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Overall Ranking > Knowledge > Kotlin

Updated: 2024-03-24   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 android/architecture-samples A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps. 43730 2024-03-22
2 alibaba/p3c Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin 30026 2024-01-09
3 gedoor/legado Legado 3.0 Book Reader with powerful controls & full functions❤️阅读3.0, 阅读是一款可以自定义来源阅读网络内容的工具,为广大网络文学爱好者提供一种方便、快捷舒适的试读体验。 22862 2024-03-21
4 KotlinBy/awesome-kotlin A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java. 10837 2024-03-23
5 google/accompanist A collection of extension libraries for Jetpack Compose 7174 2024-03-11
6 skydoves/android-developer-roadmap 🗺 The Android Developer Roadmap offers comprehensive learning paths to help you understand Android ecosystems. 6910 2024-03-22
7 dbacinski/Design-Patterns-In-Kotlin Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin 5817 2023-11-14
8 gotson/komga Media server for comics/mangas/BDs/magazines/eBooks with API and OPDS support 3273 2024-03-19
9 Foso/Jetpack-Compose-Playground Community-driven collection of Jetpack Compose example code and tutorials 🚀 3238 2024-03-16
10 LouisCAD/Splitties A collection of hand-crafted extensions for your Kotlin projects. 2440 2023-10-04
11 SmartToolFactory/Jetpack-Compose-Tutorials 🚀🧨📝 Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose with subjects Material Widgets, Layout, SubcomposeLayout, custom layouts, State, custom rememberable, recomposition, LaunchedEffect, side-effects ... 2425 2024-03-07
12 PaulWoitaschek/Voice Minimalistic audiobook player 2242 2024-03-22
13 touchlab/KaMPKit KaMP Kit by Touchlab. A collection of code & tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly w/Kotlin Multiplatform 2048 2024-01-30
14 stfalcon-studio/StfalconImageViewer A simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer with shared image transition support, "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures 1968 2024-01-09
15 jetpack-compose/jetpack-compose-awesome 📝 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose libraries, projects, articles and resources 1858 2024-02-25
16 tanujnotes/Olauncher Minimal AF Launcher for Android. Reduce your screen time. Daily wallpapers. 1557 2024-03-13
17 TheAlgorithms/Kotlin All Algorithms implemented in Kotlin 1297 2024-03-19
18 skydoves/Orbital 🪐 Jetpack Compose Multiplatform library that allows you to implement dynamic transition animations such as shared element transitions. 997 2024-01-31
19 googlesamples/android-custom-lint-rules This sample demonstrates how to create a custom lint checks and corresponding lint tests 927 2024-01-26
20 DmitryTsyvtsyn/Kotlin-Algorithms-and-Design-Patterns This repository contains the most common algorithms and data structures written in the Kotlin language with simple and concise code. 792 2024-02-20
21 Kotlin-Android-Open-Source/MVI-Coroutines-Flow Play MVI with Kotlin Coroutines Flow MVI pattern on Android using Kotlin Coroutines Flow Dagger Hilt DI Koin DI SharedFlow StateFlow Arrow.kt Android Sample 791 2024-03-23
22 android/platform-samples A collection of samples of different Android OS platform APIs. 782 2024-03-22
23 halilozercan/compose-richtext A collection of Compose libraries for advanced text formatting and alternative display types. 718 2024-03-01
24 emqx/MQTT-Client-Examples MQTT Client Examples 712 2024-02-28
25 SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Dialer A handy phone call manager with phonebook, number blocking and multi-SIM support 589 2023-12-24
26 SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/SSComposeCookBook A Collection of major Jetpack compose UI components which are commonly used.🎉🔝👌 586 2023-11-07
