a batch script which will be used to build CGNS with cmake, the contents will vary depending on the options you chose to build CGNS with, but a sample file, <a href="BuildingCGNS/build_cgns_MS.bat">build_cgns_MS.bat</a>, would be:
-<br><pre>@echo OFF<br>:: Run the cmake command<br>cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64"^<br>&nbsp; -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH="C:\Program Files\HDF_Group\HDF5\1.11.2\cmake" ^ <br>&nbsp; -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_ENABLE_FORTRAN:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_BUILD_SHARED:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING="/NODEFAULTLIB:library" ^<br>&nbsp; -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING="/NODEFAULTLIB:library" ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_USE_SHARED:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_ENABLE_LEGACY=ON ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_ENABLE_64BIT=BOOL=ON ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_BUILD_CGNSTOOLS:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON ^<br>&nbsp; -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_ENABLE_HDF5:BOOL=ON ^<br>&nbsp; -D CGNS_ENABLE_PARALLEL:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D HDF5_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D HDF5_NEED_MPI:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D HDF5_NEED_ZLIB:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp; -D HDF5_NEED_SZIP:BOOL=OFF ^<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; ../CGNS<br>cmake --build . <br></pre>
-NOTES: <b>CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH</b> -- Set to where HDF5 was installed in Step (1).<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>-G</b> -- Set to the correct Visual Studio edition.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ../CGNS -- This is the path to the CGNS source<br>
-<br>To test the CGNS installation run <i>ctest</i>, 
-<br><pre>&nbsp;ctest .</pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
-<!--<p>For information purposes, this lists some of the original documents from
-the earlier 1999-2002 effort. <b>Note:</b> due to copyright restrictions these documents
-are no longer provided here, and must be obtained directly from ISO.</p>
-<b>Draft of the AP for fluid dynamics data</b></li>
-<br>Application protocol: fluid dynamics data: Part_237_030731.pdf
-<b>Committee draft of the mesh-based computational fluid dynamics - Part
-1fd -</b></li>
-<br>Part 1FD defines specialized components of the standard applicable
-only to CFD. In the future, other 100-series parts will be produced with
-specializations for flight test data, wind tunnel data, and other categories
-of fluid dynamics data. These will all be components of AP237.&nbsp;
-<p>Integrated resource: Mesh-based computational fluid dynamics&nbsp;
-<b>Committee draft of a resource to support the Fluid Dynamics AP - Part
-53 -</b></li>
-<br>General product data management information for numerical analysis
-results. This document will be referenced from AP 237 and Part 1xx.&nbsp;
-<p>Integrated resource:&nbsp; Numerical analysis&nbsp;
-<b>Committee draft of the mesh-based topology resource - Part 52 -</b></li>
-<br>Generic data structures for mesh-based data, both structured and unstructured
-mesh. This document will be referenced from AP 237 and Part 1xx.&nbsp;
-<p>Integrated resource: Mesh-based topology&nbsp;
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <title>CGNS Implementations</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS ?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>Implementations</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>The following is a list of applications that we have been told are
-capable of supporting CGNS, or have translators to/from CGNS. <b>This list may not be current
-or accurate.</b>  Please check with the organization to confirm.
-(In order to help us keep this list up-to-date,
-please send the names and websites of your CGNS compatible applications to
-<a href="mailto:cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov">cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</a>.)
-<th ALIGN=LEFT NOWRAP BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Organization</th>
-<td NOWRAP>ADPAC</td>
-<td NOWRAP>Rolls-Royce Allison</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.beta-cae.com/ansa.htm">ANSA</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>BETA CAE Systems</td>
-<td NOWRAP>APPT</td>
-<td NOWRAP>Boeing Rocketdyne (Canoga Park)</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.avs.com">AVS/Express</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>Advanced Visual Systems</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://people.nas.nasa.gov/~aftosmis/cart3d/">CART3D</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>NASA Ames Research Center</td>
-<td NOWRAP>CFF</td>
-<td NOWRAP>Boeing, St. Louis</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://cfl3d.larc.nasa.gov/">CFL3D</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>NASA Langley Research Center</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="https://www.ansys.com/products/fluids/ansys-cfx">CFX</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>ANSYS</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.onera.fr/dsna-en/elsa/index.php">elsA</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>ONERA</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="https://www.ansys.com/products/fluids/ansys-ensight">EnSight</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>ANSYS</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.numeca.com">EURANUS/IGG/CFView</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>NUMECA International</td>
-<td><a href="https://www.ansys.com/products/fluids/ansys-fensap-ice">FENSAP-ICE</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.ilight.com">FIELDVIEW</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>Intelligent Light</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="https://www.ansys.com/products/fluids/ansys-fluent">Fluent</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>ANSYS</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.aerosoft.com">GASP</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>AeroSoft, Inc.</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://fun3d.larc.nasa.gov">FUN3D</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>NASA Langley Research Center</td>
-<td><a href="http://www.pointwise.com/gridgen/">Gridgen</a></td>
-<td>Pointwise, Inc.</td>
-<td><a href="http://www.gridpro.com">GridPro</a></td>
-<td>Program Development Company, LLC</td>
-<td NOWRAP>Oxford University &amp; Rolls-Royce</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="https://www.ansys.com/services/training-center/platform/introduction-to-ansys-icem-cfd">ICEM CFD Meshers</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>ANSYS</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.amesim.com/software/tools/ifp-c3d.aspx">IFP-C3D</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>IFP</td>
-<td>Lagrit-PNNL, PT6, TE2THYS</td>
-<td>Pacific Northwest National Laboratory</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.beta-cae.com/meta.htm">META</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>BETA CAE Systems</td>
-<td NOWRAP>NASA Ames Research Center</td>
-<td NOWRAP>Plot3d</td>
-<td NOWRAP>NASA Ames Research Center</td>
-<td><a href="http://www.pointwise.com/pw/">Pointwise</a></td>
-<td>Pointwise, Inc.</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Sig_Turbomachinery_Utilities_CGNS_Converters">Sig Turbomachinery Utilities</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>OpenFoam</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://icebox-esn.grc.nasa.gov/design/smaggice.html">Smaggice</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>NASA Glenn Research Center</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.cd-adapco.com/products/STAR-CD/index.html">STAR-CD</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>CD-Adapco</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.tecplot.com">Tecplot</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>Tecplot, Inc.</td>
-<td NOWRAP>TLNS3D</td>
-<td NOWRAP>Boeing, Seattle</td>
-<td NOWRAP>TRACE</td>
-<td NOWRAP>DLR/MTU</td>
-<td><a href="http://www.rpmturbo.com">TurboSolve</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>UPS</td>
-<td NOWRAP>NASA Ames Research Center</td>
-<td  NOWRAP><a href="http://www.lmsintl.com/">Virtual.Lab</a></td>
-<td>LMS International</td>
-<td><a href="http://www.llnl.gov/visit/home.html">VISIT</a></td>
-<td>Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://raphael.mit.edu/visual3/visual3.html">Visual3</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>MIT</td>
-<td NOWRAP><a href="http://www.arnold.af.mil/nparc/">WIND</a></td>
-<td NOWRAP>NPARC Alliance</td>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>Proposed Extensions</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-CGNS Proposals for Extension (CPEX)</h2>
-The CPEX is a design document or documents that describe a new feature for 
-CGNS. The CPEX should provide a concise technical specification of the 
-feature and a rationale for the feature.
-The CPEX is intended to be the primary mechanism for proposing new features and for collecting community input 
-on an issue. The CPEX author is responsible for building consensus within the community and 
-documenting dissenting opinions.
-<p>The CPEX editors assign CPEX numbers and change their status.  All CPEX-related email should be
-sent to
-<a href="mailto:cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov">cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</a>.
-Each CPEX must have a champion - someone who writes the CPEX, shepherds the discussions,
-and attempts to build community consensus around the idea. The CPEX champion must
-first try to determine if their idea is appropriate for a CPEX.  (Small enhancements or patches may not
-need a CPEX.)  If a CPEX is appropriate, the champion must write a proposal, following the guidelines
-below.  A CPEX number is then assigned. This is typically followed by a period
-of discussion, comments, input, and consensus-building, as well as an in-depth critical review.
-The CGNS Steering Committee ultimately votes for or against adoption.
-<p>The proposals listed in the table
-below that were "not accepted" never made it to implementation, possibly because of lack of unified 
-support, incomplete details, lack of champion involvement in the process, or because they were not 
-generalizable to a wide enough class of problems. 
-It is possible to resurrect and/or revise and resubmit older proposals. 
-Some additional guidelines
-regarding changes or additions to the CGNS standard can be found in the 
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/charter/principles.html">CGNS Steering Committee Charter</a>.
-<p>The CPEX should include the following information:
-<li>Name(s) and organization(s) of proposer(s)</li>
-<li>E-mail contact information</li>
-<li>General description of extension</li>
-<li>Reason or need for extension</li>
-<li>Detailed description of extension using similar documentation style found in the SIDS
-(LaTeX files for the SIDS are available from the Documentation Home Page -
-look for "LaTeX Source")</li>
-<li>File Mapping description of Node Attributes, following the prescription given in existing
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/nodes.html">Node Description Documentation</a></li>
-<li>Specific example(s) of extension</li>
-<p>In the table below, note that it is possible for a feature to be implemented in the SIDS and
-Filemap documentation, but not yet be implemented in the MLL software.  If/when this occurs, it means
-that an "official" CGNS file can still be constructed with this feature, but the user must make use
-of means other than the MLL to accomplish it.
-<p>A primary requirement of all proposals for modifications will be to support and
-maintain code compatibility. No additions or changes to the CGNS standard will be adopted - without
-overwhelmingly compelling reasons - which
-invalidate existing software or data.</p>
-<p>Note that the above CPEX work flow and requirements are new as of 09/2009, so older proposals given
-in the table below may be missing some of the required information.
