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118 lines (99 loc) · 5.71 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (99 loc) · 5.71 KB

Known Issues

After transforming the files they will be usable with Audit Template Tool. During the transformation, some data is shuffled around. Also, when importing and exporting from ATT some data could be lost. Below are the known changes/data losses.

  • ATT changes IDs of elements on import. Since SEED uses an ID for Property Name, so don't expect it to stay the same after updating a property with a file exported from ATT
  • During the transformation, the Assessor parcel number PremiseIdentifier is moved into Custom ID 2
  • During the transformation, we convert Electricity units to kWh and Natural Gas units to therms
  • During the transformation, we move FloorsAboveGrade and FloorsBelowGrade into ConditionedFloorsAboveGrade and ConditionedFloorsBelowGrade
  • Scenario data is dropped after importing and exporting from ATT:
    • Scenario/ResourceUses
    • Scenario/TimeSeriesData
    • Scenario/AllResourceTotals
    • Scenario/ScenarioType/ReferenceCase
    • Scenario/ScenarioType/CalculationMethod
    • Scenario/AnnualSavingsSiteEnergy
    • Scenario/AnnualSavingsSourceEnergy

Please see the comments in and for all transformations made.


These are the steps for setting up a barebones ubuntu machine for running the transformations.

# install some packages
# libxml2-utils provides xmllint which is required for schema validation
apt update && apt install git libxml2-utils python3.6 \
    python3-pip curl

# clone the repo
git clone && \
    cd transformations/BRICR-to-v2.0

# install python deps
python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# download the schema locally
curl -o schema_2_0.xsd



  • generate validation errors for original files
  • using those errors, fix the files
  • validate the fixed files
  • tweak the files to improve compatibility with Audit Template Tool
  • chown the final directory of fixed files as necessary
  • replace the original files with the fixed files

Fixing schema version

First step is to generate validation errors for the files.

# stdin: line separated paths to files to validate
# arg1: label for this validation run - e.g. initial_validation
# arg2: path to the local v2.0 xsd
# output:
#   the names of files that failed validation are put in failed_<label>.txt
#   errors for failed files are found in <label>_errors directory
for i in <path to files>/backup/media/buildingsync_files/*.xml; do echo $i; done \
  | ./ initial_validation schema_2_0.xsd

Optionally you can generate a json file summarizing the errors

python3 initial_validation_errors parsed_errors.json

Fix the files to v2.0 by running the python script:

# Fix files - change the path to the files
# The script will put the files at the same path, but within a new dir with the
# same name but with '_fixed' appended. e.g. ./foo/bar fixed files go to ./foo/bar_fixed
python3 <path to files>/backup/media/buildingsync_files initial_validation_errors

Verify the files were fixed by running xmllint on them.

# !! make sure you point the path to the _fixed directory !!
for i in <path to files>/backup/media/buildingsync_files_fixed/*.xml; do echo $i; done \
  | ./ validate1 schema_2_0.xsd

Check the output file, failed_validate1.txt to see what files failed. Only the files mentioned below should fail, and you should either delete or manually edit them accordingly.

Lastly, replace the original directory with the '_fixed' directory.

Exceptional files

These files are special cases that should be manually edited or removed

Files to manually edit

These files contain additional Address and Lat/Long that are in the wrong sequence order. Just manually remove auc:Address, auc:Latitude, and auc:Longitude elements at /auc:BuildingSync/auc:Facilities/auc:Facility/auc:Sites/auc:Site (the data can still be found in Buildings/Building)

  • buildingsync_property_6463_HVkGvAY.xml
  • buildingsync_property_6463.xml
Files to delete

These files are old, v0.3 and can be removed

  • ID0023002_505_Beach_Street_0_report_Gu6y955.xml
  • ID0023002_505_Beach_Street_0_report_X19eD1L.xml
  • ID0023002_505_Beach_Street_0_report.xml
  • 12.xml

This file is just a one-off bad file which uses non-existing elements (auc:AnnualElectricity)

  • building_151_results.xml

Fixing ATT Compatibility

Tweak the fixed files for Audit Template Tool by running the python script. Since our fixed files are in <original_dir>_fixed, we need to provide that as the first argument. This script can be run multiple times, and by default it skips reprocessing files because this is painfully slow (and it's sure to crash or something else to go wrong). You can prevent this by adding the second argument --reprocess.

# The script will put the files at the same path, but within a new dir with the
# same name but with '_ATT' appended. e.g. ./foo/bar files go to ./foo/bar_ATT
python3 <path to files>/backup/media/buildingsync_files_fixed

Wrapping it up

The final files should now be in the buildingsync_files_fixed_ATT directory. chown the directory and files so the django process has access:

# use whatever UID you need here
# you can figure out this UID by calling stat on the original buildingsync_files directory
chown -R 1000 buildingsync_files_fixed_ATT

Move the original directory somewhere else, mv buildingsync_files buildingsync_files_orig, then mv buildingsync_files_fixed_ATT buildingsync_files.

Verify you're able to upload, download etc from the server using the web app, then backup the original files somehow and remove the original directory as well as buildingsync_files_fixed.