diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 5ed36023..2b8717e6 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ doc-serve = "mkdocs serve"
 dry-bump = "uv run bump-my-version bump --dry-run --verbose"
 lint = ['lint-check', 'lint-format']
 lint-check = "uv run ruff check . --extend-select I"
-lint-format = "uv run ruff format . --check"
+lint-format = "uv run ruff format . "
 test = "uv run pytest --cov --cov-report xml tests"
 lint-fix = "uv run ruff format caveclient tests"
diff --git a/tests/test_jsonclient.py b/tests/test_jsonclient.py
index b2586e0a..629914be 100644
--- a/tests/test_jsonclient.py
+++ b/tests/test_jsonclient.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import json
 import responses
 from .conftest import datastack_dict
@@ -21,3 +23,129 @@ def test_basic_state(myclient):
     state = myclient.state.get_state_json(direct_url)
     assert "direct_seg" in state["layers"]
+def test_get_neuroglancer_info(myclient):
+    ngl_url = "https://my-fake-url.com"
+    url = f"{ngl_url}/version.json"
+    responses.add(responses.GET, url=url, json={"version": "1.0.0"}, status=200)
+    info = myclient.state.get_neuroglancer_info(ngl_url)
+    assert info["version"] == "1.0.0"
+def test_get_property_json(myclient):
+    global_server = datastack_dict["global_server"]
+    state_id = 1234
+    url = f"{global_server}/nglstate/api/v1/property/{state_id}/info"
+    responses.add(
+        responses.GET, url=url, json={"properties": ["prop1", "prop2"]}, status=200
+    )
+    properties = myclient.state.get_property_json(state_id)
+    assert "prop1" in properties["properties"]
+def test_upload_state_json(myclient):
+    global_server = datastack_dict["global_server"]
+    json_state = {"layers": ["img", "seg"]}
+    url = f"{global_server}/nglstate/api/v1/post"
+    responses.add(responses.POST, url=url, body="/1234", status=200)
+    state_id = myclient.state.upload_state_json(json_state)
+    assert state_id == 1234
+    ## test the get_state_json method
+    url = f"{global_server}/nglstate/api/v1/{state_id}"
+    responses.add(responses.GET, url=url, json=json_state, status=200)
+    state = myclient.state.get_state_json(state_id)
+    assert "img" in state["layers"]
+def test_upload_property_json(myclient):
+    global_server = datastack_dict["global_server"]
+    property_json = {"properties": ["prop1", "prop2"]}
+    url = f"{global_server}/nglstate/api/v1/property/post"
+    responses.add(responses.POST, url=url, body="/1234", status=200)
+    state_id = myclient.state.upload_property_json(property_json)
+    assert state_id == 1234
+def test_save_state_json_local(myclient, tmp_path):
+    json_state = {"layers": ["img", "seg"]}
+    filename = tmp_path / "state.json"
+    myclient.state.save_state_json_local(json_state, str(filename))
+    with open(filename, "r") as f:
+        saved_state = json.load(f)
+    assert saved_state["layers"] == ["img", "seg"]
+def test_build_neuroglancer_url(myclient):
+    state_id = 1234
+    ngl_url = "https://my-fake-url.com"
+    global_server = datastack_dict["global_server"]
+    # Mock different responses from ngl_url/version.json
+    responses.add(
+        responses.GET,
+        url=f"{ngl_url}/version.json",
+        json={"version": "1.0.0"},
+        status=200,
+    )
+    # Test with target_site as 'seunglab'
+    built_url = myclient.state.build_neuroglancer_url(
+        state_id, ngl_url=ngl_url, target_site="seunglab"
+    )
+    assert built_url.startswith(ngl_url)
+    assert "json_url" in built_url
+    # Test with target_site as 'cave-explorer'
+    built_url = myclient.state.build_neuroglancer_url(
+        state_id, ngl_url=ngl_url, target_site="cave-explorer"
+    )
+    assert built_url.startswith(ngl_url)
+    assert "middleauth+" in built_url
+    # Test with target_site as 'mainline'
+    built_url = myclient.state.build_neuroglancer_url(
+        state_id, ngl_url=ngl_url, target_site="mainline"
+    )
+    assert built_url.startswith(ngl_url)
+    assert "middleauth+" in built_url
+    responses.remove(responses.GET, url=f"{ngl_url}/version.json")
+    responses.add(responses.GET, url=f"{ngl_url}/version.json", json={}, status=404)
+    # Test with target_site as None and version.json not found
+    built_url = myclient.state.build_neuroglancer_url(state_id, ngl_url=ngl_url)
+    assert built_url.startswith(ngl_url)
+    assert "json_url" in built_url
+    responses.add(
+        responses.GET, url=f"{ngl_url}/version.json", json="version1234", status=200
+    )
+    # Test with target_site as None and version.json found
+    built_url = myclient.state.build_neuroglancer_url(state_id, ngl_url=ngl_url)
+    assert built_url.startswith(ngl_url)
+    assert (
+        built_url
+        == f"{ngl_url}/#!middleauth+{global_server}/nglstate/api/v1/{state_id}"
+    )
+    # Test with static_url as True
+    built_url = myclient.state.build_neuroglancer_url(
+        "https://my-site.com/myjsonfile.json", ngl_url=ngl_url, static_url=True
+    )
+    assert built_url == f"{ngl_url}/#!https://my-site.com/myjsonfile.json"
+    # Test with format_properties as True
+    built_url = myclient.state.build_neuroglancer_url(
+        state_id, ngl_url=ngl_url, format_properties=True
+    )
+    assert (
+        built_url
+        == f"precomputed://middleauth+{global_server}/nglstate/api/v1/property/{state_id}"
+    )