-<p><b>Comments on proposals should be sent to
-<a href="mailto:cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov">cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</a>.</b>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" NOSAVE>Scope</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" NOSAVE>Documentation</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" NOSAVE>Date first posted</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC" NOSAVE>Date of last revision</th>
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a> status</th>
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">Filemap</a> status</th>
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">MLL</a> status</th>
-<td>Particle Data</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CPEX0046_particles_v1.pdf">
-<td>under review</td>
-<td>under review</td>
-<td>under review</td>
-<td>Polynomial Data and Curved Grid Elements</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CPEX0045_HighOrder_v2.pdf">
-<td><font color=blue>accepted; awaiting implementation</font></td>
-<td><font color=blue>accepted; awaiting implementation</font></td>
-<td><font color=blue>accepted; awaiting implementation</font></td>
-<td>Encoding Functions</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CPEX0044_functions_v1.pdf">
-<td>under review</td>
-<td>under review</td>
-<td>under review</td>
-<td>Family Hierarchy as a Tree</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CPEX-0043-familytrees-v2.pdf">
-<td><font color=blue>implemented version 4.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=blue>implemented version 4.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=blue>implemented version 4.1</font></td>
-<td>Storing the Bounding Box of a Grid</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CPEX-0042-boundingbox-v2.pdf">
-<td><font color=blue>implemented version 4.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=blue>implemented version 4.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=blue>implemented version 4.1</font></td>
-<td>NGON Modification Proposals</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.16.pdf">
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 4.O</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 4.0</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 4.0</font></td>
-<td>Rind Plane Indexing</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/rind_plane_indexing_5_14_2015.pdf">
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.4</font></td>
-<td>no change required</td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.4</font></td>
-<td>Inter-Base Reference Extension</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-0039-Inter-Base-References1.pdf">
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>no change required</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.3</font></td>
-<td>Quartic Elements for High Order</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS_P4_elem_defn2.pdf">
-CGNS_P4_elem_defn2.pdf (rev)</a><br>
-    <a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS_P4_elem_defn1.pdf">
-CGNS_P4_elem_defn1.pdf (old)</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>no change required</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.3</font></td>
-<td>Improvements for Multiblock Unstructured</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/README.improv_mblk_uns.txt">README.improv_mblk_uns.txt</a><br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-MultiBlockUnst.pdf">CGNS-MultiBlockUnst.pdf</a><br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/bump_3df_unstr_native_pw.cgns">bump_3df_unstr_native_pw.cgns</a><br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/bump_3df_unstr.cgns">bump_3df_unstr.cgns</a><br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/bump_3df_hybrid.cgns">bump_3df_hybrid.cgns</a>
-<td><font color=black>current version not accepted</font></td>
-<td><font color=black>N/A</font></td>
-<td><font color=black>N/A</font></td>
-<td>Cubic Elements for High Order</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS_extended_elem_defn2.pdf">
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>no change required</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td>Rigid Motion in a Family (requires CPEX #0034)</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-FamilyRigidMotion-5.pdf">CGNS-prop-ext-FamilyRigidMotion-5.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=black>current version not accepted</font></td>
-<td><font color=black>N/A</font></td>
-<td><font color=black>N/A</font></td>
-<td>Multiple Families</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-0034-6.pdf">CGNS-0034-6.pdf</a><br>
-  (Note: AdditionalFamilyName 
-  also to be added under UserDefinedData)</td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td>Hierarchy of Families</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-0033-6.pdf">CGNS-0033-6.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.2</font></td>
-<td>Rigid Motion Improvement</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-FamilyRigidMotionIterativeData.pdf">IterativeData.pdf</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-FrameReference.pdf">FrameReference.pdf</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-FamilyRigidMotion-3.pdf">FamilyRigidMotion.pdf (mod)</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-FamilyRigidMotion.pdf">FamilyRigidMotion.pdf (old)</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-RigidMotion.pdf">RigidMotion.pdf</a></td>
-<td>General SIDS Improvement*</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/intro_parts_of_sids2.pdf">intro_parts_of_sids.pdf (mod)</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/intro_parts_of_sids.pdf">intro_parts_of_sids.pdf (old)</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/parts_of_sids.pdf">parts_of_sids.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/RegionsX.pdf">Regions.pdf (mod)</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/RegionsIX.pdf">Regions.pdf (old)</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/RegionsIX_filemap.pdf">Regions_filemap.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td>Interface Connectivity</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/InterpolantDonor.pdf">InterpolantDonor.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.5</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.5</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.5</font></td>
-<td>Face-Based Storage</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/FacebasedIntro.pdf">FacebasedIntro.pdf</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/FacebasedSIDS.pdf">FacebasedSIDS.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>Multiple Zone Connectivities for Time-Dependent</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/Timedepconn.pdf">Timedepconn.pdf</a></br>
-<a href="ProposedExtensions/Timedepconn_filemap.pdf">Timedepconn_filemap.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 3.1.3</font></td>
-<td>Face Center Connectivity</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/Facecenter.pdf">Facecenter.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td>Averaging Interfaces</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/AveragingInterfaces.pdf">AveragingInterfaces.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>FSI with Deformable Boundaries</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/FSIDeformableBdy.pdf">FSIDeformableBdy.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>Rind Data for Unstructured Zones</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/UnstructuredRind.pdf">UnstructuredRind.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4.3</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4.3</font></td>
-<td>Partial Connectivity Read/Write</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/PartialConn.pdf">PartialConn.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td>Connectivity Property</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/GridConnectivityProperty.pdf">GridConnectivityProperty.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td>FamilyBC Extension</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/FamilyBCExtension.pdf">FamilyBCExtension.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td>UserDefined data Extension</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/UserDefinedExtensions.pdf">UserDefinedExtensions.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td>BCDataSet Extension</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/BCDataSetExtensions.pdf">BCDataSetExtensions.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td>Chemical Species</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/ChemicalSpecies.pdf">ChemicalSpecies.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>Element Regions</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/ElementRegions.pdf">ElementRegions.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>Elemental Components</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/ElementalComponents.pdf">ElementalComponents.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>Boundary Type Extensions</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/BCTypeExtensions.pdf">BCTypeExtensions.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>Solution BC proposal</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/SolutionBCproposal.pdf">SolutionBCproposal.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>Electromagnetic proposal</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/EMproposals.pdf">EMproposals.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.4</font></td>
-<td>Wall Function, Periodic, Rotor/Stator</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/WallPeriodicRS.pdf">WallPeriodicRS.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td>Multi-Phase / Liquid Spray</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/MultiPhaseExtension.pdf">MultiPhaseExtension.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td>User Defined Data Arrays</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/UserDefinedDataArrays.html">UserDefinedDataArrays.html</a>
-<br><a href="ProposedExtensions/UserDefinedDataArrays2.html">AlternateProposal.html</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.1</font></td>
-<td>Hierarchical Elements</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalElements.pdf">HierarchicalElements.pdf</a>
-<br>Response from M.Aftosmis: <a href="ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalResponse.pdf">hierarchicalResponse.pdf</a></td>
-<td>not accepted</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/Gravity.pdf">Gravity.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td>Rotating Coordinates</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/RotatingCoordinates.pdf">RotatingCoordinates.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td>Axisymmetry for 2D grids</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/axisymmetry.pdf">axisymmetry.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.2</font></td>
-<td>Chemical Species</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/Chemistry.pdf">Chemistry.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.1</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented Version 2.1</font></td>
-<td>Iterative or Time-accurate data</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/IterativeOrTemp.pdf">IterativeOrTemp.pdf</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td>Point by Point Grid Motion</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/ArbitraryGridMotion.pdf">ArbitraryGridMotion.pdf</a>
-<br>&nbsp; <a href="ProposedExtensions/Example_Motion.pdf">see example 1</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td>Rigid Body Grid Motion</td>
-<td><a href="ProposedExtensions/RigidGridMotion.pdf">RigidGridMotion.pdf</a>
-<br>&nbsp; <a href="ProposedExtensions/Example_Motion.pdf">see example 1</a></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<td><font color=green>implemented</font></td>
-<p>* For CPEX #0031, it should be noted that some aspects require significant modifications on
-the part of the MLL. For example, the improvement replaces the use of ElementRange and
-ElementList with PointRange and PointList. The methodology for accomplishing this while
-maintaining compatibility with existing CGNS files and CGNS codes must be carefully
-considered prior to implementation. I.e., either the MLL must still be able to recognize, read, and
-translate ElementRange etc, or else ElementRange etc must still be allowed as an option
-(in the documentation). Therefore, this CPEX will not be added to the SIDS or Filemap documents 
-until full implementation in the MLL is possible.
-<p>(Note that the CPEX is loosely patterned after the
-<a href="http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0001/">Python-based PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal)</a>.
-We gratefully acknowledge their well-documented methodology.)
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/ArbitraryGridMotion.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/ArbitraryGridMotion.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index ad1b0802..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/ArbitraryGridMotion.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/AveragingInterfaces.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/AveragingInterfaces.pdf
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index e7e02ce6..00000000
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index 69daa63d..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/BCDataSetExtensions.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/BCTypeExtensions.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/BCTypeExtensions.pdf
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deleted file mode 100644
index f5ce1f6a..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS-0039-Inter-Base-References1.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS-MultiBlockUnst.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/CGNS-MultiBlockUnst.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index 58a4e984..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS-MultiBlockUnst.pdf and /dev/null differ
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index 5cf81b30..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-FamilyRigidMotionIterativeData.pdf and /dev/null differ
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index 68a7acfb..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS-prop-ext-MultipleFamilies2.pdf and /dev/null differ
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Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS_P4_elem_defn2.pdf and /dev/null differ
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diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS_extended_elem_defn2.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/CGNS_extended_elem_defn2.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
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Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CGNS_extended_elem_defn2.pdf and /dev/null differ
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index 298d08b3..00000000
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diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/CPEX-0043-familytrees-v2.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/CPEX-0043-familytrees-v2.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 51fcb345..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CPEX-0043-familytrees-v2.pdf and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index a2da3cef..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CPEX0044_functions_v1.pdf and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index e486ce06..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CPEX0045_HighOrder_v1.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/CPEX0045_HighOrder_v2.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/CPEX0045_HighOrder_v2.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 842a3e2c..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CPEX0045_HighOrder_v2.pdf and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 433bf1cc..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/CPEX0046_particles_v1.pdf and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index a585b123..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/ChemicalSpecies.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/Chemistry.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/Chemistry.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a85149..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/Chemistry.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/Chemistry.pdf_Dec.9.99 b/ProposedExtensions/Chemistry.pdf_Dec.9.99
deleted file mode 100755
index b14f521e..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/Chemistry.pdf_Dec.9.99 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/EMproposals.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/EMproposals.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index b637feb1..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/EMproposals.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/ElementRegions.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/ElementRegions.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index df631af7..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/ElementRegions.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/ElementalComponents.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/ElementalComponents.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 747f47a5..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/ElementalComponents.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/Example_Motion.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/Example_Motion.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index 4362047a..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/Example_Motion.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/FSIDeformableBdy.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/FSIDeformableBdy.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a3b1c0b..00000000
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diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/FacebasedIntro.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/FacebasedIntro.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ab4501..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/FacebasedIntro.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/FacebasedSIDS.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/FacebasedSIDS.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b74a8f7..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/FacebasedSIDS.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/Facecenter.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/Facecenter.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd23688..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/Facecenter.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/FamilyBCExtension.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/FamilyBCExtension.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 64dbe465..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/FamilyBCExtension.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/Gravity.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/Gravity.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index aeedd6d5..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/Gravity.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/GridConnectivityProperty.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/GridConnectivityProperty.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index d367374f..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/GridConnectivityProperty.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalElements.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalElements.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index d8c9ccc0..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalElements.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalResponse.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalResponse.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index a1878095..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/HierarchicalResponse.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/InterpolantDonor.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/InterpolantDonor.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index ac02fa08..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/InterpolantDonor.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/IterativeOrTemp.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/IterativeOrTemp.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index dd7276c4..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/IterativeOrTemp.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/MultiPhaseExtension.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/MultiPhaseExtension.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5efbeb93..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/MultiPhaseExtension.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.10.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.10.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a975904..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.10.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.14.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.14.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index e28512c2..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.14.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.15.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.15.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 69bc6897..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.15.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.16.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.16.pdf
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index 5ab7d3a7..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041-v0.16.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cce9e2c..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/NGON-CPEX-0041.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/PartialConn.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/PartialConn.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index d5aae072..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/PartialConn.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/PeriodicBC.pdf b/ProposedExtensions/PeriodicBC.pdf
deleted file mode 100755
index 00525f3c..00000000
Binary files a/ProposedExtensions/PeriodicBC.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ProposedExtensions/README.improv_mblk_uns.txt b/ProposedExtensions/README.improv_mblk_uns.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 18548e8d..00000000
--- a/ProposedExtensions/README.improv_mblk_uns.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-Improvements for Multiblock Unstructured
-This CPEX is not completely defined yet.  The issue and some proposals are highlighted in
-the file CGNS-MultiBlockUnstructured.pdf; supporting example CGNS files are also available:
-  bump_3df_unstr_native_pw.cgns
-  bump_3df_unstr.cgns
-  bump_3df_hybrid.cgns  
-Here are some Q&As that occurred after the original posting:
-Q1: Regarding the unstructured-to-unstructured connectivity data, you indicated
-that the parent cell numbers on the "other" side of the connection should be
-written to the ParentElements array, but the example file you sent shows
-zeroes for those values in the dom-14 boundary element structure. We're
-assuming this was an oversight - can you update your example file to show what
-should be there? If they're supposed to be zeroes, then we're not sure how
-this data is useful.
-A1: For the sake of consistency and generality, I agree that the ParentElement
-data for interior "Elements_t" nodes (like dom-14) should contain element ids
-from the blocks on both sides of the interface.  I've updated the example file
-(bump_3df_006x002x001_unstr.cgns) to reflect this.  We don't actually use this
-interior ParentElement data to construct interior faces for our cell-centered
-code since, once we've merged the connectivities, we can get the cell ids on
-both sides of the interface.  However, I have needed and used two-sided
-interior interfaces for finite element codes in the past, so having this data
-on hand can only be helpful and doesn't hurt anything.
