All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Pre-release before STG/PRD
- Data Export:
- Replace strings with interpolated strings.
- Add a try/catch blog around config/keyVault to catch issues with connecting with the keyvault.
- Remove double date from Data Export logs.
- Pre-release before STG/PRD
- Process_Message:
- Replace strings with interpolated strings
- Add a try/catch blog around config/keyVault to catch issues with connecting with the keyvault.
- Add "Process Message: " in front of process message logs.
- Make process message log messages shorter.
- Pre-release before STG/PRD
- Process_Message and Data Export: Separate App configurations
- Remove the combined App configuration.
- Data Export function: Update change log so that PII information is not logged.
- Pre-release before STG/PRD
- Lining up Main branch from Dev branch
- Purge function changes purge setting from Days to Hours
- Pre-release before STG/PRD
- Process message function: changes to error checking for header, for empty or bad payload, and improved logs
- IG Utility initial commit
- Deleted terraform folder and files since these is moved to Github/CDCEnt
- Actual release for the previous changelog entry 0.3.0
- Added DataPurge function as a timed function to remove records from the fire after a period of minimum retention
- Added manual bulk uploading utility to repo
- Updated $process-message http response codes
- Includes various fixes for compliance
- Functional version used at September 2023 Connectathon
- Moved functionality of event-triggered processing merged into single function app with data exporting
- Removed now deprecated event function app
- Updated to $process-message implementation to ingest entire bundle instead content bundle only
- Added configuration option to export to multiple datalakes based on FHIR contents
- Functional version used at May 2023 Connectathon
- Added initial functionality for $process-message
- Added initial functionality for event-triggered processing of newly ingested FHIR Bundles
- Added initial functionality for processing and exporting FHIR data to datalake
- Added initial configuration for APIM
- Added initial implementation of Azure Logic App Bulk Export utility