diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 41efb45..18ff190 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ The latest beta of DVR-Scan includes a new GUI. See [the release page](https:// **Documentation**: [dvr-scan.com/docs](https://www.dvr-scan.com/docs/) +**Discord**: [https://discord.gg/UtE6mMSA](https://discord.gg/UtE6mMSA) + ------------------------------------------------------ DVR-Scan is a command-line application that **automatically detects motion events in video files** (e.g. security camera footage). DVR-Scan looks for areas in footage containing motion, and saves each event to a separate video clip. DVR-Scan is free and open-source software, and works on Windows, Linux, and Mac. diff --git a/docs/faq.md b/docs/faq.md index 1e20d61..25d61be 100644 --- a/docs/faq.md +++ b/docs/faq.md @@ -146,4 +146,7 @@ Bug reports can be submitted to the [:fontawesome-solid-download:   Download](download.md){ .md-button #download-button }[:fontawesome-solid-book: User Guide](guide.md){ .md-button #changelog-button }[:fontawesome-solid-bars:   Documentation](docs.md){ .md-button #documentation-button }[:fontawesome-solid-gear:   Resources](changelog.md){ .md-button #quickstart-button } +
[:fontawesome-solid-download:   Download](download.md){ .md-button #download-button }[:fontawesome-solid-book: User Guide](guide.md){ .md-button #changelog-button }[:fontawesome-solid-bars:   Documentation](docs.md){ .md-button #documentation-button }[:fontawesome-solid-gear:   Resources](resources.md){ .md-button #quickstart-button }
------------------------------------------------------ @@ -41,6 +41,5 @@ Use `ffmpeg` to extract events: dvr-scan -i video.mp4 -m ffmpeg -Once installed, see [the user guide](guide.md) to get started, try one of the examples above, or type `dvr-scan --help`. Press `Ctrl + C` to stop processing at any time. +Once installed, see [the user guide](guide.md) to get started, try one of the examples above, or type `dvr-scan --help`. Press `Ctrl + C` to stop processing at any time. See the [documentation](docs.md) for a complete description of all [command-line](docs.md#dvr-scan-options) and [config file](docs.md#config-file) settings. -See the [documentation](docs.md) for a complete description of all [command-line](docs.md#dvr-scan-options) and [config file](docs.md#config-file) settings. diff --git a/docs/resources.md b/docs/resources.md index d67bcb2..cec41fe 100644 --- a/docs/resources.md +++ b/docs/resources.md @@ -3,13 +3,20 @@ ------------------------------------------------ +## :fontawesome-solid-link:Links + + - Github: [https://github.com/Breakthrough/DVR-Scan](https://github.com/Breakthrough/DVR-Scan) + - Discord: [https://discord.gg/UtE6mMSA](https://discord.gg/UtE6mMSA) + +------------------------------------------------ + ## :fontawesome-solid-bug:Bug Reports Bugs and issues with DVR-Scan are handled through [the issue tracker on Github](https://github.com/Breakthrough/DVR-Scan/issues?q=). If you encounter into any bugs while using DVR-Scan, please feel free to [create a new issue](https://github.com/Breakthrough/DVR-Scan/issues/new) describing the problem. Make sure to set `--verbosity debug` when attaching program logs. Attach examples where possible to demonstrate the problem. Include any information you think is relevant to replicate and resolve the issue. -For technical help, you can try [starting a discussion](https://github.com/Breakthrough/DVR-Scan/discussions) on Github. +For technical help, you can try [starting a discussion](https://github.com/Breakthrough/DVR-Scan/discussions) on Github or joining the [DVR-Scan Discord server](https://discord.gg/UtE6mMSA). ------------------------------------------------