-Q2: In your uns-to-uns example where you switched to point-to-point mappings,
-you've specified Abutting interfaces, but Pointwise will always use
-Abutting1to1 until we support more general (e.g., overset) block interfaces.
-Is that sufficient, or is there some reason you need Abutting interfaces?
-A2: I see now this is a little confusing but there's a reason.  We use a
-"GridConnectivity_t" node (the general interface) but give it a
-GridConnectivityType of Abutting1to1 – this is legal but confusing because why
-aren't we using "GridConnectivity1to1_t" if we essentially have a 1to1
-connection?  The reason is in the SIDS definition.  A GridConnectivity1to1_t
-only allows you to specify a PointRange and PointRangeDonor – which is only
-applicable to structured grids and no good if what you actually want to
-specify is a PointList and PointListDonor of unstructured (i.e. not in any
-specific order) node ids.  So, we went with the more general
-GridConnectivity_t which allows for a PointList and PointListDonor.  The
-answer here could either be to have the CGNS folks modify CGNS to allow for
-optional PointList and PointListDonors in a GridConnectivity1to1_t or for
-Pointwise to use the GridConnectivity_t with the understanding that there's
-only support for 1to1 interfaces.
-Q3: Regarding the hybrid connectivity examples, we're not sure why you'd want
-to use cell-centered mappings for structured-to-unstructured, and a
-user-defined cell-centered mapping from uns-to-str, when you're proposing to
-use point-to-point mappings for the general uns-to-uns case. That is, wouldn't
-it would be more consistent to write both sides (str-to-uns and uns-to-str) of
-the hybrid connection using point-to-point (Vertex, PointList,
-A3: There's two things to discuss here:
-1) First, your question at hand.  I can't claim to have this perfectly thought
-out, but this is how I see it: 
-For the unstr-to-unstr case, needing a Vertex-to-Vertex mapping as a means to
-merge connectivities between unstructured blocks is a must – I think we all
-agree on that.  However, between an unstructured and structured block, where
-the interface is necessarily distinct, it depends on the application code and
-how it needs the data.  We're working with a cell-centered code, so we want to
-know CellCenters, hence we define the GridLocation as CellCenter and give our
-PointRange, PointList, etc in terms of cell ids.  It's very convenient for a
-cell-centered code to have the data served up this way.  If we were a
-node-centered code, we'd want what you are suggesting which is Vertex ids.
-However, I don't see the Vertex-to-Vertex mapping for these hybrid interfaces
-as being the general case (consistent yes, but not convenient) since it means
-we need a way to figure out what cell is on the unstructured side based on
-vertex ids – which is not an easy task.  It seems like the best thing would be
-to have Pointwise support outputting either CellCenter or Vertex information
-for hybrid interfaces.  
-str-to-str GridConnectivity: node-to-node mapping specified by Transform,
-PointRange, and PointRangeDonor
-uns-to-uns GridConnectivity: node-to-node mapping specified by PointList and
-str-to-uns GridConnectivity: cell-to-cell or node-to-node (user declared)
-mapping specified by PointRange (str side) and PointListDonor (uns side)
-uns-to-str GridConnectivity: cell-to-cell or node-to-node (user declared)
-mapping specified by PointList and PointListPosition (uns side) and
-PointRangeDonor (str side)
-2) The reason for the user defined "PointListPosition" and "PointRangeDonor"
-for the uns-to-str GridConnectivity in the example file is the SIDS definition
-doesn't allow for this information.  On the unstructured side, a cell-id and a
-face of that cell must be specified and that needs to map to a structured
-block cell id range.  This obviously assumes that one has bought off on the
-idea that the hybrid interface is specified with cell-ids (and not vertex ids
-as you've mentioned).
-Q4: When mapping str/uns block faces through the hybrid interface, what do you
-expect ParentElements and ParentElementsPosition will contain for the cell
-number and face position on the "other" (structured) side of the interface?
-The hybrid example file you sent has zeroes, and we're not sure if these
-should be structured cell indices (which doesn't fit in the array) or
-something else.
-A4: I think it's fair to just leave the ParentElements and
-ParentElementsPosition for the structured side as zeros.  This interface is
-completely defined in the GridConnectivity and the "Elements_t" node for the
-hybrid interface is just "bonus" information.  We currently do not use it for
-anything since the uns-to-str GridConnectivity give us everything we need.  I
-suppose it would be possible to fill those zeros with assumed cell ids and
-face positions from the structured side, but that may be misleading.
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 5.6 sun4u) [Netscape]">
-<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"><font size=+2>User
-Defined Data Arrays</font></font></font></b></center>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"><font size=+2></font></font></font></b>&nbsp;
-<blockquote><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Proposal
-for data structure:&nbsp; UserDefinedDataArrays_t</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">UserDefinedDataArrays_t
-provides a location for arbitrary</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">user defined
-(numerical) data arrays of arbitrary size</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">to be written.&nbsp;
-This node can appear under the following</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">nodes:</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">CGNSBase_t</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Zone_t</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">GridCoordinates_t</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">FlowSolution_t</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">DiscreteData_t</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">ConvergenceHistory_t</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">It has the following
-properties:</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FF0000">Name: UserDefinedDataArrays#
-(or user defined)</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FF0000">Label: UserDefinedDataArrays_t</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FF0000">Data-Type: MT</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FF0000">Cardinality:
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Child Nodes:</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-DimensionalUnits_t&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (0,1)</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Name: DataArray# (or user defined)</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Label: DataArray_t</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Data-Type: I4 or R4 or R8</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Dimensions: user defined</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Dimension Values: user defined</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Data: data quantity</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Cardinality: 0,N</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Child Nodes: Figure 26</font></font></b></blockquote>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.7 [en] (X11; I; IRIX 6.2 IP22) [Netscape]">
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"><font size=+2></font></font></font></b>&nbsp;
-<p><b><u><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"><font size=+2>Alternate
-Proposal for Allowing User-Defined Data</font></font></font></u></b></center>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<ul><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Here is a simpler
-alternate proposal for an extension to SIDS, to allow the user to put data
-(of arbitrary dimension) into the CGNS file.&nbsp; This is for arbitrary-sized
-user-defined stuff&nbsp; that needs to be put SOMEWHERE, but is currently
-not allowed by the API.</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Under each of
-the following nodes:</font></font></b>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">CGNSBase_t</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Zone_t</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">GridCoordinates_t</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">FlowSolution_t</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">DiscreteData_t</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">ConvergenceHistory_t</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">ArbitraryGridMotion_t&nbsp;&nbsp;
-&lt;-- note new location</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">allow the
-following child node:</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>&nbsp;
-<blockquote><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Name:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-User defined</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Label:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Data-Type:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-user defined</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Dimensions:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-user defined</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Dimension Values:
-user defined</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Data:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-user defined</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Cardinality:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Parameters:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-DataType, dimension of data, size of data</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Child Nodes:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-Figure 26</font></font></b></blockquote>
-<b><u><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></u></b>
-<p><br><b><u><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Advantages
-to this new proposal:</font></font></u></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>&nbsp;
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">This construct is
-identical to the one currently&nbsp; allowed under RigidGridMotion, ZoneIterativeData,
-and BaseIterativeData.&nbsp; So there is consistency.</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">There are NO new
-API calls required!&nbsp; The user would access this data with cg_goto
-and cg_array_write or cg_array_read!&nbsp; The only thing that has to be
-done is to modify the API to ALLOW this child node to exist under the given
-nodes.&nbsp; Therefore, this change seems relatively simple to do.</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">This construct easily
-gives a huge amount of flexibility to the user, for allowing code-specific
-data to be put in the CGNS file (which is what we desperately need).</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Naturally, adding
-this construct requires some changes to the documentation (SIDS and File-Mapping).&nbsp;
-But it does NOT require that an entire new section or chapter be written...
-rather, only existing sections need to be slightly modified.</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><u><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Disadvantages:</font></font></u></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>&nbsp;
-<ul><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">The full implications
-of allowing this under each of the above-mentioned nodes are not known.&nbsp;
-For example, currently under ConvergenceHistory_t, there are allowed an
-arbitrary number of DataArray_t's already, but they must all be of size
-(number_of_iterations).&nbsp; Would it be too confusing to have SOME arrays
-that are of arbitrary dimension, and SOME of dimension (number_of_iterations)?</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">It is definitely
-do-able (and there is no confusion) to allow it under:</font></font></b>
-<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>&nbsp;
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">CGNSBase_t</font></font></b></li>
-<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Zone_t</font></font></b></li>
-<ul><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">and under ArbitraryGridMotion_t
-and GridCoordinates_t there are only short lists of DataArray_t data-name&nbsp;
-identifiers that require a certain dimension.&nbsp; So allowing additional
-arbitrary DataArray_t's shouldn't be too difficult here (it would be like
-what is currently done under RigidridMotion, for example).</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">But under FlowSolution_t
-and ConvergenceHistory_t, a&nbsp; very large list of DataArray_t data-name&nbsp;
-identifiers exist, that require a certain dimension.&nbsp; And under DiscreteData_t,
-the list is infinite.&nbsp; Thus it could be very difficult / confusing
-to allow additional DataArray_t nodes of ARBITRARY dimension here.</font></font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>
-<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">This begs the
-question:&nbsp; do we really NEED to allow arbitrary-sized DataArray_t
-nodes under ALL of the above-mentioned nodes, or is it enough to allow
-them only under CGNSBase_t, Zone_t, ArbitraryGridMotion_t, and GridCoordinates_t?</font></font></b>
-<ul><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099"></font></font></b>&nbsp;</ul>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>Contributed Utilities</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>These utilities are distributed as a service from CGNS users
-to CGNS users.&nbsp;
-<p>If you have any questions about&nbsp; these utilities, please contact
-the person listed in the table. The CGNS Committee is not able to provide
-technical support&nbsp; for&nbsp; the utilities listed on this webpage.&nbsp;
-<p>Please send any CGNS software applications which you would like to share them with
-the CGNS user community to
-<a href="mailto:cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov">cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov</a>.
