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C Class 1

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January 22nd, 2022

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  1. Ensure you now have gcc installed on your system (might be WSL/ Linux/ Windows (Mingw) or MacOS).
  2. Run gcc --version to check if it works.
  3. Write a "Hello, World!" program in C. Find sample code in here.
  4. Compile the program using gcc hello_world.c.
  5. Run the program using ./a.out (or a.exe on Windows with MingW).

In case of any problems:

  1. Google the problem and see if it is already solved by someone else.
  2. Ask your friend to help you, this helps foster a community of programmers.
  3. If still not solved, ask any instructor/ CC member to help you. You can use Teams/ Facebook Messenger for this.

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