27 sangcomz/StickyTimeLine 📖StickyTimeLine is timeline view for android. 574 2024-03-19
28 AndBible/and-bible AndBible: Bible Study 528 2024-03-23
29 velmurugan-murugesan/Android-Example Android examples 500 2023-12-07
30 android/snippets Main repository for snippets surfaced on 480 2024-03-22
31 vanniktech/RxRiddles Riddling your way to master RxJava 454 2024-03-22
32 kongpf8848/Animation Android各种动画效果合集,项目包含了丰富的动画实例(逐帧动画,补间动画,Lottie动画,GIF动画,SVGA动画),体验动画之美,让Android动起来😊😄😎 446 2024-01-21
33 Kotlin/kotlin-wasm-examples Examples with Kotlin/Wasm 433 2024-03-16
34 ImaginativeShohag/Why-Not-Compose A collection of animations, compositions, UIs using Jetpack Compose. You can say Jetpack Compose cookbook or play-ground if you want! 423 2023-12-22
35 mjovanc/awesome-ktor Awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Ktor framework ecosystem. ⚡ 345 2024-01-27
36 ibitcy/react-native-hole-view ✂️ React-Native component to cut a touch-through holes anywhere you want. Perfect solution for tutorial overlay 345 2024-01-25
37 zedlabs/WallPortal Minimal Wallpapers for Android using Kotlin+Compose+MVVM+Hilt+Coroutines+Jetpack(Room, Paging, Navigation) 316 2024-01-12
38 amitshekhariitbhu/Learn-Kotlin-Coroutines Learn Kotlin Coroutines by real examples for Android 307 2024-01-08
39 xenondevs/Nova Nova is a server-side modding framework for Paper servers that aims to streamline adding custom content like items, blocks, and guis without client-side modifications, using resource pack tricks. 302 2024-03-09
40 antonshilov/ComposeAnimations Collection of nice animations created with Jetpack Compose 301 2024-03-05
41 oppia/oppia-android A free, online & offline learning platform to make quality education accessible for all. 295 2024-03-23
42 bayang/jelu Self hosted read and to-read list book tracker 284 2024-03-01
43 Kotlin/kotlin-script-examples Examples of Kotlin Scripts and usages of the Kotlin Scripting API 284 2024-01-19
44 FossifyOrg/Phone A handy phone call manager with phonebook, number blocking and multi-SIM support 274 2024-03-23
45 splendo/kaluga Collection of multiplatform kotlin components, mainly using coroutines and flow 259 2024-03-18
46 Kotlin-Android-Open-Source/Jetpack-Compose-MVI-Coroutines-Flow [IN PROGRESS...] Play MVI with Kotlin Coroutines Flow and Jetpack Compose MVI pattern on Android using Kotlin Coroutines Flow Dagger Hilt DI Koin DI SharedFlow StateFlow Jetpack Compose MV ... 258 2024-03-18
47 tfcporciuncula/flow-preferences Kotlin Flow version of rx-preferences -- Coroutines support for Android SharedPreferences 246 2023-10-16
48 alidehkhodaei/kotlin-cheat-sheet 📄 A cheat sheet for Kotlin programming language 244 2023-10-04
49 sokomishalov/skraper Kotlin/Java library and cli tool for scraping posts and media from various sources with neither authorization nor full page rendering (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok, Telegram, Twitch, ... 229 2024-03-19
50 Seeneva/seeneva-reader-android A libre smart powered comic book reader for Android. 220 2024-03-06
51 kousen/kotlin-cookbook Code from the book Kotlin Cookbook, published by O'Reilly Media in 2019, 218 2024-02-19
52 serbelga/Material-Motion-Samples A collection of samples using Material Components Transitions for Android 204 2024-03-22
53 slackhq/slack-lints A collection of custom Android/Kotlin lint checks we use in our Android and Kotlin code bases at Slack. 199 2024-03-23
54 yoobi/exoplayer-kotlin Cookbook of multiple feature for Exoplayer 194 2023-12-15
55 apple/pkl-pantry Shared Pkl packages 191 2024-03-20
56 dmdevgo/Premo Premo helps to implement the presentation layer and share it on Android, iOS, Desktop and Web. 187 2024-03-14
57 mxalbert1996/compose-shared-elements Shared Elements Transition for Jetpack Compose 178 2023-12-06