-<p>Only source code or links to external sites are posted on this page.&nbsp;
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Description</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Source code</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Dates:&nbsp;
-<br>Last revised</th>
-<th BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Contact</th>
-<td><b>Fortran90 module generator</b>: reads cgnslib_f.h and creates f90 module</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/cgns_for_f90.tar.gz">cgns_for_f90.tar.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:mirco.valentini@polimi.it">Mirco Valentini</a></td>
-<td><b>File utility</b>: reads CGNS file and tells what type it is (ADF or HDF5),
-and allows translation to the other type</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/cgns_type.f.gz">cgns_type.f.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td><b>Interface for MATLAB and Octave</b>: complete CGNS mid-level library
-interface for MATLAB/Octave (formerly known as mexCGNS)</td>
-<td><a href="https://github.com/meshkit/cgns4m">CGNS4m link</a></td>
-<td>external site</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:xjiao@sunysb.edu">Xiangmin (Jim) Jiao</a></td>
-<td><b>CHLone CGNS/HDF5 Implementation</b>: library with three interface
-levels for mapping SIDS-to-HDF5</td>
-<td><a href="http://chlone.sourceforge.net/">CHLone link</a></td>
-<td>external site</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:marc.poinot@safrangroup.com">Marc Poinot</a></td>
-<td><b>Various unstructured-to-CGNS Translators</b>: convert certain
-unstructured grid file formats to CGNS</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/aflr3_to_cgns.f90.gz">aflr3_to_cgns.f90.gz</a>
-    <a href="utilities/fast_to_cgns.f90.gz">fast_to_cgns.f90.gz</a>
-    <a href="utilities/vgrid_to_cgns.f90.gz">vgrid_to_cgns.f90.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td><b>New set of Python bindings using swig</b></td>
-<td><a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/CGNS">Python binding link</a></td>
-<td>external site</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:oli.borm@web.de">Oliver Borm</a></td>
-<td><b>cgns_to_vtk patch for 2D meshes</b></td>
-<td><a href="utilities/cgns_to_vtk2D.patch.gz">cgns_to_vtk2D.patch.gz</a></td>
-<td><a href="mailto:oli.borm@web.de">Oliver Borm</a></td>
-<td><b>CGNS to Plot3D Function-File Translator</b>: converts a CGNS file 
-to "standard" PLOT3D grid + function files
-(where the functions are specified by the user)</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/cgns_to_plot3d_function.f.gz">cgns_to_plot3d_function.f.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td><b>CGNS to Plot3D Translator</b>: converts a CGNS file 
-to "standard" PLOT3D grid + conserved-variable-Q files</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/cgns_to_plot3d.f.gz">cgns_to_plot3d.f.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td NOSAVE><b>Plot3d to CGNS Translator</b>: converts a "standard" PLOT3D grid
-file or grid and Q file to a CGNS file</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/plot3d_to_cgns.f.gz">plot3d_to_cgns.f.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td><b>CGNS++ </b>: Object Oriented Interface&nbsp;</td>
-<td><a href="http://cgnspp.sourceforge.net">CGNS++ link</a></td>
-<td>external site</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:kessler@iag.uni-stuttgart.de">Manuel Kessler</a></td>
-<td><a href="https://pycgns.github.io">PyCGNS link</a></td>
-<td>external site</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:marc.poinot@safrangroup.com">Marc Poinot</a></td>
-<td><a href="utilities/CGNSBrowse/CGNSBrowse.gif">CGNS Viewer</a>
-<br><a href="utilities/CGNSBrowse/README">README file</a></td>
-<td><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgnsbrowse/">CGNS Viewer Source link</a></td>
-<td>external site</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:xistan@yahoo.se">Christian Lundh</a></td>
-<td>Header file for Data-Name Identifiers</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/fvname.h">fvname.h</a></td>
-<td><a href="mailto:ANSayre@mcdermott.com">Alan Sayre</a></td>
-<td>In-memory Tree Proposal</td>
-<td><a href="http://elsa.onera.fr/CGNS/releases">ADFM package link</a></td>
-<td>external site</td>
-<td><a href="mailto:marc.poinot@safrangroup.com">Marc Poinot</a></td>
-<td><b>Extract History Data</b>: program to read CGNS file and print out
-history data to a formatted file</td>
-<td><a href="utilities/cgns_readhist.f.gz">cgns_readhist.f.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">Chris Rumsey</a></td>
-<td><b>FTU (File Transfer Utility)</b>:&nbsp; Converter to and from Plot3D
-format.&nbsp; Has a text-based menu allowing the manipulation of a CGNS
-<td><a href="utilities/ftu.tar.gz">ftu.tar.gz</a>
-<td><a href="mailto:bushrh@pweh.com">Robert Bush</a></td>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-What is CGNS?</font></h1>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>What is CGNS?</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a general,
-portable, and extensible standard for the storage and retrieval of
-computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis data.
-It consists of a collection
-of conventions, and free and open software implementing those conventions.
-It is self-descriptive, machine-independent, well-documented, and administered by
-an international steering committee.  It is also an American Institute of 
-Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) <a href="CGNS_docs_current/aiaa.html">
-Recommended Practice</a>.
-<p>The system consists of two parts: (1) a standard format for recording the data, and
-(2) software that reads, writes, and modifies data in that format.&nbsp;
-The format is a conceptual entity established by the documentation; the
-software is a physical product supplied to enable developers to access
-and produce data recorded in that format.&nbsp;
-<p>The CGNS system is designed to facilitate the exchange of data between
-sites and applications, and to help stabilize the archiving of aerodynamic
-data.&nbsp; The data are stored in a compact, binary format and are accessible
-through a complete and extensible library of functions.&nbsp; The API (Application
-Program Interface) is platform independent and can be easily implemented
-in C, C++, Fortran and Fortran90 applications.&nbsp;
-<p>How can CGNS help you?
-<li>It improves the longevity (archival quality) of data
-<li>It makes it easier to share data files between sites and collaborators
-<li>It is easily extendible to include almost any type of additional data you 
-can think of
-<p>The CGNS project originated in 1994 as a joint effort between Boeing
-and NASA, and has since grown to include many other contributing organizations
-worldwide. In 1999, control of CGNS was completely transferred to a public
-forum known as the <a href="steering.html">CGNS Steering Committee</a>.
-This Steering Committee is made up of international representatives from
-government and private industry.
-Additional history on the development of CGNS is available 
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/history.html">here</a>.&nbsp;
-<p>The principal target of CGNS is data normally associated with compressible
-viscous flow (i.e., the Navier-Stokes equations), but the standard is also
-applicable to subclasses such as Euler and potential flows.
-The CGNS standard includes the following types of data.&nbsp;
-Structured, unstructured, and hybrid grids</li>
-Flow solution data, which may be nodal, cell-centered, face-centered, or
-Multizone interface connectivity, both abutting and overset</li>
-Boundary conditions</li>
-Flow equation descriptions, including the equation of state, viscosity
-and thermal conductivity models, turbulence models, multi-species chemistry
-models, and electromagnetics</li>
-Time-dependent flow, including moving and deforming grids</li>
-Dimensional units and nondimensionalization information</li>
-Reference states</li>
-Convergence history</li>
-Association to CAD geometry definitions</li>
-User-defined data&nbsp;</li>
-Much of the standard and the software is applicable to computational field
-physics in general. Disciplines other than fluid dynamics would need to
-augment the data definitions and storage conventions, but the fundamental
-database software, which provides platform independence, is not specific
-to fluid dynamics.
-<p><b>All CGNS software is free.</b>  The distribution and use of the CGNS software is covered 
-by the following license:
-<p>This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. 
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
-<p>Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including 
-commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following 
-<li>1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you 
-wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the 
-product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-<li>2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as 
-being the original software.
-<li>3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-<p>This license is borrowed from the 
-<a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php">zlib/libpng License</a>, 
-and supersedes the GNU Lesser 
-General Public License (LGPL) which previously governed the use and distribution of the software.
-<p>We encourage anyone to freely use the 
-<a href="FAQs.html#logoQ">CGNS logo</a> when distributing or documenting CGNS
-related information. The logo adds prestige and credibility to web sites, publications,
-displays, announcements, and activities.  However, the use of the logo in such a way as
-to imply approval, endorsement, or responsibility of the CGNS committee is prohibited
-without written permission.
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-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><b><font color="#FF0000">Download</font></b>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>All CGNS files are stored on 
-GitHub (<a href="https://github.com/CGNS">https://github.com/CGNS</a>).
-Issue tracking is located at:
-<a href="https://cgnsorg.atlassian.net">https://cgnsorg.atlassian.net</a>.
-<p>If you have not done so already, please <b>REGISTER</b> by e-mailing to the
-<a href="mailto:c.l.rumsey@nasa.gov">CGNS REGISTRAR</a> the following information:
-<li>Your name</li>
-<li>Company, university, lab, or facility name (if applicable)</li>
-<li>Email, if different from your current sending address</li>
-<li>Intended use for CGNS</li>
-Although there is no registration requirement in order to obtain
-CGNS, by registering you will help the CGNS team to serve its users better.
-We never give, sell, or distribute emails to anyone.
-<p>We also <b>strongly</b> recommend that you join the <a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion
-Group</a>. This forum is the primary method used to keep CGNS users
-current with release and other important information updates.
-It is also used for discussing important problems/issues and for obtaining help from
-other CGNS users.
-What to Download</h2>
-<p><b>First and most importantly, we recommend that you read the 
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">CGNS User Guide</a>.
-This guide also includes sample code 
-(<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/tree/master/src/Test_UserGuideCode">UserGuideCode</a>)
-for helping to get started with CGNS.</b>
-<p>For the up-to-date <b>development</b> source, visit
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS">GitHub Development</a>.
-div.codebox {
-    border:1px solid black;
-    background-color:#f5f5f0;
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-div.genbox {
-    border:1px solid black;
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-<div class="codebox">
-git clone https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS.git
-<p>For the <b>stable</b> source, visit
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/tree/master">GitHub Stable</a>.
-<div class="codebox">
-git clone -b master https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS.git
-<p>As a minimum, you will need to download and compile the CGNS library code.
-Compilation requires an ANSI compliant C compiler.
-The source code may downloaded as a gzipped, tar file:
-<div class="genbox">
-<b>Current Stable Release:</b>
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v4.1.2">
-CGNS Version 4.1.2 (Patch) </a><br>
-Patched version v4.1.2 addressed backward compatibility issues.
-<p><b>Historical Stable Releases:</b></p>
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v4.1.1">
-CGNS Version 4.1.1 (Patch) </a><br>
-Patched version v4.1.1 addressed backward compatibility and tools compilation errors.
-<li> <a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v4.1.0"> CGNS Version 4.1.0</a><br><br>
-This version implements: <br>
-    &emsp; - CPEX42 (Storing bounding box of a grid, CGNS-149)<br>
-    &emsp; - CPEX43 (Family hierarchy as a tree, CGNS-180)<br>
-CGNS switched to using HDF5 compact storage for smaller datasets.<br><br>
-The following APIs were removed: <br>
-    &emsp; cgio_read_all_data, cgio_read_data, cgio_read_block_data<br>
-    &emsp; cgio_read_all_data_f, cgio_read_data_f, cgio_read_block_data_f<br>
-These APIs should be used instead:<br>
-      &emsp; cgio_read_all_data_type, cgio_read_data_type, cgio_read_block_data_type<br>
-      &emsp; cgio_read_all_data_type_f, cgio_read_data_type_f, cgio_read_block_data_type_f<br><br>
-See RELEASE.txt for additional bug fixes.
-<li> <a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v4.0.0">
-CGNS Version 4.0.0</a><br>
-<p><b>Background</b> <a href="https://cgnsorg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CGNS/pages/220463122/Resolve+issue+with+release+s+3.4.0+version+compatibility+the+4.0.0+release+and+forward+compatibility.">[1]</a>: The CGNS versions are currently numbered as follows: "Version x.y, Revision z", or "Version x.y-z".The first number represents the "major" version number. <b>Within this number, the library maintains forward compatibility.</b></p>
-<p><b>Issue</b>: With the introduction of CPEX 0041 "NGON modification proposal", CGNS 3.4.0 broke the convention of maintaining forward compatibility with-in the major versioning of CGNS.</p>
-<p>Version 4.0.0 was released with CPEX 0041 implemented, (essentially this is CGNS 3.4.0 released as version 4.0.0).</p>
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v3.4.1">
-CGNS Version 3.4.1 (Patch) </a><br>
-Patched version v3.4.1 removed CPEX 0041.
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v3.4.0">
-CGNS Version 3.4.0</a><br>
-In addition to numerous bug fixes, this version added new features: CPEX 40 Rind Plane Indexing,
- CPEX 41 NGON modification proposal, added support for NAG Fortran compilers,
-enforce the HDF5 version >= 1.8 is used in building HDF5, automatic detection and linking of szip and zlib if required by HDF5.
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v3.3.0">
-CGNS Version 3.3.0</a><br>
-This Version implements CPEX 0038 and 0039, adds new functionality to the
-parallel capability, and makes extensive changes related to the Fortran library.
-<p>Important note for Fortran users:  V3.3 removes the usage of "include cgnslib_f.h".
-Instead, from this release forward, one must now employ the module "use CGNS".
-Also, if making use of 64-bit integers, Fortran programs must declare the
-relevant 64-bit integers via, e.g.:  integer(cgsize_t) integername.
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v3.2.1">
-CGNS Version 3.2.1</a><br>
-This Version 3.2 release provides partial
-integration of parallel I/O using HDF5 with MPI. It also implements
-the Hierarchy of families (CPEX 0033),
-Multiple families (CPEX 0034), and Cubic elements (CPEX 0036).
-Conversion programs to and from AFLR3, FAST, and TetGen have also
-been added to CGNStools.
-Release 3.2.1 implements the suggestions by Cambridge Flow Solutions
-to the CMake scripts and adds routines to set the MPI communicator
-for parallel I/O. There are also numerous updates and fixes to the test
-cases, tools and CGNStools utilities.
