I have continued work on this sheet and the below mention HTML and CSS is therefore invalid as progress has continued without its usage. My work has been based on the last stable version, v. 2.8.53, which was live on Roll20. I have started my versioning from v. 3.0.00
Follow my development here: https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/9311682/
Ok guys, it's going to be along time before I push another update to Roll20. That being said, if you absolutely must have the latest copy of this sheet:
You can find it here HTML > https://gist.github.com/Project462/87b342d835a25dfbe88ce2dd775822cf <
And here CSS > https://gist.github.com/Project462/76da3d8a4c31af75aaefe73ef68c6c8a <
These will be updated about once a week, so keep checking back. I'll update the versioning too to reflect differences.
NOTE This HTMl is unstable and not considered functional at this time. It does have a bunch of cool features, but it should not be used without serious modification. If you don't know how to do that, be patient is all I can ask.