58 digitalinnovationone/aprenda-kotlin-com-exemplos Repositório de exemplos/exercícios explorados por meio da documentação oficial do Kotlin (Learn Kotlin by Example). 177 2024-01-30
59 c5inco/Compose-Modifiers-Playground Interactive playground for learning how to use Jetpack Compose modifiers 173 2024-02-21
60 hoc081098/GithubSearchKMM-Compose-SwiftUI 🍭 GithubSearchKMM - Github Repos Search - Android - iOS - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Dependency Injection, shared KMP Vie ... 170 2024-03-23
61 volodymyrprokopyuk/kotlin-sdp Software Design Patterns in Kotlin 170 2024-03-23
62 rjaros/kvision-examples KVision examples 162 2024-03-17
63 kodecocodes/jet-materials The projects and the materials that accompany the Jetpack Compose book 160 2023-12-06
64 egeniq/android-tv-program-guide Android TV Program Guide 154 2023-12-14
65 fjossinet/RNArtist With RNArtist, you construct a collection of RNA structures that can be gathered into RNA families, projects,... 151 2023-11-24
66 wyskoj/midis2jam2 🎶 A remaster of MIDIJam, a 3D MIDI file visualizer. 148 2024-02-22
67 mkobit/jenkins-pipeline-shared-libraries-gradle-plugin Gradle plugin to help with build and test of Jenkins Pipeline Shared Libraries (see 147 2023-10-25
68 fbsamples/kotlin_ast_tools Utilities and examples used in Meta to simplify migration from Java to Kotlin and maintenance of Kotlin code. 145 2024-03-21
69 blastrock/kakugo Learn Japanese with Kakugo 145 2023-11-22
70 marcelkliemannel/intellij-developer-tools-plugin This plugin is a powerful and versatile set of tools designed to enhance the development experience for software engineers. With its extensive collection of features, developers can increase their pro ... 143 2024-03-23
71 readium/kotlin-toolkit A toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Kotlin 142 2024-03-04
72 ttypic/swift-klib-plugin Gradle Plugin for injecting Swift code into Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile shared module 139 2024-01-22
73 sharplab/epub-translator An utility to translate epub books with DeepL 139 2024-03-20
74 piomin/course-spring-microservices Code examples built for the purpose of video course: Microservices With Spring Boot And Spring Cloud 134 2024-03-21
75 JetBrains/educational-plugin Educational plugin to learn and teach programming languages such as Kotlin, Java, Python, JavaScript, and others right inside of JetBrains IntelliJ Platform based IDEs. 132 2024-03-23
76 myofficework000/Jetpack-Compose-All-in-one-Guide Learn step by step UI development using Jetpack compose [beginners to advance] 128 2024-03-22
77 onionshare/onionshare-android Android version of OnionShare 128 2024-03-22
78 JohnnySC/ZeroToHeroAndroidTDD Learn Android by solving TDD tasks 127 2024-03-20
79 jjohannes/gradle-project-setup-howto How to structure a growing Gradle project with smart dependency management? 125 2024-01-31
80 appKODE/detekt-rules-compose A collection of Detekt rules for Jetpack Compose 123 2024-02-27
81 jillesvangurp/geogeometry GeoGeometry is a set of algorithms and functions for manipulating geo hashes and geometric shapes with geo coordinates. 123 2024-01-15
82 soasada/kotlin-coroutines-webflux-security A "close-to-real-world" minimal example on how to use Spring WebFlux + Security + Kotlin coroutines 116 2024-03-23
83 claytonjwong/Algorithms-Illuminated 💡 by Tim Roughgarden 114 2023-12-15
84 Foso/KotlinCompilerPluginExample This is an example project that shows how to create a Kotlin Compiler Plugin. The plugin will print "Hello from" and the name of the file that is being compiled, as a compiler warning to the terminal ... 113 2024-03-18
85 MinnDevelopment/jda-ktx Collection of useful Kotlin extensions for JDA 112 2024-01-21
86 openrndr/orx A growing library of assorted data structures, algorithms and utilities for OPENRNDR 108 2024-03-23
