diff --git a/docs/assets/PyBOP_long_presentation.pdf b/docs/assets/PyBOP_long_presentation.pdf
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/PyBOP_long_presentation.pdf differ
diff --git a/docs/blog/2024/pybop-group-presentation.md b/docs/blog/2024/pybop-group-presentation.md
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+date: 2023-02-13 00:00 UK/London
+categories: academic group presentation
+published: true
+title: PyBOP Battery Intelligence Group Presentation
+image: /images/2024/pybop-background.png
+Once a term, each member of our lab group gives a 30 minute presentation on their research progress. These presentations provide a great opportunity to cross pollinate ideas and methods within the group, as well as a great opportunity for each person to improve their presentation skills and ability to defend research decisions.
+In an effort to disseminate these presentations beyond our group (more than just the obligatory preprint/article), I'm going to share them here. To start with, here is my presentation from last semester. This presentation is the first of a series of presentations on the development of PyBOP and it's applications.
+These presentations will use the beamer template I've previously discussed [before](../2023/beamer.md).