-Note: CGNStools is no longer built automatically, you need to set
-the configure flag, <em>--enable-cgnstools</em> if using configure.
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases/tag/v3.1.4">
-CGNS Version 3.1.4</a><br>
-Includes 64-bit integer capability
-and updated Tools for viewing and editing CGNS files.
-<a href="http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/">HDF5</a> is now the default file type,
-when CGNS is built with HDF5 version 1.8 or later.
-(CGNS can always read or write both HDF5 and ADF
-file types.)
-Older recent release versions are also available from
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases">https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases</a>.
-Even earlier releases can be found in the archives:
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS_archives">https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS_archives</a>.
-<p>Also available:
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/tree/master/Fortran_examples">
-Fortran_examples</a></b> - Fortran CGNS examples.
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/tree/master/src/Test_UserGuideCode">UserGuideCode</a></b> - 
-examples from the <a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">CGNS
-User Guide</a>.
-<b>Windows compiled html file (chm)</b> documentation is available for
-<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns/files/WindowsCHM/cgns3.2.chm/download">Version 3.2</a>,
-<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns/files/WindowsCHM/cgns3.1.chm/download">Version 3.1</a>, and
-<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns/files/WindowsCHM/cgns2.5.chm/download">Version 2.5</a>.
-of the CGNS library.
-<a href="http://sourceforge.net/p/cgns/code/520/tree/">Working SVN directories</a></b>
-of development files, included source and documentation.
-(<b>Note</b>: older CVS repository is no longer being used.)
-<p>NOTE: CGNS has switched from SourceForge 
-to GitHub (<a href="https://github.com/CGNS">https://github.com/CGNS</a>). 
-Issue tracking is located at:
-<a href="https://cgnsorg.atlassian.net">https://cgnsorg.atlassian.net</a>.
-<!--Previous stable releases are still available on 
-<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns/files/"> SourceForge</a>.-->
-NOTE: if building CGNS with an HDF5 version <u>earlier</u> than 1.8, then links will not work
-when using HDF5 file type.
-<h2>Note about Linking CGNS with HDF5</h2>
-When using HDF5, it is currently recommended that CGNS be compiled using the newest HDF5 release. 
-The following figure shows the typical performance of CGNS "make check" for various versions of HDF5 for serial I/O.
-<p style="color:#9e1044">It is recommended to NOT link with HDF5 versions 1.10.0-patch1, 1.10.1 or 1.10.2.</p>
-<img src="HDF5CGNS.png" alt="CGNS/HDF5 performance" style="width:860px;height:491px;">
-<h2>Note about Compilers</h2>
-<p>Users should be aware that many new features in CGNS require the use of up-to-date
-compilers.  For example, older FORTRAN compilers that are not FORTRAN 2003 compliant (such as g77) will not
-work for many CGNS features, and are not recommended or supported.
-<!--Additionally, the use of a FORTRAN 2003 compliant compiler guarantees FORTRAN interoperability with the 
-CGNS C library and, therefore, it is strongly recommended that FORTRAN 2003 coding standards be adopted 
-in codes using CGNS when it is feasible to do so.-->
-<h2>Note to Users of Version 2.5 CGNS</h2>
-<p>Current users of Version 2.5 should read the following short guide:
-<a href="goingtoV3_3.pdf">Quick Guide to Upgrading from CGNS v2.5 to v3.x</a>
-<p>which describes some of the reasons for upgrading to the latest version 3 software as well as how to
-handle portability issues between versions.
-<h2>Known Bugs/Issues in Latest Official (Stable) Release</h2>
-<li>Compression currently does not work for CGNS.
-<li>When building with PGI and gcc compilers it might be necessary to set the
-     environment variables:<br>
-     <ul>
-           <li> FLIBS="-Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl"
-           <li> LIBS="-Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl"
-     </ul>
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-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-Switch to HDF5</font></h1>
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-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
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-<br><b><font color=red>Switch to HDF5</font></b>&nbsp;
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-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
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-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>The CGNS implementation of SIDS, so-called MLL, was originally
-built using a file format called ADF (Advanced Data Format).&nbsp; This
-format was based on a common file format system previously in use at McDonnell
-Douglas.&nbsp; The ADF has worked extremely well, requiring little repair,
-upgrade, or maintenance over the last decade.
-<p>However, ADF does not have parallel I/O or data compression capabilities,
-and does not have the support and tools that the storage format HDF5
-offers.&nbsp; HDF5, supported by 
-<a href="http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/">The HDF Group</a>,
-has rapidly grown to become a world-wide format standard
-for storing scientific data.&nbsp; HDF5 has parallel capability as well
-as a broader support base than ADF.&nbsp; (The HDF Group is a spin-off from NCSA, as
-described on the HDF Group website.)
-<p>Therefore, the CGNS Steering Committee has made the decision to adopt
-HDF5 as the default (official) data storage mechanism.&nbsp; 
-However, because it is possible to easily support both ADF
-and HDF5 formats simultaneously (giving the user the capability to choose
-between them), we will continue to support both indefinitely.
-<p>If the user links to HDF5 (version 1.8 or later) when compiling CGNS Version 3.1 or later,
-then by <i>default</i> the software will write HDF5 files (although the user can
-force the writing of ADF files instead if desired).  The software can read either
-format without the user having to do anything.
-<p>To summarize,
-the following is our goal: The CGNS Steering Committee considers HDF5 to
-be its official, recommended storage format.&nbsp; However, ADF will continue
-to be available for use, with the CGNS mid-level library capable of (1)
-using either format and (2) translating back and forth between the two.
-<h5><p><font color=green>NOTE:  In the initial implementation of HDF5 in CGNS (CGNS Version 2.5), the index ordering for HDF5
-was done incorrectly.  CGNS uses the Fortran-convention for index ordering (1st index 
-varies fastest), whereas the de-facto HDF5 standard is the C-indexing convention.
-As a result of this implementation error, partial reads and writes only worked when ADF was being used 
-as the underlying database manager. They did not work correctly with HDF5.
-Furthermore, HDF5 multi-index arrays created with CGNS would not be read correctly by non-CGNS software.
-Other than this, users would not have noticed any problems with the HDF5 implementation because the CGNS software was
-internally consistent.
-Beginning with CGNS Version 2.5.4 software, this bug has been corrected.  Also, Version 2.5.4 and later
-software can read old CGNS HDF5 files, and automatically detect and correct the
-index inversion (transparent to the user).</font></p></h5>
-<h5><p><font color=green>NOTE: if building CGNS with an HDF5 version <u>earlier</u> than 1.8, then links will not work
-when using HDF5 file type.</font></p></h5> </td>
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-CFD General Notation System</h1></center>
-<center>an <i><a href="CGNS_docs_current/aiaa.html">AIAA
-Recommended Practice</a></i></center>
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-Site Index</h3></center>
-<center><table BORDER CELLPADDING=5 COLS=3 WIDTH="600" BGCOLOR="#f5f5f0" >
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a></td>
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-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="news.html">Latest News</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group (CGNSTalk)</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="download.html">Download the Software</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed CGNS Utilities</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="Proposals.html">Proposals for Extensions</a></td>
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-Documentation Links</h3></center>
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-and Telecon Minutes</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">A
-User's Guide to CGNS</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview
-and Entry-Level Document</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">Standard
-Interface Data Structures (SIDS)</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS
-File Mapping Manual</a></td>
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level
-<td ALIGN=CENTER><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO
-User's Guide</a></td>
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-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-Latest News</font></h1>
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-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
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-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
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-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
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-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<p><b>August, 2020</b>: Version 4.1.2 of the CGNS Software is released. New features:
-  <li> Fixed the Compatibility issue between v3.4.0 and v4.1.1 (CGNS-214).<br>
-  <li> Change a wrong check in cg_poly_element_read to load
-       older CGNS file section with CGNS 4.x API (CGNS-219).<br>
-<p><b>March, 2020</b>: Version 4.1.1 of the CGNS Software is released. New features:
-  <li> Fixed the compilation of cgnstools, which still made
-       use of the Removed APIs in 4.1.0 (CGNS-196):<br>
-        cgio_read_all_data, cgio_read_data, cgio_read_block_data
-        cgio_read_all_data_f, cgio_read_data_f, cgio_read_block_data_f
- <li> Updated CMake's detection of tcl/tk and opengl
- <li> Added CI testing cgnstoolsAdded CPEX42 Storing bounding box of a grid (CGNS-197)<br>
-<p><b>March, 2020</b>: Version 4.1.0 of the CGNS Software is released. New features:
-  <li> Added CPEX42 Storing bounding box of a grid (CGNS-149).<br>
-  <li> Added CPEX43 Family hierarchy as a tree (CGNS-180).<br>
-<p><b>February, 2020</b>: Version 4.0.0 of the CGNS Software is released.
-  <li>  Added CPEX 41 NGON modification proposal (CGNS-121).
-<p><b>February, 2020</b>: Version 3.4.1 (patch) of the CGNS Software is released.
-  <li>  Removed CPEX 41 NGON modification proposal (CGNS-121).
-<p><b>March 5, 2019</b>: Version 3.4.0 of the CGNS Software is released.
-New features:
-  <li>  CPEX 40 Rind Plane Indexing (CGNS-87).
-  <li>  CPEX 41 NGON modification proposal (CGNS-121).
-  <li>  Added support for NAG Fortran compilers (CGNS-107).
-  <li>  Enforce the HDF5 version >= 1.8 is used in building HDF5 (CGNS-150).
-  <li>  Automatic detection and linking of szip and zlib if required by HDF5 (CGNS-156). 
-<p><b>July 16, 2017</b>: Version 3.3.1 of the CGNS Software is released.
-New features:
-  <li> Serial and Parallel CGNS with Fortran enabled for Windows, PR-40.
-<p><b>January 25, 2016</b>: Version 3.3.0 of the CGNS Software released.
-New features:
-  <li>Example build scripts for supercomputer systems can be found in src/SampleScripts 
-      of the CGNS source code. They include scripts for building zlib, 
-      hdf5 (assuming the user does not already have them installed system wide) 
-      and a script for building CGNS. All the scripts use autotools; cmake remains untested.
-  <li>The Fortran compiler environment variable can now be set with "FC", this is the preferred
-      method.
-  <li>The Fortran compiler flags can now be set with "FCFLAGS", this is the preferred method.
-      If both FFLAGS (which predates FCFLAGS) and FCFLAGS are set then FCFLAGS is ignored.
-  <li>Replaced the hid_t to double (and vice-versa) utilities to_HDF_ID and to_ADF_ID 
-      from a type cast to a function which uses memcpy for the conversion. This is needed 
-      for the upcoming release of HDF5 1.10 where hid_t was changed from a 32 bit integer 
-      to a 64 bit integer. Should be transparent to user.
-  <li>Implemented CPEX0039 : To enable with CGNS_ENABLE_BASE_SCOPE
-  <li>Implemented CPEX0038 : Quadratic Elements for High Order
-  <li>In the parallel library, the default parallel input/output mode was changed from CGP_INDEPENDENT 
-  <li>In the parallel library, a new function was added for passing MPI info to the CGNS library:
-      cgp_mpi_info (cgp_mpi_info_f).
-  <li>In the parallel library, a new parallel example benchmark program, benchmark_hdf5.c, was added 
-      to directory ptests.
-  <li>In the parallel library, the cgp_*_read/write_dataset APIs now excepts non-allocated arrays, or NULL, 
-      as valid parameters for the datasets. Additionally, the dimensional arrays, 
-      rmin and rmax, can also be NULL. If the data array is NULL and the dimensional 
-      arrays are not NULL, then the validity of the dimensional arrays, rmin and rmax, 
-      is not checked. For collective parallel IO, this is used as a mechanism to 
-      indicated that processes with NULL API parameters will not write any data to the file.
-  <li>In the parallel library, cgp_queue_set and cgp_queue_flush were depreciated in this release.
-  <li>Configure was changed to check if the Fortran compiler is Fortran 2003 compliant.