87 halilozel1903/KotlinTutorials It's a project that contains lessons & examples about Kotlin Programming language. 🏜️ 107 2024-01-14
88 hydraulic-software/conveyor Gradle plugin, user guide and discussion forums for Conveyor 106 2024-03-23
89 arindamxd/android-camerax CameraX aims to demonstrate how to use CameraX APIs written in Kotlin 106 2023-09-26
90 MateuszNaKodach/SelfImprovement This project has some sample code for my personal learning purpose. Things which I've learnead are collected as issues here: 103 2024-03-22
91 google-developer-training/android-basics-kotlin-bus-schedule-app Learn to work with databases on Android using the Room persistence library. 102 2023-10-28
92 WhiteVermouth/intellij-investor-dashboard 📈 Investor Dashboard for JetBrains IDEs. Support A Share, H.K. Stocks, U.S. Stocks etc. 100 2023-12-24
93 X1nto/AliucordPlugins A collection of plugins for Aliucord. 94 2024-01-31
94 cashapp/quiver Quiver is a collection of extension methods and handy functions to make the wonderful functional programming Kotlin library, Arrow, even better. 92 2024-03-19
95 pablobaxter/Harmony Multi-process SharedPreference implementation without ContentProvider 89 2024-02-25
96 SIKV/Photos Browse, search, download, and share amazing free photos provided by talented photographers 84 2024-03-18
97 KaushalVasava/JetPackCompose_Basic This repository is useful for learning basic to intermediate levels of Jetpack compose. Jetpack Compose (JC) is a modern UI development toolkit. It serves as a beginner-friendly project, providing an ... 82 2024-01-25
98 kodecocodes/kmpf-materials The projects and materials that accompany the Kotlin Multiplatform by Tutorials book 82 2023-12-01
99 sharmadhiraj/AndroidPagingLibraryStepByStepImplementationGuide Android Paging Library Step By Step Implementation Guide 77 2023-12-06
100 shockbytes/Dante Read. Track. Enjoy. Keep track of your current books. 76 2023-09-30
101 http4k/examples Fully self-contained examples of using the various http4k features 75 2024-03-14
102 MateusRodCosta/Share2Storage Save files locally via the share menu 74 2024-02-13
103 realityexpander/How_to_program_from_ground_up Support document for my video series about learning to program computers from the ground up. 73 2024-03-19
104 abualgait/BookStoreKMP 📚 Welcome to BookStoreKMP! This kotlin-platform gem blends cutting-edge tech, sleek UI via Jetpack Compose, Ktor for networking, SqlDelight for database magic, and Koin for dependency injection. 🚀💻 71 2024-03-07
105 langerhans/OdinTools Collection of utilities for the AYN Odin 2 71 2024-03-13
106 oas004/Material3Playground Playground to check how changing the color system can affect the different components in Material 3. Mainly used to learn and to get an overview of the Material 3 design components 70 2024-03-22
107 baec23/ludwig A collection of UI libraries for Android using Jetpack Compose 68 2024-02-06
108 alidehkhodaei/oop-solid-patterns 💎 An educational repository for OOP, SOLID and Design Patterns 68 2023-12-29
109 platonai/PulsarRPAPro Professional edition; AI for auto extraction; Web UI; examples. 67 2024-03-22
110 vipulyaara/Kafka Read, play and download millions of books; served by 65 2024-03-22
111 5-stones/react-native-readium 📚 📖 React Native ebook reader for iOS, Android, & Web via Readium 64 2023-09-23
112 halilozel1903/ExoPlayerDemo How to use ExoPlayer 📹 with Kotlin in Android ⁉️ Project includes HLS Media Type. 64 2023-11-25
113 google-developer-training/basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-mars-photos Solution code for Android Basics in Kotlin course 62 2024-02-01
114 atlassian/1time Lightweight, thread-safe Java/Kotlin TOTP (time-based one-time passwords) and HOTP generator and validator for multi-factor authentication valid for both prover and verifier based on shared secret 62 2024-03-22
