RP2040 to RM68140 #1925
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You can shoose the control pins as you wish. The data pins must be sequentially increasing pins but the start pin of the sequence can be chosen. So if GPIO 0 is the data bus start pin: #define TFT_D0 0 and another example if GPIO 6 is the data bus start pin: #define TFT_D0 6 |
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Also note that for the Pico W the following pins cannot be used as they are dedicated to the WiFi chip interface: GPIO29 OP/IP wireless SPI CLK/ADC mode (ADC3) to measure VSYS/3 |
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THANK YOU!!! just in case anyone wants the answer completed config
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To minimise effort to resolve issues the following should be provided as a minimum:
i am attempting to combine two files (setup104.h for the rp2040 elements, and setup19.h for the rm68140.h elements) in order to create a custom setup file. i am trying to connect the open smart RM68140 tft to RP2040 and later RP2040W if they indeed ever come off back order. I cant really decipher how the pins for this should be best connected based on the two files that i have chosen as examples. it appears that there are constraints on the rp 2040 pis that an be used, but i cant deciper if the control pin markup used is for the st7735 that the original example comes with or if it is rp2040 specific. guidance is appreciated .
IDE (e.g. Arduino or PlatformIO)
TFT_eSPI library version (try the latest, the problem may have been resolved!) from the Manage Libraries... menu
sentence=TFT graphics library for Arduino processors with performance optimisation for RP2040, STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32
paragraph=Supports TFT displays using drivers (ILI9341 etc) that operate with hardware SPI or 8 bit parallel.
Board package version (e.g. 2.0.3) available from the Boards Manager... menu
Procesor, e.g RP2040, ESP32 S3 etc
TFT driver (e.g. ILI9341), a link to the vendors product web page is useful too.
Interface type (SPI or parallel)
Plus further information as appropriate to the problem:
TFT to processor connections used
undefined currently however if i had a preference i like all my ducks in a single line.
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