-  <li>In the Fortran library, the predefined CGNS constant parameters data types were changed from 
-      INTEGER to ENUM, BIND(C) for better C interoperability. The users should use the 
-      predefined constants whenever possible and not the numerical value represented by 
-      the constants. A variable expecting an enum value returned from a Fortran API should be 
-      declared, INTEGER(cgenum_t).
-  <li>In the Fortran library, INCLUDE "cgnslib_f.h" was removed in favor of using a module, USE CGNS.
-      - This allows defining a KIND type for integers instead of 
-        the current way of using the preprocessor dependent cgsize_t.
-  <li>The user should be sure to declare the arguments 
-      declared int in the C APIs as INTEGER in Fortran. The ONLY 
-      Fortran arguments declared as type cgsize_t should be the 
-      arguments which are also declared cgsize_t in the C APIs. This 
-      is very important when building with option --enable-64bit. The 
-      test programs were updated in order to conform to this convention.
-  <li>Assuming the rules in step [enu:int64] were followed, users 
-      should not need to use parameter CG_BUILD_64BIT since Fortran's 
-      cgsize_t is now guaranteed to match C's cgsize_t.
-  <li>Fortran programs defining CGNS data types with a default 
-      INTEGER size of 8 bytes also then need to compile the CGNS 
-      library with the default INTEGER size of 8 bytes. This is 
-      independent of whether or not --enable-64bit is being used. For 
-      clarification, using --enable-64bit allows for data types (i.e. 
-      those declared as cgsize_t) to be able to store values which 
-      are too large to be stored as 4 byte integers (i.e. numbers 
-      greater than 2,147,483,647). It is not necessary, or advisable 
-      (since it waste memory), to have CGNS INTEGER types (types 
-      declared int in C) to be 8 bytes; the variables declared as 
-      cgsize_t will automatically handle data types that can not be 
-      stored as 4 byte integers when --enable-64bit is being used. If 
-      the CGNS library was not compiled with a default INTEGER of 8 
-      bytes, but the calling program was, then all integers passed to 
-      CGNS with C type int should be declared INTEGER(C_INT). 
-  <li>A new Fortran API was added for determining the CGNS data type of a 
-      variable which is interoperable with the C data type.<br>
-      <br>
-      Function cg_get_type(var)<br>
-         type, INTENT(IN) :: var<br>
-         INTEGER(KIND(enumvar)) :: cg_get_type<br>
-      <br>
-      An example of using the new function to automatically specify the CGNS 
-      type corresponding to the Fortran data type is,<br>
-      <br>
-      INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:10) :: Array_i<br>
-         CALL cgp_array_write_f("ArrayI",cg_get_type(Array_i(1)),1,INT(nijk(1),cgsize_t),Ai, err)<br>
-      <br>
-  <li>Removed all parallel flush/queue functions
-  <li>Removed support of "include cgnslib_f.h", all examples and tests were updated to reflect these changes.
-<p><b>December 8, 2015</b>: Marc Poinot will be presenting a CGNS paper at AIAA SciTech in January:
-"CGNS test suites for CFD software components", Thursday January 7, 2016 at 2pm in session MVC-02.
-<p><b>December 7, 2015</b>: Release candidate version 3.3.0-rc1 is now available and an be downloaded from:
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases">https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/releases</a>.
-Updates since the v3.3.0-alpha.2 release:
-   <li> Removed all parallel flush/queue functions (CGNS-9)
-   <li> Removed support of “include cgnslib_f.h”, all examples and tests were updated to reflect these changes (CGNS-34)
-   <li> Fixed parallel issue when not all processors involved in reading/writing (CGNS-51)
-   <li> Fixed argument being passed to H5Pget_driver in ADFH.c (CGNS-50)
-   <li> Added multiple Fortran and C tests to testing
-   <li> Added a new PGI fortran compiler flag fix issue when passing to C varags (CGNS-40)
-<p><b>September 21, 2015</b>: Pre-release version 3.3.0 of CGNS is available for testing. Fortran testing
-is particularly needed.
-<p><b>May 19, 2015</b>: CGNS is making the move from SourceForge to GitHub.  New download website is
-<a href="https://github.com/CGNS">https://github.com/CGNS</a>.  SourceForge still has old stable
-releases (for the time being), but up-to-date code (via git) and future releases are all on
-<p><b>December 2, 2014</b>: The CGNS Steering Committee voted to discontinue support
-for FORTRAN compilers that are not Fortran 2003 compliant.  
-<p><b>February 7, 2014</b>: The CGNS Steering Committee recently voted to take Version 3.2
-off beta status.  As of this date, Version 3.2 is the default available from SourceForge.  This version 
-integrates parallel I/O (using HDF5), and also implements CPEX 0033, 0034, and 0036.
-<p><b>July 16, 2013</b>: Created
-<a href="goingtoV3.pdf">Quick Guide to Upgrading from CGNS v2.5 to v3.x</a>, also 
-available from the download page.
-<p><b>July 15, 2013</b>: Release 2 of Version 3.1.4 is now available.
-This release adds checks for an open file to routines that don't take a file number
-(suggestion from Marc Poinet), adds HTMLHelp interface to cmake scripts,
-fixes a compiler complaint about comparison between int and enum,
-and fixes Fortran detection and MPI path problems in the CMake scripts.
-Compatibility with version 2.5 (file type <tt>CG_FILE_ADF2</tt>) is also
-fixed for both <tt>CG_MODE_WRITE</tt> and <tt>CG_MODE_MODIFY</tt>.
-The CGNStools documentation has been removed from the source distribution, and is now
-accessed from the NASA Glenn server or a local copy (as with Version 3.2).
-<p><b>July 15, 2013</b>: Version 3.2.1 (beta) is now available.
-This release fixes a problem with IS_FIXED_SIZE macro for cubic elements
-and adds AdditionalFamilyName to UserDefinedData. This also implements
-the cmake script and MPI communicator changes proposed by
-Cambridge Flow Solutions. There are also numerous updates to the test,
-tools, and CGNStools utility programs.
-<p><b>Feb 26, 2013</b>: Version 3.2 (beta) is now available.
-This release provides full integration of parallel I/O using HDF5 with MPI.
-It also implements the Hierarchy of families (CPEX 0033),
-Multiple families (CPEX 0034), and Cubic elements (CPEX 0036).
-Compression (rewriting) of modified CGNS files is no longer
-automatically done, since this may interfere with parallel I/O. This
-may be re-enabled within an application with the <em>cg_set_compress</em>
-function, or done later through the CGNSview GUI or with the
-<em>cgnscompress</em> program in the <em>tools</em> subdirectory.
-Conversion programs to and from AFLR3, FAST, and TetGen have also
-been added to CGNStools.
-<p><b>Feb 13, 2013</b>: Version 3.1.4 is now available.
-This release fixes some issues with goto for FamilyBCDataset for
-UserData, .etc; fixes cmake and configure scripts to allow MPI with
-HDF5 and some bugs in those scripts; updates CGNSplot to handle all element
-types and 1-d and 2-d cases; updates to cgnscheck; adds cgnsBuild.defs
-Makefile include to installation; allows CellCenter for BCs; and
-adds cg_precision and cg_precision_f functions to get integer
-size used to create the file (32 or 64).
-<b>Note:</b> CGNStools no longer built automatically, you need to set
-the configure flag, <em>--enable-cgnstools</em> if using configure.
-<p><b>January 15, 2012</b>: Release 4 of Version 3.1.3 is now available.
-This release fixes an issue with descriptors under
-FamilyBCDataSet_t nodes; changes NormalIndexFlag to NormalIndexSize
-for cg_boco_info; and adds a new Fortran routine cg_exit_on_error_f.
-This function allows a Fortran application to set a flag which will
-cause the program to print an error message and exit automatically
-if an error is encountered.
-<p><b>December 19, 2011</b>: Release 3 of Version 3.1.3 is now available.
-This release adds a HDF5 CRT_ORDER fix and corrects the directory search order for linked files.
-Also newly available are complete V2.5 or V3.1 documentation in the form of Windows compiled HTML files (chm).
-If you are using Windows or have a CHM viewer on Linux you can download these from the download page
-on the CGNS website or directly from SourceForge.
-<p><b>April 25, 2011</b>: Version 3.1.3 released.
-This release includes a fix to return HDF5 children in creation order.
-It also includes the implementation of CPEX 0027 (Time-dependent
-Connectivities), CPEX 0030 (Zone Sub-Regions) and CPEX 0031 (General SIDS
-Improvements), along with the alpha release of Parallel CGNS. These
-are described in the online documentation.
-<p><b>March 30, 2011</b>: Version 3.1 updated and released as Version 3.1-2.
-This release implements the bug fixes by Xiangmin Jiao (Jim), and adds
-two new functions to more easily read and write GridLocation data for
-boundary conditions, <tt>cg_boco_gridlocation_read</tt> and
-<p><b>March 13, 2011</b>: Version 3.1 updated and released as Version 3.1-1. This release
-fixes a bug with relative path names for ADF links and some cmake
-configuration options related to non-standard X installations
-and warning messages. Also, the configure script no longer supports
-multiple machine builds in the same directory due to the
-machine-dependent header files that are created.
-<p><b>March 1, 2011</b>: Version 3.1 has been officially released.
-This release includes 64-bit capability. The changes from version 3.0 beta is the
-reordering of the element types to put PYRA_13 after MIXED and the 64-bit support.
-Most of the documentation has been updated to identify the changes.
-<p><b>Feb 1, 2011</b>: Version 3.1 has recently been committed to the SVN repository on
-SourceForge.  It has not been bundled up for release yet, but interested users can
-access it from the SVN repository.
-This version has true 64-bit capabilities, which overcomes the previous 32-bit
-integer limitation and allows the writing of <u>very</u> large grids.  UserGuide example
-codes have also been updated to V3.1, to be able to take advantage of the 64-bit capability.
-<p><b>May 25, 2010</b>: Version 3.0.8 (Beta) has been released as a tarred source release 
-on SourceForge. Parallel CGNS Version 0.2.0 (Alpha) is now available as well. 
-A <a href="https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/cgns">CGNS MediaWiki page</a> has been 
-<p><b>August 26, 2009</b>: Version 3.0.5 (Beta) released. This Beta version
-is intended for users to perform preliminary testing. Many
-changes have been made from 2.5, but a few of the more noticeable ones include the
-following:  (1) Build system has been changed from autotools to CMake,
-(2) Moving forward the HDF5 back-end will have preference, 
-(3) cgnscalc and cgnssh have been disabled since they do not currently work.
-The new beta can be downloaded from the subversion repository at
-<p><b>August 22, 2009</b>: Version 2.5.4 released.  
-This release fixes a long standing issue of memory leakage in the CGNS library
-when closing a file or deleting a node. It also removes the internal storage
-of element data when reading and writing, and uses the user supplied buffer
-instead. In the case of partial reads and writes however, the element data is
-currently reloaded into memory to do the operations.
-<p><b>March 11, 2007</b>: Version 2.5.3 released. This version changes
-the misspelled Celsius to Celsius, fixes handling of soft links when rewriting the 
-CGNS file, and fixes a number of gcc compiler warnings.
-<p><b>September 11, 2007</b>: A new instructor-led AIAA short course is being offered starting
-at the Aerospace Sciences Meeting in Reno, NV, January 5-6, 2008: "Effective Use 
-of the CFD General Notation System (CGNS) for Commercial and Research Applications."
-A description can be found by going to:
-<a href="http://www.aiaa.org">www.aiaa.org</a>.
-Click on "Courses & Training", then "Schedule".  The CGNS course is listed under
-the Heading: January 2008.  Or go directly to:
-<a href="http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=161&lumeetingid=1976&viewpd=overview">Summary of Short Course</a>.
-<p><b>September 7, 2007</b>: Version 2.5 taken off beta status.