115 JetBrains/jpa-buddy-kotlin-entities This repository shows how to declare Hibernate entities using Kotlin 62 2024-03-06
116 avan1235/mini-games Kotlin Multiplatform project that uses as much as possible of shared Kotlin code 60 2024-03-01
117 mikifus/padland Padland is a tool to manage, share, remember and read collaborative documents based on the Etherpad technology in Android. 59 2024-02-19
118 omarzer0/AnimeAZ KMP project with SharedUI and Shared Logic 58 2024-01-06
119 Clearpole/VideoYouX VideoYouX's open source repository, welcome to pull and learn 57 2024-03-22
120 KieronQuinn/SmartspacerPlugins A collection of plugins for Smartspacer 54 2024-03-07
121 respawn-app/KMPUtils A collection of everything missing from the Kotlin Multiplatform Standard Library 54 2023-12-27
122 Kotlin-Android-Open-Source/Pagination-MVI-Flow Pagination MVI Coroutines Flow. Play MVI with Kotlin Coroutines Flow MVI pattern on Android using Kotlin Coroutines Flow Dagger Hilt DI SharedFlow StateFlow 54 2024-02-27
123 d-r-q/developing-ergonomic-code Book about practices and techniques to develop code that is simple to comprehend and maintain 53 2024-03-23
124 AvailLang/Avail The Avail programming language. Includes the virtual machine, standard library, and standard examples. 52 2024-03-21
125 diareuse/gecko Gecko is a network logging utility that helps you see, share and diagnose network problems on the fly. 50 2024-03-11
126 apollographql/apollo-kotlin-tutorial The code for the Apollo Kotlin Tutorial 50 2024-03-21
127 betulnecanli/Kotlin-Data-Structures-Algorithms 📒Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin 46 2024-01-11
128 perkss/kotlin-kafka-and-kafka-streams-examples Kafka with KafkaReactor and Kafka Streams Examples in Kotlin 46 2023-12-31
129 konigsoftware/konig-kontext A globally shared, request scoped, context for JVM based gRPC microservices 44 2023-12-01
130 Iamlooker/Snappr Note taking and Bookmarking 44 2024-03-22
131 craigatk/projektor View and share your test reports quickly and easily with Projektor 44 2024-03-23
132 jeffgbutler/mybatis-kotlin-examples Examples for Using MyBatis with Kotlin 42 2024-03-16
133 edgar-zigis/MaterialTextField Android EditText designed to match Material.IO Design Guidelines of 2019. RTL supported. 41 2024-01-03
134 ErenMlg/AndroidAndKotlinLectures I created this repostory to improving myself in Kotlin with Udemy course. 40 2024-03-20
135 PacktPublishing/Modern-Android-13-Development-Cookbook Modern Android 13 Development Cookbook, Published by Packt 40 2023-11-06
136 daverix/urlforwarder Enables you to use bookmarklets on Android 40 2024-02-03
137 google/fhir-app-examples Contains examples of how Open Health Stack components can be used together as the foundation for FHIR based digital health solutions 39 2023-12-05
138 Quillraven/MysticWoods A small RPG example for a YouTube tutorial series using Kotlin, LibGDX, LibKTX and GDX-AI. 39 2023-12-31
139 MoviebaseApp/trakt-kotlin 📺 Modern powerful Trakt API to track, discover and share your movies & TV shows. 39 2024-03-01
140 petros-efthymiou/DailyPulse Education repo offered as material in the course Kotlin Multiplatform Masterclass. 38 2024-03-13
141 apollographql/apollo-kotlin-2-tutorial The code for the Apollo Android Tutorial 38 2024-01-10
142 InsanusMokrassar/TelegramBotAPI-examples This repository contains several examples of simple bots which are using TelegramBotAPI 38 2024-03-22
143 dalemncy/android-kotlin-permissions Explore Android's camera and location permissions with Kotlin in this demo repository. Seamlessly integrate permission requests for a user-friendly experience using insightful code snippets and clear ... 37 2023-10-21
