.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -- coding: utf-8 -- with BOM.
.. only:: html :Classification: amt_feed_importer :Version: |version| :Language: en :Description: Extension to import news from feeds (e.g. RSS2, Atom, etc). Fast and simple configuration which is quite similar to configuration rss2_import. :Keywords: news, feed, import, rss, rss2, atom :Author: Krzysztof Kasprzyca :Email: [email protected] :Rendered: |today| This documentation should help you to install, configure and run feed importer in your TYPO3 system. **Table of Contents**
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :glob: Introduction/Index UsersManual/Index Administration/Index Development/Index KnownProblems/Index ToDoList/Index ChangeLog/Index