-This new release adds "CG_"
-prefixes to the C preprocessor defines MODE_xxx, Null, and UserDefined. For
-example, MODE_READ is now CG_MODE_READ and Null is now CG_Null. The old
-defines are still currently supported. Support has been added to build the
-cgns library as a DLL under Windows. The NormalIndex arguments to
-cg_boco_info, cg_boco_normal_write are now optional (pass as 0 or NULL to
-ignore). Moved some of the CGNS utility programs, such as cgnscheck, to the
-subdirectory 'tools' in the cgns distribution. This may now be built without
-building cgnstools.  Also, final release of cgnsib_2.4 made (primarily an 
-update of version number from 2.42 to 2.46, and some minor bug
-fixes). The last digit on the version number is now ignored when reporting
-that a file was created with a newer version than the current library.
-Finally, in cgnstools, changed cgnsplot to use a tree layout instead of lists, and
-added a cutting plane for viewing mesh cross-sections. Fixed a long standing
-bug in cgns_interpolate which was causing that program to work incorrectly
-or crash. Also added a VTK file export routine for CGNS files.
-<p><b>October 5, 2006</b>: Version 2.5 (beta) of the CGNS library has been released
-(cgnslib_2.5-1.tar.gz). This fixes problems with partial read and
-writes, and adds some additional capabilities (goto operation enhancements,
-type names, new cgns file checker, setting path to search for links, and
-new routine for configuring CGNS).  Documentation is not available yet.
-Look in the "tests" subdirectory at "test_partial.c" and "test_goto.c" for
-examples of the use of these routines.
-In addition, there are 2 other new releases for download from SourceForge:
-(1) cgnslib_2.4-5.tar.gz: This release fixes some problems 
-with ADF on Windows 64 bit machines, and
-adds a -64 option to the configure.bat file. (2) cgnstools-2-5-1.tar.gz:  
-Adds support for CGNS version 2.5. Configures the Tcl/Tk GUI to use the
-current color scheme rather than a "Windows" type color scheme. Fixes some
-minor bugs and adds some improvement to the cgnscheck program. Allows
-reading of both HDF5 and ADF - based CGNS files (requires the adf2hdf and
-hdf2adf converter programs).
-<p><b>Spring, 2006</b>: There are two special
-CGNS "events" planned for the American Institute of
-Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) meeting being held
-5-8 June 2006 in San Francisco.
-The first is a Panel discussion, tentatively titled
-"CGNS Practical Applications in CFD". This will occur
-during the regular AIAA sessions at the conference.
-The second is a "CGNS Tutorial Session", currently
-scheduled for Wednesday, 7 June 2006 in the evening. This
-session will be conducted in two parts: (1) Basic usage
-of CGNS (including examples for structured and unstructured
-grids), and (2) Advanced topics (tentatively including
-HDF-5 usage, parallel implementation, and SIDS high level
-representation).  The tutorial session will be taught by
-five experienced users/developers of CGNS and will be
-a <b>great</b> way to either get a basic introduction or to
-refine your knowledge of CGNS.
-Note that AIAA charges a registration fee
-for conference attendance, but there is no additional fee
-to attend the CGNS events.
-More information about the AIAA
-conference can be found at:
-<a href="http://www.aiaa.org">www.aiaa.org</a>.
-Click on "Conferences & Events", then click on
-"36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit".
-<p><b>August 23, 2005</b>: New releases of Version 2.3 and
-2.4 of the CGNS library and CGNStools. This is the final release for Version
-2.3 - Version 2.4 is now the official version. The CGNS library releases
-fixed a bug in cg_family_write and others where the wrong file (when multiple
-are open) might be accessed or a segfault occur. Added unstructured mesh
-rind to Version 2.4, and support for that in CGNSplot and cgnscheck. Improved
-the Fortran to C interface, particularly under Windows, Also fixed some
-minor bugs in the CGNStools and improved the cgnscheck program.
-<p><b>August 8, 2005</b>: CGNStalk discussion list moved from
-to <i>cgnstalk@lists.nasa.gov.</i>
-<p><b>May 14, 2005</b>: Version 2.4 (Revision 2) of the CGNS library released.
-The HDF5 interface (ADFH) may now be selected at build time with the configuration
-script. Fixed some bugs.
-<p><b>December 2, 2004</b>: Version 2.4 (beta) of the CGNS library has
-been released. This version includes the extensions by Intelligent Light.
-These extensions include 8 base units, partial read/write, Electromagnetics,
-1tot1 connectivity properties, and extensions to the FamilyBC, BCDataSet
-and UserDefinedData. Preliminary documentation for these extensions in
-the form of PDF files is also available for download.&nbsp;
-<p><b>October 1, 2004</b>: Released an update to Version 2.3 of the CGNS
-library. This update fixes some problems with MLL routines returning the
-wrong error code (or terminating prematurely). Also, checks are now performed
-when creating a CGNS file to prevent writing a file which fails to read.
-A new version of cgnstools has also been released with improvements to
-both adfviewer and cgnsplot. The cgnscheck program has been significantly
-improved. It should now check the validity of all CGNS 2.3 nodes.&nbsp;
-<p><b>March 22, 2004</b>: ADFH has been released as beta. This is a complete
-implementation of CGNS using HDF5 instead of ADF.&nbsp;
-<p><b>January 22, 2004</b>: Version 2.3 of the CGNS library has been released.
-The major changes in this version over that of 2.2 is a significant speedup
-in reading and writing when dealing with a large number of zones and the
-reimplementation of ElementList and ElementRange for specifying boundary
-<p><b>December 13, 2003</b>: An initial prototype has been released which
-replaces ADF with HDF5. Thanks to Marc Poinot at Onera and Greg Power's
-group at Arnold. The source is currently only available with CVS as module
-<p><b>September 28, 2003</b>: CGNS library Version 2.3 beta release. This
-version currently adds no additional functionality to that of Version 2.2,
-but speeds up read/write times by orders of magnitude when a large number
-of zones are present.&nbsp;
-<p><b>May 10, 2003</b>: <font color="#000000">CGNS Version 2.2 has been
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>May 3, 2003</b>: The CGNS source code is now
-available as a download of the latest release or anonymous CVS access to
-the current beta version at <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cgns/">SourceForge.net</a>.
-There is now a GNU configure script for configuring compiler options.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>January 23, 2003</b>: The CGNS documentation
-and Technical Papers link now points to a single website location at <a href="CGNS_docs_current/">NASA
-Glenn</a>. All documentation, papers and the minutes of the CGNS Steering
-Committee meetings are available there.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>September 18, 2002</b>:&nbsp; Minutes of the
-CGNS Steering Committee meetings and teleconferences are available at the
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">NASA
-Glenn website</a>.&nbsp;</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>January 16, 2002</b>: AIAA 2002-0752, "<a href="CGNS_docs_current/papers/aiaa02-0752.pdf">CFD
-General Notation System (CGNS): Status and Future Directions</a>" presented
-at the 40th Aerospace Sciences Meeting &amp; Exhibit, Reno, Nevada.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>December 1, 2000</b>: Release of Version 2.0
-beta 2 which supports grid motion and iterative or time accurate data.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>October 31, 2001</b>: Review the new "</font><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's
-Guide to CGNS</a><font color="#000000">" created by Chris Rumsey of NASA
-Langley Research Center.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>October 18, 2000</b>: CGNS has now its own
-discussion group. Users can exchange opinions and experiences via <a href="CGNStalk.html">CGNS
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>March 15, 2000</b>: Added support for MIXED
-element sections.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>January 10, 2000</b>: The CGNS Steering Committee
-becomes a sub-committee of the AIAA Committee</font>
-<br><font color="#000000">on Standards.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>January 12, 2000</b>: AIAA 2000-0681, "<a href="CGNS_docs_current/papers/aiaa00-0681.pdf">Advances
-in the CGNS Database Standard for Aerodynamics and</a></font>
-<br><font color="#000000"><a href="CGNS_docs_current/papers/aiaa00-0681.pdf">CFD.</a>"
-presented at the 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting &amp; Exhibit, Reno, Nevada.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>October 14, 1999</b>: The <a href="CGNS_docs_current/charter/charter.pdf">CGNS
-Steering Committee Charter</a> has been unanimously adopted at the CGNS
-Meeting at UTRC, East Hartford.</font>
-<p><font color="#000000"><b>September 1999</b>: The CGNS Library and the
-ADF File Browser are now available on <i>Windows NT</i> and <i>Linux</i>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-Getting Started</font></h1>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>Getting Started</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><a href="steering.html">Steering Committee</a>
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>The first thing you should probably do is to browse the
-CGNS <a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">documentation</a>
-to see if CGNS is right for your application. There are also a number of
-<a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">conference
-papers</a> and <a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Slides">slide
-presentations</a> available which you may want to read. You will find it
-highly beneficial to join the <a href="CGNStalk.html">CGNStalk mailing
-list</a>. This list has been set up to facilitate the exchange of information
-among CGNS users. This is a good source for answering any questions you
-might have.
-<p>Next, <a href="download.html">download</a> the free software,
-and unzip/untar the source. In order to build the library you will need
-an ANSI compliant C compiler. The distribution uses a GNU configure script
-to setup the compiler and options (a batch file is used for Windows). View
-the README file to determine what configure options you may want to use.
-After that, run the configure script in the CGNS library directory. Finally,
-run your make command to build the library. There are some test cases in
-the <i>tests</i> subdirectory, that you may also want to build and run.
-<p>Now, to building your own application. If you intend to use C and/or
-Fortran, then you are ready to go. Create your program, and link with the
-CGNS library. You will find the <a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's
-Guide to CGNS</a> very useful in creating your first program. The source
-code for the examples in the User's Guide is available for <a href="download.html">download</a>.
-There are other examples in the <i>tests</i> subdirectory
-of the CGNS library directory, and in the <i>tools</i> and <i>utilities</i>
-directories of the <a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgnstools/index.html">CGNStools</a>
-<p>For developing in C++, you may want to check out the <a href="http://cgnspp.sourceforge.net/">CGNS++
-interface</a>, which provides an object-oriented interface to CGNS files.
-The CGNS library source in itself is C, and as such does not provide an
-object-orientated interface. You can, of course, call the CGNS library
-routines from within your C++ code.
-<p>If you prefer working in Python, then check out <a href="http://pycgns.sourceforge.net">pyCGNS</a>,
-which is a Python wrapper for the CGNS API. There is also a Tcl wrapper
-to the API available in the <i>cgnssh</i> directory of the CGNStools distribution.
-<p>Finally, a number of <a href="Utilities.html">utilities</a> have been
-developed for CGNS files, which you may find useful.
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.75 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
-   <title>CFD General Notation System</title>
-<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
-<td WIDTH="180"><a href="http://www.cgns.org/"><img SRC="cgns.gif" ALT="CGNS logo" BORDER=0 height=111 width=180 align=CENTER></a></td>
-<font color="#000000">CFD General Notation System<br>
-Steering Committee</font></h1>
-<td COLSPAN="2">
-<td VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="180">
-<p><b>CGNS site pages</b>
-<br><a href="index.html">CGNS Home</a>
-<br><a href="WhatIsCGNS.html">What is CGNS?</a>
-<br><a href="starting.html">Getting Started</a>
-<br><a href="news.html">Latest News</a>
-<br><a href="hdf5.html">Switch to HDF5</a>
-<br><b><font color=red>Steering Committee</font></b>&nbsp;
-<br><a href="Implementations.html">Implementations</a>
-<br><a href="CGNStalk.html">Discussion Group</a>
-<br><a href="download.html">Download</a>
-<br><a href="Utilities.html">Contributed Utilities</a>
-<br><a href="CGNSFiles.html">Example CGNS Files</a>
-<br><a href="Proposals.html">Proposed Extensions</a>
-<br><a href="FAQs.html">FAQs</a>
-<p><b>Documentation pages</b>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html">Documentation Home</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Papers">Papers and Slides</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/index.html#Minutes">Meeting Minutes</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/user/index.html">User's Guide</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/overview/index.html">Overview</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/sids/index.html">SIDS</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/filemap/index.html">SIDS File Mapping</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/midlevel/index.html">Mid-Level Library</a>
-<br><a href="CGNS_docs_current/cgio/index.html">CGIO User's Guide</a>
-<td VALIGN=TOP>The CGNS Steering Committee is a public forum made up of
-international representatives from government and private industry, responsible
-for the development, evolution, support, and promotion of the <a href="http://www.cgns.org/">CGNS
-(CFD General Notation System) standard</a>. It provides background information
-on the CGNS project; describes the mission and responsibilities of the
-committee, and its organization; and presents the principles used for distribution
-and modification of the CGNS standard and software. 