144 Jintin/KFactory KFactory is a library to build simple factory patterns easily leverage on KSP(Kotlin Symbol Processing). 37 2023-11-22
145 piomin/course-kubernetes-microservices Source code examples built for the purpose of video course: Microservices On Kubernetes 37 2024-03-21
146 CafeteriaGuild/DeepMobLearning-Refabricated Rework of Deep Mob Learning mod for FabricMC 37 2024-03-21
147 dalemncy/android-kotlin-dialogs Explore comprehensive demos illustrating AlertDialog, Date and Time Pickers, and Custom Dialog implementations in Android using Kotlin. These easily understandable examples facilitate seamless integra ... 36 2023-10-21
148 dalemncy/android-kotlin-recyclerview Explore Android intents in Kotlin with examples of activity-to-activity communication and passing extra parameters. Includes practical RecyclerView integration for enhanced UI display. 36 2023-10-20
149 oleksandrbalan/programguide Lazy layout to display program guide data on the two directional plane. 36 2024-01-09
150 adbrepo/cursoAndroidKotlin Basic android examples in Kotlin 36 2023-10-31
151 mueller-ma/TabletopTools Handy tool collection for tabletop games 35 2024-03-19
152 aloussase/alexandria-app 📖 Search for books and download and convert them to different formats 33 2024-03-22
153 paul-griffith/kindling A standalone collection of utilities to help Ignition users. Features various tools to help work with Ignition's custom data export formats. 31 2024-03-23
154 kamgurgul/Flipper-Realm Android Realm database driver for Facebook Flipper 31 2024-03-09
155 sagardhadke/LockQR LockQR: Effortless QR Code Generation, Free and Shareable 30 2024-03-15
156 gAmUssA/kuma4devs Service Mesh for the Developer (with examples using Kuma Mesh 30 2024-01-15
157 dalemncy/android-kotlin-intents Explore Android intents in Kotlin with examples of activity-to-activity communication and passing extra parameters. Includes practical RecyclerView integration for enhanced UI display 29 2023-10-20
158 L4TTiCe/BotForge BotForge is an unofficial OpenAI Chat API client (Similar to ChatGPT) for Android, that allows you to create and share personas (prompts for the Chat API) with other users 29 2023-11-18
159 Askeri-Muhendis/GeminiAI This project provides basic examples to start using Gemini AI 28 2024-02-28
160 InsanusMokrassar/MicroUtils Collection of tools for coding in Kotlin 28 2024-03-22
161 d4rken/android-starter-v4 An Android template project (in Kotlin) with boilerplate and current patterns. 26 2024-03-06
162 m4gr3d/Godot-Android-Samples Collection of Godot Android plugins 26 2024-02-23
163 TheLastProject/ShareToInputStick Share directly to an InputStick from Android's Share menu 26 2023-12-14
164 Pravin-Divraniya/android-mvvm-paging-hilt-kotlin Android MVVM architecture example in kotlin, pagination example using paging 3 lib with Hilt as DI framework. data-binding library,Room and dagger-2 example in master branch. 26 2024-01-06
165 Black-Kamelia/Hedera A self-hosted screenshots/files hosting system. Hedera + ShareX = ❤️ 25 2024-03-19
166 douglascraigschmidt/CS253 Contains examples and assignments for my CS 253 course at Vanderbilt University, which can be accessed via 25 2023-11-14
167 javadev/LeetCode-in-Kotlin Kotlin-based LeetCode algorithm problem solutions, regularly updated. 25 2024-03-19
168 cortinico/rules4android A collection of JUnit 4 Rules for Android Developers 🔬 25 2023-12-15
169 jdvp/AndroidAspectExample Project to show examples of leveraging Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques 25 2024-01-09
170 msh91/arch A guide to use Android Architecture Components along side Clean Architecture, MVVM, Dagger2, Data Binding using Kotlin programming language 25 2024-03-14
171 FurhatRobotics/example-skills Example skills. Simple snippets of interactions and pieces of code for your inspiration or to stealing useful pieces of code. 25 2024-01-17
