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Releases: Breakthrough/DVR-Scan

DVR-Scan v1.4

09 Feb 02:43
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Release Notes

In addition to several bugfixes, this release of DVR-Scan adds the ability to draw a bounding box around the area in the frame where motion was detected. There are also several improves when using -fs/--frame-skip and/or -df/--downscale-factor by ensuring all other option are relative to the original video framerate/resolution.


  • [feature] Add new --bb/--bounding-box option to draw rectangle around the area in the video where motion was detected
    • An amount to temporally smooth the box in time can also be specified after -bb (e.g. -bb 0.5s), where the default is 0.1s
  • [bugfix] Processing errors should now return a non-zero exit code
  • [bugfix] Allow a maximum window size to be set when using -roi (#59):
    • The -roi flag now accepts a maximum window size for the ROI selection window (e.g. -roi 1920 1080)
    • If the screeninfo package is installed, or you are using a Windows build, videos will automatically be resized to the maximum screen size
  • [bugfix] Fix frozen timestamp at beginning of video (#68)
  • [bugfix] Fix output videos not including all of the duration specified by -tb/--time-before in certain cases (#68
  • [bugfix] Fix event start times not reflecting -l/--min-event-length and -tb/--time-before (#68
  • [bugfix] Scanning no longer stops suddenly after a frame fails to decode (#62)
    • If more than 1 corrupt frame is found, a warning will be displayed with the number of frame decode failures
    • If more than 5 frames in a row fail to be decoded, processing will stop and display an error
  • [bugfix] When no events have been found, an empty file is no longer created if -o/--output is specified
  • [enhancement] -k/--kernel-size is now relative to the original video resolution, and will be reduced to adjust for -df/--downscale-factor if set (#46)
  • [bugfix] Output videos now have the correct playback speed when using -fs/--frame-skip by reducing the framerate (#70)
  • [bugfix] The -l/--min-event-length, -tb/--time-before-event, and -tp/--time-post-event parameters are now adjusted to compensate for -fs/--frame-skip if set (#70)
  • [bugfix] An erroneus event (false positive) is no longer generated at the beginning of a video when -l/--min-event-length is equal to 1 frame

Known Issues

  • Variable framerate videos (VFR) are not fully supported, and will yield incorrect timestamps (#20)
  • When using -fs/--frame-skip, event start times do not include all of -tb/--time-before-event (#68, #70)
  • When using -bb/--bounding-box, the amount of time covered by -l/--min-event-length will be missing bounding box overlays (#31)
  • Using -st/--start-time will yield incorrect results

DVR-Scan v1.3

24 May 01:56
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Release Notes

This version of DVR-Scan includes a new, faster background subtraction algorithm (-b CNT). Results may be slightly different when using this method, so any feedback is most welcome.


  • [feature] Add new -b/--bg-subtractor argument to allow selecting between the MOG and CNT background subtractor types (e.g. dvr-scan -b CNT). Resolves #48. The following background subtractor types are available:
    • MOG is the default
    • CNT is a newer, faster algorithm (feedback is welcome)
  • [bugfix] When using the -o/--output argument, a file is no longer written to disk if no motion events are found in the input file (#50)

Known Issues

  • Variable framerate videos (VFR) are not fully supported, and will yield incorrect timestamps (#20)
  • Using the -roi flag with high resolution videos can result in the window exceeding the size of the monitor (#59)

DVR-Scan v1.2

13 Mar 05:25
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  • [bugfix] Fix quiet mode (-q/--quiet) not working correctly (#19, #35)
  • [bugfix] Fix downscale factor (-df/--downscale-factor) having no effect (#46)
  • [api] Swap order of fps and timecode arguments in FrameTimecode constructor to match that of PySceneDetect (#33)
  • [api] Refactor ScanContext class for better usage from Python (#33)
  • [api] Use named logger rather than print statements (#35)

Known Issues

  • When using the -o/--output argument, a file is still written to disk even if no motion events are discovered in the input file (#50)
  • Variable framerate videos (VFR) are not fully supported, and will yield incorrect timestamps (#20)
  • Using the -roi flag with high resolution videos can result in the window exceeding the size of the monitor (#59)

DVR-Scan v1.1

12 Jul 16:53
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Latest major release, now available on pip/PyPI as the dvr-scan package (run pip install dvr-scan).


  • [feature] Add new -roi argument to allow specifying a rectangular detection window, can select graphically or specify x/y/w/h via command line (thanks @klucsik)
  • [bugfix] Fixed broken OpenCV compatibility layer causing issues with OpenCV 3.0+
  • [general] Released project on pip, pinned OpenCV version requirement

Known Issues

  • Quiet mode (-q/--quiet) does not work correctly
  • When using the -o/--output argument, a file is still written to disk even if no motion events are discovered in the input file (#50)
  • Variable framerate videos (VFR) are not fully supported, and will yield incorrect timestamps (#20)
  • Using the -roi flag with high resolution videos can result in the window exceeding the size of the monitor (#59)

DVR-Scan 1.0.1

12 Jan 04:39
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DVR-Scan 1.0.1 is a minor update which includes a bugfix where the program would not function under Python 2.7 environments.

DVR-Scan 1.0

12 Jan 04:33
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DVR-Scan 1.0 is the first public release of DVR-Scan, which includes all major core features, and is ready enough for a stable release. This release includes the following features:

  • detects motion events with configurable sensitivity and noise removal thresholds
  • configurable detection windows and pre/post-event inclusion length
  • output events to individual video clips, as a single-file compilation, or as timecodes for further processing
  • allows input seeking, frame skipping, and output suppression mode