-See the <a href="CGNS_docs_current/charter/index.html">CGNS
-Steering Committee charter</a>.&nbsp;
-<p>The first meeting of the CGNS Steering Committee was in October 1999, although the CGNS project
-had been underway since 1995. Originally led by Ben Paul (Boeing) and Ray Cosner (Boeing), once formed
-the CGNS Steering Committee has had the following chairs:
-<li>Oct 1999 - Jan 2003 : Bob Bush (Pratt & Whitney)</li>
-<li>Jan 2003 - Jan 2008 : Chris Rumsey (NASA Langley)</li>
-<li>Jan 2008 - Sep 2014 : Thomas Hauser (U. Colorado)</li>
-<li>Sep 2014 - Sep 2019 : Bob Bush (Pratt & Whitney), Chris Rumsey (NASA Langley), ZJ Wang (U. Kansas)</li>
-<li>Sep 2019 - present: 
-    <a href="mailto:brtnfld@hdfgroup.org">Scot Breitenfeld</a> (HDF Group) and
-    <a href="mailto:koen.hillewaert@cenaero.be">Koen Hillewaert</a> (Cenaero).
-<p>The current members of the committee are:&nbsp;
-<a href="http://www.cd-adapco.com/">ADAPCO</a></li>-->
-<a href="http://www.airbus.com/">Airbus</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.ansys.com/">ANSYS</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.ansys.com/products/icemcfd.asp">ANSYS-ICEM CFD</a></li>-->
-<a href="http://www.boeing.com/phantom/">Boeing - IDS/PW</a></li>-->
-<a href="https://www.beta-cae.com">BETA CAE Systems</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.boeing.com/commercial/">Boeing Commercial</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.cenaero.be/">Cenaero</a></li>
-<a href="https://www.colostate.edu/">Colorado State University</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.boeing.com/ids/">Boeing Integrated Defense Systems</a></li>-->
-<a href="http://www.dlr.de/en/">DLR</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.conceptsnrec.com">Concepts NREC</a></li>-->
-<a href="http://ge.geglobalresearch.com/locations/niskayuna-ny-usa/">GE Global Research - Niskayuna</a></li>-->
-<a href="https://www.hdfgroup.org/">HDF Group</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.ilight.com/en/">Intelligent Light</a></li>
-<a href="https://www.nasa.gov/langley">NASA Langley</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.numeca.com/home">Numeca</a></li>
-nVariate, Inc.</li>
-<a href="http://www.onera.fr/en">ONERA</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.pointwise.com/">Pointwise, Inc.</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.pratt-whitney.com/">Pratt &amp; Whitney</a></li>-->
-<a href="http://www.pratt-whitney.com/">Pratt &amp; Whitney - Rocketdyne</a></li>-->
-<a href="http://www.rolls-royce.com/">Rolls-Royce PLC</a></li>-->
-<a href="http://www.stanford.edu/">Stanford University</a></li>-->
-<a href="https://www.safran-group.com/">SAFRAN</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.sandia.gov/">Sandia National Laboratories</a></li>
-<a href="https://www.tecplot.com/">Tecplot, Inc.</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.ttctech.com/">TTC Technologies</a></li>
-<a href="https://www.tudelft.nl/en/">TU Delft</a></li>
-<a href="https://www.colorado.edu/">University of Colorado</a></li>
-<a href="https://www.ku.edu/">University of Kansas</a></li>
-<a href="http://www.arnold.af.mil/">US Air Force / AEDC</a></li>-->
-<!--Thanks to the members of the CGNS Steering Committee, whose continuing
-efforts enable CGNS to keep improving and gaining acceptance throughout
-the CFD community, and beyond.-->
-<p>The general responsibility of the CGNS Steering Committee as
-a whole is to actively participate in the development, maintenance,
-distribution and use of the CGNS Standard, through:
-<li>maintaining and upgrading the software
-<li>ensuring free distribution
-<li>promoting acceptance
-<p>To help satisfy the duties of the Steering Committee as a whole,
-the minimal responsibilities of each individual Steering Committee
-member are to:
-<li>attend as many telecons/meetings as possible, but not
-   less than 1 per year
-<li>read and send comments on proposals or other issues when asked
-   to do so
-<li>vote when asked to do so
-<p>Membership size is limited, as detailed in the Charter.
-Interested new potential members should contact the Committee Chairman.
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index a0db0a8e..00000000
Binary files a/utilities/fast_to_cgns.f90.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/utilities/ftu.tar.gz b/utilities/ftu.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 6426b3ae..00000000
Binary files a/utilities/ftu.tar.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/utilities/fvname.h b/utilities/fvname.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e976d136..00000000
--- a/utilities/fvname.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *\
- *      Flow Solution Quantities (SIDS Definitions Appendix A Table 11)  *
-\* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
-typedef enum
-  Potential,
-  StreamFunction,
-  Density,
-  Pressure,
-  Temperature,
-  EnergyInternal,
-  Enthalpy,
-  Entropy,
-  EntropyApprox,
-  DenistyStagnation,
-  PressureStagnation,
-  TemperatureStagnation,
-  EnergyStagnation,
-  EnthalpyStagnation,
-  EnergyStagnationDenisty,
-  VelocityX,
-  VelocityY,
-  VelocityZ,
-  VelocityR,
-  VelocityTheta,
-  VelocityPhi,
-  VelocityMagnitude,
-  VelocityNormal,
-  VelocityTangential,
-  VelocitySound,
-  VelocitySoundStagnation,
-  MomentumX,
-  MomentumY,
-  MomentumZ,
-  MomentumMagnitude,
-  EnergyKinetic,
-  PressureDynamic,
-  VorticityX,
-  VorticityY,
-  VorticityZ,
-  VorticityMagnitude,
-  SkinFrictionX,
-  SkinFrictionY,
-  SkinFrictionZ,
-  SkinFrictionMagnitude,
-  VelocityAngleX,
-  VelocityAngleY,
-  VelocityAngleZ,
-  VelocityUnitVectorX,
-  VelocityUnitVectorY,
-  VelocityUnitVectorZ,
-  MassFlow,
-  ViscosityKinematic,
-  ViscosityMolecular,
-  ViscosityEddyKinematic,
-  ViscosityEddy,
-  ThermalConductivity,
-  IdealGasConstant,
-  SpecificHeatPressure,
-  SpecificHeatVolume,
-  ReynoldsStressXX,
-  ReynoldsStressXY,
-  ReynoldsStressXZ,
-  ReynoldsStressYY,
-  ReynoldsStressYZ,
-  ReynoldsStressZZ,
-  LengthReference
-#define NofFlowSolutionQuantities 62
-static char *FlowSolutionQuantityName[NofFlowSolutionQuantities] = {
-  "Potential",
-  "StreamFunction",
-  "Density",
-  "Pressure",
-  "Temperature",
-  "EnergyInternal",
-  "Enthalpy",
-  "Entropy",
-  "EntropyApprox",
-  "DenistyStagnation",
-  "PressureStagnation",
-  "TemperatureStagnation",
-  "EnergyStagnation",
-  "EnthalpyStagnation",
-  "EnergyStagnationDenisty",
-  "VelocityX",
-  "VelocityY",
-  "VelocityZ",
-  "VelocityR",
-  "VelocityTheta",
-  "VelocityPhi",
-  "VelocityMagnitude",
-  "VelocityNormal",
-  "VelocityTangential",
-  "VelocitySound",
-  "VelocitySoundStagnation",
-  "MomentumX",
-  "MomentumY",
-  "MomentumZ",
-  "MomentumMagnitude",
-  "EnergyKinetic",
-  "PressureDynamic",
-  "VorticityX",
-  "VorticityY",
-  "VorticityZ",
-  "VorticityMagnitude",
-  "SkinFrictionX",
-  "SkinFrictionY",
-  "SkinFrictionZ",
-  "SkinFrictionMagnitude",
-  "VelocityAngleX",
-  "VelocityAngleY",
-  "VelocityAngleZ",
-  "VelocityUnitVectorX",
-  "VelocityUnitVectorY",
-  "VelocityUnitVectorZ",
-  "MassFlow",
-  "ViscosityKinematic",
-  "ViscosityMolecular",
-  "ViscosityEddyKinematic",
-  "ViscosityEddy",
-  "ThermalConductivity",
-  "IdealGasConstant",
-  "SpecificHeatPressure",
-  "SpecificHeatVolume",
-  "ReynoldsStressXX",
-  "ReynoldsStressXY",
-  "ReynoldsStressXZ",
-  "ReynoldsStressYY",
-  "ReynoldsStressYZ",
-  "ReynoldsStressZZ",
-  "LengthReference"
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *\
- *      Turbulence Quantities (SIDS Definitions Appendix A Table 12)     *
-\* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
-typedef enum
-  TurbulentDistance,
-  TurbulentEnergyKinetic,
-  TurbulentDissipation,
-  TurbulentDissipationRate,
-  TurbulentBBReynolds,
-  TurbulentSANuTilde
-#define NofTurbulenceQuantities 6
-static char *TurbulenceQuantityName[NofTurbulenceQuantities] = {
-  "TurbulentDistance",
-  "TurbulentEnergyKinetic",
-  "TurbulentDissipation",
-  "TurbulentDissipationRate",
-  "TurbulentBBReynolds",
-  "TurbulentSANuTilde"
-#define ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity(name, index)   \
-  if (strlen (name) == (unsigned) fv_name_length)                  \
-{                                                                  \
-      if (strncmp (fvname, name, fv_name_length) == 0)             \
-{                                                                  \
-          strcpy (fvname, FlowSolutionQuantityName[index]);        \
-          return;                                                  \
-  }                                                                \
-    }
-#define ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentTurbulenceQuantity(name, index) \
-  if (strlen (name) == (unsigned) fv_name_length)                  \
-{                                                                  \
-      if (strncmp (fvname, name, fv_name_length) == 0)             \
-{                                                                  \
-          strcpy (fvname, TurbulenceQuantityName[index]);          \
-          return;                                                  \
-  }                                                                \
-    }
-void ReplaceColloquialNameWithSIDSFVName (char *fvname)
-  auto int fv_name_length = strlen (fvname);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("RHO", Density);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("P", Pressure);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("TF", Temperature);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("HF", Enthalpy);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("U1", VelocityX);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("U2", VelocityY);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("U3", VelocityZ);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("UMAG", VelocityMagnitude);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("VISC", ViscosityMolecular);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("VEFF", ViscosityEddy);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("COND", ThermalConductivity);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("CPG", SpecificHeatPressure);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("TKE", TurbulentEnergyKinetic);
-  ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity ("TED", TurbulentDissipation);
-  return;
-#undef ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentSolutionQuantity
-#undef ReplaceLogicallyEquivaluentTurbulenceQuantity
diff --git a/utilities/plot3d_to_cgns.f.gz b/utilities/plot3d_to_cgns.f.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 50467da5..00000000
Binary files a/utilities/plot3d_to_cgns.f.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/utilities/plot3dg_to_cgns.f.gz b/utilities/plot3dg_to_cgns.f.gz
deleted file mode 100755
index 0add5e8f..00000000
Binary files a/utilities/plot3dg_to_cgns.f.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/utilities/plot3dg_to_cgns.f.gz_Feb.18.02 b/utilities/plot3dg_to_cgns.f.gz_Feb.18.02
deleted file mode 100755
index f6fa916e..00000000
Binary files a/utilities/plot3dg_to_cgns.f.gz_Feb.18.02 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/utilities/vgrid_to_cgns.f90.gz b/utilities/vgrid_to_cgns.f90.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ea5e3b..00000000
Binary files a/utilities/vgrid_to_cgns.f90.gz and /dev/null differ