172 igrek51/android-songbook Songbook for Android - Songs lyrics viewer with chords toolkit for musicians, guitarists and pianists 25 2024-01-18
173 ask-resume/ask-resume-backend AskResume: Interview Q&A Generator for your resume 24 2024-03-01
174 Banuba/quickstart-android Quick start examples for Banuba Face AR SDK on Android 24 2024-03-07
175 Kotlin-Polytech/KotlinAsFirst-Coursera-v2019 Репозиторий для курса (версия 2019) 24 2023-11-06
176 UstadMobile/UstadMobile Ustad Mobile enables users to access and share learning content offline. 24 2024-03-22
177 C10udburst/MessengerEx An Xposed module that improves the Facebook Messenger experience. 23 2023-10-28
178 tomtom-international/tomtom-navigation-android-examples TomTom Navigation SDK examples 23 2024-03-15
179 hoangchungk53qx1/flow_bus EventBus for Android, message bus, based on SharedFlow, has lifecycle awareness, supports Sticky, supports thread switching, and supports delayed sending. 23 2024-03-19
180 Felix-Kariuki/FreeToGame This is a KMP project for Android, IOS, Desktop and Wear Os with shared UI using Compose UI 22 2024-01-01
181 frogobox/frogo-ui Frogo UI - Frogo UI Guideline 22 2023-12-16
182 eaneto/gradle-kotlin-dsl-cucumber-configuration How to configure cucumber using Gradle Kotlin DSL 22 2024-03-23
183 googleapis/kiosk A sample API that manages a collection of digital displays. Use it to build your first Protocol Buffer and gRPC-based service! 22 2024-02-16
184 isel-leic-pdm/2324i Repository for Mobile Device Programming course, winter semester of 2023-2024 21 2023-12-27
185 anderssv/kotlin-htmx Example project for how to do HTMX with Kotlin and KTor 21 2023-10-18
186 Adnan9011/github-search If you're interested in learning about KMP and CMP with Ktor, Koin, Clean architecture, and multi-module setups, this GitHub project provides minimal sample code to help you dive into these technologi ... 20 2024-03-04
187 flytegg/ls-discord-bot The Discord bot powering the support server. 20 2024-03-21
188 jpd236/kotwords Collection of crossword puzzle file format converters and other utilities, written in Kotlin. 20 2024-02-24
189 tmehta813/catdetails Two screens are here, List of cat details screen and detail screen page. 19 2024-02-20
190 halilozel1903/Coroutines101 It's a project with examples of using Coroutines. 🧵 You will learn the concepts (GlobalScope, runBlocking, Nested Coroutine, Dispatcher, Suspend Function) 💻 19 2023-12-15
191 nacular/doodle-tutorials Tutorials and examples for the Doodle framework. 19 2024-02-19
192 nuhkoca/tinder-scarlet-websocket-sample This sample project demonstrate how to fetch crypto currency info using Scarlet Websocket library of Tinder. 19 2024-03-22
193 ashtanko/kotlab The "Kotlin Algorithms and Data Structures Library" project aims to develop a comprehensive library of commonly used algorithms and data structures using Kotlin. This project will provide developers w ... 19 2024-03-21
194 mercadolibre/meli-card-drawer-android Meli Card Drawer Android - Shared credit card UI component 19 2023-10-27
195 occidere/leetcode LeetCode Solutions 19 2024-03-23
196 openrndr/openrndr-guide Source files for the OPENRNDR guide 19 2024-03-07
197 samAricha/Organiks1_KMP_Server This is a Kotlin Multiplatform Project for the Organiks Platform with Shared UI plus KTOR for the server side within the same project 18 2024-02-06
198 Kurozora/kurozora-android Your go-to platform to discover, share and track anime and much more! 18 2023-09-28
199 growthbook/growthbook-kotlin GrowthBook Kotlin SDK 18 2024-03-18
200 Zeronfinity/CPfy See programming contests, get notified and copy contest list as text to share 18 2023-11-30

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