URL | Request | Description |
/account/login | GET | Retrieves account and user info for logged-in account. |
/account/login | POST | Creates db entry for logged-in account. |
/account/login | PATCH | Updates info for logged-in user |
/prompt/:prompt_id | GET | Retrieves prompt. |
/reading/:reading_id | GET | Returns URL and S3 key for reading with ID in parameter. |
/reading/:reading_id/prompts | GET | Retrieves prompts for specified reading. |
/story | POST | Adds new story to db. |
/story/:story_id | GET | Retrieves story with specified ID. |
/story/:story_id | PATCH | Updates story with specified ID. |
/stripe/card-wallet | GET | Returns client_secret to update saved cards. |
/stripe/payment | POST | Processes payment through Stripe |
/stripe/subscribe | POST | Sets up new subscription |
/student | POST | Creates new student for logged-in account |
/student/:student_id | GET | Retrieves student info |
/student/:student_id | PATCH | Updates student info |
/student/pin-check/:student_id | Post | validates student pin |
URL | Request | Description |
/admin_account/:id | GET | Retrieves account info. |
/admin_account/email | GET | Retrieves account info. |
/ds_story/:story_id | GET | Retrieves story info. |
/ds_story/:story_id | PATCH | Updates story info. |
URL | Request | Description |
/stripe/webhook | POST | Accepts payment notification and updates paid_until |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"account_id": "uuid",
"username": "string",
"student_ids": "array of uuids",
"settings": "json object"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
401 | PIN token/DB mismatch |
404 | User logged in to Okta but not in DB |
Request body:
"email": "string",
"username": "string",
"pin": "integer",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"settings": "JSON object",
"stripe_token": "token/string"
"account_id": "uuid",
"username": "string",
"student_ids": "array of uuids",
"settings": "json object"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
201 | Success |
409 | User already in db |
500 | Failed to add user |
Request body:
"email": "string",
"username": "string",
"pin": "integer",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"settings": "JSON object",
"stripe_token": "token/string"
"account_id": "uuid",
"username": "string",
"student_ids": "array of uuids",
"settings": "json object"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
401 | PIN mismatch |
404 | User not in db |
500 | Failed to update user |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "secret (string)"
"account_id": "uuid",
"username": "string",
"student_ids": "array of uuids",
"settings": "json object"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
401 | Mismatch in ds_secret middleware |
500 | error in Account.findById call |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "secret (string)"
"email": "email (string)"
"account_id": "uuid",
"username": "string",
"student_ids": "array of uuids",
"settings": "json object"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
401 | Mismatch in ds_secret middleware |
500 | error in Account.findById call |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "secret (string)"
"story_id": "uuid",
"student_id": "uuid",
"prompt_id": "uuid",
"s3_url": "string",
"s3_key": "string",
"about": "JSON object"
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "secret (string)"
"s3_url": "string (optional)",
"s3_key": "string (optional)",
"about": "JSON object (optional)"
"story_id": "uuid",
"student_id": "uuid",
"prompt_id": "uuid",
"s3_url": "string",
"s3_key": "string",
"about": "JSON object"
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"prompt_id": "uuid",
"reading_id": "uuid",
"prompt_info": "json"
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"s3_url": "string",
"s3_key": "string"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
404 | No reading found with provided ID |
500 | Failed to retrieve reading |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
404 | No prompts for specified reading |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"student_id": "uuid",
"prompt_id": "uuid",
"s3_url": "string",
"s3_key": "string",
"about": "JSON object"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
400 | Student ID not received. |
500 | Server error. |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
404 | Story not found. |
500 | Server error. |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"student_id": "uuid (optional)",
"prompt_id": "uuid (optional)",
"s3_url": "string (optional)",
"s3_key": "string (optional)",
"about": "JSON object (optional)"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
403 | Story not associated with logged-in account. |
404 | Story not found. |
410 | Authoring student no longer active. |
500 | Server error. |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"customer_id": "Stripe customer ID"
"client_secret": "client secret for Stripe wallet/intent"
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"success_url": "redirect URL on success",
"cancel_url": "redirect URL on cancel"
"id": "session ID for payment"
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token(string)"
"success_url": "redirect URL on success",
"cancel_url": "redirect URL on cancel"
"id": "session ID for payment"
Request body:
"headers": {
"stripe-signature": "string"
"body": "other Stripe-defined contents"
"status": 200
Side effects:
account.paid_until updated
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token"
"account_id": "uuid for account",
"username": "new student username"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
409 | Username unavailable |
500 | Failed to retrieve reading |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
401 | Student not associated with logged-in account |
404 | Student with provided id not found |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token"
"username": "optional",
"settings": "optional -- whole JSON object",
"records": "optional -- whole JSON object",
"pin": "integer"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
401 | PIN mismatch or account mismatch |
404 | Student with provided id not found |
Request body:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "token"
"pin": "integer"
HTTP Response Code | Reason |
200 | Success |
500 | Error retrieving student info for ID param. |
404 | Pin does not match the pen we have on file for you ${student.username}. |